HJB's Fixed Price No. 9

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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. “The Art & Science of Numismatics”

Fixed Price List No. 9

Established 1964




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GREEK COINS Poisonous Sea Snake CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 325-281 BC, Stater, 7.76g. Vlasto-657. Obv: Naked horseman r., crowning himself, ΣΑ and Ionic capital below. Rx: Taras on dolphin l., holding sea snake; KOM below. Taras holds a sea snake in his hand, which is very clear on this coin. Sea snakes are always poisonous, but rarely aggressive. The reverse of this coin is beautifully designed and wonderfully struck. EF / Mint State $825 CALABRIA, TARENTUM; c. 302-281 BC, Stater, 7.91g. Vlasto-688, HN Italy-965. Obv: Youth on horseback galloping l., holding small shield behind him; ΣI behind, ΦIΛOKΛHΣ below. Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras astride dolphin l., holding wreath in r. hand; ΛY below. Sharply struck on both sides with beautiful luster. Mint State $950 LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 510-470 BC, Stater, 7.18g. Noe-Class X. Obv: Barley ear; traces of lizard to r. Rx: Barley ear, incuse. Fine / VF $250


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LUCANIA, METAPONTUM; c. 330-290 BC, Stater, 7.73g. Johnston, Metapontum-C6.3; SNG ANS-460. Obv: Head of Demeter l., wearing barley wreath. Rx: META upward at r., barley ear with leaf to l.; tongs above. Rather common but rarely with such a beautiful obverse. Die break on reverse. Choice EF $1850 LUCANIA, SYBARIS; 550-510 BC, Stater, 7.53g. SNG ANS-828. Obv: Bull standing l., head turned back, VM in exergue. Rx: Similar to obverse, but incuse and bull standing r.; no legend. Struck on irregular flan. Exceptionally beautiful reverse. VF / EF $1650 LUCANIA, THURIUM; c. 433-400 BC, Stater, 7.65g. HN Italy-1759, SNG ANS-931-933 (same obv. die). Obv: Head of Athena r. wearing wreathed Attic helmet, Γ behind neck-guard. Rx: ΘOY[PIΩN] Bull walking r., fish r. in exergue. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. Ex Pegasi 30, May 2014, lot 25; purchased from Baldwin’s in March 1976. Bold VF $925

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LUCANIA, THURIUM; c. 350-300 BC, Distater, 14.53g. HN Italy-1815 (same dies), Noe-Group G. Obv: Head of Athena r. wearing Attic helmet with florid crest and decorated with Scylla holding rudder-oar in r.; on neckguard, griffin; in field behind head, Nike flying. Rx: Bull charging r.; above, torch; below neck, EY; in exergue two fishes. Somewhat rough and corroded. Toned VF $775 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 530-500 BC, Nomos, 7.76g. SNG ANS-238-41, HN Italy-2075. Obv: Tripod, legs terminating in lions’ feet. Rx: Tripod incuse. Extremely beautiful, well struck, with strong traces of luster. Mint State $2150 BRUTTIUM, CROTON; c. 480-430 BC, 1/3 Stater, 2.36g. HN Italy-2103, SNG ANS-313-4 var. (heron to l.). Obv: Tripod, ϘΡΟ to l., heron to r. Rx: Incuse tripod, rayed border. Scarce denomination. Fine / VF $275



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BRUTTIUM, TERINA; c. 420-400 BC, Stater, 7.69g. HN Italy-2619, SNG Lloyd-756, Holloway-Jenkins-66 (all same dies). Obv: Head of the nymph Terina r., ΤΕΡΙΝΑΙΟΝ behind. Rx: Winged Nike seated l., resting l. hand on cippus, holding olive branch in r. hand over crane (off flan) which stands before her. VF $3850 BRUTTIUM, TERINA; c. 300 BC, Drachm, 2.30g. SNG ANS-859, HN Italy-2642, BM-46 = Sear 510 (with photo). Obv: Head of nymph Terina l., triskeles behind neck. Rx: Nike seated l. on square cippus, bird perched on her extended r. hand, l. hand resting on cippus, Δ in l. field. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi, August 2010. Good VF $250 BRUTTIUM, BRUTTII, CARTHAGINIAN OCCUPATION; c. 215-211 BC, Half Shekel, 3.93g. SNG Cop-361, HN Italy-2016. Obv: Wreathed head of Tanit l. Rx: Horse standing r., solar disk above, Punic letter ‘aiyn’ below. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, November 2016. Toned VF $750 CAMPANIA, PHISTELIA; 380-350 BC, Obol, 0.45g. BMC-4. Obv: Facing head of man, without neck. Rx: Barleycorn between mussel shell and dolphin. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Ex Berk 193, 30 April 2015, lot 53. Ex The Frederick S. Knobloch Collection, Stack’s, 10 June 1970, lot 33. VF $250



1967 G. Hirsch Cover



SICILY, MESSANA; 433-429 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Caltabriano-441 (dies 186/180, 6 spec.). Obv: Charioteer seated on two stacked cushions, driving slow mule biga r., above Nike flying r. to crown mules, in exergue [large leaf and berry]. Rx: Hare leaping r., branch with two leaves and berry below, MΕΣΣAN - I[ON] below and to r., ΠV upside down above. Struck on an irregular shaped flan, but full weight. VF $650 Ex G. Hirsch 55, 1967 Cover Coin SICILY, SYRACUSE, SIGNED DIE BY EUAINETOS; Time of Dionysus I, 405-367 BC, Decadrachm, 42.99g. Gallatin-RVII/CXIV. Obv: Fast quadriga driven l. by charioteer, crowned by Victory; armor in exergue. Rx: Head of Arethusa l. wearing barley-wreath, triple pendant earring and beaded necklace; four dolphins around; Δ behind; signature of Euainetos EY–AINE below lower dolphin (off flan on this example). Ex G. Hirsch 55, 11-14 December 1967, lot 2057 (pictured on cover!). This coin is struck on a small, full weight flan with a complete and beautifully struck head of Athena and complete name of the city on reverse. The obverse shows complete images of the four horses of the quadriga and the armor in exergue. EF $44500


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SICILY, SYRACUSE; c. 474-450 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.89g. Boehringer-541. Obv: Quadriga r. crowned by Nike, sea monster in exergue. Rx: Head of Arethusa r., four dolphins around. Good VF $1475 Unrecorded Die Combination CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, ACANTHUS; c. 475-325 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.08g. Cf. Desneux 97/102 var (obv.) and 103 (rev. die R92). Obv: Lion r. attacking bull collapsing to l.; tunny-fish in exergue. Rx: ΑΚΑ-Ν-ΘΙΟ-Ν around quadripartite square, all within incuse square. This is a magnificent example of an an Acanthus obverse, in a more dramatic design than usual. While the dies are recorded by Desneux, the combination is unrecorded. EF $8750


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CHALCIDIAN DISTRICT, ACANTHUS; 430-390 BC, Tetrobol, 2.37g. SNG ANS-47. Obv: Forepart of bull, head reverted; A above. Rx: Four-part incuse square. gVF $300 MACEDONIA, PERDICCAS II; 454-413 BC, Tetrobol, 2.45g. SNG ANS-47-51. Obv: Youth on horse prancing r., wearing petasus and carrying two spears. Rx: Lion forepart r. From the Philip Ashton Collection. gVF $325 MACEDONIA, PHILIP II; 359-336 BC. Pella, c. 340-328 BC, Late Lifetime Issue, Stater, 8.59g. Cf. Le Rider-pl. 57-60, apparently new dies. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Fast biga r., cantharus below horses. EF $3950 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; “Amphipolis”, c. 323-320 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.20g. Price-109. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, Athena Promachos r. in l. field. Exceptionally beautiful and complete obverse for the usually somewhat dull early strikes of Alexander. Near Mint State $2000


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MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Lampsacus, c. 310-301 BC, Drachm, 4.29g. Price-1406 var. (KI in l. field). Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; N in l. field, ME monogram below throne. Bold VF $275 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Lampsacus, c. 310-301 BC, Drachm, 4.36g. Price-1406 var. (KI in l. field). Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; ΣΙ monogram in l. field, ME monogram below throne. Bold VF $285 Owl Symbol MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Magnesia, c. 319-305 BC, Drachm, 4.38g. Price-1965. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; owl in l. field, monogram below throne. Bold VF $325 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Side, c. 323-317 BC, Drachm, 4.41g. Price-2969 corr. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; Δ below throne. aEF $275


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MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Uncertain Eastern mint, c. 325-300 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.67g. Price-4001. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lionskin. Rx: Zeus seated l. holding eagle and scepter, torch in l. field. Exceptional obverse struck in high relief. Toned Near Mint State $1775 MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER III THE GREAT, 336-323 BC; Uncertain mint in Asia Minor, c. 320-301 BC, Drachm, 4.38g. Price-. Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; ΣΔ monogram in l. field. Not in references consulted; apparently unpublished. VF / Fine $275 MACEDONIA UNDER ROMAN RULE, AMPHIPOLIS; 158-149 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.85g. AMNG III-176, SNG Cop-1314. Obv: Bust of Artemis r. within Macedonian shield. Rx: Club of Herakles, MAKEΔONΩN / ΠPΩTHΣ, and monograms within wreath; thunderbolt to l. From the Philip Ashton Collection. EF $485



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DANUBIAN DISTRICT, ISTRUS; 4th century BC, Stater, 5.85g. SNG BM-248. Obv: Two male heads facing, one upside-down. Rx: Eagle standing l. on dolphin, monogram below. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Near Mint State $450 THESSALY, THESSALIAN LEAGUE; c. 480-460 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.79g. BCD-14.1. Obv: Forepart of horse l. with grass in mouth. Rx: ΘE - TA Grain ear in husk, all in incuse square. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection; ex Pegasi 32, May 2015, lot 108. Bold VF $350 THESSALY, GYRTON; c. 440s-420s BC, Dichalkon, 5.03g. BCD-82.2, Rogers-230, Traité IV-743, BM (Appendix)-1a. Obv: Young male head r. wearing helmet topped by high crest and serpent (Ares or hero Gyrton?). Rx: Diademed female head r. wearing pendant earring (Aphrodite or nymph Gyrtona?), [Γ]YPTΩNIΩN before, IΠ behind. VF $600 Exceptional Drachm THESSALY, LARISSA; c. 375-350 BC, Drachm, 6.10g. BCD-176 (same dies), SNG Ashmolean-3866 (same dies), Weber-2833 (same dies). Obv: Thessalos stepping l., naked but for chlamys and petasos flying in the air behind him, holding a band with both hands around the forehead of a bull leaping l. Rx: Bridled horse with trailing rein prancing l., ΛAPIΣA above, AI below. This is a beautiful example of this aesthetically desirable type, which is from the same dies as the BCD specimen of the same grade which sold for $5,000 hammer price. Toned Choice EF $2500

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THESSALY, LARISSA; c. 365-356 BC, Drachm, 6.00g. Lorber-Hoard, Phase L-II, BCD-Thessaly II 316. Obv: Nymph Larissa facing 3/4 left. Rx: Horse grazing r. Ex CNG E361, 14 October 2015, lot 686. Exceptionally beautiful image of Larissa.. Near Mint State $975 THESSALY, TRICCA; 480-420 BC, Hemidrachm, 2.75g. BCD Thessaly II-767 var. Obv: Naked youth standing r., restraining forepart of unruly bull. Rx: Forepart of horse r., ethnic around; all within shallow incuse square. From the Philip Ashton Collection. aVF $250 THRACE, BYZANTIUM; c. 340-320 BC, Siglos, 5.30g. Grose-4233, SNG BM-21. Obv: Cow stepping left with r. foreleg raised, dolphin below, Rx: Mill-sail incuse. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Small test cut on reverse. Toned EF $220 THRACE, LYSIMACHUS; 305-281 BC. Parium, 297-282 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.81g. Thompson-234. Obv: Head of Alexander the Great with Ammon horns r. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ - ΛYΣIMAXOY Athena enthroned l., resting l. arm on shield and holding Nike who crowns king’s name; transverse spear behind her visible before her legs and to r. of her head; in inner l. field, ΠAP monogram. See W. Fischer-Bossert, RBN 151 (2005), pl. VIII, C2 (same obverse die). VF / Fine+ $585



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LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Colophon, c. 301-297 BC, Drachm, 4.35g. Price-L28 var. (pentagram below throne). Obv: Head of Herakles r., wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Zeus seated l., eagle on outstretched arm; lion forepart and crescent in l. field, monogram below throne. EF / aVF $350 LYSIMACHUS, 305-281 BC; Ephesus, c. 294-287 BC, Drachm, 3.90g. Thompson-170. Obv: Head of deified Alexander r. Rx: Athena seated l., tripod in l. field. aVF $400 THRACE, THASOS; c. 550-463 BC, Stater, 8.43g. SNG Cop-1009, BM-2 var. (hair of satyr). Obv: Ithyphallic satyr kneeling r. and carrying nymph, who raises r. hand in protest; the hair of satyr and nymph is indicated by dots. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, partially filled from die break. Very sharp for this issue. Toned EF $885 So Called Cicvic Mint Tetradrachm in High Relief ATTICA, ATHENS; c. 520-500 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.28g. Seltman-296 (A194/P242); Svoronos-pl. 6, 7. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; AΘE upwards on l., two olive leaves with olive at lower r., all in incuse square. From the same obverse die as Babelon pl. XXXV, 1. This is one of the earliest issues of Athens showing Athena and her owl. The civic mint was named by Seltman in 1918 when he wrote his definitive book because he thought the Athenians could never issue coins this beautiful. In fact, this was a short experimental issue that helped the Athenians determine the standard type they would use for about 150 years. Of all designs, less than 100 of these coins exist with almost all of them coming from two finds. Obverse struck in ultra-high relief. aEF / EF $32500


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Full Crest ATTICA, ATHENS; 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 7.15g. Starr-Pl. XXII, 6. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, between olive sprig and crescent behind and AΘΕ in front. Mint State $3500 ATTICA, ATHENS; 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 7.20g. Starr-Pl. XXII, 5. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, between olive sprig and crescent behind and AΘΕ in front. Near full crest. Mint State $3500 ATTICA, ATHENS; 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.18g. Starr-Pl. XXII, 5. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front, between olive sprig and crescent behind and AΘΕ in front. Mint State $2500

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ATTIC, ATHENS; 440 BC, Tetradrachm, 17.17g. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r. Rx: Owl standing r., head front; olive sprig and crescent behind, AΘΕ before. Exquisite archaic face of Athena. Mint State $1600 TROAS, CEBREN; 5th cent. BC, Triobol, 1.32g. SNG Aulock-1546. Obv: Archaic head of Apollo l. Rx: Ram’s head l. in incuse square. Obverse in splendid archaic style. EF $600 AEOLIS, MYRINA; c. 155-145 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.50g. K.A. Sacks, Wreathed Coins of Myrina, ANS Mus. Notes 30, 1985, Issue 20. Obv: Head of Apollo r., wearing laurel wreath. Rx: Apollo of Gryneium standing r. holding patera and branch with two fillets, omphalos and amphora before him, mint name and monogram behind, all within laurel wreath. EF $625


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TROAS, TENEDOS; c. 450-387 BC, Drachm, 3.58g. BM-14, SNG Munich-346. Obv: Janiform head (female head to l., wearing stephanos, bearded laureate male head to r.); Rx: Double ax; bunch of grapes and ZO on l., kantharos between I-Δ on r.; above, TENE. From the Philip Ashton Collection. VF $575 Portrait of Mithradates VI PONTIC, MITHRADATES VI; 83-82 BC, Second Mithradatic War, Tetradrachm, 16.06g. Obv: Portrait of Mithradates as Alexander III as Hercules. Rx: Zeus seated l. Reverse softly struck as usual. This coin was struck for the Second Mithradatic War, but the war ended before this coin could go into circulation. EF $750 PONTUS, AMISUS; 4th Century BC, Hemiobol, 5.71g. SNG BM-1064. Obv: Head of Hera in decorated stephane l. Rx: Owl with spread wings standing facing on shield; ΔΙ-ΑΝ in lower field. EF $385 Exceptional Archaic Apollo IONIA, COLOPHON; Obol, 0.83g. Klein-356. Obv: Archaic head of Apollo l. Rx: Irregular incuse. The sharpest and most complete specimen we have ever been able to offer of this not uncommon coin. Mint State $1250

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I Am the Badge of Phanes IONIA, EPHESUS; c. 625-600 BC, Stater, 14.00g. Berk-100 Greatest Ancient Coins, pp. 10 and 120; Weidauer-39. Obv: Spotted stag grazing r.; above, retrograde, ΦΑΝΟΣ ΕΜΙ ΣΕ[ΜΑ] (“I am the badge of Phanes”). Rx: Three rough geometric incuse punches (Reverse “B”). Ex Jonathan Rosen Collection. Excellent centering. Though slightly soft in areas, this coin has a nearly complete legend.VF$165000

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Exceptional Gold Stater IONIA, EPHESUS; c. 123-119 BC, Stater, 8.49g. Jenkins, Hellenistic, pl. B, 6. Obv: Draped bust of Artemis r., hair tied in back, bow and quiver over shoulder. Rx: Cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus facing, arms outstretched horizontally at sides, fillet hanging from each; E-Φ flanking its head, thymiaterion to inner r. An exceptional example of this rare coin, with a beautifully struck head of Artemis and a very sharply struck image of the cult statue of Artemis. Mint State $8500 IONIA, TEOS; c. 540-478 BC, Stater, 11.94g. Balcer, NC 1968-15; SNG von Aulock-2254. Obv: Griffin r., bunch of grapes on vine below raised foreleg. Rx: Incuse square. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Head of griffin partially off flan. aEF $385



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CARIA, MYNDUS; c. 200-150 BC, Drachm, 3.31g. Göktürk-60/63, Sear-4915 var. Obv: Laureate head of Serapis r. with atef. Rx: MYNΔIΩN / [C]ΩCTPATOC Headdress of Isis above two wheat ears; in exergue, rose. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. EF $375 Rare Dies CARIA, RHODES; c. 404-390 BC, Hemidrachm, 1.82g. SNG Keckman-366, SNG Cop-725. Obv: Head of Helios three-quarter face to r. Rx: P - O l. and r. of rose, all within incuse square. A very early and quite rare hemidrachm, both sides of which are in high relief. EF $650 CARIA, RHODES; c. 205-188 BC, Drachm, 2.45g. SNG Keckman-; BM-; SNG Cop-; Ashton NC 1987-, 1988-, 1989-, 1995-, 2002-. Obv: Head of Helios facing, slightly r. Rx: P - O to either side of rose, magistrate’s name ΑΙΝΗΤΩΡ above, panther in field r. Not in works consulted; perhaps unpublished. aEF $450 CARIA/LYCIA, PSEUDO-RHODIAN; c. 185-170 BC, Drachm, 2.58g. Ashton, Num. Chron. 1987, p. 9, 9-12, pl. 2. Obv: Head of Helios facing three-quarter r., chimera in oblong countermark to r. of face. Rx: Rose, bud and Γ l., caduceus r., P - O l. and r. of rose, MOYΣAIOΣ above. Toned EF $200

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CENTRAL GREECE, PSEUDO-RHODIAN; c. 175-170 BC, Drachm, 2.64g. Ashton, Num. Chron. 1995-pl. 2, 51 (this coin). Obv: Head of Helios facing three-quarter r. Rx: Rose, bud r., dolphin l., ΔΗΜοΚΛΗ[Σ] above. This coin cited and illustrated by Ashton; from the 1992 Rougha, Acarnania, hoard. Choice EF $275 CARIA, RHODES; c. 175 BC on, Hemidrachm, 1.45g. Jenkins-156. Obv: Radiate head of Helios facing three-quarter r. Rx: Rose, bud r., snake l., P - O l. and low r. of rose, TIMOKPATHΣ above, all in shallow incuse square. aEF / EF $150 CARIA, RHODES; c. 88-84 BC, Drachm, 3.47g. Jenkins-244, SNG Keckman-684. Obv: Radiate head of Helios r. Rx: Rose with bud to r.; ΚΑΛΛΙΞΕΙΝΟΣ above, caduceus to l.; all within incuse square. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Toned EF $300 LYDIA, CROESUS; c. 561-546 BC, 1/6 Stater, 1.67g. 100 Greatest Ancient Coins, Berk-25. Obv: Confronted foreparts of lion and bull. Rx: Two-part incuse. First bimetallic series. Acquired from Harlan Berk, 2014. VF $1650

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LYDIA, CROESUS; 561-546 BC, 1/24 Stater, 0.42g. Berk-30. Obv: Confronted parts of lion and bull. Rx: Double incuse punch. gVF $1500 Kraay & Hirmer Plate Coin DYNAST OF LYCIA, MITHRAPATA; 385-375 BC, Stater, 9.80g. Kraay & Hirmer-658 (this coin); Olcay-Morkholm-66 (dies A3/P5, this coin); Boston-Supp.-22g. Obv: Forepart of lion with open jaws r. Rx: Portrait of Mithrapata l., triskeles lower r., Lycian inscription Mithrapata in Lycian script before and behind; all within incuse square. Ex Leu 81, 16 May 2001, lot 312; ex Leu 13, 29-30 April 1975, lot 273; from the Podalia Hoard of 1957 (IGCH 1262). In this issue the portrait of a living person appears on a coin for the first time. EF $8750 CILICIA, TARSUS; Satrap Mazaios, 361-334 BC, Stater, 10.87g. SNG Levante-106 var. (grain ear), SNG Paris BN-350 var. (same). Obv: Baal of Tarsus seated holding eagle, wheat ear and bunch of grapes in r. hand and scepter in l. Rx: Lion attacking bull, grain ear and monogram below. From the Philip Ashton Collection. EF $525


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ACHAEMENID EMPIRE; Darius I-Xerxes II, 485-420 BC, Asia Minor mint, Daric, 8.27g. Carradice Type IIIb. Obv: Kneeling running king r. holding spear and bow. Rx: Irregular incuse. Ex Berk 178, 15 March 2012, lot 7. Mint State $2850 EUAGORAS I; Stater, 11.00g. Sear-5806. Obv: Head of Herakles wearing lionskin r. Rx: Goat kneeling r. with barley grain above. Obverse struck with a rusty die, as usual. Most of the obverses of this issue are worse than this coin. VF / EF $1800 CILICIA, TARSUS; Satrap Mazaios, 361-334 BC, Stater, 10.74g. SNG Levante-106 var., SNG Paris BN-350 var. (same). Obv: Baal of Tarsus seated holding eagle, wheat ear and bunch of grapes in r. hand and scepter in l. Rx: Lion attacking bull, grain ear and monogram below. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Obverse struck with a worn die. Mint State $650






Panhellenic Festival Tetradrachm ANTIOCHUS IV EPIPHANES; c. 166-165 BC, Tetradrachm, 16.79g. SC-1401 (only 10 recorded), Newell-SMA 64. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo r. Rx: Sculpture of Apollo Citharoedus created by the artist Bryaxis wearing a long peplos, advancing r. playing lyre and holding patera; BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY ΘEOY to r., EΠIΦANOYΣ NIKHΦOPOY to l. This wonderful coin was one of the two commemorative coins struck for the Panhellenic festival that Antiochus IV created to compete with the festival the Romans were carrying on. The festival lasted about 30 days and had many parades, dinners, and athletic events. This coin depicts a real statue of Apollo that was shown at the games. This coin with head of Apollo on obverse is considerably rarer than its companion piece showing head of Zeus, so may be considered one of the most desirable coins issued by the Seleucid kings. All but one of the known specimens are of the same grade with the same toning, suggesting that they all derive from a single find dispersed before 1980. We have offered this coin more than once, but it seems that its importance has not been recognized. We still have great confidence in it. Toned Bold VF $14500 SYRIA, ALEXANDER I; 152-145 BC. Tyre, Year 166=147/6 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.32g. SC-1835.5b. Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Alexander I r., no legend. Rx: AΛEΞANΔPOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle with closed wings standing l. on ship’s ram, palm branch under far wing, club surmounted by TYP monogram in l. field, date CΞP and ΓHP monogram in r. field. Exquisite portrait. Mint State $875

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SYRIA, DEMETRIUS II; First Reign, 146-138 BC. Tyre, Year 170=143/2 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.19g. SC-1959.4a. Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Demetrius II r., no legend. Rx: ΔHMHTPIOY - BAΣIΛEΩ[Σ] Eagle with closed wings standing l. on ship’s ram, palm branch under far wing, club surmounted by TYP monogram in l. field, date OP and XB monogram in r. field. Mint State $800 Rare Late Realistic Portrait BACTRIA, EUCRATIDES I, 170-145 BC; Tetradrachm, 16.17g. Bopearachchi-Serie 6, 29; Mitchiner-177, ee. Obv: Bust r. wearing crested helmet. Rx: Dioscuri on horseback r.; monogram in r. field. Late, realistic portrait of the aging king, probably from the last five years or so of his lengthy reign. EF $3350 JUDAEA, HEROD I THE GREAT; 40-4 BCE, Prutah, 2.34g. Hendin-1172; Sofaer Coll.-17, p. 258, pl. 207 (same dies). Obv: HPΩΔOY BAΣIΛEΩ - Σ Aphlaston flanked by date LΓ and monogram; lack of space forced the engraver to move the O of HPΩΔOY to the upper l. field. Rx: Upright palm branch tied with fillet at top. A rare coin, coming from only one obverse die and three reverse dies according the Menorah Coin Project. Only one of those reverse dies, represented by 18 specimens in the Project, shows the O of the legend out of line as on our coin. EF $500

79. 80. 81.

HEROD ANTIPAS; 4 BCE-39 CE. Tiberias, Year 37=33/4 CE, Half Unit, 6.80g. Hendin-1212. Obv: TIBE / PIAC in two lines within wreath. Rx: HPΩΔOV TE - TPAPXOV Palm branch upright, date L - ΛZ across field. aEF $1250 THE JEWISH WAR (FIRST REVOLT); Year 2=67/8 CE, Shekel, 13.96g. Hendin-1358. Obv: Chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on ends; Hebrew legend around (Shekel of Israel), and date (Year 2) above chalice. Rx: Stem with pearled bottom and three pomegranates; Hebrew legend around (Jerusalem the Holy). Hairlines on lower part of obverse. EF $7800 PARTHIA, MITHRADATES I, 171-138 BC; Drachm, 4.26g. Shore-24, Sellwood-11.1. Obv: Diademed, draped bust of king l., wearing torque. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΡΣ—ΑΚΟΥ in three lines around archer seated r. on omphalos, examining bow. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Mint State $650


82. 83. 84. 85. 86.








PARTHIA, MITHRADATES II, 123-88 BC; Drachm, 4.03g. Shore-77, Sellwood-26.1. Obv: Bare headed, diademed and draped bust of king l. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Mint State $400 PARTHIA, ORODES I, 90-77 BC; Drachm, 4.01g. Shore-134, Sellwood-30.16. Obv: Bare-headed bust of king l. with short beard. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, legend around. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Near Mint State $250 PARTHIA, ORODES I, 90-77 BC; Drachm, 4.24g. Sellwood-31.6, Shore-123. Obv: Bust of king l. with medium beard, wearing tiara with eight pointed star in center. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, legend around. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Mint State $400 PARTHIA, ORODES II, 57-38 BC; Drachm, 3.98g. Shore-261, Sellwood-48.9. Obv: Bust of king l. with short beard, wearing diadem and horse or hippocamp torque; star before, star and crescent behind. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, anchor behind. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Mint State $200 PARTHIA, ORODES II, 57-38 BC; Drachm, 4.03g. Shore-241, Sellwood-47.9. Obv: Diademed bust l. with short beard; star before, crescent behind. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, monogram below bow. From the Philip Ashton Collection. EF $275


87. 88. 89.



PARTHIA, ORODES II, 57-38 BC; Drachm, 3.76g. Shore-261, Sellwood-48.9. Obv: Bust of king l. with short beard, wearing diadem and horse or hippocamp torque; star before, star and crescent behind. Rx: Archer seated r. on throne holding bow, anchor behind. From the Philip Ashton Collection. EF $285 PARTHIA, VARDANES I, 40-45 AD; Year ΔΝΤ = Nov. 42 AD, Tetradrachm, 14.58g. Sellwood-64.11, Shore-. Obv: Bust diademed l. Rx: King enthroned r. receiving palm from Tyche holding cornucopia, date in field above palm. From the Philip Ashton Collection. Rare variety from year ΔΝΤ, missing in Shore. Ancient graffiti lettering in obverse right field. Near Mint State $425 PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY I; 323-282 BC, Alexandria, c. 294-282 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.72g. CPE-168, SNG Cop-70, Svoronos-255. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. with [aegis], tiny Δ behind ear. Rx: [ΠTOΛEMAIOY] - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, in l. field P above ΠAP monogram. Choice EF $775

92 90 91


91. 92.

PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY II; 285-246 BC. Sidon, Year 39 = 247/246 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.02g. Svoronos-756, pl. XXII, 7 var. (there ΔI in lower l. field). Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I r. wearing aegis. Rx: ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ - ΣΩTHPΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, in l. field ΣI and Δ monogram, in r. field date ΛΘ and W monogram. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. Purchased from Pegasi in November 2015. VF $300 PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY III; 246-222 BC. Alexandria, AE 38, 47.55g. CPE-B371, SNG Cop-227, Svoronos-974. Obv: Diademed, horned head of Zeus Ammon r. Rx: ΠTOΛEMAIOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, head r., cornucopia bound with royal diadem on eagle’s shoulder; between legs E with upper two horizontal strokes joined. EF $575 PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY VIII, 145-116 BC; Salamis, Year 30=141/0 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.88g. SNG Cop-574, Svoronos-1537. Obv: Head of king r. Rx: Eagle l. on thunderbolt. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Pegasi 34, June 2016, lot 234. aEF / EF $450



93. 94. 95. 96.



PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY X; 101-88 BC. Alexandria, Year 17=98/97 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.38g. SNG Cop-366, Svoronos-1677. Obv: Diademed head of king r. with [aegis]. Rx: ΠT[OΛEMAI]OY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, date LIZ in l. field, ΠA in r. field. VF $280 PTOLEMAIC, PTOLEMY XII; 80-51 BC. Alexandria, Year 3=79/78 BC, Tetradrachm, 13.56g. SNG Cop-378, Svoronos-1849. Obv: Diademed head of king r. with aegis. Rx: ΠTOΛEMAIOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, date LΓ in l. field, ΠA in r. field. VF $300 UNCERTAIN PTOLEMAIC KING; Uncertain Mint, Cyprus, c. late 2nd century BC, Didrachm, 6.20g. SNG Cop-637, Svoronos-1789. Obv: Bust of young Dionysus r., wreathed with ivy, thyrsus over shoulder. Rx: ΠTOΛEMAIOY - BAΣIΛEΩΣ Eagle standing l. on thunderbolt, wings open. Fine $400 ARABIA FELIX, SABAEANS AND HIMYARITES, IMITATING ATHENS; 354-300 BC, Drachm, 5.11g. BMC-pp. 45-6. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r.; on her cheek, Sabaean letter N. Rx: Owl standing r., head facing, olive spray and crescent behind, AΘE before. VF / Fine $250







ROMAN REPUBLIC Brockages 97. Q. CURTIUS, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; 116-115 BC, Denarius, 3.80g. Type of Cr-285/2, Syd-537, and RSC Curtia-2. Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r., Q CVRT before, X behind. Rx: Incuse mirror image of obverse type and legend. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired via eBay, September 2008; stated to be ex CNG. VF / EF $250 98. P. NERVA, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; 113-112 BC, Denarius, 3.84g. Type of Cr-292/1, Syd-548, RSC Licinia-7. Obv: Helmeted bust of Rome l., holding spear over shoulder and shield; on shield, horseman leaping l.; to l. and above, star and crescent; ROMA behind. Rx: Incuse mirror image of obverse type and legend. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from CNG, June 2000. Exceptionally beautiful obverse. EF $400 99. TI. QUINCTIUS, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; 112-111 BC, Denarius, 3.91g. Type of Cr-297/1b, Syd-563, RSC Quinctia-6. Obv: Laureate bust of Hercules seen from back, head l., wearing lionskin, club over shoulder. Rx: Incuse mirror image of obverse type and legend. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought from Pegasi, November 2005. VF $350 100. Q. TITIUS, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; 90 BC, Denarius, 3.53g. Type as Cr-341/1, Syd-691, and RSC Titia-1. Obv: Bearded head r., wearing winged diadem. Rx: Incuse mirror image of obverse type. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 134, 8 October 2003, lot 197. VF $300 101. L. FARSULEIUS MENSOR, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; 75 BC, Denarius, 3.99g. Type of Cr-392/1b, Syd-789, and RSC Farsuleia-2. Obv: Diademed, draped bust of Liberty r. wearing pearl necklace, S C and cap of Liberty behind, MENSOR before. Rx: Incuse mirror image of obverse type and legend. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from CNG, June 2000. EF $300 IMPERATORIAL 102. CN. DOMITITIUS AHENOBARBUS; 41 BC, Denarius, 3.94g. Cr-519/2, Syd-1177 (R5), Sear Imperators-339. Obv: Bearded head of L. Ahenobarbus r., AHENOBAR before. Rx: CN.DOMITIVS.IMP Ship’s prow r., on which trophy. Purchased at CICF, March 1985. Areas of weakness in the dies. Mint State $1375





107 108

103. MARK ANTONY; Military mint, 32-31 BC, Denarius, 3.68g. Cr-544/15, Syd-1217, C-28 (2 Fr.), Sear, Imperators-350. Obv: ANT AVG / [III V]IR R P C Galley r., with scepter tied with fillet at prow. Rx: LEG - III Legionary eagle between two standards. VF $400 104. MARK ANTONY; Military Mint, 32-31 BC, Legionary Denarius, 3.75g. Cf. Cr-544/18; Syd-1219 (R2); C-32 (2 Fr.); and Sear, Imperators-354. Obv: Ship r., with scepter tied with fillet on prow; above, [A]NT.AVG.; below, III.VIR R.P.C. Rx: Legionary eagle between two standards; below, LEG - V[...]. Legionary number uncertain. Near Mint State $750 105. MARK ANTONY; 32-31 BC, Legionary Denarius, 3.38g. Cr-544/20; Syd-1224; C-34; Sear, Imperators-357. Obv: ANT AVG above, IIIVIR R P C below, Galley r., scepter tied with fillet on prow. Rx: Legionary eagle between two standards, LEG - VII below. VF $300 106. MARK ANTONY; Military Mint, 32-31 BC, Legionary Denarius, 3.89g. Cr-544/27; Syd-1232a (R2); C-42 (2 Fr.); Sear, Imperators-367. Obv: Ship r., with scepter tied with fillet on prow; above, ANT.A[VG.]; below, III.VIR [R.P.C.]. Rx: Legionary eagle between two standards; below, LEG - XIII. Good VF with Luster $575 107. MARK ANTONY; Military Mint, 32-31 BC, LegionaryDenarius, 4.02g. Cr-544/30; Syd-1235 (R2); C-47 (2 Fr.); Sear, Imperators-371. Obv: Ship r., with scepter tied with fillet on prow; above, [ANT.AVG.]; below, III.VIR R.P.C. Rx: Legionary eagle between two standards; below, LEG - XV. Some flat striking of ship. EF with luster $575 108. MARK ANTONY; Ptolemais-Ace, Phoenicia, Year 11 = 39/38 BC, AE 23-25, 10.53g. RPC-4740 (11 spec.). Obv: Bare head of Antony r., all in wreath. Rx: Turreted Tyche standing l., holding aplustre and rudder in r. hand (she stands on the bottom half of the rudder), cornucopia and palm branch in l.; behind her, ΠΤΟΛ[Ε]/ΜΑΕΩ[Ν]/ΙΕPΑΣ; at upper r., LIA/KAI A[ΣYΛOY]. Rather sharp portrait of Antony, unusually nice for issue. Lines across portrait. aEF $3750




Cleopatra VII 109. CLEOPATRA AND MARK ANTONY; 36 BC, Tetradrachm, 14.17g. RPC-4094. Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Cleopatra r., Greek legend “Queen Cleopatra Thea the Younger”. Rx: Bare head of Antony r., Greek legend “Antony, Imperator for the third time, Triumvir”. While this coin is rather worn, the portrait of Cleopatra is still desirable. The pearls around her neck and front of her dress show the great wealth of the queen. Fine $4000 ROMAN IMPERIAL & PROVINCIAL Brockage 110. AUGUSTUS, OBVERSE BROCKAGE; 27 BC-14 AD, Uncertain Mint 2 (Colonia Patricia?), c. 19 BC, Denarius, 3.31g. RIC-pp. 4647. Obv: CAESAR - AV[GVSTVS] Head bare r. Rx: Incuse mirror image of obverse portrait and legend. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in 2008. Fine / EF $300 111. AUGUSTUS, DIVUS, RESTORED BY NERVA; Rome, Sestertius, 21.95g. BMC-153, pl. 8.1 (same obv. die), Paris-141, RIC-136 (R ), C-570 (15 Fr.). Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: IMP NERVA CAESAR AV[GVSTV]S REST around large S C. From the John Whitney Walter Collection, purchased from Harlan Berk, 11 December 1993. Bold portrait of the deified Augustus, on his only Rome-mint portrait sestertius, a scarce restored issue of Nerva. The fields have been cleaned with a tool as was common in the 19th century and earlier. aEF $2000



Ex Bourgey, 2-6 March 1925 112. CALIGULA; 37-41 AD, Lugdunum, 37-8 AD, Aureus, 7.71g. BM-10 note; RIC-9 (R3); Giard, Lyon-159/2 (this coin); Calicó-331. Obv: C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT Bare head of Caligula r. Rx: DIVVS AVG - PATER PATRIAE Radiate head of Divus Augustus r. Ex NAC 54, 24 March 2010, lot 328; ex Leu 38, 13 May 1986, lot 229; ex Leu 10, 29 May 1974, lot 328; ex Bourgey, 2-6 March 1925, Recamier Collection, lot 120. Rare with this obverse legend and bare-headed portrait of Caligula; Giard lists only three such coins, our specimen plus two others, in Vienna and Copenhagen. The variant with Caligula’s portrait laureate is considerably commoner: Giard-166 lists 18 such specimens. Caligula aurei are very desirable and scarce, but usually come in only Fine to VF condition. This coin has a contact mark on the nose of Caligula as well as small contact marks in the field in front of his nose and mouth, but its long and distinguished pedigree attests to its quality and desirability. Mint State $120000 Exquisite Portrait 113. NERO; 54-68 AD, Rome, 65-6 AD, Sestertius, 28.88g. BM-178, C-262 (Gréau Sale), RIC-274. Obv: NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P Head laureate l. Rx: ROMA in exergue, S - C across field, Helmeted Roma seated l. on cuirass and other arms (two shields and a helmet), l. foot on another helmet, holding Victory and parazonium. From the John Whitney Walter Collection, purchased from Harlan Berk, 11 December 1993. An unusual reverse variant with Roma’s parazonium resting on a helmet which itself rests diagonally atop two shields. Another similar specimen: Gorny & Mosch 181, 12 October 2009, lot 2070; a corresponding dupondius, Paris 381, pl. LI. The portrait of Nero on this sestertius is outstanding. It not only has a beautiful image of the face, but shows 5 o’clock shadow in the lower part of his jaw. The seated Roma on the reverse is also extremely elegant. Dark green patina.. Bold EF $12500

115 115


Ex Ars Classica XVIII, 1938 114. GALBA; 68-69 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 26.68g. BMC-p. 356, (Walters Coll.); Paris-235, pl. XVII (same dies); C-4 (40 Fr.); RIC-464; Kraay-374 (dies A 124 / P 188, Paris and 4 other spec.). Obv: SER SVLPI GALBA IMP CAE - SAR AVG P M TR P Bust laureate r. with aegis (Medusa head and snakes) on front shoulder. Rx: ADLOCVTIO in exergue, S - C across field, Galba addressing the army. On the l., Galba in military dress standing r. on platform, attended by officer standing behind him, and guarded by two lictors standing r. before the platform, holding fasces over their shoulders. On r., two helmeted soldiers standing l., looking up at the emperor, the first holding a shield, the second a spear and a shield. Between the soldiers, the head and forelegs of a horse; above their heads, a vexillum, a standard, and a legionary eagle. From the Philip C. Peck Collection; ex Stack’s, 20-22 November 1967, Hall Park McCullough Collection, lot 1127; ex Ars Classica XVIII, 10 October 1938, [de Sartiges] Collection, lot 113. This coin comes from Kraay’s ‘Officina G’, one of the finest and most interesting issues of sestertii ever produced by the mint of Rome, with portraits of superb style and many fascinating, often multifigured reverse types, seven of which were struck from only a single reverse die each and none of them from more than four reverse dies. Our ADLOCVTIO type is known from two reverse dies, ours with S - C in field and a second with S C in exergue below the legend ADLOCVTIO. This coin is one of the most intricate and desirable types issued by Galba. When coins of this type do rarely appear, they are usually rather worn and in only Fine to Good Fine condition. Only about two examples exist in Mint State. This coin is VF/EF with some porosity on the obverse. It was one of the very desirable coins that Phil Peck was extremely proud of when he got it out of Stack’s Hall Park McCullough sale in 1967. Olive toning.. VF / EF $15000 Exquisite 115. OTHO; 69 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.57g. BM-19, Paris-12, C-15 (12 Fr.), RIC-10 (R3). Obv: [IMP] OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P Head bare r. Rx: SECVRI - TAS P R Securitas standing l. holding wreath and scepter. From the John Whitney Walter Collection, purchased from Harlan Berk, c. 1993. This is one of the most beautiful portraits of Otho we have ever handled, and the reverse too is in fine style and sharply struck. No doubt these dies were also used to strike aurei. Near Mint State $6500

116 117

116. OTHO; 69 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, Billon Tetradrachm, 12.17g. RPC-5357 (3 spec.). Obv: AYTOK [MAPK OΘΩN]OΣ KAIΣ ΣE[B] Head laureate r., date LA before neck. Rx: [PΩ] - MH Helmeted bust of Roma r., holding spear and shield; before face, simpulum. From Otho’s scarce first issue of Alexandrian tetradrachms, carrying on the simpulum symbol from Galba’s latest issue. gVF $1650 Excessively Rare 117. VITELLIUS; 69 AD, Rome, Sestertius, 23.73g. BM-49, pl. 62.15 (same dies); Paris-103, pl. XXIV (same dies); C-53 (200 Fr.); RIC-134. Obv: A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP AVG P M TR P Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: L VITELL CEN - SOR. II around, S C in exergue, L. Vitellius, the emperor’s deceased father, seated l., togate, on curule chair on platform, receiving something from or handing something to the first of three togate figures who stand r. on the ground before him; the second togate figure on the ground also raises his r. arm towards the seated censor, though that raised arm is mostly concealed behind the first standing figure; above the heads of the three standing figures, a man seated r. on an invisible platform, probably a scribe writing down the names of those who are approaching the censor. This sestertius of Vitellius commemorating his father’s censorship under Claudius is very rare, apparently coming from only one reverse die. The specimens known to Colin Kraay in his unpublished Oxford dissertation of 1953 were all from the same die pair as ours, and the same is true of all the specimens we have been able to locate in CoinArchives Pro, the Berk photofile centering on auction catalogues of c. 1970-1990, and a large number of collection and auction catalogues in the Berk library. A plaster cast in BM is stated to show the same reverse type coupled with a variant obverse legend, reading GERMANICVS rather than GERMAN (RIC 114); we would expect this variant, if confirmed, to also come from the same reverse die. Similarly a sestertius in Berlin reported to have not CENSOR II but CENSOR III in the reverse legend (RIC 135) must surely just be a tooled CENSOR II from the same reverse die. Vitellius’ father was the most distinguished member of the Senate during Claudius’ reign, having served as consul three times, the last two times with the emperor as his colleague, and then becoming censor with Claudius in 47-48 AD. The title CENSOR II in the sestertius type is odd, perhaps referring to the fact that the censorship of Vitellius’ father was carried out in two consecutive years, for L. Vitellius was certainly censor only once, and correctly has the title CENSOR only on the gold and silver coins struck by his son, not CENSOR II as in the sestertius type. See the discussion of this question by Eckhel, Doctrina VI, pp. 314-5, followed by Mattingly, BMC I, p. ccxxv. Roman portraits of Vitellius perfectly centered like this are quite scarce and desirable. This coin is even more desirable because of its reverse type commemorating Vitellius’ father, which was apparently struck from only one reverse die. Wonderful green patina with some earthen toning. EF/VF $15750







Jadea Capta 118. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 70 AD, Denarius, 3.00g. RIC-2 (C2), BM-35, Paris-23, C-226 (5 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: IVDAEA in exergue, Mourning Jewess seated r. on ground beside trophy. This coin exhibits an unusually sharp, exalted portrait of the emperor. EF / gVF $900 119. VESPASIAN; 69-79 AD, Rome, 70 AD, 3.48g. RIC-19 (C), BM-7, Paris-7, C-84 (2 Fr.). Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: COS ITER - FORT RED Fortuna standing l., setting r. hand on prow and holding cornucopia in l. hand. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. Ex Berk 133, 22 July 2003, lot 320. Mint State $550 120. VESPASIAN, DIVUS; Died 79 AD, Rome, 80 AD, Denarius, 3.36g. RIC-357 (C2), BM-129, Paris-101, C-497. Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS Head laureate r. Rx: Two capricorns, horned and bearded, on globe supporting shield inscribed S C; the globe is between the capricorns and their tails are not shown. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Pegasi, March 2012. EF $500 Only two piglets 121. TITUS AS CAESAR; 70-79 AD, Rome, 78-9 AD, Denarius, 3.44g. Rev. type variant of RIC-986 (C ), BM-227, Paris-203, and C-104 (2 Fr.). Obv: T CAESAR - [VESPASIA]NVS Head laureate r. Rx: IMP XIII in exergue, Sow l. with two piglets. The third piglet usually depicted beneath the sow’s tail has been omitted from this die. By chance the same variant reverse die was erroneously also coupled with an obverse die of Vespasian’s: Gorny & Mosch 152, 9 October 2006, lot 2086. Ex Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Berk 126, 23 April 2002, lot 245 . gVF $375 122. DOMITIAN; 81-96 AD, Rome, 81 AD, Denarius, 3.65g. RIC-26 (R ), C-63 (Gréau Sale, 5 Fr.), BMC-p. 300, †. Obv: IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M Head laureate r. Rx: COS VII - DES VIII P P Dolphin coiled around anchor. Ex Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Berk 105, 17 November 1998, lot 361. A rare variant without TR P in reverse legend, cited by Cohen-63 from the Gréau Sale, and by RIC-26 from a specimen acquired by the BM in 1987, which is from the same reverse die as ours (RIC pl. 117, 26). Orange and yellow toning on obverse. EF $300 123. TRAJAN; 98-117 AD, Rome, 116 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. Woytek, MIR-562v (107 spec.); BM-607; C-315; RIC-364. Obv: With title PARTHICO, Bust laureate, draped r., seen from side. Rx: PRO - VID across field, P - M TR P CO - S VI P P SPQ - R around, Providentia standing l. leaning on column, extending r. hand over large globe at feet, scepter in l. hand; on globe double equatorial lines. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Grunow, Berlin, July 2002. Coins of Trajan are extremely common, but most of them circulated heavily, with the result that a coin of Trajan in mint state, or virtually so, is rather scarce. Mint State $450




Rare River God in Exergue 124. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, c. 121-4 AD, Aureus, 7.13g. BM-99, RIC-59, C-1084 (150 Fr.), Strack-89 (the BM coin and 3 others), Calicó-1321 (same dies). Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN - HADRIANVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR - P COS III Hercules, holding club resting on ground and apple, standing front, head r., between two standing female figures, all three of them within a flat-roofed temple; below the temple, river god reclining r. and prow. The reverse depicts a temple of Hercules of Gades in Spain, appropriate for an emperor whose family came from that province. A contemporary type showing a similar Hercules standing alone, with prow and river god at feet, is explicitly labeled HERC GADIT (BMC 274, pl. 51.21). Several variants of this type occur, of which ours with the two divinities flanking Hercules in the temple and with the river god and prow in exergue is the most elaborate. Very rare. VF $4875 125. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Rome, 125-8 AD, Denarius, 3.32g. BM-464, pl. 55.17; C-466 (2 Fr.); RIC-202. Obv: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS Bust laureate r., with fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: COS - III Crescent moon and seven stars, the stars arranged three below and four above, in two slightly curving rows. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired from Grunow, Berlin, July 2002. Some encrustation. Mint State $400 126. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric tetradrachm, Ephesus, 10.63g. RPC-1328, Metcalf Type 5, BM-1089, C-535 (25 Fr.). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P Head bare r. Rx: DIANA - EPHESIA Facing cult image of Ephesian Artemis, arms extended l. and r. over stags who look back at her, fillets falling from wrists. Probably overstruck on a cistophorus of Mark Antony and Octavia, RPC-2201: snake coils on Hadrian’s shoulder, traces of wreath at 1-2 o’clock on reverse edge. VF $985




Octastyle Temple 127. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric tetradrachm, Nicomedia in Bithynia, 10.95g. RPC 968; Metcalf Type B1, cf. 10. Obv: IMP CAES TRA - HADRIANO AVG P P Laureate head r. Rx: COM - BIT l. and r. in field. Octastyle temple on podium of three steps, small globe in center, columns separated to accommodate it; ROM S P AVG in entablature; inside line in pediment, three globes within; ornaments on top and sides. Bold VF / EF $1485 128. HADRIAN & CULT STATUE; 117-138 AD, Cistophorus, Lydia, Sardes, 10.83g. RPC-1386; Metcalf Type 47 (new dies). Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Head bare r. Rx: COS - III Cult statue of Kore/Persephone facing, wearing kalathos on head, an elaborate collar with five breasts (?) below it, and a robe falling in folds to feet; growing from the ground by her feet are a wheat stalk on l. and a wheat stalk and a poppy on r. Scarce: 16 specimens known to Metcalf. The same reverse type appears on provincial bronze coins of Sardes, sometimes in connection with a legend mentioning KOPAIA which identifies the statue as that of Kore (Metcalf, p. 55). Overstruck on an uncertain undertype. EF. $975 129. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Laodicea ad Lycum, Phrygia, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, 11.04g. RPC-1399; Metcalf Type 56, 257-92 (cf. 288). Obv: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P Bare head r. Rx: COS III Zeus, draped, standing r. holding eagle and scepter. Overstruck on uncertain type. aVF $775



130. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, Mint C, 10.55g. RPC-1437, Metcalf-Type 88. Obv: HADRIANVS - AVGVSTVS P P Head bare r. Rx: COS - III, Cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing front, arms extended l. and r. over stags who look away from her; fillets fall to ground from wrists, ending in trident shape. VF $925 Extremely Detailed Lighthouse 131. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, Year 17 = 132/3 AD, Drachm, 26.56g. Emmett-1002/17 (R1=Common), Dattari-1766, RPC-5838 (31 spec.). Obv: AVT KAIC TPAIAN - AΔPIANOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: Isis advancing r. holding inflated sail and sistrum; before her the Alexandrian lighthouse (Pharos), a square, slightly tapered tower with door at bottom and lantern at top, the lantern surmounted by a statue and flanked by two tritons blowing horns; date [L]I - Z across field. The two rows of dots near the top of the lighthouse tower may represent windows. From the Philip C. Peck Collection. Drachms of Hadrian with Isis and the lighthouse are very desirable. Normally they come extremely worn. This wonderful example shows a tremendous amount of detail on the lighthouse that is rarely seen, making it rather rare and desirable. Light brown surface with green patination.. VF / EF $1950




Sphinx 132. HADRIAN; 117-138 AD, Alexandria, Egypt, Year 18=133/4 AD, Drachm, 23.19g. Datt-1996, Cologne-1134, RPC-5915 (54 spec.). Rx: LI - H Female sphinx seated l., placing r. forepaw on wheel. This coin shows an excellent example of one of the most Egyptian types on a Roman coin, showing the influence of the Egyptian culture on the Romans. Fine / aEF $500 133. AELIUS AS CAESAR; 136-138 AD, Rome, 137 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. BM-979, C-55 (12 Fr.), RIC-435. Obv: [L] AELIVS - CAESAR Head bare r. Rx: TR POT - COS II Spes advancing l. holding flower and raising skirt. Scarce, 15 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Ex Philip T. Ashton Collection. Ex Berk 113, 14 March 2000, lot 271. aEF $750 134. ANTONINUS PIUS; 138-161 AD, Rome, 153 AD, Denarius, 2.95g. BM-782, C-197, RIC-219. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG P - IVS P P TR P XVI Head laureate r. Rx: COS - IIII Vesta, veiled, standing l. holding ladle and Palladium. Unusual obverse legend break P - IVS, instead of the usual PI - VS or AVG - PIVS. Mint State $325







Faustina’s Cult Statue 135. FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.31g. BM-339, C-1 (10 Fr.), RIC-343. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AED DIV FAVSTINAE Faustina’s cult statue in her temple in the Roman Forum, behind fence. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 149, 24 May 2006, lot 321. While this issue is not rare, one in mint state is very scarce. The temple of Antoninus Pius and Faustina I depicted on the coin still stands today in the Roman Forum. Mint State $425 136. FAUSTINA I, DIVA; Died 140 AD, Rome, Denarius, 3.34g. BM-421, C-104, RIC-362. Obv: DIVA - FAVSTINA Bust draped r. Rx: AVGV - STA Ceres, veiled, standing r., head l., holding long torch in r. hand, l. hand at side, fold of drapery falling from l. elbow. Mint State $300 137. MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Denarius, Rome, 140-4 AD, 3.44g. BM-264, C-236, RIC-422. Obv: AVRELIVS CAES - AR AVG PII F COS Head bare r. Rx: HONOS Honos standing l. holding branch and cornucopia. EF $300 138. MARCUS AURELIUS AS CAESAR; 139-161 AD, Rome, 157 AD, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-893, C-721, RIC-473. Obv: AVRELIVS CAES AN - TON AVG PII F Head bare r. Rx: TR P - OT XI - COS II Virtus standing l. holding parazonium and reversed spear. Small edge crack at 1h on the reverse. A lovely strike and pleasing specimen. aEF $400 139. COMMODUS; 177-192 AD, Rome, 192 AD, Denarius, 3.51g. BM-325 (star in l. field), RSC-574a, RIC-236. Obv: L AEL AVREL COM - M AVG P FEL Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P Securitas seated l., holding scepter in l. hand and extending r. hand towards boy standing before her, representing the Human Race; star in r. field. This redescription of the reverse type, wrongly called Pietas seated in the standard catalogues, is suggested by a new aureus showing the same type but labeling it SEC GEN HVM, Spink 65, 1988, 246. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in June 1998. Lustrous EF $325 140. CRISPINA; Rome, Denarius, 2.91g. BM-41, C-21, RIC-283. Obv: CRISPINA - AVGVSTA Bust draped r. Rx: IVNO Juno, veiled, standing l. holding patera above peacock at her feet, and scepter. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased from Pegasi, April 2006. This coin shows an exceptionally beautiful portrait of the empress. Mint State $375




144 145

141. PERTINAX; 193 AD, Rome, Denarius, 2.35g. BM-13, C-43 (50 Fr.), RIC-11a (R2). Obv: [I]MP CAES P HELV - PERTIN AVG Head laureate r. Rx: PROVID - DEOR COS II The Human Race standing l., raising both forearms towards star in field. Purchased from Spink, date not recorded. Unusually beautiful portrait looking somewhat Greek in style. VF $1150 Africa 142. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 207 AD, Denarius, 3.38g. BM-309, C-25 (3 Fr.), RIC-253. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: AFRICA Africa standing r. wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding out fold of drapery filled with wheat ears, lion at her feet. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 119, 15 March 2001, lot 382. Scarce: 18 specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. EF $300 Africa 143. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 207 AD, Denarius, 2.68g. BM-531, C-493 (3 Fr.), RIC-207. Obv: SEVERVS - PIVS AVG Head laureate r. Rx: P M TR P XV - COS III P P Africa standing r. wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding out fold of drapery filled with wheat ears, lion at her feet. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in April 1997. Mint State $285 Victoria Britannica 144. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Rome, 210-11 AD, Denarius, 3.52g. BM-52, C-727, RIC-332. Obv: SEVERVS PIVS - AVG BRIT Head laureate r. Rx: VICTORIAE BRIT Victory advancing r. holding wreath and palm. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased in April 1998. Mint State $350 145. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS; 193-211 AD, Caesarea, Cappadocia, Year 17=209 AD, Tridrachm, 6.40g. Berk 166, 15 October 2009, 527 (same dies), otherwise apparently unpublished. Obv: AY KAI Λ CEΠTI - CEOYHPOC Head laureate r. Rs: MHTP KAIC - API NEΩK around, ET IZ in exergue, Draped half figure of Artemis (?) l., band in hair, long tresses falling onto both shoulders and down neck, holding scepter before her in half-raised r. hand, and plate of fruit below her breasts with her l. hand. Apparently only the third recorded Caesarean silver coin of the Severan period with this reverse type, the first being a drachm of Septimius of Year 16 that appeared in Lanz 109, 27 May 2002, lot 576, and the second the tridrachm of Septimius from the same dies in Berk 166, 2009, lot 527. Before 2002 the type had only been known on Caesarean coins of Domitian and Trajan, e.g. RPC-1668 and Sydenham/Malloy p. 67, fig. 59 and pl. I, 195b. Areas of corrosion, but outstanding rare reverse type of Artemis. VF / aEF $600






Exceptional Portrait 146. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 202 AD, Denarius, 3.37g. BM-392, C-179 corr., RIC-64. Obv: ANTONINVS - AVG PIVS Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: PART MAX PON TR P V COS Trophy between two seated captives. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 144, 13 July 2006, lot 286. In very fine style on both obverse and reverse. Mint State $400 147. CARACALLA; 198-217 AD, Rome, 204 AD, Denarius, 3.27g. BM-280, C-97 corr., RIC-130a. Obv: ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped r. Rx: INDVLGEN - TIA AVGG around, IN CARTH in exergue, Dea Caelestis, head r. and holding thunderbolt and scepter, riding r. on lion above water flowing from rocks. Scarce in this quality. Mint State $325 148. MACRINUS; 217-218 AD, Rome, c. Sept. 217 AD, Denarius, 3.32g. BM-29, C-79 var. (6 Fr.), RIC-4. Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed r., seen from front; medium to long beard. Rx: PONTIF.MAX.TR P.P P Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus and cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 161, 28 October 2008, lot 386. Rare with these titles: only three specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. From the same reverse die as a short-bearded specimen formerly in Berk stock, disproving Mattingly’s ill-advised conjecture that Macrinus’ short-bearded coins were struck at Rome, but his long-bearded coins at Antioch; all were in fact struck at Rome. Toned EF $450 149. DIADUMENIAN AS CAESAR; 217-218 AD, Rome, Denarius, 4.38g. BM-87, C-3 (15 Fr.), RIC-102. Obv: M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES Bare-headed, draped bust r., seen from front. Rx: PRINC.IVVENTVTIS Diadumenian standing l., head r., holding standard and scepter, two further standards behind him. From the Philip Ashton Collection, acquired in October 1998. Heavy specimen, a full gram overweight. gEF $650 150. MAXIMUS AS CAESAR; 235-238 AD, Rome, 236-8 AD, Denarius, 2.78g. BM-211, C-10 (20 Fr.), RIC-3. Obv: MAXIMVS CAES GERM Bust draped r. with head bare. Rx: PRINC IVVENTVTIS Prince standing l. holding baton and spear, two standards behind him. EF $675






151. PHILIP I; 244-249 AD, Rome, 246 AD, Antoninianus, 4.73g. RIC-3, C-124. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: P M TR P - III COS P P Felicitas standing l. holding long caduceus and cornucopia. From the Philip Ashton Collection, purchased in March 1998. Brilliant surfaces. FDC $150 152. OTACILIA SEVERA; Rome, 248 AD, Antoninianus, 3.67g. RIC-116b, C-63 (3 Fr.). Obv: OTACIL SEVERA AVG Bust draped r. wearing stephane, crescent behind shoulders. Rx: SAECVLARES AVGG Hippopotamus standing r., lowering head, officina number IIII=4 in exergue. From the Philip Ashton Collection, ex Berk 195, 29 October 2015, lot 374. Hopefully the hippo on the reverse of this coin was not Philip’s opinion of his wife.. Toned EF $300 153. PHILIP II AS CAESAR; 245-247 AD, Rome, 245-7 AD, Antoninianus, 4.33g. RIC-218d corr., C-48. Obv: M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES Bust radiate, draped r. Rx: PRINCIPI [I] - VVENT Prince standing l. holding globe and reversed spear. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in March 1998. Mint State $200 154. GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Rome, 240 AD, Denarius, 3.58g. RIC-81 (R), C-234 (4 Fr.). Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: P M TR P III COS P P Emperor on horseback l. raising r. hand and holding transverse spear in lowered l. hand. Overweight specimen. Mint State $200 155. GORDIAN III; 238-244 AD, Rome, 240 AD, Denarius, 3.66g. RIC-116, C-403. Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r. Rx: VIRTVTI AVGVSTI Hercules standing r. leaning on club set on rock, holding r. hand behind back, his lionskin hanging down beside club. From the Philip Ashton Collection, bought in June 1998. Overweight specimen. Mint State $200




156. GORDIAN III AND GREAT GOD; 238-244 AD, Odessus, Moesia Inferior, AE 26-28, 10.73g. AMNG-2329 (2 spec.), Varbanov-4495. Obv: AVT K MA in exergue, ANTΩNIOC ΓOPΔIANOC around, Vis-à-vis busts of emperor, laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front, and Great God, draped l., seen from front, wearing kalathos, with cornucopia behind and below his bust. Rx: OΔHC - CEITΩ around, N in exergue, Hades-Serapis, kalathos on head, seated l., extending r. hand above three-headed monster at feet, holding scepter in l. hand, value mark E in l. field. Cf. an obverse legend variant from the same reverse die, Varbanov 4496, his illustration mislabeled 4495. Lustrous olive patina. Near Mint State $685 157. TRANQUILLINA; Caesarea, Cappadocia, Year 4=241 AD, Drachm, 3.04g. Sydenham/Malloy-617aa, citing Leu 18, 1977, lot 373 (same obv. die). Obv: CABINIA TRANKVΛΛINA AV Bust draped r., wearing stephane, the hair falling onto neck arranged in two horizontal ridges. Rx: MHTPO KAICA B NE around, ET Δ in exergue, Mt. Argaeus, without pellet in field. Rare silver drachm of Tranquillina at Caesarea, unknown until 1978 when Sydenham/Malloy-617aa reported two specimens, in Leu 18, 5 May 1977, lot 373 and the Burbules Collection. Recently several dozen further specimens of this rare drachm have appeared on the market, mostly of Year 4 like the two Sydenham/Malloy pieces, but also several of Year 5. The Year 4 pieces all seem to come from only three obverse dies, one without stephane and with a nest of braids on the neck, and two with stephane and without the nest of braids. The Year 4 reverse dies vary in the abbreviation of the legend, KAIC B N or KAICA B NE, and in the placement of a pellet in the field left of Mt. Argeus on some dies. The three Year 5 drachms come from a fourth obverse die, and from two reverse dies, both with a pellet in upper right rather than upper left field. Rome-mint antoniniani and denarii of Tranquillina are very rare and very expensive; her silver drachms of Caesaraea, which are probably just as rare but have become available on the market because of a recent find, represent about the only reasonable way to obtain her portrait on a silver coin. As an added benefit, you receive an excellent representation of Mt. Argaeus. EF $775 158. PROBUS; 276-282 AD, Rome, Antoninianus, 4.69g. RIC-185, C-530. Obv: IMP PRO - BVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed r., almost halflength, seen from front, with Medusa head and aegis on breast of cuirass and fold of aegis over front shoulder. Rx: ROMAE - AETER Roma seated front, head l., in six-columned temple, holding Victory and scepter; in exergue R*A. NGC 4167167-006 . Silvered Mint State $200


161 162 160

159. AURELIAN AND VABALATHUS; Antioch, 270-272 AD, Antoninianus, 3.87g. RIC-381 (Scarce), C-1, Göbl-353/4 (27 spec.), Paris-1246. Obv: VABALATHVS VCRIMDR Laureate and diademed bust of Vabalathus r. Rx: IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG Radiate bust of Aurelian r., Δ (=officina 4) below. Vabalathus wears both a diadem and a laurel wreath. This fact has been overlooked in most of the current handbooks, although it was pointed out in 1870 by A. von Sallet in his book “Die Daten der Alexandrinischen Kaisermünzen”. A rather common coin, but almost never seen in mint state. Mint State $250 160. DOMITIUS DOMITIANUS; Alexandria, Year 2 = 297/8 AD, Billon Tetradrachm, 12.62g. Dattari/Savio-pl. 292, 10829; Cologne-3367. Obv: ΔOMITI - ANOC CEB Head radiate r. Rx: Serapis standing r., raising r. hand and holding transverse scepter in l.; large palm branch behind him, date LB before. Fine / VF $1500 HOC SIG - NO VICTOR ERIS 161. VETRANIO; 350 AD, Siscia, Centenionalis, 4.77g. RIC-283 (S), C-4 (25 Fr.). Obv: D N VETRA - NIO P F AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front; A behind neck. Rx: HOC SIG - NO VICTOR ERIS Emperor standing l. holding standard topped by Chi Rho banner and transverse spear, crowned by Victory standing behind him who also holds palm branch; .ASIS* in exergue, A in l. field. This reverse type with legend “This Sign Will Bring You Victory” refers to Constantine the Great’s dream on the night before his confrontation with Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge over the Tiber, that he would be victorious if he marked the shields of his soldiers with Christograms. Light silvering. EF $600 Eugenius 162. EUGENIUS; 392-394 AD, Trier, Siliqua, 1.33g. RIC-106d (S), C-14 (20 Fr.). Obv: D N EVGENI - VS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VIRTVS RO - MANORVM Roma seated l. on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and reversed spear, TRPS in exergue. Toned aEF $1100




Johannes 163. JOHANNES; 423-425 AD, Rome, AE 4, 1.40g. RIC-p. 361, C-1 (50 Fr.). Obv: D N IOHAN[N - ES P F AVG] Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: SALVS RE[I - PVBLICE] Victory advancing l. holding trophy over shoulder and dragging captive, Christogram in l. field, mintmark in exergue is off flan. Ex Waddell List 15, May 1985, no. 63. With the emperor’s name mostly on flan. Bold Fine $450 BYZANTINE Joint Reign 164. JUSTIN I AND JUSTINIAN I; 4 April-1 August 527 AD. Cyzicus, Follis, 16.77g. Berk-117, MIB-9 (citing Bucharest and the Bridge Coll.), cf. Sear-128A (illustrated spec. from the same obv. die as ours, but obv. legend incorrectly restored). Obv: [D N D N I] IVSTI NVS IVSTINNV (sic) Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust of Justin r. Rx: Large M between two crosses, [a third cross] above, [B] below, K[Y]Z in exergue. Very rare: only about five specimens known, all coming from the same obverse die, on which the engraver had to omit three letters from Justinianus’ name in order to fit it into the space available. The joint reign issues of this mint are quite scarce. Interestingly, they all come in the same worn condition which no doubt means, as is the case with many rare ancient coins, they all come from the same single find. This coin is one of the better examples. Dark olive toning.. Fine $850 165. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, Year 14 = 540/1 AD, Follis, 21.22g. Berk-217, Sear-163. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield; to r., cross. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and X / II / II; above, cross; beneath, officina letter B=2; in exergue CON. Acquired from Lodge, 2010. gEF $475




166. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Constantinople, Year 15 = 541/2 AD, Follis, 23.74g. Berk-217, Sear-163. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield; to r., cross. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and X / V; above, cross; beneath, officina letter A=1; in exergue CON. Acquired from Ephesus Numismatics, 2008. Near Mint State $475 Rome Mint 167. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Rome, c. 542-552 AD, Solidus, 4.47g. MIB-34, Sear-291. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVI Helmeted and cuirassed bust front, holding cross on globe and shield decorated with horseman. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC I (officina 10) Angel standing facing, holding long cross surmounted by P and cross on globe, six-pointed star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. This coin is an exquisite example of a Rome-mint issue, which stylistically is very different from the less well conceived and executed examples of Constantinople. This is one of the plate coins on page 98 of 100 Greatest Ancient Coins.. FDC $5500 Sicily 168. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Sicily, c. 542-565 AD, Solidus, 4.48g. Berk-57, MIBE-37a², Sear-328D. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVI Helmeted and cuirassed bust front, holding cross on globe and shield decorated with horseman. Rx: VICTORI - A AVCCC Δ (officina 4) Angel standing facing, holding long cross surmounted by P and cross on globe, star in r. field, CONOB in exergue. Ex NAC 59, 4-5 April 2011, lot 1208. This coin is an exquisite example of a western-mint solidus. It shows careful die work that is not found on issues of Constantinople. FDC $5000

170 169

169. JUSTINIAN I; 527-565 AD. Carthage, Year 13= 539/40 AD, Follis, 23.33g. Berk-263, MIB-195, Sear-261. Obv: D N IVSTINI - ANVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield; to r., cross. Rx: Large M, between A/N/N/O and X/III; above, cross; beneath, S; in exergue, CAR. Light green patination. This is a scarce and desirable issue in the wonderful series of broad flan folles struck early in the reign of Justinian. EF $1500 170. JUSTIN II AND SOPHIA; 565-578 AD. Carthage, Year 10 = 574/5 AD, Follis, 20.52g. Berk-341, Sear-394, MIB-74, DO-202. Obv: D N IVSTINO ET SOFIA A Justin, on l., and Sophia, on r., seated facing on double throne, each resting r. hand on knee; between their heads, cross; beneath, VITA. Rx: Large M, above which large X (regnal year) and two stars; to l., A/N/N/O; to r., K/A/R. Ex CNG 54, 14 June 2000, lot 1896. This is a very rare issue of Justin II with his wife Sophia. Virtually nothing better has ever appeared and in 19 years only one example has appeared on Coin Archives. EF $2500




171. FOCAS; 602-610 AD. Ravenna, c. 607-609 AD, Half Follis (20 Nummi), 3.62g. MIB-113, Berk-527, Sear-707, DO-135. Obv: D N FOCA - PERP AVG Crowned bust facing, with beard, draped and cuirassed, holding cross. Rx: Large XX with star between; in exergue, RAV. Purchased from Glenn Woods, from the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. This is a rather rare coin and virtually none better have appeared. Glossy green patination.. EF $1100 172. REVOLT OF THE HERACLII; 608-610 AD. Alexandretta, Year 14=610 AD, Follis, 8.61g. Berk-535, MIB-16b, DO-17, Sear-723. Obv: dmN ERACLI[O CON]SULII Frontal busts of Heraclius and his father the exarch wearing crowns with pendilia and consular robes; above, cross. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and X/IIII; above, cross; beneath, A; in exergue AΛ[EXANΔ]. Ex CNG E323, 26 March 2014, lot 481. Earthen encrustation over a dark olive patination.. aEF $1300 Cyprus - Only Five Recorded 173. REVOLT OF THE HERACLII; 608-610 AD. Cyprus, Year 3=610 AD, Follis, 8.15g. Berk-537, MIB-18 (citing only Ratto-1438 and the Bridge Collection), Sear-725. Obv: [dm]N ERA[CL]IO CONSULII Frontal busts of Heraclius and his father the exarch wearing crowns with pendilia and consular robes; above, cross. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and III; above, cross; beneath, A; in exergue [KV] ΠP[OV]. While the Alexandretta tetradrachms of this revolt are scarce, they are in no comparison to the issue of Cyprus, of which only five examples are recorded, this being by far the finest. Light green patination over dark olive surface.. EF $5000



Rare Imitation 174. HERACLIUS; 610-641 AD, Tremissis, 1.40g. After Sear-881G. Obv: d N hERACLI - VS T PP AVC Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICT[ORI]A AAVGu S Cross potent, CONOB below. Attribution uncertain: probably a barbarous imitation. The first half of the obverse legend is difficult to read because of die breaks behind the portrait and the portrait style is unrecorded. Normally imitations of these late Roman issues are rare unless they are done in Arab cultures. gVF $400 Ravenna 175. HERACLIUS AND HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE; 610-641 AD. Ravenna, Year 20=629/30 AD, Half Follis, 3.71g. MIB-261a, DO300, Sear-922. Obv: Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine standing facing; Heraclius is bearded, wears crown and military garb, places r. foot on prostrate figure and holds long cross in r. hand; Heraclius Constantine wears crown and chlamys and holds cross on globe; between their heads, cross; legend mostly off flan. Rx: Large K between A/N/N/O and XX, cross above, Δ below. Acquired from Glenn Woods, formerly in the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. The examples listed in MIB are in such poor condition that Hahn was not sure of the legends. This example is certainly the finest known despite legend loss on obverse due to the small flan. Green patination. EF $1100






176. CONSTANS II; 641-688 AD. Constantinople, 642-7 AD, Solidus, 4.47g. Berk-140, MIB-3b, Sear-938. Obv: d N CONSTAN - TINUS PP AV’ Larger bust of Constans facing, still beardless, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe. Rx: VICTORIA - AVGU Γ Cross potent on three steps, CONOB below. With a comparatively realistic, individualized portrait of the emperor, contrasting with the schematic, standardized portraits on most late Roman and Byzantine coins. Mint State $775 Finest Known 177. CONSTANS II; 641-668 AD. Carthage, c. 641-2 AD, Follis, 9.15g. Berk-677, DO-134, Sear-1053, MIB-191 (2 spec.). Obv: EN [TovT] - O - NIKA Constans standing facing, beardless, wearing crown, cuirass and paludamentum, holding long cross and cross on globe. Rx: Large M between two crosses, a third cross above, [C]RTS in exergue. Ex Dix, Noonan, Webb Sale, 5 October 2009, lot 6093. Very rare, apparently only the third specimen recorded. While this coin has some isolated encrustation on the left side of the obverse and the lower left side of the reverse, it is otherwise a lustrous coin. Of the three examples recorded, this is by far the best. EF $3000 178. CONSTANTINE IV; 668-685 AD. Ravenna, Year 30=683/4 AD, Follis, 3.28g. Berk-750, MIB-118, Sear-1240. Obv: [D] N - C[ONST] AN PP Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O and X/X/X; [IA] above, Θ below, RAV in exergue. Acquired from Glenn Woods, earlier in the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. While this coin is only scarce, we have never seen an example so flawless; it is probably the finest known. EF $2000 179. JUSTINIAN II, SECOND REIGN; 705-711 AD. Syracuse, Follis, 2.43g. Berk-815, MIB-52, Sear-1438. Obv: No legend; Justinian and Tiberius standing facing, each wearing crown and chlamys, and holding long cross between them. Rx: Large M between two stars; TAN monogram above, SCL in exergue. Ex Gemini VII, 9 January 2011, lot 1006. The planchet of this coin is very oddly shaped, but only two are recorded in MIB which are much coarser and this is possibly the finest known. VF / EF $1000 180. TIBERIUS III; 698-705 AD. Constantinople, Year 4=701/2 AD, Follis, 3.01g. Berk-796, MIB-74, Sear-1367. Obv: Tiberius standing facing wearing crown and military costume, holding cross on globe and long cross; to l. several letters of legend. Rx: Large M between [A/N/N/O] and dash/Δ/dash, cross above, Γ below (=officina 3), CON in exergue. This coin is no doubt overstruck over what appears to be a larger portrait. Strange as it is, this is the finest known example. EF $1000




181. JUSTINIAN II; 685-695 AD. Syracuse, c. 687-9 AD, Follis, 6.36g. MIB-66, Berk-773, DO-58, Sear-1298, Spahr-218. Obv: No legend; emperor standing facing, wearing crown and chlamys, holding cross on globe in r. hand. Rx: Large M, TAN monogram above, SCL in exergue. Ex Gemini VII, 9 January 2011, lot 979. A more complete example of this type can probably not be located. Light olive green patination. EF $1000 Ravenna 182. LEONTIUS; 695-698 AD. Ravenna, Follis, 3.90g. MIB-39, Berk-793, Sear-1358. Obv: D LEO[N PE AV] Bust facing, bearded, wearing crown and loros, holding cross on globe in r. hand. Rx: Large M, I above, short horizontal line and RAV below. There should be a cross above the large M on reverse according to the standard references, but our coin and several specimens in CoinArchives clearly show an I not a cross in that position. Acquired from Glenn Woods, previously in the collection of Dr. Michael Metlich. Extremely rare with a brilliant light green patination. Probably the finest known example. As struck, Uncirculated $2000 183. ANASTASIUS II; 713-715 AD. Constantinople, Solidus, 4.37g. Berk-207, Sear-1463. Obv: D N APTEMIU[S ANAS]TASIUS MUL’ Bust facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia. Rx: VICTORIA _ AVSU S Cross potent on three steps, CONOB below. Ex Berk 140, 27 October 2004, lot 37. Sharply struck. Tiny contact mark at 5 o’clock. Mint State $2950




Finest Known 184. THEODOSIUS III; 715-717 AD. Syracuse, c. 717 AD, Follis, 2.29g. Berk-834, MIB-16, Sear-1496, Ricotti-181, DO-(9) (no spec. in DO). Obv: No legend; Crowned bust of emperor facing, holding spear over shoulder and cross on globe. Rx: Large M between two palms, monogram above, Θ below, SCL in exergue. Ex Triton XIV, 4-5 January 2011, lot 1172. When I made the purchase of the bronze coins used to illustrate David Sear’s Byzantine Coins and Their Values, the collector told me he was most proud to own a Syracusan follis of Theodosius III. That was 35 years ago. Now, at least ten examples have come to light, but none anywhere near the quality of this coin. Dark toning. Mint State $1750 185. LEO III WITH CONSTANTINE V; 717-741 AD. Constantinople, After 720 AD, Solidus, 4.43g. Berk-216, DOC-3, Sear-1504. Obv: D NO LEO - N P [A] MUL Bust of Leo III facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross on globe and akakia. Rx: D N CONST - ANTINUS M Similar facing bust of Constantine V, beardless. Purchased from Harlan Berk, 23 September 1989. Virtually struck in only one year, bearing an exquisite flawless portrait of the youthful Constantine V. Legend weakly struck on right side of obverse, otherwise extremely lustrous. Mint State $1800 186. NICEPHORUS I AND STAURACIUS; 802-811 AD. Constantinople, c. 803-811 AD, Solidus, 4.43g. Berk-238, Sear-1604. Obv: nICI - FOROS bASIL E’Bust of Nicephorus facing, with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding cross potent and akakia; in field l., pellet. Rx: STAVRA - CIS dESPO’E Similar facing bust of Stauracius, but beardless and holding cross on globe and akakia. Slight striking softness on the right eye of Nicephorus, but the portrait of his son Stauracius who was killed in battle is exquisite.. Mint State $2600





187. MICHAEL II AND THEOPHILUS; 820-829 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 8.40g. Berk-890, Sear-1642, DO-10. Obv: mIXAHL - S Θ - E[OF]ILOS Facing half-length busts of Michael and Theofilus, both crowned, Michael wearing chlamys, Theofilus wearing loros; between their heads, cross. Rx: Large M between X/X/X and N/N/N; above, cross; below, Θ. Exceptionally beautiful with glossy dark patina. Choice EF $850 188. CONSTANTINE VIII; 1025-1028 AD, Constantinople, Stamenon Nomisma, 4.40g. Berk-292, DOC-1, Sear-1815. Obv: +IhS XIS REX REGNANThm Bust of Christ facing, nimbate, r. hand raised, Gospels in l.; triple border. Rx: +CWnSTAnTIn bASILEUS ROm crowned bust of emperor facing with long beard, holds labarum and akakia, triple border. Acquired from Harlan Berk, 2016. Choice EF $450 189. MICHAEL III AND BASIL I; 842-867 AD. Constantinople, Follis, 8.72g. Berk-900, Sear-1693, DO-8. Obv: +MIhAEL - IMPERAT’ Facing bust of Michael III with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding patriarchal cross on globe, and akakia. Rx: bASIL IUS REX* Facing bust of Basil I, bearded, with the same attributes as the bust on obverse. Rather scarce in this condition. EF $1250 190. ANDRONICUS II AND MICHAEL IX; 1295-1320 AD. Constantinople, Hyperpyron, 4.29g. Sear-2396, Berk-366. Obv: Bust of the Virgin, orans, within walls of Constantinople showing four groups of towers. Rx: Andronicus l. and Michael r. kneeling on either side of Christ, who crowns both emperors. This issue is miserably struck, but the reverse showing the emperors is far less miserable than normal.. Mint State $385





World Coins Belgian Congo, 1944 50 Francs, AU, Denomination at center, stars flanking, legend at top and bottom/Africian elephant left, date below. $200 192. Br. West Indies, Anchor Money, 1822/1 1/8 Dollar, VF/EF, Overdate variety. $60 193. Ceylon, British Colony, 1815 2 Stivers, EF/AU, KM-82.1. George III. Without rose. Fantastic eye appeal. Slight corrosion often found in these given the tumultuous times this coin existed. $300 194. Colombia, 1806 NR-JJ, 8 Escudo, EF, Colombia Charles IV. Nuevo Reino mint, KM62.1. 26.9 grams. Some scratches and two edge cuts. Still a pleasing example of the type with luster. $1200 191.


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Denmark, Svend Estridsen, 1047-1074, ND Penny, EF, King Svend Estridsen, 1047-1074. Lund. 0.9 g. Christ is enthroned, one arm raised/Long cross with three crescents at the ends. Hauberg 6. Very attractive magenta color. $850 Fr. Colonies, WINDWARD ISLANDS, 1732 H, 12 Sols, F, French Colonies: Louis XV, 1715-1774, La Rochelle. Cr-2, Gadoury-2. Two-year type, not easy to find in any grade. Colonial issue struck to circulate in the southeastern islands of the French Caribbean. $50 France, Charles VI, ND Blanc Guenar, EF, Charles VI, 1380-1422. Tournai mint. 2.9g. Royal arms/cross quartered with crowns and lis. Mintmark (secret point) at the 16th position. Nicely struck with complete legends. $200 France, Bishopric St. Stephen, ND Gros, EF, Metz. Bishopric silver, circa 14th-15th century. 3.g, 26.6mm. Kneeling figure of St. Stephen/Tournois-style cross with stars in angles. B-1659. Scratch on obv. An very nice example of this normally well circulated type. $450 France, Louis XVIII, 1822 A, 5 Francs, AU, KM-711.1. Horse head and anchor. Nice toning. light adjustment marks on reverse shield. $285




200. 201. 202.

France, Marriage Medal, 1725 Medal, VF, King Louis XV of France marriage to Maria Karolina Zofia Felicja Leszczynska, daughter of Stanislaw I of Poland. Silver, 29mm. Its is said that Louis and Marie first met on the eve of their wedding and that the young couple was reported to have fallen in love at first sight. $250 German States, Brunswick-Luneburg, 1690 2/3 Thaler, AU, Ernest August, 1679-1698. Bishop of Oznabruck. Wildman. Dav-394. Date with starts above. Slight flan issue causes coin to rock. Exceptional eye-appeal with beautiful toning and luster. $500 German States, Harz- Baptismal Taler, 1697 RB, Medal, Zellerfeld mint; Rudolf Bornemann, mintmaster. 51.5mm, 29.25 g, 11h. St. John the Baptist kneeling right, baptizing Jesus Christ standing facing in River Jordan, hands crossed over breast; dove of the Holy Spirit and radiate name of God above / Biblical passages in ten lines. Fassbender 2792; Katsouros 2. Good VF, toned, edge marks. $850




203. 204. 205.

Great Britain, Eadred, ND Penny, VF/EF, Eadred, 946-955. Two line type. N-707, S-1113. 1.14g. Thurmod as Moneyer. Moneyer’s name in two lines divided by three crosses, rosettes above and below name. deeply toned and edges lightly chipped as commonly found. $750 Great Britain, Anglo-Saxon, ND Penny, VF/EF, Aethelred II, 978-1016. 20.4mm, 1.5g. York mint. Osgod moneyer. EDELRED REX ANGLO/ OSGOT OM EOFRPIC. North 777; SCBC 1154. Very old test cut at 3’oclock, some flan irregularities and peck marks. Really nice portrait and toning. $350 Great Britain, Victoria Diamond Jubilee, 1897 Medal, EF, Victoria Diamond Jubilee, Young head and old head. Bronze. Eimer-1817a. Comes with original red box. $175






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Italian States, Ragusa, 1764 Tollero, VF/EF, KM18, D-1639. Ragusa is founded during the first half of the seventh century. From its foundation, the city is placed under the protection of Byzantium. In 980, the city became the seat of a bishopric. Like Venice, where it becomes a competitor, Ragusa knows how to take advantage of its coastal position to develop a lucrative maritime trade. Like Venice, it offers assistance to the Muslim alliance during the battle of Diu against the Portuguese, in 1509, in the Indian Ocean. After 1526, it pays a tribute to the Ottomans, until 1718. Led by Napoleon, the French army entered Ragusa in 1806. $225 Italy, Mazzoni, Dante’s Divine Comedy, 1809 Medal, UNC, Laudatory medal by Mercandetti. Bronze 50mm. Impressive medal featuring Giacopo (Jacopo) Mazzoni and an interpretation of a Malebranche (demon). Mazzoni is best known for his work on literary criticism, particularly his defenses of Dante’s Divine Comedy. $450 Mexico, Pancho Villa, 1914 1 Peso, UNC, Army of the North revolutionary coinage issued by Francisco “Pancho” Villa. Crisp, well-defined eagle and cap with rays. Overall blue and rose hue. $450 Mexico, Chichen Itza Ruins, 1942 Medal, UNC, Merida-Yucatan 400th Anniversary. Bronze Medal. Chichén Itzá is a complex of Mayan ruins on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. Scarce medal in high grade. Grove Catalog #524b. $125 Netherlands, Colonial Exposition, 1879 Medal, UNC, International Colonial Exposition in Arnhem by J. Elion. Two indigenous figures/ examples of industry. Two shields, one of Netherlands and Arnhem, Capital of Gelderland. Really attractive and interesting medal. $200 Peru, 1815 JP, 8 Escudos, EF, Ferdinand VII, 1808-1833. 26.9g. Damage on first digit of date. Lustrous example. Legal tender in the United States until 1857. $1200 Sweden, Carl XIV Johan, ND Medal, UNC, King Carl XIV Johan, 1818-1844. Stundande skördar mödornas lön (Mother nature gives consistently). Silver 12.8g. high relief bust Carl XIV/farmer plowing with oxen in a panoramic rural setting. Hildebrand 77a. $250







213. 214.





ANTIQUITIES SUMERIAN TABLET, 2nd Millennium BC. Administrative text recording a delivery of 8 sheep and a certain amount of lambs. From the estate of Robert Thompson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1960’s-2017). No restoration. W. 1” x H. 1”. $650 SUMERIAN CLAY TABLET, Old Babylonian Period, ca. 1800 BC. List of fields of different sizes (between 1,800 and 160,000) followed by personal names. Personal name (PN) 3 on the obverse and PN 15 on the reverse are identical. The obverse and the reverse seem to have summation of their own. The one on the obverse is largely broken. The purpose of the list is not indicated. The piece is assembled from larger fragments but is, nonetheless, a nice example of a larger tablet with a wonderful provenance. Milton S. Yondorf, Chicago, prior to 1940; thence by descent to John D. Yondorf, Jr. (1924-2010), Chicago, 1948. To be published in future publication by the Oriental Museum of Chicago. Rejoined from two fragments. L. 4 3/4” (19.7 cm). $1850 BABYLONIAN TERRACOTTA BULLA SEAL, ca. 1800 BC. The seal inscribed on five sides. Two standing figures repeated with cuneiform inscription “Dagia, son of Immerhum”. Bullae are inscribed clay or soft metal or bitumen or wax token used in commercial and legal documentation as a form of identification and for tamper-proofing whatever is attached to it. In this form, bullae represent one of the earliest forms of specialization in the ancient world, and likely required skill to create. This particular specimen has its hole through it for which it would have been tied. No restoration. From the estate of Robert Thompson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1960’s-2017).. L. 1 1/2” (4 cm). $1250 NEO ASSYRIAN AGATE CYLINDER SEAL, ca. 8th Century BC. A fine banded agate seal with two griffins running. The Neo-Babylonian Empire (also Second Babylonian Empire) was a period of Mesopotamian history which began in 626 BC and ended in 539 BC. During the preceding three centuries, Babylonia had been ruled by their fellow Akkadian speakers and northern neighbours, Assyria. From the estate of Robert Thompson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1960’s-2017). L. 3/4” (2 cm). 20mm. $950 NEO BABYLONIAN CHALCEDONY DUCK SEAL, ca. 6th Century BC. The duck-form seal with a figure and star. The Neo-Babylonian Empire (also Second Babylonian Empire) was a period of Mesopotamian history which began in 626 BC and ended in 539 BC. During the preceding three centuries, Babylonia had been ruled by their fellow Akkadian speakers and northern neighbours, Assyria. From the estate of Robert Thompson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1960’s-2017). L. 7/8” (2.2 cm). $650 EGYPTIAN SANDSTONE FRAGMENT OF STELE OF AMENHOTEP I, Ramesside Period, ca. 1295-1070 BC. Inscribed with large lotus head and a cartouche for Amenhotep above. On the right the head of a king wearing the Blue Crown, carrying a combined crook and flail, another cartouche above for “God’s wife Ahmes-Nefertari”. Written on the side edge of the piece the number 11.2019 and an old label stating Egypt Exploration Fund. This would mean it was found in 1911. It was also Ex Caspar Fleming Collection and was at the Ashmolean Museum in 1967. Ex Hugh Stanley Russell collection, 1950’s-1970’s. 7 1/4” high 9” wide. $4250




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220. 221. 222.


EGYPTIAN STEATITE PLAQUE RING WITH ROYAL CARTOUCHE OF THUTMOSE IV, New Kingdom, 1550-1070 BC. Plaque depicts lion as King trampling a fallen enemy. This plaque was used for protection as the Pharaoh would watch over them. Thutmose IV’s prenomen or royal name, Menkheperure, means “Established in forms is Re.” Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 75th Buy or Bid Sale 1993, lot 707. Plaque 16mm. Ring Size 9. $2350 EGYPTIAN STEATITE SCARAB, Middle Kingdom, 2040-1784 BC. Lotus flower renders on the backside of the scarab which is quite unusual. The underside design consists of a geometric design. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 74th Buy or Bid Sale 1992, lot 629. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 93rd Buy or Bid Sale 1996, lot 653. L. 14.25mm. $275 EGYPTIAN STEATITE SCARAB, New Kingdom, 1550-1070 BC. Finely carved scarab with excellent detail. Underside carved with “neb” basket, the glyph for “Lord” or “all, every” supports royal uraeus and solar disk. “Nefer” sign meaning “good”. In this context the scarab is meant to convey royal power. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 93rd Buy or Bid Sale 1996, lot 653. L. 12.5mm. $325 EGYPTIAN BRILLIANT BLUE FAIENCE USHABTI, Late Period, ca. 525 BC. This unusually colorful ushabti is very well modeled with two registers of hieroglyphic inscription in T-bar configuration. “Illuminate the Osiris, the sameref (“son whom he loves”) priest, prophet of Khnum, and hereditary prince Hor[ankh, born of Imyet-pet and son of Netjer]-sankh-maat, true of voice.” Last bit of inscription abridged due to lack of space, hence the brackets.The piece has a beautiful blue color, especially given that most ushabtis’ color fades significantly over time. H. 5 1/8” (13 cm). $2250 EGYPTIAN WOODEN PAINTED FALCON, Ptolemaic Period, 305-30 BC. In an exceptional state of preservation with almost all of the original green, brown, and black paint remaining. A lovely representation of the Horus falcon, the god of the Sky and protector of the ruling pharaoh with. Beautiful eyes and detail with one leg and the headdress missing. Ex 118th Buy or Bid Sale, 17 January 2001, lot 772. H. 9 3/4” (24.7 cm). $23500



ATTIC RED-FIGURE KALPIS ATTRIBUTED TO THE HARROW PAINTER, ca. 470 BC. A wonderful piece depicting a domestic scene, possibly of a high class courtesan, or hetaira, entertaining two competing suitors. The woman holds a mirror and is seated centrally, flanked by her suitors and a dog to her backside. Private Collection, Switzerland. with Galerie Gunter Puhze, Freiburg, 1999 (Kunst der Antike, Katalog 13, no. 122). with Royal-Athena Galleries, New York (Art of the Ancient World, Vol. XII, 2001, no. 212; and One Thousand Years of Ancient Greek Vases II, 2010, no. 85. Acquired by the current owner from the above, 2012. H. 12 3/4� (32.4 cm). $37500





MAGNA GRAECIA EARLY PAESTUM RED FIGURE HYDRIA, ca. 360 BC. Painted on the obverse center is a spring house attended by four “ ladies of fashion”. Within the house a lion-faced fountain pours water into a hydria. This scene is one that is primarily associated with Attic vases, yet it has been incorporated into the Early Paestean style. Noteworthy are the owl motifs appearing below the side handles, also the profusion of palmettes with detached side-scrolls decorating the reverse. Bold decorative borders contrast well with the figural scene, and emphasize the unique shape of this vessel. See Trendall’s Red Figure Vases of Paestum, Tip IV. & Plate 32 (b). The foot restored, otherwise intact. Ex Harlan J. Berk, Ltd 109th Buy or Bid sale, July 1999, lot 490. H. 13 1/2. $12500 APULIAN RED FIGURE LEKANIS BY THE CHUR PAINTER, ca. 340-330 BC. With both sides showing the head of a female, one wearing a kekryphalos with pronounced bulge at the back, beneath the projecting mass of hair. Rosettes in the field. Formerly Los Angeles Art Market, 1979, Summa Galleries inv. 886; Royal Athena Galleries, New York, 1992. Published Trendal RVAp, Volume II, pp. 671, no.275. Ex Summa Gallery, Los Angeles, 1979. H. 8” (20.2 cm) W. to handles 9 1/8”. $4250




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APULIAN RED FIGURE PLATE WITH SATYR, ca. 330-320 BC. Attributed to the Linz painter, the satyr left facing with curly hair tied back. The scene framed by single red line with applied white floral-leaf pattern around. Ex Royal- Athena Galleries, New York, 1994. D. 6 3/4” (17.1 cm). $3250 APULIAN RED FIGURE PLATE OF FEMALE, ca. 330-320 BC. The left facing head of a female wearing a saccos, palmette scroll and rosette in the filed, single red band enclosing the scene; the shoulder of the plate marked with applied white design and the lip with radiating black lines. Plate is slightly wavy from original potting but does not take away from the overall quality. Ex Athena Galleries, New York, April 1997. D. 6 3/4” (17.1 cm). $1850 GREEK BRONZE HORSE HEAD FITTING, 2nd-1st Century BC. Beautifully detailed horse head with a light green patina. Used as a fitting of some sort in antiquity. Mounted. L. 23mm. $450 ROMAN BRONZE GLADIATOR DAGGER INLAY, 1st-2nd Century AD. Dagger handle inlay rendered into its green patinated bronze, a wreath, a pair of greaves, a partial shield and folliage. An unusual item. Mounted. L. 1 1/2”. $475 ROMAN THRACE BRONZE BUTTON, HEAD OF ZEUS, ca. 2nd-3rd Century AD. With profile head of Zeus in fine detail. From the estate of Robert Thompson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1960’s-2017). Dia. 1”. $450 GREEK GOLD HAND AND LYRE JEWELRY ELEMENT, ca. 2nd Century BC. A small delicately modeled hand holds the top of a lyre. Four wires joining the top and bottom, the base decorated with five granules. Suspension loop or part of a clasp at the base of the hand. L. 3/4” (2 cm). $1850 ROMAN SILVER APPLIQUE OF A THEATER MASK, 2nd-3rd Century AD. Theater masks during the Roman period were worn by actors to not only hide their face but to amplify their voices to be heard from far distances within the theater. The Romans used smaller ones like this as appliques to celebrate the theater. 27mm. $650 ROMAN GILDED BRONZE BROOCH FIBULA WITH BLACK STONE, 3rd Century AD. Breath taking design with dark oval black stone surrounded by gold gilt design. Would make a wonderful piece of jewelry. From the estate of Robert Thompson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1960’s-2017). 26mm x 34mm. $450





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GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A LION, 5th-6th Century AD. With a dark green patina. L. 28mm. $250 GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A GRIFFIN, 5th-6th Century AD. In a light green patina. L. 30mm. $250 GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A LION, 5th-6th Century AD. In a light green patina. L. 33mm. $250 GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A GRIFFIN, 5th-6th Century AD. In muted green patina. L. 26mm. $250 GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A GRIFFIN, 5th-6th Century AD. In a dark green patina. L. 29mm. $250 GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A LION, 5th-6th Century AD. In a dark green patina. L. 33mm. $250 GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A GRIFFIN, 5th-6th Century AD. In a dark green patina. L. 28mm. $250 GOTHIC BRONZE BELT FRAGMENT OF A LION, 5th-6th Century AD. In a light green patina. L. 30mm. $250 GOTHIC GROUP OF 5 BRONZE BELT FRAGMENTS, 5th-6th Century AD. Five pieces rendering a Pegasus, two lions, a griffin & geometric design. From light green to dark green patina. L. 33mm to 39mm. $700 VISIGOTHIC PAIR OF MEROVINGIAN SILVER GILT FIBULAE, 6th Century AD. Silver with gold gilt with red garnets for details. Both pieces resemble frogs about to jump. Fibulae in early times were used by the military for campaigns but later in this period became the rave of the upper classes. These are perfect examples of the time and the fashion of the time. From an American collection purchased around 2009. Each L. 4 1/4�. $5250









MEDIEVAL LEAD APULLA PILGRIM FLASK, 13th-15th Century AD. Brian Spencer, formerly Senior Keeper at the Museum of London, who made a life-time study of ampullae, has written: ‘Ampullae or miniature phials were an important kind of souvenir. Generally flask-shaped, but with a narrow, flattish section, they were designed to contain a dose of the thaumaturgic water that was dispensed to pilgrims at many shrines and holy wells. Ampullae were made of tin or lead or tin-lead alloy and were provided with a pair of handles or loops so that they could be suspended from a cord or chain around the wearer’s neck. Coming into use in the last quarter of the twelfth century, they were, in England, almost the only kind of pilgrim souvenir to be had during the thirteenth century. They were nevertheless available at a number of shrines, and thanks to returning pilgrims or to local entrepreneurs, probably featured as secondary relics in virtually every thirteenth-century English parish church. This particular one has a shield on one side with a sixpoint star on the other with a small shield in its center. Similar example in the National Museums Liverpool. L. 1 3/4”. $675 GANDHARAN SCHIST BUDDHA FACE, 2nd Century AD. The piece is a large and nearly full face fragment beautifully sculpted from grey micaceous schist. Gandharan representations of the Buddha in human form are among the first attempts to capture the image of the Buddha in human form, before that It was imagined impossible to represent the enlightened one in human form. The first images, like this example, are thought to be based on the sculpture of Apollo, as seen from contact with the Hellenistic Kingdoms in Bactria and Roman trade. The present example is in usually nice and symmetrical style, with typically wide open eyes, straight wavy hair and a small mustache. Buddhas from Gandhara, the Khmer, the Thai and the Japanese have moustaches. It has an earthen skin and is in generally fine condition. Mounted. H. 7”. $1500 THAI LIFESIZE BRONZE AYUTHIA BUDDHA HAND, ca. 16th Century. This elegant Buddha hand in the abhaya mudra, represents the gesture of “stilling of fears,” reassurance or calming. It is a popular mudra for Buddhas in Thailand. The Ayuthia Kingdom of central Thailand spanned from the collapse of the Khmer empire in Thailand in about the 14th century to the end of the 18th century, and is known for its monumental stone and bronze Buddha sculpture. At lifesize, this present example is unusually large and rare for an authentic hand fragment from a period piece. Mounted. H. 8”. $1250 THAI RATANAKOSIN FRAMED MANUSCRIPT PAINTING, ca. 1820. The piece comes from a Luparello or accordion type manuscript that depicted the life of the Buddhist monk Pra Malai, who traveled through the various stages of human existence and chronicled his travels, much as Dante did in the Divine Comedy. The present illustration colorfully depicts a maiden in ornate dress carrying two baskets of fruit. The picture retains nice original color and has the typical center crease from the folded section of the manuscript leaves. As an added benefit it is beautifully framed in a gilt lacquer frame with a green silk mat behind glass. The frame is 16” by 14”. H. 11”. W. 9”. $750





















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