HJB's 213th Buy or Bid Sale

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”


The Closing Date is November 19, 2020

A TRUSTED INSTITUTION FOR OVER 50 YEARS. Harlan J. Berk Ltd. employs experts in all areas ranging from ancient, U.S. and world coins, paper money and antiquities. All our experts have, on average, over 15 years of experience, most much more.

HARLAN J. BERK, LTD FOR ALL YOUR BULLION NEEDS If you want to buy or sell gold, silver, platinum, or palladium in coin or bar form, we can handle any size transactions for you. Other than shipping there are no extra charges if you are outside the Chicago area. Our staff can guide you, if desired, to the least expensive ways to purchase bullion. If you wish, we can convert your numismatic holdings into bullion or vice versa. Please direct your calls to Robert Greenstein at 312-609-0016 or e-mail: bobg@hjbltd.com.

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”

Tel: (312) 609-0018

31 N. Clark Street • Chicago, Illinois 60602


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Fax: (312) 609-1309 Email: info@hjbltd.com Established 1964







Harlan J. Berk, Ancients • Aaron Berk, Ancients & Antiquities Curtis Clay, Roman • Phil Davis, Ancients • Justin Benton, Ancients • Jennifer Saban, Antiquities • Laura Wakeland, World Pablo Saban, IT Manager • Photos & Videos by Andrew Steiner & Carin Perez • Layout by Aaron Berk Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. has presented an innovation in antiquities and numismatics for some time now. The system is simple. When you want an antiquity or coin in the sale, just bid the estimated price by phone, fax, web site, email or post. We will send you the antiquity or coin immediately with no buyer’s fees and no waiting for the closing of the sale. Any and all antiquities or coins not sold before the closing date will be sent to the highest bidder after November 19, 2020. All items carry a guarantee of authenticity. EXAMPLE—You bid estimate on an item valued at $100.00 and if your bid is the 1st to reach us, you will receive the item immediately at $100. If on the other hand, you bid $75.00 on the same item and are still the high bidder at the end of the sale, the item will be mailed to you after the closing. If you are ever in the area, stop in to see us! Of course, it’s best to call first. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. reserves the right to refuse any bids.


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GOLD World’s First Gold Coin LYDIA, CROESUS; 561-546 BC, Heavy Prototype Stater, 10.72g. Berk-1; NGC Prototype Issue, VF, 4/5, 1/5. Obv: Foreparts of lion r. and bull l., face to face. Rx: Oblong punch. Clearly visible is diagnostic wart on lion’s head; top and back of head and neck clear showing mane hairs. Also present but less visible are the lion’s lower jaw and extended forepaw. Bull’s head clear and eye pupil visible. Although the obverse of this coin is heavily abraded, what defines it as Berk-1 is the very clear wart on the lion’s forehead. The back of the lion’s head and horn of bull are sharp; also well-defined is the lion’s jaw. When I discovered this type in 1990 it was unknown, although one example was unrecognized in an English museum. Thirty years later, less than 20 of these coins have come to light: they sell from $40,000 - $150,000. This is still one of the first 20 gold coins ever issued. Fair / VF....................................................................................... 3750 IONIA, PHOCAEA HEKTE; c. 521-478 BC, EL Hekte, 2.53g. Bodenstedt-Em. 31. Obv: Archaic female head l.; seal downward behind. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Ex CNG E377, 29 June 2016, lot 108. Beautiful archaic portrait. EF.............................. 1650 SICILY, SYRACUSE. AGATHOCLES; Electrum 25 litrae. c. 317-289 BC, 3.55g. Jenkins-O12, BM-257, de Luynes-1266. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo l., with long hair, lamp behind neck. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚ—ΟΣΙΩΝ Tripod-lebes. Ex Gemini V, 6 January 2009, lot 475. Ex Robert O. Ebert Collection. Obverse die rust, otherwise EF / Good EF........ 2500 JULIUS CAESAR; Died 44 BC. Rome, 46 BC, Aulus Hirtius, Aureus, 7.90g. Crawford-466/1, Sydenham-1017/18, Calicó-36. Obv: C CAESAR-COS TER Veiled female head (Vesta or Pietas). Rx: A HIRTIVS P R Sacrificial implements: lituus, capis, and securis. Formerly NGC XF, Strike 5/5, Surface 4/5. EF.................................... 11000 JULIUS CAESAR; Died 44 BC. Rome, Late 46-early 45 BC, L. Munatius Plancus, Aureus, 8.03g. Crawford-475/1a, Sydenham-1019/19a, Calicó-45. Obv: C CAES DIC TER Diademed, draped bust of Victory r. Rx: L PLANC PRAEF VRB Sacrificial pitcher. Formerly NGC Ch VF, Strike 4/5, Surface 3/5. VF................................................. 12750 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, Aureus, 7.68g. RIC-696 (C), BM-153, Paris-127, C-165 corr. (40 Fr.), Calicó-751. Obv: T CAESAR - IMP VESP Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - TR POT Fortuna standing l. on low wreathed base decorated with rams’ heads, holding rudder and cornucopia. Excellent, beautifully centered portrait. EF.18000 AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Rome, 137 AD, Aureus, 7.37g. BM-1003, pl. 67.10 = RIC-444, pl. XIV, 292 = RIC²-2713, pl. 48 (same dies); Calicó-1448 (same dies); bust var. of C-42 (200 Fr.). Obv: L AELIVS - CAESAR Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from front and side. Rx: PIE - TAS across field, TRIB - POT - COS - II around, Pietas standing r. dropping incense on altar and holding box. Ex Stack’s, 11 January 2013, lot 5362. Aelius is probably the handsomest man ever portrayed on a Roman coin. Struck in high relief. Mint State................................................................................................ 28500 GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, 260-8 AD (Sole Reign), Aureus, 2.97g. Göbl-671g (1 spec.); bust var. of RIC-24, C-37 (100 Fr.), and Calicó-3465. Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: AETERNITAS AVG Sol standing l., raising r. hand and holding globe in l. Sharply struck. Exquisite obverse on a broad flan. Reverse struck with fresh but shallow reverse die. Mint State.................................... 7500 Proof-like Aureus DIOCLETIAN; 284-305 AD, Cyzicus, 284-6 AD, Aureus, 4.62g. RIC-299 (R2),








Depeyrot-2.3 (p. 132, 28 spec.), C-283 (180 Fr.), Calicó-4524. Obv: IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: IOVI CONSERVA TORI ORBIS Jupiter standing l. holding Victory on globe and scepter. While these early coins of Diocletian frequently come in good condition they virtually never come with a mirror surface like this coin. Though aurei of Diocletian are not rare, a coin of this quality is virtually unknown. FDC........................................................................................ 12750 Hercules Fighting Hydra MAXIMIANUS; 286-305 AD, Trier, c. 294 AD, Aureus, RIC-10 (R3); Depeyrot-1C/2 (p. 43, 8 spec.), pl. 2 (same rev. die); Calicó-4659 (same dies); C-253 (300 Fr.). Obv: MAXIMI - ANVS P AVG Head laureate r. Rx: HERCVLI D - BELLAT around, PT in exergue, Hercules standing l., raising club to strike Hydra, which has coiled itself around his r. leg; with his l. hand, Hercules also holds one of the Hydra’s seven heads. Ex NAC 67, 17 Oct. 2012, Archer M. Huntington Collection, lot 220. From the collection of the Hispanic Society of America, formerly on loan to the American Numismatic Society. Eight years ago this coin was purchased for $65,000. Even though it is from the Huntington collection and was in the ANS on loan for nearly 100 years, we are now offering this beautiful coin at a lower price since markets can change. High relief. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 29500 VALENS; 364-378 AD, Trier, 375-8 AD, Solidus, 4.43g. RIC-39b (S); Depeyrot-45, p. 121, officina C=1 (26 spec.). Obv: D N VALENS - P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTOR - IA AVGG Two emperors enthroned facing, together holding globe, their l. legs bare; between their heads, the upper part of Victory facing with outstretched wings; between their legs, palm branch; in exergue TROBC. Near Mint State........................................................................................... 2000 JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Constantinople, Tremissis, 1.51g. Berk-40, MIB-5, Sear-58. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS PP AVI Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and cross on globe; star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Mint State................................... 450 JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Constantinople, Tremissis, 1.49g. Berk-40, MIB-5, Sear-58. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS PP AVI Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and cross on globe; star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Mint State................................... 350 JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Constantinople, Tremissis, 1.48g. Berk-40, MIB-5, Sear-58. Obv: [D] N IVSTI - NVS PP AV Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and cross on globe; star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Mint State................................... 285 22 Siliquae TIBERIUS II; 578-582 AD, Antioch, Light Solidus (22 Siliquae), 4.11g. DO-38, MIB-5, Sear-446. Obv: dM TIb CONS - TANT PP AVI Armored, helmeted, facing bust holding cross on globe and shield. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGG ΘS Cross potent on four steps, OB+* in exergue. Coins of this emperor are scarce in relation to others of this period. They rarely come as perfectly centered or with as brilliant a luster as this coin. FDC............................................................................................................................... 950 FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.48g. Berk-99, Sear618, MIB-7. Obv: O N FOCAS - PERP A[VI] Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORI - [A AV]GG Θ

















































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(officina 9) Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in exergue, CONOB. Mint State..............................................650 Without Pendilia FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-7 AD, Solidus, 4.37g. Berk-100, Sear619, MIB-8. Obv: O N FOCAS - PERP AVI Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing crown without pendilia and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICT[ORI] - A AVGG B (officina 2) Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by crosspiece and P, and cross on globe; in r. field, N; in exergue, CONOB. Mint State....................... 725 CONSTANTINE IV; 668-685 AD. Constantinople, c. 674-680/1 AD, Solidus, 4.32g. Berk-170, MIB-7a, Sear-1154. Obv: Cuirassed, helmeted bust of emperor facing, helmet with frontal plume only, holding spear over shoulder and shield; abbreviated legend. Rx: VICTO. ., followed by officina letter Θ, Cross potent between standing Heraclius and Tiberius, CoNoB in exergue. Areas of flat striking. Mint State................................................................................................................ 550 LEONTIUS; 695-698 AD. Constantinople, Tremissis, 1.33g. Berk-191, MIB-5, Sear-1333. Obv: D LEO - N PE AV Crowned bust facing holding cross on globe. Rx: VIC[TOR]IA AVSUS Cross potent, CONoB below. This denomination is much rarer than a solidus and generally comes to us rather battered and bent. This is an exceptional example. Mint State........................................................................... 1475 CONSTANTINE V; 641-775 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.45g. Berk-226, Sear1551. Obv: COnSTAnTInOS S LEOn O nEOS Crowned frontal busts of Constantine V with short beard (on l.) and his son Leo IV, beardless (on r.); centering point between their busts, cross in field above. Rx: G - LE - ON P A MUL Crowned frontal bust of Leo III (the emperor’s deceased father) with short beard, holding cross potent in r. hand. Mint State............................................................................................ 1500 LEO IV AND CONSTANTINE VI; 775-780 AD. Constantinople, c. 776-8 AD, Solidus, 4.40g. Berk-232, DO-1, S-1583. Obv: LEOn VS S ESSOn COnSTAnTInOS O nES Facing busts of Leo IV, with short beard on l. and Constantine VI, beardless on r., each wearing crown and chlamys; between their heads, pellet; in field above, cross. Rx: LEOn PAP’COnSTAnTInOS PATHR Θ Facing busts of Leo III on l. and Constantine V on r., both with short beards, each wearing crown and loros; between their heads, pellet; in field above, cross. Some areas of flat striking. Mint State.. 1300 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; 780-797 AD. Constantinople. Solidus, 4.41g. Berk-234, DO-1, Sear-1593. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine VI, beardless on l. and Irene on r., both crowned and with cross between their heads; Constantine wears chlamys and holds cross on globe in r. hand; his mother wears loros and holds cross on globe and cruciform scepter. Rx: Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. In the last few years, a substantial number of solidi of Irene have come onto the market, but this new supply has now mostly been absorbed and the type is beginning to return to its former rarity. This is a highly desirable variety with Irene and her emperor son on the obverse and the three previous generations of rulers on the reverse. Softly struck on emperor at left on reverse but with an exquisite obverse. Mint State.................................................................... 3250 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; 780-797 AD. Constantinople, c. 792-797 AD, Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-234, DO-2, Sear-1591. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine VI and Irene, both crowned, between their heads cross and centering pellet. Rx: Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. Some small areas of flat striking. Mint State................................................................... 3250 ROMANUS III; 1028-1034 AD. Constantinople, Stamenon Nomisma, 4.40g. Berk295, Sear-1819. Obv: +IhS XIS REX - REGNANTIhm Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus marked with cross and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand, book of Gospels; double border. Rx: ΘCE bOHΘ’ - RWmAhW around, MΘ in upper field, The Virgin, nimbate on r., stands facing and crowns Romanus, who stands facing beside Her, bearded, and holds cross on globe; double border. Mint State.......... 1000 GREEK SILVER Extremely Rare EAST ANGLIAN, UNINSCRIBED ‘EARLY FACE/HORSE TYPE’; 60-61 AD. Silver Unit, 1.26g. Hobbs-3555; VA-. Rudd, ABC-1552. Obv: Bearded head r., before pellet-triangle and c. four pellets. Rx: Horse r., below pellet in ring. Appears to be the third recorded and only the second with fully visible types. Only one example recorded in Hobbs from the Stonea Grange Excavations (1982-1984) and that piece is broken. Hobbs-3554 shows our same obverse type however with the horse facing in the opposite direction. Chris Rudd in his recently published Ancient British Coins shows a fully struck piece similar to ours, making ours the third recorded. VF.... 450 CELTIC BRITAIN, DUROTRIGES; c. 50 BC-AD 50. Stater, 3.13g. Van Arsdell-1235-1. Obv: Abstract head of Apollo r. Rx: Disjointed horse l. Based on Westerham type gold stater. EF.............................................................................. 110 DANUBIAN CELTS, IMITATING PHILIP II OF MACEDON; c. 3rd-2nd cent. BC, Sattelkopfpferd type, Tetradrachm, 8.69g. Göbl-300. Obv: Laureate, bearded head of Zeus r., die worn. Rx: Horse pacing l., with very stylized rider. EF.. ................................................................................................................................. 150 Eravisci CELTIC PANNONIA, THE ERAVISCI; Mid-late 1st cent. BC, Denarius, 3.36g. Obv: Stylized head of Jupiter r. Rx: Globe between scepter and rudder. Types of Cn. Lentulus, Crawford 393/1, 76-75 BC. Ex Money Museum, Zurich. Formerly NGC AU* 5/5, 5/5. This is a rather rare Celtic issue copied from a Roman Denarius. Beautifully toned. Mint State................................................................................... 750 CAMPANIA, PHISTELIA; 380-350 BC, Obol, 0.45g. BM-4. Obv: Facing head of man, without neck. Rx: Barley corn between mussel shell and dolphin. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Ex Berk 193, 30 April 2015, lot 53. Ex The Frederick S. Knobloch Collection, Stack’s, 10 June 1970, lot 33. VF........................................ 250 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 400-330 BC, Stater, 7.63g. Noe-413. Obv: Youthful female head of Hygieia or Persephone Hygieia r., wearing double fillet; below neck in tiny letters her name or epithet, HYΓIEIA. Rx: Ear of barley with leaf to l., T in l. field below the leaf, [M]E upwards in r. field. Formerly NGC 4283766003, VF, 4/5, 3/5. Beautiful style with pleasant toning. gVF.................................. 500 Exquisite LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; 330-280 BC, Nomos, 7.88g. Johnston, Metapontum-C8. Obv: Head of Demeter l., wearing necklace, triple-pendant earring and wreath of three barley ears and two pairs of leaves. Rx: META upward at l., barley ear, leaf to r. with 16-pointed star above; ΛΥ below ethnic. Though this type is quite common, this coin is unusually well preserved and sharply struck. Lustrous EF.2400 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; 450-440 BC, Stater, 7.68g. Fischer-Bossert 173 (dies



















V84/R122). Obv: Boy on dolphin r. extending both arms, shell below. Rx: Youth seated l. holding spindle and scepter. Ex Berk 115, 2 August 2000, lot 160. Fine.475 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Stater, 7.83g. Vlasto-673, HN Italy-960. Obv: Youth on horseback r. crowning horse; ΣA behind, ΦIΛI/APXOΣ in two lines below. Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras astride dolphin l., holding bunch of grapes, AΓA below. Choice EF.................................................................................................... 575 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Stater, 7.88g. Vlasto-688, HN Italy-965. Obv: Youth on horseback galloping l., holding small shield behind him, [ΦIΛOKΛHΣ] below. Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras astride dolphin l. over waves, holding Nike; ΛΥ below. Lustrous. Mint State............................................................................... 450 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 280 BC, Didrachm, 6.17g. Vlasto-721 (same dies). Obv: Naked horseman on prancing horse r., wielding spear and with round shield and two javelins in reserve behind him; EY in l. field, ΦINT below horse. Rx: Taras on dolphin l. holding Nike and trident, prow below, [T]APAΣ downwards above dolphin’s tail, [ΠO]ΛY in l. field. Toned. EF.......................................................... 425 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 272-235 BC, Stater, 6.52g. Vlasto-838. Obv: Naked boy rider crowning horse that is lifting its r. foreleg; ΛYKI/NOΣ under horse, ΣY in r. field. Rx: Taras astride dolphin l., brandishing trident in r. hand and holding out chlamys with extended l. arm; TA - PAΣ below, owl in r. field. aEF..................... 485 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Drachm, 3.29g. Vlasto-1053 (same dies). Obv: Head of Athena r. wearing crested helmet decorated with Skylla hurling stone. Rx: Owl with closed wings standing r. on olive spray, head facing, TAP upwards to l., IOP downwards to r. Formerly NGC Ch XF, 4/5, 4/5. EF............................. 375 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Drachm, 3.05g. Vlasto-1077, BM319. Obv: Head of Athena l. wearing crested helmet decorated with Scylla, [EY] beneath. Rx: Owl standing r. on thunderbolt, wings open, [TAPANTINΩN] above, ΔIO beneath, ΣΩΣ upwards in field r. aEF............................................................. 275 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 430-420 BC, Diobol, 0.78g. HN Italy-2133 var. (hare r.), SNG ANS-332 var. (hare r.). Obv: Tripod, annulets above and to either side. Rx: Hare leaping l. between two annulets. Rare; this exact variety apparently unpublished. VF............................................................................................................................ 275 BRUTTIUM, BRETTIAN LEAGUE; 215-205 BC, Drachm, 4.76g. Scheu-43. Obv: Bust of winged Nike r., club and crescent behind. Rx: BRETTIΩN Naked Dionysus standing facing, crowning himself and holding long torch; to r., coiled serpent and Σ. Toned. Mint State............................................................................. 750 SICILY, AKRAGAS; 472-420 BC, Litra, 0.54g. SNG ANS-989. Obv: Sea eagle standing l. on Ionic capital, holding snake in talons. Rx: Crab, ΛI below, all within shallow incuse circle. Good Fine / VF.................................................................... 300 Master of the Bay Leaf SICILY, KATANE, MASTER OF THE BAY LEAF; 415-410 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. Rizzo-pl. XII.6 (same dies), BM-24. Obv: Slow quadriga driven r. by male charioteer holding goad; above, Nike flying r. to crown horses. Rx: Laureate head of Apollo l., KA[TAN]AION before, bay leaf with berry behind. Reverse die by the Master of the Bay Leaf. Ex Gemini II, 10 January 2006, lot 23; ex Freeman & Dear, FPL 8, Fall 2003, no. 56. While researching other coins in our library and going through auctions from 1910-1940, I found only three examples of this coin. Recently a few have entered the market, but it is quite rare and highly desirable. Obverse struck with worn die. VF / gVF........................................................................................ 6450 SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 477-470 BC, Drachm, 4.12g. Boehringer-357 (same dies). Obv: Horseman riding r. Rx: Head of Arethusa r. wearing pearl diadem, ΣVPAKOΣIO - N around, all in incuse circle. Ex Gorny & Mosch 265, 14 October 2019, lot 113 and Gorny & Mosch 219, 10 March 2014, lot 56; ex Peus 392, 2007, lot 4185 and Peus 386, 2006, lot 91. Unusually nice for this small-sized issue. EF........................... 3250 Kimon SICILY, SYRACUSE BY KIMON; c. 407 BC, Decadrachm, 41.00g. Jongkees-14 (only 4 recorded in 1941). Obv: Charioteer driving fast quadriga l., holding goad in r. hand, reins in l.; above, Nike flying r., crowning charioteer; in exergue panoply of armor consisting of cuirass flanked by greaves, with shield on l. and crested helmet on r.; beneath, AΘΛA. Rx: Head of Arethusa l. wearing hairband, earrings, and pearl necklace; four dolphins around her, ΣΥPΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ above. The decadrachms of Kimon are some of the most sought after of all Greek coins. While this coin is unsigned, only four were recorded by Jongkees in 1941. The head of Arethusa is perfectly centered with all four dolphins around her, representing the island origin of Syracuse before it was moved to the mainland. Flawless centering on obverse as well. Slight porosity. This coin is highly desirable for any collector of Greek coins. EF...... ............................................................................................................................. 44500 SICILY, SICULO-PUNIC; c. 300-289 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.73g. Jenkins-349 (O112/R283). Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Horse’s head l., palm tree behind, caduceus before, Punic legend mhsbm (‘financial controllers”) below. Formerly NGC Ch XF+, 5/5, 5/5. EF....................................................... 2375 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; Amphipolis, c. 320-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.24g. Price-449. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, Λ above torch; monogram below throne. Exquisite artistic tetradrachm. Mint State....................................................................................................................... 1650 Damascus Mint MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Damascus, Lifetime, c. 330-320 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.87g. Price-3203 var. Obv: Head of Heracles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: [AΛ]EΞANΔPOY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, in l. field forepart of ram r., under throne two dotted struts joined by line and letters ΔA. A minor variant of Price-3203, which shows a pellet between the two struts of the throne, rather than a line joining the struts as on our coin. EF.... 900 Ake Mint State MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Ake, 320/19 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.93g. Price-3271. Obv: Head of young Herakles r. wearing lionskin. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, date in l. field. While the coins of Ake are not as rare as they were, a mint state example is seldom available. Mint State.............................................................................................................. 1650 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Ake, Lifetime, c. 330-327 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.80g. Price-3244. Obv: Head of Heracles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞAN[ΔPOY] Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, O under throne. VF................................................................................................. 600 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Babylon, c. 317-



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311 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.07g. Price-3704. Obv: Head of Heracles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPOY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, H under throne, MP monogram within wreath in right field. This coin was probably struck from the treasure Alexander got in Babylon after defeating the Persians. A wonderful artist created the obverse die of this coin which is exquisite and in extremely high relief. Choice EF.................................................................................................... 1500 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. “Babylon”, c. 317-311 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.99g. Price-3713. Obv: Head of Heracles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡo[Υ] to r., BAΣIΛEΩ[Σ] in exergue, Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; MTP monogram in wreath in l. field, ΚΛ below throne. EF / aEF.................................................................................................... 1250 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Aspendus, Year 18=195/4 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Price-2897. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field, AΣ above date IH. Formerly NGC Ch XF, 5/5, 4/5. EF..... 600 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. c. 328-323 BC, Lifetime, Drachm, 4.32g. Price-1356. Obv: Bust of Heracles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPOY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, in l. field Demeter facing holding two torches, o attached to Δ under throne. Formerly NGC MS, 4/5, 4/5. Mint State................................................................................................. 525 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 AD. Lampsacus, c. 310-301 BC, Drachm, 3.72g. Price-1385. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPO[Y] Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; Pegasus forepart in l. field, AI under throne. From the Philip Ashton Collection, seller and date of purchase not recorded. aVF................................................................................ 185 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Abydus, c. 310301 BC, Drachm, 4.22g. Price-1540 var. Obv: Head of Heracles r. wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: [A]ΛEΞANΔPoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, in l. field MT monogram and prow l., under throne caduceus. Perhaps an unpublished variety; Price-1540 is similar but with prow facing right not left before Jupiter’s legs. aVF / Fine.......................................................................................................................... 225 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Miletus, c. 325-323 BC, Lifetime, Drachm, 4.28g. Price-2090. Obv: Bust of Heracles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, HΔ monogram in l. field. Formerly NGC AU, 5/5, 4/5, ACM Collection. Mint State.465 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Miletus, c. 325-323 BC, Lifetime, Drachm, 4.30g. Price-2090. Obv: Bust of Heracles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, HΔ monogram in l. field. Formerly NGC AU, 4/5, 5/5, ACM Collection. EF............. 425 Three-Quarter Seated Zeus MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Sardes, c. 323-319 BC, Drachm, 4.31g. Price-2595. Obv: Bust of Heracles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: [AΛE]ΞANΔPoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, EY monogram and bee in l. field. Formerly NGC Ch AU, 4/5, 4/5, AMC Collection. This is a scarce variant showing Zeus seated with his left leg turned to face the viewer. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 525 MACEDONIA, PHILIP III; 323-317 BC, Lampsachus, Drachm, 4.29g. Price-16. Obv: Bust of Hercules r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: ΦIΛIΠΠoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field buckle above crescent over A. EF................ 285 Philip V MACEDONIA, PHILIP V, 221-179 BC; Didrachm, 8.35g. Mamroth-25, SNG Ashmolean-3269 var. (symbol). Obv: Diademed head of king r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Club in oak wreath; in field above and below, three monograms; star in outer l. field. Formerly NGC CH XF, 5/5, 4/5. Exquisite high-relief portrait of this last Macedonian king. Choice EF................................................................................ 4500 MACEDONIA UNDER ROMANS, FIRST REPUBLIC; 167-150 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.61g. AMNG-160 (16 spec.), Sear-1386 var. Obv: Macedonian shield; in center, bust of Artemis r. with bow and quiver at her shoulder. Rx: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΗΣ above and below horizontal club with handle to l.; AYP monogram in upper field; all within oak wreath, to l. of which, thunderbolt. Obverse struck with worn die. Toned EF.................................................................................................................. 500 MACEDONIA UNDER ROMANS, FIRST REPUBLIC; 167-150 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.72g. AMNG-176 (54 specimens), Sear-1386 var. Obv: Macedonian shield; in center, bust of Artemis r. with bow and quiver at her shoulder. Rx: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΗΣ above and below horizontal club with handle to l.; monogram in upper field, two monograms in lower field; all within oak wreath, to l. of which, thunderbolt. aEF.......................................................................................... 600 MACEDONIA UNDER ROMANS, FIRST REPUBLIC; 167-150 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.82g. AMNG-176 (54 spec.), Sear-1386 var. Obv: Macedonian shield; in center, bust of Artemis r. with bow and quiver at her shoulder. Rx: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΗΣ above and below horizontal club with handle to l.; one monogram in upper field and two in lower field; all within oak wreath, to l. of which, thunderbolt. VF 450 THRACE, CHERRONESOS; 400-350 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.24g. Weber-2435, BM-19. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, A above pellet and scallop shell in recessed quadrants. EF....................................... 200 THRACE, THASOS; After 146 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.97g. SNG Cop-1038, BM-72. Obv: Head of young Dionysus r., wreathed with ivy. Rx: HPAKΛEOYΣ / ΣΩTHPOΣ / ΘAΣIΩN Herakles, naked, standing l., holding club downwards, lion’s skin over l. arm; M in field to l. Formerly NGC Ch XF, 5/5, 4/5. This coin and the next lot are exceptional Hellenistic tetradrachms of the type which was later extensively imitated by the Danubian Celts of the interior. aEF.............................................................. 450 THRACE, THASOS; Obv: Head of young Dionysus r., wreathed with ivy. Rx: HPAKΛEOYΣ / ΣΩTHPOΣ / ΘAΣIΩN Herakles, naked, standing l., holding club downwards, lion’s skin over l. arm; M in field to l . EF.......................................... 450 DANUBIAN DISTRICT, ISTRUS; 4th cent. BC, Drachm, 4.34g. SNG BM-253. Obv: Facing male heads, l. head inverted. Rx: Sea-eagle standing l. with dolphin in talons, monogram below. Formerly NGC CH AU, 4/5, 4/5. Mint State................ 500 DANUBIAN DISTRICT, ISTRUS; 4th cent. BC, Drachm, 5.63g. SNG BM-244. Obv: Facing male heads, l. head inverted Rx: Sea-eagle standing l. with dolphin in talons, monogram below. VF.................................................................................. 300 DANUBIAN DISTRICT, ISTRUS; 4th cent. BC, 1/4 Drachm, 1.13g. SNG BM-234. Obv: Two facing male heads, r. head inverted. Rx: Sea-eagle standing l. on dolphin l., which it attacks with its beak; below dolphin, K. Scarce fractional






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denomination. EF.................................................................................................... 145 DANUBIAN DISTRICT, APOLLONIA PONTICA; Later 5th-4th cent. BC, Drachm, 2.64g. SNG BM-153, Sear-1655. Obv: Anchor upright with flukes at top; below flukes, crayfish on l. and A on r. Rx: Facing head of Medusa with tongue protruding and snakes as hair. gVF........................................................................ 170 THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 323-281 BC; Lampsacus, c. 297-281 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.05g. Thompson-50. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander III r. with horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAXoY Athena seated l., herm in outer l. field, monogram in inner l. field. Formerly NGC XF, 5/5, 3/5. Exquisite high relief portrait of deified Alexander. EF / VF................................................................................................ 3500 THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 323-281 BC; Uncertain mint, perhaps Alexandria Troas, c. 297-281 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.06g. Thompson-, Müller-316. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander III with horn of Ammon r. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΛYΣIMAX[oY] Athena seated l., monogram in inner l. field, ΘΕ in exergue. Formerly NGC XF, 5/5, 3/5. Sensitive portrait of deified Alexander. EF..................................................... 2500 THRACE, LYSIMACHUS; 323-281 BC. Posthumous, 90-81 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.35g. De Callatay-G P.3, S124. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great r., wearing horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXO[Y] Athena enthroned l., resting l. arm on shield and holding Nike who crowns king’s name; ΠYP monogram in inner l. field, BY on throne, trident in exergue. Extremely entertaining posthumous issue of Lysimachus. This die is rarely found and very distinctive. gVF................ 400 Exceptional THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 323-281 BC; Ephesus, c. 294-287 BC, Drachm, 4.29g. Thompson-171. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander III with horn of Ammon r. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩ[Σ] / ΛYΣIMAXo[Y] Athena seated l. holding Nike who crowns king’s name, resting l. arm on shield with lion-s head boss, top and bottom of transverse spear visible behind her, bow and quiver in inner l. field. Ex CNG 58, 19 September 2001, lot 375. Formerly NGC AU, 5/5, 4/5. Rarely do we find a drachm as utterly beautiful as this. High-relief for issue. Beautifully toned. Mint State................... 1750 THESSALY, THESSALIAN LEAGUE; 196-146 BC, Double Victoriatus, 6.48g. Grose-4805. Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Athena advancing r., magistrates’ names above and below. Mint State............................................................................................ 300 BOEOTIA, MYCALESSUS; 400-375 BC, Obol, 0.70g. BCD-179. Obv: Shield. Rx: Vertical thunderbolt between M and Y. Ex Berk 183, 28 March 2013, lot 112. EF / VF.................................................................................................................... 250 So Called Civic Mint Tetradrachm in High Relief ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 520-500 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.28g. Seltman-296 (A194/ P242); Svoronos-pl. 6, 7. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; AΘE upwards on l., two olive leaves with olive at lower r., all in incuse square. From the same obverse die as Babelon pl. XXXV, 1. This is one of the earliest issues of Athens showing Athena and her owl. The civic mint was named by Seltman in 1918 when he wrote his definitive book because he thought the Athenians could never issue coins this beautiful and they must have been struck as prizes. In fact, this was a short experimental issue that helped the Athenians determine the standard type they would use for about 150 years. Of all designs, less than 100 of these coins exist with almost all of them coming from two finds. Obverse struck in ultra-high relief. aEF / EF.60000 So-Called Civic Mint Issue ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 515-510 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.85g. Seltman-328, AsyutGroup III. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, olive twig with two leaves before, ΑΘΕ in l. field. Seltman’s “Civic Mint” issue, though misnamed by him and dated too late, contained some very interesting coins, including the earliest to bear the famous Athena/owl types at Athens in our opinion. According to Seltman, the tetradrachms of this group were “superior in technique and style” and “the finest medallic coins ever produced in Athens”; Athena’s features and helmet on the obverse were “carefully and effectively treated”, while the owls on the reverse were “of special merit”, “reminiscent of the style of the vase-painters of the period”. This class, in our view, was a trial or experimental group like the earliest Croesus coins. The present coin in particular supports that idea, for its reverse type, struck in extremely high relief, places the olive branch at the lower right of the design rather than the upper left as usual, forcing the ethnic to be placed to the left rather that the right of the owl. This variant type occurs only on this one reverse die, otherwise known only from a coin in Berlin published by Seltman and Svoronos, which was struck from a similar but not the same obverse die. Ex Berk 197, 27 April 2016, lot 88. Ex Heinz Kowalski collection, Brussels, 1970s. A coin from the same collection in the recent Triton XXIII sale (lot 252) had some corrosion and flat striking and showed the olive leaf on the reverse in the standard position, yet it brought, with commission, $90,000. EF......................................................................................................... 60000 Starr Group I First with Crescent Moon ATTICA, ATHENS; 475-470 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.06g. Starr-Group 1. Obv: Archaic head of helmeted Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, AΘE to r., to l. crescent and drooping olive branch with two leaves and two olives. Starr Group I (same obverse die as no. 10). Ex Gemini XI, 12 January 2014, lot 122. Coming from Starr’s Group I, the very rare first group of Athenian tetradrachms that show the crescent moon on the reverse, possibly commemorating the victory of the Battle at Marathon. These are normally poorly struck. This coin is very sharp and in good metal. Starr only located twelve examples of this issue, and probably less than three new ones have appeared since his book was printed in 1970. These coins, having the crescent moon, were the first issue after the massive group of coins that were struck to pay for the Persian war. It does have the drooping leaves and olive of the late Persian war coins, but as mentioned, it is the first coin with the crescent moon. Further evidence of coins coming into the market has shown that Starr Group 1 is a good deal earlier than Starr Groups 2-5 since it seems, rather than being issued over a period of 30 years, groups 2-5 were probably issued towards the end of the Starr Group period of 449 for only about two years, with Starr Group 1 being much earlier and thus more important. EF....................................................................................................... 21000 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.22g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field, all within incuse square. Mint State................................ 1650 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.22g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field, all within incuse square. Extremely beautiful image of Athena with a large part of the crest of the helmet visible. Mint State............................ 1550 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.22g. Obv: Helmeted head of
























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Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field, all within incuse square. Somewhat sweet image of Athena struck in high relief. Mint State............................................................................. 1850 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.28g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field, all within incuse square. Mint State................................ 1350 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.19g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; olive sprig and crescent behind, AΘΕ downwards before. Nose slightly off flan. Mint State............................................. 800 ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 425 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field. Toned EF......................................................................... 1100 Symbol Cicada: c. 185/180-145 BC ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Two Monograms/Cicada; c.185/180-145 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.56g. Thompson-65, reverse die not illustrated. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and monograms l. and r., cicada in lower l. field; all within olive wreath. Purchased from Aeternitas, January 2015. EF.................................................................................................................. 950 ATTICA, ATHENS; Magistrates Herakleides & Eukles/ Winged Tyche with amphora, 107/6 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. Thompson-756d = Svoronos pl. 64.19 (same dies). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; Λ on amphora, ME below; all within olive wreath. Obverse softly struck. EF... ................................................................................................................................. 775 Symbol Hermes Standing: 94/3 BC ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Magistrates Nikogenes & Kallimaxos/ Hermes, 94/3 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.87g. Thompson-1039. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ names across field, in r. field Hermes standing r. holding caduceus; third magistrate ΑΠ, Γ on amphora, EP below; all within olive wreath. Some areas of flat striking and doublestriking on reverse. VF.................................................................................. 950 Sulla Occupation, Without Symbol: 86-84 BC ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Roman occupation under Sulla, 86-84 BC, first issue with A on amphora. Tetradrachm, 16.56g. Thompson-Sulla I (1273-1312). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; A on amphora, monograms to either side; all within olive wreath. Fine / VG.............. 1150 Symbol Club, Lionskin, Bow in Case: 136/5 BC ATTICA, ATHENS, NEW STYLE; Magistrates Hera- & Aristoph-/Club, Lion’s Skin, Bow in Case, 136/5 BC, Drachm, 4.02g. Thompson-341b; Svoronos-pl. 45, 13. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ names across field, in l. field club, lionskin, and bow in case; third magistrate ΠΟΛΥ, [A] on amphora; all within olive wreath. Purchased in February 2015. Fine............................................................................................................... 550 ATTICA, AEGINA; c. 490-458 BC, Stater, 12.22g. Asyut-Group VII, 541. Obv: Sea turtle. Rx: Small skew pattern. Fine............................................................... 375 ACARNANIA, ANACTORIUM; 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.53g. Calciati-19. Obv: Pegasus flying l. with straight wings, AN monogram below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, tripod. VF.................................................................................. 400 CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.40g. Calciati-418/1. Obv: Pegasus flying l. with straight wings, koppa below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., with Γ below her chin and thyrsus bound with fillets emerging behind her helmet. Slight porosity on obverse around wing. EF........................................................... 350 CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 350-330 BC, Stater, 8.46g. Calciati-460. Obv: Pegasus flying l. with straight wings, koppa below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; behind, I and Hermes standing facing holding caduceus and cornucopia. Slight porosity below Pegasus. EF.............................................................................................................. 225 ACARNANIA, ANACTORIUM; 345-330 BC, Stater, 8.40g. Calciati-26. Obv: Pegasus r., below monogram AN. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena r.; behind neck, monogram AN and tripod. gVF.............................................................................. 350 ACARNANIA, THYRRHEIUM; 320-280 BC, Stater, 8.52g. Calciati-10. Obv: Pegasus flying l., Θ below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., Θ before neck, Y and earring with pendants behind head. VF / EF.......................................................... 500 PELOPONNESUS, SICYON; c. late 330s BC, Stater, 11.95g. BCD-218, BM-57. Obv: Chimaera stepping l., ΣΕ below, wreath above. Rx: Dove flying l., N before, all within olive wreath tied on the right. This issue should probably be connected with Alexander the Great’s appeal for mercenaries from the Peloponnese in 334 BC, according to Alan Walker’s note in the Leu BCD Peloponnesos catalogue. EF / VF.. ................................................................................................................................. 725 PELOPONNESUS, SICYON; c. 330/320-280 BC, Triobol, 2.66g. BCD-293.3, BM-123 var. Obv: Chimera stepping l., ΣI below. Rx: Dove flying l., two pellets behind. gVF............................................................................................................ 125 PONTIC, MITHRADATES VI; 83-82 BC Second Mithradatic War, Odessa, Tetradrachm, 16.08g. Obv: Portrait of Mithradates as Alexander III as Hercules. Rx: Zeus seated. This coin bears an exceptional portrait of Mithradates which he struck just before the second Mithradaic war, but before they could be put into circulation. Small obverse flan crack in front of nose of Mithradates. Toned EF...................... 700 PONTIC, MITHRADATES VI; 83-82 BC Second Mithradatic War, Odessa, Tetradrachm, 16.30g. Price-. Obv: Portrait of Mithradates as Alexander III as Hercules. Rx: Zeus seated. Extremely realistic portrait of Mithradates, as unbeautiful as he is. Some areas of flat striking. EF................................................................... 650 BITHYNIA, APAMEIA; 150-140 BC, Cistophorus, 12.61g. Kleiner-Series 23. Obv: Cista mystica with half-open lid, from which a serpent emerges to l., all within ivy wreath. Rx: Two coiled serpents with tails entwined and heads erect, on either side of an ornamented bow-case; to l., monogram AΠ (ethnic); to r., elephant head r. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 475 TROAS, TENEDOS; c. 450-387 BC, Drachm, 3.36g. BM-16, SNG Cop-515. Obv: Janiform head; female head to l. bearded laureate male head to r. Rx: Double ax; bunch of grapes and ZO on l., thymiaterion on r. Excellent style. Some encrustation on obverse and reverse. EF...................................................................................... 450 PERGAMUM, ATTALUS I; 241-197 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.82g. Westermark-V. XCVII. Obv: Head of Philetaerus r., wearing laurel wreath entwined with diadem. Rx: ΦIΛETAIPOY downwards on l., Athena wearing crested helmet seated l. on throne, extending her r. arm to crown the king’s name with a laurel wreath; her l. elbow rests on shield ornamented with gorgoneion, and a spear emerges transversely behind

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her helmet and below her r. knee; EYMO monogram below her r. arm, [cornucopia] in outer l. field, and bow in r. field. Excellent portrait of Philetaerus who was the treasurer of Seleucus I and a eunuch. VF................................................................ 575 MYSIA, LAMPSACUS; 4th cent. BC, Tetrobol, 2.28g. cf. SNG Paris-1175-81. Obv: Female janiform head. Rx: Head of Athena r., pellet(?) under chin. aVF..... 250 MYSIA, PARIUM; 4th cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 2.38g. BM-38-9. Obv: Gorgoneion. Rx: Bull standing l., looking back; [Π]Α above, PI and wreath between legs. EF.250 CARIA, RHODES; c. 304-275 BC, Didrachm, 6.68g. SNG Cop-728, SNG Aul2790, SNG Keckman-452. Obv: Head of Helios facing, slightly r. Rx: Rose; in field l., vine tendril with grapes and E. aVF....................................................................... 350 CARIA, RHODES; c. 250-200 BC, Didrachm, 6.89g. SNG Keckman-537. Obv: Head of Helios facing, 3/4 r. Rx: Rose; Athena standing in l. field; above, magistrate’s name. Mint State..................................................................................................... 950 CARIA, RHODES; c. 250-200 BC, Didrachm, 6.82g. SNG Keckman-546. Obv: Head of Helios facing, 3/4 r. Rx: Rose; aphlaston in l. field; above, magistrate’s name. Mint State................................................................................................................ 600 PSEUDO-RHODIAN; c. 175-170 BC, Drachm, 2.89g. SNG Keckman-793; Price, KME-pp. 241-2. Obv: Head of Helios three-quarter facing r.; Rx: ΕΡΜΙΑΣ above, Rose, Ι Ω around stalk; bud r. This coin is part of a small issue that is extremely relevant to Greek culture. It was issued to pay Rhodian soldiers fighting for a Macedonian king. They would not have fought for him if the coins were of the type used in Rhodes. While these soldiers were good fighters, they were illiterate and could only understand this image of Rhodes. Beautiful blue-green iridescent toning. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 900 CARIA, RHODES; 88-43 BC, Trihemidrachm, 4.21g. BM-335, Grose-8620. Obv: Radiate head of Helios three-quarters r. Rx: Rose viewed from above, letters P - O to either side; no magistrate’s name. Mint State......................................................... 575 LYDIA, CROESUS SIGLOS; 565-546 BC, Siglos, 5.23g. Berk-21. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Oblong punch divided into two squares. gVF......................................................................................................... 1150 LYCIA, PERICLES; c. 410-390/80 BC, 1/3 Stater, 2.48g. SNG Aulock-4255. Obv: Facing lion’s scalp. Rx: Triskeles within incuse circle; Lycian inscription around. aEF........................................................................................................................... 300 PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; c. 465-430 BC, Stater, 10.94g. Cf. SNG Aulock-4480. Obv: Naked warrior advancing r. holding [sword] and shield. Rx: Triskeles of human legs, [E]ΣTF above, branch below, all within incuse square. This issue is extremely rare and is struck on a very globular flan, thus it is very rare to get a nearly complete warrior along with a virtually complete triskeles. EF............................................. 750 PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; 400-300 BC, Stater, 10.80g. Cf. SNG Aulock-4553. Obv: BΛ between wrestlers. Rx: Club before slinger r. Mint State....................... 775 PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; 400-300 BC, Stater, 10.43g. SNG Aulock-4573. Obv: Monogram between wrestlers. Rx: Triskeles and club before slinger r. Struck on an extremely broad flan. Toned Mint State.................................................................. 650 PAMPHYLIA, SIDE; c. 183-175 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.85g. SNG Paris-699. Obv: Head of Athena r. in Corinthian helmet. Rx: Nike walking l., holding wreath; pomegranate in l. field, ΚΛΕ - ΥΧ across lower field. EF..................................... 325 CILICIA, CELENDERIS; c. 430-420 BC, Stater, 10.76g. Kraay-NC 1962, pl. I.9 (same dies); cf. BM-9. Obv: Naked youth riding sideways on horse to l.; below horse, Π. Rx: Goat kneeling l., head turned back, ΚΕΛE above. Although this coin is struck on a globular flan, the image of the goat is virtually complete and very sharp. On the obverse the top of the rider and horse are not struck, but you can see the most important part of this type: the rider after riding the horse for the first half of the race can be seen jumping off the horse to finish the race on foot. Mint State................. 500 CITIUM, AZBAAL; 449-425 BC, Stater, 10.89g. BM-15. Obv: Naked Herakles, wearing lionskin, advancing r., brandishing club and holding bow. Rx: Stag kneeling r., attacked by lion r. on its back; above, king’s name in Aramaic letters; all in dotted square within incuse square. This coin is usually found very poorly centered. While this specimen is struck on an elongated flan, remarkably the types on both sides are near complete. gVF.................................................................................................. 450 IONIA, EPHESUS; Cistophorus, 12.59g. BM-144. Obv: Cista mystica with halfopen lid, from which a serpent emerges to l., all within ivy wreath. Rx: Two coiled serpents with tails entwined and heads erect, on either side of an ornamented bowcase; to l., ethnic EΦE; to r., B and head of Artemis Ephesia wearing lofty headdress. gVF.......................................................................................................................... 300 IONIA, EPHESUS; Year 66 = 69/68 BC, Cistophorus, 12.48g. BM-171. Obv: Cista mystica with half-open lid, from which a serpent emerges to l., all within ivy wreath. Rx: Two coiled serpents with tails entwined and heads erect, on either side of an ornamented bow-case; to l., date ΞC and ethnic EΦE; above, wheat ear between two cornucopias; to r., lighted torch upright. Toned with some orange iridescence. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 500 MYSIA, PERGAMUM; Roman Rule, c. 133-67 BC, Cistophorus, 12.65g. Cf. BM109 (with additional ΠPY monogram that is lacking on our coin). Obv: Cista mystica with half-open lid, from which a serpent emerges to l., all within ivy wreath. Rx: Two coiled serpents with tails entwined and heads erect, on either side of an ornamented bow-case; to l., monogram ΠEP (ethnic); above, EY; to r., staff entwined by serpent. Mint State................................................................................................................ 500 MYSIA, PERGAMUM; Roman Rule, c. 133-67 BC, Cistophorus, 12.37g. BM-108. Obv: Cista mystica with half-open lid, from which a serpent emerges to l., all within ivy wreath. Rx: Two coiled serpents with tails entwined and heads erect, on either side of an ornamented bow-case; to l., monogram ΠEP (ethnic); above, ΔI; to r., staff entwined by serpent. VF......................................................................................... 275 MYSIA, PERGAMUM; Roman Rule, c. 133-67 BC, Cistophorus, 12.71g. Not in Kleiner or BMC; another similar spec. in CNG 63, 21 May 2003, lot 429. Obv: Cista mystica with half-open lid, from which a serpent emerges to l., all within ivy wreath. Rx: Two coiled serpents with tails entwined and heads erect, on either side of an ornamented bow-case; to l., monogram ΠEP (ethnic); above, NI; to r., staff entwined by serpent. EF......................................................................................................... 375 MYSIA, PERGAMUM; Roman Rule, c. 133-67, Cistophorus, 12.69g. BM-106. Obv: Cista mystica with half-open lid, from which a serpent emerges to l., all within ivy wreath. Rx: Two coiled serpents with tails entwined and heads erect, on either side of an ornamented bow-case; to l., monogram ΠEP (ethnic); to r., staff entwined by serpent. Mint State.................................................................................................. 475 SELEUCID, ANTIOCHUS I SOTER; 281-261 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris,

























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129. 130. 131.






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Tetradrachm, 16.96g. SC-379.6. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow, dotted border, control marks on l. and r. side. VF / Fine............................................................................................... 365 Rare Drachm SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS I, 281-261 BC; Seleucia on the Tigris, Drachm, 4.35g. SC380.2 var. (position of monogram). Obv: Diademed head of king r. Rx: Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow, control in outer l. field. The tetradrachms of this king are common; the drachms are very rare and almost never come in mint state. Some iridescence in the toning. Mint State....................................................................... 485 SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II; 261-246 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 17.02g. SC-587.1. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow, control marks in outer l. and r. fields. aVF................. 365 Drachm SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II, 261-246 BC; Magnesia on the Meander, Drachm, 4.25g. SC-541.1. Obv: Diademed head r. Rx: Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding bow, control in outer l. field. Like the previous drachm, these coins are much rarer than the tetradrachms. Wonderful artistic ability was used to create this miniature portrait. EF 650 SELEUCUS II, 246-226 BC; Perhaps Magnesia on the Meander, Drachm, 4.26g. SC-669.2. Obv: Head of king r. Rx: Apollo standing l., monograms inner l. and outer r. Obverse softly struck. Mint State......................................................................... 500 SYRIA, SELEUCUS II, 246-226 BC; Perhaps Magnesia on the Meander, Drachm, 4.19g. SC-669.1. Obv: Head of king r. Rx: Apollo standing l., monograms inner l. and outer r. Near Mint State.......................................................................................... 600 SYRIA, SELEUCUS III; 226-223 BC, Antioch on the Orontes, Tetradrachm, 16.98g. SC-921.1. Obv: Diademed head of Seleucus III r., with long sideburn; dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ on l., Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow. Control marks in outer l. and r. fields. VF........................................................................... 425 SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III, 223-187 BC; ΔΕΛ Mint, associated with Antioch, Tetradrachm, 16.71g. SC-1063, Newell-WSM, 1186. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow with grip marked by row of pellets; control monogram ΔΕΛ in outer l. field. Ex Berk 196, 18 January 2016, lot 126. VF.................................................................................. 385 SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III; Rose mint, from c. 213 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.85g. SC-1121.2b. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r., diadem ends falling straight behind, dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤI - ΟΧΟΥ on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; rose in outer l. field, monogram in outer r. field. From Newell’s obverse die A3, illustrated ESM pl. XXX.3 and 5 and SC pl. 57, 1121.2c. EF........................................................................... 425 Panhellenic Festival Tetradrachm ANTIOCHUS IV EPIPHANES; c. 166-165 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.79g. SC-1401 (only 10 recorded), Newell-SMA 64. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Sculpture of Apollo Citharoedus created by the artist Bryaxis wearing a long peplos, advancing r. playing lyre and holding patera; BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY ΘEOY to r., EΠIΦANOYΣ NIKHΦOPOY to l. This wonderful coin was one of the two commemorative coins struck for the Panhellenic festival that Antiochus IV created to compete with the festival the Romans were carrying on. The festival lasted about 30 days and had many parades, dinners, and athletic events. This coin depicts a real statue of Apollo that was shown at the games. This coin with head of Apollo on obverse is considerably rarer than its companion piece showing head of Zeus, so may be considered one of the most desirable coins issued by the Seleucid kings. All but one of the known specimens are of the same grade with the same toning, suggesting that they all derive from a single find dispersed before 1980. We have offered this coin more than once, but it seems that its importance has not been recognized. We still have great confidence in it. Toned Bold VF............................................................................................................... 14500 SYRIA, ALEXANDER I, 152-145 BC; 149-47 BC, Drachm, 4.14g. SC-1785.6a. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΛΕΧΑΝΔΡΟΥ in two lines on r., ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ / ΕΥΕΡΠΕΤΟΥ in two lines on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded bow; monograms in outer l. field. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 250 SYRIA, DEMETRIUS II; Drachm, 4.04g. SC-1926 var, Hoover, AJN 12, 4 var. Obv: Diademed head of Demetrius r., dotted border. Rx: Vertical anchor, flukes upward, PO to l. of anchor. Previously unrecorded. This variety, with PO below the crossbar of the anchor rather than above it, seems not to have been noticed before. VF............................................................................................................................ 550 SYRIA, DEMETRIUS II; 145-138 BC, Drachm, Seleuceia Pieria, 4.06g. SC1927.2. Obv: Diademed head of Demetrius r., dotted border. Rx: Vertical anchor, flukes upward, monogram to l. of anchor. VF........................................................ 400 DEMETRIUS II, SECOND REIGN 129-125 BC; Tetradrachm, 16.65g. SC2166.2b. Obv: Diademed, bearded head r., fillet border. Rx: Zeus seated l. on throne, holding Nike facing l. and scepter; Ξ in l. field, MAY monogram under throne. aEF. ........................................................................................................................... 550 SYRIA, CLEOPATRA THEA AND ANTIOCHUS VIII; Damascus, Year 192 = 121/0 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.79g. SC-2267.2b. Obv: Jugate heads of Cleopatra and Antiochus r.; fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛIΣΣ[ΗΣ] / ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑ[Σ] / ΘΕΑΣ (on l.) and ΚΑΙ / ΒΑΣ - ΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΝΤ - ΙΟΧΟΥ (on r.), Zeus seated l. holding Nike and scepter; date B9P in exergue, control marks in outer l. field and under throne. SC-2267.2b calls for the letters AN under throne, but our coin shows the same two letters ligate, apparently a new variety. Some porosity on lower left side of obverse. Excellent portraits. gEF........................................................................................................... 450 SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS VIII, 121-96 BC; Ake-Ptolemaïs, 121-113 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.32g. SC-2336.2a. Obv: Diademed head of king r., fillet border. Rx: Zeus Uranius standing l. holding star and scepter; crescent above head, Δ.P monogram in l. field, laurel wreath border. Beautiful dark toning. Mint State........................ 450 Exquisite Realistic Portrait SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS IX, 114-95 BC; Uncertain mint, probably in northern Phoenicia, Tetradrachm, 16.48g. SC-2389b. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus IX r. Rx: Athena standing l., holding Nike and resting l. hand on shield, spear behind; HP monogram over cornucopia in inner l. field; all within laurel wreath. Exceptionally

beautiful seemingly realistic portrait. Mint State................................................ 1100 142. SYRIA, DEMETRIUS III; 97/6-88/7 BC. Damascus, Year 219=95/4 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.19g. SC-2450.8, SNG Spaer-2854 (same dies). Obv: Diademed head of Demetrius III r. with fringe of curly beard at jawline; fillet border. Rx: BACIΛEΩC / ΔHMHTPIOY / ΘEOY in three lines on r., ΦIΛOΠATOPOC / CΩTHPOC in two lines on l., Cult statue of Atargatis standing facing, holding flower in l. hand, grain stalk rising from each shoulder; in l. field, N above OTA monogram; in exergue, date Φ[IΣ] followed by HΔ monogram; all within laurel wreath. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. VF......................................................................................................... 525 143. CAPPADOCIA, ARIOBARZANES I; Year 13=83/82 BC, Drachm, 4.16g. Cf. BM-4 and Sear-7301. Obv: Diademed head of king r. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ APIoBAPZANOY ΦIΛoPΩMAIoY Athena standing l. holding Victory facing l., shield, and spear; monogram ΠAY in inner l. field, date IΓ in exergue. VF.......... 125 144. PHOENICIA, ARADUS; Year 104 = c. 156 BC, Drachm, 4.05g. BM-162. Obv: Bee; ΡΔ (date) to l., EΣ monogram to r. Rx: Stag standing r. before palm tree. EF.300 145. PHOENICIA, BYBLOS; Azbaal, c. 400-340 BC, Shekel, 13.27g. BM-4. Obv: Galley l., containing three hoplites with crested helmets and round shields; below, hippocamp l. Rx: Lion attacking bull l., Phoenician legend ‘Azbaal, king of Gebal’ above. This coin rarely comes with a flawless strike of the lion attacking a bull. Obverse softly struck in areas. Mint State............................................................. 2750 146. SIDON, ABDASHTART II, 342-332 BC; Year 2 =341/0 BC, Dishekel, 25.60g. Betlyon, ANSMN 21-33a. Obv: War galley l. with row of shields on bulwark; year of reign in hash marks (IIII-) above. Rx: King of Persia in chariot l., king of Sidon on foot behind. Good Fine........................................................................................... 885 Exceptional Shekel 147. PHOENICIA, TYRE; 126-65 BC. Year 35 = 92/1 BC, Shekel, 14.19g. BM-1267 var. Obv: Laureate bust of Melkart r. Rx: Eagle standing l. on prow, palm over right wing; date EΛ and club in l. field, M in r. field, Phoenician letter between legs. Formerly NGC AU, Strike 5/5, Surface 3/5 Although shekels of Tyre are common, a coin this good is extremely rare. Mint State.......................................................... 3000 148. PHOENICIA, TYRE; Year 84 = 43/2 BC, Shekel, 13.92g. DCA-919. Obv: Laureate bust of Melkart r. Rx: Eagle standing l.; date ΠΔ and club to l., Phoenician B between legs, BN to r. Obverse softly struck. VF / EF.......................................................... 650 149. JUDAEA, FIRST REVOLT; Year 2, 67/68 CE, Sheqel, 14.31g. Hendin-1358. Obv: Ritual chalice with pearled rim, Hebrew inscription around (Year 2, Sheqel of Israel). Rx: Stem with three pomegranates, Hebrew inscription around (Jerusalem the Holy). Formerly in NGC holder, graded AU, 5/5, 4/5. Mint State.................................. 7750 Rare Didrachm 150. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY VI; First reign, 180-164 BC, Didrachm, 6.53g. SNG Cop-550-562. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r., wearing aegis. Rx: Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt. Ptolemy VI struck many tetradrachms but very few didrachms. This coin is struck in high relief. EF.............................................................................. 1675 151. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY XII; 80-51 BC. Alexandria, Year 28 = 54/53 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.95g. SNG Cop-395, cf. Sear-7947 (Year 27). Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r., wearing aegis. Rx: ΠToΛEMAIoY - BA[ΣIΛEΩΣ] Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, palm branch behind head, ΠA in r. field, in l. field date IKH (for LKH) above headdress of Isis. VF.................................................................................... 225 152. ASIA MINOR, ACHEMENID EMPIRE; Darius I-Xerxes II, c. 485-420 BC, Siglos, 5.42g. Sunrise-25. Obv: The Great King running r., holding spear and bow. Rx: Oblong incuse. Fine......................................................................................... 165 153. BACTRIA, SOPHYTES; c. 285-278 BC, Drachm, 3.62g. Bopearachchi-Sophytes 2A. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Eagle standing l., head r.; caduceus and grapes on vine in upper r. field. Scarce denomination. Mint State........................ 1000 154. BACTRIA, ANTIMACHUS II; 160-155 BC. Drachm, 2.42g. Bopearachchi-Serie 1E. Obv: Nike advancing l., holding palm branch; monogram in lower l. field. Rx: King on horseback r. EF......................................................................................... 100 155. BACTRIA, APOLLODOTOS II; c. 80-65 BC, 1.90g. Mitchiner-424a. Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ above, ΑΠΟΛΛΟΔΟΤΟΥ below, Draped and diademed bust of king r. Rx: Athena advancing l., shield decorated with aegis over l. arm, hurling thunderbolt with r.; monogram to l., Karosthi inscription around. aEF............................................................................................................. 100 156. BACTRIA, HERMAEUS; c. 40-0 BC, Drachm, 1.77g. Sear-7741. Obv: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPoΣ EPMAIOY Head diademed r. Rx: Zeus seated 3/4 face to l., extending r. hand and holding scepter in l.; Karosthi legend around, monogram to l. EF............................................................................................................................. 100 157. BACTRIA, HERMAEUS; c. 40-0 BC, Drachm, 1.70g. Sear-7741. Obv: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPoΣ EPMAIOY Head diademed r. Rx: Zeus seated 3/4 face to l., extending r. hand and holding scepter in l.; Karosthi legend around, monogram to l. EF............................................................................................................................. 100 158. INDO-SCYTHIANS, AZES I; 35 BC-5 AD. Tetradrachm, 8.48g. Mitchiner-853d. Obv: King on horseback r., holding out whip over horse’s head, monogram before. Rx: Zeus standing l. holding Nike and scepter, monogram to l., R and reversed Γ to r. EF............................................................................................................................. 150 159. INDO-SCYTHIANS, AZES I; 35 BC-5 AD, Drachm, 1.77g. Mitchiner-825d. Obv: King on horseback r. holding out whip before him, legend around. Rx: Athena standing front, raising r. arm, holding shield on l. arm, spear behind her; legend around. EF.............................................................................................................. 100 160. INDO-SCYTHIANS, AZES I; 35 BC-5 AD. Drachm, 1.45g. Mitchiner-827 var. (2nd monogram on l.). Obv: King on horseback r., Karosthi letter before. Rx: Athena standing r., two monograms to l., one to r. Reverse softly struck. VF..................... 100 161. PONTIC, MITHRADATES II; 121-91 BC. Seleukia on the Tigris, c. 120/19-109 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.98g.; Sunrise-281v;. Sellwood-24.2v.; Shore-. Obv: Diademed and draped bust of king l., wearing long beard, earring, and torque; all within pelleted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ Archer (Arsakes I) seated r. on omphalos, holding bow in outstretched r. hand; symbol in exergue. Exceptional tetradrachm. Toned. gVF................................................................... 1500 162. PARTHIA, MITHRADATES III; c. 58-55 BC. Drachm, 4.05g. Shore-194, Sellwood-40.5. Obv: Bust of king l. with short beard, wearing double-banded diadem and necklace with central medallion. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, Πo monogram above bow. EF...................................................................................... 250 163. PARTHIA, ORODES II; c. 57-38 BC. Drachm, 4.04g. Sellwood-48.10, Shore-262. Obv: Bust of king l. with short beard, wearing diadem and horse or hippocamp torque; star before, star and crescent behind. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, ΠΓ.
























monogram below bow, anchor behind. VF............................................................. 200 164. PARTHIA, PHRAATES IV; 38-2 BC, Drachm, 3.72g. Sellwood-52.12, cf. Shore-280. Obv: Diademed bust of king l. with pointed beard; eagle behind crowning him with wreath. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, IT monogram below bow. EF................................................................................................................... 150 165. PARTHIA, GOTARZES II; c. 40-51 AD. Year ENT = 43/4 AD, Tetradrachm, 14.33g. Sellwood 65.1 or 2 (month off flan). Obv: Bust of king diademed l., wearing long pointed beard. Rx: King enthroned r. receiving diadem from Tyche standing before him holding cornucopia, date in field above diadem. aEF.......................... 135 166. PARTHIA, VOLOGASES VI; 208-228 AD, Drachm, 3.52g. Sellwood-88.19, Shore-458. Obv: Bust of king l. with pointed beard, wearing tiara with pellets on stalks on top and a line of pellets on stalks on side; Ic monogram behind. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne, AT monogram below bow. Mint State..................................... 150 167. SASSANIAN, KAVAD I; First reign, 485-497 AD, Drachm, 4.08g. Göbl-Type 1/1, Senior-1/2. Obv: Bust of king r., wearing mural crown. Rx: Fire altar with attendants. Mint State................................................................................................................ 130 168. SASSANIAN, XUSRO I, 531-579 AD; Drachm, 4.20g. Göbl-1/1. Obv: Bust of king r., wearing winged headdress. Rx: Fire altar with attendants. Softly struck. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 100 169. SASSANIAN, HORMIZD IV, 579-590 AD; Drachm, 4.09g. Sunrise-971A-974. Obv: Bust of king r., wearing mural crown. Rx: Fire altar with attendants. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 125 170. SASSANIAN, XUSRO II, 591-628 AD; Drachm, 4.12g. Göbl-212. Obv: Bust of king r., wearing winged headdress. Rx: Fire altar with attendants. Mint State...... 100 171. TABARISTAN: THE ABBASID GOVERNORS, ‘UMAR B. AL-’ALA; 771780 AD, Hemidrachm, 2.21g. Malek-73. Album-55. Obv: Bust of king r. Rx: Two attendants on either side of flaming altar. Mint State............................................. 100 172. ALCHON HUNS IN GANDHARA; 540-580 AD, Drachm (Bracteate), 3.49g. Mitchiner-1444, Göbl-150. Obv: Bust of Khan Narendra holding pot of flowers. Rx: Same type incuse. Some areas of soft striking. gEF................................................ 100 173. ALCHON HUNS IN GANDHARA; 540-580 AD, Drachm (Bracteate), 2.86g. Mitchiner-1444, Göbl-150. Obv: Bust of Khan Narendra holding pot of flowers. Rx: Same type incuse. Some areas of soft striking. gEF................................................ 100 174. RAJPUT DYNASTIES OF SAURASHTRA AND GUJARAT; c. 950-1050 AD, Drachm, 4.20g. Mitchiner Non-Islamic-423-6. Obv: Stylized head of king r. Rx: Stylized fire altar. These coins imitate Sassanian drachms. VF............................. 100 GREEK BRONZE 175. CAST LEAD SPINDLE-WHORL “WHEEL MONEY”; 1st cent. BC-1st cent. AD. 18 mm, 4.93g. Quéré.7.122v. EF.................................................................... 100 176. GAUL, SUESSIONES UNIT; 2nd-1st cent. BC, Unit, 4.67g. BM-473, De La Tour7870. Obv: Stylized head r., with elaborately curled hair. Rx: Horse galloping l. Ex Pegasi A25, November 2011, lot 13. EF................................................................ 550 177. BRUTTIUM, RHEGIUM; c. 270-203 BC, AE 20-22, 6.80g. SNG ANS-720, Sear686 var. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo l. with long hair; behind, cornucopia. Rx: RHΓI - NΩN Tripod, with legs ending in lion’s feet. Ex CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 17. Olive patina. EF............................................................................................................... 300 The next five lots were purchased from a local Chicago sale in the 1990s from an estate probably collected in the 1960s and 70s. The coins have similar patinations so could all derive from a single find but we have no documentation about their source. 178. SICILY, ALAESA; 344-339/8 BC, AE Litra, 27.90g. Sear-1046, Campana-5, HGC 2-186 (same dies as illustrated spec.). Obv: APXAΓETAΣ Laureate head of Apollo l. Rx: ΣYMMAXIKON Lighted pine torch between two stalks of barley. Olive patination. Fields are reflective. As struck............................................................. 2100 179. SICILY, MYTISTRATUS; c. 340-330 BC, Hemilitron, 28.81g. Calciati-II Page 111, 62. Obv: Head of Hephaistos r., wearing pointed cap. Rx: VM and six pellets (mark of value) within laurel wreath. This coin and lot 180 are extremely rare and, as said, are not from a new find. Some flatness on beard from ancient times. This is no doubt by far the finest example of this issue. The lower part of the beard has been adjusted in ancient times. It is intentional since the fields on either side of the adjusted beard are in perfect condition. Dark olive patination. Mint State........................ 3150 180. SICILY, MYTISTRATUS; 354/3-344 BC, Hemilitron, 25.02g. Calciati-II p. 111, 62. HGC 2, 953. Obv: Head of Hephaistos r., wearing pointed cap. Rx: VM and six pellets (mark of value) within wreath. Some obverse contact marks. Beard and facial features extremely sharp. EF................................................................................. 1650 181. SICILY, THE TYRRHENIANS; The Tyrrhenians, c. 354/3-336 BC, AE Litra, 27.60g. Campana-1, HGC 2-1657. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r., TYPPH before. Rx: Athena standing front, head l., holding spear and shield, M in r. field. This coin is from the same collection as the previous three lots. The die is not expertly cut, but extremely well struck. Probably a better example does not exist. Olive patination. Mint State.............................................................................................................. 1500 182. SICILY, SYRACUSE; Time of Dionysios I-II, c. 375-344 BC, AE Litra, 33.07g. HGC 2-1436; SNG Cop-720; Sear-1189. Obv: ΣYPA Head of Athena l. wearing Corinthian helmet bound with olive wreath. Rx: Starfish between two dolphins. Of the many examples of this relatively common issue, this is the finest we have handled. Mirror-like fields, wonderful strike, tiny contact mark in front of the point of helmet. Mint State.............................................................................................................. 1250 183. SICILY, SYRACUSE; Time of Dionysios I-II, c. 375-344 BC, AE Trias, 7.28g. HGC 2-1456 (C); Sear-1193. Obv: ΣYPA Head of Athena l. wearing Corinthian helmet bound with olive wreath; one dolphin before, a second dolphin behind. Rx: Hippocamp l. with curled wing. Olive patination. EF........................................... 300 184. SICILY, SYRACUSE, PYRRHUS; 278-276 BC. AE 21, 9.31g. Cf. SNG ANS-851 (without owl on rev.). Obv: Head of youthful Heracles l. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: ΣYPA - KOΣIΩN Athena stepping r., brandishing thunderbolt and holding shield, owl in r. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, May 2005. An interesting variant: in the ANS collection symbols appear on the reverse of this coin only when the ethnic is placed on the obverse, SNG ANS 844-50, not when the ethnic is moved to the reverse (SNG ANS 851-61). Our example has ethnic on reverse, but nevertheless adds the owl symbol in field, like SNG ANS 650 which however has ethnic on obverse. Olive patination. Choice EF / gVF....................... 150 185. SICILY, SYRACUSE, HIERON II; 274-216 BC, AE 20-23, 9.23g. SNG ANS964 ff., Sear-1223 var. Obv: Head of Poseidon l., wearing taenia. Rx: IEP - ΩNO[Σ] across lower field, control letter below IEP obscure; Ornamented trident, with





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dolphins downwards on either side. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pars Coins, May 2016. Unusually beautiful image of Poseidon. Mint State........ 250 Hieron II Portrait SICILY, HIERON II; 275-215 BC, AE 26.5, 17.27g. Calciati-195 Ds 18 R1 33; Sear-1221 var. Obv: Diademed head of king l., club behind. Rx: IEΩNOΣ in exergue, Helmeted horseman r. holding spear, TI below horse’s forelegs. Ex CNG 94, 18 September 2013, lot 131, Demetrios Armounta Collection; ex Berk 127, 25 June 2002, lot 518, Moretti Collection. Magnificent portrait of the magnificent king of Syracuse. Green patina. Some tiny areas of porosity on reverse. Choice EF........ 1200 Rare Denomination MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 AD. Miletus, AE 10.5, 1.66g. Price-2102A. Obv: Head of Young Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPOY written downwards, between wheat ear and club on l. and bow in bowcase on r. For a tiny coin, the obverse is beautifully struck. Choice EF............................................................................................................................. 200 LYDIA, MAEONIA; Maeonia, Lydia, 2nd. cent. AD, AE 15.5-17, 3.15g. Kurth Lydia 3-5 (this coin), Lindgren III-483 {prob. same dies). Obv: IEPA - CVNKΛHT[OC?] Draped bust of Senate r. Rx: EΠI ΦIΛOΠATOPO MAIONΩN Zeus Lydios standing l. holding eagle and scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from TrustedCoins, November 2015. Contact mark on cheek. gVF................................ 140 Exceptional PONTUS, AMISUS; 86-65 BC, Time of Mithradates, AE 29, 19.47g. SNG BM1169. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r., Pegasus on helmet. Rx: Perseus standing front holding harpa in r. hand and head of Medusa in l., whose decapitated body with wings lies stretched out on the ground behind him; monogram in l. field. Formerly NGC AU, 4/5, 5/5. While this coin is not rare, it is exceedingly rare to find a reverse image as beautiful as this. Choice EF..................................................................................... 450 TAURIC CHERSONESUS, PANTICAPAEUM; 310-304/3 BC, AE 21, 7.40g. MacDonald-69. Obv: Head of bearded satyr r. Rx: Π - A - N Forepart of griffin l. with sturgeon below. EF................................................................................................. 450 ALEXANDER JANNAEUS; Lead 16 mm, 4.99g. Hendin-476, AJC-Group D. Obv: Anchor. Rx: Traces of border of dots and Aramaic inscription (King Alexander). Fine.......................................................................................................................... 250 MATTATHIAS ANTIGONUS, 40-37 BCE; 8 Prutot, 15.03g. Hendin-1162. Obv: Double cornucopia tied with ribbons, Paleo-Hebrew “Mattatayah the High Priest” around. Rx: Greek “Of King Antigonus” around ivy wreath; all within border of dots. VF............................................................................................................................ 300 JUDAEA, HEROD I THE GREAT; 40-4 BCE, Year 3=40 BCE, 4 Prutot, 4.85g. RPC-4902, Sear-5524, Hendin-1170. Obv: Round shield with wavy line around the rim. Rx: HPΩΔOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ Crested helmet, flanked by date LΓ (year 3) and monogram TP. Very rare: only three obverse and six reverse dies recorded by the Menorah Coin Project, according to Hendin. VF................................................... 200 JUDAEA, HEROD I THE GREAT; 40-4 BC, 2 Prutot, 3.27g. Hendin-1178a. Obv: Cross within open diadem; inscription “Of Herod the King” incomplete. Rx: Tripod table flanked by palm branches. VF............................................................ 200 HEROD ARCHELAUS; 4 BC-6 AD, 2 Prutot, 2.22g. Hendin-1194. Obv: [HPWΔ] ΗC (Herod); double cornucopia turned to the l., adorned with grapes. Rx: [ΕΘNA] PX[HC] (Ethnarch); war galley l. with aphlaston, oars, cabin and ram. The reverse legend may be retrograde; the legible PX seem to be backwards. It is pleasant to have a complete ship on this issue. VF............................................................................ 200 HEROD ANTEPAS; 4 BCE-39 CE, Year 24=20/1 CE (?), AE quarter-denomination, 4.73g. Hendin-1201. Obv: TIBE / PIAC (unclear) within wreath. Rx: HPWΔO[Y] TETPA[PXOY] Reed upright, L - [KΔ] across field. VG / aVF............................ 375 Herod Philip; 4 BC-34 CE; Year 19 = 15/6 CE, AE 20, 5.31g. Hendin-1224a. Obv: [TIB KAICAPI CEBAΣ] Laureate head of Augustus r., round Φ countermark on his neck. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠΟΥ (sic, only one Π) TET[PAP]XOY; L - I - Θ (year 19) between columns of the Augusteum of Paneas with staircase below in middle, dot in pediment. The spelling of Philip’s name omitting one Π, and the narrow staircase below the temple, guarantee that the correct reading of the date is LIΘ not LIB. Good / VF.500 Paphos PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY VI; 180-145 BC. Paphos, before 168 BC, AE 25-26, 13.95g. Svoronos-1398; SNG Cop-294; Lorber, SNR 80, 2001, Series VI.3. Obv: Diademed and horned head of Zeus Ammon r. Rx: ΠTOΛEMAIOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle with closed wings standing l. on thunderbolt, lotus before, EYΛ between eagle’s legs, rectangular anchor countermark behind eagle. Struck before 168 BC, if Lorber is correct to suggest that the Seleucid anchor countermark on many coins of this series was probably applied by the Seleucid king Antiochus IV after he briefly captured Cyprus from the Ptolemies in 168 BC; he may have transported a large quantity of captured Ptolemaic bronzes back to Antioch and countermarked them there with the Seleucid anchor. It is very unusual to find this coin in virtually mint state grade. Virtually Mint State................................................................................................. 400 NABATAEA, ARETAS IV AND SHAQILATH; 9 BC-40 AD. AE 17-18, 3.65g. Sear-5699. Obv: Jugate busts r. of Aretas IV, laureate, and Queen Shaqilath, draped; Aramaic letters in field. Rx: Crossed cornucopias; between them, Aramaic legend ‘Aretas, Shaqilath’ in three lines. Unusually pleasant. EF...................................... 150 BOSPORUS, RHESCUPORIS V; c. 304-342. Year 622=325/6 AD, Semis, 7.36g. Anochin-771, Sear-5506. Obv: BACIΛE[VC PIC]KOVΠOP Bust of Rhescuporis r., wreath in field before neck. Rx: Bust of Constantine r., date [B]K - X across field. gVF............................................................................................................................ 75 ROMAN REPUBLICAN SILVER ANONYMOUS; 225-214 BC, Quadrigatus (Didrachm), 6.63g. Cr-29/3. Obv: Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri. Rx: Jupiter holding scepter and hurling thunderbolt in chariot driven r. by Victory; ROMA incuse on tablet. Toned EF.. 1500 FDC ANONYMOUS; 211-208 BC, Victoriatus, 3.41g. Syd-113, Cr-95/1b. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r. Rx: Victory standing r. crowning trophy, VB monogram between, ROMA in exergue. Scarcer variety with small head of Jupiter. Formerly NGC CH MS, 5/5, 5/5. This coin is of highly unusual quality for this issue. A small prize. FDC.1200 C. TERENTIUS LUCANUS; 147 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Cr-217/1, Syd-425, RSC Terentia-10. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., Victory behind. Rx: Dioscuri riding r., C TER LVC below hoses, ROMA in exergue. Formerly NGC CH AU, 4/5, 3/5. Mint State................................................................................................................ 350 M. MARCIUS MN.F.; 134 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-245/1, Syd-500, RSC Marcia-8.





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Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., star below chin, modius behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., M MAR C / ROMA below, divided by two ears of wheat. Formerly NGC MS, 5/5, 4/5. Mint State........................................................................................................ 750 P. MAENIUS ANTIATICUS M.F.; 132 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-249/1, Syd-492, RSC Maenia-7. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r. Rx: Victory in quadriga r., holding wreath; P MAE ANT below, ROMA in exergue. Formerly NGC CH MS, 5/5, 5/5. Mint State................................................................................................................ 750 T. MANLIUS MANCINUS, APPIUS CLAUDIUS PULCHER & Q. URBINIUS; 111-110 BC, Denarius, 3.83g. Cr-299/1b, Syd-570a, RSC Mallia-2. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., circle in square behind. Rx: Victory in triga r., T MAL AP CL Q VR in exergue. gEF....................................................................... 150 C. COELIUS CALDUS; 104 BC, Denarius, 3.92g. Cr-318/1b, Syd-582a, RSC Coelia-3, cf. BM-1474 (plated). Obv: Helmeted head of Roma l. Rx: Victory in biga l., CALD below horses, control mark I: in exergue. Toned EF.............................. 200 Q. THERMUS M.F.; 103 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-319/1, Syd-592, RSC Minucia-19. Obv: Helmeted head of Mars l. Rx: Two warriors fighting, the one on the l. protects fallen comrade, the other wears horned helmet; Q THERM M F in exergue. VF. 200 P. SERVILIUS M.F. RULLUS; 100 BC, Denarius, 3.71g. Cr-328/1, Syd-601, RSC Servilia 14. Obv: Bust of Roma l., wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis; RVLLI behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., P below horses; in exergue, P. SERVILI M.F. Privately purchased from CNG. Horses’ heads flatly struck. EF............................................ 200 D. SILANUS L.F.; 91 BC, Denarius, 3.95g. Cr-337/3, Syd-646, RSC Junia-15. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., A behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., IIII above, D SILANVS L F / ROMA in exergue. Ex Naville 41, 24 Jun 2018, lot 433; from the E.E.ClainStefanelli collection. Formerly NGC AU, 4/5, 4/5. Mint State.............................. 275 L. TITURIUS L.F. SABINUS; 89 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Cr-344/2b, Syd-699, RSC Tituria-4. Obv: Head of Tatius r., SABIN behind, palm below chin. Rx: Tarpeia, facing, buried to her waist in shields, with raised hands she tries to fend off two soldiers who are about to cast their shields at her, L TITVRI in exergue. Toned. EF... ................................................................................................................................. 350 MN. FONTEIUS C.F.; 85 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-353/1, Syd-724, RSC Fonteia-10. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., MN FONTEI [C F] behind. Rx: Infant winged Genius seated on goat r., caps of the Dioscuri above, thyrsus below, all within laurel wreath. Formerly NGC MS, 4/5, 4/5. Mint State......................................... 250 MN. FONTEIUS C.F.; 85 BC, Denarius, 4.02g. Cr-353/1c, Syd-724a, RSC Fonteia-10. Obv: Head of Vejovis r., C F below chin, thunderbolt below head, MN FONTEI behind. Rx: Infant winged Genius seated on goat r., caps of the Dioscuri above, thyrsus below, all within laurel wreath. gVF.............................................. 250 PUB. CREPUSIUS; 82 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-361/1c, Syd-738a, RSC Crepusia-1. Obv: Head of Apollo r., scepter over shoulder, E behind, symbol below chin flatly struck. Rx: Horseman r., brandishing spear; control number behind horseman, P CREPVSI in exergue. Formerly NGC MS, 4/5, 4/5. Obverse somewhat off center. Exceptional reverse. Mint State............................................................................... 200 L. PROCILIUS; 80 BC, Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-379/1, Syd-771, RSC Procilia-1. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r., S C behind. Rx: Juno Sospita advancing r., holding shield and hurling spear; before, serpent; behind, L. PROCILI / F. Formerly NGC AU, 4/5, 5/5. Darkly toned but lustrous. Near Mint State...................................................... 500 C. POSTUMIUS; 74 BC, Denarius, 3.84g. Cr-394/1b, Syd-785a, RSC Postumia9a. Obv: Bust of Diana r., bow and quiver over shoulder. Rx: C POSTVMI Hound running r., below spear. Very scarce variety without TA monogram on reverse. Some minor porosity. EF................................................................................................... 200 L. PLAUTIUS HYPSAEUS; 60 BC, Denarius, 3.71g. Cr-420/2a, Syd-911, RSC Plautia-12. Obv: P YPSAE S C before bust of Leuconoe draped r., dolphin behind. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga l., C YPSAE COS / [PRIV] in exergue, CEPIT on r. EF.. 600 L. MARCIUS PHILIPPUS; 56 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-425/1, Syd-919, RSC Marcia-28. Obv: Diademed head of Ancus Marcius r., lituus behind, ANCVS below. Rx: Equestrian statue r. on aqueduct of five arches, flower below horse, PHILIPPVS behind rider, A-Q-V-A-MAR under arches. Formerly NGC AU*, 5/5, 5/5. Darkly toned but luster reflecting. EF / Near Mint State..................................................... 575 L. MARCIUS PHILIPPUS; 56 BC, Denarius, 4.13g. Cr-425/1, Syd-919, RSCMarcia 28. Obv: Diademed head of Ancus Marcius r., lituus behind, ANCVS below. Rx: Equestrian statue r. on aqueduct of five arches, flower below horse, PHILIPP - VS behind rider, A-Q-V-A-MAR under arches. Ex Naville 34, 17 September 2017, lot 443; ex NAC 84, 20 May 2015, lot 1674; ex JD collection of Roman Republican Coins, NAC 78, 26 May 2014, lot 452. Near Mint State....................................... 400 ALBINUS BRUTI F.; 48 BC, Denarius, 4.02g. Cr-450/2, Syd-942, RSC Postumia-10. Obv: Head of Pietas r., PIETAS behind. Rx: Two hands clasped round winged caduceus, ALBINVS BRVTI F below. Back of hair flatly struck on obverse. Near Mint State........................................................................................................ 450 Q. CAECILIUS METELLUS PIUS SCIPIO; 47-46 BC, 47-46 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-459/1; Syd-1046; Sear, Imperators-45; RSC Caecilia-47. Obv: Q METEL PIVS Laureate head of Jupiter r. Rx: Elephant walking r., SCIPIO above, IMP in exergue. Toned. EF.................................................................................................. 875 ROMAN IMPERATORIAL SILVER GNAEUS POMPEY; Spain, 46-45 BC, Denarius, 3.79g. Syd-1035; Sear, Imperators-48; Cr-469/1a. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r. Rx: Hispania standing r., two spears under l. arm, with r. hand presenting palm to Pompeian soldier armed with sword, his r. foot on prow; around, CN.MAGNVS [IMP]. Fine............................ 425 JULIUS CAESAR; 47-46 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-458/1; Syd-1013; Sear, Imperators-55. Obv: Head of Venus r. Rx: Aeneas l. carrying Palladium and Anchises. This type refers to the descent of the Julia family from Iulus, son of Aeneas. Some flat striking on reverse. EF............................................................................................. 975 JULIUS CAESAR; 47-46 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-458/1; Syd-1013; Sear, Imperators-55. Obv: Head of Venus r., wearing stephane. Rx: CAESAR Aeneas stepping l., head facing, carrying Palladium in r. hand and Anchises on l. shoulder. This type refers to the alleged descent of the Julian family from Iulus, son of Aeneas. Exceptionally beautiful image of Venus. Some areas of soft striking on reverse. Mint State....................................................................................................................... 1100 JULIUS CAESAR; 46-5 BC, Denarius, 3.62g. Cr-468/2; Syd-1015; Sear, Imperators-59. Obv: Head of Venus l., with star in her hair and Cupid on her shoulder; behind, scepter; on l., lituus. Rx: Gallic captives beneath trophy, CAESAR in exergue. Formerly NGC CH VF, 4/5, 4/5. Luster on reverse. gVF / EF................................ 950 Hellenistic Portrait of Caesar

227. JULIUS CAESAR; 40 BC, Moneyer Q. Voconius Vitulus, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr526/4; Syd-1133 (R5); C-45 (12 Fr.); Sear, Imperators-331. Obv: Wreathed head of Caesar r., without legend. Rx: Q VOCONIVS above, VITVLVS Q / DESIGN in exergue, S - C in field, Calf standing l., a pun on the moneyer’s name (Vitulus=bull calf). Rather than the normal, less than heroic portraits of Caesar, this coin, struck on a broad flan, bears an extremely artistic and, in fact, beautifully Hellenistic portrait of one of the most important people in the history of the world. Good VF............. 17500 Lucius Antony 228. LUCIUS ANTONY AND MARK ANTONY; Summer 41 BC, Denarius, Cr517/5a; Syd-1185 (R5); C-2 (40 Fr.); Sear, Imperators-246. Obv: Bare head of Mark Antony r. Rx: L ANTONIVS COS Bare head of Lucius Antony r. Portraits of Lucius Antony rarely appear this good. Normally the name or part of the portrait is off flan. In this case, the portrait of Lucius Antony is on a broad flan with a full name. A minor weakness occurs on the obverse, with flat striking in the obverse legend between 12 and 1 o’clock. aEF................................................................................................. 1950 229. CN. DOMITITIUS AHENOBARBUS; 41 BC, Denarius, 3.79g. Cr-519/2; Syd-1177 (R5); Sear, Imperators-339. Obv: Bearded head of L. Ahenobarbus r., AHENOBAR before. Rx: CN.DOMITIVS.IMP Ship’s prow r., on which trophy. VF / EF........................................................................................................................ 2150 230. MARK ANTONY; Military Mint, 38-37 BC, Denarius, 3.79g. Cr-533/2; Syd1199; Sear Imperators-267. Obv: M ANTONIVS M F - M N AVGVR [IMP] TER Mark Antony, togate and wearing veil, standing r. holding lituus. Rx: III VIR R P C COS DESIG ITER ET TERT Radiate head of Sol r. Formerly NGC CH XF, 5/5, 3/5. Reverse flatly struck as usual. EF............................................................................ 750 231. MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.86g. Cr-544/14; Syd-1216; C-27, Sear, Imperators-349. Obv: Galley r. Rx: LEG II Legionary eagle between two standards. Formerly NGC CH AU, 4/5, 4/5. Struck on small flan. Mint State....................... 1600 232. MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.71g. Cr-544/14; Syd-1216; C-27, Sear, Imperators-349. Obv: Galley r. Rx: LEG II Legionary eagle between two standards. VG......................................................................................................................... 1501 233. MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.65g. Cr-544/19; Syd-1223; C-33; Sear, Imperators-356. Obv: ANT AVG III VIR R P C Galley r. Rx: LEG VI Legionary eagle between two standards. Purchased from Marshall Fields in Chicago, November 22, 1966. EF.................................................................................................................. 925 234. MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.60g. Cr-544/20; Syd-1224; C-34; Sear, Imperators-357. Obv: Galley r. Rx: LEG VII Legionary eagle between two standards. VF............................................................................................................................ 400 ROMAN IMPERIAL SILVER 235. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, as Octavian, c. 36-31 BC, Denarius, 3.69g. BM-624, Paris-66, RIC-267, C-123 (5 Fr.). Obv: Head of Octavian bare r., no legend. Rx: IMP. CAESAR on architrave of arch surmounted by facing quadriga bearing Octavian. VG........................................................................................................................... 300 Caesar Comet 236. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, 19-18 BC, Denarius, 3.59g. RIC-37a, BM-323, Paris-1292, C-98 corr. (3 Fr.). Obv: CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Head r. wearing oak wreath. Rx: DIVVS - IVLIVS across field, Comet with eight rays, the third ray above the legend having a tail. Commemorates the comet that appeared in summer 44 BC and was taken to indicate Julius Caesar’s deification. The comet’s tail sometimes appears on the second ray above the legend rather than the third. Struck on broad flan. gVF........................................................................................................................ 1950 237. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 15-12 BC, Denarius, 3.86g. BM-451, Paris-1373, C-137, RIC-167a. Obv: AVGVSTVS - DIVI F Head bare r. Rx: IMP X in exergue, Bull butting r., pawing ground and flicking tail. Formerly NGC CH AU, 4/5, 4/5. Struck on small flan. Tiny flan crack at left side of emperor’s neck. Sharply struck. Mint State.............................................................................................................. 1600 238. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 15-12 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. BM-461, Paris-1396, C-144, RIC-171a. Obv: AVGVSTVS - DIVI F Head bare r. Rx: IMP - X across lower field, ACT in exergue, Apollo standing l. holding plectrum and lyre. Lightly toned with luster. Mint State..................................................................... 1000 Imitation 239. ANCIENT IMITATION OF AUGUSTUS, PROBABLY DACIAN; After c. 20 BC, Denarius, 3.41g. Obv: Head of Augustus r. Rx: Stylized figure standing l., leaning on column; Roman eagle before, blundered legend behind. The reverse is a composite, seemingly combining the eagle from perhaps a much earlier Republican prototype like Crawford-372/2 with the leaning Venus of RIC-250. This coin is a very entertaining design and style. gVF.......................................................................... 500 FDC 240. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.77g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding corrected scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. The reverse die was apparently corrected by the engraver: Livia seems to hold two scepters, the right one vertical and intact, but the left one slightly slanting and fuzzy, as though an attempt had been made to remove it from the die. With an unusual correction of the reverse die by the engrave, coupled with a magnificent portrait of the emperor on the obverse. FDC............ 1700 241. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.75g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: [TI CAESAR] DIVI - AVG F AVGVST[VS] Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - [MAXIM] Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. Luster. EF................................... 800 Tiberius and Drusus 242. TIBERIUS AND DRUSUS; 14-37 AD, Caesarea, 33-4 AD, Drachm, 3.68g. RPC3622b (3 spec.), BM-171 var., RIC-87. Obv: TI CAES AVG - P M TR (ligate) P XXX - V Laureate head of Tiberius r. Rx: DRVSVS CAES TI AVG COS II TR (ligate) P Bare head of Drusus l. Rare variant leaving out the F of TI AVG F in the reverse legend. Tiberius’s son Drusus had died in 23 AD, ten years before this coin was struck. Near Mint State...................................................................................................... 2000 243. CALIGULA; 37-41 AD, Lugdunum, 37 AD, Denarius, 3.64g. BM-4, Paris-3, C-11 (12 Fr.), RIC-2. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT CO[S] Bare head of Caligula r. Rx: No legend, radiate head of Divus Augustus r. between two stars. These dies are not illustrated in Giard, Monnayage de Lyon. “Caligula at first intended to bestow on Tiberius similar honours to those enjoyed by Augustus, but desisted in face of the passive resistance of the Senate. The two stars (on his earliest aurei and denarii) suggest two ‘divi’, Augustus and (Tiberius)” (Mattingly, BMC I, p. cxliv). Good F...























............................................................................................................................... 1100 244. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, Lugdunum, 50/51 AD, Denarius, 3.75g. RIC-56 (R4); Paris-69, pl. XXI (same rev. die); C-12 (12 Fr.); BMC-57 note. Obv: TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P X IMP X[VIII] Head laureate r. Rx: CONSTANTIA[E AVG]VSTI Constantia seated l. on curule chair, feet resting on stool, raising r. hand before her face and pointing upward, l. arm in lap. A very rare denarius with this date TR P X IMP XVIII, apparently only the second recorded example. RIC-56 knew only the Paris specimen of this denarius, on which [IMP XVIII] is off flan. Von Kaenel omitted that Paris coin from his monograph on the coinage of Claudius, and knew no other specimens of the type, just two corresponding aurei, which happen to be from the same reverse die as both the Paris denarius and our second specimen of that denarius. See von Kaenel, p. 15, Münztyp 37, and pl. 11, 838-9. No new specimens of either the denarius or the aureus have turned up in CoinArchives, covering coins offered for sale from c. 2000 on. Good Fine.......................................................... 875 Tarraco Mint 245. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Tarraco, Denarius, 3.49g. RIC-36, BM-94, Paris-13, C-101 (15 Fr.), Sear-2191. Obv: A VITELLIVS - [IMP G]ERMAN Head laureate l., truncation ending in globe, small palm branch before. Rx: VICTO[RIA] - AVGVSTI Victory flying l. holding shield inscribed SP/QR. This coin is interesting in that it shows Vitellius as the fat boy that he was. aEF / VF............................................. 1750 246. TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, Denarius, 3.39g. RIC-692 (R), BM150, Paris-123, C-161 (2 Fr.). Obv: T CAESAR - IMP VESP Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF - TR P COS III Titus seated r. on curule chair, holding scepter and branch. Rare with VESP not VESPASIAN in obverse legend: this variant not in Reka Devnia hoard, not in Cohen or the Paris collection by 1998, not in the revised edition of BMC II (1976), although according to RIC-692 the BM has actually possessed a specimen since 1924. gEF.................................................................................................... 1200 247. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80 AD, Denarius, 3.53g. BM-61, Paris-50, RSC-313a, RIC-124 (C2). Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M. Head laureate r. Rx: TR P IX IMP XV - COS VIII P P Throne seen from front with tasseled seat cover hanging down and triangular back decorated with pellets on stems. Formerly NGC AU, 5/5, 4/5. Exquisite portrait. Mint State............................................................. 900 Magnificent Portrait 248. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, Sept. 88-Sept. 89 AD, Denarius, 2.92g. RIC-670 (C3), BM-154, Paris-149, C-250. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG - GERM P M TR P VIII Head laureate r. Rx: IMP X[I]X COS XIIII CENS P P P Minerva standing l. holding spear, l. hand on hip. Formerly NGC CH AU, 5/5, 4/5. One would think that Domitian was seated before the artist when this die was cut. Of course that’s impossible, but the portrait is that exceptional. FDC.............................................. 650 249. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 90-1 AD, Denarius, 3.25g. BM-181, Paris-169, C-264, RIC-721 (C2). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG - GERM P M TR P X Head laureate r. Rx: IMP XXI COS XV CENS P P P Minerva standing l. holding thunderbolt and spear, shield behind her. .................................................................................. 175 250. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 92-3 AD, Denarius, 3.15g. RIC-742 (C3), BM-207, Paris-186, C-278. Obv: TR P XII, head laureate r. Rx: IMP XXII COS XVI CENS P P P Minerva standing l. holding spear, l. hand on hip. EF / VF................................. 220 Civil Wars 251. CIVIL WARS OF 68-69 AD; Denarius, 3.35g. RIC-128b (R2), BM-70, C-368 (40 Fr.). Obv: [VE]STA P R - QVIRITIVM Draped and veiled bust of Vesta r. wearing stephane, lighted torch before her neck. Rx: [I] O MAX - CAPITOLI around, NVS in exergue, Jupiter holding thunderbolt and scepter seated l. in two-columned temple, wreath in pediment. Small contact marks behind veil of Vesta. gVF.................... 2000 252. NERVA; 96-98 AD, Rome, 97 AD, Denarius, 3.60g. BM-53, Paris-39, C-22, RIC-26. Obv: TR P II COS III, Head of Nerva laureate r. Rx: CONCORDIA - EXERCITVVM Clasped hands. Scarce. There should have been several specimens of this coin in the Reka Devnia hoard, so the failure of the hoard report to record any is probably just a mistake. VF............................................................................................................. 285 253. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 98-9 AD, Denarius, 3.11g. BM-26; C-203; RIC-9; Woytek, MIR-60a (60 spec.). Obv: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P COS II P P Vesta, veiled, seated l. holding patera and torch. EF............................................................................................................................. 200 254. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 101-2 AD, Denarius, 3.40g. BM-112, C-247, RIC-66, Woytek-126a (35 spec.). Obv: [IMP] CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P COS IIII P P Victory, naked to waist, standing r., l. foot on helmet, inscribing shield resting on base. Scarce, 12 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF............................................................................................................................. 135 255. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 103 AD, Denarius, 2.73g. BM-187; C-537; RIC222; Woytek, MIR-190bA (30 spec.). Obv: [IM]P TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI Dacian seated r. at foot of trophy, supporting head with hand in mourning. gVF........................................................................................... 160 256. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 113-4 AD, Denarius, 2.98g. BM-461; RSC-577a; Woytek, MIR-419v1 (82 spec.). Obv: COS VI, bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: SPQR OP[TI]MO PRINCIPI Three standards surmounted respectively by wreath above banner, eagle on thunderbolt, and hand. VF..................................... 160 257. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, 126-7 AD, Denarius, 3.35g. BM-410, C-393, RIC856 (S). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: COS - III Pudicitia, veiled, seated l., r. hand holding veil, l. on lap. Formerly NGC CH AU, 5/5, 4/5. Mint State.......................................................... 500 258. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. mid-130s AD, Denarius, 3.01g. RIC-2052 (C), BM-741, C-1425. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head laureate r. Rx: TELLVS - STABIL Tellus standing l. holding plow and rake, two wheat stalks growing behind her. Mint State.............................................................................. 585 Africa 259. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Denarius, 2.89g. BM-813, C-140, RIC1495 (S). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: AFRICA Africa reclining l. wearing elephant-skin headdress and holding scorpion and cornucopia, basket of fruits at her feet. Light porsity. Near Mint State...................................... 625 260. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 137-8 AD, Denarius, 3.20g. RIC-2335 (C), BM635, C-762. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: FORTV - NA AVG Fortuna standing l. holding rudder on globe and cornucopia. Toned EF...... 585 Exceptional portrait of Aelius 261. AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Denarius, Rome, 137 AD, 2.87g. BM-972,



264. 265. 266.













C-53 (12 Fr.), RIC-2641 (C). Obv: L AELIVS - CAESAR Head bare r. Rx: TR POT COS II Pietas standing l. holding incense box and extending hand above altar. Scarce: only 12 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State.......................................... 1350 AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Rome, 137 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. BM-979, C-55 (12 Fr.), RIC-2648 (S). Obv: [L] AELIVS - CAESAR Head bare r. Rx: TR POT - COS II Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Scarce, 15 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. Ex Berk 113, 14 March 2000, lot 271. aEF.................................................................................................................. 650 ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, c. July-Dec. 138 AD, 3.52g. BM-23, C-79 (6 Fr.), RIC-12. Obv: HADRI in legend, head bare r. Rx: AVG PIVS P M [TR P] COS DES II Fides standing r. holding wheat ears and dish of fruits. Toned. EF............................................................................................................................. 225 ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 148 AD, 3.60g. BM-621, C-283, RIC-162. Obv: TR P XI. Rx: COS - IIII Amnona standing l. holding wheat ears above modius at her feet, and anchor. EF....................................................... 260 ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 149-50 AD, 3.63g. BM-657, C-284, RIC-175. Obv: TR P XII. Rx: COS IIII Annona standing l. holding wheat ears and anchor, modius at her feet. EF......................................................................... 195 FAUSTINA I; Rome, Lifetime, 138-140 AD, Denarius, 3.24g. BM-133, C-151, RIC-335. Obv: FAVSTINA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: CONCOR - DIA AVG Concordia standing l. holding patera and double cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 149, 24 May 2006, lot 320. Uncommon lifetime issue: 33 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF..................................................................... 260 FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Denarius, Rome, 3.19g. BM-421, C-104, RIC362. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AVGV - STA Ceres, veiled, standing r., head l., holding long torch in r. hand, l. hand at side, fold of drapery falling from l. elbow. EF................................................................................................................ 225 FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Denarius, Rome, 3.45g. BM-443, C-119, RIC371. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AVGVSTA Vesta, veiled, seated l. holding patera and scepter. This portrait and others of Faustina show the great wealth of the Roman Empire in that her hair is held together with magnificent strands of then exceptionally rare pearls. Near Mint State.............................................................. 250 FAUSTINA II; Rome, c. 156 AD, Denarius, 3.48g. Strack-510, C-181 corr., BMC p. 165 note, RIC-508c. Obv: [FAV]STINA AVG - PII AVG FIL Bust draped r. Rx: PVDI - CITIA Pudicitia/Pietas, veiled, standing l. dropping incense on lighted altar. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 152, 23 December 2007, lot 289. An unusual reverse type with legend PVDICITIA, but type of Pietas, and rare with the normal AVGVSTA in obverse legend abbreviated to just AVG. There was only one such specimen in Reka Devnia hoard, listed as C-183; Strack-510 records that same hoard coin in Sofia and two others, in Munich and Berlin. Portrait in high relief. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 385 LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 166 AD, Denarius, 2.94g. BM-426, C-126, RIC-561. Obv: L VERVS AVG ARM - PARTH MAX Head laureate r. Rx: PAX in exergue, TR P.VI IMP IIII - COS II around, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. A few flan cracks. Unusually excellent portrait. Mint State................ 550 LUCILLA; Rome, Denarius, 3.19g. RIC-770, C-36, BM-342. Obv: LVCILLA AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: IVN - ONI - LVCINAE Juno of childbirth seated l., holding flower and child in swaddling clothes. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased in July 1998. EF..................................................................................... 325 COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Denarius, Rome, 184 AD, 3.34g. BM-125, RSC-451a. Obv: M COMMODVS AN - TON AVG PIVS Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P - VIIII -IMP VI COS IIII P P Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia, oblong shield on ground before her. Not common: 27 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard (listed as a variety of C-445). From the Samuel Puchala Collection of Denarii of Commodus. EF............................................................................................................................. 295 COMMODUS; 177-192 AD. Rome, 192 AD. Denarius, 2.72g. BM-309, C-288, RIC-241. Obv: L AEL AVREL CO - MM AVG P FEL Head laureate r. Rx: LIB AVG P M TR - P XVII [COS VII P P] Libertas standiing l. holding cap and scepter, star in r. field. From the Samuel Puchala Collection of Denarii of Commodus. Mint State.300 Mysterious M at end of obverse legend? PESCENNIUS NIGER; 193-194 AD, Antioch, Denarius, 3.18g. Cf. BMC-314 note, RIC-88d, and RSC-75g, all citing a coin described in Num. Chron. 1854 (see below). Obv: [IM]P CAES C PE - SC NGER (sic, I omitted) IVS [M?] Laureate head r. Rx: VICTORI - A - E AVG Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm branch. A similar denarius, with the same error NGER in the obverse legend and allegedly with a clear M at the end of that legend, was described from a private collection in Numismatic Chronicle XVI, 1854, p. 41. One might wonder whether that alleged M might not actually have been just a misread A or AV. The same legend with IVS M ending, however, was included by T.V. Buttrey in his list of the obverse legends of Niger, Numismatic Chronicle 152, 1992, President’s Address, p. viii, but unfortunately without naming his source: just the old description in Numismatic Chronicle 1854, or an actual coin confirming that rendering of the obverse legend? Our coin confirms the error NGER, but, because of flat striking below the emperor’s neck on the obverse, unfortunately does not show the questionable final letter or two of the legend. About VF.......................................................................................................................... 1750 CLODIUS ALBINUS AS CAESAR; 193-195 AD, Rome, 194-5 AD, Denarius, 3.10g. BM-95, C-48 (12 Fr.), RIC-7. Obv: D - CLOD SEPT - ALBIN CAES Head bare r. Rx: [MIN]ER - PA - CIF COS II Minerva standing l. holding branch and shield on ground, spear rests against her l. arm. Ex Pegasi, April 2000. Ex Berk 193, 30 April 2015, lot 316. VF.................................................................................................... 350 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 201-2 AD, Denarius, 3.42g. BM330, C-205, RIC-265. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: FVNDATO - R - PACIS Severus, togate and veiled, standing l. holding branch and roll. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Universal, October 2001. Near Mint State.. ................................................................................................................................. 100 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, New-style Eastern Mint, c. 201 AD, Denarius, 3.60g. BM-655, C-96, RIC-503a. Obv: L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX Head laureate r. Rx: COS II P P Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, November 2015. EF.100 Divus Septimius SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, DIVUS; Died 211 AD, Rome, Denarius, 2.69g. BM25, C-87 (5 Fr.), RIC-191E. Obv: DIVO SEVERO PIO Bare head r. Rx: CONSE CRATIO Facing throne with wreath on seat, fringed seat cover hanging down between



185 186

193 191

































281. 282.















legs, footstool below. Rare: only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard, four in Berk photo file. A traditional honor for deceased emperors was to place a wreath on a curule chair inscribed with their name at theaters when shows were held. Our denarius shows that by the time of Septimius Severus, a throne implying divinity had replaced the curule chair in this honor: see Alföldi, Die monarchische Repraesentation, p. 254. This is a very nice example of this rather scarce issue, one of the rarer deification denarii of Septimius. gEF....................................................................................................... 750 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Caesarea, Cappadocia, Year 14=206 AD, Drachm, 3.28g. Obv: AY KAI Λ CEΠ - CEOYHPOC Head laureate r. Rx: MHTPO KAICAPI around, ET IΔ in exergue, Mount Argaeus with star above summit. Ex CNG 43, 24 September 1997, part lot 1036 . VF / EF...................................................... 250 JULIA DOMNA; Rome, c. 200 AD, Denarius, 3.37g. RIC-577, BM-75, C-174. Obv: IVLIA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: SAECVLI - FELICITAS Isis standing r., foot on prow, holding patera or wreath in r. hand and baby Horus in l., stern of ship with rudder visible behind her. Probably commemorates the imperial family’s visit to Egypt in 199-200 AD. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased in May 1998. EF............................................................................................................................. 125 JULIA DOMNA; Rome, c. 206 AD, Denarius, 3.22g. BM-22, C-47, RIC-551. Obv: IVLIA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: FELIC - ITAS Felicitas standing l. holding short caduceus and scepter. EF............................................................................... 125 JULIA DOMNA; Rome, 217 AD, Antoninianus, 5.26g. BM-27, C-206, RIC-389a. Obv: IVLIA PIA - FELIX AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: VENVS GENETRIX Venus seated l. holding apple and scepter, Cupid standing at her feet with crossed legs places his hand on her knee. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased in October 1997. gVF............................................................................ 200 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 202 AD, Denarius, 3.18g. BM-391, C-178, RIC-63. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: PART MAX P - ONT TR P V Trophy between two seated Parthian captives. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 140, 27 October 2004, lot 326. Scarce without the addition of COS to reverse legend: 13 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Near Mint State..... 200 Exceptional Portrait CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 202 AD, Denarius, 3.37g. BM-392, C-179 corr., RIC-64. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: PART MAX PON TR P V COS Trophy between two seated captives. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 144, 13 July 2006, lot 286. In very fine style on both obverse and reverse. Mint State................................................................................................... 360 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 206 AD, Denarius, 3.57g. BM-498, C-424, RIC-83. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF TR P - VIIII COS [II] Mars standing l. holding shield and reversed spear which rest on ground. Toned Mint State..................................................................................................... 250 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 213 AD, Denarius, 2.94g. BM-48, C-220, RIC206a. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVI - COS IIII P P Hercules standing l. holding branch and club, lionskin hanging from l. arm. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from ‘York-Smith’, June 2001. Exquisite portrait. Mint State................................................................................... 265 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 213 AD, Denarius, 3.71g. BM-50, C-211, RIC208a. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS - AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVI - COS IIII P P Serapis, with kalathos on head, standing l., raising r. hand and holding slanting scepter in l. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, June 1999. Overweight specimen . Mint State........................................................ 275 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 214 AD, Denarius, 2.99g. BM-91, C-242, RIC238A. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVII COS IIII P P Apollo seated l. holding branch and resting l. elbow on lyre that is set atop tripod. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in August 1998. Lustrous Mint State................................................................................................................ 300 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 215-7 AD, Antoninianus, 5.50g. BM-80 corr., RIC-311d, RSC-608c. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: VENVS VICTRIX Venus standing l., holding Victory and scepter and leaning on shield set on helmet. This coin shows an excellent portrait. Some reverse porosity. EF............................................................................................................................. 325 PLAUTILLA, WIFE OF CARACALLA; Rome, 204 AD, Denarius, 3.20g. BM429, C-25. Obv: PLAVTILLA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: VENVS VICTRIX Plautilla as Venus Victrix standing l. (she has Plautilla’s hairdo), Cupid standing before her. About EF............................................................................................... 150 MACRINUS; 217-218 AD, Rome, Early 218 AD, Denarius, 2.76g. BM-56 note, C-93, RIC-42. Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front, long beard. Rx: PONTIF MAX TR P II COS II P P Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus and cornucopia. Rare with this date: six specimens in Reka Devnia hoard, not in BM by 1975. Ex Berk 137, 31 March 2004, lot 377. Obverse flan crack at 2 o’clock. EF......................................................................... 185 ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Branch Mint, 219 AD, Denarius, 2.95g. RIC-23, C-144, BM-102. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P II - COS II P P Providentia standing l., legs crossed, leaning on column, holding wand over globe on ground and cornucopia. Indentation from die clashing in right reverse field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 130, 6 January 2003, lot 510. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 275 ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Rome, 221 AD, Denarius, 3.28g. BM-244, C-184 (C), RIC-40 (C ). Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P - II - II COS III P P Sol advancing l., r. foot set on uncertain object, raising r. hand and holding whip in l.; star in l. field. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. Ex Berk 137, 31 March 2004, lot 385. Scarce: 18 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 385 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 222 AD, Denarius, 2.46g. Rev. var. of BM-13, RIC-5, and C-204. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: PM TR P - C - OS P P Jupiter standing l. holding thunderbolt and spear (instead of scepter as usual). From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 130, 6 January 2003, lot 519. Mint State.................................................. 330 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 229 AD, Denarius, 3.19g. BM608, C-375, RIC-97. Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XAND AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P VIII - C - OS III P P Emperor as Romulus advancing r, holding spear and trophy over shoulder. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 144, 13 July 2005, lot 317. Mint State................................................................................................................ 350 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 229-30 AD, Denarius, 3.34g. RIC-










306. 307.






313. 314.


226, RSC-586a, BM-648. Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XAND AVG Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: VIRTVS - AVG Emperor standing l., foot on helmet, holding globe and spear. Ex Berk 156, 23 October 2007, lot 430. FDC................ 385 SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 231-2 AD, Denarius, 3.04g. BM813, RSC-508a, RIC-252. Obv: IMP ALEXAN - DER PIVS AVG Bust laureate r., with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: PROVIDENTIA - AVG Annona standing l. holding wheat ears over modius and anchor. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 167, December 2010, lot 324. Mint State.................. 350 JULIA MAMAEA; Rome, 221-2 AD, Denarius, 3.76g. BM-76, C-36, RIC-268. Obv: IVLIA MAESA AVG Bust draped r. Rx: PVDICITIA Pudicitia seated l., raising veil and holding transverse scepter. Overweight specimen. Mint State................. 100 Exquisite Portrait GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Rome, 240 AD, Denarius, 3.14g. RIC-131, C-347. Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: VENVS VICTRIX Venus standing l. resting elbow on large shield, helmet in r. hand, transverse scepter in crook of l. arm. Mint State.................................................... 300 GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Rome, 240 AD, Denarius, 3.58g. RIC-81 (R), C-234 (4 Fr.). Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: P M TR P III COS P P Emperor on horseback l. raising r. hand and holding transverse spear in lowered l. hand. Overweight specimen. Mint State.................................. 200 TRANQUILLINA; Caesarea, Cappadocia, Year 4=241 AD, Drachm, 3.63g. Sydenham/Malloy-617aa. Obv: CABINIA TRANKVΛΛINA A[V] Bust draped r., wearing stephane, the hair falling onto neck arranged in two horizontal ridges. Rx: MHTPO KAICA B NE around, ET Δ in exergue, Mt. Argaeus, pellet in upper l. field. Rare silver drachm of Tranquillina at Caesarea, unknown until 1978 when Sydenham/Malloy-617aa reported two specimens, in Leu 18, 5 May 1977, lot 373 and the Burbules Collection. Recently additional specimens of this rare drachm have appeared on the market, mostly of Year 4 like the two Sydenham/Malloy pieces, but also several of Year 5. The Year 4 pieces all seem to come from only three obverse dies, one without stephane and with a nest of braids on the neck, and two with stephane and without the nest of braids. The Year 4 reverse dies vary in the abbreviation of the legend, KAIC B N or KAICA B NE, and in the placement of a pellet in the field left of Mt. Argaeus on some dies. The three Year 5 drachms come from a fourth obverse die, and from two reverse dies, both with a pellet in upper right rather than upper left field. EF.................................................................................................................. 900 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 247 AD, Antoninianus, 3.92g. RIC-4, C-136. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: P M TR P - IIII COS II P P Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus in bent r. arm and cornucopia. The earlier variant of this dated type, in which Felicitas still bends her r. arm. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 150 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 248 AD, 3.75g. RIC-24c, C-193. Obv: IMP PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SAECVLARES AVGG Cippus inscribed COS / III. Commemorating the cippus inscribed with an account of the preparation and carrying out or the Saecular Games, which was set up in Rome as a record for future generations. EF......................................................................... 165 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antioch, 247 AD, Antoninianus, 3.97g. Bland-31 (20 spec.), bust var. of RIC-76. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed l., seen from front. Rx: P M TR P - IIII COS II P P Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus and cornucopia. Mint State..................................................................... 250 OTACILIA SEVERA; Rome, 248 AD, Antoninianus, 4.69g. RIC-130, C-43. Obv: OTACIL SEVERA AVG Bust draped r., wearing stephane and on crescent. Rx: PIETAS AVGVSTAE Pietas, veiled, standing l., raisng r. hand and holding open incense box in l. Mint State.................................................................................... 150 PHILIP II AS CAESAR; 245-247 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.44g. RIC-218d corr., C-48. Obv: M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PRINCIPI I - V - VENT Prince standing l. holding globe and spear. Mint State.................... 225 TRAJAN DECIUS; 249-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.60g. RIC-12b, C-16. Obv: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r. Rx: D - A - CIA Dacia standing l. holding staff surmounted by ass’s head. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Time Machine, December 1999. Mint State................. 175 HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA; Rome, Antoninianus, 4.37g. RIC-59b, C-19. Obv: HER ETRVSCILLA AVG Earlier smooth coiffure, without ridges. Rx: PVDI - CITIA AVG Pudicitia seated l. drawing veil and holding scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in August 1998. Odd legend break in PVDI - CITIA on reverse. Mint State................................................................................................................ 110 HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.07g. RIC-143 (S), C-14. Obv: Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PIETAS AVGVSTORVM Sacrificial implements: whisk, ladle, pitcher, lituus behind patera. Mint State................................................................. 200 HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.32g. RIC-146, C-22 var. Obv: Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C Radiate, draped bust r. Rx: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS Apollo seated l., holding branch and resting l. elbow on lyre. Ex Gemini XIV, 18 April 2018, lot 593; ex Berk 139, 4 August 2004, lot 372. Exquisite portrait of a beautiful young boy. Mint State............................. 225 TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Branch Mint, Antoninianus, 3.15g. RIC7, C-76. Obv: IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG Bust radiate. draped, cuirassed r. Rx: PAX - AETERNA Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter. Ex Berk 134, 8 October 2003, lot 400 . Mint State............................................................... 140 HOSTILIAN AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.16g. RIC-181d (S), C-34 (4 Fr.). Obv: C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS N C Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PRINCIPI IVV - ENTVTIS Hostilian standing l. holding standard and spear (point omitted). Purchased from Jonathan Kern, ANA Show, 19 March 1998. Dark toned. VF / Fine.............................................................................................. 150 VOLUSIAN; 251-253 AD, Rome, 253 AD,Antoninianus, 3.94g. RIC-141 (S), C-94. Rx: P M TR P IIII COS II Togate emperor standing l., sacrificing from patera over tripod altar and holding short scepter. Ex Berk 136, 5 February 2004, lot 226. EF.175 VALERIAN I; 253-260 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.41g. RIC-74, C-25, Göbl-44d (74 spec.). Obv: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: APOLINI PROPVG Apollo standing r., about to shoot arrow from bow. Ex Berk 166, 15 October 2009, lot 403. Mint State.............................. 125 GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, c. 267-8 AD, Antoninianus, 3.38g. Göbl713b (123 spec.), Cunetio Hoard-1341 (198 spec.), RIC-230, C-586 (3 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Head radiate r. Rx: LIBERO P CONS AVG Tigress walking l., B



























































(=officina 2) in exergue. Mint State........................................................................ 150 Possibly Unique Centaur Shooting Bow Variety GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Rome, c. 267-8 AD, Antoninianus, 1.83g. Rev. type var. of Cunetio-1378 (143 spec.), Göbl-735b (194 spec.), RIC-163, and C-72 (1 Fr.). Obv: GALLI[EN]VS A[V]G Head radiate r. Rx: APOLL[INI] CONS AVG Centaur walking l. about to shoot arrow from bow, [Z] (=officina 7) illegible in exergue. Apparently an unpublished reverse type variety, possibly unique: the centaur shooting arrow in this type is normally shown stepping right, not stepping left as on our coin. See The Cunetio Treasure (1983), Appendix 5 on Gallienus’ animal types by Ian Carradice, p. 192 and Figure 9, 31-33. aVF / VF......................................................................... 400 GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Cologne, Antoninianus, 3.61g. Cunetio Hoard-715 (7 spec.), Göbl-872l (74 spec.), RIC-18, C-308 (2 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS.P.F.AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front, fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck, inner wreath tie overlaps neck. Rx: GERMANICVS MAX V Trophy and two seated captives. Reverse softly struck. Mint State.............................................................. 110 GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Antioch, Antoninianus, 3.68g. Göbl-1641a (24 spec.), RIC-615 corr., C-415 (6 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: IVBENTVS AVG Emperor standing r. in military dress, holding Victory and spear, VIIC. in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired via eBay, April 2016. EF.................................................................................................................. 200 GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Samosata, Antoninianus, 4.77g. RIC-445, C-705 (10 Fr.), Göbl-1698m (16 spec.). Obv: IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ORIENS - AVG Towered Orient standing r., holding out wreath to Gallienus, who stands facing her and extends his r. hand towards her while holding a spear in his l. hand; in field above, wreath enclosing pellet. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Alex Malloy, June 1999. EF.......................... 200 SALONINA; Cologne, Antoninianus, 4.23g. Göbl-899c (36 spec.), Cunetio-734 (1 spec.), C-130, RIC-68 (“Asia”). Obv: SALONINA AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: VENVS VICTRI[X] Venus standing l. leaning on shield and holding apple and palm. EF.................................................................................... 200 Cologne Mint SALONINA; Cologne, Antoninianus, 3.97g. Göbl-900c (22 spec.), Cunetio-736 (2 specimens), RIC-70. Obv: SALONINA AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: VES - TA Vesta seated l. holding Palladium and slanting scepter. Exceptional portrait. Mint State............................................................................... 220 VALERIAN II AS CAESAR; 256-258 AD, Cologne, Antoninianus, 3.82g. Cunetio-738 (9 spec.), Göbl-907e (109 spec.), RIC-3, C-26. Obv: VALERIANVS CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: IOVI CRESCENTI Infant Jupiter seated facing on goat Amalthea, who stands r.; Jupiter raises his r. hand, looks l., and holds one of the goat’s horns with his l. hand. EF............................................................................ 180 POSTUMUS; 260-268 AD, 268 AD, Antoninianus, 2.79g. Cunetio-2454 (207 spec.), RIC-77 corr., C-213. Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: ORIENS AVG Sol running l., r. hand raised, holding whip in l. hand, P in l. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Romae Aeternae via eBay, April 2016. Near Mint State.................................................... 125 POSTUMUS; 260-268 AD, 268 AD, Antoninianus, 2.71g. RIC-317, C-214 (6 Fr.), Cunetio Hoard-2465 (12 spec.). Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: [PA]CATOR ORBIS Radiate, draped bust of Sol r. EF / aVF........................................................................................................ 140 Divus Victorinus VICTORINUS, DIVUS; Died 270 AD, Antoninianus, 2.31g. Cunetio Hoard-2633 (3 spec.), RIC-83, C-23 var. (15 Fr.). Obv: DIVO VICTOR[INO PI]O Head radiate r. Rx: CON[SAC]RATIO Eagle standing r. on globe, head l., wreath in beak. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 119, 15 March 2001, lot 449. Coins of Divus Victorinus are rare: indeed ten times as rare as coins of Laelian to judge the Cunetio hoard, which contained 39 Laelians but only four Divus Victorinuses! It is not surprising that Tetricus I deified Victorinus and struck coins for him, since Tetricus I’s accession is said to have been arranged by Victorinus’ mother Victorina. As we say in our description, consecration antoniniani of this emperor are quite rare and this coin is in better quality than most of the few that do turn up. EF / aVF............................. 400 TETRICUS I; 270-273 AD, Antoninianus, 3.12g. RIC-148, C-207, Cunetio Hoard-2618 (205 spec.). Obv: IMP TETRICVS P F AVG Bust radiate r. Rx: VIRTVS AVGG Helmeted Virtus standing l. holding spear and leaning on shield. Oddly shaped flan, but with complete legends. gVF........................................................................ 90 Tetricus II as Augustus TETRICUS II AS AUGUSTUS; 273 AD, Antoninianus, 2.01g. Obv: C P E TETR[ICVS] C AVG Bust radiate r. Rx: PAX - [AV]G Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter. It is chiefly the coins that provide evidence, not accepted by everybody, that Tetricus I made his son joint Augustus for a short time at the end of his reign. Rare antoniniani show jugate busts of Tetricus I and II with the legend IMPP TETRICI PII AVGG; and an antoninianus in Oxford that shares its reverse die with several of these jugate-bust coins shows on the obverse a radiate portrait of Tetricus II alone, with legend IMP C P E TETRICVS C AVG. See C.H.V. Sutherland, An Unpublished Coin... of Tetricus II, Museum Notes XI, 1964, pp. 151-8, pl. XXIX. Now a few other antoniniani of Tetricus II alone naming him Augustus are reported by RIC-236, 250, 253, and 290-1, but these all appear to be just ancient imitations, not official issues. Our coin may be only the second such coin recorded which is actually official, though its omission of IMP at the beginning of the obverse legend is admittedly odd. Fine+........................................................................................... 1450 CLAUDIUS II, DIVUS; Died 270 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.08g. Göbl-99n0a, RIC-261. Obv: DIVO CLAVDIO Head radiate r. Rx: CONSE[CR]ATIO Lighted altar on stepped base, front divided into four panels. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy. Silver wash is complete. Mint State........................... 150 AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Rome, 274 AD, Antoninianus, 4.07g. RIC-62, Paris-162, Göbl-122b7 (20 spec.). Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front, ‘tassel’ on front shoulder. Rx: ORI - [E]NS AVG Sol advancing l. between two seated captives, raising r. hand and holding globe in l.; in exergue, ZXXI (Z backwards, officina 7). From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, March 2001. Silver wash toned into golden color. Mint State................... 100 AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Milan, Antoninianus, 4.88g. RIC-146 corr. (C), Göbl63c3 (125 spec.), Paris-512. Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VIRT - MIL[ITVM] Soldier offering Victory to emperor holding spear and globe, T=officina 3 in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection,















purchased from Alex Malloy, March 2001. Silver wash. Mint State.................... 100 Ex NFA 1980 and 1989 SEVERINA; Rome, Antoninianus, 4.21g. RIC-3, C-3 (2 Fr.), Göbl-132s3 (66 spec.), Paris-175. Obv: SEVERI - NA AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: CONCO - RD[I]A AVG - G Aurelian and Severina clasping hands, in exergue ΓXXIR (officina 3). Ex NFA Winter Mail Bid Sale, 14 December 1989, lot 1198; ex NFA IX, 1980, lot 622. While the coins of this empress are not rare, a coin of this quality is quite incredible. The fact that NFA put it in two of their sales nine years apart testifies to its exceptional quality. FDC.............................................................................. 425 SEVERINA, WIFE OF AURELIAN; Obv: SEVERI - N - A AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: CONCORDI - AE MILITVM Concordia standing l. holding two standards, XXI[R] in exergue, A (=officina 1) in r. field. With unusual double break in obverse legend, shown also by several of the Paris examples from the same issue. Mint State............................................................................................ 120 TACITUS; 275-276 AD, Serdica, Antoninianus, 4.28g. Paris-1776, RIC-193, C-25. Obv: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONSERVAT MILIT Mars standing r. holding spear with point upwards and handing globe to emperor, who stands l. in military dress and also holds scepter; in exergue, K - A, in lower middle field B (officina 2). From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 132, 14 May 2003, lot 555. VF................................................................... 95 FLORIANUS; 276 AD, Cyzicus, Antoninianus, Paris-1987, RIC-116 (S), C-15 (2 Fr.), Venèra Hoard 2757-63 (7 spec.). Obv: IMP FLORIANVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONCO - RDIA MILITVM Victory standing r. holding out wreath to emperor standing l., in exergue V (= officina 5). Ex Phillip Davis Collection. Silvered. EF..................................................................... 210 PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 3.76g. RIC-220, officina A=1; C-773. Obv: IMP PROB - VS P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., almost half-length, seen from front, with Medusa head and aegis on breast of cuirass and fold of aegis on front shoulder. Rx: VICTORIA GERM Trophy between two seated captives with hands tied behind backs; thunderbolt flanked by R and A in exergue. EF........................ 100 PROBUS; 176-282 AD. Cyzicus, Antoninianus, 3.55g. RIC-911 (C), C-682. Obv: IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG Radiate bust l. wearing consular robes and holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: [SOLI IN]VICT - O around, CM / XXIS (= officina 2) in exergue, Sol in frontal quadriga, raising r. hand and holding whip in l. Reverse doublestruck at top. Mint State............................................................................... 135 CARINUS; 283-285 AD, Lugdunum, 283 AD, Antoninianus, 3.25g. Bastien-533 (58 spec.), RIC-212, C-8. Rx: AEQVITAS AVGG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia, officina letter A=1 in r. field. Ex Berk 138, 1 June 2004, lot 351. Near Mint State................................................................................................................ 200 ALLECTUS; 293-296 AD, Camulodunum, Antoninianus, 3.12g. RIC-108 (C). Obv: IMP C ALLECTVS P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PROVIDE - NTIA AVG AVG Providentia standing l. holding globe and cornucopia, S - P across field, C in exergue. Green patination. Some encrustation on crown of emperor. aEF............................................................................................................ 600 LATE ROMAN SILVER AND SILVERED BRONZE DIOCLETIAN; 284-305 AD, Antioch, Antoninianus, 4.15g. RIC-322, C-34. Obv: IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA MIL - ITVM Emperor standing r. receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter standing l., .ΧΧΙ in exergue, I in central field (officina 10). From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Ken Dorney, October 1998. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 100 CONSTANTIUS I AS CAESAR, ARGENTEUS WITH LEGEND ERROR; 293-305 AD, Alexandria, Argenteus, 3.39g. Cf. RIC-12 (R5, on rev. officina letter A on l. rather than B on r. as on our coin). Obv: CONSTAN - TIVS CAES Head laureate r. Rx: VIRTVS - MILITAM (sic) Three-turreted camp gate, open, no doors, ALE in exergue, B=officina 2 in r. field. Ex CNG 105, 10 May 2017, lot 962 (“From the A.W. Collection”) and ex Nomos 3, 10 May 2011, lot 235 (“From the Tetrarchy Collection, New York”). Apparently only the third known specimen of this exact argenteus, the other two being (a) Glendining, 23 April 1970, lot 376 = Gautier, Argentei d’Alexandrie, Rev. num. 1984, p. 141, no. 26, pl. XIV; and (b) CNG 57, 4 April 2001, lot 1410. All three of these specimens are from the same pair of dies, so all of them have the same misspelling MILITAM for MILITVM in the reverse legend, an error that Gautier also noticed on a second similar Alexandrian reverse die that was used for Galerius Caesar, Gautier’s no. 27 and pl. XIV. A rare, interesting, and beautifully preserved coin, that reached a hammer price (without buyer’s fee and postage) of 1900 Swiss francs ($2164) in the Nomos Sale of 2011. Iridescent toning. Mint State.. 1600 MAXIMIANUS; 286-305 AD, Siscia, c. 296 AD, Follis, 9.00g. RIC-95c (C ), officina Δ=4. Obv: IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG Head laureate r. Rx: GENIO POP - VLI ROMANI Genius standing l. holding patera and cornucopia, *SIS in exergue, Δ in r. field. Ex Lanz, eBay, 5 November 2012. EF................................................... 165 MAXIMINUS II AS AUGUSTUS; 309-313 AD, Cyzicus, c. 311-2 AD, Reduced Follis, 5.37g. RIC-92 (S), officina B=2. Obv: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F AVG Head laureate r. Rx: SOLE IN - VICTO Sol standing l. wearing decorated robe, raising r. hand and holding bust of Serapis in l., MKV in exergue, B in l. field. Ex Berk 139, 4 August 2004, lot 438. gVF........................................................................... 125 LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, Cyzicus, 317-20 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.81g. RIC-9, officina Δ=4 (S). Obv: IMP LICI - NIVS AVG Laureate, cuirassed bust l. holding mappa, globe, and scepter. Rx: IOVI CONS - ERVATORI AVGG Jupiter standing l. holding Victory on globe and scepter, wreath and officina letter Δ in field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 123, 23 October 2001, lot 614. Flan crack at 10 o’clock. Mint State.................................................................................................. 135 LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, Thessalonica, 319 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.43g. RIC68, officina A=1 (R3); C-179 (20 Fr.). Obv: IMP LICI - NIVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VIRT - EXERC Sol raising r. hand and holding globe in l., standing l. above pattern formed of four X’s, .TS.A. in exergue. Very rare. Traditionally called “The plan of a Roman camp”, this reverse type probably in fact depicts the famous vision of Constantine I, the cross within a circle surrounding the sun that he and his army saw in the sky while marching north from Marseilles in spring 310 AD. This explanation of the type, proposed by David Miller in The Celator some years ago, has assumed new claims to validity now that Peter Weiss, in Volume 16 (2003) of the Journal of Roman Archaeology, has convincingly explained Constantine’s vision as a solar halo that appeared in Gaul in 310. This may be the last appearance of the pagan sun god on Roman coins (RIC VII, p. 494). Fine / Good VF




























































360. 361.


................................................................................................................................. 425 Jupiter on Eagle LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, Arles, 319 AD, AE 3, 2.62g. RIC-197, officina T=3 (r2). Obv: IMP LICI - NIVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVG Eagle flying r., head l., l. wing pointing down, carrying on his back Jupiter seated l. holding thunderbolt and scepter, TARL in exergue. EF....... 185 CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Arles, 328 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.72g. RIC-318, officina S=2 (c1); Depeyrot-39/1, pl. 3. Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Head pearldiademed r. Rx: PROVIDEN - TIAE AVGG Camp gate with two turrets, no doors, star above, SCONST in exergue, S - F across field. Constantine’s diadem is made up of two rows of pearls, and the ties of his diadem too are strings of pearls, as also on the specimen illustrated by Depeyrot, and on two approximately contemporaneous reduced folles of Constantine from Arles illustrated in RIC, pl. 6, 314 and 321. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 100 CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Constantinople, 327 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.70g. RIC-18, officina B=2 (r1); C-319 (3 Fr.). Obv: CONSTANTI - NVS MAX AV[G] Head laureate r. Rx: LIBERT - A - S - PVBLICA Victory standing r., head l., on galley r., holding wreath in each hand, CONS in exergue, B in l. field. Ex Cederlind Sale, December 2012, lot 158. Libertas arriving by galley, bearing the wreaths of Victory, seems to refer to Constantine’s naval attack on Constantinopolis, his defeat of Licinius, and his restoration of “freedom” to the people of the East. Dark brown patina. gVF.............................................................................................................. 350 CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Ticinum, 319-20 AD, Follis, 3.19g. RIC-114, officina P=1 (c1). Obv: CONST - ANTINVS AVG Helmeted, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VIRTVS - EXERCIT Vexillum inscribed VOT / XX between two seated captives; PT in exergue. EF......................................................................... 125 CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, London, 313-314 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.25g. RIC-10 (C3). Obv: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: SOLI INV - IC - TO COMITI Sol standing l., raising r. hand and holding globe in l.; PLN in exergue, S - F across field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased on eBay from Simon Shipp, Den of Antiquity, Cambridge, GB, 25 January 2015. EF.................................................................................................................. 100 CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD. London, c. 317 AD, Follis, 3.08g. RIC-111 (s). Obv: CONSTANTINVS P AVG Laureate, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, fold of cloak on l. shoulder. Rx: SOLI INVIC - TO COMITI Sol standing l., cloak over l. shoulder, raising r. hand and holding globe in l.; PLN in exergue, S - P in field. EF... ................................................................................................................................. 120 Anonymous 1/2 Siliqua ANONYMOUS 1/2 SILIQUA, TIME OF CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Constantinople, 330 AD, 1/2 Siliqua, 1.43g. Bendall-Type 6 (5 spec.). Obv: Eightrayed star, with a globule at the end of each ray. Rx: Wreath with ties below, central jewel above. Possibly a special issue struck for the dedication of Constantinople in 330 AD; see Simon Bendall, Anonymous Silver Coinage, Revue numismatique 158, 2002, pp. 139-157, pl. XI-XII. A sharp and well-centered example of this unusual and very rare coin. EF.................................................................................................. 2400 URBS ROMA; Heraclea, c. 330-3 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.41g. RIC-119, officina E=5 (r1). Obv: VRBS - ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma l. Rx: She-wolf standing l., head r., suckling twins; two stars above, .SMHE in exergue. Acquired from Gitbud & Naumann, eBay, 9 November 2012. EF................................................................. 100 CONSTANTINOPOLIS; Heraclea, c. 330-3 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.00g. RIC-120, officina Γ=3 (r3). Obv: CONSTAN - TINOPOLIS Draped bust of Constantinopolis l. wearing laureate helmet, scepter over l. shoulder. Rx: Victory standing l., wings raised, r. foot on prow, holding scepter and shield, .SMHΓ in exergue. Acquired from Gitbud-Naumann, eBay, 29 October 2012. EF....................................................... 100 CRISPUS AS CAESAR; 317-326 AD, Cyzicus, 321-4 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.38g. RIC-17, officina B=2 (r2). Obv: D N FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: IOVI CONS - ERVATORI Jupiter standing l. holding Victory on globe and scepter topped by eagle, eagle holding wreath standing before him, seated captive behind, SMKΒ in exergue, X / IIΓ in r. field. EF........ 100 CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Arles, 317-8 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.52g. RIC-141, officina S=2 (s). Obv: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: CLARITAS REIP[VB] Sol standing l. raising r. hand and holding globe in l., SARL in exergue, C - S across field. EF..... 90 CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Reduced Follis, Cyzicus, 324-5 AD, 2.71g. RIC-26, officina B=2 (r1). Obv: CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust l., seen from front.Rx: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Camp gate with two turrets, star above, SMKB in exergue. EF............................................... 100 CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Siscia, c. 320 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.63g. RIC-126, officina Γ=3 (r2). Obv: CON - STANTINVS IVN NOB C Bust laureate, cuirassed l., holding Victory on globe and handle of sword. Rx: VIRTVS EXERCIT Two captives seated; between them standard inscribed VOT/X; S in l. field, F and HL (ligate) in r. field, ΓSIS* in exergue. Acquired from Lanz, eBay, 18 August 2013. EF.................................................................................................................. 130 CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, London, 323-4 AD, Follis, 2.86g. RIC-285 (r5, unique in Oxford). Obv: CONSTANTI - NVS IVN N C Radiate, cuirassed bust l., seen from front. Rx: BEAT TRA - N.QLITAS Globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX, 3 stars above, PLON in exergue. Ex Philip Ronzone Collection. Very rare with this bust type, according to RIC. Some porosity. VF........................ 85 DELMATIUS AS CAESAR; 335-337 AD, Antioch, Reduced Follis, 1.66g. RIC112, officina I=10 (s). Obv: FL DELMA - TIVS NOB C Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: GLOR - IA EXERC - ITVS Single standard between two soldiers, SMANI in exergue. Ex Berk 159, 3 June 2008, lot 383. EF...................... 90 CONSTANTIUS II; 337-361 AD, Lugdunum, 360-61 AD, Siliqua, 1.99g. RIC216, C-343. Rx: VOTIS / XXX / MVLTIS / XXXX in wreath, LVG in exergue. aEF ................................................................................................................................. 250 CONSTANS; 337-350 AD, AE 3, Siscia, 348-50 AD, 2.85g. RIC-232 (C4), officina E=5. Obv: D N CONSTA - NS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: FEL TEMP REPARATIO Phoenix with radiate nimbus standing r. on rocky mound, ESIS. in exergue. Mint State.................................................... 150 CONSTANS; 337-350 AD, Trier, 348-50 AD, Centenionalis, 5.10g. RIC-243 (C4), officina S=2. Obv: D N CONSTA - NS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, A behind portrait. Rx: FEL TEMP - REPARATIO Emperor holding Victory and labarum standing l. in galley piloted by Victory, TRS in exergue,














A in l. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, seller and acquisition date not recorded. Choice EF............................................................................................... 100 VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 5.32g. RIC-281 (S), officina Γ=3; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N [VET]RA - NIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; A behind neck. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .ΓSIS* in exergue, A in l. field. Magnificent portrait. Some iridescent toning. Mint State..... 500 VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 5.48g. RIC-287 (S), officina A=1; C-4 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRA - NIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; star before portrait, A behind. Rx: HOC SIG - NO VICTOR ERIS Emperor standing l. holding standard topped by Chi Rho banner and transverse spear, crowned by Victory standing behind him who also holds palm branch; .ASIS. in exergue, A in l. field. Mint State................................................................................................... 500 VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 4.78g. RIC-290 (S), officina A=1; C-1 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRA - NIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; star before portrait, A behind. Rx: CONCORDIA - MILITVM Emperor standing l., with star above his head, holding two standards topped by Chi Rho banners, .ASIS* in exergue, A in l. field. Some silver wash. Mint State......... 500 MAGNENTIUS; 350-353 AD, Arles, 350 AD, Centenionalis, 6.83g. RIC-150 (Rare), Bastien-240 (1 spec.). Obv: D N MAGNEN - TIVS P F AVG Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, A behind portrait. Rx: GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor in military dress, shield on l. arm, galloping r., spearing barbarian with outstretched arms kneeling l. beneath horse; below horse, shield and broken spear; mintmark PAR (officina 1) in exergue, star in field before emperor’s face. First half of obverse legend jumbled by doublestriking: appears to read D MAGGEN rather than D N MAGNEN. Rare from this officina P=1: only one specimen, in BM, found by Bastien. Ex Berk 139, 4 August 2004, lot 458 . EF................................................. 250 MAGNENTIUS; 350-353 AD, Lugdunum, 353 AD, Centenionalis, 6.56g. RIC-156 (S), Bastien-208 (5 spec.). Obv: D N MAGNE[N - TIV]S P F AVG Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: SALVS [DD] NN AVG ET CA[E]S Large Chi-Rho flanked by A and W, PPLG in exergue. Struck on small flan. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 250 PROCOPIUS; 365-366 AD, Heraclea, AE 3, 3.08g. RIC-7 (R2), cf. mintmarks 3 and 4 (officinae A and B); C-9 (30 Fr.). Obv: D N PROCO - PIVS P F AVG Pearldiademed, draped, cuirassed bust l., seen from front. Rx: REPARATI - O [FEL] TEMP Emperor standing l., head r., holding labarum in r. hand and resting l. hand on shield, christogram in r. field by his shoulder, pellet in l. field, mintmark SMHΓ (?) in exergue. EF............................................................................................................. 165 Half Siliqua ARCADIUS; 383-408 AD, Uncertain Mint, 402-8 AD, Half Siliqua, 0.73g. RSC26a-c, Sear-Millennium 20774-6. Obv: D N ARCAD[I] - VS P F AVG Pearldiademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA - AAVGGG Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm, mintmark in exergue illegible because mostly off flan. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi, May 2004. The possible mints are Milan, Rome, and Aquileia. However, the reverse legend of our coin differs from that of all other such half siliquae recorded, in that it adds an extra A, AAVGGG not just AVGGG, and is divided VICTORIA - AAVGGG, not the recorded VICTORI - A AVGGG or VICTOR - IA AVGGG Because of its excellent centering, every letter of the legends of our coin can be clearly read, except for the I of ARCADIVS on the obverse and the mintmark in exergue on the reverse. As one would expect, this denomination is excessively rare and almost never found with a near complete legend. gVF / VF............................................. 650 ZENO (474-491 AD); 474-491 AD, Cyzicus, AE 4, 0.78g. RIC-961, 963, or 965. Obv: D N ZE[. .] Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust of Zeno r., seen from front. Rx: Monogram of Zeno in wreath (RIC’s monogram 4), mintmark below is off flan. According to RIC p. 314, this form of monogram was used at Constantinople and Cyzicus. Formerly NGC AU, 4/5, 5/5. EF.............................................................. 400 ROMAN REPUBLICAN BRONZE ANONYMOUS; 241-222 BC, 1/2 Litra, 1.58g. Cr-26/4, Syd-22 (R4). Obv: Head of Diana r., wearing Phrygian helmet, Rx: Dog walking r., ROMA below. Lot includes old ticket citing “Stettiner, Feb. 1913.” The Roman Imperial collection of Pierre Stettiner was sold in Rome by Sangiorgi on 11 April 1894. That catalogue began with the coins of Pompey Magnus; the present coin is perhaps a later sale from the same collection. VF......................................................................................................... 300 APEX AND HAMMER; Central Italy, c. 211-208 BC, Semis, 24.10g. Cr-59/3, Syd-150a. Obv: Laureate head of Saturn r., S behind. Rx: Prow r., apex and hammer above, S before, ROMA below. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 270; ex NAC 61, RBW Roman Republican Part I, lot 249; ex Italo Vecchi 3, 1996, lot 156. Fine... 275 ROMAN IMPERIAL BRONZE AGRIPPA; Died 12 BC, Rome, Struck under Caligula, As, 10.38g. BM (Tiberius)-161, Paris-77, C-3, RIC-58. Obv: M AGRIPPA L - F - COS - III Head l. wearing rostral crown. Rx: S - C Neptune standing l. holding dolphin and trident. Bold Fine................................................................................................................. 275 CALIGULA; 37-41 AD, Rome, 40-1 AD, Sestertius, 24.82g. BM-69, Paris-118, C-11 (15 Fr.), RIC-51 (R). Obv: C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P IIII P P around, PIETAS in exergue, Pietas seated l. resting elbow on statuette of Spes and holding patera. Rx: [DI]VO - AVG S C Caligula sacrificing at altar before temple of Divus Augustus; he is accompanied by one attendant leading up sacrificial bull and another standing behind him holding patera; temple rests on high base, has six columns, numerous figures in pediment and on roof, and is garlanded. Soon after his accession, Caligula dedicated the temple of Divus Augustus in the Roman Forum that Tiberius had almost completed. aVF...................................................................... 450 NERO; 54-68 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, c. 64-5 AD, Sestertius, 25.24g. RICpp. 186-7, RPC-1758. Obv: [NERO CLA]VDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P Head laureate r. Rx: S - C View of triumphal arch, surmounted by group of statuary with Nero in facing quadriga between standing figures of Victory and Pax, showing side decorated with large figure of Mars standing on pedestal. Small rotation dimples on both sides. Only one specimen recorded in RPC, but more have emerged from Bulgaria since the fall of the Iron Curtain. An unusually fine Thracianmint sestertius of Nero, with an excellent portrait despite the small rotation dimple
































341 337




















on Nero’s cheek, plus a sharp triumphal arch on the reverse and a smooth dark green patina on both sides. VF / aEF............................................................................... 1300 Medallion-like Portrait HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 129-30 AD, As, 12.35g. BM-1464 note, C-737, RIC-1350 (S). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from side. Rx: FORT RED in exergue, COS - III P P around, S - C in field, Fortuna Redux seated l. holding rudder on globe and cornucopia. Formerly NGC CH XF*, 5/5, 5/5. It is very rare to find a middle bronze with the portrait quality of a medallion. Olive patination. Choice EF / gVF........................................................................ 2000 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 119-123 AD, Sestertius, 25.35g. RIC-244 (C), BM-1153, C-1192 (4 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS - HADRIANVS AVG Bust laureate r. showing bare chest, with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: PONT MAX TR POT COS III. S - C Felicitas standing l. holding short caduceus and cornucopia. EF............................................................................... 1400 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 121-3 AD, Sestertius, 27.43g. Bust var. of RIC-663 (R3). Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN H - ADRIANVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P - COS III S - C Ceres standing l. holding wheat ears and long burning torch. Apparently a new bust-type variety of this sestertius. RIC-663, pl. 82, records only one coin, in trade, with a similar bust type, but there with pteryges on right shoulder and a fold of cloak above the pteryges, two elements that our coin omits. Wonderful portrait of Hadrian probably copied from a sculptural portrait. Olive patination. Mint State............................................................................................ 2000 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 137-8 AD, As, 11.34g. RIC-2378 (C2), BM1579, C-174 (2 Fr.). Obv: [HADRI]ANVS - AVG COS III P P Bust laureate r., apparently with fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ANNO - NA AVG S - C Modius containing two poppies between four wheat ears. Fine.......................................... 275 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 121-3 AD, Semis, 3.69g. RIC-624 (C), BM-1279, Strack-579 (7 spec.), C-1167 (5 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIA[N H]ADRIANVS AVG Eagle standing r., head l., on thunderbolt. Rx: P M - [T] - R P COS - III S C Thunderbolt. EF...................................................................................................... 425 Elephant ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 149-50 AD, As, 12.40g. BM-1840, C-565 (3 Fr.), RIC-862a. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG - PIVS P P TR P XII Head laureate r. Rx: MVNIFICENTIA.AVG around, COS IIII / S C in two lines in exergue, Elephant walking r., with netlike pattern on body, legs and ear representing its creased skin. Extremely beautiful middle bronze with a wonderful image of an elephant. Olive green patination. EF................................................................................................. 900 MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 177 AD, Sestertius, 22.78g. Gemini VIII, 2011, lot 351 (same dies); bust var. of BM-1596, C-163 (12 Fr.), and RIC-1184. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG - GERM [SARM TRP XXXI] Bust laureate, cuirassed r. Rx: [D]E GERMAN[IS] in exergue, IMP [VIII - COS III P P] around, S - C across lower field, Pile of captured German arms: scaled cuirass, six oblong or oval shields; spears, trumpets, a vexillum, and a dragon-headed standard protruding from behind the shields. The reverse commemorates Marcus’ victories over the Germans, which culminated in a triumph celebrated by Marcus and Commodus at Rome in December 176. While this coin is worn it has no corrosion and excellent surfaces with a highly desirable military victory reverse type. VG / Fine.................................................. 260 ORBIANA; Rome, 226 AD, Sestertius, 21.08g. BM-293, C-4 (40 Fr.), RIC-655. Obv: SALL BARBIA - ORBIANA AVG Bust draped r. wearing stephane. Rx: CONCORDIA AVGVS - TORVM around, S C in exergue, Concordia seated l. holding patera and double cornucopia. Struck on a broad flan with complete legends, this is an exceptional portrait sestertius of Orbiana. gVF..................................................... 1500 MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236-8 AD, Sestertius, 21.95g. BM148, RIC-81, C-38. Obv: MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI S - C Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter. Excellent portrait with beautiful surfaces. gVF.......................................... 450 BYZANTINE COPPER Ravenna MAURICE; 582-602 AD. Ravenna, Half Follis, 5.69g. Berk-455, MIB-146, DO292, Sear-598. Obv: D N mAVR[C TIb PP AVG] Helmeted, draped, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe. Rx: Large K between R and A, VENN beneath; above, cross. VF................................................................................................................. 500 Ravenna FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Ravenna, c. 607-609 AD, Half Follis (20 Nummi), 3.62g. MIB-113, Berk-527, Sear-707, DO-135. Obv: D N FOCA - PERP AVG Crowned bust facing, with beard, draped and cuirassed, holding cross. Rx: Large XX with star between; in exergue, RAV. Purchased from Glenn Woods, from the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. This is a rather rare coin and virtually none better have appeared. Glossy green patination. EF................................................................................... 1100 Ravenna HERACLIUS AND HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE; 610-641 AD. Ravenna, Year 20=629/30 AD, Half Follis, 3.71g. MIB-261a, DO-300, Sear-922. Obv: Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine standing facing; Heraclius is bearded, wears crown and military garb, places r. foot on prostrate figure and holds long cross in r. hand; Heraclius Constantine wears crown and chlamys and holds cross on globe; between their heads, cross; legend mostly off flan. Rx: Large K between A/N/N/O and XX, cross above, Δ below. Acquired from Glenn Woods, formerly in the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. The examples listed in MIB are in such poor condition that Hahn was not sure of the legends. This example is certainly the finest known despite legend loss on obverse due to the small flan. Green patination. EF.................................. 1100 CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Carthage, Half Follis, 3.33g. Berk-682, MIB-196b, Sear-1057. Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS [PP A] Bust facing, beardless, wearing crown topped by cross and holding cross on globe. Rx: X - X with large cross between, CRTS in exergue. VF........................................................................................................ 150 Ravenna CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Ravenna, Year 3=643/4 AD, Half Follis, 1.75g. Berk713, MIB-226, Sear-1140. Obv: CONS - [TANT] Bust of emperor facing, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large K between A/N/ N/o and I/I/[I], cross above, RAV in exergue. Acquired from Glenn Woods, with his ticket giving provenance “Ex Dr. Michael Metlich Collection”. VF..................... 950 CONSTANS II; Period of 641-668 AD, Follis, 3.79g. Eastern imitation of Berk-649, MIB-163, and Sear-1001. Obv: [E]N TovT - O - N[IKA] Constans standing facing, beardless, wearing crown, holding in r. hand staff surmounted by XP inverted and















in l. hand cross on globe. Rx: Large m between O/Φ/A and [N]/E/O, ANA above (N inverted), ΓΙΙ in exergue. A contemporary Eastern imitation, this exact type not illustrated among MIB’s imitations. While this coin is imitative, the legend and the image of the emperor are as good or better than the regular issues. aVF................ 250 CONSTANTINE IV; 668-685 AD. Ravenna, Year 30=683/4 AD, Follis, 3.28g. Berk-750, MIB-118, Sear-1240. Obv: [D] N - C[ONST]AN PP Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and X/X/X; [IA] above, Θ below, RAV in exergue. Acquired from Glenn Woods, earlier in the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. While this coin is only scarce, we have never seen an example so flawless; it is probably the finest known. EF............... 2000 Syracuse JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 4.85g. Berk-775, MIB68, DO-55, Sear-1296. Obv: No legend, Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia; [branch] in l. field (not struck up), star above branch in r. field. Rx: Large M, TAN monogram above, [SCL] in exergue. Ex Triton XIII, 5-6 January 2010, lot 1676. Exceptional image of emperor struck on extremely broad flan. Some areas of flat striking. gVF.. ............................................................................................................................... 1100 Sear Plate Coin LEONTIUS; 795-708 AD. Constantinople, Year 1=695/6 AD, Follis, 8.80g. Berk786, MIB-32, DO-5, Sear-1334 (this coin illustrated). Obv: [D LEON PE AV] Facing bust of emperor, bearded, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe; in field r., cross. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and A (?); cross above and officina letter A below. Areas of soft striking and poor centering. VF.......................................... 750 Rome 3/4 Follis LEONTIUS, 695-698 AD; Rome, 3/4 Follis (30 Nummi), 2.83g. DO-25, MIB-38, BM-. Obv: Facing bust. Rx: Large XXX, ROM in exergue. While this coin is no bigger than your fingernail, in some incredible way it shows what must be a portrait of Leontius. Light green and olive patination. VF..................................................... 1000 Ravenna LEONTIUS; 695-698 AD. Ravenna, Follis, 3.90g. MIB-39, Berk-793, Sear-1358. Obv: D LEO[N PE AV] Bust facing, bearded, wearing crown and loros, holding cross on globe in r. hand. Rx: Large M, I above, short horizontal line and RAV below. There should be a cross above the large M on reverse according to the standard references, but our coin and several specimens in CoinArchives clearly show an I not a cross in that position. Acquired from Glenn Woods, previously in the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. Extremely rare with a brilliant light green patination. Probably the finest known example. As struck, Uncirculated.............................................................. 2000 Syracuse JUSTINIAN II, SECOND REIGN, AND TIBERIUS; 705-711 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.43g. Berk-815, MIB-52, Sear-1438. Obv: No legend; Justinian and Tiberius standing facing, each wearing crown and chlamys, and holding long cross between them. Rx: Large M between two stars; TAN monogram above, SCL in exergue. Ex Gemini VII, 9 January 2011, lot 1006. The planchet of this coin is very oddly shaped, but only two are recorded in MIB which are much coarser, so this is possibly the finest known. VF / EF........................................................................................................ 775 PHILIPPICUS; 711-713 AD. Constantinople, Year 1-711/12 AD, Follis, 3.11g. Berk-819, MIB-21, DO-9b, Sear-1455. Obv: Uncertain lettering at upper l. and upper r., Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross on globe and eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/[O] and I with ticks above and below; cross above, officina letter B below, CON in exergue. The coins of Philippicus must have been of pure copper because they generally come to us with somewhat rough surfaces, as does this coin, though it is slightly better than most as everything is clear and visible. Fine / VF............................................................ 450 ANASTASIUS II; 713-715 AD. Constantinople, Year 1=713-4 AD, Half Follis, 1.66g. Berk-825, MIB-29, Sear-1470. Obv: Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, holding cross on globe with r. hand; to r., cross; to l., beginning of legend, D N A... Rx: Large K between [A/N/N/O] and /I/, cross above, [officina letter] below. Ex Freeman & Sear MBS 6, lot 125. This coin is also from the Goldberg sale; 29 October 2009, lot 528 Christov Family Collection. Highly irregular flan which is not unusual for this reign. VF............................................................. 600 Theodosius III Syracuse THEODOSIUS III; 716-717 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.72g. Berk-834, MIB-16, Sear-1496, Ricotti-181, DO-(9) (no spec. in DO). Obv: No legend; Crowned bust of emperor facing, with short beard, holding spear over shoulder and cross on globe. Rx: Large M between two palms, ΘEOΔ monogram above, Θ below, SCL in exergue. Ex NAC 75, 18 November 2013, lot 666; with printed auction ticket. When I purchased the collection that was used to illustrate Sear’s book, the collector was most proud of the fact that he had a Theodosius III follis of Syracuse; that was 25 years ago. Since then, several have come to light, but very few. aEF.............................................. 1600 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; 780-797 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 1.77g. Berk-873, Sear-1598. Obv: Facing, crowned bust of Irene holding cross on [globe] and [cruciform scepter]; no legend. Rx: Facing, crowned bust of Constantine VI on horizontal bar, holding cross on globe, between pellet in l. field and cross in r. field; below, large M and smaller A between X and [N]. Portrait of Constantine flatly struck but excellent portrait of Irene. aVF......................................................................... 450 Ten of the next 12 lots are sharp, interesting overstrikes. ROMANUS I; 920-944 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 5.31g. Berk-929, Sear-1760, DO-25. Obv: Facing, bearded bust of emperor, wearing crown and jeweled chlamys, holding labarum transversely and cross on globe. Rx: Inscription in four lines. Overstruck on a follis of Leo VI, of type Sear-1729. aEF...................................... 150 CONSTANTINE VII; 913-959 AD.Constantinople, c. 945-50 AD, Follis, 5.13g. Berk-930, Sear-1761. Obv: Facing bust of Constantine VII, crowned and with short beard, holding akakia and cross on globe. Rx: Inscription in four lines. Overstruck on a follis of Romanus I of type Sear-1760. VF.......................................................... 100 JOHN I; 969-976 AD. Constantinople, Miliaresion, 2.44g. Sear-1792, DO-7. Obv: +IHSUS XRI - STUS nICA* Cross crosslet on globus above two steps; at center, circular medallion containing facing bust of John, with short beard, wearing crown and loros and dividing the inscription I/W-A/N; triple border ornamented with eight equally spaced globules. Rx: IWAnn’ / En XW AVTO / CRAT’ EVSEb’ / bASILEVS / RWmAIW’ in five lines across field, five dots between two dashes above and below, triple border. Some iridescent toning. gVF.............................................................. 250 BASIL II, ANONYMOUS A2; Constantinople, Under Basil II, c. 976-1030/5 AD,





























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Follis, 14.73g. Berk-948, Sear-1813, DO-2.47.11. Obv: Bust of Christ facing holding Gospels, wearing halo with cross, square and four pellets in each limb of the cross; inscription [+EMMA - NO]VHΛ (Emmanuel) around and [I]C - XC (Jesus - Christ) across field. Rx: Greek inscription, ‘Jesus Christ, King of Kings’, in four lines with ornaments above and below. aEF........................................................................... 275 ANONYMOUS A2, ATTRIBUTED TO BASIL II; 976-1025 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 9.20g. Berk-948, Sear-1813. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing halo with cross, holding Gospels with both hands, inscription ‘Emmanuel’ around, IC - XC across field. Rx: Inscription, ‘Jesus Christ, King of Kings,’ in four lines. Overstruck on an earlier follis. VF............................................................................................ 100 CONSTANTINE X; 1059-1067 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 6.54g. Sear-1854, Berk-954. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, raising r. hand in benediction and holding Gospels, legend “Jesus Christ, Emmanuel”. Rx: +KWN RASIΛEVC O ΔOVK Bust of Constantine facing, crowned and bearded, holding cross and akakia. Overstruck on an earlier follis of Constantine X and Eudocia, type Sear-1853. aVF.................... 165 MICHAEL VII; 1071-1078 AD. Thessalonica, Follis, 5.93g. Sear-1878, Berk958. Obv: IC - XC Bust of Christ facing, raising r. hand in benediction and holding Gospels in l.; behind him, cross; to l. and r., large six-pointed star. Rx: Crowned bust of Michael VII facing, holding labarum and a cross on globe. Overstruck on earlier follis of type Sear-1866 (Romanus IV). aEF.......................................................... 125 ANONYMOUS CLASS I, ATTRIBUTED TO NICEPHORUS III; 1078-1081 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 7.80g. Berk-962, Sear-1889. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing halo with cross and holding Gospels; across field, IC - XC. Rx: Latin cross, with X at center, and globule and two pellets at each extremity; floral ornaments l. and r. in lower field, crescents l. and r. in upper field. Overstruck on an earlier follis of Michael VII, type Sear-1878. Green patination. aVF.............................................. 275 CONSTANTINE X AND EUDOCIA; 1059-1067 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 8.45g. Sear-1853, DO-8. Obv: +EMMA - NOVHΛ around, IC - XC across field, Christ standing facing on footstool, wearing halo with cross and holding book of Gospels with both hands. Rx: +KWN T ΔK EVΔΚ AVΓO Eudocia on l. and Constantine on r. standing facing, holding between them labarum with cross on shaft, resting on three steps. Overstruck on an earlier anonymous follis. VF............................................ 200 CONSTANTINE X AND EUDOCIA; 1059-1067 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 5.52g. Sear-1853, DO-8. Obv: +EMMA - NOVHΛ around, IC - XC across field, Christ standing facing on footstool, wearing halo with cross and holding book of Gospels with both hands. Rx: +KWN T ΔK EVΔΚ AVΓO Eudocia on l. and Constantine on r. standing facing, holding between them labarum with cross on shaft, resting on three steps. Overstruck on an earlier anonymous follis. Green patination. VF................ 100 ROMANUS IV; 1068-1071 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 10.18g. Sear-1866, DO-8. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, dotted cross behind head, holding book of Gospels with both hands; in field, IC-XC/NI-KA. Rx: Cross, with globe and two pellets at each extremity, and X at center; in the angles, C-R/P-Δ. Overstruck on an earlier follis. VF............................................................................................................................ 100 ROMANUS IV; 1068-1071 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 8.34g. Sear-1866, DO-8. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, dotted cross behind head, holding book of Gospels with both hands; in field, IC-XC/NI-KA. Rx: Cross, with globe and two pellets at each extremity, and X at center; in the angles, C-R/P-Δ. Overstruck on an earlier follis. VF............................................................................................................................ 100 ALEXIUS I; 1081-1118 AD. Thessalonica, Follis, 2.85g. Sear-1911, Hendy-pl. 3.3. Obv: Cross standing on two steps, with globule at each extremity; in the angles, IC XC / NI - KA. Rx: CEP CVN / EPΓEI BA / CIΛEI AΛ / EΞIW in four lines, + above. EF............................................................................................................................. 360 MANUEL I; 1143-1180 AD. Uncertain Greek Mint, 1/2 Tetarteron, 1.65g. Sear1979, DO-22. Obv: Cross joining letters M, [Δ], Π, K, and Λ. Rx: No legend; bust of emperor facing, beardless, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum and cross on globe. EF............................................................................................................ 110 MANUEL I, TREBIZOND; 1238-1263 AD. Asper, 2.12g. Sear-2601. Obv: Ο / Α / ΓΙ on l., Ε[V] / Γ[Ε] / [NI / Ο] on r., Nimbate St. Eugenius standing front holding long cross. Rx: O / H / N on l., [Ο] / K / N on r., Manuel standing front holding labarum and akakia, hand of God (Manus Dei, flatly struck) at upper r. Some areas of flat striking. VF.............................................................................................................................. 65 ROMAN PROVINCIAL SILVER AND BRONZE FDC TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 103-111 AD, Tetradrachm, 15.59g. Prieur-1495, RPC-3528 (179 spec.). Obv: AVTOK KAIC NEP TRAIANOC CEB ΓEPM ΔAK Head of Trajan laureate r., eagle standing r. below portrait, club in r. field. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞ VΠAT E Bust of Melqart r., laureate, lionskin around neck. According to RPC p. 445, following Butcher, this Melqart reverse type shares obverse dies with the Tyche of Antioch type, so both types were probably struck at the same mint, presumably Antioch, rather than the Melqart type at Tyre and the Tyche type at Antioch, as often assumed. Formerly NGC MS*, 5/5, 4/5. This issue is no more than scarce. A coin like this one might exist one think, but was never seen until now. Everything is present and perfectly struck on a broad flan. FDC....................................................................................................................... 3500 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Caesarea, Cappadocia, 128-38 AD, Didrachm, 5.95g. Metcalf-98a, Syd-273, RPC-3105 (4 spec.). Obv: [AΔPIAN]OC - CEBACTOC Head laureate r. Rx: YΠATOC Γ - ΠATHP ΠATP Club, handle at top. VF / EF............ 485 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Tarsus, Cilicia, Tetradrachm, 9.27g. RPC-3266 (18 spec.), cf. Prieur-767 (8 spec.) and SNG Paris-1407-9. Obv: AYT KA[I Θ]E TPA ΠAP YI ΘE NEP YI TPAI AΔPIANOC CE Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck, a band also crosses the emperor’s shoulder below his chin. Rx: TAPΣEΩN - MHTPOΠOΛEΩΣ Sandan wearing tall hat and long robe, standing r. on horned lion, raising r. hand and holding double ax and wreath in l.; the ends of two additional weapons which cross behind his body are visible l. and r. of his neck and l. and r. of his groin. Ex Elsen 142, 14 September 2019, lot 637 = Leu Web 6, 9 Dec. 2018, lot 644. Apparently an unnoticed variety, with the two sigmas in the reverse legend written Σ not C, possibly occurring on just this one reverse die: the four such specimens in CoinArchives, including ours, all come from the same die pair. One of the same CoinArchives specimens was also listed by RPC (specimen 14), but without pointing out the unusual form of the two sigmas in the reverse legend. VF.......... 985 HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 10.08g. Metcalf-Type 88 (9 spec.); RPC-1437; BM-1061, pl. 72.8 (same dies); C-319 (25 Fr.). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Head bare r. Rx: COS - III Facing cult statue of Ephesian Artemis,
















arms extended l. and r. over stags who look back at her, fillets falling from wrists. Metcalf Mint C, die catalogue 326: specimens from the same dies in BM and Paris. Small trace of uncertain undertype below C of COS on reverse. aVF................... 500 CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Tyre, Phoenicia, 213-17 AD, Tetradrachm, 12.39g. Prieur-1545 (17 spec.), Bellinger-303. Obv: AVT KAI AN - TWNINOC CE Laureate head r. Rx: ΔHMAPX.EΞ.VΠATOC TO.Δ. Eagle standing r. on club, head l., wreath in beak, wings spread, murex shell between legs. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A34, June 2016, lot 343. Mint State....................................................... 200 The following lots 421-449 are a collection of Tetradrachms of Antioch. The metal is not of the best quality, thus the surfaces are of lesser quality than expected. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 244 AD, Tetradrachm, 12.01g. McAlee-887, Prieur-318 (26 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX - EΞOVCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l. on palm branch, head l., wreath in beak. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 403. Mint State.................. 400 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 246 AD, Tetradrachm, 13.35g. McAlee-899, Prieur-304 (60 spec.). Obv: AYTOK K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOY CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX - EΞOYCIAC around, MON VRB in exergue, S C in field, Eagle with spread wings standing r. on ground line, head l., wreath in beak. Near Mint State........................................................................................................ 300 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 247 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.94g. McAlee-919a (Scarce), Prieur-354 (19 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust radiate, cuirassed l., seen from front, Medusa head on cuirass. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC YΠΑ TΟ Γ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r., wreath in beak. gEF....................... 290 Ex Gemini XII PHILIP I, REVERSE LEGEND ERROR; 244-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 249 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.18g. Rev. legend var. of McAlee-941d (V. Rare) and Prieur-422 (5 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust laureate, cuirassed l., seen from front, short cuirass flaps visible on l. shoulder. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIC (sic, A left out) VΠΑ TΟ Δ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r., wreath in beak. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 410. Apparently unpublished with engraver’s error in reverse legend, A omitted from EΞOYCIAC. McAlee-941e records a similar error in the obverse legend of a bust variant of the same coin: V left out from IOVΛI. Near Mint State................ 500 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 246 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.35g. McAlee-901d (Scarce), Prieur-308 (18 spec.). Obv: AYTOK K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOY CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX - EΞOYCIAC around, MON VRB in exergue, S - C in field, Δ (officina 4) to r. of eagle’s head, Eagle with spread wings standing r. without ground line, head l., wreath in beak. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 406 . Mint State........................................................................................ 500 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 247 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.99g. McAlee-923, Prieur-373 (26 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC VΠΑ TΟ Γ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l., wreath in beak. EF.................................................................................................. 400 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 249 AD, Tetradrachm, 13.26g. McAlee-942a (Rare), Prieur-423 (8 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust laureate, cuirassed l., seen from front, Medusa head on breast. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC VΠΑ TΟ Δ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l., wreath in beak. From the same dies as the illustrated specimen, McAlee-942(a)/2. Breast and leg of eagle softly struck. Mint State......................................................................................................................... 425 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 246 AD, Tetradrachm, 13.12g. McAlee-901f (Scarce), Prieur-310 (17 spec.). Obv: AYTOK K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOY CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX - EΞOYCIAC around, MON VRB in exergue, S - C in field, S (officina 6) to r. of eagle’s head, Eagle with spread wings standing r. without ground line, head l., wreath in beak. Ex Gemini XII, 11 January 2015, lot 407. Exceptional portrait. EF................................................................... 420 PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 249 AD, Tetradrachm, 14.26g. McAlee-947 (same obv. die), Prieur-449 (22 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC VΠΑ TΟ Δ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r., wreath in beak. Mint State............................................. 425 OTACILIA SEVERA; Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 244 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.64g. McAlee-1086, Prieur-324 (27 spec.). Obv: MAP ΩTAKIΛ CEOVHPAN CEB Draped bust r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l. on palm branch, holding wreath in beak. aEF...................................................................... 290 OTACILIA SEVERA; Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 247 AD, Tetradrachm, 15.71g. McAlee-1091 (Rare), Prieur-385 (10 spec.). Obv: MAP ΩTAKIΛ CEOYHPAN CEB Draped bust r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC VΠA TO Γ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l., head r., holding wreath in beak. A heavy specimen. From the same obverse die as Prieur-384, there with eagle standing right on reverse. VF... 400 PHILIP II AS CAESAR; 245-247 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 247 AD, Tetradrachm, 15.10g. McAlee-1020 (V. Rare), Prieur-397 (6 spec.). Obv: MAP IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC KECAP Radiate, draped bust r. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞO VCIAC VΠA TO Γ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l., head r., holding wreath in beak. A heavy specimen. The radiate bust of Philip II as Caesar is rare combined with this eagle type in 247 AD. Mint State.. 400 PHILIP II AS CAESAR; 245-247 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 247 AD, Tetradrachm, 12.60g. McAlee-1023 (V. Rare), Prieur-393 (3 spec.). Obv: MAP IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC KECAP Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC VΠA TO Γ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l., head r., holding wreath in beak, r. wing passing behind r. leg. Rare combination of this Eagle type (tip of wing behind leg) with the bare-headed portrait of Philip II still as Caesar in 247. Near Mint State................................................. 375 PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Antioch, 248 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.95g. Prieur-413 (13 spec.), McAlee-1029 (Scarce). Obv: ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟΥΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CEB Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥCΙΑC ΥΠΑ ΤΟ Γ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle standing l. holding wreath in beak. From the

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Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A34, June 2016, lot 335. Mint State............. 350 435. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 247 AD, Tetradrachm, 12.68g. McAlee-1032a (V. Rare), Prieur-402 (4 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust radiate, cuirassed l., seen from front, Medusa head on breast. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOVCIAC VΠA TO Γ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r., holding wreath in beak. Rare radiate, cuirassed bust left of Philip II as Augustus with this Eagle type in 247 AD. Our coin is from the same obverse die as the ANS specimen illustrated by McAlee-1032a. Mint State..................................................................................... 400 436. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 248-9 AD, Tetradrachm, 13.41g. McAlee-1043, Prieur-473 (98 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOVCIAC VΠA TO Δ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l., holding wreath in beak. Mint State................................ 425 437. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 248-9 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.06g. McAlee-1044b (Rare), Prieur-967 (20 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front, cuirass flaps visible on both shoulders. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOVCIAC VΠA TO Δ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r., holding wreath in beak. Mint State......................................................................... 400 438. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 248-9 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.94g. McAlee-1049a (V. Rare), Prieur-459 (4 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front, with belt over l. shoulder and across chest. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOVCIAC VΠA TO Δ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l., holding wreath in beak. Rare cuirassed bust type with belt over shoulder. From the same die pair as the two illustrated specimens, McAlee-1049a and Prieur-459. The same obverse die was also used with eagle standing right on reverse: see the illustrated specimens of McAlee-1048a and Prieur-460. EF................................................... 275 439. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Antioch, 249 AD, Tetradrachm, 10.80g. McAlee-1060 (V. Rare, same dies as ill. spec.); Prieur-452 (5 spec., same obv. die as ill. spec.). Obv: ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟΥΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CEB Bust radiate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥCΙΑC ΥΠΑ ΤΟ Δ around, ANTIOXIA / S C in exergue, Eagle standing l. holding wreath in beak. VF...................................... 225 440. GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 23840 AD, Tetradrachm, 12.02g. Prieur-282 (139 spec.), McAlee-860. Obv: AYTOK K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOVCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r., head l., wreath in beak. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A34, June 2016, lot 332. Portrait doublestruck. VF......................................................................................... 200 441. GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 241-4 AD, Tetradrachm, 12.49g. McAlee-872, Prieur-295 (69 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ΔHMAPX E - Ξ VΠA TO B Eagle with spread wings standing r., head l., wreath in beak, between legs crescent and ram running l., looking back. Mint State......................................................... 275 442. TRAJAN DECIUS; 249-251 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, 249 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.05g. McAlee-1111 (V. Rare), Prieur-510 (4 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K ΓAI ME KVIN ΔEKIOC CEB Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r. on palm branch, holding wreath in beak. Rare second obverse legend of Decius still without TPAIANOC, but with the misspelled ΔEKKIOC corrected to ΔEKIOC. From the same obverse die as the coin illustrated by McAlee-1111; the same die was also used with the type Eagle standing left, as shown by the illustrated specimen of McAlee-1112. Mint State........................................................................................ 275 443. TRAJAN DECIUS; 249-251 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, c. 250-1 AD, Tetradrachm, 11.95g. McAlee-1113a (Scarce), Prieur-523 (18 spec.). Obv: AVT K Γ ME KV ΔEKIOC TPAIANOC CEB Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust r., one pellet (officina 1) below bust. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r. on palm branch, holding wreath in beak. Near Mint State................................................................................................................ 125 444. TRAJAN DECIUS; 249-251 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, c. 250-1 AD, Tetradrachm, 14.92g. McAlee-1125c, Prieur-581 (42 spec.). Obv: AVT K Γ ME KV TPAIANOC ΔEKIOC CEB Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust r., three pellets (officina 3) below bust. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r. on palm branch, holding wreath in beak. Broad, heavy specimen. Mint State.............................................................................................. 185 445. TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm, 11.47g. McAlee-1172d, Prieur-662 (30 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K Γ OVIB TPEB ΓAΛΛOC CEB Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust r., four pellets (officina 4) below bust. Rx: ΔHMAPX - EΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r. on ground line, head l., holding wreath in beak, second officina mark Δ between legs. Mint State............................................................... 175 446. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm, 10.85g. McAlee-1152. Obv: EPENN ETPOV ME KV ΔEKIOC KECAP Bare-headed, draped bust r., pellets below bust off flan. Rx: ΔHM[APX EΞOY]CIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing r. on palm branch, holding wreath in beak. Officina attribution uncertain, because pellets below bust are off flan. EF...................................................................................... 270 447. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm, 11.50g. McAlee-1153e, Prieur-636 (22 spec.). Obv: EPENN ETPOV ME KV ΔEKIOC KECAP Bare-headed, draped bust r., five pellets (officina 5) below bust. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l. on palm branch, holding wreath in beak. Near Mint State......................................................................................................................... 260 448. VOLUSIAN; 251-253 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm, 13.16g. McAlee-1188a (Rare), Prieur-694 (12 spec.). Obv: AVTOK K Γ AΦIN ΓAΛ OVENΔ OVOΛOVC[CIANOV CEB] Laureate, draped bust r., seen from front, [one pellet] (officina 1) below bust. Rx: ΔHMAPX E - ΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l. on ground line, head r., holding wreath in beak, second officina mark A between legs. Mint State................................................... 285 449. HOSTILIAN AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm, 14.09g. Contemporary counterfeit of McAlee-1160d (V. Rare) and Prieur-650 (5 spec.). Obv: Γ OYAΛ OCTIΛIAN ME KVINTOC KECAP Bare-


451. 452. 453.

454. 455.









headed, draped bust r., seen from front, S below bust (officina 6). Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC around, S C in exergue, Eagle with spread wings standing l. on palm branch, holding wreath in beak. Apparently a fourrée from official dies, silver plated over a copper core, most unusual for tetradrachms struck at Antioch. From the same obverse die as the illustrated solid-silver specimens, McAlee-1160d and (with Eagle right on reverse) Prieur-651. No such plated tetradrachms in official style are mentioned by McAlee in his discussion of counterfeits and imitations of Antioch coins, pp. 25-7. Bold Fine....................................................................................... 400 CILICIA, OLBA; Reign of Augustus, Olba, Cilicia, Ajax, High Priest and Toparch, Year 1=10/11 AD, AE 21, 6.89g. RPC-3725 (8 spec.), Sear-5167. Obv: AΙΑNTOΣ TEYKPOY Draped bust of Ajax r. wearing cap, caduceus before. Rx: [AP]XIEPΩ[Σ] / [T]OΠAPXOY / [K]ENN - AT / ΛAΛAΣΣ Triskeles, flanked by date [E]T - A. aEF........................................................................................................................... 550 BRITANNICUS; Smyrna, Ionia, 50-54 AD, AE 17, 3.54g. RPC-2476 (Nero Caesar), Klose Type XXXI, SNG Aulock-2203. Obv: ZMY Unwreathed boy’s head r. Rx: EΠI ΦIΛIΣTOY EIKAΔIO - Σ Victory advancing r. with trophy over shoulder. VF.... 600 DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Neapolis, Samaria, Year 11=82/3 CE, AE 15-16, 4.66g. RPC-2221 (6 spec.). Obv: [ΑΥΤΟΚ ΔΟΜΙΤ]ΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑ[I]Σ[ΑP ΣΕ] Head laureate r. Rx: ΦΛ[A NEAΠ] - ΣAMA L AI Two wheat ears. VF.......................................... 200 TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Leucas on the Chrysoroas, Coele-Syria, Year 55, 101/2-107/8 AD, AE 21-2, 9.18g. RPC-3812 (51 spec.). Obv: [AV KAI NEP] TPAIANO[C CE ΓEP ΔA] Laureate head r., ΔΑΚ countermark before (Howgego-529). Rx: KΛAVΔIEWN T[WN KAI ΛEVKAΔIWN] God in quadriga of horses leaping r., date EN above the horses. Fine............................................................................................................. 150 TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Tiberias, Galilaea, Year 90=107/8 CE, AE 15-16, 2.23g. RPC3930 (37 spec.). Obv: AY KAI N[E TPAI]ANO CE [ΓE] Δ Head laureate r. Rx: TIBEP - KΛAY Anchor, date L - Y across field. Fine / VF................................................ 175 TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Sepphoris, Galilaea, AE 18-20, 4.60g. RPC-3938 (32 spec.). Obv: ΤPΑΙΑΝΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΚPΑΤΩP ΕΔΩΚΕΝ Head laureate r. Rx: ΣEΠΦΩ - PHNΩN Caduceus, upright, tied with fillet in double bow knot. The obverse legend says “Trajan the Emperor gave”, probably referring to his financing of this coinage itself rather than any other benefaction (so RPC, following Hill in BMC). Fine / EF.... 375 TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Caesarea Maritima, Judaea, AE 11-12, 2.42g. RPC-3957 (5 spec.). Obv: [IMP CAES. .] OPTIM AVG Head of Trajan laureate r. Rx: C I F AV. Lion walking r. Apparently without the drapery on front shoulder of portrait reported by RPC; and on our specimen the reverse legend seems to end just AV., not AVG as RPC states. VG / VF............................................................................................... 275 NERO WITH COUNTERMARK OF LEGIO X FRETENSIS; 54-68 AD, Caesarea Maritima, Judaea, Year 14 = 68 CE, AE 23-25, 10.18g. RPC-4862 (65 spec.), Hendin-1614. Obv: [NEPΩN] KAIΣAP [ΣEBAΣTOΣ] Head laureate r.; before face, star and oblong countermark XF (Howgego-727) or possibly LXF (unpublished variety). Rx [KAIΣAPIA H ΠPO]Σ ΣE[BAΣTΩ ΛIMENI] Figure standing l. holding [human bust] and standard; in lower l. field, date [L I]Δ. Good............................. 450 Zodiac Drachm ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 144-145 AD, Drachm, 19.22g. RPC-IV.4, 14869 (temporary), Giessen-1491. Obv: Laureate head r. Rx: Zodiac: bust of Sarapis l. within inner circle of planet-gods (clockwise: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury) and outer circle of signs of zodiac counterclockwise, Aries at top. Coins of the zodiac are extremely desirable and quite scarce. The important reverse of this coin clearly renders most of the planetary busts and zodiac signs. Fine / Bold Fine............................................................................. 13000 Exceptional CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Antiochia, Pisidia, c. 212-7 AD, AE 33, 28.48g. Krzyzanowska obv. XXX, rev. die of SNG Paris-1138, acquired 1984, unknown to Krzyzanowska. Obv: IMP CAES M AVR - ANTONINVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: VIRT - AV - G COL ANTIOCHoc - H around, S R in exergue, Caracalla in military dress, cloak flying behind, on horse prancing r., about to hurl spear at enemy falling to ground beneath the horse’s forelegs. This sestertius-size coin is not only of exceptional style and quality but even has Latin legends, giving it almost the appearance of a Roman sestertius at first glance. EF....................................................................... 2500 CARACALLA AND JULIA DOMNA; Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, Struck under governor Quintilianus, 5 Assaria, 16.22g. Pfeiffer-160,10 (same dies); obv. leg. var. of AMNG-667 and Varbanov-1007. Obv: ANTΩNINOC ΠIOC AVΓOV IOVΛIA Δ - OMNA (the MN of ΔOMNA ligate) Laureate head of Caracalla r. facing draped bust of Domna l. Rx: VΠ KVNTIΛIANO - V MAPKIANOΠ - OΛI - T - ΩN Athena standing l., sacrificing from patera over altar at he feet and placing l. hand on shield resting on ground; behind her owl standing on column with value mark E (retrograde) above. Ex Helios 3, 29 April 2009, lot 179. Rare and elaborate reverse type, very rare obverse legend variant including ΠIOC . EF........................................................ 1850 Ex Marcel Burstein Collection PHRYGIA, HIERAPOLIS, PSEUDO-AUTONOMOUS; 2nd cent. AD, AE 35, 26.34g. RPC-IV.2-4022. Obv: Draped bust of Synkletos r., IEPA CYN - KΛHTOC (“Holy Senate”) around. Rx: Herakles standing l., sacrificing over altar, holding lionskin and club set on ground; ΙЄΡΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ around. The city of Hierapolis, which means sacred city, was built on natural hot springs and was a popular destination for retirement, where one could live their days. Ex CNG 97, 17 September 2014, lot 476. This is an exceptional medallion, apparently only the second recorded specimen, and struck on a broad flan with dark olive patina. Highly desirable artistic quality. Good VF................................................................................................................ 3450 Statue of Diety Men GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Antiochia, Pisidia, AE 34, 26.87g. KrzyzanowskaAv. XXI/Rv. 94 (1 spec., in BM). Obv: IMP CAES M ANT - GORDIANVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: COL CAES - ANTIOCH S - R Men standing r., placing l. foot on bull’s head, wearing Phrygian cap and with crescent behind shoulders, holding scepter in r. hand, l. arm resting on column and holding Victory on globe who carries trophy; cock on ground behind him. aEF.................................. 700 BYZANTINE WEIGHT BYZANTINE ROUND COMMERCIAL BRONZE WEIGHT; AE 4-Ounces (Triens) or 24-Nomismata, 6th-7th cent. AD, 105g. Unpublished in the standard references. Obv: Engraved letters BΦ with inlaid silver, engraved cross above and eight-pointed star below; all within dotted border. Rx: Blank apart from central hole. The letters BΦ on the obverse of our piece are presumably private ownership initials. For comparable Byzantine 4-ounce weights which were however government













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issues, see S. Bendall, Byzantine Weights, An Introduction (1996), 131; J. Forien de Rochesnard, Album des poids antiques III, p. 57; M. Campagnolo, M. Weber, and F. Weber, Poids romano-byzantins en alliage cuivreux (2015), 37-8. Good VF........ 800 WORLD COINS CANADA, 1890, H, CENT, UNC; Canada, 1890 H, Cent, UNC, Victoria Cent. Heaton mint, KM7. .................................................................................................. 75 CHINA, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC PROOF, 1981, SET, PROOF; China, People’s Republic Proof, 1981 Set, Proof, People’s Republic Proof Set 1981, Shanghai mint, KM-PS7. A highly coveted set that includes a “year of the cock” copper medallion inside. Included with the original cardboard envelope. ....................................... 1900 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, OTAKAR II, 1233-1278, 1978, MEDAL, UNC; Czechoslovakia, Otakar II, 1233-1278, 1978 Medal, UNC, Gold medal commemorating the Anniversary of Otakar II Death. 0.723 AGW. Otakar II left on Horseback/Czech Crown Jewels. Signed V.A.Kovanic. ...................................... 2000 DENMARK, VIKING COINAGE, ND, PENNY, EF; Denmark, Viking Coinage, ND Penny, EF, Svend II Estridsen, 1047-1075. Silver 0.9 g, 16.75mm. Lund mint. Angel standing right, handing banner to king standing left /voided long cross with triple crescent ends; lunettes in second and third quarters. Hauberg-8. Iridescent toning and typical wavy flan. ............................................................................... 1000 FRANCE, RICHARD I, 943-996, ND, DENIER, EF; France, Richard I, 943996, ND Denier, EF, Richard I, “Richard the Fearless”, 943-996.French Feudal, Normandy. 1.2g, 20mm. RICARDVS/ Monogram of Bishop Hugues, with ROTO MAGVS around. Hugues was Bishop of Rouen from AD 942 to 989. D-18. Richard the Fearless, came into power in Normady upon his fathers death in AD 942 Richard was only a boy and Louis IV of France immediately seized Normady and put him in confinement. With the help of other Norman and Viking leaders, Richard escaped and reclaiming Normady in AD 947. ........................................................................... 150 FRANCE, ND, GROS DIT FLORETTE, VF; France, ND Gros dit Florette, VF, Charles VI, 1380-1422. 2nd Royal emission 1419. St.Quentin mint. 2.9g, 26.7mm. Roberts-2881, Dupl-387. Flan flaws but nice example. ........................................ 175 FRANCE, BRITTANY, ND, GROS, VF; France, Brittany, ND Gros, VF, Francis I, 1442-50. Rennes mint. Arms of Brittany. 2.5g, 25mm. Roberts-6142. Nicely toned. ................................................................................................................................. 350 FRANCE, 1590, DOUZAIN, VF; France, 1590 Douzain, VF, Henri IV. Crowned arms, H on sides/cross with crowns and lily in quadrants. Billon. D-1262. .......... 150 FRANCE, PROVINCIAL, MAINE, ND, DENIER, EF; France, Provincial, Maine, ND Denier, EF, Charles de Valois, Count of Anjou, 1290-1317. Crowned lis/ Cross quartered with lis and clover. 1.04g. ............................................................ 135 FRANCE, BISHOPRIC ST. STEPHEN, ND, GROS, EF; France, Bishopric St. Stephen, ND Gros, EF, Metz. Bishopric silver, circa 14th-15th century. 3.g, 26.6mm. Kneeling figure of St. Stephen/Tournois-style cross with stars in angles. B-1659. Scratch on obv. An very nice example of this normally well circulated type. ...... 450 FRANCE, ANGLO-GALLIC, ND, GRAND BLANC AUX ECUS, EF; France, Anglo-Gallic, ND Grand blanc aux ecus, EF, Henry VI, 1422-1453. St.Lo mint (142249). 3.2g, 28.2mm. E-288. Beautiful example. ..................................................... 450 FRANCE, CARDINAL DUKE DE RICHELIEU, 1637, JETON, EF; France, Cardinal Duke de Richelieu, 1637 Jeton, EF, Cardinal de Richelieu, 1585-1642. Bust to the right, with a wide collar and the cross of the Order of the Holy Spirit. Boat sailing on the left, with the arms of France, between two clouds blowing on the waves. Reverse translation: (He stands among the fury of the winds). 26.5mm, 4.84g. Rarity: R2 , F.9005 - Corre.4218. Richelieu was a master politician and diplomat, who used of his influence to lay the foundations of an ‘absolute monarchy’ in France. ....... 250 FRANCE, LOUIS XV, 1730, JETON, UNC; France, Louis XV, 1730 Jeton, UNC, Louis XV, 1715-1774, bust right/Bridges and Roadways, The Point Royal by J. DuVivier. 6.1g, 28.8mm. F 2844. ............................................................................ 65 FRANCE, LOUIS XV, 1738, MEDAL, EF; France, Louis XV, 1738 Medal, EF, Peace with Saxony (and war of the Polish succession) by J. DuVivier. Silver, 41mm. Bust right/God of war with one hand stretched an olive branch for peace while the other hand torches the place. Divo-97. .................................................................. 325 FRANCE, ROYAL TREASURY, 1742, JETON, UNC; France, Royal Treasury, 1742 Jeton, UNC, Louis XV, 1715-1774, bust right/ Noah’s Ark in the middle of the waters,dove above, holding an olive branch “Unsinkable in the middle of the waves”. Silver 7.2g, 29.8mm. Beautifully toned. F 2056 rare. ........................................... 125 FRANCE, MARIA LESCZYNSKA, 1748, JETON, EF; France, Maria Lesczynska, 1748 Jeton, EF, Maria Lesczynska, 1725-1768. Maison de la Reine (Household of the Queen) by J. DuVivier. Bust left/ Bonsai plant “the grace of the bottom parts and to the utmost “ Silver. F.13351. Maria Lesczynska was the Polish wife of Louis XV, and the daughter of Stanislas Lesczynki, who was unsuccessfully supported by France for the throne of Poland during the War of the Polish Succession. .............................................................................................................. 85 FRANCE, MARIA LESCZYNSKA, 1750, JETON, EF; France, Maria Lesczynska, 1750 Jeton, EF, Maria Lesczynska, 1725-1768. Maison de la Reine(Household of the Queen)by J. DuVivier. Bust left/ Rose bush, “fertile and creative”. Silver. F.1335. Lesczynska was the Polish wife of Louis XV, and the daughter of Stanislas Lesczynki, who was unsuccessfully supported by France for the throne of Poland during the War of the Polish Succession. ..................................... 85 FRANCE, MARIE-JOSEPHE DAUPHINE, 1751, JETON, EF; France, MarieJosephe Dauphine, 1751 Jeton, EF, House of Madame la Dauphine. Head to the left of Marie-Josèphe de Saxe, second wife of the Dauphin/Goddess Eos, (Greek) or Aurora (Roman), the personification of the dawn, riding chariot spreading roses over the world. Feu-11212. .................................................................................................. 100 FRANCE, DAUPHIN/MARIE ANTOINETTE, 1770, MEDAL, AU; France, Dauphin/Marie Antoinette, 1770 Medal, AU, Marriage of Dauphin (Louis XVI) to Marie Antoinette by P. Lorthior. Silver, 38 mm. Hear of Louis XV right/The young couple holding hands above an altar. Behind, France and Austria embraced. Divo NL. ......................................................................................................................... 300 FRANCE, MARSEILLE COMMERCE, 1775 (1875), JETON, UNC; France, Marseille Commerce, 1775 (1875) Jeton, UNC, Marseille Chamber of Commerce (act. 1875) silver Jeton by A. Dubois. Octagonal, 35mm. Lovely Marseille port view with many ships; stars in the sky. 19.0g, 35.4mm.. ............................................... 115 FRANCE, LOUIS XV, 1761, JETON, UNC; France, Louis XV, 1761 Jeton, UNC, Louis XV, 1715-1774 silver Jeton for the Chamber of Commerce of Picardie at Amiens. By Roettiers. F 6533. 7.7g, 29.2mm. lovely sea port view/Arms of Amiens.

Die polish lines. ....................................................................................................... 75 485. FRANCE, SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF FRANCE, ND, JETON, UNC; France, Society of Antiquaries of France, ND Jeton, UNC, Society of Antiquaries of France jeton By E. Dubois. Silver 15.7g, 32.6mm. Simple and Elegant high relief design of Minerva. (edge: Bee). ............................................................................ 110 486. FRANCE, FRENCH REPUBLIC, AN IX (1800), JETON, EF; France, French republic, An IX (1800) Jeton, EF, Association for building three iron bridges over the Seine by by Tiolier. Impressive view of bridge over the Seine/legend within laurel wreath. 19.6g, 35.2mm. F 5319, Br 145. ..................................................... 150 487. FRANCE, PARIS STOCK EXCHANGE, 1814, JETON, UNC; France, Paris Stock Exchange, 1814 Jeton, UNC, Louis XVIII, 1814-1824. Paris Stock Exchange (La Bourse) by N. Tiolier. Very masculine and high-relief design. Slight cud on obv. Silver 14.6g, octagonal 32.7mm. ........................................................................... 110 488. FRANCE, TOULOUSE POETRY COMPETITION, 1819, JETON, UNC; France, Toulouse Poetry Competition, 1819 Jeton, UNC, Silver Jeton by Eugène Dubois. Clemence Isaure bust left/Flowers. 17.g, 35.6mm. Beautifully toned. Clemence Isaure was a legendary figure who was credited with founding or restoring the Academia dels Jocs Florals or Academy of the Floral Games in Toulouse in the late Middle Ages. These games, organized in Toulouse, bring together poets and musicians under the aegis of the nymph Flore. The Académie des Jeux Floraux has had such prestigious members as Ronsard, Marmontel, Chateaubriand, Voltaire, Alfred de Vigny, Victor Hugo and Frédéric Mistral. ............................................................... 80 489. FRANCE, NOTARIES OF LAON, ND, JETON, UNC; France, Notaries of Laon, ND Jeton, UNC, “Laws” written on tablet with and eye overseeing. Scales of justice the the right. Proof-like, Beautiful color. Ler. 158 (em: bee, circa 1860-1879). ................................................................................................................................... 85 490. FRANCE, NOTARIES OF BOURG, ND, JETON, AU; France, Notaries of Bourg, ND Jeton, AU, Book of code open on the scales of justice, Notaries of Bourg by Charrasse. Ler. 60. .............................................................................................. 75 491. FRANCE, RAIL ROAD, 1826, JETON, UNC; France, Rail Road, 1826 Jeton, UNC, Silver Jeton by N. Tiolier celebrating the connection of the Rhone Rail Road with the Loire Rail Road. Personification of Rhone and Loire with the Greek god Hermes above representing good luck in trade and travel. Train and mountains in the background/Shields of the towns of Rhone and Loire. Slight rim ding, beautiful imagery toning. Edge mark; Oil lamp. 20.g, 36.5mm. .......................................... 145 492. FRANCE, NAPOLEON I, 1840, JETON, UNC; France, Napoleon I, 1840 Jeton, UNC, Napoleon I. Committee of Notaries silver Medal 1840 by Barre. 32.5mm. Bramsen-1999, Julius-4030, High relief bust of Napoleon I right/wreath. Proof-like. L. 450. .................................................................................................................... 125 493. FRANCE, COURT OF APPEALS, 1840, JETON, UNC; France, Court of Appeals, 1840 Jeton, UNC, Silver Octagonal Jeton commemorating the Attorneys of the Court of Appeals. 16.6g, 33.4mm Justice seated/Altar with oil lamp and book under two majestic eagles. 1st Republic/Empire. Br. 597; F 4940a. Perfect for a lawyer or officer of the court. F. 4940a. ................................................................... 65 494. FRANCE, LYON BRIDGE CO, 1844, JETON, UNC; France, Lyon Bridge Co, 1844 Jeton, UNC, Spectacular view of of the Lyon Bridge over the Rhone Rivers/ Personification of the Rhone River holding an oar, leaning on a vessel flowing out water. 16.3g, 34.2mm. ........................................................................................... 185 495. FRANCE, YONNE HISTORICAL & NATURAL SCIENCE SOC, 1847, JETON, UNC; France, Yonne Historical & Natural Science Soc, 1847 Jeton, UNC, Society of Historical and Natural Science of Yonne (burgundy) Simple and lovely silver jeton. By Massonnet. 11.7g, 30mm, octagonal. Large bee, center. Perfect for anyone who loves nature or bees. .............................................. 60 496. FRANCE, PREFECTURE OF POLICE............ , 1847, JETON, UNC; France, Prefecture of Police, 1847 Jeton, UNC, Louis XVIII, 1815-1824. Louis bust right/ Cock vigilantly watching. Silver octagonal jeton by A. Gaile. 10.4g, 29.6mm. Scarce. ...................................................................................................................... 75 497. FRANCE, RUE IMPÉRIALE REAL ESTATE CO, 1854, JETON, UNC; France, Rue Impériale Real Estate Co, 1854 Jeton, UNC, An incredibly gorgeous and scarce piece by M. Penin. Silver 16.g, 33.5mm. Lyon as woman, right/Eos, Greek Goddess of the Dawn riding in the middle of building. Rue Impériale Real Estate Co. was founded in Lyon in 1854. Today it is part of ICADE. ................................... 175 498. FRANCE, ALGERIA CATHEDRAL, 1853, MEDAL, UNC; France, 1853 Medal, UNC, Large bronze medal by E. Oudine´ struck in 1853 in commemoration of the beginning of the consolidation work carried out at the Cathedral of Algiers, Algeria. Algiers cathedral, P.H. Fe´raud Architect. Rv. Ministe`re de l’instruction publique et des cultes. Legend in fifteen lines. 68mm. Esc 211 (edge:Bee). ........ 450 499. FRANCE, NEOCLASSIC/ART NOUVEAU, ND (1934), MEDAL, UNC; France, neoclassic/art nouveau, ND (1934) Medal, UNC, “La Danse Antique” by Colombian sculpture Marco Tobon-Mejia (1876-1933). Bronze 59mm. uniface Bronze Medal (1934). Naked dancing couple. ...................................................... 225 500. FRANCE, NEOCLASSIC/ART NOUVEAU, ND (1934), MEDAL, UNC; France, neoclassic/art nouveau, ND (1934) Medal, UNC, “La Danse Classique” by Colombian sculpture Marco Tobon-Mejia (1876-1933). Bronze 59mm. uniface Bronze Medal (1934). clothed dancing couple. ..................................................... 225 501. FRANCE, ART DECO STYLE, ND (1939), MEDAL, UNC; France, Art Deco Style, ND (1939) Medal, UNC, sesquicentennial of the French Revolution Uniface Bronze Medal by Turin. 68mm. Slight edge hit. ................................................... 170 502. FRANCE, COLONIAL AFRICA, 1946, MEDAL, UNC; France, Colonial Africa, 1946 Medal, UNC, Large Medal Of Gratitude to the African Soldiers of France by E. Monier. Beautiful Art Deco piece with the map of Africa on the reverse. Bronze, 68mm. ...................................................................................................... 250 503. FRANCE, PIEDFORT SET, 1982, 10 FRANCS, PROOF; France, Piedfort Set, 1982 10 Francs, Proof, P-749. Struck for the 100th anniversary of the death of Leon Gambetta. RARE with a mintage of only 87 pieces. Gold weight 1.15oz AGW and Silver weight 0.678 oz AGW. Sealed in original plastic with certificate. ........... 2600 504. GERMAN STATES, MEMMINGEN, ND, BRACTATE, EF; German States, Memmingen, ND Bractate, EF, Anonymous issues. Struck circa 1260-1270. Silver, 0.52 g, 21mm. Lion passant right / Incuse of obverse. Lovely toning. Berger 2587; Künker 274, lot 2085. EF, toned. From the estate of Thomas Bentley Cederlind. Ex: CNG, Auction 382 lot 572.. ................................................................................... 300 505. GREAT BRITAIN, ANGLO SAXON, ND, SCEAT, EF; Great Britain, Anglo Saxon, ND Sceat, EF, Kings of Northumbria. Eadberht. 737-758. 12.5mm, 0.91 g.





























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EADBERhTVG, cross pattée / Quadruped standing right, raising foreleg. Booth, Sceattas, Class A, 14 (dies L/k – this coin); Pirie, Guide 2.1a-b; SCBI 63 (BM), 758; North 178; SCBC 847 (this coin illustrated). toned, off center. From the Dr. Andrew Wayne Collection, purchased from A. H. Baldwin, July 2007. Ex Triton 2017, lot 1469. ...................................................................................................................... 550 GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY II, 1154-1189, ND, PENNY, VF; Great Britain, Henry II, 1154-1189, ND Penny, VF, Crowned head of Henry facing/short cross, four pellets in quadrants. Much of legend blundered. Winchester mint. Silver, 1.4g, 20.3mm. S-1344. ................................................................................................... 125 GREAT BRITAIN, EDWARD I, 1272-1307, ND, PENNY, VF; Great Britain, Edward I, 1272-1307, ND Penny, VF, London, 1.4g. S 1395. class 4b. Sweet looking portrait. .................................................................................................................... 65 GREAT BRITAIN, CHARLES I, 1625-1649, ND, SHILLING, EF/AU; Great Britain, Charles I, 1625-1649, ND Shilling, EF/AU, Tower Mint under Parliament. Mint mark, P in brackets (1643-44). 5.7g, 27.10mm. Weak center strike although still many nicely detailed and crisp devices. Some clipping. ....................................... 100 GREAT BRITAIN, 1887, SHILLING, UNC; Great Britain, 1887 Shilling, UNC, Victoria. S-3926; KM-761. pretty toning. ............................................................... 75 GREAT BRITAIN, JUBILEE HEAD, 1887, 5 POUNDS, NGC, MS63; Great Britain, Jubilee Head, 1887 5 Pounds, NGC. MS63, . ......................................... 3000 GREAT BRITAIN, JUBILEE HEAD, 1887, 2 POUND, NGC, MS63; Great Britain, 1887 2 Pound, NGC. MS63, . .................................................................. 1500 GREAT BRITAIN, JUBILEE HEAD, 1887, SOVEREIGN, NGC, MS63; Great Britain, Jubilee Head, 1887 Sovereign, NGC. MS63, NGC MS63+ ........... 700 GREAT BRITAIN, JUBILEE HEAD, 1887, HALF SOVEREIGN, NGC, UNC, D; Great Britain, Jubilee Head, 1887 Half Sovereign, NGC. UNC, D, Details: Reverse Cleaned (although many staff here believe this is die polish and not cleaning). ............................................................................................................... 350 IRELAND, GUN MONEY, 1689, “GUN MONEY” 1/2 CROWN, VF/EF; Ireland, Gun Money, 1689 “Gun Money” 1/2 Crown, VF/EF, James II. 1685-1688. October. 14.6g, 32.9mm S-6579; KM-95. IOCABVS II DE GRATIA, bust left / MAG BR FRA ET HIB REX 1689, crown over crossed scepters, XII above, Oct below, J/R script to sides. Some weakness and graininess but lots of detail left. ................... 150 ITALIAN STATES, VENICE, ND, ZECCHINO, EF/AU; Italian States, Venice, ND Zecchino, EF/AU, Alvise III. Mocenigo, 1722-1732. 3.5g. Weak center but lots of luster. Slightly bent, as made. ................................................................................ 375 PHILIPPINES, 1897, SGV, PESO, EF/AU; Philippines, 1897 SGV, Peso, EF/AU, Alfonso XIII. Manila. 24.9g. KM# 154. Some marks. Very pretty. ...................... 200 POLAND, BAPTISM, ND, MEDAL, UNC; Poland, Baptism, ND Medal, UNC, Baptism (Christening) medal of the 12th century, probably by Jan Höhn, Danzig. Silver 65.2 g 59.8 mm. Parents and the Reverend holding the child over the fountain/ Saint blessing the child and his mother with his siblings. Scarce medal. Exceptional condition. ............................................................................................................. 1000 PORTUGAL, 1786, 50 REIS, AU/UNC; Portugal, 1786 50 Reis, AU/UNC, Maria I. 1786-1799. 50 Reis (1/2 Tostao). ......................................................................... 50 SCOTLAND, WILLIAM I, ND, PENNY, VF; Scotland, William I, ND Penny, VF, William I ‘The Lion’, 1165-1214. 1.1g. S-5029. Head left with scepter/Short cross, stars in angles. EDINDVR, Edinburgh. Some flan cracks. ......................... 200 SPAIN, CASTILLE & LEON, ND, CUARTILLO, EF; Spain, Castille & Leon, ND Cuartillo, EF, Enrique IV, 1454-1474, Jaen Mint. 3.4g. 27mm. Crowned facing bust. Burgos-746, Cayon-22 Nice strike and surfaces with chip on edge. ............ 200 ANTIQUITIES NEAR EASTERN SUMERIAN TERRACOTTA MOLD OF A PRIEST, ca. late 2nd to early 1st Millennium BC. The figure stands in profile with hand raised before him. Beard, cap, and robes typical of elaborate Sumerian dress. H. 4 1/4” W. 2 3/4” (10.8 cm x 7 cm). ............................................................................................................................... 1650 STAMP SEALS MESOPOTAMIAN STEATITE STAMP SEAL, Ubaid Period, ca. 3700 BC. Square seal with rounded edges, diagonally crossing lines in the center, two vertical lines and hatch marks on either edge. Ex HJB Art Fair 2007. L. 1 1/4” (3 cm)...... 500 SUMERIAN BLACK STONE STAMP SEAL, Jemdat Nasr Period, ca. 31002900 BC. The underside is carved with two ibex and two arcs of dots. Ex HJB BBS 119, lot 633, March 2001. H. 1 1/16”...................................................................... 300 SUMERIAN STEATITE STAMP SEAL, Jemdat Nasr Period, ca. 3100-2900 BC. On the underside a carved ibex with very long horns, and a snake above. Minor incrustation on the top side. Ex HJB Art Fair 2007. H. 1” (2.5 cm)........................ 650 SUMERIAN LAPIS LAZULI STAMP SEAL, ca. 2800 BC. In prized lapis lazuli, the vibrant blue seal depicting a seated god, possibly Marduk. W. 3/4” (1.9 cm).. 350 SUMERIAN MOTTLED MARBLE STAMP SEAL, ca. 2500 BC. With multiple drill dots, seal pierced for suspension. Ex HJB Art Fair 2007. 3/4” x 7/8” (2 cm). 300 SUMERIAN GRAY BANDED AGATE STAMP SEAL, ca. 2500 BC. Two animals formed from drill marks, the agate shades of creamy banded gray. Ex HJB Art Fair 2007. D. 3/4” (2 cm).................................................................................. 350 SUMERIAN BROWN MARBLE STAMP SEAL, ca. 2500 BC. Reddish brown seal with drill dots forming the shape of two animals. Ex HJB Art Fair 2007. D. 1 1/8” (2.9 cm).................................................................................................................... 325 SUMERIAN LIGHT BROWN MARBLE STAMP SEAL, ca. 2500 BC. Two animals formed from multiple drill dots. Ex HJB Art Fair 2007. D. 7/8” (2.2 cm)...300 NEAR EASTERN NEO-HITTITE STAMP SEAL, ca. 1200-800 BC. Hunter and animal inscribed in white stone. Dia. 3/4” (2 cm)............................................ 250 NEAR EASTERN NEO-HITTITE STAMP SEAL, ca. 800 BC. Deeply incised geometric design. Dia.9/16” (1.4 cm)...................................................................... 200 NEO BABYLONIAN CHALCEDONY STAMP SEAL, ca. 600 BC. The stone carved with the image of a robed priest with elaborate hat standing before an altar, crescent moon symbol above. L. 1” W. 1/2” H. 3/4” (2.5 cm)................................ 650 SASSANIAN AGATE STAMP SEAL, ca. 3rd to 7th Century AD. Inscribed with a delicate floral motif. W. 11/16” (1.7 cm).............................................................. 250 SASSANIAN WHITE MARBLE STAMP SEAL WITH TAMGA, ca. 3rd to 7th Century AD. Stamp seal with abstract Tamga inscription used to identify or show ownership of a particular tribe or family. Similarly, Nishan in ancient Iranian terminology. Ex HJB BBS123, lot 862, October 2001. W. 5/6” (2 cm)................. 200 SASSANIAN CARNELIAN STAMP SEAL, ca. 3rd to 7th Century AD. With a

bearded man. W. 1/2” (1 cm)................................................................................... 250 536. SASSANIAN GREEN JASPER STAMP SEAL, ca. 3rd to 7th Century AD. Circular seal with deep green color, an eagle on the stamping surface. Ex HJB BBS120, lot 585, May 2001. W. 1/2” (1 cm).......................................................... 450 537. SASSANIAN CHALCEDONY STAMP SEAL, ca. 3rd to 7th Century AD. With a standing ibex. Ex HJB BBS 159, lot 599, June 2008. W. 7/8” (2 cm).................. 300 EGYPTIAN 538. LIMESTONE PANEL FRAGMENT WITH HIEROGLYPHS, New Kingdom, ca. 1200 BC. Private NYC collection, brought to the United States prior to 1948, thence by descent. L. 6 5/8” H. 4” (16.8 cm x 10 cm).......................................... 1250 539. BLUE FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. With a large single vertical register on the front. Very nice color and sharp glyphs. A shabti for a god’s father, prophet, chief lector priest, and scribe. H. 5 1/4” with base 6” (13.3 cm). 2000 540. GOLD REPOUSSÉ WINGED SCARAB APPLIQUÉ, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. A sheet gold appliqué of a scarab with the body of a beetle and the feathered wings of a bird. Winged scarabs were believed the guarantee the rebirth of the deceased. W. 2 3/8” (6 cm)............................................................................................................. 2500 541. HELLENISTIC TERRACOTTA HEAD OF A NEGRO, ca. 3rd to 1st Century BC. This nicely modeled head of a Black African is truly a rare piece. Sculpted in the Alexandrian workshops of Hellenistic Egypt, the head has a muscular face, and rounded African eyes. The ancient Greeks and Romans prized images of Negroes, since the black African - far from representing the typical image of the foreigner, an image of conquest and servitude - symbolized the exotic. As in ancient times, Classical images of Black Africans are much sought after by modern collectors. H. 2 1/8” (5.4 cm)............................................................................................................ 450 542. COPTIC LARGE WOODEN COMB, ca. 9th-10th Century AD. A large rectangular comb including both thick and thin teeth. The central panel with concentric circle design. Private collection, prior to 1980; French Art Market, 2010. L. 10 3/8” (26.4 cm)................................................................................................................ 2250 543. COPTIC TEXTILE FRAGMENT OF NEARLY COMPLETE TUNIC, ca. 3rd-6th Century AD. A black and white weaving produced by the Copts (Christian Egyptians). The Coptic people were known for their ability as gifted weavers and artisans. The textiles, be they functional tunics and shawls or decorative rugs, curtains, etc., were frequently woven with classical motifs. Designs of mythological creatures, geometric lines, animals, and vegetation indicate strong Greco-Roman influence in many examples. Christian symbols and references were also commonly represented. Ex Chicago Collection. Framed H. 92” x W. 42 1/4” (234 cm x 107 cm)............ 8500 TERRACOTTA 544. ROMAN MILITARY FIRST LEGION BRICK, ca. 100 AD. Square brick bearing the stamp of the Roman First Legionary army. Stamps like this on fired clay was used to mark territories that the legion controlled. W. 7 1/4” H. 7” (18 cm x 17.8 cm)........................................................................................................................... 900 545. ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA HANDLE FRAGMENT, BEARDED MALE HEAD, ca. 3rd Century BC. The face with deep set eyes, lined brow leading to elaborate hair or headdress, his beard long and flared. Mounted. W. 3 1/2” H. 3 1/2” (9 cm x 9 cm)............................................................................................................... 375 546. LATE ROMAN, EARLY BYZANTINE TERRACOTTA FRAGMENT WITH TWO HALOED FIGURES, ca. 5th-7th Century AD. Two Christian figures stand side by side in pleated robes, large cruciform halos behind their heads. Mounted. H. 3 3/4” W. 3 1/2” (9.5 cm x 9 cm)....................................................... 600 CERAMICS 547. ETRUSCAN BUCCHERO KANTHAROS, ca. 6th Century BC. An unusually large vessel high vertical handles and a stemmed foot. Composed of black volcanic clay, it has been rejoined from large fragments, and the foot has been expertly restored. Ancient authors most commonly associate kantharoi with Dionysus, and vase paintings depict their use in cult rituals. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 135, 10 December 2003, lot 628. H. 13” W. 15 1/2” (33 cm x 39.4 cm)........................... 4750 548. CANOSAN VOLUTE KRATER, ca. 4th Century BC. The vessel with high pedestal base and extended handles terminating in volutes, each molded with a facing head. No restoration. Ex Apolonia Ancient Art, 2009. H. 18 5/8” W. 11 1/8” (47.3 cm x 28.3 cm).............................................................................................................. 4950 549. ATTIC RED-FIGURE KALPIS ATTRIBUTED TO THE HARROW PAINTER, ca. 470 BC. A wonderful piece depicting a domestic scene, possibly of a high class courtesan, or hetaira, entertaining two competing suitors. The woman holds a mirror and is seated centrally, flanked by her suitors and a dog to her backside. Private Collection, Switzerland. with Galerie Gunter Puhze, Freiburg, 1999 (Kunst der Antike, Katalog 13, no. 122). with Royal-Athena Galleries, New York (Art of the Ancient World, Vol. XII, 2001, no. 212; and One Thousand Years of Ancient Greek Vases II, 2010, no. 85. Acquired by the current owner from the above, 2012 for $52,500). H. 12 3/4” (32.4 cm)............................................................................ 37500 550. ATTIC BLACK FIGURE OLPE, ca. 5th Century BC. A rare piece depicting a youth approaching a biga from the right. Recomposed with some missing areas. H. 9 1/4” (23. 5 cm)....................................................................................................... 4250 551. APULIAN OWL CUP SKYPHOS, ca. 4th Century BC. A two handled drinking cup adorned on either side with an owl between olive leaves. W. 5 7/8” H. 2 3/4” (15 cm x 7 cm)............................................................................................................... 950 OIL LAMPS 552. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH GLADIATORS, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Two gladiators in battle, groundline below. Round voluted nozzle. L. 3 3/4” W. 2 3/4” (9.5 cm x 7 cm)............................................................................................................... 950 553. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH GLADIATOR, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Red ware lamp, the discus with gladiator in high relief, shield raised. Filling hole below. Angular voluted nozzle. L. 4” W. 2 7/8” (10 cm x 7.3 cm)................................................. 1000 554. ROMAN OIL LAMP, GLADIATOR, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Discus distinguished from shoulder by two ridges, central figure, angular voluted nozzle. L. 4 5/8” W. 3 3/8” (11.7 cm x 8.6 cm)......................................................................... 1250 555. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH GLADIATOR, ca. 30 BC-100 AD. Gladiator seated on ground (in defeat), gladius in right hand, shield on ground to right. Maker’s mark C.OPPI.RES. Cf. Deveauve 459. Ex Kovacs Collection. L. 3 7/8 “ W. 2 7/8” (9.8 cm x 7.3 cm)................................................................................................................ 1450 556. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH GLADIATOR, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Helmeted gladiator lunging, shield held low before him. Filling hole center bottom. Nozzle rounded and voluted with air vent at base. L. 4 1/4” W. 3 1/8” (10.8 cm x 7.9 cm).....

............................................................................................................................... 1000 557. ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st Century AD. Sharply detailed lamp depicting an Eros paddling a floating amphora. Angular voluted nozzle. L. 4 1/8” (10.5 cm).................................................................................................................. 800 558. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH EROS, ca. 1st Century AD. The discus marked off by three rings, an Eros reaching upward, filling hole to the left. Voluted angular nozzle. L. 4 1/4” W. 3 1/8” (10.8 cm x 7.9 cm)........................................................................ 750 559. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH APOSTLE, ca. 4th-5th Century AD. Redware lamp with tunic-clad male figure on the discus, perhaps an apostle. The shoulder separated by ridge, series of concentric circles. L. 5 1/2” W. 3 1/4” (14 cm x 8.3 cm).......... 650 560. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH SATYR, ca. 1st Century AD. Facing bust of a satyr with ram horns curving to the head, ears to the side and large shaggy beard. Outward sloping shoulder, separated from flat discus by a ridge. Symmetrically placed lug on each side. Twin filling holes left and right. Protruding rounded nozzle with deep median groove, small air hole within. Flat base marked by two rings and marker’s mark, STROBILI, Italic based in Egypt, Flavian. L. 4 1/2” W. 3 1/8” (11.4 cm x 7.9 cm)........................................................................................................................... 950 561. ROMAN EROTIC OIL LAMP, ca. 2nd Century AD. Erotic scene of two figures in high relief. Filling hole center. Visible chip to the bottom left side of the lamp. Round tipped nozzle and ringed handle with two grooves. Maker’s signature LFABRICMAS. The lamp has been restored. L. 4” W. 2 3/4” (10.2 cm x 7 cm).............................. 650 562. ROMAN EROTIC OIL LAMP, ca. 1st Century BC-1st Century AD. Red ware lamp with erotic scene on the discus. Shoulder marked off by three deep grooves. Filling hole in top left side and an air hole at the base of the angular voluted nozzle. L. 4 1/4” W. 3” (10.8 cm x 7.6 cm)............................................................................ 1250 563. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH STAG, ca. 1st Century AD. Lamp renders a finely molded stag leaping right. Angular voluted nozzle. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 84, 19 January 1995, lot 1091. L. 4 1/16” (10.3 cm)..................................................... 800 564. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH CUTTLEFISH, ca. 1st Century AD. The oil lamp with ring handle, recessed discus with a sharply executed cuttlefish, round voluted nozzle. L. 4 3/8” (11 cm)......................................................................................... 750 565. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH FROG, ca. 70 BC-15 AD. Red ware lamp with large ribbon handle, shoulder and basin covered with rows of closely spaced globules. Unpierced lugs on either side, frog at base of nozzle. Elongated beveled nozzle with blunt obtuse end. L. 5 1/2” W. 4” (14 cm x 10 cm)............................................... 1000 566. ROMAN DAROM TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 70-2nd Century AD. Produced by the Jewish craftsman after the destruction of the Second temple. Darom, “Daroma” refers to the region in Israel where the Jews were driven to by the Romans. Decorated with two lulavim flanking the filling-hole. The lulav was significant on the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. Three rosettes can be found at either side of the firing hole of the lamp as well as below. Comes with official export papers from Israel. L 3 1/4” (8.3 cm).......................................................................................................... 1400 567. JUDEAN OIL LAMP, ca. 5th Century AD. Bell shaped Jewish oil lamp with six wick holes along the flat nozzle, large fill hole at center. L. 4” W. 3 7/8” (10.2 cm x 9.8 cm)........................................................................................................................... 850 568. ROMAN OIL LAMP WITH JEWISH ICONOGRAPHY, Asia Minor, ca. 5th Century AD. Multi-nozzled lamp, sharply carinated with beveled edges, truncated triangular shape. Relief patterns of lines, zigzags, branches and circles, shoulder with double ladder pattern. L. 4 1/4” W. 3 1/8” (10.8 cm x 7.9 cm)............................... 750 569. SYRIAN PALMYRA OIL LAMP WITH INSCRIPTION, ca. 100-150 AD. Two small raised circles on sides of wick hole and a line of raised circles separating the shoulder from nozzle. Rosette and Aramaic inscription around the shoulder reading “aglbol v’mlkbl” or Aglibol and Malakbel. Aglibol was a lunar deity in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. The name means “Calf of Bel” (Calf of the Lord). He is linked with a sun god, Malakbel. The cult continued into Hellenic time and was later extended to Rome. L. 3 1/8” (7.9 cm)................................................................... 6500 570. BYZANTINE OIL LAMP WITH GREEK INSCRIPTION, Eastern Mediterranean, ca. 5th-7th century AD. Vertical conical knob handle. Bi-conical slightly oval body with raised circular ring. On the top circular Greek inscription, “The light of the Lord appears”. L 4 1/8” W. 3” (10.5 cm x 7.6 cm)...................... 425 571. BYZANTINE OIL LAMP WITH THE BLESSING OF THE VIRGIN, Syro-Palestinian, ca. 7th-8th Century AD. Round lamp with Greek inscription set in two circles. The inscription is a blessing of the Mother of God. On the underside of the lamp is a quatrefoil pattern with scrolling pattern around outer rim. For examples see Bagatti (1964-2), pp. 266-268, #12. Qedem, Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology by Rosenthal & Sivan 1978, #581. Ancient Lamps from the Mediterranean by Srdjan Djuric 1995, #C248. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 171, 27 October 2010, lot 594. L. 3” ( 7.6 cm).................................................................... 850 572. BYZANTINE OIL LAMP WITH THE BLESSING OF THE VIRGIN, SyroPalestinian, ca. 7th-8th Century AD. Round type of buff clay with Greek inscription set in two circles. The inscription is a blessing of the Mother of God. On the underside of the lamp is a quatrefoil pattern with scrolling pattern around outer rim. For examples see Bagatti (1964-2), pp. 266-268, #12. Qedem, Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology by Rosenthal & Sivan 1978, #581. Ancient Lamps from the Mediterranean by Srdjan Djuric 1995, #C248. L. 2 5/8” (6.7 cm).......................... 700 573. ROMAN BRONZE OCEANUS LAMP WITH ROMAN GALLEY, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. Remarkable Oceanus head shaped bronze lamp with attachment in the form of a ship. Three separate pieces. Black-green patina. From the Shlomo Moussaieff Collection, 1948-2000, Israel. Gorny & Mosch Auction 248, 30 June 2017, No 234. Extremely rare and desirable type. H. 8 7/8” W. 6 1/2” (22.5 cm x 16.5 cm). .......................................................................................... 95000 574. ROMAN BRONZE OIL LAMP, ca. 2nd Century AD. Ring handle with ornamental decoration. Filling hole with hinged lid taking the form of a shell. Round tipped nozzle with small volutes. L. 5 3/8” W. 2” (13.7 cm x 5 cm). . ...................................... 975 575. BYZANTINE LARGE BRONZE STANDING LAMP, ca. 11th Century AD. The lamp with hinged decorative shell lid and scrolling handle. The pedestal with tripod base with paw shaped feet. H. 13 3/4” (34.9 cm)....................................... 2500 BRONZE 576. ROMAN BRONZE HANDLED MIRROR, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. A handheld mirror of simple form with framed circular face and flat handle tapering down to an open ring. Some areas of loss, varied patina of greens and blues. L. 11 “ W. 5 1/8” (28 cm x 13 cm)............................................................................................................. 950

BYZANTINE 577. MEDIEVAL STONE ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON PANEL WITH CROSS, ca. 11th-14th Century AD. Depiction of the famous legend of St. George slaying a dragon, the dragon being a common medieval representation of the devil. W. 2 1/2” L. 3 7/8”(6.4 cm x 9.8 cm)............................................................................ 950 GLASS 578. ROMAN GLASS FLASK, ca. 3rd-4th Century AD. Glass flask with long neck, bulbous body, and pinched lip. H. 5 1/2” (14 cm)................................................. 1850 ASIAN ART 579. THAI RARE SUKHOTHAI BRONZE WALKING BUDDHA, ca. 15th to 16th century, Central Thailand. This is very rare, period example of the iconic Thai Buddha - the Sukhothai Walking Buddha. Most examples presented as Sukhothai are later copies from the 19th and 20th centuries. Prior to the Sukhothai period, Thai are tended to be based on local folk styles or copies of Indian Gupta art in the north and Khmer art in the south (Lopburi). In about the 14th and 15th centuries Thai Buddhist monks, studying Hinayana Sir Lankan texts and art began to adopt their own distinct aesthetic interpretations based on literal descriptions of the historical Buddha. They sought to put together the literal descriptions of the Buddha such as his curved parrot’s beak nose, mango seed chin, the proportions of the arms and legs and his flat feet. This new image sought to unify the partial physical descriptions of the real Buddha in the ancient texts. The unification of these literal descriptions of the historical Buddha paradoxically gave birth to an utterly distinct and surreal form in the sleek and almost aquatic Buddha form of the Sukhothai Buddha, as with this example. The distinct flame finial remained common in the Sri Lankan and Thai Buddha instead of the lotus bud top in Gupta and Khmer types. By the 15th and 16th centuries the new Sukhothai image had won over the Thai eye and influenced all major styles in north and central Thailand. This piece comes from the later Sukhothai period in the 15th and 16th centuries with its typically modest Sukhothai base which later styles would expound. This figure superbly illustrates this new attempt to imagine the unimaginable image of the enlightened one. It walks without weight with one hand lifted in the vitarka mudra - the gesture of the explanation of the doctrine and the other “like an elephant’s trunk” gliding along the contours of his body. The piece was originally heavily lacquered and as with some examples of the period was highly polished over a long period of time in a temple. The metal betrays an overall depletion of the less noble elements, tin and zinc within the original copper alloy and bears the traits of ancient casting techniques. H. 19 3/4” (50 cm)............................................................................ 12500 580. THAI RATINAKOSIN BRONZE BUDDHA HEAD, Early 19th Century, Bangkok Area. This is a nice sized Thai bronze head of the Buddha rendered in the Ratinakosin style of the early 19th century and is typical of the restored late Ayuthia styles of the Bangkok area. The piece retains most of its original gilt lacquer on the hair and is very cleanly and pleasingly finished in face to well illustrate the serene face of the Buddha. H. 5 1/2” (14 cm)............................................................................ 700 581. PERSIAN LATE SAFAVID TINNED COPPER INCANTATION BOWL, Late 18th to early 19th Century AD. This is a classic late Persian type piece in the favored medium of Persian metalwork vessels, tinned copper or bronze. An ancient near eastern custom with deep pre-Islamic roots, an incantation bowl contains Pagan, Hebrew or in this case Islamic payers as script or in abbreviated or formalized images or script (as in the present case). These represent prayers or spells. Water is placed in the bowl to retrieve the powers of the prayers and spells and then usually drunken. The inner part of the bowl has 6 stylized lozenges that represent spells or prayers and one register of Koranic script. The outer part has one register of Koranic script with stylized registers below. Most of the tinning has worn off and there is one old, period cast-on repair to the side, otherwise the piece is in good shape. Diameter 8” (20 cm). ................................................................................................................................. 750 582. JAPANESE MEIJI WOODEN STANDING KANNON, Late 19th Century. Kannon is the Japanese rendition of Kuanyin in China or Avalokiteshvara in the Indian cultural sphere. Treated as a Buddhist goddess of mercy, Kannon hears all those who cry out for help. As a buddhist bodhisattva in female form she defers her own entry into Nirvana until, after an ocean of time passes, and all sentient life enters with her. The present piece is delicately carved in wood with her characteristic heavy robes and hooded head. H. 8 1/8” (20.6 cm)........................................................... 350 583. JAPANESE LATE EDO BRONZE KARASHISHI (BUDDHIST LION), ca. 18th Century AD. This is a dynamically sculpted Japanese bronze of the Edo period, on the eve Japan’s opening to the West in the mid 18th century and the subsequent great blending of global art, east and west. The “Foo Dog” or Buddhist lion rests with one paw on an open work ball with his head rearing backward and his flowing tail curling over his back. This piece is very nicely finished for such a large piece. Cast in near pure copper, it is very heavy and retains traces of pigment. A superb example of Japanese art. L. 9” H. 6” (23 cm x 15 cm)............................................................ 1250 584. INDIAN MATCHED PAIR OF MUGHAL INDIAN SANDSTONE PANELS, Northern India, 17th Century. Kumar sandstone quarries near Delhi. Both panels superbly illustrate the blending of Islamic Persian and Indian art traditions of Mughal India. This is the artistic tradition of emperors, artists and artisans who made the Taj Mahal. Composed of four sections and sculpted in red, white, and buff sandstone, each panel is the mirror opposite of the other in perfect symmetry. The two center panels represent a flower in a square section and curled tendril in a rectangular section, both in turn are flanked by two columns. 34” x 23” (86 cm x 58 cm)...................Pair 7500

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