HJB's 211th Buy or Bid Sale

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”


The Closing Date is June 30, 2020

New Publication 511 greek coin portraits over 4 centuries from the early portraits for Persian satraps and Lykian dynasts over the Hellenistic period to the Roman Empire. Large full and quarter page size portraits in highest quality, all reverses in smaller size in the appendix. 14 research articles spanning the four centuries, written by renowned archaeologists and and numismatists. Introduction in English, research articles in German and English, hardcover, threadbound, 30x25cm, 2,6 kg, 412 pages; same editor and size as Portraits-500 Years of Roman Coin Portraits. Exclusive offer! $75 plus shipping. Additionally with purchase add a free 100 Greatest Ancient Coins 1st Edition or a 2nd Edition 100 Greatest for a discounted rate of $25 (only valid with purchase of the Portraits book at full price.) HARLAN J. BERK, LTD FOR ALL YOUR BULLION NEEDS If you want to buy or sell gold, silver, platinum, or palladium in coin or bar form, we can handle any size transactions for you. Other than shipping there are no extra charges if you are outside the Chicago area. Our staff can guide you, if desired, to the least expensive ways to purchase bullion. If you wish, we can convert your numismatic holdings into bullion or vice versa. Please direct your calls to Robert Greenstein at 312-609-0016 or e-mail: bobg@hjbltd.com.

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”

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Harlan J. Berk, Ancients • Aaron Berk, Ancients & Antiquities Curtis Clay, Roman • Phil Davis, Ancients • Justin Benton, Ancients • Jennifer Saban, Antiquities • Laura Wakeland, World Pablo Saban, IT Manager • Photos & Videos by Andrew Steiner & Carin Perez • Layout by Aaron Berk Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. has presented an innovation in antiquities and numismatics for some time now. The system is simple. When you want an antiquity or coin in the sale, just bid the estimated price by phone, fax, web site, email or post. We will send you the antiquity or coin immediately with no buyer’s fees and no waiting for the closing of the sale. Any and all antiquities or coins not sold before the closing date will be sent to the highest bidder after June 30, 2020. All items carry a guarantee of authenticity. EXAMPLE—You bid estimate on an item valued at $100.00 and if your bid is the 1st to reach us, you will receive the item immediately at $100. If on the other hand, you bid $75.00 on the same item and are still the high bidder at the end of the sale, the item will be mailed to you after the closing. If you are ever in the area, stop in to see us! Of course, it’s best to call first. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. reserves the right to refuse any bids. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.





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GOLD KINGDOM OF LYDIA, ALYATTES; 610-561 BC. EL 1/3 Stater, 4.74g. BM-7, Sear3398. Obv: Lion’s head r. with radiate globule on forehead. Rx: Incuse. Ex HJB 48th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 4, April 1987. Obverse contact marks especially on wart. Toned About EF.................................................................................................................................. 2950 IONIA, PHOCAEA HEKTE; c. 477-388 BC, EL Hekte, 2.56g. Bodenstedt-90, pl. 48 (Vse/Rsε). Obv: Female head r. wearing double band in hair, which is pulled back in low bun at base of neck. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Some obverse contact marks. About EF. ........................................................................................................................................ 575 IONIA, PHOCAEA HEKTE; c. 387-326 BC, EL Hekte, 2.56g. Bodenstedt-97, pl. 48. Obv: Laureate head of youthful Pan l. Rx: Four-part incuse square. gVF / EF............. 520 IONIA, PHOCAEA HEKTE; c. 477-388 BC, EL Hekte, 2.54g. Bodenstedt-102, pl. 49 (Vsb/Rsα). Obv: Laureate female head l. with hair pulled back in low bun behind ear. Rx: Four-part incuse square. aVF......................................................................................... 525 60 Litra/Decadrachm SICILY, HIERON II; 275-215 BC, c. 220-217 BC, 60 Litrae or Decadrachm, 4.20g. Carroccio-31 (D10/R19). BMC-519 (same obv die). Obv: Head of Persephone l., wreathed with grain ears, wearing single-pendant earring and necklace; behind, bucranium. Rx: IEPΩNOΣ Charioteer driving biga l., holding kentron and reins; below, monogram. Ex Baldwin’s, Private Treaty, 1985 Exquisite obverse. Slight doublestriking on reverse. Lustrous EF / VF........................................................................................................... 5000 CONSTANTIUS II; 337-361 AD, Nicomedia, 4th officina, c. 355-361, Solidus, 4.55g. RIC-74 (R2), C-112, Sear-3988, Depeyrot-5/2. Obv: FL IVL CONSTAN - TIVS PERP AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Constantius facing, turned slightly to the r., holding spear over his r. shoulder with his r. hand and, over his l., shield decorated with a horseman riding down a fallen foe. Rx: GLORIA REI PVBLICAE / SMNC On the l., Roma, helmeted, draped, holding spear and with her head facing. On the right, Constantinopolis, turreted, draped, holding scepter, her foot on prow and with her head to l., both seated on thrones facing one another, holding between them a wreath inscribed VOT/XXX/MVLT/XXXX. Ex HJB, Private Treaty, June 2002. EF........................... 1800 VALENS; 364-378 AD, Trier, 375-8 AD, Solidus, 4.45g. RIC-39a, mintmark 2 (Scarce). Rx: VICTORIA AVGG Two emperors enthroned facing, together holding globe, crowned by Victory hovering between them, palm branch in field between their legs, in exergue TROBT (officina 3). Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 134, lot 16, August 2003. Exquisite detail on obverse portrait. Unusually nice for this emperor. Unusual style. Mint State......... 1500 ARCADIUS; 383-408 AD, Constantinople, 383-8 AD, Solidus, 4.38g. RIC-IX-23170c-S, officina-4. Obv: D N ARCADI - VS P F AVG Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDI - A AVGGG D Constantinopolis seated facing, head r., holding shield inscribed VOT / V / MVLT / X, CONOB in exergue. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 127, lot 28, May 2002. Beautiful full strike with minor ding on cheek. MS........ 1650 THEODOSIUS II; 402-450 AD. Constantinople, c. 402-08 AD. Solidus, 4.46g. Berk10, DO-303, MIB-12a. Obv: D N THEODO - SIVS P F AVG Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding spear over r. shoulder behind head and shield ornamented with rider. Rx: CONCORDI - A AVGGGA / CONOB Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., holding Victory on globe and scepter; to l., star. Purchased in the 1950s from the renowned dealer Burdette G. Johnson, St. Louis Stamp and Coin Company. Mint State......................... 950 MARCIAN; 450-457 AD, Constantinople, Solidus, 4.39g. RIC-510, officina Z=7; Berk23. Obv: D N MARCIA - NVS P F AVG Helmeted bust front holding spear and shield, diadem with frontal ornament. Rx: VICTORI - A AVGGG Z Victory standing l. holding long cross, star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. The officina letter Z is reversed, a variety cited by RIC from Stockholm. Near Mint State........................................................... 1100 VALENTINIAN III; 425-455 AD, Mint Ravenna, Rome, or non-imperial, Tremissis, 1.45g. RIC-pp. 372-3 or no. 3722. Obv: D N PLA VALENTINIANVS P F AVG Pearldiademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: Cross in wreath, COMOB below. Good VF.......................................................................................................................... 500 ZENO; 476/9-491 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.44g. DO-642. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 157, lot 22, November 2007. Absolutely wonderful detail. FDC................................... 975 ANASTASIUS I; 491-518 AD. Constantinople, c. 491-8 AD, Solidus, 4.45g. Berk-30, Sear-3, DO-3i. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed three-quarter facing bust of emperor, helmet with cross and plume, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman riding down enemy. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC I (officina

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10) Victory standing l. holding long cross, star to r., CONOB in exergue. Exquisite detail. FDC................................................................................................................................. 950 JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.45g. Berk-38, MIB-3. Ex HJB, Private Treaty, January 2002. Beautifully struck. FDC................................................... 900 MAURICE; 582-602 AD. Constantinople, c. 583/4-602 AD, Solidus, 4.33g. Sear-478, officina A=1; MIB-6; Berk-82. Obv: D N mAVRC - TIB PP AVC Draped, cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCC A Victory standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by P and crosspiece in r. hand and cross on globe in l. hand; CONOB in exergue. VF........................................................ 575 Carthage MAURICE; 582-602 AD. Carthage, Indictional year Z=7=588/9 AD, Solidus, 4.37g. Hahn-25a. Ex HJB, Private Treaty, January 2002. Mint State..................................... 1600 FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD, Solidus, 4.45g. Berk-99, Hahn-7, Sear-618. Obv: O.N. FOCAS PERP. AVG., Draped and cuirassed, bust facing, wearing crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: VICTORIA AVGGI, angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by chi-rho and globus cruciger; in exergue CONOB. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 165, lot 137, June 2009. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 35, 1985, lot 44. FDC................................................................................................................................. 650 HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD. Solidus, 4.43g. Berk-123, Sear-749. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 140, lot 34, September 2004. Very nice highly stylized portraits of the emperor and his son. Mint State........................................................................................................... 600 CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Constantinople, c. 659-662 AD, Solidus, 4.45g. Berk-154, Hahn-31. Obv: Facing busts of Constans II and Constantine IV. Rx: Cross potent between standing Heraclius and Tiberius. Ex NAC 24, 2002, lot 404. Lustrous Mint State....... 675 CONSTANTINE IV; 668-685 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.33g. Berk-168 (this coin), DO-4, MIB-4B, Sear-1151. Obv: D N CONSTAN TINUS C CONIS Helmeted, curiassed bust three quarters r., holding spear over r. shoulder, Rx: VICTORIA [AVGU] Cross potent on three steps, Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing on either side, each crowned, wearing chlamys, and holding globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue. Published in Berk, Roman Gold of the Medieval World, 1986, #168. Ex Sotheby’s, 2 November 1998. Ex Gemini I, lot 505, January 2005. Last issue with the brother on the reverse. Exquisite style. Magnificent Mint State........................................................................ 1850 No PAX……. just DEATH JUSTINIAN II; 2nd Reign, 705-711 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-200, Hahn-1. Obv: Facing bust of Christ, cross behind head, raising r. hand in benediction and holding Gospels in l., Latin inscription “Jesus Christ King of Kings”. Rx: Facing bust of Justinian II holding cross potent and patriarchal cross on globe inscribed PAX. Ex Hunt Collection, Sotheby’s 1990, lot 498. Ex NAC 24, 2002, lot 415. This coin is from the second reign of Justinian and bears the second image of Christ. Justinian II was so vindictive that after seven years of terror in the kingdom he was executed which was highly unusual for the Romans at this time. Some die wear on nose. Extremely sharp. Mint State............................................................................................................................... 5900 LEO III WITH CONSTANTINE V; 717-741 AD, Constantinople, Solidus, 4.35g. Berk-216 var., DO-3 var., Sear-1504. Obv: dNO LEO - N P A MUL Crowned frontal bust of Leo III with short beard, holding cross on globe and akakia. Rx: d N CONS TANTINUS Crowned frontal bust of Constantine V, beardless, holding cross on globe and akakia. Near Mint State................................................................................................ 1200 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; 780-797 AD. Constantinople. Solidus, 4.41g. Berk-234, DO-1, Sear-1593. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine VI, beardless on l. and Irene on r., both crowned and with cross between their heads; Constantine wears chlamys and holds cross on globe in r. hand; his mother wears loros and holds cross on globe and cruciform scepter. Rx: Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. In the last few years, a substantial number of solidi of Irene have come onto the market, but this new supply has now mostly been absorbed and the type is beginning to return to its former rarity. This is a highly desirable variety with Irene and her emperor son on the obverse and the three previous generations of rulers on the reverse. Softly struck on emperor at left on reverse but with an exquisite obverse. Mint State.5850 CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; Constantinople, 780-790 AD. Solidus, 4.42g. Berk-234, S-1593, DO-1. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine VI, beardless on l. and Irene on r., both crowned and with cross and centering dot between their heads; Constantine wears chlamys and holds cross on globe in r. hand; his mother wears loros and holds cross





























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on globe and cruciform scepter. Rx: Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. Ex Gemini XIII, 6 April 2017, lot 255. Some areas of flat striking. Mint State.........................................................................................1985 NICEPHORUS I AND STAURACIUS; 802-811 AD. Constantinople, c. 803-811 AD, Solidus, 4.43g. Berk-238, Sear-1604. Obv: nICI - FOROS bASIL E’ Bust of Nicephorus facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross potent and akakia; in field l., pellet. Rx: STAVRA - CIS dESPO’E Similar facing bust of Stauracius, but beardless and holding cross on globe and akakia. Slight striking softness on the right eye of Nicephorus, but the portrait of his son Stauracius who was killed in battle is exquisite. Mint State.................................................................... 1775 THEOPHILUS; 829-842 AD. Syracuse, 831-842 AD, Solidus, 3.88g. Berk-251, DO24, Sear-1670. Obv: ΘE - OFILOC Crowned bust facing holding cross potent. Rx: As obv., but emperor holds globus cruciger. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 189, lot 51, February 2014. FDC................................................................................................................ 800 BASIL I; 867-886 AD. Constantinople, c. 869-72 AD, Solidus, 4.39g. Berk-266, DO-2b, Sear-1704. Obv: +IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM* Nimbate Christ enthroned facing, wears pallium and colobium; raises r. hand, holds Gospels with l. Rx: bASILIOS ET COhSTAhT AUGGb Facing crowned busts of Basil (l.) in loros, and Constantine in chlamys, holding between them long patriarchal cross. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 165, lot 49, June 2009. Mint State.................................................................................. 1500 CONSTANTINE VII; 913-959 AD. Constantinople, 921 AD, Solidus, 4.40g. DO-4, Sear-1746. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 125, lot 42, January 2002. Mint State.......... 2200 BASIL II BULGAROCTONOS AND CONSTANTINE VIII; 976-1025 AD. Constantinople, 977-989 AD, Histamenon Nomisma, 4.40g. DO-3e. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 127, lot 74, May 2002. Mint State........................................................... 1400 CONSTANTINE VIII; 1025-1028 AD. Constantinople, Stamenon Nomisma, 4.34g. Berk-292, DOC-1, Sear-1815. Obv: +hS XIS REX REGNANThM Bust of Christ facing, wears tunic, himation, and nimbus cruciger with crescents; r. hand raised, Gospels in l.; triple border; Rx: +CWhSTAhTIh BASILEUS ROM, crowned bust facing with long beard, wears loros, holds labarum and akakia, triple border. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 153, lot 50, February 2007. Mint State.......................................... 800 ROMANUS III; 1028-1034 AD. Stamenon Nomisma, 4.41g. Berk-295, DO-1b2. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 155, lot 132, June 2007. Mint State....................................... 950 CONSTANTINE IX; 1042-1055 AD. Stamenon Nomisma, 4.38g. Berk-303, DO-3. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 126, lot 26, March 2002. Mint State................................ 650 ROMANUS IV; 1068-1071 AD. Constantinople, Stamenon Nomisma, 4.36g. Berk321, DO-2, Sear-1861. Obv: Christ standing facing on footstool, wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium, and crowning Romanus (on l.) and Eudocia (on r.), both standing facing; each wears saccos and loros, and holds globus cruciger (the emperor in l. hand, the empress in r.); on either side of Christ’s head, IC-XC with line above, double border; Rx: Michael (in center), Constantius (on l.) and Andronicus (on r.) facing, all beardless; Michael wears crown, saccos and loros, and holds laborum and akakia; his two brothers each wear the same costume, and Constantius holds globus cruciger in r. hand and akakia in l., Andronicus vice versa; dotted exergual line. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 153, lot 54, February 2007. Mint State.......................................... 600 MICHAEL VII HISTAMENON NOMISMA; 1071-1078 AD. Constantinople, Histamenon Nomisma (scyphate), 4.41g. Berk-326, Sear-1868. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus with cross and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand book of Gospels; IC - XC across field; double border. Rx: +MIX - AHΛ - RACIΛ O Δ Bust of Michael facing, bearded, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum with pellet on shaft and cross on globe; double border. Mint State................................................ 685 MICHAEL VII HISTAMENON NOMISMA; 1071-1078 AD. Constantinople, Histamenon Nomisma (scyphate), 4.35g. Berk-326, Sear-1868. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus with cross and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand book of Gospels; IC - XC across field; double border. Rx: +MIX - AHΛ - RACIΛ O Δ Bust of Michael facing, bearded, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum with pellet on shaft and cross on globe; double border. Mint State................................................ 985 Rare Variant MICHAEL VII HISTAMENON NOMISMA; 1071-1078 AD. Constantinople, Histamenon Nomisma (scyphate), 4.34g. Berk-326, Sear-1868. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus with cross and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand book of Gospels; pellet - pellet and IC - XC across field; double border. Rx: +MIX - AHΛ - RACIΛ O Δ Bust of Michael facing, bearded, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum with pellet on shaft and cross on globe; double border. Scarcer variant (Sear says rare) with Christ’s portrait flanked by pellets. This is an unusual sub-variety that has pellets on either side of Christ’s nimbus. Mint State.......................................... 700 MICHAEL VII; 1071-1078 AD. Constantinople, Histamenon Nomisma, 4.27g. Berk-326, DO-2b. Obv: Christ nimbate holding gospel. Rx: Facing bust of Michael VII holding labarum and globus cruciger. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 148, lot 31, February 2006. Extremely sharp on obverse. Mint State......................................................... 650 NICEPHORUS III; 1078-1081 AD. Constantinople, EL Stamenon Nomisma, 4.39g. Berk-335, DO-3b, Sear-1881. Obv: Christ seated facing on throne without back; he wears nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium, raises r. hand in benediction and holds book of Gospels in l.; on either side of nimbus, IC-XC; double border. Rx: NIKHΦP Δ TW ROTANIAT, Nicephorus standing facing on footstool, bearded, wearing crown and loros, holding labarum (with X on shaft) and globus cruciger; double border. Ex Gemini II, 11 January 2006, lot 541. Exceptionally well struck. Normally the seated figure of Christ is struck with a flattened and worn die. This die is flawless. Mint State. ................................................................................................................................ 1000 ALEXIUS I, COMNENUS; 1081-1118 AD. Thessalonica, EL Histamenon Nomisma, 4.37g. S-1905, Hahn-Pl. 1, 10-12. Obv: Facing bust of Christ, nimbate, holding book of Gospels in both hands. Rx: St. Demetrius presents patriarchal cross to Alexius, St. Demetrius wearing military dress, emperor crown and loros. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 131, lot 35, April 2003. Extremely sharp for this issue. Mint State....... 900 ALEXIUS I; 1081-1118 AD. Thessalonica, Histamenon Nomisma, 3.94g. Sear-1905, Hahn-Pl. 1, 10-12. Obv: Facing bust of Christ, nimbate, holding book of Gospels in both hands. Rx: St. Demetrius, nimbate and holding sword, presents patriarchal cross to emperor, who wears crown and loros. Somewhat softly struck, especially weak on obverse which is more or less normal for this issue. Fine / VF................................ 450 JOHN II; 1118-1143 AD. Constantinople, Hyperpyron, 4.33g. Berk-343, Sear-1940. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 143, lot 34, March 2005. FDC......................................... 800 MANUEL I; 1143-1180 AD. Constantinople, EL Aspron Trachy, 4.45g. Berk-353, Sear-1958. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 140, lot 63, September 2004. Magnificent Mint State........................................................................................................................... 525 ISAAC II, ANGELUS HYPERPYRON; 1185-1195 AD. Constantinople, Hyperpyron, 4.26g. Berk-357, Sear-2001. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 134, lot 41, August 2003. Mint State....................................................................................................... 600 THEODORE I, COMNENUS-LASCARIS; 1208-1222 AD. Magnesia, EL Aspron Trachy, 3.96g. Hendy Pl. 20, 2-3; Sear-2064. Ex HJB, Private Treaty, March 2002. Extremely sharp with none of the usual weakness of the images. The legend is weak on reverse. Mint State..................................................................................................... 650 JOHN III HYPERPYRON; 1222-1254 AD. Constantinople, Hyperpyron, 4.06g. Berk-362, Sear-2073. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 129, lot 49, September 2002. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 600 Rare legend reads “The Emperors” and not their names ANDRONICUS II AND MICHAEL IX HYPERPYRON; 1282-1320 AD. Constantinople, 1303-1320 AD and later, Hyperpyron, 3.08g. Sear-2396. Obv: Bust of the Virgin, orans, within walls of Constantinople. Rx: Andronicus, on l., and Michael, on r., kneeling on either side of Christ, who crowns both emperors; legend reads

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AVTOKPATOP for Michael. Extremely rare, less than 20 recorded. Ex HJB Buy or Bid Sale 148, lot 36, February 2006. Despite areas of soft striking, this is the best struck example of this issue we have ever handled. EF....................................................... 600 GREEK SILVER CELTIC GAUL, VOLCAE TECTOSAGES; 2nd-1st cent. BC, Drachm, 3.59g. De La Tour-3104 /3132. Obv: Head of Apollo l., two dolphins before. Rx: Cross with pellets and crescents, ax in one quarter. Ex Pegasi 32, May 2015, lot 1. Unusual type. VF.............................................................................................................................. 500 CELTIC BRITAIN, DUROTRIGES; Stater, 3.92g. Van Arsdell-1235-1. Obv: Abstract head of Apollo r. Rx: Disjointed horse l. Based on Westerham type gold stater. EF.............................................................................................................................. 100 CELTIC BRITAIN, DUROTRIGES; 58-45 BC, Geometric Type, Quarter Stater, 0.84g. VA 1242-1. Obv: Boat with three occupants (?). Rx: Zigzag attached to two Y’s, two uncertain objects in field. VF / EF..................................................................... 125 CELTS OF BRITAIN, CATUVELLAUNI; Epaticcus, 35-43 AD, Silver Unit, 1.19g. Van Arsdell-580-1. Obv: Bust r., EPATI before. Rx: Eagle standing facing. Ex Pegasi 14, April 2006, lot 9. Good VF..................................................................... 350 CELTS OF BRITAIN, ICENI UNIT; 40-45 AD, Unit, 0.95g. Van Arsdell-756-1. Obv: Double crescent emblem Rx: Celticized horse r., monogram below. Good VF..... .................................................................................................................................. 145 CELTS OF BRITIAN, ICENI; Boudicca, 61 AD, Unit, 1.19g. Van Arsdell-790-1. Obv: Celticized head r. Rx: Celticized horse r. Ex Pegasi 25, November 2011, lot 17. About VF................................................................................................................... 225 CALABRIA, TARENTUM, TIME OF PYRRHUS; 281-272 BC, Stater, 5.86g. Vlasto-773-781. Obv: Dioscuri cantering r. Rx: Taras on dolphin l. over waves, holding behind him two lances and shield with hippocamp on it; small Nike rests on outstretched r. hand and crowns him with wreath. VF............................................. 400 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 325-281 BC, Stater, 7.90g. Vlasto-666. Obv: Naked horseman r., crowning horse, ΣΑ in l. field, APE/ΘΩΝ below. Rx: Taras on dolphin l., holding tripod; CΑΣ below. VF / EF........................................................................ 550 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 330 BC, Distater, 15.84g. Noe-Class B, Sear414. Obv: Bearded head of Leukippos r., wearing Corinthian helmet, decorated with a quadriga to r., driven by Nike; behind head, protome of lion r. Rx: ΜΕΤΑΠΟΝΤ[ΙΝΩΝ] upward at r. seven-grained barley ear with leaf to l.; club upward above leaf. Ex Berk 59, 1 November 1989, lot 100. This coin shows a good image of the quadriga on the helmet which is frequently lacking due to poor striking or die wear. VF............... 1850 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 340-330 BC, Nomos, 7.77g. Johnston, Metapontum-Class B3. Obv: Head of Leukippos r. Rx: Ear of grain; META to l., griffin to r. above leaf, A[MI] below leaf. Ex Ponterio 82, 6 August 1996, lot 0152. VF... 240 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 330-290 BC, Nomos, 7.83g. Johnston, Metapontum-Class C1. Obv: Head of Demeter r. Rx: Ear of grain; META to l., plow to r. Ex Ponterio 82, 6 August 1996, lot 0153. Obverse flatly struck. VF..................... 200 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 330-290 BC, Nomos, 7.82g. Johnston, Metapontum-Class C6. Obv: Head of Demeter l. Rx: Ear of grain; META to r., griffin to l. above leaf, [Λ]Υ below leaf. Ex Ponterio 82, 6 August 1996, lot 0149. Obverse poorly centered. Quite beautiful reverse. VF / EF.................................................... 150 Exquisite LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; 330-280 BC, Nomos, 7.88g. Johnston, Metapontum-C8. Obv: Head of Demeter l., wearing necklace, triple-pendant earring and wreath of three barley ears and two pairs of leaves. Rx: META upward at l., barley ear, leaf to r. with 16 pointed star above; ΛΥ below ethnic. Though this type is quite common, this coin is unusually well preserved and sharply struck. Lustrous EF... 2750 Master of the Bay Leaf SICILY, KATANE, MASTER OF THE BAY LEAF; 415-410 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. Rizzo-pl. XII.6 (same dies), BM-24. Obv: Slow quadriga driven r. by male charioteer holding goad; above, Nike flying r. to crown horses. Rx: Laureate head of Apollo l., KA[TAN]AION before, bay leaf with berry behind. Reverse die by the Master of the Bay Leaf. Ex Gemini II, 10 January 2006, lot 23. While researching other coins in our library and going through auctions from 1910-1940, I found only three examples of this coin. Recently a few have entered the market, but it is quite rare and highly desirable. Obverse struck with worn die. VF / gVF..................................... 7750 SICILY, GELON II; 8 Litrae, 6.77g. SNG ANS-1045. Obv: Head of Athena l. wearing Corinthian helmet. Rx: Winged thunderbolt, flanked by ethnic [Σ]YPAKOΣEΩN and ΞA. Acquired from Nilus Coins, 11 July 2004. Lower part of hair flatly struck on obverse. Choice EF................................................................................................. 1500 ZEUGITANA, CARTHAGE; Time of Hannibal, Second Punic War, 220-210 BC. 1/4 shekel, 1.78g. Jenkins & Lewis, Pl. 28, 4-6; SNG Cop-369; Sear-6499. Obv: Head of Tanit l., wreathed with wheat ears, wearing necklace and single-drop earring. Rx: Horse standing r. Some pitting. VF........................................................................... 200 Hannibal Portrait? SPAIN, CARTHAGO NOVA; Carthago Nova, 237-209 BC, Shekel, 7.39g. SNG Spain-104. Obv: Bare male head (Hannibal?) l. Rx: Horse standing r., palm tree behind. From a private Michigan collection. The traditional description of the obverse head as Hannibal is plausible, but in the absence of an inscription naming him must remain speculative. This is a very nice example of this series. EF......................... 4150 EMATHIAN DISTRICT, LETE; 530-480 BC, Diobol, 0.80g. BM-29. Obv: Naked satyr r., in kneeling/running attitude. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Ex Berk 128, 28 August 2002, lot 70. EF........................................................................................... 200 Lifetime First Issue MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; 359-336 BC. Pella, Issue I A, 359-c. 355/4 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.45g. Cf. Le Rider-50, pl. 2 (same obv. die). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: ΦIΛIΠΠoY King wearing kausia and raising r. hand, riding horse pacing l.; below horse, rose and monogram HM. Early lifetime issue. VF........................... 1750 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; 359-336 BC. Posthumous, c. 315-294 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.37g. Le Rider-Pl. 47, 20, Müller-37. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Naked youth on horseback r., torch, two monograms. Ex A.H. Baldwin, Private Treaty, August 1982. Some iridescent toning. Struck on a broad flan with border dots nearly complete obverse and reverse. Mint State.............................................................................. 2500 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; c.323-315 BC, Tetrobol, 2.49g. Le Rider-Pl. 46, 24. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Horseman r.; symbol: crescent below. Ex GN E40, April 2016, lot 376. Good VF............................................................................................ 150 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; Posthumous, c.315-294 BC, Tetrobol, 2.35g. Le Riderpl. 48, 10-2, SNG ANS-822. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Horseman r.; club below. Ex Pegasi 22, May 2010, lot 103. Fine style. Near EF................................................... 275 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 AD. Phaselis, Year 24=195/4 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.91g. Price-2867. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; KΔ in l. field, Φ under throne. Ex CNG 85, 15 September 2010, lot 456; with printed auction ticket. Lustrous Mint State...................................................... 700 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; 336-323 BC. Perga, Year 4=218/17 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.34g. Price-2918. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡoΥ Zeus enthroned l. holding eagle and scepter; in l. field date Δ=Year 4. Ex Ponterio 86, 4-5 April 1997, lot 1397. Head of Zeus flatly struck. Near Mint State.............................................................. 450 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. c. 310-301 BC, Drachm, 4.26g. Price-1382. Obv: Head of Heracles r. wearing lionskin head-dress. Rx: AΛΕΞANΔPoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, Pegasus forepart in l. field, No monogram under throne. Purchased from B.A. Seaby, August 1982. Some blue toning. Wonderful strike and style. Mint State.......................................................... 450




53 51
















55 54



72. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Magnesia, c. 319-305 BC, Drachm, 4.36g. Price-1965. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; owl in l. field, monogram below throne. Near Mint State................................................................................. 225 73. MACEDONIA, PHILIP III, 323-317 BC; Magnesia, c. 323-319 BC, Drachm, 4.19g. Price-P54 var. (position of caduceus). Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter; monogram in l. field, caduceus below throne. EF...................................................................................................... 275 74. MACEDONIA, PHILIP III; 323-317 BC. Drachm, 4.08g. Price-P112, Muller-36. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lionskin head-dress. Rx: ΦIΛIΠΠoY Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, star and ΦIΛ in l. field. Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, August 1982. Some porosity, dark toning. Choice EF.............................................. 250 Poseidon’s Beard Represents the Sea 75. MACEDONIA, ANTIGONUS DOSON; 229-221 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.16g. SNG Cop-1204, SNG Alpha Bank-1046, SNG Ashmolean-3266. Obv: Head of bearded Poseidon r. with flowing locks bound with kelp wreath. Rx: Apollo seated l. on prow, holding a bow in his r. hand, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ on prow, monogram in exergue. Ex NAC D, 2 March 1994, lot 1370. This is a highly desirable type. Extremely well struck with dark blue toning. Mint State......................................................... 3750 76. PAEONIA, PATRAUS; 340-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.58g. Sear-1520. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: [ΠATPAoY] Horseman with plumed helmet r., spearing fallen enemy who holds shield . VF.......................................................................... 400 77. PAEONIA, PATRAUS; 340-315 BC, Tetradrachm, 12.71g. Sear-1520. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: ΠATP - A[oY] around upper edge, Horseman with plumed helmet r., spearing fallen enemy who holds shield. Paeonian Hoard, Sotheby 1969, lot 234 (same dies). EF................................................................................... 400 78. THRACE, BYZANTIUM; 357-340 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.53g. Schoenert-Geiss, Byzantion I, pl. 13-24, SNG BM-36-41. Obv: Cow standing l. on dolphin l., r. foreleg raised; above, ΠY. Rx: Granulated millsail incuse square. Ex Pegasi 30, May 2014, lot 55. Good VF............................................................................................................. 150 79. THRACE, THASOS OBOL; 463-411 BC, Obol, 0.56g. SNG Cop-1021. Obv: Two dolphins, one r. and one l. Rx: Four-part incuse square. EF...................................... 60 80. THRACE, THASOS; c. 411-350 BC, Trihemiobol, 1.27g. Grose-4216, SNG Cop1030. Obv: Satyr kneeling three-quarters l., holding cantharos. Rx: Amphora. Good Fine............................................................................................................................ 175 81. THRACE, CHERRONESOS; c. 400-350 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.23g. BM-50, Grose-4120. Obv: Forepart of lion r., head turned back. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, X and pellet in one quadrant, caduceus in another. EF................................ 100 82. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS; 323-281 BC. Colophon, c. 301-297 BC, Drachm, 4.22g. Price-L26. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing skin of lion’s head with mane. Rx: ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ to r., BAΣIΛEΩΣ in exergue, Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, lion forepart and torch to l., pentagram under throne. VF........................................ 500 83. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS; 305-281 BC. Byzantium, Posthumous, 190-110 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.18g. Boehringer, RSN 54, 1975, pl. 4, 29 (same obv. die); Müller-227. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great r., wearing horn of Ammon. Rx: [B] AΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXoY Athena enthroned l., resting l. arm on shield and holding Nike who crowns king’s name; ΣE monogram in inner l. field, BY under throne, trident in exergue. EF........................................................................................................... 450 84. THESSALY, TRICCA; 480-420 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.75g. BCD Thessaly II-767 var. Obv: Naked youth standing r., restraining forepart of unruly bull. Rx: Forepart of horse r., ethnic around; all within shallow incuse square. From the Philip Ashton Collection. aVF............................................................................................................................ 150 85. EUBOEA, HISTIAIA; 3rd cent. BC until 146 BC, Tetrobol, 2.20g. BM-42ff. Obv: Head of nymph Histiaea r. Rx: Nymph Histiaea seated r., trident below. VF.......... 150 Exceptional for Type 86. ATTICA, ATHENS, WAPPENMÜNZE OBOL; c. 545-515 BC, Obol, 0.73g. Svoronos-60 (same reverse die). Obv: Four-spoked wheel with lilies on spokes. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Choice EF................................................................. 2000 87. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.19g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; olive sprig and crescent behind, AΘΕ before. Mint State................................................................................................................ 1000 88. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 430 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.17g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field, all within incuse square. Extremely sharp. Beautiful archaic head of Athena. Virtually Mint State....................................................................... 1150 89. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 425 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field. Toned EF.................................................................................................. 950 90. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 425 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.15g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ in r. field. Ex CNG 87, 18 May 2011, lot 458; with printed auction ticket. EF....... 900 91. ATTICA, ATHENS; 4th cent. BC, Tetradrachm, 17.41g. Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head facing. The planchet of this coin is oval, not unusual for Athenian tetradrachms of this issue. What is unusual is that all of the major images are complete. EF.............................................................................................................................. 600 92. ATTICA, ATHENS; Magistrates Dorothe- and Dioph-, Forepart of Lion, c. 132/1 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.89g. Thompson-385, rev. like c (not illustrated). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r. on amphora, head front; ethnic and magistrates’ names l. and r., forepart of lion r. in r. field; third magistrate ΔHMH/OYΛI in l. field, Γ on amphora, ΜΕ below; all within olive wreath. Some golden toning, exceptionally beautiful for this issue. Mint State.......................................................................... 1500 Extremely Early Milbank 2 93. ATTICA, AEGINA; Group II, c. 530-520/510 BC, Stater, 11.94g. Asyut-425, Milbank-2. Obv: Smooth-Shell Sea Turtle. Rx: Union Jack rough incuse pattern not seen in much more common issues. This issue is described as having a smooth shell, though rarely they have some light centered dots. This coin has the expected smooth shell. Beautifully centered with light toning. EF.................................................... 3750 94. ACHAEAN LEAGUE, DYME; 2nd cent. BC, Tetrobol, 2.29g. Benner-16, BCD483. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Large X, Achaean League monogram in top quadrant, fish r. below; monogram in l. quadrant, Φ in r.; all within laurel wreath. Ex Berk 147, 1 February 2006, lot 135. Good VF......................................................... 200 95. ACHAIA, PATRAE; c. 88-30 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.08g. BCD-508.4, BM-43. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Large X, dolphin r. in bottom quadrant; ΦI above; ΞE ΠΑ to sides; all within laurel wreath. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from TrustedCoins, November 2015. Good VF....................................................... 150 96. ARGOLIS, ARGOS; c. 270-250 BC, Triobol, 2.50g. BCD-1111. Obv: Forepart of wolf l., Θ above. Rx: Large A in shallow incuse square, Π-Υ above, eagle on harpa below. Toned EF....................................................................................................... 350 97. MYSIA, PARIUM; 4th cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 2.37g. BM-38-9, SNG France-. Obv: Gorgoneion. Rx: Bull standing l., looking back; ΠΑ above, PI and wreath between legs. About EF.......................................................................................................... 150 EF Cyzicus Tetradrachm 98. MYSIA, CYZICUS; c. 4th cent. BC, Tetradrachm, 14.99g. von Fritze, Silberprägung-23. Obv: ΣΩTEIPA Head of Kore l. with wreath of wheat ears and hair in sphendone. Rx: KY - ZI Head of lion l., tunny fish below, trident head behind. Purchased from Tkalec, June 1986. This coin is not only of fine style but sharply struck with excellent centering, surely one of the best examples known from this issue. Toned Choice EF................................................................................................................ 5250 99. MYSIA, PERGAMUM; c. 330-284 BC, Diobol, 1.25g. SNG Aulock-1349, SG-

3941, BM-8, SNG Cop-319. Obv: Head of unbearded Herakles wearing lionskin r. Rx: Frontal cult statue of Athena. VF............................................................................. 150 100. IONIA, MAGNESIA AD MAEANDRUM; 2nd cent. BC, Tetradrachm, 16.81g. BM-37. Obv: Bust of Artemis r. wearing stephane and with bow and quiver at shoulder. Rx: Apollo standing l. on Maeander pattern, resting elbow on tripod, flanked by mint name and magistrate ΕPΑΣΙΠΠΟΣ / ΑPΙΣΤΕΟΥ, uncertin object (BMC suggests quiver) atop tripod, all within laurel wreath. Ex A.H. Baldwin Sale, May 1995, lot 1759. Some iridescent toning. Sharply struck. Mint State...................................... 1450 101. CARIA, MYNDUS; Hemidrachm, 2.24g. SNG Lockett-2906, SNG Keckman-, SNG Kayhan-. Obv: Wreathed head of Dionysus r. Rx: Winged thunderbolt; ethnic above, headdress of Isis below. Quite rare; we find no recent sales with this symbol. Purchased from Pegasi in November 2015; said to be from the collection of Charles Reeve, active 1890-1930. VF.......................................................................................................... 250 102. CARIA, MYNDUS; c. 200-150 BC, Drachm, 3.31g. Göktürk-60/63, Sear-4915 var. Obv: Laureate head of Serapis r. with atef. Rx: MYNΔIΩN / [C]ΩCTPATOC Headdress of Isis above two wheat ears; in exergue, rose. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. EF.275 103. CARIA, RHODES; c. 250-230 BC, Didrachm, 6.70g. SNG Keckman-540, SNG Cop-767. Obv: Radiate head of Helios facing, slightly r. Rx: Rose with bud on r., P - O to either side of stem, magistrate’s name TIMOΘEOΣ above, in field l. terminal figure. Ex Nomos 10, 18 May 2015, lot 54 (“From a Swiss collection formed in the 1980s”). Beautiful gold orange toning on obverse. Perfect centering and striking. EF......... 1500 104. PSEUDO-RHODIAN, MINT IN THESSALY; Hermias and ZO, c. 175-170 BC, Drachm, 2.68g. SNG Keckman-793. Obv: Head of Helios facing slightly r. Rx: Rose, bud r., I - Ω l. and r. of stem, EPMIAΣ above. Ex Class. Num. Review (CNG) XL.2, Summer 2015. While this issue is common, rarely is it presented so perfectly. Lightly toned. FDC................................................................................................................ 800 105. CARIA, RHODES; c. 170-150 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.49g. Jenkins-231. Obv: Facing radiate head of Helios. Rx: Rose with bud to r.; ΓΟΡΓΙΑΣ above; club in lower l. field; all in shallow incuse square. EF............................................................................... 150 106. LYDIA, CROESUS SIGLOS; 565-546 BC. Under Achaemenids, Siglos, 5.33g. Berk-23. Obv: Foreparts of lion r. and bull l., face to face, the lion attacking with open mouth and extended foreleg. Rx: Two-part incuse square. Good VF...................... 975 107. LYCIAN LEAGUE, MASICYTES; 1st cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 1.86g. Obv: Head of Apollo r., wearing taenia. Rx: Lyre in incuse square; ethnic around. Ex CNG 58, 19 September 2001, lot 648. Some very minor porosity. Extremely sharp strike. Near Mint State........................................................................................................................... 250 108. LYCIA, LYCIAN LEAGUE; c. 167-81 BC, Hemidrachm, 3.66g. Troxell-34.1 Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Lyre, M-Y to either side, ΛΥΚΙΩΝ above, winged caduceus in l. field, all within incuse square. EF..................................................... 150 109. LYCIAN LEAGUE; Olympus mint, c. 167-100 BC, Drachm, 2.17g. Troxell-52 var. (positions of rev. symbols reversed). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Lyre in incuse square; ΟΛΥΜΠΗ above, branch to l., thunderbolt to r. Ex Pegasi A27, November 2012, lot 172. VF.................................................................................... 240 110. LYCIAN LEAGUE, MASICYTES; 1st cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 1.40g. Troxell-109. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Lyre in incuse square; M-A to either side, caduceus to l. Ex CNG 58, 19 September 2001, lot 651. Mint State....................................... 325 111. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS OBOL; c. 420-360 BC, Obol, 0.83g. SNG Cop-249, SNG Paris-28ff, SNG Aulock-4500. Obv: Gorgoneion. Rx: Head of Athena r. EF.175 112. CILICIA, CELENDERIS OBOL; 425-400 BC, Obol, 0.71g. SNG Aulock-5635. Obv: Pegasus forepart r. with curved wing. Rx: Goat kneeling r., looking l. About EF. .................................................................................................................................. 150 113. CILICIA, CELENDERIS OBOL; 425-400 BC, Obol, 0.72g. Klein-659. Obv: Horse prancing r. Rx: KE above; kneeling goat l., head reverted. Ex Berk 194, 9 July 2015, lot 131. Some near microscopic porosity. Toned EF....................................... 200 114. IONIA, COLOPHON; c. 389-350 BC, Diobol, 1.03g. Cf. Milne-53 and SNG Cop141. Laureate head of Apollo l., hair rolled at back. Rx: Lyre of three strings, KoΛoΦΩ downward on l., ZHNoΔo[T] downward on r. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A27, November 2012, lot 153. VF................................................................ 200 115. IONIA, MAGNESIA AD MAEANDRUM OBOL; c. 400-350 BC, Obol, 0.86g. BM-15, SNG Aulock-2032, SNG Cop-810. Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Trident and M-A within circular maeander pattern. Scarce. Ex Pegasi 22, May 2010, lot 157. VF.. .................................................................................................................................. 300 116. BACTRIA, EUCRATIDES OBOL; 171-135 BC, Obol, 0.67g. Bopearachchi-Serie 9, 60C. Obv: Helmeted and draped bust of Eucratides r. Rx: Caps of the Dioscuri with palms; monogram below. VF................................................................................... 100 117. BACTRIA, ANTIMACHUS II, 160-155 BC; Drachm, 2.44g. Bopearachchi-Serie 1E. Obv: Nike advancing l., holding wreath; monogram in lower l. field. Rx: King on horseback r. VF......................................................................................................... 100 118. SYRIA, SELEUCUS I; 312-280 BC. Perhaps Bactrian Mint, c. 290/86-281 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.79g. SC-260, Sear-6831. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: ΒΑ[ΣΙΛΕΩΣ] on l., [ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ] in exergue, Athena in elephant quadriga r., brandishing spear and shield, anchor above Athena’s shield, monograms in field unclear. Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, February 1987. Good VF........................ 2000 119. SELEUCID, ANTIOCHUS I SOTER; 281-261 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 16.95g. SC-379.3c. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow, control marks in l. and r. fields. VF.............................................................................................................................. 425 120. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II; 261-246 BC, Perhaps Tralles, Tetradrachm, 16.52g. SC534.1. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r., Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow; control marks in outer l. and r. fields. VF........................................................ 425 121. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II THEOS; 261-246 BC, Seleucia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 17.04g. SC-587.4a. Obv: Diademed portrait of Antiochus I r. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo, slight drapery on r. thigh, seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l. hand on bow, control marks in left and right fields. VF...... .................................................................................................................................. 400 122. SYRIA, SELEUCUS III; 226-223 BC. Antioch, Tetradrachm, 16.97g. SC-921.1. Obv: Diademed head of Seleucus III r., with long sideburn. Rx: [Β]ΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., [Σ] EΛE - YKOY on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; ΞY monogram in outer l. field, ΩP monogram in outer r. field. VF.485 123. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III; Rose mint, from c. 213 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.30g. SC1121.2c. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus III r., diadem ends falling straight behind, dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΑΝΤIO - ΧΟΥ on l., Apollo seated l. on omphalos holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow; rose in outer l. field, AT monogram in outer r. field. From Newell’s obverse die A3, illustrated ESM pl. XXX.3 and 5 and SC pl. 57, 1121.2c. EF.............................................................................................. 425 124. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS VI; 145-142 BC. Antioch on the Orontes, Year 170=143/2 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.46g. SC-2000.3d. Obv: Radiate, diademed head of king r., fillet border. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIoXoY above, EΠIΦANoYΣ / ΔIoNYΣoY below, Dioscuri on horses charging l., X monogram between TPY and ΣΤΑ in r. field, OP (date) below horses, all within Dionysiac wreath of laurel, ivy leaves, and grain ears. Ex NAC C, 11 March 1993, lot 1455. This issue is highly desirable and highly unusual for the series. Near Mint State................................................................................. 2400 Lifetime Issue of Christ 125. PHOENICIA, TYRE; Year 134 = 8/9 CE, Boyhood of Jesus Christ, Shekel, 14.28g. RPC Suppl. I-4653B, Prieur-1410 (1 spec.). Obv: Laureate bust of Heracles (Melqart) r., with lionskin knotted around neck. Rx: TYPOY IEPA[Σ] - KAI AΣYΛO[Y] Eagle with closed wings standing l. on prow, with palm branch behind shoulder; Phoenician


















75 77













letter between the eagle’s legs; date PΛΔ and club in l. field; KP and monogram in r. field. Marked KP on reverse and hence struck at Jerusalem for temple tax rather than Tyre according to Meshorer, though this attribution is not accepted by the authors of RPC, pp. 655-6. This coin struck for use in the main temple of Jerusalem for taxes was struck when Christ lived and was at the age of eight or nine. Obverse die somewhat worn. Good VF / EF................................................................................................ 1650 126. PHOENICIA, BYBLOS, KING AZBAAL DISHEKEL; c. 400-365 BC, Dishekel, 13.18g. BM-4, Sear-6011. Obv: Galley l., prow terminating in lion’s head, containing three hoplites with crested helmets and round shields; below, zigzag line of waves, hippocamp l., and murex shell. Rx: Lion attacking bull l., Phoenician legend ‘Azbaal, king of Gebal’ above. Toned gVF............................................................ 1100 127. JUDAEA, FIRST REVOLT; Year 2, 67/68 CE, Sheqel, 14.31g. Hendin-1358. Obv: Ritual chalice with pearled rim, Hebrew inscription around (Year 2, Sheqel of Israel). Rx: Stem with three pomegranates, Hebrew inscription around (Jerusalem the Holy). Formerly in NGC holder, graded AU, 5/5, 4/5. Mint State.................................... 8000 Year 2 128. JUDAEA, BAR KOKHBA REVOLT; 133/134 AD = Year 2, Zuz (Denarius), 3.10g. Hendin-1390, Mildenberg-17 (dies 3/12, 26 spec.). Obv: ‘Sma’ abbreviating Simon, the letters in a triangle, in a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds. Rx: ‘Year two of the freedom of Israel’, Palm branch upright. Overstruck on a denarius or drachm of Trajan, whose profile and the top and back of whose head can be seen upside down on the obverse of the restruck coin. Near Mint State........... 1500 129. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II, 285-246 BC; Tyre, Year 32 = 254/3 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.88g. CPE-593a. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. Rx: Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, monogram and club in l. field; ΛB (date) and monogram in r. field; monogram between eagle’s legs. Needless to say obverse off center. VF.... 200 130. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY VIII, 145-116 BC; Paphos, Year 30 = 141/40 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.00g. Svoronos-, SNG Cop-. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. Rx: ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ - ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt; in l. field LΛ (date), in r. field ΠΑ. VF...................................................................................................... 500 131. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY X; 101-88 BC. Alexandria, Year 16=99/98 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.17g. SNG Cop-365, Svoronos-1676. Obv: Diademed head of king r. with [aegis]. Rx: ΠTOΛEMAIOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, date LIC in l. field, ΠA in r. field. About VF................................................................... 165 Cleopatra VII 132. PTOLEMAIC, CLEOPATRA VII; Year 20= 33/32 BC, Tetradrachm, 9.24g. SNG Cop-416. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. Rx: Eagle on thunderbolt, LK (date) in field l. Ex Berk 49, 15 July 1987, lot 161. VF.......................................................... 350 133. PARTHIA, ORODES I, 90-77 BC; Drachm, 3.88g. Shore-134, Sellwood-30.16. Obv: Bare-headed bust of king l. with short beard. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, legend around. Ex Pegasi 34, June 2016, lot 250. VF........................ 150 134. PARTHIA, OSROES II, 190 AD; Drachm, 3.69g. Sellwood-85.3, Shore-439. Obv: Bust l. with long beard, wearing tiara with hooks on crest. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne. EF................................................................................................................... 75 135. PERSIS, VĀDFRADĀD (AUTOPHRADATES) II OBOL; 2nd cent. BC, Obol, 0.70g. Alram-549, Sunrise 577. Obv: Head of king r. Rx: Fire altar, Ahura-Mazda above; to l., king standing r.; to r., eagle atop column. Good VF............................. 200 136. PERSIS, UNCERTAIN KING I; 2nd cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 1.99g. Alram-552, Sunrise-578. Obv: Head r., with short beard, wearing diadem and kyrbasia surmounted by eagle. Rx: Fire altar, Ahura-Mazda above; to l., king standing r.; to r., eagle atop column. About EF.................................................................................................... 225 137. PERSIS, DARIUS I; 2nd Century BC, Hemidrachm, 2.13g. Alram-558, Sunrise-583. Obv: Bust of king r. with short beard, wearing diadem and kyrbasia surmounted by crescent. Rx: Fire altar, Ahura-Mazda above; to l., king standing r.; to r., eagle atop column. EF............................................................................................................... 450 138. PERSIS, DARIUS II; 1st century BC, Hemidrachm, 2.03g. Alram-565, Sunrise-591. Obv: Bearded bust of king l., wearing diadem and Parthian-style tiara with crescent and pellets. Rx: King standing l., holding scepter and sacrificing before altar. Some porosity. VF................................................................................................................. 60 139. PERSIS, ARTAXERXES II; 1st cent. BC, Drachm, 3.86g. Alram-570, Sunrise-598. Obv: Diademed bust of king l., wearing mural crown. Rx: King standing l., holding scepter and sacrificing before altar. Some dark toning, slightly iridescent. EF........ 150 140. PERSIS, ARTAXERXES II; c 50-0 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.86g. Alram-571, BM-6 pl. XXXIII.13, Sear-2614. Obv: Draped bust of king l. with pointed beard, wearing battlemented mural crown and diadem, monogram behind. Rx: King standing l. before lighted altar. Ex HJB BBS 128, lot 187, August 2002. VF...................................... 150 141. PERSIS, NAPAD (KAPAT); 1st cent. AD, Hemidrachm, 1.85g. Alram-613, Sunrise-637. Obv: Bearded bust of king l., wearing diadem and Parthian-style tiara with crescent and pellets. Rx: Bearded bust l., wearing diadem. VF......................... 70 142. PERSIS, PAKOR II; 1st cent. AD, Hemidrachm, 2.17g. Sunrise-619 (this coin; otherwise unpublished). Obv: Diademed bust of king l., two pellets before. Rx: Diademed bust l. Extremely sharp. EF / VF.............................................................. 250 143. PERSIS, ARTAXERXES IV; C. 200 BC. Hemidrachm, 1.39g. Alram-648, Sunrise-678 (this coin). Obv: Diademed, bearded bust of Artaxerxes IV l. with hair bunched on top and in thick mass behind; pellet in crescent before forehead. Rx: Bearded bust of Manuchtir l. wearing diademed mural crown with rays above, Aramaic legend on both sides. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pars Coins, May 2016; earlier in the Sunrise Collection. EF...................................................... 200 144. ARABIA, HIMYARITES; 1st cent. BC, Denarius, 2.32g. SNG ANS-1503 ff. var. (no symbol below bust). Obv: Beardless male head l., hair bound with fillet, with long plaited curl projecting over forehead, and long ringlets behind; on l. and r. signs; above, interrupting border of dots, crescent containing pellet; retrograde Σ below. Rx: Bucranium with antelope’s horns and plumes, on l. and r. signs; crescent containing pellet above. VF....................................................................................................... 200 ROMAN REPUBLIC SILVER 145. ANONYMOUS; 225-212 BC, Quadrigatus (Didrachm), 6.41g. Cr-28/3. Obv: Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri. Rx: Jupiter holding scepter and hurling thunderbolt in chariot driven r. by Victory; ROMA in relief in linear frame. Ex HJB BBS 166, lot 217, October 2009. Some small areas of flat striking. Mint State....... 725 146. ANONYMOUS; 225-212 BC, Quadrigatus (Didrachm), 6.81g. Cr-28/3. Obv: Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri. Rx: Jupiter holding scepter and hurling thunderbolt in chariot driven r. by Victory; below, ROMA in relief in linear frame. EF.............................................................................................................................. 850 147. P. MAENIUS; 194-190 BC, Denarius, 3.84g. Cr-138/1, Syd-351, RSC Maenia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r. Rx: The Dioscuri riding r., P MAE below, ROMA in exergue. Scarce. Ex Pegasi 31, October 2014, lot 377. VF...................................... 250 148. M. AURELIUS COTTA; 139 BC, Denarius, 3.81g. Syd-429, Crawford-229/1a. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind X and before, COTA. Rx: Hercules in biga of centaurs r., holding reins and club; each centaur carries a branch in l. hand. Below, M AVRELI and in exergue, ROMA. VF...................................................................... 400 149. M. BAEBIUS Q.F. TAMPILUS; 137 BC, 137 BC, Denarius, 3.86g. Cr-236/1a, Syd489, RSC Baebia-12. Obv: Head of Roma l., X below chin, [TAMPIL] behind. Rx: Apollo in quadriga r., ROM[A] below horses, [M.]BAEBI.Q.[F.] in exergue. Ex Berk 42, 18 March 1986, lot 90. Lot includes handwritten ticket from the original HJB office in Joliet. VF.............................................................................................................. 150 150. C. AUGURINUS; 135 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Cr-242/1, Syd-463, RSC Minucia-3. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., ROMA behind, X under chin. Rx: C. AVG above Ionic column surmounted by statue, togate figures at sides. VF.............................. 185 151. M. CAECILIUS Q.F. Q.N. METELLUS; 127 BC, Denarius, 3.88g. Cr-263/1b,

Syd-480a, RSC Caecilia-29a. Obv: Head of Roma r., ROMA downwards behind. Rx: Macedonian shield, elephant’s head in center; M METELLVS Q F around; all within laurel wreath. EF...................................................................................................... 425 152. Q. FABIUS MAXIMUS; 127 BC, Denarius, 3.95g. Cr-265/1, Syd-478, RSC Fabia-5. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., mark of value below chin; ROMA behind, Q MAX before. Rx: Cornucopia on thunderbolt, all within wreath. VF................................ 300 153. L. TORQUATUS; 113/12 BC, Denarius, 4.03g. Cr-295/1, Syd-545, RSC Manlia-2. Obv: Head of Roma r., X below chin, ROMA behind, all within ornamented collar. Rx: Warrior galloping l., Q behind, L TORQVA below, [EX SC] in exergue. VF......... 450 154. LUCIUS CAESIUS; 112-111 BC, Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-298/1, Syd-564, RSC Caesia-1. Obv: Youthful bust of Vejovis l. hurling thunderbolt. Rx: The two Lares seated r., dog between them; head of Vulcan and tongs above; LA on l., ER on r., L CAESI in exergue. The head of Vulcan and tongs refer to the operations of the mint. VF.............................................................................................................................. 350 155. M. HERENNIUS; 108-107 BC, Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-308/1a, Syd-567b, RSC Herennia-1. Obv: Head of Pietas r., PIETAS behind, R under chin. Rx: Amphinomus carrying his father r., M HERENNI behind. VF...................................................... 235 156. L. THORIUS BALBUS; 105 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-316/1, Syd-598, RSC Thoria-1. Obv: Head of Juno Sospita r. wearing goat skin; ISMR downwards behind. Rx: Bull charging r., R above; L THORIVS below, BALBVS in exergue. EF........ 265 157. LUCIUS APPULEIUS SATURNINUS; 104 BC, Denarius, 4.03g. Cr-317/3b, Syd578a, RSC Appuleia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma l. Rx: Saturn in quadriga l., S dot below, L SATVRN in exergue. VF........................................................................... 275 158. C. COELIUS CALDUS; 104 BC, Denarius, 3.70g. Cr-318/1a, Syd-582, RSC Coelia-2. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma l. Rx: Victory in biga l., C. COIL below horses; G, 2 dots above; CALD in exergue. VF.................................................................. 285 159. C. FABIUS C.F. HADRIANUS; 102 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-322/1a, Syd-589, RSC Fabia-15. Obv: Head of Cybele r., Λ and dot behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., stork before, C FABI C F in ex. EF................................................................................... 475 160. L. SENTIUS C.F.; 101 BC, Denarius, 3.78g. Cr-325/1b, Syd-600, RSC Sentia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., ARG PVB behind. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga r., V below horses, L SENTI C F in exergue. VF....................................................................... 175 161. C. POBLICIUS MALLEOLUS; c. 96 BC, Denarius, 3.77g. Cr-335/1a, Syd-611, RSC Caecilia-46a. Obv: A ALB S F - L METEL Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: C MALL before Roma seated l. on pile of shields; Victory stands behind, crowning her; ROMA in exergue. EF with luster............................................................................ 425 162. L. CALPURNIUS PISO FRUGI; 90 BC, Denarius, 4.02g. Cr-340/1, Syd-665f. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., XXI behind head, tongs under chin. Rx: Horseman r., palm over shoulder; dot C and L PISO FRVGI below. Scarce control mark configuration. Ex Berk 173, 15 March 2011, lot 203. EF........................................ 275 163. Q. TITIUS; 90 BC, Denarius, 3.73g. Cr-341/1, Syd-691, RSC Titia-1. Obv: Head of Mutinus Titinus r., bound with winged diadem. Rx: Q TITI on tablet from which springs Pegasus. VF................................................................................................. 175 164. C. VIBIUS C.F. PANSA; 90 BC, Denarius, 4.07g. Cr-342/5b, Syd-684, RSC Vibia-1. Obv: PANSA Laureate head of Apollo r., rudder under chin. Rx: C.VIBIVS.C.F in exergue, Minerva in quadriga r., holding trophy, spear, and reins. Toned EF.......... 350 165. L. TITURIUS L.F. SABINUS; 89 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-344/2c, Syd-699a, RSC Tituria-5. Obv: Head of Tatius r., SABIN behind, APV and palm before. Rx: Two soldiers burying Tarpeia in shields, L TITVRI in exergue. About EF..................... 375 166. ANONYMOUS; 86 BC, Denarius, 4.13g. Cr-350a/2A, Syd-723, RSC-226. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., thunderbolt below. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga r. Slight golden iridescence. Mint State.............................................................................................. 365 167. MN. FONTEIUS C.F.; 85 BC, Denarius, 3.70g. Cr-353/1a, Syd-724, RSC Fonteia-9. Obv: Head of Vejovis r., ROMA monogram below chin, thunderbolt below head, MN FONTEI C F behind. Rx: Infant winged Genius seated on goat r., caps of the Dioscuri above, thyrsus below, all within laurel wreath. Mint State...................................... 285 168. MN. FONTEIUS C.F.; 85 BC, Denarius, 4.08g. Cr-353/1a, Syd-724, RSC Fonteia-9. Obv: Head of Vejovis r., ROMA monogram below chin, thunderbolt below head., MN FONTEI C F behind. Rx: Infant winged Genius seated on goat r., caps of the Dioscuri above, thyrsus below, all within laurel wreath. EF.................................................. 375 169. L. JULIUS BURSIO; 85 BC, Denarius, 4.07g. Cr-352/1c, Syd-728d, RSC-5b, Banti-14/5, De Ruyter-O91. Obv: Male head r., laureate and winged; behind, trident and branch. Rx: L IVLI BVRSIO Victory in quadriga r., FI below. Ex Berk 183, 28 March 2013, lot 198. VF.......................................................................................... 250 170. L. MARCIUS CENSORINUS; Denarius, Rome, 82 BC, 3.89g. Cr-363/1d, Syd737, RSC Marcia-24. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Marsyas walking left bearing wine-skin on shoulder; behind, statue on column. VF................................ 225 171. Q. CAECILIUS METELLUS PIUS; 81 BC, Denarius, 3.93g. Cr-374/2, Syd-751, RSC Caecilia-44. Obv: Head of Pietas r. wearing stephane, stork before. Rx: Pitcher and lituus, IMPER in exergue, all within laurel wreath. Good VF.......................... 265 172. L. PROCILIUS; 80 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Cr-379/1, Syd-771, RSC Procilia-1. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r., S C behind. Rx: Juno Sospita advancing r., holding shield and hurling spear; before, serpent; behind, L. PROCILI / F. Good VF................... 175 173. C. NAEVIUS BALBUS; 79 BC, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr-382/1b, Syd-769b, RSC Naevia-6. Obv: Diademed head of Venus r., S C behind. Rx: Victory in triga r., with the third horse looking back; X above, [C] NAE BAL[B] (AE and AL ligate) in exergue. According to Crawford the control X occurs on only two reverse dies of this denarius, once as a letter and the other time as a numeral. Mint State.................................... 265 174. C. NAEVIUS BALBUS; 79 BC, Denarius, 3.45g. Cr-382/1b, Syd-769b, RSC Naevia-6. Obv: Diademed head of Venus r., S C behind. Rx: Victory in triga r., with the third horse looking back; XXVIIII above, C NAE BALB (AE and AL ligate) in exergue. EF............................................................................................................... 185 175. CN. EGNATIUS CN.F.CN.N. MAXSUMUS; 75 BC, Denarius, 3.86g. Cr-391/3, Syd-787, RSC Egnatia-2. Obv: Bust of Libertas r., cap and MAXSVMV[S] behind. Rx: Roma placing foot on wolf’s head and Venus with small Cupid flying towards her head, standing side by side between rudders set on prows; [C]N N on r., N on l., [C] EGNATIVS [CN F] in exergue. VF......................................................................... 275 Magnificent 176. C. HOSIDIUS C.F. GETA; 68 BC, Denarius, 3.99g. Cr-407/2, Syd-903, RSC Hosidia-1. Obv: Diademed head of Diana r., bow and quiver at shoulder. Rx: Wild boar of Calydon r., pierced by spear and attacked by dog. Ex Berk 150, 8 August 2006, lot 326. This coin is wonderfully struck in high relief. Though the issue is not rare an example this beautiful is extremely rare. If a few letters on the reverse were not off flan this coin would be FDC. Near FDC.......................................................................... 950 177. M. PLAETORIUS M.F. CESTIANUS; 67 BC, Denarius, 3.94g. Cr-405/5, Syd807, RSC Plaetoria-5. Obv: Head of Bonus Eventus r., harpoon behind. Rx: Caduceus; M PLAETORI to r., CEST EX SC to l. VF / EF...................................................... 485 178. Q. POMPONIUS MUSA; 66 BC, Denarius, 3.43g. Cr-410/1, Syd-810, RSC Pomponia-8. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., Q POMPONI behind, MVSA before. Rx: Hercules r, wearing lionskin and playing lyre; HERCVLES before, MVSARVM behind. VF................................................................................................................ 325 179. L. ROSCIUS FABATUS; 64 BC, Denarius, 3.75g. Cr-412/1, Syd-915, RSC Roscia-3. Obv: L ROSCI Head of Juno Sospita r. wearing goat-skin headdress. Rx: FABATI Girl facing snake. Crawford’s symbol-pair 127, described as ?/?. The objects depicted by these scarce control marks (missing in Banti) are indeed quite uncertain; the confusion is heightened by the fact that Crawford’s drawing of the reverse is not quite accurate, showing an object that tapers top to bottom and terminates in a hook. Mint State.................................................................................................................. 450 180. L. FURIUS CN.F. BROCCHUS; 63 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr-414/1, Syd-902a, RSC


































Furia-23a. Obv: Bust of Ceres r. wearing wheat-ear wreath, lock of hair falling down neck, between wheat ear and barley grain, III - VIR to either side, BROCCHI below. Rx: Curule chair between fasces; above, L FVRI / CN F. Good VF........................ 235 181. L. SCRIBONIUS LIBO; 62 BC, Denarius, 3.79g. Cr-416/1b, Syd-928, RSC Scribonia-8b. Obv: BON EVENT before diademed head of Bonus Eventus r., Libo behind. Rx: PVTEAL above well-head ornamented with two lyres, tongs and festoons, SCRIBON in exergue. About EF............................................................................. 250 182. Q. CASSIUS LONGINUS; 55 BC, Denarius, 3.52g. Cr-428/1, Syd-917, RSC Cassia-9. Obv: Veiled head of Vesta r., VEST before, Q CASSIVS behind. Rx: Curule chair within temple of Vesta; to l., urn; to r., voting tablet inscribed AC. Two hairlines on obverse at chin. Lustrous EF................................................................................ 400 183. A. PLAUTIUS; 55 BC, Denarius, 4.25g. Syd-932, Cr-431/1, RSC Plautia-13. Obv: Turreted head of Cybele r. Rx: Bacchius (Aristobulus?) kneels r., camel at side, extending olive branch, BACCHIVS in exergue, IVDAEVS on r. EF.................... 425 184. M. JUNIUS BRUTUS; 54 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-433/2, Syd-907, RSC Junia-30. Obv: Head of L. Iunius Brutus r., behind BRVTV[S] downwards. Rx: Head of C. Servilius Ahala r., behind AHALA downwards. Good VF...................................... 485 185. C. CLAUDIUS AP. F. PULCHER, PROCONSUL 55-53 BC; Pergamon, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 12.43g. G.R. Stumpf, Num. Studien zur Chronologie der röm. Statthalter in Kleinasien-51 (1 spec., in ANS). Obv: Cista mystica with serpent; all within ivy wreath. Rx: C PVLCHER PROCOS / MAXAωΝ Bowcase between two serpents; monogram to l., serpent-entwined staff to r. On the single specimen with this magistrate’s name known to Stumpf, the proconsul’s name is misspelled C PVCHER. Our coin has the correct spelling C PVLCHER. Lustrous EF................................. 675 186. Q. SICINIUS; 49 BC, Denarius, 3.95g. Cr-440/1, Syd-938, RSC Sicinia-5. Obv: Head of Fortune r., FORT before, [PR] behind. Rx: Caduceus and palm in saltire, laurel wreath above, Q SICINIVS below, III VIR to sides. Near Mint State........... 325 187. Q. SICINIUS & C. COPONIUS; 49 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Cr-444/1a, Syd-939, RSC Sicinia-1. Obv: Head of Apollo r., star below; Q SICINIVS before, III VIR behind. Rx: Club of Hercules surmounted by lion skin with scalp to r.; arrow on l., bow on r; C COPONIVS PR S C around. EF.............................................................................. 145 188. ALBINUS BRUTI F.; 48 BC, Denarius, 3.98g. Cr-450/2, Syd-942, RSC Postumia-10. Obv: Head of Pietas r., PIETAS behind. Rx: Two hands clasped round winged caduceus, ALBINVS BRVTI F below. Mint State...................................... 450 189. L. PLAUTIUS PLANCUS; 47 BC, Denarius, 3.57g. Cr-453/1c, Syd-959b, RSC Plautia-14. Obv: Mask of Medusa, L PLAVTIVS below. Rx: Aurora flying, conducting four horses of the Sun, PLANCVS below. Good VF............................................... 650 190. MN. CORDIUS RUFUS; 46 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-463/1b, Syd-976c, RSC Cordia-2. Obv: Jugate heads of Dioscuri r. wearing filleted caps; two stars above, RVFVS III V[IR] behind. Rx: Venus standing l. holding scales and scepter, Cupid on her shoulder, MN CORDIVS behind. EF................................................................. 200 191. C. CONSIDIUS PAETUS; 46 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Cr-465/3, Syd-992, RSC Considia-6. Obv: Head of Venus r., laureate and wearing diadem; PAETI behind. Rx: Victory in quadriga l., holding wreath, palm branch, and reins; C CONSIDI in exergue. Toned Mint State....................................................................................................... 275 192. P. CLODIUS M.F. TURRINUS; 42 BC, Denarius, 4.08g. Cr-494/23, Syd-1117, RSC Claudia-15. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r., lyre behind. Rx: P. CLODIVS on r., M.F on l., Diana Lucifera standing holding two long torches, bow and quiver on her shoulder. EF.............................................................................................................. 185 ROMAN IMPERATORIAL SILVER 193. MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.07g. Cr-544/21, Syd-1225, C-35, Sear Imperators-358. Obv: ANT AVG / IIIVIR R P C Galley r. Rx: LEG - VIII Legionary eagle between two standards. VF............................................................................. 350 194. MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN; 41 BC, Denarius, 3.23g. Cr-517/2, Syd1181, C-8 (30 Fr.), Sear Imperators-243. Obv: M ANT IMP AVG IIIVIR R P C M BAR[BAT Q P] (MP and AV ligate) Bare head of Mark Antony r. Rx: CAESAR.IMP. PONT.III.VIR.R.P.C Bare head of Octavian r. Fine................................................. 475 195. CN. DOMITITIUS AHENOBARBUS; 41 BC, Denarius, 3.79g. Cr-519/2; Syd-1177 (R5); Sear, Imperators-339. Obv: Bearded head of L. Ahenobarbus r., AHENOBAR before. Rx: CN.DOMITIVS.IMP Ship’s prow r., on which trophy. VF / EF............................................................................................................................ 2150 196. CASSIUS; 42 BC, probably at Smyrna, Denarius, 3.77g. Cr-500/3, Syd-1307, Sear, Imperators-221. Obv: Diademed head of Liberty r.; C CASSI IMP behind, LEIBERTAS before. Rx: Pitcher and lituus, LENTVLVS SPINT below. EF............................ 1900 197. JULIUS CAESAR; Rome, 44 BC, moneyer L. Aemilius Buca, Denarius, 3.64g. Cr-480/8, Syd-1061, C-23 (10 Fr.), Sear Imperators-105. Obv: CAES[AR] - [DICT] PERPETVO Head wreathed r. Rx: L BVCA Venus standing l. holding Victory and scepter. This coin is rather poorly struck. The neck of Caesar is gone but the portrait is complete. VF........................................................................................................... 1650 198. JULIUS CAESAR; Rome, 44 BC, moneyer L. Aemilius Buca, Denarius, 3.80g. Cr-480/8, Syd-1061, C-23 (10 Fr.), Sear Imperators-105. Obv: CAESAR - DICT PERPETV[O] Head wreathed r. Rx: L BVC[A] Venus standing l. holding Victory and scepter. VF.............................................................................................................. 1800 ROMAN IMPERIAL SILVER Mint State Tribute Penny 199. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.75g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC-30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. Mint State................................................. 1100 Caligula Denarius 200. CALIGULA AND DIVUS AUGUSTUS; 37-41 AD, Lugdunum, 37 AD, Denarius, 3.70g. BM-4, Paris-3, C-11 (12 Fr.), RIC-2. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT COS Bare head of Caligula r. Rx: No legend, radiate head of Divus Augustus r. between two stars. These dies not in Giard, Monnayage de Lyon. Ex Lanz 109, 27 May 2002, lot 298. This coin bears a wonderful portrait of Caligula and a very sharp portrait of Augustus. Toning is very pleasant. There are some very shallow bits of porosity. EF............................................................................................................................ 7750 201. GALBA; 68-69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.23g. BM-34 corr., C-287, Paris-76, RIC167. Obv: IMP SER - GALBA AVG Head bare r. Rx: S P Q R / OB / C - S in three lines within oak wreath. Bare-headed portrait, wrongly described as laureate in BMC. Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, January 1983. VF................................................... 800 202. OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.28g. BM-3, Paris-3, C-3 (12 Fr.), RIC-4 (R ). Obv: IMP M OTHO CAE[S]AR AVG TR P Head bare r. Rx: PAX ORB IS - TERRARVM Pax standing l. holding branch and caduceus. Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, January 1983. Fine................................................................................................................. 500 Rare Variety with Vitellius’ father holding branch 203. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.29g. RIC-97, inaccurately citing Cohen-55 (40 Fr.) for this variant, see below. Cf. BMC-23 note and Glasgow-12, pl. 30, C-55 (40 Fr.), an aureus from the same rev. die as our denarius. Obv: A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P Head laureate r. Rx: L VIT[ELLIVS CO]S III CENSOR L. Vitellius seated l. on curule chair, holding branch and eagle-tipped scepter. Ex Berk 30, 13 February 1984, lot 197. Rare, especially with L. Vitellius not just extending his right hand on the reverse, but also holding a branch with it. Cohen describes this variant from the Paris collection, but in fact Paris’ two aurei and two denarii of the type, Paris pl. XXIII, 61-64, all omit the branch. RIC-96 cites an aureus with branch in Glasgow, and our denarius is actually from that same reverse die. Neither variant, with or without branch, was in the Reka Devnia hoard. Vitellius’ father, as this coin type records, had achieved the highest offices attainable by a private man at Rome, consul for the third time and censor, during the reign of Claudius, when he had been a close friend of the emperor

and the most influential Roman senator. VF / Fine.................................................. 750 204. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; Died 79 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, Denarius, 3.57g. RIC-357 (C2), BM-129, Paris-101, C-497 (6 Fr.). Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS. Head laureate r. Rx: Two capricorns on globe supporting shield inscribed S C; the globe is between the capricorns and their tails are not shown. Ex Triton IX, Session 3, 11 January 2006, lot 1426. Mint State...................................................................... 750 205. TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, c. 77-8 AD, Denarius, 3.35g. RIC-972 (C), BM-319, C-17. Obv: T CAESAR - VESPASIANVS Head laureate r. Rx: [AN]NONA AVG Annona seated l. holding wheat ears before her in fold of her clothing. Purchased from A.H. Baldwin, September 1985. Toning with some iridescence. Near Mint State.. .................................................................................................................................. 500 206. NERVA; 96-98 AD, Rome, 98 AD, Denarius, 2.66g. BM-64, Paris-47, C-91, RIC44. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG GERM P M TR P II Head laureate r. Rx: IMP II - COS IIII P P Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Scarce final issue of Nerva’s reign, lasting less than a month until his death on 28 January 98; only six denarii of this type in Reka Devnia hoard. Sharp portrait. VF / Fine....................... 350 207. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 108-9 AD, Denarius, 3.60g. BM-288, C-86, RIC119, Woytek-279bD (66 spec.). Obv: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC Aequitas seated l. holding scales and cornucopia. EF................. 300 208. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Denarius, Rome, c. 107-111 AD, 3.48g. BM-337, Paris-278, C-76=77 corr., RIC-129=131 corr. Rx: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC Victory holding wreath and palm walking l. over pile of shields. Mint State....................... 400 209. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 126-7 AD, Denarius, 3.42g. BM-359, C-353, RIC-851A2 (C). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: COS - I[II] Roma or Virtus standing r., r. breast bare, l. foot on helmet, holding spear (point omitted) and parazonium. Magnificent portrait. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 550 210. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 124-8 AD, Denarius, 3.19g. BM-401, C-374, RIC-175. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: COS - [I]II Libertas standing l. holding cap and rod. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Time Machine, December 1999. Near Mint State.................................................... 300 211. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Denarius, 3.08g. BM-645, C-787 (2 Fe.), RIC-1405 (S). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head laureate r. Rx: FORTVNAE - REDVCI Fortuna Redux, veiled, seated l. holding rudder and cornucopia. Scarce, only six specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Commemorates Hadrian’s return to Rome from his second great tour c. 131-2 AD. About EF.................................................. 250 Exceptional Sabina 212. SABINA; Rome, 128-c. 137 AD, Denarius, 3.64g. BM-944, C-73 (2 Fr.), RIC-2576 (C2). Obv: SABINA - AVGVSTA Bust draped, diademed r., hair in queue down back. Rx: VENERI - GE - NETRICI Venus standing r., drawing fold of drapery from shoulder and holding apple. Ex NFA Journal, Summer 1988, no. 125. Fully lustrous fields, toned. Virtually Mint State............................................................................. 750 213. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 145-7 AD, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-536, C-345, RIC-137. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS - IIII Thunderbolt on draped throne. Mint State............................................................... 325 214. ANTONINUS PIUS, DIVUS; Died 161 AD. Rome, Denarius, 3.25g. BM-71, C-357 (3 Fr.), RIC-441. Obv: DIVVS - ANTONINVS Head bare r. Rx: DIVO PIO Altar enclosure with door in front and horns on top. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from CNG, October 1998. Mint State..................................................... 300 215. FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.42g. BM-345, C-26, RIC344. Obv: DIVA FAV - STINA Bust draped r. Rx: AETER - NITA - S Juno standing r., head l., veiled, raising r. hand and holding scepter in lowered l. hand. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased in May 1998. Virtually Mint State........................... 300 216. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 166 AD, Denarius, 3.77g. BM-397, C-463, RIC-148. Obv: M - ANTONINVS AVG - ARMENIACVS Head laureate r. Rx: PIETAS AVG TR P XX COS III Pietas, veiled, standing l. dropping incense on altar with r. hand and holding incense box with open lid in l. Mint State........................ 550 217. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 166 AD, Denarius, 2.93g. BM-397, C-463, RIC-148. Obv: M - ANTONINVS AVG - ARMENIACVS Head laureate r. Rx: PIETAS AVG TR P XX COS III Pietas, veiled, standing l. dropping incense on altar with r. hand and holding incense box with open lid in l. Mint State........................ 475 218. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 166 AD, Denarius, 3.31g. RIC-159 corr., C-435, BM-401. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG - ARM PARTH MAX Head laureate r. Rx: PAX in exergue, TR P XX IMP - IIII COS III around, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. RIC wrongly states “Pax seated” rather than “standing”. Mint State.............................................................................................. 550 219. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 172 AD, Denarius, 3.40g. BM-557, C-280, RIC-259. Obv: M ANTONINVS - AVG TR P XXVI Head laureate r. Rx: IMP - VI - COS III Roma seated l. above round shield, holding Victory and spear. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 400 220. LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 166 AD, Denarius, 2.94g. BM-426, C-126, RIC-561. Obv: L VERVS AVG ARM - PARTH MAX Head laureate r. Rx: PAX in exergue, TR P.VI IMP IIII - COS II around, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. A few flan cracks. Unusually excellent portrait. Mint State.................. 550 221. LUCIUS VERUS; 161-169 AD, Rome, 166 AD, Denarius, 3.22g. BM-426, C-126, RIC-561. Obv: L VERVS AVG ARM - PARTH MAX Head laureate r. Rx: PAX in exergue, TR P - VI IMP - IIII COS II around, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. About EF............................................................................................... 175 222. LUCILLA; Rome, Denarius, 3.10g. BM-353, C-89, RIC-786. Obv: LVCILLA AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: VENVS - VIC - TRIX Venus standing l. holding Victory and resting l. hand on shield set on ground. Purchased from Artemis, Munich, July 1986. Virtually Mint State........................................................................................ 350 223. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 184 AD, Denarius, 3.11g. BM 150 note, C-1003 (3 Fr.), RIC 99c. Obv: M COMM ANTON - AVG PIVS BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: VOT SVSC DEC PM TR P VIIII IMP VII around, COS IIII P P in exergue, Togate emperor sacrificing l. at tripod altar. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Alex Malloy, May 2000. Rare type commemorating Commodus’ undertaking of decennalian vows: four specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Mint State.................... 250 224. CRISPINA; Rome, Denarius, 3.17g. BM-44, C-35, RIC-286a. Obv: CRISPINA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: V - E - NVS Venus standing l. holding apple and drawing up drapery. Purchased from Artemis, Munich, July 1986. About EF........ 225 Mysterious M at end of obverse legend? 225. PESCENNIUS NIGER; 193-194 AD, Antioch, Denarius, 3.18g. Cf. BMC-314 note, RIC-88d, and RSC-75g, all citing a coin described in Num. Chron. 1854 (see below). Obv: [IM]P CAES C PE - SC NGER (sic, I omitted) IVS [M?] Laureate head r. Rx: VICTORI - A - E AVG Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm branch. A similar denarius, with the same error NGER in the obverse legend and allegedly with a clear M at the end of that legend, was described from a private collection in Numismatic Chronicle XVI, 1854, p. 41. One might wonder whether that alleged M might not actually have been just a misread A or AV. The same legend with IVS M ending, however, was included by T.V. Buttrey in his list of the obverse legends of Niger, Numismatic Chronicle 152, 1992, President’s Address, p. viii, but unfortunately without naming his source: just the old description in Numismatic Chronicle 1854, or an actual coin confirming that rendering of the obverse legend? Our coin confirms the error NGER, but, because of flat striking below the emperor’s neck on the obverse, unfortunately does not show the questionable final letter or two of the legend. About VF............................................................................................................................ 1450 226. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 200 AD, Denarius, 3.39g. BM-




































202, C-599, RIC-167a. Obv: SEVERVS AVG - PART MAX Head laureate r. Rx: RESTITVTOR - VRBIS Septimius in military dress sacrificing l. from patera at tripod altar and holding reversed spear. EF........................................................................ 150 227. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 203 AD, Denarius, 3.19g. BM-432, C-461, RIC-189b. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: [P] M TR P XI COS III P P Fortuna Redux seated l. holding rudder and cornucopia, wheel under seat. Golden iridescent toning. Mint State......................................................................... 150 228. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, New-Style Eastern Mint, 198 AD, Denarius, 3.22g. BM-629, C-642, RIC-497a. Obv: L SEP SEVERVS PER - AVG P M IMP XI Head laureate r. Rx: SALVTI - AVGG Salus seated l. holding patera to snake rising from altar. Scarce Eastern obverse legend with IMP XI but no PART MAX. From the Philip Ashton Collection; ex Berk 140, 27 October 2004, lot 314; ex Curtis Clay Collection; ex G. Hirsch Sale, Munich, July 1967. Mint State................................ 175 229. JULIA DOMNA; Rome, 215 AD, Denarius, 3.02g. BM-31, C-226, RIC-391. Obv: IVLIA PIA - FELIX AVG Bust draped r. Rx: VESTA Vesta, veiled, seated l. holding ladle and scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 135, 10 December 2003, lot 242. Mint State.................................................................................................... 175 230. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 209 AD, Denarius, 3.41g. BM-13, C-464, RIC112. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r., unbearded. Rx: PONTIF TR P - XII COS III Virtus standing r. placing l. foot on helmet and holding reversed spear and parazonium. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in October 1998. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 200 231. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 212-3 AD, Denarius, 3.38g. BM-87, C-150, RIC-223. Obv: BRIT. Rx: MARTI PROPVGNATORI Mars advancing l. holding spear and trophy. EF.......................................................................................................... 140 232. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 215 AD, Denarius, 2.97g. BM-143, C-315, RIC-266. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVIII - COS IIII P P Fides, wearing crown of towers, standing l. holding two standards. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Ken Dorney, February 1999. Mint State.. .................................................................................................................................. 185 233. PLAUTILLA; Rome, 203 AD, Denarius, 3.57g. BM-411, C-1, RIC-363a. Obv: PLAVTILLA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: CONCORDIA - AVGG Concordia standing l. holding patera and scepter. Ex Berk 72, 4 August 1992, lot 263. Unusually beautiful portrait struck in high relief. Mint State..................................................... 275 234. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 198 AD, Denarius, 3.47g. BM-146, C-49 (10 Fr.), RIC-1. Obv: L SEPTIMIVS - GETA CAES Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: FELICITAS - T - E - MPOR Geta, togate and holding cornucopia, standing l. clasping hands with Felicitas who also holds long caduceus. Detailed portrait in high relief. Engraver’s centering dot below the clasped hands of the two figures on reverse. Scarce: only 19 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. High relief portrait. Some areas of flat striking on reverse. Mint State............................................................................ 275 235. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, 198 AD, Denarius, 3.40g. BM-149, C-193, RIC-4. Obv: L SEPTIMIVS - GETA CAES Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: SPES - PVBLICA Spes walking l., holding flower and raising skirt. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 132, 14 May 2003, lot 484. Mint State........................ 200 236. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Rome, c. 205-6 AD, Denarius, 3.56g. BM-442, C-230, RIC-38a. Obv: GETA CAES - PONT COS Bare-headed, draped bust r. Rx: VOTA - PVBLICA Geta sacrificing l. at tripod altar. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in May 1998. Mint State............................................................................... 250 237. MACRINUS; 217-218 AD, Rome, 218 AD, Denarius, BM-47, RSC-51a, RIC-27. Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV - MACRINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P II - COS P P Macrinus seated l. on curule chair, holding globe and scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Classic Coins, August 1999. EF........... 250 238. MACRINUS; 217-218 AD, Rome, 218 AD, Denarius, 3.25g. BM-73, C-108, RIC80. Obv: Legend broken above head, bust laureate, draped r. Rx: PROVIDENTIA DEORVM Providentia standing l., holding wand over globe at feet, and cornucopia. Extremely sharp portrait. Toned EF.......................................................................... 400 239. DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.17g. RSC-3a, bust var. of BM-87 and RIC-102. Obv: M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES Bareheaded bust r., draped, seen from back. Rx: PRINC IVVENTVTIS Diadumenian standing l., head r., holding standard and scepter, two further standards behind him. EF.............................................................................................................................. 650 240. ELAGABALUS (218-222 AD); Rome, 219 AD, Antoninianus, 5.13g. BM-107, RSC-28a, RIC-67. Obv: IMP CAES ANTONINVS AVG Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: FIDES EXE - R - CITVS Fides seated l. holding eagle and standard, with a second standard before her. EF............................................................................................. 275 241. ELAGABALUS (218-222 AD); Rome, 218 AD, Denarius, 2.43g. BM-6, C-127, RIC-3. Obv: IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P - COS P P Roma seated l. above shield, holding Victory and scepter. EF........ 90 242. ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Rome, 219 AD, Denarius, 3.11g. BM-112, C-109, RIC-121. Obv: IMP CAES ANTONINVS AVG Laureate, draped bust r. Rx: MARS VICTOR Mars, nude with flying cloak, advancing r., holding spear and trophy. EF / VF.............................................................................................................................. 125 243. ELAGABALUS (218-222 AD); Rome, 221 AD, Denarius, 3.16g. BM-247, C-189, RIC-42, Eauze Hoard-327 (5 spec.). Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: P M TR P IIII COS III P P Providentia standing l. holding wand over globe at her feet and cornucopia, star in field r. Reverse weakly struck. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 125 244. JULIA MAESA; Rome, 221-2 AD, Denarius, 2.78g. BM-76, C-36, RIC-268. Rx: PVDICITIA Pudicitia seated l. drawing veil over head and holding scepter, back of throne omitted. Small, insignificant flan crack at 11h, otherwise good centering and well-struck. Pleasant portrait of Maesa and nice reverse type of Pudicitia, the goddess of modesty or sexual virtue. EF................................................................................ 125 245. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 222 AD, Denarius, 3.10g. BM-21, RIC-11, RSC-216 corr. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: P M TR P - COS P P Libertas standing l. holding cap and cornucopia. Unusual for showing die-clash damage not only on reverse (outline of incuse portrait in field), but on obverse too (incuse, reversed images of Libertas’ head and cornucopia above and behind Alexander’s portrait). Mint State....................... 175 246. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 222-4 AD, Denarius, 3.12g. BM77, C-530, RIC-78. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SALVS - PVBLICA Salus seated l., extending patera to serpent rising from altar, l. forearm on arm rest. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 144, 13 July 2005, lot 314. Mint State.................................................................................. 250 247. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 229-230 AD, Denarius, 2.96g. RIC-226, RSC-586a, BM-648. Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XAND AVG Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: VIRTVS - AVG Emperor, laureate and in military dress, standing l. placing r. foot on helmet and holding globe and spear. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 130, 6 January 2003, lot 529. Mint State.. .................................................................................................................................. 250 248. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 232 AD, Denarius, 2.95g. BM855, C-427, RIC-112. Obv: IMP ALEXAN - DER PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: P M TR P X - I - COS III P P Sol standing l., wearing cloak over l. shoulder and hanging down behind him, raising r. hand and holding globe in l. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 135, 10 December 2003, lot 271. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 250 249. JULIA MAMAEA; Rome, 232-5 AD, Denarius, 2.63g. BM-483, RIC-335, C-17. Obv: IVLIA MA - MAEA AVG Bust draped r., wearing stephane. Rx: FELICI - TAS PVBLICA Felicitas standing l., legs crossed, leaning on column and holding caduceus.

Ex Berk 159, 3 June 2008, lot 325. EF.................................................................... 135 250. MAXIMINUS I THRAX; 235-238 AD, Rome, 235-6 AD, Denarius, 2.85g. BM105, C-99, RIC-16. Obv: Legend without GERM, second portrait. Rx: VICTO - R - I - A AVG Victory advancing r. holding wreath and palm. Near Mint State.............. 200 251. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 245-7 AD, Antoninianus, 4.48g. RIC-27b, C-9. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AEQVITAS AVGG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Reverse weakly struck. Mint State.................................................................................................................. 150 252. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 247 AD, Antoninianus, 4.44g. Eauze Hoard-788, RIC27b, C-9. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AEQVITAS AVGG Aequitas standing l., hair gathered at top of head, holding scales in r. hand, r. forearm bent upwards, cornucopia in l., no drapery falling from l. arm. The second variety of the AEQVITAS AVGG type, introduced in 247 when the current antoninainus types were all slightly modified: see the Eauze Hoard report, p. 252. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 120 253. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 248 AD, Antoninianus, 3.80g. RIC-12, C-173. Obv: IMP PHILIPPVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SAECVLARES AVGG Lion standing r., I (=officina 1) in exergue. One of the famous Animal series commemorating Philip’s millennial games, the first issue of the Roman coinage to bear officina numbers. EF................................................................................................ 150 254. OTACILIA SEVERA; Rome, 246-7 AD, Antoninianus, 3.94g. RIC-125c, C-4. Obv: M OTACIL SEVERA AVG Bust draped r., wearing stephane and on crescent. Rx: CONCORDIA AVGG Concordia seated l. holding patera and double cornucopia. Mint State........................................................................................................................... 125 255. PHILIP II AS CAESAR; 244-247 AD, Rome, 245-7 AD, Antoninianus, 4.91g. RIC216c, C-54. Obv: M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PRINCIP - I IVVENT Philip II, in miltary dress, standing r., holding globe and transverse scepter. Mint State.................................................................................................................. 175 256. PHILIP II AS AUGUSTUS; 247-249 AD, Branch Mint, 247 AD, Antoninianus, 5.20g. RIC-226 corr., C-6. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AETER - NIT IMPER Sol advancing l. raising r. hand and holding whip in l. Mint State................................................................................................. 150 257. TRAJAN DECIUS; 249-251 AD, Antoninianus, Rome, 2.73g. RIC-28c. C-105. Eauze Hoard-898 (65 spec.). Dorchester Hoard (132 spec.). Obv: IMP.C.M.Q.TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rx: VBERTIAS AVG Uberitas standing l., holding purse and cornucopia. Reverse softly struck. Mint State.......... 125 258. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA; Rome, Antoninianus, 4.41g. RIC-59b, C-19. Obv: Early “smooth” coiffure. Rx: [PVD]ICITIA AVG Pudicitia seated l. drawing veil and holding transverse scepter. Mint State...................................................................... 100 259. HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS AS CAESAR; 250-251 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.12g. RIC-143 (S), C-14. Obv: Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PIETAS AVGVSTORVM Sacrifical implements: sprinkler behind ladle, pitcher, lituus behind patera. Mint State................................................................... 150 Exceptional Portrait 260. TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.76g. RIC-39, C-67. Obv: IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: LIBERTAS AVGG Libertas standing l., leaning on column, holding cap and transverse scepter. Exquisite portrait. Mint State...................................................... 200 261. TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Antoninianus, Antioch, 3.42g. RIC84. C-70. Eauze Hoard-1038 (6 spec.). Obv: IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS P F AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: MARTEM PROPVGNATOREM Mars advancing r., holding spear and shield. Rather high grade for Antioch but artistic quality is typical of this mint, awful. Mint State....................................................... 110 262. VOLUSIAN; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.06g. RIC-166, C-8. Obv: IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: AEQVITAS AVGG Aequitas standing l. holding scales and cornucopia. Not common: 27 specimens in Dorchester Hoard. Near Mint State...................................................................... 125 263. VALERIAN I; 253-260 AD, Milan, c. 258 AD, Antoninianus, 2.95g. RIC-256, C-204, Göbl-919a (116 spec.). Obv: IMP VALERIANVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: SECVRIT PERPET Securitas standing l., legs crossed, leaning on column, holding scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Time Machine, January 2000. Good VF.............................................................................. 90 264. VALERIAN I; 253-260 AD, “Viminacium”, Antoninianus, 3.29g. RIC-241 (Milan), C-71, Cunetio Hoard-765 (2 spec.). Obv: IMP VALERIANVS P AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: FIDE - S MILITVM Fides standing l., head r., holding vexillum and transverse standard. Expressive portrait. Mint State........................... 100 265. MARINIANA, DIVA; Rome, 254-8 AD, Antoninianus, 3.34g. Eauze-1321 (200 spec.), Cunetio-643 (63 spec.), RIC-6, (R) C-16 (8 Fr.). Obv: DIVAE MARINIANIAE Bust draped, veiled r., on crescent. Rx: CONSECRA - TIO Peacock flying r. bearing empress to heaven. Ex CNG XXVIII, 8 December 1993, lot 303. About EF.......... 300 266. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Milan, Antoninianus, 2.73g. Göbl-1002r (56 spec.), RIC-343, C-500 (3 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: LEG IIII FL VI P VI F Lion leaping r. VF............................................... 245 267. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Milan, Antoninianus, 3.62g. Göbl-1014n (32 spec.), Cunetio-1470 (7 spec.), RIC-359. Obv: [G]ALLIENVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: LEG XI CL VI P VI F Neptune standing r. holding trident upwards and dolphin. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought from Alex Malloy, March 2001. EF / VF................................................................................................ 225 268. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Antioch, 264 AD, Antoninianus, 2.96g. Göbl-1608 (18 spec.), RIC-600, C-839 (2 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: P M TR P XII COS V P P Serapis standing r., head l., wearing kalathos, raising r. hand and holding scepter in l. Some porosity. EF....................... 100 269. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Samosata, Antoninianus, 3.75g. Göbl-1687m (40 spec.), RIC-456, C-1310. Obv: IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: VIRT - VS AV -GG Two emperors standing, one placing Victory onto globe held by the other, both also holding spears. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from P.J.L. Rare Coins, April 2016. Mint State...................................... 150 270. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Cologne, Antoninianus, 3.61g. Cunetio-715 (7 spec.), Göbl-872l (74 spec.), RIC-18, C-308 (2 Fr.). Obv: GALLIENVS.P.F.AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front, fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck, inner wreath tie overlaps neck. Rx: GERMANICVS MAX V Trophy and two seated captives. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Huntingdon, UK, November 2015. Somewhat softly struck with worn dies. Mint State.................................................. 125 271. SALONINA; Rome, Antoninianus, 4.77g. Göbl-492s (60 spec.), Cunetio-1109 (89 spec.), RIC-24, C-92. Obv: SALONINA - AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: PVDICITIA Pudicitia standing l. raising veil and holding transverse scepter, officina letter Q=4 in r. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 119, 15 March 2001, lot 435. Mint State......................................................................... 150 272. SALONINA; Milan, Antoninianus, 3.55g. Göbl-935t (150 spec.), Cunetio-757 (79 spec.), RIC-57. Obv: SALONINA AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: FECVNDITAS AVG Fecunditas standing l., head r., holding infant on l. arm and extending r. hand to second child standing beside her. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 166, 15 October 2009, lot 419. Mint State............................... 200 273. VALERIAN II AS CAESAR; 256-258 AD, Samosata, Antoninianus, 3.83g. Göbl1695b (10 spec.), RIC-52. Obv: VALERIANVS NOBIL CAES Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SPES PVBLI[CA] Spes advancing l., holding flower and raising skirt. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, April 1999. Scarce, only ten specimens in Göbl’s photofile. EF.............................................................. 120 274. POSTUMUS; 260-268 AD, 266-7 AD, Antoninianus, 3.96g. Cunetio-2426 (7 spec.),









































RIC-84, C-333 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP C POSTUMVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: SAECVLO FRVGIFERO Winged caduceus. EF.200 275. CLAUDIUS II GOTHICUS; 268-270 AD, Antioch, Antoninianus, 4.21g. RIC-201, C-38, RIC temp-1021 (60 spec.). Obv: IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: CONS- E - R AVG Serapis standing r., head l., calathos on head, raising r. hand and holding scepter in l., Γ = officina 3 in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Classic Coins, August 1999. EF.................................. 200 276. QUINTILLUS; 270 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 2.43g. Cunetio-2339 (36 spec.), RIC29, C-61. Obv: IMP C [M AV]R CL QVINTILLVS AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: PROVIDENT AV[G] Providentia standing l. holding baton over globe and scepter, S=officina 6 in field r. The ground line on reverse was erroneously engraved slanting upwards rather than horizontal. EF......................... 100 277. AURELIAN; 270-275 AD, Milan, 271-2 AD, Antoninianus, 3.67g. RIC-142, Paris-479, Göbl-64c4 ((13 spec.). Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: ROMAE AETE - RNAE Emperor standing r. receiving Victory from Roma seated l., Q (officina 4) in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, March 2001. Mint State............................ 110 278. SEVERINA; Rome, Antoninianus, 3.84g. RIC-3, Göbl-132s3 (66 spec.), Paris-175. Obv: SEVERINA AVG Bust draped r. on crescent, wearing stephane. Rx: CONCO RDIA AVGG Aurelian and Severina clasping hands, ΓXXIR in exergue (officina 3). From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Alex Malloy, March 2001. Fully silvered. Mint State................................................................................................... 250 279. TACITUS; 275-276 AD, Serdica, Antoninianus, 3.87g. Paris-1771, RIC-133, C-25. Obv: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONSERVAT MILIT Mars standing r. holding spear with point upwards and handing globe to emperor, who stands l. in military dress and also holds scepter; in exergue, P (officina 1). From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased via eBay, November 2015. Mint State..................................................................................... 150 280. TACITUS; 275-276 AD, Ticinum, Antoninianus, 3.16g. RIC-150, C-72 var., Paris-1669, Venera-1489-1550 (62 spec.). Obv: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: PAX A - VGVSTI Pax standing l. holding branch and transverse scepter, officina letter P=1 in exergue. EF............................ 100 281. FLORIANUS; 276 AD, Cyzicus, Antoninianus, 3.96g. RIC-116, C-15, Paris-1985, Venera-2949-56 (8 spec.). Obv: IMP FLORIANVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA MILITVM Victory standing r., holding palm over shoulder and about to place wreath on head of emperor, who stands l. extending r. hand towards Victory and holding scepter; in exergue, Q = officina 4. About EF................................................................................................................... 150 282. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.60g. Venera-2420-2550 (131 spec.), RIC-200 (C), C-650 (1 Fr.). Obv: IMP PROB - VS P F AVG Bust radiate l., almost halflength, seen from front, wearing consular robes and holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: SOLI INVICT - O Sol raising r. hand and holding globe and whip in l., in quadriga of horses leaping l.; in exergue thunderbolt flanked by R and Γ (officina 3). Mint State.... .................................................................................................................................. 200 283. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.41g. RIC-204, C-682. Obv: Radiate consular bust l. holding eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: SOLI INVICTO Sol in frontal quadriga, R below. Mint State.................................................................................. 200 284. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Ticinum, Antoninianus, 3.37g. RIC-509, C-358 (3 Fr.). Obv: VIRTVS PROBI AVG Cuirassed bust l. wearing radiate and crested helmet, holding spear over r. shoulder and shield by l. shoulder. Rx: MART - I PACIF Mars rushing l. holding branch, shield, and spear, in exergue QXXI (officina 4), in field I and star. Part of Probus’ third EQVITI issue at Ticinum: from the fourth officina, so marked with the fourth letter I of EQVITI. Scarce obverse legend. Mint State................................. 200 285. CARUS; 282-283 AD, Ticinum, Antoninianus, 4.34g. RIC-82 (C), C-79, Venera-668-819 (152 spec.). Obv: IMP CARVS P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: SPES - PVBLICA Spes advancing l., holding flower and raising skirt; SXXI in exergue (officina 2). Near Mint State............................................... 125 286. CARUS, DIVUS; Died 283 AD, Lugdunum, Antoninianus, 5.01g. RIC-29, Bastien Lyon-624 (18 spec.). Obv: DIVO CARO PIO Head radiate r. Rx: CONSECRATIO Eagle standing l., head r., III=officina 3 in exergue. Ex BBS 153, lot 373 February 2007. Highest point of portrait weakly struck with worn die. Near Mint State........ 250 287. CARINUS AS CAESAR; 282-283 AD, Lugdunum, Antoninianus, 4.28g. Bastien-522 (36 spec.), RIC-152 (C), C-115. Obv: CARINVS NOBIL CAES Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: SAECVLI FELICITAS Carinus standing r. holding globe and spear, D=officina 4 in r. field. Choice EF.................. 150 LATE ROMAN SILVER AND SILVERED BRONZE 288. DIOCLETIAN AS SENIOR AUGUSTUS; After abdiction in 305 AD, Ticinum, 305-6 AD, Follis, 10.29g. RIC-57a (C), officina P=1. Obv: D N DIOCLETIANO FELICISSIMO SEN AVG Laureate bust r., almost half length, seen from front, wearing robe and holding branch and roll. Rx: PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG Providentia standing r., raising r. hand, facing Quies standing l., holding branch and scepter; P T in exergue, pellet in r. field. EF...................................................... 250 289. MAXIMIANUS; 286-305 AD, Thessalonica, c. 300-1 AD, Follis, 10.12g. RIC-22b (C2). Rx: GENIO POPV - L - I ROMANI Genius standing l., pouring liquid from patera and holding cornucopia, .E in r. field, TS. in exergue. Ex BBS 172, lot 318, November 2010. EF / VF......................................................................................... 120 290. MAXIMIANUS AS SENIOR AUGUSTUS; After abdiction in 305 AD, London, 307 AD, Follis, 6.63g. RIC-90 (C2). Obv: D N MAXIMIANO P F S AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: GENIO - POP ROM Genius standing l., modius on head, holding patera and cornucopia, PLN in exergue. Obverse legend names Maximian S AVG, Senior Augustus. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 196, 4 February 2016, lot 254. VF........................................................................... 125 291. CONSTANTIUS I AS CAESAR; 293-305 AD, Rome, 294 AD, Argenteus, 3.11g. RIC-22a (R3). Obv: Laureate head of Constantius r. Rx: Four emperors (the Tetrarchs) sacrificing over tripod altar before gate in six-turrreted enclosure. Ex HJB, Private Treaty Sale, August 2002. Mint State....................................................................... 800 292. CONSTANTIUS I AS CAESAR; 293-305 AD, Siscia, c. 294 AD, Follis, 9.83g. RIC-81a (C), officina B=2. Obv: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C Head laureate r. Rx: GENIO POP - VLI ROMANI Genius standing l. holding patera and cornucopia, exergue blank, S - B across field. EF....................................................................... 140 293. GALERIUS AS CAESAR; 293-305 AD, Trier, c. 303-5 AD, Follis, 9.58g. RIC594b (C ), officina P=1. Obv: MAXIMIANVS NOBIL C Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: GENIO POP - VLI ROMANI Genius standing l. holding patera and cornucopia, modius or city walls on head, PTR in exergue, S - F across field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Romae Aeternae Numismatics, November 2015. Mint State....................................................................................................... 200 294. GALERIUS AS CAESAR; 293-305 AD, Ticinum, c. 296-7 AD, Follis, 9.16g. RIC32b (C ), officina P=1. Obv: MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES Head laureate r. Rx: GENIO POPV - LI ROMANI Genius of the Roman People standing l. holding patera and cornucopia; PT in exergue, star in l. field. EF............................................................ 90 295. SEVERUS II AS AUGUSTUS; 306-307 AD, Alexandria, Radiate Fraction, 2.59g. RIC-84 (C), officina A=1. Obv: IMP C SEVERVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA MI - LITVM Emperor standing r. receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter standing l.; ALE in exergue, A in lower middle field. VF.................................................................................................................... 150 296. LICINIUS I; 308-324 AD, Thessalonica, 308-11 AD, Follis, 6.88g. RIC-30b (C2)= 40b (C ), officina A=1. Obv: VAL LICINIVS P F AVG Head laureate r. Rx: GENIO A - VGVSTI Genius standing l., cloak on shoulders, pouring liquid from patera and holding cornucopia, .SM.TS. in exergue, star - A in field. VF................................. 125

297. CONSTANTINE THE GREAT; 307-337 AD, Reduced Follis, Trier, 317 AD, 2.52g. RIC-135, officina A=1 (c2). Obv: Laureate, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: SOLI INVICTO COMITI Sol standing l., cloak over l. shoulder, raising r. hand and holding globe in l.; .ATR in exergue, T - F in field. Mint State................................. 75 298. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Arles, 321 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.98g. RIC-228, officina P=1 (c1). Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Laureate head r. Rx: VOT / XX within wreath, D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around, PA in exergue. Mint State.... .................................................................................................................................. 100 299. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Arles, c. 329 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.64g. RIC-313, officina S=2 (s). Obv: CONSTAN - TINVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: VIRTV - S AVGG Gateway with open doors, four turrets, star above; S - F across field, ARLS in exergue. Light green patina. Mint State.................................................................... 150 300. HELENA; Trier, 327-8 AD, Reduced Follis, 3.37g. RIC-508, officina P=1 (c3). Obv: FL HELENA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r., seen from front, wearing pearl necklace. Rx: SECVRITAS - REIPVBLICE Empress, veiled, standing l. holding branch, in exergue PTRE. Mint State..................................................................................................... 275 301. CONSTANTINE II AS CAESAR; 317-337 AD, Cyzicus, 325-6 AD, Reduced Follis, 1.91g. RIC-32 (R3). Obv: No legend; draped, cuirassed bust of Caesar l. Rx: */ CONSTAN/TINVS/CAESAR/SMKE in five lines across field. Ex HJB, Private Treaty, January 2003. Mint State.......................................................................................... 350 302. CONSTANS; 337-350 AD, Alexandria, 348-50 AD, Centenionalis, 4.35g. RIC-56 (C), officina A=1. Obv: D N CONSTA - NS P F AVG Bust l. wearing pearl diadem and holding globe. Rx: FEL TEMP -REPARATIO Emperor holding labarum and shield standing l. placing r. foot on leg of one of two captives seated before him; the captives wear Phrygian caps and have their hands tied behind their backs; ALEA in exergue. Mint State................................................................................................... 125 303. MAGNENTIUS; 350-353 AD, Amiens, c. late 351-Aug. 352 AD, Centenionalis, 4.38g. RIC-14 (R ) or 16 (R ), Bastien-115 (1 spec.) or 117 (1 spec.). Obv: D N MAGNEN - TIVS P F AVG Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, A behind portrait. Rx: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAE Two Victories holding wreath, within which VOT / V / MVLT / X, AMB* or [.]AMB* in exergue. The mintmark in exergue might or might not have been preceded by a pellet. Rare in either case, only a single specimen of each variety being recorded by Bastien. EF.......... 175 304. JULIAN II; 360-363 AD, Arles, 360-1 AD, Reduced Siliqua, 2.15g. RIC-296, officina S=2 (C ); RSC-157†c. Obv: D N IVLIAN - VS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, unbearded. Rx: VOTIS / V / MVLTIS / X in wreath, SCON below. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Simmons, London, June 2001. Toned EF................................................................................................ 250 305. JULIAN II; 360-363 AD, Arles, Reduced Siliqua, 1.93g. RIC-309 (C), officina T=3; RSC-148te. Obv: D N FL CL IVLI - ANVS P F AVG Bust r. with short beard, wearing pearl diadem. Rx: VOT / X / MVLT / XX in wreath, medallion at top contains eagle standing r., head l., in exergue TCONST. VF........................................................... 200 306. GRATIAN; 367-383 AD, Trier, 375-378 AD, Siliqua, 1.89g. RIC-46b (C), C-87 (4 Fr.), RSC-87†a. Obv: D N GRATIA - NVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VRBS - ROMA Roma seated l. holding Victory on globe and spear/scepter, TRPS. in exergue. VF................................................................. 150 BYZANTINE SILVER 307. BASIL I; 867-886 AD. Constantinople, Miliaresion, 2.66g. Sear-1708, BN-1-10, DO7. Obv: IhSUS XRI-STUS hICA Cross potent on three steps, globe beneath, triple border. Rx: bASI / LIOS CE / COhSTah / TIhPISTV / bASILIS / ROMEO in six lines, triple border. Ex Gemini I, January 11-12, 2005. FDC............................................ 600 308. JOHN VIII, PALAEOLOGUS HYPERPYRON; Constantinople, Hyperpyron, 6.66g. Obv: Facing bust of Christ wearing halo and holding Gospels. Rx: Facing bust of emperor. Ex HJB, Private Treaty, October 2002. Good VF................................. 300 GREEK BRONZE 309. SPAIN, CASTULO; c. 1st cent. BC, AE 18 or Semis, 4.70g. Villaronga-52. Calicό-391. Navascués, las monedas hispánicas del Museo Arqueolόgico Nacional de Madrid, Vol. II-pl. XII, 345. SNG Stockholm II Lorichs-pl. 20, 365. Obv: Diademed male head r. with palm in front. Rx: Bull standing r. under crescent; in exergue, KASTILO in Iberian. Ex Berk 176, 8 September 2011, lot 512. EF....................... 225 310. CELTIC BRITAIN, CANTII; c. 50-45 BC, AE 14, 1.23g. Van Arsdell-135-1. Obv: Stylized head r. Rx: Stylized bull charging r. Ex Pegasi A29, November 2013, lot 9. EF.............................................................................................................................. 285 311. NORTHWEST GAUL, AULERCI EBUROVICES; 50-30 BC, AE 15, 2.18g. Depeyrot, NCV, 163. Obv: Diademed male head r. Rx: Celticized boar standing l., T in exergue, ornaments around. Ex HJB 167, 3 December 2009, lot 390. Ex CNG 76/1, 12 September 2007, lot 25. Ex Elsen 69, 16 March 2002, lot 15. EF........................... 300 312. GAUL, SENONES OR TRICASSES; 1st Century BC, Unit, 4.60g. BM-348. Obv: Stylized head r. Rx: Horned horse l. with long tail, three pellets around. Mint State..... .................................................................................................................................. 100 313. SICILY, AKRAGAS; 425-406 BC, Hemilitra, 23.12g. Calciati-47/1 (same obv. die). Obv: Eagle standing l. on fish. Rx: Crab holding eel in r. claw; below, cuttlefish and conch shell; six pellets around. Very rare variant: only 1 spec. in Calciati, plus 1 more of a variant with conch shell on l. and cuttlefish on r. Ex HJB, Private Treaty, May 2000. About VF........................................................................................................ 200 314. SICILY, AKRAGAS; Under Phintias, c. 287-282 BC, AE 18-19, 4.07g. Calciati-125, Sear-1030 var., HGC-159. Obv: Beardless, laureate head of Zeus Hellanios r. Rx: Two eagles standing l. on hare, the one in background with raised wings and attacking the hare with beak, the one in foreground with folded wings and raising head to scream. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Par Coins, May 2016. Some areas of flat striking. About EF............................................................................................... 100 315. SICILY, CAMARINA; c. 420-410 BC, Trias, 2.70g. SNG ANS-1225, Sear-1062, HGC-547. Obv: Gorgon’s head facing. Rx: Owl standing l., head front, holding lizard in r. claw, KAMA behind, three pellets in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, August 2005. About EF...................................................... 150 316. SICILY, CAMARINA; c. 410-405 BC, Trias, 3.73g. SNG ANS-1228, Sear-1063, HGC-548. Obv: Head of Athena l., in crested helmet ornamented with wing. Rx: Owl standing l., head front, holding lizard in r. claw, KAM[A] behind, three pellets in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Victoriam, May 2016. EF.............................................................................................................................. 200 317. SICILY, SELINUS; 440-425 BC, Hexas, 4.77g. Calciati-9. Obv: Silenus mask, facing. Rx: Celery leaf with a pellet on either side. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A30, May 2014, lot 45. VF...................................................................... 350 318. SICILY, MESSANA; 357-287 BC, AE 23-26, 7.58g. Calciati-14/1. Obv: Head of Poseidon l. Rx: Trident between dolphins. Ex Berk 132, 20 May 2003, lot 627; ex Moretti Collection. Good VF................................................................................... 100 319. SICILY, GELA; c. 415-405 BC, Tetras, 5.00g. Calciati-7. Obv: Bull standing r., three pellets in exergue. Rx: Head of young river god r., barley grain behind. About EF.150 320. SICILY, ENTELLA; c. 316/310-300/290 BC, under occupation by Campanian mercenaries, AE 20, 5.98g. SNG ANS V-1326, Sear-1091, HGC-246. Obv: Head of Persephone r., wreathed with grain; [EVTEΛΛA] before (off flan). Rx: Pegasus flying l., Campanian helmet beneath, K - A - [MΠAN]Ω[N] around. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Aitna Coins, Münster, Germany, March 2008. Near Mint State........................................................................................................................... 250 321. SICILY, THERMAE HIMERENSES; c. 330-300 BC, AE 17, 5.69g. Calciati-2; Jenkins SNR 50, pl. 22, C; SNG Lloyd-1041. Obv: Head of nymph r., hair tied with fillet. Rx: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin. EF.............................................. 175 322. SICILY, SYRACUSE; 410 BC and later, Hemilitra, 3.55g. Calciati-24/1, SNG Cop698. Obv: Female head to l. with drop earring, hair bound with ampyx and tied in












































sphendone. Rx: Dolphin to r., scallop shell below. Some areas off center. EF......... 150 323. SICILY, SYRACUSE; After 409 BC, Litra, 9.39g. Calciati-45, BM-292, SNG Cop721. Obv: Head of Athena l. Rx: Hippocamp flying l., with bridles. Good VF....... 100 324. SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 405 BC, Tetras, 2.97g. SNG ANS-411. Obv: Head of Arethusa l., dolphin behind. Rx: ΣY - PA and two dolphins in a wheel of four spokes. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought from Roma Aeterna, eBay, May 2016. Green patina. Near Mint State................................................................................... 250 325. SICILY, SYRACUSE, REIGN OF HICETAS, 287-278 BC; AE 22, 8.31g. Calciati-157. Obv: Youthful head of Zeus laureate l. Rx Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, star before. Ex K. L. Chapman Collection, with his ticket. EF........... 150 326. SICILY, SYRACUSE, AGATHOCLES; Period I, 317-310 BC, AE 19, 5.87g. Cf. SNG ANS-582 (amphora symbol on obv.). Obv: [ΣYPAKOΣIΩN] Head of Persephone l., crowned with wheat; behind, uncertain symbol. Rx: Bull butting l.; above, club and M; in exergue, IE. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A25, November 2011, lot 53. EF.................................................................................................................. 200 Hieron II Portrait 327. SICILY, HIERON II; 275-215 BC, AE 26.5, 17.27g. Calciati-195 Ds 18 R1 33; Sear-1221 var. Obv: Diademed head of king l., club behind. Rx: IEΩNOΣ in exergue, Helmeted horseman r. holding spear, TI below horse’s forelegs. Ex CNG 94, 18 September 2013, lot 131, Demetrios Armounta Collection; ex Berk 127, 25 June 2002, lot 518, Moretti Collection. Magnificent portrait of the magnificent king of Syracuse. Green patina. Some tiny areas of porosity on reverse. Choice EF.......................... 1200 328. MACEDONIA, PHILIP II, 359-336 BC; AE 18, 6.62g. ANS Museum Notes XI36. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Naked youth on horse r., uncertain symbol below. Nice green patina. EF......................................................................................................... 150 329. MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; AE 18, 6.25g. ANS Museum Notes XI-55. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: ΦΙΛIΓΓΟΥ above, Naked youth on horse prancing r., N below. About EF.............................................................................................................................. 120 330. MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; AE 11, 5.79g. SNG ANS-842. Obv: Head of Apollo r., hair bound with taenia. Rx: ΦΙΛIΠΠΟV around above, Naked rider wearing petasus on horse prancing r., VE monogram below. Rare variety with horseman on reverse wearing petasus, a detail shown by only five of the 600+ bronze coins of Philip II in the ANS collection. About EF........................................................................................ 200 331. MACEDONIA, PHILIP II, 359-336 BC; AE 18, 6.43g. SNG ANS-935, ANS Museum Notes XI-935. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Naked youth on horse r., dot inside Λ below. VF / EF...................................................................................................... 150 332. MACEDONIA, PHILIP II, 359-336 BC; AE 18, 6.34g. SNG ANS-956 var. (monogram not E on rev.), ANS Museum Notes XI-81 var. (same). Obv: Head of Apollo r., A behind. Rx: Naked youth on horse r., monogram below. Ex Pegasi 34, June 2016, lot 91. VF.......................................................................................................... 75 333. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; “Amphipolis”, AE 15, 3.58g. Price-28. Obv: Head of young Herakles r. Rx: Eagle on thunderbolt; ivy leaf to l. VF............................................................................................................... 225 334. MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT; 336-323 BC. Macedonia, lifetime, AE 16, 5.60g. Price-304, pl. CXLVI. Obv: Head of Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPOY across field, club above, bow and quiver below, E in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi A23, November 2010, lot 185. About VF......................................................................... 150 335. MACEDONIA, ANTIGONUS GONATAS, 277-239 BC; AE 19, 6.79g. SNG Cop-1206. Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Pan, with tail, erecting trophy. VF............. 125 336. MACEDONIA, PERSEUS; 178-168 BC. AE 16-17, 3.76g. SNG Cop-1281 var. Obv: Macedonian shield, star in center with curved rays. Rx: horizontal harpa, BA - EP above, NH below. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, November 2015. VF................................................................................................. 125 337. THRACE, MARONEIA; 400-350 BC, AE 14, 4.25g. SNG Cop-632, BM-666. Obv: Prancing horse r. Rx: Grape vine. VF...................................................................... 100 338. THRACE, MESEMBRIA; 2nd cent. BC, AE 22, 6.34g. SNG BM-284. Obv: Diademed female head r. Rx: Athena Promachos advancing l. holding spear and shield between mint name downwards in two lines, helmet in inner l. field. Dark green patina over yellow earth. Choice EF.................................................................................... 250 339. THRACE, MESEMBRIA; 2nd cent. BC, AE 22, 7.64g. SNG BM-285. Obv: Diademed female head r. Rx: Athena Promachos advancing l. holding spear and shield between mint name downwards in two lines. Ex Pegasi 30, May 2014, lot 60. Good VF.............................................................................................................................. 160 340. THRACE, SAMOTHRACE; After 280 BC, AE 18, 4.32g. BM-2, Sear-1743. Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Cybele enthroned l. .............................................................. 150 341. THESSALY, CRANNON; AE 17, 2.91g. Rogers-187 var. Obv: Horseman clad in chlamys and petasos galloping r.; below horse, B. Rx: Bull butting r.; above, trident and ΠΕ. Ex Pegasi A28, May 2013, lot 106. ................................................................. 125 342. THESSALY, LARISSA; 400-344 BC, AE 13, 2.38g. Rogers-295. Obv: Head of nymph Larissa r., with hair bound and rolled, and wearing pendent earring. Rx: ΛAPIΣ above, [A]IΩN in exergue, Horse grazing l., r. foreleg raised. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi A32, May 2015, lot 102. Good VF / EF................................ 150 343. THESSALY, PELINNA; Late 4th-3rd cent. BC, AE 17, 6.03g. BCD-Thessaly II, 534.4. Obv: Veiled head of Mantho r. Rx: Thessalian warrior, holding spear, on horse rearing r.; Σ below. Good VF.................................................................................... 200 344. PELOPONNESUS, SICYON; c. 303 BC, AE 14, 3.51g. BCD-315.3. Obv: Dove flying l. Rx: ΔΗ wreath. Ex Pegasi A32, May 2015, lot 141. Ex BCD Collection, with his ticket (not in LHS 96). About VF....................................................................... 125 345. BOEOTIA, THESPIAE; c. 210 BC, AE 13, 3.74g. BM-14, BCD-611-2. Obv: Female head r. Rx: Lyre within wreath. Ex Berk 167, 3 December 2009, lot 397. EF.. .................................................................................................................................. 125 346. ARGOLIS, ARGOS; c. 125-80 BC, AE 14, 3.04g. BCD-1149. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Wolf at bay r., monogram above. Ex BCD Collection (not in printed sales;) purchased from Serge Boutin in Paris in 1972 for 20 French francs. Lot includes BCD and Boutin tickets. VF / About EF........................................................................... 200 347. AEOLIS, CYME; c. 250-190 BC, AE 19, 7.30g. SNG Cop-101. Obv: Head of Cyme r. Rx: Horse prancing r., amphora before. EF........................................................... 125 348. AEOLIS, CYME; c. 250-190 BC, AE 18, 8.01g. BM-60. Obv: Head of Amazon Cyme r., with hair rolled and bound. Rx: Horse stepping r., l. foreleg raised, cup with one handle before; KY above, ΔIOΔΩP[OΣ] in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi, November 2015. VF.......................................... 125 349. AEOLIS, CYME; c. 350-250 BC, AE 17, 3.22g. SNG Cop-76. Obv: Forepart of horse r. Rx: Cup with handle, monogram to l. Good VF......................................... 100 350. ARCADIA, MEGALOPOLIS; c. 80-50 BC, Trichalkon, 3.18g. BCD-1568.2, SNG Cop-262. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus l. Rx: Eagle standing r. on thunderbolt. Ex Pegasi 26, May 2012, lot 148. Ex BCD Collection (purchased from Serbe Boudin in 1970 for 25 N.F.). VF............................................................................................... 140 351. CARIA, ALABANDA; After 168 BC, AE 18, 5.24g. BM-15, SNG Cop-4, SNG Aulock-2388. Obv: Head of Apollo r. Rx: Lyre. Ex Berk 163, 25 March 2009, lot 423. Scarce. Olive patina. EF............................................................................................ 150 352. CARIA, CERAMUS; AE 12, 1.42g. SNG Kayhan-805, SNG Keckman-, SNG von Aulock-, BM-. Obv: Bull standing r. on baseline. Rx: Dolphin r. A rare type of a very scarce city; this is the first example we have handled. VF....................................... 200 353. PHRYGIA, APAMEIA; 133-48 BC, AE 19, 7.76g. SNG Cop-183, SNG Aul-3470. Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Cult statue of Artemis. Dark glossy olive patina. EF....... 220 354. PISIDIA, COMAMA; c. 1st cent. BC, AE 14, 3.63g. SNG Paris-1439; Aulock, Komama, p. 154, 4 (the Paris spec. and four others). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus r. Rx: Lion leaping l., KO in exergue. Good VF................................................................ 100

355. PONTUS, AMISUS; c. 85-65 BC, Time of Mithradates, AE 20, 8.35g. SNG BM1183. Obv: Aegis with gorgon’s head in center. Rx: Nike advancing r., palm over shoulder. Unusual well centered obverse. EF / VF................................................... 125 356. PONTUS, AMISUS; c. 85-65 BC, AE 21, 7.64g. SNG BM-1200. Obv: Head of Mithradates VI as Dionysos r., wearing ivy wreath. Rx: Cista mystica, on which panther skin and thyrsus. EF.................................................................................... 100 357. BITHYNIA, DIA; c. 85-65 BC, AE 20, 8.84g. SNG BM-1559. Obv: Head of Dionysos r., wearing ivy wreath. Rx: ΔΙΑΣ Cista mystica and filleted thyrsos; two monograms to l., monogram to r. Very scarce city. EF............................................ 175 358. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; c. 200-100 BC, AE 14, 2.95g. SNG Cop-264. Obv: Horse galloping r., star and crescent above. Α−Σ, slinger standing r., throwing bullet. Rare. Ex Berk 179, 24 May 2012, lot 432. Good EF............................................... 175 359. TAURIC CHERSONESUS, PANTICAPAEUM; 340-325 BC, AE 20, 6.86g. MacDonald-70, Ank-125. Obv: Bearded satyr, Rx: Lion’s head with sturgeon below. Ex Berk 161, 28 October 2008, lot 565. Near Mint State........................................ 300 360. TAURIC CHERSONESUS, PANTICAPAEUM; c. 325-310 BC, AE 17, 4.40g. MacDonald, Bosphorus-67. Obv: Head of Pan l. with beard and flowing hair. Rx: Π - A - N Head and neck of bull l., the head turned half facing. VF+............................... 110 361. ZEUGITANIA, CARTHAGE; Sicilian Mint, Late 4th-early 3rd cent. BC, AE 16, 2.97g. SNG Cop-118 (same dies). Obv: Head of Tanit l. crowned with wreath of wheat ears. Rx: Horse standing r. before palm tree, three pellets abpve and one pellet before. EF.............................................................................................................................. 150 362. CARTHAGE; Carthage mint, c. 200-146 BC, AE 27-28, 19.25g. SNG Cop-409 ff., Sear-6534 f. Obv: Head of Tanit l., wearing wheat-ear wreath. Rx: Horse walking r., Punic letter below, pellet under raised l. foreleg. Fine............................................. 125 363. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY VI; 180-170 BC, AE 25, 15.68g. SNG Cop-281. Obv: Female head (Isis?) r. Rx: Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, monogram in l. field. Ex Pegasi A34, June 2016, lot 233. Contact mark at ear. About EF............................... 150 364. BACTRIA, MENANDER, 155-130 BC; AE Square 15, 2.70g. Bopearachchi-Serie 28E. Obv: Elephant head r. Rx: Club; monogram to l., A to r. Near Mint State..... 250 JEWISH BRONZE 365. JUDAEA, HEROD I THE GREAT; 40-4 BC, Half Prutah, 0.96g. Hendin-1190. Obv: [BACIΛ] - HP[WΔ] Cornucopia. Rx: Eagle standing r. According to David Hendin, this is “the first coin issued by a Jewish ruler with a graven image. The eagle may represent the golden bird King Herod placed above the entrance to the Jerusalem Temple”. About VF.................................................................................................. 150 366. HEROD I “THE GREAT”; 40 BCE-4 CE, AE Prutah. Hendin-491; AJC II 236, 10. Obv: Cross inside closed diadem. Rx: Tripod table. VF.......................................... 125 367. HEROD ARCHELAUS; 4 BCE-6 CE, AE Prutah. Hendin-506; AJC II 240, 5. Obv: Prow of Galley l. Rx: Inscription surrounded by wreath. VF.................................. 120 368. JUDAEA, VALERIUS GRATUS UNDER TIBERIUS; Year 3=16/17 CE, Prutah, 1.50g. Hendin-1335a. Obv: KA[I/CAP] within upside down wreath. Rx: L - Γ to l. and r. of three lilies in bloom. Rare. Fine........................................................................ 220 369. PORCIUS FESTUS UNDER NERO; 59-62 CE, Prutah, Year 5=59 CE, Hendin-653. About EF............................................................................................. 125 370. JUDAEA, THE JEWISH WAR; 66-70 AD, Year 2=67/8 CE, Prutah, 2.12g. Hendin-1360; Sofaer Coll.-11, p. 273, pl. 222. Obv: Amphora with fluted body, broad rim, and two handles, Hebrew inscription (=Year 2) around. Rx: Vine leaf on small branch with tendril, Hebrew inscription (=the freedom of Zion) around. Good VF.125 371. JUDAEA, THE BAR KOKHBA WAR; Year 1=132/3 AD, Middle Bronze, 11.83g. Hendin-1377, Mildenberg-23 (dies 1/4, 23 spec.). Obv: Palm branch upright within wreath; around, “Simon, Prince of Israel”. Rx: Wide lyre with six strings; around, “Year One of the Redemption of Israel”. Some reverse corrosion. VF / Fine.......... 450 Year One 372. BAR KOKHBA REVOLT; Year 1=132/3 CE, Middle Bronze, 8.55g. Hendin-1378, Mildenberg-46 (dies 2/11). Obv: Vine leaf on tendril, Hebrew inscription “Year one of the Freedom of Israel”. Rx: Palm tree with seven branches and two bunches of dates, Hebrew inscription “Shim’on, Prince of Israel”. The vine leaf is on the obverse according to Mildenberg, but on the reverse according to Hendin. Very small leaf. Very rare die. About EF................................................................................................... 1100 Year One 373. BAR KOKHBA REVOLT; Year 1=132/3 CE, Middle Bronze, 10.53g. Hendin-1379, Mildenberg-67 (dies 5/31, 8 spec.). Obv: Vine leaf on tendril, Hebrew inscription “Year one of the Freedom of Israel”. Rx: Palm tree with seven branches and two bunches of dates, Hebrew inscription “Shim’on, Prince of Israel”. The vine leaf is on the obverse according to Mildenberg, but on the reverse according to Hendin. About EF / EF.850 ROMAN IMPERIAL BRONZE 374. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, Rome, 42-3 AD, As, 10.62g. BM-206, Paris-233, C-84, RIC-116. Obv: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P Head bare r. Rx: S - C to l. and r. of Minerva advancing r. brandishing spear, round shield on l. arm. Ex CNG Class. Num. Review XL.2, Summer 2015. Exquisite portrait. EF / VF.......... 950 375. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Sestertius, 22.07g. BM-158, Paris-371, RIC-264, C-145/6 (4 Fr.). Obv: [NERO] CLAVD CAESAR AVG - GER P M TR [P IMP P P] Bust laureate r., possibly with [fold of aegis] on front shoulder. Rx: PACE P R TE[RRA MARIQ P]ARTA IANVM CLVSIT S - C Temple of the Twin Janus (Ianus Geminus) near the Roman Forum, closed double doors at r., latticed window on side wall. Ex CNG 35, 20 September 1995, lot 741. Unusual with the legend break above Nero’s portrait. The mint might also have been Lugdunum, if there was originally a globe below Nero’s neck. The reverse legend forms a complete sentence: “Since peace has been established for the Roman people on land and sea, he closed the temple of Janus.” The legend first appears on aurei in 64 AD, so the closure of the temple apparently took place immediately after Corbulo’s settlement with the Parthians in the preceding year, 63 AD. Some light porosity on obverse. EF / VF+................................................. 1000 376. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 64-5 AD, Orichalcum Semis, 3.41g. BM-277, Paris-342, C-62 (3 Fr.), RIC-247. Obv: NERO CAES - AVG IMP Head laureate r. Rx: CERTA QV - INQ ROM CON S C Prize table, on which urn and wreath; value mark S (=semis) between the urn and the wreath; bas relief showing two griffins (weafly struck) below tabletop, shield below on ground. This coin, like BM-277 and Paris-342, is unusual for having the value mark to the right rather than left of the urn. Scarce type, especially nice. VF+................................................................................................................... 500 377. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Tarraco, As, 12.19g. BM-105, Paris-19, C-49 (15 Fr.), RIC43. Obv: A VITELLIVS - IMP GERMAN Head laureate l., globe below neck. Rx: LIBERTAS - RESTITVTA S - C Libertas standing r. holding cap and long scepter. Ex CNG 87, 18 May 2011, lot 978, with printed auction ticket. Very nice for Spanish mint. About EF................................................................................................................. 1150 Monumental Trajan Sestertius 378. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 101-2 AD, Sestertius, 29.37g. C-636; RIC-432; Woytek, MIR-107a (69 spec.); BM-745; Paris-140. Obv: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR POT - COS IIII P P S C Pax seated l. holding branch and transverse scepter. Ex CNG 55, 13 September 2000, lot 1211. This is very rare condition for a Trajan sestertius. Since this was a time of peace in Italy and the western provinces of the empire, apparently sestertii circulated very thoroughly and as a result are often very worn. Near Mint State......................................................... 5750 379. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, 117 AD, Sestertius, 26.76g. RIC-100 (R2), pl. 60 (same obv. die); bust var. of BMC p. 400, * note, citing C. 753 and a Santamaria sale. Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HA - DRIANVS A[V]G Bust laureate r. with bare chest, aegis with Medusa head on l. shoulder, sword belt over r. shoulder. Rx: FORT RED / S C in exergue, PONT MAX TR POT [C]OS DES II around, Fortuna, veiled, seated l. holding rudder and cornucopia. Rare COS DES II issue (late 117 AD).


































Purchased from Mayfair Coin, London, August 1982. Porous surfaces. About EF.. 600 380. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, 118 AD, Dupondius, 13.37g. RIC-154 (R), pl. 61 (same obv. die); bust var. of BM-1142. Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, with fold of cloak on l. shoulder and sword belt over r. shoulder. Rx: FORT RED in exergue, PONT MAX TR POT COS II around, S - C across field, Fortuna, veiled, seated l. holding rudder and cornucopia. Ex Christies Sale, May 1989, lot 827. This is rare condition for a Hadrian dupondius. EF.......................................................................................................... 1000 Exceptional 381. FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 28.11g. BM-1490, RIC-1105, C-12. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AETER - NITAS S - C Aeternitas standing l. holding phoenix on globe in r. hand, fold of skirt in l. Ex CNA XII, 26 September 1990, lot 924. Near Mint State / EF..................................................... 2250 382. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 181 AD, Sestertius, 25.54g. BMC-457 note, C-335, RIC-311. Obv: M COMMODVS - ANTONINVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: [LIBERTAS AVG TR P VI] - IMP IIII COS III P P S - C Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. VF / Fine........................................................................................ 550 383. BALBINUS; 238 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 20.68g. BM-40, C-29 (12 Fr.), RIC-25. Obv: IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVGG S - C Victory standing r., head l., holding wreath and palm. Fine................................................................................................................. 400 384. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Rome, 229 AD, As, 11.31g. BM-582, C-378 (12 Fr.), RIC-498 (R ). Obv: IMP SEV ALE - XANDER AVG Bust laureate r. with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: P M TR P VIII COS III P P S C Emperor standing r. in consular quadriga, extending r. hand and holding eagle-tipped scepter in l. Scarce denomination and type. EF / VF................................................ 885 ROMAN IMPERATORIAL BRONZE Cleopatra and Antony 385. CLEOPATRA AND MARK ANTONY; Chalcis, Chalcidice, Cleopatra’s Egyptian year 21 and Phoenician year 6 = 32/1 BC, AE 17-19.5 mm, 5.04g. RPC-4771. Obv: BACIΛIC[CHC KΛEOΠA]TPAC Bust of Cleopatra r. Rx: [ETO]Y[C] KA TOY KAI S ΘEAC NEWTEPA[C] Bare head of Antony r. Ex CNG 82, 16 September 2009, lot 864; with printed auction ticket. Good VF / Fine................................................... 1500 BYZANTINE COPPER 386. ANASTASIUS I; 491-518 AD. Antioch, Follis, 14.98g. Berk-34, MIB-56, Sear-48. Obv: D N ANASTA - SIVS PP AVG Diademed bust r., cross above. Rx: Large M between star and crescent, cross above, officina letter A below, ANTX in exergue. Rare type with cross above emperor’s portrait. VF........................................................... 300 387. JUSTIN I; 518-527 AD. Nicomedia, Follis, 15.41g. Berk-66, MIB-35, Sear-84. Obv: D N IVSTI - NVS PP AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, cross above. Rx: Large M between two stars, cross above, B below, NIKM in exergue. About EF................................................................................................................... 325 Joint Reign 388. JUSTIN I AND JUSTINIAN I; 4 April-1 August 527 AD. Nicomedia, Follis, 15.45g. Berk-116, MIB-8, Sear-128. Obv: D N IVST[INVS D] - N IVSTNAS (sic) Diademed bust r. Rx: Large M between two crosses, a third cross above, officina letter B below, N[IK]M in exergue. Green patination. Bold Fine...................................... 500 All Struck from ONE Die 389. JUSTIN I AND JUSTINIAN I; 4 April-1 August 527 AD. Cyzicus, Follis, 16.77g. Berk-117, MIB-9 (citing Bucharest and the Bridge Coll.), cf. Sear-128A (illustrated spec. from the same obv. die as ours, but obv. legend incorrectly restored). Obv: [D N D N I] IVSTI - NVS IVSTINNV (sic) Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust of Justin r. Rx: Large M between two crosses, [a third cross] above, [B] below, K[Y]Z in exergue. Very rare: only about five specimens known, all coming from the same obverse die, on which the engraver had to omit three letters from Justinianus’ name in order to fit it into the space available. The joint reign issues of this mint are quite scarce. Interestingly, they all come in the same worn condition which no doubt means, as is the case with many rare ancient coins, they all come from the same single find. This coin is one of the better examples. All Cyzicus folles were struck from one pair of dies. Dark olive toning. Fine.............................................................................................................. 1500 390. JUSTIN I AND JUSTINIAN I; Antioch, 4 April-1 August 527 AD. Antioch, Follis, 15.65g. Berk-118, MIB-10, Sear-130. Obv: D N D N IVSTINVS ET IVSTINI[A]NVS PP AVG Diademed, nimbate, draped and cuirassed busts of the two emperors facing, with cross above their heads. Rx: Large M between two stars; cross above, unclear officina letter below, ANTIX in exergue. All coins of this issue are extremely worn. This coin has a virtually complete obverse legend. Strong contact mark on Justin’s bust. Fine................................................................................................................. 1350 Fewer than 5 Recorded 391. JUSTIN I AND JUSTINIAN I; 4 April-1 August 527 AD. Antioch, Decanummium, 3.83g. Berk-121, MIB-12, Sear-132. Obv: D N D N IVSTINVS [E]T IVSTIN[IANVS PP AV] Diademed, draped and cuirassed busts of the two emperors facing, with cross above their heads. Rx: [B? CO]N - CORDI around large I surmounted by cross, and flanked by two further crosses; ANTX in exergue. Ex Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 6, 6 October 2000, lot 8; with printed auction ticket. Very rare; “Fewer than 5 recorded” according to Harlan Berk in 1986. The officina letter before CON, not struck up on our piece, is a B on the BM specimen described in the Dumbarton Oaks catalogue. That BM coin is also reported to show a Greek P for the correct Latin R in CONCORDI, whereas on our coin the correct R appears. Near complete legends, in higher grade than most coins of this issue. Some flat striking. VF..................................................... 1400 Chi Rho on Obverse Right Field 392. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, 527-539 AD, Follis, 15.37g. Berk-127, MIB-87, Sear-159. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVG Diademed bust r., cross in field before chin and neck. Rx: Large M between two crosses, a third cross above, officina letter E below (unclear), CON in exergue. Bold Fine................................. 500 2 Nummi 393. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Carthage, 2 Nummi, 1.21g. Berk-197, MIB-190, Sear277. Obv: Legend off flan, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Justinian r., seen from front, between two crosses. Rx: Large B. Ex Triton XIV, 4 January 2011, lot 943, with printed auction ticket. Fine / VF....................................................................... 650 394. JUSTINIAN I; Constantinople, Year 24=550/1 AD, Follis, 16.99g. Berk-218, Sear163, DO-48b. Obv: Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian I facing, holding cross on globe and shield; cross to r. Rx: Large M; cross above, date across field. Overstruck on uncertain type. The N in Justinian’s name is engraved backwards. Green patination. Choice EF.................................................................................................................. 325 395. JUSTIN II AND SOPHIA; 565-578 AD. Carthage, Year 10 = 574/5 AD, Follis, 20.52g. Berk-341, Sear-394, MIB-74, DO-202. Obv: D N IVSTINO ET SOFIA A Justin, on l., and Sophia, on r., seated facing on double throne, each resting r. hand on knee; between their heads, cross; beneath, VITA. Rx: Large M, above which large X (regnal year) and two stars; to l., A/N/N/O; to r., K/A/R. Ex CNG 54, 14 June 2000, lot 1896. This is a very rare issue of Justin II with his wife Sophia. Virtually nothing better has ever appeared and in 19 years only one example has appeared on Coin Archives. EF............................................................................................................................ 2000 396. JUSTIN II; 565-578 AD. Ravenna/Military Mint, Year 3=567/8 AD, Decanummium, 3.72g. Berk-353, MIB-88, Sear-415A. Obv: D N IVSTINVS PP AV[G] Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield. Rx: Large cross between A/N/N/O and III, all within wreath. The first S in the emperor’s name is backwards. Rare, only six specimens recorded; not in Dumbarton Oaks. EF............................. 675 397. MAURICE; 582-602 AD. Carthage, Indictio 3 = 584/5 AD, Half Follis, 9.53g. Berk432, MIB-119, Sear-560. Obv: D N TIBE [M] - AVRC PP Crowned and cuirassed bust

facing holding cross on globe and shield. Rx: Large K between two stars, N (cross) M above, IND III in exergue. Other than some isolated pitting this coin is of exceptional quality. Light olive patina. EF.................................................................................. 750 398. MAURICE, CONSTANTINA, AND THEODOSIUS; Cherson, 578-602 AD, 8 Pentanummia (=Follis), 12.98g. Berk-458, MIB-157, Sear-607. Obv: D N [m]AV RIC PP AV (faint) Maurice on l. and the empress Constantina on r., standing facing on dias, both nimbate; the emperor holds cross on globe and the empress a long cruciform scepter; between their heads, a cross. Rx: Large H, with cross above; to l., Theodosius, nimbate, standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by chi-rho. Ex Sternberg, 2829 November 1975, lot 617. VF............................................................................... 425 4 Pentanummia 399. MAURICE, CONSTANTINA, THEODOSIUS; 582-602 AD. Cherson, 578602 AD, 4 Pentanummia (= Half Follis), 6.86g. Berk-460, MIB-161, Sear-610. Obv: XEP[CONOC] Maurice on l. and the empress Constantina on r., standing facing, both nimbate; the emperor holds cross on globe and the empress a long cruciform scepter. Rx: Large Δ; to l., Theodosius, nimbate, standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by chi-rho; cross in upper field. Ex Gemini VII, 9 January 2011, lot 940. Good VF..... .................................................................................................................................. 900 400. FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Cyzicus, Year 4=605/6 AD, Follis, 11.78g. Berk-490, Sear665, MIB-76. Obv: O N FOCAS - PERP AVG Crowned bust facing, wearing consular robes, and holding mappa and cross; with small cross in field to l. Rx: Large XXXX; above, ANNO; to r., II/II; in exergue, KYZ B (officina 1). Exceptional quality. Dark olive patina with light earthen dusting. EF............................................................... 450 401. HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD. Nicomedia, Year 4=613/4 AD, Follis, 9.51g. Cf. Berk558, MIB-175a, and Sear-834. Obv: [. .]COST PA PP The two emperors standing facing, the father larger than his son, each holding cross on globe, cross between their heads. Rx: Large M, between A/N/N/o on l. and II/II on r.; cross above, officina letter B below; mintmark NIKo in exergue. Bungled obverse legend; maybe intended to end CONST PP, but with the N omitted and a superfluous PA added. EF...................... 200 402. HERACLIUS AND HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE; 610-641 AD. Seleucia, Year 7=616/7 AD, Overstruck Follis, 12.50g. Berk-574, MIB-192, Sear-844. Obv: dd NN VE. .Facing busts of the two emperors, the father larger than his son, each wearing crown with cross, another cross between their heads. Rx: Large M, between A/N/N/o on l. and GI on r.; christogram above, officina letter A below, mintmark SELISU in exergue. On l. ANNO upwards, surviving from the rev. legend of the undertype. Fine / VF............................................................................................................................ 200 403. HERACLIUS AND HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE; 610-641 AD. Seleucia, Year 7 or 8= 616-7 or 617-8 AD, Follis, 4.76g. MIB-193, Berk-575, Sear-845, DO181. Obv: Legend blundered, Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine standing facing, each wearing chlamys and crown with cross, and holding cross on globe; between their heads, cross. Rx: Large M between A/N/N and illegible numeral; above, chi-rho; beneath, officina letter A; in exergue, SELISU. Ex CNG E323, 26 March 2014, lot 487. This standing figure type of this military mint is much rarer than the pair of busts. Good VF.............................................................................................................................. 400 Cyprus 404. HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD. Cyprus (Constantia?) Mint, Year 17 = 626/7 AD, Follis, 4.92g. Berk-582, Sear-849, MIB-198. Obv: Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine, and the empress Martina standing facing, each wearing chlamys and crown with cross, and holding cross on globe in r. hand. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O to l. and X/U/II to r., cross above, Γ below (officina 3), ΚVΠ[P] in exergue. Ex Freeman & Sear Mail Bid Sale 6, 6 October 2000, lot 80. One figure flatly struck. Amazing quality for issue. EF. .................................................................................................................................. 400 Excessively Rare Jerusalem Mint 405. HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD. Jerusalem, Year 4 = 613/4 AD, Follis, 12.67g. MIBpl.14, Berk-581. Obv: d h hERA[C] - L’ P P AVG Crowned bust facing, with pointed beard, wearing consular robes, and holding mappa and eagle-tipped scepter. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and II/II, cross above, X[CNI]KA in exergue. The letters KA at the end of the mintmark are in high relief and look more like KO. Might our mintmark XCNIKA have been engraved over an earlier IEPOCO’ (Jerusalem), the other known mintmark in this small issue of folles struck at Jerusalem. This is an extremely rare and relevant issue. Much rarer than the other known type. This coin was minted by Heraclius during a brief occupation by Romans in 618/9 during a local conflict between the Jews and the Sassanians. Fine / Good Fine....................................................... 6000 406. CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Rome, Half Follis, 4.49g. Berk-704, MIB-217, Sear1127. Obv: [D] N CON - S. .P. . Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown topped by cross and holding cross on globe. Rx: Large XX, [cross] above, ROM in exergue. Sear thought this coin might have no obverse legend, but our specimen certainly does. Good VF........................................................................................... 225 407. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Carthage, Follis, 4.93g. Berk-760, MIB53, Sear-1267. Obv: Bust of emperor facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on [globe]; legend around, mostly unreadable. Rx: Large M, cross above, [KΓW] below. Somewhat encrusted. About VF / Fine................... 250 408. JUSTINIAN II; First Reign, 685-695 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.77g. Berk-780, MIB73, Sear-1304. Obv: No legend, Emperor, bearded, enthroned facing, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia; [star] in r. field. Rx: Large M between [two palms], [TAN] monogram above, SCL in exergue. Attribution to emperor and issue is uncertain, since the characteristic issue marks cannot be made out. Struck with worn dies. Good VF.......................................................................................... 300 409. JUSTINIAN II; Second Reign, 705-711 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.74g. Berk-776, MIB-49, Sear-1299. Obv: Justinian standing facing, wearing crown and chlamys and holding long cross and akakia. Rx: Large M between two stars, TAN monogram above and E below, SCL in exergue. Green patination. About EF...................................... 400 Incredible Portrait of Irene 410. CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE; 780-797 AD, Follis, Constantinople, 2.41g. DO-7, BN 3-6, Berk-873, Sear-1598. Obv: Facing bust of Irene. Rx: Facing bust of Constantine VI on horizontal bar; below, large M between X and N. Beautiful green patina. Absolutely no porosity which makes this one of the finest portraits of Irene available. Choice EF............................................................................................... 1500 411. MICHAEL II, THE AMORIAN; Syracuse, 820-829 AD, Follis, 2.90g. DO-21, Berk-891, Sear-1652. Obv: Facing busts of Michael II and Theophilus. Rx: Large M, cross above, Θ below. Unusually nice example with most of the obverse legend visible. EF for issue................................................................................................................ 140 Exceptional Quality 412. ANONYMOUS A2, ATTRIBUTED TO BASIL II; 976-1025 AD, Follis, 9.97g. Berk-948, Sear-1813, DO-42a. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing halo with cross, inscription ‘Emmanuel’ around, IC - XC across field. Rx: Inscription, ‘Jesus Christ, King of Kings,’ in four lines with ornaments above and below. This coin bears an amazingly sharp and complete portrait of Christ. Of the thousands that exist, a better obverse is almost impossible to locate. Near Mint State / Good VF......................... 500 413. ANONYMOUS C, ATTRIBUTED TO MICHAEL IV; Constantinople, 10341041 AD, Follis, 9.47g. Berk-952, Sear-1825. Obv: +EM[MAN]OVH - Λ IC - XC Three-quarter length figure of Christ Antiphonetes standing facing, wearing halo with cross, raising r. hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in l. Rx: Jeweled cross, with pellet at each extremity; in the angles, IC - X[C] / NI - KA. Good VF.220 414. ANONYMOUS E, ATTRIBUTED TO CONSTANTINE X; Constantinople, 1050-1060 AD, Follis, 8.81g. Berk-955, Sear-1855. Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing halo with cross and holding book of Gospels with both hands; IC - XC across field. Rx: IS XS / bASILE / bASIL in three lines; above, -+-; below -(crescent)-. Good VF.............................................................................................................................. 150




















































343 341
















338 337






























375 376
























397 398




















418 419



415. ANDRONICUS I; 1183-1185 AD. Constantinople, BI Aspron Trachy, 2.90g. Sear1985. Obv: Nimbate Virgin standing facing on dias, holding before her nimbate facing head of infant Christ, across upper field MHTP (monogram) and ΘV. Rx: [ANΔPONIKOC - ΔECΠOTHC] Bearded emperor standing side by side with nimbate Christ, who holds gospels and crowns him; l. and r. of Christ’s head, [IC - XC]. Incredible sharp portraits of Andronicus with his split beard and Virgin on opposite side. EF...................................................................................................................... 225 416. JOHN COMNENUS DUCAS, EMPIRE OF THESSALONICA; 1237-1242 AD. Thessalonica, Reduced Trachy, 1.32g. DO-25a1 note, cf. Sear-2210 (head only of cherub on obv.). Obv: Full figure of nimbate cherub with four wings standing facing, orans. Rx: Emperor and St. Demetrius standing frontally beside one another, holding long cross surmounted by globule between them; emperor also holds anexikakia, saint also holds sword over shoulder. Very rare variety with standing cherub on obverse rather than just facing head of cherub, cited by the Dumbarton Oaks Catalogue from a single specimen in Peter and Paul hoard, Numismatic Chronicle 1973, p. 172, no. 1106, pl. 11, 117. VF / EF.................................................................................................. 325 ROMAN PROVINCIAL SILVER AND BRONZE 417. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Antioch, Year 36 and 54 = 6 AD, Tetradrachm, 15.05g. RPC-4158 (26 coins, 8 obv. dies), Prieur-57 (45 spec.), McAlee-187. Obv: Head laureate r., Greek legend ‘Of Caesar Augustus’, bead and reel border. Rx: Tyche of Antioch seated r. with river-god Orontes swimming at her feet, Greek legend ‘Of the people of Antioch, the Metropolis’, dates 36 and 54 and monogram of AVT in field, border of dots. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi, November 2017. Bold VF........................................................................................................ 1600 Tiberius/Divus Augustus 418. TIBERIUS AND DIVUS AUGUSTUS; 14-37 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, Year 7=20/1 AD, Tetradrachm, 13.80g. RPC-5089, Emmett-60, Sear Mill.-1774. Obv: Laureate head of Tiberius r., date LZ before neck. Rx: Radiate head of Divus Augustus r. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 146, 29 November 2005, lot 750. EF........ 2000 Divus Julius Caesar 419. AUGUSTUS AND DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR; Thessalonica, Macedonia, Time of Augustus, AE 21, 11.77g. RPC-1554 (88 spec.). Obv: [ΘEOC] Wreathed head of Julius Caesar r., behind monogram NK in round countermark (Howgego-625). Rx: Bare head of Augustus r., mint name around. This coin bears an extremely identifiable portrait of Julius Caesar with countermark behind neck. VF / Fine........................................... 400 Britannicus 420. BRITANNICUS; Uncertain Thracian Mint, 51-4 AD, Sestertius, 26.98g. BM-226, pl. 37.5 (same obv. die); C-2 (2500 Fr.); von Kaenel, Schweiz. Num Rundschau 63, 1984, pl. 20.5 (same dies). Obv: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG F BRITANNICVS, Bareheaded, draped bust of Britannicus l. Rx: S - C Helmeted Mars advancing l., holding spear and shield. This coin is very pleasant and identifiable. It bears a complete obverse legend which is quite desirable. About VF.............................................................. 7950 421. NERO; 54-68 AD, Antiochia ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria, AE 20-21, 6.96g. RPC4310, McAlee-300c. Obv: IM NERO CL[AV - CAESAR] Laureate head of Nero r., snake before. Rx: S.C in circle; all within wreath. Some reverse porosity. VF........ 250 Agrippa 422. VESPASIAN; 81-96 AD, Caesarea Panias, Trachonitis, Agrippa’s year 35 = 94/5 CE, AE 25-27.5, 17.24g. Hendin-1298; RPC-2296 (8 spec.); Sofaer-260, p. 268, pl. 218. Obv: AVTOKPA ΔOMITIA - KAICAPA ΓEPMANI Head of Domitian laureate r. Rx: ETOV - EΛ BA / AΓPI - ΠΠA (“Year 35 of King Agrippa”) in two lines across field, Tyche standing l. on low base, kalathos on head, holding two wheat ears and cornucopia. While this coin bears a portrait of Domitian it is an exceptional issue by the Jewish king Agrippa. Good VF........................................................................... 950 423. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, As, 10.41g. RIC-230 (C ), BM-212, Paris-219. Obv: IMP T CAES [VESP AVG] P M TR P COS VIII Head laureate l. Rx: PAX AVGVST S - C Pax standing l. holding branch downwards in r. hand and caduceus under l. arm. Fine..................................................................................................... 250 Caesarea 424. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Caesarea Maritima, Judaea, AE 23.5, 11.79g. RPC-2313, Hendin-1449. Obv: Laureate head of Titus r. Rx: IOYΔ[AIAΣ EAΛ]WKYIAΣ Judaea sits mourning below trophy, hands tied behind back, shield to r. VG / Fine............ 275 425. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Caesarea, c. 83 AD, AE 22.5-24, 10.29g. Hendin-1455. Obv: Laureate head of Domitian l. Rx: Minerva in flowing gown and with shield on l. arm, advancing l. to crown trophy. Fine........................................................................... 200 Ex Marcel Burstein Collection 426. PHRYGIA, HIERAPOLIS, PSEUDO-AUTONOMOUS; 2nd cent. AD, AE 35, 26.34g. RPC-IV.2-4022. Obv: Draped bust of Synkletos r., ICIA CYNKΛHTOC (“Holy Senate”) around. Rx: Herakles standing l., sacrificing over alter, holding lionskin and club set on ground; ΙЄΡΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ around. The city of Hierapolis, which means sacred city was built on natural hot springs and was a popular destination for retirement, where one could live their days. The Pseudo-autonomous means this was issued by the city itself without the portrait of a Roman emperor. However here we see that by using Synkletos with the legend “Holy Senate” the city was giving respect to the Roman senate. The Ex CNG 97, 17 September 2014, lot 476. This is an exceptional medallion, apparently only the second recorded specimen, and struck on a broad flan with dark olive patina. Highly desirable artistic quality. Good VF........ 3800 Ex Kerry Wetterstrom Collection 427. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, Year 18 =133/134 AD, Drachm, 28.27g. Giessen-1108, Datt-1662, BM-779, Milne-1419. Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rx: Two Canopi of Osiris, one facing r. wearing Atef crown, one facing l. wearing crown of horns, uraei, disk and plumes. Ex Kerry Wetterstrom Collection (CNA 12, 26 September 1996, lot 128); ex Harvey Hoffer Collection (Harmer Rooke, December 1986, lot 1001). Rare quality. VF / EF................................................... 1500 428. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Tarsus, Cilicia, Tetradrachm, 9.27g. RPC-3266 (18 spec.), cf. Prieur-767 (8 spec.) and SNG Paris-1407-9. Obv: AYT KA[I Θ]E TPA ΠAP YI ΘE NEP YI TPAI AΔPIANOC CE Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck, a band also crosses the emperor’s shoulder below his chin. Rx: TAPΣEΩN - MHTPOΠOΛEΩΣ Sandan wearing tall hat and long robe, standing r. on horned lion, raising r. hand and holding double ax and wreath in l.; the ends of two additional weapons which cross behind his body are visible l. and r. of his neck and l. and r. of his groin. Ex Elsen 142, 14 September 2019, lot 637 = Leu Web 6, 9 Dec. 2018, lot 644. Apparently an unnoticed variety, with the two sigmas in the reverse legend written Σ not C, possibly occurring on just this one reverse die: the four such specimens in CoinArchives, including ours, all come from the same die pair. One of the same CoinArchives specimens was also listed by RPC (specimen 14), but without pointing out the unusual form of the two sigmas in the reverse legend. VF............ 985 Aelia Capitolina 429. HADRIAN AND SABINA; 117-138 AD, Aelia Capitolina, Judaea, 128-138 AD, AE 19, 9.25g. BM-5, pl. IX.1 (same obv. die); Meshorer-7; RPC-3968 (22 spec.), pl. 175 (same obv. die); Sofaer-7, p. 81, pl. 71. Obv: IMP CAE TR - HAD AVG Bust of Hadrian laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: SABIN - AVGVS Draped bust of Sabina r. This is one of the finest examples of this issue. Lovely glossy surfaces. Near EF... 750 430. HADRIAN AND ANTONINUS CAESAR; 117-138 AD, Aelia Capitolina, Judaea, 137-8 AD, AE 25, 10.32g. RPC-3970 (17 spec.); Sofaer Coll.-10, p. 81, pl. 71. Obv: IMP CAE TRAIA - HADRIANO AVG (legend weak) Bust of Hadrian laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: IMP T [AEL CAES] - AN[TONINVS C A] K Head of Antoninus bare r. Bold Fine............................................................................................................... 250 431. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Aelia Capitolina, Judaea, AE 20, 7.20g. RPC temp.-6398 (13 spec.), Meshorer-13. Obv: [IMP C T] - AEL AN[T] Head bare r. Rx:

[C]OL AE - CAPIT Diademed, draped but of Serapis r., wearing kalathos. Good VF... .................................................................................................................................. 225 432. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, Year 8 = 144/5 AD, Drachm, 21.54g. Cologne-1897, Dattari/Savio-pl. 156, 2981. Obv: Laureate head of emperor r., legend worn away. Rx: Zodiac type: Zeus in Pisces. Laureate bust of Zeus r., scepter over shoulder, two fish below, star in r. field, date L H illegible. VG...................... 350 433. GETA AS CAESAR; 198-209 AD, Tripolis, Lydia, 8.23g. Not in BMC or SNG Aulock, Copenhagen, or Munich. Another spec., from the same obv. die: Obolos 5, 26 June 2016, lot 684. Obv: Λ.CЄΠ.ΓЄ - TAC KAIC Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rev. TPI - ΠOΛЄI - TΩN Demeter standing l. holding wheat ears and long torch. EF.................................................................................................... 300 Three Graces 434. JULIA DOMNA; Pautalia, Thrace, AE 30, 15.11g. Not in the standard references, Ruzicka, Staal on Three Graces coins, or Varbanov, though see Varbanov-4880, adding governor’s name. Obv: IOVΛIA ΔO - MNA CEBA Bust draped r. Rx: OVΛΠIAC above, ΠAVTAΛIAC in exergue, the Three Graces standing side by side, the first and the third seen from the front and each pouring water from an amphora, the middle one seen from the back. Ex Triton IX, Session 3, 11 January 2006, lot 1519. Another specimen from the same dies as ours: CNG 84, 5 May 2010, lot 844, ex Mark Staal Collection. The fields of this coin on the reverse were cleaned by hand. The legend and images are untouched. EF....................................................................................... 1800 435. GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Tomis, Moesia Inferior, Medallion (34-35 mm), 27.40g. AMNG-3366, pl. VII.18 (same dies); Varbanov-5586 (same dies). Obv: AVT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOS AVΓ Deep radiate cuirassed bust l., seen from front, raising r. hand and holding globe in l., Medusa head on cuirass, cloak around neck fastened with brooch on r. shoulder. Rx: MHT - PO ΠON - TOV - TOM - E around, ΩC in exergue, Emperor on horse charging r., about to hurl spear at enemy wearing Phrygian cap, who falls backwards below horse. Very rare. As noted in AMNG, the same obverse die was also used for medallions of Marcianopolis and Odessus; it and the reverse die are both in very fine style. Obverse struck in somewhat high relief. Olive patina. VF.......... 975 WORLD COINS 436. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1932, 10 DUKATU, NGC, MS67; Czechoslovakia, 1932 10 Dukatu, NGC. MS67, Finest Known! Duke Wenceslas on horseback right/Czech lion with Slovak shield. KM# 14. Mintage 1,035. Large and radiant, this is the finest known in both NGC and PCGS. NGC pop 1, none finer. To compare, a recent auction saw a similar mintage coin, a 1929 10D in a lower grade of MS 65 sell for $24,000 usd. Now is your chance with this rare beauty. ........................................................... 25000 437. FRANCE, ANGLO-GALLIC, ND, DENIER, VF; France, Anglo-Gallic, ND Denier, VF, Edward I. 1272-1307, Aquitaine. Denier au lion(leopard). 18.4mm, 0.9g. Bordeaux, Struck 1291-1294. Lion (leopard) rampant left above ‘AGL’ between to lines, E below/Short cross pattee with E in first angle. Elias-18. Very well struck with nice dark toning. ...................................................................................................... 125 438. FRANCE, ANGLO-GALLIC, ND, DENIER, F/VF; France, Anglo-Gallic, ND Denier, F/VF, Richard I, the Lionheart. 1189-1199. Aquitaine. 0.90g, 19.2mm, Bordeaux. + RICARDVS in two lines across field w below/short cross pattee. Elias-4. Toned. ...................................................................................................................... 120 439. FRANCE, CAROLINGIAN, ND, DENIER, EF; France, Carolingian, ND Denier, EF, Charles le Simple (the Simple). As Charles IV, King of West Francia, 898-922. Silver 1.6g, 22.1 mm, Metalo (Melle) mint. Depeyrot 629. Nicely toned. ............. 200 440. FRANCE, LOUIS XV, 1715-74, 1756, JETON, EF; France, Louis XV, 1715-74, 1756 Jeton, EF, Chamber of Household Expenses by F. Marteau. Silver 28.6mm. Louis right/Tree standing straight and tall through very turbulent times. ........................... 65 441. FRANCE, CONSULATE 1799-1804, 1802, JETON, EF; France, Consulate 17991804, 1802 Jeton, EF, Insurance Co. of Le Havre. Silver, octagon 33.3mm. A capsized ship but the sun rising to the left showing the possibility of a brighter day. Le Havre is a major port in northern France’s Normandy region, where the Seine River meets the English Channel. ..................................................................................................... 225 442. FRANCE, CONSULATE 1799-1804, 1802, JETON, EF; France, Consulate 17991804, 1802 Jeton, EF, Commercial Banking. Silver, octagon 30.5mm. Snake guarding the treasure box/caduceus with large wings sometimes besides symbols of health are also associated with commerce and customs; grapes and wheat signs of abundance. Nicely toned. ............................................................................................................. 80 443. FRANCE, PARIS PEACE, 1946, MEDAL, AU/UNC; France, Paris Peace, 1946 Medal, AU/UNC, Paris Peace Conference July-August 1946 by A. Galtie. Large Bronze medal with woman representing Peace and Paris standing upon the earth cradle within a dove/Several places within Paris. 183.5g, 68.22mm, Bronze stamped on edge. ........................................................................................................................ 125 444. FRANCE, 1969, MEDAL, UNC; France, 1969 Medal, UNC, An incredible bronze medal by Magdeleine Mocquot on the painting “The Unicorns” by Gustave Moreau. High relief and massive 270.6g, 67.9mm, it is an impressive work of art. A woman and a unicorn/Moreau facing forward. ........................................................................... 300 445. GERMAN STATES, TRIER, ND, DOPPEL SCHILLING, VF/EF; German States, Trier, ND Doppel Schilling, VF/EF, Kuno II von Falkenstein, 1362-1388. Silver 1.8g. 26.35mm. Struck 1376. Bust of St. Peter holding scepter and key under Gothic arch, arms and key above / Coat-of-arms above crossed keys. Noss-178; Saurma 2565/1309. little cut on edge The relic of the Holy Robe, worn by Christ at his crucifixion, was brought back to Trier by Helena, mother of Constantine, who erected the first church at the site of what would become St. Peter’s Cathedral in Trier, the oldest continually functioning church in Germany. ................................................ 375 446. GREAT BRITAIN, WILLIAM I THE CONQUEROR, ND, PENNY, VF; Great Britain, William I the Conqueror, ND Penny, VF, William I the Conqueror, 10661087. Winchester mint, Leofwine as moneyer, S-1257, North-848. + PILLELM REX, crowned and diademed bust facing, holding scepter to right / + LEOFPINE ON PIIC, cross pattée; letters PAXS contained within annulets in each quarter. .................... 500 447. GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY I, 1100-1135, ND, PENNY, VF; Great Britain, ND Penny, VF, Henry I, 1100-1135. 1.2g silver. Quadrilateral on Cross Fleury S-1276, N-871; Obv mostly flat but super strong eyes, crown and scepter. Test punch. Many of the coins during Henry I reign were poorly struck but even more disturbing was the fact that those coins were made of debased silver. This situation prompted citizens to clip off small pieces of the coinage to test their purity. Once a coin had been clipped, it became hard to pass it. King Henry’s response was to order the minters to mutilate all of the coins at the mint before they were issued. Faced with a mutilation on all of the new coinage, the assumption was that the public would accept the coins that had been marked that way. The marks are called an “edge incision” or “shick.” https://forums. collectors.com/discussion/984256/king-henry-i-of-england-gets-medieval-on-your-ain-1124. .................................................................................................................... 550 448. GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY VI, 1422-61., ND, HALFGROAT, F/VF; Great Britain, HENRY VI, 1422-61., ND Halfgroat, F/VF, Henry VI, 1422-1461. Calais Mint, Annulet issue, 1422-1427. 1.6g, 22mm. Annulets at neck/ VIL LA CAL IS. S.1840, N.1429. ......................................................................................................... 85 449. GREAT BRITAIN, EDWARD VI, 1547-53, ND, SHILLING, VF; Great Britain, Edward VI, 1547-53, ND Shilling, VF, Facing bust, rose with value. Y mint mark. S-2482 6.3g, 32mm. Dark toning. Nice full flan. Lovely portrait. Some weakness in center areas of reverse. ............................................................................................ 350 450. GREAT BRITAIN, JAMES I 1603-25, ND, SHILLING, VF; Great Britain, James I 1603-25, ND Shilling, VF, Second coinage, fourth bust. Tower mint(1612-13). 5.8g, 30.48mm. S-2655. .......................................................................................... 200 451. GREAT BRITAIN, WILLIAM III 1694-1702., 1695, SHILLING, VF; Great Britain, William III 1694-1702., 1695 Shilling, VF, William III. 1694-1702. Silver,





























451 450

456 452





6.0g 25.3 mm. First bust right. S. 3497. Pretty toning. ........................................... 150 452. GREAT BRITAIN, ANNE, 1702-14, 1703, SHILLING, VF; Great Britain, Anne, 1702-14, 1703 Shilling, VF, Queen Anne, Vigo under breast. Silver, 5.9g, 25.58mm. S-3586. Second bust. ............................................................................................... 275 453. GREAT BRITAIN, GEORGE I, 1714-27, 1723, SHILLING, AU; Great Britain, George I, 1714-27, 1723 Shilling, AU, ‘South Sea Company’ Shilling. SSC. S-3647. Some metal formations indicating possibly a later die state but super portrait and lovely rainbow color along the legends. ............................................................................. 200 454. GREAT BRITAIN, GEORGE II, 1727-60, 1758, SHILLING, AU; Great Britain, George II, 1727-60, 1758 Shilling, AU, Old laureate and draped bust left / Crowned cruciform coats-of-arms. S-3704. Nicely toned with hues of gold, blue and magenta. . .................................................................................................................................. 200 455. GREAT BRITAIN, GEORGE IV, 1820-30, 1826, SHILLING, EF/AU; Great Britain, George IV, 1820-30, 1826 Shilling, EF/AU, Bare head left/third reverse. silver 5.6g, 23.7mm. S-3812. Very pleasant coin. ............................................................. 175 456. NETHERLANDS, SIEGE OF LEIDEN, ND, MEDAL, EF/AU; Netherlands, Siege of Leiden, ND Medal, EF/AU, Nummus-Senatorius; Lion of the Netherlands holding a sword leaning on crowned shield of Leiden. Reverse in latin roughly translated “the wise father strong in faith has the power to counsel and protect the country through the disasters of war and famine”. Silver 8.0g, 31.87mm. Vanloon PP193-194. ..................................................................................................................... 75 457. SCOTLAND, CHARLES I, 1625-1649, ND, 12 SHILLINGS, VF; Scotland, Charles I, 1625-1649, ND 12 Shillings, VF, Charles I, third coinage (1637-42), Falconer’s anonymous issue, type V, m.m. thistle, 5.8g. 31.6mm. S-5564. Very attractive portrait and nicely toned. ......................................................................... 500 ANTIQUITIES NEAR EASTERN 458. SYRIO-HITTITE (NORTHERN SYRIA) TERRACOTTA FERTILITY IDOL, ca. 1800 BC. Of characteristic flat form with legs pressed closely together, the stylized female figure stands with arms bent and hands drawn up to cover her breasts. Details indicated with applied discs and drilled areas in her bird-like face. H. 5 1/8” (13 cm)............................................................................................................................. 650 459. SUMERIAN LARGE BRICK OF KING UNTASH-NAPIRISHA, ca, 13451305 BC. Pottery brick with four near complete lines of cuneiform. The text is most likely a dedication to the reigning king responsible for the construction of the temple. Ex collection of Ron Nasser, NYC., acquired more than twenty years ago. The following is the translation of the inscription in its ENTIRETY as published in MDAI LIII 5. It is written in four lines of Elamite cuneiform. The missing ends of the lines on this brick are indicated by [ … ] in the text. Bricks with this inscription were found at Tepe Gotvand (50 km east of Susa), in western Iran. 1) úmun-taš-DINGIR.GAL ša-akmd.hu-um-ban-nu-m[e-na-ki su-un-ki-ik an-za-an] (2) šu-šu-un-kadú-pur-ku-ba-ak ku-ul-l[a-an-ka ha-ah-ni-in-ra tu4-ru-un-ka] (3) hu-ut-ta-an-ra si-ya-an ku-ši-ihd.ú-pur-ku-ba-ak [ ir ša-ri-ih ir si-ya-an-ra] (4) mu-ur-tah hu-ut-ta-ak ha-li-ik ú-med.ú-pur-ku-[ba-ak ul-li-na te-la-ak-ni] 1. I, Untash-Napirisha, son of Humbannumena, king of Anshan 2. and Susa, to (the goddess) Upurkupak, as I prayed and as she desired, as I spoke, 3. and as she acted, I constructed a temple, and I formed an (image of) Upurkupak, and her 4. who belongs to the temple I installed. May what was made and done by me be dedicated as my offering to Upurkupak. Ex Collction of Ron Nasser, New York. L. 8 3/8” W. 2 3/8” H. 3 3/8”.......................................................................................... 7000 EGYPTIAN 460. EGYPTIAN BLUE FAIENCE USHABTI, Third Intermediate Period, 21st to 25th Dynasty, ca. 1070 to 664 BC. Brilliant, stunning color. The figure stands in mummiform atop fused legs, holding the symbolic pick and hoe with arms crossed atop the chest, a small seed bag across the back. H. 4” (10 cm)....................................... 700 461. EGYPTIAN MASSIVE FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. “Illuminate the Osiris, overseer of the army, Panetjer(ir)disu, born of Ushaidep, true of voice. He says: O you shabti! If he Osiris, overseer of the army, Panetjer(ir)disu, born of Ushaidep, true of voice, should be assigned to do any work that has to be done there, in the necropolis, once obstacles have been removed there from a man at his duties, ‘Here I am!’ you shall say. And if you should be assigned at any time to do (work) there—to cultivate fields, to irrigate riverbanks, or to move sand of the West to the West or vice versa—‘Here I am!’ you shall say”. H. 8 3/8”............................................ 3250 462. EGYPTIAN FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. “Illuminate the Osiris, who knows what exists, the prophet Tjahorpata, born of Tefnut, true of voice.” H. 6 7/8”.................................................................................................................. 2500 463. EGYPTIAN FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The funerary figurine is covered in a pleasing glossy blue glaze. The figure is depicted mummiform with typical fused legs and column of inscribed hieroglyphs running down the front of the body. H. 4 5/8” (11.7 cm), 5 1/2” with base........................................................ 700 464. EGYPTIAN WOODEN PTAH-SOKAR-OSIRIS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The figure shown in typical mummiform pose, wearing the tripartite wig and false beard. These larger wooden figures, usually wearing a plumed crown and standing on a wooden base, were common inclusions in Late Period burials. H. 10 3/4” (27 cm)..... ................................................................................................................................ 1650 465. EGYPTIAN BLUE FAIENCE BES AMULET, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The protective deity depicted as a dwarf with leonine features, wearing a plumed headdress. Wonderful color. H. 1 3/8” (3.5 cm).......................................................................... 300 466. EGYPTIAN BLUE FAIENCE AMULET OF HARPOCRATES, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. Fantastic color and style. Horus-the-Child depicted nude with sidelock. He sits in a squatting position with his finger held to his mouth. H. 2” (5 cm)...... ................................................................................................................................ 1850 467. EGYPTIAN BRONZE URAEUS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. A rearing cobra with recessed areas under the hood for inlays, surmounted by a solar disk. H. 2 3/4” (7 cm)............................................................................................................................. 800 468. EGYPTIAN BRONZE ISIS AND HORUS, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The seated goddess depicted holding the infant Horus on her lap. Minor loss to Isis’ left arm, just below the elbow. H. 2 7/8” (7.3 cm).......................................................... 700 469. EGYPTIAN WOODEN MUMMY MASK ON SARCOPHAGUS PANEL, Late Period, ca. 664-332 BC. The polychrome mask with thinly arched eyebrows, long elegant nose, and lips set in a neutral poise. The false beard extends down over the panel which retains much of its polychrome design. ................................ Ex Robinson Estate, Montclair, NJ, early 1960’s. L. 19” W. 18 1/2”........................................... 2850 470. EGYPTIAN POLYCHROME WOODEN MUMMY MASK, Late Period, ca. 664-332 BC.. With broad accentuated brows, eyelines sharp and well-preserved around the white eyes and black painted pupils, full cheeks and subtle lips, wearing a wig with some loss and false beard. Ex Robinson Estate, Montclair, NJ, early 1960’s. L. 19”..... ................................................................................................................................ 2500 471. EGYPTIAN WOODEN MUMMY MASK, SMALL, Late to Ptolemaic Period, ca. 715-30 BC. The mask with narrow eyes and very long slender nose. The lips pursed and the tab ears prominent on either side of the face. Much of the original white gesso remains on the wooden surface. Ex Robinson Estate, Montclair, NJ, early 1960’s. L. 7” W. 7 1/2”.................................................................................................................... 500 472. EGYPTIAN WOODEN SARCOPHAGUS PANEL, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. Long wood panel from a sarcophagus rendering from the top to bottom a scarab, goddess with solar disk, image of a sarcophagus and four canopic jars representing the Four Sons of Horus. L. 22”..................................................................................... 2250

TERRACOTTA 473. OLD BABYLONIAN TERRACOTTA PLAQUE OF NERGAL, Old Babylonian, ca. 2nd millennium BC. A wonderful plaque fragment depicting the Mesopotamian god of war, death, and destruction. Shown in high relief, Nergal wears a tall crown of stacked horns over his long curly hair, his bullish ears sticking out from either side of his bearded face. Though faint and partially lost, he likely held the characteristic mace topped by a lion’s head. Acquired London Art Market, 1970’s. H. 2 3/4” (7 cm)................................................................................................................ 850 474. OLD BABYLONIAN TERRACOTTA FACING MASK PLAQUE OF HUMBABA, ca. 1800-1000 BC. This terracotta tablet depicts the demon Humbaba, guardian of the Forest of Cedars, who was beheaded by Enkidu and Gilgamesh, a tale recounted in the Epic of Gilgamesh. This example is depicted with coarse features and a grimacing expression. Acquired London Art Market, 1970’s. H. 2 3/8” W. 2 1/2”.800 475. MESOPOTAMIAN TERRACOTTA HEAD OF PAZUZU, Assyrian Period, ca. 899–600 BC. Molded terracotta head of the demon Pazuzu. Acquired London Art Market, 1970’s. H. 2 1/2” W. 2 1/8”.......................................................................... 750 476. MAGNA GRAECIA TERRACOTTA ALTAR, ca. 8th-7th Century BC. Rectangular in form, the front with a shallow relief scene depicting a lion attacking a bull. Ex Gideon Sasson Collection, Israel; Griffin Gallery Ancient Art, 2007. L.14” H. 7 1/2” W.7” (35.6 cm x 17.8 cm).......................................................................... 12500 477. CYPRIOT TERRACOTTA HEAD OF A HELMETED MAN, ca. 6th Century BC. The high ranking individual depicted with conical cap with side flaps, his almond shaped eyes in relief. H. 4” (10 cm).......................................................................... 450 478. GREEK TERRACOTTA HEAD OF A WOMAN, ca. 6th-4th Century BC. Comprising a young woman with hair artfully swept back to frame her beautiful face, small discs at her ears. Remains of white pigment. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 625. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. H. 1 3/4”.................................................................................................. 650 479. GREEK BOEOTIAN POTTERY FIGURE OF A FEMALE, ca. 5th Century BC. The female standing on a high stepped rectangular base, wearing a long pleated chiton, the drapery of which has been drawn up the back of her head to meet the tall polos she wears over her coiffure. Remains of white slip overall. H. 10 1/8”.......... 600 480. GREEK TERRACOTTA FIGURE OF A WOMAN, ca. 5th-4th Century BC. The draped banqueter reclining, propped on her left elbow and clutching a rhyton, her right arm resting across her body, remains of white slip. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 886. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 4 1/8” H. 2 3/4”................................................... 700 481. GREEK TERRACOTTA SHARD, ca. 4th-3rd Century BC. A fragment with both figural and architectural elements, the face heavily bearded, perhaps representing a male deity possibly Hercules or Zeus. Remains of white pigment. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 836. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. H. 3 5/8” W. 3 3/4”.................................................................................................... 350 482. GREEK TERRACOTTA ACTOR’S MASK, ca. 4th-3rd Century BC. The eyebrows skewed over deeply-set bulging eyes with perforated pupils, the flattened nose rounded and down-turned, with a vast gaping mouth. Mounted height, 4 7/8”. L. 3 1/4” W. 2 3/8”............................................................. 485 483. GREEK TERRACOTTA FACE SHARD, ca. 4th Century BC. An expressive face of a lady with elaborate hairstyle, remains of white slip. Mounted on a wooden base. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 669. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 3 3/8” W. 3”....... 500 484. HELLENISTIC EGYPTIAN TERRACOTTA HEAD OF A MAN, ca. 3rd Century BC. The face with carefully executed details, almond eyes, fleshy lips and round cheeks. Possibly a fragmentary Harpocrates. L. 1 1/2”.................................. 250 485. HELLENISTIC EGYPTIAN TERRACOTTA HEAD OF A NUBIAN, ca. 3rd2nd Century BC. The face somber and striking, the hair pulled back in a kerchief, the ends tied atop the head. L. 2 3/8”.............................................................................. 300 486. HELLENISTIC GREEK TERRACOTTA HEAD OF APHRODITE, ca. 300 BC. An attractive representation of a goddess, likely Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Her face elegant and serene, framed by her wavy coiffure. L. 1 3/8” Mounted height 3 1/2”............................................................................................... 200 487. ROMAN TERRACOTTA FOOT FRAGMENT, ca. 2nd-3rd Century AD. From a larger piece, the foot with five well-indicated toes. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 674. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 2 3/4” (7 cm)...................................................................................... 300 CERAMICS 488. THE HOLY LAND TERRACOTTA FOUR CORNERED OIL LAMP, Early Bronze Age, ca. 3100-1850 BC. Made from a large bowl with four shallow pinches for wicks, this type is one of the earliest lamp forms known. Ex Kaufmann Antiques, Israel, 1970. Found: vicinity of Jerusalem. 7” point to point.................................... 400 489. THE HOLY LAND TERRACOTTA FOUR CORNERED OIL LAMP, Early Bronze Age, ca. 3100-1850 BC. Made from a bowl with four shallow pinches for wicks, this type is one of the earliest lamp forms known Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 845. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. Widest, point-to-point 6 3/8”................................... 400 490. CYPRIOT TERRACOTTA JUG, ca. 8th Century BC. The spherical bodied vessel with designs of concentric painted circles, the handle reaching from the base of the lip to the top slope of the body. Upper lip has minor restoration otherwise in excellent condition. H. 11” without base.................................................................................. 900 491. ETRUSCAN ITALIC IMPASTO KERNOS, ca. late 8th-early 7th Century BC. Of massive ovoid form, the fluted section of the body framed by horizontal ridges above and below, with stamped florals along the upper ridge, a white-painted double line and dot along the bottom ridge, a line and dotted scallop meander below the ridge, with white stippled rays interspersed with birds above the foot, the shoulders with four tripod bowls, each with white cross-hatchings below and along the stamped legs, with an inverted shallow bowl serving as a lid, the lid with a three letter graffito. Ex Christie’s New York, 5 June 1998, lot 268. H. 15 1/2” (39.4 cm)........................ 11500 492. ATTIC RED FIGURE COLUMN KRATER, ca. 2nd quarter of the 5th Century BC. The painting reminiscent of the Orchard School. The obverse showing three figures, a nude satyr at center, flanked by a gowned youth and gowned bearded elder. On the reverse side, the elder and youth appear once again interface while holding a long vine of foliage. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 108, 12 May 1999, lot 832. No


458 460



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477 475




















500 496








509 510

502 501 504





513 515 519







Top Detail 527



528 524



restoration. H. 11 1/2” W. 11 5/8” (29.2 cm x 29.5 cm).......................................... 8750 493. ATTIC RED FIGURE OWL KANTHAROS, ca. 5th Century BC. A wonderful example in red ware, the owl looking forward, flanked by laurel sprigs. A band of egg-and-dot borders below and extends to the reverse with an additional two bands of decoration. Expertly restored. An extremely rare and unusual piece. Ex Hixenbaugh Ancient Art, 2007. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 200th Buy or Bid Sale, lot 461, November 2016. H. 4” (10 cm) W. to handles 5 1/2” (14 cm).................................................. 3000 494. ATTIC BLACK WARE GLAUX, ca. 5th Century BC. The large cup with wide mouth, one handle with vertical orientation and one with horizontal orientation. Lovely even black metallic glaze. H. 3 3/8” (8.6 cm) W. to handles 8”.............................. 1850 495. ATTIC BLACK GLAZED KANTHAROS, ca. 5th Century BC. Lustrous black glaze with small loop handles drawn to a point on either side of the vessel. Minor chips on the interior otherwise no restoration. Ex Helios Gallery, 2009. H. 3 1/4” W. 5 3/8” (8 cm x 13.7 cm)....................................................................................................... 950 496. APULIAN BLACK GLAZED KANTHAROS, ca. 4th Century BC. A lustrous black cup with double rim and deep body on a small foot, the upswept handles bent in towards the rim. Ex Hixenbaugh Ancient Art. Intact. H. 3 1/8” (8 cm) W. to handles 6 5/8”.......................................................................................................................... 1800 497. ROMAN STORAGE VESSEL WITH SEA ENCRUSTATIONS, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. A smaller storage or transport vessel with wide neck and narrow body tapering to a small disc foot. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 504. .................. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Turkey. H. 12 7/8”............................................................................................................................ 950 498. ROMAN STORAGE VESSEL WITH SEA ENCRUSTATIONS, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. A fine example of a smaller storage or transport vessel with narrow body and thin, non-existent foot for standing upright in sand. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 506. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. H. 16”..... .................................................................................................................................. 700 BRONZES 499. CANAANITE BRONZE FIGURE OF A DEITY, The Levant, ca. 1200 BC. A bronze figure of a deity, likely the god Baal, in slender rod-like form, wearing conical headdress, his elongated face featuring large bulging eyes. The figure’s feet are locked together atop the integral tang. Baal was associated with fertility of the land. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 709. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. H. 3 1/4” (8.3 cm)..................................................................................................................... 500 500. LURISTAN BRONZE PIN, WINGED EQUID, ca. 800 BC. Heavy cast terminal of a fantastic animal, the head and body of a quadruped couchant. Pronounced ridges running up the shoulder indicate stylized wings. Acquired London Art Market, late 1970’s. L. 6 3/4” (17 cm)........................................................................................ 1500 501. LURISTAN BRONZE PIN, WINGED EQUID, ca. 800 BC. The bronze pin terminating with a winged equid. Acquired London Art Market, late 1970’s. L. 7 3/4”. ................................................................................................................................ 1250 502. LURISTAN BRONZE PIN, IBEX, ca. 800 BC. The bronze pin with full ibex terminal. Varied green patina. Acquired London Art Market, late 1970’s. L. 7 3/4”.950 503. EAST GREEK ACHAEMENID BRONZE HORSE APPLIQUE, ca. 500 BC. Elegant bronze forepart of a horse, originally an applique or handle attachment. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 687. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 2 7/8” (7 cm)...... 650 504. GREEK BRONZE STRIGIL, ca. 3rd Century BC. A simply shaped tool with wide concave blade and slightly tapered handle used predominantly by the athletes of the time. The body was rubbed with an abrasive and oil and then scraped clean. L. 9 1/4” (23.5 cm)................................................................................................................. 1500 505. ROMAN BRONZE APOLLO WITH ORIGINAL BASE, 1st Century AD. The god Apollo nude with arms outstretched at his sides, the gripped hands once holding attributes. He stands with his weight on his right leg, the left leg bent with foot held slightly behind, all on the original integral base. He has youthful features, the eyes with silver inlays, and long locks of hair rolled back from his forehead and tied at the neck with curls that fall along each shoulder. A truly remarkable bronze with no restoration and with a fantastic patina. Ex A. Moatti, Paris, 1960’s-1970’s. Ex Sotheby’s New York, December 1994, lot 103. Ex Christie’s New York, 9 June 2011, lot 151 (estimated $30k-50K). Ex Asher Edelman Collection. H. 7 1/4” (18.4 cm).......................... 30000 506. ROMAN EARLY IMPERIAL BRONZE LAMP WITH THEATER MASK, ca. 50-150 AD. Elongated body with a long, splayed and fluked nozzle with rounded tip. Sunken upper surface with a plain moulded edge within a flat rim around the body and nozzle. The handle curving forward from the rear and terminating in a tragic mask. L. 6 7/8” H. 3 7/8”................................................................................................. 10500 507. ROMAN BRONZE HORSE FIBULA, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. The ancient brooch in the form of an elegant horse, ears perked forward and tail slightly raised. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 693. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 1 1/4” H. 1”....... 275 508. ROMAN SILVER HORSE FIBULA, ca. 1st-2nd Century AD. L. 1 1/8” H. 1”. Simple, elegant form, pin intact................................................................................ 300 509. ROMAN BRONZE ZOOMORPHIC FIBULA, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Bronze fibula in the shape of a deer, dark olive to brown patina. L. 1 5/8” H. 1 3/8”........... 400 510. ROMAN BRONZE MERCURY FIGURINE, ca. 2nd Century AD. The youthful nude deity wears the distinctive petasos and has a mantle draped over this left shoulder. He was commonly depicted holding a caduceus and a money bag. H. 2 1/4” (5.7 cm).. 300 511. ROMAN BRONZE SANDLED FEET, PAIR, ca. 2nd Century AD. Both feet encased in sandals with thick tongue and substantial sole, the individual toes roughly indicated. L. 3” ( 7.6 cm).......................................................................................... 825 512. ROMAN BRONZE BREAD STAMP, Late Roman- Early Byzantine, ca. 5th-6th Century AD. A bronze stamp with letters in deep relief, a bordered edge around the stamp plate and ring loop on the back. The stamps were used to identify the baker for reasons of integrity as well as ownership in communal ovens. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 685. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 4 3/8” (11 cm).... 450 SCULPTURE 513. ROMAN MARBLE TORSO, ca. 2nd Century AD. A subtly muscled torso, the figure’s arms held behind the back. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 749. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan,

Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 5”............................................................................................................................... 950 514. ROMAN MARBLE HAND FRAGMENT, ca. 2nd Century AD. Fine white marble hand clenched into a fist. Beautifully mounted on a wooden base. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 745. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. W. 4” H. 3 1/4”....................................................................................... 450 515. ROMAN MARBLE HAND FRAGMENT HOLDING IMPLEMENT, ca. 2nd Century AD. An elegant marble hand with extended pointer finger, loosely grasping an unknown implement. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 747. Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 5 1/2” (14 cm)........................................................................................................... 650 516. ROMAN MARBLE FRAGMENT HEAD, ca. 3rd-5th Century AD. An unusual face with large, bulging eyes, the nose wide and flat, the mouth poised in a look of displeasure. The waves and curls of the hair roughly but effectively indicated. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 745. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. L. 5 1/2” (14 cm).. 1250 GLASS 517. ROMAN MOLD BLOWN GLASS FLASK, ca. 1st Century AD. Mold-formed flask with everted rim, downward sloping shoulder and cylindrical neck. Relief decoration in the registers, low base with rounded edge and slightly indented bottom. Areas of thick gray and creamy white weathering on the opaque white surfaces. See lot 518 for an example of a bronze prototype for similar glass vessel. H. 2 7/8” (7.3 cm).. 5250 518. GREEK BRONZE FLASK, PROTOTYPE FOR GLASS VESSEL, ca. 5th-4th Century BC. The small bronze vessel in the form of a popular glass vessel design. See lot 517 for similar glass example. H. 3 1/8” (8 cm).................................................. 450 519. ROMAN GLASS VESSEL, ca. 2nd Century AD. A popular shape in the Roman Empire, this “candlestick” vessel has a rolled lip, slightly flared long neck, and flat splayed body. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 713. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. H. 6 1/2”................. 325 520. ROMAN GLASS VESSEL, ca. 2nd Century AD. Green glass vessel with bulbous body, funnel neck and everted rim. Areas of encrustation and iridescence. Ex Collection of Robert C. Hamer, no. 710. Mr. Hamer was in the US State Department and served in Jordan, Iran, and Turkey among other Near Eastern posts. He left Jordan in June 1955 and Turkey in June 1966 and never returned to either country. All artifacts purchased or found overseas were brought in to the USA prior to July 1966. Found: Holy Land. H. 4 3/4”................. 450 521. ROMAN GLASS BEAKER, ca. 3rd-4th Century AD. A conical body with flaring rim and thick base with foot. Some encrustation and iridescence. H. 4 1/4” W. 2 7/8”... .................................................................................................................................. 450 JEWELRY 522. EUROPEAN CELTIC SILVER TORC, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. This large silver torc is made of two spiraling strands of silver. The first larger spiral has a smaller twisted spiral within it. The torc terminates in two button-like projections and a wide flat clasp with an inscribed design. An unusually large and intact example of art from what the Romans would have regarded as the Northern Barbarian realm. Dia. 8” (20.3 cm)........................................................................................................................... 1400 PRE-COLUMBIAN 523. PRE-COLUMBIAN GILT BRONZE SEATED FIGURE, ca. 1000 AD. The figure retains some or its original gilt surface along with a medium to light green patina. H. 1 5/8” (4 cm)............................................................................................. 950 ASIAN ART 524. BURMESE SHAN SEATED BRONZE BUDDHA, ca. 18th Century AD. This Buddha from Myanmar sits in the lotus position on a stepped hour glass plinth with a long lotus bud finial atop his head. His right hand is in the earth-touching mudra or gesture. Very popular in Southeast Asia, this gesture commemorates the Buddha’s attainment of Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Very nice style for type. H. 9 1/2”.. .................................................................................................................................. 900 525. JAPANESE EDO BRONZE SEATED BUDDHA, ca. 18th Century AD. This is a classic example of a period Japanese Buddha draped in flowing robes with parallel pleats. The enlightened one serenely sits in the meditative lotus position with a lidded container in his hands. The piece has the typical black temple patina from long exposure to incense and burning candles in a Japanese temple. H. 7 3/4”............. 1250 526. JAPANESE MEIJI IMARI VASE, ca. late 19th Century AD. This is a superb handpainted example of period Japanese Imari porcelain rendered in deep blue, red and gold set against the white porcelain. The piece is intricately painted in interlocking lozenges of trees and floral designs, set against a background of dark blue and gold. Signed. H. 8”............................................................................................................................... 400 527. BURMESE MATCHED PAIR OF BRONZE SINGHA (BUDDHIST TEMPLE LIONS), ca. 18th Century AD. This is a rare larger and matched pair of one of the many types of Buddhist lions or “Foo Dogs” here rendered in Southeast Asian artistic conventions of the “singha” or lion in Sanskrit. The pieces have the fierce aspect and all the flanges typical of Burmese and Thai art, as well as glass and mirror inlays. They also have lead cast on fills typical for this type, which would have been originally covered in gilt lacquer. H. 7 3/4”.............................................................. 750 528. JAPANESE EDO BRONZE SHISHI LION APPLIQUE, Edo Period, ca. 17th18th Century AD. This is a wonderful and dynamic old example of the Japanese Shishi or Buddhist temple lion. The piece was originally an applique, but might also have been used as a scroll or mat weight. Black patina with minor losses to the tips of the tail. L. 5”.................................................................................................................... 400

The End

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