HJB's 219th Buy or Bid Sale

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”


The Closing Date is May 5, 2022

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”

Tel: (312) 609-0018

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Harlan J. Berk, Ancients • Aaron Berk, Ancients & Antiquities Curtis Clay, Roman • Phil Davis, Ancients • Justin Benton, Ancients • Jennifer Saban, Antiquities • Laura Wakeland, World Pablo Saban, IT Manager • Photos & Videos by Andrew Steiner & Julian Romano • Layout by Aaron Berk Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. has presented an innovation in antiquities and numismatics for some time now. The system is simple. When you want an antiquity or coin in the sale, just bid the estimated price by phone, fax, web site, email or post. We will send you the antiquity or coin immediately with no buyer’s fees and no waiting for the closing of the sale. Any and all antiquities or coins not sold before the closing date will be sent to the highest bidder after May 5, 2022. All items carry a lifetime guarantee of authenticity. EXAMPLE—You bid estimate on an item valued at $100.00 and if your bid is the 1st to reach us, you will receive the item immediately at $100. If on the other hand, you bid $75.00 on the same item and are still the high bidder at the end of the sale, the item will be mailed to you after the closing. There is a 2.5% fee for credit card use. If you are ever in the area, stop in to see us! Of course, it’s best to call first. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. reserves the right to refuse any bids.

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GOLD UNCERTAIN MINT IN IONIA; c. 600-550 BC, EL Hemihecte (1/12 Stater), 1.34g. Obv: Uncertain type. Rx: Incuse square. Ex CNG E400, 28 June 2017, lot 245. aEF... 600 KINGDOM OF LYDIA, ALYATTES; 605-561 BC (traditional), c. early 6th century BC, EL Trite, 4.74g. SNG Aulock-2869, Sear-3398. Obv: Lion’s head r., roaring, with radiate globule on forehead. Rx: Two square incuse punches, side by side. Small countermark on lion’s upper jaw. Well centered. VF................................................... 4750 Mint State LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC. Gold Stater, 8.08g. Berk-7. Obv: Forepart of roaring lion facing forepart of bull. Rx: Two rough incuse squares. This coin is from the rule of Croesus, but probably one of the last issues in that it has some influence of the Achaemenid types. Highly unusual to find this coin in mint state. Mint State................................ 27500 IONIA, ERYTHRAE; c. 550-500 BC, EL Hecte, 2.55g. SNG Aulock-1942, SNG Kayhan-737. Obv: Head of Herakles l. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Ex CNG E400, 28 June 2017, lot 209. aEF................................................................................................. 1000 MYSIA, CYZICUS; c. 550-450 BC, EL Hecte, 2.51g. von Fritze-112, Boston-1488. Obv: Young nude male kneeling l., holding tunny by tail. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 228. aEF............................................................. 1500 MYSIA, CYZICUS; c. 550-450 BC, EL Hekte, 1.31g. SNG Paris-187. Obv: Head of goat l.; tunny behind. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 223. Fine+.................................................................................................................. 600 IONIA, PHOCAEA; c. 478-387 BC, EL Hekte, 2.55g. Bodenstedt-80. Obv: Head of Herakles l. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Ex CNG E393, 15 March 2017, lot 141. Obverse high relief. gVF............................................................................................... 1500 LESBOS, MYTILENE; c. 454-427 BC, EL Hecte, 2.56g. Bodenstedt-49. Obv: Head of Persephone r. Rx: Head of lion r. within incuse square. Ex CNG E391, 15 February 2017, lot 237. Unusual reverse type. gVF............................................................................... 1150 LESBOS, MYTILENE; 521-478 BC, EL Hecte, 2.55g. Bodenstedt Em. 13. Obv: Lion’s head r., Rx: Incuse of calf’s head r. (misstruck). VF....................................................... 650 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II. 359-336 BC; Abydos, c. 323-320 BC, Stater, 8.53g. SNG Lloyd-90, Le Rider-. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Fast biga r., monogram below; ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ in exergue. Exquisite image of Apollo. Mint State................................... 8000 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II. 359-336 BC; Pella III A, c. 323/2-315 BC, Stater, 8.58g. Le Rider-559. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: ΦΙΛIΠΠΟΥ Fast biga r., thunderbolt below horses, Σ above. Struck with a slightly worn die, but with luster. Near Mint State... ....................................................................................................................................... 5500 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Amphipolis(?), c. 280-270 BC, Stater, 8.55g. Price-609. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Nike standing l., crescent and monogram in l. field, monograms below each wing. Mint State.......... 4850 THRACE, LYSIMACHUS,323-281 BC; Pella, 286/5-282/1, Stater, 8.67g. Thompson-241. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander III r. with horn of Ammon. Rx: Athena seated l. on throne, shield behind; monogram in field l., [ on throne, K below. Near Mint State............................................................................................................................... 8500 ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, LYDIA, SARDES; Darius I-Xerxes II, c. 485-420 BC, Daric, 8.31g. Sunrise-24; Carradice-Type IIIb, A/B. Obv: The Great King running r., holding spear pointing diagonally downwards and bow, quiver over shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. Ex CNG, E404, 23 August 2017, lot 295. EF................................................... 3200 LYDIA, SARDES; Achaemenid, Darius I-Xerxes II, c. 485-420 BC, Gold Daric, 8.34g. Sunrise-24, Carradice-Type IIIb. Obv: The Great King running r., holding spear pointing diagonally downwards and bow, quiver over shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. VF.......... 2250 ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; c. 350-320 BC, Gold Stater, 9.16g. Cf. Jenkins-Group IIIf, pl. 2, 34. Obv: Head of Tanit l. wearing wheat-ear wreath, triple-drop earring, and necklace with eight pendants. Rx: Horse standing r., two pellets visible before its front

hooves. Jenkins found only one coin in this group showing only two pellets before the horse’s front legs rather than a triangular group of three pellets. aEF.......................... 9850 17. ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; c. 350-310 BC, EL Stater, 7.33g. Sear-6464, cf. Jenkins-273. Obv: Head of Tanit l., wearing wreath of wheat ears, triple-pendant earring and necklace; pellet in field before the necklace. Rx: Horse standing r. on ground line, two joined pellets below. Graffito H in field above horse. VF............................................. 1875 18. JULIUS CAESAR; Rome, struck by A. Hirtius as praetor, 46 BC, Aureus, 8.03g. C-2 (50 Fr.), Cr-466/1, Imperators-56, Syd-1017, Calicó-37. Obv: C.CAESAR - COS.TER Veiled female head (Vesta?) r. Rx: A HIRTIVS PR Priestly implements: lituus, pitcher, ax. Probably struck for Caesar’s quadruple triumph in August 46 BC, when he distributed the sum of 5000 denarii to each of his soldiers plus 100 denarii a man to the populace of Rome. EF..................................................................................................................... 12500 19. BRUTUS CIVIL WARS; 50-40 BC, Stater, 8.33g. RPC I-1701. Obv: Procession to l. of three men in Roman togas, the first and last carrying an ax over shoulder (Brutus as consul and two lictors); in exergue, ΚΟΣΩΝ; in front, BR monogram. Rx: Eagle standing l. on scepter, holding wreath in one claw. The obverse type was apparently inspired by the famous Roman Republican denarius of Brutus. Mint State.......................................... 1700 20. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, c. 2 BC-4 AD, Aureus, 7.80g. BM-514, Paris-1648, C-42 (45 Fr.), RIC-206, Calicó-176. Obv: CAESAR [AVGVSTVS - D]IVI F PATER PATRIAE Head laureate r. Rx: [C L CAESARES] in exergue, [AVG]VSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVV[ENT] around, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing holding honorary shields and spears, simpulum and lituus above. aEF.................................................... 6000 21. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, 15-16 AD, Denarius, 7.53g. Paris-9, pl. I (same dies); Giard, Lyon-123 (only the Paris spec.); cf. C-45 (60 Fr.). Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: IMP VII in exergue, TR POT XVII above, Tiberius holding branch and eagle-tipped scepter in triumphal quadriga r.; two of the four horses turn their heads back. A rare variety of this type, with two of the horses looking back rather than forward. Only one specimen of such an aureus, from the same dies as ours, was known to Giard, and this variant was not recorded on either an aureus or a denarius by BMC or the revised RIC I. This reverse type commemorated the triumph celebrated by Tiberius in January 13 AD, late in the reign of Augustus, for successes over the Germans that he had won the year before. VF............................................................................. 4950 22. CALIGULA AND GERMANICUS; 37-41 AD, Lugdunum, 37-8 AD, Aureus, 7.57g. BM-18, Paris-27, C-1 (200 Fr.), RIC-17 (R2), Calicó-321. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT Laureate head of Caligula r. Rx: GERMANICVS CAES P C CAES AVG GERM Bare head of Germanicus r. It i s unusual to find an aureus that has obviously circulated, but has no marks anywhere. VF................................................................SOLD 23. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, Lugdunum, 46-7 AD, Aureus, 7.70g. BM-42, Paris-58, C-88 (45 Fr.), RIC-40 (R2), Calicó-379. Obv: TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P VI IMP XI Head laureate r. Rx: SPQR / OB / C S within oak wreath. gVF / EF.........................SOLD 24. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Aureus, 7.26g. BM-87, Paris-225, C-313 (40 Fr.), RIC-59, Calicó-443. Obv: NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: SALVS in exergue, Salus, draped, seated l. on high-backed throne, holding patera in r. hand, l. arm bent with hand before breast. aEF...............................................................................SOLD 25. GALBA; 68-69 AD, Rome, Aureus, 7.00g. BM-46, pl. 52.22 (same dies); Paris-96; C-327 (200 Fr.); RIC-216 (R3); Calicó-514. Obv: IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: VICTORIA - P - R Victory of the Roman People standing l. on globe, holding wreath and palm. Bold Fine.................................................................. 6850 26. OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Aureus, 7.16g. Calicó-532; BM-13 note, citing Valton Coll., 1912; bust var. of Paris-8, RIC-7 (R2), and C-21 corr. (250 Fr.). Obv: IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from side. Rx: SECVRI - TAS P R Securitas standing l. holding wreath and scepter. Rare with draped bust type, rather than the usual head only. Full obverse legend. VF.............................................................................SOLD

27. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Rome, Aureus, 7.33g. Cf. BMC-13 note, RIC-80 (R2), and Calicó-563. Obv: A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP IR P (sic) Head laureate r. Rx: LIB[ERTAS] - RESTITVTA Libertas standing r. holding cap and scepter. With engraver’s error IR P for TR P in obverse legend, forgetting to cross the T. Another specimen from the same dies, though its description does not point out the legend error: NAC 111, 24 September 2018, lot 163. Even without the error, this combination of obverse legend and reverse type is rare on aurei: not in the British Museum or Paris collections, nor in Cohen. aEF...............................................................................22500 28. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Lugdunum, 71 AD, Aureus, 7.22g. BM-385, RIC-1114 (C), Paris-294, C-548 (40 Fr.), Calicó-682. Obv: IMP - CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: TR - POT - COS - III Aequitas standing l. holding scales and transverse scepter. aEF.............................................................................................5250 Elephant Reverse 29. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80 AD, Aureus, 7.21g. BM-42, Paris-35, C-300 (45 Fr.), RIC-114 (R), Calico-775. Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P Female elephant walking l. The elephant in this type sometimes has a row of protuberances, perhaps representing teats, on its stomach between its front and its back legs, a feature that was apparently noted by Cohen, who differentiates between “elephants” and “female elephants” in his description of the type. VF.......................................................................................6250 30. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Aureus, 7.03g. BM-197, Paris-171, RIC-237, C-46 (40 Fr.), RIC-918 (C), Calicó-817. Obv: CAESAR AVG F - DOMITIANVS Head laureate r. Rx: COS - IIII across field, Cornucopia, tied round with ribbons which hang down on both sides. aEF..................................................5150 Powerful Portrait 31. NERVA; 96-98 AD, Rome, 96 AD, Aureus, 7.39g. BM-4, Paris-3, C-15 (80 Fr.), RIC2, Calicó-954. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG - P M TR P COS II P P Head laureate r. Rx: CONCORDIA - EXERCITVVM . Clasped hands. Ex Roma 9, 22 March 2015, lot 647. Superb portrait, perfectly centered. Mint State..............................................18500 32. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 101-2 AD, Aureus, 7.48g. Woytek-99c (80 spec.), BM81, RIC-50, C-232 (40 Fr.), Calicó-1053. Obv: IMP CAES NERVA TRA - IAN AVG GERM Bust laureate r., aegis with Medusa head on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: P M TR P - COS IIII P P Statue of Hercules standing facing on base, with lionskin over head and falling from l. arm, holding club downwards in r. hand. Near Mint State.5250 ADVENTVI AFRICAE 33. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 130-3 AD, Aureus, 7.26g. RIC-1554 (R), pl. 34 (same dies); Calicó-1170 (same dies); BMC-786 note (citing Vienna); bust var. of C-8 (150 Fr.). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Bare-headed, draped bust l. Rx: ADVENTVI - AVG - AFRICAE Hadrian raising r. hand in greeting stands r. before tripod altar at which Africa sacrifices from patera, she wears drapery to feet and an elephant-skin headdress and also holds two wheat stalks in l. arm, a sacrificial bull emerges from behind her and falls towards altar. Obverse is a beautiful left-facing high relief, while reverse is a highly unusual exquisite type. Mint State.......................20000 34. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 149-50 AD, Aureus, 7.19g. BM-651, Calicó-1505b (same dies), C-235 (40 Fr.), RIC-177f. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS P P TR P XII Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side and back. Rx: COS - IIII Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Ex CNG E342, 14 January 2015, lot 570. EF.............................................................................................................................3850 35. ANTONINUS PIUS AND MARCUS AURELIUS; Rome, 140-4 AD, Aureus, 7.01g. BM-154, pl, 4.17 (same dies); RIC-417e; Calicó-1728 (same dies); C-25 (60 Fr.). Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PI - VS P P TR P COS III Laureate head of Antoninus r. Rx: AVRELIVS CAE.SAR AVG PII F COS Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust l. of Marcus. Ex CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 636 . gVF..................................................7250 Exquisite Portrait 36. MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, 140-4 AD, Aureus, 6.78g. BM-268 note, RIC-423b, Calicó-1875 (same obv. die), C-386 (50 Fr.). Obv: AVRELIVS CAE - SAR AVG PII F COS Head bare l. Rx: IVVEN - TAS Goddess of Youth standing l. dropping incense on candelabrum altar and holding patera. Ex CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 651. Wonderful portrait of the youthful future emperor. Struck in high relief. Mint State.............................................................................................13750 37. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 162 AD, Aureus, 6.78g. BM-198, pl. 57.1 (same obv. die); RIC-54; Calicó-1909; C-553 (40 Fr.). Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: SALVTI AVGVSTOR TR P XVI around, COS III in exergue, Salus standing l., extending patera to snake rising from altar and holding scepter. Ex CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 654. Mint State..............7950 FDC 38. LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 165 AD, Aureus, 7.28g. BM-383, RIC-534, Calicó-2179, cf. C-67 (45 Fr.). Obv: L VERVS AVG - ARMENIACVS Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: TR P V IMP II COS II Victory standing l., head r., holding stylus and placing shield inscribed VIC / AVG on palm tree beside her. FDC......14500 FDC 39. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 192 AD, Aureus, 6.87g. BM-327 note, RIC237a(d), C-567 (130 Fr.), Calicó-2309. Obv: L AEL AVREL CO - MM AVG P FEL Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P XV - II IMP V - III - COS VII P P Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Ex CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 664. FDC.15000 40. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Constantinople, c. 335-6 AD, Solidus, 4.38g. RIC90 (11 spec.); Depeyrot-p. 117, 5/1 (25 spec.); C-98 (100 Fr.). Obv: CONSTANTI NVS MAX AVG Bust draped, cuirassed r., seen from front, wearing diadem of rosettes alternating with pairs of laurel leaves or pellets. Rx: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm, CONS in exergue. Mint State....................8500 Emperor Viewing Heavens 41. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Nicomedia, c. 324-5 AD, Solidus, 4.34g. RIC-70 (10 spec.), Depeyrot-p. 127, 34/1 (27 spec.), C-102 (100 Fr.). Obv: Head of Constantine r. looking upwards, wearing plain diadem; without legend. Rx: CONSTANTINVS AVG Victory seated l. above shield, holding small Victory and cornucopia; SMN in exergue. This is an highly desirable portrait type of the emperor. Mint State...... SOLD Ex NFA XII, FDC 42. MAGNUS MAXIMUS; 383-388 AD, Trier, 383-4 AD, Solidus, 4.40g. RIC-76, mintmark 2; C-4 var. (50 Fr.); Depeyrot-50/1 (p. 123, 125 spec.). Obv: D N MAG MA - XIMVS P F AVG Rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: RESTITVTOR - REIPVBLICAE Emperor in military dress standing l., head r., holding labarum and Victory on globe, SMTR in exergue, star in l. field. Ex NFA XII, 23 March 1983, lot 472, there graded “Fleur de coin” (FDC). FDC......................12500 43. THEODOSIUS I; 379-395 AD, Constantinople, 383-8 AD, Solidus, 4.41g. RIC-68b (S), mintmark 3, officina Δ=4; Depeyrot-45/1, p. 242, citing 11 spec. from officina Δ. Obv: D N THEODO - SIVS P F AVG Rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDI - A AVGGG Δ Helmeted Constantinopolis seated front,


















head r., holding scepter and shield inscribed VOT / V / MVL / X, r. leg bare and placed on prow beside her, her throne ornamented with two lions’ heads, CONOB in exergue. Mint State.................................................................................................................1950 THEODOSIUS I; 379-395 AD, Constantinople, 388-92 AD, Solidus, 4.35g. RIC71a, C-11 (20 Fr.), Depeyrot-p. 243, 47/1, officina A=1 (9 spec.). Obv: D N THEODO - SIVS P F AVG Rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDI - A AVGGG A Constantinople seated front, head r., r. foot on prow, holding scepter and shield inscribed VOT / X / MVLT / XV, CONOB in exergue. Mint State..........................................................................................................................2750 LEO I; 457-474 AD, Constantinople, c. 457-73 AD, Solidus, 4.45g. Berk-13; RIC-605 (S), officina S=6; Sear-21404. Obv: D N LEO PE - RP - ET AVC Helmeted, pearldiademed bust facing, holding spear over r. shoulder. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC S Victory standing l., holding long jeweled cross; star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Ex Berk 181, 7 November 2012, lot 33 (wrongly described). Mint State.....................1200 THEODOSIUS II; 402-450 AD, Constantinople, c. 430-440 AD, Solidus, 4.44g. RIC-257 (S), officina H=8; Depeyrot-81/1 (p. 254, 85 spec. from officina H). Obv: D N THEODO - SIVS P F AVG Bust cuirassed, helmeted facing front, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with emperor riding down enemy. Rx: VOTIS XXX MVLT XXXX H Constantinopolis seated l., l. foot on prow, shield below l. elbow, holding cross on globe and scepter; CONOB in exergue, star in r. field. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 808. Near Mint State...............................................................1200 JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Constantinople, Tremissis, 1.47g. Berk-40, Sear-58, MIB-5. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS PP AVI Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and cross on globe; star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Lustrous. EF......................350 JUSTIN II; 565-578 AD. Alexandria, Solidus, 4.38g. Berk-63 var., MIB-13, Sear347. Obv: D N I - VSTI - NVS PP AVI Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe surmounted by Victory and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC I (officina 10) Constantinopolis seated facing, head r., holding spear and cross on globe; cross in l. field; CONOB in exergue. .......................................................................................1450 23 Siliquae MAURICE; 582-602 AD. Constantinople, c. 583/4-602 AD, Light Solidus (23 Siliquae), 4.28g. Berk-85, MIB-11, Sear-481. Obv: d N mAVRC - [TI]b PP AVC Facing bust, wearing plumed helmet and holding cross on globe in r. hand; star in r. field. Rx: VICTORI - [A A]VGG Δ (officina 4) Angel standing facing, holding long staff topped by crossbar and P; CONOB in exergue, star in r. field. Mint State........750 MAURICE; 582-602 AD. Constantinople, c. 583/4-602 AD, Solidus, 4.44g. MIB-6, Berk-82, Sear-478. Obv: D N mAVRC - TIb PP AV Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCC Δ (officina 4) Victory standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by P and crosspiece in r. hand and cross on globe in l. hand; CONOB in exergue. Mint State.................650 FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.39g. Berk-99, Sear618, MIB-7. Obv: d N FOCAS - PERP AV Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGU E (officina 5) Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in exergue, CONOB. Mint State................................................875 FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.42g. Cf. Berk-99, Sear-618, and MIB-7. Obv: d N FOCAS - PERP AVI Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU E (officina 5), followed by uncertain character, Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in exergue, CoNoB. Mint State............................................................................................................................850 FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.48g. Berk-99, Sear618, MIB-7. Obv: O N FOCAS - PERP AVG Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORI - [A AV]GG Θ (officina 9) Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in exergue, CONOB. Mint State................................................800 FDC FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.46g. Berk-99, Sear618, MIB-7. Obv: d N FOCAS - PERP AVI Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU I (officina 10) Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in exergue, CONOB. FDC................................................................875 HERACLIUS; Constantinople, c. 629-632 AD, Solidus, 4.26g. Sear-743, MIB-21. Obv: dd NN hERACLIUS ET hERA CONST PP AVG Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, each wearing chlamys and crown, the first with short beard, the second with large head but beardless; above, cross. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU Γ Cross potent on three steps, CONOB beneath. aEF.............................................................485 HERACLIUS, HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE, AND HERACLONAS; 610-641 AD. Constantinople, 635-6 AD, Solidus, 4.46g. MIB-40, Sear-759. Obv: Heraclius (in center), bearded and crowned; Heraclius Constantine (on r.), crowned; and Heraclonas (on l.), with cross above head, standing facing beside one another and each holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU H Cross potent on three steps, CONOB beneath, monogram and Θ (officina 9) in field. Ex CNG 436, 23 January 2019, lot 738 Ex Stack’s, 12 January 2009, Golden Horn Coll., lot 2351 Mint State...................................................................................................................750 HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD. Constantinople, c. 636/7 AD, Solidus, 4.47g. MIB-44; Sear-763, officina Θ=9. Obv: Heraclius, bearded, standing front between unbearded Heraclius Constantine (on r.) and Heraclonas (on l.), all wearing crowns and holding crosses on globes. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU Θ Cross potent on three steps, between monogram on l. and I on r.; CONOB in exergue. EF.................................................500 First Portrait of Christ JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 ΑD. Constantinople, c. 692-5 AD, Solidus, 4.24g. Berk-186, S-1248, MIB-8. Obv: IhS CRISTOS REX - REGNANTIUM Facing bust of Christ with cross behind head, raising r. hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in l. Rx: D IUSTINI - ANU - S SERU ChRIS[TI] Θ (officina 9) Justinian standing facing, holding cross potent set on two steps and akakia, CONOΓ in exergue. First portrait of Christ on a coin. EF........................................................................3250 TIBERIUS III; 698-705 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.34g. Berk-193, Sear-1360, MIB-1. Obv: D TIbERI - US PE - AV Bust facing, with short beard, wearing crown and cuirass, and holding spear diagonally across body and shield. Rx: VICTORIA - AVSU A (officina 1) Cross potent on three steps, CONOB beneath. Some areas of legend flatly struck. Mint State.....................................................................................................1675 Second Portrait of Christ JUSTINIAN II; Second Reign, 705-711 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.30g. Berk200, MIB-1, DO-1, Sear-1413. Obv: d N IhS ChS REX - REGNANTIUM Bust of















Christ facing, with cross behind head; He has curly hair and a close beard, and raises r. hand in benediction, while holding book of Gospels in l. Rx: D N IUS - TINIA [NUS MULTUS AN’] Bust of Justinian facing with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross potent on three steps in r. hand and patriarchal cross on globe inscribed PAX in l. hand. With old handwritten British dealer’s ticket, priced £35, on back collector’s note, “For New Year & St. Basil” Some flat striking on Emperor’s forehead. Mint State.................................................................................................6000 Second Portrait of Christ JUSTINIAN II, SECOND REIGN; Constantinople, Solidus, 4.29g. Berk-201, MIB-2b, DO-2b. 705-711 AD. Obv: D N IhS C[hS REX REGN]ANTIUM (“Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings”) Bust of Christ facing, cross behind head, raising r. hand in benediction and holding Gospels in l. Rx: D N IUSTINIA - NUS - ET TIbERIUS PP [A’] Half-length frontal figures of the emperor and his son Tiberius, the latter virtually as large as his father, each wearing crown and together holding cross potent on two steps between them. Exceptionally well struck. Mint State.....................................7950 CONSTANTINE V; 741-775 AD. Constantinople, c. 741-51 AD, Solidus, 4.40g. Berk-225, Sear-1550. Obv: G N CO - N - StANtINUC Crowned frontal bust of Constantine V with short beard, holding cross potent and akakia. Rx: G - LEO - N P A MULt Crowned frontal bust of Leo III (the emperor’s deceased father) with short beard, holding cross potent and akakia. Mint State..................................................1850 CONSTANTINE V WITH LEO IV AND LEO III; 741-775 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.40g. Berk-227, Sear-1551, Füeg-7.A.5. Obv: COnSTAnTInOS S LEOn O nEOS Crowned frontal busts of Constantine V with short beard (on l.) and his son Leo IV, beardless (on r.); cross in field above. Rx: G - LE - ON P A MUL B Crowned frontal bust of Leo III (the emperor’s deceased father) with short beard, holding cross potent in r. hand. Ex CNG E394, 29 March 2017, lot 543. Mint State............................... 1100 CONSTANTINE V WITH LEO IV AND LEO III; 741-757 ΑD. Constantinople, c. 751-7 AD, Solidus, 4.26g. Berk-228, Sear-1551. Obv: COnStAntInOS S LEOn O nEOS Crowned frontal busts of Constantine V with short beard (on l.) and his son Leo IV, beardless (on r.); cross in field above. Rx: G - LE - ON P A MU Θ Crowned frontal bust of Leo III (the emperor’s deceased father) with short beard, holding cross potent in r. hand. Mint State................................................................................................1850 LEO IV WITH CONSTANTINE VI, LEON III, AND CONSTANTINE V; 775-80 AD. Constantinople, c. 778-80 AD, Solidus, 4.39g. Berk-233, DO-2, S-1584. Obv: [LEOn VS S EGGOn COnStAntI]NOS O nEO[S] Leo IV on l. and Constantine VI on r. seated facing on double throne, each wearing crown and chlamys; between their heads, cross. Rx: LEOn PAP’ COnS[tANt’ PAt]HR Facing busts of Leo III on l. and Constantine V on r., both with short beards, each wearing crown and loros; between their heads, pellet; in field above, cross. Mint State..................................1800 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE WITH LEO III-IV AND CONSTANTINE V; Constantinople, c. 790-92 AD, Solidus, 4.40g. Sear-1593, DO-1. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine VI and Irene, both crowned, each holding cross on globe, Irene also holding cruciform scepter; between their heads cross and centering pellet. Rx: Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. Flatly struck on face of emperor to left, not unusual for this highly detailed type. Mint State.. ..................................................................................................................................3500 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE WITH LEO III-IV AND CONSTANTINE V; 780-797 AD. Constantinople, c. 790-92 AD, Solidus, 4.38g. Sear-1593, DO-1. Obv: S IRInI AVΓ’ mI[tHR] Facing busts of Constantine VI and Irene, both crowned, each holding cross on globe, Irene also holding cruciform scepter; between their heads cross and centering pellet. Rx: CONS - tINOS (sic, tAN omitted) C’b’b’ Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. Three letters omitted from Constantine’s name on reverse. Face of emperor on reverse to right flatly struck. Mint State.................................................................................................................3500 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; Constantinople, c. 792-7 AD, Solidus, 4.47g. Berk-235, DO-3, S-1594. Obv: IR[InH] - AΓOVStI Bust of Irene facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe and cruciform scepter. Rx: COnSTAntInOS bAS’Θ Bust of Constantine VI facing, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia. Mint State.........................................................6850 IRENE; 797-802 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-236, Sear-1599. Obv: EIRInH - bASILISSH Bust of Irene facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe and cruciform scepter. Rx: EIRIn[H] - bASILISSH X Bust of Irene as on obverse, but with pellet to l. of cross on globe. Mint State.................................7750 NICEPHORUS I, AND STAURACIUS; Constantinople, 803-811 AD, Solidus, 4.43g. Berk-238, Sear-1604. Obv: nICI - FOROS bASIL E’ Bust of Nicephorus facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross potent and akakia. Rx: STAVRA - CIS dESPO’X Similar facing bust of Stauracius, but beardless and holding cross on globe and akakia. Mint State......................................................................2250 NICEPHORUS I AND STAURACIUS; 802-811. Constantinople, 803-811 AD, Solidus, 4.37g. Berk-238, Sear-1604. Obv: nICI - FOROS bASIL E’ Bust of Nicephorus facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross potent and akakia. Rx: STAVRA - CIS dESPO’Θ Similar facing bust of Stauracius, but beardless and holding cross on globe and akakia. Mint State..................................2250 ROMANUS II; 959-963 AD, Constantinople, Sole Reign, 959 AD. Solidus, 4.40g. Obv: +IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUm Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus decorated with cross (with three pellets in the two horizontal limbs of cross, but only two pellets in the vertical limb), and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand, book of Gospels. Rx: CONSTANT CE ROMAN’ Aυςς b R Facing busts of Constantine VII, with short beard (on l.) and Romanus II beardless (on r.), both crowned and holding between them long patriarchal cross; Constantine is wearing a loros while his son wears a chlamys. The repunched legend of this issue shows that it must have been produced at the beginning of the reign of Romanus II. The Christ portrait on the obverse is almost certainly by the same engraver who produced the excessively rare portraits of Romanus II alone. This gives collectors a first-time opportunity to acquire an issue of Romanus II which was heretofore not obtainble. F. Fueg, “Dealing with Chance and Probability in Numismatic Research,” Revue Suisse de Num. 76, 1997, Anhang IV, B4. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 849 (Kallman Coll.) Ex CNG E189, 11 June 2008, lot 235 Mint State.................................................................................................................2000 CONSTANTINE X; 1059-1067 AD. Constantinople, Stamenon Nomisma, 4.31g. Berk-316, Sear-1847. Obv: +IhS XIC REX - REGNANTInm Christ seated facing on throne with upright arms, around his head halo with cross, raising r. hand before chest in benediction and holding Gospels in l. Rx: +KWN RAC Λ - O ΔOVKAC Emperor standing facing wearing crown and loros, holding labarum and cross on globe. Mint State............................................................................................................................675 Exquisite Christ MICHAEL VII; Constantinople, EL Histamenon Nomisma, 4.32g. Berk-328, Sear-






80. 81.

82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87.







1868. Obv: IC - XC across field, Facing bust of Christ wearing halo decorated with cross ends, raising r. hand in benediction and holding gospels in l.; double dotted border. Rx: +MIX - AHΛ - ΡΑCΙΑ Ο Δ Half-length, frontal figure of emperor, wearing crown and holding labarum and cross on globe; double dotted border. Ex CNG E391, 15 February 2017, lot 626. It is highly unusual for the portrait of Christ on the obverse of these issues to be so well struck with such a fresh die. FDC.................................850 JOHN II; 1118-1143 AD. Thessalonica, c. 1122-1137 AD, Hyperpyron, 4.08g. Sear1948, DO-5. Obv: Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing. Rx: Emperor standing facing, holding labarum and akakia, being crowned by the Virgin who stands beside him. Ex Berk 200, 18 January 2017, lot 30. EF.......................................................................600 ALEXIUS III; 1195-1203 AD. Constantinople, EL Aspron Trachy, 4.31g. Sear-2009. Obv: Christ enthroned facing, nimbate, raising r. hand and holding Gospels in l.; IC - XC to l. and r. of his head. Rx: Alexius and St. Constantine standing side by side, holding cruciform scepter between them. Mint State.................................................850 GREEK SILVER CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Stater, 7.78g. Vlasto-673, HN Italy-960. Obv: Youth on horseback r. crowning horse; ΣA behind, ΦIΛI/APXOΣ in two lines below. Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras astride dolphin l., holding bunch of grapes, AΓA below. Ex Berk 89, 14 February 1996, lot 80. aEF....................................................400 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; Stater, 6.52g. Vlasto-734. Obv: Naked boy on horse walking l. which is crowned by standing male figure; ΓΥ to r., beneath horse, ΑΡΙΣΤΙ-Π, in three lines; ΤΑΡΑΣ in front to l., Taras on dolphin r. with bow; beneath to l. ΔΙ and elephant. aEF................................................................................................1450 LUCANIA, THOURIOI; c. 350-300 BC, Distater, 14.25g. Noe-Group K, 2, HN Italy-1839, SNG Lloyd-489. Obv: Head of Athena r., wearing crested helmet decorated on its bowl with Skylla throwing a stone; ΣI behind. Rx: Bull butting r.; ΘOYPIΩ[N], NI above; in exergue, coiled serpent r. Ex Triton XXV, lot 32. Ex Kirk Davis FPL 65 (Spring 2015), no. 5. VF...........................................................................................3000 LUCANIA, VELIA; 365-350/340 BC, Stater, 7.63g. Williams-295. Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Lion walking r., Φ above. Ex F&S 2, 31 January 1996, lot 336. gVF.600 Exceptional Quality BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 515-510 BC, Nomos, 7.88g. SNG ANS-245. Obv: Tripod, two scrolls hang from bowl; in bowl, two serpents; below, two serpents; to r., crab; Rx: Tripod incuse, traces of inscription to l., crab to r. Ex Berk 155, 31 July 2007, lot 58. For a type with so much going on, it is highly unusual to get a coin as well struck as this. Mint State.....................................................................................................3000 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 500-480 BC, Stater, 8.98g. HN Italy-2095. Obv: Tripod. Rx: Incuse eagle flying r. Ex Kirk Davis Fall 1998, lot 14. Fine / EF.....................1000 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 300-250 BC, 1/3 Stater, 3.12g. SNG ANS-421, SNG Cop-1309. Obv: Male head r. Rx: Owl standing facing. Ex Berk 89, 14 February 1996, lot 92. Choice EF........................................................................................................600 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 300-250 BC, Triobol, 1.19g. HN Italy-2200. Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Herakles standing r., leaning on club. Ex Berk 104, 16 September 1998, lot 79. aVF........................................................................................................250 SICILY, MESSANA; c. 412-408 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.76g. Caltabiano-599 (D215/ R231), SNG Lockett-833. Obv: Biga of mules l. Rx: Hare running r. Ex CNG E500, 22 September 2021, lot 65. Ex CNG 49, 17 March 1999, lot 120. gVF.......................1750 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 480-475 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.86g. Boehringer-128 (V58/ R88). Obv: Charioteer driving walking quadriga r., Nike flying r. above. Rx: Diademed head of Arethusa r., hair tied back, surrounded by four swimming dolphins. EF....6000 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 450-440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.42g. Boehringer-485, SNG ANS-153, Jameson-1909, Dewing-719. Obv: Charioteer driving walking quadriga r., holding kentron and reins; Nike above, holding out wreath towards charioteer, ketos in exergue. Rx: Head of Arethusa r., wearing earring and necklace, hair tied with pearl headband; ΣYPΑΚΟΣΙ - Ο - Ν and four dolphins around. From a private collection in Michigan. Ex Gemini 13, 6 April 2017, lot 15. Ex NFA XVI, 2 December 1985, lot 68 This is one of the finest examples from this pair of dies. The obverse is exceptional. While usually the obverses of Syracusan coins of this period were struck with very worn dies, this is extremely fresh, even showing detail in the head and face of the charioteer. Mint State.............................................................................................13000 Ex G. Hirsch 55, 1967, Cover Coin SICILY, SYRACUSE, SIGNED DIE BY EAUINTEOS; Time of Dionysus I, 405-367 BC, Decadrachm, 42.99g. Gallatin-RVII/CXIV. Obv: Fast quadriga driven l. by charioteer, crowned by Victory; armor in exergue. Rx: Head of Arethusa l. wearing barley-wreath, triple pendant earring and beaded necklace; four dolphins around; Δ behind; signature of Euainetos EY–AINE below lower dolphin (off flan on this example). Ex G. Hirsch 55, 11-14 December 1967, lot 2057 (pictured on cover!). This coin is struck on a small, full weight flan with a complete and beautifully struck head of Athena and complete name of the city on reverse. The obverse shows complete images of the four horses of the quadriga and the armor in exergue. EF...........................62500 SICILY, SYRACUSE, AGATHOKLES, 317-289 BC; c. 305-295 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.19g. Ierardi-99 (O20/R60.) Obv: Wreathed head of Kore r. Rx: Nike standing r., erecting trophy; AI monogram between Nike and trophy, triskeles to outer r. Scarce die combination: four cited in Ierardi. We find none in Coin Archives. Beautiful well struck image. Some light porosity. EF................................................................................4250 SICILY, AGATHOKLES; 317-289 BC. Syracuse, c. 310-308 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. HGC-1536; Ierardi-115 (dies 26/73, 1 spec.). Obv: Head of Kore-Persephone r., wearing single drop earring, hair wreathed with barley, ΚΟΡΑΣ behind head. Rx: Nike standing r., draped from hips, wings spread on either side; she holds in r. hand a hammer, in l. hand a nail, with which she is about to fix helmet to trophy; to r., counterclockwise triskeles; [ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΟΣ] behind is mostly off flan. Exceptional quality. Beautifully struck. EF..................................................................................9500 SICILY, SICULO-PUNIC; c. 320-300 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.13g. Jenkins-153. Obv: Wreathed head of Arethusa l., wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace; four dolphins around; Rx: MMHNT (People of the Camp) Horse’s head l., date palm behind. Small mark on cheek. EF............................................................................3750 Wonderful Image of Philip as Zeus MACEDONIA, PHILIP II. 359-336 BC; Amphipolis, c. 323/2-316/5 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.29g. Le Rider-pl. 46, 4. Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Horseman r. holding palm; below horse, crescent; below raised foreleg, Π. Exceptional powerful image of Philip as Zeus. On a later issue of Philip II tetradrachms, we have never seen an image of Philip this well done and this sharply struck with exceptional detail. Mint State....... ..................................................................................................................................3000 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Lifetime issue, in the name and types of Philip II. Amphipolis, 336-328 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.29g. Le Rider-502–3 var. (D241/R– [unlisted rev. die]). Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Nude youth on horseback r., bee and rudder below. Rare; from Alexander’s first silver coinage at

Amphipolis. Ex CNG E420, 9 May 2018, lot 64. Toned VF...................................1850 94. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Amphipolis, c. 315-294 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.30g. Price-447. Obv: Head of Herakles r. Rx: Zeus seated l., torch and Λ in l. field, monogram beneath throne. Mint State..................1750 95. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Uranopolis, c. 300-290 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.94g. Price-511. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l.; in l. field, X above star-on-cone; wreath below throne. Ex CNG E420, 9 May 2018, lot 117. Ex Belgica Collection. Ex CNG 81, 20 May 2009, lot 325. EF / VF......................................................................................1300 96. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; 336-323 BC. Temnos, c. 188-170 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.75g. Price-1690. Obv: Head of Herakles r. Rx: Zeus seated l., ΕΧΕΝΙΚΟΣ below arm, oenochoe to r. beneath vine tendril; beneath throne, ΓΕΙΤΑΣ. Mint State......................................................................................1250 97. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Lampsacus, c. 310-301 BC, Drachm, 4.36g. Price-1406 var. (KI in l. field). Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., holding eagle and scepter; ΣΙ monogram in l. field, ME monogram below throne. Bold VF...................................300 98. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; Miletus, c. 325-323 BC, Drachm, 4.25g. Price-2088. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: [Α]ΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; thunderbolt in l. field, HΔ monogram below throne. Ex Berk 78, 8 September 1993, lot 133. Mint State.........650 99. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Miletus, late lifetime, c. 325-323 BC, Drachm, 4.29g. Price-2088. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡ[ΟΥ] Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; thunderbolt in l. field, HΔ monogram below throne. Ex Berk 78, 8 September 1993, lot 136. Some iridescent blue toning on obverse. Mint State..........................................650 100. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Sardes, 323-319 BC, Drachm, 4.26g. Price-2599. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lionskin. Rx: [A] ΛEΞANΔ[POY] Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, monogram above torch in l. field. Ex CNG E390, 1 February 2017, lot 45. Scarce type with Zeus’ knee facing viewer. Mint State......................................................................................................500 101. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; Drachm, 4.21g. Uncetain mint and date. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: [ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ] Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; uncertain monogram in l. field. Ex Berk 66, 11 June 1991, lot 83. gEF...........................................................................................500 102. MACEDONIA UNDER ROMAN RULE; 167-148 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. SNG Cop-1315, SNG Ashmolean-3299. Obv: Macedonian shield; in center, bust of Artemis r. with bow and quiver at her shoulder. Rx: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΗΣ above and below horizontal club with handle to l.; one monogram in upper field and two in lower field; all within oak wreath, to l. of which, thunderbolt. Toned. Choice EF............1250 103. THESSALONICA, AESILLAS, QUAESTOR; 93-92 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.90g. BM-81, SNG Cop-1330, Sear-1463. Obv: Head of Alexander the Great r., with horn of Ammon and flowing hair, Θ behind, [MAKE]ΔONΩN below. Rx: Club between money chest and quaestor’s chair, AESILLAS / Q above and to r., all within olive wreath. Some areas of flat striking. gVF....................................................................400 104. MACEDONIA, DEMETRIUS POLIORCETES, 306-283 BC; Amphipolis, c. 289-288 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.14g. Newell-124, Pl. VIII, 3. Obv: Diademed and horned head of Demetrius to r. in circle of dots. Rx: Poseidon standing l. with trident, placing l. foot on rock. EF.....................................................................................................3500 Unrecorded Die Combination 105. CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, ACANTHUS; c. 475-325 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.08g. Cf. Desneux 97/102 var. (obv.) and 103 (rev. die R92). Obv: Lion r. attacking bull collapsing to l.; tunny fish in exergue. Rx: ΑΚΑ-Ν-ΘΙΟ-Ν around quadripartite square, all within incuse square. This is a magnificent example of an Acanthus obverse, in a more dramatic design than usual. While the dies are recorded by Desneux, the combination is unrecorded. EF...............................................................................12500 106. PAEONIA, PATRAOS; 340-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.84g. Paeonian Hoard, Sotheby 1969, 172. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Horseman with plumed helmet spearing fallen enemy. gVF............................................................................600 107. CHALCIDIAN LEAGUE, OLYNTHUS; 392-383 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.19g. Robinson-Clement-55. Obv: Head of Apollo l. Rx: Lyre. Ex Berk 152, 19 December 2006, lot 57. Struck in high relief. Some minor porosity on reverse. EF.................2500 108. CHALCIDIAN LEAGUE, OLYNTHUS; c. 390 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.03g. Robinson-Clement-71, SNG ANS-483. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Lyre. Ex Berk 152, 19 December 2006, lot 58. Exceptionally beautiful image of Apollo. Struck in high relief. EF...................................................................................................................5500 109. CHALCIDIAN LEAGUE, OLYNTHUS; c. 432/1-430 BC, Tetrobol, 2.33g. Robinson-Clement-4. Obv: Head of Apollo r., laureate. Rx: Cithara in shallow incuse square. Ex Berk 111, 28 October 1999, lot 109. EF...................................................600 110. CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, ACANTHUS; 430-390 BC, Tetrobol, 2.37g. SNG ANS-47. Obv: Forepart of bull, head reverted; A above. Rx: Four-part incuse square. gVF.............................................................................................................................300 111. PANGAEAN DISTRICT, NEAPOLIS; 480-460 BC, Stater, 9.00g. ANS SNG-412. Obv: Facing gorgoneion. Rx: Incuse. Some areas of flat striking at highest points of obverse. gVF..............................................................................................................950 112. THRACE, ABDERA; c. 386/5-375 BC, Tetrobol, 2.82g. May-405. Obv: Griffin springing l. Rx: Magistrate’s name around linear border, within which head of Dionysus l.; all in incuse square. Ex Berk 128, 28 August 2002, lot 89. gVF...........500 113. THRACIAN CHERSONESE; c. 386-338 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.93g. BM-13. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Rx: Four-part incuse square, in the two deeper quarters pellet and ivy leaf. Ex Berk 81, 31 March 1994, lot 122. gVF.........165 114. THRACIAN CHERSONESE; c. 386-338 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.49g. BM-14, SNG Cop-843. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Rx: Four-part incuse square, in the two deeper quarters pellet and wreath. Ex Berk 81, 31 March 1994, lot 127 . gVF....................................................................................................................165 115. THRACIAN CHERSONESE; c. 386-338 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.32g. Cf. BM-24. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Rx: Four-part incuse square, in the two deeper quarters AΓ monogram below pellet and an uncertain symbol. Ex Berk 81, 31 March 1994, lot 124. gVF.....................................................................................165 116. THRACIAN CHERSONESE; c. 386-338 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.40g. This variant not in BMC or SNG Copenhagen. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Rx: Four-part incuse square, in the two deeper quarters pellet and I above pellet. Ex Berk 81, 31 March 1994, lot 129. gVF...............................................................................150 117. THRACIAN CHERSONESE; c. 386-338 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.37g. This variant not in BMC or SNG Copenhagen. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Rx: Four-part incuse square, in the two deeper quarters ΘE and bee (?). Ex Berk 84, 19 January 1995, lot 202. The absence of a pellet in one of the deeper quarters on reverse

is unusual. gVF...........................................................................................................250 118. THRACIAN CHERSONESE; c. 386-338 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.41g. This variant not in BMC or SNG Copenhagen. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Rx: Four-part incuse square, in the two deeper quarters I below pellet and star. Ex Berk 81, 31 March 1994, lot 123. aEF......................................................................................285 119. THRACE, MARONEIA; c. 411-397 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.79g. Schönert-Geiss-165 var. (unlisted dies). Obv: Free-running horse r. Rx: Grape vine in square framed by magistrate’s name MHTPOΦANHΣ. EF.................................................................2950 120. THRACE, MARONEIA; c. 385-360 BC, Quarter Stater, 2.77g. SNG Cop-617. Obv: Forepart of prancing horse l., M H to either side and T below; Rx: Bunch of grapes hanging from branch, M A to either side, all in dotted square within incuse. Ex Berk 72, 4 August 1992, lot 112. EF...................................................................................500 121. THRACE, THASOS; c. 411-350 BC, Obol, 0.93g. Grose-4215, Pozzi-1123. Obv: Satyr kneeling l., holding kantharos. Rx: ΘA[Σ - I]ΩN to l. and r. of amphora. EF.. 350 122. THRACE, THASOS; After 146 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.75g. SNG Cop-1046. Obv: Head of young Dionysos r., wreathed with ivy and with band across forehead. Rx: Herakles, naked, standing l., holding club, lion’s skin over l. arm; monogram in field to l. aEF..........................................................................................................................450 123. THESSALY, AENIANES; c. 360-340 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.49g. BM-2, SNG Cop1, BCD-26. Obv: Head of Zeus laureate l. Rx: Warrior standing r., hurling javelin and holding chlamys and petasos. Ex CNG E419, 25 April 2018. lot 76. Ex BCD Collection, purchased from Nomos AG in July 1974 for CH 500; lot includes tickets from BCD and dealer. Toned gVF............................................................................1200 124. THESSALY, LAMIA MALIA; 400-344 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.47g. BM-2, Grose-4581, Sear-2097. Obv: Head of young Dionysus l., wreathed with ivy. Rx: ΛAMIE - ΩN to l. and r. of amphora; above ivy leaf; to r., below, pitcher. Ex Triskeles 26 = VAuctions 334, 8 December 2018, lot 139. VF.................................................250 125. THESSALY, LARISSA; 450-420 BC, Drachm, 6.03g. SNG Cop-108, BMC-35, BCD-174. Obv: Nude youth restraining bull l. Rx: Bridled horse galloping r. EF.. 1850 Signed ΣIMO 126. THESSALY, LARISSA; c. 350 BC, Drachm, 6.00g. Lorber, Studies Westermark, obv. die l. Obv: Head of nymph Larissa three-quarters r., wearing ampyx and necklace, hair flying freely around face, signed by artist ΣIMO above. Rx: ΛΑΡΙ Horse grazing r. Ex Berk-87, 13 September 1995, lot 105. This is the first pair of dies of the type that is the most significant issue of Larissa. gVF................................................................2000 127. THESSALY, LARISSA; c. 350 BC, Drachm, 6.18g. Lorber, Studies Westermark-55.1 (same dies). Obv: Head of nymph Larissa three-quarters r., wearing ampyx and necklace, hair flying freely around face. Rx: ΛΑΡ[Ι] Horse grazing r. Ex Berk 87, 13 September 1995, lot 108. Choice EF........................................................................1750 128. THESSALY, LARISSA; Early to mid 4th cent. BC, Drachm, 6.08g. Lorber-69, BCD Thessaly II-249. Obv: Head of Larissa three-quarter face r.; v-shaped neckline with central pellet. Rx: Horse grazing r., ΛΑΡΙ above. Exquisite image of Larissa. Choice EF.............................................................................................................................1850 129. THESSALY, LARISSA; c. 350 BC, Drachm, 5.97g. Cf. Lorber, Studies Westermark-16 (different obv. die, different placement of ethnic on rev.). Obv: Head of nymph Larissa three-quarters l., wearing ampyx and necklace, hair flying freely around face. Rx: Horse grazing r., lifting l. foreleg; ΛAPIΣ above, AIΩ[N] in exergue. Ex Berk 89, 14 February 1996, lot 125. Mint State.................................................1850 130. THESSALY, THESSALIAN LEAGUE; 196-146 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.91g. BCD820. Obv: Head of Zeus r., wearing oak wreath. Rx: Athena Itonia advancing r. Very scarce denomination. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 146. Ex BCD collection; lot includes BCD ticket. gVF..........................................................................................300 131. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.74g. SNG BM-148, Sear-1654. Obv: Anchor upright with flukes at top; below r. fluke, crayfish. Rx: Swastika pattern, partly incuse. Good VF.....................325 132. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.29g. SNG BM-158, Sear-1655. Obv: Anchor; to l., crayfish; to r., A. Rx: Medusa head facing with protruding tongue and snakes as hair. Exceptional large image of Medusa. EF.................................................................................................300 133. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.11g. SNG BM-158, Sear-1655. Obv: Anchor; to l., crayfish; to r., A. Rx: Medusa head facing with protruding tongue and snakes as hair. Almost frightening image of Medusa. VF / EF.........................................................................................300 134. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 3.04g. SNG BM-158, Sear-1655. Obv: Anchor; to l., crayfish; to r., A. Rx: Medusa head facing with protruding tongue and snakes as hair. VF / EF.................220 135. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, ISTRUS; 4th cent. BC, Stater, 5.16g. SNG BM-256. Obv: Two male heads facing, the one on the r. is upside-down. Rx: Eagle standing l. on dolphin, IΣTP[IH] above, ΦY below. Some blue iridescent toning. EF....................500 136. DANUBIAN DISTRICT, ISTRUS; 4th cent. BC, Drachm, 5.44g. SNG BM-Plate IX. Obv: Two facing male heads, r. head upside down. Rx: Sea eagle l. with dolphin in talons, [I]ΣTPIH above, letter or monogram below dolphin is mostly off flan. EF / VF. ....................................................................................................................................300 137. LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Lysimacheia, Tetradrachm, 16.95g. Müller-49, Thompson-. Obv: Diademed head of the deified Alexander r. Rx: Athena seated l.; lion’s head in l. field; two monograms below throne. Exceptional image of Alexander. Some minor porosity on cheek. Choice EF.............................................................2500 138. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Lampsacus, c. 294-287 BC, Drachm, 4.03g. Cf. Thompson-57 (tetradrachm). Obv: Head of Alexander r. with horn of Ammon. Rx: Athena seated l., holding Nike who crowns king’s name; monogram in inner l. field. Rare; perhaps unpublished as drachm. Fine.........................................165 139. PHOCIS; 460-458/7 BC, Triobol, 2.80g. Williams-162. Obv: Bull’s head facing. Rx: [ΦO]KI around archaic head of Artemis r., all within incuse square. Good VF / aVF.... ....................................................................................................................................400 140. BOEOTIA, THEBES; c. 425-400 BC, Stater, 11.98g. BCD-392, BM-76. Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Θ - E to either side of amphora, ivy leaf hanging from each handle. Ex CNG E424, 11 July 2018. lot 181. Ex WRG Collection, purchased from William Porter, December 1992. VF........................................................................................750 141. BOEOTIA, THEBES; c. 425-395 BC, Stater, 12.01g. BM-58, BCD-438, Lockett-1743. Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Head of bearded Dionysus r; [Θ] behind, E before. Ex M&M Deutschland 36, 30 May 2012, lot 279. Ex New York Sale IX, 13 January 2005, lot 80. Fine / VF................................................................................1600 142. EUBOEA, HISTIAIA; 3rd cent. BC until 146 BC, Tetrobol, 1.94g. SNG Cop-530. Obv: Head of nymph Histiaia r. Rx: Nymph Histiaea seated r. on prow; star on prow. Ex Spink 19004, 27 March 2019, lot 146. EF............................................................250 143. EUBOEA, HISTIAIA; 3rd cent. BC until 146 BC, Tetrobol, 2.22g. BM-119. Obv: Head of nymph Histiaia r. wearing earring, necklace, and vine wreath; hair rolled. Rx:

Nymph Histiaea seated r. on prow; tripod on prow, head of trident below. Ex Berk 77, 16 June 1993, lot 120. EF / VF...................................................................................200 144. EUBOEA, HISTIAIA; Third cent.-146 BC, Tetrobol, 2.38g. Sear-2495 var. Obv: Head of Maenad r. wearing wreath formed of bunches of grapes. Rx: ΙΣΤΙ - ΑΙΕΩΝ Nymph Histiaea seated r. on stern of galley decorated with wing, holding mast with cross-piece; uncertain object below. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A32, May 2015, lot 128. EF................................................................................................200 Starr Group II 145. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 467 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Starr-Group II, 72. Obv: Head of Athena r. wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a palmette, a disc earring and a pearl necklace. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing r. with a small, three-pointed tail, feet close together, and a facing head; behind, olive spray; all within a shallow incuse square. Rare issue, only one recorded by Starr.............................3500 146. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.20g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. Same class as decadrachm. Mint State.................................2000 147. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.08g. Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r, head facing.; olive twig with two leaves and crescent moon beneath; ethnic in r. field. aEF..................................................................................................650 Thompson 148b This Coin 148. ATTICA, ATHENS; 180-170 BC, Drachm, 4.22g. Thompson-148b (this coin). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., olive sprig in l. field, AΘΕ in r. field. Ex Berk 89, 14 February 1996, lot 136. From the Attic Hoard found 1n 1955, (Thompson pp. 478-9,) acquired intact by the ANS, but our coin and a few other die duplicates were not retained. Some iridescent toning. EF.......................................2500 149. ATTICA, AEGINA; 510-490 BC, Stater, 12.17g. Asyut-429, SNG Delepierre-1597 ff., Milbank-13. Obv: T-back sea turtle. Rx: Large incuse punch of mill-sail pattern, divided into four sections. VF....................................................................................450 150. ATTICA, AEGINA; 510-490 BC, Obol, 1.03g. Grose-6016, Milbank-7, Sear-1853. Obv: Smooth-shelled turtle. Rx: Incuse square, divided into compartments, Union Jack pattern. Ex Berk 84, 19 January 1995, lot 257. aEF................................................1000 151. ATTICA, AEGINA; c. 456/45-431 BC, Stater, 12.17g. Milbank-12, Sear-2600. Obv: Land tortoise, with segmented shell, on which are two round countermarks, one showing a goddess’ head l., while the other is blank. Rx: Incuse square of skew pattern, divided by straight lines into five compartments. Ex Berk 84, 19 January 1995, lot 260. VF...............................................................................................................................650 152. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; c. 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.20g. Cf. Calciati-172 (no globe on tripod and without OY below). Obv: Pegasus with straight wing flying l., koppa (?) below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena r.; behind neck, tripod surmounted by globe; below, OY. Apparently unpublished with the letters OY below Athena’s neck on the obverse. aVF...............................................................................................................350 153. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; c. 375-300 BC, Stater, 8.45g. Calciati-426, BCD-101. Obv: Pegasus flying l. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., eagle behind. Ex CNG E436, 23 January 2019, lot 202. aEF..................................................................................1250 154. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; c. 345-307 BC, Stater, 8.60g. Calciati-432. Obv: Pegasus flying l. Rx: Head of Athena l., Athena Promachos standing facing behind. Toned. Mint State.....................................................................................................1500 155. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 350-338 BC, Stater, 8.48g. Calciati-455. Obv: Pegasus flying l. with straight wings, koppa below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., with Δ below chin; behind, I and naked putto running r., holding lighted torch (?) over shoulder. Calciati describes the “naked putto” on reverse as being Artemis running right and holding a torch before her, without explaining what the object is that this figure seems to be holding over her or his shoulder. Ex Berk 76, 21 April 1993, lot 188. aVF.............................................................................................................................425 156. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; c. 435 BC, Stater, 8.50g. Calciati-27/2. Obv: Pegasus with curled wing flying l. Rx: Head of Athena l. wearing Corinthian helmet, round shield behind. Toned VF.............................................................................................275 157. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.55g. Calciati-88. Obv: Pegasus r. Rx: Head of Athena r. Ex Berk 76, 21 April 1993, lot 191. Exceptional quality. Mint State..........................................................................................................................1500 Olympic Unpublished in Saltman 158. ELIS, OLYMPIA; 276-260 BC, 126th-130th Olympiad, Stater, 12.13g. Seltman-dies CV/?a (new combination), Jameson-1245 (same rev. die), BCD-211 (same rev. die). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Eagle standing r., F-A across upper field, wreath in l. field, thunderbolt in r. Ex Triton XXIII, 14 January 2020, lot 277. Ex Prospero Collection, New York Sale XVII, 4 January 2012, lot 396, purchased from Spink, 11 January 1990. Very scarce obverse die, apparently the third extant example. Seltman cites coins bearing the CV obverse in Vienna and Brussels, neither paired with the ζα reverse. We are unaware of other examples, either in published collections or in auctions appearing subsequent to Seltman’s study. (The Prospero catalogue erroneously describes this coin as a die match for Jameson-1245; only the reverse is in fact a match). This is a beautiful Olympic stater struck in high relief. This die combination is not published in Seltman. High relief. aEF...........................................................16500 159. CRETE, GORTYNA; c. 98-94 BC, Drachm, 4.16g. Cf. BM-54 and Sear-3186 (both with wreath in field on reverse). Obv: Diademed head of Zeus l. Rx: Nude warrior standing facing; r. hand on shield, l. hand holding spear; border of rays. Traces of overstriking at upper left on reverse. Part of reverse flatly struck as this was overstruck on an earlier coin. Flan crack at 1 o’clock. aEF / EF.................................................775 160. PONTUS, AMISUS; c. 400-350 BC, Reduced Siglos, 4.77g. SNG BM-1053. Obv: Head of city goddess l. wearing decorated stephane and necklace. Rx: Owl with spread wings standing facing on shield, AP - IΣ across field below wings, [ΠEIPA] in exergue, beside wings [palm branch] on l. (off flan) and sword in sheath on r. Toned EF.......675 161. PAPHLAGONIA, SINOPE; 330-300 BC, Drachm, 5.07g. SNG BM Black Sea1485. Obv: Head of nymph Sinope l., hair in sphendone, wearing necklace and earring. Rx: Sea-eagle l., wings spread, standing on the back of a dolphin; magistrate DIONYΣΙ. Ex Spink 19004, 27 March 2019, lot 149. Toned Mint State................1200 162. PAPHLAGONIA, SINOPE; 330-300 BC, Drachm, 5.04g. SNG BM Black Sea1485. Obv: Head of nymph Sinope l., hair in sphendone, wearing necklace and earring. Rx: Sea-eagle l., wings spread, standing on the back of a dolphin; magistrate DIO[NYΣΙ]. Mint State..............................................................................................950 163. MYSIA, CYZICUS; c. 450-400 BC, Diobol, 1.28g. SNG Paris-361. Obv: Forepart of winged boar l. Rx: Head of roaring lion l. in incuse square. aEF..............................100 164. MYSIA, PARIUM; 4th cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 1.87g. SNG Paris-1356. Obv: Gorgoneion. Rx: Bull standing l., looking back. Fine / VF........................................125 165. MYSIA, PARIUM; 350-300 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.37g. Cf. Sear-3919-22. Obv: Gorgoneion facing, with tongue protruding and snakes as hair. Rx: Bull standing l., looking back; ΠA above, PI below, uncertain symbol below the PI. EF...................400

166. MYSIA, PERGAMUM; c. 150 BC, Cistophorus, 12.64g. Kleiner/Noe-Series 24e (150-140 BC), but coupled with obv. die 4 of Series 3 (166-160 BC). Obv: Snake emerging l. from half-open cista mystica, all within ivy wreath. Rx: Bow in case between two serpents with intertwined tails; ΠEPΓ monogram to l., snake-entwined staff between Δ and E to r. Ex Berk 97, 12 August 1997, lot 163. An important new die combination suggesting an earlier date for Kleiner’s Series 23-24. EF.....................575 167. MYSIA, TRALLES; c. 140-135 BC, Cistophorus, 12.24g. BM-31, Kurth-S470. Obv: Snake emerging l. from half-open cista mystica, all within ivy wreath. Rx: Bow in case between two serpents with intertwined tails; TPAΛ to l., cult statue of Artemis to r., TIME above. Ex Berk 92, 11 September 1996, lot 156. VF / Fine....................300 168. AEOLIS, CYME; After 190 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.76g. Oakley-17. Obv: Head of Amazon Kyme r. wearing hairband. Rx: Horse stepping r., one-handled cup below horse’s raised l. foreleg, magistrate’s name Kallias in exergue, mint name downwards before horse, all in laurel wreath. Some golden toning. Mint State.........................2100 169. AEOLIS, MYRINA; c. 160-143 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.73g. Sacks Issue 30. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo of Grynium r. Rx: Apollo advancing r., omphalos and amphora before him, legend and monograms behind. Struck in high relief. Exquisite detail on image of Apollo. Mint State.....................................................................................2100 170. IONIA, EPHESUS; c. 387-295 BC, Diobol, 1.01g. SNG Aulock-1835, SNG Cop242, Klein-374. Obv: E - Φ Bee with straight wings, seen from above. Rx: Foreparts of two facing deer, ΕΦ above. Ex Berk 84, 19 January 1995, lot 287. Fine..................275 171. IONIA, EPHESUS; c. 370-360 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.04g. Peus 371, 24 April 2002, lot 149 (different dies). Obv: Bee with straight wings, seen from above, E - [Φ] across upper field. Rx: Forepart of stag r., looking back, palm tree behind, magistrate’s name MEΓAΛ[HTΩP] before. Ex Berk 76, 21 April 1993, lot 199. Not in the standard catalogues with this magistrate’s name. Irregular planchett created from its birth. aVF / VF.............................................................................................................................875 172. IONIA, EPHESUS; c. 202-133 BC, Drachm, 3.95g. Cf. BM-113 (same magistrate’s name on didrachm). Obv: Bee with straight wings seen from above, E - Φ across upper field. Rx: Stag standing r., palm tree behind, magistrate’s name [Σ]ΩΣIΣ downwards on r. Obv:. Ex Berk 87, 13 September 1995, lot 147. Dark toning. Mint State..............500 173. IONIA, EPHESUS; Year 30=105/104 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 11.60g. KleinerMN 18, 1972, 34; Grose-8094. Obv: Serpent emerging l. from cista mystica, all within ivy wreath. Rx: Bow in case between two coiled serpents with intertwined tails; to l. of serpents, date Λ=30 and mintmark EΦE; to r., lighted torch; above, between the heads of the serpents, bunch of grapes. Ex Berk 69, 22 January 1992, lot 96. Toned aEF.. 300 174. IONIA, EPHESUS; Year 66=69/68 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 12.42g. KleinerMN 18, 1972, 70; Grose-8098, pl. 279.10 (same dies). Obv: Serpent emerging l. from cista mystica, all within ivy wreath. Rx: Bow in case between two coiled serpents with intertwined tails; to l. of serpents, date ΞC=66 above mintmark EΦE; to r., lighted torch; above, palm branch between crossed cornucopias. Ex Berk 97, 12 August 1997, lot 164. VF..................................................................................................................300 175. IONIA, MILETOS; c. 525-494 BC, 1/12 Stater, 1.17g. SNG Aulock-2080. Obv: Forepart of roaring lion l. Rx: Stellate pattern in incuse square. VF.........................100 176. IONIA, MILETOS; c. 500 BC, 1/12 Stater, 1.19g. Sear-3532. Obv: Lion’s torso and foreleg r., but head with open mouth turned back l. Rx: Star ornament within incuse square. Acquired from Liberty Coins, 26 December 1989. gVF...............................150 177. IONIA, MILETOS; 478-390 BC, Diobol, 1.19g. SNG Kayhan-476, Pozzi-2481. Obv: Forepart of lion r., head l. Rx: Stellate pattern within incuse square. Ex Triskeles 18 = VAuctions 322, 13 December 2016, lot 98. Mint State.....................................150 178. IONIA, TEOS; 510-500 BC, Stater, 11.85g. Balcer, NC 1968-Group 1, 6 (A6/P8); Traité-504 (same dies). Obv: Griffin with curled wings seated r., raising l. foreleg. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Ex Berk 200, 18 January 2017, lot 118. aEF....................2750 179. IONIA, TEOS; c. 500-450 BC, Trihemiobol, 1.15g. Cf. BM-11. Obv: Griffin seated r., l. foreleg raised, with smooth curled wings; in field below, a faint P and a bold Π or H. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Ex Berk 63, 29 August 1990, lot 106. aEF.............385 180. CARIA, RHODES; c. 250-239 BC, Didrachm, 6.51g. SNG Keckman-537, SNG Cop-738. Obv: Head of Helios facing, slightly r. Rx: Rose; Athena standing in l. field; above, magistrate’s name. Ex Berk 85, 9 March 1995, lot 96. Light blue toning. EF..... ..................................................................................................................................1250 181. CARIA, RHODES; c. 230-205 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.57g. SNG Keckman-542, SNG Aulock-2799, BM-120. Obv: Radiate head of Helios facing, slightly r., hair loose. Rx: POΔION above rose, with bud on r.; AMEIN - IAΣ across lower field, prow in l. field. Near Mint State........................................................................................................2000 182. CARIA, RHODES; c. 88-84 BC, Drachm, 3.47g. Jenkins-244, SNG Keckman-684. Obv: Radiate head of Helios r. Rx: Rose with bud to r., flanked by P - O in lower field; ΚΑΛΛΙΞΕΙΝΟΣ above, caduceus to l.; all within incuse square. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned EF.....................................................................................450 183. CENTRAL GREECE, PSEUDO-RHODIAN; c. 175-170 BC, Drachm, 2.64g. Ashton, Num. Chron. 1995-pl. 2, 51 (this coin). Obv: Head of Helios facing threequarter r. Rx: Rose, bud r., dolphin l., ΔΗΜοΚΛΗ[Σ] above. This coin cited and illustrated by Ashton; from the 1992 Rougha, Acarnania, hoard. Choice EF............300 Croesus 1st Greek Silver Coin 184. LYDIA, CROESUS; 565-546 BC, Silver Stater, 10.36g. Berk-20, SNG Oxford-760. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Oblong punch divided into two squares. While heavy staters of Croesus come along with some frequency, they are almost never this beautifully centered or this sharp. This is probably one of the finest examples of the first Greek silver coin. Choice EF.................................................9500 185. CILICIA, TARSUS, MAZAIOS; 361-334 BC, Stater, 10.65g. SNG Levante-106 var. Obv: Baaltars seated l., holding eagle, wheat ear and bunch of grapes in r. hand and scepter in l.; Aramaic letter below throne. Rx: Lion attacking bull, monogram below. Mint State.................................................................................................................1850 186. SELEUCID, ANTIOCHUS I; 281-261 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 17.03g. SC-379.3a. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; monograms in outer l. and r. fields. aVF...........................................475 Artacoana 187. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II, 261-246 BC; Alexandria in Aria (Artacoana), Tetradrachm, 17.19g. SC-612.10, Ehling-22-23, Houghton-1277 (same dies). Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rx: Apollo, slight seated l. on omphalos, monograms to either side and below. Ex Berk 77, 16 June 1993, lot 160. Lorber and Houghton note on p. 213 of SC that the dies of this very scarce issue are “often very worn.”) Said to have been found in Afghanistan. This coin is only known struck from this single and very worn obverse die. VF.........................................................................................500 188. SYRIA, DEMETRIUS I; Antioch, Year 161=152/1 BC, Drachm, 4.19g. SC-1642.3c. Obv: Diademed head of king r., fillet border. Rx: Cornucopia flanked by king’s name and titles downwards, two monograms and date AΞP below. Mint State..................375

189. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS IX; 114/3-95 BC. First Reign at Antioch, 113-112 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.60g. SC-2363b. Obv: Diademed head of king r. with short, curly beard, no legend, fillet border. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIoXoY / ΦIΛoΠ - AToPoΣ downwards on r. and l., Athena standing l. holding Nike and resting l. hand on shield, spear behind, laurel wreath border; TN monogram above A in outer l. field, N in inner r. field. Purchased from Ed Waddell, previously in Dr. Albert Siegel Collection, 1960s-1970s. EF.........................................................................................................750 190. PHOENICIA, ARADUS; Year 89 = 171/170 BC, Drachm, 4.06g. BM-148. Obv: Bee with straight wings, seen from above, date ΠΘ (as monogram) at upper l., magistrate’s initials Mc (as monogram) at upper r. Rx: Stag standing r. before palm tree; to r., [AP] AΔIΩN downwards. Ex Berk 87, 13 September 1995, lot 182. Mint State...............500 191. PHOENICIA, ARADUS; Year 105 = 155/154 BC, Drachm, 4.14g. Cf. BM-162 and 163 (Years 104 and 107). Obv: Bee with straight wings, seen from above, date EP at upper l., magistrate’s initials Π enclosing A at upper r. Rx: Stag standing r. before palm tree; to r., [A]PAΔIΩN downwards. Ex Berk 87, 13 September 1995, lot 181. Mint State...................................................................................................................425 192. PHOENICIA, BYBLOS, KING ADRAMELEK; 4th cent. BC, before c. 333, 1/8 Shekel, 0.82g. BM-10, Sear-6010. Obv: Two hoplites, holding shields, in galley l. with prow ending in lion’s head; below, hippocamp l. Rx: Lion attacking bull l.; name of king in Phoenician above. Ex Berk 72, 4 August 1992, lot 169. Toned EF...............275 193. PHOENICIA, SIDON; Uncertain King, c. 400-384 BC, 1/16 Shekel, 0.82g. BM-14, Sear-5933. Obv: Galley lying before fortress with wall and three towers; in exergue, [lion l.] (off flan). Rx: King standing r., about to shoot arrow from bow; below his bow, head of goat (?) in incuse. Ex Berk 84, 19 January 1995, lot 327. VF......................250 194. PHOENICIA, TYRE; 400-332 BC, Dishekel, 12.90g. Cf. BM-11 and Sear-5911. Obv: Melkart bearded riding hippocamp with curled wings r. and holding bow; below, two lines of waves and dolphin r. Rx: Owl standing r., head facing, crook and flail behind shoulder; in r. field, Phoenician letter. Ex Berk 81, 31 March 1994, lot 216. Fine.............................................................................................................................400 195. PHOENICIA, TYRE; 400-332 BC, Dishekel, 13.43g. Cf. BM-11 and Sear-5911. Obv: Melkart bearded riding hippocamp with curled wings r. and holding bow; below, two lines of waves and dolphin r. Rx: Owl standing r., head facing, crook and flail behind shoulder; in r. field, Phoenician letter. Ex Berk 81, 31 March 1994, lot 217. VG / Fine....................................................................................................................275 Decadrachm 196. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II; 285-246 BC, Decadrachm, 35.45g. Troxell-pl. 2, 4. Lorber-329. Obv: Veiled head of Arsinoe II r, wearing stephane and veil; behind, Λ. Rx: ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ Double cornucopia bound with fillet. While this coin has seen a fair amount of circulation, it is a better example than most since it frequently comes with heavy porosity and some planchet chipping. Good VF........................8250 197. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY VI, 180-145 BC; First sole reign, 180-170 BC. Year 92=171/0 BC, Cyprus(?), Tetradrachm, 13.96g. Svoronos-1208. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. Rx: Eagle with wings folded standing l. on thunderbolt, monogram (date) in l. field. Small planchet chip at the edge of 5 o’clock. Exceptional sharpness. Mint State...................................................................................................................500 198. PTOLEMAIC, CLEOPATRA III AND PTOLEMY X, 107-101 BC; LIA=Year 11 of Cleopatra, year 8 of Ptolemy (107/106 BC), Tetradrachm, 13.81g. Svoronos-1727, SNG Cop-358. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. Rx: Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt; LIA/H (dates) in l. field. Ex Berk 84, 19 January 1995, lot 362. Mint State............................................................................................................................450 199. ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, LYDIA, SARDES; Darius I-Xerxes I, c. 505-480 BC, Siglos, 5.32g. Sunrise-21; Carradice-Type II, pl. XI.12. Obv: The Great King running r., drawing bow with both hands, quiver behind shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. VF.1000 200. ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, LYDIA, SARDES; Darius I-Xerxes I, c. 505-480 BC, Siglos, 5.30g. Sunrise-21; Carradice-Type II, pl. XI.12. Obv: The Great King running r., drawing bow with both hands, quiver behind shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. Ex CNG E105, 10 May 2017, lot 440. VF................................................................................850 201. ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, LYDIA, SARDES; Darius I-Xerxes I, c. 505-480 BC, Siglos, 5.23g. Sunrise-21; Carradice-Type II, pl. XI.12. Obv: The Great King running r., drawing bow with both hands, quiver behind shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. Ex CNG E105, 10 May 2017, lot 440. Fine..............................................................................450 202. ACHAEMINID EMPIRE, LYDIA, SARDES; Xerxes II-Artaxerxes II, c. 420375 BC, Siglos, 5.46g. Sunrise-29, Carradice -Type IIIb C. Obv: The Great King running r., holding spear pointing diagonally downwards and bow, quiver over shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. aEF....................................................................................................700 203. ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, LYDIA, SARDES; Artaxerxes II-III, c. 375-340 BC, Siglos, 5.38g. Sunrise-33; Carradice-Type IV, Group C, pl. XIV.46. Obv: The Great King running r., holding dagger and bow, quiver behind shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. Countermark below bow on obverse. VF...................................................................375 204. ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, LYDIA, SARDES; Artaxerxes II-III, c. 375-340 BC, Siglos, 5.70g. Sunrise-33; Carradice-Type IV, Group C, pl. XIV.46. Obv: The Great King running r., holding dagger and bow, quiver behind shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. Ex CNG E418, 11 April 2017, lot 365. VF................................................................375 205. LYDIA, SARDES; Artaxerxes II-III, c. 375-340 BC, 1/48 Siglos, 0.14g. CarradiceType IV. Obv: The Great King running r., holding dagger and bow, quiver behind shoulder. Rx: Oblong incuse. Fine.............................................................................275 206. BACTRIA, EUCRATIDES, C. 170-145 BC; Tetradrachm, 16.97g. Bop-6E. Obv: Bust of king r. wearing crested helmet. Rx: Dioscuri on horseback. Mint State.....2000 207. BACTRIA, MENANDER; 160-145 BC, Drachm, 2.45g. Bopearachchi-91, Series 13. Obv: Diademed bust r. Rx: Athena advancing l., brandishing thunderbolt and holding shield; Karosthi legend around, monogram in lower l. field. Toned Mint State. ....................................................................................................................................245 208. KINGDOM OF PERSIS. ARTAXERXES II; 1st cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 1.86g. Sunrise-595. Obv: Diademed bust of king l., wearing mural crown. Rx: King standing l. before altar, holding scepter. Ex Triskeles 18 = VAuctions 322, 13 December 2016, lot 203. aEF................................................................................................................195 209. ARABIA FELIX, HIMYARITES, ‘AMDAN BAYYIN; Quinarius c. 50-150 AD, mint Raidan, 1.85g. Sear-5718; BM-p. 71, 2. Obv: Beardless male head r., hair hanging in ringlets, monogram behind; border of dots ending in arrow head below the monogram. Rx: Smaller male head r. as on obverse, caduceus-like monogram before, Himyarite legend around and below. Mint State........................................................200 GREEK BRONZE 210. CELTIC GAUL, CARNUTES TRIBE; AE 16, c. 1st cent. BC, 2.73g. Allen, BMC Celtic Coins III, p. 73, 128 ff.; De La Tour-6088. Obv: Head r. with distinctive “Kashmiri”-style locks of hair. Rx: Eagle standing r. with stars l. and r. of its neck and second smaller eagle and snake to r. Ex Berk 171, 27 October 2010, lot 365. Unusual reverse, even for a Gaulish Celtic coin. VF...............................................................275

211. SICILY, COUNTERMARKED AGRIGENTUM HEMILITRON; c. 406-339 BC, AE 25-26, Hemilitron, 17.67g. Obv: Large circular countermark containing head of Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress, as on SNG ANS-1084. Rx: Small circular countermark containing crab seen from above, as on SNG ANS-1087. The original types of the countermarked coin are obscure. Ex Edgar Owens 24, 29 February 1996, lot 13. Struck on a worn planchet, with crab countermark on reverse. VF................250 212. SICILY, HIMERA; c. 420-408 BC, Hemilitron, AE 28-29, 34.05g. SNG ANS-177. Obv: Gorgon head facing, with protruding tongue. Rx: Six pellets in two rows of three. Fine.............................................................................................................................225 213. SICILY, CENTURIPAE; 214-210 BC, Dekonkion, 10.28g. Calciati-4, SNG ANS1307. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: KENTO/PIΠINΩN in two lines, above and below winged thunderbolt. Ex Triskeles 18, 13 December 2016, lot 26. EF.............300 214. SICILY, MESSANA. THE MAMERTINOI; 211-208 BC, Pentonkion, 10.75g. Calciati-41. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Naked warrior charging r. holding spear and shield. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 41; previously purchased from CNG in January 1999. VF..........................................................................................400 215. SICILY, SYRACUSE; Second Democracy, c. 415-405 BC, Hemilitra, 3.06g. Calciati-24/1, SNG Cop-698, HGC-1480. Obv: Head of nymph l., hair bound with ampyx and tied in sphendone; behind, laurel branch with two leaves (mostly off flan). Rx: ΣV - PA between dolphin swimming r. above and inverted scallop shell below. gVF / EF.....................................................................................................................240 The Boy King Who Chose Hannibal over Rome 216. SICILY, SYRACUSE, HIERONYMOS; 215-214 BC, AE 21, 10.12g. Calciati-204. Obv: Diademed head of Hieronymos l. with sideburns. Rx: Winged thunderbolt. Time of alliance with Hannibal. Excellent portrait. gVF....................................................500 217. THESSALY, HALUS; 3rd cent. BC, AE 20, 7.82g. BCD Thessaly I-1057. Obv: Diademed head of Zeus r. Rx: AΛEΩN Phrixos riding r. on ram, looking back; in l. field, AX monogram. Ex CNG E395, 12 April 2017, lot 61; stated to be “From the BCD Collection”. Some areas of flat striking on Zeus’ cheek. EF......................................350 218. THESSALY, LARISSA; 356-337 BC, AE 20, 7.67g. BCD-387.5, HGC-517. Obv: Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly l., hair in ampyx. Rx: ΛAPI-Σ-AIΩN (lower portion retrograde), horse trotting r.; grain ear below. Ex CNG E390, 1 Feb. 2017, lot 81, stated to be “Ex BCD Collection”. This is the finest example of this beautiful issue we have ever handled. EF...........................................................................................400 219. ACHAEMENID EMPIRE, EPHESUS, IONIA; Artaxerxes III-Darius III, c. 350333 BC, AE Unit, 2.05g. Johnston, Earliest-AE 4. Obv: The Great King running r. holding spear and bow, before king round countermark containing star. Rx: Circular incuse containing pattern possibly representing map of the hinterland of Ephesus. Ex CNG E409, 8 November 2017, lot 312. gVF.............................................................250 220. JUDAEA, HEROD I THE GREAT; 40-4 BC, Prutah, 1.13g. Hendin-6216a. Obv: Inscription “King Herod” around closed diadem; only letters BA on flan. Rx: Tripod table. VF.....................................................................................................................100 221. HEROD ARCHELAUS; 4 BC-6 CE, Jerusalem, Half Prutah, 1.64g. Hendin-6228. Obv: Prow of galley facing l., H - P - W around. Rx: EΘN within wreath. aEF.......125 222. JUDAEA, PONTIUS PILATE; Year 16=29/30 CE, Prutah, 1.52g. RPC-4967, Sofaer Coll.-34, p. 270, pl. 219, Hendin-6370. Obv: Three bound ears of barley, the outer two ears droop, surrounded by IOYΛΙΑ [ΚΑΙCAP]OC (Julia, Caesar’s wife). Rx: Libation ladle (simpulum) surrounded by [TIBE]PIoY KAICAPOC (of Tiberius Caesar) and date L[Iς] (Year 16). VF.........................................................................120 223. JUDAEA, PONTIUS PILATE; Year 16=29/30 CE, Prutah, 1.84g. RPC-4967, Sofaer Coll.-34, p. 270, pl. 219, Hendin-6370. Obv: Three bound ears of barley, the outer two ears droop, surrounded by IOYΛ[ΙΑ ΚΑΙCAPOC] (Julia, Caesar’s wife). Rx: Libation ladle (simpulum) surrounded by [TIBEPIoY KAICAPOC] (of Tiberius Caesar) and date [LIς] (Year 16). aVF.......................................................................120 224. JUDAEA, PONTIUS PILATE; Year 17 or 18=30/31 or 31/32 CE, Prutah, 1.97g. Hendin-6372. Obv: Date [LIZ] or [LIH] in wreath. Rx: Lituus surrounded by legend, TIBEPI[OY K]AICAPOC. VF / Fine........................................................................120 225. JUDAEA, PONTIUS PILATE; Year 18 = 31/2 CE, Prutah, 1.44g. Hendin-6372. Obv: Date LIH in wreath. Rx: Lituus surrounded by legend, [TI]BEP[IOY KAICAPOC]. VF / Fine.............................................................................................120 226. ANTONIUS FELIX, UNDER CLAUDIUS, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; Year 14 of Claudius=54 CE, Prutah, 2.28g. Hendin-6347. Obv: [NEP]W KΛAY K[AICAP] Two spears and two oblong shields crossed. Rx: Brockage: incuse mirror image of obv. VF...............................................................................................................................250 227. JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 2.93g. Hendin-6389, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF............................................................................175 228. JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 2=67/68 CE, Prutah, 2.93g. Hendin-6389, Meshorer-196. Obv: Amphora with broad rim and two handles; “Year 2” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in Paleo-Hebrew. EF............................................................................180 229. JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 2.61g. Hendin-6392, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in PaleoHebrew. EF.................................................................................................................220 230. JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 CE, Year 3=68/69 CE, Prutah, 2.20g. Hendin-6392, Meshorer-204. Obv: Amphora with broad rim, two handles, and conical lid decorated with tiny globes hanging around edge; “Year 3” around in Paleo-Hebrew. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril; “the Freedom of Zion” around in PaleoHebrew. EF.................................................................................................................300 231. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II, 283-246 BC; AE Diobol, 23.23g. CPE-B225, Svoronos-449. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, E between legs. Ex CNG 76, 12 September 2007, lot 863. Wonderful image of Zeus. Choice EF...................................................................................................................750 232. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II, 283-246 BC; AE Diobol, 17.08g. CPE-B174, Svoronos-576. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, monogram above Galatian shield in l. field, I between eagle’s legs. Ex Berk 172, 20 December 2010, lot 408. Powerful image of Zeus. EF..............................................500 233. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II, 283-246 BC; AE Obol, 11.85g. CPE-B226, Svoronos-977. Obv: Head of Alexander r., wearing elephant-skin headdress. Rx: Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, E between legs. Ex Berk 172, 20 December 2010, lot 409. Ex Don Doswell Collection. Softly struck. EF..........................................................275 ROMAN REPUBLICAN SILVER 234. ANONYMOUS; 211-208 BC, Victoriatus, 3.10g. Cr-70/1. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r. Rx: Victory standing r., crowning trophy; [R]OMA in exergue. Mint State.....

....................................................................................................................................600 235. ANONYMOUS; 157-156 BC, Denarius, 3.43g. Cr-198/1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r. X behind. Rx: Dioscuri riding r., [ROMA] in exergue. aVF........................145 236. C. ANTESTIUS; 146 BC, Denarius, 3.86g. Cr-219/1e, Syd-411, RSC Antestia-1. Obv: Head of Roma r., [C ANTESTI] behind, X below chin. Rx: Dioscuri r., dog running r. below, ROMA in exergue. VF / Fine.........................................................140 237. C. VALERIUS C.F. FLACCUS; 140 BC, Denarius, 3.58g. Cr-228/1, Syd-441, RSC Valeria-8. Obv: Head of Roma r., XVI behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., FLAC above, C VAL C [F] below. Very scarce with XVI rather than X; seven obverse dies on Crawford’s estimation. Ex CNG 50, 23 June 1999, lot 1223. aEF............................300 238. M. MARCIUS MN.F.; 134 BC, Denarius, 3.78g. Cr-245/1, Syd-500, RSC Marcia-8. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., star below chin, modius behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., M - MAR (ligate) - C / ROMA below, divided by two ears of wheat. Ex Berk 86, 11 July 1995, lot 497. Some blue toning. VF..................................................................285 239. M. FURIUS L.F. PHILUS; 119 BC, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr-281/1, Syd-529, RSC Furia-18. Obv: M. FOVRI. L.F. around head of Janus. Rx: Roma erecting trophy, ROMA on r., [PHLI] in exergue. VF..........................................................................245 240. L. COSCONIUS M.F.; 118 BC, Narbo, Denarius, 3.86g. Cr-282/2, Syd-521, RSC Cosconia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., [L.C]OS CO M F X around. Rx: Gallic warrior, perhaps Bituitus, in biga r., holding shield and carnyx and hurling spear; [L] LIC CN [D]OM in exergue. VF.................................................................................240 241. Q. CURTIUS; 116-115 BC, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr-285/2, Syd-537, RSC Curtia-2. Obv: Head of Roma r., Q CVRT before, X behind. Rx: Jupiter in galloping quadriga r., M SILA below horses, lituus above; ROMA in exergue. VF.........................................235 242. ANONYMOUS; 115-114 BC, Denarius, 3.83g. Cr-287/1, Syd-530, RSC-176 (p. 8). Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X behind, R[OMA] below. Rx: Roma seated r. on shields, Wolf and Twins before, two birds in field (one off flan). VF........................175 243. ANONYMOUS; 115-114 BC, Denarius, 3.64g. Cr-287/1, Syd-530, RSC-176. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X behind, ROMA below. Rx: Roma seated r. on shields, Wolf and Twins before, two birds in field. VF...........................................................175 244. L. VALERIUS FLACCUS; 108-107 BC, Denarius, 3.81g. Cr-306/1, Syd-565, RSC Valeria-11. Obv: Bust of winged Victory r. Rx: Mars walking l. carrying trophy; L VALERI / FLACCI and flamen’s cap before, ear of wheat behind. Hairline in front of Victory’s face. aEF.....................................................................................................245 245. L. THORIUS BALBUS; 105 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-316/1, Syd-598, RSC Thoria-1. Obv: Head of Juno Sospita r. wearing goat-skin headdress; ISMR downwards behind. Rx: Bull charging r., R above; L THORIVS below, BALBVS in exergue. “Each control-letter (in this issue) may have several dies” (Crawford). Ex Berk 89, 14 February 1996, lot 260. aEF.......................................................................................285 246. L. THORIUS BALBUS; 105 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-316/1, Syd-598, RSC Thoria-1. Obv: Head of Juno Sospita r. wearing goat-skin headdress; ISMR downwards behind. Rx: Bull charging r., V above; L THORIVS below, BALBVS in exergue. “Each control-letter (in this issue) may have several dies” (Crawford). Ex Berk 86, 11 July 1995, lot 549. aEF......................................................................................................265 247. LUCIUS APPULEIUS SATURNINUS; 104 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-317/3b, Syd578a, RSC Appuleia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma l. Rx: Saturn in quadriga l., R above dot below, L SATVRN in exergue. gVF..........................................................250 248. C. FUNDANIUS; 101 BC, Quinarius, 1.73g. Cr-326/2, Syd-584, RSC Fundania-2. Obv: Head of Jupiter r. Rx: Victory erecting trophy, kneeling captive between; [C FVNDA] on r., Q in exergue. The captive is presumably Teutobodus, king of the Teutones, who was captured by Marius and paraded in his triumph in 101 BC. VG.110 249. C. ALLIUS BALA; 92 BC, Denarius, 3.67g. Cr-336/1b, Syd-595, RSC Aelia-4. Obv: Female head r., X below chin. Rx: Diana in biga of stags r., grasshopper below. Fine... ....................................................................................................................................165 250. D. SILANUS L.F.; 91 BC, Denarius, 2.86g. Cr-337/3, Syd-646, RPC-Junia 15. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., M behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., VI above, D SILANVS L F / ROMA in exergue. In this issue “each control-mark may have several dies” (Crawford, p. 338). Some iridescent toning on reverse. aEF.....................................300 251. C. VIBIUS C.F. PANSA; 90 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Cr-342/5b, Syd-684c, RSC Vibia1c. Obv: PANSA Laureate head of Apollo r., fractional sign as symbol below chin. Rx C VIBIVS C [F] in exergue, Minerva in quadriga r., holding spear, reins, and trophy. Unusual with fractional sign as symbol. gVF............................................................225 252. ANONYMOUS; 86 BC, Denarius, 3.88g. Cr-350a/2A, Syd-723, RSC-226 (p. 8). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., thunderbolt below. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga r., about to hurl thunderbolt. aEF..................................................................................................185 253. L. JULIUS BURSIO; 85 BC, Denarius, 4.08g. Cr-352/1a, Syd-728, RSC Julia-5. Obv: Male head r., laureate and winged, traces of uncertain symbol behind. Rx: L IVLI BVRSIO, Victory in quadriga r. EF / VF...................................................................265 254. C. LICINIUS L.F. MACER; 84 BC, Denarius, 3.65g. Cr-354/1, Syd-732, RSC Licinia-16. Obv: Bust of Apollo l. showing back and shoulders, wielding thunderbolt in r. hand. Rx: Minerva in quadriga r., [C] LICINIVS L [F/MACER] in exergue. VF.... ....................................................................................................................................175 255. C. NORBANUS; 83 BC, Denarius, 4.00g. Cr-357/1b, Syd-739, RSC Norbana-2. Obv: Head of Venus r. wearing stephane and necklace, C NORBANVS below, X behind. Rx: Ear of wheat, fasces and caduceus. Toned. EF...........................................................300 256. L. PAPIUS; 79 BC, Denarius, 3.57g. Cr-384/1, Syd-773, RSC Papia-1, Banti-39. Obv: Head of Juno Sospita r. wearing goat skin; boots behind. Rx: Griffin leaping r., shoehorn below; in exergue L PAPI; ancient weight adjustment ‘gouge’ in upper l. field. VF...............................................................................................................................275 Fourreé 257. P. SATRIENUS; 77 BC, Plated Denarius, 3.07g. Cr-388/1b, Syd-781a, RSC Satriena-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., V behind. Rx: She-wolf l., ROMA above, P SATRIE / NVS in exergue. EF................................................................................250 258. CN. EGNATIUS CN.F.CN.N. MAXSUMUS; 75 BC, Denarius, 3.67g. Cr-391/3, Syd-787, RSC Egnatia-2. Obv: Bust of Libertas wearing stephane r., cap and [M] AXSVMVS behind. Rx: Roma placing foot on wolf’s head and Venus with small Cupid flying towards her head, standing side by side between rudders set on prows; CN N on r., control letter N on l., [C] EGNAT[IVS CN F] in exergue. VF.....................300 259. C. POSTUMIUS; 74 BC, Denarius, 4.03g. Cr-394/1a, Syd-785, RSC Postumia-9. Obv: Bust of Diana r., bow and quiver over shoulder. Rx: C POSTVMI Hound running r., below spear; TA monogram in exergue. Beautiful toning, some iridescence. Mint State............................................................................................................................950 260. MN. AQUILLIUS MN.F. MN.N.; 65 BC, Serrate Denarius, 4.05g. Cr-401/1, Syd798, RSC Aquillia-2. Obv: VIRTVS - III VIR Helmeted bust of Virtus r. Rx: The consul Mn. Aquillius raising Sicilia, MN AQVIL - MN F MN N on r. and l., SICIL in exergue. Mint State.................................................................................................................1500 261. Q. FUFIUS CALENUS & MUCIUS CORDUS; 70 BC, Serrate Denarius, 3.69g.









270. 271.








Cr-403/1, Syd-797, RSC Fufia-1. Obv: Jugate heads of Honos (laureate) and Virtus (helmeted), labeled HO and VIRT respectively, KALENI below. Rx: Italia (ITAL) clasping hands with Roma (RO), CORDI in exergue. Reverse type commemorates the reconciliation of Rome and Italy after the Social War. aVF.......................................300 C. PISO L.F. FRUGI; 67 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-408/1b, Hersh-350 (O276/R2099). Obv: Head of Apollo r., wearing taenia; monogram behind. Rx: Horseman r., pellet above. Dark toning. Mint State..................................................................................325 IMPERATORIAL SILVER POMPEY THE GREAT; 42-40 BC, Denarius struck by his son Sextus Pompey, 3.71g. Cr-511/3a, Sear Imperators-334, Syd-1344 (R5), C-17 (15 Fr.). Obv: MAG PIVS IMP ITER Head of Pompey the Great r. between augural symbols, pitcher on l. and lituus on r. Rx: [PRAEF] above, CLAS ET ORAE / [MA]RIT EX S C in exergue (with several ligatures) Neptune standing l., foot on prow, between the Catanaean brothers with their parents on their shoulders. The reverse legend records the fact that Sextus Pompey had been appointed “Prefect of the Fleet and of the Sea Coasts by Decree of the Senate”. Choice VF............................................................................1000 M. JUNIUS BRUTUS; 54 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-433/1, Syd-906a, RSC Junia-31. Obv: Bust of Liberty r., LIBERTAS behind. Rx: L. Junius Brutus, consul 509 BC, walking l. between two lictors who hold fasces over shoulder, and preceded by accensus; BRVTVS in exergue. Toned. EF / VF...................................................... 1100 Exquisite Medusa FDC L. PLAUTIUS PLANCUS; 47 BC, Denarius, 4.26g. Syd-959, Cr-453/1a, RSC Plautia-15. Obv: Mask of Medusa, serpents at sides of face, L PLAVTIVS below. Rx: Aurora flying, conducting four horses of the Sun, PLANCVS below. We have never handled a Medusa this beautifully drawn, wonderfully centered, and sharply struck. Even the reverse has better than normal centering, with only the horse’s head on the far left slightly flatly struck. FDC.................................................................................3000 JULIUS CAESAR; Military Mint, 49-48 BC, Denarius, 3.68g. Cr-443/1; Syd-1006; Sear, Imperators-9. Obv: Elephant walking r., trampling dragon; CAESAR in exergue. Rx: Priestly emblems: ladle, sprinkler, ax terminating in wolf’s head above blade, priest’s hat topped by spike. Toned EF. ...................................................................3750 Exceptional Image JULIUS CAESAR; Rome, 44 BC, lifetime, shortly before assassination on 15 March, Moneyer M. Mettius, Denarius, 4.15g. Cr-480/3; Syd-1056; Sear, Imperators-100. Obv: Wreathed head r., CAESAR IM[P] before, lituus and simpulum behind. Rx: Venus standing l. resting l. elbow on shield set on globe and holding Victory and transverse scepter, control letter H before, M METTIVS behind. From the same dies as Alföldi, Caesar in 44 v. Chr., pl. XI, 15-16. This is an exceptional image of Caesar struck only weeks or months before his assassination. It would be very difficult to find a coin better than this. Some slightly iridescent toning. Mint State......................12500 JULIUS CAESAR; 44 BC, probably lifetime, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-480/19, Syd-1069, Sear, Imperators-112, C-8 (20 Fr.). Obv: CAESAR - PARENS PATRIA[E] Veiled, wreathed head of Caesar r., apex (spiked priestly hat) behind, lituus below chin. Rx: C.COSSVTIVS MARID - IANVS in form of cross, A A A F.F in angles. From the same dies as Alföldi, Caesar in 44 v. Chr., pl. CXXXIV, 86-9. Alföldi found 111 specimens of this denarius, from 15 obverse and 15 reverse dies. Probably struck before Caesar’s assassination on 15 March 44 BC, as convincingly argued by Woytek, Arma et Nummi, p. 727, against Crawford p. 494 and others. Minor scratches on reverse. In beauitful style and struck on a large flan. Toned VF.............................................................12500 P. CLODIUS M.F. TURRINUS; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.74g. Cr-494/23, Syd-1117, RSC Claudia-15. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., lyre behind. Rx: P. CLODIVS on r., M.F on l., Diana Lucifera standing holding two long torches, bow and quiver on her shoulder. aVF.............................................................................................................285 MARK ANTONY; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.55g. Cr-496/1; Syd-1168; Sear, Imperators-128. Obv: M ANTONI IMP Bare head of Antony r. Rx: [III] VIR R.P.C Facing head of Sol in temple of two columns. Fine...................................................800 CASSIUS, STRUCK BY LENTULUS SPINTER; 42 BC, probably at Smyrna, Denarius, 3.31g. Cr-500/5; Syd-1305; Sear, Imperators-223. Obv: Draped and veiled head of Liberty r.; C CASSI IMP behind, LEIBERTAS before. Rx: Jug and lituus, LENTVLVS SPINT below. VF..................................................................................985 MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN; 41 BC, M. Barbatius Pollio Quaestor Pro Praetore, Denarius, 3.70g. Cr-517/2; Syd-1181; C-8 (30 Fr.); Sear, Imperators-243. Obv: M ANT IMP AVG IIIVIR R P C M BARBAT Q P (MP and AV ligate) Bare head of Mark Antony r. Rx: CAESAR IMP PONT IIIVIR R P C Bare head of Octavian r. With two older handwritten tickets, one from an Austrian collector, probably c. 1930, with provenance “Lukutic, Graz, 10 K”; the second from a British dealer, priced £8.15.0 . gVF............................................................................................................1500 MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN; 41 BC, M. Barbatius Pollio Quaestor Pro Praetore, Denarius, 3.60g. Cr-517/2; Syd-1181; C-8 (30 Fr.); Sear, Imperators-243. Obv: [M] ANT IMP AVG IIIVIR R P C M BARBAT Q P (MP and AV ligate) Bare head of Mark Antony r. Rx: CAESAR IMP PONT IIIVIR R P C Bare head of Octavian r. Extremely sharp, beautifully centered. Miniscule hairline on base of lettering to lower right of Octavian’s portrait. FDC.............................................................................3500 ROMAN IMPERIAL & PROVINCIAL SILVER AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Hispania Tarraconensis (Caesaraugusta), c. 19-18 BC, Denarius, 3.58g. BM-335, Paris-1316, C-293, RIC-42b. Obv: CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head bare l. Rx: Round shield inscribed S.P.Q.R / CL.V. Banker’s mark on cheek of Augustus. EF / VF......................................................................................................725 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Hispania Baetica (Colonia Patricia or Cordoba), 1915 BC, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-363, Paris-1098, C-179, RIC-64a. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS Head bare r. Rx: [I]OV - TON across field, Statue of Jupiter the Thunderer standing l. in six-columned temple, holding thunderbolt and scepter. Augustus built a temple to Jupiter the Thunderer at Rome after narrowly escaping being hit by lightning while waging war against the Cantabrians in Spain. Scratch at base of Augustus’ jaw. EF...............................................................................................................................385 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Spain, 19-15 BC, Denarius, 3.81g. BM-347, C-21 (6 Fr.), Paris-1266, RIC-126 (R2). Obv: Bare head of Augustus r., no legend. Rx: AVGVSTVS in exergue, Capricorn r. holding globe attached to rudder, above its back cornucopia bound with fillet. Some light toning. EF.................................................775 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Spain, 18-17/16 BC, Denarius, 3.75g. BM-441, pl. 10.13 (same obv. die), RIC-148 corr., Paris-1236, C-321 (5 Fr.). Obv: SPQR CAE[SARI AV]GVSTO Head of Augustus bare r. Rx: VOT P SVSC PRO SAL ET RED I O M SACR Mars standing l., head r. holding vexillum and parazonium. Mint State......1000 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 2 BC-14 AD, Denarius, 3.79g. RIC-210, BM-540, Paris-1659, RSC-43c. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTV[S] - DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Head laureate r. Rx: [C L] CAESARES in exergue, AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT around, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, each togate and



















resting hand on shield; behind each shield, a spear; above, lituus on l., ladle on r. The scarcer “mirror-image” variant of this type, where the two priestly implements in field have switched places and the shield on right partially covers the shield on left rather than vice versa. Well centered on a round flan, with a nearly complete legend on both sides. Mint State.......................................................................................................1450 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 2 BC-4 AD, Denarius, BM-519, C-43, Paris-1651, RIC-207. Obv: CAESAR AVG[VSTVS - DIVI F PATER] PATRIAE Head laureate r. Rx: C L CAESARE[S] in exergue, [AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRI]NC IVVENT around, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing holding honorary shields and spears, ladle and lituus above. Mint State..................................................................900 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 2 BC-14 AD, Denarius, 3.80g. RIC210, BM-540, Paris-1659, RSC-43c. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS - DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Head laureate r. Rx: C L CAESARES in exergue, AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT around, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, each togate and resting hand on shield; behind each shield, a spear; above, lituus on l., ladle on r. The scarcer “mirror-image” variant of this type, where the two priestly implements in field have switched places and the shield on right partially covers the shield on left rather than vice versa. Mint State.......................................................................................1500 Rare Livia Reverse for Augustus AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, c. 13-14 AD, Denarius, 3.81g. BM-545; Paris-1693; C-223 (50 Fr.); RIC-220 (R2); Giard, Lyon-94 (4 spec.). Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS - DIV[I F P]ATER PATRIAE Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch. The standard reverse type of Tiberius’ reign, but very rare for Augustus. Near Mint State............................................................2000 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Caesaraugusta, c. 19-15 BC, Denarius, 3.60g. BM-319, RIC-33b (R2), C-48 (4 Fr.), Paris-1285. Obv: Head of Augustus l. wearing oak wreath, no legend. Rx: CAESAR above, AVGVST[VS] below, two laurel branches. Some small minor contact marks. Bold VF........................................................................3250 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Asia Minor mint, 28 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 11.90g. RPC-2203 (80 coins, 50 obv. dies), BM-691, C-218 (40 Fr.), RIC-476. Obv: IMP CAESAR DIVI F COS VI LIBERTATIS P R VINDEX Head laureate r. Rx: Pax standing l. on lighted torch (?) and holding short caduceus, between legend PAX on l. and cista mystica from which serpent emerges (weakly struck) on r.; all in laurel wreath. EF................................................................................................................2750 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Ephesus, c. 25-20 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 11.85g. RPC-2213 (108 coins, 69 obv. dies), BM-696, C-16 (25 Fr.), RIC-477 (S). Obv: IMP CAE - SAR Head bare r. Rx: AVGVSTVS Capricorn r., head l., bearing cornucopia, all within laurel wreath. Near Mint State......................................................................2500 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Ephesus, c. 24-20 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 11.75g. RIC-482, RPC-2215 (123 spec.), BM-694, C-33 (25 Fr.). Obv: IMP - CAE - SAR Bare head of Augustus r. Rx: AVGVSTVS Garlanded and filleted altar; on the front, two stags facing each other. Near Mint State..................................................................2500 TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.69g. BM-34, Paris-16, C-16, RIC26. Obv: TI CAESAR D[IVI] - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne has plain legs, two lines below. EF....................................................................................................................950 TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.69g. BM-48, Paris-28, C-16, RIC30. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: [PONTIF] - MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne has plain legs, two lines below. Near Mint State.............................................................................................1000 TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.74g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONT[IF] MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. EF.................................................................875 TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.65g. BM-48, Paris-28, C-16, RIC-30. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne has plain legs, two lines below. EF.. ....................................................................................................................................800 TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.71g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: [TI CAESAR DIVI - A]VG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. EF.................................................................700 NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Denarius, 3.34g. BM-74, Paris-220, C-119 (3 Fr.), RIC-53. Obv: NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: IVPPITER CVSTOS Jupiter seated l. holding thunderbolt and scepter. EF..............................1850 Messalina CLAUDIUS I AND MESSALINA; Alexandria, Egypt, Year 4 = 43/4 AD, Billon Tetradrachm, 12.60g. RPC-5145 (15 spec.), Dattari-125, Oxford-94, Emmett-74/4. Obv: TI KΛ[AVΔI KAIΣ] ΣEBA ΓEPMANI AVTOKP Head of Claudius laureate r., date LΔ before neck. Rx: MEΣΣAΛI - NA - KAIΣ - ΣEBA[Σ] Messalina, veiled, standing l., leaning on column and holding two small figures in r. hand and two wheat ears in l. arm. The two figures Messalina holds apparently represent Britannicus and Octavia, the two children she bore to Claudius. Ex Berk 82, 18 July 1994, lot 740. This is the only image of the wife of Claudius whom he had executed for infidelity. EF.650 Civil War CIVIL WAR, RHINE LEGIONS; 68 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. Paris-41, Martin-77, C-420 (10 Fr.), Gollnow-1085. Obv: SALVS GENER[IS - HV]MANI Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath and palm. Rx: S P Q R within oak wreath. Though the obverse is slightly off-center, this is a wonderful example of a civil war denarius that frequently comes worn. Mint State..........................................................................3500 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 70 AD, Denarius, 2.90g. RIC-2 (C2), BM-35, Paris-23, C-226 (5 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: IVDAE[A] in exergue, Mourning Jewess seated r. on ground beside trophy. VF.... ....................................................................................................................................750 Exquisite Denarius VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Ephesus, 70 AD, Denarius, 2.90g. RIC-1410 (R3, citing NAC 8, 1995, lot 788). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS II TR P P P Head of Vespasian laureate r. Rx: LIBERI IMP - AVG VESPAS Bare heads of Titus, on l., and Domitian, on r., facing one another; Titus’ hair is tousled and his beard is short, while Domitian’s hair is arranged in rows of curls and his beard is a little longer; behind Titus’ neck, mintmark Φ. With interesting differences between the portraits of the two Caesars. A rare reverse type in this issue. This is one of the finest examples of the portraits of Titus and Domitian facing one another that we have ever handled. FDC..... ..................................................................................................................................8750 NERVA; 96-98 AD, Rome, 97 AD, Denarius, 3.70g. BM-53, Paris-39, C-22, RIC26. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG - P M TR P II COS III P P Head laureate r. Rx: CONCORDIA . EXERCITVVM Clasped hands before legionary eagle. Scarce issue

of late 97 AD (19 September-c. December). Beautifully centered. EF......................600 297. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 110 AD, Denarius, 3.06g. Woytek-286b (94 spec.), BM-305, Strack-148, C-83 corr. (“Pax holding branch”). Rx: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC Felicitas standing l. leaning on column and holding caduceus. Ex Berk 110, 8 September 1999, lot 345. EF..................................................................300 AEGYPTOS 298. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 130-3 AD, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-797, C-99, RIC1482 (C). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: AEGYPTOS Egypt reclining l. on basket, holding sistrum in r. hand; at her feet, ibis standing r. Exceptional example. EF..............................................................................................................1500 299. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 139 AD, 3.49g. BM-55, C-85, RIC-23. Obv: HADR in legend, Head laureate r. Rx: AVG PIVS P M TR P COS II Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Scarce with this bust type: only four specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State.............................................................250 300. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 144 AD, Denarius, 3.46g. BM-505, C-186 (2 Fr.), RIC-118. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS III - DES IIII Virtus standing l., r. breast bare, holding spear with point downwards and parazonium. Ex Berk 127, 25 June 2002, lot 345. Uncommon legend of late 144 naming Pius’ designation to his fourth consulship of 1 January 145 AD; 31 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF..........................................................................................200 301. FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Rome, Denarius, 2.77g. BM-384, RSC-61a, RIC-353. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AETER - NITAS Throne, against which leans scepter, peacock stepping r. before throne. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Simmons, London, July 2000. aEF................................150 302. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 162 AD, Denarius, 3.30g. BM-181, bust var. of RIC 35=40 and C-35. Obv: IMP M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG Bareheaded bust r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: CONCORD AVG TR P XVI around, COS III in exergue, Concordia seated l. holding patera and placing elbow on statuette of Spes, cornucopia below throne. Mint State.............................475 Exceptional Portrait 303. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 177 AD, Denarius, 3.26g. RIC-378, C-949, BM-735. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG - GERM SARM Head laureate r. Rx: TR P XXXI IMP VIII COS III P P Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Ex William B. Porter Collection, CNG stock 997327, and Elwood Rafn Collection. With a fine portrait of the emperor, as good as what you might see on an aureus. Mint State.... ....................................................................................................................................575 304. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 178 AD, Denarius, 3.58g. BM-694 note; bust var. of C-142 and RIC-412. Obv: M AVREL ANTO - NINVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r. Rx: C - OS - III P.P. Minerva standing l., holding branch and resting l. hand on shield, spear rests against l. arm. Mint State.................................525 305. FAUSTINA II; Rome, 161-75 AD, Denarius, 2.87g. BM-122, C-145, RIC-698. Obv: FAVSTINA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. wearing stephane with pearls along its upper edge. Rx: IVNONI REGI - NAE Juno, not veiled, seated l. holding patera and scepter, footstool and peacock at her feet. Juno is veiled on the BM example, pl. 55.14. Toned. aEF.............................................................................................................................150 306. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 197 AD, Denarius, 3.61g. BM-168, C-348 (3 Fr.), RIC-82. Obv: [L SEPT SEV P]ERT - AVG IMP VIII Head laureate r. Rx: M[V]NIFICENTIA AVG Elephant walking r. Ex Berk 113, 14 March 2000, lot 359. Commemorates the games also mentioned in the Historia Augusta that were given by Severus in mid 197 prior to his departure on his second Parthian expedition. Scarce with IMP VIII on obverse: about 20 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. gVF............285 307. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 199 AD, Denarius, 3.28g. BM-197, C-586, RIC-166. Obv: SEVERVS AVG - PART MAX Head laureate r. Rx: PROVID AVGG Providentia standing l. holding wand and scepter, globe at her feet. Mint State. ....................................................................................................................................225 VICTORIAE BRIT 308. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 210-11 AD, Denarius, 1.97g. BM62, C-731 (3 Fr.), RIC-335. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIAE - BRIT Victory, naked to waist, seated l. on crossed shields, holding a shield resting on her r. knee and a palm. Somewhat corroded but of great historical interest. VF...................................................................................................................90 309. JULIA DOMNA, WIFE OF SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS AND MOTHER OF CARACALLA; Rome, 198-202 AD, Denarius, 3.59g. BM-10, C-14, RIC-546. Obv: IVLIA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: CERERI FRVGIF Ceres seated l. holding wheat ears and long torch. EF............................................................................................... 110 310. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 203 AD, Denarius, 3.46g. BM-280, C-97 corr., RIC-130a. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: INDVLGENTIA AVGG around, IN CARTH in exergue, Dea Caelestis, head front and holding thunderbolt and scepter, riding r. on lion above water flowing from rocks. The scarcer variety of this reverse type, not accurately described in the standard catalogues, with Dea Caelestis’ head facing rather than turned right. EF.....................................200 311. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 203 AD, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-435, C-499, RIC69. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: PONT TR P - VI COS Virtus standing l., r. breast bare, holding Victory and reversed spear. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought from Ken Dorney, October 1998. The diety on reverse is called Roma in the standard catalogues, but the same type was also struck at the same time with the descriptive legend VIRTVS AVGG. EF...............................................185 312. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 206 AD, Denarius, 3.33g. BM-498, C-424, RIC83. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: PONTI[F] TR P - VIIII COS II Mars standing l. holding shield and reversed spear that rest on ground before and behind him. EF+ / EF.................................................................................................100 313. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 213 AD, Denarius, 3.31g. BMC-p. 440, *; C-221; RIC-206b. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P - XVI - COS IIII P P Hercules standing l. holding branch and club, lionskin hanging from l. arm. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 135, 10 December 2003, lot 245. Scarce with FEL in obverse legend: 24 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State............................................................................................................................190 314. PLAUTILLA; Rome, 204 AD, Denarius, 3.05g. BM-429, C-25, RIC-369. Obv: PLAVTILLA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r., hair covering ear. Rx: VENVS - VICTRIX Plautilla as Venus standing l. (she has Plautilla’s hairdo), leaning on shield and holding apple and palm, Cupid standing before her holding helmet. Toned VF.....................150 315. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 201-2 AD, Denarius, 3.26g. RIC-18, C-157 var. (RSC 157b), BM-234. Obv: P SE[PT] GETA - CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: PRI - NC I - VVENTVTIS Geta in military dress standing l. holding baton and scepter, trophy behind. EF.........................................................................100 316. MACRINUS; 217-218 AD, Rome, 218 AD, Denarius, 2.98g. BM-47, RSC-51a, RIC27. Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV - MACRINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR

P II COS P P Macrinus seated l. on curule chair, holding globe and scepter. Exquisite portrait. Orange and blue toning. Mint State..............................................................475 317. ELAGABALUS; Rome, 220-1 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. BM-220, C-92, RIC-107. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: LIBER - TAS AVG Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter, star in field r. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in July 1998. Mint State...............................................................................200 318. ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Rome, 221-2 AD, Denarius, 3.44g. BM-232, C-276, RIC-146. Obv: With “horn” and beard on chin. Rx: SVMMVS SACERDOS AVG Emperor in Syrian priestly dress sacrificing l. at tripod altar and holding branch, star in l. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, seller and purchase date not recorded. Toned EF....................................................................................................................140 319. JULIA SOAEMIAS; Rome, 221-222 AD, Denarius, 2.95g. BM-55, C-14, RIC-243. Obv: IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG Bust draped r. Rx: VENVS CAELESTIS Venus seated l. holding apple and scepter, child standing r. before her raising hands. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned EF.....................................................................................125 320. JULIA MAESA; Rome, 221-2 AD, Denarius, 3.33g. BM-76, C-36, RIC-268. Obv: IVLIA MAESA AVG Bust draped r. Rx: PVDICITIA Pudicitia seated l. drawing veil over head and holding transverse scepter. Mint State................................................220 321. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, c. 230 AD, Denarius, 2.85g. BM638, C-566 corr. (5 Fr.), RIC-219. Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XAND AVG Bust laureate r., with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVSTI Victory standing r., holding shield on which she writes VOT X. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 157, 17 December 2007, lot 300. Mint State.............................250 322. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 231 AD, Denarius, 3.02g. BM-754 (ex L. A. Lawrence, 1946); bust var. of C-582 (citing a private coll., 6 Fr.) and RIC-222. Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XAND AVG Bust laureate r. with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: VIRT - VS AVG Virtus standing r. placing l. foot on helmet and holding scepter and parazonium. Rare: only 3 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State............................................................................................................................275 323. ORBIANA; Rome, c. 226 AD, Denarius, 2.64g. BM-287, C-1 (20 Fr.), RIC-319. Obv: SALL BARBIA - ORBIANA AVG Bust draped r. wearing stephane. Rx: CONCORDI - A - AVGG Concordia seated l. holding patera and double cornucopia. Toned EF..575 324. JULIA MAMAEA; Rome, 222-4 AD, Denarius, 2.78g. BM-43, C-35, RIC-343. Rx: IVNO CONSERVATRIX Juno standing l. holding patera and scepter, peacock at feet. Mint State...................................................................................................................125 325. MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236 AD, Denarius, 2.86g. BM-77, C-55, RIC-3. Obv: Legend without GERM, second portrait. Rx: P M T - R P II - COS P P Emperor, laureate and in military dress, standing l. between two standards, raising r. hand and holding spear in l. Toned Mint State........................................................285 326. BALBINUS; 238 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.89g. BM-37, C-27 (10 Fr.), RIC-8. Obv: IMP C D CAEL BALBINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VICTO - RIA AVGG Victory standing r., head l., holding wreath and palm. Ex William B. Porter Collection, earlier in CNG E366, 13 January 2016, lot 865 (“coll. of a Texas Wine Doctor”). Overweight specimen. Mint State......................................1250 327. PUPIENUS; 238 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.76g. BM 87-91 (all ex Dorchester Hoard), C-3, RIC-10b. Obv: IMP CAES PVPIEN MAXIMVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: CARITAS MVTVA AVGG Clasped hands. Exceptional quality. Choice EF....................................................................................................1200 328. GORDIAN III; Rome, 238-239 AD, Antoninianus, 4.84g. RIC-2, C-105. Obv: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: IOVI CONSERVATORI Jupiter standing l. holding thunderbolt in r. hand over small Gordian standing l. and vertical scepter in l hand. EF..............................................................100 Tranquillina 329. TRANQUILLINA; Caesarea, Cappadocia, Year 4=241 AD, Drachm, 3.14g. Emporium Hamburg 71, 8 May 2014, lot 296 (same dies); bust and legend var. of Sydenham/Malloy-617aa. Obv: CABINIA TPANKVΛΛIN AV Bust draped r., large nest of braids in hair at back, without stephane. Rx: MHTPO KAIC B N around, date ET Δ in exergue, Mt. Argaeus, pellet in upper l. field. Rare silver drachm of Tranquillina at Caesarea. Ganschow-910a = Henseler-1424. Sydenham knew no silver coins for her at Caesarea, but Sydenham-Malloy 617aa cites a drachm for her, a bust and legend variant of our coin, from Leu 18, 5 May 1977, lot 373, and the Burbules Collection. Recently several dozen further specimens have appeared on the market, but the fourteen in CoinArchives Pro with the same bust type and coiffure as ours, plus nine other such specimens that we have had in stock, were all struck from the same obverse die as the present coin, confirming the rarity of Tranquillina’s silver at Caesarea. Slight doublestriking on eye of Tranquillina. EF..................................................................900 330. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antioch, 244 AD, Antoninianus, 3.44g. C-113 (10 Fr.), RIC69 (S). Obv: IMP C M IVL PHILIPPVS P F AVG P M Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: PAX FVND - ATA CVM PERSIS Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter. On this scarce early Eastern antoninianus Philip commemorated the peace he patched up with the Persians after Gordian III’s death during a campaign against them. P M on the obverse probably stands for not Pontifex, but Parthicus or Persicus Maximus, a victory title which is also found on some early inscriptions of the reign but was then apparently dropped. FDC............................................................................275 331. TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.94g. RIC-30, C-13. Obv: IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: AETERNITAS AVGG Aeternitas standing l., holding phoenix on globe and raising skirt. EF......................................................................................................................175 332. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, c. 267-8 AD, Antoninianus, 2.77g. Göbl-713b (123 spec.), Cunetio-1341 (198 spec.), RIC-230, C-586 (3 Fr.). Obv: GALLIE[NV]S AVG Head radiate r. Rx: LIBER[O P C]ONS AVG Tigress walking l., B (=officina 2) in exergue. EF.............................................................................................................120 333. SALONINA; Rome, Antoninianus, 4.65g. Göbl-227b (240 spec.), Cunetio-651 (1779 spec.), RIC-29, C-60. Obv: SALONIN - A AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: IVN - O REGINA Juno standing l. holding patera and scepter. EF....100 Galley 334. POSTUMUS; 260-268 AD, Antoninianus, 4.15g. RIC-73, Cunetio-2385 (474 spec.). Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS.P.F.AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: LAETITIA above, AVG in exergue, Galley l., steersman in cabin at stern, waves below. Mint State........................................................................................................200 335. MARIUS; 268 AD, Antoninianus, 3.03g. RIC-17, C-19 (10 Fr.), cf. Cunetio-2509 (38 spec.). Obv: IMP C M AVR MARIVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVG Victory standing l. holding wreath and palm. Reverse struck with extremely worn die. Mint State..................................................................................475 Left Facing Portrait 336. TETRICUS II AS CAESAR; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 2.96g. Cunetio Hoard-2655 (2 spec.), RIC-270 (R), C-90 (30 Fr.). Obv: C PIV ESV TETRICVS



















CAES Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed left, seen from front. Rx: SPE - S AVGG Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Very rare with portrait left. Obverse softly struck but well centered. VF.......................................................................................375 AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Cyzicus, Antoninianus, 4.49g. Göbl-342b3 (20 spec.), Paris-1185, RIC-368 corr. Obv: IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: RESTITVTOR - ORBIS Aurelian standing l. extending r. hand and holding spear in l., about to be crowned by figure of Victory standing r. before him; in exergue, Γ - C. Mint State......................................................................................175 AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Cyzicus, Antoninianus, 3.88g. Göbl-348e1 (18 spec.), Paris-1220, RIC-366. Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: RESTITVToR EXERCITI Aurelian standing l. holding spear and extending r. hand to receive globe from helmeted Mars, who stands r. before him and also holds spear; in exergue, XXI; in field A. Mint State...........................................125 Rare Type Bust AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Serdica, Antoninianus, 3.85g. Göbl-243mH(3), RIC 260, cf. Paris-1000. Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate cuirassed r., seen from front, on breast of cuirass small radiate head of emperor r. Rx: IOVI CON - SER around, S in exergue, Jupiter handing globe to emperor; Jupiter is nude except for long cloak hanging behind him, and also holds long vertical scepter; emperor is in military dress and also holds slanting scepter whose lower half disappears behind his body. Rare with small head of emperor decorating his cuirass on obverse. Mint State...............250 AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Serdica, Antoninianus, 3.53g. Göbl-243mB1 (4 spec.), Paris-1004, RIC-260. Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate cuirassed r., seen from front, scales and dots on cuirass. Rx: IOVI CON - SER around, P in exergue, Jupiter handing globe to emperor; Jupiter is nude except for long cloak hanging behind him, and also holds long vertical scepter; emperor is in military dress and also holds slanting scepter whose lower half disappears behind his body. Mint State...............165 SEVERINA; Rome, Denarius, 2.72g. Göbl-142t4 (11 spec.), C-14 (3 Fr.), RIC-6. Obv: SEVERI - NA AVG Bust draped r., wearing stephane. Rx: VENVS FELIX Venus standing l. holding apple with index finger and thumb and scepter, Δ=officina 4 in r. field. Ex Spink’s Circular, September 1986, no. 5977. Scarcer issue with officina number in right field not exergue. VF........................................................................200 PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 3.71g. RIC-203, officina Γ=3; C-642. Obv: PROBV - S P F AVG Bust radiate l., almost half-length, seen from front, wearing consular robes and holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: SOLI INVICTO Sol raising r. hand and holding globe and whip in l., in quadriga of horses leaping l.; in exergue thunderbolt flanked by R and Γ. Mint State................................................................125 PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Siscia, Antoninianus, 3.37g. RIC-816, C-894. Obv: IMP C M AVR PROBVS P AVG Radiate bust l. in consular robes and holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: VIRTVS - PROBI AVG Mars advancing r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder, in exergue XXI, in r. field Q (officina 4). From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Alex Malloy, March 2001. Mint State..............................................140 LATE ROMAN SILVER AND SILVERED BRONZE DIOCLETIAN; 284-305 AD, Ticinum, c. 295 AD, Argenteus, 2.97g. RIC-16a (R2), RSC-488d. Obv: DIOCLETI - ANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - SARMAT Four emperors sacrificing over tripod altar before gate of six-turreted enclosure. Mint State..................................................................................................800 CONSTANTIUS I AS CAESAR; 293-305 AD, Lugdunum, 301-3 AD, Follis, 9.95g. RIC-164a (C2), Bastien-346 (55 spec.). Obv: CONSTANTIVS NOB C Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front, fold of cloak on l. shoulder. Rx: GENIO POP - VLI ROMANI Genius sacrificing l. over altar and holding cornucopia, PLG in exergue, B (officina 2) in r. field. Ex Berk 203, 18 January 2018, lot 282, and Berk 159, 3 June 2008, lot 364. Bought from J.P Martin, October 1988, ex 1981 Holland Hoard of Tetrarchic folles. Mint State.......................................................................................100 LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, London, 310-12 AD, Reduced Follis, 4.73g. RIC-209c. Obv: IMP LICINIVS P F AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: GENIO - POP ROM Genius standing l. holding patera and cornucopia, PLN in exergue, star in r. field. Ex Berk 136, 5 February 2004, lot 271. Mint State.......................................100 CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Sirmium, 324-5 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.71g. RIC48 (c3). Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: SARMATIA - DEVICTA Victory advancing r. holding trophy and palm and placing foot on seated captive, SIRM in exergue. Mint State................................................................................................175 FAUSTA, WIFE OF CONSTANTINE I; Reduced Follis, Antioch, 326 AD, 3.27g. RIC-76 corr., officina H=8 (r4); C-7 (2 Fr.). Obv: FLAV MAX - FAVSTA AVG Bust draped r., wearing pearl necklace. Rx: SALVS REI - PVBLICAE Empress, veiled, standing l. holding two infants, .SMANTH in exergue. RIC apparently fails to indicate that the mintmark on nos. 76-77 is SMANTA preceded by a pellet, not the same with pellet in field. According to Voetter’s Gerin catalogue, p. 49, there are no Antioch bronzes of Fausta with pellet in field, but with pellet before mintmark they do exist, although RIC does not record them unless nos. 76-77 were meant to be them. aEF.200 CRISPUS AS CAESAR; 317-326 AD, Siscia, 321-4 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.91g. RIC-181, officina B=2 (c3). Obv: IVL CRIS - PVS NOB C Head laureate r. Rx: VOT / X within wreath, around which CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, in exergue BSI[S] followed by radiate crown. Pretty green patination with good centering and high relief. EF...............................................................................................................................100 CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Reduced Follis, Nicomedia, 3245 AD, 3.88g. RIC-93, officina Γ=3 (s). Obv: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed l., seen from front. Rx: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Camp gate with two turrets, no doors, star above, SMNΓ in exergue. Mint State...............100 CONSTANS; 337-350 AD, Centenionalis, Aquileia, 348-50 AD, 3.00g. RIC-99 (C ), officina S=2. Obv: D N CONSTA - NS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: FEL TEMP - REPARATIO Emperor in military dress holding phoenix on globe and standard with Chi-Rho on banner, standing l. in prow of ship which is steered by Victory seated in stern; AQS. in exergue. Choice EF.........100 VETRANIO; 350 AD, Thessalonica, Centenionalis, 3.54g. RIC-135 (R2), officina Δ=4; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRAN - IO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .TSΔ. in exergue, A - Δ across field. RIC says pearl-diademed, but the portrait seems laureate: the two are hard to tell apart. Mint State.......................................................................................500 VALENS; 364-378 AD, Antioch, 367-75 AD, Siliqua, 2.16g. RIC-34d, mintmark 5, officina B=2 (S); RSC-96†s. Obv: D N VALENS - PER F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VOT / X / MVLT / XX within wreath, .ANTB in exergue. Iridescent toning. Mint State.......................................................275 CONSTANTIUS II; 337-361 AD, Arles, 353-60 AD, Reduced Siliqua, 2.06g. RIC207=253 (S), officina S=2. Obv: D N CONSTAN - TIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VOTIS / XXX / MVLTIS / XXXX in

wreath, SCON in exergue. Iridescent toning. Mint State...........................................500 BYZANTINE SILVER 355. JOHN VIII; 1423-1448 AD. Constantinople, Half Hyperpyron, 6.57g. Sear-2563. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, with cross in nimbus. Rx: Facing bust of emperor, nimbate. Irregular strike which is normal for this issue. EF.....................................................300 ROMAN IMPERIAL BRONZE 356. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Ancient imitation of As struck in 15 MC by Moneyer C. Plotius Rufus, 7.45g. Cf. Paris-512, pl. XXV, and BM-156 (same dies as Paris-512). Obv: CAESAR AVGVSIVS (sic, T not crossed) - TRIBVNC (sic, second I omitted) POTES (sic, rather than the normal POTEST) Head bare r. Rx: C PLOTIVS RVFVS III VIR A A A F F around large S C. Apparently not a product of the official mint of Rome, to judge from its light weight and the three errors in the obverse legend. The same unofficial manufacturer was probably also responsible for Paris 512-513 and BM 156, which are also underweight and in similar style, and write VR for VIR in their reverse legend, though their obverse legend is correct. Hair softly struck. EF......................400 357. AGRIPPA AS WITH HERCULES COUNTERMARK; Died 12 BC, Rome, Struck under Caligula, As, 9.15g. Cf. BM (Tiberius)-161, Paris-77, C-3, RIC-58. Obv: M AGRIPPA L - F - COS - [III] Head l. wearing rostral crown; on neck, oval countermark containing head of Hercules r. Rx: [S - C Neptune standing l. holding dolphin and trident] Flat, except for a low round protrusion caused by the application of the countermark on the obverse. No such Hercules countermark on a first-century Roman imperial coin is recorded by BMC I, pp. 31 ff. Worn, reverse flat, but countermark. EF.........................................................................................................275 358. NERO; 54-68 AD, Lugdunum, 66-8 AD, Sestertius, 22.34g. BM-315, RIC-581 (S), MacDowall-462. Obv: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR POT P P Head laureate r., globe below tip of neck. Rx: DECVRSIO in exergue, S - C across field, Nero holding spear on horse prancing r., accompanied by a second horseman who shoulders a [vexillum]. Scarce with this obverse legend; not in Cohen or the Paris collection. aVF.............................................................................................................................575 359. NERO; 54-68 AD, Lugdunum, 66-8 AD, Dupondius, 12.08g. BM-341, Paris-143, C-324, RIC-518. Obv: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P [P] Head laureate r., resting on globe (mostly off flan). Rx: SECVRITAS - AVGVSTI S - C Securitas seated r., supporting head with r. hand and holding scepter with l., garlanded altar and torch at her feet. EF..................................................................................................1600 Exceptional for Issue 360. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 64-5 AD, Semis, 3.11g. BM-271, cf. Paris-342, C-59 (3 Fr.), RIC-241 (S). Obv: NERO CAES - [A]VG IMP Head laureate r. Rx: CERT QV INQ ROM CON around, S C in exergue, Prize table, on which urn and wreath; value mark S (=semis) between the urn and the wreath; bas relief showing two griffins below tabletop, shield below on ground. A scarce and interesting type, and the finest example we have handled. EF..................................................................................................750 GERMANIA CAPTA 361. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, Sestertius, 27.66g. RIC-351 (C), Paris-350, BM-325, C-136 (15 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XI CENS POT P P Bust laureate r., fold of aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: GERMANIA - [CAPTA] around, S C in exergue, German standing r., head l., hands tied behind back, shield leaning against his legs and helmet at his feet, to r. of trophy of arms; to l., German woman seated l. on crossed shields, mourning, supporting head with r. hand. This is a rather scarce coin. The type is the same as the one used for Judaea Capta, but this was struck almost fifteen years later. Exceptional green toning. Some flat striking to the right edge eliminating legend in that area. EF................................................1750 362. NERVA; 96-98 AD, Rome, 97 AD, Sestertius, 26.62g. BM-112, Paris-100, C-114 (5 Fr.), RIC-86. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG - P M TR P COS III P P Head laureate r. Rx: LIBERTAS - PV]LICA S - C Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. With ticket from 1960s handwritten by David Sear, priced 15/- (15 shillings) . Fine........400 363. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, 118 AD, Sestertius, 26.95g. BM-1130, C-756, RIC150 (C). Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN - VS HADRIANVS AVG Bust laureate r. with bare chest, fold of cloak on l. shoulder. Rx: FORT RED in exergue, PONT MAX TR - POT COS II around, S - C in field, Fortuna Redux seated l. holding rudder and cornucopia. EF.........................................................................................................2500 364. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 130-3 AD, As (red metal), 10.23g. Cf. BM1662, C-60 (20 Fr., citing BM), and RIC-1781 (R), pl. 140 (same obv. die). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: ADVENTVI - AVG [MACE]DONIAE around, S C in exergue, Hadrian, togate, standing r., raising r. hand to greet Macedonia, who stands l., sacrificing from patera over tripod altar, and holding long staff with half-raised l. arm; on ground behind the tripod altar, slain sacrificial bull. Macedonia’s long staff held with half-raised left arm may be a new variant; usually she holds a much shorter whip with lowered left arm. The tripod altar on our coin may also be new, varying from the normal small solid altar. VF..............................................450 Dacia 365. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Orichalcum Dupondius (yellow metal), 14.23g. RIC-1656 (S), BM-1741 note, C-531 (6 Fr.). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: DACIA in exergue, S - C in field, Dacia seated l. on rock holding standard and curved sword. This is a beautiful example of this rather scarce coin. Artistically superb. Near Mint State................................................................1750 Parthia 366. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 139 AD, Sestertius, 23.37g. Rev. type var. of BM-1191, C-572 (15 Fr.), Strack-792 (5 spec.), and RIC-586 (R). Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P Head laureate r. Rx: PAR - TH - IA around, COS II in exergue, S - C in field, Parthia standing l. holding golden crown in r. hand and empty quiver in l. hand. Antoninus’ rare province series of 139 AD, which appeared on bronze coins only, commemorated the traditional donation of golden crowns to a new emperor by the provinces and by client kingdoms, the entire amount of which Antoninus is reported to have remitted to the people of Italy, and half to the inhabitants of the provinces. In her left hand Parthia normally holds a bow and a quiver full of arrows, but on our coin the bow and arrows are omitted and she holds an empty quiver only. A rare and interesting historical type, possibly an unpublished variant without bow and arrows in addition to the quiver as Parthia’s attribute on reverse. EF.......5500 367. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 169 AD, Sestertius, 24.88g. BM-1349, C-500 (25 Fr., misprinted as only 2 Fr.), RIC-963 (R). Obv: M ANTONINVS - AVG TR P XXIII Head laureate r. Rx: PROFECTIO AV[G] / S C in exergue, COS III above, Marcus Aurelius wearing military dress and holding spear pointed diagonally upwards, riding on horse pacing r.; before the horse helmeted soldier standing r., head l., holding transverse spear and shield; behind Marcus, on l., three further soldiers standing or walking r. Ex CNG 97, 17 September 2014, lot 670. The reverse type commemorates the emperor’s departure in 169 AD on his first campaign against the German tribes. This is a beautiful example of this exceptional type. aEF........................................1250

368. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 212-3 AD, Sestertius, 21.17g. BM-244, C-532 (8 Fr.), RIC-511a. Obv: M - AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: PROVDENTIAE - DEORVM S - C Providentia standing l. holding wand over globe at her feet and scepter. VF+..............................................................................650 369. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 232-5 AD, Sestertius, 21.77g. BM883, C-503, RIC-642. Obv: IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: PROVIDENTIA AVG S - C Annona standing r., head l., holding wheat ears over modius and cornucopia. With Seaby ticket from c. 1960s handwritten by David Sear, misattributed as C-509 rather than C-503. No. 340 at top of ticket doubtless refers to a listing of this coin in Seaby’s monthly Bulletin, though we cannot find such a coin offered as no. 340 in any Bulletin between 1957 and 1972. Mint State.........................................................................................450 370. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 245-8 AD, Sestertius, 17.55g. RIC-166a, C-10 corr. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AEQVIT[AS] AVGG S - C Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Exceptional portrait. Reverse somewhat doublestruck. Near Mint State...................775 Extremely Rare 371. VALERIAN I; 253-260 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 13.97g. Göbl-29g (1 spec., Vienna), RIC-173 corr., C-198 (Paris, 15 Fr.). Obv: IMP C P LIC VALERIAN]VS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: SA[LV]S AVGG S - C Salus standing l. extending patera to snake rising from altar and holding scepter. A type of considerable rarity on sestertii. Only the Vienna specimen known to Göbl-29g, but Paris also has one according to Cohen, and there were two more, both from the same reverse die as ours, in Sternberg, May 1986, 666 and CNG E442, 17 April 2019, Holmes Coll., lot 22. Not in Wildwinds, Glasgow, Mazzini, or the Friedrich Collection. The obverse die of our coin was also used with the type VOTIS DECENNALIBVS S C in wreath, Göbl, pl. 7, 40g. EF.....................................................................................................................1200 372. JULIAN II; 360-363 AD, Arles, AE 1, 7.04g. RIC-318 (R), 320 (R), or 323 (R3). Obv: D N FL CL IVLI - ANVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: SEC[VRITAS R]EI PVB Bull standing r., two stars above, before bull eagle standing holding one wreath in talons and another in beak, PCON. in exergue. Mint State.....................................................................................................500 BYZANTINE COPPER 373. TIBERIUS II; Constantinople, 3/4 Follis (30 Nummi), 13.28g. Berk-363, MIB-27, Sear-432. Obv: dm TIb CONS - TANT PP AVI Crowned, draped, cuirassed bust facing. Rx: Large XXX; above, cross; below, CON A. Ex CNG E394, 29 March 2017, lot 534. Ex Freeman & Sear 6, 6 October 2000, lot 44, Khristov Collection. EF...................600 374. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 4.47g. Berk-780, MIB73, Sear-1304, DO-64. Obv: No legend, Emperor, bearded, enthroned facing, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia; [star] in r. field. Rx: Large M between two palms, TAN monogram above, S[C]L in exergue. Overstruck, with remains of the undertype visible especially on the reverse. Struck with worn dies. EF.. ....................................................................................................................................250 375. THEOPHILUS; 829-842 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 6.98g. Berk-893, Sear-1666. Obv: ΘE - OFIL bASIL’. Bust facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding patriarchal cross and akakia; in field to l., *. Rx: Large M between X/X/X and N/N/N; above, cross; beneath, Θ. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 846, Kallman Collection Ex Stack’s, 12 January 2009, lot 3201, Byzantine Coll. Ex Elsen 53, 14 March 1998, lot 465, G. W. de Wit Coll. Stated to have been purchased from J. Schulman, Amsterdam, 1968. EF.................500 376. ANONYMOUS CLASS I, ATTRIBUTED TO NICEPHORUS III; 1078-1081 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 4.90g. Berk-962, Sear-1889. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing halo with cross and holding Gospels; across field, IC - XC. Rx: Latin cross, with X at center, and globule and two pellets at each extremity; floral ornaments l. and r. in lower field, crescents l. and r. in upper field. Ex CNG E389, 18 January 2017, lot 859. Mint State...........................................................................................................750 ROMAN PROVINCIAL 377. GALBA; 68-69 AD, Antioch, Tetradrachm, 14.08g. RPC-1496 (7 spec., 3 obv. dies), Prieur-96 (23 spec.), McAlee-305. Obv: ΓΑΛΒΑC [Κ]ΑΙCΑΡ ΑY - ΤΟΚΡΑΤ[ΩΡ CE] BA[CTOC] Head laureate r., star before neck. Rx: ETOYC - [NEOY IEPOY A or B] Eagle with raised wings standing l. on thunderbolt, with wreath in beak; to l., palm branch. The date on reverse is off flan, as also on several of the specimens listed by RPC: “It is not clear on several coins whether they are of year A or B”. VF.............325 378. QUASI-AUTONOMOUS, UNDER GALBA; Koinon of Galatia, Galatia, Under Galba, 68-9 AD, AE 18-19, 6.14g. RPC-3567 (9 spec.). Obv: Laureate and capped head of Men l. set on crescent, the cap ornamented with stars. Rx: [CE - BAC - TWN] Temple of six columns, three l. and three r., pellet in middle. EF..............................600 379. PSEUDO-AUTONOMOUS, TIME OF VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Sardes, Lydia, AE 16, 3.25g. RPC-1309, BM-70. Obv: Draped bust of the Senate r. Rx: Tetrastyle temple. EF..................................................................................................................150 380. DOMITIA; Ephesus, Ionia, Alliance with Smyrna, Proconsul Caesennius Paetus, AE 22, 3.89g. RPC-1091 (27 spec.). Obv: ΔOMITIA CE - BACTH Bust draped r. Rx: OMO - NOIA AN[ΘV] KAICEN Π[ΑΙ]ΤΟV around, Cult statue of Artemis with arm supports, ZMVP downwards in l. field, EΦE downwards in r. field. aVF.................250 381. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Tiberias, Galilaea, Year 90=107/8 CE, AE 12, 2.52g. BM-1822, RPC-3930. Obv: Laureate head of Trajan r. Rx: Anchor. VF..............................200 382. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Philippopolis, Thrace, Governor Gargilius Antiquus, AE 30, 20.95g. Varbanov-690 (same dies); Varbanov Philippopolis-pp. 55-59. Obv: AVT AI AΔPIA - ANTΩNEINOC Head laureate r. Rx: HΓE ΓAPΓIΛI ANTIKOV ΦIΛIΠΠOΠOΛEITΩN River god (Hebrus) reclining l. on rocks from which water flows, holding poppy between two wheat ears in extended r. hand and with reed in crook of l. arm. Beautiful green toning. VF...........................................425 383. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Ninica Claudiopolis, Cilicia, AE 35-36, 18.74g. SNG Levante-609 (same dies). Obv: Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of Septimius r., seen from front; legend mostly illegible. Rx: Draped bust of Domna r., some traces of legend behind and above portrait; three oval Victory countermarks (Howgego-262) before the portrait and on Domna’s shoulder. Ex Berk 52, 22 February 1988, lot 286; with handwritten Berk ticket that accompanied the coin. Struck with a very shallow die. aVF / VF........................................................................................250 384. CARACALLA AS CAESAR; 195-198 AD, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior, AE 16, 2.76g. Cf. AMNG-1493 = Varbanov-2955. Obv: M AVP KA - ANTΩNIN Head bare r. Rx: NIKOΠOΛIT - [ΠPO]C ICT Hermes standing l. holding purse and caduceus. EF...............................................................................................................165 385. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Deultum, Thrace, AE 25, 11.10g. Jurukova-20-B/ III (only one spec., in Sofia); Draganov-53a (dies 10/50, citing Jurukova-20) Obv: [M AVREL] ANTONIVS (sic; 3rd N omitted) PIVS AVG BRIT Head radiate r. Rx:







392. 393.




397. 398.





[COL] FL PAC above, DEVLT in exergue, She-wolf standing r., Romulus and Remus seated below with outstretched arms. Since ANTONIVS is partly off flan on the Sofia specimen, neither Jurukova nor Draganov noticed the omitted letter in that word . VF / EF...............................................................................................................................200 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Tarsus, Cilicia, AE 29.5, 14.18g. SNG Levante-1061 (same dies). Obv: AVT KAI M AVP ANTΩNEINOC CE around, Π - Π across field, Bust of Caracalla r. wearing robes and crown of demiourgos. Rx: TAPCOV MHT - PO around, ΠOΛE - ΩC in second line, KVΔNOC in exergue, A/M/K - ΓB in field, River god Kydnos reclining l., holding cornucopia and resting l. arm on overturned amphora from which water flows. Fine / VF.............................................................................275 GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Augusta Trajana, Thrace, AE 17, 3.06g. SchönertGeiss-433 (dies V127/R369, 7 spec.), Varbanov-1271 (same dies). Obv: Π CEΠTI ΓETAC K Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: AVΓ TP - AIANHC Tripod, with serpent coiled around its middle leg and with head facing r. above, that is about to consume a small offering placed to r. atop the tripod. gVF........................................100 GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Nicaea, Bithynia, AE 12-15, 2.05g. Possibly unpublished. Obv: Λ CEΠ - [Γ]ETAC K Bare head r. Rx: NIKAI - EΩN Winged caduceus upright. Rare: not in Recueil Général, SNG Aulock, SNG Copenhagen, SNG Leypold, Lindgren, CoinArchives Pro, or Berk photofile. VF...................................250 GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Etenna, Pisidia, AE 24, 7.12g. SNG Paris-1545 (same dies); von Aulock, Pisidien II-554-6 (same dies). Obv: Draped bust of Geta Caesar r. Rx: Two men fighting. Very rare. Three specimens known to von Aulock; we find none on Coin Archives or Wildwinds. Fine........................................................150 DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, AE 16, 3.05g. AMNG-799 var. Obv: M OΠEΛΛIOC ANTΩNEINOC (NE ligate) Bareheaded, cuirassed bust r. Rx: MAPKIAN - OΠOΛEITΩN (ΩN ligate) Tyche standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. aEF.......................................................................200 ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, AE 30-31.5, 14.31g. Schönert-Dies H/691 (only 1 spec., in Vienna). Obv: AVT KAI M AVPH - ANTΩNEINOC AVΓ (NE and VΓ ligate) Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΠEPINΘIΩN Δ - IC NEΩKOPΩN Asclepius standing l. with staff entwined by serpent under r. arm. Rare: only two specimens known to Schönert in 1965, one in Vienna from the same dies as ours, but less well preserved; and the second in Sofia, from different dies and with Asclepius posed differently, placing his weight on his left leg rather than his right leg . Bold Fine....200 JULIA PAULA; Sagalassus, Pisidia, AE 20, 3.25g. RPC-5870. Obv: Draped bust of Paula r. Rx: Tyche standing l., wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia. Rare; none on Coin Archives. aVF......................................................................................200 SEVERUS ALEXANDER AND JULIA MAMAEA; 222-235 AD, Ninica Claudiopolis, Cilicia, AE 32, 16.58g. RPC-6897, SNG Paris-788, SNG Levante-617. Obv: Bust radiate draped cuirassed r. Rx: Draped bust of Julia Mamaea r. VF.........200 Galley SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Tyre, Phoenicia, AE 16, 2.17g. Not in the standard references; cf. CNG E301, 24 April 2013, 212 and three other examples in CNG Research and CoinArchives Pro. Obv: IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEX AV Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SE TV - R METROPO CLO (sic, for COL) Galley with oars traveling r., carrying a female figure (Dido?) standing l., who appears to be holding the ship’s rudder with her r. hand and carries an uncertain object in her l. hand; in l. field before her face, murex shell. An unexplained reverse type, apparently unpublished for Severus Alexander at Tyre until the appearance the first CNG specimen in 2013. On larger coins two crew members are added to the type before and behind the standing female; cf. BMC 410 (Elagabalus) and pl. XLIV.9. Hammer prices for the four CNG specimens between 2013 and 2017, without buyer’s fee: $900, $850, $425, and $200 . gVF...........................................................................................................600 GORDIAN III, PHRYGIA, HADRIANOPOLIS; 238-244 AD, Klearchos, son of Theodoros (archon), AE 33, 21.52g. RPC-808.2 (this coin). Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., seen from rear. Rx: Tyche standing l. Ex CNG XXXI, 9-10 September 1994, lot 1255. VF......................................................................................................300 GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, AE 19.5, 4.36g. Pfeiffer-654 (same dies); cf. AMNG-1117 (3 spec.) and Varbanov-1898. Obv: M ANT ΓOP - ΔIANOC A[V]Γ Head laureate r. Rx: MAPKIANO - ΠOΛITΩN Homonoia (Concordia) with kalathos on head, standing l. holding patera over altar and cornucopia. AMNG, followed by Varbanov, is probably wrong to omit mention of the altar at Homonoia’s feet on the reverse of this coin. Scarce smaller denomination for Gordian III at this mint. EF......................................................................................................200 TRANQUILLINA; Tarsus, Cilicia, AE 30, 14.63g. SNG Aulock-6056, SNG Paris-1724. Obv: Diademed, draped bust of Tranquillina r., resting on crescent. Rx: Dionysos standing l., holding kantharos and thyrsus; panther to l. VF......................300 HOSTILIAN AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Viminacium, Year 12=250/1 AD, AE 25, 14.97g. RPC-34 (14 spec.); AMNG-150 (3 spec.); Varbanov-200 (same obv. die); Martin-4.03.7, pl. IV (same dies). Obv: C VAI HOST M QVINTVS C Bareheaded, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: P M S C - OL VIM around, AN XII in exergue, Moesia standing l. between bull and lion, holding branch and globe. Bought from Time Machine, St. Louis, 25 April 2008. Rare variant reverse type, as indicated by AMNG’s low specimen count, and by the die links with the specimens illustrated by Varbanov and Martin. Our coin also has the error VAI for VAL in the obverse legend, a variety that is not reported by RPC. VF / Fine.......................................................................225 VALERIAN I; 253-260 AD, Aspendus, Pamphylia, AE 27, 10.21g. BM-99, SNG Paris-, SNG Cop-, SNG Aulock-. Obv: Bust of Valerian laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: Nemesis standing l. holding cubit rule, griffin seated l. at her feet. Very rare. VF.... ....................................................................................................................................350 VALERIAN I; 253-260 AD, Antiochia, Pisidia, AE 22, 5.02g. Not in the standard references. Obv: IMP CAE R L S LL OVN. Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AN[TIOC] - HI OCL on l. and r., S - R across lower field (the S obscured by a die fault), Draped figure seated l. on high-backed throne, extending r. hand. The obverse legend is bungled, but similar to Krzyzanowska’s dies VII-VIII which she assigns to Valerian I. The reverse shows a new type, unknown to Krzyzanowska for Valerian, and unexpected: of the 62 reverse dies that she catalogues for that emperor, 60 show variants of a single type, legionary eagle flanked by two standards, and only two dies, nos. 19 and 20, show different types, namely the emperor on horseback and Pax standing. Our coin now brings a new type, divinity seated on high-backed throne, which stands out against the mass of three-standard dies. gVF.................................300 GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Nicaea, Bithynia, AE 21-22, 5.32g. Cf. RG-836 (5 spec.). Obv: ΠOV ΛI [EΓ - ΓAΛΛI]HNO[C] Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: NIKAE - E around, ΩN in exergue, Dionysus seated l. holding kantharos and thyrsus in car drawn l. by four elephants. Somewhat flatly struck on obverse. Fine.175 QUASI-AUTONOMOUS, BUST OF DEMOS; Tabae, Caria, Reign of Gallienus, 2 Assaria, AE 21, 4.89g. SNG Aulock-2711, SNG Cop-547 (same obv. die), BM-51.

Obv: IEPOC - ΔHMOC Laureate, draped bust of Demos r.; before neck, value mark B=2. Rx: TAB - H - NΩN Tyche standing l., kalathos on head, holding rudder on globe and cornucopia. Green patination with chalky white finish. EF................................200 403. AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Cremna, Pisidia, AE 34, 12.63g. SNG BM-1528, SNG Aulock-5119. Obv: Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of Aurelian r. Rx: Apollo Propylaeus advancing r., preparing to shoot arrow. Unusual image of Apollo. aEF.. 285 WORLD COINS 404. BOLIVIA, 1798, PP, 8 ESCUDOS, AU; Bolivia, 1798 PP, 8 Escudos, AU, Charles IV, Potosi mint. 0.7615oz. Planchet crack and scratch. Nicely toned with lots of luster. .......................................................................................................................2000 405. FRANCE, ANGLO-GALLIC, ND, SALUT D’OR, NGC, MS62; France, AngloGallic, ND Salut d’or, NGC. MS62, Henry VI (1422-1461) gold Salut d’Or ND (1423-1453). Rouen mint, Lion mm, Fr-301, Elias-270b. Boldly rendered designs on a slightly irregular flan, attractive original surfaces of deep goldenrod. . .................3200 406. GREAT BRITAIN, GEORGE IV, 1820-1830, 1828, HALF SOVEREIGN, VF/ EF; Great Britain, George IV, 1820-1830, 1828 Half Sovereign, VF/EF, S-3804. Small edge bruise at 4 o’clock. ............................................................................................600 407. GREAT BRITAIN, WILLIAM IV. 1830-1837, 1832, SOVEREIGN, EF; Great Britain, William IV. 1830-1837, 1832 Sovereign, EF, Second, bare head of William IV facing right; GULIELMUS IIII D:G: BRITANNIAR: REX F:D:. / Crowned, embellished shield-of-arms; smaller crowned Hannoverian arms within; ANNO and date below. KM-717, Friedberg-383, S-3829. Cleaned. .......................................... 1100 408. ITALIAN STATES, VATICAN, ND, SCUDO, UNC; Italian States, Vatican, ND Scudo, UNC, Papal States. Paul III (Alessandro Farnese), 1534-1549. Gold shield, gold, 3.3g. 24.2mm. PAVLVS III PONT MAX Coat of arms surmounted by a triple crown and decussed keys. Rv. S PAVLVS VA S ELECTIONIS St Paul standing with book and sword. Berman-905, Friedberg-65. Much nicer than most. .....................1600 409. MONTENEGRO, 1910, 10 PERPERA, UNC; Montenegro, 1910 10 Perpera, UNC, Nikolaus I. 1860-1918. KM-9. 50th Year of reign. 0.098oz. Mintage 35,003. ..... ..................................................................................................................................1000 410. NETHERLANDS, ALBERT AND ISABELLE, 1590-97, ND, DUCAT, VF/EF; Netherlands, Albert and Isabelle, 1590-97, ND Ducat, VF/EF, Isabel Clara Eugenia and Albert of Habsburg, archdukes of Austria, governors and sovereigns of the Spanish Netherlands. Zwolle mint. Crowned busts facing each other, S in center. 3.4 grams. Delmonte-1130; Friedberg-210. Clear legends and soft strike. .................................750 411. NETHERLANDS, 1649, DUCAT, EF; Netherlands, 1649 Ducat, EF, Kampen mint. Ferdinand III, crowned and armored Emperor stands halfway. with sword, with the right shouldering the scepter, in the left imperial orb. 3.4g. Friedberg-161. Slightly wrinkled. ....................................................................................................................750 412. NORWAY, OSCAR II, 1902, 20 KRONER, UNC; Norway, Oscar II, 1902 20 Kroner, UNC, 0.2593. Lustrous. ...............................................................................650 413. SPAIN, COB, ND, 8 ESCUDOS, NGC, AU55; Spain, Cob, ND 8 Escudos, NGC. AU55, Charles II, 1666-99. Seville. 26.83g. ...........................................................7000 414. AUSTRIA, LEOPOLD, 1632, TALER, NGC, AU55; Austria, Leopold, 1632 Taler, NGC. AU55, Hall. Dav-3338. Nice rich gold and gray toning. ................................550 415. BOLIVIA, PHILIP IV, 1621-1665, ND, 8 REALES, VF; Bolivia, Philip IV, 16211665, ND 8 Reales, VF, Potosi, Cob. Assayer P, quadrants of cross transposed. KM19a; Cal-Type 327. 26.6 grams. Well centered shield and cross. Sea salvaged surfaces. ....................................................................................................................................550 416. CANADA, 1912, 25 CENTS, EF/AU; Canada, 1912 25 Cents, EF/AU, Pretty golden hue. ..............................................................................................................................85 417. CANADA, VICTORIA, 1858, 10 CENT, EF; Canada, Victoria, 1858 10 Cent, EF, Lovely toning. ...........................................................................................................200 418. FRANCE, CAPTURE OF CARTAGENA, 1697, MEDAL, UNC; France, Capture of Cartagena, 1697 Medal, UNC, Louis XIV, capture of Cartagena, by Jean Mauger. Divo-268. 41 mm; 28.9grams. Head of Louis XIV on the right/a woman beneath a coconut tree, vase spilling coins to left. Scarce. .......................................525 419. FRANCE, LYON, ND (1703), JETON, EF; France, Lyon, ND (1703) Jeton, EF, Unsigned silver Jeton for the Chamber of Commerce. Two allegorical figures sitting with the Coat of arms of Lyon/Earth with sun “dum circuit ornat” (while he walks around decorates).31mm, 8g. This Jeton was unknown in silver to Feuardent. cf. F. 10783(RR). Such a lovely and scarce piece. .............................................................285 420. FRANCE, PARIS MINT, 1723, JETON, AU/UNC; France, Paris Mint, 1723 Jeton, AU/UNC, Louis XV. Silver by J.C. Roettiers. Minting press with piles of coins. F-2208. Gold and orange toning. ..............................................................................100 421. FRANCE, LOUIS XV, 1725, MEDAL, AU/UNC; France, Louis XV, 1725 Medal, AU/UNC, Marriage to Maria Lesczynska of Poland by J. DuVivier/J. Dollin. Bronze, 41mm. Divo 61. Beautiful marriage scene at Fontainebleau Castle. ........................275 422. FRANCE, HYACINTHE-THEODORE BARON, 1732 (CA. 1750’S), JETON, UNC; France, Hyacinthe-Theodore Baron, 1732 (ca. 1750’s) Jeton, UNC, Silver by J.C. Roettier. 9.2g, 30mm. This is a scarce mule. Obv F-4564 commemorates Baron’s appt as Dean of the faculty of medicine, Paris. Baron held this post on and off for many years after. He dies in 1756. Rx F-9836 relates to Bergundy’s celebration of the majority of Louis XV. Lovely toning. .......................................................................250 423. FRANCE, PACIFICATION OF SWITZERLAND, 1738, MEDAL, VF/ EF; France, Pacification of Switzerland, 1738 Medal, VF/EF, Bronze by J. Dassier, Bronze 55.0mm 63.1g. Peace and Justice standing on an altar, Discord lying at their feet; I.D.F.below. In 1738 France, along with the Swiss cantons of Berne and Zürich agreed to act as a guarantor of Genevan stability. This guarantee was an important consideration as political tensions mounted in late eighteenth-century Geneva. Flan flaw/crack. .................................................................................................................100 424. FRANCE, EXTRAORDINARY WARS, 1742 (1747), JETON, UNC; France, Extraordinary wars, 1742 (1747) Jeton, UNC, Louis XV. Silver by F. Marteau. Extraordinary wars prepares countries for leisure. The rain falling in abundance and the sun above a cloud. Made for the administration which managed funds used for all campaigns and ad hoc troops as opposed to ordinary wars. ......................................100 425. FRANCE, MARIE ANTOINETTE, CIRCA 1780’S, MEDAL, AU/UNC; France, Marie Antoinette, circa 1780’s Medal, AU/UNC, Louis XV and Marie Antionette by B. DuVivier. No edgemark, rare as original striking. Bronze, 41.7mm. Lovely red and gold toning. ......................................................................................400 426. FRANCE, NAPOLEON I, 1807, MEDAL, UNC; France, Napoleon I, 1807 Medal, UNC, Battle of Friedland by B. Andrieu and A. Galle. Bronze 41mm. Br-632, Jul-1737. The Battle of Friedland (Germany). Laureate head of Napoleon right/Napoleon as a Greek warrior wearing a helmet and a cape over his shoulder, victims of battle lying on the ground. Almost proof-like surfaces. ....................................................................325

427. FRANCE, BORDEAUX BRIDGE CO., 1819, JETON, UNC; France, Bordeaux Bridge Co., 1819 Jeton, UNC, Silver, by E. Dubois. Head of Louis XVIII. Mercury and Hercules standing facing in front of the bridge. Octagonal, 33 mm. C.F. Carde 1229, Rare. ..........................................................................................................................175 428. FRANCE, MARITIMES, 1854, MEDAL, UNC; France, Maritimes, 1854 Medal, UNC, Silver medal by E. Oudine for Maritime Insurance Center. Edge mark Bee. Gail191. 23.g, 37mm. Lovely high relief obv and color. .................................................300 429. FRANCE, 1895, MEDAL, EF; France, 1895 Medal, EF, “Marriage Forever” by Roty. Silver 31.3g, 40.6mm. Argent/cornucopia on edge. ........................................100 430. FRANCE, HAUGE, NETHERLANDS, 1907, MEDAL, UNC; France, Hauge, Netherlands, 1907 Medal, UNC, 2nd International Peace Convention by J. L. Merot. Bronze (edge Cornucopia) 63mm. Very serene scenic medal. ..................................200 431. FRANCE, 50TH ANNIVERSARY INTL RAIL ROAD CAR CO., 1926, MEDAL, EF; France, 50th Anniversary Intl Rail Road Car Co., 1926 Medal, EF, Bronze plaque with fantastic rail car By H. Dropsy in front of the earth. 154.8g, 91x48mm. Compagnie internationale des wagons-lits was known for its on-train catering and sleeping car services, as well as being the historical operator of the Orient Express. . ..................................................................................................................300 432. GERMAN STATES, AACHEN, 1405, GROSCHEN, F; German States, Aachen, 1405 Groschen, F, 24mm, 2.0g, dated 1405 in mixed spelled-out and Roman numerals. Half-length facing bust of Karl der Große (Charlemagne), holding scepter and orb; coat-of-arms below / Cross pattée. Levinson I-8. Fine+. Flan crack, date clear. Rare date. . ......................................................................................................................1500 433. GERMAN STATES, 1622, W/GA, KIPPER-GULDEN (60 KREUZER), NGC, MS61; German States, 1622 W/GA, Kipper-Gulden (60 Kreuzer), NGC. MS61, Johann Ernst, 1619-1622. Obv: Crowned oval coat of arms, *MONETA* NOVA(60) ARGENTEA.1622. Rx: 4 coats of arms arranged around Kleve coat of arms, FRATRVM*DVCVM*SAXONIAE*LIN:VIN: Koppe/Seitz 49, Bornemann 21 var., Merseburger collection - (cf. 3816,RR, 30,- GM) Behr 6324 var Extremely rare. .1200 434. GERMAN STATES, AUGSBURG, 1628, 1/9 REICHSTALER, VF; German States, Augsburg, 1628 1/9 Reichstaler, VF, Ferdinand II, 1619-1637. Pinecone over city view/Crowned double-headed eagle with sword and scepter, below shield with value. Forster 221. Silver 3.1g, 24.6mm. ..................................................................200 435. GERMAN STATES, BRANDENBUG-BAYREUTH, 1698, HELLER, VF; German States, Brandenbug-Bayreuth, 1698 Heller, VF, Mule. Obv KM-109 Crowned oval Hohenzollern arms in baroque frame/Rx KM-108 BAY REUTH TER HELLER, mint master Johann Adam Poppendick. Wilm Coll. 673. 0.61g, 14.6mm. Rare. ......500 436. GREAT BRITAIN, VICTORIA 1837-1901, 1887, CROWN, UNC; Great Britain, Victoria 1837-1901, 1887 Crown, UNC, Dav-107 S-3921 KM-765 ESC-296. .......300 437. GREAT BRITAIN, WILLIAM II, ND, TOKEN, EF; Great Britain, William II, ND Token, EF, Silver gaming counter, 24.5mm, 2.6 g. William II, King of England and Duke of Normandy. This token is similar to the ones from the school of van der Passe (c.1635-1637) however we do not know if this has its origins there or if this was done by another skilled engraver. All we are certain about is that it possesses very intricate details and beautiful artistry. .....................................................................................300 438. ITALIAN STATES, FRANCESCO I D’ESTE, 1629-1658, 1656, HALF LIRA, F/VF; Italian States, Francesco I d’Este, 1629-1658, 1656 Half Lira, F/VF, Francesco I d’Este, 1629-1658. Half Lira 1656. Silver, 3.5 grams FRAN I MVT REG E C D VIII 1656 Armored bust a d. Rv. NOBILITAS ESTENSIS Spread and crowned eagle. CNI 107/111; Zocca 98; Rav.-Mor. 53; MIR 789/2. .........................................................150 439. ITALY, ND (1680), MEDAL, UNC; Italy, ND (1680) Medal, UNC, Queen Christina of Sweden in Rome by G. Hamerani. Bronze 36mm. Reverse design inspired by a denarius of Vitellius for his victory over Otho. .........................................................175 440. PORTUGAL, JOAO I O BOM (THE GOOD) 1385-1433, ND, REAL (BILLON), VF; Portugal, Joao I o Bom (the Good) 1385-1433, ND Real (Billon), VF, Joao I o Bom (the Good),1385-1433. 2.5g,27mm, Lisbon mint. Struck 1398-1407. Crowned IhnS; L flanked by four rosettes below, all within polylobe with leaves at cusps / Five cruciform coats-of-arms; three-towered castles in quarters. Gomes 54.03; MEC 6, 946-7. Toned. .................................................................................................65 441. SPAIN, CARLO II, 1675, CROAT, VF; Spain, Carlo II, 1675 Croat, VF, Barcelona 2.1 grs. Dark patina. Cal-660. Flan has a slight bend. ................................................65 442. SWEDEN, PLATE MONEY, 1710, SM, 1/2 DALER, F/VF; Sweden, Plate Money, 1710 SM, 1/2 Daler, F/VF, Karl XII, 1697-1718. Avesta Mint. SM 184. 575g. Clear dates, nice patina. Some scratches and pecks. ...............................................1000 443. SWITZERLAND, SOLOTHURN, 1895, MEDAL, EF; Switzerland, Solothurn, 1895 Medal, EF, Silver shooting medal. Loop removed, jewelry solder top edge. Signatures Amiet and Bovy. Edge bottom stamped L. Furet. Richter 1123a . ..........200 444. TIBET, ND, TANGKA (1-1/2 SHO), AU; Tibet, ND Tangka (1-1/2 Sho), AU, Silver Ga-den tangka, 1880-94, Y-B13 4.5g, 27.4mm. Center lotus surrounded by eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism: umbrella of sovereignty, two golden fish of good fortune, amphora of ambrosia, lotus, conch shell, emblem of endless rebirth, banner of victory and wheel of empire. Beautiful. ....................................................200 ANTIQUITIES EGYPTIAN 445. EGYPTIAN FAIENCE OVERSEER USHABTI, Third Intermediate Period, ca. 1069-945 BC. The mummiform overseer ushabti with arms crossed at the chest; wearing wig and characteristic triangular kilt which projects off the body. Formerly in the M. Carvin Collection, (Vienna & New York), acquired prior to 1970, old collection label, “490,” on the reverse; Hixenbaugh Ancient Art. H. 4” (10 cm), 5” with base.850 446. EGYPTIAN STEATITE SCARAB, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. L. 11mm. With fine detail...........................................................................................................275 447. EGYPTIAN BRONZE URAEUS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. A rearing cobra with recessed areas under the hood for inlays, surmounted by a solar disk. H. 2 3/4” (7 cm)..............................................................................................................................800 448. EGYPTIAN BLUE FAIENCE BES AMULET, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The protective deity depicted as a dwarf with leonine features, wearing a plumed headdress. Wonderful color. H. 1 3/8” (3.5 cm)...........................................................................300 TERRACOTTA 449. SYRO-HITTITE TERRACOTTA IDOL, ca. 1500 BC. With abbreviated arms projecting from the body, elongated neck supporting bird-like head with pinched nose and disk eyes, with perforated necklace and pierced headdress. H. 2 1/4” W. 2 3/8” (5.7 cm x 6 cm)..................................................................................................................250 450. ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA LION HEAD SPOUT, ca. 6th Century BC. Lion’shead shaped terracotta spout. Mounted. H. 2” W. 3 1/8”, (5 cm x 8 cm), 4 5/8” (11.7cm) with base.....................................................................................................................300

451. ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA BRAZIER FRAGMENT, ca. 6th Century BC. Square upright projection from the rim on which is a conically capped head of a man, possibly Silenus, with long striated beard. L. 5 1/4” W. 3 3/4” (13.3 cm x 9.5 cm)..550 452. GREEK TERRACOTTA HEAD, ca. 6th-4th Century BC. Head of a male wearing a Phrygian cap, curly hair framing the face. Mounted. L. 1 1/2” (3.8 cm), 3 1/2” (8.9 cm) with base.............................................................................................................300 453. GREEK TERRACOTTA HEAD, ca. 6th-4th Century BC. The face with idealized features, smiling mouth, slender nose, and almond eyes. He wears a crested helmet. H. 2 7/8” (7.3 cm), 5 3/8” ( 13.7 cm) with base..............................................................250 454. GREEK TERRACOTTA FIGURE OF A WOMAN, ca. 5th-4th Century BC. The draped banqueter reclining, propped on her left elbow and clutching a rhyton, her right arm resting across her body, remains of white slip. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 886. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 4 1/8” H. 2 3/4” (10.5 cm x 7 cm)..........................................700 455. HELLENISTIC EGYPTIAN TERRACOTTA HEAD OF A MAN, ca. 3rd Century BC. The face with carefully executed details, almond eyes, fleshy lips and round cheeks. Possibly a fragmentary Harpocrates. L. 1 1/2” (3.8 cm).....................250 456. HELLENISTIC EGYPTIAN TERRACOTTA HEAD OF A NUBIAN, ca. 3rd2nd Century BC. The face somber and striking, the hair pulled back in a kerchief, the ends tied atop the head. L. 2 3/8” (6 cm)...................................................................300 CERAMICS 457. ANATOLIAN POTTERY BOWL, ca. 2nd Millennium BC. A shallow vessel of wide flattened form. One register of painted detail directly below the lip of the bowl. Painted in dark brow slip, the scene depicts a series of birds seated beneath an arch created by a double wave design which spans the bowl. The areas above the double band are painted with a series of vertical wavy lines. Areas of minor encrustation throughout. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 149, 24 May 2006, lot 515. Diameter 13 5/8” H. 6” (13.6 cm x 15 cm)..............................................................1850 458. SOUTH ASIAN INDUS RIVER CULTURE POLYCHROME TERRACOTTA BOWL, ca. 2000 BC. A larger beautifully balanced polychrome pottery bowl with a large register encompassing the top half of the body. This upper register contains alternating geometric design and a bird motif rendered in black, blue and red. Reassembled from large fragments. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 155, 31 July 2007, lot 600. Dia. 7 3/4” (19.7 cm)...................................................................950 459. MYCENAEAN THREE HANDLED JAR, ca. 1450 to 1200 BC. Brown banded decoration and striations on cream background. Ex Sotheby’s New York, 8 June 1984, lot 194. H. 3” W. 4” (7.6 cm x 10.2 cm)....................................................................500 460. CYPRIOT JAR, ca. 1200 BC. A bichrome ware pottery jug with banded decoration and small spout. Ex Sotheby’s New York, 8 June 1984, lot 194. H. 4 1/8” (10.5 cm).... ....................................................................................................................................250 461. ETRUSCAN IMPASTO KYATHOS, ca. 6th Century BC. With high horn handle, the cup adorned with dotted line design. Ex Christie’s London 12/13/1994, lot 220. H. 3 3/4” W. 3 3/8” (9.5 cm x 8.6 cm)............................................................................450 462. ATTIC LITTLE MASTERS BAND CUP, ca. 550-525 BC. The reserved band decorated on one side with a swan with outstretched wings flanked by two panthers; on the other side, a similar swan with right facing panther to the left and left facing bull to the right. The details incised. Palmettes at handles on both sides. Repaired. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 4.4” W. 11.3” D. 8.4” (11.2 cm x 28.6 cm x 21.3 cm)...........................................................................................................9750 463. ATTIC BLACK FIGURE LEKYTHOS, ca. 5th Century BC. Stylized conversing figures in the late Attic style. H. 6 3/4” W. 2 5/8” (17 cm x 6.7 cm)........................1000 464. ATTIC BLACK FIGURE POTTERY SHARD, ca. 5th Century BC. Right facing male head with incised detail. L. 1 1/2” H. 1” (3.8 cm x 2.54 cm) , 2 3/4” (7 cm) with base.............................................................................................................................475 465. APULIAN LEKANIS, ca. 4th Century BC. The lidded vessel with two left facing females with palmettes between. Hair with sakkos and applied white beaded stephane, necklaces of white beads. The lower vessel all black with the exception of the reserved red pedestal. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 3.7” W. 3.7” (9.5 cm x 9.5 cm).......................................................................................................650 466. APULIAN MUG WITH HERCULEAN KNOTTED HANDLE, ca. 4th Century BC. Left facing female with hair in kekryphalos with white radiate stephane, white beaded necklace and earrings. A large palmette on the reverse with side scrolls flanking. The loop handle with lovely herculean knot. Intact. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 3.5” W. 2.9” (9 cm x 7.4 cm).......................................650 467. DAUNIAN KYATHOS, ca. 3rd Century BC. A high handled wine dipper with painted red and brown banding and a hatched design on the base. The inner shows a motif of a two tone star. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 3.8” W. 5.5” (9.6 cm x 13.9 cm).................................................................................450 468. ROMAN AMPHORA, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. A small amphora intended for household use as opposed to the larger storage and transport type. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 8” (20.3 cm). .............................................450 469. ROMAN POTTERY JUG, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Bell-shaped body with ridged strap handle, neck flaring to wide mouth. Low pedestal foot. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s...........................................................................325 OIL LAMPS 470. AMLASH IMMENSE SPOUTED OIL LAMP - EX TOLEDO MUSEUM OF ART, ca. 1000-850 BC. Earthenware with applied attachments and spout. Provenance: Rabi Raffi Soleimani, at least from 1989- 1991. Gifted to Toledo Museum of Art in 1991, Accession no. 1991.110. Rim H: 3 5/8 in. (9.2 cm); Rim Diam: 12 31/32 in. (33.0 cm); Rim Diam (with handle and spout): 19 23/32 in. (50.1 cm)............................3750 471. ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, LUNA AND SOL, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. An intricate lamp featuring a bearded Sol and crowned Luna on the discus. The shoulder bears an elaborate pattern of grape vines and clusters. The facing figures are draped and adorned with radiate crown and lunar crescent. Filling hole just left of center; small air vent situated at the bottom of the discus. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1990s. L. 4.8” W. 3.3” D. 1.3” (12.3 cm x 8.4 cm x 3.2 cm)..............................................................................................................................650 472. ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 2nd-3rd Century AD. Bi-Riga traveling left, the driver holding reins in right and extending whip. R: LMADIEC. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. L. 3.9” W. 2.6” ( 9.9 cm x 6.5 cm x 2.3 cm)..............................................................................................................................325 473. ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, PEGASUS, ca. 2nd Century AD. Winged Pegasus with filling hole centered below. Round nozzle with volutes. R: ? LAW-VC.

Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. L. 3.9” W. 2.7” D. .8” (10.0 cm x 6.9 cm x 2 cm)...................................................................................................350 474. ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP WITH PALM BRANCHES, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Filling hole between the two branches; the discus distinguished by three concentric rings; grooved ring handle. R: NIALEXI. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. L. 4” W. 2.8” D. .9” (10.5 cm x 7.1 cm x 2.2 cm).............425 475. ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP WITH HORSE, ca. 4th-5th Century AD. A prancing horse on the discus; filling holes above and below. The shoulder with palm leaves. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. L. 5.3” W.3.2” D.1.2” (13.5 cm x 8.2 cm x 3 cm)..........................................................375 476. ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP WITH HORSE, ca. 4th-5th Century AD. A prancing horse fills the discus. The shoulder decorated with concentric circles and gridded squares. Tab handle. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. L. 5” W. 2.8” D. 1.4” (12.6 cm x 7.2 cm x 3.6 cm)..........425 477. ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN OIL LAMP WITH HORSE AND RIDER, ca. 4th5th Century AD. With alternating dotted circles and gridded squares on the shoulder. Filling holes above and below horse and rider. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1990s. L. 5.6” W. 3” D. 1.4” (14.2 cm x 8 cm x 3.5 cm)............................750 478. ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP WITH KRATER, ca. 4th-5th Century AD. The discus showing a krater overflowing with grape vine. The shoulder with alternating leaf and square patterns terminating with a grape cluster on either side of the channel nozzle. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. L. 4.2” W. 3.3” D. 1.3” (10.7 cm x 8.4 cm x 3.2 cm).....................................450 479. ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP WITH TREEHOUSE SCENE, ca. 4th-5th Century AD. The discus scene portrays a man sounding his horn in a “watch-hut”, a dog chasing a rabbit, and a thief hanging from the hut with grapes around his neck. This may illustrate one of the biblical parables of the vineyard in Mathew 21:33-43 and the song of the vineyard in Isaiah 5:1-7. There is an appointed watchman for the hut above a vineyard. He sounds his horn to chase a thief away. Maybe a metaphor for Christ notifying his people of the wandering devil. (Adapted from “Light From the Age of Augustine” #51). Filling holes on either side of scene, long channeled nozzle. Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. L. 5.4” W. 3.1” D. 1.5” (13.8 cm x 8 cm x 3.8 cm).....................................................................950 BRONZES 480. PREHISTORIC EUROPEAN BRONZE AXE HEAD, Bronze Age, ca. 1000 BC. Flat bronze axe head with good crescent shaped cutting edge. From Staffordshire. Ex American collection purchased from England between 1983-2002; Vincent McCarthy Ancient Artefacts & Coins, England, May 1995, lot A29. L. 3” W. 2 1/8” (7.6 cm x 5.4 cm)..............................................................................................................................325 481. GREEK GEOMETRIC BRONZE BANGLE, ca. 800 BC. Solid cast bronze with incised geometric patterns decorating most of the heavy bracelet. Glossy malachite patina. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 140, 27 October 2004, lot 636. W. 2 3/4” (7 cm), H. 3 5/8” (9.2 cm) with base..................................................................375 482. ROMAN BRONZE ARCHER’S RING, ca. 2nd-4th Century AD. The ring with flat-section hoop and triangular flange extension which served to protect the bowthumb from the bowstring. Clean incised star design. L. 1 3/8” (3.5 cm) bottom of hoop to point. Dia. 1” (2.5 cm)..................................................................................250 483. ROMAN BRONZE ACTOR’S MASK APPLIQUE, ca. 2nd Century AD. A very expressive example of an actor’s mask with wide open mouth and bulging eyes. L. 1” (2.5 cm), 3 1/8” (8 cm) with base...............................................................................550 484. ROMAN SILVER DUCKS, ca. 1st Century AD. This is a beautiful group of five stylized ducks, probably originally adornments on fibulae. Each duck is uniquely modeled and inscribed with geometric patterns. Handsomely mounted in a row. Ducks approximately 5/8” (1.6 cm) , L. of base 8 5/8” (22 cm)...........................................950 485. ROMAN BRONZE STRIGIL, ca. 2nd Century AD. A curved, blade-like instrument used by athletes to scrape oil and grime from the skin. The channeled bronze is bent to an acute angle which then tapers to a rounded point. The fenestrated handle in one piece with the blade. Mounted. L. 6 3/4” (17 cm).............................................................2150 486. ROMAN BRONZE STRIGIL, ca. 2nd Century AD. A curved, blade-like instrument used by athletes to scrape oil and grime from the skin. The channeled bronze is bent to an acute angle which then tapers to a rounded point. The fenestrated handle in one piece with the blade. Mounted. L. 6 1/2” (16.5 cm)..........................................................2150 487. ROMAN BRONZE STRIGIL, ca. 2nd Century AD. A curved, blade-like instrument used by athletes to scrape oil and grime from the skin. The channeled bronze is bent to an acute angle which then tapers to a rounded point. The fenestrated handle in one piece with the blade. Mounted. L. 7” (17.8 cm)................................................................2150 GLASS 488. ROMAN MOLD BLOWN GLASS FLASK, ca. 1st Century AD. Mold-formed flask with everted rim, downward sloping shoulder and cylindrical neck. Relief decoration in the registers, low base with rounded edge and slightly indented bottom. Areas of thick gray and creamy white weathering on the opaque white surfaces. H. 2 7/8” (7.3 cm)............................................................................................................4000 489. NO LOT 490. ROMAN GLASS PLATE, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Rounded, folded rim, sides tapering down diagonally to form a conical bottom. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. W. 6 7/8” (17.5 cm)............................................................350 491. ROMAN GLASS AMPHORISKOS, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. The miniature amphora displaying repeating horizontal ridges down the body; trailed handles joining the cylindrical neck to shoulders; the rim slightly flared and folded. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 3 7/8”.......................1250 492. ROMAN GLASS TREFOIL OINOCHOE, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. With a broad splayed trefoil spout and applied angled handle drawn up and outwards from the shoulder, connecting the body and mouth. The funnel neck gradually giving way to a flattened globular body. Colorful iridescence scattered throughout. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 3 1/8” (8 cm). ...........900 493. ROMAN MARBLED BLUE GLASS FLASK, ca. 1st Century AD. A brilliant blue glass bottle with white marbling. Spherical body with slightly flattened base; long tubular neck; mouth everted. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 4 1/2” (11.4 cm).......2500 494. ROMAN GLASS DRINKING CUP, ca. 2nd Century AD. Beautiful blue-green glass cup with tendril scroll decoration and iridescence throughout. The bowl supported by a pedestal stem with knops atop a folded conical foot. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 3 3/4” (9.5 cm).............................1450 495. ROMAN BLUE GLASS JUG, ca. 2nd-4th Century AD. A small one-handled jug in beautiful blue glass. The folded rim pressed into the outer edge of the flaring mouth; the slender neck expanding down into the piriform body. An outward projecting thumb-rest sits atop the rod handle.

Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 4 3/4” (12 cm). .......1850 496. ROMAN GREEN GLASS RARE LIDDED VESSEL, ca. 2nd Century AD. An unusual lidded vessel with domed lid with stem. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 3 5/8” (9 cm). .........1450 497. ROMAN GLASS UNGUENTARIUM, ca. 2nd Century AD. Light greenish-blue flask with flaring, folded rim, long neck and small, globular body with flattened base. . Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 5” (12.7 cm)...........................................................................................................350 498. ROMAN GLASS CANDLESTICK UNGUENTARIUM, ca. 2nd Century AD. Flat body with long cylindrical neck and a wide, flaring, rolled rim. Unguentaria were common household vessels used to hold oils or perfumes. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 6 1/2” (16.5 cm). . ....................................650 499. ROMAN GREEN GLASS PILGRIM FLASK, ca. 3rd-4th Century AD. The lentoid body with a cylindrical neck slightly cinched at its base, the disk rim folded. ... Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 4 1/8”.........................800 PRE-COLUMBIAN 500. PRE-COLUMBIAN TERRACOTTA COLIMA MALE FIGURE, ca. 200 BC200 AD. Modeled in signature flat form with coffee bean eyes, the male figure holds his hands to his belly. He wears an incised headdress and large earrings. Restored from large fragments. H. 5 1/8” (13 cm).............................................................................300 501. PRE-COLUMBIAN TERRACOTTA COLIMA FEMALE FIGURE, ca. 200 BC-200 AD. Modeled in signature flat form with coffee bean eyes, her arms held out to the sides, scarification markings indicated with applied dots on her shoulders. Her headdress is the only adornment she wears. H. 6 1/4” (16 cm).................................325 502. INCA BLACK STONE CONOPA VESSEL, ca. 14th to 15th Century AD. Conopas were pre-Columbian stone vessels carved in the stylized shape of a llama or alpaca. These vessels have a cylindrical hole in the back to place offerings of cocoa leaves, maize and sometimes beautiful little shells or stones for the gods. Such vessels were buried in the corrals of llamas and alpacas by the highlands dwelling Inca as protective amulets to bring prosperity to the owner and fertility to the camelids. Restoration to the tail. L. 4” H. 3” (10.2 cm x 7.6 cm)..........................................................................550 AMERICAN INDIAN 503. AMERICAN INDIAN INUIT WHITE AND RED STONE FISH, ca. early 20th Century AD. This is a very nice older Inuit (Eskimo) piece from before the tourist trade got up and running in Alaska, Canada and Greenland. This piece is likely from the 1930’s from Canada. Done in the earlier and iconic stark style in a rarer white and red hard stone medium (most Inuit stone carving are in a green to black soapstone). The piece has a few flea bite chips to the fins but is in otherwise excellent condition. L. 6 3/4” H. 3” (17 cm x 7.6 cm).......................................................................................250 ASIAN ART 504. KHMER KNIFE WITH IRON BLADE, ca. 10th-13th Century AD. Iron blade with socketed bronze handle in the form of a kneeling ape with tray balanced on his head. Ex Gorny and Mosch Auction 252, lot 655, 2017; collection of GMRH, London, since the mid-90s, purchased Western European art market. L. 7 7/8” (20 cm)......1250 505. INDIAN BENGAL BLACK BASALT BABY KRISHNA, 18th Century AD, Bengal. Modeled in uniform sleek black basalt, the famous incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu is here depicted as the infant god Krishna - a nude child crawling forward with his right hand lifted. With its stylized wide eyes and smooth surfaces, the piece is an excellent example of the almost modernistic Bengal style, which in sharp contrast to other Indian sculptural styles is empty and unornamented in its display of elemental forms. This anachronistically modern Bengali approach inspired the famous modern Indian painter Janmini Roy. Expert restoration to left hand, otherwise excellent condition. H. 5” L. 7” (12.7 cm x 17.8 cm)...............................................................800 506. INDIAN BRONZE BENGAL BABY KRISHNA, ca. 19th Century AD. The beloved and most popular incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, Krishna, is here seen in infant form in the minimal and almost modern Bengal Style of Eastern India. The piece has minor devotional wear and is heavily cast, fully intact with remains of red paint in its eyes. H. 4 1/4” (10.8 cm)..........................................................................250 507. INDIAN BRONZE DURGA SLAYING THE BUFFALO DEMON, ca. 18th Century AD. Durga is a fierce form of the Hindu Goddess Parvati, consort of Shiva. Here she is depicted in manifold form with four arms, the primary arms held a weapon (missing) and the head of the buffalo demon, Mahishasura which she is slaying at her feet. This is a south western Indian style likely form Maharashtra state. Two instrument missing from hands, devotional wear and residue. H. 5 1/2” (14 cm).......................300 508. NEPALESE COPPER LAKHE FESTIVAL MASK, ca. 19th Century AD. Originally Lakhe or Lakey was a forest demon in Newar folklore of the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. He was converted from his former nasty ways by villagers and put to good. He became a popular and playful protector of the Newar – a good demon working on the inside to ward away those demons still bad. The mask is made of copper repousse. It now has a green patina on much of its surface. Such masks were painted bright red with black and white detailing and black bear or yak fur was sewn around the edges. D. 10 1/2” (26.7 cm)......................................................................................750 509. PERSIAN QAJAR GLAZED VESSEL, ca. late 19th Century AD. A lovely example of Persian four colored glazed ceramics form the 19th century. The rectangular vessel is very brightly glazed with a figure rendered in green, blue, and maroon on one side, a deer on the opposite side, and fish on either end. Very high-gloss glassy glaze of late period Persian ceramics. H. 6 3/8” W. 4 1/4” (16 cm x 10.8 cm)........................750














































































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A TRUSTED INSTITUTION FOR OVER 50 YEARS. Harlan J. Berk Ltd. employs experts in all areas ranging from ancient, U.S. and world coins, paper money and antiquities. All our experts have, on average, over 15 years of experience, most much more.

HARLAN J. BERK, LTD FOR ALL YOUR BULLION NEEDS If you want to buy or sell gold, silver, platinum, or palladium in coin or bar form, we can handle any size transactions for you. Other than shipping there are no extra charges if you are outside the Chicago area. Our staff can guide you, if desired, to the least expensive ways to purchase bullion. If you wish, we can convert your numismatic holdings into bullion or vice versa. Please direct your calls to Robert Greenstein at 312-609-0016 or e-mail: bobg@hjbltd.com.

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Est. 1964 31 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL. 60602 | 312-609-0018 | www.hjbltd.com Dealers in ancient coins, U.S. & world coins, antiquities, Bullion

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