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B-24 / B-29 / B-32


“No Smoking in Bomb Bay” Metal Sign
Based on a warning placard found in WWII bombers, this 24-gauge steel sign bombers, this 24-gauge steel sign Made in resembles the look of aged metal and paint. 14"x 8"; the USA. includes mounting holes. includes mounting holes. #66257 $24.95
B-24J “Witchcraft” Display Model
This premium quality, 1/60 scale, mahogany model of the “Witchcraft” is mahogany model of the “Witchcraft” is meticulously carved, hand-painted by expert meticulously carved, hand-painted by expert craftsmen, and delivered with an craftsmen, and delivered with an elegant wood display base. elegant wood display base. 22" wingspan.
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#97740 Reg: $229.95
The Famous B-24 “Witchcraft”
The Enchanted Liberator Watts. This expertly researched volume – packed with over 200 rare vintage photographs – chronicles the complete history of “Witchcraft,” including a detailed examination of its combat history successfully serving the 8th Army Air Force in England during WWII. 176 pages, 215 color and B&W photos, 9"x11¼", hardcover. #21242 $39.95
B-24J “Witchcraft” Cutout Metal Sign
Made in the USA.
Die-cut in the shape of the proli c bomber, this 24-gauge steel sign resembles the look and feel of aged metal and paint and includes mounting holes. 24"x 6". #64403 $24.95
B-24D Liberator Model
On August 1, 1943, a bomb1943, a bombing raid against ing raid against 1/72 SCALE Nazi oil reNazi oil re neries in Romania was attempted neries in Romania was attempted by 176 B-24 Liberators – a disaster for by 176 B-24 Liberators – a disaster for the USAAF with the loss of more than 650 the USAAF with the loss of more than 650 crewmen. An Air Force 1 replica of crewmen. An Air Force 1 replica of “Wongo Wongo” “Wongo Wongo” – a B-24D lost during the mission, lost during the mission, along with her crew of ten – along with her crew of ten – this 1/72 scale, die cast model this 1/72 scale, die cast model features open or closed bomb bays, features open or closed bomb bays, optional-position landing gear, auoptional-position landing gear, authentic 512th BS markings, and a display stand. 18¼" wingspan. #703750 $124.95 The B-29 was the Nearly 3-Foot USAAF’s largest Wingspan! strategic bomber during WWII. This huge, 1/48 scale plastic kit features a complete bomb bay with 12 bombs, open bomb doors, bomb doors, revolving gun revolving gun turrets, phototurrets, photoetched detail etched detail pieces for the pieces for the B-29 Superfortress Kit – Platinum Edition cockpit and cockpit and engines, detailed undercarriage, 5 crew gures, and authentic decals and paint engines, detailed undercarriage, 5 crew gures, and authentic decals and paint schemes for 2 USAAF versions. Assembly required, 215 pieces, skill level 5, schemes for 2 USAAF versions. Assembly required, 215 pieces, skill level 5, 35½" wingspan. #707255 $219.95 35½" wingspan.
B-29 Superfortress with Swivel Stand Kit
This 1/120 scale 1/120 scale plastic kit replicates plastic kit replicates the most powerful longthe most powerful longrange bomber of WWII, the B-29 Superfortress. Features include a clear cockpit, rotating propellers, 3 cockpit crew gures, collectible packaging, decals for 3 versions, and 2 display stand options including swivel base. Assembly required, skill level 1, 14" wingspan. #706842 $19.95

The B-29 Superfortress
Filled with rare wartime footage, this 2-DVD collec- tion includes ten films that feature the Boeing B-29 Superfortress in action during WWII. You’ll get an up-close look at the B-29’s design, watch archival newsreels of its exploits over the Paci c, learn why radar is so important on bombing raids, and more. B&W and color, 2 hrs. 49 min. #V5095 $21.95
Consolidated B-32 Dominator
The Ultimate Look: From Drawing Board to Scrapyard Wolf. Based on company design and production information, . Based on company design and production information, ight and test evaluations and personal narratives, this is ight and test evaluations and personal narratives, this is the de nitive description and appraisal of this neglected the de nitive description and appraisal of this neglected bomber’s development, testing, manufacture and combat bomber’s development, testing, manufacture and combat experience in the Paci c theater of WWII. 192 pages, experience in the Paci c theater of WWII. 192 pages, 400+ B&W photos, 8½"x 400+ B&W photos, 8½"x11", hardcover. #21065 $49.95
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Hobo Queens
Stan Stokes. The last USAAF combat casualty of WWII may have occurred on August 18, 1945, as these two B-32 Dominators on a photo-recon mission were attacked by Japanese ghters. 16"x11½" signed and numbered print. #7460 Reg: $39.95 $19.95