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from His Grace Magazine
by His Grace
Page 12 Happy New Year! January 2022
Missile System!
Israel Successfully tests the Arrow-3 Missile Anti-Ballistic Missile System

The Arrow-3 interceptor missile was successfully concluded a test flight, the Israel Defence Minister said. It is designed to destroy a ballistic missile beyond the earth's atmosphere.
The test was carried out earlier this week over Israel. They launched two Arrow-3 missiles at one target. The Defence Minister said, "The (Arrow Weapon System) operational radars array detected the target and transferred data to the battle management control (BMC), which analyzed the data and established a defense plan. After the defense plan was established, two Arrow-3 interceptors were launched toward the target and successfully completed the mission." The Arrow-3 test flight was done in alliance with the United States Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and the Israeli Defense Forces.
Jon Hill is the MDA Director Vice Adm. He said, "The test was designed to challenge every element of the Arrow Weapon System, and it performed beautifully. MDA remains committed to assisting the Government of Israel in upgrading its missile defense capability against current and emerging threats."
This flight test was a part of the IDF's multi year developmental program and is "an important milestone" for Israel to be able to defend itself against all regional threats.
The Arrow-3 program is Israel's most advanced defense against the long range ballistic missiles. Researchers have already been working on additional advanced systems called the Arrow-4.
January 2022
Happy New Year! Page 13
Tensions running High!
Russia is suggesting deploying Military to Cuba and Venezuela if the tensions with US continue
Russia has now raised the stakes during its disagreement with the West over the Ukraine and NATO's extension, after a top diplomat declined to rule out the deployment of the military to Cuba and Venezuela if tensions with the United States continue.
Sergei Ryabkov who is the Deputy Foreign Minister said he could "neither confirm nor exclude" any possibilities of sending Russian soldiers to Latin America if the United States and their allies don't reduce their military exercises on Russia's border.
The minister, during an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, warned that Moscow could begin to take unnamed "military, technical measures."
This all depends on the US and their allies, if they fail to listen to demands. "It all depends on the action by our U.S. counterparts."
The United States national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said he disregarded those statements of a possible Russian deployment of their military to Cuba and Venezuela. He said it's "bluster in the public commentary."
Sergei Ryabkov was with a Russian delegation that he led in talks with a United States delegation.
The talks were held in Geneva and a related NATO Russian meeting in Brussels took place in response to the significant Russian troop increase close to the Ukraine border.
This is what the West fears, that the Russians may be preparing for an invasion of the Ukraine.
Russia in 2014 had annexed Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula, and denied having any plans to invade the Ukraine. The Kremlin responded to the suggestion and accused NATO of intimidating its territory and they have demanded that their military alliance never accept Ukraine or any of the other ex-Soviet countries as their new members.
NATO and Russian delegations have agreed to leave room for additional talks on all issues including arms control that will hopefully decrease the possibility for any more aggressions.
Jake Sullivan spoke to reporters in Washington. He said, "Allied unity and transatlantic solidarity were on full display and they remain on full display."
He described this week's talks with Russia as "frank and direct." He also said, "We stuck to our core premise of reciprocity. We were firm in our principles and clear about those areas where we can make progress and those areas that are non-starter."
Sullivan also said that at the moment, no further talks have been scheduled; although, "we're prepared to continue with diplomacy to advance security and stability in the Euro Atlantic."
This high stake diplomacy was held as a total of 100,000 Russian soldiers with heavy weapons including tanks are gathered on the Ukraine's border.
Sullivan repeated his concerns that Moscow could be planning the groundwork for an invasion of Ukraine as we speak.