Our charity feature this month is Sight Scotland Veterans, who have a fantastic purpose-built centre on the outskirts of Edinburgh, dedicated to helping veterans with sight loss. They are holding two open days at the beginning of March, to which the community is warmly invited to learn more about the activities they offer. The charity is also currently recruiting for some roles at the centre; see pages 8-9.
Despite the challenges faced on all sides at the moment, spring feels like a time of optimism - the unfailing return of buds and flowers often brings an energy to get things done. You’ll find in the pages of the Dell Directory all the local businesses you need to help with whatever project you have on, whether you’re looking to tackle some spring cleaning or home improvement projects, or emerging from hibernation yourself and looking to get healthier.
I hope you enjoy the magazine this month, thank you for reading the Dell Directory and supporting local businesses.
The Dell Directory is delivered monthly to 5,500 homes in the Colinton, Craiglockhart and Kingsknowe areas. It is also available online:
THE DELL | 3 @KonectMagazines
Local Charity: Sight Scotland Veterans .... 8 Health: Beware March ............................... 14 Ask your pharmacist 16 Health: Fears and Phobias ....................... 17 I food: Bread, glorious bread 20 Wine: Memorable Pairings 22 Recipe: Coffee and Amaretto Stack ....... 26 Local environment: A Viking Invasion 34 Lynne’s Column: Hats off to March 40 Puzzles.......................................................... 41 Walk: Red Road Ramble 42 What’s On 45 Clubs & Classes.......................................... 46
All enquiries, E: M: 07854 492638
COVER IMAGE: A Viking Invasion! - See our Local Environment feature on p34.
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Sight Scotland Veterans supports veterans living with significant sight loss, equipping them to rediscover and maintain their independence and to improve their quality of life.
The Linburn Centre in West Lothian provides a safe and welcoming space to re-engage in the local community, rebuild confidence and regain or maintain their independence. It is an activity hub and a warm, welcoming place that brings veterans together.
With a variety of activities and outings and set in beautiful grounds, the Centre offers the means and support to adapt to life with sight loss and try new things. Many veterans who attend the Centre say the things they do there and the connections they’ve made have transformed their lives.
Every day the Centre is abuzz with people making new connections, sharing stories and bonding over activities. Our friendly team have a range of skills and experience and can each bring their own specialisms to the table. Nestled on a beautiful rural estate with fully accessible garden areas adapted for people with sight loss, the building itself is modern and fully accessible.
A HUGE RANGE OF ACTIVITIES AND OUTINGS - Jacqui Salter, Deputy Centre Manager at the Linburn Centre, comments: “Each day our expert teams coordinate activities
for veterans to explore interests, reconnect with their passions, develop new skills and meet new friends in a safe, welcoming environment. You’ll always find someone happy to chat with and meet others going through similar experiences with sight loss.
“Our team is at the heart of everything that goes on at the Centre, whether they are supporting veterans to take part in archery or acoustic shooting, using the gym, making a bird table or bench in woodwork, arts and crafts, the list is really endless. We currently have some exciting job opportunities across at Sight Scotland Veterans. The Linburn Centre is recruiting for a Senior Centre Officer, an Activity Worker and a Driver. All of our roles not only offer a great opportunity to make a big difference to veterans’ lives, but also a chance to work in a fun, friendly and welcoming environment.”
The activities offered at the Linburn Centre include:
• Woodwork
• Arts and crafts
• Skills kitchen
• IT skills
• Sports hall and gymnasium
• Archery/Acoustic shooting
• Outdoor bowling green
• Gardens and greenhouse
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Sight Scotland Veterans: Supporting veterans with sight loss to explore new interests & reconnect with passions
Derek reconnects with his computer passion at Linburn
Derek, 58, has glaucoma and is supported by Sight Scotland Veterans. A keen gamer and computer whizz, Sight Scotland Veterans has introduced Derek to large button keyboards and technology to enable him to continue his hobby. A regular in the Linburn Centre’s IT suite, he’s even been exploring virtual reality worlds with the centre’s VR kit.
Derek, who served 15 years with the Royal Scots, said: “Before I started attending the centre I didn’t know about these assistive technologies and the range of equipment that was there to help people with sight loss access computers. “Computing had already been a hobby of mine, but my sight loss had very much been making it more difficult to do. It’s due to the centre that I have a large monitor now which really helps. The support of the centre’s IT instructor, Brian Wilson, has also been invaluable.
“I’m a big gamer, and with a large button keyboard I can keep on doing it. I was one of the first veterans to try the VR kit. It’s fantastic, it’s so realistic. It’s brilliant that we have the opportunity to try out activities like this at the centre and the staff are so good and supportive.”
The Linburn Centre is open to anyone who is a member of Sight Scotland Veterans. Joining Sight Scotland Veterans is free and membership is open to anyone living with sight loss who has served in the Armed Forces, including National Service. The Centre teams are dedicated to ensuring that veterans receive the support that they need. Along with the activities mentioned, they facilitate drop-in sessions from other Sight Scotland Veterans teams. For example, our rehabilitation team can provide support on how to adapt to life with sight loss, or our Financial Well-being Lead can provide information on what financial support may be available to veterans. The Centre team also work closely with our teams
Open Days at the Linburn Centre
Sight Scotland Veterans is inviting veterans impacted by sight loss and members of the public to come along and experience what the centre has to offer.
Wednesday 1st March 2.30pm-6.30pm and Saturday 4th March, 2.30pm-6.30pm. The Open Day will be packed full of information, activities, and workshops, aimed to show everyone what Sight Scotland Veterans has to offer.
• What the Linburn Centre has to offer
• Our activities – including archery, shooting, bowls, gym
• Workshops - arts and crafts, woodwork, virtual reality
• Learn more about Sight Scotland Veterans and what we do all over Scotland
• SSV services – including rehabilitation and mobility, independent living and our information line teams
• Recruitment – would you be interested in working for Sight Scotland Veterans? For more information on our Open Days please visit veterans or call 0800 035 6409.
working in veterans local communities who provide support in the home and in veterans local areas.
Many veterans who attend the Linburn Centre on a regular basis live in Edinburgh, Midlothian, West Lothian, and other surrounding commutable areas.
This article was contributed by Sight Scotland Veterans, charity number SC047192. The West Lothian Centre is The Linburn Centre, Louis Braille Avenue, Wilkieston EH27 8EJ.
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10 | THE DELL @KonectMagazines Tel: 0131 441 7999 Mob: 07738 006 781 E-mail: 34 Bridge Road Colinton, EH13 0LQ Plumbing Heating Joinery Gas Fitting Maintenance Servicing & Repairs Bathroom Design & Installation Specialists Landlord Gas Safety Checks Boiler Breakdown Cover We can offer 0% finance for your project* boiler cover plans from as little as £13.99 a month *We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN 947495. We are a credit broker and not a lender.
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THE DELL | 13 @KonectMagazines Be who you’ve always been... one of the lads At Care UK being one of the lads doesn’t stop when you make the journey into care. Bring your life with you to a place you can call home. If you’re considering care call 0333 060 5547. Trusted to care. Cairdean House, Colinton Lauder Lodge, Portobello Murrayside, Corstorphine
“Beware March”
“Beware the Ides of March.” Way back in 44 BC Julius Caesar was given this warning by a Soothsayer named Spurinna, who had predicted that Caesar’s life was in danger. At that time the word “Ides” simply referred to the first new moon of a given month, which usually fell between the 13th - 15th .
Sure enough, Spurinna was correct and Caesar was murdered by a group of Roman senators on the 15th of March. William Shakespeare used this line in his play Julius Caesar in 1601 and so it is still a well-known phrase today.
As Physiotherapists, we do not have the power to see into the future, but we can use evidence and statistics to make predictions. From this, our warning would be “beware March”, not just one particular day. Our busiest month of the year in clinic is March and this is due to an increase in people seeking help for back , shoulder or knee pain . One of the main culprits is gardening. The combination of improved weather and more daylight after a long winter often means that we overdo it.
Statistics tell us that we in the UK love our gardens with 27 million people gardening regularly, and we spent £18.6 billion on our gardens in 2021. Gardening improves our health by improving our cardiovascular fitness, increases muscle strength and flexibility and can ease stress.
Gardens are lovely places to be in and
we can get a great sense of satisfaction when the jobs are done and it looks superb. However, every year about 300,000 of us will have an injury in the garden severe enough to need hospital treatment, with the most common injuries being a fall (115,000) or a cut (19,000).
As well as gardening mishaps, there are common musculoskeletal injuries that we see in clinic resulting from overdoing things in the garden. These include back and neck pain, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and prepatellar bursitis. To help minimise these injuries, do take time to warm up before gardening - a brisk walk around the garden, marching on the spot, and swinging your arms forwards and backwards, will all to help prepare your body for the tasks ahead. Take care not to lift more than you can manage. Think about your position before you lift, weed or prune. Does it feel awkward? Is there a better position to be in? Most of all - pace yourself. Not every job needs done on the first day of gardening after a winter break, even although it is very tempting. Take a break when you need to and vary tasks so that you also vary the muscles used. For example, crouching to weed for 20 minutes then stand and prune for 20 minutes rather than spending 40 minutes in the same position.
Gardens are a tremendous source of joy but we have the spring and summer ahead to look forward to. A sensible return to gardening after the winter break will help avoid pain and injuryit’s no fun being another statistic!
The health column is contributed by McNaughton Physiogrange, Edinburgh
Recovery And Be yond
THE DELL | 15 @KonectMagazines Gillis Centre 100 Strathearn Road Edinburgh EH9 1BB 0131 337 5135 Make an appointment with us Relief from Back and Neck pain, Muscle Aches and Sports Related Injuries
Online booking now available Knowledgeable Experienced Friendly Physiotherapy Free Parking No GP referral required • Flexible Advertising • Advertisement Design • Access over 45,000 readers in SW Edinburgh & West Lothian THE DELL DIRECTORY
You may have noticed a gap in our pharmacy shelf for cough remedies –this is the situation in most pharmacies right now, clear evidence of the soaring numbers of patients suffering from severe coughs and related symptoms. Particularly for older patients a persistent, harsh cough is debilitating and very exhausting.
What can you do to help them, or help yourself, if you are in this situation? Rest and adequate fluid intake are key, with most coughs resolving in 21 days. A helpful home remedy is to inhale steam vapours of hot water. This must be done carefully, with the bowl of hot water on a solid surface, to avoid risk of spills and burns. Dissolving sea salt crystals in the water and having a towel over your head can make this treatment more effective.
Come and talk to us, describing the type of cough, so that we can help suggest the most effective syrup or cough pastilles to provide some relief.
Please always contact your GP if you have more severe symptoms such as chest pain, coughing blood or problems swallowing.
To avoid this virus in the first place, regular hand washing and a vitamin supplement or immune system booster, such as Echinacea or high dose Vitamin C, can help. We can advise which is most suitable.
You can consult our fully trained team, via the NHS Pharmacy First Plus Service, on general winter cold and flu symptoms.
16 | THE DELL @KonectMagazines
The Ask Your Pharmacist column is contributed by Juliette Paton, Superintendent Pharmacist, Colinton Village Pharmacy. ASK YOUR PHARMACIST Where has all the cough medicine gone? Join us online for more articles, updates, reader offers and more! THE DELL DIRECTORY
Are fears & phobias your health?
Since the pandemic there’ve been an abundance of headlines concerning increased waiting times for patients to be seen or treated on the NHS, due to the significant strain this has placed on the health system and its hard-working staff. Sadly, there have been tragic consequences of such delays for many people.
However, there’s also another significant factor that I’ve encountered within my practice, which has delayed people seeking or accessing the right treatment, and that is fears & phobias.
Whether it’s a routine trip to the dentist, a blood test, an MRI scan or a hospital procedure, I frequently come across people who’ve delayed
or even avoided altogether these important tests and check-ups because of their fears or phobias, causing them to live with unnecessary pain, discomfort or worry.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways in which I can help clients to tackle these concerns, and to give them back the confidence they need to take a positive and proactive approach to their health, which most importantly ensures that they get the appropriate medical attention or support, right when they need it most.
If you’ve been putting off that dental checkup or visit to the doctor because of your own worries or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch for a complimentary consultation, and take the first steps to overcoming your fears, and confidently supporting your health & wellbeing for a lifetime.
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This article was contributed by Sophie Louise, The Therapy Room, Woodhall Road, Colinton. See
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How much of your day has to do with food? Thinking about it, buying it, preparing it, fretting about the fats or carbs in it, savouring it, dealing with leftovers, daydreaming about more food … I realised a long time ago that I was fairly consumed with what I consumed! Some people eat to survive. For others, like me, thoughts of breakfast get us out of bed in the morning!
Bread, glorious bread
I’m passionate about good bread. I used to think I had my German ancestry to thank for the fact that I love everything from pretzels to pumpernickel to stollen. But then one day I was reflecting on the many different delicious breads that come from cultures all over the world. French baguettes and croissants; Italian ciabatta; bagels from Poland; Indian naan; Mexican tortillas; pitta from the Middle East; our own Scottish bannocks; and so many others. And I realised that my attachment to bread was not because of my heritage, but because I’m human.
Apparently bread has been around for some 14,000 years! Making bread and relying on it for survival meant humans did not have to constantly follow herds of animals for sustenance. Imagine the joy of the person who first made bread! “Just try this!” they said to their community. And after tentatively taking a bite, someone said, “Good! Now perhaps you could pass me the strawberry jam?”
The smell of freshly baked bread is irresistible. That’s why shops with bakeries pump the aroma around. That’s why estate agents recommend sellers bake bread before showing the property. Years ago my brother bought a bread making machine. When I came to visit, Steve said, “I will set it up tonight, and you’ll wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread!” I was so excited and couldn’t wait for the morning to come. But, sadly, I did not awaken to the tantalising smell of fresh bread. “What happened?” I asked. “Oh,” Steve sheepishly.
“I set it up, but forgot to hit the ‘on’ switch.”
These days many people avoid bread because of the carbohydrates; others have to look for glutenfree alternatives. However, bread, the “staff of life”, contains many essential nutrients – such as B vitamins, calcium and iron. In order to realise the benefits you have to read labels carefully, choosing products with the fewest ingredients and the least amount of additives and preservatives.
I try really hard to be careful about how much bread I consume. But I adore the stuff – so much so that when I was new to the UK I gave my first English friend a wonderful gift for her birthday: bread. “Look, Christine! I’ve made you some English muffins!” As ever, she was terribly polite. But I heard her little chuckle.
“What?” I asked. “Why are you laughing?”
“Well, Suz, we don’t call them English muffins here.”
“Really? What do you call them?”
“We just call them muffins.”
I thought about it a moment. Then it made sense. I guess I would have laughed if she told me she’d made me some “American hamburgers”.
IFOOD is contributed by Suzanne Green. Suzanne, is a freelance writer/editor. She is married to Andy and they have two adult daughters.
Recently my husband and I travelled to Iceland with friends. We were enticed by images of the famous Blue Lagoon, the chance to spot the Aurora Borealis and to explore a country neither of us had visited before.
What I hadn’t considered were the remarkable menu offerings and wine pairings. I expected menus with smoked fish and pickled herring; I wasn’t disappointed but surprised. The menu had whale, horse, puffin, reindeer and fermented shark!
The restaurants in Iceland are beautiful, the food is incredible and the wine lists were exciting (expensive!) and diverse. One memorable pairing was Icelandic scallop with and method traditional sparkling wine from Lake Garda, Italy. The pairing was perfect. The scallop, while very small, was rich and deep in flavour, quite different to the scallops from Scotland.
I did try the fermented shark - it was as terrible as it sounds! Traditionally washed down with a shot of Brennivin (to aid digestion and remove the foul taste) it was a memorable experience!
The monthly wine tasting column is contributed by Joanne Frette. Joanne lives in Juniper Green with her husband and three children. For wine recommendations, reviews and details of future tasting events, please go to
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Whether for an indulgent breakfast or brunch, teatime treat or afterdinner dessert, serve up pancakes with panache.
For the pancakes:
• 140g plain flour
• 1 tbsp cocoa powder
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 2 tbsp icing sugar
• 2 medium British Lion eggs
• 125ml milk
• 1 tbsp sunflower oil, for cooking the pancakes
For the filling:
• 3 tbsp amaretto
• 2 tsp instant coffee, plus extra to serve
• 3 tbsp icing sugar
• 250g mascarpone
• 300g raspberries
Serves 4
1. In a large jug, gently whisk together all the pancake ingredients (except the oil) until smooth. Leave to stand for 10 minutes.
2. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat and brush with oil. Pour in heaped tablespoons of pancake batter, spaced a few centimetres apart, fitting 3-4 in the pan. Cook for about a minute until bubbles appear on the surface, then flip or turn and cook for a further 30 seconds. Repeat with the remaining mixture to make about 20 pancakes in total.
3. In a large bowl mix together the coffee, amaretto and icing sugar. Add the mascarpone and whisk until thick.
4. Spread a heaped teaspoonful of the coffee mixture onto each pancake, and layer to create a small stack, adding a handful of raspberries to 2 layers in each stack. Top with a dollop of the coffee mixture and an extra raspberry, then dust with a little coffee. Serve straight away.
Eggs are a good source of protein and are packed with essential nutrients. For more inspiration, visit
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32 | THE DELL @KonectMagazines WEIR GAS SERVICES Former Scottish Gas engineer Tel: 07981 366 988 Central heating - service, repairs Gas fires, cookers, hobsinstallation, service & repairs General Plumbing services Garden taps, washing machines, dishwashers Landlord safety inspections email : Juniper Green Get in touch for a FREE Estimate: T: 07798 565 321 • E: GERRY AITKEN Painter & Decorator
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In December the rowan trees lining the streets of Balgreen were alive with redwing, fieldfare, and the wonderful waxwing. Throughout January, Sighthill has been the location of choice. These birds really do turn up in the most random and surprisingly urban places. Normally I’d prefer to be somewhere quiet to do a bit of bird watching but they have other ideas.
If you caught BBC Winterwatch last month you may have seen them featured as they raided the remaining berries on Calder Road. Who would’ve thought that the prime location for watching waxwings would’ve been the top deck of a bus.
It’s been great to see them calling Edinburgh home for so long this winter. Just look at that cool wee crest adorning their head and the brightly coloured waxy tips on their wings, which give them their name. What more can you ask for to brighten a dull day in January?
I hope you managed to see them, they tend to turn up in busy spots and it’s brilliant to see so many people engage with nature on their doorstep as they wonder why people are staring up in to the trees so intently.
To the waxwing: we wish you a safe journey back home for the summer and can’t wait to see you again soon. Thanks for bringing us so much joy!
This column is contributed by Clare Harte and Kate Stevenson, who grew up in Edinburgh and now live in West Lothian. Together they run Scottish Sisters Photography and travel around the country to watch and photograph amazing wildlife and scenic landscapes.
Follow them on Facebook: @ScottishSistersPhotography
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West Edinburgh has been host to an invasion of avian Scandanavian visitors over the last couple of months.
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Hats Off to March
I took my own advice last month in an effort to start the year as I mean to go on. Rather than guard my holidays like precious eggs in a nest, I took a few long weekends and used them for fun, life-affirming activities.
I had a lovely weekend with my sister where we visited old haunts and chatted into the wee small hours. We walked along the street we grew up in where my dad’s nameplate is still outside the tenement front door. We visited Harrison Park where we both played as children and walked along the canal bank to Fountainbridge, marvelling at how much it has all changed – no more brewery smell! We also met my brother and his friends for drinks and took a trip to the museum where we got interviewed by a lovely man who possibly regretted approaching us when he realised how much we had to say!
Memories come to life when we take nostalgic trips like this and sharing them with others who were there too is like finding someone else has the puzzle piece you’ve been scrambling around looking for in your brain. It felt so good to spend time with family and extended friends and served as a reminder of the importance of connection.
I also spent a fantastic evening singing karaoke with my lovely local mum chums. I won’t make any talent shows but my life is enriched with such a fun bunch around me and I’m very proud to be friends with someone who has a tambourine-related injury – you don’t see many of those!
There are more mundane things that I need to knuckle under and do and to that end I’ve been listening to The Declutter Hub Podcasts. I carry a lot of mental clutter in my head as well as physical clutter in my home and getting rid of “stuff” definitely helps to clear the mind.
I’m making slow but steady progress and am enjoying closing off unfinished tasks
along the way. When I spotted our local Co-op were selling Innocent smoothies with hats, I dug out my stash that I began knitting about 4 years ago. I had initially intended to knit 100 little hats but ran out of steam pretty soon when I remembered how poor my knitting skills were and they sat in a bag in a cupboard mentally categorised as “Unfinished – awaiting a rainy ray”.
In the spirit of de-cluttering, I Googled the address and sent off my 20 imperfect but complete hats - admittedly 80 short of my initial target but 20 more than I have sent off in previous years. All progress is good! It also gave me the title for this month’s column I’m looking forward to more mini-breaks and small wins this month so I’ll doff my cap to March in anticipation of what it will hold.
Lynne lives in Colinton with her husband and two children. She dreams of being a freelance writer when she grows up but mostly just avoids growing up!
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^^^ Solution in the April edition
ACROSS: 1. Unkempt (6), 4. Bogs (6), 9. Get better (7), 10. Command (5),11. Not dirty (5), 12. Rational (7), 13. Honourable (11), 18. Consistent (7), 20. Hoard (5), 22. Blockade (5), 23. Impartial (7), 24. Tasks (6), 25. Remained (6).
DOWN: 1. Swap (6), 2. Type of fruit (5), 3. Adult (5-2), 5. Incorrect (5), 6. Relating to healing (7), 7. Saunter (6), 8. Substitute (11),14. Apparent (7), 15. Reckon (7), 16. Cared for (6), 17. Shouted (6), 19. Overweight (5), 21. Transport (5).
^^^ Sudoku solution on page 45
THE DELL | 41 @KonectMagazines PUZZLES
There are various places to start this walk but if you want to take the bus into Balerno then the best place is the bus terminus on the corner of Cockburn Crescent and Mansefield Road.
Head away from the buses and along Mansefield Road in the direction of the Petland hills, but after only 0.2 miles you will see a turning on your left, signed Malleny Millgate.
Malleny Millgate is a lovely avenue lined with mature trees on both sides, with open fields to the right and enticing little woodland paths to the left. This road was once known as the Red Road - a name that dates back to the 1800s when there were no houses here and the road was surfaced with red shale.
Stroll along past some rather nice dwellings and you will eventually come to an old bridge over the Bavelaw Burn. It is quite relaxing just leaning on the bridge and watching the burn tumbling down. The bridge was built in 1805.
Continue over the bridge where the road becomes a rough track and up onto Harlaw Road where you turn left. As you walk down Harlaw Road you’ll see Harmeny Community Woodland on the left into which you can take a pleasant detour. If you look
carefully you can see a large carved wooden owl peering out from the trees.
A little further down the road, you might spot a wooded hill on the right which is locally known as ‘the tip’. It is a man made spoil heap made up of paper waste - left over from Balerno’s papermaking days.
Just after this is a turning into a housing estate - Harlaw Gait. At the end of this you’ll find a gateway onto to a cycle path and footpath signed Malleny Gardens. The terrain changes entirely at this point from suburban housing to woodlandknown as Sawpit Wood from the days when logs were sawn into planks in the ‘sawpits’ - you feel you could be far away from civilisation. A narrow path twists and turns through the wood with an open area in the middle until you come to a little wooden bridge of a burn and out onto the Lymphoy Road.
Turn left and walk down the lane with Malleny House and Gardens on the left
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- if you have time, the gardens are well worth a visit - and Currie Rugby Club on the right. Malleny Gardens are open daily from 10am and there is an entry fee of £3. Back onto Bavelaw Road, it’s a direct walk up to the bus terminus; you could pause on the way and get delicious refreshments at Carlyle’s Cafe
on the Main Street ( carlylesbarandkitchen).
The route is around two miles long and as much of the terrain is on tarmac it is relatively easy. Do watch out for vehicles and ensure you take note of your surroundings from the historical aspects relating to the paper-making days to the flora and fauna when you are on the more rural parts of the walk.
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MAIN IMAGE: Malleny House Gardens in summer
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Ravelrig RDA Book Sale - Gyle Shopping Centre, 10.00am to 5.00pm, in aid of Ravelrig RDA.
Colinton Primary Parent Council Spring Market - Colinton Primary School, 7:30pm-9:30pm. Craft and makers stalls, food and refreshments.
Farmers Market - Main Street, Balerno, 9.00am to 1.00pm
Coalie Conversations – Past, present and future of this unusual place - Caught between Bonnington and Leith, Coalie Park was transformed in the 80’s after a long and interesting history. Helen Brown and Sandie Boyle will be exploring the past, present and future of this neglected part of the river and walkway as we look to transform the space to make it better for people and wildlife. Illustrated talk at Water of Leith Visitor Centre, 24 Lanark Road,7.30pm – 9.00pm. Free to members, guests £4. Book via
Pop up Craft Sale - Charity Crafters - a local group making and selling craft to donate profits to charity - are having a “pop-up” sale at Currie library 10.30am until 2.00pm.
All meets are at Juniper Green Parish Church Hall, Lanark Road, 10.00am - 12 noon. New members welcome. Further details from our Club Sec. Leslie Hannaford 0131 453 3012 or
WEDNESDAY 1ST MARCH - "From S.P.S to N.H.S - Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire" - an illustrated talk by Moira Manson.
WEDNESDAY 15TH MARCH - "Working in front of the Newsroom Cameras", an illustrated talk by Laura McIver.
WEDNESDAY 5TH APRIL - "The History of the Royal Highland Show", an illustrated talk by Alain Wright.
ACROSS: 7. Vacant, 8. Operas, 9. Taxi, 10. Contrary, 11. Lighter, 13. Groat, 15. Often, 17. Parsley, 20. Freezing, 21. Rest, 23. Battle, 24. Impede.
DOWN: 1. Mama, 2. Vanish, 3. Stacked, 4. Joins, 5. Nearer, 6. Carriage, 12. Informal, 14. Bargain, 16. Elects, 18. Scrape, 19. Fixes, 22. Soda.
Disclaimer: The publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage caused by error in the printing of an advertisement. We do not endorse any advertisers in this publication. All material is accepted for publication on the understanding it is copyright free. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher.
Publisher: Lothian Publications Ltd. Geddes House, Kirkton North, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6GU.
Magazine Design:
Alan Stewart Design
M: 07729 911858
THE DELL | 45 @KonectMagazines
- Meets in Colinton Bowling Club every fortnight on Tuesdays at 7.15pm, until 18th April 2023 and resumes in September. Our aim is to improve members’ public speaking skills in a supportive atmosphere. Each evening has three prepared speeches of eight minutes, evaluated constructively by another member. Eight impromptu short speeches follow, also evaluated. New members will be made most welcome. Contact
LOCAL FLORAL ART CLUB - Sit back and enjoy relaxing evenings watching a floral demonstration with lively & interesting chat. You might even win one of the arrangements. Meet: Boroughmuir Rugby Club, Meggatland, off Colinton Road EH14 1AS. 7.30pm - 9.30pm on the 1st Monday of the month from October. Wine/tea/ coffee available.
Contact: Joyce Rutherford 0131 443 2536 or joyce.rutherford@
COUNTRY DANCE CLUB - We meet fortnightly from September to end of March/beginning of April in St. Cuthbert’s Episcopal Church Hall, Westgarth Avenue from 7.45 - 9.15. We have an excellent teacher and live music so come and join us, with or without a partner, you’ll be made very welcome. Tel: 07751186359 or 07483814988.
GROUP CLASSES - A great way to socialise and learn all the basic obedience tricks for your pup. Group classes take place in a puppy-proof garden at 2 Woodfield Park. It’s a block of 5 classes spread over 5 weeks. Classes take place on either Saturday or Sunday morning and last for 45 min. For more information visit or call 07366 464040
THE SWING CAFÉ - Colinton Parish Church, Dell Road, Colinton EH13 0JD. Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 4pm. Please come for breakfast (10am-12noon), lunch (12noon-2pm) or some delicious home baking (available all day). We also offer afternoon teas (2pm4pm), by pre-ordering on 07564 081472. There will be gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan and dairy-free options available. Under 12s are invited to enjoy a children's menu. Sit in or take away. We look forward to welcoming you.
DESTINATION JUDO @ CRAIGLOCKHART - Craiglockhart sports Centre. Wednesdays 3.45pm (5-8 year olds) and 4.30pm (9+ year olds). Judo is a dynamic sport based on a combination of balance, co-ordinationation and reaction. Most importantly judo helps children become more self aware, disciplined, and polite. Of course we teach all this in a fun way. For information please email or call 0131 467 9043.
SOCIETY - Want to know about local history?
- Keep up to date with latest news about the Lit on the Church website
Club members share their love of gardening, gardens and nature, and work together to preserve and add value to our quality of life here in south-west Edinburgh. Monthly members’ meetings on a Monday, plus outings and events.
For more information see:
E: membership@
LUNCHCLUB - Every Wednesday 1pm – 3pm, 3 courses £4. Spaces are limited, first come first served. Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre, 71 Firhill Drive, EH13 9EU. Please visit:
GROUP - Tuesdays, am session and pm session for two age groups (all under 5s). Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre, 71 Firhill Drive, EH13 9EU. Contact: Tel.: 0131 466 0678 or Email:
To include your Club or Class, please email details, up to 75 words, to EDITOR@KONECT.SCOT Not-for-profit groups are FREE. There is a small charge for businesses. See WWW.KONECT.SCOT for information.
@KonectMagazines 46 | THE DELL
OXGANGS NEIGHBOUR CENTRE CAFE 10.00am to 1.00pm. Bacon rolls, baked potatoes, toasties, specials, teas, coffees and cake. Sit in or takeaway.
THE DELL | 47 @KonectMagazines