MARCH 2015
FEATUREs Regal Radio - Behind the scenes at West Lothian’s community radio station Hooked on Huskies - West Lothian’s dog-sled team Jak Trueman - Fulfilling the dream s& Offer ers h c u o v cal from lo ses s e busin
plus local businesses, community information and more!
The community magazine for Livingston
M ess ag e f ro m the e d itor
s we look forward to Spring with lighter evenings starting at the end of this month, in this issue we take a look back at one slightly unusual winter activity in our main feature – it’s all about a Livingston-based team of huskies. We also learnt about West Lothian’s new local community radio station and, after tuning in a few times, went behind the scenes at their studio in the Regal Theatre, Bathgate – see the feature on page 22 and make sure you tune in and support them! We also wanted to pay our own tribute to Jak Trueman this month, and after speaking with Jak’s mum, our writer Suzanne Green has put together a piece about his legacy and moving forward with his dreams and his vision, see page 40. Business spotlights, music review and other regular columns are all here. If you’ve got something interesting and different going on that you’d like to share with the local community, do get in touch and we may be able to feature your story in an upcoming issue.
29th March 0100 clocks go forward 1 hour
Helen-Jane, Editor
Front cover: Snopeak, Livingston’s sled-dog team.
FEATUREs Hooked on Huskies Spotlight on Weather tight Regal Radio Jak’s Journey (continued)
08 20 22 40
REGULARS Thought for the Month Style Proper ty Matter s Music Review Technology Recipe
20 24 28 48 50 52
COMPETITIONS & PUZZLES Crossword Sudoku Kid’s Puzzles
46 46 54
COMMUNITY What’s on Useful Information Clubs & Classes
56 56 58
Advertising Enquiries JENNY THOMSON 07824 469266 CHARLENE GAFFNEY 07772 941899 Advert booking deadline: 10th of the month prior to print. Artwork/copy deadline: 13th of the month prior to print. The Konect Directory is delivered to 20,000 homes throughout Livingston, alternating between two areas of /KonectDirectory 10,000 homes each. Extra copies are also left at libraries, community centres, convenience stores, post offices and other locations throughout Livingston. @KonectDirectory
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By Yvonne MacMillan
The month of March sees the beginning of spring and brings to an end the dogsled racing season. To find out about the sport I catch up with a Livingston-based dog-sled team, and Ladywell resident, Ewan Robertson, who eats, sleeps and breathes Siberian Huskies and dogsled racing. Ewan and his wife, Bridget, have kept Siberian Huskies for 18 years. For them, daughter Kayleigh and many of their friends, Siberian Huskies are a way of life with a social circle all its own. An Openreach engineer and seasoned musher, Ewan’s been involved in dog-sled racing for 17 years, ever since joining the Scottish Siberian Husky Club and the Siberian Husky Club of Great Britain and meeting others who worked their dogs. “It’s the best way to exercise Sibes,” he says, “They’ve been bred for hundreds of years as working dogs.” The Siberian Husky is a breed he’s always liked and explains why. They’re independent animals but live as a group and work well together, they’re intelligent and tough with a desire to please. They have great stamina too, his dogs will happily run for 5 miles, and in the past he’s run teams for 10 plus miles. And they come wrapped in a duvet-like coat of two layers - a dense, soft undercoat and a rougher topcoat, designed to protect the breed in temperatures as low as -50 to -60°C, topped off with another distinctive trait - almond-shaped eyes, varying in colour from pale blue to dark blue, amber, green and brown. His dogs are named after the original, captive Sawtooth wolf pack in Yellowstone. Matomo is grey and white and his name means “He who Goes First” in Native American, the others are mainly dark dogs with marked faces (sometimes known as dirty-faced dogs) and their names are Wyakin
Ewan and another competitor on a passenger rig at a fund-raising event at Keilder Castle (meaning Spirit Guide), Chemukh (meaning Black), Piyip (meaning Boy) and Amani (meaning To Speak the Truth). The team’s name is SnoPeak and is Kennel Club registered. The 5 dogs (2 bitches and 3 dogs, age range sixyears-old to ten-years-old) run together in harness, pulling a 3-wheeled rig (looks like a tricycle without a seat) or a sled, depending on conditions. When competing, the idea is to get round the course in one piece in a reasonable time. There’s no lead dog in the team, says Ewan, all the dogs are trained to run in any harness position so that if a dog can’t run due to illness or injury, the impact on the team is limited. An X-back harness is used, plus a shedload of other equipment - collars, leads, team lines, stake-out lines and pins. And depending on the number of dogs you’re running, a scooter, mountain bike or 3 or 4-wheeled rig or sled if there’s snow, plus a quad or passenger rig for heavy training and a suitable vehicle for transporting the dogs and gear. Between October and March, Ewan and his welltravelled dogs compete in rallies the length and breadth of the UK. His favourite course, he tells me, is Bowland Trails just outside Blairgowrie, a good course and amazing views.
Husky Heroes - The 1925 serum run to the town of Nome, also known as the Great Race of Mercy, saw the safe delivery of diphtheria antitoxin by sled-dog relay across Alaska. Twenty mushers and 150 sled-dogs covered 674 miles (1,085 km) in five and a half days, in blizzards, across shifting ice, and in temperatures of -31C, saving the citizens of Nome and the surrounding communities from an epidemic. Balto, a Siberian Husky, led his team on the final leg. He became a national hero - a statue of him stands in New York City’s Central Park.
FEATURE around 1 mile per dog). The best conditions as far as Ewan’s concerned are around 2°C or below, because the dogs don’t heat up as quickly, so run faster and longer. Each team is allocated a start time. As the start time approaches, the four-legged competitors’ excitement levels go crazy like fans at a boy band concert. Desperate to run, the dogs work themselves up to a frenzy of barking, whining and howling, then suddenly the barking stops as the dogs are released and whoosh! Over 100kgs of DNA-fuelled dog power disappears down the trail. Top teams, says Ewan, exceed 25mph and average about 18 - 20mph over a four to six mile course.
Piyip and Matsi having a well-earned drink. At a rally, different classes of competition for a variety of breeds are on offer. Junior sections mean 8 -11 year-olds can run 1 dog and 12-15 year-olds can run 2 dogs. Most rallies attract at least 50 dog teams, and big events like The Siberian Husky Club of Great Britain’s annual rally over two days at Aviemore in January, attracted 250 mushers and 1,000 sled-dogs. Frustratingly but understandably, due to iced-over trails, racing on the second day was cancelled for the safety of both dogs and mushers. If the weather see-saws the other way, some Race Organisers will cancel rallies if temperatures go above 10°C, as it’s considered too warm for the dogs’ welfare.
“As the start time approaches, the four-legged competitors’ excitement levels go crazy like fans at a boy band concert.”
Mushers shout encouragement. They yell, “Hike on!“, and “Gee” to turn right, left is “Haw” and stop is “Woah”. No-one says “Mush!” except in the movies. How does he feel during a race? “Relaxed and calm. Just out on the trail with the team.” Has he had any narrow escapes? It’s certainly dangerous, he says, friends have broken bones and been knocked out but, touch wood, all he’s had are a few scratches, bruises and cuts. And future plans for the SnoPeak team? That’s easy, “Keep running the dogs as long as they are happy to,” says Ewan.
Ewan’s dog Matomo
The routine on a race day is always the same. An hour before the race the dogs are given a drink, so they’re properly hydrated, (they’ll be covering a distance of about four to six miles, on average
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WINDOWS & DOORS Interview: Ian McLeod Interview:
When Ian McLeod turns up to quote for your new windows, doors or home extension project, his name may ring a bell with you if you know anything about Scottish boxing. And yes, sure enough, the Ian McLeod now running Weathertight is the former professional boxing legend who was British No 1 in the eighties. Ian grew up in Livingston, and only discovered his boxing talent by accident; he walked in on a boxing match in Craigshill one day, along with some friends, and ended up doing some sparring for fun; the champion boxer he was up against couldn’t believe Ian had had no previous training – he was a natural. He took the sport up with enthusiasm and by the age of 16 became the youngest ever Scottish boxer competing at an international level - a record that still stands. So how do you get from being a professional boxer to running a home improvements business? It turns out that Ian served a carpentry apprenticeship as a young man - “although at that stage I wasn’t interested in it, I just wanted it over and done with as quickly as possible so I could get back to fighting” he says. It’s just as well someone made him go through with the apprenticeship though, as it meant he had another skill to fall back on when he left boxing. “I started off in sales, selling sheet materials,” he says, (and I reckon Ian is as much a born talker as he is a born fighter) “and moved on to set up a security company with my brother which we ran for many years.” He sold out around seven years ago and has been back in the home improvements business since. After working for a couple of other companies, he set up Weathertight, along with George Graham, and a team of fitters. He located a suitable site at Standhill Industrial Estate and set about building the showroom himself. Weathertight opened their doors for business in August last year. So what’s different about Weathertight? It’s a competitive market with a lot of businesses serving
Ian McLeod in the Weathertight showroom. the local area, how does Ian think he can make a difference? “It’s about having proper values. You don’t pay until you are happy with the work we have done, and so far we’ve not had a single unhappy customer. We have a premises here in Bathgate with a showroom that you can visit, so you know who we are and where to find us. You’ll be dealing with either George or myself, so you know where you stand. We come to your house, measure up and give you a quote, it is a simple as that. There is no hard sell where you can’t get us out of your kitchen until you have signed up, or any nonsense like that.” Besides doors and windows, Weathertight sell UPVC roofline, A rated boilers, sliding wardrobe doors and larger projects such as sun lounges and garage conversions. They also supply made to measure blinds - the finishing touches for your project. Ian has maintained his interest in boxing, participating in various charity fights, and taking part in the Commonwealth Games last year. He is planning to open a boxing gym in Livingston in the near future. It sounds intriguing but I couldn’t get the details out of him as the project is still under wraps, but his motivation is clear – to help local young people the way he was helped through boxing. “Boxing was my life from the day I walked into that ring in Craigshill until I retired at 30.” He wants to provide professional coaching using his network of contacts in the boxing profession, and pass on his skills. “Who knows, I may have been on the streets without that outlet. Maybe now I can help other young people.
Ian as professional lightweight boxing champion
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“The quickest way to be happy is to choose what you already have” Werner Erhard This year I have made a radical choice to not buy any new clothes! Yes, you might ask why, or are you mad! Many people spend their spare time shopping for new clothes, when the wardrobe is full of items unworn or forgotten about. So, my decision is to let go of shopping and be happy with what I have, and wear what I have. They say you wear 20% of what is in the wardrobe so I’m going to look out the other 80%. I don’t have a huge wardrobe full of clothes as you might be thinking, I’ve just realised that shopping is an addiction, a feeling of want and desire so I am noticing when the desire takes a grip and letting it go. My intention is to save the money I would normally spend and put it aside for a retreat next year and replacing shopping with spending more time in nature. I have already started to enjoy time walking and exploring areas of natural beauty in Scotland that I haven’t visited, enjoying the fresh air, exercise and seeing the natural beauty that is all around me. I am not sure if I will manage a whole year, it isn’t gong to be easy but If I manage I will be overjoyed, 6 months I will be pleased, I will let you know how it goes at the end of the year. Tina lives in Livingston and teaches yoga and meditation. Visit her website at
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Regal Radio With around 20 hours of live shows per week, West Lothian’s fledgling community radio station is already off to a flying start. Have you tuned in yet? Around 12 months ago, a Facebook message drew a few interested individuals to a Bathgate cafe to discuss developing a community radio. The upshot is a station broadcasting from a studio built by the enthusiasts themselves from recycled equipment and hard work in two small rooms on the top floor of the Bathgate Regal Theatre. I called in one Monday evening, when their regular Brothers In Soul show was being broadcast. There is a different live show every weekday evening, and a live show for 1.5 hours every morning. The rest of the time, prerecorded shows and music is broadcast 24/7. Their website states, “The main aim of Regal Radio is to bring you as much audio content about our area as possible, plus a varied mixture of music chosen by our enthusiastic presenters.” “Our first rule is to have a lot of fun!” explains Station Manager Steve Webster. Steve’s background is in the telecommunications and broadcasting industry so it falls to him to look after the technical health of the station and to keep it on air. The quality of the sound is a testament to the skill of the little team; they broadcast at a bitrate of 128kbps – on a par with most stations in the UK.
“The main aim of Regal Radio is to bring you as much audio content about our area as possible, plus a varied mixture of music chosen by our enthusiastic presenters.” A team of 11 individuals now operate the station, doing everything from presenting, interviewing and technical operations; only a few had any previous experience in broadcasting. Their aim is to develop from their current 20 hours of live shows per week to a full schedule including news and local interest talk-based content, “although,” adds Mike Kelly (lead presenter and trainer) “we’re less interested
Monday night - the management team plus Brothers in Soul. in broadcasting a generic hourly news update – which you can get anywhere – than in shows specifically relating to West Lothian and the people here. I’d rather concentrate on one significant piece of West Lothian news per day than an hourly repeat of the same news as everywhere else.” This sums up the motivation behind Regal Radio’s incredibly enthusiastic volunteers – orientated towards community service and wanting the station to be genuinely useful and interesting to West Lothian listeners, as well of course as playing a great selection of music and having fun in the process! They are developing more and more ideas from people keen to get involved to make programs with a local community flavour. The main limitation is the time availability of the volunteers for training more presenters and recording programs. The opportunity to be creative on a community radio brings a great sense of pride and achievement and it’s a great learning opportunity to improve public speaking, recording and technical skills. Tune in and you’ll be impressed at what the time, skills, energy and creativity of this small group of volunteers has created. Regal Radio can only be received with an Internet connection – go to or via the mobile phone radio app,
The Regal Radio studio has been put together from donated and recycled equipment; the sound quality is on a par with any commercial station.
The group is totally unfunded, and without the support of the Regal Theatre the radio couldn’t have happened. Besides hosting the studio free of charge, the Theatre has promoted the radio group and many other community arts start ups under The Regal Theatre’s umbrella. Bathgate is fortunate to have this unique art hub which hosts an impressive list of local groups, media activities, training, musical development, touring shows and the arts. Regal Radio have broadcast live shows from the theatre’s auditorium and hope to develop opportunities to do more of this to take productions on to the web. Sponsors, donations of equipment and suggestions for funding are being sought to take the station to the next level, and if you can help with any of these things they would love to hear from you. Contact Campbell Troup, Communications Manager on info@, tel 01506 632669 (answering machine) KONECT
Pink & Red clash SS’15 by India Neckel, Personal Stylist
A major colour mix this season is the light pink and the ruby red. Something I’m a big fan of and as you can see, so is Taylor Swift.
2. 8. 3.
You can’t really go wrong with this look, weather it’s for day or evening. As long as you stick to the colour pallet, you can play around with what garments work for you in each colour. If you have a light skin tone, I would go with red on top, so it doesn’t make you look too heavy on the bottom. If you have a darker skin tone, the opposite, keeping it cool on top and having the flash of colour below. All pieces featured are available at The Centre, Livingston. If you would like style advice or personal styling session Email Facebook Page IndiaNeckelPersonalStylist
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Award-winning! We were recently recognised by the property industry “Marketing Team of the Year” nationally.
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Fulfilling the dreams of my beautiful boy
Jak Trueman
by Suzanne Green
It’s hard to overestimate the impact made on local communities by 15-year-old Jak Trueman from Mid Calder. This young man, who last August learned that he had the rare form of cancer, Gammadelta T-cell lymphoma, was known and loved by so many people in the Calders, Livingston, Balerno and beyond! My daughter Julia met him, at St Mungo’s youth group, and I wish I’d had the same privilege. “Jak was an ordinary boy, but these last six months have defined him,” said Mark Traynor, Jak’s tuba tutor. And, as I’ve reviewed the past half year’s posts by Jak on his Facebook page, Jak’s Journey, soon to be renamed Jak’s Journey (continued), I have been touched by his positive outlook, his gratefulness to those who encouraged him and supported his fundraising efforts and his lovely smile. The posts describe Jak’s treatment, his good days and bad days. They detail the progress of Team Jak, the fundraising initiative he set up to help lymphoma and leukaemia patients (more than £65,000 has been raised so far). And they’re full of photos of his mum, Allison Barr, and sister Aimee, his girlfriend Hannah Boyd, his grandparents Walter and Ishbel Barr, and many others. There are photos of Jak with footballers who called in at the hospital to see the young Rangers fan, and photos of Jak and Hannah at their prom – organised by
West Calder High School two years early so that he could attend. He was due to have a bone marrow transplant in January. But, sadly, this plan had to be abandoned when doctors discovered that the cancer had spread. “When we knew Jak didn’t have long, I asked him what his wishes were,” Allison explained. “Right away he said, ‘I want you to be happy, Mum, and I want you to continue with Star Harmonies’.” Star Harmonies is primary teacher Allison’s Musical Theatre School. Jak’s sister, Aimee, tutors Singing, Dancing and Drama there, and Jak was Sound Engineer and helped backstage. It is open to children aged 5-18, and there are no auditions. “Every child can shine in some way,” says Allison. “We try to bring out the best in each one.” Jak, who was goalie for the Mid Calder Colts 99s, had wanted to gain qualifications and then teach football and other sports and act as a referee at Star Harmonies. Now that this is not possible, Allison’s goal is to see his wishes for Team Jak fulfilled. He was very definite about the need to establish the purpose-built “Jak’s Den” somewhere near Mid Calder, to be used by Star Harmonies as well as cancer patients. It will help not just cancer patients and their families, but also children and young people from West Lothian and beyond by providing:
Jak’s d en • Counselling rooms, and professionally trained counsellors, for the siblings and families of cancer patients and others • Loud room, for those who want to scream, shout or let off steam • Large hall for musical theatre and sports classes/parties • Music and drama rooms • Neutropenic café (with a football and fast car theme) for cancer patients who can’t risk infection • Ordinary café (with a music theme) • Outdoor football goals, a music sensory garden and quad bike tracks • Claw machine (filled with sweets)
Allison Barr with Walter Barr and Neil Alexander
In addition, Jak wanted funds to support continuing lymphoma/leukaemia research and to aid affected families. It was also his desire to assist the hospitals that had helped him. Allison says her family has been overwhelmed by the kindness and support of the local community, as well as many other people, some of whom were complete strangers. One day she received a phone call from Joanne Alexander, whose husband Neil is a Hearts star and ex Rangers’ goalie. “She asked me if Jak would want Neil to visit him,” says Allison. “I said yes, and this was the start of a great friendship between my son and Neil. One day Jak asked him to be the patron of his charity, and Neil agreed. I know that we gained more than a patron – Neil and Joanne will be our friends for life. “Of course, I am devastated at the loss of my lovely boy. “But I’m comforted by the fact that Jak’s fundraising will help other cancer patients. My son’s legacy will be to improve many, many lives.” To find out more, to donate or to help with fundraising, go to Learn more about Star Harmonies Musical Theatre at
Jak’s prom night
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Interiors feature
5 reasons why the free-standing bath is the choice of celebrities by ecko
What do Julianne Moore, Nicholas Cage and Sarah Jessica Parker all have in common apart from being fabulously wealthy and in the movie business? They all have sumptuous bathrooms and the focal point in every case is a luxurious free-standing bath. There’s something about a free-standing bath that exudes an air of opulence even if it is the simplest of designs. With that in mind EKCO brings you 5 reasons why the free-standing option is the bath of choice for many celebrities.
Traditional styling – Imagine a roll-top enamel bath with ornate claw feet and you have just conjured up the most popular image of the free standing version preferred by the likes of Christina Aguilera or Kate Winslet. This has been a firm favourite for the past few hundred years and blends in well with period features and lots of gold leaf. However it can contrast well with more modern and contemporary surroundings
Modern and contemporary – A free-standing bath doesn’t have to be traditional. The quirky SJP of Sex And The City fame has opted for a bath with a beautiful low and long eggshell design and single filler tap. The bath is centrally located and flanked by his and hers vanity basins. I wonder which one is Matthew Broderick’s?
Freedom of expression – The free-standing bath allows you to create a focal point and build around it. Julianne Moore for example converted the entire third floor of her townhouse into a bathroom which is light and airy with a bath in the centre and a marble fireplace to one side just in case she feels the need for some extra heat
The spacious choice – We all need some space from time to time and having your bath in the middle of the room gives you just that. Maybe you could do what Mariah Carey did and paint your ceiling blue with fluffy white clouds so you can drift away. Or is a ceiling mural similar to the Sistine Chapel more your thing?
Lap of luxury – People of a certain age will remember a TV ad for Imperial Leather soap in which the leading character and his wife are enjoying a soak in a freestanding tub when the good lady suggests that they should go to Bermuda. Her husband picks up the phone and says ‘Simon, Bermuda.’ Simon replies ‘Roger, Wilco’ and takes the private jet they are all in to a different destination. Well it’s not a private jet but Nicholas Cage has a bathroom which could have been plucked straight off a sumptuous ocean liner. His free-standing bath sits in the middle of a marble surround and is complemented by the same cream coloured materials around the walls. Some people really know how to live. I wonder if he uses Imperial Leather?
Many ideas, one solution At EKCO we’ve been supplying and installing top quality Pronorm German-built kitchens and bathrooms since 1999. We’re also one of Scotland’s top suppliers of Origin bi-fold doors which are designed to open fully and allow more fresh air into your home. And, if you need some extra space or simply a place to relax and unwind then we can create that lifestyle sunroom you have always dreamed of.
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Van Morrison is in his kitchen. by James Kerr, Regal Music Club
The kettle is boiling, and the radio is on. His ears perk up as he hears the DJ say “... and coming up next, it’s Van Morrison with...”.
1993, and finally “Precious Time”, 39 with a bullet in 1999. So, genuinely, “not brown eyed girl”.
His hands grip the edge of the sink as he lowers his head, staring intensely at his whitening knuckles as they fix the stainless steel ever tighter. He begins to mutter under his breath, faster and faster “Not brown eyed girl not brown eyed girl not brown eyed girl”. “...Brown eyed girl!” says the DJ.
This means that Jackie Wilson Said, Crazy Love, Wild Night, Bright Side Of The Road, or whatever selection you want to make did not trouble the UK charts. Bown Eyed Girl though was a top ten hit in the US, which perhaps now skews the perception of the song as a worldwide smash. Increasingly, even greatest hits albums are themselves cherry picked through streaming and download, with the familiar becoming more familiar and the broader material, of whatever quality, being ignored.
Radio play is, for the most part, governed by chart success. ‘Twas ever thus. In a 45 year solo career, Van Morrison has had precisely three UK top forty singles. The duet with Cliff “Whenever God Shines His Light” in 1989, a re-make of Them’s “Gloria” in
But what about that forty five year legacy of albums? No wonder Van gets grouchy when the mainstream media reduces him to that one afternoon behind the stadium, with his brown eyed girl.
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The top tech for 2015
1. Bragi’s The Dash wireless headphones and fitness monitors. 2. Oculus VR virtual reality headset. 3. Ninebot personal transporter. 4. Sony’s ultra-slim Sony Bravia
The tech you might be watching this year - if it isn’t watching you
Every year, the great and the good of technology travel to Las Vegas for the annual Consumer Electronics Show, CES. It’s where we see the top trends for the coming year and the tech firm’s best ideas. So what’s coming our way in 2015? TVs were big this year, literally: screen sizes are getting bigger and bigger, with resolutions increasing too: if you thought True HD was impressive, 4K Ultra HD offers twice the picture quality. Some firms are also trying to convince us that curved screens are the way forward, but so far such screens appear to be little more than a gimmick. We’re much more enthusiastic about firms using OLED (Organic LED) displays, which deliver amazing colours and deep blacks while using relatively tiny amounts of energy. Also on the TV front was Android TV, Google’s third attempt to take over our living rooms. All 2015 Sony Bravia TVs will have Android TV inside to deliver the usual Netflix and iPlayer services plus specially developed Android apps and games, and lots of other TV firms are making Android TV sets too and separate Android TV boxes too. The other big trend on show was fitness technology and wearable computing. Bragi’s “The Dash” manages to pack fitness tracking into a tiny pair of wireless headphones, and we saw endless fitness tracking bands and smartwatches from the likes of Withings and Sony. We even saw a smart belt:
3 Belty, which automatically adjusts its fit as your measurements change and which tells your phone whether you’re getting bigger or smaller. One of the oddest gadgets was the Belfie stick. You may have heard of Selfie Sticks, which enable you to take selfies by sticking your phone on a long pole and shooting yourself from a distance; the Belfie stick is an evolution of that idea, designed to take selfies showing your bum. If that makes you despair of the real world, why not try a virtual one instead? Virtual reality headsets were everywhere and 2015 should see the likes of the Facebook-owned Oculus VR, Sony’s Project Morpheus and similar sets from firms such as Microsoft taking gaming and movies into a new dimension. VR has been overhyped for years, but in 2015 it’ll actually start to deliver on its promises first for gamers but ultimately for everyone. Fancy a Facebook where you can actually see your friends when you talk to them? We saw lots of transportation ideas at CES this year, with Mercedes Benz showing off a particularly stunning self-driving car concept, but there were plenty of smaller transporters too. There was Onewheel, a skateboard with an electric-powered wheel in the middle and clever technology to keep you balanced; the GenZe, Inu and Ecoreco lightweight electric scooters; and the Ninebot, a “personal transportation robot” that looks like a shrunken Segway and which can travel 20Km at 20Km/h on a single charge. The devices differ in how they look and work, but they all have the same aim: to get us out of our cars and onto cleaner, more eco-friendly transport. Or you could always walk.
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Cookery Books By Anne Pinkerton
Cookery books are highly collectable. They are a source of daily information, social history and answers to the question “what shall we eat tonight?” Elizabeth David (personality writer and cook) left a library of 6000 volumes on food; I have a smaller collection, but the books give inspiration, recall past meals and aid in the daily business of cooking at home. Nowadays you hardly need any cook books with internet, magazines and information cards in the supermarket; tap in the food you have in the fridge and an app on your phone will suggest a dish. So why are there new books almost daily? What makes a good cook book and do you need one at all? Old books still have a point. You could live well on the food in the original Mrs Beaton published in 1861. Some of the instructions are for work we no longer even have to consider (keeping the fire in the range, cleaning pans with silver-sand), however recipes for biscuits, roasting meat and making salads are all relevant today. The instruction manuals for the early gas or electric cookers are still worth reading if only to make you
Lady Warner’s Green Tea Ice Cream From Vogue 1970 ½ pint milk 2 large eggs Sugar…. (No amount given but about 1 heaped tablespoon) 3 teaspoons powdered green tea ½ pint double cream
pleased with the efficiency of modern equipment. My grandmother’s Cannon Cookery Book, 1932, has a good and -from the stains on the paper - much used baking chapter. The Overnight Cake is a standby for me. “Learning to Cook the Girl Way,” published by the Gas Council in collaboration with Girl Comic (remember that?) in 1959, uses strip cartoons to instruct the reader in everything from Risotto and Cheese Soufflé to Meat Loaf. Liver-Sausage in Aspic and Cabbage Rose for “party snacks” may not be quite our style today! By the 1960s colour printing and photography was changing the look of cookery books. Developments in style are beautifully covered in “Food in Vogue” 1976 - Six Decades of Cooking and Entertaining. Vogue published top class food journalism and always used the most highly regarded writers of the day. So here we find Aldous Huxley, Robert Carrier, Elizabeth David and Jane Grigson, their work illustrated by fashion photographers Cecil Beaton, Norman Parkinson and Tessa Traeger. At the same time reference cookbooks were reinventing themselves. The French “bible” of food, La Rousse Gastronomique, was translated. The Constance Spry Cookery Book, Good House Keeping, Reader’s Digest and revised Mrs
Method - Heat the milk. Beat together the eggs, sugar and green tea and pour on the milk, stirring. Return the mixture to the pan and, without boiling, heat until custard coats the back of the wooden spoon. Cool, add the whipped cream. Cover and freeze. This reflects the style and assumed understanding of both the cook and the magazine reader; very Vogue. An elegant end to a smart meal.
Beaton were the mainstay of many kitchens. Personality writers were being popularised, the first of whom was Elizabeth David, who it is said changed the style of cooking from the dull, overcooked food of depressed post war Britain to the lively cuisine of the south. She and Jane Grigson, Julia Child, Margaret Costa, Katie Stewart and Delia Smith all published books designed to support people more interested in flavours and ingredients. They removed the mystery of complicated old methods and simplified classical dishes to meet modern tastes. Since then, we’ve met chefs/personalities with every style of cooking in studio setups and on camp fires in exotic travelogues. They’ve been filmed on bikes, boats, trains and any other transport editors can dream up. Competitive knock-out shows try to find new foodie talent. All have produced books. Some full of fabulous photos and good recipes; all beautifully produced. But they have not made us, as a nation, cook any more or better. Equipment such as microwave ovens or deep freezers have in a way permitted us to buy fantasy food whose hidden ingredients are making us fat and in some cases long-term ill. Some have tried really hard to influence food policy and worked on school and hospital food; Jamie Oliver is a hero for his efforts. Internet blogs are a good place to look-up ideas but you have to feel sure the writers know what they are doing before you spend cash and time on their ideas. Sainsburys’ replacement for Jamie, “Jack Monroe: cook, campaigner, Guardian columnist, mother, author etc” is down to earth and practical. Look her up at http:// My cookery heroes include Simon Hopkinson, Tessa Kiros, Lady Mclean, Delia and Raymond Blanc. But most of all I love the recipes on backs of envelopes and scraps of paper hand written by friends and relatives. We do need cook books to help us and I urge you to cook for yourself because when you do you know what you’re eating. The two recipes in this feature are from books mentioned above.
Overnight Cake from the Cannon Cookery Book 1930 250g flour 125g granulated sugar 70g butter 125 g mixed dried fruit 70g mixed peel 1 large egg Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda breakfast cup milk Method - Rub the butter into the flour till you have fine bread crumbs, add the sugar and fruit and mix in the beaten egg. Dissolve the bicarb and salt in the milk and add to the mixture. It should be sloppy. Leave in a cool place overnight. Next day bake in a slow oven, 120C, in a silicon paper lined cake tin for up to 2 1/2 hours. Test with a metal skewer after 2 hours. I love this cake and usually double the ingredients making a bigger cake! You can vary the proportions of fruit but need the same total weight.
First Aid in Action: ABOUT ME, ROBBIE MUNNIK
“I am a qualified Combat Medic in the Army Reserves, with a few extra qualifications to add to my portfolio. Using these skills, which range from dealing with battlefield trauma to man flu, I took the extra step to become a fully qualified First Aid at Work and AED Instructor. This is why First Aid in Action was born. First Aid in Action is a First Aid at Work and AED training company delivering quality life saving skills and techniques to companies and individuals who require it. As a dad I wanted to take the basic content from these courses to create a workshop where I could pass this knowledge and skills onto other parents or guardians. Kiddy Aid* is an informal workshop that was created from personal experience after taking our first child home and realising we had no idea what to do in the event of an emergency. From the simplest things like temperature thresholds, rashes, coughs, runny tummies and snotty noses – when is it normal and when is it time to ‘panic’? We’ve all been there, usually at 2 o’clock in the morning. Kiddy Aid is therefore a way to answer the questions you didn’t know you needed to ask or even just give reassurance that what you know is right.” *Please note that this is a workshop and not formal training and should not be used to assess or diagnose life threatening illnesses and injuries. The NHS24 should always be your first point of contact.
Would you know what to do if your child, family member or colleague was choking or had heart failure? All aspects of quality First Aid training delivered at affordable prices. Kiddy Aid workshop, for parents wanting to be in the know. Bulk discounts available. Workshops will be run according to demand and spaces will be limited. For more information on pricing or to book, please call or visit our website. 07805 684 793 |
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and Useful Information LIVINGSTON Saturday 21st March Livingston Highland Society Ceilidh Strathbrock Community Centre Broxburn, 7.30 – 11.15pm. Band & Guest(s) : Johnny Duncan Duo. Tickets £5 Bathgate Regal Community Theatre The Regal hosts an exciting programme of film, music, theatre, comedy and children’s events. See page opposite for upcoming events and website at www.bathgateregal. org for complete listing, and more information on some of the acts.
Opening times: Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 09.00 to 18.00 Tuesday & Thursday – 09.00 to 20.00 Saturday – 09.00 to 13.00 Graphic Novel group: 19th March – 6:00 to 7.30pm. All new members welcome. Book bug: 10th and 24th March – 2.00pm. Stories, songs and rhymes for preschool children and parents. Adult Book Group: 26th March 6.30 – 7.30pm. All new members welcome.
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Ladies Night at the Centre, Livingston A fabulous fun-filled, discount-packed, entertainmentstacked, one-night-only evening for the ladies. It’ll put spring ’15 firmly in your step. Pre-register for this event at See advert on page 11.
Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge, EH54 6NY Tel: 01506 777700. Email:
Sunday 29thMarch Jack and Jill Market Up to 45 stall bursting with quality nearly-new baby & kids toys, buggies, clothes, cots & more for 0-9 yrs! Adults £1.50 to come & shop or BOOK A STALL today, clear out and cash in! West Lothian College, Livingston. 10.30am – 1pm. www,
Howden Park Centre Howden Park Centre has a busy programme of events including live music, dance, theatre, workshops and exhibitions. See their website at for complete up to date listing or contact the box office: 01506 777666.
To include your event here, please email or call 07854 492638.
LIVINGSTON library information
Opening times: Monday & Friday – 09.00 to 18.00 Tuesday & Thursday – 09.00 to 20.00 Wednesday – 11.00 to 18.00 Saturday – 09.00 to 13.00 JUNIOR BOOK OF THE MONTH: No Room For a Baby Roo by Neil Griffiths. BABY ROO STORY TIME & CRAFT: Wed 11th March & 25th March 3.30pm. All story lovers welcome. LANTHORN BOOK BASHERS: Junior chatterbooks group. Thursday 12th March 6pm. New members welcome. ADULT BOOK GROUP: Thursday 26th March 6pm – reading this month Sophine Hannah Monogram Murders and J K Rowling Casual Vacancy. BOOK BUG SESSION: Tuesday 10.30 (check date with library) – Suitable for all under 3’s and their grown-ups, Fun Rhymes, Songs & Stories. Computer access is available to find out about Information Services, or simply research a hobby, stay in touch with friends or look for work. This service is available for free – simply drop into your local Library or phone to book a free slot High/low book collection High in interest but low in boredom - Dyslexia friendly reading collection now available to borrow from Library.
Almondbank Library Shiel House, Shiel Walk, Craigshill, EH54 5EH
Mar - Apr 15
The Regal hosts an exciting programme of film, music, theatre, comedy & children’s events.
March wed 4th fri 6th Sat 7th fri 13th Sat 14th wed 18th thu 19th fri 20th Sat 21St fri 27th Sat 28th
The InvIsIble WoMan - FIlM (2013) regal rocks scoTTIsh opera - opera hIghlIghTs paranorMal InvesTIgaTIon ac/Dc TrIbuTe The lunchbox - FIlM (2013) The regal shoWcase carol Mcgee MeDIuM bIg YIn revIsITeD & Fankle Weslo coMeDY nIghT ssW WresTlIng
7.30pm £4 7.30pm £4 7.30pm £11 / £5 9pm-3am £30 7.30pm £15 7.30pm £4 7.30pm £10 7.30pm £16 7.30pm £10 7.30pm £10 7.00pm £10 / £5
aprIl wed 1St fri 3rd Sat 4th thu 9th fri 10th Sat 11th Mon 13th fri 17th
prIDe - FIlM (2014) neW JerseY boYs paula sWarbrIck - psYchIc MeDIuM roY orbIson regal rocks FreDDIe sTarr a nIghT oF DIrTY DancIng MeeT The McDougalls
7.30pm £4 7.30pm £15 7.30pm £10 7.30pm £20 7.30pm £4 7.30pm £25 7.30pm £20/ £18.50 1pm £8 / £6.50
See website at for complete up to date listings and booking. box oFFIce is open 10-2pm weekdays and 1 hour before evening shows. ring 01506 630 085 and leave a message. 24-34 north Bridge Street, Bathgate, eh48 4PS KONECT
clubs & classes
Sports, Hobbies, Learning, Support Groups & more... Jog Scotland Jog Scotland groups around Livingston aim to get people outdoors and get fit whilst meeting new friends. There are groups suitable for beginners to advanced at different locations and times around Livingston. Check out
MS Society afternoon meetings Group meeting in the afternoons once per month at Dobbies, for those who can’t make the evening meeting. Support group to help people with MS, emotional, financial difficulties and to signpost them to legal and other help. Call Alison Ritchie on 01506 201439 or email for more details and the date of this month’s meeting.
Lothian Running Club We welcome runners of any standard. We believe that running clubs are not just for the elite (although we will let fast people join too). Suitable for all ages and we have a junior section from age 6. Training sessions in and around Livingston, meet at Inveralmond High, Craigswood Sports Centre and Dechmont Law car park. For more info see website
West Lothian Clarion Cycling club - Our aim is to help cyclists plan and reach their own goals through training with, and seeking advice and support from fellow club members. Weekly club runs leave from Linlithgow Leisure Centre and East Calder Sports Centre. See www. or email secretary@westlothianclarion.
Firefly Arts Firefly Arts provide fun and friendly theatre, film and drama workshops for children and young people (5 to 25 years) in venues across West Lothian. Call 08447 744496 or email admin@ for more information on our current programme. Firefly Arts Ltd, Howden Park Centre, Livingston, EH54 6AE www. email
CRAIGSHILL New Town Roller Girls Roller Derby team, meeting 9-10pm on Wednesdays at Craigswood Xcite. New members welcome, contact us via our Facebook page or email Please contact us before coming to your first session so that we can sort equipment for you.
West Lothian Rhythmic Gymnastics Club Craigwillow Centre, Craigshill, EH54 5LU. Rhythmic is gymnastics with rope, hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon. We welcome all girls from 5 -18 year old, from beginners to Elite level. For more information contact Liz McNeill – 01506 434789 or 07710 472213.
Craigshill Good Neighbour Network Practical help, social and volunteering opportunities to socially isolated people of all ages in Craigshill and South Howden. Lunch club, Tuesday social club, optional transport to and from clubs, outings and befriending. Almondbank Centre. Tel 01506 435851.
Lodge Almondale Social Club Our Social Club convenor cordially invites all members, associate members and their guests to visit our social club. The Social Club is open every evening and Saturday afternoon (except Sunday and meeting nights) with Live Music, Dancing and Bingo every Saturday evening and Bingo every Wednesday evening. Non members welcome. Masonic Hall, Craigshill Rd East, Livingston EH54 5DT Tel: 01506 439418.
Trampoline Classes for children Craigwillow Centre, Craigshill 6 years + . Please call 01506 412314 for more info.
Craigshill Thistle u15’s
Meets on the first Tuesday of each month, in the Ability Centre, Carmondean, Livingston, from 7pm-9pm. Further details and information, contact Nan McDonald tel: 01506 655739.
Training Tues 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm at Craigsfarm in Craigshill 3g pitch. Friday at Craigswood sports centre playing fields 6.30pm 8.00pm weather permitting (if weather is bad Friday’s training is held at Craigsfarm 7.30 - 8.30 pm). For further details contact Mark on 07951 528398.
West Lothian 50 Plus Network
Parents Together West Lothian
West Lothian Breast Cancer Support Group
New members always welcome for social, educational, recreational and cultural activities. Monthly meet-ups, visits and day trips. Over 25 different activity groups, including arts, crafts, walking, theatre etc. See or call 01506 635510. Office hours Mon - Fri 10am - 2pm.
The Livingston Players Amateur theatre company always pleased to welcome new members with or without experience. For more information please contact Carol, Membership Secretary, on 01506 881398 or see
Support group for families with child on the Autism Spectrum. Meet up once a month for a chat and a coffee, regular guest speakers. First Thursday of each month (during school term). For more information contact
New Town Entertainers Rehearse at Craigsfarm on Mon and Wed from 7pm for annual pantomime production. Open to anyone over 14 yrs. Membership is £10 adults and £5 under 18s. For more information please contact Jan Dignon on 01506 431803.
Livingston FC League players and juniors, social and corporate events. Almondvale Stadium telephone 01506 417000 or see
Livingston Speakers Toastmasters Club A fun & friendly way to improve your Communication & Leadership skills. Our meetings are always entertaining and educational. We meet at West Lothian College, Livingston. Alternate Thursdays 7:15pm to 9:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and find out more. For more info see LivingstonSpeakers
DEANS 13th West Lothian Scouts Deans Community Hall Beavers: 6 - 8 years. Tues 6.30 - 7.30pm Cubs: 8 - 10 years. Thurs 6.30 - 8.00pm Scouts: 10 -14 years. Thurs 7.00 – 9.00 We are also looking for new leaders or helpers to help out on the nights. All are welcome. Please contact Steven Graham steven_ or by phone 07786638442 or 1506 630360 after 6.30pm. KONECT
Yoga for people with health conditions Ability Centre, Carmondean Centre Road. Wednesdays 1.152.30pm. Call Joanna on 07436 102726 for more information.
Livingston Station Playgroup Livingston Station Community Centre. Spaces available for 2 – 5 yr olds. Mon-Thurs 9.30-11.50am, Fri 9.15-11.30am. £4 per day plus £1 per wk for healthy snack. Contact us on 07954 044260 to place your child’s name on our waiting list or see us on facebook for more info.
Deans Community High School Playgroup Care and education for children from 2 years 6 months. Dean Community High School, Eastwood Park, Livingston. Mon-Fri 9.10am – 11.10 am term time. £20/week, or flexible days at £4/ session (min of 3 per week). For more information please phone Claire or Lesley on 01506 282155 and ask for playgroup between 8.45am and 12.15pm, or pop in any time for a visit.
Yoga Carmondean Community Centre. Tuesdays 6:30-7:30. Please contact Tina on 07834 970 409 or email See
DEDRIDGE Space Academy Children’s Club Monthly club for primary aged children held on the last Friday of each month from 1.30-3.30pm at the Lanthorn Community Centre. Games, stories, songs, science, crafts, cooking and more – free of charge. Visit or call 07861 455121 for more information.
JYHS Badminton Club At James Young High School on Saturdays. Open to school children in the Livingston area of any age or ability. Primary School age (P1P7) 9am - l0am. High School age (S1-S6) l0am - 11am Contact: Ann (01506 438717) or Joyce (01506 462430)
Dedridge Spiritualist Church Crofthead Community Centre, Templer Rise. Wednesdays 7.30pm. We are one of the oldest running spiritualist church in Livingston. We have been serving the community since 1985. We have a different medium every week. No admission fee. Find us on Facebook and
Livingston Camera Club
A group of amateur musicians who meet for regular practise sessions in Deans and play for local events. New members always welcome. Must be able to read music and not suitable for complete beginners. Fiddle/accordion or any other instrument considered. Venue - St Andrews Church Hall, Deans, Livingston. Time: most Wednesdays 7.30-9.30pm. Contact secretary: eric@ Tel 01506 654 189.
Crofthead Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge. We meet every Monday evening at 7:15pm - 9:30pm. All welcome. Annual subscription £25, weekly attendance £2.50 (concessions available). Annual programme of visiting speakers, members digital, print & AV evenings, internal & external competitions, tutorials and outings. The central aim of the club is to encourage individual members to share ideas, knowledge and experience, and develop their photographic skills. Email – Facebook – twitter –
Pilates for people with health conditions
Baby and Toddler
Livingston Station Community Centre. Fridays 10.30-11.30am. Call Joanna on 07436 102726 for more information.
0-5 years - Wednes days 9:15-11:15 am.
Pottery Classes
Friendly community café with homebaking and refreshments Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30-12. Dedridge Baptist Church, Quentin Rise. Contact 01506 415837
Livingston Fiddlers
Deans community High - Eastwood Park, Livingston, EH54 8PS. ILA approved. Wed 7pm-9pm, Fri 10am-12pm. Adults classes – please contact Kim for late entry. Tutor Kim McCulloch. To join or for more information please contact DCHS 01506 282155 or Kim 07836 332165 or email
Diabetes UK West Lothian Voluntary Group Regular group meetings are held on 1st Wednesday of each month (not January) at 7-9pm at Inveralmond Community High School, Willowbank, Ladywell Livingston. For more info contact may@ or by phone 01506 834 877 Mob: 07708 919 064. www. We also have Facebook and Twitter pages.
Lothians MS Support Group Open to anyone living with Multiple Sclerosis, family & friends. Informal fortnightly meetings for support, information and activities. Membership and meetings free. For more info and for dates of this month’s fortnightly meetings, contact Val on or call 01506 201107. Fortnightly meetings are at the Ability Centre, Livingston, EH54 8PT on a Tueday 7pm–8.30pm.
Deans Art Club New Deans Community Building. Tuesdays 7 – 9pm. Beginners welcome. We are a friendly class, £2 per adult per week, paints provided. For more information please call Jim Tripney on 01506 418838.
Kiddies Corner Carmondean Community Centre. For Preschool Children. Tues 9.00am – 12 noon. Child minders available Mon & Wed 9.00am – 12 noon. For more info tel 01506 439568. KONECT
Café Connect
The Lanthorn Toddlers Group – Music Makers Meets on Mondays in the Lanthorn Community Complex, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge. From 9:45 to 10:45 - £1 per session
The Lanthorn Toddlers Group – Parent & Toddlers Meets on Fridays in the Lanthorn Community Complex, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge From 10:00am to 12 noon. Snack provided - £1 per session. Contact Susanne Brunton at Or find us on Facebook Lanthorn Toddler Group.
Dementia Café For those suffering with dementia and their carers. 1st Wednesday of the month 2pm-3:30pm. Dedridge Baptist Church, Quentin Rise. Contact 01506 415837
Lunch Club 12:30pm every Thursday for any over 60s. Dedridge Baptist Church, Quentin Rise. Contact 01506 41583
Bump and Baby Group Dedridge Baptist Church. For precrawling babies and their carers - Mondays 9:30-11. Come and have a cuppa and a natter with other new and expecting parents while your little one enjoys themselves.
Penumbra Unit 20 Grampian Court, Beverige Square, Dedridge. Every fortnight from 14 March 2012. For anyone experiencing mental health problems : the group can help people who need information on illnesses, understanding from others in similar situations or even just a chat to get out of the house. For more information contact: or 07854 316139
clubs & classes Crofthead Hickory House Playgroup Crofthead Community Education Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge, EH54 6DG. For children 2-3 years. Mon-Fri 9.15-11.15am term time. £4.50/day includes healthy snack. For more info call 01506 467650, email or visit
Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society (LaDARS)
HOWDEN GOSH - Group Ostomy Self Help
Full amateur radio station at the club operating on the High Frequency and VHF bands. Crofthead Farm Community Education Centre, Crofthead Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge, Tuesdays 7-9 pm. Training can be provided to achieve all levels of the amateur license by fully accredited assessors and trainers. Happy to assist with your radio and electronics projects or just to get you started with amateur radio as a hobby. Come along and speak to the world. See our website or just come along on any Tuesday.
Led by volunteers, we are there to help, advise, encourage and discuss problems which may arise in the management of members’ Stoma, from time to time. Members can exchange views on how they manage their Stoma, and beginners can pick up tips on the best way other Ostomists have found to solve problems. Remember, you are not alone. We meet in St. Johns Hospital at 7.30pm on the last Wednesday of each month in OPD4. All Ostomists and their partner/friend are invited. For more info contact Alistair on 01506-822695.
Brighter Days
29th West Lothian Scout Group
Support group for families living with ADHD and assosciated disorders. The group meets once a fortnight on a Thursday at Crofthead Centre, Templar Rise, Dedridge 7 – 9pm. For more info see or email brighter_days@rocketmail. com. Kids club coming soon - every Saturday weekly for children. Activities available will include arts, crafts and music.
Parent and Toddler Group Dedridge Baptist Church, Quentin Rise. Tues: 12.30 – 2.30pm & Wed: 9.15 – 11.15am. £1.00 0 – 5 years old. Tel 01506 203683 Craft, snack (lunch on Tuesdays), sports, outings & visitors
1st Livingston Girls Brigade Company The Lanthorn Community Complex, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge. Meet on Wednesday evenings. Explorers (P1-3) 6.15pm till 7.15pm. Juniors (P4-7) 7.15pm till 8.30pm. Brigaders (S1+) 7.15pm till 8.45pm. For further information email or phone Holly Morrison on 01506 420225.
5th Livingston Boys’ Brigade Thursdays in the Lanthorn Community Complex, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge. Anchor Section P1-P3 meet 6:30 to 7:45pm. Junior Section P4-P6 from 6:30-8:00pm. Company Section P7 to 18 years from 7:30 to 9:45pm. For further information contact Stuart Dalgleish 01506 440303 or email
Livingston South Community Church We are situated in the south of the town. Everyone welcome. Alternating venues for Sunday worship: Sunday 30th June 2013 - Lanthorn, Kenilworth Rise, Dedridge. Sunday 7th July 2013 Murieston Community Hall, Murieston, and alternately thereafter. All services commence at 10am. Check us out on Facebook or e-mail Charity number is SC044088.
Lanthorn Readers Lanthorn Library, Dedridge. Informal and relaxed reading group. Free. Group meets monthly and is an ideal way to have some fun and lively discussion over tea/coffee & biscuits. New members always welcome. Please contact 01506 777700 or lanthorn.lib@
ELIBURN 14th West Lothian Scout Troop Peel Primary School. Girls and boys. Beavers (6-8yrs) Mon 6.15-7.15pm, Scouts (10-14yrs) Mon 7.30-9pm, Cubs (8-10yrs). Thurs 6.30-8pm £20/£25 per session, 3 sessions per year. Contact Mary Tel 01506 416620.
Sunshine Break, SPPA (Scottish Pre-School Play Association) Group Eliburn Community Centre, Peel Primary School Toddlers, Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9.00 – 11.00am
After school club for Primary 1-7, Mon – Thur 3.15 – 6.00pm, Fri 12.30 – 6.00pm, during school holidays 8.30am – 5.30pm. Tel 01506 415492.
Community Wing, Toronto Primary Schoo. Cubs Mon 6.30-8.00pm, Beavers Wed 6.30-7.30pm, Scouts Wed 7.30-9.00pm Tel 01506 441852
14th Livingston Rainbows Community Wing of Toronto Primary School. Tuesdays 6.30 - 7.45 pm. Girls 5 years old and attending school. Tel: Rainbow Guide Leader on 07532 182197
Braid House Day Centre Labrador Avenue, Howden. Social activities for older members of the community. Bowling, art, music. Drop-in service for people who can make their own way to Braid House and can have lunch and join in a range of activities. Cost £5. For more info contact 01506 430615 or see
Livingston Art Association Howden Park Centre. Day and evening classes in painting and pottery for all levels. For more details call 01506 440449 email or see
14th Livingston Guides Community Wing, Toronto Primary School.Tues 7.30 – 9.00pm, All girls aged 10 years upwards, £17 per term. Tel 01506 418285
KNIGHTSRIDGE Messy Church Monthly time of craft, celebration and food for all the family held on the first Sunday of each month from 4-6pm at Mosswood Community Centre. Free of charge, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Visit or call 07861 455121 for more information.
Baby/Toddler Stories and Singing Sessions Knightsridge Early Years Centre, Cameron Way. Mon, Tues, Thur: 09.15 – 11.15am or 12.45 – 2.45pm – “In Betweenies” Wed: 1.00 – 2.00pm – “Baby Peet” - stories and singing, baby/ toddler drop in 1.00 – 3.30pm. For more info tel 01506 444970
LADYWELL West Lothian Diabetes UK Group Inveralmond Community High School, Ladywell, EH54 6HW Meet monthly on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm. See
Fitsteps - Get fit ‘Strictly style!’ Ballroom and Latin dance fitness class- no partner required. Wednesday 6.15-7.00pm, Inveralmond Community High School £4.00. Wednesday 7.30-8.15pm, St Mary’s Hall, Bathgate - £4.00 Thursday 7.30-8.15pm - Currie Community High School - £4.50 Classes start week beg 6th Jan 2014. For more info contact Lianne KONECT
on 07737 927463. Email:, Like us on facebook
Rosebery Centre for Dementia Care Day care for people with all types of dementia. Stimulating activities, counselling and training and support groups for carers. Volunteers always required. Tel: Nancy on 497046. Email: info@ Website:
Almond Valley Baptist Church A Church for you and your Family! Sunday School and Worship services starting at 11am. Meeting at the Newyearfield Farm Community Centre on Hawkbrae in Livingston. Contact phone number 07946 835037 or email at
Rise, Dedridge. Sunday 7th July 2013 - Murieston Community Hall, Murieston and alternately thereafter. All services commence at 10am. Everyone welcome, check us out on Facebook or e-mail Charity number is SC044088.
Livingston Cricket Club Cricket fixtures as well as a busy social calendar. See http:// or tel 07799 025795
OTHER AREAS Livingston United Parish Church
Forrestbank Community Centre. A varied programme of educational games, art & drawing, children 5-9yrs. Mon 6.00 7.45pm £1 per week – term time only. Tel 01506 430035
Meets on Sundays at Nether Dechmont Community Centre, Fells Rigg. 8.45 – Eucharist. 9.30 – All-age Worship. 10.00 – Children’s Group, Discussion Group and Coffee Bar. 11.00 – Traditional Service. Transport can be provided – call 07806 628506 to arrange. Also meets on Thursdays at Lanthorn Community Centre, Dedridge, at 10.15am for Holy Communion.
Ladywell Neighbourhood Network
Livingston Highland Society
Kids Club
28 Heatherbank, Ladywell. Community services in Ladywell, a range of social groups including craft, lunch club, fitness. Befriending service and much more. For more information call 01506 437746 or see
Ladywell Star Community Football Club Inveralmond Community High School. A range of teams and fixtures. See
SPPA (Scottish Pre-School Play Association) Group Newyearfield Farm. Toddlers Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 09.30 – 11.30am. Tel 01506 462458
Monthly ceilidhs on a Saturday between October and April. Each month we have a different band and guest artist. New venue Strathbrock Community Centre, Broxburn (previously at Lanthorn Complex). £5 each, new members welcome, contact John Sneddon 01501 770911 for dates and more details.
To include your club or class, email details to Charity and not-for-profit groups are free, there is a small charge for other listings. See our website for details.
Physiotherapist Led Pilates Classes Danz 4 u studio, Centrex House, Kirkton Campus. Fridays, 1011am. All bookings online: Email: Tel: 07415426228
Livingston Village Playgroup
Solution to Feb Crossword Across: 7 Vacant, 8 Operas, 9 Taxi, 10 Contrary, 11 Lighter, 13 Groat, 15 Often, 17 Parsley, 20 Freezing, 21 Rest, 23 Battle, 24 Impede. Down: 1 Mama, 2 Vanish, 3 Stacked, 4 Joins, 5 Nearer, 6 Carriage, 12 Informal, 14 Bargain, 16 Elects, 18 Scrape, 19 Fixes, 22 Soda.
Livingston Village Primary School, Kirkton Road North, Livingston Village. For children 2yrs 3 months to 5 years. 9.30 - 11.30am Mon - Fri, £4/session including snack. Child can attend between 2 & 5 sessions a week. For more information please contact the placement secretary 01506 417343.
Livingston Village Parent and Toddler Group Livingston Village Primary School, Community Room 2. Mondays & Wednesdays 9-11am. For babies and children aged 0-5 years accompanied by an adult. £1 per family. Term-time only. For more information email or visit www.
MURIESTON Livingston Walking Group Looking for Fitness Friendship and Fun! Meeting on Wednesday afternoons 2-4pm ending the walk with tea and cake and a good blether! Contact Penny Clark to join
Solution to Sudoku Page 46
Bankton Mains Bowling Club Free Coaching Lessons for both Adult and Junior bowlers. Junior Coaching is on every Tuesday 5pm till 6pm and Sunday 11am till 12am for children aged 8 till 16 years old. Memberships available now for Full, Family, Social, and Junior members. Special deal for Family Membership. Hire of the function hall available. For more info go our website at or phone 01506 460233.
Livingston South Community Church We are situated in the south of the town. Alternating venues for Sunday worship: Sunday 30th June 2013 - Lanthorn, Kenilworth KONECT
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Accountant/Bookkeeping AKT Bookkeeping Aerials Aerial Man Bathrooms 1st Choice Living Bathgate Bathroom Studio Ekco Shower Boards Scotland Beauty The Toning & Beauty Clinic Building Services Almond Building Company Building Surveyor David Hastings Cafe The Coffee Cup Cafe Car Bodywork Car Medic Chips Away Car Sales Peoples Ford Car Service / Repair Finishing Touch LVS Garage Services M & S Auto Solutions P & M Car Repairs Protek Pumpherston Autocentre Carpet Cleaning Aquatec Hydro-Kleen Cattery Ali Cats Cattery Charity Action Group Charity/Furniture shop British Heart Foundation Children’s Nursery First Class Nursery Chiropodist Livingston Chiropody & Podiatry Cleaning Services C and W Cleaning Services Clean Bee Domestic Cleaning Ltd Cleaning and Maintenance Cleaning Doctor (Alistair) Donald Does It All Strata Cleaning Limited Complimentary Therapies Little Whispers Sanctuary Computer Repairs Sprint Computers Dentist Bankton Dental Practice No 9 Dental Distribution The Leaflet Lady Dog Grooming Animal Magic Morven’s Dog Grooming Double Glazing DC Double Glazing Red Hot Windows Dressmaking / Alterations Katrin Design
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Plasterer Nu Walls Plumbing Services Almondvale Plumbing & Heating Services BJ Fleming EPH Livingston Plumbing Company Printing KABOOM! Property Maintenance Cleaning and Maintenance Restaurant Hilcroft Hotel Roofing McCulloch Roofing Security Services i Fire - Fire & Security Shopping Centre The Centre Livingston Soft Furnishing Style Rite Blinds Swimming Classes Swim IT Ltd Tattoo Removal Tatta Ltd Taxi Lothian Radio Cars Telephone Engineer John McGraw Theatre Regal Community Theatre Bathgate Tiler Service With A Tile Stewart Wilson Tiler Veterinary Albyn Veterinary Centre Riverside Veterinary Practice Wheel Repair Finishing Touch Windows 1st Choice Living DC Double Glazing Heritage Windows Red Hot Windows Weathertight Windows & Doors
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Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage or omission caused by error in the printing of an advertisement.The Konect Directory does not endorse any advertising material that appears in this publication. Adverts are accepted on the understanding that descriptions of goods and services are fair and accurate. All material is accepted for publication on the understanding that it is copyright free.The Konect Directory accepts no liability for any subsequent copyright issues. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior consent of the publisher. Publisher: Lothian Publications Ltd, Overton Farmhouse, Kirknewton, EH27 8DD. Editor: Helen-Jane Shearer 07854 492638
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