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Entertainment News
from His Grace Magazine
by His Grace
October 2022 His Grace Magazine! Page 11
Patricia Heaton
Actress Patricia Heaton posted a message that her brother had passed away
Patricia Heaton, who starred in the sitcom, "Everybody Loves Raymond," shared a touching message on social media, talking about the passing of her brother, Michael. Patricia said, "I'm still processing the fact that I will never see or speak to my brother again in this lifetime."
Patricia's brother Michael Heaton, 66, worked as a reporter, featured writer, also columnist for the Plain Dealer, a newspaper in Ohio. He wrote the "Minister of Culture" column for over 30 years and he was well known in the journalism world before he retired in 2018.
Patricia, is mourning the tragic loss of her brother, shared a video of an interview from 2012 from a local station WEW-TV with her brother; she called him a "very excellent human being."
In the TV interview, Michael Heaton talked about his famous sister; he also talked about his work a journalist as well as their family growing
up. Michael said, "People always say, 'Oh you poor thing.'" because he grew up with four sisters.
But Michael said he didn't see it as a bad thing. Michael joked, "I got my own room, no hand me down clothes, and I dated all their friends."
Patricia and Michael had a very special
brother and sister relationship. It showed as he was reflecting on his sister, calling his sister, the actress, a "heavy achiever" as a child, a person that was involved in many clubs who was always a "go getter."
Michael also joked that he was responsible for her Hollywood acting career.
He said, "I have to take credit for all of her success." He joked, telling how he moved to New York
City to work for
People Magazine, and Patricia later followed him. After visiting New York to see Michael on a weekend, he said Patricia went back to college and changed her major from journalism to drama.
And for his
Patricia's huge
Hollywood success, he said he was "surprised and yet, not surprised."
Michael said, "We had a very funny family. Laughs were very important to us."
He talked about how laughs got the family through their mother's passing when he was 14 years old and Patricia was 12 years old. "Humor really ... helped us through it."