香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港藝術節於 1973 年正式揭幕,是國際藝壇中重要的 文化盛事,於每年 2、3 月期間呈獻衆多優秀的本地及 國際藝術家的演出 , 以及舉辦多元化的「加料」和教育 活動,致力豐富香港的文化生活。
HKAF, launched in 1973, is a major international arts festival committed to enriching the cultural life of the city by presenting annually in February and March leading local and international artists in all genres of the performing arts as well as a diverse range of “PLUS” and educational events.
香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構,2016 年藝術節的年度 預算約港幣 1 億 1 千萬,當中約 30% 來自香港特區政 府的撥款,約 37% 來自票房收入,而接近 32% 則有賴
HKAF is a non-profit organisation. The estimated budget for the 2016 Festival is around HK$110 million. About 30% of its annual income comes from government funding, about 37% from the box office, and close to 32% from sponsorships and donations from corporations, individuals, and charitable foundations.
各大企業、熱心人士和慈善基金會的贊助和捐款。 香港藝術節每年呈獻眾多國際演藝名家的演出,例如: 塞西莉亞. 芭托莉、馬友友、菲力普. 格拉斯、譚盾、 列卡杜. 沙爾、克里斯蒂安. 泰利曼、古斯塔沃. 杜 達美、米高. 巴里殊尼哥夫、蕭菲. 紀蓮、奇雲. 史 柏西、羅柏特. 威爾遜、彼得. 布祿克、皇家阿姆斯 特丹音樂廳樂團、聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院、巴伐利亞國 立歌劇院、莫斯科大劇院、紐約市芭蕾舞團、巴黎歌劇 院芭蕾舞團、翩娜. 包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場、雲門舞集、 星躍馬術奇藝坊、皇家莎士比亞劇團、柏林劇團及中國 國家話劇院等。 香港藝術節積極與本地演藝人才和新晉藝術家合作,過 去十年共委約及製作逾 100 套本地全新創作,包括戲 劇、室內歌劇、音樂和舞蹈作品,並同步出版新作劇本, 不少作品更已在香港及海外多度重演。 香港藝術節大力投資下一代的藝術教育。「青少年之友」 成立 24 年來,已為逾 700,000 位本地中學生及大專生 提供藝術體驗活動。藝術節近年亦開展多項針對大、中、 小學學生的藝術教育活動,並通過「學生票捐助計劃」 每年提供約 8,000 張半價學生票。 香港藝術節每年主辦一系列多元化並深入社區的「加料 節目」,例如示範講座、大師班、工作坊、座談會、後 台參觀、展覽、藝人談、導賞團等,鼓勵觀眾與藝術家 互動接觸。 第 44 屆香港藝術節預計收入來源 Projected 44th HKAF Income Sources
30% 32%
such as Cecilia Bartoli, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip Glass, Tan Dun, Riccardo Chailly, Christian Thielemann, Gustavo Dudamel, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sylvie Guillem, Kevin Spacey, Robert Wilson, Peter Brook, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Mariinsky Theatre, Bavarian State Opera, the Bolshoi Theatre, New York City Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Zingaro, Royal Shakespeare Company, Berliner Ensemble and National Theatre of China.
HKAF actively promotes Hong Kong’s own creative talents and emerging artists, and has commissioned and produced over 100 new local productions in the past decade, including theatre, chamber opera, music and contemporary dance, many with successful subsequent runs in Hong Kong and overseas. HKAF invests in arts education for young people. In the past 24 years, our “Young Friends” has reached over 700,000 secondary and tertiary school students in Hong Kong. A variety of arts education projects targeted at primary, secondary, and tertiary school students has been launched in recent years. Donations to the “Student Ticket Scheme” also make available about 8,000 half-price student tickets each year. HKAF organises a diverse range of "Festival PLUS"
activities in community locations each year to enhance the engagement between artists and audiences. These include lecture demonstrations, masterclasses, workshops, symposia, backstage visits, exhibitions, meet-the-artist sessions, and guided tours.
誠邀贊助或捐助第 44 屆香港藝術節;詳情請與藝術節發展 部聯絡。
37% 1%
HKAF presents top international artists and ensembles,
For sponsorship opportunities and donation details of the 44th Hong Kong Arts Festival, please contact the Development Department. 電郵 Email: dev@hkaf.org 直綫 Direct Lines: (852) 2828 4910/11/12 網頁 Website: www.hk.artsfestival.org/en/support-us
More Than Great Performances! 2016 藝術節加料節目為你呈獻一系列豐富的延伸節目,讓你可透過藝術的澎湃激情和自我表達,為生活增添色彩!你 可在冥想.禪意中重新感受身體和心靈的連繫;在小丑世界中拋開束縛,當一天的小丑;或在雜技樂園裏翻天覆地, 笑看人生的挑戰。想認識更多本土文化?文化導賞遊及鹽田梓文化遊帶你暢遊香港的新、舊教堂,本地聖樂作品欣賞 則為你帶來一系列華人創作的古典聖樂。你也可在醉人爵士樂音樂會上放鬆身心,或在無界限健身體驗中嘗試血脈沸 騰的體能訓練。還有最受歡迎的藝人談及後台解碼,將為你揭開創作及製作過程的緣起、點滴。最後,格雷格里. 多蘭- 「當代最出色的莎士比亞演繹者」會在莎士比亞四百年中,與你深入解構這位偉大作家。 更多精采節目及報名詳情,請參閱本節目指南及加料節目網站。 The 2016 Festival PLUS presents an array of outreach activities that invite you to enrich your life, through the passion and expression of art. Relax and re-connect with your body and soul in The Zen of Meditation, shed your inhibitions and clown for a day in Clowning Around, and juggle the challenges of life upside down at Circus Wonderland. Want to know more about local heritage? Cultural Walks and Journey to Yim Tin Tsai introduce you to Hong Kong’s churches old and new, while Local Church Music Encounter brings you a series of sacred music composed or arranged by Chinese composers. Unwind yourself at the Gin & Jazz, or feel your heart race at Circa Fit. Still looking for more? Our popular Meet-the-Artist sessions and Backstage Tours show you the whys and wherefores that drive creative processes and bring productions to life. Last but not least, learn more about the great Bard of Avon in Shakespeare 400 Years with Gregory Doran, “one of the great Shakespearians of his generation”.
For more about Festival PLUS, check out our programme guide and book online on our website!
www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org 除特別註明,所有節目須於網上報名。完成網上報名程序及付款(如適用)後,閣下將收到確認電郵及電 子票作實。 Online registration required for all events unless otherwise specified. Bookings will only be confirmed upon completion of online registration and online payment (if applicable). You will receive an e-ticket for your confirmed booking.
一般查詢 General enquiries
2824 3555(辦公時間內 During office hours) | plus@hkaf.org 香港藝術節保留更改節目的權利。 The Hong Kong Arts Festival reserves the right to make changes to the programmes.
香港藝術節的資助來自 The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of
Supporting the 44th Hong Kong Arts Festival 全力支持第44屆香港藝術節
Teatro Regio Torino Noseda conducts Verdi’s Requiem
都靈皇家劇院 諾斯達的威爾第《安魂彌撒曲》 3/3/2016 *
Ms. Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton
麗莎·費雪與大指揮棒樂隊 19/3/2016 *
© Djeneba Aduayom
© Chris Christodoulou
Ramella&Giannese © Teatro Regio Torino © Alejandro Gonzalez
©Paul Stuart
Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club “Adiós Tour”
12/3/2016 *
* Sino Group Arts Celebration Series 信和集團藝萃系列
Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation sponsors the HKAF performances of The Royal Shakespeare Company - King and Country 黃廷方慈善基金贊助皇家莎士比亞劇團之香港藝術節演出 莎士比亞的「王與國」系列
4 - 13/3/2016
目錄 Contents
引言 Introduction 特備節目及歌劇 / 戲曲 Specials & Opera
音樂 Music
戲劇 / 雜技 Theatre & Circus
舞蹈 Dance
青少年之友 Young Friends
節目概覽 Calendar
62-64 67
場地指南 Venue Guide
Festival on TV: Festival Programme Highlights 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 /1 日 Sun
晚上 7:30 - 7:35pm
無綫電視翡翠台 TVB Jade 香港藝術節將在 2016 年 1 月份連續五個星期日,為你帶來精采的 2016 年藝術節節目介紹及預告,每集 都匯聚藝術節之精華。不容錯過! Hong Kong Arts Festival will once again bring you a series of special TV episodes, beginning in January 2016, highlighting the most exciting events from the 2016 HKAF.
特備節目及歌劇 / 戲曲
Specials & Opera
© Foto Ramella&Giannese © Teatro Regio Torino
Music & Church Tour 基督教音樂的歷史源遠流長,早於公元三世紀,敍利亞一帶的教堂 已出現了初期的詩歌。香港最早記載的教堂音樂是在 1849 年,當 時聖約翰座堂開放予人進行禮拜。時至今日,本港各宗派的教會仍 在表演傳統、當代及中文的聖樂,傳承着以歌聲讚頌上帝的傳統。 今年藝術節將會為樂迷帶來不同時期的聖樂作品,加料節目亦同時 組織了一系列「香港教堂導賞遊」, 闡釋聖樂與教堂之間的密切 關係,每節導賞遊包含一場 30 分鐘的聖樂音樂會,讓參加者走訪 既富歷史又具特色的教堂,同時了解本地的聖樂發展。 導賞遊將由熱衷實地考察和研究城鄉發展的區伯平牧師帶領,分享 這些教堂成立的歷史與香港城市發展的關係。 Christian music has had a long history with the first hymns appearing in Syrian churches in the 3rd century AD. The earliest recorded history of church music in Hong Kong dates back to 1849 when St John’s Cathedral opened for divine services. Today, traditional and contemporary sacred music as well as sacred music in Chinese is performed in the various Christian denominations active in Hong Kong, carrying on the tradition of praising God through singing.
16/1 © 香港舊照片 Old Hong Kong
Illustrating this special connection between sacred music and churches, and to complement the sacred music programme at the 2016 HKAF, Festival PLUS has organised a series of walking tours of selected local churches. Each tour will conclude with a 30-minute performance focusing on the development of sacred music in Hong Kong. Tours will be guided by Rev. Au Pak-ping, who will share with us the history behind these buildings and examine the relationships between Christianity and urban development in Hong Kong.
廣東話主講 In Cantonese
文化導賞遊 Cultural Walk
9/1 六 Sat 上午 9:00am – 中午 12:00pm
名額已滿,感謝支持! FULL. Thank you for your support!
16/1 六 Sat 上午 9:00am – 中午 12:00pm
名額已滿,感謝支持! FULL. Thank you for your support!
路線 1:銅鑼灣 / 跑馬地
路線 2:中環 / 半山
香港墳場教堂、聖瑪加利大堂、先導紀念堂、 基督君王小堂,聖公會聖馬利亞堂
嘉諾撒仁愛女修會教堂(聖心小堂)、 天主教聖母無原罪主教座堂、香港聖公會聖保羅堂、 會督府、前法國外方傳道會大樓、聖約翰座堂
Route 1: Causeway Bay / Happy Valley Hong Kong Cemetery Chapel, Pioneer Memorial Church, St Margaret’s Church, Christ the King Chapel, St Mary’s Church
相關演出 Related Performance 萊比錫聖多馬合唱團與萊比錫布業大廳樂團《聖馬太受難曲》
Thomanerchor Leipzig & Gewandhausorchester Leipzig - St Matthew Passion 5/3
Route 2: Central / Mid-Levels Sacred Heart Chapel, The Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, HKSKH St Paul's Church, Bishop's House, Former French Mission Building, St John's Cathedral
23/1 文化導賞遊 Cultural Walk
23/1 六 Sat 上午 9:00am – 中午 12:00pm
報名 Registration $200
路線 3:半山 / 西營盤 聖安多尼堂、基督教香港崇真會救恩堂、 中華基督教會合一堂香港堂、 中華基督教會公理堂 ( 必列者士街堂 )
Route 3: Mid-Levels / Sai Ying Pun St Anthony’s Church, Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Kau Yan Church, The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church (Hong Kong Church), China Congregational Church (Bridget Street)
備註 Remarks: 部分教堂或不對外開放, 參觀路線如有更改, 將以電郵通知參加者。 集合地點和時間將以電郵通知參加者。 請穿著舒適衣服及合適鞋履。教堂內請勿攝影、錄影。 如天文台於活動當天發出黃色或以上暴雨警告信號,或活動開始前四 小時內懸掛三號強風或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號,則活動取消。參加者 可獲退款。 Some churches may be closed to the public. The stops are subject to change. Updates will be sent to participants via email. Participants will be informed of the meeting point of the tour via email. Participants are advised to wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes. Recording (photography or video) within churches will not be permitted. Tours will be cancelled if and when the Amber Rainstorm Warning or above is in effect, or when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above is hoisted or will be hoisted within 4 hours. Tickets will be refunded.
本地聖樂作品欣賞 Local Church Music Encounters 加料節目於一月份的週末帶來一系列以「華人聖樂作品」為主題的聖樂音樂會,精選了部份由華人作曲家創作或改編 的作品;在莊嚴肅穆的教堂聆聽悠揚溫馨的聖樂,別具意義! Festival PLUS will present three concerts at the weekends in January featuring a selection of sacred works composed or arranged by Chinese composers. Come and join us at these historic churches to experience live performances of melodic and harmonious music. A great way to start your weekend!
演出 Performance
Chinese Church Music Encounter 1
9/1 六 Sat 上午 11:30am – 中午 12:00pm
Chinese Church Music Encounter 2
16/1 六 Sat
聖公會聖馬利亞堂 St Mary's Church
上午 11:30am – 中午 12:00pm
免費入場 Free Admission
香港青唱 Hong Kong Young People's Chorus
Die Konzertisten
聖詩《清晨歌》 Hymn Golden Breaks the Dawn
聖約翰座堂 St John's Cathedral 免費入場 Free Admission
《此殿佳美》(曲:布魯克納/詞:禮儀文辭 ─ 升階詠)
University Anthem (1911) (Music: Denman Fuller / Latin text: Cecil Clementi)
《求主垂憐》(曲:金頌恩/詞:禮儀文辭) Kyrie (Music: Juliana Kam / Text: Liturgical)
O God Our Help in Ages Past (1997) (Music: Lindsay Lafford / Text: Isaac Watts)
Locus iste (Music: Bruckner / Text: Liturgical – Gradual)
The Lord is My Shepherd (Music: Huang An-Lun / Text: Psalm 23) 《上主居臨》(曲/詞:黎本正)
The Lord Abides (Music / Text: Joseph Lai) 《主基督,房角石!》(曲/詞:陳偉光)
Lord Jesus, the Capstone (Music / Text: Victor Chan)
《降 E 大調尊主頌》(曲:羅炳良/詞:聖公會《公禱書》) Magnificat in E-flat (1997) (Music: Daniel Law / Text: Book of Common Prayer) 《聖誕愛歌》(曲:陳永華/詞:陳鈞潤)
Season of Love (Music: Chan Wing-wah / Text: Rupert Chan) 《聖誕歌》(曲:范天祥/改編:陳雋騫/詞:田景福)
Stars of Ice, Wheel of Moonlight Bright (Music: Bliss Wiant / Arrangement: Phoebus Chan / Text: Tien Ching-fu) 《祝願平安》(曲:陳偉光/詞:梅莉,區美賢譯) 所有音樂會不用門票,免費入場 開演時間及節目或會更改。 All concerts are free admission, no tickets required. Performance start time and programmes are subject to change. 相關演出 Related Performance 萊比錫聖多馬合唱團與萊比錫布業大廳樂團《聖馬太受難曲》
Peace to You, Sisters, Brothers (Music: Victor Chan / Text: Shirley E. Murray, translated by Priscilla Au)
Thomanerchor Leipzig & Gewandhausorchester Leipzig - St Matthew Passion 5/3
演出 Performance
管風琴音樂會 Organ Music in Church
23/1 六 Sat 下午 2:15 - 2:45pm
中華基督教會公理堂 China Congregational Church
鋼琴聖詩音樂會 Hymns on Piano
30/1 六 Sat
香港聖公會諸聖座堂 All Saints' Cathedral
下午 2:00 - 3:15pm
免費入場 Free Admission
免費入場 Free Admission
中華基督教會公理堂聖樂部 Church Music Division of China Congregational Church 演出曲目容後公佈 Programme to be announced
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
宗教音樂除了合唱曲目外,亦有不少為鋼琴而創作的樂 曲。藝術節特別邀請著名鋼琴家羅乃新演繹一系列由林 樂培、陳永華、陳偉光等多位華人作曲家改編,選自經 典聖樂、傳統聖詩及當代作品的鋼琴聖樂。羅乃新更會 於音樂會中親身介紹這些音樂,讓觀眾從另一個角度感 受不同風格的聖樂。 Do you know there is a wide range of sacred music written for the piano? Festival PLUS has invited renowned pianist Nancy Loo to perform a series of classical, traditional and contemporary sacred music works arranged by Chinese composers including Doming Lam, Chan Wing-wah, Victor Chan and many more. Miss Loo will also introduce the background of these works and share her insights with the audience. 鋼琴 Piano: 羅乃新 Nancy Loo 演出曲目容後公佈 Programme to be announced © Grace Lau
文化導賞遊 Cultural Walk
30/1 六 Sat 上午 11:00 - 11:30am 下午 12:00 - 12:30pm
30 名額已滿,感謝支持! FULL. Thank you for your support!
音樂會前將設有諸聖座堂古蹟導賞遊,費用全免,需預 先網上登記。 There will be a pre-concert guided tour of All Saints' Cathedral. Free admission, online registration required. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese 合作伙伴 In collaboration with
© China Congregational Church 香港聖公會諸聖堂 All Saints' Cathedral
鹽田梓文化遊 Yim Tin Tsai Heritage Walk
文化導賞遊 Cultural Walk
13/2 六 Sat 上午 10:30am – 下午 3:30pm
集合地點 Assembly point: 西貢碼頭 Sai Kung Pier
$290 30
縱使滄海桑田,但記憶長存。意大利作家兼詩人阿歷山 度.孟佐尼仍然活於威爾第的《安魂彌撒曲》中;至於 香港,位於鹽田梓的羅馬式歷史建築聖約瑟堂亦保存了 村莊的古老風貌。這個一日文化遊活動的參與者,將在 鹽田梓村民帶領下參觀島上各古蹟及文化景點,包括聖 若瑟堂、已復修的鹽田及客家村屋等,並享用特色客家 午膳。
All things perish, but memories prevail. Just as the Italian Catholic writer and poet Alessandro Manzoni lives on through Verdi’s Requiem , the Hong Kong old village of Yim Tin Tsai leaves its legacy through St Joseph’s Chapel, a rare historic building built in Italian Romanesque style. Join us on this one day trip where a local guide from the village will take us through the heritage sites on the island, including the St Joseph’s Chapel, the restored saltpan, as well as traditional village houses. The trip includes a Hakka lunch. The Festival will also give a special introduction on sacred music and Verdi’s Requiem in St Joseph's Chapel, a culturally and religiously rich environment. A relaxing afternoon to discover the hidden gem of Hong Kong and learn about the music masterpieces! 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
藝術節更會在聖若瑟堂舉行導賞講座,介紹不同的聖樂 作品及威爾第的《安魂彌撒曲》,讓參加者在文化與宗 教色彩濃厚的環境中,加深認識香港獨特的中西文化及 聖樂。
贊助 Sponsored by
相關演出 Related Performances 都靈皇家劇院-諾斯達的威爾第、蕭斯達高維契及普羅科菲夫
Teatro Regio Torino - Noseda conducts Verdi, Shostakovich and Prokofiev 3/3*, 4/3 * 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series
Hong Kong Arts Festival Distinguished Cultural Leader Talk Series 皇家莎士比亞劇團藝術總監 ─ 格雷格里.多蘭 Gregory Doran – Artistic Director of Royal Shakespeare Company 莎士比亞四百年 Shakespeare 400 Years 講座 Talk
11/3 五 Fri 下午 2:00 - 3:00pm
香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
$100(包括咖啡或茶 Includes coffee/tea) 80 莎士比亞已逝世 400 年,他筆下的角色仍然令觀眾如癡 如醉,一字一句繼續傳頌世間。莎翁的魅力為何歷久不 衰?他與其作品會怎樣發展下去?皇家莎士比亞劇團藝 術總監格雷格里.多蘭將為你一一解答。 多蘭獲《星期日泰晤士報》譽為「當代最出色的莎士比 亞演繹者之一」,他將剖析莎士比亞深遠悠長的影響, 以及皇家莎士比亞劇團怎樣傳承這文學瑰寶。 是次講座由《金融時報》亞太地區董事總經理安琪拉. 麥 奇主持。 400 years since William Shakespeare’s death, the characters he created continue to enthrall and his words continue to resonate. Why is Shakespeare still popular? What does the future hold for the playwright and his works? Gregory Doran, the Artistic Director of Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), described by the Sunday Times as “one of the great Shakespearians of his generation”, will address these and related questions and examine Shakespeare’s enduring influence and the RSC’s role in sustaining this legacy. The talk will be moderated by Ms Angela Mackay, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Financial Times .
格 雷 格 里. 多 蘭 於 2012 年獲委任為皇 家莎士比亞劇團藝術 總監。多蘭最初加入 皇家莎士比亞劇團為 演 員,1992 年 初 次 為劇團執導,委約德 里克.沃爾科特為他 處劇場改編荷馬的 《 奧 德 賽 》。 他 於 1996 年出任劇團聯 合 導 演,2006 年 成 為首席聯合導演。
© Ellie Kurttz
多蘭執導了三分之二的莎士比亞全部劇作,著名製 作包括:茱迪.丹芝女爵士主演的《終成眷屬》、 安東尼.舍爾爵士及哈里特. 沃爾特主演的《馬 克白》,以及大衛.田納特及柏德烈.斯圖爾特爵 士主演的《哈姆雷特》。《亨利五世》是多蘭最近 執導的作品,並後排相同班底演出的《理察二世》 及《亨利四世》上、下集。 Gregory Doran was appointed as the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Artistic Director in 2012. Doran began his career with the RSC as an actor. He directed his first RSC production in 1992, commissioning Derek Walcott to write an adaptation of Homer’s Odyssey for The Other Place. He was made an Associate Director in 1996, and became Chief Associate Director in 2006. Doran has directed nearly two thirds of the Shakespearean canon, and notable productions include All’s Well That Ends Well with Dame Judi Dench, Macbeth with Sir Antony Sher and Dame Harriet Walter, and Hamlet with David Tennant and Sir Patrick Stewart. Most recently Doran directed Henry V , before reviving Richard II and Henry IV Parts I & II with the same company of actors.
英語主講 In English 國際媒體伙伴
International Media Partner
相關演出 Related Performance 皇家莎士比亞劇團 ─ 莎士比亞的「王與國」系列
The Royal Shakespeare Company - King and Country 4-6/3, 8-13/3
In Partnership with
「創造中…」攝影活動 "Creativity In Action…" Photography Campaign
攝影比賽與展覽 Photo Competition & Exhibition
攝影比賽 Photo Competition
14/12/2015 – 8/1/2016 歡迎來自香港、中國大陸、澳門及台灣地區 15 歲或以上人士參加
We welcome entrants aged 15 or above from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau.
展覽 Exhibition
20/2 – 19/3/2016 香港文化中心大堂 Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
有沒有發現身邊有不少極具創意的人?你可能是其中的 一份子,你更可以是捕捉充滿創意瞬間的攝影師。由香 港藝術節主辦、BVLGARI 贊助的「創造中…」攝影活 動,邀請大家用鏡頭捕捉正在「創造中」的人物,或拍 攝日常生活中往往被忽略的創意。 是次攝影活動包括攝影比賽及展覽,歡迎來自香港、中 國大陸、台灣及澳門的參賽者參加。由 2015 年 12 月 14 日至 2016 年 1 月 8 日,誠邀你上傳照片至藝術節 「創造中…」攝影活動網站。每位參賽者最多可提交 10 份作品。200 份符合主題的傑出作品將入圍至決賽, 評審會從中再選出 50 份「優秀作品」以及當中的 10 位優勝者。獎品非常豐富,而所有「優秀作品」亦將會 在官方網站和公開展覽中展出。 立刻捕捉「創造中」的瞬間,並在一年一度的藝術盛會 中展現你的才華! HKAF Photo Campaign 香港藝術節攝影活動
hkafphotocampaign 相關演出 Related Performance 《FOLK-S,明天你還愛我嗎?》 FOLK-S, will you still love me tomorrow? 25 - 26/2* 都靈皇家劇院威爾第與華格納歌劇盛宴
Teatro Regio Torino - Verdi and Wagner Opera Gala 27/2* *BVLGARI 意國創意系列 BVLGARI Italian Creativity Series
有關活動詳情,將於 2015 年 11 月 30 日在藝術節「創 造中…」攝影活動網站 www.hkafcreativity.org 內 公佈,你亦可在 Facebook、新浪微博及 Instagram 留 意活動最新動向。 There are creative people all around us. You could be one of them. Or you can be the photographer who captures the moment – the moment of people engaging in creative activities or the often neglected creative moments of everyday life. Organised by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and sponsored by BVLGARI, the “Creativity In Action…” Photography Campaign promises a visual celebration of creativity. Open to participants from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan, the photography campaign consists of a Competition and an Exhibition. Each participant will be invited to submit up to 10 photos on the theme of “Creativity In Action…” to the official campaign website from 14 December 2015 to 8 January 2016. 200 outstanding entries succinctly expressing the theme will be selected to enter the final stage. Among the finalists, 50 Outstanding Photographs including 10 winners will be selected by our Panel of Judges. All Outstanding Photographs will be displayed in the "Gallery" on the campaign’s official website, as well as at the public Exhibition. Capture “Creativity in Action” today and share your most inspired and expressive works at the region’s premier arts event! For details and updates of the campaign, please visit the “Creativity In Action…” website www.hkafcreativity.org going live on 30 November 2015, and follow the campaign on our Facebook page, Sina Weibo and Instagram.
贊助 Sponsored by
實物支持夥伴 In-kind Supporters
意大利之夜 An Italian Night 在觥籌交錯之間,加深對歌劇《父女情深》及都靈皇家劇院的認識,絕對是一大樂事。由都靈皇家劇院藝術總監加斯 頓.福尼爾 - 法斯奧親身告訴你劇院鮮為人知的歷史,而《亞洲書評》編輯及熱愛歌劇 40 年的彼得. 哥頓將解釋《父 女情深》的精采之處。 Over a glass of wine, learn more about the opera Simon Boccanegra and the opera house that is home to the Teatro Regio Torino. Meet Teatro Regio Torino's Artistic Director Gastón Fournier-Facio who will share the theatre’s astonishing history with you, and Peter Gordon, Editor of the Asian Review of Books and a lover of opera for 40 years, will walk you through the highlights of Simon Boccanegra .
《父女情深》演前必修課 Simon Boccanegra "Know Before You go"
都靈皇家劇院:歷史與建築 Teatro Regio Torino: History and Architecture 講座 Talk
講座 Talk
22/1 五 Fri
27/2 六 Sat
晚上 7:00 - 9:00pm
下午 4:00 - 6:00pm
但丁意大利語言教育中心 Dante Alighieri Society 每節 $200 per session*( 含紅酒及意大利小食 Includes of wine and Italian canapés)
* 同時參加兩個講座 * Attending both talks: $350
40 《父女情深》以 14 世紀的史實為背景,情節錯綜複雜: 失散的女兒、政治陰謀、綁架、下毒、愛上仇敵及家族世 仇等等。威爾第以扣人心弦的音樂,闡述三代人在愛情、 權力、背叛、犧牲子女、悔恨與贖罪之間的重重掙扎。 經彼得.哥頓解讀此劇的故事情節及音樂結構,你將會更 明白作品的匠心獨運之處。 Some operas have complicated plots, and then there’s Simon Boccanegra : a lost daughter, political plots, kidnapping, poison, love between enemies and feuds between families all set against actual historical events of the 14th century. Some of Giuseppe Verdi’s most moving music traces the story of love, power, betrayal, sacrifice for one’s children, regret and redemption over three generations. Peter Gordon will review the story and musical highlights with you. You will know what’s going on and what to listen for and understand what makes this lesser-known work so very special.
都靈皇家劇院於 1740 年 12 月 26 日開幕,每個樂季均 上演兩部新委約的歌劇,並以嘉年華作結。18 世紀多位 著名意大利作曲家,包括加魯比、約梅利、占瑪勞莎及 帕伊謝洛,以及葛路克、J. C. 巴赫和夏西等外國作曲家, 均曾經為劇院創作。1936 年一場大火將劇院燒毀後, 浩大的重建工程用了近 40 年完成。劇院的藝術總監加斯 頓. 福尼爾 - 法斯奧將與你細訴這華麗劇院的點點滴滴。 Teatro Regio Torino was inaugurated on 26 December 1740. Each season features two specially commissioned “opera serie” and concluded with a Carnival. During the 18th Century, celebrated Italian composers such as Galuppi, Jommelli, Cimarosa and Paisiello wrote for the Regio, as did foreign authors like Gluck, Johann Christian Bach and Hasse. It took almost 40 years for the Regio to rebuild after a violent fire in 1936. Learn more about this magnificent theatre from their Artistic Director Gastón Fournier-Facio. 英語主講 In English
英語主講 In English
贊助 Sponsored by
合作伙伴 In Collaboration with
© Teatro Regio © Ramella & Giannese 相關演出 Related Performance 都靈皇家劇院《父女情深》
Teatro Regio Torino - Simon Boccanegra 26/2, 28/2, 1/3
相關演出 Related Performance 都靈皇家劇院——威爾第與華格納歌劇盛宴
Teatro Regio Torino - Verdi and Wagner Opera Gala 27/2* *BVLGARI 意國創意系列 BVLGARI Italian Creativity Series
《父女情深》— 布索堤的藝術 Simon Boccanegra – the Art of Sylvano Bussotti
加料電影 PLUS Film
後台解碼 Backstage tour
28/2 日 Sun 下午 1:00 - 1:30pm
香港文化中心大劇院後台 Backstage of Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 報名 Registration $40
意大利怪才西爾瓦諾.布索堤涉足多個藝術領域,成就 非凡。多才多藝的他常於劇場作品中身兼導演、佈景和 服裝設計,展現過人光芒。復排其歌劇傑作《父女情深》 的導演維多利奧.波里尼,將帶你進入後台,欣賞這極 度奢靡唯美的服裝及舞台設計。 Italian eccentric genius Sylvano Bussotti is known as a bit of a Renaissance man. Multi-talented, it is in his theatre work where acting as director, set & costume designer, he shines. Join Vittorio Borrelli, the man instrumental in reviving this Bussotti masterpiece, as he guides you through the lavish fin-de-siècle decadent designs. 意大利語主講,英語傳譯
In Italian, with English interpretation
© Teatro Regio © Ramella & Giannese
《浮士德》Faust (2015) 片長 Length: 170 分鐘 minutes 導演 Director: Stefano Poda 指揮 Conductor: Gianandrea Noseda 演員 Cast: Charles Castronovo, Ildar Abdrazakov, Irina Lungu 樂團 Orchestra: Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Regio Torino 意大利語演出,附英文字幕
In Italian with English subtitles
古諾的《浮士德》乃最受歡迎的法語歌劇之一。都靈皇 家劇院音樂總監詹安德列亞.諾斯達首次指揮此劇,帶 來細緻入微的詮釋及扣人心弦的音樂。舞台中心的巨型 黑環將歌唱家籠罩於黑影之中,透露不祥之感,使歌德 筆下惴惴不安的浮士德在抽象而富未來感的佈景下,繼 續其茫然的追尋。 Teatro Regio Torino Music Director Gianandrea Noseda ventured to take on Charles Gounod’s Faust , one of the most popular operas in the French repertoire, for the first time with finely nuanced conducting and musical suspense. The giant black ring set at the centre-stage casts an ominous shadow over the singers, moving Goethe’s tragedy of the restless searcher Faust to an abstract, seemingly futuristic hall. 門票即日起發售
Tickets NOW available 放映日期 Date
放映時間 Time
地點 Venue
晚上 8:15pm
The Grand
24/04/16 日 Sun 15/05/16 日 Sun
票價 Ticket Price 成人 Adult
長者 Senior / 小童 Children / 學生 Student
HK$160 購票方法請瀏覽 For ticketing, please visit:
www.thegrandcinema.com.hk 合辦 Co-presented with
Ramella&Giannese © Teatro Regio Torino
相關演出 Related Performance 都靈皇家劇院《父女情深》
Teatro Regio Torino - Simon Boccanegra 26/2, 28/2, 1/3
支持 Supported by
Anna Netrebko Opera Film Series 加料電影 PLUS Film
光芒四射的安娜.涅翠柯 Lights, Camera, Anna! 安娜.涅翠柯獲美聯社譽為「21 世紀初的新一代天后」。自 2002 年在薩爾斯堡音樂節中技驚四座的演出,涅翠柯就成為世 界各個頂尖歌劇院的寵兒。這電影系列收錄了涅翠柯在薩爾斯堡音樂節及維也納國家歌劇院的經典演出,讓大家一睹她的 迷人風采。 Anna Netrebko has been hailed by the Associated Press as “the reigning new diva of the early 21st century”. Since her triumphant Salzburg Festival debut in 2002, Netrebko has gone on to appear with nearly all of the world’s great opera companies. See Netrebko in her signature roles in this film series filmed at the Salzburg Festival and the Vienna State Opera.
©ORF-Ali Schafler
1 3
2 4
©Silvia Lelli
©Wiener Staatsoper Michael Poehn
1.《茶花女》 La Traviata 2.《遊吟詩人》 Il Trovatore 3.《安娜.波萊娜》 Anna Bolena 4.《波希米亞生涯》 La Bohème 相關演出 Related Performance 安娜.涅翠柯與尤西夫.伊瓦佐夫演唱會
Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov in Concert 8/3
《茶花女》 La Traviata (2005)
《遊吟詩人》 Il Trovatore (2014)
片長 Length: 149 分鐘 minutes
片長 Length: 154 分鐘 minutes
導演 Director: Willy Decker 指揮 Conductor: Carlo Rizzi 演員 Cast: Anna Netrebko, Rolando Villazón, Thomas Hampson 樂團 Orchestra: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
導演 Director: Alvis Hermanis 指揮 Conductor: Daniele Gatti 演員 Cast: Anna Netrebko, Plácido Domingo,
In Italian with Chinese and English subtitles
涅翠柯和 Rolando Villazón 在 2005 年薩爾斯堡音樂節 上,憑藉演繹《茶花女》中的苦命鴛鴦而聲名大噪。此 部三幕歌劇講述了交際花薇奧列達及年輕貴族亞菲度的 愛情悲劇。為了愛情,薇奧列達放棄了聲色犬馬的浮華 世界,但誤會和疾病使她被迫與愛人分離,直至彌留之 際才得以重圓。 This recording of Verdi‘s La Traviata from the 2005 Salzburg Festival captures the triumphal performance not only of Anna Netrebko as the tragic Violetta, but also of Rolando Villazón as her lover Alfredo. The three-act opera depicts the sorrowful love story of courtesan Violetta and bourgeois Alfredo. Misunderstanding and sickness tear the lovers apart. Truth is only revealed in Violetta’s final hours.
《安娜.波萊娜》 Anna Bolena (2011) 片長 Length : 193 分鐘 minutes 導演 Director: Eric Génovèse 指揮 Conductor : Evelino Pidò 演員 Cast: Anna Netrebko, Elīna Garanča,
Ildebrando D`Arcangelo
Francesco Meli, Marie-Nicole Lemieux 樂團 Orchestra: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 意大利語演出,附中、英文字幕
In Italian with Chinese and English subtitles
涅翠柯在威爾第的《遊吟詩人》中夥拍杜明高演出,綻 放巨星光芒。導演 Alvis Hermanis 將故事設置於博物館 內,日間身穿現代服飾的導賞員及守衛,晚間逐漸化身 成畫中人,現實與夢境一時難分。故事講述曼利哥及魯 納伯爵同時愛上涅翠柯飾演的莉奧諾拉,二人陷入重重 的報復與陰謀中,直至愛人離世的一刻才得知他們乃兩 兄弟。 A critically acclaimed production, Anna Netrebko shines as Leonora in Verdi’s tragic opera Il Trovatore at the side of Placido Domingo. Director Alvis Hermanis sets the production inside a museum. The tourist guides and museum guards in modern day dress gradually become the characters they describe in the paintings. The plot revolves round two rival brothers Manrico and Count di Luna falling in love with the same woman, Leonora. Driven into vengeance and treachery, the brothers only learn that they are related at the moment of Leonora’s death.
《波希米亞生涯》 La Bohème (2012)
樂團 Orchestra: Vienna State Opera Orchestra
片長 Length : 120 分鐘 minutes
導演 Director: Damiano Michieletto 指揮 Conductor: Daniele Gatti 演員 Cast: Anna Netrebko, Piotr Beczala, Massimo Cavalletti,
In Italian with Chinese and English subtitles
唐尼采第的《安娜.波萊娜》首次在維也納國家歌劇院 上演,演出陣容星光熠熠。亨利八世及侍女喬凡娜早已 私通,涅翠柯演繹的安妮皇后被設計而蒙上不貞之名, 鎯鐺下獄。憤恨交加的皇后陷入瘋狂,在生命最後一刻 終於清醒過來,狠狠詛咒姦夫淫婦,昂首步向死亡。涅 翠柯的演出新穎強烈,令人難忘。 Vienna State Opera’s first-ever staging of Donizetti’s Anna Bolena features a dream team of vocal giants. Betrayed by the King and her entrusted lady-in-waiting Giovanna, Queen Anna is set up to be arrested of infidelity. Furious and disappointed, the queen loses her sanity. She curses the wicked couple and marches to execution with her head held high. Netrebko sparkles in her role debut as Anna Bolena, giving the role a new dimension and leaving strong impression.
Nino Machaidze 樂團 Orchestra: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 意大利語演出,附中、英文字幕
In Italian with Chinese and English subtitles
普契尼的《波希米亞生涯》首次於歷史悠久的薩爾斯堡 慶典大廳上演,由意籍導演 Damiano Michieletto 以現 代、反消費主義的角度重塑這部普契尼的作品,一眾主 角在奪目的舞台映襯下,流露出身處巴黎藝術圈子的孤 獨。詩人羅多夫與繡花女咪咪因惡疾和貧困而分開,在 咪咪臨終之時,二人才得以重聚。 The Salzburg Festival stages Puccini’s La Bohème in the Great Festival Hall for the first time. The promising Italian director Damiano Michieletto gives a modern and anti-consumerist reinterpretation of Puccini’s gem. The striking staging gives a moving impression of the loneliness of characters in the Paris artistic world of today. Rodolfo, a penniless poet, meets Mimi, a seamstress and they fall passionately in love. But their happiness is threatened by Mimi’s severe illness.
Tickets NOW available 放映時間表 Screening Timetable:
放映日期 Date
15/11/2015 日 Sun 17/01/2016 日 Sun
22/11/2015 日 Sun 24/01/2016 日 Sun
29/11/2015 日 Sun 10/04/2016 日 Sun
13/12/2015 日 Sun 17/04/2016 日 Sun
10/01/2016 日 Sun 22/05/2016 日 Sun
La Traviata ©ORF - Ali Schafler
Il Trovatore
《曼儂》Manon (2007) 片長 Length : 170 分鐘 minutes 導演 Director: Andrei Serban 指揮 Conductor: Betrand de Billy 演員 Cast : Anna Netrebko, Roberto Alagna, Adrian Eröd,
Ain Anger 樂團 Orchestra: Vienna State Opera Orchestra
影片 Title
Anna Bolena 《波希米亞生涯》
La Bohème 《曼儂》
In French with Chinese subtitles
《曼儂》故事講述少女在前往修道院的路上,遇上貧困 的年輕貴族德格魯並墮入愛河。她在神聖與俗世之愛間 選擇了後者,結果帶來惡運連連,及後更遭指控為蕩婦, 被驅逐到新世界。導演 Andrei Serban 將故事背景搬到 1930 年代,Peter Pabst 設計的佈景突出當時社會及政 局的動盪不安。
Manon tells the story of a young woman who falls in love with an impoverished young nobleman, Des Grieux, while on her way to enter a convent. She chooses earthly over divine love and, from one misfortune to another, is ultimately arrested as a prostitute and condemned to deportation to the New World. Director Andrei Serban has transposed the action to the 1930s, a time of growing social and political unrest that is sharply evoked by Peter Pabst‘s sets.
Ticketing and General Information 放映地點 Screening Venue The Grand 九龍柯士甸道西 1 號港鐵九龍站圓方 2 樓
2/F., Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon Station
票價 Ticket Price 成人 Adult
長者 Senior / 小童 Children / 學生 Student
購票優惠 Ticket Promotion The Citizen Grand 會員 The Citizen Grand members
10% discount
購票辦法 Ticketing 1. 親臨 The Grand 票房購買 Tickets available at The Grand Box Office 2. 網上訂票 Online Ticketing : www.thegrandcinema.com.hk 3. 手機程式訂票 Mobile Apps Booking:The Grand App 4. 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiry:2196-8170 5. 另有少量特選座位訂票 Limited prime seats are available at: www.330ipo.com * 凡經網上及手機程式購票均會收取手續費。
* Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or via mobile apps.
合辦 Co-presented with
相關演出 Related Performance 安娜.涅翠柯與尤西夫.伊瓦佐夫演唱會
Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov in Concert 8/3
支持 Supported by
淺談京劇張派《望江亭》 Decoding Zhang Junqiu's Riverside Pavilion
後台解碼 Backstage tour
電影 / 講座 Film / Talk
21/2 日 Sun 下午 3:00 - 4:30pm
北京京劇院後台解碼 Beijing Opera Close-up
基督教香港信義會金齡薈 ELCHK Essence Hub 免費入場,需預先登記 Free Admission. Registration required.
28/2 日 Sun 下午 1:00 - 1:30pm
沙田大會堂演奏廳後台 Backstage of Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall 報名 Registration $40
40 藝術節誠邀你參與由京劇名伶張君秋主演的電影《望江 亭》選段放映及導賞會,電影圍繞張氏扮演譚記兒與白 士中因相愛而被追殺的驚險故事。現場將有梨園世家京 劇名旦金慧苓女士親臨主持,分享認識京劇的入門技 巧,並從唱腔、演技等方面解構張派集四大名旦門派的 精髓和特色,讓你深入了解此門國寶級藝術。 Join us for a special screening of excerpts from Zhang Junqiu’s masterpiece Riverside Pavilion – a film that tells the thrilling story of a couple who is persecuted because of their love. The screening is followed by a discussion, hosted by Kam Wai Ling, a well-known Dan in Beijing Opera. In this talk, Ms Kam will share her knowledge about this traditional Chinese art and the stagecraft of Zhang-style which incorporates the artistries of the Four Famous Dans. An interesting guide for everyone, even newcomers to this art form. 普通話主講 In Putonghua
《望江亭》Riverside Pavilion (1958) 片長 Length:90 分鐘 mins 彩色 Colour 導演 Director:周峯 Zhou Feng 普通話對白 In Putonghua
合辦 Co-presented with
相關演出 Related Performance 北京京劇院 – 張派青衣名劇選
Jingju Theater Company of Beijing - The Artistry of Zhang Junqiu 24-28/2
快來跟我們到後台探秘,看看北京京劇院一團怎樣預備 演出張派現代京劇《沙家浜》!你將可近距離看到演員 的面部化妝,細看文革時期的戲服和佈景,了解傳統京 劇與現代京劇的不同。 Take a look backstage as members of the First Troupe of the Jingju Theater Company of Beijing prepare to go on stage for modern Beijing opera masterpiece Underground Liaison . Highlights of the tour include a close-up view of the application of facial make-up by the actors, the contemporaneous costumes and the set. 普通話主講 In Putonghua
Music © Matthias Knoch
Rundfunkchor Berlin and human requiem 柏林廣播電台合唱團獲獎無數,憑藉風格廣闊的曲目、溫潤細緻的獨特風格,成為世界最出色的合唱團之一。藝術節 加料節目將圍繞這部舞台版的布拉姆斯《德意志安魂曲》,為你炮製一系列節目。 The multi award-winning Rundfunkchor Berlin is renowned for their exceptional breadth of repertoire. Their unmistakably warm and richly nuanced sound establishes them as one of the world’s most outstanding choral ensembles. Festival PLUS is delighted to present a programme series on their staged version of Johannes Brahms's A German Requiem.
安魂曲再生 Reviving Requiem
舞台上的安魂曲 Requiem on Stage
© Matthias Heyde
© Matthias Heyde
講座 Talk
29/2 一 Mon 晚上 6:00 - 7:00pm
香港大學本部大樓 218 室 畢業生議會廳 The Convocation Room, Room 218, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
2/3 三 Wed 晚上 9:30 - 10:00pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港大學陸佑堂 Loke Yew Hall, The University of Hong Kong 免費入場 Free Admission
指揮尼古拉斯.芬克與舞台總監尤亨.桑迪將在演前座 談講座剖析這部特別的作品,由音樂、編排,以至特定 場地的演出如何與觀眾呼應,讓你一窺其創作過程如何 重新思考及定義合唱的媒介。講座由白諾信教授主持。
欣賞過這場與觀眾隔閡盡消的演出後,觀眾可與舞台總 監尤亨.桑迪、指揮尼古拉斯.芬克及柏林廣播電台合 唱團的成員見面,聽聽他們怎樣將「人的安魂曲」帶到 具百年歷史的香港大學陸佑堂演出。
Hosted by conductor Nicolas Fink and stage director Jochen Sandig, this pre-concert talk focuses on this unique production, particularly the music, the direction and connection with the audience in these special site-specific performances. An unmissable talk offering insights on the creative process that rethinks and redefines the choral medium. The talk will be moderated by Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso.
After the performance that will dissolve the boundaries between the performance and the audience, hear stage director Jochen Sandig, conductor Nicolas Fink and choir members of Rundfunkchor Berlin talk about their experiences adapting the human requiem at the historic Loke Yew Hall.
英語主講 In English
In collaboration with
相關演出 Related Performance 柏林廣播電台合唱團 - 人的安魂曲
Rundfunkchor Berlin - human requiem 2-3/3
英語主講 In English
指揮合唱團 Conducting Choirs
© Matthias Heyde
大師班 Masterclass
6/3 日 Sun 下午 2:00-5:00pm
香港文化中心排演室 GR3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre 旁聽 Observers $80
尼古拉斯.芬克是炙手可熱的合唱團總監,曾與西蒙. 歷圖爵士、亞諾夫斯基、亨格布洛克等合作。芬克將會 教授一節特別的合唱指揮大師班,以布拉姆斯《五首歌 曲,作品 104》為本,向一班本地合唱指揮傳授彩排技 巧。是次大師班將選出三名參加者接受指導,其他有興 趣人士可在場觀摩。 Nicolas Fink, a sought-after chorusmaster for conductors Sir Simon Rattle, Marek Janowski and Thomas HengelBrook among others, will conduct a special choral conducting masterclass for local choral conductors. The masterclass will focus on rehearsal technique and use Johannes Brahms - Five Songs, Op 104 as the text. Three conducting candidates will be chosen for active participation, but all those interested are welcome to attend as observers. 英語主講 In English 如欲於大師班中接受指導,請把個人資料(姓名、年齡及聯絡方 法)、 音樂履歷及合唱指揮經驗於 2015 年 12 月 20 日或之前電 郵至 plus@hkaf.org 。
If you are interested in being coached in this masterclass, please email your personal details (name, age and contacts), musical qualification and choral conducting experience to plus@hkaf.org on or before 20 December 2015.
©Matthias Heyde
管風琴大師班 Organ Masterclass
與鋼琴新星金多率見面 Meet Pianist Dasol Kim © Jino Park
講座 Talk
13/3 日 Sun 下午 2:00- 3:30pm
大師班 Masterclass
5/3 六 Sat
上午 10:00 am - 中午 12:00pm
旁聽 Observers $40
香港演藝學院演奏廳 Recital Hall, HKAPA 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
Hong Kong Baptist Church
烏爾里克.波米教授於 1985 年巴赫 300 年生辰獲委任 為萊比錫聖多馬教堂的管風琴師,經常出任國際管風琴 比賽的評審。波米 13 歲已擔任家鄉的管風琴手,時至 今日,他仍然鍾情於這「樂器之王」。在是次大師班中, 他將向本地管風琴手傾囊相授。 Professor Ullrich Böhme was appointed the Thomasorganist of the Leipzig St Thomas Church in 1985, the year of Bach’s 300th birthday. A frequent jury member of major international organ competitions, Professor Böhme assumed the position of organist in his native town at the tender age of 13, and his fascination with the “King of Instruments” continues until this very day. Come and observe the master coach local organists.
來與國際矚目的鋼琴新星金多率暢談音樂!金多率將會 在鋼琴家及聖保羅男女中學及附屬小學音樂總監李偉安 的主持下,分享為音樂比賽備戰的心得,以及踏上音樂 之路的經過。金多率更會即場演奏他摯愛的樂曲,示範 實戰技巧。 Regarded as one of the most exciting pianists to emerge onto the international stage, Dasol Kim will talk to Warren Lee, renowned pianist and Music Director of St Paul’s Coeducational College and Primary School, sharing his insights on how to prepare for music competitions and why he chose music as a career. To conclude the talk, Kim will perform his favourite piano work and demonstrate his playing techniques. 英語主講 In English
英語主講 In English 如欲於大師班中接受指導,請把個人資料(姓名、年齡及聯絡方 法)、 音樂履歷及演奏曲目於 2016 年 1 月 16 日或之前電郵至 plus@hkaf.org 。 If you are interested in being coached in this masterclass, please email your personal details (name, age and contact details), musical qualification and repertoire to plus@hkaf.org on or before 16 January 2016.
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
Venue supported by Hong Kong Baptist Church
相關演出 Related Performance 萊比錫聖多馬合唱團與萊比錫布業大廳樂團《聖馬太受難曲》
Thomanerchor Leipzig & Gewandhausorchester Leipzig St Matthew Passion 5/3
相關演出 Related Performance 林志映與金多率小提琴與鋼琴音樂會
Ji-Young Lim & Dasol Kim Violin and Piano Recital 12/3
德布西弦樂四重奏大師班 Debussy String Quartet Masterclass
梅尼可夫鋼琴大師班 Alexander Melnikov Piano Masterclass 大師班 Masterclass
18/3 五 Fri 下午 2:00 - 4:00pm
下午 2:00 - 4:00pm
免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
亞歷山大.梅尼可夫以別樹一幟的音樂詮釋及選曲著 稱,獲譽為當代最佳的俄羅斯鋼琴家之一。梅尼可夫畢 業於莫斯科音樂學院,深獲傳奇鋼琴大師李希特賞識, 他早在學藝期間就一直鍾情研究歷史演奏法,更樂於向 後輩傳授箇中心得。齊來向這位鋼琴大師學習!
大師班 Masterclass
14/3 一 Mon
香港演藝學院演奏廳 Recital Hall, HKAPA
香港演藝學院音樂廳 Concert Hall, HKAPA 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
你可以親臨現場,看看德布西弦樂四重奏怎樣親身指導 演藝學院的學生。德布西弦樂四重奏將會在大師班中剖 析多首法國樂曲及講解演奏技巧,向這些新一代的室樂 演奏家傳授演出成功的秘訣。
Regarded as one of the finest Russian pianists of his generation, Alexander Melnikov is known for his unusual musical and programmatic decisions. During his studies at Moscow Conservatory, he maintained close artistic ties with the legendary Sviatoslav Richter and discovered a career-long interest in historically informed performance practice at an early age, which he always takes pleasure in sharing with the younger generation. Sit in this class and learn from the Russian piano master! 英語主講 In English
Watch members of the Debussy String Quartet take HKAPA students through their paces. In this masterclass, interpretation of French repertoire and details of technique are explained as members of the Debussy String Quartet share the values essential to successful performance with the next generation of chamber musicians. 英語主講 In English
The two events above are presented in collaboration with
©Marco Borggreve
相關演出 Related Performance 無界限雜技團《大動作》 Circa - Opus 11-13/3 德布西弦樂四重奏-法式美饌 Debussy String Quartet- French Music 14/3 德布西弦樂四重奏-巴赫至爵士 Debussy String Quartet- Bach to Jazz 15/3
相關演出 Related Performance 梅尼可夫的蕭斯達高維契鋼琴獨奏會
Alexander Melnikov plays Shostakovich 19/3
國際作曲家高峰會 International Composers' Summit
印度音樂大千世界 The Infinite World of Indian Music
論壇 Symposium
日至二 Sun to Tue
香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
$500* 「配器」是民族樂隊作品的成敗關鍵。本次高峰會邀請 具代表性的作曲家與參加者分享創作及配器心得,並由 香港中樂團示範不同配器所產生的聲響效果及風格。 高峰會特別向非華人及作曲系學生徵曲,獲選作品將於 高峰會上由香港中樂團示範演奏。會上更特設「十個不 要」環節,由中樂團演奏家親述各樂器的特性。 更多有關國際作曲家高峰會的詳情,請瀏覽:
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
4/3 五 Fri 晚上 9:30 - 10:00pm (演出後 Post performance)
http://www.hkco.org/ Orchestration is the key to the success of a Chinese orchestral work. In view of this, the Summit invites notable composers to share their experience and insights into orchestration with the participants. Participants will also hear the different acoustic effects and styles through live demonstration by the HKCO. Non-ethnic Chinese and student composers are invited to submit their original works to be performed by the HKCO during the symposium once selected. HKCO musicians will illustrate the characteristics of individual instruments in an extension activity entitled “Ten Don’ts”.
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall 免費入場 Free Admission
印度音樂變化萬千,融合並繼承東西精華,自成一格。 在欣賞完小提琴和維那琴的完美合奏後,何不留步細聽 兩位大師分享具二千年傳統、內容豐富而渾厚的印度音 樂?保證能更深入認識這個神秘的音樂國度。 Explore the innovation and creativity of Indian music! After listening to this wonderful marriage of violin and veena, meet the artists who will share their thoughts on this 2,000-year-old tradition of Indian music in the context of World Music. 英語主講 In English
For details about the International Composers’ Summit, please visit: http://www.hkco.org/ 普通話及英語主講 In Putonghua and English
* 參加者只需支付註冊費 HK$500 元正 ( 學生半價優惠 ),便將獲發 高峰會通行證一張,憑證可出席為期三天的高峰會議所有環節。 Interested parties only need to pay a registration fee of HK$500 (50% discount for full-time students) for a summit pass to attend all of the activities throughout the three-day summit period.
主辦 Organized by
相關演出 Related Performance 樂旅中國 X 中樂無疆界
Music About China X Chinese Music Without Bounds 27/2
相關演出 Related Performance 世界音樂週末營-弦琴東西風 - 小提琴與維那琴
World Music Weekend - Strings Attached - Violin & Veena 4/3
《我就嚟是歌手》 20 Feet from Stardom
談威爾第《安魂彌撒曲》 Verdi's Requiem : A Masterpiece 講座 Talk
3/3 四 Thu 晚上 7:15 - 7:45pm (演出前 Pre-performance)
電影 / 講座 Film / Talk
15/2 一 Mon 晚上 7:00 - 9:00pm
香港理工大學蔣震劇院 Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
$50 《我就嚟是歌手》深入多位和音歌手的內心世界,包括 美國唱作歌手及格林美獎得主麗莎.費雪,探聽他們音 樂生涯的理想與掙扎。電影由摩根.尼維利執導、資深 音樂人吉爾.弗里森監製,榮獲 2014 年奧斯卡最佳紀 錄片。放映會後將有本地和音歌手與觀眾分享他們的心 路歷程。 Winner of the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2014, this documentary directed by Morgan Neville and produced by Gil Friesen, a music industry executive, takes a behind-the-scenes look at the lives, aspirations and struggles of a group of backup singers including American vocalistsongwriter and Grammy Award winner, Lisa Fischer. There will be a post-screening discussion where local backup singers will share their experiences with the audience. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
香港文化中心 HK Cultural Centre 免費入場,需預先登記 * Free admission. Registration required.
《安魂彌撒曲》是威 爾第為紀念意大利 詩人及小說家阿歷山 度.孟佐尼而寫的。 《安魂彌撒曲》兼具 精采的歌劇、美妙的 交響樂與動人的獨 唱,是歷來最偉大的 合唱作品之一。這演 前講座將由潘明倫教 授帶領你深入了解此 不朽之作。 Composed in memory of Alessandro Manzoni, an Italian writer and poet whom Verdi admired, the mighty Requiem stands as one of the greatest choral masterpieces offering operatic drama, wonderful symphonic writing and stellar, virtuosic solo moments. In this pre-concert talk, Prof. Johnny Poon will give you an in-depth introduction to this monumental work. 英語主講 In English
* 出席者將獲贈香港藝術節飲品券乙張,飲品券可於香港文化中心、 香港大會堂及香港演藝學院舉行之 2016 年第 44 屆香港藝術節節 目開場前或中場休息期間,於指定酒吧免費換取飲品。 *Pre-registered Attendee will receive a HKAF complimentary drink coupon. The drink coupon can be used before the performance and during the intermission at designated bars in the HK Cultural Centre, HK City Hall or the HK Academy for Performing Arts, during the 44th Hong Kong Arts Festival in 2016.
《我就嚟是歌手》20 Feet from Stardom 美國 USA (2013) 91 分鐘 mins / 彩色 Colour 導演 Director: 摩根.尼維利 Morgan Neville 英語對白,附中文字幕 In English with Chinese subtitles 支持 Supported by
相關演出 Related Performance 麗莎.費雪與大指揮棒樂隊
以上兩項活動均之贊助 合作伙伴 In collaboration with
Ms. Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton 19/3* * 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series
Both events are sponsored by
相關演出 Related Performance 都靈皇家劇院-諾斯達的威爾第、蕭斯達高維契及普羅科菲夫
Teatro Regio Torino - Noseda conducts Verdi, Shostakovich and Prokofiev 3/3*, 4/3 * 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series
《首席女聲》── 一部歌劇的故事 Prima Donna - The Story of an Opera
繽紛銅管樂派對 Discovering the Brass Beast
加料電影 PLUS Film
17/2 三 Wed 晚上 7:30– 9:00 pm
Dada Bar + Lounge 免費入場,需預先登記 Free Admission, Registration required
此長篇電影透過鏡頭展現了魯弗斯.溫萊特的如戲人 生。跟隨電影的腳步,看看這位生於紐約、長於蒙特利 爾的音樂才子怎樣與歌劇結下不解緣、如何創作出《首 席女聲》,追踪此劇由彩排直至 2009 年 7 月 10 日在 曼徹斯特國際藝術節首演的經過。 This revealing, feature-length film follows the dramatic story of New York-born, Montreal-raised singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright's debut opera, Prima Donna , exploring Wainwright’s’ life-long interest in opera, the composition of Prima Donna , and following rehearsals of the work up to the opening night on 10 July 2009 at the Manchester International Festival.
Prima Donna - The Story of an Opera 美國 USA (2009) 88 分鐘 mins / 彩色 Colour 導演 Director: George Scott 英語對白 In English
©Arne Reinhardt
社區外展 Community Outreach
20/2 六 Sat 上午 10:30 – 11:30 am
葡萄藤教會 The Vine Church
* 歡迎學校及社區團體報名。 免費入場。 * Schools and community groups are welcome to register. Free Admission.
雲雀大樂隊以吉卜賽及羅馬尼亞的民族舞蹈音樂為骨 幹,同時融入了國際樂壇、荷里活及寶萊塢的音樂元素。 吉卜賽音樂可追溯至奧圖曼帝國時期,代代相傳至今, 雲雀大樂隊將透過導賞音樂會,帶你進入吉卜賽音樂的 繽紛世界,發掘吉卜賽銅管樂的根源。 Discover the roots of gypsy brass! Members of Fanfare Ciocarlia will introduce you to the wonders of gypsy music, a musical tradition handed down from father to son that stretches all the way back to the Ottoman Empire. Learn about their music that stems primarily from the traditions of gypsy and Romanian folk dance music, but also incorporates a number of tunes gleaned from international radio, Hollywood and Bollywood. 英語主講 In English
* 如閣下為中學、專上學院或社區團體,有興趣帶領學生參與此活動, 請電郵至 plus@hkaf.org 報名。 *If you are a secondary school, higher education institution or a community group interested in participating in this event, please email to plus@hkaf.org for reservation.
©Howard Barlow
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
贊助 Sponsored by
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
支持 Supported by
場地由 The Vine Church 提供 Venue supported by The Vine Community Services Limited 相關演出 Related Performance 魯弗斯.溫萊特《首席女聲》交響樂視聽音樂會
Rufus Wainwright - Prima Donna A Symphonic Visual Concert 1/3
相關演出 Related Performance 雲雀大樂隊
Fanfare Ciocarlia 20/2
醉人爵士樂 Gin & Jazz 比利時作曲家兼鋼琴家柯拉德.尼芬,將與曾和爵士傳奇 Chet Baker 合作無間的低音大提琴手雷森福,攜手演奏原汁 原味的爵士音樂。聽罷兩位音樂家與德布西弦樂四重奏的「巴赫至爵士」音樂會,誠邀你來到西營盤的時尚聚腳點 Ping Pong 129,在酒吧的輕鬆氛圍下享受美酒美樂。 二重奏將演出經典爵士名曲及柯拉德.尼芬的自家作品,部分更可能在歐洲及亞洲電影中出現過。這是近距離欣賞兩位 爵士名家的難得機會,各位樂迷萬勿錯過。 Leaving their cross-over Bach to Jazz performance with the Debussy String Quartet behind, Belgian composer-pianist Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven and bassist Jean-Louis Rassinfosse, who worked closely with the jazz legend Chet Baker, will go back to their jazz roots in this special performance at the Sai Ying Pun urban chic gin-tonic hangout Ping Pong 129. The duo will perform your beloved jazz classics together with Collard-Neven’s original works, some of which are used in cinemas across Europe and Asia. Taking place in a bar, the natural habitat of jazz, this is a must for jazz fans.
演出 Performance
16/3 三 Wed 晚上 7:30 - 9:00pm
Ping Pong 129
$350 ( 包括 Ping Pong 特調飲品 一杯 , include one Ping
Pong special drink)
合作伙伴 In Collabration with
©Julien Pohl 相關演出 Related Performance 德布西弦樂四重奏 - 巴赫至爵士
Debussy String Quartet - Bach to Jazz 15/3
戲劇 / 雜技
Theatre & Circus ©Viviana Cangialosi
雜技樂園 Circus Wonderland
達利之夢 Dalí's Dreamscapes
© Viviana Cangialosi
工作坊 Workshop
© Viviana Cangialosi
18/2 四 Thu 工作坊一 Class 1*
工作坊二 Class 2**
下午 4:00 - 6:00pm
晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
香港文化中心排演室 GR3 Rehearsal Room GR3, HK Cultural Centre
香港文化中心排演室 GR2 Rehearsal Room GR2, HK Cultural Centre
每節 $250 per session 每節 20 per session
藝術節加料節目去年發掘了很多技藝不凡的本地雜耍新 血。想學習更多雜技嗎?機會來了!芬茲.帕斯卡劇團 憑藉以演員及舞者為重心的演出而馳名國際,一眾表演 者將主持以下工作坊: 工作坊一:呼拉圈、基本雜技動作及倒立 工作坊二:雜耍球及單輪車示範 Last year Festival PLUS discovered many talented local jugglers-would-be in Hong Kong. See more juggling in your future? Well here’s take two, this time with circus skills thrown in. Artists from the Compagnia Finzi Pasca, renowned for their people-centred approach to the work of actor and dancers, will host two workshops. Class 1: Hula hoops, movements and handstands with Evelyne Laforest and Stephane Gentilini Class 2: Juggling and demonstration on Cyr wheel with David Menes and Marco Paoletti
後台解碼 Backstage tour
20/2 六 Sat 下午 12:00 - 12:45pm
21/2 日 Sun
每節 25 per session
走到《真相奇幻坊》的後台,看看來自瑞士的芬茲.帕 斯卡劇團怎樣以雜技向超現實大師達利的一生與作品致 敬。你可以近距離接觸其戲服、道具,當然少不了人手 所畫的巨型達利畫作佈景,以及觀察演員在演出前的熱 身準備。雜技劇場愛好者必定大飽眼福! Go behind the scenes of La Verità , the circus-style tribute to the life and work of surrealist Salvador Dalí by the Swiss Compagnia Finzi Pasca and get up close and personal with the tools of their trade: costumes, props, and of course the gigantic replica of the hand-painted Dalí backdrop, and how the cast warm up for the show. A must-see for fans of circus threatre. 英語主講 In English
適合 16 歲或以上之參加者,毋需經驗。請穿著合適之運動服上課。 患有高血壓及心臟病人士不宜參與。 Suitable for people aged 16 and above. No experience necessary. Please wear comfortable workout clothes for the class. Not suitable for those with high blood pressure or heart disease.
* 藝術節會提供基本上課工具(呼啦圈/雜耍球),學員如有需要, 可自備運動墊上課 HKAF will provide basic gear (hula hoops / juggling balls) for the class; participants are welcome to bring their own mats if needed ** 包括免費雜耍球作紀念品 Includes juggling balls to take home ©Viviana Cangialosi
Compagnia Finzi Pasca - La Verità (The Truth) 19-21/2
報名 Registration $40
下午 12:00 - 12:45pm
英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 芬茲.帕斯卡劇團《真相奇幻坊》
香港文化中心大劇院後台 Backstage of Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
跟劇場大師踩鋼線 Walking the Tightrope
生之問 Profound Questions about Life
加料電影 PLUS Film
5/3 六 Sat 下午 4:00 – 5:45pm
香港視覺藝術中心演講廳 Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
$60 著名導演彼得.布祿克相信「演員的天賦,在於如何結 合想像力和身體」。此記錄片由布祿克之子西門.布祿 克執導,透過五個隱藏鏡頭,展示大師如何透過一套名 為「鋼線」的簡單練習,指導演員運用想像力。布祿克 更會在片中親身口述他的戲劇理念。 “The actor’s gift,” according to the director and theatrical sage Peter Brook, “is the connection between pure imagination and the body itself.” His special exercise Tightrope makes theatre real and new for actor and audience alike. In this quietly eloquent and unique film shot through the lens of five hidden cameras, director Simon Brook, his son, reveals how the Tightrope, a special exercise designed by Peter, works its dramatic alchemy. Peter would also talk about his theatrical ideas in this documentary.
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
18/3 五 Fri 晚上 9:30 - 10:00pm (演出後 Post performance)
Peter Brook’s new play Battlefield , inspired by the great Indian epic Mahabharata , asks the timeless and contemporary question: how do we find peace in a world filled with conflict? Find out from the co-director Marie-Hélène Estienne why they chose to revisit the Mahabharata 30 years after Brook’s acclaimed production of the epic tale. 英語主講 In English
86 分鐘 mins / 彩色 Colour 導演 Director:西門.布祿克 Simon Brook
Marie-Hélène Estienne
聯合導演 Co-director :
英語對白,附中文字幕 In English with Chinese subtitles
支持 Supported by
© El País Alvaro García
Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord - Peter Brook's Battlefield 16-20/3
免費入場 Free admission
彼得.布祿克的最新力作《戰場》靈感來自印度偉大史 詩《摩訶婆羅達》,當中提出一道自古永恆的問題:如 何在紛爭不斷的世間尋求和平?來與聯合導演 MarieHélène Estienne 面對面,聽聽他們何以在《摩訶婆羅 達》搬上舞台 30 年後,再度從這部印度神話取材。
Peter Brook - The Tightrope (2012)
相關演出 Related Performance 北方布夫劇場-彼得.布祿克的《戰場》
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
Royal Shakespeare Company On Screen 加料電影 PLUS Film
英國皇家莎士比亞劇團首次登上香港大銀幕! Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hong Kong Screen Debut! © Hugo Glen dinning
《理察二世》Richard II
《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice
片長 Length: 195 分鐘 minutes 導演 Director: Gregory Doran 演員 Cast: David Tennant, Nigel Lindsay, Oliver Ford Davies,
片長 Length: 165 分鐘 minutes 導演 Director: Polly Findlay 演員 Cast: Makram J. Khoury , Patsy Ferran, Jamie Ballard,
Michael Pennington
Jacob Fortune-Lloyd
《理察二世》是莎士 比亞「蘭開斯特王朝」 歷史四部曲之首,故事情節轉 折多變、劇力萬鈞。國王理察 奉上帝之名統領人民,雖然他 身份尊貴無上但亦擁有人性的弱點,他的虛 榮心最終導致英格蘭皇室分裂,讓人民捲入 長達百年的王朝內戰。
貴為貿易之都的威尼斯,擁有與世界接軌的海上交 通,吸引商賈在此大展拳腳、賺取利潤。各省市民 在這城市共冶一爐,互惠互利。然而,猶太人夏洛 克在這裏飽受鄙視,女兒私奔亦使他滿腔屈辱。而 巴薩利奧借錢不能償還,導致與夏洛克之間的契約 破裂,蟄伏的種族爭端一發不可收拾,為此,夏 洛克誓要對方以血來償還所欠的債。 In the melting pot of Venice, trade is God. With its ships plying the globe, the city opens its arms to all, as long as they come prepared to do business and there is profit to be made. With the gold flowing all is well, but when a contract between Bassanio and Shylock is broken, simmering racial tensions boil over. A wronged father, and despised outsider, Shylock looks to exact the ultimate price for a deal sealed in blood.
A story of power and plotting, Richard II is the first of Shakespeare's four plays about the House of Lancaster. Richard is King, a monarch ordained by God to lead his people. But he is also a man of very human weakness, a man whose vanity threatens to divide the great houses of England and drags his people into a dynastic civil war that lasted 100 years.
Tickets NOW available 購票辦法請瀏覽 For ticketing, please visit www.cinema.com.hk and www.amccinemas.com.hk 放映時間表 Screening Timetable 影片 Title 《理察二世》Richard II
《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice
成人 Adult
HK$200 |
放映日期 Date 28/02/2016 日 Sun 19/03/2016 六 Sat 16/04/2016 六 Sat 23/04/2016 六 Sat 15/05/2016 日 Sun
學生 Student / 長者 Senior / 小童 Children
放映時間 Time 3:35pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 3:35pm 3:35pm
地點 Venue AMC Pacific Place PALACE ifc PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place Broadway The One 合辦 Co-presented with
本宣傳單張出版時,是次節目之影片尚未獲評列等級,影片的放映時間及片長或會有變動。如有任何更改,主辦單位將於戲院張貼告示及於網頁 www.cinema.com. hk 公佈,敬請留意。The categories of all the films in the program are not yet rated at the time this leaflet goes to print. There might be changes in terms of film
duration and screening time. For any changes, notice will be posted in cinema and on www.cinema.com.hk.
解讀莎士比亞 Interpreting Shakespeare for Contemporary Audiences
成王之路 From Prince to King © Keith Pattison
講座 Talk
11/3 五 Fri 下午 1:30 - 3:30pm
香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
莎士比亞以《亨利五世》訴說這傳奇英王的一生,聚焦 英法百年戰爭中 1415 年阿金庫爾戰役前後的事蹟。《亨 利五世》是英國皇家莎士比亞劇團為紀念莎士比亞逝世 400 週年而呈獻的「王與國」系列三部曲的最終回。《亨 利五世》聯合導演奧雲.賀斯里將與大家分享他對此作 的見解。
Henry V by William Shakespeare tells the story of King Henry V of England, focusing on events immediately before and after the Battle of Agincourt (1415) during the Hundred Years' War. Meet Associate Director of Henry V Owen Horsley who will share insights into the play, the last of the King and Country Cycle presented by RSC to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death. 英語主講 In English
合作伙伴 In Collaboration with
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
13/3 日 Sun 下午 5:10 - 5:25pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港演藝學院歌劇院 Lyric Theatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
莎士比亞在《亨利四世》上、下集及《亨利五世》呈現 了亨利王子的蛻變 ─ 由縱情玩樂的叛逆王子,成為努 力贏取國民尊重、帶領他們在戰場上爭勝的國君。來 與英國皇家莎士比亞劇團藝術總監格雷格 里.多蘭及多位演員見面,了解此作怎樣 將莎士比亞的歷史作品活現大家眼前。 In Shakespeare’s Henry IV (Parts I & II) and Henry V , the audience watches young Prince Hal’s rite of passage from rebellious party prince to a leader who must gain the respect of his people and lead them to war. Meet RSC Artistic Director Gregory Doran and some members of the cast as they discuss the production that brings these historical Shakespeare plays to life. 英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 皇家莎士比亞劇團 ─ 莎士比亞的「王與國」系列
The Royal Shakespeare Company - King and Country 4-6/3, 8-13/3
文化對話的意念 The Idea of Cultural Dialogue
冥想.禪意 The Zen of Meditation © Sheng-Fa Lin
工作坊 Workshop
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
六 Sat
晚上 9:30 – 10:00 pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
日 Sun
上午 11:00am – 下午 12:30pm
香港文化中心大劇院 排演室 GR2 Rehearsal Room GR2, HK Cultural Centre
$290 30
免費入場 Free admission
現今世界紛爭不斷,東西之間的文化對話似是遙不可 及,柏林廣播電台合唱團與優人神鼓卻要知其不可為而 為之。此合作靈魂人物劉若瑀、黃誌群、克利斯提安. 佑斯特及尼古拉斯.芬克將與你分享作品的創作過程。
中國古代的禪宗大師曾言:真正的藝術家必須糅合「道」 (自我進步)與「法」(藝術的學習及成熟)。是次冥 想工作坊中,優人神鼓藝術總監劉若瑀將帶領你與心靈 契合,讓心靈得到放鬆並煥然一新。
In a world full of conflict and strife, the idea of cultural dialogue between East and West appears but a dream. And yet in LOVER , this alchemy is what Rundfunkchor Berlin and U-Theatre set out to achieve. Hear the masterminds of the production Liu Ruo-yu, Huang Chih-chun, Christian Jost and Nicolas Fink discuss what it took to bring about this amazing partnership.
The Zen masters in China over a thousand years ago had said that a true artist must combine Tao (self-improvement) with Skill (the learning and maturity of art). In this unique meditation workshop, learn from Liu Ruo-Yu, founder/artistic director of U-Theatre to connect with the spiritual realms and the nonphysical, to relax and re-connect with your heart and soul, and leave renewed.
英語主講 In English
普通話主講 In Putonghua 請穿著合適之運動服上課。 Please wear comfortable workout clothes.
相關演出 Related Performance 優人神鼓與柏林廣播電台合唱團《愛人》
U-Theatre & Rundfunkchor Berlin – LOVER 5-6/3
無界限健身體驗 Circa Fit
蕭斯達高維契緣起 Why Shostakovich?
工作坊 Workshop
12/3 六 Sat 第一節 Class 1 上午 10:00 - 11:30am
第二節 Class 2 上午 11:45am- 下午 1:15pm
© Herve All
香港文化中心 排演室 GR 2 Rehearsal Room GR2, HK Cultural Centre 每節 $300 per session 每節 20 per session
無界限雜技團的馬戲高手為你帶來獨一無二的健身課! 你在這裏可以學習和嘗試各種雜技,勢必令你血脈沸 騰。無界限健身體驗能助你鍛練核心肌力和體能,同時 促進身體健康,提升協調能力、體力和柔韌力,齊來享 受非一般的健身樂趣! Join skilled circus artists from Circa in a unique fitness class that will get your blood pumping while learning and enjoying circus techniques (much more interesting than a gym session!) Circa Fit is designed to increase your core strength and conditioning development as well as fitness, coordination, strength and flexibility. A more than gym working session to shake your body up! 英語主講 In English 適合 16 歲或以上之參加者,毋需經驗。請穿著合適之運動服上課。 患有高血壓及心臟病人士不宜參與。 Suitable for people aged 16 and above. No experience necessary. Please wear comfortable workout clothes. Not suitable for those with high blood pressure or heart disease.
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
12/3 六 Sat 晚上 9:00 - 9:30pm (演出後 Post performance)
Circa - Opus 11-13/3
香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free Admission
德布西弦樂四重奏的小提琴手基斯杜化. 高洛迪,在無 界限雜技團的作品《大動作》中身兼音樂總監,將在演 出後與雜技演員跟觀眾見面,談談何以為劇場選取風格 悲淒的蕭斯達高維契作品,並分享音樂家與雜技演員在 演出過程中怎樣展開互動、培養默契。 Christophe Collette, violinist of the Debussy String Quartet, who directs and performs the music of Opus, will join acrobats of the Circa troupe to talk about their choice of Shostakovich’s often mournful music and how the interaction between the musicians and acrobats began and has grown over the life of the show. 英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 無界限雜技團《大動作》
今日教育 Education Today
華倫天.達恩斯:千面一人 Valentijn Dhaenens Man of Many Faces
© LawrenceNg@Work House @ Inge Lauwers
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
26/2 五 Fri 晚上 10:00 - 10:30pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free Admission
《論語》身兼導演的編劇鄧智堅與編劇陳冠而為了取 材,花了不少時間與中學及大學生見面,了解他們對香 港未來的想法,以及對歷史、文化對立、社會運動和權 威的理解。二人將與觀眾見面,詳談作品及他們的所知 所見。 To write Chinese Lesson , director and co-playwright Tang Chikin and co-playwright Chan Kwun-fee spent days meeting and talking to secondary school and university students to learn their views about the future of our city, their understanding of history, cultural confrontations, social movements and authority. Tang and Chan will meet the audience to talk more about the play and what they learnt. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
2/3 三 Wed
4/3 五 Fri
下午 9:40 - 10:10pm (演出後 Post performance)
下午 9:25- 9:55pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free admission
華倫天.達恩斯憑其百變聲線與無窮精力,加上科技協 助,令數十個耳熟能詳的人物在個多小時內活現舞台。 無論是《大嘴巴》中 2500 多年來各個領袖與獨裁者的 著名演說,或是《小戰爭》中受傷的小士兵,每個人物 均展現獨特個性,以各種方式與觀眾對話。來與達恩斯 見面,聽他披露箇中竅門。 In a little over an hour Valentijn Dhaenens using nothing but his voice and indefatigable energy with the help of technology, he conjures up dozens of characters on stage. Whether they are leaders or despots making seminal speeches of the last 2,500 years in BigMouth , or the injured on battlefields in SmallWaR, each character is unique and speaks to the audience in different ways. How does he do that? Meet Valentijn Dhaenens and let this talented Dutch actor tell you himself. 英語主講 In English © Maya Wilsens
相關演出 Related Performance 新銳舞台系列 :《論語》
New Stage Series: Chinese Lesson 25-28/2
相關演出 Related Performance 《大嘴巴》BigMouth 1-3/3, 5/3 《小戰爭》SmallWaR 4-5/3
小丑世界 Clowning Around
形體《馬克白》 Staging Macbeth 藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
17/3 四 Thu 晚上 10:15 - 10:45pm (演出後 Post performance)
@ Juho Rahijärvi
工作坊 Workshop
三 Wed
Steam Studio
$250 20
晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
小丑是很獨特的角色 ─ 他會表達自己的想法、感受或 欲望,橫衝亂撞而不怕撞板。在工作坊中,你可透過默 劇、面具、模仿、道具及以賈克樂寇國際戲劇學校為本 的練習,透過一系列指導情境及即興活動,學習到形體 表達、舞台及身體表現等動作技巧。你將重新認識劇場 小丑在肢體表達上展現的戲劇和喜劇力量。無論是小丑 老手或初哥均歡迎參與,你必定能從中更認識自己。
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, HK City Hall 免費入場 Free Admission
為紀念莎士比亞逝世四百年,莎士比亞環球劇場 2015 年再度邀請鄧樹榮,重新詮釋莎翁悲劇中最為陰暗及最 富震撼力的《馬克白》。在演後藝人談中,鄧樹榮導 演將剖析他如何運用亞洲形體劇場的美學演繹出原著精 髓。 To commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, Tang Shu-wing was invited back to London's Globe Theatre to stage Macbeth . Let the director himself tell you how he makes use of Asian physical theatre to reinterpret one of Shakespeare's darkest and most powerful tragedies in this meet-the-artist session. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
The clown is a unique being. He shares what he thinks, feels or wants, diving head first into every situation without feeling silly. Using mime, applied mask work, mimicry, object manipulation, and Lecoq-based exercises, you will learn movement technique concentrating on the articulation of the body and stage and body presence through a series of guided situations and improvisations. A profound lesson revealing the dramatic and comical power of physical communication. Whether experienced or a complete novice, you will surely learn something about who you are. 英語主講 In English 適合 16 歲或以上之參加者,毋需經驗。請穿著合適之運動服上課。 Suitable for people aged 16 and above. No experience necessary. Please wear comfortable workout clothes.
@ Richard Ecclestone 相關演出 Related Performance 飛機馬戲團與托馬斯·蒙克頓《鋼琴傻俠》
Circo Aereo & Thomas Monckton - The Pianist 11-12/3
相關演出 Related Performance 鄧樹榮戲劇工作室《馬克白》
Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio - Macbeth 16-20/3
DANCE © Sveta Tarlova
韓國傳統舞蹈的美學規範 The Aesthetics of Korean Dance
韓國傳統舞蹈的體驗 Basic Steps to Korean Dance 工作坊 Workshop
27/1 三 Wed
28/1 四 Thu
工作坊一 Class 1
工作坊二 Class 2
晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
Steam Studio 每節 $290 per session 每節 16 per session
想認識韓國文化,不妨從舞蹈入手。身兼 舞者及編舞的陳磊將主持兩節工作坊,教 授韓國傳統舞蹈的基本動作、音樂、節奏 及各種舞蹈技巧,歡迎你來一同體驗!
講座 Talk
25/1 一 Mon 晚上 7:00 - 8:30pm
香港理工大學蔣震劇院 Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 免費入場,需預先登記 Free Admission, Registration required
韓國國家舞蹈團作品《墨香》,糅合傳統與現代,以梅、 蘭、菊、竹「四君子」為題舞出四季之美。知名時裝設計 師鄭求昊的服裝配以傳統韓國散調及西方打擊樂,觀眾悠 然走進一幅幅韓國民風意象圖。本地編舞家陳磊將從韓國 傳統舞蹈的美學規範,就其動態、音樂、服飾以及傳承方 式等方面,結合作品《墨香》加以解析,讓觀眾一窺韓國 傳統舞蹈的當代舞台藝術呈現。
Scent of Ink is an exquisite poetry in motion, exploring ancient heritage and harmony for a contemporary audience. With stunningly lavish costumes, chic choreography and a subtle blend of traditional Sanjo and Jeonga music combined with Western percussion, it pays homage to time-honoured Korean customs. In this talk, local choreographer Felix Chen will introduce the different aesthetic aspects of traditional Korean dance such as motions, music, costumes and inheritance, offering a glimpse of the contemporary artistic presentation of the performance. 廣東話及普通話主講 In Cantonese and Putonghua
Explore Korean Culture through dance! Dancer-choreographer Felix Chen will host two dance workshops to give participants a taste of the basic movements, music and rhythm and various dance techniques of traditional Korean dance. 工作坊一 Class 1 呼吸及上肢訓練 Movement and hand gestures 韓國傳統舞蹈的入門訓練,包含了呼吸、基礎手位、典 型手勢等動作的介紹與練習,初步體驗氣息控制對韓國 傳統舞蹈動作的制約作用,以及不同長短的呼吸與上肢 動作協調配合的運用方式。 This first workshop introduces the basic arm positioning and classical gestures in traditional Korean dance, followed by means to manipulate your motions and upper limbs through breathing techniques. 工作坊二 Class 2 律動及下肢訓練 Breathing and basic steps 基本體態的練習,六種基本腳位的變化,呼吸配合不同 腳位上的屈伸方式,初步把握、協調上肢與下肢的運作 規律,以及基礎典型步伐的應用與強化練習等。 The second workshop focuses on techniques of body placement, the six basic steps, and the combination of both with breathing techniques. You will also learn how to master and coordinate the upper limbs and lower limbs, together with the application and reinforcement of the classical steps. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
贊助 Sponsored by
相關演出 Related Performance 韓國國家舞蹈團《墨香》
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
National Dance Company of Korea – Scent of Ink 26-27/2* * 銀聯國際繽紛舞台 UnionPay International Stage of Colours
非劇烈運動,適合 16 歲或以上之參加者,毋需經驗。請穿著合適 之運動服上課。患有高血壓及心臟病人士不宜參與。 Suitable for people aged 16 and above. No experience necessary. Please wear comfortable workout clothes. Not suitable for those with high blood pressure or heart disease.
《墨香》 ─ 舞衣背後 Costuming Scent of Ink
美的國度 A Kingdom of Beauty
© Stas Levshin
後台解碼 Backstage tour
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
26/2 五 Fri 晚上 9:00 - 9:30pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港演藝學院歌劇院 Lyric Theatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
《墨香》的服裝及舞台出自韓國著名時裝設計師鄭求昊 的手筆。鄭求昊是韓國最大時裝集團 ─ 三星旗下的第 一毛織的創作總監,最近更出任韓國時裝周的總監。他 將分享與韓國國家舞蹈團合作的經驗,大談他的設計與 編舞及舞蹈活力之間的微妙關係。 Meet costume designer of Scent of Ink , Jung Ku-ho. A veteran fashion designer in Korea, Jung was the Creative Director of Korea's largest fashion powerhouse, Samsung Cheil and was recently appointed as Director of the Seoul Fashion Week. Let him share with you how choreography and energy of dance influence his designs for his collaborative projects with the National Dance Company of Korea.
20/3 日 Sun 下午 1:00 - 1:30 pm
報名 Registration $40
25 與我們同遊《睡美人》的後台,陶醉於塞爾維亞設計師 安祖蓮娜.阿拉吉奇所創造的魔法世界。精緻華麗的貴 族戲服、如詩如畫的佈景,與納曹.杜亞陶編舞中的現 代個性配合得天衣無縫,鍾情經典芭蕾作品的觀眾必定 樂而忘返。 Wander backstage of The Sleeping Beauty and marvel at the magical world created by Serbian designer Angelina Atlagic. With opulent, noble costumes and picturesque scenery designed to complement Nacho Duato’s choreography developed to respond to today’s dance personalities, this backstage tour is a must for lovers of timeless ballet classics.
英語主講 In English
英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 韓國國家舞蹈團《墨香》
相關演出 Related Performance 米克洛夫斯基芭蕾舞團《睡美人》
National Dance Company of Korea – Scent of Ink 26-27/2* * 銀聯國際繽紛舞台 UnionPay International Stage of Colours
香港文化中心大劇院後台 Backstage of Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre
Mikhailovsky Ballet - The Sleeping Beauty 17-19/3
賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《炫舞場》 Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series - Danz Up 學校伙伴計劃 Education
11/ 2015 - 3/2016 憑邀請參加 By invitation only
承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金獨家贊助,香港藝術節在 主辦賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《炫舞場》演出之餘,更 邀請陳伯顯等多位專業舞者,到特選中學主持連串示範 講座,向年青人介紹街舞的發展、即場表演及分享青年 舞者尋夢的過程。 街舞專題示範講座 ── 講者從「起源」、「文化」等 角度介紹街舞,並示範街舞的不同舞種,提高學生對街 舞的欣賞能力。三位專業舞者帶來流行舞蹈及街舞示範 演出,讓同學初步了解街舞的特色,並分享他們的個人 故事,鼓勵同學堅持夢想。 To tie in with the Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series – Danz Up , the Hong Kong Arts Festival will host a series of lecture demonstrations exclusively sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Rain Chan and other professional dancers as invited speakers will talk to youths from selected secondary schools about the development of street dance and their voyage into dance, complemented with live performance. LECTURE DEMONSTRATION – an introductory talk on the origin and culture of street dance, alongside demonstrations of various kinds of street dance. Professional street dancers will perform pop and street dance illustrating the characteristics of the genre. They will also share their stories about pursuing a career in dance.
獨家贊助 Solely sponsored by
© HKAF/Fanco Lai
對談街舞 Get talkin' 藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
7/3 一 Mon
11/3 五 Fri
晚上 10:00 - 10:30pm (演出後 Post performance)
晚上 10:00 - 10:30pm (演出後 Post performance)
葵青劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre 免費入場 Free admission
《炫舞場》由大熱電影《狂舞派》的舞蹈及動作編排麥 秋成、得獎編劇鄭國偉及資深劇場導演鄧偉傑攜手炮 製。這是首部將街舞帶到劇場的本地作品,三位將與你 細談這次特別合作的創作歷程。 Shing Mak (choreographer of the Hong Kong dance film The Way We Dance ), veteran stage director Tang Wai-kit, and award-winning playwright Matthew Cheng team up to create Danz-Up , the first-ever local theatre production about street dance. Come and hear the artists share their insights on blazing new trails in theatre and dance. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
相關演出 Related Performance 賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《炫舞場》
Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series - Danz Up 5-7/3, 9-13/3
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 學校伙伴計劃 Education
11/2015 - 3/2016 憑邀請參加 By invitation only
「香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台」於 2012 年第 40 屆香港 藝術節成立,為本地舞蹈人才提供不一樣的平台,讓青 年舞者展現他們的創作。項目亦包括一系列外展活動, 鼓勵本地中學生積極參與,培育新一代舞蹈愛好者和舞 者。 校內講座 ── 透過示範講座及介紹,提高學生對當代 舞的理解及欣賞能力。 校內工作坊 ── 互動工作坊幫助學生透過討論、示範 及形體練習,感受當代舞的獨特魅力。 公開彩排 / 演出 ── 欣賞 2016 年香港藝術節香港賽 馬會當代舞蹈平台的公開彩排、演出及演後談,與藝術 家交流。 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series, launched in 2012, provides a unique platform for emerging local choreographers and dancers to create and present new work. This Series comprises a wide range of outreach activities to engage local secondary school students:
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
12/3 六 Sat
13/3 日 Sun
晚上 9:35 - 10:05pm (演出後 Post performance)
下午 4:20 - 4:50pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 免費入場 Free admission
「香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台」五年來培育了不少本地的 年輕編舞。參與這計劃的兩位編舞家顧問楊春江及梅卓 燕,將聯同六位新晉編舞同場分享他們在《舞鬥》中的 合作經驗。 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series celebrates five years of nurturing young local choreographers. Come and meet choreographer-advisors Daniel Yeung and Mui Cheuk-yin as well as the six young choreographers, and hear them share their experience of creating the Dance-off programme. 廣東話主講 In Cantonese
獨家贊助 Solely sponsored by
TALKS – introductory talks with demonstrations that help students approach, understand and appreciate contemporary dance; WORKSHOPS – interactive workshops that inspire students to experience contemporary dance through discussions, demonstrations and movement exercises; REHEARSALS AND PERFORMANCES – students are invited to attend the open rehearsal and performances, followed by exchanges with artists in post-performance forums.
© Lawrence Ng © Workhouse 相關演出 Related Performance 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台(第五屆)
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series V 10-13/3
重塑擊鞋舞 Schuhplattler Renewed
史蒂芬尼的 《舞轉人生》 What's Become of Stéphanie
聚焦舞者—編舞 Focus on DancerChoreographers
© Paolo Porto
© Aglae Bory
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
25/2 四 Thu 晚上 9:45-10:15pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港演藝學院香港賽馬會演藝劇院 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA 免費入場 Free admission
意大利舞者、編舞兼導演阿歷山度. 沙朗尼是當今歐洲舞壇最閃耀的新 星 之 一。《FOLK-S, 明 天 你 還 愛 我嗎?》以巴伐利亞及蒂羅爾的傳 統擊鞋舞為本,配合由古典到 Hip Hop 等各種曲風,逼使舞者使盡渾 身解數,散發動人魅力。想知道阿 歷山度的創作歷程?何不聽他娓娓 道來。 Italian performer-choreographer-director Alessandro Sciarroni is proned to be Europe’s most celebrated dance artist. You will get to see Schuhplattler , a typical Bavarian and Tyrolean in Folk-S will you still love me tomorrow? Dancing music as diverse as classical to hip hop, the limit of human potential is pushed to the extreme in this visceral, mesmerising piece. Where comes his inspiration? Let Alessandro tell you himself. 英語主講 In English
藝人談 Meet-the-Artist 藝人談 Meet-the-Artist
27/2 六 Sat 晚上 9:00 - 9:30pm (演出後 Post performance)
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, HK City Hall 免費入場 Free admission
史蒂芬尼.菲斯特的舞蹈生涯經歷 過幾番轉折 ─ 她本來主修法律,後 來獲獎學金到安達盧西亞學習佛蘭 明高,原定只是學六個月,結果一 留就是八年。來聽聽她何以甘願為 佛蘭明高拋棄一切、怎樣在圖盧茲 遇上導演奧雷里恩.博里,以及《舞 轉人生》的創作過程。聽她一席話, 說不定會令你重新審視人生。 Stéphanie Fuster’s journey to the world of dance was a complicated one. She majored in law before winning a scholarship to study flamenco in Andalusia. Originally a six-month stint, her stay was extended to eight years. Let Fuster tell you why she chose a different path and devoted herself to Flamenco, how she met the director Aurélien Bory in Toulouse and the creation of What’s become of you? An inspiring conversation that propels you to reflect on your own choices.
5/3 六 Sat 下午 4:55-5:25pm (演出後 Post performance)
葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre 免費入場 Free admission
編舞家古佳妮與麥克科馬克將在今 年藝術節「亞太舞蹈平台」親自演 出自己的編舞作品,他們的創作靈 感從何而來?演繹自己的創作與演 出他人的作品有何不同?他們將詳 談其創作過程的點滴。 Dancer-choreographers Gu Jiani and Ross McCormack will perform their own works at the Asia Pacific Dance Platform. What inspires and drives their creativity? How does performing their own work differ from performing works of others? A fascinating glimpse into the artistic process. 普通話與英語主講
In Putonghua and English
英語主講 In English
相關演出 Related Performance 《FOLK-S,明天你還愛我嗎?》 FOLK-S, will you still love me tomorrow? 25-26/2* *BVLGARI 意國創意系列 BVLGARI Italian Creativity Series
相關演出 Related Performance 111 藝團《舞轉人生》 Compagnie 111 What's Become of You? 26-28/2
相關演出 Related Performance 亞太舞蹈平台(第八屆)
Asia Pacific Dance Platform VIII 4-5/3
駐節藝術家計劃 2016 The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project 2016 © Andrea Macchia
公開展演 Public Showcase
學校展演 School Showcase
1/3 二 Tue
29/2 一 Mon
晚上 7:30 - 8:30pm
沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall 免費入場,需預先登記 Free admission. Registration required.
學校伙伴計劃 Education
10/2015 - 3/2016 憑邀請參加 By invitation only
今年的駐節藝術家計劃以韻律和節拍為核心。意大利編 舞家阿歷山度.沙朗尼及本地傳統中國舞編舞家毛維, 將指導學生學習巴伐利亞「擊鞋舞」及廣東省「英歌」 兩種傳統民俗舞。學生會在韻律和節拍兩大基礎上,將 兩種傳統民俗舞解構及重組,探索一切可能的韻律和獨 特的變奏,再以身體為敲擊樂器,創作出融匯兩種文化 的嶄新作品。學生將於 2016 年 2 月 29 日及 3 月 1 日 於沙田大會堂兩場展演中展示他們的創意成果。
相關演出 Related Performance 《FOLK-S,明天你還愛我嗎?》 FOLK-S, will you still love me tomorrow? 25-26/2* *BVLGARI 意國創意系列 BVLGARL Italian Creativity Series
晚上 7:30 - 8:30pm
沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall 憑邀請參加 By invitation only
The Artist-in-Residence Project 2016 is a unique experience with rhythm and beat at its core. Under the guidance of Italian choreographer Alessandro Sciarroni and local Chinese traditional dance choreographer Mao Wei, students from three local schools will learn the basic steps of Schuhplattler, a Bavarian folk dance, and Ying Ge , a folk dance from the Guangdong province. Then in a process of metamorphosis, the two different cultures will be transformed and merged into a new work. All this will be done using rhythm as the basis, breaking the beats down to all possible rhythmic variations. Students then use their bodies as percussion instruments to create a new work of their own. The resulting works will be presented at two special showcases at the Sha Tin Town Hall on 29 February and 1 March 2016.
The 2014-16 Artists-in-Residence Project is supported by 法國巴黎銀行支持 2014-16 駐節藝術家計劃
加料電影載譽重映 PLUS Encore Screening
Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema 2015 - 2016 莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團在 2015 年香港藝術節的演出叫好叫座,藝術節加料節目今年再與百老匯電影合作,為觀眾帶 來舞團的七齣經典舞劇,欣賞當今世上最炙手可熱的芭蕾舞星的風姿。 Festival PLUS continues its collaboration with Broadway Cinema in bringing another spectacular season of Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema to the big screen. After the 2015 HKAF, The Bolshoi Ballet needs no introduction and these seven ballets featuring some of the greatest names of the ballet world are guaranteed to dazzle.
© D.Yusupov
© D.Yusupov
《胡桃夾子》 THE NUTCRACKER 片長 Length:130 分鐘 minutes 編舞 Choreography:Yuri Grigorovich
《珠寶》 JEWELS 片長 Length:138 分鐘 minutes 編舞 Choreography:George Balanchine
巴蘭欽創作了這部以綠寶石、紅寶石和鑽石代表巴黎、 紐約和聖彼得堡的芭蕾三部曲,向三地不同的芭蕾風格 致敬。
Jewels celebrates the cities and dance schools of Paris, New York and St. Petersburg, each bound to its own precious stone: emerald ruby and diamond.
聖誕節期間最受歡迎的經典舞劇《胡桃夾子》,講述瑪麗 收到了一份奇怪的禮物:一個軍官形象的木製胡桃夾子。 午夜時分,胡桃夾子變成真人一樣,指揮玩具兵,擊退襲 擊瑪麗的老鼠大軍,帶著她前往糖果王國…… A beloved holiday classic, Nutcracker depicts a magical adventure of Marie on Christmas Eve. Marie is given a wooden nutcracker as a gift. When the clock strikes midnight, it transforms into a prince and saves Marie from the Mouse King and his army. © Jackson&Anders Urmacher
片長 Length:143 分鐘 minutes 編舞 Choreography:Yuri Grigorovich
清純的農村少女吉賽爾得知心上人阿爾伯特背叛了自 己,心碎而死。死後,她的靈魂被眾女幽靈引誘,加入 了她們的行列。誰知充滿怨念的幽靈們一心復仇,讓每 個進入森林的男子跳舞至筋疲力竭而死。而這時,阿爾 伯特為了悼念吉賽爾,來到了森林…… The young peasant girl Giselle dies from grief when she learns that her lover, Albrecht, has betrayed her. Against her own will, she joins the wilis, vengeful spirits who now turn against Albrecht and condemn him to dance until he dies of exhaustion.
《茶花女》THE LADY OF THE CAMELLIAS 片長 Length:185 分鐘 minutes 編舞 Choreography:John Neumeier
富家子弟亞蒙.杜瓦瘋狂地愛上了巴黎貴族爭相追逐的 交際花瑪格麗特。儘管瑪格麗特如花蝴蝶般周旋在不同 男人間,亞蒙仍一心一意想要贏得美人的芳心,並不斷 勸她脫離賣笑的荒唐生活,與他開始新生活……
© E.Fetisova
A young bourgeois, Armand Duval, falls madly in love with Marguerite Gautier, a gorgeous courtesan celebrated by the Parisian high society. Despite her infidelity, Armand will do all he can to win the beautiful woman’s heart and convince her to leave her indulgent life.
《斯巴達克斯》 SPARTACUS 片長 Length:170 分鐘 minutes 編舞 Choreography:Yuri Grigorovich
Grigorovich 版本的《斯巴達克斯》於 1968 年為莫斯科
© E.Fetisova
《馴悍記》 THE TAMING OF THE SHREW 片長 Length:125 分鐘 minutes 編舞 Choreography:Jean-Christophe Maillot
改編自莎士比亞同名喜劇作品,《馴悍記》講述漂亮的 比恩卡溫婉可人不乏追求者,其中包括路森修。只是, 她壞脾氣的姐姐「悍婦」凱特一日不嫁,她們的父親就 不肯將小女兒嫁人…… Lucentio is one of many suitors who dream of marrying the lovely and docile Bianca. However her father will not let anyone marry her before her elder sister, the ill-tempered shrew Katherina, is herself married. An adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy of the same title. © D.Yusupov
大劇院而作,自此一直是大劇院的代表舞碼。舞劇講述 斯巴達克斯及妻子被羅馬王俘獲,淪為奴隸。斯巴達克 斯被迫在角鬥場殺死摯友,忍無可忍下,發起了一場流 傳千古的起義…… In ancient Rome, Spartacus, a Thracian soldier, is turned captive by Crassus. Forced to fight as a gladiator and to kill one of his friends, Spartacus plots an unprecedented © D.Yusupov upheaval. Grigorovich's Spartacus was created at the Bolshoi in 1968 and has since remained the Russian company’s signature ballet.
Tickets NOW available 放映時間、購票方法及優惠
Screening time, Ticketing and Special Offers
請瀏覽 Please visit www.cinema.com.hk
《唐吉訶德》 DON QUIXOTE 片長 Length:190 分鐘 minutes 編舞 Choreography:Alexei Fadeyechev
塞萬提斯筆下古怪的英雄唐吉訶德,與忠心的侍從桑 丘.潘薩一起,踏上充滿奇遇的探險之旅,尋找他心中 的完美女神。途中,他遇到了客棧老闆風情萬種的女兒 姬翠,認定她就是自己朝思暮想的夢中情人…… Cervantes’s eccentric hero Don Quixote leaves for a journey full of adventures with his loyal squire Sancho Panza in search of his perfect woman. Featuring brand new sets and costumes, Don Quixote is quintessential Bolshoi, abounding with life and not to be missed!
AMC Pacific Place
Broadway The ONE
01/11/15 日 Sun
07/11/15 六 Sat
15/11/15 日 Sun
06/12/15 日 Sun
19/12/15 六 Sat
20/12/15 日 Sun
10/01/16 日 Sun
16/01/16 六 Sat
24/01/16 日 Sun
21/02/16 日 Sun
27/02/16 六 Sat
06/03/16 日 Sun
10/04/16 日 Sun
16/04/16 六 Sat
24/04/16 日 Sun
15/05/16 日 Sun
04/06/16 六 Sat
12/06/16 日 Sun
19/06/16 日 Sun
25/06/16 六 Sat
03/07/16 日 Sun
Ticketing and General Information 成人 Adult
長者 Senior / 小童 Children 學生 Student
合辦 Co-presented with
加料節目概覽 Festival PLUS Calendar 2016 日期
Activity Type
藝術節節目精選 Festival Programme Highlight
Festival on TV
3/1 日 Sun 晚上 7:30 - 7:35pm
9/1 六 Sat 上午 9:00am - 中午 12:00pm
六 Sat
上午 11:30am - 中午 12:00pm
日 Sun
晚上 7:30 - 7:35pm
六 Sat
上午 09:00am - 中午 12:00pm
六 Sat
上午 11:30am - 中午 12:00pm
日 Sun
晚上 7:30 - 7:35pm
五 Fri
晚上 7:00 - 9:00pm
23/1 六 Sat
1月 Jan
上午 9:00am - 中午 12:00pm
23/1 六 Sat 下午 2:15 - 2:45pm
24/1 日 Sun 晚上 7:30 - 7:35pm
25/1 一 Mon 晚上 7:00 - 8:30pm
27/1 三 Wed 晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
28/1 四 Thu 晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
30/1 六 Sat 上午 11:00 - 11:30am
30/1 六 Sat 下午 12:00 - 12:30pm
30/1 六 Sat 下午 2:00 - 3:15pm
31/1 日 Sun 晚上 7:30 - 7:35pm
13/2 六 Sat 上午 10:30am - 下午 3:30pm
15/2 一 Mon 晚上 7:00 - 9:00pm
17/2 三 Wed 晚上 7:30 - 9:00pm
18/2 四 Thu 下午 4:00 - 6:00pm
18/2 四 Thu 晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
20/2 六 Sat 上午 10:30 - 11:30am
20/2 六 Sat 下午 12:00 - 12:45pm
21/2 日 Sun
2月 Feb
下午 12:00 - 12:45pm
21/2 日 Sun 下午 3:00 - 4:30pm
25/2 四 Thu 晚上 9:45 - 10:15pm
26/2 五 Fri 晚上 9:00 - 9:30pm
26/2 五 Fri 晚上 10:00 - 10:30pm
27/2 六 Sat 下午 4:00 - 6:00pm
27/2 六 Sat 晚上 9:00 - 9:30pm
28/2 - 1/3 日至二 Sun to Tue
28/2 日 Sun 下午 1:00 - 1:30pm
音樂與教堂之旅 - 路線 1:銅鑼灣 / 跑馬地 Music & Church Tour - Route 1: Causeway Bay / Happy Valley 本地聖樂作品欣賞:華人聖樂音樂會 1 Local Church Music Encounter - Chinese Church Music Encounter 1
Cultural Walk 演出
Performance 電視特備節目
藝術節節目精選 Festival Programme Highlight
Festival on TV
音樂與教堂之旅 - 路線 2:中環 / 半山 Music & Church Tour - Route 2: Mid-level / Central 本地聖樂作品欣賞:華人聖樂音樂會 2 Local Church Music Encounter - Chinese Church Music Encounter 2
Cultural Walk 演出
Performance 電視特備節目
藝術節節目精選 Festival Programme Highlight
Festival on TV
《父女情深》演前必修課 Simon Boccanagra “Know Before You go”
音樂與教堂之旅 - 路線 3:半山 / 西營盤 Music & Church Tour - Route 3: Mid-Level / Sai Ying Pun
Cultural Walk
本地聖樂作品欣賞:管風琴音樂會 Local Church Music Encounter - Organ Music in Church
藝術節節目精選 Festival Programme Highlight
Festival on TV
韓國傳統舞蹈的美學規範 The Aesthetics of Korean Dance
韓國傳統舞蹈的體驗:工作坊 1 Basic Steps to Korean Dance: Class 1
韓國傳統舞蹈的體驗:工作坊 2 Basic Steps to Korean Dance: Class 2
諸聖堂古蹟導賞遊 Guided Tour of All Saints' Cathdral
Cultural Walk
諸聖堂古蹟導賞遊 Guided Tour of All Saints' Cathdral
Cultural Walk
本地聖樂作品欣賞:鋼琴聖詩音樂會 Local Church Music Encounter - Hymns on Piano
藝術節節目精選 Festival Programme Highlight
Festival on TV
音樂與教堂之旅 - 路線 4:盬田梓 Music & Church Tour - Route 4: Yim Tin Tsai
Cultural Walk
《我就嚟是歌手》 20 Feet from Stardom
電影 / 講座
《首席女聲》- 一部歌劇的故事 Prima Donna - The Story of an Opera
Film / Talk
PLUS Film 工作坊
雜技樂園 Circus Wonderland
Workshop 工作坊
雜技樂園 Circus Wonderland
Workshop 社區外展
繽紛銅管樂派對 Discovering the Brass Beast
Community Outreach 後台解碼
達利之夢 Dalí’s Dreamscapes
Backstage Tour 後台解碼
達利之夢 Dalí’s Dreamscapes
Backstage Tour
淺談京劇張派《望江亭》 Decoding Zhang Junqiu’s Riverside Pavilion
電影 / 講座
重塑擊鞋舞 Schuhplattler Renewed
Film / Talk
《墨香》-舞衣背後 Costuming Scent of Ink
今日教育 Education Today
都靈皇家劇院:歷史與建築 Teatro Regio Torino: History and Architecture
史蒂芬尼的《舞轉人生》 What’s Become of Stéphanie?
Meet-the-Artist 論壇
國際作曲家高峰會 International Composers' Summit
Symposium 後台解碼
北京京劇院後台解碼 Beijing Opera Close-up
Backstage Tour
Festival Programme Highlight
Activity Type
《父女情深》- 布索堤的藝術 Simon Boccanagra – the Art of Sylvano Busscotti
Backstage Tour
28/2 日 Sun 下午 1:00 - 1:30pm
2月 Feb
29/2 一 Mon 晚上 6:00 - 7:00pm
29/2 一 Mon 晚上 7:30 - 8:30pm
1/3 二 Tue 晚上 7:30 - 8:30pm
2/3 三 Wed 晚上 9:40 - 10:10pm
2/3 三 Wed 晚上 9:30 - 10:00pm
3/3 四 Thu 晚上 7:15 - 7:45pm
4/3 五 Fri 晚上 9:25 - 9:55pm
4/3 五 Fri 晚上 9:30 - 10:00pm
5/3 六 Sat 上午 10:00am - 中午 12:00pm
5/3 六 Sat 下午 4:00 - 5:45pm
5/3 六 Sat 下午 4:55 - 5:25pm
5/3 六 Sat 晚上 9:30 - 10:00pm
6/3 日 Sun 上午 11:00am - 下午 12:30pm
6/3 日 Sun 下午 2:00 - 5:00pm
7/3 一 Mon 晚上 10:00 - 10:30pm
9/3 三 Wed 晚上 7:30 - 9:30pm
11/3 五 Fri
3月 Mar
下午 1:30 - 3:30pm
11/3 五 Fri 下午 2:00 - 3:00pm
11/3 五 Fri 晚上 10:00 - 10:30pm
12/3 六 Sat 上午 10:00 - 11:30am
12/3 六 Sat 上午 11:45am - 下午 1:15pm
12/3 六 Sat 晚上 9:00 - 9:30pm
12/3 六 Sat 晚上 9:35 - 10:05pm
13/3 日 Sun 下午 2:00 - 3:30pm
13/3 日 Sun 下午 4:20 - 4:50pm
13/3 日 Sun 下午 5:10 - 5:25pm
14/3 一 Mon 下午 2:00 - 4:00pm
16/3 三 Wed 晚上 7:30 - 9:00pm
17/3 四 Thu 晚上 10:15 - 10:45pm
18/3 五 Fri 下午 2:00 - 4:00pm
18/3 五 Fri 晚上 9:30 - 10:00pm
日 Sun
下午 1:00 - 1:30pm
14/12/2015 - 19/3/2016
安魂曲再生 Reviving Requiem 駐節藝術家計劃 2016 The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project 2016 駐節藝術家計劃 2016 The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project 2016 華倫天.達恩斯:千面一人 Valentijn Dhaenens: Man of Many Faces 舞台上的安魂曲 Requiem on Stage 談威爾第《安魂彌撒曲》 Verdi's Requiem : A Masterpiece 華倫天.達恩斯:千面一人 Valentijn Dhaenens: Man of Many Faces 印度音樂大千世界 The Infinite World of Indian Music 管風琴大師班 Organ Masterclass 跟劇場大師踩鋼線 Walking the Tightrope 聚焦舞者 - 編舞 Focus on Dancer-Choreographers 文化對話的意念 The Idea of Cultural Dialogue 冥想.禪意 The Zen of Meditation 指揮合唱團 Conducting Choirs 對談街舞 Get talkin’ 小丑世界 Clowning Around 解讀莎士比亞 Interpreting Shakespeare for Contemporary Audiences
後台解碼 講座
Talk 學校展演
School Showcase 公開展演
Public Showcase 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 講座
Talk 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 大師班
Masterclass 加料電影
PLUS Film 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 工作坊
Workshop 大師班
Masterclass 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 工作坊
Workshop 講座
皇家莎士比亞劇團藝術總監 ─ 格雷格里.多蘭 : 莎士比亞四百年 Gregory Doran – Artistic Director of RSC : Shakespeare 400 Years
對談街舞 Get talkin’
無界限健身體驗 Circa Fit 無界限健身體驗 Circa Fit 蕭斯達高維契緣起 Why Shostakovich? 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 與鋼琴新星金多率見面 Meet Pianist Dasol Kim 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 成王之路 From Prince to King 德布西弦樂四重奏大師班 Debussy String Quartet Masterclass 醉人爵士樂 Gin & Jazz
Talk Meet-the-Artist 工作坊
Workshop 工作坊
Workshop 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 講座
Talk 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 大師班
Masterclass 演出
形體《馬克白》 Staging Macbeth
梅尼可夫鋼琴大師班 Alexander Melnikov Piano Masterclass
生之問 Profound Questions about Life 美的國度 A Kingdom of Beauty 「創造中…」攝影活動 “Creativity In Action…” Photography Campaign
Meet-the-Artist Masterclass 藝人談
Meet-the-Artist 後台解碼
Backstage Tour 攝影比賽與展覽
Photo Competition & Exhibition
10/2015 - 3/2016
駐節藝術家計劃 2016 The HKAF Artists-in-Residence Project 2016
11/2015 - 3/2016
賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《炫舞場》 Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series - Danz Up
11/2015 - 3/2016
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series
Education Education Education
63 頁數
21 28 55 55 45 28 33 45 32 30 39 53 42 42 29 50 46 41 17 50 43 43 43 51 30 51 41 31 35 46 31 39 49 19 55 50 51
加料節目 @ 百老匯院線 PLUS @ Broadway Circuit 影片 Title 《珠寶》
Jewels 《胡桃夾子》
The Nutcracker 《吉賽爾》
Giselle 《茶花女》
The Lady of the Camellias 《理察二世》
Richard II 《馴悍記》
The Taming of the Shrew 《威尼斯商人》
The Merchant of Venice 《斯巴達克斯》
Spartacus 《唐吉訶德》
Don Quixote
放映日期 Date
放映時間 Time
地點 Venue
1/11/15 日 Sun
下午 4:40pm
7/11/15 六 Sat 15/11/15 日 Sun 6/12/15 日 Sun 19/12/15 六 Sat 20/12/15 日 Sun 10/1/16 日 Sun 16/1/16 六 Sat 24/1/16 日 Sun 21/2/16 日 Sun 27/2/16 六 Sat 6/3/16 日 Sun 28/2/16 日 Sun 19/3/16 六 Sat 10/4/16 日 Sun 16/4/16 六 Sat 24/4/16 日 Sun 16/4/16 六 Sat 23/4/16 六 Sat 15/5/16 日 Sun 15/5/16 日 Sun 4/6/16 六 Sat 12/6/16 日 Sun 19/6/16 日 Sun 25/6/16 六 Sat 3/7/16 日 Sun
晚上 7:10pm
AMC Pacific Place
下午 4:40pm
百老匯 Broadway The ONE
下午 4:30pm
下午 3:45pm
PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place 百老匯 Broadway The ONE PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place 百老匯 Broadway The ONE PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place 百老匯 Broadway The ONE AMC Pacific Place PALACE ifc PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place 百老匯 Broadway The ONE PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place 百老匯 Broadway The ONE PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place 百老匯 Broadway The ONE PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place 百老匯 Broadway The ONE
放映時間 Time
地點 Venue
晚上 8:15pm
The Grand
晚上 8:15pm
The Grand
晚上 8:15pm
The Grand
晚上 8:15pm
The Grand
晚上 8:15pm
The Grand
晚上 8:15pm
The Grand
晚上 7:20pm 下午 4:30pm 下午 4:30pm 晚上 7:00pm 下午 4:30pm 下午 4:00pm 晚上 8:00pm 下午 4:00pm 下午 3:35pm 晚上 8:00pm 下午 4:40pm 晚上 7:20pm 下午 4:40pm 晚上 8:00pm 下午 3:35pm 下午 3:35pm 下午 4:00pm 晚上 7:00pm 下午 4:00pm 下午 3:45pm 晚上 8:00pm
加料節目 @ The Grand PLUS @ The Grand 影片 Title
放映日期 Date
15/11/15 日 Sun
La Traviata
17/1/16 日 Sun 22/11/15 日 Sun 24/1/16 日 Sun 29/11/15 日 Sun 10/4/16 日 Sun 13/12/15 日 Sun 17/4/16 日 Sun 10/1/16 日 Sun 22/5/16 日 Sun 24/4/16 日 Sun 15/5/16 日 Sun
Il Trovatore 《安娜.波萊娜》
Anna Bolera 《波希米亞生涯》
La Boheme 《曼儂》
Manon 《浮士德》
場地指南 Venue Guide
網上報名 Online Registration | www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org 一般查詢 General enquiries: 2824 3555(辦公時間內 During office hours) | plus@hkaf.org 香港藝術節保留更改節目的權利。
The Hong Kong Arts Festival reserves the right to make changes to the programmes.
場地指南 Venue Guide 電影院 Cinema
教堂 / 聖堂 Church
AMC Pacific Place
香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 L1 Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong
中華基督教會公理堂 China Congregational Church
香港銅鑼灣禮頓道 119 號公理堂大樓 10 字樓 10/F, 119 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
香港中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心商場一樓 Podium Level 1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong
香港浸信教會 Hong Kong Baptist Church
香港半山堅道 50 號 50 Caine Road, Central, Hong Kong
圓方戲院 The Grand
九龍柯士甸道西 1 號圓方 2/F, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon
香港聖公會聖馬利亞堂 HKSKH St. Mary's Church
香港銅鑼灣大坑道 2A 2A Tai Hang Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
百老匯 Broadway The ONE
九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 100 號 The ONE 6-11 樓 6-11/F, The ONE, No. 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
聖公會諸聖座堂 S.K.H. All Saints' Cathedral
九龍旺角白布街 11 號 11 Pak Po Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
聖約翰座堂 St John's Cathedral
香港中環花園道 4-8 號 4-8 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong
葡萄藤教會 The Vine Church
香港灣仔巴路士街 29 號 The Vine Centre, 29 Burrows Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
演出場地 Performing Venue 香港文化中心 HK Cultural Centre
九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
香港大會堂 HK City Hall
香港中環愛丁堡廣場五號高座 8 樓 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong
香港演藝學院 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
香港灣仔告士打道 1 號 1 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall
新界沙田源禾路 1 號 1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, N.T.
校園 Campus 香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University
九龍九龍塘 Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
香港理工大學 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
九龍紅磡育才道 11 號 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon
香港大學 The University of Hong Kong
香港薄扶林香港大學 The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
其他 Others Dada Bar + Lounge
九龍尖沙咀金巴利道 39 號帝樂文娜公館 2 樓 2/F, The Luxe Manor, 39 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
但丁意大利語言教育中心 Dante Alighieri Society
香港銅鑼灣禮頓道 9-11 號合誠汽車大廈 1 樓 1/F, Honest Building, 9 - 11 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
基督教香港信義會金齡薈 ELCHK Essence Hub
九龍太子道西 204 號 3 樓 3/F, 204 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon
香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
香港灣仔港灣道 1 號 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
香港視覺藝術中心 HK Visual Art Centre
香港中區堅尼地道 7A 7A Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong
Ping Pong 129
香港西環西營盤 129 號南昌樓 129 Second Street, L/G Nam Cheong House, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
Steam Studio
香港上環皇后街 62-63 號時代商業大廈 4 樓 4/ F, Si Toi Commercial Building, 62-63 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong