198th Buy or Bid Sale

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”


The Closing Date is July 7, 2016

First edition Lewis & Clark’s expedition journals from 1814 experienced by a 6th grader.

Photography by tommaday.com

Made possible by the generosity of a California collector

History In Your Hands Foundation® is a not-for profit organization that cooperates with collectors and museums to promote a deeper understanding of the world by putting remarkable pieces of history in the hands of our kids. Literally. To find out how we can work with your child’s school or how to support us, please go to hiyhf.org or call 708-406-9217

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics” 31 N. Clark Street • Chicago, Illinois 60602

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Experts Harlan J. Berk, Ancients • Aaron Berk, Ancients & Antiquities • Shanna Berk Schmidt, Ancients • Sammy Berk, Antique Maps Curtis Clay, Roman • Justin Benton , Ancients • Jennifer Saban, Antiquities • Laura Wakeland, World Pablo Saban, IT • Photos by Jay Crawford • Layout by Aaron Berk Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. has presented an innovation in antiquities and numismatics for some time now. The system is simple. When you want an antiquity or coin in the sale, just bid the estimated price by phone, fax, web site, email or post. We will send you the antiquity or coin immediately. No waiting for the closing of the sale. Any and all antiquities or coins not sold before the closing date will be sent to the highest bidder on July 7th, 2016. All items carry a lifetime guarantee for authenticity. EXAMPLE—You bid estimate on an item valued at $100.00 and if your bid is the 1st to reach us, you will receive the item immediately. If on the other hand, you bid $75.00 on the same item and are still the high bidder at the end of the sale, the item will be mailed to you after the closing date, July 7th, 2016. If you are ever in the area, stop in to see us! Of course, it’s best to call first. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. reserves the right to refuse any bids. GOLD UNCERTAIN CITY IN IONIA; 625-600 BC, EL Stater, 14.36g. Weidauer-139 (6 recorded). Obv: Forepart of bridled horse left, with loose mane. Rx: Three-part incuse, rectangle in center, square to either side. This type was virtually unknown until about two years ago. Now a small group has come into the market but the chances to acquire one will be few and very soon the new group will be absorbed. Good VF for issue........ 18000 2. LESBOS, MYTILENE; Mytilene, Lesbos, c. 377-326 BC, Hekte, 2.57g. Bodenstedt-100, pl 59 (Vsc/Rsß2). Obv: Head of Apollo wearing laurel wreath r. Rx: Head of Artemis l., her hair in sphendone; snake symbol in left field. EF.................................................. 1350 3. IONIA, PHOCAEA; c. 477-388 BC. EL Hekte, 2.51g. Bodenstedt-90. Obv: Female head l. with hair pulled back in low bun at base of neck, and wearing a double band in her hair. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Very elegant. Nearly EF................................................. 1350 4. IONIA, PHOCAEA; c. 477-388 BC. EL Hekte, 2.56g. Bodenstedt-93. Obv: Laureate female head l. with hair pulled back in saccos at base of neck. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Charming obverse. VF.................................................................................................. 1350 5. IONIA, PHOCAEA; Phocaea, Ionia, c. 387-326 BC, Hekte, 2.56g. Bodenstedt-97, pl. 48. Obv: Youthful head of Pan l., wearing ivy wreath in his hair. Rx: Four-part incuse square. VF.................................................................................................................... 1350 Gold Diobol 6. SICILY, CAMARINA; c.405 BC, Diobol, 1.18g. Westermark-Jenkins-206.10 (pl. 36), Jameson-528, SNG ANS-1209. Obv: Head of Athena r. wearing Attic helmet decorated with a hippocamp. Rx: Pair of olive leaves with two berries, KA in center. Extremely rare denomination. Far better than known specimens. Virtually Mint State...................... 14000 7. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Sardes, c. 334-323 BC. Stater, 8.57g. Price-2539. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Nike standing l. holding wreath, bucranium in l. field. Lifetime issue. Obverse softly struck. VF..................... 3600 8. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 149-50 AD, Aureus, 6.11g. Calicó-1505a (same dies), C-235 (40 Fr.), RIC-177f, bust var. of BM-651/2. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG - PIVS P P TR P XII Bust laureate, draped r., seen from front. Rx: COS - IIII Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Underweight specimen, though the edge does not appear to be filed. Ex Goldberg 80, 3 June 2014, lot 3490; ex Stack’s, Bowers & Ponterio 182, NYINC, 10 January 2014, lot 130. Rare draped bust type seen from front, probably coming from just this single obverse die. BM-651/2 has two laureate, draped specimens of this aureus, but with bust seen instead from back, as shown by their online images. Cohen and RIC do not distinguish between these two viewpoints for such busts, whether seen from front or from back. Struck on a small flan. EF............................... 6750 9. FAUSTINA II; Rome, c. 148 AD, Aureus, 7.22g. Bust variety of Strack-495, BM-1063, C-260 (40 Fr.), RIC-517b, and Calico-2097c. Obv: FAVSTINAE AVG - PII AVG FIL Bust draped r. wearing stephane, band of pearls, and Strack’s coiffure a. Rx: VE - NVS Venus standing l. holding apple and rudder, dolphin coiled around rudder. Ex Heritage ANA Sale 3033, 8 August 2014, lot 23085 (Jonathan K. Kern Collection; there in NGC capsule with grade “AU 5/5 - 4/5, Fine Style”). Apparently very rare with portrait wearing stephane. This variety is not in the standard references, since the specimen apparently described by RIC-517b actually has no stephane. CoinArchives Pro includes only two examples of this aureus with stephane: our actual coin, and one other from the same obverse die. Near Mint State.................................................................................................................... 18500 10. LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 164 AD, Aureus, 7.14g. Calicó-2177 (same dies), BM-296, C-247 (45 Fr.), RIC-525. Obv: L VERVS AVG - ARMENIACVS Bust laureate, 1.








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draped, cuirassed r. Rx: TR P IIII - IMP II COS II Victory standing l., head r., holding writing instrument and placing shield inscribed VIC / PAR on palm tree. Ex Stack’s, Bowers & Ponterio 177, ANA Show, August 2013, lot 11156. Flawless style. Mint State.. .................................................................................................................................... 19500 HONORIUS; 393-423 AD, Constantinople, 397-c. 403 AD, Solidus, 4.45g. Depeyrot-55/2 (12 spec. from off. E=5); RIC-X, 8 (S). Obv: D N HONORI - VS P F AVG Helmeted, facing bust holding spear over shoulder and shield ornamented with horseman. Rx: CONCORDI - A AVGG E / CONOB Helmeted Constantinopolis seated front, head r., r. foot on prow, holding scepter and Victory on globe. Some slight surface roughness, with a few minor marks. aEF................................................................................................ 1250 THEODOSIUS II, 402-450 AD; Thessalonica, c. 424-430 AD, Solidus, 4.36g. RIC-363 (R), Depeyrot-51/1 (p. 227, 119 spec.), DO-369, MIRB-58. Obv: D N THEODO - SIVS P F AVG Helmeted bust, pearl-diademed, cuirassed, spear in r. hand held over r. shoulder, on l. arm shield decorated with horseman riding down enemy. Rx: GLOR ORVI - S TERRAR Emperor standing facing holding standard and cross on globe; in l. field star; reverse figure elegant, TESOB in exergue. Slightly wavy flan. Near Mint State....................... 925 THEODOSIUS II; 402-450 AD, Constantinople, Tremissis, 1.45g. RIC-213=249 (S), MIB-45. Obv: D N THEODO - SIVS P F AVG Bust r. wearing pearl diadem. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVSTORVM Victory stepping r., head l., holding wreath and cross on globe; star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Ex Gorny & Mosch 200, 10 October 2011, lot 2903. Somewhat irregular surface which is not unusual for these small issues. aEF..... 400 MARCIAN; 450-457 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.30g. RIC-510 (S), officina H=8; Berk-23. Obv: D N MARCIA - NVS P F AVG Helmeted, cuirassed bust front, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG H Victory standing l. holding long cross, CONOB in exergue, star in r. field. Planchet defect on face. EF...................................................................................................................... 850 LEO I; 457-474 AD, Constantinople, c. 457-468 AD, Solidus, 4.48g. RIC-605 (S), officina Γ=3; Berk-13. Obv: D N LEO PE - RPET AVC Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG Γ Victory standing l. holding long jeweled cross; in r. field, star; in exergue, CONOB. Mint State..................................................................................................... 1200 ANASTASIUS I; Constantinople, c. 492-507 AD, Solidus, 4.31g. Berk-30, MIB-4, DO3f, Sear-3. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed three-quarter facing bust of emperor, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC S Victory standing l. holding long cross, star to r., CONOB in exergue. Small mark in left field. Mint State.............................................................................................................. 750 ANASTASIUS I, 491-518 AD; Constantinople, c. 492-507 AD, Solidus, 4.47g. Berk-30, MIB-4, DO-3g, Sear-3. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed threequarter facing bust of emperor, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC H Victory standing l. holding long cross, star to r.; CONOB in exergue. Ex CNG MBS 99, 13 May 2015, lot 765. From the Joan Wilde Collection, purchased from Empire Coins. Softly struck at 12h on obverse and 5h on reverse, otherwise a beautifully struck piece. Mint State........................................................................................................... 1300 CONSTANS II, 641-668 AD; Constantinople, Semissis, 2.21g. Berk-160, Sear-983, DO-44. Obv: Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rx: Cross potent. Die break touching nose of emperor, also at 8h behind bust. Near Mint State............................... 270 TIBERIUS III; 698-705 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.40g. Berk-193, Sear-1360. Obv: D TIbERI - uS PE - AV Bust facing, with short beard, wearing crown and cuirass and








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holding spear diagonally across his body and shield. Rx: VICTORIA - AVSu S Cross potent on three steps, CONOB beneath. Graffiti in right field of reverse. EF...........800 LEO III; Constantinople, Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-220, DO-7, S-1504. Obv: Bust of Leo III, facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: Facing bust of Constantine V, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding globus cruciger and akakia. EF...........................................................1500 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; 780-797 AD. Constantinople. Solidus, 4.41g. Berk-234, DO-1, Sear-1593. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine VI, beardless on left and Irene on right, both crowned and with cross between their heads; Constantine wears chlamys and holds globus cruciger in right hand; his mother wears loros and holds globus cruciger and cruciform scepter; pellet in field between their faces. Rx: Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. Some weak striking on the left obverse and reverse. Excellent portrait of Irene. Mint State.........................................................................................................................6500 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; 780-797 AD. Constantinople, c. 792-7 AD. Solidus, 4.45g. Berk-235, DO-3, Sear-1594. Obv: Bust of Irene facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding globus cruciger and cruciform scepter. Rx: Bust of Constantine VI facing, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding globus cruciger and akakia. This coin is unusual for the small, delicate portraits of Irene and her son. Minor areas of flat striking on the legend on the left side. Mint State...............................9750 IRENE; 797-802 AD. Syracuse, Solidus, 3.86g. Legend variant of DO-(4) and Sear1602. Obv: IRIn - bASILISSH Facing crowned bust of Irene holding globus cruciger and cruciform scepter. Rx: IRIn - bASILI Same portrait as on obverse, flanked by C - I in field. Very rare. Price Reduction!. Mint State......................................................8000 CONSTANTINE VII AND ROMANUS II, 913-959 AD; Constantinople, c. 950-55 AD, Solidus, 4.38g. Sear-1751, Berk-278, DO-15. Obv: Facing bust of Christ. Rx: Facing busts of Constantine VII and Romanus II, holding patriarchal cross between them. EF.................................................................................................................. 1100 ROMANUS III; 1028-1034 AD. Constantinople, Stamenon Nomisma, 4.38g. Berk295, DO-1d, Sear-1819. Obv: +IhS XIS REX - R[EGN]ANTIhm Christ enthroned facing, wearing halo with cross and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand, book of Gospels; double border. Rx: ΘCE bOHΘ’ - RWmAhW, MΘ in upper field, The Virgin, haloed on r., stands facing and crowns Romanus, who stands facing beside Her, bearded, and holds globus cruciger, below which hangs a fold of robe decorated with four pellets; double border. Well struck for issue. Near Mint State...........................900 VISIGOTHS, SISEBUT; Iaspali Mint (Sevilla), Tremissis, 1.49g. MEC-232; Miles187(c)4; Reinhart-1940, pl. 12.9 and 1944, pl. I.5. Obv: +SISEBVTVS RE Facing bust. Rx: +ISPALIPIVS Facing bust. Mint State......................................................850 GREEK SILVER CELTIC GAUL, THE BELLOVACI; 1st century BC, Potin, 4.57g. De La Tour7467, BM-466. Obv: Two goats; pellet between. Rx: Wolf and boar; pellet between. From a private Kansas City collection; ex CNG 54, 14 June 2000, lot 91. VF........250 ETRURIA, POPULONIA; 3rd Century BC, Didrachm of 20 units, 8.06g. Vecchi-58.93, second Metus group; Sear-274 var. Obv: Gorgon-head facing, mouth open and tongue protruding, X:X beneath. Rx: Blank. Extremely well struck for issue. Nicely toned EF.......................................................................................................3250 CAMPANIA, NEAPOLIS; c. 300-275 B.C., Didrachm, 7.17g. SNG ANS-328, SNG Fitzwilliam-158. Obv: Head of Nymph r. wearing band in hair and three-piece earring. Rx. Man-headed bull walking r., head front, crowned by Nike flying r. above; [NEO] ΠOΛITΩN in exergue. In elegant style, and unusually well centered and well struck on both sides. Choice EF.........................................................................................2000 Tarentum Beauty CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 425-415 BC, Nomos, 7.99g. Fischer-Bossert-279 (V127/R212), Vlasto-255. Obv: Phalantos naked and ithyphallic riding dolphin left; extending right hand and holding cuttlefish in left hand. Rx: Taras naked to waist, seated left on stool and balancing distaff on right hand, a lekythos on his left wrist. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 13. Ex NAC 10, 9 April 1997, lot 17. Ex M&M Basel 10, 1951, lot 161. With interesting and unusual types: Phalantos holds cuttlefish on obverse, while on reverse Taras is shown seated rather than on horseback. Nicely centered and well struck, except for Phalantos’ head on obverse; beautifully toned. EF...........................................................................................................................13200 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; 302-280 BC, Stater, 7.53g. Vlasto-666. Obv: Naked boy riding and crowning horse stepping r.; to l., ΣA; below horse, APE / ΘΩN. Rx: Taras astride dolphin l., holding tripod; TAPAΣ to r., CAΣ below. The reverse is elegant and unusually well centered. VF / VF+............................................................................785 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 272-235 BC, Nomos, 6.70g. Vlasto-913. Obv: Naked boy crowned by Victory flying behind him, on horse standing r. with raised l. foreleg; ΔAMO - KPI below horse, EY in r. field. Rx: Taras on dolphin r., holding cornucopia and trident whose head is visible behind his neck; TAPAΣ below, monogram in l. field (expanded by Vlasto to IΩΠY). Beautifully struck on both obverse and reverse. Toned EF.............................................................................................................................1250 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 275-250 BC, Litra, 0.75g. Vlasto-1588. Obv: Scallop shell; Rx: Dolphin r. with aegis symbol below. Comes with official Italian export license. Fantastic strike and cabinet toning. Rare in this grade. Mint State............1950 LUCANIA, HERACLEA; c. 4th Century BC, Diobol, 1.09g. SNG ANS-30, HN Italy-911. Obv: Head of Athena r. with winged hippocamp on crested helmet. Rx: Herakles kneeling r., wrestling Nemean lion; club behind. Dark toning and fine style. The obverse is a wonderful, highly unusual strong strike. EF / VF..........................850 LUCANIA, HERACLEA, CONTEMPORARY IMITATION; 380-218 BC, Diobol, 1.02g. SNG Cop-1128 var. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Heracles wrestling Nemean lion. The obverse in interesting style. EF / aEF...........................250 Ex Leu 1978 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; 510 BC, Stater, 7.46g. Noe, Johnson-100 (3 spec.). Obv: Seven-grained barley ear upright, META downward to l., grasshopper to r.; cable border. Rx: Barley ear incuse, outline of dolphin to l., engraved in die and therefore with line in relief. Ex Leu 20, 1978, lot 12. Only five dies were used to strike this rare

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and desirable type, which could indicate that grasshoppers had raided the barley fields in the summer before the coin was struck. Toned EF............................................18000 LUCANIA, SYBARIS; 550-510 BC, Stater, 6.37g. HN Italy-1729, SNG ANS-81746, Grose-1166. Obv: Bull standing l., head turned back; above VM. Rx: Same type r., incuse. Fine...............................................................................................................575 LUCANIA, THURIUM; c. 350-300 BC, Distater, 14.53g. HN Italy-1815 (same dies), Noe-Group G. Obv: Head of Athena r. wearing Attic helmet with florid crest and decorated with Scylla holding rudder-oar in r.; on neckguard, griffin; behind IΠ, in field behind head, Nike flying. Rx: Bull charging r.; above, torch; below neck, EY; in exergue two fishes. Somewhat rough and corroded. Toned VF...............................1650 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; 350-300 BC, Stater, 7.85g. SNG ANS-369. Obv: Eagle with raised wings standing l., holding a hare in its talons. Rx: Tripod with heron symbol in r. field. Toned Good VF.........................................................................2000 Ex Lawrence R. Stack and Peter Guber Collections SICILY, CAMARINA; c. 425-405 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Rizzo plate V, 9 (same dies); SNG-ANS 1203; SNG-Cop 162; Pozzi 398; Gulbenkian 174. Obv: Athena driving racing quadriga left; the quadriga with a broad, S-curved antyx (rim); Nike flying right above holding wreath to crown driver, heron flying left in exergue. Rx: KAMAPINAI - ON Bearded head of mature Herakles left, wearing skin of Nemean lion. The history of Kamarina, a port city on the southern coast of Sicily, is among the most tumultuous of ancient Greece. It was founded in 599 BC by settlers from Syracuse and its location allowed it to grow quickly and amass substantial wealth through trade. Ex Peter Guber collection. Ex Lawrence R. Stack Collection of Ancient Greek Coins, sold through Stacks, 14 January 2008, lot 2072. With a powerful head of Herakles in the finest style. Attractive medium gray toning, well struck on excellent metal and a full flan. Very rare and highly desirable. This coin has resided in several famous collections, including that of Lawrence Stack (of the Stack’s Bowers auction house) and Peter Guber, a world-renowned Hollywood movie producer. Peter has personally produced or executive-produced more than thirty films that have garnered more than fifty Academy Award nominations and earned several billion dollars worldwide. He also co-owned Casablanca Records, which released top-selling albums in the 1970s by KISS and Donna Summers. More recently, Peter has purchased the NBA’s Golden State Warriors with a partner, as well as major investments in several baseball teams. His ancient Greek coins represent part of his art collection, collected for their history and artistry. Toned EF............................................................................................49500 SICILY, HIMERA; c. 490-450 BC, Litra, 0.50g. G. Manganaro, JNG 34, 1984, p. 25, note 48. Obv: Open mussel, seen from above. Rx: Four-spoked wheel. Ex Art Coins Roma 12, 29 October 2014, lot 105. Mussel Shells. This is a very unusual and beautifully done type. Toned EF..............................................................................1600 SICILY, HIMERA; 482-472 BC, Didrachm, 7.09g. Sear-718, Westermark-O10/R23 (new combination). Obv: HIMERA Cock standing l. Rx: Crab within shallow incuse circle. Mild porosity but well centered. aVF / VF...................................................1250 SICILY, SEGESTA; c. 412-400 BC, Didrachm, 0.82g. Hurter-K30 (10 spec.). Obv: Facing female head turned slightly l., between two olive branches which are tied together below her chin. Rx: EΓE - Σ - TA - I - ON (retrograde), Hound standing l., shell (apple murex) to l., gorgoneion above. Ex Jonathan K. Kern Collection. Apple murex. For a small coin this is very well struck and beautifully centered. The unusual apple murex is so well done that it can be identified.. EF.......................................2250 SICILY, SELINUS; 466-415 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.21g. SNG Lloyd-1229, Rizzo-Pl. XXXI.10 (same rev. die). Obv: ΣEΛINONTION Slow quadriga l., driven by Apollo and Artemis. Rx: Σ - EΛIN - OΣ Youthful river god Selinos standing l. holding patera and laurel branch, before him an altar with a cock, behind him a bull on base with a celery leaf above. Beautiful type; two minor edge irregularities. This type was among those chosen by Charles Seltman for his well-known book on masterpieces of Greek coinage.. VF / aEF...................................................................................................8000 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 480-475 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.25g. Boehringer-180 (V80/ R124). Obv: Slow quadriga driven r. by bearded charioteer, above Nike flying r. to crown horses. Rx: ΣVRAKOΣIO—N Head of Arethusa r., wearing pearl headband and pearl necklace, hair tucked up behind under headband, four dolphins around. VF / EF...........................................................................................................................2500 SICILY, SYRACUSE; Second Democracy, c. 466-460 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.25g. Boehringer-477, SNG ANS-148. Obv: Charioteer driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying right, crowning horses with wreath; ketos in exergue. Rx: Head of Arethusa right, wearing pearl diadem, earrings and necklace; four dolphins and ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ around. Extremely well centered with the entire design complete and well struck. A very desirable example. Toned EF.........................................................................15000 SICILY, SYRACUSE, EUKLEIDAS SIGNATURE OFF-FLAN; c. 399-387 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.93g. Tudeer-88 (33/60). Obv: Quadriga driven l. by bearded charioteer, above Nike flying r. to crown horses; dolphin l. in exergue. Rx: Head of Arethusa r., wearing pearl headband and pearl necklace, hair tucked up behind under headband, artist’s signature EYKΛEI on unfurled roll below neck (off-flan),four dolphins around (one off-flan). This is a highly desirable type that shows Arethusa underwater with her hair floating up, presumably in reference to the seawater that surrounded Syracuse where it was originally founded on an island before it moved to land. Of the twelve reverse dies bearing this interesting type, ours is the only one that was signed by Eukleidas, but unfortunately the signature is off-flan on this specimen. With a few isolated shallow pits. Good VF.............................................................2900 SICILY, HIERON II FOR QUEEN PHILISTIS; c. 275-215 BC, 16 Litrai, 12.99g. SNG Fitzwilliam-1400, Boston-477. Obv: Diademed and veiled head of Queen Philistis l.; behind, torch upwards. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ - [ΦΙ]ΛΙΣΤΙΔ[ΟΣ] Galloping quadriga driven r. by Nike, E below forelegs of horses. Ex Leo Hirschberg Collection. Some minor imperfections, otherwise extremely lovely with nice toning. Near Mint State.........................................................................................................................2950 High Relief Siris EMATHIAN DISTRICT, SIRIS OR LETE; c. 525-480 BC, Stater, 9.10g. SNG Ashmolean-2270. Obv: Naked satyr standing r., seizing arm of nymph who tries to flee













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while looking back; above, pellet. Rx: Incuse square divided by large X. Exceptionally well-struck in high relief. A few small contact marks on satyr’s arm. EF...............5950 CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, OLYNTHUS; 373-370 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.32g. BMC Macedonia 68, 10; SNG ANS 496-497; SNG Copenhagen - ; AMNG III/II, 85, 8, pl. 17, 12; D.M. Robinson, P.A. Clement, groupe V, 130 (A80-P111), pl. XVI, 130 (same dies); Boston 582 (same dies). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right, his hair flowing down the back of his neck. Rx: Kithara with five strings; below, ΕΠΙ ΑΡΙΣΤΩΝΟΣ. Purchased at Crédit de la Bourse, Paris, March 1990. From the Rene Baron Collection. Nice style with fine toning, well centered. Nearly EF / EF...................................16000 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; 359-336 BC, Pella I, c. 354/3-349/8 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.35g. Le Rider-105 (same obv. die). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: ΦIΛIΠ ΠOY King, wearing kausia and raising hand in greeting, riding horse pacing l., with animal-skin saddle blanket; star in l. field below horse’s raised r. foreleg. Wonderful Lifetime Issue. High relief and detail. Exceptional Philip II issue. There are many Philip II types on the market, most of them were struck under Alexander III and Philip III. They in no way match the quality or desirability of this early lifetime issue. EF..... .................................................................................................................................8750 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II, 359-336 BC; Pella III, c. 323/2-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.17g. Le Rider-525, D279/R433 (same dies), SNG Winterthur-1455 (same dies). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: ΦIΛIΠ - ΠOY Rider on horse r., holding palm branch, coiled snake below horse, Boeotian shield below horse’s foreleg. Excellent quality. Toned EF.....................................................................................................1750 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II, RETROGRADE LEGEND; 359-336 BC. Amphipolis III, c. 323/2-316/5 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.24g. Cf. Le Rider-p. 124, pl. 46,19 (rev. legend l. to r., not retrograde). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: ΦΙΛΙ - ΓΓΟΥ (retrograde) Naked youth holding palm branch on horse prancing r., dolphin and Γ with pellet below horse. Toned VF.............................................................................................900 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; Lifetime Issue, 336-323 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.97g. Price-5. Obv: Head of Alexander as Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPOY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, stern of ship in l. field. Some graffiti in upper left reverse field. aEF.....................................600 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; 336-323 BC. ‘Babylon’, c. 323-317 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.73g. Price-3690A (ANS). Obv: Head of young Herakles r. wearing lionskin. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, amphora in l. field, ΛY under throne. Comment from a knowledgeable customer: possibly only the second known specimen of this tetradrachm after the ANS example cited by Price . aEF....................................................................................................650 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Amphipolis, c. 323320 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Price-113. Obv: Head of Alexander r. in the guise of Herakles wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, Macedonian helmet in l. field. Beautifully struck early posthumous issue. Mint State..................................................................................2000 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; “Amphipolis,” c. 320-317 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. Price-134. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., holding eagle and scepter; dolphin in l. field, monogram under throne. EF / VF.............................................................................700 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. “Pella,” c. 315310 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.91g. Price-257. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., holding eagle and scepter; thunderbolt over Σ in l. field, thysus under throne. aEF..........................................................................................975 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Babylon, c. 311305 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.76g. Price-2664b. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field below arm, monogram above star. High relief obverse. Good / VF... ...................................................................................................................................600 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Aradus, c. 328-320 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.91g. Price-3332. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field below arm, caduceus, monogram under throne. VF...........5500 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Lifetime issue, c. 328-323 BC, Drachm, 4.27g. Price-1505. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPO[Y] Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, Pegasus forepart l.; below throne, monogram resembling Ω topped by sideways H. Mint State Drachm. Exceptionally beautiful style. Mint State...... 1175 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Sardes, c. 323-319 BC, Drachm, 4.25g. Price-2637. Obv: Head of Herakles r. Rx: Zeus enthroned l.; torch in l. field, A under throne. Mint State.....................................................................1050 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Uncertain Greece or Macedonia, c. 310-275 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.80g. Price-844. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; without control marks. VF..........................................................400 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Pergamum, c. 215200, 16.88g. Price-1473. Obv: Head of Herakles r. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; without control marks. VF+........................................................................400 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Rhodes, c. 201-190 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.98g. Price-2512; Kleiner, Rhodes, Series V, obv. die M. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, monogram for ΣTAΣIΩN and rose; beneath throne, PO. Good VF................................................................................................500 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Chios, c. 270-220 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.89g. Price-2361. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field winged sphinx seated l. above monogram; Π under throne. Good VF.........450 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 AD. Aradus, c. 245-214 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Price-3365. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter;

palm tree in l. field, monogram AP under throne, no date in exergue. VF...............650 68. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 AD. Aradus, Year 44=216/15 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.08g. Price-3384, pl. XCVII (same obv. die). Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; palm tree in l. field, monogram AP under throne, in exergue Zeus’ footstool and date (4 strokes followed by 4 other characters). Obverse struck with worn die. VF.............................................................................400 69. MACEDONIA, PHILIP III; 323-317 BC. Aradus, c. 323-316 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.10g. Price-P148. Obv: Head of Herakles wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Zeus seated holding eagle and scepter, monograms in l. field and under throne. Exceptional high relief obverse.. Toned aEF................................775 70. MACEDONIA, PHILIP III, 323-317 BC; “Marathus,” c. 323-300 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.13g. Price-P162. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, monograms in l. field and under throne. VF....800 71. MACEDONIA, ANTIGONUS GONATAS; 277-239 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.04g. Mathesin, Museum Notes 26, 1981, p. 111. Obv: Macedonian shield; in center, horned head of Pan l. with pedum behind neck. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ANTIΓONOY Athena Alkidemos advancing l., brandishing thunderbolt and holding shield with facing head of Pan (rather than the usual Medusa) at its center; to l. of Athena’s legs, crested helmet; to r., MT monogram. aEF / VF....................................................................750 72. THRACE, THASOS; Tetradrachm, Thrace, Thasos, After 146 BC, 16.70g. SNG Cop1048. Obv: Head of Dionysus r. Rx: Herakles standing l., monogram before; Greek legend “Herakles, savior of the Thasians”. Some flat striking on legs of Herakles, otherwise EF..............................................................................................................275 73. THRACE, ABDERA; c. 365-345 BC, magistrate Hipponax, Stater, 10.22g. May-543. Obv: Griffin springing l. on groundline, with both forelegs and wings raised, AB[ΔH] above, PITEΩ[N] in exergue. Rx: Laureate head of Apollo r., shell below; EΠI IΠΠΩ on r., NAKTOΣ on l. well centered. VF..................................................................2200 74. THRACE, THASOS; 510-490 BC, Stater, 8.82g. SNG Cop-1010, Sear-1357. Obv: Ithyphallic satyr kneeling r. and carrying nymph who raises r. hand in protest. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Very well centered. Good VF.....................................1000 75. THRACE, THASOS; c. 480-463 BC, Drachm, 7.52g. Obv: Satyr advancing right, carrying off protesting nymph. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Fine....................350 76. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.17g. SNG BM-153, Sear-1655. Obv: Anchor upright with flukes at top; below flukes, crayfish on l. and A on r. Rx: Facing head of Medusa with tongue protruding and snakes as hair. Beautifully centered reverse. EF...............................200 77. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.31g. SNG BM-153, Sear-1655. Obv: Anchor upright with flukes at top; below flukes, crayfish on l. and A on r. Rx: Facing head of Medusa with tongue protruding and snakes as hair. VF / EF.....................................................................165 78. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.34g. SNG BM-159 corr., Sear-1655 var. Obv: Anchor upright with flukes at top; below flukes, A on l. and crayfish on r. Rx: Facing head of Medusa with tongue protruding and snakes as hair. aEF...........................................................................140 79. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.20g. SNG BM-159 corr., Sear-1655 var. Obv: Anchor upright with flukes at top; below flukes, A on l. and crayfish on r. Rx: Facing head of Medusa with tongue protruding and snakes as hair. Beautifully centered and struck reverse. Good VF / EF. ...................................................................................................................................250 80. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.31g. SNG BM-159 corr., Sear-1655 var. Obv: Anchor upright with flukes at top; below flukes, A on l. and crayfish on r. Rx: Facing head of Medusa with tongue protruding and snakes as hair. Exceptionally nice reverse. VF / EF.........................200 81. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Tetradrachm, 16.78g. Cf. Sear-6814. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great r., wearing horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXOY Athena enthroned l., resting l. arm on shield and holding Nike who crowns king’s name; transverse spear behind her visible before her legs and to r. of her head; monogram in inner l. field, exergue off flan. EF.............................................850 82. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Chalcedon, Tetradrachm, 16.87g. Seyrig, Mektepini-22 var.; cf. Sear-6814. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great r., wearing horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXOY Athena enthroned l., resting l. arm on shield and holding Nike who crowns king›s name; transverse spear behind her visible before her legs; AΓ monogram in inner l. field, wheat ear in exergue. EF...............................................................................................................................900 83. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Perinthus, Tetradrachm, 16.80g. Müller-130, cf. Sear-6814. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great r., wearing horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXOY Athena enthroned l., resting l. arm on shield and holding Nike who crowns king’s name; transverse spear behind her visible before her legs and to r. of her head; joined foreparts of two horses in inner l. field. VF....................................................................................................................600 84. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS; 297-282 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.94g. Thompson-not. Obv: Head of Alexander the Great with Ammon horns r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned l., her l. arm resting on round shield (with lion’s head in center), holding Nike on outstretched r. hand, Nike crowning the king’s name. In inner l. field, monogram. Fine style. EF / VF................................................................................1250 85. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS; 297-282 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.92g. Thompson-not, SNG Cop-1116 var., Meydancikkale-2595 var. Obv: Head of Alexander the Great with Ammon horns r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned to l., her l. arm resting on round shield (with lion head in center), holding Nike on outstretched r. hand, Nike crowning the king’s name. In outer l. field, herm facing left. In inner l. field, two monograms. VF / aEF...............................................................................................600 Boeotian Shield Countermark 86. THESSALY, PHARSALUS; 425-350 BC, Drachm, 6.16g. SNG Fitzwilliam-2446, Weber-2907, pl. 112. Obv: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet, sideflaps turned up; behind neck, TΗ-ΙΠ (most likely die engraver’s signature). Boeotian

shield countermark on face. Rx: Φ-Α-Ρ-Σ, rider on horseback right, wearing Thessalian dress and kausia, holding lagobolon over shoulder. EF / aEF..................................625 Very Rare Civic Mint of Athens 87. ATTICA, ATHENS, SO CALLED “CIVIC MINT”; 520-490 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.04g. Asyut-267, Svoronos-pl. 7, 31. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Unhelmeted head of Athena Ergane r., wearing taenia and pearl necklace; AΘE behind; two olive leaves before; all within incuse square. EXTREME RARITY OF CIVIC MINT. This coin is extremely rare with Athena on the reverse not wearing a helmet and with the olive leaves in the lower right hand corner which is typical of the early issues of the civic mint. We had an example of this in the Gemini Rockefeller sale which was only VF, but did not have the cheek porosity that this coin has on the obverse. It brought a hammer price of $35,000.00. Less than ten coins of this rare issue exist. Obv. beautifully centered with some porosity on the face of Athena. Rx. Near Mint State.......................................................................................................................19500 88. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 500/490-482 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.30g. Seltman-246 var., Asyut-Group 276 var. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, between olive spray with two leaves and berry (no crescent moon) on l., and ethnic AΘE on r. Nose of Athena off flan. VF / EF.................................................1700 89. ATTICA, ATHENS; 500/490-485/480 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.26g. Close to Seltman-267 (A176/P216) Close to Asyut-337 Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r., with hair in dots and earring below ear. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, three leaves to l., AΘE downwards to r. Ex CNG E370, 9 March 2016, lot 92. These issues from 500-480 were struck to fight a war very hurriedly and with little care for quality, thus many of these coins were struck off center with flawed dies, worn dies and poorly finished planchets. This is a prime example of that problem. Obv. planchet flaws; body of owl flatly struck. As struck, Near Mint State............2000 90. ATTICA, ATHENS; 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.01g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, between olive sprig and crescent on l., and AΘE downwards on r. Ex Berk 125, 27 February 2002, lot 134. Magnificent owl. Good EF / Mint State.................................................................................................................2200 91. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.14g. Obv: Head of Athena r.; three small upright olive leaves on front edge of Attic helmet; beaded necklace. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; olive twig with two leaves and crescent moon beneath; ethnic in r. field. Choice EF...............................................................................................2000 92. ATTICA, ATHENS; 425 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.04g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right. Rx: Owl standing right, head facing. Unusual spread flan which indicates this is probably one of the last issues of Athens showing Athena with the almond shaped eye before the transition to the odd elongated flans and the Athena with the profile eye. This is something we have never handled before. EF.....................................................2200 93. ATTICA, ATHENS; 425 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.19g. Obv: Head of Athena r.; three small upright olive leaves on front edge of Attic helmet; beaded necklace. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; to l., olive sprig and crescent moon; ethnic in r. field. EF.1850 94. ATTICA, ATHENS. NEW STYLE; c. 136/5 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.77g. Thompson335h. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing on fallen amphora. Club, lion’s skin and bow in case as symbols in l. field. High point of eagle’s wing flatly struck. EF.................................................................................................................1850 95. ATTICA, AEGINA; 480-446 BC, Stater, 12.18g. Milbank-15, Period III. Obv: Sea turtle, the ridge of the shell ornamented with a row of dots and two smaller additional dots at the front. Rx: Five-part incuse. Other than the test cut on turtle’s back, this coin is a close to perfect specimen. EF............................................................................4500 96. ATTICA, AEGINA; c. 456-431 BC, Stater, 12.34g. Asyut-433, SNG Cop-507. Obv: Land tortoise, seen from above. Rx: Incuse square divided into five compartments. Countermark on shell of turtle. VF..........................................................................1400 97. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.56g. Calciati-439, BCD-107. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing, koppa below. Rx: Head of Athena l. wearing laureate Corinthian helmet; behind, plow; A - P before and below neck. Weakly struck on body of Pegasus and corresponding reverse (head of Athena). Head of Pegasus off flan. VF+....................................................................................................................400 98. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.44g. Calciati-469. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing, koppa below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, API and cock standing l. on club; Δ below chin. Near Mint State...................................775 Two Rare Coins of Acarnanian Federation 99. ACARNANIAN FEDERATION; Acarnanian Federation, 300-250 BC, Stater, 8.40g. Calciati-1. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing; below, monogram like A with V attached. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, vine branch with bunch of grapes. Small mark on helmet of Athena. Near Mint State..................................................1000 100. ACARNANIA, ANACTORIUM; Acarnanian Federation, 300-250 BC, Stater, 8.45g. Calciati-1. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing; below, monogram like A with V attached. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, vine branch with bunch of grapes. Struck from rusty obverse die. Fantastic strike on reverse. Near Mint State..........1300 101. ACARNANIA, ANACTORIUM; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.33g. Calciati-71. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing, AN monogram below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., AN monogram and filleted bucranium behind, KΛE above, AΓ monogram below. Obverse weakly struck. F / VF.......................................................................375 102. ACARNANIA, ANACTORIUM; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.37g. Calciati-72. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing, AN monogram below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., AN monogram under chin, filleted bucranium behind, KΛEO above. Good Fine............................................................................................................................350 103. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.41g. Calciati-93. Obv: Pegasos flying r. with pointed wing, Λ below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena r.; behind, caduceus and Λ. VF / aEF........................................................................................................500 104. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.45g. Calciati-123. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing, Λ below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, twolegged seat with cushion. Only two legs of the seat are depicted, not all four as usual. Two minor die breaks across body of Pegasus. Some minor surface abrasions,

otherwise lovely. EF..................................................................................................450 105. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.37g. Calciati-127. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing, Λ below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, A within wreath from which multiple ties hang down. VF.....................................................350 106. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.52g. Calciati-138. Obv: Pegasos flying l. with pointed wing, Λ below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, Λ and mast with yardarm; below, Ξ. Test cut on reverse. VF+ / VF....................................425 Dolphin Under Athena 107. EPIRUS, AMBRACIA; 400-350 BC, Stater, 8.35g. Calciati-92. Obv: Pegasos flying r. with pointed wing, A below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena r.; behind, Zeus striding r. about to hurl thunderbolt, and letter A; below, dolphin l. As one can see, this is an unusual reverse die. It is hard to find in Calciati because the coin illustrated shows almost none of the dolphin. VF.................................................................................650 108. ILLYRIA, DYRRACHIUM; After 350 BC, Stater, 8.59g. Calciati-2. Obv: Pegasos flying r. with pointed wing and bridle. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena r.; behind, club; before, inscription ΔYPPAXINΩ[N]. VF / Good VF...............................................685 109. ELIS, OLYMPIA; 78th-82nd Olympiad (?), ca. 468-452 B.C., Stater, 11.75g. Seltman-32. Obv: Eagle flying left, rending hare in talons. Rx: Winged thunderbolt, F - A flanking, all within shallow circular incuse. A scattering of countermarks present on the obverse, most of them in the field and so not marring the eagle. Exceptional centering, a nice example with lovely details in the eagle’s eye and feathers. EF for issue.........................................................................................................................4000 Exceptional Gortyna 110. CRETE, GORTYNA; c. 350-320 BC, Stater, 11.77g. Svoronos-51, pl XIII, 22; Le Rider-pl. XVI, 12; SNG Cop-441. Obv: Europa seated r. amid the branches of a tree, her head lowered and resting on her l. hand. Rx: Zeus as bull standing r., head l.; countermark between bull’s legs. From a private UK collection. Wonderful types, rare in this condition. Price reduction. Good VF............................................................4000 Rare Lyttus Type 111. CRETE, LYTTUS; c. 300-270 BC, Stater, 10.70g. Svoronos-56 (one example cited); Le Rider-p. 31, 219, cf. pl. VII, 24 (same obv. die). Obv: Eagle flying r. with both wings above him, holding prey in talons. Rx: Boar’s head r., ΛV in upper r. field; all in dotted frame within incuse square. From a private UK collection. Unusual and rare with both wings of the eagle above him, rather than one wing above and one below . Fine / VF..................................................................................................................1200 Accurate Portrait of Mithradates 112. MITHRADATES VI OF PONTUS; 120-63 BC. Odessa, 83-82 BC, Second Mithradatic War. Tetradrachm, 15.95g. Obv: Portrait r. of Mithradates as Alexander III as Herakles. Rx: Zeus seated l. Extremely accurate portrait of Mithradates. Struck while he was preparing for the second Mithradatic war. VF.....................................650 113. PONTIC, MITHRADATES VI (120-63 BC); 83-82 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.12g. Price-1193. Odessa mint. Obv: Portrait of Mithradates r., in the guise of Alexander III. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l., holding eagle and scepter. Below r. arm, ΛΑΚΩ. In exergue ΟΔΗ. VF........................................................................675 114. PERGAMUM, ATTALUS I; 241-197 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.92g. Westermark-V. LII-R.2. Obv: Head of Philetairos r., wearing laurel wreath entwined with diadem. Rx: ΦIΛETAIPOY downwards on l., Athena wearing crested helmet seated l. on throne, extending her r. arm to crown the king’s name with a laurel wreath; her l. elbow rests on shield ornamented with gorgoneion, and a spear emerges transversely below her r. knee; A below her r. arm, ivy leaf in outer l. field, and bow in r. field. Good VF....800 115. PERGAMUM, ATTALUS I; 241-197 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.95g. Westermark-V. LXV. Obv: Head of Philetairos r., wearing laurel wreath entwined with diadem. Rx: ΦIΛETAIPOY downwards on l., Athena wearing crested helmet seated l. on throne, extending her r. arm to crown the king’s name with a laurel wreath; her l. elbow rests on shield ornamented with gorgoneion, and a spear emerges transversely below her r. knee; A below her r. arm, bunch of grapes in outer l. field, and bow in r. field. Good VF..............................................................................................................................600 116. PERGAMUM, ATTALUS I; 241-197 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. Westermark-V. LXXXVIII-R.4. Obv: Head of Philetairos r., wearing laurel wreath entwined with diadem. Rx: ΦIΛETAIPOY downwards on l., Athena wearing crested helmet seated l. on throne, extending her r. arm to crown the king’s name with a laurel wreath; her l. elbow rests on shield ornamented with gorgoneion, and a spear emerges transversely behind her helmet and below her r. knee; AΘ monogram below her r. arm, bunch of grapes in outer l. field, and bow in r. field. Good VF...............................................500 117. EUAGORAS I; Stater, 11.00g. Obv: Head of Herakles r. Rx: Goat kneeling r. with barley grain above. Obverse struck with a rusty die. VF / EF.................................2750 118. PONTUS, AMISUS; 400-350 BC. Reduced Siglos, 3.60g. SNG BM-1109. Obv: Head of city goddess l. wearing turreted stephane. Rx: Owl facing, wings spread. F+ / VF.. ...................................................................................................................................250 119. THRACE, CHERRONESOS, RESTRUCK REVERSE BROCKAGE; Hemidrachm, Thrace, Cherronesos, c. 350-300 BC, 2.35g. BM-10, Grose-4081. Obv: Forepart of lion r., head turned back. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, pellet in one quadrant, palm-branch in another. The apparent “block” encasing the lion’s head is in fact the remnants of a brockage of the reverse incuse quadrant with pellet. This brockage was apparently discovered, and the coin was flipped over and the obverse struck again, properly this time.. EF..........................................................................385 120. IONIA, HERACLEIA AD LATMUM; c. 165 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.55g. SNG Lockett-2823, Pozzi-2452, Sear-4453 var. Obv: Head of Athena r., wearing triple crested Attic helmet decorated with volute, Pegasus and five foreparts of horses. Rx: HPAKΛEΩTΩN above club r.; beneath, Nike standing l. between two elegant monograms; all within oak wreath. Toned EF........................................................2800 121. AEOLIS, MYRINA; c. 155-145 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.13g. Sacks, K.S., ANSMS 30 (1985), pl. 16, 36.63b. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., with two locks of hair falling onto his neck. Rx: ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ Apollo of Gryneium standing r., wearing laurel wreath, with himation draped around his lower torso, bare from the waist up; in r. hand, patera, in l., branch with two fillets. At feet, omphalos and amphora (city

symbol), monogram behind; all within laurel wreath. The head of Apollo on this coin is somewhat larger and in higher relief than usual. Some areas at the highest points are not fully stuck. EF....................................................................................................1400 Very Rare Dies 122. IONIA, TEOS; c. 495/490-478 BC, Stater, 12.02g. Balcer, Swiss Num. Review 1968, Group XVI, no. 26 (A26/P45). Obv: Winged griffin crouching r. with l. foreleg raised; below his body, apple; before, cock standing r. (Balcer says “eagle”). Rx: Four-part incuse square with square object covered with pellets in one partition. From the same dies as Ars Classica VII, 1924, lot 1490. This issue rarely comes this well-struck. aEF .................................................................................................................................2000 123. CARIA, RHODES; 400-333 BC, Didrachm, 6.71g. BM-41. Obv: Radiate head of Helios r. Rx: Rose with bud; above, [P]OΔION; in field l., cornucopia and EY. Scarce early profile of Helios. EF.......................................................................................2000 124. CARIA, RHODES; 305-275 BC, Didrachm, 6.70g. Ashton-160, SNG Cop-730. Obv: Head of Helios facing, slightly r. Rx: Rose with bud; above, POΔION; in field l., amphora and EY. Very well struck and centered. Choice EF..................................1675 125. CARIA, RHODES; 305-275 BC, Didrachm, 6.71g. Ashton-160, SNG Cop-730. Obv: Head of Helios facing, slightly r. Rx: Rose with bud; above, POΔION; in field l., amphora and EY. EF...............................................................................................1600 126. CARIA, MYLASA; c. 175-150 BC, Tetradrachm, 8.99g. R. Ashton, “The PseudoRhodian Drachms of Mylasa”, NC (1992), pp. 1-39. Tetradrachm specifically discussed on p. 22, G var. (monogram in reverse right field is reverted) pl. 10. Akarca pl. 2, 11 var. SNG von Aulock 2863 var. SNG Kayhan 842 var., cf. R. Ashton and G. Reger in Agoranomia. Studies in Money and Exchange Presented to John H. Kroll (New York 2006), p. 137, pl. 6, 200. Obv: Rose with two buds. In inner left field, Μ. In inner right field, Y. Rx: IΑ-ΑP Eagle standing right on palm branch, spreading wings. In right field, ΔΑ. ΔΑ is the abbreviation for the month of ΔΑIΣIOΣ in the Macedonian calendar, corresponding to c. May in the modern calendar. Owl’s chest flatly struck. EF.............................................................................................................................4750 127. CARIA, MYLASA; Drachm, Caria, Mylasa, c. 175-150 BC, 2.21g. R. Ashton, “The Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms of Mylasa”, NC (1992), 146. Obv: Head of Helios with standing eagle on left side of cheek. Rx: Rose, M to left of stalk, A to right. Charming piece with good strike and metal. VF........................................................................275 128. LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC, Heavy Stater, 10.47g. Berk-19. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Oblong punch divided into two squares. VF............................................................................................................................3500 129. LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC. Siglos, 5.37g. Berk-13. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Oblong punch divided into two squares. Lion’s shoulder flatly struck. Choice EF.............................................................................3500 130. LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC, Siglos, 5.40g. Berk-13. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Oblong punch divided into two squares. Well Centered. VF............................................................................................................................3500 131. LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC, Siglos, 5.32g. Berk-13. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Oblong punch divided into two squares. EF.......3500 132. LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC, Siglos, 5.37g. Berk-13. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Oblong punch divided into two squares. EF.......3850 133. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; Stater, Pamphylia, Aspendus, 420-400 BC, 10.89g. SNG Aulock-4512. Two wrestlers engaged; the one on the l. holds l. arm of opponent with both hands; his opponent grasps his l. upper arm. Rx: Slinger wearing short, but flowing chiton, advancing r. and discharging sling, triskeles in front. Obverse weakly struck, but interesting type showing wrestlers engaged. Fine / VF...........................350 134. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; c. 420-370 BC, Stater, 10.78g. SNG Paris-87, SNG Aulock-4519. Obv: Two wrestlers; the l. one holds the l. arm of his opponent with both hands, the opponent grasping with r. hand his r. wrist; KI in between legs. Rx: Slinger, wearing short chiton, advancing r. and discharging sling; on r., triskeles with eagle below; ΤFΕΔΙΙΥ behind; all within incuse square and dotted border. Obverse well centered but struck with worn die; exceptionally nice reverse. VF / EF...................750 135. PAMPHYLIA, SIDE; c.183-175 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.17g. SNG Aulock-4797, SNG Paris-697. Obv: Athena head r. in Corinthian helmet. Rx: Nike l. holding wreath, pomegranate in l. field with ΚΛΕ ΥΧ below. Purchased from Münzen und Medaillen A.G., Basel. Near Mint State....................................................................................750 136. CILICIA, TARSUS; Datames, 378-372 BC. Stater, 10.03g. SNG Paris-298, SNG Levante-84 var., Sear-5646 var. Obv: Baaltars seated r., head facing, holding eagle-tipped scepter, grain ear, and bunch of grapes; Aramaic legend behind him; thymiaterion to r., eagle under throne, all within crenellated wall. Rx: Ana, nude, facing Datames, both gesturing with their r. arms; thymiaterion between; all within square dotted border in linear border; script before Datames. Near Mint State.......750 137. CILICIA, ISSOS. BALAKROS,; 333-323 BC, Stater, 10.89g. SNG Paris BN-420, SNG Levante-. Obv: Baaltars seated l., holding lotus-tipped scepter; grain ear and grape bunch to l., B to r., I below throne. Rx: Draped bust of Athena facing slightly l., wearing triple-crested Attic helmet. Facing head of Athena is rather beautiful, the nose and lips are somewhat flatly struck, otherwise toned, Mint State...........................1675 138. ISSOS OR UNCERTAIN CYPRUS; Stater, c. 500-480 BC, 10.77g. Babelon XXV, 19. Obv: Lion’s head l. with foreleg below. Rx: Crude incuse with large diagonal bar corner to corner. Somewhat rough, aEF.................................................................1450 139. SYRIA, SELEUCUS I; 312-280 BC. Laodicea, Tetradrachm, 16.59g. SC-357.6b. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: BΑΣIΛΕΩΣ in exergue, ΣEΛEYK[ΟΥ] downwards at r., Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field dolphin l. and monogram, under throne Σ monogram. Fine.....................385 140. SYRIA, SELEUCUS I, 312-281; Susa, from 295 B.C., Tetradrachm, 15.28g. SC177.2, Newell-ESM-316. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on l., ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ in exergue, Athena in elephant quadriga r., brandishing spear and shield, monogram M/Ω under trunk of elephants and spear at upper right. Good VF... .................................................................................................................................1000 141. SELEUCID, ANTIOCHUS I; 281-261 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 17.08g. SC-379.5b, Newell-ESM-160. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r. Rx:

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow, dotted border, control marks on outer l. and r. VF.......................................................................................600 142. SELEUCID, ANTIOCHUS I; 281-261 BC, Sardes, Tetradrachm, 17.05g. SC-325b. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow, control marks in exergue. VF / Fine...................................600 143. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II THEOS; 261-246 BC. Antioch on the Orontes, Tetradrachm, 17.01g. SC-571.1. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus II r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow, control marks far left and right of flan. Pleasantly struck porous surfaces. VF.......................................................................450 144. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II; 261-246 BC, Antioch on the Orontes, Tetradrachm, 17.11g. SC-571.2. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus II r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow, control marks in outer l. and r. fields. VF...........................................400 145. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II THEOS; 261-246 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 16.89g. SC-587.2. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow, control marks in left and right fields. VF...........................................450 146. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II THEOS; 261-246 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 17.04g. SC-587.4a. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow, control marks in left and right fields. VF......................400 Medallic Style Tetradrachm 147. SYRIA, SELEUCUS II KALLINIKOS; 246-226 BC. Antioch on the Orontes, from c. 244 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.04g. SC-690; Newell-WSM 1021, pl. XXV,2. Obv: Diademed head of Seleucus II r., with long sideburn; dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ on l., Apollo standing l., testing arrow and resting elbow on tall tripod, dotted border. Control marks on outer left and outer right. Medallic-like quality on a large flan, and of a scarcer Seleucid king. Some double striking evident on the reverse, particularly with the control and the legend. A superb specimen. EF........1350 Winged Portrait 148. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS HIERAX; 242(?)-227 BC. Alexandria Troas mint, Tetradrachm, 16.40g. SC-874.2. Obv: Diademed head of Antiohcus I r., rejuvenated and idealized, wearing winged diadem. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ANTIOXOY on l., Apollo, nude apart from slight drapery on thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; control marks in outer l. field and above arrow in inner l. field; horse grazing r. in exergue. Some encrustation on obverse and reverse. Excellent, highly desirable winged portrait of Antiochus I under Hierax. Good VF / Fine............................................................................................................................875 149. SYRIA, SELEUCUS III; 226-223 BC, Antioch mint, Tetradrachm, 16.88g. SC921.1. Obv: Diademed head of Seleucus III r., with long sideburn, dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ on l., Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow. Control marks on outer left and outer right. aVF / Good VF..........................................................................775 150. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III; Tarsus, c. 215 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.99g. SC-1025b. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r., diadem ends falling behind, no border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤΙ - ΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; AK monogram in outer l. field, CVO monogram in outer r. field. VF....................................................................................................375 151. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III; Antioch, c. 223-211/10 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.04g. SC1041.2. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r. with long sideburn, diadem ends falling in gentle waves, fillet border. Rx: [Β]ΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤI - ΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; in outer l. field inverted Ω above P, and ΞV monogram. Good VF..............................550 152. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III; 223-187 BC. Antioch on the Orontes, Series I, c. 223211 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.01g. SC-1042.4. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r. (Type Ai), with youthful features, shorter sideburn, hair in bangs over forehead, one diadem end waving upward, the other falling. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow. Control marks in outer left field. Excellent portrait in somewhat high relief. EF / Good VF.........................................................................600 153. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III; 223-187 BC. Rose Mint, Perhaps Edessa, From c. 213 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.19g. SC-1121.3. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo nude, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; control marks in outer l. and r. fields. VF / Fine..........................................................................................................................425 154. SYRIA, DEMETRIUS I; 162-150 BC. Antioch on the Orontes, S.E. 161 = 152/1 BC, Drachm, 4.07g. SC-1642.3c. Obv: Diademed head of Demetrius r., fillet border. Rx: Cornucopia; below, controls and date AΞP. EF........................................................225 155. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS VI; c. 144-142 BC, Drachm, Antioch, Year 170 = 143/2 BC, 4.10g. SC-2002.2a, SMA-249. Obv: Diademed radiate head of Antiochus VI r., dotted border. Rx: Nude Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow in r. hand and resting l. on bow; in exergue, OΡΣΤΑ; Φ (?) between Apollo’s legs. The apparant “object” between Apollo’s legs resembles a bird, but is probably the normal Φ, re-engraved for some reason. Absolutely phenomenal example of Antiochus VI. While many of the coins in the Seleucid series can be quite boring, this piece shows a radiate crown on Antiochus. The reverse has a wonderfully struck Apollo along with the royal epithet. Offered at a substantial price reduction. Mint State..................................................900 156. SELEUCID, PHILIP I PHILADELPHUS; Posthumus issue under Roman administration, 47-14 BC, Antioch mint. Tetradrachm, 15.02g. SC-2491. Obv: Diademed head of Philip I r., fillet border. Rx: Zeus seated l. on throne, Nike in r. hand, scepter in left, monogram in l. field, Caesarian Era date in exergue off flan. Slightly worn at eye and nose of Philip. VF............................................................................175 157. PERSIS, DARIUS I; 505-480 BC, Siglos, 5.32g. Carradice-Type II, pl XI.12. Obv:

Kneeling running king with bow. Fine.....................................................................250 158. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II, 285-246 BC; Tetradrachm, 14.03g. SNG Cop-70, Sv252. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I right. Rx: Eagle left on thunderbolt, wings open; in left field P and monogram. Countermarks in field on obverse and reverse. Fine............................................................................................................................185 159. BACTRIA, MENANDER; 160-145 BC, Drachm, 2.55g. Bopearachchi-91, Series 13. Obv: Diademed bust of king r. Rx: Athena advancing l., brandishing thunderbolt and holding shield; Karosthi legend around, monogram in lower l. field. VF................150 Amazing Cyrene 160. CYRENAICA, CYRENE; c. 435-331 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.93g. BMC-73. Obv: Silphium plant with six leaves, K - V / P - A across field at corners of plant. Rx: Head of Ammon wearing ram’s horn with short curly hair and scraggly beard. Ex Frank L. Kovacs Ex Nilus Coins Ex G. Hirsch 275, 22 September 2011, lot 4150 Ex Schweizer Bankverein Zurich 33, September 1993, lot 463 Ex Christie’s, 22 April 1986, lot 48 The Greek cities of the Cyrenaica, namely Cyrene and Barce, were one of the main suppliers of grain for the Mediterranean (in one instance, they even saved mainland Greece from starvation). As long as the grain trade flourished, the Cyrenaica enjoyed prosperity. The revenues from the silphium trade were also important. Silphium, a plant that is likely to be extinct since antiquity, was used as medicine; its importance to the ancient economy of the Cyrenaica is underlined by the fact that both Barce and Cyrene used it as a badge on their coins. The other side of their coins displays a head of Zeus in a version specific to North Africa, with the horns of a ram, thus equivalent to the Egyptian god Amun. Zeus-Ammon, as the Greeks called him, was introduced to the Greek pantheon as early as the early fifth century BC. According to ancient sources the Boeotian poet Pindar, who wrote victory odes for Cyrenian aristocrats, donated a statue of Zeus-Ammon to a sanctuary (c. 450 BC). Its head might have been reminiscent of the relevant type of Cyrenian coins, and it is fun to imagine what Pindar’s unsophisticated fellow-citizens might have thought about a statue of Zeus with the horns of a ram! Porous surfaces but an impressive piece nonetheless. The obverse of this coin shows a very complete and elegant silphium plant. The reverse is very well struck with a sharp shadowing of an undertype that doesn’t interfere with the image of the deity Ammon. aEF..............................................................................6900 161. JUDAEA, YEHUD COIN UNDER PERSIAN RULE; Hemiobol, Before 333 BCE, 0.21g. Hendin-429, Meshorer AJC I-9b, TJC-16d. Obv: Blank. Rx: Falcon with spread wings, head l., traces of inscription on right. It is remarkable that this tiny coin, only 7 mm in diameter, was used as currency. This small yet significant piece of history was used in the area of Judaea when it was still under Persian control. VF.....................275 ROMAN REPUBLICAN SILVER 162. ANONYMOUS; 225-214 BC, Didrachm, 6.67g. Crawford-28/3. Obv: Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri, border of dots. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga r., driven by Victory; Jupiter holds sceptre in l. hand and hurls thunderbolt with r. hand; ROMA incuse on tablet below; line border. Comes with official Italian export license. Lovely type with large flan. Mint State................................................................................................2200 163. ANONYMOUS; 225-214 BC, Didrachm, 6.36g. Crawford-30/1, Babelon-23. Obv: Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri, border of dots. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga r., driven by Victory; Jupiter holds scepter in l. hand and hurls thunderbolt with r. hand; ROMA incuse on tablet below; line border. Ex Gadoury, 6 December 2014, lot 23. Comes with official Italian export license. Extremely sharp obverse; very detailed. Choice EF / Good VF..................................................................................................................2000 164. L. SAUFEIUS; 152 BC, Denarius, 3.84g. Cr-204/1, Syd-384, RSC Saufeia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., L SAVF below (VF ligate), ROMA in exergue. Acquired from Spink, 1970s or 1980s; with their envelope. Excellent obverse style for issue. Toned EF..............................................................300 165. CN. GELLIUS; 138 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Syd-434, Cr-232/1, RSC Gelia-1. Obv: Head Of Roma r., X behind, all within laurel wreath. Rx: Mars and Nerio in quadriga r., CN GE[L] below horses, ROMA in exergue . aVF...............................................165 166. C. SERVILIUS M.F., ANCIENT IMITATION; 136 BC, Plated Denarius, 2.86g. Cr-239/1, Syd-525, RSC Servilia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., wreath behind, [ROMA] below. Rx: The Dioscuri galloping in opposite directions, [C S]ERVEIL[I M F] in exergue. aEF / VF.............................................................................................300 167. TI. MINUCIUS C.F. AUGURINUS; 134 BC, Denarius, 3.66g. Cr-243/1, Syd-494, RSC Minucia-9. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., mark of value behind. Rx: Statue on Ionic column; togate figure at each side; RO - MA above, TI MINVCI C F on l., AVGVRINI on r. Ex Nancy Walsh Collection. VF...................................................185 168. M. VARGUNTEIUS; 130 BC, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr-257/1, Syd-507, RSC Vargunteia-1. Obv: Head of Roma r., M VARG behind, mark of value below chin. Rx: Jupiter in walking quadriga r., ROMA in exergue. VF.............................................125 169. CN. CARBO; 121 BC, Denarius, 3.69g. Cr-279/1, Syd-415, RSC Papiria-7. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X behind. Rx: Jupiter hurling thunderbolt and holding reins and scepter in quadriga r., CARB below, ROMA in exergue. In envelope labeled, “This coin is a Vatican duplicate from the St. John’s College Collection”. A bit grainy. VF..............................................................................................................................215 170. M. FURIUS L.F. PHILUS; 119 BC, Denarius, 3.81g. Cr-281/1, Syd-529, RSC Furia-18. Obv: M. FOVRI. L.F. around head of Janus. Rx: Roma erecting trophy, ROMA on r., PHLI in exergue. Great imagery and decent example. Fine+..............135 171. M. SERGIUS SILUS; 116-115 BC, Denarius, 3.75g. Cr-286/1, Syd-534, RSC Sergia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., EX SC before, ROMA and star behind. Rx: M. SERG[I] below horseman galloping l., holding sword and head of barbarian; Q in l. field, [SILVS] in exergue. Ex Nancy Walsh Collection. Contact mark on cheek of Roma. EF...................................................................................................................225 172. M. HERENNIUS; 108-107 BC, Denarius, 3.99g. Cr-308/1b, Syd-567a, RSC Herennia-1a. Obv: Head of Pietas r. wearing stephane, PIETAS behind. Rx: Amphinomus carrying his father r., M HERENNI behind, L before. Ex SC Collection.

Nice light iridescent toning. Virtually Mint State......................................................475 173. L. THORIUS BALBUS; 105 BC, Denarius, 3.78g. Cr-316/1, Syd-598, RSC Thoria-1. Obv: Head of Juno Sospita r. wearing goat skin; ISMR downwards behind. Rx: Bull charging r., D above; below L THORIVS, BALBVS in exergue. aVF....................250 174. Q. THERMUS M.F.; 103 BC, Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-319/1, Syd-592, RSC Minucia-19. Obv: Helmeted head of Mars l. Rx: Two warriors fighting, the one on the left protects fallen comrade, the other wears horned helmet; [Q] THERM [M F] in exergue. VF.... ...................................................................................................................................285 175. M. LUCILIUS RUFUS; 101 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-324/1, Syd-450, RSC Lucilia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., PV behind; all within wreath. Rx: Victory in biga r.; RVF above, M LVCILI in exergue. VF....................................................................165 176. L. CALPURNIUS PISO FRUGI; 90 BC, Denarius, 4.08g. Cr-340/1. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., two dots behind, wreath below chin. Rx: Horseman r, palm over shoulder, symbol above, L PISO FRVGI/L below. Ex Nancy Walsh Collection. Hair on head flatly struck. Good VF..................................................................................150 177. C. VIBIUS C.F. PANSA; 90 BC, Denarius, 3.94g. Cr-342/5b, Syd-684, RSC Vibia-1. Obv: PANSA Laureate head of Apollo r., symbol under chin is off flan. Rx: C.VIBIVS.C.F in exergue, Minerva in quadriga r., holding trophy, spear, and reins, without Victory above her. The obverse in the fine style of Crawford pl. XLIV, 20. Purchased from the dealer “G&C”, 23 September 1970. Toned EF.........................325 178. L. JULIUS BURSIO; 85 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-352/1c, Syd-728a, RSC Julia-5a. Obv: Male head r., laureate and winged; behind, trident; symbol off flan. Rx: Victory in quadriga r., IIII below horses, [L I]VLI BV[RSIO] in exergue. The obverse bust, sometimes described as Genius or Apollo Vejovius, is in fact a composite deity, combining the trident of Neptune, the wings of Mercury, and the laurel wreath of Apollo. Ex Nancy Walsh Collection. Iridescent blue green toning on obverse. EF / VF..............................................................................................................................325 179. C. NAEVIUS BALBUS; 79 BC, Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-382/1a, RSC-Naevia 6b, Syd769. Obv: Diademed head of Venus r., G below chin, S C behind. Rx: Victory in triga r., C NAE BALB in exergue. Ex SC Collection. Ex Jacques Schulman 262, 5 May 1975, lot 1206; with printed auction envelope. Toned VF.................................................400 180. Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.67g. Cr-410/7c, Syd-820 (R4), RSC Pomponia-18. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., tortoise behind. Rx: Terpsichore standing r. holding lyre and plectrum, Q POMPONI behind, MVSA before. Terpsichore was the Muse of Dancing. Crawford dated this moneyer’s coinage to 66 BC, but Hersh and Walker have reassigned it to 56 BC. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 300. Toned aEF................................................................................................................3500 181. FAUSTUS CORNELIUS SULLA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Syd-883, RSC Cornelia-62, Crawford-426/4a. Obv: Head of young Hercules r. wearing lionskin, SC and FAVSTVS monogram behind. Rx: Globe surrounded by one large wreath, three small wreaths, aplustre, and wheat ear. Comes with official Italian export license . aEF...........................................................................................................................1200 182. C. MEMMIUS C.F.; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.67g. Cr-427/2, Syd-921, RSC Memmia-9. Obv: Laureate head of Quirinus r., QVIRINVS behind, C.MEMMI.C.F before. Rx: Ceres seated r. holding torch and wheat ears; before, snake; around, MEMMIVS.AED. CERIALIA.PREIMVS.FECIT. Extremely beautiful obverse. aEF...........................675 183. Q. CASSIUS LONGINUS; 55 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Cr-428/3, Syd-916, RSC Cassia-7. Obv: Head of Bonus Eventus r., scepter behind. Rx: Eagle with raised wings standing on thunderbolt r., between lituus and pitcher, Q.CASSIVS below. aEF....500 Scipio Denarius 184. Q. CAECILIUS METELLUS PIUS SCIPIO; 47-46 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Cr-459/1; Syd-1046; Sear, Imperators-45; RSC Caecilia-47. Obv: Q - METEL - PIVS Laureate head of Jupiter r. Rx: Elephant walking r., SCIPIO above, IMP in exergue. Very desirable historical type; minor luster with some iridescent toning. EF..................1400 185. C. VIBIUS VARUS; 42 BC, Denarius, 4.03g. Cr-494/36, Syd-1138, RSC Vibia-24. Obv: Head of Bacchus r. wearing ivy wreath. Rx: Panther springing l. towards altar, mask atop altar and thyrsus leaning against it, [C] VIBI[VS] in exergue, [V]ARVS at r. Lustrous iridescent toning; extremely interesting and unusual reverse. Near Mint State...........................................................................................................................600 IMPERATORIAL SILVER 186. C. CASSIUS, STRUCK BY LENTULUS SPINTER; Denarius, 42 BC, probably at Smyrna, 3.95g. Cr-500/1, Syd-1308 (R9), Sear Imperators-219. Obv: Tripod surmounted by cauldron, fillet hanging on either side, C CASSI on l., IMP on r. Rx: Pitcher and lituus, LENTVLVS SPINT below. Mint State.....................................3600 Stunning Ahenobarbus 187. CN. DOMITIUS AHENOBARBUS; 41 BC, Denarius, 3.57g. Cr-519/2; Syd-1177 (R5); Sear, Imperators-339. Obv: Bearded head of L. Ahenobarbus r., AHENOBAR before. Rx: CN.DOMITIVS.IMP Ship’s prow r., on which trophy. Ex Roma Numismatics II, 2 October 2011, lot 532; ex NAC 59, 4 April 2011, lot 1810. Comes with certificate authorizing export from Italy. A very rare type. Slightly off-center but incredible strike and lovely iridescent toning. Small planchet flaw on reverse at 3h. EF.............................................................................................................................5400 188. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA; Syria or Phoenicia, c. 36 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.51g. RPC-4094, Prieur-27 (53 spec.). Obv: [BACIΛICCA K]ΛEOΠATPA ΘE[A NEWTEPA] Diademed and draped bust of Cleopatra r. Rx: [ANTWNIOC] AYTOKPATWP TPITON TPIW[N ANΔPWN] Bare head of Antony r. Obverse legend weak, but most of Cleopatra’s name visible above her portrait. Very worn but surfaces are not corroded as they often are for this issue. VG...............................................1250 189. OCTAVIAN; 30s BC, Denarius, 3.46g. RIC-253 (S); BM-612; Paris-11, pl. I (same dies); C-72 (4 Fr.). Obv: Diademed head of Pax r., branch before, top of cornucopia behind. Rx: CAESAR - DIVI F across field, Octavian standing r. raising r. hand and holding spear over shoulder with l. Some small hairlines in lower obverse field and neck of Pax. aVF....................................................................................................................550 ROMAN IMPERIAL & PROVINCIAL SILVER 190. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, c. 36-31 BC, Denarius, 3.42g. BM-625, Paris-57, RIC265a, C-119 (5 Fr.). Obv: Head of Octavian bare r., no legend. Rx: IMP - CAESAR

across field, Trophy set on prow, crossed anchor and rudder behind. Fine..............350 191. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Rome, c. 19 BC, Denarius, 3.69g. BM-29, Paris-157, C-494 (20 Fr.), RIC-299. Obv: CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head bare r. Rx: T VRPILIANVS - [III VIR] Tarpeia, long-haired, facing, half buried by shields, hands raised. VF..................................................................................................................600 192. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 15-12 BC, Denarius, 3.53g. BM-451, Paris-1373, C-137, RIC-167a. Obv: AVG[VSTVS - D]IVI F Head bare r. Rx: IMP X in exergue, Bull butting r., pawing ground and flicking tail. Fine / aVF..................425 Rare Year 193. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Year 29 Actian Era and Cos 12 = Oct.-Dec. 3 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.66g. RPC-4154 (2 coins, ½ obv. die), Prieur-53 (3 spec.), Wruck-5, McAlee-183 (V.Rare). Obv: ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟV from upper right. Laureate head of Augustus r.; fillet border. Rx: ΕΤΟVΣ ΝΙΚΗΣ Tyche seated r. on rock, holding palm-branch; below, river-god Orontes swimming r.; in field above palm-branch, ΘK; in field below palm-branch, monogram YΠA/IB and ANT monogram. Very rare date. Fine.................................................450 Exceptional Augustus Portrait 194. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Year 30 Actian Era = 2/1 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.11g. RPC-4156 (21 coins, 7 obv. dies), Prieur-55 (36 spec.), Wruck-7, McAlee-185. Obv: ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟV from upper right, laureate head r.; fillet border. Rx: ΕΤΟYΣ ΝΙΚΗΣ Tyche seated r. on rock, holding palm branch; below, river god Orontes swimming r.; in field above palm branch, Λ; in field below palm branch, monogram A/IΓ and ANT monogram. Exceptionally sharp portrait and perfectly centered reverse both of which are unusual for this issue. EF...... .................................................................................................................................2000 195. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.71g. Paris-18, RIC-26 var., BM-34 var., C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - [MA]XIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, double line beneath. EF......................................................................................................1000 196. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.56g. BM-42, Paris-18, C-16, cf. RIC28. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding spear and branch, throne has decorated legs, two lines below. aEF................................................................................................................985 197. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.82g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. Wonderful detail. aEF..................................985 198. TIBERIUS TRIBUTE PENNY; 14-37 AD, Denarius, Lugdunum, 3.79g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. Good Fine............................................................................................................................400 Rare Denarius with Tiberius in Quadriga 199. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, 15-16 AD, Denarius, 3.72g. Giard, Lyon-124 (no spec.); rev. type var. (two horses look back) of BM-8, Paris-5, and RIC-4 (R2). Obv: TI CAE[SAR DIVI] - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: IMP VII in exergue, [TR P]OT XVII around, Tiberius holding branch and eagle-tipped scepter in triumphal quadriga r.; the first and third horses turn their heads back l. The scarcer variety of this type, with two of the horses looking back. In his book on the coinage of Lyon, Giard-123 found only a single aureus of Tiberius with this variety (Paris-9, pl. I), and no denarii. He indeed created an entry for such denarii, his no. 124, but wrote “No specimens found.” However, CoinArchives Pro contains eight further denarii like ours, with two of the horses looking back, suggesting that this variety is really not so rare, and should have been found by Giard and RIC! This reverse type commemorated the triumph celebrated by Tiberius in January 13 AD, late in the reign of Augustus, for successes over the Germans that he had won the year before. Bold strike; scarce reverse. EF...............................................................................................................1425 200. CALIGULA AND AGRIPPINA I; Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Year 3=38/39 AD, Tetradrachm, 15.06g. RPC-4168 (5 spec.), Prieur-67 (13 spec.), McAlee-226 (Rare, same obv. die as his spec.). Obv: ΓAIOY KAIΣAPO[Σ ΣEBA] ΓEPMA Laureate head of Caligula r. Rx: ᾺΓΠΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ - ΑΝΤΙΟ.ΜΗΤΠΟ. Draped bust of Agrippina r., date Γ / ET before neck, pellet behind. Very rare: McAlee’s sample of six specimens came from only two obverse dies (p. 126). From worn obverse die, but reverse sharp. aEF / EF......................................................................................3650 201. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS; Died 9 BC, Lugdunum, struck by his son Claudius, c. 41-47 AD, Denarius, 3.76g. BM-97, RIC-70 (R), Paris-3, C-2 (30 Fr.). Obv: NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP Head of Drusus l. wearing oak wreath. Rx: DE / GERM Triumphal arch surmounted by statue of Drusus charging r. on horseback between two trophies, each with a captive seated at its base. Rare: only twelve specimens listed by Von Kaenel, Münzprägung des Claudius, pp. 57-9. The wreath worn by Drusus, misidentified as a laurel wreath until recognized as oak by D. Salzmann in 1976, was presumably a posthumous honor voted to him by the Senate. A very rare piece. Nicely struck and well centered. EF..............................................7400 202. NERO; 54-68 AD, Lugdunum, 60-1 AD, Denarius, 3.40g. BM-24, Paris-30, C-216, RIC-22. Obv: NERO - CAESAR - AVG - IMP Bare head r. Rx: [PONT]IF.MAX. TR.P.VII.COS.IIII.P[.P] Oak wreath surrounding EX.S C. Ex Lanz 138, 26 November 2007, lot 577. Rare pre-reform denarius of the youthful Nero: most or his surviving denarii date from after his debasement of the gold and silver coinage in 64 AD and show an older bearded portrait and different reverse types. Comes with certificate authorizing export from Italy. Nice iridescent toning and a rare youthful Nero type. EF with luster................................................................................................................1375 203. OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.29g. BM-17, Paris-10, C-17 (12 Fr.), RIC-8 (R2). Obv: IMP M OTHO CAES[AR AVG T]R P Head bare r. Rx: SECV - RI - TAS P R Securitas standing l. holding wreath and scepter. Some legend missing on right side of obverse but full name and excellent portrait. Otho denarii of this quality are scarce. Virtually Mint State.................................................................................................5500

Rare Second Issue of Reign 204. OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.61g. BM-9, Paris-24, C-11 (12 Fr.), RIC-20 note. Obv: IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P Head bare r. Rx: PONT - MAX Ceres standing l. holding wheat ears and cornucopia. Rare second issue of reign, comprising five types all with reverse legend PONT MAX. Hair above ear struck with worn die. EF...10000 205. OTHO; 69 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm, 14.54g. Prieur-101 (48 spec.), RPC-4199 (25 coins, 6 obv. dies), McAlee-316. Obv: AYTOKPATWP M OΘWN KAICAP CEB[ACTOC] Head laureate r. Rx: [ETOYC A] Eagle, wings raised, standing l. on two laurel branches, wreath in beak, palm branch in l. field, crescent between eagle’s legs. Fine+............................................................500 Rare Denarius 206. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, Denarius, 2.87g. RIC-681 (R), BM-133, Paris-108, C-110 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR - VESP AVG Head laureate r. Rx: COS V Two laurel branches. The reverse copies the similar type of Augustus with legend CAESAR AVGVSTVS, BM pl. 6.2-3 and pl. 7.5-6, commemorating the two laurel trees planted beside his doorway in 27 BC by senatorial decree. Rare: only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. An exceptional denarius of Vespasian, with a rare reverse type and in excellent condition. Beautifully centered and well struck. Mint State / EF..................................................................................................................2500 207. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, Denarius, 2.96g. RIC-266 (C2), BM-92, Paris-76, C-397 corr. Obv: CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS Garlanded and lighted altar. aEF.300 208. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 88/9 AD, Denarius, 3.31g. BM-131, Paris-120, C-76/7 (25 Fr.), RIC-117. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII Head laureate r. Rx: COS XIIII - LVD SAEC FEC Herald walking l., wearing feathered cap, holding wand and shield. Rare. Not represented in Reka Devnia hoard. The rating C2 in the new RIC is misleading. The reverse legend states that Domitian has celebrated Saecular games, and the type probably shows one of the heralds who announced his intention to celebrate them. VF / Fine+....................................................................300 209. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, Sept. 88-Sept. 89 AD, Denarius, 3.31g. RIC-668 (C3), BM-152, Paris-146, C-253. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG - GERM P M TR P VIII Head laureate r. Rx: IMP XIX COS XIIII CENS P P P Minerva fighting r. on capital of rostral column, owl at her feet. Some obverse hairlines. aEF...................150 Exquisite Nerva Tetradrachm 210. NERVA; 96-98 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Year 1=96/7 AD, Tetradrachm, 15.44g. McAlee-419, Prieur-149 (87 spec.), RPC-3467. Obv: AVT NEPOVΣ - KAIΣ ΣEB Bust laureate r., aegis with Medusa head and snakes on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: ETOVΣ. - NEOV.IEPOV. - A Eagle with wings raised standing r. on thunderbolt, palm branch in r. field. Ex Heritage CICF Sale 3032, 10 April 2014, lot 2380 (then in NGC capsule, graded “AU★ 5/5 - 5/5, fine style”). Excellent and highly desirable portrait of emperor. Toned Choice EF....................5250 211. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 107-8 AD, Denarius, 3.37g. Woytek, MIR-268bC, var. 2 (98 spec.); BM-368; C-98; RIC-147. Rx: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC Trophy of Dacian arms with shields, two spears (faint on this specimen), and two curved swords at base. VF........................................................................................130 212. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Denarius, Rome, 107-111 AD, 3.26g. BM-281, C-85 corr., RIC-118 corr. Rx: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Good VF..............................................................................185 213. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Denarius, Rome, 112-5 AD, 3.34g. MIR-406b (157 spec.) BM500, C-140 (25 Fr.), RIC-252. Obv: IMP TRAIANVS AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Head laureate r. with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: DIVVS PATER TRAIAN Cult statue of Trajan’s natural father seated l. on curule chair, holding patera and scepter. aVF / Fine.....................................................................250 214. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Denarius, Rome, c. 125 AD, 3.29g. Strack-167, RSC-328b, RIC-172 var.. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Bust laureate, draped r., seen from front. Rx: COS - III Concordia seated l. placing l. elbow on statue of Spes and holding patera. A rare bust type for this reverse, cited by Strack from Berlin only. VF / Fine... ...................................................................................................................................275 215. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Denarius, Rome, Late 118 AD, 3.15g. BM-93 pl. 48.14 (same obv. die), C-1352, RIC-51. Rx: SALVS AVG P M TR P COS DES III Salus seated l. feeding serpent rising from altar and resting l. elbow on armrest. Rare issue of late 118 recording Hadrian’s upcoming entry into his third consulship on 1 January 119. Only one specimen of this type in Reka Devnia hoard, none in Berk photofile. VF..............................................................................................................................300 216. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Denarius, Rome, c. 125-8 AD, 3.44g. BM-396, C-335, RIC-173. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGV[STVS] Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: COS - III Genius of the Roman People, naked to waist, sacrificing l. from patera at altar and holding cornucopia. EF...............................................................250 217. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Denarius, Eastern Mint, 128-9 AD, 3.26g. BM-1035, C-382, RIC-339. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS III Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. BMC and Strack divide specimens of this denarius between Rome and Hadrian’s Eastern mint, and the present coin is one they would assign to Rome, BM pl. 56.6-7, Strack pl. III, 205. C. Clay, however, believes that all denarii of this type were produced at the Eastern mint, the earliest being in close to Roman style, perhaps because their dies were cut by engravers borrowed from the mint of Rome. P.V. Hill omits this denarius from his Dating and Arrangement, so had apparently reached the same conclusion. Good VF...............300 218. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Denarius, Rome, c. 131-8 AD, 3.43g. Bust var. of BM-590, C-122, and RIC-228. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Bare-headed bust r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: AEQVI - TAS AVG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Not in the standard catalogues with fold of cloak on shoulder of portrait. Another specimen, from the same dies, was in Berk Sale 113, 2000, 255. EF........300 219. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Denarius, Rome, 132-8 AD, 3.43g. BM-595, C-172, RIC230. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: ANNONA - AVG Modius containing poppy between four wheat ears. aVF / EF.................................350 220. SABINA; Rome, 128-c. 137 AD, Denarius, 3.10g. BM-902, C-14 (2 Fr.), RIC-398.

Obv: SABINA AVGVSTA - HADRIANI AVG P P Bust draped l., hair falling in plait behind neck. Rx: CONCOR - DIA AVG Concordia seated l. holding patera and resting l. elbow on Spes standing on column, cornucopia beneath throne. Rare with bust left: only four specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Tiny hairline in upper left field of obverse. Toned EF....................................................................................................................425 221. SABINA, WIFE OF HADRIAN; Denarius, Rome, 128-c. 137 AD, 3.29g. BM-895, C-12, RIC-398. Obv: SABINA AVGVSTA - HADRIANI AVG P P Bust draped r., hair falling in plait down neck. Rx: CONCOR - DIA AVG Concordia seated l. holding patera and resting l. elbow on Spes, cornucopia beneath throne. Hair in front of diadem weakly struck. aEF.....................................................................................................400 222. AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Rome, 137 AD, Denarius, 2.98g. BM-975, RSC-53a, RIC-432 var. Obv: L AELIVS - CAESAR Bust draped, head bare, r. Rx: TR POT - COS II Pietas standing l. extending r. hand above altar and holding incense box in l. hand. Rare obverse variant showing draped bust rather that mere head of Aelius Caesar. Strack-943 records specimens of this variant in Sofia, Vienna, and Oxford, plus the BM specimen cited above; two more are included in Berk photofile. A bit rough. aEF.............................................................................................................................825 223. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 139 AD, 3.23g. BM-117, C-874, RIC-58. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS P P Head laureate r. Rx: TR POT - COS II Modius containing one poppy and two wheat ears. Rare with laureate head on obverse: apparently only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF......................................285 224. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 140-4 AD, 3.45g. BM-204, C-398 (6 Fr.), RIC-69. Obv: COS III, Head bare r. Rx: GENIO - SENATVS Genius of the Senate standing l. holding branch and scepter. Scarce: 30 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Good VF............................................................................................200 225. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 145-7 AD, 3.55g. BM-536, C-345, RIC-137. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS IIII Thunderbolt on draped throne. Near Mint State.......................................................285 226. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 153 AD, 3.25g. BM-782, C-197, RIC-219. Obv: TR P XVI. Rx: COS - IIII Vesta, veiled, standing l. holding ladle and Palladium. Slight weak striking on high point of Vesta’s robe. Mint State...............300 227. DIVA FAUSTINA I, WIFE OF ANTONINUS PIUS DENARIUS; Died 140 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.31g. BM-298, C-159 (12 Fr.), RIC-381b. Obv: DIVA AVG FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: CONCOR - DIAE Antoninus and Faustina clasping hands; he is togate and holds roll, she is veiled and holds scepter. aEF...................250 228. DIVA FAUSTINA I; Died 140 AD, Denarius, Rome, 3.43g. BM-360, C-6, RIC-348. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AETE - [R] - NITAS Fortuna standing l., veiled, holding globe and rudder. Mint State............................................................300 229. DIVA FAUSTINA I; Died 140 AD, Denarius, Rome, 3.29g. BM-467, C-165 corr., RIC-382b. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: CON - SE - C - RATIO Veiled female standing l., raising r. hand and holding torch in l. hand. Mint State.............350 230. DIVA FAUSTINA I; Died 140 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.10g. BM-473, C-175, RIC384. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: CONSECR - ATIO Peacock standing r. on scepter with knobs on both ends, head l. Strack-453 must be right to say peacock standing on scepter, since the knobs at the ends of the scepter are clearly rendered e.g. on the aureus BM-471 pl. 10.10. Cohen, followed by RIC and BMC, says peacock walking r., misinterpreting the scepter as a groundline. aEF....................................250 231. MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 140-4 AD, 3.32g. BM-267, C-236, RIC-422. Obv: AVRELIVS CAES - AR AVG PII F COS Bareheaded bust r., with fold of cloak on front shoulder and wrapped around neck at back. Rx: HO - NOS Honos standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. EF....................425 232. MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 145-7 AD, 3.53g. BM-601, RSC-110a, RIC-429a var. Obv: AVRELIVS CAES - AR AVG PII F COS Bare-headed bust r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and wrapped around neck behind. Rx: COS - II Honos standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. EF / Good VF..............................................................................................................................350 233. MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, 157 AD, Denarius, 3.51g. BM-893, C-721, RIC-473. Obv: AVRELIVS C[AES - AN]TON AVG PII F Head bare r. Rx: TR POT XI - COS II Virtus standing l. holding parazonium and double-pointed spear. Near Mint State...............................................................................................385 234. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Denarius, Rome, 166 AD, 3.19g. BM-406, C-878, RIC-163. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX Head laureate r. Rx: TR P XX IMP IIII COS III Victory standing r., l. foot on helmet, holding palm in r. hand and in l. hand shield inscribed VIC PAR that is set atop palm tree. EF........400 235. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 172 AD, Denarius, 3.04g. BM-560, RSC-280c, RIC-260a. Obv: M ANTONINVS - AVG TR P XXVI Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: IMP - VI - COS III Roma seated l. above shield, holding Victory and spear. Rare with this draped and cuirassed bust type. EF.....................275 236. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 175 AD, Denarius, 3.47g. BM-621, C-417 (3 Fr.) corr., RIC-320. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG - GERM TR P XXIX Head laureate r. Rx: LIBERAL AVG - VI IMP VII COS III Liberalitas standing l. holding coin counter and cornucopia. Rare: only six specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. When Avidius Cassius revolted in Spring 175 AD, Commodus Caesar distributed this sixth largesse in Rome to strengthen the loyalty of the urban populace, before setting out to join his father on the Danube so that they could march together against the usurper. Some flat striking on high points of Liberalitas’ robe. Virtually Mint State..............375 237. FAUSTINA II; Rome, c. 152-3 AD, Denarius, 3.46g. BM-1086, C-54, RIC-502a. Rx: CONCOR - DIA Concordia seated l. holding flower, resting l. elbow on cornucopia set on globe below seat. A bit weakly struck, but Mint State..........................................250 238. FAUSTINA II, WIFE OF MARCUS AURELIUS; Denarius, Rome, c. 156-61 AD, 3.40g. Strack-519, BM-1099, C-15, RIC-495a. Obv: Strack’s coiffure d. Rx: AVGVSTI - PII FIL Venus standing l. holding Victory and shield resting on helmet. Near Mint State..........................................................................................................300 239. LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 164 AD, Denarius, 3.15g. BM-282, C-229, RIC-515. Obv: L VERVS AVG - ARMENIACVS Head bare r. Rx: TR P IIII - IMP II COS II Mars standing r. holding spear and shield. A bit rough. EF.........................300

240. LUCILLA; Rome, Denarius, 3.16g. BM-325, C-92, RIC-788. Obv: LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F Bust draped r. Rx: VES - TA Vesta, veiled, sacrificing l. from ladle over altar and holding Palladium. Toned aEF...........................................................235 241. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 179 AD, Denarius, 3.50g. BM-801, C-775, RIC666. Obv: L AVREL COM - MODVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: TR P IIII IMP - III - COS II P P Victory seated l. holding patera and palm. VF.....................................200 242. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 184 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. BM-122, C-445, RIC74. Obv: M COMMODVS - ANTON AVG PIVS Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII P P Felicitas standing l. holding short caduceus and cornucopia, altar at feet. Cohen-445 and BM-106 see a modius containing wheat ears at Felicitas’ feet, a strange attribute for that personification. On our specimen it is clearly a lighted and garlanded altar, which fits better with Felicitas. Toned EF.......................................400 243. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Denarius, Rome, 187 AD, 3.82g. BM-226, C-646, RIC159. Obv: M COMM ANT - P FEL AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: PVBLIC FEL P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P Felicitas standing r., head l., holding patera and scepter. Scarce: 14 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Overweight specimen. From the Samuel Puchala Collection of Denarii of Commodus. aEF. aEF...........................................300 244. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 190 AD, Denarius, 3.34g. BM-286, C-323, RIC202a. Obv: M COMM ANT P F - EL AVG BRIT P P Head laureate r. Rx: LIBERA - LI - TAS AVG VII Liberalitas standing l. holding coin-counter and cornucopia. Scarce: 13 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Choice EF...........................................................265 245. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Denarius, Rome, 192 AD, 3.35g. BM-318, C-583, RIC233. Obv: L AEL AVREL CO - MM AVG P FEL Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVII - IMP VIII COS VII P P Fides Militum (?) standing l. holding standard topped by eagle (?) and cornucopia, star in r. field. From the Samuel Puchala Collection of Denarii of Commodus; ex Berk 116, August 2000, 515. Good VF...........................................300 246. PERTINAX; 193 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.22g. BM-15, C-2 (50 Fr.), RIC-1a (R2). Obv: IMP CAES P HELV - PERTIN AVG Head laureate r. Rx: AEQVIT AVG - TR P COS II Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Ex Künker 243, 21 November 2013, lot 4929. Exquisite portrait. EF....................................................5750 247. CLODIUS ALBINUS AS CAESAR; 193-195 AD, Rome, 194-5 AD, Denarius, 3.06g. BM-95, C-48 (12 Fr.), RIC-7. Obv: [D C]LOD SEPT - ALBIN CA[ES] Head bare r. Rx: MINER - [PACI]F COS II Minerva standing l. holding branch and shield on ground, spear rests against her l. arm. Mirror-image outline of obverse portrait in reverse field from die clashing. Virtually Mint State................................................750 248. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 204 AD, Denarius, 3.20g. BM-335 pl. 35, 11; C-222. Rx: INDVLGENTIA AVGG IN CARTH Dea Caelestis, head r. and holding thunderbolt and scepter, riding r. on lion above water flowing from rocks. Privately purchased from Harlan J. Berk Ltd. in 2003. High relief portrait, rev. a bit soft. Choice EF / VF..................................................................................................200 249. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Denarius, Rome, 210 AD, 3.18g. BM-326, C-542, RIC-241. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVIII - COS III P P Neptune standing l. placing foot on rock and holding trident. Scarce: 22 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard . EF / VF.............................................140 250. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, New-style Eastern Mint, c. 201 AD, Denarius, 2.37g. BM-655, C-96, RIC-503a. Obv: IMP XI PART MAX Head laureate r. Rx: COS - II - P P Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Well-centered on a broad flan. EF...............................................................................................................................170 251. JULIA DOMNA; Rome, 196 AD, Denarius, 2.85g. BM-57, C-134 (10 Fr.), RIC-567. Obv: IVLIA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: MATRI CASTRO[RVM] Julia sacrificing l. at altar before two standards. Rare: four specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. The Senate probably voted Julia the title “Mother of the Camps” because she had accompanied Septimius Severus on his campaign into Mesopotamia in 195 AD. Good VF.........175 252. JULIA DOMNA; Rome, 214 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. BM-29, C-230, RIC-390. Obv: IVLIA PIA - FELIX AVG Draped bust r. Rx: VESTA Vesta standing l. holding Palladium and scepter. Blue toning. Good EF...........................................................175 253. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 199 AD, Denarius, 3.35g. BM-171, C-572 (3 Fr.), RIC-43. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVGVSTVS Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: SECV - RIT.ORBIS Securitas seated r. by lighted and garlanded altar, supporting head with r. hand and holding scepter in l. Scarce: only eight specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Exquisite portrait, beautifully centered; struck in high relief. Mint State.................375 254. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 204 AD, Denarius, 3.65g. BM-296, C-658 (5 Fr.), RIC-144b. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: VICT PART - MAX Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. EF...........................150 255. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 215 AD, Denarius, 2.78g. BM-114, RSC-279b, RIC-258c. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVIII - COS IIII P P Jupiter standing r. holding thunderbolt behind him and scepter. Scarce: probably 14 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard (as C-281, Jupiter seated). Exquisite Portrait; sharply struck and perfectly centered. Mint State.......................325 256. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 215 AD, Denarius, 2.78g. BM-143, C-315, RIC266. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P Fides, wearing crown of towers, standing l. holding two standards. From a collection formed by a schoolboy in the 1950s, bought chiefly from Ben’s Stamp and Coin Company in Chicago. Excellent toning; reverse struck from somewhat worn die. EF...............................................................................................................................150 257. PLAUTILLA; Rome, 203-4 AD, Denarius, 3.30g. BM-423, C-16, RIC-367. Obv: PLAVTILLA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r., hair covers ear. Rx: PIETAS - AVGG Pietas standing r. holding scepter and child. Good VF.......................................................185 258. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 199 AD, Denarius, 3.57g. BM-232, C-159, RIC-15b. Obv: P SEPT GETA - CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: PRINC - IVVENT Geta standing l. holding branch and spear. Exquisite portrait struck on a large flan. Mint State...............................................................................375 259. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 199 AD, Denarius, 1.68g. BM-240 corr., C-183, RIC-20a. Obv: P SEPT GETA - CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: SECVRIT - IMPERII Securitas seated l. holding globe. Notably underweight specimen. Rarer with bust draped only than with bust draped and cuirassed. The

four BM specimens 240-243, though described as just draped, are in fact draped and cuirassed. EF / VF.....................................................................................................165 VICT BRIT 260. GETA AS AUGUSTUS; 209-211 AD, Rome, 210-1 AD, Denarius, 3.00g. BM-68, C-219 (3 Fr.), RIC-92. Obv: P SEPT GETA PIVS - AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIAE BRIT Victory standing l., naked to waist, holding wreath and palm. Purchased from Spink’s, Dec. 2001. Scarce: 20 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. VF ...................................................................................................................................300 Macrinus Antoninianus 261. MACRINUS; 217-218 AD, Rome, 217 AD, Antoninianus, 4.03g. RSC-126b, RIC95, bust var. of BM-27. Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., with short beard. Rx: SECVRITAS TEMPORVM Securitas seated l. before altar, holding scepter in r. hand and supporting head with l. hand. Ex CNG 69, 8 June 2005, lot 1669. Rare, like all antoniniani of Macrinus: only two specimens with this reverse type in Reka Devnia hoard. Toned EF...................................................975 Very Rare Diadumenian Antoninianus 262. DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 217 AD, 5.36g. C-11 (80 Fr.), BM-82 note, RIC-106. Obv: M OPEL DIADVMENIANVS CAES Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PRINC IVVENTVTIS Diadumenian standing l. holding baton and scepter, two standards behind him topped by eagle and wreath respectively. Very rare denomination for Diadumenian, since Macrinus halted the production of antoniniani soon after the beginning of his reign. Only the 25th antoninianus of Diadumenian known to C. Clay from his material covering many public and private collections, dealers’ stocks, and published sources. These 25 coins come from five obverse dies, two with bust type as our coin and three with bust radiate draped seen from behind, and from ten reverse dies. Ex Berk 149, 24 May 2006, lot 360. With only one antoninianus against 83 denarii of Diadumenian in the Reka Devnia hoard, antoniniani of the ephemeral Caesar seem to be almost one hundred times rarer than his denarii. Price reduction!. Slightly granular, but EF.................2750 Exceptional Diadumenian Denarius 263. DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Rome, Denarius, 2.88g. BM-87, C-3 (15 Fr.), RIC-102. Obv: M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from front. Rx: PRINC IVVENTVTIS Diadumenian standing l., head r., holding standard and scepter, two further standards behind him. Ex NAC 62, 6 Oct. 2011, S.C. Markoff Coll., lot 2049; ex Gorny & Mosch 142, 10-11 Oct. 2005, lot 2762. Mint State.................................................................................................................2450 264. ELAGABALUS (218-222 AD); 218-222 AD, Rome, 219 AD, Denarius, 3.21g. BM223, C-120, RIC-125. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: PAX AVGVSTI Pax advancing l. holding branch and scepter. FDC........................350 265. ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Rome, 220-221 AD, Denarius, 3.25g. BM-235, C-300. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVG Victory flying l. holding garland over two shields, star in field r., incuse portrait in field from clashed dies. A bit coarse. MS..........................................................................200 266. ELAGABALUS (218-222 AD); 218-222 AD, Rome, 221 AD, Denarius, 3.03g. BM250 var., C-189, RIC-42, Eauze Hoard-330 (5 spec.). Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Head (not bust) laureate r. Rx: P M TR P IIII COS III P P Providentia standing l. holding rod above globe at her feet, and cornucopia; star in field l. FDC................400 Very Rare Genio Senatvs Type 267. ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Eastern Mint, 218-9 AD, Denarius, 3.31g. Obv: ANTONINV - S PIVS FEL AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: GENIO S ENATVS The Genius of the Senate, togate, bearded, and laureate, standing l. holding branch in r. hand and roll in l. Ex CNG E171, 22 August 2007, lot 370. From the Samuel Puchala Collection. Not in the standard catalogues under Elagabalus, but a specimen of this coin was reported in 1886 and misattributed to Caracalla: ASFN 1886, p. 101 = BMC p. 442, (d) = RIC-234 = RSC-90c. Specimens known today, apart from ours and the one in the Spink catalogue cited above: one in Vienna and one in Tom Cederlind’s stock in 2002. The Cederlind coin is from the same dies as the Vienna specimen, and may or may not be identical with the one in the Spink catalogue of 1997: we cannot locate our copy of that catalogue to check. Weakly struck reverse. Virtually Mint State.................................................................................................................1450 268. JULIA PAULA; Rome, 220 AD, Denarius, 2.87g. BM-172, RSC-6a, Eauze Hoard-376 (29 spec.), RIC-211. Obv: [IVLI]A PAVLA AVG Bust draped r., later coiffure with small bun. Rx: CONCO - RDIA Concordia seated l. holding patera, star in l. field. Legend off flan on left. Mint State.............................................................................275 Exceptional Aquilia Severa Denarius 269. AQUILIA SEVERA; Rome, 220-1 AD, Denarius, 2.94g. BM-185, C-2, RIC-225. Obv: IVLIA AQVILIA SEVERA AVG Bust draped r. with second coiffure. Rx: CONCORDIA Concordia standing l. holding patera above altar and double cornucopia, star in l. field. While this lady is not only difficult to acquire, she almost never comes in this grade. Mint State............................................................................................... 1150 270. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 222 AD, Denarius, 2.82g. BM-34, C-218, RIC-14. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P - COS P P Salus seated l. extending patera to snake rising from altar. Exquisite coin; reverse is so sharp that it shows a rarely seen snake crawling up the altar. FDC...................................................................................................................450 271. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 228 AD, Denarius, 3.29g. BM-507, C-351, RIC-85. Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XANDER AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P VII - C - O - S II P P Emperor as Romulus advancing r., holding spear and trophy over shoulder. Mint State..................................................................................................375 272. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, c. 229 AD, Denarius, 3.40g. BM-591 note, RSC-1, RIC-184. Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XAND AVG Head laureate r., no fold of cloak on shoulder. Rx: ABVNDAN - TIA AVG Abundantia standing r. emptying fruits from cornucopia. Scarcer bust variant for this scarce type: four specimens in Eauze hoard, compared to 13 specimens with fold of cloak on emperor’s shoulder. FDC.400 273. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 229 AD, Denarius, 3.23g. BM-606, RSC-365a, RIC-92 var., Eauze-479 (9 spec.). Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XANDER AVG

Bust laureate r., folds of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: P M TR P - VIII - COS III P P Mars advancing l., holding branch, scepter, and shield. Exquisite reverse. Mint State...................................................................................................................375 275. MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236-8 AD, Denarius, 2.98g. BM-137, C-9, RIC-18A. Obv: with GERM, third portrait. Rx: FIDES - M - I - LITVM Fides standing l. holding two standards. Fantastic portrait. Mint State..............................350 276. MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236-8 AD, Denarius, 2.97g. BM137, C-9, RIC-18A. Obv: with GERM, third portrait. Rx: FIDES MI - LITVM Fides standing l. holding two standards. FDC....................................................................400 277. MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236-8 AD, Denarius, 3.17g. BM-144, C-37, RIC-19. Obv: with GERM, third portrait. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter. Mint State...................................................375 278. MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236-238 AD, Denarius, 3.23g. BM170, C-75, RIC-20. Obv: with GERM, third portrait. Rx: PROVIDENTIA AVG Providentia standing l., holding wand over globe and cornucopia. Mint State........385 279. MAXIMUS AS CAESAR; Rome, Denarius, 3.20g. BM-118, C-1 (20 Fr.), RIC-1. Obv: IVL VERVS MAXIMVS CAES Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: PIETAS AVG Priestly implements: lituus, knife, pitcher, ladle, whisk. Toned VF+.......................750 280. PUPIENUS; 238 AD, Denarius, 3.14g. RIC-2, C-12 (10 Fr.). Obv: IMP C M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: IOVI CONSE - RVATORI Jupiter standing l. holding thunderbolt and scepter. Ex HJB BBS 123, 2001, lot 591. Rare reverse type: not present in Eauze hoard among 18 denarii of Pupienus. Some iridescent toning. Mint State....................................................................................1650 Mule 281. PUPIENUS MULE, REV. OF BALBINUS; 238 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.65g. BM50, C-29 (10 Fr.), RIC-5. Obv: IMP C M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: P M TR P - COS II P P Genius of the Senate standing l. holding branch and short scepter. A rare mint mule, this reverse type being meant for Balbinus not Pupienus on denarii. Not in the BM collection by 1962: BMC-50* cites and illustrates the Paris specimen instead. The Eauze hoard contained seven Genius of the Senate denarii of Balbinus, but none of Pupienus, among the 18 denarii of that emperor in the hoard. Extremely Rare. Mint State..................................................2450 282. BALBINUS; 238 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.32g. BM-26, C-20 (10 Fr.), RIC-5. Obv: IMP C D CAEL BALBINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: P M TR - P COS II P P The Genius of the Senate standing l. holding branch and short scepter. His hairdo and attributes guarantee that the togate figure in the reverse type is the Genius of the Senate, not Balbinus as wrongly stated in the three standard catalogues. Ex Roma Numismatics E14, lot 542. Mint State...................................850 283. PHILIP I; Rome, 245-7 AD, Antoninianus, 5.86g. RIC-28c, C-25. Obv: long legend. Rx: ANNONA AVGG Annona standing l. holding wheat ears above modius and cornucopia. Overweight specimen. Mint State......................................................... 115 284. PHILIP I; Rome, 247 AD, Antoninianus, 3.54g. RIC-4, C-136. Obv: long legend. Rx: P M TR P IIII COS II P P Felicitas standing l. holding shortened caduceus in straight r. arm and cornucopia. Variant type introduced c. spring 247 AD. Mint State............100 285. OTACILIA SEVERA, WIFE OF PHILIP I; Antoninianus, Rome, 247 AD, 3.74g. RIC-126, C-17. Obv: M OTACIL SEVERA AVG Bust draped r., wearing stephane and on crescent. Rx: CONCORDIA AVGG Concordia seated l. holding patera over altar and cornucopia. Reverse weakly struck. Mint State.................................................. 110 286. HOSTILIAN AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.43g. RIC-175b, C-10 (4 Fr.). Obv: [C V]ALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS N C Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: MAR PROP Mars advancing r. holding spear and shield. Rare with this short reverse legend: only one specimen in Dorchester hoard, also only one in Eauze hoard. Some areas of weak striking. Mint State...................................................................650 287. TREBONIANUS GALLUS, REVERSE OF VOLUSIAN; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 2.83g. RIC-51 (R), C-29. Obv:IMP CAE C TREB GALLVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: CONCORDIA AVGG Concordia standing l. holding patera and double cornucopia. Ex Berk 41, 11 February 1986, lot 294; with old ticket handwritten by Harlan Berk and giving the firm’s original Joliet address. A rare mint mule joining an obverse of Gallus with a reverse of Volusian: only two specimens in Eauze hoard, one in Dorchester hoard. Excellent portrait, very sharp.. Toned EF / VF.. ...................................................................................................................................275 288. VALERIAN I; 253-260 AD, Antioch, Antoninianus, 3.50g. Göbl-1687e (32 spec.), C-276. Obv: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG Bust radiate r. Rx: VIRTVS AVGG Emperors standing face to face, one holding spear and globe, the other Victory and spear. aEF....................................................................................................................60 289. MARINIANA, DIVA; “Viminacium”, 254-8 AD, Antoninianus, 2.96g. Eauze Hoard-1427 (19 spec.), C-2 (8 Fr.), RIC-3 (S). Obv: DIVAE MARINIANAE Bust draped, veiled r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: CONSECRATIO Peacock with tail spread standing front, head l. Acquired by previous owner in October 1986. Corrosion on obverse. Fine / VF................................................................................200 290. MARINIANA, DIVA; Rome, 254-8 AD, Antoninianus, 2.62g. Eauze Hoard-1321 (200 spec.), Cunetio Hoard-643 (63 spec.), RIC-6 (R), C-16 (8 Fr.). Obv: DIVAE MARINIANIAE Bust draped, veiled r., on crescent. Rx: CONSECRATIO Peacock flying r. bearing empress to heaven. Toned; reverse a bit weakly struck. EF............650 291. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, c. 267-8 AD, Antoninianus, 3.26g. Cunetio Hoard-1404 (only 16 spec.), RIC-285, C-983 (2 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Head radiate r. Rx: SOLI CO[N]S AVG Bull standing r., in exergue XI (=officina 11). A rare secondary type in Gallienus’ animal series: the animal associated with the legend naming the sun god is usually a winged horse not a bull. VF..................................300 292. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, c. 267-8 AD, Antoninianus, 2.74g. Göbl-738b (210 spec.), Cunetio Hoard-1386 (245 spec.), RIC-164, C-73. Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Head radiate r. Rx: APOL - LI - NI CONS AVG Centaur walking l. holding globe and rudder, H (=officina 8) in exergue. VF / aEF.....................................................125 293. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, c. 267-8 AD, 2.53g. Cunetio Hoard-1392 (146 spec.), RIC-245. Rx: NEPTVNO CONS AVG Hippocamp r., N=officina 9 in exergue. Some areas of flat striking. aEF.........................................100

294. SALONINA; Rome, 266-8 AD, Antoninianus, 3.53g. Göbl-725cc (112 spec.), Cunetio-1418 (82 spec.), RIC-16, C-70. Obv: COR SALONINA AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: IVNONI CONS AVG Bearded and antlered goat walking l., Δ (=officina 4) in exergue. aVF...............................................................100 295. POSTUMUS; 260-268 AD, Antoninianus, 3.52g. RIC-73, Cunetio-2385 (474 spec.). Obv: IMP C POST[VMVS P] F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: LAETITIA above, AVG in exergue, Galley l., steersman in cabin at stern, waves below. Acquired from Joel Malter. Some areas of flat striking. EF................100 296. AUREOLUS, STRIKING IN NAME OF POSTUMUS; Milan, Late 267-268 AD, Antoninianus, 3.22g. Cunetio-2474 (9 spec.), RIC-373. Obv: I[MP PO]STVMVS AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust of Postumus r., seen from front. Rx: [CON] CORD EQVIT Fortuna standing l., r. foot on prow, holding patera and rudder on globe. VF..............................................................................................................................250 297. CLAUDIUS II GOTHICUS; 268-270 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 269 AD, 2.87g. RIC-10, C-214. Rx: P M TR P II COS P P Genius of the Senate standing l. holding branch and short scepter. VF.......................................................................................85 298. VICTORINUS; 268-270 AD, Antoninianus, 3.80g. RIC-117, C-83 (3 Fr.), Cunetio-2518 (177 spec.). Obv: IMP C PIAV VICTORINVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PAX AVG Pax standing l. holding branch and scepter; in field, V l., star r. Fine...............................................................................100 299. QUINTILLUS; 270 AD, Milan, Antoninianus, 3.12g. RIC-52, C-25. Obv: IMP QVINTILLVS AVG Radiate, draped bust r. Rx: FIDE - S - M - ILIT around, S in exergue, Fides standing l. holding two standards. VF..............................................140 300. TETRICUS I; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 1.70g. RIC-126, C-154, Cunetio-2617 (140 spec.). Rx: SALVS AVGG Salus standing l., feeding serpent rising from altar, and holding anchor. aEF.................................................................................................. 110 301. TETRICUS II AS CAESAR; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 2.98g. Cunetio Hoard-2647 (357 spec.), RIC-270. Obv: [C P]IV ESV TETRICVS CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: SPE - S - AVGG Spes walking l. holding flower and raising robe. Ex Philip Ronzone Collection. Ex Pegasi IX, 1 October 2003, lot 555. Well-struck and well-centered for this coin: difficult to acquire so choice. aVF...........................................................100 302. TETRICUS II AS CAESAR; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 2.70g. Cunetio Hoard-2608 (388 spec.), RIC-272. Obv: C PIV ESV TETRICVS CAES Radiate, draped bust r. Rx: SPES PVBLICA Spes advancing l., r. foot forward, holding flower and raising skirt. EF.................................................................................................................................30 Tetricus II as Augustus 303. TETRICUS II AS AUGUSTUS; 273 AD, Antoninianus, 2.01g. Obv: C P E TETR[ICVS] C AVG Bust radiate r. Rx: PAX - [AV]G Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter. It is chiefly the coins that provide evidence, not accepted by everybody, that Tetricus I made his son joint Augustus for a short time at the end of his reign. Rare antoniniani show jugate busts of Tetricus I and II with the legend IMPP TETRICI PII AVGG; and an antoninianus in Oxford that shares its reverse die with several of these jugate-bust coins shows on the obverse a radiate portrait of Tetricus II alone, with legend IMP C P E TETRICVS C AVG. See C.H.V. Sutherland, An Unpublished Coin...of Tetricus II, Museum Notes XI, 1964, pp. 151-8, pl. XXIX. Now a few other antoniniani of Tetricus II alone naming him Augustus are reported by RIC236, 250, 253, and 290-1, but these all appear to be just ancient imitations, not official issues. Our coin may be only the second such coin recorded which is actually official, though its omission of IMP at the beginning of the obverse legend is admittedly odd. Fine+........................................................................................................................1450 304. AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Serdica, 273-4 AD, Antoninianus, 4.54g. RIC-260, Paris-1005, Göbl-243mA2(3). Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front; cuirass dotted. Rx: IOVI CON - SER Jupiter handing globe to emperor, officina S=2 in exergue. Silvered Mint State.............................................125 305. SEVERINA; Rome, Denarius, 2.31g. C-14, RIC-6, Göbl-141t3 (27 spec.). Rx: VENVS FELIX Venus standing l. holding apple with index finger and thumb and scepter, Γ (=officina 3) in exergue. aEF....................................................................225 306. SEVERINA, WIFE OF AURELIAN; Antoninianus, Cyzicus, 275 AD, 3.60g. RIC18, Göbl-352a0 (31 spec.), Paris-1237. Rx: CONCOR - DIAE M - ILITVM Concordia standing l. holding two standards, XXI in exergue. Silvered Mint State.................225 307. TACITUS; 275-276 AD, Lugdunum, Antoninianus, 3.60g. Bastien-93 (50 spec.), RIC-65, C-144. Obv: IMP CL TACITVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: TEMPORVM FELICITAS Felicitas standing l. holding caduceus and cornucopia, A in l. field, star in r. field. A few minor deposits. VF..............................60 308. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Ticinum, Antoninianus, 3.59g. RIC-499. EQVITI Series, officina T=3. Rx: SALV - S AVG around, TXXI in exergue, V in l. field, Salus standing r. feeding serpent in arms. Ex Philip Ronzone Collection. Silver wash rather complete. Mint State...................................................................................................................100 Double Antoninanus with DEO ET DOMINO 309. CARUS; 282-283 AD, Siscia, Double Antoninianus, 4.10g. RIC-99 (R2), C-27 (50 Fr., no source). Obv: DEO ET DOMINO CARO AVG Bust of Carus, radiate and cuirassed l., facing bust of Sol, radiate and draped r. Rx: FELICIT - A[S] REIPVBLICAE Felicitas standing l., leaning on column, holding short caduceus and transverse scepter, XI in exergue. A remarkable and very rare obverse type calling Carus “Master and God” and showing his portrait facing that of the sun god. Analyses have shown that the rare coins marked XI contained about 9% silver, while those marked XXI contained about 4.5% silver. The coins marked XI must therefore have been worth twice as much as those marked XXI, and “XI” must have meant “ten parts copper, one part silver”, whereas “XXI” meant “twenty parts copper, one part silver”. See P. Dearing, A Double Radiate of Florian, Num. Chronicle 167, 2007, pp. 165-9. aVF............................1725 310. CARINUS; 283-285 AD, Lugdunum, Antoninianus, 3.11g. RIC-212, C-8, Bastien-533 (58 spec.). Obv: IMP C M AVR CARINVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: AEQVITAS AVGG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia, officina letter A=1 in r. field. aEF.........................................................200 311. NUMERIAN; 283-284 AD, Lugdunum, Antoninianus, 3.26g. RIC-394, C-43, Bastien-539 (47 spec.). Obv: IMP C NVMERIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed

r., seen from front. Rx: PAX - AVGG Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter, officina letter B=2 in l. field. aEF................................................................145 312. NUMERIAN; 283-284 AD, Lugdunum, Antoninianus, 2.62g. Bastien-544 (45 spec.), RIC-388 (C), C-21. Rx: Mars Victor advancing r., officina C=3. Ex Philip Ronzone Collection. VF.............................................................................................................85 313. NUMERIAN; 283-284 AD, Cyzicus, Antoninianus, 3.60g. RIC-463, C-8. Obv: IMP C NVMERIANVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: CLEMENTIA TEMP Emperor standing r., receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter standing l.; XXI in exergue, A in field below the Victory. With complete silvering, probably modern. Acquired from Stack’s in October 2001; with their ticket. Some porosity. aEF.........75 314. CARAUSIUS; 287-293 AD, London, Antoninianus, 4.14g. RIC-98. Obv: IMP C CARAVSIVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PAX AVG Pax standing l. holding branch and vertical scepter, S - P across field, ML (weak) in exergue. Good Fine...............................................................................................175 315. CARAUSIUS; 287-293 AD, London, Antoninianus, 4.14g. RIC-101. Obv: IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PAX - [A]VG Pax standing l. holding branch and vertical scepter, ML in exergue, F - O in field. Fine / VF..........................................................................................................165 316. CARAUSIUS; 287-293 AD, Antoninianus, 4.22g. Cf. RIC-823. Obv: IMP CA[RAVSIVS...] Radiate bust r. Rx: [LAETIT] - AVGG (sic) Laetitia standing l. holding wreath and long caduceus. Somewhat barbarized specimen with blundered reverse legend (should be AVG or possibly AVGGG), but still of good weight and fabric. Rare. Weakly struck obverse. Fine.................................................................165 LATE ROMAN SILVER AND SILVERED BRONZE 317. DIOCLETIAN; 284-305 AD. Lugdunum, c. 303-5 AD, Follis, 9.67g. RIC-175a (C). Obv: IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG Bust laureate cuirassed r., seen from front, fold of cloak on l. shoulder. Rx: GENIO POP - VLI ROMANI Genius sacrificing l. over altar, PLC in exergue, star in r. field. EF............................................................................210 318. CONSTANTIUS I, DIVUS; Died 306 AD, London, 307-10 AD, Follis, 6.39g. RIC110, C-179. Obv: DIVO CONSTANTIO PIO Bust laureate, veiled r. Rx: MEMORIA FELIX Lighted and garlanded altar between two eagles, in exergue PLN. Extremely sharp and interesting reverse. Obverse is less well-struck, but nicely centered and desirable. Good Fine / VF..........................................................................................175 319. GALERIUS AS CAESAR; 293-305 AD, Lugdunum, c. 301-3 AD, Follis, 9.72g. RIC-146b (C), officina B=2. Obv: MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES Laureate bust l. in consular robes, holding eagle-tipped scepter in r. hand. Rx: GENIO POP - VLI ROMANI Genius standing l. holding patera above lighted altar, and cornucopia; PLG in exergue, B in r. field. VF.......................................................................................200 320. GALERIUS AS AUGUSTUS; 305-311 AD, Cyzicus, 308-9 AD, Follis, 6.80g. RIC50 corr., officina B=2 (S) Obv: GAL MAXIMIANVS P F AVG Head laureate r. Rx: VIRTVTI E - XE - RCITVS Mars advancing r. holding spear, shield, and trophy over shoulder, MKV in exergue, B in l. field. RIC-50, following the Gerin catalogue, wrongly adds VAL to the obverse legend. Ex CNG 60, 22 May 2002, part of lot 1870 (9 folles, Jürgen K. Schmidt Collection, the reverse of this coin is illustrated). EF.225 321. ROMULUS, DIVUS; Rome, 311-312 AD, Reduced Follis, 5.71g. RIC-256 (R), officina P=1; Drost-176 (officina P only, 20 spec.); C-10 (20 Fr.). Obv: IMP MAXENTIVS DIVO ROMVLO N V FILIO Bare head of Romulus r. Rx: AETERNAE - MEMORIAE Domed shrine with six columns, one door half open, eagle standing on roof, REP in exergue. Scarce emperor. Bold Fine / VF.............................................800 322. FAUSTA; Trier, 326 AD, Follis, 2.36g. RIC-483, officina S=2 (c2). Obv: FLAV MAX - FAVSTA AVG Bust draped r., seen from front, wearing pearl necklace. Rx: SALVS REI - PVBLICAE Empress standing l. holding two infants, in exergue STR followed by crescent nestling pellet. Mint State......................................................................250 323. FAUSTA; Trier, 326 AD, Follis, 3.48g. RIC-484, officina P=1 (c1). Obv: FLAV MAX - FAVSTA AVG Bust draped r., seen from front, wearing pearl necklace. Rx: SPES REI P - VBLICAE Empress standing l. holding two infants, in exergue PTR followed by crescent nestling pellet. Mint State...........................................................................250 324. HELENA; Ticinum, 326 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.07g. RIC-202, officina Q=4 (r2). Obv: FL HELENA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r., seen from front, wearing pearl necklace. Rx: SECVRITAS - REIPVBLICE Empress, veiled, standing l. holding branch, in exergue crescent flanked by Q and T. Mint State...................................................................250 325. HELENA; Trier, 327-8 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.33g. RIC-508, officina S=2 (c3). Obv: FL HELENA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r., seen from front, wearing pearl necklace. Rx: SECVRITAS - REIPVBLICE Empress, veiled, standing l. holding branch, in exergue STRE. Mint State......................................................................................................250 326. URBS ROMA; Trier, 330-331 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.57g. RIC-529, officina S=2 (c3). Obv: VRBS - ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma l. Rx: She-wolf standing l. suckling Romulus and Remus, two stars above, TRS. in exergue. Ex Berk 125, 27 February 2002, lot 657. Mint State..........................................................................................125 327. URBS ROMA; Thessalonica, 336-7 AD, Reduced Follis, 1.46g. RIC-229 officina E=5 (r1). Obv: VRBS - ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma l. Rx: Wolf l. suckling twins, two stars above, SMTSE in exergue. Fine+.....................................................................100 328. LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, Reduced Follis, Thessalonica, 312-3 AD, 3.73g. RIC60, officina A=1. Rx: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN Jupiter standing l. holding Victory on globe and scepter, eagle with wreath in beak at feet, .TS.A. in exergue. EF.................................................................................................................................90 329. CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Trier, 322-3 AD, Follis, 3.12g. RIC382, officina S=2 (r3). Obv: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C Bust left holding Victory on globe and sword with eagle-head handle. Rx: BEATA TRAN - QVILLITAS Altar inscribed VO / TIS / XX, globe on altar, three stars above, .STR. in exergue. Acquired by previous owner from Freeman & Sear, September 2007; with their printed ticket. Exceptionally nice elaborate obverse. Mint State......................................................250 330. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD. London, c. 313-4 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.52g. RIC10 (c3). Obv: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG Laureate, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, fold of cloak on l. shoulder. Rx: SOLI INVIC - TO COMITI. Sol standing l., cloak over l. shoulder, raising r. hand and holding globe in l.; PLN in exergue, S - F in

field. Apparently with a dot at the end of the reverse legend, though it could be just a die flaw. Acquired from Harlan Berk, c. 2000. EF...................................................120 331. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, London, 313-314 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.91g. RIC 17 (r2). Obv: Helmeted bust l. holding spear and shield. Rx: SOLI INVIC - TO COMITI around, PLN in exergue, S - F across field, Sol standing l. raising r. hand and holding globe in l. Rare bust type. Purchased from Harlan J. Berk, 2002. EF.........140 332. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, London, 319-20 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.96g. RIC159 (R1). Obv: IMP CONSTANT - INVS AG Cuirassed bust l. wearing high-crested helmet, spear over shoulder. Rx: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP Two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT/PR above altar, PLN in exergue . Silvered Mint State.... ...................................................................................................................................145 333. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, London, 319-20 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.82g. RIC161 (r1). Obv: CONSTA - NTINVS AVG Cuirassed bust r. wearing laureate helmet. Rx: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP Two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT/PR above altar, PLN in exergue. Silvered Mint State.....................................175 334. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD. London, c. 323-4 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.76g. RIC289 (s). Obv: CONSTANT - INVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: SARMATIA - DEVICTA Victory advancing r. holding trophy and palm and placing foot on back of seated captive, in exergue PLON followed by crescent. EF / VF+.....................................200 335. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD. Lugdunum, c. 313-4 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.89g. RIC-7 (c1). Obv: CONSTANTINVS P F AVG Laureate, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, fold of cloak on l. shoulder. Rx: SOLI INVIC - TO COMITI Sol standing l., cloak over l. shoulder, raising r. hand and holding globe in l.; PLG in exergue, S - F in field. Attractive brown patina. VF.............................................................................100 336. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD Lugdunum, c. 322-3 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.92g. RIC-153 corr. (c2), Bastien-141 (47 spec.). Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: BEATA TRAN - QVILLITAS Altar inscribed VO / TIS / XX, globe on altar, three stars above, PLG in exergue, C - R across field. RIC gives the wrong division of the word VOTIS on the altar. Acquired from Freeman & Sear, 2008. Lovely dark patination. Mint State........................................................................................100 337. CONSTANTINE I THE GREAT; 307-337 AD, Reduced follis, Nicomedia, 317-20 AD, 2.98g. RIC-23, officina Z=7 (r2). Obv: Laureate bust l. holding mappa, globe, and scepter. Rx: IOVI CONS - ERVATORI AVGG Jupiter standing l. holding Victory on globe, who crowns him, and scepter, SMN in exergue, branch and Z in field. EF...120 338. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Cyzicus, 325-6 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.30g. RIC-34, officina E=5 (c2). Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: PROVIDEN - TIAE AVGG Camp gate with two turrets, no doors, star above, SMKE. in exergue. Mint State...................................................................................................................120 339. CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Trier, 327-328 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.95g. RIC-505, officina S=2 (c3). Rx: PROVIDEN - TIAE CAESS Camp gate with star above, STRE in exergue. Ex Berk 125, 27 February 2002, lot 670. Mint State.100 340. CONSTANTINE II; 337-340 AD, Rome, Reduced Follis, 1.58g. RIC-21, officina uncertain; C-233 (10 Fr.). Obv: VI[C CO]NS[TAN]TINVS AVG Bust diademed, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VIRTVS AV[GVSTI] Emperor in military dress standing l., head r., holding spear and shield that rest on ground, R*[P?] in exergue. The officina letter is off flan. Interesting obverse legend giving Constantine II the praenomen Victor; scarce reverse type used only by the mint of Rome. Comes with a handwritten coin ticket and Adolph Hess/Frankfurt printed envelope from the early decades of the twentieth century, on which however the coin is misattributed to Constans at Trier with the wrong reverse legend! . aVF...........................................135 341. CONSTANTIUS II AS CAESAR; 324-337 AD, Trier, 327-8 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.31g. RIC-506, officina S=2 (c3). Obv: FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed l., seen from front. Rx: PROVIDEN - TIAE CAESS Camp gate with two turrets and no doors, star above, STRE in exergue. Good VF...........100 342. CONSTANTIUS II AS CAESAR; 324-337 AD, Siscia, 326-7 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.38g. RIC-203, officina Δ=4 (c3). Obv: FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed l., seen from front. Rx: PROVIDEN - TIAE CAESS Camp gate with two turrets, no doors, dots in upper row of blocks, star above, in exergue .ΔSIS. EF..................................................................................................................100 343. CONSTANS; 337-350 AD, Aquileia, 348-350 AD, Centenionalis, 6.16g. RIC-117 (C), officina S=2. Obv: A behind portrait. Rx: FEL TEMP - REPARATIO Emperor in military dress holding phoenix on globe and standard with Chi-Rho on banner; Victory steers ship; A in l. field, AQS. in exergue. Ex Berk 125, 27 February 2002, lot 672. Mint State...................................................................................................................120 344. CONSTANS; 337-350 AD, Trier, 348-50 AD, AE 3, 2.92g. RIC-228 (C2), officina S=2. Obv: D N CONSTA - NS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: FEL.TEMP.REPARATIO Phoenix, radiate, standing r. on rocky mound, TRS. in exergue. Ex Berk 141, 5 January 2005, lot 422. Wonderful reverse type of a Phoenix standing on a mound. EF..............................................................125 345. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Thessalonica, Centenionalis, 5.99g. RIC-132 (S), officina A=1; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRAN - IO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .TSA. in exergue, A - B across field. Mint State / EF............................................................................500 346. MAGNENTIUS; 350-353 AD, Trier, 351 AD, Centenionalis, 5.51g. RIC-271 (C2), officina S=2; Bastien-33 (30 spec.). Obv: D N MAGNEN - TIVS P F AVG Bareheaded, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, A behind portrait. Rx: GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor in military dress, shield on l. arm, on horse charging r., spearing barbarian with outstretched arms kneeling l. beneath horse; below horse, shield and broken spear; mintmark TRS followed by crescent in exergue. Ex CNG 49, 17 March 1999, lot 1831. Near Mint State...............................................................350 347. MAGNENTIUS; 350-353 AD, Amiens, 353 AD, Centenionalis, 4.80g. RIC-39, Bastien-139 (6 spec.). Obv: D N MAGNEN - [TIVS P F AVG] Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: SALV[S] DD NN AVG ET CAES Large ChiRho flanked by A and W, AMB in exergue. aEF / EF...............................................250 348. DECENTIUS AS CAESAR; 350-353 AD, Lugdunum, 351-2 AD, Centenionalis,

5.04g. RIC-137 (C3), officina S=2; Bastien-177 (23 spec.). Obv: D N DECENTIVS NOB CAES Bare-headed, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAE Two Victories holding wreath, within which VOT / V / MVLT / X, SP in field below wreath, mintmark RSLG (second officina) in exergue. Ex Berk 132, 14 May 2003, lot 604. VF..............................................................................................300 349. DECENTIUS AS CAESAR; 350-353 AD, Trier, c. Late 351-Aug. 352 AD, Centenionalis, 4.73g. RIC-313(R), officina P=1; Bastien-65 (1 spec. only). Obv: D N DECENTI - VS FORT CAES Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, A behind portrait. Rx: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAES Two Victories holding wreath, within which VOT V MVLT X; TRP in exergue. Coins of Decentius are much scarcer than those of Magnetius. To get a sharp example like this is a treat. EF with some isolated porosity...............................................................................................450 350. JULIAN II; 360-363 AD, Cyzicus, AE 1, 7.30g. RIC-127 (C), officina B =2. Obv: Bust r. Rx: SECVRITAS REI PVB Bull standing r., two stars above, CVZB in exergue. Fine+..........................................................................................................................300 351. VALENTINIAN II; 375-392 AD, Treveri, 375-383 AD, Siliqua, 1.63g. RIC-43 (C)=57a (C), C-40 (4 Fr.). Obv: D N VALENTINIANVS IVN...Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTOR - IA AVGGG Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm; TRPS in exergue. The obverse legend should end P F AVG, but only three unclear letters seem to be present. VF........................200 352. THEODOSIUS I; 379-395 AD, Trier, 388-95 AD, Siliqua, 1.52g. RIC-94b (C)=106a (S), RSC-57†a, Sear-4176. Obv: D N THEODO - SIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VIRTVS RO - MANORVM Roma seated l. on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and reversed spear, TRPS in exergue. Somewhat corroded, large flan crack. Fine..................................................................75 353. LEO I; 457-474 AD, Constantinople, AE 4, 0.70g. RIC-667 (R2). Obv: [D N LEO PE]RPET AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: Lion standing l., head r., tail raised, star above, no legend, all within wreath (here off flan); mintmark CON in exergue. Ex Berk 173, 15 March 2011, lot 252. Dark patina. Nice strike. EF....................................................................................................................450 BYZANTINE SILVER John V and John VI Basilikon 354. JOHN V AND JOHN VI; 1347-1353 AD. Constantinople, Basilikon, 0.98g. Sear2528; LPC-p. 140, 2. Obv: Christ standing facing in mandorla (halo of light surrounding entire figure). Rx: John V and John VI standing facing, side by side. This is the finest known of an extremely rare coin struck during a small joint reign. There have recently been some forgeries on the market of this issue but they have no relationship in quality or dies to this coin. Because of the forgeries in the market, this coin has been vetted by four of the best specialists in this field. Mint State..................................................3450 GREEK BRONZE Labyrinth Reverse 355. CRETE, KNOSSOS; c. 220 BC, AE 17, 3.24g. Svoronos-123, pl. VI, 14; Sear-3228; BMC-36. Obv: Europa seated on bull prancing l., her veil billowing out behind; two dolphins beneath; border of rays. Rx: KNΩΣI around square Labyrinth; star above. This type records an alliance between Knosos and Gortyna. A well defined labyrinth and unusually well centered. Uniform chocolate brown patina. Choice VF / EF...1850 REPUBLICAN BRONZE 356. ROMAN REPUBLIC, BRONZE MARKED L; Luceria, 214-212 BC, Uncia, 5.68g. Cr-43/5, Syd-129 (4). Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., pellet (value mark) behind. Rx: Prow r., ROMA above, L and pellet below. Good VF..............................................165 Crassus with Crocodile 357. CRASSUS, 30S BC; Cnossus, Crete, AE 23-28, 12.49g. RPC-914 (46 spec.). Obv: Crocodile standing r., jaws open. Rx: Prow r., CRAS in field above. It is uncertain whether the issuer of this coin was Marcus Licinius Crassus, the grandson of Crassus the colleague of Julius Caesar and Pompey in the “first triumvirate”, or P. Canidius Crassus: see RPC, p. 219. This is by far the finest known of this very scarce issue. ..... .................................................................................................................................4000 ROMAN BRONZE 358. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, As, 11.04g. BM-232, RIC-309 (C), Paris-403, C-164 (2 Fr.). Obv: NERO CAESAR AVG - GERM IMP Laureate head r. Rx: PACE P R VBIQ PARTA IANVM CLVSIT S - C Temple of Janus with closed doors at l. Natural-surface As with dark toning outlined by earthen incrustation. Many of the coins of Nero have been worked on to improve their grade, this coin is untouched. aEF / VF..........................................................................................................................1650 359. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 155 AD, As, 12.18g. BM-1971, C-117 (10 Fr.), RIC-934, Sear-4296. Obv: ANTON[INVS AVG] - PIVS P P TR P XVIII Head laureate r. Rx: BRITANNIA - COS IIII S C Britannia seated l. on rocks, r. foot drawn in and knee raised, supporting head with r. hand, l. hand reaching to rocks behind her, behind her legs large shield and vexillum. Purchased from CNG, April 1999. This type was apparently struck in Britain, from official dies cut by engravers of the mint of Rome, for it is found in abundance there but almost never turns up in Gaul or elsewhere in the former Roman empire. aVF............................................................................675 360. AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Rome, As, 10.05g. BM-1931, C-57 (8 Fr.), RIC1067. Obv: [L] AELIVS - CAES[AR] Head bare r. Rx: TR.POT - COS.II S - C Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Extremely sharp portrait of this very handsome and scarce emperor. Head of Spes flatly struck on reverse. Exquisite EF...... ...................................................................................................................................985 361. LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 167 AD, As, 9.19g. BM-1330, C-300 (8 Fr.), RIC-1464. Obv: L VERVS AVG - ARM PA[RTH M]AX Head laureate r. Rx: [TR P VII I]MP IIII C -OS III [S] - C Three trophies. The type commemorates Verus’ three Eastern victories, over the Armenians, Parthians, and Medes. aVF.........................100 362. MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 235-6 AD, As, 11.82g. BM-94, C-81 (3 Fr.), RIC-63. Obv: IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., with second portrait. Rx: PROVIDE - NTIA AVG S - C Providentia standing l. holding wand over globe and cornucopia. The same obverse die was also used with the reverse types VICTORIA AVG and TR P II Emperor standing with four standards: see

Alram, Maximinus, pl. 18, 13/1-2. An exceptional As; a scarcer denomination under Maximinus, in a beautiful state of preservation. Choice EF....................................2450 BYZANTINE COPPER AND SEAL 363. MICHAEL VIII, 1071-1078 AD; Thessalonica, Follis, 6.00g. DO-14b, Sear-1878, Berk-958. Obv: IC XC Bust of Christ facing, wearing tunic and himation, raising right hand in benediction and holding Gospel book in his left; behind him, cross; to left and right, below cross bar, six-pointed star; on book, pellets. Rx: Crowned bust of Michael VII facing, wearing loros and holding a labarum in his right hand and a globus cruciger in his left. Ex Jonathan Kern Collection. EF............................................................400 Old Testament - Daniel and the Lion’s Den 364. LIVEROS, BYZANTINE LEAD SEAL; 13th-14th cent. AD, 46.25g. Vatican-130. Obv: Daniel standing facing, raising both forearms in prayer, flanked by attacking lions at feet; O/ΠP/OΦI/TH/C (ΠP ligate) down l. field; Δ/A/NI/HΛ down r. field (“The Prophet Daniel”). Rx: Greek inscription in seven lines: [K]PITHC ΔA/[NI]HΛ KAI ΓP/[AΦ]ΩN NVN Π/[POC]TATHC TEΛEH/[CE]BACT ΛIBEPOY/ ΠPAXEIC KPI/ NΩN (Ns retrograde). Translation: “Oh, Judge Daniel, now guardian even of writings, give judgment and execute the deeds of the revered Liveros”. Old Testament subjects are very rare. The fourth recorded specimen. This seal is of exceptional quality. Nearly flawless and by far the finest known. Choice EF...................................................10000 ROMAN PROVINCIAL BRONZE 365. GORDIAN III AND TRANQUILLINA; Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, 241-4 AD, AE 27, 12.89g. Varbanov-2039 (same dies), Pfeiffer 718 (same dies). Obv: AVT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC AVΓ (VΓ ligate) CEB around, TRA[NKVΛ / ΛEINA] in exergue, Busts of Gordian and Tranquillina vis-à-vis. Rx: VΠ TEPTVΛΛIAN - OV MAPKIANOΠO around, Λ / I / T / ΩN (ligate) in r. field, E in l. field, Athena standing l. holding owl and spear, shield at her feet. Interesting and rare type of Athena holding owl, probably coming from just this one reverse die. VF+......................................200 RARE ROMAN DENARII Specialist Rarities from the Curtis L. Clay Collection, with the Collector’s Notes on Rarity and Other Known Specimens 366. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 64-5 AD, Denarius, 3.15g. BM-104, pl.40.12 (same obv. die); Paris-230; C-335 (10 Fr.); RIC-62 (R). Obv: NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: VESTA Round six-columned temple of Vesta on podium of three steps, within her seated statue holding patera and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scarce: six specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. aVF / VF..........................................450 367. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 73 AD, Denarius, 3.45g. RIC-545 (C), BMC-98 note, obv. legend var. of Paris-86 and C-387 corr. Obv: IMP CAES VESP - AVG CEN (counterclockwise). Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Emperor seated r. on curule chair, holding scepter and branch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare with CEN not CENS in obverse legend: this variant not in Reka Devnia hoard, not in Cohen or the Paris collection by 1998, while the BM only acquired a specimen in 1977. EF.....................................425 368. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, Denarius, 3.46g. RIC-685 (R), BMC-p. 27, Paris-119, C-386 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR - VESP AVG (counterclockwise). Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Emperor seated r. on curule chair, holding scepter and branch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare with this obverse legend: only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard, not in BM collection until 1987. aEF................................................350 Ephesus Mint 369. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Ephesus, 74 AD, Denarius, 3.40g. RIC-1456 (R); RPC-852 (8 spec.); BMC-p. 99, †; C-68 (Vienna, 10 Fr.). Obv: [IMP] CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS V TR P [P P] Head laureate r. Rx: CONCORDIA - AVG Ceres seated l. holding two wheat ears and poppy in r. hand, cornucopia in l.; in exergue, star. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. From the rare final issue of this mint, with star in reverse exergue and dated COS V for Vespasian, COS III for Titus. Iridescent toning. Choice EF..........520 370. TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, Denarius, 3.32g. RIC-692 (R), BM150, Paris-123, C-161 (2 Fr.). Obv: T CAESAR - IMP VESP Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - TR P COS III Titus seated r. on curule chair, holding scepter and branch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare with VESP not VESPASIAN in obverse legend: this variant not in Reka Devnia hoard, not in Cohen or the Paris collection by 1998, not in the revised edition of BMC II (1976), although according to RIC-692 the BM has actually possessed a specimen since 1924. Planchet flaw on reverse. aEF...............375 371. TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 77-78 AD, Denarius, 3.15g. RIC-951 (R), BM-225, C-67 (2 Fr.), Paris-201. Obv: T CAESAR IMP - VESPASIANVS Head laureate r. Rx: COS VI in exergue, Pair of oxen under yoke l., with two forelegs vertical and the other two advanced. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare: only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. The forelegs of the two oxen are arranged a little differently on this coin than on BMC pl. 7.1 or RIC pl. 11, 951. Several small hairlines in upper obverse field on reverse. EF........................................................................500 Early Issue of Titus as Emperor 372. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, c. July 79 AD, Denarius, 3.06g. RIC-6 (R2), Paris-1, BMC-p. 432, RSC-270a. Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII Ceres seated l. holding wheat ear and poppy in r. hand, torch in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung 52, 11 June 1997, lot 232. Rare early issue of Titus as Augustus not yet naming him P P (Father of his Country); Titus apparently accepted this title quite soon after the beginning of his ninth tribunician year on 1 July 79. Minor flan defect on neck. EF / VF..................325 373. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, c. July 79 AD, Denarius, 3.05g. RIC-15 (R2), cf. BM-4 (aureus). Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII Venus, seen half from behind, naked except for drapery around legs, standing r., l. elbow on column, holding helmet and spear. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Dorotheum 465, November 1992, lot 52. Rare early issue of Titus as Augustus not yet naming him P P (Father of his Country); Titus apparently accepted this title quite soon after the beginning of his ninth tribunician year on 1 July 79. This Venus type not in BMC or RSC as denarius without P P; the new RIC cites it only from Berlin and a private collection. Hair flatly struck on obverse. Good VF..................210 374. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 81 AD, Denarius, 2.63g. RIC-75 (R2), pl. 111 = Paris-20, pl. XCI (same obv. die); BM-22 note; RSC-568d corr. Obv: IMP CAES DIVI

VESP F DOMITIAN AVG P M Head laureate l. Rx: TR P COS VII - DES VIII P P Tripod, on top of which is dolphin. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare with portrait left and DIVI VESP F in obverse legend; all such coins seem to come from a single obverse die. VF.........................................................................................................250 375. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 83 AD, Denarius, 3.39g. RIC-162 (R), BMC-39 note (citing ANS). Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR POT II COS - VIIII DES X P P Minerva advancing r., brandishing spear and holding shield. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Rauch 55/I, October 1995, lot 115. A rare issue, struck after Domitian had raised the weight and fineness of his aurei and denarii. Beautiful iridescent toning on obverse. EF / Good VF..............................................400 376. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 86 AD, Denarius, 3.64g. RIC-427 (R), BMC-89 note, Paris-89, C-196. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P V Head laureate r. Rx: IMP XI COS XII - CENS P P P Minerva fighting r. on base, owl at her feet; on the capital, as usual, two small figures, one seated and the other kneeling before him with arms extended in entreaty. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scarce with these titles: not in BM collection, one specimen in Reka Devnia hoard, two in Berk photofile. Iridescent obverse toning. EF.....................................................................................................400 377. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 103 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. Woytek, MIR-167b (5 spec.); BMC-154 note; Paris-174; C-261 (6 Fr.). Obv: IMP NERVA TRAIANVS AVG GER DACICVS Bust laureate r., with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: P M TR P - COS V P P Emperor standing facing holding spear and parazonium, crowned by Victory standing l. beside him. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare reverse type, in scarce issue of early 103 with DACICVS in obverse legend. The Reka Devnia hoard contained only three coins of this type, two with fold of cloak on shoulder like ours and one with just head laureate right. Fine......................................................................225 378. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, 117 AD, Denarius, 2.73g. BM-9, C-250, RIC-4c. Obv: IMP CAES TRAIAN HADRIAN OPT AVG GER DAC Bust laureate, cuirassed r. seen from front, sword belt over shoulder. Rx: [C]ONCOR[D] in exergue, PARTHIC DIVI TRAIAN AVG F P M TR P COS [P P] Concordia seated l. holding patera and placing elbow on statuette of Spes on column, cornucopia under seat. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Interesting first issue of Hadrian in which he is given titles of Trajan which the Senate had accorded to Hadrian too but which he would soon reject: Optimus and the victory titles Germanicus, Dacicus, and Parthicus. Scarce, 15 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. aEF....................................................................................................335 Liberalitas Reverse 379. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 119-24 AD, Denarius, 2.96g. BMC-297 corr., pl. 52.7; C-910 (10 Fr.); RIC-131. Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN - HADRIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: LIBERAL AVG / III in exergue, P M TR P - COS III around, Hadrian seated l. on platform, extending r. hand towards table before him; behind the table, an attendant who empties a coin counter into the toga fold of a citizen ascending steps to the platform; behind the emperor, a togate figure standing l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Dorotheum 472, December 1993, part of lot 551. A rare reverse variant showing four rather than just two participants in the distribution: only one specimen in Reka Devnia hoard. Bold Fine / VF.........................................................................325 Overlooked Wheat Ear 380. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Denarius, 3.01g. Cf. BM-633, RIC-242, and Strack-241. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: FORT.RE - DVCI Fortuna seated l. holding rudder and cornucopia, wheat ear under throne. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Commemorates Hadrian’s return to Rome from his second great tour c. 131-2 AD. Very rare with FORT rather than FORTVNAE in reverse legend, and with wheat ear added under Fortuna’s seat, apparently signifying that Hadrian’s return will guarantee Rome’s grain supply. Similarly Tacitus reports that in 64 AD the people of Rome welcomed Nero’s cancellation of a proposed Eastern voyage, because they feared that the grain supply would falter in his absence. On the BM specimen of this denarius, pl. 59.11, the wheat ear is shown behind Fortuna’s seat rather than below it. Strack-241 lists this BM coin and two others, in Vienna and in Sofia ex Reka Devnia hoard, but does not mention the wheat ear, which he apparently overlooked. Fine.......................................................................................................300 381. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Denarius, 3.31g. Strack-242 (Naples), pl. IV (same dies); BMC-633 note. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: FORT - REDVCI Fortuna standing l. holding patera in r. hand, cornucopia and rudder on globe in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Apparently only the fourth specimen recorded with this reverse type, all coming from the same die pair. The other three are the Naples specimen published by Strack and BMC; Rauch 54, April 1995, lot 246; and Sternberg 35, 29 October 2000, lot 518. Good EF............................................675 Unpublished Eastern Hadrian 382. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Asia Minor, c. 130 AD, Denarius, 3.29g. Apparently unlisted. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: COS - III Pudicitia, veiled, seated l., raising r. hand towards face, l. hand in lap, globe in exergue (partly off flan). Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare, apparently previously unpublished in Eastern style. The reverse type is copied from a Rome-mint denarius, either BM 413 or BM 491 note. Nearly EF...........................650 383. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Asia Minor, c. 130 AD, Denarius, 3.19g. Strack-*76 (Vienna), pl. XX (same dies). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ITA - LIA Italia standing l. holding long scepter and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E302, 8 May 2013, lot 371. Very rare in Eastern style. Strack knew only one specimen, in Vienna; ours is from the same die pair. Another, from the same obverse die but a different reverse die, was in Gorny & Mosch 152, 11 October 2006, lot 2169; a fourth, from different dies on both sides, in Lanz 117, 24 November 2003, lot 714. Good Fine....................................500 384. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 140-4 AD, Denarius, 3.19g. BM-251, C-829 (6 Fr.), RIC-100b. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PI - VS P P TR P COS III Head laureate r. Rx: TRANQVIL - LITAS AVG Tranquillitas wearing crown of towers, standing r. holding rudder and wheat ears. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scarce: only three specimens with this bust type in Reka Devnia hoard. Fine.............................140 385. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 149-50 AD, Denarius, 3.50g. Strack-193

(3 spec. with bust l.). pl. II (same obv. die); bust var. of BM-668, RIC-179, and C-263. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG - PIVS P P TR P XII Bust laureate l., with Medusa head and aegis on front shoulder. Rx: C - OS - IIII Fortuna standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare bust type, facing left and with aegis on front shoulder; all attested specimens probably come from this single obverse die. Our coin also omits the globe that is usually shown beneath Fortuna’s rudder. EF ...................................................................................................................................300 Bust Left 386. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 152 AD, Denarius, 3.20g. Bust var. of Strack-236, BM-741, RIC-210, and C-961. Obv: IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P Head laureate l. Rx: TR POT XV - COS IIII Annona standing l. holding two wheat ears and resting l. hand on modius set on prow, rudder leans against prow. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Gitbud & Naumann E39, Pecunem, 4 January 2016, lot 924. Bust left denarii of Antoninus Pius with this obverse legend are very rare. None at all are recorded in the standard reference works; another example like ours, from the same obverse die but a different reverse die, was offered online by Klassische Münzen (Brandt) in 2015. Good VF.......................................300 387. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 186 AD, Denarius, 2.86g. BM-174, C-114 corr., RIC-129. Obv: M COMM ANT P - FEL AVG BR[IT] Head laureate r. Rx: [FEL] AVG P M TR P XI IMP VIII C[O]S V P P Felicitas standing l. holding Victory on globe and long caduceus. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scarce: only nine specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Victory is an unusual attribute for Felicitas. VF...............................200 388. CLODIUS ALBINUS AS CAESAR; 193-195 AD, Rome, 194 AD, Denarius, 3.49g. Rev. type var. of BM-43, C-61 (12 Fr.), and RIC-11a. Obv: D CL SEPT AL - BIN CAES Head bare r. Rx: ROMAE AET - ERNAE Roma seated l. above shield, holding Victory and spear. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A rare variant of the normal reverse type, not in the standard catalogues: instead of the frontal Palladium brandishing spear and holding shield, Roma holds a Victory advancing right and holding out a wreath towards Roma. VF....................................................................................................385 Rare Date 389. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 194 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. Obv. legend var. of BM-73A, C-755, and RIC-39. Obv: L SEPT SEV PE - RT AVG IMP II Head laureate r. Rx: VIRT AVG TR P II - COS II P P Virtus standing l. holding Victory and spear. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare with IMP II on obverse (Battle of Cyzicus), since that acclamation was rapidly superseded by IMP III (Battle of Nicaea). Not in the standard reference works with IMP II. EF...............................................350 390. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 194 AD, Denarius, 1.89g. RSC-690b (Mus. Naz., Rome). Obv: L SEPT SEV PE - RT AVG IMP II Head laureate r. Rx: VICT AVG TR P II COS II P P Victory advancing r. holding wreath and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Struck on thin, underweight flan. Very rare with IMP II on obverse (Battle of Cyzicus), since that acclamation was rapidly superseded by IMP III (Battle of Nicaea). RSC 690b cites an example of this denarius with IMP II from the Gnecchi Collection in Rome; otherwise not in the standard reference works with IMP II. aEF.. ...................................................................................................................................375 391. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 194 AD, Denarius, 3.40g. RSC-688b (Vienna). Obv: L SEPT SEV PE - RT AVG IMP III Head laureate r. Rx: VICT AVG TR P II COS II [P P] Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare with IMP III on obverse and Victory left rather than Victory right on reverse. RSC 690b cites an example of this denarius with Victory left from the Vienna collection; otherwise not in the standard catalogues. EF / VF.....................300 Rare Mule 392. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 198 AD, Denarius, 2.83g. BM-261, C-742 (Rollin), RIC-742. Obv: L SEPT SEV PERT - AVG IMP X Head laureate r. Rx: VICT PA - RT - HI - C - AE Victory advancing l. holding wreath and trophy, captive at her feet. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A rare mule struck from an old obverse die recording IMP X rather than the proper IMP XI PART MAX, the titles accorded for the same Parthian victory that is commemorated on the reverse. Only about twenty specimens recorded; none in the Reka Devnia hoard, not in the Paris collection in Cohen’s day. EF........................................................................................................300 War in Scottland 393. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 210 AD, Denarius, 3.16g. BM-24, pl. 53.14; C-556 (Wiczay Coll., 5 Fr.); RIC-238. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVIII COS III P P Septimius, bearded, on horseback l. about to hurl spear at enemy falling to ground before horse; enemy holds sword and shield and seems to be wearing cap or crown. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A rare reverse type commemorating Severus’ attack on the tribes of Scotland. Only about twenty specimens recorded, including one in Reka Devnia hoard. Not in Paris by Cohen’s day; the BMC specimen is well worn. EF........................................................................475 Alexandria Mint 394. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, FORTUNA AT ALEXANDRIA; 193-211 AD, Alexandria, 194 AD, Denarius, 2.26g. Not in the standard catalogues. Obv: IMP - CAE L SEP S - EV PERT AVG Head laureate r. Rx: COS - II Fortuna standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A new reverse type for Septimius at Alexandria, not in the standard catalogues. In 1993 Roger Bickford-Smith knew only one specimen of this coin, in the Vienna collection. Since then a couple of other examples have turned up, including this one. Fine...................................................350 395. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, 194 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. Cf. BMC-345 note (with obv. legend ending II C). Obv: IMP CAE L SEP SE - V PERT AVG Head laureate r. Rx: CERER FRV - G II COS Ceres standing l. holding wheat ears and long, lighted torch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Part of a very rare Syrian denarius issue combining the Roman obverse legend of 193 with II COS added at the end of the reverse legend. This exact CERER FRVG II COS coin is missing from the standard reference works, but Barry Murphy shows two specimens from the same dies on his Severan Denarii website (nos. 200-201), and two others, also from the same dies, are mentioned in the thread “Obv. of 193 and II COS on rev.” under Roman Coins in the Forvm Ancient Coins online discussion group. Fine......................................375

396. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, 194 AD, Denarius, 2.29g. Not in standard catalogues. Obv: IMP CE L SEP SE - V PEPT AVG (sic)Head laureate r. Rx: FORTVNA - E REDVCI Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scarce Eastern reverse type, coupled with rare Eastern obverse legend copying Roman coins of 193; this obverse die also with two spelling errors, CE for CAE and PEPT for PERT. Not in the standard catalogues, but another specimen from the same dies was in CGB MBS 34, 30 April 2008, lot 573. Fine...........................135 397. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, 194-5 AD, Denarius, 3.99g. Rev. legend var. of BM-347, C-142 (3 Fr.), and RIC-373. Obv: IMP CAE L SEP SEV - PERT AVG COS II Head laureate r. Rx: FELICIT - T[EM]POB (sic) Wheat ear between crossed cornucopias. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Barry P. Murphy Severan Denarii Collection, website no. 242. Overweight specimen. With engraver’s error TEMPOB for TEMPOR in reverse legend; this error not recorded in the standard catalogues, though BMC-350 reports a different misspelling of the same word, namely TEMPOM. A second specimen with TEMPOB, from the same dies as ours, was sold by Lanz on eBay in September 2013. A die break on this reverse die largely obscures the letters EM of TEMPOB. VF...............................................................................175 398. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, 194 AD, Denarius, 3.75g. Barry P. Murphy Severan Denarii website, no. 280 (this coin). Obv: [IMP CA]E L SEP SE - V PERT AVG COS II Head laureate r. Rx: LIBER - AL AVG COC (sic) Liberalitas standing l. holding coin counter and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Barry P. Murphy Severan Denarii collection, website no. 280. Overweight specimen. Not in the standard catalogues with COC added to LIBERAL AVG in the reverse legend, an interesting variant since it proves that the Eastern mint must have copied its Liberalitas type from the Roman denarii of 193 with legend LIBERAL AVG COS, though the engraver here mistakenly wrote COC instead of COS, with a Greek sigma replacing the called-for Latin S. A second example of this denarius, struck from the same dies, was in the Members’ Auction of Forvm Ancient Coins in April 2014. Fine............225 399. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, MISLABELED REVERSE TYPE; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, 194-5 AD, Denarius, 3.34g. Not in the standard catalogues. Obv: IM[P CAE L] SEP SE.V PERT AVG COS II Head laureate r. Rx: BONI - EVENTVS Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. An apparently unlisted engraver’s error: the BONA SPES type mislabeled BONI EVENTVS. Another example, from the same dies, was sold by Antiquarica on eBay in May 2004. Compare the opposite error, the BONI EVENTVS type mislabeled BONA SPES, on a denarius in Oxford reported by BMC, p. 617, 340A. Fine.....................................................265 400. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Eastern Mint, 194-5 AD, Denarius, 2.93g. Obv. legend var. of BM-345 note, C-69 (3 Fr.), and RIC-370. Obv: IMP CAE L SEV (sic) SEV - PERT AVG COS II Head laureate r. Rx: CERERI - FRVG Ceres standing l., not veiled, holding wheat ears and long torch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scarce Eastern reverse type: only four specimens in Reka Devnia hoard with reverse legend either CERERI or just CERER FRVG. With interesting spelling error in obverse legend, SEV SEV in place of the correct SEP SEV. Another specimen from the same dies: Barry Murphy’s Severan Denarii site, no. 237. Fine........................................175 401. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, c. 194 AD, Denarius, 2.23g. C-230 (3 Fr.) corr. = BMC-p. 106, (d) = RIC-441. Obv: L SEPT SEV P - ERET AVG IMP I - I Head laureate r. Rx: INVICT - O IMP Mourning captive with bow and quiver seated r. at base of trophy. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare: only one specimen in Reka Devnia hoard. From the same dies as the Paris specimen, on which Cohen overlooked the second stroke of IMP I - I under the emperor’s bust. aVF...............250 402. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, 194-5 AD, Denarius, 3.38g. Obv. legend var. of BMC-376A (p. 618), C-287 (3 Fr.), and RIC-401. Obv: IMP CA L SE SEP - PER AVG COS II (sic) Head laureate r. Rx: LIBE - R - AVG Liberalitas seated l. holding coin-counter and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection, acquired from Lanz, eBay, 12 January 2009. Liberalitas seated is a scarce Eastern reverse type, not listed in the standard catalogues in combination with this obverse legend omitting three of the normal letters, viz. showing CA for CAE, SE for SEP, and PER for PERT. Obverse legends of this sort are rare and seem to form their own small sub-group in the large Syrian COS II issue. Another example of our coin, from the same dies, was offered by CNG online in July 2001. EF..................................................................220 403. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, c. 194 AD, Denarius, 2.86g. BM-425, RSC-57a, RIC-444b. Obv: L SEPT SEV PE - RTE AVG IM[P II] Head laureate r. Rx: BONA - SPES Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Barry P. Murphy Severan Denarii collection, website no. 120. Rare Syrian issue with IMP II, not in Reka Devnia hoard with this reverse type. Good VF....................................................................................................................150 404. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Syrian Mint, c. 194 AD, Denarius, 3.33g. Unlisted in the standard catalogues. Obv: L SEPT SEV PE - RTE AVG IMP II Head laureate r. Rx: VICTO - [R] - AVG Victory advancing l., holding out wreath with both hands. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare. This reverse type is attested in the large COS II Syrian issue (“Emesa”), but was not previously known in the much smaller IMP II series (“Laodicea”). Good VF.......................................................................225 405. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, New-style Syrian Mint, 198 AD, Denarius, 3.51g. Not in the standard catalogues. Obv: L SEPT SEVERVS PER - AVG P M IMP XI Head laureate r. Rx: PAR AR AD - T - R - P VI COS II P P Mars advancing r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare newstyle denarius type, only a couple of specimens known. First published by R. Mowat in Revue numismatique 1901, with drawing: that coin apparently from the same reverse die as ours, possibly from the same obverse die too. Not in BMC, RIC, or RSC, who apparently overlooked Mowat’s article. Not in CoinArchives Pro, Berk photofile, or Reka Devnia hoard. EF.............................................................................................525 406. JULIA DOMNA; Rome, c. 200 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. BM-32, C-76, RIC-555. Obv: IVLIA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: HIL - A - RITAS Hilaritas standing l. holding long palm and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Rauch 52, lot 384. Scarce: about 20 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF........................................................300

Venus with Cupid. Palm Branch, and Arms 407. JULIA DOMNA; Rome, c. 208 AD, Denarius, 2.47g. C (1st ed.)-115 (Paris) = C (2nd ed.)-218 (omitting Cupid) = BMC-90 note. Obv: IVLIA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: VENVS VICTRIX Venus standing l., legs crossed, leaning on column, holding helmet and palm, with shield at her feet, which is grasped by Cupid standing r. before her; behind her, on r., cuirass. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. An elaborate and rare type, occurring only on denarii, which is poorly published because the BM had no specimen, and because Cohen’s correct description of the Paris specimen was botched (omitting the Cupid) in his second edition. Probably about twenty specimens known, including (probably) one in Reka Devnia hoard. EF................................................................400 408. JULIA DOMNA; Eastern Mint, 194 AD, Denarius, 2.50g. C-54 (Welzl, 15 Fr.), BMC-p. 103, RIC-621 (R). Obv: IVLIA DO - [MNA] AVG Bust draped r. Rx: FELICITAS TEMPOR Wheat ear upright between two cornucopias. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A very rare reverse type on Julia’s Syrian denarii, all of which are rare. Cohen’s, BMC’s, and RIC’s citation of this coin all go back to a specimen in the Welzl von Wellenheim Collection, sold in Vienna in 1844. RSC leaves the type unpriced, as though doubting its existence. There was one specimen in the Reka Devnia hoard, however. Part of flan chipped. Fine...........................................................................240 409. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 199 AD, Denarius, Bust var. of BMC-p. 184 and RSC-406a. Obv: IMP CAES M AVR - ANT AVG P TR P Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: PONTI - FE - X - TR P II Caracalla standing l. in military dress holding Victory on globe and spear, at his feet seated Parthian captive supporting head with hand, wearing peaked cap and with quiver. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A very rare mint mule: with TR P II on reverse, the obverse legend should have been IMP CAES M AVG ANTON AVG, without TR P. The BM has such a coin, the first published, but with bust laureate and draped on obverse, whereas ours has bust laureate, draped, and cuirassed. Another specimen like ours, from the same die pair, was sold by Ancient Auction House on eBay in September 2004. Good VF............................................225 410. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 199 AD, Denarius, 3.19g. BMC-p. 173, *; C-63 (Asselin); RIC-18. Obv: IMP CAES M AVR - ANTON AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: FELICI - TAS AVGG Felicitas standing r., head l., holding long caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A rare type with this obverse legend: not represented in Reka Devnia hoard, not in BM by 1975 or in Paris by Cohen’s day, quoted by Cohen from a French private collection. EF............................................200 411. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 204 AD, Denarius, 3.13g. BM-296 note, C-658 (5 Fr.), RIC-144b. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: VICT - PART MAX Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Wayne Phillips List 204, March 1996, no. 152. Rare with bust draped and cuirassed rather than just draped: for this variety BMC-296 note quotes Cohen’s first edition (probably just a misprint), plus another specimen in the Clay Collection, not the present coin. EF..........................................................................200 Extraordinary Victory Type 412. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, c. 206 AD, Denarius, 3.47g. C-626; BMC-p. 261, (g); RIC-171. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r., unbearded. Rx: VICTORIAE AVGVST Victory, naked to waist, seated r. on low seat, placing l. hand atop shield resting on column before her and holding parazonium at her side in r. hand; below seat, cuirass lying sideways on ground. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex DixieNoonan-Webb, 15 March 2012, part of lot 1150 (4 coins). An exceptional type, known so far only for Caracalla (though perhaps a pendant for Septimius should be expected), and only on denarii, not on aurei or bronze coins too. The abbreviation AVGVST rather than AVGG or AVGVSTORVM in the reverse legend is unusual; likewise the tippedover cuirass and the fact that Victory holds a parazonium rather than a writing utensil to inscribe her shield. Cohen-626 originally reported a specimen of this denarius from Imhoof-Blumer’s collection in 1886, and Imhoof’s coin was later sold, though without illustration, in J. Hirsch XVIII, 27 May 1907, Imhoof-Blumer, lot 1148 (graded “schön”, the equivalent of today’s “VF” or “Good VF”; weight not given). Now Imhoof-Blumer, Cohen=Feuardent, and Jacob Hirsch were eminent authorities, but in the absence of an illustration they were unable to persuade later numismatists of this coin’s regularity: Pink in his Aufbau considered it doubtful, Mattingly in BMC listed the type as “uncertain” and repeated Pink’s “doubtful”, B.A. Seaby left it unpriced in his Roman Silver Coins, and P.V. Hill omitted the type from his Coinage of Septimius Severus and his Family of the Mint of Rome. The type has been vindicated, however, by the recent appearance in trade of two clearly authentic specimens from the same pair of dies: CNG 85, 15 September 2010, lot 947 (sold for $2200 + 15%), and the present specimen, from a British private collection sold by DNW in March 2012. So either two or three specimens of this denarius are now known to exist, depending on whether or not the CNG coin or ours is the same as the one formerly owned by Imhoof-Blumer. The features of Caracalla suggest that this type was struck c. 206 AD; the date must in any case be between mid-206, when Caracalla’s “head only” portrait replaced his “draped bust” on denarii, and mid-209, when his portrait changed from clean-shaven to bearded. Near Mint State..............................................................2675 413. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 217 AD, Denarius, 2.71g. Rev. legend var. of BM-89 note (p. 628), C-656 (Paris, 10 Fr.), and RIC-314a note. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: VIC PARTHICA Victory seated r. on cuirass and shield inscribing VO / XX on shield that she balances on her knee, additional helmet above groundline. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. An unpublished reverse legend variant, with VIC (T omitted)rather than the normal VICT PARTHICA, of this rare reverse type commemorating Caracalla’s successful raid into Parthia in winter 216/7 AD. A second specimen from the same dies was in CNG E324, 9 April 2014, lot 767 (four coins). EF.........................................................................................................385 414. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, c. 199 AD, Denarius, 3.15g. C-195 (Paris), BMC-149 note, RIC-4 note, RSC-195 (with photo of Arnold specimen). Obv: L SEPT GETA CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: SPES - PVBLICA Spes advancing l., holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CGB, Rome 8, no. 140. Very rare obverse legend combining PONT with the praenomen L, a brief transitional form between Geta’s first obverse legend L SEPTIMIVS GETA

CAES and his third legend P SEPT GETA CAES PONT. Probably fewer than twenty specimens recorded, including one in Reka Devnia hoard. Toned EF.....................350 Rare Consular Quadriga 415. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 208 AD, Denarius, 3.23g. C-122 (Vaillant, 50 Fr.), BMC-591 note, RIC-63 (R2) var., RSC-122a (with photo of Arnold spec., same dies as ours). Obv: P SEPTIMIVS - GETA CAES Bust draped r., head bare. Rx: PO - NTIF above, COS II in exergue, Geta in consular quadriga r., extending r. hand and holding eagle-tipped scepter in l. hand. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare. This type commemorating Geta’s consulship of 1 January 208 AD was struck on denarii from only two reverse dies, namely the die of our coin with legend PONTIF COS II (about five specimens known) and a second die with legend PONTIFEX COS II (about twelve known). aEF...................................................................................675 Rare Undraped Bust 416. ELAGABALUS (218-222 AD); 218-222 AD, Eastern Mint, 218-9 AD, Denarius, 3.35g. BM-280, C-55 (no source, 3 Fr.), RIC-190. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG Head laureate r. Rx: HILARI - TAS AVG Hilaritas standing l. holding patera and long palm between two naked children who reach up to her. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare with head only rather than draped bust on obverse: no specimens with this bust type in Reka Devnia hoard, compared to six specimens with draped bust. Mint State.. ...................................................................................................................................500 417. JULIA MAESA; Eastern Mint, 218-9 AD, Denarius, 2.79g. BM-295, C-20 var., RIC256. Obv: IVLIA M - AESA AVG Bust draped r. wearing stephane. Rx: IV - NO Juno standing l. holding patera and scepter, peacock at her feet. Rare, particularly with stephane on obverse: all or most of the six specimens of this Eastern denarius in the Reka Devnia hoard were probably without stephane, a commoner variant mistakenly omitted by Cohen 20-21. Our specimen is from the same obverse die as that formerly in the Arnold collection, illustrated in RSC p. 128. aEF..........................................225 Late Arrivals 418. BRUTUS RESTORING TYPES OF LYSIMACHUS; 42 BC, Tomis, Stater, 8.22g. Sear-1708 var. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great r., wearing horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXOY Athena seated l., holding Nike who crowns king’s name, mintmark TO on throne, trident l. in exergue. Mint State.................1450 419. JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 3.86g. Berk-38, MIB-3, DO-2, Sear-56. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS PP AVG Helmeted and cuirassed bust three-quarter face to r., holding spear and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG followed by officina I; Angel standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger, star to r., CONOB in exergue. Minor edge contact from jewelry; small ding on lips of emperor. Mint State.. ...................................................................................................................................550 420. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, c. 542-544 AD, Solidus, 3.83g. Berk-44, DO-9, Sear-140, MIB-7. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVG Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding shield and globus cruciger. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG followed by officina letter I, Angel standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger; to r., star; in exergue CONOB. Minor edge contact from jewelry; exceptional early type. Mint State...................................................................................................................560 421. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, c. 542-544 AD, Solidus, 3.89g. Berk-44, DO-9, Sear-140, MIB-7. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVG Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding shield and globus cruciger. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG followed by officina letter I, Angel standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger; to r., star; in exergue CONOB. Minor edge contact from jewelry. Mint State..................500 422. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 300-262 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.88g. See Svoronos-pl. 20. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, with olive sprig and crescent to l. and ethnic to r. VF / aEF......................................................................485 423. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; c. 480-431 BC, Drachm, BM-79. Obv: Pegasus flying l., with curled wing, koppa beneath. Rx: Head of Aphrodite r., wearing necklace, within incuse square. Scarce early drachm; scrape on Pegasus. Toned Fine........................260 Plectrum for Lyre Tuning 424. BRUTTIUM, RHEGIUM; c. 270-203 BC, AE 22, 8.35g. Weber-1130. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo l. with long hair; behind, plectrum tool used to tune lyre. Rx: RHΓI NΩN Tripod with neck and three handles; legs end in lion’s feet. Rather scarce. Toned EF...............................................................................................................................400 WORLD COINS 425. EGYPT, AH1340 (1922) 100 PIASTRES, UNC; Fuad I (As King, AH13411355/1922-1936AD)KM-341. Bright yellow and lustrous!. UNC...........................550 426. FRANCE, KING LOUIS XVI, 1786 A, LOUIS D’OR, EF; Louis XVI (1774-1792). Crowned arms of France and Navarre in shields. 7.7 grams, 0.2255 oz. KM-591.1. Cleaned . EF...............................................................................................................400 427. GREAT BRITAIN, GEORGE III, 1794 GUINEA, F/VF; George III (1760-1820). Laureate head right Rev: Crowned 4-fold spade arms. S-3729. 0.2462 oz. Light Hairlines. F / VF.......................................................................................................550 428. ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, CLEMENTE XIV, 1769 ZECCHINO, CH VF; Italian States, Papal States, Clemente XIV (1769-1774), 1769 Zecchino, CH VF, B-2928, 3.4grams. Fr-240. Anno I. Madonna seated with church in clouds/ Arms. Rare. CH VF........................................................................................................................600 429. JERSEY, 1987 1 POUND, NGC PR69, ULTRA CAMEO; Parish of St. Ouen. Mintage of only 250. NGC# 3900231-014. Fabulous eye appeal. NGC PR69, ULTRA CAMEO...................................................................................................................1000 430. MEXICO, 1862 GOYE, 8 ESCUDOS, UNC; Guanajuato Mint. Ynocencia Espinoza, assayer. Eagle standing facing on cactus, wings spread, grasping snake in beak and right talon/LA LIBERTAD EN LA LEY, open book inscribed LEY, liberty cap on pole. 0.7615oz. KM-383.7, Calico-2120. Weak center strike. Lustrous. UNC...............1900 431. VATICAN CITY STATE (HOLY SEE), PIUS XI, 1933/34 100 LIRE, EF; Jubilee. Standing Jesus facing with child at feet. 0.2546oz. KM-19. Mintage 23,000. EF...425 432. AUSTRIA, SALZBURG, 1526 ZEHNER (10 KREUZER), NGC EF45; Matthaus Lang von Welienburg, 1519-1540. Archbishop St. Rudbertus/ arms, date below. KM-8. NGC #4216006-003. Pretty toning and traces of luster. NGC. EF45.......................400 433. AUSTRIA, 1632 TALER ,EF; Archduke Leopold, as Count of Tyrol, 1626-1632.

Half length figure right with sword and scepter. Made on roller dies. 28.6g. KM-629.2. Nicely toned, some spot removal. EF.......................................................................450 434. AUSTRIA, SALZBURG, 1702 TALER, EF/AU; Madonna Taler. KM-254. Nicely toned. Light trace of repaired loop 6’oclock. 29.2g. ...............................................300 435. FRANCE, ND DENIER, VF; Bishopric of Clermont. Denier to the Virgin. Circa 12th Century. Auvergne region. 0.9g. 19mm.Roberts-4907. Pleasing portrait and much of legend legible. VF.....................................................................................................125 436. FRANCE, ND DEMI TESTON, EF; Francis of Angouleme (1515-1547). Beautiful patina and strong facial features. Soft strike in areas are usual for this type. 3e Type, Paris 18e. 4.7g, 24.9mm. D.795, Ex Marchevillo lot 2413. First King of France from the Angoulême branch of the House of Valois. EF................................................. 1100 437. FRANCE, AUGUSTUS & AGRIPPA, 1844 MEDAL, UNC; Similar design to the Augustus & Agrippa Dupondius. Rx: crocodile chained to palm. This bronze medal was made for the Scientific Congress of France session XII held in Nimes. 50mm 70.grams. Signed by M. Penin. Beautiful chocolate brown surfaces and high relief. Very nice addition to any ancient coin or French medals collection. UNC..............400 438. FRANCE, 1869 MEDAL, EF; France and Eqypt; Celebrating the opening of the Suez Canal by O. Roty. 39.0 grams silver, 41mm. Liberty seated right bringing fortune to standing Egypt. Lecompte-3, Forrer V-230. EF...................................................150 439. FRANCE ,1899 MEDAL, AU; National Society of Horticulture in France. Signed. A. Borrel. Inscribed to Madam Vallee, May 1899 for Wreathes/ Sprays. Standing Deminude. Obelisk with head of Pan (god of the wild). Silver. 23.grams, 36mm. Beautiful design. AU................................................................................................................125 440. GERMAN STATES, ASCHERSLEBEN, ND BRACTATE, VF; Bernard of Saxony, (1170-1212). Stephan kneeling to right with outstretched arms. 0.90g. Bonhoff 576; Berger 1757. Nice Patina. Rare. VF.........................................................................400 441. GERMANY, WEIMAR REPUBLIC, 1925 G, 5 REICHSMARK, AU/UNC; Subject: 1000th Year of the Rhineland Obv: Armored figure behind shield divides date, right arm raised Rev: Denomination within wreath. KM-47. AU / UNC.................375 442. GERMANY, REFORMATION, 1817 MEDAL, UNC; Martin Luther bust right/ Church. Celebrating 200 years jubilee. Signed by Loos. Silver 5.3g, 25.3mm. Whiting 577; Schnell 271. Prooflike surfaces and nicely toned. UNC...................................175 443. GERMANY, REFORMATION, 1842, MEDAL, VF/EF; 30 year celebration of the reformation. Book before chalice and cross between two candlesticks on the altar. Below the crest of Muhlhausen. By Helfricht. 14.6g, 32.6mm. VF / EF.................100 444. GERMANY, 1923 MEDAL, AU, FRENCH OCCUPATION; French occupation of the Ruhr valley in 1923. Rooster represents France which is squishing Germany. unsigned. Bronze 43.2g, 50.7mm. Plain edge. Interesting statement piece. AU......125 445. GREAT BRITAIN, EARLY ANGLO SAXON C.600-775, ND SCEAT, UNC; Great Britain, Early Anglo Saxon c.600-775, ND Sceat, UNC, S-776, N-126. Primary Phase c. 680-710: Wihtred, king of Kent(690-725). Diademed bust r.cross/Bird above cross with annulets. 1.2g, 12.5mm. Charming delicate design. Well centered with beautiful blue and red color. UNC...........................................................................................675 446. GREAT BRITAIN EARLY ANGLO SAXON C.600-775 ND SCEAT UNC; Great Britain, Early Anglo Saxon c.600-775, ND Sceat, AU, S-790A. Continental Issues c. 695-740: Vico type. Degenerate head (previously known as Porcupine type)/letter possibly reading VIC around central annulet. 1.2g, 12.4mm. Solid gray toning. Ex Tom Cederlind. AU...........................................................................................................350 447. GREAT BRITAIN EARLY ANGLO SAXON C.600-775 ND SCEAT UNC; Great Britain, Early Anglo Saxon c.600-775, ND Sceat, UNC, S-800. Secondary Phase c. 710-760: Nothhelm (died 739), Archbishop of Canterbury. Diademed bust r.cross/ Saltires with geometric symbols. 1.3g, 12.5mm.Incredible strike and eyeappeal. Well centered and attractive patina. UNC.........................................................................775 448. GREAT BRITAIN NORTHUMBRIA ND SCEAT VF; Great Britain, Northumbria, ND Sceat, VF, S-847. Eadberht(737-748). Small cross EADBERHT/sylized heraldic quadruped left. 0.8g, 11.5mm. Nice olive patina. Good example. VF.....................550 449. GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY VII (1485-1509), ND, GROAT, NGC, VF35; The House of Tudor. (4Pence). Escallop mint mark. Cinquefoil stops Rx. S-2198A. NGC# 4219979-004. Nice large flan and beautiful toning. NGC, VF35.............................675 450. GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY VIII (1509-17), ND, GROAT, NGC, VF35; Pheon mint mark. (4Pence). Handsome roman nose and fluffy hair.S-2337E. NGC# 4219986003. Nice and even dark toning. NGC VF 35...........................................................675 451. GREAT BRITAIN, WILLIAM III, 1697 6 PENCE, AU/UNC; William III (1689– 1702). KM-496.1. Beautiful rainbow toning. AU / UNC.........................................350 452. ITALIAN STATES, TUSCANY, 1677 GIULIO, NGC, EF45; Cosimo III De Medici (1670-1723). The Angel Gabriel Comes to Mary/The Grand-Ducal Crown with Florentine fleur-de-lys and oval arms. Soft Strike in areas. Lovely blue and rose toning. MIR-337, CNI-XII.392,49. NGC# 4196223-002. Scarce issue. Ex Demarete Collection. NGC EF45..............................................................................................550 453. ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, INNOCENT XII, 1695 TESTONE, EF; Pope listening to exhortation for peace. This type refers to the Popes attempt to end war between France and Grand Alliance. 16mm, silver. Berman-2252, CNI-70. Nice toning and patina. EF................................................................................................425 454. ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, 1760 GROSSO, NGC, AU50; Pope Clement XIII(1758-1769). Berman 2905. NGC #3813304-005. Good eye appeal. NGC, AU50 ...................................................................................................................................175 455. ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, ND, SCUDO, VF/EF; Carlo Ruzzini, 113th Doge (1732-1735). Scudo della Croce. Cross of thistle leaves, with rose in center, between four grape leaves CAROLVS RVZINI DVX VENETIAR / Lion within ornamented shield SANCTVS MARCVSV VENET. AR 31.18 g. - Ø 43.8. CNI 3. Paolucci 6. Davenport 1538.Nice, even toning. VF / EF..........................................600 456. ITALIAN STATES, LOMBARDY-VENETIA, , 5 LIRE, EF; Italian States, Lombardy-Venetia, 1848 M, 5 Lire, EF, KM-22.1. Revolutionary Issue. Rim bump. Nicely toned over old cleaning. EF..........................................................................275 457. MEXICO, CHARLES AND JOHANNA, ND 4 REALES, EF; Charles and Johanna. 1516-1556. Mexico City mint, O assayer. Mo-O, Late series (Struck circa

1542-1555). 32.25mm, 13.6g. Crowned pillars in waves, PLV-SVL-TRA across field, 4 in center below. Nice slate gray toning, well struck example. EF.........................450 458. MEXICO, EL CAZADOR SHIPWRECK, 1779 MOFF, 8 REALES, NGC; Charles III (1759-1788). From the Ship Wreck El Cazador which sank off the Gulf of Mexico in 1784. NGC#1963097-234. NGC Genuine..............................................200 459. RUSSIA, NICHOLAS I, 1829 MEDAL, AU,; Issued for the capture of Silistria (Turkish fortress, today Bulgaria). The Czar facing right/seven line inscription. 38.5 mm. Bronze. Signed by G. Loos. Diakov-483.1. AU...............................................150 460. SPAIN, CASTILE AND LEÓN, ND 1/2 REAL, VF/EF; Pedro “the Cruel” (13501368). Sevilla. AB-384 var. Crowned “P”/Castle, 4 annulets. 1.7g, 19.97mm. Darkly toned and nice example of type. VF / EF.................................................................300 ANTIQUITIES NEAR EASTERN 461. OLD BABYLONIAN TERRACOTTA VOTIVE PLAQUE OF NERGAL, ca. 2nd Millenia BC. A votive plaque with a Babylonian god, Nergal, here depicted with his elongated beard and bulls ears, holding his various regalia. Nergal is associated with Mars and is the King of the netherworld, god of war, plagues, and death. He is one of the Babylonian deities mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Milton S. Yondorf, Chicago, prior to 1940; thence by descent to John D. Yondorf, Jr. (1924-2010), Chicago, 1948. To be published in future publication by the Oriental Museum of Chicago. H. 3 3/8” W. 2 1/8” (8.6 cm x 5.4 cm) 1500 462. MESOPOTAMIAN BLACK STEATITE STAMP SEAL, ca. 3500 BC. The seal depicts two antelope, likely oryx, looking back over their bodies, horns pointed left. A very nice size and style for type. Milton S. Yondorf, Chicago, prior to 1940; thence by descent to John D. Yondorf, Jr. (1924-2010), Chicago, 1948. To be published in future publication by the Oriental Museum of Chicago. L. 1 7/8” (4.8 cm) 1850 463. SUMERIAN CLAY TABLET, Old Babylonian Period, ca. 1800 BC. List of fields of different sizes (between 1,800 and 160,000 m<sup>2</sup>), followed by personal names. Personal name (PN) 3 on the obverse and PN 15 on the reverse are identical. The obverse and the reverse seem to have summation of their own. The one on the obverse is largely broken; the reverse adds up to 91,520 m<sup>2</sup>. The purpose of the list is not indicated. <sup>1-13</sup>”xx area of field, PN1-11. <sup>12</ sup> [Total: xxx]+23,400 m<sup>2</sup>. <sup>r.1-r.9</sup> xx area of field, PN1219. <sup>r.10</sup> Total: 91,520 m<sup>2</sup>.” The piece is assembled from larger fragments but is, nonetheless, a nice example of a larger tablet with a wonderful provenance. Milton S. Yondorf, Chicago, prior to 1940; thence by descent to John D. Yondorf, Jr. (1924-2010), Chicago, 1948. To be published in future publication by the Oriental Museum of Chicago. L. 4 3/4” (19.7 cm) 1850 464. BACTRIAN RED BRECCHIA VESSEL, ca. 1700 BC. This unusual vessel is carved out of an attractive deep red brecchia with darker and lighter stones in the matrix. The piece has two pierced lug handles on either side of the circular well. The bottom is drilled through horizontally. Intact with general surface abrasions and a few chips. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., BBS 156, 23 October 2007, lot 621. L. 1 3/4” H. 1 5/8” (4.5 cm x 4 cm) 550 465. MESOPOTAMIAN HEMATITE DUCK WEIGHT, ca. 8th-6th Century BC. A very elegantly modeled small duck weight, the duck’s head resting back over its body. L. 14mm, 1.93 gm 350 CYLINDER SEALS 466. OLD BABYLONIAN HEMATITE CYLINDER SEAL, Old Babylonian Period, ca. 1800 BC. Depicting a priestly procession and an offering. The four figures wear stylized hats and are rendered in gowns. L. 1” (2.5 cm). 950 467. ASSYRIAN RED JASPER CYLINDER SEAL, ca. 1300-1100 BC. This is a beautiful Assyrian cylinder seal rendered in deeply cut red jasper. It depicts two mythical griffin-like animals, one winged, in combat with another. L. 5/8” (1.6 cm) 1100 EGYPTIAN 468. EGYPTIAN WOODEN FLOOR BOARD OF SARCOPHAGUS, Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, ca. 1850 BC. Extremely rare and interesting floor board from the bottom of a large sarcophagus. Originally all inside sections of the sarcophagus would have had magical spells upon it to instruct the person for the after-life, as does this piece with its hieratic inscription. This bottom section contains coffin text, spell 335 which relates to the judgment of the dead. Typically this spell is located on the lid or side panels and there is only one other recorded example of this occurring on the bottom and resides on a sarcophagus of Sobekhotep located in the British Museum. The script on our piece is written in two different colors as to state questions and answers and finally there are traces of blue which represent water, the means of travel to the After-Life. Custom mount. Ex Chicago Collection, acquired in Cairo in the late 1950’s. L. 19 3/8” (49 cm). 1400 469. EGYPTIAN BRONZE OSIRIS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The Egyptian god Osiris, here depicted standing mummiform with the atef crown and uraeus. His arms positioned crossed over the chest to hold the crook and flail. Ex Midwest Collection collected before 1967. Mounted. H. 7” (18 cm). 3500 470. PHOENICIAN MOSAIC GLASS PENDANT, ca. 800 BC. This is a superb example of the renowned Phoenician glassmakers’ art. The square pendant originally had two suspension loops rendered in red glass. The body has multiple circular floral designs set within a light green background. The central image is of a fine small face. The very complex piece is rendered in red, brown, green, and blue glass. Suspension loops broken and small chip to the corner. Rare type. L. 1” (2.5 cm). 850 471. COPTIC BONE PIN, ca. 6th-7th Century AD. With bird finial and tapering shaft. Loss to one side of bird, repaired at shaft and tail. Sold by Harlan Berk private treaty, Feb. 13, 1991. L. 4 7/8” (12.4 cm) 275 SCARABS 472. EGYPTIAN WHITE STEATITE SCARAB, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040-1784 BC. With an Horus falcon, a shen-ring (symbolizing eternity), a netjer-flag (symbolizing divinity), and two Red Crowns. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., 66th Buy or Bid Sale, 11 June, 1991, lot 726. L. 5/8” (1.6 cm). 250

473. EGYPTIAN WHITE STEATITE SCARAB, New Kingdom, ca. 1567-1085 BC. With elaborate loop and cobra on the underside. Very nicely detailed larger scarab. L. 7/8” (2.2 cm). 325 474. EGYPTIAN STEATITE QUADRUPLE SCARAB, New Kingdom, ca. 1550-1070 BC. An unusual four scarab plaque with an “enra” inscription, a symbol that seems to have possessed magical value, perhaps comparable to modern “abracadabra.” Blue glazed steatite. Rare type. L. 15mm 475 475. EGYPTIAN A LARGE EGYPTIAN GLAZED STEATITE SCARAB, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. This unusually large steatite piece has beautifully modeled scarab details on the obverse and an inscribed image of Bes standing in an oval register on the reverse. Mottled iron-oxide staining throughout. L. 1 3/8” (3.5 cm) 950 CERAMICS 476. CYPRIOT BICHROME WARE KYLIX, ca. 850-750 BC. A Cypro-Geometric III bichrome ware kylix with wide black and red bands horizontally framing the field with flying bird between narrow vertical lines, the interior with narrow concentric bands. Art Market, Switzerland, 1980. Antiquities, Christie’s, New York, 13 December 2013, lot 63. Dia. 6.5” H. 4.5” (16.5 cm x 11.4 cm) 3250 477. ATTIC BLACK FIGURE LITTLE-MASTER LIP CUP, HERAKLES WRESTLES THE NEMEAN LION, ca. 530’s. Inside the cup, a tondo depicting the first labor of Herakles, the slaying of the Nemean lion, enclosed by red and black tongues. Ex Puhze Katalog 4 (1982) no. 181; Ex Puhze Katalog 9 (1990) no. 198; Ex Archea Gallery, Amsterdam (PAN Art Fair, November 1997); Ex Puhze Katalog 18 (2004) no. 118, and most recently, Munich Gorny & Mosch, Auktion 222 (2014) no. 109. Beazley Archive Pottery Database: no. 7280 (only with the reference to Puhze Katalog 4, no. 181). Mentioned in Athenian Little-Master Cups by Pieter Heesen note. 240. Restored. H. 5 3/4” W. 11 3/4” to handles (14.6 cm x 30 cm). Bowl diameter is 8 3/4” 12500 478. ATTIC RED FIGURE OINOCHOE, ca. 5th Century BC. A boy lunging forward, holding a vase with dog below. Ex-Collection of Leon Rodrigues-Ely (1924-1973), Marsaille, France. Archeologie-Art Islamique, Christie’s, Paris, 6 May 2015, lot 33. No restoration. H. 9 cm 1450 479. ATTIC RED FIGURE LEKYTHOS, ca. 5th Century BC. Depicting a flying Eros before an altar. Ex-Collection of Leon Rodrigues-Ely (1924-1973), Marsaille, France. Archeologie-Art Islamique, Christie’s, Paris, 6 May 2015, lot 33. No restoration. H. 10 cm 1250 480. ATTIC RED FIGURE LEKYTHOS, ca. 5th Century BC. With nude figure, arms outstretched, himation draped over the left arm. Ex-Collection of Leon Rodrigues-Ely (1924-1973), Marsaille, France. Archeologie-Art Islamique, Christie’s, Paris, 6 May 2015, lot 33. No restoration. H. 7 cm 1200 481. ATTIC RED FIGURE OINOCHOE, ca. 5th Century BC. Youthful right striding figure holding a thyrsos and possibly amphora. Ex-Collection of Leon Rodrigues-Ely (1924-1973), Marsaille, France. Archeologie-Art Islamique, Christie’s, Paris, 6 May 2015, lot 33. No restoration. H. 8 cm 900 482. ATTIC MINIATURE LEKYTHOS WITH SPHINX, ca. mid 5th Century BC. Showing a seated sphynx in profile to the left, tail curved behind. Repair at base of neck and handle. H. 3 1/16” (7.8 cm) 1250 483. CORINTHIAN POWDER PYXIS, ca. 580-570 BC. A two part spool-shaped terracotta vessel with painted linear and geometric decoration on the exterior cover and sides. Extremely rare type. Minor chip to rim otherwise in perfect condition with no restoration. Dia. 3 1/8” H. 1 3/8” (8 cm x 3.5 cm) 1250 484. GNATHIAN RIBBED OINOCHOE, ca. 4th Century BC. Black glazed oinochoe with a bulbous, finely vertically ribbed body on a pedestal base, vine motif, with pinched trefoil mouth and strap handle. H. 5” (12.7 cm) 850 485. GNATHIAN RIBBED OINOCHOE, ca. 4th Century BC. Black glazed oinochoe with a bulbous, finely vertically ribbed body on a pedestal base, vine motif, with pinched trefoil mouth and strap handle. H. 5 3/8” (13.7 cm). . 750 486. GNATHIAN RIBBED OINOCHOE, ca. 4th Century BC. Black glazed oinochoe with a bulbous, finely vertically ribbed body on a pedestal base, vine motif, with pinched trefoil mouth and strap handle. H. 5 1/8” (13 cm) 850 TERRACOTTA 487. SYRIO-HITTITE (NORTHERN SYRIA) BIRD IDOL, ca. 1800 BC. With columnar body and flared base, arms flexed at the elbow and held to the chest, applied disk eyes and beak-like nose, a ribbed crown atop the head. H. 3 5/8” (9 cm) 950 488. SASSANIAN TERRACOTTA MILITARY SEALING OF A SASSANIAN SPAHBED (GENERAL), ca. 5th-6th Century AD. Horse and Rider face right. In the right hand of the rider, presumed to be an image of a Spahbed, a scepter. Both the horse and rider are armored. Inscription surrounding the piece reads: kust-I-Xwarasan ( = east ) cihr-burzen ( hujadag-khusro). W. 2 7/8” H. 2 3/8” (7.3 cm x 6 cm). 1250 BRONZES 489. ROMAN BRONZE INCENSE BURNER, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. A beautiful object with square body, four long flaring points and two short. Decorated with incised concentric circle. Four footed pedestal base. Wonderful olive green patina. H. 2 1/2” (6.4 cm) 2250 490. ROMAN BRONZE HANDLE WITH HELMETED WARRIOR, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. The base of the handle depicts a helmeted soldier in a Greek style helmet with a large plume framing the face. At the other end, the head of a woman. Smooth leaf green patina with earthen encrustation. L. 4 1/4” W. 1 1/2” (10.8 cm x 3.8 cm) 1500 491. ROMAN BRONZE FOOT WITH SANDLE, 1st-2nd Century AD. Lower leg with foot wearing a detailed sandal. Smooth, vibrant green patina. H. 1 1/4” (3 cm) 400 BYZANTINE 492. BYZANTINE BRONZE OWL LOCK, ca. 10th Century AD. A charming leaf green owl lock, pin intact, the owl with feathered detail and larger round eyes. H. 1 3/4” Depth 1 1/2” (4.5 cm x 3.8 cm) 1250 493. BYZANTINE BRONZE RELIQUARY CROSS, ca. 9th-12th Century AD. A detailed half of a reliquary cross. Central figure of Christ with circular images at each

arm of the cross. Shiny, even olive green patina. H. 3 1/2” W. 2 1/8” (9 cm x 5.4 cm) 300 494. BYZANTINE BRONZE RELIQUARY CROSS, ca. 9th-12th Century AD. A detailed half of a reliquary cross. Central figure of Christ with circular images at each arm of the cross. Shiny, even, dark olive patina. H. 2 3/4” W. 1 1/2” (7 cm x 3.8 cm) 300 495. BYZANTINE BRONZE RELIQUARY CROSS, ca. 9th-10th Century AD. A beautiful, intact Byzantine reliquary cross. This piece is in fantastic condition with it’s upper suspension loop and hinge intact and beautiful dark green patina with crisp detail. A special piece which does not come along too often. L. 4 3/8” W. 2” (11 cm x 5 cm) 2500 WEAPONS 496. LURISTAN BRONZE SOCKETED SPEAR POINT, ca. 1200-800 BC. Ovate blade with socketed shaft. Beautiful smooth blue green patina. L. 7” (17.8 cm) 350 497. LURISTAN BRONZE SPEAR POINT, ca. 1200-800 BC. A very long folded socket base gradually tapers before connecting with the blade and continuing into a raised midrib. The blade is rounded at the shoulders, tapering to a point. Dark green, brown and earthen encrustation. L. 13 1/8” (33 cm) 850 498. LURISTAN BRONZE SPEARHEAD, ca. 1200-800 BC. The piece has a subtley raised midrib and gradually flaring base. Intact with original earthen and green patina with chips to the end of the blade and the tang. Nice larger size. L. 17 1/4” (44 cm) 950 499. SICILIAN BRONZE SPEAR POINT, ca. 4th Century BC. The elongated leaf-form arrowhead is barbed at the end with a long tang and an unusual staggered rib form instead of the typical midrib design. Olive and earthen patina. L. 3 1/2” (9 cm) 325 500. TURKISH BRONZE AND IRON BULLET MOLD, ca. 18th Century AD. Long tapered iron handles with a two part Bronze mold. L. 5 1/2” (14 cm) 950 ASIAN 501. NORTHEASTERN THAILAND BAN CHIANG LARGE VESSEL, ca. 3000 BC. A large vessel with designs consisting of flat spirals and vertical rays painted in red slip. Black modeling around the sides. Brought to the United States by a marine in the late 1960’s from Thailand. Ex Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc. New York 1975 Lot #423. Intact. H. 15” (38 cm) 3000 502. KHMER SANDSTONE BUDDHA HEAD, ca. 11th Century AD. This is a very elegant example of the renowned Khmer art, rendered in the Bayon Style. The piece is modeled in a very fine sandstone with the buddha modeled in serene expression. Typical joined brown adn rectangulr lips The piece has a soft general erosion throughout the surfaces but is otherwise an excellent example of Khmer art. From an estate in Austin, Tx. H. 6” (15 cm) with base 8 1/2” 2500 503. THAI HARIPUNCHAI STUCCO BUDDHA HEAD, ca. 13th Century AD. This is a beautiful example of a much more difficult type of Thai buddha head to obtain. It comes from the Mon people in Thailand. The Mon Dvaravati and the Khmer were the earlier inhabitants of Southeast Asia. The piece is modeled in classic Haripunchai style with well defined eyes and rectangular Mon or Khmer lips. The buddha has a small ushnisha on top of his head surrounded by snailcurl hair. The piece comes from a large stucco relief and is in very good condition with a few chips on the head and a chip on the nostril. A nice larger example mounted on a wooden base. H. 9” (23 cm) 2200 504. THAI BRONZE SEATED BUDDHA, ca. 16th Century AD. This is a very elegantly modeled middle Ayutthia Period seated adorned buddha. In Southeast Asia sometimes the buddha proper, as opposed to a boddhishatva, is depicted in royal attire as is this present example. The buddha sits in meditative posture on a lotus plinth. This is an unusually well modeled and elegant example, the robes and crown very intricately designed. A break to one corner, original earthen patina. Mounted on a wooden base. H. 11 3/4” (30 cm) 1250 505. JAPANESE BRONZE CROUCHING TIGER SIGNED BY KIYOMITSU SAKU, Meiji Period, 1868-1912. This is a beautifully modeled Japanese bronze crouching tiger, very carefully cold worked with beautiful detail. An excellent example of late 19th-early 20th Japanese bronze work rendered in highly realistic style. Signed. L. 23” H. 8” (5 cm x 20 cm) 2500 MAPS 506. EUROPE WESTERN CARTE HISTORIQUE ET GEOGRAPHIQUE DES ROYAUMES DESPAGNE ET DE PORTUGAL DIVISES SELON LEURS ROYAUMES ET PROVINCES., By: Henri Abraham Chatelain

Date: 1719 (Published) Amsterdam

Dimensions: 17.5 x 22.5 inches (44.5cm x 57.2 cm)

This highly detailed hand-colored authentic antique map is from Chatelain’s Atlas Historique, and features a detailed rendering of the Kingdom of Spain with all its provinces, and the Kingdom of Portugal. Coats of arms are included for most kingdoms, and important historical events are noted for each. The legend designates each city according to its status, some with crowns, stars, etc., even denoting those cities which featured prominently in the Inquisition.

Condition: This map is in B+ condition. Fold separations at some junctures have been repaired with archival material on the verso. Some foxing, spotting and damp staining primarily in the borders but also in the area of the Gulf of Cadiz and the Mediterranean. 350 507. CITY / TOWN NOUVEAU PLAN DE LA VILLE DE ROME TIRE PAR ORDRE DU PAPE PAR MATTEO GREGORIA DE ROMANS TRES UTILLE POUR LES VOIAGEURS., By: Henri Abraham Chatelain

Date: 1719 (Published) Amsterdam

Dimensions: 13 x 15 inches (33 cm x 38 cm)

This decorative hand-colored authentic antique map of Rome is from Chatelain’s Atlas Historique, and features a plan of the city for travelers in the early years of the eighteenth century. Though Chatelain does not include all the major architectural edifices which were extant at that time, he does detail some of the best-known, including the Palaces of the Pope, St. Pierre, St. Marie, St. Marie Maggior, to name a few.

Date: 1720 (published) Nuremberg

Dimensions: 12.25 x 15.75 inches (31.1 x 40 cm)

This is an authentic antique map of Italy. It was published in Nuremberg for the atlas Descriptio Orbis Antique in XLIV in the year 1720.

Vatican City is quite detailed, and of note is the extent of the ancient walls intact at that time. Gates entering the city are named, as are all bridges. We see frigates making their way up river, and it is easy to imagine the beauty of the ancient city at the time as wide swathes of green dotted with trees are in great abundance.

This detailed map of Italy is embellished with a cartouche featuring thirteen Ancient Roman medallions. It provides a look at Italy during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire.

This map is in B+ condition. Short tears in the border have been repaired with archival material on the verso as has a longer tear in the border near the centerfold. Some foxing, spotting and damp staining primarily in the borders. 300 508. CELESTIAL PREMIERCARTE POUR L’INTRODUCTION A L’HISTOIRE DU MONDE OU L’ON REMARQUE LA SPHERE LE GLOBE CELESTE, ET LES DIFFERENS SISTEMES DU MONDE., By: Henri Abraham Chatelain

Date: 1720 (Published) Amsterdam

Dimensions: 13.5 x 17.5 inches (34.3 cm x 44.5 cm)

This fascinating, highly detailed hand-colored antique chart is from Chatelain’s Atlas Historique. This folio sheet has a central engraved panel containing a twin celestial hemisphere map, armillary, sphere, a small double hemisphere terrestrial map showing the Island of California, and several diagrams of the solar system and planets. Panels of French text on either side discuss the various solar system hypotheses (pictured) of well-known theorists such as Descartes, Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe and Copernicus.

Condition: This map is in A condition. Minor toning and foxing in the borders. Centerfold separations have been repaired with archival material on the verso. 650 509. EUROPE WESTERN SCENA HISTORIARUM OCCIDENTALIS QUINTI SECULI P.N. CHR. IN QUA IMPERII ROMANORUM & ACCOLARUM BARBARORUM…, By: Christopher Weigel Date: 1720 (published) Nuremberg Dimensions: 12 x 15 inches ( 30.48 x 38.1 cm ) This is an authentic antique map focusing on the Western Europe and Northwestern Africa, by Christopher Weigel. It was published in Nuremberg for the atlas Descriptio Orbis Antiqui in XLIV in the year 1720.

Lovely original coloring distinguishes the various regions of focus within the map. Numerous cities are labeled throughout as well as rivers, mountains, lakes, and seas. Several sections of text describe the various lands throughout the map. In the Atlantic Ocean, the Prime Meridian is shown according to the writings of Ptolemy. An insert of the Western Hemisphere shows an incomplete New Zeeland, and Northwestern American coastline ornaments the map in the top left corner.

Condition: Map is in A condition with exceptional original color and light paper toning mostly confined to the margins. 350 510. GREEK ISLANDS GRAECIE PARS MERIDIONALIS, 1720 (published) Nuremberg. By: Christopher Weigel

Condition: Map is in B+ condition with original colors. There is some staining and foxing, mostly confined to the the margins. 300 513. EUROPE SOUTHERN GALLIA CISALPINA ET ITALIA PROPRIA, By: Christopher Weigel

Date: 1720 (published) Nuremberg

Dimensions: 12.25 x 15.5 inches (31.1 x 39.4 cm)

This is an authentic antique map of northern Italy and Corsica. It was published in Nuremberg for the atlas Descriptio Orbis Antique in XLIV in the year 1720.

The map is colored by region and shows mountains, cities, rivers and lakes. The Alps are shown in the north and there is a cartouche depicting twenty Roman medallions and coins with various figures and buildings.

Condition: Map is in B+ condition with brilliant original colors. There is minimal staining and foxing, mostly the on margins, two small separations at the top center and one at the bottom. 275 514. MEDITERRANEAN ETAT ABREGE DE LA MAISON DU GRAND SEIGNEUR, [VIEWS OF CONSTANTINOPLE], By: Henri Abraham Chatelain

Date: 1710 (Published) Paris

Dimensions: 13.5 x 17.5 inches (34.3 cm x 44.5 cm)

This lovely hand-colored authentic antique map by Chatelain depicts Constantinople in the early years of the eighteenth century with special attention paid in the first illustration to the Serai (Palace) of Topkapi, the grand palace built by the Ottomans on the point of the ‘rhinoceros’ horn’, a term often used to describe the shape of the land jutting out into the sea at this point. The scene from the sea is still recognizable today, as a portion of the land below the Palace is yet undeveloped, and portions of the great walls still stand. The accompanying text names and describes the responsibilities of various important members of the Ottoman government, including the Sultan.

The central engraving is a panoramic view of the city from the east side of the Bosphorus, which includes all major architectural edifices then extant as well as some which did not exist in quite the form depicted. The text describes the government’s military forces and sources of revenue, and pictures camels laden with goods, peasants, and the smaller walled settlement of Chalcedon.

The third engraving depicts Hagia Sophia, the mighty architectural edifice built by Justinian I on the site of the original church which was burnt to the ground during the Nika Revolt of the sixth century. Justinian spared no expense in realizing the plans drawn up by the famed architect Isidore of Miletus and the mathematician Anthemius of Tralles. He ordered all provinces under his reign to send the best architectural pieces to be used in the construction so that the Hagia Sophia could be bigger and grander. The columns and marbles used in the structure were taken from ancient cities in and around Anatolia and Syria, such as, Aspendus Ephessus, Baalbeek and Tarsa.

Condition: This map is in A condition with toning at the borders and some spotting. Centerfold and other minor separations have been repaired with archival material on the verso. 500

Date: 1720 (published) Nuremberg

Dimensions: 12 x 16.25 inches (30.5 x 41.3 cm)

This is an authentic antique map of Greece, Crete and Turkey. It was published in Nuremberg for the atlas Descriptio Orbis Antiqui in XLIV in the year 1720.

This map shows historic cities including Athens, Thebes and Sparta, while the colored outlines represent political divisions. It also features an impressive cartouche, which touts an enthralled goddess and debating scholars.

Condition: Map is in B+ condition with original colors. Foxing is mostly confined to the margins with minimal staining at the top.. 12 x 16.25 inches (30.5 x 41.3 cm). 450 511. EUROPE SOUTHERN ORA BAIANA ET PUTEOLANA..., By: Christopher Weigel

Date: 1720 (published) Nuremberg

Dimensions: 11.25 x 15 inches (28.6 x 38.1 cm)

This is an authentic antique map of the Bay of Naples. It was published in Nuremberg for the atlas Descriptio Orbis Antique in XLIV in the year 1720. This incredibly detailed map includes the cities of Puteoli and Cumae and shows mountains, lakes and landmarks. The title cartouche features twenty one Roman themed medallions.

Condition: Map is in B+ condition with original colors. There is minimal foxing, which is confined to the margins. 250 512. EUROPE SOUTHERN ITALIA ANTIQUA AB OCTAVIO AUGUFTO IN REGIONES XI DESCRIPTA, By: Christopher Weigel

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The rise of the Macedonian kingdom c. 550 BC experienced by a high school senior.

Photography by tommaday.com

Made possible by the generosity of a Chicago collector

History In Your Hands FoundationŽ is a not-for profit organization that cooperates with collectors and museums to promote a deeper understanding of the world by putting remarkable pieces of history in the hands of our kids. Literally. To find out how we can work with your child’s school or how to support us, please go to hiyhf.org or call 708-406-9217

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 31 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL. 60602 | 312-609-0018 | www.hjbltd.com Dealers in ancient coins, U.S. & world coins, antiquities & antique maps

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