Gemini VII January 9, 2011

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AUCTION VII In Conjunction with the 39th Annual New York International Numismatic Convention At the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel 301 Park Avenue, New York, New York Norse Suite, 18th Floor

Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 3:20 PM Presented by Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. B & H Kreindler Amphora Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 31 N. Clark Street Chicago, IL 60602 Phone: (312) 609-0018 Fax: (312) 609-1309 Email: Website: B & H Kreindler 236 Altessa Blvd. Melville, NY 11747 Phone: (631) 427-0732 Fax: (631) 547-0758 Email: Amphora P.O. Box 805 Nyack, NY 10960 Phone: (845) 358-7364 Email: Website:

NOTICE OF EXHIBITION Lot Viewing: San Francisco, CA December, 2010 San Francisco Historical Bourse Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel Friday, December 10, 2010, 10 AM-6 PM Saturday, December 11, 2010, 10 AM-6 PM Chicago, IL December 1, 2010 -January 3, 2011 (Except during San Francisco bourse and holiday closures) Harlan J. Berk Ltd. 31 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60602 Phone: (312) 609-0018 for appointment

Production Staff Senior Directors: Harlan J. Berk Herbert Kreindler Cataloguers: Greek coins — Dr. Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert Jewish coins — David Hendin Roman Republic & Imperatorial coins — Phillip Davis Roman coins — Curtis Clay Byzantine coins — Harlan J. Berk Additional cataloguers: Shanna Schmidt Roxana Pireh Photography: Holly Matthews Layout: Aaron Berk Web Site: Pablo Saban Cover: Rainer Schmidt Printed by Flower City Printing, Rochester, NY

Herbert L. Kreindler, Auctioneer # 820339

New York, NY Waldorf Astoria Hotel, 301 Park Avenue Lexington Suite, 18th Floor Thursday, January 6, 2011, 12 PM-7 PM Friday, January 7, 2011, 8 AM-7 PM Saturday, January 8, 2011, 8 AM-6 PM Sunday, January 9, 2011, 9 AM-1 PM Lot Pick-up: Monday, January 10, 2011, 9 AM-11 AM

BANK WIRE INFORMATION: Contact Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. For all other payment inquiries please contact: Harlan J. Berk, Ltd at 312-609-0018 or email at Please include either your invoice number or name on your wire. Cover Coins: 1. Scyros Didrachm, lot 322, p. 65 (front cover) 2. Mark Antony & Octavian Aureus, lot 725, p. 127 (1st row, back cover center) 3. Vespasian Sestertius, lot 748, p. 132 (2nd row, back cover left) 4. Rhegium Tetradrachm, lot 73, p. 21 (2nd row, back cover left) 5. Lampsacus Stater, lot 472, p. 88 (2nd row, back cover center) 6. Ainos Tetradrachm, lot 295, p. 61 (2nd row, back cover right) 7. Vespasian Sestertius, lot 747, p. 131 (2nd row, back cover right) Inside Introduction Page: 1. Thebes Stater, lot 339, p. 68 (Page 1)

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ORDER OF SALE Part I (begins Sunday, January 9 at 3:20 PM)

Roman Coins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730-852

Greek Coins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-595

Judaean City Coins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853-881

Dinner break for bidcard holders in auction room

Western Barbarian Kingdoms . . . . . . . . . . 882-900

Part II (begins after dinner break)

Byzantine Coins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-1074

Greek Coins Continued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596-710

World Coins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075-1076

Roman Republican & Imperatorial Coins . . 711-729

Group Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077-1251

Gemini Numismatic Auctions is proud to offer in our sale VII six collections containing many coins not seen in the market for decades, plus additional consignments of fine individual coins. Two of the collections come from important scientists, the late Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky of The Rockefeller University and Dr. Patrick Tan of Singapore. To summarize: 1) The collection of Dr. Mirsky was donated to The Rockefeller University in 1974. Dr. Mirsky, a world-class scientist, was responsible for research which led to the groundbreaking understanding of DNA. His purchases from just after World War II until 1959 came from many of the top firms and numismatic experts at that time including Schulman of Amsterdam, De Falco and Santamaria of Italy, Münzen und Medaillen and Bank Leu (Dr. Leo Mildenberg) of Switzerland, and Spink and Baldwin’s in London. These coins come from many important collections including J. Pierpont Morgan, Cyril Lockett, Consul Weber, Pozzi, and the Hermitage. With little time, we have been able to identify some of the pedigrees and many more remain to be researched. Among the many interesting lots are a hemistater of the Aulerci Eburovices tribe, a Caulonia stater (ex J. Pierpont Morgan), an incredible Croton stater, a wonderful first issue tetradrachm of Syracuse (ex Lockett), a Macedonian didrachm depicting a male demon, a Boeotian stater depicting Hercules stringing his bow, a collection of Athenian fractions that includes some extraordinary types, a large run of archaic Corinthian staters, a series of Cnidus drachms, many pedigreed, and an exquisite didrachm of Erythrae. 2) A very important consignment from Dr. Patrick Tan, one of the leading hematologists in the world and the top bone marrow transplant expert in the Far East. Dr. Tan’s coins illustrate his ability in selecting coins of artistic merit and quality. Among these are a Demareteion-class tetradrachm of Syracuse, an exceptional facing head tetradrachm of Ainos, an amazing Rhegium tetradrachm with the long-haired Apollo reverse, two Camarina tetradrachms, and a flawless trihemistater of Carthage. 3) A selection of coins from the late Norman Davis whose collection was published by the American Numismatic Society in 1969, including the extremely rare didrachm of Scyros. Mr. Davis was a native of Manchester, England and had regular contact with the British Museum. He not only wrote several numismatic books, but also co-authored a book with the late numismatic scholar Colin M. Kraay. 4) A selection of coins from the ANS, part of the donated collection of Dr. John Francis Lhoka, primarily Roman including three coins from the Zeno collection formed in 18th century Austria. 5) The Hebrew College/Oscar Feinsilver collection of Jewish and related coinage including many fine Bar Kochba silver zuzim and Jewish War shekels and half shekels. 6) An Important European collection of dark age and western Byzantine bronzes. In addition to all of the above, there are three exceptional Lampsacus staters, one depicting a female satyr, a Selinus-type tetradrachm of Syracuse (ex Lloyd and British Museum), a unique unpublished electrum stater of Cyzicus, an aureus of Marc Antony and Octavian, an aureus of Domitian’s Saecular Games, an extremely fine Vespasian sestertius depicting the Temple of Isis, and a remarkable Jewish War commemorative sestertius of Vespasian. The Byzantine section includes a gold histamenon of Michael VI and the finest known stavrata of Constantine XI struck during the final months of the Empire.

Harlan J. Berk, President, Gemini Numismatic Auctions, LLC.

The Rockefeller University and Dr. Alfred Mirsky The Rockefeller University is one of the world’s foremost biomedical research institutes and is dedicated to conducting innovative, high-quality research to improve the understanding of life for the benefit of humanity. Founded in 1901, The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was the country’s first institution devoted exclusively to biomedical research. In the 1950s, the institute expanded its mission to include graduate education and began training new generations of scientists to become research leaders around the world. In 1965, it was renamed The Rockefeller University. Rockefeller’s unique approach to science has led to some of the world’s most revolutionary contributions to biology and medicine. During Rockefeller’s history, 23 of its scientists have won Nobel Prizes, 21 have won Albert Lasker Medical Research Awards, and 13 have been awarded the National Medal of Science, the highest science award given by the United States.

Dr. Alfred Mirsky

Dr. Alfred Mirsky (1900-1974) was a world-renowned pioneer in the fields of the chemistry of proteins and chromosomes. When Dr. Mirsky died, Rockefeller University President Dr. Frederick Seitz noted that he had been associated with Rockefeller since 1927 and that he was “one of the pioneers in unlocking the secrets of the cell nucleus.” In addition to his fundamental contributions in protein chemistry, Dr. Mirsky and his colleagues made the crucial demonstration that every cell in the body has the same amount of DNA as every other cell except for the sperm and egg cells, which have half the amount. When combined in the fertilized egg, they produce the normal complement of DNA, the basic genetic material often referred to as the “blueprint of life.” Archaeology and numismatics were also life-long interests for Dr. Mirsky. As noted in Mirsky’s obituary in the Year Book of the American Philosophical Society 1976: 100-103, “He was well known to dealers throughout the world for his ‘fine eye’ and his expertise. This was developed during years of poring over books, dealers’ catalogs and inventories, as well as visiting archaeological sites.” Dr. Mirsky acquired his marvelous ancient coin collection prior to 1970 (the cataloguers were unable to identify any coins purchased after 1959). The collection, parts of which have been on display at The Rockefeller University over the years, was bequeathed to the University as a testamentary gift. Proceeds from the sale of this collection will support the University’s graduate program. The collection includes coins from many of the great early 20th century collections of ancient coins, including collections of J. Pierpont Morgan, Richard Cyril Lockett, Consul Edward F. Weber, Professor S. Pozzi, and the Hermitage Museum. Dr. Mirsky also purchased his coins from the world’s great ancient coin dealers of his day including Giuseppe De Falco (Naples), Jacques Schulman (Amsterdam), Spink & Son (London), M&M (Basil), Bank Leu (Zurich) and A.H. Baldwin and Sons (London). It is an interesting footnote that in October, 1953, Dr. Mirsky wrote a letter recommending Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli as curator of the Smithsonian Institution’s Department of Numismatics. Clain-Stefanelli, a survivor of several years at the Buchenwald concentration camp, had arrived in New York in 1951 and was befriended by Dr. Mirsky when he was employed by Hesperia Arts and Stack’s Rare Coins. In 1956 Vladimir became curator of the Smithsonian’s Division of Numismatics; a year later, his wife Elvira became his assistant. Two years after Vladimir’s death in 1982, Elvira Clain-Stefanelli became the department’s first executive director; she died in 2001. Dr. Mirsky was born in New York City on October 17, 1900. He graduated from the Ethical Culture School and Harvard University, received his Ph.D. degree from Cambridge University, and received an honorary M.D. degree from the University of Gothenburg in 1954. He joined the Rockefeller Institute in 1927, and held the positions of associate (1929-1940), associate member (1940-1948) and member, before assuming the title of professor in 1954. He was a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, Harvey Society, the Society of Biological Chemists, Society of General Physiologists, Genetics Society, American Naturalists Society, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Chemical Society, and Phi Beta Kappa.

Norman Davis Moved by his appreciation for Hellenic art and history, Noman Davis spent several decades building his fine collection of Greek coins. Originally a collector of Greek art in general, his numismatic interest was sparked when his daughter gave him a silver stater of Corinth as a present. While continuing to collect other Greek art, he turned his main interest toward the coinage, establishing a reputation as a scholar as well as a discriminating collector. A native of Manchester, England, Norman Davis was fortunate that his office in London was located near the British Museum. He spent many hours studying the Greek coin collection and conversing with the British Museum staff. He moved to America in the 1930’s, settling in Seattle. Norman Davis was a Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society of London and of the American Numismatic Society, which published his collection of Greek coins in 1969. He was Vice President of Fine Arts at the Seattle World’s Fair and director of its Fine Arts Exhibition. He wrote Greek Coins and Cities and Journeys to the Past as well as co-authoring with Colin M. Kraay The Hellenistic Kingdoms. Photo and write-up courtesy of NFA XI, 1982.

The Feinsilver Ancient Jewish Coin Collection of Hebrew College Founded in 1921, Hebrew College, located in Newton, Massachusetts, is dedicated to the principle that rigorous, pluralistic Jewish education is essential to building and sustaining a vibrant Jewish community. The College’s goal is to train Jewish professionals who have a strong foundation in classical Jewish studies and are equally well equipped to engage the complexities of contemporary Jewish life. Hebrew College promotes excellence in Jewish learning and leadership within a pluralistic environment of open inquiry, intellectual rigor, personal engagement, and spiritual creativity. The College empowers and inspires individuals to contribute their voices and vision to the Jewish community and to bring Jewish values to bear on the critical issues of our time. In 1975 Hebrew College was pleased to receive from the estate of the late Oscar Feinsilver a superb collection of ancient Jewish coins. In recognition of its limited ability to make these coins available for public display, Hebrew College now proudly offers the coins of the Oscar Feinsilver Collection for purchase by discerning numismatists. For further information about Hebrew College, please call 617-559-8600 or visit the college’s website, Hebrew College, 160 Herrick Road, Newton, MA 02459.

The American Numismatic Society By Dr. Ute Wartenberg Kagan-Executive Director

The American Numismatic Society is an organization dedicated to the study of coins, currency, medals, tokens, and related objects from all cultures, past and present. The Society’s headquarters in New York City has the foremost numismatic research collection and specialized library in the United States. These resources are used to support education in numismatics for the benefit of academic specialists, serious collectors, and professional numismatists. The ANS holdings, estimated at approximately 800,000 coins and related objects, are of international caliber, rivaled only by the largest state collections of Europe. Abounding in both large study collections and great rarities, the Society’s cabinets are particularly strong in the Ancient Greek field, where the Hellenistic section is particularly notable; in Roman Republican period issues; in the Islamic field, of exceptional breadth and depth; in Far Eastern numismatics, in some Latin American issues, developed over the past 40 years; and in United States coinage--Colonial series, Federal issues and private mintages. In December 2008, the ANS received a bequest from an esteemed member, Dr. John Francis Lhotka, who had left to the Society his collection of Ancient Greek, Roman Republican, Roman Imperial, Medieval and Modern coins in bronze, silver and gold (over 1,947 pieces). Born in Butte, Montana, in 1921, Lhotka joined the U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Service, after working briefly as a chemist. He served as an officer from 1942 through World War II. In 1951, Dr. Lhotka became a devoted member of the ANS, and in 1970 he was elected a Life Fellow. He established a fund in 1960 to purchase coins for the ANS collections, primarily in the fields of Bohemia, the Slavic Balkans and Eastern Europe, as well as the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires in Europe. In 1961, he also provided funds for the Society’s library purchases of numismatic publications on similar topics. Due to his significant contributions to the ANS, the Society named Dr. Lhotka a Patron in 1962. He was known as a collector and author of several popular works, including Medieval European Coinage, Introduction to East Roman (Byzantine) Coinage, and Introduction to Medieval Bracteates. His bequest to the ANS represents a significant addition to the numismatic holdings. During 2009-2010 the ANS staff and volunteers have been regularly working to identify die duplicates in the cabinet. This incredibly time consuming task, which necessitates careful study of die states and die varieties, revealed an interesting group of over 200 duplicate items from the Lhotka collection. Among these interesting examples are a fifth-century BC silver coin of Methymna (Lesbos); a silver coin issued in Elis, Olympia; two bronzes of Sicyon of the fourth-century BC; a Cretan Polyrhenium third-century BC silver coin and a bronze coins of Cappadocian king Ariobarzanes III (52-42 BC). Additionally, a group of over 195 Roman coins were identified as duplicates. These examples include numerous varieties of the Twelve Caesars issues, silver denarii of Vespasian, Titus and Domitian and imperial coinage of the second–third century AD. Roman provincial coins are represented by several interesting bronzes of the third century AD from the mint of Alexandria in Egypt. One Hudson Square, location of the ANS’s We hope that these coins will bring as much pleasure to their new owners as they new facility. Photo by Alan Roche did to Dr. Lotka and will be well appreciated by scholars, students, and collectors.

Patrick Tan, M.D. Dr. Patrick Tan is a hematologist who specializes in bone marrow transplants. His practice is in Singapore. He graduated from the University of Singapore and did his post-graduate work in the United Kingdom. Subsequently he did a fellowship specializing in bone marrow transplants at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Dr. Tan has been interested in various aspects of numismatics for nearly 25 years. He began with coins of the British Commonwealth, then later Spanish and Chinese coins. His current favorite field is ancient numismatics, where he has many interests. Dr. Tan’s consignment to the present auction comprises some of his most beautiful and interesting Greek coins, with additional duplicates from the Roman and Judaean series.

TERMS OF SALE This is a public auction and mail bid sale conducted by Gemini Numismatic Auctions, LLC (GNA). Bidding in the auction constitutes full acceptance of the following terms. 1) The property contained in this auction catalog is offered for sale by GNA for itself and on behalf of Harlan J. Berk Ltd., B&H Kreindler, Amphora and other consignors. GNA may, at its sole discretion, set opening bidding levels, determine bidding increments, reject any bid, reopen a lot in the event of a dispute and withdraw any lot. GNA further reserves the right to bid on its own behalf, bid on behalf of the consignor or allow the consignor to bid on his own property. 2) An 18% buyer’s premium will be added to the hammer price of each lot sold. The buyer’s premium will be reduced to 15% if settlement is made by wire transfer, bank draft or personal check within thirty days of the auction date. 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11/9/2010 3:45:19 PM

Part I Greek Coins

1. Spain. Arsaos. c. 130-100 BC. Denarius, 3.87g (12h). Obv: Bearded head facing right. Behind, plough. In front, stylized dolphin. Dotted border. Rx: ARSAOS Horseman to right, throwing axe. Linear border. SNG British Museum, Spain 923. Dembski, Cat. Vienna 7. Toned EF $250

4. Salacia-Centouibon. c. 150-100 BC. AE Unit, 13.53g (2h). Obv: CAVONIE.SISCRA Laureate bearded head facing to left. Dotted border. Rx: Two fish swimming left. Between them, Hispanic legend (Ketouibon). Dotted border. CHN 134. SNG British Museum, Spain 496. SNG Madrid II 1492. VF $1,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex DNW Auction, 5 October 2009, lot 5286.

5. Celtic. Southern Gaul. Elusates tribe. c. 118-100 BC. Drachm, 2.67g (7h). Obv: Abstract head. Rx: Horse prancing left. Triangular design above, square design below. La Tour 3587. BMCCC II 111. Dembski, Cat. Vienna 192. Castelin, Cat. Zurich 121. Exquisite Celtic horse on the reverse. Toned EF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 2. Castulo. 195-179 BC. AE 34, 33.46g (7h). Obv: Male diademed head facing right. Dotted border. Rx: Winged sphinx advancing to right. In upper right field, star. Beneath raised paw, letter ko. In exergue, (Kastilo). SNG British Museum, Spain 1240. SNG Madrid 2, 37. SNG Copenhagen 205. Collecting Greek Coins 1a (this coin). Green patination with earthen encrustation. Impressive flan. VF $800 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Celtic Rarity

6. Northern Gaul. Aulerci Eburovices tribe. c. 120-80 BC. Hemistater, 3.28g (10h). Obv: Stylized head facing left. On the neck, swastika. Rx: Horse prancing to right. Beneath, boar standing to right. In field, various designs. La Tour 7018. Castelin, Cat. Zurich 250. Scheers, La Gaule Belgique, p. 34, 111, pl. XXVII, 752. Good VF $5,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The type emulates the gold staters of Philip II of Macedon (cf. Forrer, Keltische Numismatik, p. 250).

3. AE 14, 3.02g (12h). Spain, Castulo, c. 165-150 BC. Obv: Male diademed head facing right. Dotted border. Rx: Boar standing to right. Above, star. In exergue, (Kastilo). Dotted border. SNG British Museum, Spain 1354. SNG Madrid 2, 234. SNG Copenhagen 217. Green patination. About EF $400 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.



border. Rx: Horseman right. In upper left field, maeander bond. Beneath horse, triskelis. Below raised foreleg, Π. In right field, Λ. Göbl, OTA 434/4. Dembski, Cat. Vienna 1350. Kostial 724. VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 7. Eastern Celts. Noricum. Samobor A Type. c. 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm, 9.68g (10h). Obv: Male head facing left, wearing diadem consisting of three dotted lines. Dotted border. Rx: Horse walking left, with muscle on breast and knife-like hooves. Dembski, Cat. Vienna 866. Kostial 158. Large flan defect on reverse. VF $400

The type is a fancifully modified version of a certain type of posthumous tetradrachm of Philip II of Macedon (cf. Le Rider, pl. 46, 14).

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

8. Burgenland. Kroisbach type. c. 2nd century BC. Stater, 12.70g (12h). Obv: Beardless male head facing right, with large eye, aquiline nose, stylized ear and wearing triple pearl diadem. Border of dots. Rx: Mounted torso of rider with flying chlamys to left. Beneath, drilled exergual line with torque-like endings. Göbl, OTA 469/5. Castelin, Cat. Zurich 1170. Dembski, Cat. Vienna 1391. Kostial 744. On the type, see now G. Gorini in Miscellanea numismatica antiquitatis in honorem septagenarii magistri Virgilii Mihailescu--Bîrliba (Bukarest 2008), pp. 81-90. Near Mint State $1,500

11. Sub-Carpates. Kugelwange type. c. 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm, 13.34g (10h). Obv: Laureate, bearded head facing to right, with circular eye, globular cheek and triangular neck. Dotted border. Rx: Horseman to left, the horse with tong-like head and dotted rein. Göbl, OTA 311/4. Dembski, cat. Vienna 1233. Kostial 660. Exceptional head. Numerous shallow reverse scratches, otherwise EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

9. Central Serbia. c. 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm, 12.86g (7h). Obv: Bearded Janus head. Rx: Rider wearing crested helmet to right. In right field, rosette. Göbl, OTA 233/1. BMCCC I 111. Dembski, Cat. Vienna 1133. Kostial 540. Iridescent toning on reverse. Good VF/EF $600

12. Western Balkans (Carpates). Eastern Imitation of Philip II. c. 250-150 BC. Stater, 13.14g (12h). Obv: Laureate bearded head facing right. On the neck, two laurel leaves forming a triangle. Dotted border. Rx: Λ-Π-Π Rider with ant-like head facing left, holding whip in raised right hand. In left field, four-spoke wheel and two dots. Below horse, Λ. Dotted exergual line. Dotted border. R. Göbl, OTA, pl. 27, 318 "Dreieckhals". G. Dembski, Cat. Vienna 1238 (same dies). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #84 (this coin). EF $1,000 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

10. Pannonia. Triskeles type. c. 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm, 12.88g (6h). Obv: Laureate, bearded head facing right, the wreath with a secondary line of leaves above. Dotted



839 (same dies). SNG Cop-777 (same dies). Toned VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Helbing 83, 19 August 1941, lot 21. 13. Etruria. Populonia. c. 300-250 BC. 20 units, 9.06g Obv: Youthful head of Herakles facing, wearing lion-skin headdress. On either side of the neck, Χ. Dotted border. Rx: Blank. HN Italy 155. I. Vecchi, SNR 69 (1990), p. 23, nos. 75.20 (this coin). Dewing Coll. 76 (same dies). SNG ANS 89 (same dies). SNG Florence 431 (same dies). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #2 (this coin). VF $2,500

Enlargement 17. c. 440 BC. Litra, 0.66g (6h). Obv: Shell. Linear border. Rx: Female head facing right. SNG Paris 1632. Vlasto Coll. 1153. Late archaic head. VF $250

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection. Exceptional Litra

14. c. 300-250 BC. 10 units, 4.14g Obv: Laureate male head facing to left. Linear border. Rx: Blank. HN Italy 168. SNG Paris 46. SNG Florence 451. No die rust and extremely well struck. Toned EF $1,750


18. c. 430 BC. Litra, 0.77g (6h). Obv: Shell. Linear border. Rx: Female head facing left, wearing earring. SNG Paris 1636. Vlasto Coll. 1158. Exceptional early classical head. It is extremely unusual to find a litra in this quality. Toned Good VF $500

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

15. Campania. Hyria. c. 405-385 BC. Didrachm, 7.03g (9h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, decorated with olive wreath and owl. Rx: ΥΡΙΝΑΙ Man-headed bull striding to left on double exergual line. HN Italy 539. Rutter 86. SNG Paris 613 (same dies). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #3 (this coin). Some light pitting on reverse. VF $500


19. Litra, 0.84g (1h). Obv: Shell. Linear border. Rx: Female head facing left, wearing earring. SNG Paris 1638 (same reverse die). Vlasto Coll. 1162 (same reverse die). Excellent, early classical head. VF/EF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 7. Ex Helbing 1941

16. Calabria. Tarentum. c. 450 BC. Didrachm, 7.81g (10h). Obv: Taras seated on dolphin to right, binding wreath. Below, shell. Dotted border. Rx: Hippocamp to right. Beneath, crab. Fischer-Bossert 117p (this coin, O62/R79). SNG ANS


20. c. 430-425 BC. Didrachm, 7.61g (6h). Obv: Taras seated on dolphin to right. Beneath, shell. Rx: Horseman to right, holding reins. Exergue. Fischer-Bossert -(O-/R179), cf. 240. A few minor hairlines. Toned VF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

As shown by Garraffo, Evans’ period VI was minted during the first years of Pyrrhus’ stay in southern Italy. The date usually given (300-280 BC) is too early. 21. c. 344-340 BC. Didrachm, 7.95g (2h). Obv: Horseman, naked but for crested helmet, to left, holding reins in right hand, shield and spear in left. Beneath horse, Δ (barely visible). Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras seated on dolphin to left, shouldering trident. In left field, tiny dolphin springing to left. Beneath, five waves of the sea. In lower right field, halved Η (to be read as a spiritus asper). Very thin linear border, broken by the small dolphin. All within circular incuse. FischerBossert 670 (O255/R519'). SNG ANS 934 (same dies). Vlasto Coll. 446 (same dies). Iridescent toning. EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

25. Didrachm, 7.85g (10h). Obv: Naked boy rider crowning his horse, to right. In left field, ΣΑ. Beneath horse, ΑΡΕ-ΘΩΝ in two lines. Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras seated on dolphin facing left, holding tripod in right hand. In lower left field, CΑΣ. HN Italy 957. Evans VI A1. Vlasto Coll. 666. SNG ANS 1046. VF $500 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

22. c. 340 BC. Diobol, 1.23g (1h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with seahorse on bowl. Rx: [ΤΑΡΑΝ]-ΤΙΝ[ΩΝ] Herakles wrestling the Nemean lion. Between legs, Κ. To left, club. HN Italy 914. Vlasto Coll. 1254. Toned with a planchet defect on the cheek. Wonderfully struck reverse. EF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


23. c. 4th/3rd centuries BC. Obol, 0.71g (12h). Obv: Shell. Rx: Dolphin to right. Beneath, ΦΙ. Vlasto Coll. 1517 var. (dolphin to left). Toned choice EF and of exceptional metal quality $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

26. c. 275-260 BC. Didrachm, 6.37g (3h). Obv: Naked boy on horseback facing right, crowning the horse. In left field, ΖΩ. Beneath horse, ΝΕΥ-ΜΗ. Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras seated on dolphin facing left, holding helmet in right hand. In the field, two stars. Beneath, ΠΟΛΥ. HN Italy 1006. Evans VII C3. SNG Paris 1904. Vlasto Coll. 739. Struck on an extremely broad flan. Toned good VF/VF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

24. c. 280-275 BC. Didrachm, 7.84g (10h). Obv: Horseman facing right, hurling spear, holding round shield and two more spears. In left field, ΣΙ. Beneath horse, ΔΕΙΝΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ. Rx: ΤΑΡΑΣ Taras seated left on dolphin, holding small dolphin on outstretched right hand. HN Italy 967. Evans VI D2. Vlasto Coll. 692. SNG Paris 1882. Toned Good VF $300

27. c. 275-240 BC. Didrachm, 6.52g (1h). Obv: Naked boy-rider crowning his horse, to left. In right field, ΣΥ. Beneath horse, ΛΥΚΙ-ΝΟΣ in two lines. Rx: ΤΑ-ΡΑΣ Taras seated on dolphin to left, brandishing trident, wearing chlamys around shoulders and left arm. In right field, owl standing to left, head facing. HN Italy 1025. Evans VII A9. Vlasto Coll. 836. SNG ANS 1165. EF $600

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.


28. c. 270-250 BC. Didrachm, 7.23g (8h). Obv: Female head facing to left, wearing triple ear-pendant. Behind, letters? Rx: ΤΑ Naked boy on horseback to right, crowning the horse. Beneath horse, dolphin to right. Dotted border. HN Italy 1098. SNG Paris 1967. Vlasto Coll. 1000. Head of horse softly struck, otherwise toned VF $400

31. Metapontum. c. 535-520 BC. Stater, 7.93g (12h). Obv: ΜΕΤ Eight-grained ear of barley. Dotted border. Rx: Obverse type incuse. Noe-Johnston 22. AMB 128. Struck in high relief. Choice EF $1,500

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

29. c. 240-228 BC. Didrachm, 6.21g (11h). Obv: Bare-headed warrior in full military costume, with thorax and mantle, on horse cantering to right. Turning his head backwards, he is stretching his right hand behind him to receive a small, wreath-holding Nike. In the left field, monogram. Beneath horse, ΚΑΛΛΙ-ΚΡΑΤΗΣ in two lines. Rx: ΤΑΡΑ[Σ] Taras seated on dolphin to left, holding trident in left hand and extending right hand to receive a small, wreathholding Nike. In the right field, ligature ΝΕ. HN Italy 1059. Evans IX H2. SNG ANS 1260. Vlasto 970 (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #9 (this coin). EF $1,000 Ex Norman Davis and the Michalis Vlastos Collection. Ex Hirsch XIV, Nov. 1905, lot 67.

30. Lucania. Heraclea. c. 330 BC. Stater, 7.75g (5h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Scylla who is throwing a rock. In left field, ΕΥ. Dotted border. Rx: [ΗΡΑΚΛ]-ΗΙΩΝ Herakles standing facing front, wrestling the Nemean lion. Between Herakles' legs, fluted jug. At left, [club and ΑΠΟΛ]. Work 46. van Keuren 51. SNG ANS 65. Cf. AMB 109. Extremely well struck on reverse, particularly on the head of the lion. EF $4,000





32. c. 520-490 BC. Hemiobol, 0.32g (12h). Obv: Eight-grained barley ear. Dotted border. Rx: Obverse type incuse. Rim border. Cf. Noe-Johnston 64 (obol). SNG ANS 187­ 189. Cf. Klein Coll. 14 (obol). Incredibly well struck in high relief. Toned EF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

33. c. 500-480 BC. Stater, 7.97g (12h). Obv: ΜΕΤΑ Six-grained barley-ear with additional central grain. Guilloche border. Rx: Obverse type incuse. Rim border. Noe-Johnston, class IX (155 ff.). HN Italy 1482. Toned. Obverse in high relief. EF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Egger 1913

34. c. 350/40 BC. Stater, 7.61g (11h). Obv: Female head facing right, wearing heart-shaped ear-pendant. Linear border. Rx: ΜΕΤΑΠΟΝ Barley ear with a stalk on the left side carrying a palmette. Noe-Johnston 480k (this coin). De Luynes Coll. 491 (same dies). McClean 976 (same dies). Toned VF $300

38. c. 300 BC. Stater, 7.87g (6h). Obv: Head of Persephone facing left, wearing ears of wheat in hair, triple ear-pendant, and necklace. In lower left field, ΔΕΞ (retrograde). Rx: ΜΕΤΑ Nine-grained ear of barley. On stalk, pyxis. Below, [ΛΥ]. Johnston C10.3. SNG ANS 504. EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Egger XLV, 12 Nov. 1913 [Telese Coll.], lot 148.

35. c. 340 BC. Stater, 5.84g (5h). Obv: Veiled head of Demeter facing right, wearing ears of wheat in hair, triple ear-pendant, and necklace. Rx: ΜΕΤΑ Ear of barley, mouse on stalk. In upper left field, Φ. Johnston A8.16. Cf. Dewing Coll. 381. SNG ANS 419. SNG Lockett 412. Planchet defect in front of nose of Demeter, otherwise VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

39. Poseidonia. c. 530-500 BC. Stater, 6.45g (12h). Obv: Π[ΟΣ] Beardless Poseidon standing facing right, wearing mantle over shoulders, hurling trident. Guilloche border. Rx: Obverse type incuse, Poseidon bearded, and fish-bone border. HN Italy 1107. SNG ANS 2, 604-5 (same obverse die). Leu-MMAG 1974 (Kunstfreund), #48 (similar reverse die). EF $35,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


36. c. 340-320 BC. Diobol, 1.16g (12h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, Corinthian helmet pushed back on the head. Rx: ΜΕΤΑ Barley ear with a stalk and two leaves on the right side. Johnston p. 86, 21, pl. 19-20. SNG Lloyd 401. SNG Lockett 430. Obverse weakly struck, otherwise of exceptional artistic quality. Toned EF/VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

37. c. 300/290 BC. Stater, 7.84g (2h). Obv: Head of Persephone facing left, wearing ears of wheat in hair, triple earpendant, and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: ΜΕΤΑ Sevengrained ear of barley. On stalk, tongs, and ΑΘA below. Johnston C4.1 ff. SNG Lloyd 392. Dewing Coll. 387. SNG Lockett 418. Obverse die rather worn. VF/EF $300


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


40. Stater, 7.46g (12h). Obv: ΠΟΣ Bearded Poseidon standing facing right, wearing mantle over shoulders, hurling trident. Guilloche border. Rx: Obverse type incuse, but fish-bone border. HN Italy 1107. SNG ANS 613 (same dies). Excellent style. VF $20,000

42. c. 470 BC. Stater, 8.12g (11h). Obv: ΠΟΜΕΣ (=ΠΟΣΕΙ) Poseidon standing to right, wearing chlamys round shoulders, hurling trident. Rx. ΠΟΜΕΣ (retrograde) Bull standing to left. HN Italy 1114. C.M. Kraay, Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia 8 (1967), pp. 113 ff. Group A, pl. 48, 2. SNG ANS 654. Toned. Good VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Ex Pozzi

41. Drachm, 3.38g (12h). Obv: ΠΟΣ (retrograde). Poseidon striding right, wearing chlamys around shoulders, hurling trident. Dotted border. Rx: Obverse type incuse, to left. Fishbone border. HN Italy 1107. SNG ANS 607. S. Boutin, Ancienne Collection Pozzi (Maastricht 1979), no. 554 (this coin). Toned. Good VF $2,000

43. c. 460/50 BC. Stater, 7.33g (8h). Obv: Poseidon standing right, wearing chlamys round shoulders, hurling trident. At right, ethnic. Rx: ΠΟΜΕΣ Bull standing to right. HN Italy 1114. C.M. Kraay, Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia 8 (1967), pp. 113 ff. Group B, pl. 48, 6 var. (bull to left). SNG ANS 661 var. SNG Lloyd 436 var. SNG Lockett 442 var. (bull to left). Toned and exceptional for this issue. Unusually shaped flan but everything is complete. VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Naville I, 4 April 1921 (Prof. S. Pozzi), lot 202.

44. c. 450/445 BC. Stater, 8.08g (10h). Obv: ΠΟΜΕΣ Poseidon standing facing right, wearing chlamys around shoulders, hurling trident. Rx: ΠΟΜΕΣ (retrograde) Bull standing to left. HN Italy 1114. C.M. Kraay, Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia 8 (1967), pp. 113 ff. Group B, pl. 48, 10. SNG ANS 661. SNG Lloyd 436. SNG Lockett 442. Toned. About VF/VF $300 Enlargement


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

45. c. 450-435 BC. Stater, 7.92g (9h). Obv: ΠΟΣ Bearded Poseidon striding to right, chlamys over shoulders, brandishing trident. Rx: ΠΟΣΕΙ Bull standing to left. The whole in round incuse. HN Italy 1114. This early variety not recorded by S.P. Noe, ANSMN 5 (1952), pp. 9-19, nor by C.M. Kraay, Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia 8 (1967), pp. 113-142. These dies not to be found in the major references, but cf. SNG ANS 655-8. Extremely rare variety (the obverse legend in left field). Fine+/VF $500

48. Thurium. c. 430/20 BC. Stater, 7.92g (7h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing an Attic helmet with olivewreath. Rx: ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ Bull charging right. In right field, Ε. In exergue, fish to left. HN Italy 1761. Ch. Jörgensen in: Corolla Numismatica. Studies … Barclay Head (Oxford 1906), p. 170, no. 18, pl. VIII, 17. SNG Oxford 878. Dewing Coll. 416. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #16 (this coin). VF $600

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

46. Sybaris. c. 520 BC. Stater, 7.47g (12h). Obv: VM (=ΣΥ) Bull standing facing left, head turned back. Dotted exergual line. In exergue, ethnic. Dotted border. Rx: Obverse type incuse. HN Italy 1729. SNG Lloyd 450. AMB 169. SNG ANS 828. SNG Lockett 455. Some light porosity, otherwise about EF $1,250

49. c. 420 BC. Stater, 7.74g (2h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing crested laureate Attic helmet. Rx: [Θ] ΟΥΡΙ[ΩΝ] Bull charging to left. Beneath, Θ. In exergue, fish swimming to left, as if coming up for air. HN Italy 1764. SNG Oxford 1038 var. AMB 172 var. SNG ANS 897 var. (bull to right). Iridescent toning. VF $300

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

47. c. 520 BC. Stater, 7.79g (1h). Obv: VM Bull standing facing left, head turned back. Dotted exergual line. In exergue, ethnic. Dotted border. Rx: Obverse type incuse. HN Italy 1729. SNG Lloyd 450. AMB 169. SNG ANS 828. SNG Lockett 455. Reverse exceptionally well struck. VF/EF $1,250

50. c. 420-400 BC. Stater, 7.84g (7h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested and laureate Attic helmet, and necklace. Rx: ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ Bull standing facing right. Beneath, Δ. In exergue, fish to left. SNG ANS 885 (same dies). SNG Lockett 467. Excellent style. Several scrapes including one underneath the bull's belly and the muzzle. Toned VF $400

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


51. c. 400-380 BC. Distater, 15.54g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing Attic helmet adorned by Scylla. Rx: ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ Bull charging to right. In exergue, fish right. Noe C8. HN Italy 1803. SNG Lockett 488 (same dies). Dewing Coll. 421 (same dies). About EF $17,500


55. c. 500 BC. Drachm, 3.90g Obv: Forepart of lion to right, gnawing bone. Dotted truncation. Rx: Quadripartite incuse. Williams 20 (O12/R5). Unusually well centered for this issue. Toned with some reverse iridescence. EF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 52. c. 380-350 BC. Stater, 7.74g (11h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Scylla on bowl. Rx: ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ Bull charging to right. In exergue, fish to right. SNG ANS 995. SNG Lockett 503. Toned VF $450 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

53. Stater, 7.64g (7h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Scylla, holding trident, on bowl. Rx: ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ Bull charging to right. Double exergual line. In exergue, fish to right. SNG ANS 1008. Dewing Coll. 441. Toned. Good VF $350


56. c. 450 BC. Drachm, 3.93g (7h). Obv: Female head to right, hair tied, wearing necklace. Rx: ΥΕΛΗ Owl seated on olive twig to right, head facing. In right field, Δ. Williams 86. De Luynes Coll. 626 (same dies). Some obverse hairlines. Toned. Pleasant archaic head. Good VF $200

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Exquisite Diobol

54. Velia. c. 520 BC. Diobol, 0.93g Obv: Forepart of lion to left, devouring prey. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Williams -(no diobols of Period I). SNG ANS 1211. SNG Oxford 1081. Very rare. Toned. EF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


57. c. 350/40 BC. Didrachm, 7.75g (5h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing Attic helmet with running griffin on bowl. Behind neck, Τ. Rx: ΥΕΛΗΤΩΝ Lion striding to right, mouth open, tongue slightly protruding. Above, owl

taking wing to right. Beneath lion, Τ. In exergue, ethnic. All within round incuse. Williams 228c (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #19 (this coin). SNG ANS 1284 (same dies). Extremely unusual reverse type. Beautifully sculpted image of lion. VF $1,000

lower right field, stag standing on dotted base, head turned back. Dotted exergue line. Guilloche border. Rx: Obverse type incuse, but without legend, and with simplified fishbone border. HN Italy 2035. Noe 2p (this coin). SNG ANS 2, 141. Goldberg, Money of the World 13. Of wonderful style. Toned Choice EF with luster $20,000

Ex Norman Davis Collection. The dating of the so-called T-group is controversial. Williams, p. 49, suggested an early date even before 350 BC, whereas A. Burnett, SNR 73 (1994), p. 207 lowered the date by some 20 years. Since the Altamura Hoard (IGCH 1923) contained a long range of fairly fresh T-group specimens, a date in the 340s makes sense.

58. c. 305-290 BC. Didrachm, 7.01g (1h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with running winged griffin on bowl. Above vizor, Δ. Rx: [Υ] ΕΛΗΤΩ[Ν] Lion striding to right. Above, Φ-Ι and pentragram. In exergue, ethnic. Williams 424 (O210/R300). SNG Lockett 566 (same dies). Light contact mark on cheek. Iridescent toning on reverse. EF $450

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 5. Ex de Guermantes Collection. Ex Jacob Hirsch XVII, February 1907, lot 291. Ex J. Hirsch XVI, December 1906, lot 159.


Ex J. Pierpont Morgan. Ex Hartwig Collection

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

59. c. 290-275 BC. Didrachm, 7.31g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing left, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated by winged griffin on bowl. Above vizor, Α. In lower right field, ΙΕ on pinakion. Rx: Lion attacking stag, to left. Williams, Period IX. SNG Lockett 571. Toned. VF $500

61. Stater, 7.94g (12h). Obv: ΚΑVΛ Apollo standing to right, holding lustral branch in right hand, and running daemon (also holding branches) on outstretched left arm. In right field, stag on base to right, head reverted. Guilloche border. Rx: Obverse type incuse, to left. Rim border. HN Italy 2035. Noe 5c (this coin). W. Raymond, The J. Pierpont Morgan Collection (New York 1953), no. 91 (this coin). SNG ANS 142 (same dies). Exquisite stater. Perfectly centered obverse struck in high relief with iridescent toning. Mint State $15,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Two Magnificent Caulonia Staters

60. Bruttium. Caulonia. c. 525-500 BC. Stater, 8.14g (12h). Obv: ΚΑΥΛ Apollo standing to right, raising branch in right hand (for purification). On extended left arm, small figure running right, carrying branches in both hands. In

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex J. Pierpont Morgan Collection. Ex Santamaria, 7 March 1910 (Paul Hartwig sale), lot 417.



2085. SNG ANS 246. Mint State with iridescent toning. Magnificent strike $5,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 62. c. 470-440 BC. Stater, 8.30g (10h). Obv: ΚΑVΛ Apollo standing facing right, holding lustral branch in right hand, and running daemon on outstretched left arm. In right field, stag on base to right, head reverted. Guilloche border. Rx: ΚΑVΛ (retrograde) Stag standing to right. In right field, bough with three branches. Dotted border. HN Italy 2046. Noe 93. SNG Lockett 586 (same dies). Toned. Good VF $750


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

63. Terina. c. 420-400 BC. Stater, 7.54g (2h). Obv: Female head facing to right. All within olive wreath. Rx: [ΤΕ]ΡΙΝΑΙΟ-Ν Nike seated on hydria (seen in perspective), wearing long chiton, holding a caduceus in right hand. JenkinsHolloway 36. Regling 30. Of the type thought to be signed by Phrygillos. Toned VF $800

66. c. 425-400 BC. Stater, 7.80g (8h). Obv: Eagle sitting to right on Ionic capital. In right field, olive branch. Dotted border. Rx: QΡΟ Tripod. In left field, barley grain. In exergue, Ε. Dotted border. HN Italy 2143. SNG ANS 338 (same obverse die). Beautifully struck. Toned EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

64. Croton. c. 520-500 BC. Nomos, 7.81g (1h). Obv: QΡΟ Tripod. At right, marsh bird. Triple exergual line, the middle one dotted. Dotted border. Rx: Obverse type incuse. Plain lines and border. HN Italy 2081. SNG ANS 248. Good VF $2,250

67. c. 350-300 BC. Stater, 7.83g (7h). Obv: Eagle with raised wings standing on olive twig to left. Linear border. Rx: ΚΡΟ Tripod. In right field, Δ. Thin linear border. HN Italy 2170. SNG ANS 365 (same dies). SNG Lockett 626. Obverse weakly struck. Iridescent toning. VF/EF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Extraordinary Croton

65. c. 500-480 BC. Stater, 8.86g (12h). Obv: QΡΟ Tripod, decorated by two serpents between the handles. Dotted exergual line. Dotted border. Rx: Obverse image incuse, but with crab in right field. Fishbone border. HN Italy


68. Locroi Epizephyrii. c. 320-280 BC. Stater, 7.69g (7h). Obv: [ΛΟΚΡΩΝ] Head of Zeus facing left. Rx: Eagle with raised wings on hare to left. Beneath, pellet. In right field, thunderbolt. HN Italy 2322. SNG Lockett 639 var. AMB 210 var. (without symbol). Significant flat striking, otherwise as struck $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

This coin was minted on a Sicilian east flan, thus resulting in the two knobs at the edge. 72. AE 13, 2.46g (4h). Obv: Lion’s scalp. Dotted border. Rx: [ΡΗΓΙΝΩΝ] Laureate head of Apollo facing to right. Herzfelder, Rhegion, pl. 20, VII. HN Italy 2522. SNG ANS 684. Laffaille Coll. 98. Good VF $450 69. Medma. c. 330/20 BC. Stater, 8.40g (5h). Obv: Pegasos flying to left. Rx: Head of Athena facing left, wearing Corinthian helmet with long leather flap, and necklace. Beneath truncation, Μ. Calciati II, p. 582, 2. G. Gorini, AJN 20 (2008), pp. 143-154 and AJN 21 (2009), pl. 14-15. Good VF $1,000

Ex Münzen und Medaillen Sale, 1948

70. Rhegium. c. 425/20 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.07g (10h). Obv: Lion‘s scalp facing. To right, olive twig. Rx: ΡΗΓΙ-ΝΟ-Σ (retrograde). The founder of Rhegion, Iokastos, sitting on klismos to left, holding rod (βακτηρια) in right hand. All within laurel wreath. HN Italy 2491. Herzfelder 60h (this coin). SNG Lockett 650 (same dies). Obverse struck in high relief. Reverse of very good style. Some corrosion and porosity, otherwise about EF $2,500

Stunning Apollo

73. c. 356-351 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.31g (2h). Obv: Lion's scalp, eyes looking to left. Dotted border. Rx: ΡΗΓΙΝΟΣ Laureate head of Apollo facing to left. Dotted borde. HN Italy 2501. Herzfelder 115 (D71/R97). Goldberg, Money of the World 14. Extremely rare type. Utterly and completely magnificent coin. Mint State $85,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 6

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex MMAG VII, 3 Dec. 1948, lot 389.

71. c. 410-387 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.29g (2h). Obv: Lion‘s scalp facing. Dotted border. Rx: ΡΗΓΙΝΟΣ Laureated head of Apollo facing to right. In left field, laurel sprig. HN Italy 2496. Herzfelder 94 (D56/R79). SNG ANS 662 (same obverse die). Obverse struck in high relief. Flat area from striking at the highest point of Apollo's hair. Flan defect at the base of Apollo's neck, otherwise EF $20,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.



74. Sicily. Abacaenum. c. 460 BC. Litra, 0.65g (8h). Obv: ΑΒΛΚ Laureate head of Zeus (?) facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΙ-Ν-Ι Boar standing to right. Linear border. SNG ANS 895­-897. SNG Lloyd 776. SNG Oxford 1650. SNG Lockett 685. VF $200

77. c. 490/485 BC. Didrachm, 8.48g (3h). Obv: ΑΚΡΑ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on a capital. Rx: Crab running upwards within circle incuse. Jenkins, Gela, p. 163, Group III (without symbol). SNG ANS 923. Boston 226. Light scratches on eagle's wing, otherwise Good EF $3,500

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. The beast on the reverse is clearly an aggressive boar (not a sow as stated in SNG ANS).


75. c. 410-390 BC. AE Litra, 0.55g (10h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of nymph, wearing necklace. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΒΑ Wild sow with piglet standing to left. Double exergual line. Cf. Pertino 20. Jameson Coll. 496. De Luynes Coll. 841. Calciati I -. EF $900

78. c. 460-450 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.02g (3h). Obv: ΑΚΡΑΓΑΝΤΟΣ (partly retrograde). Eagle with closed wings standing to left on Ionic capital. Rx: Crab upwards. Beneath, double spiral decoration ending in lotus blossoms. All within shallow incuse circle. Rizzo pl. 1, 7. AMB 254. SNG Lockett 696. Cf. SNG ANS 982 and Boston 225. Sharply struck including the eagle on the obverse. EF $12,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Nomos FPL 1, 2008, lot 5.

76. Acragas. c. 500 BC. Didrachm, 8.74g (9h). Obv: ΑΚΡΑCΑΝΤΟΣ Eagle standing to left. Rx: Crab. Rizzo pl. I, 1. Jenkins, Gela, p. 162 pl. 37, 2 (same dies). SNG ANS 913 (same dies). SNG Lockett 687 (same dies). AMB 252 (same reverse die). Incredible reverse. Iridescent toning. Choice EF $1,000


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.



79. c. 420-406 BC. AE Hemilitron, 13.89g (4h). Obv: ΑΚΡΑ Eagle with raised wings standing right on hare. Above the hare's forelegs, leveret. Line border. Rx: Crab above crayfish to left. In field, six pellets. Calciati I p. 168, 15 mv1. AMB 264. SNG Morcom 518. SNG ANS 1026. Extraordinarily nice for this issue. Good VF $1,500

Fischer-Bossert, Arch. Anz. (1992), p. 52, fig. 10. Good VF $800 KAM may be interpreted as referring to the Kampanoi, a band of Campanian mercenaries brought to Sicily by Dionysios I. They seem to have settled at Aetna. 80. c. 338-317 BC. AE 17, 4.09g (7h). Obv: ΑΚΡΑΓΑΝΤΙ Laureate head of Zeus facing to left. Dotted border. Rx: Eagle with raised wings on hare, to left. Calciati I, p. 206, 116. SNG ANS 1113. SNG Morcom 536. EF/Good VF $500 84. c. 350 BC. AE 13, 2.07g (10h). Obv: Phrygian helmet to right. Linear border. Rx: Ligature ΚΑΜ within wreath. Calciati III, p. 327, 2. Gabrici, pl. IV, 31. W. Fischer-Bossert, Arch. Anz. (1992), p. 52, fig. 10. EF $300 81. c. 339-300 BC. AE 14, 2.36g (7h). Obv: Female head facing right, hair tied, wearing necklace. Rx: ΑΓΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ Bull charging to right. Calciati III, p. 133, 18. EF $4,000 85. 210-180 BC. AE 18, 3.86g (12h). Obv: Head of Persephone facing right, wearing wreath of wheat ears. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΙΤΝΑΙ-[ΩΝ] Cornucopia with knotted fillet. Line border. Calciati III, p. 152, 10. SNG ANS 1163. SNG Morcom 512. Good VF $450 Enlargement

82. Aetna. c. 460/50 BC. Litra, 0.53g (6h). Obv: Head of Silenos facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΙΤ-ΝΑΙ Winged thunderbolt. SNG Tübingen 591. Jameson Coll. 537. SNG Fitzwilliam 948. Pitted, otherwise Good VF $2,000


83. Campani (Aetna). c. 350 BC. AE 14, 1.83g (6h). Obv: Phrygian helmet to right. Linear border. Rx: Ligature ΚΑΜ within wreath. Calciati III, p. 327, 2. Gabrici, pl. IV, 31. W.

86. Camarina. 420-410 BC. AE Tetras, 3.91g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet with high phalos and sideflaps turned up (decorated as wings). Dotted border. Rx: ΚΑΜΑ Owl standing to left, head facing. In left field, lizard. In exergue, three pellets. Calciati III, p. 68, 39. SNG ANS 1228 var. SNG Morcom 550 var. (Athena head facing to left). EF $400

87. c. 415-405 BC. Didrachm, 7.81g (8h). Obv: Horned head of young river god Hipparis left, wearing taina, KAMAPINAON around. Rx: Nymph Kamarina, holding up her veil in her left hand seated on swan swimming left with waves around. Westermark & Jenkins 159. This is one of the classic South Italian types and certainly the model of a great many art nouveau designs. The obverse and reverse are well-centered, with the reverse exhibiting all of the swan, the stylized waves and the nymph Kamarina, using her veil as a sail. About EF $5,000 Ex Rauch 73, 2004, lot 72.


of Gela and the deployment of the Carthaginian army at Camarina’s gates, shortly before Dionysios I compelled the Camarinaeans to evacuate to Syracuse.

Enlargement lot 87


88. c. 409-405 BC. Litra, 0.85g (5h). Obv: ΚΑΜΑΡΙΝΑ Head of nymph Kamarina facing to left, wearing sphendone decorated with star, ampyx, spiral earring and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Swan swimming to left with raised wings and curved neck. Below, waves and a fish swimming left. Westermark-Jenkins 171. Weber Coll. 1251 (same dies). Good VF/VF $1,500 Signed by Exakestidas


89. c. 409-405 BC. Tetradrachm, signed by Exakestidas, 16.94g (5h). Obv: Quadriga to right, Athena driving. The horses are in full motion: the first one springing, the second one rearing up, the third one turning its head, the fourth one being about to break away from the team. Athena is in full armour, holding the goad and tightening the reins. Above, Nike is flying left to crown Athena. In exergue, two Panathenaic amphorae with connecting line. On the broad exergual line, the engraver’s signature ΕΞΑΚΕΣΤΙΔΑΣ. Thin line border. Rx: ΚΑΜΑΡΙΝΑΙΟΝ Head of youthful Herakles facing to left, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted round neck. Westermark and Jenkins, p. 190, 149 (O8/ R15). AMB 313 (same dies). SNG Lockett 725 (same dies). Boston 260 (same dies). Of good style and with sharp clear signature. An exceptional example of this issue. Some light encrustation at top of reverse, otherwise EF $40,000

90. Catane. c. 450/40 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.80g (4h). Obv: Quadriga slowly pacing to right, driven by charioteer holding reins and goad. Rx: ΚΑΤΑΝΑΙΟΣ Laureate head of Apollo facing to right, in circular incuse. SNG Lockett 728 (same dies). AMB 327 (same reverse die). Struck on an immense flan. Very worn obverse die. VG/VF $500

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. The obverse type derives from the famous tetradrachm composition that Euainetos designed for Catane. Therefore the Camarina copy must have been struck in the years of the Carthaginian campaign, or even during the siege


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Egger 37, 26 November 1909, lot 126 (Comte Lestrange Coll.)

Last coin struck by the city of Catane, and Unique

91. 430-415 BC. Litra, 0.71g (11h). Obv: Head of Silenus facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΑΤΑΝΑΙΩΝ Winged thunderbolt. In the field, two pellets. Dotted border. Ch. Boehringer in: Proceed. IXth Int. Num. Cong., Bern 1979 (Louvain 1982), p. 80, Li 5, pl. 6. Mirone 85. SNG ANS 1264. About EF $400 Signed by Heracleidas

92. Tetradrachm, 17.30g (10h). Obv. Quadriga to left, horses galloping. The charioteer, bending forward, straining to pull the horses around. Above, Nike flying to right, holding wreath to crown the charioteer. Triple ground line. In exergue, signature Η. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΑ[ΤΑΝΑΙΩΝ] Diademed head of Apollo facing to left. Gulbenkian Coll. 187 (same dies). SNG ANS 1259 (same dies). Rizzo pl.XIV, 1 (same quadriga obverse die), XIV, 2 and XV, 6 (same reverse die). Of the coins that exist of this type very few are signed. This piece has a clear signature below the triple exergual line. EF $17,500

93. Tetradrachm, 16.54g (2h). Obv: Quadriga galloping to left. The charioteer, bending forward, is desperately trying to control the horses. The fourth horse has broken a rein and is in danger of breaking lose from the team. Above, Nike flying right to crown the charioteer. Triple exergual line. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΑΤΑΝΑΙΩΝ Head of Apollo facing to left. In right field, shrimp. Thin dotted border. Unrecorded dies (as per Christof Boehringer). Cf. W. Fischer-Bossert, SNR 77 (1998), pp. 28-31 pl. 6, 11-15 (followers of Euainetos' prototype). VF $7,500 This unique coin is likely to be the last issue of Catane before the city was conquered and depopulated by Dionysios I in 403 BC. The obverse type is adopted from Euainetos’ famous Catanaean tetradrachm, while the gloomy reverse head of Apollon was created by the engraver Heracleidas. Indeed both the dies of our coin might be unsigned works by Heracleidas.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Triton XI, 8 Jan. 2008, lot 40.



94. 415-403 BC. Tetras, 0.21g (9h). Obv: Head of river god Amenanos facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΑ-ΤΑ Cithara. In the field, three pellets. Ch. Boehringer in: Proceed. IXth Int. Num. Cong., Bern 1979 (Louvain 1982), p. 82, Ts17, pl. 6. VF $300


95. c. 410-403 BC. AE Tetras, 1.98g (11h). Obv: Head of river god Amenanos facing to left. At left, [ΑΜ]ΕΝΑΝΟΣ. Line border. Rx: Κ-Α Winged thunderbolt. Around, three pellets. Calciati II 91, 1. Ch. Boehringer, AIIN 25 Suppl. (Rome 1979), p. 156 ff., pl. XX. SNG Morcom 552. SNG ANS 1272. Good VF $400


96. Cronia. c. 3rd century BC. AE Hexas, 4.73g (2h). Obv: ΚΡΟΝΙΑ Laureate female head facing right. Dotted border. Rx: Winged thunderbolt. At sides, two pellets. Overstruck. Calciati I, p. 125, 1. VF $1,000

97. Gela. c. 490-475 BC. Didrachm, 8.63g (1h). Obv: Rider facing right, hurling javelin. Rx: Γ­Ε-ΛΑ Forepart of bearded, man-headed bull (river god Gelas) swimming to right. Jenkins, Gela, p. 178, 8 (O5/R5). McClean 2244 (same dies). Kraay-Hirmer, pl. 55, 155 (same dies). A few contact marks on the bull's shoulder, otherwise EF $5,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex NAC 48, 21 October 2008, lot 30.


99. Didrachm, 8.62g (2h). Obv: Bearded rider, naked but for conical helmet, on prancing horse to right, hurling spear. Dotted border. Rx: CΕΛΑΣ Forepart of man-headed bull to right, truncation dotted. Jenkins 81 (O25/R40). SNG Lloyd 955 (same dies). S. Boutin, Collection Pozzi (Maastricht 1979), no. 998 (same dies). Obverse off center, missing the horse's head. Wonderful style. Toned EF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Incredible Gela Tetradrachm


98. c. 490/85-480/75 BC. Didrachm, 8.73g (5h). Obv: Naked, bearded rider on prancing horse to right, hurling spear. Rx: CΕΛΑ Forepart of man-headed bull to right. Overstruck. Jenkins 11 (O6'/R5). Jameson Coll. 582 (same dies). Purchased in the early 1950's. Toned Mint State $5,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


100. c. 485/75 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.14g (4h). Obv. Quadriga walking to right, the charioteer holding goad and reins. Above, Nike flying to right, crowning the horses. Dotted border. Rx: Γ-Ε-Λ-ΑΣ Forepart of man-headed bull (rivergod Gelas) swimming right, truncation dotted. Jenkins 118 (O35/R69). SNG ANS 27 (same dies). Of the best style and probably one of the finest archaic man-headed bull tetradrachms. Obverse weakly struck in some areas. This coin is highly unusual in that the charioteer is looking backwards, something virtually unknown. He is probably looking back because he is so far ahead in the race. Mint State $40,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Wonderful Gela Tetradrachm

102. c. 480-470 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.23g (11h). Obv: Quadriga in slow motion to right, the charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying right, crowning horses. Dotted border. Rx: ΓΕΛΑΣ Forepart of bearded man-headed bull (river god Gelas) swimming to right, the line of the truncation dotted. Dotted border. Jenkins 181 (O48/R104). SNG München 276 (same dies). Tip of the beard off the flan. EF $10,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.



101. c. 480/75-475/70 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.34g (11h). Obv: Quadriga in slow motion to right, driven by charioteer wearing long chiton, holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying to right. Dotted border. Rx: C-Ε-Λ-ΑΣ Forepart of man-headed bull facing right, truncation dotted. All within circular incuse. Jenkins 126 (O36/R77). Winterthur I 636 (same dies). SNG ANS 30 (same dies). Excellent archaic head. Planchet defect on front of horse's head in quadriga. Iridescent toning. Choice EF $3,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


103. c. 465-450 BC. Litra, 0.71g (12h). Obv: Horse standing to right, with rein hanging from mouth. In upper left field, wreath. Dotted border. Rx: C-ΕΛΑ Forepart of man-headed bull to right, truncation dotted. Jenkins 290 (same reverse die). Toned EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The obverse is reminiscent of images in late geometric vase painting: the horse attached to a tripod, one of the top prizes in contests. The wreath above the horse underscores that meaning.




104. Litra, 0.81g (5h). Obv: Horse standing to right, with rein hanging from mouth. Above, wreath. Dotted exergual line, dotted border. Rx: CΕΛΑΣ Forepart of man-headed bull to right. cf. Jenkins 332. SNG Fitzwilliam 989. SNG ANS 58. Slightly crystallized. About EF $300

107. AE 19, 2.94g (3h). Obv: ΓΕΛΩ-[ΙΩΝ] Three-quarter facing head of Demeter, wearing wreath of wheat ears. Rx: Bearded head of river god facing to left, wearing reeds in hair. Jenkins 549-550. SNG ANS 123-125. SNG Morcom 591. Calciati II 29, 59/6. Good VF $700

108. Entella. c. 420-404 BC. AE 16, 2.69g (11h). Obv: Female head facing to left, wearing sphendone, earring, and necklace. Rx: ΕΝΤΕΛ Bearded head (Zeus?) facing to right, wearing fillet. Calciati I, p. 317, 1. SNG Morcom 580. EF $1,500 105. c. 420-405 BC. AE Tetras, 3.19g (10h). Obv: Bull standing to left. Above, olive leaf and ΓΕΛΑΣ. Below, [three pellets]. Dotted border. Rx: Head of youthful river god facing to right. Behind, barley-grain. Thin linear border. Calciati II 8, 7. SNG Morcom 588 var. Good VF $650

109. Himera. c. 510-500 BC. Drachm, 5.57g (8h). Obv: Cock to left. Dotted border. Rx: Hen standing to right. Square linear frame. All within incuse square. Kraay -, but cf. 215-216 (O118/R106). Good VF $500 106. c. 339-310 BC. AE, 12.97g (2h). Obv: Hero, naked but for crested helmet and chlamys, standing left, holding sword in order to sacrifice the ram in front of him. Rx: Horse prancing to right. Above, eight-rayed star. Jenkins, Group XIII, 552. SNG ANS 126. SNG Morcom 592. Calciati I, p. 20, 61. Rare. Greenish brown patina and of exceptional quality. About EF $1,500 Rams were the favored sacrificial victim in heroic cults. In contrast to sacrifices for gods, the animal was not killed on an altar but in a pit. The blood was not spread over the altar for the gods to enjoy but was to seep down into the earth, where the deceased heroes were thought to dwell. Here the hero who is being worshipping is sacrificing himself, just as the gods themselves are often depicted performing a sacrifice, particularly in late archaic and early classical vase painting.


110. c. 483-472 BC. Didrachm, 8.62g (5h). Obv: ΗΙΜΕΡΑ Cock standing to left. Rx: Crab. Jenkins, AIIN 16-17 Suppl. (Rome 1971), pp. 21-36, pl. III, 3. SNG ANS 157. AMB 301. Iridescent toning. Sharply struck. EF/Mint State $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Minted when Theron, tyrant of Acragas, was master of the city. This is the reason for the Acragantine reverse type, the crab.

111. Didrachm, 8.68g (5h). Obv: ΙΜΕΡΑ Cock standing to left. Rx: Crab upwards within a circle incuse. Jenkins, Himera: The Coins of Akragantine Types, AIIN 16-17 Suppl. (Rome 1971), pp. 21-36, pl. III, 10-11. AMB 301. Good VF $2,000

114. c. 415-409 BC. Hemilitron, 1.24g (7h). Obv: Three-quarter facing female head, wearing ampyx and necklace. Rx: ΙΜΕ Crayfish to left. Above, six pellets. Calciati, 44, 36. AMB 308. SNG Morcom 601. Laffaille Coll. 151. EF $750

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

112. c. 430-409 BC. Hemilitron, 17.58g (10h). Obv: Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding. Rx: Six pellets. Calciati III, p. 39, Group V. SNG ANS 179. SNG Morcom 597. EF $750

115. c. 415-409 BC. AE Tetras, 2.61g (8h). Obv: Nude boy riding goat right, blowing conch shell. Beneath, three pellets. Line border. Rx: Nike flying to left, holding aphlaston. Calciati, 43, 32. SNG ANS 185. EF $650

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Second Recorded Enlargement

116. c. 409-390 BC. Trias, 0.36g (12h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of nymph. Rx: Four pellets within wreath. Cf. The New York Sale XIV, 10 Jan. 2007, 80. Otherwise unpublished, but cf. SNG Lloyd 1035-1037 (hemilitrae). Slight areas of damage on the obverse, otherwise Good VF $1,500 113. c. 430 BC. Hemilitron, 34.77g (5h). Obv: Gorgoneion facing. Rx: Six pellets around a male figure bent forward with left arm extended and bringing the right hand to mouth. Calciati I, p. 27, 5 (same dies). VF $9,000 117. Early 4th century BC. Hexas, 2.34g (9h). Obv: Poet Stesichoros, draped in himation, standing to right, holding rod. Rx: Boar to left. Above, two pellets. Linear border. Cf. Calciati, 46, 43 and p. 120, 18. About EF $700


This coin is an unusual combination of two common types. The attribution of the boar type to Himera is currently a matter of discussion. The obverse probably depicts the statue of the archaic poet Stesichoros of Himera that is known from later issues of the city. See R. Heidenreich, Arch. Anz. (1972), pp. 570-583. Stesichoros (c. 630-556 BC) is known from a few fragments of choral lyric poems, and a fine fragment of a poem on the Seven against Thebes showing that he may be viewed as a predecessor of the (Attic) tragedy.


118. Hispani. 2nd century BC. AE 22, 7.67g (1h). Obv: Helmeted head of Minerva facing left. Above, ram’s head left. In lower left field, P. Rx: HISPANORVM Horseman in full armor galloping to right, holding spear. Dotted border. Calciati II, p. 343, 4. SNG ANS 471. On the series, see K.T. Erim, Morgantina Studies II (Princeton 1989), pp. 34-68, this type p. 93, 252. Furthermore, see M. Caccamo Caltabiano, NACQT 14 (1985), pp. 159-169. VF $400

121. c. 460-440 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.37g (10h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΛΕΟ-ΝΤΙΝΟ Lion's head facing right, tongue protruding. Around, four grains of barley. SNG ANS 221 (same obverse die). Ch. Boehringer in Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 11, 35 (same obverse die). Flan defect in front of Apollo's face. Flat striking at the top of lion's mane, otherwise EF $7,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

The Sicilian Hispani were mercenaries from Spain brought to Sicily by the Romans during the 2nd Punic War. The main find spot of their coins is Serra Orlando (ancient Morgantina), thus indicating that the Hispani settled there.


119. Hybla Magna. c. 210-150 BC. AE 18, 5.35g (12h). Obv: Female head facing right, wearing polos, ear pendant and necklace. Behind, bee. Rx: ΥΒΛΑΣ [ΜΕ]ΓΑΛΑ[Σ] Dionysos, wearing chiton and himation, standing left, holding kantharos and vertical scepter. At left foot, panther rearing right. Calciati II 41, 1. SNG Morcom 605. EF $600 122. c. 450-440. Tetradrachm, 17.59g (5h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΛΕΟ-Ν-ΤΙ-ΝΟ-Ν Head of lion facing right, tongue protruding. Around, four grains of barley. SNG ANS 222 (same dies). Boehringer in Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 12, 41 (same obverse die). Toned EF $7,500 120. Leontini. c. 476-468 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.90g (4h). Obv: Quadriga driven by bearded charioteer. Above, Nike flying right to crown horses. Dotted border. Rx: ΛΕΟΝΤΙΝΟΝ Lion's head to right, mouth open, tongue protruding. Around, four grains of barley. Ch. Boehringer in: Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 10, 2 (same obverse die). SNG Lloyd 1043 (same obverse die). SNG Oxford 1771 (same obverse die). Dewing Coll. 619 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #36 (this coin). Fine/VF $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 26.


Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


123. c. 460-450 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.98g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right, the hair forming a brush (κρωβύλος) at the back. Rx: ΛΕΟΝΤΙ-ΝΟ-Ν Lion's head facing right, roaring, tongue protruding. Around, four grains of barley. SNG ANS 225-227 (same obverse die). SNG Lockett 797 (same obverse die). SNG Lloyd 1053 (same reverse die). Ch. Boehringer in Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 11, 37 (same obverse die), pl. 12, 38 (same reverse die). Some reverse porosity, otherwise VF $450

126. Tetradrachm, 16.99g (11h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing left. Rx: ΛΕ-ΟΝ-ΤΙ-ΝΟ Lion's head facing left, roaring, tongue protruding, within narrow circle. Around, four grains of barley. SNG Oxford 1792 (same dies). SNG Lloyd 1060 (same obverse die). SNG Lockett 800 (same obverse die). AMB 351 (same obverse die). Ch. Boehringer in Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 12, 51 (same obverse die). Some die rust on obverse. Pleasant reverse with iridescent toning. VF $700

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

124. c. 450/45 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.72g (7h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: ΛΕΟΝ-ΤΙΝ-Ο Lion's head facing to right, roaring, tongue protruding. Around, four grains of barley. SNG ANS 237 (same dies). SNG Lloyd 1059 (same dies). SNG Oxford 1790 (same obverse die). Ch. Boehringer in Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 12, 52 (same obverse die, p. 48 on the engraver). Exceptionally good style. EF detail but porous. $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

127. c. 420-410 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.47g (2h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing left. Thin dotted border. Rx: ΛΕΟ-Ν-ΤΙΝΟΝ Lion's head facing left, tongue protruding. Around, three grains of barley and laurel leaf (right). SNG ANS 257 (same dies). Boehringer in Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 12, 55 (same dies). Mint State $7,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Unique Die State

125. Tetradrachm, 15.88g (4h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Behind, shell. Rx: ΛΕΟΝΤ-ΙΝ-Ο-Ν Head of lion facing right, tongue protruding. Around, four grains of barley. Cf. SNG Lloyd 1059. De Sartiges Coll. 105. Warren Coll. 250 (all from the same dies, but without the shell on the obverse, which was apparently added later to the die). About VF $1,100

128. c. 405-402 BC. AE Tetras, 2.23g (9h). Obv: ΛΕΟΝ Laureate youthful male head facing to left. In front, laurel leaf with berry. Line border. Rx: Tripod with a lyre behind the central support. At sides, two grains of barley. In exergue, three pellets. Calciati III, p. 77, 1. Ch. Boehringer, AIIN 25 Suppl. (Rome 1979), pl. XIX, A17 (this coin?). Cf. SNG ANS 270 (head to right). EF $850

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Enlargement 129. Longane. c. 420-400 BC. Litra, 0.74g (8h). Obv: ΛΟΓΓΑΝΑΙΟΝ Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress. Dotted border. Rx: Horned head of young river god facing right. G.K. Jenkins, AIIN 20 Suppl. (Rome 1975), pl. 11, h. Camarata, pl. 14, 159. SNG ANS 286. EF $800

Enlargement 130. Messana. c. 515-494 BC. Obol, 0.71g Obv: ΔΑΝΚΛΕ Dolphin to left within sickle-shaped harbor. Dotted border. Rx: Square incuse consisting of nine compartments, those in the corners forming pairs of triangles. The central compartment with a shell. Gielow, p. 30, 74. SNG ANS 304. Slightly porous surfaces. Relatively high relief. VF $250

132. c. 420-410 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.27g (4h). Obv: Biga of mules to right, driven by a female charioteer. Above, Nike flying to right, holding wreath and tie, crowning the mules. In exergue, olive leaf. Dotted border. Rx. ΜΕΣΣ-Α-Ν-ΙΟ-Ν Hare running to right. Beneath, dolphin to right. Dotted border. Caccamo Caltabiano 493 (D201/R201). SNG Lloyd 1093 (same dies). Jameson Coll. 649 (same dies). Obverse slightly doublestruck. Flan defect in front of mules, otherwise EF with luster $7,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex NAC 46, 2 April 2008, lot 199.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Exceptional Messana Enlargement

131. Sicily. Messana.. 425-420 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.45g. (9h). Obv: Biga of mules to right, driven by a male charioteer. In exergue, olive leaf. Dotted border. Rx: ΜΕΣ-ΣΑ-ΝΙΟ-Ν Hare running to right. Below, locust. Dotted border. Caccamo Caltabiano 479 (D196/R190). SNG ANS 375 (same dies). Good EF $20,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

133. c. 410 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.30g (1h). Obv: Apene (biga of mules) driven by a female charioteer to left. Above, Nike flying to right, offering tie and wreath. In exergue, two dolphins. Dotted border. Rx: ΜΕΣ-Σ-Α-ΝΙ-ΟΝ Hare springing to right. Beneath, dolphin to right. Dotted border. Caccamo Caltabiano 609 (O218/R239). SNG ANS 367 (same dies). Weakly struck on reverse edge at 10h, otherwise iridescent toning and About EF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.



134. 410-405 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.90g (12h). Obv: Biga of mules driven by a female charioteer, to left. Above, Nike flying to right, holding wreath and tie. In exergue, two dolphins.

Rx: Hare running to left. Beneath, barley stalk. Above, dove flying left. In exergue, ΜΕΣΣΑΝΙΩΝ. Caccamo Caltabiano 624/3 (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #40 (this coin). VF $2,000 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex G. Hirsch, 17 November 1955, lot 489. On the date of this issue, see Ch. Boehringer, SNR 57 (1978), pp. 136 f.

135. Mamertines. 288-270 BC. AE 28, 18.88g (12h). Obv: Laureate head of Ares facing right. At right, ΑΡΕΟΣ. At left, spearhead downwards. Dotted border. Rx: ΜΑΜΕΡΤΙΝΩΝ Eagle with raised wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Särström 37. Calciati I, p. 92, 2. SNG ANS 401. SNG Morcom 626. About EF $2,000

139. Naxos. c. 420 BC. AE Tetras, 2.43g (11h). Obv: Laureate youthful male head facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: Ν-Α Kantharos. In the field, three pellets. Dotted border. Cahn, Naxos, p. 145, 146 ("Trias"). Calciati II, p. 193, 1. Laffaille Coll. 189. Winterthur I 765. Good VF $2,250

140. Piacus. c. 425-420 BC. Hemilitron, 4.50g (7h). Obv: Wreathed head of river god facing left, with little horns. In front, six pellets with letters Π-Ι-Α-Κ-Ι-Ν between. Rx: Dog attacking stag, to right. In left field, acorn. In right field, oak leaf. Ch. Boehringer, AIIN 25 Suppl. (Rome 1979), p. 165, 1, pl. XXII. G.K. Jenkins, AIIN 20 Suppl. (Rome 1975), pp. 90-92, pl. VII, 1. Calciati III, p.197, 1/ 3 (this coin). Rizzo, pl. J, 1-3. EF $3,000 Ex CNG 82, 16 September 2009, lot 282. Ex NAC 21, 17 May 2001, lot 109.

136. Morgantina. c. 350-330 BC. Onkia, 3.73g (3h). Obv: Laureate female head facing right. At right, ΑΛΚΟΣ. At left, monogram. Rx: Μ-ΟΡΓΑ-[Ν-ΤΙΝΩΝ] Tripod. Dotted border. Calciati III, p. 248, 7. Laffaille Coll. 183. SNG ANS 470. EF $1,250

137. Motya. c. 409-397 BC. AE 14, 1.87g (9h). Obv: Shell. Dotted border. Rx: Punic legend MTV’ Crab. Dotted border. Calciati I -. SNG ANS -. SNG Morcom -. Laffaille Coll. -. Good VF $400

Enlargement 138. Nacona. c. 410-400 BC. AE Onkia, 1.12g (11h). Obv: Ν-Α Female head facing right, hair tied, wearing necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Goat to right. Above, grapes and pellet. In right field, ivy leaf. Dotted border. Calciati 325, 2. SNG Morcom 647. Laffaille Coll. 187. EF $650

Rizzo attributed these dies to the ‘Maestro di Foglia’ whose badge is a leaf; see G.E. Rizzo, Intermezzo (Rome 1939), pp. 19 ff. This engraver was also active at Catane, perhaps an indication that Piacus was situated not far from Catane, maybe near Adrano on the southwest slope of Mt. Etna.

141. Segesta. c. 440/30 BC. Didrachm, 8.49g (7h). Obv: Dog standing to left. Dotted border. Rx: Female head facing left, the hair tied, wearing earring and necklace. Hurter 107. SNG ANS 629 (same dies). Winterthur I 833 (same dies). Good VF $8,500

142. c. 410/400 BC. Didrachm, 8.29g (8h). Obv: Dog standing right, sniffing. Above, small female head facing to right, wearing a necklace. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΕΓΕ[ΣΤΑΖΙΒ] Female head to right. Hurter 163 (O47/R90). De Luynes 1116 (same obverse die). About VF $600 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Davis Collection, this obverse die was damaged by an accidental blow from the punch (reverse) die. The round mass covering the exergue carries the final syllable ΟΣ of the reverse inscription. The dotted border of the obverse die was recut after the accident. A similar case is known from Tarentum: see Fischer-Bossert, pp. 406 f. 143. c. 412/10 BC. Didrachm, 8.21g (11h). Obv: Dog standing to right. Above, small female head to right. Exergue and dotted border. Rx: Punic legend SYS (the Greek legend ΣΕΓΕΣΤΑΖΙΒ eradicated in the die). Female head facing to right. Around in the right field and below, three dolphins. Hurter p. 113, H9 pl. 22 = SNG Oxford 2139 = G.K. Jenkins, SNR 50 (1971), pp. 27 f., pl. 2, Z3 (same dies). Good Fine $700 Hurter, p. 46, argues that this hybrid coin with a secondary Punic ethnic obliterating the Segestan one was actually issued by the mint of Panormos. However, the dies are from Segesta. Therefore Ch. Boehringer, JNG 59 (2009), p. 237, and K. Rutter, SNR 88 (2009), pp. 25-39, prefer Segesta instead.

146. c. 450 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.99g (8h). Obv: ΣΕΛΙΝ-ΟΝΤ-ΙΟΝ Quadriga in slow motion to left, driven by Artemis. Beside her, Apollo shooting bow. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΕΛΙΝ-ΟΣ Rivergod Selinos, naked, standing to left, holding branch upwards in left hand, pouring phiale over altar. In front of the altar, cock standing to left. To right, celery leaf above bull standing to left on base. Schwabacher 9. Rizzo pl. 31, 13 (same dies). AMB 407 = SNG Lockett 361 (same dies). SNG Lloyd 1229 (same dies). SNG ANS 690 (same dies). Well struck and well centered. Iridescent toning. Several hairlines on both obverse and reverse. VF $2,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

144. Selinus. 530-500 BC. Didrachm, 8.60g Obv: Celery leaf. Rx: Incuse square with Union Jack pattern. Dewing Coll. 676. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #44 (this coin). VF $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 31.

145. c. 460-445 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.45g (6h). Obv: ΣΕΛΙΝΟΝΤΙΟΝ (retrograde). Apollo and Artemis standing in a quadriga to left, Artemis holding reins, Apollo drawing bow. Dotted border. Rx: River god Selinos sacrificing: standing at altar, holding branch and pouring from phiale. At altar, cock. To right, statue of a bull standing on a pedestal, to left. In right field, wild parsley leaf. Above, Σ-ΕΛΙΝ-ΟΣ. Schwabacher 5. SNG ANS 688 (same dies). SNG Lloyd 1223 (same reverse die) and 1224 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #45 (this coin). Traces of overstrike at top of reverse. About VF $600

147. Didrachm, 8.54g (2h). Obv: [Σ]Ε-ΛΙ-ΝΟ-[ΝΤΙΟΝ] Herakles grasping the horn of the Cretan bull, about to attack it with club raised in right hand. Dotted border. Rx: ΥΨΑΣ Naked river-god Hypsas facing forward, head to left, pouring from phiale over altar, holding branch downwards in left hand. In front of the altar, serpent. In right field, celery leaf above crane standing to right. SNG Lloyd 1266 (same dies). SNG Oxford 1900 (same obverse die). SNG ANS 709 (same obverse die). SNG Lloyd 865 (same obverse die). Significant obverse die break. This issue was listed in the book Masterpieces of Greek Coinage by Charles Seltman. Toned EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection. As pointed out by H. Troxell in the catalogue of the Norman



Boehringer 76 (O36/R51). Randazzo Hoard 246 (same dies). SNG ANS 19 (same dies). Jameson Coll. 747 (same dies). Excellent style close to Demareteion. Some iridescent toning. EF/VF $750 148. c. 410/9 BC. Hemidrachm, 1.33g (10h). Obv: Threequarter facing head of Herakles, wearing lion-skin headdress. Dotted border. Rx: Quadriga in fast motion to left, charioteer holding reins and guiding the horses with goad. Above, celery leaf. In exergue, ΣΕΛΙΝΟΝΤΙΟΝ. SNG ANS 715 (same dies). SNG Lloyd 1269 (same dies). VF $4,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Glendining, 31 January 1951, lot 168 (Dr. Abbott Coll.). Quadrigas proceeding left rather than right are exceptional within the archaic series. Such variants occurred at the time when Gelon I had the Syracusan mint issue a massive output for preparations against Carthage, i.e. the war that led to the victory at Himera in 480 BC.

Ex Ars Classica 1925. Ex Lockett

Ex Athos Moretti Collection

149. Sicily. Syracuse. First Issue. c. 510-500 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.18g (11h). Obv: ΣΥΡΑQΟ-ΣΙΟΝ Chariot pacing to right, charioteer holding reins. Dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, in the center head of Arethusa facing left. Boehringer 11/3 (this coin). SNG Lockett 867 (this coin). Exceptional quality for this first issue, especially the archaic head in the center of the incuse. Some iridescent toning. EF $8,000

151. Didrachm, 8.92g (12h). Obv: Nude rider on horse pacing right, leading second horse on his far side. Dotted border. Rx: ΣV-RΑQ-ΟΣΙ-ΟΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing right, wearing hair-tie, earring, and necklace. The truncation is dotted. Thin and narrow linear circle. Around, four dolphins clockwise. Boehringer 51 (O28/R34). AMB 429 (this coin). SNG ANS 11 (same dies). Jameson Coll. 745 (same dies). Extremely beautiful archaic didrachm. Choice EF with luster $28,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Glendining, 25 October 1955, lot 764, and from the Lockett Collection. Ex Naville X, 15 June 1925, lot 256.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Antikenmuseum Basel and Ludwig Collection. Ex NAC 13, 8 October 1998, lot 429. On the dating, see C. Arnold-Biucchi, NACQT 36 (2007), pp. 65 f.


150. c. 485-479/8 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.18g (11h). Obv: Quadriga in slow motion to left, the charioteer holding reins and long goad. Above, Nike flying to crown the horses. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVRΑ-ΚΟ-ΣΙ-ΟΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing to right, wearing necklace. Around, four dolphins.



152. c. 480-475 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.11g (6h). Obv: Quadriga pacing to right, the bearded charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying right to crown the outer left horse. Double exergual line. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVΡΑΚΟΣΙΟ-Ν Head of nymph Arethusa facing right, wearing pearled hair-tie and necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer 146 (O65/R100). Jameson Coll. 1908 (same dies). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #49 (this coin). VF $800

154. Tetradrachm, 17.36g (5h). Obv: Slow quadriga right, bearded charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike, wearing long chiton, crowning horses. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVRΑ-ΚΟΣΙΟ-Ν Head of nymph Arethusa facing to right, the hair forming a bunch (κρωβύλος), wearing necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer 187 (O84/R125). SNG Lloyd 1291 (same dies). SNG ANS 56 (same obverse die). Toned VF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection. As known from various sources, ancient horse and chariot races were run counterclockwise, i.e. the horses had to turn leftwards around the metae. The leftmost horse in the team therefore had the most difficult task, because it had to slow down in order to accomplish the turn. So it is not surprising that in early depictions of chariot races Nike is often shown crowning this very horse Ex Ars Classica 1930

One of the most charming Arethusa heads of the archaic series. Special Drachm

155. c. 478-472 BC. Drachm, 4.15g (5h). Obv: Horseman to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΣV-ΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa facing to right, wearing necklace. Boehringer 279 (O130/ R192). SNG ANS 94 (same dies). McClean 2621 (same dies). Exceptionally beautiful. About EF $1,250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

153. Tetradrachm, 17.49g (7h). Obv: Slow quadriga right, the bearded charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike crowning horses. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVRΑ-ΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa facing right, the hair forming a brush, wearing a thin necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer 172 (O75/R120). Randazzo Hoard 339 (same dies). SNG ANS 53 (same dies). The head of the charioteer is remarkably drawn. Sharply struck on both sides. Mint State/Virtually Mint State $7,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Ars Classica XV, 2 July 1930, lot 327.




156. c. 475-470 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.62g (7h). Obv: Quadriga pacing to right, charioteer bent forward, holding reins and goad. Above, Nike crowning horses. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVR-ΑΚΟ-ΣΙ-ΟΝ Head of Arethusa facing to left. Around,

four dolphins. Boehringer 314 (O152/R220). Randazzo Hoard 482 (same dies). SNG Oxford 1929 (same dies). Toned EF with some flat striking at the highest point of the hair $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Demareteion Series Tetradrachm

157. Demareteion Group. c. 470 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.32g (7h). Obv: Slow quadriga right, driven by a male charioteer holding goad and reins. Above, Nike flying to right, crowning horses. Dotted border. Rx: ΣV-ΡΑ-ΚΟΣ-ΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa facing right, wearing pearl diadem. Around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 387 (V198/ R275). Only four specimens recorded: 1) Brussels, 2) Gulbenkian Coll. 256 = Jameson Coll. 755, 3) Pennisi Coll., 4) Du Chastel Coll. 64. Extremely rare type within the Demareteion series. This is the only issue with long hair. EF $32,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. The early Syracusan decadrachm was named the Demareteion because it was thought to have been struck in 480/479 BC from the proceeds of a gift of one hundred talents of gold made by the defeated Carthaginians to Demarete, the wife of the tyrant Gelon of Syracuse. This theory was later overturned, however. The dies of the decadrachms and the related tetradrachms, ours among them, are by the artist called the Demareteion Master.


158. c. 470-465 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.40g (3h). Obv: Quadriga pacing right, the bearded charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying right, crowning the left outer horse. Dotted border. Rx: ΣV-ΡΑΚ-ΟΣΙ-ΟΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing to right, wearing pearled hair-tie, earrings, and necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer 305 (O146/R212). Randazzo Hoard 470 (same dies). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #50 (this coin). About EF $1,500 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

159. c. 465 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.19g (4h). Obv: Quadriga slowly pacing right, charioteer holding reins. Above, Nike crowning the charioteer. In exergue, ketos to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVRΑΛΟ-ΣΙ-ΟΝ [sic!] Head of Arethusa facing right, wearing ear pendant and a luxurious necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer 440 (O233/R316). Randazzo Hoard 529 (same dies). SNG Oxford 1948 (same dies). Classic late archaic head of Arethusa. Struck on a broad flan. About EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Christie’s, 4 March 1953, A.C. Ionides Coll. (purchased for £45).

160. c. 450 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.19g (10h). Obv: Quadriga pacing right, the bearded charioteer holding reins and goad. Above Nike flying right, crowning the outer left horse. Dotted exergual line. In exergue, ketos to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing right, wearing hair-tie, earring, and pearl necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer 516 (V271/R367). SNG ANS 165 (same dies). SNG Lockett 934 (same dies). Du Chastel Coll. 71 (same dies). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #51 (this coin). VF $1,000 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 36.


Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex NFA XVIII Part I, 31 March 1987, lot 50.

161. c. 445 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.25g (4h). Obv: Slow quadriga right, charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying right. In exergue, ketos to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΣVΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing right, wearing earring and necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer - (die-combination not recorded: O275/R370). SNG Oxford 1971 (same obverse die), 1968 (same reverse die). AMB 438 (same reverse die). Vertical light scratch on back of Arethusa's neck. Toned VF $1,000

Discussing the signatures ΕΥ, ΕΥΜ, and ΕΥΑΙ that are represented in the same group, Tudeer, pp. 129 f., 134 states that the style of ΕΥ is different from the styles of both Eumenos and Euainetos. ΕΥ might therefore be another engraver whose full name is not known to us, for he cannot be equated with the engravers ΕΥΘ and ΕΥΚΛΕΙΔΑΣ who occur a bit later in the series of Syracuse.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

162. c. 440 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.83g (7h). Obv: Quadriga slowly pacing to right, the charioteer holding reins. Above, Nike crowning horses. In exergue, ketos to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΥRΑΚΟΣΙ-ΟΝ (partly retrograde). Head of Arethusa facing right, wearing earring and necklace. Around, four dolphins. Boehringer 584 (O289/R384). SNG Lockett 945 (same obverse die). Struck on an immense flan. Obverse slightly granular. VF $1,000

164. c. 405-400 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.34g (2h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion to left, beneath the back hooves of the horses a detached chariot wheel on ground. The charioteer is holding goad and reins in both hands. Above, Nike flying right. Double exergual line. In exergue, ear of grain. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩ-Ν Head of nymph Arethusa facing left, wearing saccos, double earring, and necklace. Around, four dolphins swimming. Tudeer 69 (O25/R47). Gulbenkian 288 (same dies). AMB 471 (same dies). Rizzo, pl. 47, 17 (same dies). Boston 415 (same dies). EF $30,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. On the dating, see Ch. Boehringer, SNR 57 (1978), p. 137.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Double Signed

163. c. 415 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.05g (9h). Obv: Galloping quadriga, driven left by a male charioteer holding goad and pulling back the reins. Above, Nike flying right holding fillet to crown the charioteer. Below the horses, signature ΕΥ. In exergue, two dolphins. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing left, wearing ear jewelry and necklace. Around, four dolphins swimming. Beneath truncation, signature ΕΥ. Tudeer 27 (O10/R18). SNG ANS 260 (same dies). SNG Lockett 962 (same dies). SNG Lloyd 1369 (same dies). EF $9,750



Ex British Museum, A.H. Lloyd, Ars Classica VI 1923, Clarence S. Bement

165. 405-400 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.98g (2h). Obv: Quadriga in swift motion to left. The horses are passing over a wheel lying on the ground. The charioteer is pulling back the reins and holding a goad. Above, Nike flying right to crown the charioteer. Double exergual line. In the exergue, ear of grain (mostly off-flan). Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Head of the nymph Arethusa facing left, wearing a saccos adorned with stars and zigzag rims, a triple ear pendant and a pearl necklace. Beneath truncation, a Silenos head facing to right. Around, four dolphins. Tudeer 70 (O25/ R48). SNG Lloyd 1388 (this coin). Numerous scratches in obverse field. This is a very important rarity with the head of Silenos below the bust of Arethusa. VF $15,000 From the British Museum, and the A.H. Lloyd Collection. Ex Ars Classica VI, 28 January 1923, lot 519. Ex Clarence S. Bement Collection. Ex British Museum.

Another Silenos Tetradrachm

166. Tetradrachm, 17.34g (12h). Obv: Quadriga in swift motion to left. The horses are passing over a wheel lying on the ground. The charioteer is pulling back the reins and holding a goad. Above, Nike flying right to crown the charioteer. Double exergual line. In the exergue, ear of grain (mostly off-flan). Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Head of the nymph Arethusa facing left, wearing a saccos adorned by stars and zigzag rims, a triple ear pendant and a pearl necklace. Beneath truncation, a Silenos head facing to right (mostly off flan). Around, four dolphins. Tudeer 70 (O25/R48). SNG Lloyd 1388 (same dies). The fifth specimen known; see listing in note to preceding lot. Prominent edge projections at 12h and 6h on the flan resulting from the mint's flan production process. Graze in the high points of the hair, otherwise EF $12,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Specimens from this die combination known so far: 1) London, BMC p. 179, 219. 2) SNG Munich 1064. 3) Leu 2, 1972, 111. 4) SNG Lloyd 1388 = Naville 6, 1924, 519 (this coin). 5) Gemini VII, 2011, 166, the next coin in this sale.


Signed by Eukleidas



167. c. 400 BC. Tetradrachm, signed by Eukleidas, 16.91g (7h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion to left, driven by male charioteer. Above, Nike flying right to crown the charioteer. In exergue, dolphin left. Rx: ΣΥ-[ΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ] Head of Arethusa facing left, wearing ampyx, double earring and necklace. Beneath truncation, signature ΕΥΚΛΕΙ on pinakion. Around, four dolphins. Tudeer 88 (O33/R60). SNG ANS 295 (same dies). SNG Lloyd 1403 (same dies). Extremely rare signed die by Eukleidas. Some iridescent toning. VF $3,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Wonderfully Complete Head of Arethusa


168. 405-400 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.18g (8h). Sicily, Syracuse, c. 400 BC. Obv: Quadriga in fast motion to left, charioteer pulling back reins and holding goad. Above, Nike approaching to crown the charioteer. Double exergual line. In exergue, dolphin left. Rx: [Σ]ΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ (only the bottoms of the letters barely on flan). Head of Arethusa facing left, wearing sphendone, double earring, and thin necklace. Around, four dolphins. Tudeer 97 (O34/R66). SNG ANS 298 (same dies). Amazing head of Arethusa with her hair floating up in the water. Every strand of hair is complete. Iridescent toning. Mint State $6,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


169. c. 415-405 BC. AE 16, 3.74g (5h). Obv: Head of nymph Arethusa facing left, hair covered by sphendone that bears the signature ΕΥ. Behind, dolphin. Linear border. Rx: ΣΥ-ΡΑ Four-spoked wheel. Between the spokes, ethnic and two dolphins. Calciati I, p. 46, 19/2. SNG ANS 412 var. SNG Morcom 683 var. (different signature). Clear signature of the die cutter Eu[kleidas]. EF $500 As with the tetradrachm series, the abbreviated signatures E-and Eu-are hard to attribute to one of the engravers Eumenes, Euainetos, Euth-, and Eukleidas. Considering the style of the nymph head, Eukleidas is the most likely option here.


170. c. 405-390 BC. Litra, 0.68g (12h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Athena, wearing crested Attic helmet. Around, four dolphins. Rx: Octopus. Rizzo pl. 47, 4. Lacking in all other main references. EF $300 Ex ANS. Signed Kimon

171. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. AV 100 Litrae, 5.76g (1h). Obv: ΣΥΡ[ΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ] Head of Arethusa facing left, wearing triple pendant earring and pearl necklace, hair confined by sphendone ornamented with stars, thick locks swept back above forehead and ear (covering ampyx). In right field, barley grain and engraver's signature KI. Dotted border. Rx: [ΣΥΡ]ΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Herakles kneeling right on rocky ground, wrestling Nemean lion. In field above, ivy leaf. D. Berend, Les monnayages d'or de Syracuse sous Denys I, Atti del VIII Convegno del Centro Internazionale di Studi Numismatici (Naples, 1983), p. 155, 3 (D1/R3). G. de Ciccio, Gli aurei siracusani di Cimone e di Evaneto (Naples 1922), p. 17, 4 (same dies). Rizzo pl. 50, 10 (reverse of this coin). SNG ANS 320 (same dies). Struck in high relief. No die rust which is normally the case for this issue. Choice EF $25,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Gemini V, 6 January 2009, lot 367. Ex ANS inventory no. 1997.9.78. Ex John D. Leggett, Jr. Collection, 1997. Ex Leu 45, 26 May 1988, lot 64.


172. Decadrachm Signed by Kimon, 39.77g (8h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion to left, charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying right to crown the charioteer. In exergue, panoply of armor on two steps. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing left, wearing ampyx (signed with Κ), hairnet, ear pendant and necklace. Around, four dolphins. Jongkees 2 (A/β). Beautiful head of Arethusa struck in high relief with iridescent toning. Significant isolated pitting. Obverse struck with a rusty die but also with significant isolated pits. A trace of the K on the headband is visible. About EF $10,000

174. Decadrachm, 40.96g (5h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion to left, charioteer bent forward, pulling back reins, controlling the horses with long goad. Above, Nike approaching to right, to crown the charioteer. In exergue, panoply of armor on two steps, consisting of crested Phrygian helmet, cuirass, and greaves. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Dotted border. Gallatin -(both the dies not recorded). The reverse die could belong to the Δ series, cf. Dewing Coll. 898 ff. Some porosity. About VF $6,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Christie’s, 4 March 1953, A.C. Ionides Coll.

Boldly Signed Die 175. Decadrachm, 43.30g (9h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion to left, the charioteer pulling back reins and holding goad. Above, Nike flying to right to crown the charioteer. In exergue, panoply of armor. Rx: [ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ] Head of Arethusa facing left, wearing reeds in hair, triple ear pendant, and necklace. Behind, shell. Around, four dolphins. Gallatin RVIII-FI. Dewing Coll. 908 (same dies). Significant die rust on obverse. Quite pleasant reverse. Fine+/About EF $9,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Glendining, 31 January 1951, lot 82 (Dr. Abbott Coll.). 173. Decadrachm Signed by Euainetos, 43.25g (10h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion to left, driven by male charioteer holding long goad. Above, Nike flying right to crown the charioteer. In exergue, panoply of armor on stepped base. Border of dots. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Head of nymph Arethusa facing left, wearing reed wreath, ear pendant, and fine necklace. Around, four dolphins. Beneath truncation, ΕΥΑΙΝΕ. Border of fine dots. Gallatin C.XV/R.IV. Dewing 886-­887 (same dies). Signed Euainetos decadrachm with near complete name under the bust of Arethusa. Small scrape on bottom dolphin's head and truncation of Arethusa's neck. Choice EF $40,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


176. Sicily. Syracuse. c. 344-317 BC. Hemidrachm (Corinthian standard), 1.33g (11h). Obv: ΣΥΡ­ΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Head of Arethusa facing left, wearing ear pendant and necklace. Around, three dolphins. Dotted border. Rx: Forepart of Pegasos facing left. SNG ANS 512. SNG Lloyd 1448. Good VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


177. AE Dilitron, 18.57g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing left. Around, ΖΕΥΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΣ Linear border. Rx: ΣΥΡΑ-Κ-ΟΣΙΩ-Ν Horse prancing to left. Thin linear border. Calciati I, p. 185, 80. SNG ANS 533. SNG Morcom 717. AMB 499. Beautifully struck. Brown toning and EF $1,500

180. c. 330-300 BC. Stater, 6.76g (6h). Obv: Head of Athena facing left, wearing ear pendant and necklace, her Corinthian helmet pushed back on her head, with leather flap covering her hair. Rx: Pegasos left. Beneath, triskelis. SNG Lloyd 1514. SNG Lockett 2217. SNG ANS 554-558 var. (head to right, obviously a later series). Toned. About EF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The free horse (often with a loose rein) appears to have been a symbol of liberty (see L. Karlsson, The symbols of freedom and democracy on the bronze coinage of Timoleon, Acta Hyperborea 6 (1995), pp. 149-170). Considering the political metaphors dealing with horses and horsemanship in Plato’s dialogues, this is no surprise. However, there is much irony here, since tyrants seem to have made good use of the symbol as well.

178. AE Dilitron, 18.69g (4h). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios facing left. Around, ΖΕΥΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΣ. Line border. Rx: ΣΥ[ΡΑΚΟ]-ΣΙ-[Ω]Ν Horse prancing to left on ground line. Linear border. Calciati II, pp. 185-90, 80, style 8. SNG ANS 533. SNG Morcom 717. EF $3,500

Staters of the Corinthian type were minted by Syracuse throughout the 2nd half of the 4th century BC, i.e. at the time when Timoleon had restored the freedom of the citizens, but most probably also after 317 when Agathocles had become tyrant. The symbol of the triskelis that is found on many Agathokleian coins could be an indication that this series was minted under his sway. The reason for issuing pseudo-Corinthian coins might have been the grain trade between Sicily and the motherland (see D. MacDonald, Nomismatika Khronika 21 (2002), pp. 55-64).

181. Agathocles. 317-289 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.17g (7h). Obv: Head of Arethusa facing left, wearing reeds in hair, triple ear pendant, and necklace. Beneath truncation, ΝΙ. Around, three dolphins. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Quadriga in fast motion to left, charioteer pulling back reins and raising goad. Above, triskelis. In exergue, ethnic and ligature ΑΙ. M. Ierardi, AJN 7-8 (1995-96), p. 42, 28 (O4/R13). SNG ANS 634 (same dies). The highest point of the hair on the obverse is flatly struck, otherwise toned EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

179. AE 26, 16.47g (2h). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios facing right. Around, ΖΕΥΣ ΕΛ-ΕΥ-ΘΕΡΙΟΣ. Linear border. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟ-ΣΙΩΝ Thunderbolt. In right field, eagle with closed wings standing to right. Linear border. Calciati I, p. 167, 72. SNG ANS 477. SNG Morcom 723. EF $400

182. Tetradrachm, 17.13g (12h). 308 BC. Obv: ΣΥΡΑΚ[ΟΣΙΩΝ] Head of Kore facing right, wearing wreath of ears of grain. Rx: ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΙΟΣ Nike erecting trophy. In lower left field, triskelis. Dotted border. M. Ierardi, AJN 7-8 (199596), p. 64, 215 (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #58 (this coin). Significant areas of flat striking, otherwise Good VF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection.


183. AE 23, 9.24g (2h). Obv: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Unbearded head of Herakles facing left, wearing diadem with a meniskos at the forehead. Behind, cornucopia (?). Dotted border. Rx: The Nemean lion striding to right. Above, club. Calciati I, p. 288, 150 Ds41. SNG ANS 735. SNG Morcom 768. Winterthur I 971. Mahogany-brown patina of extraordinary quality. EF $1,000

184. Hicetas. 288-278 BC. Gold decadrachm, 4.30g (3h). Obv: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Head of Persephone facing left, wearing a wreath of ears of grain, ear pendant, and a pearl necklace. Behind neck, cornucopia. Dotted border. Rx: Biga in fast motion right, driven by Nike holding the reins and goad. Above, thunderbolt. Beneath the horses' bellies, ear of grain. In exergue, ΕΠΙ ΙΚΕΤ[Α]. T.V. Buttrey, NC (1973), p. 3, 34 (but thunderbolt instead of star). Cf. Gulbenkian Coll. 345. AMB 516. Choice EF $8,500

186. AE 21, 17.39g (12h). Obv: Diademed head of king facing left. Dotted border. Rx: [Ι]ΕΡΩΝΟ[Σ] (in exergue). Mounted warrior in full armor right, holding spear. In lower right field, Α. Calciati I, p. 380, 195. SNG ANS 915. SNG Morcom 822. VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

187. Tetralitron, 2.88g (12h). c. 233-216 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Gelon II (son and co-regent of Hieron II) facing left. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΙ ΓΕΛΩΝΟΣ Eagle with closed wings standing to right on thunderbolt. In right field, ΒΑ. In left field, Ε. Linear border. M. Caccamo Caltabiano et al., Siracusa ellenistica (Messina 1997), p. 200, 285, pl. 29. SNG Lockett 1020 (same dies). EF $1,750

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex NAC 54, 24 March 2010, lot 63. 188. 16 Litrai, 14.02g (4h). c. 269-215 BC. Obv: Veiled and diademed head of Queen Philistis facing left. Behind, wheat ear. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΑΙΣΣΑΣ [sic!] ΦΙΛΙΣΤΙΔΟΣ Nike driving quadriga right. Line border. Carroccio 143a, pl. 14 (O2/R3, this coin). J. Hirsch, Collection de Sartiges (Paris 1910), no. 153 (this coin). Cf. AMB 532. SNG ANS 875. Some isolated obverse porosity, otherwise iridescently toned EF $1,000


185. Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AE 28, 17.44g (10h). Obv: Laureate head of king facing left. Dotted border. Rx: Horseman to right, holding spear. In exergue, [ΙΕΡΩ]ΝΟΣ. Linear border. SNG ANS 909. SNG Morcom 818. EF $300

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex de Sartiges Collection.

189. 16 Litrai, 13.11g (2h). c. 269-215 BC. Obv: Veiled and diademed head of Queen Philistis facing left. Behind, wheat ear. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ [ΦΙ]ΛΙΣΤΙΔΟ[Σ] Nike driving quadriga to right. Above, crescent moon. In right field, ΚΙΣ. Beneath horses, wheat ear. Carroccio 73 (O18/R50). Cf. SNG ANS 882. Iridescent toning on reverse. About EF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


190. Gelon II. c. 240-216/5 BC. 8 Litrai, 6.62g (1h). Obv: Diademed head of Gelon II facing left. Behind, club. Rx: [Σ]ΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΙ ΓΕΛΩΝΟΣ Nike driving quadriga right. Beneath horses, Ε. Carroccio 243 (O5/R4). SNG Oxford 2113 (same dies). Cf. SNG ANS 896. Club on reverse weakly struck. VF $350

192. AE 15, 2.67g (4h). Obv: ΣΥΡΑΚΟ-ΣΙ[ΩΝ] Laureate head of Apollo facing left. Dotted border. Rx: Tripod with fillets hanging down from the volute handles. Dotted border. Calciati I, p. 419, 212 var. (reverse without fillets). SNG ANS 1078 var. EF $500 The inscription for this type is on the obverse, not on the reverse as Calciati mistakenly says.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Gelon II was the son and co-regent of Hieron II. He died a few months before his father passed away in 215 BC. Fifth Republic Rarity

191. Fifth Republic. 214-212 BC. 16 Litrae, 13.58g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing left. Thin border of dots. Rx: Nike driving quadriga to right, holding reins and whip. Beneath the horses, ΞΑ. In exergue, ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩ[Ν]. A. Burnett, SNR 62, 1983, pl. 8, D3 (same dies). Gulbenkian Coll. 358 (same dies). AMB 539 (same dies). The largest and rarest denomination of the Syracusan Democracy. Very well struck. Toned EF $35,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

193. Tauromenium. c. 212-150 BC. AE 19, 3.66g (7h). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΑΥΡΟΜΕ-ΝΙΤΑΝ Owl standing facing forward. Dotted border. Calciati II, p. 225, 39. Winterthur I 1046. VF $500

194. Island of Sicily. Lipara. c. 425-400 BC. Hemilitron, 54.65g (12h). Obv: Bearded head of Hephaistos facing right, wearing cap. Dotted border. Rx: ΛΙΠΑΡΑΙΟΝ around aphlaston and six pellets. Calciati 7, 3/4. SNG München 1679. VF/Fine $2,000

195. Panormus. Siculo-Punic. c. 340-320 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.01g (2h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion left, driven by a male charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying right to crown the charioteer. Strong exergual line. In exergue, ZIZ. Dotted border. Rx: Female head (type of Euainetos‘ Arethusa) facing left, wearing reeds in hair, triple ear pendant, and pearl necklace. Below chin, shell. Around, four dolphins swimming. Dotted border. G.K. Jenkins, SNR 50 (1971), p. 51, 68 (O18/R55), pl. 13 (one specimen recorded). Jameson Coll. 2421 (same dies). Some light corrosion on obverse, otherwise About EF $7,500 Enlargement


Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Freeman & Sear FPL 10, Spring 2005, lot 17.

196. Tetradrachm, 17.32g (7h). Obv: Quadriga in fast motion right, the charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying left to crown the charioteer. Double exergual line. In exergue, RSMLQRT. Rx: Female head (type of Euainetos’ Arethusa) facing right, wearing reeds in the hair, triple ear pendant, and thin necklace. Around, three dolphins. G.K. Jenkins, SNR 50 (1971), p. 64, 37, pl. 18. Jameson Coll. 597 (same dies). De Luynes Coll. 920 (same dies). EF $5,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Semon Lipcer Collection.

197. c. 330-320 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.13 g (10h). Obv. Head of Arethusa-Persephone facing left, wearing wreath, ear pendant and necklace. Four dolphins around. Dotted border. Rx: Horse galloping left. In the background, palm tree. Dotted border. Jenkins, SNR 56 (1977), p. 47, 141 (O46/ R127), pl. 9. De Luynes Coll. 1434 (same dies). EF $4,000

199. Tetradrachm, 16.98g (6h). Obv: Female head facing left, wearing reeds in hair, triple ear pendant, and necklace. Around, four dolphins. Dotted border. Rx: Horse’s head to left. Behind, palm tree. Beneath truncation, MMHNT. Line border. G.K. Jenkins, SNR 56 (1977), p. 49, 157.3 (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #343 (this coin). SNG Lockett 1050 (this coin). VF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex Glendining, 25 October 1955 (Cyril Lockett), lot 955

200. Tetradrachm, 16.59g (9h). Obv: Head of Herakles-Melqart facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: Horse’s head facing left. Behind, palm tree. Beneath, [MHMHNT]. Dotted border. G.K. Jenkins, SNR 54 (1978), p. 24, 290, pl. 2 (O93/ R238). McClean 3047 (same dies). Iridescent toning. EF $1,250

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

198. Rash Melqart. c. 320-300 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.43g (2h). Obv: Quadriga to right, charioteer holding reins and goad. Above, Nike flying left to crown the charioteer. Rx: Female head facing right, wearing triple ear pendant and necklace. Around, three dolphins. G.K. Jenkins, SNR 50 (1971), p. 67, 52 (O18/R40), pl. 19. Boston 269 (same dies). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #42 (this coin). VF $1,500

201. c. 300-290 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.06g (3h). Obv: Head of Herakles-Melqarth facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress. Dotted border. Rx: MHSBM Horse‘s head facing left. Behind, palm tree. Dotted border. Jenkins, SNR 57 (1978), p. 34, 398 (O121/R326), pl. 12. SNG Oxford 2164 (same dies). Top of horse‘s head is flatly struck with slight flan split on horse‘s cheek. EF $2,000

Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 55.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex CNG MBS 75, 23 May 2007, lot 65.


202. c. 300 BC. AE 17, 2.46g (2h). Obv: Head of Tanit facing left, wearing triple ear pendant, and necklace. Linear border. Rx: Horse standing right. Behind, palm tree. Line border. Calciati II 388, 20. SNG Morcom 905. Good VF $350 Gold Stater

203. Zeugitana. Carthage. c. 350-320 BC. Stater, 8.97g (10h). Obv: Head of Tanit facing left, wearing reeds in her hair, triple ear pendant, and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Horse standing to right. On the body, single dot. On exergual line, three dots. Dotted border. Jenkins-Lewis Group IIIi (cf. no. 100, but different dies). Some small obverse contact marks. Exceptional detail. Virtually Mint State $3,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Enlargement

204. 310-290 BC. EL Stater, 7.56g (12h). Obv: Head of Tanit facing left, wearing grain wreath and necklace. In front, dot. Rx: Horse standing to right. Beneath exergual line, two dots. Jenkins and Lewis, Group V, nos. 259-279. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #340 (this coin). Obverse unusually well struck. EF $1,500 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Flawless Trihemistater

205. c. 260 BC. Trihemistater, 12.49g (11h). Obv: Head of Tanit facing to left, wearing grain wreath and necklace. Rx: Horse standing right, turning head backwards. Dotted border. Jenkins and Lewis, Group IX, 377 (same dies). Magnificant Mint State $35,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex NG SA 5, 2-3 December 2008, lot 157.


206. c. 221-202 BC. Quarter shekel, 1.81g (6h). Obv: Head of Tanit facing left, wearing reeds in her hair, ear pendant, and thin necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Horse standing right. Linear border. SNG Copenhagen 336. Cf. E.S.G. Robinson, NC (1964), p. 44, 2 (Italian mint of Hannibal). Choice EF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

207. Quarter shekel, 2.05g (1h). Obv: Head of Tanit facing left, wearing reeds in her hair, ear pendant, and thin necklace. Thin linear border. Rx: Horse standing right. Beneath, single dot. Line border. SNG Copenhagen 337. Cf. E.S.G. Robinson, NC (1964), p. 44, 1 (Italian mint of Hannibal). Two marks on the neck, otherwise about EF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

208. Pangaean District. Eion. c. 5th century BC. Obol, 0.89g Obv: Goose standing facing right, head reverted. Above, lizard. Beneath, Η. Dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse. SNG ANS 287. SNG Lockett 1319. Boston 609. Good VF $200

Enlargement 212. c. 410-380 BC. Hemidrachm, 1.88g (4h). Obv: Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding. Rx: Ν-Ε-Ο-Π Head of a young girl facing right, wearing necklace. SNG ANS 454 (same dies). Iridescent toning. Exceptional obverse. About EF $350

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


The attribution of these coins to Eion on the river Strymon is tentative, and has often been challenged. See, for instance, AMNG III 2, pp. 139 f. A. Baldwin Brett, Cat. Boston, p. 82. Smith, “Lete”, pp. 33-39, who suggests the mint of Myrkinos.


209. Hemiobol, .41g Obv: Two geese standing side by side facing right. In left field, ivy leaf, and Η. Dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse. Svoronos, Hellénisme primitif, p. 90, 22, pl. IX, 23. VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

210. Neapolis. c. 500-480 BC. Stater, 9.06g Obv: Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 410. About EF $3,000

213. Macedonia. Uncertain mint (“Lete”). c. 520-500 BC. Stater, 9.31g. Obv: Ityphallic Silenus standing right, holding his own tail, vis-à-vis a nymph standing to left, raising right hand to slap him, holding wreath in left hand. Between them, pellet. Rx: Incuse square diagonally divided. Svoronos, Hellénisme primitif, pl. VII, 3. SNG Lockett 1324 (this coin). S. Boutin, Collection Pozzi (Maastricht 1979), no. 1435 (this coin). SNG Copenhagen 186. Rosen Coll. 155. Obverse off center. Very rare. Good VF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Glendining, 12 Feb. 1958, lot 1244, and from the Lockett Collection. Ex Naville I, 4 April 1921, lot 687, and from the Prof. S. Pozzi Collection.

214. Stater, 9.60g. Obv: Ityphallic Silenos standing right, grasping arm of nymph who advances right, head reverted, left hand raised in despair. In the field, three pellets. Rx: Incuse square, diagonally divided. Svoronos, Hellénisme primitif, pl. VIII, 3. SNG Lockett 1325. Rosen Coll. 152. EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Ars Classica XVI, 3 July 1933, lot 965.

211. Stater, 9.81g Obv: Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 405. SNG Lockett 1356. High relief. VF $1,250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.



215. c. 490/80 BC. Stater, 9.08g. Obv: Ityphallic Silenos standing to right, grasping arm of nymph who advances to right, head reverted, left hand raised in despair. In the field, three pellets (two off-flan). Rx: Incuse square, diagonally divided. Svoronos, Hellénisme primitif, pl. VIII, 3. SNG Lockett 1325. Rosen Coll. 152. Normal surfaces for early Macedonian silver. Good VF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


216. Stater, 9.72g. Obv: Satyr facing right, grabbing arm of nymph who tries to flee while looking back. Rx: Incuse square diagonally divided. Boston 602. SNG ANS 961. SNG Lockett 1326. Some die rust in the central devices. About EF $1,500


217. c. 500/480 BC. Trihemiobol, 0.97g. Obv: Satyr squatting right. In the field, two pellets. Rx: Incuse square diagonally divided. Rosen Coll. 157. SNG Lockett 1333. Struck in somewhat high relief. Good VF $250

219. Derrones. c. 475-460 BC. Dodecadrachm, 38.15g (1h). Obv: ΔΕΡΟΝ Wagon drawn left by two oxen. Driver seated on a high stool, wearing petasos, raising whip in right hand. Above, Corinthian helmet to left. Rx. Triskeles. In field, Θ. All in square incuse. Svoronos, Hellénisme primitif, pl. II, 1 = Jameson Coll. 1946 (same obverse die). VF $15,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Wonderful Stater

218. Macedonian Tribes. Mygdones or Crestones. c. 490 BC. Stater, 9.57g. Obv: Goat kneeling right, head turned backwards. Above, pellet. Dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, the segments with rough surfaces. Cf. C. Lorber in Pour Denyse, pl. 14, 2 (3 pellets). Choice EF $12,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Gorny & Mosch 146, 6 March 2006, lot 155.


220. Chalcidian District. Aeneia. 430-390 BC. Tetrobol, 2.31g (6h). Obv: Young male head with sideburns, wearing a laureate crested Attic helmet, facing right. Rx: Bull standing right, head turned back. All within incuse square. SNG Oxford 2237 (obverse misdescribed). SNG ANS 74. Some light pits on the reverse between 10h and 3h, otherwise VF $750 The motif of sideburns is well known from the statue of the hero Diomedes carrying the Palladium. The statue has often been attributed to the sculptor Cresilas; the dating to c. 430 BC is not controversial. The same motif was quickly adopted by vase-painters, gem-cutters and engravers in order to characterize heroes in their prime.

221. Terone. c. 400-348 BC. Tetrobol, 2.25g. Obv: Τ-Ε Oinochoe. Dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse. SNG ANS 751 = N. Hardwick in Studies Price (London 1998), pl. 29, 13. Rosen Coll. 114. Toned VF $150

225. 440-400 BC. Tetrobol, 2.41g. Obv: Forepart of bull kneeling left, head reverted. Above, laurel spray. In upper left field, Π. Dotted border. Rx: Square 'window incuse'. SNG Delepierre 872. SNG ANS 43 var. (position of the spray). Good VF $400

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

222. Acanthus. c. 510-485 BC. Tetrobol, 2.52g. Obv: Forepart of lioness facing right, gnawing bone. Above, conch shell. Dotted exergual line, dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse. SNG ANS 22. Exceptional quality. Struck on a large flan. About EF $350

226. c. 430-390 BC. Tetradrachm, 14.30g (5h). Obv: Lion attacking a bull, which falls to its knees. Above, ΔΙ. In exergue, grain of wheat to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΚΑ-ΝΘ-ΙΟ-Ν around a quadripartite square field, all within incuse square. Desneux 104 (same obverse die). About EF $5,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. 1950 Gela Hoard

223. Tetradrachm, 16.89g. Obv: Lion attacking a bull, which falls to its knees and turns its head back. Dotted exergual line. In exergue, floral motif. Dotted border. Asyut Hoard 173. Desneux -, cf. D41 and D44. On the two tetradrachms of Acanthos from the Gela Hoard, see Jenkins, Gela, p. 151. Struck in high relief for this issue. Toned EF $3,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Leo Mildenberg, 1959, and from the Gela Hoard (IGCH 2066).

227. Mende. c. 520-480 BC. Tetradrachm, 13.80g. Obv: Ityphallic donkey standing right. On rump, crow left, pecking. On right, volute ornament. Dotted border. Rx: Mill-sail incuse square with five compartments. Noe -. This obverse dies not to be found in the main references. Cf. SNG ANS 292 (reverse). Some areas of scraping, especially on obverse. Otherwise VF $600 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


224. 470-440 BC. Tetrobol, 2.37g. Obv: Forepart of bull kneeling left, head reverted. Above, swastika. Dotted border. Rx: Square ‘window incuse’. SNG Oxford 2212. SNG ANS 39. EF $400

228. c. 480-460 BC. Hemiobol, 0.27g Obv: Head of donkey facing right. Dotted border. Rx: Flat incuse with mill-sail pattern. Winterthur I 1381. Good VF $200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Enlargement 229. c. 460-423 BC. Fractional Stater, 0.35g (10h). Obv: Forepart of donkey right. Dotted border. Rx: Cantharos. Below, Ζ. All within incuse square. SNG ANS 361 ff. var. EF/About Fine $150

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

233. c. 432-348 BC. Tetrobol, 2.27g (10h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing left. Dotted border. Rx: ΧΑΛ-ΚΙ-Δ-ΕΩΝ Cithara. All within incuse square. SNG ANS 518. Flan defect at 2h on obverse. Toned VF $150 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Apollo’s instrument, the cithara, was much heavier than a lyre and much more difficult to play. Citharoeds (singers and players of a cithara) were famous and sought after experts, and the sorts of poems they performed were completely different from those sung while playing a lyre: Melic verses, dithyrambs, etc. instead of elegies and Iambic verses.

230. c. 450/40 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.24g (10h). Obv: Bearded Dionysos, wearing himation around waist, holding cantharos, reclining to left on donkey standing right. To right, crow standing on vine. Dotted border. Rx: ΜΕΝ-ΔΑ-ΙΟ-Ν Vine of five grape clusters within square frame. All within shallow incuse square. Noe -. SNG ANS 328. Dewing Coll. 1051. Pleasant VF $1,200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

234. Potidaea. c. 500-480 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.06g. Obv: Poseidon Hippios on horseback to right, holding trident. Beneath horse, four-rayed star. Rx: Incuse square diagonally divided. SNG ANS 688. Rosen Coll. 107. Very rare. Some isolated areas of porosity, otherwise About EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

231. Olynthus. c. 460-432 BC. Tetrobol, 2.58g (2h). Obv: Bridled Horse standing to right. In the background, Ionic column. In upper left field, lily symbol. Exergual line dotted. Rx: Ο-Λ-V-Ν Eagle flying, holding serpent in beak. All within incuse square. SNG ANS 464. Choice EF $1,500


Being a Corinthian colony, Potidaea joined the Delian League. In the aftermath of the quarrel between Corinth and Athens about Corcyra, the Athenians tried to prevent the Corinthian officials from entering their posts at Potidaea, thus producing one of the reason for the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War.

232. Tetrobol, 2.27g (9h). Obv: Horse rearing, to right. Rx: Ο-Λ-Υ-Ν Eagle flying, holding serpent in beak. All within incuse square. SNG ANS 466. Robinson & Clement, Excavations at Olynthus, Part IV, Section II B 15, Pl. XXXIV, 10 (A8/P5) (same dies). BMC p. 87, 2. Gaebler, Zeit f. Num., XXXV, 1925, p. 205, 2. Traité I 1157, 1653. Some areas of surface porosity. VF/About EF $500

235. Tetrobol, 2.61g (1h). Obv: Poseidon Hippios on horseback to right, holding trident. Beneath horse, seven-rayed star. Dotted border. Rx: Female head facing right within thin square frame. All within incuse square. AMNG III 2, p. 104, 5, pl. XX, 21. Exceptional archaic female head on reverse. Good VF $1,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Winged Demon Stater

236. Macedonia. Uncertain mint. c. 530/20 BC. Didrachm, 8.36g. Obv: Winged demon running to right. In upper left and lower right fields, flowers. Dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse. Svoronos, Hellénisme primitif, pl. XVII, 8 = Jameson Coll. 967. Similar: Traité II 1, 1844, pl. LIX, 6. For the daemon, see Leu-MMAG 1974, Kunstfreund sale, lot 41. On the mint, see R.A. Stucky, Zum Münzschatz von Ras Shamra, SNR 63 (1984), pp. 5 f., and J.H. Kagan, IGCH 1185 Reconsidered, RBN 138 (1992), pp. 10 f. EF $6,000

239. Amyntas III. 393-370/69 BC. Didrachm, 10.05g (12h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Rx: ΑΜΥ-ΝΤΑ Horse standing right. All in incuse square with linear border. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #76 (this coin). SNG ANS 89 (same dies). SNG Alpha Bank 189. A few light deposits with some planchet defects. VF $500 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 78.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Svoronos attributed this type to the Pierian tribe in the Pangaean mountains, but this attribution remains speculative only. 240. Stater, 8.24g (2h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΜΥ-ΝΤA Horse standing right within square frame. All within incuse square. U. Westermark in Kraay-Mørkholm Essays (Louvain 1989), p. 307, pl. 70, 32 (same reverse die). SNG ANS 91 (same reverse die). SNG München 41 (same reverse die). SNG Oxford 2439. SNG Oxford 1398. VF $350 Enlargement

237. Macedonian Kingdom. Perdiccas II. 451-413 BC. Tetrobol, 2.40g (2h). 437/6-432/1 BC. Obv: Mounted horseman facing right, wearing chlamys and petasos, carrying two spears. Dotted border. Rx: Forepart of lion facing right, the truncation dotted. All within incuse square. Raymond, p. 145, no. 225 (same dies). SNG ANS 59 (same dies). EF $500

238. Tetrobol, 2.45g (5h). c. 437/6-432/1 BC. Obv: Horseman right, wearing chlamys and holding two spears, the horse walking slowly. Beneath, plant. Dotted border. Rx: Forepart of lion running right, in square incuse. Raymond 198 var. (lion to left). SNG ANS 52. SNG Lockett 1387. Exceptionally beautiful style. Good VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

241. Alexander II. 370/69-368/7 BC. AE 19, 5.13g (11h). 370/69368/7 BC. Obv: Head of Apollo facing right, wearing a thin fillet. Rx: ΑΛΕΧΑΝΔΡΟ Horseman to left. Below, thunderbolt. U. Westermark in: Kraay-Mørkholm Essays (Louvain 1989), p. 313, no. (A) 2. Great rarity. Good VF/EF $1,000

242. Philip II. 357-336 BC. Stater, 8.58g (11h). Pella, c. 340328 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: ΦΙΛΠΠΟΥ Galloping biga with charioteer. Trident symbol below forelegs of horses. Le Rider 282 (D132/R217). EF with muted luster $4,000


243. Stater, 8.53g (10h). Pella, 340-328 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: Biga right, the charioteer holding goad. Beneath horses, trident to right. In exergue, ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ. Le Rider p. 158, 295a (this coin). SNG Delepierre 947 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #78 (this coin). Fine $900 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

244. Stater, 8.60g (1h). Pella, c. 340-328 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ (in exergue). Biga in fast motion racing right, charioteer holding reins and goad. Beneath, trident head to right. Le Rider, p. 161, 325, pl. 63 (same reverse die R244). SNG ANS 152 (same reverse die). Old cut in face of Apollo, otherwise EF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

245. Stater, 8.60g (6h). Pella, c. 340-328 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ(in exergue). Biga in fast motion to right, charioteer holding reins and goad. Below, trident head to right. Le Rider, p. 161, 328-330, pl. 63 (same reverse die R251). SNG München 77 (same reverse die). About EF $1,750


247. Tetradrachm, 14.45g (1h). Pella, c. 342-336 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Boy riding horse right, holding palm branch in the right hand and reins in the left. Beneath, thunderbolt. In exergue, Ν. Line border. Reverse doublestruck. Le Rider p. 31, 216a (D123/R175), pl. 9 = Boston 648 = Warren Coll. 636 (this coin). Toned EF $5,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Gerrie Collection. Ex NFA XX, 9 March 1988, lot 669 (incorrectly listed as ex Greenwell). Ex Boston Museum Collection. Ex NFA VIII, 6 June 1980, lot 106. Ex E.P. Warren Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

246. Tetradrachm, 14.38g (11h). Pella, c. 354/3­-349/8 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ King on horse trotting left. Sitting on a spotted caparison, he is wearing diademed kausia, chlamys, tunic, and boots, right hand raised in greeting. Radiate head of Helios facing beneath horse's raised foreleg. Le Rider, p. 17, no. 98 (D57/R79). Cf. SNG ANS 356 (same obverse die). SNG Copenhagen 546 (same obverse die). Struck in high relief. Choice EF $3,000 Ex Gemini V, 6 January 2009, lot 519.


248. Tetradrachm, 14.30g (6h). Pella, c. 336-328 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Young male rider, naked, to right, holding reins and palm branch. Beneath, crescent moon. Le Rider, p. 52, 398, pl. 17 (O211'/R321'). Cf. SNG ANS 419 (same dies, but at earlier stage). Some scratches in exergual area on reverse, otherwise Good VF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Le Rider noted that the reverse of this die pair was recut, lengthening the endings of the rider’s diadem. Our specimen shows that the obverse was recut as well: Zeus’ laurel wreath now shows dots as on O214.

Rider, p. 77, 42, pl. 24 (O23'/R36) = SNG Copenhagen 547 (same dies). Good VF/About EF $1,750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

249. Tetradrachm, 13.34g (7h). Pella, c. 323-315 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Boy rider right, holding palm branch. Beneath horse, thunderbolt. Le Rider, p. 66, 515 (O273/R424), pl. 21. SNG ANS 446 (same dies). Obverse somewhat corroded. VF/Choice EF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Collection Ionides.

253. Tetradrachm, 14.40g (7h). Amphipolis, c. 355-348 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Mounted horseman left, wearing chlamys and petasos, seated on caparison, raising right hand. Below, trident head to left. Line border. Le Rider, p. 81, 85, pl. 26 (same reverse die). Some iridescent toning. Exceptionally fine style. Bold VF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

250. Stater, 8.60g (4h). Pella, c. 323-315 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: Biga in fast motion to right, the charioteer holding reins and goad. Beneath horses’ bellies, thunderbolt. In exergue, ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ. Le Rider pl. 65, 404 (reverse). EF $4,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex CNG MBS 69, 8 June 2005, lot 146.

251. Stater, 8.58g (11h). Amphipolis, c. 340-328 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: Quadriga in fast motion to right, the charioteer holding reins and goad. Below the horses, wheat grain. In exergue, ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ. Le Rider pl. 74, 18 ( D7/R17). SNG Lockett 1401 (same dies). Excellent style. Mint State $5,000

254. Tetradrachm, 14.39g (2h). Amphipolis, 348/7-343/2 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Diademed naked boy riding horse to right, holding upright branch. Below the horse's raised foreleg, grasshopper. Le Rider, p. 91, 187a (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #82 (this coin). SNG Lockett 1412 (this coin). SNG ANS 489 (same obverse die). Planchet flaw on reverse, otherwise VF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex Glendining, 12 February 1958 (Lockett), lot 1325.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

252. Tetradrachm, 14.33g (7h). Amphipolis, c. 355-349 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Thin border of dots. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Mounted horseman left, wearing chlamys and petasos, seated on caparison, raising right hand. Below horse's raised foreleg, Μ. Line border. Le

255. Tetradrachm, 14.40g (9h). Amphipolis, c. 342-329 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Young male rider, naked, to right, holding reins and palm branch. Below, bee. Beneath horse's raised foreleg, omphalos. Le Rider, p. 118, 497, pl. 43 (O219/R445) = SNG ANS 567 (same dies). Exceptionally beautiful head of Zeus. Some areas of flat striking on the chest of the horse. EF/VF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


256. Tetradrachm, 14.28g (10h). Amphipolis, c. 315-295 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠ-ΠΟΥ Young male rider, naked, to right. Beneath horse, Λ and torch. Below horse's raised foreleg, ΔΙ. Dotted border. Le Rider, p. 125, pl. 47, 18 (same dies). EF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Struck under Cassander. Unpublished

257. 1/5 Stater, 2.61g (10h). Amphipolis, c. 323/2-c. 316 BC. Obv: Head of Apollo facing right, wearing taenia. Dotted border. Beneath, another border of dots. Rx: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Young male rider to right. Beneath, Α in wreath. Le Rider, p. 318, 9, pl. 52. SNG ANS 616. VF/EF $150 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. As the second border of dots on the obverse shows, the coins of this series were minted from obverse dies that were engraved with several images side by side. This technique has been studied by B. Woytek, SNR 85 (2006), pp. 69-95.

259. Alexander III The Great. 336-323 BC. AV Stater, 8.65g (11h). Aegae, 333-323 BC. Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet decorated with snake on bowl pushed back on head. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Nike standing left, holding acrostolion and wreath. In left field, thunderbolt. Appears to be unpublished. Type of Price 164. Obverse style of Price 191 (distater). Mint State $4,000 This is a previously unknown (or unrecognized) stater of Aegeae with thunderbolt symbol. The obverse style of this coin is a precise match to the Aegeae distater with thunderbolt; note especially the ringlets of Athena’s hair, the shape of the snake on her helmet, and the very unusual ridge of dots in front of her face.

Alexander Portrait

258. Stater, 8.60g (7h). Colophon, c. 323-319 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo (with the features of Alexander the Great) facing right. Rx: Quadriga in fast motion racing right, the charioteer holding reins and goad. Below the horses, tripod. In exergue, ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ. Le Rider pl. 93, 26. SNG ANS 309. M. Thompson in Studia Paulo Naster oblata I, p. 58, 12 = Jameson Coll. 978 (same obverse die). Mint State $9,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.



knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding scepter in left hand and eagle on the right, feet on stool. In left field, round shield. Dotted border. Price 209. SNG Berry 198. SNG Alpha Bank 518. SNG Saroglos 260. Choice EF $700 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. 260. Tetradrachm, 17.02g (12h). Amphipolis, c. 332-323 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, wreath. Dotted border. Price 14. EF $750


Extremely rare type.

261. Tetradrachm, 17.17g (12h). Amphipolis, 328-323. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertival scepter in left hand and eagle on outstretched right. In left field, cock standing left. Dotted exergual line and dotted border. Price 79. SNG Oxford 2558. SNG Alpha Bank 478. SNG Saroglos 202. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #89 (this coin). A few scratches on reverse. Toned EF $500

264. Tetradrachm, 16.91g (12h). Samothrace, c. 172-168 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted qround neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In inner left field, ΑΡΙΦΑΝΤΟΥ above kerykeion. Beneath throne, ram's head to right above monogram. Price 663 var. (different magistrate). EF $1,000

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

262. Tetradrachm, 17.21g (12h). Amphipolis, c. 332-323 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress, knotted around neck. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding scepter in left hand and eagle on right. In left field, bucranium. Dotted border. Price 93. SNG Oxford 2571. SNG Alpha Bank 481. SNG Saroglos 208. Excellent early style. Choice EF $1,000

265. Tetradrachm, 16.11g (11h). Mesembria, 125-65 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter in left hand and eagle on outstretched right. In left field, helmet. Beneath, monogram. Beneath throne, ΚΟ. Price 1099. Rare variety. Scratches in obverse field behind head and two scratches on reverse field. Good VF $200 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

263. Tetradrachm, 17.23g (7h). Pella, c. 325-315 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing to right, wearing lion-skin headdress,

266. Stater, 8.60g (12h). Abydus, c. 310-301 BC. Obv: Head of Athena facing right wearing a plumed Corinthian helmet and long wavy hair. Rx: ΑΛΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Standing Nike with spread wings holding a wreath in her right hand and a long staff in left. Scallop shell below left wing. Price 1559. Small dig on nose of Athena, otherwise Mint State $4,000


throne, Θ. Dotted border. Price 3036. SNG Saroglos 514. Some contact marks on obverse and reverse, otherwise Near Mint State $1,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. 267. Stater, 8.49g (12h). Magnesia ad Maeandrum, c. 323-319 BC. Obv: Head of Athena facing right wearing a plumed Corinthian helmet and long wavy hair. Rx: ΑΛΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Standing Nike with spread wings holding a wreath in her right hand and a long staff in the left. Cornucopia symbol at her feet in left field. Price 1947. Extremely elegant Nike on reverse. Mint State $3,500

268. Stater, 8.52g (11h). Miletus, c. 300-295 BC. Obv: Head of Athena facing right wearing a plumed Corinthian helmet and long curly individual strands of hair. Rx: ΑΛΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Standing Nike with spread wings holding a wreath in her right hand and a long staff in the left. Crested helmet symbol in left field and a double ax near her feet in the left field. Price 2136b. Exquisite reverse. Mint State $4,000

271. Tetradrachm, 17.24g (7h). Tarsus, c. 323-317 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, Nike flying to right, caduceus, and .Θ. Under throne, ligature ΕΠ. Linear border. Price 3052. SNG Oxford 2902 var. SNG Saroglos 520 var. Good EF $750

272. Stater, 8.58g (12h). Salamis, 332-323 BC. Obv: Head of Athena facing right. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Nike standing left, holding acrostolium and wreath. In left lower field, eagle standing to left. Price 3125. H.A. Troxell in: Travaux Georges Le Rider (London 1999), p. 363, no. 31, pl. 38 (same dies). Mint State $3,500 269. Philip III. 323-317 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.16g (7h). Babylon, c. 323-­317 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding dotted vertical scepter and eagle. In lower left field, Μ. Beneath throne, ΛΥ. Dotted border. Price P181. SNG Oxford 3222. Toned EF $400

Newell’s attribution of this series to Cypriot Salamis has recently been challenged by H.A. Troxell. She suggests Ephesus instead, a mint to which recent scholars have attributed no Alexander coins at all (cf. Le Rider, Deux trésors, p. 57). Other parts of the alleged Salamis series have been reattributed to Amphipolis (Troxell, Studies Hersh,pp. 67 f.). Doubts about the correct attributions remain, however.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

270. Alexander III The Great. 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.23g (3h). Tarsus, c. 323-317 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding scepter in left hand and eagle on the right, feet on stool. In left field, monogram. Beneath



Exceptional Tetradrachm

273. Stater, 8.49g (1h). Salamis, 328-323 BC. Obv: Head of Athena facing right. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Nike standing left, holding acrostolium and wreath. In left lower field, eagle standing to right. Price 3129. H.A. Troxell in: Travaux Georges Le Rider (London 1999), p. 363, 281, pl. 38. SNG Saroglos 146. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #88 (this coin). VF/Fine $1,000

276. Tetradrachm, 17.20g (5h). Aradus, c. 324-320 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, Ζ. Under throne, ligature ΑΡ. Linear border. Price 3325. Duyrat, Série 10. SNG Oxford 2988. Good EF $750

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

Damacus Mint


274. Tetradrachm, 17.24g (11h). Coele-Syria, Damascus, c. 330320 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lionskin headdress knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: [ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ] Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, forepart of ram prancing right. Beneath throne, ΔΑ. Above strut, one globule. Dotted border. Price 3203. SNG Oxford 2929. EF $750

Exquisite Tetradrachm

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 277. Tetradrachm, 17.18g (5h). Aradus, c. 324-320 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, caduceus. Under throne, ligature ΑΡ. Linear border. Price 3332. Duyrat, Série 11. SNG Fitzwilliam 2162. SNG Oxford 2992. SNG Saroglos 579. Good EF $750

275. Tetradrachm, 16.97g (1h). Ake-Ptolemais, 315/4 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, feet on stool, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, numerals. Dotted border. Price 3283. Newell, Sidon and Ake 35. Significant pitting on reverse, otherwise EF $250


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Ram-Head Symbol Wearing Isis Crown

278. Tetradrachm, 17.12g (11h). Memphis, c. 332-323 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, ram's head and crown of Isis. Beneath throne, monogram. Dotted border. Price 3964. SNG Lockett 1458. SNG Saroglos 662. Struck in high relief. Of exceptional style with the elusive khnum symbol. About EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

280. Demetrius Poliorcetes. 306-283 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.21g (8h). Amphipolis, c. 289/8 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king with small horns facing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ Poseidon standing left, right foot on rock, holding vertical trident, resting right arm on knee. In outer left and right fields, monograms. Dotted border. Newell 120. Pozzi 963 (same reverse die). Exceptional portrait in high relief. Impressive image of Poseidon standing. Scratch between Poseidon's legs extending to the rock. Choice EF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


279. Tetradrachm, 16.28 (12h). Memphis, 332-323 BC. Obv: Head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted around neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned left, feet on stool, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In left field, rose. Beneath throne, ΔΙ-Ο. Dotted border. Price 3971. Dewing Coll. 1180. SNG Alpha Bank 690. Obverse surfaces somewhat corroded, otherwise VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

281. Antigonus Doson. 229-222/1 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.09g (11h). c. 227-225 BC. Obv: Head of Poseidon facing right, hair band with marine plant. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ Apollo, naked, seated to left on prow, holding bow in right hand. Beneath, monogram and Μ. SNG Alpha Bank 1048 var. (different second monogram). I.L. Merker, ANSMN 9 (1960), p. 49. Cleaned, otherwise EF $3,000

282. Perseus. 179-168 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.03g (12h). c. 171-168 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΕΡ-ΣΕΩΣ Eagle with raised wings standing to right on thunderbolt. Above, monogram. In inner right field, monogram. Between legs, Φ. All within oak wreath. Beneath, plow to right. A. Mamroth, ZfN 38 (1928), p. 25, 21a. SNG Alpha Bank 1133 var. (monograms and their placement). Exceptionally nice portrait struck in high relief. Struck on a very broad flan giving almost a medallic feel. Choice EF $1,750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


283. Tetradrachm, 15.35g (11h). c. 170-168 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Perseus facing right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙ-ΛΕΩΣ ΠΕΡ-ΣΕΩΣ Eagle with raised wings standing to right on thunderbolt. Above, in the inner right field, and between the eagle's legs, monograms. The whole in oak wreath. Beneath, plow to right (partly off-flan). A. Mamroth, ZfN 38 (1928), p. 26, 25. SNG Oxford 3276. SNG Alpha Bank 1132. SNG München 1199. Few light marks on obverse. One scuff above the eyebrow, otherwise EF $1,000

286. Thessalonica. Aesillas. Quaestor. c. 90-70 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.81g (1h). Obv: ΜΑΚΕ[ΔΟΝΩΝ] Head of Alexander the Great facing right, with horn of Ammon. Rx: Vertical club, flanked by cista and quaestor's sella. Above, AESILLAS, and Q. All within laurel wreath. Bauslaugh 33, O3/R12, pl. 1. Jameson Coll. 1018 (same obverse die). Head of Alexander struck in high relief. Muted iridescent toning. Near Mint State $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Purchased from P&P Santamaria, Rome.

Ex Norman Davis Collection. Minted during the war between Perseus and the Romans.

284. Macedonia. Under the Romans. 168-149 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.76g (9h). Obv: Draped bust of Artemis facing right. Behind shoulder, bow and quiver. Dotted border. The whole in front of a Macedonian shield. Rx: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ ΠΡΩΤΗΣ in two lines, above and below monogram. The whole in oak wreath. In outer left field, thunderbolt. AMNG III 1, 159. SNG Oxford 3290. SNG Tübingen 1218. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #102 (this coin). VF $250

287. Tetradrachm, 15.72g (1h). Obv: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ Head of Alexander the Great facing right, with horn of Ammon. Behind head, Θ. Rx: Vertical club, flanked by cista and quaestor's sella. Above, AESILLAS, and Q. All within laurel wreath. Bauslaugh p. 55, 43 pl. 8 (same obverse die). AMNG p. 111, 213. EF $1,250

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

285. Roman Province of Macedonia. 168-166 BC. AE 24, 10.62g (10h). Obv: Head of Roma facing right, wearing composite helmet with dragon crest, griffin's head at the top, and wings. Dotted border. Rx: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ ΤΑΜΙΟΥ ΓΑΙΟΥ ΠΟΠΛΙΛΙΟΥ in three lines within oak wreath. AMNG III 1, p. 8, 1, pl. III, 9. SNG Copenhagen 1319. Winterthur I, 1656. On the dating, see M. Crawford, Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic (London 1985), p. 131, contra P. MacKay, ANSMN 14 (1968), pp. 5-11. Some encrustation on reverse. Good VF $700

288. Thrace. Abdera. c. 470/60 BC. Tetradrachm, 14.15g Obv: Winged griffin springing left, with both forelegs raised. Above, kantharos. In lower left field, ΑΙΑΝΤΙ. Double exergual line (the lower one dotted), and dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite 'window incuse'. May -, cf. pp. 100 ff. (Period III, Groups 26-7, nos. 77-80). Chryssanthaki-Nagle -(cf. her list of additions, p. 109). Good VF $11,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Nomos, 2008, lot 11. As shown above all by the Asyut Hoard, May’s Abdera datings are too early. His Period III might have started c. 475 BC instead of 492 BC, and is likely to have covered the years down to c. 450 BC (see Chryssanthaki-Nagle, pp. 107 ff.). Groups 26 and 27 were issued well after the burial of the Asyut Hoard, and have to be dated to the late 460s.


289. c. 460-440 BC. Tetradrachm, 14.53g (12h). Obv: Winged griffin sitting left, raising paw. In lower left field, cantharos. Dotted border. Rx: Square incuse with central window pattern. Around, ΕΠΙ ΣΜΟ-ΡΔΟΤ-ΟΡΚ-(star)ΑΛ. May 135c (O113/R111, this coin). SNG Spencer-Churchill 100 (same dies). SNG Fitzwilliam 1638 (same dies). Struck on a broad flan. Fine Plus $800

291. Stater, 10.60g (4h). Obv: ΑΒΔΗ-ΡΙΤΕΩΝ Griffin sitting left, raising paw. Dotted border. Rx: Laureate head of Apollo facing to right. ΕΠΙ ΠΥΘΟΔΩΡΟ. All within oval incuse. May 552. Choice EF $5,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex MMAG VI, 6 Dec. 1946, lot 580. The magistrate with the rare name Smordotormos (the ΚΑΛ being the boasting epithet καλός) must have been of Thracian origin, cf. May, p. 91, note 4.

290. c. 360/350 BC. Tetradrachm, 11.41g (6h). Obv: ΑΒΔΗ Winged griffin springing left. Dotted border. Rx: Hermes standing right, wearing petasos and chlamys, stretching out the right hand. In right field, kantharos. At left, ΕΠΙ ΖΗΝΩΝΟΣ. All within square incuse. May 447. Weber Coll. 2378 (same dies). On the relative dating of the magistrate Zenon, see C. Lorber, Amphipolis, p. 72. On the absolute date, see Chryssanthaki-Nagle, pp. 126 ff. Choice EF $6,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


292. c. 250-170 BC. AE 15 (Dichalkon), 2.21g (2h). Obv: Α-ΒΔΗΡΙΤΩΝ Head of Hermes facing right, wearing a petasos. Dotted border. Rx: ΕΠΙ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΑ Winged griffin sitting left, raising right paw. Beneath, monogram. ChryssanthakiNagle, p. 287, no. 630 ff. Good VF $500

293. c. 430 BC. Tetrobol, 2.60g (5h). Obv: Head of Hermes facing right, wearing cap. Rx: ΑΙΝ Goat facing right. In right field, double ax. May 123. McClean 3827-8 (same dies). Good VF/ About VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.




294. 420-400 BC. Diobol, 1.20g (10h). Obv: Head of Hermes facing right, wearing a flat cap adorned by a line of dots. Rx: ΑΙΝΙ Goat striding right, nibbling at a laurel-spray in front. May 283. Slighted pitted obverse. VF/EF $500

Stunning Ainos

295. c. 359-356 BC. Tetradrachm, 14.73g (1h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of youthful Hermes, wearing petasos adorned by a beaded band. Rx: ΑΙΝΙΟΝ Goat standing right. In right field, eagle to right. May 434 var. (A263/unlisted reverse die, but cf. P310). v. Fritze, Nomisma 4 (Berlin 1909), pl. II, 2 (same obverse die). Struck on a broad flan. Of exceptional style and strike. Though many of these have come into the market in the last decade, none compare to this coin. Good EF $40,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 22. Ex Triton VI, 14 January 2003, lot 213

296. Dicaea. c. 490-475 BC. Stater, 7.02g (7h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress. Border of dots. Rx: Δ-Ι-Κ (retrograde). Bull's head to left. All within square incuse. J.M.F. May, NC (1965), p. 23, 30 (this coin). Jameson Coll. 1055 (same dies). Good VF/Fine $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Ars Classica XIII, 27 June 1928, lot 606. Ex Ars Classica XII, 18 Oct. 1926, lot 1223.

297. Stater, 7.27g (7h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress. Dotted border. Rx: Δ-Ι-Κ Head of bull to left. All within square incuse. J.M.F. May, NC (1965), p. 23, 30, pl. II. Jameson Coll. 1055 (same dies). VF $2,500


298. Hemidrachm, 1.83g (6h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing right, wearing lion-skin headdress, Δ before mouth. Dotted border. Rx: Cock standing to right, holding worm in beak, in dotted square frame. All within incuse square. J.M.F. May, NC (1965), p. 22, 27 pl. II (this coin). SNG Lockett 1187 (this coin). EF/VF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Glendining, 12 February 1958, lot 1103, and from the Lockett Collection. Ex Ars Classica-Naville XII, 23 Oct. 1926, lot 1244.


299. Thasos. c. 510-480 BC. Stater, 9.49g Obv: Ithyphallic Satyr running right, abducting nymph. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Guide de Thasos, pl. I, 1. Asyut Hoard 104. Rosen Coll. 142. Exceptionally well struck. Beautifully centered and of exceptional style. Nearly EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The attribution of this type to Thasos is traditional, but by no means certain.



300. Diobol, 1.26g Obv: Ithyphallic Satyr running right, left hand before groin. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Guide de Thasos, pl. I, 4. Rosen Coll. 144. SNG Lockett 1328. Toned EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

303. c. 350 BC. Didrachm, 7.05g (12h). Obv: Head of Dionysos facing left, wearing ivy wreath. Rx: ΘΑΣΙΟΝ Herakles, wearing lion-skin headdress and chiton, kneeling to right, about to draw bow. In lower right field, ligature ΗΡ. All within square frame. West 43. VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


301. c. 400-360. Trihemiobol, 0.83g (1h). Obv: Satyr running left, carrying cantharos. Rx: ΘΑΣ-ΙΩΝ Volute crater. Guide de Thasos, pl. II, 27. SNG Oxford 3672. SNG Tübingen 944. Good VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Owl Symbol

304. Didrachm, 6.96g (12h). Obv: Head of Dionysos facing right, wearing ivy wreath. Rx: ΘΑΣΙΟΝ Herakles, wearing lion-skin headdress and chiton, kneeling to right, about to draw bow. In upper left field, monogram. In lower right field, club. All within square frame. West 46. Jameson Coll. 2024 (same obverse die). Exceptionally beautiful reverse. Weakly struck obverse. VF/EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

302. c. 380 BC. Drachm, 3.77g (5h). Obv: Head of Dionysos facing left, wearing ivy wreath. Rx: ΘΑΣΙ-Ο-Ν Herakles, wearing lion-skin headdress and chiton, kneeling to right, about to draw bow. In lower right field, owl. All within square frame, and within incuse square. West 15. Of extremely beautiful style. Obverse struck in high relief, owl symbol on reverse. Good VF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


305. 350/40 BC. Didrachm, 6.64g (5h). Obv: Head of Dionysos facing right, wearing ivy wreath. Rx: ΘΑΣΙΟΝ Herakles, wearing chiton and lion-skin headdress, kneeling right, shooting arrow. In lower right field, ligature ΣΩ. Thin linear square frame. West 47a pl. VI (same dies). SNG Lockett 1227 (this coin, but wrong weight). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #115 (this coin). Good VF $1,500 Enlargement


Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex Glendining, 12 February 1958 (Lockett), lot 1144.

306. 158-146 BC, or later. Tetradrachm, 16.64g (10h). Obv: Head of Dionysos facing right, wearing ivy wreath. Rx: ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΘΑΣΙΩΝΙ (sic) Herakles standing facing forward, head turned to left, holding club in lowered right hand, lion's skin hanging from left elbow. In inner left field, monogram. Prokopov, p. 170, no. 1344, pl. 90 (same monogram). Winterthur I 1304. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #116 (this coin). VF $200

309. Tetradrachm, 16.90g (11h). Lampsacus, 297/6-282/1 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing right, with the horn of Ammon. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned left, left arm resting on round shield, diagonal spear at side, holding Nike who is crowning the name of the king. In inner left field, ligature ΗΡ. In outer left field, acrostolion. Thompson 48. Müller 356. Dewing Coll. 1349 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #118 (this coin). Rare variety. VF $400

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

307. 150-80 BC. AE 22, 9.11g (2h). Obv: Draped bust of Artemis facing right, quiver and bow behind shoulder. Line border. Rx: ΘΑΣΙΩΝ At right, ΘΕΟΔΩΡ. Herakles standing right, wearing lion's skin around shoulders, shooting arrow. Guide de Thasos, p. 189, pl. V, 62. SNG Copenhagen 1057 var. Very rare type. Good VF $1,000

310. Tetradrachm, 16.97g (1h). Lampsacus, c. 297/6-282/1 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing right, with the horn of Ammon. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned left, left arm resting on round shield, diagonal spear at side, holding Nike who is crowning the name of the king. In inner left field, monogram. In exergue, crescent moon. Thompson 49. Dewing Coll. 1350. SNG Tübingen 955. SNG Lockett 1249. SNG Fitzwilliam 1851. Exquisite style struck on a broad flan. Choice EF $7,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex CNG MBS 78, 14 May 2008, lot 295.

308. Kingdom of Thrace. Lysimachus. 306-281 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.00g (1h). Sestos, c. 297/6-282/1 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing to right, with horn of Ammon. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned left, holding Nike in right hand, left hand resting on shield, diagonal spear behind. In left inner field, flower. Thompson 29. Struck in high relief. Strong portrait of Alexander. Good VF $1,000


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


and Byzantium used similar abbreviations of their names as mintmarks. The letters in the exergue, ΑΛΙ, are probably the abbreviation of a magistrate's name.

311. Tetradrachm, 17.07g (11h). Heraclea in Bithynia, c. 288/7282/1 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing right, with horn of Ammon. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned left, holding Nike in right hand, left hand resting on shield, diagonal spear behind. On throne, ligature ΗΡ. In exergue, club. Thompson 178. Toned. Good VF $450

314. Rhaescuporis I and Cotys II. 48-42 BC. AE 17, 4.19g (1h). Thrace, 43-42 BC. Obv: BAΣIΛEYΣ KOTYΣ Diademed, draped bust right, seen from front. Rx: BAΣIΛEΩΣ [PAIΣKO]YΠOPIΔOΣ Trophy consisting of cuirass on stake, helmet, crossed spears and figure-of-eight shield, apparently copied from the denarius of Brutus of 43-42 BC, Crawford 505/5. RPC 1703 (only 3 specimens). Fine $200

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

312. Stater, 8.45g (11h). Calchedon, c. 215-200 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great with Ammon horn, facing right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned left, left arm resting on shield, holding Nike in right hand, diagonal spear behind. In inner left field, monogram. In exergue, ΖΩΠΥ. Marinescu, Issue 35, 76 (O32/R71). H. Seyrig, in Essays Robinson (Oxford 1968), pp. 196 f., pl. 25, 29 (but monogram Κ-Α instead of letter Κ). Müller 468. Near Mint State $3,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Semon Lipcer Collection. Ex CNG XXVIII, 8 December 1993, lot 80.

315. Danubian District. Olbia. c. 400-350 BC. Cast AE 33, 11.74g (11h). Obv: Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding. Rx: Ο[ΛΒΙΗ] Sea-eagle with raised wings standing on dolphin left. SNG Stancomb 346. SNG München 73. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 396 var. Fine+ $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Unique Tetradrachm 316. Tauric Chersonesus. Panticapaeum. c. 380-350 BC. Hemidrachm, 1.73g (12h). Obv: Lion scalp facing. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, in the segments clockwise Α-Π-Ο-Λ (Panticapaeum's early name Apollonia). In the center, four-rayed star. Traité II 4, 1692, pl. 353, 8. SNG Lockett 1089. Toned EF $600 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 313. Tetradrachm, 16.82g (1h). Anchialus in Thrace (?), 2nd/ early 1st century BC. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing right, with Ammon’s horn. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena enthroned left, left arm resting on shield, holding with right hand Nike who is crowning the king's name, diagonal spear in backgrund. On throne, ΑΝ. In exergue, ΑΛΙ. Missing from the major references. Cf. Müller 336 (for the tripod: Philippi). Mint State $3,000 The letters AN on the throne might indicate the mint Anchileus, since other late Lysimachus mints like Calchedon


317. c. 4th century BC. Tetrobol, 2.25g (12h). Obv: Head of Satyr facing right, wearing ivy wreath. Rx: Lion crouching right, looking back. In exergue, ΠΑΝΤΙ. Traité II 4, 1725, pl. 354, 7. Granular surface, otherwise VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Norman Davis Collection


318. Uncertain Bosporus and Pontus. c. 130-100 BC. AE 10, 1.45g. Obv: Comet. Rx: Horse’s head with star below. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 984. EF $800

319. Thessaly. Larissa. c. 400-380 BC. Drachm, 6.03g (6h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of nymph Larissa, wearing ampyx and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: ΛΑΡ Horse grazing right. C. Lorber in Florilegium Numismaticum. Studia in honorem U. Westermark edita (Stockholm 1992), p. 274, 91.2b (this coin, ill. on p. 282). Iridescent toning. Choice EF $1,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex CNG MBS 75, 23 May 2007, lot 155. Ex MMAG 95, 4 Oct. 2004, lot 135. Ex Sotheby’s Zurich, 27 October 1993, lot 501. Ex NFA FPL 41, June 1992, lot 43.

322. Islands off Thessaly. Scyros. c. 480 BC. Didrachm, 8.33g. Obv: Two goats back to back on either side of fig leaf, heads reverted. Rx: Stellate floral pattern within square incuse. Overstruck. J.M. Balcer, SNR 57 (1978), p. 97, 13, pl. 26 (this coin). Boston 936 (same dies). SNG Copenhagen 732 (same dies). Traité II 4, 779, pl. 302, 19. J.N. Svoronos, JIAN 13 (1911), p. 127, 2-2a, pl. III, 15-16 (same dies). Cf. Asyut Hoard, pp. 49 f. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #126 (this coin). VF+ $35,000 From the Norman Davis Collection. This didrachm and other silver coins of the same type are all very rare and were often overstruck on Attic-weight coins of Acanthus. Since one such coin was found on Scyros (Balcer, no. 46) and six others were in the possession of an inhabitant of the island, it would appear that they were struck on Scyros by the Dolopian pirates who had established their headquarters there, before they were expelled by the Athenian general Kimon c. 475 BC. See J.N. Svoronos, JIAN 3 (1900), pp. 39-46; Babelon, Traité II 4, col. 452-456 was skeptical, but see Balcer, pp. 69-101

320. Tricca. c. 475-450 BC. Hemidrachm, 2.74g (9h). Obv: Naked Thessalian youth with petasos and flying chlamys standing right, restraining forepart of unruly bull prancing right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΡΙ-ΚΚ-ΑΙ-Ο-Ν Forepart of horse to right. All within incuse square. SNG München 186. Beautifully centered and struck for this issue. About EF/Choice EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

321. Thessalian League. c. 120-87/6 BC. Stater, 6.19g (11h). Obv: Head of Zeus Dodonaios facing right, wearing oak wreath. Rx: ΘΕΣΣΑ-ΛΩΝ Athena Itonia fighting facing right. Above, ΘΡΑ-ΣΥΛΟ[Σ]. On either side of Athena's waist, Η-ΡΑ. Below, ΠΑ-Υ/Σ-Α. BMC p. 1, 9. SNG Oxford 3799. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #125 (this coin). On the chronology of the Thessalian Koinon issues, see D. Klose in: Stephanos Nomismatikos (Berlin 1998), pp. 333-350. This specimen belongs to Klose's Group IV. High relief obverse. Good VF $250 Ex Norman Davis Collection.



323. Illyria. Dyrrhachium. c. 370-350 BC. Stater, 10.16g (3h). Obv: Cow standing left, head reverted towards suckling calf. Rx: ΔΥ-Ρ Two rectangular frames with floral pattern side by side. Beneath, club. All within line border. SNG Tübingen 1334-5. Toned VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

326. Acarnania. Leucas. c. 440/30 BC. Stater, 8.40g (5h). Obv: Pegasos, with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Λ. Rx: Head of Athena facing left, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. Graffito Λ on Athena's helmet. Calciati II, p. 391, 15. SNG Lockett 2274 (same reverse die). Head of Pegasos off flan. VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Charming Drachm 324. Epirus. Ambracia. c. 480-456 BC. Stater, 8.54g (2h). Obv: Pegasos, with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Α. Rx: Head of Athena facing right, wearing double ear pendant and necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head. Behind, sprig of ivy with two leaves and three berries. All within incuse square. Calciati II, p. 437, 1/2 (this coin). SNG Copenhagen 2. VF/Near Mint State $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Spink’s, 1953.

327. c. 430 BC. Drachm, 2.80g (8h). Obv: Pegasos, with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Λ. Rx: Female head facing left. Behind, Λ. All within incuse square. Dewing Coll. 1808 (same dies). Exquisite female head. Of the very finest style. EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Enlargement Enlargement


325. c. 360-330 BC. Stater, 8.64g (5h). Obv: Pegasos, to left. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, Corinthian helmet with long leather flap pushed back on head. Behind, strigilis. Above, [Α]. Calciati II, p. 445, 35. Cammann 117. Head of Pegasos off flan, otherwise iridescently toned. Mint State $600

328. c. 360-330 BC. Stater, 8.57g (7h). Obv: Pegasos flying left. Beneath, Λ. Rx: Head of Athena facing left, Corinthian helmet with leather flap pushed back on head. Behind, Π. Calciati II, p. 401, 48/3 (same dies). Exceptional head of Athena. About EF $450

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

329. Aetolia: Federal Coinage. 250-225 BC. Stater, 10.12g (10h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Beneath truncation, ΦΙ. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΙΤΩΛΩΝ The hero Aitolos standing left, right foot on rock, causia behind neck, mantle over right leg, holding spear in right hand and sword under left arm. In left field, ΛΕ. Tsangari 796 (this coin). Gulbenkian Coll. 919. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #128 (this coin). Flatness on head on reverse. Good VF $1,000

332. Quarter stater, 2.72g (12h). Obv: Head of Persephone facing left, wearing grain wreath, triple ear pendant, and necklace. Rx: ΟΠΟΝΤΙΩ Ajax advancing right, nude but for crested Corinthian helmet, holding short sword and shield the inner side of which is adorned by the forepart of a dog to right. Spear lying on ground. SNG Lockett 1697. Small mark in obverse field, otherwise of excellent style with exceptional reverse. Good VF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection. 333. Phocis. c. 480 BC. Hemidrachm, 3.06g (2h). Obv: Calf’s head facing. Rx: Φ-Ο-Κ-[Ι] Draped female bust facing left, wearing taenia and necklace. All within incuse square. Williams 21 (O16/R16). SNG Delepierre 1268 (same dies). Obverse struck in high relief. Good VF $400 330. 225-170 BC. Triobol, 2.46g (2h). Obv: Head of the huntress Atalante facing right, wearing causia. Rx: ΑΙΤΩΛΩΝ Calydonian boar charging to right. Below, Κ (partly misstruck). In exergue, [Α] and spearhead. Tsangari 606b (this coin). Agrinion Hoard 611b (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #130 (this coin). VF $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Enlargement 334. Obol, 0.94g (1h). Obv: Φ-Ο Calf's head facing. Rx: Forepart of boar running left, within incuse square. Williams 51. Good VF/Fine+ $200

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

331. Locris. Locris Opuntii. c. 360/50 BC. Stater, 12.27g (11h). Obv: Head of Persephone facing left, wearing grain wreath, triple ear pendant, and necklace. Rx: ΟΠΟΝΤΙΩ-Ν Ajax advancing right, nude but for crested Corinthian helmet, holding short sword and shield the inner side of which is adorned by a palmette and a running griffin. In lower right field, star. On ground, two spears. Gulbenkian Coll. 491 (same reverse die). BCD 58 (same reverse die). Cf. Dewing Coll. 1477. BMC p. 4, 27. Obverse struck in high relief. Excellent detail. Toned EF with some luster $9,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 28.

Enlargement 335. c. 470 BC. Obol, 0.93g (12h). Obv: Φ-Ο Calf's head facing. Rx: Forepart of boar running right, within incuse square. Williams 112 (O86/R66). Winterthur I 1882 (same dies). EF $350

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Enlargement 336. c. 450 BC. Obol, 0.95g (3h). Obv: Φ-Ο Calf's head facing. Rx: Forepart of boar running right, within incuse square. Cf. Williams 222. Softly struck reverse, otherwise EF $200

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.



337. Delphi. c. 480-460 BC. Trihemiobol, 1.06g (10h). Obv: Ram’s head facing left. Below, dolphin to left. Rx: Goat’s head facing between two dolphins. Above, ΔΑΜ. All within incuse square. SNG Lockett 1714 var. (ram's head to right). Good VF $450 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

338. Boeotia. Thebes. c. 525-480 BC. Drachm, 6.08g Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, three compartments being triangles, the fourth one a square field diagonally divided. Boston 980. About EF $350

340. c. 425-395 BC. Stater, 12.13g (10h). Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Θ-Ε Bearded head of Dionysos facing right, wearing ivy wreath. SNG Copenhagen 284. SNG Delepierre 1353. Iridescent toning. EF/Good VF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Wm. Cunningham Coll. (Purchased for £2/10/-).

341. Stater, 11.62g (10h). Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: [Θ-Ε] Bearded head of Dionysos facing right, wearing ivy wreath. SNG Delepierre 1353 ff. VF $1,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Boeotian Rarity

Dionysos’ beard appears to be gathered beneath his chin, a style that is also known from the portrait of the Boeotian poet Pindar (cf. G.M.A. Richter, The Portraits of the Greeks, revised by R.R.R. Smith (Ithaca 1984), pp. 176-180).

339. c. 460-440 BC. Stater, 11.65g (1h). Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: ΘΕΒ-ΑΙΟ-Ν Herakles kneeling right, stringing bow held in his right hand. At left, club. All within incuse square. BMC p. 71, 30, pl. XII, 2 var. Traité II 3, 224 pl. 199, 22 var. BCD, Triton IX, 10 January 2006, lot 416 (same reverse die). De Hirsch Coll. 1248 (same reverse die). An exceptional rarity. EF/VF $7,500

342. Stater, 12.07g (10h). Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Θ-[Ε] Bearded head of Dionysos facing right, wearing ivy wreath. All within incuse square. SNG Delepierre 1353. SNG Lockett 1743. Pleasant head of Dionysus. About EF $1,250

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


343. 395-338 BC. Stater, 12.24g (11h). Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Volute crater. In field, ΚΑ-ΛΛΙ. BMC p. 83, 151. SNG Copenhagen 340. R. Hepworth, Νομισματικά Χρονικά 17 (1998), p. 85, no. 63. Some minor obverse die rust. Mint State $2,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.



344. Tanagra. c. 400-350 BC. Stater, 11.96 (1h). Obv: Boeotian shield. Rx: Τ-Α Forepart of horse facing right, laurel garland around neck. Traité II 3, 343, pl. CCIV, 6. SNG Berry 589. SNG Copenhagen 224. Graffito initial in reverse field, otherwise VF $600

348. Attica. Athens. Wappenmünzen. c. 540-520 BC. Obol, 0.61g Obv: Gorgoneion facing. Rx: Diagonally divided incuse square. Seltman, p. 166, pl. IV, υ. SNG Lockett 1809. SNG München 19. Fine+ $750

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

345. Euboea. Carystus. c. 300-250 BC. Stater, 7.27g (8h). Obv: Cow standing right, head turned back towards her kneeling, suckling calf. Rx: ΚΑ-ΡΥΣΤΙΩΝ Cock standing to right. Robinson, Hoard from Carystus, pl. III, 27-28. Dewing Coll. 1530. Toned Good VF $750


349. Obol, 0.58g. Obv: Four-spoked wheel. Rx: Diagonally divided incuse square. Seltman, p. 166, pl. IV, ρ. SNG Lockett 1807. SNG München 5. EF/VF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Pozzi Collection


346. Chalcis. c. 500 BC. Didrachm, 8.21g (11h). Obv: Eagle flying right holding serpent in beak. Rx: Four-spoked wheel in triangular incuse. Traité II 1, 1051, pl. XXXI, 3. S. Boutin, Collection Pozzi (Maastricht 1979), no. 3351 (this coin). Eagle’s beak off flan, otherwise Good VF $4,000

350. Athens. c. 500-480 BC. Obol, 0.76g. (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. SNG Lockett 1832. SNG München 38. VF/Good VF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Naville I, 4 April 1921 (Prof. S. Pozzi), lot 1478.

347. c. 290-271 BC. Drachm, 3.64g (11h). Obv: Head of nymph Chalcis facing right, wearing triple ear pendant and necklace. Rx: Χ-ΑΛ Eagle flying with serpent in beak. To right, trophy. All within circular incuse. Picard, Issue 26. BCD 171. Trophy symbol on reverse to right of eagle. Good VF/Choice EF $350


351. Obol, 0.94g (2h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. SNG Lockett 1832. VF/Fine $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Great Hemidrachm

352. Hemidrachm, 2.03g (6h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Draped bust of Athena facing right, wearing taenia and pearl necklace. In lower right field, two olive leaves. All in incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 7, 29. Seltman, p. 200, pl. XXII, γγ. SNG München 27. Exceptionally beautiful, well centered head. Incredibly rare reverse type. VF $3,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Adolph Hess Nachf., 18 March 1918, lot 461.


355. Tetradrachm, 16.67g (8h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 4, 2. Seltman, Group M. Asyut Hoard 385. Exceptional head of Athena. Struck with a completely worn reverse die. Good VF/Good $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

356. Tetradrachm, 17.43g (2h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 4, 6. Seltman, Group M. Asyut Hoard 383. Good VF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

353. c. 490 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.13g (5h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 4, 24. Seltman, Group M. Asyut Hoard 372. Excellent obverse with full crest. Reverse struck with a somewhat worn die. Good VF/ About VF $2,500

357. Tetradrachm, 17.12g (4h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 4, 6. Seltman, Group M. Asyut Hoard 371. Strong archaic face. Good VF $2,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Glendining, 18-20 April 1955, lot 379 (Property of a Nobleman).

354. Tetradrachm, 16.24g (3h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 2, 40. Seltman, Group M. Asyut Hoard 383. VF/Fine $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


358. Tetradrachm, 17.11g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, and circular ear clip. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 2, 25 (this specimen). Seltman, Group Gii, p. 183, 222 (A148/P176), pl. X (reverse, this coin). Cf. Asyut Hoard 376. Reverse off center. Struck on a small globular flan. About EF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Meletopoulos Collection.

359. Tetradrachm, 17.12g (4h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. Seltman, Group Gii. Asyut Hoard 385. Pleasant VF $2,000

363. Tetradrachm, 17.49g (8h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Asyut Hoard 394. Seltman, Group Gi. Obverse softly struck. VF $1,500

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Janified Athena 360. c. 490/80 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.79g (5h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos -. Seltman, Group M. Rosen Coll. 199. Exceptionally well-centered head of Athena. Good VF $3,000

364. Trihemiobol, 0.98g (2h). Obv: Female janiform head, wearing taeniae and earrings. Rx: ΑΘΕ Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. All within incuse square. Seltman, p. 200, pl. XXII, δδ. SNG Lockett 1830. VF $2,500

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

361. Tetradrachm, 18.20g (9h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos -. Seltman, Group M. Rosen Coll. 199. Two scratches at 7h on reverse. Iridescent toning. Pleasant VF $2,500


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

362. Tetradrachm, 17.37g (7h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos -. Seltman, Group M. Rosen Coll. 199. Bold archaic head of Athena. Excellent owl. VF $2,500

365. c. 490 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.36g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. Svoronos, pl. 2, 29. Seltman, Group E. One of the last issues before Marathon. Fine/VG $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


coin). Seltman, Group N, p. 207, 412 (A274/P349), pl. XVIII (this coin). Cf. Svoronos, pl. 8, 1. Starr Group I. Although it has a large planchet irregularity at 12h, no doubt before striking, this appears to the finest of only 12 Starr Group I coins recorded. VF/Fine+ $6,000 366. Contemporary Imitation, possibly struck in the northern Aegean. c. 500-480. Tetradrachm, 17.87g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet. The hair above the forehead is rendered by pairs of circular locks enclosing pellets, the hair beneath the helmet by wavy lines. Prominent nose. Rx: ΑΘE Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left corner, long olive sprig. All within incuse square. Cf. Seltman, Group M. Asyut Hoard 283 ff. For the reverse, cf. Svoronos, pl. 6, 13-23. About EF $20,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Auctiones AG, 1-2 October 1986, lot 137.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Charles Seltman Collection.


In the auction catalogue of 1986, H. Cahn stated that a metallurgical analysis of this coin had shown clear divergencies from the alloy of contemporary Athenian coins. Cahn pointed to stylistic similarities with specimens from the Gela Hoard (IGCH 2066, cf. Jenkins, Gela, pl. 36). These similarities, however, are not conclusive, and the existence of Sicilian imitations of Athenian coins is highly controversial. So we prefer to attribute the coin to an irregular mint in the northern Aegean area. 368. c. 460/450 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.14g (5h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, the truncation dotted. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. Starr, Group IV, pl. XII, 116. SNG Lockett 1837. SNG Delepierre 1424. SNG München 44. VF/ About EF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Seltman and Starr Plate Coin

367. c. 475/70 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.76g (1h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, the truncation dotted. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. Starr, Group I, p. 15, 5, pl. I (this


369. Tetradrachm, 16.50g (6h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, the truncation dotted. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. Starr, Group IV, pl. XIII, 128. SNG Lockett 1837. SNG Delepierre 1424. SNG München 44. VG/EF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


370. c. 450 BC. Obol, 0.65g (11h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. All within incuse square. SNG München 40 var. SNG Lockett 1863 (in upper left field, olive twig). VF $500

Enlargement 374. Tetartemorion, 0.16g (9h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Crescent moon. All within incuse square. SNG München 87. VF $250

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Naville XII, 1928, lot 1437 (not shown in plates but privately photographed).


371. c. 450-430 BC. Hemiobol, 0.35g (11h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves. Rx: ΑΘE Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. SNG München 83. EF with luster $750

375. Drachm, 4.29g (8h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet, ear clip and necklace. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left corner, olive sprig and crescent moon. In the field, graffito (two or three fantasy letters). All within incuse square. Cf. Svoronos p. 16, 27. SNG München 62. Good VF $2,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

372. c. 450-404 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.08g (9h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet, ear clip and necklace. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left corner, olive sprig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. Flament, pl. 33, 13 (same dies). SNG München 52. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #143 (this coin). EF $1,000

376. Tetradrachm, 17.13g (2h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, the truncation dotted. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. SNG München 52. SNG Delepierre 1439. EF/About EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

373. Tetradrachm, 17.05g (8h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet, ear clip and necklace. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left corner, olive sprig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. SNG München 53. Flament, pl. 12, 1. Good VF $800

377. Tetradrachm, 16.95g (9h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, the truncation dotted. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. SNG München 52. SNG Delepierre 1440. Some countermarks on reverse, scratches on obverse, otherwise EF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.



378. Tetradrachm, 17.13g (4h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, the truncation dotted. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. SNG München 52. SNG Delepierre 1440. EF $1,000

382. c. 390-350 BC. Obol, 0.70g (9h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. SNG München 113. EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

379. Tetradrachm, 16.40g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet, the truncation dotted. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig and crescent moon. All within incuse square. SNG München 52. SNG Delepierre 1441. Light scratch in front of Athena's face, otherwise About EF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

380. c. 404 BC. Drachm, 4.05g (7h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left field, olive twig. All within incuse square. SNG Lockett 1851. SNG München 62. Granular surface, otherwise About EF $400

383. c. 134/3 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.87g (11h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet with griffin on bowl. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing on Panathenaic amphora, head facing. In the field, ΤΙΜ-ΑΡΧΟΥ ΝΙΚΑΓ ΜΕΝΑΝ. In left field, anchor and star. On amphora, Ε. Beneath, ΜΕ. All within olive wreath. Thompson 364 (same obverse die, but this combination of letters beneath the amphora not recorded). Exceptionally beautiful example. Mint State $1,650 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Simon Lipcer Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Decadrachm Reverse

381. c. 430-404 BC. Trihemiobol, 1.02g (9h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves. Rx: Α/Θ-Ε Owl standing facing front, wings raised. Above, two olive leaves. All within circular incuse. SNG Lockett 1861. SNG München 74. Fine+/About EF $1,500

384. 105/4 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.47g (12h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing Attic helmet with winged griffin on bowl. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing on Panathenaic amphora. ΗΡΑ-ΚΛΕΙ/ΔΗΣ ΕΥΚ/ΛΗΣ ΔΙΟΝΥ/ΣΟ. In inner right field, Tyche (with cornucopia in left arm) standing to left, with amphora. On amphora, Β Beneath, ΣΟ. All in olive wreath. Thompson 745 (this combination of magistrate and amphora letter not recorded). Dewing Coll. 1644. Good VF $600

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.



385. New Style. Pseudo-Athenian issue of Sulla. c. 86-84 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.94g (11h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated by running griffin on bowl. Border of dots. Rx: Owl standing right, head front, on Panathenaic amphora (on which Δ). In the field, two monograms (to be read as Μάρκου ταμίου). All within olive wreath. Gulbenkian Coll. II 928. SNG Lockett 1942. Thompson, pp. 425-439. Boehringer, Chronologie, pp. 28-31, pl. 9, 10. De Callataÿ, Guerres mithridatiques, pp. 310 f. Several digs and scrapes on obverse and reverse, otherwise VF $500

388. c. 457-431 BC. Stater, 12.39g Obv: Land tortoise. Rx: Large skew pattern incuse. SNG Delepierre 1535. Dewing Coll. 1683. SNG Lockett 1981. Some scratches inside incuse on reverse. Good VF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Exceptional Broad Flan

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Λευκόλλεα ("Lucullans", i.e. coins of Lucullus) are mentioned by Plut. Luc. 2, 2 and in an inscription at Delphi. These coins were issued on behalf of the Roman army during the war against Mithridates VI, soon after Sulla's capture of Athens. Sulla's general Lucius Lucullus might have arranged the minting, his brother, and quaestor, Marcus Lucullus signing the coins.

389. c. 380-360 BC. Stater, 12.01g Obv: Land tortoise. Rx: Skew pattern incuse with five segments. SNG Delepierre 1545. SNG München 566-7. SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 264. Dewing 1686. Struck in high relief. Some weakness at the highest point of the shell. On a large broad flan. EF with luster $8,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 31.

386. Attica. Aegina. c. 480-457 BC. Stater, 12.51g Obv: Sea turtle. Rx: Skew pattern incuse with five irregular segments. SNG Delepierre 1522-26. Dewing Coll. 1674. SNG Copenhagen 507. EF $5,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 30.

387. Stater, 12.23g Obv: Sea turtle. Rx: Large skew pattern incuse. SNG Delepierre 1522. Dewing Coll. 1674. SNG Lockett 1971. High relief. About EF $1,000


390. Stater, 12.33g Obv: Land tortoise. Rx: Skew pattern incuse with five sections. SNG Delepierre 1545. SNG München 566-7. SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 264. Dewing Coll. 1686. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #148 (this coin). VF $600

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Norman Davis Collection.


incuse square. Ravel 99 (P67/T71). Jameson Coll. 2085 (same dies). Pegasos’ muzzle off flan. Toned VF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Hermitage, St. Petersburg 391. Corinthia. Corinth. c. 540/30 BC. Stater, 8.58g. Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Incuse square with swastika pattern. Ravel 39 (P32/T30). SNG Fitzwilliam 3314 (same dies). Light but numerous reverse scratches. Some hairlines on obverse as well as some encrustation deposits. Wonderfully centered. Good VF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Spink (Purchased for £10/10/-).

395. Stater, 8.35g (1h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within square frame. All within incuse square. Ravel 114a, pl. VIII (P75/ T82, this coin). Fine/VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex F. Schlessinger 13, 4 Feb. 1935, lot 982. From the Hermitage, St. Petersburg.


392. Obol, 0.43g. Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Square incuse with swastika pattern. Weber Coll. 3654. VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 396. Stater, 8.65g (8h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within square frame. All within incuse square. Ravel 99 (P67/T71). Jameson Coll. 2085 (same dies). Tip of Pegasus’ nose off flan. VF/EF $1,250 393. c. 530 BC. Stater, 8.68g Obv: Pegasos with curled wing flying to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square with swastika pattern. Ravel 89. Calciati I, p. 159, 39/1 (same obverse die). Asyut Hoard 562. Goldberg, Money of the World, 3. Pegasos’ nose off flan, otherwise Choice EF $9,500

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 32. The date of Ravel's Period 1, Class 2 is suggested by specimens overstruck on Gorgoneion Wappenmünzen of Athens, and by the wear of specimens found in the Taranto and Asyut Hoards (IGCH 1874, 1644).

394. c. 520 BC. Stater, 8.43g (2h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within square frame. All within



397. c. 520/10 BC. Stater, 8.59g (7h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. Ravel -, but cf. 147. Calciati -. Exceptional archaic head of Athena. Fine/EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Lovely Obverse

398. Stater, 8.59g (5h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian head pushed back on head, within incuse square. Ravel 148 (P94, same obverse die). Obverse weakly struck with worn die. VG/Good VF $400

401. c. 500/490 BC. Stater, 8.60g (4h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. Ravel -, cf. 249. Exceptional head of Athena struck in high relief. About EF/EF $2,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

399. c. 510/500 BC. Stater, 8.47g (11h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. Ravel 231 (P132/T179). SNG Copenhagen 14-15 (same obverse die). Fine/VF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

402. c. 500-480 BC. Stater, 8.66g (5h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. Ravel 158/161 (P99/ T123). Cf. W. Schwabacher, Acta Archaeologica 12 (1941), p. 57, who pointed out that the reverses of Ravel 158 and 161 have to be interchanged. BMC 66 may have the same dies. An exceptional coin. Iridescent toning. EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

400. c. 500 BC. Stater, 8.47g (7h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. Ravel -, but cf. 172/174 and 177-178 (P106/T134, new die combination). Obverse weakly struck. Exceptional head of Athena. VF/Choice EF $1,500


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


403. c. 480 BC. Stater, 8.42g (10h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing, bridled, to right. Beneath, [Q]. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing double ear pendant and necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. Ravel 261 (T202, same reverse die?). Obverse very poorly struck from worn die. Extremely pleasant reverse with iridescent toning. Good/About VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.




404. c. 430 BC. Diobol, 0.63g (2h). Obv: Pegasos with curled wing to right. Beneath, Q. Rx: Pegasos with raised curled wings, leaping frontally towards the observer, head left. In the field, Δ-[Ι-Ο]. BMC p. 12, 119, pl. II, 25. Mildenberg, Vestigia Leonis, pl. XXXII, 3 (reverse) = Jameson Coll. 1208 = Weber Coll. 1784. An extraordinary reverse type. Granular surface. Fine/VF $100

408. c. 360 BC. Stater, 8.36g (4h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, Corinthian helmet with broad leather flap pushed back on head. Above, ΕΥΘ. Behind, owl with two bodies on base. Ravel 604 (same obverse die). Calciati I, p. 197, 154. SNG Lockett 2068. SNG Fitzwilliam 3408. Iridescent toning. About EF $350

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

405. c. 400-380 BC. Stater, 7.74g (1h). Obv: Pegasos flying to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing Corinthian helmet with leather neck flap. In right field, palmette. Ravel 3437. Dewing Coll. 1732 (same dies). VF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

409. c. 360-340 BC. Stater, 8.51g (8h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet with leather flap pushed back on head. Behind, facing head of radiate Helios. Beneath truncation, Δ. Ravel 1006. Calciati I p. 252, 392. SNG Fitzwilliam 3387. Winterthur I 2064. VF/About EF $300

On the dating of this series, see C.M. Kraay, ANSMN 16 (1970), pp. 28 f.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

406. c. 390-370 BC. Stater, 8.57g (1h). Obv: Pegasos, bridled, to right. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet with leather flap pushed back on head. Behind, conical helmet with straps, and tiny Ε. Ravel 977 (P402/T556). Cf. Cammann, p. 68, 57 (Corinth C). Iridescent toning. EF $1,000

410. c. 360-340 BC. Stater, 8.43g (6h). Obv: Pegasos flying to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing Corinthian helmet with leather neck flap, and necklace. In right field, Α and bee. Ravel 1037 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #156 (this coin). VF $400

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

407. c. 380 BC. Stater, 8.57g (6h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, Corinthian helmet with leather flap pushed back on head. Behind, dog seated to right. Ravel 544 (same obverse die). Calciati I, p. 192, 135. SNG Lockett 2051. Beautiful iridescent toning. Greyhound symbol behind head of Athena. EF $600

411. c. 350/40 BC. Stater, 8.44g (11h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing pearl necklace, Corinthian helmet with long leather flap pushed back on head. To right, Ν within wreath of wheat ears. Ravel 1069. Calciati I, p. 250, 386. SNG Lockett 2076. Good VF $300

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

412. c. 350-330 BC. Stater, 8.34g (3h). Obv: Pegasos flying to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing laureate Corinthian helmet with long leather flap. Behind, ivy leaf. Beneath chin, Α. Ravel 1016. SNG Delepierre 1900. SNG Lockett 2098. BMC 249. EF $400 Enlargement lot 415

413. c. 340 BC. Stater, 8.52g (5h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, Corinthian helmet with leather flap pushed back on head. Behind, Ι and small figure holding lighted torch and two rods. Ravel 1077. Calciati II, p. 268, 453. SNG Fitzwilliam 3395. Winterthur I 2090. Two scratches behind the head of Athena, otherwise About EF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

416. c. 340-320 BC. Stater, 8.51g (8h). Obv: Pegasos flying to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing laureate Corinthian helmet with leather neck flap, and necklace. In lower left field, Α. Below truncation, Ρ. In right field, eagle with reverted head. Ravel 1008. Calciati 426. SNG Lockett 2097. SNG Tübingen 1832. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #155 (this coin). EF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

414. Stater, 8.48g (12h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing necklace, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head. Behind, Ν and warrior resting on vertical spear. Ravel 1056. Calciati I, p. 248, 376. Dewing Coll. 1766. SNG Lockett 2077. SNG Fitzwilliam 3422. Winterthur I 2086. On the dating, see G.K. Jenkins in Centennial Publication of the American Numismatic Society (New York 1958), p. 373. Iridescent toning. VF $300

417. Stater, 8.31g (10h). Obv: Pegasos flying to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing Corinthian helmet with leather neck flap. Above, dolphin to left. In right field, cock to right. Ravel 867. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #154 (this coin). VF $400

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

415. c. 340/30 BC. Stater, 8.54g (6h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q (hardly visible). Rx: Head of Athena facing to right, Corinthian helmet with long leather flap pushed back on head. In left field, small Corinthian helmet to right. Ravel 605 (P292/T401). Calciati I, p. 197, 151. Iridescent toning. Exceptionally beautiful obverse. EF/VF $300

418. c. 330/20 BC. Stater, 8.48g (6h). Obv: Pegasos to left. Beneath, Q. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, wearing thin necklace, Corinthian helmet with long leather flap pushed back on head. Beneath chin, Ι. At right, cock on club. Ravel 1032. Calciati I, p. 261, 423. SNG Lockett 2092. SNG Fitzwilliam 3410. Three contact marks on reverse edge between 9h and 11h, otherwise EF $300

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


419. Sicyonia. Sicyon. c. 340/330 BC. Stater, 12.14g (1h). Obv: ΣΕ. Chimaera standing to left. In upper right field, wreath. Rx: Dove flying to left. In left field, Ν. All within olive wreath. BMC p. 40, 57. Traité II 3, 776. SNG Lockett 2326 var. (different letter on reverse). Good VF $1,250

423. Mantineia Mint. c. 420 BC. Hemidrachm, 2.81g (4h). Obv: Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. Rx: Α-Ρ-Κ-Α. Female head facing to right, hair held by net and tie, wearing necklace. All within incuse square. Williams 307a (O207/R203, this coin). BCD 1466 (same reverse die). Beautiful classic head of female wearing hairnet. Obverse softly struck with worn die. Fine/VF $350

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex MMAG FPL 169, June 1957, lot 13.

420. Elis. Olympia. c. 400-370 BC. Hemidrachm, 2.35g (5h). Obv: Eagle’s head to left. Rx: F-Α. Thunderbolt, with volutes above and wings below. All within olive wreath. Cf. De Luynes Coll. 2252. Jameson Coll. 1232. McClean 6625 (signed on obverse). Fine $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


424. Megalopolis Mint. c. 320-300 BC. Obol, 0.81g (6h). Obv: Head of Pan facing to left. Rx: Ligature ΑΡ. Beneath, syrinx. BMC p. 174, 55, pl. XXXII, 12. VF $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


421. 245/240-210 BC. Drachm, 4.69g (11h). Obv: Eagle flying to right, sinking talons into the back of a fleeing hare. Rx: F-Α. Thunderbolt, with flames and heart-shaped pomegrante above and volutes and pinecone below. BMC p. 134 . W. Schwabacher, NC (1939), p.241 (Group I). BCD Olympia 233 (same obverse die). Toned. VF $250


425. c. 300-280 BC. Obol, 0.82g (12h). Obv: Head of Pan facing to left. Rx: Ligature ΑΡ. Beneath, syrinx. In left field, Ι. BMC p. 174, 58. SNG Lockett 2518. Granular surface. VF $100

Ex American Numismatic Society. Ex Le Breton Collection, Glendining, 31 October 1963 lot 477 (part).

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

422. Peloponnese. Arcadian League. Cleitor Mint. 490-477 BC. Hemidrachm, 2.95g (11h). Obv: ΑΡ (retrograde). Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter in left hand and eagle with raised wings on outstretched right. Rx: Α-Ρ[Κ]-Α. Head of the goddess Despoina facing to right, hair bound with tie, wearing necklace. All within incuse square. Williams, p. 69, 30c (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #170 (this coin). VF $600

426. 182-168 BC. Hemidrachm, 2.33g (3h). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing to left. Rx: Pan seated on rock to left, his right hand raised, his left holding lagobolon. Above knees, eagle with raised wings. In the field Α-Δ. J.A. Dengate, ANSMN 13 (1967), pp. 71-73 (II B, Issue 4). BCD Peloponnesus 1547.4. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #171 (this coin). Good VF $250 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.


427. Argolis. Argos. c. 80-50 BC. Hemidrachm, 1.90g (7h). Obv: Forepart of wolf running to left. Rx: Large Α. Beneath, eagle with closed wings to right. In the field, Ι-Ε/Ρ-Ω// ΝΟ-Σ All within incuse square. BMC p. 145, 114. BCD 1178. Dark iridescent toning. Virtually Mint State $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

431. Phaestus. c. 330/20 BC. Stater, 11.56g (10h). Obv: Herakles, naked, standing to front, holding club and lion’s skin in lowered hands. To left, serpent. To right, tree. Rx: Bull standing left, hobbled. All within laurel wreath. Svoronos, p. 256, 13, pl. XXIII, 8. Le Rider pl. IV, 2­5, and XXI, 19-2. SNG Delepierre 2412 (same obverse die). Dewing Coll. 2070. SNG Lockett 2589. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #179 (this coin). VF $1,000 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

428. Cyclades. Paros. c. 490/80 BC. Drachm, 6.04g. Obv: Goat to right. Dotted border. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Sheedy p. 218, 135. EF $1,250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

429. Thera. c. 520-500 BC. Stater, 11.80g Obv: Two dolphins, left and right, one above the other. Rx: Irregular “Union Jack” incuse square. Sheedy, p. 187, 16 pl. 8 (same reverse die?). Rosen Coll. 243. Bold Fine $1,500

432. Rhaucus. c. 320-300 BC. Stater, 11.29g (10h). Obv: Poseidon, holding reins of horse and trident, standing to front, head right. Rx: ΡΑΥΚ-ΙΟΝ (retrograde). Trident. All within incuse square. Svoronos, p. 304, 1, pl. XXIX, 6 (same reverse die). BMC p. 76, 1. SNG Delepierre 2429 = Le Rider, pl. VI, 9. Porous obverse. Fine/About EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Enlargement

Ex Consul Ed. F. Weber 1908

433. Black Sea. Colchis. c. 5th/4th century BC. Hemidrachm, 1.95g (4h). Obv: Female head (Artemis Dali) facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: Bull head to right. Linear border. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1013. SNG Stancomb 637. SNG Copenhagen 98. Exceptional for issue. VF $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Incredible Reverse with Sea Horse

430. Crete. Itanus. c. 330-280 BC. Stater, 11.28g Obv: Marine god with fish tail (Glaucos?) to right, striking downwards with trident in right hand, holding fish in left. Rx: Eightrayed star, pellets between the rays, within square frame. The whole in incuse square. Svoronos, p. 202, 5, pl. XVIII, 25. BMC, p. 51, 2, pl. XII, 7. Dewing Coll. 237. VF $3,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex J. Hirsch 21, 16 Nov. 1908 (Consul Weber), lot 2141.

434. Pontus. Amisus. c. 400-360 BC. Siglos, 5.76g (3h). Obv: Draped bust of Hera facing to left, wearing polos (bride’s crown), earring and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Owl facing with spread wings, standing on shield. In left field, hippocamp to left. In right field, sword in sheath. In the


Below, Τ. All within circular incuse. SNG von Aulock 6783. EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The table (τρàπεζα) is the canting badge of Trapezus.

Enlargement lot 434

field, ΜΥ-ΛΛ. In lower left field, Α. Beneath, [ΠΕΙΡΑ]. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1082. Beautifully struck. Exceptional reverse with sea horse symbol to left. Iridescent toning. EF/Mint State $1,000


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

435. Siglos, 5.42g (3h). Obv: Draped bust of Hera facing to left, wearing earring and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Owl facing with spread wings, standing on shield. In right field, sword in sheath. In lower field, ΗΓ-ΗΣΑ. Beneath, [ΠΕ] ΙΡΑ. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1071 var. (magistrate ΗΓΗ-). Winterthur II 2342-3 var. High relief obverse. VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

438. Pontic Kingdom. Mithradates VI. c. 120-63 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.74g (12h). 90/89 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΙΘΡΑΔΑΤΟΥ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ. Pegasos standing left, lowering head to drink, right foreleg raised. In left field, star and crescent moon. In right field, ΗΣ above monogram. Below, Θ. All within ivy wreath. de Callataÿ, p. 12 (D47/R5). SNG von Aulock 6678 (same dies). Exceptional portrait. A few hairs at the crown of the head weakly struck, otherwise toned Mint State $3,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

436. 4th century BC. Siglos, 5.55g (4h). Obv: Draped bust of Tyche facing to left, wearing turreted crown, ear pendant, and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Owl with spread wings facing to front, standing on shield. In the field, ΖΗ-ΝΟ. Below, ΠΕΙΡΑ. BMC p. 14, 8. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #184 (this coin). Significant flaws on obverse and reverse, otherwise About VF $200 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

437. Trapezus. c. 4th century BC. Trihemiobol, 1.50g (9h). Obv: Bearded head facing to left. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΡΑ Table.


439. Paphlagonia. Amastris. c. 285 BC. Didrachm, 9.29g (12h). Obv: Youthful male head facing to right, wearing laureate leather cap decorated with star. Rx: ΑΜΑΣΤΡΙΕΩΝ. Aphrodite enthroned left, wearing calathos, chiton and himation, holding diagonal scepter surmounted by lily and Nike who crowns her. In left field, rose. Beneath throne, Α. SNG Oxford 204 (same dies). Very rare variety. Fine+ $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

440. Sesamus. c. 330-300 BC. Drachm, 3.50g (11h). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing to left. Rx: ΣΗΣΑΜΙ[ΩΝ]. Draped bust of Demeter facing to left, wearing wheat ears in hair, earring, and necklace. Above, anchor. All within circular incuse. Winterthur II 2400 = Jameson Coll. IV 2547. Babelon, Traité, pl. 183, 22. Sear 3683. Reverse off center. About EF $750


443. c. 380-340 BC. Obol, 1.02g (12h). Obv: Draped bust of Hermes facing to left, wearing petasos. Rx: ΣΙ-ΝΩ. Eagle facing, wings raised. In right field, Α. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1503. Some edge chipping. Extremely rare. EF/VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

441. Sinope. c. 425-410 BC. Drachm, 6.05g. Obv: Eagle head to left. Beneath, small dolphin to left. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, two alternate compartments filled. In one sunken compartment, Κ. SNG von Aulock 6837. SNG Oxford 265. Obverse struck in high relief. EF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

444. 370-350. Drachm, 6.00g (2h). Obv: Female head facing left, hair in saccos. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΙΝΩ. Sea eagle on dolphin, to left. In upper right field, Ε[..]. SNG London, Black Sea 1403. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #187 (this coin). A few minor contact marks on reverse, otherwise EF $800 Ex Norman Davis Collection.


442. Drachm, 6.03g (0h). Obv: Eagle head to left. Beneath, small dolphin to left. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, two alternate compartments filled. In one sunken compartment, Γ and pellet. In the other, pellet. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1369. Good VF $750

445. c. 330-300 BC. Drachm, 6.03g (6h). Obv: Female head facing to left, wearing earring. In front, aphlaston. Dotted border. Rx: ΣΙΝΩ. Eagle on dolphin to left. Beneath wing, ΠΟ[ΛΥ]. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1477. Small edge cut at 10h, otherwise Nearly EF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 446. Bithynia. Calchedon. c. 340-320 BC. Drachm, 4.94g. Obv: ΚΑΛΧ Bull standing to left on wheat ear. Rx: Incuse square with millsail pattern. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 112. Slightly off center. VF $200 Enlargement

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


447. Heracleia Pontica. c. 415-364 BC. Drachm, 5.05g (11h). Obv: Head of Herakles facing to left, wearing lion-skin headdress. Below, club to left, and Μ. Rx: ΗΡΑΚ-ΛΕΙΑ Bull charging to left. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1574. SNG von Aulock 350. Toned. About EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

448. c. 350-330 BC. Drachm, 3.50g (12h). Obv: Head of young Herakles facing to left, wearing lion-skin headdress. Beneath truncation, club to left. Rx: [ΗΡ]ΑΚΛΕΙ[Α] Head of Hera facing to left, wearing polos. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1597. Granular surface. VF $200

451. Bithynian Kingdom. Prusias I. 229-183 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.75g (12h). Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΡΟΥΣΙΟΥ Zeus standing to left, holding vertical scepter in the left hand and wreath in right over royal name. In inner left field, thunderbolt. Beneath, ligature ΜΕ, and monogram. SNG Lockett 2681. SNG von Aulock 6878. Boston 1381. VF/Fine $500 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Tyrant Dionysios of Heraclea

449. Bithynia. Heracleia Pontica. c. 337-305 BC. Didrachm, 9.50g (11h). Obv: Head of Dionysos facing to left, wearing ivy wreath. At shoulder, thyrsos. Rx: ΔΙΟΝΥΣ[ΙΟΥ]. Herakles standing to left, erecting trophy. Between his feet, ram's head. SNG Berry 915. SNG London, Black Sea 1610. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #189 (this coin). Somewhat porous surfaces, otherwise VF $500

452. Prusias II. 183-149 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.52g (1h). Obv: Diademed head of king facing right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΡΟΥΣΙΟΥ Zeus standing to left, holding vertical scepter in the left hand and wreath in right over royal name. In inner left field, eagle standing left on thunderbolt. Beneath, monogram. Recueil général X, p. 221. BMC p. 210, 2. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #191 (this coin). C. Kraay and N. Davis, The Hellenistic Kingdoms (London 1973), pp. 192 f., 196 (this coin). Impressive obverse portrait. VF/Fine $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 150.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.


450. 4th century BC. Obol, 1.16g (1h). Obv: Head of Herakles facing to left, wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΑ. Club to right. Beneath, crescent moon. All in circular incuse. SNG British Museum, Black Sea 1587. SNG von Aulock 355 var. (without crescent). VF $150 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


453. Tetradrachm, 16.93g (11h). Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΡΟΥΣΙΟΥ Zeus, naked but for the himation round waist, standing to left, holding vertical scepter and crowning the king's name. In inner left field, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt above ligature ΜΕ above ligature ΗΡ. Cf. Gulbenkian Coll. 956. De Hirsch Coll. 1437-8. SNG von Aulock 253. SNG Lockett 2682-3 (just magistrate ΜΕ). EF $2,500

458. c. 530-490 BC. EL Hecte, 2.65g. Obv: Head of lioness to left with dotted truncation. At right, tunny fish. Rx: Quadripartite incuse with mill-sail pattern. v. Fritze 39. Boston 1413. SNG Paris 179. Good VF $5,000 454. Nicomedes IV. 91/0 BC. Tetradrachm, 13.72g (12h). Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥ ΝΙΚΟΜΗΔΟΥ Zeus standing to left, holding vertical scepter in left hand and wreath in right over royal name. In inner left field, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt. Beneath, monogram and ΖΣ (year 207). de Callatay, Guerres mithridatiques, p. 62, D187/R12 (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #194 (this coin). VF $300 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 153.



Exceptional Amazon

455. Troas. Cebren. c. 500-480 BC. Diobol, 1.17g (6h). Obv: Draped female bust to left, wearing necklace. Rx: Ram’s head to left within incuse square. SNG von Aulock 1545. Rosen Coll. 534. Fine+ $150 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


456. Mysia. Cyzicus. c. 530-510 BC. EL Hemihecte (1/12), 1.31g. Obv: Nude youth kneeling to left, holding tunny fish by the tail. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, partly with millsail pattern. v. Fritze 112. Traité II 2, 2702, pl. CLXXV, 26. Cf. Rosen Coll. 488 (hecte). Two small banker’s marks in the obverse field. EF $2,000

459. c. 530-510 BC. EL Hecte, 2.67g. Obv: Winged head of Amazon facing left, wearing flat cap, truncation dotted. At right, tunny fish. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. v. Fritze 65, pl. II, 18. SNG von Aulock 1186. Cf. SNG Paris 193 (stater). Boston 1449 (stater). Exceptional rarity. Contact mark on cheek, otherwise EF $3,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. See A. Baldwin Brett, Cat. Boston no. 1449, on the interpretation of the head.


457. 530-500 BC. EL Hecte, 2.70g. Obv: Eagle head to left. Below, head of tunny fish to right. Rx: Quadratum incusum consisting of two parts, the larger one with rough surface. This denomination unrecorded, cf. S. Hurter and J. Liewald, SNR 81 (2002), p. 33, no. 39, pl. 3, “37a” (hemihectae). VF $5,000



Unexpected Rarity

Enlargement 460. c. 520-490 BC. ELHecte, 2.70g. Obv: Lion to left, devouring prey. Beneath, tunny fish to left. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. v. Fritze 83, pl. III, 2. SNG Paris 212. SNG von Aulock 1187. Boston 1443. EF $2,500

463. c. 500 BC. Drachm, 4.85g (9h). Obv: Forepart of boar to left, truncation dotted. At right, tunny fish. Rx: Κ (retrograde). Head of lion to left, mouth open, mane bristling. All within incuse square. SNG Paris 379. Good VF $4,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Stunning Archaic Athena Head


Enlargement 461. EL Hecte, 2.69g. Obv: Head of Athena facing to left, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, wearing necklace. At right, tunny fish. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. v. Fritze 63, pl. II, 16. Exceptional archaic head of Athena. Choice EF $3,000

464. c. 480/70 BC. EL Hecte, 2.66g. Obv: Nude Herakles kneeling to right, holding club and bow. Beneath, tunny fish to right. Rx: Incuse square with mill-sail pattern. v. Fritze 69. Boston 1482. Ward Coll. 601. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #195 (this coin). VF $750 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Unique Electrum Stater

465. c. 400-360 BC. EL Hecte, 2.62g. Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Zeus, laureate. Beneath, tunny fish to right. Rx: Incuse Square with mill-sail pattern. Cf. v. Fritze 182 (stater). A hemihecte is recorded by S. Hurter and H.J. Liewald, SNR 83 (2004), p. 34. Unpublished denomination. Good VF $5,000

462. c. 510-450 BC. EL Stater, 16.08g. Obv: Fish to left. Below, tunny fish to left. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. v. Fritze -. Hurter and Liewald, SNR 2002, 2004, 2006 -, but cf. Boston 1393 = Hurter and Liewald, SNR 85 (2006), p. 11, 16/1. Several obverse flan cracks and splits, otherwise Good VF $15,000


Owl Hecte



466. c. 400-350 BC. EL Hecte, 2.63g. Obv: Owl standing to right on tunny fish, head facing. On either side, four-rayed star (the left one almost off-flan). Rx: Quadripartite mill-sail

incuse. v. Fritze 180, pl. V, 28. VF


This coin can be dated by comparison with Athenian coins: before c. 355 BC because not yet influenced by the pi-style owls.

person could have been an important figure of international reputation, thus not necessarily Cyzicene. Finally, in a persuasive argument advanced by Maria Regina Kaiser-Raiss in SNR 63 (1984), the person was identified as likely to be Philip II of Macedonia, reflecting his influence and power at the time in Cyzicus and the Greek world. In any case this is among the first portraits of a Greek personage to appear on a coin (and the first portrait in electrum) and is remarkable for that reason.



467. Early 4th century BC. EL Hecte, 2.70g. Obv: Infant Herakles kneeling to left, strangling two serpents. At right, Iphicles leaning to right, raising arms in despair. Below, tunny fish left. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. v. Fritze 208. cf. SNG SNG von Aulock 7321-2 (stater and 1/24th stater). EF $2,500



Ex Jameson, Ex Grand Duke Michaïlovitch, Ex Feuardent

468. c. 360-330 BC. EL Stater, 15.97g. Obv: Bearded, laureate portrait left (presumed to be Philip II of Macedonia). Tunny fish at truncation of neck. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Jameson Coll. 1414b, pl. XCV (this coin). Naville 4, 1922, lot 724 (this coin). v. Fritze 199 pl. 6,11 (same obverse die). Leu-MMAG 1974 Kunstfreund, lot 212 (same obverse die). G.F. Hill, NC (1925), pl. I, 37. VF $15,000

469. Gambrium. c. 440 BC. Trihemiobol, 1.01g (3h). Obv: Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding. Rx: Youthful male head facing to right, wearing taenia. In front, olive twig. All within incuse square. Cf. Traité II 1, 873, pl. XXIV, 3 (Selge, tetrobol) and II 2, 1550, pl. CXLIII, 9 (Aspendus, obol). Furthermore, see F. Imhoof-Blumer, Griechische Münzen (Graz 1972), p. 92, 172 (Gambrium in Mysia). VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The attribution of this coin remains uncertain, but its style seems to coincide better with Imhoof-Blumer’s suggestion (Gambrium) than with Selge or Aspendus.

Ex Feuardent Coll. before 1939. Ex Naville 4, 1922, lot 724. Ex Grand-Duke Alexandre Michaïlovitch Collection. Ex Jameson Collection, Paris, 1913, 1414b. The identity of the bearded man on the obverse of this coin has been a matter of discussion for more than a century. Suggested identities range from Timotheos, an Athenian general who in 373 BC took command of Athens’ war against Sparta and in 363 BC was feared by the Persians who were occupying Cyzicus at the time (J.P. Six, in an 1898 article quoting Diod. XV, 81), to an important Cyzicene citizen who was being honored for an unknown reason. G.F. Hill, in a 1925 Numismatic Chronicle article, felt that the

470. Lampsacus. c. 400-370 BC. AV Stater, 8.40g (10h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Athena, wearing a crested Attic helmet, with its cheek pieces turned up, and a necklace. Rx: Forepart of Pegasos to right. A. Baldwin, JIAN 5 (1902), p. 10, 13, pl. II, 4. Traité II 2, 2541. SNG Paris 1141. About EF $25,000


Enlargement lot 470

471. AV Stater, 8.41g (11h). Obv: Female head facing to left, wearing sphendone in hair, a wreath of lotus blossoms, and an ear pendant. Rx: Forepart of Pegasos to right. A. Baldwin, JIAN 5 (1902), p. 12, 19, pl. II, 15. SNG Paris 1142. EF $20,000



473. c. 500-450 BC. Diobol, 1.14g. Obv: Forepart of winged horse galloping to left. Rx: Quadripartite incuse. Nomisma XII, pl. 1,3. BMC p. 78, 5, pl. 18, 6. SNG Copenhagen 181. Slightly pitted. EF $750


Female Satyr

474. c. 500-490 BC. Diobol, 1.17g (3h). Obv: Female janiform head, wearing taeniae and necklace. Rx: Head of Athena facing to left, Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, within incuse square. SNG von Aulock 1290. Rosen Coll. 524. SNG Paris 1126. VF $200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

472. c. 360-340 BC. AV Stater, 8.42g (11h). Obv: Head of female (!) satyr with pointed ear and flowing hair facing to left, wearing a wreath of ivy, an ear pendant and a necklace. Rx: Forepart of Pegasos to right. A. Baldwin, JIAN 5 (1902), p. 17, 30, pl. III, 13. SNG Paris 1148. Highly unusual and extremely beautiful. Less than five recorded specimens. Good EF $50,000


475. Parium. c. 550-520 BC. Drachm, 3.88g. Obv: Gorgoneion facing, with open mouth, tongue protruding. Rx: Incuse square with irregular lines. TraitĂŠ II 1, 651, pl. XVI, 22. SNG Cop 256. Asyut 612. Rosen Coll. 525. SNG Paris 1343. VF $250

476. 4th century BC. Hemidrachm, 2.49g (11h). Obv: ΠΑ/ΡΙ. Cow standing to left, head reverted. Rx: Gorgoneion facing, tongue protruding. Around, six serpents. SNG von Aulock 1319. SNG Paris 1357. Good VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Only Gold Alexander Portrait

478. Pergamum Kingdom. Eumenes I. 263-241 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.96g (12h). Pergamon. Obv: Laureate head of Philetairos facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΕΤΑΙΡΟΥ Athena enthroned to left, left arm resting on shield, holding wreath over the king's name. In inner left field, Α. In outer left field, ivy leaf. In right field, bow. SNG Paris 1610. SNG Delepierre 2535. SNG Lockett 2722. Dark patina. VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

477. Pergamum. c. 334 BC. AV Stater, 8.59g (1h). Obv: Head of youthful Herakles facing to right, wearing lion-skin headdress knotted round neck. Rx: Archaistic Palladion to front, wearing calathos on head, raising spear in right hand and holding on left arm shield adorned with a star, from which hangs a fillet ending in a monogram. In the left field, crested Corinthian helmet to right. SNG Paris 1557 = De Luynes Coll. 2493. v. Fritze, Die Münzen von Pergamon, pl. I, 7 (Berlin specimen) = Mørkholm, EHC 268. U. Westermark, Notes on the Saida Hoard (IGCH 1508), NNÅ (1979-80), p. 28 nos. 36-37 (Berlin and Paris specimens). Gulbenkian Coll. 699 = Jameson Coll. 2580. Of great historical importance as this is the only gold coin that bears a portrait of Alexander the Great as Herakles. Mint State $120,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

479. Tetradrachm, 17.01g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Philetairos facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΦΙΛΕΤΑΙΡΟΥ Athena enthroned to left, shield leaning against the throne, spear in the background, holding wreath over the king's name. In the outer left field, ivy leaf. In the inner left field, Α. In the right field, bow. Westermark Group IV A. Le Rider and Davesne, Trésor de Meydancikkale, Paris 1989, no. 3008. SNG Paris 1610. Winterthur II 2616. Numerous small contact marks. VF $800 Ex Norman Davis Collection.


480. Aeolis. Aegae. c. 160/50 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.68g (12h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing to right. Rx: ΑΙΓΑΙΕΩΝ Zeus standing to left, holding vertical scepter and eagle. In inner left field, monogram. All within laurel wreath. SNG von Aulock 1594. SNG Berry 990. Dewing Coll. 2227. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, lot #204 (this coin). Several marks on obverse. VF/Good VF $1,000 Ex Norman Davis Collection.


481. Cyme. c. 155-145 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.44g (12h). Obv: Head of Amazon Kyme facing to right, wearing a hair tie. Rx: ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ Horse standing to right, raising foreleg over one-handled cup. In exergue, ΜΗΤΡΟΦΑΝΗΣ. All within laurel wreath. J.H. Oakley, ANSMN 27 (1982), p. 23, no. 6 (same obverse die). EF with some encrustation on the reverse $750 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 166.

484. Temnus. c. 300 BC. AE 17, 5.32g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo Carneios facing to right. Rx: Ν-Ι/Τ-Η Bunch of grapes. To left, trident. BMC p. 128, 9. Good VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


485. Lesbos. Mytilene. c. 480-450 BC. EL Hecte, 2.51g (10h). Obv: Ram’s head to right. Beneath, seal. Rx: Lion’s head to right (incuse). Bodenstedt 16. SNG von Aulock 1688. EF $1,750

482. Tetradrachm, 16.31g (1h). Obv: Head of amazon Kyme facing to right, wearing a hair tie. Rx: ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ. Horse standing to right, raising foreleg, one-handled cup below horse. In exergue, ΕΥΚΤΗΜΩΝ. All within laurel wreath. J.H. Oakley, ANSMN 27 (1982), p. 33, no. 55i (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #206 (this coin). Pitted with several marks on obverse and reverse, otherwise VF $250


486. c. 390-360 BC. EL Hecte, 2.53g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing to right. Rx: Cithara within square linear frame. Bodenstedt 94. SNG Lockett 2768. De Luynes Coll. 2563. About EF $4,000

Ex Norman Davis Collection.


483. Myrina. c. 155-145 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.68g (12h). Obv: Head of Apollo facing to right, wearing laurel wreath with ribbons flowing behind. Rx: ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ Apollo Gryneios standing to right, wearing laurel wreath and himation, holding branch with two fillets and phiale. At feet, omphalos and amphora. In inner left field, monogram. All within laurel wreath. K. Sacks, ANSMN 30 (1985), p. 32, Issue 18. Dewing Coll. 2231. SNG von Aulock 1664. SNG Copenhagen 221. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #207 (this coin). VF $500 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 167.


487. c. 360-340 BC. El Hecte, 2.57g (7h). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo facing right. Rx: Head of Artemis facing right, hair held by saccos. Behind, serpent coiling to right. Bodenstedt, p. 296, 100A. Traité II 2, 2211, pl. CLXI, 24. Gulbenkian Coll. 880. Boston 1720. EF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

488. c. 510/500 BC. Billon Stater, 11.01g. Obv: Confronted heads of two calves. Between them, olive twig. Rx: Small incuse square with rough surface. Traité II 1, 607, pl. XV, 14. SNG von Aulock 1682. Winterthur II 2860. SNG München 644.

Exceptionally nice stater. Very well struck in relatively high grade. VF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. On these billon coins of Lesbos, see H.G. Buchholz, Acta Praehistorica 11/12 (1980/81), p. 70. On the denomination (double siglos?), see J.P. Barron, NC (1966), p. 346.


492. c. 600-550 BC. EL 1/48 Stater (Phocaean standard), 0.29g. Obv: Mill-sail (or swastika) pattern. Rx: Incuse square with mill-sail pattern. Traité II 2, 238, pl. 5, 37. EF $400


489. Uncertain Mint. c. 510-475 BC. Billon 1/4 Stater, 3.04g. Obv: Confronted heads of two boars. Rx: Incuse square diagonally divided into four compartments with rough surfaces. Rosen Coll. 541. Cf. Traité II 1, 557, pl. XIV, 7 (1/8 stater). Cf. SNG Oxford 1492 (1/8 stater). VF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


493. c. 600-550 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (Phocaean standard), 0.65g. Obv: Mill-sail (or swastika) pattern. Rx: Incuse square with mill-sail pattern. Traité II 1, 237, pl. 5, 36. BMC p. 11, 49. Boston 1782. SNG von Aulock 1778 and 7777. Rosen Coll. 365. Dewing Coll. 2345. SNG München 2. SNG Kayhan 702. EF $400

Phocaean Gold Bar


490. Uncertain Dynasty. Ionia. 7th/early 6th century BC. EL bar (related to a stater of the Phocaean standard), 16.04g. An oblong piece of cast electrum, cut along both of the long edges, and gouged on one of the flat sides. Apparently unique and unrecorded. EF $4,000

494. EL 1/24 Stater (Phocaean standard), 0.68g. Obv: Mill-sail (or swastika) pattern. Rx: Incuse square with mill-sail pattern. Traité II 1, 237, pl. 5, 36. BMC p. 11, 49. Boston 1782. SNG von Aulock 1778 and 7777. Rosen Coll. 365. Dewing Coll. 2345. SNG München 2. SNG Kayhan 702. EF $400

Ex NAC 54, 24 March 2010, lot 117. Apparently a pre-coinage bar, adhering to the Phocaean weight standard, cut and gouged in order to adjust the weight.



491. Uncertain Mint. c. 550-500 BC. EL Hecte (Phocaean standard), 2.68g. Obv: Head of griffin facing to right. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square with rough surface. Rosen Coll. 317. Cf. Weidauer 179 (stater). About VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

495. c. 560-520 BC. EL Hecte (Phocaean standard), 2.70g. Obv: Lion’s head to left. Rx: Incuse square with rough surface. Weidauer 186 var. (different style). Rosen Coll. 313 var. (head to right). Bodenstedt -. About EF $2,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. This could well be a hecte of Phocaea, if the required symbol, the seal, is off flan. The reverse punch matches those known from contemporary Phocaean issues.




496. 530-480 BC. EL 1/24 Stater (Phocaean standard), 0.71g. Obv: Ram’s head facing left. Rx: Rough incuse square. Traité II 1 -. Weidauer -. BMC -. Boston -. SNG von Aulock -, but cf. 7775 (hecte). Bodenstedt -. SNG Tübingen -. Rosen Coll. -. SNG München -.. About EF $1,250

497. Ionia. Clazomenae. c. 499-494 BC. Didrachm, 6.95g. Obv: Forepart of winged boar to right. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square, one quarter filled. Rosen Coll. 563. Dewing Coll. 2257. SNG von Aulock 1981. Cf. Asyut Hoard 615. VF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. This series might have been issued during the Ionian Revolt against the Persian Empire.

500. EL 1/48th Stater, 0.29g. Obv: Head of stag to right. Rx: Incuse square with irregular pattern. SNG von Aulock 7788. Zhuyuetang Coll. 10. Well struck. About EF $1,000

501. c. 340-325 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.12g (1h). Obv: Ε-Φ Bee with straight wings. Rx: Forepart of stag to right, head turned back. At left, palm tree. At right, ΔΙΟΤΙΜΙΔΑΣ. Cf. Ph. Kinns, Pixodaros Hoard (CH IX), pl. 28, O172. Head of stag weakly struck, otherwise EF $950 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


498. Diobol, 1.12g. Obv: Forepart of winged boar to right. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. SNG von Aulock 1983. VF $150

502. c. 330/20. Tetradrachm, 15.08g (1h). Obv: Ε-Φ Bee. Rx: Δ] ΗΜΟΧΑΡΙ[Σ Forepart of stag to right, head reverted. To left, palm tree. Ph. Kinns, Pixodaros Hoard (CH IX), p. 184, O161. VF $350

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


499. Phanes. Ephesus. c. 600 BC. EL Hecte, 2.34g. Obv: Forepart of stag to right, head reverted. Rx: Incuse square with irregular edges. Cf. Weidauer 35 = BMC Ionia p. 47, 4, pl. 3, 11= Traité II 1, 65, pl. 2, 18 (opposite direction). EF $4,500


503. c. 258-202 BC. Didrachm, 6.43g (1h). Obv: Draped bust of Artemis facing to right, wearing stephane, quiver over shoulder. Rx: Ε-Φ Forepart of stag to right, head reverted. In left field, ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΣ. SNG Lockett 2811. SNG Copenhagen 271. BMC p. 59, 99. VF $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 173.


504. c. 202-133 BC. Drachm, 4.09g (11h). Obv: Ε-Φ Bee with straight wings. Dotted border. Rx: Stag standing to right. In the background, palm tree. At right, [Χ]ΑΡΜΙΝΟΣ. SNG Kayhan 288. Ph. Kinns, NC (1999), p. 90. EF with luster $750

508. Phocaea. c. 540/30 BC. ELHecte, 2.55g. Obv: Head of manheaded bull to left. At right, seal. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square with rough surface. Bodenstedt, p. 132, 35. Kraay & Hirmer, pl.179, 597. Contact mark at highest point of image. Slightly off center, otherwise about EF $350

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

505. Ionia. Erythrae. c. 500-480 BC. Didrachm, 7.00g. Obv: Young horseman, nude, to right, horse galloping. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Traité II 1, 480, pl. XII, 10. Rosen Coll. 573 = Jameson Coll. 2269. SNG Copenhagen 554. Boston 1835. Toned EF $2,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

509. Samos. c. 400 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.05g (1h). Lion‘s scalp facing. Rx: ΣΑ Forepart of bull to right, wearing ornamental collar, right leg bent, with dotted truncation. At left, olive branch. Below, Α in circle. Above, ΗΓΗΣΙΑΝΑΞ. All within square. Barron, p. 205, no. 120a, pl. XIX (O54/R117, this coin). Meadows, Hecatomnos Hoard (CH IX), p. 106, 8 (same dies). Exceptionally beautiful tetradrachm of Samos. EF $2,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Hirsch XXXIII, 17 Nov. 1913 (von Schennis), lot 850.

506. Didrachm, 6.66g. Obv: Naked male rider to right. Rx: Quadripartite incuse square. Kraay, ACGC p. 39, pl. 5, 111. SNG Lockett 2814 (same dies). Jameson Coll. 2269 (same reverse die). SNG von Aulock 1943. SNG München 294. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #210 (this coin). VF $1,500 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

510. Tetradrachm, 14.66g (11h). Lion’s scalp facing. Rx: ΣΑ. Forepart of bull to right, wearing ornamental collar, right leg bent, with dotted truncation. At left, olive branch. Below, Α in circle. Above, ΗΓΗΣΙΑΝΑΞ. All within square incuse. Barron, p. 206, 128, pl. XIX. Meadows, Hecatomnos Hoard (CH IX), p. 106, pl. 10, 4. Toned EF $4,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex NAC 46, 2 April 2008, lot 278.

507. Oinoe. Icaria. 4th century BC. Drachm, 3.45g (12h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Artemis, wearing necklace, quiver at shoulder. Rx: Bull charging to right. In exergue, ΟΙΝΑΙ. SNG von Aulock 8023. Winterthur II 3238. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #219 (this coin). Planchet defect on reverse. Good VF $600

511. c. 300 BC. Drachm, 4.35g (6h). Obv: Lion‘s scalp facing. Rx: ΣΑ Forepart of galloping bull to right, the truncation dotted. In front, bough. Above [Α]ΣΚΛΗΠΙΑΔ. Cf. Barron, p. 214, 2, pl. XXIII (didrachm). EF $500

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


512. Caria. Caunos. c. 430-410 BC. Stater, 11.52g (11h). Obv: Isis with curved wings and outstretched hands in a kneelingrunning position to left, head right, holding two scrolls. Rx: Triangular shape flanked by two bunches of grapes. In upper left field, Δ (upside down). All within incuse square. Troxell 27. Konuk in Studies Price (London 1998), p. 209, 99 (O41/R40). BMC Cilicia p. 96, 8, pl. 16, 4 (same dies). Extraordinarily well struck for this issue. Good EF $4,000


513. Chersonesus. c. 480-450 BC. Obol, 0.87g (12h). Obv: Lion’s head to right, roaring. Rx: Bull’s head to right, truncation dotted, in incuse square. Cahn, Knidos, p. 206, X26. SNG von Aulock 6666. Rosen Coll. 630. SNG Keckman 27. VF/VG $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

516. c. 460/55 BC. Drachm, 6.12g (9h). Obv: Lion‘s head facing to right, paw outstretched. Rx: Head of Aphrodite facing to right, hair tied by plait, wearing necklace, within incuse square. Cahn, Knidos, p. 47, 74 (O37/R54). Slightly granular surfaces. VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

517. c. 465-449 BC. Drachm, 6.32g (8h). Obv: Lion‘s head to right with paw outstretched. Rx: Head of Aphrodite facing to right, wearing dotted taenia and ear pendant, in incuse square. Cahn, Knidos, p. 51, 82/18 (O39/R56, this coin). Flan spot from striking on back of lion‘s mane. EF $800 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Oxford, Keble College. Ex Lincoln, 1889.


514. Cnidus. c. 530-510 BC. Trihemiobol, 1.77g (5h). Obv: Lion’s head to right. Rx: Head of Aphrodite facing to right within incuse square. Cahn, Knidos, p. 19, 1/8 (O1/R1, this coin). EF $500

518. c. 450 BC. Drachm, 6.00g (8h). Obv: Lion’s head to right, roaring, paw outstretched. Rx: [Κ]Ν-Ι Draped bust of Aphrodite facing to right, wearing taenia, ear pendant and necklace with acorn-shaped pendant. All in incuse square. Cahn, Knidos, p. 52, 83 (O39/R58). About EF $800

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


515. c. 520-495 BC. Drachm, 6.15g (6h). Obv: Lion’s head to right, roaring, paw outstretched. Rx: ΚΝΙ Head of Aphrodite facing to right, wearing saccos. All in square incuse. Cahn, Knidos, p. 31, 40/2 (O21/R33, this coin). VF $500

519. Stater, 6.17g (6h). Obv: Lion’s head to right, roaring, paw outstretched. Rx: ΚΝ-Ι Draped bust of Aphrodite facing to right, wearing taenia, ear pendant, and necklace. All within incuse square. Cahn, Knidos -, but cf. p. 52, 83 (different dies). EF/VF $950

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Münzhandlung Basel IV, 1 Oct. 1935 (Fürst Waldeck of Arolsen), lot 823.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Glendining, 31 January 1951, lot 220 (Wm. Cunningham Coll.).

520. c. 411-394 BC. Drachm, 5.99g (3h). Obv: Lion’s head to right, roaring, paw outstretched. Rx: Κ-Ν-[Ι] Draped bust of Aphrodite facing to right, wearing sphendone and necklace. Truncation dotted. All within incuse square. Cahn, Knidos, p. 62, 106/4 (O54/R69, this coin). Obverse struck with worn die. VF $400

522. Kindya. Caria. c. 510-490 BC. Hemidrachm, 2.10g. Obv: Head of sea monster (Ketos) to left. Rx: Floral pattern within latticed square frame set diagonally within incuse square. Rosen Coll. 617. Asyut Hoard 687. J.H. Kagan and B. Kritt, The Coinage of Kindya, NC (1995), pl. 47, 2. EF $200

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.



521. c. 350-330/20 BC. Tetradrachm, 14.85g (12h). Head of Aphrodite facing to right, wearing ampyx, triple ear pendant, and pearl necklace. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ Head of lion to right, tongue protruding, outstretched paw underneath. Below, ΚΝΙ. R. Ashton, RN 154 (1999), pp. 63-94, 12 (A-/P12). Waddington Coll. 2322. Gorny 60, 1992, lot 213 (same reverse die). SNG Keckman -, cf. 174 (drachm of the same series and magistrate). Extremely rare. EF $18,000

523. Hemidrachm, 2.07g. Obv: Head of sea monster (Ketos) to left. Rx: Floral pattern within latticed square frame set diagonally within incuse square. Rosen Coll. 617. Asyut Hoard 687. J.H. Kagan and B. Kritt, The Coinage of Kindya, NC (1995), pl. 47, 1. EF $200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Triton XIII, 5-6 January 2010, lot 205. 524. Uncertain Mint. c. 500 BC. Stater, 10.49g. Obv: Forepart of lion to right. Rx: Incuse square divided by a broad band into two rectangles with rough surface. Rosen Coll. 613. SNG Kayhan 930. SNG Keckman 64 var. (lion to left). On the attribution, see E.S.G. Robinson, NC (1961), pp. 114 f., and E. Keckman, SM 122 (1981), p. 34, 1. VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

525. c. 490/80 BC. Drachm, 5.66g (12h). Obv: Female deity with wings running to right, head turned back, hands outstretched, wearing chiron, three scrolls on head. Rx: Griffin standing to left, one paw raised. Dotted square frame. All in square incuse. SNG Keckman 811. H. Troxell in: Essays Margaret Thompson (Wetteren 1979), p. 258, 11 (this coin). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #220 (this coin). VF $500 Enlargement

Ex Norman Davis Collection.


p. 101, 68. Magnificent style struck in extremely high relief. Toned EF $15,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Barry Feirstein Collection. Ex NFA, December 1987, lot 352. Ex Gorny 36, April 1987, lot 245. Ex NFA, 16 December 1985, lot 222. 526. Cos. c. 350/45 BC. Tetradrachm (Rhodian standard), 15.13g (5h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing to left, wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΚΩΙΩΝ Crab upwards. Below, [Ν] ΕΣΤΟΡΙΔΑΣ. Beneath, club to right. Dotted square frame. All within incuse square. Gulbenkian Coll. 764 (same dies). A. Meadows, in: Coin Hoards IX (London 2002), p. 231, 21g (this coin). Numerous hairlines in the obverse field, with some encrustation, otherwise VF $800 Ex Norman Davis Collection (not in catalogue). Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 185. Ex Hesperia Art Bulletin 45/6, lot 258.

527. c. 190-160 BC. Drachm, 3.10g (1h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing to right, wearing lion-skin headdress. Rx: ΚΩΙΟΝ Crab. Below, club to right. Underneath, [ΑΡ] ΑΤΙΩ[Ν]. SNG Keckman 294. SNG von Aulock 2756-2757 var. (different magistrates). VF $250


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

528. Drachm, 2.80g (11h). Obv: Bearded head of Herakles facing to right. Rx: ΚΩΙΟΝ Crab. Below, club to right. Underneath, ΚΛΕ[...]. SNG Keckman 293-294. SNG von Aulock 27562757. BMC p. 199, 56 ff. Exceptionally beautiful head of Herakles. Some earthen encrustation on reverse. Mint State $500

530. 304-c. 275 BC. Didrachm, 6.68g (12h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Helios. Rx: [ΡΟ]ΔΙΩΝ Rose with bud to left. In left field, bunch of grapes. Flanking stem, Ε-­Υ. SNG Keckman 452. R. Ashton in: Money and Its Uses in the Ancient Greek World (Oxford 2001), p. 104, 158. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #228 (this coin). EF $800

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Norman Davis Collection.

529. Rhodes. c. 385-360 BC. Tetradrachm (Chian standard), 15.00g (12h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Helios. Rx: [Ρ]ΟΔΙΟΝ Rose with bud to left. In lower right field, trident. In inner left field, Ζ. All within incuse square. SNG Keckman 382. SNG Copenhagen 726. R. Ashton in: Money and Its Uses in the Ancient Greek World (Oxford 2001),


531. c. 250-230 BC. Didrachm, 6.53g (12h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Helios. Rx: Ρ-Ο Rose with bud to left. In lower left field, Athena standing to left, holding aphlaston in right hand. Above, ΜΝΑΣΙΜΑΧΟΣ Dotted border. SNG Keckman 537. SNG Tübingen 3576. SNG Delepierre 2764. R.H.J. Ashton, RN (1988), pp. 78-86. VF $500 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

532. Hecatomnus. c. 391-377/6 BC. Tetrobol (Milesian standard), 3.71g. Obv: ΕΚΑ Head of lion facing to left, mouth open. Rx: Star-like floral pattern. SNG Lockett 2834. SNG Keckman 275. SNG Kayhan 862. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #223 (this coin). EF $600

Lydian mint. The mint of the WALWET coins was apparently Sardes, since Karwiese has observed cases of the same reverse punches being used both for them and for the Lydian lion’s-paw series. The dating is based on the occurrence of a specimen in the Ephesian Artemision deposit (IGCH 1153, cf. E.S.G. Robinson, JHS 71 (1951), p. 163, 14).

Ex Norman Davis Collection.


533. Pixodarus. 341/0-336/5 BC. Didrachm (Rhodian standard), 6.93g (1h). Obv: Three-quarter facing head of Apollo. Rx: ΠΙΞΟΔΑΡ[ΟΥ] Zeus Labraundeus standing to right, wearing chiton and himation, holding scepter with lotos-blossom tip in left hand, and shouldering double ax in right. SNG von Aulock 2375. SNG Keckman 280. SNG München 14. About EF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

Walwet Trite

534. Kingdom of Lydia. Alyattes. 605-561 BC (traditional). EL Trite, 4.67g , c. 600-580 BC. Two confronted heads of lions (the left one off flan). Between them (i.e., in front of the extant one), Lydian legend [W]ALWE[T]. Rx: Two square punches side by side. Weidauer 94. J. Spier in Studies Price (London 1998), pp. 330-332. Karwiese, Ephesos, p. 123, 480 and p. 145, 534. Le Rider, La naissance de la monnaie, pp. 49-57. VF $5,000 The word WALWET (or FALFET, or VALVET) has been interpreted in several different ways. The most popular option is the equation with the name of the contemporary king of Lydia, Alyattes (see J.P. Six, NC (1890), pp. 202208). Other interpretations include the name of a deity (see J.H. Jongkees, Acta Orientalia 16 (1938), pp. 251-257), the river Alyas (see W.H. Buckler, JHS 46 (1926), pp. 36-41), and the Hittite/Luwian term for “minting” (see O. Carruba in Ermanno Arslan Studia Dicata I (Milan 1991), pp. 13-19). The most recent discussion of the various proposals can be found in Le Rider, who is himself inclined to regard the word as the name of a magistrate responsible for the royal

535. EL Trite, 4.72g. Head of lion to right, with mouth open, mane bristling, and a protuberance above the eye with six rays. Rx: Two square punches of different size side by side. Weidauer 86. Boston 1764. SNG von Aulock 2868. Rosen Coll. 656. SNG Kayhan 1013. Exceptionally well centered and sharply struck. About EF $2,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

536. EL Trite, 4.72g. Head of lion to right, with mouth open and bristling mane. Rx: Two square punches of different size side by side. Weidauer 86. Boston 1764. SNG von Aulock 2868. Rosen Coll. 656. SNG Kayhan 1013. EF $2,000

537. EL Trite, 4.78g. Head of lion to right, with mouth open and bristling mane. Rx: Two square punches of different size side by side. Weidauer 86. Boston 1764. SNG von Aulock 2868. Rosen Coll. 656. SNG Kayhan 1013. EF $2,000


538. Croesus. 555/4-541/0 BC. AV Stater (reduced standard), 8.05g. Sardis, c. 530 BC. Obv: Confronted foreparts of lion facing right and bull facing left, each with outstretched foreleg. Rx: Two square punches of different size side by side, both with irregular surfaces. Goldberg, Money of the World, 1 (this coin). Boston 2073. SNG von Aulock 2875. Dewing Coll. 2431. Choice EF $9,500

540. Croesus. Under the Persians. c. 540-520 BC. Half Stater, 5.40g. Obv: Confronted foreparts of lion facing right and bull facing left, each with outstretched foreleg. Rx: Two square punches side by side, both with irregular surfaces. SNG von Aulock 2877. Rosen Coll. 663. About EF $850 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Goldberg, The Millennia Collection, 26 May 2008, lot 40. As already pointed out in Gemini VI (lots 206-207), the traditional dates of Croesus (560-546 BC) are likely to be wrong. See G. Kalaitzoglou, Assesos (Mainz 2008), pp. 46-53 for a full discussion of the written sources. Furthermore, an analysis of the coin finds from Sardis has recently confirmed that it was indeed Croesus, rather than his conqueror Cyrus, who was the first to mint a bimetallic currency known as the Croesids; see N. Cahill and J.H Kroll, American Journal of Archaeology 109 (2005), pp. 589-618.

541. Half Stater, 5.30g. Obv: Confronted foreparts of lion facing right and bull facing left, each with outstretched foreleg. Rx: Two square punches side by side, both with irregular surfaces. SNG von Aulock 2877. Rosen Coll. 663. Fine+ $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


542. Lycia. Uncertain Mint. c. 500-460 BC. Stater, 8.79g (9h). Obv: Boar walking to right. Rx: Tortoise in square dotted border, within incuse square. Rosen Coll. 700. SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 386. SNG von Aulock 4072. Vismara II, 48. Fine/About VF $225 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


539. Stater, 10.26g. Sardes. Obv: Confronted foreparts of lion facing right and bull facing left, each with outstretched foreleg. Rx: Two square punches side by side, both with irregular surfaces. SNG von Aulock 2873. Rosen Coll. 662. SNG Kayhan 1018. Dark iridescent toning. Very well centered. VF $1,500

543. Stater, 8.98g (6h). Obv: Boar walking to left. Rx: Tortoise within square dotted frame, within incuse square. SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 383. SNG von Aulock 4071. Fine/Good VF $275

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

544. Kuprlli. 485-420 BC. Stater, 8.41g (12h). Lycia, Xanthus, c. 450 BC. Obv: Foreparts of two bulls conjoined shoulder to shoulder. Rx: Κ-Ο-Π. Triskelis. Dotted border. All within incuse circle. O. Mørkholm and J. Zahle, Acta Archaeologica 43 (1972), p. 62, 47. BMC pl. 4, 13. Traité II 2, 282, pl. 96, 15. VF/EF $1,800 Ex Gorny & Mosch 152, 9/10 October 2006, lot 1431.

545. Stater, 8.43g (4h). Lycia, Xanthus, c. 440/30 BC. Obv: Head of Zeus Ammon facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΟ-Π-[ΡΛ]Λ-Ε Triskelis within dotted square frame. All within incuse square. O. Mørkholm and J. Zahle, Acta Archaeologica 43 (1972), p. 66, 141. Cf. C. Kraay, NC 141 (1981), p. 6, 56. VF/EF $6,000


546. Uncertain Dynasty. Silwrχgeplli. 450-430 BC. Stater, 8.65g (6h). Obv: Bearded head of Hermes facing to right, wearing winged petasos, on round shield with another, irregularly formed shield underneath (note the line below the round shield from 4h to 7h). Rx: seI-wrχge-bll-e around triskelis. Dotted square frame within square incuse. Not found in the major references. Possibly unpublished. Some flat striking on obverse, otherwise EF $10,000 It is not entirely clear where the name begins. The analogy of the name Kuprlli leads us to put the syllable -lli at the end, thus resulting in the tongue-twister Silwrχgeplli.


547. Pericle. c. 375-360 BC. Stater, 9.89g (11h). Antiphellus, c. 370 BC. Obv: Laureate and draped bust of dynast threequarter facing. Rx: PERIK-LE (in Lycian letters) Warrior, wearing Corinthian helmet but otherwise naked, advancing to right, brandishing short sword and holding round shield. In lower left field, triskelis. All within incuse square. SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 478 (same dies). SNG von Aulock 4252 (same dies). N. Olcay and O. Mørkholm, NC (1971), p. 14, 414-418. Cf. L. Mildenberg, Vestigia Leonis, pp. 105-109. Good VF $2,500 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 198.

548. Pamphylia. Aspendus. c. 460-440 BC. Stater, 10.89g (12h). Obv: Warrior, nude but for helmet, advancing to right, holding shield and short sword. Rx: ΕΣ Triskelis in square frame set diagonally in incuse square. SNG von Aulock 4477 (same obverse die). SNG Delepierre 2811. SNG Keckman 637. It is unusual to find an early Aspendus stater with two fresh dies. Toned EF $2,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


549. c. 400-370 BC. Stater, 10.89g (9h). Obv: Two wrestlers standing confronted, grasping each other by the arms. Between them, plant. Dotted border. Rx: ΕΣΤFΕΔΙΙVΣ Slinger, wearing short chiton, standing to right, about to discharge his sling. In right field, triskelis, and eagle standing to right on Ionic capital. Dotted square frame. All within incuse square. SNG Paris 76. SNG von Aulock 2524. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #237 (this coin). Obverse die somewhat worn, but reverse sharp. EF $1,000

Enlargement 552. Cilicia. Celenderis. c. 425-400 BC. Obol, 0.87g (3h). Obv: Forepart of Pegasos to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΕ. Goat running to right, head reverted. SNG Paris 80 = SNG Delepierre 2836. SNG Levante 27. EF $250

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection. 553. Mallus. c. 340-332 BC. Stater, 10.32g (8h). Obv: Persian Great King running to right, holding spear and bow. In left field, grain of wheat. Rx: ΜΑΛ. Herakles strangling the Nemean lion. To left, club. Border of dots. SNG von Aulock 5718. SNG Paris 398. Kraay, ACGC, p. 285, pl. 59, 1026. Some encrustation. Excellent style. VF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 550. c. 370-330 BC. Stater, 10.96g (3h). Obv: Two wrestlers standing confronted, grasping each other by the arms. Between them, ΔΡ. Dotted border. Rx: ΕΣΤFΕΔΙΙΥ Slinger, wearing short chiton, about to discharge his sling to right. In right field, triskelis above horse's leg. All within dotted square frame. SNG von Aulock 4550 (same dies). Exceptionally well struck on both obverse and reverse. Some light encrustation, otherwise Near Mint State $750

The reverse image is borrowed from contemporary coins of Lucanian Heraclea, cf. Kraay, ACGC, pl. 42, 737.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

554. Nagidus. c. 375-365 BC. Stater, 10.74g (8h). Obv: Aphrodite enthroned to left, holding phiale over circular altar in front of her. Behind, Eros standing left, holding up branch. Dotted border. Rx: ΝΑΓΙΔΕΩΝ Dionysos standing to left, holding vertical thyrsos and vine branch with grapes. In upper left field, Α in circle. In lower left field, retrograde Ν. Lederer p. 199, 26. BMC p. 111, 12 (same obverse die). EF $500 Ex Penelope Coins, no. 1136.


551. Side. 200/190 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.60g (11h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet. Rx: Nike, wearing chiton and himation, advancing to left, holding wreath in right hand. In left field, pomegranate. Below, ΚΛ-Ε. SNG von Aulock 4796. SNG Paris 694. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #240 (this coin). Good VF $300

Enlargement 555. Tarsus. c. 380-330 BC. Trihemiobol, 0.84g (8h). Obv: Bearded head facing to right, wearing calathos. Border of dots. Rx: Forepart of winged horse to right. Thin linear border. Traité II 2, 737, pl. CXIV, 8. SNG Paris 482. EF $350

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

556. Datames. 378-372 BC. Stater, 10.92g (11h). Cilicia, Tarsus. Obv: Female head (Syracusan Arethusa type) facing, wearing taenia and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: TRDMW Bearded head facing to right, wearing crested Attic helmet, with earflap raised, and chlamys with fibula round neck. Dotted border. SNG Levante 78. SNG Paris 258. Planchet defect on left cheek of Arethusa, otherwise EF $500

559. Mazaius. 361-334 BC. Stater, 10.88g (8h). Cilicia, Tarsus. Obv: BLTRZ Baaltars enthroned to left, head front, holding dotted vertical scepter, eagle, ear of wheat, and bunch of grapes. In lower left field, NT. Beneath throne, M. Dotted border. Rx: MZDY. Lion attacking bull, to left. Line border. SNG Paris 334 = SNG Delepierre 2880. SNG Levante 106 var. EF $400

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

557. Stater, 10.65g (5h). Cilicia, Tarsus. Obv: Three-quarter facing female head, wearing ampyx and necklace. Dotted border. Rx: Bearded head facing to right, wearing crested Attic helmet with earflap raised, mantle with fibula round neck. To right, TRDMW. Dotted border. Behind head, rectangular countermark: dog running to left. SNG von Aulock 5936. SNG Levante 78. SNG Paris 258. EF $800 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Countermarks depicting a bull also occur on coins of this series (SNG Paris 268-9). The dog of our countermark is of special interest in Cilicia: Syennesis, the title of the Cilician ruler in Luwian, the pre-Greek Cilician language, means “son of dog”. See J. D. Hawkins, Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, I (Berlin 2000), p. 43, note 78.

Enlargement 560. Asia Minor. Uncertain Mint. 500-480 BC. Hemiobol, 0.24g. Obv: Head of Silenos facing. Rx: Rough incuse square. Cf. Hauck & Aufhäuser 14, 1998, lot 75. Gorny & Mosch 176, 2009, lot 1279. CNG 84, 2010, lot 621. SNG von Aulock -. Rosen Coll. -. SNG Copenhagen -. EF $300

561. Cyprus. Azbaal of Citium. 449-425 BC. Stater, 10.89g (12h). Citium. Obv: Herakles advancing to right, wearing lion’s skin around shoulders, brandishing club and carrying bow. Rx: Lion attacking stag, to right. All within dotted square frame, and incuse square. Dewing Coll. 2518. Cf. SNG Delepierre 2904. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, lot #248 (this coin). Good Fine $750 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

558. Stater, 10.65g (12h). Tarsus. Obv: BLTRZ The Baal of Tarsus enthroned to right, holding vertical scepter surmounted by eagle, and bunch of grapes and ear of wheat. To right, thymiaterion. All in turreted border representing the battlements of the city. Rx: Datames, on right, wearing chiton and himation, worshipping naked god Ana, on left. Between them, thymiaterion. In front of Datames, TRDMW. Behind the god, ANA. All within shrine represented by dotted square frame within linear frame with five acroteria above (three visible). SNG von Aulock 5948. SNG Paris 298. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #245 (this coin). Rare variety with the name of the god Ana. Good VF $800 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

562. Salamis. Euagoras I. 411-374/3 BC. Stater, 10.93g (1h). Cyprus, Salamis. Obv: ΕΥFΑΓΟΡΩ (in Cypriot letters). Head of Herakles facing to right, wearing lion-skin headdress, the forelegs knotted round his neck. Line border. Rx: Recumbent goat to right. Above, grain of wheat. In the field and exergue, ΒΑ-ΣΙ-ΛΗ-FΟ-ΣΕ (in Cypriot letters) ΕΥ (in Greek letters). Heavily dotted exergue line. Thin line border. BMC p. 57, 55. E.T. Newell, NC (1914), pl. III, 9. Exceptional example for this type. EF $16,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Nomos, Auction 2, 18 May 2010, lot 128. Ex Hess-Divo 307, 7 June 2007, lot 1296. Ex Monnaies et Médailles, FPL 518, 1989, lot 18.


Enlargement lot 562

565. Tetradrachm, 17.04g (2h). Seleucia on the Tigris. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow in right hand, left hand resting on bow. In left and right outer fields, monograms. SC 379.3. Old scratch in left outer field of reverse. VF $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

563. Seleucid Kingdom. Seleucus I. 306-281 BC. Drachm, 3.96g (6h). Aï Khanoum, c. 285-281 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ Athena brandishing spear and holding shield, in chariot drawn right by two horned elephants. Above, monogram within circle, and anchor. In lower right field, another monogram within circle. SC 277/1. WSM 662A. Hoover 32e/f. SNG Spaer 175 var. Houghton Coll. I 1283 var. (same style, but probably different monograms). VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

566. Antiochus Hierax. 245-227 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.98g (11h). Parium. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow in right hand, left hand resting on bow. In exergue, two monograms. SC 836.7. Newell, WSM 1464. Cf. Houghton 210. A few light marks in the field, otherwise Mint State $3,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

564. Antiochus I. 281-261 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.09g (6h). Seleucia on the Tigris, 281-261 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: [Β]ΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ [Α]ΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, left hand resting on bow, right hand holding arrow. In outer left field, monogram. In outer right field, ligature ΗΡ. Dotted border. SC 378/2. ESM 140. Hoover 128g. SNG Lockett 3102-3. SNG Spaer 287. Some iridescent toning. Struck in high relief. Good VF $250

567. Antiochus II. 261-246 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.17g (12h). Tarsus. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝ-ΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, left hand resting on bow, right hand holding arrow. In exergue, monogram. SC 561. WSM 1307. Struck in high relief. Dark toning. EF $500

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


568. Antiochus III. 223-187 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.30g (12h). Western Asia Minor, uncertain mint, c. 203 BC and later. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, left hand resting on bow, right hand holding arrow. In outer left field, monogram. SC 968. WSM 1089. Hoover 447g. SNG Spaer 538. Dewing Coll. 2575. SNG Berry 1358. Obverse struck in high relief. VF $350

571. Tetradrachm, 17.04g (11h). Susa. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow in right hand, left hand resting on bow. In outer left field, ΔΙ. In outer right field, monogram (off flan). SC 1345.1b. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #263 (this coin). VF $500 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

569. Tetradrachm, 17.05g (1h). Antioch, 223-211 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border (off flan). Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow, left hand resting on bow. In outer left field, monogram. SC 1042.1, pl. 53 (same obverse die). Le Rider, Antioche, p. 113, 60 ff. (same obverse die). WSM 1051. Good VF $400

572. Antiochus IV. 175-164 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.92g (2h). Seleucia on the Tigris. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow in right hand, left hand resting on bow. In inner left field, monogram. Dotted border. SC 1506.2. Houghton Coll. I 981. SNG Spaer 1197. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #264 (this coin). VF $300

Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex Norman Davis Collection.

570. Seleucus IV. 187-175 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.90g (12h). Antioch. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ Apollo seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow in right hand, left hand resting on bow. In outer left field, palm branch and filleted wreath. In exergue, monogram. SC 1313.1. Le Rider, Antioche, p. 168, 58 (this coin). SNG Fitzwilliam 5597 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #262 (this coin). Some light marks on reverse. About VF $300

573. Antiochus V. 164-162 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.68g (1h). Antioch. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter and Nike who is crowning the king's name. In outer left field, monogram. SC 1575.1. Le Rider, Antioche, p. 235, 25 ff., pl. 26, 7 (same obverse die). Some encrustation on neck and on reverse. VF $400

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.


574. Alexander I Balas. 152-145 BC. Tetradrachm (Phoenician standard), 14.38g (12h). Tyre, 151/0 BC. Obv: Draped and diademed bust of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on prow, palm branch under far wing. In left field, club with monogram. In right field, ΒΞΡ (year 162 of the Seleucid era) above monogram. Dotted border. SC 1835/1. Hoover 883. Houghton Coll. I 742. Dewing Coll. 2604. SNG Spaer 1527. Toned. Near Mint State $600


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

575. Tetradrachm, 16.69g (3h). Seleuceia Pieria, 147/6 BC. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Winged thunderbolt. Above, CΞΡ (year 166 of the Seleucid era) and monogram. Below, two monograms. All within wreath composed of wheat ears. SC 1798. Houghton Coll. I 409. Mint State $7,000

576. Alexander I Balas and Cleopatra Thea. 152-145 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.25g (11h). Ake-Ptolemais, 150 BC. Obv: Draped, diademed and veiled bust of Cleopatra Thea facing to right, wearing polos and necklace, side by side with diademed head of Alexander I Balas. Behind, Α above cornucopia. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΘΕ-ΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter and Nike who bears a thunderbolt. SC 1841. Houghton Coll. I 407. Boston Suppl. 280. SNG Spaer 1483. A. Houghton, SNR 67 (1988), p. 87, 2-8 (obverse die A1). Mint State $7,000


577. Demetrius II. 145-138 BC (first reign). Tetradrachm, 16.89g (12h). Seleuceia on the Calycadnus. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ ΝΙΚΑΤΟΡΟΣ Athena standing to left, holding Nike offering wreath, left hand resting on shield. Vertical spear behind. In outer left field, flower. In exergue, two monograms. SC 1890.2. A. Houghton, Kraay -Mørkholm Essays, pl. 23, 10 = Houghton Coll. I 531 = Jameson Coll. 2608 (same obverse die). Hoover, Handbook 963. Slightly porous surfaces, otherwise About EF $5,000

578. Tryphon. 142-138 BC. Tetradrachm, 13.00g (12h). AkePtolemais, 139/8 BC. Obv: Draped and diademed bust of king facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΤΡΥΦΩΝΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΟΣ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. In left field, monogram. In right field, LΔ (year 4). Two pellets on the eagle's right leg, three pellets on his left. SC 2046/2c. SNG Spaer 1842. Houghton Coll. I 800. Gulbenkian Coll. 1048. Toned. Planchet defect on central reverse, otherwise EF $3,500


581. Alexander II. 128-122 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.69g (12h). Antioch. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter in left hand and extending right hand beyond legend, holding Nike who extends wreath towards edge of coin. In outer left field, monogram. Beneath throne, Σ. SC 2219.4c. SNG Spaer 2292. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #275 (this coin). VF $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

579. Antiochus VII. 138-129 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.74g (12h). Antioch. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ Athena standing to left, holding Nike on right hand, left hand resting on shield, vertical spear behind. In outer left field, monogram above Α. In inner right field, monogram. All within laurel wreath. SC 2061.4e. Newell, SMA 283. VF $200 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

582. Antiochus VIII. 121/0-97/6 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.41g (1h). Damascus, 119/8 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ Zeus Uranius, nude, standing to left, holding vertical scepter in left hand and extending right hand through legend, holding eight-rayed star. In outer left field, ΑΡ above ΕΣ. In exergue, ΔΡΡ (year 194 of the Seleucid era). All within laurel wreath. SC 2322.3a. SNG Spaer 2648 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #277 (this coin). Good VF $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

580. Demetrius II. 129-126/5 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.43g (12h). Ake Ptolemais, c. 127/6 BC. Obv: Diademed, bearded head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ ΝΙΚΑΤΟΡΟΣ Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter and Nike. In exergue, monogram and Μ. SC 2202. Houghton Coll. I 802. Some marks on obverse and reverse, otherwise Good VF $2,000

583. Tetradrachm, 16.51g (12h). Antioch, c. 112-110 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ Zeus Uranios, draped, standing to left, holding vertical scepter, and star. In inner left field, monogram above Α. In inner right field, Ν. All within laurel wreath. SC 2302.1 d. Gulbenkian Coll. 1054 var. SNG Berry 1403 var. (both with different letter in inner right field). Good EF $1,000


584. Antiochus IX. 114/3-95 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.55g (12h). Sidon, c. 111/0 BC. Obv: Bearded, diademed portrait head facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΦΙΛΟ-ΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ. Athena standing to left, holding Nike on right hand, left hand resting on shield, spear behind. In lower left field, ΣΙΔΟ above ΙΕΡ and ΛΣΥ. In exergue, ΒΣ. All within laurel wreath. SC 2385. EF $1,250

587. Julius Caesar. Roman supremacy in Syria. 47/46 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.11g (12h). Obv: Diademed head of Philip I Philadelphus facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥ[Σ][Φ]ΙΛΑΔΕΛΦ[ΟΥ] Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter and Nike who offers a laurel branch to him. In inner left field, monogram. In exergue, Γ (year 3 of the Caesarean era). All within laurel wreath. SC 2491/1. RPC I 4127. Prieur 4. R.G. McAlee, AJN 11 (1999), p. 3, 3. Hoover 1360a. VF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. The immobilized type of Philip I was minted in Antioch from c. 69 BC to the Augustan era.

588. Phoenicia. Aradus. c. 425-400 BC. Half shekel, 3.25g (4h). Obv: Merman right, holding dolphin in each hand. Rx: Galley to right. BMC p. 1, 1, pl. I, 1. Baramki, cat. AUB, pl. XIV, 1. VF/EF $250 585. Tetradrachm, 16.38g (1h). Ake-Ptolemais, c. 113/2-107/6 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king with sideburns facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΠ-ΑΤΟΡΟΣ Athena standing to left, holding Nike on right hand, left hand resting on shield, vertical spear behind. In left field, Δ. All within laurel wreath. SC 2390.8. EF $2,000

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

589. c. 400-370 BC. Stater, 10.06g (4h). Obv: Laureate head of bearded god (Baal) facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: Galley to right. Above, Phoenician letters mem and aleph (off flan). Beneath, waves. BMC p. 5, 20. SNG Lockett 3206. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #281 (this coin). Extensive corrosion on obverse. Good Fine/VF $250 Ex Norman Davis Collection.


586. Seleucus VI. 97-94 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.30g (1h). Antioch, 95/4 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΝΙΚΑΤΟΡΟΣ Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter and Nike who offers a wreath to him. In outer left field, monogram above Α. Beneath throne, ligature ΠΙΡ. All within laurel wreath. SC 2414.1d. Toned. EF $500

590. Half shekel, 3.44g (3h). Obv: Laureate head of bearded god (Baal) facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: Galley to right above waves. Above, mem aleph. All in incuse square. BMC, p. 5, 27, pl. I, 18. SNG Lockett 3207. Exceptional quality image of deity on obverse. EF $400

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The incuse head on the reverse was imitated by a PhilistoArabian issue: Gitler and Tal, The Coinage of Philistia XIV.36D. 591. Half sheqel, 3.46g (4h). Obv: Laureate head of bearded god (Baal) facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: Galley to right above waves. Above, [mem aleph]. BMC, p. 5, 27, pl. I, 18. SNG Lockett 3207. Exceptional quality with nearly full galley on reverse. Some areas of flat striking, otherwise EF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

595. Shekel, 6.87g (11h). Obv: War galley in full sail to left. Beneath, waves. Dotted border. Rx: The Persian Great King, wearing crown with points, shooting with bow to right. To left, incuse bearded head to left. To right, incuse goat’s head (mostly off-flan). Elayai and Elayai 40, 45 ff. SNG Lockett 3218. Good VF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


592. c. 400-350 BC. Obol, 0.68g (4h). Obv: Laureate head of bearded god (Baal) facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: Galley to left. Above, Phoenician letters mem and aleph (partly off flan). Beneath, waves. Dotted border. BMC p. 7, 45. SNG Lockett 3209. Baramki, cat. AUB Beirut, p. 104, 6. EF $250 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Part II (After Dinner Break)

596. Tyre. 357-333 BC. Shekel, 8.68g (12h). Obv: Bearded god (Melqarth?) riding winged hippocamp to right, holding bow. Beneath, waves. Guilloche border. Rx: Owl standing to right, head facing, with crook and flail. In right field, Phoenician numerals. Guilloche border. Elayai and Elayai, Tyre, p. 157, 1320 (this coin). BMC p. 232, 39 (same obverse die). H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #286 (this coin). VF $300 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

593. 68/7 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.19g (1h). Obv: Draped and veiled bust of Tyche facing to right, wearing turreted crown. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΡΑΔΙΩΝ Nike standing to left, holding acrostolion and palm branch. In inner left field, ΒΡΡ (year 192). Beneath, Aramaic letter and ΜΖ. All within laurel wreath. BMC p. 32, 266. Baramki, cat. AUB Beirut, p. 116, 123. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #282 (this coin). VF $300 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

594. Sidon. c. 430 BC. Shekel, 7.21g (11h). Obv: War galley in full sail to left. Beneath, waves. Dotted border. Rx: The Persian Great King, wearing crown with points, shooting with bow to right. To left, incuse bearded head to left. To right, incuse goat’s head (mostly off flan). Elayai and Elayai 41, 50 pl. III (this coin). SNG Lockett 3218. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #284 (this coin). Good Fine $800 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

597. 80/79 BC. Sheqel, 7.14g (11h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΖΜ. Beneath, club. In right field, monogram. Between eagle's legs, beth. Dotted border. BMC 138. SNG Fitzwilliam 6089 var (different monogram). EF $750

598. 80/79 BC. Half sheqel, 7.03g (11h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΖΜ. Beneath, club. In right field, Δ. Between eagle's legs, beth. Dotted border. SNG Fitzwilliam 6089. BMC 138 var. EF $750


599. 76/5 BC. Half sheqel, 7.00g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΑΝ. Beneath, club. In right field, Α. Between eagle's legs, beth. Dotted border. Baramki, Cat. AUB 58. BMC -. EF $750

600. Half sheqel, 6.90g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΑΝ. Beneath, club. In right field, Α. Between eagle's legs, beth. Dotted border. Baramki, Cat. AUB 58. BMC -. EF $750

601. 21/20 BC. Sheqel, 13.59g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, numerals. Beneath, club. In right field, monogram. Between eagle's legs, Ζ and aleph. Prieur 1388. RPC I Suppl. 4638 A. BMC -. About Fine $350 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

602. 13/2 BC. Half sheqel, 6.34g (12h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡ[ΑΣ] ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΙΔ. Beneath, club. In right field, ΚΡ. Beneath, monogram. Dotted border. BMC -, cf. 189 (shekel). SNG Copenhagen -, cf. 323. Crystallized, otherwise About EF $400 Ex Hebrew College Museum.


603. 45/6 AD. Sheqel, 14.21g (12h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΟΑ. Beneath, club. In right field, ΚΡ, Θ, and monogram. Between eagle's legs, beth. RPC I 4671. EF $1,000

604. 46/7 AD. Sheqel, 14.22g (12h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΟΒ. Beneath, club. In right field, ΚΡ, and monogram. Between eagle's legs, beth. RPC I 4672. BMC 208. Baramki, Cat. AUB 89. Several light marks on obverse, otherwise EF $1,000

605. Sheqel, 14.21g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΟ[Β?]. Beneath, club, and palm branch. In right field, ΚΡ and twig. Between eagle's legs, aleph. RPC I 4672. BMC 207 var. EF $1,000

606. 47/8 AD. Half sheqel, 7.06g (12h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΟΓ. Beneath, club, and palm branch. In right field, ΚΡ and monogram. Between eagle's legs, aleph. Dotted border. RPC I Suppl. 4672A. EF $1,000

= W. Weiser, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 76 (1989), p. 268, 9, pl. 16. Obverse slightly off center, otherwise Mint State $9,000

607. Sheqel, 14.36g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΟΓ. Beneath, club, and palm branch. In right field, ΚΡ and monogram. Between eagle's legs, aleph. RPC I Suppl. 4672A. EF $1,000

608. 48/9 AD. Sheqel, 14.31g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΟΔ. Beneath, club. In right field, ΚΡ and monogram. Between eagle's legs, aleph. RPC I 4673. EF $1,000

This is one of the most controversial issues of the Athenian series. Only one other specimen is known, in Paris (de Luynes), which however bears the bull’s head symbol on the reverse in relief. On our coin the symbol is incuse, certainly as the result of a protruding device on the die rather than later application of a separate punch, since the edges of the bull’s head are softer than with countermarks and its sunken surfaces are rough and irregular. The bull’s head on the Paris specimen has been interpreted as symbolizing the island of Samos, and the coin was therefore dated to 365 BC when the Athenians reconquered that island. Since the Paris coin and ours still show Athena’s head with the frontal eye, It would follow that Athens’ switch to the profile eye postdated 365 BC, though the hoard evidence would appear to indicate an earlier date of c. 380 BC (see J. Kroll, Greek Coins, The Athenian Agora XXIII (Princeton 1993), p. 8, n. 25). Our new coin, however, suggests instead that there coins were actually “Eastern owls”, produced by a mint in the Levant that had experience with such partly incuse designs, on which see P. Naster in H. Ingholt (ed.), Centennial Publication of the ANS (New York 1958), pp. 503-511, and also lot 594-5 in this sale. So the bull’s head symbol will have had nothing to do with Samos!

609. 49/50 AD. Sheqel, 14.18g (1h). Obv: Laureate head of Melqarth facing to right. Rx: ΤΥRΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left, palm branch at shoulder. In left field, ΡΟΕ. Beneath, club. In right field, ΚΡ and monogram. Between eagle's legs, beth. RPC I 4674. BMC 210. EF $1,000 Rare Achamaenid Tetradrachm Enlargement

610. Athenian Satrapal Coinage. c. 400-380 BC. Tetradrachm, 17.18g (8h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing. In upper left corner, olive sprig and crescent moon. In lower right field, incuse bull's head facing right. Cf. Svoronos pl. 17, 1 = De Luynes Coll. 2048 pl. 77, 2040 [sic]

Incuse Enlargment


611. Imitation of Athenian Coinage. c. 355-320 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.91g (8h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing. In upper left corner, olive sprig and crescent moon. SNG München 99. Cf. P. van Alfen, AJN 14 (2002), pl. 4-5. Several scratches on obverse and reverse. VF $250


614. c. 350 BC. Obol, 0.64g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing right, head facing. [In upper left corner, olive sprig]. All within square incuse. Cf. Y. Meshorer and Sh. Qedar, The Coinage of Samaria in the Fourth Century BCE (Jerusalem 1991), pls. 46-51 (Samaria Hoard). EF $850

Ex Hebrew College Museum. Ex Hebrew College Museum. Minted on a folded flan. For the fabric, see M. Huth, Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 9 (1998), pp. 273-277. This technique was used by some mints of ‘Eastern owls’, i.e. pseudo-Athenian coins minted in the Levant, but the mint of Athens itself also seems to have employed it occasionally.

On a rectangular flan with sharp edges, so probably a pseudo-Athenian piece struck in the Levant: the pseudoAthenian fractions in the Samaria Hoard were of similar fabric.

Hananyah Governor of Samaria Rare Dated Coin of Samaria


612. Judaea. Samaria. Ma’ah-obol, 0.63g (4h). Judaea, Samaria, c. 380-332 BC. Obv: Persian seated to right, holding arrow with both hands, bow at his feet. In left field, III^ (year 14). Dotted border. Rx: Hero fighting a bull: he grasps its horns with his left hand, and is about to stab it with a dagger held in his right hand. In the center, pellet. Dotted border. Meshorer and Qedar 5. Extremely rare, perhaps second specimen known. With Meshorer and Qedar 4 and 200, one of only three Samarian types to bear or possibly bear a date. VF $750


613. Ma’ah-obol, 0.72g (1h). Judaea, Samaria, 380-332 BC. Obv: ShL. Man wearing a short garment and a cap holding the forehooves of a donkey that stands on his hindhooves while turning its head backwards. All within dotted square border. Rx: LSh. Lion running to left, turning its head back. Beneath, ram’s head to right. All within dotted square border. Meshorer and Qedar 66. Traité II 2, 1080, pl. 124, 28. Good Fine $500



615. Ma’ah-obol, 0.77g (9h). Judaea, Samaria, c. 350-332 BC. Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing. In upper left corner, olive sprig. In right field, clear Aramaic HNNYH ("Hananyah"). Meshorer and Qedar 38. ANS Magazine (Spring 2009), p. 49, fig. 3. Flatly struck, otherwise VF $1,500 Hananyah, governor of Samaria, is mentioned in two of the Wadi Daliyeh papyri, which date to the same period as this coin.


616. Yehud. Quarter ma’ah-obol, 0.19g (1h). Jerusalem, c. 261/260 BC or earlier. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I facing to right. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Yhdh” to left of eagle with wings spread standing to left on thunderbolt. Hendin 1087v. Treasury 32. Mildenberg, Vestigia Leonis, pl. XXII, 24 (same obverse die). VF $1,000

Unusual Flan Alignment

617. Mattatayah Antigonus. 40-37 BC. 8 prutot, 15.24g (2h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Mattatayah the High Priest and Council of the Jews” partial as usual around double cornucopia. Rx: [BACIΛEΩC A]NTIΓONY around ivy wreath tied with ribbons. Hendin 1162. Treasury 36i. VF $250 Large denomination coins of Mattatayah Antigonus were struck on double-thick flans. Occasionally when the flans were cast the molds shifted significantly, resulting in a coin like this, that almost appears to be two halves fastened together.

618. Herod the Great. 40-4 BC. 8 prutot, 5.54g (2h). Samaria, Year 3 = 40 BC. Obv: Military helmet with cheek pieces and straps, wreath featuring acanthus leaf around, star above, flanked by palm branches; no legend. Rx: HPΩΔOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ Tripod supporting ceremonial bowl, in field date LΓ and monogram TP. Hendin 1169. Treasury 44. RPC 4901. VF $400 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

620. AE 21 or 4-prutot, 4.47g Samaria, 40 BC. Obv: Shield with decorated rim. Rx: HPΩΔOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ around crested helmet flanked by date LΓ and monogram. Hendin 1170. Treasury 45. VF $200 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

621. Prutah, 1.24g (9h). Obv: BACIΛ / [E]VC H / [P]ΩΔH[C] in 3 lines. Rx: Anchor within laurel wreath. Hendin 1173. Treasury 60. Fine+ $300

622. Prutah, 1.10g. Obv: BACIΛEΩC HPΩΔOY in uneven lines. Rx: Anchor within circle decorated with stylized lily flowers. Hendin 1174. Treasury 63. Good Fine $150

623. 2 prutot, 3.81g (11h). Judaea, Jerusalem. Obv: HP[Ω]ΔOY BACIΛE[Ω]C around closed diadem, cross within. Rx: Tripod table, flat object (vessel?) upon it, flanked by palm branches; no legend. Hendin 1178. Treasury 48. RPC 4905. Good VF $250 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

619. 8 prutot, 8.54g (12h). Samaria, Year 3 = 40 BC. Obv: Military helmet with cheek pieces and straps, wreath featuring acanthus leaf around, star above, flanked by palm branches; no legend. Rx: HPΩΔOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ Tripod supporting ceremonial bowl, in field date LΓ and monogram TP. Hendin 1169. Treasury 44. RPC 4901. VF $450 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Herod was named Ethnarch in 43 BC and King in 40 BC, while Mattatayah Antigonus was still claiming the titles King and High Priest of the Jews. Herod apparently ordered these coins dated to his “third year” to underline his right to the title King of the Jews bestowed upon him by Rome.

The obverse seems to be explained by this quote from the Talmud: “In anointing kings one draws the figure of a crown [diadem, or in Hebrew nezer] and with the priest in the shape of the letter chi (X), R. Menashiah said: like a Greek chi” (Talmud K’rithoth 5b).

624. 2 prutot, 3.01g (11h). Judaea, Jerusalem. Obv: HPΩΔOY BACIΛEΩC around open diadem, cross within. Rx: Tripod table, flat object (vessel?) upon it, flanked by palm branches; no legend. Hendin 1178a. Treasury 49. RPC 4905 var. VF $150 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


Grandson of Herod the Great

625. Armenia. Tigranes V. (I, Herodian). Grandson of Herod the Great. 6-12 AD. AE 18, 3.99g (2h). Obv: Draped bust of Tigranes V facing right with long pointed beard and wearing tiara. Rx: ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC ΤΙΓΡΑΝΟΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ Elephant walking left. Kovacs, AJN 20, 2008, 8. Nercessian, ACV 172. Bedoukian, CAA 150. Hendin, p. 273, pl. 7.9 var. (elephant facing right). VF $600 Tigranes I (V of Armenia) was the grandson of Herod the Great and the son of Alexander I and Glaphyra, who was apparently the former wife of Archelaus I of Cappadocia, and an Armenian princess (Kokkinos; p. 258-9). With Roman support, Tigranes was sent by Augustus to assume the kingship of Armenia around AD 6, displacing the Median, Artavasdes IV. Tigranes ruled until AD 12 when he was deposed by the Parthian king Vonones I (AD 8-12). Tigranes’ subsequent activities are not known, but in AD 36 he was accused of “maiestas,” the diminution of the majesty of the Roman people, and executed. Tigranes apparently had no children. (Josephus Antiquities 18, 139). See Nikos Kokkinos, The Herodian Dynasty, Spink & Son, London, 2010. (reprint of 1998 original).


626. AE 15, 2.63g (12h). Obv: Draped bust of Tigranes V facing right with long pointed beard and wearing tiara. Rx: ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC ΤΙΓΡΑΝΟΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ Eagle standing left. Kovacs, AJN 20, 2008, 10a (this coin). Nercessian, ACV 166. Bedoukian, CAA 156. Hendin, 5th Edition, p. 273, pl. 7.9 (this coin). VF $650

627. Herod Archelaus. 4 BC-6 AD. 2 prutot, 2.77g (1h). Obv: HPW -ΔHC around double cornucopias, adorned with grapes, horns parallel and turned to left. Rx: EΘNAP / XHC above war galley left with aphlaston, oars, cabin, ram. Hendin 1194. Treasury 70. RPC 4914. Fine+ $100 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


628. Agrippa I. AE 23, 10.54g (1h). Trachonitis, Caesarea Panias, Year 5 = 40/1 AD. Obv: [ΓAIΩ] KAIΣ[API -ΣEBAΣTΩ ΓEPMANIKΩ] Head of Caligula laureate left. Rx: [NOMIΣMA/ BAΣIΛEΩΣ /AΓPIΠΠA] (Coin of King Agrippa) in three lines in upper field, date [LE] in exergue, Germanicus holding eagle-tipped scepter in triumphal quadriaga right, on car Victory advancing right holding wreath. RPC 4976 (5 spec., plus another in Supplement I). Hendin 1240. Fine/VF $2,750 The reverse of this rare type of Agrippa I for Caligula was copied from Caligula’s dupondius for Germanicus. Important Agrippa I

629. Agrippa I. AE 23-26, 16.01g (12h). Judaea, Caesarea Maritima, Year H = 43/4 AD. Obv: [TIBEPIOC KAICAP C] EBACTOC ΓE[P] Head of Claudius laureate right; below chin, oval countermark of male head left (Howgego 156=160). Rx: BACI[Λ]EYC ME[ΓAC AΓPIΠΠAC ΦIΛOKAICAP] Temple of two columns, date LH in pediment; within temple Agrippa and Claudius standing facing one another and holding pateras; in background between them, a third figure standing right holding uncertain object; below, assistant kneeling left. RPC 4984 (2 spec.). Hendin 1249a. VF $15,000 The reverse type, in A. Burnett’s interpretation, depicts the consecration of the treaty between Agrippa and Claudius in the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus at Rome. A rare type, especially from Year 8: RPC records seven specimens for Year 7 but only two for Year 8.


Superb Scarce Gratus

630. Valerius Gratus. 15-26 AD. 2.00g (3h). Year 3 of Tiberius=16/17 AD. Obv: KAI/CAP within a wreath. Rx: TIBEPIOY above, LΓ in fields; crossed cornucopias, caduceus between. Hendin 1334. RPC I, 4960. Treasury 320. Unusually well centered and well struck for these. VF $175

634. Prutah, 2.03g (5h). Jerusalem, Year 17 of Tiberius = 30/31 AD. Obv: LIZ (year 17) in wreath. Rx: TIBEPI[OY KAIC]APOC around lituus. Hendin 1342. Treasury 333. RPC 4968. Good Fine $125 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

631. Valerius Gratus. 15-26 AD. Prutah, 2.15g (4h). Judaea, Jerusalem, Year 4 of Tiberius = 17/18 AD. Obv: [IOYΛIA] above vine leaf and small bunch of grapes on tendril. Rx: L -Δ flanking narrow-necked amphora with scroll handles. Hendin 1336. Treasury 326. RPC 4953. Obverse off center. VF $250

635. Prutah, 1.38g (10h). Jerusalem, Year 17 of Tiberius = 30/31 AD. Obv: LIZ (year 17) in wreath. Rx: TIBEPIOY KA[IC]APOC around lituus. Hendin 1342. Treasury 333. RPC 4968. VF $200 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Missing Date Pontius Pilate Variety

632. Pontius Pilate. 26-36 AD. Prutah, 2.25g (11h). Jerusalem, Year 16 of Tiberius = 29/30 AD. Obv: TIBEPIOY K[AICAPOC] LIS around simpulum (libation ladle). Rx: IOYΛIA KAICAP[OC] (Julia, Wife of Augustus) around three bound ears of grain, the outer two droop. Hendin 1341. Treasury 331. RPC 4967. VF $200 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

633. Prutah, 1.78g (10h). Jerusalem, Year 16 of Tiberius = 29/30 AD. Obv: TIBEP[IO]Y KAICAPOC LIS around simpulum (libation ladle). Rx: IOYΛIA KAICAPOC (Julia, Wife of Augustus) around three bound ears of grain, the outer two droop. Hendin 1341. Treasury 331. RPC 4967. About VF $150

636. Prutah, 1.89g (12h). Obv: Wreath without a date in it. Rx: TIBEPIOY KAICAPOY around lituus. Fontanille p. 63, 87. About VF $125 Fontanille (p. 63) refers to this type as “extremely rare and particularly confusing”.

637. Antonius Felix under Claudius. 52-59/60 AD. Prutah, 2.62g (12h). Obv: NEPW KΛAY KAICAP around two oblong shields and spears crossed. Rx: BPIT above; LIΔ KAI in fields; six-branched palm tree bearing two bunches of dates. Hendin 1348. RPC I 4971. Treasury 340. VF $250

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


Great-Grandson of Herod the Great

638. Armenia. Tigranes VI. (II, Herodian). Great-Grandson of Herod the Great. First Reign, 60-62 AD. AE 19, 5.56g (1h). Obv: Head of Tigranes VI facing right with long pointed beard and wearing tiara. Rx: ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC ΤΙΓΡΑΝΟΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ Winged Nike standing right holding a wreath in her raised right hand. Kovacs, AJN 20, 2008, 14. Nercessian, ACV 162-163. Bedoukian, CAA 148. Hendin, 5th Edition, p. 273, pl. 7.9. Fine+ $750 Tigranes II (VI of Armenia) was the great-grandson of Herod the Great, and like his uncle, Tigranes I, was raised in Rome. Tigranes was appointed king of Armenia by Nero as a result of Corbulos’s victory over then king Tiridates. The most significant event of Tigranes’ short reign was his attack on the kingdom of Adiabene, a long-standing vassel of Persia, and somewhat ironically, great supporters of the Jewish people. (The royal family of Adiabene had recently converted to Judaism.) Although Tigranes soon lost the throne through a political arrangement with Parthia, there is both historical and numismatic evidence that Nero planned to restore his position. However, the plan to retake Armenia disintegrated with the outbreak of the Jewish War in AD 66. Tigranes’s fate is not recorded, but his descendants remained highly influential in Roman affairs into the second century, and represent the last traceable branch of the Herodian dynasty (Kokkinos, p. 263).

640. First Revolt. Year One. 66-70 AD. Half-sheqel, 6.95g (10h). Jerusalem, 66/67 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “half a sheqel, one” around ritual chalice with smooth rim, pellet on either side, flat base with pearled ends. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Jerusalem Holy” around staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1355. Treasury 188. Flan damage at 6h on reverse. VF $3,500 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

641. Year Two. 66-70 AD. Sheqel, 14.20g (11h). Jerusalem, 67/68 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “sheqel of Israel” and “year 2” above and around ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on ends. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Jerusalem the holy” around staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #287 (this coin). Hendin 1358. Treasury 193. Good VF $2,000 Ex Norman Davis Collection.


642. Half-sheqel, 6.70g (12h). Jerusalem, c. 67/68 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “half of a sheqel” and “year 3” around and above ritual chalice with pearled rim and raised base. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Jerusalem the holy” around staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1359. Treasury 195. Corrosion in obverse field between 6h and 9h. VF $2,000 Lovely Year 3 Sheqel

639. Agrippa II for Domitian as Caesar. 49/50-94/95 AD. AE 16, 4.17g (12h). Caesarea Panias, Year 27 = 75/6 AD. Obv: ΔO[MITI]ANO -C -KAICAP Laureate head of Domitian right. Rx: AΓPIΠΠA -ETO KZ Two crossed cornucopias, BA in field between them. RPC 2287 (5 spec.). Hendin 1291. Treasury 171. One of the rarer coins of Agrippa II. About VF $350


643. Year 3. 66-70 AD. Sheqel, 12.92g (11h). 68/69 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “sheqel of Israel” and “year 3” above and around ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on ends. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Jerusalem the

holy” around staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1361. Treasury 202. Flan defect on reverse. Good VF $3,000 Ex Hebrew College Museum.


644. Half-sheqel, 6.12g (11h). 68/69 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “half a sheqel” and “year 2” above and around ritual chalice with pearled rim, the base is raised by projections on ends. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Jerusalem the holy” around staff with three pomegranate buds, round base. Hendin 1361. Treasury 202. Corroded, otherwise About EF $2,000 Ex Hebrew College Museum. 647. AE 21, 7.78g (12h). 132/133 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon Prince of Israel” written around a palm branch within wreath. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “year one of the redemption of Israel” around wide lyre of six strings. Mildenberg 23 (O1/ R4) (same dies). Hendin 1377. Treasury 263. VF $300 645. Year 4. 66-70 AD. AE 21, 4.90g (12h). 69/70 AD. Obv: PaleoHebrew “for the redemption of Zion” around Lulav bunch flanked by an etrog on either side. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “to the redemption of Zion” around chalice with pearled rim. Hendin 1369. Treasury 214. Fine+ $100

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex Hebrew College Museum. 'Abu Jara' of Bar Kokhba

648. AE 26, 13.03g (5h). 132/133 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “year one of the redemption of Israel” around vine leaf on tendril. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon prince of Israel” in fields beneath seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Mildenberg 44. Hendin 1378. Treasury 222. Fine $450 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

646. Bar Kokhba Revolt. Year 1. 132-135 AD. Large bronze, 24.58g (12h). 132/133 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon, prince of Israel” in three lines within a wreath, medallion at top. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “year one of the redemption of Israel” around large amphora with two handles. File marks visible where previous coin was filed away to allow for this restrike by the Bar Kokhba mint. Mildenberg 4 (9 listed). Hendin 1376. Treasury 220b. As struck $18,000 This rare and popular Bar Kokhba type is referred to as the “Abu Jara” or “father of the jar” after its reverse design.

649. Middle bronze, 9.70g (6h). 132/133 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon” (abbreviated in three letters as “Sma”) across fields, seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “year one of the redemption of Israel” around vine leaf on tendril. Mildenberg 47. Hendin 1379. Treasury 257. VF+ $1,000 Quite a rare issue struck from a single pair of dies.


Eleazar the Priest

650. AE 20, 7.79g (12h). 132/133 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “year one of the redemption of Israel” around bunch of grapes on tendril. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Eleazar the priest” in fields beneath seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Mildenberg 150. Hendin 1380. Treasury 224. EF with encrustation $400

653. Undated. 132-135 AD. Drachm or Zuz, 3.47g (1h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew "Simon" ("Smnaw" as the letters are arranged) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew "for the freedom Jerusalem" fluted jug, handle on left, willow branch on right. Mildenberg 79. Hendin 1418. Treasury 283b. Good VF $450 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Bold Year 2 Zuz 654. Drachm or Zuz, 3.08g (1h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew "Simon" ("Simnaw" as the letters are arranged) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew "for the freedom of Jerusalem" around a palm branch. Mildenberg 103. Hendin 1420. Treasury 279a. EF $450 651. Drachm or Zuz, 3.15g (1h). 133/134 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon” (“Sma” as the letters are arranged) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “year 2 of the freedom of Israel” fluted jug, handle on left, willow branch on right. Mildenberg 33. Hendin 1391. Treasury 250. EF $750 Ex Hebrew College Museum. The jug and willow branch are related to the willow branch ceremony that took place at the Temple altar during the holiday of Sukkot.

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

655. Drachm or Zuz, 3.30g (1h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon” (“Simnaw” as the letters are arranged) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “for the freedom of Jerusalem” fluted jug, handle on left, willow branch on right. Mildenberg 109. Hendin 1422. Treasury 283a. VF $300 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

652. AE 23, 11.17g (7h). 133/134 AD. Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “year 2 of the freedom of Israel” around vine leaf on tendril. Rx: “Simon” (in 3 letters) in fields beneath seven-branched palm tree with 2 bunches of dates. Mildenberg 68. Hendin 1408. Treasury 260a. Good VF $200


Ex Hebrew College Museum.

656. Drachm or Zuz, 3.13g (1h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew "Simon“ ("Simnaw" as the letters are arranged) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew „for the freedom of Jerusalem“ elongated lyre with three strings. Mildenberg 101. Hendin 1424. Treasury 272a. Good VF $450

Very scarce die set, according to Mildenberg.

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

657. Drachm or Zuz, 3.42g (1h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon” (“Simanw” as the letters are arranged) within a wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, medallion at top, tendrils at bottom. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “for the freedom of Jerusalem” elongated lyre with three strings. Mildenberg 130. Hendin 1429. Treasury 272c. EF $450

661. Drachm or Zuz, 3.31g (7h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew "Simon" around bottom of bunch of grapes. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew "for the freedom of Jerusalem" around elongated lyre with three strings. Mildenberg 186. Hendin 1435. Treasury 274b. EF $450

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

658. Drachm or Zuz, 3.39g (7h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew "Simon" around bottom of bunch of grapes. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew "for the freedom of Jerusalem" around a palm branch. Mildenberg 151. Hendin 1430. Treasury 281. About EF $450 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

662. AE 20, 6.40g (12h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “for the freedom of Jerusalem” around palm branch within a wreath. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon” around elongated lyre (kinor or kithara) with three strings. Mildenberg 33. Hendin 1436. Treasury 297. VF $175 Ex Hebrew College Museum. This is an early usage of the reverse die 12 (Mildenberg), prior to the clashed die damage that appears on many coins from these dies..

659. Drachm or Zuz, 3.08g (1h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew "Simon" around bottom of bunch of grapes. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew "for the freedom of Jerusalem" around two trumpets with dot between. Mildenberg 167. Hendin 1431. Treasury 277. About EF $450 Ex Hebrew College Museum. The trumpets shown on these coins are quite similar to the trumpets shown on the Arch of Titus, and also bring to mind the Hebrew inscription found in the ruins of the Jerusalem Temple with the inscription “the place of the trumpeting…” (now in the Israel Museum).

663. AE 22, 3.27g (6h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “for the freedom of Jerusalem” around bunch of grapes on tendril. Rx: PaleoHebrew “Jerusalem” in fields beneath seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Mildenberg 154. Hendin 1439. Treasury 301. Fine+ $175 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

660. Drachm or Zuz, 3.23g (7h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “Simon” around bottom of bunch of grapes. Rx: Paleo-Hebrew “year 2 of the freedom of Israel” around fluted jug, handle on left, willow branch on right. Mildenberg 194. Hendin 1433. Treasury 285. VF $450

664. AE 17, 3.96g (7h). Obv: Paleo-Hebrew “for the freedom of Jerusalem” around bunch of grapes on tendril. Rx: PaleoHebrew “Simon” in fields beneath seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Mildenberg 159. Hendin 1440. Treasury 302a. About VF $100

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex Hebrew College Museum.


inscribed Arabian drachm. EF $2,000

665. Obodas III. 30-9 BC. Quarter sheqel, 4.39g (1h). c. 23-20 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Obodas III and draped bust of his queen jugate right. Rx: “Obodas the king” in Nabataean Aramaic, head of Obodas III right; date in left field is not clear. Meshorer, Nabataeans 28-30. VF/Fine $200 Enlargement

666. North-West-Arabia (Hidjaz). c. 350-300 BC. Drachm, 4.09g (9h). Obv. Head of Athena facing to right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ. Owl standing to right, head facing. At left, olive sprig and crescent moon. Cf. Svoronos, Monnaies d'Athènes, pl. 108, 31. EF/VF $1,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Same obverse die as Berk 169, 2010, lot 218, but the letter mem is obliterated from the die, and the ear clip has been recut. Although our specimen does not bear an Aramaic legend, the northwest Arabian provenance is revealed by the die link.

667. c. 350-332, or c. 330 BC. Drachm, 4.14g (10h). Obv: Head of Athena facing to right, wearing Attic helmet. Rx: ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing. At left, olive sprig and crescent moon. Cf. Gitler and Tal IX.1D. Good VF $1,000

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

This coin’s fabric and crude style favor an attribution to an irregular mint in northwest Arabia (today known as Hidjaz), rather than to the Gaza mint.

670. Seleucid Kingdom, Seleucus I. 306-281 BC. Stater, 16.09g (11h). Babylon. Obv: Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter in right hand, resting left hand on seat. Dotted border. Rx: Lion striding to left. Above, anchor. Dotted border. SC 88/2a. ESM 263. SNG Spaer 90. Dewing Coll. 2562. Head of Zeus flatly struck, otherwise toned EF $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

668. c. 330-300 BC. Drachm, 4.11g (9h). Obv: Athena head right (Π ­style ornamented helmet), Aramaic "mem" on cheek. Rx: Owl standing right, head facing. In upper left corner, olive spray and crescent. At right, ΑΘΕ. In outer and inner right field, Aramaic legend ’­SDH. Cf. Svoronos, Les monnaies d’Athènes, pl. 108, 31. An excellent example of an

671. Kingdom of Characene. Tiraeus II. 78/7-48/7 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.30g (11h). 69/8 BC. Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


669. Babylon. During the Time of Alexander III The Great. 336-323 BC. Stater, 15.67g (10h). 328-323 BC. Obv: Zeus enthroned to left, holding vertical scepter in right hand, resting left hand on seat. In left field, cantharus. Dotted border. Rx: Lion striding to left. Above, Γ. Dotted border. H. Nicolet-Pierre in: Travaux Georges Le Rider (London 1999), p. 291 no. 8.5 (this coin mentioned), pl. 28. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #288 (this coin). VF with some encrustation $400

ΤΙΡΑΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ [ΚΑΙ] ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ Nude Herakles seated on rock to left, holding club on knee. Above, ΝΚ. In lower right field, ΔΡ. In exergue, [Γ]ΜΣ (year). Dewing Coll. 2706 var. G. Le Rider, Monnaies de Characène, Syria 36 (1959), p. 244, 14-17, pl. XX. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #293 (this coin). Unusually nice for this issue with superior metal quality. Good VF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

672. Asia Minor. Achemenid Empire. 505-480 BC. Siglos, 5.34g. Obv: Great King kneeling and shooting with bow to right. Rx: Rectangular incuse with rough surface. Carradice, Type II. BMC p. 174, 190, pl. 27, 24. I. Carradice, NC 158 (1998), pp. 1-23, pl. 3, 58. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #295 (this coin). Good Fine $300

kneeling-running position, carrying spear and bow. Rx: Rectangular incuse with rough surface. Carradice, Type III. BMC, p. 155, 56, pl. 25, 10. Rosen Coll. 670. SNG Kayhan 1029. Exceptional quality. EF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

676. Siglos, 5.39g Obv: Great King, wearing pointed crown and long garment, advancing to right in kneeling-running position, carrying spear and bow. Rx: Rectangular incuse with rough surface. Carradice, Type III. BMC, p. 155, 56, pl. 25, 10. Rosen Coll. 670. SNG Kayhan 1029. About EF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

673. c. 480-410 BC. AV Daric, 8.36g. Obv: Great King running to right, wearing pointed crown, quiver over shoulder, holding bow and spear. Rx: Rectangular incuse with rough surface. Carradice, Type IIIb. BMC pl. 24, 26. SNG Berry 1447. SNG Kayhan 1029. Of extraordinary style. EF $7,000

677. Ionia or Lydia. Satrapal mint. c. 340 BC. Tetradrachm (Rhodian standard), 14.78g. Obv: Persian Great King running to right, holding spear and bow. Rx: Incuse punch with irregular features, heavily stippled. A. Meadows, Pixodaros Hoard (CH IX), p. 209, pl. 30, 1st row, 1. Mildenberg, Vestigia Leonis, pp. 25 f. Nanteuil Coll. 481. De Hirsch Coll. 1528. Rather porous surfaces on obverse, otherwise VF $600 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

674. AV Daric, 8.36g. Obv: Great King running to right, wearing pointed crown, quiver over shoulder, holding bow and spear. Rx: Rectangular incuse with rough surface. Carradice, Type III. BMC pl. 24, 26. SNG Berry 1447. SNG Kayhan 1029. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #296 (this coin). Good VF $2,000

This so-called satrapal issue has attracted the fantasy of numberous interpreters over the years. A. Johnston, JHS 87 (1967), pp. 86-94 suggested the reverse punch might be something like a map of the hinterland of Ephesos comprising the Cayster and Maeander valleys. However, it is more likely to be just an archaizing pattern (see now B. Weisser, Arch. Anz. (2009, 1), pp. 154 f).

Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 241.

675. c. 480-420 BC. Siglos, 5.37g. Obv: Great King, wearing pointed crown and long garment, advancing to right in



678. Parthian Kingdom. Arsaces II. 211-191 BC. Drachm, 4.15g (11h). Rhagae. Obv: Head of king facing to left, wearing bashlyk. Rx: ΑΡΣΑΚΟU Archer seated to right, examining his bow. Sellwood 6/1. Shore 4. Göbl Coll. 5094. Some light deposits. EF $300 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

681. Tetradrachm, 15.57g (6h). Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΘΥΔΗΜΟΥ Herakles seated to left on rock, holding club set on pile of stones, in upper left field, monogram. Bopearachchi, p. 154, Série 2 (but perhaps different monograms). SNG ANS -, but cf. 124-125. Some light pitting. About VF $300 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex Millies Collection Utrecht, 26 June 1873, lot 1065.

679. Orodes I. 90-77 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.07g (11h). Seleucia. Obv: Draped, cuirassed and diademed bust of king facing to left. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ Parthian archer seated to right, wearing bashlyk, trousers, and jacket with long sleeves, holding bow. In inner right field, monogram. Sellwood 30.9 (unknown king). BMC, p. 38, 6 (Artabanus II). Cf. Shore 130 (Orodes I). EF $950 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

682. Euthydemus II. c. 185/80 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.76g (12h). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of king facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΘΥΔΗΜΟΥ Naked Herakles standing to front, holding club and lion's skin in left arm and wreath in right hand. In inner left field, monogram. SNG ANS 217. Bopearachchi, p. 168, 5. Cut on reverse with some light pitting. VF $2,250


680. Bactria. Euthydemus I. c. 230-200 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.19g (6h). Obv: Diademed head of king facing to right. Border of dots. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΘΥΔΗΜΟΥ Herakles seated to left on rock, holding club set on pile of stones. In lower left field, monogram. Border of dots. SNG ANS 125. Bopearachchi, p. 156, 5B, pl. 2. VF $200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


683. Agathocles. c. 185-170 BC. Nickel double unit (Attic standard), 7.71g (11h). Obv: Bust of Dionysos facing to right, wearing ivy wreath. Filleted thyrsos over shoulder. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ Panther standing to right, touching vine with left raised forepaw. In left field, ΦΙ. SNG ANS 236 var. Bopearachchi, p. 174, Série 5, 10. Countermark on reverse. Rare. Fine $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA Auction XI, 8 December 1982, lot 253.

684. Demetrius II. c. 175-170 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.30g (12h). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ Athena standing to front, holding vertical spear in right hand, left hand resting on round shield. In lower left field, monogram. SNG ANS 391. Bopearachchi, p. 195, 1. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, lot #300 (this coin). VF $600 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA Auction XI, 8 December 1982, lot 249.

687. Heliocles I. c. 145-130 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.69g (12h). Obv: Diademed, draped bust of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΗΛΙΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ Zeus standing to front, holding vertical, lotos-tipped scepter in left hand and thunderbolt in right. In inner left field, monogram. Bopearachchi, p. 223, 7-9 pl. 25. SNG ANS 640. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #306 (this coin). VF $300 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA Auction XI, 8 December 1982, lot 262.

685. Eucratides I. c. 171-145 BC. Tetradrachm, 16.67g (12h). Obv: Draped and diademed bust of king facing to right. Fillet border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥThe Dioscuri on horseback to right, each holding spear and palm. In lower right field, monogram. SNG ANS 432. Bopearachchi, p. 199, 1D, pl. 16. Splendid portrait. Toned. VF/Fine $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

688. Zoilos I. c. 130-120 BC. Drachm (Indian standard), 2.39g (12h). Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ ΖΩΙΛΟΥ Diademed and draped bust of king facing to right. Rx: Maharajasa dhramikasa Jhoilasa. Wreathed Herakles standing to front, carrying club and lion's skin in left arm, holding wreath in raised right hand. SNG ANS 968. Bopearachchi, p. 249, 1. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #318 (this coin). EF $200 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

686. Menander I. c. 165 or 155-130 BC. Tetradrachm (Indian standard), 9.76g (12h). Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΜΕΝΑΝΔΡΟΥ Diademed and draped bust of king facing to right. Rx: Maharajasa tratarasa Menamdrasa. Athena Alkidemos standing to left, holding round shield on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand. In lower left field, Σ. In right field, monogram. SNG ANS 764. Bopearachchi, p. 232, Série 12, 54. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #315 (this coin). EF $500 Ex Norman Davis Collection. Ex NFA Auction XI, 8 December 1982, lot 258.

689. Archebius. c. 90/80 BC. AE 23, 10.72g (12h). Obv: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΙ-ΚΑΙΟΥ ΝΙΚΗΦΟ-ΡΟΥ ΑΡΧΕΒΙΟΥ Elephant walking to right. Rx: Maharajasa dhra/mikasa jayadhara Arkhebiyasa. Owl standing right, head front. Beneath, monogram. SNG ANS 1307. Bopearachchi, p. 324, 12B, pl. 52. Fine+ $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


Tanlismaidates and Lady Rangodeme

690. Tanlismaidates. 89-77 BC. Drachm, 3.36g (12h). Alexandria Arion (Herat). Obv: ΤΑΝΛ-ΙC ΜΑΙΔΑΤΗC. Helmeted head of king facing to right. Dotted border. Rx: ΡΑΓΓΟΔΗΜΗ ΚΥΡΙΑ. Veiled and draped bust of lady Rangodeme facing to right, left hand holding bow and wheat ear. Dotted border. Mitchiner, Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage 607. Cf. Mitchiner, The Ancent and Classical World, pp. 130 f. Fröhlich -. Very rare. Fine $300 Ex Norman Davis Collection (not in catalogue). Ex NFA XI, 8 December 1982, lot 274.

693. Tetradrachm, 15.62g (11h). Alexandria, c. 319-315 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Alexander the Great facing to right, wearing elephant-scalp headdress, and aegis knotted round neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Athena Alkidemos advancing to right, holding shield and brandishing spear. In inner left field, monogram. In lower right field, ligature ΔΙ and eagle standing to right. Dotted border. Svoronos 142. SNG Copenhagen 22. SNG Lockett 3386. Some areas of flat striking. Choice EF $1,200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

691. India. Ganges Valley. Chandragupta II. c. 375-414 AD. AV Dinar, 7.81g (12h). Obv: King standing to front, head to left, holding bow in left hand and arrow in right. At left, Garuda standard. Rx: Nimbate Lakshmi seated cross-legged upon lotus, holding wreath and lotus. Dotted border. Mitchiner 4796 ff. Altekar pl. IV, 6 ff. VF $250 Ex Norman Davis Collection.

694. Tetradrachm, 15.66g (12h). Alexandria, c. 319-315 BC. Obv: Diademed portrait head of Alexander the Great facing to right, wearing elephant-scalp headdress, and aegis knotted round neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Athena Alkidemos advancing to right, holding shield and brandishing spear. In lower right field, monogram and eagle standing to right. Svoronos 166. SNG Copenhagen 26. Pleasant VF $600 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


692. Ptolemaic Kingdom. Ptolemy I. 306-283 BC. Tetradrachm (reduced weight), 15.65g (12h). Alexandria, c. 310-305 BC. Obv: Head of Alexander the Great facing to right, wearing elephant-skin headdress. Rx: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Athena Alkidemos standing to right, hurling spear. In right field, Corinthian helmet to right, monogram, and eagle standing to right. Svoronos 164. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG Lockett 3393. Hazzard C1015. Graffiti and one light scuff on reverse. EF/VF $750

695. Tetradrachm, 14.25g (1h). Alexandria, c. 290-283 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I facing to right, wearing aegis knotted round neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. In left field, Ρ above ligature ΠΑΡ. Svoronos 255 κζ. Hazzard C1021. SNG Copenhagen 70. Exceptionally beautiful portrait with iridescent toning. Choice EF $500

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

696. Ptolemy II. 285-246 BC. AV Mnaieion (formerly octadrachm), 27.75g (1h). Alexandria, after 273 BC. Obv: ΑΔΕΛΦΩΝ Jugate busts of Ptolemy II, diademed and wearing chlamys, and Arsinoe II, diademed and veiled, facing to right. In left field, Gallic shield. Dotted border. Rx: ΘΕΩΝ Jugate busts of Ptolemy I, diademed and wearing aegis, and Berenice I, diademed and veiled, facing to right. Dotted border. Svoronos 603. SNG Copenhagen 132. Hazzard C1034. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #329 (this coin). EF $8,000

699. Ptolemy III. 246-221 BC. AE 42, 35.68g (11h). Alexandria, c. 230-221 BC. Obv: Head of Zeus Ammon facing to right, wearing taenia with a meniscus at the forehead. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Between legs, monogram. In left field, filleted cornucopia. Dotted border. Svoronos 965. SNG Copenhagen 173. C. Lorber, AJN 12 (2000), p. 75, pl. 15, 17. VF $100

Ex Norman Davis Collection.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

697. Hemimnaieion (pentekontadrachm), 13.94g (12h). Alexandria, after 273 BC. Obv: ΑΔΕΛΦΩΝ Jugate busts of Ptolemy II, diademed and wearing chlamys, and Arsinoe II, diademed and veiled, facing to right. In left field, Gallic shield. Dotted border. Rx: ΘΕΩΝ Jugate busts of Ptolemy I, diademed and wearing aegis, and Berenice I, diademed and veiled, facing to right. In lower right field, Κ. Dotted border. Noeske, Frankfurt 38. Svoronos 618 var. (K on other side). SNG Copenhagen -. Cf. Hazzard C1035. Good VF $5,000

698. Decadrachm, 34.18g (12h). Alexandria, 253/2-246 BC. Obv: Diademed and veiled head of Arsinoe, facing to right, wearing stephane. In background, lotus-tipped scepter. Behind, ΑΑ. Dotted border. Rx: ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ Double cornucopia, filleted. Dotted border. H. Troxell, ANSMN 28 (1983), p. 43. Svoronos 937. Cf. Hazzard C1038. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 136. Porous, as these often come, otherwise VF $1,500

700. Ptolemy IV. 221-205 BC. AE 43 (drachm), 68.72g (11h). Alexandria, c. 221-205 BC. Obv: Head of Zeus Ammon facing right, wearing a diadem with floral ornament above the forehead. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Between legs, ΔΙ. In left field, cornucopia adorned by fillets. Dotted border. Svoronos 1125, pl. XXXVI, 17. SNG Copenhagen 199. Weiser, Cologne 49 (reattributing to Ptolemy II). Hazzard C1069. Good VF $400 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


knotted round neck. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. In left field, L ΜΗ (year 48). In right field, ΠΑ. Dotted border. Svoronos 1519, pl. LII, 17. Cf. Hazzard C1120 (year 31). Cf. SNG Copenhagen 626 (year 43). Good VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 701. Ptolemy V. 205-180 BC. Tetradrachm, 13.29g (11h). Alexandria, 205-180 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I facing to right, wearing aegis knotted round neck. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Dotted border. Svoronos 1231. SNG Copenhagen 244. Hazzard C1083. Some light hairlines on the reverse, otherwise EF $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

702. Ptolemy VI. 180-145 BC. Tetradrachm, 14.20g (11h). Alexandria, c. 180-170 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I facing to right, wearing aegis knotted round neck. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Dotted border. Svoronos 1489. SNG Copenhagen 262-268. Hazzard C1095. Beautiful portrait struck in high relief. Hairline crack at 7h on obverse. Mint State/Good VF $700 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

705. Cleopatra VII. 51-30 BC. AE 26, 20.29g (11h). Alexandria. Obv: Draped bust of Cleopatra VII right, her hair bound up by a fillet. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. In left field, double cornucopia. In right field, Π. Dotted border. Svoronos 1871, pl. LXIII, 3. Weiser, Cologne 183. SNG Copenhagen 419-421. McClean 9847. H. Troxell, The Norman Davis Collection, ANS 1969, #335 (this coin). About Fine $400 Ex Norman Davis Collection. The letter Π on reverse may just be the numeral 80, not the initial of the eunuch and high-ranking Ptolemaic official Potheinos, who shared responsibility for the assassination of Pompey after his flight to Egypt, as Svoronos thought

Sharp Cleopatra Portrait

703. Ptolemy VIII. 145-116 BC. Didrachm, 6.81g (12h). Paphos, Late 2nd century BC. Obv: Draped bust of Dionysos facing to right, wearing ivy wreath and aegis round breast. Behind shoulder, thyrsos. Dotted border. Rx: ΒΑ[ΣΙΛΕΩΣ] ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle with raised wings standing to left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1789. SNG Copenhagen 637. Hazzard C1122, fig. 144. Good VF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

706. AE 26, 20.82g (12h). Alexandria. Obv: Draped bust of Cleopatra VII right, her hair bound up by a fillet. Dotted border. Rx: ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ Eagle with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt. In left field, double cornucopia. In right field, Π. Dotted border. Svoronos 1871, pl. LXIII, 3. Weiser, Cologne 183. SNG Copenhagen 419-421. McClean 9847. Mottled green patina. Excellent portrait for issue. VF $1,500 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

704. Tetradrachm, 14.10g (12h). Paphos, 123/22 BC. Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I facing to right, wearing aegis


Impressive Provenance

707. Cyrenaica, Cyrene. c. 450 BC. Tetradrachm, 15.90g (2h). Obv: Silphium plant. Rx: ΚUΡΑ Head of Zeus Ammon facing to right. Dotted border. All within circular incuse. Boston 1309 (same dies). Exceptional head of Zeus Ammon. Obverse somewhat corroded. Fine/EF $2,500

709. Magas. 308-277 BC. Didrachm, 7.64g (12h). Cyrenaica, Cyrene, c. 300/290 BC. Obv: Head of Apollo Carneios facing to right. Rx: ΚΥ-ΡΑ Silphium plant. In left field, monogram. To right, crab. BMC p. 54, 255, pl. 24, 1 (same dies). McClean 9953 (same dies). Le Rider, Monnaies crétoises, p. 40, 360 (same dies). About EF $1,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Ex Ciani & Vinchon, 6 February 1956 (Y.E. Hindamian), lot 688. Ex Feuardent, 17 December 1919 (Maxime Collignon), lot 442. Ex Hirsch XVI, 6 Dec. 1906, lot 703. 710. c. 305-300 BC. AE 16, 3.81g (1h). Obv: Female head with corkscrew locks (Libya) facing to right, wearing taenia. Rx: Κ-Υ/Ρ-Α. Silphium plant. BMC p. 60, 290. VF $200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


711. Roman Republic. Anonymous. Quadrigatus, 6.49g (4h). Rome. Obv: Laureate, Janiform head of Dioscuri. Rx: Jupiter holding scepter and hurling thunderbolt in chariot driven right by Victory; ROMA raised in linear frame. Crawford 28/3. Flan defect on left side of Janus. EF $400

708. c. 430 BC. Tetradrachm, 12.73g (1h). Obv: Κ-Υ/Α-Ρ/Α-Ν [sic!] Silphium plant. Rx: Head of Zeus Ammon facing right within circular incuse. BMC pl. 9, 3 (same dies). Boston 1315 (same dies). Good VF $3,000 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. Found in Cyrenaica by a sergeant in the army in 1949.


712. Quinarius, 2.01g (6h). Uncertain Mint, after 211 BC. Obv: Head of Roma right, V behind. Rx: Dioscuri riding right; ROMA below in linear frame. Crawford 47/1a. Scarce. Mint State $250

713. A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Serrate denarius, 4.05g (2h). 81 BC. Obv: Veiled head of Hispania right, HISPAN behind. Rx: Togate man standing between legionary eagle and fasces with ax, A ALBIN SN in field, POST A F in exergue. Crawford 372/2. Sydenham 746. RSC Postumia 8. Mint State $300


714. L. Lucretius Trio. Denarius, 4.09g (5h). 76 BC. Obv: Head of Neptune right, XXV behind. Rx: Winged Genius on dolphin right, [L] LVCRETI / TRIO below. Crawford 390/2. Sydenham 784. RSC Lucretia 3. EF $200

719. L. Hostilius Saserna. Denarius, 4.03g (7h). 48 BC. Obv: Female head right. Rx: Victory advancing right holding trophy and caduceus, L HOSTILIVS before, [SASERNA] behind. Crawford 448/1. Sydenham 951. RSC Hostilia 5. Near Mint State $400

715. Cn. Lentulus. Denarius, 3.87g (5h). 76-75 BC. Obv: Head of the Genius of the Roman people right, GPR above. Rx: EX SC divided by globe, rudder and scepter, CN LEN Q below. Crawford 393/1a. Sydenham 752. RSC Cornelia 54. Choice EF $300

720. C. Vibius C.f.C.n. Pansa Caetronianus. Denarius, 4.09g (4h). 48 BC. Obv: Mask of Pan right, pedum behind, PANSA below. Rx: Jupiter Axurus seated left, [C].VIBIVS C.F.C.[N]. behind, IOVIS AXVR before. Crawford 449/1b. Sydenham 948. RSC Vibia 9. Toned EF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

716. Q. Cassius Longinus. Denarius, 4.05g (5h). 55 BC. Obv: Veiled head of Vesta right, VEST before, Q CASSIVS behind. Rx: Curule chair within temple of Vesta; to left, urn; to right, voting tablet inscribed AC. Crawford 428/1. Sydenham 917. RSC Cassia 9. Choice EF $300

717. M. Junius Brutus. Denarius, 3.90g (6h). 54 BC. Obv: Head of L. Iunius Brutus right, behind BRVTVS downwards. Rx: Head of C. Servilius Ahala right, behind AHALA downwards. Crawford 433/2. Sydenham 907. RSC Junia 30. EF $500 Portrait of Sulla

721. T. Carisius. Denarius, 3.51g (2h). 46 BC. Obv: Head of Juno Moneta right, MONETA behind. Rx: Cap of Vulcan over anvil between tongs and hammer; T CARISIVS above; all within wreath. Crawford 464/2. Sydenham 982. RSC Carisia 1a. Some isolated spots of corrosion, otherwise very well struck for issue. VF/EF $300

722. Roman Imperatorial. Julius Caesar. Denarius, 3.89g (12h). Military Mint, 49-48 AD. Obv: Elephant walking right, trampling serpent; CAESAR in exergue. Rx: Ladle, sprinkler, ax with shaft ending in lion’s head, priest’s hat; no legend. Crawford 443/1. Sydenham 1006. Sear, Imperators, 9. EF $1,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

718. Q. Pompeius Rufus. Denarius, 3.86g (7h). 54 BC. Obv: Head of the dictator Sulla, the moneyer’s maternal grandfather, right; SVLLA [COS] before. Rx: Head of Q. Pompeius Rufus, the moneyer’s paternal grandfather, right; Q POM RVFI before, RVFVS COS behind. Crawford 434/1. Sydenham 908. RSC Pompeia 4. EF $800 This type is the only numismatic portrait of the dictator Sulla.


723. Denarius, 4.84g (7h). Rome, 44 BC. Obv: CAESAR -DICT PERPETVO Wreathed head right. Rx: P SEPVLLIVS -MACER Venus standing left, head lowered, holding Victory and scepter, shield on ground behind her. Crawford

480/10. Sydenham 1073. Cohen 38 (8 Fr.). Alföldi, Caesar in 44 v. Chr., pl. LXXI, 59-61 (same dies). Overweight specimen on broad, thick flan. Good VF $6,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

724. Julius Caesar. Moneyer P Sepullius Macer. Denarius, 3.82g (5h). Rome, 44 BC. Obv: Wreathed head right, CA[ESAR] before, DICT PERPETVO behind. Rx: Venus standing left, holding Victory and scepter, star at bottom of scepter, P SEPVLLIVS behind, [MACE]R before. Crawford 480/11. Sydenham 1072. Sear, Imperators 107b. Slightly corroded on obverse, three small scratches in reverse field. Fine+/VF $2,500

726. Denarius, 3.93g (11h). Military mint, 41 BC, struck by M. Barbatius Pollio. Obv: M ANT IMP AVG III VIR R P C M BARBAT Q P (MP and AV ligate) Bare head of Antony right. Rx: CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R P C Bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 517/2. Sydenham 1181. Cohen 8 (30 Fr.). EF $2,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Purchased from CNG, 2005. Rare Mark Antony Portrait at Akko Ptolemais

Ex Hebrew College Museum. Important Mark Antony and Octavian Aureus

725. Mark Antony and Octavian. Aureus, 8.02g (12h). Ephesus, Spring-early summer, 41 BC. Obv: M ANT IMP AVG IIIVIR R P C M BARBAT Q P Bare head of Mark Antony right. Rx: CAESAR IMP PONT IIIVIR R P C Bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 517/1a. Sydenham 1180. Bahrfeldt 77. Sear, Imperators 242. Newman 41.1. Highly desirable and much sought after, this aureus celebrates the alliance of the last two surviving contenders for supremecy of the Imperatorial period, before their inevitable break and the showdown at Actium. Mint State $40,000

727. Mark Antony. Died 30 BC. AE 25, 10.25g (1h). Akko Ptolemais, Year 11 = 39/38 BC. Obv: Bare head of Mark Antony right within a laurel wreath. Rx: Tyche standing left holding aphlaston and rudder in right hand, cornucopia in left; in right field ΠTOΛ[E] / MAE[ΩN] / IEPAΣ in three lines; in left field L IA / KAI AΣYΛOY in two lines. RPC 4740 (11 spec.), same dies as pl. 171, 4740/9. Kadman 73. One of the very few city coins of ancient Israel with an Imperatorial portrait. Fine+ $300 Imperatorial Rarity

728. L. Pinarius Scarpus, for Octavian. Denarius, 3.49g (12h). Cyrenaica, 31 BC. Obv: Head of Jupiter Ammon right, AVGVR behind, P[ONTIF] before. Rx: Victory on globe right, IMP CAESAR / DIVI F in two lines across field. Crawford 546/4. Sydenham 1281 (R7). Sear Imperators 411. Cohen 125 (d’Ailly Coll., 120 Fr.). Bold Fine $1,200


Scarpus ranks as one of the consummate survivors of the Imperatorial period. Despite his kinship with Julius Caesar and thus with Octavian, Scarpus served at the battle of Philippi as a commander under Mark Antony, and just before Actium Antony made him governor of Cyrenaica with command over four legions. After Antony’s defeat, however, Scarpus defected to Octavian. As governor of Cyrenaica he issued rare coins first for Antony, then for Octavian. The reverse of the present coin seems to copy Octavian’s denarius with reverse CAESAR -DIVI F, Victory standing left (rather than right) on globe, suggesting that this type of Octavian’s must have been struck before 31 BC.


naked but for cloak hanging from shoulders, kneeling right on right knee, holding up vexillum in right hand, left arm extended diagonally downwards behind left knee. BM 127. Paris 560. Cohen 383 (15 Fr.). RIC 416. Good VF $1,000 729. Octavian and Divus Julius Caesar. AE 21, 10.55g (11h). Thessalonica, Macedonia, Year 4 = 28-27 BC. Obv: Wreathed head of Julius Caesar right, ΘEOΣ downward before neck. Rx: Bare head of Octavian right, Δ below neck, ΘEΣΣA-ΛONIKEΩN downward on left and upward on right. RPC 1554. BM 58. Varbanov 5153. Touratsoglou, Thessaloniki, p. 143, no. 42 (V10/R39), pl. 1. About EF $1,500 RPC, following Touratsoglou, interprets the Δ on obverse as a date, Year Four of an era presumably beginning with Octavian's victory at Actium. Thessalonica is known to have had a temple of Divus Julius, perhaps explaining the city's use of Caesar's portrait as a coin type under Augustus (Touratsoglou, p. 25, note 2).

730. Roman Empire. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. Plated denarius in official style, 2.93g (7h). Colonia Patricia, 19-15 BC. Obv: SPQR PARE[NT] above, CONS SVO in exergue, Toga palmata flanked by eagle-tipped scepter and wreath. Rx: CAESARI above, AVGVSTO in exergue, Processional quadriga (tensa) proceding r., Victories on front and side panels, small leaping quadriga atop the pediment crowning the front panel. Paris 1195, pl. XLVII (same dies as ours, also plated). For the official prototype, see Paris 1193, BM 399, Cohen 78 (6 Fr.), and RIC 99. On reverse, three small breaks in the silver plating. About VF $250

732. Denarius, 3.88g (8h). Lugdunum, 2 BC-4 AD. Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS -DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Head laureate right. Rx: C L CAESARES in exergue, AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT around, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing holding honorary shields and spears, simpulum and lituus above. BM 519. Paris 1651. Cohen 43. RIC 207. EF $750 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Purchased from CNG, 2005.

733. Sestertius, 28.12g (5h). Rome, 17 BC, moneyer Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. Obv: Oak wreath with ties at botton, flanked by two laurel branches; above, OB; in wreath, CIVIS; below, SERVATOS. Rx: TI SEMPRONIVS GRACCHVS IIIVIR A A A F F around large S C. BM 198. Paris 320, pl. XV (same dies). Cohen 524. RIC 348 (R2). VF $800

Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. A plated ancient counterfeit, but apparently struck from transfer dies derived from an official coin, since the style is official and the obverse die even seems to link to a solid silver, officially produced specimen, Paris 1192, pl. XLVII. For the correct description of these coin types, which show an eagle-tipped scepter rather than a legionary eagle on the obverse and a tensa rather than a triumphal quadriga on the reverse, see Clay, Münzprägung des Nero, Num. Zeitschrift 96, 1982, pp. 45-7.

731. Denarius, 3.65g (2h). Rome, 12 BC, moneyer L. Caninius Gallus. Obv: AVGVSTVS Head bare right. Rx: L CANINIVS -GALLVS III VIR Barbarian, with long hair and beard,


Finest Known Tiberius Aureus

734. Tiberius. 14-37 AD. Aureus, 7.71g (5h). Lugdunum. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI -AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF -MAXIM Livia seated r. holding reversed spear and branch, throne legs ornamented, triple line beneath throne. BM 39. Paris 17. RIC 27. Giard, Lyon, 145 (12 spec.). Utterly and completely magnificent portrait of Tiberius struck on a broad flan. Stunning Mint State $25,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex NFA, 13 May 1991, Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, “Julius Caesar and his Legacy”, lot 45 (illustrated on front cover and on color plate).

BM 130. Paris 271. Cohen 85. RIC 99. River patination. Vigorous provincial style. VF $800 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.


735. Denarius, 3.57g (4h). Lugdunum. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI -AVG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate right. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM Livia seated right holding scepter and branch, throne legs ornamented, footstool below feet, single line beneath throne. BM 48. Paris 28. RIC 30. Cohen 16. VF $200 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

736. As, 11.19g (12h). Rome, 22-3 AD. Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP [V]III Head bare left. Rx: PONTIF MAXIM TRIBVN POTEST XXIIII around large S C. BM 91. Paris 68. Cohen 25. RIC 44. Excellent portrait. Good VF/EF $600 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

737. Claudius I. 41-54 AD. Sestertius, 25.06g (6h). Second Spanish mint, 41-2 AD. Obv: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP Head laureate right. Rx: SPES -AVGVSTA S C Spes advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt. For the find evidence justifying the attribution of bronze coins of this style to a mint in northwestern Spain, near Astorga, see P.A. Besombes and J.N. Barrandon, Revue Numismatique 155, 2000, pp. 174-7. Von Kaenel 1333-49.

738. Claudius I with Antonia, Britannicus, and Octavia, struck under Agrippa II, Pre-Royal. AE 21, 12.48g (12h). Trachonitis, Caesarea Panias, c. late 40s AD. Obv: [TI CLAVDIVS CA]ESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P Laureate head of Claudius left. Rx: ANTONIA on left, BRITTANNICVS across upper field, [OC]TAVIA on right, Brittanicus, togate, standing between his two sisters Antonia and Octavia, each of whom holds a large cornucopia. Hendin 1259. Treasury 350. RPC 4842 (8 spec.). About Fine $1,500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. The reverse of this rare coin names and depicts the three natural children of Claudius, who was an early patron of Agrippa II. The coin must clearly have been struck before Claudius adopted Agrippina II’s son Nero in 50 AD.

739. Nero and Aggripina II. 54-68 AD. Denarius, 3.22g (3h). Lugdunum, 55 AD. Obv: [NERO CL]AVD DIVI F CAES AVG GER IMP TR P COS Jugate busts right of Nero in foreground and Agrippina behind. Rx: AGRIPP AVG DIVI CLAVD NERONIS CAES MATER around, EX SC in field, Two seated statues of (a) Divus Claudius holding patera and scepter and (b) the Loyalty of the Praetorians holding legionary eagle, in elephant quadriga left. For the identification of the second statue as Fides Praetorianorum rather than Divus Augustus, see discussion by C. Clay in Num. Zeitschrift 96, 1982, pp. 42-5, summarized in RIC, p. 149. BM 8. Paris 13. Cohen 4 (30 Fr.). RIC 7 (R3). Good VF $1,000

740. AE 18-20, 6.24g (12h). Caesarea Maritima, c. 55 AD. Obv: NEPΩNOC CE[BACTOY KAICAPOC] Bare-headed, draped bust of Nero left. Rx: [AΓPIΠΠEIN]H[C] ­CEBACT[HC] Draped bust of Agrippina left. RPC 4861. Hendin 1272. Fine $200


741. Nero and Divus Claudius. 54-68 AD. AE 20, 5.72g (6h). Thrace, Abdera. Obv: NEPΩNI KΛAYΔIΩ KAIΣAPI ΣEBAΣTΩ Bare head of Nero left. Rx: ΘEΩ ABΔHPEITAI Bare head of Divus Claudius left. RPC 1730 (12 spec.), pl. 82 (same dies as ours). AMNG 244, pl. III.36 (same obv. die). On the rarity see the RPC online Supplement: K. Chryssanthaki's unpublished die study found 17 specimens from three obverse dies. VF $700 Abdera struck similar coins of Tiberius and Claudius with a portrait of Divus Augustus on the reverse, labeled ΘEΩ ΣEBAΣTΩ, but on our coin of Nero the reverse probably shows Divus Claudius instead, since the facial features look like those of Claudius and since ΣEBAΣTΩ is omitted from the reverse legend. Strack in AMNG called this portrait "Claudius (?)", without discussion; RPC is inclined to see Augustus because of the parallel coins of Tiberius and Claudius.

744. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. Gold quinarius, 3.56g (6h). Rome. Obv: IMP CAESAR -VESPASIANVS AVG Head laureate right. Rx: VICTORIA -AVGVST Victory advancing right holding wreath and palm. RIC 792 (R2). King 2, specimen b (this coin). Cf. BM 287 note (same types in silver). Very rare: King quotes just our specimen and one other, both from the same reverse die but from different obverse dies. Very impressive Roman quinarius with an exceptional portrait of the emperor. EF/Good VF $8,000 Ex UBS 75, 22 January 2008, lot 1022. Ex NAC 24, 5 December 2002, lot 50. Ex Triton IV, 5 December 2000, lot 496.

Ex Zeno Collection. Ex ANS


742. Otho. 69 AD. Denarius, 2.98g (7h). Rome. Obv: IMP OTHO CAE[SAR AVG T]R P Head bare right. Rx: PONT -MAX Ceres standing l. holding wheat ears and cornucopia. Rare second issue of reign, comprising five types all with reverse legend PONT MAX. BM 9. Paris 24. Cohen 11 (12 Fr.). RIC 20 note. Fine+ $200

Judaea Capta

Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. Ex Zeno Collection, Part I, Dorotheum, 13 June 1955, lot 315 (two coins, not illustrated).

743. Vitellius. 69 AD. Denarius, 3.28g (7h). Rome. Obv: A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP Head bare right. Rx: No legend, Victory seated left holding patera and palm. BM 4. Paris 37. Cohen 121 (12 Fr.). RIC 71. Rare first issue of reign, only one specimen in Reka Devnia hoard, attractive anepigraphic reverse type, bold portrait. About VF $300 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. Ex Zeno Collection, Part I, Dorotheum, 13 June 1955, lot 332 (not illustrated).


745. Sestertius, 27.57g (7h). Rome, 71 AD. Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate right. Rx: IVDAEA -CAPTA around, S C in exergue, bearded Jew standing right, his hands tied behind his back, and veiled Jewess seated right on a cuirass in attitude of mourning, resting her left elbow on her knee and supporting her head with her left hand, on either side of palm tree; behind the Jew, round shield, oblong shield, spear, and vexillum; before the Jewess, round shield and helmet. RIC 159 (C3). BM 533. Paris 490. Hendin 1543. Cohen 234 (8 Fr.). From reverse die P179 in Colin Kraay’s unpublished Oxford dissertation, the obverse die apparently unknown to Kraay. Beautiful glossy green patination. EF $12,000 Ex Gorny & Mosch 180, 12 October 2009, lot 378.

statues standing on low bases; above, a semicircular pediment, with elaborate ornamentation above; within it, Isis on dog running right. RIC 204 (R2). Paris 537, pl. XLVIII (same dies). Cohen 485 (40 Fr.). Kraay, unpublished die catalogue, 210 (A47/P39). Cf. BM 780, pl. 35.3 (same rev. die, obv. VESPASIANVS). This is one of the best preserved of only about a dozen recorded specimens of this extraordinary architectural type. EF $20,000


746. Sestertius, 25.07g (5h). Rome, 71 AD. Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate right. Rx: IVDAEA -CAPTA around, S C in exergue, Judaea seated right in attitude of mourning under palm tree, on other side of tree emperor standing right in military dress, placing left foot on [helmet], holding spear and parazonium. Both dies apparently new to the die catalogue of Vespasian’s early sestertii in Colin Kraay’s unpublished Oxford dissertation, of which C. Clay has a photocopy. RIC 167 (C3). BM 543. Hendin 1543. Paris 498. Cohen 239 (12 Fr.). VG $650

A rare type, known only from this single sestertius reverse die. Kraay found this reverse die coupled with (a) three obverse dies of Vespasian’s first sestertius issue of 71 (legend with VESPASIANVS, six specimens), and (b) one obverse die of his second sestertius issue of the year (with VESPASIAN, four specimens, all from the same dies as our coin). A composite bust of Isis had appeared on the Republican denarius Crawford 409/1, but Egyptian religions at Rome were suppressed by Augustus and Tiberius, and this is the first type celebrating an Egyptian deity to appear in the Roman imperial coinage. Why the type was chosen, however, is uncertain. The traditional explanation, that the type commemorates Vespasian’s spending of the night before his Jewish triumph of June 71 in the Temple of Isis on the Campus Martius at Rome, has been refuted by Kraay’s analysis of the sestertius coinage of 71, which showed that this type must have been struck c. March-April 71, at the end of the year’s first and the beginning of the year’s second issue of sestertii, so several months before Vespasian celebrated his triumph.

Ex Hebrew College Museum. Temple of Isis Rarity with Possible Jewish War Connection

747. Sestertius, 24.30g (6h). Rome, 71 AD. Obv: IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate right. Rx: S -C Front view of temple of Isis, showing four columns, on podium of five steps; between the columns, at entrance to an inner shrine, is a statue of Isis, standing front, holding patera; to the right and left of the steps



Jewish War Commemorative

Thus, it appears that this image of Vespasian, looking quite like a god, was in keeping with his campaign to establish a dynasty. “With the likelihood that this is an heroic nude of Vespasian, we can take another look at the meaning and message of this coin….From this image I would suggest that while the Judaea Capta coins push a strong message of victory on behalf of the Flavian Dynasty, this coin tempers that message somewhat. It seems to be telling the Roman people that the Flavians have won a great victory, but now it is time to put the battle with the Jews behind them and look toward to prosperity and a time of PAX ROMANA”.

748. Sestertius, 26.13g (7h). Rome, 71 AD. Obv: IMP CAES VESPAS AVG P M TR P P P COS III Head laureate right. Rx: PAX -AVGVSTI around, S C in exergue, Pax standing right, holding branch and applying torch to captured arms (a cuirass, a helmet, and four shields) before lighted and garlanded altar; behind her, a column surmounted by what appears to be not Minerva fighting as usually described, but a nude male figure advancing right and raising both arms, and with drapery hanging down from his left elbow; a spear and a shield, finally, lean against the column. RIC 241 (R2). BM 553, pl. 21.4 (rev. only, same die). Paris 518, pl. XLVI (same rev. die). Cohen 336 (20 Fr.). Kraay, die catalogue, reverse die P335, new obverse die unknown to Kraay. VF/EF $45,000 Ex Gomez Collection. Purchased from Freeman & Sear. The type of Pax setting fire to a pile of enemy arms had previously appeared on middle bronzes of Galba, Vitellius, and then Vespasian himself in 71, and was to be repeated a number of times under later emperors until Commodus. Only on Vespasian’s sestertii of 71 and 72, however, was the type enriched by the addition of a statuette on a column behind Pax, a spear and shield leaning against the column, and a large lighted and garlanded altar behind the pile of arms that Pax is igniting. This picturesque sestertius type is rare: Kraay in his unpublished Oxford dissertation recorded, for the year 71, only fifteen specimens with legend PAX AVG, from three reverse dies, plus three specimens with legend PAX AVGVSTI, as on our coin, from two reverse dies. This type was struck over a period of several months in 71, at least from c. March to c. fall, since it occurs in all three of Vespasian’s successive sestertius issues of that year, marked by the forms VESPASIANVS, VESPASIAN, and finally VESPAS in the obverse legend, this last being the form that appears on our coin. RIC 380, pl. 30, shows that the same PAX AVGVSTI reverse die of our coin was then reused on sestertii in 72, when Vespasian was COS IIII. That was the last appearance of this elaborate type on Roman coins. David Hendin has recently published (The Celator, 10/2010) this very coin, which is probably the sharpest surviving specimen of the type, and suggests that this reverse type of Pax burning arms should be connected with Vespasian’s Judaean victory. Hendin argues that the figure on the column, usually identified as Minerva fighting, appears on this specimen to be a heroic nude depiction of the emperor himself, referring to his suppression of the Jewish War. As noted above, this feature is a specific addition to the iconography of this general type. It was also struck in 71 AD, the year after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple.



749. Divus Vespasian. 69-79 AD. Aureus, 6.89g (6h). Rome, 79 AD. Obv: DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS Head laureate right. Rx: EX S C in exergue, Tensa in form of small temple drawn left by four horses, small quadriga crowned by two Victories surmounts front of car, two standing figures on side panel, one standing figure on front panel. RIC 360 (R2). BM 118. Paris 92, pl. LXXV (same dies). Cohen 145 (50 Fr.). Hendin 1580. Calicó 629. Rare type. Large abrasion on reverse at 11h. VG $4,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Magnificant Titus

750. Titus as Caesar. 70-79 AD. Aureus, 7.40g (7h). Rome, 77-8 AD. Obv: T CAESAR IMP -VESPASIANVS Head laureate right. Rx: COS VI in exergue, Roma, helmeted, right breast bare, seated right on two shields, left foot on helmet, holding slanting scepter before her; at her feet wolf standing right, head turned back, suckling the Twins; in left and right field two eagles flying towards her. The reverse type copies the Republican denarius, Crawford 287/1. RIC 954 (C ). BM 223. Paris 199, pl. XXXIII (same rev. die). Cohen 64 (50 Fr.). Exquisite reverse and of the best style. Mint State $20,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Tkalec, 7 May 2006, lot 145.

supporting head with right hand and resting right elbow on right knee; the one on right is a bearded male, chest bare, wearing trousers, with hands tied behind back. RIC 102 (C ). BM 37. Hendin 1584. Paris 34. Cohen 306 (3 Fr.). Scarce: seven specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. Scratch in right obverse field. About EF $500 Ex CNG 53, 15 March 2000, lot 1506. Elephant Denarius

753. Denarius, 3.56g (6h). Rome, 80 AD. Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Head laureate right. Rx: TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P Elephant walking left, with hatching on body to indicate its wrinkled skin. Cohen, BMC, the Paris catalogue, and RIC all wrongly call the elephant “curiassed”. RIC 115 (C2). BM 43. Paris 37. Cohen 301 corr. (2 Fr.). Magnificent Titus denarius. Mint State $1,000 Extremely Rare Saecular Games Aureus


751. Titus. 79-81 AD. Denarius, 3.12g (7h). Rome, 79 AD. Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Head laureate r. Rx: TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII P P Bare-chested male captive wearing trousers, hands tied behind back, kneeling right in front of trophy of arms. RIC 30 (C ). BM 15. Hendin 1583. Paris 12. Cohen 274 (2 Fr.) corr. Scarce: only four specimens in Reka Devnia hoard (as Cohen 295 var.). EF/Near EF $850 Ex CNG 53, 15 March 2000, lot 1505.

752. Denarius, 3.31g (6h). Rome, 80 AD. Obv: IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Head laureate right. Rx: TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P Trophy of arms between two seated captives; the captive on left is a veiled woman

754. Domitian. 81-96 AD. Aureus, 7.57g (5h). Rome, 88-9 AD. Obv: DOMITIANVS AVGVSTVS -GERMANICVS Head laureate right. Rx: COS -XIIII to left and right of cippus inscribed LVD / SAEC / FEC in three lines, all within laurel wreath; wreath has X at bottom, rosette at top. RIC 603 (Paris, R2). Paris 128, pl. XCIV. BMC 137 note (Paris spec.). Cohen 69 corr. (200 Fr., giving wrong obv. legend). Calicó 825 (same dies as ours). Nearly EF/VF $18,000 Perhaps only the fifth specimen recorded of this historical aureus, the other four being (a) NAC 49, 21 October 2008, lot 172 = Calicó 825 = Biaggi 400. From the same dies as our specimen. (b) Paris 128, pl. XCIV, acquired from Rollin & Feuardent in 1875 = Elberling Collection II, 1863, p. 169, pl. III.37, misreported by Cohen 69 (Elberling, 200 Fr.). From a second die pair. (c ) Glasgow 53, not illustrated, ex de France Collection. (d) Vienna, reported by Arneth, Synopsis, 1842, p. 79, 213. The cippus with inscription represents the stone slab bearing an inscribed account of the games that was erected by senatorial decree as a permanent record of the celebration. Actual fragments of the inscriptions describing the saecular games of both Augustus and Septimius Severus have survived, and one of the Severan fragments even quotes the senatorial decree declaring that such an inscription should be erected!


Enlargement lot 754

Lovely Domitian of Judaea

755. Domitian. Roman Administration. 81-96 AD. AE 21, 7.53g (1h). Caesarea Maritima, c. 92-93 AD. Obv: IMP DOMIT -AVG GERM Head laureate right. Rx: VICTOR -AVG Trophy. Hendin 1460. Treasury 390. RPC 2309. Good VF $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Enlargement

The reverse is patterned after an aureus of Vespasian with the legend DE IVDAEIS (Hendin 1476).

Exquisite Nerva Portrait

756. Nerva. 96-98 AD. Aureus, 7.37g (7h). Rome, 96 AD. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG -P M TR P COS II P P Head laureate right. Rx: LIBERTAS -PVBLICA Libertas standing left holding cap and scepter. BM 16. Calicó 975. Cohen 105 (without source, 80 Fr.). RIC 7. Beautifully centered. Exceptional for a Nerva aureus. Choice EF with luster $37,500

757. Sestertius, 24.19g (6h). Rome, 96 AD. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG -P M TR P COS II P P Head laureate right. Rx: FISCI IVDAICI -CAL[VMN]IA SVBLATA S -C Palm tree with nine branches and two bunches of dates. BM 88. Paris 71. Cohen 54 (25 Fr.). RIC 58. Nerva’s hair re-engraved on the obverse, but the details of the reverse type appear to be original and untooled. The lower middle section of the trunk of the palm tree not struck up, otherwise EF $1,000

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. A scarce aureus of the first three and one-half months of Nerva’s reign: not in the Paris collection; none in CoinArchives Pro; only three in Berk photofile, one of which is from the same dies as ours (Münzen & Medaillen 44, 1970, lot 60).


The reverse type, with legend ‘The Abuse of the Jewish Tax Eliminated’, commemorates Nerva’s correction of Domitian’s overly rigorous collection of that tax: Domitian had gone so far as to have men stripped in public in order to ascertain whether they were circumcised and thus liable to the tax!

758. Sestertius, 25.11g (6h). Rome, 97 AD. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG -P M TR P COS III P P Head laureate right. Rx: FORTVNA -[A]VGVST S -C Fortuna standing left holding rudder and cornucopia. BM 107. Paris 98. Cohen 67 (5 Fr.). RIC 83. Reverse weakly struck. EF/VF $2,800 Ex Triton IX, 10-11 January 2006, lot 1440.

761. Sestertius, 28.20g (7h). Rome, c. 104-11 AD. Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P Bust laureate right, fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S -C Victory, naked to waist, standing right, placing left foot on helmet, holding stylus in right hand and resting left hand on shield inscribed VIC / DAC attached to palm tree. BM 812. Paris 545. Cohen 454. RIC 527. Lightly smoothed. Beautiful dark olive patination. EF $3,500 Circus Maximus Sestertius

759. Dupondius, 13.14g (5h). Rome, 97 AD. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P Head radiate right. Rx: FORTVNA -AVGVST S -C Fortuna standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. BM 123. Paris 111. Cohen 69. RIC 84. VF $250 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

760. Trajan. 98-117 AD. Denarius, 3.41g (7h). Rome, 112-4 AD. Obv: [IMP TRAIA]NO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Bust laureate right, fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: VIA TRAIANA in exergue, S P Q R OPTIMO PRIN[CIPI] around, Via Traiana reclining left, head right, holding wheel supported on her knee and branch. Commemorates Trajan’s construction at his own cost of a highway from Beneventum to Brundisium, starting at a triumphal arch in Beneventum which is still standing today. BM 487. Paris 671. Cohen 648 (6 Fr.). RIC 266. Mint State $2,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.

762. Sestertius, 23.87g (7h). Rome, c. 104 AD. Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P Bust laureate right with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: SPQR OPTIMO PINCIPI (sic, R omitted) around, S C in exergue, Circus Maximus, showing front wall with large entrance arch on right surmounted by facing quadriga, and eleven smaller arches with square windows or niches in the wall above them; back wall divided into two rows of rectangular sections, with a small arch in each of the lower sections; a four-columned temple is also located in the back wall, just left of the obelisk rising from the spina; at right end of back wall, the top of another entrance arch surmounted by a quadriga; at the center of the curving left end of the circus, a triumphal arch surmounted by statue of emperor in quadriga; in the arena, seen just above the front wall, spina with turning posts at ends, obelisk in middle, plus Cybele on lion and another indistinct object on left and apparatus with dolphins for numbering laps on right; finally to right of spina, two uncertain forms rising above the front wall, possibly the patron of the games crowning the leaping horses of the winning charioteer, or an arch bearing a second device for numbering the laps and an uncertain standing figure. Cf. Paris 220 pl. 12 (same obv. die). BM 853 note. C 546 (60 Fr.). RIC 571. This coin has dark olive patination. Some isolated obverse and reverse pitting and a patch of red encrustation in the field above the Circus Maximus. The Circus itself shows great detail. lot 762 continue


Untouched as it came from the earth many decades ago. Aside from the isolated pitting, this coin is a Bold VF $5,000 A famous reverse type, apparently commemorating Trajan’s construction of five thousand additional seats in the circus by moving and heightening the building’s western wall, the very wall which is shown as the front wall in the coin type. Apparently unpublished with the omitted letter in reverse legend, PINCIPI instead of PRINCIPI; such errors are very unusual on coins struck at the mint of Rome under the earlier emperors. The rendering of the details of the reverse type is somewhat more sketchy than normal, for example there is no head of Sol atop the small temple to the left of the obelisk and that same temple does not interrupt the line indicating the top of the back wall of the circus, which can instead be seen continuing between the columns of the temple. Nevertheless this must be an official reverse die, just somewhat unskillfully executed, since the same obverse die of our coin was also used with at least two other reverse dies of ordinary official style, one showing the Circus Maximus type (Paris 220, pl. 12), and the other showing Victory inscribing VIC DAC onto a shield set atop a palm tree (NFA XVI, 1985, lot 420).

Enlargement lot 762

platform and carrying a deep attic surmounted by statuary. Over the central bay is a facing quadriga led on by a pair of soldiers; over each side bay, a facing biga flanked by a military standard. In the background the architecture of the basilica itself appears: on the ground floor, an additional column both to the left and to the right of the three entrance bays, plus an indication of further columns between the two columns of each of the bays; on the second story, the front wall of the basilica topped by a row of antefixes on the roof. The indentations flanking the attics of the three bays are decorated with shields: from left to right, a crossed pair of oval shields, a round shield, a second round shield, and a second crossed pair of oval shields. An engraver’s dot marking the center of the die appears near the top of the middle entranceway. BM 982. Paris 713. Strack 424 (records only five specimens, divided among three bust types). Cohen 44 (100 Fr.). RIC 617 (R2). Three small patination chips on right obverse field. Unlike many sestertii coming into the market, this is not tooled or smoothed in any way. Equal to the finest known. VF/EF $5,000 Ex Helios 3, 29 April 2009, lot 127. According to the Ostian fasti, Trajan dedicated his forum, “the last and largest of the imperial fora” (Richardson, p. 175), in January 112 AD, soon after assuming his sixth consulship on the first day of that same year. By far the largest structure in the forum was the Basilica Ulpia, a great hall intended for commercial and juridical use. The die sequence of Trajan’s aurei, investigated by M. Beckmann in the American Journal of Numismatics 12, 2000, indicates that the mint of Rome commemorated Trajan’s dedication of his forum by immediately introducing three new reverse types, namely our BASILICA VLPIA type, a similar FORVM TRAIANI type showing the entrance to the forum itself, and a type of Trajan on horseback reproducing the famous equestrian statue of the emperor that stood in the center of the forum square. Our description of the BASILICA VLPIA type above is largely quoted from L. Richardson’s explanation of the type, A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, 1992, p. 176.

Wonderful Basilica Ulpia Sestertius

763. Sestertius, 24.17g (6h). Rome, 112 AD. Obv: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Bust laureate right, fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: BASILICA VLPIA / S C in two lines in exergue, SPQR OP -TIMO PRIN -CIPI around, the principle entrance to the Basilica Ulpia, having three bays, each consisting of a pair of columns mounted on a stepped



764. Trajan and Trajan Pater (?). 98-117 AD. AE 19-21, 4.79g (6h). Thrace, Abdera, c. 103-114 AD. Obv: AYTO TPAIANW KAICAPI CEBACTW Laureate head of Trajan right. Rx: ΓEPMA ΔAKIKW ABΔHPEITAI Laureate head of Trajan Pater (?) right. AMNG 250 (3 spec.), pl. III.37 (same dies as ours). Fine $600 The identification of the second portrait is difficult. Strack in AMNG thought it might be Trajan Pater, as suggested by Mionnet, though officially Trajan Pater shouldn’t be laureate. Other suggestions have been (a) Divus Nerva; (b) a second portrait of Trajan, though the facial features seem different from those of the obverse portrait; and (c ) Hadrian, though Hadrian had no imperial rank under Trajan and we would expect his portrait to be bearded.

765. AE 22, 9.43g (11h). Phoenicia, Aradus, Year 365 = 106/7 AD. Obv: Diademed bust of Astarte right; before, small laureate head of Trajan right. Rx: Humped bull springing left, head facing; below, APAΔIΩN; above, date EΞT; before, Phoenician letter. BMC p. 47, 368. Sear 1083. Baramki, Cat. AUB Beirut, p. 127, 208, pl. XV, 13. Bold Fine/VF $200

767. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. Aureus, 7.08g (7h). Rome, 118 AD. Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIA -N HADRIANVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed right, seen from front, fold of cloak on front shoulder, sword belt around neck and across breast. Rx: CONCORD in exergue, P M TR P COS II around, Concordia seated left, cornucopia under throne, holding patera and resting left elbow on statue of Spes. BM 59. Cohen, first ed., 113 (50 Fr.). RIC 39a. Calicó 1205. With dealer’s ticket from the 1950s, priced at £30. VF $1,500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

768. Aureus, 7.23g (7h). Rome, c. 121-4 AD. Obv: IMP CAESAR TRAIAN H -ADRIANVS AVG Head laureate right. Rx: P M TR P -COS III Neptune standing right, left foot on prow, holding trident and dolphin. The reverse type refers to Hadrian’s travel by sea during his first great tour of the empire. Strack 102 (Paris, Vatican). Calicó 1316. RIC 74. BM 124 note. Cohen 1080 (Paris, 40 Fr.). Possibly only the fourth recorded specimen, after the two museum coins quoted by Strack and the one in Berk photofile, which is also illustrated by Calicó. Good EF with luster $24,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.

ANS 1978.64.223; Appleton Bequest, 1977.

766. Drachm, 3.08g (6h). Arabia, 114-6 AD. Obv: AYTOKP KAIC NEP [TPAIA]NW APICTW CEB ΓERM ΔAK Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: ΔHMAPX EΞ YΠATO S Camel standing left. Metcalf, The Tell Kalak Hoard and Trajan's Arabian Mint, Museum Notes 20, 1975, p. 88 (53 spec.). Sydenham, Caesarea, 205. EF with luster $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex VAuctions 214, 16 October 2008, lot 34.



RESTITV -TORI GALLIAE S C Hadrian, on left, togate and holding roll, standing right raising kneeling Gallia. BM 1806. Cohen 1251 (15 Fr.). RIC 950. Fine+ $300 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. 769. Denarius, 3.05g (6h). Rome, c. 132-8 AD. Obv: HADRIANVS -AVG COS III P P Head bare right. Rx: FELICI -TAS AVG Felicitas standing left holding short caduceus and cornucopia. BM 604. Cohen 602. RIC 233. About EF $200 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

770. Denarius, 3.46g (6h). Rome, c. 132 AD. Obv: HADRIANVS -AVG COS III P P Head laureate right. Rx: HISPANIA Hispania reclining left on rocks, holding branch, rabbit running right behind her, at base of rocks. Somewhat scarcer, according to the Reka Devnai figures, than the variant with the rabbit before Hispania’s feet. BM 849, pl. 63.13 (same rev. die). Cohen 837 (5 Fr.). RIC 306. Extremely beautiful portrait. Mint State $600

773. AE 31, 19.59g (7h). Cyzicus. Obv: AYTO TPAINOC (sic) AΔPIANOC [K]AICA[P CEBACTOC?] Laureate bust right with bare chest, fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: [EΠI CT]PA AYΠOY CA -BEINOY KYZIK[HNΩN] Unbearded Heracles seated left on rocks covered by lionskin, balancing club on ground with his right hand and supporting himself on the rocks with his left hand. Engraver's error in obverse legend, second A omitted from TPAIANOC. Possibly unpublished; cf. SNG Paris 641 (same obv. die, same magistrate) and 639 (same rev. type). Red and green encrustation on right obverse field. Bold VF $350 Exceptional Antinous Medallion

771. Sestertius, 23.66g (1h). Rome, c. 131 AD. Obv: HADRIANVS -AVGVSTVS Bare-headed, draped bust right. Rx: FELICITATI / AVG in two lines in field, COS III P P in exergue, S -C, Galley traveling left through waves, with seven rowers, in stern emperor seated under roof and flanked by two standards, at prow triton blowing horn. The reverse type refers to Hadrian’s return to Rome from his second great tour of the empire. Cohen 682 (Paris, 10 Fr.). BM 1394 note. RIC 719. Rare variant with reverse legend in field and triton on prow of galley. Slightly rough obverse. Green patina. Good VF $2,000

772. Sestertius, 22.88g (5h). Rome, c. 132 AD. Obv: HADRIANVS -AVG COS III P P Bare-headed, draped bust right. Rx:


774. Antinous. Favorite of Hadrian. AE 38, 39.24g (6h). Ionia, Smyrna, c. 134-5 AD. Obv: ANTINOOC -HPΩC Head bare left. Rx: ΠOΛEMΩN -ANEΘHKE CMVPNA -IOIS Bull standing right. Klose, Smyrna, p. 251, no. 7. Sear 1331. Isolated pitting behind head of Antinous on obverse, otherwise untouched and uncleaned. Good VF $12,500

775. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. As, 10.33g (7h). Rome, 149-50 AD. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG ­PIVS P P TR P XII Head laureate r. Rx: MVN[IFICE]NTIA AVG around, COS IIII / S C in two lines in exergue, Elephant walking r., with netlike pattern on body and legs representing its creased skin. BM 1840. Cohen 565. RIC 862a. VF $200 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

776. Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. 138-161 AD. Denarius, 2.75g (7h). Rome, 140-4 AD. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS -P P TR P COS III Bare head of Antoninus Pius right. Rx: AVRELIVS CAES -AR AVG PII F COS Bare head of Marcus Caesar right. BM 147. Cohen 14 (5 Fr.). RIC 415a. VF $200 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

with fold of cloak on front shoulder and behind neck. Rx: CONCORD AVGVSTOR TR P XV around, COS III in exergue, S -C across field, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, both togate and bare-headed, standing facing one another and clasping right hands, each also holds a roll in left hand. BM 849. Cohen 45. RIC 795. 19th century mechanical cleaning on obverse fields. VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Medallic Size Flan

777. Diva Faustina I. Died 140 AD. Sestertius, 32.72g (12h). Rome. Obv: DIVA -FAVSTINA Bust draped right. Rx: AETER -NITAS S -C Juno, veiled, standing right, head left, raising right hand and holding scepter, nearly vertical, in lowered left hand. BM 1480. Cohen 28. RIC 1102. Unusually heavy flan, perfectly centered, and with a full border of dots on obverse. This coin, struck on a medallic flan, is of excellent style and has green and brown patination. Nearly EF $2,500

778. Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 AD. Denarius, 3.64g (11h). Rome, 162 AD. Obv: IMP M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG Head bare right. Rx: CONCORD -AVG TR P XVI around, COS III in exergue, Concordia seated left holding patera and restng left forearm on statuette of Spes; cornucopia below throne. BM 177. Cohen 35. RIC 35=40. Mint State $750

780. Sestertius, 21.91g (11h). Rome, 166 AD. Obv: M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX Head laureate right. Rx: TR POT XX IMP IIII COS III S -C Victory, naked to waist, standing left, head right, holding palm branch and shield inscribed VIC PAR that is set atop palm tree. BM 1289. Cohen 807. RIC 931. Planchet defect in front of nose of Marcus Aurelius, otherwise VF $300 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

781. AE 23. 161-180 AD. 9.47g (7h). Macedonia, Macedonia under the Romans. Obv: KAICAP -ANTWNEINOC Bareheaded, cuirassed bust right. Rx: KOINON MA -KEΔONWN Winged thunderbolt upright. AMNG 274. SNG Glasgow 729. Centration dimple on emperor's cheek. EF/VF $200

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Ex Thomas D. Walker, 1980’s.

779. Sestertius, 28.58g (11h). Rome, 161 AD. Obv: IMP CAES M AVREL -ANTONINVS AVG P M Bare-headed bust right,

782. Lucius Verus. 161-169 AD. Denarius, 2.96g (6h). Rome, 166 AD. Obv: L VERVS AVG ARM -PARTH MAX Head laureate right. Rx: PIETAS AVG TR P VI COS II Petas standing left dropping incense over altar at her feet and holding open box. BM 423. Cohen 131. RIC 560. Dark toning with some iridescence. Crack on reverse, otherwise Near Mint State $475 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from CNG, 2008.


783. AE 24-26, 12.54g (12h). Abila, Year 230 = 166/7 AD. Obv: AVT KAICAP Λ -AYP OYHPOC Laureate, cuirassed bust right, seen from front, with fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: CE ABIΛHNW -N I AA Γ KOI CY Herakles, nude, seated left on pile of rocks, placing right hand on handle of club set on ground before him, and supporting himself on the rocks with his left hand; date ΛC in exergue. The reverse legend names Abila a Seleucid city in Coele-Syria, Holy, authorized to grant Asylum, and Autonomous; the meaning of the Γ is uncertain. Spijkerman 11. SNG ANS 1122 (same obv. die). VF+ $500


Magnificent Sestertius

784. Commodus as Caesar. 167-177 AD. Denarius, 3.08g (11h). Rome, 177 AD. Obv: IMP CAES L AVREL COMMODVS GERM SARM Bust laureate, cuirassed right. Rx: TR POT II COS Victory advancing left holding wreath and palm. BM 750. RSC 739a. RIC 628 var. VF $400 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from Zuzim Judaea, New York.

785. Commodus. 177-192 AD. Aureus, 7.31g (12h). Rome, 180 AD. Obv: L AVREL COM -MODVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed left. Rx: TR P V IMP IIII C -OS II P P Victory seated left holding patera and palm. BM 814, pl. 70, 6 (same dies). Calicó 2343 (same obverse die). Cohen 788 (BM, 150 Fr.). RIC 8b. Mint State $17,500 The earliest aureus of Commodus’ sole reign: Commodus is IMP IIII, an acclamation that he assumed after Marcus Aurelius’ death since Marcus did not share in it, but on the other hand Commodus’ name is still that of his joint reign with Marcus, L AVREL COMMODVS AVG. Very soon after his father’s death, Commodus changed his name to honor Marcus, becoming M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, but our coin was struck before that change was made. The illustrated specimen of Calicó 2344 shows that the actual reverse die of our aureus remained in use later in 180, when it was coupled with with an obverse die bearing the new imperial nomenclature.


786. Sestertius, 27.77g (12h). Rome, 192 AD. Obv: L AEL AVREL CO -MM AVG P FEL Head laureate right. Rx: PROVID -ENTIAE -AVG around, S C in exergue, Commodus as Hercules receives grain ears from Africa; Hercules stands left, nude, wearing the laurel wreath and with the curly hair of Commodus, placing his right foot on a prow, receiving the grain with his right hand and with his left hand resting his club on a pile of rocks behind him; Africa, wearing an elephant-skin headdress and with a lion at her feet, stands right, handing the grain ears to Hercules and holding a sistrum. BM 718, pl. 111.4 (rev. only, same die). Cohen 644 = first ed. 719 (50 Fr.). RIC 641. Extremely well struck and of the best style. Wonderful green patination. Normally late issues of Commodus are on small flans, this breaks the rules and for that reason is somewhat medallic in nature. Magnificent EF $35,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex Lanz 120, 18 May 2004, lot 366 (cover coin). Commodus had earlier established a fleet to transport grain from Africa to Rome, and this reverse type of 192 seems to boast that he, as the Roman Hercules, would personally go to Africa and take charge of the shipment. According to the Historia Augusta, Commodus indeed planned to visit Africa in 192 and even received a subsidy for his expenses from the Senate, but then never made the trip before his assassination on the last day of the year.

LXVI, 1968, p, 32, no. 343.. No specimens in Berk photofile, CoinArchives, or Wildwinds. Gnecchi 116, pl. 85.9 (BM spec., same dies). Cohen p. 378, 2 (700 Fr., with drawing or Paris spec., same obv. die as ours but different rev. die). Extremely beautiful medallion of Commodus. Natural untouched surfaces with some green encrustation. EF/VF $25,000 Commodus’ two jugate-bust medallic obverse types of 192 probably show the emperor with Roma and Minerva respectively, not with his mistress Marcia as traditionally supposed: see Dressel, Die römischen Medaillone…zu Berlin, pp. 154-­161. These are the first jugate portraits of an emperor and his patron divinity to appear on Roman coins.


Important Roman Medallion

787. Commodus and Roma jugate. 177-192 AD. Bimetallic medallion with copper center and orichalcum rim, 73.94g (11h). Rome, 192 AD. Obv: L AELIVS AVRELIVS COMMO -DVS AVG PIVS FELIX Jugate heads right of laureate Commodus, with rays emerging from his hair, and of Roma wearing necklace and Attic helmet with plume resting on dog; at lower right Amazonian shield (pelta). Rx: P M TR P -XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P Commodus, togate and veiled, stands left holding roll and sacrificing to Hercules from patera over altar; Hercules, nude, stands right in the pose of the Hercules Farnese, leaning with his left arm on his club which is set on a base, his lionskin covering his left arm, right elbow bent and right hand placed behind him in the small of his back. Possibly just the sixth specimen recorded of this medallion: Gnecchi lists specimens in BM, Paris, Milan, and Florence, and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts has one, published in their Museum Bulletin


788. Billon tetradrachm, 11.46g (11h). Alexandria, Year 27 = 186/7 AD. Obv:M AKOM ΑΝΤW -CEB [EYCEB] Head laureate right. Rx: Bearded and horned head of Jupiter Ammon right, surmounted by disk; date [L] K on left, Z on right. Cologne 2225. Dattari 3900. Oxford 2668. Emmett 2568/27. Fine/VF $100 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.


Impressive Portrait

789. Divus Pertinax. 193 AD. Denarius, 3.00g (7h). Rome. Obv: DIVVS PERT -PIVS PATER Head bare right. Rx: CONSECRATIO Eagle standing right, head left, wings spread, on globe. Rare. Only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard, compared to 52 specimens of Pertinax alive. BM 36-37 (p. 25). Cohen 6 (120 Fr). RIC 24A (R3, p. 94). Beautiful portrait. Well struck for this issue. EF/Good VF $1,750

791. Didia Clara. Daughter of Didius Julianus. Sestertius, 21.64g (6h). Rome. Obv: DIDIA CLA-­RA AVG Bust draped right. Rx: HI[LAR -TEMP]OR S -C Hilaritas standing left holding long palm and cornucopia. From A.M. Woodward’s obverse die 1, reverse die D, Coinage of Didius Julianus and His Family, Num. Chronicle 1961, p. 80 and pl. 10.1. BM 38, pl. 4.7 (same obv. die). Cohen 4 (50 Fr.). RIC 20 (R2). Fine/Good $300 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. Ex Zeno Collection, Part I, Dorotheum, 13 June 1955, lot 1391.


Exceptional Portrait

792. Clodius Albinus as Caesar. 193-195 AD. Denarius, 3.23g (12h). Rome, 194 AD. Obv: D CL SEPT AL -BIN CAES Head bare right. Rx: SAEC F -R -V -GIF COS II Radiate African god standing left, naked apart from cloak around loins, holding caduceus between two wheat ears in right hand and trident in left. Rare: only two specimens in Reka Devnia hoard. BM 102A. Cohen 65 (15 Fr.). RIC 8. Extremely well struck on a broad flan with full legends. Toned EF $1,500 Ex UBS Zurich 78, 9-10 September 2008, [Gillardi Collection], lot 1737, acquired by Gillardi from Münzhandlung Basel or it's successor Münzen und Medaillen AG, Basel.

790. Didius Julianus. 193 AD. Sestertius, 20.52g (5h). Rome. Obv: IMP CAES M DID SE -VER IVLIANVS AVG Head laureate right. Rx: RECTOR ORBIS S -C Emperor, togate, standing left holding globe and roll. From the same obverse die as Triton XII, 6 January 2009, lot 654 and four other specimens shown in CoinArchives Pro or Berk photofile; possibly equal to one of the three sestertius obverse dies of Julianus cited by Woodward, Numismatic Chronicle 1961, that we were unable to check. BM 28. Cohen 17 (30 Fr.). RIC 16 (R ).. EF/VF $3,800 Ex Triton VIII, 11 January 2005, lot 1036 (incorrect weight, die axis, and Woodward die reference).



Ciani 1956

from front. Rx: P M TR P -XVIII COS IIII P P Sol, radiate, naked except for cloak over shoulders, standing right, head left, raising right hand and holding globe in left. BM 135. Cohen 287. RIC 264c. EF $250 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from CNG, 2008.

793. Septimius Severus. 193-211 AD. Aureus, 7.29g (6h). Rome, 193 AD. Obv: IMP CAE L SEP SE 足V PERT AVG Head laureate right, early elongated portrait. Rx: VIRT A -VG -TR P COS Virtus standing left holding Victory and spear. BM 32. Cohen 751 (150 Fr.). RIC 24 (R ). Calic坦 2570. Clay, unpublished Oxford B.Litt. thesis, die catalogue, no. 22 (o5 / r27). About EF $4,000 Purchased from Ciani, summer 1956.

794. Dupondius, 12.03g (1h). Rome, 194 AD. Obv: L SEPT SEV PERT -AVG IMP IIII Head radiate right. Rx: AFRICA S -C Africa standing right wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding out fold of drapery filled with wheat ears before her breast, lion standing right at her feet. Much scarcer than the corresponding sestertius: by 1972 C. Clay had noted just twelve specimens, from three obverse and three reverse dies. BM 523. Cohen 30 (8 Frs.). RIC 680 (R ). Clay, unpublished die catalogue, no. 363 (o 52/r 75). EF $1,500

797. AE 27, 9.10g (1h). Macedonia, Stobi. Obv: IM C M AV -ANTONINV Bust laureate, cuirassed left, seen from front. Rx: MV -NI -STOB Turreted city-goddess standing left holding [reed] and scepter, between two river gods (Axios and Erigon) reclining on urns right and left respectively at her feet. New reverse type for Caracalla in the early large module. Same obverse die as Varbanov 3958 and Josifovski 344; probably same reverse die as Varbanov 3846 of Septimius Severus. VF $500

798. AE 21, 6.60g (7h). Macedonia, Stobi. Obv: [M AV]R -ANTONIN -VS Head laureate right. Rx: MVNIC -STOBE Victory advancing right holding wreath and palm. Bust variety of Varbanov 3987. EF $200 795. Caracalla. 198-217 AD. Antoninianus, 5.05g (12h). Rome, 215 AD. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P Jupiter standing right holding thunderbolt and scepter. BM 112. Cohen 279. RIC 258a. About EF $100 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. 799. AE 25, 7.95g (9h). Epirus, Corcyra. Obv: [MA] AY ANT立NEI[NOC AY BPIT] Bearded, laureate head right. Rx: KOP -KY above, PAI立N in exergue, Galley right above waves, with large sail, four oarsmen, and helmsman standing in stern. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 269 and BM 678-84. Fine/VF $250 796. Antoninianus, 5.21g (12h). Rome, 215 AD. Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right, seen

Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. Ex Zeno Collection, Part III, lot 3649 (2 coins, not illustrated).


Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front. Rx: PRINC IVVENTVTIS S C Diadumenian standing left, head right, holding standard and scepter, two further standards behind him. BM 159. Cohen 8 (20 Fr.). RIC 212. Fine/VG $200

800. AE 30, 16.60g (7h). Amasia, Pontus, Year 208 = 206/7 AD. Obv: AY KAI M AYP -ANTΩNINOC Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: AΔ -CEYANT A-M -ACIMHT NE Π around (some letters ligate), E -T / C -H across field, Tyche, polos on head, standing left holding rudder and cornucopia. Our reverse legend seems to end with just Π, rather than the usual ΠP Π, "First City of Pontus". RG 65. SNG Aulock 6705 var. BM 24 var. Somewhat corroded surface on obverse. Fine/VF $300 Dynastic Denarius

801. Geta as Caesar, with Septimius Severus and Caracalla. 198-209 AD. Denarius, 3.44g (6h). Rome, 201-2 AD. Obv: P SEPT GETA -CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped bust right. Rx: AETERNIT IMPERI Laureate, draped, cuirassed busts of Septimius and Caracalla facing each other. Cohen and RIC erroneously say that Geta’s bust is also cuirassed. BM 214, pl. 32.6 (same rev. die). Cohen 1 corr. (200 Fr.) RIC 5 corr. (R3). EF $1,750

Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. Ex Zeno Collection, Part I, Dorotheum, 13 June 1955, lot 1618 (two coins, not illustrated).. Mint State

804. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. Aureus, 6.40g (6h). Rome, 221 AD. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: P M TR P IIII -COS III P P Sol standing left, placing right foot on small object, raising right hand and holding globe and whip in left hand, star in left field. BM 241. Calicó 3014 and 3014a (same dies). Cohen 183 (D’Amécourt, 150 Fr.). RIC 39. Mint State $20,000 Ex NAC 46, 2 April 2008, lot 629. That Sol in this type holds not only a whip but also a globe in his left hand seems to have been noticed for the first time in the description of our coin in NAC 46, 2 April 2008, lot 629. The globe is not mentioned in the descriptions of the same reverse type in Cohen, RIC, BMC, Calicó, or Thirion’s Les monnaies d’Elagabal, p. 48.

802. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. Denarius, 3.31g (1h). Rome, 217 AD. Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed right, seen from front. Rx: PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P Fides standing left, head right, placing right foot on helmet, holding standard in each hand. BM 38. RSC 60. RIC 22A. Good VF $450 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from CNG, 2009. Ex Zeno. Ex ANS

803. Diadumenian as Caesar. 217-218 AD. As, 8.72g (6h). Rome. Obv: M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES



Stone of Emesa, Rare Later Issue

805. Denarius, 2.14g (7h). Eastern Mint, 219 AD. Obv: IMP ANTONINVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: SANCT DEO SOLI around, ELAGABAL in exergue, Stone of Emesa, decorated with eagle and accompanied by four religious standards, in wagon drawn right by four horses. Cohen 266 (Gréau Sale, 25 Fr.). RIC 144 (R2). Omitted by BMC. This type very rare with the eastern mint’s second obverse legend; only about six specimens known to C. Clay. Extremely beautiful reverse. Perfectly struck. Mint State $2,000

808. Denarius, 3.03g (5h). Rome, 223 AD. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped right. Rx: P M TR P -II -COS P P Mars standing left holding branch and spear. BM 92. Cohen 231. RIC 23. Mint State $250 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from CNG, 2009.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 809. Gordian I Africanus. 238 AD. Sestertius, 21.21g (1h). Rome. Obv: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: ROMAE AETERNAE S C Roma seated left above shield, holding Victory and scepter. BM 10. Cohen 9 (70 Fr.). RIC 10. VG $250 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.


806. Annia Faustina. Third wife of Elagabalus. 221 AD. Billon tetradrachm, 10.20g (12h). Alexandria. Obv: ANNIA -[Φ] AYC[TINA -CEBA] Bust draped right. Rx: Helmeted bust of Athena right wearing aegis on breast, date LE (Year 5) before. Cologne 2383. Dattari-Savio pl. 227, 4191. Emmett 329/5. Fine+ $750

807. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. Aureus, 5.91g (1h). Rome, 227 AD. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ­ALEXAND AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rs: P M TR P VI COS II P P Mars, helmeted, nude apart from cloak flying from waist, advancing right, holding spear pointed forwards and upwards and trophy over left shoulder. BM 407. Cohen 304 (80 Fr.). RIC 60. Calicó 3112. VF $3,500

810. Balbinus. 238 AD. Sestertius, 23.31g (5h). Rome. Obv: IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG Bust laureate, drpaed, cuirassed right, seen from front. Rx: P M TR -P COS II P P S C Genius of the Senate standing left holding branch and short scepter. The same obverse die was also used with the reverse VOTIS / DECENN -ALIBVS / S C in wreath, BM 7, pl. 43. BM 28. Cohen 21 (12 Fr.). RIC 16. Flan crack at 3H. Fine $250 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

811. Gordian III as Caesar. 238 AD. Denarius, 2.75g (7h). Rome. Obv: M ANT GORDIANVS CAES Bare-headed, draped bust right. Rx: PIETAS AVGG Five priestly implements: lituus, knife, pitcher, ladle, sprinkler. BM 63. Cohen 182 var. (20 Fr.). RIC 1. Near Mint State $1,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Acquired from CNG, 2009.


Rare. Not in BM by c. 1990, according to Roger Bland’s unpublished listing of the bronze coins of this reign.

812. Gordian III. 238-244 AD. AE 23, 7.08g (1h). Macedonia, Pella. Obv: IMP C M AN[T] ­GORDIANVS Head laureate right. Rx: COL IVL A -VG -PELLA Naked Pan seated left on rocks, placing right hand on head and holding pedum in left; in field before him, syrinx. SNG Copenhagen 286. BM 43 var. VF $300

813. Tranquillina. Wife of Gordian III. . AE 24, 9.87g (1h). Macedon, Edessa. Obv: CA.B.NIA (sic) TPANKVΛΛEINA. AVΓ Bust draped right wearing stephane. Rx: EΔE -C -CE around, ΩN in exergue, Roma seated left above shield holding Victory, crowned by city goddess holding scepter, standing left behind her. Papaefthymiou, Édessa de Macédoine, p. 87, 6 (D3/R5, pl. 11), 4 spec. Good VF $400

814. Philip I. 244-249 AD. Antoninianus, 3.08g (4h). Rome, 248 AD. Obv: IMP PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: SAECVLARES AVGG Cippus inscribed COS / III in two lines, representing the monument inscribed with the acts of the games which was set up for posterity. RIC 24c. Cohen 193. VF $100 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. Exceptional Dupondius


816. AE 25, 10.12g (2h). Thessalonica. Obv: AV K M IOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: ΘECCAΛON -IK -EΩN NE around, ΠV/ Θ -I in left field, A in exergue, Apollo standing left, holding branch over his head with right hand, resting left elbow on column up which snake is climbing and holding bow upwards behind him with left hand; before him, tripod altar on which rests prize crown containing palm branch. Touratsoglou p. 293, no. 48 (ANS), V6 / R 21, pl. 42 = SNG ANS 888. EF $500

817. Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD. Aureus, 4.15g (6h). Rome. Obv: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Bust laureate, cuirassed right. Rx: GENIVS EXERC ILLVRICIANI “The Genius of the Illyrian Army” standing left holding patera and cornucopia, standard behind him. RIC 16a (R2). Cohen 48 (200 Fr.). Calicó 3290. VF $2,500 Ex Santamaria, November 1920, lot 1042.

815. Dupondius, 7.07g (12h). Rome, c. 248 AD. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: SAECVLVM NOVVM S C Seated statue of Roma in six-columned temple. RIC 163c corr. C 204 (5 Fr.). Exceptional portrait of emperor. Some doublestriking on the reverse legend, but this is a remarkably rare Saeculares coin. Near Mint State $2,000


818. Herennius Etruscus as Caesar. 250-251 AD. Antoninianus, 3.09g (2h). Rome. Obv: Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C Radiate, draped bust r. Rx: CONCORDIA AVGG Clasped hands.. RIC 138 (R ). Cohen 4 (3 Fr.). Choice EF $100 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

Wonderful Binio

819. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 AD. AE 22, 5.06g (12h). Alexandria Troas. Obv: IMP VIB TREB GALLVS AV Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: C -O -L -AV -[G] around, TROAD in exergue, two young men, naked to waist, sitting facing one another, the one on the right handing three arrows to the one on the left; between them, a tripod and a dog with its head lowered to the ground; above the tripod, a bearded herdsman standing right holding pedum; in field right of the pedum, an uncertain object, or perhaps only a die break. SNG Glasgow 1289 (same dies). Imhoof-Blumer, Griechische Münzen, no. 216, pl. VII.25 (his collection, only reverse illustrated, same die as ours). Bellinger, Troy, A402. Bellinger, Late Bronze of Alexandria Troas, ANSMN VIII, 1958, Type 20B, pp. 36-7, pl. VII. Rare mythological type; only four specimens from two reverse dies known to Bellinger. VF $350

822. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. Binio or Two-aureus piece, 4.39g (12h). Milan, 262 AD. Obv: GALLIENVS AVG Head radiate right, both wreath ties curve left. Rx: FIDE / S MILI / TVM in three lines within laurel wreath, which has bow and ties at bottom, medallion at top. Göbl 1072c (3 spec.), pl. 85 (same dies). RIC 41 (wrongly under Rome). Bust var. of Cohen 255 (Gnecchi, 200 Fr.). Mint State $17,500 From the same dies as the specimen illustrated by Göbl from the catalogue Leu 25, 1980, 397. Gallienus comemorates the Loyalty of the Soldiers (Fides Militum) in connection with the celebration of his decennalian vows: other types in the same issue at Milan show VOTIS DECENNALIBVS or VOTIS X ET XX in wreath, VOTA DECENNALIA Victory inscribing shield set on palm tree, and FIDES EQVITVM in wreath, the loyaly of Gallienus’ newly formed cavalry corps at Milan.

The reverse type may show Apollo, on the right (on the other die he holds a bow), receiving hospitality from the herdsman Orodes, standing in the background, and handing arrows to the priest Krinis, seated on the left, the arrows symbolizing Apollo’s slaying of the mice that were infesting the region. See Bellinger, Late Bronze, p. 37.


820. Aemilian. 253 AD. Antoninianus, 3.57g (6h). Rome. Obv: IMP AEMILIANVS PIVS [FEL AVG] Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: ROMAE A[ETER]N Roma standing left holding phoenix on globe and transverse scepter, shield behind her. RIC 9. Cohen 41 (10 Fr.). Flatly struck on right edge of obverse, otherwise About EF $300 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

821. Diva Mariniana, Wife of Valerian. . Antoninianus, 4.07g (7h). Rome. Obv: DIVAE MARINIANAE Bust draped, veiled r. on crescent. Rx: C -ONSECRA -TIO Peacock flying r. bearing empress to heaven. Eauze 1321 (200 spec.). Cunetio 643 (63 spec.). RIC 6 (R ). Cohen 16 (8 Fr.). About EF $200 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

Second Recorded

823. Aureus, 3.94g (12h). Siscia, c. 266 AD. Obv: IMP GALLIENVS P F AVG GR Head laureate right. Rx: FIDES -M[IL] -ITVM Fides standing left holding two standards. Göbl 1434b (1 spec.), pl. 105 (same dies). Apparently only the second recorded specimen: Göbl records one other, from the same die pair and also holed, in Münster. Pierced, otherwise VF $1,000 Purchased before 1960.


larger flans than his earlier issues, struck for him alone, and adopting as reverse type “the turreted head of Tyche which had otherwise only been used as an obverse type throughout the semi-autonomous series” (Bellinger, Troy, p. 144). 824. Antoninianus, 3.64g (12h). Cologne. Obv: GALLIENVS P F AVG Radiate, cuirassed bust left, seen from front, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with Medusa head. Rx: IOVI V -ICTORI Jupiter standing left holding Victory and spear on top of cippus inscribed IMP C E S (“The Emperor and his Army”). Göbl-870m (7 spec.). RIC 23. Cohen 400 (4 Fr.). EF $150 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

828. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. Billon tetradrachm, 8.83g (11h). Alexandria, Year 11 = 263/4 AD. Obv: AVT K ΠΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: Eagle standing right, wings open, holding wreath in beak; date LIA in field right. Cologne 2916. Dattari 5289. Oxford 4095. Emmett 3808/11. EF $100 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

825. Antoninianus, 3.42g (6h). Cologne. Obv: GALLIENVS P.F.AVG Radiate, cuirassed bust right, seen from front, fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: GERMANICVS MAX V Trophy and two seated captives with hands tied behind backs. Commemorating Gallienus’ fifth victory over the Germans. Cunetio 715 (7 spec.). Göbl 872l (74 spec.). RIC 18. Cohen 308 (2 Fr.). EF $150 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr..

829. Saloninus as Caesar. 258-260 AD. Antoninianus, 2.40g (11h). Lugdunum. Obv: SALON VALERIANVS CAES Bust radiate, draped right. Rx: PIETAS AVG Priestly implements: lituus, knife, pitcher, ladle, sprinkler. Göbl 914e (56 spec.). Cunetio 744 (39 spec.) RIC 9. Cohen 41. Good VF $100 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr. Finest Regalianus

826. Antoninianus, 3.87g (6h). Cologne. Obv: GALLIENVS.P.F.AVG Radiate bust left, seen from front, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rx: GERMANICVS MAX V Trophy between two captives. Göbl 872m (11 spec.). Cunetio 716 (2 spec.). RIC 18. Cohen 310. EF $150 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

827. AE 25, 9.91g (1h). Alexandria Troas, Sole reign. Obv: IMP C -LIC GALL Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: TROAC Turreted, draped bust of city goddess right, seen from front; behind, vexillum with AV / C on banner (instead of the usual AV / CO). SNG Aulock 7574. SNG Glasgow 1303. Bellinger, Troy, A466. EF $200 Gallienus’ unusual final issue at Alexandria Troas: on


830. Regalianus. 260 AD. Antoninianus, 3.44g (12h). Carnuntum. Obv: IMP C P C REGALIANVS AVG Bust radiate, draped right, the facial features are those of Caracalla from the undertype. Rx: PROVIDENTIA AVGG Annona standing left holding wheat ears over modius on ground and cornucopia, copied from the similar PROVIDENTIA AVG type of Severus Alexander. RIC 8 corr. (R5), pl. XX.8 (same dies). Cohen 5 (400 Fr.). Göbl pl. I, A1-5 (same dies). This is one of the few Regalianus antoniniani with the complete name of the usurper. Overstruck as usual. Possibly the finest known. EF $18,000 Ex Triton XIII, 5 January 2010, lot 342. Extremely rare. R. Göbl, Regalian und Dryantilla, Vienna 1970, could locate only 26 surviving antoniniani of Regalian. Five of those coins had the PROVIDENTIA AVGG reverse

type, all coming from the same pair of dies as our coin. Like all other coins of Regalian and Dryantilla, ours too is struck over a denarius of an earlier emperor, namely a denarius of Caracalla with obverse legend ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, reverse MARTI PROPVGNATORI, Mars advancing left holding spear and trophy (RIC 150). On the obverse, the neck, chin, ear, and radiate crown of the portrait are of Regalian, but the nose, eye, and forehead are remnants of Caracalla’s portrait from the undertype. Four letters of the original obverse legend can also be made out: the S of [ANTONINV] S between the two uppermost spikes of Regalian’s radiate crown, and the lower halves of RIT from [B]RIT, just above the surviving neck of Caracalla’s portrait in the field below Regalian’s chin. On the reverse, substantial remnants of the figure of Mars from the undertype intermingle with Regalian’s Annona: Mars’ legs, body, face, spear before, flying cloak and trophy behind can all be made out. The final three letters of the original reverse legend, ORI of [PROPVGNAT]ORI, can also be seen beneath the VGG of Regalian’s AVGG.

832. Antoninianus, 3.14g (8h). Rome. Obv: IMP C LAELIANVS P F AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed right, seen from front, fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: VICTO -R -I -A AVG Victory advancing right holding wreath and palm.. Cunetio 2501 (35 spec.). RIC 9 (R ). Cohen 4 (15 Fr.). Gilljam, Antoniniani des Laelianus, 42 (obv. die XIII, rev. die 25). EF $1,500 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

833. Marius. 268 AD. Antoninianus, 2.84g (6h). Rome. Obv: IMP C MARIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front. Rx: CONCORD MILIT Clasped hands. Cunetio Hoard 2503 (16 spec.). Cohen 8 (10 Fr.). RIC 6. Some porosity and minor flan crack on reverse, otherwise VF $300 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.


834. Quintillus. 270 AD. Billon tetradrachm, 8.80g (11h). Alexandria. Obv: A K MA KΛ KVIN -TIΛΛOC CEB Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right, seen from front. Rx: Eagle standing right, head left, holding wreath in beak; date L -A across field. Cologne 3049. Dattari 5420. Oxford 4296. Emmett 3907/1. VF/Fine $100 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

831. Laelianus. 268 AD. Antoninianus, 3.13g (7h). Rome. Obv: IMP C LAELIANVS P F AVG Bust radiate, draped right, seen from front. Rx: VICTO -R -I -A AV -G Victory advancing right holding wreath and palm. Laelianus’ rarer bust type, draped rather than cuirassed. Cunetio Hoard 2500 (3 spec.). RIC 9 (R ). Bust var. of Cohen 4 (15 Fr.). Gilljam, Antoniniani des Laelianus, 10 (obv. die IV, rev. die 10). VF $1,000 Ex ANS Collection, Estate of Dr. John F. Lhotka Jr.

Flawless Mint State

835. Aurelian. 270-275 AD. Aureus, 5.27g (6h). Siscia, 274-5 AD. Obv: IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right, seen from front. Rx: RESTITV -TOR ORIENTIS Sol standing right, head left, nude apart from cloak fastened around shoulders and with end hanging down from lot 835 continue


lot 835 continue

in the legend, probably because it had played an important role in the emperor’s campaigns in Pannonia.

left elbow, raising right hand and holding globe in left. Cf. Estiot, L’or romain, Journal des Savants 1999, no. 148, pl. X (Vienna, different dies). Estiot, Paris Cat. II, p. 362 and pl. 80, 138 (the same Vienna coin). Göbl 219a0, pl. 98 (the same Vienna coin). RIC 374 (as Antioch). Calicó 4028 (“Antioch”, no illustration). Bust var. of Cohen 214 (120 Fr.). Only the second recorded specimen of this aureus with this bust type from Siscia, and from a new pair of dies. Exceptionally sharp. Struck in somewhat high relief. Flawless Mint State $7,500 An interesting type calling Aurelian “Restorer of the East”, and showing Sol as symbolic of the East. This type is quite rare on aurei struck at Siscia: in her die corpus of Aurelian’s aurei Estiot found only a single coin exactly like ours, but from different dies, plus two other specimens, her nos. 142-3, with a variant bust type, cuirassed only, and three more specimens, nos. 140-1, with that same variant bust type and a shorter obverse legend. The same reverse type was somewhat commoner on Aurelian’s aurei at Tripolis, Estiot’s nos. 166-176.


837. Tacitus. 275-276 AD. Aureus, 4.47g (6h). Ticinum. Obv: IMP C CL TA -CITVS AVG Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed r., seen from front. Rx: FELI -CIT -TEMP Felicitas standing left holding short caduceus and scepter. Estiot, L’or romain, Journal des Savants 1999, no. 16a (this coin). Estiot, Paris Catalogue, p. 330, pl. 90, 351 (this coin). RIC 7 corr. (this coin, misattributed to Lugdunum, bust type misdescribed). Calicó 4071 corr. (citing RIC 7, no image). Perfectly centered. Perfectly struck. EF $6,500 Enlargement lot 835

Rare Variant of SISCIA PROBI AVG

836. Probus. 276-282 AD. Antoninianus, 3.89g (1h). Siscia. Obv: IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG Bust radiate, cuirassed right, seen from front. Rx: SISCIA P -ROBI AVG City-goddess of Siscia seated front on throne, head right, holding out both ends of a long piece of cloth, and flanked by two river gods (Savus and Colapis), each holding an urn from which water flows; additional waves below and, below the waves, XXIQ (officina 4). Alföldi, Siscia V, 69/5 (1 spec., Venera hoard). This variant not in RIC or Cohen. Some isolated pits in right obverse field, otherwise EF $1,500 Apparently only the second recorded specimen of this important variant, after the one cited by Alföldi from the Venera hoard. Siscia here sits front, her knees pointing towards the viewer, and turns her head right, instead of sitting left as usual, with both her legs and her head turned in that direction. Siscia, which lay at the confluence of the two rivers depicted in the coin type, is called Probus’ special city


Ex Sotheby, Zurich, 10 November 1972, Metropolitan Museum, Part I, Roman Gold, lot 342. Ex Wayte Raymond, Collection Pierpont Morgan, New York 1953, no. 166. Ex Sangiorgi, 15 April 1907, Strozzi, lot 1946. Apparently unique: all published references go back to our single specimen. This was the only gold coin of Tacitus with this exact obverse legend known to Estiot at Ticinum or any other mint, but Calicó 4072, citing Superior, 10 December 1993, lot 1979, publishes another specimen, unknown to Estiot, from the same obverse die as our coin and with the same reverse type, but with longer reverse legend FELICIT TEMPORVM instead of just FELICIT TEMP.


Military Bust Aureus

838. Florianus. 276 AD. Aureus, 4.45g (11h). Ticinum. Obv: VIRTVS F -LORIANI A -VG Bust laureate, cuirassed left, seen from front, holding spear over shoulder with right hand, shield by left shoulder. Rx: VIRTV -S AV -GVSTI Mars, nude apart from helmet and cloak flying from waist, advancing right holding spear and trophy over shoulder, at his feet captive seated right with hands tied behind back. Estiot, Paris Catalogue, pl. 98, 509 (same dies). Estiot, Journal des Savants 1999, pp. 424-5, 9 (D2 / R6, 8 spec.). Calicó 4135 (same dies). Cohen 106 (Vienna, 600 Fr.). RIC 24 (R3, wrongly mint of Rome). Reverse weakly struck, otherwise EF $25,000


839. Maximianus. 286-305 AD. Aureus, 4.96g (6h). Rome, 287 AD. Obv: MAXIMIA -NVS P F AVG Head laureate right. Rx: HERCVL -I -P -ACIFERO Hercules standing right, head left, holding up olive branch in right hand, carrying club and lionskin in left. Depeyrot 6/1, p. 82 (9 spec.). Calicó 4666 (illustrating this specimen). Cohen 271 (Paris, 200 Fr.). Pink, Goldprägung, p. 20 (Berlin, BM, Paris). Mistakenly left out by RIC V.i, p. 275. Near Mint State $10,000

facing one another, clasping right hands and each also holding a cornucopia. Apparently unpublished in gold. Cf. the corresponding Lugdunese antoninianus, Amandry, Estiot, and Gautier, Monnayage de Lyon, Supplément II, 2003, no. 512α. Interesting historical reverse type, previously unattested in gold. Near Mint State with fully lustrous fields $30,000 This interesting, unpublished aureus should probably be attributed to the mint of Lugdunum, c. 293 AD. Typologically, its very unusual CONCORDIA AVGG reverse type with twin goddesses is otherwise only known on Lugdunese antoniniani of Diocletian, Maximian, Constantus I as Caesar, and Galerius as Caesar, in several issues which by definition must have been struck after the promotion of the two Caesars on 15 March 293 but before the discontinuation of the antoninianus in Diocletian’s coinage reform of c. 295. Given the date, this reverse type should probably be interpreted as referring to the harmony displayed by the two emperors in establishing the Tetrarchic system by appointing Constantius and Galerius as Caesars and placing them in control of their own sections of the empire in west and east respectively. Stylistically, the portrait and lettering of the new aureus seem compatible with the mint of Lugdunum, and the coin is particularly reminiscent of a rare aureus of Constantius I as Caesar with reverse PROVIDENTIA DEORVM, Providentia seated left holding wand over globe at her feet and scepter, which was attributed to Ticinum by Pink, Goldprägung, Num. Zeitschrift 64, 1931, p. 25, followed by Sutherland, RIC VI, 1967, Ticinum 7, but which S. Estiot has recently reattributed to Lugdunum in 293, the same issue that included the first CONCORDIA AVGG antoniniani: see her article in BSFN, 2, 2002, pp. 20-23 and Monnayage de Lyon, Supplément II, no. 500α, p. 105 and pl. XXII. This unusual Providentia seated reverse type is indeed, like CONCORDIA AVGG, a type that is otherwise attested only on Lugdunese antoniniani of the four Tetrarchs, datable to 293-5, and that may likewise be interpreted as referring to the Tetrarchic settlement, achieved by "the Foresight of the Gods".

Ex Biaggi Collection, unpublished photographic record by Silvia Hurter, no. 1786. Twin Concordias in Gold Enlargement

840. Galerius as Caesar. 293-305 AD. Aureus, 5.40g (1h). Lugdunum, 293 AD. Obv: GAL VAL MAXIMINIANVS NOB CAES Bust laureate, draped right, seen from front. Rx: CONCORDIA A ­VGG Two figures of Concordia standing


Excessively Rare Argenteus of Severus II

841. Severus II as Caesar. 305-306 AD. Argenteus, 3.30g (12h). Serdica. Obv: SEVERV -S NOB C Head laureate right. Rx: VIRTVS -MILITVM Camp gate with three turrets, no doors, .SM.SDA. in exergue (officina A=1). Rauch 82, 23 April 2008, lot 602 (this coin). Gorny & Mosch 155, 5 March 2007, lot 359 (same dies). FDC $6,000 Argentei of Severus II were virtually unknown until a number of pieces came to light in a hoard about eight years ago. Cohen knew no argentei of Severus II at all; RIC Serdica 21 = Roman Silver Coins, p. 100, 77A knew only one very rare argenteus just like ours, but of Severus II as Augustus not as Caesar. Our identical coin sold for 9000 euros ($14,377) plus fees in the cited Rauch auction three years ago.

313 between Maximinus' invasion of Thrace and seizure of Heraclea, and his defeat in battle and expulsion from Europe by Licinius about ten days later, on 30 April 313. "His authority ceased from that date, which left Constantine and Licinius…to divide the government of the empire" (Sutherland, RIC VI, p. 35). Wonderful Licinius

843. Licinius I. 308-324 AD. Aureus, 5.22g (11h). Nicomedia, 317-8 AD. Obv: LICINIVS -AVGVSTVS Head laureate right, three rows of leaves in wreath. Rx: IOVI CONS -ERVATORI around, SMNΔ in exergue (officina 4), platform inscribed SIC X / SIC XX in two lines, on which Jupiter standing left, nude except for cloak hanging from left shoulder, holding Victory on globe and scepter, at his feet eagle standing left, head right, with wreath in beak. Cohen 61 (Paris, 200 Fr., with drawing). Gemini III, 9 January 2007, lot 458. Freeman & Sear 13, 25 August 2006, lot 769. Possibly only the fourth recorded specimen. Tiny ding in right reverse field. Stunning Mint State $12,000 Though published by Cohen 61, citing Paris and providing an illustration, this aureus seem to have been omitted by RIC VII, p. 602; Depeyrot I, p. 124; and Calicó II, pp. 857-9.


Maximinus II Seizes Heraclea


842. Maximinus II as Augustus. 309-313 AD. Reduced follis, 5.66g (12h). Heraclea, c. April 313 AD. Obv: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F AVG Head laureate r. Rx: SOLI IN -VICTO Sol standing left in long robe, raising right hand and holding head of Serapis in left hand, SMHT in exergue, Γ in left field. RIC-78 (R2), unlisted officina Γ=3. Only about six of these coins seem to be recorded. Olive patination. Mint State $1,000 Very rare, attested in RIC only from Voetter’s Gerin catalogue, for officinae A and Δ. A coin of officina B was shown by Mayadigger, Forvm Discussion Group, May 2005, and ours of officina Γ completes the expected set of four officinae for the type. The coins of this issue use Maximinus' reverse types and were struck only with his own portrait, not for Constantine or Licinius, showing that they must have been struck during the short period in April


Foundation of Constantinople

844. Constantine I. 307-337 AD. Solidus, 4.48g (11h). Nicomedia, 330 AD. Obv: CONSTANTI -NVS MAX AVG Bust draped, cuirassed right, seen from front, wearing laurel and rosette diadem. Rx: PIETAS AVGVSTI NOSTRI Constantine in

military dress standing left, holding scepter in left hand and extending right hand to raise turreted female figure (Constantinopolis) kneeling right before him; the kneeling figure clasps the emperor’s hand with her right hand and holds cornucopia in her left hand; she is presented to the emperor by Roma or Virtus, helmeted, right breast bare, standing right, placing her right hand on the shoulder of the kneeling figure and holding a shield on her left arm; the emperor, finally, is crowned by Victory standing left behind him and also holding palm; SMNP in exergue. RIC 168 (Vienna). Depeyrot 42/1 (p. 130, 2 spec. with SMNP). Cohen 393 var. (300 Fr.). EF/About EF $5,000 Apparently only the fifth recorded specimen of this rare reverse type with this exact mintmark, the other four being (a) Vienna; (b) NFA XXII, 1 June 1989, 130; (c) NAC 34, 24 November 2006, lot 86; and (d) Gemini VI, 10 January 2010, lot 575. According to Toynbee, Roman Medallions, p. 196, this type commemorates Constantine’s capture of Byzantium from Licinius, and his rebuilding of the city to turn it into his new capital Constantinipolis: “the city is rescued from the enemy and ‘restored’ through the emperor’s compassion, so that she may begin her new life as Constantinople.” The cornucopia held by Constantinople seems to have been overlooked by previous cataloguers, though it is perfectly clear on our piece and the one in Gemini VI, as well as on the two solidi and the similar gold medallion illustrated by Toynbee, Numismatic Chronicle 1940, pl. IV, 5-7.


846. Procopius. 365-366 AD. Siliqua, 2.03g (12h). Constantinople. Obv: D N PROCO -PIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front. Rx: VOT / V in two lines in wreath, .C.Γ below. RIC 13e, mintmark 11 (officina Γ=3). RSC 14†d. Cohen 14 (150 Fr.). About EF/EF $1,500



845. Constantine I. 307-337 AD. Solidus, 4.49g (11h). Antioch, 336-7 AD. Obv: CONSTANTI -NVS MAX AVG Bust draped, cuirassed right, seen from front, wearing laurel and rosette diadem. Rx: VICTORIA CO -NSTANTINI AVG Victory advancing left holding trophy on long staff and palm, SMAN. In exergue, in left field crossed P, in right field LXXII, specifying the weight of 72 to the pound or c. 4.5g. RIC 100 (3 spec.). Depeyrot 49 (p. 148, 17 spec.). Cohen 605 (200 Fr.). An absolutely beautiful coin with a magnificent portrait and an unusually beautiful Victory on the reverse. Mint State $10,000

847. Theodosius I. 379-395 AD. Solidus, 4.42g (6h). Constantinople, 383-8 AD. Obv: D N THEODO ­SIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front. Rx: CONCORDI -A AVGGGΓ Constantinople seated front, head right, right foot on prow, no lions' heads on throne, holding scepter and shield inscribed VOT / X / MVLT / X in four lines, CONOB in exergue. The officina letter Γ possibly engraved over a different letter that had been expunged. RIC 70a (R ), officina Γ=3. Depeyrot 48/3, p. 244 (3 spec. from officina 3). Cohen 10 (20 Fr.). Mint State $1,000


left foot on seated and bound bearded captive, holding labarum and Victory on globe, COMOB in exergue, R -V in field. RIC 1287 (S). Depeyrot 7/1, p. 188 (763 spec.). About EF $500 848. Magnus Maximus. 383-388 AD. Solidus, 4.49g (12h). Trier. Obv: D N MAG MA -XIMVS P F AVG Bust draped, cuirassed right, seen from front, wearing pearl and rosette diadem. Rx: RESTITVTOR -REI PVBLICAE Emperor in military dress standing left, head right, holding labarum and Victory on globe. RIC 76, mintmark 2. Depeyrot 50/1 (p. 123, 125 specimens). Cohen 4 (50 Fr.). Flawless detailed portrait. Mint State $5,000 Ex Goldberg 46, 26 May 2008, Millennia Collection, lot 150. Ex Leu 93, 10 May 2005, Perfectionist Collection, lot 145. Ex Hess-Leu 36, 17 April 1968, lot 585.

851. Theodosius II. 402-450 AD. Solidus, 4.30g (12h). Constantinople, c. 430-40 AD. Obv: D N THEODO -SIVS P F AVG Bust cuirassed, helmeted facing front, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with emperor riding down enemy. Rx: VOTIS XXX -MVLT XXXXE Constantinopolis seated left, left foot on prow, shield below left elbow, holding cross on globe and scepter; CONOB in exergue, star in right field. The prow below Constantinopolis’ foot is placed diagonally in the exergue, as though the engraver ran out of space and had difficulty fitting it in. RIC 257, officina E=5. Depeyrot 81/1, p. 254 (159 spec. from officina 5). Near Mint State $500


849. Arcadius. 383-408 AD. Solidus, 4.46g (6h). Constantinople, 383-5 AD. Obv: D N ARCADI -VS P F AVG Rosettediademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front. Rx: CONCORDI -A AVGGGGB Constantinople seated front, head right, on throne ornamented with lions’ heads, right foot on prow, holding scepter and shield inscribed VOT / V / MVL / X in four lines, CONOB in exergue. RIC 47d, unlisted officina B=2. Depeyrot 38/2, p. 239 (only 1 spec. from officina B, in BM, plus 7 spec. from other officinae). Rare variant. Mint State $1,000

852. Zeno. 476-491 AD. Tremissis, 1.48g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D N ZENO PERP AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front. Rx: VICTORIA AVGVSTORM (sic, final V of AVGVSTORVM omitted) Victory advancing to front, head left, holding wreath and cross on globe; CONOB in exergue, star in right field. RIC 916 (R4), citing DO 651, pl. 25 (same reverse die). Rare spelling error on reverse, perhaps known from just this one reverse die. EF $300

Judaean City Coins by Mint

853. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. AE 15, 5.09g (5h). Judaea, Aelia Capitolina. Obv: IMP HADRIANO AVG Laureate, draped bust right. Rx: COL -AE CAP Legionary eagle. Meshorer (Aelia) 3. Fine $250 850. Honorius. 393-423 AD. Solidus, 4.50g (11h). Ravenna, c. 402-423 AD. Obv: D N HONORI -VS P F AVG Pearldiademed, draped, cuirassed bust r., seen from front. Rx: VICTORI -A AVGGG Emperor standing right, placing


Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Hadrian renamed Jerualem as Aelia Capitolina. This is one of a number of coins struck there with motifs of the Tenth Roman Legion.

Heritage 357, Long Beach, 9 Sept. 2004, lot 12131. Cf. BM 1, pl. II.7; SNG ANS 635; and Rosenberger 1. Rare city. Small flan causing type loss; the BM and ANS specimens are considerably larger and heavier. VF $750 854. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. AE 16, 3.92g (12h). Judaea, Aelia Capitolina. Obv: IMP CAES [T A ANTONINO] Bust laureate, draped right. Rx: Boar walking right; above, KAC. Meshorer 30. BM 29. Fine $250

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

855. Commodus. 177-192 AD. AE 24, 14.16g (11h). Judaea, Aelia Capitolina. Obv: Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right, inscription illegible before portrait, off flan behind. Rx: COL AEL KAP retrograde beginning at upper left; Dionysus, naked to waist, standing left emptying cantharus to panther on ground and holding thyrsus. Meshorer (Aelia) 70 variety. Good VF $500

858. AE 16, 6.46g (1h). Samaria, Antipatris. A second specimen of the same coin, likewise on a small flan causing type loss. The only visible legend is ANT in reverse exergue. The arched lintel above Tyche is visible on the reverse. Heritage 357, Long Beach, 9 Sept. 2004, lot 12131. Dark green patination, with light green deposits highlighting the devices. Fine $250 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. This unusual variation with a retrograde reverse legend is not listed in Meshorer’s book, and there is no example in the Sofaer Collection at the American Numismatic Society (to be published late 2011).

859. AE 23, 10.53g (11h). Judaea, Ascalon, Year 321 = 218 AD. Obv: AV - AN[TWNEINO]C Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: [ACKAΛW] -AK[T] Derketo holding dove and scepter, crescent above her head, standing left on triton, the triton holds a cornucopia. SNG ANS 737. Fine $100 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

856. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. AE 21, 7.15g (12h). Judaea, Aelia Capitolina. Obv: IM C M AVR ANTONINVS A Head radiate right. Rx: COL AEL -CAP COMM around, P F in exergue, Draped bust of Serapis right wearing calathus. Meshorer (Aelia) 135. Rare type, not in BMC or SNG ANS. VF $650 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

857. AE 16, 3.98g (1h). Samaria, Antipatris. Obv: Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of Elagabalus right, seen from front; legend off flan except for ANT behind head. Rx: [A] NTIΠ in exergue, circular legend off flan, Tyche standing left in four-columned temple, placing right foot on uncertain object and holding small bust and scepter.

860. Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD. AE 25-27, 16.86g (1h). Judaea, Caesarea Maritima. Obv: IMP C G MES Q TRA [DECIVS AVG] Bust laureate, cuirassed right, seen from front. Rx: COL PR F AVG F C CAES METP (sic, P for R) P Altar with horns, behind which are two trees, a palm with dates on left and a fig (?) on right. SNG ANS 829. BM 158. Fine $250 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. According to Hill in BMC, p. xxi, the abbreviated titles of the city on the reverse stand for Colonia Prima Flavia Augusta Firma (?) Constans (?) Caesarea, Metropolis Palestinae. “An interesting type is the altar with two trees behind it; but the god to whom it is sacred is not known” (idem, p. xxii).


861. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. AE 32-34, 23.06g (1h). Samaria, Neapolis, Year [87] = 158/9 AD. Obv: ANTWNINOC CEBAC -EVCEB. Bust laureate, draped right. Rx: ΦΛ NEAC ΠOΛEWC ­CVPIA[C Π]AΛEICTINHC, probable date ET ΠZ in exergue is illegible, Mt. Gerizim, consisting of two masses, the broad mass on left surmounted by two temples and an altar and with a stairway leading to the top, the narrow mass on right surmounted by an altar only, colonnade below mountain only faintly visible on this specimen. SNG ANS 965 (same obv. die). BM 22 var. Fine $2,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

864. Commodus. 177-192 AD. AE 19, 4.54g (1h). Samaria, Neapolis. Obv: [MAP AYP] -KOMMOΔW Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: ΦΛ NEAC -CYP ΠA Cult statue resembling Artemis Ephesia, standing front between two stags, with headdress of three plumes and fillets falling from extended forearms. Rosenberger 26. BM 77. SNG ANS 981 var. VF $200 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

865. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. AE 20, 6.19g (12h). Samaria, Neapolis. Obv: AV CE AΛΕ -ANΔP[OC] Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: [Φ]Λ NEAC Π. Mt. Gerizim surmounted by temple and altar, stairway leads to temple, colonnade below mountain. Rosenberger 69. SNG ANS 1008. BM 112 var. VF/Fine $250 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

862. Marcus Aurelius as Caesar. 139-161 AD. AE 24, 9.85g (12h). Samaria, Neapolis, Year 87 = 158/9 AD. Obv: AYPHΛIOC KAICAP -EYCEB CEB YIOC Head bare right, lightly bearded. Rx: ΦΛ NEAC ΠOΛ -EWC CYP ΠAΛ -E, date ET -ΠZ across field, Mummy-shaped, frontal figure of Zeus Heliopolites flanked by foreparts of two humped bulls, wearing kalathos, raising whip in right hand and holding two wheat ears in left. BM 28. VF $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

863. Faustina II. Wife of Marcus Aurelius. AE 22, 7.73g (12h). Samaria, Neapolis, Year 88 = 159/60 AD. Obv: ΦA[VC] TEINA CEBA -EVCEB CEB Θ Bust draped right. Rx: ΦΛ NEAC ΠO CYP ΠAΛECT Cult statue resembling Artemis Ephesia, standing front between two stags that look upwards at her, wearing headdress of three plumes supporting small temple facade, below each of her extended forearms a bird and a hanging fillet. SNG ANS 978 (same obv. die). BM 63. Fine+ $350 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


866. Philip I. 244-249 AD. AE 28, 16.57g (12h). Samaria, Neapolis. Obv: IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Bust radiate, draped right. Rx: CO -L -SERG around, NEAPOL in exergue, Marsyas standing right raising right hand and carrying wineskin over left shoulder, before eagle standing right, head left, spreading wings to support Mt. Gerizim. Flan of curious structure, as though two thin discs of metal bearing the obverse and reverse types had been applied to a core of a different metal. Harl, Neapolis, Museum Notes 29, 1984, no. 12 (A3-P12), pl. 6, citing BM 118, SNG ANS 110, Vienna, and Paris. Fine/VF $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

867. Trebonianus Gallus. 251-253 AD. AE 24, 10.10g (1h). Samaria, Neapolis. Obv: [AVT KAI Γ OVIB TPI]B ΓAΛΛOC CEB Bust laureate, cuirassed right, seen from front, fold of

cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ΦΛ NEAC -ΠOΛEWC Gallus and Volusian, both togate, stand facing each other, each extending patera over altar between them with right hand and holding short scepter in left; between their heads, Mt. Gerizim between star and crescent. Harl, Neapolis, Museum Notes 29, 1984, no. 120 (A28-P113), pl. 13 (mislabeled 121), citing Rosenberger 112. Apparently only the second recorded specimen of this interesting type. Light smoothing, band of radiate crown and hair above forehead tooled, otherwise VF $1,200 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Harl seems to have misidentifed the obverse die of the Rosenberg specimen of this coin as being his A27, when in fact it is his A28. Our coin is definitely from his A28, the same obverse die as his catalogue no. 124, pl. 13 = SNG ANS 1034.

870. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. AE 24, 9.24g (7h). Judaea, Nicopolis-Emmaus, Year 2 = 221/2 AD. Obv: [M AV] ANTW -[N]INOC CEB Bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: [ANTWNINI NIKO]ΠOΛIC Turreted city goddess standing left in four-columned temple with arched lintel, placing right foot on uncertain object and holding small bust (?) and scepter; between her left calf and the bottom of the scepter, date B. Bust var. of SNG ANS 1044 and BM 4. Fine $1,000 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

868. AE 25, 12.24g (7h). Samaria, Neapolis. Obv: [AYT KAI Γ] OYIB TRIB ΓAΛΛOC CEB Bust radiate, cuirassed right, seen from front, fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ΦΛ NEAC -[ΠOΛ -EWC] Neapolitan Artemis on right standing left, right foot on uncertain object, raising left hand before breast and placing right hand on head of small griffin (?) seated atop column; to left, Nike supporting Mt. Gerizim above head. Harl, Neapolis, Museum Notes 29, 1984, no. 122 (A27-P115), pl. 13, citing Rosenberger 114 and BM 156. Third recorded specimen of an intricate reverse type known only from this die pair. Good VF $1,200

The name “Antoninian” and the new era seem to reflect Elagabalus’ refoundation of Emmaus, which was also recorded by Eusebius as an act of the emperor’s third year (BMC, pp. lxxx-lxxxi).

Rare Portrait of Gabinius

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

869. Lucius Verus. 161-169 AD. AE 20, 7.58g (12h). Judaea, Nicopolis-Emmaus, Year 91 = c. 161-2 AD. Obv: AYTOKP[A] -[OYHPOC CEB] Bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right. Rx: NEIKO -Π -O -ΛITW[N] around, date ET 9A in exergue, Zeus seated left holding Nike and scepter. BM 3. A rare coin of this rare city, which is represented in the ANS collection by a mere two coins, both of Elagabalus. Good VF $2,000

871. Nysa Scythopolis. 57-55 BC. AE 19, 4.90g (10h). Nysa Scythopolis. Obv: Wreathed head of Gabinius right, ΓA behind head. Rx: [ΓA]BINEWN -T -WN EN (N)V[CH], some letters retrograde and N of NVCH left out; Nike advancing left holding wreath and palm, ivy leaf behind her, between her back and her wing. Barkay 2. RPC 4826 var., cf. Supplement 2 (online), p. 67. VF $900 Rare Imperatorial portrait on a city coin of ancient Israel, nine specimens listed by Barkay.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. The name Nicopolis and the era beginning about 70 AD may indicate that Emmaus was refounded and renamed to commemorate Vespasian’s suppression of the first Jewish revolt (Hill, BMC, p. lxxxi). The attribution of our coin of Nicopolis to Nicopolis-Emmans is not beyond dought.


872. Aulus Gabinius. AE 20, 5.64g (12h). Samaria, Nysa-Scythopolis, Year 10 = 55/54 BC. Obv: Bare head of Gabinius right, no legend. Rx: Nude Dionysus standing left holding cantharus and thyrsus; ΓAB / NY in field left, date L -I in field right, [Λ] in exergue. RPC 4827 (2 spec.), pl. 175 (same dies); two further specimens are recorded in the RPC supplements. Fine $1,000

875. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. AE 21, 8.20g (1h). Samaria, Sebaste. Obv: IMPE Head laureate right. Rx: COL L SE -SEBASTE Kore, veiled, standing right holding long torch around which serpent is entwined and two wheat ears; to left, cista mystica. Rosenberger 29. Not in BMC or SNG ANS. VF $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. This rare coin, though curiously classified as being of “Poor style” in RPC, seems to show a more detailed and realistic portrait of the governor Gabinius than do the other three types of the issue. According to Josephus, Nysa was captured by Pompey the Great, and later rebuilt by Gabinius, governor of Syria. The coins attest that the town and its inhabitants apparently adopted Gabinius’ name in gratitude.


873. Domitian. 81-96 AD. AE 11, 1.13g (11h). Samaria, Sebaste. Obv: IMP DO -[MI CAES] Head laureate right. Rx: CEBACTHNWN Sword upright, handle at top. The smallest of five denominations struck under Domitian at Sebaste, the others all dated Year 109 = 81/2 AD. RPC 2230 (2 spec.). Rosenberger 11. Apparently only the third recorded specimen. Fine+ $200

876. Trajan. 98-117 AD. AE 25-28, 18.24g (12h). Galilaea, Sepphoris. Obv: TPAIANOΣ AVTOKPATΩP EΔΩKEN Head laureate right. Rx: ΣEΠΦΩ / PHNΩN in two lines in laurel wreath, tied at bottom. SNG ANS 1086 (same obv. die). BM 1. Rosenberger 3. VF $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. The unusual obverse legend of Trajan’s coinage at Sepphoris declares that “Emperor Trajan made a gift (to the city)”, perhaps of the coinage itself or the permission to produce it (BMC, pp. xi-xii).

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

874. Commodus. 177-192 AD. AE 19, 8.11g (6h). Samaria, Sebaste, Year 216 = 191/2 AD. Obv: IMP C M [AY] -COMM Head laureate right. Rx: CEBACTH -NWN -CYP around, date LC -IS across field, Ares, nude and helmeted, advancing right holding spear and shield. SNG ANS 1077 (same dies). BM 10, pl. VIII.12 (rev. only, probably same die). Rosenberger 14. Fine $250

877. Trajan. 98-117 AD. AE 21, 10.47g (12h). Galilaea, Sepphoris. Obv: [TPAI]ANOΣ AV[TOKP]ATΩP EΔΩKEN Bust laureate right, fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: ΣEΠ -ΦΩ / PH -NΩ[N] in two lines across lower field, Palm tree with eight branches and two bunches of dates. SNG ANS 1088 (same dies). BM 5. About VF $400 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


878. Hadrian. 117-138 AD. AE 14, 2.09g (12h). Galilaea, Tiberias, Year 101 = 119-20 AD. Obv: AY T[P] AΔPIANW KAIC [C] EB Bust laureate right, fold of cloak on front shoulder. Rx: TIBE / KΛAY in two lines in upper field, date [L]AP in exergue, Galley with four oars and rudder sailing left. BM 34. SNG ANS 1116 var. (same obv. die). About VF $250 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.

881. Commodus. 177-192 AD. AE 21, 7.40g (1h). Decapolis, Gadara, Year 243 = 179/80 AD. Obv: AVT K Λ AP (sic, V omitted) -KOMMOΔO[N] Head laureate right. Rx: ΓAΔAPE[WN] on left, date ΓMC on right, Tyche wearing turreted crown standing right, placing left foot on prow and holding scepter and cornucopia, to right Nike on column holding wreath towards Tyche. Spijkerman 65 var. Good VF $500 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Western Barbarian Kingdoms

879. Elagabalus. 218-222 AD. AE 19, 6.35g (6h). Arabia Petraea, Charachmoba. Obv: A K M AV ANTWNINO Head laureate right. Rx: XAP -AX -[MWBA] Figure on right seated left before high platform with steps leading up to it, on the platform a base resting on three spheres and bearing two small baetyls on either side of a column surmounted by a globe, behind these monuments a wall or panel about half as high as the column. Spijkerman 5. Rosenberger 2. Very rare, with curious, elaborate reverse type. Fine/VF $2,000


882. Ostrogothic. Theoderic. Issued in the Name of Anastasius I. 493-526 AD. Quarter siliqua, 0.43g (7h). Rome. Obv: [D N ANAST -ASIV]S P F AVC Bust of Anastasius diademed right. Rx: Monogram of Theoderic (RD) with cross above within wreath. MEC 118. MIB I, pl. 38, 39. Metlich 45. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 50, 24. NAC, 26-27 October 1995, lot 713. VF $400

Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. Ex CNG MBS 82, 16 September 2009, lot 891. Enlargement

883. Theoderic. Issued in the Name of Justin I. 518-526 AD. Quarter siliqua, 0.70g (6h). Ravenna. Obv: D N IVSTIΝ -VS P ΛVC Diademed bust of Justinus right. Rx: Monogram of Theoderic (ornamental RD), cross above, all within wreath. MEC 121 (Rome). MIB I, pl. 38, 49 (Rome). Metlich 55. Ranieri 258. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 52, 31, pl. VI, 13. Good VF $500 880. Geta as Caesar. 198-209 AD. AE 23, 9.29g (12h). Arabia Petraea, Dium, Year 271 = 208/9 AD. Obv: Π CEΠ -ΓETAC Bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: ΔEIHN in exergue, WN upwards on right, date AOC downwards on left, War god standing facing, wearing calathus with horns and cuirass, holding in right hand eagle-tipped scepter and in left Victory extending wreath towards him; at his feet, bull standing on either side. Spijkerman 8, pl. 24 (same dies). VF $900 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection.


884. Athalaric. Minted in the Name of Justinian I. 527-534 AD. Quarter siliqua, 0.72g (7h). Rome. Obv: D N IVSTI -NIA[N AVC] Diademed bust of Justinian I right. Rx: D N / ATHAL / ARICVS / REX in four lines in wreath. MEC 131. MIB I, pl. 39, 54. Metlich 59 (Ravenna). Ranieri 282 (Ravenna). Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 64, 35, pl. VIII, 9. Good VF/EF $500



885. Theodahad. Minted in the Name of Justinian I. 534-536 AD. Quarter siliqua, 0.68g (6h). Rome. Obv: D N I[VSTI -NIΛ]Ν ΑVC Diademed bust of Justinian I right. Rx: D N / THEODA / HATHVS / REX on four lines within wreath. MEC 139. MIB I, pl. 39, 56. Metlich 62 (Ravenna). Ranieri 288 (Ravenna). Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 73, 4 (Ravenna). VF/EF $500

886. Theoderic. Quasi-Autonomous. 493-526 AD. Follis, 10.36g (1h). Rome. Obv: INVICT -A ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: Eagle with raised wings standing left, head right. To left of eagle, XL. In exergue, E between two pellets (officina 5). MEC 106. MIB I, p. 40, 74a. Metlich 76b. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 103, 15, pl. XIII, 7. Green patination. VF $750

887. 10 Nummi, 1.25g (6h). Rome. Obv: [FELIX R] -ΛVΕΝΝΛ Bust of Ravenna right. Rx: Eagle with wings raised standing left, between two stars. In exergue [X]. MEC -. MIB I, pl. 40, 76 var. (larger denomination). Metlich 76b. Ranieri 255. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 106, 35, pl. XIV, 9 (Ravenna). Extremely rare. Fine+ $650

888. 10 Nummi, 3.61g (7h). Ravenna. Obv: FELIX R-[ΛVΕΝΝ]Λ Draped bust of Ravenna right, wearing mural crown. Rx: RE monogram within wreath, X below. MEC 145 (Rome). MIB I, p. 40, 72a (Rome). Metlich 78a. Ranieri 260. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 107, 36, pl. XIV, 10. Green patination. Good VF $350



889. Theoderic in the Name of Anastasius. 493-526 AD. 2 Nummi or 1/300 pound, 0.99g (10h). Rome, c. 493-518 AD. Obv: D N A[NAS] Diademed bust of Anastasius right. Rx: RD monogram within wreath. Metlich 79 var. (monogram variation). Ranieri -. Sternberg, 18-19 November 1987, lot 1050 var. (cross above monogram). MIB V74 var. (monogram variation). Fine/VF $750

890. Theoderic. Quasi-Autonomous. 493-526 AD. 5 Nummi, 1.72g (5h). Ravenna. Obv: [FELIX R -AVENNA] Draped bust of Ravenna right wearing mural crown. Rx: Victoria walking left holding wreath and palm, between R -V. MEC -. MIB I -. Metlich 81. Ranieri 81. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 106, 34. Fine $250

891. Athalaric. Quasi-Autonomous. 526-534 AD. Follis, 15.08g (1h). Rome. Obv: INVICT -A ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: She-wolf standing left, head front, suckling Romulus and Remus. Above, XL. In exergue, III[I] between two pellets (officina 4). MEC 96. MIB I, pl. 40, 70. Metlich 82a. Ranieri -. Wroth, BMC Vandals p. 104, 25, pl. XIV, 2. Green patination. VF $1,000

892. Half follis, 6.75g (12h). Rome. Obv: [INVICT] -A ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: Fig tree between two standing eagles, with wings raised and heads reverted. In exergue, XX. MEC 110. MIB I, pl. 40, 75. Metlich 83b. Ranieri -. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 103, 19, pl. XIII, 10. Ding in center of head, ancient scratch from exergue into center of reverse. Green patination. Good Fine $500

Exceptional 10 Nummi

893. 10 Nummi, 2.73g (5h). Rome. Obv: INVIC -TΛ ROMΛ Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: D N ΛTHΛL-ΛRIC[VS] Athalaric standing holding spear and shield, S -C and X in field. MEC 132. MIB I, pl. 40, 77. Metlich 85a. Ranieri -. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 70, 69, pl. VIII, 24. EF $750

897. Witigis. 536-539 AD. 10 Nummi, 2.96g (5h). Ravenna. Obv: [INVICT] -A ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: D N / WIT / ICES / REX in four lines within wreath. Below, X. MEC -. MIB I, pl. 41, 84. Metlich 92. Ranieri 308. Wroth BMC Vandals, p. 79, 11, pl. X, 8. VF $500

Enlargement Enlargement

898. Lombardy. Issued in the Name of Justin II. 565-578 AD. Half siliqua, 0.61g (6h). Ravenna. Obv: [D] N IVSTI -NVS P P AVG Diademed bust of Justin II right. Rx: Chi Rho between two stars, pellet below, all within wreath. Ranieri 428. MEC -. DOC 215 (Justin II). MIB II 41. Sear 413 (Justin II). Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 126, 17, pl. XVIII, 17. VF $500

894. 10 Nummi, 4.09g (6h). Rome. Obv: INVICT -A ROM[A] Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: D N / ATHAL / ARICVS / REX in four lines within wreath. Below, X. MEC 133. MIB I, pl. 40, 78. Metlich 86. Ranieri 284. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 68, 59, pl. VIII, 19. VF $500

895. 5 Nummi, 1.55g (12h). Rome. Obv: INVIC -TA ROMA Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: +D [N ΛΤΗΛ]LΛRICVS RIX around large V. MEC -. MIB I, pl. 40, 79. Metlich 87b. Ranieri 285. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 68, 61. VF $350

896. Theodahad. 534-536 AD. 10 Nummi, 2.74g (5h). Rome. Obv: INVI[CT -A] RMA (sic, O omitted) Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: D N / THEODA / HATHVS / REX in four lines within wreath, X at bottom. MEC 144. MIB I, pl. 41, 82. Metlich 90. Ranieri 290 (Ravenna). Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 74, 16 (Ravenna). Good Fine $400

899. Aistulf. 749-756 AD. Follis (chipped), 0.75g (5h). Ravenna, Year 1 = 751-2 AD. Obv: [D N AIS]T -VLF R Bearded bust facing, hair parted in middle. Rx: Large M with cross above, [ΛΝΝΟ] to left and I to right, mintmark [R]AV below. MEC 324. Ranieri 848. Wroth, BMC Vandals -. Only the fourth specimen recorded, and the second with legible date, acording to MEC, p. 65. Fine/VF $600


900. Merovingian. c. 600-675 AD. Tremissis, 1.24g (5h). Obv: Diademed bust right. Rx: Cross with three pellets above in circle. Cf. Belfort 4446. Depeyrot II, p. 24, 14. MEC I -. Rare. EF $4,000


Byzantine Empire

shoulder, shield with horseman device. In right field, cross. Rx: Large M with cross above. To left, ANNO. To right, regnal year X / V. Below M, officina A=1. Berk 227. Sear 201. MIB I 113a. Ratto 588. DOC I 120a. About VF $200 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

901. Justinian I. 527-565 AD. Half siliqua, 1.39g (7h). Ravenna, c. 552-565 AD. Obv: DNIVSTI NIΛΝΛVC Diademed bust right with ornamented robe. Rx: Chi-Rho within wreath. MIB I 77. DO I 338.2. Sear 319. Ranieri 360. Slightly pitted. VF/EF $500 Enlargement


905. Nummus, 0.47g (12h). Carthage. Obv: Helmeted and draped facing bust. Rx: Cross with W and Λ in lower left and right quadrants. Berk 277. MIB I 210. DO I 373.1 (uncertain mint). Sear 341 (uncertain mint). Very rare. VF $350

902. Half siliqua, 0.71g (5h). Ravenna, c. 552-565 AD. Obv: DN [IVSTINI­A]NVSPPAVC Diademed bust right with ornamented robe. Rx: Chi-Rho within wreath. MIB I 78 var. DO I 339 I var. Sear 320 var. Ranieri 361 var. (all references differ in base of Chi-Rho and line beneath). EF $500

906. Half follis, 10.16g (6h). Constantine in Numidia, Year 14 = 540/1 AD. Obv: DN IVST[IANVS PP AVG] Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing holding globus cruciger and shield. Rx: Large K with ANNO to left and regnal year XIIII to right. Above, cross. In exergue, CON. Berk 300. MIB I 243 (Sicily). MIBE 243 (Sicily). DO I 313. Sear 285. VF $550 903. Follis, 23.83g (6h). Constantinople, Year 13 = 539/40 AD. Obv: DNIVSTINI ANVSPP AVC Facing bust of Justinian I wearing cuirass, helmet with plume. He holds a globus cruciger in his right hand. In right field, cross. Rx: Large M with A/N/N/O to left, regnal year X / III to right, cross above and officina (B=2) below. In exergue, CON. Berk 217. DO I 38b. MIB I 95. Sear 163. VF/EF $150 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

904. Follis, 22.63g (7h). Nicomedia, Year 15 = 541/2 AD. Obv: DNIVSTINI ANVSPPAVC Bust facing, in helmet with plume, diadem and cuirass. In right hand, globus cruciger. On left


907. Follis, 6.93g (7h). Rome, c. 537 AD. Obv: D N IVSTINI -ANVS PP AVG Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Bust is of finer style. Rx: Large M with star to left. Above and right, crosses. Below, ROMA. All within wreath. Berk 201. MIB I 214.1. DO I 321a. Sear 292. Green patination. Good Fine/ Good VF $200

908. Half follis, 6.89g (6h). Rome, c. 538-544 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx:

Large K with star to left and cross to right. All within wreath. Berk 209. MIB I 222.1. DO I 325. Sear 301. Good VF/EF $400

909. Decanummium, 3.42g (12h). Rome, c. 538-565 AD. Obv: DNIVSTINI ΛNVSAVC Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: Large I with star to left and cross to right, all within wreath. Berk 213. MIB I 227. DO I 362 (uncertain mint). Sear 307. VG/Fine $100

910. Decanummium, 5.98g (1h). Rome, c. 547-565 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Cuirassed and helmted bust facing holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I with stars on left and right, all within wreath. Berk -. MIB I 228. DO I 331. Sear 308. Pleasant green patination. VF/EF $300

911. Pentanummium, 1.95g (12h). Rome, c. 562-565 AD. Obv: DNIVSTINI [ANVSPPAVC] Diademed bust right. Rx: Large E with cross to right, all within wreath. Berk 287. MIBE N230 (this coin). MIB I 230b. DO I -. Sear 309B. Fine/Good VF $250 Ex Metlich Collection. Lion Nummus

914. Decanummium, 4.26g (7h). Rome, Year 29 = 555/6 AD. Obv: D N IVSTINI -ANVS PP Helmeted, cuirassed bust front holding globus cruciger and shield. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and year XX / VIIII right, all within wreath. Berk 286. MIBE 229a corr. MIB I 229a. DO I 349 (Ravenna). Sear 326. EF $250

915. Decanummium, 3.63g (11h). Rome, Year 36 = 562/3 AD. Obv: D N IVSTINI -ANVS PP Helmeted, cuirassed bust front holding globus cruciger and shield.. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and year XX / XVI right, all within wreath. Berk 286. MIBE 229a corr. MIB I 229a. DO I 349 (Ravenna). Sear 326. About EF $250

916. Decanummium, 3.24g (12h). Rome, c. 563/564 AD. Obv: D N IVSTINI -ANVS PP Helmeted, cuirassed bust front holding globus cruciger and shield.. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and year XX / XV / II right, all within wreath. Berk 286. MIBE 229a corr. MIB I 229a. DO I 349 (Ravenna). Sear 326. Olive patination. EF $250 Ravenna Follis


912. Nummus, 0.81g (7h). Rome, c. 547 AD. Obv: [DNIVSTI] NIANVS Helmeted, cuirassed bust front holding globus cruciger and shield. Rx: Lion standing right within wreath. Berk 289. MIBE 232. MIB I 232. DO I 332. Sear 311. EF $500

913. Decanummium, 4.05g (6h). Rome, Year 29 = 555/6 AD. Obv: D N IVSTINI -ANVS PP AVG Helmeted, cuirassed bust front holding globus cruciger and shield. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and year XX / VIIII right, all within wreath. Berk 286. MIBE 229a corr. MIB I 229a. DO I 349 (Ravenna). Sear 326. EF $450

917. Follis, 13.98g (7h). Ravenna, Year 33 = 559/60 AD. Obv: D N IVSTINI ­ANVS PP G (sic) Facing bust of Justinian I wearing helmet and cuirass and holding globus cruciger.; to right, cross. Rx: Large M with A/N/N/O to left and regnal year X / X / X / III to right. Above, cross. Below, RΛVEN/ NΛ. Berk 290. DOC I 342. MIB I 233. Sear 323. About VF $1,250


regnal year X / X / VI to right. Above, cross. Below P. Berk 222 (Constantinople). MIB I 101 (Constantinople). MIBE 101a (Imitative Mint in Italy). DOC I 357 (Perugia). Sear 328 (Perugia?). Some obverse metal flaws. VF/About EF $250 The regnal year 26 is the only year noted for this type. 918. Follis, 7.60g (7h). Ravenna, Year 37 = 563/4 AD. Obv: D N IVS[TINIANV]S PPA Facing bust wearing helmet and cuirass and holding globus cruciger; to right, cross. Rx: Large M with ANNO to left, regnal year X / X / X / V / II to right; above, cross; below, RAVEN / NA in two lines. Berk 290. MIBE 233. MIB I 233. DOC I 343. Sear 323. About EF $1,500 Ex New York Sale XVII, 9 January 2008, lot 236.

919. Decanummium, 3.07g (12h). Ravenna, c. 538-565 AD. Obv: [DNIVSTINIA] NVSPPV Facing bust wearing helmet and cuirass and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large cross with stars in each quadrant, all within wreath. Berk 295. MIBE 238. MIB I 238. DO I 366. Sear 334 (uncertain mint). About EF $250

920. Decanummium, 4.73g (12h). Ravenna, c. 538-565 AD. Obv: D N IVSTI -NVS PP AV Facing helmeted and cuirassed bust holding globus cruciger. Rx: Ligated X and I within wreath. Berk 296 (uncertain mint). MIB I 239. MIBE 239. DO I 368 (uncertain mint). Sear 336 (uncertain mint). VF $150

921. Decanummium, 2.43g (12h). Italy, c. 540-552 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct, Diademed bust right. Rx: X in wreath. Berk 301. MIB I 244. MIBE 244 (Sicily?). DO I -. Sear -. Fine+/About EF $150

922. Decanummium, 3.05g (6h). Italy, Year 26 = 552/3 AD. Obv: D N IVSTINI -[Λ]NVS PP VI (sic) Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: Large I with ANNO to right and


923. Pentanummium, 1.29g (12h). Sicily, c. 538-544 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct, Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: Large V in wreath. Berk 303 (Constantine in Numidia). MIB I 246.3. MIBE 246. DO I 327.4 (Rome). Sear 337 (uncertain mint). Unusual slate-colored patination. EF $225

924. Half follis, 3.10g (7h). Salona. Obv: D N IVSTNVS III (sic), Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: Large K. Berk 307. MIB I 250.1. MIBE 250. DOC I 360. Sear 331. VF $100

925. Decanummium, 0.98g (12h). Salona. Obv: Fragmentary legend. Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: Large I within thick plain border. Berk 308. MIB I 251. MIBE 251. DOC I 361. Sear 332. Some reverse porosity. VF/Fine $200

926. Justin II. 565-578 AD. Pentanummium, 1.35g (6h). Sicily, c. 567-572 AD. Obv: D O I (sic)...TINI PP Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: Large V with star above, all within wreath. Berk 355 var. (no star). MIB II 84. MIBE 84. DO I 209 (Rome). Sear 405 (Rome). Unusually good portrait style. Appears to be an image of an actual person. Olive patination. EF $200

927. Decanummium, 5.25g (6h). Ravenna, Year 3 = 567-8 AD. Obv: D N IVSTI -NVS PP A Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield. Rx: Cross with ANNO to left and regnal year III to right, all within wreath. Berk 353. MIB II 88. MIBE 88. DO I -. Sear 415a. About EF $200

Unique Byzantine Marriage Medallion

928. Tiberius II Constantine. 578-582 AD. Gold Wedding Medallion, 90.52g, with loop 103.10g, (1h). Constantinople, c. 582 AD. The obverse iconography of our medallion displays in synoptic fashion the Biblical narrative of the events immediately leading up to the birth of Christ as recorded in the first and second chapters of the Gospel of Luke. This depiction consists of two parts. The upper scene, comprising over half of the entire surface, depicts the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel’s visitation and announcement that the Virgin Mary will give birth to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:2638). The circular inscription beginning at 9:00 records the angel’s greeting to Mary, as recorded in Luke 1:28 : XAIPE KEXAPITOMENH O K[YPIO]C META COV (“Hail, most favored one! The Lord is with You.”). The winged angel, Gabriel, nimbate, raises his right hand. While this gesture has been described as one of salutation, the raised hand in ancient art more properly denotes the act of speech. This is in fact, the moment of his message, the first words of which are stated in the inscription. His declaration is enhanced by the Chi-Rho placed prominently in the space between their visual line of mutual communication. The angel wears a chiton, mantle and sandals. In his left hand he holds a staff, both ends decorated with an orb emerging from a pair of leaves. Mary, seated frontally on a lyre-backed throne and turning to face him, is also nimbate and wears a chiton and a mantle which covers her head and shoulders. The consternation and confusion of a woman who has just been told that she is about to become the mother of God is expressed by the gesture with her right hand, by the backwards tilt of her head and her staring eyes. Her left hand holds the thread that she has been spinning, the end of which falls into the basket at her feet. This may be an allusion to her selection in the Marian cycle as the one to weave the purple wool for the Temple veil. Mary sits on a pearl-studded cushion, with her feet resting on a jeweled footstool. The smaller lower scene illustrates the events following the Annunciation: on the left, the visitation of Mary and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1:39-56); in the center, Mary reclining on a palliasse and the incident of the midwife Salome’s withered hand (Protoevangelium of James 19:3-20:4,); and on the right, the Nativity (Luke 2:1-21). The first scene on the left is a small tiled building, the entrance of which is partially covered by a pulled back drapery. This could be the Temple in Jerusalem, where Mary and her cousin Elizabeth served together as attendants. Other interpretations refer to it as the place where Mary stayed before the Nativity of Christ, or an allusion to the royal lineage of her Son. Next to it, the two heavily pregnant women embrace, Mary conspicuous by her halo. In the center, resting on a palliasse, lies the nimbate Virgin. To her right stands the disbelieving midwife Salome, whose fingers withered when she tried to test Mary’s virginity after Christ’s birth: now she is stretching her hands towards Mary and begging to be healed. While Salome is not mentioned in any Gospel account of the Nativity, the story of this woman appears in the Protoevangelium of James, a Christian apocryphal text produced probably at the end of the second century in Egypt. Below Mary is the wash basin of Christ’s purification to the right of Salome is the depiction of the Nativity: continue


lot 928 continue an ox and an ass face the infant Jesus in the manger, a star above it. Joseph sits beside the manger, propping his chin on his right hand and thoughtfully looking at the Infant Christ. Below, a shepherd holding a staff in his right hand, and raising his left hand in a gesture of amazement at the star, stands with his sheep. The reverse of our medallion portrays the Ascension of Christ into Heaven (Mark 16:19). Christ is shown nimbate and bearded, raising His right hand and holding in left a scroll, enthroned in a mandorla supported by four angels. The mandorla is a conventional term for the aureole shown surrounding an entire figure to indicate the Divine presence. It commonly envelops Christ in scenes of His Transfiguration and Ascension in sixth century art. The Ascension, initially displayed in a manner reminiscent of imperial apotheosis scenes, with Christ striding upward grasping the Hand of God, assumed in the sixth century the form that this medallion displays. Below Christ stand the eleven disciples of Scripture plus Paul, holding a long cross, with Mary at their center. The presence of Mary and the addition of Paul to the eleven disciples are references to the Church, showing the Ascension as a major event in its history. Beneath the exergual line is the threeline inscription: H XAPIC TOY K[YPIO]V HMWN / I[HCO] V X[PICTO]Y META PANT / WN VMWN (“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.”). A few minor bits of restoration have been done since we received the medallion. Two parts of the original frame had become separated and the medallion itself had a slightly wavy surface. These have been resolved as were two very minor scrapes. This lot was unsold in last year's Gemini VI sale. Since the consignor has greatly lowered his reserve, we are able to re-offer it now. EF $1,250,000 This medallion was struck to commemorate the wedding of Tiberius II Constantine’s daughter Charito in 582 to Germanus, the Magister Utriusque Militae (general in charge of infantry and cavalry). A very graceful allusion to the emperor’s daughter Charito’s name is contained in the use of the Greek word KE[XAPITO]MENH (“most favored one) in the obverse inscription of our medallion. This individual was proclaimed Caesar along with the future emperor Maurice in August 582. However, he is not further noted after becoming Caesar. One of the ancient sources, John of Nikiu, states that “owing to his humility of heart he refused to be emperor”, so Maurice ascended to the throne alone. The obverse die of our medallion was used to produce the reverse of a similar wedding medallion in the Christian Schmidt Collection in Munich, Inv. No. 378, which weights 40.90g. The obverse of the Munich medallion portrays a Byzantine royal couple blessed by Christ, and is dated to the 582 A.D. marriage. The Schmidt medallion was made by hammering sheets of gold foil into the dies that were used to strike our medallion, then placing the two pieces of gold foil into a bezel for presentation. The hand that produced the dies for this medallion also produced those for the similar wedding medallion in the Dumbarton Oaks collection. That medallion was found in Cyprus in 1906 with a large gold treasure that also included smaller medallions bearing the portrait of Tiberius II, which were part of a belt. Both this medallion and the Dumbarton Oaks


specimen were struck and like the Schmidt piece were a wedding gift from the emperor. The greater the weight of the medallion, the more important was the recipient. This protocol is an established fact when it comes to gold bullas on Byzantine documents. If we take the reign of Anastasius I, 491-518 AD, to be the beginning of the Byzantine era, then when counting struck gold medallions there is the Dumbarton Oaks specimen which has been famous for over a century, and the Justinian I medallion which was in Paris (BN 1) but was melted after the 1831 robbery, and ours. This medallion, commemorating the marriage of Tiberius II ‘s daughter, is the only large struck Byzantine gold medallion available to the public.

Schmidt Medallion (Reduced Size)

929. 22 Siliquae, 4.12g (7h). Constantinope. Obv: DM Tib CONS -TAN T PP AVI Bust facing, in cuirass and crown with cross on circlet and pendilia. In right hand, globus cruciger. On left shoulder, shield with horseman device.

Rx: VICTORI -A AVCCΘS. Cross potent on four steps. In exergue OB +*. Berk -. MIB II 5. MIBE 5. DO I 38 (Antioch). Sear 446 (Antioch). Nose of emperor flatly struck. Very rare issue with less than 10 recorded. Mint State $1,200

Crowned and cuirassed facing bust holding globus cruciger and shield. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and regnal year I to left; in exergue, CAT. Berk 449. MIB II 136. MIBE 136B. DO I 264. Sear 580. VF $250

930. Decanummium, 4.78g (12h). Ravenna. Obv: Legend indistinct, Crowned and cuirassed bust facing holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I between two crosses, all within wreath. Berk 400. MIB II 67. MIBE 67.2. DO I 66. Sear 472. About VF/EF $200

935. Decanummium, 2.40g (6h). Catania, Year 6 = 587/8 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct, Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and regnal year (6) to left; in exergue, CAT. Berk 450. MIB II 136. MIBE 137D var. (regnal year not listed). DO I 269.3. Sear 581. EF $300

931. Decanummium, 4.11g (12h). Ravenna. Obv: Legend blundered, Crowned and cuirassed bust facing holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I between two crosses, all within wreath. Berk 400. MIB II 67. MIBE 67.2. DO I 66. Sear 472. About EF $175

936. Decanummium, 3.66g (6h). Syracuse, c. 588-602 AD. Obv: Legend mostly off flan. Helmeted, draped, cuirassed bust facing holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large X with SE above, CI below, LI to left and A to right (SECILIA = Sicily). Berk -. MIB II 140. MIBE 140D. DO I 281. Sear 583. Olive patination. VF $350

932. Decanummium, 2.60g (6h). Ravenna. Obv: Legend blundered, Crowned and cuirassed bust facing holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I between two crosses, all within wreath. Berk 400. MIB II 67. MIBE 67.2. DO I 66. Sear 472. About EF/VF $250

937. Half follis, 4.30g (6h). Ravenna, c. 583-587 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Cuirassed bust facing with plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large K with R to left, A to right, VENN below and cross above. Berk 455. MIB II 146. MIBE 146. DO I 292. Sear 598. Fine/About EF $250

933. Half follis, 4.78g (6h). Moneta Militaris Imitativa (military mint imitating Roman types). Obv: Legend blundered. Crowned and cuirassed facing bust holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large X.X with cross above and line below. In exergue ROM. Berk -(although discussed at end of section on Tiberius II). MIB II 73. MIBE 73. DO I 61 (Rome). Sear 467 (Rome). Fine+/Fine $250

934. Maurice Tiberius. 582-602 AD. Decanummium, 3.58g (6h). Catania, Year 1 = 582/3 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct,

938. Decanummium, 2.44g (12h). Ravenna. Obv: D N MAVR -TIb PP AV Helmeted, draped, cuirassed bust right. Rx: Large I flanked by stars. Berk 457. MIB II 148. MIBE 148D. DO I 293. Sear 599. Olive patination. About EF $250

939. Half follis, 4.46g (6h). Moneta Militaris Imitativa (Military mint using Rome type). Obv: [Onm]AVRICI TIb PP AC Helmeted, cuirassed bust front holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large XX with cross above and exergual line. Below line, ROM. Berk -. MIB II 155. MIBE 155. DO I 283 (Rome). Sear 587. VF $200 Ex CNG MBS 66, lot 1720



940. Half follis, 6.87g (5h). Cherson, c. 584-602 AD. Obv: Maurice on left and Empress Constantina on right standing facing. The emperor holds globus cruciger and the empress a cruciform scepter. Rx: Large Δ beside Theodosius standing nimbate facing. He holds a long cross surmounted by a Chi-Rho. Above, cross. Berk 460. MIB II 161. MIBE 160b. DO I 301. Sear 610. About VF $500

944. Heraclius. 610-641 AD. Quarter siliqua, 0.25g (6h). Ravenna. Obv: [DN ERACL] P AVG Diademed bust right with decorative robe. Rx: Monogram of H, cross, and R within wreath. MIB III 152 (Rome). DO II 280. Ranieri 586. Sear 906. Very rare. VF/EF $1,500 Ex Triton XII, 6-7 January 2009, lot 814. Jerusalem Follis

941. Focas. 602-610 AD. Solidus, 4.41g (7h). Constantinople, c. 603-607 AD. Obv: ON FOCAS -PERP AVG Draped, cuirassed, frontal bust of Focas wearing crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. Rx: VICTORI -A AVCC I Angel standing facing with open wings holding long staff with chi-rho atop in right hand and globus cruciger in left. In exergue, CONOB. Berk 99. MIB II 7. DO II 5J. Sear 618. Mint State $400

945. Follis, 15.26g (6h). Jerusalem, Year 4 = 613/4 AD. Obv: Crowned bust facing, bearded, holding mappa and eagletipped scepter. Rx: Large M between A/N/N/O on left and II / II on right; cross above; IEPOCOL in exergue. Berk 580. MIB x27. Sear 852B (with photo, same obv. die). About EF $8,000

942. Solidus, 4.47g (7h). Constantinople, c. 607-610 AD. Obv: DN FOCAS -PERP AVG Draped, cuirassed, frontal bust of Focas wearing crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. Rx: VICTORIA -AVςU H Angel standing facing with open wings holding long staff with chi-rho atop in right hand and globus cruciger in left. In exergue, CONOB. Berk 101. DO II 10. MIB II 9,11. Sear 620. Mint State $400

943. Decanummium, 1.72g (12h). Rome, c. 603-610 AD. Obv: DNFOCA -S PP AVC Bearded bust facing, wearing crown, cuirass and paludamentum, holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large X within wreath. Berk 523. MIB II 109. MIBE 109. DO II 122. Sear 696. About VF $250



946. Decanummium, 3.69g (7h). Catania, Year 10 = 619/20 AD. Obv: D N hERΛC -LI PP AVG Draped, cuirassed, bearded bust front wearing crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left, regnal year X to right, and CAT below exergual line. Berk 605. MIB III 240. DOC II 251. Sear 885. EF $200

947. Decanummium, 2.76g (6h). Catania, Year 13 = 622/3 AD. Obv: O N hER... AVG Draped, cuirassed, bearded bust front wearing crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left, regnal year XIII to right, and [C]AT below exergual line. Berk 605. MIB III 240. DOC II 254. Sear 885. Choice EF $200

948. Decanummium, 4.48g (6h). Catania, Year 14 = 623/4 AD. Obv: d N hERACLIUS PP AVG Facing busts of bearded Heraclius on left and beardless Heraclius Constantine on right, both wearing crowns topped by crosses, and with an additional cross above. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and regnal year X / IIII to right. Below exergual line, CAT. Berk 606. MIB III, pl. 18, 241.1 (same dies). DOC II 255. Sear 886. Apparently rare with obverse legend, which is usually omitted for this type. VF/EF $200

949. Decanummium, 3.46g (6h). Catania, Year 19 = 628/9 AD. Obv: No legend; Facing busts of bearded Heraclius on left and beardless Heraclius Constantine on right, both wearing crowns topped by crosses, and with an additional cross above. Rx: Large I with ANNO to left and regnal year (19) to right. Below exergual line, CAT. Berk 606. MIB III 241. DOC II 255. Sear 886. About EF/EF $250

950. Pentanummium, 2.08g (6h). Catania, c. 610-623 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Diademed bust right. Rx: Large V with stars to left and right. Below exergual line, CAT. Berk 607. MIB III 242. DOC II 260. Sear 887. EF $250

951. Half follis, 3.14g (5h). Rome, c. 613-620 AD. Obv: DD.N. Facing busts of Heraclius on left and Heraclius Constantine on right wearing chlamys with a cross between them. Rx: Large XX with cross above and ROM below exergual line. Berk 611. MIB III 243a. DOC II 261. Sear 889. Obverse weakly struck. Fine/EF $250

952. Half follis, 3.40g (6h). Rome, Year 4 = 623/4 AD. Obv: Facing busts of Heraclius in center and Martina and Heraclius Constantine to left and right. All three are dressed in chlamys and wear a crown. Rx: Large K with ANNO to left and regnal year IIII to right, ROM below exergual line. Berk 613 corr. MIB III 244. DOC II 265. Sear 891. Figure on far left flatly struck, otherwise VF $350

Ravenna Follis

953. Follis, 8.12g (6h). Ravenna. Obv: Legend indistinct or off flan. Facing busts of Heraclius in center with Martina and Heraclius Constantine on left and right. The men wear loros and crowns with crosses and Martina wears a jeweled robe and a crown with long pendilia and three pinnacles. Above her head is a cross. Rx: Large M with ANNO and regnal year, not legible. Above, cross and below M, officina letter A. Below exergual line, RAV. Berk 620. MIB III 251. DOC II 289. Sear 913. Very rare. Figures on either side of Heraclius poorly struck, otherwise About EF $600


954. Follis, 5.36g (6h). Ravenna, Year 16 = 625/6 AD. Obv: DD NN HERACLIVS ET HERA CON PP A Facing busts of Heraclius with Martina and Heraclius Constantine to left and right respectively. The men wear loros and crowns with crosses. Martina wears a jeweled robe and crown with long pendilia and three pinnacles. Above her head is a cross. Rx: Large M with rounded tops, to left ANNO, to right regnal year XVI. Above, cross and below M, officina letter A. Below exergual line, RAV. Berk 620. MIB III 252. DOC II 292. Sear 913. VG/Fine $300

955. Follis, 7.36g (6h). Ravenna, Year 21 = 630/1 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Heraclius standing facing with Heraclius Constantine on the right. Heraclius tramples prostrate figure and holds a long cross in his hand. Heraclius Constantine wears a chalmys and holds a globus cruciger in his hand. Between their heads is a cross and a cross on three steps is between them. Rx: Large M with ANNO to left and regnal year X / X / I to right. Above, cross. Below, officina Δ. Below exergual line, RAV. Berk 621. MIB III 253a. DOC II 297b. Sear 914. VG/VF $350

and Heraclius Constantine to left and right. The men wear chlamys and crowns with crosses. Martina wears a jeweled robe and crown with long pendilia and three pinnacles. Rx: Large K with ANNO to left and regnal year V / II to right. Above, cross and below, RA. Berk 627. MIB ΙΙΙ 259. DOC ΙΙ 293. Sear 920. Brown patination. VF/EF $750 Ex CNG MBS 73, 13 September 2006, lot 1046.

958. Half follis, 3.58g (6h). Ravenna, c. 630/631 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine standing facing. Heraclius has a long beard and holds a long staff. He is trampling a prostate figure. Heraclius Constantine holds a globus cruciger. Both wear loros and crown with cross atop. Between them is a cross. Rx: Large K with ANNO to left and regnal year XXI to right. Above, cross. Below, officina Δ. Berk 629. MIB III 261b. DOC II 301. Sear 922. Light olive patination. Good VF $550 Ex CNG MBS 63, 21 May 2003, lot 1631.

959. Constans II. 641-668 AD. Follis, 4.75g (6h). Syracuse, 11th Indiction = 652/3 AD. Obv: Constans standing facing with long beard, wearing crown and chlamys and holding globus cruciger. To left, I / N/ Δ. To right, I / A. Rx: Large M with cross above and line below. In exergue, SCL. Berk 695. MIB III 208. DO II 178. Sear 1108. Brown patination. VF/EF $200 956. Follis, 8.88g (5h). Ravenna, Year 28 = 637/8 AD. Obv: Standing figures of Heraclius in middle and Heraclonas and Heraclius Constantine to left and right. Each wearing chlamys, crown with cross (not Heraclonas) and globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with Ph monogram above. To left, ANNO. To right, regnal year X / X / V / II / I. In exergue, RΛV. Berk 623. MIB III 255. DOC II 306. Sear 916. Apple green patination. Overstruck. About EF $300

957. Half follis, 4.09g (6h). Ravenna, Year 7 = 616/7 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Facing busts of Heraclius with Martina


960. Follis, 5.18g (6h). Sicily, c. 654-9 AD. Obv: Constans standing facing with long beard, wearing cuirass and crown with cross. He holds a long staff in his right hand. To right, Constantine standing facing, beardless, wearing chlamys and crown with cross. He holds a globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with monogram above. Below, line and SCL in exergue. Berk 696. MIB III 209. DO II 180. Sear 1109. VF $200

961. Follis, 7.33g (6h). Sicily, c. 659-68 AD. Obv: Constans standing facing with long beard, wearing cuirass and crown with cross. He holds a cross in his right hand. To right, Constantine standing facing, beardless, wearing chlamys and crown with cross. He holds a globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with monogram above. To left and right, Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing. Each wears crown and chlamys and holds a globus cruciger. Below, line and SCL in exergue. Berk 697. MIB III 210. DO II 181. Sear 1110. Glossy green patination. EF/VF $350

964. Decanummium, 1.45g (6h). Sicily, Indictional year 4 = 660/1 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Constans II with long beard, wearing crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I with +AN to left and NOΔ to right. Berk 702. MIB III 215. DO II 184 var. (denomination). Sear 1115A. EF $250 Wonderful Miniature Portrait


962. Half follis, 3.36g (6h). Sicily, Indictional year 10 = 651/2 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Constans II with long beard, wearing crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large TKW monogram with AN to left and I to right. Berk 699. MIB III 212. DO II 183. Sear 1113. Olive patination. About EF $150

965. Decanummium, 0.70g (11h). Rome, c. 641-7 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Constans II wearing chlamys, crown and holding globus cruciger; legend fragment IVIN to right. Rx: Large X with I to left, M to right, cross above and star below. Berk 710. MIB III 222. DO II 198. Sear 1130. Better than EF 600 Inaugural Issue

Impressive Decanummium

963. Decanummium, 3.04g (6h). Sicily, Indictional year 10 = 650/1 AD. Obv: Facing head of Constans II with long beard, wearing crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large I with AN to left and NOI to right. Berk 701. MIB III 214. DO II 185. Sear 1115. EF $250

966. Constantine IV Pogonatus. 668-685 AD. Solidus, 4.45g (7h). Constantinople, c. 668 AD. Obv: P N CONST -ANIuS C COI Facing bust of Constantine IV wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop. He holds a globus cruciger in his right hand. Rx: VICTORIA AVĎ‚uI Standing figures of Heraclius (on left) and Tiberius (on right), both wearing chlamys and holding cross globus cruciger. Between the figures is a cross potent on three steps and CONOB beneath. Berk -. MIB III 1B. DO II 1c. Sear 1147. Exceptionally rare. Issued over a period of just a few months. Mint State $7,500




967. Solidus, 4.17g (6h). Constantinople, c. 681-685 AD. Obv: P CONST-A -NuS PP A Three-quarter facing bust of Constantine IV with short beard and wearing plumed helmet. He wears a cuirass and holds a spear in his right hand behind his head. Rx: VICTORA -AVςuA Cross potent on three steps. Berk 174. MIB III 10. DO II 14b. Sear 1157. Unusual more realistic image of emperor. Still catalogued as Constantinople, but there is a chance that in the future it may be reattributed to a western mint. Mint State $1,500

968. Constantine IV Pogonatus. 668-685 AD. Solidus, 4.34g (6h). Constantinople, c. 681-5 AD. Obv: P CONST -A -NuS PP A Three-quarter facing bust with short beard and wearing plumed helmet, holding spear over right should and shield decorated with emperor riding down enemy before left shoulder. Rx: VICTORA -AVςuH Cross potent on three steps, CONOB in exergue. Berk 174. MIB III 10. DO II 15c. Sear 1157. Mint State $500

969. Follis, 5.70g (6h). Syracuse, c. 668-674 AD. Obv: Facing, cuirassed bust of Constantine IV, beardless, wearing helmet and holding globus cruciger; no legend. Rx: Large M with monogram above and SCL below exergual line. To left stands figure of Heraclius and to right, Tiberius. Each wears chlamys and crown with cross atop and holds a globus cruciger. Berk 739. MIB III 104. DO II 60. Sear 1207. VF $175

970. Follis, 4.83g (6h). Syracuse, c. 674-681 AD. Obv: Facing, cuirassed bust of Constantine IV with short beard, wearing plumed helmet and holding spear over right shoulder; no legend. Rx: Large M with monogram above and SCL below exergual line. To left and right, Heraclius and Tiberius, each wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop, and holding globus cruciger. Berk 741. MIB III 106. DO II 61. Sear 1208. Good VF $300


971. Half follis, 1.53g (6h). Rome, c. 674-685 AD. Obv: Facing, cuirassed bust of Constantine IV, beardless, wearing crown with cross atop and holding spear over right shoulder; no legend. Rx: Facing busts of Heraclius and Tiberius, each wears chlamys and a crown with a cross atop. Above, cross. Between the two figures, XX. In exergue, [R]O[M]. Berk 747. MIB III 115. DO II 82. Sear 1234. EF $300

972. Follis, 3.14g (6h). Ravenna, Year 22 = 675-6 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct, Three-quarter facing, cuirassed bust of Constantine IV wearing crown with cross atop and holding spear over right shoulder. Rx: Large M with Heraclius and Tiberius standing on each side. Both wear chlamys and crown with cross. Above, [ANNO] / XXII. Below, Θ. In exergue, RAV. Berk -. MIB III 117. DO II 87. Sear 1239. Fine/VF $300

973. Justinian II. First Reign. 685-695 AD. Solidus, 4.51g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D IuSTINIA -[NuS] PE AV Facing bust with short beard and crown with cross atop. He wears chlamys and holds a globus cruciger in his right hand. Rx: VICTORIA -AVζuA Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 185. DO II 5. MIB II 6. Sear 1246. This coin is weakly struck on the reverse edge at 4h. Mint State $1,000

974. Soldius, 4.39g (6h). Constantinople, c. 692-5 AD. Obv: IhS CRISTOS REX -REJNA[NTIu]M Facing Bust of Christ with long, full hair parted down the middle, and cross behind his head. He wears a pallium and colobium and raises his right hand in benediction. In his left hand he holds a book of Gospels. Rx: D IuSTINIA -N -uS SERu ChRISTI Justinian II standing front, wearing crown and holding cross on two steps, [C]ON -OP in exergue. Berk 186. DO II 7. MIB II 8. Sear 1248. Image of Christ beautifully drawn. Face of emperor flatly struck, otherwise EF $4,000

wearing chlamys and crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with monogram above and SCL in exergue. Berk 772. MIB III 65. DO II 54. Sear 1295. Overstruck on an earlier follis. EF $400 975. Solidus, 4.43g (7h). Constantinople, c. 692-5 AD. Obv: IhS CRISTOS REX -[R]EJNANTIuM Facing Bust of Christ with long, full hair parted down the middle, and cross behind his head. He wears a pallium and colobium and raises his right hand in benediction. In his left hand he holds a book of Gospels. Rx: D IuSTINI -AN -uS SERu [ChRISTI] Justinian II standing front, wearing crown and holding cross on two steps, [C]ON[OP] in exergue. Berk 186. DO II 7. MIB II 8. Sear 1248. Extremely good portrait of emperor with excellent image of Christ. Far better than what has been in the market. Mint State $7,000


976. Tremissis, 1.37g (6h). Constantinople, c. 687-92 AD. Obv: D uSTINI -IANS PE A Facing bust of Justinian II wearing crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger in right hand. Rx: VICTORIA AvÎśuS Cross potent with CONOB beneath. Berk 188. DO II 13. MIB II 15. Sear 1255. Flatness on emperor's face. Reverse doublestruck at lower right. About EF $750

977. Half follis, 3.94g (6h). Sardinia. Obv: [...]NUS PP V (S retrograde) Facing bust of Justinian II wearing chlamys and crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large K with crosses on right, left and above. In exergue, PAX. Berk 770. MIB III 63. DO II 39. Sear 1279. Good VF $1,000

978. Follis, 3.84g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Justinian II

979. Follis, 6.38g (6h). Syracuse, c. 686 AD. Obv: Standing figure of Justinian II wearing chlamys and crown with cross and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with TNA monogram above and SCL below exergual line. Berk 773. MIB III 66. DO II 58. Sear 1298. Glossy green patination. About EF $350

980. Follis, 2.67g (6h). Syracuse, c. 692-5 AD. Obv: Justinian II standing front, wearing plumed helmet and military attire, holding long spear in right hand and globus cruciger in left. Rx: Large M with TNA monogram above and SCL below exergual line. Berk 777. MIB III 70. DO II 62. Sear 1302. About EF $200

981. Follis, 6.25g (6h). Syracuse, c. 692-695 AD. Obv: Justinian II standing front wearing plumed helmet and military attire, holding long spear and [globus cruciger], [branch and plant] in field; no legend. Rx: Large M with monogram above, C / VP (retrograde) / A to left and [K / OV / CI] to right. In exergue, SCL. Berk 778. MIB III 71. DO II 61. Sear 1301. Reverse overstruck. Glossy dark patination. About EF $250

982. Follis, 3.01g (6h). Syracuse, 8th Indiction = 694/5 AD. Obv: Standing figure of Justinian II dressed in elaborate robe and crown and holding akakia and globus cruciger; on either side of him, palm with star above. Rx: Large M with monogram TNA above, INΔ to left, [+H+] to right and [SCL] in exergue. Berk 779. MIB III 72. DO II 63. Sear 1303. EF $250


983. Follis, 4.68g (6h). Ravenna. Obv: Facing bust of Justinian II wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger; no legend. Rx: Large M with cross above and RAV in exergue. Berk 785. MIB III 78. DO II 72. Sear 1310. Very rare. Brown patina. VF/Fine+ $375

984. Leontius. 695-698 AD. Solidus, 4.44g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D LEO -N PE AV Facing bust of Leontius with short beard wearing loros and crown with cross atop, holding akakia and globus cruciger. Rx: VICTORIA -AvςuB Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 190. MIB III 1. DO II 1b.2. Sear 1330. Struck on a small flan, otherwise Mint State $1,000

985. Semissis, 2.05g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D LEO -N PE AV Facing bust of Leontius with short beard wearing loros and crown with cross atop. He holds a globus cruciger in right hand. Rx: VICTORIA AvςuS Cross potent on globe. Berk -. MIB III 4. DO II 3. Sear 1332. Good VF $1,000

988. Follis, 2.63g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Leontius standing front wearing crown and loros and holding akakia and globus cruciger. Rx: Large m with TΛEN monogram above and [SCL] in exergue. Berk 791. MIB III 37. DO II 18. Sear 1344. VG/Fine $250

989. Tiberius III Apsimar. 698-705 AD. Solidus, 4.42g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D TibERI -uS PE -AV Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding a spear across his body in right hand and shield by left shoulder decorated with emperor on horse. Rx: VICTORIA -AVSuA Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 193. MIB III 1. DO II 1. Sear 1360. Die break under nose, otherwise Mint State $950

990. Solidus, 4.19g (7h). Constantinople. Obv: D TibERI -uS PE -AV Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding a spear across his body in right hand and shield by left shoulder decorated with emperor on horse. Rx: VICTORIA -AVSuHC Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Officina variant of MIB III 3, DO II 2c, and Sear 1361A. Apparently unrecorded from officina H=8. EF $950 Extraordinary Solidus

986. Half follis, 3.84g (6h). Sardinia. Obv: D LEO -N PE AV Bust facing, holding akakia and globus cruciger. Rx: Large SK. Berk 789. MIB III 35. DO II 11. Sear 1338. Very rare. Weakly struck. About VF/VF $1,750

987. Follis, 3.12g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Leontius standing front wearing crown and loros and holding akakia and globus cruciger. Rx: Large m with TΛEN monogram above and [SCL] in exergue. Berk 791. MIB III 37. DO II 18. Sear 1344. Very rare. Flan split at 12h, otherwise VF $300


991. Solidus, 4.47g (7h). Constantinople. Obv: D TibERI -uS PE -AV Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding a spear across his body in right hand and shield by left shoulder decorated with emperor on horse. Rx: VICTORIA -AVSuAI Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Officina variant of Berk 194, MIB III N4, and Sear 1361C. Apparently unrecorded from officina A=1. FDC with near proof-like surfaces $1,500

Large M with TBEP monogram above, a palm on left and right and SCL below exergual line. Anastasi 340. Cf. Berk 801, MIB III 79/2, DO II 32, and Sear 1395 (all with star not N in left obv. field). Extremely rare with N instead of star in obverse field. VF $300


992. Solidus, 4.49g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D TibERI -uS PE -A[V] Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding a spear across his body in right hand and shield by left shoulder decorated with emperor on horse. Rx: VICTORIA -AVS[u]BI Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Officina variant of Berk 194, MIB III N4, and Sear 1361C. Apparently unrecorded from officina B=2. Flatly struck on lower right obverse and corresponding edge of reverse, otherwise Mint State $850

993. Semissis, 2.15g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: [D Tib]ERI -uS PE -[AV] Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding a spear across his body in right hand and shield by left shoulder Rx: VICTORIA [AV]uS Cross potent on globe. Berk 195. MIB III 7. DO II 3. Sear 1362. Weakly struck. VF $750

996. Follis, 1.85g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Tiberius III standing front wearing plumed crown and long tunic and holding long cross and globus cruciger; no legend. Rx: Large M between two crosses with TBEP monogram above, star below, and SCL below exergual line. Berk 802. MIB III 80. DO II 33. Sear 1396. About EF/VF $500 Ex CNG MBS 69, 8 June 2005, lot 1847. Exquisite Half Follis

997. Half follis, 2.72g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing military attire and crown with cross atop and holding spear across chest. To left, star. Rx: Large K with TI to left and BE to right. Berk -. MIB III -. DO II -. Sear -. Anastasi 338. Cf. Triton VIII, lot 1396. Extremely rare. Excellent portrait. EF $750


994. Follis, 2.81g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding a spear across the front of his chest. In left field, star. Rx: Large M with TBEP monogram above, a palm on left and right and SCL below exergual line. Berk 801. MIB III 79/2. DO II 32. Sear 1395. Very rare. About VF $400

995. Follis, 2.16g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding a spear across the front of his chest. In left field, N. Rx:

998. Follis, 2.73g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Tiberius III wearing military attire and helmet with plume and holding a spear behind head; no legend. Rx: Large M with TBER monogram above, K to right, cross below, and SCL below exergual line. Appears to be unpublished. Berk -. MIB III -. DO II -. Sear -. Anastasi 339 var. Green patination. About EF $2,000


999. Justinian II. Second Reign. 705-711 AD. Solidus, 4.35g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: [D N IhS C]hS REX -REGNANTIuM Facing bust of Christ with short curly hair and cross behind his head. He raises his right hand in benediction and holds the book of Gospels in his left. Rx: D (retrograde) N IuS -TINIA -NuS MuLT[US AN’] Facing bust of Justinian II with short beard and crown with cross atop. He holds a cross potent on three steps in right hand and a globus cruciger, inscribed PA[X], in left hand. Berk 200. DO II 1. MIB II 1. Sear 1413. Scratch in left obverse field with some weakness in the lettering, corresponding to some weak striking on globe on reverse; otherwise Mint State $2,000

1000. Solidus, 4.32g (7h). Constantinople. Obv: D N IhS ChS REX [REGNANTIuM] Facing bust of Christ with short curly hair and cross behind his head. He raises his right hand in benediction and holds the book of Gospels in his left. Rx: D (retrograde) N IuSTINIA NuS ET Tib[ERIuS PP A’] Half length figures of Justinian II and his young son Tiberius. They both wear chlamys and crowns (with cross atop) and hold a cross potent on two steps between them. Berk -. DO II 2a. MIB II 2a. Sear 1414. Irregular strike on Christ’s face, as well as weakly struck letters to the right of his portrait, otherwise Mint State $3,000

1001. Semissis, 2.07g (7h). Constantinople. Obv: D N IhS ChS REX -[REGNANTIuM] Facing bust of Christ with short curly hair and cross behind his head. He raises his right hand in benediction and holds the book of Gospels in his left. Rx: D (retrograde) N IuS -TINIA -NuS MuLTUS AN’ Facing bust of Justinian II with short beard and crown with cross atop. He holds a cross potent on globe in right hand and a globus cruciger, inscribed PAX, in left hand. Berk -. DO II 3. MIB II 3. Sear 1416. Slightly bent to left of portrait on obverse, otherwise Mint State $1,750

1002. Semissis, 2.18g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D N IhS ChS REX -REGNANTIuM Facing bust of Christ with short curly hair


and cross behind his head. He raises his right hand in benediction and holds the book of Gospels in his left. Rx: D (retrograde) N IuSTINIA -NuS ET TibERIuS PP A’ Half length figures of Justinian II and his young son Tiberius. They both wear chlamys and crowns (with cross atop) and hold a cross potent on globe between them. Berk -. DO II 4a. MIB II 4a. Sear 1417. Several scratches between the portraits of Justinian and Tiberius and minor bending of planchet, otherwise EF $1,500

1003. Follis, 3.69g (6h). Syracuse, Indictional year 4 = 705/6 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Justinian II wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: Large m between two crosses. Monogram above, Δ below, SCL in exergue. Berk 811. MIB III 48b. Cf. Sear 1297 (first reign). Very rare. Good VF $400

1004. Follis, 3.68g (6h). Syracuse, Indictional year 5 = 706/7 AD. Obv: Standing figure of Justinian II wearing a long tunic and crown and holding a long cross. Rx: Large M with monogram above and E below. Below exergual line, SCL. Berk 812. MIB III 49 var. (different monogram). DO II -. Sear -. Very rare. Good Fine $300

1005. Follis, 1.79g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing busts of Justinian on left and Tiberius on right wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross potent on base between them. Rx: Large M between two crosses, monogram above. Below exergual line, SCL. Berk 814. MIB III 51. DO II 20 bis. Sear 1437. Rare. Irregularly shaped flan. VF $400 Ex CNG 81, 20 May 2009, lot 1187.

1006. Follis, 2.42g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing busts of Justinian on left and Tiberius on right wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross potent on base between them. Rx: Large M between two crosses, monogram above. Below exergual line, SCL. Berk 814. MIB III 51. DO II 20 bis. Sear 1437. Irregularly shaped planchet. Fine/VF $500

1007. Follis, 3.80g (6h). Ravenna, Year 21 = 705/6 AD. Obv: Legend indistinct. Facing bust of Justinian II wearing crown and loros and holding a cross potent in right hand and globe with a cross atop in left. Rx: Large M with ANNO to right, regnal year [X / X / I] to right (off flan) and RAV below exergual line. Berk 817. MIB III 54. DO II 23. Sear 1445. Rare. Fine $300

1008. Follis, 2.72g (6h). Ravenna, Year 21 = 705/6 AD. Obv: Facing busts of Justinian on left and Tiberius on right, each wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop. Between them, long cross on globe. Rx: Large M with cross above, ANNO to left, regnal year [XXI] to right (not visible) and RAV below exergual line. Berk 818. MIB III 55. DO II 24. Sear 1446. Extremely rare. Very crude style on obverse. Green and brown patination. Fine/Fine+ $500

1009. Philippicus. 711-713 AD. Solidus, 4.48g (7h). Constantinople. Obv: D (retrograde) N FILEPICuS -MuL -[T]uS AN Bust facing wearing loros and crown with cross atop. He holds a globus cruciger and a eagle-tipped scepter surmounted with a cross. Rx: VICTO[R]IA -Avςu Δ Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 204 var. (officina). MIB III 1. DO II 1d. Sear 1447. Tiny ding on tip of nose. Slight weakness on a few letters of left obverse legend, otherwise Mint State $2,000

1010. Semissis, 2.12g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D N FILEPICuS -MuL -TuS AN Bust facing wearing loros and crown with cross atop. He holds a globus cruciger in his right hand and an eagle-tipped scepter surmounted with a cross. Rx: VICTORIA Avςu S Cross potent on globe. Berk 205. MIB III 5. DO II 5. Sear 1451. Hit on reverse at 11h. Tiny graffito "x" to left of cross in field. Tiny ding at 4h on obverse, otherwise Mint State $1,500

1011. Tremissis, 1.38g (7h). Constantinople. Obv: [D N] FILEPICuS -MuL -[TuS AN] Bust facing wearing loros and crown with cross atop. He holds a globus cruciger in his right hand and an eagle-tipped scepter surmounted with a cross. Rx: VICTORIA Avςu S Cross potent with CONOB beneath. Berk 206. MIB III 6. DO II 6. Sear 1452. Other than a soft strike at the highest point of the crown, this is a particularly nice example of this issue. Mint State $1,750

1012. Follis, 3.09g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Standing facing figure of Philippicus wearing military dress and holding eagle-tipped scepter and globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with monogram above, stars to left and right and [SCL] in exergue. Berk 822. MIB III 24. DO II -. Sear 1460A. Very rare. Fine $250

1013. Anastasius II Artemius. 713-715 AD. Solidus, 4.48g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: ON APTEMIuS A -NASTASIuS MuL Facing bust of Anastasius II with long wavy hair wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger in right hand and akakia in left. Rx: VICTORIA -AVςu I Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 207. DO II 2i. MIB III 2. Sear 1463. Legend weakly struck on the left obverse, otherwise absolutely Mint State $2,000

1014. Solidus, 4.43g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: ON APTEMIuS A -NASTASIuS MuL Facing bust of Anastasius II with long wavy hair wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger in right hand and akakia in left. Rx: VICTORIA -AVςu I Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 207. DO II 2i. MIB III 2. Sear 1463. Mint State $2,000


1015. Solidus, 4.36g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: ON APTEMIuS A -NASTASIuS MuL Facing bust of Anastasius II with long wavy hair wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger in right hand and akakia in left. Rx: VICTORIA -AVSuΓΘ Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 208. DO II 3. MIB III 3. Sear 1464. Edge trimmed and scrape on left reverse field, otherwise Mint State $2,000

1016. Semissis, 2.08g (7h). Constantinople. Obv: ON APTEMI[uS A -N]ASTASIuS MuL Facing bust of Anastasius II with long wavy hair wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger in right hand and akakia in left. Rx: VICTORIA AVSuS Cross potent on globe. Berk 209. DO II 4. MIB III 5. Sear 1465. Beautiful EF $2,000

1017. Follis, 1.55g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Anastasius II wearing chlamys and crown and holding globus criciger and akakia. Rx: Large M between two palms with monogram above and SCL below exergual line. Facing imperial bust from undertype visible at upper left. Berk 827. DO II 13. MIB III 31. Sear 1474. Very rare. Irregular planchet, otherwise VF $300


1019. Follis, 4.74g (6h). Ravenna, Year 3 = 715 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Anastasius II wearing chlamys and crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with cross above, ANNO to left, regnal year I / I / I to right and RAV below exergual line. Berk 829. DOC II 23. MIB III 35. Sear 1486. Green patination. Fine $500

1020. Theodosius III of Adramytium. Summer 715-24 July 717. Solidus, 4.46g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D N [Th]EODO -SIuS MuL A Facing bust of Theodosius III wearing loros and crown with cross atop. He holds a globus cruciger in his right hand and an akakia in his left. Rx: [VICTO]RIA -AVSu E Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 211. MIB III 1. DO II 1. Sear 1487. Legend flatly struck on left obverse, otherwise Mint State $4,000

Improbable Portrait


1018. Follis, 2.82g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Emperor standing front wearing long tunic and holding long scepter. Rx: Large M with C and [P] to left and right. Above, monogram and below exergual line SCL. Berk -. DO II -. MIB III 33. Sear 1475. While the reverse appears to have the identifiying monograms/symbols of Anastatius II, the portrait (though somewhat indistinct) is of a man with a voluminous beard which could only be Leontius. The reverse, as well as the garments that the emperor is wearing do not match up with the dress/style recorded for Leontius. VF $500


1021. Tremissis, 1.39g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: D N ThEODO -[SIuS MuL A] Facing bust of Theodosius III wearing loros and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: VICTORIA AVSu S Cross potent, CONOB beneath. Berk 213. MIB III 4. DO II 4. Sear 1490. Mint State $3,000


1025. Solidus, 4.48g (6h). Constantinope, c. 717-720 AD. Obv: DNO LEO -N P A MuL A Facing bust of Leo III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: VICTOR[I]A -Avςu SC Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Apparently unrecorded from officina S=6; cf. Berk 214, DO III 1d, MIB III 1, and Sear 1503. Slightly weak strike on portrait, otherwise Near Mint State $2,500

1022. Follis, 1.88g (6h). Syracuse, c. 716/717 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Theodosius III wearing crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with star below and SEC in exergue. Berk 833. MIB III 15. DO II 8. Sear 1495. About VF $500 Exceptional Quality

1023. Follis, 2.93g (6h). Syracuse, c. 716/717 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Theodosius III wearing crown and holding spear over right shoulder. Rx: Large M with palms on left and right, monogram above, Θ below and SC[L] beneath exergual line. Berk 834. MIB III 16. DO II 9. Sear 1496. Irregular flan. Better than EF $950


1024. Leo III, the Isaurian. 717-741 AD. Solidus, 4.34g (6h). Constantinople, c. 717-720 AD. Obv: DNO LEO -N P A MuL A Facing bust of Leo III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: VICTORIA -Avςu E Cross potent on three steps with CONOB beneath. Berk 214. DO III 1c2. MIB III 1. Sear 1502. Very rare issue. Mint State $4,000

1026. Solidus, 4.44g (5h). Constantinope, c. 725-732 AD. Obv: DNO LEO -N P A MuL Facing bust of Leo III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: D N CONST -ANTINuS Mc Facing bust of Constantine, beardless, wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Berk 220. Sear 1504. Mint State $1,500

1027. Semissis, 2.21g (7h). Constantinople, c. 717-720 AD. Obv: DNO LEO -N P A [Mu]L Facing bust of Leo III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: VICTORIA Avςu S Cross potent on globe. Berk -. DO III 8. MIB III 3. Sear 1505. Ding on reverse on the lower right field, otherwise Mint State $1,500

1028. Tremissis, 1.39g (7h). Constantinople, c. 720-725 AD. Obv: [D]NO LEO -N P A Mu Facing bust of Leo III wearing cuirass and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: D N CONSTA -NTINuS Mc Facing bust of Constantine, beardless, wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding cross potent on base and akakia. Berk 222 var. (legend). DOC III 10. Sear 1508. Slight irregularity in shape of flan at 7h. Mint State $1,000


of Leo III wearing chlamys and crown and holding globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with AN[NO] to left, [III] to right, and Θ below. Ranieri 814. Berk -. DO III -. Spahr -. Sear -. VF for issue $500 Ex CNG 67, 22 September 2004, lot 1878. 1029. Follis, 3.50g (6h). Syracuse, c. 720 AD. Obv: Facing busts of bearded Leo III on left and beardless Constantine V on right, each wearing chlamys and crown. Leo III holds a globus cruciger in his right hand. Rx: Large M with monograms above and to left. Below, [S]CL under exergual line. Berk -. DO III 53. Sear 1529A (as unique in DO). Spahr -. Anastasi 396a (this coin). Very rare. EF $600 Ex CNG MBS 69, 8 June 2005, lot 1856.

1030. Follis, 3.04g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Leo III wearing chlamys and crown and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: Similar facing bust of Constantine V resting on ornamental horizontal bar, below which large M between [SC] and [L]. Berk 851. Spahr 318. DO III 54. Sear 1530. Green patination. EF/VF $150

1031. Follis, 2.75g (6h). Syracuse, c. 731-741 AD. Obv: Facing standing figure of Leo III wearing crown and chlamys and holding akakia. To left, [Λ]EON. Rx: Facing standing figure of Constantine V wearing crown and chlamys and holding akakia. To left, KWNS. Spahr 330. Anastasi 419. DO III 55. Sear 1531. Berk 852. About EF $200

1032. Follis, 3.70g (6h). Ravenna, Year 3 = 719/20 AD. Obv: [...]ΛE -ON P A Facing bust of Leo III wearing chlamys and crown and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rx: Large M with cross above, ANNO to left, regnal year I / I / I to right, Θ below and RAV in exergue. Ranieri 810. Berk -. DO III -. Spahr -. Sear -. Green patination. VF $1,000

1033. Follis, 0.85g (6h). Ravenna, c. 719/720 AD. Obv: Facing bust


1034. Leo III, the Isaurian with Constantine V, Copronymus. 717-741 AD. Follis, 1.61g (6h). Ravenna, c. 720-741 AD. Obv: Facing bust of Leo III wearing crown, partial legend […] EON[…] to right. Rx: Facing bust of Constantine V wearing crown and holding globus cruciger above a horizontal line, below which m. Ranieri 820. Berk -. DO III -. Spahr -. Sear -. About Fine $350

1035. Constantine V, Copronymus. 741-775 AD. Solidus, 4.45g (6h). Constantinople, c. 741-751 AD. Obv: N CO -NS -TANTINuS C Facing bust of Constantine V wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding cross potent and akakia. Rx: G-LE -ON P A MuL Facing bust of Leo III with short beard, wearing chlamys and a crown with cross atop. He holds a cross potent in his right hand and akakia in his left. Berk 225. DOC III 1. Sear 1550. Mint State $1,500

1036. Follis, 3.37g (6h). Syracuse, c. 751-775 AD. Obv: Constantine V and Leo IV standing front, each wears chlamys and crown and holding akakia. To right, [Λ]ΕΟΝ. Rx: Leo III standing front wearing chlamys and crown and holding cross potent. To right, [Δ]ECΠ. Berk 864. Spahr 333. Anastasi 434. DO III 19. Sear 1569. EF $100

1037. Follis, 3.22g (6h). Syracuse, c. 751-775 AD. Obv: Constantine V and Leo IV standing front, each wears chlamys and crown and holds akakia. Above their heads, cross. Rx: Leo III standing front wearing chlamys and crown and holding cross potent. To right, I and ΔECΠ. Berk 864. Spahr 333. Anastasi 435. DO III 19. Sear 1569. EF $200

1038. Follis, 2.60g (6h). Syracuse, c. 751-775 AD. Obv: Constantine V and Leo IV standing front, each wears chlamys and crown and holding akakia. Above their heads, cross; to right, [Λ]EO[N]. Rx: Leo III standing front wearing chlamys and crown and holding cross potent. To right, Δ[ECΠ]. Berk 864. Spahr 335. Anastasi 437. DO III 19. Sear 1569. EF $100

right, both crowned and with cross between their heads; Constantine wears chlamys and holds globus cruciger in right hand; his mother wears loros and holds cruciform scepter in left hand; pellet in field between their faces. Rx: SVn IRIn -AVΓ...Leo III, Constantine V, and Leo IV seated facing, each wearing crown and chlamys. Berk 234. DO 2. Sear 1591. Fully struck Mint State $14,000

1039. Half follis, 2.25g (6h). Syracuse, c. 751-775 AD. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine V and Leo IV, each wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop, set on exergual line with [C] IKΛ below. Rx: Facing bust of Leo III wearing loros and crown and holding globus cruciger and cross potent, set on exergual line with Λ beneath. Spahr 336. Anastasi 439. DO III 20. Sear 1569A ("extremely rare"). Berk -. Extremely rare type. Good VF $225

1040. Follis, 1.07g (6h). Ravenna, c. 741-51 AD. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine V and Leo III wearing crowns. Rx: Large M (half off flan) with ANNO to left and RA below. Ranieri 827. Berk -. Spahr -. DO III -. Sear -. EF $400 Ex CNG 67, 22 September 2004, lot 1882.


1041. Follis, 1.10g (6h). Ravenna, c. 741-751 AD. Obv: Facing busts of Constantine V and Leo III wearing crowns. Rx: Large M with I above and R[A]V in exergue. Ranieri 828. Berk -. Spahr -. DO III -. Sear -. Good VF $400 Ex CNG 67, 22 September 2004, lot 1881. Great Dynastic Solidus

1043. Nicephorus I with Stauracius. 802-811 AD. Solidus, 4.39g (6h). Constantinople, c. 803-811 AD. Obv: nICI -FOROS bASILE’ Facing bust of Nicephorus I with short beard, wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding cross potent and akakia. Rx: STAVRA -CIS DESPO’ X Facing bust of Stauracius wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Berk 238. DO III 2c. Sear 1604. Good EF $1,500

1042. Constantine VI and Irene. Solidus, 4.45g (7h). Constantinople, c. 790-2 AD. Obv: CONST ­AN...Facing busts of Constantine VI, beardless, on left, and Irene on


1044. Michael I Rhangabe. 811-813 AD. Follis, 1.61g (6h). Syracuse, c. 811 AD. Obv: Facing bust of bearded Michael wearing loros and crown and holding cross potent. To left, [M]. To right, IXA. Rx: Facing bust of beardless Michael wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. Above, M -IX[A]. Berk 882. Spahr 358. Anastasi 477. DO III 9. Ratto 1848. Sear 1624. Choice EF $150

1048. Follis, 4.64g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing busts of Leo V, on left and with short beard, and Constantine, on right with no beard. Each wears a crown with cross atop and chlamys. Between their heads at chin level, pellet. Above heads, cross. Rx: Large ΛΚ with pellet between and cross above. Berk 886. Spahr 375. Anastasi 497. DO III 19. Sear 1635. About EF $100 Immense Flan

1045. Leo V, the Armenian. 813-820 AD. Follis, 2.61g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Leo wearing loros and crown and holding a cross potent. To left, Λ. To right, EON. Rx: Facing bust of Constantine wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. To left, K. To right, ONC. Berk 889. Spahr 372. Anastasi 487. DO III 16. Sear 1638. EF $100

1046. Follis, 4.39g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Leo wearing loros and crown and holding cross potent. To left, [Λ]. To right, EO and star. Rx: Facing bust of Constantine wearing chlamys and crown with cross atop and holding globus cruciger. To left, K. To right, ON[CT]. C and I in fields to left and right of face. Berk 887. Spahr 373. Anastasi 488. DO III 17. Sear 1636. EF $100

1047. Follis, 2.81g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: Facing bust of Leo V wearing crown with cross atop and loros and holding cross potent. To right, Λ. Rx: Facing bust of Constantine wearing crown with cross atop and chlamys and holding globus cruciger. To right, cross. Berk 888. Spahr 374. Anastasi 493. DO III 18. Sear 1637. EF $100


1049. Theophilus. 829-842 AD. Follis, 5.18g (6h). Syracuse, c. 830/1-842 AD. Obv: [ΘEO]FI -LOS bA[S] Facing bust of Theophilus wearing crown with cross atop and chlamys and holding globus cruciger. mIX along edge at 10h from undertype. Rx: Large M between X/X/X and N/N/N, cross above and Θ below. Berk 897. Spahr 431. Anastasi 548. DO III 30. Sear 1681. Overstruck and on an extremely broad flan. About EF $200

1050. Half follis, 2.40g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: [ΘΕΟ] -FILOS Facing bust of Theophilus wearing crown with cross atop and loros and holding cross potent. Rx: +ΜΙΧΑ -ΗL S­CONST Facing busts of Michael II and Constantine, each wearing crown with cross atop and chlamys, with a star between their heads. Anastasi 562. Cf. the corresponding follis, Berk 896, Spahr 414, DO 29, and Sear 1680. EF $150

1051. Michael III, the Drunkard. 842-867 AD. Follis, 1.87g (6h). Syracuse. Obv: [MI] -XAHL b Facing bust of Michael III wearing crown with cross atop and loros and holding cross potent. Rx: Large M with cross above and Θ below. Berk 901. Spahr 439. Anastasi 568. DO 13. Sear 1697. EF/VF $150

Important Rarity

1052. Constantine VII, Porphyrogenitus. 913-959 AD. Histamenon, 4.35g (6h). Constantinople, c. 921-931 AD. Obv: +IhS XPS REX -REςnAnTIuM* Christ seated on throne wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium. He raises his right hand in benediction and in his left holds the book of Gospels. Rx: ROMAn' ET XPISTOFO' Auςς b' Facing busts of Romanus I with short beard on left and Christopher, beardless, on right. Romanus I wears loros and a crown with cross atop. Christopher wears chlamys and a crown with cross atop. Between them they hold a long patriarchal cross. Berk 276. DOC III 7. Sear 1745. Obverse slightly doublestruck, otherwise VF/EF $800

1055. Michael VI, Stratioticus. 1056-1057 AD. Histamenon, 4.40g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: +IhS XIS REX REςNANTInm Facing bust of Christ wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium, and colobium, and holding book of Gospels. Double dotted border. Rx: +MIXA -HL Au -TOCRAT' The Virgin, nimbate, on right and Michael, bearded, on left, both standing front. The Virgin wears pallium and maphorium and with Her right hand crowns the emperor, who wears jeweled chlamys and holds globus cruciger in his left hand. Between them, MΘ with line above each letter. Double dotted border. Berk 310. DOC III 1a. Sear 1840. Exceptionally beautiful strike on reverse. A few letters softly struck on obverse, otherwise a wonderful example of this important rarity. Near Mint State $20,000

1053. Constantine VII and Romanus II. 913-959 AD. Histamenon, 4.38g (7h). Constantinople, 945­959 AD. Obv: +IhS XPS REX REςNANTIum Facing bust of Christ wearing nimbus cruciger with two pellets in each limb of cross, pallium, and colobium, and holding book of Gospels in left hand. Rx: Legend blundered. Facing busts of Constantine VII on left and Romanus II on right. Constantine VII wears loros and a crown with cross atop. Romanus II wears chlamys and crown with cross atop. Between them they hold a long patriarchal cross. Berk 278. DOC III 15. Sear 1751. Tiny edge bump at 3h, otherwise EF $1,000

1054. Basil II Bulgaroctonos and Constantine VIII. 976-1025 AD. Stamenon Nomisma, 4.29g (6h). Constantinople, c. 9891001 AD. Obv: +IhS XIS REX ReςNANTInM Facing bust of Christ wearing nimbus cruciger, with rosette of pellets ornamenting each limb of cross, and holding book of Gospels. Rx: +bASIL' C COnSTANTI b R. Facing busts of Basil II on left and Constantine VIII on right. Basil wears loros and a crown with cross atop. Constantine wears chlamys and a crown with cross atop. Between them they hold patriarchal cross crosslet. Berk 286. DO III 3. Sear 1797. Mint State $500


The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


to left and right. Rx: John III being crowned by the Virgin nimbate. John holds labarum in right hand and akakia in left. Berk 362 var. (legend). DO IV p. 484, 4h. Sear 2073. Unusually well struck. Mint State $450

1056. Constantine X, Ducas. 1059 -1067. AU Stamenon Nomisma, 4.33g (6h). Constantinople. Obv: +Ih(retrograde)S XIS REX -REςNAΝΤΙnm Christ seated facing on high-backed throne. He holds his right hand up in blessing, while his left hand holds a book of Gospels. Double border. Rx: +KWN RACΛ -Ο ΔΟU ΚAC Constantine X standing front wearing loros and crown with cross atop and holding labarum and globus cruciger; double border. Berk 316. DO III 1. Sear 1847. Exceptionally well struck. Mint State $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1059. EL Hyperpyron, 4.24g (6h). Magnesia, c. 1232-1254 AD (?). Obv: Christ in himation seated on wide throne with IC and X[C] with lines above to left and right. Rx: John III being crowned by the Virgin nimbate. John holds labarum in right hand and akakia in left. Berk 362. DO p. 485, 5.2. Sear 2073. Some flat striking on reverse. Mint State $300

Exceptional Anonymous I

1057. Anonymous Class I. Attributed to Nicephorus III. 10781081 AD. Follis, 3.70g (6h). Obv: Bust of Christ facing wearing nimbus cruciger and holding Gospels, flanked by legend IC -[XC]. Rx: Latin cross with X at center and three pellets at each extremity. Floral pattern in lower half of reverse. Berk 962. DO III pl. LXVIII, I.19. Sear 1889. Of exceptional quality. Mint State $500

1060. EL Hyperpyron, 4.44g (5h). Magnesia, c. 1232-54 AD (?). Obv: Christ in himation seated on wide throne with [I]C and XC with lines above to left and right. Rx: John III being crowned by the Virgin nimbate. John holds labarum in right hand and akakia in left. Berk 363. cf. DOC IV 486, 5.11. Sear 2073. Exceptionally well struck for issue. Mint State $400

1061. John VI and John V. 1347-1354 AD. Billon Tornese, 0.35g (12h). Constantinople. Obv: Cross with *B in each quadrant. Rx: John VI (on left) and John V (on right) standing facing and holding a labarum (?) between them. LPC p. 144, 8. DO 1197. Bendall, PCPC 293. Sear 2533. About EF/EF $500 Enlargement

1058. John III. 1222-1254 AD. EL Hyperpyron, 4.49g (6h). Magnesia, c. 1232-1254 AD (?). Obv: Christ in himation seated on wide throne with[I]C and XC with lines above


Image of Anna of Savoy

1062. John V & Anna of Savoy. 1351-1354 AD. Assarion, 0.77g Thessalonica. Obv: Anna standing holding model of city and scepter. Rx: John standing holding labarum-headed scepter and akakia. Sear 2521. Grierson 1507. Bendall, LPC p. 250, 5. VF $500

finest recorded speciman of the most important and final moment in Byzantine, and in fact, Roman history is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


Maginificant Stavrata

1063. John VIII, Palaeologus. 1423-1448. Stravrata or Half hyperpyron, 7.06g (1h). Constantinople. Obv: Bust of Christ with double border enclosing eight spaced pellets. Rx: IWANHC ΔΕCΠΟΤΙC ΟΠΑΛΕΟΛΟΓΟC/ ΘV ΧΑPΙΤΙ ΑVΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡ in double row around portrait of emperor. Sear 2563. Bendall, LPC p. 172,1. Wonderfully struck. Toned Mint State $300

Constantine XI Finest Recorded


1064. Constantine XI, Palaeologus. Stavrata or Half hyperpyron, 6.54g (8h). Constantinople, October 30, 1448 AD -May 25, 1453 AD. Obv: Christ in himation. IC and B to left and right. Rx: KWNCTANTINOC ΔΕCΠΟΤΗC Ο ΠΑΛΕΟΛΟΓ in the outer circle. ΘV ΧΑΡΙΤΗ ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC ΡΟΜΕΟΝ in the inner circle. Portrait of emperor wearing loros. S. Bendall, Coinage of Constantine XI, Revue Numismatique 6, 1991, 76, pl. XIV (this coin). Berk, 100 Greatest Ancient Coins, p. 118 and p. 126 (this coin). Complete legends. About EF $30,000 Ex Bank Leu, Auction 50, 25 April 1990, lot 423 (SF 32000 hammer plus premium). To quote Simon Bendall from the 1990 Leu catalogue, “This is a wonderful opportunity to acquire one of the rarest and at the same time most romantic coins of the Byzantine empire”. This coin was chosen for auction by Simon Bendall and Bank Leu, who controlled the group, because lot 423 was rightly considered the finest Constantine XI coin in existence. We agree with Simon that a chance to own the

1065. Byzantine Coin Weight. One uncia, 26.26g. Obv: +VITA LVX (?) around O at center. Rx: Blank. EF $500 For discussion of Roman and Byzantine scale weight systems, see Hendin, Ancient Scale Weights, pp. 95-99.



1066. 10.99g . Obv: Monogram including the letters B, T, A, and E above four dots. Rx: Blank. Cf. Bendall 1996: 46, 125 for another poorly engraved example weighing 23.95 g. EF $300

1069. Pre-reform Coinage of Bilad al-Sham. Arab-Byzantine. AE 22, 3.06g (6h). Iliya (Jerusalem), c. 670-690 AD. Obv: Standing figure wearing robe with herringbone pattern. To left, ‘muhammad’. To right, ‘rasūl allah’. Rx: Large M with ‘iliya’ (Jersualem) to left and ‘filastin’ to right. Foss, Catalogue of Arab-Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection 92. Goodwin, Arab Byzantine Coinage, Khalili Collection, p. 47, 63. Walker, Catalogue of the Muhammadan Coins in the British Museum, p. 22, 73. Mint State $1,750

1067. Early Transitional Arab Byzantine. AE 19, 3.49g (10h). Uncertain Mint, Probably Jund Filastin, c. 645-647 AD. Obv: Crude standing figure holding globus cruciger. Downward to left ‘Muhammad’. Rx: Cursive M with stalk to right, Arabic word ba’d in exergue (meaning part or portion). T. Goodwin, Khalili Collection, Vol. IV, p. 41, 42. Foss, Catalogue of Arab-Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collections, p. 34 and p. 128, 31. Fine $900 These coins are extremely interesting, rare types. They were minted during a transitional time when fully Arab Byzantine iconography was not yet established, and Byzantine culture not yet gone. There are few specimens recorded and none that are complete. The identity of the figure is also uncertain.

1068. Early Umayyad Imperial Image Coinage. Arab Byzantine. AE 19, 1.57g (2h). Iliyā (Jerusalem), c. 660-680 AD. Obv: Standing figure of emperor holding globus cruciger and long staff with legend to right. Rx: Large M with IEP[O] to left, [C]O[ΛY] to right and [MWN] in exergue (of the people of Jerusalem). T. Goodwin, Khalili Collection, Vol. IV, p. 87, Fig. 1 var. (legend different on obverse). Foss, Catalogue of Arab-Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, p. 44 and p. 133, 45. Album & Goodwin, Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Ashmolean, p. 90 for an explanation (not in collection). See Spink Zürich 20, 20 May 1989, lot 189. VF $2,500 This is a very rare type with only a small number bearing the Jerusalem name on the reverse. This specimen varies slightly from those referenced by the more complete obverse legend. It is believed that these types are among the earliest issues of the Arab Byzantine coinage and closely resemble pseudo-Byzantine types.



1070. Follis, 7.90g (6h). Jund Al-Urdunn, Nysa Scythopolis (Beisān), c. 670-690 AD. Obv: CKYΘO ΠOΛHC on sides of figures of Justin II and Sophia. Rx: Large M with ANNO on left, YII on right. Below, officina A and NIKO below exergual line. SNG Tübingen 259. Goodwin, Arab Byzantine Coinage, Khalili Collection, p. 39, 32. Walker 1956 1ff. Foss, Catalogue of Arab Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, 83 var. (reverse right letters). VF $350 Rare Arab-Byzantine imitative follis of the modern Beit Shean from the Umayyad period.

1071. AE 21, 5.46g (10h). Jund al-Urdunn, Tabariyya (Tiberius), c. 685-705 AD. Obv: TIBEPIA (blundered) Standing emperor holding long cross and globus cruciger. Rx: Large M with

cross above and XAΛE to right and AΛΛA to left. ONB (last letter retrograde) below exergual line. T. Goodwin, Khalili Collection, Vol. IV, p. 38, 28 var. (legend on reverse). Walker 1956, p. 48, P.15, pl. IX. Foss, Catalogue of ArabByzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, 44. Qedar, INJ 10 (1988-89), p. 38, pl. 5,12. Album & Goodwin, Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Ashmolean -. Fine $1,200

1072. AE 19, 3.54g (10h). Jund Filistin (Palestine), Lund (Lod), c. 685-705 AD. Obv: Standing caliph holding sword to his left. To the left downwards, ‘muhammad ra/’. To the right, ‘sul allah’. Rx: M in cursive style with star above and Filastin to left and Ludd to right. T. Goodwin, Khalili Collection, Vol. IV, p. 155, Fig. 4A&B. Foss, Catalogue of Arab-Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, 101. Album & Goodwin, Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Ashmolean -. VF $475 Because of the lower output of coinage at Lund, it commonly happens that coins attributed to Yubna are in fact Lund.

1073. AE 21, 3.51g (3h). Jund Filistin (Palestine), Yubna, c. 685-705 AD. Obv:’ Sūl allāh’ upwards (retrograde) to left. Standing figure of Caliph. Rx: Large M with ‘fulū/s yubnā’ (money of Yuba) upwards on either side, legends retrograde. T. Goodwin, Khalili Collection, Vol. IV, p. 140, 143. Foss, Catalogue of Arab-Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection -. Album & Goodwin, Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Ashmolean -. Unevenly struck, otherwise EF $475

1074. The Monastery of Christ Philanthropos. Lead Seal, 17.34g (12h). Constantinople, 12th century AD. Obv: Bust of Christ holding book of Gospels. At left and right, IC-XC (abbreviation of Jesus Christ) and inscription around ‘Lover of Man’. Border of dots. Rx: Half-length figure of Virgin holding her palms outward before her. At left and right, MP-OV (abbreviation of Mother of God). Border of dots. DO Vol. 5, p. 116,

56.4 (same boulloterion). Laurent, Corpus 5.3, 1909 See Spink 135, Byzantine Seals from the Collection of George Zacos, Part III, 6 October 1999, lot 328 for comparable specimen. About EF $450 The monastery of Christ Philanthropos, near the Blachernae Church, was founded by the empress Irene, the wife of Alexios I Komnenos. For more information on this monastery see Églises Janin, Les églises et les monastères, 2nd edition (Paris, 1969), pp. 525-527.

World Coins

1075. Greece. Chios. Philip Maria Visconti. 1421-1436. Zecchino, 3.53g. Obv: Kneeling figure before St. Peter. Rx: Christ in lenticular frame. A crude imitation of Venetian style coinage for the Island of Chios. Friedberg 4. Flatly struck in some significant areas. VF or better $250 Venice, considered the leader of the trade industry by the 13th century, issued the ducat to help facilitate trade between countries. Because of its extreme popularity and uniformity, several other European nations replicated the ducat keeping the weight and gold content the same. Even the legends and overall design remained unchanged

1076. Great Britain. Charles I. 1625-1649. Silver-Gilt Royalist Badge, 14.70g. Obv: Right facing bust of Charles I with long hair and falling lace collar. Rx: Left facing bust of Henrietta Maria with hair tied in back, wearing pearl-drop necklace and mantle around her shoulders. MI I p. 354, 215. A fine example of a commemorative medal by Thomas Rawlins. Nice VF $750


Group Lots 1077. Greek. Lot of three AR didrachms of Neapolis. Neapolis, three didrachms, ANS no. 1978.64.6; ANS no. 1978.64.20; ANS no. 1978.64.101. Average grade VG $75

1083. Lot of six AR of Tarentum. Lot includes nomos, ANS no. 1978.64.43; nomos, ANS no. 1978.64.46; obol, ANS no. 1978.64.62; hemilitron, ANS no. 1978.64.65; diobol, ANS no. 1978.64.80; and drachm, ANS no. 1978.64.113. Average grade VG-Fine+ $300

Ex American Numismatic Society.

Ex American Numismatic Society.

1078. Lot of four AR didrachms of Magna Graecia. Lot includes Neapolis, ANS no. 1978.64.12; Thurium, ANS no. 1978.64.88; Kaulonia, ANS no. 1978.64.105; and Hyria, ANS No. 1984.65.5. Average grade VG $300 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1079. Lot of three AR of Magna Graecia. 1. Neapolis, stater, 7.28g, SNG ANS 337, beatifully toned VF. 2. Velia, stater, 7.32g, SNG ANS 1385, nicely toned VF. 3. Velia, drachm, SNG ANS 1266, toned VF $900 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1080. Lot of three AE of Magna Graecia and Sicily. 1. Teate, quincunx, 14.06g, SNG ANS 745, VF. 2. Teate, quincunx, 14.06g, SNG ANS 746, F+. 3. Himera, hemilitron, 24.54g, Calciati 24, Fine $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1081. Lot of two AR didrachms of Tarentum. 1. 7.68g, FischerBossert 1011, beautifully toned VF. 2. 6.46g, Vlasto 836ff, beautifully toned VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1082. Lot of three AR of Tarentum. 1. Nomos, 7.66g, FischerBossert 688, nicely toned F+. 2. Nomos, 7.78g, FischerBossert 944, beautifully toned VF. 3. Diobol, 1.22g, Vlasto 1316, toned VF+ $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


1084. Lot of five AR staters of Magna Graecia. c. 6th-5th century BC. 1. Bruttium, Caulonia, 450-445 BC, Noe 83. 2. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 264. 3. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 273. 4. Lucania, Metapontum, 510-470 BC, Noe-Johnson 148. 5. Lucania, Metapontum, 470-440 BC, Noe-Johnson 253. Average grade VF $1,500

1085. Lot of five AR staters of Magna Graecia. c. 6th-5th century BC. 1. Bruttium, Caulonia, 450-445 BC, Noe 74. 2. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 265. 3. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 267. 4. Lucania, Metapontum, 510-470 BC, Noe-Johnson 194. 5. Lucania, Metapontum, 470-440 BC, Noe-Johnson 234. Average grade VF-EF $1,500

1086. Lot of five AR staters of Magna Graecia. c. 6th-5th century BC. 1. Bruttium, Caulonia, 450-445 BC, Noe 74. 2. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 275. 3. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 279. 4. Lucania, Metapontum, 510-470 BC, Noe-Johnson 197. 5. Lucania, Metapontum, 470-440 BC, Noe-Johnson 229. Average grade VF-EF $1,500

1087. Lot of three AR staters of Magna Graecia. c. 6th-5th century BC. 1. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 279. 2. Lucania, Metapontum, 510-470 BC, Noe-Johnson 189. 3. Lucania, Metapontum, 470-440 BC, Noe-Johnson 228. Average grade VF $900

1088. Lot of three AR staters of Magna Graecia. c. 6th-5th century BC. 1. Bruttium, Croton, 450-430 BC, SNG ANS 274. 2. Lucania, Metapontum, 510-470 BC, Noe-Johnson 189. 3. Lucania, Metapontum, 470-440 BC, Noe-Johnson 282. Average grade EF $900

1089. Lot of two staters of Metapontum. 1. 7.66g, Johnston B:2, toned VF+. 2. 7.25g, Johnston B:3 , beautifully toned VF+ $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1090. Lot of two AR and one AE of Rhegion. 1.Tetradrachm, 16.58g, Herzfelder 102, VF. 2. Litra, 0.58g, SNG ANS 670, toned VF. 3. AE 11, 1.66g, SNG ANS 702, Fine+ $500

1096. Lot of two AR fractions of Naxos. 1. Litra, 0.66g, Cahn 12ff, Fine+. 2. Hemilitron, 0.28g, Cahn 97, Fine+ $1,200

1097. Lot of three AR of Syracuse. 1. Tetradrachm, 17.22g, cf. Boehringer 345, toned About VF. 2. Litra, 0.57g, Boehringer 421, toned VF. 3. Litra, 0.73g, Boehringer 467, toned Fine $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1091. Lot of three AR drachms of Bruttiuum, the Bretti. 213205 BC, 2nd Punic War issue. Sear 514 (1); Sear 515 (2), symbols eagle on wreath and crab. EF $1,000

1092. Lot of three AR and one AE of Magna Graecia. 1. The Bretti, drachm, 4.28g, HN Italy 1970, beautifully toned VF. 2. The Bretti, AE “double,” 13.32g, Scheu 6, About VF. 3. Kroton, stater, 7.34g, SNG ANS 350, toned VF. 4. Terina, diobol, 1.15g, SNG ANS 869, nicely toned VF $300

1098. Lot of three AR of Syracuse. 1. Tetradrachm, 17.08g, Boehringer 633, toned F+. 2. Litra, 0.64g, cf. Boehringer 422, toned Fine. 3. Litra, 0.70g, Boehringer 466, toned VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1099. Lot of five AE of Syracuse. 1. Dionysos I, litra, Calciati 41, 6.21g, VF. 2. Timoleon, dilitron, 18.98g, Calciati 80, About VF. 3. Agathocles, litra, 11.08g, Calciati 96 R12, About VF. 4. Pyrros, AE 22, Calciati 176, VF. 5. Hieron II, hemilitron, 19.46g, Calciati 193, Fine $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1093. Lot of two AR of Magna Graecia and Sicily. 1. Thurium, stater, 7.78g, SNG ANS 889, toned VF. 2. Messana, tetradrachm, 17.12g, Caltabiano 357, Fine+ $300

1100. Lot of four AE of Syracuse. 1. AE 15, 4.16g, Calciati 19, VF. 2. Drachm, 35.67g, Calciati 62, About VF. 3. Timoleon, dilitron, 15.91g, Calciati 80, F+. 4. Hicetas, AE 22, 10.54g, Calciati 154, VF $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1094. Lot of one AR and two AE of Akragas. 1. AR hemidrachm, 1.83g, SNG ANS 1010, toned VF+. 2. AE hemilitron, 23.55g, Calciati 32, VF. 3. AE onkia, 3.92g, Calciati 85, VF+ $2,200

1095. Lot of two AE Onkia of Camerina. 1. 1.33g, Westermark & Jenkins 186, EF, rare. 2. 1.35g, Westermark & Jenkins 201, rare, EF $600

1101. Lot of five AE of Sicily. 1. Syracuse, Timoleon, dilitron, 20.65g, Calciati 80, About VF. 2. Syracuse, Agathocles, litra, 10.27g, Calciati 142, About VF. 3. Syracuse, Hicetas II, litra, 9.34g, Calciati 154, Fine. 4. Syracuse, Hieron II, hemilitron, 16.49g, Calciati 193 Ds 59, Fine. 5. Normans in Sicily, William II, follaro, 9.69g, MEC 425, Fine+ $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1102. Lot of three AE of Syracuse. 1. Tetras, 3.16g, Calciati 84; Asklepios / Barking dog; About EF, rare. 2. Hieron II, AE 22, 8.53g, Calciati 194 Rl 14, EF. 3. Roman rule, AE 15, 2.87g, Calciati 218, scarce, EF $1,100


1103. Lot of three AR of Sicily. 1. Acragas, litra, 2.10g, SNG ANS 1003, nicely toned VF. 2. Gela, tetradrachm, 16.78g, Jenkins 346, nicely toned About VF. 3. Katane, tetradrachm, 16.42g, cf. SNG ANS 1243, toned Fine+ $500

1109. Roman. Lot of three provincial AE of Macedonia. Lot includes Dium, Gordian III, SNG Copenhagen 158, very rare; Pella, Maximinus, SNG Copenhagen 284; and Pella, Gordian III, SNG Copenhagen 286. Average grade Fine-VF $400

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1104. Lot of three AR of Sicily. 1. Acragas, didrachm, 8.74g, SNG ANS 921, beautifully toned VF. 2. Katane, tetradrachm, 16.76g, SNG ANS 1240 (same obv. die), nicely toned VF. 3. Katane, tetradrachm, 16.76g, SNG ANS 1263 (same dies), toned VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1105. Lot of three AR didrachms of Sicily. Lot includes Acragas, ANS no. 1984.65.24; Himera, ANS no. 1984.65.28; and Leontini, ANS no. 1986.78.907. VG $300 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1110. Greek. Lot of thirty-seven AE of Macedonian cities, some from Imperial period. Lot includes coins of Amphipolis (8), Aphytis, Cassandreia (3), Edessa, Mende, Olynthos (2), Pella (2), Philippi (9), Potidaea (2), Skione (2), Tragilos (6). Average grade Fine $1,800

1111. Lot of three AE of the Macedonian Koinon. All with portraits of Alexander the Great, third century AD; reverse types lion below club, two prize crowns on table, and obverse brockage. Average grade Fine-VF $300

1112. Lot of two AR tetradrachms and one AE of Philip II. 1. Posthumous tetradrachm, 13.65g, Le Rider pl. 45, 24 (same dies), toned VF, fine style. 2. Posthumous tetradrachm, 14.05g, Le Rider pl. 46, 15 (same dies), toned VF. 2. AE 17, 6.41g, Fine $1,000

1106. Lot of two AR and two AE of Sicily. Lot includes Acragas, ANS no. 1984.65.18; Syracuse, ANS no. 1978.64.120; Syracuse, ANS no. 1984.66.78; and Panormus, ANS no. 1944.100.84970. VG $200

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Ex American Numismatic Society.

1113. Lot of three AR tetradrachms of Alexander III. 1. Amphipolis, lifetime, 17.12g, Price 13, EF. 2. Tarsus, lifetime, 17.13g, Price 3018, EF. 3. Myriandrus, lifetime, 17.16g, Price 3223, high-relief EF $2,250

1107. Lot of four AR of Macedonia. 1. Akanthos, trihemiobol, 0.92g, SNG ANS 59, toned Fine. 2. Akanthos, tetrobol, 2.17g, SNG ANS 30, toned VF. 3. Eion, trihemiobol, 0.73g, SNG ANS 287, toned Fine+. 4. Mende, tritartemorion, 0.44g, SNG ANS 305, Fine. $100 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

Three EF Lifetime Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great

1114. Lot of two AR tetradrachms of Alexander the Great. 1. Amphipolis, posthumous, 16.65g, Price 483v (no star), nicely toned VF. 2. “Amphipolis�, late lifetime, 16.07g, Price 112, toned VF+ $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1108. Lot of three AR of Macedonia. 1. Eion. trihemiobol, 0.74g, SNG ANS 279, toned Fine+. 2. Mende, tritartemorion, 0.61g, SNG ANS 354, Fine. 3. Macedonia under Roman rule, tetradrachm, 16.91g, SNG Copenhagen 1313, nicely toned VF $150

1115. Lot of two AR tetradrachms of Alexander the Great. 1. Amphipolis, posthumous, 17.00g, Price 462, beautifully toned VF. 2. Babylon, late lifetime, 17.07g, Price 3692, beautifully toned VF $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


1116. Lot of four AR of the Macedonian Kingdom. 1. Alexander III, lifetime tetradrachm, Aradus, 17.00g, Price 3332, toned VF. 2. Alexander III, posthumous tetradrachm, Aspendus, 16.69g, Price 2889, toned VF+. 3. Alexander III, late lifetime drachm, 4.25g, Price 2637, nicely toned VF. 4. Demetrios Poliorketes, drachm, 3.61g, Newell 44, toned VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1117. Lot of two AR tetradrachms of Alexander III. 1. Amphipolis, lifetime, 17.19g, Price 93, EF. 2. Cabyle, c. 225-215 BC, 16.93g, Price 882, scarce, about EF $1,750

1118. Lot of twenty-eight AE of Macedonian kings. Lot includes coins of Amyntas III (2), Philip II (9), Alexander III (2), Cassander (2), Antigonus II (7), Demetrius I (2), Philip V-Perseus (2), Philip V, and Perseus. Average grade Fine-VF $1,100

1123. Lot of five AR staters of Thasos. c. 6th-5th century BC. All with Obv: Satyr advancing right, carrying off protesting nymph. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Average grade VF $2,250 1124. Lot of five AR staters of Thasos. c. 6th-5th century BC. All with Obv: Satyr advancing right, carrying off protesting nymph. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Average grade VF $2,250 1125. Lot of five AR staters of Thasos. c. 6th-5th century BC. All with Obv: Satyr advancing right, carrying off protesting nymph. Rx: Four-part incuse square. Average grade VF $2,250

1126. Lot of two AR posthumous tetradrachms of Lysimachus. 1. Amphipolis, 17.02g, Thompson 197, toned VF, test cut. 2. Pergamum, 16.67g, Thompson 220, toned VF/Fine $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1119. Lot of ten AE of Thrace. Lot includes coins of Abdera (6), Maronea (3) and Thasos. Average grade Fine $425 1120. Lot of three AE of Thrace. Lot includes Abdera, cf. SNG Copenhagen 380; Abdera, RPC 1728; and Thasos, SNG Copenhagen 1059. Average grade Fine-VF $500

1121. Lot of four AR and one AE of Thrace and the Black Sea Region. 1. Apollonia Pontica, drachm, 2.70g, SNG BM 160, toned Fine. 2. Istros, drachm, 5.77g, SNG BM 230, nicely toned About VF. 3. Sinope, drachm, 6.07g, SNG BM 1378, toned VF. 4. Bosporus Kingdom, Rhescuporis V & Constantine I, AE 17, 7.71g, MacDonald 681/1, VF. 5. Cherronesos, hemidrachm, 2.34g, Grose 4104v, beautifully toned VF $150 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1122. Lot of three AR and one AE of Thrace. 1. Abdera, tetrobol, 2.57g, May 536, nicely toned VF. 2. Maroneia, hemidrachm, 2.37g, SNG Copenhagen 622, toned Fine. 3. Maroneia, AE 12, 3.98g, SNG Copenhagen 632, About VF. 4. Thasos trihemiobol, 1.08g, Rosen 144, toned About VF $75 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1127. Lot of twenty-seven AR fractions of mainland Greece and Macedonia. Lot includes coins of Dikaia (2), Neapolis, Abdera (2), Ainos, Maroneia, Siris, Eion, Thasos (11), Trieros (2), Histiaia (4), and Thebes. Average grade Fine-VF $1,750 1128. Lot of twenty-six AE of Macedonia and Thessaly. Lot includes coins of Macedonian Koinon and Roman (3), Thessalonica (5 autonomous, 6 Imperial), Thessalian Koinon (10 autonomous, 2 Imperial). Average grade Fine-VF $1,500

1129. Roman. Lot of four provincial AE of Macedonia. Lot includes Thessalonica, Claudius and Britannicus, RPC 1588, rare; Thessalonica, Valerian; Thessalonica, Gallienus, two wrestlers between palm and wreath, ΠVΘIA in exergue, Touratsoglou p. 308 (only four specimens, all from same die pair as ours); Macedonian Koinon, Marcus Aurelius, SNG Copenhagen 1343. Average grade Fine-VF $600 1130. Greek. Lot of thirty-two AE of Thessaly. Lot includes coins of Atrax, Kranon (5), Halos, Larissa (10), Larissa Kremaste, The Magnetes, The Malians, Pelinna (2), Phalanna (3), Pharsalos (3), Skotussa, and Thessalian League (3). Average grade Fine-VF $1,300


1131. Lot of twenty-four AE of Thessaly. Lot includes coins of Kranon (2), Larissa (10), The Magnetes, The Malians, Pelinna (2), Phalanna (3), Pharsalos (2), and Thessalian League (3). Average grade Fine-VF $1,100

1132. Lot of three AR staters of Thebes. 1. 12.00g, BMC 54, Fine. 2. 12.07g, BMC 54, nicely toned Fine. 3. 12.18g, BCD Boiotia 512, nicely toned VF $450

includes Leucas, AE 22, ANS no. 1944.100.19403; Corinth, stater, ANS no. 1978.64.168; and Achaean League, Pellina, hemidrachm, ANS no. 1978.64.178. VG $100 Ex American Numismatic Society. 1139. Lot of two AR tetradrachms of Athens. 5th century BC. 1. 16.93g, toned VF. 2. 16.87g, toned VF $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1133. Lot of five AR of mainland Greece. 1. Sikyon, obol, 0.76g, SNG Copenhagen 71, rough Fine. 2. Phokis, hemidrachm, 2.63g, BMC 30, toned Fine; 3. Phokis, hemidrachm, 2.50g, BMC 78ff. 4. Larissa, drachm, 5.96g, BMC 57, toned About VF. 5. Pharsalos, hemidrachm, 2.84g, BMC 3, toned, granular VF $200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1134. Lot of twenty-six AE. Lot includes coins of Ambrakia, Aitolia (2), Abydos, Boiotia, Chalcidian League, Chalkis, Corinth, Epeiros (2), Euboea, Histiaia (3), Lokri Opunti (2), The Molossi, Philios, Sikyon, Klazomenai, Parion (2), and the Seleucid kings Seleucus I (3) and Tryphon. Average grade Fine $1,000

1140. Lot of two AR tetradrachms of Athens. 5th century BC. 1. 17.12g, nicely toned VF. 2. 16.67g, toned VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1141. Lot of two AR tetradrachms of Athens. 5th century BC. 1. 17.08g, beautifully toned About EF, reverse a bit corroded. Ex Münzen und Medaillen AG. 2. 16.88g, toned VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 1142. Lot of two AR tetradrachms of Athens. 1. 17.04g, nicely toned VF. 2. New-style, 16.62g, Thompson 86c (pl. 11, this coin), toned About VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1135. Lot of three AR staters of Corinth. 1. 8.18g, Calciati 44, toned Fine. 2. 8.20g, Calciati 82, toned Fine. 3. 8.65g, Calciati 140, beatifully toned VF+ $350 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1136. Lot of three staters of AR Corinth and colonies. 1. Corinth, 8.38g, BMC 350, EF. 2. Anaktorion, 8.52g, BMC 35, VF+. 3. Lokri, 8.33g, Calciati 5, EF $1,200

1143. Lot of two AR and one AE from Crete and Elis. 1. Polyrhenium, drachm, c. 330­280 BC, 5.01g, Svoronos 13. Obv: Facing bull‘s head, Rx: Arrowhead. Very rare. 2. Knossos, AE 27, 2nd-1st centuries BC, 10.90g, BMC 53. Obv: Head of Zeus, Rx: Eagle. With handwritten Seaby ticket from 1958, numbered 943 and priced 10/6, so clearly identical with coin AG943 in their October 1958 Coin and Medal Bulletin. 3. Hemidrachm, c. 370-362 BC, 2.53g, BM 77. Obv: Head of Olympia, Rx: Eagle. Ex Le Breton Collection, Glendining 1963. Average grade G-Fine+ $250 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1137. Lot of two staters of Corinthian colonies. 1. Anaktorion, 8.61g, BMC 28, EF. 2. Lokri, 8.37g, Calciati 5, About EF $700

1138. Lot of two AR and one AE of mainland Greece. Lot


1144. Lot of three AR and two AE of Asia Minor. 1. Miletos, drachm, 3.51g, Deppert 203, beautifully toned VF. 2. Mytilene, AE 18, 3.95g, SNG Copenhagen 387, VF. 3. Phokaia, diobol, 1.36g, SNG Kayhan 525, toned VF. 4. Samos, AE 11, 2.00g, SNG von Aulock 2296, VF, rare. 5.

Lampsakos, diobol, 1.22g, SNG Paris 1126, toned VF+ $250 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 1145. Lot of four AR of Asia Minor. 1. Ephesos, tetradrachm, 15.14g, SNG Kayhan 243, toned Fine+, odd flan. 2. Kaunos, stater, 11.46g, Konuk 97, beautifully toned VF. 3. Lampsakos, obol, 0.73g, SNG Paris 1128, toned VF+. 4. Phokaia, diobol, 1.25g, SNG Kayhan 522, toned VF $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1146. Lot of five AR of Asia Minor and the East. 1. Tenedos, drachm, 3.13g, SNG Copenhagen 512, toned VF. 2. Parion, drachm, 3.08g, SNG Copenhagen 256, VF. 3. Selge, obol, 0.77g, cf. SNG Paris 1948, toned About VF. 4. Kyzikos, obol, 0.75g, SNG Paris 380, nicely toned About EF. 5. Babylon, hemiobol, 0.39g, cf. Traité II 765 (tetradrachm), very rare, toned About EF $150 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1147. Lot of three AR of Caria. 1. Rhodes, didrachm, 6.72g, SNG Keckman 438, toned About VF. 2. Rhodes, drachm, 2.53g, SNG Keckman 588, nicely toned VF. 3. Maussolos, drachm, 3.58g, SNG Keckman 276, Fine+ $500 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 1148. Lot of five AR fractions of Asia Minor. Lot includes Miletus, obol, ANS no. 1986.78.1061; Rhodes, obol, ANS no. 1978.64.188; Cyzicus, obol, ANS no. 1983.51.191; Cyzicus, obol, ANS no. 1983.51.193; and Cyzicus, hemiobol, ANS no. 1983.51.194. Average grade VG­-Fine $100

1151. Lot of two Hellenistic AR tetradrachms. 1. Lysimachus, posthumous tetradrachm, Lampsakos, 16.98g, Thompson 60v, VF. 2. Seleucids, Antiochus I, tetradrachm, 16.71g, SC 379.3d, toned About VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky. 1152. Lot of two Seleucid AR tetradrachms. 1. Antiochus IV, Antioch, 16.70g, SC 1400, VF+. 2. Antiochus V, Antioch, 16.70g, SC 1575.1, nice VF $3,000 1153. Lot of two AR. 1. Tyre, half shekel, 76/5 BC, 6.99g, cf. BMC 230, EF. 2. Antiochus VIII, Ake-Ptolemais, 16.49g, SC 2335a, rare, VF+ $2,250

Two Dated Branch Mint Seleucid Tetradrachms 1154. Lot of two Seleucid AR tetradrachms. 1. Alexander II Zabinas, Damascus, 124/3 BC, 16.94g, SC 2248.6, nice VF, rare. 2. Antiochus VIII, Sidon, 116/5 BC, 16.74g, SC 2330.2, rare, VF+ $2,000

1155. Lot of three Seleucid AR tetradrachms. Lot includes tetradrachms of Demetrius I, Antioch, SC 1638a; Demetrius II, Tyre, SC 2195.4b; Antiochus VII, Tyre, SC 2109.4. VF $1,400 1156. Lot of seven Seleucid AR tetradrachms. Lot includes coins of Antiochus I, Antiochus III, Demetrius I, Demetrius II, Antiochus VII, and Antiochus VIII (2). Average grade VF $1,200 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex American Numismatic Society.

1149. Lot of two AR staters of Aspendos. c. 5th-3rd century BC. Both with Obv: Wrestlers engaging; Rx: Slinger; SNG von Aulock 4560. About VF $700

1150. Lot of three AR of Asia Minor and Phoenicia. 1. Kelenderis, stater, 10.71g, SNG von Aulock 5618, toned VF. 2. Tarsus, stater, 10.23g. BMC 3, obverse die deteriorated, reverse F+. 3. Tyre, shekel, 13.25g, Betlyon 17, Fine $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1157. Judaean. Lot of fourteen AR fractions of Samaria. c. 4th century BC. Types include bearded Persian satrap, lion, Bes and Athena. Two coins are fourrées. Average grade VG, some better $500 1158. Lot of thirty-eight AE coins of Jewish kings and rebels. All references are to Hendin’s Fourth Edition except as noted. Antiochus VII, AJC, p. 39; Judah Aristobulus I, 311; Alexander Jannaeus, 312, 313 (12); John Hyrcanus II, 318 (8); Mattathias Antigonus, 481 (2), 482, 483 (2); Herod I, AJC 20, AJC 23; Agrippa I (3), First Revolt, 372 (5). Average grade VG-Fine $750


1159. Lot of nineteen AE coins of Hasmonean kings. Lot includes coins of John Hyrcanus I (3), Judah Aristobulus I (2), Alexander Jannaeus (7), John Hyrcanus II (2), Mattathias Antigonus (5). Average grade Fine-VF $200

1167. Lot of five AE coins of Jewish Bar Kochba Revolt. Lot includes small AE (2); and middle AE (3). Average grade Fine-VF $500 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex Hebrew College Museum. 1160. Lot of nine AE of Herod the Great. Reifenberg nos. 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33 (3). Meshorer 37A. Average grade Fine-VF $500 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1168. Lot of nine Flavian Judaea Capta AE of Caesarea Maritima. Lot includes Vespasian, Titus (3), and Domitian (5). Average grade VG-VF $350 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1161. Lot of three AE of Herodian kings. Lot includes Herod Antipas, Herod Philip, and Herod Agrippa I. Average grade VG-Fine $350

1169. Roman. Lot of four AE with XF (Tenth Legion) countermarks. Host coins include Antioch, Sebaste, Caesarea, and uncertain. Fine $500

Ex Hebrew College Museum. Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. 1162. Lot of thirteen AE of Herodian kings. Lot includes Herod I, Herod Archelaus (6), and Herod Agrippa II (6). Average grade VG-Fine $200 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1163. Lot of five AE of Agrippa II. 55-95 AD. Meshorer nos. 97, 101, 105, 115, 126. Average grade VG-Fine $800

XF = Legio X Fretensis, the legion responsible for the siege of Jerusalem during the Jewish War. After the Roman victory, the legion remained garrisoned at Jerusalem.

1170. Lot of eleven AE Roman period, mostly city coins of Judaea and Decapolis. Lot includes coins of Aelia Capitolina, Alexandria, Ascalon (2), Bostra, Caesarea (Samaria), Caesarea Maritima (2), Dium, Raphia, and Sebaste. Various emperors are represented. Average grade Fine $150 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1164. Lot of five AE prutot. Lot includes Herod Agrippa I, and Roman procurators Coponius (2), Antonius Felix, and Porcius Festus. Average grade Fine-VF $300 Dr. Patrick Tan Collection. 1165. Lot of nineteen AE prutot of Roman Procurators of Judaea. Lot includes Coponius, Marcus Ambibulus (2), Valerius Gratus (8), Pontius Pilate (2), Antonius Felix (5), and Porcius Festus. Average grade Fine $250 Ex Hebrew College Museum. 1166. Lot of seven AE coins of Procurators and Jewish First Revolt. Lot includes Valerius Gratus, prutah; and First Revolt, prutot (6). Average grade Fine-VF $200 Ex Hebrew College Museum.


1171. Lot of twelve AE Roman period city coins of Judaea and Decapolis. Lot includes coins of Aelia Capitolina (3), Caesarea (Samaria), Caesarea Maritima, Canata (2), Gadara, Gerasa, Neapolis (2), and Trachonitis. Various emperors are represented. Average grade Fine $150 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1172. Lot of twenty-one AE Roman period city coins of Judaea. Aelia Capitolina, CNP 58; Aelia Capitolina, CNP 81, Ascalon (7), BMC nos. -, 93, 126, 132, 137 210, 216; Caesarea (8), CNP nos. 26, 29, 32, 73, 173, 207, 213, 225; Neapolis (2), BMC 9, BMC 99; Sebaste, BMC 9; and Tiberias, BMC 32. Various emperors are represented. Average grade VG-Fine $600

1173. Lot of nine AE Roman period city coins of Judaea. Aelia Capitolina, CNP 118; Akko-Ptolemais, CNP 192; Ascalon; Caesarea, Kadman 150; Dora, BMC 33; Gadara, SPij 19; Neapolis, BMC 1; Nysa Scythopolis, BMC 12; and Tiberias, BMC 29. Various emperors are represented. Average grade VG-Fine $450

1179. Lot of two Greek AR and two AE. 1. Siculo-Punic, tetradrachm, 15.53g, Jenkins 347, VF+, beautifully toned; planchet defect as made. 2. Spain, Castulo, AE 26, 16.08g, SNG BM Spain 1259, Fine+. 3. Massilia, obol, 0.69g, SNG Copenhagen 723, beautifully toned About EF; fine style. 4. Messene, AE 20, 7.05g, BCD 717, Fine+ $300 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1174. Lot of fourteen AE Roman period city coins of Judaea. Aelia Capitolina, Hendin 812; Akko-Ptolemais, CNP 107; Antipatris, BMC 1; Ascalon, BMC 72; Bostra, SNG ANS 1237; Caesarea; Dora, BMC 24; Gadara, Spijkerman 62; Gaza, BMC 1; Neapolis, BMC 978; Nysa Scythopolis, Meshorer 103; Sebaste, BMC 6; Sepphoris; BMC 12; and Tiberias, BMC 23. Various emperors and “autonomous” types are represented. Average grade Fine $800

1175. Lot of six AE in booklet; produced in Israel, 1970. Lot includes Alexander Janneus (2), Agrippa I, Herod I, Antonius Felix, and First Revolt. Average grade VG-Fine $100 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1176. Lot of one Ptolemaic AR tetradrachm and three AE. 1. Tetradrachm, Ptolemy I, 13.56g, Svoronos 190, toned VF. 2. Ptolemy II, AE 26, 17.65g, SNG Copenhagen 114, Fine. 3. Ptolemy II, AE 25, 16.96g, SNG Copenhagen 114, F+. 4. Ptolemy V, AE 26, 27.07g, SNG Copenhagen 306, About VF $200 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1177. Lot of four AR of Bactria and Parthia. 1. Bactria, Menander, tetradrachm, 9.28g, Bopearachchi, Série 12A; toned VF. 2. Bactria, Antialcidas, drachm, 2.31g, Bopearachchi, Série 12B; toned About VF. 3. Parthia, Mithradates II, drachm, 4.19g, Shore 95, nicely toned About EF. 4. Parthia, Vologases III, drachm, 3.50g, Shore 413, nicely toned VF+ $200

1180. Lot of three Greek AR and sixteen AE. All are AE unless noted. Lot includes Syracuse, Hieron II; Athens, AR drachm; Cherronesus, AR hemidrachm; Crete, Cnossos; Macedonia, Antiochus I Soter; Apamaea, Sidon, Tyre (3), uncertain, Ascalon, Gabala, Macrinus; Seleucid, Ptolemies (3), Alexandria, Philip II; Axum, Ezanas, AR 12. Average grade Fine-VF $150 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1181. Lot of three Greek AR and six AE. Lot includes AR drachm of Ambracia, tetrobol of Methymna, hemidrachm of Ariobarzanes III of Cappadocia; AE of Leucas, ex Zeno Coll. Part III, lot 3660; Sicyon (3), Cyme, and Attaea. Average grade G-Fine+ $200 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1182. Mixed lot of seventeen mostly Greek AE and AR coins. Lot includes coins of Centuripae, Syracuse, Tauromenium, Macedonia, Elaea, Thracian Chersonese (AR hemidrachm), Phanagoris, Mithradates VI of Pontus, Eumenes I of Pergamum (AR tetradrachm), Sesamos, Antiochus VI, Antiochus VII (2), Mithradates I of Parthia (AR drachm), Antialkidas of Bactria (AR drachm), Enrico II of Lucca (AR denaro), Turkoman AE. Average grade Fine-VF $1,200

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1178. Lot of four AR of Bactria. 1. Eucratides, tetradrachm, 14.67g, Bopearachchi, Série 6; toned VF. 2. Menander, drachm, 2.22g, Bopearachchi, Série 13Q; toned About VF. 3. Menander, drachm, 2.41g, Bopearachchi, Série 16C; nicely toned About VF. 4. Eucratides, obol, 0.63g, Bopearachchi, Série 3F; toned VF $300

1183. Mixed lot of eleven Greek, Roman, and Medieval AR and AE. All are AE unless noted. Lot includes Carthage, Antiochus III, Caesarea, Titus, AR hemidrachm; Caesarea, Hadrian, AR hemidrachm; Caesarea, Commodus; Blaundus, Lydia, RPC online 2821; Alexandria, Nero, AR tetradrachm; Alexandria, PB tessera, BMC 21; Tiberias, Islamic; Crusader Antioch, AR denier; Venice, AR denier. Average grade Fine $125 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.


1184. Lot of six Greek AR. Lot includes Athens, new-style tetradrachm, ANS no. 1984.65.60; Macedonia, Philip II, tetrobol, ANS no. 1985.51.66; Macedonia, Alexander III, tetradrachm, ANS no. 1981.40.33; unidentified cistophoric tetradrachm, ANS no. 1986.78.1087; Tyre, half shekel, ANS no. 1986.78.972; and Persia, siglos, ANS no. 1983.51.724. Average grade About Good-Fine $200

above; CAPT V on right, C HYPSAE COS PREIV in exergue. 2. A. Plautius, 55 BC. 4.05g, 2h. Crawford 431/1. Sydenham 932. RSC I Plautia 13. Obv: Turreted head of Cybele right, A PLAVTIVS before, AED CVR SC behind. Rx: Bacchius (Aristobulus?) kneels right, extending olive branch, camel at side, BACCHIVS in exergue, IVDAEVS on right. VF $400 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex American Numismatic Society. 1185. Mixed lot of three Greek AR and three AE. Lot includes Seleucids, Antiochus VII, AE 22, ANS no. 1986.76.40; Seleucids, unidentified AR drachm, ANS 1986.78.1059; Seleucids, unidentified AR drachm, ANS 1986.78.1058; Seleucids, Philip, AR tetradrachm, ANS 1978.64.220; Ptolemies, Ptolemy III, AE 40, ANS no. 1978.64.246; Ptolemies, Ptolemy V, AE 25, ANS no. 1978.64.237. Average grade About Good-Fine $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1190. Lot of four Julio-Claudian AE. Lot includes Augustus, as; Augustus, quadrans (2); and Livia, dupondius (holed). Average grade Fair-VG $50 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1191. Lot of four Julio-Claudian AE. Lot includes Augustus, as; Augustus, quadrans (2); and Drusus Caesar, as. Average grade VG-Fine $200 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1186. Lot of fourteen Greek AR. Lot includes Syracuse, litra; Olynthos, hemidrachm; Thebes, hemidrachm; Athens, hemiobol; Tarsus, stater; Aradus, tetradrachm; Byblos, 1/16 shekel; Sidon, 1/16 shekel; Tyre, 1/16 shekel; Seleucids, Philip Philadelphus, tetradrachm; Persia, siglos; Parthia, Phraates IV, tetradrachm; Parthia, Vologases IV, drachm; Parthia, Osroes II, drachm. Average grade Fine-VF $250

1192. Lot of three Julio-Claudian AE. Lot includes Augustus, as; Germanicus, as, struck by Claudius; and Agrippina I, sestertius, struck by Claudius, countermarked NCAPR. Average grade VG-Fine $300

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex American Numismatic Society.

1187. Lot of nine Greek AR. Lot includes Corinth, stater; Macedonia, Alexander III, tetradrachm; Macedonia, Alexander III, drachm; Rhodes, didrachm; Tyre, shekel; Seleucids, Antiochus VI, drachm; Ptolemies, Cleopatra VII, tetradrachm; Persia, siglos (2). Average grade Fine-VF, mostly the latter $1,000

1193. Lot of three AE of Claudius. Lot includes as and quadrans (2). Fine $100

Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1194. Lot of eight Julio-Claudian AR and AE. Lot includes Augustus, quadrans; Claudius, quadrans; Nero, as; Nero, semis; Nero, Alexandrian tetradrachm (2); Nero, AE 20, Corinth; and Agrippina II, AE 20, Corinth; the last two ex Zeno Coll. Part III, lots 3751 and 3752. Average grade About Good-Fine $250

1188. Lot of three Roman Republican AR denarii. Rome. Crawford nos. 266/1, 299/1b, 433/2. Average grade VF $200

Ex American Numismatic Society.

Ex Hebrew College Museum. Ex American Numismatic Society. 1189. Lot of two Roman Republican denarii with Near Eastern references. Rome. 1. Aemilius Scaurus & Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus, 58 BC. 3.77g. 7h. Hendin 1443. Crawford 422/1b, Sydenham 913. RSC I Aemilia 8. Obv: Kneeling figure (King Aretas of Nabataea) holding reins of camel; M SCAVR / AED CVR above, EX on left, S[C] on right; REX ARETAS in exergue. Rx: Jupiter in quadriga left; P HYPSAE / AED CVR


1195. Lot of three AR and one AE Judaea Capta coins of Vespasian. Rome. Lot includes denarii (3) and quadrans, the quadrans ex Sir Charles Oman Collection. Average grade Fine $225 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

1196. Lot of four AR denarii of Vespasian. Lot includes RIC (1st ed.), nos 4, 10, 30, 49. Average grade Fine-About VF $200

Antoninus Pius & Marcus Aurelius; and Marcus Aurelius (2). Average grade Fine-VF $150 Ex American Numismatic Society.

Ex American Numismatic Society.

1197. Lot of eight Flavian AR denarii. Lot includes Titus; and Domitian (7). Average grade Fine-VF $200

1203. Lot of five 2nd century Roman AE. Lot includes Marcus Aurelius, sestertius; Lucius Verus, sestertius (2); Faustina II, sestertius; and Faustina II, Philippopolis AE 24, ex Zeno Coll. Part III, lot 3584. Average grade Fair-Fine $150

Ex American Numismatic Society. Ex American Numismatic Society.

1198. Lot of three Flavian AE. Lot includes Julia Titi, dupondius; Domitian, dupondius; and Domitian, quadrans. Average grade VG-Fine $200 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1204. Lot of four 2nd century Roman AE. Lot includes Antoninus Pius, Amphipolis AE 25, ex Zeno Coll. Part III, lot 3470; Faustina I, sestertius; Faustina I, dupondius; and Faustina I, as. Average grade Fair-Fine $150 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1199. Lot of seven Roman coins. 1. Galba, 68-69 AD, Billon tetradrachm, 13.05g, RPC 5329. 2. Galba, 68-69 AD, Sestertius, 25.67g. Kraay 87. 3. Hadrian, 117-138 AD, Sestertius, 27.12g, Cohn-1465. 4. Nero, 54-68 AD, Billon tetradrachm, 12.81g, RPC 5313. 5. Nero, 54-68 AD, As, BM 230. 6. Domitian, 81-96 AD, Denarius, 3.59g, RIC 691. 7. Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD, Denarius, 3.28g, BM 216. Average grade VG-Fine $500

1205. Lot of eleven 2nd century Roman AR denarii. Lot includes Antoninus Pius (9); and Faustina I (2). Average grade VF $200 Ex American Numismatic Society.

Ex American Numismatic Society. 1206. Lot of eight Severan AR denarii. Lot includes Clodius Albinus; Septimius Severus (6); and Julia Domna. Average grade Fine-VF $200 1200. Lot of six 2nd century Roman AE. Lot includes Nerva, as; Trajan, sestertius (2), Trajan, semis; Trajan, quadrans; and Hadrian, quadrans. Average grade Fair-VG $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.

Ex American Numismatic Society.

1207. Lot of six Severan AR denarii. Lot includes Caracalla (4); and Geta (2). Average grade VG-VF $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1201. Lot of six 2nd century Roman AR denarii. Lot includes Trajan (4); Hadrian; and Sabina. Average grade VG-Fine $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1202. Lot of three 2nd century Roman AR denarii. Lot includes

1208. Lot of seven Severan AR denarii and antoniniani. Lot includes Julia Maesa; Elagabalus (2 antoniniani, 1 denarius); and Severus Alexander (3). Average grade VG足-VF $150 Ex American Numismatic Society.


1209. Lot of eight 3rd century Roman AR and AE. Lot includes Julia Maesa, sestertius; Diadumenian, as (ex Zeno Part 1, lot 1619); Severus Alexander, sestertius; Severus Alexander, dupondius; Philip I, dupondius; Philip I, Alexandrian tetradrachm; Philip II, sestertius; and Tranquillina, Smyrna, AE 21, ex Seaby’s Bulletin, Oct. 1956, AG872 (with original ticket). Average grade VG-Fine $150

1215. Lot of nine 3rd century Roman Alexandrian tetradrachms. Lot includes Claudius II (3); Aurelian (2); Aurelian & Vabalathus; Severina; and Probus (2). Average grade Fine-VF $150 Ex American Numismatic Society.

Ex American Numismatic Society.

1210. Lot of one Balbinus sestertius and one Pupienus antoninianus. Balbinus with rev. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM SC; Pupienus, AMOR MVTVVS AVGG. Fair-Good, Pupienus chipped and holed $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1216. Lot of thirteen 3rd century Roman Alexandrian tetradrachms. Lot includes Numerian (2); Carinus (2); and Diocletian (9). Average grade Fair-VG $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1217. Lot of two Roman AU. 1. Nero, Aureus, 7.24g, RIC 63, VF. 2. Honorius, solidus in modern bezel, RIC 24, coin EF $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1211. Lot of four 3rd century Roman AE. Lot includes Gordian III, Pella AE 24; Trajan Decius, sestertius; Trajan Decius, Antioch in Pisidia, AE 24; Trebonianus Gallus, Antioch in Syria, AE 29. Average grade Good-VG $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1212. Lot of sixteen 3rd century Roman AR and AE antoniniani. Lot includes Gordian III (2); Trajan Decius; Macrianus; Valerian; Gallienus (4); Saloninus; Salonina; Claudius II (4); and Severina. Average grade VG-VF $200

1218. Mixed lot of twenty-one Roman AR and AE. Lot includes Republic, denarius; Mark Antony, denarius; Claudius I, quadrans; Vespasian, denarius; Hadrian, denarii (4); Sabina, sestertius; Lucilla, sestertius; Julia Domna, denarius; Gallienus, antoniniani (2); Quintilus, antoninianus; Numerian, antoninianus; Constantine I, AE 3 (3), Constantius II, AE 3 (2); Theodosius I, AE 2. Average grade VG-VF $250 Ex Hebrew College Museum.

Ex American Numismatic Society. Rare and choice Tetrarchic folles

1213. Lot of four Gallic Empire AE antoniniani. Lot includes Postumus (2); and Tetricus I (2). Average grade VG-VF $50 Ex American Numismatic Society.

1214. Lot of four 3rd century Roman Alexandrian tetradrachms. Lot includes Gallienus (3); and Salonina. Average grade VG-VF $100 Ex American Numismatic Society.


1219. Lot of five Tetrarchic folles with better types, including an unpublished mule. 1. 11.24g. Galerius as Caesar, Rome, SACRA MON VRB AVGG ET CAESS NN, RIC 104b, but unpublished officina T=3, a mule, since officina T was meant to strike for Constantius I as Caesar, and officina Q=4 for Galerius. RIC 104a records a similar mule of Constantius I as Caesar in the Vienna collection, from officina S=2 which was meant to strike for Maximian. 2. Maximian, London, unmarked, Genius reverse, RIC 17 (C). 3. Constantius I as Caesar, Lugdunum, portrait laureate cuirassed left holding spear over right shoulder, Genius reverse, RIC 167a (C2), officina A=2. 4. Constantius I as Augustus, Ticinum, FIDES MILITVM seated, RIC 59a (C), officina S=2. 5. Divus Constantius I, Trier, MEMORIA FELIX, altar between two eagles, RIC 789 (C). Average grade EF­Mint State $300

Choice Tetrarchic folles 1220. Lot of nine well preserved Tetrarchic folles, most with silvering. Diocletian (1), Maximian (4), Galerius as Caesar (3), Galerius as Augustus (1); mints Siscia, Thessalonica, Heraclea, Cyzicus; all with Genius reverse, all different. Mostly Mint State and silvered $600

1226. Lot of two AE of Maurice Tiberius. 582-602 AD. Catania. MIBE nos. 136 and 138. Average grade Fine $500

1227. Lot of two AE of Maurice Tiberius. 582-602 AD. MIBE nos. 141 and 147. Average grade Fine $500

Choice and diverse Tetrarchic folles 1221. Lot of forty-seven Tetrarchic folles and one reduced follis. Diocletian (4), Maximian (22), Maximian as Senior Augustus after abdication (1), Constantius I as Caesar (3) and as Augustus (1), Galerius as Caesar (16), Maximinus II as Augustus (1, reduced follis). Mostly eastern European and Asia Minor mints; all with Genius reverse (some duplication) except for two SACRA MON(ETA) AVGG ET CAESS NN/NOSTR, plus the Abdication reverse for Maximian retired and IOVI CONSERVATORI on the reduced follis. Mostly Mint State and silvered $2,400

1222. Mixed lot of ten mostly Roman Imperial AE. Lot includes coins of Augustus, Claudius I, Crispina, Julia Maesa (sestertius), Constantine I (3), Justin II (2) and “Paduan� of Faustina II (medallion; later after-cast). Average grade Fine-VF $500

1223. Byzantine. Lot of two AV and one AE. 1. Heraclius, AV solidus, 4.31g, Berk 114, About EF, a bit wavy. 2. Constantine X, AV histamenon, 4.39g, Berk 315, VF+. 3. Leo VI, AE follis, 8.34g, Berk 918, VF $400 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1224. Lot of two AE of Justinian I. 527-565 AD. Ravenna. MIBE nos. 235 and 236. Average grade Fine-VF $650

1225. Lot of three AV Byzantine solidi. 1. Tiberius II, 4.40g, S 422, weakly struck EF. 2. Constans II, 4.23g, Sear 962, About EF. 3. Constantine IV, 4.45g, S 1157, About EF $1,750

1228. Lot of three AV Byzantine solidi. 1. Maurice, 4.44g, S 477, weakly struck EF. 2. Phocas, 4.48g, Sear 620, Mint State, striking flaws. 3. Heraclius, 4.48g, S 731, EF $1,500

1229. Lot of two AE of Focas. Ravenna. MIBE nos. 111 and 113. Average grade Fine $1,000

1230. Lot of four AE of Heraclius. 610-641 AD. (6h). Catania. MIB nos. 240 (2) and 241 (2). Average grade Fine-VF $700

1231. Lot of two AE of Heraclius. 610-641 AD. (6h). Catania. Both MIB no. 240. Average grade Fine-VF $350

1232. Lot of three AE of Heraclius. 610-641 AD. Ravenna. MIB nos. 253b, 254, and 255. Average grade Fine $1,500

1233. Lot of three AE of Heraclius. 610-641 AD. Ravenna. MIB nos. 261a and 262; MIB-, cf. Ranieri 640. Average grade Fine $600

1234. Lot of four Bronze AE of Sicily. Sicily. Lot includes Heraclius, Sear 883; and Constans II, MIB nos. 204, 206, and 207. Average grade VF $1,050

1235. Lot of two AE of Constans II. 641-668 AD. MIB nos. 213 and pl. 30, km 3. Average grade VF $450


1236. Lot of four AE of Constans II. 641-668 AD. MIB nos. 218, 224, 225; Ranieri no. 712-4. Average grade VG $1,100

1246. Michael I, lot of two AE. Syracuse. Spahr nos. 362, 363. Average grade VF $450

1237. Lot of four AE of Constantine IV. 668-685 AD. MIB nos. 47, 105, 119 (2). Average grade Fine $900

1247. Lot of four Byzantine AE. Lot includes Michael II (2), Spahr 375 var; Leo V, Spahr 376; and Theophilus, Spahr 413. Average grade VF-EF $1,000

1238. Leontius, lot of two AE. Ravenna. MIB nos. 39 and 40. Average grade Fine-VF $1,000

1239. Leo III, lot of two AE. 717-741 AD. Syracuse. Spahr 321 var. (medallic, with two ancient piercings) and Spahr 321. Average grade Fine-VF $350

1248. Lot of one Bzyantine AV and one AR. 1. Tiberius II, AV tremissis, 1.47g, S 425, VF+, a bit wavy. 2. John II, AR aspron trachy, 3.95g, DOC 4, About EF $1,000

1249. Lot of three Byzantine AV. 1. Constantine IV, solidus, 4.35g, S 1153, Mint State. 2. Basil II, histamenon, 4.39g, Sear 1800, About EF, a bit wavy. 3. Michael VII, histamenon, 4.29g, Sear 1868, EF $1,600

1240. Leo III, lot of two AE. 717-741 AD. Syracuse. Both Spahr 322 var. VF $350

1241. Lot of three Byzantine AE. Lot includes Constantine V, Ravenna, Ranieri 840; and Leo IV, Syracuse (2), Anastasi 445 and 450. Average grade EF $1,500

1242. Lot of two Byzantine AE. Lot includes Tiberius III, Ravenna, MIB 82; and Justinian II, Syracuse, second reign, MIB 47. Average grade Fine $1,000

1243. Lot of three AE of Justinian II, first reign. 685-695 AD. Syracuse. MIB nos. 67, 69, and 73. Average grade VF $750

1244. Lot of two AE of Justinian II, first reign. 685-695 AD. Syracuse. MIB nos. 71 and 73. Average grade Fine-VF $500

1250. Lot of eleven Byzantine AE. Lot includes Justinian I, 20 num, Sear 174; Justin II, follis, MIB 46; Leo II, DOC 39; Anonymous, follis, class A2; Anonymous, follis, class B, John II, DOC 16; John II, DOC 17; Alexius I, DOC 35; Alexius I, DOC 40; Alexius I, DOC 45; Alexius I imitation. Average grade Fine $650

1251. Lot of twenty-two Byzantine AE. Lot includes Justinian I, follis; Justinian I, 16 nummi, MIB 169; Maurice, 20 nummi, MIB 112; Leo VI, Sear 1729; Michael VII imitation, cf DOC 5; Anonymous class H, Sear 1880; Alexius I, DOC 40 (2); Alexius I, DOC 45 (5); Alexius I, S 1900; Alexius I imitation; Andronicus I, Sear 1985; John II, DOC 16 (2); John II, DOC 17(2); imitative Manuel; Bularian imitation, DOC pl. 26, 2. Average grade Fine-VF $1,400

1252. World. Lot of three AR of the Italian States. 1. Milan, Lodovico Sforza, 1494-1499, Testone, 9.50g, Biaggi 1578. 2. Sicily, Frederico I, 1198-1250, Denaro, 0.80g, Biaggi 455. 3. Venice, Pietro Gradenigo, 1289-1311, Grosso, 2.10g, Biaggi 2794. Average grade VF or better $750 The Rockefeller University/Dr. Alfred E. Mirsky.

1245. Nicephorus I, Lot of four AE. Syracuse. Spahr 351, Spahr 353, Anastasi 467b, Spahr 354. Average grade VF-EF $900


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