香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival 感謝 would like to thank
聯合呈獻 for co-presenting
及 賽馬會「無限亮」教育及社區外展節目
"No Limits"
Jockey Club "No Limits" Education and Community Programme
目錄 Content 6 8 14 16 18
20 22 24 26 28
29 30 32 33 35 39
前言 Foreword
關於「無限亮」About "No Limits" 藝術通達 Arts Accessibility
謝洛姆.貝爾《歡聚今宵》Jérôme Bel – Gala 新世界劇場《亞瑟王之夜》
Neworld Theatre – King Arthur’s Night
Shannon Yee – Reassembled, Slightly Askew 陳奐仁、何秉舜《小小仁小小 BING》 Hanjin & Harris – Little Soldiers
Kuro Tanino and Caspar Pichner – Mother
丁怡杰小提琴獨奏會 Ding Yijie Violin Recital
Jockey Club "No Limits" Education and Community Programme 音樂巡迴演出 Music Demonstration Tour
藝術家進駐計劃 Artists-in-Residence Programme 導師培訓工作坊 Train-the-Trainer Workshop 圓桌討論 Roundtable Discussion 訂票指南 Booking Guide
一般資料 General Information
策略支持伙伴 Strategic Supporting Partner
支持機構 Supporting Organizations
音樂總監 首席指揮 霍嘉敏
Cover Page : ©Josefina Tommasi © Keith Hiro © Pierre Borasci © Richard Lavery © Raymond Kam
前言 我很高興代表整個藝術節團隊為大家介紹全新計劃「無限亮」。這
是一個致力創造共融空間的平台,讓不同能力人士均可以享受演藝 的力量。
首屆「無限亮」將呈獻七套精彩演出,包括舞蹈、戲劇、音樂,而當 中的表演者,將以台上風采證明藝術不必受到身體條件限制。參演的
奐仁。他們都將於舞台大放異彩。「無限亮」的表演場地有香港文化 中心、沙田大會堂,舞台亦將延伸至大館及香港醫學博物館。
我們衷心感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金提供是次寶貴機會,同時就香 港展能藝術會作為策略支持伙伴所付出的努力致以誠摯謝意。
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On behalf of the HKAF team, I am delighted to introduce the
programmes for the inaugural edition of "No Limits", a project that creates an inclusive space for people of different physical abilities to share the joy of the arts together.
In this first year, "No Limits" will present seven programmes featuring
artists who, with their incredible talent and creativity, are living proof that physical conditions do not have to be insurmountable barriers.
Programmes cover music, dance and theatre. Hong Kong-based
performers include teenage violinist Ding Yijie, and multi-award
winning singer-songwriter Hanjin Tan; venues range from Sha Tin Town Hall to the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, from the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to Tai Kwun.
We are most grateful to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for giving us this opportunity, and are sincerely appreciative of the support of the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong as a Strategic Supporting Partner.
Tisa Ho
Executive Director
Hong Kong Arts Festival
前言 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金一直相信,不同能力的人都應有同等機會創
作、接觸、參與及欣賞藝術。有見及此,馬會與香港藝術節聯合呈獻 「無限亮」活動計劃,以及賽馬會「無限亮」教育及社區外展節目, 讓不同能力的藝術表演者能一起走上舞台,盡展才華,同時亦讓觀眾 在無障礙、無限制的環境下欣賞藝術,享受箇中樂趣。
透過本地及國際不同能力的藝術家在舞蹈、戲劇、音樂等演出,此計 劃冀望能讓大眾加深對不同能力人士的認識,鼓勵大家互相尊重及欣
賞。馬會將繼續積極推動「藝術、文化及保育」慈善策略範疇,致力 為香港注入藝術文化活力,豐富市民生活,以及推動社會共融。
最後,我衷心感謝香港藝術節及香港展能藝術會的努力付出。謹此祝 願「無限亮」圓滿成功。
香港賽馬會 慈善及社區事務執行總監
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Echoing the Club’s belief that people with different abilities should have equal opportunity to access, participate in and enjoy the
arts, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is delighted to co-present the “No Limits” project and the Jockey Club “No Limits” Education and Community Programme with the Hong Kong Arts Festival.
The programme is aimed at providing a platform for local and international artists of different abilities to showcase their talents,
while audience members can appreciate the arts barrier-free with no limits. It also encourages understanding, respect and appreciation of people with different abilities and promotes social inclusion. Having
designated “Arts, Culture and Heritage” as a strategic focus area, the Trust will continue its commitment to support building a culturally
vibrant Hong Kong, enriching citizens’ lives and promoting social inclusion through arts.
My sincere thanks to the dedication of the Hong Kong Arts Festival and Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong for this meaningful project. I wish “No Limits” resounding success!
Leong Cheung
Executive Director, Charities and Community
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
香港藝術節及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金(馬會) 一直積極推廣藝術文化,並致力為國際及本地藝 術家提供展示才華的平台。藝術節與馬會將於
2019 年聯合呈獻全新計劃-「無限亮」,透過藝 術探索並推廣共融的主題。
們可以跨越自身及環境的限制,展現生命的無限 亮光。「無限亮」將致力創造共融空間,讓不同 能力人士均可以一同欣賞、參與、擁抱藝術。
亮」亦銳意把共融藝術理念拓展到社區每一角落, 透過多元的教育及社區外展節目,豐富社會各界 的藝術體驗,並讓年青人與藝術一同成長。
About "No Limits" The Hong Kong Arts Festival and The Hong
Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (The Trust )
actively try to enrich the cultural life of the city by providing platforms for international and local artists in all genres of the performing arts
to showcase their talents. Aiming to explore and promote inclusiveness and understanding via the arts, the Festival and the Trust will
co-present "No Limits", a new project to be launched in 2019.
Every person has limitations. The arts, with their infinite possibilities, can help us find
strength to break down barriers and create
a world with no limits. "No Limits" strives to create an inclusive space for people with
different abilities to share the joy of arts together.
In 2019, "No Limits" comprises a sevenprogramme series of dance, theatre, music
performances and other art forms by local and
international artists. The project also invests
heavily in arts education for young people,
where diverse arts experiences are designed to nurture students’ interest in the arts, and to promote understanding of inclusiveness in every corner of the community.
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藝術通達為不同能力人士提供相應的輔助,讓他們可無障礙地參與藝術活動,從而達到 「藝術同參與」的理念。 這次「無限亮」中提供的藝術通達配套包括*: 粵語口述影像 以言語描述影像,讓視障人士掌握舞台演出的視覺元素,使整個觀賞體 驗更立體。 通達字幕 利用文字描寫聲音和語言,讓聽障人士掌握活動內容,投入現場氣氛。 手語傳譯 提供香港手語傳譯,讓手語使用者更能理解活動內容。 劇場視形傳譯 輔以符合戲劇角色的身體動作及面部表情,把香港手語傳譯提昇至藝術 表演的層次,確保觀眾不會錯失重要動作或轉景。 簡易圖文版刊物 用簡單的文字和圖片傳達活動資訊。 自在劇場 適合自閉症、智力障礙及其他學習障礙人士在一個放鬆的環境下欣賞節 目,從而得到完整的觀賞經驗。劇場內的舞台效果,例如燈光及音響等 會適當調整,以緩和演出帶來的感官刺激,而觀眾亦能隨意進出劇場。 此外,劇場外亦設安靜區,歡迎在演出期間感到不安或不適的人士使 用。
Arts Accessibility Arts can be enjoyed with different senses and by different means. We provide Arts Accessibility services and facilities for persons with different abilities to enjoy our arts programmes. Arts Accessibility services provided in "No Limits" include * : Audio Description in Cantonese Describe visual information in verbal Cantonese to enable people with visual impairment to conjure up images in their mind.
Accessible Captions Describe sounds and speech through text to help people with hearing impairment better understand the programmes and immerse themselves into the performance. Hong Kong Sign Language Interpretation Enable Hong Kong Sign Language users to better understand the programmes through on-site interpretation.
Theatrical Interpretation Theatrical Interpretation not only translates the lines for Hong Kong Sign Language users, but also incorporates the body gestures and facial expressions of each character into the interpretation. Easy-to-Read booklet Information provided using simple language and pictures that are easily understood.
Relaxed Performance A relaxed performance creates a supportive atmosphere through arrangements that include the adjustment of lights and sound, designated chill-out zones for anyone feeling overwhelmed during the show, and a welcoming attitude towards noise and movement from the audience. *Arts Accessibility services are available in selected "No Limits" programmes only. Please refer to the respective programme pages for details.
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香港藝術節於 1973 年揭幕,是地區內舉足輕重 的表演藝術節,亦是國際藝壇中重要的文化盛
事。藝術節於每年 2 月至 3 月期間呈獻眾多優秀
本地及國際藝術家的演出,節目式式俱備,既顧 及古典傳統口味,亦兼備大膽創新的表演形式。
香港藝術節多年來積極委約及製作全新的本地戲 劇、音樂、室內歌劇及當代舞蹈創作,不少作品 更已在香港及海外多度重演。
香港藝術節每年亦舉辦逾 300 項針對公眾及學生
的「加料節目」和多元化藝術教育活動,致力豐 富香港的文化生活。
香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構。2018/19 財政年
度的預算中,逾八成需來自贊助和捐款、按籌款 收入可望獲得的配對資助,以及票房收入;餘下 的大約兩成則來自政府撥款。
Hong Kong Arts Festival
HK AF, launched in 1973, is a major
international arts festival committed to
enriching the cultural life of the city. In Februar y and March ever y year, the
Festival presents leading local and international artists in all genres of the performing arts, placing equal importance on great traditions and contemporary creations.
HKAF also commissions and produces work in theatre, music, chamber opera and
contemporary dance by Hong Kong’s own
creative talent and emerging artists, some
of which have had successful subsequent runs in Hong Kong and overseas.
In addition, each year HKAF presents
over 300 “PLUS� and educational activities
that offer diverse arts experiences to the general public and students.
HKAF is a non-profit organisation. Over 80% of its FY2018/19 income comes from sponsorships and donations, matching
grants derived from fundraising income, as well as box office revenues. The remaining 20% comes from government subvention. For more information, please visit:
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香港賽馬會(「 馬會」)成立於 1884 年,是致力建設
更美好社會的世界級賽馬機構。馬會透過其結合賽馬 及馬場娛樂、會員會所、有節制體育博彩及獎券,以 及慈善及社區貢獻的獨特綜合營運模式,創造經濟及
社會價值,並協助政府打擊非法賭博。馬會是全港最 大的單一納稅機構,也是香港主要僱主之一,其慈 善信託基金位列全球十大慈善捐助機構。
源,與政府、非政府組織及社區機構攜手,透過跨界 別及多方協作,共謀創新的解決方案。除持續捐助 各類型慈善項目,馬會慈善信託基金亦策略性地推動
「青年」、 「長者」、 「體育」,以及 「 藝術、文化及保育」 四大範疇的工作。
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Founded in 1884, The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a world-class
racing club that acts continuously for the betterment of our society.
The Club has a unique integrated business model, comprising racing and racecourse entertainment, a membership club, responsible
spor ts wagering and lotter y, and charities and community
contribution. Through this model, the Club generates economic and social value for the community and supports the Government
in combatting illegal gambling. It is Hong Kong's largest single
taxpayer, one of the city’s major employers. Its Charities Trust is also one of the world's top ten charitable donors.
Working with the Government, non-governmental organisations and community partners, the Club’s Charities Trust proactively seeks out
the root causes of social issues, bringing multiple and cross-sectoral parties together to address them through innovative approaches. While continuing to fund a wide range of projects, the Trust is placing
special emphasis on four areas of strategic focus – Youth, the Elderly, Sports, and Arts, Culture and Heritage.
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謝洛姆.貝爾《歡聚今宵》 Jérôme Bel – Gala 舞蹈 |法國及香港 Dance | France and Hong Kong
創作概念 Conception Jérôme Bel 助理 Assistant Maxime Kurvers 表演者 By and with 來自香港的各界人士 Dancers from Hong Kong
開幕節目 Project Opening
助理(當地表演) Assistants (local restaging) Sheila Atala Chiara Gallerani 服裝由表演者提供 Costumes by the dancers
* 門票 Ticket: $200, $150, $100 | 優惠票價 Concession: $100, $75, $50 #
門票 Ticket: $120 | 優惠票價 Concession: $60
專業舞者與素人不分彼此的一場舞台盛會 顛覆你對舞蹈的想像
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“It’s a tour de force, wildly entertaining and truly radical.” – New York Times
自本地不同背景的舞者穿上各自鮮艷奪目的衣服踏上 舞台;他們既有專業舞者,也有業餘人士,各人以不 同的身體姿態演繹自己的舞蹈,模糊了會跳舞和不會 跳舞的界線,反思及重新定義舞蹈藝術的美學。
謝洛姆.貝爾以「非舞蹈」風格聞名於世,憑着獨樹 一幟的舞蹈編排得到藝術界高度評價及關注,曾獲得
舞蹈界奧斯卡之稱的貝西獎及歐洲文化基金瑪格麗特 公主獎等獎項。
On the stage, Hong Kong residents of all ages and © Josefina Tommasi
*15.03 五 Fri 20:00 #
16.03 六 Sat 15:00
from all walks of life join professional dancers, actors and amateurs. Gala offers a different approach to dance which never calls on us to pass judgement. With its "Fail again, fail better" emphasis, Gala goes from one theatre to the next, like "a mirror taking a stroll by the side of a road", and brings home to
沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall
us something about the making of those we are
如有需要,請致電 2777 1771 預留口
演出長約 1 小時 30 分鐘,不設中場休息
Please call 2777 1771 to reserve the
部份座位視線受阻,詳情請參閱第 33 頁
audio description device in advance.
watching as well as the way we watch.
Approx 1 hour 30 minutes without interval. Some seats have restricted view. Please refer to page 33 for details.
新世界劇場《亞瑟王之夜》 Neworld Theatre – King Arthur’s Night 戲劇|加拿大 Theatre | Canada
© Tim Matheson
編劇 Playwright Niall McNeil Marcus Youssef
委約 Commissioned by Luminato
作曲 Composer Veda Hille
聯合製作 Co-Produced by National Arts Centre
導演 Director James Long 製作 Produced by 加拿大溫哥華新世界劇場 Neworld Theatre (Vancouver, BC) 與香港兒童合唱團聯合演出 With the Hong Kong Children’s Choir
支持機構 Supported by Canada Council for the Arts BC Arts Council Province of British Columbia Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity Stratford Festival Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival Shadbolt Centre for the Arts Vancouver Foundation
| * 門票 Ticket: $180, $130, $80
優惠票價 Concession: $90, $65, $40
| 門票 Ticket: $100 #
優惠票價 Concession: $50
「原創、富有詩意,並充滿驚喜」 —《喬治亞海峽報》
“…after watching King Arthur’s Night I flat out sobbed.”
– Colin Thomas, award winning Playwright
一把改變不列顛歷史的王者之劍、一段禁戀、一場關 乎國家權力的大戰……這個家傳戶曉的亞瑟王傳奇故
賦予全新的生命。身兼編劇和演員的 Niall McNeil 和 Marcus Youssef,將分別擔演亞瑟王和魔法師梅林兩 個角色,同時邀請到當地唐氏綜合症研究協會的專業 演員參與演出。今次在香港首演的全新版本將與香港 兒童合唱團聯合演出,亦設有現場樂隊。
兩位編劇聯合監製的 《Peter Panties》曾獲得溫哥
華傑西.李察遜舞台劇獎創新獎,從而闖出名堂。兩 人在全新版的《亞瑟王之夜》再度合作,讓觀眾從一 個嶄新角度欣賞這個耳熟能詳的故事。 © Andrew Alexander
*19.03 二 Tue 20:00
An upside - down world. A betrayed love. An unwanted child. Animals learning to walk and talk. A revolt by the subjugated masses. A kingdom come undone. This isn’t the King Arthur you know.
20.03 三 Wed 16:00
Refined, brutal, crude and tender, King Arthur’s Night invites audiences to reject the idea that some experiences are inherently marginal, and instead
Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall
witness those stories front and centre on stage. The production includes a fully integrated professional cast with actors from the Down Syndrome Research Foundation, BC, a live band, and the Hong Kong Children’s Choir.
如有需要,請致電 2777 1771 預留
演出長約 1 小時 30 分鐘,不設中場休息 | 英語演出,附中、英文通達字幕
Please call 2777 1771 to reserve
Performed in English, with English and Chinese captions.
the audio description device in advance.
Approx 1 hour 30 minutes without interval. 部份座位視線受阻,詳情請參閱第 33 頁
Some seats have restricted view. Please refer to page 33 for details.
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《感官重組》Shannon Yee – Reassembled, Slightly Askew 劇場 | 愛爾蘭 Theatre | Ireland
★★★★ The Guardian ★★★★ Time Out London ★★★★ Evening Standard ★★★★ The Arts Review
© Richard Lavery
導演 Director Anna Newell
聲音設計 Sound Designer Paul Stapleton
編舞 Choreographer Stevie Prickett
護士 Nurse Stephen Beggs
作者及監製 Writer / Producer Shannon Yee
影片設計 Video Designer Richard Lavery
演出 Cast Mary Moulds Dorieann McKenna Miche Doherty Matilde Meireles Anna Newell Mary Jordan
門票 Ticket: $180, *$120 | 優惠票價 Concession: $90, *$60 * 只適用於上午場
超乎你想像 歡迎來到一場腦部手術的感官實驗 “A real-life ordeal, captured by a daring, disorientating artistic collaboration, which works brilliantly on so many levels” — The Stage ★★★★★ 以科學結合表演藝術,是近年藝術界探索的一大課
題,《感官重組》帶大家進入主角腦袋,經歷一場從 感官分解、重組及創傷後復康的手術歷程!
作者及監製 Shannon Yee 曾受到腦創傷,與死亡擦 © Dahlia Katz
身而過。病癒後,她聯同神經外科醫生、護士及創作 團隊,將自身經歷編成自傳式劇場作品。躺在病床
上,戴上耳機和眼罩,透過最先進的 3D 立體聲效, 你會突然感覺到自己進入了 Shannon 的腦袋,一同 以聲音體驗她由昏迷、接受腦部手術,及後在醫院休 養、到痊癒的每一歷程。
Reassembled, Slightly Askew is a head-trip– literally! Blending art and science in a unique and dynamic way, this immersive, audio-based artwork
© Jabber Wocky
三月 March - 03 二 三 四 TUE WED THU
15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 10:30 13:00 15:45
10:30 13:00 16:00 18:15
香港醫學博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences
transports you inside the head of artist Shannon Yee as she descends into a coma from a rare brain infection. Lying on a hospital bed with headphones and blindfold, you follow Shannon’s journey through critical illness, to re-emergence into the world and finally to rehabilitation with an acquired brain injury. 演出長約 1 小時,不設中場休息 Approx 1 hour without interval 英語演出。Performed in English.
觀眾請於演出開場前 10 分鐘到場。 Ticket holders are advised to arrive at least 10 minutes before show time. 遲到者不得進場 Latercomers will not be admitted. 輪椅使用者如需購買門票,請致電 2828 4949
For ticketing booking of wheelchair users, please call 2828 4949. 節目結束後,特別放映整個製作特輯(片長約 30 分鐘 ),歡迎觀眾留步。
影片設有粵語口述影像,如有需要,請致電 2777 1771 預留口述影像耳機。
Audiences are encouraged to stay after the show for a 30-minute video documenting the development process of this experimental performance.
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陳奐仁、何秉舜《小小仁小小 BING》 Hanjin & Harris – Little Soldiers 音樂|新加坡 Music | Singapore
涯中,以鮮明的個人風格見稱,橫掃亞洲樂壇唱作大獎。全能音樂人的背後, 卻有著鮮為人知的故事。
陳奐仁自小患有家族遺傳弱聽。自 12 歲始左耳的聽力剩下七成半功能,右耳
更只有五成聽力。先天性的聽障卻沒有阻止陳奐仁追求音樂夢,現今即使已 成為亞洲流行音樂界翹楚,他仍然不斷尋求新突破。今次更以「無限亮」為
主題,與鋼琴才子何秉舜攜手合作,度身打造《小小仁小小 BING》演唱會, 門票 Ticket: $320, $220, $150, $80
優惠票價 Concession: $160, $110, $75, $40
與香港失明人協進會及香港聾人福利促進會成員 以音樂宣揚共融
Featuring artists from The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf and The Hong Kong Blind Union 別出心裁地創作了兩首從未派台的歌曲,樂迷們必 定大飽耳福。
演唱會陣容鼎盛,陳奐仁誠意邀請來自不同界別的 音樂單位同台演出,包括與失明爵士樂高手 Jezrael
Lucero 合作,更會與香港失明人協進會及香港聾人 福利促進會的成員以手語及其他樂器,齊心以音樂宣 揚共融, 為樂迷帶來前所未有的音樂體驗 。
It may come as a surprise to some that Hanjin Tan, a multi-award winning jazz and pop singer-songwriter, has had a hearing impairment since birth. Since the age of 12, Hanjin has retained only about half of the Photography | © Raymond Kam Makeup and Hair | MOD Makeup Academy
21.03 四 Thu 20:00 香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
hearing capabilities in his right ear and 75% in his left ear. Though it hindered his learning in music, it did not stop him from pursuing his music career and blossoming into the musical genius that he is today. Tan will share the stage with Harris Ho in a concert that encapsulates the theme of No Limits. They will be joined on stage by special guests: the visually impaired jazz musician Jezrael Lucero and local artists from The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf and
演出長約 1 小時 30 分鐘,不設中 場休息
Approx 1 hour 30 minutes without interval
部份座位視線受阻,詳情請參閱第 33 頁
Some seats have restricted view.
Please refer to page 33 for details.
The Hong Kong Blind Union. Tan will be premiering two new works as well as brand-new arrangements of his hit songs.
20 / 21
谷野九郎及卡斯帕・皮赫納《母親》 Kuro Tanino and Caspar Pichner – Mother 戲劇|日本 Theatre | Japan
© Pierre Borasci
編劇及導演 Playwright and Director 谷野 九郎 Kuro Tanino
舞台及服飾設計 Stage and Costumes Design 卡斯帕・皮赫納 Caspar Pichner
聲音設計 Sound Designer Koji Sato (Sugar Sound)
舞台管理 Stage Manager Masaya Natsume
製作 Produced by Chika Onozuka Aya Komori (TASKO .inc)
演出 Cast Mame Yamada Mitsuru Akaboshi Pretty Ohta Buttaman
門票 Ticket: $120 | 優惠票價 Concession: $60
日本大師級作品 谷野九郎別具心思的巧妙編排 你必須要在黑暗中經歷一次奇幻任務
A journey of discovery. Are you a participant or a spectator? 由觀眾走進漆黑的房間開始,表演已經展開。他們會 慢慢察覺到房間裏除了有四位侏儒表演者之外,還有 各種謎一般的任務正在等待觀眾和表演者合作破解。
觀眾可以自行決定參與多少;但不論你選擇袖手旁 觀,抑或積極參與,都是一趟非凡的劇場體驗。
《母親》這個與觀眾互動的演出,是谷野九郎與卡斯 帕・皮赫納合作的非語言計劃 M-Projekt 節目之一。
蒂藝術節及荷蘭格羅寧根表演藝術節演出,好評如潮。 Enter a pitch dark room. As you slowly wander around, explore and discover, four little nomads enter. The drama unfolds. You, the audience,
29.03 五 Fri
become part of the show, and it is up to you whether you simply watch or take part in the events that
16:00, 19:00
follow. What will you choose?
30.03 六 Sat
M oth e r is par t of the non -ver bal M - projek t
16:00, 19:00
31.03 日 Sun 14:00, 17:00
collaboration by Kuro Tanino and Caspar Pichner. This production has been well-received at various theatres and arts festivals worldwide, including
大館複式展室 Duplex Studio, Tai Kwun
the Zürcher Theater Spektakel and the Noorderzon
演出長約 1 小時,不設中場休息
此劇場為無語言劇場。場內不設坐位,觀眾需站立及走動,建議穿著輕便衣服及鞋襪 |
This is a non-verbal theatre. Participants are advised to wear comfortable clothes and
Approx 1 hour without interval.
Latecomers will not be admitted.
Performing Arts Festival Groningen in the Netherlands.
場地不設儲物櫃,建議攜帶輕便隨身物品 | 請勿攜帶食物或飲品進場
shoes. Cloak room facilities are not available. Large items cannot be stored. Food and drinks are not permitted.
22 / 23
丁怡杰小提琴獨奏會 Ding Yijie Violin Recital 音樂|中國 Music | China
貝多芬 F 大調第五小提琴奏鳴曲, 作品 24,《春》 法朗克 A 大調小提琴奏鳴曲 韋斯曼 《卡門幻想曲》
Violin Sonata No 5 in F, Op 24, “Spring”
Violin Sonata in A
Waxman "Carmen Fantasie"
門票 Ticket: $120, $80 | 優惠票價 Concession: $60, $40
從心出發 無比意志踏上音樂路
With heart and determination, anything is possible
18 歲少女丁怡杰在音樂路上從不容易,雖受視障影 響,但憑著驚人的記憶力和敏銳的聽覺,用心記下 每一個音符,終於一步一步踏上屬於她的個人舞台。 丁怡杰自 6 歲開始學習小提琴, 靠記憶力把老師傳
在中國大陸樂壇已嶄露頭角,並先後於多個全國大 賽獲獎。
Maria Jee 伴奏,為觀眾送上多首經典作品。一弓一 弦,一曲一調,丁怡杰將拉出最純潔的樂章,打動 人心。
Praised for her amazing ability to strike a chord © Keith Hiro
29.03 五 Fri 20:00
香港演藝學院音樂廳 Concert Hall, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 演出約 1 小時 15 分鐘,包括一節 中場休息
Approx 1 hour 15 minutes incl one interval
Meet-the-Artist (Post-performance) 承蒙香港演藝學院批准參與此音樂會 By kind permission of The Hong
Kong Academy for Performing Arts
with audiences, violinist Ding Yijie has won numerous prizes at nationwide competitions in Mainland China. Since picking up the violin at age 6, visual impairment and the lack of braille scores have not hindered this teenage sensation. Rather, Ding memorises numerous scores by heart, bearing testimony to her passion and talent for music, captivating audiences with her musical flair and guile. Ding, accompanied by South Korean pianist Maria Jee, will perform works by Beethoven, Franck and Waxman.
24 / 25
《帕爾曼的音樂傳奇》 Itzhak 紀錄片|美國 Documentary | USA
導演 Director Alison Chernick 剪接 Editing Helen Yum
主演 With appearances by Itzhak Perlman Toby Perlman Billy Joel Alan Alda Evgeny Kissin Mischa Maisky Martha Argerich
| 門票 Ticket: $80
| 優惠票價 Concession: $40
片長約 1 小時 30 分鐘,不設中場休息 Approx 1 hour 30 minutes without interval
Multiple award-winning documentary about renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman
由舒伯特到史特勞斯、巴哈到布拉姆斯,每首經典作品 只要到帕爾曼手裡,都能以高超的琴藝讓你沉醉在他 溫暖迷人的音色,每個音符都撼動樂迷的心靈深處。
Alison Chernick 執導的音樂記錄片中,多角度描繪了 這位小提琴大師傳奇的一生。 帕爾曼自小患有小兒麻
痺症,他一直希望擺脫偏見,努力成為大家心目中的一 位平凡、普通的音樂系學生。現今,帕爾曼的音樂造詣
「當代十大小提琴家」之一,更指揮過世界頂級樂團及 贏取過 16 項格林美獎。
《帕爾曼的音樂傳奇》充滿愛、溫暖和幽默,正是帕爾 曼的人生與音樂的最佳寫照。
16.03 六 Sat 15:00, 17:00
From Schubert to Strauss, Bach to Brahms, Mozart to…Billy Joel, Itzhak Perlman’s violin playing transc ends mere per formanc e to evoke the
大館賽馬會立方 JC Cube, Tai Kwun
如有需要,請致電 2777 1771 預留 口述影像耳機。
Please call 2777 1771 to reserve the
audio description device in advance.
Dialogues in English, with Chinese captions.
片長約 1 小時 30 分鐘,不設中場休息 Approx 1 hour 30 minutes without interval
celebrations and struggles of real life. Alison Chernick’s enchanting documentary looks beyond the sublime musician, to see the polio survivor whose parents emigrated from Poland to Israel and the young man who struggled to be taken seriously as a music student when schools saw only his disability. As charming and entrancing as the famous violinist himself, Itzhak is a portrait of musical virtuosity seamlessly enclosed in warmth, humor and, above all, love.
26 / 27
賽馬會「無限亮」教育及社區外展節目 Jockey Club “No Limits” Education and Community Programme 香港藝術節團隊銳意把共融藝術理念拓展到社區每一角落,豐富社區各界的藝術 體驗,讓不同能力人士均可以一同欣賞、參與、擁抱藝術。 Curated by the Hong Kong Arts Festival team, the Jockey Club “No Limits” Education and Community Programme seeks to enrich the community's arts experience. We aim to explore and promote inclusivity by enabling people with different abilities to appreciate, participate in, and embrace the arts.
Music Demonstration Tour
加深青少年對音樂的認識,並透過探討有關「能 力」 、 「不同」等主題,帶出平等及互相尊重的訊息。
To enhance young people's understanding of music, perception of one’s ability and sensitivity to differences, hence promoting equality and respect for others.
Artists-in-Residence Programme
To enrich the dance experiences of people with different abilities.
豐富本地藝術家、藝術導師、學校老師及行業內人 士對共融藝術的認識,促進本地共融藝術教育。
Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Roundtable Discussion
To enrich the perceptions of arts facilitators, school teachers and practitioners on inclusive ar ts, so as to facilitate a more inclusive environment in local arts education. 匯聚本地及海外表演藝術界別人士,分享及探討 有關實踐自在劇場的經驗。
To bring together performing arts professionals from Hong Kong and abroad to share their ex p er i en c es of p r o duc in g rela xe d performances.
音樂巡迴演出 Music Demonstration Tour
邀請本地藝術家以音樂巡迴演出加深青少年對音樂的認識,並透過探討有關 「能力」、「不同」等主題,帶出平等及互相尊重的訊息。 Local artists are invited to enhance young people's understanding of music, perception of one’s ability and sensitivity to differences, hence promoting equality and respect for others. 10.2018-1.2019
音樂是人類的共同語言,能打破各種界限,包括語 言、身份、背景及能力。具備各種不同才華的藝術 家將帶領青少年進入藝術世界,探索如何將音樂化 成言語,細說喜怒哀樂等細膩情感,亦探討及反思 有關「能力」、「不同」等主題,帶出平等及尊重 的訊息。其後,部分青少年更可到表演場地觀賞彩 排及演出。 Music is a universal language that breaks the boundaries imposed by languages, identities, backgrounds and abilities. Artists of various talents will lead young people on a journey exploring how music could express feelings and sentiments that words fail to describe. The themes of ability, difference and inclusivity will be discussed and reflected upon during the tours to deliver the message of equality and respect. Some of the participants will have the opportunity to experience the rehearsals and enjoy the performances.
28 / 29
藝術家進駐計劃 Artists-in-Residence Programme
© Camilla Greenwell, 2018
邀請海外舞蹈團到各區的特殊教育學校及社福機構進行舞蹈工作坊,豐富不同能 力人士的舞蹈體驗。 An overseas dance company has been invited to enrich the dance experiences of people with different abilities through conducting workshops at special needs schools and organizations. 19-23.1.2019 20-30.3.2019 詳情 Details:
英國坎多克舞蹈團訪港,透過殘疾及非殘疾舞者的 分享和交流,帶領不同背景及能力的參加者認識和 探索當代舞蹈的可能性。 Seasoned performers from UK-based Candoco Dance Company have been invited to share and explore the possibilities of contemporary dance with Hong Kong dancers from a range of abilities and backgrounds.
About Candoco Dance Company 於 1991 年在英國成立,由殘疾及非殘疾舞者組合而成 的著名當代舞蹈團。他們為觀眾和參加者提供出色及 深刻的體驗,激發、挑戰和拓寬大家對藝術、能力等議 題的既有觀念。他們的作品以人為本,著重合作精神。
A renowned contemporary dance company of disabled and non-disabled dancers founded in the UK in 1991, Candoco Dance Company produces excellent and profound experiences for audiences and participants that excite, challenge and broaden © Camilla Greenwell, 2017
perceptions of art and ability, placing people and collaboration at the heart of their work.
About the Showcase Performance 30.3.2019 20:00 ( 六 Sat)
賽馬會創意藝術中心 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 詳情及登記 Details and Registration:
拉.伯朗克所編的全新舞蹈表演,由兩位舞者與藝術 家進駐計劃的參加者演繹。
A new dance piece, choreographed by Candoco dancers Welly O’Brien and Sarah Blanc, will be performed with eligible participants of the workshops conducted as part of the Artists-in-Residence Programme.
30 / 31
導師培訓工作坊 Train-the-Trainer Workshop
© Camilla Greenwell, 2018
豐富本地藝術家、藝術導師、學校老師及業內人士對共融藝術的認知,促進本地 共融藝術教育。 To enrich the perceptions of arts facilitators, school teachers and practitioners on inclusive arts, so as to facilitate a more inclusive environment in local arts education. 1.2019 3.2019 詳情及報名 Details and Application:
邀請各地藝術團體分享當代舞蹈及戲劇的共融教學 經驗及方法,促進本地共融藝術教育。 Performing arts professionals from abroad will be invited to share their inclusive teaching methods and experiences in contemporary dance and theatre, so as to facilitate a more inclusive environment in local arts education.
圓桌討論(憑邀請參加) Roundtable Discussion (by invitation only) 匯聚本地及海外表演藝術界別人才,分享及探討有關實踐自在劇場經驗。 This roundtable discussion brings together performing arts professionals from Hong Kong and abroad to share their experiences in producing relaxed performances. 21.3.2019 ( 四 Thur ) 詳情 Details:
自在劇場意指將演出輕微調節,為感官敏感的觀眾 提供更佳的觀賞經驗。此新穎概念在香港如何實踐? 圓桌討論將聚集香港及海外的表演藝術界別人士, 分享製作及實踐自在劇場的經驗,而來自加拿大新 世界劇場的成員更會分享在當地不同藝術節裏的實 踐經驗。 Relaxed performances are performances that are modified slightly to make the experience accessible for audience members with sensory differences. What will it take to implement this relatively new concept in Hong Kong? In this roundtable discussion, we bring together performing arts professionals from Hong Kong and abroad to share their experiences in producing relaxed performances. The discussion will include members of Neworld Theatre, who will share insights from their presentations of relaxed performances at different festivals in Canada.
32 / 33
購票 Ticket Bookings 8/12/2018 起 onwards 「無限亮」查詢熱線
"No Limits" Enquiry Hotline :
2828 4949
由 2018 年 12 月 8 日上午 10 時起,「無限亮」節目門
票均可在城市售票網售票處或使用城市售票網網上訂票 服務 ( 訂購。
From 10am on 8 December 2018, No Limits tickets will be available for purchase at all URBTIX outlets and through the URBTIX Internet Ticketing Service,
Easy Booking Methods
方法一 Method 1
URBTIX Counter Booking at Outlets
親臨各大城市售票網售票處購票,地點詳請請參閱「無限 亮」網頁。
Purchase tickets by visiting URBTIX outlets. For location details, please visit the "No Limits" website. 方法二 Method 2
城市售票網網上訂票 URBTIX Internet Ticketing Service
使用網上訂票服務,簡便快捷。 Tickets can be booked by using
URBTIX Internet Ticketing Service.
34 / 35
方法三 Method 3
信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking 致電城市售票網熱線 2111 5999
URBTIX Telephone booking hotline: 2111 5999.
方法四 Method 4
快達票購票 HK Ticketing
或致電快達票購票熱線 3128 8288 購買。分銷處地點詳情請 參閱快達票網頁。
"No Limits" tickets to performances at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts are also available through the HK Ticketing outlets, the HK Ticketing website at and the HK Ticketing booking hotline at 3128 8288. For location details, please visit the HK Ticketing website.
Group Booking Discounts
凡購買一場演出十張或以上正價門票,可享有九折優惠。此折扣並不適用於《感官重組》全部 演出。 For purchases of 10 or more standard tickets for the same performance, a group booking discount of 10% will apply.Group booking discounts cannot be used in all performances of Reassembled, Slightly Askew.
Concessionary Tickets
以下人仕可以半價優惠購買「無限亮」門票: • 全日制學生 • 殘疾人士及看護人(顧客每購買一張殘疾人士優惠門票,即可同時以相同優惠購買一張門票 予看護人。) • 綜合社會保障援助受惠人 優惠票持有人必須在入場時出示認可的身分證明文件。 Half-price concessionary tickets are available for: • Full-time students • People with disabilities and their minder* (For each purchase of a concessionary ticket for a person with a disability, a second concessionary ticket can be purchased for one minder. • Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients Ticket holders of concessionary tickets will be admitted only upon production of proof of identity.
視線受阻區域 Programmes with restricted views
香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK Cultural Centre 堂座區域 Stalls sections : C&E
座位編號 Seat No:C1-2 61-62, AA1-7 94-100, BB1-8 94-101, HH27 • 陳奐仁、何秉舜 《小小仁小小 BING》 Hanjin & Harris – Little Soldiers
沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall 樓座區域 Balcony sections: BB 行 Row • 謝洛姆.貝爾《歡聚今宵》 Jérôme Bel – Gala
• 新世界劇場《亞瑟王之夜》
Neworld Theatre – King Arthur’s Night
36 / 37
General Information
城市售票網售票處訂票 Counter Bookings at all URBTIX Outlets 正價門票、本地全日制學生及殘疾人士半價門票將於 2018 年 12 月 8 日起在各城市售票網售票 處發售。城市售票網售票處不收取任何購票之手續費。地點詳情請參閱「無限亮」網頁。 Standard price tickets and half-price tickets for local full-time students and people with disabilities will be available from 8 December 2018 onwards at all URBTIX outlets. (Handling fee is not required.) For location details, please visit the "No Limits" website. 城市售票網信用卡電話訂票服務 URBTIX Telephone Credit Card Booking 2111 5999 購票熱線 / Hotline
由 2018 年 12 月 8 日上午 10 時起至節目演出前 1 小時止,每日上午 10 時至晚上 8 時,閣下可 經城市售票網以信用卡電話訂票「無限亮」門票,熱線電話:2111 5999。 Telephone credit card booking for "No Limits" tickets is available through URBTIX from 8 December 2018 during office hours (10:00am-8:00pm daily) at 2111 5999 until 1 hour before each performance. 海外客戶 ( 包括中國內地及澳門客戶 ) 亦可致電城市售票網以信用卡購票。每張訂購門票手續費 為港幣 8 元。 手續費將不獲發還。手續費如有更改,以城市售票網公佈為準。 Credit card bookings for overseas patrons (including Mainland China and Macau) are also available through the URBTIX Hotline. The service fee is HK$8 per ticket. All service fees are non-refundable. The service fee is subject to change in accordance with the announcement of URBTIX. 城市售票網網上訂票服務 URBTIX Internet Booking Service 由 2018 年 12 月 8 日上午 10 時起至節目演出前 1 小時止,閣下亦可使用城市售票網網上訂票服 務 購買「無限亮」門票。 Starting from 10:00 am on 8 December 2018, "No Limits" tickets can also be booked by using URBTIX Internet Ticketing Service at until 1 hour before each performance. 經城市售票網信用卡電話購票熱線或網上訂票服務訂購之門票,可選擇在任何一間城市售票網售 票處 / 購票通自助取票機刷卡領取門票,或選擇郵遞門票服務。領取門票須以閣下在電話或網上 購票時所使用的信用卡作確認。請攜卡領票。票款及手續費將由閣下的信用卡戶口支付。每張訂 購門票手續費為港幣 8 元。如訂票人士選擇以掛號郵遞方式取票,掛號服務為每次港幣 28 元。 手續費將不獲發還。手續費如有更改,以城市售票網公佈為準。 Tickets purchased by URBTIX telephone credit card booking and internet booking services can be collected from URBTIX outlets/Cityline ticket dispensing machines or by mail. Please present the credit card you used for the telephone or internet booking for authentication and collection of your pre-paid tickets. All ticket and service fees will be deducted from the subscriber’s credit card account. The service fee is HK$8 per ticket. If tickets are requested to be sent by registered post, the delivery charge is HK$28 per order. All service fees are non-refundable. The service fee is subject to change in accordance with the announcement of URBTIX. 「無限亮」查詢熱線 "No Limits" Enquiry Hotline 星期一至五 (Mon – Fri) 9:30 – 13:00, 14:00 – 18:00 電郵
2828 4949
38 / 39
查詢表演場地資料 Enquiries about the Performance Venues Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心 香港尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號
10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui
香港灣仔告士打道 1 號
1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai
香港演藝學院 大館
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
2584 8500
Tai Kwun
3559 2600
Sha Tin Town Hall
2694 2509
Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences
2549 5123
香港中環荷李活道 10 號
10 Hollywood Rd, Central
1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin
香港醫學博物館 香港上環半山堅巷 2 號
2734 2009
2 Caine Ln, Mid-level
Special Notes
• 為免影響演出,觀眾務請準時入場。遲到或中途離場的觀眾須待適當時候或中場休息方可進場 ; 本會有權不讓遲到或中
途離場的觀眾進場,亦有權決定其入場的時間及方式。 * 標明為「自在劇場」之演出場次,則並無中途離場及進場之 限制。
• 購票人士務請於離開票房前查核所購門票。 • 門票一經售出,概不退換。
• 優惠票持有人必須在入場時出示認可的身份證明文件。
• 每張門票折扣後的票價將計算至個位數,不足港幣一元亦作一元計算。 • 除特別註明外,所有節目恕不招待 6 歲以下觀眾。
• 「無限亮」有權增減、更換演出者或更改已公佈的節目及座位安排事宜。如有更改,本會將盡可能於「無限亮」網站 不時更新。
• 客戶在訂購門票及選擇座位時必須明白並預料到不同座位會有不同視角和效果。不論座位價格,「無限亮」均不會就 節目舉辦的場地內所有及任何座位的質素和觀看效果作任何陳述或保證。
• You are strongly advised to arrive punctually. The management reserves the right to refuse admission to latecomers and re-admission of audience members who leave the auditorium. The management also reserves the right to determine the admission and re-admission of such persons. *Performances marked “Relaxes Performances” are excluded from this arrangement.
• Patrons must check their tickets before leaving the booking counter. • No refunds or exchanges can be made after the tickets are sold.
• Ticket holder of concessionary tickets will be admitted only on production of acceptable proof of identity. • The price of discounted tickets will be rounded up to the nearest dollar on EACH ticket. • Persons below 6 years of age will not be admitted unless stated otherwise.
• No Limits reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes and seating arrangements. Should there be such changes, No Limits will update the relevant information on its website so far as practicable.
• Patrons in booking tickets and selecting seating should know and expect that different seats have different viewing
angles and effects. No Limits makes no representation on or warranty whatsoever for the quality and viewing effects of all and any seats in the venue for the programmes irrespective of the prices of the seats.