HJB's 225th Buy or Bid Sale

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”


The Closing Date is, November 30, 2023

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A TRUSTED INSTITUTION FOR OVER 50 YEARS. Harlan J. Berk Ltd. employs experts in all areas ranging from ancient, U.S. and world coins, paper money and antiquities. All our experts have, on average, over 15 years of experience, most much more.

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”

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Experts Harlan J. Berk, Ancients • Aaron Berk, Ancients & Antiquities • Curtis Clay, Roman Phil Davis, Ancients • Jay Harper , Ancients • Paige Garrett, Ancients • Jennifer Saban, Antiquities • Laura Wakeland, World Pablo Saban, IT Manager • Photos & Videos by Andrew Steiner & Craig Hard • Layout by Aaron Berk Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. has presented an innovation in antiquities and numismatics for some time now. The system is simple. When you want an antiquity or coin in the sale, just bid the estimated price by phone, fax, web site, email or post. We will send you the antiquity or coin immediately with no buyer’s fees and no waiting for the closing of the sale. Any and all antiquities or coins not sold before the closing date will be sent to the highest bidder after November 30. All items carry a lifetime guarantee of authenticity. EXAMPLE—You bid estimate on an item valued at $100.00 and if your bid is the 1st to reach us, you will receive the item immediately at $100. If on the other hand, you bid $75.00 on the same item and are still the high bidder at the end of the sale, the item will be mailed to you after the closing. There is a 2.5% fee for credit card use. If you are ever in the area, stop in to see us! Of course, it’s best to call first. Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. reserves the right to refuse any bids.

The Curtis Clay Roman Coin Collection Lots 1-161 We are pleased and honored to have purchased Curtis Clay’s collection of Roman coins, amounting to over 5,000 pieces. Curtis mostly collected coins that were rare or unpublished, focusing especially on varieties unrepresented in the enormous, nearly definitive British Museum Collection. In the spotlight of Curtis’ expert knowledge and meticulous eye, seemingly common coins were recognized as extreme rarities. What we are offering today is the first of a series of sales that will appear over the next two years or more, representing the cream of his collection. When completed, a book will be published of these coins, entitled “The Highlights of the Curtis Clay Collection”. Other coins from the collection will be offered in online sales. All coins will be labeled “Curtis Clay Collection”, and some of them will be included in the Highlights book as well. The coins offered in our Buy or Bid Sales will be in chronological order, organized by Curtis himself. Most lots will include Curtis’ original tickets, with provenance information and in some cases more extensive historical or numismatic notes than space in the catalogue allows. These sales will represent a chance for fortunate and astute collectors of Roman coins to fill their own collections with these special pieces. A rare opportunity!




Medallic Sestertius GALBA MEDALLIC SESTERTIUS; 68-69 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 38.97g. BM-258, pl. 59.1 (same rev. die); Kraay-pl. XXXIII, P191, new obv. die; C-135 (Rollin, 100 Fr.). Obv: SER SVLPI GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG TR P Bust laureate r., possibly with small aegis or globe below neck. Rx: LIBERTA[S] - RESTITVTA around, S C in exergue, Togate emperor standing l., extending r. hand to raise Libertas who kneels at his feet; between the two, in the background, Roma stands r. with round shield on l. arm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Artemide XL, 31 May 2014, 204. Weighing half again as much as a normal sestertius of Galba, this coin must intentionally have been struck for use as a gift, perhaps a New Year’s gift on 1 January 69, two weeks before Galba’s assassination. An interesting and rare reverse type, struck from only one die according to Kraay’s monograph. The obverse is in high relief and brings a new portrait die to Galba’s impressive last issue of sestertii. Reverse somewhat corroded. aVF / Fine..............................................................1200 Powerful Early Portrait VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 70 AD, Sestertius, 25.72g. Bust var. of RIC11 (R3). Obv: IMP CAES AVG VESPAS COS II TR POT Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed (?) r., seen from side. Rx: FORTVNAE - REDVCI around, S - C across field, Fortuna Redux standing l. holding rudder on globe and branch in r. hand, cornucopia in l. hand. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Peus 406, 25 April 2012, 284. From Vespasian’s very small first issue of sestertii, dated COS II (70 AD), known to RIC from only four obverse dies coupled with four reverse types. Our coin brings a new, fifth obverse die to the issue, and is the second known specimen with the FORTVNAE REDVCI reverse type, also from a new die. gVF..........................2500 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 70 AD, Sestertius, 25.51g. RIC-33 (R2), pl. 15 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P COS II DES III Head laureate r. Rx: FORTVNAE - REDVCI around, S - C across field, Fortuna Redux standing l. holding rudder on globe and branch in r. hand, cornucopia in l. hand. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. From Vespasian’s small second issue of sestertii,








dated COS II DES III (later in 70 AD), the sestertii all struck from a single obverse die, coupled with the FORTVNAE REDVCI reverse type again plus three other types. Powerful Portrait. EF / VF..........................................................................2000 Unique Die Combination VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 27.41g. RIC-71 (R3), pl. 16 (this coin). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P COS III Bust laureate draped r. Rx: FIDES - EXERCITVVM around, S C in exergue, Clasped right hands in front of legionary eagle on prow. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Sotheby, 27 May 1999, 37. This is the only known specimen with this type combination, according to Kraay and RIC. EF..........................................................................4000 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 24.97g. RIC-78 (R2); Paris-487, pl. XLIV (same dies). Obv: IMP CAESAR [VE]SPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P COS III Bust laureate r., with aegis on front shoulder. Rx: HONOS - [ET] - VIRTVS around, S C in exergue, Honos standing r. holding scepter and cornucopia, facing Virtus standing l., placing r. foot on helmet on ground and holding parazonium and spear. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Some isolated corrosion on reverse. VF.......350 Reverse Die of Galba VESPASIAN, REVERSE DIE OF GALBA; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 23.43g. RIC-102 (R2). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P COS III Head laureate r. Rx: RO - MA S - C, Roma standing l. holding Victory on globe and spear. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Grün 32, 15 May 2001, 552. As Kraay observed, this ROMA reverse die was taken over from Galba by Vespasian. aVF / Fine+.......................................................................................................................500 Reverse Die of Galba VESPASIAN, ANOTHER REVERSE DIE OF GALBA; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 26.55g. RIC-111 (R2). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P COS III Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: SALVS - [A]VGVSTA around, S C in exergue, Salus seated l. holding [patera] and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. As Kraay observed, this SALVS AVGVSTA reverse die too was taken over from Galba by Vespasian. Powerful, high-relief portrait. VF / Fine................................750 Bust Left VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 25.44g. RIC-115 (R2). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P COS III Bust laureate, draped l., seen from side. Rx: S - C across field, Mars advancing r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder . VF...................................................................................................700 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 23.86g. RIC-182 (R3, this coin). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Bust laureate r. with aegis (head of Medusa) on front shoulder. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI around, S - C across field, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E93, 7 July 2004, 83. Rare with aegis on portrait in this issue. VF / gF....................................................................................................................450 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 24.63g. RIC-186 (R2), pl. 22 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate r. Rx: PAX AVGVS - TI around, S - C across field, Pax seated l. holding









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branch and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. High-relief portrait. gVF / VF.. ..........................................................................................................................1000 Powerful Portrait VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 25.49g. RIC-198 note (citing our coin). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate r. Rx: SALVS - AV - G - VSTI around, S - C upside down in exergue, Salus seated l. holding patera and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E93, 7 July 2004, 83. Rare with S C upside down on reverse. Some porosity, otherwise in Good VF condition. EF................................................1000 Bust Left VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 25.90g. RIC-208 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate l. Rx: SPQR / ADSERTORI / LIBERTATIS / PVBLIC in four lines within oak wreath. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare with portrait left. Magnificent portrait. aEF..2500 Very Rare VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 25.28g. Cf. RIC-282 (dupondius with same reverse type). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate r. Rx: T[VTEL]A - AVGVSTI around, S C in exergue, Tutela seated l. extending her arms over two small draped figures standing before and behind her. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex London Ancient Coins 3, 27 April 2011, 184. A new denomination for this interesting reverse type, previously known only on rare dupondii of Vitellius and Vespasian. The sestertius obverse die of our new coin was also used with other reverse types of Vespasian, for example IVDAEA CAPTA (BMC pl. 33.1) and MARS VICTOR (RIC-175, pl. 22). VF / gF................................................................................................2500 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Sestertius, 23.72g. RIC-237 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESPAS AVG [P M] TR P P P COS III Head laureate r. Rx: LIBERTAS - PVBLIC[A] around, S C in exergue, Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E425, 25 July 2018, 184. A rare type in this issue according to Kraay, struck from only one reverse die. Spot of corrosion on reverse edge at 4-5 o’clock. aVF..............................................500 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Sestertius, 24.92g. RIC-377 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESPAS AVG P M TR P P P COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: LIBERTAS - PVBLICA around, S C across field, Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Gorny & Mosch 130, 8 March 2004, 2069. Stuck on broad flan. Good Fine / Fine.....................................................400 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 75 AD, Sestertius, 24.68g. Cf. RIC-814 (R3), with note 156 for the spelling error. Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VI Head laureate r. Rx: PAX - AVGVSIT (sic) around, S - C across field, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Rauch 52, 1994, 193. Rare year for sestertii; engraver’s error in reverse legend. High-relief portrait. VF.............................................................700 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 25.61g. RIC-877 (R2); Mazzini-pl. 68, p. 57 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: CER - ES - AVGV[S]T around, S C in exergue, Ceres standing l. holding wheat ears and branch in r. hand and long torch in l. hand, while a snake coils around the lower end of the torch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex NAC Sale, 2 April 1995, Friedrich Collection of Roman Sestertii, lot 1102. VG......................................................................................................375 Lifelike Portrait VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 28.20g. RIC-878 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: FORTVNAE - REDVCI around, S - C across field, Fortuna standing l. holding branch and rudder on globe in r. hand and cornucopia in l. hand. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Lifelike portrait. gVF / Fine+..........................................................450 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 20.90g. RIC-884 (C). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l., r. foot forward, holding flower and raising skirt. Note that Spes can advance either her right foot or her left foot in this type. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E438, 20 Feb. 2012, 493. aEF / VF..........750 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 26.50g. RIC-884 (C). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l., r. foot forward, holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E288, 10 October 2012, 402. The obverse legend ends “cos DES”, the DES oversize and sloppily engraved. Possibly the original legend ended with COS IIII CENS or COS V CENS, but was clumsily recut to COS VII for reuse a couple of years later? . aVF.................................300 Rare Reverse VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, RIC-64 (R2), pl. 16 (same dies); BM-750, pl.31.5 (same dies); C-535 (15 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAE[SAR VESPASIANVS A]VG P M TR P Bust laureate r. with aegis on front shoulder. Rx: T ET DOMITIAN [CAESARES PRIN IVVENT] S - C. Titus and Domitian on horseback r., each raising r. hand. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Apparently a red As rather than a yellow dupondius. From a small issue of Roman sestertii and middle bronzes struck early in 71 that omits Vespasian’s title COS III and uses distinctive portraits in high relief. VF...............................................................275 Judea Capta VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Dupondius, 14.85g. RIC-65 (R3), citing this coin; Hendin-6580, pl. 57, same dies. Obv: [IMP CAESAR VESPAS]IANVS AVG P M [TR P] Bust laureate r. with aegis on front shoulder. Rx: VICTORIA [AVG] around, S C in exergue, Victory stepping l. extending both arms to place shield atop trophy, at base of which a mourning Jewess sits l. on two shields. Ex













Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Lanz Graz IV, 23 Nov. 1974, Hohenkubin Collection of Roman Middle Bronzes, 154. Apparently a yellow dupondius rather than a red As. From a small issue of Roman sestertii and middle bronzes struck early in 71 that omits Vespasian’s title COS III and uses distinctive portraits in high relief; our specimen is probably only the second recorded from this issue and with this reverse type. Obverse porous, otherwise. VF....................................................750 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Dupondius, 13.44g. RIC-263 (R), pl. 26 (this coin). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head radiate r. Rx: CONCOR - AVG on l. and r., S C in exergue, Concordia seated l. holding patera over altar and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E169, 25 July 2007, J.S. Wagner Coll., 230; ex Hall-1198, whence plaster cast in Oxford; illustrated in RIC from that cast. The same CONCOR AVG reverse die was also used with the strange As obverse die labeled IMP CAESAR AVG VIISPAS. SIAN; see RIC-8, pl. 14. VF / Fine...................................................................425 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, Dupondius, 13.85g. Cf. RIC-270 (S - C in field). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head radiate r. Rx: FORT VNAE - REDVCI around, S C in exergue, Fortuna standing l. holding branch and rudder on globe in r. hand and cornucopia in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A new variety: RIC-270 records this dupondius only with S C in field, not in exergue as on our specimen. aVF...................................................................................450 Exceptional Portrait VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, Dupondius, 14.49g. RIC-273 (R2), pl. 26 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head radiate r. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTA S - C Pax standing l. holding branch and caduceus. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. This coin is very sharply struck, with toned river patina. EF... ............................................................................................................................750 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Dupondius, 14.38g. RIC-889 (R3), this coin. Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG P M T P COS VII Head radiate r. Rx: VESTA in exergue, S - C across field, Vesta seated l. holding patera and Palladium. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Gorny & Mosch 126, 14 Oct. 2003, 2347. Possibly unique; only this specimen known to RIC in 2007. Some minor red encrustation on obverse. gEF..................................................................................................900 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 77-8 AD, Dupondius, 13.84g. RIC-998 (R). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG COS VIII Head radiate r. Rx: CE - RES AVGVST around, S - C across field, Ceres standing l. holding two wheat ears and poppy in r. hand and long torch in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E158, 13 Feb. 2007, 227. gEF.....................................................................................750 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 77-8 AD, Dupondius, 13.12g. Cf. RIC-1046 (dup. of Domitian Caesar, same rev. die). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN COS VIII Head radiate l. Rx: PAX - AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Pax standing l., leaning on column, holding short winged caduceus and branch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Naville 51, 21 July 2019, 522. A rare middle-bronze reverse type in this issue, previously attested only on an As of Vespasian in Paris and a dupondius of Domitian in Oxford. Fine..................................................500 Judaea Capta VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 11.72g. RIC-134 (R3). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG COS III Head laureate r. Rx: IVDAEA - CAPTA on l. and r., S C in exergue, Mourning Judaea seated r. on cuirass under palm tree, surrounded by arms. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Rosenblum 34E, 11 Nov. 2004, 280 (R3). A very rare and probably early obverse legend on Rome-mint middle bronzes of Vespasian in 71; RIC p. 68 records only our unique IVDAEA CAPTA As, plus three other reverse types coupled with two slightly variant obverse types. aVF............................................................................................900 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 10.84g. RIC-310 (R2), pl. 28 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate l. Rx: LIBERTAS - PVBLICA on l. and r., S - C across field, Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare left-facing portrait. EF....400 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 11.18g. RIC-317 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. Rx: PROVIDEN[T] in exergue, S - C across field, Altar enclosure with two doors. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF / gVF.........................................................................................350 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 9.10g. RIC-322 (R), BM-612, Paris-589, C-480 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Eagle with raised wings standing slightly l., head r., on globe. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Though common on Lugdunese asses, this reverse type is quite scarce on Rome-mint coins. VF................................200 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 11.50g. RIC-331 (R3), citing Lanz Graz 4, 1974, 145 (same rev. die as ours). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - [AVGV]STI on l. and r., S - C across field, Victory standing r. on prow, holding wreath and palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex F.S. Robinson 100, 12 May 2017, 214. Probably an engraver’s error: the legend of the Victory on prow type should have been VICTORIA NAVALIS, not VICTORIA AVGVSTI. Some porosity on reverse right field, otherwise. aEF..................................................................................350 Exceptional Quality VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 11.73g. RIC-339 (R3, citing C.L. Clay Coll.). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - NAVALIS on l. and r., S - C across field, Victory standing r. on ground line, holding wreath and palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Probably an engraver’s error: the legend of this Victory type without prow should have been VICTORIA AVGVSTI, not VICTORIA NAVALIS. Magnificent. Choice EF.........................................................................................................2000


















VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 72-3 AD, As, 7.64g. RIC-400 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESP[AS]IAN AVG COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: [F]ELICITA - S PVBLICA on l. and r., S - C across field, Felicitas standing l. holding short winged caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E385, 26 Oct. 2016, 501. EF....................................................................................................850 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 72-3 AD, As, 9.76g. RIC-407 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESPAS[IAN] AVG P P COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - NAVALIS on l. and r., S - C across field, Victoria standing r. on prow holding wreath and palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E139, 10 May 2006, 275. Green patination. EF................................................................500 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 73 AD, As, 8.38g. RIC-601 (R); Paris-663, pl. LVII (same dies); BM-664, pl. 26.9 (same rev. die). Obv: IMP CAE[S VESP A] VG P M T P COS IIII CENS Head laureate r. Rx: [VES] - TA - and S - C across field, Round temple with four columns, containing statue on base. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine / Fine+............................................................................200 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, As, 10.54g. RIC-733 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG P M T P COS V CENS Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Victory advancing r. on prow holding wreath and palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scarce variant obverse legend with CAES not CAESAR and adding T P. aEF.......................400 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, As, 14.09g. RIC-734 (C). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESP AVG P M CO[S V CENS] Head laureate l. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l., r. leg forward, holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. EF / gVF.................................................................................550 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 75 AD, As, 10.55g. RIC-821 (R). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESP AVG COS VI Head laureate r. Rx: AE - QVITAS - AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Incuse profile from die clashing in reverse field. gVF.. ............................................................................................................................300 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, As, 10.76g. RIC-890 (C). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESP AVG COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: AE - QVITAS - AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. aEF / VF..................................................................300 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 73 AD, Sestertius, 26.55g. RIC-608 (R2). Obv: T CAES VESP IMP PON TR POT COS II CENS Head laureate r. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI around, S - C across field, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E139, 10 May 2006, 284. 425 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 74 AD, Sestertius, 24.52g. RIC-737 (R3). Obv: T CAES VESPASIAN IMP PON TR POT COS III CENS Head laureate r. Rx: PAX - AVGVSTI around, S - C across field, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Roma, E14, 27 Dec. 2014, 396. aEF..................................................................................................750 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 75 AD, Sestertius, 22.28g. RIC-827 (R2), pl. 49 (same dies). Obv: T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: PAX - AVGVST around, S - C across field, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Excellent portrait, some planchet disturbances. EF..................................................................................375 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 24.44g. RIC-904 (R2). Obv: T CAES VESPASIAN IM[P] PON TR POT COS V Head laureate r. Rx: FO - RTVNA[E] - REDVCI around, S - C across field, Fortuna standing l. holding branch and rudder on globe in r. hand and cornucopia in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Good portrait. Fine..................................................................275 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 26.65g. RIC-904 (R2). Obv: [T CA]ES VESPASIAN IMP PON TR POT COS V Head laureate r. Rx: FORTV[NAE] - REDVCI around, S - C across field, Fortuna standing l. holding branch and rudder on globe in r. hand and cornucopia in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine........................................................................................400 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 24.10g. RIC-908 (R), pl. 51 (same obv. die). Obv: T CAES VESPASIAN IMP PON TR POT COS V Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. gF..................................................300 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Dupondius, 13.05g. RIC-413 (R2). Obv: T CAES VESPAS IMP P TR P COS II Radiate head r. Rx: FELICITAS - PVBLICA on l. and r., S - C across field, Felicitas standing l. holding short caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E257, 8 June 2011, Sierra Coll., 367. Minor microscopic porosity. EF..................................425 Exquisite Dupondius TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Dupondius, 12.40g. RIC-465 (R). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP P0N TR POT COS II Radiate head r. Rx: FELICITA - S - PVBLICA on l. and r., S - C across field, Felicitas standing l. holding short caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Rauch Fernauktion 4, 469. A middle bronze of excellent quality, well centered and with wonderful surfaces. MS...................................................................................2500 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Dupondius, 13.70g. RIC-481 (R2), pl. 36 (same obv. die). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP III P0N TR POT II COS II Radiate head r. Rx: CONCO[RDIA] - AVGVSTI to l. and r., S C in exergue, Roma seated l. on cuirass, holding wreath and parazonium. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Some porosity. VF / Fine....................................................200 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Dupondius, 13.67g. RIC-482 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP III P0N TR POT II COS II Radiate head r. Rx: FELICITA - S - PVBLICA to l. and r., S C across field, Felicitas standing l. holding short winged caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay

















Collection. Strong porosity. Excellent portrait. EF............................................275 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Dupondius, 12.60g. RIC-483 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP III P0N TR POT II COS I[I] Radiate head r. Rx: ROMA - [VIC]TRIX to l. and r., S C in exergue, Roma seated l. on cuirass, holding Victory and spear. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Triskeles 12 = VAuctions 196, 10 July 2013, 196. Wonderful portrait, beautiful green patination. Obverse perfectly centered and in high relief. EF / VF.....................................950 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, Dupondius, 12.53g. RIC-506 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP IIII PON TR POT II COS II Head radiate r. Rx: ROMA - VICTRIX around, S C in exergue, Roma seated l. on cuirass, holding Victory and spear; behind the cuirass, several shields and other captured arms. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF.............................................450 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 75 AD, Dupondius, 15.35g. RIC830 (C). Obv: [T] CAESAR IMP COS IIII Head radiate r. Rx: FELICITA - S PVBLICA S - C Felicitas standing l. holding caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine....................................................................................300 Bust Left TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 77-78 AD, Dupondius, 12.23g. RIC1027 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIANVS TR P COS VI Head radiate l. Rx: CE - RES - AVGVST S - C Ceres standing l. holding two wheat ears and poppy in r. hand and scepter in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex NAC-Spink Taisei 52, pt. 2, 2088. aEF / VF.........................................................................................150 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 77-78 AD, Dupondius, 12.55g. RIC1029 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIANVS TR P CO[S VI] Head radiate l. Rx: PRINCIP IV - VENT S - C Domitian on horseback l., raising r. hand and holding scepter in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. aEF.................................................650 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, As, 10.91g. RIC-449 (R), BM644, Paris-635, C-247 (2 Fr.). Obv: T CAES VESPASIAN IMP P TR P COS II Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Legionary eagle between two standards, the eagle himself on the central standard standing r. on thunderbolt with raised wings. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Some surface porosity. VF......................150 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, As, 9.93g. RIC-469 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP PON TR [POT COS II] Head laureate r. Rx: AEQVITAS - AVGVSTI S - C Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Rauch 58/III, Oct. 1996, 220 . aEF / VF.............400 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, As, 11.14g. RIC-483 (R2). Obv: T CAES VESPAS IMP P TR P COS II Laureate head r. Rx: AE - QVITAS - AVGVSTI to l. and r., S C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF / Fine..............................................250 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 73 AD, As, 9.81g. RIC-572 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP III[I] PON TR P III COS II Laureate head r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVSTI to l. and r., S - C across field, Victory advancing r., about to place wreath on standard and holding palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF...................................................................................................500 Judaea Capta Type TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 73 AD, As, 11.93g. RIC-635 (R); Paris-688, pl. LVIII (same dies). Obv: T CAES IMP PON TR POT COS II CENS Head laureate r. Rx: S.C in exergue, Titus in quadriga r. holding branch and scepter, commemorating his and Vespasian’s triumph over the Jews in 71 AD. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF...........................................................................650 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 76 AD, As, 9.27g. RIC-912 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR IMP COS V Laureate head l. Rx: AE - QVI[TAS] - AVGVST to l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E296, 13 Feb. 2013, 266. aEF.................................500 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 77-8 AD, As, 10.64g. Cf. RIC-1029 (R3). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIANVS TR P COS VI Laureate head l. Rx: [P]RINCIP - IV - VENT to l. and r., S - C across lower field, Domitian Caesar on horse prancing l., raising r. hand and holding scepter in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E329, 25 June 2014, 409. gF............................................400 Exquisite portrait, but wrong consular number TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 77-78 AD, As, 8.42g. Cf. RIC-1033 (wrong consulship). Obv: T CAESAR IMP COS VIII (sic) Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E477, 23 Sept. 2020, 451. By mistake Titus was given his father’s consular number, COS VIII, rather than his own number for the same year, COS VI. MS...........................................................................................2500 Bust Left TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 77-8 AD, As, 9.83g. RIC-1037 (R). Obv: T CAESAR VESPASIANVS TR P COS VI Laureate head l. Rx: [V] ICTORIA - AVGVST to l. and r., S - C across field, Victory standing r. on prow, holding wreath and palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG 57, 28 March 2001, part 266. EF............................................................................450 Medallic Obverse DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 73 AD, Sestertius, 24.22g. RIC653 (R2). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS II Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: Roma standing l. holding Victory and spear, ROMA at lower l., S - C across field. Rare bust type and rare reverse type for Domitian as Caesar. From a Gorny sale, without further details. Despite minor pitting before and behind Domitian’s portrait, this coin has a magnificent, medallic-style obverse, with toned river patina. EF...............................................................................1000 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 73-74 AD, Sestertius, 26.46g. RIC-654 (R2). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS II Head laureate r.

































Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Smooth black patina with scattered patches of red. EF / VF.............................................................................................................1200 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 73-74 AD, Sestertius, 24.18g. RIC-654 (R2), pl. 43 (same obv. die). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS II Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Some isolated pitting. gF........450 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 76 AD, Sestertius, 27.15g. RIC925 (R2), pl. 52 (same obv. die). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: PA - X -AVGVSTI around, S - C across field, Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Strong portrait. gF. ............................................................................................................................400 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 77-8 AD, Sestertius, 25.24g. Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS V Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: FORT - VN[AE] - REDVCI around, S - C across field, Fortuna standing l. holding branch and rudder on globe in r. hand and cornucopia in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. A new reverse type for Domitian in this rare issue, though RIC991, pl. 53, is the corresponding sestertius of Vespasian, showing the same type and date and indeed struck from the same reverse die. VF / Fine....................585 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 72 AD, As, 12.18g. RIC-493 (R2), pl. 37 (same dies). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS DES II Laureate head r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVSTI to l. and r., S C in exergue, Victory advancing r., about to place wreath on standard and holding palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Astarte MBS, 28 Oct. 1999, 910. Part of Domitian’s rare earliest issue of bronze coins from the mint of Rome, dated COS DES II, which included no sestertii, but only middle bronzes all struck from just one obverse die. Toned river patination, magnificent As. Choice EF..............2000 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 73-74 AD, As, 10.43g. RIC-662 (R). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS II Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: [P] RINCIP IV - VENT S - C Domitian on horse prancing l., raising r. hand holding scepter in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. The metal is red, so an As rather than a dupondius. VF...................................................................................................300 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 73-74 AD, As, 10.47g. RIC674 (C). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS II Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF...................................................................................................350 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 75-6 AD, As, 11.88g. RIC-835 (R), pl. 49 (same dies). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS III Laureate head r. Rx: [P]RINCIP - IV - VENT to l. and r., S - C across lower field, Domitian on horse prancing l., raising r. hand and holding scepter in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Nomisma 21, 10 April 2002, 192. VF.......................................300 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 76-7 AD, Dupondius, 13.13g. RIC-928 (R2). Obv: [C]AESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS I[V] Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: FELI - CIT - A - S - [PV]BLICA S - C Felicitas standing l. holding short caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. There would appear to be only one middle-bronze obverse die of Domitian Caesar with legend ending DOMITIAN COS IV. Our coin shares its obverse die with RIC-928 and RIC-933 on pl. 52-53, and other specimens observed by C. Clay have also always been from that same obverse die. Perhaps this die was originally cut to read COS III, but to allow its continued use in 76 AD COS III was altered to COS IV, there being no room to add a fourth stroke to produce the normal form COS IIII. That hypothesis would explain firstly the exceptional form IV, when other Flavian coins struck at Rome always showed IIII, and second the abbreviation DOMITIAN, which was that used on Domitian’s middle bronzes dated COS II and COS III, whereas those dated COS IIII not IV always showed DOMITIANVS. Some porosity, especially below portrait. VF.........................500 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 76-7 AD, Dupondius, 10.57g. RIC-929 (R). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: AEQ - [VI]TAS - AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. There would appear to be only one middle-bronze obverse die of Domitian Caesar with legend ending DOMITIAN COS IV rather than COS IIII; see commentary to preceding lot. aEF / VF.............................................................................................................450 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 76-7 AD, Dupondius, 11.40g. RIC-930 (R2). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS IV laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: AEQ - VITAS - AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding short caduceus and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E385, 26 October 2016, 514. There would appear to be only one middle-bronze obverse die of Domitian Caesar with legend ending DOMITIAN COS IV rather than COS IIII; see commentary to preceding two lots. Excellent surfaces. aEF..............................................................................875 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 77-78 AD, Dupondius, 9.86g. RIC-1052 (R3), pl. 57 (same rev. die). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN [COS] V Head laureate r. Rx: PRINCIP IV - VENT S - C Domitian on horseback l., raising r. hand and holding scepter in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Ponterio 142, 27 April 2007, 1810. Toned river patina. aEF............................................385 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 77-78 AD, As, 10.72g. RIC1056 (C). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS V Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVST S - C Victory standing r. on prow, holding wreath and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. The S C on the reverse of this coin are small and weakly struck. gVF....................................................................................400 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 77-78 AD, Dupondius, 9.87g.
















Cf. RIC-1056. Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS V Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVST (from lower right, counterclockwise), Victory standing r. on prow, holding wreath and palm over shoulder, S - C across field apparently omitted. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. The counterclockwise reverse legend and omitted S C are noteworthy. Fine......................................................................250 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 79 AD, Dupondius or As, 13.51g. RIC-83 (R2), pl. 92 (same dies). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI Head laureate r. Rx: CONCORD - AVGVST around, S C in exergue, Concordia seated l. holding patera and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Elsen 46, Sept. 1996, 449; ex Lanz 74, 20 Nov. 1995, 445; ex Lanz 60, 1992, 392. VF..............................................................................................................300 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR , WITH ENGRAVER’S ERROR; 70-81 AD, Rome, c. 79-81 AD, As, 11.03g. RIC-85 note (p. 204, our specimen). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI Head laureate r. Rx: PA - X - AVGST (sic, second V left out) Pax standing l., leaning on column, holding caduceus in r. hand, branch under l. arm, S - C across field. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Roman Lode, Vauctions, 2004. Our specimen is mentioned in RIC, p. 204, note 9; the engraver’s error was apparently unrecorded before then. Fine...................300 DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 79 AD, As (red metal), 8.98g. RIC-88 (R2). Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - [AVGV]ST around, S - C across field, Victory standing r. on prow, holding wreath and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Granular surface, otherwise. VF.....................................................................................................240 VESPASIAN, TITUS, AND DOMITIAN; 69-79 AD, Tarraco, 70 AD, As, 8.68g. RIC-1321 (R2), C-12 (50 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: CAESAR AVG [F] COS CAESAR AVG F PR around, [S] - C in lower field, Bare heads of Titus and Domitian facing each other. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; acquired from Baldwin’s, June 1970; ex Glendining, 2 April 1952, Ryan Collection Part 5, lot 2745 (2 coins). Fine.....................................500 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Tarraco, 70 AD, As, 10.93g. RIC-1324 (R2), pl. 72 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: COS ITER - TR POT on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and transverse scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Gorny 97, 1999, 972. This specimen is cited in RIC from the Clay Collection. aVF.........................685 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Tarraco, 70 AD, As, 6.39g. RIC-1335 (R2). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M TR P Head laureate r. Rx: COS ITER TR POT on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and transverse scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Antioch Associates E40, 29 July 2002, 109. This specimen is cited in RIC from the Clay Collection. Fine...... ............................................................................................................................300 VESPASIAN; Lugdunum, 77-78 AD, Sestertius, 21.40g. RIC-1209 (R). Obv: [IMP CAES VE]SPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P CO[S VIII] Head laureate r. Rx: SPQR / OB /CIVES / SER[V]ATOS in four lines within oak wreath. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Good.......................................................................................300 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Lugdunum, 71 AD, Dupondius, 12.58g. Cf. RIC-1144 (bust radiate, ours is laureate). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. on globe. Rx: [P]AX - AVG on l. and r., S - C across field, Pax sacrificing l. at altar and holding caduceus and branch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine.................................................................................................385 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Lugdunum, 77-8 AD, As, 9.68g. Rev. leg. var. (AVGVSTA not AVGVSTI) of RIC-1228. Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. on globe. Rx: AEQVI[TAS] - AVGVSTA on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine.................................................................................................150 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 25x26, 10.49g. RIC1499 (R3). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PON[T MAX TR P]OT P P COS VIII CENS around from l. to r. and into exergue, S - C across field, Ceres seated l. holding two wheat ears and slanting torch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine.........................................................................250 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 27, 10.94g. RIC1501 (R2), RPC-1474 (citing BM only, different dies). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONT MAX TR [P]OT - P P - COS - V]III CENS around from l. to r., S - C across field, Jupiter standing l. holding thunderbolt and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Leu E17, Pt. 2, 15 August 2021, 2361. VG................................................................................250 Head Left VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 27x29, 11.17g. RIC1500 (R3). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVGVSTVS Head laureate l. Rx: PONT MAX [TR POT P P COS V]III CENS around from l. to r. and continuing upside down in exergue, S - C across field, Jupiter seated l. holding thunderbolt in his lap and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VG......................................300 VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 28x30, 10.64g. Cf. RIC-1502 (Jupiter holds thunderbolt not Victory). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONT MAX TR PO - T P P COS VIII around, CENS upside down in exergue, S - C across field, Jupiter seated l. holding Victory (weakly struck) and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine.. ............................................................................................................................200 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 23-24, 6.75g. RIC-1511 (R). Obv: T CAESAR IMPER PONT Head laureate r. Rx: TR.POT. COS [VI CENSOR] around, S C in exergue, Eagle with raised wings standing l. on thunderbolt, head r. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF.................................350 TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 25.5, 8.01g.









































RIC-1513 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR - IMPE[R PONT] Head laureate r. Rx: [T]R POT COS - VI - CENSO[R] on l. and r., S - C in lower field, Naked, helmeted Mars advancing l., holding spear over shoulder and oval shield. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Ritter List 42, Aug. 1996, no. 654. Fine....................................200 96. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian or Eastern Mint, 80-1 AD, Dupondius, 12.03g. RIC-T503A (online). Obv: IMP T CAESAR DIVI VESP F AVG P M around, Head radiate r. Rx: ROMA on l., S C in exergue, Roma seated l. on cuirass and two shields, holding wreath before her in r. hand and parazonium behind her with bent l. arm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. This coin and the next two in the catalogue seem to come from a hitherto unrecognized small non-Roman issue, presumably struck in Thrace, Asia Minor, or Syria, or in Rome for use elsewhere. The first two coins indeed share their ROMA seated reverse type with dupondii struck for Titus and Domitian at an uncertain Thracian mint, but their obverse legend is different and original, IMP T CAESAR DIVI VESP F AVG P M. Our third coin also uses a different obverse legend than the uncertain Thracian mint, namely IMP T CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS VIII, but copies its reverse type from dupondii of Vespasian dated six years earlier, with legend PON MAX TR POT P P COS V CENS. There is no parallel at the uncertain Thracian mint for the use of such old or misdated reverse dies, suggesting that our two new types were struck at a different mint. VG............................................................................375 97. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian or Eastern Mint, 80-1 AD, Dupondius, 12.09g. RIC-T503A (online). Obv: IMP T CAESAR DIVI VESP F AVG P M around, Head radiate r. Rx: ROMA on l., S C in exergue, Roma seated l. on cuirass and two shields, holding wreath before her in r. hand and parazonium behind her with bent l. arm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Lots 96-98 in the catalogue seem to come from a hitherto unrecognized small non-Roman issue, presumably struck in Thrace, Asia Minor, or Syria, or in Rome for use elsewhere. The first two coins indeed share their ROMA seated reverse type with dupondii struck for Titus and Domitian at an uncertain Thracian mint, but their obverse legend is different and original, IMP T CAESAR DIVI VESP F AVG P M. The third coin also uses a different obverse legend than the uncertain Thracian mint, namely IMP T CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS VIII, but copies its reverse type from dupondii of Vespasian dated six years earlier, with legend PON MAX TR POT P P COS V CENS. There is no parallel at the uncertain Thracian mint for the use of such old or misdated reverse dies, suggesting that our two new types were struck at a different mint. Fine............................................................................................300 98. TITUS; 79-81 AD, 80-1 AD, Dupondius, 13.34g. Obv: IMP T CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS VIII around, Head radiate r. Rx: PON MAX - TR POT P P COS V CENS Winged caduceus between two crossed cornucopias. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Dorotheum 497, 13 May 2003, 91. An interesting new error, possibly unique, joining an obverse of Titus in 80-1 AD with a reverse of Vespasian in 74. Also apparently from a new subsidiary mint; see discussion at lot 96 above. This coin and the next two in the catalogue seem to come from a hitherto unrecognized small non-Roman issue, presumably struck in Thrace, Asia Minor, or Syria, or in Rome for use elsewhere. The first two coins indeed share their ROMA seated reverse type with dupondii struck for Titus and Domitian at an uncertain Thracian mint, but their obverse legend is different and original, IMP T CAESAR DIVI VESP F AVG P M. The third coin also uses a different obverse legend than the uncertain Thracian mint, namely IMP T CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS VIII, but copies its reverse type from dupondii of Vespasian dated six years earlier, with legend PON MAX TR POT P P COS V CENS. There is no parallel at the uncertain Thracian mint for the use of such old or misdated reverse dies, suggesting that our two new types were struck at a different mint. Toned river patina. gVF / EF...............................................................................................1500 99. VESPASIAN IMITATION; 69-79 AD, 77-78 AD, Dupondius, 11.20g. Cf. RIC-p. 146, note 17; and Paris-pl. LXXI, 887 (same obv. die) and 889 (similar reverse type). Obv: [I]MP CAES VESPASIAN AVG CO[S VIII P P] Head laureate r., globe at tip of neck is off flan. Rx: FORTVNA - REDVC[I] on r. and l., S - C across field, Fortuna Redux standing l., holding branch and rudder on globe in r. hand and cornucopia in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Note the rather crude style, reverse legend starting at upper right rather than the usual lower left, and the mixed cases (nominative and dative) in that legend FORTVNA REDVCI, instead of FORTVNA REDVX (both words nominative) or FORTVNAE REDVCI (both words dative). Fine............................................................................................950 100. TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 23x25.5, 8.54g. Cf. RIC-1518 (R2). Obv: T CAESAR - IM[PER PONT] on l. and r., Head laureate r. Rx: TR POT COS VI CENSOR on l. and above, S C mostly off flan in exergue, Eagle with raised wings standing l. on thunderbolt, head r. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Apparently a new variety of RIV-1518, with S C in exergue rather than in field. VG......................................................................................150 101. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Asia Minor mint, 77-8 AD, AE 24, 7.44g. RIC-1519 (R2). Obv: [CAESAR DO]M[I]TIANV[S] AVG F Head laureate r. Rx: COS V PRINCEPS IVVENTVT around, S - C across field, Spes advancing l., r. leg forward, holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VG..................................................................................................450 102. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 79 AD, Sestertius, 25.54g. RIC-64 (R2). Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: S - C Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Stack’s Bowers 174, 11 Jan. 2013, R.O. Ebert Collection, 6115. Rare with date COS VII and with obverse legend starting IMP TITVS CAES rather than IMP T CAES. The date COS VII is weak on our coin, but clearer on a Paris sestertius from the same obverse die and with reverse VESTA seated, RIC-66, pl. 91. EF...

..........................................................................................................................1450 Rare Variety 103. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 27.21g. RIC-169 (R). Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII Head laureate r. Rx: S - C Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex I. Vecchi 5, 5 March 1997, 496. Rare with obverse legend starting IMP TITVS CAES rather than IMP T CAES Some isolated porosity on cheek of emperor, otherwise. aEF....................................................................................................650 Extremely Rare 104. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 23.47g. Cf. RIC-164 (R3); Paris-172, pl. LXXIX (same rev. die); C-190 (50 Fr.). Obv: [IMP T or TITVS] CAES VESP AVG P M TR [P P P COS VII or VIII], Head laureate r. Rx: ROMA in exergue, S - C across field, Roma seated l. on cuirass and other arms, head front, balancing parazonium on her l. knee; above her l. arm, trophy in background, towards which a Victory standing behind Roma is carrying a shield. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E119, Tony Hardy Collection, 224. Apparently only the second recorded example of this type for Titus, and with a different bust type, head laureate right rather than left as on the previously unique Paris coin. Very porous. Fine........................................................................................................600 105. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 24.03g. RIC-183 (R2), pl. 97 (same rev. die). Obv: IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS - VIII Head laureate l. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVST around, S - C across field, Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG 88, 14 Sept. 2011, 1295; ex CNG 67, 22 Sept. 2004, 1375. Beautiful surfaces, excellent portrait. VF.......................................................................................1750 Bust Left 106. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 24.84g. RIC-183 (R2), pl. 97 (same rev. die). Obv: IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS - VIII Head laureate l. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVST around, S - C across field, Victory advancing l. holding wreath and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG 50, 23 June 1999, Cornelius C. Vermeule III Coll., 86; ex Ryan Sale, part 2391 (5 coins). gF...........................................................................................................800 107. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Dupondius, 11.14g. RIC-187 corr. (R3), pl. 98 (this coin). Obv: [IMP T CAES] VESP AVG P M TR P COS - VIII - Head laureate r. Rx: CE - RES - AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Ceres, veiled, standing l. holding two wheat ears and long torch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E168, 11 July 2007, Coll. J.S. Wagner, 234. Probably a mint error: should be a dupondius with head radiate right, not laureate. aEF / aVF......................600 108. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, Dupondius, 12.04g. Cf. RIC-197. Obv: IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII Head radiate r. Rx: CONCORDIA - AVGVS on l. and r., S C in exergue, Concordia seated l. holding patera and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Peus 355, 27 April 1998, 913. This variant with reverse legend ending just AVGVS not AVGVST is not in RIC. Excellent portrait. EF / VF...............................................................................1750 109. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 10.52g. RIC-224 (R2), pl. 100 (same dies). Obv: [IMP T CAES] VESP AVG P M TR P CO[S VIII] Head laureate r. Rx: FIDES - [PVBLI]CA on l. and r., S - C across lower field, Clasped hands before winged caduceus and two wheat stalks. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Good Fine.....................................................................................................................250 110. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 10.19g. RIC-235 (R2). Obv: IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII around, Head laureate r. Rx: PAX AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Pax standing l., leaning on column, holding winged caduceus downwards in r. hand, branch under l. arm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E128, 7 Dec. 2005, 309. aEF / EF...........................400 111. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 10.10g. Bust var. of RIC-241 (R2). Obv: IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII Head laureate r. Rx: SECVRIT - AVGVS[T] on l. and r., S C in exergue, Securitas seated l. supporting head with l. hand and holding transverse scepter with r., lighted altar on ground before her. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF / EF............................................400 112. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 9.35g. Bust var. of RIC-245 (R2). Obv: [IMP T C]AES VESP AVG P M TR P COS [VIII] Head laureate r. Rx: SECVRITAS - [AVGVST] on l. and r., [S C] in exergue, Securitas seated l. supporting head with l. hand and holding transverse scepter with r., lighted altar on ground before her. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. aVF................................200 113. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 11.28g. RIC-248 var. Obv: IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII around, Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVST on r. downwards and on l. upwards, without S C in field or exergue, Victory standing r. on prow, holding wreath and palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Gorny & Mosch 126, 13 October 2003, 2366. An unusual reverse die, also used for Domitian as Caesar (RIC-328, pl. 106), on which the legend begins at upper right rather than lower left, and the standard letters S C are omitted. Exquisite portrait, struck in high relief. aEF........................................600 114. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; Died 79 AD, Rome, Dupondius, 12.68g. RIC-378 (R2), pl.108 (same obv. die). Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASI[A]NVS Head radiate l. Rx: VESTA in exergue, S - C across field, Vesta seated l. holding Palladium and transverse scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Heritage E271933, Morris Collection (Phil Peck), 18 Aug. 2019, 35154. Very rare, like all of the portrait bronzes, sestertii, dupondii, and asses, of Divus Vespasian. ............................750 115. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; Died 79 AD, Rome, As, 10.04g. RIC-383 (R2), pl. 108 (same dies). Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANV[S] Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l., r. leg forward, holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare, like all of the portrait bronzes, sestertii,









106 107






115 116




dupondii, and asses, of Divus Vespasian. VG...................................................385 116. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; Died 79 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, Sestertius, 24.21g. Cf. RIC-370 with same Pax reverse but standard obverse legend. Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIA[N PA]TER [PAT] (counterclockwise) Head of Vespasian laureate r. Rx: [PAX] - AVGVSTI S - C Pax standing l. holding [branch] and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Biga E9, 24 April 2022, 533. Apparently only the second recorded coin of Divus Vespasian that adds PATER PAT to his obverse legend; for the first, from the same obverse die as ours but coupled with a IVDAEA CAPTA reverse type, see RIC-369, pl. 108, there misattributed to Rome rather than the uncertain Thracian mint. Good....350 117. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; Died 79 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, struck by Titus in 79-81 AD or by Domitian in 81, Sestertius, 26.72g. RIC-371 (R2), pl. 108 (same obv. die). Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Mars advancing r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Roma E18, 27 June 2015, 866. aVF................1500 118. DIVUS VESPASIAN; Died 79 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, struck by Titus, 80-81 AD, or by Domitian in 81, Sestertius, 24.43g. RIC-261 (R). Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS - [VESP]ASIAN, Deified Vespasian, togate and radiate, seated l. on curule chair, holding branch and scepter. Rx: IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII, beginning and ending at 6 o’clock, around large S C. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Possibly only the second known obverse die for this Vespasian seated on curule chair sestertius type, since RIC-261 reports only one such die, from which ours is however different. The reverse die too is noteworthy, because its legend begins at 6:00 rather than the regular 12:00. VG................400 119. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 79 AD, Sestertius, 25.95g. Obv: CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI (counterclockwise) Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E281, 20 June 2012, 305. Sestertii of 79 AD are rare. This one may be the first attested example for Domitian with the Spes type, and was also used with the Pax seated and Mars advancing types, RIC-pl. 90, 59-60 . Fine.........................................475 120. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 22.51g. RIC-306 (R3). Obv: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOM[ITIAN COS VII] Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIA - AVG around, S - C across lower field, Victory standing l. leaning on column and holding cornucopia and palm. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Previously known only as a unique coin in Copenhagen. Our second recorded specimen is from the same dies. VG......................................200 Judaea Capta 121. TITUS; 69-79 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 80 AD, Sestertius, 25.50g. RIC133 (R2, same obv. die). Obv: IMP T CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII (counterclockwise) Head laureate r. Rx: IVDAEA - CAPTA around, S C in exergue, Judaea seated r. on cuirass in attitude of mourning under palm tree, Judaean captive with hands tied behind back standing r. on other side of tree, weapons on ground l. and r. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex G. Hirsch, Feb. 1995, 768. Excellent surfaces with fine detail but rather worn. Fine...............1750 122. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, Sestertius, 24.30g. RIC-135. Obv: IMP T CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII (clockwise) Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Mars striding r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Attributed to Rome by Kraay and RIC135, but more probably struck in a Thracian branch mint influenced by Rome. Fine.....................................................................................................................195 123. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, Sestertius, 23.14g. Cf. RIC-135 (there legend counterclockwise). Obv: IMP T CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII (clockwise) Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Mars striding r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Attributed to Rome by Kraay and RIC-135, but more probably struck in a Thracian branch mint influenced by Rome. VG..........................................................................200 Judaea Capta 124. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 24.33g. RIC502 (R2), Hendin-6628. Obv: [IMP T CAES DIVI V]ESP F AVG P M TR P P P C[OS VIII] (clockwise) Head laureate r. Rx: IVDAEA - [CAPT]A around, S C in exergue, Palm tree between emperor standing r., l. foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium, and Judaea seated r. on cuirass in attitude of mourning. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VG.....................................................................................950 125. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 25.64g. RIC-509 (R2). Obv: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: S - C Mars striding r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Fine....................................................300 126. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 24.80g. Cf. RIC-511 (DOMITIAN rather than DOMITIANVS in obv. legend). Obv: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: S - C Spes stepping l. holding flower and raising skirt. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. gF....................................................................................................450 127. DIVUS AUGUSTUS RESTORED BY TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, As, 12.09g. RIC-450 (R2). Obv: DIVVS AVGVS - TVS PATER Head radiate r. Rx: IMP T - VESP - AV - G - REST around, PROVIDENT in exergue, S - C across field, Altar enclosure with double doors. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Heavy porosity. Good.........................................................................................350 128. DIVUS AUGUSTUS RESTORED BY TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, As, 8.29g. RIC-453 (R3). Obv: DIVVS A[VGV]STVS [P]ATER Head radiate l. Rx: IMP - T - VESP - [AVG] - REST around, PROVIDE[NT] in exergue, S - C across field, Altar enclosure with double doors. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection.

VG......................................................................................................................350 129. DIVUS AUGUSTUS RESTORED BY TITUS; Rome, 80-1 AD, As, 6.01g. RIC-464 (R). Obv: DIVVS AV[G]VSTVS PATER Head radiate l. Rx: IMP T VESP AVG - REST S - C Eagle standing slightly r. on globe, wings spread, head l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection, formerly Hohenkubin Collection, with his handwritten ticket. VG / VF..............................................................................400 Titus Restoration 130. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS; Died 9 BC, Rome, Restored by Titus, 80-81 SD, Sestertius, 24.20g. RIC-416 (R), pl. 110 (same dies); C-10 (Dupré, 100 Fr.). Obv: NERO CLAVDIVS DR[VSV]S GERMANICVS IMP Bare head l. Rx: IM[P T CAES DIVI VESP F] AVG P M TR P P P COS VII[I] around, [R]EST / S C in field. Ex Collection Curtis L. Clay; ex J. Schulman 254, Nov. 1971, Dutch Royal Collection, lot 4434 (part); previously in the Dutch Royal Collection-2246, listed as spec. 1 in Komnick, Restitutionsmünzen, p. 202. Rare: Komnick records only 10 specimens, from one obverse and two reverse dies. Edges of coin are somewhat flattened. Fine....................................................................................550 131. LIVIA RESTORATION; 80-81 AD, Dupondius, 12.35g. RIC-409 (R3), pl.110 (this coin). Obv: SALVS - AVGVSTA Draped bust of Livia r. Rx: Legend of Titus ending RESTITVIT, in double circle around large S C. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. An unknown restored type for Livia until the publication of this specimen in the revised RIC II/1 of 2007. Extremely rare. Bold Good Fine...2000 132. DRUSUS CAESAR RESTORED BY TITUS; Uncertain Thracian Mint, 8081 AD, As, 8.98g. RIC-415 (R2). Obv: DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N Head bare l. Rx: IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M / TR P P P COS VIII RESTITVIT in two circles around large S C. VG............................................300 133. CLAUDIUS I, RESTORED BY TITUS; Rome, 79-81 AD, As, 11.06g. RIC482 (R2), pl. 114 (same dies). Obv: TI CL CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP [P P] Head of Claudius bare r. Rx: IMP TITVS - VESP REST S - C Constantia standing l., raising r. hand and holding spear in l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. gF......500 134. CLAUDIUS I, RESTORED BY TITUS; 79-81 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 79-81 AD, As, 9.49g. RIC-489 (R). Obv: [TI CLAV]DIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P Head of Claudius bare l. Rx: IMP T VESP - AVG REST on l. and r., S - C across field, Minerva fighting r. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scratches on face. Good.....................................................................................................200 Galba Restoration 135. GALBA RESTORED BY TITUS; 68-69 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 80-81 AD, As, 10.60g. RIC-496 (R2). Obv: [SER GALB]A IMP - CAES AVG TR P Head laureate r. Rx: IMP T VESP - AVG REST on l. and r., S - C across field, Libertas standing l. holding cap and transverse scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Galba’s five types of restored middle bronzes are considerably rarer than his restored sestertii. Bold Fine.................................................................775 Galba Restoration 136. GALBA RESTORED BY TITUS; 68-69 AD, Uncertain Thracian Mint, 8081 AD, As, 9.62g. RIC-496 (R2). Obv: SER GALBA IMP - CAES AVG TR P Head laureate r. Rx: IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG REST around large S C. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Galba’s five types of restored middle bronzes are considerably rarer than his restored sestertii. Surface porosity on obverse. Fine.... ............................................................................................................................375 137. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, Sestertius, 25.48g. RIC-288 (C), Paris-236, BMC-230 note, C-343 (4 Fr.). Obv: CA[ES D]IVI AVG VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: PAX - AVGVST S - C Pax standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; with Seaby’s ticket from mid-1960s handwritten by David Sear. Bold Fine............400 138. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 18.64g. RIC-331 (R2). Obv: CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII Head laureate l. Rx: S - C across field, Minerva fighting r. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Porous surfaces. aVF......................................................................................................350 Extremely Rare 139. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, Sestertius, 24.86g. RIC-276 (R2), pl. 141 (this coin). Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIAN AVG GERM COS XI Bust laureate r., aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: PACI - AVGVST around, S C in exergue, Pax standing l. applying torch to pile of arms. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Excellent smooth surfaces. VF......................................................1500 140. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, Sestertius, 25.98g. RIC-350 (R2), pl. 144 (same rev. die). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM - COS XI CENS POT P P (or CENS PER P P) Bust laureate r., with aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: ANNONA - AVGVSTI on l. and r., S C in exergue, Annona standing r. holding cornucopia, facing Ceres seated l. holding wheat ears and torch; in the background, modius on altar and large prow. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. River patination. gF.....................................................................................................625 Extremely Rare 141. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, Sestertius, 25.06g. RIC-403 (R2), cf. C-502 (30 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XI CENS PER P P Bust laureate r., aegis with Medusa head and snakes on shoulders. Rx: S - C Domitian, togate, standing r., clasping hands over altar with officer standing l. who is accompanied by three other soldiers. “This type has sometimes been interpreted as commemorating the return to Rome of the celebrated general Gnaeus Julius Agricola, whose remarkable achievements as governor of Britain spanned the reigns of all three Flavian emperors” (Sear, p. 500). Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex NAC, Friedrich Collection of Roman sestertii, April 1995, lot 1171. Reverse porosity, as well as some on obverse, from immersion in the Tiber River. aVF...... ............................................................................................................................800







































Exquisite Germanica Capta 142. DOMITIAN WITH LEGEND ERROR; 81-96 AD, Rome, 86 AD, Sestertius, 25.43g. Cf. RIC-463 (without the error). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII CENS PER P P) Bust laureate r., with aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: GERMANIA - CAPTA on l. and r., C S in exergue (mistake for S C), German captive standing r., head l., beside trophy, l. leg bent, hexagonal shield and helmet below; to l. of trophy mourning German woman seated l. on crossed hexagonal shields. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. This is an utterly wonderful coin struck in high-relief, and perfectly centered. An exquisite example of this rare and desirable type. Toned river patination; the best Domitian in this collection. EF..... ..........................................................................................................................5000 143. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 86 AD, Sestertius, 22.79g. Cf. RIC-474 (C). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII CENS PER P P Bust laureate r., aegis with Medusa head and snakes on shoulders. Rx: S - C in exergue, Domitian in military dress standing l., holding [thunderbolt] and spear, crowned by Victory standing r. behind him, head l., weight on l. rather than r. leg. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex CNG E180, 23 Jan. 2008, 209. The Victory in this type can be shown standing in three different poses, which are not however distinguished from one another in the revised RIC or the earlier standard references. Toned river patina. aEF / gF........................................................................................1750 Child Procession 144. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 88-9 AD, Sestertius, 24.21g. RIC-615 (C), BM-426, C-79 (80 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII CENS PER P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS XIIII - LVD SAEC FEC around, S C in exergue, Domitian and a second togate figure standing r., before them three children in procession r., holding up branches. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Extremely rare coin, some 19th-century smoothing. gVF.................................800 Second Recorded 145. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 88-9 AD, Sestertius, 26.29g. RIC-606, pl. 152, BM-419, pl. 78.3, Paris-457, pl. CXIII, C-82 (50 Fr.). Obv: IMP C[AES DOMIT AVG GE]RM - P M [TR P VIII CENS PER P P] Head laureate l. Rx: [COS XIIII - LVD SAEC A POP] on l. and r., S C in exergue, Domitian seated r. on platform inscribed [FRVG - AC], extending his r. hand towards two citizens who approach the platform and pour out sacks of fruits at the emperor’s feet; in background, front and side of temple, mainly lost in corrosion. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Very rare Saecular Games sestertius with portrait left and obverse legend counterclockwise; apparently not in RIC. A very fine specimen from the same dies was shown in the internet from the Simoneschi Collection, Palazzo Blu, Pisa; ours may be only the second specimen recorded. Fair.............................525 Extremely Rare 146. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 95-6 AD, Sestertius, 25.11g. Paris-508, pl. CXVI (same dies); C-516 (80 Fr.). Obv: [IMP CAES DOMIT AVG] GERM - COS [XVII CENS PER P P] Head laureate r. Rx: S C in exergue, Domitian standing l. in military dress and holding a spear, between Victory who crowns him from behind and also holds [palm], and Minerva who stands r. turned towards the emperor and holding a spear. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Lanz, eBay, 14 May 2012. The authenticity of the hitherto unique Paris specimen of this sestertius has sometimes been doubted, for example by RIC, p. 324, note 91, because of the rarity of the type, because it merely adds a figure of Minerva to Domitian’s common earlier sestertius type of Victory crowning the emperor, and finally because of signs of tooling, especially of the leaves of Domitian’s laurel wreath on the obverse. However, our new heavily worn specimen of this sestertius is clearly ancient, official, and not remade, and it is from the same dies as the Paris coin, so vindicates that coin’s authenticity. Fair............................500 147. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Dupondius, 12.78g. RIC-278 (R2, our coin cited). Obv: CAESAR DIVI AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VII Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: CERES - AVGVS - T Ceres standing l. holding wheat ears and long torch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Artemide Kunstauktionen 23, pt. 1, 4 June 2022, 512; ex Mazzini Coll. d.31. Some scratches on obverse and reverse fields. VF............................................400 148. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 11.15g. RIC-321 (C). Obv: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: AEQVITAS - AVGVST on l. and r., S - C across field, Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. aEF.........................600 149. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 8.82g. RIC-321 (C). Obv: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: AE - QVITAS - AVGVST S - C Aequitas standing l. holding scales and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; earlier in the Hohenkubin collection of Roman middle bronzes, with the collector’s old handwritten ticket. EF..........385 150. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, As, 10.49g. Bust var. of RIC-325 corr. Obv: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGVST on l. and r., S C across field, Victory advancing r. holding wreath and palm over shoulder. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. The S C on the reverse of this coin are very small. gF. ............................................................................................................................350 151. DOMITIAN AS CAESAR; 70-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Dupondius, 13.50g. RIC-333. Obv: CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII Head laureate r. Rx: CERES - AVGVSTA on l. and r., S - C across field, Ceres standing l. holding two wheat ears and long lighted torch. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare with AVGVSTA rather than AVGVSTI or AVGVST in the reverse legend. The same AVGVSTA reverse die was also used for a COS VIII dupondius of Titus, RIC 191 (R2), pl. 98. gVF...............................................................................................485

152. OVERWEIGHT DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 82 AD, Overweight Dupondius, 22.76g. RIC-108 (C2), BM-278, Paris-288. Obv: IMP CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIAN AVG P M Head radiate or laureate r. Rx: TR P COS VIII DES VIIII P P S - C Minerva standing l. holding thunderbolt and spear, shield on ground behind her. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. This coin weighs almost twice as much as a normal Flavian dupondius or As. VG..........................................385 153. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, Dupondius, 12.03g. RIC-290 (C). Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIAN AVG GERM COS X[I] Head radiate r. Rx: FORTVNAE - AVGVSTI S - C Fortuna standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Malloy, 15 March 1975, 716. aEF / EF.............................800 154. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, Dupondius, 12.28g. RIC-300 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIAN AVG GERM COS XI Bust radiate r., with aegis on front shoulder. Rx: VIRTVT[I] - AVGVSTI on l. and r., S - C across field, Virtus standing r., placing l. foot on helmet and holding spear and parazonium. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Toned river patina. VF........................................................485 155. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 95-6 AD, Dupondius, 14.56g. RIC-803 (R), C-466 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVII CENS PER P P Head radiate r. Rx: S - C across field, Victory flying l., alighting on globe, holding wreath and trophy. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; ex Lanz Graz 10, Dec. 1977, 432; earlier in the Hohenkubin collection of Roman middle bronzes, with the collector’s old handwritten ticket. Scarce and attractive reverse type without legend around edge, struck only in Domitian’s final issue of bronze coins (COS XVII). VF..........................................................................................................400 Overstruck reverse, Virtus over Fortuna 156. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 95-6 AD, Dupondius, 13.15g. RIC-804 over 801. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVII CENS PER P P around, Head radiate r. Rx overtype: Virtus standing r., [VIRT]VTI - AVGVSTI on l. and r. Rx undertype: Fortuna’s rudder and FOR. .to l. of Virtus’ feet. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Scratch on reverse going through neck of Virtus, otherwise. VF....350 157. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 84 AD, As, 11.18g. RIC-229 (C). Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIAN - AVG GERM COS X Head laureate r., fold of aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: S - C across field, Victory advancing r. holding legionary eagle over shoulder with both hands. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. VF.......................................................................................................................225 158. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, As, 9.44g. RIC-377 (C). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XI CENS POT P P Bust laureate r., aegis with Medusa head on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: ANNONA - AVG around, S C in exergue, Annona seated r. with a small figure standing l. before her; she and the small figure stretch out part of her cloak between them, which is full of wheat ears; each of them has grasped a tuck of the cloak on its upper edge, in order to hold it more firmly; in background, stern of grain ship l. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; earlier in the Hohenkubin collection of Roman middle bronzes, with the collector’s old handwritten ticket. VF.........................................................450 159. DOMITIAN WITH TWO OVERSTRUCK REVERSE TYPES; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, As, 11.26g. Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM - COS XI CENS PER P P Bust of Domitian laureate r., aegis with Medusa head on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx overtype: S - C across field, Mars advancing l. holding Victory and trophy. Rx undertype: mostly destroyed by the overstrike; all that remains is the second word of the legend, AVGVSTI, deriving from such an original legend as [FORTVNAE] AVGVSTI, [MONETA] AVGVSTI, or [VIRTVTI] AVGVSTI. As first recognized by Colin Kraay in 1974, such errors must reflect a system of applying two different reverse dies alternately and rapidly at the same anvil die, the overstrikes occurring when a completed coin was not removed quickly enough from the obverse die, so was mistakenly struck a second time with the other reverse die. gVF.................................................................750 160. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, 86 AD, As, 10.12g. RIC-486 (C2). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM - COS XII CENS PER P P Bust laureate r., fold of aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: FIDEI - PVBLICAE S - C Fides standing r. holding two wheat ears and poppy and plate of fruit. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection; earlier in the Hohenkubin collection of Roman middle bronzes, with the collector’s old handwritten ticket. VF.........................................................400 161. DOMITIAN, ERROR GEM FOR GERM; 81-96 AD, Rome, 86 AD, As, 11.14g. RIC-489 (R2). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GEM (sic) - COS XII CENS PER P P on l. and r., Bust laureate r., fold of aegis on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: IOVI - CONSERV on l. and r., S - C across field, Jupiter standing l. holding thunderbolt and scepter. Ex Curtis L. Clay Collection. Rare short reverse legend IOVI CONSERV in this issue; three specimens with error GEM for GERM on obverse noted in RIC footnote 47. VF.............................685 END OF CLAY COLLECTION GOLD 162. IONIA, SAMOS; c. 600-525 AD, EL Hemihekte, 1.38g. HGC-1170, SNG Kayhan-629. Obv: Irregular markings. Rx: Incuse square with irregular interior. Ex Naumann 57, September 2017, lot 258. EF...............................................2000 Croesus 163. LYDIA, CROESUS, 1/12 HEAVY GOLD STATER; 565-546 BC, 1/12 Heavy Gold Stater, 0.86g. Berk-13. Obv: Confronted foreparts of a roaring lion and a bull. Rx: Incuse punch. Extremely rare. EF...........................................4500 Under Cassander 164. MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; Pella, c. 323-317 BC, under Cassander as Regent, Stater, 8.56g. Le Rider-555a, p. 187 and pl. 71, this coin. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠΠοΥ in exergue, Charioteer driving biga r.; below horses,

thunderbolt and Σ. Ex CNG 88, 14 September 2011, lot 174 Ex LHS 103, 5 May 2009, lot 71 Ex Leu 13, 29 April 1975, lot 114 Ex Leu/MMAG, 3-4 December 1964, Niggeler I, lot 228. Magnificent stater. MS................................................................................... 11000 Shapur I 165. SASSANIAN KINGDOM, SHAPUR I; 260-272 AD. Mint I (Ctesiphon), Dinar, 7.29g. Göbl-I/1, Sunrise-739-740 var. Obv: Draped bust to right, wearing diadem and mural crown surmounted by korymbos. Rx: Fire altar flanked by two regal attendants each wearing mural crown with ribbons and korymbos and holding staff; frawahr on altar shaft. EF..........................................................4000 166. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 125-8 AD, 7.28g, Aureus, BM-448, C-422 (40 Fr.), RIC-193 (d). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Bust laureate r., fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: COS above, III in exergue, She-wolf suckling twins l.; the wolf raises her r. foreleg off the ground. Ex HJB 171st Buy or Bid Sale, October 2010, lot 26. Extremely desirable type. Slightly wavy flan, because the coin was struck with a warped die on the reverse. About EF..........................7850 167. THEOPHILUS; Constantinople, 830-840 AD, Solidus, 4.30g. Berk-250, DO3d. Obv: Star before ΘEOFI LOS bASILEΘ, bust facing with short beard wearing crown and chlamys and holding patriarchal cross and akakia Rv: +MIXAHL S CONSTANTIN’, facing busts of Michael II, the emperor’s father, on left, with short beard, and Constantine, his son, on right, each wearing crown and chlamys with a cross between them. EF..........................................775 Rare Romanus II 168. ROMANUS II; Constantinople, 959-963 AD, Solidus, 4.37g. Obv: Facing Bust of Christ. Rx: Facing busts of Constantine VII and Romanus II, patriarchal cross between. The issue is recognized because of its repunched legend as coinage from the beginning of the reign of Romanus II. The Christ portraits on the obverse are from very similar dies, certainly by the engraver who produced the excessively rare portraits of Romanus II alone. This gives collectors an opportunity to obtain an issue of Romanus II which was hitherto probably beyond their budgets. See F. Füeg, “Dealing with Chance and Probability in Numismatic Research”. MS........ ..........................................................................................................................1600 169. JOHN II; Constantinople, 1118 - 1143 AD, EL EL Aspron Trachy, 4.30g. Sear1941, BMC-49-50. Obv: IC - XC Christ seated facing on throne without back, wearing pallium and colobium, raising right hand in benediction and holding Gospels in left. Rv: Iω / ΔEC / ΠO / TH - EΓ / ωP / ΓI; John and St George, facing, holding patriarchal cross between with globus at base. aEF.............................400 170. CENTRAL ASIA. ALCHON HUNS. KING KHINGILA; c. 440-490 AD. Pale gold dinar, 7.11g, Gandhara mint. Obv: Khingila standing l., sacrificing at altar and holding scepter; filleted trident to l., tamgha to r., Bactrian inscription around. Rx: Siva facing, holding diadem and trident; behind, the bull Nandi standing l. Alram-29; Göbl, Dokumente, Em.-85; Vondrovec-85c. Struck from worn dies. MS....................................................................................................875 GREEK SLVER 171. CELTIC HUNGARIAN ISSUE; 100 BC, Obol, 0.80g. Obv: Blank. Rv: Geometric type with ringed pellet. EF..............................................................150 Magnificent Obverse Die 172. CAMPANIA, NEAPOLIS; 395-385 BC, Didrachm, 7.46g. SNG ANS-294. Obv: Portrait of Pathenope. Rx: Man-headed bull advancing surmounted by flying Nike, NEOΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ in exergue. Ex CNG 72, 14 June 14 2006, lot 58 Ex NAC 134, 21 Nov 2022, lot 158, brought $48,350 same dies NAC stated “A portrait of Parthenope of great beauty, the work of a very skilled master-engraver, undoubtedly one of the finest of the entire series.”. This coin is extremely rare, and of magnificent quality. An earlier coin of the same dies in NAC, with a much less well-centered reverse, brought over $48,000. A real treasure! Beautifully centered reverse. Toned EF..............................................................................5000 173. CAMPANIA, PHISTELIA; 380-350 BC, Obol, 0.60g. HN Italy-613, SNG ANS-567-578, SNG Paris-1117-1128. Obv: bust of male head three quarter face to right. Rx: Oscan legend, barley corn between mussel shell and dolphin. Ex CNG, August 2001, lot 63683. Toned EF.........................................................250 Magnificent 174. CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 325-280 BC, Diobol, 1.23g. Vlasto-1383. Obv: Head of Athena wearing helmet decorated with Skylla. Rx: Heracles strangling Nemean lion, club to left. Ex HJB Buy or Bid 150, May 2011, lot 81. While this issue is quite common, we have never seen an example this wonderful, especially where Hercules is strangling the Nemean lion. FDC.......................................1550 175. CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-280 BC, Stater, 7.84g. Vlasto-679, SNG ANS-1057, HN Italy-963. Obv: Nike standing r, restraining prancing horse l.; rider holds shield. Rx: Taras, holding shield, riding dolphin l. over waves. Ex NAC 51, 5 March 2009, lot 495. Unusual obverse, showing Nike restraining a prancing horse. MS..........................................................................................1750 176. CALABRIA, TARENTUM; 272-240 BC, 6.35g. Vlasto-837 (same dies). Obv: Nude youth riding horse walking to left, raising his right hand to crown the horse’s head; above, ΣΥ; below, ΛYKI/NOΣ. Rx: Youthful oikist, nude, riding dolphin to left, preparing to throw trident; to right, owl standing left, head facing. Ex Huston Sale 152, Lot 3. VF.........................................................................500 177. CALABRIA, TARAS; 4th cent. BC, Obol, 0.40g. Sear-358, Vlasto-1697-1714. Obv: Horse’s head right. Rx: Horse’s head right. Normally, a coin of this size is not found in such good quality, despite being struck on an irregular flan. EF...250

Ex Jameson 178. LUCANIA, HERACLEA; c. 390-340 BC, Stater, 7.70g. Jameson-241 (this coin), SNG ANS-57, HN Italy-1376. Obv: Head of Athena r., wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla. Rx: Herakles r., wrestling lion, bow and club in l. field. Purchased from Spink in June 2006. Ex Jameson Collection lot 241. This coin is from one of the most distinguished collections ever compiled. The Jameson Collection has been published, and includes some of the best coins ever struck. This coin is a wonderful example of the quality to be found therein; perfectly centered, and in excellent condition. EF...........................................3250 Mouse Reverse 179. LUCANIA, LUCANI; 335-330 BC, Nomos, 7.84g. SNG Cop-1218, Pozzi-197, Historia Numorum Italy-1570. Obv: Veiled head of Demeter r., wearing wreath of grain, earrings and necklace. Rx: META, barley ear; on leaf at l., mouse, below, Φ. This an extremely beautiful example of this much-sought-after issue. EF.1500 180. LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 330-290 BC, Stater, 7.89g. Johnston, Metapontum-Class 7, 7.8 (same dies), HN Italy-1590. Obv: Wreathed head of Demeter l., wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace. Rx: 7-grain barley ear, Artemis carrying torch above leaf to l. Ex CNG 76, 12 September 2007, lot 71. aEF / EF...........................................................................................................1650 181. LUCANIA, THURIUM; c. 400-350 BC, Stater, 15.37g. Noe-F30, SNG ANS969, HN Italy-1805. Obv: Head of Athena r., wearing crested helmet decorated with Skylla. Rx: ΘOYPIΩN Bull butting r., in exergue, fish r. Ex Spink, December 2006, lot 8824. This coin is perfectly centered, unlike most others of this issue. Small hair line but stable crack. Toned aEF.....................................................2500 182. LUCANIA, VELIA; 530-460 BC, Drachm, 3.95g. Williams-29, HN Italy-1259, SNG ANS-1205. Obv: Forepart of lion r., devouring prey. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Ex Stacks, 21 February 2007, lot 16. Toned EF.................................2250 Extremely Rare 183. LUCANIA, VELIA; c. 400-365 BC, Stater, 7.59g. Williams-214, SNG Ashmolean-1091, SNG Cop-1525 (same dies), HN Italy-1275. Obv: Lion walking r., retrograde B above. Rx: Head of nymph r., wearing beaded taenia and pearl necklace. Purchased from Ed Waddell in April 2007. Ex Lanz 123, 30 May 2005, lot 45. Whereas many of the coins of Velia in Williams’ book show as many as 50 or more dies per type, this type was struck from only 9 dies. Toned VF....... ..........................................................................................................................3500 184. LUCANIA, VELIA; 350/40-320/10 BC, Stater, 7.42g. Williams-327. Obv: Head of Athena l., signed with Kleudorus monogram behind neck. Rx: Lion standing l., devouring prey; A above, Kleudorus monogram between legs. Ex Waddell Online Auction 105, 18 November 2006, lot 2. aEF / EF.................2150 Signed by Kleadorus 185. LUCANIA, VELIA; c. 350-325 BC, Didrachm, 7.52g. Williams-334. Obv: Three-quarter facing bust of Athena wearing Phrygian helmet, signed on helmet by artist “Kleadorus”. Rx: Lion devouring prey. Ex HJB BBS 153, May 2011, lot 153. Highly desirable. Reverse has some porosity. Damage on right obverse field, but exquisite face of Athena and clear signature of artist. This is the most wonderful type of Velia, and the artist’s signature, which is frequently worn, is very legible in this instance. EF / VF...............................................................3000 186. LUCANIA, VELIA; 350/40-320/10 BC, Stater, 7.30g. Williams-384, 4. Obv: Athena head left wearing crested Attic style helmet, “EK” monogram behind neck guard, helmet decorated with sphinx. Rx: Lion tearing at downed prey left, “Phi” below lion. gVF.................................................................................................600 187. LUCANIA, VELIA; 305-290 BC, Didrachm, 7.51g. Williams-489, 10, Grosepl. 46.13 (rev. same die). Obv: Head of Athena r. Rx: Lion walking r., grain-ear above. Ex HJB Buy or Bid 149, May 2011, lot 73. Toned EF........................1750 Remarkable Terina 188. BRUTTIUM, TERINA; 440-425 BC, Stater, 7.71g. Holloway-Jenkins-22 (same dies), HN Italy-2579, SNG Lloyd-729 (same dies). Obv: Head of Nymph l. Rx: Nike seated l. on stool, holding wreath and caduceus. Ex CNG 75, 23 May 2007, lot 51. This is one of the earliest dies of Terina showing the nymph. This die was never duplicated, and is only represented by five recorded examples, whereas most other Terina issues have many more dies. Artistically exquisite and powerful, this coin is a treasure of this wonderful issue, with artistic superiority throughout. Dark toning. gEF..........................................................................7500 Superb Example 189. BRUTTIUM, TERINA; c. 300 BC, Drachm, 2.22g. HN Italy-2642, HollowayJenkins-112. Obv: Head of nymph Terina l., triskeles behind neck. Rx: Nike seated l. on square cippus, bird perched on her extended r. hand, TE monogram in l. field. This die is taken from the Euainetos decadrachm, and is in rare, good condition for this small drachm, which normally comes flatly struck and corroded. Toned EF..........................................................................................................1750 190. SICILY, AKRAGAS; 510-470 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.36g. Westermark-Period II, 367. Obv: Sea eagle standing left. Rx: Crab within incuse circle. gVF.....1500 191. SICILY, AKRAGAS; 510-470 BC, Period 1. Didrachm, 8.877g, Jenkins-1b, ANS SNG-915 (same dies), Westermark-42 (O21/R20). Obv: Eagle with closed wings standing l. Rx: Crab. Ex HJB Fixed Price, January 2008, cc49925. Planchet defect on reverse. MS.......................................................................................4750 192. SICILY, AKRAGAS; 488/5-480/78, Didrachm, 8.50g. SNG Fitzwilliam-905, Dewing-552, SNG ANS-940. Obv: AKPA; Eagle standing left. Rx: Crab, edge of circular die visible around. VF / EF..................................................................650 Most Important Type 193. SICILY, AKRAGAS; 420-410 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.97g. Westermark-536. Obv: Eagle standing left tearing at hare. Rx: Crab, fish below. Ex CNG Sale 63, May













168 169










181 179


183 182




2003, lot 79. This hemidrachm is a small coin of Akragas’s most important issue. Some of the tetradrachms bring well over $100,000. This magnificent little coin is in perfect condition, which is very rare for the type. Darkly toned, perfectly centered. Near MS............................................................................................3000 194. SICILY, MESSANA; 480-461 BC, Litra, 0.70g. Sear-845. Obv: Bounding hare right. Rx: MES (retrograde) within olive-wreath. Ex Olympus Coins. VF......150 195. SICILY, MESSANA; 460-426 BC, Period II, Tetradrachm, 17.35g. Obv: chariot pulled by mules, crowned by Victory, slowly moving to the right; in exergue a bay leaf. Rx: Hare running to the right; under the belly, an olive branch. VF.......1650 Rare Type 196. SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 480-475 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Boehringer-224 (V100/R152), Dewing-734. Obv: Charioteer driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying right to crown horses. Rx: ΣVPA-KOΣ-IO-N Head of Arethusa right, wearing pearl necklace and pearl diadem, beaded hair tied in queue at back of neck, four dolphins. Ex. HJB BBS 162, January 2009, lot 60. gEF / gVF.....4750 197. SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 485-479 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.34g. Boehringer-314 (V152/R220). Obv: Charioteer driving biga trotting to right, the charioteer is hunched over with whip in his hand, Nike flying over head; exergual line; dotted border. Rx: Head of Arethusa facing right with four dolphins swimming around her head. She wears her hair up and wears an earring and necklace. ΣVP/AKO/ ΣI/ON (retrograde) around her head. Die break on cheek with flan break below x. Planchet break on face over die flaw, otherwise. Near MS..............................3000 198. SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 455 BC, Tetrobol, 0.21g. Cammarata pl. I, 7a (this coin). Obv: Head of Arethusa r. Rx: Octopus. Ex Moretti Collection; ex HJB Buy or Bid 150, May 2011, lot 123. Charming little coin. Beautifully toned and extremely well struck. Excellent pedigree. VF / EF........................................1300 199. SICILY, SICULO-PUNIC; 350-330 BC, Tetradrachm, 18.37g. Jenkins-193c. Cf. SNG-6434. Obv: Female head left wreathed with wheat, four dolphins around. Rx: Head and neck of horse left, border around. Ex Davissons 27, September 2008, lot 31. Fresh surfaces; lightly toned; excellent style with magnificent horse’s head. EF...............................................................................................4000 200. PANGAEAN DISTRICT, EION; Eion, Macedonia, 5th cent. BC, Trihemiobol, 0.87g. Sear-1295. Obv: Goose standing r., head reverted; to left below, H; above, lizard. Rx: Four-part incuse square. gVF..........................................................300 201. MACEDONIA, PERDICCAS II; 451-413 BC. Tetrobol, 1.98g. HGC-785. Obv: Horse stepping r. Rx: Crested helmet right in double linear square within shallow incuse square. VF.................................................................................200 202. MACEDON. AKANTHOS; 424-380 BC, Tetrobol, 2.17g. HGC-392. Obv: Forepart of bull left, head reverted, A above. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square with granulated recesses. Ex CNG 51, lot 54015. gVF....................................325 203. MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; 359-336 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.66g. Le Rider-PL 46 #5. Obv: Laureate bust of Zeus right. Rv: Youth on horseback with ear of wheat below. small test-cut in horse’s chest; otherwise, fine style and lifetime issue of Philip. gVF.........................................................................................................850 Demetrius Poliorcetes 204. MACEDONIA, DEMETRIUS POLIORCETES IN ALEXANDER’S NAME; 306-290 BC, using name and types of Alexander III, Corinth, c. 310-290 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.15g. Price-694. Obv: Head of young Herakles r. wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: [BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ] - AΛEΞANΔP[oY] Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, throne uprights topped by small figures of Nike, in l. field Athena standing front holding spear and shield, under throne letters OΛ within wreath. Extremely beautiful artistically and important historically. Mint State...... ..........................................................................................................................1550 Magnificent Berge 205. EMATHIAN DISTRICT, LETE; 525-480 BC, Stater, 10.00g. SNG ANS953. Obv: Satyr grasping hand of fleeing nymph. Rx: Diagonally divided incuse square. This coin has recently been re-attributed to this Berge, rather than Lete, as previously thought. These are frequently rather off-center; this example has excellent centering for issue. Struck in high relief. Toned EF.........................8500 206. THRACE, ABDERA; 500-480 BC, Obol, 0.21g. SNG Cop-312, Rosen-131. Obv: Griffin seated right, front paw raised. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Fine.......................................................................................................................50 207. THRACE, ABDERA; 365/360-350/45 BC, Drachm, 2.45g. May-540. Obv: ABΔHPI Griffin, left, raising front paw. Rx: EΠI EKATΩNIYMOY Laureate head of Apollo, within linear square. aVF........................................................150 208. THRACE, THASOS; 411-350 BC, Trihemiobol, 0.83g. SNG Cop-1029-1030. Obv: Satyr kneeling to left holding kantharos. Rx: Amphora. VF....................175 209. THRACE, CHERRONESOS; c. 400-350 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.21g. BM-14. Obv: Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Rx: Quadipartite incuse square with alternate depressions deeper, in the two deeper depressions wreath and pellet. Ex HJB September 2019. gVF.........................................................150 210. THRACE, MARONEIA; 377-365 BC, Triobol, 2.76g. SNG Cop-617. Obv: Forepart of horse prancing left. Rx: Grape bunch hanging from branch; M-A across lower fields; ivy leaf in lower right field; all within dotted border within shallow incuse square. aEF...............................................................................200 211. THRACE, SARATOCUS; 5th-4th cent. BC, Trihemiobol, 0.87g. Topalov-69, Traité IV-Pl.CCCXXX, 18, Historia Numorum-p. 283. Obv: Bare head of Saratokos r. Rx: Grape bunch on vine, Σ-A at sides; all within incuse square. Obverse off center. aEF......................................................................................150 212. MYDONES OR KRESTONES; 485- 470 BC, Diobol, 1.08g. Lorber-, Goats - 15; SNG ANS-60. Obv: Goat kneeling right, head reverted. Rx: Quadripartile incuse square. VF..............................................................................................500

213. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 323-281 BC; Magnesia, c. 297/6-282/1 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.87g. Thompson-115. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander III r. with horn of Ammon. Rx: Athena seated l.; race-torch with fillets outer l., monogram inner l. Ex HJB 172, December 2010, lot 73. VF...........................750 Exceptional Lifetime Issue 214. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS,323-281 BC; Lifetime issue, Pella, 286/5-282/1 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Thompson-250. Obv: Head of Alexander the Great with horn of Ammon r. Rx: Athena enthroned l., l. arm rests on oval shield; on her extended r. hand, a small Nike crowning king’s name, monogram in wreath in inner l. field, AP monogram in exergue. This coin was obviously struck in the lifetime of Lysimachus. It is in high relief, with wonderful detail. MS...........5000 215. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Chalcedon, Tetradrachm, 16.66g. Cf. Sear-6814. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great r., wearing horn of Ammon. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXOY Athena enthroned l., resting l. arm on shield and holding Nike who crowns king’s name; transverse spear behind her visible before her legs and to r. of her head; wheat ear in exergue. VF............485 Exceptional Quality 216. THRACE, LYSIMACHUS, 323-281 BC; Ephesus, c. 294-287 BC, Drachm, 4.28g. Thompson-174. Obv: Head of Alexander the Great r., with horn of Ammon. Rx: Athena enthroned l., l. arm rests on oval shield; on her extended r. hand, a small Nike crowning king’s name; A under throne. This is a lifetime issue struck under Lysimachus. They almost never come in this condition. Virtually MS......... ..........................................................................................................................1400 217. MOESIA, ISTRUS; 313-280 BC, Drachm, 6.06g. SNG BM-253. Obv: Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rx: IΣTPIH Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below dolphin, monogram of ΔΙ. Reverse offcenter. VF...........................................................................................................275 218. THESSALY, LARISSA; c. 440-400 BC, Drachm, 5.92g. BCD-369.1 (same dies), Hermann Group IIG, pl. III, 5; SNG Cop-107; SNG Ashmolean-3861. Obv: Nude youth, trailing petasos and cloak, wrestling bull right. Rx: Horse running right, trailing reins; ΛAPI-ΣAIA around; all within incuse square. From the Paul H. Gerrie Collection. Ex Triton XII, January 2009, lot 216. This coin rarely comes this well-centered, and BCD coins brought over $4000. Toned EF.................3000 Crouching Horse 219. THESSALY, LARISSA; 350-320 BC, Drachm, 6.00g. Obv: Nymph, 2/4 left. Rv: Horse crouching preparing to roll, plant below, ΛAPIΣ above, AIΩN below. This is a rare type, with a crouching horse preparing to roll over, with a plant below. aEF..........................................................................................................900 Exquisite Quality 220. ILLYRIA, DYRRHACHIUM; 340-280 BC, Stater, 11.10g. SNG Cop-423 var. (orientation of legend), SNG-1735 var. (same), BMC-5 var. (club right). Obv: Cow standing right, head left, suckling calf. Rx: Double stellate pattern in linear square; Δ-Y-P (P retrograde) around, club left below all within linear circle. From the Paul H. Gerrie Collection. Ex. Triton XII, January 2009, Lot 213. Ex. Moss Berg Collection. This is wonderful example of this highly desirable type that rarely, if ever, comes in this quality. Probably no better examples exist, though others are very close in quality. Toned EF.......................................................2750 221. BOEOTIA, THEBES; 395-387 BC, Stater, 12.10g. BCD-20. Obv: Boeotian shield. Rv: BO-IΩ across field, Krater surmounted by grape bunch within incuse concave circle. VF.............................................................................................800 222. MYSIA, PARION; 4th cent. BC, Hemidrachm, 2.40g. BMC-28. Obv: Facing Gorgon. Rx: ΠA-PI Cow standing left, head turned right; laurel branch below. aEF.....................................................................................................................225 223. EUBOIA, EUBOIAN LEAGUE; 304-290 BC, Drachm, 3.30g. Wallace-74 (dies XXVIII/47), - IGCH-167B, BCD-22. Obv: Head of nymph Euobia L. Rx: Bull’s head r., kantharos to r. Ex. HJB BBS 159, June 2008, lot 134. Ex John Twente Animal Collection; ex Wallace Collection (this coin, EL 208, based on weight). Toned EF.............................................................................................450 Persian War Issue 224. ATTICA, ATHENS; About 499-480 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.00g. Issue for Persian War. Obv: Helmeted Bust of Athena right. Rx: [A]ΘE Standing owl and olive leaf left. This coin is very well centered for issue, though struck with worn dies, evidence of how quickly tetradrachms had to be issued to finance the war. gF...... ..........................................................................................................................1900 225. ATTICΑ, ATHENS; 455 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.20g. 100 Greatest Ancient Coins 3rd Edition Athens P. 41 #8. Obv: Bust of Athena right. Rv: AΘE, owl with olive sprig above . EF...............................................................................................2450 226. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 455 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.20g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. Extremely sharply struck, beautifully toned. Virtually MS.............................2000 227. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 455 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.17g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. Beautifully toned. EF.......................................................................................2000 228. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. Toned gEF...................................................................................................................1500 229. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.21g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. Toned











206 203






















MS....................................................................................................................2000 230. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.21g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. MS....... ..........................................................................................................................1850 231. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.16g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. MS....... ..........................................................................................................................1800 232. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. MS....... ..........................................................................................................................2000 233. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.20g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. Toned MS....................................................................................................................1800 234. ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 435 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.17g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, crescent and olive twig with two leaves behind, ΑΘΕ downwards in r. field. From the Mark Gibbons Collection. MS....... ..........................................................................................................................2000 Struck in Eastern Mint 235. EASTERN MINT TYPE OF ATHENS; 425 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.20g. 100 Greatest Coins 3rd Edition Page 41, Obv: Head of Athena right, wearing earring, necklace, and crested Attic helmet ornamented with three laurel leaves and vine scroll lacking archaic Athenian beauty. Rv: AΘE owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig with two leaves and one berry, and crescent moon behind, all within incuse square. The style of this coin is certainly off, indicating it was not struck in Athens, but rather in an unidentified Eastern mint, since no-one wanted to send their coins to Athens to be struck. Though this coin follows all the examples of an Athenian coin, the artistic quality is noticeably different. MS.........................1450 236. ATTICA, ATHENS NEW STYLE; 114-113 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.74g. Thompson 674. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena. Rx: Owl standing right on amphora; Triptolemos symbol right. Purchased A.H. Baldwin 1/87. Ex HJB May 2006. Toned EF...............................................................................................1600 237. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 345-307 BC, Stater, 8.56g. Calciati-450, HGC4. Obv: Helmeted bust of Athena left, in front Δ, behind I and Zeus holding thunderbolt. Rv: Pegasus left. Obverse off-center. EF......................................750 238. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 345-307 BC, Stater, 8.02g. - Calciati p. 240, 351 var. (same reverse die). Obv: Pegasos flying r., koppa below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l., Nike, reverted EP. VF...................................................................500 239. CORINTHIA, CORINTH; 345-307 BC, Stater, 8.57g. Calciati-460. Obv: Helmeted bust of Athena left, Statuette of Hermes holding cornucopia and caduceus. Rv: Pegasus flying left. Virtually MS.............................................1250 Exquisite Hemidrachm 240. CORINTHIA, CORNITH; 350-300 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.37g. SNG Cop-7577. Obv: Pegasus flying l. Rx: Head of Aphrodite l., wearing hair in sakkos. Ex Waddell II, 1987, Lot 170. These little hemidrachms were struck quite often, and frequently with other images of Aphrodite, this being one of more beautiful. EF.. ............................................................................................................................600 241. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; c. 375-350 BC, Stater, 8.58g. Calciati-62. Obv: Pegasus flying l. Rx: Head of Athena l., traces of bunch of grapes behind. Obverse struck with worn dies. VF..................................................................................250 Human Eye Symbol 242. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 400-375 BC, Stater, 8.46g. Calciati-26/1. Obv: Pegasus flying left, ΛEV below. Rx: Helmeted bust of Athena, human eye behind. VF.......................................................................................................................600 243. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 400-330 BC, Stater, 8.31g. Calciati-36. Obv: Pegasus flying left. Rx: Helmeted bust of Athena with olive branches to left and right. Extremely rare. Only the second recorded; not known to be struck with the full, highly unique reverse pattern, used nowhere else in the entire Corinthian series. gVF / aEF..............................................................................................2250 244. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 405-345 BC, Stater, 8.87g. Calciati-135/1. Obv: Pegasus flying left. Rx: Helmeted bust of Athena, Λ and mast with yard-arm behind. Ex CNG Sale 43, September 1997, lot 372. This is a highly unusual type, with very few examples, but none ever found with mostly-complete olive leaves on the reverse. EF.............................................................................................2000 245. ACARNANIA, LEUCAS; 400-375 BC, Stater, 8.55g. Calciati-151/1. Obv: Pegasus flying left, Λ below. Rx: Helmeted bust of Athena, TI and crested Macedonian helmet. EX CNG Sale 43, September 1997, lot 373. MS..........1475 246. ACARNANIA, ARGOS AMPHILOCHICUM; 340-300 BC, Stater, 8.08g. Calciati-38, BCD-. Obv: Pegasus flying r. Rx: Head of Athena l., AM above, spear behind. Fine / VF.....................................................................................400 247. ACARNANIA. TYRRHEION; 350-250 BC, Stater, 8.58g. Calciati-10 pg 514. Obv: Pegasus flying, Θ below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena, ΘY ΛY below, earring behind. Poorly centered. EF...................................................................250 248. ACARNANIA. TYRRHEION; 350-250 BC, Stater, 8.47g. Calciati-514. Obv: Pegasus flying, Θ below. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena, ΘY ΛY below, earring behind. aVF.......................................................................................................350 249. ACARNANIA, THYRRHEIUM; c.350-330 BC, Stater, 8.34g. Calciati-21. Obv: Pegasus flying l. Rx: Helmeted head of Athena l.; Θ-Y flanking neck, shield behind. aVF.......................................................................................................400

250. ACARNANIA, METROPOLIS; c. 300-250 BC, Stater, 8.27g. Calciati-1/4 (same obv. die), BM-1, Weber-3867. Obv: Pegasus flying l., M below. Rx: Head of Athena l.; monogram and Macedonian shield behind. aVF..........................300 251. MYSIA, LAMPSACUS TRIHEMIOBOL; 500-450 BC. Trihemiobol, 0.90g. SNG Copenhagen-186. Obv: Female janiform bust. Rx: Helmeted bust of Athena within incuse square, wheel on bowl. gVF.......................................................185 252. IONIA, EPHESUS; c. 370-360 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.28g. Pixodarus-Class D, O51. Obv: Bee with straight wings, E - Φ across upper field. Rx: Forepart of stag r., looking back, palm tree behind, magistrate’s name MENEΣΠΠOΣ before. Toned aVF........................................................................................................1250 Ex Hunt 253. DYNASTS OF CARIA, HIDRIEUS; 351-344 BC, Tetradrachm, 15.20g. McClean-8521, pl. 298, 3. Cf. SNG Kayhan-880 (I lacking, but obverse die apparently from same hand), BM--, Traité--, SNG Aulock--, SNG Keckman--. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo three-quarters right, himation fastened on neck. Rx: IΔPIEΩΣ, Zeus of Labraunda standing right, holding double-bladed axe over right shoulder and vertical spear in left hand, I under right elbow. Very rare variant. Ex Gemini V, January 2009, lot 631 Ex Robert O. Elbert Collection; Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection (Sotheby’s New York, June 1991, lot 605). Obverse struck in high relief; head of Zeus flatly struck on reverse, but otherwise in good condition. EF.......................................................................................2750 254. CARIA, RHODES; c. 88-84 BC, Drachm, 2.54g. SNG Keckman-681. Obv: Radiate head of Helios r. Rx: Rose in incuse square, rosebud to r., torch to l., magistrate’s name above, Isis crown to right on bottom. Ex HJB, January 2008. Toned EF............................................................................................................275 255. CARIA, RHODES; 170-150 BC, Drachm, 2.88g. Jenkins-37. Obv: Radiate head of Helios right. Rx: P-O, rose with bud on right, magistrate’s name, symbol winged caduceus, all in shallow incuse square. aEF.........................................275 256. CARIA, IDYMA; 5th cent. BC, Hemiobol, 0.32g. SNG Kayhan-789. Obv: Dolphin l. Rx: Fig leaf in incuse square. Very rare; unpublished other than in SNG Kayhan. Ex CNG 72, 14 June 2006, lot 804. VF / EF.............................650 257. LYDIA, CROESUS; 564-546 BC, Siglos, 5.31g. Berk-23. Obv: Heads of lion and bull confronted. Rx: Two-part incuse square. VF......................................800 258. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDOS.; 385-370 BC, Stater, 10.60g. SNG Aulock-4553. Obv: Two wrestlers grappling, BA between. Rv: [E]ΣTFEΔ[II]Y[Σ], Slinger advancing right in throwing stance, clockwise triskeles before. VF.................325 259. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; 380-330 BC, Stater, 10.89g. SNG-BN 86. Obv: Two wrestlers grappling; AΣ between. Rv: Slinger in throwing stance right; triskeles to right. EF..........................................................................................600 260. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; 380-330 BC, Stater, 10.81g. SNG Aulock-4573. Obv: Two wrestlers grappling; EI between. Rv: Slinger in throwing stance to right; ΕΣΤFΕΔΙIΥ to left, triskeles above club to right; all within pelleted circle. MS....................................................................................................................1850 Forepart of Horse Above Lyre 261. PAMPHYLIA, ASPENDUS; c. 300-280 BC, Stater, 10.30g. SNG Cop-245 (var.), Boston-2101 (var.). Obv: Two wrestlers grappling; in lower middle field, ΠΟ; Rx: Slinger standing r.; in r. field, forepart of horse above cithara. Ex HJB Buy or Bid 149, May 2011, lot 169. MS.........................................................2100 262. PAMPHYLIA ASPENDUS; 370-330 BC, Stater, 10.93g. SNG Aul-4562 (same obv. die). Obv: Two wrestlers, with curled hair, between ΦK. Rv: Slinger in front of triskeles. aEF...............................................................................................1250 263. CARIA, CAUNOS; c. 490-470 BC, Stater, 11.65g. Obv: Winged female figure in kneeling-running stance r. head l. Rx: Incuse square with triangular sacred stone. gF............................................................................................................985 264. CARIA, CAUNOS; 490-470 BC, Drachm, 5.98g. Konuk, Essays in Price-20 (D15/R2). Obv: Winged female, with outstretched hands, running with head turned back; two scrolls curling up from top of head. Rx: Griffin within incuse square. gF..........................................................................................................500 265. CARIA, CAUNOS; c. 490-470 BC, Drachm, 2.96g. Konuk-21a, Troxell, ANSMN 28-14. Obv: Winged female figure in kneeling-running stance r. head l. Rx: Griffin. aVF................................................................................................600 266. CILICIA, CELENDERIS; 425-400 BC, Obol, 0.72g. SNG Aulock-5635. Obv: Pegasus forepart r. with curved wing. Rx: Goat kneeling r., looking l. aVF....200 267. CILICIA, CELENDERIS; 410-375 BC, Stater, 10.70g. SNG Paris-70, SNG Levante-26. Obv: Nude horseman, holding in r. hand whip, in l. bridle, leaping off horse to complete second half of the race on foot. Rx: Goat kneeling left, head reverted. Ex CNG Sale 49, March 1999, lot 647. VF.......................................985 268. CILICIA, CELENDERIS; c. 380-370 BC, Stater, 10.60g. Cf. SNG Aulock-5638; Leu List 19, 1984, 79 (same dies). Obv: Horseman r., riding sideways on horse. Rx: Goat kneeling r., head turned back; A in circle above. Ex HJB Buy or Bid 150, May 2011, lot 279. gVF.................................................850 269. CILICIA, TARSUS; 361-334 BC, Stater, 10.17g. S-5651. Obv Baaltars seated left, naked to waist, holding scepter in right hand on which is placed eagle standing right; in the field to the left, a bunch of grapes and an ear of wheat; under the throne, a monogram. Rv: Lion attacking a bull and devouring it; below, a wall. Ex Coloseum Coins, October 1985, Lot 78. Some porosity. gVF............500 270. CILICIA, TARSUS; 333-323 BC, Stater, 10.00g. SNG Paris BN-413. Obv: Draped bust of Athena facing slightly to left, wearing triple-crested Attic helmet and pearl necklace. Rv: Baaltars seated left on throne, M below throne, A below B. Well-centered. VF..........................................................................................400




































256 253

























271. CILICIA, TARSUS, DATAMES SATRAP; c. 369/8-361/0 BC, Stater, 9.70g. SNG Paris-291. Obv: Baaltars seated r., head facing, holding grain ear, bunch of grapes, and eagle-tipped scepter, thymiaterion to r., all within crenellated wall. Rx: Ana, nude, facing Datames, thymiaterion between, all within rectangular temple. Struck during the Satraps’ Revolt. Ex HJB 164, May 2009, lot 223. Extremely beautiful type; minor test cut on reverse edge at 1:00. Iridescent toning. MS.1750 272. PHOENICIA, ARADUS; 174-110 BC, Drachm, 4.07g. BMC-147 ff. Obv: Bee with straight wings. Rx: Stag standing before palm tree. EF............................500 273. PHOENICIA, BYBLOS AZBAAL; 350 BC, Dishekel, 13.21g. Sear-6011, BM-4 Pl. XI.12. Obv: Galley l. with three hoplites, hippocamp below. Rx: Lion attacking bull. Ex HJB Buy or Bid 156, May 2011, lot 163. Obverse struck with worn die. EF / VF.............................................................................................2000 274. SELEUCID KINGDOM. SELEUCUS I NICATOR, 312-280 BC; 311-305 BC, Stater, 15.50g. Houghton-SC-88; Newell-ESM-263 var. Obv: Baal, in cloak, shirtless, seated l., holding scepter in right hand, leaning on seat with left hand. Rx: Lion standing l., above anchor. VF............................................................650 275. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II THEOS; 261-246 BC. Seleukeia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, 16.50g. SC-587, HGC-9. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus I to right. Rx: Apollo Delphios seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow and resting left hand on grounded bow; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ to right, ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ to left, monograms to outer left and right. Exceptionally good portrait, struck in strong relief. Toned VF.......................................................................................................................450 Exquisite Tetradrachm 276. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS II, 261-246 BC; Sardes, Tetradrachm, 16.99g. SC-519, Newell-WSM-1408. Obv: Diademed head of Antiochus I r. Rx: Apollo seated l. on omphalos, wearing sandals, holding arrow and resting l. hand on grounded bow, monogram in exergue. Purchased from Freeman & Sear in June 2006. While these coins are common, and seem to have circulated rather thoroughly, to find a virtually flawless coin like this one is nearly impossible. MS.........................1450 SC-1112, Plate Coin 56 277. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS III, 223-187 BC; ΔI mint, in Southern or Eastern Syria, from 202 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.12g. SC-1112 (this coin illustrated, pl. 56). Obv: Diademed head r. Rx. Apollo seated l. on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded bow; ΔI in exergue. Purchased from HJB in June 2006. Ex NFA Fall MB 1988, lot 429. This is an exquisite coin, struck in high relief, with iridescent toning. MS.......................................................................................4150 278. SELEUCID KINGDOM, ALEXANDER I BALAS; 147/6 BC. Seleucia Pieria, Tetradrachm, 15.94g. SC-1781. Obv: Diademed bust right. Rv: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / AΛEΞANΔPOY - ΘEOΠATOPOΣ / EYEPΓETOY, Zeus enthroned holding Nike, Monogram in exergue. Dark toning. aEF.................................................385 279. SYRIA, ANTIOCHUS VIII; 121-96 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.08g. SC-2302. Obv: Diademed bust right. Rv: Zeus Ouranios standing holding star, Lunar crescent above, monogram to left. Dark toning. EF........................................................400 280. PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II PHILADELPHUS, 285-246 BC; 254/3 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.06g. Lorber-525. Obv: Diademed bust of Ptolemy I r. Rv: ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ Eagle on thunderbolt, ΣI above monogram of MT; to right, ΛB. Dark toning. EF.................................................................................650 281. CYRENAICA, CYRENE; 300-282/75 BC, Didrachm, 7.57g. BMC-243, SNG Copenhagen-1239. Obv: Horned bust of Carneius, right. Rv: Silphium plant, coiled serpent in above field, KY PA across field, monogram upper right. VF.550 Juba I 282. NUMIDIA, JUBA I; 60-46 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Sear-6607 with photo (same obv. die). Obv: Bust of Juba r., with pointed beard and hair in formal curls; scepter over shoulder. Rv: Octastyle temple. This is an exceptional portrait, showing the temple on the reverse, which is also shown on an excessively rare bronze coin in this same sale. EF / VF.......................................................................................400 ROMAN REPUBLICAN SILVER 283. CN. LUCRETIUS TRIO; CN. Lucretius Trio, 136 BC, Rome, Denarius, 3.90g. Crawford-237/1. Obv: TRIO Bust of Roma right, X below chin. Rx: CN LVCR, The Dioscuri galloping right, ROMA in exergue. Toned MS...........................450 284. L. ANTESTIUS GRAGULUS; Rome, 136 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Crawford-238/1, RSC Antestia-9. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; monogram Ӿ below chin. Rx: L•A[NTES] ROM[A], Jupiter in quadriga galloping right, holding scepter and reins in left hand and hurling thunderbolt with right hand. Small areas of flat striking. EF...........................................................................300 285. M. VARGUNTEIUS; 130 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-257/1, Syd-507, RSC Vargunteia-1. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., M VARG behind, mark of value below chin. Rx: Jupiter in walking quadriga r., ROMA in exergue. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Toned gVF.................................................475 286. C. SERVILIUS VATIA; 127 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Cr-264/1, Syd-483, RSC Servilia-6. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., lituus behind, ROMA below, mark of value under chin. Rx: Horseman galloping l., piercing with spear another horseman before him; C SERVEIL (VE ligate) in exergue. Ex Rindge Collection Part 2, formed in the 19th Century; Malter XXX, 7-8 June 1985, lot 1550. Toned EF.......................................................................................................................400 287. C. SERVILIUS VATIA; 127 BC, Denarius, 3.81g. Cr-264/1, Syd-483, RSC Servilia-6. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., lituus behind, ROMA below, mark of value under chin. Rx: Horseman galloping l., piercing with spear another horseman before him; C SERVEIL (VE ligate) in exergue. Ex HJB 43, 28 May 1986, lot 222. Toned EF....................................................................................400 Voting Scene 288. P. NERVA; 113-112 BC, Denarius, 3.87g. Cr-292/1, Syd-548, RSC Licinia-7.

Obv: Helmeted bust of Rome left, holding spear over shoulder and shield; on shield, horseman leaping left; to left and above, star and crescent; ROMA behind. Rx: Voting scene; one citizen, having crossed the hatchwork “bridge”, drops ballot in basket, a second just stepping on to the “bridge” receives ballot from official seen from waist up; above, [P] NERVA and bar supporting tablet inscribed P. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. This is an extremely sharp example, with an utterly exquisite obverse. EF...............................................................1500 289. Q. MINUCIUS THERMUS MF; 103 BC, Denarius, 4.01g. Crawford-319/1. Obv: Bust of Mars left. Rx: Q. THERM MF Two warriors fighting as one protects a fallen comrade. VF.........................................................................................200 290. M. SERVILIUS C.F.; 100 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-327/1, Syd-602, RSC Servilia-13. Obv: Head Of Roma r., Π behind. Rx: Two warriors, a Roman and a barbarian fighting on foot, each with a horse behind him; in exergue, M SERVEILI C F, I below. Purchased from Ed Waddell in May 1985. VF..........300 291. P. SERVILIUS M.F. RULLUS; 100 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Cr-328/1, Syd-601, RSC Servilia-14. Obv: Bust of Roma l., wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis; RVLLI behind. Rx: Victory in biga r., P below horses; in exergue, P. SERVILI M.F. Purchased from Harlan J. Berk in the 1980s. VF.....................................200 292. C. VIBIUS C.F. PANSA; 90 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Cr-342/5b, Syd-684, RSC Vibia-1. Obv: PANSA Laureate head of Apollo r., uncertain control under chin. Rx: C VIBIVS C F Minerva in quadriga r. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. aVF.............................................................................................150 293. MN. FONTEIUS C.F.; 85 BC, Denarius, 3.60g. Cr-353/1c, Syd-724a, RSC Fonteia-10. Obv: Head of Vejovis r., C F below chin, thunderbolt below head, MN FONTEI behind. Rx: Infant winged Genius seated on goat r., caps of the Dioscuri above, thyrsus below, all within laurel wreath. aVF..........................125 294. C. NORBANUS; 83 BC, Denarius, 3.70g. Crawford-357/1b. Obv: Diademed bust of Venus right, CLXX left. Rx: Fasces with axe; grain ear to left, caduceus to right. EF............................................................................................................245 295. C. CREPUSIUS; 82 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Crawford-361/1c. Obv: Laureate bust of Apollo right, scepter and G left. Rx: P CREPV[SI], Horseman advancing right, CXXVI to right. VF..........................................................................................245 296. Q. ANTONIUS BALBUS; 83-82 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Crawford-364/1. Obv: SC, Laureate head of Jupiter right. Rx: Q ANTO BALB / PR, Victory driving quadriga right holding wreath; O below horses. gVF.......................................265 297. C. ANNIUS T.F. T.N.; 82-81 BC, 82-81 BC, Denarius, 3.90g. Crawford-366/1a. Obv: C ANNI T F T N PRO COS EX S C; Diademed and draped bust of Anna Perenna to right; to left, winged caduceus; to right, scales; below, sword. Rx: L FABI L F HISP; Victory driving quadriga right, holding palm frond and reins, Q above horses. gVF.............................................................................................265 298. M. VOLTEIUS M.F.; 78 BC, Denarius, 3.64g. Cr-385/1, Syd-774, RSC Volteia-1. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r. Rx: Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus with four columns and three double doors, M VOLTEI M F in exergue. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. MS.............................................................700 299. M. VOLTEIUS M.F.; 78 BC, Denarius, 4.16g. Cr-385/1, Syd-774, RSC Volteia-1. Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r. Rx: Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus with four columns and three double doors, M VOLTEI M F in exergue. Ex Rindge Collection Part 2, formed in the 19th Century; Malter XXX, 7-8 June 1985. VF.. ............................................................................................................................350 300. CN. EGNATIUS CN.F.CN.N. MAXSUMUS; 75 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Cr391/2, Syd-788 (R5), RSC Egnatia-3. Obv: Bust of Cupid r., MAXSVMVS behind. Rx: Jupiter and Liberty standing facing within distyle temple; C ENGNATIVS CN F in exergue, CN N on r. Ex Rindge Collection Part 2, formed in the 19th Century; Malter XXX, 7-8 June 1985, lot 1734. Toned EF............400 301. MN. AQUILLIUS MN.F. MN.N.; 71 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Cr-401/1, Syd798, RSC Aquillia-2. Obv: VIRTVS - III VIR Helmeted bust of Virtus r. Rx: The consul Mn. Aquillius raising Sicilia, MN AQVIL [MN] F M[N N] on r. and l., [S] ICIL in exergue. aEF.........................................................................................385 302. L. SCRIBONIUS LIBO; 62 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Cr-416/1a, Syd-928, RSC Scribonia-8a. Obv: BON EVENT before diademed head of Bonus Eventus r., LIBO behind. Rx: PVTEAL above well-head ornamented with two lyres, hammer and festoons, SCRIBON in exergue. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. 2 contact marks on obverse cheek. Toned EF.......................................................300 303. M. AEMILIUS SCAURUS AND PUB. PLAUTIUS HYPSAEUS; 58 BC, Denarius, 3.79g. Cr-422/1b, Syd-913, RSC Aemilia-8. Obv: Kneeling figure r. (King Aretas of Nabataea), holding reins of camel. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga l. Obverse off-center. MS......................................................................................250 304. C. CONSIDIUS NONIANUS; 57 BC, Denarius, 3.78g. Cr-424/1, RSC Considia-1, Syd-887. Obv: Bust of Venus Erycina r. C. CONSIDI. NONIANI behind, SC before. Rx: Temple of Venus at Eryx on summit of mountain surrounded with rampart; ERVC above gateway. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Some areas of flat striking. MS...................................................600 305. C. CONSIDIUS NONIANUS; 57 BC, Denarius, 3.70g. Cr-424/1, RSC Considia-1, Syd-887. Obv: Bust of Venus Erycina r. C. CONSIDI. NONIANI behind, SC before. Rx: Temple of Venus at Eryx on summit of mountain surrounded with rampart; ERVC above gateway. Ex Rindge Collection Part 2, formed in the 19th Century; Malter XXX, 7-8 June 1985, lot 1775. Darkly toned. gEF.....................................................................................................................300 306. Q. CASSIUS LONGINUS; 55 BC, Plated Denarius, 2.26g. Cr-428/1, Syd-917, RSC Cassia-9. Obv: Veiled head of Vesta r., VEST before, Q CASSIVS behind. Rx: Curule chair within temple of Vesta; to l., urn; to r., voting tablet inscribed AC. No evidence of plating, but the weight is impossibly light for a good silver













































coin. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. EF / aEF................................300 Villa Publica 307. TITUS DIDIUS; 55 BC, Denarius, 3.85g. Cr-429/2a, Syd-901, RSC Didia-1. Obv: Head of Concordia r., wearing veil and diadem; around Γ FONT EIVS CAPTIO III VIR CONCORDIA. Rx: Villa Publica; on l., T DIDI downwards; below, IMP; on r., VIL PVB upwards. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. An exquisite example. Tiny contact mark in obverse field, and wonderful of image of Villa Publica. Toned aEF / EF...........................................................1500 308. TITUS DIDIUS; 55 BC, Denarius, 3.41g. Cr-429/2b, Syd-901a, RSC Didia1a. Obv: Head of Concordia r., wearing veil and diadem; around Γ FONT EIVS CAPTIO III VIR CONCORDIA. Rx: Villa Publica, gates at sides of columns; on l., T DIDI downwards; below, [IMP]; on r., VIL PV[B] upwards. Scarce with gates on reverse. Ex Rindge Collection Part 2, formed in the 19th Century; Malter XXX, 7-8 June 1985, lot 1786. Some areas of flat striking and banker’s marks. Fine.....................................................................................................................400 309. A. PLAUTIUS; 55 BC, Denarius, 3.96g. Syd-932, Cr-431/1, RSC Plautia-13. Obv: Turreted head of Cybele r. Rx: Bacchius (Aristobulus?) kneels r., camel at side, extending olive branch, BACCHIVS in exergue, IVDAEVS on r. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Toned VF...................................................400 310. BRUTUS; 54 BC, Denarius, 3.50g. Syd-906a. Obv: Bust of Liberty right Rx: L. Junius Brutus, consul 509 BC, walking l. between two lictors who hold fasces over shoulder, and preceded by accensus; BRVTVS in exergue. Fine.............400 Exquisite Example 311. P. CORNELIUS LENTULUS MARCELLINUS; 50 BC, Denarius, 3.83g. Cr-439/1, Syd-1147, RSC Claudia-11. Obv: Head of the consul M. Claudius Marcellinus r., MARCELLINVS before, triskeles behind. Rx: M. Claudius Marcellinus carrying trophy within tetrastyle temple, MARCELLVS on r., COS QVINQ on l. Ex CNA IX, 7 December 1989, lot 335. While this coin is only considered scarce, it rarely comes in this quality. EF......................................5000 312. P. CORNELIUS LENTULUS MARCELLINUS; 50 BC, Denarius, 2.94g. Cr-439/1, Syd-1147, RSC Claudia-11. Obv: Head of the consul M. Claudius Marcellinus r., MARCELLINVS before, triskeles behind. Rx: M. Claudius Marcellinus carrying trophy within tetrastyle temple, MARCELLVS on r., COS QVINQ on l. Ex Rindge Collection Part 2, formed in the 19th Century; Malter XXX, 7-8 June 1985, lot 1797. VF / Fine.........................................................400 313. P. CORNELIUS LENTULUS MARCELLINUS; 50 BC, Denarius, 3.80g. Cr-439/1, Syd-1147, RPC Claudia-11. Obv: Head of the consul M. Claudius Marcellinus r., MARCELLINVS before, triskeles behind. Rx: M. Claudius Marcellinus carrying trophy within tetrastyle temple, MARCELLVS on r., COS QVINQ on l. Purchased from Zeus Galleries in Santa Monica, c. 1980s. VG.275 314. L. CORNELIUS LENTULUS & C. CLAUDIUS MARCELLUS; 49 BC, Denarius, 3.20g. Cr-445/1b, Syd-1029 (R4), RSC Cornelia-64a. Obv: Triskeles, with winged head of Medusa at center and ears of wheat between the legs. Rx: Jupiter standing r. holding thunderbolt and eagle; LENT MAR on l., COS on r. Ex Rindge Collection Part 2, formed in the 19th Century; Malter XXX, 7-8 June 1985, lot 1807. gF.............................................................................................325 315. C. VIBIUS C.F.C.N. PANSA CAETRONIANUS; 48 BC, Denarius, 3.86g. Cr-449/2, Syd-946, RSC Vibia-16. Obv: Head of young Bacchus r., PANSA behind. Rx: Ceres walking r., holding two torches; plow before, C VIBIVS CFNC behind. Purchased from Harlan J. Berk in the 1980s. aEF...............................325 Brockage 316. Q. METELLUS SCIPIO; 47-46 BC, Africa, Brockage, 3.40g. Crawford-459, S-1046. Obv: Elephant right. Fine....................................................................350 View of Rostra 317. LOLLIUS PALICANUS; 45 BC, Denarius, 4.11g. Cr-473/1, Syd-960, RSC Lollia-2. Obv: Head of Liberty r. Rx: View of Rostra in the Forum surmounted by a sella. Ex NFA Summer Mail Bid, 27 June 1986, lot 635. Toned EF............1200 318. PETILLIUS CAPITOLINUS; 43 BC, Denarius, 3.61g. Cr-487/2a, Syd-1150, RSC Petillia-2, Sear Imperators-174. Obv: Eagle with spread wings standing r. on thunderbolt; PETILLIVS above, CAPITOLINVS below. Rx: Six-columned Capitoline temple of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, pediment ornamented with statues. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Some planchet chipping. Fine. ............................................................................................................................300 319. PETILLIUS CAPITOLINUS; 43 BC, Denarius, 3.78g. Cr-487/2b, Syd1151, RSC Petillia-3. Obv: Eagle, PETILIVS above, CAPITOLINVS below. Rx: Temple of six columns, S - F at sides. Scarcer variety with S - F on reverse. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. aEF..........................................................325 320. PETILLIUS CAPITOLINUS; 43 BC, Denarius, 3.70g. Cr-487/2c, Syd-1152, RSC Petillia-4. Obv: Eagle, PETILLIVS above, CAPITOLINVS below. Rx: Temple of six columns, F-S at sides. Scarcest variety with F-S at sides of temple. Ex HJB 53, 18 March 1988, lot 274. VF / EF...................................................300 321. L. LIVINEIUS REGULUS; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.52g. Cr-494/30, Syd-1112 (R6), RSC Livineia-12, Sear Imperators-179. Obv: Head of the praetor L. Regulus. Rx: Wild beast fight: man with spear attacks lion, man with sword and shield attacks panther, wounded boar at upper l. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Fine / VF.....................................................................................475 322. L. MUSSIDIUS LONGUS; 42 BC, Denarius, 4.16g. Cr-494/43a, Syd-1094, RSC Mussidia-7. Obv: Facing bust of Sol. Rx: Two statues of Venus Cloacina on platform, L MVSSIDIVS LONGVS above, CLOACIN inscribed on platform. Venus of the Sewers. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. VF...............600 IMPERATORIAL SILVER 323. POMPEY THE GREAT; Spain, 46-45 BC, Denarius, 3.79g. Cr-469/1e; Syd-

1035a; Sear, Imperators-48a. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., M POBLICI LEG before, PRO PR behind, bead and reel border. Rx: Hispania stepping r. presenting palm to Pompey, who is disembarking from ship; below and to r., CN [MAGN] VS IMP. MS....................................................................................................1350 324. POMPEY THE GREAT; 37/6 BC, Uncertain Sicilian Mint, Denarius, 3.62g. Crawford-511/3a, S-1344. Obv: bare bust right flanked by capis and lituus. Rx: Neptune standing left, holding apluster and resting foot on prow between the Catanaean brothers Anapias and Amphinomus running in opposite directions, bearing their parents on their shoulders. Fine...................................................450 325. SEXTUS POMPEY; 42-40 BC, Denarius, 3.60g. Sydenham-1347, Cr-511/2b. Obv: Diademed bust of Neptune right, trident over shoulder. Rx: PRAEF CAS ET Naval trophy set on anchor. Fine......................................................................250 326. SEXTUS POMPEY; 42-40 BC, Denarius, 3.56g. Cr-511/4a, Syd-1348, Sear Imperators-335. Obv: Pharos of Messana surmounted by a statue of Neptune; galley with aquila before; Rx: The monster Scylla, wielding rudder over head. VF.....................................................................................................................1900 Exquisite Example 327. JULIUS CAESAR; Military Mint, 49-48 BC, Denarius, 3.92g. Cr-443/1, Syd-1006, Sear Imperators-9. Obv: Elephant r. trampling serpent, CAESAR in exergue. Rx: Pontifical emblems: ladle, sprinkler, ax with lion’s head mounted on handle above blade, apex (priest’s hat). Purchased from Ed Waddell, 1980s-1990s, with ticket. While this issue is very common, this is an exceptional example. MS. ..........................................................................................................................4850 328. JULIUS CAESAR; Military mint traveling with Caesar. Denarius, 3.91g. Syd-1006, Crawford-443/1. Obv: Elephant advancing right trampling on horned serpent. Rx: Emblems of the pontificate: simpulum, aspergillum, securis, and apex. Flatly struck on obverse. gVF..................................................................650 329. JULIUS CAESAR; 48-47 BC, Mint moving with Caesar, Denarius, 3.68g. Cr452/2, Syd-1009. Obv: Head of Venus r. Rx: CAESAR below trophy of Gallic arms. Ex Empire 3, May 1985, lot 265. Toned EF..........................................2000 331. JULIUS CAESAR; 48-47 BC, Denarius, 3.80g. Crawford-458/1. Obv: Diademed bust of Venus r. Rx: CAESAR Aeneas holding Palladium with Anchises on his shoulder. Obverse struck in high relief. Near MS..................2600 332. JULIUS CAESAR; Late 48-47 BC, Denarius, 3.72g. Syd-1013, Crawford-458/1. Obv: Diademed bust of Venus. Rx: Aeneas holding Palladium and bearing Anchises on his shoulder. gF.............................................................................750 333. JULIUS CAESAR; 46-45 BC, Denarius, 4.01g. Cr-468/1, Syd-1014, Sear Imperators-58. Obv: Head of Venus r., small Cupid on shoulder. Rx: Gallic trophy and two captives, CAESAR in exergue. Purchased from B. A. Seaby c. 1980s-1990s, with envelope and ticket. aVF....................................................650 334. JULIUS CAESAR; 46-5 BC, Denarius, 3.50g. Syd-1015, Cr-468/2. Obv: Head of Venus l., Cupid on her shoulder. Rx: CAESAR, Gallic captives beneath trophy. Fine.....................................................................................................................400 335. JULIUS CAESAR; 44 BC, Moneyer M. Mettius, Denarius, 3.11g. Cr-480/3, Sear-100, Syd-1056. Obv: Wreathed head r., CAESAR IM before, lituus and simpulum behind. Rx: Venus standing l., control letter G before, M METTIVS behind. VF.......................................................................................................1400 336. JULIUS CAESAR; 44 BC, Denarius, 3.34g. Cr-480/5a, Syd-1071. Obv: Wreathed head of Caesar, six-pointed star behind. Rx: Venus standing l. Ex Empire Cat. 31, 1986, lot 82. Small scratches. aVF........................................1250 337. JULIUS CAESAR; 44 BC, Denarius, 3.50g. Cr-480/13, Syd-1074 (R3), C-39 (8 Fr.), Sear Imperators-107d. Obv: CAESAR [DI]CT PERPETVO Head wreathed and veiled r. Rx: [P SEPVLLIVS] MACER Venus standing l. holding Victory and scepter, shield on ground behind her. VF........................................................1850 338. JULIUS CAESAR; Posthumous issue of 44 BC, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr480/19, Syd-1069, Sear Imperators-112. Obv: CAESAR PARENS PATRIAE Veiled, laureate head r., apex behind, lituus below chin. Rx: C. COSSVTIVS MARIDIANVS in form of cross, A A A FF in angles. VF..............................1500 339. JULIUS CAESAR; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. Crawford-494/39a. Obv: Laureate bust right. Rx: L•MVSSIDIVS•LONGVS, cornucopia on globe, between rudder on left and caduceus and apex on right. Ex HJB 49th Buy or Bid Sale, July 1987, lot 182. Minor graffiti on obverse. VF.............................................................1250 340. JULIUS CAESAR; 40 BC, Denarius, 3.56g. Cr-526/2, Syd-1132 (R5), Sear Imperators-329. Obv: Laureate head of Caesar r., DIVI IVLI before, lituus behind. Rx: Calf standing l., Q VOCONIVS above, VITVLVS in exergue (Vitulus=bull calf, a pun on the moneyer’s name). aVF.......................................................1650 Brutus 341. BRUTUS, WITH P. SERVILIUS CASCA LONGUS, MONEYER; 43-42 BC, mint moving with Brutus, Denarius, 3.82g. Cr-507/2, Sear Imperators-212, Syd-1298. Obv: CASCA LONGVS Wreathed head of Neptune r., trident behind. Rx: BRVTVS IMP Victory walking r. on broken scepter, palm branch over shoulder, holding diadem in both hands. Reverse modestly doublestruck. This coin is struck in high relief, and had to be struck more than once to create such an effect. Thus, the shift in dies left the reverse somewhat doublestruck. MS.....4250 Wonderful Ahenobarbus 342. CN. DOMITITIUS AHENOBARBUS; 41 BC, Denarius, 3.97g. Cr-519/2, Syd-1177 (R5), Sear Imperators-339. Obv: Bearded head of L. Ahenobarbus r., AHENOBAR before. Rx: CN.DOMITIVS IMP Ship’s prow r., on which trophy. Ex Triton XXVI, 10 January 2023, lot 633. This is one of the finest examples of Domititius Ahenobarbus that we have ever handled. Extremely sharp. MS....9850 343. MARK ANTONY; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.43g. Crawford-491/1. Obv: M•ANTONI - IMP Bare head of Mark Antony to right. Rx: VIR - R•P•C Distyle temple within




































which radiate and draped bust of Sol set on medallion. aVF............................600 344. MARK ANTONY; 31 BC, Denarius, 3.31g. Sydenham-1223, Crawford-544/19. Obv: Praetorian galley right. Rx: Aquila between two signa; LEG VI across lower field. aVF...........................................................................................................425 345. IONIA, EPHESUS; 39 BC, Cistophorus, 11.22g. Obv: M • ANTONIVS • IMP • COS • DESIG • ITER ET TERT Head of Antony right, laureate. Rx: Cista mystica surmounted by bust of Octavia. Fine................................................................450 346. MARK ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN; 41 BC, Military mint traveling with Mark Antony, Denarius, 3.30g. Crawford-528/3. Obv:[M] ANTON IMP III [VIR R P C AVG] Bare bust of Mark Antony right. Rx: [C]AESAR IMP PO[NT III VIR R P C] Bare bust of Octavian right. VG............................................................325 ROMAN IMPERIAL & PROVINCIAL SILVER 347. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Ephesus, 24-20 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 11.83g. RIC-482, C-33. Obv: IMP CAESAR Bare bust right. Rx: AVGVSTVS Decorative altar garlanded with stags. MS.....................................................1000 348. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Pergamum, 19-18 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 11.10g. RIC-506. Obv: Bare bust right. Rx: hexastyle temple with ROM ET AVGVST inscribed on entablature; COM ASI[AE] across field. Toned aVF / VF. ............................................................................................................................750 349. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Pergamum, 19 -18 BC, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 12.02g. RIC-507, RPC-2220. Obv: IMP IX TR PO V Bare bust right. Rx: MART VLTO Circular domed temple containing vexillum . Toned VF / EF................800 350. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Before 27 BC, Denarius, 3.73g. BM-631, Paris-52, RIC-266, C-122. Obv: Bare head of Octavian r., no legend. Rx: Curia Julia (Senate House) with double door, tripartite window, pediment surmounted by statues of Victory on globe and two commanders (Octavian and Agrippa?) holding spears and swords, [IMP CAESAR] on architrave; Curia rests on base with veranda of four columns. The only surviving depiction of the facade of the Senate House of Rome begun by Julius Caesar in 44 BC and completed by Octavian in 29 BC: see P.V. Hill, Monuments of Ancient Rome as Coin Types, p. 44. Toned VF......2000 351. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Before 27 BC, Denarius, 3.75g. BM-631, Paris-52, RIC-266, C-122. Obv: Bare head of Octavian r., no legend. Rx: Curia Julia (Senate House) with double door, tripartite window, pediment surmounted by statues of Victory on globe and two commanders (Octavian and Agrippa?) holding spears and swords, IMP CAESAR on architrave; Curia rests on base with veranda of four columns. The only surviving depiction of the facade of the Senate House of Rome begun by Julius Caesar in 44 BC and completed by Octavian in 29 BC: see P.V. Hill, Monuments of Ancient Rome as Coin Types, p. 44. Toned EF..............2000 352. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, c. 36-31 BC, Denarius, 3.36g. BM-617, Paris-98, RIC-264, C-115. Obv: Victory on prow r., holding wreath and palm; no legend. Rx: IMP CAESAR in exergue, Octavian holding branch and reins in triumphal quadriga r. VF....................................................................................................450 353. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, c. 36-31 BC, Denarius, 3.46g. BM-624, Paris-66, RIC-267, C-123. Obv: Head of Octavian bare r., no legend. Rx: IMP.CAESAR on architrave of arch surmounted by facing quadriga bearing Octavian. Toned aVF / gVF.....................................................................................................................900 354. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, c. 36-31 BC, Denarius, 3.50g. BM-625, Paris-57, RIC-265a, C-119. Obv: Head bare of Octavian r., no legend. Rx: IMP - CAESAR across field, Trophy set on prow, crossed rudder and anchor behind. Several banker’s marks on obverse. Toned aVF.............................................................600 Aegypto Capta 355. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Pergamum, 28 BC, Denarius, 3.76g. BM653, Paris-928, C-4 (30 Fr.). Obv: CAESAR DI[VI F - CO]S V[I] Bare head of Augustus r.; below truncation, small capricorn. Rx: AEGYPT[O] / CAPTA Crocodile standing r. with closed jaws. This issue celebrates the victory of Octavian over Antony and Cleopatra. Extremely important historical type. Toned VF.....................................................................................................................2750 356. OCTAVIAN; 42 BC, Denarius, 3.74g. Cr-497/3; Syd-1320; Sear, Imperators-138. Obv: CAESAR - III - VIR.R.P.C Helmeted head of Mars r., spear behind. Rx: S C across field, Aquila topped by trophy and flanked by standards. VF............356 357. OCTAVIAN; 36 BC, Denarius, 3.77g. Cr-540/2; Syd-1338; Sear, Imperators-315. Obv: IMP CAESAR DIVI F III VIR ITER R P C Bare head of Octavian r., bearded. Rx: COS ITER ET TER DESIG Julius Caesar in temple of four columns inscribed DI[VO I[MP], star in pediment, altar on l. aVF / VF........................800 358. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Hispania Baetica (Colonia Patricia or Cordoba), 1915 BC, Denarius, 3.78g. BM-363, Paris-1098, C-179, RIC-64a. Obv: CAESAR - [AVGVSTVS] Head bare r. Rx: [I]OV - TON across field, Statue of Jupiter the Thunderer standing l. in six-columned temple, holding thunderbolt and scepter. Augustus built a temple to Jupiter the Thunderer at Rome after narrowly escaping being hit by lightning while waging war against the Cantabrians in Spain. Toned EF.....................................................................................................................2000 359. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Hispania Baetica (Colonia Patricia or Cordoba), 19-15 BC, Denarius, 3.41g. BM-373, Paris-1202, C-190 (5 Fr.), RIC-105a. Obv: CAESARI - AVGVSTO Head laureate r. Rx: MAR - VLT across field, Round temple with six columns, within which legionary eagle and two standards. The eagle and standards in the temple are those that Augustus won back from the Parthians in 20 BC. Obverse flatly struck, otherwise. VF.................................700 360. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Colonia Patricia, c. 18 BC, Denarius, 3.75g. RIC120, BM-386, C-282, Paris-1213. Obv: CAESARI AVGVSTO Head laureate l. Rx: Chariot containing eagle-tipped scepter inside round temple, SP - QR across field. Ex CNA IV, 21 September 1988, lot 400412. EF..................................1250 361. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Caesaraugusta, Spain, 19-18 BC, Denarius, 3.74g.

RIC-37A. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS Bust right, oak-wreathed. Rx: DIVVS IVL[IVS] Comet seen after Julius Caesar’s death with eight rays and tail. aEF.... ..........................................................................................................................3250 362. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Spanishn Mint, Denarius, 3.47g. RIC-145 (R4), BM-434, C-231 (25 Fr.). Obv: SPQR C[AESARI] - [A]VGVSTO Bare head of Augustus l. Rx: QVOD - VIAE MVN SVNT Triumplal arch with twin arches and ornamented with rostra l. and r., set on a viaduct and bearing a statue of Augustus crowned by Victory in a quadriga of horses r. Fine..........................................600 363. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Eastern Mint, 19-15 BC, Denarius, 4.08g. C-182 (6 Fr.), RIC-472, BM-666, Paris-936. Obv: AV[GVSTVS] Head bare r. Rx: [IOVI] - OLV Six-columned temple, shield in pediment, three palmettes as acroteria. Scarce: Sutherland’s die study included 38 specimens, from 30 obverse and 30 reverse dies (Revue num. 1974, p. 51). Die break above head of Augustus, otherwise toned. EF............................................................................................900 364. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 2 BC- 4 AD, Denarius, 3.90g. BMC519, RIC-207. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIA, Laureate bust right. Rx: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG [PRINC IVVENT] / [C L CA] ESAR[ES], Caius and Lucius standing facing, each togate and resting hand on shield; behind each shield a spear; between them, simpulum and lituus. VF...350 365. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Lugdunum, 2 BC- AD 4, Denarius, 3.90g. BMC519, RIC-207, Cohen, DCA-43. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIA, Laureate bust right. Rx: AVGVSTI F COS DESIG [PRINC IVVENT] / [C L]CAESARE[S], Caius and Lucius standing facing, each togate and resting hand on shield; behind each shield a spear; between them, simpulum and lituus. EF.......................................................................................................................850 German Captive 366. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Rome, 12 BC, Denarius, 3.81g. BM-128, Paris-560, C-383 (15 Fr.), RIC-416 (Scarce). Obv: AVGVSTVS Bare head r. Rx: L CANINIVS GALLVS III VIR Kneeling German, naked apart from cloak over shoulders, holding out vexillum in r. hand and begging for mercy with extended l. hand. Augustus’ victories in Germany forced the Germans to return Roman standards that they had captured. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Banker’s mark on cheek of Augustus; small hairline in lower right field. Magnificent reverse. EF...................................................................................1500 367. AUGUSTUS AND TIBERIUS; Lugdunum, 13-14 AD, Denarius, 3.75g. BM509, Paris-1690, C-301 (10 Fr.). Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS - DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Laureate head of Augustus r. Rx: TI CAESAR in exergue, [AVG F TR POT XV] around, Tiberius holding laurel branch and [scepter] in triumphal quadriga r., two of the horses look forward, two back. MS............................1500 368. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.65g. BM-38, Paris-30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate right. Rx: PONTIF - MAXIM Livia seated left holding scepter and branch, single line below throne. aVF.....................................................................................................................600 369. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Lugdunum, Denarius, 3.69g. BM-48, Paris-28, RIC30, C-16. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated r. holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s, with ticket. Toned. MS..............................................1450 370. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS; Died 9 BC, Lugdunum, c. 41-47 AD, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-102, RIC-72, C-4 (30 Fr.). Obv: NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP Head of Drusus l. wearing oak wreath. Rx: DE GERMANIS on architrave of triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue l. between two trophies; rider raises r. arm. The wreath worn by Drusus, misidentified as a laurel wreath until recognized as oak by D. Salzmann in 1976, was presumably a posthumous honor voted to him by the Senate. Ex Malloy Sale, 5 December 1986, lot 275. Some isolated porosity on neck. gVF.................................................1850 371. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, Lugdunum, 44-5 AD, Denarius, 2.99g. BM-24, Paris-45, C-44 (25 Fr.), RIC-26 (R2). Obv: TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P [IIII] Head laureate r. Rx: IMPER RECEPT across the front wall of the Praetorian camp, which has ramparts and two gates; behind, two sections of the back wall of the camp, with two further gates; within the camp, Fides Praetorianorum, the Loyalty of the Praetorians, seated l. in temple, holding scepter, legionary eagle before her. The figure in the temple seems to be not a Praetorian soldier, as usually described, but the personification of the Loyalty of the Praetorians. That lady is implied by the legend, which should be expanded as “Imperator receptus (in fidem Praetorianorum)”, “The Emperor received into the loyalty of the Praetorians”. For this interpretation see C. Clay’s article on the coinage of Nero, Num. Zeitschrift 96, 1982, pp. 42-3. Minor porosity in right field. EF.......................................4850 372. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, Ephesus, AD 41- 42, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 9.01g. RIC-118. Obv: TI CLAVD CAES AVG Head bare left. Rv: DIAN - EPHE Temple of Diana of Ephesus. Ex HJB 44th Buy or Bid Sale, July 1986, lot 201. Fine.400 373. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 64-5 AD, Denarius, 3.00g. BM-104, Paris-230, C-335 (10 Fr.), RIC-62 (R). Obv: [NE]RO CAESAR - AVGVSTV[S] Head laureate r. Rx: VESTA Round temple of Vesta, her seated statue with footstool within. Scarce: six specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Good.........................................300 374. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, Denarius, 2.55g. RIC-62. Obv: NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, Laureate head right. Rx: VESTA Hexastyle temple with domed roof, set upon podium of four steps and containing statue of seated Vesta left, with patera and scepter. Good...........................................................................300 Civil War 375. CIVIL WAR, RHINE LEGIONS; 68 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. Paris-41, Martin-77, C-420 (10 Fr.), Gollnow-1085. Obv: SALVS GENER[IS - HV]MANI





































Victory standing l. on globe, holding wreath and palm. Rx: S P Q R within oak wreath. Though the obverse is slightly off center, this is a wonderful example of a Civil War denarius that frequently comes worn. Mint State............................2850 Ex Hunt 376. OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.33g. BM-3, Paris-3, C-3 (12 Fr.), RIC-4 (R). Obv: IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P Head bare r. Rx: PAX ORBIS TERRARVM Pax standing l. holding branch and caduceus. Ex Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection, Sotheby’s 19-20 June, 1991, lot 711. (Lot includes photocopy of sale page.) From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Toned gVF.................1850 377. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.12g. BM-34, Paris-71, C-72, RIC107. Obv: A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P Head laureate r. Rx: PONT MAXIM Vesta, veiled, seated r. holding patera and scepter. Purchased from NFA c. 1980s-1990s, with ticket. Toned aEF............................................................800 378. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, AD 69-70, Denarius, 2.60g. Hendin-6509, RIC-2. Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate right. Rx: IVDAEA Judaea seated right, mourning, at foot of trophy. Fine......................725 379. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, AD 69-70, Denarius, 3.00g. Hendin-6509, RIC-2. Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate right. Rx: IVDAEA Judaea seated right, mourning, at foot of trophy. Fine......................725 Hands Bound 380. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, AD 69-70, Denarius, 3.20g. Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate right. Rx: IVDAEA Judaea seated right beside palm tree, hands bound behind her back. This is a rare type, about ten times rarer than the standard type, showing Judaea seated right beside a palm tree rather than a trophy and with her hands bound behind her back. VG..............1200 381. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, AD 72-73, Denarius, 2.90g. RIC-362. Obv: IMP CAES VESP AVG P M COS IIII Head laureate right. Rx: [VICTORIA] AVGVSTI Victory stepping right, placing wreath on standard and holding palm over shpulder. VF..............................................................................................300 382. TITUS AS CAESAR; 69-79 AD, Rome, AD 77-78, Denarius, 3.02g. RIC-986. Obv: T CAESAR - VESPASIANVS Head laureate r. Rx: IMP XIII, Sow standing left, with three piglets. VG................................................................................100 383. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, AD 79, Denarius, 2.90g. RIC-364, Hendin-6617. Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS Laureate head of Divus Vespasian right. Rx: EX S C, Victory, draped, stepping left, with both hands placing round shield on trophy, at base of which sits mourning Judaea left. VG... ............................................................................................................................500 384. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; Died 79 AD, Rome, 80-1 AD, Denarius, 3.35g. RIC-357 (C2), BM-129, Paris-101, C-497. Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS Head laureate r. Rx: Two capricorns on globe supporting shield inscribed S C; the globe is between the capricorns and their tails are not shown. Purchased from B. A. Seaby c. 1980s-1990s, with envelope and ticket. aVF............................475 385. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, AD 79, Denarius, 3.20g. RIC-1, Hendin-6516. Obv: IMP T CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate right. Rx: TR POT VIII COS VII Male captive kneeling in front of trophy. Fine..................................800 386. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80 AD, Denarius, 3.31g. RIC-115 (C2), BM-43, Paris-37, C-303 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M. Head laureate r. Rx: TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P Elephant standing l. Purchased from B. A. Seaby c. 1980s-1990s, with envelope and ticket. MS...................1650 387. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Ephesus, AD 95, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 9.62g. RIC855 (R2), RPC-875. Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIANVS Head laureate right. Rx: Distyle temple inscribed ROM ET AVG, within which Roma crowning Augustus, G in exergue. Ex HJB 44th Buy or Bid Sale, July 1986, lot 206. VF...............700 388. NERVA; 96-98 AD, Rome, 97 AD, Denarius, 3.14g. BM-46, Paris-32, C-113, RIC-19. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG PM TR P COS III PP Laureate head r. Rx: LIBERTAS PVBLICA Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. Toned VF...................................................250 389. NERVA; 96-98 AD, Pergamum, AD 97, Cistophorus, 9.43g. RIC-122 (R2). Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT P P COS III Head laureate right. Rx: COM – ASI Distyle temple with ROM ET AVG on frieze, within is Nerva being crowned by female figure with cornucopia. Rx: COM – ASI Distyle temple with ROM ET AVG on frieze, within is Nerva being crowned by female figure with cornucopia. Banker’s mark in right field; toned. VF..........................................400 390. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 112-113 AD, Denarius, 3.35g. RIC-266. Obv: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DΛC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate bust right. Rx: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI around, personification of Trajan’s Road reclining l. holding wheel. gVF........................................................................................................450 391. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 112- 114 AD, Denarius, 2.90g. RIC-292, BMC452. Obv: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Laureate bust right. Rx: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI Column of Trajan surmounted with a statue of the emperor; two eagles at base. aVF.................................................385 Rare Vareity 392. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, AD 112- 114, Denarius, 3.25g. RIC-292, BMC452. Obv: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Laureate bust right. Rx: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI Column of Trajan surmounted with a statue of the emperor; two eagles at base. gVF / VF........................................500 Liberalitas Reverse 393. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, AD 120-121, Denarius, 2.91g. RIC-129, C-908, BMC-291. Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG Laureate head of Hadrian to right. Rx: P M TR P COS III / LIBERAL AVG , Hadrian seated l. on platform, making distribution to citizen. aEF...........................................325 394. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 125-7 AD, Denarius, 3.41g. BM-348, C-307,

RIC-790 (S). Rx: CO - S III Neptune standing r., l. foot on prow, holding scepter and dolphin. Scarce: 12 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. gEF.......................850 395. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, 128-9 AD, Denarius, BM-491, C-395. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS - III Pudicitia, veiled, seated l., holding r. hand before face, l. hand on lap. EF..................................500 396. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Bithynia, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 10.90g. RSC240b. Obv: Laureate bust right. Rx: Octastyle temple set on podium with three steps, ROM S P AVG across frieze, pellet in pediment. Ex Kovacs VI, November 1985, lot 443. EF.............................................................................................2000 397. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 10.54g. Metcalf Type 8, cf. 58b, BM-1091, C-536 corr. (25 Fr.). Obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: DIANA EPHESIA Temple of four columns with decorations atop pediment, enclosing cult image of Ephesian Artemis. VF / gVF......................950 398. FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.31g. BM-339, C-1 (10 Fr.), RIC-343. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AED DIV FAVSTINAE Faustina’s cult statue in her temple in the Roman Forum, behind fence. MS..........................................................................................................650 399. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 163-164 AD, Denarius, 3.13g. RIC-80. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS, Bare bust right. Rx: P M TR P XVIII IMP II COS III ARMEN Armenia, seated left on ground in mournful attitude; before her, vexillim and shield; left hand rests on bow. aEF..............575 400. FAUSTINA II, DIVA; Died 175 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.32g. BM-701, C-81 (25 Fr.). Obv: [DIV]AE FAVSTIN AVG MATR CASTR Bust draped, veiled r. Rx: CONSE - CRATIO Funeral pyre in four tiers, surmounted by empress in biga; in second tier double door between two statues, three garlands decorate bottom tier. Rare; only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Faustina had been voted the title Mater Castrorum=”Mother of the Camps” during her lifetime because she accompanied Marcus Aurelius on his Danubian campaigns. Toned VF...........300 401. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 186 AD, Denarius, 2.53g. BM-199, C-143 (15 Fr.), RIC-130. Obv: M - COMM ANT - P FEL AVG BRI[T] Head laureate r. Rx: FID EXER[C] in exergue, P M TR P XI - IMP VII - COS V [P P] around, Commodus standing l. on platform addressing three soldiers who hold standards topped by eagles. Ex Berk, June 1987, lot 201. Scarce: 10 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. gVF............................................................................................450 402. CLODIUS ALBINUS AS CAESAR; 193-195 AD, Rome, 194-5 AD, Denarius, 3.22g. BM-95, C-48 (12 Fr.), RIC-7. Obv: D - CLOD SEPT - ALBIN CAES Head bare r. Rx: MINER - PA - [CIF] COS II Minerva standing l. holding branch before her and shield on ground behind her, spear rests against her l. arm. VF.......................................................................................................................250 Arch of Septimius Severus 403. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 206 AD, Denarius, 2.88g. BM320, C-104 (100 Fr.), RIC-259 (R3). Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: COS - III P P Triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus with three passageways, surmounted by statues of emperor in facing six-horse chariot flanked by horsemen facing l. and r. respectively. Rare: only one specimen in Reka Devnia Hoard, probably about 35 recorded altogether. This arch still stands in the Roman Forum with dedicatory inscription of 203 AD. Microscopic porosity. VF..................3000 404. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 206 AD, Denarius, BM-343, C-253 (60 Fr.), RIC-274 (R2). Obv: SEVERVS PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: LAETITIA TEMPORVM The spina of the Circus Maximus decorated as a ship facing l., with the turning posts at its prow and stern, a sail mounted on the central obelisk, and the spina’s other monuments visible in between; above the ship, four quadrigas racing l.; below, seven animals: an ostrich at l. and bear (indistinct on this specimen) at r.; between them a lion and a lioness chasing a wild ass and a panther attacking a bison. Rare: only three specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. This famous type commemorates the chariot races and animal hunt that took place on the seventh and final day of Severus’ Saecular Games in 204 AD, as described in the inscriptional acts of those games which were found in Rome in the 1870s and 1930s, and also in the text of Dio Cassius, tacked on to his description of Severus’ Decennalian Games of 202 AD by his Byzantine epitomator as we can now see. The games consisted of chariot races, indicated by the racing quadrigas in the coin type, and then a hunt of 700 beasts, 100 each of “lions, lionesses, panthers, bears, bisons, wild asses, ostriches”, which were released in large groups from a receptacle shaped like a boat. As C. Clay was the first to observe, the seven kinds of animals named by both Dio and the inscriptional acts are also depicted in the coin type: on good specimens, especially the aureus BMC pl. 34.4, the ostrich and the bear are clear, the lion has a mane, the ass has long ears, the bison has horns and a hump. Two large felines remain, of which we may suppose that the one accompanying the lion is the lioness and the one attacking the bison is the panther. aEF / gVF......................................................................................................... 1100 405. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 206-7 AD, Denarius, 2.82g. BM-507, C-108 (12 Fr.), RIC-156 (Rare). Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: IOVI in exergue, SOSPI - TA - TORI around, Serapis, polos on head, standing front on base in niche or shrine, extending r. hand downwards and holding vertical scepter in l. Rare: only one specimen in Reka Devnia hoard, probably about forty known overall. The unusual invocation of Serapis as “Jupiter the Savior” suggests escape from a conspiracy or recovery from illness, but we know nothing certain about why this type was chosen for the coins in late 206 or 207 AD or about the location of the shrine depicted. Toned VF........................................................400 406. VOLUSIAN; 251-253 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 3.91g. RIC-172, C-43. Obv: IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG Radiate bust right. Rv: IVNONI MARTIALI Juno seated in round distyle temple. Ex Empire Auction 7, May
























424 421








429 430


1987, Lot 502. Toned EF...................................................................................350 407. MARINIANA, DIVA; Rome, 254-8 AD, Antoninianus, 4.07g. Eauze Hoard-1321 (200 spec.), RIC-6 (R), C-16 (8 Fr.). Obv: DIVAE MARINIANIAE Bust draped, veiled r., on crescent. Rx: CONSEC - RATI - O Peacock flying r. bearing empress to heaven. VF.........................................................................250 408. FLORIANUS; 276 AD, Lugdunum, 276 AD, Antoninianus, 3.78g. RIC-10. Obv: IMP C M AN FLORIANVS AVG Radiate bust right. Rv: PROVIDENTIA AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton and scepter with globe at feet, III in exergue. EF.......................................................................................................275 409. ALLECTUS; 293-296 AD, London, Quinarius, 3.28g. RIC-55, Sear-3590. Obv: IMP C ALLECTVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: VIRTVS AVG Galley l. with mast, five oars, cabin and rudder in stern, waves below, QL in exergue. Purchased from CNG c. 1980s-1990s, with ticket. EF...................................1000 410. ALLECTUS; 293-296 AD, Londoninium, Quinarius, 2.95g. Obv: IMP C ALLECTVS P F AVG Bust of Allectus, radiate, right, Rx: VIRTVS AVG Galley. VF.......................................................................................................................250 LATE ROMAN SILVER AND SILVERED BRONZE 411. CONSTANTIUS I AS CAESAR; 293-305 AD, Heraclea, 296-7 AD, Follis, 6.01g. RIC-18a, officina E=5. Ex HJB BBS 130, Lot 617, November 2002. EF... ............................................................................................................................300 412. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, London, 311-12 AD, Antoninianus, 4.47g. RIC-153. Obv: CONSTANTINVS P F AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: COMITI - AVGG N N Sol standing l. holding globe and whip, star in r. field, PLN in exergue. EF..................................................................................150 413. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Cyzicus, 311 AD, Reduced Follis, 4.67g. RIC-167c (S), unlisted officina AI=11, C-507 (6 Fr.). Obv: IMP C FL VAL CONSTANTINVS P F AVG Head laureate r., lightly bearded. Rx: SOLI IN VICTO Sol standing l. in long robe, raising r. hand and holding head of Serapis in l., ANT in exergue, AI in l. field, star in r. field. Interesting and rare type, attested in RIC for only six of the possible fifteen officinae, three in Vienna and three in Voetter’s Gerin catalogue. Our coin brings a new officina AI=11, unknown to RIC. Ex HJB, Sold December 2010. EF...........................................................350 414. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Trier, 330-331 AD, Reduced Follis, 2.10g. RIC-529. Obv: VRBS ROMA Helmeted Roma. Rx: She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus surmounted by two stars, in exergue TRS followed by a dot. EF.. 125 415. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Constantinople, 307/10-337 AD, AE, 1.24g. RIC-21. Obv: POP ROMANVS Bust of the Genius of the People of Rome, cornucopia behind. Rx: Bridge over a river, CONS/Γ. It is believed the reverse depicts the Milvian Bridge, where Constantine defeated Maxentius and became sole ruler of the western half of the Roman Empire . EF..................................225 416. CONSTANTINE I; 307-337 AD, Constantinople, 307/10-337 AD, Nummus, 1.26g. RIC-21. Obv: POP ROMANVS Bust of the Genius of the People of Rome, cornucopia behind. Rx: Bridge over a river, CONS/Γ. It is believed the reverse depicts the Milvian Bridge, where Constantine defeated Maxentius and became sole ruler of the western half of the Roman Empire, and eventually converted to Christianity. VF / EF.........................................................................................250 Magnificent 417. HELENA; Antioch, 325-326 AD, Follis, 2.99g. RIC-67. Obv: FL HELENA AVGVSTA, Bust right. Rx: SECVRITAS - REIPVBLICE, Securitas standing left, raising robe and lowering branch, Δ∈. Of the many coins of Helena that exist, we have never had an example this good. Not only perfectly centered and beautifully struck, but wonderfully silvered. MS..............................................400 418. CRISPUS AS CAESAR; 317-326 AD, Antioch, 324-5 AD, Reduced Follis, 1.90g. RIC-58, officina B=2 (r4); C-60 (3 Fr.). Obv: No legend. Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed l., seen from front. Rx: CRISPVS / CAESAR / SMANTB in three lines across field, star above, pellet below. aEF.......................................300 419. JULIAN II; 360-363 AD, Lugdunum, 360-1, with Constantius II, Siliqua, 1.84g. RIC-218 (C5), RSC-163ta, Bastien-261 (63 spec.). Obv: FL CL IVLIA - NVS P P AVG Unbearded bust r. wearing pearl diadem. Rx: VOTIS V MVLTIS X in wreath, LVG in exergue. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s, with ticket. MS......................................................................................................................500 420. VALENS; 364-378 AD, Trier, 364-367 AD, Siliqua, 1.92g. RIC-27b, C-109. Obv: D N VALEN - S P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VRBS ROMA Roma seated l. on throne, holding Victory on globe and spear. Purchased from Superior Stamp & Coin c. 1980s-1990s, with ticket. aEF.....................................................................................................................425 GREEK BRONZE 421. LUCANIA, THOURIOI; 435-410/5 BC, AE 12, 2.36g. SNG ANS-1176-1179 (no ?), HN Italy-1904 var. (same). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right, helmet decorated with olive branch. Rx: Bull butting right; Δ below; in exergue, fish right. Ex CNG 73, September 2006, lot 35. Wonderful green patina. Good EF...... ............................................................................................................................485 422. LUCANIA, THURIUM; c. 375-350 BC, AE, 26.47g. SNG ANS-1183. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena. Rx: Butting bull, caduceus in exergue. Ex HJB September 2006, lot 51722. Fine+ / VF............................................................600 423. SICILY, HIMERA; c. 415-410 BC, Hemilitra, 23.89g. Kraay, Le origini della monetazione di bronzo in Sicilia e in Magna Grecia, pl. vi, 7. SNG ANS 179–180. Calciati-I 13. Obv: Gorgoneion, Rx: Six pellets (mark of value). Ex HJB 164, May 2009, lot 453. Struck with slightly worn dies. gVF / EF.........................1200 424. SICILY, SYRACUSE; 289-287/5 BC, Trias, 3.22g. CNS-104A Ds51 Rs4 R11 (Agathokles), ANS-1195 (Agathokles). Obv: Head of Kore left; flower behind. Rx: Bull butting left; caduceus above, A in exergue. Ex CNG 78, May 2008, lot

86. Dark olive green patina, minor roughness. aEF...........................................325 425. SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 274-216 BC, AE 20, 5.67g. Calciati-191. Obv: Head of Persephone l. Rx: Bull butting l.; above club and φ; in exergue, IE. Ex HJB 165, July 2009, lot 424; previously purchased from HJB in the 1980s. Excellent image, copying the dies of Euainetos on the obverse. aEF................................400 426. SICILY, HIERON II; 275-215 BC, AE 26, 16.32g. Calciati-195 RI 1, Sear1221 var. Obv: Head diademed l. Rx: IEWNOS Horseman r., A in r. field. Ex HJB November 2006, lot 13881. While there are many portraits of Hieron, this seems to be a true likeness. Light planchet flaw on reverse at 10:00. aEF...................600 ROMAN REPUBLICAN & IMPERATORIAL BRONZE 427. AES FORMATUM; Central Italy, c. 6th-4th centuries BC, 73.40g. Cf Vecchi, ICC-pl. 90, 3. Fragment of ax-shaped cast bronze ingot, 45x37mm. It is extremely rare to find one these fragments. .......................................................................500 428. POMPEY THE GREAT CILICIA, POMPEIOPOLIS,; AD 86/7, AE, 11.84g. RPC-1726. Obv: Bare bust right. Rx: Athena, standing, holding Nike and shield. Ex CCE 1987, lot 126. Excellent portrait. aVF / Fine............................300 429. JULIUS CAESAR; 45 BC, Dupondius, 13.92g. Cr-476/1a, Sear-1025. Obv: CAESAR DIC TER Winged bust of Victory r. Rx: C CLOVI PRAEF Minerva advancing l., snake at feet. From a collection formed c. 1980s-1990s. gF.......400 Lifetime Issue 430. JULIUS CAESAR, LIFETIME ISSUE. LAMPSACUS, MYSIA; c. 45 BC, AE 20, 7.09g. RPC-2268. Obv: Wreathed head of Caesar r. Rx: M TVRIO LEG Priest plowing with oxen r. Ex CCE 1987, lot 158. It is almost impossible to locate a bronze that is a lifetime issue of Caesar. Countermark in obverse field. aVF / Fine+................................................................................................................ 1100 431. JULIUS CAESAR; Corinth, Corinthia, 44 or 43 BC, duoviri L. Aeficius Certus and C. Julius, AE, 7.57g. RPC-1116, BM-485. Obv: Wreathed head of Julius Caesar r.; behind, LAVS.IVLI / CORINT downwards in two lines (INT ligate). Rx: Bellerophon, wearing petasos and about to hurl spear, riding winged Pegasus r.; above, [L CER]TO AEFICIO (AE ligate); below, C IVLIO IIVIR. From Amandry’s obverse die D11, pl. I. Corinth’s first coinage after being rebuilt and refounded as a Roman colony by Julius Caesar in 44 BC. Fine................350 432. CLEOPATRA AND MARK ANTONY; c. 32-31 BC, AE 19x21, 7.36g. RPC4771 (over 17 spec.). Obv: [BACIΛICCHC KΛEOΠATPAC] Draped bust of Cleopatra r. Rx: [ETOVC KA TOY KAI G ΘEAC NEWTEPAC] Bare head of Antony r. Fine / aVF.........................................................................................485 Numidia/Mauretania Rarity 433. NUMIDIA/MAURETANIA, JUBA I; 60-46 BC, AE, 31.40g. SNG-534-535, Jean Mazard CORPVS NVMIDIAE MAVRETANIAEQVE-91 RRRR. Obv: Building (palace?), consisting of 2 stories, of which the main structure is supported by three telamones on plinths alternating with two Corinthian columns; above the architrave are three small aedicula, each flanked by (Ionic?) columns and with indications of statuary (?) within; dotted border; below completely visible Neo-Punic legend in two lines in exergue, SYB’Y HMMLKT Y. Rv: Octostyle temple as nos. Finest of 4 recorded. The building in this type has sometimes been considered to be a five-columned temple or the royal palace of Cirta or Zama. This is an extremely rare type which demonstrates that Punic architecture, at least as adopted in Numidia in the first century BC, had in essential points taken over the forms of Graeco-Roman architecture. Ex Ed Waddell 1987 There are only 3 other examples of this coin in existence, and they are only in the major known references. All are vastly inferior to this example. gF / VF...........................15000 434. NUMIDIA, MASINISSA & SUCCESSORS; AE 26, 13.19g. SNG Cop-51013. Obv: Bust of king l. Rx: Horse running l., Punic letters below. Ex HJB June 2010, lot 39023. VF..........................................................................................450 Octavian and Julius Caesar 435. OCTAVIAN AND JULIUS CAESAR. GAUL, LUGDUNUM; c 36 BC, Dupondius, 19.25g. RPC-515. Obv: laureate head of Caesar l., and bare head of Octavian r. Rx: COPIA Prow, with an eye and a dolphin; above, meta and a star superimposed on a globe. Bold Fine.................................................................600 Augustus and Divus Julius 436. AUGUSTUS AND DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR; Vienna, Gaul, 36 BC, Dupondius, 19.38g. RPC-517. Obv: Bare heads of Julius Caesar and Octavian, back to back; •IMP• above, CAESAR below, DIVI IVL downwards to left, DIVI F upwards to right. Rx: CIV above, Prow with superstructure r. Ex Empire 35, 1986, lot 126. VF..............................................................................................950 437. OCTAVIAN AND DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR; Thessalonica, Macedonia, Time of Augustus, AE 23, 10.04g. RPC-1554 (88 spec.). Obv: ΘEOC Wreathed head of Julius Caesar r. Rx: Bare head of Augustus r., mint name ΘECCAΛo NIKEΩN around. VF........................................................................................800 438. OCTAVIAN AND DIVUS JULIUS CAESAR; c. 38 BC, Sestertius, 13.55g. Crawford-525/1. Obv: CAESAR-DIVIF, Bare bust of Octavian. Rx: DIVOSIVLIVS, Laureate bust of Divus Julius Caesar right. aVF...............................650 ROMAN IMPERIAL BRONZE Military Badge of Augustus 439. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, AE 26, 6.05g. Military Badge, said to have been found in the Tiber. Obv: Bare head of Augustus l., between lituus (?) and pitcher, all surrounded by two dotted lines. Perhaps holed and plugged before the emperor’s chin. Rx: Blank. Ex Waddell List 21, December 1985, lot 420. While this is not a coin, it is the size and shape of a coin, hence its inclusion here. Highrelief portrait of a youthful Augustus; reverse blank. Toned. EF.....................3000 440. AUGUSTUS, DIVUS; Rome, c. 22-3 AD, struck under Tiberius, Dupondius, 15.75g. BM-142, RIC-74 (S), C-251 (50 Fr.). Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER

432 434 435 433



438 439









Head radiate l. Rx: S - C across upper field, Round temple with six columns and empty niche in center, on podium of three steps, between two tall bases bearing statues of a calf on l. and a lamb on r. Ex Berk, December 1985, lot 243. aVF..... ............................................................................................................................650 Elephant Quadriga 441. AUGUSTUS, DIVUS; Rome, Struck by Tiberius, 34-5 AD, Sestertius, 26.92g. BM-102, pl. 24.9 (obv. only, same die as ours); C-306 (15 Fr.); RIC-56. Obv: DIVO / AVGVSTO / S P Q R Radiate seated statue of Divus Augustus holding branch and scepter on car decorated with shields, drawn l. by four elephants with drivers. Rx: TI CAESAR DIVI A[VG F AVGVST P M T]R POT XXXVI around large S C. This issue doesn’t often come in this quality. gVF / VF.................1500 442. AUGUSTUS, DIVUS; Rome, Under Caligula, 37-41 AD, As, 11.19g. BM-147 (Tiberius), Paris-131, C-228, RIC-81. Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER Head radiate l. Rx: PROVIDENT in exergue, S - C across field, Altar enclosure with double door. EF...............................................................................................1000 443. AUGUSTUS, DIVUS; Rome, 34-7 AD, As, 10.64g. BM-155, Paris-136, C-247, RIC-82. Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER Head radiate l. Rx: S - C to l. and r. of Eagle standing front on globe, wings spread, head r. aEF................................900 Exceptional Portrait, Exquisite Quality 444. CALIGULA; 37-41 AD, Rome, 37-38 AD, As, 10.83g. RIC-38. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT Bare bust r. Rx: VESTA S C, Vesta veiled seated left on throne holding patera and transverse scepter. While this coin is extremely common, and no doubt circulated thoroughly for many years after the death of Caligula, an example this fine is unheard-of. MS................3500 445. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, c. 64-5 AD, Sestertius, 22.29g. Cf. BM-122. Obv: NERO CLA[VD CAESAR AVG G]ER P M TR P IMP P P Head laureate r. Rx: ADLOCVT COH in exergue, S - C across field, Nero standing l. on platform, addressing three soldiers who hold standards; an officer stands behind Nero on the platform. VF..............................................................................................3000 Port of Ostia 446. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 64-5 AD, Sestertius, 23.28g. Cf. Paris-290. Obv: N[E] RO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG [GER P M TR P IMP [P] P Bust laureate r., aegis on front shoulder. Rx: POR OST below, [S AVGVST C] above, two curved moles enclosing six ships in the harbor of Ostia, statue atop lighthouse above, Neptune reclining on dolphin and holding rudder below. Acquired from Colosseum Coin Exchange in June 1985. The number of ships shown in the harbor in this type varies, but the four most important ones, never omitted and showing four successive stages in a ship’s use of the harbor, are the two left and right of the lighthouse, one entering the harbor under full sail and the other being rowed out of the harbor; the large ship in the center, which has recently arrived and cast anchor and whose sails are being taken in by three men on deck and in the rigging; and finally the ship alongside the quay at eight-nine o’clock whose cargo is being unloaded by several men on deck and usually by another crossing the gangplank to shore. This type is eagerly sought after by collectors. The obverse is rather porous; the reverse untouched by that problem. VF........................................6500 447. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 64-5 AD, Sestertius, 27.03g. BM-188, Paris-292, C-306 (12 Fr.), RIC-148, MacDowall-117. Obv: NERO CLAVDIVS - CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P Head laureate l. Rx: S - C across field, View of triumphal arch, surmounted by group of statuary with Nero in facing quadriga between standing figures of Victory and Pax, showing front adorned with basreliefs of small figures and side decorated with large figure of Mars standing on pedestal. Some small contact marks in the neck and face of Nero, otherwise pleasant surfaces. VF.........................................................................................800 448. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Sestertius, 24.59g. Cf. Paris-373. Obv: [NERO CL]AVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR [P IMP P P] Head laureate l. Rx: PACE P R [TERR]A M[ARIQ PAR]TA IANVM CLVSIT S - C Temple of the Twin Janus (Ianus Geminus) near the Roman Forum, closed double doors at r. with garland hanging above them, each door divided into three panels with a large circular handle in the central panel, latticed window to l. at top of side wall. The reverse legend forms a complete sentence: “Since peace has been established for the Roman people on land and sea, he closed the temple of Janus.” The legend first appears on aurei in 64 AD, so the closure of the temple apparently took place immediately after Corbulo’s settlement with the Parthians in the preceding year, 63 AD. Some porosity on face of Nero, and in left field, as well as edges of reverse. Temple is extremely sharp, and untouched. About EF, aside from areas of porosity. aEF....................................................................................................1500 449. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 64 AD, Dupondius, 14.98g. Paris-319, C-130 (6 Fr.), BM-195 note (citing Cohen), RIC-184 (S). Obv: NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IM[P] Head radiate r. Rx: MAC - AVG above, S - C across field,; in exergue mark of value II. Nero’s market: central tholus with conical roof: to l. and r., two sides of the courtyard which surrounded the tholus. gVF...............450 450. DIVA POPPAEA AND DIVA CLAUDIA; 54-68 AD, Judaea, after 65 AD, AE, 6.17g. RPC-4846, TJC-354. Obv: DIVA POPPAEA AVG Distyle temple with female figure seated. Rx: DIVA CLAVD NER F Hexastyle temple with figure standing. After the death of his wife, whom he is suspected of murdering, Nero bestowed divine honors upon her and their child, Claudia. This coin proclaims these honors and is the only type struck in the name of Claudia. aEF...............685 Exquisite Portrait 451. GALBA; 68-69 AD, Rome, As, 11.74g. BM-146, Paris-185, C-124, RIC-372. Obv: IMP SER GALBA - CAES AVG [T]R P Head bare r. Rx: LIBERTAS PVBLICA on l. and r., S - C across field, Libertas standing l. holding cap and scepter. Ex CNG 38, 6 June 1996, 917. This portrait of Galba is of exquisite

quality. The highest point of the hair is incomplete, possibly because it did not reach the highest point of the die. MS.............................................................2500 Extremely Rare 452. GALBA; 68-69 AD, Tarraco, As, 10.52g. Cf. Paris-40; cf. Cohen 165 (60 Fr.). Obv: SER GALBA IMP - AVGVSTVS Head laureate r., globe under neck. Rx: QVAD[RAGENSVMA REMISSA] around, S C in exergue, Triumphal arch surmounted by statues of two riders on horses prancing l.; three criminals or captives are marched through the arch. Acquired from a Malloy Sale, 1985, lot 259. The reverse legend means “The remission of the fortieth” and seems to refer to Galba’s remission of the 2 1/2% customs duty for Spain and Gaul. Highly unusual type for Roman bronze coins. Fine.....................................................2000 453. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 71 AD, As, 9.69g. RIC-323 (R2), pl. 29 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III Head laureate r. Rx: S - C across field, Temple of Capitoline Jupiter with six columns and statues of Minerva, Jupiter, and Juno between the columns. Acquired from Berk, Summer 1986, lot 439. Fine / VF....................................................................................450 454. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Lugdunum, 77-78 AD, As, 9.80g. RIC-1239 (C), pl. 67 (probably same dies). Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS VIII P P Head laureate r., globe below. Rx: Temple of Capitoline Jupiter with six columns and statues of Minerva, Jupiter, and Juno between the columns. Some obverse porosity. VF........................................................................................................300 455. TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 73 AD, As, 7.71g. RIC-639 (C). Obv: T CAES IMP PON TR P COS II CENS Head laureate r. Rx: VES - TA above, S - C across field, four-columned round temple containing standing figure of Vesta on base. VF........................................................................................................600 Colosseum 456. TITUS; 79-81 AD, Rome, 80-81 AD, Sestertius, 24.48g. BM-190 pl. 50.2 (same rev. die), Paris-189 pl. LXXXI (same dies), RIC-184 (R2), C-400 (80 Fr.). Obv: Colosseum seen from front and above between obelisk on base (Meta Sudans) and porticoed building of two stories (Baths of Titus), without legend. Rx: [IMP T CAES V]ESP AVG P M TR P P P COS [VIII] [S] - C Titus seated l. on curule chair resting on globe, surounded by arms. See N.T. Elkins, The Flavian Colosseum Sestertii, Numismatic Chronicle 166, 2006, p. 216, no. 7 (our dies). This is the obverse die that continued to be used after Titus’ death to strike Colosseum sestertii for Divus Titus, Elkins, nos. 8-9. Ex HJB 35th Buy or Bid Sale, February 12, 1985, lot 361. Ancient scratch in field. Bold Fine......................................9000 Unpublished 457. DOMITILLA; Rome, 80-81 AD, struck by Titus, Sestertius, 23.32g. Unpublished variant of Paris-235, RIC-264, and C-3 (150 Fr.). Obv: [DOMITILLAE] at top, IMP / CAES VES / AVG in three lines in upper field, SPQR in exergue, Carpentum drawn l. by two mules. Rx: IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII around large S C. Apparently unpublished and unique with Domitilla’s carpentum facing left rather than right. This new carpentum left type will have been the earliest of Domitilla’s three carpentum sestertii, followed by the same type and legend but with carpentum right, and concluding with her commonest type, also with carpentum right but now with new legend MEMORIAE DOMITILLAE. It is extremely unusual to find an unpublished coin of such a major type. No other examples are recorded. Pleasant surfaces. Bold Fine...................................................................................................................5500 458. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 85 AD, Sestertius, 24.29g. BM-296, Paris-356, C-491 (10 Fr.), RIC-277. Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIAN - AVG GERM COS XI Head laureate r., aegis on shoulders. Rx: S - [C] across field, Domitian, togate, standing l. holding roll and sacrificing from patera over altar in front of shrine, in which is seen statuette of Minerva. Some roughness of surfaces. Bold Fine....300 459. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 88-9 AD, Sestertius, 24.34g. RIC-609 (C), BM-428, C-81 (50 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM - P M TR P VIII CENS PER P P Head laureate r. Rx: COS XIIII (weakly struck) - LVD SAEC on l. and r., S C in exergue, Domitian seated l. on platform inscribed SVF P D, distributing suffimenta to man and child standing r. before platform; on platform, two vessels by emperor’s feet; in background, four-columned temple. Ex Berk 47, 19 February 1987, 464. Commemorates Domitian’s distribution of cleansing agents to the populace before his Saecular Games of 88 or more likely 89 AD. This is an exquisite example of an exceedingly rare issue of Domitian. aVF / gVF.........................................................................................................2000 460. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 88 AD, Dupondius, 14.27g. RIC-625, Cohen, DCA-89. Obv: Laureate bust r. Rx: Domitian standing left, sacrificing over altar; to left, victimarius slaying bull, whose head is held by kneeling figure, fluteplayer and lyre-player standing right; in background, six-column temple. Fine.... ............................................................................................................................300 Circus Maximus 461. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 103 AD, Sestertius, 27.72g. BM-853; Paris-220; Woytek, MIR-175a5, pl. 28 (same obv. die); C-545 (60 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P Head laureate r. Rx: [SPQR OPTI]MO PRINCIPI around, S C in exergue, Circus Maximus, showing long row of arched entrances in the foreground, the central spina with Egyptian obelisk in the middle, and the metae (turning posts) at both ends, plus a temple of Sol in the background l. of the obelisk. A famous reverse type, apparently commemorating Trajan’s construction of five thousand additional seats in the circus by moving and heightening the building’s western wall, the very wall which is shown as the front wall in the coin type. Coins of the Circus Maximus are highly desirable. While this example is worn, it has smooth surfaces, and may have been owned or carried throughout generations by someone who enjoyed

















being in this building. Bold Fine......................................................................2000 Basilica Ulpia 462. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 112-4 AD, Sestertius, 23.84g. Woytek-464v (11 spec.); bust var. of BM-982 and C-44 (100 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: SPQR OP - TIMO PRIN - CIPI around, BASILICA VLPIA / S C in exergue, the Basilica Ulpia in Trajan’s Forum; three pairs of columns, each approached by two steps and each bearing pier above; l. and r., two further columns; above the piers, a facing quadriga led by two standing figures, flanked by two facing bigas. Extremely rare and highly desirable. Very smooth and pleasant surfaces. aVF......................................................................................2000 Basilica Ulpia 463. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 112-4 AD, Sestertius, 27.60g. Woytek-464v (11 spec.); bust var. of BM-982 and C-44 (100 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: SPQR OP - TIMO PRIN - CIPI around, [BASIL]ICA V[LPIA] / S C in exergue, the Basilica Ulpia in Trajan’s Forum; three pairs of columns, each approached by two steps and each bearing pier above; l. and r., two further columns; above the piers, a facing quadriga led by two standing figures, flanked by two facing bigas. VG....................................................................................600 Trajan’s Column 464. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 112-115 AD, Sestertius, 22.81g. BM-971 var.; C-564 (20 Fr.); Strack-433; Woytek-472a, pl. 94 (same dies). Obv: [IMP CAES NERVAE] TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P [C]OS VI P [P] Head laureate r. Rx: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S C Column of Trajan resting on double base and bearing statue of the emperor. Acquired from Berk, 1987, lot 469. This famous reverse type of Trajan’s Column, depicting many architectural details which can still be observed today on the monument itself, is much rarer on sestertii than on denarii. Heavy reverse porosity. aVF / Fine.......................................................400 Bridge Over Danube 465. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 103-111 AD, Dupondius, 10.47g. RIC-570. Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, Radiate bust right. Rx: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S C Arched single-span bridge with boat moored below. EF / gVF...........................................................................750 Double Portrait 466. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 107-8 AD, As, 8.44g. Woytek-313b (10 spec.), pl. 63 (same rev. die). Obv: COS V, bust laureate r. with folds of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI around a second portrait of Trajan, here laureate, draped, cuirassed left, seen from front. Probably a New Year’s gift distributed on 1 January; Ovid says that asses in particular were often exchanged on that occasion. Very rare and highly unusual. Severe porosity. VG......................................................................................................................200 467. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 129-31 AD, Sestertius, 23.42g. RIC-1314 (S). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS on l. and r.; laureate, draped bust r., seen from side. Rx: FELICITATI AVG round edge above, COS III P P in exergue, S - C across lower field; Galley r. with emperor seated in cabin between two standards at stern, extending r. hand; seven oarsmen. Ex Amphora, February 1987, lot 309. gF.......................................................................................................................500 468. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Sestertius, 27.13g. Bust var. of RIC-1924. Obv: [HADRIA]NVS - AVG [COS III P P] Bare-headed, draped bust left. Rx: [EXE]RC DACICV[S] / [S C] in exergue, Hadrian riding r., raising r. arm to address three soldiers standing l., who hold standards. RIC-1924 doesn’t record this exact type combination. The army name DACICV[S] in reverse exergue is corroded but legible. VG....................................................................................250 469. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 132 AD, Sestertius, 22.31g. RIC-1953 (R2). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG [COS III P P] Bareheaded, draped bust r., seen from side. Rx: [EXERCITVS] around, RAETICVS / S C in exergue, Hadrian on horseback r. addressing three soldiers standing l. Very rare, like all “Army” sestertii of Hadrian. This variant with four soldiers on Hadrian’s Army coins are one class of his Travel series and commemorate his visits to various legionary and auxiliary camps during his two great voyages around the empire. Fine...........600 470. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 129 AD, As, 9.72g. RIC-1358 (R2). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS Laureate bust r. with bare chest and fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: COS - III P - P on l. and r., S C below horse, Hadrian on horse prancing r. holding spear in r. hand and with cloak fluttering behind him. aVF..... ............................................................................................................................300 471. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 121-3 AD, Semis, 3.16g. BM-1279, Strack-579 (7 spec.), C-1167 (5 Fr.), RIC-624 (C). Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG Eagle standing r., head l., on thunderbolt. Rx: P M - T[R] P [COS] III - S C Winged thunderbolt. EF...........................................................225 472. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, c. 107-8 AD, Sestertius, 27.26g. Woytek-302bC (54 spec.), BM-859, Paris-311, C-552 (30 Fr.), RIC-575. Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P Bust laureate r., with fold of aegis or cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI around, S C in exergue, Eight-columned temple containing standing male statue on pedestal, in pediment seated figure between two reclining figures, on roof five standing male figures. Some edge dents and porosity. While the portrait is VF, the coin itself is only fine. Fine...................................................300 Temple of Roma and Venus 473. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 140-4 AD, Sestertius, 21.38g. BM1325. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PI - VS P P TR P COS III Bust laureate, cuirassed r. Rx: VENERI - FELICI] on l. and r., [S C] in exergue (off flan), Ten-columned

façade of Hadrian’s Temple of Roma and Venus, without statue between the columns. Acquired from Harlan Berk, 1985, lot 291; earlier in the Niggeler Collection. Some tooling on obverse; most notably, drapery has been added to the emperor’s neck, transforming the bust from laureate, cuirassed only to laureate, draped, and cuirassed. Though somewhat tooled, this is an exquisite portrait. Happily, the reverse is untouched. Tooling probably occurred several hundred years ago, before the practice was considered negatively, and the drawbacks likely unknown to the princes and royalty that collected ancient coins at the time. VF / aEF.............................................................................................................750 474. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 145 AD, Sestertius, 23.26g. BM1669, C-320 (12 Fr.), RIC-767a. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS P P TR P Head laureate r. Rx: COS IIII / S C in exergue, Antoninus in quadriga l., extending r. hand and holding eagle-tipped scepter in l. Commemorates the emperor’s assumption of his fourth consulship on 1 January 145. Ex Malter 1986, lot 565. Some porosity. VF..............................................................................................200 475. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 159 AD, Sestertius, 24.87g. Strack-1168 (3 spec.). Obv: ANTONINVS AVG - PIVS P P TR P XXII Head laureate r. Rx: TEMPL DIVI - AVG REST around, COS IIII in exergue, S - C across field, Temple of eight columns with standing statues before the two outer columns, containing seated statues of Divus Augustus and Diva Livia. Coins like this one provide our only record that Antoninus restored the Temple of Divus Augustus and Diva Livia in the Roman Forum in 159 AD. Rare with reverse legend starting TEMPL DIVI rather than TEMPLVM DIV. VF.......................375 476. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 140-4 AD, Dupondius, 10.18g. Strack-864 (3 spec.). Obv: ANTONINVS AVG - PIVS P P TR P COS III Head radiate r. Rx: VENERI - FELICI on l. and r., S C in exergue, Ten-columned façade of Hadrian’s Temple of Roma and Venus, without statue between the columns. Rare denomination for this type. The corresponding sestertius is commoner. Fine / gVF..........................................................................................................150 477. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 159 AD, Dupondius, 13.28g. Strack-1168 (2 spec.). Obv: ANTONINVS AVG - PIVS [P P TR P XXII] Head radiate r. Rx: TEMPL DIVI - AVG REST around, COS IIII in exergue, S - C across field, Temple of eight columns with standing statues before the two outer columns, containing seated statues of Divus Augustus and Diva Livia. Coins like this one provide our only record that Antoninus restored the Temple of Divus Augustus and Diva Livia in the Roman Forum in 159 AD. Rare denomination with this type; the sestertius is commoner. EF / VF..........................................400 478. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 143-144 AD, As, 10.59g. RIC-733, C-450. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate bust right. Rx: IMPERATOR II S C, Sow standing, right under holm oak , suckling four young; in front, one (or two) more. VG / VF................................................................500 479. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 145-7 AD, As, 11.38g. BM-1750, C-500 (10 Fr.) corr., RIC-819. Obv: [AN]TONINVS AVG PI - VS P P TR P COS IIII Head laureate r. Rx: [LIBERA] - LITAS IIII above and on r., S C in exergue, Largesse scene: Emperor seated l. on curule chair on platform, Liberalitas standing l. before him emptying coin-counter into open toga of recipient standing r. on ground. This largesse was distributed on the occasion of the marriage of Marcus Aurelius Caesar and Faustina II, in Spring 145. gF.............................300 480. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 160 AD, As, 7.83g. BM-2093. Obv: [ANT]ONINVS AVG - PIVS P P TR P XXIII Head laureate r. Rx: COS - IIII on l. and r., S C in exergue, Togate emperor standing l., head r., holding branch and scepter, on round base in shrine with two columns, surmounted by semicircular arch, with fleurettes. VF....................................................................................500 481. FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 26.84g. BM-1507, C-69 (25 Fr.), RIC-1115. Obv: DIVA FAV - STINA Bust draped r. Rx: AETERNITAS in exergue, S - C in field, six-columned temple containing statue of Diva Faustina seated front; standing statues on bases l. and r. in front of outermost columns; figures in pediment, on roof frontal quadriga and two Victories holding shields above their heads; fence before temple. Acquired from Frank Kovacs, December 1985. The temple pictured on this coin still exists today. VF..........................1250 482. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 169-170 AD, Sestertius, 24.70g. RIC-978. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, Laureate bust r. Rx: PROFECTIO AVG S C COS III, Marcus Aurelius, wearing cuirass, on prancing horse right, holding spear in right hand; in front, soldier with spear and shield; behind, two soldiers carrying standards. Ex Empire, October 1986, lot 154. VF... ..........................................................................................................................1250 483. MARCUS AURELIUS; 161-180 AD, Rome, 172-173 AD, Sestertius, 24.60g. RIC-1076. Obv: M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVII, Laureate bust r. Rx: IMP VI COS III S C RELIG AVG, Statue of Mercury, wearing petasus and short robe, standing front, head left, on base, holding purse in right hand and caduceus in left hand, within a tetrastyle temple; columns are telamons; the pediment is semicircular and contains, from left to right, tortoise, cock, ram, petasus, winged caduceus, and purse. VF....................................................................................475 484. MARCUS AURELIUS, DIVUS; Died 180 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 19.94g. BM-397, pl. 101.9 (rev. only, same die); C-95 (30 Fr.). Obv: DIVVS M AN TONINVS PIVS Head bare r. Rx: CON[SEC]RATI - O around, S - C in exergue, Divus Marcus seated r. in four-columned shrine, on wagon drawn r. by four elephants with drivers. Ex Berk 47, 1987, lot 476. aVF...................................350 485. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 186 AD, Sestertius, 18.38g. BM-580, C-136 (20 Fr.), RIC-468b. Obv: [M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT] Head laureate r. Rx: [FID EXERC] in exergue, [P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P] around, Commodus standing l. on platform addressing four soldiers who hold





482 481















standards topped by eagles. aVF.......................................................................550 486. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 186 AD, Sestertius, 14.60g. BMC-568, Cohen, DCA-489. Obv: Laureate bust r. Rx: P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P / S - C, Two-columned temple with statue of Janus. VF.....................................475 487. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 190-191 AD, As, 10.90g. RIC-591, C-178. Obv: M COMM ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT P P, Laureate bust right. Rx: HERC COMMODIANO P M TR P XVI COS VI S C, Hercules, nude, standing left, sacrificing with patera in right hand over altar and holding cornucopiae in left hand; at left, tree on which hangs lionskin. This coin shows that towards the end of his reign, Commodus seems to have actually thought he was Hercules. gVF.... ............................................................................................................................600 488. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 195 or 196 AD, Sestertius, 16.07g. BM-580 or p. 146, * var. Obv: L SEPT SEV PERT - AVG IMP VII Head laureate r. Rx: [P] M [TR P III or IIII] - COS II P [P] S - C Fortuna standing l. holding rudder on globe and cornucopia, no wheel behind her. Acquired from Harlan Berk, c. 1994-2001; with Berk ticket handwritten by Curtis Clay. The tribunician number could be either [III] or [IIII]. Green patination. aEF..........700 Arched Bridge 489. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 208 AD, As, 12.77g. BM-857, pl. 52.1 (same dies); C-523 (30 Frs.); RIC-786b (R2). Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVI above, COS III P P / S C in exergue, Arched bridge with fence along its side and roof supported by beams, across which five figures are passing; at each end of bridge, triumphal arch with three passageways below and facing five-horse chariot on top; each chariot is led by a figure standing alongside the innermost horse, and each carries three passengers (Severus, Caracalla, and Geta) whose heads only are seen above the horses; below bridge, waves and boat rowed by two oarsmen. Acquired from HarmerRooke, 1986, lot 295. Rare: this is the 33rd specimen recorded in C.L. Clay’s unpublished die catalogue of Severan bronze coins, these 33 coins coming from five obverse and only three reverse dies. This bridge is reminiscent in many ways of the famous coin type of Trajan depicting his Danube bridge, but unfortunately we do not know where the Severan bridge was located and why it was depicted on the coins early in 208 AD. Fine / VF.........................................................1500 Temple of Vesta 490. JULIA DOMNA; 215 AD. Middle Bronze, 11.15g. C-234. Obv: Diademed bust r. Rx: Four Vestals sacrificing in front of the Temple of Vesta. VF / aVF.........475 Circus Maximus 491. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 213 AD, Sestertius, 23.92g. BM-251, RIC500a (R3), C-236 (60 Fr.). Obv: M AVREL ANTONIN[VS AVG] PIVS BRIT Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: P M TR P X[VI I]MP II around, COS IIII P P / S C in exergue, Circus Maximus, showing front wall with large entrance arch and eleven smaller arches; back wall with spectators, temple with altar before it, and top of arch surmounted by statues on r.; r. end wall topped by starter’s lodge and statues; triumphal arch surmounted by statue of emperor in quadriga at l. end; spina with turning posts at ends, obelisk in middle, plus apparatus with dolphins for numbering laps and statue atop column; finally in the arena at r., as though just emerging from the starting gates, three racing chariots. This coin has an ancient hole in it, meaning that a Roman must have wanted to wear it. Ignoring the hole, the portrait is a good EF, and the reverse a strong VF. Without the hole, a coin like this would go for about $20,000. gVF.............................................................5000 Triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus 492. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 204 AD, As, 10.92g. RIC-419 (R3), C-15 (100 Fr.). Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG - PONT TR P [VII] Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: ARCVS - AVGG on l. and r., S C in exergue, Triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus with three passageways, surmounted by statues of emperor in facing six-horse chariot flanked by horsemen facing l. and r. respectively. Acquired from Schulten, April 1985, lot 594. Very rare: this type comes from only this one reverse die. The arch depicted still stands in the Roman Forum with dedicatory inscription of 203 AD. VF.........................................1500 Wonderful Portrait 493. ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Rome, AD 219, Sestertius, 28.29g. BM-409, RIC-293, C-231 (12 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS [PIV]S AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: PONTIF MAX TR P II COS II P P around, S C in exergue, Helmeted Roma seated l. holding Victory and spear, shield by her side. Of the many coins of Elagabalus that we have handled, there have been many denarii, and few bronzes. This coin is the best example we have handled. It has a dark, olive-green toning, with actual iridescent fields. Choice EF.........5000 Exceptional As 494. ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Rome, 218-9 AD, As, 11.48g. BM-370, C-115 var., RIC-364. Rx: MARS - VICTOR around, S - C across field, Mars advancing r. holding spear and trophy over shoulder. This coin comes from the same collection as the previous lot. Again, it is probably the best we have ever handled, coming from a collector who had a deep understanding of the wonderful quality possible in a bronze coin. MS..........................................................................1850 495. JULIA MAMAEA; Rome, 232-5 AD, Sestertius, 14.25g. BM-487, C-21, RIC676. Obv: IVLIA MAMA - EA AVG[VSTA] Draped bust r. wearing stephane. Rx: FELICI - TAS PVBLICA S - C Felicitas standing l., legs crossed, leaning on column and holding short caduceus. This type is misdated to 228 AD in BMC; the revised date of 232-5 derives from unpublished research by C. Clay. Pleasant surfaces. VF........................................................................................................300 496. TREBONIANUS GALLUS; 251-253 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 13.25g. RIC-110. Obv: Laureate bust right. Rx: IVNONI MARTIALI S C, Round distyle temple, in

which is seated Juno; at her side, peacock. Fine / aVF.....................................485 Contorniate of Circus Maximus 497. CONTORNIATE; Rome, 356-394 AD, AE 37, 18.52g. Alföldi-40 (same dies). Obv: ALEXA - NDER Bust of Alexander the Great r., wearing lionskin headdress. Rx: View of the Circus Maximus, with central spina, obelisk, and both metae (turning posts); to the l. of the obelisk is a statue of Cybele on a lion; in the circus are four racing quadrigas, the one at lower r. being crowned as winner. Ex Waddell, 1986, lot 54. Many dies were used to strike this type, which was extremely popular with the Roman public. What could be better than Alexander the Great and the Circus Maximus on one coin. VF........................................2000 ROMAN PROVINCIAL BRONZE 498. PTOLEMAIC, CLEOPATRA VII; 51-30 BC, Obol, 7.84g. Svoronos-1871-1872, SNG Copenhagen-424. Obv: Diademed bust right. Rx: Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, cornucopia to left. VG..............................400 499. AUGUSTUS; 27 BC-14 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 19-2/3 BC, Diobol, 14.35g. Dattari-14, Geissen-5-6. Obv: Bare bust right. Rx: KAI-CAP, Distyle temple of Mars Ultor, signum within. VG / VF................................................................400 500. TIBERIUS; 14-37 AD, Emerita, Dupondius, 24.30g. RPC-41. Obv: TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS PONT MAX IMP, Laureate bust left. Rx: AVGVSTA EMERITA Camp gateway. VF............................................................................................250 501. NERO; 54-68 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 66/7 AD (Year 13), Billon Tetradrachm, 13.42g. Dattari-263-4, Geissen-184. Obv: Radiate bust right. Rx: ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΦΟΡΟΣ Galley under sail right. gVF..............................................400 Hippopotamus 502. CLAUDIUS I; 41-54 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 41/2 AD (Year 2), Obol, 3.36g. Dattari-165/169, Geissen-72. Obv: Laureate head right. Rx: Hippopotamus right. Fine / aVF...........................................................................................................225 Marketplace 503. GALBA; 68-69 AD. Corinth, Achaea. AE, 7.86g. RPC-1219, BMC-575. Obv: Bare bust right. Rx: L CAN AGRIPPAE IIVI COR, Tetrastyle temple with colonnaded aisle left on high podium, seen in perspective. The depicted temple is that of Octavia described by Pausanias as being “above the marketplace”. There are very few colonials of Galba. We are happy to be able to offer this coin. VG / VF.......................................................................................................................350 504. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD. Amorium, Phrygia. AE, 8.73g. RPC-1420, SNG Cop123. Obv: ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΑΜΡ, Bust laureate right. Rx: ΕΠΙ Λ ΟΥΙΨΑΝΙΟΥ ΣΙΛΟΥΑΝΟΥ Tetrastyle temple with altar inside. gF / VF.......125 Triumphal Arch 505. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 94/5 AD (Year 14), AE, 21.70g. Dattari-542-3, Geissen-410. Obv: Laureate bust right. Rx: Triumphal arch with three bays between columns supporting spear-bearing figures, relief decoration above bays, pediment ornamented with two Nikes holding globe, attic surmounted by statuary group of Domitian driving quadriga of six horses between trophies; L I[Δ] (date) across field. Ex Shimmer, 1986, Lot 118. Fine / aVF.....................600 Sphinx 506. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 91/2 AD (Year 11), AE, 4.85g. Dattari-571, Geissen-396. Obv: Laureate bust left. Rx: Sphinx reclining right, date above. VG / gF..........................................................................................200 Triumphal Arch 507. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 108/9 AD (Year 12), Drachm, 27.00g. Dattari-1084, Emmett-602. Obv: Bust laureate right. Rx: Triumphal arch. Ex CNA XII, September 1990, lot 53. Though this coin is rather worn, the surfaces are smooth, and the decorations on top of the arch are extremely clear. Fine...500 Triumphal Arch 508. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 109/110 AD (Year 13), AE, 22.30g. Dattari-1085, Geissen-564. Obv: Laureate bust right. Rx: Triumphal arch with three arcades supported by four Corinthian columns on which are statues; on the lateral arches are two bas-reliefs representing the sitting Emperor; on the triangular pediment, two Nikes supporting a disc; on the summit, facing statue of the Emperor in a quadriga; to either side, trophies and captives; L IΓ (date) across field. Ex Malter, 1986, Lot 509. Fine / gF.........................................................600 Pharos Lighthouse 509. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 109/10 AD (Year 13), Hemidrachm, 14.00g. Dattari-1113, Geissen-561. Obv: Bust laureate right. Rx: Pharos lighthouse surmounted by two Tritons, each blowing a trumpet; between them is a lantern surmounted by a statue, holding situla and scepter; entryway below on right. Ex Victor England, 1988, lot 34. Old, shallow scrape in right field of reverse. Bold Fine..............................................................................................800 510. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Bithynium, Bithynia, AE, 25.00g. RPC-1018 (bare head). Obv: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ Bust laureate right. Rx: ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΒΕΙΘΥΝΙΑϹ Octastyle temple with pellet between middle columns, figure in pediment, prow below. Powerful portrait of Hadrian, wonderful example of temple. VF..........................................................................................................400 511. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 132/3 AD (Year 17), AE, 25.90g. Dattari-1947, Geissen-1084. Obv: Bust laureate right. Rx: Classical temple with two columns enclosing laureate, togate Hadrian, standing r., holding scepter; to r., Serapis standing l., holding wreath and scepter; between, altar inscribed ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΝ; in exergue, date LIZ. Ex Victor England, 1987, lot 178. Fine / VF. ............................................................................................................................600 Wonderful Lighthouse Type 512. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 133/134 AD (Year 18), Drachm, 23.90g. Dattari-1767. Obv: Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of emperor r. Rx:














496 497




Isis Pharia, holding billowing sail and sistrum, advancing r. towards the Pharos of Alexandria, which is surmounted by a statue and two Tritons. Ex MünzZentrum Germany, April 1985, Lot 452. This one of the most beautiful and descriptive lighthouse types in the Roman Egyptian series. gVF......................................1500 513. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 134/135 AD (Year 19), Drachm, 22.50g. Dattari-1955, Geissen-1189. Obv: AVT KAIC TPAIAN A∆PIANOC CЄB Bust laureate right. Rx: Isis enthroned holding infant Harpokrates, within distyle temple. Ex Empire List 8, 1988, lot 514. aVF / gVF............................475 514. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 146/7 AD (Year 10), Drachm, 28.70g. Dattari-3062, Geissen-1556. Obv: Bust laureate right. Rx: Distyle temple, shield in pediment; Tyche reclining left on garlanded lectisternium, holding rudder with her right hand, supporting head with left propped on pillow; L ΔЄ KATOY (date) around. Ex NFA, lot 883. aVF / VF...................................800 515. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 148/9 AD (Year 12), Drachm, 24.40g. Dattari-3047, Geissen-1609-11. Obv: Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: LΔⲰΔЄΚΑΤOY Isis seated right on throne within distyle temple, suckling Harpokrates crowned with skhent crown and holding lotus bud in his left hand; to inner right, oinochoe on column. Ex Dattari Coll. VF.......................................................................................................................750 Monumental Altar 516. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 151-152 AD (Year 15), Drachm, 26.50g. Dattari-3000, Geissen-1672. Obv: Laureate bust right. Rx: Monumental altar, with four garlanded columns, in center, Eusebeia (?); above, burning pine cones; acroteria in form of aphlasta; in field, LI-Ɛ. Ex DATCOL, lot 2999. Fine / gF..................................................................................................600 Monumental Altar 517. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 153/4 AD (Year 17), Drachm, 25.90g. Dattari-3009, Geissen-1701. Obv: Laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder. Rx: Monumental altar, or flat-roofed temple, with six columns, garlanded, uncertain figure at each end of base; above, burning pine cones; acroteria in form of aphlasta; in exergue, LIZ. VF...........................................400 Highly Entertaining Type 518. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 154/5AD (Year 18), Drachm, 22.90g. Dattari-8771-2, Geissen-1749. Obv: AY TI AI ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟC ΕΥC CΕΒ Laureate, draped bust right. Rx: L IH Tyche-Euthenia standing facing, her head to left, holding grain ears in her right hand and a rudder in her left; to left, forepart of a grain transport ship to right, below which, Thalassa reclining to right; to right, galley-stern, below which, Nilus reclining to left, crowned with lotus and holding a rudder with his right hand. This coin covers many aspects of what went on in Alexandria. aVF / VF..................................1000 519. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Tarsus, Cilicia, AE 32, 23.80g. Cf. SNG Levante-1014. Obv: AVT T ΠΟC (?) AIΛΙΟC KAICAP - ANTΩNINOC CE Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: Ten-columned temple, inscribed [K]OINOC KIΛIKIAC on architrave and with eagle with spread wings in pediment; [AΔPIANΩN] - TAPCEΩN on l. and r., [MH]TPOΠΟΛ[ΕΩC] in exergue. VF.......................................................................................................385 520. MARCUS AURELIUS AND LUCIUS VERUS; Anazarbus, Cilicia, 163/164 AD, AE 23, 10.92g. SNG Paris-2031, SNG Levante-1392. Obv: Aurelius and Verus standing facing one another, clasping hands. Rx: KAI TΩΝ ΠPO-C TΩ ANAZAPB around, ET BΠP in exergue, decastyle temple; star on pediment. Ex Waddell, 1985, lot 96. aEF................................................................................350 Galley Approaching Lighthouse 521. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, 188/9 AD (Year 29), Billon Tetradrachm, 8.75g. Dattari-3903, Geissen-2242-3. Obv: M A KOM ANTω CEB EVCEB Laureate head right. Rx: Galley sailing right over waves; behind, Pharos. The lighthouse of Alexandria, a masterpiece of Greek architecture which pioneered the architectural form of these structures, came to be considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Constructed on the island of Pharos during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphos, it was designed to help guide merchants and travelers into Alexandria’s two harbors. This is a very entertaining type, in that it shows an outdoor view of galley approaching the famous lighthouse. aVF. ............................................................................................................................600 522. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Hypaepa, Lydia, Medallion, 27.80g. SNG ANS-2966. Obv: Laureate bust with oval counterstamp. Rx: ΕΠΙ ΜΕΝΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΒΑΣΣΙΑ ΣΤ / ΥΠΑΙΠΗ/ΝΩΝ, four-column temple front with broken gable on a three-tiered podium, inside cult image of Artemis Anaitis. VF. ............................................................................................................................300 523. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Tarsus, Cilicia, AE 35, 22.90g. SNG Levante-1022 (same dies). Obv: AVT KAIC Λ CΕΠT CEVHPOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: TAPCOV MHTPO TWN Γ EΠΑPΧΕΙWN KOINOI KIΛIKIAC Front and side view of two temples standing beside one another. aVF / VF..............................................................................................300 Immense Medallion 524. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Laodiceia ad Lycum, Phrygia, Medallion, 49.20g. BMC-227. Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Rx: Λ AIΛ ΠIΓPHC ACIAPX Γ ANEΘHKEN, • ΛAOΔIKЄΩN/NЄΩKOPΩN in exergue, emperor standing right on steps of distyle temple, holding wreath in right hand; on either side, pair of togate figures raising hand in acclamation; behind, troops standing, holding shields and spears; all within precinct enclosure, seen from aerial perspective; enclosure entrance composed of six columns; figure of Hygieia, holding serpent, standing in outer intercolumniations; uncertain figures (Pigres and spouse?) standing facing in central intercolumniation. Ex Harmer Rooke Auction 25,

October 1986. aVF............................................................................................400 Immense Medallion 525. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Pergamum, Mysia, AE, 34.20g. SNG BM-2227-9. Obv: Laureate bust r. Rx: Three temples, the outer two (of Augustus and Trajan) hexastyle, the inner (of Caracalla as Asklepios) tetrastyle, each surmounted by wreath and containing a statue within. Ex Stacks Coin Galleries, April 2010, lot 236. Fine / aVF..................................................................................................300 526. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Neocaesarea, Pontus, Year 146 = 209/10 AD, AE 30x31, 15.06g. Rec.Gén-16. Obv: A KAI Λ CEΠ - CEO[YHPOC] Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: KOIN ΠO - NEO - K[AI - MHTP] around, ET PMB in exergue (MB ligate), Temple of four columns. VG / VF...............250 527. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, AE 35x36, 21.39g. Kurth-58 (same dies). Obv: AV KAI M AVPH ANTΩNEINOC Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r.; before chin, round countermark of emperor’s head. Rx: EΠI CTPA ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΩ ΑΠΕΛΛΑ B AΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΔΕΩΝ Four-columned temple with Dionysus standing l. within, holding cantharus and thyrsus. Acquired from a German sale, April 1985, lot 611. Fine / VF............................................................................................................350 528. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Tyre, Phoenicia, Tetradrachm, 12.70g. Prieur-1547. Obv: AVT KAI ANTωNINOC CЄ, Laureate bust right. Rx: ΔHMAPX ЄΞ VΠATOC TO Δ, Eagle with wings spread and murex shell between legs. aEF............................................................................................................350 529. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Amasia, Pontus, 208/9 AD, AE, 18.50g. BMC-32, SNG Cop-112. Obv: Laureate bust r. Rx: Altar of Zeus Stratios on two levels, flaming, sacred tree to left. Ex HJB Buy or Bid 43, 1986, lot 342. gVF..........325 530. CARACALLA; 195-198 AD, Nicaea, Bithynia, AE 25, 10.38g. Cf. Rec.Gén.405. Obv: M AVPHΛ ANTΩ - NINOC KAICAP Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: NI - KA on l. and r., IEΩN in exergue, Six-columned temple. aEF.......................................................................................................400 531. ELAGABALUS; 218-222 AD, Berytus, Phoenicia, AE, 16.77g. BM-171. Obv: Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: COL IVL AVG FEL BER Four-columned temple, within which Tyche standing facing, crowned by small Victory on column and flanked by two geniuses each holding up a torch; on pediment, group of Poseidon and Beroe between two Victories holding up wreaths; below, steps leading to temple; on either side of steps, a winged genius armed with trident riding on dolphin, and a vase with broad bowl. Ex Ed Waddell, 1987, lot 227. VF / EF.....................................................................................................................325 532. SEVERUS ALEXANDER; 222-235 AD, Etenna, Pisidia, AE 30x31, 5.81g. SNG Paris-1547 (same obv. die). Obv: Α Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹƐΥH ΑΛƐΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ Bust laureate r., with fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ƐΤƐΝ - [Ν]ƐΩΝ Columnar cult monument between two statues on bases, representing Hercules holding club on the l. and a female figure on the r. aVF / gVF..............................................500 533. MAXIMUS AS CAESAR; 235-238 AD, Anazarbus, Cilicia, Year 254 = 235/6 AD, AE 30x32, 15.57g. Ziegler-669, dies 4/9, spec. 3 (this coin). Obv: Γ IOV OVH MAXIMOC KAI Bare-headed, cuirassed bust r., seen from front, with fold of cloak on l. shoulder. Rx: ANAZAPBOV M - HTPOΠΟΛΕΩC on l. and r., date ET ΔNC in exergue, two Victories and letters B - Γ across middle and lower field; Two-columned shrine containing zodiac and with mussel-shaped semicircular roof. Ex Waddell List 26, 1987, 215; ex Waddell List 21, 1985, 184; ex MMAG Basel 41, 1970, 549. aVF..................................................................................400 534. MAXIMUS AS CAESAR; 235-238 AD, Coropissus, Cilicia, AE 27, 10.25g. SNG Aulock-5675 (same obv. die). Obv: Γ Ι OVN MAXIMOV KAICA ΓEP ΔA CAP Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: KOPOΠICCEΩN THC KHTΩN MHTPOΠOΛEΩC Tyche seated l. in two-columned temple. VF....................250 Arched City Gates 535. GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, AE, 13.83g. AMNG-1170, Varbanov-1966. Obv: M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC / AVΓ Bust of Gordian III with laurel wreath, drapery and cuirass, facing bust of Serapis with kalathos and drapery. Rx: VΠ MHNO-ΦIΛOV M-APKIANO around, ΠOΛITΩN in exergue, Arched city gate. Ex Waddell, 1987, lot 317. Wonderfully sharp view of arched city gate. aVF / gEF...........................................................................450 536. GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Berytus, Phoenicia, 239-40 AD, AE 28, 19.52g. BM-228. Obv: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG COS II P P Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust r. Rx: COL IVL AVG FEL around, BE - R in exergue, Tetrastyle temple with steps leading up to it, within the temple frontal bust of Astarte flanked by cornucopia and legionary eagle on each side, on roof figures of Poseidon and Beroe at center between Victories holding up wreaths at sides, in exergue lion walking r. Ex Waddell 1988, lot 102. White encrustation over toning. VF.......................................................................................................................350 537. ANONYMOUS; Macedonian Commune, AE 24, 8.57g. AMNG-807. Under Gordian III, honoring Alexander the Great. Obv: AΛE - XANΔPOV Diademed head of Alexander III r., upward-looking, with flowing hair. Rx: KOI / NON MA above, KEΔΟΝΩΝ / Β ΝΕ in exergue, Two six-columned temples side by side, each with a small pellet in pediment. From an NFA sale, c. late 1980s, lot 221 . EF.......................................................................................................................600 540. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Oktassarion, AE 11.28g. BMC-91, Epigraphica Anatolia-4 (1984) p 115, 17. Obv: AY KAICAP ΓAΛΛIHNOC, Laureate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right, cuirass decorated with gorgoneion. Rx: KIBY/PATΩN Hexastyle temple set on base with three steps; on architrave, eagle with spread wings standing front, head to left. crude die-work. EF..................500 541. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Perga, Pamphylia, AE 30, 17.78g. Cf. SNG Paris-575. Obv: AVT KAI ΠΟ ΛΙ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝO CΕΒ Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r.; value mark I=10 before neck. Rx: ΠEPΓAIAC A[PTEMI]ΔOC






















526 524











around, ACYΛOV in exergue, Two-columned temple with A in pediment; within, cult image of Artemis with crescent and star above. VF...................................375 542. GALLIENUS; 253-268 AD, Parium, Mysia, AE 26x28, 8.38g. Cf. SNG Paris-1533 and BM-125. Obv: ΙΛΛΗΙC. .Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., holding spear pointing diagonally upwards beneath chin. Rx: A - P retrograde across upper field; [CGI]H in exergue; Triumphal arch with three openings, bearing emperor standing in a frontal quadriga of elephants, two of whose trunks are visible, between two Victories standing on globes and each crowning the emperor. Above the three arched openings, windows or a wall of stone blocks. Crude die work, but with clear details of the arch. VF / EF..............................350 543. QUIETUS; 260-261 AD, Nicaea, Bithynia, Octadrachm, 6.11g. Rec.Gén.872, SNG Aulock-735. Obv: TIT ΦΟYΛ Ι KVHTOC CΕΒ Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Quietus to right. Rx: NIKAIEΩN Aerial view of the city walls in the shape of an octagon; arched central gateways above and below. Ex Empire, May 1986, lot 283. EF......................................................................................400 WORLD 544. ARGENTINA, 1836, RA P, 8 REALES, NGC, EF40; Argentina, 1836 RA P, 8 Reales, NGC. EF40, Rio de la Plata, La Rioja mint, KM20, Elizondo-20, Janson-37. Classic sun-face design, attractive toning and underlying luster. 1500 545. AUSTRIA, LEOPOLD I, 1657-1705, 1690, MEDAL, UNC; Austria, Leopold I, 1657-1705, 1690 Medal, UNC, Coronation of Joseph I Gilt Bronze Medal 34.60mm; 18.2gms. By Georg Hautsch. Cuirassed laureate bust of Joseph I right/ The Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, Orb, Scepter and Sword resting on cushion at center with legend in exergue. Bust in high relief and impressive eye appeal. Possible edge mount ...........................................................................225 546. BELGIUM, PETER PAUL RUBENS, 1577-1640, 1877, MEDAL, AU; Belgium, Peter Paul Rubens, 1577-1640, 1877 Medal, AU, Bronze medal 1877 signed by Ed. Geerts. 300th birthday of Rubens, dedicated by the City of Antwerp. Winged genius leaning against a board, holding a palm branch in his left hand, a castle stands in the background, two hands above it / 6 lines of writing. 72.5 mm, 179.5g, small scratch. was an enormously successful painter of Renaissance and classical art. ......................................................................................................225 547. BELGIUM, CENTENARY OF THE SOCIETE GENERALE, 1922, MEDAL, AU; Belgium, Centenary of The Societe Generale, 1922 Medal, AU, Centenary of The Societe Generale of Belgium by C. Devreese. Bronze, 75mm. Woman kneeling, making an offering of riches to seated Belgium/ Mercury, God of commerce seated at the seaside, with his had raises a star. The Societe Generale was one of the largest Belgian banks and holdings companies which existed between 1822 and 2003. .....................................................................................85 548. CHINA, KWANGTUNG, ND, 3 MACE 6 CANDAREENS (50 CENTS), NGC, AU55; China, Kwangtung, ND 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), AU55, Kuang-hsu (Guangxu), 1891-1905. L&M-134; K-27; KM-Y-202. Old cabinet toning with underlying luster. NGC 6067462-014 . ........................................4000 549. CUBA, SOUVENIR TYPE I, PAT.97, 1897, 1 PESO, AU, D; Cuba, Souvenir Type I, PAT.97, 1897 1 Peso, AU, D, A low-mintage issue (828 pieces) struck by the Republican government in exile in New York while Cuba itself was still under Spanish rule, desirable first issue with PAT.97. on truncation of bust. Details: Stained. ...........................................................................................................1000 550. CUBA, “LOW RELIEF” STAR, 1915, 40 CENTAVOS, NGC, MS62; Cuba, “Low Relief” Star, 1915 40 Centavos, NGC. MS62, Philadelphia mint, KM14.3. Satiny appearances abounding, this scarce “Low Relief” has pleasing lustrous surfaces and attractive toning. ........................................................................1600 551. CUBA, “HIGH RELIEF” STAR, 1915, 20 CENTAVOS, NGC, MS64; Cuba, “High Relief” Star, 1915 20 Centavos, NGC. MS64, KM-13.1. Variety with high relief and fine edge reeding. This attractive and lustrous example boasts a good strike with satiny surfaces and lavish die polish. ...............................1000 552. FRANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, (1880-DT), JETON, PCGS, MS63; France, Life insurance, (1880-DT) Jeton, PCGS. MS63, Assurances Sur La Vie. Silver, 36mm. France holding shield of health and staff seated next to anchor and cornucopia. Lovely. ..........................................................................................200 553. FRANCE, NOTARY OF FRANCE, 1874, JETON, PCGS, MS61; France, Notary of France, 1874 Jeton, PCGS. MS61, Mutual Aid Society. Silver by A. Borrel. 21.7g, 36mm. Em:Corn. Athena, Goddess of wisdom with olive branch embraces humanity personified. Gail-1428; Ler-451. Proof-like. ...................200 554. FRANCE, LOUIS XV 1715-1774, 1758, MEDAL, EF; France, Louis XV 1715-1774, 1758 Medal, EF, Battle of Saint-Cast. Bronze, 62.5mm. By Joseph Charles Roettiers Fils. Young draped Louis XV bust right/Britain (left) with lowered sword and holding a plaque “the virtue of a leader and a soldier”; shield resting at the bottom of the tree of victory. France (right) holding a lightning bolt and while touching the tree of victory holding a pla1que “virtuous and noble people”. The Battle of Saint-Cast was a military engagement during the Seven Years’ War on the French coast between British naval and land expeditionary forces and French coastal defense force. An English army of 10,000 men landed on September 3, 1758 to attack. They were repelled by the French troops of the Duke of Aiguillon and had to retreat suffering heavy losses givng way to France’s victory. ..............................................................................................................300 555. FRANCE, COUNCIL OF ELDERS, 1798, MEDAL, UNC; France, Council of Elders, 1798 Medal, UNC, Very unique oval Bronze medal commemorating The Directory, Council of Elders, Year VII (1798) Paris. Unsigned. Beam surmounted by the cap of Liberty, surrounded by two cornucopias, an olive branch, and an oak branch; above: a laurel wreath; in the epigraph: REPRESENTATIVE/ OF THE PEOPLE/ THE YEAR VII, R/COUNCIL OF ELDERS, In a circle formed

by the snake biting its tail, the level and the tables of the Constitution inscribed CONSTITUTION/ DE/ AN THREE. 46x56mm 58.4g. The Council of Elders was a French legislative assembly which, together with the Council of Five Hundred, was established by the constitution of the year III, adopted by the Thermidorian Convention in August 1795 and implemented on September 23, 1795. It shared the power with the Executive Directory and contributed to the making of laws with the Council of Five Hundred. Fantastic silky chocolate brown surfaces. ...... ............................................................................................................................500 556. FRANCE, FIRST EMPIRE, NAPOLEON I, 1810, MEDAL, UNC; France, First Empire, Napoleon I, 1810 Medal, UNC, Orphanage, Commemorating the orphans of the Légion d’Honneur. Dies by Andrieu and Depaulis; Denon, mintmaster. Laureate head to right/Orphan seated to right in front of grave, holding book in lap, branch decorated with wreath above, basket with sewing supplies to right. Bramsen 980. 36.32g, 40mm. ..............................................250 557. FRANCE, FALLEN CHILDREN OF LYON, 1898, MEDAL, EF/ AU; France, Fallen children of Lyon, 1898 Medal, EF/AU, National defense government, Union Patriotique du Rhone (tribute to the fallen children of Lyon), by Rivet, 1898 Paris. Marianne standing, holding a flag, surrounded by three soldiers, one of whom is falling. In the field/Lion hovering to the right, leaning on rocks, accosted with the dates 1870 - 1871. Bronze, 57mm, 92.2g. Edge: cornucopia. .......................................................................................................150 558. GERMAN STATES, PRUSSIA, 1814, MEDAL, UNC; German States, Prussia, 1814 Medal, UNC, “Peace of Paris” bronze Medal By Loos. Struck for the Peace of Paris following the defeat of Napoleon. 42mm. 34.5gm. Peace on Earth. Allegorical woman and child holding a olive branch and cornucopia gliding over the earth with named cities/The king, soldiers and common people all bow to the Word of God in the sky, All that has breath, praise the Lord. Bramsen-1451. Proof-like surfaces. ..........................................................................................200 559. GERMAN STATES, SAXONY-LEIPZIG, 1855, MEDAL, PCGS, MS63; German States, Saxony-Leipzig, 1855 Medal, PCGS. MS63, Klippe shaped advertising stamp for the Zschiesche & Köder coin dealership founded in 1855. 27x27mm. Copper with silky milk chocolate surfaces. ...................................125 560. GERMANY, KARL GOETZ, 1918, MEDAL, EF/AU; Germany, Karl Goetz, 1918 Medal, EF/AU, 20th Anniversary of the death of Otto Von Bismarck by Karl Goetz. Bronze, 58mm. Kienast-216. Otto von Bismarck. Obv: 1898 / 20 years after my death I want to rise from my coffin to see if Germany has existed in honor in the wordl or not / -Bismarck; Head of Bismarck right, surrounded by clouds, leaning against his hand and looking down to earth. Rev: 1918. Defeated Germania advancing left, holding hand before her eyes; in background, socialist mounting horse; crown and sword lying on the ground. pine branch 216; coll. Böttcher 5569. ..................................................................................................400 561. GERMAN STATES, RACING BAD DURKHEIM, 1927, MEDAL, AU/ UNC; German States, Racing Bad Durkheim, 1927 Medal, AU/UNC, Diamond shaped bronze medal 68x68 for the destination trip to Bad Durkheim in honor of the visit of the presidency. The car is symbolic of the one Paul von Hindenburg would drive. The cup, grapes, castle and vineyard are all symbolic of Bad Durkheim which is a spa town in the Rhine Region. Signed by A. Mosher. Some of the glaze has started to come off and a small surface piercing on each side. 225 562. GERMANY, THIRD REICH PORCELAIN MEDALS, 1934, MEDAL, EF; Germany, Third Reich Porcelain Medals, 1934 Medal, EF, German combat games Nuremberg 1934. Imperial eagle over Nuremberg city view. Hutschenreuther signet. Gold with red border. 55.mm. ...................................275 563. GERMANY, WWI, ND, MEDAL, UNC; Germany, WWI, ND Medal, UNC, Hindenburg’s German victory over the Russians in the Battle at the Masurian Lakes (1914). Zinc by Patzo. Head of Hindenburg to the right / Naked warrior with sword defeats Russian bear. 49.5mm. ......................................................200 564. GREAT BRITAIN, AETHELRED II, 978-1016, ND, PENNY, EF; Great Britain, Aethelred II, 978-1016, ND Penny, EF, Second Hand type. London mint, S-1146. Moneyer: Elferd. Diademed bust right with scepter/hand of providence between alpha and omega issuing from clouds. Superb toning. ......................700 565. GREAT BRITAIN, JOHN, 1199-1216, ND, PENNY, VF; Great Britain, John, 1199-1216, ND Penny, VF, Short Cross coinage with the name henricvs. London mint. S-1353, 6a, smaller portrait. Moneyer: Rauf. Ex Nigel Tooley, 2001. ...450 566. GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY IV, 1399-1461, ND, PENNY; Great Britain, Henry IV, 1399-1461, ND Penny, Light Coinage, 1412-1413. Durham mint, S-1735. Very rare, often missing in most peoples British coinage collections and almost always comes in not the most attractive of portraits. ...........................950 567. GREAT BRITAIN, HENRY VI, 1422-1461, ND, GROAT, VF; Great Britain, Henry VI, 1422-1461, ND Groat, VF, Calais Mint S-1875, Pineconemascle issue, 1431-32/33. Lovely well center portrait. ...................................450 568. GREAT BRITAIN, VICTORIA, 1837-1901, 1887, MEDAL, AU/UNC; Great Britain, Victoria, 1837-1901, 1887 Medal, AU/UNC, Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria by A. Wyon. Eimer-1734 and BHM-3290. 64mm, 143.2g. This is very likely a die trial as it is struck in White Metal which is unlisted in both Eimer and BHM Crowned, veiled and draped bust left/Victoria enthroned, facing, flanked by Industry and Neptune’ behind, shields of Britain and Saxe-CoburgGotha. Glorious Reign of Fifty Years Completed. This example is quite rare and would be an excellent addition to any discerning collector. ............................800 569. GREECE, SILVER PHOENIX, 1828, PHOENIX, NGC, EF40; Greece, Silver Phoenix, 1828 Phoenix, NGC. EF40, Aegina Mint. Ioannis A Kapodistrias. KM-4; Geo-4; Divo-1; Chase-191-A-a. Purported mintage: 11,978. An attractive and nicely preserved example of the first silver coin of modern Greece. ......1000



































571 573 572


574 575





583 581


570. ITALIAN STATES, PAPAL STATES, 1690, TESTONE, VF/EF; Italian States, Papal States, 1690 Testone, VF/EF, Alexander VIII, 1689-1719. Bust / 2 Oxen. Berman-2176. ..................................................................................... 425 571. ITALY, ROME, 1890, MEDAL, UNC; Italy, Rome, 1890 Medal, UNC, National Rifle Shooting Medal Bronze 52mm, 70.6g. Signed L. Pogliaghi and Johnson, Milan. Helmeted head of Athena right/ eagle with applied coat of arms of the Savoy standing on rifles surrounded by wreath; rifleman’s target behind. High relief design in pristine condition. ........................................................ 325 572. SPAIN, DISCOVERY OF THE NEW WORLD QUADRACENTENNIA, 1892, MEDAL, AU; Spain, Discovery of the New World Quadracentennia, 1892 Medal, AU, Large bronze by Ludwig Christoph Laver. 70.25mm; 127.7gms Draped half length figure of Christopher Columbus facing away, head turned to left/crowned Espana seated, right arm resting on tablet and globe, left hand extending scepter over caravel at sea. A few minor contact marks, four small edge clamp marks. Eglit-100; BDM-vol. lll pg. 320. .......................... 325 573. SPAIN, MARCELINO MENÉNDEZ Y PELAYO, 1910, MEDAL, EF; Spain, Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo, 1910 Medal, EF, Bust of Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo amongst books while writing/Allegorical Tradition stands, shining a light over History, seated amongst books both of which are turning their gaze towards Father Time. Bronze, 59mm, 55.5 g. Viv-654/LIII-4 by Lorenzo Coullaut Valera. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo was a Spanish scholar, historian and literary critic who was was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times. ..................................................................................... 125 574. SPAIN, THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF HISTORY, 1922, MEDAL, EF; Spain, The Royal Academy Of History, 1922 Medal, EF, Bronze prize medal from The Royal Academy Of History. Signed by Sala. History looking back at the Parthenon and Pyramids while writing on the back of Father Time who is looking towards the rising sun. 60mm. Some little contact marks and rim cuts. 150 575. UNITED STATES, PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF BUFFALO, 1867, EXONUMIA, UNC; United States, Public Schools of Buffalo, 1867 exonumia, UNC, J-SC-14. 1867 Jesse Ketchum Medal for the Public Schools of Buffalo, New York. By William and Charles E. Barber. Julian SC-14. Bronzed Copper. Mint State. First struck in 1873 each award was individually numbered. This medal is numbered 3753. According to Julian these medals were still being struck at the mint after 1904, meaning this medal, with such a high number is most likely a 20th century strike. Included original presentation box from Ford N. Crown; Jeweler-Silversmith of Buffalo, New York. ................................. 125 576. UNITED STATES, HIGH RELIEF, 1892, EXONUMIA, NGC, PR65; United States, High Relief, 1892 exonumia, NGC. PR65, United States, 1892 Medal, Aluminum, 35MM, NGC. PR65, DPL, R5, HK222; Struck by Wilhelm Mayer, Stuttgart, Germany. A striking portrait of liberty in the style of George T. Morgan’s silver dollar design. Struck for the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition. Struck in gorgeous high relief this piece exhibits remarkably mark free surfaces and amazing mirrored surfaces. ............................................... 550 577. UNITED STATES, LOW RELIEF, 1892, EXONUMIA, NGC, PR64, ULTRA CAMEO.; United States, Low Relief, 1892 exonumia, NGC. PR64, Ultra Cameo, United States, 1892 Medal, NGC. PR64, Ultra Cameo, R6; Struck by Wilhelm Mayer, Stuttgart, Germany. A striking portrait of liberty in the style of George T. Morgan’s silver dollar design. Struck for the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition. While the high relief design gets most attention, the low relief version is rarer by a significant degree. ............................................... 450 578. UNITED STATES, 1893 WORLDS COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, 1892, EXONUMIA, CH BU; United States, 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition, 1892 exonumia, CH BU, United States, 1892 Medal, Bronze, 90MM, Eglit-101 Struck by Wilhelm Mayer, Stuttgart, Germany. A striking portrait of liberty in the style of George T. Morgan’s silver dollar design. Struck for the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition. This giant 90 MM medal is struck in high relief. Much rarer that the three other types struck in aluminum and white medal, two of which are also in this sale. Only one small mark in the field near liberty’s eye keeps this from being a candidate for finest known. ................................... 1000 579. UNITED STATES, WORLD CURRENCIES, 1897, EXONUMIA, CH UNC; United States, World Currencies, 1897 exonumia, CH UNC, United States, 1897 Token, CH UNC, United States, 1897 Token, 28 MM, Aluminum with brass center, R5; While visiting in Europe, Dana Bickford of New York City experienced the usual difficulty of travelers in getting money of one country exchanged for that of another. Upon his return, he submitted several designs for a proposed international coinage to Dr. Henry R. Linderman, then Mint Director. Using one of Bickford’s designs, Linderman in 1874 had a pattern eagle struck in gold, copper, nickel and aluminum. Bickford, in 1897, issued eight “dollars” or patterns for an international coinage, reverse inscription on each giving exchange value of the dollar in several world currencies, all 28mm. A very tempting way to own a “pattern” coin without breaking the bank. ... 400 580. UNITED STATES, TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPO, 1898, EXONUMIA, AU; United States, Trans-Mississippi Expo, 1898 exonumia, AU, 1898 TransMississippi Exposition, Official Medal, Brass. HK-283 CH AU. A seldom seen so called dollar from a forgotten exposition. Held during the Spanish-American War this expo had lackluster attendance by patrons and exhibitors. Struck on the grounds of the exhibit by the US mint with dies prepared in Philadelphia. .. 100 581. UNITED STATES, LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPO, 1903,

EXONUMIA, CH UNC; United States, Louisiana Purchase Expo, 1903 exonumia, CH UNC, 1904 Medal Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Souvenir of Admission, Serial #28707, CH. UNC Deep Proof-like. Brass, HK-306. An interesting and handsome piece of exposition exonumia. Issued unofficially by a private firm for 50 cents each, the purchaser was entitled to guess the number of paid attendees, the winner would win $50,000 in gold! Round versions were sold first with serial numbers under 25,000. By the time the octagonal versions were produced the company had gone under and many were bought up by souvenir and coin dealers. All examples come proof-like or deep proof-like, this example we dare to call deep proof-like, one can read text in its reflection at over 12 inches away. .............................................................................................. 300 582. UNITED STATES, PIKE’S PEAK, 1906, EXONUMIA, AU/UNC; United States, Pike’s Peak, 1906 exonumia, AU/UNC, Struck to commemorate 100th anniversary of discovery of Pike’s Peak (“sighted” Nov. 15, 1806) by Lt. Zebulon Montgomery Pike during his Southwest Expedition, 1806-07. Official Medals authorized by 59th Congress; designed by C. E. Barber; struck at Philadelphia Mint. Mint records reveal the issue limited to 250 Silver proof, 250 Gold-plate, 4,200 gray-oxidized Silver and 6,250 Bronze. This example shows gorgeous dark blue toning on the obverse and on the reverse the characteristic, dull gray color of the gray-oxide finish. A very neat mint medal with less than 5,000 struck and far fewer surviving. ............................................................ 150 583. UNITED STATES, THEODORE ROOSEVELT, 1911, EXONUMIA, AU/UNC; United States, Theodore Roosevelt, 1911 exonumia, AU/UNC, United States, 1911 Medal, 38.5 MM, 22.5 G, silvered bronze, looped (as made). A Curious medal with a popular president for a subject. Made for the Vermont Get-Together Dinner hosted in Windsor County on June 7, 1911. Part of a series of speaking engagements after Theodore Roosevelt was a private citizen. Information on this medal is scant with only one published mention of it in a 1958 issue of the Numismatist. The event only had a ticketed attendance of 500 so we can assume the mintage is equally small. Gorgeous patina that highlights the sharp features on the portrait of T.R. ...................................... 120 ANTIQUITIES NEAR EASTERN 584. SYRIO-HITTITE (NORTHERN SYRIA) IDOL HEAD, ca. 2800-1500 BC. The idol with bird-like features and pointed headdress. Ex Artemis Gallery. L. 1 1/2” (3.8 cm)........................................................... 250 585. SOUTH ASIAN INDUS RIVER CULTURE POLYCHROME TERRACOTTA BOWL, ca. 2000 BC. A larger beautifully balanced polychrome pottery bowl with a large register encompassing the top half of the body. This upper register contains alternating geometric design and a bird motif rendered in black, blue and red. Reassembled from large fragments. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 155, 31 July 2007, lot 600. Dia. 7 3/4” (19.7 cm). ......................................................................................................................... 950 586. SOUTH ASIAN INDUS VALLEY POTTERY VESSEL, ca. 1800 BC. A wonderful example with short cylindrical body, inward turned flat shoulder and flat base. Leaves of the Peepal (also, Pipal) tree decorate the body. The revered tree is considered one of the most sacred in Hindu culture. Dia. 5 3/4” H. 2 7/8” (14.6 cm x 7.3 cm)........................................................................................ 1250 587. LURISTAN BRONZE BELLS OR HORSE TRAPPINGS, ca. 1000-600 BC. Nine bells displayed on a black lacquered base. H. 1” to 1 1/2” (2.5 cm to 3.8 cm), Base 8 1/2” x 5 3/4” (21.6 cm x 14.6 cm)....................................... 1250 588. LURISTAN BRONZE DRESS PIN TERMINATED WITH IBEX, ca. 10th-7th Century BC. Ex Christie’s South Kensington, lot 19, 21st May 1985. Ex Charles Ede Limited, Sale 159, lot 59, November 1994. H. 6 1/2” (16.5 cm). ................................................................................................................. 350 589. NEAR EASTERN MASSIVE INCANTATION BOWL WITH SYRIAC MANICHAEAN SCRIPT, ca. 6th-8th Century AD. The bowl is written in sixteen lines of the Syriac Manichaean script with trap in the center tondo. The text deals with the subdual of demons that appear to the owner of the bowl in various forms. The magician enters the house in the company of a number of angels who help him subdue the various demons. H. 5 3/4” Dia. 12” (14.6 cm x 30.5 cm)......................................................................................................... 4250 CYLINDER SEALS 590. MESOPOTAMIAN BLACK SERPENTINE CYLINDER SEAL, ca. 2nd Millennium BC. Hunt scene with lion attacking ibex. Small human figure below. 25 mm.................................................................................................. 650 591. MESOPOTAMIAN ELAMITE (IRAN) CYLINDER SEAL, Mid 2nd Millennium BC. Standing male figure, two columns of inscription which part of can be read to the beginning of a personal names of the period. 28 mm. ......................................................................................................................... 650 592. MESOPOTAMIAN LAPIS CYLINDER SEAL, Late Jemdat Nasr, ca. 3000-2400 BC. Geometric pattern. Chip missing from one side. 25 mm...... 300 593. MESOPOTAMIAN STONE CYLINDER SEAL, Post-Akkadian-Ur III period, ca. 2000-1800 BC. Bare-headed figure facing a tall ear of grain? or a very spindly tree? which seems set in a stand of some kind. There was a figure on the right side which is now completely obliterated. Two columns of inscription translates Shu-ilisu, farmer / (of) Allagula. There is a person of the same name and title “Shu-ilisu farmer” in several Early Dynastic IIIb period texts. The name Allagula, however, is attested only in Ur III tablets. 23 mm..... ....................................................................................................................... 1250

587 585








605 599



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597 603

607 598



594. MESOPOTAMIAN STONE CYLINDER SEAL, Early Dynastic III, ca. 2600-2334 BC. Two registers each with a contest frieze- lions attacking horned animals with heroes intervening. Chipped on one side. 28 mm..................... 325 595. MESOPOTAMIAN ARAGONITE CYCLINDER SEAL, Late Uruk/ Jemdet Nasr Periods, ca. 3500-2900 BC. Three rows of water creatures. 13 mm. ......................................................................................................................... 450 596. MESOPOTAMIAN RED STONE CYLINDER SEAL, Late Uruk/Jemdet Nasr Periods, ca. 3500-2900 BC. A frieze of three spiders. 15 mm. . .......... 650 597. MESOPOTAMIAN CYLINDER SEAL WITH BIRD, Jemdet Nasr Period, ca. 3100-2900 BC. Rendering a large bird with outstretched wings. 30 mm. ................................................................................................................ 650 598. MESOPOTAMIAN SHELL CYLINDER SEAL, Early Dynastic III, ca. 2600-2334 BC. Upper register: human headed eagle grasping two horned animals. Lower register: geometric pattern. 30 mm........................................ 650 599. MESOPOTAMIAN STEATITE CYLINDER SEAL, Neo-Babylonian, ca. 1000-539 BC. A standing male figure in the middle grasps a winged sphinx in either hand, a fish, a star, and a crescent in the field. Chip from one side. 24 mm................................................................................................................... 750 600. OLD BABYLONIAN WHITE QUARTZ CYLINDER SEAL, ca.19001600 BC. Standing figure faces inscription: Ninshubur [god], faithfu; vizier of An, who holds the holy sceptre. Top chipped, otherside condition good. Description by W.G. Lambert. 22 mm.......................................................... 1000 601. OLD BABYLONIAN HEMATITE CYLINDER SEAL, ca. 1894-1595 BC. Four male figures stand facing right each with a hand raised in acclamation, two wear long garments, two wear kilts. 21 mm............................................ 475 602. NEO BABYLONIAN STEATITE CYLINDER SEAL, ca. 1000-539 BC. Burnt steatite with remains of original copper pin. A striding mae figure grasps a winged sphinx. A fish in the field; a crescent topped standard. 20 mm........ 800 603. NEO ASSYRIAN CHALCEDONY STAMP SEAL (SCARABOID), ca. 1000 BC. Standing winged deity, two lines and geometric design. 19 mm x 15 mm.............................................................................................................. 400 EGYPTIAN 604. EGYPTIAN PRE-DYNASTIC AMPHORA, Naqada III 3300–2960 BC. The ovoid vessel decorated with applied brown/red pigment in multiple series of rippling lines, possibly representing the waves of the Nile as seen on comparable vessels that include boat imagery. Provenance: French Collection of Mr. Kobayashi acquired during his trip to Egypt in the early 1970s. H. 8 1/2” (21.6 cm).............................................. 6500 605. EGYPTIAN STEATITE BASE OF STATUE, New Kingdom, ca. 15671085 BC. Modeled in greenish steatite, ten toes visible on an integral base. Ex California collection. W. 3 1/4” H. 1 3/8” (8.3 cm x 3.5 cm)......................... 900 606. EGYPTIAN TRIAL PIECE, SCULPTOR’S MODEL, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, ca. ca. 1353–1336 BC. This trial piece, or ‘sculptor’s model’ bears imagery on both sides. Stone remnants from larger works were carved and used as examples or master studies for apprentices to copy. Ex Arthur Richter Collection. W. 4 1/2” H. 4” (11.4 cm x 10.2 cm).......................................... 1850 607. EGYPTIAN TERRACOTTA HATHOR HEAD, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. A stunning piece depicting the Egyptian goddess Hathor with triangular shaped face and almond eyes, bovine ears protruding from her bound wig. Remains of original pigments. H. 4 7/8” W. 5 1/4” (12.4 cm x 13.3 cm), H. with base 8” (20.3 cm).......................................................................................... 2100 608. EGYPTIAN WOODEN PTAH-SOKAR, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 663-525 BC. Standing mummiform figure wearing wig and beard. The painted figure bears remnants of white slip and black overpaint. Mounted. Ex Harmer Rooke Galleries, NY, MB Auction XXV, 8 October 1986, lot 175. H. 12 1/2” (31.8 cm)......................................................................................................... 950 609. EGYPTIAN FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The mummiform shabti stands on a low pedestal, a pick in one hand, a hoe in the other. The agricultural tools were needed to carry out labor in the afterlife should the servant be called on to do so by the gods. Rejoined at knees. H. 4 1/4” (10.8 cm)........................................................... 300 610. EGYPTIAN FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. Typical mummified form with tripartite wig, beard of Osiris, pick in one hand, a hoe in the other; these are the agricultural tools needed to carry out labor in the afterlife should he be called on to do so by the gods. Degraded rows of hieroglyphic text run down the front of the body. Pale blue-green glaze. H. 4 1/2” (11.4 cm).. 250 611. EGYPTIAN BRONZE ANUBIS AMULET, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. The jackal god stands on an integral base, his pose alert with head lifted and tail stiff between the muscular hind legs. Partial loss to suspension loop on the back. L. 1 5/8” H. 1 3/4” (4.1 cm x 4.4 cm)............................................................. 300 612. EGYPTIAN BRONZE ISIS AND HORUS, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664-525 BC. The maternal Isis is seated holding the suckling baby Horus in her lap. Isis was the goddess who encapsulated the virtues of the archetypal Egyptian wife and mother. She was the sister-wife to Osiris and mother to Horus. She wears a close fitting dress, tripartite wig and crown of Hathor with uraeus. Ex Harmer Rooke Galleries, New York, Minimum Bid XXIV, 09 April, 1986,

lot 163. H. 3 3/4” (9.5 cm)............................................................................ 1450 613. EGYPTIAN GOLD REPOUSSÉ WINGED SCARAB APPLIQUÉ, Late Period, ca. 715-330 BC. A sheet gold appliqué of a scarab with the body of a beetle and the feathered wings of a bird. Winged scarabs were believed to guarantee the rebirth of the deceased. W. 2 3/8” (6 cm)............................... 2000 614. ROMAN EGYPT VOTIVE OFFERING STEATITE PATERA, ca. 1st Century BC-1st Century AD. The interior carved with relief representation of harpocrates surrounded by various floriate bands and laurel. Volutes project from the circular body. The underside with eight petaled rosette. W. 3 1/4” H. 1” (8.3 cm x 2.5 cm).......................................................................................... 2200 TERRACOTTA 615. MAGNA GRAECIA TERRACOTTA ALTAR, ca. 8th-7th Century BC. Rectangular in form, the front with a shallow relief scene depicting a lion attacking a bull. Ex Gideon Sasson Collection, Israel; Griffin Gallery Ancient Art, 2007. L.14” H. 7 1/2” W.7” (35.6 cm x 17.8 cm)............................... 12500 616. GREEK TERRACOTTA FRAGMENT, WOMAN HOLDING CHILD, ca. 6th-4th Century BC. Provenance: Sigismondo Castromediana, Duke of Caballino, near Lecce; Mrs. Francis Alexander, Florence, Italy, thence by descent Miss Mary Swett, Brookline, Massachusetts - 1924. Purchased by Toledo Museum of Art in 1924, Accession no. 1924.131. H: 4 1/4 in. (10.8 cm). ....................................................................................................................... 1350 617. GREEK TERACOTTA HEAD OF A WOMAN EX TOLEDO MUSEUM, ca. 6th-4th Century BC. Sigismondo Castromediana, Duke of Caballino, near Lecce; Mrs. Francis Alexander, Florence, Italy, thence by descent Miss Mary Swett, Brookline, Massachusetts - 1924. Purchased by Toledo Museum of Art in 1924, Accession no. 1924.128. H. 3 5/8 in. (9.2 cm). ....................................................................................................................... 2500 CERAMICS 618. ETRUSCAN BUCCHERO KANTHAROS, ca. 6th Century BC. An unusually large vessel composed of black volcanic clay with high vertical handles and a stemmed foot. The piece has been rejoined from large fragments and the foot has been expertly restored. Ancient authors most commonly associate kantharoi with Dionysus, and vase paintings depict their use in cult rituals. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. BBS 135, 10 December 2003, lot 628. H. 13” W. 15 1/2” (33 cm x 39.4 cm)............................................................................. 4250 619. ATTIC LITTLE MASTERS BAND CUP, ca. 550-525 BC. The reserved band decorated on one side with a swan with outstretched wings flanked by two panthers; on the other side, a similar swan with right facing panther to the left and left facing bull to the right. The details incised. Palmettes at handles on both sides. Repaired. Provenance: Private Collection, Oregon, acquired 1980s. H. 4.4” W. 11.3” D. 8.4” (11.2 cm x 28.6 cm x 21.3 cm). ....................................................................................................................... 9750 620. ATTIC RED-FIGURE SHERD, ca. 6th to early 5th Century BC. Depicting a horse’s rear hooves. L. 1 1/8” (2.9 cm)........................................................ 300 621. ATTIC BLACK WARE GLAUX, ca. 5th Century BC. The large cup with wide mouth, one handle with vertical orientation and one with horizontal orientation. Lovely even black metallic glaze. H. 3 3/8” (8.6 cm) W. to handles 8” (20.3 cm)................................................................................................... 1850 622. ATTIC BLACK GLAZED CARINATED BEAKED TREFOIL OINOCHOE, ca. 4th Century BC. Beautiful shape with smooth, evenly glazed surfaces. Ex Hixenbaugh Ancient Art, 2007. H. 4 7/8” (12.4 cm)............... 4000 623. ATTIC SQUAT LEKYTHOS WITH PANTHER, ca. 5th Century BC. With short bulbous body, the vessel was used for pouring oil. The panther is depicted with wide eyes and alert expression with paw raised, rear lifted, and tail raised. Provenance: PA estate. H. 3 1/2” (8.9 cm)...................................................... 950 624. CANOSAN VOLUTE KRATER, ca. 4th Century BC. The vessel with pedestal base and extended handles terminating in volutes, each molded with a facing head. No restoration. Ex Apolonia Ancient Art, 2009. H. 18 5/8” W. 11 1/8” (47.3 cm x 28.3 cm)............................................................................... 4950 625. APULIAN KANTHAROS, ca. 4th Century BC. An elegantly shaped piece showing an Eros on the obverse and lady of fashion on the reverse. Eros holds a mirror and wreath with phiale below. The lady of fashion is depicted wearing radiate stephane, sakkos, and necklace and earrings, details in added white. Ionic columns frame each scene on either side of the vase and an egg pattern decorates the rim. The high arching handles are concave and attach to the body with moulded female masks. An added “leaf” decoratively peels away from the lower half of the handle which terminates again in moulded female masks. Three tiered pedestal foot. The piece has minor restoration to one handle and the other has been reattached, some chips to the foot. Ex Galleria Del’Vecchio, 2004. H. 8” W. 7 1/4” (20.3 cm x 18.4 cm)................................................... 4250 626. APULIAN RED-FIGURE BELL KRATER EX TOLEDO MUSEUM, ca. 325-300 BC. Though diminutive in size, the piece retains the characteristic inverted bell shape, loop handles and disk foot. Provenance: Sigismondo Castromediana, Duke of Caballino, near Lecce; Mrs. Francis Alexander, Florence, Italy, thence by descent Miss Mary Swett, Brookline, Massachusetts - 1924. Purchased by Toledo Museum of Art in 1924, Accession no. 1924.111. H: 3 7/8 in. (9.9 cm); Diam (rim): 5 in. (12.7 cm); Diam (foot): 1 27/32 in. (4.7 cm)................................................................................................................. 3250 627. APULIAN RED-FIGURED PELIKE, ca. 360 BC. The obverse with a

draped woman and a nude youth, a short stele or altar in between, the youth to the left, his right arm akimbo, a strigil in his lowered left hand, the woman to the right, her left arm outstretched, her right arm above the stele; the reverse with two draped youths, one with a staff; a band of meander below the scenes, laurel on the neck, palmettes flanked by tendrils below the handles. Provenance: Ex. Belgian Private Collection, prior to 1990. Ex Christie’s New York, 5th December 2007, lot 125 (Sold for $9375). H. 12 5/8” (32.1 cm).6000 628. MAGNA GRAECIA, XENON SESSILE KANTHAROS, ca. 4th Century BC. An attractive cup displaying registers of various patterns on either side. Restored. H. 3 3/4” W. to handles 6” (9.5 cm x 15 cm)................................ 1000 629. MAGNA GRAECIA XENON WARE OINOCHOE, ca. late 4th Century BC. Trefoil mouth with decorative band of laurel leaves. Ex Christie’s New York, June 5, 1998, lot 258, sale 8900. H. 5 1/4” (13.3 cm)... ....................................................................................................................... 2250 630. GNATHIAN EPICHYSIS, ca. late 4th Century BC. With decorative bands of grape vines and wreaths, mold-made masks where the handle joins the rim. Ex Christie’s New York, June 5, 1998, lot 259, sale 8900. H. 8 1/4” (21 cm)... 2250 BRONZES 631. GREEK BRONZE KOUROS, Archaic Period, ca. mid 6th Century BC. With characteristic up-turned smile, his long plaited hair bound in a band and falling in a thick mass in back, with two plaits falling onto each shoulder, with well defined musculature, especially the pectorals and the arch of the abdomen, a slight depression at the navel the arms held straight at his sides, his left leg slightly advanced. Ex Christie’s New York, 7th December 2000, Lot 418. Mounted. H. 3 1/2” (8.9 cm)......................................................................... 9500 632. GREEK BRONZE PATERA HANDLE, ca. 5th-4th Century BC. In the form of a Kouros, his upraised arms and head joined to a band engraved with volutes that once attached to the bowl, the figure modeled in round, the legs flexed together, the pointed toes once attached to a now missing finial, his hair bound in a fillet and falling in back in a striated mass. Ex Christie’s New York, 5th June 1998, Lot #137. Published Kunst Jahrbach, 1996, Band 3. p. 784. H. 6 5/8” (16.8 cm)............................................................................................... 8750 633. GREEK BRONZE SATYR, ca 6th Century BC. Depicted seated with knees drawn up to the chest, his tail curling up his back behind him. Property from a Private New England Collection. Provenance: Sasson Ancient Art, Jerusalem. Cahn International AG, Basel, Switzerland. Aquired by the present owner from the above, 4 April 2011. (Art Loss Register no. S00041635). H. 3” (7.6 cm)...................................... 8750 634. ACHAEMENID GREEK OR ACHAEMENID SILVER PHIALE MESOMPHALOS, ca. 6th-5th Century BC. A silver libation bowl beautiful in its simplicity; smooth mirror-like walls with raised omphalos on the interior. Property from a Private New England Collection Provenance: Artemission, London, 22 March 2006. Width 5 5/8 inches (14.3 cm).......... 2250 635. GREEK BRONZE PHIALE, ca. 5th Century BC. A bronze libation bowl, known as a phiale, with lovely symmetrical shape and slightly corseted body. The complex patina ranges from greens to reds and turquoise. Property from a Private New England Collection Provenance: Jean-Philippe Mariaud de Serres, Paris. Galerie Cahn, Basel, Switzerland, 13 March 2003. (Art Loss Register Certificate) Exhibited: The European Fine Art Fair, Maastricht, March 2003.. W. 5 1/4” (13.3 cm). ....................................................................................................................... 1250 636. GREEK BRONZE HAND OF A SATYR HOLDING A PHIALE, ca 2nd1st Century BC. Beautiful hand details with rich, darkest olive patina. Property from the Collection of Arnold-Peter C. Weiss, M.D., Rhode Island Provenance: Acquired by the present owner from Annita Patrikiadou, Athens, Greece in 2000s. L. 2” (5.1 cm)..................................................................................... 1850 637. HELLENISTIC BRONZE TYCHE, ca. 1st Century BC. A statuette of Tyche/Fortuna, the goddess of Chance, dressed in a flowing chiton and himation with an impressive amount of drapery finely executed by the artist. Her weight is shifted to her left leg while her bent right knee gently pushes against her garment. Though both arms have been lost to time, the lower portion of one of her attributes, the cornucopia, remains at her upper left. Property from a Private New England Collection Provenance: Galerie Haering, Freiburg, Germany. Cahn International AG, Basel, Switzerland. Acquired by the present owner from the above, 4 April 2011. (Art Loss Register no. S00042637). H. 5 1/2” (14 cm)................................ 6500 638. HELLENISTIC OR ROMAN BRONZE RIGHT ARM OF HERMES, ca. 1st Century BC. A fine bronze depicting the outstretched muscular right arm of Hermes, the messenger of the gods and patron of trade, holding a money bag. The hand and money bag are beautifully done and carefully detailed. Property from the Collection of Arnold-Peter C. Weiss, M.D., Rhode Island

Provenance: Frank L. Kovacs Ancient Coins & Antiquities, San Mateo, California, 27 August 1998. Published: A. Weiss, “A Touch of Humanity,” Journal of the American Society of Surgery of the Hand, Vol. 39, 2014.. H. 4 1/2” (11.4 cm).......................................... 3500 639. HELLENISTIC BRONZE APPLIQUE IN THE FORM OF A SATYR’S HEAD, ca 2nd-1st Century BC. Property from a Private New England Collection. Provenance: Acquired by the present owner at auction from Artemission, London in the early 2000s. W. 2” (5 cm)....................................................................................... 1450 640. HELLENISTIC BRONZE APPLIQUE IN THE FORM OF A SATYR’S HEAD, ca. 1st Century BC-1st Century AD. An elaborate bronze attachment depicting a satyr with almond eyes set deeply beneath his smooth brow. His childlike cheeks and slightly upturned mouth give him an air of jolliness. His hair is adorned with berries and a flourish covers his neck. Property from a Private New England Collection. Provenance: Artemission, London, 31 October 2005. H. 2 5/8” (6.7 cm)......................... 1850 641. ROMAN BRONZE FORTUNA, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. The goddess of chance or fortune holds a ship’s rudder on her right and a cornucopia against her left side. H. 1 7/8” (4.8 cm)........................................................................... 1250 642. ROMAN BRONZE HEAD, ca 1st-3rd Century AD. Rich chocolate brown patina, the piece was likely part of a handle. Mounted. H. 1 1/2” (3.8 cm). ......................................................................................................................... 650 643. ROMAN BRONZE LION HEAD, ca. 1st-3rd Century AD. Finial attachment in lion-head form. The fierce animal with gaping jaw exposing fangs, his snout wide and blunt, the eyes bulging and almond shaped. Tufted fur surrounding the neck. Custom base. H. 2” W. 1 3/8” (5 cm x 3.5 cm). ......................................................................................................................... 650 644. ROMAN BRONZE HEAD OF CUPID, ca. 2nd Century AD. The young god with cherubic face and full cheeks framed by thick wavy locks. L. 7/8” (2.2 cm) Mounted height 3” (7.6 cm)..................................................................... 150 645. ROMAN BRONZE APPLIQUE IN THE FORM OF A LION, ca 1st Century BC-1st Century AD. Displaying a handsome face with unusually docile features, the wise beast gazes forward, his face framed by a thick curling mane. Property from a Private New England Collection Provenance: Artemission, London, 12 November 2004.. W. 1 1/4 inches (3.2 cm).......... 1450 646. ROMAN MIRROR, ca. 2nd Century AD. Composed of two discs, that, when separated, reveal two polished interior surfaces. Dia. 4 1/2” (11.4 cm) ......................................................................................................................... 650 647. ROMAN ROMANO-BRITISH BRONZE BIRD WITH ENAMEL INLAY, L. 3” (7.6 cm)................................................................................... 450 648. ROMAN SILVER DUCKS, ca. 1st Century AD. This is a beautiful group of five stylized ducks, probably originally adornments on fibulae or a knife scabbard. Each duck is uniquely modeled and inscribed with geometric patterns. Handsomely mounted in a row. Ducks approximately 5/8” (1.6 cm) , L. of base 8 5/8” (22 cm)................................................................................................. 750 JEWELRY 649. SCYTHIAN GOLD APPLIQUES, ca 4th Century BC. The openwork ornamental accessories, likely belt plaques, depict a fantastical composite beast featuring a Bactrian camel’s head with Eurasian stag’s antlers extending high above the twisting body. Loops on the back meant for attachment. Property from a Private New England Collection. Provenance: Private Collection, London, 1997. Christie’s, London, Antiquities, 26 April 2012, Lot 350. Antiqua Inc., Woodland Hills, California, 8 January 2016.. H. 2 3/8 inches (6 cm)............................................................................................................... 23500 650. ROMAN BRONZE ARCHER’S RING, ca. 3rd Century AD. Flat-section hoop, triangular flange extension with a decorative incised design. W. 7/8” x 1 1/8” (2.2 cm x 2.9 cm)..................................................................................... 250 VIKING 651. VIKING BRONZE AND SILVER OVERLAY DECORATIVE ORNAMENT, ca. 7th Century AD. This bronze ornament with silver overlay is decorated with incised curvilinear details. It has been rejoined to its bronze base in modern times. Ex HJB 140th Buy or Bid Sale, October 2004, lot 641. H. 1” W. 1 1/16” (2.5 cm).................................................................................... 425 652. VIKING PAIR OF SILVER FIBULAE, ca. 9th-10th Century AD. These fibulae function in the way of the penannular type brooch, however, instead of a simple terminal at each end, the piece extends down in a fantail-like manner. Each of these decorative “fans” is composed of two triangular sections with knurled surfaces. L. 2 3/8” (6 cm)................................................................... 450 BYZANTINE 653. BYZANTINE LARGE BRONZE RELIQUARY CROSS, ca. 9th-10th Century AD. Double sided. Original suspension loop. Excellent condition with beautiful original find green patina. L. 4 1/2” W. 2 1/8” (11.4 cm x 5.4 cm)........ ....................................................................................................................... 2250


















629 630

633 631


651 632 638 639

640 650


644 636

643 634


654. BYZANTINE LARGE BRONZE RELIQUARY CROSS, ca. 9th-10th Century AD. Double sided. Original suspension loop. Excellent condition with beautiful original find green patina. L. 4 3/4” W. 2 1/2” (12.1 cm x 6.4 cm)....... ....................................................................................................................... 2250 655. BYZANTINE BRONZE CENSER, SCENES FROM LIFE OF CHRIST, ca.6th-8th Century AD. A substantial piece rich with Christian imagery, the cup shaped vessel carries relief images of the Annunciation, Nativity, Crucifixion, and the Women at the Tomb. Interestingly, the scene of Virgin and Child enthroned is depicted on the underside of the truncated foot. H. 3 1/8” (8 cm)............................................................................................... 18500 GLASS 656. ROMAN MOLD BLOWN GLASS FLASK, ca. 1st Century AD. Moldformed flask with everted rim, downward sloping shoulder and cylindrical neck. Relief decoration in the registers, low base with rounded edge and slightly indented bottom. Areas of thick gray and creamy white weathering on the opaque white surfaces. H. 2 7/8” (7.3 cm).................................................... 3200 SCULPTURE 657. EARLY BRONZE AGE LARGE CYCLADIC MARBLE HEAD, Early Bronze Age II, Spedos Type, Keros-Syros Culture, Circa 2500-2100 BC. Minimal and abstract in form, with their function still unknown, Cycladic idols have beguiled scholars and captivated the imagination of modern viewers for the last century. As a group of artworks, they are puzzling, in that they were produced almost exclusively in the craggy Aegean archipelago known as the Cyclades (the source of the Mediterranean’s finest white marble) over a span of about a thousand years, marked by a strong and remarkably uniform aesthetic. The present head is unusually large and once belonged to an exceptionally slender figure (likely female) of nearly three feet in length. The strikingly elongated shape is punctuated by a precisely carved aquiline nose, which emerges as a ridge from the otherwise featureless face. A somewhat larger example at the Getty (Acc. no. 96.AA.27) is the best parallel in terms of style and technique, preserving brightly painted patterns over the cheeks and forehead. The present example is somewhat more weathered, but enough of the original surface remains that evidence for polychromy can be detected, in the form of so-called paint “ghosts.” Faint traces around almond-shaped eyes were likely painted, and smooth areas at the top of the forehead and the back of the head likely indicate that a fugitive pigment was used for a headdress and hair. Property from a Private New England Collection. Provenance: A. Sturzu, Paris, prior to 1970-2016 P. Chappey, Paris, 2016-2017. David Ghezelbash Archeologie, Paris, 8 May 2017. (Art Loss Register no. S00231632). H. 6” W. 3 1/8” (15.2 cm x 7.9 cm), H. with base 13” (33 cm)....................................................................................... 150000 658. ANATOLIAN MARBLE KILIYA IDOL HEAD (STARGAZER), Chalcolithic Period, ca. 3300- 3000 BC. Cream colored with mineral deposits, the marble head from a ‘Stargazer’ idol, with characteristic triangular domed head, and straight pointed nose. W. 1” (2.5 cm).............................................. 800 659. ANATOLIAN MARBLE KILIYA IDOL HEAD (STARGAZER), Chalcolithic Period, ca. 3300- 3000 BC. Off-white marble head from a ‘Stargazer’ idol, with characteristic domed head, pointed nose, and indicated ears. W. 1 1/8” (2.9 cm)................................................................................... 800 660. ANATOLIAN MARBLE KILIYA IDOL BODY (STARGAZER), Chalcolithic Period, ca. 3300- 3000 BC. Head and legs broken in antiquity, earthen encrustation. H. 1 1/2” W. 1” (3.8 cm x 2.5 cm)................................ 950 661. MINOAN SERPENTINE LIBATION ALTER, Late Minoan I, ca. 16001500 BC. Stone vase in an inverted stepped pedestal form. Circular hole cut into a square top. Vases of this type were generally found in mountain sanctuaries, sacred caves, and shrines in palaces and houses. Used in the ritual of religious offering. Base was restored. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buy or Bid Sale 140 lot 634 October 27, 2004. H. 3 1/8” (8 cm)........................................................ 2500 662. ROMAN MARBLE SARCOPHAGUS CORNER FRAGMENT WITH EROS, ca. 2nd Century AD. Large marble fragment depicting a winged putti, (Eros) carved in high relief, having deeply carved and drilled long curly hair. Head turned to the left, looking downwards with a very expressive face, right hand clutched to the neck. Loss to lower lip and a few scattered minor ancient losses. Ex private collection, acquired 1990s from and old New York collection; ex Palmyra Heritage. H. 11 1/4” W. 7 1/2” D. 10 1/2” (28.6 cm x 19 cm x 26.7 cm)............................................................................................................... 12500 663. ROMAN STONE BUST WITH TOGA AND HAND, ca. 1st-4th Century AD. An impressive bust fragment with a hand held to the finely draped chest of a figure. Ex collection of David Liebert of The Time Machine Company; Ex Palmyra Heritage, Inc. NY. H. 6 1/2” W. 7 3/4” (16.5 cm x 19.7 cm), H. 9 1/4” with base (23.5 cm)....................................................................................................... 5250 664. ROMAN MARBLE FRAGMENT, Hellenistic to Roman, ca. 300 BC-100 AD. Neck to waist depiction of a female figure on a plaque-like carved marble section. Ex Harmer Rooke Galleries, New York, MB Auction, 21 September 1984, lot 60. L. 3 1/2” x W. 3 1/2” (8.9 cm x 8.9 cm)................................... 2500 665. ROMAN MARBLE HEAD OF EROS, ca. 2nd-3rd Century AD. A well

carved white marble head of a young Eros, depicted with a detailed curly hairstyle. Overall gray-brown surface encrustation. Some loss to the lower lip and chin. An ancient strike mark on the right side of the head. Mounted on a gray granite base. Ex Private Long Island Collection; Ex Palmyra Heritage, Inc, NY. H. 5 1/4” W. 4” (13.3 cm x 10.2 cm), H. 8 7/8” with base (22.5 cm).......... 5250 666. ROMAN MARBLE VENUS, ca. 3rd Century AD. Marble statuette with integral rectangular base. Venus is represented with her hand covering her genitals, her missing left arm may have originally covered her breasts or rested atop the figural pedestal beside her. H. 10 1/2” (26.7 cm)............................ 1650 WEAPONS 667. LURISTAN BRONZE SPEAR POINT, ca. 1200-800 BC. The spear with rounded shoulders and a broad midrib running from tip to short triangular edged shank. L. 19 3/8”(49.2 cm) , with base 21 5/8” (54.9 cm).............................. 800 668. LURISTAN BRONZE SPEAR HEAD, ca. 800 BC. A substantial piece with pleasing shape. The blade with distinct midrib and deep olive green patina with areas of lighter green. Mounted. H. 15 5/8” (39.7 cm)................................... 650 PRE-COLUMBIAN 669. PRE-COLUMBIAN STONE MEZCALA TEMPLE, Late Pre-Classic, 300 BC - 100 AD. Private collection, Florida, prior to 1960. Luis Merida, Florida. Kevern Gregory Collection, Florida, early 2000s. L. 1 3/4” W. 1 5/8” (4.4 cm x 4.1 cm)............................................................................................ 350 670. PRE-COLUMBIAN MEZCALA STONE FIGURE, Late Pre-Classic, ca. 300 BC - 100 AD. Private collection, Florida, prior to 1960. Luis Merida, Florida. Kevern Gregory Collection, Florida, early 2000s. H. 5 1/4” W. 2 1/8” (13.3 cm x 5.4 cm).......................................................................................... 750 671. MAYAN JADE EAR SPOOLS, ca. 700-900 AD. Jade ear spools traditionally were a symbol of Maya royalty. Carved in green jade stone, in the shape of flowers. Private collection, Florida, prior to 1960. Luis Merida, Florida. Kevern Gregory Collection, Florida, early 2000s. Dia. 1 1/8” (2.9 cm)...................... 850 AMERICAN INDIAN 672. AMERICAN INDIAN SLATE BANNERSTONE, ca. 2000 BC. Bannerstones are weights for spear-throwers, the long shafts that propelled the actual darts, thus extending the thrower’s reach. W. 4 1/4” H. 3 7/8” (10.1 cm x 9.8 cm)............................................................................................................. 250 673. AMERICAN INDIAN SLATE BANNERSTONE, ca. 2000 BC. Bannerstones are weights for spear-throwers, the long shafts that propelled the actual darts, thus extending the thrower’s reach. L. 5” (12.7 cm)................... 250 RUSSIAN 674. RUSSIAN BRASS ICON OF CHURCH FEASTS (FOUR LEAVES WITH CRESTS), ca. 19th Century. Each leaf is a rectangle divided into quadrants with a raised crest. The icon shows twenty illustrations of biblical events related to church feasts in the Orthodox calendar. These icons were used by traveling clergy as they visited Russian Orthodox households from village to village. Attached by piano hinges, leaves close over one another from both ends, with the outer cover bearing an Orthdox design. Some original blue and white enamel remains. 15 3/4” Opened.......................................................... 800 ASIAN ART 675. ASIAN CENTRAL ASIAN SILVER CUP, ca. 7th-8th Centuries AD. Thick, hammered silver, on ring base, decorative groove on inside below rim, four punches on the underside. Acquired in Peshawar (Gandhara). Intact (though slightly misshapen), normal serving size, and undecorated, indicating use in daily life, rather than made for votive or ceremonial purposes. A row of small circular punch marks appear on the base, probably indicating a weight in some local standard. The punches are about 2mm in diameter. Cups of this shape were well known in Central Asia during the 7th and 8th centuries AD. W. 4” H. 1 3/4” (10.2 cm x 4.4 cm).......................................... 325 676. THAI RATINAKOSIN LACQUERED BRONZE HAND, 19th Century. H. 7 1/2”.......................................................................................................... 450 677. ASIAN HINDU BRONZE STANDING VISHNU, 18th-19th Century. H. 5 3/4”.................................................................................................................. 300 678. BURMESE TEAK-FRAMED KAMAVACCA MANUSCRIPT TABLE SCREEN, ca. 1900’s. H. 27” x 1/2” Opened.............................................. 1250










658 663 654 653 659

661 660




670 669




672 675

673 677


678 674

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