4 minute read
D-Day / Airborne
F-5 Lightning Model

One of the most crucial elements of the D-Day air campaign was the gathering D-Day air campaign was the gathering of detailed reconnaissance of detailed reconnaissance photographs. One of the photographs. One of the most effective aircraft in most effective aircraft in securing this informasecuring this information was the Lockheed tion was the Lockheed 1/72 SCALE F-5E-2 Lightning, the F-5E-2 Lightning, the photo-recon version of the P-38J variant. This 1/72 scale, die cast model of an F-5 Lightning of the P-38J variant. This 1/72 scale, die cast model of an F-5 Lightning features optional-position landing gear, rotatable propellers, a display stand, and the markings of “Rita/Ruth,” USAAF 27th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Photographic Group, Eighth Air Force, August 1944. 8½" wingspan. #704494 $59.95 This black ag, made of rugged polyester, features the recognizable U.S. Army Paratrooper symbol. Includes brass grommets for easy hanging. 5'x 3'. #109864 $18.95

C-47 Skytrain Model

This 1/144 scale, die cast model recreates a C-47 as own during the D-Day invasion of Normandy. It features rotating propellers, recessed panel lines, authentic markings, and a display stand. 7¾" long. #705095 $29.95

1/144 SCALE
D-Day Operation Overlord Kit U.S. Army Paratroopers

Early on the morning the morning of June 6, 1944, the combined forces of June 6, 1944, the combined forces of the Allied armies landed on the Normandy beaches in Northern France in the most ambitious and important operation of the Second World War. This highly important operation of the Second World War. This highly detailed, plastic kit includes tanks, landing craft, trucks, gun emplacements, soldiers and a diorama base to enable you to recreate this momentous day. Assembly required. 1/76 scale, 235/8" long. #107383 $79.95
This laser-cut kit features hand- Waco CG-4A Glider selected balsa Balsa Kit wood, vacuummolded parts, colored tissue, full-color decals, and full-sized plans. Suitable for beginners and experienced modelers alike, it includes more than 70 parts and has a 30" wingspan when assembled. For display or free ight. #8975 $36.95 Get six paratroop films on one DVD! U.S. Army Paratroop Jumping presents the history and significance of Airborne forces, Paratroops shows the rigorous training through which the men are sent, and D-Day Minus One takes you to the battlefields of Normandy to see the you to the battlefields of Normandy to see the payoff from all that work! You also get newsreel collections payoff from all that work! You also get newsreel collections that cover glider troops, more training, and even Nazi paratroops! that cover glider troops, more training, and even Nazi paratroops! 1 hr. 35 min. #MV52622 $19.95
1/12 SCALE
SAVE $20
Rescue Squad Paratrooper Figure
Recreate a World War II cinematic battle scene with this 1/12 scale articulated gure of a rescue squad paratrooper featuring an accurate head sculpt, 3 pairs of hands, a shirt, a eld jacket and pants, military boots and helmet, an M1 Garand ri e, grenades, water jug, combat belt, tri-fold shovel, accurate armament, and gure stand. 6" tall. #109911 Reg: $109.95 $99.95
Airborne Airborne Division T-Shirts
Celebrating legendary U.S. Army Airborne Divisions, these detailed t-shirts depict logos on the front and back along with the American ag. 100% cotton. A: 82nd #109515 B: 101st #109514
M, L, XL:
Back A

1994 50 Pence British Coin
This brilliant 1994 Elizabeth II 50 Pence coin will make a great addition to your collection. Embellished with planes to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of D-Day, this coin captures a monumental time in history. Made of coppernickel with a diameter of 30mm. Circulated condition. #108616 $12.95

$19.95 each 2XL:
$21.95 each
Paratrooper Signaling Cricket
One click call; two click response! Based on the signaling cricket used by paratroopers to locate other airborne troops at night, this replica is made of brass and steel, has a “U.S.” engraving, and sounds just like the real thing! #M651520 $12.95 B