Konect Bathgate September 2024

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With schools back into routine, I thought I’d run a local history piece about children – and how different life was for local kids when the mines were in their heyday here. It’s a thoughtprovoking series of extracts from a parliamentary report on children’s working conditions in the 1800s, which included investigations at many mines here in West Lothian.

The business spotlight shines on Mackie & Brechin this month, as one of very few genuinely independent vets left locally. See pages 26 -27 to see why they are different, and a safe pair of hands for your pet.

It’s not been much of a summer weatherwise, but gardeners are irrepressible in their optimism, it’s one thing I love about gardening! In the garden project column, Dougal talks about planning now for spring bulb displays. Even if you don’t have a garden, planting a pot of bulbs to enjoy on your doorstep or windowsill will bring joy now and in the future!

I hope you find the magazine useful this month. Thank you for supporting local businesses and organisations.


West Lothian schools have been back a couple of weeks; the back-to-school moaning from the kids has subsided as they settle back to routine.

But when coal-mining was in its heyday in West Lothian, school would have been a dream come true for the children engaged in dangerous physical labour down the pits. Many had no chance of getting an education; others might be lucky enough to have access to a night-school after a 12 – 14 hour shift below ground, if their health held out.

The fate of children in mines led to public pressure on parliament to conduct an enquiry into conditions, the results of which was published in 1842. It makes for an arresting read. We hear the voices of real children, in what was then Linlithgowshire, after nearly 200 years. Mines varied - some didn’t let women and children down the mines and others did. The resulting 1842 Mines Act ended self-regulation and the employment of women and children underground, and for boys under 10. It was a long and slow evolution.

The report notes that even where there were schools, in general the children of colliers did not attend. “It is quite common for children and young persons employed in various branches of trade and manufacture through the day to attend week evening schools and at Bo’ness, Linlithgowshire, where the collier population amounts to about 500, though the parochial school is stated to be the best in the county, the colliers seldom send their children to it. At this early age, then, supplied but scantily

with the bare elements of reading and writing, is the miserable child sent to his daily toil with pain and suffering, unseen and insidious disease, his mind and body alike exposed to the corruption of a viscous atmosphere.”

Here are some extracts from the East of Scotland report, where we hear the voices of children interviewed at local mines:

Margaret Chirce, age 12 years, putter*: Kipps Colliery, Torphichen

“I shute the carts with sister, who is much older than me, in the Kipps Pit. I do not know my sister’s age, am sure she is much older, as she is a big bit bigger than me; after shuting up the brae, I throw the coals over with a shovel into the hurley, which is pushed to pit bottom.

I do not like the work so well as what I did before my father forced me down; my work was that of a herd-kye [cowherd] at Whiteside, where I was much better fed and clothed. Father has the dropsy from sitting in wet work, and frequent attacks of bad breath; mother has a large family dependant on our labour.”

Thomas Smith, coal-hewer*: Kipps Colliery, Torphichen

“Can’t say what age I am, nor what place was born in - I may be 12 or 14. I work 12 to 14 hours daily at houking the coal [cutting or picking] with father; sometimes I draw or push the carts; the carts hold four hutchies, which is equal to 14cwt. - this is the usual weight drawn and pushed by girls and boys.”

about the death and therefore no inquiry. I was reading and was going to the writing but the night-school was dropped.”

Mary Sneddon, age 15 years, putter*, Bo’ness, Linlithgowshire

“I have only wrought at Bo’ness Pit three months. Should not have ganged but brother Robert was killed on the 21st January last. A piece of the roof fell upon his head, and he died instantly: he was brought home, coffined and buried in Bo’ness kirkyard. No one came to inquire about how he was killed; they never do in this place.”

Peter Andrew, age 11 years, putter*, Polkemmet, Whitburn

“I work about 12 hours daily, three or four morning till three or four afternoon. Get porridge or tea sent, as live just convenient to the engine; … Father and three brothers work below; two of my brothers write very well; I am not the length of writing yet; do not go to school at present, I shall do as summer advances; the moor is not good to cross, and the teacher lives far away.”

Thomas Brown, age 10 years, putter*: Hard Hill Colliery, Bathgate

“I go down at three in the morning, and come up at four and sometimes six at night, and work 9 or 10 days in the fortnight; work very hard, as father is no strong the now, and mother is dead.

I hurry the hurlies [draw the carts] in harness.”

Robert Beveridge, age 15 years, coalhewer* at Polkemmet, Whitburn

“I have been below near five years; work 11 and 12 hours, sometimes longer. Mother was a farmer’s daughter, and she had nine of us; she never wrought below, nor have any women here; the lassies go into the fields or to service.”

*Coal-putters loaded the coal into the skips below ground, either by bare hands or with a shovel. Coal hewers were stronger, swinging a pick at the coal face.

John Baxter, age 15 years, coal-hewer*: Collinshield Colliery, Bathgate

“I work from two in the morning till six at night; done so for five years... I lost my mother soon after my birth, and my father was murdered seven or eight years ago; he was thrown into the canal and the murderer was never sought after, as there was no talk

This article was written by Helen-Jane Gisbourne, and is a series of extracts and images from the “Children’s Employment Commission 1842, on the Employment of Children and Young Persons in the Collieries and iron works of the East of Scotland, and the State, Condition, and Treatment of such Children and Young Persons. The full text is available online at The Coalmining History Resource Centre, www.cmhrc.co.uk With thanks to Picks Publishing and Ian Winstanley

Throughout our lives we have so many different versions of friendship, from those early schooldays when getting picked for the netball team was the most important thing in our lives, to the friend who let us cry on their shoulder when things went wrong with those first romantic dreams.

When we are young it seems so much easier to make friends, the way we begin relationships and what we take from them can be so much simpler. Sometimes just sharing an experience was enough to build a relationship at that stage. It can be really difficult to make friends as grownups because we move in different settings once we leave education.

That’s why many adult friendships start in the workplace or in local community groups such as mother and toddler groups or parents groups at our children’s school.

However, just like the friendships we make in school, all of these have a time limited element and often don’t continue when those activities cease.

Suddenly, we can find ourselves trying to connect with new friends without having those things in common. This can feel really daunting as the natural paths to friendship we always relied on seem to dry up.

This doesn’t mean that we are doomed to a lonely life with no-one for company; it’s more of an invitation to make new friends who fit the life we are living now. It’s liberating to remember that we don’t need to make friends with everyone and if we remember that, we can make space for the right people to come into our lives.

The Life Coaching column is contributed by Francine Orr, NLP coach, hypnotherapist & reiki practitioner. Francine is based within Linlithgow Chiropractic on Wednesday afternoons and is also available online. See www.orrganise.co.uk

We now understand a great deal more about what impacts our brain health than we did even 10 years ago. For example, it’s now known that the diseases and risk factors that lead to dementia often start in midlife.

Some of these are things we cannot change, such as family history or genetics, but many others we can, such as lifestyle:

TAKE EXERCISE - Regular exercise helps maintain a good blood supply to the brain, improves mental wellbeing and promotes good quality sleep.

EAT WELL - Your diet is vital for ensuring your brain gets the nutrients it needs. Maintaining a healthy weight can help avoid conditions which impact on your brain health, like diabetes

STAY CONNECTED - Your brain thrives on the stimulation of being with other people, continuing to learn, and challenging yourself mentally

REDUCE RISKS - Stopping smoking, even later in life, or reducing your alcohol consumption to within the recommended limits can reduce the damage done to your brain.

SWITCH OFF - Long-term stress can harm the brain and make it harder to keep on top of these other factors. So make time for yourself, and the things that help you relax.

BE AWARE - Some medical conditions can have an effect upon your brain’s wellbeing, such as high blood pressure. Monitor your overall health with regular check-ups. Pick up on any concerns early, follow medical advice, and take any medications as prescribed. For more information, visit brainhealth.scot or contact the West Lothian Brain Health and Dementia Resource Centre on 01506 533108

The Living Well column is contributed by Home Instead West Lothian. Contact them for advice and support on 01506 346046, email info.westlothian@homeinstead.co.uk or see www.homeinstead.co.uk/west-lothian

I can’t believe we’re in mid-August already (as I write this anyway!) One of my favourite seasons of the year is already coming to a close. No, not Summer but seabird season.

It doesn’t feel like it was that long ago we were eagerly anticipating the return of the hardy birds and now they’re leaving for the winter.

I visited St Abb’s Head (AKA New Asgard for the Marvel fans) with friends to check out the seabird colonies found along the cliffs. They’ve got an increasing population of nesting Gannets, which is very exciting. Despite the impact Avian flu has had, the Bass Rock is now at capacity and the birds are spreading further afield to find new territories. Final breeding numbers for our biggest seabirds aren’t yet known but it does look like 2024 has been promising. One of the reasons Avian Flu was able to spread like it did is because of how tightly packed these nesting colonies can be. This picture shows that quite well, with the species mixed in together all squabbling for the best nesting spots, which are usually found nearer the top of cliffs.

It’s all a cycle though. As we say goodbye to our seabirds, we welcome another species and soon the same shoreline will be covered in Atlantic grey seals returning for pupping season. In 2023, there were 1818 seal pups born on the reserve. I wonder what 2024 will bring?

Ths column is contributed by Clare Harte and Kate Stevenson, who grew up in Edinburgh and now live in West Lothian. Together they run Scottish Sisters Photography and travel around the country to watch and photograph amazing wildlife and scenic landscapes.

Follow them on Facebook: @ScottishSistersPhotography


^^^ Solution in the September edition of Konect

ACROSS: 1. Alcove (6), 4. Pieces of wood (6), 9. Family name (7), 10. Not outer (5), 11. Pry (5), 12. Compel (7), 13. Most definitely (11), 18. Group (7), 20. Male relative (5), 22. Mistake (5), 23. Observed (7), 24. Thawed (6), 25. Light wind (6).

DOWN: 1. Fight back (6), 2. Freight (5), 3. Liquid soap (7), 5. Robber (5), 6. Middle (7), 7. Inspect (6), 8. Recalling (11), 14. Impartial (7), 15. Latitude zero degrees (7), 16. Squeal (6), 17. Aggravate (6), 19. Abrupt (5), 21. Form of transport (5).


58mm Vertical [LEFT]

*Offer valid until 30th September 2024


September is the best month to choose spring flowering bulbs for your pots and borders, although if we get an Indian summer you may choose to delay planting them until the summer displays have finished in October.

If you are going to plant some winter flowering pansies on top you should make sure you get them planted by the middle of October at the latest.

This pot has four different bulbs planted in it; they were planted in layers starting with the biggest bulbs at the bottom. It allows you to pack the pot with bulbs to give you this generous display next spring. Each bulb will find its way up between the bulbs above it!

The pink Hyacinth Pink Pearl is wonderfully fragrant, we planted it about halfway down

the pot then covered it with the peat-free Multipurpose with added John Innes Compost. Next in went the Tulip Pretty Princess, the tulip leaves are very dramatic before the flowers appear. Some more compost and then the white Narcissus Thalia. Finally, the little white Chionodoxa, we can only offer the blue one this autumn but you could use Ornithogalum White Trophy if you didn’t want to add blue to your creation.

Pop in some winter flowering pansies to delight you until the bulbs push through in the New Year and then water the pot well and leave it sitting outside.

The gardening project is contributed by Dougal Philip, New Hopetoun Gardens. Inspiring, informing and entertaining, for more than 40 years.

info@home-appliancerepair.co.uk www.home-appliancerepair.co.uk

French crime dramas are a huge green flag for me. How Europe handles courtroom crime is unlike any other.

So, saying The Goldman Case hooked me from the beginning would be an understatement. It is based on the true story of Pierre Goldman, a far-left militant who is sentenced to life in prison for four armed robberies, one of which led to the death of two women. He fully admits to committing three of the four robberies but pleads his innocence for the murder. The film focuses on the re-trial, and we see how the court proceedings unfold.

As mentioned before the film is utterly gripping from the beginning. Every witness testimony or sudden outburst is enthralling. The performances are what make this film. Arthur Arari (who coincidentally co-wrote Anatomy of a Fall) is excellent as lawyer Georges Kiejman. Seeing him dissect

witnesses while can be funny at times and is also truly haunting. Many scenes discuss the racism and prejudice prevalent at the time and especially in hindsight certain actions characters make still lurk in the back of my mind.

However, the true standout is Arieh Worthalter as Pierre Goldman. His performance is stellar and there are many moments where you can feel how charismatic he is. By the end of the film will be on his side.

The Goldman Case is a great film, while some moments are random. The courtroom drama itself is so compelling that by the end I was on the edge of my seat.

In Cinemas from the 20 th Sept 2024

The Film Review is contributed by Robert Ewing. Robert is passionate about film as an art form, and shining a light on films that may not be on people’s radar. Robert is from Kirknewton.

Connect with us by scanning the QR code, visiting bgateway.com/westlothian, or emailing westlothian@bgateway.com

Mackie&Brechin: progressive healthcare, personal touch

With 60% of veterinary practices in the UK now owned by large corporate entities, genuinely independent vets who are invested in their communities are increasingly rare.

Over the past few years, local vets one by one have been offered tempting deals to sell their practices, and ownership is quietly transferred to one of just six corporates in the UK. Part of the strategy has been to make sure they continue to appear local so that customers are not aware. Mackie & Brechin, with surgeries in Kirkliston and Linlithgow, have resolutely refused this business model. They are one of very few independent practices left, dedicated to maintaining the traditional values of a community vet whilst remaining at the forefront of best practice with investment in training, equipment and facilities.

What does this mean for you when choosing a vet for your beloved four-legged family member?

“For us, it’s about direct accountability. We are up-front; nothing is hidden behind a corporate

entity,” explains Niall Dickson, one of the three partner vets at Mackie and Brechin. “The owners live and work here, we are directly accountable to our customers, and we really care.”

It’s clear that the whole team here cares deeply about customers and their beloved pets. Having nailed their colours to the mast in terms of resisting corporate takeover, they are passionate about providing the very best care in all aspects of your pet’s health. With a combined experience of 130 years between them, the partner and assistant vets, plus dedicated nursing, management and reception teams, all work together so that from the moment you walk through the door you can be sure you are in the very best hands. Pamela Hinton is the practice manager, and explains, “We know how much people’s pets mean to them and understand how stressful it can be to choose a vet who you can trust with their care. That’s why we welcome questions and will always take time to speak to people about any concerns. Being approachable and accountable are part of our core values.”

Behind the scenes, the vets routinely discuss cases and share advice to ensure they are making the best decisions as a whole. With a very low turnover of vets, nurses and other staff, you will get to know the whole team over time, so if you particularly want to see the same vet for each visit, they will do their best to accommodate this. The practice has a strong focus on preventative healthcare, with their flagship Pet Healthcare Plan which includes regular comprehensive check-ups, vaccines, and a host of other benefits designed to keep your pet in the best possible health and identifying any problems early.

Continually investing in the latest equipment and training, the practice facilities include a state-of-the-art in-house laboratory, diagnostic imaging, anaesthetic monitoring and surgical facilities. “At the same time, if a problem or condition is outwith our expertise and requires a specialist consultant, we will discuss it with the owners and set realistic expectations,” explains Niall. “If seeing a specialist is outwith your budget, we’ll discuss options for what we can do in-house; the most important thing is that you are fully informed and given all the information needed to be able to make a decision.”

Mackie & Brechin was originally a mixed practice with mostly agricultural clients, set up by David Mackie’s grandfather after the First World War, and servicing a large area from Falkirk to the Borders. As the central belt developed the practice naturally moved to specialising in small animals. They still have clients from a wide area, thanks to word of mouth recommendations and their long-standing reputation, and people bring their pets from all areas of Edinburgh and the Lothians, Central Region and Fife to the Kirkliston

and Linlithgow practices. Niall became a partner alongside David in 2010 and was joined in 2017 by long term vets Geoff and Simon when David retired. Together they have built on the core practice values to continually improve, invest and to offer a premium quality service.

Choosing a vet can be difficult especially if you have recently moved into the area and don’t necessarily have a network to make recommendations for you, but with Mackie and Brechin you can be sure that their long history and reputation speaks for itself.

Please thoroughly explore in more detail on their website at www.mackieandbrechin.co.uk or contact them for a chat:

Tel.: 0131 333 3203

Email: reception@mackieandbrechin.co.uk

This article was written by Helen-Jane Gisbourne after visiting Mackie and Brechin in Kirkliston and speaking with Niall Dickson BVM&S GP CERT (Small Animal Medicine) MRCVS and Practice Manager Pamela Hinton. Helen-Jane is the editor of Konect magazines.



CADETS - The RAF Air Cadets is a uniformed youth organisation for young people aged between 12 (In S2) - 20. We offer lots of opportunities including flying, gliding, shooting, adventure training, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Leadership and much much more. We are based in Bathgate and parade on a Tuesday and Thursday evening... Interested? Get in touch! Email: oc.1271@rafac.mod.gov. uk - Tel.: 01506 630784

POETS O WEST LOTHIANNae need fir academic skill / Jist let yer thochts byle up an spill / In inky screivins frae yer QUILL / And sip from that Parnassian rill!...poetry in Scots, English, Mesolithic, Martian...Ice Age or Space Age...we are a cheery wee non-judgemental group meeting in Bathgate Partnership/Jim Walker Centre, first Monday of the month, except holidays. Share yer stuff, hae a blether and a laugh. Text Davie at 07591 681791


COMEDY - Hosted by Midnight Breakfast Club in Bathgate, Roughly Speaking Comedy is an open mic for comedians and aspiring comedians alike. Whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned pro, you can sign up either online or on the night. Free entry. See Facebook “Roughly Speaking Comedy” for confirmed dates or email roughlyspeakingopenmic@gmail.com



- Livingston & West Lothian Hockey Club are a friendly, sociable and competitive hockey club based at Deans Community High School in Livingston. The Club has one Men’s team, two Ladies teams and a large Juniors section. The Club is always on the look out for new members.

If you feel you’d like to try hockey then please feel free to contact

us through our social media channels (website www.livingstonhockeyclub.uk, Facebook or email livingstonandwlhockey@gmail.com


SUPPORT GROUP - Bipolar Scotland invites patients, family, friends, partners and carers of those with a Bipolar diagnosis within West Lothian to come along to our monthly group meeting. Held every second Thursday of the month at Bathgate Partnership Centre (21-55 South Bridge St, Bathgate EH48 1TL), Rooms 8 & 9, 7.00pm-9.00pm. More information on Bipolar Scotland’s services available at www.bipolarscotland. org.uk or 0141 560 2050

BATHGATE BELLES SWI - We meet on the last Wednesday of each month from 7-9pm in The Royal British Legion, 50 North Bridge Street, Bathgate. Our aim is to empower women through friendship, reducing isolation and fostering a sense of community. We offer lifelong learning opportunities by having talks, trips out and demonstrations and promote well-being by having lots of fun. For more information email at bathgatebelles@outlook.com or just come along.


PLAYGROUP - For children 2 to 5 years old. We provide a safe, caring, learning environment where children can realise their full potential in a fun manner while taking their first steps towards independence. Fully registered and insured Scottish Charity, with all necessary safeguarding credentials. Children who have attended our playgroup in the past have been reported as having had a smooth transition to mainstream nursery and school. broxburnpreschoolplaygroup.co.uk

17TH WEST LOTHIAN SCOUTS - Canon Hoban Hall, Broxburn. (What3words bubble.baroness.

shepherds) Join in the adventure and gain life skills. If you are an adult or a young person and want to gain life skills come and join us. Monday:- Beavers (6-8years) 6:15-7:15pm; Cubs (8-10years) 7:30-8:45pm. Friday:- Scouts (1014 years) 7:00-9:00pm; Explorers (14-18years) 7:30-9:30pm. Everyone welcome. Contact: info@17thbroxburnscoutgroup. co.uk or 07785 525 466.

BROXBURN GENERAL YOGA CLASS - Sunday morning 9:30 -10:30 - not as bad as it sounds! Class held in the lovely studio at Broxburn United Sports Club, Albyn Place. £5 per session, all welcome. E: iyogawithc@gmail. com T: 07749 524 249

WINCHBURGH ART CLASS - Winchburgh Community Hall, every Thursday 9.30am –11.30am. All levels welcome. We have tutors regularly. All mediums used. Contact Secretary 07980 321989

LOTHIAN PHOENIX WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL CLUB - Meet on Thursday nights at Armadale Academy. All abilities are welcome, and no experience is necessary. We have spare sports chairs available to use. Adult’s session is 7.00 - 9.00pm in the large sports hall, juniors’ session is 7.00 - 9.00pm in the small hall. Come along and try something new! Contact Karen Redmondwalkerredmond@aol.com or call 07982195006 to find out more or come along to one of our sessions.

WEST LOTHIAN LITTER PICKERS - We’re a group of over 3000 West Lothian residents, so if you want to help clean up your community, like we do, come join the group on Facebook “West Lothian Litter Pickers(Act Local Think Global)”. We organise group litter picks or put you in touch with a buddy in your area to get you started. We can even provide you with equipment at no cost to you.


Retired or semi-retired and looking for a new way to spend your free time? Why not try u3a? u3a is a UK wide movement for retired or semi retired people who wish to make new friends, continue learning in an informal setting, and keep active. Most groups meet at Uphall Community Centre. No formal qualifications are required and non given. For more information s§ee: W: u3asites.org.uk/westlothian Facebook: ‘West Lothian u3a’ E: memsecwlu3a@gmail.com T: 01506 844274


BATHGATE - Available for Children from 2 years old at Bathgate Partnership Centre. We offer morning or full day sessions. Mon-Fri 9.15am to 11.30am and Mon-Thurs 9.15am to 2.00pm. Cost £9.00 per am session, £20.00 per all day session Eligible 2 funding accepted. E: bathgate@ communityplaygroups.org or T: 07985 645871


PROBUS CLUB - Retired? Fed up with lockdown and covid restrictions? Come and enjoy weekly meetings with interesting speakers on a wide range of topics, together with exciting visits in the summer months. Join us for informal chats, with refreshments beforehand, every Tuesday from 10.00am to 12.00pm in St John’s Church hall, Mid Street, Bathgate. For further information, contact Sandy McAlpin (Secretary) on (01506) 630152

LITTLE MONSTERS UNDER 5 GROUP A new look Little Monsters at Boghall Drop-in Centre. Children 0 – 5 with their parent/carer, Tues, Wed & Thurs. Coffee, tea & refreshments 9.009.30am, followed by FREE Drop-in Sessions. 9.30-10.30am or 11am-12noon. Afternoon (FREE) 12.30-13.15 Storytime/arts/music classes. Email: arlene@bdic.org. uk Or call the drop in centre on 01506 283201 to register

SONGWRITING GROUPLooking for new members. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month in Room GP3, Strathbrock Community Centre, Broxburn, Entrance B, from 7.00pm -

9.00pm. These are informal evenings aimed at encouraging musicians and songwriters (adults) of all levels and abilities who would like to share their idea, techniques and songs with others in an informal, friendly environment. For further information, please contact Annie on 07824 667889.


PROBUS CLUB - A local association for retired and semiretired men to meet for fellowship and friendship. Meetings are held at the Hilcroft Hotel each Wednesday morning at 9.30 and usually conclude around 12 noon. An extensive programme of speakers is planned throughout the year and periodic lunches, dinners and outings are planned. Interested? Contact Rod Dow (Probus Secretary) on 01506 462772 or come along any Wednesday morning for a coffee and a warm welcome.




& WELLNESS HUB - Dedicated yoga studio in Carmondean, Livingston. Build strength, flexibility and resilience, and support mental health, joint pain/ illness/injury recovery. Iyengar yoga 6.00-7.15 & 7.30-8.45pm Monday. Ante-natal yoga 5.456.45 and Vinyasa Flow 7.008.00pm Tuesday. Seasonal yoga 5.30-6.30 and Yoga Basics 6.457.45pm Wednesday. Iyengar yoga 6.00-7.15 & 7.30-8.45pm Thursday. Iyengar yoga 9.4511.00am Friday. Carmondean, Livingston.

E: info@chooseyouyoga.co.uk

T: 07810 824 195

W: www.chooseyouyoga.co.uk or on Facebook


- Support and social activities for Carers, Young Carers and Disabled Adults. All our carers groups are offered blended – both in person and face to face, as are our social groups: weekly Coffee Morning; monthly Mental Health Support Group, Evening Support Group & Bereaved Carer Support Group as well as groups for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers. Regular Social Groups for Adults with disabilities. Power of Attorney Clinic (face to face) & Benefits Advice (phone or face to face).

T: 01506 448000

E: office@carers-westlothian.com

W: www.carers-westlothian.com

GENERATION ARTS - Creative activities for people aged 50 and over, either living at home or in care with complex needs. Online and offline activities in West Lothian such as a dance dvd, art demos, reminiscence, recipes, music and song playlists, dance and song classes. Creative activity and learning can unlock memories and skills that have been lost and creates a spark of joy for all. Contact generationarts. coordinator@gmail.com or phone 07521 358 239 for further information.


INFORMATION & SUPPORT - A free, confidential service providing a ‘listening ear’, emotional and practical support, help to access benefits/financial advice and other local services. Expert information for anyone affected by cancer –yourself, a relative, friend or carer. Face to face appointments at Partnership Centres in Bathgate, Livingston North, Broxburn, Fauldhouse and Blackburn. Short health walks leaving Bathgate Partnership Centrecall to book a place. Phone and email support also available. Please call 01506 283053 or email: MacmillanWestLothian@ westlothian.gov.uk


NETWORK - Social activities for the over fifties. Run largely by volunteers we offer a wide range of interest groups to help you stay fit and healthy in both mind and body, whilst socialising with others. Something for everyone, but, more importantly, the chance to meet up and join in with old friends or make new friends along the way. Annual joining fee £24. Follow our Facebook page, visit: westlothian50plusnetwork.co.uk or call 01506 635510.




ACROSS: 7 Static, 8 Battle, 9 Grim, 10 Envelope, 11 Economy, 13 Untie, 15 Cobra, 17 Cottage, 20 Upstream, 21 Sure, 23 Unkind, 24 Needed.

DOWN: 1 Star, 2 Stamen, 3 Screams, 4 Above, 5 Stolen, 6 Flipping, 12 Chopping, 14 Command, 16 Retain, 18 Tested, 19 Mends, 22 Rues.


Bathgate Market & Car Boot Sale - Bathgate Outdoor Market 9.00am to 2.00pm. Parking available in Gardners Lane Car Park and Acredale Car Park. Access via Whitburn Road on the road between H&M and Home Bargains



encounters, den building, seed bomb making, and much more! Almond Valley Heritage Centre, Millfield, Livingston, EH54 7AR. See almondvalley. co.uk




Disclaimer: The publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage caused by error in the printing of an advertisement. We do not endorse any advertisers in this publication. All material is accepted for publication on the understanding it is copyright free. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher.

Publisher: Lothian Publications Ltd. Geddes House, Kirkton North, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6GU.

Magazine Design:

Alan Stewart Design T: 07729 911858

Siege on the Forth - One of Scotland's most impressive strongholds, with spectacular views across to the Fife coast and Forth bridges, Blackness Castle has served as an artillery fortress, royal castle, prison and armaments depot. Come along and discover more about the rich history of ship that never sailed! 12.00pm – 4.00pm each day, tickets and info via historicenvironment.scot Ticket enquiries ticketing@hes.scot


Linlithgow Antique Vintage and Collectors Fair - Queen Margaret Hall, Blackness Road, Linlithgow EH49 6JA. Early entry 9.00am £2. Public entry 10.00am - 3.00pm £1. Ample free parking, disabled access,on site catering. Procceds in support of Linlithgow Museum


Harvest Festival at Almond Valley Heritage Centre - Join us as we prepare to welcome in a new season in a wonderful celebration of people, community, food and nature! With an abundance of activities taking place including story telling sessions, Art in Nature with Wexpressive, animal

ACROSS: 7 Static, 8 Battle, 9 Grim, 10 Envelope, 11 Economy, 13 Untie, 15 Cobra, 17 Cottage, 20 Upstream, 21 Sure, 23 Unkind, 24 Needed.

DOWN: 1 Star, 2 Stamen, 3 Screams, 4 Above, 5 Stolen, 6 Flipping, 12 Chopping, 14 Command, 16 Retain, 18 Tested, 19 Mends, 22 Rues.


Poppyscotland presents Sounds of ScotlandScotland’s best-known military band has launched a series of concerts, “Sounds of Scotland”, to raise funds for the nation’s best-known Armed Forces charity this autumn. Renowned for their performances at Holyrood Palace and the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, the talented musicians will be on tour led by Director of Music, Major Brenden Wheeler. The tour is a collaboration with renowned folk musician and songwriter Alan Brydon. All proceeds will raise vital funds to help us provide life-changing support for members of the Armed Forces community across Scotland. Howden Park Centre, 7.30pm, tickets £17/£14 via www. howdenparkcentre.co.uk


West Lothian Prostate Cancer Support GroupProvides help and support for men recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Next meeting, which includes guest speakers, is at 7.00pm on Thursday 17th October at Crofthead Community Centre, Livingston, EH54 6DG. All welcome.

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Publisher: Lothian Publications Ltd. Geddes House, Kirkton North, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6GU.

Magazine Design: Alan Stewart Design T: 07729 911858


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