HJB's 214th Buy or Bid Sale

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”


The Closing Date is February 18, 2021

A TRUSTED INSTITUTION FOR OVER 50 YEARS. Harlan J. Berk Ltd. employs experts in all areas ranging from ancient, U.S. and world coins, paper money and antiquities. All our experts have, on average, over 15 years of experience, most much more.

HARLAN J. BERK, LTD FOR ALL YOUR BULLION NEEDS If you want to buy or sell gold, silver, platinum, or palladium in coin or bar form, we can handle any size transactions for you. Other than shipping there are no extra charges if you are outside the Chicago area. Our staff can guide you, if desired, to the least expensive ways to purchase bullion. If you wish, we can convert your numismatic holdings into bullion or vice versa. Please direct your calls to Robert Greenstein at 312-609-0016 or e-mail: bobg@hjbltd.com.

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”

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Harlan J. Berk, Ancients • Aaron Berk, Ancients & Antiquities Curtis Clay, Roman • Phil Davis, Ancients • Justin Benton, Ancients • Jennifer Saban, Antiquities • Laura Wakeland, World Pablo Saban, IT Manager • Photos & Videos by Andrew Steiner & Carin Perez • Layout by Aaron Berk Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. has presented an innovation in antiquities and numismatics for some time now. The system is simple. When you want an antiquity or coin in the sale, just bid the estimated price by phone, fax, web site, email or post. We will send you the antiquity or coin immediately with no buyer’s fees and no waiting for the closing of the sale. Any and all antiquities or coins not sold before the closing date will be sent to the highest bidder after February 18, 2021. All items carry a guarantee of authenticity. EXAMPLE—You bid estimate on an item valued at $100.00 and if your bid is the 1st to reach us, you will receive the item immediately at $100. If on the other hand, you bid $75.00 on the same item and are still the high bidder at the end of the sale, the item will be mailed to you after the closing. If you are ever in the area, stop in to see us! Of course, it’s best to call first. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. reserves the right to refuse any bids.

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GOLD First Heavy Stater, with Wart on Lion’s Nose LYDIA; c. 610-546 BC, EL Trite, 4.73g. Berk-1, Weidauer-87, SNG Kayhan-1013, SNG Aulock-2869. Obv: Head of roaring lion r., knob with multiple rays on forehead. Rx: Two incuse squares. Some minor planchet defects. Mint State........................................... 4000 LESBOS, MYTILENE HEKTE; 521-478 BC, EL Hekte, 2.54g. Bodenstedt-13. Obv: Head of lion with open jaws r. Rx: Calf’s head r., incuse. Largest known issue, probably struck to finance the Ionian Revolt of 500-494 BC according to Bodenstedt, p. 194. EF. ....................................................................................................................................... 585 ZEUGITANA, CARTHAGE EL STATER; c. 310-290 BC, EL Stater, 7.47g. Jenkins-280, pl. 11 (same dies). Obv: Head of Tanit l. wreathed with wheat, wearing necklace and triple-drop earrings, dot in front. Rx: Horse standing r. with dot below belly and cluster of three dots under exergual line. Perfectly centered. EF......................... 3100 THEODOSIUS II; 402-450 AD, Constantinople, c. 441-450 AD, Solidus, 4.46g. Depeyrot-84/1 (608 spec.), Sear-21140. Obv: D N THEODOSI - VS F AVG Helmeted facing bust, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed, spear over r. shoulder, on l. arm shield. Rx: IMP XXXXII.COS.-[X]VII.P.P. Constantinoplis enthroned to l., holding cross on globe and scepter, l. foot on prow; by the throne a shield, star in l. field; COMOB in exergue. Mint State..................................................................................................... 1600 LEO I; 457-474 AD, Constantinople, c. 457-73 AD, Solidus, 4.50g. Berk-13, DO-520. Obv: D N LEO PE - RPET AVC Bearded bust r. (pearl diadem). Rx: VICTOR - IA ROMANORVM Victory advancing l., holding wreath and palm; in l. field, Chirstogram; in r. field, star; in exergue, CONOB. Officina Δ=4. Single small hairline in obverse and reverse field. Mint State................................................................................................. 985 Ravenna Mint JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Ravenna, c. 542-65 AD, Solidus, 4.49g. Berk-56, MIB-37, Sear-312. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVI Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG followed by officina letter Z (=7), Angel standing facing, holding long cross topped by P and cross on globe; to r., star; in exergue CONOB. Struck on a broad flan. Perfectly struck. Mint State...................... 1950 CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Constantinople, c. 649/50 AD, Solidus, 4.48g. MIB-22, officina E=5 (3 spec.); Sear-955. Obv: D N CONSTAN - TINuS PP AV Draped bust front, bearded, wearing crown with cross atop and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORIA AVSu E (officina 5) Cross potent on four steps, CONOBI in exergue. Rare variant with CONOBI rather than the usual CONOB in reverse exergue. Mint State..................... 900 CONSTANS II AND CONSTANTINE IV; 641-668 AD. Constantinople, c. 6549 AD, Solidus, 4.39g. Berk-152, Sear-960, MIB-28. Obv: D N CONSTANTINUS C CONSTANTI Facing busts of Constans, with long beard, and Constantine IV, beardless, each wearing crown and chlamys; between their heads, cross. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU A (officina 1) Cross potent on three steps; CoNoBI in exergue. Mint State.................... 885 First Portrait of Christ JUSTINIAN II, FIRST REIGN; 685-695 AD. Constantinople, 692-695 AD, Solidus, 4.47g. Berk-186, DO-7, MIB-8, Sear-1248. Obv: Greek legend “Christ, King of Kings”, around Bust of Christ facing, with cross behind head, raising r. hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in l. Rx: Emperor standing facing, holding cross potent set on two steps, and akakia; Greek legend “Justinian, Servant of Christ” around, followed by officina letter E=5; CONOP in exergue. First portrait of Christ on a coin. Ex Berk 151, 1



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November 2006, lot 35. Portrait of emperor on reverse weakly struck on face and cross. The portrait of Christ is impeccable. Mint State......................................................... 5000 Pax/No Pax JUSTINIAN II; 2nd Reign, 705-711 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-200, MIB-1, Sear-1413. Obv: Facing bust of Christ, cross behind head, raising r. hand in benediction and holding Gospels in l., Latin inscription “Jesus Christ King of Kings”. Rx: Facing bust of Justinian II holding cross potent and patriarchal cross on globe inscribed PAX. Ex Hunt Collection, Sotheby’s 1990, lot 498. Ex NAC 24, 2002, lot 415. This coin is from the second reign of Justinian and bears the second image of Christ. Justinian II was so vindictive that after seven years of terror in the kingdom he was executed which was highly unusual for the Romans at this time. Extremely sharp. Mint State........... 4950 GREEK SILVER DANUBIAN CELTS, IMITATING PHILIP II OF MACEDON; c. 3rd-2nd cent. BC, Sattelkopfpferd type, Tetradrachm, 8.62g. Göbl-300. Obv: Laureate, bearded head of Zeus r., die worn. Rx: Horse pacing l., with very stylized rider. Obverse struck with usual worn die. EF.................................................................................................................. 150 GAUL, INSUBRES, IMITATING MASSALIA; 2nd century BC, Drachm, 3.05g. De La Tour-2106. Obv: Wreathed head of female r. Rx: Lion standing r., garbled legend above. VF / EF.............................................................................................................. 200 GAUL, MASSALIA; c. 200-150 BC, Drachm, 2.68g. SNG Cop-771. Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Artemis r. with bow and quiver on shoulder. Rx: Lion standing l.; ΜΑΣΣΑ above, ΛΙΗΤΩΝ in exergue. Die crack on obverse creating line. Toned EF.. 285 Exceptional Quality CAMPANIA, NEAPOLIS; 340-300 BC, Didrachm, 7.29g. Cf. SNG ANS-365. Obv: Head of Nymph r., rooster behind, A before. Rx: Man-headed bull standing r., head front, being crowned by Victory flying r. above him; Π below bull, ethnic in exergue is off flan. NGC 3761938-007, graded “XF, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 5/5, Fine Style” A beautifully centered example of this usually off-center coin, with virtually none of the design off flan on either side. Toned EF.............................................................................................. 2950 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Nomos, 7.98g. Vlasto-702. Obv: Naked horseman l. vaulting off prancing horse and holding small round shield; to r., [EY]; below, NIKΩN. Rx: Taras on dolphin l. holding out grain ears, behind him TAΡΑΣ, in l. field API, spear head below. Exceptional quality on both obverse and reverse. Some softness from being struck with worn dies. Choice EF............................................... 1000 Rare Variety CALABRIA, TARENTUM; 302-228 BC, Diobol, 1.18g. Vlasto-1386. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r., sea horse on helmet. Rx: Herakles stepping l., head r., raising club to bash lion that has leapt on him from the r.; in l. field, bow and quiver. A rare reverse type variant: usually Herakles is shown standing or kneeling right, strangling the Nemean lion with both arms. EF........................................................................................................ 385 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; 520-473 BC, Litra, 0.64g. Vlasto-1109. Obv: Scallop shell. Rx: Wheel of four spokes. Obverse struck in high relief. gVF............................ 325 SICILY, AKRAGAS; c. 470-460 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.26g. Westermark-367 (O11/ R45). Obv: AKPA[C] - ANTOΣ Eagle with closed wings standing l. Rx: Crab. gVF / EF................................................................................................................................. 3000 SICILY, AKRAGAS; c. 470-460 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.52g. Westermark-O15/R25

















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(new die comb.). Obv: Eagle with closed wings standing l., AKPAC upwards before, ANTOΣ downwards behind. Rx: Crab. A surprising new die combination, unknown to Westermark, since O15 belongs to her Group III but R25 to her Group II. Until now no reverse dies had been known to have passed from one of Westermark’s three Eagle/Crab tetradrachm groups to the next group. Of the twenty obverse dies known for these tetradrachms, O15 is also the only one to show a variation in the placement of the city name, with AKPAC before and ANTOΣ behind the eagle rather than vice versa. VF / aEF.......................................................................................................2500 SICILY, GELA; c. 480/75 - 475/70 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.35g. Jenkins-122 (O 36/R 73). Obv: Charioteer in quadriga pacing r., only the nearest horse and the neck and head of a second horse clearly shown; Nike flying r. above crowns the second horse. Rx: Γ-Ε-Λ-[ΑΣ] Forepart of man-headed bull with long beard (river god Gelas) r. VF...........................................................................................................................1600 SICILY, GELA; c. 430-425 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.38g. Jenkins-457 (O85/R173). Obv: Quadriga to r. with Nike as charioteer; above, wreath. Rx: Forepart of manheaded bull r., before him heron standing r., no legend; late die state with diagonal line across the bull’s body. This coin is a very rare die combination and one of the latest issues of Gela. Less than ten examples of this die exist and this coin has a die break on the reverse that is described by Jenkins, who rarely mentions die damage. Good Fine. ................................................................................................................................ 1150 SICILY, HIMERA, WITH CRAB REVERSE OF ACRAGAS; c. 480-470 BC, Didrachm, 8.69g. Westermark-14 (O4/R12). Obv: Cock standing l., HIMERA in faint letters before. Rx: Crab within shallow incuse circle. Mint State.........................1850 Exceptional SICILY, LEONTINI; c. 466-425 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.33g. SNG ANS-257 (same dies), Rizzo-pl. XXIII.4 (same dies). Obv: Head of Apollo laureate l. Rx: Lion’s head l.; around, four barley corns and ethnic V (= Λ upside down) ΕΟ - Ν - ΤΙ - ΝΟΝ. Without the heavy die break in the lower part of the hair which normally disfigures this obverse die. Tiny hairline at base of neck from striking. Wonderful example of the tetradrachms of Leontini. Mint State......................................................................6250 SICILY, LEONTINI; c. 450 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.17g. Rizzo-pl. XXIII.8 (same dies). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Lion’s head r. with jaws open; around, four barley corns and ethnic ΛΕ - Ο - Ν - ΤΙ - ΝΟΝ. Toned aVF.................................1850 SICILY, LEONTINI; c. 475-466 BC, Litra, 0.65g. SNG ANS-213. Obv: Lion’s scalp facing. Rx: Barley grain. VF..........................................................................275 Unpublished Reverse Die SICILY, SELINUS; c. 540/530-510 BC, Didrachm, 8.97g. Cf. Arnold-Biucchi, Selinus Hoard, MN 33, pl. 3, 34 (same obv. die) and 39 (similar rev. die). Obv: Selinon leaf, with two pellets flanking stem. Rx: Irregular incuse resembling butterfly; inner surfaces striated. This coin is beautifully struck with a very rare reverse incuse. Unlisted in MN-77 by Arnold-Biucchi. Mint State................................................1350 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 485-479 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.92g. Boehringer-124 (V56/R85). Obv: Slow quadriga driven r. by bearded charioteer, above Nike flying r. to crown horses. Rx: ΣVRAK - O - ΣI - O - N Head of Arethusa r., wearing pearl headband and pearl necklace, hair tucked up behind headband, four dolphins around. Perfectly centered. Miniscule porosity. aEF...........................................................3250 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 460-440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Boehringer-477 (V255/R342). Obv: Slow quadriga driven r. by bearded charioteer, above Nike flying r. to crown horses. Rx: ΣVRAKOΣI - O - N Head of Arethusa r., wearing pearl headband and pearl necklace, four dolphins around. VF.......................................2500 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 450-430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.11g. Boehringer-669 (V338/R456). Obv: Slow quadriga driven r. by male charioteer holding goad, above Nike flying r. to crown horses. Rx: [ΣVPAK] - OΣ - ION Head of Arethusa r., hair bound with cord wound around four times, [four dolphins] around. VF..............1500 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 450-430 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. Boehringer-671 (V338/R459). Obv: Slow quadriga driven r. by male charioteer holding goad, above Nike flying r. to crown horses. Rx: ΣVP - A - [KO]Σ - [ION] Head of Arethusa r., hair bound with cord wound around four times, four dolphins around (three visible). This is an exceptionally beautiful example of this type, which rarely shows all four dolphins on the reverse, because the head of Arethusa is large and the flans were usually too small. On this specimen all dolphins are represented though some slightly. EF............................................................................................................................2150 SICILY, SYRACUSE, 5TH REPUBLIC; 214-212 BC, 12 litrae, 10.20g. Enna Hoard-D6 (same dies). Obv: Head of Athena r.: Rx: Artemis standing l., drawing bow; forepart of hound running l. before; ΔΑ under bow. Near Mint State...................3500 ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; c. 300 BC, Shekel, 7.55g. Lockett-1059-1060, Gulbenkian-383, SNG Cop-141. Obv: Head of Tanit l., wearing a wreath of grain, pendant earring, and necklace. Rx: Horse standing r. before palm, head reverted, star to r. This is an extremely beautiful example of this type. Perfectly struck and perfectly centered except for the tip of the ears of the horse. Toned Near Mint State...........5500 Exceptional Type SICILY, SICULO-PUNIC; 350-320/15 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.79g. Jenkins-Series 2d, 122; Boston-488. Obv: Head of Arethusa r. Rx: Horse galloping r. before palm tree. Ex CNG 67, 22 September 2004, lot 390. Obverse struck in high relief. This is one of the very sought after types of Siculo-Punic issues. Beautiful head of Arethusa with leaping, galloping horse on reverse. Some minor porosity on upper field of reverse. Mint State..................................................................................................4250 SICILY, SICULO-PUNIC; c. 320-300 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.58g. Jenkins-190 (O56/R167). Obv: Head of Tanit-Arethusa l., wreathed with wheat, wearing triplependant earring and necklace; three dolphins around. Rx: MMHNT (People of the Camp) Horse’s head l., date palm behind. Struck in strong relief. Extremely desirable quality. Toned EF....................................................................................................5000 SICILY, SICULO-PUNIC; c. 300-289 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.45g. Jenkins-415 (O124/R342). Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: Horse’s head l., palm tree behind. Obverse die break always present on this issue. Toned EF...1750 LIBYAN REVOLT AGAINST CARTHAGE; 241-238 BC, Shekel, 7.53g. SNG Cop-239. Obv: Head of Herakles l. Rx: Lion walking r.; Punic letter above, Punic inscription in exergue. Sharper than normal. Toned EF........................................2650 Portrait of Melkart ZEUGITANA, CARTHAGE; Mint in Carthage or Sicily, 221-202 BC, Shekel, 6.85g. SNG Cop-382; Robinson-Series 8a, pl. III (Gades); Burnett, Enna Hoard-114. Obv: Head of Melkart l. Rx: Elephant walking r., Punic letter in exergue. Ex CNG 67,




















22 September 2004, lot 977. Ex CNG XXIV, 9 December 1992, lot 377. This issue is rather rare and normally poorly struck. Some die breaks in obverse field. Mint State.. ................................................................................................................................8500 MACEDONIA, PERDICCAS II; 454-413 BC. Tetrobol, 1.78g. Grose-3287. Obv: Free horse walking r., l. foreleg raised. Rx: Crested helmet r., in linear within incuse square. gVF..............................................................................................................425 Lifetime Issue MACEDONIA, PHILIP II, 359-336 BC; Pella, Lifetime issue, c. 359-355/4, Tetradrachm, 14.34g. Le Rider-72. Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Naked youth on horseback l., monogram below. Obverse struck in high relief. EF / aEF...............1500 Lifetime Issue MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; Amphipolis I B, c. 355-349/8 BC (lifetime), Tetradrachm, 14.01g. Le Rider-145/172, pl. 28-30, both dies appear new. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ - ΠΟΥ Horseman with hand raised on horse trotting l., bow beneath horse’s upraised foreleg. Excellent portrait of Philip, struck in high relief. EF.........................................................................................................2500 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; Amphipolis III, c. 323-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.28g. Le Rider-pl. 45, 5. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ - ΠΟΥ Rider holding palm branch on horse trotting r.; monogram below horse’s body, Λ below raised l. foreleg. NGC 4625017-005. Ex Berk 205, 18 September 2018, lot 51. Obverse struck in high relief. aEF................................................................................................... 1100 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. ‘Amphipolis’, Lifetime, c. 336-323 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.01g. Price-79. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ downwards on r., Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, cock standing l. VF...................525 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. ‘Amphipolis’, c. 323-320 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.60g. Price-109. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: BAΣI - ΛEΩΣ - ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, Athena Promachos fighting r. Good Fine.....465 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. ‘Amphipolis’, c. 320-317 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.87g. Price-133 var. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΥ (sic, o apparently omitted) downwards to r., Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, dolphin swimming downwards; letters Iπ below throne. A control-mark variant of Price-133, which shows dolphin swimming right rather than downwards in reverse field, and an o within a Π rather than the letters Iπ under throne. Our coin also shows an apparent engraver’s error, the omission of the letter o from Alexander’s name. Good Fine.500 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Amphipolis, c. 315-294 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.09g. Price-468. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, Λ above torch; under throne, cantharus. Good Fine..................450 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Amphipolis, c. 315-294 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.17g. Price-447. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, Λ above torch; under throne, MHΓ monogram. VF...................500 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Salamis, c. 315300 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.82g. Price-3177. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ in exergue, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ downwards to r., Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, monogram ΠE; below throne, Γ. aVF......................................................................................................................500 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. ‘Babylon’, c. 311-305 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.93g. Price-3752. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: [BAΣIΛEΩΣ] in exergue, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡ[oΥ] downwards to r., Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, letters MI; below throne, MTP. monogram in wreath. VF / Fine..............................................525 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Uncertain mint and date, Tetradrachm, 16.55g. Cf. Price-4001 (different rendering of torch on rev., so probably different mint). Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: [Α]ΛΕΞΑΝΔΡo[Υ] Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, torch . VF / Fine........................................................................................................550 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Uncertain mint and date, Tetradrachm, 13.69g. Cf. Price-4004. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: [Α]ΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ (N backwards, bottom stroke of Δ left out) Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; without symbol or monogram. One of the rare issues of Alexander III without symbol or monogram; see Price, p. 632. Our coin is probably not Price-4004, because of the two errors in the reverse legend; the style cannot be compared, since Price does not illustrate his no. 4004. Five coins described as Price-4004 in CoinArchives Pro, however, seem to differ stylistically from ours, so are probably from a different mint or mints. VF / Fine.....................600 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; “Colophon”, c. 310-301 BC, Drachm, 4.40g. Price-1828 var. (monogram not K below throne). Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., holding eagle and scepter; Φ in l. field, K below throne. Toned. EF.....................................................350 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Magnesia, c. 305-297 BC, Drachm, 4.22g. Price-1995. Obv: Head of Herakles r. in lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l.; N above E in l. field, monogram under throne. Toned aEF..........................................................................................300 TYPES OF ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, IMITATING LAMSACUS; After c. 320 BC, Drachm, 4.14g. cf. Price-1373A for prototype. Obv: Slightly stylized head of Herakles r. Rx: Slightly stylized Zeus seated r. on throne, blundered legend behind, buckle in l. field. EF....................................................................................325 MACEDONIA, PHILIP III; c. 323-319 BC, Drachm, 4.38g. Price-P57. Obv: Alexander as Heracles wearing lion-skin headdress; Rx: Zeus seated holding eagle and scepter, A symbol under throne. Ex Berk 158, 26 March 2008, lot 102. Mint State..........................................................................................................................450 MACEDONIA, DEMETRIUS POLIORCETES; Amphipolis Mint, c. 289-288 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.94g. Newell-CXXI, p. 113, pl. XIII, 3. Obv: Diademed head of Demetrius r. Rx: Poseidon standing l., holding trident, placing l. foot on rock; monograms in outer l. and r. fields. Toned gVF....................................................2000 PAEONIA, PATRAUS; c. 340-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.45g. Sear-1520, Paeonian Hoard-188. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Π - Α[TP]AoY Horseman riding r. spearing fallen enemy. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Mint State..................700























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THRACE, LYSIMACHUS; 323-281 AD. Magnesia, Lifetime, c. 297/6-282/1 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.85g. Thompson-112. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander III r. with horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAXO[Y] Athena seated l., holding Nike who crowns king’s name; race torch with fillets in inner l. field, Maeander pattern in exergue. VF..............................................................................................................750 Very Rare THESSALY, LARISSA; Mid 4th cent. BC, Drachm, 5.98g. Sear-2122, BCD-295. Obv: Head of Larissa three-quarter face to l., wearing head band and with wheat ears in hair. Rx: Mare standing r., foal r. beside her, in background; ΛAPI in exergue, ΣAIΩN above. Beautiful obverse head of Larissa. Struck in somewhat high relief. Unusual reverse type with foal in background. Only three in BCD. EF................4000 BOEOTIA, THEBES; 379-338 BC, Stater, 12.19g. BCD-523. Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Amphora, ΔΑ-IM across central field. gVF..........................................500 EUBOEA, HISTIAIA; 196-146 BC, Tetrobol, 2.50g. BM-47. Obv: Head of Maenad r. wearing wreath formed of bunches of grapes. Rx: ΙΣΤΙ - ΑΙΕΩΝ Nymph Histiaea seated r. on stern of galley decorated with wing, holding mast with crosspiece; M below. VF..................................................................................................250 ATTICA, ATHENS; Just after 449 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.11g. Starr-Pl. XXII.1. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field. Same style and details as Starr’s Class V, but without four tail feathers on owl. Beautiful archaic head of Athena with equally pleasant early owl on reverse. This early style, struck just after the latest coins catalogued by Starr and at the time of the highest flowering of Athenian culture, is scarce and in great demand. EF..............................................................................2750 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.15g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. Mint State.....................................................1925 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.79g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. Mint State.......................................................950 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.24g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; olive sprig and crescent behind, AΘΕ downwards before. Mint State...............................................................................1750 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field, all within incuse square. Ex CNG 64, 24 September 2003, lot 208. Toned Near Mint State.....................................................................................700 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 350-294 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.24g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. with profile eye. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive sprig to l., AΘ[E] to r. Obverse off-center. Toned EF............................................................375 Symbol Eagle Standing: 141/0 BC ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Two monograms, Eagle, c.141/0 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.67g. Thompson-236, rev. die not illustrated. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ monograms l. and r., in r. field eagle standing r.; letter on amphora illegible, ΣΦ below; all within olive wreath. Acquired from Pegasi, January 2017; NGC 4372341-006, removed from capsule. Toned aEF..........................................................................750 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 136/5 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.88g. Thompson-332c. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, on fallen amphora; club, lion’s skin, and bow in case symbols in l. field. Mint State...................................1750 ATTICA, ATHENS; 136/135 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.70g. Thompson-335, rev. like 339c-e. Obv: Head of Athena r., wearing triple-crested Attic helmet decorated with the protomes of four horses above the visor, a Pegasos in flight rightward above the raised earpiece, and a curvilinear ornament on the shell. Rx: Owl on fallen amphora; to l., club facing downward, draped in lionskin and set over bow in case. Ex Berk 176, September 2011, lot 119 Some encrustation in front of the owl’s head. Mint State 1500 ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Phanokles/Apollonios/Artemis with Torch, 111/10 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.80g. Thompson-702, new rev. die. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ names across field, in r. field Artemis standing facing holding torch with both hands; third magistrate uncertain (letters probably recut), H on amphora, ΣΦ below; all within olive wreath. VF...........................................................................................750 Symbol Macedonian Helmet Surmounted by Star: 142/1 BC ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Magistrates Deme– & Hiero-/Helmet, 142/1 BC, Drachm, 4.08g. Thompson-219. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ names in l. and r. field, in r. field also Macedonian helmet surmounted by star; no third magistrate, A below amphora; all within olive wreath. Purchased from Palmyra Heritage, May 2015. VF / Fine...........................................................................................................................600 ATTICA, AEGINA; 485-480 BC. Stater, 12.29g. Milbank-14. Obv: Smooth-shelled sea turtle with thick collar and large dot pattern on shell. Rx: Skew pattern divided by lines into five compartments. Ex Berk 189, March 2014, lot 122 Possible countermark on shell. High relief. Well centered, especially showing complete head of sea turtle. VF+.........................................................................................................................4000 ATTICA, AEGINA; c. 485-480 BC, Group VI, Stater, 12.10g. Asyut-515. Obv: Sea turtle. Rx: Incuse square of skew pattern, divided by straight lines into five compartments. Fine.................................................................................................450 Exceptional ATTICA, AEGINA; c. 445-430 BC, Stater, 12.22g. Meadows-Group IIIb; HGC437. Obv: Land tortoise with segmented shell in high relief. Rx: Large incuse square divided by broad bands into a skew pattern of five compartments. This is a virtually perfectly centered land turtle which is quite unusual. Toned EF............................6500 CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 405-335 BC, Stater, 8.26g. Calciati-343. Obv: Pegasus with pointed wing flying l.; koppa beneath. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., dolphin above helmet, Σ behind. Toned aEF........................................................................425 CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.52g. Calciati-411. Obv: Pegasus with pointed wing flying l.; koppa beneath. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., Λ before neck, Λ and trophy behind. EF................................................................................450 CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.36g. Calciati-419. Obv: Pegasus, with pointed wing, flying l.; koppa beneath. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., dove flying l. within wreath behind, Γ below her chin. EF..............................................450 CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.61g. Calciati-462. Obv: Pegasus,



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with pointed wing, flying l.; koppa beneath. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., wreath behind. Exceptionally sharp. Mint State...................................................................750 Exceptional Portrait PONTIC KINGDOM, MITHRADATES VI; 83-82 BC, Second Mithradatic War, Tetradrachm, 15.11g. Price-1191, pl. xlix (same obverse die); AMNG I/2, p. 540, 2174. Obv: Head of young Heracles r. in lion skin headdress, with features of Mithradates VI. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔPOY Zeus enthroned l., holding eagle on extended r. hand and scepter in l., ΛΑ in inner l. field, OΔH in exergue. The transformation of the Heracles obverse type into a cryptic portrait of Mithradates VI dates this issue to the time of the Mithradatic Wars. Ex Berk 168, lot 128, March 2010. Extremely accurate portrait of Mithradates, a much better example than usual. Perfect obverse and much sharper than usual reverse. Toned Mint State.............................800 First Issue ELIS, OLYMPIA; c. 245/40-210 BC, Drachm, 4.49g. Schwabacher, Num. Chron. 1939, p. 242, 5 (o1/r5, 10 spec.). The rare first issue of this series of Olympian drachms, with pomegranate and pine cone added to the thunderbolt type on reverse. Obv: Eagle with raised wings flying r., holding running hare with talons and tearing at its head with beak. Rx: F - [A] Thunderbolt, with two volutes, pine cone, and nine wavy flame lines above; and two petals, pomegranate, and nine wavy flame lines below. The drachms of this issue were divided by Schwabacher into four groups, based mainly on changes in the depiction of the thunderbolt on the reverse. Groups 2-4, the bulk of the issue, showed the thunderbolt with four volutes above and a pair of wings below, or with four volutes above, two or four more volutes below, and a pair of wings in the middle. Only in Group 1, struck with a single obverse die and five reverse dies, were a pomegranate and a pine cone added to the type, with either the pomegranate at the top of the thunderbolt and the pine cone at the bottom on (four reverse dies), or the pine cone at the top and the pomegranate at the bottom (the fifth reverse die). We assume that our coin with the same rarer pine cone at top type is from that same fifth reverse die, though there is no photograph to confirm that assumption in Schwabacher’s article, the BCD catalogue, or CoinArchives Pro. Schwabacher suggests that the pomegranate and pine cone added to Zeus’ thunderbolt in Group 1 of this issue could refer to otherwise unattested cults of Hera and Dionysos respectively at Olympia (p. 254). VF.........................................................................................1250 PAPHLAGONIA, SINOPE; c. 330-300 BC, Drachm, 5.76g. SNG BM-1466. Obv: Head of Nymph l., aplustre in field before her face. Rx: Eagle on dolphin l., ΣΙΝΩ below, ΔIO in field above eagle’s tail. Test cut at neck of nymph. aEF...................325 CARIA, CNIDUS; c. 330-250 BC, Drachm, 3.08g. SNG Keckman-176. Obv: Head of Aphrodite r. Rx: Forepart of lion r. Toned gVF...................................................400 CARIA, IDRIEUS; 351-344 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.25g. Pixodarus-Konuk, 4a (this coin). Obv: Head of Apollo facing, slightly r. Rx: Zeus Labraundos standing r., holding double axe (labrys) and lotus-tipped scepter. Excellent head of Apollo. Some corrosion on reverse. EF.........................................................................................1250 IONIA, MILETOS; 5th cent. BC, Diobol, 1.30g. SNG Cop-949, SNG Aulock-2080. Obv: Forepart of roaring lion l. Rx: Star-like floral ornament in incuse square. EF..... ..................................................................................................................................250 LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC, 1/24 Stater, 0.39g. Berk-30. Obv: Confronted foreparts of roaring lion and bull. Rx: Incuse . aVF.................................................600 LYDIA, STRATONICEIA; Menestratos, magistrate, c. 133-125 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.38g. Meadows-53e (this coin, Muğla Hoard). Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Eagle l., magistrate’s name above, torch and quiver before, all within shallow incuse square. Ex Pegasi 34, June 2016, lot 192. VF......................................................................150 MYSIA, PERGAMON; 85-76 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 12.64g. Kleiner “Late Cistophori of Pergamum, “ ANSMN 23, p. 97, 17-19. Rx: To r. of serpents, snakeentwined Asklepian staff; above, MH and monogram. Ex Berk 135, December 2003, lot 113. Mint State...................................................................................................500 Ex-Jameson, Hirsch, Weber CYPRUS, PAPHOS, KING ONASIOIKOS; c. 450-400 BC, Stater, 11.02g. J. Hirsch XXI, 1908, lot 3945 (this coin, possibly unique). Obv: Eagle head l., unclear (worn die). Rx: Eagle flying l., with one wing above body and the second wing below body; in field below eagle’s head, knucklebone; all in incuse square. Possibly unique with this eagle-head (?) obverse type. The attribution to a King Onasioikos is based on similar coins but with a standing bull rather than eagle’s head on obverse and on reverse eagle flying left with apparent inscription “Onasi”: see BMC, pp. lxxi-lxxiii. Ex NFA IX, 10 December 1980, lot 309 Ex Jameson I, 1913, no. 1626 Ex J. Hirsch XXI, 16 November 1908, Consul Eduard Friedrich Weber Collection, Greek Coins, lot 3945. This possibly unique coin was in three of the most famous collections of Greek coins. Normally, a standing bull takes the place of the eagle head which is struck with a worn die. It is quite unusual for a coin struck from a worn obverse die to be in three of the most famous collections of the early 20th century. Assuming that the worn obverse die is fully struck without wear, this coin would grade EF..................................................................................................................1850 CILICIA, TARSUS; Satrap Mazaios, 361-334 BC, Stater, 10.35g. SNG Levante-106. Obv: Baal of Tarsus seated l., face and body turned front, holding eagle, wheat ear and bunch of grapes in r. hand and scepter in l. Rx: Lion attacking bull, monogram below. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Some porosity. EF..............400 SYRIA, SELEUCUS I, 312-281 BC.; Seluceia, Tetradrachm, 16.45g. SC-117.2. Obv: Head of Heracles r. Rx: Zeus enthroned l., holding Nike and scepter, monogram in wreath in l. field, K below throne. EF.................................................................750 SYRIA, SELEUCUS I; 312-281 BC. Seleucia I, First Workshop, from c. 300 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.80g. SC-119.10. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ in exergue, ΣEΛEYKOY downwards to r., Zeus enthroned l. holding Nike who extends wreath towards him, and scepter; ΔΙ in l. field, eradicated monogram ΠA under throne. SC-119.10 also records a specimen with erased monogram under throne as on our example. Toned aEF..............................950 SELEUCID, ANTIOCHUS I SOTER; 281-261 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 16.95g. SC-379.6. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow, dotted border, control marks on left and right fields. VF............................................................................................385 SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II; 261-246 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 16.89g. SC-587.1. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ


























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ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow, control marks in outer l. and r. fields. VF....................425 SYRIA, SELEUCUS II, 246-226 BC; Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 16.78g. SC-764.3a. Obv: Diademed head of Seleucus II r. Rx: Apollo standing l., testing arrow and resting elbow on tall tripod; monogram in outer l. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Obverse struck with a worn die. VF / EF..................................400 SYRIA, SELEUCUS III, 226-223 BC; Antioch on the Orontes, Tetradrachm, 16.95g. SC-921.4 or 5. Obv: Diademed head of Seleucus III r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ on l.; Apollo seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; monogram marks in outer l. field (off flan on this example). No control in outer r. field, so this coin is either SC-921.4 or 921.5. VF..................................385 SELEUCID, ANTIOCHUS III; 223-187 BC. Antioch on the Orontes, Series I, c. 223-211/10 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.98g. SC-1042.1, Newell WSM-1051. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r., with youthful features, no sideburn, hair in bangs over forehead, dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; monogram in outer l. field. aEF......................................................450 SYRIA, ALEXANDER I; 152-145 BC. Antioch, 151-149 BC, Drachm, 3.97g. SC1785.1a. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander I r. Rx: [ΒΑ]ΣΙΛΕΩ[Σ] / ΑΛΕΧΑΝΔΡΟΥ in two lines on r., ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ / ΕΥΕΡΠΕΤΟΥ in two lines on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded bow; HAPK monogram in exergue. EF..............................................................................................................150 Finest Known SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS VI; Year OP = 143/2 BC, Drachm, 4.10g. SC-2002.2e, SMA-248. Obv: Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus VI r., dotted border. Rx: Nude Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow in r. hand and resting l. on bow; in exergue, OΡΣΤΑ; monogram between Apollo’s legs. Ex Berk 189, March 2014, lot 168. Of a group that came onto the market some time ago with many of the coins somewhat worn or corroded, this was probably the first coin originally sold to one of our clients and is by far the finest of that group, and probably the finest known of this desirable issue. Mint State........................................................................................950 SYRIA, DEMETRIUS II, SECOND REIGN, 129-125 BC; Damascus, Year 184=129/8 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.83g. SC-2181.2a. Obv: Diademed head of Demetrius II r. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΔHMHTPIOY in two lines on r., ΘEOY / NIKA - TOPOΣ in two lines on l.; Zeus seated l. holding scepter and Nike; date ΔΠP in exergue, ΝΔ under throne. aEF....................................................................................................700 SYRIA, CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIOCHUS VIII, 125-121 BC; Damascus, 122/1 or 121/0 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.52g. SC-2267.2. Obv: Jugate heads of Cleopatra and Antiochus r. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding Nike and scepter; monograms in l. field and below throne; date off flan. Nose of Antiochus flatly struck. gVF.....475 SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS VIII, 121-96 BC; Tetradrachm, 16.43g. SC-2336.2. Obv: Diademed head r. Rx: Zeus, draped with bare chest, standing l., holding star and scepter; crescent above head; ΔP in outer l. Mint State...........................................400 SIDON, TIME OF BA`ALŠILLEM I-BA’ANA HALF SHEKEL; c. 425-401 BC, Half Shekel, 9.88g. Betlyon, ANSMN 21-8; BM-10. Obv: War galley before fortified wall of city; beneath, two leaping lions back to back. Rx: King about to slay lion whose mane he grasps. Test cut on reverse at 12:00, otherwise VF..................900 PHOENICIA, TYRE; Year 41=86/5 BC, Half Shekel, 7.17g. Cf. Rouvier-2027 (no L before date, different monogram in field). Obv: Laureate bust of Melqart r. Rx: TYPo[Y IEPAΣ - KAI] AΣYΛoY Eagle standing l. on [prow], palm over its shoulder in background, to l. club with LAM (date) above, to r. monogram. The letters of the date run into one another so are hard to read A half shekel of Tyre is rather scarce compared to the shekels. Since the tax on Jews at the temple was 1/2 shekel per male member of the family, the scarcity of this coin attests to the large families the Jews had in ancient Judaea. Mint State..................................................................................1200 PARTHIA, MITHRADATES II; c. 120-109 BC, Drachm, 4.15g. Sellwood-26.1. Obv: Diademed and draped bust left, Rx: Archer seated right on throne, holding bow. Ex Berk 182, December 2012, lot 135 . Mint State..................................................300 PARTHIA, MITHRADATES II; 123-88 BC. Drachm, 4.26g. Shore-69, Sellwood-24.9. Obv: Bearded, diademed bust of king l. Rx: Archer holding bow seated r. on omphalos, surrounded by four lines of legend. EF...............................250 BACTRIA, DEMETRIUS I; c. 200-185 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.96g. Bopearachchi1F, SNG ANS-192. Obv: Draped and diademed bust of king r., wearing elephant’s scalp headdress. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ Naked Herakles standing facing, crowning himself and holding club and lionskin; in lower l. field, monogram. Ex Gemini 13, 2017, lot 105. Powerful portrait of king. Very sharp reverse. Mint State.... ................................................................................................................................5000 PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY I; 323-305 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.68g. Zervos, MN 13, pl. IV, 26. Obv: Head of Alexander r., wearing elephant’s skin headdress. Rx: Athena walking r, holding spear and shield, eagle at feet, Corinthian helmet above, monogram in r. field. Toned EF...............................................................................................1450 PTOLEMAIC, CLEOPATRA III AND PTOLEMY IX; 116-107 BC. Year 1=116/115 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.66g. SNG Cop-347, Sv-1659, Sear-7921. Obv: Diademed bust of Ptolemy I r., wearing aegis around neck. Rx: [ΠToΛE]MAIoY BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, date L A before, ΠA behind. Some planchet defects on left edge of reverse. EF.............................................................350 GREEK BRONZE NORTHWEST GAUL, AULERCI EBUROVICES; 50-30 BC, AE 15, 2.18g. Depeyrot, NCV, 163. Obv: Diademed male head r. Rx: Celticized boar standing l., T in exergue, ornaments around. Ex Berk 167, 3 December 2009, lot 390. Ex CNG 76/1, 12 September 2007, lot 25. Ex Elsen 69, 16 March 2002, lot 15. EF.....................300 NORTHWEST GAUL, CARNUTES; c. 100-50 BC, AE 16, 3.50g. Cf. De La Tour-6117. Obv: Male head r. with distinctive “Kashmiri”-style locks of hair. Rx: Eagle standing front, wings spread, head r., wheel with four spokes l. of head. Ex CNG 49, 17 March 1999, lot 8 Exceptional quality. Mint State..............................350 GAUL, SEQUANI UNIT; 1st cent. BC, Unit, 3.38g. BM-348. Obv: Stylized head l. Rx: Horse galloping l. TOG above. Ex Pegasi A25, November 2011, lot 9. EF.. 300 SPAIN, BARSKUNES; Second half of 2nd cent. BC, AE 23, 12.08g. SNG Spain-894. Obv: Bearded male head r., dolphin under chin. Rx: Horseman carrying sword r. Rare. Ex Vico 143, Nov. 2015, lot 51. EF.................................................600 Squatting Kabeiros SPAIN, BALEARIC ISLANDS, EBUSUS; c. 3rd-2nd cent. BC, AE 17, 4.18g.


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Burgos-708. Obv: Squatting Kabeiros facing, holding hammer and serpent. Rx: Bull butting l. This coin has an irregular flan, but an exceptional image of this interesting god. Choice EF.........................................................................................................875 SPAIN, GADES; Late 3rd cent. BC, AE 19.5, 3.08g. SNG BM Spain-180. Obv: Head of Melqart l. wearing lionskin, club before face. Rx: Two tunny fish l., crescent and pellet between their mouths, Punic letters above and below. Ex CNG 63, 21 May 2003, lot 36; ex NFA XIV, 29 November 1984, lot 222 (Robert Harlick Collection). EF..............................................................................................................................275 BRUTTIUM, RHEGIUM; c. 415-390 BC, AE 15, 2.13g. HN Italy-2525, SNG ANS-697. Obv: Lion’s scalp facing. Rx: Laureate head of Apollo r. VF................150 BRUTTIUM, BRETTII; 214-211 BC, AE 21, 8.52g. SNG ANS-53, HN Italy-1978, Sear-704 var. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r., [wheat ear] behind. Rx: BPET - TIΩN Eagle with spread wings standing l. on thunderbolt, cornucopia in l. field, plectrum behind eagle’s head. With handwritten Berk ticket from c. 1990s. Black patina. Fine.. ..................................................................................................................................300 SICILY, AKRAGAS; Under Phinitias, c. 287-282 BC, AE 14, 3.08g. SNG ANS1031, Calciati-40, HGC-168. Obv: Beardless, laureate head of Zeus Hellanios l., AKPAΓANTI before (weakly struck). Rx: Eagle standing r., head l., Φ[I] above. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Aitna Coins, date not recorded. VF / Fine...........................................................................................................................275 SICILY, AKRAGAS; 338-287 BC, Hemilitron, 15.81g. SNG ANS-1097, Sear1027. Obv: [AKPAAΣ] Horned and diademed head of young river god l. Rx: Eagle, wings closed, standing l. on Ionic capital, looking back; to l., [crab]; to r., six pellets. aVF...........................................................................................................................285 Herbessus Litra SICILY, HERBESSUS; c. 340 BC, Litra, 19.08g. Rizzo-Pl. 39.18, SNG Cop-292. Obv: EPBHΣΣΙΝΩΝ Head of Nymph Sikelia (Sicily) wearing myrtle wreath. Rx: Head and neck of man-headed bull r. This coin is excessively rare, known in only a few specimens. Probably from the same find as the example in the famous 1973 Bank Leu 1973 of Greek bronzes, lot 218, since both coins have similar corrosion in the lower right of the obverse. aEF..............................................................................2450 Eryx SICILY, ERYX; 4th cent. BC, AE 12-13, 2.14g. HGC-327. Obv: Female head l. Rx: Horse stepping l., r. foreleg raised. This small coin is excessively rare and beautifully struck for issue. EF...................................................................................................375 SICILY, MOTYA; c. 400-397 BC, AE 11, 1.50g. Calciati-24 (as Eryx), HGC-949 (reattributed to Motya). Obv: Female head r. Rx: Octopus. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Aitna Coins, May 2009. EF...........................................200 SICILY, SELINUS; 435-415 BC, Cast Trias, 14.03g. Calciati-2 mv 1. Obv: Gorgoneion facing, without protruding tongue. Rx: Similar Gorgoneion. gVF.....450 SICILY, SYRACUSE, AGATHOCLES; Period I, 317-310 BC, AE 18-19, 3.69g. SNG ANS-597. Obv: [ΣYPAKOΣIΩN] Head of Persephone l., crowned with wheat. Rx: Bull butting l.; above, club and N; in exergue, [IE]. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, November 2015. Lighter than most other coins of this type, so probably a smaller denomination, according to the ANS Sylloge. Obverse softly struck. EF........................................................................................................250 SICILY, TIMOLEON; c. 344-339/8 BC, AE 26, 17.92g. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios r. Rx: Thunderbolt. Ex CNG 81, 20 May 2009, lot 176, From D. Alighieri Collection. Ex Berk 175, July 2011, lot 245. Beautiful head of Zeus. Excellent dark green patination. EF.......................................................................1750 SICILY, SYRACUSE; Hiketas, 288-279 BC, AE 19-22, 10.31g. Calciati-168. Obv: ΔI[O]Σ [EΛΛ]ANIOY Youthful laureate head of Zeus Hellanios r., Palladium behind. Rx: ΣYPAK - OΣIΩN Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, wings open, star in l. field. Softly struck at highest points of hair. gVF..............................................................200 SICILY, PANORMUS (PUNIC NAME SYS OR ZIZ); c. 336-330 BC, AE 1213.5, 1.53g. Calciati-12, Lindgren-503. Obv: Laureate, unbearded male head l. Rx: Forepart of horse r., dolphin below. Lovely green patination. EF............................275 Lipara ISLAND OF SICILY, LIPARA; c. 252-89 BC, AE 15, 2.38g. Calciati-30. Obv: Head of Poseidon r. Rx: Trident. VF.......................................................................150 ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; Sicilian mint, c. late 4th - early 3rd cent. BC, AE 17-18, 4.13g. SNG Cop-102, Sear-6531. Obv: Palm tree with two bunches of dates. Rx: Horse’s head and neck r. Palm tree in high relief. aEF......................................300 ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; Sicilian Mint, Late 4th-early 3rd cent. BC, AE 16, 2.80g. SNG Cop-107. Obv: Palm Tree. Rx: Pegasus flying l. VF...........................200 ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; Sicilian mint, c. late 4th - early 3rd cent. BC, AE 16-17, 2.54g. SNG Cop-109. Obv: Head of Tanit l. wearing wheat-ear wreath and pendant necklace. Rx: Horse standing r. in front of palm tree. EF..........................200 Rare Carthaginian Bronze CARTHAGE, SPANISH MINT; c. 237-209 BC, AE 18, 2.41g. SNG Cop-298. Obv: Male head l. Rx: Horse’s head r. Ex Berk 195, October 2015, lot 495. VF+.450 Sardinia ZEUGITANA, CARTHAGE; Sardinian Mint, 216 BC, AE 20, 5.70g. SNG Cop387. Obv: Wreathed head of Tanit l. Rx: Bull standing r., star above. This is a very unusual type. Very rare.. EF.....................................................................................450 ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; c. 230-220 BC, Billon 1-1/2 Shekel, 9.21g. SNG Cop-391; cf. Jenkins-pl 27.9 (single-drop earring); Sear-6497. Obv: Head of Tanit l., wreathed with wheat, wearing necklace and triple-drop earring. Rx: Horse standing r., looking back, r. foreleg raised. VF..........................................................................300 SPAIN, CARTHAGO NOVA; c. 237-209, AE 20, 5.29g. SNG Cop-292, BM-94. Obv: Helmeted male head r. Rx: Palm tree. Trunk of palm tree in unusually strong detail. aEF.................................................................................................................450 Sardinia ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; Sardinian Mint, 241-238 BC, AE 20, 4.83g. SNG Cop-251-2. Obv: Head of Tanit l. Rx: Three wheat ears. Some areas of reverse flatly struck. EF..................................................................................................................175 Portrait of Micipsa NUMIDIA, MICIPSA; 148-118 BC, AE 24-25, 13.14g. SNG Cop-507, Sear-6597. Obv: Laureate head of Micipsa (?) l., with pointed beard. Rx: Horse galloping l.; beneath, pellet. This is an exceptional example of this issue with the portrait of the king very sharply struck. Horse’s head flatly struck. EF..........................................500





97 94



102 101












Cossura 137. ISLANDS BETWEEN AFRICA AND SICILY, COSSURA; Late 3rd-early 2nd cent. BC, AE 22.5-24, SNG Cop-447. Obv: Head of Isis r. Rx: Punic legend within wreath. Ex Berk 131, 2 April 2003, lot 471 (P. Cooper Collection). Interesting Punic head of Isis. Very rare type on a Greek coin. Good Fine..........................................400 138. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; c. 323-310 BC, AE 19.5-20.5, 5.66g. Price-2799. Obv: Head of young Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ written horizontally across middle field, bow in case r. above, club l. and torch r. below, round lion’s-head countermark at upper r. Price’s illustrated BM specimen pl. CXLVIII, 2799d has the same lion’s-head countermark in a similar position on reverse. VF............................................................................................165 139. MACEDONIA, CASSANDER; 316-297 BC, AE 17-19, 5.90g. Weber-2162, Sear-6755. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩ[Σ] / [K]AΣΣANΔP[OY] downwards on either side of tripod with lion’s feet and square superstructure; caduceus in field to r. EF.........................................................................................370 140. THRACE, ABDERA; c.350-320 BC, AE 15, 3.13g. BM-81 var. Obv: Griffin recumbent r. on club. Rx: Magistrate’s name around linear border, within which head of Apollo laureate r. aVF.........................................................................................150 141. THRACE, DIONYSOPOLIS, DEMOPHON, MAGISTRATE; AE 21, 6.95g. SNG BM-217, SNG Stancomb-123. Obv: Veiled and turreted bust of Tyche r. Rx: Demeter seated l., wearing kalathos and holding patera; ΔEMOΦΩN below, ΔIONYΣO behind. Rare; perhaps among the finest known. The poor quality of most of the few surviving specimens has resulted in widely divergent descriptions of both obverse and reverse types. Obverse in high relief. EF / VF.....................................275 142. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 323-281 BC; 323-281 BC. AE 19, 3.22g. SNG Cop1167. Obv: Male head in peaked Phrygian helmet r. Rx: Trophy. Overstruck on uncertain type. EF....................................................................................................200 143. THRACE, MESEMBRIA; 4th-3rd cent. BC, AE 19, 6.31g. SNG BM-276. Obv: Crested Corinthian helmet r. Rx: METAM - BPIANΩN Celtic shield. aEF...........175 144. THRACE, MESEMBRIA; 2nd cent. BC, AE 22, 6.44g. SNG BM-284. Obv: Diademed female head r. Rx: Athena Promachos advancing l. holding spear and shield between mint name downwards in two lines. Ex Pegasi 30, May 2014, lot 59. EF..............................................................................................................................225 Pherae 145. THESSALY, PHERAE, TYRANT ALEXANDER; 369-357 BC, AE 14-15 Chalkous, 2.60g. BCD-708.2, Rogers-525, BM-18, Sear-2212. Obv: Forepart of bull r., head facing. Rx: Forepart of horse r. prancing, AΛEΞAN above, [ΔPOY] below. Acquired from Royal Athena Galleries. This coin is extremely rare and virtually never obtainable in tuch exquisite condition. EF...............................................................800 146. BOEOTIA, THEBES; c. 395-338 BC, AE 12, 1.32g. BCD-576. Obv: Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion’s skin headdress. Rx: Bow resting on club, magistrates’ names above and below. gVF..............................................................125 Artemis Astyra 147. CARIA, ASTYRA; Mysia, Astyra. Tissaphernes, c. 400-395 BC, AE 10-12, 1.63g. Klein-253, SNG Paris-124A. Obv: Bare head of Tissaphernes r., [TIΣΣA] below. Rx: [A]ΣTΥΡH Facing cult-statue of Artemis Astyra, wearing kalathos; above to r., club. Ex Auctiones E54, 18 December 2016, lot 75. Very rare, especially in this condition. Choice EF.................................................................................................................275 148. PHRYGIA, HIERAPOLIS; 2nd-1st cent. BC, AE 15, 2.62g. Not in SNG Paris, SNG Levante, SNG Aulock, SNG Copenhagen, or BMC. Obv: Radiate, draped bust of Helios r.; monogram behind; all within oval of dots. Rx: Eagle standing l. on torch, wings spread. Extremely rare and apparently unpublished, but two examples from the same dies have appeared on the market in recent years (Obolos 5, lot 400; CNG E250, lot 112). gVF............................................................................................................200 149. CARIA, IASUS; c. 250-190 BC, AE 21-23, 5.82g. Cf. BM-11 and SNG Cop-415. Obv: Jugate heads of Apollo and Artemis r. Rx: Hermias swimming r. with dolphin; ethnic and magistrate illegible. Fine........................................................................200 150. PISIDIA, COMAMA; 1st cent. BC, AE 14.5, 2.74g. Aulock, Komama-4 (5 spec.). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Lion springing l., KO in exergue. VF..............100 Unpublished 151. PISIDIA, COMAMA; 1st cent. BC, AE 14, 2.95g. Apparently unpublished reverse type at Comama. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r., border of dots. Rx: Boar springing l., KO below boar but above exergue line, border of dots. Not in von Aulock’s article on the coinage of Comama in Jahrb. für Num. 1970, nor in CoinArchives. This small bronze coin of Comama is well known with a lion springing left and KO in exergue on the reverse (Aulock-5), but on our example the beast has a smooth neck without mane, pointed ears, and a boar-like snout, and the KO is placed above not below the exergue line. Moreover the forepart of a boar, including head, neck, and forelegs but not body and hind legs, also appears on Aulock-6, another small bronze of Comoma of similar date and with similar Zeus head on obverse. This coin is apparently unpublished with a running boar instead of a lion on the reverse. Choice EF......................................200 152. CILICIA, TARSUS; 164-27 BC, AE 26, 15.61g. SNG Levante-978, BM-118. Obv: City-goddess seated r. holding wheat ear, river god Kydnos swimming at feet. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding Victory and scepter, TAPΣEΩN downwards behind, ΓΛ. monogram before. Green patination. VF..................................................................145 153. BITHYNIA, APAMEIA; c. 133-48 BC, AE 23, 8.74g. BM-86 var., SNG Aul-3471 var., Sear-5121 var. Obv: Oak-wreathed head of Zeus r. Rx: Cult statue of Artemis Anaitis standing front, to r. AΠAME downwards, to l. MANT / ΔIOΔO downwards. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 174, 10 May 2011, lot 233. EF.........265 154. ALEXANDER JANNAEUS; 104-76 BCE. Prutah, 0.85g. Hendin-1151. Obv: Anchor, “Of King Alexander”. Rx: Star of eight rays surrounded by a diadem; between each ray a letter of “Priest the King”. VF for issue...................................125 155. ALEXANDER JANNAEUS; 103-76 BCE, Lead 16mm, 3.02g. Hendin-1155. Obv: BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY around inverted anchor in circle. Rx: Traces of border of dots and Aramaic inscription (King Alexander). VF...........................................250 156. MATTATHIAS ANTIGONUS; 40-37 BCE, AE 22, 12.88g. Hendin-481; AJC I, Group U. Obv: Double cornucopia with Hebrew, “Mattayah The High Priest and Council of the Jews”, around and between horns. Rx: Ivy wreath tied at top with ribbons hanging down; around, in Greek, “of King Antigonus”. Fine....................175 157. MATTATHIAS ANTIGONUS; 40-37 BCE. AE 19, 7.78g. Hendin-1163, Meshorer-V6 (same dies). Obv: Single cornucopia tied with ribbons, Hebrew “Mattatayah the High Priest” around. Rx: Greek “Of King Antigonus” within wreath


159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164.














178. 179.

and border of dots. aVF...........................................................................................150 Eagle Above Temple Door JUDAEA, HEROD I THE GREAT; 40-4 BC, Half Prutah, 0.71g. Hendin-1190. Obv: [BAC]IΛ - [HPWΔ] Cornucopia. Rx: Eagle standing r. According to David Hendin, this is “the first coin issued by a Jewish ruler with a graven image. The eagle may represent the golden bird King Herod placed above the entrance to the Jerusalem Temple”. Even though the eagle on this coin looks rather flat, it is much better than what is normally seen for centering, design, and sharpness. Fine............................350 HEROD ARCHELAUS; 4 BCE-6 CE, 2 Prutot, 2.84g. Hendin-503. Obv: Double cornucopia, adorned with grapes, horns parallel turned to r. Rx: War galley facing left with aphlaston oars, cabin, and ram. aVF................................................................100 HEROD ARCHELAUS; 4 BC-6 AD, Jerusalem, Prutah, Hendin-1197. Obv: H[PW] Prow of galley facing l. Rx: EΘ[N] within wreath (Archelaus’ title “ethnarch”, “ruler of the nation”, following his name “Herod” on the obverse). VF.................150 AGRIPPA I; 37-44 BC, Year 6=41/42 AD, Prutah, 2.42g. Hendin-1244. Obv: Umbrella-like canopy with fringes, ΑΓΡΙΠΑ ΒΑCΙΛΕWC. Rx: Three ears of barley and leaves, flanked by date, Lς. VF.........................................................................150 JUDAEA, PONTIUS PILATE; Year 17=30/31 CE, Prutah, 2.64g. Hendin-1342. Obv: Date (LIZ) in wreath. Rx: Lituus surrounded by legend, TIBEPIOY KAICAPOC. Good Fine.................................................................................................................145 JUDAEA UNDER PROCURATORS, PONTIUS PILATE; Year 18 of Tiberius=31/32 CE, Prutah, 2.27g. Hendin-1343. Obv: Date LIH (looks more like ZH) within wreath. Rx: [T]IBEPIOY KA[ICAPOC] Lituus. Fine.........................170 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 1.78g. Hendin-1360, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF.....................................................................250 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 2.02g. Hendin-1360, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF.....................................................................225 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 4.18g. Hendin-1360, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF.....................................................................250 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 2.53g. Hendin-1360, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF.....................................................................150 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 2.08g. Hendin-1360, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF.....................................................................200 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 2.49g. Hendin-1360, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF.....................................................................250 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 2.92g. Hendin-1363, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in PaleoHebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF....................................................................................................300 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 3.23g. Hendin-1363, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in PaleoHebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Struck on an irregular flan produced while the coin was being minted. EF..............................................................................................................................275 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 3.04g. Hendin-1363, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in PaleoHebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF....................................................................................................275 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 3.14g. Hendin-1363, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in PaleoHebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF....................................................................................................260 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 2.53g. Hendin-1363, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in PaleoHebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF....................................................................................................240 JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 3.52g. Hendin-1363, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in PaleoHebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF....................................................................................................215 PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY III; 246-222 BC. Alexandria, AE 34, 36.94g. CPE-B393, SNG Cop-189, Svoronos-1003 (11 spec.). Obv: Diademed, horned head of Zeus Ammon r. Rx: ΠTOΛEMAIOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, cornucopia bound with royal diadem in l. field. Near Mint State.......700 PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY IV; 221-208 BC. AE 33.5 (triobol), 33.19g. Svoronos-1127 (48 spec.), SNG Cop-201, SC-B496. Obv: Diademed, horned head of Zeus Ammon r. Rx: ΠT[oΛE]MAIoY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, wings closed, filleted cornucopia to l., ΔI between legs. EF...................................500 ROMAN REPUBLICAN SILVER ANONYMOUS; 189-180 BC, Denarius, 3.99g. Cr-139/1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X behind. Rx: Dioscuri riding r. holding spears, ROMA in linear frame below. Mint State.....................................................................................................375 Q. FABIUS LABEO; 124 BC, Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-273/1, RSC Fabia-1, Syd-532. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X and LABEO before, ROMA behind. Rx: Jupiter in






114 116


117 118


























quadriga r., prow below, Q FABI in exergue. Toned EF.........................................200 180. M. SERGIUS SILUS; 116-115 BC, Denarius, 3.83g. Cr-286/1, Syd-534, RSC Sergia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., EX S C before, ROMA and mark of value behind. Rx: M. SERGI below horseman galloping l., holding sword and head of barbarian; Q in l. field, SILVS in exergue. Toned EF..............................................175 181. M. HERENNIUS; 108-107 BC, Denarius, 3.80g. Cr-308/1a, Syd-567b, RSC Herennia-1. Obv: Head of Pietas r., PIETAS behind, F tipped forwards under chin. Rx: Amphinomus carrying his father r., M HERENNI behind. Each control-mark variant in this issue occurs on only one obverse die (Crawford, p. 317). EF..........550 182. L. CALPURNIUS PISO CAESONINUS & Q SERVILIUS CAEPIO, QUAESTORS; 100 BC, Denarius, 3.86g. Cr-330/1b, Syd-603a, RSC Calpurnia-5a. Obv: Head of Saturn r., harpa behind; on l. and below, control mark (crescent) and legend PISO - CAEPIO - Q. Rx: The two quaestors seated l. between two ears of wheat; in exergue, AD FRV EMV / EX S C. Each control mark in this issue may appear on several obverse dies (Crawford p. 330). Fine.........................................150 183. C. MAMILIUS LIMETANUS; 82 BC, Serrate Denarius, 3.81g. Cr-362/1, Syd741, RSC Mamilia-6. Obv: Draped bust of Mercury r. wearing winged cap; caduceus behind, I above. Rx: Ulysses walking r., holding staff in l. hand and extending r. hand to his dog, Argus; C.MAMIL behind, LIMETAN before. The known control letters on this coin spell the moneyer’s name; each letter has several dies (Crawford p. 377). VF.............................................................................................................................225 184. Q. ANTONIUS BALBUS; 83-82 BC, Denarius, 4.01g. Cr-364/1d, Syd-742b, RSC Antonia-1. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r., S C behind. Rx: Victory in quadriga r., X below horses, Q ANTO BALB / PR in exergue. EF...............................................400 Exquisite Sulla 185. L. MANLIUS TORQUATUS; 82 BC, Denarius, 4.01g. Cr-367/5, Syd-757, RSC Manlia-4. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., L MANLI before, PRO Q before. Rx: Sulla in walking quadriga r., crowned by Victory who flies above, L SVLLA IM in exergue. The moneyer served under Sulla during the Mithradatic War. The type depicts the triumph granted to Sulla. A near perfect specimen of this historically interesting coin, which, though common, usually comes rather worn, and with loss of portions of its types and legends due to off-center striking and the small size of its flans. Mint State......................................................................................................1500 186. A. POSTUMIUS A.F. SP.N ALBINUS; 81 BC, Serrate Denarius, 3.78g. Cr-372/1, Syd-745, RSC Postumia-78. Obv: Draped bust of Diana r., bow and quiver over shoulder, bucranium above. Rx: Rock, on which stands togate man holding sprinkler above bull standing before altar; above and to r., A POST - A F - S N ALBIN. EF 385 187. A. POSTUMIUS A.F. SP.N ALBINUS; 81 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-372/2, Syd746, RSC Postumia-8. Obv: Veiled head of Hispania r., HISPAN behind. Rx: Togate man standing l. between legionary eagle and fasces with ax, A / ALBIN / .S.N in field, POST.A.F in exergue. Mint State............................................................................325 188. C. POBLICIUS Q.F.; 80 BC, Serrate Denarius, 3.63g. Cr-380/1, Syd-768, RSC Poblicia-9. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., ROMA behind, X above. Rx: Hercules strangling Nemean lion, club at feet, bow and quiver to l; C POBLICI Q F behind, X above. This coin always shows the same control letter on both obverse and reverse, and each pair of control letters may have several pairs of dies (Crawford p. 396). VF.............................................................................................................................185 189. C. NAEVIUS BALBUS; 79 BC, Serrate Denarius, 3.91g. Cr-382/1b, Syd-769b, RSC Naevia-6. Obv: Diademed head of Venus r., S C behind. Rx: Victory in triga r., with the third horse looking back; LXX above, C NAE BALB (AE and AL ligate) in exergue. Each control numeral on this coin occurs on only one reverse die (Crawford pp. 397-8). Toned EF...............................................................................................265 190. L. FURIUS CN.F. BROCCHUS; 63 BC, Denarius, 3.63g. Cr-414/1, Syd-902a, RSC Furia-23a. Obv: Bust of Ceres r. wearing wheat-ear wreath, between wheat ear on l. and barley grain on r.; III - VIR across upper field, BROCCHI below. Rx: Curule chair between fasces; above, L FVRI / CN F. Toned Mint State.............................550 191. L. AEMILIUS LEPIDUS PAULLUS W/ L. SCRIBONIUS LIBO; 62 BC. Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-417/1a, Syd-927, RSC Aemilia-11. Obv: Veiled and diademed bust of Concordia r., PAVLLVS LEPIDVS - CONCORD around. Rx: Scribonian well, decorated with garland and two lyres; hammer on step; PVTEAL SCRIBON around, LIBO in exergue. Mint State...................................................................................325 Son of Sulla 192. FAUSTUS CORNELIUS SULLA, SON OF THE DICTATOR SULLA; 56 BC, Rome, Denarius, 3.94g. Cr-426/1, Syd-879 (R4), RSC Cornelia-59. Obv: Bust of Diana r., draped and wearing stephane; above, cresent; behind, lituus; before, FAVSTVS downwards. Rx: Sulla, togate, seated l. on low platform.; on l., Bocchus, king of Mauretania, kneeling r. and offering olive branch to Sulla; on r., Jugurtha, king of Numidia, also kneeling, with long beard and hands tied behind back; on r. FELIX downwards. “The reverse clearly portrays the surrender of Jugurtha to Sulla by Bocchus, as depicted on tablets set up by Bocchus on the Capitol and as engraved on Sulla’s signet ring” (Crawford, p. 450). Provenance according to collector’s ticket: “Ex Ray Johnson - Irv. Caroll 1965” This is an extremely beautiful example of this unusual type. Highly desirable and scarce. Beautifully toned. EF+.......................3000 193. M. JUNIUS BRUTUS; 54 BC, Denarius, 3.83g. Cr-433/1, Syd-906a, RSC Junia-31. Obv: Head of Liberty r., LIBERTAS behind. Rx: L. Junius Brutus, consul 509 BC, walking l. between two lictors who hold fasces over shoulder, and preceded by accensus; BRVTVS in exergue. Ex NAC Spring Sale 2020, 25 May 2020, lot 642. EF............................................................................................................................1450 ROMAN IMPERATORIAL SILVER Caesar Elephant 194. JULIUS CAESAR; Military mint, 49-48 BC, Denarius, 3.80g. Cr-443/1, Syd-1006, Sear Imperators-9, C-49. Obv: Elephant walking r., trampling serpent, CAESAR in exergue. Rx: Priestly implements: Ladle; sprinkler; ax with lion’s head above blade; priest’s hat with cheek pieces, chin straps, disc and spike above; no legend. Scarcer, probably Gallic variant with legs of elephant parallel to each other, as recognized by Woytek. Exquisite elephant struck in high relief. Toned Mint State......................3000 195. C. VIBIUS C.F.C.N. PANSA CAETRONIANUS; 48 BC, Denarius, 3.66g. Cr449/2, Syd-946, RSC Vibia-16. Obv: Head of young Bacchus r., PANSA behind. Rx: Ceres walking r., holding two torches; plow before, C VIBIVS CFNC behind. From the Philip Ashton Collection; ex Berk 191, 29 July 2014, lot 128. Small contact mark on back cheek of Bacchus. Near Mint State.............................................................440 196. JULIUS CAESAR; 48-47 BC, Denarius, 3.62g. Cr-452/2, Syd-1009, Sear















Imperators-11. Obv: Head of Venus r., LII behind. Rx: CAESAR below trophy of Gallic arms. The LII may indicate Caesar’s age (52) when these coins were struck. VF.............................................................................................................................750 JULIUS CAESAR; 47-46 BC, Denarius, 4.03g. Cr-458/1; Syd-1013; Sear, Imperators-55. Obv: Head of Venus r., wearing stephane. Rx: CAESAR Aeneas stepping l., head facing, carrying Palladium in r. hand and Anchises on l. shoulder. Ex VAuctions, Lucernae Prima Auction, 2 June 2020, lot 173. Some minor weak striking on reverse. Beautiful high-relief head of Venus. Choice EF..................................2000 JULIUS CAESAR; Rome, 44 BC, Moneyer M. Mettius, Denarius, 3.59g. Cr-480/3; Syd-1056; Sear, Imperators-100. Obv: Wreathed head r., CAESAR IMP before, lituus and simpulum behind. Rx: Venus standing l. resting l. elbow on shield set on globe and holding Victory and transverse scepter, control letter K before, M METTIVS behind. Excellent portrait of Caesar. Beautifully centered. Toned EF...................6500 Lifetime Portrait JULIUS CAESAR, LIFETIME PORTRAIT ISSUE; Rome, 44 BC, moneyer P. Sepullius Macer, Denarius, 3.92g. Syd-1072, C-40 (8 Fr.), Sear-Imperators 107b, Cr480/11. Obv: CAESAR - [DICT] PERPE[VO] Wreathed head r. Rx: P SEPVILLIVS downwards on r., MACER downwards on l., Venus standing l. holding Victory and scepter, star at bottom of scepter. Formerly NGC 3989001-014, Probably from the same obverse die as Alföldi pl. LVI, 48, with legend error PERPEVO (T omitted), not clear however on our coin because of doublestriking. Woytek, Arma et Nummi, pp. 421-3, argues persuasively for a dating of this issue to the weeks just before Caesar’s death on 15 March 44 BC. This coin shows Caesar as he may have really looked, not like the beautiful posthumous issues that made him look like a Greek god. Reverse flatly struck in center. EF........................................................................................3950 JULIUS CAESAR; 42 BC, moneyer L. Livineius Regulus, Denarius, 4.01g. Cr494/24; Syd-1106 (R5); C-27 (12 Fr.); Sear Imperators-115. Obv: Wreathed head of Caesar r. between laurel branch with berries and winged caduceus. Rx: Bull charging r., moneyer’s name above and below. Ex VAuctions, Lucernae Prima Auction, 2 June 2020, lot 177. Excellent portrait of Caesar. Some areas of flat striking. EF..........6500 JULIUS CAESAR; 43 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Cr-494/39a; Syd-1096a (R4); C-29 (12 Fr.); Sear, Imperators-116. Obv: Wreathed head of Julius Caesar r., without legend. Rx: L MVSSIDIVS LONGVS as circular legend above, Cornucopia on globe, flanked by rudder on l. and winged caduceus and apex on r. Ex Roma E72, 25 June 2020, lot 888. Ex Alba Longa Collection II, Aureo & Calico 339, 14 Nov 2019, lot 1032. Some areas of flat striking on wreath. Some luster. Near Mint State...............................4500 LEPIDUS AND OCTAVIAN; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.48g. Cr-495/2d, Syd-1323 var. (R6), Sear Imperators-140a. Obv: Head of Lepidus r., LEPIDVS PONT MAX III V R P C around. Rx: Head of Octavian r., C CAESAR IM[P III VIR R P C] around. Purchased from B. A. Seaby, September 1981 Bulletin. Though this coin is rather worn, it has nice surfaces and the name Lepidus is near complete. Banker’s mark on head of Octavian. Fine..............................................................................................700 C. CASSIUS, STRUCK BY LENTULUS SPINTER; 42 BC, probably at Smyrna, Denarius, 3.53g. Cr-500/1, Syd-1308 (R9), C-7 (200 Fr.). Obv: Tripod surmounted by cauldron, fillet hanging on either side, C CASSI on l., IMP on r. Rx: Pitcher and lituus, LENTVLVS SPINT below. There are now numerous examples of this formerly R9 coin on the market, but not many with a perfectly centered obverse. Mint State...............................................................................................................3250 BRUTUS; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.60g. Cr-502/2, Syd-1290, C-11(25 Fr.), Sear Imperators-201. Obv: L SESTIVS Q Veiled and draped bust of Libertas r. Rx: Q CAEPIO [BRVTV]S PROCOS Tripod between sacrificial ax and ladle. Ex Roma E73, 23 July 2020, lot 715. Ex NAC, Auction 84, 20 May 2015, lot 860. Exquisite image of Libertas struck in high relief. Some iridescence in toning. Mint State...3500 Sextus Pompey SEXTUS POMPEY; Uncertain Silician Mint, 42-40 BC, Denarius, 3.58g. Cr511/2a, Syd-1347 var., Sear Imperators-333. Obv: MAG PIVS - [IMP.ITER] Diademed head of Neptune r., trident over shoulder. Rx: PRAEF.CLAS.ET - O - R - [AE MAR]IT EX S C Trophy with trident above and anchor below, prow stem on l. and aplustre on r., two dogs’ heads of Scylla at base. Rare: 157 specimens, from eleven obverse and fifteen reverse dies, found by Jane DeRose Evans, Museum Notes 32, 1987. NGC Graded: XF, Strike: 4/5, Surface: 4/5. Beautifully struck. Toned EF.... ................................................................................................................................2200 MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN; 41 BC, Denarius struck by M. Barbatius Pollio, 3.90g. Cr-517/2, Syd-1181, C-8 (30 Fr.), Sear Imperators-243. Obv: M ANT IMP AVG IIIVIR R P C M BARBAT Q P (with two ligatures) Bare head of Mark Antony r. Rx: CAESAR.IMP.PONT.III.VIR.R.P.C Bare head of Octavian r. Ex M & M Deutschland 6, 2000, lot 268; ex Kastner 6, 1974, lot 236. EF........................1800 MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.55g. C-57; Cr-544/36; Syd-1243; Sear, Imperators-380. Obv: Galley r., ANT AVG above, IIIVIR R P C below. Rx: LEG - XX Legionary eagle between two standards. EF...........................................................500 ROMAN IMPERIAL SILVER AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 2 BC-4 AD, Denarius, 3.68g. BM-519, C-43, Paris-1651, RIC-207. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTV[S] - DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Head laureate r. Rx: C L CAESARES in exergue, AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT around, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing holding honorary shields and spears, ladle and lituus above. Ex Berk 184, 2013, lot 140. Fine............................350 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Year 29 and COS XII = October-December, 3 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.31g. RPC-4154 (2 spec.), pl. 158 (same obv. die), Prieur-53 (3 spec., same obv. die), McAlee-183 (“V. Rare”, same obv. die). Obv: KAIΣ[APO]Σ ΣE - BAΣTOV Head laureate r., bead and reel border. Rx: ETOVΣ - ΘK - NIKHΣ (“Year 29 after the Victory”) Turreted Tyche of Antioch seated r. on rocks, holding curving palm branch before her, at her feet river god Orontes swimming r. with head facing, monograms expandable to “COS 12” and “Antioch” in field, border of dots. Ex Gemini IX, 8 January 2012, lot 255. Superb portrait of Augustus. EF..........................................................................................2150 AUGUSTUS AND TIBERIUS; Lugdunum, 13-14 AD, Denarius, 3.79g. RIC-222 (R), BM-512, Paris-1688, C-300 (6 Fr.). Obv: [CAESAR AVGVST]VS - DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Head of Augustus laureate r. Rx: TI CAESAR in exergue, AVG F TR POT - XV around, Tiberius holding [branch] and eagle-tipped scepter in triumphal quadriga r., all horses look r. Commemorates the triumph celebrated by Tiberius in January 13 AD, for successes over the Germans won in 12 AD. Toned EF..........1750








144 152































211. TIBERIUS TRIBUTE PENNY; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.75g. BM-48, C-16, Paris-28, RIC-30. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PO[NTI]F - MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. Struck on a broad flan. Near Mint State.......................................................................................................1600 212. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.61g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F [AVG]VSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. Toned EF..................................................1600 213. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 4.06g. BM-34, Paris-16, C-16, RIC26. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne has plain legs, two lines below. Toned VF.................................................................................................... 1150 Exceptional Caligula 214. CALIGULA; 37-41 AD, Lugdunum, 37 AD, Denarius, 3.82g. BM-4, Paris-3, C-11 (12 Fr.), RIC-2. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT COS Bare head of Caligula r. Rx: No legend, radiate head of Divus Augustus r. between two stars. With circular engraver’s guideline around the portrait of Divus Augustus. These dies are not illustrated in Giard, Monnayage de Lyon. “Caligula at first intended to bestow on Tiberius similar honours to those enjoyed by Augustus, but desisted in face of the passive resistance of the Senate. The two stars (on his earliest aurei and denarii) suggest two ‘divi’, Augustus and (Tiberius)” (Mattingly, BMC I, p. cxliv). The portrait of Caligula on this coin is beautifully centered, with a complete legend and an expressively insane portrait. There is a miniscule amount of porosity on the lower left edge of the reverse. If anyone is looking for a reasonably priced exquisite portrait of Caligula you can find it here. Near Mint State / gVF.............................................9950 215. CALIGULA, WITH HIS FATHER GERMANICUS; 37-41 AD, Denarius, Lugdunum, 37-38 AD, Third issue of the year, 3.62g. BM-19-20, C-2 (25 Fr.) These dies not illustrated in Giard, Lyon. Caligula TR POT only and Laureate. Ex Berk 106, 20 January 1999, lot 448 Some contact marks in field indicating that it was a single find. VF...................................................................................................................4950 216. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.77g. BM-27, Paris-42, C-56 (10 Fr.), RIC-28 (R). Obv: TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P IIII Head laureate r. Rx: PACI - AVGVSTAE Pax-Nemesis, winged, advancing r., l. holding winged caduceus pointing down at snake, r. holding out fold of drapery below chin. Strong portrait. VF...........................................................................................................................2450 217. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. BM-74, Paris-220, C-119 (3 Fr.), RIC-53. Obv: NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: IVPPITER CVSTOS Jupiter seated l. holding thunderbolt and scepter. Sharp on both obverse and reverse. Slight iridescence in toning. Near Mint State...........................................2450 218. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 66-8 AD, Denarius, 3.38g. Paris-233, C-121, BM-77 note, RIC-64 (R3). Obv: IMP NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: IVPPITER - CVSTOS Jupiter seated l. holding thunderbolt and scepter. Since there were 15 specimens of this denarius in the Reka Devnia hoard, RIC’s ranking “R3” is mistaken. Choice EF..............................................................................................1800 219. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Denarius, 3.47g. BM-90, C-314, Paris-228, RIC-60 (R). Obv: NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: SALVS in exergue, Salus seated l., resting l. elbow on armrest and holding patera with r. hand. Ex Freeman & Sear, MBS 14, 21 June 2007, lot 399. gVF.....................................625 220. GALBA; 68-69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.46g. BM-34 corr., C-287, Paris-76, RIC167. Obv: IMP - SER - GALBA AVG Head bare r. Rx: S P Q R / OB / C - S in three lines within oak wreath. Bare-headed portrait, wrongly described as laureate in BMC. Strong portrait in high relief. Toned EF..................................................................3000 221. OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.42g. BM-24, RIC-17 (R3), RSC-24a. Obv: IMP M OTHO [CAE]SAR AVG TR P Head bare r. Rx: VICTORIA - OTHONIS Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath and palm branch. A rare variety of a rare reverse type of Otho, usually showing Victory advancing left or right, whereas here she stands left on a globe. The Paris collection lacks this variety, and it was not represented in the Reka Devnia hoard, compared to three and one specimens respectively of the two varieties showing Victory advancing. According to CoinArchives just four specimens with Victory on globe have appeared in numismatic auctions between c. 2000 and 2020. Exquisite portrait struck in high relief. Toned EF........................................4000 222. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Tarraco, Denarius, 3.33g. RIC-36, BM-94, Paris-13, C-101 (15 Fr.), Sear-2191. Obv: A VITELLIVS - IMP GERMAN Head laureate l., truncation ending in globe, small palm branch before. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVSTI Victory flying l. holding shield inscribed SP/QR. An exceptional example of this coin, struck in very high relief and beautifully centered. Choice EF.........................................2950 223. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Gaul, Denarius, 3.35g. BM-111, RIC-50 (R), rev. legend var. of Paris-7 and C-28 (15 Fr.). Obv: A - VITELLIVS - IMP GERMAN Head laureate r., globe below neck. Rx: CONSENSVS - EXERCITVVM Mars helmeted and nude, advancing l., carrying spear and aquila with vexillum. aEF..................................2250 224. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Antioch, 72 AD, Denarius, 3.17g. RIC-1558 (C), BM-510, Paris-318, C-645 (6 Fr.), RPC-1930, Hendin-1490. Obv: IMP CAES VESP AV - [G P] M COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: No legend; Standing emperor and seated mourning Jewess on either side of palm tree. Flan crack at bottom of neck. aEF....................775 225. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, Denarius, 3.46g. BM-136, Paris-110, C-364, RIC-702 (C). Obv: IMP CAESAR - VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: PON MAX - TR P COS V Emperor seated r. on curule chair, holding branch and scepter. EF...............................................................................................................600 226. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80 AD, Denarius, 3.51g. BM-69, Paris-53, C-318 (2 Fr.), RIC-108. Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR P IX IMP XV - COS VIII P P Curule chair with back, on which upright wreath. Cohen-318 and RIC-108 do not describe the rounded back of the curule chair which this type sometimes shows. EF................................................................................700 227. JULIA TITI, DAUGHTER OF TITUS; Cistophoric Tetradrachm, Possibly Rome Mint for circulation in Asia, 82 AD, 10.57g. RPC-871 (11 spec.), RIC-231, C-15 (120 Fr.). Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA - DIVI T[ITI F] Draped bust r. Rx: VESTA in exergue, Vesta seated l. holding Palladium and transverse scepter. Some minor cracks at the edges of the flan at 7h and 11h, otherwise a pleasant piece of Julia Titi, the daughter of the emperor Titus. Good centering and large denomination provincial silver. Fine+.... ..................................................................................................................................850 228. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, Sept. 92 AD, Denarius, 2.98g. RIC-736 (R2). Obv:








236. 237.


239. 240.


242. 243.





TR P XI. Rx: IMP XXII COS XVI CENS P P P Minerva fighting r. on capital of rostral column, owl before her. Part of a very rare issue, not in the standard catalogues before the second edition of RIC (2007), apparently proving that news of Domitian’s 22nd imperatorial acclamation reached Rome shortly before the emperor became TR P XII on 14 September 92. Before the publication of this issue of denarii, the advance of Domitian’s IMP XXI to IMP XXII had appeared to exactly coincide with the beginning of his new tribunician year on 14 September 92. Some iridescence. Toned EF...................................................................................................................500 NERVA; 96-98 AD, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, Possibly Rome Mint for circulation in Asia, 98 AD, 9.86g. BMC-81, C-53 corr. (100 Fr.), RIC-125. Obv: [I]MP NERVA CAES AVG - GERM P M TR POT P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS - III[I] across field, Six ears of wheat tied in a bunch. Dated to the short final year of Nerva’s reign, 1-27 January 98 AD. aVF................................................................................................950 TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 98-9 AD, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-2; C-288; RIC-21; Woytek, MIR-32a (67 spec.). Obv: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: PONT MAX TR POT COS II Vesta, veiled, seated l. holding patera and torch. Mint State......................................................................................................300 TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 98-9 AD, Denarius, 3.21g. BM-14; C-292; RIC-17; Woytek, MIR-24a (115 spec.). Obv: IMP CAES NERVA TRAI - AN AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: PONT MAX TR POT COS II Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Mint State.............................................................................................300 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 130-3 AD, Denarius, 3.48g. RIC-1482 (C), BM-797, C-99 (5 Fr.). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: AEGYPTOS Egypt reclining l., holding sistrum and resting elbow on uncertain object; at her feet, ibis perched r. on low column. Exquisite example. Mint State..550 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 130-3 AD, Denarius, 3.18g. RIC-1494 (C), BM816, C-138 (5 Fr.). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head laureate r. Rx: AFRICA Africa reclining l. wearing elephant-skin headdress and holding scorpion and cornucopia, basket of wheat ears at her feet. aEF.............................................400 Medallic Portrait HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 137 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. RIC-2318 (C), BM595, C-172. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: ANNO - NA AVG Modius containing poppy between four wheat ears. The portrait of Hadrian on this coin is exquisite for the quality of design and the high relief, reminiscent of some of Hadrian's portraits on aurei. It surely ranks among the finest numismatic portraits of Hadrian that we have ever handled. EF................................................................700 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 10.66g, Hierapolis, Phrygia. Metcalf Type 53 (21 spec.), BM-1054, C-285 (30 Fr.), RIC-482 (R). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Draped bust r., head bare. Rx: COS - III Apollo standing r. holding lyre and plectrum. From the same obverse die as Metcalf’s pl. 17, 253, but a new reverse die. Overstruck on a cistophorus of Augustus with uncertain reverse type: the hairs and top edge of Augustus’ portrait are visible at 6-8 o’clock on the reverse edge, and the faint outline of his profile - forehead, eye, nose - can be discerned upside down in the field behind Apollo. gVF..........................................875 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, Ephesus, 10.32g. Metcalf Type 20, 89-98. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Head bare r. Rx: COS - III Asclepius, draped, standing r., head l., holding serpent rod. gVF...........................875 AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Rome, 137 AD, Denarius, 2.60g. BM-972, C-53, RIC-432. Obv: L AELIVS - CAESAR Head bare r. Rx: TR POT - COS II Pietas standing l. extending r. hand above altar, l. hand at side, perhaps holding incense box. Scarce: only 12 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Fine..........................................225 ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 139 AD, 3.51g. BM-77, C-99, RIC-36. Rx: AVG PIVS P M TR P COS II P P Victory advancing r. holding wreath and palm. Rare issue calling Antoninus P P but still with long legends: only two specimens of this coin in Reka Devnia hoard. Most P P coins of this year have the shortened legends ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P / TR POT COS II. EF................................200 DIVA FAUSTINA I; Died 140 AD, Denarius, Rome, 3.28g. BM-467, RSC-165a. Obv: DIVA FAV - STINA Bust draped r. Rx: CON - SE - CRATIO Veiled female standing l., raising r. hand and holding torch in l. hand. Choice EF........................200 MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 168 AD, Denarius, 3.13g. BM-462, C-901, RIC-192. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG - ARM PARTH MAX Laureate head r. Rx: TR P - XXII.IMP V COS III Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. aEF / VF....................................................................................................................350 MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 172 AD, Denarius, 3.39g. BM-557, C-280, RIC-259. Obv: M ANTONINVS - AVG TR P XXVI Head laureate r. Rx: IMP - V - I - COS III Roma seated l. above round shield ornamented with Medusa head, holding Victory and spear. EF.................................................................................350 MARCUS AURELIUS, DIVUS; Died 180 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.32g. BM20, C-91, RIC-273. Obv: DIVVS M AN - TONINVS PIVS Head bare r. Rx: CONSECRATIO Eagle standing r. on globe, head l., wings raised . gVF...............275 FAUSTINA II, DIVA; Died 175 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.33g. BM-712, C-70, RIC743. Obv: DIVA FAV - STINA PIA Bust draped r. Rx: CONSE -CRATIO Peacock standing front, head r., tail spread. Ex Freeman & Sear, MBS 17, 15 December 2009, lot 408 (Lynn Collection); ex CNG 55, 13 September 2000, part 1273. Not common: 32 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF.................................................................200 COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 192 AD, Denarius, 2.56g. BM-316, C-583, RIC-233. Obv: L AEL AVREL C - OMM AVG P FEL Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVII - I - MP VIII COS VII P P Fides Militum (?) standing l. holding in r. hand legionary eagle set atop standard with curved handle at bottom and only three dots representing decorations , and in l. hand cornucopia. Unusual reverse type that appeared only during Commodus’ final year. aEF...................................................200 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 195 AD, Denarius, 3.11g. BM-124, C-391, RIC-68. Obv: L SEPT [SEV PERT] - AVG IMP VII Head laureate r. Rx: [P M TR P] III - COS II P P Minerva standing l. holding spear and shield. The reverse shows the Palladium, the archaic statue of Minerva purportedly rescued from Troy and brought to Italy by Aeneas. Mint State.............................................................225 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, c. 206 AD, Denarius, 3.68g. BM370, C-713 (5 Fr.), RIC-299. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIAE around, AVGG in exergue, Victory in biga r., holding whip and reins. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi, November 2015. Rare: only three specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. VF.............................................................275 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 207 AD, Denarius, 3.49g. BM-309,





















































264. 265.

C-25 (3 Fr.), RIC-253. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: AFR - ICA Africa standing r. wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding out fold of drapery filled with wheat ears, lion at her feet. Scarce: 18 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Slight iridescence. Mint State.............................................................................................250 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 207 AD, Denarius, 2.78g. BM-531, C-493 (3 Fr.), RIC-207. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XV - COS III P P Africa standing r. wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding out fold of drapery filled with wheat ears, lion at her feet. Mint State.................................200 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 212 AD, Denarius, 3.38g. BM-35, RIC-192, C-196. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR - P XV COS III P P Hercules standing l., holding branch and club with lionskin. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased in August 1998. Flawless portrait.. Mint State.... ..................................................................................................................................225 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 212 AD, Denarius, 3.90g. BM-45, C-206, RIC-196. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XV COS III P P Salus seated l. extending patera to serpent rising from altar and holding cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 140, 27 October 2004, lot 334. Overweight specimen. Excellent portrait. Mint State.......................................245 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 213 AD, Denarius, 3.06g. BM-53, C-224, RIC209a. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVI COS IIII P P Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Alex Malloy, June 1999. Superb portrait. Mint State..275 GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, New-style Eastern Mint, 200 AD, Denarius, 3.32g. BM-742, C-76, RIC-103. Obv: P SEPTIMIVS - GETA CAES Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed (?) bust r. Rx: MARTI V - ICTORI Mars advancing r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in August 1998. Exceptional portrait. Mint State................................................................................225 GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 207 AD, Denarius, 2.94g. BM-464, C-172 (6 Fr.), RIC-52. Obv: P SEPTIMIVS - GETA CAES Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: RESTITVTOR - VRBIS (“The Restorer of the City”) Roma seated l. holding Palladium and spear, shield by throne. Though common for Severus (162 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard), this reverse type is scarce for Caracalla (14 specimens in the hoard) and rare for Geta (only one specimen in the hoard). EF..............................140 ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Rome, 219 AD, Denarius, 3.32g. BM-205, C-50, RIC-83A. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: FORTVNAE REDVCI Fortuna Redux standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in October 1997. The reverse type refers to Elagabalus’ journey to Rome after being proclaimed emperor in Syria in 218 AD. Minor iridescence in toning. Mint State...................................................................200 ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Eastern Mint, 218-9 AD, Denarius, 3.12g. BM-275, C-15, RIC-187. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: CON - COR - DIA around, MILIT in exergue, two standards flanked by two legionary eagles on vexilla. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, November 1999. Not common: 27 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Flan crack at 12:30.. Mint State........................................................................................165 ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Branch Mint, 219 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. BM168, C-282, RIC-150. Obv: IMP ANTO - NINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: TEMPORVM - FELICITAS Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus and cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Alex Malloy, May 2000. Portrait in high relief. Small flan crack at 6:30. Mint State............................210 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 222-3 AD, Denarius, 3.57g. BM129, RSC-183a, RIC-165. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: [P]AX AETE - R - NA AVG Pax standing l. holding branch and scepter. Traces of die clashing on reverse. Mint State......................................235 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 223 AD, Denarius, 2.87g. BM-92, C-231, RIC-23. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P - II - COS P P Mars standing l. holding branch and spear. Point of spear omitted by engraver. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 134, 8 October 2003, lot 371. Mint State...................................................................................................225 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 223 AD, Denarius, 2.67g. BM103, pl. 4 (same obv. die); C-236; RIC-27. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M T - R P II - COS P P Pax standing l. holding branch and scepter. Traces of incuse portrait in reverse field from die clashing. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 137, 31 March 2004, lot 409; previously in the C.L. Clay Collection, bought from Schreiner, Vienna, August 1964. Toned Mint State..........................................................................................................................235 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 232-5 AD, Denarius, 2.75g. BM837, RSC-161c, RIC-246 (jumbling the two types, Mars running and walking). Obv: IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r., seen from front. Rx: MARS - VLTOR Mars running r., l. leg forward, holding spear and shield. Of the many excellent denarii of Severus Alexander, this one is exceptional, struck on a broad flan in extremely high relief. FDC...................................................................................300 MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236 AD, Denarius, 2.83g. BM-105 var., C-99, RIC-16. Obv: without GERM, third portrait. Rx: VICTO - R - I - A AVG Victory advancing r. holding wreath and palm. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in May 1998. Scarce with this portrait: only seven specimens in Eauze hoard (p. 242), compared to 72 specimens with the second portrait. Mint State..............175 MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236-8 AD, Denarius, 2.96g. BM144, C-37, RIC-19. Obv: with GERM, third portrait. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter. Cost $1.25 c. 1955, according to collector’s envelope. Toned Mint State...................................................................185 DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.17g. RSC-3a, bust var. of BM-87 and RIC-102. Obv: M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES Bareheaded bust r., draped, seen from back. Rx: PRINC IVVENTVTIS Diadumenian standing l., head r., holding standard and scepter, two further standards behind him. EF..............................................................................................................................650 GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 238-9 AD, 4.06g. RIC-1, C-86. Rx: Fides Militum standing l. holding vertical standard and transverse sceptre. Beautiful early portrait struck in high relief. MS.....................................................150 PHILIP I; Rome, 246 AD, Antoninianus, 3.21g. RIC-3, C-124. Obv: long legend. Rx: P M TR P - III - COS P P Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus in bent r. arm and cornucopia. Mint State......................................................................................120

266. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 244-5 AD, Antoninianus, 4.97g. RIC-37b, C-81. Rx: LAETIT FVNDAT Laetitia standing l., placing r. foot on prow, holding patera and rudder. Mint State....................................................................................................100 267. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 248 AD, Antoninianus, 4.82g. RIC-62 note, RSC50b. Obv: IMP PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: FIDES EXERCITVS Four standards, none of them topped by an eagle. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Grunow, Berlin, July 2002. Rare variant without an eagle atop one of the four standards, cited by RIC-62 note from a specimen in BM. Mint State.................................................................................................................150 268. OTACILIA SEVERA; Rome, 244 AD, Antoninianus, 3.70g. RIC-120b (R ), C-30. Obv: MARCIA OTACIL - SEVERA AVG Bust draped r., wearing diadem and on crescent. Rx: PIETAS AVG Pietas standing l. raising r. hand and holding incense box in l. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in March 1998. Rare early type: only six specimens in Dorchester hoard. Even though this coin has miniscule porosity, the portrait is struck in unusually high relief on an immense, broad flan. EF................100 269. OTACILIA SEVERA, WIFE OF PHILIP I; Antoninianus, Rome, 246-7 AD, 4.28g. RIC-125c, C-4. Obv: M OTACIL SEVERA AVG Bust draped r., wearing stephane and on crescent. Rx: CONCORDIA AVGG Concordia seated l. holding patera and double cornucopia. Mint State............................................................... 110 270. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Antioch, Antoninianus, 3.38g. C-1, RIC240a note, Bland-61 (32 spec.). Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought from Alex Malloy, June 1999; stated to be ex Novae Hoard. RIC quotes this reverse legend with AVGG only, Cohen with AVG only; in fact both variants occur. Mint State...........................................140 271. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Branch Mint, 247 AD, Antoninianus, 3.68g. RIC-226 corr., C-6. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AETER - NIT IMPER Sol advancing l. raising r. hand and holding whip in l. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Time Machine, February 1999. Mint State......................................................................................................125 272. TRAJAN DECIUS; 249-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.66g. RIC-28b, C-105. Obv: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r. Rx: VBERITAS AVG Uberitas standing l. holding purse and cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in May 1998. Mint State............................................145 273. TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.06g. RIC-31 (R), C-17, Eauze-997 (48 spec.). Obv: IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ANNONA AVGG Annona standing r. placing l. foot on prow and holding rudder and wheat ears. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 174, 10 May 2011, lot 211. Mint State...........................................................200 274. TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.74g. RIC-48a, C-128. Obv: IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGG Victory standing l. holding wreath and palm. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 119, 15 March 2001, lot 418. Reverse struck with a worn die. Mint State...........................................................................................................150 275. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA; Rome, Antoninianus, 3.78g. RIC-59b, C-19. Obv: HER ETRVSCILLA AVG Later coiffure with ridges from ear level to top. Rx: PVDICITIA AVG Pudicitia seated l. drawing veil and holding scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in February 1998. Mint State........................................ 110 276. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.03g. RIC-149, C-38. Obv: Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: SPES PV - BLICA Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, June 1999; stated to be ex Novae Hoard. aEF...................................................................................................100 277. POSTUMUS; 259-268 AD, Antoninianus, Mid-late 268 AD, 2.97g. Cunetio-2453 (511 specimens),RIC-318 note. Rx: PAX AVG Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter, P in rev. field l. Mint State.........................................................100 278. CARINUS; 283-285 AD, Lugdunum, Antoninianus, 4.08g. RIC-212 (C), C-8, Bastien-533 (58 spec.). Obv: IMP C M AVR CARINVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: AEQVITAS AVGG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia, officina letter A=1 in r. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 135, 10 December 2003, lot 347. Mint State...........................150 279. CARINUS AS CAESAR; 282-283 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.64g. RIC-155 (C), C-74 var. (2 Fr.), Venera-2123/50 (28 spec.). Obv: M AVR CARINVS NOB CAES Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PIETAS AVGG Priestly implements, beginning with lituus and knife at l.; in exergue KAZ (officina 7). From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, November 2016. Mint State..... ..................................................................................................................................200 280. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Cologne, Antoninianus, 3.55g. Cunetio Hoard-715 (7 spec.), Göbl-872l (74 spec.), RIC-18, C-308 (2 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS.P.F.AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front, fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck, inner wreath tie overlaps neck. Rx: GERMANICVS MAX V Trophy and two seated captives. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi, November 2015. EF...................................................................................................................125 281. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, c. 267-8 AD, Antoninianus, 3.23g. Cunetio Hoard-1375 (109 spec.), Gobl-731b (126 spec.), RIC-207. Obv: GALLIEN[V]S AVG Head radiate r. Rx: IOVI CONS AVG Goat-stag mixture standing r., S (=officina 6) in exergue. Ex Harlan J. Berk. EF........................................................................... 110 282. SALONINA; Rome, c. 267-8 AD, Antoninianus, 3.44g. Göbl-725cc (112 spec.), Cunetio Hoard-1418 (82 spec.), RIC-16, C-70. Obv: COR SALONINA AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: IVNON - I CONS AVG Combined goat and stag standing l., Δ=officina 4 in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 170, 29 July 2010, lot 279. Mint State............................................................120 283. VALERIAN II AS CAESAR; 256-258 AD, Antioch, Antoninianus, 3.54g. Göbl1604d (27 spec.), Cunetio-833 (3 spec.), RIC-54, C-97 (10 Fr.). Obv: P LIC COR VALERIANVS CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: VICTORIA P - ART Victory standing r., holding palm over shoulder and presenting wreath to prince, who stands l. holding globe and spear. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 130, 6 January 2003, lot 558. Mint State.........................................................................................150 284. QUINTILLUS; 270 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 2.36g. Cunetio Hoard-2318 (3 spec.), RIC-26, C-52. Obv: IMP C M [AVR CL] QVINTILLVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter, officina letter A=1 in l. field. aEF...........................200









































285. AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Siscia, Antoninianus, 3.42g. Göbl-229e6 (13 spec.), Paris-926, RIC-244. Obv: IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front, on front shoulder “tassle”. Rx: CONCORDIA MILITVM around, XXIVI (officina 6) in exergue, Aurelian and Concordia standing, facing each other and clasping hands. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, March 2001. Mint State........................................................................................... 110 286. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.58g. RIC-207, C-672. Obv: Radiate consular bust l. holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: SOLI INVICTO Sol in frontal quadriga, in exergue R*B (= officina 2). Mint State...............................................150 287. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Ticinum, Antoninianus, 3.75g. RIC-332, C-138. Obv: Cuirassed bust l. wearing radiate helmet with plume, carrying spear over r. shoulder and shield by l. arm. Rx: CONCORD MILIT Probus and Concordia clasping hands, in exergue PXXT (officina 1). Ex Berk 136, 5 February 2004, lot 249. Mint State...... ..................................................................................................................................130 288. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Serdica, Antoninianus, 3.26g. RIC-880, C-913. Obv: IMP C M AVR PROBVS P AVG Bust radiate, helmeted, cuirassed l., seen from front, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rx: VIRTVS PROBI AVG Emperor on horse charging r., holding shield and spearing long-haired enemy kneeling l. below horse, while the enemy’s shield lies uselessly before him; in exergue KA.Γ. (officina 3). From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Trusted Coins, April 2016. Mint State..........................................................................................................................195 289. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 4.44g. RIC-202, officina E=5; C-644. Obv: IMP PRO - BVS AVG Bust radiate l., almost half-length, seen from front, wearing consular robes and holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: SOLI INVICTO Sol raising r. hand and holding globe and whip in l., in quadriga of horses leaping l.; in exergue crescent flanked by R and E. Mint State....................................................135 290. MARIUS; 268 AD, Antoninianus, 2.30g. Cunetio Hoard-2509 (38 spec.), RIC-17. Obv: [IM]P C M AVR MARIVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVG Victory walking l. holding wreath and palm. Some isolated pits and planchet defect on emperor’s cheek. Good VF........................................................300 291. CARAUSIUS; 287-293 AD, Antoninianus, Unattributed Mint, 3.01g. RIC-880. Obv: IMP [C]ARAVSIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front. Rx: PAX - [AVG] Pax standing l., holding olive branch and vertical scepter. Fine / VF...................................................................................................................165 LATE ROMAN SILVER AND SILVERED BRONZE 292. MAXENTIUS; 306-312 AD, Aquileia, 308 AD, Follis, 6.43g. RIC-124 (R), officina S=2, C-29 (15 Fr.). Obv: IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG CONS Bust laureate l. wearing consular robes and holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: CONSERV - VRB SVAE Roma seated in six-columned temple with crescent in pediment, [A]QS in exergue. Ex Berk 203, 18 January 2018, lot 284 and Berk 136, 5 February 2004, lot 264. Mint State........................................................................................................175 293. GALERIUS AS AUGUSTUS; 305-311 AD, Cyzicus, 308 AD, Follis, 7.61g. RIC35, officina A=1 (Rare). Obv: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS P F AVG Head laureate r. Rx: GENIO IMP - ERATORIS Genius standing l. pouring libation from patera and holding cornucopia, MKA in exergue. Ex Berk 139, 4 August 2004, lot 425. Mint State........................................................................................................200 294. MAXIMINUS II AS CAESAR; 305-308 AD, Heraclea, c. 308 AD, Follis, 5.68g. RIC-36 (C), officina Δ=4. Obv: GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES Head laureate r. Rx: GENIO CA - ESARIS Genius of the Caesar standing l., pouring liquid from patera and holding cornucopia, .HTΔ. in exergue. EF............................................150 295. MAXIMINUS II AS AUGUSTUS; 309-313 AD, Heraclea, c. 311 AD, Reduced Follis, 5.70g. RIC-61 (S), officina Δ=4. Obv: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F INV AVG Head laureate r. Rx: GENIO IMP - E - RATORIS Genius standing l. pouring liquid from patera and holding cornucopia, HTΔ in exergue, star in l. field, crescent in r. field. Unusual obverse legend with title INV(ictus), “unconquered”. EF..............................................................................................................................125 296. GALERIA VALERIA; Heraclea, c. 310 AD, Follis, 6.00g. RIC-50 (C ), officina B=2. Obv: GAL VAL - ERIA AVG Bust draped r. wearing stephane. Rx: VENERI V - ICTRICI Venus standing l. holding apple and raising drapery behind head, HTB in exergue, star in l. field. EF...................................................................................120 297. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Treveri, 310-13 AD, Follis, 4.76g. RIC-884. Obv: CONSTANTINVS P F AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust r. Rx: MARTI CONSERVATORI Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Mars r. Ex Philip Ronzone Collection. Ex Elsen List 231, 2005, lot 241. VF+.................................................250 Not in RIC 298. CONSTANTINE II; 337-340 AD, Antioch, Reduced Follis, 1.64g. Not in RIC. Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: GLOR - IA EXER - CITVS* Two soldiers standing holding spears and shields, one standard between them, SMKΔ in exergue. Rare variant with a star following the reverse legend, recorded by RIC-28 for Constans only, not for Constantine II as on our coin, nor for Constantius II. EF.... ..................................................................................................................................250 299. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 4.91g. RIC-283 (S), officina A=1; C-4 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRA - NIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; A behind neck. Rx: HOC SIG - NO VICTOR ERIS Emperor standing l. holding standard topped by Chi Rho banner and transverse spear, crowned by Victory standing behind him who also holds palm branch; [.]ASIS* in exergue, A in l. field. Mint State.................................................................................................................500 300. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 4.63g. RIC-285 (S), officina Δ=4; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: [D] N V[ET]RA - NIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; star before portrait, A behind. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .ΔSIS. in exergue, A in l. field. Rather ragged flan from minting process. Exquisite portrait. Mint State....................................................................................450 301. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Thessalonica, Centenionalis, 5.09g. RIC-132 (S), officina A=1; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRAN - IO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .TSA. in exergue, A - B across field. Mint State...................................................................................450 302. MAGNENTIUS; 350-353 AD, Centenionalis, Rome, c. Jan. 351-Aug. 352 AD, 4.55g. RIC-216, officina Q=4 (C2); Bastien-489 (10 spec.). Obv: B behind portrait. Rx: VICT DD NN AVG ET CAES Two Victories holding wreath, within which VOT V MVLT X, star in field below wreath, RQ in exergue. EF / aEF..........................250

303. MAGNENTIUS; 350-353 AD, Rome, c. 2nd half of 351 AD, Centenionalis, 4.57g. RIC-220 (R4). Obv: D N MAGNEN - TIVS P F AVG Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, Γ in l. field. Rx: [VICT] DD NN AVG ET CAES Two Victories holding wreath, within which VOT / V / MVLT / X, [R*P?] in exergue. According to RIC VIII and Bastien’s monograph on the coinage of Magnentius, the Γ behind portrait on our coin was used only at the mint of Rome and requires that there should be a star on the reverse, either in the lower field between the two Victories or in the exergue as part of the mintmark R*P (-Z). There is definitely no star in the reverse field of our piece, so the star should appear as part of the mintmark in the exergue, though unfortunately our exergue is largely off flan, making the mintmark illegible. This issue with star in mintmark is very rare, unknown to Bastien in any actual specimen, so omitted from his catalogue, and reported by Kent only from Voetter’s Gerin Catalogue of 1921, officina P for Magnentius and officina S for Decentius (RIC 220-1), though neither of these coins were in the Gerin Collection itself but were just noted in the catalogue by Voetter from other, unspecified, sources. Our coin seems to confirm the existence of this rare issue, though the emergence of other specimens with legible mintmarks would of course be very welcome. EF......................................550 Very Rare 304. PROCOPIUS; 365-366 AD, Constantinople, AE 3, 2.90g. RIC-17b (R3), new officina E=5 and new form of mintmark. Obv: D N PROCO - PIVS P F AVG Pearldiademed, cuirassed bust l., seen from front. Rx: REPARATI - O FEL TEMP Emperor standing l., head r., holding labarum and leaning with l. hand on shield, chi-rho before his face, palm branch in l. field, CONSΔ in exergue. A rare issue of Procopius with palm branch in reverse field, recorded by RIC only with the mintmarks CONSΓ and CONSE. Our coin shows not only a new officina Δ=4, but a new form of mintmark followed by a pellet, CONSΔ. Fine.........................................................................300 305. OSTROGOTHIC ITALY, THEODAHAD; Rome, 534-536 AD, 10 Nummi (1/80 pound), 3.66g. MEC-144, Metlich-90. Obv: INV[ICT - A] RO[MA] Helmeted bust of Roma r. Rx: D N / THEODA / HATHVS / REX in four lines within wreath. With old handwritten description on a slip of paper, probably 19th century. Fine / EF.........175 ROMAN REPUBLICAN BRONZE 306. OCTAVIAN AND DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR; Vienna in Gaul, 36 BC, Dupondius, 19.85g. RPC-517, Sear, Imperators-485. Obv: IMP CAESAR DIVI F DIVI IVLI Back to back bare heads of Caesar l. and Octavian r. Rx: C• I• V, prow of quinquireme r. Ex Gemini X, 13 January 2013, lot 448, ex Randy Haviland Collection. Excellent portrait of Caesar in bronze. Struck on a warm brown flan with excellent surfaces. VF...........................................................................................................................2100 ROMAN IMPERATORIAL BRONZE 307. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Uncertain Asia Minor Mint, AE 32-34, 25.03g. RPC2233, BM-713, Paris-756, RIC-501. Obv: AVGVSTVS Head bare r. Rx: CA within dotted circle, all surrounded by laurel wreath. Ex Gemini V, 6 January 2009, lot 792. Hairlines at bottom of neck and small planchet defect in field in front of Augustus’ neck. Hairlines also on lower part of reverse. Overall, however, this is an exceptional quality coin for this issue. EF...................................................................................985 308. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, 41-2 AD, Sestertius, 28.42g. Von Kaenel pl. 18, 1261-87; C-39; BM-118, pl. 34.13; Paris-pl. XXV, 153-5. Obv: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP Head laureate r. Rx: EX S C / OB / CIVES / SERVATOS in four lines within oak wreath. Struck at a branch mint probably located in northwestern Spain. Struck on an exceptionally broad flan, with dark olive patina. EF.........................4000 Exquisite Portrait 309. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Sestertius, 28.88g. BM-178, C-262 (Gréau Sale), RIC-274. Obv: NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P Head laureate l. Rx: ROMA in exergue, S - C across field, Helmeted Roma seated l. on cuirass and other arms (two shields and a helmet), l. foot on another helmet, holding Victory and parazonium. From the John Whitney Walter Collection, purchased from Harlan Berk, 11 December 1993. An unusual reverse variant with Roma’s parazonium resting on a helmet which itself rests diagonally atop two shields. Another similar specimen: Gorny & Mosch 181, 12 October 2009, lot 2070; a corresponding dupondius, Paris 381, pl. LI. The portrait of Nero on this sestertius is outstanding. It not only has a beautiful image of the face, but shows 5 o’clock shadow in the lower part of his jaw. The seated Roma on the reverse is also extremely elegant. Dark green patina. Bold EF............................................................................................................................5250 Excessively Rare 310. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 23.73g. BM-49, pl. 62.15 (same dies); Paris-103, pl. XXIV (same dies); C-53 (200 Fr.); RIC-134. Obv: A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP AVG P M TR P Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: L VITELL CEN - SOR. II around, S C in exergue, L. Vitellius, the emperor’s deceased father, seated l., togate, on curule chair on platform, receiving something from or handing something to the first of three togate figures who stand r. on the ground before him; the second togate figure on the ground also raises his r. arm towards the seated censor, though that raised arm is mostly concealed behind the first standing figure; above the heads of the three standing figures, a man seated r. on an invisible platform, probably a scribe writing down the names of those who are approaching the censor. This sestertius of Vitellius commemorating his father’s censorship under Claudius is very rare, apparently coming from only one reverse die. The specimens known to Colin Kraay in his unpublished Oxford dissertation of 1953 were all from the same die pair as ours, and the same is true of all the specimens we have been able to locate in CoinArchives Pro, the Berk photofile centering on auction catalogues of c. 1970-1990, and a large number of collection and auction catalogues in the Berk library. A plaster cast in BM is stated to show the same reverse type coupled with a variant obverse legend, reading GERMANICVS rather than GERMAN (RIC 114); we would expect this variant, if confirmed, to also come from the same reverse die. Similarly a sestertius in Berlin reported to have not CENSOR II but CENSOR III in the reverse legend (RIC 135) must surely just be a tooled CENSOR II from the same reverse die. Vitellius’ father was the most distinguished member of the Senate during Claudius’ reign, having served as consul three times, the last two times with the emperor as his colleague, and then becoming censor with Claudius in 47-48 AD. The title CENSOR II in the sestertius type is odd, perhaps referring to the fact that the censorship of Vitellius’ father was carried out in two consecutive years, for L. Vitellius was certainly censor only once, and correctly has the title CENSOR only on the gold and silver coins struck by his son, not CENSOR II as in the sestertius type. See the discussion of this question by Eckhel, Doctrina VI, pp. 314-5, followed by





































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Mattingly, BMC I, p. ccxxv. Roman portraits of Vitellius perfectly centered like this are quite scarce and desirable. This coin is even more desirable because of its reverse type commemorating Vitellius’ father, which was apparently struck from only one reverse die. Wonderful green patina with some earthen toning. EF / VF.............14500 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, As, 11.66g. RIC-890 (C), Paris-755, C-4. Obv: IMP CAESAR VESP AVG COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: AE - QVITAS AVGVST S - C Aequitas standing l. holding scales and long rod. Olive Patina. EF 585 NERVA; 96-98 AD, Rome, 96 AD, As, 8.95g. BM-96, C-61 (2 Fr.), RIC-60. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P head laureate r. Rx: [FORT]VNA AVGVST S - C Fortuna standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. Die break across center of hair, otherwise excellent portrait.. EF........................................................450 Wolf and Twins ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 143-4 AD, As, 8.76g. BM-1627, C-448 (2 Fr.), RIC-734a. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PI - [VS P P TR P COS III] Head laureate r. Rx: IMPERATOR II She-wolf standing and looking r., suckling Romulus and Remus; boat and S - C in exergue. The wolf and twins type is desirable, and almost never comes in this quality on a middle bronze. EF...............................................1500 MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, 154 AD, Sestertius, 25.83g. BM-1959 note, RIC-1315 note, bust var. of C-668. Obv: AVRELIVS CA ES ANTON AVG PII FIL Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: TR POT VIII. - COS II S C Minerva seated r. holding vertical spear and shield, both of which rest on ground beside her. Ex Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland 48, 24 May 2019, lot 1379. BMC and RIC cite this bust variant from L. Hamburger, 19 October 1925, lot 1058, a coin from different dies than ours. Exquisite portrait of a youthful, beardless Marcus Aurelius. Normally not found from this period in this quality. EF............1350 MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 164 AD, Sestertius, 32.19g. BM1088, C-838, RIC-861. Obv: M AVREL ANTONINVS - AVG ARMENIACVS P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR P XVIII - [IMP] II COS III S - C Mars standing r. holding shield and spear that rest on ground. Struck on an overweight flan, broad and thick. Perfect surfaces. Excellent portrait. aEF..................................................................750 COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 192 AD, Sestertius, 19.17g. BM-701, C-576, RIC-611. Obv: L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVII IMP VIII [CO]S VII P P S C Securitas seated l. holding scepter and extending r. hand towards child before her representing the Human Race; star in r. field. The deity on reverse is traditionally described as Pietas but a recently discovered aureus which adds the descriptive legend SEC GEN HVM to the same type (Spink 65, 1988, 246, now coll. Ben Damsky) proves that she is actually Securitas and the child before her presumably the Human Race. Ex Gemini X, 13 January 2013, lot 577; with auction ticket. Struck on a broader flan than normal for Commodus, and with a rather sensitive portrait. Issued in the last year of his reign. EF / aEF............................................1500 Ex Edward Gans DIDIA CLARA; Rome, Sestertius, 19.19g. BM-38, C-4 (50 Fr.), RIC-20 (R2). Obv: [DIDIA CL]A - RA AV[G] Bust draped r. Rx: HILA - R - TEMPOR S - C Hilaritas standing l. holding long palm and coruncopia. From A.M. Woodward’s obverse die 4, Coinage of Didius Julianus and His Family, Num. Chronicle 1961, p. 81 and pl. 10.4. From the Phil Peck Collection; acquired by Peck from Fred Knobloch, and with an earlier printed envelope of Edward Gans, Numismatic Fine Arts. This coin is struck on a small flan, like many other sestertii of this lady, but still shows an exceptional portrait of this rare empress, justifying its inclusion in the stock of the great dealer Edward Gans. aEF..................................................................................................2400 CLODIUS ALBINUS AS CAESAR; 193-195 AD, Rome, 195 AD, As, 10.68g. BM-543, C-11 (15 Fr.), RIC-57a. Obv: D CLOD SEPT - ALBIN CA[ES] Head bare r. Rx: [CO]S - II S - C Aesculapius standing l. leaning on serpent-wreathed staff. From the Phil Peck Collection. VF...................................................................................350 GETA AS AUGUSTUS; 209-211 AD, Rome, 210 AD, Sestertius, 25.42g. BM-220, pl. 59.5 (same dies); C-148 (100 Fr.); RIC-159b (R3). Obv: IMP CAES P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG Bust laureate r. with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: [P]ONTIF TR P II COS [I]I S C Septimius, Caracalla, and Geta on platform, guarded by lictor standing before platform and holding fasces, addressing two soldiers who hold a standard and a legionary eagle; between the soldiers, head and forepart of horse. Very rare Adlocutio type referring to the imperial family’s campaign in Britain against Scottish tribes, in the course of which Septimius fell ill and died at York in the year after this coin was struck (February 211 AD). From the Phil Peck Collection. Some obverse pitting. gVF.......................................................................................995 RARE EARLIEST SESTERTIUS OF DIADUMENIAN DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Rome, c. May-June 217 AD, Sestertius, 27.35g. Bust var. of BMC-149 note and RIC-215 (R2). Obv: M OPEL DIADVMENIANVS CAES Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from behind. Rx: PRINC IVVENTVTIS SC Diadumenian holding baton and scepter, standing l. before two standards, which are topped by an eagle and a wreath respectively. From the Curtis Clay Collection, purchased from Freeman & Sear, 1998 (their ticket price $975). From Diadumenian’s very rare first issue of sestertii, before he was given the name Antoninus in memory of the recently assassinated Caracalla. The sestertii bearing this titulature apparently come from only two obverse dies, ours showing the Caesar’s bust seen from behind, unusual on sestertii, and the other showing his bust seen from in front, Diadumenian’s standard bust type on sestertii for most of his short reign. Both variants of this earliest sestertius of Diadumenian are missing from the rich public coin cabinets in the British Museum, Paris, Vienna, and Berlin. Field slightly tooled, but lettering and portrait untouched. Bold Fine............................. 1100 MAXIMUS AS CAESAR; Rome, 236-8 AD, Sestertius, 20.65g. BM-213, C-14 (10 Fr.), RIC-13. Obv: MAXIMVS CAES GERM Bust draped r., head bare. Rx: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS S - C Prince standing l. by two standards, holding baton and spear. Olive patina. Mint State.........................................................................1985 Unimprovable Gordian I Africanus GORDIAN I AFRICANUS; 238 AD, Sestertius, Rome, 20.73g. BM-12, C-11 (70 Fr.), RIC-11 (R). Obv: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SECVRITAS AVGG around, S C in exergue, Securitas seated l. holding scepter. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 396. Portraits of Gordian I Africanus are scarce but normally available only in VG-Fine, sometimes in VF. This coin is absolutely EF and bears a wonderful portrait of the aged emperor with complete obverse and reverse legends despite not being perfectly round which is typical of the issue. Choice EF...............................................................................8000

323. PUPIENUS; 238 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 19.28g. BM-49, pl. 46 (same rev. die); C-23 (15 Fr.); RIC-22a (S). Obv: IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: PAX - PVBLICA around, S C in exergue, Pax seated l. holding branch and scepter. Ex Gemini VIII, 14 April 2011, lot 404; ex Spink, July 2000, G. Powell Collection, lot 1452. Choice EF.................................................6500 BYZANTINE COPPER 324. ANASTASIUS I; 491-518 AD. Constantinople, c. 512-7 AD, Follis, 16.16g. Berk11, Sear-22, MIB-29. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS [PP AVG] Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: Large M between star on l. and [crescent] (flat struck) on r.; above, cross; beneath, officina letter E=5; in exergue, CON. aVF..........................300 325. JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Nicomedia, Follis, 16.34g. Berk-73, MIB-39, Sear-86. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS PP AVG Diademed bust r., cross above. Rx: Large M between star and cross, a second cross above, officina letter A below, NIKM in exergue. Bold Fine...........................................................................................................................300 326. JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Nicomedia, Half Follis, 8.47g. Officina letter variant of Berk-77, MIB-42, DO-35, and Sear-91. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS P AVG (sic) Diademed bust r., cross above. Rx: Large K, to l. long cross between N and I, to r. officina letter A. Scarce variety with cross above portrait, perhaps unpublished from officina A: the standard references record only officina B. The obverse legend also contains an apparent engraver’s error, ending just NVS P AVG rather than NVS PP AVG (second P omitted). Bold Fine........................................................................750 327. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, 527-539 AD, Follis, 17.06g. Berk123, MIB-83, Sear-160. Obv: [D N] IVSTINI - ANVS PP AYG Diademed bust r., cross on globe in field before neck. Rx: Large M between two stars, cross above, officina letter E below, CON in exergue. VG / Fine................................................365 Rome Mint 328. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Rome, Year 36 = 563 AD, Decanummium, 4.75g. Berk-286, MIB-229, Sear-326. Obv: D N IVSTIN - [I]ANVS PP A Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield. Rx: Large I between A/N/ N/O and XX / XVI; all within wreath. EF...............................................................500 Ravenna 329. FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Ravenna, c. 607-609 AD, Half Follis (20 Nummi), 3.19g. MIB-113, Berk-527, Sear-707, DO-135. Obv: D N FOCA - PERP [AVG] Crowned bust facing, with beard, draped and cuirassed, holding cross. Rx: Large XX with star between; in exergue, RAV. Ex Triton XIV, 4-5 January 2011, lot 1143; with printed auction ticket. Exceptional quality. EF................................................................... 1100 Ravenna 330. HERACLIUS, HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE, AND HERACLONAS; 610641 AD. Ravenna, Year 24=633/4 AD, Follis, 6.26g. Berk-622, MIB-254, DO-303, Sear-915. Obv: No legend, the three emperors standing facing, each holding a cross on globe; cross above head of Heraclonas. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and X/X/ I[I]/II, PTn monogram above, A below, RAV in exergue. Ex DNW, 5 October 2009, lot 6056; with printed auction ticket. Fine...............................................................500 Jerusalem 331. HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD. Jerusalem, Year 4=613/4 AD, Follis, 14.27g. Berk-580; MIB-pl. 14, X, 28; Sear-852B. Obv: [D n Һ]ЄRAC - L’ PP AV[G] Crowned facing bust of emperor, wearing consular robes and holding mappa and eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: Large M between [A/N]/N/O and II/II; [cross] above, IЄPOCO’ below. Ex Triton XV, 3-4 January 2012, lot 1591. This excessively rare coin is the only coin struck in Jerusalem at the time of Roman rule. While some of the areas of the coin are poorly struck, the portrait is excellent and most importantly the name Jerusalem is perfect. gVF.........................................................................................................................8250 Syracuse 332. CONSTANTINE IV; 668-685 AD. Syracuse, c. 681-5 AD, Follis, 5.97g. Berk742, MIB-107, Sear-1210. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing helmet and cuirass and holding spear and shield. Rx: Large M, TKW monogram above, S[CL] in exergue. Strong portrait. EF.........................................800 Sardinia 333. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Sardinia, Half Follis, 3.94g. Berk770, MIB-63, DO-39, Sear-1679. Obv: ...NUS PP V (S retrograde) Facing bust of emperor wearing chlamys and crown and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large K with crosses on l., r., and above; in exergue, PAX. Ex Gemini VII, 9 January 2011, lot 977; with printed auction ticket. Issues of Sardinia are excessively rare. This coin is of exceptional quality for the mint. EF.......................................................................3250 Syracuse 334. LEONTIUS; 695-698 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.24g. Berk-791, MIB-37, DO-18, Sear-1344. Obv: No legend, Emperor standing facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding akakia and cross on globe. Rx: Large m, ΛENT monogram above, [SCL] in exergue. Ex Triton XIV, 4-5 January 2011, lot 1166. EF........................................985 Syracuse 335. TIBERIUS III; 698-705 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 5.72g. Berk-80, Sear-1395, MIB79b, DO-32. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and cuirass, holding spear across body and shield, star in l. field. Rx: Large M between two palms; TBEP monogram above, SCL in exergue. Ex Gorny & Mosch 233, 6-7 October 2015, lot 2851. Exceptional for type. EF.....................................900 336. JUSTINIAN II; Second Reign, 705-711 AD. Constantinople, Year 20=705/6 AD, Follis, 6.75g. Berk-805, MIB-42b, Sear-1427. Obv: Legend mostly off flan, Facing bust of emperor with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross potent and cross on globe. Rx: Large M between [A/N/N/O] and [X/X], cross above, inverted R and Γ below, [CON] in exergue. Sear records only officinae A and B for this coin, not Γ as on our example . aEF..................................................................................900 337. PHILIPPICUS; 711-713 AD. Constantinople, Year 1-711/12 AD, Half Follis, 1.35g. Berk-820, MIB-22, DO-12, Sear-1456. Obv: Legend unreadable, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding [cross on globe] (off flan) and eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: Large K between A/N/N/O and [I]; cross above, officina letter Γ (?) below, [CON] in exergue (off flan). Most of the coins of Philippicus struck in bronze are horrible; this coin less so with a relatively sharp portrait and sharp loros. aVF.................................................................................................................900 338. ANASTASIUS II; 713-715 AD. Constantinople, Year 1=711/12 AD, Half Follis, 4.46g. Berk-824, MIB-28, DO-7/8, Sear-1469. Obv: D N AR[T]EMIUS ANAS[TASIUS MUL] Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia; cross in r. field. Rx: Large M
















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between A/N/N/[O] and [I]; cross above, officina letter Γ below, CON in exergue. Poorly struck.. VF.....................................................................................................850 ANONYMOUS CLASS A3; c. 1020-1028 AD, Follis, 10.58g. Sear-1818. Obv: Facing bust of Christ wearing halo with cross and holding Gospels with both hands; +EMMANOVHΛ around (mostly off flan), IC - XC across field. Rx: [+IhSUS] / XRISTUS / bASILEU / bASILE, rectangle with dots at corners below. aEF.........300 MICHAEL VIII; 1261-1282 AD. Thessalonica, c. 1258-1272 AD, AE Trachy, 1.98g. Lianta-601, PCPC-82.1. Obv: Half-length, facing figure of St. Demetrius. Rx: Emperor standing facing wearing stemma, between two large patriarchal crosses which he grasps with his hands, and with two stars in outer l. and outer r. fields respectively. Though not mentioned in the text, the two stars on the reverse are visible on the illustrated broken specimen. Obverse struck with worn die, as usual, but reverse unusually sharp and completely struck. Reverse is EF................................225 ANDRONICUS II; Sole Reign, 1282-1332 AD, AE Trachy, Thessalonica, 0.67g. Sear/Bendall-2490; Bendall, PCPC-261; LPC-240,11; Grierson-1471. Obv: Bust of St. Demetrius (?); B to left and right; Rx: Andronicus holding scepter, flanked by star and B on each side. VF............................................................................................150 ROMAN PROVINCIAL BRONZE DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Caesarea Maritima, Judaea, c. 92-3 AD, AE 18-20, 6.03g. RPC-2309 (11 spec.); Hendin-1460; Sofaer pl. 225, 22. Obv: IMP DOMIT - AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: VICTOR - AVG Trophy. Ex Superior, 15-18 November 1976, Mount Vernon Collection, lot 1959. Ex Superior, 17-22 June 1974, Dr. Charles Ruby Coll., Part 2, lot 503. With the original Superior envelopes from these two sales. VG / Good Fine........................................................................................................150 HADRIAN; 117-138 CE, Dora, Phoenicia, Year 180 = 117/8 CE, AE 23-25, 12.73g. Sofaer Coll.-34, p. 41, pl. 40 (same rev. die); RPC-3919 (24 spec.), pl. 173 (the same Sofaer coin). Obv: AYT ΚΑΙΣ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front, with fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ΔΩP IEP ACYΛ AYT NAYAP - ΠP Laureate, bearded head of Doros r.; in field below beard, aphlaston. aVF...........................................................................................................................350 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Germanicopolis, Cilicia, AE 20, 3.85g. SNG Levante-572 (same obv. die), Ziegler, Smaller German Collections-276 (same obv. die). Obv: AYTOKPATWP KAICAP AΔPIANOC CEB Head laureate r. Rx: AΔPIANH - [ΓEP] MANIKOΠO Athena standing l. holding patera over altar, resting l. hand on shield, spear leans against her l. arm. A rare city, striking only for Hadrian: just two such coins in SNG Levante, two in SNG Aulock, one each in BMC, SNG Paris, and SNG Leypold, none in SNG Copenhagen. Elegant portrait of Hadrian. VF.....................300 ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Berytus, Phoenicia, AE 27, 22.51g. BM-171; Sawaya, Issue 36, Series 95 (pp. 66-67, pl. 30-31). Obv: IMP CAES M AVR AN - TONINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: COL IVL AVG FEL BER Four-columned temple, within which Tyche standing facing, crowned by small Victory on column and flanked by two geniuses each holding up a torch; on pediment, group of Poseidon and Beroe between two Victories holding up wreaths; below, steps leading to temple; on either side of steps, a winged genius armed with trident riding on dolphin, and a vase with broad bowl. About EF.................................................700 GORDIAN III AND GREAT GOD; 238-244 AD, Odessus, Moesia Inferior, AE 26-28, 10.73g. AMNG-2329 (2 spec.), Varbanov-4495. Obv: AVT K MA in exergue, ANTΩNIOC ΓOPΔIANOC around, Vis-à-vis busts of emperor, laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front, and Great God, draped l., seen from front, wearing kalathos, with cornucopia behind and below his bust. Rx: OΔHC - CEITΩ around, N in exergue, Hades-Serapis, kalathos on head, seated l., extending r. hand above three-headed monster at feet, holding scepter in l. hand, value mark E in l. field. Cf. an obverse legend variant from the same reverse die, Varbanov-4496, his illustration mislabeled 4495. Lustrous olive patina. Near Mint State.........................................300 MACRINUS AND DIADUMENIAN; 217-218 AD, Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, Struck under the governor Pontianus, 5 Assaria, 12.73g. Megaw, Diadumenian, p. 82, 58a (same dies); not in AMNG, Varbanov, Hristova/Jekov 2006, or Pfeiffer with this obv. type. Obv: AV K OΠΠEΛ CEVH MAKPEINOC around, K M OΠΠEΛ ΑΝ / ΤΩΝΙΝΟC ΔI / AΔOVMEN in three lines in exergue, Vis-ávis heads of Macrinus, laureate, on r., and Diadumenian, bare-headed, on l. Rx: VΠ ΠONTIANOV MAPKIANOΠOΛIT around, ΩN in exergue, Zeus standing l., naked to waist, holding patera over lighted altar and scepter, mark of value E in r. field. EF. ..................................................................................................................................300 WORLD COINS ALBANIA, 1926, R, 5 FRANGA, MS63; Albania, 1926 R, 5 Franga, MS63, Amet Zogu, 1925-1939. Dav-1; Mont-42. Nicely toned with hints of blue on reverse. ..950 ARMENIA, AH639, TRAM, EF; Armenia, AH639 Tram, EF, Cilician Armenia. Hetoum I, 1226-1270. Tram. Silver, 24.4mm, 2.9g, Bilingual issue with the Seljuq ruler Kaykhusraw II, Sis mint, 1236-1245. Hetoum on horseback riding right, head facing, holding lis-tipped scepter and reins; cross to left/Three line Arabic inscription. ..............................................................................................................500 AUSTRIA, KLAGENFURT, 1518, TALER, NGC, EF, D; Austria, Klagenfurt, 1518 Taler, NGC. EF, D, Maximilian I. Sankt Veit mint, Dav-8007, Egg-33, Voglh-24. A scarce Taler with pretty patina and underlying luster. Slight scratch on obverse is noted on NGC grade but is it not very detracting. ................................................4250 BELGIUM, LOW COUNTRIES, 1561, PETARD, EF; Belgium, Low Countries, 1561 Petard, EF, Luik (Liege, Principality). Robert de Berghes. ROBERTVS A BERGIS EPS LEO, coat-of-arms, date above / DVX BVLL COMES LOSS, long cross. Silver, 2.1g, 26.4mm.Chestret 508, Dengis 919. Dark even toning. ............100 BOHEMIA, HABSBURG HOUSE, 1583, DUCAT, VF; Bohemia, Habsburg House, 1583 Ducat, VF, Rudolf II, 1576-1612. Ducat 1589, Prague. Mint master Lazar Erker, 1583-1594. 3.45g, 21.7mm. Dietiker-430; Halacka-295; Fr-12. Rare. Wavy flan. ............................................................................................................. 1100 BRAZIL, 1776, R, 6400 REIS, NGC, AU55; Brazil, 1776 R, 6400 Reis, NGC. AU55, Jose I, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM172.2. Lustrous with light rub to the high points. ...................................................................................................................1500 CANADA, 1948, 1 DOLLAR, PCGS, MS63; Canada, 1948 1 Dollar, PCGS. MS63, George VI. KM46. A key date in the series. Choice luster with hints of gold and magenta. .........................................................................................................2200 CANADA, 1948, 1 DOLLAR, PCGS, MS62; Canada, 1948 1 Dollar, PCGS. MS62, George VI. KM46. A key date in the series. Bright white. .......................1850 CHINA, WARRING STATES, CIRCA 400-220 B.C., YUAN JIN GOLD


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CUBE MONEY, EF; China, Circa 400-220 B.C. Yuan Jin Gold Cube Money, EF, State of Chu. “Yuan Jin” Gold Cube Money, Warring States Period. 7.03grams. History of Chinese Currency-pg. 7, #1; H-5.5. Inscribed “Chen Yuan”. Made in what is now Hubei province, it was cut from larger bars which allowed for the making of small denominations. Historically this is China’s first gold currency with a fixed shape and size. China had very little gold, and they kept minimal stockpiles of precious metals as rulers didn’t want to expose themselves to the possibility of a warrior/warlord being able to carry a great amount of wealth. Doing so would allow someone from outside the area to raise an army easily, as mercenaries easily identify gold and silver as a universal currency. This lack of precious metal significantly shaped society. They had substantial reserves of copper which was turned into cash coinage, but very rarely ever used gold and only in small quantities, making these pieces particularly rare. Ex Stacks 2015 HongKong lot 10145. .......................................................................6250 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1923, 1 DUCAT, UNC; Czechoslovakia, 1923 1 Ducat, UNC, Czechoslovakia First Republic (1918-1939). Fr-2, 3.49 g. Czech lion with Slovak shield, date below/ Duke Wenceslas half-length figure facing. Scratch on Obv. .........................................................................................................................950 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1924, 1 DUCAT, UNC; Czechoslovakia, 1924 1 Ducat, UNC, Czechoslovakia First Republic (1918-1939). Fr-2, 3.49 g. Czech lion with Slovak shield, date below/ Duke Wenceslas half-length figure facing. ..................950 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1925, 1 DUCAT, UNC; Czechoslovakia, 1925 1 Ducat, UNC, Czechoslovakia First Republic (1918-1939). Fr-2, 3.49 g. Czech lion with Slovak shield, date below/ Duke Wenceslas half-length figure facing. Light scratches obv. .........................................................................................................................900 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1926, 1 DUCAT, UNC; Czechoslovakia, 1926 1 Ducat, UNC, Czechoslovakia First Republic (1918-1939). Fr-2, 3.49 g. Czech lion with Slovak shield, date below/ Duke Wenceslas half-length figure facing. ..................900 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1927, 1 DUCAT, UNC; Czechoslovakia, 1927 1 Ducat, UNC, Czechoslovakia First Republic (1918-1939). Fr-2, 3.49 g. Czech lion with Slovak shield, date below/ Duke Wenceslas half-length figure facing. ................1200 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1928, 1 DUCAT, UNC; Czechoslovakia, 1928 1 Ducat, UNC, Czechoslovakia First Republic (1918-1939). Fr-2, 3.49 g. Czech lion with Slovak shield, date below/ Duke Wenceslas half-length figure facing. ................2000 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1929, 1 DUCAT, UNC; Czechoslovakia, 1929 1 Ducat, UNC, Czechoslovakia First Republic (1918-1939). Fr-2, 3.49 g. Low mintage 10,253. Czech lion with Slovak shield, date below/ Duke Wenceslas half-length figure facing. ...................................................................................................................3500 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDATION, 1968, MEDAL, PROOF; Czechoslovakia, 50th anniversary of the foundation, 1968 Medal, Proof, The 50th anniversary of the foundation of Czechoslovakia / The occupation of Czechoslovakia August 21, 1968. Silver 19.95 g, 35 mm. Jirí Harcuba designed this medal for 50th anniversary of the republic. He was finishing the medal in August 1968 and these circumstances had an influence on its design. On one side is a woman kneeling with a lime twig, as a symbol of the Czech state, she is being aimed at by five bayonets, which stand for five states that attacked Czechoslovakia, along with them a snake and also a date 21.8.1968. On the other side is a motto “Truth prevails” with presidential banner used from 1920 by Masaryk and later also by Dr. Beneš. The medal was probably made in Switzerland. A response to this protest medal was quick and Harcuba was imprisoned for whole four months for his courage. In tense times despite possible persecution from the State security (StB) three members of Czechoslovak philharmonics succeeded to bring three pieces into the country. Rare! ........................................................................................................1300 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, OTAKAR II, 1233-1278, 1978, MEDAL, UNC; Czechoslovakia, Otakar II, 1233-1278, 1978 Medal, UNC, Silver medal commemorating the Anniversary of Otakar II Death. 0.5729 oz. Otakar II left on Horseback / Czech Crown Jewels. Signed VA Kovanic. Stuck by Argor in Switzerland. Antique finish. ........................................................................................................300 DENMARK, 1711, C W, KRONE, NGC, EF40; Denmark, 1711 C W, Krone, NGC. EF40, Friedrich IV, 1699-1730. Dav. 1290. .................................................650 EGYPT, ROYAL WEDDING, 1938, 100 PIASTRES, NGC, MS64; Egypt, Royal Wedding, 1938 100 Piastres, NGC. MS64, Farouk, 1936-1952. 1938/AH1357, KM-372, struck at the British Royal Mint. ........................................................... 1150 FRANCE, NAVAL VICTORY, 1676, MEDAL, UNC; France, Naval victory, 1676 Medal, UNC, Louis XIV, Naval victory of Palermo over the Spanish-Dutch fleet, by Mauger and Roussel, 1676 Paris. Head of Louis XIV on the right, below signature J. MAVGER. F/An ancient galley, the stern of which is adorned with a globe with lilies, surmounted by a victory; in the foreground. Copper 41.3mm, 32.4g. Divo. 155. Reverse of Jerome Roussel. ............................................................................250 FRANCE, VICTOR HUGO ART NOUVEAU, 1902, MEDAL, UNC; France, Victor Hugo Art Nouveau, 1902 Medal, UNC, Fabulous bronze portrait medal of Victor Hugo by Jules Chaplain. 50mm. ..................................................................100 GERMAN STATES, 1697, MEDAL, AU; German States, 1697 Medal, AU, Johann Wilhelm, 1690-1716, Duke of Julich-Berg and Neuburg. Regarding the Peace of Rijswijk by Johann Linck. Peace kneels in front of the altar with burning weapons, dove under. Julius-467. Silver. 7.5g, 31mm. Nice patina Very nice. ......................200 GERMAN STATES, WALDECK, 1810, TALER, EF/AU; German States, Waldeck, 1810 Taler, EF/AU, Friedrich, 1763-1812. Convention Taler. 27.9g. Dav922; Kahnt 543; Thun 401. Rare. .........................................................................1600 GREECE, 1884, A, 20 DRACHMAI, PCGS, AU55; Greece, 1884 A, 20 Drachmai, PCGS. AU55, Greece Kingdom. George I, 1863-1913. Very pleasing luster. 0.1867oz. ......................................................................................................450 HUNGARY, KINGDOM OF HUNGARY, 1929, GOLDGULDEN, EF; Hungary, Kingdom of Hungary, 1929 Goldgulden, EF, Matthias I Corvinus, 14581490. 21.1mm, 3.3g. Nagybanya mint. Crowned Holy Virgin enthroned facing, cradling Holy Infant; in exergue, raven standing left, holding ring / St. Ladislaus I standing facing, holding ax and globus cruciger; across field, n and shield emblazoned with crossed ax and pick. Lengyel 50/1; Pohl K16-1; Huszár 682; Friedberg 22. 1000 INDIA, MOMBASA, 1888, H, RUPEE, MS61; India, Mombasa, 1888 H, Rupee, MS61........................................................................................................................375 ITALY, 1928, R, 20 LIRE, NGC, MS62; Italy, 1928 R, 20 Lire, MS62, 10th Anniversary - End of World War I. Vittorio Emanuele III. ....................................800 JAPAN, 1871, YEAR 4, 1 YEN, AU; Japan, 1871 Year 4, 1 Yen, AU, Mutsuhito
























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(Meiji). Fr-49, KM-Y-9. High Dot variety. issued for Emperor Mutsuhito, who ruled, 1867-1912. Strong golden color and an important 1 year type coin in Ministry of Finance packaging. .................................................................................................450 MEXICO, 1754, MOMM, 8 REALES, NGC, MS60; Mexico, 1754 MoMM, 8 Reales, NGC. MS60, Imperial Crown Left pillar Variety.. .....................................600 MEXICO, 1893, CN M, 20 PESO, PCGS, AU55; Mexico, 1893 Cn M, 20 Peso, PCGS. AU55, Culiacan mint. Mintage 4,516. KM414-2. F-122. Popular design. ....... ................................................................................................................................2500 NETHERLANDS, 1638, LION DAALDER, NGC, VF/EF; Netherlands, 1638 Lion Daalder, NGC. VF/EF, NGC Genuine Circulated holder. ................................70 NETHERLANDS, ZEELAND, 1776, DUCAT, NGC, AU50; Netherlands, Zeeland, 1776 Ducat, NGC. AU50, Silver Ducat. Dav-1848, KM52.4. Weak center strike. Dark toning. .................................................................................................250 POLAND, REPUBLIC, 1919-1938, 1925, 20 ZLOTY, NGC, MS64; Poland, Republic, 1919-1938, 1925 20 Zloty, NGC. MS64, . ..............................................700 POLAND, REPUBLIC, 1919-1938, 1925, 10 ZLOTYCH, NGC, MS65; Poland, Republic, 1919-1938, 1925 10 Zlotych, NGC. MS65, . ..........................................550 PORTUGAL, 1910, ESCUDO, PCGS, AU55; Portugal, 1910 Escudo, PCGS. AU55, Bright white. ............................................................................................... 110 RUSSIA, 1744, ROUBLE, NGC, EF; Russia, 1744 Rouble, NGC. EF, Elizabeth Rouble 1744 C??. Bitkin-256. Nicely toned and original. .....................................650 RUSSIA, CHERVONETS, 1976, 10 ROUBLE, NGC, MS66; Russia, Chervonets, 1976 10 Rouble, NGC. MS66, . ..........................................................700 ST. SETTLE., STRAIT SETTLEMENTS, 1920, 1 DOLLAR, NGC, PR62; St. Settle., Strait Settlements, 1920 1 Dollar, NGC. PR62, British Colony. George V Proof Restrike Dollar. KM33. .................................................................................300 SWEDEN, 1643, A G, 1 RIKSDALER, NGC, AU55; Sweden, 1643 A G, 1 Riksdaler, NGC. AU55, Christina, 1632-1654. Stockholm. Ahlstrom 15; Dav-4525. Fantastic color. ......................................................................................................1800 SWITZERLAND, 1926, B, 5 FRANCS, NGC, MS64; Switzerland, 1926 B, 5 Francs, NGC. MS64, Golden blue steel toning. .....................................................600 ANTIQUITIES EGYPTIAN EGYPTIAN BLUE GLAZED FAIENCE BABOON STATUETTE, Early Dynastic, ca. 2900 BC. Baboons were associated with the God Thoth as inventor of writing and scribe of the gods. This piece has a prominent head with drawn up legs as is shown in typical squatting position. Old collection number can be found on the base. It is quite rare to acquire an early dynastic piece of faience such as this. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 177, lot 398, Nov. 2011. H. 1 5/8” (4 cm).......................750 CEDAR COFFIN TEXTS PANEL WITH A SPELL FROM “THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD”, Middle Kingdom, Early 12th Dynasty (1991–1782 BC). These cedar panel fragments are the veneers of the inner coffin lining of Inhernakht, an early 12th dynasty, Egyptian general. The first register is in large yellow, blue and red hieroglyphic script, and with the smaller hieratic script in black of the spell below. Translation of large hieroglyphic script: “…that he (Inhernkht) might go on the holy path, that offerings might be made (for the revered one (Inhernkht) with the gods).” Translation of the small black hieroglyphic script: Spell Title Lost. Unknown version of spell. “ …my feet, my two wadj-staves, my was-scepter, and my cordage. If I should become angry and if I should say that I shall place… may any amongst you, (never) can I /produce … that (which) I shall give to you because I am (of) this city of Weres…I shall tjab … Re into turquoise, I am the …of the … houses (?).”

A Note on “The Egyptian Book of the Dead”

“The Egyptian Book of the Dead” is the name given to a large and variable compendium of several thousand religious spells or incantations in ancient Egyptian religion. These spells aid the deceased in the afterlife. The term “book of the dead” comes from the papyrus scrolls found in tomb regalia from the New Kingdom onward. But before that time early versions of the spells were generally written of on the inner and outer sides of wooden coffins (as in this present example) in the Middle Kingdom as “the coffin texts.” Still before that even earlier versions of the spells were generally carved on the stone walls as “the pyramid texts.” The compendium of incantations grew over time as different traditions merged in and out. New spells were added and various versions of the same spells exist side by side. There is no canonical list of spells and generally the mix of spells employed was tailored to the deceased.

For the most part the spells prepare and protect the deceased for both its arduous journeys and its daily upkeep in the afterlife. All the various integral elements of the human must be maintained and kept together – “the body and the soul.” The physical mummified home of the body in the necropolis must be protected from physical harm and the more ethereal and mobile “soul” must be protected from magical harm. While the gods interceded more often than this life, the Egyptian afterlife was still relatively untranscendent in orientation, when compared to how Buddhists or Christians might have imagined matters. It was more like an extension of this life in another dimension. The Egyptian answer to the problem of life was solved by not dying in the first place. So the body had to be kept intact and in good working order for both sustenance and pleasure, and bad magic or demonic spirits held at bay, and the alliances with the appropriate gods well maintained. The spells themselves are highly stereotyped with much formalized repetition of phrases that often renders their purpose and allusions opaque to the outsider. We have included a literal translation here.

In all, the spell here represents an actual and substantial page from “the Egyptian Book of the Dead” on a copy written to advance the immortality of the Middle Kingdom Egyptian General Inhernakht. Indeed each time we utter his name we further his cause. In some respect, the general is now 4000 years old and counting. Provenance: Acquired by a Chicago collector in the late 1950’s with some supporting notes supplied. Polychrome on Cedar Panel, about 17” by 9 1/2”. ...................................................................................................................2750 391. AMETHYST SCARAB, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2010-1793 BC. The scarab carved

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in beautiful violet amethyst. The underside flat and uncarved, as is typical for scarabs in semi-precious stone. L. 9/16” W. 3/8”..................................................................750 STEATITE SCARAB, 2nd Intermediate Period, ca. 1650-1550. The back carved with cross-hatched design, suggestive of a hedge-hog. The base is inscribed with various symbols distributed in a typical Hyksos design. Ex CNG Auction 93, 22 May 2013, “The David Hendin Collection of Scarabs,” lot 1996. L. 3/4” W. 1/2” (1.9 cm x 1.3 cm)..................................................................350 STEATITE SCARAB, New Kingdom, ca. 1550-1070 BC. Cartouche with throne name “Men Kheper Re” Thtthmose III (1483-1429 BC). Surrounded by vultures in royal stance. Surmounted by double disk with symbol for gold below. L. 9/16” W. 3/8” (1.4 cm x 1 cm).................................................................................................450 GREEN SCHIST HEART SCARAB WITH INSCRIPTION, 3rd Intermediate Period. 1069-664 BC. Heart scarab with eight lines of inscription with Spell 30B from the Book of the Dead, weighing of the Heart against the Feather of Maat. Translated: O my heart of my mother! O my heart of my mother! O my heart of my different forms! Do not stand up as a witness against me, do not be opposed to me in the tribunal, do not be hostile to me in the presence of the Keeper of the Balance, for you are my ka which was in my body, the protector who made my members hale. Go forth to the happy place whereto we speed, do not make my name stink to the Entourage who make men. Do not tell lies about me in the presence of the god. It is indeed well that you should hear! Ex CNG. Ex Carl Devries Collection. 55x38mm. ............8750 ALABASTER COSMETIC JAR, ca. 1000 BC. The jar with two small lug handles, the surface with slight wear and patina indicating use as a personal object. Ex Apolonia Ancient Art. Ex French Private Collection; S. Linde Collection, Berlin, Germany. H. 2 1/4” (5.7 cm)....................................................................................750 BRILLIANT BLUE FAIENCE USHABTI OF NESI-KHONSU, WIFE OF THE THEBAN HIGH PRIEST PINOUDJEM II, XXI Dynasty, 1045-945 BC. Standing mummiform figure holding two flails, wearing ceremonial wig. Painted black facial features and six registers of hieroglyphics dedicating the Ushabti to NesiKhonsu, wife of the Theban high priest Pinoudjem II. Also included are verses from chapter 6, Book of the Dead. According to the Certificate of Authenticity issued by Harmer Rooke the piece was discovered in the secret cache at Deir El Bahri. Two breaks, restored across the waist and knees. Ex Harmer Rooke Galleries, 31 July 1985, lot 140. H. 6 3/4” (17 cm).............................................................................8500 BRILLIANT BLUE FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. A bright faience ushabti with wonderful facial features and turquoise-blue surface. Depicted mummiform, wearing tripartite wig and false beard, arms folded across chest, hands holding a pick and hoe. Spectacular color. L. 4 3/4” (12 cm)......................................................................................................800 BLUE FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. Mummiform figure wearing tripartite wig and beard, his crossed arms holding implements for his service in the afterlife. Bright blue glaze with encrustation. H. 3 3/4” (9.5 cm).................450 FAIENCE USHABTI OF PSAMTEK, THE OVERSEER OF THE TREASURY, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664-525 BC. A fine example of a faience ushabti that stands tall with a crook and flail and seven lines of hieroglyphics down the front. Translation reads: ‘Oh ushabti figures! If one calls, or numbers, The Overseer of the Treasury, Psamtek, his good name is Aahmes, the true of voice, born of Bastet-jridis, to do any work that is to be done there in the netherworld, then let all obstacles be removed therein, as a man at his duties. Behold! You will say, if one numbers, at any time, to act therein, to cause the fields to grow, the channels to be filled, to row, to ferry the sand of the West to the East, Behold me - you will say!’ Mounted. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 123, 23 October 2001. H. 5” (12.7 cm)...2500 WOODEN PTAH-SOKAR, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 663-525 BC. Standing mummiform figure wearing wig and beard. The painted figure bears remnants of white slip and black overpaint. Mounted. Ex Harmer Rooke Galleries, NY, MB Auction XXV, 8 October 1986, lot 175. H. 12 1/2” (31.8 cm)...............................1450 WOOD AND POLYCHROME MUMMY MASK, New Kingdom-Late Period. An elongated coffin mask with polychrome over gesso. The dark brows and almondshaped eyes in stark contrast with the creamy white coloring of the face. The nose and mouth are softly defined. The headdress retaining some of it’s polychrome decoration. L. 10 1/4”, W. 4 1/2”, H. 12 1/4” with base (26 cm x 11.4 cm)...............................950 POLYCHROME WOODEN MASK, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664-525 BC. Polychrome gesso on wood. Remains of orange, red, and black pigments over the sculpted face. Ex Harmer Rooke Galleries, New York, Auction XXV, lot 179, 8 October 1986. H. 10” (25 cm).............................................................................................................1650 BRONZE CAT, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. Reclining bronze figure of a cat. Light green patina. Ex Alex G. Malloy, Inc., Auction 20, September 1984, lot 1189. L. 2 3/8” (6 cm)................................................................................................................800 TERRACOTTA TERRACOTTA RELIEF OF NEPTHYS, Ptolemaic Period, ca. 332-30 BC. Sister of Isis, and one of the the chief deities of the Egyptian pantheon. She, in mythology, aided Isis in embalming Osiris’ body. H. 2 1/2” W. 2” (6.4 cm x 5 cm)..... ..................................................................................................................................950 ROMAN EGYPT TERRACOTTA HEAD OF APIS BULL, ca. 300-100 BC. Terracotta Apis bull wearing an ostrich feather crown, a sun disk guarded by a uraeuscobra, and long cow horns. Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, New Jersey, Auction 17, lot 288, May 1986. H. 3” (7.6 cm) Mounted H. 4 1/2” (11.4 cm)............................................................................650 ROMAN EGYPT TERRACOTTA ISIS, Ptolemaic, ca. 3rd-2nd Century AD. She wears an elaborate Egyptian crown and floral garlands over her left shoulder. H. 3 5/8” (9 cm)................................................................................................................375 SYRIAN SYRO-HITTITE DOUBLE HEADED IDOL, Early 1st millennium BC. Ceramic figurine with columnar body and flared base, right hand raised against the chest and left hand forming a pierced ledge, billeted collars, two heads. H. 6 1/2” (16.5 cm).................................................................................................................1000 ROMAN TERRACOTTA SILENUS HEAD, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. The bearded old satyr with furrowed brow and a balding head wreathed in grape clusters. Satyrs are spirits of the wild erotic life in Greek and Roman religion and adoring attendants of the god Dionysus. Silenus was among the wisest of figures in Greek mythology and the tutor of the god Dionysus, whom he accompanied in his revels. Custom wooden base. L. 4 3/4” W. 2 3/4” (12 cm x 7 cm)......................................650






















409. MAGNA GRAECIA TERRACOTTA VOTIVE KORE, ca. 5th Century BC. Modeled in pale buff terracotta, her hands positioned at the waist. A fine example of small Archaic statuary. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 904. Ex HJB 107th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 522, March 1999. H. 7 3/8” (18.7 cm)...........................................................................1300 CERAMICS 410. ASIA MINOR ANATOLIAN YORTON BLACKWARE BEAKED JUG, Early Bronze Age II, ca. 2700 to 2400. An interesting tripod vessel with tapering shoulder and long beaked spout. Ring handle arching from neck to body. Small conical protrusions adorn the body, some of which are missing. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 115. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Anatolia. H. 10 1/4” (26 cm)......................................................................1400 411. ASIA MINOR ANATOLIAN YORTON BLACKWARE BEAKED JUG, Early Bronze Age II, ca. 2700 to 2400 BC. Spherical body and rounded base; the spout wide and beak-shaped; ring handle extending from the lowest point of the mouth to the gentle down-slope of the shoulder. Burnished black surfaces with some of the delicately incised lines still visible through the earthen encrustation. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 301. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Anatolia. H. 7 1/2” (19 cm)..........................................................................650 412. CORINTHIAN TERRACOTTA BLACK FIGURE EXALEIPTRON, ca. early 6th Century BC. The shoulder panels with three groups of repeated ibex and bird motif. Dia. 8 1/8” H. 2 1/2” (20.6 cm x 6.4 cm).............................................1850 413. ATTIC CUP SKYPHOS, HEAVY WALL TYPE, ca. early 4th Century BC. For similar; 621 in The Athenian Agora Volume XII. Moulded ring foot; thickened lip projecting outwards, offest inside. Reserved: underside with band, circles and dot, and groove above junction of wall and foot. Decoration inside: four palmettes around circle of enclosed ovules. H. 2 3/8” W. 6 3/4” (6 cm x 17 cm)..................................................................................................975 414. ATTIC BLACK-GLAZED GLAUX, ca. 480-450 BC. Rare black-glazed skyphos with a vertical and a horizontal handle just below the rim. The rounded body narrows down to rest on a torus ring foot. The resting surface of the foot is reserved as well as the underside which shows a circle with a central dot. Uncommon shape in plain black. Beazley has argued that the arrangement of the handles would suggest the beak and tail of an owl. Sparkes and Talcott prefer to denominate such black skyphoi as Type B, and reserve the term glaux for those decorated with an owl in red-figure. Close in shape and size to item no. 362 in: Brian A. Sparkes, Lucy Talcott. The Athenian Agora. Vol. 12. Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th and 4th Centuries BC. Princeton 1970. Reconstituted from fragments, fine condition. Old restoration. Provenance: Munchner Munzhandlung, Karl Kress KG, Munich (Germany), sale no. 188, 16./17. October 1984. Thence collection W.S., Singen (Germany), private collection Switzerland, and Ostracon Galerie, Switzerland, Ostracon COA providing the detailed description above. H. 3” W. 5 7/8” (7.6 cm x 15 cm)...........................750 415. ROMAN RED EARTHENWARE POTTERY JUG, Holy Land, ca. 1st Century AD. Red pottery jug with biconical squat body, strap handle reaching from neck to body, the disc ring base. Earthen encrustation. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 306. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. H. 5 1/2” (14 cm)..350 416. ROMAN POTTERY LAGNYOS, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Red slipped pouring flask with outturned rim, tall cylindrical neck and angular lentoid body with ring foot; sub-oval handle. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 305. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. H. 6” (15.2 cm)......250 417. ROMAN LARGE WINE STORAGE AMPHORA WITH SEA ENCRUSTATIONS, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Terracotta vessel used for storage and transport, characterized by its two vertical handles and slim neck. A pointed foot allowed for easier stacking when packed for transportation and also allowed for positioning in soft or sandy ground. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 502. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Turkey. Approximate H. 33” (83.8 cm)......................................................2750 OIL LAMPS 418. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH GLADIATORS, ca. 1st Century BC. Flat shoulder, marked with ovolos, separated from discus by a flat raised band marked off by two grooves and interrupted by a short wide channel between the discus and nozzle. Two gladiators in combat. Filling hole in the center, small air hole in the bottom center of the discus. Mold made lamp, with half of the handle missing. L. 4 1/4” W. 3 3/8” (10 cm x 8.6 cm). ........................................................................................................1400 419. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH EROS, ca. 1st Century AD. Winged Eros right facing with left leg bent at the knee. Voluted angular-tipped nozzle. Wear and encrustation to the surfaces. L. 3 5/8” W. 2 1/2” (9.2 cm x 6.3 cm). ..................................................................................................................................425 420. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH CAPTIVE, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. The discus with depiction of a captive, hands bound behind his back. Filling hole center left, small air hole at the base of the nozzle. Round voluted nozzle, tip with slight repair. L. 3 3/8” W. 2 3/8” (8.6 cm x 6 cm)......................................................................................1200

421. ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP IN THE SHAPE OF A NEGRO HEAD, Alexandria, ca. 3rd Century AD. Pottery lamp in the form of a negro’s head facing upwards in a mischievous manner, lips held in a slight grin, the eyes and ears prominent. Rounded voluted nozzle below the chin. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 891. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 4” W. 2” (10 cm x 5 cm).........................................................................................1450 422. ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st Century AD. With handwritten Christmas card by Albert Tobias Clay, who was an American professor, historian and Semitic linguist. He was professor of Assyriology and Babylonian Literature at Yale University and served as founding curator of the Yale Babylonian Collection., “This lamp was found at Palestine, and belongs to the first century of our era.” signed Dec. 1916. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 882. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 3 1/4” W. 2 1/4” (8.3 cm x 5.7 cm)....................400 423. ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN OIL LAMP WITH SEA MONSTER, JONAH CYCLE, ca. 300-450 AD. Ovoid shape with rounded sides, shoulder with three ridges, solid tongue handle. Round base with raised ridge. On the discus, a sea monster from the Jonah cycle. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 137, 31 March 2004. L. 5” (12.7 cm)...................................................................................................................650 424. ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN OIL LAMP, ca. 5th Century AD. With bird perched atop a krater. L. 5 1/2” (14 cm)...................................................................450 425. ANATOLIAN BRONZE BULL OIL LAMP, ca. 1st Century BC. The lamp in the form of a bull’s body, the filling hole and handle in the shape of a rear-facing bird with beak resting on the nozzle’s rim. L. 5 5/8” W. 2 3/8” (14.3 cm x 6 cm)................1500 426. ROMAN BRONZE OIL LAMP, ca. 2nd Century AD. Even dark patina, crescent ornamental handle. H. 2 1/2” L. 4 1/2” W. 2” (6.4 cm x 11.4 cm x 5 cm)...............750 427. ROMAN BRONZE OIL LAMP, ca. 2nd Century AD. Beautiful green patina, extended leaf handle with finger loop, small foot. L. 5 1/8” W. 1 7/8” (13 cm x 4.8 cm)............................................................................................................................975 428. ROMAN BRONZE OIL LAMP, ca. 2nd Century AD. Ring handle, concave discus, air vent between body and round tipped nozzle. L. 4 3/4” W. 2 3/4” (12 cm x 7 cm).........................................................................................................................500 429. LATE ROMAN, EARLY BYZANTINE BRONZE OIL LAMP, ca. 5th Century AD. Lamp with a horse head handle, filling-hole with hinged lid and six ringed chain. Olive and brown patina. H. 3 5/8” L. 5 3/4” W. 2 3/4” (9.2 cm x 14.6 cm x 7 cm)....... 1800 430. LATE ROMAN, EARLY BYZANTINE BRONZE OIL LAMP, ca. 500-800 AD. With a rounded body and elongated spout, the ring handle with a large ornamental cross rising from it. Hinged lid intact. H. 4 1/2” L. 6 1/2” W. 2 3/4” (11.4 cm x 16.5 cm x 7 cm)..............................................................................................................1450 431. PERSIAN SELJUK BRONZE OIL LAMP, ca. 12th Century AD. Bronze lidded lamp on pedestal base, the high handle and basin lid both with birds on top. H. 5 1/2” L. 6” W. 2 1/8” (14 cm x 15.2 cm x 5.4 cm)..........................................................1400 BRONZES 432. GREEK BRONZE SPECTACLE FIBULA, ca. 8th to 7th Century BC. A bronze four-spiral, or double spectacle, fibula with intact pin. Smooth green patina. H. 1 7/8” W. 1 ¾” (4.8 cm x 4.4 cm).......................................................................................650 433. THRACIAN BRONZE HORSE AND RIDER, ca. 4th to 3rd Century BC. This small votive shows a horse prancing with one fore leg up, head held high. There are inscribed lines on the horse’s neck. The rider is sitting a top the horse with his arms held out. The man is wearing a hat and tunic and his facial features are apparent. The horse, rider and stand were cast separately. Intact with olive green patina. Ex HJB 107th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 505, March 1999. H. 2 1/2” (6.4 cm)............................750 434. ROMAN BRONZE GOAT, ca. 2nd Century AD. The animal standing foursquare on an integral plinth, the head inclined slightly to the left, with prominent horns, thick beard and small ears. The curling fleece indicated with wavy linear grooves. L. 1 1/4” H. 1 1/2” (3 cm x 3.8 cm).........................................................................................750 435. ROMAN BRONZE LION HEAD, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Finial attachment in lion-head form. The fierce animal with gaping jaw exposing fangs, his snout wide and blunt, the eyes bulging and almond shaped. Tufted fur surrounding the neck. Custom base. H. 2” W. 1 3/8” (5 cm x 3.5 cm)....................................................................975 436. ROMAN BRONZE EAGLE, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Cast bronze eagle with wings folded, perched upon a rock. The eagle was the symbol of Rome and borne upon standards by the legions marching to battle. Ex Harmer Rooke Numismatics, Ltd., NY, Auction no. 23, lot E52, 1986. H. 4 1/2” (11.4 cm)................................1450 437. ROMAN BRONZE DOOR LOCK WITH IMPERIAL EAGLE, 1st-3rd Century AD. An interesting bronze door lock surmounted by Imperial eagle. Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, New Jersey, Auction 19, lot 434, September 1986. H. 3 1/4” (8.3 cm) Mounted 4 3/4” (12.1 cm)...............................................................500 438. ROMAN BRONZE FIGURE OF FORTUNA, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. A bronze figure of Fortuna, draped and holding a cornucopia. Ex Alex Malloy, Inc., New York, 1984. H. 3 1/4” (8.3 cm)........................................................................................1250 439. ROMAN BRONZE PROVIDENTIA WITH GLOBE, ca. 3rd Century AD. Small bronze statue of Providentia holding a globe. Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, New Jersy, Auction 8, list 30, lot 348, March 1985. H. 1 3/4” (4.4 cm) Mounted 3 1/4” (8.3 cm).....................................................................................................................400 440. ROMAN BRONZE LATCH TO BOX WITH FEMALE FORM (POSSIBLY VENUS), 2nd Century AD. Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, Auction 20, lot 368, October 1986. H. 3 1/8” (8 cm) Mounted 4 1/4” (10.8 cm)....................................450 441. ROMAN BRONZE MINERVA APPLIQUE, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Her hair pulled back under a high-crested helmet with volutes, a tendril at either side. She wears a necklace with oval pendant over her tunic. H. 3 1/8” (8 cm)....................1250 442. HELLENISTIC- ROMAN EGYPTIAN BRONZE HEAD OF HARPOCRATES, ca. 1st Century AD. L. 1 1/4” W. 1” (3.2 cm x 2.5 cm)........650 443. ROMAN BRONZE GROTESQUE HEAD, ca. 2nd Century AD. A grotesque head with bald skull and misshapen face. Creased forehead with the eyes askew under thick double brows, pointed chin, bulbous cheeks and an exaggerated nose atop a









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crooked scowl. Olive green patina with red mottling. Mounted. Ex 137th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 629, March 2004. H. 1 3/4” (4.4 cm)........................................................900 ROMAN BRONZE MALE HEAD, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. With broad straight nose, large deeply incised eyes, his short-cropped hair indicated with radiating lines from the crown. Custom wooden base. Ex East Coast Collection 1980’s. Mounted H. 3” (7.6 cm)......................................750 BYZANTINE BRONZE PROCESSIONAL CROSS, ca. 8th-10th Century AD. Each arm of the cross flaring and terminating in knobbed corners. The cross decorated with concentric circle and punched dot design. H. 2 7/8” W. 2 1/2” (7.4 cm x 6.4 cm) ..................................................................................................................................750 INTAGLIO ROMAN CARNELIAN INTAGLIO, EROS AND CAPRICORN, ca. 2nd Century AD. Winged Eros riding Capricorn. The sea-goat immortalized in the stars as the constellation Capricorn. Dia. 1/2”....................................................................2250 ROMAN SPHINX INTAGLIO, Roman Imperial, ca. 300 AD. Sphinx facing left. L. 1/2” W. 3/8”........................................................................................................1500 SCULPTURE GREEK MARBLE BUST OF APHRODITE, ca. 4th Century BC. Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, New Jersey, Auction 41, lot 292, May 1989. H. 3 1/4”(8.3 cm) Mounted 4 3/4” (12 cm).........................................................................................1500 ROMAN MARBLE TORSO OF SILENOS, ca. 1st Century AD. Silenos, the god of the woods, was a wise daemon and far less shameful than Dionysos’ younger companions, hence he is depicted with a himation knotted around the hip. Standing on the left leg, the right one loosely placing forward, the statue has not yet entirely lost the late classical canon, although the stiff upper part of the body reveals the early Hellenistic rhythm. The model of this copy might be from the latest decades of the 4th century BC, the copy dating to the 1st century AD. There is a late Hellenistic variant of the type, known by a statue in the National Museum of Athens (NM 257, cf. M. Bieber, Denkmäler zum Theaterwesen im Altertum (Berlin & Leipzig 1920), p. 98 f.) Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 169, 1 June 2010, lot 554. H. 14” (35.6 cm), Mounted H. 18 1/4” (48.9 cm). ..........................................................................12500 ROMAN MARBLE HAND OF HERMES WITH PURSE, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. This handsome marble piece depicts a human hand, broken at the wrist. The hand is seen holding a purse and/or moneybag, which is also an attribute of the Greek god Hermes/Roman god Mercury, as Hermes and Mercury were both a god of merchants that presided over trade. The surface with very light tan patina and small areas of encrustation. Ex: Private French collection. Ex: Private New York collection. Height with base is 5 1/4”. H. 2” W. 2 1/2” (5 cm x 6.4 cm)...............................................800 MISCELLANEOUS GREEK RARE STONE MASTOID WEIGHT, Pentelic, ca. 500 BC. From Athens or Corinth, sites where these weights in marble have been reported to be used. This eight mina example is of rectangular form with two hemispheric domes connected with a handle. These rare weights were used in major temples like the Parthenon in Athens to weigh gold offerings dedicated to Athena. See Lang, Weights & Measures. pp. 36-37, No. SW 6 on plate 11. See also Houben, 5000 Years of Weights, P. 13. Ex Malter Galleries November 2002, lot 3. Very rare and important for any weight collector. In 2002 Malter, an expert in the field, only noted seeing three of these types in his 40 years. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 196, 4 February 2016, lot 445. L.101. W. 190mm. H. 100mm. Weight is 3.5 kilos..............................................................................2150 ROMAN MARBLE BREAD STAMP, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Marble stamp with bakers mark incised. Bread was stamped for several reasons; to identify a loaf used for rituals or offerings as well as simple identification purposes. Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, Auction no. 15, February 1986, lot 337. L. 3 5/8” (9 cm)............................................................................................................................750 WEAPONS LURISTAN BRONZE SOCKETED SPEAR POINT, ca. 1200-800 BC. Ovate blade with socketed shaft. Beautiful smooth blue green patina. Mounted. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 198, 7 July 2016, lot 496. L. 7” (17.8 cm)....................350 LURISTAN BRONZE DAGGER, ca. 800 BC. Long tapered blade, 7/8” across at widest. Hollow incuse grip with curved sides. Pierced for attaching to wood or bone grip inlay. Smooth green and brown patina. Ex Ancient Arts, Buffalo, NY, February 1983, lot A27. L. 11 1/2” (29.2 cm). .....................................................................1000 ROMAN IRON LANCE, ca. 50 BC. Four sided, square blade with hollow socket tang. Iron implement in remarkably excellent condition. According the the 1985 Harmer Rooke certificate, the piece was found in Munda, South Spain near Cadiz, on the site where the battle between Julius Caesar and the sons of Pompei the Great (Cnaius and Sextus) occurred. Ex Harmer Rooke Galleries, New York, July 31, 1985 Sale, lot 154. L. 11 1/4” (28.6 cm)..........................................................................................................................1250 ROMAN IRON AXE, ca. 50 BC. With Certificate of Authenticity from Colosseum Coin Exchange, Inc., stating, “Rome, Iron axe excavated from the battlefield of Munda, Spain, where on March 17, 45 BC, Julius Caesar defeated Cnaeus and Sextus Pompey; one of the most savage battles of the Spanish War, Caesar later remarked ‘that this was the first time he had ever had to fight for his life.’” Ex Colosseum Coin Exchange, Inc., Auction #22, 20 January 1987, lot 460. L. 10 3/4” (27.3 cm)...................................................................................................................950 PRE-COLUMBIAN MAYAN TERRACOTTA BOWL, MERIDA, ca. 500-900 AD. Redware bowl with carved upper register. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 908. Ex David Konkle. Dia. 7 1/4” H. 4 1/4” (18.4 cm x 10.8 cm)................................................................................................1250 ASIAN ART CHINESE WESTERN HAN GLAZED DIPPER, ca. 100 BC. This beautiful small dipper has a deep bowl and small handle with beautiful pearly iridescence over nearly its entire body. Typical of the first part of the Han Dynasty or the Western Han Dynasty, the piece has a green glaze over red pottery. Scattered bits of earthen encrustation. Ex 158th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 585, March 2008. L. 3 7/8” (9.8 cm).. 475 GANDHARAN GREEN SCHIST HEAD OF A BODHISATTVA, ca. 2nd3rd Century AD. Expressively carved with alert, detailed eyes, an aquiline nose, a moustache and an adorned headdress. The alert gaze and strongly Hellenistic features date this piece from the early period of Gandharan schist carving in contrast to the




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more languid expressions of later Gandharan Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the end of the 2nd through the beginning of the 4th century. In addition, the piece is sculpted in a more rare green and more heavily micaceous schist in contrast the normal Gandharan grey schist. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 137th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 675, March 2004. H. 2 3/4” (7 cm) Mounted 5 3/4” (14.6 cm).....................................................................450 ASIAN GANDHARAN SCHIST BUST OF AN ASCETIC, ca. 2nd Century AD. Frieze fragment of a bearded man with long hair. His emaciated chest is bare and he wears a drapery knotted at his shoulder. This is a figure of a Hindu Ascetic who probably came from a frieze depicting a meeting of the Buddha and his three former Ascetic companions in enlightenment. Mounted on metal base. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 132nd Buy or Bid Sale, lot 913, May 2003. H. 5” (12.7 cm)...........................950 ASIAN GANDHARAN STUCCO HEAD OF THE BUDDHA, ca. 3rd to 4th Century AD. A nicely sculpted head of a Buddha rendered in the Greco-Buddhist style. Based on the riches of the silk trade and founded by the Armies of Alexander the Great, the artists of the Gandharan kingdoms attempted the first historical representations of the Buddha. Closely following Hellenistic models of the classical gods, Gandharan Buddhist art depicts the Buddha with a famously Caucasian, even Greek face, complete with muscular and deeply modeled features and aquiline noses. A superb example of the “Greek Buddha”. Mounted on a black wood base. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 134th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 740, October 2003. H. 4 3/4” (12 cm)....1250 GANDHARAN GREY SCHIST PANEL, ca. 2nd-3rd Century AD. A nice example of a Gandharan panel fragment modeled in grey micaceous schist. The piece has two main registers, the lower register depicting scenes from the life of the Buddha, with the upper register depicting an architectural panel from a stupa. The piece is a wonderful combination of Asian and Classical influences, mainly in the modeling of the figures and the Corinthian columns in the top register. Earthen encrustation. Mounted. H. 8 3/4” W. 5 7/8” (22.2 cm x 15 cm) H. 10 1/4” with mount.............1950 GANDHARAN SCHIST STELE FRAGMENT WITH HORSE, ca. 2nd Century AD. Triangular fragment from a larger panel depicting The Great Departure. W. 4 5/8” H. 4 1/4” (11.7 cm x 10.8 cm)..................................................................800 INDIAN BUFF SANDSTONE HEAD OF SHIVA, ca. 12th Century AD. A larger crowed head from a stele nicely sculpted in beautiful Medieval Indian style from North Central India, arguably from the greatest period of Indian art. Shiva, identified by the mark on his forehead, is the Hindu god of the destruction and creation of reality. Mounted. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 136th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 486, February 2004. H. 7 1/2” (19 cm)............................................................................................900 CHINESE BRONZE TAOIST DEITY XI WANG MU, ca. 17th Century AD. Originally a fierce tiger woman, Taoism transformed the creature into a being of legendary patience, and eventually into the goddess of immortality, immortality being an obsession in popular Taoism. Xi Wang Mu became known as the Queen Mother of the West, the Taoist Queen of female spirits, the power, or the Yin in the Yin Yang duality. Always represented in the dress of a Chinese queen or princess, the crowned and bejeweled figure sits holding the authoritative Hu scepter before her chest, her rich and flowing robes nearly covering her chair. Elaborately chased floral designs decorate her long sleeved robes. A superb example of the Ming/Qing stylistic transition of the 17th century. Dark green patination, corrosion to the chair foot, one damaged crown spire. Very rare as represented in Chinese bronze. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 137th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 678, March 2004. H. 10 1/2” (26.7 cm)...............2450 SOUTH INDIAN BRONZE STANDING VISHNU, ca. 17th to 18th Centuries. Vishnu is one of the two paramount gods in Hinduism. Unlike the other, Shiva, who seems more concerned with the beginnings and ends of creation, Vishnu addressed the middle times of mortals and periodically incarnates himself in human history - the most famous his incarnations is Krishna, the star of the Bhagavad Gita. This is an old period piece excellently cast and chased in late medieval style with honest but handsome devotional wear and an olive to green patina. The two secondary arms are lost. H. 5 1/8” (13 cm)..............................................................................................450 JAPANESE EDO GILT COPPER BUDDHIST KEMAN, ca. 18th to early 19th century. Found hanging before the images of the Buddhist figures and in the halls of Japanese Buddhist temples, the Keman is a delicately chased and stylized floral offering often with a dedicatory inscription, like this example. The present piece retains much of its original gilt surface and has openwork floral of cherry blossoms and a pine tree on each side of the knot within which is an inscription in Japanese. L. 12 3/4” W. 12 3/4” (32.4 cm x 32.4 cm).................................................................1250 JAPANESE MEIJI BRONZE BOX SCULPTURE OF DARUMA, ca. 1900 AD. Daruma is a beloved figure in both popular and Buddhist Japanese art. The bringer of Zen Buddhism to East Asian from India, Daruma (Bodhidarma in Sanskrit) has a grizzled face and bulging eyes as he stares out form his robes, with a fly whisk over his shoulder. So devoted to mediation was he that to prevent himself from confounding mediation with napping, one day he ripped his eyelids off tossing them to the ground from which the Buddhist’s green tea was said to sprout to aid in attentiveness. The present image is a lidded box and dates from the turn of the 20th century and is superbly chased and finished. H. 4 1/4” (10.8 cm)...........................300 CHINESE GILT QING SILK EMBROIDERED SCHOLAR’S RANK BADGE, Late 19th Century. The Rank Badge or Mandarin Square (buzi) is a beautifully embroidered emblem indicating status and position in the imperial Chinese court. Mandarin squares with birds on them belong to the class of scholars and civil servants. After having passed a rigorous system of examination in the Confucian classics, civil servants and scholars wore these bird emblems on the chest of their surcoats. Mandarin squares began in the Yuan Dynasty and gained prominence in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The present example is in superb condition with excellent color and denotes the quail, a scholar or civil servant of the 8th rank. It is delicately embroidered against the background of bats flying in the clouds with waves beneath. 10” x 11” (25.4 cm x 27.9 cm), Framed L. 16 1/4” x W. 12 1/4” (41.3 cm x 31 cm).... ..................................................................................................................................950













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