.HA 13/2002
THE HONG KONG HOUSING AUTHORITY Memorandum for the Housing Authority Report on the Work of the Special Committee on Clearance of Kowloon Walled City PURPOSE To report on the work of the Special Committee on Clearance of Kowloon Walled City (Special Committee) and to seek Members’ views on the way forward of the Special Committee. BACKGROUND 2. The Special Committee was established by the Housing Authority (HA) to advise on the clearance and on the rehousing and compensation arrangements arising from clearance of Kowloon Walled City on 15 January 1987. Subsequently, the Special Committee set up the Assessment Review Board (ARB) and the Appeals Tribunal (AT) which mainly review the amount of compensation and the eligibility of applicants for rehousing and compensation respectively. 3. The clearance of the Kowloon Walled City was completed on 2 July 1992. At present, the Special Committee remains in existence mainly to oversee the handling of appeals submitted by clearees. 4. Pursuant to HA Standing Order No. 20(3), an ad hoc committee should, as soon as it has completed its mission, report to the HA thereon and the committee should thereupon be dissolved. 5. As ample time and opportunities had been given to the clearees to lodge their appeals in the past 15 years, the Special Committee Members agreed at its last meeting on 23 January 2002 that (a)
not to accept any new out-of-time appeal applications with effect from date of meeting (23 January 2002);