2014 Hong Kong Arts Festival - A Glorious Gathering of Dance and Dancers

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A Glorious Gathering of


Dance & Dancers

Asia, Europe, Pacific, Nordic © Robert Benschop

© E.Masalkov © Vlli Weiss


© Graham Wylie

© Brescia-Amisano Teatro alla Scala

演出節目詳情 Performance details:

加料節目詳情及網上報名 Festival PLUS details and online registration









With support from Kingdom of the Netherlands

The international and local travel & transport of Kylworks and its related PLUS activities are supported by


大師班、工作坊、後台解碼、 藝人談等精采節目,不容錯過 Masterclasses, Workshops, Backstage Tours, Meet-the-Artists and more!

網上報名 Online Registration


論壇 Forum

國際當代舞蹈論壇 ─ 從北歐到香港

International Contemporary Dance Forum (ICDF) – from Nordic Countries to Hong Kong 甚麼是適合當代舞蹈持續發展的環境?如何創造這種環境?在文化政 策、資助渠道、藝術家發展以及教育 / 觀眾拓展方面又如何配合呢? 香港社會有否為舞蹈營造良好環境? 北歐各國,諸如芬蘭、瑞典等近 20 年來的當代舞蹈發展十分成功, 背後又有什麼秘訣?他們為創造蓬勃的舞蹈環境作出了哪些努力呢? 這個論壇是一個難逢的機會,讓編舞家、舞蹈家、藝術行政人員、決 策者以及所有關心當代舞蹈發展的人士共聚一堂,仔細探討芬蘭和瑞 典的例子,並就如何維持、發展和推廣當代舞蹈,分享各自的想法。

論壇時間表 Programme Schedule 13:45

登記 Registration


歡迎辭 Welcome and Opening Remarks


主講 Keynote: 北歐國度 – 芬蘭舞蹈 Nordic Dimension, Finnish Dance

我們很榮幸請來兩位來自芬蘭和瑞典的主講嘉賓。其中來自芬蘭舞蹈 資訊中心的皮耶塔.穆拉莉將講述北歐各國支持舞蹈家的策略和結 構,並集中以芬蘭為例子。Loco World 的創辦人奧莎.埃德格林則將 分享她作為獨立舞蹈製作人與衆多舞蹈團巡迴演出的合作經驗。

講者 Speaker: 皮耶塔.穆拉莉 Pirjetta Mulari 國際事務經理,芬蘭舞蹈資訊中心 International Affairs Manager, Dance Info Finland

論壇的第二部分設有小組討論,由本地當代舞蹈界人士回應主講嘉賓 的發言。討論話題涵蓋香港當代舞蹈發展,從而使政府、當代舞蹈工 作者、編舞者、舞蹈家以及觀衆等各方的觀點和意見得以相互交融和 拓寬。

北歐地區國際巡演、網絡及交流 International Touring, Network and Exchange in the Nordic Countries

What is a sustainable environment for contemporary dance to grow and thrive? How does one create it? What is needed in areas such as cultural policies, funding resources, artist development, and education/ audience development? Is Hong Kong creating such environment for dance? What's the secret behind Nordic countries such as Finland and Sweden in developing contemporary dance in the past 20 years? What have they done to create such a vibrant dance scene? A rare occasion for choreographers, dancers, arts administrators, policy makers, and everyone who care about contemporary dance to examine in detail Finland's and Sweden's model, and to share thoughts on how to sustain, develop and promote contemporary dance in Hong Kong. We are honoured to have two keynote speakers from Finland and Sweden. Pirjetta Mulari from Dance Info Finland will talk about strategies and structures to support dance artists' works in Nordic countries with an emphasis on Finland; and Åsa Edgren, founder of Loco World, will share her experiences as an independent dance producer for many dance companies. In the second half of the forum, there will be a panel discussion by local figures in contemporary dance responding to the keynote speakers. Topics for discussion include the development of contemporary dance in Hong Kong, through which viewpoints from government, contemporary dance practitioners, choreographers, dancers and audiences can converge and broaden.

講者 Speaker: 奧莎.埃德格林 Åsa Edgren 行政總監,Loco World Managing Director, Loco World


小休 Tea Break


小組討論 Panel Discussion


答問環節 Q & A


總結 Conclusion

17/3 一Mon 下午 2- 6pm

地點 Venue: 香港藝術中心麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio, HK Arts Centre $ 正價 Standard $150

學生 Students $120

英語主講 In English 相關演出 Related Performances: 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 北歐舞新風 Nordic Waves 18/3 亞太舞蹈平台 ( 第六屆 ) Asia Pacific Dance Platform VI 13-15/3





皮 耶 塔. 穆 拉 莉 90 年 代 起 開 始 從 事 舞 蹈 行 業,剛入行時是舞蹈老師兼編舞者。 1993 年 至 1998 年,她擔任 Kiperä 民族舞蹈音樂藝術 團的藝術總監,於 1998 年轉而投身藝術管理工 作。起初在 2000 年「赫爾辛基——歐洲文化 城」中擔任表演藝術製作人,同年成為 Nomadi Productions 的製作人,為芬蘭編舞家阿爾托科 斯基、卡杜南、拉蒂凱南以及索伊尼設立辦公 室。2005 年 8 月,穆拉莉加入芬蘭舞蹈資訊中 心(DIF)工作,主要協調並籌備國際舞蹈項目, 包括芬蘭舞蹈出口項目。接手擔任國際事務經 理後,她幫助 DIF 發展推廣活動、駐節藝術家 交流項目及國際合作事務等。

奧莎.埃德格林是國際巡演以及國際推廣方 面 的 藝 術 行 政 經 理。 她 於 2004 年 創 辦 Loco World 製作兼藝術家中介公司,管理舞蹈團並 策劃北歐地區和國際性的巡迴演出。曾發起 並 參 與 The FAIR PROJECT,NORDIC COUNTRIES on STAGE,NORDICS COMBINED 及 The MADE IN Catalogue 幾個項目,旨在加強推廣瑞典及北 歐當代表演藝術,並將其推向世界舞台。Loco World 今年亦發展了一個文化經濟專業組織 「AKTEAU 會計局」。埃德格林是國際表演藝術 協會(ISPA)的委員會成員,並於 2015 年參與 把 ISPA 會議移師至瑞典的計劃。

Åsa Edgren (Sweden) Pirjetta Mulari (Finland) Pirjetta Mulari has been working in the dance field since early 1990's, first as a dance teacher and choreographer. Mulari was artistic director of Folk Dance and Music Ensemble Kiperä in 199398. In 1998, she shifted her focus solely into arts management, first as a producer of performing arts in the organisation of Helsinki - European Cultural City 2000. In 2000, she joined Nomadi Productions as a producer, launching a production office for four Finnish choreographers, Alpo Aaltokoski, Jyrki Karttunen, Arja Raatikainen and Katri Soini. In August 2005, Mulari became a project manager of international affairs at Dance Info Finland (DIF) co-ordinating and running international projects in dance, including the export project for Finnish dance. As Manager of International Affairs at DIF, Mulari develops the organisation's international activities such as promotional projects, residence exchange programmes and international collaborations.

Åsa Edgren is an arts manager in the field of international touring and international promotion. She founded Loco World in 2004, a production office and an artist's agency based in Sweden. She manages dance companies and produces tours both in Scandinavia and internationally. Edgren has initiated and been part of several projects aiming to strengthen and promote Swedish and Nordic contemporary performing arts heading for the international arena such as The FAIR PROJECT, NORDIC COUNTRIES on STAGE, NORDICS COMBINED and The MADE IN Catalogue. This year, Loco World also develops the Accounting Bureau AKTEAU, an expert on cultural economy. Edgren is a board member of the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA), and has been involved in getting the ISPA congress to Sweden in 2015.

現場演出 Performance

舞台外的崔莎.布朗 — 早期作品演出

Alternative Spaces of Trisha Brown - Early Works

© John Mallison

崔莎.布朗的早期舞蹈作品中,不少是在舞台之外的特 定場地或公眾場所表演。藝術節加料節目有幸邀請舞團 在中西區海濱長廊,以九龍半島的海港風光為背景,表 演其早期作品。在午飯或者下午茶時間裏,你不妨路經 長廊,駐足欣賞崔莎.布朗作品特有的簡約舞姿,以及 令人莞爾的幽默。

© Nina Vandenberghe

Many of Trisha Brown's early works were designed to be performed in alternative, specific sites or in public spaces. Festival PLUS is delighted to bring some of these early pieces to the new Central and Western District Promenade with its gorgeous view of the Kowloon skyline. Stop by during your lunch or afternoon break and watch as dances unfold with simple movements and tongue-in-cheek humour that is the trademark of Trisha Brown. 演出長約 1 小時,不設中場休息 Approx 1 hr with no intermission

21 中西區海濱長廊 (表演場地) Central and Western District Promenade (Performance Venue)

添馬艦長廊 Tamar Promenade

龍和道 Lung Wo


Legis 會綜合 lativ 大 Com e Coun 樓 plex cil

龍匯道 i Ave



官辦 Chief Execu 公室 tive O ffice

Tim W a Ave


Tamar Park

Tim M e




夏 慤 道


立法會 道

People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Building


中國人民解放軍 駐香港部隊大廈


Rd 龍匯道 Lung Wui

中信大廈 Citic Tower

香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts


港鐵 金鐘站A出口

iBakery Gallery Café

Admiralty Station Exit A



告士打 道 Glo


r Rd

24/2 一Mon

節目 Programme: 早期作品選 A set of early works 《側體雙人舞 I》Leaning Duets I (1970) 《側體雙人舞 II》Leaning Duets II (1971) 《棒》Sticks I, II, IV (1973) 《堆積》Accumulation (1971) 《堆積復堆積》Group Primary Accumulation with Movers (1973) 《扇貝》Scallops (1973) 《西班牙舞》Spanish Dance (1973) 《8 字》Figure 8 (1974) 演出作品及次序或有更改 Pieces and their order are subject to change

ht Rd C


下午 1-2pm, 4:30-5:30pm 地點 Venue: 中西區海濱長廊 ( 中環段 ) 一號觀景台(近金鐘添馬公園 ) Viewing Platform No.1, Central and Western District Promenade(Central Section), Tamar Park, Admiralty $ 免費入場 Free admission

演出後將於添馬公園愛烘焙餐廳舉行藝人談,詳情請參閱第 27 頁。 There will be a meet-the-artist session at Tamar Park iBakery Gallery Café after the performance. For details please refer to page 27.

演出者將視乎演出當日天氣情況,決定本演出是否如期進行或需要取消 The outdoor performance might be curtailed or cancelled in case of inclement weather 相關演出 Related Performance: 崔莎.布朗舞蹈團 Trisha Brown Dance Company 21-22/2

大師班 Masterclass


Trisha Brown Dance Company Masterclass


Dance Masterclass by Michael Schumacher

即興舞蹈是一種非傳統的 舞蹈方式,著重於即興舞 動技巧,糅合戲劇、喜劇 效果、音樂、歌唱藝術形 式及各種編舞技巧。即興 舞蹈大師兼《最後的第一 次觸動》聯合編舞米高. 舒馬卡,將於大師班中示 範身體和精神狀態的調節 方法,從而令舞者在當下 環境中更意識到身體的動 作變化,以他的獨門方法 為基礎,讓參加者親身探 索即興編舞的法則。 本次大師班將探索崔莎.布朗舞蹈團細緻入微、一絲不 苟的舞蹈動作風格。參加者於簡短熱身後,將練習舞團 舞目的選段,學習重點涵蓋細節的著重、空間感、表演 質量以及舞者間的互動。 This masterclass provides an introduction to exploring the detail and rigor of Trisha Brown Dance Company's movement style. It begins with a short warm-up and moves into dancing a phrase from the repertory. Emphasis is placed on learning movement as the company does, with attention to detail, spatial clarity, performance quality, and dancing with others. 英語主講 In English

22/2 六Sat

上午 11:30am – 下午 1:30pm

Dance Improvisation is a non-traditional approach to dance with emphasis on improvisational movement techniques that integrate drama, comedy, music, vocal art forms and various choreographic techniques. In this Masterclass, improvisation master Michael Schumacher, also co-choreographer of Last Touch First , will demonstrate the physical and mental conditioning needed to develop greater awareness of the body in its immediate environment. Based on his unique method this class will enable participants to explore the discipline of instant choreography. 英語主講 In English

27/2 四Thu 下午 3-5pm

地點 Venne: 香港葵涌葵豐街 33-39 號 華豐工業中心第一期 3 字樓 B 室多空間(舞蹈創作室) Y-Space, 3B, Wah Fung Industrial Centre, Block 1, 33 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung 名額 No of participants: 20

地點 Venue: 天后電器道 148 號 20 樓 2001-2002 室 DanzStage DanzStage, Room 2001-2002, 20/F, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau 名額 No of participants: 25

適合中、高級舞蹈程度之參加者 Suitable for intermediate to advanced dancers

適合編舞者、舞蹈員或曾接受專業舞蹈訓練之參加者 Suitable for choreographers, dancers and participants with professional dance training

$ $260 With support from Kingdom of the Netherlands

The international and local travel & transport of Kylworks and its related PLUS activities are supported by

$ $260 相關演出 Related Performance 崔莎 • 布朗舞蹈團 Trisha Brown Dance Company 21-22/2

相關演出 Related Performance: 季利安作品 Kylworks 26-27/2

講座 Talk




要為舞蹈指揮音樂,指揮家必須對樂曲整體結構有深入 了解,確保舞蹈員演出穩定之餘,還要保持音樂的水準。 去年「芭蕾舞指揮之道」中的討論,主要圍繞芭蕾舞的 音樂指揮,而今年則為探討當代舞蹈指揮。參加者將在 堂座前排座位先近距離觀摩《死而復生的伊菲格尼》的 總彩排,其後再和指揮家楊.霍斯曼詳談現代舞指揮的 特色。

魯茲.佛斯特是翩娜.包殊烏帕塔爾舞蹈劇場的新任藝 術總監,他於 1975 年加入舞團,與翩娜.包殊的舞蹈劇 場關係密切,令他對這世界知名的舞團的核心與靈魂有 着獨到見解。佛斯特將細述與翩娜.包殊共事的經歷及 暢談對舞團未來的展望。

Conducting for Dance II

In conducting for dance, the conductor needs to have an understanding of musical architecture and provide secure support for dancers while upholding the integrity of the music. In last year's Conducting for Dance, the discussion centered around conducting for ballet. This year the focus will be on conducting for contemporary dance. Attend the dress rehearsal of Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch – a special preview of the dance-opera sitting in the front rows of the stalls with a clear view of conductor Jan Michael Horstmann's interactions with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the dancers, followed by a chat with him on the intricacies of conducting for contemporary dance. 英語主講 In English

11/3 二Tue

Conversations with Lutz Förster

The HKAF welcomes the return of Lutz Förster, the newly minted artistic director of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. Förster whose career with the Tanztheater Wuppertal began in 1975, has a very close relationship with Pina Bausch and her works, giving him a rare insight into the heart and soul of this iconic company. Let Förster tell you in his own words what it was like working with Bausch and what he envisions for the future now that he is at the helm. 英語主講 In English

15/3 六Sat

上午 11am -下午 12pm 地點 Venue: 香港藝術中心 agnès b 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, HK Arts Centre

總彩排 Dress rehearsal: 晚上 7:30-10:30pm 與指揮對談 Chat with conductor: 晚上 10:30-11pm

$ 票價 Tickets: $30

地點 Venne: 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre

合辦 Co-presented with

** 成功登記的參加者請於當晚 7 時 15 分,在香港文化中心 大劇院二樓堂座入口集合。遲到者須於適當時候方能進場。 Registered participants please meet at the stalls entrance of the Grand Theatre on 2/F of the HK Cultural Centre at 7:15pm on event day. Latecomers will only be admitted at suitable time.

名額 No of participants: 30 $ $300 相關演出 Related Performance: 翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場《死而復生的伊菲格尼》 Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch 12-15/3 Iphigenia in Tauris

門票於 2 月 11 日起在各城 市電腦售票處發售。 Tickets available at URBTIX from 11 Feb.


工作坊 Workshop

身「心」舞動工作坊 Movement Workshop with Xie Xin

異域風情舞蹈工作坊 「表演與互動」工作坊 Exotica by Sujata Goel Acting and Interacting

© Park Sangyoun

中國新一代舞者 / 編舞家謝欣以作品《落》 和《十》獲得 2013 年第二屆北京國際芭蕾 舞暨編舞比賽最佳表演獎及銀牌。是次工 作坊中,她將講解重心的轉移,以皮膚、 肌肉及骨骼為重點,通過身體運動的練習, 讓參加者親自體驗其中所蘊含的無限變化。 In this workshop led by Xie Xin, one of China's new generation of dancer-choreographers and winner of 2013 Best Performance and Silver Medal in the 2nd Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition (2013) for his works Falling and Plus, experience the body's 'centre' and its infinite possibilities through a series of movement based exercises. 普通話主講 In Putonghua

11/3 二Tue

晚上 7:30-9:30pm 地點 Venue: 九龍塘劍橋道 6 號 SDM 總校 SDM Star Academie, 6 Cambridge Road, Kowloon Tong 名額 No of participants: 20

適合曾接受基本舞蹈訓練之參加者 Suitable for participants with basic dance training

$ $180 SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院提供場地 Venue supported by SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie

相關演出 Related Performance 亞太舞蹈平台(第六屆) Asia Pacific Dance Platform VI 13-15/3

亞洲當代舞蹈能否給人帶來異域風情呢? 「異域化」指的又是什麼?來自印度的編 舞蘇亞塔.戈爾將在本次工作坊啟發參加 者以東方視角審視異域風情這個概念,並 分析東西方視角對此概念的差異。參加者 在編舞指導下,將嘗試把一些社會象徵性 符號轉譯為身體動作和手勢, 以作為討論 的實例。 How can notions of exotica be addressed through contemporary performance in Asia? What does it mean to be exoticised? The aim of this workshop presented by Sujata Goel is to understand exotica from an eastern perspective and analyse how it differs from a western one. Applying structured and guided improvisation techniques, participants will move towards translating these social symbols of exotica into patterns of movement and gesture patterns, to generate tangible material on the subject. 英語主講 In English

12/3 三Wed

晚上 7:30-9:30pm 地點 Venue: 葵涌葵豐街 33 號華豐工藝中心第一座 3B 室多空間 ( 舞蹈創作室 ) Y-Space,3B, Wah Fung Ind. Centre, Blk 1, 33 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung 名額 No of participants: 20

適合曾接受大專程度之舞蹈、戲劇或表演訓練之 參加者 Suitable for participants studying dance, theatre or performance at an university level.

$ $180

舞蹈矯捷靈動,演技上充滿了活潑和機敏 的《現代感覺》,表現了兩個舞者探索彼 此邂逅、衝突、妥協以及二人一同工作所 產生的種種情緒。工作坊中,你會了解到 編舞李仁秀如何將 hip hop(嘻哈)、跆拳 道、雜技和即興舞蹈融入這部獲獎作品中。

Modern Feeling which contains as much astute acting as dancing, is an homage to the bond between two dancers that explores their first meeting, conflict, compromise, apathy and other everyday feelings aroused by two people working together. Learn why and how Insoo Lee incorporated hip hop, martial arts, acrobatics and 'contact improvisation' to create his award winning piece. 英語主講 In English


三Wed 晚上 8:30-10:30pm 地點 Venue: 北角屈臣道 8 號海景大廈 C 座 1 樓 2 號 室 Studiodanz Studiodanz, Unit 2, 1/F, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road, North Point 名額 No of participants: 20

適合曾接受舞蹈訓練之參加者 Suitable for participants with dance training

$ $180 合辦 Co-presented with

後台解碼 Backstage Tour



Spectacular Giselle Backstage


Moiseyev’s Ethnic Costumes

© Brescia-Amisano Teatro alla Scala

《吉賽爾》由舞蹈家伊薇特.肖維雷和米蘭史卡拉歌劇 院芭蕾舞團攜手演繹,堪稱是對十九世紀舞蹈名家尚. 科拉利和尤絲.佩羅的這部古典芭蕾舞劇最為正宗的演 繹!視覺效果華麗絕倫,何不走進後台細看精心製作的 佈景、服飾以及各種舞台元素。 Considered one of the most authentic interpretations of Jean Coralli's and Jules Perrot's original choreography, this restaging of Giselle, the classic Romantic ballet by Yvette Chauviré and La Scala Ballet, is spectacular as it is visually sumptuous. Come backstage and see sets, costumes, and the many elements that breathe life into this magical ballet. 英語主講 In English

伊戈.莫伊謝耶夫訪遍遼闊的蘇聯疆域,蒐羅各種傳統 民俗舞蹈,無論是比薩拉比亞的吉普賽舞蹈,還是烏克 蘭克里米亞半島的韃靼舞,都成為舞團表演節目的一部 份。後台參觀中,你可仔細欣賞表演中絢麗多彩的民族 服飾,對於愛好民族風格設計的人而言,無疑是機會難 逢! Igor Moiseyev travelled to every corner of the vast Soviet empire to look for traditional dances, ranging from Bessarabian gypsy to Kalmyk to Crimean Tartar that would become part of the repertory of his company. This backstage tour will offer you a close look at the many beautiful and colourful costumes used in these dances. A rare treat for lovers of ethnic design. 英語主講 In English

22/2 六Sat

下午 12:30-1pm 地點 Venue: 香港文化中心大劇院後台 Backstage of Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 名額 No of participants: 30 $ 報名 Registration: $30

1/3 六Sat

下午 1-1:30pm 地點 Venue: 香港文化中心大劇院後台 Backstage of Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 名額 No of participants: 30 $ 報名 Registration: $30

相關演出 Related Performance: 米蘭史卡拉歌劇院芭蕾舞團《吉賽爾》 Teatro alla Scala Ballet Company 18-22/2 (La Scala Ballet) Giselle

相關演出 Related Performance: 俄羅斯莫伊謝耶夫舞團 Igor Moiseyev State Academic 27-28/2, 1-2/3 Ensemble of Popular Dance

公開展演 Public Showcase

藝人談 Meet-the-Artist


Creating Original Characters © Lourdes Delgado

如何改編經典故事,重塑人物形象?馬修.伯恩在重新演繹《仙凡之 戀》時詮釋了這點。在藝術節 2013-14 駐節藝術家計劃中,來自三所 學校的學生有幸學習這一過程。在四個月的課程中,學生將學習運用 伯恩的多種創新方式,探索《仙凡之戀 搖滾激情篇》的人物塑造, 如何創造和發展原創的人物個性以及環境,並提高他們對現代舞技巧 的理解。而最終目的,是透過創新作品中的主題、敘述方法和動作風 格,編出一支新的舞蹈。 誠邀你蒞臨公開展演欣賞學生們努力學習的成果! How does one remake a classic story and make characters fresh? Matthew Bourne did just that when he made and restaged Highland Fling . In the HKAF's 2013-14 Artists-in-Residence Project, a group of students from three schools will learn how it is done. Over the course of four months, the students will utilise a range of creative tasks developed by Bourne, while exploring the characterisation of Highland Fling, to experience how original characters and environments can be created and developed. They will also have the opportunity to improve their understanding of contemporary dance techniques. The goal is to create a new piece of choreography based on the themes, narrative and movement style of this innovative work. You can see the result of their hard work in the public showcase!

22/2 六Sat 地點 Venue: 香港海庭道 18 號奧海城 2 期地下北翼中庭 North Atrium, G/F, Olympian City 2, 18 Hoi Ting Road, West Kowloon

演後談由崔莎.布朗舞蹈團藝術副總監卡羅琳. 盧卡斯主講,讓你深入了解布朗的編舞過程。盧 卡斯將介紹這位編舞大師的藝術生涯,並細談布 朗的其中一部主要作品。

英語主講 In English

活動場地由信和集團奧海城提供 Venue supported by Olympian City, Sino Group

$ 免費入場 Free admission ©Graham Wylie

相關演出 Related Performance: 蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團《仙凡之戀 搖滾激情篇》 Scottish Ballet Highland Fling 21-23/2

Cracking the Code

This post performance talk by Associate Artistic Director Carolyn Lucas will allow you to get a closer look at Trisha Brown's choreographic process. Beginning with an overall history on the iconic choreographer's career, the conversation will shed light on one of her repertory pieces.

下午 2pm

法國巴黎銀行支持 2014-16 駐節藝術家計劃 The 2014-16 Artists-in-Residence Project is supported by

崔莎.布朗舞蹈團 演後談

21/2 五Fri

晚上 9:35-10:05pm (演出後 Post performance) 地點 Venue: 香港演藝學院歌劇院 Lyric Theatre, HK Academy for Performing Arts $ 免費入場 Free admission

相關演出 Related Performance 崔莎 • 布朗舞蹈團 Trisha Brown Dance Company 21-22/2



From Gluck to Dance-opera

指揮家楊.霍斯曼、烏帕塔爾舞蹈劇場的元老多米尼. 莫西以及諸位世界頂級歌唱家將在演出後談談翩娜.包 殊如何消融音樂與歌劇之間的界限,在《死而復生的伊 菲格尼》這部希臘悲劇中注入充滿活力和表現力的舞蹈, 從而表達強烈而深刻的情感。


Cracking More Codes 在欣賞完崔莎.布朗舞蹈團在中西區海濱長廊的演出 ( 見第 20 頁 ) 之後,不妨隨我們在附近喝杯咖啡,聽聽舞團的藝 術副總監卡羅琳.盧卡斯以及舞蹈團成員暢談布朗的早期作 品,並觀看相關的錄影資料。 Following the special outdoor performance by the Trisha Brown Dance Company at the new Central and Western District Promenade (see page 20), join us next door for a relaxing coffee and hear Associate Artistic Director Carolyn Lucas and members of the company talk about the early works of Trisha Brown. The post-performance talk will also include video clip selection of other early works. 英語主講 In English

Meet conductor Jan Michael Horstmann, singers, and some of the dancers including Dominique Mercy, a long time member of the Tanztheater Wuppertal, after the performance to discuss how Pina Bausch managed to merge the boundaries between music and opera through the incorporation of vital and expressive dance to bring life to this Greek tragedy. 英語主講 In English

14/3 五Fri

晚上 9:45-10:15pm (演出後 Post performance) 地點 Venue: 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre $ 免費入場 Free admission

24/2 一Mon ©Ulli Weiss

晚上 6-7pm

地點 Venue: 金鐘添馬公園愛烘培餐廳 iBakery Gallery Café, Tamar Park (地圖見第 21 頁 Please refer to map on page21)

名額 No of participants: 50 $ $50 ( 附飲品一杯 includes one drink)

相關演出 Related Performance 舞台外的崔莎.布朗 — 早期作品演出 Alternative Spaces of Trisha Brown 24/2 Early Works

相關演出 Related Performance: 翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場 《死而復生的伊菲格尼》 Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch Iphigenia in Tauris


藝人談 Meet-the-Artist

《思想伊戈:百年春之祭》 人物塑造是關鍵 演後談 Characterisation is iTMOi Post-performance the Key Dialogue 艾甘.漢舞蹈團製作人法魯克.喬迪里是藝術管理領軍 人物,他將暢談藝術管理與文化創業,講解艾甘.漢與 其舞團創作《思想伊戈:百年春之祭》這部精心巨製的 歷程。

英語主講 In English

6/3 四Thu

晚上 9:40-10:10pm

© Andy Ross

Akram Khan's producer Farooq Chaudhry needs no introduction. As a world leader in arts management, Chaudhry speaks regularly on arts management and cultural entrepreneurship around the world. Here Chaudhry will talk about the journey Akram and the company take to put on a show with such production value as iTMOi .

清晰平易的敘事是馬修.伯恩編舞作品的風格之一,這 意味着演員不僅要擅舞,更要擅演,要專注於演繹人物 的思想與情感,而非單純演繹其行為。蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團 的藝術總監基斯杜化.漢臣將與舞蹈員在演出後講述他 們與伯恩合作的經歷。機會難逢,不容錯過! Clear and accessible story-telling is a key part of Matthew Bourne's choreographies, which means performers are required not just to dance but to act as well, focusing their attention on what they're thinking and feeling, rather than what they're doing. Join Scottish Ballet's Artistic Director Christopher Hampson and members of the cast as they talk about their experiences working with Bourne.

(演出後 Post performance) 地點 Venue: 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre $ 免費入場 Free admission

英語主講 In English

22/2 六Sat

晚上 9:10-9:40pm (演出後 Post performance)

© Maya Almeida

地點 Venue: 沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall

相關演出 Related Performance: 艾甘.漢舞蹈團《思想伊戈:百年春之祭》 Akram Khan Company iTMOi (in the mind of igor)

$ 免費入場 Free admission


相關演出 Related Performance: 蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團《仙凡之戀 搖滾激情篇》 Scottish Ballet Highland Fling 21-23/2


The Paradox of Last Touch First

© Robert Benschop

《最後的第一次觸動》的精采之處,在於舞者能夠把動 作放得如此之慢,從而產生舞台與觀眾之間的強大張力。 這形成了一個悖論:動作極慢,但眼睛偏偏無法跟上變 化。演後談中, 作品的編舞之一米高.舒馬卡將與其餘 兩位舞者分享他們的創作經驗。

Last Touch First is about how slow the dancers could move, and what kind of tension it would create with the audience. The perspective of the eye can only see one area of the stage, so when you look to the other side of the stage, and you realise a lot has changed, you can't understand how. It's a paradox. Meet three dancers including Michael Schumacher, one of the choreographers, who will share with you their experience. 英語主講 In English

與本地當代舞蹈家對談 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Postperformance Dialogue 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列由香港賽馬會慈善信託基 金贊助、香港藝術節主辦並製作,致力為新一代舞蹈人 才提供盡展所長的平台。計劃第三年進行,繼續不斷支 持年青舞者及編舞提升藝術造詣,促進專業發展。他們 透過與不同範疇藝術家合作,充分展現當代舞蹈的年輕 朝氣。編舞與舞者將會在演後談中,與你分享創作心得。 Presented and curated by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series is a platform aimed at showcasing Hong Kong's new generation of dance talents, encouraging artistic experimentation through cross-disciplinary collaboration. Meet this year's young Hong Kong choreographers and dancers as they share their behind-the-scene experiences with you. 普通話 / 廣東話主講 In Putonghua/Cantonese

15/3 六Sat 16/3 日Sun 下午 4:45-5:15pm

26/2 三Wed

晚上 9:45-10:15pm

(演出後 Post performance) 地點 Venue: 葵青劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre $ 免費入場 Free admission With support from Kingdom of the Netherlands

© Leo Yu (The Blue Hydrant)

《最後的第一次觸動》 中的悖論

The international and local travel & transport of Kylworks and its related PLUS activities are supported by

相關演出 Related Performance 季利安作品 Kylworks 26-27/2

(演出後 Post performance) 地點 Venue: 香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre $ 免費入場 Free admission 贊助 Sponsored by

相關演出 Related Performance: 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 13-16/3

Performance and Festival PLUS Calendar 演出及加料節目概覽 二月



《吉賽爾》Giselle 18 二 Tue


晚上 7:30pm

頁 Page


頁 Page


19 三 Web 20 四 Thu 21五 Fri 崔莎.布朗舞蹈團 Trisha Brown Dance Company 晚上 8pm 《仙凡之戀 搖滾激情編》Highland Fling 晚上 7:30pm 《吉賽爾》Giselle 22 六 Sat

下午 2:30pm & 晚上 7:30pm

崔莎.布朗舞蹈團 Trisha Brown Dance Company 晚上 8pm 《仙凡之戀 搖滾激情編》Highland Fling 晚上 7:30pm


崔莎.布朗舞蹈團演後談 Cracking the Code ( 演出後 post performance)



《吉賽爾》的華麗後台 Spectacular Giselle Backstage 下午 12:30pm 崔莎.布朗舞蹈團大師班 Trisha Brown Dance Company Masterclass 早上 11:30am



塑造原創人物形象 Creating Original Characters 下午 2pm


《仙凡之戀 搖滾激情編》Highland Fling 23 日 Sun


24 一 Mon


崔莎.布朗舞蹈團——早期作品演出 Trisha Brown Dance Company – Early Works 下午 1pm & 4:30pm



人物塑造是關鍵 Characterisation is the Key (演出後 Post performance) 下午 2:30pm & 晚上 7:30pm


深入解碼 Cracking More Codes 下午 6pm





26 三 Wed


季利安作品 Kylworks - an evening with works by Jiří Kylián 晚上 8pm

頁 Page

13 《最後的第一次觸動》中的悖論 The Paradox of Last Touch First (演出後 post performance)

27 四 Thu 俄羅斯莫伊謝耶夫舞團 Igor Moiseyev Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance 晚上 7:30pm


頁 Page



米高.舒馬卡舞蹈大師班 Masterclass by Michael Schumacher 下午 3pm


莫伊謝耶夫民族服飾 Moiseyev's Ethnic Costumes 下午 1pm


10 《思想伊戈:百年春之祭》演後談 iTOMi Post-perfromance Dialogue (演出後 post performance)



28五 Fri 1六 Sat


2日 Sun

下午 2:30pm

6四 Thu 《思想伊戈:百年春之祭》 iTOMi (in the mind of igor) 晚上 8:15pm

7五 Fri 11 二 Tue

當代舞指揮之道 Conducting for Dance II 晚上 7:30pm


身「心」舞動工作坊 Movement Workshop with Xie Xin 晚上 7:30pm


Performance and Festival PLUS Calendar 演出及加料節目概覽 日期 DATE


頁 Page

12 三 Wed

《死而復生的伊菲格尼》 Iphigenia in Tauris 晚上 7:30pm


頁 Page

異域風情舞蹈工作坊 Exotica by Sujata Goel 晚上 7:30pm


「表演與互動」工作坊 Acting and Interacting 晚上 8:30pm


從葛路克到舞蹈歌劇 From Gluck to Dance-opera ( 演出後 post performance)



13 四 Thu 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 晚上 8:15pm


亞太舞蹈平台(第六屆) Asia Pacific Dance Platform VI 晚上 8pm


14五 Fri 《死而復生的伊菲格尼》


Iphigenia in Tauris 晚上 7:30pm

香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 晚上 8:15pm


亞太舞蹈平台(第六屆) Asia Pacific Dance Platform VI 晚上 8pm





《死而復生的伊菲格尼》 15 六 Sat

頁 Page


Iphigenia in Tauris 晚上 7:30pm

亞太舞蹈平台(第六屆) Asia Pacific Dance Platform VI 下午 3pm


香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 下午 3pm & 晚上 8:15pm



頁 Page

與魯茲.佛斯特對話 Conversations with Lutz Förster 早上 11am


與本地當代舞蹈家對談 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Post-performance Dialogue ( 下午演出後 Post matinee performance)


國際當代舞蹈論壇——從北歐到香港 International Contemporary Dance Forum From Nordic Countries to Hong Kong 下午 2pm


16 日 Sun 17 一 Mon

18 二 Tue

北歐舞新風 Nordic Waves 晚上 8pm


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