My Treatment Story for Herpes: Keep on Living! Happy With Herpes!

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My Treatment Story for Herpes: Keep on Living! Happy With Herpes! Living with herpes or any other sexually transmitted disease can often prove to be difficult.

United States -- -- Mar 02, 2017 -- This is my story, hope that it is useful for all people with herpes. Details of my condition: I have been diagnosed now for over 11 years. At 22 years old, I started dating a man who I thought was going to be the love of my life. A few months into our relationship, I started having my first outbreak. I remember itching so bad and at first I thought was that maybe I broke my skin from being intimate. I asked my partner at that time to look and tell me what was going on with me, and he informed me they were pimples.I though that was weird, because I never had them before, but attempted to pop them. Big mistake on my part.. It was so painful and it got worst and worst. I could not stop scratching.. It was nighttime, so there was nothing I was able to do at that time. I decided to run a bath and lay in warm water to soothe me. It helped a little bit with the pain and the itching, but I have to say that it was torture. The next day I decided to call my doctor and schedule an emergency appointment. The minute I told her over the phone about my symptoms, I could hear it in her voice that she knew something that I was not going to like. Sure enough, I got examined and I was told that I was positive for Genital Herpes. To be honest, all I heard.. "I am sorry, but you came positive for"... and I completely zoned out. My worst fear came true and I froze and could not speak or move. I just started crying.. and remember asking my doctor. "what do I do now?" My world crashed down on me. I remember walking out of that office feeling dirty and disgusted with myself. I was carrying this disease around and I had to walk around and pretend that I was normal as everyone else. When I told my partner about my condition and if he knew anything about it, he denied the whole thing. He told me he does not have it and he does not know how I ended up with genital herpes. He was extremely calm about the whole situation and was quick to end it as fast as possible and move on to something else. At the time, I was so scared, ashamed, and helpless that my self-esteem dropped by 50%. My partner did not seem to be affected by my news one bit. I hated him for it at that moment. He was not concerned for me or for himself. I was looking for some affection; hug, kiss, yelling, shock..anything, but nothing. Later throughout our

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