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WWII Aviation Art
Roy Grinnell
All of these limited edition Roy Grinnell prints come with a certi cate of authenticity and are signed by the artist and at least one World War II Ace. Measure 30"x 24".
Signed by Ace J.T. Robbins!

High Noon Over Alicante
A dramatic depiction of Major J.T. Robbins in his P-38 Lightning scoring his 22nd, and last, victory against a Japanese ghter over Alicante Airdrome in the Philippines. Signed by Ace J.T. Robbins. #7679 $189.95
All of these limited edition Jim Laurier prints are signed by the artist and come with a certi cate of authenticity.LIMITED EDITION
Brown's Sacrifice
On June 20, 1944, Lt. George Brown of VT-24 o of USS Belleau Wood led his division into position to attack the Japanese carrier Hiyo. His TBM Avenger took the brunt of the enemy re, while still managing to land a torpedo on the deck. His Avenger was damaged, causing his crew to bail out. Brown did not return from the mission, but his heroism led to the sinking of the Hiyo. 24"x 18". #707281 $189.95


Christmas Over Rangoon

A tribute to the AVG Flying Tigers, this print shows Chuck Older in his P-40 shooting down a Japanese bomber over Rangoon, Burma, the rst of three aerial victories for Older on Christmas, 1941. Signed by Ace Chuck Older and four other Flying Tiger Aces. #7678 $279.95 Signed by 5 Aces!


Signed by Ace Ken Walsh!
Signed by Ace Mike Russo!
A Record For Russo
Depiction of Lt. Mike Russo in his A-36A Invader destroying his second Me-109 of the day on December 30, 1943. That brought his WWII victory total to ve, giving him Ace status. Signed by Ace Michael T. Russo. #707285 $159.95
Zero Fighter Sweep
Marine 1st Lt. Kenneth A. Walsh splashes a Japanese Zero over the Russell Islands for his third victory of the day, making him the rst Corsair pilot Ace. Signed by Ace and Medal of Honor recipient, Kenneth Walsh. #7690 $189.95
Early Riser
An F6F Hellcat arrives on deck for its morning mission. 28"x 18". #707282
Hell is for Hellcat
On June 19, 1944, during the Battle of the Philippine Sea, a Japanese force of Zeroes and Jills headed for U.S. Task Force 58. Unaware of U.S. radar capabilities, they were completely surprised by Hellcats of VF-15 o the USS Essex. Within minutes, VF-15 claimed 20 kills. 24"x 20". #707283 $189.95
Tiger Dawn
Renowned Flying Tigers pilots R.T. Smith and Chuck Older of the 3rd Sqn “Hell’s Angels” take o from Wujiaba, China, for an early morning raid on a Japanese air eld in July 1942. 28"x 17". #707284 $189.95