Konect Balerno October 2019

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PLUS: MONEY MATTERS, HEALTH & BEAUTY, CLUBS & CLASSES, and MUCH more inside! The monthly community magazine for Balerno, Currie, Juniper Green, Baberton & Ratho



reparing this Sustainability Special edition of Konect has been very interesting. It’s a vast topic, it touches every area of life and the articles in this issue are just a small selection. There was not space to print all the articles that I gathered on projects in West Lothian and Falkirk areas too, but they will be on our website at www.konect.scot. Did you know there is a premium coffee roastery just up the road in Livingston? Supplying premium coffee all over Scotland for years to the trade, Coffee Direct are launching their amazing coffee direct to the public – see pages 12-13, and there is a special offer for Konect readers on your first order. Coffee doesn’t come fresher. All our usual columns are here, I hope you enjoy the magazine this month.

THIS ISSUE The pursuit of convenience..............................8 Local Lab...............................................................9 Balerno Village Trust........................................ 10 Feature: Coffee Direct, premium coffee..... 12 The Seasonal Touch........................................ 15 Health: Golf injuries.......................................... 19 Local People: Thelma Hunter........................ 33 Money Matters: the effect of inflation.......... 37 Notes from a Small Village............................. 39 Bridge Column.................................................. 46 What’s On........................................................... 48 Clubs & Classes............................................... 51

COVER IMAGE: What is your home’s signature seasonal scent?: See P15 for hints and tips from The Seasonal Touch.

Konect is delivered to homes in Balerno, Currie, Juniper Green, Baberton and Ratho. Copies are also left at the library, community centres, convenience stores and various other locations within the area.



E: editor@konect.scot

M: 07772 941899 E: charlene@konect.scot



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sight and out of mind for most of us, but it’s coming back to bite. We’re drowning in stuff that never goes away; we’re destroying bits of the planet and our local environments and even our own health in order to make everything easy for ourselves.


Convenience will put up a big fight. It definitely does in my life. So when it comes to wanting to live in a low-impact, healthier way, we’re organising into groups - as a testament to the fact that a lot of people want to make changes, a large number of groups has sprung up - support groups, information services, grant funds for environmental health and education, and so on. We’re all in constant pursuit of convenience, so anything that makes life easier wins in everyday decisionmaking. And with relentless progress, with everything from sliced bread onwards, we’ll go for it in droves if it saves us a bit of time and/or energy. Individuals, businesses, producers – so much is driven by convenience, efficiency and cost saving. It’s been great for a hundred years or so; we’ve made massive progress in all sorts of things, and along the way we’ve chucked stuff away because it’s easier to do that than to wash and re-use and definitely easier than mending, and in some contexts more hygienic and safer; we drive everywhere because it’s quicker and we’re always in a hurry; we pour things onto and into crops and animals to make them more productive. It was out of


I’ve been speaking to some of them locally. In the course of this special edition I’ve spoken to people working on a huge range of issues related to sustainable living. A lot of changes that are better for our health and our environment are also fun, satisfying and even save money too – social groups for learning new skills for making, creating, and mending; reducing waste and sharing resources, growing your own food, and much more. The biggest changes will have to come from business and industry, and while there will ultimately have to be legislation for real change, in the meantime a lot of work is being done taking a scientific approach on a large scale. The Local Lab column from Heriot-Watt University this month gives an example, looking at tackling waste in the building industry. A beautiful environment and good health to enjoy? That will definitely be the best thing since sliced bread.


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building a sustainable future Professor Gabriela Medero is a civil engineer at Heriot-Watt University who, for years, has been concerned about the huge amounts of waste produced in the construction industry. After many years of research, testing and development, she has produced a solution with revolutionary potential. How big is the issue of waste in the construction industry?: The construction and demolition sector is the largest contributor of waste globally. Around a third of the one hundred and twenty million tonnes of waste produced in the UK comes from construction and demolition. Forty five percent of total UK carbon emissions come from construction and thirty two percent of landfill waste comes from construction and demolition in the country. You’ve been working on this for a long time, why now?: Continuing in this way just isn’t sustainable. The UK’s construction industry is under increasing pressure to reduce waste and meet recycling targets of 70% of all building waste to be recycled from the year 2020. This has meant companies, governments and other funders have been focusing on real world solutions to reduce waste. For example, Zero Waste Scotland funded our prototype. So, What’s the solution?: Here at HeriotWatt, we’ve created a brick made of 90% recycled construction and demolition waste and requires one tenth of the energy to manufacture compared to traditional bricks. @KonectMagazines

This allows a much more circular approach as taking the waste from a building site, recycling it, making it into a new building material and taking it back to the building site will answer so many problems for the industry. When will the construction industry start to use your new bricks?: Thanks to funding from the Scottish Enterprise (High Growth Spin-Out Programme), the Royal Academy of Engineering, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre as well as Zero Waste Scotland, we’re in the process of taking the ‘K-Briq’ from prototype to market. The first building with K-Briq is starting construction this year and we are now taking orders for 2020. The Local Lab column is contributed by Heriot-Watt University to engage the public in a range of their research projects. Find out more on the Kenoteq website www.kenoteq.com BALERNO | 9


The strap line of the Balerno Village Trust (BVT) is “towards a sustainable community” and, with various members of the community at its core, it has been working on sustainability issues in the local area for ten years. I caught up with Director Lynn Molleson for some updates.

“We also run the Farmer’s Market to maintain the community “space” in Balerno that it has become,” explains Lynn. It’s almost like a monthly pop up community centre, as there are limited options in the village for such a meeting place; it’s the focus for all sorts of extra activities. There is a theme to the market each month - Apple Day is coming up in November.


Bring your own apples and a bottle, “There was a deep focus on environmental get your apples pressed and take issues from the beginning for the Trust, and your fresh pressed juice home. Any the local community has always been very donations greatly appreciated. supportive. For the first five years there was Just turn up at the November a lot of work on energy, which culminated in Farmers Market between the Harlaw Hydro project.” The Harlaw Hydro 9am -1pm’ now ticks along generating income for the local shareholders and the BVT. “10% of the income we get from Hawlaw Hydro goes into Integral with food questions of course is our Community Chest, which is a fund cofarming and gardening; a major challenge for administered by BVT and the Currie Balerno environmental educators is to overcome the Rotary Club.” CALA Homes also contribute perception that food comes wrapped in plastic some money and the Chest is used to give from a supermarket. BVT started a pocket grants to local organisations such as schools, orchard of fruit trees, planting over 80 fruit social clubs, sports clubs. Any local club or trees in 2011-2012. Sadly, some of the trees voluntary organisation within Currie, Balerno, were sabotaged, but they have Juniper Green, Ratho and been replanted and the aim is Kirknewton can apply for a grant. " People want that as they become established It’s very satisfying to know that a bear fruit, which will take proportion of the money comes to know where and about five years, it will be freely from green energy generated available for any residents to locally. their food With Balerno being a community comes from, is forage and pick. Free, fresh, local, no packaging. with a lot of families, food

and the provenance of food it healthy, is it “We also have bee hives being looked after by apiarists at is an issue that increasingly sustainable?" various locations,” says Lynn, resonates. “People want to as without bees and pollinators, know where their food comes plantings are pointless. By increasing the from, is it healthy, is it sustainable?” The population of bees, everyone’s fruit, veggies Balerno Farmers Market, BVT’s flagship and crops will do a lot better. One thing project, provides a monthly event for a range you can do to make a big difference is to of independent traders where people have plant flowers in your garden that bees and options for food and can speak directly to pollinators like. As the Scottish Wildlife producers and farmers. BVT’s worker focuses Trust website states, “Over the last 50 on supporting the Farmers Market. 10 | BALERNO


years, there has been a staggering decline in our bee population. Habitat loss, intensive agriculture and the widespread use of harmful pesticides have all contributed to this crash in numbers. With 97% of Britain’s wildflower-rich meadows having disappeared since the Second World War, our bees and other pollinators are in a desperate situation and need our help more than ever before.” The more people planting flowers the better, and the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s website here scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/how-to-help/ helping-wildlife-at-home has suggestions for how you can help, including what are beefriendly plants, making bee and bug hotels, letting your garden go a bit wild and avoiding use of pesticides. On the topic of pesticides, Pesticide-Free Balerno is a group (totally independent of BVT) working hard on eliminating use of pesticides by the council - we ran an article on them last month, look them up at: www.facebook.com/PesticideFreeEdinburgh

planted the garden and so far two seasons of vegetables have been harvested. Vegetables are sold at the Farmer’s Market as well as stocking the tables of volunteers! The garden is another fantastic way for people to come together and work on local food as well as helping with the upkeep of the garden at a historic property. If you would like to join them, or help in any way such as donating seeds or tools, please contact BVT. Contact Balerno Village Trust at: website: www.balernovt.org.uk www.facebook.com/BalernoVillageTrust email: hello@balernovt.org.uk Autumn harvest vegetables

BVT have the Main Street Gardeners, who have worked hard to maintain and enhance the bed at the bottom of Main Street and also the planters (working in partnership with the local nursery and school). This group gained a Highly Commended last year from Keep Scotland Beautiful. Plant for bees! – Corridors of pollinator-friendly plants are needed

Since 2017 BVT also has a lease from the National Trust of Scotland on the historic walled vegetable plot at Malleny House in Balerno. A group of volunteers cleared and @KonectMagazines

An insect hotel This article was written by Helen-Jane Shearer after speaking with Lynn Molleson. Helen-Jane is the editor of Konect magazines. BALERNO | 11



Sunrise over the Bathgate Hills

“If you are serious about your coffee, you come here”

The smell of good coffee; a roasting machine; bags of different coffee beans and lots of coffee paraphernalia greets you as you walk into the Scottish Barista Academy in Livingston. “Have I just walked into heaven?” I ask as Jim Watson, West Lothian resident, Scottish Barista Academy MD and certified coffee expert, emerges.

First things first, I need a coffee. “Do you drink filter coffee?” Jim asks. Because, you see, depending on whether you want filter, cafetiere or espresso coffee determines how he will select and grind the beans. There is no “all-purpose” coffee here. Arabica, Robusta, single-origin, espresso, aero-press, filter, bitter, sweet, acidic, Columbian, Brazilian, lungo, ristretto... the terminology of coffee can be as mysterious to the uninitiated as the legendary origins of coffee itself – and that’s before we even start on the list of coffees on a typical café menu (latte, cappuccino, Americano, macchiato, mocha…). The variety of coffee, where it’s grown, the way it is processed, roasted, ground, packaged and brewed all affect the way it tastes when it reaches your taste buds. If “all” you want is a 12 | BALERNO

Jim Watson: rt Certified coffee expe

good cup of coffee, it pays to find out at least a little about it.

The Scottish Barista Academy was launched in 2013 and is where café owners, restaurateurs, and baristas from all over the UK (and further afield) come to learn about coffee. In new premises at Newyearfield, Livingston, this is the only place in the UK where you can become qualified in all levels of the Specialty Coffee Association accreditations, an international organisation encompassing training in every element of the coffee production process. Jim is the first and only person in the UK and Ireland to hold all the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) professional qualifications as well as the SCA Coffee Diploma, meaning that he really knows his coffee. If you are serious about your coffee, and @KonectMagazines

want to learn more, the Scottish Barista Academy is the place to visit. And if you don’t want to learn but just want to drink coffee, you can buy incredibly fresh coffee - roasted and ground by the hand of one of the country’s leading coffee professionals. After a career in the army, followed by a directorship of a data communications company, how did Jim end up in coffee? As he grinds the beans and starts making my morning coffee, he tells me how it all started. A lover of hill walking, after a memorable cold wet hike in the Trossachs in 1988, Jim was desperate for a coffee. The one he was served in the café he alighted upon was woefully bad; all coffee lovers will relate to the bitter disappointment he felt as the acidic offering hit his taste buds. When he complained, the challenge from the café owner, “Well, could you do any better?” was what started Jim on his coffee journey. He was looking for a change of direction in his working life anyway so, along with his wife Maggie, set about learning all there is to know about coffee.

Wholesale coffee: If you run or work in a café or restaurant and need to boost your coffee skills or increase sales, please contact Jim. Via his wholesale business, Coffee Direct, Jim supplies his specially selected and roasted coffee and will provide full barista training here at the Scottish Barista Academy for you and/or your employees*.

*Terms and conditions apply - please contact 07720 509457 or email enquiries@coffeedirect.co.uk for more information.

Coffee is extremely reactive and sensitive stuff, and the coffee business is not for the faint-hearted. But Jim’s passion and knowledge is phenomenal. He maintains close links with suppliers in the countries where his coffee is produced and his attention to the details of the roasting and grinding process is second to none. His business, Coffee Direct, has been supplying the hospitality trade all over Scotland since he took good coffee back to the disgruntled café owner of the original story and showed him how to make it. The café owner then became one of Jim’s first customers. Coffee Direct has recently started selling coffee online to retail customers. Your online coffee order is specially hand-roasted, ground and dispatched here in Livingston, within 48 hours. A little known fact about Jim – he loves to start the day very early with a cup of tea, preferably watching the sun come up with a view over the Bathgate hills, before heading off to share the wonderful world of coffee with as many people as possible. @KonectMagazines

For more information on the Scottish Barista Academy, visit www.scottishbaristaacademy.com For more information on Coffee Direct and to order coffee, visit www.coffeedirect.co.uk This article was written by Helen-Jane Shearer after visiting Jim Watson of Coffee Direct at his roastery in Livingston. HelenJane is the editor of Konect magazines and lives in West Lothian with her family. BALERNO | 13



WHAT’S YOUR HOME’S SEASONAL SIGNATURE SCENT? Autumn. It’s always welcome in my home. While I can’t deny there’s a moment of mournful contemplation to honour summer’s passing, early October brings with it a tingle of excitement. It feels like the overture to a season which will finally reach it’s crescendo amid the full on festivities of late December.

For now, we’re treated to cool, crisp mornings, cosy nights in and a natural colour show like no other. Autumn also smells amazing! Did you know that smell has the ability to impact our emotions more than any of our other senses? We often focus on creating a certain mood in our homes with decor, lighting etc but we completely forget about adding scent. Pop into any of the show homes in the area and pay attention to how they smell. Those clever designers have included a plethora of reed diffusers throughout so that as you tour the home your brain starts sending you signals saying ‘you’d love living here because it’s so fresh/cosy/restful’. That scent sparks an emotional yearning to buy the house! Want some of that in your own home this season?

Simmer pot @KonectMagazines

Handmade scented mug m ats

Scented candle Candles & Diffusers - If you’re buying scented candles or reed diffusers for autumn, look for ones containing notes of sandalwood, cedar, amber resin, red apple, cloves, cinnamon, pumpkin, nutmeg, mulled cider, musk, sage or eucalyptus. Create a simmer pot - For a more natural solution why not create your own combination with a simmer pot? Fill a small saucepan with water and bring to a simmer. Add your own combination of ingredients such as cinnamon sticks, chopped apple/orange (or just the peel), cloves, vanilla, star anise, nutmeg - experiment! Keep topping up the water as required. It will create a gorgeous scent which will permeate the whole house. Make a scented mug mat - If you’re crafty, why not make your own scented mug mat? When your steaming cuppa is placed on it you’ll release some warming seasonal scents. Add a cup of plain, uncooked rice to a small sealable bag or container. Add 6 or 7 drops of your favourite essential oils, seal and shake it then leave for 24 hrs. Craft a small square coaster from your favourite fabric and fill it with the rice. These make lovely gifts too! What will be your home’s signature scent this autumn? Lynn McMurray - Enthusiast of all things ‘home’ and owner at The Seasonal Touch. www.theseasonaltouch.co.uk BALERNO | 15



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Golf Injuries – What you should Know Golf is an amazing sport. Regular readers of Konect will know from last month that playing golf has many benefits for our physical and mental health to improve both our well-being and quality of life. 55 million people across 206 countries play golf, so what do we know about the injuries that golfers may sustain? First of all, the rate of injury per hour of golf played is very low compared to other sports. Studies suggest that the rate if injury is between 0.28 and 0.60 injuries per 1000 hours of golf played by an amateur golfer. Professionals play more often, and so have a higher incidence. The vast majority of golf injuries are not the result of a single event, such as a fall on the course. Rather, they tend to occur as the result of tissue damage sustained over time. The repetitive micro trauma to soft tissues caused by a high volume of golf shots, particularly if swing mechanics are not good, causes pain to develop from conditions such as muscle strains, joint sprains and tendonopathy.

In amateurs, the most frequently reported sites of injury are the low back, the elbow, the shoulder and the wrist/hand. Injuries to limbs tend to occur more often on the lead side. This is the left side, if you are a right handed player. Male amateur golfers tend to be more susceptible to low back problems and female golfers tend to have more upper limb injuries.

Research from the USA suggests that a lightening strike is an infrequent occurrence but, of all sports, golf has the highest incidence. My Dad would agree – even although it is a rare event, he was knocked unconscious by a lightening strike while trying to walk off a course in a sudden storm. @KonectMagazines

Golf is a safe sport and one that will enhance our health and quality of life. By understanding the types of injuries and their causes, steps can be taken to reduce the risk of injuries. This may include adding a warm up and cool down routine to your golf so that your body is prepared for the challenges of 9 or 18 holes and can recover better. Paying attention to your swing mechanics can really improve your golf as well as reduce your chances of sustaining an injury. Also try to avoid a sudden increase in the volume of golf strokes, which can overload soft tissues causing pain and damage. Too often we Physios see golfers who have had a break from golf, then suddenly played a lot while on holiday. An injury is not the holiday souvenir you want to bring home! Advice will be available from your Club professional or local Physio to help ensure that you get the health benefits of golf, but stay injury free. As Arnold Palmer said, “Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated – that is why we love it!” The health column is contributed by McNaughton Physiogrange, Edinburgh www.physiogrange.co.uk





Menstrual cups are the way forward, period. Guys, gals and non-binary pals, please welcome to the stage the rising star of the period world: the menstrual cup, fast becoming known as the new eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to sanitary pads and tampons. But what are the benefits of using one? And why is it so much better for the environment? While pads and tampons are partly bio-degradable cotton, they are also single use products which contain plastic in the form of applicators and packaging. Comparatively, menstrual cups are re-usable, long lasting, and made of silicone - an easily recyclable material. The average women might use thousands of pads and tampons in her lifetime, but just one menstrual cup can last up to ten years before it needs replacing. Just like making the switch to keep-cups from disposable coffee cups, changing to a sustainable menstrual cup can have an equally positive impact on the environment. As luck would have it, many women find menstrual cups easier to use in comparison to traditional period products. Long-term The Falkirk Flo Sisters offers information and support on menstrual and incontinence care, including information on CSP, cups, period pants and many more eco-friendly ways to use during your periods, as well as information on reusable incontinence products such as pads, pants, bed protection - this is of course open to men and ladies. See the page at www.facebook.com/falkirkflosisters @KonectMagazines

Hey Girls is a Scottish Social Enterprise which sells environmentally friendly, ethically sourced menstrual products including cups, on a “Buy One Give One” scheme, so for every product you buy they give one away to help girls and young women in need. “We seek to enrich the lives of girls and young women in the UK by exercising social and ethical responsibility in every aspect of our work—from where we source our products through to our supply chain, and the way we run our social business.” Visit www.heygirls.co.uk for more information and to purchase your cup! cup user, Bethany, says using her cup is, ‘ so much less effort compared to pads and tampons. Rinsing it is comparable to (but less fiddly than!) wrapping up a pad, and there’s no need to dispose of it whenever I empty it. I don’t need to stock up and spend money on it every month like I did with pads and tampons. I just need to remember where I put it!’ Bethany is one of many women who prefer the sustainability and ease of the cup life, contributing to both a happier bank balance and a happier environment. Many women wear pads with their cups to catch leaks on heavier days, but tampons could effectively be written out of the equation - especially given menstrual cups pose little to no threat of toxic shock syndrome in comparison. Continued emphasis on encouraging positive conversations about menstruation, sustainability and intersectional access will not only tackle period poverty and sustainability, but also combat societal stigma surroundings periods. While they can be intimidating at first, a small amount of fore-thought and background reading can absolutely help you make this small change, which will have great benefits for the environment - and your purse!* * NB: some women may not be able to use cups because of vaginismus or trauma. If you need help with either of these, please chat to your GP about it. This article was contributed by Cara McKeown. Cara is studying Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, and her interests include theatre, bachata dancing, intersectional feminism, and environmental sustainability. BALERNO | 21



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I volunteer because Macmillan is such a good cause! Thelma Hunter is a volunteer with Macmillan Cancer Support. As well as helping collect donations, she is a regular helper at Macmillan’s annual Art Show. Now retired, Thelma previously worked at the National Museum of Scotland. She and her husband, who are the parents of two adult daughters, live in Currie. The fact that Macmillan Cancer Support is widely recognised and respected makes it easy for Thelma Hunter to volunteer with the charity. “When you are collecting, you don’t have to explain to people what Macmillan is,” she says. “There is a great awareness, and often people stop and tell you their stories of how Macmillan helped them or someone they know.” Every year Thelma helps with Macmillan’s Art Show, which will this year be held at the Apex Hotel in Waterloo Place 7-10 November. “My job is to catalogue the prints that come in,” she explains. “I also wrap up the works that are sold so they can be collected by the purchasers at the end of the show.” Now in its 17th year, Edinburgh Macmillan’s Art Show has to date raised more than £550,000 for the charity. It includes work from both established and emerging artists, who donate a minimum of 50 per cent of their sales to the cause. Admission to the show is free and it is organised, set up and run entirely by volunteers. Thelma got involved with Macmillan about five years ago through the influence of Christine Johnston, a close friend. Christine, retired after a career in banking, became a volunteer after seeing how Macmillan nurses helped a friend’s husband. “I’ve been volunteering with Macmillan for about 10 years,” she comments, “and on the committee for six years.” Christine is currently involved in the necessary admin work in the run-up to the Art Show. “It’s my job to find advertising opportunities in the @KonectMagazines

PHOTO CREDIT: Suzann e Green

Thelma Hunter:

free press,” she says. “I also organise the Prize Draw and look after the finances and banking.” She will be helping every day of the show, which will be open from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm on the Thursday; 10.00-5.00 on Friday and Saturday; and 10.00-4.00 on Sunday. Thelma and Christine obviously believe in what they are doing. “I enjoy volunteering,” says Thelma. “Macmillan helps so many people in many different ways. They meet a wide range of needs.” Each year Macmillan Cancer Support assists around 50,000 people living with cancer in Edinburgh and the Lothians. The charity provides physical, financial and emotional support to those who have been diagnosed with cancer. In 2018 grants of £158,400 were awarded by Macmillan to 430 people living with cancer in Edinburgh and the Lothians who were in financial hardship. The aim is to ensure no one faces cancer alone. “And who knows,” says Thelma. “Maybe one day it will be me or a family member who needs Macmillan’s help!” For more information, go to macmillan.org.uk The Local People column is contributed by Suzanne Green. Suzanne, a freelance writer/editor, lives in Balerno and writes regularly for Konect. She is married to Andy and they have two adult daughters.




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GUIDE TO THE EFFECT OF INFLATION Inflation relates to changes in the purchasing power of money over time. How safe is cash? No investment is risk free. With a cash deposit your capital is guaranteed but with the current rate of inflation and the low interest on deposit accounts the buying power of your money is falling on a daily basis. Measuring inflation: The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is an office of Parliament charged with measuring inflation over time. One of the tools they use to do this is the Retail Price Index (RPI), the other is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). They are very similar; however, the CPI does not include things like mortgage payments and council tax. The RPI is based on the average spending


patterns for UK households. It is made up of a basket of goods and services that are representative of the type of expenditure of UK households. This can include everything from the cost of bread to council tax payments and petrol. Purchasing power: If you were to put £10,000 under your mattress (or somewhere less lumpy) how much would it be worth after 20 years? If inflation was 5% the buying power would be just £3,585. Even at 3% the buying power would reduce to £5,438. In other words, you would need spend nearly twice as much to buy the same item then, as you would now. The answer: A multi asset portfolio of funds that should have the best possible chance of producing a “real” return, giving you the means to maintain your standard of living over the longer term. The Money Matters column is contributed by Personal Money Matters. This month’s column by Dr Peter M Marshall.


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I’ve lived in Balerno since 1991. It’s home. But Illinois, the American state where I grew up, is also home. I think of myself as a transplant – uprooted from the rich, dark farmland in the Midwest, and replanted in harder, rockier UK soil. Though I feel quite at home here, growing up in a place with different customs means that I don’t always see things in the same way as my neighbour. To market, to market … There was a time when the Balerno Farmer’s Market would have been a new and unusual idea for me. Although I grew up surrounded by farms, my family went to the supermarket for our produce. During my early days in this country, a friend took me to an open air market. I looked forward to it, but was disappointed when it started to rain. “Surely it will be cancelled and they’ll set a rain date?” I asked. “Suzanne,” she said, “if we cancelled events every time it rained, we would never do anything!” So I walked around in the drizzle, marvelling at how the hawkers loaded brussels sprouts into a small paper bag, gave it a twirl to seal it and handed it over. These men addressed me as “Love” though we’d never even been introduced. Shopping in the UK has changed a lot over the past three decades (Online shopping is fantastic – and still not available in much of small town America!). But initially I had to go to the greengrocers for fruit and vegetables, the butchers for meat and the supermarket for everything else. Oh, and milk arrived on my doorstop every morning in little glass bottles. I had a lot to learn. Each individual proprietor set their own hours and played by their own rules. The greengrocer followed me round the shop saying “Yes, please” until I finally understood that he was asking what I wanted. I @KonectMagazines

left notes for the milkman rolled up and stuffed down the neck of the bottle. It was like sending secret messages. I never worked out the butcher’s hours.

Once, when my husband and I were still dating, I asked him over for Sunday lunch. He was sad to discover it was a vegetarian meal. “I went to the butcher’s yesterday afternoon,” I explained, “but he was all out of meat!” “What? Why would you leave it until Saturday afternoon?! Of course, he’s going to be out.”

“Could it be because I come from a country where the shops’ shelves are stacked to the ceiling,” I countered, “… where the customers’ convenience is the name of the game and the shopkeeper doesn’t close up early, leaving a note on the door explaining he’s gone home to watch the football!”

These days when I hit the shops I’m annoyed by the raucous “music” they pump out, and bemused at being told it’s “no trouble” to take my thirty quid. There – did you see how knowledgeably I used that term “quid”? For the longest time I thought it must be seafood. To be continued next issue …

Notes from a small village is contributed by Suzanne Green. Suzanne, a freelance writer/ editor, lives in Balerno and writes regularly for Konect. She is married to Andy and they have two adult daughters. BALERNO | 39

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Solution in the November edition of Konect


SUDOKU Sudoku Solution on Page 53.


ACROSS: 1. Actors in a play (4), 3. Grow or enlarge (8), 9. At rest (7), 10. Odd (5), 11. Numerical (12), 14. Short sleep (3), 16. Very angry (5), 17. Epoch (3), 18. However (12), 21. Call in (5), 22. Spiciest (7), 23. Agitated (8), 24. Classification (4). DOWN: 1. Ritual (8), 2. Divided (5), 4. Head movement (3), 5. Necessities (12), 6. The mean value (7), 7. Beige (4), 8. Exploratory (12), 12. Adjust (5), 13. Tape container (8), 15. Crushes (7), 19. Foe (5), 20. Above (4), 22. Owns (3).






The bridge column is devised by John Samson who lives in Currie, Midlothian. John is a member of the Pentland Bridge Club. Double every time and twice on Sunday. It’s pretty obvious E/W want to play in diamonds and N/S want to play in hearts and West, tired of arguing, has tried to end it by going for game in diamonds.

But that’s almost irrelevant. West is saying their side can make 11 tricks. The question South must answer is how likely is it that their side can make 3 tricks. Seeing a good chance of 4 tricks in his own hand South would be crazy not to double. Most ordinary bridge players cannot follow a complex contested auction to any great degree, (I certainly can’t) but it’s always worth considering a double if you see a decent chance of defeating the contract with your hand alone. ANSWER:















The auction goes like this: Vulnerable:





















South holds this:

Boldness be my friend! BRIDGE COLUMN




My Favourite ZERO WASTE Changes Emms Choice is a West Lothian business that stocks products with a strong ethical focus. We embrace zero waste and all things eco-friendly. Visit our online shop at emmschoice.com with free collection option. We also run a bulk and refill station in Bathgate aimed at reducing single-use plastic waste. Here are some of my favourite products that have reduced waste in my home: Solid Soap Bars – gentle, natural soaps with plantbased ingredients, vegan friendly and plastic free packaging. Soaps for different uses; from dishwashing to hand/ body and even hair care - shampoo and conditioner bars. Compostable Plastic Free Cleaning Products – biodegradable and made from plant-based materials like coconut hair, loofah, corn, bamboo, cotton and jute. Reusable, and durable scrubbies for plastic free cleaning of dishes, kitchen/bathroom cleaning and body/ shower. Bamboo toothbrush and eco floss for oral care. Other Favourites – rCUP: a lightweight, leakproof travel cup which is truly recycled – made from 6 used coffee cups and lids. Deodorant salt stick in sustainable cork packaging. Stainless steel straws with cleaning brush: reusable and sustainable. 48 | BALERNO

CURRIE & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY All events in Gibson Craig Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. • 7th October: “The Battle of Dunbar Campaign of 1650” - Speaker Mr Arran Johnston • 21st October: “The History of Cramond Island” Speaker Mr Ian M. Rodger • 4th November: “A Walk Down the Royal Mile, Castlehill to the Heart of Midlothian” Speaker Mr Eric Melvin. SATURDAY 12TH OCTOBER Balerno Farmers Market Main Street, Balerno, 9am - 1pm


Tues 1st Oct, 7.30pm - Philisopher under discussion – Neville Goddard. Wed 2nd Oct, 7.30pm - Eco awareness discussion group we can’t change the world but we can change our little bit. Thurs 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th October, 7-30pm - Soul Clay with Kathryn Jenner. Come sit in the calming Tree Terrace and be part of this community hub. Coffee, tea and nibbles available. For info and booking please call Karen on 0131 449 2453.

BALERNO VILLAGE SCREEN FRIDAY 1ST NOVEMBER • 7.30pm: Rocketman (15) SATURDAY 2ND NOVEMBER • 7.30pm: Dumbo (PG) • 7.30pm: Fighting With My Family (12A)

VENUE: St. Joseph’s Church Hall & Ogston Hall, Balerno TICKETS: www.balernovillagescreen.com and at The Mill Cafe. Programme and timings subject to change.




Halloween Special!

With the night’s drawing in and the clocks going back at the end of the month, summer seems in the distant past. We therefore turn our attention to one of the next big events in the calendar.. Halloween! All throughout October, you can enjoy scary crafts and grab your sheet and look for clues on a spine-chilling trail of terror around the old farm at Almond Valley. Entry is included in the standard admission and is sure to be fun for all the family. At the Linlithgow Union Canal Centre, on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th, you can take a trip down to Narrowboat Farm on St Michael, the society’s largest boat, to pick and carve a pumpkin ahead of the big day. On board there will be a professional storyteller to make the experience event more memorable. For those looking for something a little scarier, head to Linlithgow Palace on the 31st for a special screening of the Halloween classic “The Terror”. Tickets for this are £10 (£9 for members of HES). The film is rated 12+ so not suitable for the youngest ghouls. Some of these events require pre-booking so checkout our web listings for more information on how you can do this. If Halloween isn’t your thing, why not head over to Blackness Castle for their Scotland from The Sky exhibition? Featuring a variety of stunning photography from some of their most beautiful properties across the whole country it’s well worth a look at if you’re heading to the ship that never sailed. There’s always plenty more going on across West Lothian, so why not check out our collection of great day out ideas on our website – the perfect inspiration for whatever the Scottish weather throws at us! www.visitwestlothian.co.uk Follow us on social media to keep up to date with all the latest from across West Lothian

Learning to sew is a fantastic way of reducing waste to help save our planet and saving money and at The Sewing Snug we teach a range of classes to help beginners get started and take intermediate sewists to the next level. The possibilities for re-purposing clothes are almost limitless: creating makeup remover pads from sheets or facecloths; knee/elbow patches from scraps of fabric; using last-season’s jumper to create mittens, snoods and socks. “I try to do this with my little ones: for World Book Day I created a spider new costume from a t-shirt and some old tights. The addition of some funky knee patches means my youngest son can wear a pair of trousers that have been passed down from older cousin, to older brother and now to him.” says Amy from the Sewing Snug The Sewing Snug is based in Kirknewton. For more information and to contact them please see the-sewing-snug.business.site or facebook.com/TheSewingSnug

www.facebook.com/VisitWestLothian www.twitter.com/SeeWestLothian www.instagram.com/VisitWestLothian @KonectMagazines





SPORTS, HOBBIES, LEARNING, SUPPORT GROUPS & MORE... BALERNO HARTBEEPS Currie Community Centre on a Monday, Balerno Bowling Club on a Tuesday. 10am for confident walkers to preschool; 11am for sitting to walking babies; 12.15pm for newborn to sitting babies. For info please contact jo.douglas@ hartbeeps.com, Joanne Douglas 07736 457265. HULLABALOO Music classes for babies and toddlers with their carers. At Hullabaloo the focus is on having lots of fun with colourful props, toys and musical instruments. Through favourite songs and rhymes, children will develop early musical skills including a sense of beat, rhythm and pitch. Fridays 9.30am (term time) Balerno Scout Hall. E: info@mcmillanyoungmusicians. co.uk W: www.mcmillanyoungmusicians. co.uk/hullabaloo YOUNG@HEART For older people in Balerno, Currie and Juniper Green. We meet at 10am on a Tuesday at the Ogston Hall, St Joseph’s centre, Main St, Balerno for some gentle exercises then tea and coffee break. We then have various activities. Cost £2 per week for the tea and coffee break and £15 a year for membership, paid in 2 instalments. For more information please contact Mary Laing on 0131 449 3523 or email me on yackadoo@hotmail. co.uk for more information. BALERNO PARISH CHURCH Come and be part of the heart of the community which meets every Sunday at 10 am in the Main street www.balernochurch.org.uk HAILES SWIMMING CLUB Galas, coaching and development lessons for 7-15 year olds at Balerno, Currie, and Forrester pools. For further details contact membership@ hailesswimclub.co.uk ST MUNGO’S BALERNO Come be part of our vibrant church community which meets every Sunday, 10.30am @ Balerno High School www.stmungos.org PIYO LIVE! Pilates + Yoga+ Nonstop movement. Stretch, Strengthen & Sweat, all in one workout! Tues 9am in Balerno Scout Hall and Thurs 8pm in Balerno Community Centre. Other classes available in Currie. Contact Heidi on 07982 205111 or at heidi.instructor@gmail.com


WILDFIRE EXPLORER SCOUTS Meet in Balerno High School. Fridays 7.15 - 9.15pm. 14 – 18yrs. Contact: Gordon Simpson 0131 477 3116. Email leaders@wildfireexplorers.org.uk BALERNO MONDAY CLUB Non-denominational club for over 55s. Our meetings are held in St Joseph’s Centre at Balerno Parish Church at 2pm on the first and third Mondays of the month from September to May. Different speakers, activities and outings each session, please contact the Club for syllabus details. 51ST PENTLAND SCOUTS (BALERNO) Beavers, Cubs, Scouts Various evenings, Balerno Scout Hall. Contact John Henderson on 07941 637262 CURRIE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Malleny Park - Minis (P1-7) Sundays 10.30am - 12pm. Contact 0131 449 2432 www.currierugby.org PENTLAND CALEDONIA PIPES AND DRUMS Balerno Community Centre - Every Friday 7pm-9.30pm. New members welcome. Free tuition on pipes or drums Phone 0131 4495133. BALERNO COMMUNITY CENTRE VILLAGE NURSERY Open Mon to Fri 7.30am to 6pm - 50 weeks of the year. Offering family centred childcare from 6 weeks to 5 years. We provide AM, PM and All Day Care, also Wraparound Care for Dean Park Nursery and Dean Park Primary School to include children to the end of P3. Please email thevillageplaygroup@outlook.com or tel 0131 451 5756 BALERNO FOOTSTEPS 4 FITNESS Mondays 10am at Balerno High School Riverside Café. Alternative Thursdays 10am at Balerno High School Riverside Café - Alternative Fridays 10am at Balerno Parish Church Hall - Contact 0131 449 2101. PENTLAND ART CLUB Meet at Balerno High School Art Room - Every Thursday 7.30-9.30pm Demonstrations, speakers, work evenings; All mediums; New members welcome. Please contact E Thomson on 0131 333 4662. PENTLAND FLOWER CLUB Drama Studio, Balerno High School. First Friday of the month at 7pm (excluding January, February, July and August); Visitors and new members are always welcome. Contact Lis Daly on 0131 442 2146.

CHILDREN’S SWIM SCHEME Balerno High School. Tues, Wed and Fri pm; Sat and Sun am. Contact Balerno Community Education Office 0131 477 7733 for more info. COMPASS PLAYGROUP Dean Park Primary Pre-School Centre. 2-5 years, wide variety of activities. Mon to Fri (school term time only) 8:55-11.40am. Early Drop Off, Lunch Club and Transfer Service to Dean Park Nursery. Afternoon sessions available for Pre-school children. Call 0131 449 4530 (during opening hours) for more information, or email info@compassplaygroup.com BALERNO BABY AND TODDLER GROUP Balerno Parish Church Hall. 3 Johnsburn Road, Balerno, EH14 7DN. For children 0-5 years and their carers. Term-time Thursdays 9.30 - 11.30am. BALERNO PARISH CHURCH GUILD Balerno Parish Church New Hall. First and third Wednesdays (commencing October) at 7.30pm. Varied syllabus with many interesting speakers; Tea/coffee is served at the end of the meeting. New members and visitors warmly welcomed BALERNO FOLK CLUB Held on the last Tuesday of each month in Balerno Bowling Club . Doors open 8pm; Evening begins 8.20pm; Guest artist on stage at 8.30pm; Members and guests welcome. For further info contact Morag Dunbar on 0131 449 5014 or John Stirling on 0131 449 3456. BALERNO SWI Balerno Community Centre 7.30pm. First Tuesday of every month (except July & August). We usually have a speaker but we also have “in house” evenings; There is usually some business to be discussed and we enjoy a “cuppa” whilst chatting; New members or visitors welcome, just come along MINIS @ST MUNGO’S Group for babies and toddlers with their carers on term time. Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10 - 11.30am in St Mungo’s church building, Ladycroft, Balerno; All welcome. For more information see www.stmungos.org IN THE DITCH QUILTERS Balerno Community Centre. Monthly workshops covering different quilting topics, third Wednesday of the month from 7:15pm. Annual membership £24.00. Contact Maureen Murray on 0131 336 0053 for further details.


BALERNO ...cont. GIRLGUIDING Rainbows on Monday evenings. Full information and meeting times can be obtained from Edinburgh Head Quarters on 0131 225 4154. PALM CAFÉ St Jospeh’s Centre, last Tues of the month 2.30pm4pm. A social group cafe for people with dementia and their carers, for informal support and information. Serving the communities of Balerno, Juniper Green and Currie. For more information contact Kay Latimer 0131 449 6186 or email kaylatimer@btopenworld.com BALERNO PARISH CHURCH Come and join us for regular all age worship on Sunday mornings at 10am followed by refreshments in St Joseph’s. Check www. balernochurch.org.uk for all other events and worship information. THE MILL CAFÉ A community café run mainly by volunteers in the St Joseph’s Centre at the heart of Balerno. Open Tuesday-Friday 9.30am-2.00pm serving teas, coffees, homebaking and snack lunches. (Times may vary during school holidays)

CURRIE NEW NETHER CURRIE PTA BADMINTON CLUB Nether Currie Primary School, Wed evenings 7 9pm from September to March. For info contact Gordon Porteous 0131 538 1959. INTRODUCTION TO BRIDGE For absolute beginners and social players who wish to graduate to club and competition play. Free. All adults over 21 welcome. Ideal for retirees looking for a new interest. Every Tuesday 3:45pm to 4:45pm Community room Currie Library. First meeting 3rd September 2019. Just turn up if you feel like it. Or contact Johnny on 0131 623 5135. Text 07450 521 997. Email introbridge@hotmail.co.uk HARTBEEPS Currie Community Centre on a Monday, Balerno Bowling Club on a Tuesday. 10am for confident walkers to preschool; 11am for sitting to walking babies; 12.15pm for newborn to sitting babies. For info please contact jo.douglas@ hartbeeps.com, Joanne Douglas 07736 457265. PIYO LIVE! Pilates + Yoga + Nonstop movement. Stretch, Strengthen & Sweat, All in one workout!! Fri 9:15am Currie Community Centre (Sports Hall). Contact Heidi on 07982205111 or at heidi.instructor@ gmail.com DEPEVAK EXPLORER SCOUT UNIT 45 Lanark Road West, Currie, Wednesday 7.15 – 9.15pm


SLIMMING WORLD - LOSE WEIGHT WITHOUT FEELING HUNGRY Come and join us every Wednesday at 7:30pm in Currie Community Centre on Lanark Road West, and every Saturday at 7:30am & 9:30am in Currie Scout Hall, Forthview Crescent. Contact Kim 07921 380711 for more information. HAILES SWIMMING CLUB Galas, coaching and development lessons for 7-15 year olds at Balerno, Currie, and Forrester pools. For further details contact membership@ hailesswimclub.co.uk CURRIE COMMUNITY CENTRE Various activities and facilities: Nursery, Football, After-school care, ballet, dog training youth club, craft, Taekwondo, parties, Saturday morning cafe, rooms for hire. See facebook page. Currie Community Centre. ARTS & CRAFTS GROUP Art Room 1, Currie Community High School - Thursdays 7.15 - 9pm - from 18th September to 27th November (except 16th October). We are a small, friendly group (of all ages) and new members will be made very welcome. £35 for the 10-week term or £5 per session, if paid on the night. Fee covers all materials, equipment and refreshments. For more information please email: phoenixarts@hotmail. com or tel: 07934 495488. BRIDGE CLUB The club is played at the Gibson Craig back Hall on a Monday, 1.30pm. For more information contact the Chairman on 0131 449 3527. COFFEE AND CRAFT Currie community Centre Mon 7-9pm. Bring your own craft and share your knowledge and experience with other crafters and perhaps learn something new. All welcome. £1 per person per night. AIR CADETS 2463 (CURRIE & BALERNO) SQUADRON Forthview Crescent. Mon and Thu 7-9.30pm. 0131 449 7449 for more info. CURRIE PLAYGROUPCurrie Baptist Church Hall. Preschool play from age 2 years - Mon-Fri, 8.45 11.45am (term time) £6.50 per child per morning - Wraparound and Lunch Club for children attending Currie Nursery. Wrap around £5.00; Lunch club £2.00. See www.currieplaygroup.co.uk 42ND PENTLAND SCOUT GROUP (CURRIE) Forth View Crescent, Currie. Cubs Monday 6.15 – 7.45pm. Call Fee 07771 370748. Scouts Monday 7.45 – 9.15pm. Call Ross 07729714445. Beavers Friday 6.30 – 7.30pm. Call Sharon 07810 201680. www.42ndpentland.scoutsites.org.uk THE OCTAGON CLUB For Adults with Special Needs and Learning Difficulties Meets in Gibson Craig Hall, Lanark Road West, Currie, 7 9pm on Wednesday Evenings from mid September until June for table tennis, snooker, badminton, table games, “tuck shop” etc. Contact Terry Maloney 0751 466 4292

CURRIE & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Meetings Mondays at 7.30 in the Gibson-Craig Hall in Currie - Visitors welcome; For further information contact Douglas Lowe on 0131 449 4349 or douglaslowe51@btinternet.com BOYS BRIGADE - 65TH EDINBURGH (CURRIE) COMPANY Gibson Craig Hall, Lanark Road West Currie Anchors (Boys P2 & P3) - Thursday 6 - 7pm Juniors (Boys P4, P5 & P6) Thursday 7 - 8.30pm Company/Seniors (Boys P7 - S6) Sundays 6.30 – 8.30pm For more info email 65edinburghbb@gmail.com or see website 65edinburgh.boys-brigade. org.uk CURRIE BABY AND TODDLER GROUP Gibson Craig Hall - Friday 9.30 - 11.30am (term time only). Adults £2.00; Kids go free. Parents/ Grandparents/Carers/Childminders are all very welcome; Snack provided for the kids and tea and coffee for the adults. Loads of space to play BALERNO AND DISTRICT RAMBLERS Midweek Group meets on a Wednesday at Currie Library Car Park, Lanark Rd West - 9.15am for 9.30am start. Contact M Timmins 0131 449 4525 or A Blyth 0131 629 3644. Saturday and Sunday Group meets at Pentland View Carpark, Currie, at 8.45am for 9am start. Contact E Scroggie on 0131 441 1666. BOOK GROUP Currie Library - First Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm. BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES No experience needed (18+) - £6 per class Tuesday 8pm at Gibson Craig Hall, Lanark Road, Currie. Wednesday 7.45pm at Forth View Crescent Scout Hall, Currie. Monday 6pm at St Margaret’s Hall, Juniper Green. Monday 8.30pm at Balerno Scout Hall, Balerno. Any questions please contact Monica, email: karmayoga@ btinternet.com Tel: 07986 600432 CORNER CAFE BOOK CLUB At the Corner Cafe, 120 Lanark Road West, Currie. Meet 27th of every month at 7.45. Informal friendly group, all welcome, we read a mixture of classics and popular books. £3 per session. MACULAR SOCIETY, PENTLAND GROUP Group for visually impaired people, 2nd Friday of every month in Currie Library at 2pm. Audio Book Group meets 1st Monday of every month in Currie Library at 2.15 pm. I-Pad tuition group for visually impaired people all other Mondays in Currie Library at 2.15pm.


MESSY CHURCH Second and last Fridays of the month from 2-4.30pm in the Gibson Craig Halls. We will meet from the second Friday in September until the second Friday in December then from the second Friday in January until the second Friday in June. All ages are welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult who stays with them. For further information, contact Louise on 466 3472 or Easter on 449 4719

JUNIPER GREEN JUNIPER GREEN TENNIS CLUB This small, friendly LTA affiliated tennis club in the heart of Juniper Green is open to all. There’s an extensive junior coaching programme and sessions for adults on Fridays throughout the season. Follow us on Facebook www.facebook. com/junipergreentennisclub/ or for membership details etc see www.clubspark.lta.org.uk/ JuniperGreenTennisClub JUNIPER GREEN NURSERY PLAYGROUP Juniper Green Community Centre (Village Hall) 1 Juniper Park Road EH14 5DX. Contact 07948 554889 or see website atwww. junipergreenplaygroup.vpweb.co.uk JUNIPER GREEN BOARDGAMERS We meet 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, 6pm-9pm in Juniper Green Parish Church Hall C - We currently ask for £1.00 per person to cover the cost of the hall (£2.00 non-members - First visit FREE!). Everyone welcome, suitable for kids over 10y/o. Children must be with an adult, and the adult must stay and play too. For more information and dates for this month, please contact Eric (eric@ericonline. co.uk) or find us on Facebook using “Juniper Green Board-Gamers”. 31ST PENTLAND SCOUTS (JUNIPER GREEN) 45 Lanark Road West, Currie Beavers - Wed 6.30pm. Cubs - Mon 7.00pm. Cubs - Tues 6.30pm. Scouts - Fri 7.00pm Contact - Hamish Leal on 0131 449 3288. JUNIPER GREEN SWI Juniper Green Community Centre (Village Hall) 1 Juniper Park Road EH14 5DX. Contact 0131 539 9886. PENTLAND BRIDGE CLUB The club meets at 7pm on Thursday evenings throughout the year to play duplicate bridge at St Margaret’s Court, Juniper Green. Prospective new members are welcome to come along to see if it suits them. If interested, please contact Ken Brown 0131 449 5314 email mthkjb@gmail.com.


RATHO LUNCH CLUB FOR OLDER PEOPLE Third Thursday of each month at Ratho Community Centre. Run by Queensferry Care through the support of Tesco Bags of Help, The Almond Neighbourhood Partnership and RCCC. Starting at 12noon, for more info and to register interest please call 0131 331 5570. RATHO SWI Meet in Ratho Community Centre on second Wednesday of each month (except July & August) from 7pm to 9pm. New members and visitors welcome. Contact 0131 333 4862 for information. RATHO SCOUTS, CUBS & BEAVERS Ratho Community Centre. Beavers: Tuesdays 6.30pm - 7.30pm (age 6-8). Cubs: Fridays 7pm - 8.30pm (age 8-10.5). Scouts: 7pm - 8.45pm. (age 10.5 -14) RATHO RAVERS Ratho Community Centre. Thurs 10am12pm. Exercising body and mind for the over fifties. £3 per class. For more information call the Community Centre on 0131 333 1055. PARENT & TODDLERS GROUP Community Centre Tues and Thurs 10am-12noon. Under 3s. Members 50p, non members £1. For more information call the Community Centre on 0131 333 1055. ART CLUB Ratho Community Centre Tues 7-9pm. Adult Multimedia Club. Members 50p, non members £1. For more information call the Community Centre on 0131 333 1055. 50 PLUS GROUP Varied programme of activities/outings. New members welcome – meet fortnightly at Ratho Community Centre. Members 50p, nonmembers £1. For more information call the Community Centre on 0131 333 1055 SCOUTS All meet at the Community Centre, meeting times are as follows: Beavers: Tuesdays 6.30pm - 7.30pm (age 6-8), Cubs: Fridays 7pm - 8.30pm (age 8-10.5), Scouts: 7pm - 8.45pm. (age 10.5-14) TO INCLUDE YOUR CLUB OR CLASS, PLEASE EMAIL DETAILS TO EDITOR@ KONECT.SCOT CHARITY AND NOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS ARE FREE. THERE IS A SMALL CHARGE FOR OTHER LISTINGS. SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION AT WWW.KONECT.SCOT



ACROSS: 1. Shaggy, 4. Sensor, 9. Explain, 10. Tramp, 11. Dread, 12. Enabled, 13. Departments, 18. Copying, 20. Rifle, 22. Irons, 23. Theatre, 24. Needed, 25. Stayed. Down: 1. Steady, 2. Apple, 3. Grandma, 5. Extra, 6. Shallot, 7. Rapids, 8. Investigate, 14. Explode, 15. Earnest, 16. Action, 17. Depend, 19. Issue, 21. Fatty.


Disclaimer: The publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage caused by error in the printing of an advertisement. We do not endorse any advertisers in this publication. All material is accepted for publication on the understanding it is copyright free. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. Publisher: Lothian Publications Ltd. Geddes House, Kirkton North, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6GU. Magazine Design: Universal Appeal Ltd. M: 07729 911858 W: www.universal-appeal.com E: info@universal-appeal.com



APPLIANCE REPAIRS Appliances of Edinburgh B&B Just B Retreats BARBER Forty Two

BATHROOMS & KITCHENS Dream Doors Ian Merriman Paragon Bathroom Solutions Splash Bathrooms BEAUTICIAN Beauty Therapy by Rhona Electrolysis by Pamela Juniper Beauty Room BLACKSMITH D & I Blacksmiths CAR SALES EMG Autos

40 16 18 14 35 2 41 18 18 23 27 7

CAR SERVICING, MOT & REPAIR Balerno Garage 42 D & G Autocare 42 Ratho Auto Services 43

ESTATE AGENT Blair Cadell Solicitors 36 Remax Property - Carol Lawton 50 EXTERIOR CLEANING Cleaning & Maintenance


FINANCIAL ADVICE Personal Money Management

FIREPLACES/WOODBURNERS Fireplaces, Stoves and Flues

FLORIST Juniper Flowers Vicky’s Flowers

31 27 37 6 32 32

FUNERAL DIRECTOR Mark Porteous Funeral Directors 22


MORTGAGE SERVICES Malleny Mortgage Solutions OPTICIAN Clearvue Opticians

56 49 50 20

PAINTING & DECORATING Alistair McLellan 6 Brush Strokes 35 Gerry Aitken 31 Ken Dunton 4 Lane Decor 40 Lewis Arthur Decorating Services 34 Mark Reece Painter & Decorator 40

GARAGE DOORS PERSONAL TRAINER Garolla 43 KM Fitness Max’s Garage Doors 43


PLASTERING GARDEN DESIGN/MAINTENANCE Alexander Aitken Plastering 35 CS Gardening 27 Lothian Plaster 6 D Greaves Landscape CAR VALETING Gardeners 26 PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES Richard Latto Valeting 5 Evergreen Balerno 30 Bill Reid & Son 35 Ladybug Gardening 26 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY Jim Gladstone 4 Premier Soft Landscapes 26 CLEANING McLellan Plumbing & Heating 6 Aquatec 4 GARDEN FURNITURE AND Owen Gibb Plumbing & Heating 6 Cleaning Doctor 38 BUILDINGS Shandon Plumbing 41 CW Services 38 Champfleurie Estate 25 Weir Plumbing Heating CHIROPODY/PODIATRY/ and Gas Services 31 GLAZING REPAIRS FOOTCARE CR Smith 29 PUBLIC HOUSE Pentland Footcare 18 The Grey Horse Inn 44 DGR Double Glazing Repairs 41 CHRISTMAS NIGHTS OUT RESTAURANT/TAKEAWAY Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club 47 GOLF CLUB Al Borgo Ristorante 46 Baberton Golf Club 45 COMPUTER/PHONE REPAIRS Carlyles Bar & Kitchen 45 Simply Fix It 55 HAIR SALON The Pentland Fry 46 Worx24 36 Hair Tech 18 CURTAINS & BLINDS Blind Design Harvey Bruce

DENTIST No 9 Practice

38 14 16

DOORS/WINDOWS Four Seasons Scotland Design and Build 5 DRAINAGE SERVICES Currievale Drainage Services DRIVEWAYS AND PAVING Alpine Paving

41 31

ELECTRICIAN A Robertson Electrical Contractor 31 A&A Electrical Solutions 35 D Sykes Electrical 4 Spark Electrical Solutions 34


Tony Harper’s Hair Studio

HOME CARE Sutton Care Solutions

23 17


JOINERY Adriatik Sula George Hardie & Son GK Wilson Joiner R McNeill Joiner & Glazier

LOCKSMITH 1st Call Locksmiths CVC Locksmiths and Security West Lothian Locksmith

5 41 24 40 26

ROOFING Dell Roofing Edinburgh Roofing Services Fairmile Roofing John Brazil TREE CARE SERVICES Delisle Tree Solutions Maxwell Tree Care

VET & ANIMAL WELLBEING Pentland Veterinary Clinic

30 28 24 26 27 30 32

WINDOW & GUTTER CLEANING Tag Cleaning Services 31

31 40 50


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