Grade3&4 Newsletter Quarter 1 2014

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Grade 3 and 4 Newsletter

PYP News!

Unit 1: Where We are in Place and Time This unit’s central idea is ‘Past civilization shape present day systems and technologies’. The lines of inquiry are: ● Aspects of past civilizations that have survived ● Reasons these systems and technologies developed ● Why people still use these systems and technologies The key concepts to be emphasized in this unit are: ● Causation ­ Why are technologies and systems needed? ● Connection ­ What ancient technologies and systems do we still use today? ● Change ­ How have these technologies and systems changed over time? Some of our learning engagements included writing about myths and legends, creating timelines, discovering past, present and future technologies. Our summative task will be for students to find and share information about a technology or system from ancient times to present.

Dear Parents, We are well over half way through semester one. The time seems to have flown. Grade 3, 4 and 5 are all about to complete their first UOI (Unit of Inquiry). The other grades are working to a modified schedule. Some of our teachers are going to regional PYP targeted training in Phuket, Thailand at the end of term which should have positive effects in term 2. We also have Virginia Rojas coming for 2 days of training, specifically on ESL. We are quite excited. Check her out here­develop ment/oscb/faculty/Rojas­V.aspx As always, any questions about PYP or your child in particular, come speak to me or email. Neil Johnstone PYP Coordinator

THE ARTS Grade 3 and 4 have begun exploring the function of music in societies of today and how they have strong similarities with music of ancient and not so ancient societies. As part of this unit we are working on a performance of a Luo song from Kenya – Ayub Ogada’s beautiful song, Kothbiro. Year long activities we are continuing include developing singing and audiation (musical “visualisations”), reading of notation (rhythmic) and layering rhythms in small and large groups. The students are now starting to write their own rhythmic notation patterns.

Unit 1

The upcoming Unit 2: How the World Works The design of buildings and structures is dependent upon the environment and available materials. The lines of inquiry are: ● Considerations to take into account when building a structure ● How building impacts the environment ● Local architecture and its connections with the needs of the community and availability of materials The key concepts to be emphasized in this unit are: ● Form ­ What are the materials used to construct different buildings and structures? ● Function ­ What are the uses of different materials? ● Connection ­ What happens when we misuse these materials?

LANGUAGES: (Including French, EAL and Vietnamese) We started the year with the Writing Process. Components of The Writing Process ● Pre­writing ● Draft ● Editing ● Peer Conference ● Revising ● Teacher Conference ● Publishing Students are now writing a myth or legend for Narrative Writing ● Title ● Setting: The starting point of the story. It tells who begins the action and when and where it begins. ● Beginning: The event that starts the action and involves the characters in some problem. ● Events: The events that happen as the characters try to solve the problem. ● Resolution: Tells how the problem is solved. ● Ending: Tells what has come from the experience. Vietnamese: students are learning about the origin of Ao dai (Vietnamese traditional dress) and how Ao dai has changed up to now. ELS: In this unit current focus is the development of phonics skills through

Mr. Grant

interactive and multi­sensory activities. Also wherever possible lessons are connected to the UOI to improve confidence and encourage full participation in the classroom.


Students have been completing a unit on Team Work and Cooperation. Learning to work together to solve problems and complete tasks. Students have been risk takers, working with everyone not just close friends. They have developed a caring and respectful attitude to their team mates. In Swimming they have developed their strokes and practiced for the gala.

MATHS: The focus for Maths are: ● ● ● ● ●

Models numbers to thousands or beyond using the base 10 place value system Rounding to the nearest tens, hundreds and thousands Interprets data from different types of simple graphs Collects, displays and interprets data using simple graphs Designs a survey and systematically collects, organises and displays data in an appropriate simple graph

Key Dates: Wednesday 24th September: Reception­grade 2 Swimming Gala at Daewoo Friday 3rd October: Autumn Break Monday 12th and 13th October: School closed for staff PD Monday 10th November: Late start, students in school by 10.30 Monday 17th and 24th November: Three Way Conferences Wednesday 19th November: International Day

Miss Lisa’s comment: I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents, students and teachers for making me feel very welcome as Head of Elementary. Each and every one of you have made my transition into this role, very smooth. Here at HIS we value home­ school communication. These newsletters should highlight your child’s learning during the next six weeks, as well as reflecting on what they have learnt.

Grade 5 sharing their learning about the writing process. Grade 1 showing their use of ICT during reading.

Miss Lisa Hughes

Student Reflections I am proud of my UOI on civilization when I am doing it with Minh. We worked very hard on it and we have lots of information. I am very proud. Bach I learned that hieroglyphics are super old and the Greeks invented catapults. I enjoyed learning about ancient civilisation. Rory I liked making papyrus paper in art and learning about Ancient Egypt ­ Abby I really enjoyed doing our speaker’s corner over the last few weeks and speaking about civilizations ­ Jamie

Hanoi International School enables all students to realise their full potential in a caring and positive learning environment. Through our broad and balanced international curriculum, we endeavour to develop responsible, globally conscious citizens. We strive to develop the whole child as a life­long learner with a strong sense of self worth.

Unit 1

Unit 1

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