10 Important Points about…
1. William Wallace and the Scottish Resistance How fully…Scottish resistance to Edward I, 1296-1305. 1. Western Isles – McDougal family resented the MacDonalds for being named
Edward’s men in the area. This soon developed into open warfare. Showing Edward’s lack of authority. 2. Irvine – Robert Bruce and James Steward were annoyed that Edward I put Henry
Percy in charge of their lands. Along with Bishop Wishart, the men gathered at Irvine. A small army of knights and footmen led by Percy confronted the nobles, who surrendered. 3. Wallace – murdered the Sheriff of Lanark, Heselrig, who was an English official.
Wallace was then joined by more men and they travelled to Scone to confront the Justiciar of Galloway. Resistance in the South. 4. Murray – his rebellions coincided with Bishop Wishart’s revolt in the south. By late
1297 Murray’s forces had succeeded in driving out all English garrisons north of Dundee. Resistance in the north. 5. Stirling Bridge – victory for the Scottish resistance, death of Cressingham, Treasurer
of Scotland, was a great victory for the Scots. The death of Murray from injuries was a great loss for the Scots 6. After the victory at Stirling Bridge, Wallace and Murray were made joint Guardians of
Scotland. Despite Wallace’s lowly birth, he became sole Guardian when Murray died. 7. Falkirk – the battle was a major blow for the Scots as their infantry was destroyed.
The resistance continued despite this. 8. Wallace resigned as Guardian after the defeat at Falkirk. It would seem that his
authority only lasted while he was victorious. He was later betrayed by Sir John Menteith. 9. After Wallace was betrayed he was publicly executed by Edward I. This served to
show the Scottish resistance what would happen to them if they continued. 10. John Comyn and Robert Bruce were named joint Guardians and carried on the
resistance to English rule.