2 minute read

Timeless Truths

Proverbs 15:13

InProverbs 15:13, Solomon observes that our emotions are reflected in our faces. Usually, what we are feeling on the inside is what others see about us on the outside. A cheerful face and an energetic body are wonderful things to possess. Glowing features, happy eyes, warm smiles and upbeat movements make people more attractive. More often than not, a happy face is the result of a peaceful and contented heart.


A troubled heart however, clouds your face, robs you of your joy and saps your energy and vitality away. Sad people can pretend that all is well, and happy people can also disguise their feelings. Our emotions are displayed in our physical bodies as well...by the way we stand, sit, or hold our head. Our countenance is a combination of facial appearance and body language. Your countenance reflects your happiness and joyfulness, just as much as it reflects your worries, fears and your burdens.

Wise people guard their own hearts and the hearts of others. Proverbs

Faith enables a believer to live above their circumstances. Instead of becoming a victim of their hardships, a believer can be victorious over them. Philippians 4:13

Because of everything that God has done for us, how could we not be content? Acts 14:17 says, “Nevertheless He left not Himself without witness, in that He did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” Also, Philippians 4:4 tells us: “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say rejoice.” tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

25:28 says, “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” In other words, if you’re down about anything, don’t let it destroy you, but rather choose a merry heart for your approach to life. Choose to be happy, to love, to have hope, to be thankful. Your attitude towards life determines whether you can maintain a merry heart and a cheerful countenance.

According to the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippian Church, Paul suffered through some difficult circumstances, including being shackled to a Roman guard while on house arrest in Rome, as well as facing the possibility of being persecuted, but yet he radiated joy.

How do you be content? By choosing it!

If you have a relationship with God, you have no choice but be content! Through Him, we have hope, peace, He loves us with an agape love, and we know we have secured eternal life with Him once we leave this world. Yes, Solomon’s observance is so true… with heaven waiting for us, we have nothing to get down over. With a cheerful countenance, we are living proof of the power of the cross!

“A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.”

(Proverbs 15:13)

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