10 important points about relationship between balliol and edward i

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10 Important Points about… 1.

John Balliol and Edward I

How fully…the relationship between John Balliol and Edward I?

1. John’s inauguration as King of Scots was attended by English officials rather than the

traditional Scottish nobles and churchmen. 2. John had to impress Edward in order to secure the kingdom of Scotland. Edward had

granted John the kingdom as a result of the Great Cause. John had accepted Edward I as his overlord before the outcome of the competition was revealed. 3. John was summoned, more than once, to Northern England by Edward and crumpled

in face of Edward’s demands to renew his homage. 4. Edward insisted he hear appeals from Scottish courts at Westminster. An example of

this would be the MacDuff case. This allowed Scottish nobles to appeal to Edward if they disagreed with John’s decision. 5. One week into his reign, the Burgess of Berwick appealed to Edward I over a court

decision made by the Guardians that John had upheld. 6. John had to agree to include English officials in his government 7. A different relationship existed between Edward I and Alexander III. Alexander III had

refused to pay homage for Scotland. This shows John did not hold the same power or status as previous kings 8. 1294 – Edward ordered John to provide Scottish troops to fight for him in France.

This angered the Scots because of their good trading relationship with France. 9. John did try to resist but it was feared he would back down in the face of threats. A

Council of Guardians was elected to help John stand up to Edward and negotiate with France. 10. John sent envoys to France in 1295 – a treaty was formally ratified in 1296. 11. John summoned to Edward hoping for leniency. He was brought before Edward at

Brechin and ceremoniously stripped of his royal regalia. This earned him the nickname Toom Tabard.

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