We get more of what we FOCUS ON I saw a Facebook post the other day which said, “Dear 2020, this wasn’t on my vision board’. and goodness knows that there are plenty of I chuckled to myself when I thought of all the vision boards I’ve made over the years, how them at the moment. I would take careful photos of the optimistic The last thing I would ever want to do is images I’d created so that I could carry them dismiss genuine anxieties and concerns and around on my phone to remind myself of what I know that so many of us are missing our I wanted to achieve in my home and in my loved ones and sad that we can’t see family life. I even ran workshops and mini-training and friends. There are also people who will sessions with clients to support them to make lose loved ones and that is a terrible reality for their own ideal dream board so they could so many. too benefit from this positive technique. After all, we get more of what we Throughout our lives we focus on… don’t we? “ This present situation is construct our routines around nobody’’s idea of a good time familiar people and things nobody Well, yes, many times we do but sometimes events and it demonstrates to us all and surround ourselves with people and activities that overtake us and we are sent that sometimes things just we love and can rely on. For challenges that we have to happen that we can’ can’t plan some of us that can be time work our way around. This for. That doesn’ doesn’t alter the with family and friends, for present situation is nobody’s fact that what we focus our others it’s getting out and idea of a good time and it attention on tends to grow.” grow.” about and meeting people demonstrates to us all that for coffee or drinks and sometimes things just happen some people thrive on regular visits to the that we can’t plan for. That doesn’t alter the hairdressers and presenting themselves in a fact that what we focus our attention on tends way that they are comfortable with. to grow. If we look for the positive elements in a situation we tend to find it. We become so used to defining ourselves by It is also the case that we can easily overwhelm ourselves with fear and dread if we watch every single update or news bulletin 10 |
our work, by our relationships and by what we do that anything that deprives us of these things is threatening and scary.