All-IN-One Holiday Edition

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H O L I DAY E D I T I O N Founder/Editor on Chief ...................Sheneè Woodson Cover Design ......................................Sarah Grace Fashion Editor .....................................Keenya Kersey .......................................................................................................................

Contributing Writers Richard Wessenberg Gabriel Lynn III Sylvia Koonce Jennifer Foster Antonio "Chef Phill" Phillips Jisell Novas-Hill Jessica Stern-Foster Donna Rojas Melissa Jackson Angela Lahay James E. Tyler Simone Bridges Donna Rojas Admire Khulumo Kyonna F. Brown PK Kersey Andre Ferrell Haylee Fishburn


Photography Credit Jake Giles Netter (Warner Brothers)..... Michael B. Jordan as Bryan Stevenson and Jamie Foxx as Walter McMillian © 2019 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. Kat Harris Michelle Mosqueda Sasha Arutynova...................................... Melanie Penn Epic Photography KW Shots Photography Magoiartco................................................. LT Dickens Designs

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© 2019 by His Favor Ministries LLC All Rights Reserved Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Printed in the United States of America.

From The Editor's Pen

Hello His Favor Magazine Readers. Thank you so much for supporting us another year! WOW! Only God gets the glory for what He has done in our lives! In this last edition of the year, I pray you are encouraged as those representing all 3 magazines are present in this issue. His Favor Magazine, His Favor TEEN Magazine and Revista Cristiana Su Favor have joined together in this All-IN-One Holiday Edition just to tell you


Happy Holidays!

What a year it has been for so many of us! While this is a time for happiness and joy, we have to be mindful of those that are not feeling quite "festive." This time of year can bring sadness for the son that lost his mother, the father that lost his daughter or even the parents that feel pressured to get their children gi ts under the tree but ďŹ nances are not quite as it should be. As the body of Christ, we are not exempt form heartache and pain. However, the birth of Christ reminds us of the gi t God gave to us... His Only Son! Therefore, how we deal with issues should be di ferent. We have the assurance that Christ is with us and will take care of us. We know that He will work things out if we just give our cares to Him. Although we know this, there are still many people that struggle with their faith. As we approach 2020, let's focus on the very one that our hope lies in. Let's focus on loving others more than ourselves. Let's focus on building each other up in the time of need. 2019, we saw a rise in suicide among our Christan leaders. In 2020, let's keep them li ted in prayer and lend a helping hand. We can clearly see that time is winding down and the church needs to rise up more than ever. So as you are opening gi ts with your family and the following week welcoming the New Year, take time to access what YOU will do to build the Kingdom of God for His glory. Be thankful, but in the back of your mind, say a prayer for someone that might not be experiencing the moment that you are. It's Time To ReFocus! 3

~Sheneè Woodson, Founder/Editor In Chief

FAVORED "A few of the Contributing Writers of His Favor Magazine, His Favor TEEN and Revista Cristiana Su Favor spread love and encouragement duirng the holiday season"

7... Melissa Jackson 8... Gabriel Lynch

Haylee Fishburn 9... Shianne Taylor Admire Khulumo 10... Jennifer Foster 11... Jisel Novas-Hill 12... Richard Wessenberg 13... Sylvia Koonce 14... Andre Ferrell 16... Melanie Penn "Singer/Songwriter releases Christmas EP “Immanuel The Folk Sessions” Project and Takes Listeners on New Journey" 18... 'Tis The Season Music Choice "Find out what holiday music made the list" 20... Jonathan Butler "2 time Grammy-nominated artist, producer, songwriter and multi-talented musician, JONATHAN BUTLER, shares his most memorable Christmas moment and more! " 24... PK Kersey 28... Donna Rojas 30... David Mann "NAACP Image Award Winning Actor and Comedian DAVID MANN is going to be a firsttime voice actor in the VeggieTales animated series’ newest show, The Best Christmas Gi t" 32... Jessica Foster 34... Simone Bridges 36... Antonio Phillips 38... Latonya Dickens 40... Angela Lahay #


26... Just Mercy Film Interview

"Founder Sheneè Woodson interviews "Just Mercy" actor, Michael B. Jordan and learns more about his thoughts concerning the powerful film" 5


J esus is the eason for every R

We relate Spring to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Summer to the 4th of July, and Winter to Christmas and New Years. Every major holiday somehow relates to joy, family and friendship. Even though the holidays bring forth laughter and joy, to some holidays can seem bittersweet. Here are some tips to making the holidays sweeter for everyone.



old on to the people around you. Celebrate your time together. ffer to help a stranger. The holidays aren’t always pleasant for some people. Extend a helping hand and bring joy to those that need it. You can buy dinner and socks for a homeless person, or shovel snow from your neighbor’s sidewalk. No matter how big or small, put a smile on someone’s face. ead with love and laughter. Having too many closely related people in one room can be dangerous. If an argument over a game of spades arises, say or do something that will make others laugh. This will diminish the hostility in the room. No one wants to lose a game of spades, it’s a competitive sport! nclude others that may be isolated. Always be mindful of others that are isolated. Sit and talk with them, or invite them to join the larger group. edicate intentional time with your family. In today’s world we are always glued to some form of technology. This holiday season, I am challenging you to intentionally dedicate your time with family and friends. You may question, how do you do it? Stay off you your phone, and refrain from watching TV and playing video games. llot time to rest. Enjoy time with others, but be sure to carve out time to rest ou should always reflect on your blessings, and remember that Jesus is the true reason for the season.

Melissa Jackson


Do you know that God loves you no matter what you do? 2020 is the new year to shine. God loves us so much that he gave his only son to die on the cross for us. This is a new year to do new stuff. Be yourself in everything you do and trust god in your path to your destiny that god has for you. Do you have the courage and passion to be yourself? God wants you to be yourself because he has a plan for you. Be who God called has you to be because God wants you to succeed. Ask God what he wants you to do in your life or even now as your reading this because you have something special in you right now! Ask God what your purpose is and it will change your life in many ways. Be courageous no matter what anybody says. You can do what God has called you to do because you are special to him and he loves you very much. Don't be like everybody else, be yourself. Stand out because you are special in God's eyes. Remember 2020 is your year to shine. Go after your Dreams and don't look back.

Author Gabriel Lynch III

As the Christmas season rolls around, it can be a time of chaos. Shopping, baking, decorating, traveling, and so much more. Our time goes toward things that don’t even matter. I feel like we can tend to get lost in those things. Things that are in one case fun, but in another, not the real meaning of Christmas. We get so wrapped up in what to give everyone. We forget that we were given the best present anyone could ever ask for. We were given the gift of Jesus Christ. I think that we need to take time and remember why this holiday is given to us. It’s not for food, or materialistic gifts. It’s a time to remember the night that God gave us the savior of the world. Our hearts can tend to turn toward the I want I want I want. While receiving gifts can be nice, we should take this time to do the same thing God did for us. Giving to the people who are in need. God gave us a savior. We should take this time to give to the homeless, the poor. All of the people who are less fortunate than us. The gift we receive from doing good for other people is a gift of happiness and the sense that we did good for someone else. I find that much more satisfying than getting an expensive gift. We need to remember what Paul tells us in Philippians. Verse 2:4 says “ Not looking to your interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” So this Christmas season, I challenge you to go out and give to the people who need it most. God gave us his son, the least we can do is show love toward the people God has created. Take time to go buy a homeless person a warm meal, or a blanket. Take the things God has given you and use them to give to others. Perfect Christmas Gift Haylee Fishburn #

What qualifies us? Actually, who qualifies us? I think often times we forget who qualifies us and this goes for all of us who sometimes feel they are at a standstill in life. Recently I was not aware that I had forgotten the answer about who qualifies us. The thing that makes people feel qualified is different for many people. For me in particular I feel like other people qualify me. For example, sometimes when I think about what is holding me back from being at the level I want to be at or where I consider successful I attribute that to other people. Though this should not be the case. I find that I am reliant on others to give me that feeling of recognition or approval I need to move or progress. No matter if I fail or succeed at anything I do it should be God who qualifies me and the only approval I should be seeking is from Him. Many of times we unqualify ourselves from something that he has qualifies us to be able to do. I would have to say for me and many of my peers in college is that we struggle so much because we try seeking approval from others to try and fit in even if it does not seem like it. The biggest issue I find with that is we are allowing others and or giving others authority to qualify us. When I really think about it, if I do not give other people power to qualify me anymore, who or what qualifies them to do so. The answer is no one or nothing. I think this lesson can be used for many aspects of my life when I think about what considers me qualified for something. Many times if I do not think I am qualified for something I just do not even try. Not even trying sometimes also shows a lack of faith which is not the way I want a way to live with a lack of faith. If from today I never accomplish anything else that is considered “worthy” of recognition would I still feel qualified or simply enough to progress in life or do something God has qualified me to do even if it seems that I am not qualified to do so. The answer should be yes and that is something that every needs to remember. We are qualified by God. Happy Holidays!

Shianne Taylor

There’s a general tendency to try and “find oneself” before “properly” seeking God and going down a path of faith in Him. Typically we want to understand ourselves better and “who we are” first before committing to living fully for God; truly I understand that because I have been that person too. I would like to challenge that today though, and hopefully I can convince you that instead of finding yourself then finding God, perhaps you can jump into finding God first and then under Him you will find yourself, the best version of yourself. I’ll go straight to the main point: the best version of you is only found in God. Now, you may have good versions of yourself, but your maximum and utmost true potential can only be unlocked in His kingdom. Romans 12:6 tells us that God, our designer and creator, has given us different gifts for certain things. What better place is there to explore your God-given purpose and destiny than within the source Himself? God knows you, He created you, and by default the best version of you will always be in Him. According to Romans 8:29, God set us out to be like Christ, and I genuinely think there is no greater way to live and be than Jesus Christ himself, Son of the Living God. I also feel we get lost with the pursuit of our greater selves outside of God: we seek to have a fuller understanding of who we are so that we can incorporate God into that specific self. However, when we do this, we try to balance everything else with God, and thus we don’t quite put our best effort into Him. We become afraid of letting go of that other version of self and seek fulfillment from both within and outside of God. The problem here is that we forget that He has ALL we need and more. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him,” 1 Corinthians 2:9. I can guarantee you will never find any greater joy, fulfillment and peace than in His loving arms. Lastly, I find that whenever I go on one of those “find myself” journeys in which God is not a priority, I stumble, fall, face discouragement and ultimately ‘just live.’ However when seeking God above seeking myself, within Him there is everything I need to develop. I find hope, peace, joy and strength. Even when I do fall, I am never consumed, His mercies(compassions) are truly renewed everyday (Lamentations 3:22-23). Look, seeking God is not always going to be a smooth road, it rarely is. You will face challenges, especially societal ones. However I have never experienced any greater joy than when I sought Him first, before me, before everything. This piece in this magazine serves as a testimony of me finding my best self in God. That realisation is what keeps me going and trying to get better always, developing my relationship with God. I hope as you enter the new year instead of saying "I want to find myself more," you say "I want to find God more, and uncover who He wants me to be." I guarantee you will be fulfilled in His Kingdom. Everything else will be added unto you, abundantly so actually (Mathew 6:33, Ephesians 3:20). How about that as a new year's resolution? Me God Much thanks, and Happy Holidays! Finding Me, Finding God Admire Khulumo


¿Qué significan las fiestas Navideñas para ti? ¿Será que las fiestas Navideñas significan regalos, banquetes, la oportunidad de pasar tiempo con la familia? ¿La oportunidad de tomar un descanso del trabajo? ¿O quizás la oportunidad para recordar el nacimiento del Salvador? Muchas veces llegamos a fin de año tristes de haber dejado tantas cosas atrás. Sin embargo, expectantes por un nuevo comienzo al fin del año. Este año, estoy muy agradecido por las lecciones que aprendí sobre Dios y su tiempo. A menudo, permitimos que nuestra agenda se interponga en el proceso de Dios. Nos preocupamos que estamos envejeciendo demasiado o que ha pasado demasiado tiempo y aún no hemos visto las promesas de Dios convertirse en realidad. Sin embargo, cuando miro a mis hijos, a mis padres y a mí misma en el espejo, me doy cuenta de que el tiempo es esencial para la madurez y la madurez es esencial para recibir tu tierra prometida. Al recordar este año pasado, pienso en todas las lecciones que aprendí. No solo las lecciones prácticas, sino las lecciones dolorosas que me permitieron aprender para ayudarme a crecer y desarrollar el potencial escondido que Dios ya había puesto dentro de mí. Esto es lo que las fiestas navideñas significan para mí. Un tiempo para estar agradecida por todo lo que me he recibido, pero también un tiempo para estar agradecida por todo lo que me he aprendido y por la nueva temporada que se avecina en la que puedo aplicar estas nuevas lecciones de vida para convertirme en la persona que Dios quiere que sea en 2020. Te animo a que hagas un inventario de las lecciones que el Señor te permitió aprender a lo largo del año junto con las lecciones que Él ha enseñado a otros seres queridos a tu alrededor. Habla con tus amigos y familiares sobre lo que el Señor les ha enseñado y cómo pueden ayudarse mutuamente para aplicar ese conocimiento en el 2020. A medida que priorizamos nuestro crecimiento espiritual y el crecimiento de los demás, el Señor se encargará del resto. Porque cuando le damos prioridad a Él y a los que ama, Él nos da prioridad a nosotros.

Jennifer Foster #

Radio Talk Show Host, Grace and Truth Radio/ Co-Founder, The Fire Ministries International

¿Cuál es el regalo que de verdad te hace falta? Ya es tiempo de decirle Dios ven llena este lugar. Hay un vacío en el centro de todos nosotros que tiene la forma de Dios. ¿Todavía no te has dado cuenta? ¿No ves que ya alcanzaste la carrera universitaria que por tantos años y con mucho esfuerzo conseguiste? ¿Ya te casaste y quizas hasta te divorciaste y te casaste de nuevo? ¿Ya tuviste hijos, nietos quizas hasta criaste hijos de otros? ¿Ya le diste las donaciones a todos las instituciones y personas que podías ayudar? ¿Viajaste? Si ya también viajaste a muchos lugares, sólo quedan las fotos y los recuerdos. Ah y que se dice de las fiestas y los bailes, si has sido el centro de ellas muy feliz todo. Te han dado el aumento, pudiste comprar la casa, el carro, pagar deudas estas al día y hasta guardaste para el retiro y asegurar el futuro de lo que quedan. Eres reconocido por tus logros y respetado por tú moral, honradez en otras palabras un corazón de pan. Pero llegan momentos en tú soledad donde dices no otro viaje no, otra fiesta no. Cuando te quitas el traje y entras en tú aposento, regresas del viaje sigue el mismo vacío ¿verdad? No me contestes a mi sino a ti. Esos momentos son los problemáticos pues no te puedes explicar que te falta. Recuerdas ese espacio que te dije al principio ya has llenado todos los espacios pero falta el espacio de Dios ese sólo lo llena Él . Pídele a Dios en tú corazón que llene ese vacío y te de su dulce amor, Él es real y espera que le des el permiso de entrar. Yo declaró que Dios sopla aliento de vida sobre las áreas vacías y secas que hay en tu vida en el nombre poderoso de Jesús. Amén ✍ Él sopla aliento de vida sobre ti ahora, te recomiendo que tomes un poquito de tú tiempo y te dediques a leer la Biblia en tú casa y a aprender quien es tú Dios. Dios te bendiga.

Jisell Novas-Hill

Productora Ejecutiva/Conductora, Una Voz Mundial TV Writer.Translator


Why 4 Gospels?

Have you ever asked yourself, why did God have written in the Bible the four gospel accounts of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John)? Why did God go to such great lengths to provide genealogy listings in Mathew (from Abraham to Joseph/Messiah’s regal line), in Luke (from Adam to Mary/The seed of the women line)? Why the celestial announcements which brought the Magi to Jesus? Why in-depth details of Jesus conception, birth, life, ministry, sufferings, and raising from the dead? Why so much information? The answer is simple. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 The four books, Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John, form a complete witness and record of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection from the dead, to the end that, “whosoever believes” should not perish but have everlasting life (Romans 10:9,10). Biblically “whosoever” represents two classifications of people: Judean or Gentile. Biblically, if you’re not a Judean, then your Gentile. The four gospels form a complete witness to all Judean’s and Gentile’s of the world, to become saved, and have a knowledge of the truth. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. I Timothy 2:4 Each book, Mathew – Mark – Luke – John, provide a unique message to help Judeans and Gentiles believe. Like the four seasons (spring, summer, winter, fall), like the four regions of the earth(north, south, east, and west), and like the four divisions of the day(morning, noon, evening, and midnight), form a complete whole: of the seasons, of the regions of the earth, and of the divisions of the day. The four gospels form a complete whole record of the life of Jesus, God’s only begotten Son. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. I John 5:20 The book of Acts, which is the historical record of first century Christian Church, furthers the message of the four gospels. Before Jesus accession into heaven in Acts chapter 1, he commissioned the Twelve Apostles to be witnesses of him to the uttermost part of the earth. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. Act 1:6-9 The book of Acts is the record of what happened when the first century Christian believers carried out Jesus’s commissioning. The book of Acts teaches us what happened when Judeans and Gentiles believed on our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts chapter 9 tells how the Apostle Paul, who was a Judean, got saved. Acts chapter 10 is the record of the Apostle Peter leading Gentiles to salvation. Acts chapter 11, the Apostle Peter informs the first century Christian Church leaders about what took place in Caesarea at Cornelius’s house, a gentile (a Roman Centurion and his household), and how God hath granted repentance unto life to the Gentiles. Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God? When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. Acts 11:17,18 God has granted salvation to both Judean and Gentile, through our Lord Jesus Christ. The four gospels were written to help us believe the record God gave of His Son, Jesus Christ, and receive eternal life. If you have never read the four gospels, then make some time this holiday season and read them. You will be glad you did. No one should go through life without reading these four amazing books from the Bible: Mathew – Jesus is portrayed as Israel’s Messiah, the King of the Judeans Mark – Jesus is portrayed as the servant, doing the work God sent him to do John – Jesus is portrayed as the Son of God, that believing you may have life in his name Luke – Jesus is portrayed as a man, focusing on events of humanity

Build for yourself a strong believing heart that will never fail! Treasurers of the Believing Heart By Rich Wessenberg Available on Amazon; follow Rich on Treasurers of the Believing Heart Twi er @RichWessenberg for more informa on and links. #

‘'Oh, Come All Ye Faithful”

Stop! Grab your calendar and you’ll see that 2019 is ending and 2020 is vastly approaching. What does that mean? Well I will happily share the exciting message with you, NEWS FLASH!!!, YOU survived. You made it through the business deal, surgery, writing the thesis, science projects, promotion, death of a loved one, new parenting and teen crisis. Whatever “it” was, take note that YOU MADE IT! That alone is its own victory. Quickly reflect back to when you didn’t know if you would see this day. Take a moment and exhale today. Look in the mirror and know you are one of the faithful ones. You have been consistent regardless of the situation that life’s winds blew. Some of you can relate to the recent winnings of the World Series of the Washington Nationals. When they were counted out and odds were against them, they chose to persevere due to their mantra,” Stay in the Fight.” Today many of you are here against Sylvia Koonce is the author of the odds because you too have made this decision. You did not back down A Daily Dose: Spiritual Vitamins for the Soul nor did you back out. You pressed passed ordinary and chose to think outside the box in order to get the task completed. Unstoppable was imprinted on your forehead and limitless was stamped in your heart. So, 2020, here we come the faithful, determined, confident, chosen ones. The ones that are going in focused on doing the will of the Father. So, as we end this year, know as the scripture says I Cor 15:58, “With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for Him is a waste of time or effort.” The Message Bible. May you put God first, stay connected and stay faithful! Oh, Come All ye Faithful! Come let us Adore Him!

Holidays and Forgiveness! There seems to be grace with some families for the holiday with unforgivness. “I call this Holiday Forgiveness”! Then there are some members of the family that no matter what, they are sticking to the discord in the family and see no future for healing. They even try to damage other family members' mindset. Wanting for others to take their side. I want to share with you what holiday forgiveness is and some tools to help. Can’t we just all get along!

~Kyonna F. Brown "The Forgiveness Expert"

What is “Holiday Forgiveness”? It’s when we pretend to have forgiveness for a family member only on that day. There are pre-written scripts made for conversation. There’s even a playbook shared in the car on the way to that family member’s home. “Let’s not bring up the issue with cousin Angie......and if so and so asks a question, change the subject, and so on”. There’s even a seating chart. We also have family members who stay away from family gatherings just to avoid confusion. I’ve learned over time that we cannot choose our family members, but we can choose how we respond to them. I’d like to offer some remedies to help in these situations. 13

Why 4 Gospels?

Have you ever asked yourself, why did God have written in the Bible the four gospel accounts of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John)? Why did God go to such great lengths to provide genealogy listings in Mathew (from Abraham to Joseph/Messiah’s regal line), in Luke (from Adam to Mary/The seed of the women line)? Why the celestial announcements which brought the Magi to Jesus? Why in-depth details of Jesus conception, birth, life, ministry, sufferings, and raising from the dead? Why so much information? The answer is simple. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 The four books, Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John, form a complete witness and record of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection from the dead, to the end that, “whosoever believes” should not perish but have everlasting life (Romans 10:9,10). Biblically “whosoever” represents two classifications of people: Judean or Gentile. Biblically, if you’re not a Judean, then your Gentile. The four gospels form a complete witness to all Judean’s and Gentile’s of the world, to become saved, and have a knowledge of the truth. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. I Timothy 2:4 Each book, Mathew – Mark – Luke – John, provide a unique message to help Judeans and Gentiles believe. Like the four seasons (spring, summer, winter, fall), like the four regions of the earth(north, south, east, and west), and like the four divisions of the day(morning, noon, evening, and midnight), form a complete whole: of the seasons, of the regions of the earth, and of the divisions of the day. The four gospels form a complete whole record of the life of Jesus, God’s only begotten Son. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. I John 5:20 The book of Acts, which is the historical record of first century Christian Church, furthers the message of the four gospels. Before Jesus accession into heaven in Acts chapter 1, he commissioned the Twelve Apostles to be witnesses of him to the uttermost part of the earth. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. Act 1:6-9 The book of Acts is the record of what happened when the first century Christian believers carried out Jesus’s commissioning. The book of Acts teaches us what happened when Judeans and Gentiles believed on our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts chapter 9 tells how the Apostle Paul, who was a Judean, got saved. Acts chapter 10 is the record of the Apostle Peter leading Gentiles to salvation. Acts chapter 11, the Apostle Peter informs the first century Christian Church leaders about what took place in Caesarea at Cornelius’s house, a gentile (a Roman Centurion and his household), and how God hath granted repentance unto life to the Gentiles. Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God? When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. Acts 11:17,18 God has granted salvation to both Judean and Gentile, through our Lord Jesus Christ. The four gospels were written to help us believe the record God gave of His Son, Jesus Christ, and receive eternal life. If you have never read the four gospels, then make some time this holiday season and read them. You will be glad you did. No one should go through life without reading these four amazing books from the Bible: Mathew – Jesus is portrayed as Israel’s Messiah, the King of the Judeans Mark – Jesus is portrayed as the servant, doing the work God sent him to do John – Jesus is portrayed as the Son of God, that believing you may have life in his name Luke – Jesus is portrayed as a man, focusing on events of humanity

Build for yourself a strong believing heart that will never fail! Treasurers of the Believing Heart By Rich Wessenberg Available on Amazon; follow Rich on Treasurers of the Believing Heart Twi er @RichWessenberg for more informa on and links. #

‘'Oh, Come All Ye Faithful”

Stop! Grab your calendar and you’ll see that 2019 is ending and 2020 is vastly approaching. What does that mean? Well I will happily share the exciting message with you, NEWS FLASH!!!, YOU survived. You made it through the business deal, surgery, writing the thesis, science projects, promotion, death of a loved one, new parenting and teen crisis. Whatever “it” was, take note that YOU MADE IT! That alone is its own victory. Quickly reflect back to when you didn’t know if you would see this day. Take a moment and exhale today. Look in the mirror and know you are one of the faithful ones. You have been consistent regardless of the situation that life’s winds blew. Some of you can relate to the recent winnings of the World Series of the Washington Nationals. When they were counted out and odds were against them, they chose to persevere due to their mantra,” Stay in the Fight.” Today many of you are here against Sylvia Koonce is the author of the odds because you too have made this decision. You did not back down A Daily Dose: Spiritual Vitamins for the Soul nor did you back out. You pressed passed ordinary and chose to think outside the box in order to get the task completed. Unstoppable was imprinted on your forehead and limitless was stamped in your heart. So, 2020, here we come the faithful, determined, confident, chosen ones. The ones that are going in focused on doing the will of the Father. So, as we end this year, know as the scripture says I Cor 15:58, “With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for Him is a waste of time or effort.” The Message Bible. May you put God first, stay connected and stay faithful! Oh, Come All ye Faithful! Come let us Adore Him!

Holidays and Forgiveness! There seems to be grace with some families for the holiday with unforgivness. “I call this Holiday Forgiveness”! Then there are some members of the family that no matter what, they are sticking to the discord in the family and see no future for healing. They even try to damage other family members' mindset. Wanting for others to take their side. I want to share with you what holiday forgiveness is and some tools to help. Can’t we just all get along!

~Kyonna F. Brown "The Forgiveness Expert"

What is “Holiday Forgiveness”? It’s when we pretend to have forgiveness for a family member only on that day. There are pre-written scripts made for conversation. There’s even a playbook shared in the car on the way to that family member’s home. “Let’s not bring up the issue with cousin Angie......and if so and so asks a question, change the subject, and so on”. There’s even a seating chart. We also have family members who stay away from family gatherings just to avoid confusion. I’ve learned over time that we cannot choose our family members, but we can choose how we respond to them. I’d like to offer some remedies to help in these situations. 15

My Christmas Gifts...My Two Families! This year, as I reflect on the gi of Christ’s birth, I reflect on the gi of family. Everyone defines family differently, and that’s not the objec ve my story. I reflect that we have blood family and a chosen family. Allow me to explain. You have the family that you are born into and there is a family you choose. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Marriage, Family, and Couples Counseling, states that “chosen families are nonbiological kinship bonds, whether legally recognized or not, deliberately chosen for the purpose of mutual support and love.” So, let me introduce you to my two families. One of my favorite Christmas memories is the gi God gave me the Christmas of 1987. It was in 1987 that my earned my family en rely. The year 1987 will always be a special year for me, as my parents were married and the 1987 Christmas was the first me, I had my parents living under one roof as husband and wife. God gave me that gi and I am eternally grateful. Yes, I was in the wedding (LOL! - see the photo). My parents, first, made a commitment to each when they were ready and I love them for this gi as they have been married for 32 years. God gave me this gi .

Now, allow me to share with you my chosen family. Over a 20-year period, God cra ed a family for me while living in Bal more, Maryland. These are people who have shared experiences with me, prayed for me, laughed and cried with me, and corrected and loved me. Within this chosen family, I am a brother and an uncle. It’s seven of us and IT’S ENOUGH (LOL!). WE CHOSE EACH OTHER AND I LOVE THEM ALL! So, this Christmas season, we will gather together and reflect on God’s goodness about how He brought us together! Again, God gave me this gi . During this Christmas season as we reflect on the birth of Christ, I pray that you are with FAMILY…BLOOD and/or CHOSEN. God gra ed me in the body of Christ (study Romans 11:11-24) through salva on. My belief in the virgin birth, death, burial and resurrec on of Jesus Christ gra ed me into the body, the family of Christ. Whether blood or chosen, we need people, family, in our lives to love and support us. I pray you connect with those people and LOVE ON THEM! I pray that you and your family (blood and chosen) have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed and prosperous New Year!

Welcome to the Think Tank with Coach Dre Andre Ferrell (Coach Dre)




Melanie Penn "Blessed With A Gi t To Give" #

Tell me, What inspired you to release "Immanuel"? I never actually had a plan to make a Christmas album. Throughout time a lot of artists will do Christmas albums and cover traditional Christmas songs just with their own arrangement and are very creative in that way. For me, I started writing Christmas songs out of the blue! As I kept writing, I realized they were more from the Bible's Christmas story and I was embarking on something unique. Even in that moment, I still didn't jump and say "Oh! I have to record these songs!" It was actually encouragement from my producer in Nashville. He stated, "You don't know it yet, but you are writing a Christmas album!" We finally began the process of bringing the songs forward and I so glad I did! I truly think that the Lord gave me these songs as a gift to give back to people. I hope people love them and can encounter the Christmas story in a new way. What is your most memorable Christmas moment? To be honest, the road to writing these songs. I had a lonely and sad Christmas back in 2016. I usually go home to Virginia to see my parents during the holiday, but I stayed in New York that year. Alone in my apartment, in that moment of solitude, is where the songs came from. So it is kind of a bitter-sweet Christmas memory. I remember how alone I felt. Christmas is a time when you think everyone is around their family in front of a fireplace. I am a single person living in a global city which a lot of times if a very isolating experience. I remember thinking that EVERYONE is with their families and I am in New York City all by myself! From that moment, I began to write. I love sharing about this experience because I think that out of trials and periods of solitude, God can use us.

This time of year can be depressing for so many. What encouraging words can you offer that will lift up spirits? I think it helps to talk about what you are going through. The holidays can be so painful for people. Especially when there is brokenness in relationships within families, it all becomes heightened during this time. I don't feel that we talk about these things enough. We might be posting that we're drinking hot cocoa by the fire on social media, but in real life... it is not the case.

I wish I could give everyone a hug! However, if you get to know Jesus, you will realize the message behind all of it is that we are not alone! There is a God watching over us. He created us yet He wants to dwell with us. He wanted to do that to the point that He came to dwell with us a baby. If you feel alone and isolated, remember the Christmas story and realize that we are truly not alone. If you believe in Jesus, you can experience "Christmas" with Him even more than if you are around a thousand relatives and all of the festivities. See it as a gift to be able to spend that quality time with Him during this time of year. I encourage everyone to wrap their arms around who Jesus is and He is Truth! This Christmas story is... TRUE!

New York City Singer/ songwriter Melanie Penn will release her second Christmas project Immanuel The Folk Sessions Oct. 25. Produced by Ben Shive (Mercy Me, Brandon Heath, Ellie Holcomb), Penn delivers all original songs based on the Christmas story, recorded with a bluegrass twist. 19

Tis The Season


Music Choice


~Tell me, What inspired you to release "Christmas Together" with so many collaborations? It was so humbling to have so many individuals support me on this project. I wanted to do another Christmas album and it came to mind to invite my friends to be a part. They were so generous with their time. This project differs from the other project I have done. In my 1st project, there was not many collaborations. With "Christmas Together", I researched songs to my liking. My wife even picked a few songs that she liked. One being "O Come, O Come Emmanuel". Other songs like "Deck The Halls" , "We Three Kings" and "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" are a few of the songs that I have not done before. As I went on to produce this project, I became even more excited! The music is just so beautiful. This project also caused me to step up my game. I am always very reluctant to collaborate because it has to be the right collaboration. It comes to a point you have to dig deep within the channels of yourself that make a difference in the song and make it an experience. It is almost like planning an event. From the individuals that joined me, we drew from each other's energy and for me, it lifted my soul.


~This time of year can be depressing for so many. What encouraging words can you offer that will lift up spirits? This time of year can be very tough. It is hard to put into words and then find the right words to say. This time of year is supposed to be about family and friends getting together. I think if we can find something to give of ourselves to, maybe that can be a way one can also heal. It is not good to be alone. Finding peace and joy can be tough when going through things. As a kid, you are thinking about gifts and magical stories. When you become an adult, the stories might stop. No family. No friends. People that used to be close to you are gone. However, Christ is closer than a brother. "A friend close is better than a brother far away". I say find a friend that's close. Find joy in that conversation... at that moment. Find that friend that's willing to share and open up their heart. In saying all of this, this time of year is not the same for everybody. It's hard to truly give advice on a large spectrum. For me, memories of my childhood and my mother that took care of 12 children are what keeps me going. Every Christmas Eve, I look at the stars and think of my mother. So sometimes even take a minute and look up!

"When I was a child, going with my parents on the bus or the train to the city to see the Christman lights be turned on. That was very special to me. It was such an amazing moment for all of us"

Jonathan Butler 23

"Christ Is Still Closer Than A Brother"



Whether it's Colin Kaepernick initiating a movement by protesting the NFL, the ongoing school to prison pipeline that men of color are faced with on a daily basis or the unjust education system that less fortunate students are forced to deal with. (Not to mention the continued tensions between law enforcement and black males).

The more I hear about the issues that are going on in today's society, the happier I am that I was able to start That Suits You. TSY is a nonprofit organization that was formed in Brooklyn, NY where we collect new and gently worn professional attire that we give to job trained qualified men entering the workforce, or HS students for prom and graduation. TSY also conducts powerpoint workshops to teach them about the power of image, relationships, and entrepreneurship.

I mentioned that I was very happy we started TSY because I believe it is a very needed service. Just look at the news, negative stories of men of color dominate the headlines. If a person got all their information about black men from TV, their perception of them would be that of thieves, murderers and monsters. Now we know that isn't accurate, but that would be the perception. Even when I walk into stores to shop, I get "watched" because of that perception. When black men go to interviews many times they walk in with that perception. That perception many times is a huge factor that hinders employment, promotion, and many more opportunities.

We all have heard the expression, "You get one chance to make a first impression". At TSY we always say, "You never want to make a good first impression, you want to make a great first impression." Making a great first impression is huge. The 7/11 rule states within the first 7 seconds of meeting someone they form at least 11 judgements about you. Wow! I never knew that, but this is very true. So generally a person has 7 seconds to make that great impression. That is not a lot of time to wow someone. Not only that but how does someone make a great first impression.

That Suits You teaches men how to master that first impression. We talk about the 3 V's of making a great first impression. Let's talk about them for a minute.

* VISUAL * * VOCAL * * VERBAL * Let's talk about Visual first. Visual makes up the biggest component of first impressions. How does a person look upon first meeting them? Is their hair neat? Are they impeccably dressed? How do their shoes look? Are their clothes ironed and do they fit? What colors are they wearing? How does the knot on their tie look? All of

Next we move onto Vocal. When we say vocal we are mainly talking about tone, and demeanor. Being mindful of your tone is a big factor in making that great first impression. The bad news is many times the average person is not aware of their tone or think it is a problem. So we talk about ways to improve their tone, posture, eye contact, handshakes and other interview tips. We have found this extremely instrumental to them obtaining employment.

these questions are critical to making that GREAT first impression. Many people do not think about all of these and miss out on opportunities as a result. Also others can't afford professional attire as well. Another reason why I love TSY is because not only do we provide attire but more importantly we teach them the WHY behind it. We also teach them a few tie knots as well, which they love.

PK Kersey

That Suits You, Founder and President Brooklyn, NY 11208 #

Lastly, we end with Verbal. Being able to control your vocabulary and hold a conversation. This is another huge issue because many people get nervous, stutter, and begin to ramble when they are forced to answer questions when they are not used to it. Again, we give them some helpful hints and tricks to improve in this area. A good number of people are introverts and although they may have the skills for the job they aren't hired because they do not interview well. We help them to get over this obstacle by practice and consistency. Practice doesn't make perfect but it does make improvement.

By improving in these areas we have seen poor interviewing candidates advance to give great first impressions and obtain employment and even open their own businesses to take care of their families. Many times we look to the government or society to improve our communities.Which may happen at times but I am more convinced that we in the community can do that work and even have that responsibility to improve our neighborhoods. Let's help the world by improving our communities, one neighborhood at a time!



A powerful and thoughtprovoking true story, “Just Mercy” follows young lawyer Bryan Stevenson (Jordan) and his history-making battle for justice. After graduating from Harvard, Bryan had his pick of lucrative jobs. Instead, he heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or who were not afforded proper representation, with the support of local advocate Eva Ansley (Larson). One of his first, and most incendiary, cases is that of Walter McMillian (Foxx), who, in 1987, was sentenced to die for the notorious murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite a preponderance of evidence proving his innocence and the fact that the only testimony against him came from a criminal with a motive to lie. In the years that follow, Bryan becomes embroiled in a labyrinth of legal and political maneuverings and overt and unabashed racism as he fights for Walter, and others like him, with the odds—and the system—stacked against them.

Limited release in theaters on December 25th Wide on January 10, 2020

Director: Destin Daniel Cretton Writers: Destin Daniel Cretton & Andrew Lanham Based on the book by Bryan Stevenson Producers: Gil Netter, Asher Goldstein, Michael B. Jordan Executive Producers: Bryan Stevenson, Mike Drake, Niija Kuykendall, Gabriel Hammond, Daniel Hammond, Scott Budnick, Jeff Skoll, Charles D. King Cast: Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Rob Morgan, Tim Blake Nelson, Rafe Spall, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Karan Kendrick and Brie Larson

#JustMercy Facebook (@JustMercyFilm) | Twitter (@JustMercyFilm) | Instagram (@JustMercyFilm)

HFM: What attracted you to the film, "Just Mercy" and the role as Bryan Stevenson?

MBJ: I got introduced to the book and got a chance to read it and listen to Bryan’s TED Talk. Bryan Stevenson is a reallife superhero to me and so many others. After I got a chance to really get to know him, his story and his work, I felt like I had a great deal of pressure to get it right (so it was intimidating at first). It was a group effort among all of us to make sure we paid attention to every detail, that we were as accurate as possible, that we embodied what Bryan represents, what Equal Justice Initiative represents and what he's trying to do.

HFM: From the overtones of mercy, redemption

and justice presented in this film would you say that this is something that will aid in opening more eyes as to what is going on in our nation today?

MBJ:I felt a huge responsibility to run towards this issue, to run towards the story, to try to do whatever I could to use my platform to get the story out to the masses. I hoped that would ultimately give Bryan a tool and something to help him do his job.

HFM:Being a young lawyer, I am certain Bryan had some challenges to face. How has playing this particular role inspired you?

MBJ: The fact that Bryan is in the supreme courts fighting these cases and fighting this cause day in and day out - how can we do our part? That’s what I wanted to bring to this issue and to this project. It’s about hearing Bryan’s story and wanting to be a part of the change. I want to be a part of the effort and to do my part.

HFM:What do you hope audiences take away from watching the film?

MBJ: This is a true story of how faith and hope carry us through. It’s the same message that good preachers and good teachers are giving people every day. They’re bringing faith and hope into people’s lives, and, through my work and in my life, I’m trying to do the same.

HFM:Our magazine is called His Favor Magazine. It is a faith-based magazine in which we share how the favor of God operates in our lives. What does "Favor" mean to you and how has it played a role in your life? MBJ: There's nothing better than making a positive difference in other people's lives! I've been blessed to be able to be part of a movie I believe can do that.

HFM:What words of encouragement can you offer to a young man that is still trying to find his way? (ie purpose in life) MBJ: I want to be a part of the change; that’s what’s important to me, especially at this time in my life as a black man in America. These issues directly affect me and my community.

Sheneè Woodson, Founder/Editor In Chief, His Favor Magazine


Donna Rojas (Author & Coach)

Patience Does Gain a Reward

The Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that 2,162,400 individuals were incarcerated in 2016 (DOJ, 2018) and that the incarceration rates have increased more rapidly for females than for males since the early 1970s (Travis, Western, & Redburn, 2014). When working in a Correctional Facility a facilitator may feel defeated or unproductive, but then there are times when that same facilitator can be extremely proud and accomplished. In 2017, I met “Tia” who was a minor when she came to the correctional facility. Her charge was for armed carjacking. During our first encounter, I felt the contentious attitude before hearing the words that would come out of her mouth. She was a petite young lady with a mouth that would make you think that she was, indeed, capable of her crime and possibly punching you in the face. I just knew the two of us were not going to make it. However, my program is not geared to cater to the listener, but it provokes the listener and encourages the hearer to take away one thing and apply it to their lives. #

Little by little, I began to see changes in Tia where she finally began to listen. She heard me say, “Do not waste time while you are here.” She went through the pre-trial status and later through an actual trial and was sentenced to 6 months at the correctional facility. I encouraged her to go to school and get her high school diploma instead of wasting time. She listened. It was in school that she realized her potential and how smart she really was and in June of 2018, she obtained her high school diploma and was selected to be the spokesperson for this class during their graduation. After she graduated, you began to see her self-esteem increase and her behaviors improve. Tia was released on January 26, 2019. In June, I received a telephone call. The individual said, “Hey Coach!” I knew right away that it was Tia. I said, “Is this Tia?” She said, “No coach, it’s Ronae.” See, Ronae came to us as Tia (alias) but now she identifies herself as who she truly is and not her inmate status. Not only did she complete a construction apprenticeship program, she also received a position with a female owner of a construction engineering firm who has a heart for returning citizens. She still has her struggles and is still learning how to juggle life. However, as we look at the downfall of our young people, Ronae is an example that when you are coachable and willing to change, you can be successful. She walked into the correctional facility as 17-year-old as Tia but is now in society living as 19-year-old Ronae. I am “Coach” Donna Rojas and I proudly serve as Program Specialist at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility’s American Job Center with over 7 years of experience working with the inmate population as a certified Offender Workforce Development Specialist. This national model provides inmates with Job Readiness, Job Search, and Personal Development skills. I work specifically with the female population and it is not just the job readiness piece that is the significant part to their not recidivating, it is the life ready component. In my work with the female population, I see the need for us to stop asking, “Why are you here (incarcerated)?” but instead ask, “How did you get here?”. When we ask that question, it will change the trajectory and help to create effective evidence-based programs to help women who have gone through the system to be successful like Ronae.


Department of Justice. (2016). U.S. Correctional Population Declined for the Ninth Consecutive Year. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Retrieved from content/pub/press/cpus16pr.cfm Travis, J., Western, B. & Redburn, F. (2014). The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences. National Research Council. Committee on Law and Justice, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from https://


Big Idea content group will premiere an all-new VeggieTales Christmas special, The Best Christmas Gift, on DVD and digital by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment on October 22, 2019. VeggieTales is distinguished as the most successful children’s faith-based property of all time. In this fresh new telling of the Christmas story, Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and the rest of the VeggieTales crew are preparing for their first Christmas show in Mr. Nezzer’s theater and the show seems to be headed for disaster. It’s when the Veggies go back to the very first Christmas, where times were tough and things didn’t seem to be working out, that they learn the promise of Christmas: God is with us. Original creators, Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki, join the creative team led by showrunner Todd Waterman (Mulan, Transformers Prime).Vischer and Nawrocki will reprise their respective roles as the voices of “Bob the Tomato,” and “Larry the Cucumber.” The Christmas show will also feature VeggieTales newcomer, NAACP® Image Award-winning actor and comedian David Mann (Tyler Perry’s Meet The Browns, Mann & Wife) as the voice of “Mr. Nezzer”.

Tell me, What was your first reaction when presented the role of Mr. Nezzer for such a popular faithbased children's program as Veggie Tales? and what convinced you to accept the role? My grandchildren were my first thought. I wanted them to look at something that they could see me be apart of. Being a part of such a well-known program such as Veggie Tales is an honor. When I asked them did they know about Veggie Tales, they stated, "Of course we know about Veggie Tales!"

What do you want viewers to take away from this movie in regards to the Christmas story? I want them to take away the story of redemption.

I want to say do not get so engrossed I want to say do not get so engrossed into the hustle and bustle of Christmas. Remember that Christ is the center of it all and the story of redemption

What is your most memorable Christmas moment? I have a lot of memorable moments, but I must admit, my wife, Tamela is truly into the Christmas Holiday. Ever since the kids was little, she ensured that we all were together during the season. We don't open up gifts some traditionally do either! We get dressed up and sit around while each person opens up their gift. It is to ensure that all attention is on that person at that time. However, I do recall my grandchildren giving me a plaque with all of their handprints on it and autographed. That gift meant so much to me. I am not going to say I cried, but just know it meant a lot

David Mann is "Mr. Nezzer" #




The Best Things In Life Are Sweets

Holidays in our house would not be right if we didn’t have at least ten different desserts. For as long as I can remember, we’ve always had at least three cakes, two pecan pies, a sweet potato pie for each guest to take home, a large dish of peach cobbler, grandma’s famous banana pudding, Snicker brownies, and the list goes on and on. One of my favorite desserts that we have is strawberry cheesecake. Everybody rushes for it as soon as it’s placed on the buffet table. Oh my goodness, it’s my grandma’s family recipe and it’s super yummy. For years, I asked my grandma to teach me how to make her delicious strawberry cheesecake. One Christmas eve, I was in the kitchen with her and she said, “Today is the Big Day.” I questioned, “What is it a Big Day for?” While opening the refrigerator to take out some fresh strawberries, she replied, “We’re going to make the strawberry cheesecake together this year.” I starting jumping up and down and then for some reason, I starting running in place. I know that it sounds weird, but I think that the excitement took over my body. LOL! Once I calmed down, we went straight to work. My grandma walked me through each step. Along the way, I took notes like I was a college student gearing up for an important exam. After all, learning to make the family’s favorite dessert dish was something that I wanted to learn for a very long time. We cut the strawberries and mixed the cream cheese mixture in a large bowl, like a scientist. Then, we mixed the sugar, melted butter, graham crackers and salt together to create the crust. Now it was time for one of the best parts. We pressed the cracker mixture into the pan. I love to use my hands, so any type of hands-on activity is right up my alley. Plus, making homemade crust was so much fun. When we finished, we poured the cream cheese mixture onto the crust and placed it in the refrigerator to cool overnight. I was definitely having the time of my life.


Even though Christmas was a day away, I received the best gift ever. I truly enjoyed spending quality time with my grandma. It was just her and I, and no other grandchildren. I couldn’t believe that I had her all to myself. We laughed and talked and laughed some more. She told me stories from her younger years. She retold memorable moments of when she baked with her mom and how much fun she used to have. I thanked her and told her how much I love baking with her. She bent down and gave me a warm hug. I will never forget that moment. The next day was Christmas and all I could think about was making the glaze for the cheesecake. In our family, everyone comes to my grandma’s house for dinner. When it was time to eat, everyone lined up to fix their plates. I watched the glee on their faces and laughed at the dance moves they made from seeing all of the wonderful dishes. I stood next to grandma and just smiled. I was finally able to tell them that I helped grandma bake the cheesecake. They loved it and that made me so happy. To this day, whenever I bake strawberry cheesecake, I reflect on that precious Christmas Eve. The Best Things in Life Are Sweets – AND – moments with grandmas.

Chef Simone Bridges


Strawberry Cheesecake

For the Cheesecake 3 8 oz. blocks of softened cream cheese 1 cup of sugar 3 large eggs 1/4 cup of sour cream 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract 1 teaspoon of lemon zest fresh sliced strawberries For the crust 15 crushed graham crackers 5 tablespoon melted butter 2 tablespoons of sugar pinch of kosher salt For the glaze

DIRECTIVES 1. Preheat oven to 325º and grease a 9” pan with cooking spray. Cheesecake Mixture 1. In a large bowl using a hand mixer, beat the sugar and cream cheese until combined. Add eggs and beat until combined. Then, add sour cream, vanilla and lemon zest. Crust 1. Stir together graham cracker crumbs, butter, sugar, and salt until completely moist. Spray a 9” pan with cooking spray and press graham mixture into prepared pan until packed. 2. Pour cheesecake mixture over crust. 3. Bake until slightly jiggly in the center. (about 1 hour 10 minutes) Let it cool 1 hour in oven. Then, refrigerate until completely cool. (at least 4 hours and up to overnight) Glaze 1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine strawberry preserves and lemon juice. Whisk constantly until the mixture is smooth. 2. Top the cheesecake with fresh strawberries. Then, brush the glaze over strawberries. Slice into wedges and serve cold. Enjoy!

1 cups of strawberry preserves 2 tablespoons of water or lemon juice


My Favorite Time of the Year

Looking towards the New Year, I remember that as a child and young adult, I spent most New Year’s Eve nights in church for our Watch Night Service however, since relocating to Georgia I started spending New Year’s Eve with a group of friends that have become family. We typically, eat well, play games and sing karaoke with our wives and children. We thank God for keeping us as the New Year comes in and that’s pretty much it, but it has become a tradition for my family, and I love it. Food is always a key component to this night. Therefore, every year when it is time to prepare a dish, I know that I will have to come up with something that will WOW a room that has both my biggest supporters and loudest critics (all in love). This year, I am planning to bring Jerk Shrimp and Grits to the celebration, and I would like to share the recipe with you. Check it out and let me know what you think.

As we approach the holiday season, we find ourselves spending more time with family and friends, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and reflecting on the year we’ve completed as well as looking forward to the year ahead. I must admit, this is my favorite time of the year. Each year I look forward to December to celebrate my birthday and prepare for the holiday season. Professionally, I begin to work on developing new recipes and booking clients for the numerous caterings, parties and galas associated with the holidays. Personally, I look forward to really spending quality time with my family and remembering the blessings that the year has brought us. As I look back over 2019 it amazes me how God has kept my family.

This year I am grateful that my family has been kept in good health and that should not be taken lightly. I’m also grateful that my faith has been increased. As a fulltime entrepreneur it can be scary not knowing when your next booking or sale will come. However, I started affirming that my faith will be greater than fear and this year the anxiety over things out of my control faded away. I put my trust solely in God and not abilities and he has been faithful. I signed a contract with a corporate training office and that provided more stability in my income. So, when I say or #faithoverfear, it’s not just a saying. It’s personal and very real for me. Also, I am thankful for Godly connections. I’ve practiced collaboration over competition this year and I have worked with a few phenomenal chefs on some truly amazing projects this year.

As always, remember life is better with Faith, Family and Food!

Antonio Phillips

Instagram: @chefphill35 Email: #



Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Yield: 4 servings Category: Dinner 2 1/2 cups Water 3 cups Heavy Whipping Cream 4 tablespoons Butter, divided 3/4 cups Grits 1 cup Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese 1 Green Bell Pepper 1 Red Bell Pepper 1 Red Onion 2 tb. spoons Walkers Wood Jerk Seasoning (mild) 1 lb. large or Jumbo Shrimp, peeled and deveined 2 tb. spoons Chef Phill’s All Purpose Seasonings thinly sliced Green Onions, for garnish (optional)

Bring 2 cups water, the heavy whipping cream, 3 tablespoons butter, and a pinch of salt to a gentle boil in a medium sized pot. Add the grits and whisk together. Cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until grits are fully cooked, soft, and creamy, whisking again every 5 minutes or so. Meanwhile, sauté the diced green bell pepper, red bell pepper, and red onion in a sauté pan. Rinse the shrimp with cold water and pat dry. Season with Chef Phill’s All Purpose Seasoning. Add the shrimp to the sauté pan. Shrimp should cook about 2 minutes per side. Add the remaining tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of jerk seasoning and 2 cups of heavy whipping cream to the shrimp and stir until melted and the cream has made a sauce. Once the grits are finished cooking, remove from heat and stir in the cheese until melted. Serve the shrimp mixture over the grits, making sure to spoon some of the liquid from the sauté pan over the grits, and sprinkle with the sliced green onions. Serve immediately. 39

"Where Fashion Is"

Interview with Fashion Designer Latonya Dickens "Tenacity will get you there, but Integrity will keep you keep you there. ~Author Unknown

(Keenya Kersey, Fashion Editor)

Fashion Designer Latonya Dickens is an up and coming Clothing Designer in the DMV area. Latonya's love for fashion started budding in High School. In preparation for Baltimore Fashion week, LaTonya launched her fashion company-LT Dickens Designs in 2008. In 2018, due to medical challenges, she decided to run her business full time. Latonya makes beautiful custom made gowns as well as, blazers for men. Her price point starts at $350 for cocktail dresses and $650 for formal gowns. I recently had an opportunity to interview LaTonya. She shared her challenges and her victories. Read what she had to say below

Hey LaTonya! I've heard so many great things about your company and your designs are amazing. It's common to face challenges when running a business. What are some of the things you had to overcome when you started LT Dickens Designs? LaTonya: Thank you Keenya for the opportunity. Before I started I had to get out of my own way. I couldn't allow fear to hold me back. I had to realize that I knew what I was doing and even though everyone might not like my designs, there will always be someone who wants what I have. #

Where do you see LT Dickens Designs going in the future? LaTonya: Even though I am established in Baltimore, I am working on increasing my exposure in other states. I recently showcased my designs in New York Fashion Week- this was my first step to increasing Brand exposure. What type of women are wearing your designs? LaTonya: I make gowns for HS Seniors for their proms. I also dress the career woman who attends different functions.

What fashion direction do see the church going in the future? LaTonya: Even though I'm a fan of dressing up for church and can't see myself wearing sneakers to church, I do believe the church is moving towards more relaxed attire with hopes of attracting the younger generation. What advice would you give someone who wants to become a fashion designer? LaTonya: No matter what, don't give up. You may hear a lot of no's but remember that someone wants what you offer.

What would you say is your brand's signature? LaTonya: I like to mix different fabric and prints. I don't make ordinary garments, I make garments that standout. 41 Consultation 443-844-2020 @Ltdickensdesigns

Holiday season is one of my most favorite mes of the year. I was born five days before Christmas, so I am officially the Christmas baby in my family. I love gi s, decora ng and essen ally all things sparkly. Hello, my profession is interior decora ng- go figure? Christmas me will always be very special to me. I realized at a young age the value of family and how God has gra ed us in as his own. Instead of focusing on decora ng ps allow me to share a very personal story with you. I come from a large family. We were the “Brady Bunch” three boys and three girls. My oldest sister, Dawn, was valedictorian and editor of the school paper. She par cipated in choir, dance and theatre. She did well in her studies and had several colleges wan ng her acceptance. She got sick in her senior year (1988) and quickly lost her fight to cancer only one year a er being diagnosed. She passed at 18, five days before my eighth birthday. Now, for some people the thought of celebra ng the holidays a er a tragic event like that might seem completely out of the ques on. Bi ersweet at best. However, if you could have been in her room before she died you would understand why we s ll celebrate. You see, my parents raised us in church and the words “Jesus”, “Pray”, and “Love” were common in our home. Worship music could be heard as my mom cleaned house and took care of us kids. We never stayed home on Sunday, in fact we went to church several mes a week. When the hospital released my sister to come home we all helped care for her. I can s ll remember back then thinking she will get be er because all my experience up ll then taught me that people get sick but then they get be er. My parent’s faith was strong, and they were believing for a miracle. I believe something even be er happened. #

On December 15, 1989 I can remember being called into my sisters’ room to pray with my family and a pastor who came by. Dawn began seeing people who weren’t there and asked my mom where all the people came from. She saw our rela ves who had passed on whom she had never met. I didn’t understand. What was going on? Moments before she le her body Dawn had a vision. She saw a man coming in a boat. He was coming right to her. The closer the man got she recognized him. “Jesus!” she exclaimed. Laying in bed a ached to an oxygen tank she raised her hands and spoke her last words, “I love you Jesus!” The peace that came next was phenomenal. The promise of an eternity with Jesus was hers. No more sickness, no more pain. I have taken great comfort in knowing my sister’s miracle had come true. Just not how we pictured it. Loss is one of those things that makes you appreciate what you DO have. Faith is what keeps us out of despair and allows us to enjoy our lives in the moment.

Angela is CEO and Chief Designer at Angela Lahay Designs, LLC A residen al interior design company located in Houston, Texas. More of her work can be found through the following social media channels: IG- @angelalahaydesigns FB- Angela Lahay Designs LLC Website- Blog- Contact

A lot has changed since 1989 but being inten onal when I’m with my family is something I prac ce regularly. Our “Brady Bunch” has grown exponen ally by spouses and children throughout the last thirty years. We never spend a Christmas without Dawn’s memory and the promise that we all will be reunited again one day in Heaven. It is very easy to get caught up in western tradi ons and lose sight of the real reason for the season. We have Ugly sweaters, Elf on the shelf, Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping, school and business par es and don’t forget about the matching family Christmas Cards. The birth of Jesus is something to celebrated. Not just during December but throughout the year. I encourage those of you who are believing for a miracle that Jesus is the answer. Study about the man who was born of a virgin who came to save the world. Discover the selfless nature of a person who would be tortured and killed just so that you could be live and have eternal life. Hug your friends and family and be Jesus to someone who has no one this year. Merry Christmas from my family to yours! Love, Angela



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