Wild Life - Winter 2021

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Help us celebrate 60 years of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust avocet at Farlington Marshes (page 8) or the reintroduction of marsh fritillary butterflies in north Hampshire. We are fortunate that our founding members had the foresight to protect these special places as, without them, wildlife would be in a far worse state. This year we are celebrating our 60th Anniversary and, to mark the occasion, we’ve been asking our supporters to make a gift to local wildlife by supporting our

nature reserves. Your support will help us continue protecting our irreplaceable nature reserves as safe havens for wildlife. We’ve encouraged everyone that has donated to tell us their favourite Trust nature reserve and why they love these special places. Thank you to everyone who has donated to the appeal so far to help support our nature reserves, and we have loved reading your wonderful stories and comments.


“Warnborough Greens is a delight when the meadow flowers bloom.” Mr & Mrs Needham


“I saw my first kingfisher at St Clair’s Meadow.” Andrea and Marina


Seeing the change at Pamber Forest “When I first started at the Trust 30 years ago I would see perhaps five buzzards in an entire year. As practices have changed and persecution stopped, the buzzard has made a brilliant recovery. They are slow breeders, so their resurgence has been gradual but steady. Now five pairs of buzzards nest within Pamber Forest! And it looks like the red kite will be the next to follow this trend. After reintroductions to Britain in the 90s they are increasing and the first pair nested in Pamber in 2020. It has been amazing to see this happen.” Graham Dennis, Reserves Officer

Wild Life | Winter 2021

“I am lucky enough to have 3 reserves in walking distance of my home. Whilst it has year round appeal it is the churring of nightjars at dusk in Roydon Woods that does it for me.” Brian Matthews

“I am extremely proud to have returned breeding wader numbers to historic levels. It has taken a lot of work to get the habitats at Farlington Marshes into the best condition for these birds – including avocet and lapwing – and to ensure they are able to fledge chicks on the marsh. It could never have happened without the dedicated efforts of staff and volunteers.” Chris Lycett, Senior Reserves Officer

“Eaglehead & Bloodstone Copse is particularly special to me because I have known it since childhood. It is also one that I am proud to now be involved in managing. The ancient woodland and its flora are beautiful and the small piece of chalk grassland is simply stunning.” Jamie Marsh, Senior Reserves Manager


Noar Hill Nature Reserve

My wildlife highlight

A special place


Mike Lawn



ur nature reserves are some of the best remaining places for wildlife, providing space for nature to thrive. Over the past 60 years, they have provided a vital refuge for our rarest and most vulnerable species and habitats. You will have read about many of the conservation success stories our nature reserves have supported on these pages, including the return of breeding populations of

“I’ve spent many happy hours here at Noar Hill amongst the flowers, insects and birds.”

Marsh fritillary

By making a gift to celebrate our nature reserves you are supporting local wildlife through the vital conservation of over


hectares of habitat across our two counties.

“Winnall Moors is my calm place of beauty where I have often been thrilled by unexpected sightings of wildlife.” Elizabeth

Donate now

If you haven’t donated yet, or if you’ve been inspired to donate again, there is still time. Head over to our website and show your support at www.hiwwt.org.uk/60th-anniversary-appeal or scan the QR code (right). Alternatively, you can set up a Just Giving page and ask friends to make a donation in lieu of sending you a Christmas card this year. Visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/60th-anniversary-appeal

Wild Life | Winter 2021


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