Gardening Come together with your community to make more space for nature. Add bird boxes and bee hotels Help wildlife move into your shared garden by providing homes! Find that DIY expert in your community and get building.
Set up a community compost heap These work really well, helping to reduce waste sent to landfill as well as providing a home for wildlife and compost for mulching.
Plant native trees Many parks and shared spaces have room for trees and people love planting them. Set up a crowdfunder to buy a few and plant them together with your neighbours, or let selfseeded saplings grow.
Grow plants for bees Make a small pond A source of water is really important for wildlife, for drinking and bathing. People will be drawn there too if you pop in a bench.
Everyone knows bees are in trouble and wants to help them. Grow herbs like lavender, oregano, rosemary and chives.
Wild Life | Summer 2021
16-17 RSWT Gardening.indd 2
23/06/2021 11:23