HJB 210th Buy or Bid Sale

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”


The Closing Date is April 1, 2020

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”

Tel: (312) 609-0018

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Harlan J. Berk, Ancients • Aaron Berk, Ancients & Antiquities Curtis Clay, Roman • Phil Davis, Ancients • Justin Benton, Ancients • Jennifer Saban, Antiquities • Laura Wakeland, World Pablo Saban, IT Manager • Photos & Videos by Andrew Steiner & Carin Perez • Layout by Aaron Berk Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. has presented an innovation in antiquities and numismatics for some time now. The system is simple. When you want an antiquity or coin in the sale, just bid the estimated price by phone, fax, web site, email or post. We will send you the antiquity or coin immediately with no buyer’s fees and no waiting for the closing of the sale. Any and all antiquities or coins not sold before the closing date will be sent to the highest bidder after April 1, 2020. All items carry a guarantee of authenticity. EXAMPLE—You bid estimate on an item valued at $100.00 and if your bid is the 1st to reach us, you will receive the item immediately at $100. If on the other hand, you bid $75.00 on the same item and are still the high bidder at the end of the sale, the item will be mailed to you after the closing. If you are ever in the area, stop in to see us! Of course, it’s best to call first. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. reserves the right to refuse any bids.

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GOLD IONIA; c. 625-600 BC, EL Hekte, 2.51g. Rosen-314, Traité I-117. Obv: Raised swastika pattern. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. High relief. VF............................................. 600 MYSIA, CYZICUS; c. 500-450 BC, EL Stater, 16.05g. von Fritze-112, Boston-1487, SNG Paris-253. Obv: Young nude male kneeling l., holding tunny by tail in his extended r. hand. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. VF.............................................................. 2800 LESBOS, MYTILENE; c. 377-326 BC, EL Hekte, 2.53g. Bodenstedt-86. Obv: Threequarter facing head of Athena in Attic helmet. Rx: Bust of Hermes with short curly hair, wearing petasos pushed down on his neck. gVF.......................................................... 525 IONIA, PHOCAEA; c. 477-388 BC, EL Hekte, 2.52g. Bodenstedt-100, pl. 49 (Vsa/ Rsα). Obv: Female head l. wearing double band in hair, which is pulled back in low bun behind ear. Rx: Four-part incuse square. VF................................................................ 525 IONIA, PHOCAEA; c. 387-326 BC, EL Hekte, 2.56g. Bodenstedt-107, pl. 49. Obv: Head of Omphale l., wearing lionskin headdress, seal below. Rx: Four-part incuse square. aVF................................................................................................................................ 500 ASIA MINOR, ACHEMENID EMPIRE; c. 485-420 BC, Daric, 8.34g. Carradice Type IIIb, Group A/B. Obv: Kneeling running king r. with bow and spear. Rx: Incuse punch. EF.................................................................................................................... 1750 AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Rome, 137 AD, Aureus, 7.37g. BM-1003, pl. 67.10 = RIC-444, pl. XIV, 292 (same dies); RIC2-2713, pl. 48 (same dies); Calicó-1448 (same dies); bust var. of C-42 (200 Fr.). Obv: L AELIVS - CAESAR Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from front and side. Rx: PIE - TAS across field, TRIB - POT - COS - II around, Pietas standing r. dropping incense on altar and holding box. Ex Stack’s, 11 January 2013, lot 5362. Aelius is probably the handsomest man ever portrayed on a Roman coin. Struck in high relief. Mint State........................................................... 39500 GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, 260-8 AD (Sole Reign), Aureus, 2.97g. Göbl-671g (1 spec.); bust var. of RIC-24, C-37 (100 Fr.), and Calicó-3465. Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: AETERNITAS AVG Sol standing l., raising r. hand and holding globe in l. Sharply struck. Exquisite obverse on a broad flan. Reverse struck with fresh but shallow reverse die. Mint State.................................... 8000 DIOCLETIAN; 284-305 AD, Cyzicus, 284 AD, Aureus, 4.55g. Calicó-4574 (same rev. die); Depeyrot-1/3, p. 131 (2 spec.), pl. 19 (same rev. die); cf. RIC-303 (R3) and C-464 (150 Fr.), both showing biga r. on reverse. Obv: IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: VICTORIA A - V - G Victory holding wreath, palm, and reins in biga of horses leaping left. Very rare, only a couple of specimens known with biga left not right on reverse. Beard struck with worn die. EF................ 9500 Hercules Fighting Hydra MAXIMIANUS; 286-305 AD, Trier, c. 294 AD, Aureus, RIC-10 (R3); Depeyrot-1C/2 (p. 43, 8 spec.), pl. 2 (same rev. die); Calicó-4659 (same dies); C-253 (300 Fr.). Obv: MAXIMI - ANVS P AVG Head laureate r. Rx: HERCVLI D - BELLAT around, PT in exergue, Hercules standing l., raising club to strike Hydra, which has coiled itself around his r. leg; with his l. hand, Hercules also holds one of the Hydra’s seven heads. Ex NAC 67, 17 Oct. 2012, Archer M. Huntington Collection, lot 220. From the collection of the Hispanic Society of America, formerly on loan to the American Numismatic Society. Eight years ago this coin was purchased for $65,000. Even though it is from the Huntington collection and was in the ANS on loan for nearly 100 years, we are now









offering this beautiful coin at a discount since markets can change. High relief. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 49500 VALENS; 364-378 AD, Nicomedia, 364-7 AD, Solidus, 4.26g. RIC-2f (R3), mintmark 1; Depeyrot-18/3 (p. 268, 4 spec.); C-34 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VALENS - P F AVG Pearldiademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: RESTITVTOR - REIPVBLICAE Emperor standing l., head r., holding labarum marked + and Victory on globe, SMNE in exergue. Rare with pearl diadem on obverse, and labarum on reverse topped by cross rather than chi-rho, according to Depeyrot and RIC. aEF.......................................... 1100 ANASTASIUS I; 491-518 AD. Constantinople, c. 492-507 AD, Solidus, 4.29g. Berk30, MIB-4a, DO-3f, Sear-3. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed three-quarter facing bust of emperor, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC S (officina 6) Victory standing l. holding long cross, star to r., CONOB in exergue. Sharp flawless strike on obverse. Missing none of the sharp detail the engraver endeavored to create. Mint State.............................................................. 950 JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Constantinople, Tremissis, 1.47g. Berk-40, MIB-5, Sear-58. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS P F AVI Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and cross on globe; star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Well struck obverse for this fractional denomination. EF / VF.................................................................................................. 475 JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, c. 542-4 AD, Solidus, 4.37g. Berk-44, Sear-140, MIB-7. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVI Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG followed by officina letter E, Angel standing facing, holding long cross and cross on globe; to r., star; in exergue CONOB. EF.................................................................................................................. 465 TIBERIUS II; 578-582 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.29g. Berk-76, MIB-4, Sear-422. Obv: Dm TIb CONS - TANT PP AVG Bust facing, wearing cuirass and crown with cross and pendilia, holding cross on globe in r. hand and shield decorated with horseman on l. arm. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCC B (officina 2) Cross potent on four steps, CONOB in exergue. Mint State....................................................................................................... 600 MAURICE; 582-602 AD. Constantinople, c. 583/4-602 AD, Solidus, 4.46g. MIB-6, Berk-82, Sear-478. Obv: [D N mAV]RC - TIB PP AVI Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTOR. - A AVCC followed by unclear officina letter, Victory standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by chi-ro in r. hand and cross on globe in l. hand; CONOB in exergue. Flatly struck on left edge. Mint State............................................................................................................................... 435 FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.34g. Berk-99, Sear618, MIB-7. Obv: [O N] FOCAS - PERP AVI Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORIA - AVCU E (officina 5) Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in exergue, CONOB. AVGG in reverse legend written as AVCU. Left side of obverse flatly struck. Mint State.................................................................................... 400 FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.48g. Berk-99, Sear618, MIB-7. Obv: O N FOCAS - PERP AVC Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORIA - AVSU Z (officina 7) Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in exergue, CONOB. AVGG in reverse legend written as AVSU. Mint State... 535





















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IRENE AND CONSTANTINE VI; 780-797 AD. Constantinople, c. 792-7 AD, Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-235, DO-3, S-1594. Obv: IRInH - AΓOVSTI Bust of Irene facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe and cruciform scepter. Rx: COnSTAn - TInOS bAS’Θ Bust of Constantine VI facing, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia. Flawless portrait of Irene, who in fact did not like her son. Mint State............................................................7300 Irene Sole Reign IRENE; 797-802 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.55g. Berk-236, Sear-1599. Obv: EIRI[n]H - bASILISSH Bust of Irene facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe and cruciform scepter. Rx: EIRInH - bASILISSHX Bust of Irene as on obverse, pellet to left of cross on globe. Small area of softly struck lettering on edge. Mint State...............................................................................................................8250 NICEPHORUS I AND STAURACIUS; 802-811 AD. Constantinople, 803-811 AD, Solidus, 4.41g. Berk-238, Sear-1604. Obv: nICI - FOROS bASI[L E’] Bust of Nicephorus facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross potent and akakia. Rx: STAVRA - CIS [d]ESPO’X Similar facing bust of Stauracius, but beardless and holding cross on globe and akakia. Extremely sharp portraits. Small areas of soft striking on edge. Mint State...............................................................2200 NICEPHORUS I AND STAURACIUS; 802-811 AD. Constantinople, 803-811 AD, Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-238, Sear-1604. Obv: nICI - FOROS bASIL E’ Bust of Nicephorus facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross potent and akakia. Rx: STAVRA - CIS dESPO’X Similar facing bust of Stauracius, but beardless and holding cross on globe and akakia. Small area of weakly struck legend on left side of reverse. Mint State...............................................................1775 ROMANUS III; 1028-1034 AD. Constantinople, Stamenon Nomisma, 4.41g. Berk295, Sear-1819, DO-1d. Obv: +IhS XIS REX - REGNANTIhm Christ enthroned facing, wearing halo with cross and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand, book of Gospels; double border. Rx: ΘCE bOHΘ’ - RWmAhW around, MΘ in upper field, The Virgin, haloed on r., stands facing and crowns Romanus, who stands facing beside Her, bearded, and holds cross on globe, below which hangs a fold of robe decorated with four pellets; double border. Well centered, struck on broad flan. Small contact mark on edge of obverse at 6 o’clock. Mint State....................................................550 MICHAEL VII; 1071-1078 AD. Constantinople, Histamenon Nomisma, 4.42g. Berk-322, DO-1, Sear-1869. Obv: Nimbate Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand and holding Gospels in l. Rx: Bust of Michael facing, holding labarum and cross on globe, the cross composed of four pellets. Mint State.............................................500 GREEK SILVER Picasso’s Teacher CELTIC, EASTERN CELTS; 2nd cent. BC, Noricum, Samobor Type, Tetradrachm, 10.27g. Kostial, Sammlung Lanz-177 (same obv. die). Obv: Celticized head of Apollo l. Rx: Celticized horse prancing l. The design of this and other Celtic coins shows what gave Picasso some of his inspiration. Toned Good VF...............425 Early Tarentum CALABRIA, TARENTUM; 510-450 BC, Nomos, 8.09g. Fischer-Bossert-103 (dies 52/67, 5 spec.), Vlasto-134 (same dies). Obv: Taras with both arms extended riding dolphin l.; scallop shell below, TAPAC behind. Rx: Hippocamp l. Ex Gasvoda Collection; ex NAC Q, 6 April 2006, lot 1035 This coin is overstruck, but still very sharp and well centered. Lightly toned and scarce. EF..........................................3250 Gemstone Quality Engraving CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 340-325 BC, Nomos, 7.90g. Fischer-Bossert-725 (dies 272/567, 12 spec.), Vlasto-563 (same dies). Obv: Naked youth on horseback l., approaching a standing male figure who fits a bridle to the horse’s head. Along upper edge TAPANTINΩN; in l. field sideways T; in r. field Δ; beneath horse, KAΛ and [I]. Rx: Taras on dolphin r., raising l. knee, holding bow and arrow in l. hand and arrow in r. hand; ΤΑΡΑΣ in l. field, ΦI below dolphin. In the text of Vlasto, this die was described as being so artistic that it gave the viewer the feeling that he was viewing a gemstone because of the great tenderness of the scene. One of the best dies of Tarentum. Lustrous Mint State...........................................................................4500 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 325-281 BC, Stater, 7.82g. Vlasto-657. Obv: Naked horseman r., crowning himself, ΣΑ and Ionic capital below. Rx: Taras on dolphin l., holding sea-snake; KOM below. VF.......................................................................325 Ex Adolph Hess, 1930s CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Drachm, 3.22g. Vlasto-1053. Obv: Head of Athena r. wearing crested helmet decorated with Skylla hurling stone. Rx: Owl standing r. on olive spray, head facing, TAP upwards to l., [I]OP downwards to r. Ex Künker 226, 11 March 2013, lot 135; ex Hess 236, 3 April 1939, E. Nitsch Collection, lot 69. With two dealers’ tickets, from Pars Coins (recent) and Adolph Hess, Frankfurt (1930s). Toned. aEF........................................................................600 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 530-510 BC, Stater, 8.13g. SNG ANS-292, cf. Sear257 (eagle flying r.). Obv: Delphic tripod, with three handles, and legs terminating in lions’ feet; oPO downwards on l. Rx: Incuse eagle flying l. Scarcer with eagle flying left (two specimens in ANS) than with eagle flying right (thirteen specimens in ANS). Extremely beautiful image of eagle on reverse. Toned. EF....................................1800 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; 510-480 BC, Stater, 7.71g. Cf. SNG ANS-275. Obv: Tripod with three circles above, ethnic l., heron r. Rx: Tripod incuse. Toned. gVF.650 Incredible Demeter Image LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 330-320 BC, Stater, 7.79g. Noe/Johnston-C4.11 (same dies). Obv: Head of Demeter l., wearing necklace, triple-pendant earring, and barley wreath. Rx: META upward at r., barley ear with leaf to l.; tongs above, [AΘ] A below. While this die and others from this issue are as common as sand on a beach, images this flawlessly struck on an utterly mint state, beautifully centered coin are as rare as finding a natural pearl in an oyster. FDC....................................................2650 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 400-340 BC, Stater, 7.33g. Noe-461, HN Italy-1534. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Barley ear; leaf to r. Some porosity. VF....250 Exquisite Apollo SICILY, LEONTINI; c. 435-430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.24g. SNG ANS-257 (same dies), Rizzo-pl. XXIII.4 (same dies). Obv: Head of Apollo laureate l. Rx: Lion’s head l.; around, four barley corns and ethnic V (= Λ upside down) ΕΟ - [Ν] - ΤΙ ΝΟΝ. Until several decades ago this was one of the rarest and most beautiful dies of Leontini. While they now appear in the market, this is still one of the most beautiful dies and this example, other than a few minor, natural planchet defects from striking, is one of the finest examples. FDC.........................................................................7750 SICILY, SELINUS; c. 540/530-510 BC, Didrachm, 8.73g. Arnold-Biucchi,



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Museum Notes 33, 1988, pl. 2.22; cf. SNG ANS-667 (12 triangles on rev.). Obv: Selinon leaf, with two pellets flanking stem. Rx: Incuse square divided into ten triangles. Interesting undertype on left lobe of leaf. Mint State.............................1300 Breathtaking SICILY, SYRACUSE; Second Democracy, c. 466-460 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.31g. Boehringer-408, SNG ANS-128. Obv: Charioteer driving slow quadriga r.; above, Nike flying r., crowning horses with wreath; ketos in exergue. Rx: Head of Arethusa r., wearing pearl diadem, earrings, and necklace; four dolphins and ΣV[Ρ]ΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ around. Ex Tkalec Sale, 8 September 2008, lot 12. Over the last 56 years that this company has been in business, we have handled hundreds of coins of this period. We have never had anything close to this coin. The head of Arethusa is not only perfectly centered and flawlessly struck, but surrounded by four beautifully centered dolphins. The obverse is also flawless, except for a small flan crack from striking in the center to lower part of the right field. FDC.....................................................................27500 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 477-470 BC, Drachm, 4.12g. Boehringer-357 (same dies). Obv: Horseman riding r. Rx: Head of Arethusa r. wearing pearl diadem, ΣVPAKOΣIO - N around, all in incuse circle. Ex Gorny & Mosch 265, 14 October 2019, lot 113 and Gorny & Mosch 219, 10 March 2014, lot 56; ex Peus 392, 2007, lot 4185 and Peus 386, 2006, lot 91. Unusually nice for this small-sized issue. EF............................3250 CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, ACANTHUS; c. 470-390 BC, Tetrobol, 2.34g. SNG ANS-44. Obv: Forepart of bull l., head turned back; ΠE above. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Ex Freeman & Sear List 10, Spring 2005, no. 161. aEF.............................375 PANGAEAN DISTRICT, NEAPOLIS; c. 424-350 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.95g. SNG Cop-228, SNG ANS-430. Obv: Head of gorgon facing, with protruding tongue. Rx: Head of nymph r., N - E above, Π - O below. Toned. VF / EF.................................800 CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, OLYNTHUS; 392-379 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.29g. Weber-1905. Obv: Head of Apollo l. Rx: Lyre. Ex Berk 153, 13 March 2007, lot 112. High relief obverse. EF...........................................................................................5000 CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, TERONE; c. 480-420 BC, Tetrobol, 2.35g. SNG Cop-337, Sear-1457. Obv: Pitcher, T - E across field. Rx: Shallow four-part incuse square, the quadrants granulated. Ex Berk 208, 5 September 2019, lot 202; ex Gemini XIV, 18 April 2018, Philip T. Ashton Collection, lot 107; ex Berk 164, 20 May 2009, lot 123. aEF..............................................................................................................425 Ex Boston Museum of Fine Arts PANGAEAN DISTRICT, EION; 5th Century BC, Trihemiobol, 0.77g. Cf. SNG ANS-287 (H behind goose’s feet) and 291 (H right of goose’s neck). Obv: Goose standing r., head turned back, lizard above, H (faint) before goose’s feet. Rx: Fourpart incuse square. Ex Morton and Eden/Sotheby 51, A Collection of Exceptional Greek Coins, 24 October 2011, lot 97; ex NFA VIII, 6 June 1980, lot 97. Formerly in the collection of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Catalogue (1955), 610; acquired by Boston as part of the Edward Perry Warren Collection, Regling, Sammlung Warren (1906), 569; obtained by Warren as part of the Canon Greenwell Collection in 1901. For a small coin this has an immense pedigree: not only Boston MFA and Boston Catalog, but also Greenwell Collection 1901. Very well struck for issue. Toned. EF......................................................................................................1500 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II FIFTH TETRADRACHM; Posthumous, c. 315-294 BC, Fifth Tetradrachm, 2.31g. Le Rider-pl. 48, 10-2, SNG ANS-822. Obv: Head of Apollo r., hair bound with taenia. Rx: [ΦIΛ]IΠΠOY Horseman r.; club below. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 173, 15 March 2011, lot 125. aEF..............225 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC, Babelon, c. 311305 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.07g. Price-3746. Obv: Head of young Herakles r. wearing lionskin. Rx: [A]ΛEΞAN[ΔPOY] downwards on r., BAΣIΛE[ΩΣ] in exergue, Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, MTP monogram within wreath in l. field, MI below throne. aEF....................................................................................................600 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Susa, c. 325-320 BC, Late Lifetime Issue, Tetradrachm, 17.72g. Price-3832. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane, its forepaws knotted around Herakles’ neck. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, two monograms in l. field and under throne. Mint State..............................................1850 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; “Colophon”, c. 310-301 BC, Drachm, 4.40g. Price-1828 var. (monogram not K below throne). Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; Φ in l. field, K below throne. Toned. EF......................................350 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; “Colophon”, c. 301-297 BC, Drachm, 4.10g. Price-1843. Obv: Head of Herakles r. in lionskin headdress. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus enthroned l.; forepart of lion above crescent in l. field, pentagram under throne. Toned. EF / gVF...................................................375 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Miletus, c. 325-323 BC, Drachm, 4.28g. Price-2090f. Obv: Head of young Herakles r., wearing lionskin. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus seated l., legs crossed, holding eagle and scepter; HΔ monogram in l. field. Scarcer variant with Zeus’ legs crossed on reverse, shown by only one of the BM’s seven specimens. High relief for this issue. Mint State.........450 PAEONIA, PATRAUS; 340-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.74g. Sear-1520 var. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: ΠATPAoY retrograde around upper r. edge, Horseman with plumed helmet r., spearing fallen enemy who holds shield. Paeonian Hoard, Sotheby 1969, lot 392 (same dies). Mint State........................................................550 PAEONIA, PATRAUS; 340-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.83g. Sear-1520 var. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: [ΠAT]PAOY around upper r. edge, Horseman with plumed helmet r., spearing fallen enemy who holds shield. Paeonian Hoard, Sotheby 1969, lot 101 (same dies). Somewhat softly struck in areas. Mint State..................300 PAEONIA, PATRAUS; 340-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.49g. Sear-1520 var. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: ΠAT - 9A - oY around l. edge, Horseman with plumed helmet r., spearing fallen enemy who holds shield. Paeonian Hoard, Sotheby 1969, lot 276 (same dies). The P in the king’s name is backwards. Struck on an immense flan. Struck at the same time as lots 49 and 50, and even deriving from the same hoard, but showing an archaic, almond-shaped eye rather than the more modern profile eye of the other two coins, perhaps because engraved by a less sophisticated, local die cutter. Mint State.................................................................................................................550 IONIA, TEOS; c. 470/65-449 BC, Stater, 11.98g. Balcer, SNR 1968-102 (dies 102/134, 1 spec.). Obv: [T] - HI - O - N Griffin with curled wings seated r., bunch of grapes on vine below raised l. foreleg. Rx: Incuse square. Apparently only the second recorded specimen of this particular issue of Teos staters, Balcer’s Group LIII with symbol grape cluster and leaf. The first specimen, from the same die pair, was





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formerly in the Niggeler and Jameson Collections and in J. Hirsch Sale XX (1907), and is presumably now in another private collection. Toned. EF...........................1750 DANUBIAN DISTRICT, ISTRUS; 4th cent. BC, Drachm, 4.97g. SNG BM-247. Obv: Facing male heads, l. head inverted. Rx: [I]ΣTPIH above, Sea-eagle l. with dolphin in talons, below AΠ monogram. Toned. EF................................................375 TAURIC CHERSONESUS, PANTICAPAEUM; c. 90-79 BC, Didrachm, 8.50g. MacDonald-168. Obv: Head of Dionysus r. wearing ivy wreath. Rx: Ivy wreath with knot and bunch of grapes at top, ΠANTI / KAΠAI / TΩN in three lines within wreath, IΔP monogram above. From the Philip Ashton Collection. aEF.............................600 BOSPORUS, COTYS I; 382-359 BC, Trihemiobol, 0.82g. Topalov-96. Obv: Bearded head l. Rx: Two-handled cup, K - O above, T - Y at sides. Very rare. Obverse in high relief. gVF....................................................................................................250 THESSALY, THESSALIAN LEAGUE; 196-146 BC, Double Victoriatus, 6.06g. Grose-4806. Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Athena advancing r., magistrates’ names above and below. Some obverse porosity on right side. Mint State..................................375 BOEOTIA, THEBES; Stater, Boeotia, Thebes, 379-338 BC, 12.13g. BM(magistrate not listed). Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Amphora, letters of magistrate’s name on either side. VF...........................................................................................300 Ex British Museum PHOCIS, FEDERAL COINAGE; c. 445-420 BC, Triobol, 2.95g. Williams-242a, pl. 8 (this coin). Obv: Bull’s head facing. Rx: Φ - [O] upwards on l., [I.K] upwards on r., Head of Artemis l., hair rolled behind, all in incuse square. Ex Baldwin’s Auctions 75, 26 September 2012, lot 2274; this specimen earlier published by Williams in his Phocis monograph (1972) as being in his own collection. Also “Ex British Museum Collection”, according to the Baldwin’s catalogue; perhaps Williams bequeathed his collection to the BM, who then de-accessioned this and other coins as duplicates. Obverse in high relief. Toned. VF...........................................................................575 ATTICA, ATHENS, WAPPENMÜNZE OBOL; c. 545-515 BC, Obol, 0.64g. Svoronos-pl. 1, 60; HGC-1654. Obv: Four-spoked wheel with lilies on spokes. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Acquired from Sovereign Rarities Ltd., January 2017. EF............................................................................................................................2000 Latest So-Called Civic Mint Issue ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 515-510 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.85g. Seltman-328, AsyutGroup III. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, olive twig with two leaves before, ΑΘΕ in l. field. Seltman’s “Civic Mint” issue, though misnamed by him and dated too late, contained some very interesting coins, including the earliest to bear the famous Athena/owl types at Athens in our opinion. According to Seltman, the tetradrachms of this group were “superior in technique and style” and “the finest medallic coins ever produced in Athens”; Athena’s features and helmet on the obverse were “carefully and effectively treated”, while the owls on the reverse were “of special merit”, “reminiscent of the style of the vase-painters of the period”. This class, in our view, was a trial or experimental group like the earliest Croesus coins. The present coin in particular supports that idea, for its reverse type, struck in extremely high relief, places the olive branch at the lower right of the design rather than the upper left as usual, forcing the ethnic to be placed to the left rather that the right of the owl. This variant type occurs only on this one reverse die, otherwise known only from a coin in Berlin published by Seltman and Svoronos, which was struck from a similar but not the same obverse die. Ex Berk 197, 27 April 2016, lot 88. Ex Heinz Kowalski collection, Brussels, 1970s. A coin from the same collection in the recent Triton XXIII sale (lot 252) had some corrosion and flat striking and showed the olive leaf on the reverse in the standard position, yet it brought, with commission, $90,000. EF..........................................................................................................60000 Starr Group I ATTICA, ATHENS; 475-470 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.06g. Starr-Group 1. Obv: Archaic head of helmeted Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, AΘE to r., to l. crescent and drooping olive branch with two leaves and two olives. Starr Group 1 (same obverse die as no. 10). Ex Gemini XI, 12 January 2014, lot 122. Coming from Starr’s Group I, the very rare first group of Athenian tetradrachms that show the crescent moon on the reverse, possibly commemorating the victory of the Battle at Marathon. These are normally poorly struck. This coin is very sharp and in good metal. Starr only located twelve examples of this issue, and probably less than three have appeared since his book was printed in 1970. These coins, having the crescent moon, were the first issue after the massive group of coins that were struck to pay for the Persian war. It does have the drooping leaves and olive of the late Persian War coins, but as mentioned, it is the first coin with the crescent moon. Further evidence of coins coming into the market has shown that Starr Group 1 is a good deal earlier than Starr Groups 2-5 since it seems, rather than being issued over a period of 30 years, groups 2-5 were probably issued towards the end of the Starr Group period of 449 for only about two years, with Starr Group 1 being much earlier and thus more important. EF..........................................................................................................................21000 Nearly Full Crest ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field, all within incuse square. The head of Athena on these tetradrachms is always shown wearing a crested helmet, but because of the large size of the head or the small size of the flan, most of the crest is usually off flan so virtually non-existent. It takes a beautiful, small head struck on a broad flan to create that rare phenomenon, a helmet with full crest. This coin has that, making it extremely desirable and a necessity to collectors of Athenian tetradrachms. Tiny die break touching the edge of Athena’s eye. Mint State.............................................1875 Egyptian Imitation EGYPT AS ACHAEMENID PROVINCE, IMITATING ATHENS; c. 343-333 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.21g. Obv: Head of Athena r.; three small upright olive leaves on front edge of Attic helmet; beaded necklace. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; olive twig with two leaves and crescent moon behind; ethnic in r. field. This is a beautiful example of these coins which rarely show up in such exquisite condition. Mint State. ................................................................................................................................ 950 ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Magistrates Chari- and Hera-, Cock with Palm, c.185/180-145 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.99g. Thompson-133, coupled with a rev. die unknown to her. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ names l. and r., cock stepping r. with palm over shoulder in lower r. field; ME in lower l. field, letter on amphora illegible; all within olive wreath. Thompson knew of three reverse dies of this issue with ME below the



amphora, but none with ME in lower left field as on our coin. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in November 1997. Areas of flat striking but pleasant, toned image of Athena. gVF...............................................................................................600 Symbol Elephant: 131/0 BC ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Magistrates Antiochos and Karaichos, Elephant, c. 131/0 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.79g. Thompson-400g, Svoronos-pl. 44.22 (same dies). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ names l. and r., elephant standing r. in r. field; third magistrate MEN/AN in l. field, I on amphora, ΣΩ below; all within olive wreath. Αcquired from London Coin Galleries, January 2016. Mint State........................2000 First Three Issues of Aegina ATTICA, AEGINA (THREE COINS IN LOT) Coin 1: 545-525/15 BC, Stater, 12.20g. Milbank-1. Asyut-425 (Group 1). Obv: Smooth-shelled turtle with single row of dots down center of shell. Rx: Irregular incuse with thin criss-cross lines. Ex Triton XIV, 4-5 January 2011, lot 248.

Coin 2: c. 530-520/510 BC, Stater, 12.18g. Asyut-425, Group II. Obv: Smooth-shelled sea turtle. Rx: Union Jack incuse square.

Coin 3: c. 510-480 BC, Stater, 12.23g. Milbank-3, Asyut-433 (Group III). Obv: Smooth-shelled sea turtle with row of dots down center of shell. Rx: Union Jack pattern incuse. Ex Gemini XI, 12 January 2014, lot 136.

This group contains the first three groups in Asyut and the first two in Milbank. Group Two of Asyut is so rare that it was not listed in Milbank or known to him at the time. The sea turtles of Aegina became the world’s first international trade coin. These first three groups are quite rare and to the best of our knowledge have never been offered together and in this quality, making it a very rare opportunity for collectors of Greek coins and even economists.

The island of Aegina, situated in the Aegean Sea midway between Attica and the Peloponnese, derives its name from a consort of Zeus. In Greek mythology, Aegina was the daughter of the river god Asopusand the nymph Metope. Zeus took Aegina to an island called Oenone, close to Attica.It was here that Aegina gave birth Aeacus, who would later become king of the island, thereafter known as Aegina.

The Aiginetans were traders because their rocky island was poorly suited to agriculture. They made their living transporting and selling goods and raw materials produced by others. Success created surplus assets in the form of material goods, which had a short shelf life. It was for this reason that Aeginetan wealth was transformed into silver coin.

The staters of Aegina are regarded as the Western world’s first coinage, and were introduced soon after the advent of coinage further east. These staters were also the first international trade coinage, , and they circulated widely in the Mediterranean from the late sixth century until the fourth century B.C. Many show evidence of this long circulation in the form of small banking countermarks, which seem to guarantee that the coins were composed of good silver.

On the obverse of the Aegina staters is a loggerhead turtle with a row of very small dots down the center of its shell. The turtle motif man have been a symbolic representation of the Aegenetan ships that roamed the sea, or the badge of an important family--or it may have been adopted simply because it was easy to engrave and produce in massive quantities. The reverse depicted a formless square incuse (lot 661a; Asyut I). This was later followed by an incuse divided into eight sections (lot 661b; Asyut II), which then evolved into the windmill-like mill-sail pattern (lot 661c; Asyut III). This finally developed into a five-part incuse made up of three rectangles and two triangles.The sea turtle on the obverse changed over time into a variety not fould in nature, with exaggerated dots down the center of its back and a large heavy rim on the front of its shell.

In 456 B.C. Athens conquered Aegina. Thereafter the island’s staters were coined depicting a land tortoise rather than a sea turtle--Aegina having lost its sea power. The tension between Aegina and Athens led Pericles, the great Athenian politian, to refer to the island as the “leme,” or eyesore of the coastal city Piraeus. Many turtles of Aegina remained in circulation across the known world for as much as a century after Aebina ceased to issue them. While these coins are common, high-grade coins are scarce, and any of the first issue (Milbank I, lot 661a) are really rare. All three coins Toned EF (THREE COINS IN LOT)...................................................................37500 ATTICA, AEGINA; c. 485-480 BC, Group VI, Stater, 12.22g. Asyut-531. Obv: Sea turtle. Rx: Incuse square of skew pattern, divided by straight lines into six compartments, five open and one closed. Good Fine..............................................445 CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 330-300 BC, Stater, 8.45g. Calciati-419. Obv: Pegasus, with pointed wing, flying l.; koppa beneath. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., dove flying l. within wreath behind, Γ below her chin. VF..............................................400 PELOPONNESUS, SICYON; c. late 330s BC, Stater, 11.25g. BCD-219. Obv: Chimaera stepping l., ΣΕ below, wreath above. Rx: Dove flying l., I before, all within olive wreath tied on the right. This issue should probably be connected with Alexander the Great’s appeal for mercenaries from the Peloponnese in 334 BC, according to Alan Walker’s note in the Leu BCD Peloponnesos catalogue. VF..................................700 PELOPONNESUS, SICYON; c. 90s-60s BC, Triobol, 2.32g. Cf. BCD-341 (T above dove’s tail); Sear-2777 var. Obv: Dove flying l., uncertain letter above tail. Rx: Large sigma, [ΠO] / Λ - Y / KPA in three lines across field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in April 2016. Toned. gVF......................................................145 ELIS, OLYMPIA; c. 245/40-210 BC, Drachm, 4.65g. BCD-235 (same obv. die). Obv: Eagle with raised wings flying r., holding and tearing at hare. Rx: F - A Thunderbolt, with wings below and double volutes above. From Schwabacher’s Group II, which was struck from this single obverse die and at least six reverse dies. Ex Kirk Davis List 63, lot 38; earlier in the collection of Dr. Paul Rynearson, who illustrated this coin in his book Collecting Ancient Greek Coins, 16d Toned. VF...650 Sir Herman Weber, 1924 ARGOLIS, ARGOS; Magistrate Hieronos, c. 90-50 BC, Triobol, 2.31g. BCD-1177; BM-114; Weber-4192, pl. 154 (this coin). Obv: Forepart of wolf l. Rx: Large A in

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shallow incuse, eagle on thunderbolt below, I-[E]/P-Ω/ΝΟ-[Σ] in three lines across field. From the Sir Hermann Weber Collection, published in 1924; stated to have been purchased from Spink in 1888. Toned. EF...............................................................800 CRETE, GORTYNA; c. 267-200 BC, Drachm, 3.08g. Svoronos 144, Pl. XVI, 9. Obv: Head of Minos r. Rx: Nude warrior standing facing; r. hand on shield, l. hand holding scepter; all within border of radiating lines. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Porous. Fine...........................................................................................150 PONTIC, MITHRADATES VI; 83-82 BC, Second Mithradatic War, Odessa, Tetradrachm, 16.12g. Obv: Portrait of Mithradates as Alexander III as Hercules. Rx: Zeus seated. The planchet defect on reverse is normal for this issue. Powerful portrait of Mithradates. gVF / Fine.......................................................................................700 PAPHLAGONIA, SINOPE; c. 330-300 BC, Drachm, 5.94g. SNG BM-1473. Obv: Nymph head l., aplustre in field before her face. Rx: Eagle on dolphin l., ΣΙΝΩ below, KAPΠO in field above eagle’s tail. Only KAP. .of the magistrate’s name on reverse is visible on SNG BM-1473. EF.................................................................................450 IONIA, PHOCAEA; Diobol, 1.33g. SNG Kayhan-522, SNG Aulock-1813. Obv: Archaic head of Athena r. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Contact mark in field touching nose. VF...............................................225 BITHYNIAN KINGDOM, NICOMEDES III, 127-94 BC; Year 193 (=105/4 BC), Tetradrachm, 16.84g. Rec. Gén. p. 231 (1 spec., in Vienna). Obv: Head of Nicomedes II r., diademed. Rx: Zeus l., crowning the name of the king with wreath held in r. hand; in l. hand, scepter; to l., eagle on thunderbolt; monogram and date below. NGC 4936029-001 Ch. AU, Strike 5/5, Surface 5/5. Beautifully struck. Excellent toning. Mint State...................................................................................1500 PERGAMUM, EUMENES I, PORTRAIT OF PHILETAIRUS; 263-241 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.01g. SNG Aulock-1358. Obv: Laureate head of Philetairus r. Rx: Athena enthroned l., crowning king’s name ΦIΛETAIPO[Y] written downwards before her, bow behind, bunch of grapes and A in outer and inner l. field respectively. Struck in high relief. aEF........................................................................................2000 MYSIA, PERGAMUM; c. 76 BC, Cistophorus, 12.46g. Kleiner, Museum Notes 23, 1978, pl. 14, 26; SNG Paris-1728. Obv: Snake emerging l. from half-open cista mystica, all within ivy wreath. Rx: Bow in case between two serpents with intertwined tails; ΠEPΓ monogram to l., snake-entwined staff to r., ΠPY monogram in wreath between the serpents’ heads, large letters AΠ above. EF........................................850 Ex M & M 1957 IONIA, SAMOS; Magistrate Asklepiades, 310-300 BC, Didrachm, 6.22g. Barron-p. 214, 2b (this coin). Obv: Facing lion’s scalp. Rx: Forepart of ox r. with dotted truncation, ΣA and olive branch below, [A]ΣKΛHΠIAΔ[HΣ] above. Ex M & M List 169, 1957, no. 18; this coin listed in Barron’s monograph on Samos (1966). Toned. VF...........................................................................................................................1500 AEOLIS, MYRINA; c. 155-145 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.30g. K.A. Sacks, Wreathed Coins of Myrina, ANS Mus. Notes 30, 1985, pl. 11, 25.39d (same dies). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Apollo of Gryneium standing r. holding patera and branch with two fillets, omphalos and amphora before him, mint name and ΔYP monogram behind, all within laurel wreath. Mint State.......................................................... 1100 CARIA, MYLASA; c. 175-150 BC, Tetradrachm, 9.25g. R. Ashton, “The PseudoRhodian Drachms of Mylasa”, NC (1992), pp. 1-39. Tetradrachm specifically discussed on p. 22, G var. (monogram in reverse r. field is reverted) pl. 10. Akarca pl. 2, 11 var. SNG von Aulock 2863 var. SNG Kayhan 842 var., cf. R. Ashton and G. Reger in Agoranomia. Studies in Money and Exchange Presented to John H. Kroll (New York 2006), p. 137, pl. 6, 200. Obv: Rose with two buds; in inner l. field, Μ. Rx: IΑ-Α Eagle standing r. on palm branch, spreading wings; in r. field, Π[Α]. ΠΑ is the abbreviation for the month of ΠΑNEMOΣ in the Macedonian calendar, corresponding to c. June in the modern calendar. EF......................................................................850 Mausolus CARIA, MAUSOLUS; 377-353 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.07g. SNG Aulock-2359. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo three-quarters r., himation fastened at neck. Rx: ΜΑΥΣΣΩΛΛO Zeus of Labraunda standing r., holding double-bladed axe over r. shoulder and vertical spear in r. hand. Our word mausoleum derives from the name Mausolus. This is a very beautiful coins struck in high relief. Only a small contact mark on left cheek. Mint State................................................................................3000 CARIA, HIDRIEUS; Hemidrachm, 2.05g. Cf. BM-7, cf. SNG Aul-2371 (both trihemiobols), SNG Keckman-, SNG Kayhan-. Obv: Facing Head of Apollo with flowing hair. Rx: Legend between rays of eight-pointed star. Apparently an unpublished denomination. From the Philip Ashton Collection; ex Berk 147, 1 February 2006, lot 143. aEF....................................................................................275 CARIA, RHODES; 394-304 BC, Didrachm, 6.75g. SNG Cop-728, SNG Aulock-2790, BM-27, Sear-5037. Obv: Head of Helios facing, slightly r., hair loose. Rx: [PO]ΔI[ON] above rose, with bud on r.; to l., vine tendril with grapes and E. VG............................................................................................................................250 CARIA, RHODES; c. 304-275 BC, Didrachm, 6.73g. SNG Keckman-457. Obv: Head of Helios facing, slightly r. Rx: Rose; E - Y l. and r. of stalk, grapes to l. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Small contact mark on edge at 4 o’clock. Toned. EF......300 CARIA, RHODES; c. 304-190 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.60g. SNG Aulock-2802, BM126. Obv: Radiate head of Apollo Helios facing, inclined slightly to r. Rx: Rose with bud r., magistrate ΘAPΣYTAΣ above, eagle with wings spread on thunderbolt to l., P - O flanking stem below. Ex Heritage, 10 April 2014, lot 23259; ex Sotheby’s New York, 9-10 December 1993, Andre Constantine Dimitriadis Collection, lot 414. EF... ...............................................................................................................................1575 Ex Naville V, 1923 MAINLAND GREECE, PSEUDO-RHODIAN; Aristokrates and club, Mainland Greece, c. 175-170 BC, Drachm, 2.59g. Ashton, NC 162, 2002, p. 60, no. 17 (this coin). Obv: Head of Helios facing three-quarter r. Rx: Rose, bud r., P - O l. and r. of stem, club l., [API]ΣTOKPATΗΣ above. Ex Triskeles 21, 29 September 2017, lot 48; ex Naville V, 18 June 1923, lot 2669. VF................................................................300 PSEUDO-RHODIAN, THESSALY; Hermias and ZΩ, Thessaly, c. 175-170 BC, Drachm, 2.67g. SNG Keckman-793. Obv: Head of Helios facing slightly r. Rx: Rose, bud r., I - Ω l. and r. of stem, EPMIAΣ above. Acquired from Forum Ancient Coins. . .................................................................................................................................750 SYRIA, ALEXANDER I, 152-145 BC.; Antioch on the Orontes, c. 151-149 BC, Drachm, 4.23g. SC-1785.10a. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander I, r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΧΑΝΔΡΟΥ in two lines on r., ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ in two lines on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded bow;

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controls in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection; ex Berk 193, 30 April 2015, lot 174. Brilliant Uncirculated.................................................................................200 PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; c. 465-430 BC, Stater, 10.77g. SNG Aulock-4483 var. Obv: Naked warrior advancing r. holding shield and spear. Rx: Triskeles of human legs, E - Σ above, all within incuse square. Obverse struck with worn die. VF.......325 CILICIA, CELENDERIS; c. 425-400 BC, Stater, 10.57g. SNG Aulock-5618 (same dies); Kraay-NC 1962, pl. I.5 (same dies). Obv: Naked rider l. holding whip in l. hand, dismounting from horse, in order to run second half of race on foot; below horse, A, apparently engraved over another letter. Rx: ΚΕΛΕ[Ν] above, goat kneeling l., head turned back. aEF.........................................................................................900 PAMPHYLIA, SIDE; c. 370-360 BC, Stater, 9.89g. Pozzi-2796. Obv: Athena standing l., holding Victory who crowns her, and resting l. arm on shield, behind which stands spear; pomegranate in l. field. Rx: Naked Apollo standing l. holding laurel branch and bow, altar before him, crow behind. Porosity. VF.......................500 PAMPHYLIA, SIDE; c.183-175 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.37g. SNG Aulock-4797, SNG Paris-697. Obv: Head of Athena r. in Corinthian helmet. Rx: Nike walking l., holding wreath; pomegranate in l. field, ΚΛΕ ΥΧ below. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned. EF...............................................................................................400 SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS VIII; 121-96 BC. Antioch, 112-111/10 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.63g. SC-2302f, SMA-388, Sear-7143 var. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus VIII r., fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ / ΕΠ - ΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ Zeus, crescent above head, standing l., holding star and resting on scepter; ΦΛ monogram above A in l. field, Δ in inner r. field, laurel wreath border. Ex Gorny & Mosch 267, 17 October 2019, lot 3292. Exceptional portrait. Toned. EF.......................................................800 Rare First Issue SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS IX; 114/2-95 BC, Antioch, Spring/Summer 113-Spring/ Summer 112 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.66g. SC-2363f, SNG Spaer-2678. Obv: Diademed head of king r. with short, curly beard, fillet border. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIoXoY / ΦIΛo - ΠAToPoΣ downwards on r. and l., Athena standing l. holding Nike and resting l. hand on shield, spear behind, laurel wreath border; controls TN monogram above A in l. field, small Δ in r. field. This coins appears to have been struck in a period where Antiochus had power briefly, lost it, and then quickly regained it. Mint State......1950 SYRIA, DEMETRIUS III; 97/6-88/7 BC. Damascus, Year 219=95/4 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.19g. SC-2450.8, SNG Spaer-2854 (same dies). Obv: Diademed head of Demetrius III r. with fringe of curly beard at jawline; fillet border. Rx: BACIΛEΩC / ΔHMHTPIOY / ΘEOY in three lines on r., ΦIΛOΠATOPOC / CΩTHPOC in two lines on l., Cult statue of Atargatis standing facing, holding flower in l. hand, grain stalk rising from each shoulder; in l. field, N above OTA monogram; in exergue, date Φ[IΣ] followed by HΔ monogram; all within laurel wreath. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. VF..........................................................................................................800 ASIA MINOR, ACHEMENID EMPIRE; 420-375 BC, Siglos, 5.56g. Sear-4679. Obv: Great King in running-kneeling position r., holding spear and [bow]. Rx: Oblong incuse. Good Fine....................................................................................................125 PHOENICIA, ARADUS; Year 131=129/8 BC, Tetrobol, 2.34g. BM-313, cf. Sear5993 (year 130). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Prow of galley l., with statue of fighting Athena as figurehead; above, MC; below, Phoenician date numeral (Year 131). From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, February 2015. aVF...........................................................................................................................140 PHOENICIA, SIDON; Fourth cent. BC, 1/8 Shekel, 0.70g. Sear-5940. Obv: Galley l. over waves. Rx: Persian king standing r., about to slay erect lion whose mane he seizes. gVF...............................................................................................................200 JUDAEA, FIRST REVOLT; Year 2, 67/68 CE, Sheqel, 13.33g. Hendin-1358. Obv: Ritual chalice with pearled rim, Hebrew inscription around (Year 2, Sheqel of Israel). Rx: Stem with three pomegranates, Hebrew inscription around (Jerusalem the Holy). EF............................................................................................................................5850 JUDAEA, BAR KOKHBA REVOLT; Year 2=133/4 CE, Zuz (Denarius), 3.47g. Hendin-1394 corr., Mildenberg-50 (dies 11/29’). Obv: Simon’s name in Hebrew, Bunch of grapes in three lobes hanging from branch. Rx: “Year two of the freedom of Israel” in Hebrew, Palm branch. Hendin-1394 gives the wrong reverse description, though his illustration is correct. Areas of flat striking. aEF..................................1450 VOLOGASES III; 105-147 AD, Tetradrachm, Seleukeia, 13.09g. Sellwood-79. Obv: Bust of king l. wearing tiara with “hooks” around crest; behind, Δ. Rx: King enthroned l. receiving wreath from standing Tyche, year and month dates difficult to decipher. Countermark in center of obverse. VF / Fine............................................250 PERSIS, ARTAXERXES II; c. 50-0 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.02g. Sear-6214. Obv: Bust of king l. wearing battlemented mural crown, star and monogram behind. Rx: King standing l. holding scepter before lighted altar, Aramaic legend around. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Malter 81, lot 201. EF.........................................250 KINGS OF PERSIS, VĀDFRADĀD (AUTOPHRADATES) II; Early-mid 2nd cent. BC, Tetradrachm, 16.76g. Sunrise-574, Alram-546. Obv: Bearded head of king r., wearing diadem and kyrbasia adorned with eagle. Rx: Fire temple of Ahura-Mazda; above, half-figure of Ahura-Mazda; to l., Vādfradād standing r.; to r., eagle standing l. on standard. High relief. Mint State.......................................................................2000 KINGS OF PERSIS, VĀDFRADĀD (AUTOPHRADATES) I; 3rd cent. BC, Tetradrachm, 16.53g. Cf. Sunrise-568-571 and Alram-540 and 542. Obv: Bearded head of king r., wearing diadem and kyrbasia. Rx: Fire temple of Ahura-Mazda; above, half-figure of Ahura-Mazda; to l., Vādfradād standing r., bow before; to r., standard. Minor porosity. EF..................................................................................2000 SASSANIAN, HORMIZD II; 303-309 AD, Drachm, 4.28g. Göbl-I/1a, 83; Paruck-176; Alram-761; De Morgan-p.679,69. Obv: Pahlavi legend, crowned bust wearing earring right, eagle and korymbos in crown; Rx: Fire altar with attendants and garlands, bust of Ahuramazda in flames. Hormizd II was the son of Narseh. Although he accomplished very little in his reign, the rock sculptures at Naqsh-i-Rustam are memorials to his life. Mint State.............................................................................190 BACTRIA, EUCRATIDES; 171-135 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.70g. Bop-Series 6, 43; Sear-7570 var. Obv: Draped and cuirassed bust of Eucratides r., wearing crested helmet ornamented with bull’s horn and ear, fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ above, ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ in exergue, Dioscuri on horseback r., each wearing cap topped by + (star) and holding spear and palm, HP monogram below forelegs of horses. Portrait in high relief. Beautifully centered obverse and reverse. Miniscule edge porosity. Mint State........................................................................................................................1800 BACTRIA, MENANDER; c. 155-130 BC, Drachm, 2.51g. Bop-Serie 16E. Obv: Helmeted bust of king r. Rx: Athena advancing l., monogram in r. field. Brilliant














116 117












Uncirculated..............................................................................................................300 110. BACTRIA, MENANDER; c. 155-130 BC, Drachm, 2.47g. Bop-Serie 16C. Obv: Helmeted bust of king r. Rx: Athena advancing l., monogram in r. field. Mint State... .................................................................................................................................250 Joint Portraits 111. ELYMAIS, KAMNASKIRES III AND QUEEN ANZAZE; c. 82-80 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.51g. Sear-6171 var. Obv: Conjoined busts of kings and queen l.; behind, anchor-shaped symbol. Rx: BACIΛEΩ[C] / [KAMN]ACK[IPOY] / [K] AI BACIΛIC[CHC] / ANZAZH[C] Zeus seated l. holding Nike and scepter, MAKEΔ[ΩN] in small letters downwards beneath the Nike, illegible Seleucid date in exergue. High relief. Mint State............................................................................3000 112. ELYMAIS, KAMNASKIRES V; c. 54/3-33/2 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.33g. Sunrise-479-480, Sear-5884. Obv: Bust of king diademed l. with long pointed beard; behind, anchor symbol and star within crescent. Rx: Blundered Greek inscription in four lines surrounding diademed, draped male bust l. with short beard. High relief obverse. Mint State...................................................................................................900 Artist Signed Tetradrachm 113. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY I, SIGNED BY THE ARTIST DELTA; 305-282 BC. Alexandria, c. 300-285 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.21g. CPE-168, Svoronos-255 (191 spec.). Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r., artist’s signature behind ear (Δ). Rx: ΠTOΛEMAIOY – BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, P and ΠAP monogram in l. field. This is an exquisite example of these artist signed tetradrachms with a delta behind the ear. Normally, except in Sicily, Greek coins are not signed by the artist. In the case of Ptolemaic Egypt, some are and this is one. Struck in high relief on broad flan. Mint State.......................................................................................2000 ROMAN REPUBLICAN SILVER Exceptional Quality 114. ANONYMOUS; 269-266 BC, Didrachm, 7.12g. Cr-20/1, Syd-6. Obv: Hercules with club and lionskin over shoulder. Rx: She-wolf and twins, in exergue ROMANO. Exceptional quality; among the finest we have ever handled. EF..........................8750 115. ANONYMOUS; 225-212 BC, Quadrigatus (Didrachm), 6.70g. Cr-28/3. Obv: Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri. Rx: Jupiter holding scepter and hurling thunderbolt in chariot driven r. by Victory; below, ROMA incuse on tablet. Some dings; small edge split at 1h. Toned VF+.................................................................485 116. ANONYMOUS; 211 BC on, Denarius, 4.83g. Cr-44/5. Obv: Head of Roma r, X behind. Rx: Dioscuri r., ROMA in linear frame below. Some porosity at 10:00 in obverse field beyond head of Roma. About EF........................................................250 117. ANONYMOUS; 211-208 BC, Victoriatus, 2.79g. Cr-95/1a, Syd-113. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r. Rx: Victory standing r. crowning trophy, VB monogram between, ROMA in exergue. Reverse a bit weakly struck. Toned VF.....................................300 118. SPURIUS AFRANIUS; 150 BC, Denarius, 3.64g. Cr-206/1, Syd-388, Afrania-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., SAFRA below, ROMA in linear frame below. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex CNG E269, 30 November 2011, lot 296. VF...................................................................................300 119. L. SEMPRONIUS PITIO; 148 BC, Denarius, 3.83g. Cr-216/1, Syd-402, RSC Sempronia 2. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., X below chin, PITIO behind. Rx: The Dioscuri r., L SEMP below, ROMA in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned. Fine+.............................................................................................................225 120. M. JUNIUS SILANUS; 145 BC, Denarius, 3.73g. Cr-220/1, Syd-412, RSC Junia-8. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., head of ass behind. Rx: The Dioscuri riding r., M. IVNI below horses, ROMA in exergue. VF............................................................235 121. L. ANTESTIUS GRAGULUS; 136 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Cr-238/1, Syd-451, RSC Antestia-9. Obv: Head of Roma r., GRAG behind., mark of value below chin. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga r., L.ANTES below horses, ROMA in exergue. Toned. VF......245 122. Q. FABIUS MAXIMUS; 127 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-265/1, Syd-478, RSC Fabia-5. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., mark of value below chin; ROMA behind, Q MAX before. Rx: Cornucopia on thunderbolt, all within wreath. Toned. VF......325 123. M. PORCIUS LAECA; 125 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Cr-270/1, Syd-513, RSC Porcia-3. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., LAECA behind, mark of value below chin. Rx: Liberty in quadriga r., crowned by Victory, M.PORC below horses, ROMA in exergue. Ex Berk 163, 25 March 2009, lot 202. Good VF......................................265 124. L. POMPONIUS CN.F.; Narbo, 118 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Cr-282/4, Syd-522a, RSC Sempronia Pomponia 7a. Obv: Head of Roma r., in Attic helmet; L POMPONI CN F around. Rx: Gallic warrior in biga r., L LIC CN DOM in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 31, October 2014, lot 387. VF.......................245 125. Q. CURTIUS; 116/15 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-285/2, Syd-537, Curtia-2. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., Q CVRT before, X behind. Rx: Jupiter in galloping quadriga r., M SILA below horses, lituus above; ROMA in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 173, 15 March 2011, lot 197. EF................................400 126. T. DIDIUS; 113-112 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Cr-294/1, Syd-550, RSC Didia-2. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., ROMA in monogram behind, * below. Rx: Two soldiers fighting, one attacking with whip, the other defending with sword; T DEIDI in exergue. Marvin Tameanko has persuasively argued that this coin depicts a “bloodless ‘warm up’ act of mock fighters called ‘paegniarii,” rather than an actual battle or gladiatorial combat. Minor area of weak strike. Toned About VF...........................750 127. CN. BLASIO CN.F.; 112-111 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-296/1a. Obv: Helmeted head r. (Scipio Africanus?), caduceus behind, CN BLASIO CN F around. Rx: Jupiter standing between Juno and Minerva, pellet in field, ROMA in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 29, November 2013, lot 394. Minor encrustation on reverse. Toned VF................................................................................................265 128. C. CLAUDIUS PULCHER; 110-109 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Cr-300/1, Syd-569, RSC Claudia-1. Obv: Head of Roma r. Rx: Victory in biga r., C PVLCHER in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned. About VF.............................................235 129. L. VALERIUS FLACCUS; 108-107 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-306/1, Syd-565, RSC Valeria-11. Obv: Bust of winged Victory r. Rx: Mars walking l. carrying trophy. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 137, 31 March 2004, lot 224. Toned. About EF .................................................................................................................................265 Refined Obverse Style 130. L. THORIUS BALBUS; 105 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-316/1, Syd-598, RSC Thoria-1. Obv: Head of Juno Sospita r. wearing goat skin; ISMR downwards behind. Rx: Bull charging r., T above; L THORIVS below, BALBVS in exergue. Beautifully toned. Exceptional style and quality for this often wretchedly produced issue. About EF..............................................................................................................................750

131. C. COELIUS CALDUS; 104 BC, Denarius, 3.92g. Cr-318/1a, Syd-582, RSC Coelia-2. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma l. Rx: Victory in biga l., C. COIL below horses; A with dot to either side above; CALD in exergue. VF..............................265 132. P. SERVILIUS M.F. RULLUS; 100 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Cr-328/1, Syd-601, RSC Servilia-14. Obv: Bust of Roma l., wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis; RVLLI behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., P below horses; in exergue, P. SERVILI M.F. From the Philip Ashton Collection. VF...................................................................................250 133. C. POBLICIUS MALLEOLUS; c. 96 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-335/3b, Syd615, RSC Poblicia-6a. Obv: Helmeted head of Mars r., star under chin. Rx: Warrior standing l. before trophy, foot on cuirass, prow and C MAL behind. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Fine+.........................................................................................285 134. L. CALPURNIUS PISO FRUGI; 90 BC, Denarius, 4.00g. Cr-340/1, Syd661. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., LXVIII behind. Rx: Horseman r., palm over shoulder, XXCIII above, L PISO FRVGI / Roma monogram below. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned. EF..................................................................................525 135. L. CALPURNIUS PISO FRUGI; 90 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-340/1, Syd-664b var., Banti-69 (same obv. die). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., bucranium behind. Rx: Horseman r., palm over shoulder, F above, pellet / L PISO FRVGI below. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 161, 28 October 2008, lot 245. About EF...225 136. M. FANNIUS AND L. CRITONIUS; 86 BC, Denarius, 4.14g. Cr-351/1, RSC Critonia-1a, Syd-717. Obv: Bust of Ceres r. Rx: The two aediles seated r., [P] - A in l. field, grainear in r. field; M·FAN·I·CRT in exergue. Scarce. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 31, October 2014, lot 403. Fine+..........................................250 137. L. JULIUS BURSIO; 85 BC, Denarius, 3.71g. Cr-352/1c, RSC Julia-5b, Syd728c. Obv: Male head r., laureate and winged; behind, trident and quiver. Rx: L IVLI BVRSIO, Victory in quadriga r., CCVIII above. Nice VF+....................................300 138. L. JULIUS BURSIO; 85 BC, Denarius, 3.77g. Cr-352/1c, RSC Julia-5b, Syd728c. Obv: Male head r., laureate and winged; behind, trident and prow. Rx: L IVLI BVRSIO, Victory in quadriga r., D dot above. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 29, November 2013, lot 400. Nice VF.........................................................215 139. MN. FONTEIUS C.F.; 85 BC, Denarius, 3.70g. Cr-353/1c, Syd-724a, RSC Fonteia-10. Obv: Head of Vejovis r., CF below chin, thunderbolt below head., MN FONTEI behind. Rx: Infant winged Genius seated on goat r., caps of the Dioscuri above, thyrsus below, all within laurel wreath. From the Philip Ashton Collection. About EF...................................................................................................................245 140. PUB. CREPUSIUS; 82 BC, Denarius, 3.95g. Cr-361/1b, Syd-738, RSC Crepusia1a. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., T below chin. Rx: Horseman r., brandishing spear; XXII above, P CREPVSI in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 179, 24 May 2012, lot 193. VF+.....................................................................375 141. C. MAMILIUS LIMETANUS; 82 BC, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr-362/1, Syd-741, RSC Mamilia-6. Obv: Bust of Mercury r., caduceus behind, A above. Rx: Ulysses walking r., his dog before; C.MAMIL behind, LIMETAN before. The obverse control letters known for this issue, C LIMETANVS CF, spell out the moneyer’s name. Minor area of weak strike. Toned VF..........................................................................................450 142. L. CENSORINUS; 82 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-363/1d, Syd-737, RSC Marcia-24. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Marsyas walking l., raising r. hand and bearing wine-skin over l. shoulder; behind, statue of Victory on column, L CENSOR before. EF..............................................................................................................................450 143. Q. ANTONIUS BALBUS; 83-82 BC, Denarius, 3.97g. Cr-364/1b, Syd-742, RSC Antonia-1a. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r., P below, S C behind. Rx: Victory in quadriga r., Q ANTO BALB / PR in exergue. Scarce with control letter below head. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 192, 9 October 2014, lot 143. Toned. Choice VF.................................................................................................................285 144. Q. ANTONIUS BALBUS; 83-82 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-364/1d, Syd-742b, RSC Antonia-1. Obv: Head of Jupiter r., S C behind. Rx: Victory in quadriga r., F below horses, Q ANTO BALB / PR in exergue. Reverse off-center. EF............................265 145. C. ANNIUS T.F. T.N. W/ L. FABIUS L.F. HISPANIENSIS; 82-81 BC, Denarius, 4.05g. Cr-366/4, Syd-749, RSC Annia-1. Obv: Female bust r., scales before; C ANNIVS T F T N PRO COS EX S C around. Rx: Victory in quadriga r., XXXXVI above; C TARQVITI P F in exergue. VF................................................................325 146. A. POSTUMIUS A.F. SP.N ALBINUS; 81 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-372/2, Syd746, RSC Postumia-8. Obv: Veiled head of Hispania r., HISPAN behind. Rx: Togate man standing between legionary eagle and fasces with ax, A ALBIN SN in field, POST A F in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 27, November 2010, lot 405. VF.....................................................................................................285 147. L. PROCILIUS; 80 BC, Denarius, 3.81g. Cr-379/1, Syd-771, RSC Procilia-1. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r., SC behind. Rx: Juno Sospita advancing r., holding shield and hurling spear; behind, L.PROCIL[I] / F; before, serpent. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 168, 17 March 2010, lot 195. Minor area of weak strike. VF..345 148. C. NAEVIUS BALBUS; 79 BC, Denarius, 3.92g. Cr-382/1b, Syd-769b, RSC Naevia-6. Obv: Diademed head of Venus r., S C behind. Rx: Victory in triga r., with the third horse looking back; CXII above, C NAE BALB (AE and AL ligate) in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 148, 29 March 2006, lot 205. About EF...................................................................................................................250 149. TI. CLAUDIUS TI.F.AP.N.NERO; 79 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-383/1, Syd-770a, RSC Claudia-6. Obv: Bust of Diana, bow and quiver over shoulder, S C before. Rx: Victory in biga r, A CXVIIII below, TI CLAVD TI F AP N in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 151, 1 November 2006, lot 288. EF............................275 150. Q. CREPEREIUS M.F. ROCUS; 72 BC, Plated Denarius, 3.07g. Copying Cr399/1a, Syd-796, and RSC Crepereia-1. Obv: Bust of Amphitrite draped r., turned from viewer; sea anemone behind. Rx: Neptune in sea-chariot r., drawn by two hippocamps; I above, Q CREPEREI / ROCVS below. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Interesting and scarce. VF for wear. Core visible on obverse. VF.........125 151. MN. AQUILLIUS MN.F. MN.N.; 71 BC, 3.88g. Cr-401/1, Syd-798, RSC Aquillia-2. Obv: VIRTVS III VIR Helmeted bust of Virtus r. Rx: The consul Man. Aquillius raising Sicilia, MN AQVIL M N F MN N around, SICIL in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection. VF.............................................................................250 152. MN. AQUILLIUS MN.F. MN.N.; 71 BC, Plated Serrate Denarius (Fourrée), 2.99g. Copying Cr-401/1, Syd-798, and RSC Aquillia-2. Obv: VIRTVS - III VIR Helmeted bust of Virtus r. Rx: The consul Man. Aquillius raising Sicilia, MN AQ[VIL] - MN F MN N around, SICIL in exergue. Plating broken in small area of obverse. Toned VF+...........................................................................................................................125 153. L. ROSCIUS FABATUS; Denarius, 64 BC, 3.98g. Cr-412/1, Syd-915, RSC





































158 159




















168. 169. 170.




Roscia-3, Banti-79. Obv: Bust of Juno Sospita r. in goat-skin. Rx: Priestess feeding serpent; symbols: cornucopia/cornucopia. Llight scratch on obverse. VF+.............285 L. SCRIBONIUS LIBO; 62 BC, Denarius, 4.01g. Cr-416/1a, Syd-928, Scribonia8a. Obv: BON EVENT before diademed head of Bonus Eventus r., LIBO behind. Rx: PVTEAL above well-head ornamented with two lyres, hammer and festoons, SCRIBON in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned VF...................245 M. AEMILIUS LEPIDUS; 61 BC, Denarius, 3.52g. Cr-419/1a, Syd-829, RSC Aemilia-22. Obv: Female head r. Rx: Equestrian statue of M. Lepidus holding trophy r., M. LEPIDVS in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 34, June 2016, lot 419. VF. VF...............................................................................................425 M. AEMILIUS SCAURUS AND PUB. PLAUTIUS HYPSAEUS; 58 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-422/1b, Syd-913, RSC Aemilia-8. Obv: Kneeling figure (King Aretas of Nabataea) holding reins of camel; M SCAVR / AED CVR above, EX on l., S C on r.; REX ARETA[S] in exergue. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga l.; [P HYPSAE / AED] CVR above; CAPT V on r., C HYPSAE COS PREIVER in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Minor deposits on reverse. Toned VF.......................................265 M. AEMILIUS SCAURUS AND PUB. PLAUTIUS HYPSAEUS; 58 BC, Denarius, 3.67g. Cr-422/1b, Syd-913, RSC Aemilia-8. Obv: Kneeling figure (King Aretas of Nabataea) holding reins of camel and olive branch tied with fillet; M SCAVR / AED CVR above, [E]X on l., S [C] on r.; [REX ARETAS] in exergue. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga l., with scorpion below forelegs of horses; [P HYPSAE] / [A]ED CVR above; C HYPSAE COS / PRIVER (sic) in exergue; C[APTV] upwards on r. This legend variant omitting the first E from the city name PREIVER on reverse is not included among the numerous variants that Crawford records. Toned. VF.............200 L. MARCIUS PHILIPPUS; 57 BC, Denarius, 3.97g. Cr-425/1, Syd-919, RSC Marcia-28. Obv: Diademed head of Ancus Marcius r., lituus behind, [ANCVS] below. Rx: Equestrian statue r. on aqueduct of five arches, flower below horse, PHILIPPVS behind rider, A - Q - V - [A - MAR] under arches. Area of weak strike. Mint State...... .................................................................................................................................375 An Exceptional Run of Muses Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.75g. Cr-410/3, Syd-813, RSC Pomponia-11. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., scroll behind. Rx: Clio standing l., holding scroll, elbow on pedestal; Q POMPONI behind, MVSA before. Wellcentered, well-struck reverse. Toned EF.................................................................2750 Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.64g. Cr-410/3, Syd-813, RSC Pomponia-11. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., scroll behind. Rx: Clio standing l., holding scroll, elbow on pedestal; Q POMPONI behind, MVSA before. Toned. EF.... ...............................................................................................................................2000 Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.78g. Cr-410/5, Syd-815, RSC Pomponia-13. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., crossed flutes behind. Rx: Euterpe, the Muse of Music and Lyric Poetry, leaning on column and holding two flutes; Q POMPONI behind, MVSA before. Minor area of weak strike. Toned VF+..........1500 Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.70g. Cr-410/8, Syd-823 (R4), RSC Pomponia-22. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., star behind. Rx: Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, pointing with wand to globe on tripod; to l., MVSA, to r., Q. POMPONI. Beautiful golden-grey toning. Tiny planchet defect under Apollo’s eye. EF.........2500 Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.69g. Cr-410/8, Syd-823 (R4), RSC Pomponia-22. Obv: Head of Apollo r., star behind. Rx: Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, pointing with wand to globe on tripod; to l., MVSA, to r., Q. POMPONI. Toned. EF................................................................................................................1250 Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr-410/8, Syd-823 (R4), RSC Pomponia-22. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., star behind. Rx: Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, pointing with wand to globe on tripod; to l., MVSA, to r., Q. POMPONI. Toned. Two tiny banker’s marks before face. About EF..........................................650 Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.83g. Cr-410/10a Syd-817, RSC Pomponia-15. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., wreath behind. Rx: Polymnia, the Muse of Rhetoric, standing facing, wearing wreath; to r., Q POMPONI, to l., MVSA. Obverse a bit rough. Toned VF+..............................................................................500 P. FONTEIUS P.F. CAPITO; Denarius, 55 BC, 3.73g. Cr-429/1, Syd-900, RSC Fonteia-17. Obv: Helmeted bust of Mars r., trophy over shoulder, P FONTEIVS P F CAPITO III VIR around. Rx: Horseman attacking warrior who is about to slay a kneeling captive, MN FONT TR MIL above. VF...................................................285 The Finest Vercingetorix - We Have Handled! L. HOSTILIUS SASERNA; 48 BC, Denarius, 4.27g. Cr-448/2a, Syd-952, RSC Hostilia-2. Obv: Bearded bust of Gallic enemy with flowing hair, (“Vercingetorix”); behind Gallic shield. Rx: L HOSTILIVS SASERN Biga driven r. by charioteer, warrior facing backward holding shield and hurling spear. The finest Vercingetorix we have handled. Toned Choice EF.............................................................................7500 ALBINUS BRUTI F.; 48 BC, Denarius, 3.65g. Cr-450/2, Syd-942, RSC Postumia-10. Obv: Head of Pietas r., PIETAS behind. Rx: Two hands clasped round winged caduceus, ALBINVS BRVTI F below. Nice VF.........................................250 L. PLAUTIUS PLANCUS; 47 BC, Denarius, 3.67g. Cr-453/1c, Syd-959b, RSC Plautia-14. Obv: Mask of Medusa. Rx: Aurora flying, conducting four horses of the Sun. Exceptional reverse detail. Mint State............................................................1500 Q. CAECILIUS METELLUS PIUS SCIPIO; 47-46 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Cr461/1; Syd-1051 (R5); RSC Caecilia-50; Sear, Imperators-44. Obv: Head of Africa r., wearing elephant-skin headdress. Rx: Hercules standing facing, leaning on gigantic club. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 31, October 2014, lot 421. Nice Fine+.........................................................................................................................700 M. CATO; Denarius, Africa, 47-46 BC, 4.11g. Cr-462/1c, Syd-1052, RSC Porcia-9. Obv: Female bust draped r., M CATO PRO PR before. Rx: Victory seated r., holding patera, VICTRIX in exergue. VF.............................................................................250 ROMAN IMPERATORIAL SILVER GNAEUS POMPEY; Spain, 46-45 BC, Denarius, 3.63g. Cr-469/1a, pl. LV (same rev. die); Syd-1035; Sear, Imperators-48. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., M.POBLICI.LEG. - PRO - PR around; bead and reel border. Rx: Hispania standing r., shield on back, two spears under l. arm, with r. hand presenting palm to Pompeian soldier armed with sword, his r. foot on prow; around, CN.MAGNVS - IMP; border of dots. About EF...................................................................................................1600 POMPEY THE GREAT; 42-40 BC, Denarius Struck by his son Sextus Pompey, 3.88g. Cr-511/3a, Sear Imperators-334, Syd-1344 (R5), C-17 (15 Fr.). Obv: MAG PIVS IMP ITER Head of Pompey the Great r. between augural symbols, pitcher and lituus. Rx: PRAEF / [CLAS] ET OR[AE / MARIT EX S C] Neptune standing l., foot

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on prow, between the Catanaean brothers with their parents on their shoulders. The reverse legend records the fact that Sextus Pompey had been appointed “Prefect of the Fleet and of the Sea Coasts by Decree of the Senate”. Area of weak strike. Toned VF+...........................................................................................................................950 JULIUS CAESAR; 49-48 BC, Denarius, 3.69g. Cr-443/1, Syd-1006, Sear Imperators-9. Obv: Elephant r., trampling serpent; CAESAR in exergue. Rx: Simpulum, sprinkler, ax, priest’s hat. Toned. EF....................................................2200 JULIUS CAESAR; Plated Denarius (fourrée), 2.49g., copying original struck at Military Mint, 49-48 BC, Cr-443/1, Syd-1006, Sear Imperators-9. Obv: Elephant walking r., trampling dragon; CAESAR in exergue. Rx: Priestly emblems: ladle, sprinkler, ax terminating in wolf’s head above blade, priest’s hat topped by spike. Silver plating thick and almost intact, only broken and revealing the base metal core in a few spots. VF.....................................................................................................750 Toned Julius Caesar Lifetime Portrait JULIUS CAESAR; 44 BC, Lifetime Issue. Denarius, 4.10g. Cr-480/13, Syd1074, RSC-39, Sear Imperators-107d. Obv: Veiled and wreathed head of Caesar r., CAE[SAR] before, DICT PERPETvo behind. Rx: Venus standing l. holding Victory and scepter resting on shield, [P SE]PVLLIVS behind, [M]ACER before. B. Woytek, Arma et Nummi, pp. 413-432, argues persuasively that all of Julius Caesar’s portrait denarii of 44 BC were struck before his assassination on 15 March of that year. Area of weak strike. Toned EF........................................................................................4250 MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN; 40-39 BC, Denarius, 3.32g. Cr-528/3; Syd-1194; Sear, Imperators-251. Obv: M - ANTON IMP III VI[R R P] C AVG Bare head of Antony r. Rx: CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R P C Bare head of Octavian r., bearded. Scarcer variety without magistrate’s name. Somewhat corroded; area of weak strike. VF.........................................................................................................650 Denarius Clipped to Quinarius Weight MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN; 41 BC, Denarius clipped to quinarius weight, 2.03g. Cr-517/2, C-8 (30 Fr.). Obv: M ANT IMP AVG (MP and AV ligate) III [VIR RPC M BARBAT Q P] Bare head of Mark Antony r. Rx: CA[ESAR IMP PONT IIIV]IR R P C Bare head of Octavian r. Toned. EF..................................................850 Desirable Antony & Cleopatra Tetradrachm CLEOPATRA AND MARK ANTONY; c. 36 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.41g. RPC4094. Obv: BACIΛICCA KΛEOΠATPA ΘEA [NEWTEPA] Diademed, draped bust r. of Cleopatra. Rx: ANTWNIOC AYTOKPATWP TPITON TPIWN [ANΔPWN] Bare head of Antony r. Detailed and forceful portrait of Cleopatra, with her name (in Greek) very clear. Somewhat porous, as are almost all surviving examples of this issue. About EF..........................................................................................................................14750 MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.07g. Cr-544/21; Syd-1225; C-35; Sear, Imperators-358. Obv: Galley r. Rx: LEG VIII Legionary eagle between two standards. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 179, 24 May 2012, lot 209. VF.........500 ROMAN IMPERIAL SILVER Beautifully Toned Round Temple AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Hispania Baetica (Colonia Patricia or Cordoba), 19-15 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. BM-373, Paris-1202, C-190 (5 Fr.), RIC-105a. Obv: CAESAR[I - AVGV]STO Head laureate r. Rx: MAR - VL[T] across field, Round temple, within which legionary eagle and two standards. Toned Choice EF................................1850 AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Ephesus, c. 24-20 BC, Cistophorus, 11.58g. RIC-482, RPC-2215 (123 spec.), BM-694, C-33 (25 Fr.). Obv: IMP - CAE - SAR Bare head of Augustus r. Rx: AVGVSTVS Garlanded and filleted altar; on the front, two stags facing each other. A few dings; minor double-striking on obverse. EF....................950 TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.71g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - [AVG F] AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. EF with luster...........................................1250 Exceptional Caligula CALIGULA; 37-41 AD, Lugdunum, 37 AD, Denarius, 3.82g. BM-4, Paris-3, C-11 (12 Fr.), RIC-2. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT COS Bare head of Caligula r. Rx: No legend, radiate head of Divus Augustus r. between two stars. With circular engraver’s guideline around the portrait of Divus Augustus. These dies are not illustrated in Giard, Monnayage de Lyon. “Caligula at first intended to bestow on Tiberius similar honours to those enjoyed by Augustus, but desisted in face of the passive resistance of the Senate. The two stars (on his earliest aurei and denarii) suggest two ‘divi’, Augustus and (Tiberius)” (Mattingly, BMC I, p. cxliv). The portrait of Caligula on this coin is beautifully centered, even to a complete legend and an expressively insane portrait. There is a miniscule amount of porosity on the lower left edge of the reverse. If anyone is looking for a reasonably priced exquisite portrait of Caligula you can find it here. Near Mint State / gVF...........................................12500 Superb Galba Portrait GALBA; 68-69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-34 corr., C-287, Paris-76, RIC-167. Obv: IMP SER - GALBA - AVG Head bare r. Rx: S P Q R / OB / C S in three lines within oak wreath. Bare-headed portrait, wrongly described as laureate in BMC. Ex NAC 54, 2010, lot 355. Excellent portrait. Toned EF............................................3600 Exquisite OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.57g. BM-19, Paris-12, C-15 (12 Fr.), RIC-10 (R3). Obv: [IMP] OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P Head bare r. Rx: SECVRI - TAS P R Securitas standing l. holding wreath and scepter. From the John Whitney Walter Collection, purchased from Harlan Berk, c. 1993. This is one of the most beautiful portraits of Otho we have ever handled, and the reverse too is in fine style and sharply struck. No doubt these dies were also used to strike aurei. Near Mint State..........4900 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 70 AD, Denarius, 3.04g. RIC-2 (C2), BM-35, Paris-23, C-226 (5 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR V[ESPASI]ANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: IVDAEA in exergue, Mourning Jewess seated r. on ground beside trophy. With detailed portrait in high relief. aVF.........................................................................750 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Denarius, 3.48g. RIC-359 (C ), BM-70, Paris-442, C-563. Obv: [IMP] CAES - VESP AVG P M COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: TRI - POT across field, Vesta, veiled, seated l. holding ladle. An attractive type with no circular legend on reverse, and scarce with this obverse legend: seven specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State................................................................................600 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 73 AD, Denarius, 2.88g. BM-98, Paris-86, C-387, RIC-546 (C3). Obv: IMP CAES VESP - AVG CENS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Emperor seated r. on curule chair holding branch and scepter. The reverse copies Tiberius’ “tribute penny”, probably because Vespasian was restriking masses









































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of heavier denarii from before Nero’s reform and wanted to preserve a record of some of their famous reverse types on his own new denarii. Toned EF...........................400 JULIA TITI; Attractive Cistophorus, Possibly Rome Mint for circulation in Asia, 82 AD, 10.35g. RPC-871 (11 spec.), RIC-848 (R), C. 15 (150 Fr.). Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA - DIVI TITI F Draped bust r. Rx: VESTA in exergue, Vesta seated l. holding Palladium and transverse scepter. Good metal and excellent portrait. Fine...... .................................................................................................................................800 TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Caesarea, Cappadocia, 115-6 AD, Didrachm, 6.68g. RPC3046 (10 spec.). Obv: AYTOKP KAIC NEP TPAIAN[OC CE]B ΓEPM ΔAK Bust laureate r. with bare chest, fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: Δ HMAPX EΞ YΠATO - [S] A cave containing a round object decorated with six pellets (cult stone?), below which are two pyramidal objects, with three pellets l. and r. of them and between them; vegetation grows on the thick arch that forms the cave; above the cave, a U-shaped line perhaps indicating a gorge; l. and r. of the gorge, stones or trees on the slopes of the mountain. EF...................................................................600 Trajan’s Column TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 112-115 AD, Denarius, 3.41g. Woytek-425v (139 spec.), BM-452, C-558 (4 Fr.), RIC-292. Obv: Laureate, draped bust r., seen from side. Rx: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI Column of Trajan, with spirals and dots on the column indicating the spiral relief band, resting on double base and bearing statue of the emperor; lower base has door and relief depicting two Victories holding tablet; garland decorates upper base and two eagles stand on it on either side of column. As everyone knows Trajan’s column is one of the few ancient sculptures that still exist today. While this coin is not rare, it is very difficult to find one in this quality and therefore highly desirable, especially one struck on such a broad flan with complete legends. Toned. Mint State.....................................................................................1500 Travel Series: Egypt HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Denarius, 3.47g. BM-797, C-99, RIC297. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: AEGYPTOS Egypt reclining l. holding sistrum and resting elbow on basket of grain, ibis at her feet. A popular travel coin of Hadrian in exceptionally fine condition. Golden toning. Mint State........................................................................................................................1500 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, Phrygia, Laodiceia ad Lycum, 10.98g. Metcalf Type 56 (36 spec.), BM-1066, C-275 (30 Fr.), RIC-497 (R ). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Bare head r. Rx: COS - III Zeus of Laodiceia, draped, standing l. holding eagle and scepter. From the same obverse die as Metcalf’s pl. 19, 289-90, but a new reverse die. Overstruck on a cistophorus of Augustus with reverse COM - ASIAE Temple, RPC-2217 or 2219. Traces of the pediment and columns of the temple from the original type are visible in the left and right reverse fields respectively, and the original ASI of ASIAE can be read upwards to the right of Zeus’ head. EF.......................................................................................................1250 MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, 145-7 AD, Denarius, 3.60g. BM-594, C-110, RIC-929a. Obv: AVRELIVS CAE - SAR AVG PII F Head bare r. Rx: [C]OS - II Honos standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. EF.........225 MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, c. 148-9 AD, Denarius, 2.81g. BM-683, C-618, RIC-444. Obv: AVRELIVS CAE - SAR AVG PII F Head bare r. Rx: TR POT III - COS II Minerva standing r. holding spear and shield which rest on ground. Beautiful portrait. Toned. Mint State...........................................................375 LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 167 AD, Denarius, 2.90g. BM-450, C-295, RIC-574. Obv: L [V]ERVS AVG ARM - PARTH MAX Head laureate r. Rx: TR P VII - IMP IIII COS III Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Toned. Mint State. .................................................................................................................................475 Lifelike Portrait PERTINAX; 193 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.14g. BM-19, C-33 (60 Fr.), RIC-8a. Obv: IMP CAES P HELV - PERTIN AVG Head laureate r. Rx: OPI DIVIN - TR P COS II Ops seated l. holding two wheat ears. Extremely good portrait showing real lifelike detail. The reign was long enough that the die engraver could have seen the ill-fated emperor. EF / VF....................................................................................................1875 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 204 AD, Denarius, 3.62g. BM-335 pl. 35.14, C-222 (2 Fr.), RIC-266. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: INDVLGEN - TIA AVGG around, IN CARTH in exergue, Dea Caelestis, head r. and holding thunderbolt and scepter, riding r. on lion above water flowing from rocks. Beautifully toned. Mint State....................................................................................200 CARACALLA AS CAESAR; 195-198 AD, Rome, 197 AD, Denarius, 3.35g. BM193, C-53 var. (12 Fr.), RIC-6. Obv: [M AV]R ANTON - CAES PON[TIF] Bareheaded, draped bust r. Rx: DESTINATO [IMPERAT] Lituus, apex (priestly cap), bucranium (skull of sacrificed bull), ladle. The reverse calls Caracalla “emperor to be”, a title accorded otherwise only to Titus as Caesar. The bucranium, here depicted with a beaded band tied around the bull’s forehead and hanging down on both sides, is an unusual priestly attribute on Roman coins, otherwise occurring only on a small medallion of Commodus Caesar (BM pl. 84,13) and on the aureus and denarius of Augustus once attributed to Caius Caesar (BM pl. 17,14-15; see H. Dressel, Röm. Medaillone. .zu Berlin, pp. 115-8). VF....................................................................175 GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 199 AD, Denarius, 2.09g. BM-232, C-159, RIC-15b. Obv: P SEPT GETA - CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: PR - INC - IVVENT Geta standing l. holding branch and spear. Unusually beautiful high relief portrait of Geta. EF / VF..........................................................200 MACRINUS; 217-218 AD, Rome, c. Feb.-April 218 AD, Denarius, 3.44g. C-86, RIC-34, bust var. of BM-53. Obv: IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG Laureate, cuirassed bust r. seen from front, with long beard. Rx: PONTIF MAX TR P II COS P P Fides standing l., head r., placing r. foot on helmet and holding two standards. A rare type with these titles: only one specimen in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State.................................................................................................................385 DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Denarius, Rome, 218 AD, 2.33g. BM-94, C-21 corr. (15 Fr.), RIC-116. Obv: Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from behind. Rx: SPES PVBLICA Spes advancing l., holding flower and raising skirt. Scarce: 20 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF....................................................650 ELAGABALUS; Denarius, Rome, 221-2 AD, 2.85g. BM-225, C-246, RIC-131. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Portrait bearded and with “horn”. Rx: SACERD DEI SOLIS ELAGAB Emperor in Syrian priestly dress sacrificing r. at altar; star in field r. Mint State.....................................................................................................175 JULIA PAULA; Rome, 220 AD, Denarius, 3.34g. BM-172, RSC-6a, Eauze Hoard-376 (29 spec.), RIC-211. Obv: IVLIA PAVLA AVG Bust draped r., with later


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coiffure with small bun. Rx: CONCORDIA Concordia seated l. holding patera in r. hand, l. elbow on arm rest, star in l. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in May 1998. Mint State..........................................................................................250 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 231-232 AD, Denarius, 3.06g. BM-900, C-543, RIC-254. Obv: IMP ALEXAN - DER PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: SPES PV - BLICA Spes advancing l., r. foot forward, holding flower and raising skirt. Beautiful high relief. Mirror-like luster. Mint State.................................................................................................................250 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 245 AD, Antoninianus, 4.22g. RIC-38b, C-87. Rx: LIBERALITAS AVG II Liberalitas standing l. holding coin-counter and cornucopia. FDC..........................................................................................................................150 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 245 AD, 4.26g. RIC-48b, C-215. Rx: SECVRIT ORBIS Securitas seated l. holding scepter and supporting head with other hand. Large flan. VF+...............................................................................................175 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 248 AD, 3.74g. RIC-12, C-173 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP PHILIPPVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SAECVLARES AVGG Lion walking r., I=Officina 1 in exergue. EF...............................................300 OTACILIA SEVERA, WIFE OF PHILIP I; Antoninianus, Rome, 248 AD, 3.90g. RIC-115, C-39. Rx: PIETAS AVGG Pietas sacrificing l. over altar, Greek officina number Δ=4 in l. field. Mint State..............................................................150 PHILIP II AS CAESAR; 245-247 AD, Rome, 245-7 AD, Antoninianus, 4.72g. RIC216c, C-54. Obv: M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PRINCIPI IVVENT Philip II, in military dress, standing r., holding transverse spear and globe. Mint State.................................................................................................................150 HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.20g. RIC-143 (S), C-14. Obv: Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PIETAS AVGVSTORVM Sacrifical implements. Near Mint State...150 TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.65g. RIC-33, C-37. Obv: IMP CAE C VIB TREBONIANVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: FELIC - ITAS PVBLICA Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus and cornucopia. EF.........................................................................................................135 MARIUS; 268 AD, Antoninianus, 2.30g. Cunetio Hoard-2509 (38 spec.), RIC-17. Obv: [IM]P C M AVR MARIVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVG Victory walking l. holding wreath and palm. Some isolated pits and planchet defect in emperor’s cheek, otherwise Good VF.........................................400 VICTORINUS; 268-270 AD, Antoninianus, 3.34g. Cunetio-2561 (77 specimens). Obv: [IMP] C PI VICTORINVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed bust r., with features of Marius. Rx: AEQVITAS AVG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. EF..............................................................................................................................100 VICTORINUS; 268-270 AD, Antoninianus, ancient imitation, 2.89g. Cunetio Hoard-2956 (11 spec.). Obv: IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG Bust radiate r. Rx: PVX AVG (sic; the first V is probably an upside-down A) Pax standing l. holding branch and scepter; in field, V l., star r. The reverse in sloppy style with a legend error, whereas the obverse is in almost official style. EF..................................................150 TETRICUS I; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 3.62g. RIC-56, C-17. Obv: [I]MP C TETRICVS P F AV[G] Bust radiate, cuirassed r. Rx: COM - E - S - A[VG] VIctory standing l. holding wreath and palm. Beautiful orange and green toning. EF.........100 Entertaining Imitation TETRICUS I; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 0.71g. Obv: [. .TETRICV]S P F AVG Bearded, radiate bust r. Rx: Blundered legend, around an elegant, symmetrical abstraction of a figure standing facing with vines curving out from his or her feet. It is very unusual to find an imitation so small, yet with somewhat consistent types and legends. EF...............................................................................................................125 TETRICUS II; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 2.59g. Cunetio Treasure-2588 (93 spec.), RIC-254, C-50. Rx: PIETAS AVGG Priestly implements: sprinkler, ladle, pitcher, knife, lituus. Lovely green patination on obverse. EF.................................120 TETRICUS II AS CAESAR; Copying originals of 270-273 AD, Antoninianus (“Barbarous Radiate”), 1.05g. Obv. leg. var. of C-22 (M. de Witte, 3 Fr.), RIC-238a (S, citing Cohen), and Cunetio Hoard-3047 (3 spec.). Obv: [. .]ETRICVS CAE[S] Youthful, unbearded bust radiate, draped r., seen from back. Rx: [. .] AV[. .] Laetitia standing l. holding wreath and anchor. The Laetitia reverse type belongs to Tetricus I on official coins. Exceptionally pleasant imitation. EF............................................125 QUINTILLUS; 270 AD, Milan, Antoninianus, 3.08g. RIC-49, C-19. Obv: IMP QVINT[ILLVS A]VG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: D - IANA - LV - CIF Diana standing r. holding torch with both hands, P=officina 1 in exergue. VF.......125 AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Serdica, 273-4 AD, Antoninianus, 3.97g. RIC-260, Paris-1005, Göbl-243. Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: IOVI CON - SER Jupiter handing globe to emperor, S in exergue (officina 2). EF.........................................................................................................140 SEVERINA, WIFE OF AURELIAN; Antoninianus, Cyzicus, 275 AD, 3.60g. RIC-18, Göbl-352a0 (31 spec.), Paris-1237. Rx: CONCOR - DIAE M - ILITVM Concordia standing l. holding two standards, XXI in exergue. Silvered Mint State..... .................................................................................................................................225 PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 3.57g. RIC-223, officina A=1; C-766. Obv: PROBV - S P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., almost half-length, seen from front, with Medusa head and aegis on breast of cuirass and fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: VICTORIA GERM Trophy between two seated captives with hands tied behind backs; thunderbolt flanked by R and A in exergue. EF.........................100 PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Siscia, 279 AD, Antoninianus, 3.95g. RIC-616 (C), C-457 (4 Fr.). Obv: IMP C PROBVS P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: P M TRI P COS III P P Radiate lion walking l. holding thunderbolt in jaws, in exergue XXIQ (officina 4). Rare and unusual reverse type. Mint State................................250 MAXIMIANUS; 286-305 AD, Lugdunum, 287-9 AD, Antoninianus, 3.48g. Bastien-214 (16 spec.), RIC-454, C-650. Obv: IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VIRTVTI AVGG Hercules fighting r. with Nemean lion, club behind him. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 136, 5 February 2004, lot 263. Some reverse porosity. Mint State.....................................140 LATE ROMAN SILVER AND SILVERED BRONZE LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, Reduced follis, Siscia, 315-6 AD, 3.87g. RIC-17, officina B=2 (r2). Rx: IOVI CONSERVATORI Jupiter standing l. holding Victory on globe and scepter, eagle with wreath in beak at his feet, .SIS. in exergue, B in r. field. Reverse weakly struck. Mint State...........................................................................100







































Jupiter on Eagle 228. LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, Arles, 319 AD, AE 3, 2.62g. RIC-197, officina T=3 (r2). Obv: IMP LICI - NIVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVG Eagle flying r., head l., l. wing pointing down, carrying on his back Jupiter seated l. holding thunderbolt and scepter, TARL in exergue. EF........185 229. HELENA; Trier, 326 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.25g. RIC-481, officina S=2 (c3). Obv: FL HELENA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r., seen from front, wearing pearl necklace. Rx: SECVRITAS - REIPVBLICE Empress, veiled, standing l. holding branch, in exergue STR followed by pellet above crescent. Mint State...................................175 Lion 230. DIVUS CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS, STRUCK UNDER CONSTANTINE I; Rome, 317-8 AD, AE 4, 1.70g. RIC-128, officina Q=4 (r4); C-171 (3 Fr.). Obv: DIVO CLAVDIO OPT IMP Bust veiled and laureate r. Rx: MEMORIAE AETER - NAE around, R Q in exergue, Lion advancing l. For these later issues it is unusual to see anything other than a military reverse. EF...............................................................155 231. CRISPUS AS CAESAR; 317-326 AD, London, 323-4 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.34g. RIC-279 (c3). Obv: CR - ISPVS - NOBIL C Bust laureate, cuirassed l. holding spear pointed forward and shield. Rx: BEAT TRA - NQLITAS (sic) Altar inscribed VOT / I S / XX, globe on altar, three stars above, PLON in exergue. Mint State................150 232. CRISPUS AS CAESAR; 317-326 AD, Trier, 323 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.14g. RIC394, officina S=2 (r3). Obv: IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES Laureate, cuirassed bust l., seen from front, holding spear over r. shoulder and shield. Rx: BEATA TRAN QVILLITAS Altar inscribed VO / TIS / XX, globe on altar, 3 stars above, in exergue *STR and crescent. Mint State................................................................................185 233. CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Reduced follis, Rome, 318-9 AD, 2.50g. RIC-156, officina T=3 (r3); C-171 (3 Fr.). Rx: ROMAE A - ETERNAE Roma seated r. on shield inscribing X / V on shield that rests on her knee, P - R in field, RT in exergue. Scarce and interesting type struck at the mint of Rome only, referring to vows for Constantine I’s safe completion of fifteen years of rule. EF....................250 234. CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, London, 321 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.12g. RIC-216 corr. (c3). Obv: CONSTANTI - NVS IVN N C Bust radiate, cuirassed l., seen from front. Rx: BEATA TRAN - QVILLITAS around, PLON in exergue, P - A in field, Altar inscribed VOT / IS / XX, bearing globe above which are three stars. RIC wrongly writes BEAT instead of BEATA on reverse. EF........................................175 235. CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Trier, 323 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.59g. RIC-412, officina P=1 (r3). Obv: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C Almost halflength consular bust r., laureate, holding eagle-tipped scepter in r. hand. Rx: BEATA [TR]AN - QVILLITAS Altar inscribed VO / TIS / XX, globe on altar, three stars above, .PTR followed by crescent in exergue. Ex CNG E179, 2 January 2008, lot 246 (misattributed as RIC-313). A fancy, almost medallic bust type in miniature. Beautiful emerald green patina. EF..........................................................................................150 236. CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD. London, c. 323-4 AD. Reduced Follis, 3.51g. RIC-287 (c3). Obv: CONSTANTI - NVS IVN N C Bust helmeted, cuirassed l., seen from front, fold of cloak on r. shoulder. Rx: BEAT TRA - NQLITAS (sic) Altar inscribed VOT / IS / XX, globe on altar, three stars above, PLON in exergue. EF..............................................................................................................250 237. CONSTANS, CONTEMPORARY IMITATION; 337-350 AD, Centenionalis, 5.56g, comtemporary imitation of original struck at Rome, 348-50 AD (RIC-109, officina Q=4). Obv: D N CONSTA - NS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: FEL TEMP - REPARATIO Emperor in military dress holding phoenix on globe and standard with Chi-Rho on banner, standing l. in prow of ship steered by Victory seated in stern; RQ in exergue. aEF...................................150 238. CONSTANTIUS II AS CAESAR; 324-337 AD, Antioch, 324-5 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.45g. RIC-60, officina A=1 (r3). Obv: Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed l., seen from front, without legend. Rx: CONSTAN/TIVS/CAESAR, star above, SMANTA/. below. gVF...............................................................................................................300 239. CONSTANTIUS II; 337-361 AD, Alexandria, 348-50 AD, Centenionalis, 6.44g. RIC-55 (C), officina A=1. Obv: D N CONSTAN - TIVS P F AVG Laurel and rosettediademed bust l. holding globe in r. hand. Rx: FEL TEMP - REPARATIO Emperor standing l. holding vexillum with Chi-Rho on banner and resting other hand on shield behind him, placing r. foot on the legs of the nearer of two bound captives kneeling before him and wearing pointed caps, in exergue ALEA. EF.................................175 240. HANNIBALLIANUS; 335-337 AD, Constantinople, Reduced Follis, 2.56g. RIC145 (r4). Obv: FL ANNIBALIANO REGI Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: SE - CVRITAS PVBLICA Euphrates reclining r., holding scepter in r. hand and reaching l. hand across his stomach towards urn at his side from which water flows; above his knees, a reed; mintmark CONS in exergue. A very rare variety, probably the first coinage struck for Hanniballianus, because of (a) the unusual spelling of his name, omitting the first letter H and one of the two L’s, and (b) the mintmark CONS on reverse, without an officina letter. The normal spelling of Hanniballianus’ name was HANNIBALLIANO, with H and double L, and the mintmark was usually CONSA, indicating the first officina. Voetter, in his Gerin Catalogue published in 1921, knew only one coin like ours, in the Vienna collection; Brunt, in his RIC of 1966, recorded a second specimen, in the BM. A few others will doubtless have emerged since then. VF...................................................................550 241. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Thessalonica, Centenionalis, 6.44g. RIC-132 (S), officina Δ=4; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRAN - IO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .TSΔ. in exergue, A - B across field. Mint State...................................................................................400 242. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 5.49g. RIC-287 (S), officina Γ=3; C-4 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRA - NIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; star before portrait, A behind. Rx: HOC SIG - NO VICTOR ERIS Emperor standing l. holding standard topped by Chi Rho banner and transverse spear, crowned by Victory standing behind him who also holds palm branch; .ΓSIS. in exergue, A in l. field. Mint State....................................................................................................450 243. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 4.93g. RIC-290 (S), officina Γ=3; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRA - ΝIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; star before portrait, A behind. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .ΓSIS* in exergue, A in l. field. Mint State........................................450 244. JULIAN II; 360-363 AD. Sirmium. AE 3, 2.53g. RIC-108 (C2), officina B=2. Obv: D N FL CL IVLI - [ANVS] P F AVG Helmeted, pearl-diademed, cuirassed bust l.,
















holding spear and shield. Rx: VOT X MVLT XX in four lines in wreath, in exergue BSIRM. Blue, green, and brown patination. EF.......................................................165 AELIA FLACCILLA; Antioch, 383-386 AD, AE 4, 1.06g. RIC-64 (R ), officina E=5; C-5 (8 Fr.). Obv: AEL [FLAC] - CILLA AVG Bust diademed, draped r., seen from front. Rx: SALVS REI - PVBLICAE Victory seated r. inscribing Chi Rho on shield supported by column, ANE in exergue. Mint State......................................200 ARCADIUS WITH OBVERSE LEGEND ERROR; 383-408 AD, Heraclea, 388-92 AD, AE 4, 1.74g. RIC-26c (R), mintmark 4, officina Δ=4. Obv: D N ARCAIVS (sic, D omitted) P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: SALVS REI - PVBLICAE Victory advancing l., looking back, carrying trophy over shoulder and dragging captive, SMHΔ in exergue. A scarce type, possibly unpublished with the omitted D in the emperor’s name on obverse. VF................150 EUDOXIA; Cyzicus, 395-401 AD, AE 3, 1.74g. RIC-81 (S), officina A=1. Obv: [AEL] EVDO - XIA AVG Bust draped r. wearing pearl diadem and pearl necklace, crowned by hand of God. Rx: GLORIA RO - [MAN]ORVM Empress enthroned facing, hands folded over breast, crowned by Hand of God, SMKA in exergue, cross in r. field. MKA of the mintmark appear to be re-engraved over earlier letters which were eradicated. VF.................................................................................................100 Constantine III CONSTANTINE III; 407-411 AD, Trier, 407-8 AD, Siliqua, 1.77g. RIC-1533 (S), C-4 (20 Fr.). Obv: D N CONSTAN - TINVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORI - A AAVGGG Roma seated l. on stylized cuirass, throne back indicated, holding Victory on globe and spear, TRMS in exergue. Ex Künker 326, 7 October 2019, lot 1681. Flan crack at 7 o’clock. EF.1700 Johannes JOHANNES; 423-425 AD, Rome, AE 4, 1.07g. RIC-1916. Obv: Diademed bust r., possibly bearded (Johannes), only P F AV from end of legend legible. Rx: [S]ALVS RE[I] - PVB[LICE] Victory advancing l. carrying trophy over shoulder and dragging captive by hair; chi-rho above S in l. field, RM in exergue. A similar type, but with the portrait unbearded, was also struck for Theodosius II. Fine....................................350 BYZANTINE SILVER AND COPPER Unpublished ANDRONICUS III; 1328-1341 AD. Constantinople, Basilicon, 2.04g. Cf. DO-874 (lighter series); otherwise apparently unique and unpublished. Obv: Nimbate Virgin standing facing, orans, between monograms for “Mother - of God” above and two large B’s below, the second B retrograde and each accompanied by a pellet. Rx: St. Demetrius, nimbate and holding cross on breast, and the emperor, wearing crown and loros, standing front, side by side; l. and r. their names, ΔHMTI (retrograde, and three letters ligate) and ANΔ…; between their heads Γ / I / Δ. Apparently only the second known basilicon of Andronicus III with these types, and differing from the previously unique DOC-874 in three main ways: probably earlier, because belonging to the Heavy Series (c. 2g), while DO-874 belongs to the Light Series (c. 1.4g); with pellets attached to the two large B’s flanking the Virgin on the obverse, while the DO coin omits the pellets; and finally with different letters between the heads of saint and emperor on reverse, namely ΓIΔ rather than ΓOA. While this coin is known in the lighter series of basilica, it is absolutely unknown for this heavy issue. Strike is rather good for this period. Near Mint State.....................................................................4450 ANASTASIUS I; 491-518 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 18.16g. Berk-9, Sear-19, DO23i. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS PP AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: Large M between two stars; above, cross; beneath, officina letter E=5; in exergue, CON. Struck on broad flan with light green dusting over bronze patination. EF....475 ANASTASIUS I, CROSS ABOVE PORTRAIT; 491-518 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 18.54g. Obv. type var. (cross above portrait) of Berk-9 and Sear-19. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS PP AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., with cross above head. Rx: Large M between two stars; above, cross; beneath, officina letter B=2; in exergue, CON. Bold Fine........................................................................................125 JUSTIN I, 518-527 AD; Nicomedia, Follis, 15.65g. Berk-66, Sear-84, MIB-35. Obv: Bust of Justin r., cross above. Rx: Large M, cross above; NIKM in exergue. Rare type with cross above emperor’s portrait. VF / EF...........................................................120 4 Nummia JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Thessalonica, c. 538/9-540 AD, 4 Nummi, 1.49g. Berk175, Metcalf-306-10, MIB-175, Sear-194. Obv: D N IVSTINIANVS Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: Large Δ between smaller A and P. Rare: “Fewer than 10 recorded” according to Berk in 1986. This denomination is excessively rare and nearly impossible to find with full obverse and reverse legends and beautiful, untouched, dusty toning over green patina. gVF.............................1400 JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, 527-539 AD, Follis, 17.46g. Berk128, MIB-88, Sear-162. Obv: [D N I]VSTI[NI - AN]VS PP A[VG] Diademed bust r., crismon in field before neck. Rx: Large M between star and crescent, [cross] above (not struck up), officina letter E below, C[O]N in exergue. From the same obverse die as the specimen illustrated in MIR, pl. 19, 88 (third example). VG / Fine.............400 Brockage JUSTIN II AND SOPHIA, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; 565-573 AD. Antioch, Decanummium, 2.92g. Obv. brockage of Berk-331, Sear-383, and MIB-63. Obv: Justin and Sophia seated facing, both nimbate, holding globe surmounted by large cross between them. Rx: Brockage; incuse mirror image of obv. type. It is quite rare to find a brockage of this series, especially one this small and in such beautiful condition. EF..............................................................................................................................300 REVOLT OF THE HERACLII; 608-610 AD. Alexandretta, Year 14=610 AD, Follis, 10.59g. Berk-535, MIB-16b, DO-17, Sear-723. Obv: [dm]N ERACLIO C[ONSULII] Frontal busts of Heraclius and his father the exarch wearing crowns with pendilia and consular robes; above, cross. Rx: Large M between [A]/N/N/O and [X]/IIII; above, cross; beneath, officina letter A=1; in exergue AΛEXAN[Δ]. Some areas of flat striking. EF..........................................................................................1600 HERACLIUS, HERACLIUS CONSTANTINA, AND MARTINA; 610-641 AD. Rome, Year 15=624/5 AD, Half Follis, 5.74g. Berk-613, MIB-244, Sear-891. Obv: No surviving legend, Facing busts of Heraclius in center, Heraclius Constantine on r. (mostly off flan), and Martina on l., each wearing crown. Rx: Large K, A/N/N on l., X above, U on r., ROM in exergue. VF / EF.......................................................400 HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD. Rome, c. 613/5 AD, Half Follis, 2.67g. Berk-612, MIB243b, Sear-890. Obv: D N ER. .Facing busts of the two emperors, the father larger than his son, each wearing crown, pellet between their heads. Rx: Large XX, cross above, ROM in exergue. Fine / VF..........................................................................150














250 251














263 264



260. CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Constantinople, c. 648-651/2 AD, Hexagram, 6.68g. Sear-991, DO-50, MIB-144. Obv: D N CONSTAN - TIN[US PP AVG] Bust facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe. Rx: DEUS ADIU - [TA ROmAN]IS Cross potent on globe on three steps. VF.......................250 Lots 261-284 are a group of rare coins from a rather chaotic period in Byzantine history. Most of these coins were struck in Sicily and tend to look, to say the least, not very pretty, but this is the way they come and the way they were minted. Any complaints about these coins have to be referred to a discussion with the emperors who authorized their striking. 261. CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Constantinople, Year 20=660/1 AD, Decanummium, 2.84g. Berk-672, MIB-186, DO-97, Sear-1021. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with long beard, wearing crown and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large I flanked by X/X and A, cross above, mintmark [CON] in exergue is off flan. VF...175 262. CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Syracuse, 11th Indiction=652/3 AD, Follis, 3.02g. Berk-695, MIB-208, Sear-1108. Obv: Emperor standing facing, with long beard, wearing crown topped by cross and holding cross on globe, flanked by I/N/Δ on l. and [I/A] on r. Rx: Large M, cross above, SCL below. Pleasant olive toning. Extremely well struck. EF..........................................................................................................150 263. CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.08g. Berk-697, DO-181, Sear1110. Obv: No legend, Constans, with long beard, and Constantine IV, beardless, standing facing, both wearing crowns; Constans holds long cross, Constantine holds globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with monogram above, SCL in exergue, flanked by standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius. Fine.....................................................165 264. CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Syracuse, Indictional Year 10=651/2 AD, Decanummium, 3.36g. Berk-701, MIB-214, Sear-1115. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with long beard, wearing crown and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large I flanked by A/N and N/O/I. EF....................................................................150 265. CONSTANTINE IV; 668-685 AD. Carthage, c. 669-674 AD, Follis, 4.13g. Berk733, MIB-97, Sear-1195. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor face with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys and holding spear; cross in l. field, T in r. field. Rx: Large M between facing standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, each wearing crown and chlamys; above M, TKW monogram. gVF.............................................................150 266. CONSTANTINE IV, HERACLIUS, AND TIBERIUS; 668-685 AD. Carthage, c. 674-681 AD, Half Follis, 3.17g. Berk-736, MIB-101, Sear-1198. Obv: No legend, Facing busts of Constantine IV (in middle), Heraclius (on r.) and Tiberius (on l., each wearing crown and chlamys. Rx: Large TKW monogram between cross and star. Rare. Fine.................................................................................................................250 267. CONSTANTINE IV; 668-685 AD. Syracuse, c. 674-681 AD, Half Follis, 2.18g. Berk-745, MIB-110, DO-66, Sear-1213. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing helmet and cuirass, and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large K between +/A/N and N/O/Δ, [S]C[L] in exergue. Sear notes that this type might really belong to the reign of Justinian II. VF / EF.............................................................250 268. JUSTINIAN II; Rirst Reign, 685-695 AD. Constantinople, Year 2=686/7 AD, Follis, 8.71g. Berk-752B, MIB-44, Sear-1260. Obv: [JUSTN] - IANVS Bust facing with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large M between [A/N/N/O] on l. and +/II on r.; above M, cross; beneath, officina letter A=1; in exergue, [CON]. Good Fine................................................................................200 269. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Constantinople, Year 1=685/6 AD, Half Follis, 3.63g. Berk-754, MIB-46, Sear-1261. Obv: No legend, Bust facing, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe; in field to r., [cross]. Rx: Large K between [A]/N/N/O on l. and I on r.; above K, [cross]; beneath, officina letter [Γ]=3. Good Fine.....................................................................................................150 270. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Constantinople, Year 2=686/7 AD, Half Follis, 5.15g. Berk-755, MIB-47, Sear-1262. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on [globe]; in field to r., [cross]. Rx: Large K between [A/N]/N/O on l. and II on r.; above K, cross; beneath, officina letter E=5. VF.............................................................................................175 Sardinia 271. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Sardinia, c. 668/9 AD, Half Follis, 8.30g. Berk-771, MIB-64, Sear-1280. Obv: Bust of emperor facing, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe; legend around, mostly unreadable. Rx: Large K between two stars, [cross] above, PAX below. This issue is rather rare and regularly has an obverse as ugly as this one. VG / VF......................................275 272. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Syracuse, c. 685-7 or 687-8 AD, Follis, 5.62g. Berk-772, MIB-65, Sear-1295. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe; legend around, mostly unreadable. Rx: Large M, TNA monogram above, SCL in exergue (partly off flan). VF...................................................................................................................200 273. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Syracuse, c. 692/3 AD, Follis, 4.83g. Berk-777, MIB-69, Sear-1300. Obv: No legend, Emperor, bearded, standing facing, wearing crown and loros, holding cross potent set on two steps and cross on globe. Rx: Large M, TNA monogram above, star beneath, SCL in exergue. VF.....................300 274. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Syracuse, c. 692/3 AD, Follis, 4.84g. MIB-70, Sear-1302. Obv: No legend, Emperor, bearded, standing facing, wearing plumed helmet and military attire, and holding spear and cross on globe. Rx: Large M, TNA monogram above, SCL in exergue. aEF....................................................150 275. LEONTIUS; 695-698 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 1.65g. Berk-791, MIB-37, DO-18, Sear-1344. Obv: No legend, Emperor standing facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding akakia and cross on globe. Rx: Large m, ΛENT monogram above, [SCL] in exergue. Struck with worn dies. VF.........................................................................275 276. LEONTIUS; 695-698 AD. Ravenna, Follis, 4.48g. Berk-793, MIB-39, DO-30, Sear1358. Obv: D LE - [ON PE AV] Bust facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large M, I above, [RAV] in exergue. Ex Triton XIII, 5-6 January 2010, lot 1672; with printed auction ticket. Olive patina. Obverse die somewhat worn on emperor’s eyes. EF..............................................................................................500 277. TIBERIUS III; 698-705 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 3.55g. Berk-801 var., MIB-79a, Sear1395A. Obv: [D TIbERIUS PE AV] Bust facing, with short beard, wearing crown and cuirass, and holding spear and shield. Rx: Large M between two palms, TBER monogram above, SC[L] in exergue. Worn dies. EF...............................................250 278. TIBERIUS III; 698-705 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 3.04g. Berk-802, MIB-80, Sear1396. Obv: No legend, Emperor standing facing, wearing crown and long tunic, and holding long cross and cross on globe. Rx: Large M between two crosses, BETP monogram above, star beneath, SCL in exergue. VF..............................................275

279. TIBERIUS III; 698-705 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 1.20g. Rev. type var. of Berk-802, MIB-80, DO-33, and Sear-1396. Obv: No legend, Emperor standing facing, wearing crown and long tunic, and holding long cross and cross on globe. Rx: Large M between two stars, monogram above, [star] below, [SCL] in exergue. On the cited coins the M on reverse is flanked by two crosses, not two stars, and the monogram above may be different. VF.....................................................................................250 280. JUSTINIAN II; Second Reign, 705-711 AD. Constantinople, c. 705 AD, Half Follis, 3.65g. Berk-807, MIB-44b, DO-13, Sear-1429. Obv: Legend obscure, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross potent on steps and patriarchal cross on globe. Rx: Large K between [A/N/N/O] and [X/X], retrograde R alongside the [X/X], [cross] above, uncertain officina letter below. VF.. .................................................................................................................................200 281. JUSTINIAN II; Second reign, 705-711 AD. Syracuse, c. 706-7 AD, Half Follis, 2.87g. Berk-812, MIB-49, Sear-1299. Obv: No legend, Emperor, bearded, standing facing, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding long cross and akakia. Rx: Large K between two stars (first star off flan), [TAN] monogram above, officina letter E below, [S]CL in exergue. EF...............................................................................................250 282. JUSTINIAN II, SECOND REIGN, AND TIBERIUS; 705-711 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.43g. Berk-815, MIB-52, Sear-1438. Obv: No legend; Justinian and Tiberius standing facing, each wearing crown and chlamys, and holding long cross between them. Rx: Large M between two stars; TAN monogram above, SCL in exergue. Ex Gemini VII, 9 January 2011, lot 1006. The planchet of this coin is very oddly shaped, but only two are recorded in MIB which are much coarser, so this is possibly the finest known. VF / EF.......................................................................................................1000 283. PHILIPPICUS; 711-713 AD. Constantinople, Decanummium, 1.13g. Berk-821, MIB-23, DO-13, Sear-1457. Obv: Legend unreadable, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe and eagle-tipped scepter (details unclear). Rx: Large I between cross and I/A; in exergue, [CON]. Acquired from Pegasi, with their ticket giving provenance “Ex Hunt Coll. Ex Fehlhaber Coll.” . Fine.............................................................................................350 Theodosius III 284. THEODOSIUS III; 715-717 AD, Syracuse, Follis, 2.73g. Berk-834, MIB-16, Sear1496. Obv: Crowned bust of emperor facing, holding spear over shoulder and cross on globe. Rx: Large M between two palms, monogram above, Θ below, [SCL] in exergue. Ex Triton VIII, 11-12 January 2005, lot 1402. Struck on an irregular flan as usual. Green patination. EF....................................................................................1400 285. THEOPHILUS; 829-842 AD. Constantinople, Half Follis, 3.20g. Berk-895, Sear1668. Obv: ΘEOFIL’ - bASIL’ Facing, crowned bust holding labarum and cross on globe. Rx: +ΘEO / FILE AVG / OVSTE SV / nICAS in four lines. EF.................200 286. ANONYMOUS CLASS A2, ATTRIBUTED TO BASIL II; 926-1025 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 11.09g. DO-A2.47.8, pl. LIV; Berk-948; Sear-1813. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing halo with cross, holding Gospels with both hands, inscription ‘[Emma]nuel’ around, IC - XC across field. Rx: Inscription, ‘Jesus Christ, King of Kings,’ in four lines, with book (rectangle with pellets at corners) below. EF .................................................................................................................................500 GREEK BRONZE 287. SICILY, SICULO-PUNIC; c. 330-320 BC, AE 16, 1.98g. Calciati III-19 (p. 387), HGC-1673. Obv: Palm tree with six branches and two bunches of dates. Rx: Pegasus flying r., F below. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in February 2008. EF..............................................................................................................................350 288. TAURIC CHERSONESUS, PANTICAPAEUM; 340-325 BC, AE 23, 14.98g. SNG BM-868. Obv: Bearded satyr l. wearing ivy wreath. Rx: PANTI Bow and arrow. aEF............................................................................................................................350 289. JUDAEA, JOHN HYRCANUS I; 135-104 BC, Under Antiochus VII, Year 181=132/1 BCE, Prutah, 2.36g. Hendin-1131. Obv: Anchor with flukes upward, Greek inscription “of King Antiochus, Benefactor”; date below anchor, probably A[ΠP] (Year 181). Rx: Lily. aEF.............................................................................125 Hesperia Art, 1967 290. BAR KOKHBA WAR; AE 30-31.5, 20.87g. Year 1 = 132/3 CE. Hendin-1376, Mildenberg-2 (dies 1/2, 12 spec.). Obv: Hebrew legend “Simon Prince of Israel”, in three lines within wreath. Rx: Hebrew legend “Year one of the redemption of Israel”, around two-handled amphora with fluted body. Ex Mel Wacks Collection; acquired by an earlier owner from Hesperia Art, October 1967. Good legends. Somewhat worn which shows that among the Jews of this time, this coin circulated as money for many years. VF................................................................................................................7250 ROMAN REPUBLICAN BRONZE 291. ANONYMOUS; 225-213 BC, Sextans, 26.05g. TV-172 (266 spec.), Sydenham Aes Grave-243, Haeberlin-pl. 81, 39, SNG Cop-80. Obv: Almond-shaped club. Rx: Two pellets. This coin is rather nice for the issue. EF....................................................1800 ROMAN IMPERIAL & PROVINCIAL BRONZE Attractive Rome Mint Sestertius Portrait 292. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 26.05g. BMC-p. 377, Paris-92, C-67 (80Fr.), RIC-118. Obv: A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG P M TR P Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI S - C Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. EF................................................................................................7500 293. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 10.76g. BM-600, Paris-576, C-13, RIC-287 (C). Obv: I[MP C]AES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. Rx: AEQVITAS - AVGVSTI S - C Aequitas standing l. holding scales and long rod. Glossy blue/green patina. Extremely fine. This is the ultimate coin at a very reasonable price for a collector who wants a beautifully patinated Roman bronze. EF.............750 294. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, As, 11.66g. RIC-890 (C), Paris-755, C-4. Obv: IMP CAESAR VESP AVG COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: AE - QVITAS AVGVST S - C Aequitas standing l. holding scales and long rod. Olive Patina. EF..... .................................................................................................................................950 295. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 86 AD, As, 11.73g. BM-389, Paris-418, C-327 corr., RIC-493 (C3). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII CENS PER P P Bust laureate r. with aegis on shoulders. Rx: MONETA - AVGVSTI S - C Moneta standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. With old collector’s ticket, stating “ex Spink, 9/8/1935”. Beautifully detailed portrait. Choice EF.................................................950 Danube Bridge 296. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 107-110 AD, Dupondius, 11.78g. BM-914, pl. 35.3 (same dies);, RIC-570; C-544 (3 Fr.); Woytek, MIR-315b (35 spec.). Obv: Bust of Trajan radiate r., with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: [S P Q R









































OPTIM]O PRINCIPI around, S C in exergue, Trajan’s Danube bridge, depicted as a single arching span between entrance and exit towers; a boat in the river below. While the sestertii of this issue are relatively common, the middle bronzes are rather scarce and rarely come this nice. gVF...............................................................................1500 Helios and Canopus? TRAJAN, ALEXANDRIA; 98-117 AD, Alexandria, Year 16=112/113 AD, Drachm, 22.28g. RPC-4730 (3 spec.). Obv: [AV]T - TRAIAN CEB - ΓEPM ΔAKIK Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front, with fold of aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: Date LIS in exergue, Radiate Helios raising r. hand and holding scepter in l., standing in quadriga of horses leaping r.; above the horses’ heads, Canopus born by two eagles. A mysterious reverse type; see commentary at RPC-4800.1. Apparently rarer with our Year 16 (3 specimens in RPC) than with the other possibility, Year 17 (RPC-4800, 9 specimens) aVF...............................................................................1250 TRAJAN, ALEXANDRIA; 98-117 AD, Year 17=113/4 AD, Obol, 1.39g. Giessen-643/4, Milne-710, RPC-4820 (20 spec). Obv: Laureate head of Trajan r., without legend. Rx: Hemhem crown and date [L] I - Z. aEF..................................200 Unique Marciana MARCIANA; Thyatira, Lydia, Sister of Trajan, died 29 August 112 AD, AE 14.5-16, 2.99g. RPC-1829A. Obv: MAPKIA - [CEB]ACTH Bust draped r. Rx: ΘVA / TIPH / NΩN in three lines within laurel wreath. Unique and the first attested coin of Trajan’s sister Marciana at Thyatira; not in the printed RPC III, but RPC online-1829A cites and illustrates our specimen, from source eBay, 2019. Not unexpected, for Thyatira also struck coins of the same small size for the two other Augustae of Trajan’s reign, that is Plotina, his wife, and Matidia, Marciana’s daughter; and our coin of Marciana uses the same reverse type, city name in wreath, as one of Plotina’s coins at Thyatira, RPC-1829. The abbreviation of Marciana’s name to just MAPKIA occurs also on her coins at Sardes, RPC-2398. This coin is extremely rare and the only one in existence according to RPC where it is the plate coin and the only specimen. Good VF....3500 MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, 154 AD, Sestertius, 25.83g. BM-1959 note, RIC-1315 note, bust var. of C-668. Obv: AVRELIVS CA - ES ANTON AVG PII FIL Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: TR POT VIII. COS II S C Minerva seated r. holding vertical spear and shield, both of which rest on ground beside her. Ex Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland 48, 24 May 2019, lot 1379. BMC and RIC cite this bust variant from L. Hamburger, 19 October 1925, lot 1058, a coin from different dies than ours. Exquisite portrait of a youthful, beardless Marcus Aurelius. Normally not found from this period in this quality. EF........................2000 Ex Richard Graham (Paul Tinchant), 1966 MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, 159 AD, Sestertius, 25.49g. BM-2086, RIC-1349Ab corr., C-748 corr. Obv: AVRELIVS - CAES AVG PII F Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: TR POT XIII - COS II S - C Virtus standing r., l. foot on helmet, holding spear with point downwards and parazonium. Ex J. Schulman, June 1966, Richard Graham Collection (pseudonym for the Belgian coin dealer and collector Paul Tinchant), lot 1896. Excellent portrait. gVF..........1700 Galley MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 177 AD, As, 12.20g. BM-1618, C-191 (4 Fr.), RIC-1196. Obv: M - ANTONINVS AVG - GERM SARM TR P XXXI Head laureate r. Rx: FELICITA/TI AVG P P in two lines in field, IMP VIII COS III above, S - C l. and r. below, Galley r. with four oarsmen and Neptune standing under arch in stern. Commemorates the emperor’s survival of near shipwreck during his return to Rome from the East in fall 176 AD. gVF................................................................550 Mint State SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 232-5 AD, Sestertius, 24.48g. BM-881, RIC-642, bust var. of C-503. Obv: IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PROVIDENTIA AVG S - C Annona standing r., head l., holding wheat ear over modius and cornucopia. Ex Kress 122, 30 May 1962, lot 1292. With the scarcer bust type for this sestertius: there were only nine draped and cuirassed specimens in the Guelma hoard, compared to 107 specimens with fold of cloak on front shoulder (p. 103). Sestertii of Severus Alexander are extremely common, but the cataloger can’t remember the last time he saw one in flawless mint state. Mint State.............................................................. 1100 Exceptional Maximus MAXIMUS AS CAESAR, SON OF MAXIMINUS I; 235-238 AD, Sestertius, Rome, 236-8 AD, 17.03g. BM-213, C-14 (10 Fr.), RIC-13. Obv: MAXIMVS CAES GERM Bust draped r. with head bare. Rx: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS S - C Prince standing l. holding baton and spear, two standards behind him. Exceptional portrait. Near Mint State.......................................................................................................3750 PUPIENUS; 238 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 18.12g. BM-13, pl. 43 (same dies); C-18 (100 Fr.); RIC-13 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: LIBERALITAS AVGVSTORVM around, S C in exergue, Balbinus, Pupienus, and Gordian III Caesar seated l. on curule chairs on platform; before them Liberalitas standing l. holding coin counter and cornucopia and citizen mounting steps to platform, opening his toga to receive coins; behind the emperors, soldier standing holding spear. Fine........................................................................500 CLAUDIUS II GOTHICUS; 268-270 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, Year 2=269/70 AD, Tetradrachm, 9.24g. BM-2327, Oxford-4240, Cologne-3037. Obv: AVT K KΛAVΔIOC CEB Laureate, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: Bust of Hermanubis r. with kalathos on head; winged caduceus topped by palm branch before, date LB behind. Ex Berk 98, 7 October 1997, lot 358. VF...................................................200 Quintillus QUINTILLUS; 270 AD, Year 1, Billon Tetradrachm, 10.54g. Cologne-3050, Emmett-3906/1. Obv: Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: Eagle stepping r., wreath in beak, in background diagonal palm branch. Ex Gemini XIII, 6 April 2017, lot 433. Ex Art Institute of Chicago. Very Rare. Good VF...................450 DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 92-94 AD, Sestertius, 24.36g. RIC-751 (C2), BM464, Paris-491, C-315 (4 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVI CENS PER P P Head laureate r. Rx: IOVI - VICTORI S C Jupiter seated l. holding Victory and scepter. Olive patina. gVF / VF............................................................400 WORLD COINS AUSTRIA, SAINT RUPERT, BISHOP OF SALZBURG, ND, TALER, VF/ EF; Austria, Saint Rupert, Bishop of Salzburg, ND Taler, VF/EF, Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau, 1587-1612. Shield with multiple quarters under a cross and an archbishop’s hat. Dav-8187. Slightly bent and some rim issues. .................................................200 BELGIUM, SATIRE, ND, MEDAL, EF; Belgium, ND Medal, EF, Anonymous



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satirical medal circa 1860’s regarding Jesuit Victor de Buck and the Relics controversy. Bronze 11g, 32.19mm. Obv: A clergyman vomiting money into a sack which is supported by a person with a ball and chain. ..............................................75 DENMARK, 1682, GS, SILVER KRONE, VF/EF; Denmark, 1682 GS, Silver Krone, VF/EF, Christian V, 1670-1699. Crowned C5 monogram/Crowned Danish arms on cross, G-S below. Silver 21.8g, 39.75mm. Light natural flan porosity. KM370, Dav-3637. Very large and attractive. ...............................................................625 DENMARK, CHRISTIAN VII, 1795, SPECIEDALER, VF; Denmark, Christian VII, 1795 Speciedaler, VF, Schleswig-Holstein. Christian VII. 1766-1808. AR speciestaler (60 schilling). 28.7 gm. 39 mm. Altona mint. 1795 M F. Bust right / Arms, denomination. Davenport 1311. Coins of Danish-occupied rarely appear on the market, and this is a pleasing example. ...................................................................250 DENMARK, 1900, 10 KRONER, UNC; Denmark, 1900 10 Kroner, UNC, Christian IX. Head right/ Seated figure left with shield and porpoise. 0.1296oz KM# 790.2. .......................................................................................................................375 FRANCE, CHARLES IV, 1632, TESTON, VF/EF; France, Charles IV, 1632 Teston, VF/EF, Provincial. Lorraine (duché). Charles IV. 1624-1634. Silver 9.0g, 28.58mm. Nancy mint. Draped and armored bust right / Crowned coat-of-arms. De Saulcy XXVI, 6; Robert 1546; KM 45. light encrustation. .....................................450 FRANCE, 1682, 1 SOL, EF; France, 1682 1 Sol, EF, Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Strasbourg Royal Issue. KM 245. ............................................................................175 FRANCE, 1735, MEDAL, UNC; France, 1735 Medal, UNC, Assembly of Clergy. Silver 10.0g,30.5mm. By J. DuVivier. Forester 3962. May peace be triumphant.. ...60 FRANCE, LOUIS LE FORT, 1734, MEDAL, AU; France, Louis Le Fort, 1734 Medal, AU, Bronze, 75.7g, 55mm. Bust facing, Louis Le Fort, First Consul of the Republic of Geneva in the Year 1734 at Age 66. Rev: City of Geneva (Liberty), leaning on shield bearing the arms of Geneva, holding staff with Cap of Liberty, a Cornucopia at her feet, and holding a Bible; four Putti to right with symbols representing Government (Union) (holding fasces and a heart), Science (standing behind a lectern reading a book, a globe on the right), Commerce (writing an address on a bundle of goods), and the Arts (painting Liberty’s portrait on an easel). Above, a radiant sun with a central eye representing Providence. DEI NUMINE. (In the Name of God). Signed: I. DASSIER. F. Exergue: JURA CIVIUM ASERTA ANNO 1734 (The Rights of the Citizens Affirmed in the Year 1734). .........................................250 FRANCE, BARBARY PIRATES, 1757, MEDAL, EF; France, Barbary Pirates, 1757 Medal, EF, Louis XV, 1715-1774. By Roettiers. Silver 7.0g, 28.8mm. The subject: Foray against Barbary Pirates. (Navy). “raptoribus ingruit ultrix”. Commerce was often disrupted by Barbary Pirates. Naval methods of defense were always challenged and improved. The violent and chaotic scene is impressive. ................125 FRANCE, SIEGE COINAGE, 1814, W, 10 CENTIMES, VF; France, Siege Coinage, 1814 W, 10 Centimes, VF, Napoleon I, Antwerp; Siege Coinage. First Empire (1804-1814, 1815). Adjustment marks. KM-5.4. .......................................125 FRANCE, FRENCH MINT, 1900, MEDAL, EF; France, french mint, 1900 Medal, EF, Universal Exhibition of Paris, Paris mint Foundrymen Medal by Henri Auguste Jules Patey, AERE ARGENTO AURO FLANDO FERIUNDO (for the Melting and Working of Brass, Silver and Gold) in upper legend, with two mint workmen pouring molten metal, A. PATEY in exergue with cornucopia // MONNAIE DE PARIS above view of the inner facade of the Paris mint in the Quai de Conti, SOUVENIR DE L’EXPOSITION / ARGENT and cornucopia (corne d’abondance) privy mark on edge. 37mm. .......................................................................................65 FRANCE, MUSIC COMPETION, 1912, MEDAL, UNC; France, Music Competion, 1912 Medal, UNC, Paris international music competition, 1912 Paris. By J.P. Legastelois. An Allegorical City of Paris holding crowns, behind a procession of musicians surmounted by an angel with a lyre; signature J.P. LEGASTELOIS; to exergue INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION / MAY 26 AND 27, 1912/ he City Hall of Paris with the arms and the motto of the city, cartridge in the center, and below the Seine, naked, pours water from an urn in front of two little angels; signature J.P. LEGASTELOIS. Silvered Bronze plaque 75.4mm 127.86g. A Superb plaque for this 1912 musical competition which brought together 460 musical societies, 40,000 musicians and ended with a big party in the Tuileries garden. ................................225 FRANCE, ART DECO WINE, 1937, MEDAL, UNC; France, Art Deco Wine, 1937 Medal, UNC, Large silvered Bronze medal by Georges Contaux, 1891-1984 awarding an achievement to H. Lamarque in the wholesale trade of wines and spirits. Smiling woman holding grapes with grape leaves weaved in her hair. Bronze, 153.3g, 68mm. Georges Contaux was a sculptor, painter, engraver and French medal maker who during WWI actually injured two fingers and had to have them amputated. From 1922 to 1923, he worked with the engraver Firmin Pierre Lasserre before moving to Vigneux-sur-Seine as artisan sculptor and medal engraver where he spent the rest of his life. He produced over 2000 medals, many of which were religious, some official and some for individuals and associations. .............................................................325 FRANCE, TRANSATLANTIC POSTAL SERVICE, 1937, MEDAL, AU; France, Transatlantic Postal Service, 1937 Medal, AU, France, Art Deco Wine, 1937 Medal, AU, Atlantic and Mediterranean Postal Service by Pagnier, Silver 166.5g, 68mm. Award to M. Pierre Gaffino, In memory of his Loyal services 1946-1971 Magnificent medal. Edge marked silver. .................................................................300 GERMAN STATES, KONRADIN VON HOHENSTAUFEN, ND, BRACTATE, AU/UNC; German States, Konradin von Hohenstaufen, ND Bractate, AU/UNC, Konradin von Hohenstaufen, 1252-68. 0.5g. Bust with crown and 2 swords from the front. Coins from this king are scares as his reign was short. This is an excellent example. ...................................................................................................400 GERMAN STATES, SAXONY-ALBERTINE, 1565, HB, SCHRECKENBERGER, VF; German States, Saxony-Albertine, 1565 HB, Schreckenberger, VF, August 1553-1586. 3.7g Two angelic figures leaning on arsm with the crossed swords of the Imperial Arch-Marshal/ one angelic figure leaning on arms with crancelin. .................................................................................................100 GERMAN STATES, ND, BRACTATE, EF; German States, ND Bractate, EF, Henry I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg 1279-1322. Also called Heinrich der Wunderliche (Henry the Admirable). Lion to the left, square underneath. 0.5g. Lovely patina. ........................................................................................................................75 GERMAN STATES, SAXONY, 1627, TALER, NGC, MS61; German States, Saxony, 1627 Taler, NGC. MS61, Johann Georg I, 1615-1656. Dresden. Attractive specimen with a pretty patina. Dav. 7601; Snow 845. ............................................425 GERMAN STATES, NUREMBERG, 1695, MEDAL, EF/AU; German States,

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Nuremberg, 1695 Medal, EF/AU, Commemorating the death of Pastor J.H. Horbius. by P.H. Muller. Bronze 22.3g, 43.4mm. Half-length portrait / Divine hand saves man from a ship crashing on rocky coast. Gaedechens 1673. .........................................200 GERMAN STATES, NUREMBERG CITY, 1759, TALER, VF; German States, Nuremberg city, 1759 Taler, VF, Convention thaler 1759. Stamped Oexlein on the arm cuff. Dav. 2485. ........................................................................................................250 GERMAN STATES, NUREMBERG CITY, 1765, TALER, VF/EF; German States, Nuremberg city, 1765 Taler, VF/EF, On the peace of Hubertusburg. Kellner 341, Davenport 2490.. .............................................................................................250 GERMAN STATES, EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI, 1793, MEDAL, EF; German States, Execution of Louis XVI, 1793 Medal, EF, A medal on the execution of Louis XVI by German medalist Daniel Friedrich Loos. Silver 9.3g, 30mm. F3461, H 469. Many countries issued medals regarding the execution of King Louis XVI by the guillotine. It was a terrifying idea to much of the ruling class all over the world that the people of their countries could even possibly revolt and have so much power as to execute a ruling monarch. In turn, many of the medals created depict the event as deplorable and sad. This medal seems to indicate the same in its symbolism and words however I do find the position of her (France) hand to the fallen crown interesting. ...............................................................................................................200 GREAT BRITAIN, VIKING COINAGE, ND, PENNY, EF; Great Britain, Viking Coinage, ND Penny, EF, Danish East Anglo, Vikings. St. Edmund memorial coinage, 885-915. S-961, N-483. Late die state. .....................................................600 GREAT BRITAIN, VIKING COINAGE, ND, PENNY, EF; Denmark, Viking Coinage, ND Penny, EF, Cnut, 900-905. Danish Northumbria. S-993, N-501. Cunnetti coinage. Eoferwic (york) mint. 1.33g, 20 mm. Inverted patriarchal cross/small cross pattee, pellets in 1st and 4th quadrant. ...................................................................1200 GREAT BRITAIN, EADGAR, ND, PENNY, AU/UNC; Great Britain, Eadgar, ND Penny, AU/UNC, Eadgar 959-975. S-789, N-741. Silver 1.26g, 20.5mm. Ifa Moneyer. Struck 1959-1968/9. IVE MONET in two lines. Three crosses pattee between. Trefoiks above and below. Ex Triton XX, 1540. Little clip and charming patina. ....................................................................................................................1200 GREAT BRITAIN, AETHELRED II THE UNREADY, ND, PENNY, VF/EF; Great Britain, Aethelred II the Unready, ND Penny, VF/EF, Aethelred II, 978-1016. Small CRVX type. Bust with scepter. Maeldnne mint. 1.1g, 20mm. LEOFPINE MO MELD. North 770, S-1148. Ex. Spink 1992. ..........................................................550 GREAT BRITAIN, AETHELRED II THE UNREADY, ND, PENNY, VF; Great Britain, Aethelred II the Unready, ND Penny, VF, Aethelred II, 978-1016. Thetford mint. 1.5g, 19.75mm. Long Cross. S-1151. Dark, even toning. ...............400 GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY VIII, ND, GROAT, EF; Great Britain, Henry VIII, ND Groat, EF, Henry VIII, 1509-1547. Lis Mint mark. S-2337D. Old cleaning, nice patina with blue and magenta. Weak area center hair/opposite side quadrant. 24.1mm, 2.7g. .........................................................................................................................400 GREAT BRITAIN, ELIZABETH I, ND, SHILLING, VF; Great Britain, Elizabeth I, ND Shilling, VF, Elizabeth I, 1558-1603. Tower mint, Tun mm, Sixth Issue, S-2577. 5.7g. Some scratches yet a very pleasant portrait and overall nice example. ...................................................................................................................500 GREAT BRITAIN, QUEEN ANNE, 1703, SIXPENCE, EF; Great Britain, Queen Anne, 1703 Sixpence, EF, Anne, 1702-1714. Vigo under breast. S 3590; ESC 1582; KM 516.1. Silver 3.0g. Beautiful portrait coin and well toned. ....................450 IRELAND, HIBERNO-NORSE, ND, PENNY, UNC; Ireland, Hiberno-Norse, ND Penny, UNC, Domnall mac Taidc Ua Brian, 1095-1150. Late imitations of Long Cross coinage. S-6187. 17.8mm, 0.6g. Very crude bust left with crozier/long cross with sceptre and pellets. These normally do not come this nice. Exceptional condition and eye-appeal. ......................................................................................................1650 ITALIAN STATES, VENICE, ND, DUCAT, UNC; Italian States, Venice, ND Ducat, UNC, Tommaso Mocenigo, 1414-1423. St. Mark standing right, presenting banner to Doge kneeling left/Christ standing, facing within mandorla with nine stars. Gold 3.4 grams. Friedberg 1231, C.N.I. VII / 121/19, Mont. Ve. N. 150, Paolucci I / 39/1. Lovely. ............................................................................................................550 ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, 1660 AN VI, MEDAL, EF; Italian States, Papal States, 1660 An VI Medal, EF, Alexander VII. Bronze 31.2g, 42.4mm. Construction of the Arsenal of Civitavecchia. G. Morone (GM). Gorgeous reverse design! The Arsenal of Civitavecchia is a now destroyed naval arsenal which was commissioned by Pope Alexander VII to house the fleet of the Papal Navy. It was built between 1660 and 1663 and designed by the famed baroque architect and sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini. ...............................................................................................350 ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, ND 17TH CENTURY, MEDAL, EF; Italian States, Papal States, ND 17th century Medal, EF, Paul II, Pietro Barbo, 1417-1471. Posthumous issue, circa 1664 By Girolamo Paladino. Boar Hunt or The Hunt for Heretics. Bronze 39.2g, 43.5mm. SOLVM IN FERAS PIVS BELLATVR PASTOR in exergue “The pious shepherd fights alone among the beasts”. Spink 377; Mazio 19. There are two ways scholars have looked at this medal. Some believe that it was struck to simply commemorate a great hunt in the Roman countryside and others believe it signifies the struggle of the Church against heretics. Eitherway, it is a marvelous looking medal. ........................................................................................350 ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATE, 1797, 5 BAIOCCHI, EF; Italian States, Papal State, 1797 5 Baiocchi, EF, Ruler: Pius VI. Madonna Left. Copper. KM# 1245. Surface porosity, possibly ground find. ...................................................................125 ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, 1817, MEDAL, AU/UNC; Italian States, Papal States, 1817 Medal, AU/UNC, Cardinale Ercole Consalvi, 1757-1824. Lauding his diplomatic skills and work for Papacy at congress of Vienna. Silver 30.2g, 40mm. (V. Cocchi) with original box. Some scratches. Beautiful toning. ..........................375 NETHERLANDS, LOW COUNTRIES, 1574, 28 STIVERS, VF/EF; Netherlands, Low Countries, 1574 28 Stivers, VF/EF, SLeiden under Siege of 1573– 1574 by the Spaniards under Valdez. Silver 19.3g. Square planchet. City coat of arms in a cartouche with outer circumscription GODT BEHOEDE LEYDEN / Climbing lion under crown with spear and freedom hat. Rare. Delm-169b (R1), vL I.182.2, CNM 2.32.10. ........................................................................................................2000 NETHERLANDS, LOW COUNTRIES, 1578, 4 STUIVERS, EF; Netherlands, Low Countries, 1578 4 Stuivers, EF, Dutch Revolt. Copper, 4.9g, 32.67mm. Emergency coinage struck as a result of the siege by the State troops led by Count van Rennenberg from Aug. 3, 1578 - Nov. 19. 1578. Deventer eagle counterstamp, beautiful ornate border. P&W De62; Gelder, Noodmunten, 143; Fortuyn Droogleever

74; Mailliet 8. ..........................................................................................................350 348. ROMANIA, 1890, 20 LEI, UNC; Romania, 1890 20 Lei, UNC, Carol I/Crowned arms with supporters within crowned mantle, divided date. 0.1867oz. KM# 20. ...500 349. SP. NETHERLANDS, FREEDOM OF RELIGION, 1574, MEDAL, AU/UNC; Sp. Netherlands, Freedom of Religion, 1574 Medal, AU/UNC, Spanish Netherlands, Dordrecht: on the Freedom of Religion in Holland & Zeeland. Silver 5.8g, 29mm. Catalog: Dugniolle No 2630. Obv: LAPIS REIECTVS CAPVT ANGVLI, triangular stone in the middle, rose above, coat-of-arms of Holland below/Rx: DNS FECIT HOC ET FV MI IN OC H 1574, the name ‘Jehova’ written in Hebrew within aureole. The triangular stone represents the Holy Trinity: The Father (Pater), The Son (Filius) and the Holy Spirit (Spiritus). Very scarce and beautiful. Interesting research on this medal from the 1902 Numismatist can be found online...........................................600 350. SPAIN, ALFONSO XI, ND, DINERO, EF; Spain, ND Dinero, EF, Alfonso XI, King of Castile and Leon, 1312-1350. Noven, Burgos. 0.6g. Castle over B // lion. A little mushy. ...............................................................................................................65 351. SPAIN, SANCHO IV, ND, DINERO, EF; Spain, ND Dinero, EF, Sancho IV, King of Castile and Leon, 1284-1295. 0.7g. Bust left/ Sevilla, two stars and S. Planchet break. .........................................................................................................................65 352. SPAIN, 1787, 1 ESCUDO, VF; Spain, 1787 1 Escudo, VF, Charles III. Bust right/ Crowned arms in collar of The Golden Fleece. 0.0951oz. KM# 416.1a. ................250 353. SWEDEN, BREITENFELD VICTORY, 1631, MEDAL, EF; Sweden, Breitenfeld Victory, 1631 Medal, EF, Gustav II Adolf, 1611-1632. Silver Contemporary cast medal circa 1631, by J. Georgens. Swedish and Protestant victory at Breitenfeld (today part of Leipzig). The armored king rides upon a horse with a command stick across the battlefield and is crowned a wreath by a divine hand coming from clouds/The crowned Swedish coat of arms; IMMOTA TRIVMPHO: WITH / GOD / and / KNIGHTLY / ARMS; in the middle monogram GA between DE - VS. 48.3 mm; 19.6 g. Breitenfeld was the first great victory for the Protestants and marked a turning point in the Thirty Years’ War.. .................................................................450 ANTIQUITIES NEAR EASTERN 354. MESOPOTAMIAN BLACK STEATITE STAMP SEAL, Jemdet Nasr, ca. 3500-3000 BC. A very rare type of Jemdat Nasr stamp seal depicting a seated lion with a thick mane, the reverse with three animals. Carved in dark mottled steatite, biconically drilled. Mounted. Provenance: European Art Market, 1990s; American Private Collection, acquired 1999. L. 2 1/8” H.1 1/2” (5.4 cm x 3.8 cm).............7500 355. SUMERIAN STONE BULL VESSEL, Jemdet Nasr Period, ca. 3100-2900 BC. The globular jar resting on the back of a reclining bull, legs folded under, the back of the jar and base pierced. Ex Christie’s London, 6 July 1994, Lot 224. H. 2” (5 cm).... ...............................................................................................................................2250 356. NORTHERN SYRIAN STEATITE LION LIBATION BOWL, ca. 8th Century BC. This example belongs to the class of north Syrian “lion bowls” or spoon-stoppers, no doubt joined by the tube to another vessel or container in order to extract a limited amount of unguents or libations, acting as both stopper and receptacle. The tube connects to a hollow lion protome that grips the rim of the shallow bowl with its paws; teeth emerging as if biting through the basin. The lion has blunt, rounded ears and deep, hollow eyes, possibly once inlaid. Mounted. Ex Royal Athena Galleries, 8 September 1992. L. 5 3/8” W. 3 1/2” (13.7 cm x 9 cm).........................................5250 EGYPTIAN 357. GREEN SCHIST BIRD-FORM COSMETIC PALETTE, Predynastic Period, Naqada II Period, ca. 3500-3300 BC. Dark green palette in the form of a bird, the head missing from the slender neck. Pierced at top for suspension. Ex Thomas Collingwood Collection, Philadelphia, acquired before 1970. L. 8 1/2” H. 4 1/4” (21.6 cm x 10.8 cm)..........................................................................................................................1800 358. WOODEN MALE FIGURE, New Kingdom, ca. 1567-1085 BC. Wonderful style of a large male figure standing with his arms at his side wearing a short tunic. Traces of bitumen can be found can be found on both the front and back of the piece. The face and head has been repaired. Ex Christie’s, London, 23 September 1998, part of group lot 113. H. 8 7/8” (22.6 cm), with base 11 1/2” (29.2 cm)...........................3500 359. WOODEN USHABTI, New Kingdom, ca. 1567-1085 BC. A well preserved wooden ushabti standing mummiform with arms crossed over the body, wearing tripartite wig. Ex collection of Mr Ezeldeen Taha Eldarir; acquired 1946 from Salahaddin Sirmali, Cairo. Authenticated and appraised by Mr. Hossen Rashed, head of the Egyptian Antiquities house. H. 9” (23 cm)............................................................................1950 360. CEDAR COFFIN TEXT PANEL WITH THREE SPELLS & SUBSTANTIAL PAGE FROM “THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD”, Middle Kingdom, Early 12th Dynasty (1991–1782 BC). Polychrome on cedar panel. These cedar panels are the veneers of the inner coffin lining of Inhernakht, an early 12th dynasty, Egyptian general. The first register is in large yellow, blue and red hieroglyphic script, and with the hieratic script in red and black of the spells below. The spells come from volumes 3 -5 of The Coffin Texts but one spell is new and previously unknown.

A Note on “The Egyptian Book of the Dead”

“The Egyptian book of the Dead” is the name given to a large and variable compendium of several thousand religious spells or incantations in Egyptian religion. This spells aid the deceased in the afterlife. The term “book of the dead” comes from the papyrus scrolls found in tomb regalia from the New Kingdom onward. But before that time early versions of the spells were generally written of on the inner and outer sides of wooden coffins (as in this present example) in the Middle Kingdom as “the coffin texts.” Still before that even earlier versions of the spells were generally carved on the stone walls as “the pyramid texts.” The compendium of incantations grew over time as different traditions merged in and out. New spells were added and various versions of the same spells exist side by side. There is no canonical list of spells and generally the mix of spells employed was tailored to the deceased.

For the most part the spells prepare and protect the deceased for both its arduous journeys and its daily upkeep in the afterlife. All the various integral elements of the human must be maintained and kept together – “the body and the soul.” The physical mummified home of the body in the necropolis must be protected from physical harm and the more ethereal and mobile “soul” must be protected from magical harm. While the gods interceded more often, the Egyptian afterlife was still relatively


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and the torpedo’s stylized tail identifies the painter. De Bellis Painter. See Trendall’s “Greek Red-Figure Fish Plates”, pp. 89-90, Plate 27d (120). Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 110th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 818, 1999. Dia. 9 1/2” (24 cm)....................................6000 CANOSAN POLYCHROME OINOCHOE, ca. 4th to 3rd Century BC. A large laurel wreath painted in white, blue, brown and red covers the entire body of the vase. A tongue pattern in the same colors around the neck. Other than minor chipping this piece has no restoration. Ex private collection, Pennsylvania, acquired 1980’s, New York Art Market prior. H. 12 1/4” (31 cm).............................................................2500 SOUTH ITALIAN BLACK GLAZED ASKOS, ca. 4th Century BC. A metallic black glazed pottery askos in the form of a wine-skin with a strap handle, cylindrical neck with an everted flattened rim and narrow spout. Ex private collection, Pennsylvania, acquired 1980s; New York Art Market prior. H. 4 1/8” (10.4 cm)....975 ROMAN LARGE WINE STORAGE AMPHORA WITH SEA ENCRUSTATIONS, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Terracotta vessel used for storage and transport, characterized by its two vertical handles and slim neck. A pointed foot allowed for easier stacking when packed for transportation and also allowed for positioning in soft or sandy ground. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 502. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Turkey. Approximate H. 33” (83.8 cm)..........................................................................................................................3500 ROMAN STORAGE AMPHORA WITH SEA ENCRUSTATIONS, 1st-2nd Century AD. Terracotta vessel used for storage and transport, characterized by its two vertical handles and slim neck. A pointed foot allowed for easier stacking when packed for transportation and also allowed for positioning in soft or sandy ground. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 501. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Turkey. Approximate H. 27” (68.6 cm), 34 1/2” with base............................................................................................3000 ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN MASSIVE REDWARE SHALLOW BOWL, ca. 4th-5th Century AD. Center of the bowl stamped with planta pedia. The rim wide and rounded, the underside with low disk foot base. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 307. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Turkey. Dia. 11 7/8” (30.2 cm)...................................................................1500 BRONZE LURISTAN BRONZE SOCKETED ADZE WITH LION HEAD, ca. late 2nd1st Millennium BC. The incised blade emerging from a stylized lion’s jaw, the ribbed shaft with four butt-spikes. Exhibited at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, November/ December 1982, Ex Sotheby’s London 10 December 1984, lot 139. L. 6” (15.2 cm)... ...............................................................................................................................1800 ITALO-GEOMETRIC BRONZE NAVICELLA FIBULA, ca. 8th Century BC. The open bow finely engraved with panels of chevron, dotted circle, and other linear ornament. Ex Sotheby’s, New York, 25 June 1992, lot 81. L. 4 3/4” (12 cm).....1500 GREEK BRONZE OLPE, ca. 5th Century BC. Elongated body with high hoop duck-headed handle terminating in a palmette on the body. Single ridge encircling the neck, the base with small foot. Ex Christie’s, London, 8 July 1992, lot 103. H. 6” (15.2 cm).................................................................................................................1200 ROMAN BRONZE PHIALE WITH FROG MEDALLION, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. The bronze libation bowl with central medallion depicting a carefully detailed crouching frog, concentric rings surrounding. A range of green and brown patina on the surfaces. Private Collection, New Jersey, acquired late 1990s. Dia. 5 5/8” (14.2 cm).................................................................................................................1950 ROMAN BRONZE MARS ULTOR, ca. 2nd Century AD. The bearded god wearing plumed Corinthian helmet, pteryges, and greaves. H. 3 7/8” (10 cm).....2250 ROMAN BRONZE JUPITER, ca. 2nd Century AD. The powerful god enthroned, muscled chest exposed, his garment draped over his left shoulder, patera in his right hand. Exceptional facial features and hair. The bearded Jupiter is seen looking slightly away to his right. H. 2 3/4” W. 1 3/8” (7 cm x 3.5 cm)..........................................3250 PARTHIAN BRONZE FRAGMENTARY LION TRIPOD, ca. 3rd Century AD. In the form of leaping lionesses supporting a circular aperture, three canines with eyes pierced through emerging from the center, the details carefully engraved, the felines’ large circular eyes with remains of blue glass inlay. Ex Sotheby’s, New York, 30 May 1986, lot 14. W. 7 1/4” (18.4 cm)..............................................................4500 BYZANTINE BRONZE RELIQUARY CROSS WITH GARNETS, ca. 9th-11th Century AD. A larger cross type with one side deeply incised with figure and letters and the opposite side with concentric circles and five garnet inlays. Interestingly, the central stone is further decorated with an incised cross. The figural cross panel is no longer affixed to the rest of the reliquary. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 621. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Turkey. L. 3 7/8” W. 2 1/2”(9.8 cm x 6.4 cm).................................................................................................................1500 GLASS ROMAN GREEN GLASS BEAKER, ca. 2nd Century AD. Broad rim, cylindrical neck tapering and pinched before flaring drastically into the squat body. Some encrustation and intact cracking of the surfaces. H. 5 3/8” (13.7 cm)....................1000 ROMAN GREEN GLASS DOUBLE BALSAMARIUM, ca. 2nd Century AD. Composed of two tubes of light-green glass encircled by fine spiral threads. A thin layer of iridescence, a small handle on either side. Mounted. H. 3 7/8” (10 cm)....800 ROMAN GLASS UNGUENTARIUM, ca. 2nd Century AD. Slender vial with gently out-turned lip. H. 6 3/8” (16.2 cm)................................................................500 ROMAN GLASS BOTTLE, ca. 4th Century AD. Tall neck with slight constriction at the base. Thread of glass trailed on spirally from the rim to near the base of the neck.










H. 2 5/8” (6.5 cm)...................................................................................................1250 SCULPTURE ROMAN MARBLE FRAGMENT WITH NAISKOS, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Central standing figure framed by naiskos. Mounted. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 752. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. W. 7” H. 7” (17.8 cm x 17.8 cm)..................................................................................................................1500 ROMAN MARBLE CLENCHED LEFT HAND, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. The fingers tightly coiled around the fragment of an implement. The majority of the hand and forearm intact. Mounted. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 746. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 5 1/4” W. 3 7/8” (13.3 cm x 10 cm) H. 7 1/2” with base......975 ROMAN MARBLE DRAPED TORSO OF A MALE, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. The torso carved with subtle musculature on the chest, the back fully covered with the folds of his flowing garment. Possibly from a statuette of a youthful god. Mounted. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 748. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. H. 4 1/2” W. 3 1/2” (11.4 cm x 8.9 cm) H. with base, 7”. ...............................................................................850 ASIAN CHINESE PAIR OF HAN GILT BRONZE BEARS, ca. 2nd Century AD. These two gilt bronze Chinese bears are rare and cherished Han types, together for two millennia now. They sit upright with a woolly mane framing their face with perked round ears. Their snouts point downward over their round full bellies. Such pieces were likely furniture or chest fittings. The surface has most of its original gilt intact with elements of its green and reddish patina coming through the gilt and earthen encrustations. Provenance: purchased from Nagatani, Inc., Chicago, in the early 1960’s. Nagatani was a well-known Chicago dealer of Asian Art in the 1960’s, who had worked with the Yamanka Company before coming to Chicago. This is a superb provenance with its original Nagatani write up. H. 1 7/8” (4.8 cm). ...............................................8500 KHMER KNIFE WITH IRON BLADE, ca. 10th-13th Century AD. Iron blade with socketed bronze handle in the form of a kneeling ape with tray balanced on his head. Ex Gorny and Mosch Auction 252, lot 655, 2017; collection of GMRH, London, since the mid-90s, purchased Western European art market. L. 7 7/8” (20 cm)....1850 TIBETAN MINIATURE GILT BRONZE STUPA, ca. 18th Century AD. This is a wonderful little Tibeto-Chinese Stupa in gilt bronze. This piece is unusually small for this type of Tibetan piece, which are usually about 10 to 20 inches in size. It is realistically modeled with its lotus base, cylindrical body and conical concentric spire terminating in a lotus bud top. Architecturally speaking, stupas were generally cup shaped Buddhist monuments built over a Buddhist relic. These smaller bronze types often contained a valued relic in their base. Very rare in this small size. Provenance: James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Sotheby’s Chicago Sale, mid 1990’s. H. 4 5/8” (11.7 cm)..................................................................................1000 CHINESE GILT BOXWOOD SCULPTURE OF GUANYIN, Qing Dynasty, Late 18th Century AD. This is a sculpture of the beloved Chinese Buddhist Bodhisattva Guanyin, here well rendered in coveted boxwood and covered in gilt lacquer and gold leaf. This small piece is of unusually high quality, and not the typical popular Chinese altar type. Tilting forward on her circular lotus base (the piece was meant to be placed high) the goddess, who hears all those who call out for her help, is dressed in her iconic flowing robes with her arms crossed. She holds a vase with her head hooded and serenely looks onward. Scattered age cracks and losses to gilt. Provenance, from a Michigan collection, acquired in the mid-20th century. H. 8” (20.3 cm)..............700 JAPANESE MEIJI BRONZE STATUE OF THE RYUJIN, ca. late 19th Century AD. In a beautiful example of Meiji sculpture work, exquisitely chased, this is a statue of Ryujin, or the dragon god, who was the traditional Japanese deity of the sea. He stands on a rock-work base in flowing robes holding a magical pearl in his right hand and a spear in the left. This is an excellent example of true 19th century Meiji bronze work. H. of figure 12 1/4” (31 cm)...................................................2250 JAPANESE MEIJI BRONZE GEKKIN PLAYER, ca. 1900 AD. The woman wears a traditional robe with a large woven grass hat on her head, her face looking forward sweetly. As she walks on wooden shoes, she picks a gekkin or “moon guitar” – a type of East Asian lute with a distinctive round body. The piece is nicely and realistically modeled and a superb example of turn of the 20th Century Japanese sculptural realism with a makers mark. Undamaged original piece with its original patina. H. 12 3/4” (32 cm). .....................................................................................750


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untranscendent in orientation, when compared to how Buddhists or Christians might have imagined matters. It was more like an extension of this life in another location. The Egyptian answer to the problem of life was solved by not dying in the first place. So the body had to be kept intact and in good working order for both sustenance and pleasure, bad magic or demonic spirits held at bay, and the alliances with the appropriate gods well maintained. The spells themselves are highly stereotyped with much formalized repetition of phrases that often render their purpose and allusions opaque to the outsider. We have included the more formal name form “the coffin texts” as well as short paraphrase of the three spells along with a literal translation here. The last spell is unknown in the present compendium of coffin texts. In all the three spells here represent a substantial page from “the Egyptian Book of the Dead” on a copy written to advance the immortality of the Middle Kingdom Egyptian General Inhernakht. Indeed each time we utter his name we further his cause. In some respect, the general is now 4000 years old and counting.

Translation of polychrome hieroglyphic script (in yellow, blue and red)

“that invocation offerings might be made for the one revered with the gods, who are in heaven, the overseer of the army (general), Inhernakht”

Translation of hieratic script (in black and red)

Spell 410 asks that Inhernakht not forget his name or that his name not be separated from his mummy in its resting place

(Coffin Text Spell 410, lines 1-5), not letting a man (forget) his name. Words to be recited that a man might recall his name in the necropolis.

(this ) Inhernakht is made to recall his name in the Perwer-shrine in the Pernezershrine on this night (of reckoning years of) enumerating months, and of (ing)

Spell 411 affirms the divine appearance and importance of Inhernakht and affirms his identity to the gods. His name is not to be forgotten or lost and the spell curses anyone who seeks to annihilate his name.

(Coffin Text Spell 411, lines 6-10)

O, Toth, This Inhernakht is the great one. This Inhernakht, his Ba is in its glorious appearance. It is this Inhernakht. This Inhernakt has his identity. His name is a god. Inhernakt shall not forget his name.

O Bat-Isis, do not seal up this Inhernakht. This Inhernakht is with his name. His name is a god. Inhernakht shall not forget his name.

O Re-Atum, O Khopri, this Inhernakht is one born on the First of the Year. This Inhernakht is with his name. His name is a god. This Inhernakht shall not forget his name which is in his body. The one who shall take away this name from him shall be executed in the presence of the Master of Judgment.

This new and previously unknown spell seems to assert that Inhernakht’s religious credentials are in order, and that the gods have no cause to annihilate him (remember that the ancient Egyptians do not have a hell of eternal punishment. Annihilation was punishment enough for the impious and evil). Inhernakht was well born, pious in his upkeep of religious rituals and a good person.

(Coffin Text Spell - possibly a new and previously unknown spell, lines 11 – 24) Spell for releasing a man from the slaughter house in the necropolis

Joined together … the sky … Iham … that is on his vertex at the voice of the god over this Inhernakht when he appears. O gods who in conspiring against this Inhernakht speak against his name. If you say that this Inhernakht should be taken away to enter into the slaughter house in which the gods are gathered together, this Inhernakht shall … your nature, O gods and that of your ennead. This Inhernakht shall see your … there in these … Every portal shall be opened … shrine, and struck shall be … you … with his iron weapon, who is saying that this Inhernakht shall be cast to the ground, annihilated, quickly. It is the secret that shall annul, his warrant against this Inhernakht quickly… his… he shall slay Re-Atum and the head of Semu shall be removed as they go forth. As for … Shames-plants for Shames-plants when this Inhernakht comes haled and beloved to … the dignity of this Inhernakht regarding him. This Inhernakht shall let loose his voice… see….

… my fee, my two wadj-staves, my was-seepter, and my cordage. Should I become angry, it is the one whom I shall name chanter (upper Egyptian/) and the plume and the standard is with me. Provenance, acquired by a Chicago collector in the late 1950’s, with its original professional transliteration and translation included..............................................7500 361. POLYCHROME CEDAR PANEL COFFIN EYES, Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty 1991–1782 BC. Polychrome green, black, red, and white on cedar panel. The piece is the external cedar veneer of the eye panel from an early 12th Dynasty Middle Kingdom coffin of an Egyptian general named Inhernakht. With its iconic ancient Egyptian eyes, the eye panel was the most important external feature of the rectangular coffins of this period. In addition to being the portal that enabled the soul to move in and out of the coffin, it was located on the coffin such that the deceased could see the sun rising on the eastern horizon. So the panel represented the transition point between the entombed bodily mummy and its more birdlike and agile soul. Provenance, acquired by a Chicago collector in the late 1950’s. L. approx. 15” x 4” (38 cm x 10 cm)......................................................................................................1500 362. WOODEN PTAH SOKAR OSIRIS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The piece consisting of three sections, rectangular base, body and headdress. The mummiform Osiris wears a tripartite wig and plumed headdress with ram’s horns, traces of red and black pigment remaining. Ex HJB Private Treaty 2010. H. 19” (48.3 cm) L. of base 10 1/2” (26.7 cm)....................................................................................................1650

363. LIMESTONE ISIS AND HORUS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The most popular image of the protective goddess, Isis is depicted seated, one hand supporting the infant Horus while offering her breast to him to suckle with the other. H. 6 1/4” (16 cm)...... .............................................................................................................................13500 364. BRONZE NEITH, Late Period, 664-332 BC. The goddess striding forth, wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and tightly-fitted sheath, a delicately incised broad collar draped across her chest. Her left arm missing above the elbow, her right arm held by her side, hand fisted around a now missing attribute. The ancient protectress Neith was associated with war and hunting. Rectangular integral base. Ex Collection of Robert Thompson, Philadelphia, 1960’s-1980’s. H. 5 7/8” (15 cm)... .............................................................................................................................13500 365. FAIENCE USHABTI OF PSAMTEK, THE OVERSEER OF THE TREASURY, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664-525 BC. A fine example of a faience ushabti that stands tall with a crook and flail and seven lines of hieroglyphics down the front. Translation reads: ‘Oh ushabti figures! If one calls, or numbers, The Overseer of the Treasury, Psamtek, his good name is Aahmes, the true of voice, born of Bastet-jridis, to do any work that is to be done there in the netherworld, then let all obstacles be removed therein, as a man at his duties. Behold! You will say, if one numbers, at any time, to act therein, to cause the fields to grow, the channels to be filled, to row, to ferry the sand of the West to the East, Behold me - you will say!’ The foot has been rejoined with minor restoration, otherwise intact. Mounted. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 123, 23 October 2001. H. 7” (17.8 cm)........................................3000 366. TURQUOISE FAIENCE FLUTE PLAYER, Late Period, ca. 600 BC. A fine example with vibrant coloring. The flute player crouches, the instrument resting on the knees, mouth piece held to his lips. Some areas of restoration. Ex Sotheby’s London, Sale LN4723, 8 December 1994, lot 343. H. 3 3/4” (9.5 cm)................................1500 367. BRONZE OSIRIS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. Osiris depicted mummiform, with neutral facial expression, wearing plumed atef crown fronted with ureas, false braided beard at his chin. Arms held over the chest and hands grasping the crook and flail. Loop on the side of the flat integral base. Ex C.C.E., Inc., 31 August 1989, lot 318. H. 5” (12.7 cm)..............................................................................................................950 368. BRONZE UREAUS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The rearing cobra depicted with flaring hood and narrow head with bulging eyes, crowned with solar disk and flanking horns of the Apis bull. The curved body bending backward and extending into a long tail behind. On the front, reserved panels for inlay, most of which is now missing. Additionally, minor traces of original gilding is evident. The ureaus was used to express sovereignty and divine and royal authority in ancient Egypt. Ex Christie’s New York, Sale 7798, 15 December 1993, lot 34, Estate of Dorothea Halpert. H. 2 3/8” L. 2 3/4” (6 cm x 7 cm)...............................................950 369. GRANITE AMULETIC CAT WITH KITTENS, Late Period, ca. 715-342 BC. Granite pendant of the cat goddess Bastet, her front paws resting on two kittens. Mounted. Ex Royal-Athena Galleries, New York, 27 March 2003, purchased at a French auction with stated provenance as coming from an old French private collection. The Elizabeth Nutt Collection, New Hampshire. H. 1 5/8” (4 cm)......1000 370. GREEN FAIENCE BABOON HOLDING EYE OF HORUS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. Baboon amulets may have been offerings to shrines honoring Thoth, but could also have been placed with the deceased as a representative of the deity who recorded Osiris’ judgment. This baboon is depicted holding a wedjat eye, the eye stolen from Horus and healed by Thoth. H. 2 1/4” (5.7 cm)..................................1000 TERRACOTTA 371. GREEK TERRACOTTA ANTEFIX OF MEDUSA, ca. 5th Century BC. Molded with the face of Medusa, surrounded with a halo of writhing snakes. Minor loss at lower corner, otherwise intact. Exceptional quality and condition. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 107th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 513, March 1999. D. 6 1/4” (16 cm)....................1850 372. GREEK TERRACOTTA FEMALE FIGURE, Tanagra, ca. 3rd Century BC. The woman dressed in a chiton and himation. Arms, torso, and legs draped with thick folds of fabric. Ex Christie’s London, 8 July 1992, lot 95. H. 6” W. 3 7/8” (15.2 cm x 9.8 cm)............................................................................................................................800 CERAMICS 373. CYPRIOT BICHROME POTTERY AMPHORA, Iron Age II, ca. 750-600 BC. With painted bands of varied thickness and concentric circles on the body. Former Collection of Bruce Rhodes, Florida. Ex Griffin Gallery, Florida, 2012; Private Pennsylvania estate thereafter. H. 6 1/2” (16.5 cm). ..........................................1250 374. ETRUSCAN BUCCHERO WARE KYATHOS, ca. 6th Century BC. The deep cup with two incised lines around the rim, a moulded face where the high strap handle joins the rim, an elongated duck head on either side of the knob atop the handle. The foot has been reattached. H. 5” Dia. 4 1/8” (12.7 cm x 10.5 cm).............................950 375. CORINTHIAN ANGULAR ARYBALLOS, Etrusco-Corinthian, ca. 625-575 BC. The shape very similar to that of small lagynos. From a Pennsylvania estate. H. 3 1/4” (8.3 cm)..........................................................................................................1250 376. CORINTHIAN CERAMIC AMPHORISKOS, Middle Period, ca. 600-575 BC. An ibex, a panther, a boar and an owl, rosettes in the field, rays decorate the base, snakes and rosettes on the shoulder, zig zag pattern on the neck, detailed with incised lines, painted with brown slip and added red paint, intact. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 112th Buy or Bid Sale, 13 January 2000, lot 796. H. 3 3/4” (9.5 cm)...................3500 377. ATTIC RED-FIGURE LEKYTHOS, ca. 5th Century BC. Each satyr is carrying a loop of cord in added red, presumably for the capture of the maenad(s) they would typically be pursuing in a scene of this type. Restored from fragments. H. 9 5/8” (24.4 cm)..........................................................................................................................7500 378. APULIAN RED FIGURE PLATE WITH SATYR, ca. 330-320 BC. Attributed to the Linz painter, the satyr left facing with curly hair tied back. The scene framed by single red line with applied white floral-leaf pattern around. Ex Royal- Athena Galleries, New York, 1994. D. 6 3/4” (17.1 cm)....................................................3250 379. APULIAN RED FIGURE PLATE, PAINTER OF ZURICH, ca. 4th Century BC. With profile of a lady of fashion. Ex private British collection, acquired in 1981; Charles Ede, Greek Pottery of South Italy, 1981; Christie’s London, 29 April 2010, sale 5487, lot 233; Artemission, London February 2012. Dia. 7” (17.8 cm).........2250 380. DAUNIAN STRAINER VASE, ca. 550 BC. Distinctive shape with one high strap handle at the side, bird-like standing figure, and everted lip with strainer. Buff colored vessel with red and brown design. Ex Sotheby’s NY, 8 June 1984, lot 202. H. 4 5/8” (11.7 cm).................................................................................................................1650 381. MAGNA GRAECIA CAMPANIAN RED-FIGURE FISH PLATE, ca. 360320 BC. Wonderful color clarity and design. Two fish and a skate decorate the tondo

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