Class schedule TIME
6:00-8:00 8:00-10:00
6:00-8:00 8:00-10:00
6:00-8:00 8:00-10:00
6:00-8:00 8:00-10:00
6:00-8:00 8:00-10:00
Message from the rector Congratulations to all our new students and welcome back to current students.
The new academic year for Villa College in 2013 begins with many exciting milestones of achievements. We have our first ever exchange students from Heilbronn University, Germany; new programs; new partner universities and two new campuses starting out of Male’ and two more underway to commence in May including one campus in Sri Lanka. Villa College has always taken pride in having nation’s first in several key elements of higher education and will continue to lead rest of the institutions by continuously innovating and redefining standards of higher education.
Quality in provision of higher education always comes first at Villa College. We always ensure that our graduate attributes are ranked at the top for academic achievements and for personal development. Rigorous academic programs and numerous extracurricular and co-curricular activities are available to students enrolled in Villa College to ensure well rounded educational experience is provided within the vicinity of Villa College.
We kick-off the new academic year by further strengthening our dedication to improve our student services. More clear guidelines and procedures are in place for our students to ensure diligence in student services. This handbook outlines several of these services and procedures in place for our students at Villa College. Every student must make sure to read the content of this handbook to get familiarized with the policies and procedures in place for 2013 to guide your path into our well rounded academia. Continued‌..
Message from the rector I look forward to meeting each and every student of Villa College both at formal and informal occasions in 2013. Please feel free to drop by Student Desk to ask for further clarification and to get acquainted with the key staff at your service. At the same time, my consultations to students are available throughout the year.
Let your experience at Villa College be an enjoyable one, that you value for life. Make full use of this opportunity and learn to make the best use of your potentials.
I wish you a very happy, healthy and a fruitful experience at Villa College.
Dr. Ahmed Anwar Rector
Welcome to CPS This handbook contains important information about Centre for Professional Studies (CPS) and the professional program ACCA. We at CPS believe that you have enrolled to study with us in order to achieve your academic goals and to secure a prosperous career. At Villa College we are committed to help you reach your goals and to see that you are guided and taught with the best of resources. If you have any queries or comments please feel free to approach any member of the staff of CPS. Every single CPS staff member is committed to you and your progress. Additionally, you are encouraged to discuss with your lecturers or course coordinators with any issue related to your studies. Together with your commitment and our contribution for your education, we are sure that you will achieve success and happiness at Villa College.
About ACCA ACCA is recognized and respected across the world, and currently has 424,000
Whatever your background, ACCA addresses your individual needs and goals in a going partnership, which is designed to last throughout your career. This qualification enables you to become a Chartered Certified Accountant and work in any aspect of finance or management in any business. It takes approximately 3 to 4 years to complete ACCA qualification. These figures depend on initial exemptions and numbers of subjects taken per exam sitting, ACCA is open to everyone. On your way to ACCA membership, there are lots of qualifications you can achieve gain along the way. This is a great way to show your knowledge and skills to employers and helps keep you on track and motivated. You can achieve:
a Diploma in Accounting and Business
an Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business
a BSc (Hons) degree in Applied Accounting awarded by Oxford Brookes University
ACCA pathway
2 A’L passes and 3 O’L passes (including Maths and English)
Fee structure Villa College tuition fee (for January 2013) Knowledge Level (F1, F2 and F3)
MRF 3500 per module
Skill Level (F4, F5, F6, F7, F8 & F9)
MRF 4500 per module
Professional Level (P1 - P7)
MRF 8000 per module
ACCA registration fee Initial Registration
Annual Subscription
£79, in addition to any amounts unpaid at the time of registration/removal
ACCA Exam fee structure Exam level
Entry period Early
June 2013 £62
December 2013 £64
Knowledge (F1, F2 and F3)
(F4, F5, F6, F7, F8 & F9)
P1, P2, and P3
(and any two from P4, P5, P6 and P7)
Villa College payment can be made in installments.
Exam entry deadlines Closing dates for June 2013 exam entry 8th March Early exam entry (online only) 8th April
Standard exam entry (online and paper)
8th May
Late exam entry (online only)
Closing dates for December 2013 exam entry 8th September Early exam entry (online only) 8th October 8th November
Standard exam entry (online and paper) Late exam entry (online only)
Early and late fees apply to online exam entry only. Exemption fees will be charged at the early exam entry fee. Villa college will make payment on standard exam period for sponsored students.
Important guidelines Payments to ACCA All students must ensure that payments to ACCA is made according to the set deadlines either via online or bank draft. Although it is the responsibility of the student to make payments in due time, Villa College also provides the service of sending bank drafts to ACCA on behalf of the student. Students who wish to utilize this service must submit the bank draft to the student desk on or before the deadline assigned by Villa College. Since most banks require at least 2-3 working days to issue the bank draft, students are strongly advised to apply for it in advance. Also note that, drafts should be made payable to 'The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants' or 'ACCA'.
Managing ACCA account It is the full responsibility of the student to maintain the ACCA student account. Students are advised to check the account regularly to ensure it is active and make necessary payments such as subscription, exam entry in due time and respond to the emails duly.. Issues regarding the student account must be notified in writing to Villa college Center for Professional Studies as soon as possible while making immediate contact to ACCA via ACCA Connect.
Study materials. Text books and study kits will be available for purchase from the Villa college reception. However, some textbooks may require students to order for the book in advance.
Exemptions. Students with relevant qualifications or practical experience from a recognized institution may be eligible to claim exemptions. Exemptions for the modules can only be granted by ACCA and students applying for the exemption must do so on an individual basis following the procedures set by ACCA. Hence, Students are expected to take full responsibility in seeking maximum exemptions for the modules. If you still have queries regarding exemptions you may be eligible to claim, please contact ACCA Connect using the following contact details: e-mail: students@accaglobal.com telephone: +44 (0)141 582 2000 Further information regarding exceptions can also be found at http://www.accaglobal.com/en/qualifications/apply-now/exemptions.html
Withdrawal / addition of a module Any withdrawal/addition of a module of a student must be made officially (in writing) to Villa College registration. If a student drops a module during the first week after commencement of the semester, the payment schedule of the student will be revised accordingly and the student will be refunded the paid amount. Students can claim for a refund for the tuition after dropping a subject within one week after the commencement of the studies. A student who failed in a module in the previous semester and wish drop a module in replacement of another , will be allowed to do before the end of the first week after the results were released by ACCA. However, no refund will be awarded and students will be liable to pay any additional course fee resulting from replacement of subjects.
Exam entry All students sitting for the paper based exam are requested to bring a copy of their exam entry with the bank draft to the student desk before 08th March (for June exams) or 8th September (for December exams). Students who pay online are also requested to bring a copy of the exam entry to the Student Desk before the deadline. It must also be noted that it is often difficult and sometimes impossible to solve problems after the deadline has passed which may result in the student being unable to sit for the exam.
Computer based exams (CBE) All three knowledge module papers within the ACCA qualification are available by CBE, as well as by paper-based exam: Students who wish to sit for the modules that include CBE must submit the exam application form (FORM 2) with the bank draft to the student service desk before a given deadline. The exam dates will be notified on the CPS notice board at least a week prior to the exams.
Special revision classes Villa College offers special revision classes conducted by Foreign lecturers for every exam period. Students who wish to participate in the classes are expected to register and make any payments (if applicable) to the registration counter at the Villa College reception before the commencement of the classes.
Notification as a Villa college student. Students who wish to receive an official notification as a Villa college student must submit FORM 1 to the Villa college reception. Under normal circumstances, the student may expect to receive the notification within working three days
Students complaint procedure Step 1. It is advised that the student should first try to resolve the issue with the person concerned. Step 2. If the student is unsatisfied with the outcome of step 1, email or write a letter to Head of Center for professional Studies explaining the concern and the series of steps taken by the student to resolve the issue.
FAQ General on or after June 2011), plus compleCan I obtain a letter confirming I am a
tion of the Professional Ethics module.
registered student?
Students who obtain full exemptions
You will receive notification of your stu-
will not be awarded the Certificate.
dent status as soon as your registration
A Professional Level Certificate
application has been processed. If you
Students are awarded a Professional
require confirmation of your status at a
Level Certificate when they have suc-
later date please contact ACCA Con-
cessfully completed all of the exams in
the Professional level of the ACCA
who will be able to assist you.
Qualification (P1 to P3 and any two of the Options papers from P4, P5, P6 What exam certificates are awarded for the ACCA qualification?
and P7). What services are offered through
Students are awarded:
A Certificate of Achievement
There are a host of services and infor-
Students are awarded a Certificate of
mation available through myACCA,
Achievement if they achieve a pass mark of 85 per cent or above for individual passes in Papers F1, F2 and F3. Diploma in Accounting and Business
Chart your progress
Enter for examinations.
Amend an existing exam entry.
View examination timetable and results.
Students are awarded the Diploma in Accounting and Business when they
have successfully completed Papers F1, F2 and F3 (at least one of which must sat
Access the Professional Ethics module.
Make a payment. Etc.
How will ACCA communicate with
Options (P4-P7) – available by paper-
based format.
ACCA’s preferred way of communi-
For example, you can take F3 before F1
cating with you is through myACCA
and F2, but you must complete all three
and email. ACCA reserves the right to
exams before taking F4.
issue all communications and documentation via myACCA and email only, so please ensure your contact
details are kept up-to-date.
Exam Can I take the ACCA qualification exams in any order? You can attempt up to a maximum of four papers per examination cycle. There are two examination cycles per year: 1 February to 31 July and 1 August
If your status allows you to enter for papers across modules, please remember that you must complete the papers in order and enter for outstanding papers in your current module if you wish to enter to sit papers in the next module. For example, you may have already passed papers F1 and F2. You can enter for papers F3 and F4 at the same time, but you would not be allowed to only enter for F4. How do I know if I have been entered
to 30 January.
for the exams?
Papers must be taken in line with the
An email is sent at the end of the online
following module order. However, you can attempt the papers within each module in any order: Knowledge (F1-F3) – available by computer-based exam (CBE) or paperbased format
exam entry process. If you do not receive this, please check your myACCA account to see if your exam entry has been successful. Retry if your exam entry does not show and funds have not been collected from your bank account.
Skills (F4-F9) – available by paper-based format Essentials (P1-P3) – available by paperbased format
If I am not sure if ACCA have received my exam entry, should I submit another one? You should only submit one exam
Payments Can I request an invoice before paying fees?
entry form per exam session. To check
An invoice can be requested at any time
to see if your exam entry has been
from ACCA Connect. There is a facility
processed, please visit myACCA in the
on myACCA for students and affiliates to
first instance and visit the exam entry
print off invoices and receipts them-
section. If your exam entry details are
selves. This service will be made availa-
not recorded, please contact ACCA
ble to other types of member in the fu-
I would like to change my exam entry
When should I submit my annual sub-
on myACCA, is this possible?
scription to ACCA?
Yes. Via myACCA you can make
A subscription fee is charged in addition
amendments to existing exam entries
to the initial registration fee in your first
up until the standard entry closing
year as an ACCA student if you register
date – including changing exam cen-
before 8 May and therefore eligible to sit
ter, variant papers or entering for
at both the June and December exam
more exams.
sessions. Thereafter the annual subscrip-
When are results issued? Results from the June and December examination sessions are issued in August and February, respectively
tion fee is due and payable on or before 1 January each year you wish to remain an active student. Remember the easiest and most effective way of making a payment is by logging into myACCA and paying by Visa, MasterCard, American Express (AMEX), Maestro and pre-paid card. Alternatively you can opt sending the payment via a bank draft.
To check that a payment has been processed,
your myACCA account. Online payments should appear immediately in
When can I apply for exemptions? You should apply for exemptions when you first register as a student with ACCA.
your account and posted payments
If you have gained additional qualifica-
after five working days from being
tions since you first registered as a stu-
received by ACCA. It is important that
dent and believe you may be eligible for
you contact ACCA if there has been a
further exemptions, you can apply for
problem with your payment. Please
these at any time. You can send copies
contact ACCA Connect by phone or
of your educational documents by post
or fax, or email a scanned copy of these
Your name may be removed from the ACCA register if you do not pay your fees on time.
documents to ACCA at ; students@accaglobal.com Please be aware that you should wait
until your exemptions have been confirmed as awarded before committing to
What exemptions are available?
any course of study. ACCA will not be
A maximum of nine papers at the
changes to tuition or study materials
Fundamentals level of the ACCA Qualification can be awarded. To preserve the integrity and rigour of the ACCA
held liable for any fees incurred for where the award of exemptions has not been confirmed in advance.
Qualification and to ensure that all
What documents do I need to submit
students share a common experience,
with my application for exemptions?
we do not award any exemptions at the Professional level.
ifications you already have or are study-
Exemption from all three levels of the Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification can be considered, depending on the standard and equivalence
You must send official proof of any qual-
ing for along with your registration form so that we can assess if you are eligible for exemptions. Please submit copies of academic transcripts or award certificates as evidence.
Any documentation which is not in
the modules studied during the course of the qualification
the year studies were commenced or completed
the date students registered with or claimed exemption from ACCA.
English must be officially translated before submission. Official translations must be stamped and signed by the translator. Please ensure that original documents are not submitted with your application, as ACCA cannot take responsibility for the return of irreplaceable documents. You can email a scanned copy of your documents to ACCA
To find out what exemptions are available for the qualifications that you hold, please consult ACCA's exemption enquiry database in the first instance.
at students@accaglobal.com
When can I pay for the exemptions?
Why did I not receive the exemptions I
When your exemptions have been
awarded, you will be issued with an ex-
Our assessment of students' qualifications takes into account a number of variables, which may cause students with similar qualifications to be awarded differing levels of exemption. These variables include:
the institution or campus where studies were undertaken
emption notification, and an invoice, and the relevant section will be updated in myACCA. Please pay for your exemptions as soon as you have received the invoice. How will I know if my exemption application has been approved? You will be able to view your exemption status via myACCA and you will also be
the type of qualification that was awarded
the programme of study undertaken
Who can I contact about exemptions?
the subject major stated on the completion certificate, transcript or other documents
tact for prospective and existing stu-
sent an exemption notification.
ACCA Connect is the first point of condents' enquiries about entry to and exemption from ACCA's qualifications.
Important Contacts Center for Professional Studies Person
Hisham Saeed
Ahmed Naseer
Senior manager Ahmed Ibrahim Asst. manager
Finance Person
Rifasha Faiz
2 Central Quay, 89 Hydepark Street
Tel: +44 (0) 141 582 2000
E-Mail: students@accaglobal.com
Glasgow G3 8BW, United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0) 141 582 2222
Accounts oďŹƒcer
2013 exam time table June 2013 exam time table Mon 3 June Tues, 4 Jun
F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation
P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance P4 Advanced Financial Management
Wed, 5 Jun
F7 Financial Reporting
Thu, 6 Jun
F8 Audit and Assurance
Fri, 7 Jun Mon, 10 Jun
F1 Accountant in Buss F9 Financial Management F4 Corporate & Business Law
Tue, 11 Jun
F3 Financial Accounting
P2 Corporate Reporting
Wed, 12 Jun
F2 Management Accounting
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
P5 Advanced Performance Management P6 Advanced Taxation P3 Business Analysis
December 2013 exam time table Mon 2 Dec Tue 3 Dec
F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation
Wed 4 Dec
F7 Financial Reporting
Thu 5 Dec
F8 Audit and Assurance
Fri 6 Dec
F1 Accountant in Business
P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance P4 Advanced Financial Management P5 Advanced Performance Management P6 Advanced Taxation
F9 Financial Management Mon 9 Dec
F4 Corporate & Business Law
P3 Business Analysis
Tues10 Dec
F3 Financial Accounting
P2 Corporate Reporting
Wed11 Dec
F2 Management Accounting
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
Notes ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
2 Central Quay, 89 Hydepark Street
“We Know How” Villa College Male’ 3303200 info@villacollege.edu.mv
Glasgow G3 8BW, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 141 582 2000 Fax: +44 (0) 141 582 2222 E-Mail: students@accaglobal.com Website: