Start addressing your energy drains now for a better 2019 Many people want to make positive change, but positivity and plans quickly disintegrate as the old energy drains kick in and you’re unable to make progress. Here are just some of the energy drains that may be holding you back. 1. Stuff
If you don’t feel completely at peace in your personal space, it’s time to make a change. Less really is more. If you get rid of stuff, you get more space. It’s time to have a house overhaul and get rid of anything that no longer serves your new purpose. Keep only the things that have real daily meaning to you. Struggling to get motivated? Start a clearing circle – a group of people that all want to achieve the same goal, and make arrangements to help each other clear the clutter. Throw in a bottle of wine and some snacks and you’ve turned into a fun opportunity to catch up and discuss what you’re going to do with all this space you’re creating! 2. Financial
Most financial advice focuses on your ‘variable’ costs i.e. get rid of your daily coffee and it will change your life. But real change happens when you address your fixed costs – the monthly ones that keep you stuck in the same cycle. Every pound saved is a pound earned; every pound is earned through the exchange of your ‘life energy.’ Mortgage/rent, car loans, other loans, gas/ electricity, phones, TV etc. The higher your fixed costs, the more life energy you need to exchange to pay for them. Examine what you really need to live the life you want. Most of our lives is habit, you may need to try living without something to really know if you need it. 16 | BALERNO
3. Relationships
There’s a high chance you have relationships that leave you feeling mentally and physically drained. Relationships are difficult to change – you either need to adjust the interactions you have with people, or walk away. It might be that you’ve fallen into unhealthy habits with someone, and they may find it a relief to change too. The saying ‘be the change you want to see’ is relevant here – if you can see you’re both in unhealthy patterns, be the person willing to speak with love and make changes. If the other person isn’t ready to change, you may need to make a decision on whether that relationship is something you want to continue with. 4. Health
Sickness, anxiety, depression – we can feel trapped if we don’t feel able to make changes. Address your health issues. Ask yourself: am I making myself sick? Is my lifestyle supporting good health? Do I want to get better? Not all health complaints may be curable, but you can choose how you live with it. If it’s part of your life, you need to adjust to accommodate it. It may take real commitment, and time to discover what works for you. The life coaching column is contributed by Erica Douglas. Erica is a Cognitive Coach & Therapist. See her “LifeHeal” facebook page at www.facebook.com/ LifeHealCoaching @KonectMagazines