Spring Issue 2018

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The SpriNg EditioN Founder/Editor in Chief ............................ Shenee' Edwards Content Editor/Writer ...............................Anissa Stewart Fashion Editor ...........................................Cassia Gold Cover Graphic Designer ...........................Lester Skinner Contributing Graphic/Writer ....................Sarah Grace Feature Contributer.....................................Carlton McDonnell .......................................................................................................................

Contributing Writers ...............................Ami Loper ...............................Chef Kenneth Temple ...............................Richard Wessenberg ...............................Takia Ross ...............................Dr. Jia Conway ...............................Antoine Garrett ...............................Bianca Lynette ...............................Matthew C Horne Photographer Credit ...............................Andre Dunston ...............................Amy Kenyon ...............................Dillon Gardner ...............................Ron Jon ...............................Globalfopics ...............................Takia Ross ...............................Claudia De Nobrega

...................................Devin Trent Photography PHONE NUMBER 410-645-0629 WEBSITE www.hisfavormagazine.com


Š 2018 by His Favor Magazine, Inc. All Rights Reserved Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Magazine Name is a registered trademark under His Favor Ministries Printed in the United States of America.

From The Editor's Pen

Hello His Favor Readers As I sit here thinking what I would like to say to you as the founder of His Favor Magazine, I look out the window and see... snow! Yes. It is snowing in Spring. I always thought April showers, bring May flowers. Yet... SNOW! This lead me to think how awesome God is. He is above our natural thinking even to the point that He can cause snow in the Spring and it to be hot in the Winter. He is Sovereign! He can do what He wants, When He wants, Where He wants. Who am I to questions such an all-powerful Creator. This season, I have learned that very lesson. Before, I found myself planning things on my own. When it fell through, I felt disappointed. Now, that I am relying on God more and putting my faith in Him, I know that "my steps are ordered by Him and Him alone" He knows whats best for me. Even when it might look impossible, He has it all under control. As we embark on this new season, understand just like the weather, God will cause the unordinary to happen in your life. It might not go with your plan, but He has purpose in His decision. Even if it looks weird to others or even ourselves, have faith in Your Lord and Savior! The Season has indeed changed, but He still controls the forecast!


C O V E R 12

Jason Nelson

Bishop, Gospel Artist, Grammy Nominated Songwriter, Stellar Award Winner and Author talks about worship and his first ministry

Bryan Popin

30 Philanthropist, Humanitarian and chart-Topping Gospel Recording

Artist discusses his upbringing and the reason everyone should "step in the name"

39 Tony Marshall Stellar Awards Pre-Show, Soul Train Music Awards

producer and event planner comes from behind the scene to share his heart and his other ambitions

60 Michael Todd

Lead Pastor of Transformation Church based in Tulsa, OK, shares his views concerning the state of the church, his passion and more

"I realized another reason that I will always worship God recklessly. I’m teaching my baby girl right now what to value in a man" 4


F E AT U R E S Janet Otieno

65 Award-Winning Gospel Recording

Artists talks about being a female Gospel artist in Kenya, her influence via social media & MORE!


68 Broadcaster, Singer and Songwriter takes

time out to highlight the similarities and differences between Gospel Artists in the US and the UK

“God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle. He tells you to do things the things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end.” pg.

42 Joyce Meyer New York Times bestselling author, founder of

Joyce Meyer Ministries,Inc. and Host of "Enjoying Everyday Life" radio and TV programs encourages readers to never give up even when feeling stuck.

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W H AT ' S 10... Elite Ladies Luncheon The team attends a powerful luncheon

9....Tera Carissa Hodges "Seasons Will Change"

20.. Pastor Joshua Scott

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Pastor and Author, 35, wears many hats and has dedicated his life to being an outstanding contributor in his hometown of Houston, Texas

21... Adrian Muldrow

Former Vice President of the Baltimore Branch NAACP, featured on numerous publications, TV, Radio and award winning facilitator uses his past to encourage others

2 4 . . . M i c h a e l D o r s e y S r.

As a top competitor on NBC's hit reality show, The Biggest Loser, he recognizes the power of having a dream but not knowing how to achieve it.

22....Aaron Flores "Seeking To Edify"

" To edify is to have gratitude and gratitude is actually at the core of

helping us create something greater than ourselves.

2 5 . . . Te r r y M c G e e

The accolades of a TV/Film Executive Producer

26... Renè "Level" Martinez

Feared, respected leader of one of Miami’s most dangerous and powerful gangs to pro MMA fighter shares his transformation to now being a servant of Christ


36....Lauren Jacobs "Present In A Resting Season"

I N S I D E 40....Carl & Rachel Burnside "We Saw God In Each Other" 37... Jordan Cofield

Scholar & athlete is proving that faith in God doesn't have to start when you are 30 years old!

4 9 . . . C h e r y l Wo o d

An award-winning international speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur, impacts audiences around the world with her bold and audacious approach to living life

50... Marie Felt

Minister of the Gospel, Motivational Speaker, founder of "Mending Vines Organization" is now a Published Author

56... Faith Head Band

Defined by the Urban Dictionary as “someone who holds irrational religious fundamentalist beliefs and no matter what evidence is provided to the contrary will never change” or basically the 21st century version of “Jesus Freak”

6 3 . . . A p o s t l e Ve r y H o w a r d

62....Je frey Pitts "No More Religion... Just Jesus"

Founder of “God’s Women in Music, Ministry, Business & Entertainment” talks about life in the field

66... Dileep

Evangelist from India, expresses the love of God to the people in his country

67....Kay Morris "God Has Favored Me... The Testimony" 72... Kurtis Parks

American Idol Season 4 finalist, Worship Director at National Community Church, who has written over 1200 songs in every genre now takes the role of ... Pastor

74... Elaine Rau

My desire is to fill the media with stories about powerful every day women and change women’s mindsets about themselves.


With the arrival of Spring, brings a newness, a freshness and the warmth of the sun. Flowers bloom and blossom, trees show off their color and the sounds of nature give life. During the transition of the season, from winter to spring , coats and gloves are shed, shades are secured on faces and there are more reasons to go to the park or for a walk. The term “spring cleaning” refers to “out with the old and in with the new”, therefore old clothes get replaced with a new look. During this new season, give yourself time in nature to meditate and breathe as your newness takes shape. Treat yourself to something that has meaning and don't forget to buy a pair of shoes because its time to step into the new you.

~Cassia Gold

designer: @iamcassiagold clothing line: @paracletecouture photographer: @globalflopics


From Our Fashion Editor

Seasons Change

Te r a C a r i s s a H o d g e s

Just like we are shifting from winter into spring, such is life. With no effort on our part, seasons change. What does that mean for someone going through right now? Hold on. Just as life may have taken a negative turn outside of your control, if you just hold on, keep the faith, and remain committed to doing what needs to be done, life can take a positive turn outside of your control as well.

Very often, when coaching clients who are going through a storm, people will ask: what do I do now? Very often, my response is do nothing. But, I thought faith without works is dead? It is! But, after you've done all you can, you have two choices: worry or keep the faith. My suggestion? Keep the faith. It is a law of this God created universe, that eventually seasons have to change. No matter how cold winter has been, eventually, it must bow to spring. No storm can rage forever. For those of you who are saying, "wait a minute! I love my season. I don't want it to change." Understand, change does not always mean doom and gloom. It could mean growth. I don't know what all you may be going through right now. But, I do know, if you just hold on, seasons change.

Empowerment champion through her speaking, media appearances, coaching, and mentoring shares the importance of being true to yourself www.teracarissa.com


Favor's Neighborhood ...the Home Base (DC/MD/VA) Events, Features & More

On March 17th, at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel in Maryland, people dressed in their best black and white outfits celebrated the 5th Annual Ladies Elite Luncheon. Upon arrival, I was greeted by 2 lovely hosts. As I proceeded to walk through the corridor, I noticed that this event was once again "top notch." One glimpse at the vendors and their professional set-up let me know that the host of this event knew what she was doing. That person was none other than Bishop Gina Dorsey. Being that this was my 3rd time in the 5 years its been in existence, I already had an idea of what to expect from Bishop Dorsey. However, this year, truly exceeded my expectations.

The luncheon began with Praise and Worship followed by a nice "ice breaker" the attendees did not hesitate to take "selfies" and Usies" with those in the room. While this was going on, Shay (His Favor field correspondent), was able to mingle with some of the women in the room. They all raved that they were either expecting a mighty move of God or to meet other ladies in ministry. However, 1st-time attendees heard about the event via social media and/or past participants. Now, what event with women everywhere does not have vendors. Even in this, Bishop Dorsey gathered some of the most elite and professional vendors in the DC/ Maryland/Virginia area. Blessed Boutique, Body Luv Butta, Trendy 4 U, Write the Vision, Moe's Retro Eyes, Felice Renee Inc., Ears of Elegance, Mitchell Original Hats, M & O Gems and NSAA African Creation were the fabulous 10 vendors that were present. There was not a moment that I did not see someone purchasing an item from one of these entrepreneurs. After a church-stomping; musical selection by Anissa Stewart (His Favor Content Editor) and a liturgical dance performed by Simply Shanise, Lunch was served. The baked chicken, fish, garden salad and green beans were seasoned well and I actually wanted another plate (but I am watching my diet). Right before the word went forth, Apostle Robert D. Wise Sr. gave a word of exaltation. Yes. There were men present. The Elite Men were such gentlemen and added a special vibe to the event. Just Danielle ministered and had everyone on their feet with her urban sound. As the introduction of the guest speaker went forth, I already was on the edge of my seat. I have heard this woman of God many times before and even interviewed in my previous magazine. Prophetess Valerie Burris spoke right from the heart of God. The topic "We Must Not Compromise Holiness For Likes", hit home for every person in the building. This was not the end. Bishop Gina Dorsey, although celebrating her birthday, presented many with certificates and awards for various reasons. She even honored past guest that recently went to be with the Lord. Although this is my view on this wonderful event, I suggest that if you are in my neighborhood next year, you plan to be in attendance. Words cannot fully express the atmosphere of this yearly occasion. I say KUDOS to Bishop Gina Dorsey. Do not give up! Each year, this event will get bigger and better. ~A Kingdom Place For Me~ Outreach Ministry for Women & Youth


"My Mom used to always tell me, everything important is in black and white" ~Bishop Gina Dorsey

Loving You As God Does Dr. Jia Conway

One of the things that I had to learn and learned after hitting rock bottom was the power of who I am in Christ and the power of loving me. Far too often we are looking for love in voided places that seek to love us with conditions. The measure of how much we should be loved and even if we are worthy of such love is held to the scales of this world and others. Dare I say we spend far too much time giving the world credence over how we view ourselves…and how we love ourselves? It is very challenging to take the stance to love and value who you are by the standard of the greatness of God. This is hard because for someone who has never known earthly love or value from those that they can see and feel; how can we ever know to appreciate and value the love from a God that we cannot see? We often hold a candle of worth to what others think of us and how they define us, and even determine our worth of love. I found myself seeking to be validated and loved through the eyes and experiences of others, who did not even know who they were. I was a broken soul that did not know how to love herself and only knew how to give love in return to the degree by which I loved myself and received it. It was not until I experienced God for myself, and surrendered the broken places of my soul unto Him that I truly understood love. This was not a love that the world could give, and it was not even a love that I found in another; but it was a love that pierced through my flaws, my issues, my brokenness and my tainted perceptions of my low self-esteem and lack of self-love. This was a love that did not judge or persecute, and the conditions were simple, “And thou shalt love the Lord

thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” (Deuteronomy 6:5). This was simple and easy because what God gave

me in return was the solidarity of my identity and a love that encompassed the very nature of who He was. When we love as God does there is an amazing transformation that occurs from the inside out. There is a metamorphosis that occurs that is permanent and not superficial because it is not based on the conditions or scrutiny of another. Loving YOU as God does makes remiss anything that is not authentic, because it places right in the realm of experiencing God in His likeness, character and values. Loving YOU as God does empowers one to come to a sense of knowing who they are. www.jiaconway.com Womanpreneur & Founder of "Changed From the Inside Out Ministries, LLC "Epitome of A Woman Coaching Success Academy"


Bishop Jason Nelson

The Church is active in being a catalyst for change but I agree that more can be done. Here’s a caveat though. The churches that participate should do so according to the parameters of the purpose of that ministry. All churches don’t have the same assignment regarding evoking change. We ALL should play a role in developing the surrounding communities but not everyone is called to activism. The Connection via social media has been huge for me. It allows me to connect with people from around the world and to impact believers whose hands I may never shake but the touch is still real. Social media has also allowed me to promulgate the Gospel in ways I could never have imagined. The ability to witness and answer questions, to even counsel some is there because of social media.

The Answer was conceptualized while writing for the record. Dana Sorey, my producer and writing partner, had been working on music and the common thread was solutions and answer to questions that believers ask on a regular basis. Once we had a theme, the rest of the music sort of wrote itself. The Answer is a compilation of music that sums up the questions with a simple answer... JESUS CHRIST


I really just love Jesus. I also love family. My wife and kids are my heart. I work hard to provide for them and I love coming home to my center.

Worship is a heart and spirit connection between God and man. It’s the expression of love that we have for our Savior and redeemer. Worship is humbly bowing to the greatest knowing that nothing compares to HIM. It’s not just a song. That’s limited perspective. Music is a part of worship but the life behind the music is what defines it as worship. I’m working on a few books and also want to open a couple of businesses. I aspire to diversify and create multiple streams of income as well.

www.jnelsononline.com 12 Favor's Neighborhood

We specialize in backyard BBQ’s for any and all events, from weddings, birthday parties, graduations, holiday parties, picnics, company events or picnics. Although we offer a wide range of BBQ catering, from brisket to ribs, to grilled steak and seafood, our specialty and passion remain the slow-smoked meats and traditional southern side dishes.

Chef Terrance J. is a self-taught renowned Chef-Owner of Two Fish & Five Loaves Catering who specializes in Southern Style, BBQ, Fine Dining Cuisine. His passion for food came from his mother who's Catering Company beard the same name. To his credit he has been a featured chef on WUSA9 Great Day Washington, Resident Chef on The Renee Allen & Friends Show, Radio One, The Central Mission HeArt & Sole with Celebrity Chef Rock Harper & Friends, Mercedes-Benz of Alexandria, Metro DC Cooking Show, to name a few.

Chef Terrance J. | Personal Chef - Owner 2fish5loavesbbq.com

13 Favor's Neighborhood

It Has Nothing To Do With You

Matthew C. Horne

To find someone living their dreams is not a common occurrence in society. We’re taught to travel in straight lines, while taking minimal risks to formulate our lives. To undertake a dream pursuit is to volunteer for a life of uncertainty, subjecting yourself to a foolish notion of yourself that: You can be the one who actually pushes through and makes it. I speak of this because this is exactly what I faced when I decided, towards the end of my undergrad college experience, that I was charting a course in the selfdevelopment industry. When I told people that I was going to be a motivational speaker and author, in my early twenties, people literally thought I was crazy. The sentiments shared from others towards me were: “You haven’t lived enough life yet.” “No one’s going to buy your books.” “What makes you think you can do this?” “My stomach cringes every time you talk about that book?” These expressions came from total strangers and people close to me who I loved, admired, and respected, alike.


The Successful Dreamer’s Mind State I was smart enough to be quiet and just keep on writing and pursuing my dreams. Having amassed a career of longevity and success living my dreams, as a motivational speaker and author of five books, I had to ask myself last year: What is responsible for me being here? The answer was, “I never cared about what other’s thought of me.” The opposition was presented to me, but I never internalized it. In essence: It had nothing to with me because I did not allow it to. There was only one opinion that mattered, and I knew it. God’s opinion was that I was fully capable to be everything I was created to be, and that’s the conscious place I decided to reside, even with no tangible promising results that my dream pursuit was actually going to be worthwhile. You must possess immeasurable strength in order to live your dreams, as they must often be pushed through a wall of resistance. There is only one opinion that matters. This is the opinion of your Manufacturer; this is the opinion of your Creator. Don’t miss out on the optimal levels of fulfillment that accompany living your purpose, while impacting others in the manner only you can. This could be the job, opportunity, idea, people or spouse of your dreams. Never surrender it to mindset of being unable, or undeserving of your highest experience of completeness in life. The Story In Your Mind The message that you take in the most is the one that wins the battle for your mind, and ultimately dominates your consciousness. Early in my dream pursuit, an audio book of the late great Dr. Wayne Dyer’s, “Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling” found its’ way to me. The premise of this book was: People will have well meaning opinions of who you are and what you should be. In spite of that, you must give yourself permission to be whatever you showed up here to be. Notice I said: “Found its’ way to me.” I did not purchase it, or even know it existed. The universe is balanced. In the face of opposition, when taking a stance to live your truth, you will also be sent messages to validate what you know, but hasn’t tangibly materialized as of yet. Pay attention to your signs and markers, and you will see God’s handy work lightning your path to your various life destinations. Live your truth unapologetically. Never allow the world around you to impact you or you’ll completely miss your significant marks in life. Rather, develop a healthy and strong sense of yourself so that nothing enters your space that is not congruent with you living your dreams. When opposition to your dreams and purpose arises, please remember: it has nothing to do with you, unless you allow it to.

Matthew C. Horne, Author and Motivational Speaker, is the president of Optimum Success International, a self-development company located in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. Matthew is the author of five globally selling books and the Creator of the television show, “Matthew C. Horne Live!” which airs on the DCTV network in Washington, DC, and globally online. Matthew C. Horne’s mission in life is to introduce individuals to their true selves, and empower them to make the impossible their norm. Matthew is open to speaking to any and all receptive audiences.


Having adult children can be challenging. Personally, I like to have more of an opinion than my adult children need or want to hear. But having adult children can also have its perks as thoughtfulness blossoms from a new place of mutual understanding and admiration. The Hubs and I recently experienced one of these perks when one of our daughters and her husband took us out for dinner… and they paid!

Where’s My Favor?

We were all set for a fun evening of Italian food, good conversation, laughter and passing around our tenmonth-old grandson. We ordered and the light conversation commenced. The food my husband and I ordered was delivered, so I had to relinquish the sweet, squeezable baby to his mom and dad. At first, we waited for our “kids’” food to arrive. We prayed, we seasoned, we casually looked for our waiter. Our “kids” encouraged us to start eating so our food wouldn’t get cold. Our daughter, who seems to possess an irrepressible ability to find a silverlining said, “Well, this way, we can hold the baby while you eat and then you can hold him while we eat. We will eat hot food for once!” But their food didn’t come and the waiter was MIA. Eventually, we managed to flag someone down. The lost meals were finally delivered, profuse apologies were made by wait staff and managers. But the Hubs and I had already finished our meal and now it was our turn to

watch them eat. We kept a positive attitude, but I was wondering why things so often seem to go wrong. Don’t we have favor? Isn’t the Lord on our side, just waiting to bless us?

It got me to thinking about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Was there anyone so favored of God? The angel greets her with astonishing words:

Ami Loper

"Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!" (Luke 1:28).

That sounds great! I want to be a “favored one”! What prayer line do I get in for that? Well, hold up just a minute! This one God loved and favored went through some situations that really didn’t look that “favorable!” She was nearly killed when people learned she was pregnant and a cloud of shame undoubtedly enveloped her. She was forced to make an arduous three-day journey at the most inopportune time in her pregnancy and when she arrived, there’s no place for her to stay! And while the Child is still young, a king wants to kill Him and they must abscond in the middle of the night! This hardly looks like favor in my book. If Mary had had the interpretation of favor that I do, she would have been confused by and frustrated at the seemingly endless problems, the perilous circumstances, the rejection by family and friends.

Being favored by God may not look like favor to you or those around you all the time. No doubt, favor may well look like favor from people at times, but favor cannot be judged as nonexistent when things appear to be going wrong. That night at the restaurant, when we got the bill, we saw the favor when they didn’t charge for the late meals. But that favor took time to see. It certainly didn’t feel like favor when we were waiting. It didn’t feel like favor when we couldn’t get the attention or help we needed. But in the end, we saw the favor. Have you stepped out in faith, only to be rejected by people? Have you seen your circumstances go from bad to worse? Don’t throw up your hands in exasperation concluding that God is not with you! Nothing people can say or do to you can remove the favor of God. God’s favor may be something you can only feel in your spirit at times. It may not be visible to the world or even to you, but hang in there. Eventually your circumstances will have to bow to what God says over your life. No matter what it looks like from the outside (or even the inside), remember that as God’s child, you are favored. Stay obediently in the hand of God and remember the angel’s parting words to Mary, for they are a truth upon which you can depend:

“Nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37) amiloper.com 15




Editor's 18

P lay list


1. Tell us a little bit about your ministry and what makes it "unique"? Humble Praise Center is designed for Millennials, and working families. It is a 1 hour services that is packed with Prayer, Praise, Worship, Fellowship and Word. We designed the service so attendees were able to get back home and watch their favorite sport, cook, clean and prepare for the upcoming week, all while being full from an awesome service! 2. Why are you considered a "Man of Favor”? I would consider myself as a “Man of Favor” because there are so many facets to Joshua T. Scott: the Business Man, the Pastor, the Philosopher, the Philanthropist, the Author & the Family Man. With all these unique titles and responsibilities, I always manage to keep things in perspective understanding that each one requires time and attention. But, I must not allow them

Pastor Joshua Scott Author of “Jo-Jo's Bible Adventures”

The mantra that guides Joshua T. Scott’s life is, “A life committed only to helping one’s self is a life that is underutilized.” The 35 year old Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Pastor and Author, Joshua T. Scott, wears many hats and he has dedicated his life to being an outstanding contributor in his hometown of Houston, Texas. Professionally and personally, Joshua exudes and embodies the conidence and acute empathy that commits him to the principle of helping others. Joshua Scott began his extraordinary journey into entrepreneurship over 15 years ago while still studying Philosophy and Religion at Morehouse College. Joshua’s passion to positively impact everyone he comes across both socially and spiritually, led to him to found the nonproit organization, The Association for the People and Community Inc. or APC in 2004. Under Mr. Scott’s leadership as Executive Director, the organization conducts various community outreach initiatives. Scott’s undying commitment to his people, purpose, and the city that raised him, led to him earning his Master of Community Development from Prairie View A&M University. Following in the footsteps of his hero and the highly-distinguished civil rights leader, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Scott answered his calling from the Lord and became an ordained Minister at age 25. Since 2006, Rev. Scott has empowered families with the scriptural teachings of James 2:26 that “Faith without works is dead.” Advancing his life’s mission to invest in the lives of people, Joshua is the co-author of “Jo-Jo’s Bible Adventures,” an Amazon #1 children’s book he created with his wife, Veronique J. Scott, J.D. “Jo-Jo’s Bible Adventures” is a fun and interactive tale that features characters of color and aims to strengthen the family bond, while teaching children lessons of compassion, courage and perseverance. The book truly connects with kids with its unique illustrations of popular Bible stories with vibrant colors and clever rhyming schemes that are easy to read and recite. 20

Interviewed by Anissa Campbell-Stewart

Men Of Favor

to overwhelm or discourage my pursuits for greatness. 3. What or who inspired you to become an author, and when did you realize you had the talent to become an author? The need to see people of color represented in biblical books inspired me to become an author. I wanted to tell a story that children of color could relate to and be inspired to reach for the stars. Talent is not as important as hard work and dedication to a project. I knew that if I worked hard and created a product that I was happy with, then the job was done! 4. How did you become an author of a children's book and what inspired you to write for that genre? Walking into a Christian book store and seeing that there were no books with children of color in them is what inspired us to write a children’s book. Because we knew at the moment that someone had to write on our behalf. 5. How long have you been writing and when did you know that you had the talent to become an author? My first book was written in 2005, but to a very specific audience, that book was designed for after school programs and understanding the youth of the 21st Century. That book was not about talent, just the need to express how to deal with youth and what programs would keep them interested in after school! 6. How has being an author changed your life? Being an author has forced me to rethink what I have been taught, to challenge the norms, and to question the “right and wrong” of our everyday educational system. Being an author allows you to think outside of the box to see what is needed, and to create and develop it through literature. Being author is not just about the past, but the future and the legacies that can be told! 7. What would you say to a person that feels that there is a book inside of them waiting to be birthed, but they just don't know where or how to make it a reality? Start writing… Start Now… Right now, even if it’s just a few sentences a day. Write! The more you write the more you will feel a release in your mind and your soul. Often times we write to sells books, or to make money… But, if there’s a book inside of you, you have to write and believe your work will inspire and bless others that may be dealing with the same issues you have. 8. Is there a testimony or anything else that you'd like to share with the readers? Take a look at your hands, feet, ears, arms, and know that you are blessed, because the things that we take for granted someone else wishes they had. The person that you are reading about started college with $750.00 and a dream to attend a $20,000.00 a year college! If God did it for me, he can do it for you!

Adrian Muldrow National Keynote Speaker , Nonprofit Management , Marketing , Life Coach I would like His Favor Readers to know that I’m currently working on my Book that I want to release this year. I’m also on the National scene as a keynote with my story The Life, The Game, the Pain, Transition and Healing. I’m also putting energy in specialty ad, marketing, branding, product placement. Lastly, my wife and I are also shooting a docu- series about our lives and the work we do as Life Coaches. I’m passionate for a lot of reasons! I made a lot of horrible mistakes in my life and a lot of those mistakes were made when I was young and fast. Opera ng without a full play-book, impacted by my upbringing by making grown up decisions. Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way. God was merciful upon me as He is on each one of us. So, I want others to discover what I did 13 years ago in trus ng in God to succeed. I’m passionate about seeing people make it out of a struggle. I’m passionate about seeing young people find their way. More importantly, I’m always discerningly empathe c to people and their struggle. Overall, I would have to say that my life experiences are the fire to the mold and I pray every day that it stays lit. In order to give advice to a young man that is on the verge of giving up, I would have to know all the facts in each case. For me having started a couple businesses and having some failures; having been out on the street in the game seeing six figures on a weekly basis; having had to learn the hard way spending 2 decades in and out of prison, I realize how hard it is to find something legal to match that fast money and even a 9 – 5 to sustain. It’s impera ve to keep something going to keep the bills paid un l the business li s off. So for me, I know for sure that you can take that same hustle mentality and apply those energies to developing your niche. Then you have to develop your business plan. At the same me, I would suggest to develop your skills and learn about licensing and trademark and possibly take a small business course. I’d this young man to do as much research as possible and not to be afraid to ask ques ons. I’d also remind him that fear is normal. However, fail forward not backwards because failure only prepares us for success. In a world that has evolved through technology, social media is a great pla orm. It puts things right out there for sure. So, it’s a must to be careful of what we put out there. But I believe that social media was created for people to express truth, but through social media I’ve met a lot of great people and social media con nues to be a great medium for me to impose, impart and interact with mul ple folks at the p of my fingers. Adrian is also the former Vice President of the Baltimore Branch (NAACP) and an award winning facilitator,

21 Men Of Favor

I’m doing really well. We’re hitting a busy season of ministry right as we are currently getting I’m doing really well. We’re hitting a busy season of ministry right as we are currently getting ready for Easter. I get to be the Worship and Creative Pastor for our church (Mariners Church in Mission Viejo CA) and am having a blast leading a long side a team of incredible musicians and creatives. By the way, what a powerful and beautiful aim - “..seeks to edify its readers to be all that God has created them to be without compromise.” That word “edify” has been grabbing my attention lately. It’s so important to encourage. “Seeking to edify” one another is core to producing at our very best. To edify is to have gratitude and gratitude is actually at the core of helping us create something greater than ourselves. Gratitude leads to wonder and wonder inspires creativity. Plus, to edify presumes there are people around you to edify (community). In the realm of creativity, we need each other more than we think. Why are you so passionate about your calling? I’m so passionate about my calling because creativity (through song and design) is the currency of our age. We’ve moved into a creative economy. The creatives have a unique angle to speak to and help shape our culture. I don’t remember who said this but this quote has stuck with me - “Music and art can be a deeply theological revelation of truth. And when it is used as such, God's many dimensions have the possibility of pouring forth in rich ways that mere words fail to convey.” Unknown higher and reach deeper all at the same time. It can point to a greater hope and wonder that Creativity through art and song can challenge, can move us, can inspire us to look will ultimately only be found in big and mysterious God. Creativity through song - I’ve seen a song move people to tears; it unlocks something within them. I’ve heard people excepting Jesus in their lives because of a song that was sung. Stories of people lift their hands for the first time in freedom, chains falling off kinds of stories. Worship transforms the worshiper because God inhabits the praises of His people. Creativity through art – I’ve seen people share their testimonies through art pieces. I’ve I’ve seen art be used as a tool to tell the story of Jesus death and resurrection. Environmental design is another area that’s being used today to create dynamic worship experiences. When it’s used tastefully, it motivates this sense within us to say, “We should pay attention.”

When art and gospel are skillfully combined, it magnifies the depth of this great and mysterious God.

What would you tell a young man that is afraid of starting a small business due to fear of failure? I would first say, I’m with you. Fear of failure is something we all have battle at one point or another. I heard someone say, “you don’t drown by falling in water, you drown by staying there.” There’s nothing in this world that can trouble you more than your own thoughts. I’m currently trying to finish a devotional for worship leaders and it’s been a long journey. The thing I’m learning is that if I want to get anywhere, I have to lose this fear of failure. Failure is not fatal. I have a quote on my computer that says “Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” Doing something and getting it wrong is ten times more productive than doing nothing. Again, failure isn’t fatal. Keep going. How has social media played a role in exposing "your truth"?

I love photography, Instagram is my platform of choice. I’m still on a journey of the “why” behind social media in my own life. Right now I’m unpacking what it means to represent my journey as a dad, a husband, a son, a brother of a non-believer, and a worship pastor. Social media or not, one of the most valuable things for me to hear is when someone says, “you are the same person on the stage as you are off.” Bill Hybels said "Work at making sure that you are one person: the person we know publicly, and the person God knows privately."

I believe if we lead with this thinking, everything else falls in line. I believe if we lead with this thinking, everything else falls in line.

In your own words, "What is FAMILY?" Family is a tribe. Family is undivided devotion. Family is honesty. Family is direction. Family is hard. Family is an open table. Family is the most rewarding and challenging thing in the world. Families are from God (He designed it), to God (family should point people to Him), and through God (If you want a thriving family. Operate through His strength and mercy).

22 Men Of Favor

Aaron Flores A worship leader devotional has been in the works. Stay tuned for new music with from myself and my amazing wife, Lauren.

Stay in the know by following me on: Instagram @aaroncflores Spotify: Aaron Flores www.AaronFlores.co

23 Men Of Favor

M i ke D o r s ey

"The Biggest Loser & Still Winning" What prompted you in the first place to lose weight? Wow! Thats a big question! ( no pun intended). A series of things. The biggest one being the birth of my son! Wanting to be around for him. Being in a position to take care of my family was and still is high on my priority list. The other piece was my huge desire to ride roller coasters again.

During your weight loss journey, what was the hardest thing(s) to accomplish? Well, I am still on my weight thing(s) to accomplish? loss journey. In the 5 years since I left The Biggest Loser, I managed to find every last one of those lost pounds and picked up some other "stragglers " That was the hardest thing, truly keeping myself in the head space necessary to truly make the lifestyle changes necessary to truly be the more healthier Mike. On the Ranch, it was a lot easier. Away from "reality." Isn't that funny? No reality to create reality tv haha. But i was away for months, fully stocked kitchen, world class trainers and medical staff. It was when I left the show, the cameras stopped rolling and I needed to take care of my family. Work an 8 hour day job and find time to fit in activity. Then the biggest struggle, keeping my focus on the Lord! Recognizing that it was only by HIS Strength that I would be successful. How has your family encouraged you during the process? My family has been my biggest cheerleaders! How has your family encouraged you during the process? The biggest one being my wife, Chavalle', she always gives me the space to do what I need to do. Not just in my wellness journey but in everything. As a Christian, do you think health and wellness is a popular discussion in the church? Why or Why Not? I think it is to a point. We discussion in the church? Why or Why Not? do the, "Red Dress Sundays" and the health and wellness screening fairs. Aerobics and Zumba classes during the week. But sometimes I feel like its more of a publicity stunt. We have these days but then serve fried chicken and mac and cheese at the next church fellowship. Where the real magic happens is when we challenge each other in the Word of God. Truly spending time on presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice. How has this experience overall changed your life? Understanding How has this experience overall changed your life? that it is truly a process. I went into "hiding" for close to 2 years because I felt like I had failed. Gaining my weight back was something I was not going to do. But, as I mentioned earlier, I didn't fully gird up my mind. To be successful in this, I have to take it one day at a time! Yes, I am not an alcoholic or a drug addict but I have my own addiction and it is the struggle that I believe God has allowed me to have this struggle to draw me close to Him. Recognizing that I can do nothing without Him. 24 Men Of Favor



Always remember, keep God first and the rest WILL happen!

Terry’s had the wonderful opportunity of being a business owner (McGee Networks Plus), co-writing a motivational book, “Multiple Streams of Determination” with some of the best mindsin the country, such as Johnny Wimbrey, Les Brown, Matt Morris, Jim Rohn and Marc Accetta, just to name a few!

Along with Bridgette L. Collins, Terry released a book entitled: “The Chipmaker Prophecy of The Beast” Terry hosted the 2 time “sharky award” winner for best inspirational show “Simply Inspiring Show” at the Fishbowl Radio Network it is aired on “CMW AKA Centertainment Radio based in Dallas and “Yes Hour” Radio based in New York.

Terry was part of the cast of the gospel stage play “Don’t Let the Devil In”! Terry was an actor in the movie “BEL” Terry is the creator of the short film “ No Warnings Left” which is the first of 3 planned movie projects.

Terry McGee is the relentless survivor who strives to win! He loves to network and gets such a thrill when the little guy wins!

Meet Terry E McGee Sr. erry E McGee Sr. Host - Simply Inspiring Show TV/Film Executive Producer www.facebook.com/mcgeeterrye

25 Men Of Favor



Please share with our readers a little about what makes you... You? Well I came from a very violent past, was heavily involved with gang-banging and all kind of craziness... I seen so many die, I’ve lost count to how many of my friends died! The ones that are still alive are mostly all in prison... I was In and out of jail since a juvenile and many nights was laying on my deathbed in the hospital but God said no!!! So all that fire put me on fire for the one and only true living God (Jesus Christ) Do you think its a change in the way the "church" sees young Christian adults? Well “the real church” lives by truth and shows them the truth, and if you are rooted and grounded on the truth on who God is there is only one way to see young Christian adults, as young servants of God. Why do you feel people are drawn to your ministry? Mainly people are drawn to what I do is because of the real that they see, I was very known on these streets for nothing but bad, so when they see me now a new creation in Christ they know that it’s nothing but the power of God! A lot of people tell me "man God gotta be real cause you a di ferent man now” So all glory goes to him cause only he could’ve did this! Another thing that draws people in is what we preach! We believe in walking according to how the scriptures are written! We believe in baptism in the name of JESUS CHRIST, Acts 2:38, we do it all in his name Colossians 3:17 and many come against this truth, but those that have ears to hear let em hear! The truth draws in people like me that came from the streets and God chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, that way He gets all the glory! Where do you see yourself by next year? I will continue to Minister in the projects and prisons cause it’s where Jesus has sent me, I don’t care about anything else, I just wanna do his will.

I recently did a documentary called “THE WARRIOR LEVEL” which is my testimony showing the power of God! and a goal of mines is to make it into a feature film to open the eyes of this young generation.



We’ve all seen it! The glow. From You-tube, to Instagram, to streets all over the world; beauty professionals and enthusiast are in love with their highlighters. There are lots to choose from. So I am going to share my top 7 highlighters and why I love them! Make-Up Forever $23 – H312 This Beauty is not your traditional highlighter. The cooper tone is Beautiful on chocolate skin and that’s why I love it so much!

Make-Up Forever $39 (may be discontinued) – Pro Sculpting Duo #2 It’s a highlighter and a contour in one…you can’t beat that!

Becca $38– Shimmering Skin Perfector in Rose Gold This was the first highlighter that I purchased for myself. I love the smooth texture of it. It goes on like butter. Black-Up $42 – Highlighter #1 We added this new highlighter in to our rotation a ter watching Jackie Aina’s YouTube…and it has not failed. You get 4 di ferent highlighters in one and they are absolutely amazing...buttery so t and highly pigmented. All the things you need in a highlighter and the topper can be used an eyeshadow. Now, I have to get the second quad.


Highlighters Are Here To Stay

Maybelline $8 – Master Chrome Molten Gold The least expensive highlighter out of the bunch but, dare I say, the BEST! Pigmented, buttery so t, not chalky, and inexpensive; that’s what we call a WIN! MAC $34– Gold Deposit This is an oldie but goodie. Everyone knows about MAC Gold Deposit and it is consistently a great shimmer. And, that’s why I keep it in my kit.

Artist Couture $27 – Illuminati Beware…This Beauty is really pigmented but it is a loose powder. It may be just us but whenever we use this Beauty it gets everywhere...but sometimes, the highlight is worth it!

Model: Jearlean Taylor (Wearing: Make-Up Forever H312)


Bryan Popin

"Growing up in the NY/NJ area and working with church ministries in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and surrounding areas, life was just different than the rest of the world. We worked together. That area is a melting pot of culture"



Hello His Favor Magazine! I am amazingly grateful, thankful and excited. I'm sitting here thinking of all the blessings in my life and the things I didn't deserve, yet God gave me favor. All the things that should have taken me out or the negative words I've had to endure and push through in life, yet God gave me the grace and strength in Him to overcome. My beautiful wife of 18 years just had our 6th little Popin blessing and they are all healthy! Yes, I am amazingly grateful and thankful. My Mom was a choir director. I would see her play the piano for the church and direct the choir. She also taught me classical piano and the old traditional songs/hymns of the church. She wanted me to know tradition. Now my Dad loved music. But, he was non-traditional. He loved soul music, smooth RnB and big band. He was all about vocal tone, placement and music that moved you. He would spin vinyl records in the house... Miles Davis, Donnie Hathaway, The Commodores, Stevie Wonder, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, etc. My Dad helped inspire my love for soul music and music that hit you in the heart. I've never done anything other than music. From a classical concert pianist in my teens, to a music producer and writer, to a gospel artist. I like all styles of music and think that is the beauty of music. To be inspired and inspire others. To be open, honest, creative and connect. For years, I tried to pitch songs to others because I felt I wasn't good enough or couldn't deliver the song like so and so. I had to deal with my own insecurities. But, God will use negative words and those you respect within the industry to tell you "No" or "It's not going to work" to drive you. And oh did it ever. I couldn't find a label to support me, so I started a label. Once I decided to go that route, God connected the dots... I was introduced to this person, this person, this person and it all just lined up. We formed an incredible team that I couldn't have done on my own. The rest is history.

advocate for bringing people together. A bridge builder. Sometimes, we get stuck or comfortable in our world, our box, our life, our church, our genre, our whatever it might be. In today's world, we must speak up and stand up for what is right. We must challenge each other to step out of our normal box and be the hands and feet of Jesus... and love. Love those that may not think like you, act like you, talk like you or look like you. I say, Step In The Name! Step in love, step in faith, just step. Move something, do something, be something. It starts with one. You be the catalyst, you be the change. Let's step together in unity and for a better tomorrow. This leads me to the inspiration behind "Step In The Name." We all need a lil' feel good music to help us along the journey. I love soul music, pop music, old school funk and upbeat music. As a producer, I've always been behind the scenes sampling beats, trying new sounds and creating new grooves. The music and the beat behind the song was easy and fun to create. I knew I wanted to have a song that was more than just a beat and a feel good song. For me, Step In The Name was it. To spark myself and anyone around me to give God something to work with. To get out of your normal comfortable world and reach out to others. To step! Not just dance, but by your actions move something. Grab a hand, smile more, forgive more, love more. We need each other and are better together. I've always admired creativity and diversity. I don't think we should deny that people are different. That culture and our differences do not exist, they do. But, why can't we be intrigued by our differences and admire them? That's how I've always felt and I know a few people that feel the same. Thus the concept for the video. I asked some of my friends in the industry. Artists, writers, producers, actors, etc. to step with me and join the movement. It became much bigger than me. Check out the video, hash tag #StepInTheName on socials and let's challenge everyone in our world to be better, love more, forgive more and step together in unity. We can't talk about change anymore. We can't wish things were different or point the finger. We must be the catalyst and create something and I believe God will bless it. Let's Step In The Name!


With all that is going on in the world right now, I feel my music ministry has played a role towards "change" I've been through so many ups and downs in life. I've seen hurt, experienced the pain of loss and first hand seen racism and experienced the affects of it. It is sad. Life can be sad. People can be hurtful. I realized my calling years ago. That with my love and respect for music, especially the gospel/soul music genre, I've been an


Do not get me wrong, I love the music ministry, however, when you go through hardships, you seem to value people and things much more. If you come out of it, you have the choice to never forget what God did for you and it's almost like you have a 2nd chance to make your life better or this world better or even your family better. I really love my family. They are everything to me. For a season, I didn't prioritize my life and ministry in the right order. My career, ministry, music production, writing... all of it was 1st in my life and it was destroying everything I truly valued in life. God gave me the grace to see it and to restructure how I do life. My wife Susan and my family (all my kids... I got 6 of 'em LOL!) became my priority and my ministry and music career became 2nd. To tell you how this flipped and changed my life is an understatement. I've actually been more blessed and had more career milestones after getting this figured out than when I worked more, pushed harder and tried to grind to make things work. I think God blesses structure and priorities and order. He then steps in and gives you favor, which no man can hinder or stop. He blesses what you give Him. He opens the doors and makes a way. But, you've gotta give Him something to work with. I guess I said all of that to say I really just wanna be the best husband and Dad in the world. We must pour into our families first, before we try to tell others how to act or what they can be. We must speak with actions.



Sarah's Grace

I have been blessed to work for myself and to homeschool my children, but I still vividly remember watching the clock at both work and school. It seemed the longer I watched the clock in either setting, the longer it took for the time to pass. I no longer have to watch the clock in either of those settings, but I have to admit I have felt the same way about my life at times. I have watched the time go by waiting for this to happen or that to happen, you know, I’m waiting on that big breakthrough, that milestone, mine and yours may be di ferent, but have you done that? Have you found yourself so focused on how long something that you desire to happen is taking in your life that you feel like time is actually slowing down? I believe we have been guilty of that. What I have learned is that just like school or work, in my younger years, “watching the clock” only makes time seem to stand still or drag as slow as can be. However! I have also learned that when you take your eyes o f the clock and get busy, the time starts to pass whether you are at work or school, or you, like me, are obsessing over “that thing” that you are waiting to happen. Friends! I want to encourage you to embrace the grace of understanding that, just as the scripture says, there is a time and season for everything under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3). Just learn to enjoy the time and season you are in. If you don't embrace the time and season, you will miss the purpose of it. If you are waiting for marriage, then don’t be so busy looking for it that you fail to embrace the process of preparing for it. If you are waiting for a big financial breakthrough, don’t be deceived into thinking it's coming; rather focus on going to get it! Many testify a ter the “time came” that they were waiting for, that they should have enjoyed the season they were in while they were in it. I encourage you to ask God for the grace the embrace, enjoy and even exhaust the season you're in. Ask Him to help you get everything out of it you need for your next season, breakthrough, or milestone. Let patience have its perfect work (James 1:4) while you learn to enjoy your time!

Sarah Grace Author, Speaker, Destiny Coach

www.sarahsgrace.co 34


International speaker, gender equality activist, social justice journalist and minister are some of those hats. She has a Masters degree in biblical counseling therapy and specialized in women abuse. She loves green tea, chocolates and interesting conversations. Together with her husband, she makes her home in South Africa and writes about issues close to her heart on her author site www.laurenjacobs.co.za

Lauren Jacobs

If we look at the current statistics on the exploitation of women worldwide, we see a global enslavement of women that we have to undo. For example, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18 annually, 65 million girls are without education today, over 30 million baby girls have been routinely aborted in China over a 30-year period just because they were baby girls. For me, knowing Jesus has awakened my eyes to see the enslavement of Gods beloved daughters. God woke me up and told me to speak out, advocate, campaign and write about justice for women and that’s what makes me feel alive. I worked as a woman abuse therapist, as a trauma counsellor and as an abuse researcher, those experiences really moulded my heart towards women’s experiences of abuse and trauma. I worked researching women’s stories, which meant I walked with different women over long periods of time, writing about their abuse and their experiences. One of the issues that came up when I spent 2 years working with 60 women for my Masters degree in counselling, was the issue of women abuse in the Church. Largely, I saw how theology and power from the pulpit had been used to further perpetuate abuse. As an ordained minister and scholar, I’m so deeply convinced that equality has to be present in theology and we have to examine areas of discrimination and abuse. Jesus wasn’t about abuse, He was about setting people free. He taught the world how to uplift women, and how to value them. He had female disciples, female benefactors, female followers, leaders and so much more. Empowering women was what He did, and it’s what He has called me to do. 3. Everyone goes through "ups & downs". What advice would you give a young woman that seems to focus on the "downs?" It’s easy to get focused on the downs, I can do it too sometimes. But in reality, I’ve learnt that we are our greatest enemies sometimes. We stand in our own way; our negative thoughts cause us to stop the good work we are called to do. Our doubt or fear of failing can cause us to procrastinate, or never step out in faith. We never start that business or write that book because we think it won’t be good enough, but that’s just the excuse of perfection. My advice is “get up and do it!” Show up to life, even on the bad days when getting out of bed is hard, get up, make your bed (this small task is still an accomplishment), and go to that meeting, jot down some ideas for your next venture and turn to God with your broken prayers. Ask for His help, lay it at his feet and believe because He will turn the down times in to growing times. In 2013 and 2014, I was really going through so many hardships, I fell sick unexpectedly, had two operations and was in bed quite a lot. The sickness left me with terrible anxiety, but on the nights when I could not sleep I would sit with God and He would comfort me. Through that illness I began writing a book as a way of journeying with God. Once I started getting better, God opened a door for a publishing house to sign my book, the following year it won an award! God used the downs to make some incredible highs for me, don’t give up, persevere through the down, breakthrough will come! 4. How has social media played a role in your ministry? My husband and I co – lead a bible teaching ministry, a branch of that ministry is on social media, offering free bible teachings and prophetic messages to the global community. Social media has been phenomenal in that it has really helped us share the Bible with many people who are not in fellowships or who have family who are not believers. It has opened some amazing doors for us to pursue our hearts dream of going on short – term missionary trips and generally it has brought us in touch with people we can pray for and minister to. In a personal capacity, I started using IG and Facebook only once my book came out in 2016. I was hesitant to use social media as a lot of people speak only about their negative experiences of becoming addicted to it and needing a more balanced life. However social media has connected my world with many amazing women who are working with the same mindset and mission of female empowerment. I have met many sisters in real life, whom I first met online and have been guest speakers at their conferences and they have been guests at mine. This year I also made the decision to use my IG to raise my voice on issues close to my heart, again this has connected me with like-minded believers and we are now working together for change. It has made a beautiful world grow smaller in connecting my life with others who are on fire for God. It has played a role in connecting my ministry with more people and forming a stronger community of voices around similar issues, it’s been really positive. 5. Are there any other ventures you would like to pursue in the near future? I think my main focus for the immediate year of 2018 is my new book. It’s a historical fiction piece on the only queen of Israel who ruled just before Jesus came. Her reign was described as a golden age and we don’t even know about her! Through this book I really want to showcase the ability women have to lead, and lead with vision and power. For too long women have been excluded from leadership roles in many denominations, but the strong examples of incredible female leaders can hopefully inspire change. I’d also like to do more talks about the importance of women’s voices and stories, with a more diverse audience. I have my eye on a short – term missions trip I’d love to go on and will focus on the fundraising venture to get there. I’d like to dive in to the venture of seeing my first book turned in to a movie script for a feature film, that’s not only a venture but a big dream God has laid on my heart. And I’d just like to keep stretching my inner self, growing, learning and maturing as a person.

36 Favored Millennials

J o R d a N C o F i E l D

GOAL As a child, I’ve always been interested in athletics. I loved football and basketball especially and always wanted to become an NFL football player. I always used to say I didn’t need a plan B because I knew I was going to make it. IMPACT I feel like I already have a very big impact on my generation because there are plenty of people that look up to me not only athletically but academically as well. When someone tells me that they want to be like me I always tell them don’t strive to like me, strive to be better than me and to outwork me, because then I’m being pushed harder and they are too. So if there are 100 people like or better than me then thats a huge plus on society.

CHALLENGES The challenges that I’ve faced are a lot of big things are expected of me, so its kind of overwhelming because if I don’t fulfill certain expectations I will feel like I let people down, I am a 2x State Champion for but to avoid that I always the 55m Dash, I hold the try my hardest in everything Baltimore County meet record, that I do. State Champion for the 200m Dash. 2x 1st team All-County Wide Receiver. I also paintball, bowl, and play soccer. Finally I will be attending Morgan State University to play football on scholarship.

PURSUIT I am pursuing my business degree at Morgan State University, after I will be building my own contracting business. 37 Favored Millennials

www.neckwerksneckwear.com 38

Tony Marshall The Man Behind The Stellar & Soul Stage

First of all, I am so excited to be featured in this publication. As a producer, I am always the one working behind the scenes. For over 25 years, I have been apart of the Stellar Awards. I started off as a volunteer, then became the talent executive. Being the minister of music at my church during this time, I also loved Gospel music. I actually just wanted to be where the gospel artists were! From there, I became the audience coordinator. Later, they made me the special events coordinator for the Stellars. Now for the last 4 years, I have been producing the Stellar Awards Pre-Show. I literally worked my way up by learning the business. It is so important to learn the business! At times, people just see the results of what you do. They think that it is so easy. It is not the case. For the Stellars Awards, it takes a year to produce what the audience sees in one night! From selecting the right songs, the artists, directing and making sure there is a balance. One year, it was difficult for me to produce the show because that year everyone was leaning more towards a "worship" style of gospel. All of the songs were slow. You can't have a whole show with just slow songs. People will turn the channel. We had to then see what else was hot out there. Basically, we had some homework to do. We had to ensure it was a perfect blend. From how to communicate to the cameramen, the lighting crew, sound and all that entails making a great show. In the end, if you do not know the business, it will show. In my personal life, I have learned that there are seasons. There are seasons of UP. There are seasons of DOWN. Even in you down, try to make lemonade out it. Downs can be a learning experience, so it is important to remain focused and speak the positive. I remember even feeling a certain way because there were other areas I wanted to be involved with. However, it was not my season. When it became my season, I stepped right into it. If I had gone in prematurely, I would not have gained all the ingredients to produce a show. I did not have to step on anyone's toes either. God prepared me! Which leads me into one of the reasons why I like the Stellar Award Pre-Show. I call it the "star breaker" For example, I remember when Smokie Norfolk first came out with "I Need You Now." He performed it at the Pre-Show! That became an epic song. There are so many others that I could mention. Even Vashawn Mitchell was a seat filler for the show. He wanted to learn the business and look at him now. I would love to one day produce the actual show, but I thank God and Don Jackson for this opportunity. It has helped a lot of great gospel artist jump start their ministries. This is more than a job for me, but a ministry to help people. I have done the Soul Train Music Awards as well as coordinate the Apostolic Convecation. My ultimate goal is to help pastors that would like to go on the internet or TV using the necessary tools. Teaching them what caeras they should use, lighting and other things. Basically, educating them to add value to their presentation. I think it will aid in them touching not only their congregation, but with the world!


Carl & Rachel Burnside Rachel: You recently hosted an event "Bridge to Birth". What was the vision behind such an awesome conference?

The Leap Retreat was birthed through my ministry Her Story Lives. The idea behind the ministry is to empower, educate, and promote women of faith. We do so through unveiling many of the stories of women of the bible that are either incorrectly taught or not taught at all. The Leap Retreat comes from he interaction between Mary (Mother of Jesus) and Elizabeth (Mother of John the Baptist) found in Luke 1. While many of us know their story I think there is much to be said about the interaction and relationship. As women we have the ability to speak to the dormant think inside of one another and cause an excitement. There is great power that lies within and I believe that when we truly unify we call our gi ts, dreams, and visions to LEAP! Carl: What was it like writing a book with your wife?

It was a great experience. Rachel and I lived everything we wrote, whether it was going through it ourselves, or working closely counseling others that were experiencing certain struggles. At the time that we wrote the book, we were probably in one of the most unstable points of our marriage. But God kept pulling on us. No matter how frustrated we were with one another, we did our best not to allow it to hinder God being able to use us. We go through problems just like anyone else, but what separates us and makes that book so special is how we always overcome together and have each others back. Our purpose, our books, they are more important than what we are going through. Carl, as a Man of God, how important is it to have your wife involved in the ministry? What advice would you give another pastor that still believes that the wife should just sit back and relax?

The most attractive quality Rachel has is her relationship with God. That intrigued me more than anything when we first met. God showed me over the years why that was so important and why her being my ministry partner was so important. What He had planned to release through me, couldn't happen until her and I were on one accord. Of course I experienced "success" with out her, but there are levels to this. She gave birth to every dream and vision God has given me. Unfortunately there are many pastors and leaders who disagree with me on that. I would tell them to be very careful getting in the way of God. We allow all of these doctrines and ideologies to dictate how we operate, instead of the word of God itself. My advice would be to see your spouse how God sees her, not how you see her. Support her and build her up as God would. It will absolutely shi t and elevate your ministry, and marriage. Carl and Rachel: Why do you feel people are drawn to the ministry God gave you?

We are very transparent about our own story, testimonies, and process both as a couple and as an individual. I believe because we allow or truth to be a foundation for conversation there is a level of comfort we project and invoke. We are both on fire for God and living examples of what He can do when you truly give your all to Him. As a couple, we are aware that God has called us to speak to the body of Christ through marriage; however, that includes really honing in on the man and woman as individuals first. It is our desire to truly lead others to wholeness and God's heart that keeps our ministries going. What is it that attracted you to each other in the first place? (either can answer)

It can sound cliche at times but a major component was and is God. We saw God in each other, in a way that no relationship before had ever shown. It became obvious to us upon first meeting that we were designed not just for each other but for the Kingdom. We were attracted to the Spirit that resides in us both and the fire and drive that the Spirit creates.

www.hispointherview.us 40

It's Conference Time


oyce JMeyer


E n j o y i n g E v e r y d a y L i f e What to Do When You’re Stuck

Have you ever been stuck? Have you ever hit a place in life that seemed like a dead end...like you no longer had any options?

I’ve been there many times,

rid of Joseph. First, they threw him into a pit to leave him there to die. But later they decided to sell him into slavery to a band of traveling Ishmaelite merchants. They then devised a plan to convince their father of Joseph’s death.

As you may know, this story ends triumphantly. Joseph becomes second in command to Pharaoh, is eventually reunited with his family, and all is forgiven.

What happened to Joseph is proof that no matter what you

and I’m sure most people

go through in life, there is always hope. You can fulfill

have. But I am so grateful

God’s purpose for you because all things are possible with

that over the years God has


taught me that even when we

get stuck, there is no situation too difficult for Him to handle!

But the part of his story we really need to focus on is what happened in-between the pit and the palace. Joseph’s life

took several turns during that time. But because of

Let’s start by looking at the

Joseph’s faith in God and his determination to persevere

story of Joseph in the book of

no matter what, he never gave up!

Genesis. The Bible says he

was the favorite of his father’s 12 sons, and his brothers

Quitting Is Not an Option

were very jealous of him because of it.

One day Joseph shared with his brothers a dream he’d had. In his dream, they were all bowing down to him. Needless to say, it didn’t go over well!

As a result, the brothers got together to decide how to get

In our own lives, we may fall into a pit every once in a while. It could be a pit of sickness, financial lack, relationship issues or other problems. Whenever that happens, you need to be determined that whatever the situation may be, you will not give up!

Always remember, in order to have a good testimony of what God has done, we must first pass the tests. Jesus even told us: 43

“...In the world you have tribulation and distress

They may feel like they’re not smart enough or

and suffering, but be courageous [be confident,

talented enough; maybe something traumatic

be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have

happened to them; or they may have failed at

overcome the world. [My conquest is

something or made terrible mistakes in the past.

accomplished, My victory abiding]” (John 16:33


But the Holy Spirit anoints us to press in, to press on and go through to our victory, even if

It is inevitable that you will go through hard

things don’t go the way we planned.

things. Sometimes you might even feel like

giving up. But if you can just hold on and trust God through it all, He can restore you. He can take all the bad and make good of it (see Romans 8:28).

Failure does not mean there are no more options. You can learn from past mistakes—I’ve found history to be a good teacher. When all else fails, try again. If nothing else, you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t work and go from

It is said that Winston Churchill gave the

there. You can turn your obstacle into an

following speech to the graduates at Harrow

opportunity to grow wiser and mature spiritually.

School in 1941:

God wants us to live a good life; however, there

“Never, never, in nothing great or small,

is no elevator ride to a good life—trust and

large or petty, never give in except to

perseverance are a must.

convictions of honour and good sense.”1

In John 10:10, Jesus said, “The thief comes

Churchill said those words during World War II,

only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I

and I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking that

came that they may have and enjoy life, and

one thing to many of us today—“Don’t give up,

have it in abundance [to the full, till it

because God has so much in store for your

overflows].” The Holy Spirit will lead us one step


of faith at a time into the good life God has

planned for each of us. Our part is to take those

It’s very easy to want to give up when things

steps...and never give up!

get hard. Sometimes people get stuck where they are and don’t know how to get out, so they think giving up would be easier.


The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily re lect those of Joyce Meyer Ministries.


For more on this topic, order Joyce’s fourCD series It’s Never Too Late. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting the website

Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Living a Life You Love:

Embracing the adventure of being led by the Holy Spirit (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV

programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. www.joycemeyer.org


Photograph Used with Permission (Kenneth Temple)

www.chefkennethtemple.com 46

Savory Creole

Mixed Berry Galette

Making pies can be challenging but the answer to solving your pie troubles is an galette. A galette is an open face pie with whatever you want to fill it with regardless if it’s savory or sweet. This recipe uses fresh strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. Ingredients

• 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons allpurpose flour

• 1 tablespoon sugar • ½ teaspoon kosher salt • ½ teaspoon apple pie spice • 1 stick unsalted butter cold, cut into tablespoons

• 2 tablespoons cold water • ¼-½ cup flour • Mixed Berries: • ½ pint strawberries washed, tops removed, sliced

• 6 ounces blackberries washed • 6 ounces blueberries washed • 1 tablespoon cornstarch • 3 tablespoons brown sugar dark or light

• ¼ teaspoon black pepper • juice of half a lemon • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon Mexican vanilla • pinch of salt • 1 egg beaten • 2 tablespoons sugar garnish • 7 mint leaves chopped, garnish • pint your favorite ice cream


1. Add flour, sugar, salt, and

apple pie spice pulse 3 times to combine. Add butter and pulse until mixture resembles coarse meal with a few pea-size pieces of butter remaining. Drizzle in water until dough ball forms (adding another tablespoonful of water if needed). Transfer dough to a ball and cover tightly with plastic wrap and chill for at least 45 minutes.

2. In a bowl mix strawberries,

blackberries, blueberries, cornstarch, brown sugar, black pepper, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, vanilla and salt let sit for 10 minutes.

3. Roll out dough on a lightly

floured surface to a 12" round. Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Mound berry mix in center of dough, leaving a 2" border. Fold edges over, overlapping slightly. Brush dough with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.

4. Bake galette for 40–45

minutes. Garnish with mint let cool, serve with scoop of ice cream.

Recipe Notes

Preheat oven to 400 F Notes: Dough can be made 2 days ahead. Keep chilled, or freeze up to 1 month. If you’re in a rush you can just roll out dough and continue with recipe. Galette can be baked 1 day ahead. Store tightly wrapped at room temperature.



l y d r o e o h C W

"Feeling so blessed and grateful for the divine opportunities God continues to send my way and for the massive impact He positions me to make globally" When did you realize you were called to empower others to reach their full potential? I realized I was

called to do this empowerment work on September 18, 2010 (yes, I know the exact date). It was on that date that I was divinely ushered into my first speaking engagement at Morgan State University. I was asked to speak to a group of mothers to share strategies on how they could start their own businesses just as I had done. To be honest, I felt completely unqualified to be the person at the front of the room speaking into the lives of other women, but I found the courage to accept the opportunity and step outside of my comfort zone. And it was on that date that I knew with every fiber of my being that I was born to speak and to empower others to breathe life into their dreams. So it didn’t matter that I felt unqualified because I had clearly been called!

Please share with our readers the vision behind "Playtime Is Over". Ironically,

Playtime Is Over started off as a saying I use to articulate during my self-affirmation time in the mornings to remind myself that I could not afford to throw away valuable time on any given day just thinking about what I wanted, but that I had to get out into the world and work for what I wanted. One day, I decided to post that saying on social media and it literally became a movement all on its own. Every day, I began seeing women post social media posts using the expression which ultimately turned into a community of women who were committed to executing what they wanted in life and not letting their dreams collect dust. The movement then turned into an annual conference. So, every November I host the Annual Playtime Is Over Women’s Business Conference designed to empower and educate women in business with tools to take bigger risks and eliminate all excuses for not soaring.

What advice would you give a young woman that struggles to move forward due to fear of failure? I would tell her that it is impossible to succeed without failing. In fact, failure becomes a vital part of our equation to manifesting our biggest dreams. Success simply strokes our ego but failure teaches us how to become better! It is nothing more than information learned… and who doesn’t want to keep learning. So, fail fast and fail often… but get back up quicker than anyone else.

"One of my ultimate, long-term goals is to create a product-based direct sales company to help more women globally to become business owners and to develop economic empowerment." President, Personal Power Enterprises, LLC Int'l Keynote Speaker, Women's Empowerment Champion, Leadership Coach & Author www.cherylempowers.com

49 Favor Girls Work

Meet Author Marie Felt

Marie Felt is a native of New Orleans. The inception of this book was driven and drawn from Marie's own unique life's story. Earlier on in her life she encountered a secret life of emotional and physical abuse. During this time, she endured many obstacles that often left her feeling hopeless. Through those hardships, her self- esteem began to wither away. She became isolated and broken. Along that journey, Marie met many others just like herself. It was the love and support of others, where she began to discover her inner strength, which rekindled her strong faith in God, and recreated a new start in life. Her transparency has allowed her to reach the hearts and core of broken women. Marie loves God and is a true worshiper. Her strong faith in God and her powerful intercession of prayer are at the heart of what she feels is the vital key to every essence of a woman's new path to life. Marie is now the founder of “Mending Vines Ministries”, a non-profit organization in Plano Texas. She is a proud wife of fourteen years to her amazing husband Calvin and the mother of three beautiful daughters: Neka, Kera and Kiersten. Marie is also the grandmother of two energetic souls, Manuel and Saniyah. Marie is a Minister of the Gospel, Christian Counselor, Mentor, Inspirational Motivational Speaker, and now an author. “His Favor” had the pleasure of interviewing this inspiring author. Here is what she had to share:

50 Favor Girls Work

“Thank you for this humbling opportunity to do an author’s interview with your magazine. I feel blessed to have this opportunity. What makes my book “unique” is that it is an easy read that not only comes from a biblical perspective, but also from a practical stance. I wanted to be able to reach every audience from every walk of life. Although I am a Christian and understand my relationship with God, many don’t. I don’t believe the way to reach people is to beat them over the head with a bible and scoff scriptures at them. I believe that to reach people right where they are is to be transparent, and your heart has to be in the right posture. When you are coming from a pure place, you are able to reach and meet the needs of people who are hurting and crying out. I feel that sharing my testimony with others breaks the impending cycle of silence that plagues women in today’s society. It is my desire for women to know that they have a voice, and it needs to be heard. There is someone, somewhere, waiting to hear my story. They need to know that they can and will overcome their circumstances. My testimony is mines; I own it and no one can better tell my story than me. It’s my truth. Sharing my testimony gave me freedom and liberty to live a life of quality in abundance. I have witnessed women be delivered, healed and set free from me sharing my testimony with them. I feel if more people would share their testimonies, we would have less abuse and suicide. I want to go on to say, NOT sharing our testimonies, keep us in bondage; bound to many strongholds. For years, I have been sharing my testimony at various speaking engagements and I lead a small intimate women’s breakfast once a month in the comfort of my own home. I have also mentored women over the years. One day, I had a dream that I was speaking at an event and I was signing books afterwards. When I woke up, it was clear to me that God was speaking to me to write a book so that women all over the world, who did not have direct access to me, could read of my struggles and victories in becoming and overcomer. I want my readers to feel that they can now take one step at a time to finding out ‘whose’ they really are (a child of God), and not who they have been answering to. I want them to feel refreshed, inspired, motivated and encouraged to begin living a life of wholeness. When they open my book and they are broken, by the end of my book I want them to feel mended. Please know that through your brokenness, you can discover who you really are and your purpose in life. Just let God heal you…” You can purchase Marie Felt’s new book , “Broken But Mended” on her website www.mendingvines.org.

Facebook: Marie Felt / Mending Vines Instagram: Marie Felt / mendingvines Twitter: @MarieFelt

Interview by: Anissa Stewart

On The Bookshelf

(Recommended Christian Books)



Favor Author

Resource Lane

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Halftime with The Coach Self-care is a term that I encourage more men to

Fill 'er Up

become familiar with. I encourage men to prioritize

My wife and I have different driving habits. One of us is a

themselves. Self-care could be as simple as learning to say

speedster, while the other is more conservative. One of us sits closer to the steering wheel, while the other sits in a more relaxed driving position. And when it’s time to get gas, one of us gets

example we’ve been discussing- running low on fuel, self-

These are all too familiar scenarios, as I discovered while

difference was staring at me. I get a full tank of gas because I need a full tank of gas. I drive my family to the various places that we have to go- sports practices & games, church, appointments. I am typically the driver, especially since we have one vehicle at the moment. As such, I find myself in full “chauffeur mode” quite often. While I’m driving on various excursions, I may catch a glimpse of the fuel gauge in the car and notice the gas level is getting lower. I am usually on a mission to get everyone in the family where they need to go, and I am typically confident that I’ll be able to get gas after I’ve done everything for everyone else. In the process, I take the risk of breaking down on the side of the road because I don’t have adequate fuel to do it all. I’m not alone in this risky behavior. A recent survey found that every year, 827,000 drivers ignore their car’s warning light, causing them to run out of gas and break down. People ignore the warning signals and break down daily. My dear brothers, pay attention to the indicators. We all run the risk of breaking down and leaving everyone connected to us stranded. The popular saying is that you can’t pour from an empty glass, yet so many men are going through life dangerously low on fuel. We are charged to be protector and provider, and many men are fixers by nature. We do. Often doing for others selflessly, while leaving our own needs until last.


& ce gs, a e n P ssi ch Ble Coa e Th

care would be rejecting the thoughts that doing for


However, upon deeper examination, another glaring

that are fulfilling and meaningful to you. Self-care could mean regular exercise or meditation. However, in the

twenty dollars worth of gas, while the other fills up the tank. discussing this issue with some of my fellas.

“no” to some requests. It could mean engaging in activities

yourself first, is selfish. Look at this issue in terms of spiritual warfare. The Apostle Paul explores us to take every thought captive and subject all thinking to Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:5). Get into the habit of asking God to help you understand why you do the things that you do. Reject thoughts that encourage you to stay so busy doing for others, that you neglect yourself. Seek the Lord in your prayer time, ask Him for guidance to live a balanced life of self-care and service. My brother, encourage yourself. Remind yourself that your health is important. Flight attendants tell all passengers during safety instructions when boarding an airplane- put your oxygen mask on first, and then help the person next to you. Don’t wait until the tank is empty. Don’t wait until it’s too late.


Donny Raines

Patrick Shipley


Gabriel Gardner

Jimmie Webb

The band is really doing great. Our show schedule for 2018 is filing up fast. We had plans to go to the studio this year to work on our second album. But the Lord is opening up so many more doors to play music, His music, we’re not sure when we are going to have time to record. We’ve plenty of new songs to start the process and God has been good to inspire us. We don’t play or write anything that’s not inspired by God. The ideas are lowing and slowly coming together. The new album will be darker than our debut album because of the current political and social climate. On this next album we’ll be addressing those who are controlling the dialog in the public square from the

Being a group whether secular or Christian can be challenging. Besides God, what else has kept you all together? God has kept us together. Not just as a band but a small group of brothers, we’re been through a great deal together. In the middle of recording the debut album. Drummer, Gabriel Gardner’s son, Gavin died tragically in a house fire in October 2016. When the band went out on a part of the southeast leg of the Extreme Tour in the summer of 2017, we knew that God put us together for a purpose. Every day it seems like the enemy is trying to take a piece out of us. Between work, family, church and all our other obligations, we marvel at the blessing that we have in Faith Head. None of us are perfect. We fail God every day, like everyone else. We wonder what kind of world we’re leaving them in after we’re gone. The older we get the more seeing the sin sick condition of this world breaks

Christian worldview. We’ve added a couple of the new songs to the current set of songs we’re playing now but we really want the rest of our new music to be a surprise.

How did you come up with the name "Faith Head"? It’s a question that gets asked a lot. After several years of

playing in a couple of different Christian Rock/Metal bands, I (Patrick aka PFunk) wasn’t sure if I had another band in me. Over a year had passed since my last group disbanded. I didn’t have a lyric or a note. I wasn’t sure what God had planned for me and my talents. I’d waited on God after returning from a prodigal phase in my 20’s. I could wait on God again. I was driving between Charlotte, NC and Atlanta,GA listening to Dr. Michael Ramsden on the radio. He made this statement that “the world thinks we’re all a bunch of faith heads!” I was like .. what’s a faith head? Then the inspiration starting flowing after that. The hardest part about starting a band is .. where to start, with what songs. But after that moment the songs just kept coming .. “Going to the Mountain”, “The Walk”, “Jehovah-jireh” and shortly thereafter we started collaborating as group with “Burn” then came “Push” and “Revolution”.

our hearts. Faith Head doesn’t want to spout religious clichés or write generic lyrics over mediocre music. We simply want to lift up Jesus Christ so people can be drawn to Him. We are starting to get some attention. Someone messaged “hail satan” to us via Facebook. It startled me a little because it made me think we have the enemy’s attention. The goal is to be more than Christian entertainment (which was never our goal) and start to touch lives. We have no delusions of grandeur. The world is against us because it is against Christ and Christianity. How often do you practice? The band rehearses at least once per week, twice if there is a show. Other than writing new music most of the time we’re tweaking the show performance. Name a time that the spirit of God took over during a concert and 'til this day, it still leaves you in awe? The last time was at the Gospel Spin Awards in Atlanta, GA in October 2017. Typically we’re playing to a secular audience which takes a while to warm up to us. The Spin Awards audience immediately plugged into the energy coming off of us from the Holy Spirit and jumped to their feet. It was the most affirming experience because up to that point the CCM and Gospel music industry hadn’t embraced us, and in some ways they still haven’t. But that night, it was a powerful moment of acknowledgement and confirmation that we’re on the right path, His path laid out for Faith Head.





up bring revival. The Word of God is not dead. It's just that some of the people that are delivering it, maybe a little sedated. In saying so, I believe its time for a revival! Not so much a tent meeting, another conference or a form of outward expression, but something that happens inward. Once people start having revivals by changing their lives and transforming through the Word of God, we will start seeing changes in our cities, schools, the government and more!

Our ministry is geared towards people that do not know about God, have been "de-churched" or just looking for something new. I believe our world is real with people going through real things. Therefore, they need a real savior. Many times "the church" presents all of these other things instead of who Jesus really is. God has called us to represent Him. I think our church plays an awesome role in that we get to tell people about Jesus in a way that they can relate to. However, it not always "good feelings" but grace and truth, I feel this is also necessary and what people need right now. When it comes to this generation's view of "the church", I feel that it is about 20 years behind. Compared to what the world is doing via technology, communication, advancements and using their resources, I do believe that there is a generation rising


In my own life, I have done things that were stupid. I have even hurt people due to my careless decisions. Yet, I would not want to redo anything. I am still here. God has me right where he wants me. It tells a beautiful testimony of God's grace and His faithfulness. Romans 8:28 comes to mind " All things work together for the good for them that love the Lord". I wish I would have hurt fewer people, but I am so glad where I am at right now! When I was a youth and young adult pastor, God has to literally take over EVERY service. I had no idea what I was doing! I can remember when there were times when we saw healings. There was a young lady that was diagnosed with cancer. The young people got around her and even prayed several times. She is alive today and does not have cancer in her brain. I honestly feel that it was the faith of a group of young people (some of them were still in sin), but they had faith to believe God could heal her and He responded. There were so many testimonies after that! It started a chain reaction!

Pastor Michael Todd

Right now, I just want to live a life that God just not "takes over a service" but one that God is over. This way, I don't need a moment where God is doing great things in a service. I want to know that I live a life that my steps are ordered. God is working out all the details of my life! I think now, I have become more intentional about Jesus not being just my Savior, but my Lord. He takes ownership of everything concerning me. It is so exciting to live a life with a Savior and a Lord! I see so many people that do "social media" way better than I do. I really do not know why people are so receptive to my clips. I am just being honest! I just think I am being authentic and showing people who I really am. I made a post awhile ago about having to trade in a really nice car for a minivan. There are a lot of others that would not show that. I ended up talking about the

responsibilities of being a father, making hard decisions but also making the best of it. I was going from the "batmobile" to the "stagmobile" I think people are just drawn to authenticity. I hear Craig Oshell say once "people are would rather follow a leader that is real, than one that is always right" I really believe that is everybody, including me. I want someone that has no problem saying "Hey! I messed up!" Overall, I think people have received me well on social media just because of that... AUTHENTICITY

Aside from being a pastor, there are so many other things I would like to pursue. I love music. It is my ďŹ rst passion! I even would like to write stories, movies, and plays. Yet, in this season of my life, I am not really trying to live out my potential. I am truly focused on answering the call of God in my life and live out my purpose. When I think about Jesus, He had the potential to do anything, but He lived out his calling. When He died on the cross and said "It Is Finished", there was so much He could have done. He wasn't' ďŹ nished what he was potential to do, but what He was called to do. I think that's where a lot of people in this generation are missing the mark. They are did things that they could do, but never did what they were supposed to do.

A Real World Needs A Real Savior


Pa s to r Jeffrey Pitts

I am officially a father! To God Be the Glory! I am also a gospel rapper and a writer especially poetry and spoken word. I even like "old things" such as monuments and statues which gives some of the reason for my love for History. Aside from all of that, I have a crazy shoe fetish!

I believe people are drawn to my preaching delivery because I have a prophetic flow. I am fiery and full of zeal. I am also charismatic, but not "fleshy" I do not dwell on just hype. I am able to get people's attention from the lawyer to the drug addict. To be honest, I truly believe I have the coat of many colors and people from all walks of life gravitate towards that. I am non-traditional and real.

When I get a chance to speak to young people in this generation, I tell them that it is important to get around people that have been where they are. You must also place yourself around people that will encourage you. Do not seclude yourself. You must push forward... persevere. No matter what the enemy says to you, keep going (no matter what it looks like). It's 2018! No Toxic people! I don't have time for it! I even see Christian Hip Hop in the next 5 years as a big tool used by God. I think there is going to be a rise in Christian rappers that are going to step in the secular industry and win over the big hitters in that area. For instance, God is going to lay on some of the hearts of the Christian rappers to speak to some of the most well known secular rap artists so that their influence can turn to God. Their following will then turn to our Heavenly Father. Another thing I would like to add is that I have a big heart for mental illness awareness. I am going to do a tour called "Break the Stigma Tour." People with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Psychosis, Autism and other stigmas will come together to be encouraged and hear the message of hope. I, myself have been to 2 mental institutions. I dealt with depression, bipolar and schizophrenia. This is my testimony that needs to be shared. I want to go "knee-deep" when it comes to this area because many people in the church will not bring it up. Right now, I am a pastor as most already know. Eventually, I know God is leading me to have a church when I can train others to go out into the field and preach the gospel. I started a school called "The School of the Prophets" and would like to expand to other areas. 62

"I am not into religion. I am into Jesus"

"I thank God that I get to travel to many countries to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yes. I do manage and also provided marketing services for many Gospel artists, but God has called me to the masses and I do not take that role lightly" Recently, I preached in Bermuda and right after that, Antiqua. The power of God moved so mightily! However, in my earlier travels, I did not know that it was not the best idea to go by myself. One time, while heading to Africa, I was in France trying to connect with the ministry in Benin Cotonu via my Sprint phone. Unfortunately, the airline could not find a ticket for me in the system. I ended up using a pay phone that was in the back of the area behind 4/5 other payphones. When I came out to the front, I then realized I was the only person in the area. I then asked the policewoman (that did not speak any English), what happened. She pointed to a bag and stated "Le Bomb" I immediately ran through the airport, praying to God "Please God help me!" I ran all the way to the end of the station I was at.


Veryl Howard

When everything calmed down, I was blessed by a few ladies with a ticket to my destination in Africa. Upon arrival, they pulled out a red carpet and then told me that they prayed for over 2 months for me to arrive alive! Prior to all of this happening, the original day I was supposed to fly, the Lord told me not to. Even my bishop at the time told me it was my assignment and to go, but I knew what the Lord was telling me. I gave God all of the thanks and praise. It really was an example of how I truly trusted the voice of the Lord and not man. Another occasion, I went to the same country with one of the artists I manage. We were in a stadium and the people were literally jumping off of the stands to meet us; their American brothers and sisters. They began to embrace us! I have never seen anything like it! To be able to fellowship with them was such a blessing for me. The concert was set at Elmina, Ghana which is one of many slave sites. That is the place of "No Return." Reason being, that was where they put slaves on the boat. It was very emotional for me to even be there. I then met the Ashanti King in Ghana. I was invited to his home. Even in all my traveling and doing so much in the kingdom, it is imperative to be a prayer warrior. My team and I are very strong prayer warriors. I can't do just "regular church". I have to be where we can't move at all until the glory rest. I take my team out even in the streets to see the magnitude of their prayer lives. I have even seen an 83-year-old woman that had 3 strokes. She could not see, yet she was pushing her walker... EVANGELISING! The family member that was with her, stating that all the years she'd been in church, they never stepped out into the communities and evangelized. This is one of the reasons why this year, my focus is to show people how to have a "kingdom prayer life." I want to help others see how that can apply kingdom principles to their everyday life. I am discovering more and more that so many individuals are sitting in church, yet they are clueless as to how to live a "kingdom prosperous life." I am not talking just financial, but their life overall! The life that GOD has ordained for us. My team and I are on a mandate to get to as many people as we can. It took a lot for them to understand that I am not a "4 Wall" pastor or apostle. I am a global apostle with a local mandate. I teach people how to be impactful just like the disciples were told to go to the uttermost parts of the 4 ends of the earth. On another note, I do have things that I would like to do over. The Lord told me my past made me who I am today, but there are still some things that I personally regret. It actually involved a couple of men. To be transparent, I've had an STD and I've been beaten up (while carrying triplets). I ended up going to the doctors to find out I had dysplasia (irregular cell flow). They ended up giving me a choice on whether to take my children so that they could do the surgery. I toiled with the decision to the point every time I went to have the procedure, I ended up having a nervous breakdown. There were nights after they took the "I may not babies, that I had nightmares. I could hear babies screaming and crying; which lead me to become suicidal. exhibit the Even now, I have to constantly pray so that the spirit of depression does not fall upon me. I ended up being “bling, born again after all of this. However, lookingback, if I knew what I know now, I would have kept the babies, bling” with knowing that God had a purpose for my life and would have kept me alive! There is more to me than being a manager to known Gospel Artists and having a Marketing and Promotion business. What I have shared is just a tip of the iceberg. I love everything about me, yet I know God has even more for me to do. People need Jesus! They need God's warriors to rise up, especially in this time! I have answered the call. I am going full force... In His Mighty Name! I have so much to share with the world! If anyone would like for me to speak, please contact Minister Tara N Hughes at 919-924-2313

my name in big lights, but I believe my “bling, bling” is God" 63


Hello! The last time you joined us, we were under a different name. How have you been? Yes! I noticed you changed the name of the magazine. The new one looks good too! I have been fine but busy with music recording and taking God's word to nations. As an African female artist, do you see a difference in the way women are viewed in the industry compare to about 5 years ago? Yes. Alot. Music, whether gospel or secular was reserved for men, especially mainstream gospel. We could only comfortably sing in church choirs and orchestras but now I am glad we have gospel ministers impacting the world through their music careers.

Janet Otieno

Why are you so passionate about your calling? Because that is the only way I will be able to give God the glory, the giver of life and talent. How has social media played a role in your music ministry? It has helped my ministry grow in a very major way. It is through my social media pages that I get to interact with my fans, share any news about my ministry etc. With the current trend in technology, no musician can afford to overlook social media!


I would like to set up a foundation

that will put together all the charity works that I do. I intend to give back more in the future when God opens more doors!



Meet Dileep

Hope In Jesus Ministries Hello! My name is Dileep! I am an Evangelist from India. I have been in ministry for more than 5 years. We Preach the Gospel to the poor in the remote villages when we go for outreaches. We help them with their Needs like clothing and food which opens the door to show the Love of Christ. We also share with them who is the true God through our preachings! I am so passionate about my calling because Jesus called me to lead the lost souls to Him. As I want to be a faithful servant of Him, I will follow His words. He said " Go and preach the Gospel to the Nations" Mark 16:15. and "Love your neighbor as yourself" Mark 12:31. So we are preaching the word of God to the Lost and Helping the poor to show the Love towards them. I Think many places in India have a very harder time accepting Jesus as their personal savior especially being from Hindu background. But by God's Grace, in our place there is no persecution.I give Glory and thanks to our Almighty Lord Christ Jesus for not having persecution in our particualr area. We have an Idea to spread our Ministry to the Tribal Villages and remote places where the Gospel cant reach. Usually, I don't get on to social media (Social website) except Facebook. It has played an excellent role in exposing of our ministry. I Pray it will be expose more in future to Glorify His name through our Ministry.

I would like to share about our ministry & our Projects

Every month at least 5 to 6 Bags of Rice must be distributed to the needy People. Every two months medical camps must be planned, so we can take care of the health of the peoplethat cannot aford the Medication. Every 2 months, we have a Pastors' meeting. We provide the less fotunate pastors a love feast and a small inancial gift Every three months, 100 Bibles must be distributed in the remote areas those that cannot aford to buy a Bible. Every four months, the gospel outreaches must be plan to go to the remotes villages and to the tribal villages. Every Six months, the Gospel Crusades must be arranged. Every year clothes and blankets are distributed during the Christmas season to the needy. Prayer Request I request you all to lift us and our ministry in your daily prayers especially for the Ministry needs like a sound system, Bibles, and all our Ministry Projects. (All of this by our one and only Almighty Lord Christ Jesus of Nazareth) He must be Glorified, AMEN! AMEN!

www.hijministries.webs.com 66



"How God Has Favored Me" by

Kay Morris In April 2006 God Favored me and the Kay Morris Foundation of which I am President. Through a multi millionaire, I brokered $1.5 million in anti-retro viral medicines for people living with HIV/AIDS in Sub Saharan Africa. The news went viral in Africa and the King and people of Berekuso, Ghana decided to honor me for my humanitarian work in Africa. In September 2006 they crowned/enstooled me as Queen Nana Oye Sika I of the Royal House of Berekuso, Ghana. My Royal

Ragalia that I wore during my Installation as a Queen was displayed in the Royal Ontario Museum (The ROM) for one year as a part of Black History.

In 2013, God Favored me when I was bestowed an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from the University of San Jancinto California

In 2012, God Favored me and the Kay Morris Foundation when I was invited to be a Delegate Representative at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank General Annual Meetings Civil Society Policy Forum in Tokyo, Japan where I participated in various panel discussions about alleviating poverty and health issues aecting people in Africa and The Caribbean.

In June 2016 God Favored me when I received an invitation to perform at the White House events and also a ended some Congressional meetings to address issues that aect people in The Caribbean and Africa. I also a ended a special White House Reception which was catered by The President's special Chef.

In January 2018 God Favored me when my album Hallelujah Train was considered for Grammy in two categories during First Round Ballot voting. As a Caribbean Gospel artiste, this is a major accomplishment just to be considered. I received an invitation from The Recording Academy to a end the 60th Grammy Awards in New York City. I also performed at The Soiree of LA event honoring the legendary Dionne Warwick at the BB King venue during Grammy Weekend. www.kaymorrismusic.com www.kaymorrisfoundation.com


As an African artist, not that it is anything personal, but there is indeed in the way we are received compared to a known American gospel artist. It is basically the same way JayZ is received differently than others. I believe its different levels of exposure and expectations. The American artist has had more years of investment poured into them such as Marvin Sapp, Donnie McClurkin etc because they are under a label. They have people putting money into their craft. However, for the UK and those in Africa, the majority are independent. There are not the same level of investments to deal with. That means you might not have that much muscle to put into marketing and promotions, recording, videos etc. This does not just go for gospel artists, but authors, athletes, and other markets. I have been doing this for a long time. I am extremely passionate about my calling because I am doing God's will. It also gives me life and a deep sense of fulfillment. It is much more than working in a department store as a 16-year-old. I want to make sure I am on point with God by living my best life... now! Even now, social media has played a huge role in my ministry. I actually came to social media late! The point when Riversongz hit the ground running was years before Youtube and Facebook were the big the thing, we were still "all tech" (purely radio and TV). TV gave us a lot of love. From BET, OTV and other stations in Nigeria and Ghana were had a lot of coverage. Yet, I was still not awake enough to social media. By the time the "revolution" materialized, we were behind. I am only just catching up! Where we should have easily a million followers, we don't. However, with that said, social media is not the end of the matter. Typically, we all rush for big numbers on social media. You need to build your actual following! For example, there are gospel artists that have 200,000 people following them on Instagram; 500,000 on 68


Facebook. But in their own territory, they can't fill a venue with 2,000 people. How can you have so many followers and that be possible? there is something wrong here. There is a group called "Composers." They are all Christians and pastor's kids but do not sing gospel music. These guys are selling out shows with 3,000 people... regularly! When you look on social media, they have about 20,000 followers and are able to sell out venue's capacity. Their target market is those that use social media heavily. We recently did a campaign introducing different Riversongs to the market. To my shock, big numbers were coming back from Brazil, Malasia, Mexico and more. When I say big numbers, Malasia alone, had 2,000 people respond in less than 2 days. If it was strictly the days of TV, we would not have known. With social media, we were able to track it in real time. Worship to me is giving God the best of what you have. I believe it is giving your utmost to His highest. Your utmost will be different from someone else because we are on different levels in our journey. We as Christians at times can be judgemental. A young kid that did not grow up in Christian home, utmost may be different from the person that grew up in a home where there was no smoking, no swearing, no drinking and other things. As of now, I am working on a project with CBN. CBN is the station that producing "Turning Point." which is the show that I do. There is a TV program called "Jewel" that I am also working on. As an artist, I am working on a new album which features duets with other artists from around the world. It is best to keep an eye on social media and the website.



What Does the Word Say?

I have been a believing believer for over 33 years! My journey started in 1985, my junior year of college. Most importantly, it was the first time I tasted the pure Word of God. With the help of a childhood friend, we started a Bible fellowship on campus and I witnessed to everyone who would give me their ear. The Word of God was so hot, I couldn’t wait to get out to the outside world, what was happening to me from the inside. From the inside of my believing heart, the Word of God burned within me, it was alive and powerful.

Fast forward to 2018! I am still standing, but since 1985 I find a reoccurring question that continues to keep this fire burning. It’s always the same question but it applies to everything all the time. That question is: what does the Word say?

What does the Word say? If you can’t answer that question regarding everything in life, you might not be on the right path! All believing believers know how critical that is. In some cases, the answer can mean the difference between life and death!

Psalm 25:4

Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Bible is the #1 best selling book of all time! 5 billion Bibles have been printed, in over 300 languages! Then how come everyone doesn’t know what the Word says? How come everyone doesn’t live what the Word says? What does the Word say about that? Romans 10:16-21

But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

There is no greater joy in this world then to know what the Word says! Life is so precious, and I am so grateful to have lived all these years knowing what the Word says! The Bible is the Word of Life, containing everything we need for the voyage of life. Just as it was for me back in 1985, continues to be true today; I learn and grow in God’s Word that I may live and my seed after me. I exhort everyone, everywhere to choose life! Choose His path, and learn with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength what the Word says! The Word says you won’t be disappointed! Rich Wessenberg is the Author of Top Selling book “Treasures Romans 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.


of the Believing Heart” which shows how to build a strong believing heart, is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble; Follow Rich on Twitter @richwessenberg

B ianca L ynnette

Did you know that there are riches buried in what you consider your pile of “junk”? I believe that one of the main reasons why we as humans are unable to be effective disciples for the Kingdom is because we are struggling with Accepting Our Truth. We are brought out of our trial & tribulation by the grace and mercy of God for his glory, yet we are still mentally trapped in our past mistakes and shortcomings. So entangled in our past sins that we are unable to be effective disciples and share the good news of what God has done in our lives. Somehow the World has convinced us to hide behind our truth and be shameful of what we’ve been through; forgetting that freedom is available to even the best sinner and God’s love has already covered us, granting us the free will to walk in truth. I can guarantee you there is someone in this World that is struggling with the same addiction, the same guilt and the same sin as the one you’ve so graciously been delivered from; and guess what, they need YOUR help!

Listed below are a few steps to consider when making the decision to Accept Your Truth…and remember, tomorrow isn’t promised; don’t miss an opportunity to tell your story for His glory

Accept Your Truth: Accept whatever the sin was within yourself. Forgive yourself, as God has already forgiven you. Understand that in order to have a testimony you will have to go through a test. Learn from your mistakes and journal through your process. Journaling allows you to look back over your journey and see how far you’ve come. Allow yourself time to heal. Seek out professional help if need be and take time away to allow your past wounds to heal. There is no designated arrival time to your healing. Take it one day at a time but don’t give up. Share your Story! Allow yourself to be transparent. If you are still in the healing stage, take your time with sharing. It’s ok if you are unable to share your entire story; but know that we are overcome by the word of our testimony. Walk in your Authority! Instead of carrying your story on your back as a burden, tell your story with confidence knowing that your truth is someone else’s hope! Remember, the main objective is for all of us to experience Kingdom living here on Earth. We want to help others to come to a place of self-forgiveness and to know there is beauty in the ashes. Remain in God’s presence. Continue to ask God what his will is for your journey. You never want to get ahead of God. Allow him to go before you as you walk in your truth and speak his word of new life!



rks Ku r t i s P a Jesus told us to "Go and make disciples" in the Great Commission from Matthew 28. I think if you're a person who calls yourself a Christian, you can't take this as an option. It's a command, and it's our privilege. We get to take part in the greatest calling of History - to find those who are far from God and point them to Jesus. So whether I'm writing a song, traveling to play music, or preaching in my Church, that is the end goal. To help people discover a relationship with Jesus, and see their lives transformed through purpose and power. The Holy Spirit has made my life worth living, and I want to see others come into that truth! 72


I started singing when I was really little (probably Disney songs from Aladdin and Lion King). My parents got me into piano lessons when I was 11. By 13 years old, I was writing songs non-stop. Throughout my life, I've written over 1200 songs ( I'd like to think at least 20 are pretty good). Singing and writing are definitely passions in my life, but I think more than those, at this stage of my life, I'm passionate to preach the Word of God and lead people in discipleship. Worship is everything. And it's not just musical. Romans 12 tells us that our "true and proper" worship is a life of sacrifice, submission, and service. When we serve one another, that is worship. When we lay down our personal preferences so that others can know Jesus, that is worship. And of course, when we sing to God in awe and reverence, that is worship! I like how Bob & Larry put it on VeggieTales - Worship is anything we do that shows God we love Him! I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I don't like how it can suck you into hours and hours of endless searching and consume your whole day! It can lead to a lot of unproductive stuff. People use Twitter now more for posting their politics and it's lead to a lot of arguments and disunity, especially in the Church. We have to always remember to shine as lights, and bring unity and love to whatever we do. So that's the way I post - to challenge and inspire people to know Jesus more. I love Instagram, and we all know a picture tells a thousand words. So that's my main avenue to bring people into my world. I post pictures of my kids, my wife (on fun date nights) and of course music and travels. I've actually had people come to the church I pastor because of an Instagram post. So I believe it's the way we tell stories today, and will continue to be. So make sure you're telling a good story! HIS story! There are definitely specific audiences that you capture with whatever role you play. As an author, my book "Sound Check" was geared towards worship musicians and praise bands. As a worship leader, my leadership was really geared towards leading the body of Christ in powerful encounters of His presence. Now as a pastor, my reach goes to both people IN Church, and hopefully to those OUTSIDE of church, who are seeking meaning and purpose. I hang out with a lot of people who don't call themselves Christians, and I try to be a source of hope and grace in their lives. Why? Because that's what Jesus did. I'm currently producing a lot of records. Matter of fact, I'm actually working on my own Hymns album, where I take some of the old great songs from our church history - "Be Thou My Vision", "Nothing but the Blood", "Old Rugged Cross" (to name a few) and I bring them into our modern day and age, with some cool instruments, but keep it very organic. Acoustic guitars, mandolins, banjos, upright bass, percussion, and lots of harmonies. The album is called "Hymn Like" and will come out this summer. Be on the lookout! I'm also currently working on my second book, "Fools Gold" that talks about a life in the Spirit, zooming in on Galatians 5 and the fruits of the Spirit. I'm really excited about that one! I'm hoping it will release sometime in 2019.



Why are you so passionate when it comes to promoting women? The media plays a powerful part in how we see ourselves, what we think we can achieve, and what limitations we put on ourselves. The more women are properly portrayed, the more women will rise up in leadership and push past their self-limiting beliefs.

The reason behind why I do this is because I was in a toxic and verbally abusive work environment… and didn’t even realize it, until I got out! My desire is to fill the media with stories about powerful every day women and change women’s mindsets about themselves so they realize they can accomplish way more than they may believe.

Everyone goes through "ups & downs". What advice would you give a young woman that seems to focus on the "downs?" The cold hard truth is that - what you think about you bring about. If you can’t get out of your headspace, surround yourself with optimists who can. If you’re surrounded by a bunch of negative energy, that may be why you’re focused on the negative as well. Misery loves company – don’t become its companion.

How would you advise someone that is "all work... no play?” (Do you think it should be a balance?) It’s less about balance, it’s more about presence. You often don’t feel balanced because your mind is elsewhere, when you’re working you feel like you need a break, when you’re forcing yourself to take a break, you feel guilty. Be present in each moment – give all your attention to the task at hand – and you’ll find that you’re more productive at work and enjoy your off time a lot more too. If you have trouble taking a break, schedule it into your calendar just like you do with everything else work related. Schedule in an hour massage, a 30 minute walk in the park – it almost has to become a task that you can check off as complete in order for you to initially justify it. But it must be done, you’re actually less productive if you don’t give yourself time to breathe. Please share with our readers, what exactly is a "Lady Boss"? A Lady Boss is someone who is actively seeking opportunities to better herself and make the world a better place for all those she encounters on her entrepreneurial path. I’m working on my online course right now teaching bloggers how to become in luencers. Read “How To Become An Instagram In luencer” on my webiste to get a taste of what’s in the works right now. I’m currently hiring interns. Apply at www.ladybossblogger.com/career/

Elaine Rau

The Lady Boss Blogger www.ladybossblogger.com



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