ro m Ca rmel to Sa n Simeo n , the w ell- preserved , billboa rd-free stretch of coas tal Ca liforni a know n as Bi g Sur (" big south " in Spani sh) draws nea rl y fo ur milli o n to urists every yea r, m any o f w ho m are Jo hn Steinbeck pilg rims. Th e auth o r w as b o rn in Salina s in 1902, a nd 1na ny o f hi s mo st fa mou s w o rks fea ture n ea rb y Mont e rey a nd Big Sur. The N atio nal Steinbeck C enter in Salinas and M o nterey's wa terfront street of Ca nnery R ow are loca l literary shrin es . But there are quite a few m o re booki sh spots one ca n discover in Bi g Sur, g uided by sun shin e and a handy list of attrac tio ns. M o nte rey's less recogni ze d R o b e rt Lo u is Stevenson H o use is o ne such locatio n. Fo rme rl y th e Fre nch H o tel, th e 183os- era ho use was a sig nifica nt locatio n in an un conve ntio nal literary love sto ry. The Scottish - born Steve nson mo ved to Monterey to pursue Fanny O sbourn e, eleven yea r s hi s se nior, whom he h ad fa llen in love with in France. H e repo rt-
edly li ved at th e French H otel whil e he waited for Fann y to di vorce her philanderin g hu sband . In 19 37, th e hi st o ri c ad o be buildin g was purc h ase d by Edith C . van Antwerp and Mrs. C. To bin C lark , w ho presented it to th e state of Ca lifornia as a m emo rial, and it is now part of the M o nterey State Hi storic Park . Th e ho use displ ays Stevenson mem o rabili a, incl uding m any articles of furniture, first editio ns, m anusc ripts, and personal belon gings don ated by m e mb e rs of his famil y. The hou se o ffe rs edu ca ti o n al program s and li vely debates such as " Fann y O sbourne: W as she good fo r Stevenson's life?" The Stevenson house is not w ith out its controversy. " Th ere wasn't a lot of docum entatio n that Stevenson ac tu all y stayed th ere," sa id Michael D . G reen , interpreti ve program coo rdinato r fo r M o nterey State Histo ric Park, " but there is a great dea l of community folklo re, and even the c urato rs feel that th e re is suffi cie nt ev i-