行政長官的話 MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE 第 48 屆 香 港 藝 術 節 原 定 於 今 年 呈 獻超過 120 場表演,並有近 1,800 位 才華出眾的專業表演者參與演出, 涵蓋音樂、歌劇、戲劇、舞蹈及電 影 等 各 個 藝 術 範 疇。 雖 然 受 新 冠 肺炎疫情影響,藝術節早前取消了 二月至三月期間的所有演出及活 動,但我很高興有部分節目能夠改 期舉行,讓大家可以欣賞到這些精 采演出。 原計劃在大館古蹟及藝術館舉行的 免費文化活動,已率先在十月中移 師到網上舉行。觀眾亦將會欣賞到 藝術節首度安排在新落成的西九文 化區戲曲中心上演的粵劇節目。 藝術節未來亦會一如以往,致力透 過「青少年之友」計劃,加強青少 年藝術教育,並以各項深入社區的 「加料節目」藝術活動,讓藝術家與 觀眾互動交流。 衷心感謝藝術節團隊一直致力推動 香港的藝術及文化發展。我亦感謝 一眾贊助商及各界的鼎力支持,令 每一屆藝術節都辦得有聲有色。 謹祝今天的演出圓滿成功,讓各位 觀眾和表演者留下難忘回憶。
The 48th Hong Kong Arts Festival originally planned to bring more than 120 performances and nearly 1,800 supremely talented professionals in every artistic facet — from music, opera and theatre to dance and film — to Hong Kong this year. Although its February and March events were cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19, I am delighted to see that some of the programmes have been successfully rescheduled. It began with the online staging of the Festival’s free cultural events at Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts in mid-October. Now, we look forward to the Festival’s Cantonese opera programmes, some of which, for the first time, will be held at the new Xiqu Centre in West Kowloon Cultural District. No less important, the Festival remains committed to enhancing arts education for young people through its Young Friends Scheme and to bringing artists and audiences together through various community arts activities under its PLUS programme. My thanks to the Festival team for its enduring commitment to arts and cultural development in Hong Kong. I am also grateful to the many sponsors and supporters who, each year, help make the Festival a remarkable success. I wish audiences and performers alike an unforgettable experience at today’s performance.
Mrs Carrie Lam Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
主席的話 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN 第 48 屆香港藝術節思索藝術如何與 世界產生共鳴,我也希望藉此感謝 一眾促成藝術節的支持者,讓觀眾 可以共同透過表演藝術反思自身、 開展對話及探索新思維。 我衷心感謝香港特別行政區透過康 樂及文化事務署提供的年度撥款, 以及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金提供 至關重要的支持,也感謝眾多企業 贊助商、慈善基金會以至個人捐助 者,在這艱難時刻中給予我們莫大 的支持。我亦要向早前於第 48 屆藝 術節退票期間願意將款項捐給藝術 節的觀眾致謝,您們的慷慨支持為 我們帶來很大的鼓舞。 最重要的是感謝一眾參與今天演出 的本地藝術家,令我們可將部分節 目延後上演,同時也有賴作為觀眾 的您在不同處境下仍然對表演藝 術 抱 有 熱 情, 並 前 來 欣 賞。 祝 您 從這場演出中找到共鳴,並有段難 忘時光。
As we reflect on the ways the arts resonate with our world at the rescheduled events of the 48th Hong Kong Arts Festival, I would like to thank all those who continue to make it possible to open up vital community spaces for self-reflection, dialogue and innovation through the performing arts. I am grateful to the HKSAR Government, acting through the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, for its annual subvention, and to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, for its farreaching support. Thanks are also due to the many corporate sponsors, charitable foundations and individual donors who have continued to stand by us in these difficult times, as well as to the patrons who donated a portion of their 48th HKAF ticket refunds to further our work—your ardent support has given us great encouragement. Most importantly, I would like to thank all of the local artists who made the rescheduling of today’s performance possible and you, the audience, for your enthusiasm for the performing arts, no matter the circumstances. I hope you have a memorable experience and find your own resonance in this performance.
Victor Cha Chairman Hong Kong Arts Festival
行政總監的話 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 第 48 屆 香 港 藝 術 節 所 頌 揚 的「共 鳴」,對於歷經疫情的表演藝術界以 至觀眾,似乎更具深意。共鳴,關 乎藝術與世界如何回應彼此。優秀 的作品可以超越時間,為後世帶來 深遠影響—— 您即將欣賞到的節目正 是如斯瑰寶。 藝術節策劃「四大南戲」系列節目 時, 期 望 能 透 過 四 部 經 典 南 戲 劇 目,與觀眾一窺這項源自宋元時期 的文化遺產。由於種種因素,我們 暫時未能重新安排上演浙江永嘉崑 劇團的兩部製作,但很高興現在有 機會呈獻另外兩部粵劇製作—— 葉紹 德改編的《荊釵記》,以及唐滌生改 編的《雙仙拜月亭》足本版。在此 感謝藝術節團隊的努力,以及一眾 本地藝術家的參與,令我們可以一 同細味這項雋永傳統。 隨着香港各項文藝活動逐漸恢復, 我期望觀眾也能藉此機會再次發掘 表演藝術的樂趣。希望您會喜歡今 天的節目,也會繼續支持藝術節未 來於不同媒介的演出。
香港藝術節資助來自: The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of:
Since the arrival of COVID-19, the 48th Hong Kong Arts Festival’s celebration of “resonance” in the performing arts seems to have taken on a deeper meaning. Resonance is the capacity of the arts and the world to echo each other. The very human stories at the core of excellent works of art can resound through the ages: the work you are seeing today is one such gem. The Four Southern Opera Classics series was envisaged as an opportunity to showcase the enduring legacy of nanxi in Chinese opera today. Although we are unable to present the two kunqu programmes due to cross-border travel restrictions, we are delighted to at last present Yip Siu-tak’s adaptation of A Thorn Hairpin and the full-length version of Tong Tik-sang’s Praying to the Moon. These celebrations of the heritage of Cantonese opera have been made possible by the hard work of local artists and our dedicated team. As Hong Kong gradually recovers from the trials of the pandemic, I look forward to rediscovering the joys of the performing arts with you at this performance. I hope that you will enjoy the show and continue to support the work of the Festival as we adapt to a changing world.
Tisa Ho Executive Director Hong Kong Arts Festival
扎根香港的國際藝壇盛事 A major international arts festival in, of and for Hong Kong
「藝術的創作與演出給世界帶來美麗,給人類引起鼓舞,給生命充實活力, 給社會增添光輝……這是舉辦香港藝術節的崇高意義。」
“Creative and representational arts have a common mission. They bring beauty to the world, courage to mankind, vigour to life, and brilliance to society… Therein lies the noble significance of the Festival.” 香港藝術節協會永遠名譽會長邵逸夫爵士 (1907‒2014) Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE, HKAF Honourary Life President (1907‒2014)
香 港 藝 術 節 於 1973 年 正 式 揭 幕, 是 國 際 藝 壇 中 重要的文化盛事,於每年 2、3 月期間呈獻眾多優 秀本地及國際藝術家的演出,致力豐富香港的文 化生活。 藝 術 節 的 節 目 精 采 多 元, 涉 獵 音 樂、 歌 劇、 戲 曲、實驗劇場、芭蕾舞以至街舞等林林總總的類 型。過往曾獲邀在藝術節舞台表演的國際演藝名 家及團體包括一流的國家歌劇院、劇團、管弦樂 團,以及眾多具代表性的表演者等。我們亦經常 與傑出的國際藝術家及團體攜手製作演出。
The Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF) is a major international arts festival committed to enriching the cultural life of the city by presenting leading local and international artists in all genres of the performing arts in February and March each year. Since its launch in 1973, HKAF has presented top international artists and ensembles across multiple genres—from music, opera, Chinese opera and ballet to break dance and experimental theatre. International guests have included major state operas, established theatres, top orchestras and stars of the day. We also frequently partner with renowned international artists and institutions to produce exceptional new works.
我們亦積極與本地演藝人才合作,並致力為新進 藝術家提供展示才華的平台。藝術節至今委約及 製作逾 200 套本地全新創作,包括戲劇、室內歌 劇、音樂和舞蹈作品,不少更已在香港及海外多 次重演。 為使香港的文化生活更豐富,我們每年於藝術節 前及期間主辦一系列多元化並深入社區的「加料 節目」,例如電影放映、大師班、展覽、藝人談、 後台參觀及文化導賞團等,鼓勵觀眾與藝術家互 動接觸。 我們亦銳意將共融藝術理念拓展到社區每一角 落。由藝術節與香港賽馬會慈善信託基金聯合呈 獻的「無限亮」計劃於 2019 年正式開展,透過一 系列的演出及多元的教育及社區外展節目,「無 限亮」致力創造共融空間,讓不同能力人士均可 以一同欣賞、參與及擁抱藝術。 為了培養未來的藝術家和觀眾,我們大力投資下 一代的藝術教育。「青少年之友」成立 29 年來, 已為逾 782,000 位本地中學生及大專生提供藝術 體驗活動。會員可參加由國際及本地藝術家主持 的示範講座及工作坊、學生展演、演前講座、公 開彩排,以及欣賞藝術節演出等。通過「學生票 捐助計劃」,藝術節每年亦提供約 10,000 張半價 學生票。
*2020 年 9 月更新 Updated September 2020
過往節目一覽 Visit our programme archive
We have collaborated with Hong Kong’s own creative talent to produce work that is now part of the local canon and to showcase emerging local artists. Over the years, HKAF has commissioned and produced over 200 local productions across genres including theatre, chamber opera, music and contemporary dance — many with successful subsequent performances in Hong Kong and overseas. As part of our enduring commitment to enriching the cultural life of the city, we organise a diverse range of Festival PLUS activities for the community before and during the Festival to enhance engagement between artists and audiences. These include film screenings, masterclasses, exhibitions, meet-the-artist sessions and guided backstage and cultural tours. Beyond the main Festival, HKAF also promotes inclusivity and understanding through the arts. Its “No Limits” project, co-presented with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, strives to create an inclusive space for people with different abilities to share the joy of the arts together. To nurture the next generation of artists and audiences, HKAF also invests heavily in year-round arts education for young people. Over the past 29 years, our “Young Friends” scheme has reached over 782,000 local secondary and tertiary school students; members can enjoy showcases, pre-performance talks, open rehearsals and in-school workshops led by international and local artists. Donations to the Student Ticket Scheme also make approximately 10,000 half-price student tickets available each year.
四大南戲 The Four Southern Opera Classics
A THORN HAIRPIN 4 – 5.11.2020 南戲簡介
Introduction to Southern Opera
Message from the Artist
Feature Article —
編劇 Playwright
導演 Director
葉紹德 Yip Siu-tak
羅家英 Law Kar-ying
Cast Profiles 封面照片及宣傳照 Cover and Promotional Photographs © Lawrence Ng@WorkHouse
戲曲中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre
演出長約 3 小時 45 分鐘,包括一節中場休息
Approx 3 hours and 45 minutes including one interval
Performed in Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles
敬請關掉所有響鬧及發光裝置 Please switch off all sound-making and light-emitting devices.
本場刊採用環保紙張印刷 This programme is printed on environmentally friendly paper.
請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影 Unauthorised photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. 如不欲保留本場刊,請於完場後放入場地的回收箱 If you don't wish to keep this booklet, please return it to the admission point.
此場刊由 Fundamental 設計及嘉昱有限公司印刷 This house programme was designed by Fundamental and printed by Cheer Shine Enterprise Company Limited.
編劇 Playwright
葉紹德 Yip Siu-tak
服裝設計 Costume Design
梁月慧 Leung Yuet-wai
導演 Director
佈景 Set
統籌 Coordinator
Kwong Hing Stage Scene Production Company
羅家英 Law Kar-ying 汪明荃 Liza Wang 擊樂領導 Percussion Leader
游龍 Yau Lung
音樂領導 Music Leader
彭錦信 Pang Kam-shun 舞台監督 Stage Manager
梁煒康 Leung Wai-hong 經理 Manager
袁麗華 Yuen Lai-wah
服裝 Costumes
Everlasting Star Costume 英文字幕翻譯 English Translation
楊為信 Harold Yeo
角色及演員 Characters and Cast 王十朋 Wong Sap-pang
羅家英 Law Kar-ying 錢玉蓮 Chin Yuk-lin
汪明荃 Liza Wang 王母 Madam Wong
尤聲普 Yau Sing-po 錢流形 Chin Lau-ying
呂洪廣 Lui Hung-kwong 孫汝權 Suen Yu-kuen
新劍郎 Sun Kim-long 姚氏 Madam Yiu
陳嘉鳴 Chan Ka-ming 錢載和 Chin Joi-wo
溫玉瑜 Wan Yuk-yu 小蘭 Siu Lan
林寶珠 Lam Po-chu 李氏 Madam Li
梁綺蓮 Leong Yee-lin
Introduction to Southern Opera
南戲是傳統戲曲中最古老的劇 種 之 一, 約 有 八 百 年 歷 史, 育 於 兩 宋, 盛 於 金、 元, 在 明 代 中 葉 經 過 輾 轉 相傳,因應 地 域 及 社 會 人 文 變 化,迎合觀 眾 口 味 喜 惡, 與 其 他劇種聲腔 結 合, 發 展 為 以 崑 腔為主的傳 奇, 成 為 明、 清 年 代 的 戲 曲 主 流, 以 崑 曲 和 非 崑 曲 分 為 花、 雅兩部 。「花部」即一般通俗的 地 方 戲, 又 稱「亂 彈」, 以 異 於 崇 尚 高 雅 的 崑 曲; 但 考 其 源 流, 不 論 崑 曲 抑 或 亂 彈, 仍 是 源 於 南 戲, 有 戲 曲 學 者因而奉 南戲為中國戲曲之濫觴 。
Nanxi, literally translated as “south opera”, is generally regarded as one of the oldest operatic genres in China, with a history of 800 years. Its inception can be traced back to the Southern Song, maturing through the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Over time, nanxi also adapted to changing audience tastes, interacted with other regional performing art forms and gradually developed into different sub-genres—most notably the kun qiong, which then became the main form to dominate the operatic stage for almost two centuries, well into the Qing dynasty. While there was at one time over 90 different forms of regional operas being performed in China, most of them could find their roots in nanxi.
明代古籍《永樂大典》收錄了全本《張協狀元》,是現存少數保存完整的南戲作品之一 The Ming dynasty compendium Yongle Dadian records the full text of Scholar Zhang Xie, one of the few complete nanxi works surviving today
宋、 元 之 前 流 行 的 戲 劇 形 式, 例 如 唐 參 軍 戲、 宋 雜 劇、 金 院 本、 諸 宮 調 等, 或 重 唱 唸, 或 重 舞 蹈、 雜 耍, 但 均 未 具 備 完 整的戲劇體裁 。宋室南遷,把 官 宦、 仕 人、 商 賈 移 徙 南 方, 帶 來 一 段 繁 榮 安 定 的日子,也 促 使 本 地 和 外 來 的 優伶、藝人 勠 力 發 展 娛 樂 事 業,把各種演 藝 形 式 共 冶 一 爐, 成 為 南 戲 的雛型 。 最 初 由 江 湖 藝 人 邊 編邊演,劇 本演完即棄,稱為「路頭戲」, 製 作 非 常 粗 糙, 也 沒有完整的 曲 本 流 傳 下 來; 其 後 文 人 雅 士 加 入 參 與 編 寫 劇 本 的工作,供 戲班演出,成為一時風尚 。特 別 在 當 時 溫 州 一 帶, 更 有「書 社」的成立,專門集體或個別創 作 劇 本, 又 不 時 以 競賽形式遴 選 優 秀 作 品, 提 高 文 學 水 準, 融 合 唱、 唸、 做、 打 各 門 技 藝, 確 立 行 當 制 度, 加 強 故 事 情 節 的 發 展, 而 且 音樂體裁靈 活, 不 拘 一 格, 鄉 俚 歌 謠、 南 北 套 曲, 兼 收 並 蓄; 同 時 曲 本 被 正 式 刊 印 下 來, 廣 泛 流 傳, 讓 南 戲 得 以 傳 播 各 地,加強其 發展和影響 。 12
Before the Song Dynasty, public entertainment mainly took the form of comic shows, brief dramatic episodes and ballad singing. The emphasis was either on singing and storytelling or on dancing and acrobatics. Such performances did not merge into a cohesive or wholesome dramatic form. When the Song court moved its capital southward to Lin’an around 1140—after nearly a century of turmoil due to border warfare in the north— it took with it noble families, officials, scholars and merchants, bringing a period of peace and prosperity to the country. There was a growing demand for entertainment among the affluent classes. Street performers who followed the crowd south worked together with local actors and singers. They tried to combine the different elements of singing, dancing and acrobatics into a new art form, strung up with story lines on themes drawn from folklore, history and current social issues, thus forming a complete, quintessential musical drama form. Nanxi was born.
當時溫州該處的戲班競爭激 烈, 演 出 頻 繁, 大 批 劇 本 湧 現,其中 最 受 歡 迎 和 最 具 影 響 力 的 劇 碼, 當 推 高 則 誠 的《琵 琶 記》和 號 稱 四 大 南 戲 的《荊 釵 記 》、《 劉 智 遠 》( 即《 白 兔 記 》)、《 拜 月 記 》( 即《 幽 閨 記 》) 和《 殺 狗 記 》, 通 稱「荊、 劉、 拜、 殺」, 直 至 今天,仍 不 斷 在 各 地 舞 台 上 出 現, 無 論 京、 崑、 越、 湘、 甌、 潮、 莆 仙 各 劇 種, 都 保 存 着南戲的影子 。
At the time, the artists compiled the scripts as they performed, but these scripts were usually discarded once a series of performances was over. Few of them survived thereafter, and it is difficult for us to know what the original form of nanxi was like. It was not until later on, when literati took an interest in the art form and started composing and publishing scripts for performance, that a trove of nanxi literature could be widely circulated, performed and preserved for posterity. With the participation of the literati, the quality of the scripts was much improved. A vast number of scripts began to be performed on the nanxi stage. Out of them, to find those with a strong influence on the development of Chinese opera, we must look at The Story of the Lute by Gao Zecheng and the so-called Four Southern Opera 撰文:譚榮邦
譚榮邦現為八和會館名譽顧問及香港藝術節 協會節目委員會委員之一 。
Introduction to Southern Opera
Classics: A Thorn Hairpin, The White Rabbit, The Moon Pavilion (later adapted as Praying to the Moon) and Slaying the Dog. These scripts had become the source of inspiration for other regional opera singers who adapted the plots and music into new pieces to meet local demands. Many versions of these nanxi are still performed frequently throughout China today; local artists in Hong Kong have also made some nanxi part of the Cantonese opera repertoire, which still enjoys great popularity with contemporary audiences. The music, format and style of performance may have undergone enormous changes since the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, but the traces of heritage can still be felt. Nanxi, per se, is now dead, but it survives in many new reincarnations live onstage, as can be seen in this series of performances by the Hong Kong Arts Festival.
Written by Tam Wing-pong Tam Wing-pong is currently honorary advisor to the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong and a member of the HKAF's programme committee.
書生王十 朋 家 道 清 貧, 與 母 親 相 依 為 命。 貢 元 錢 流 形 見 王 十朋為人 正 派, 便 將 女 兒 玉 蓮 許配給他, 十 朋 母 親 遂 以 荊 釵 為 聘 禮。 而 玉 蓮 繼 母 卻 嫌 貧 愛富,欲 將 玉 蓮 嫁 給 富 貴 姨 甥 孫 汝 權 。 玉 蓮 不 從, 終 下 嫁 王十朋 。 婚 後 半 載, 王 十 朋 上 京 應 試, 得中狀元,任江西饒州僉判 。 宰 相 萬 俟 卨 欲 招 他 為 婿, 十 朋 不 從, 被 調 至 廣 東 潮 陽 。 他 托 人 帶 回 一 封 家 書, 不 料 信 被 孫 汝 權 纂 改, 詐 稱 十 朋 休妻另娶,已入贅相府 。 玉蓮繼母 逼 玉 蓮 下 嫁 汝 權, 玉 蓮 誓 死 不 從, 投 江 殉 節, 幸 獲 錢載和救起,獲其收為義女 。 玉蓮其後聞新任饒州僉判到任 不 久 便 病 故, 誤 以 為 丈 夫 已 死,悲痛欲絕 。而十朋也從母 親口中得知玉蓮已投江而亡 。 十 朋 悲 慟, 設 靈 江 邊 祭 奠, 玉 蓮 也 在 江 邊 悼 亡, 二 人 相 遇, 恍如隔世 。
Impoverished scholar Wong Sappang has lived with his mother since childhood. Chin Lau-ying, a respected official, regards Wong Sap-pang as a decent man and decides to let his daughter Yuklin marry him. Sap-pang’s mother thus proposes marriage with a thorn hairpin as betrothal gift. However, Yuk-lin’s stepmother looks down on Sap-pang’s impoverished circumstances and proposes her nephew, Suen Yu-kuen, should marry Yuk-lin instead. Yuk-lin rejects Yu-kuen’s betrothal offering of a golden hairpin and marries Sap-pang. After marriage, Sap-pang sets off for the capital to attend the imperial examination. He then attains the top honour and is named the judiciary official of Raozhou, Jiangxi Province. Meanwhile, impressed by Sappang’s achievements, the Prime Minister proposes he marry into his family as his son-in-law; Sap-pang refuses and is thus demoted to a post in Chaoyang, Guangdong Province. He sends home a letter to his wife
explaining his circumstances, but the letter is intercepted by Suen Yu-kuen, who forges a new text in Sap-pang’s hand that claims his intent to remarry into the minister’s family. Upon receipt of the letter, Yuk-lin’s stepmother attempts to force her to remarry Yu-kuen. Yuk-lin refuses and attempts suicide by throwing herself into the river. Fortunately, Chin Joi-wo, the new Military Commissioner of Fujian, rescues her and subsequently adopts her as his goddaughter. Chin Joi-wo issues orders to locate Sap-pang in Raozhou, but hears that the new judiciary official has died due to illness. Yuk-lin is devastated to learn of what she assumes is Sap-pang’s death, while Sappang, who has learned of Yuklin’s purported suicide, is also heartbroken. Driven by their grief, the couple goes to mourn each other beside the river. Sap-pang recognises Yuk-lin, leading to a transformative reunion.
Scene 1: The Betrothal
Scene 3: Stealing the Letter
Scene 2: The Examination
第四場〈逼嫁〉 第五場〈投江〉 第六場〈會母〉
Scene 4: Forced Marriage 中場休息 Interval
第七場〈誤訃〉 第八場〈雙祭〉
角色 CHARACTERS 按出場序 In order of appearance
Scene 5: Into the River Scene 6: Reunion with Mother Scene 7: False Death Scene 8: Mutual Commemoration
Chin Lau-ying
Madam Yiu
Chin Yuk-lin
Siu Lan
Madam Wong
錢玉蓮之父 錢玉蓮之繼母 錢流形之女,王十朋之妻
錢玉蓮之婢女 王十朋之母,錢玉蓮之奶奶
Father of Chin Yuk-lin
Stepmother of Chin Yuk-lin Daughter of Chin Lau-ying, wife of Wong Sappang Maid of Chin Yuk-lin Mother of Wong Sap-pang, mother-in-law of Chin Yuk-lin
Wong Sap-pang
Son of Madam Wong, husband of Chin Yuk-lin
Suen Yu-kuen
Chin Joi-wo
Madam Li
姚氏之姨甥 錢玉蓮之義父 錢載和之妻
Madam Yiu's wealthy nephew
Godfather of Chin Yuk-lin
Wife of Chin Joi-wo 15
編劇家葉紹德(德叔)曾言《荊 釵 記》是 四 大 南 戲 之 首 。 它 在 明 清 時 期 非 常 流 行, 在《紅 樓 夢》中亦有提及這戲文,足證其 受歡迎程度 。現時,在崑劇和 京 劇 演 出 中, 仍 時 會 搬 演〈男 祭〉一折 。 我 和《荊 釵 記》的 緣 分, 源 自 2003 年 與 文 千 歲(華 哥)的 合 作 。 華 哥 擅 唱, 我 又 喜 歡《雙 仙 拜 月 亭》, 於 是 便 和 編 劇 家 葉 紹 德(德 叔)商 議, 他 便 編 了《荊釵記》讓華哥和我來演, 並由耿天元設計角色 。德叔匠 心 獨 運, 將〈男 祭〉改 為〈雙 祭〉,令故事更加感人,也是粵 劇《荊釵記》的亮點 。 今 次 藝 術 節 的 演 出,羅家英進 一步整理〈雙祭〉,希望觀眾會 喜歡今次演出的版本 。此外, 〈會母〉一場,羅家英如何得心 應 手 地 配 合 鑼 鼓 演 出,以及我 如何演繹「青衣」的大段唱詞, 也是值得注意的地方 。
The playwright Yip Siu-tak (Uncle Tak) once said A Thorn Hairpin was the most prominent among the Four Southern Opera Classics. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the play was popular to the degree that it was mentioned in the Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber. Even today, its excerpt “Offering by Wong Sappang” is restaged in kun and Peking opera formats. My encounter with A Thorn Hairpin dated back to 2003 when I collaborated with Man Chin-sui (Wah Gor). Driven by Wah Gor’s singing proficiency and my liking for Praying to the Moon, I consulted with Uncle Tak on rewriting the script of A Thorn Hairpin and invited Geng Tianyuan to develop the characters. With his unique artistic sensibilities, Uncle Tak changed “Offering by Wong Sap-pang” to “Mutual Commemoration”, which has become a highlight in the Cantonese opera version of A Thorn Hairpin by strengthening the story’s emotional core.
Message from the Artist
© 周嘉儀
《荊釵記》2003 年於荃灣、屯門及香港大會堂共首演三場,由文千歲及汪明荃(右)領銜主演,圖左為飾演孫汝權的新劍郎 Yip Siu-tak's adaptation of A Thorn Hairpin premiered in 2003, with three performances at the Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Hong Kong City Halls. Man Chin-sui and Liza Wang performed the leading roles (Pictured: Sun Kim-long as Suen Yu-kuen [left] and Liza Wang as Chin Yuk-lin [right])
「『節』、『義』、『信』、『望』,這些普世價值是超越時空的 。」
“Fidelity, righteousness, faith and hope are all universal values that transcend time and space.” ——汪明荃 Liza Wang
© 周嘉儀
闊別十多年,汪明荃(左)及尤聲普(右)再度飾演錢玉蓮及王母,在台上展現多年默契。圖為首演劇照 After more than a decade since the first performance (pictured here), Liza Wang and Yau Sing-po reprise their roles as Chin Yuk-lin and Madam Wong, showing off onstage the years of strong rapport they've developed together
《荊 釵 記》的 主 線 相 對 簡 單, 老倌們的演繹就是戲之所在 。 參與今次演 出 的 演 員, 可 以 說 是福陞粵劇團的原有班底 。羅 家 英 和 我, 加 上 尤 聲 普、 陳 嘉 鳴、 新 劍 郎, 這 個 班 底 演 出 了為數不少的福陞戲寶 。羅家 英、 尤 聲 普 和 我 的 三 人 組 合, 更加是合作無間,默契十足 。 三 人 同 台 演 出, 看 着 羅 家 英、 尤聲普戲來 戲 往, 我 的 戲 曲 造 詣 也 不 斷 增 長; 而 每 一 次 的 演 繹, 韻 味 相 同, 但 也 有 不 盡 相 同 的 細 微 之 處。 今 次 的 演 出 能再次集 齊 福 陞 的 班 底, 加 上 溫 玉 瑜、 呂 洪 廣、 林 寶 珠、 梁綺蓮,相 信 定 能 擦 出更 亮 麗 的火花 。 「義夫節 婦, 千 古 永 傳 揚」, 這 是南戲《荊釵記》文本中第一齣 〈家門〉中,用來形容王十朋、 錢玉蓮夫婦兩人的高尚情操 。 兩 位 主 角 對 愛 情 矢 志 不 渝, 歷 代 觀 眾 均 為 他 們 的「節」和 「義」動容落淚 。此外,王母和 玉蓮由始至終對十朋的信心毫 不動搖,相 信 他 總 有 回來 的 一 天; 二 人 在 清 苦 中 生 活, 仍 能 存有希望,積極面對困境 。 「節」、「義」、「信」、「望」, 這 些普世價值是超越時空的 。我 衷心希望透過《荊釵記》,能讓 觀眾重新思考這些價值在當下 社會的意義 。 汪明荃
For this version, Law Kar-ying further arranged the “Mutual Commemoration” segment and hopes the audience is pleased with this new version. Also noteworthy is how skillfully Law performs in tandem with the luogu ensemble in the “Reunion with Mother” excerpt, and the way I interpret the lyrics as qingyi (young or middle-aged female role). With a relatively simple story line, A Thorn Hairpin is intriguing in its line-up of veteran actors. They are nearly the full original cast of Boomabliss Cantonese Opera Troupe, including the troupe’s frequent performers Law Kar-ying, Yau Sing-po, Chan Ka-ming and Sun Kim-long, as well as myself.
Message from the Artist
noble sentiments of Wong Sappang and Chin Yuk-lin. Their unshakeable commitment to their relationship has historically moved audiences to tears. Throughout the story, Yuk-lin and Madam Wong remained assured that Wong Sap-pang would one day return. Despite poverty, the couple still strived on in hope. Fidelity, righteousness, faith and hope are all universal values that transcend time and space. Through A Thorn Hairpin, I sincerely wish to inspire audiences to rethink the importance of these sentiments in our present-day society. Liza Wang
In particular, Law, Yau and I had developed great mutual understanding and trust as an experienced trio. In our joint performances, my opera skills have improved as I’ve observed Law and Yau interact with each other. Delicate variety arose from each of the interpretations. Bringing together the Boomabliss Cantonese Opera Troupe’s cast as well as Wan Yuk-yu, Lui Hung-kwong, Lam Po-chu and Leong Yee-lin, this performance will surely ignite new sparks of inspiration. “The righteous husband and chaste wife will shine forever in praise”—a line from the first act of the nanxi version of A Thorn Hairpin, describes the 19
擬禪偈當頭捧喝 齊歡唱調寄驪歌 ——粵劇改本《荊釵記》的詮釋空間
穿整個故事 。貧士、土豪分別以荊釵、金釵下聘,富家小 姐選擇委身才郎 。貧士高中狀元,小姐驚接休書,復被後 母逼嫁土豪。小姐縛緊荊釵投江,誓與下聘之物生死相隨。 經過一番周折,有情人終於團圓 。
The titular hairpin of the nanxi classic A Thorn Hairpin symbolises fidelity amidst poverty, a major theme of the story. Although a young, wealthy man proposes marriage to the leading lady with a golden hairpin, a poor scholar wins her heart with a thorn one. When her new husband places first in the imperial examination and is assigned to a distant post, her competing suitor and step-mother connive to marry her off again. In despair, Yuk-lin throws herself into a river, still wearing her beloved thorn hairpin. But at last, after several setbacks, the scholar and his wife are reunited.
明 代 論 述 南 戲 的 專 著《南 詞 敘 錄》著錄《王十朋荊釵記》,入 「宋元舊篇」項,可見此劇於宋 元時期已有 。清代記載溫州物 事 的《甌 江 逸 志》談 及《荊 釵 記》的 王 十 朋 高 中 狀 元 後 拋 棄 糟 糠, 情 節 符 合 早 期南戲的創 作 傾 向, 可 能 是 原 本, 但 已 佚 失 。現在尚有全本流傳的都是 明刊本,已改為大團圓結局 。 這些版本在情節上最大的差別 是王十朋與妻子錢玉蓮最後在 舟 中 相 會, 還 是 在 廟 中 相 會, 形 成「舟 會」與「廟 會」兩 大 系統 。兩個系統的曲詞大體相 同, 凡 有 差 異 的 地 方,「舟 會」 本 比 較 質 樸, 展 現 南戲的民間 色彩,「廟會」本比較文雅 。
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Narrative of the Southern Ci by the Ming dynasty scholar Xu Wei recounts “A Story of the Thorn Hairpin and Wong Sappang” in the chapter “Ancient Stories in the Song and Yuan Dynasties”, proving that the play already existed in the Song and Yuan dynasties. Annals of the Ou River, which documents affairs in Wenzhou from the Qing dynasty, has a story called “A Thorn Hairpin” that follows a Wong Sap-pang divorcing his wife after succeeding in his imperial examination. These written records match with the narrative style of the early nanxi; one of them could be the original source text, but unfortunately they are now lost, making it impossible to know for certain.
《荊釵記》在近代地方戲廣泛流 傳, 崑 曲、 京 劇、 梨 園 戲、 莆 仙 戲、 川 劇 高 腔、 辰 河 高 腔、 岳 西 高 腔、 正 字 戲 等 都 有 改 本 。葉紹德編撰的粵劇改本將 四 十 八 齣 改 編 成 八 場,故事梗 概 沿 襲「廟 會」系 統 。 南 戲 第 一齣照例是「家門大意」,由一 個叫「副末」的角色告訴觀眾作 劇的立意和劇情大要 。粵劇改 本 新 增 大 愚 禪 師, 在第一場率 先登場道出主旨:「種得善恩收 善果/悲歡離合見真心」,略有 副末開場的意味 。大智若愚的 禪 師 更 穿 插 於 各 場,念出偈語 般 的 口 白, 從 佛 家 的角度賦予 義夫節婦故事新的詮釋空間 。
The existing versions of the story end with a happy reunion and are all based on a version scripted in the Ming dynasty. The main difference between the various surviving versions of the script lies in the last scene: whether Wong Sap-pang reunites with his wife in a boat or in a temple. The “boat reunion” and the “temple reunion” are similar, but the former’s lyrics are simple and unadorned, manifesting the folklore of nanxi, while the latter’s lyrics are more refined and elegant.
粵劇改本的結局將南戲第 四 十 五 齣〈薦 亡〉 至 四 十 八 齣〈團 圓〉的 枝 葉 削 去, 並 稍 作修改, 安 排 夫 妻 倆 同 時 在 廟 內哭祭對 方, 彼 此 發 現 後 當 場 相 認, 題 為〈雙 祭〉。 最 後 一 場主要是 生 旦 對 唱 的 場 面, 當 中有幾句 是 齊 唱 的, 渲 染 夫 妻 在咫尺之 遙 互 相 悼 亡, 同 聲 一 哭的悽愴 。唱段選用情調悲涼 的《雪 底 遊 魂》(陳 冠 卿 製 譜) 填 詞, 南 音、 中 板、 二 黃 等 都 用 了 哀 怨 的「乙 反 調」, 將 劇 情推向高潮 。大團圓收煞合唱 曲調寄悽婉的《楊翠喜》(佚名 曲), 即《分 飛 燕》(蘇 翁 詞) 的旋律 。後者深入民心,賦予
A Thorn Hairpin has been adapted into many theatrical genres, including kunqu, Peking opera and localised operatic styles. For this adaptation into Cantonese opera, Yip Siu-tak rewrote the story following the “temple reunion” structure and condensing the original 48 scenes into eight. For the standard opening scene of all nanxi, in which a supporting character gives a brief summary of the story, Yip’s version introduces a new character, Monk Dai Yu, to mark the opening scene with a couplet: “If you plant the seeds of goodness, you will reap good rewards; in sorrow, joy, separation and reunion, true feelings are
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revealed.” The presentation of the monk’s brief aside takes the form of a gāthā (Zen Buddhist verse), re-framing the story of a righteous husband and a faithful wife from a Buddhist perspective. Yip removed some minor details from Scene 45 “Chanting for the Deceased” and Scene 48 “Reunion” to create a new ending, “Mutual Commemoration”, in which the couple reunites while mourning each other’s deaths in the temple. Prior to their reunion, the couple sings a heartrending duet about their lost love without knowing they are just a stone’s throw away from each other. 23
原曲離別的聯想意義 。葉紹德 將 驪 歌 填 上 闔 家 歡 唱的曲詞, 實 在 耐 人 尋 味。 矛 盾 的 搭 配 可 以 詮 釋 為 一 種 暗 示: 狀 元 夫 婦 今 夕 破 鏡 重 圓, 他朝緣滅之 時 又 要 分 離, 使 人 感悟人間聚 散無常 。
The lyrics of this verse are written to the melodies of A Wandering Ghost in the Snow by Chan Kwunhing. The plaintive yifan mode is used in the naamyam, moderato and erhuang melodies, further pushing the play towards its climax. The bittersweet melodies of the chorus for the very last scene, Yeung Chui-hei (composer unknown), are actually taken from Swallows Flying Separately by So Yung, a well-known song recalling separation. It is intriguing that Yip has chosen to adopt such a typical parting song only to project a sense of contradiction: a reunion could be a happy ending, but who knows if fate will decide to separate them again. After all, we can only accept the impermanence of life.
近年參與《中國戲曲志》(香港卷)及《中國 戲曲音樂集成》(香港卷)編纂計劃,任副主 編,現正撰著粵劇例戲專書 。
Written by Lum Man-yee Lum Man-yee has served as deputy chief editor of Annals of Chinese Opera and Anthology of Chinese Opera Music: The Hong Kong Volume since 2012. She is currently working on a book on routine dramas of Cantonese opera.
編劇 Playwright © 岑美華
葉紹德自 幼 喜 愛 粵 劇, 曾 受 王 粵生指導粵劇編劇基礎 。後來 經由王氏 介 紹 而 認 識 唐 滌 生, 他曾向唐 滌 生 拜 師, 雖 遭 到 婉 拒,但唐 仍 不 時 指 導 他 填 詞 技 巧 。1956 年 薛 覺 先 逝 世, 葉 紹 德 幫 忙 整 理 其 名 劇《花 染 狀 元 紅》;1960 年 為 何 非 凡 將 舊 劇 《金釧投井》重新編成《紅樓金 井 夢》。 德 哥 後 來 參 與 整 理 多 套任白戲 寶 的 唱 片 版 本, 例 如 《帝 女 花》、《紫 釵 記》、《再 世 紅 梅 記》等, 亦 曾 為 林 家 聲 編 寫劇本 。 他曾與多 個 劇 團 合 作, 包 括 仙 鳳 鳴、 頌 新 聲、 雛 鳳 鳴、 勵 群、 慶 鳳 鳴 及 鳴 芝 聲 等, 改 編及撰寫 七 十 多 齣 粵 劇 作 品, 例 如《李 後 主》、《紅 樓 夢》、 《十五貫》、《趙氏孤兒》、《樓台 會》等 。
2006 年, 葉 紹 德 獲 粵 劇 發 展 基 金 撥 資, 香 港 電 台 第 五 台、 香港藝術發展局及香港八和會 館 協 辦「葉 紹 德 粵 劇 編 劇 工 作 坊」,欲積極培養後輩,但因他 身體抱恙而未有成事;2007 年, 獲頒發香港演藝學院榮譽院士; 2009 年, 獲 香 港 作 曲 家 及 作 詞 家 協 會 頒 發「 CASH 音 樂 成 就 大 獎」, 以 表 揚 他 對 粵 劇 藝 術 的貢獻 。
Hong Kong playwright Yip Siu-tak had been interested in Cantonese opera since childhood. He studied Cantonese opera composition under the guidance of Wong Yuet-sang. He later attempted to become the apprentice of Tong Tik-sang. Although he was declined, Tong still taught him the skill of scriptwriting. Yip then helped to adapt Sit Kok-sin’s classic Flower Dyes the Champion, following the performer’s death in 1956. In 1960, Yip created Golden Well and adapted Dream in Red Chamber for Ho Fei-fan. He also adapted several versions of Yam Kim-fai and Pak Suet-sin’s classic plays for vinyl record release, including Princess Changping, The Purple Hairpin, Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom and more. During this time, he also wrote roles for Lam Kar-sing.
Zhao and Butterfly Lovers, among many others. In 2006, Yip launched a Cantonese opera scriptwriting course to train the next generation with support from the Cantonese Opera Development Fund, RTHK Radio 5, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong. However, due to illness, the project was abandoned. In 2007, Yip was awarded the Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in recognition of his contributions to Cantonese opera. In 2009, he was posthumously awarded the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH) Hall of Fame Award.
Yip worked with different Cantonese opera troupes, including Sin Fung Ming, Chung San Sing, Chor Fung Ming, Lai Kwan, Hing Fung Ming and Ming Chee Sing. He has written and adapted more than 70 Cantonese opera scripts, including The Last Emperor of Southern Tang, Li Yu, Dream of the Red Chamber, Fifty Strings of Cash, The Orphan of 25
導演 Director 飾王十朋 Wong Sap-pang 羅家英六歲開始受父親羅家 權、 叔 父 羅 家 會、 伯 父 羅 家 樹 教 導, 師 承 王 粵 生、 王 者 師、 梁 素 琴 等, 其 後 追 隨 粉 菊 花、 呂 國 銓、 李 萬 春、 劉 洵 等 老 師 學習京劇 。 羅家英十 九 歲 擔 正 為 文 武 生, 於新加坡及馬來西亞巡演多 年,1973 年 回 港 成 立 英 華 年 劇 團, 與 李 寶 瑩、 梁 醒 波、 靚 次 伯、 關 海 山、 任 冰 兒 等 合 作, 演 出《蟠 龍 令》、《章 台 柳》、 《鐵馬銀婚》等,奠定了文武生 的地位 。他其後與李寶瑩合組 大群英劇 團, 於 不 同 地 方 演 出 多 套 名 劇 如《焙 衣 情》、《狄 青 與雙陽公主》、《孔雀東南飛》、 《萬世流芳張玉喬》等 。
1988 年, 他 與 汪 明 荃 組 成 福 陞 粵 劇 團, 編 出《楊 枝 露 滴 牡 丹 開》、《穆 桂 英 大 破 洪 州》、《江 湖 恩 怨 俠 鴛 鴦》、《糟 糠 情》等 多套粵劇, 更 自 編 自 演 多 齣 戲 碼 如《春 草 闖 堂》、《德 齡 與 慈 禧》以及改編自莎士比亞的《李 廣 王》、《英 雄 叛 國》等 。 羅 家 英近年常演 紅 生 戲, 又 稱 關 公 戲,演繹備受讚譽 。 2013 年, 他 獲 頒 世 界 傑 出 華 人 獎以及於 2018 年獲香港特別行 區政府頒發銅紫荊星章 。 26
Law Kar-ying began his training at the age of six under his father Law Kar-kuen and his uncles Law Kar-shu and Law Kar-hui. He later studied under Wong Yuet-sang, Wang Che-si, Leung So-kam and other Peking opera masters, such as Fan Kuk-fa, Lui Kwok-chuen, Li Wanchun and Liu Xun. When he was 19, he played the role of wenwusheng (civilian and military male) and toured in Singapore and Malaysia for many years. In 1973, he returned to Hong Kong and established the Ying Wah Lin Cantonese Opera Troupe. Collaborating with Lee Po-ying, Leung Sing-bo, Leng Chibak, Kwan Hoi-san and Yam Bingyee, Law and his contemporaries performed in numerous Cantonese opera productions, such as Dragon’s Prescript, The Story of Liu Yaojin and Conspiracy Behind the Marriage of Princess Yinping, all of which helped lay a solid foundation for his status as a wenwusheng. Law later established the Tai Kwan Ying Cantonese Opera Troupe with Lee Po-ying and toured a repertoire of famous plays, such as A Romantic Encounter, General Diqing and Princess Shuangyang, Peacocks Flying Southeast and The Immortal Zhang Yuqiao.
In 1988, he established Boomabliss Cantonese Opera Troupe with Liza Wang and created several new plays, including Legend of the Red Peony, Woman Warrior: Mu Gui-ying, A Couple of Gang and Loyal to Love, among others. He has also frequently taken on the roles of both scriptwriter and actor. This dual role is exemplified in many of his works, such as Chuncao Barging Into the Courtroom, Deling and Empress Dowager Ci Xi and his adaptations of Shakespeare’s works into King Liguang and Heroes Betray the Country. In recent years, Law has often played the role of a hongsheng or guangong (a redfaced male character symbolising loyalty and bravery), for which he has become widely acclaimed. Law received the World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2013 and was awarded the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government’s Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2018.
Cast Profiles
統籌 Coordinator 飾錢玉蓮 Chin Yuk-lin 汪 明 荃 1967 年 投 身 電 視 行 業, 曾主演不 少 經 典 電 視 劇集, 亦 涉 獵 唱 歌、 舞 台 劇 及 歌 舞 劇 等範疇 。
1983 年, 汪 明 荃 投 身 粵 劇, 自 組 滿 堂 紅 劇 團, 後 於 1988 年 成 立福陞粵劇團 。不僅致力發揚 傳統粵劇,還推動《英雄叛國》 (改 編 自 莎 劇《馬 克 白》) 和 《蝴蝶夫人》等創新劇目 。2010 年的《德齡與慈禧》,更起用本 地設計學院學生設計戲服 。 1992 至 1997 年 間, 她 被 選 為 香 港八和會館 主 席, 為 首 位 女 性 主席 。其間與大專院校合辦粵 劇培訓證書 課 程, 促 使 粵 劇 從 業 員 專 業 化 及 年 輕 化 。2007 年 至 今, 她 數 度 連 任 主 席, 工 作 包括重整粵 劇 學 院 課 程、 推 行 初中粵劇藝 術 課 程、 與 職 業 訓 練 局 籌 辦 培 訓 課 程, 並 於 2012 年推出油麻地戲院場地夥伴計 劃「粵劇新秀演出系列」,至今 培訓超過一百位新演員 。 汪 明 荃 於 1981 年 獲 選 為 香 港 十 大 傑 出 青 年;2004 年 獲 香 港 特區政府頒授銀紫荊星章 。她 獲香港不同院校頒發榮譽博士 及院士學 位, 亦 曾 出 任 香 港 不 同表演藝術團體的董事局成員 及委員 。
Liza Wang has worked in the television industry for 50 years. Throughout her career in the performing arts, she has been committed to the preservation, development and revival of Cantonese opera. In 1983, Wang made her first foray into the Cantonese opera industry, after which she formed the Boomabliss Cantonese Opera Troupe in 1988 with Law Karying. Wang’s advocacy for the rejuvenation of this traditional art form is seen through her promotion of Cantonese opera adaptations of famous Western operas such as Macbeth and Madame Butterfly, as well as in her 2010 production, Deling and Empress Dowager Ci Xi, which used costumes designed by local students. Between 1992 and 1997, she became the first woman to be elected as chairperson of the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong, which ran certificate programmes for young people aspiring to become professional Cantonese opera performers during her tenure. Since 2007, Wang has continued to serve as the chairperson of the association. Under her leadership, the association has undertaken
various initiatives, including a reform of the Cantonese Opera Academy of Hong Kong, introducing Cantonese opera education in secondary schools, offering courses with the Vocational Training Council, and launching the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase under the Yau Ma Tei Theatre Venue Partnership Scheme in 2012. Throughout Wang’s years in the industry, she has earned a myriad of accolades. In 1981, Wang was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong. In 2004, she was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the HKSAR Government. She has also received numerous honorary degrees and fellowships from local tertiary institutions. Wang has also served as board and committee member of various local performing arts organisations.
呂洪廣 Lui Hung- kwong
錢流形 Chin Lau-ying
尤聲普 Yau Sing- po
王母 Madam Wong
梁綺蓮 Leong Yee- lin
李氏 Madam Li
按出場序 In order of appearance
陳嘉鳴 Chan Ka- ming
姚氏 Madam Yiu
新劍郎 Sun Kim- long
孫汝權 Suen Yu-kuen
林寶珠 Lam Po- chu
小蘭 Siu Lan
溫玉瑜 Wan Yuk- yu
錢載和 Chin Joi-wo
呂洪廣 Lui Hung- kwong
錢流形 Chin Lau-ying
呂洪廣是粵劇名伶呂玉郎之 子, 專 工 丑 生 及 武 生, 師 承 名 丑生文覺非 。他是 1958 年廣州 市粵劇學 校 第 一 屆 學 生, 其 後 獲選入廣東省粵劇院青年演員 訓練班作 重 點 培 訓, 是廣 東 省 粵劇院三團丑生 。呂洪廣移居 香 港 後, 經 常 於 港 澳 台、 東 南 亞、 美 加 及 澳 洲 等 地 演 出, 亦 曾 參 與 褔 陞、 金 英 華、 金 玉 堂 等香港各大劇團的演出 。他現 為鳴芝聲粵劇團的武生 。
Son of the famous Cantonese opera performer Lui Yuk-long, Lui Hung-kwong specialises in the roles of chousheng and wusheng (military male). Having studied under veteran chousheng performer Man Kok-fei and being amongst the first graduates of the Guangzhou Cantonese Opera School in 1958, Lui performed as a chousheng in the Guangdong Cantonese Opera House’s Third Troupe following his training in the opera house’s youth opera programme. Since moving to Hong Kong, he has toured with many major troupes like Boomabliss, Golden Glory and Kam Yuk Tong to Macau, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, the USA, Canada and Australia, among others. He now performs the wusheng role in the Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera Troupe.
陳嘉鳴 Chan Ka- ming
姚氏 Madam Yiu
陳嘉鳴曾拜鄧碧雲及武術指導 任 大 勳 為 師 。 她 初 演 小 生, 後 改 演 旦 角, 並 拜 已 故 著 名 音 樂 家 朱 毅 剛 為 師, 鍛 練 子 喉 唱 腔, 更 跟 隨 京 劇 名 師 郭
錦 華 學 習 武 旦 及 北 派 身 段。 她亦曾跟隨音樂名家劉建榮 研 習 唱 腔, 及 獲 京 劇 名 家 劉 洵 收 為 弟 子。 她 曾 參 與 雛 鳳 鳴、 頌 新 聲、 福 陞、 鳴 芝 聲、 金 鳳 鳴、 千 群 等 各 大 劇 團 演出 。
Chan Ka-ming, who was an apprentice of Tang Bik-wan and martial artist Yam Tai-fan, formerly performed xiaosheng (young leading male) roles, but later turned to huadan (young leading female) roles. She studied singing and vocals under the mentorship of renowned musicians Chu Ngai-kong and Lau Kin-wing, was a follower of the Peking opera actor Liu Xun and trained with renowned Peking opera mentor Guo Jinhua on the role of wudan (military female) and the artistry of the Northern School. Chan has also performed with various Cantonese opera troupes, such as Chor Fung Ming, Chung San Sing, Boomabliss, Ming Chee Sing, Kam Fung Ming and Chin Kwan.
林寶珠 Lam Po- chu
小蘭 Siu Lan
林寶珠自小跟隨叔父林錦堂學 藝, 並 分 別 跟 隨 任 大勳及王粵 生學習北派戲曲和唱腔 。她專 工 花 旦, 早 年 參 與 彩龍鳳劇團 及 頌 新 聲 劇 團 演 出,之後又加 入 慶 鳳 鳴、 鳳 和 鳴、 錦 添 花、 非 凡 響、 日 月 星、 新 群 英、 龍 嘉 鳳 等 劇 團, 亦 經 常 到 星 馬、 美加等地交流演出 。近期參與 由 白 雪 仙 領 導、 任 白慈善基金 主辦的《西樓錯夢》、《帝女花》 等演出 。
Lam Po-chu studied with her uncle Lam Kam-tong as a child and later studied the arts of the
Cast Profiles
Northern School of Peking opera under Yam Tai-fan and operatic singing under Wong Yuet-sang. She specialises in the role of huadan and has performed with various troupes including Choi Lung Fung, Chung San Sing, Hing Fung Ming, Fung Wo Ming, Kam Tim Fa, Fei Fan Heung, Yat Yuet Sing, Sun Kwan Ying, The Dragon and Phoenix and more. Lam has also frequently performed in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, the USA and Canada. Recently, she participated in the performances of West Mansion and Princess Changping hosted by the Yam Kim Fai and Pak Suet Sin Charitable Foundation.
尤聲普 Yau Sing- po
王母 Madam Wong
尤聲普自小在戲班隨父親學 藝, 早 期 曾 任 文 武 生, 六 十 年 代後期改演老生和丑生 。曾拜 京劇名演員李萬春門下,並隨 師 兄 劉 洵 練 功。 他 為 香 港 藝 術 節 演 出 的 作 品 包 括:《十 五 貫》、《曹 操 . 關 羽 . 貂 蟬》、 《盜 御 馬》及《霸 王 別 姬》。 其 他 作 品 包 括:《曹 操 與 楊 修》、 《佘 太 君 掛 帥》、《李 太 白》、 改 編自經典京劇《沙家浜》的《亂 世 英 豪》及 改 編 自 莎 士 比 亞 劇 《李爾王》的《李廣王》等 。 尤聲普於 2009 年獲香港特別行 政 區 政 府 頒 授 榮 譽 勳 章、2016 年獲香港演藝學院授予榮譽院 士榮銜及獲香港藝術發展局頒 授傑出藝術貢獻獎 。
Yau Sing-po began opera studies with his father at a young age, later following Peking opera actors Li Wanchun and Liu Xun. Early in his career, Yau concentrated on the wenwusheng role, but 29
in the late 1960s, he expanded his repertoire to include both the laosheng (senior male) and chousheng (comic male) roles. Yau’s extensive oeuvre includes Fifteen Strings of Cash, Towering Legends of the Three Kingdoms, King Liguang (adapted from Shakespeare’s King Lear), Stealing the Imperial Horse, Heroes in Troubled Times (adapted from the Peking opera Underground Liaison), Farewell My Concubine, Cao Cao and Yang Xiu and new works such as Madam She is Appointed General and Li Bai: The Immortal. Yau was awarded the Medal of Honour by the HKSAR Government in 2009. In 2016, he was awarded an Honorary Fellowship from the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts and an Award for Outstanding Contribution in Arts by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
新劍郎 Sun Kim- long
孫汝權 Suen Yu-kuen
新劍郎是香 港 資 深 粤 劇演 員、 製 作 人 及 編 劇, 舞 台 經 驗 豐 富 。除演出外,亦參與幕後製 作, 包 括《七 賢 眷》、《元 世 祖 忽 必 烈》、《蝴 蝶 夫 人》、《妻 嬌 妾更嬌》及《十八羅漢伏金鵬》 等 。2001 年 他 初 次 編 寫 粤 劇 劇 本《荷 池 影 美》;2004 年 編 寫 《碧 玉 簪》, 近 期 作 品 有《搜 證 雪 冤》、《媚 香 留 情》、《情 夢 蘇 堤》等 。 新劍郎現擔任香港八和會館副 主席及粤劇新秀演出系列的藝 術總監,指導粵劇新秀演員 。 他於 2018 年榮獲香港藝術發展 局藝術家年獎(戲曲),2019 年 30
獲香港特別行政區政府頒授榮 譽勳章 。
弟子 。溫玉瑜現為多個劇團的 台柱演員 。
Sun Kim-long is a veteran Cantonese opera performer, producer and playwright dedicated to the acting, promotion and stage production of the art form. He has contributed to works including Seven Filial Kin, The Emperor of Yuen, Kublai Khan, Madame Butterfly, The Wife and The Concubine and Eighteen Arhats Taming the Golden Condor. He wrote his first play, Reflection of Beauties in Lotus Pond, in 2001, followed by many more in subsequent years, including Jade Hairpin in 2004. His recent works include Investigation to Redress a Wrong, A Love Poem Stained with Blood and Romantic Dreams of Sudi.
Wan Yuk-yu has cultivated a passion for Cantonese opera since a young age. After graduation, he began studying with Law Kar-ying and went on to tour with Law’s Tai Kwan Ying Cantonese Opera Troupe to North America, France, the Netherlands, Australia, Taiwan and Vietnam. In recent years, he has performed to great acclaim in Singapore and Malaysia. In 2018, he officially became an apprentice of Law Kar-ying. He is currently the principal of various troupes.
Sun currently serves as the ViceChairman of the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong and the Artistic Director for the Association’s Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase. In 2018, he was awarded Artist of the Year Award (Xiqu) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and in 2019, he received the Medal of Honour from the HKSAR Government.
溫玉瑜 Wan Yuk- yu
錢載和 Chin Joi-wo
溫玉瑜自幼對粵劇藝術有濃厚 興 趣, 畢 業 後 因 緣 際 會, 對 羅 家 英 執 弟 子 之 禮, 正式投身粵 劇 行 業。 他 隨 羅 家 英 所 組 的 大 群 英 劇 團 在 港 演 出,並赴美 加、 法 國、 荷 蘭、 澳 洲、 台 灣 及 越 南 等 地 巡 演, 近年在星馬 一 帶 的 演 出 更 大 獲 好 評 。2018 年, 他 正 式 成 為 羅 家英的入室
梁綺蓮 Leong Yee- lin
李氏 Madam Li
梁 綺 蓮 出 身 戲 班, 曾 是 大 龍 鳳劇團和雛鳳鳴劇團的成員之 一,也曾隨不同班主及名伶到 星馬等地參與演出 。她現為鳴 芝聲劇團的老旦,也是專業的 粵劇化妝師 。
Leong Yee-lin has studied Cantonese opera since childhood and was once a member of the Tai Lung Fung and Chor Fung Ming Cantonese Opera Troupes. Additionally, she has participated in performances with different patrons and artists in Singapore and Malaysia. She currently plays the laodan (senior female) role in the Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera Troupe and is also a professional makeup artist for Cantonese opera.
電話 Tel 傳真 Fax 電郵 Email 節目查詢
2824 3555 2824 3798 / 2824 3722 afgen@hkaf.org 2824 2430
香港灣仔港灣道 2 號 12 樓 1205 室 Room 1205, 12th Floor, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Programme Enquiry
The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM GBS
Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE (1907-2014)
副主席 委員
節目委員會 主席 委員
委員 發展委員會
副主席 委員
盧景文教授 鄭維新先生 鄭惠貞女士 梁靳羽珊女士 梁卓偉教授 文肇偉先生 孫大倫博士 姚潔莉女士 楊 光先生
Mr Victor Cha
Vice Chairman
Prof Lo King-man, MBE, JP, SBS
Honorary Treasurer
Mr William Li
Mr Edward Cheng, GBS JP Ms Margaret Cheng Mrs Yu-san Leong Prof Gabriel Leung, GBS JP Mr Sebastian Shiu-wai Man Dr Dennis T L Sun, BBS JP Ms Miriam Yao Mr Sunny Yeung
白諾信教授 紀大衛教授 羅志力先生 毛俊輝先生 李 義法官 約瑟 .施力先生 * 譚榮邦先生 姚 珏女士
鄭惠貞女士 梁國輝先生
梁靳羽珊女士 雍景欣女士
鄭阮培恩女士 龐建貽先生 孫林宣雅女士 姚祖輝先生 夏佳理先生 鮑 磊先生 陳祖澤博士 陳達文博士 霍 璽先生 李業廣先生 梁紹榮夫人 李國寶博士
甘乃迪女士(孖士打) 羅兵咸永道 會計師事務所
* 榮譽節目顧問 Honorary Programme Advisor
Prof Lo King-man, MBE, JP, SBS
Prof Giorgio Biancorosso Prof David Gwilt, MBE Mr Peter C L Lo Mr Fredric Mao, BBS The Hon Mr Justice Ribeiro Mr Joseph Seelig * Mr Wing-pong Tam, SBS JP Ms Jue Yao, JP
Mr William Li
Ms Margaret Cheng Mr Nelson Leong
Mrs Yu-san Leong
Vice Chairman
Ms Jane Yong
Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng Mr Paulo Kin-yee Pong Mrs Helen Lin Sun Mr Andrew Yao
The Hon Ronald Arculli, GBM CVO GBS OBE JP Mr Martin Barrow, GBS CBE JP Dr John C C Chan, GBS CBE LVO JP Dr Darwin Chen, SBS ISO Mr Angus H Forsyth The Hon Charles Y K Lee, GBM GBS OBE JP Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP Dr The Hon Sir David K P Li, GBM GBS OBE JP
Ms Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown
行政總監 行政總監助理
何嘉坤 何丹蓉
節目經理 ( 行政 ) 助理節目經理 節目統籌 節目主任 ( 行政 ) 物流及接待經理
梁掌瑋 蘇國雲 游慧姿 * 葉健鈴 余瑞婷 * 蘇雪凌 譚小敏 * 黃傲軒 * 袁潔敏 * 程鶩誼 * 金學忠 *
節目 節目總監 副節目總監 節目經理
技術 製作經理 助理製作經理
外展 高級外展經理 副外展經理 助理外展經理 外展主任 出版 編輯 助理編輯
梁雅芝 * 莫賦斌 * 李冠輝 鄧冠恆 * 林嘉敏 * 張翠騫 * 李玨熙 * 李萬祺 * 林秋美 * 廖健邦 * 黎家欣 * 林惠賢 *
市場推廣 市場總監 副市場總監 市場經理 副市場經理 助理市場經理 數碼營銷專員 市場主任 藝術行政見習員 市場經理 ( 票務 ) 票務主任
鄭尚榮 胡銘堯 陳志雄 * 周 怡 楊 璞 * 郭駿成 * 陳閏霖 * 鄭佩欣 * 張予心 * 梁彩雲 陳偲穎 * 鍾卓祐 *
助理發展經理 發展主任 藝術行政見習員
余潔儀 張慧芝 * 麥紫琴 * 譚樂瑤 蘇寶蓮 * 雲希朗 * 袁愷晴 * 吳樂怡 *
發展 發展總監 發展經理
會計 財務主管 會計經理 會計主任
人力資源及行政 行政經理 接待員 / 初級秘書 助理
無限亮 項目主管 項目統籌 節目及外展經理 助理節目及外展經理 助理市場經理 外展統籌 助理技術及製作經理 高級會計主任
香港藝術節 @ 大館 項目經理 製作經理 項目統籌 ( 公關及宣傳 )
* 合約職員 Contract Staff
鄺敬婷 杜詩麗 * 蘇永恆 * 譚智盈 * 李美娟 黃國愛 鍾雅妍 * 盧逹智 * 林淦鈞 * 陳慧晶 * 朱穎欣 * 汪盈 * 馮顯峰 * 陳梓衡 * 彭健欣 * 鄺為立 * 甄明慧 * 楊佩雯 *
Executive Director Assistant to Executive Director PROGRAMME Programme Director Associate Programme Director Programme Managers Programme Manager (Administration) Assistant Programme Managers Programme Coordinator Programme Officer (Administration) Logistic Manager TECHNICAL Production Manager Assistant Production Manager OUTREACH Senior Outreach Manager Deputy Outreach Manager Assistant Outreach Manager Outreach Officers PUBLICATIONS Editors Assistant Editors MARKETING Marketing Director Associate Marketing Director Marketing Managers Deputy Marketing Manager Assistant Marketing Manager Digital Marketing Specialist Marketing Officer Arts Administrator Trainee Marketing Manager (Ticketing) Ticketing Officers DEVELOPMENT Development Director Development Managers
Tisa Ho Connie Ho Grace Lang So Kwok-wan Janet Yau* Susanna Yu* Shirley So Tracy Tam* Loui Yuen* Spaky Ching* Elvis King*
Linda Yip
Joseph Wong*
Shirley Leung* Benny Mok* Kenneth Lee Joe Tang* Carman Lam* Tracy Cheung* Kelvin Li*
Michael Lee*
Gloria Furness* Melody Lai*
James Liu* Grace Lam*
Katy Cheng Dennis Wu Dennis Chan* Alexia Chow Michelle Yeung* Joel Kwok* Ben Chan* Bonnie Cheng* Stephanie Cheung* Eppie Leung Stephanie Chan* Chung Cheuk-yau*
Assistant Development Manager Development Officers Arts Administrator Trainee
Flora Yu Anna Cheung* Lorna Tam Conny Souw* Alana Wan* Lois Ng*
ACCOUNTS Head of Finance Accounting Manager Accounting Officer
Teresa Kwong Connie To* Peter So*
HR & ADMINISTRATION Office Manager Receptionist/Junior Secretary General Assistant
Judy Tam* Virginia Li Bonia Wong
NO LIMITS Project Administrator Project Coordinator Programme and Outreach Manager Assistant Programme and Outreach Manager Assistant Marketing Managers Outreach Coordinator Assistant Technical and Production Manager Senior Accounting Officer
Fiona Chung* Arthur Lo* Lam Kam-kwan* Ainslee Chan* Wendy Chu* Wilson Fung* Jacob Chan* Janice Pang*
HKARTSFESTIVAL@TAIKWUN Project Manager Production Manager Project Coordinator (PR & Marketing)
Kwong Wai-lap* Yun Ming-wai* Wind Yeung Pui-man*
Mak Tsz Kam*
Antonia Yuen*
Tiffany Wong*
按英文姓氏首字母排列 In alphabetical order
2020 年 10 月更新 Updated October 2020
鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 香港藝術節衷心感謝下列機構及人士的慷慨支持:
The Hong Kong Arts Festival would like to thank the following for their generous support:
贊助舍計劃會員 Patron’s Club Members 鉑金會員 Platinum Member 嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited
黃金會員 Gold Member
怡和集團 The Jardine Matheson Group
純銀會員 Silver Member
太古集團慈善信託基金 The Swire Group Charitable Trust
青銅會員 Bronze Members 鷹君集團 Great Eagle Group
諾業基金有限公司 Nathaniel Foundation Limited 上海商業銀行 Shanghai Commercial Bank
其他支持機構 Other Supporters
荷蘭王國駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
實物支持機構 In-kind Supporters
Performing Arts Fund NL Pro Helvetia
帝盛酒店集團 Dorsett Hospitality International
信和集團 Sino Group
鷹君集團 Great Eagle Group
屯門市廣場 TMT Plaza
嘉頓有限公司 The Garden Company Limited 奧海城 Olympian City
藝術節捐助計劃 Festival Donation Scheme 鉑金捐款者 Platinum Donors HK$140,000 或以上 and above Burger Collection 陳廷驊基金會 The D. H. Chen Foundation
Mrs Miriam Hwa
林護紀念基金有限公司 Lam Woo Foundation Limited
Yu-San & Lincoln Leong
鑽石捐款者 Diamond Donors HK$70,000 ‒ HK$139,999 Nine Queens Investment Limited Mr & Mrs Stephen Suen 翡翠捐款者 Jade Donors HK$30,000 ‒ HK$69,999 無名氏 Anonymous Mrs Chan Kam Ling 陳求德醫生 Dr Chan Kow Tak
胡興正醫生慈善基金有限公司 Dr Wayne Hu Charitable Foundation Ltd
Ms Leung Wai Yee Candice Mr Stephen Tan
Mr & Mrs David S Y Wong
黃金捐款者 Gold Donors HK$12,000 ‒ HK$29,999 無名氏 (5) Anonymous (5) Jeffrey & Helen Chan Mr & Mrs S Cheng Mr Vincent Chow 周一嶽醫生 Dr York Chow Mr Edwin Choy Angus Forsyth Edmond Huang & Shirley Liu Mr Charles Lee Dr Nancy Leung Mr & Mrs Gilles Martin Ms Sun Tien Chen 曹延洲醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen Chow
Samuel & Amy Wang
黃逸思先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Y S Wong
Mr Wong Yick Kam
純銀捐款者 Silver Donors HK$6,000 ‒ HK$11,999 無名氏 (4) Anonymous (4) Mrs Anson Chan Consigliere Limited
崇光 ( 香港 ) 百貨 SOGO Hong Kong
HKR International Ms Jenny Hodgson
Mr & Mrs Ko Ying & Ko Woo Shin Ching Patricia
Dr Chow Sze Fu Joseph Bethan & Tim Clark
Mr Jacobo F Garcia Gil
Ms Ka Shi Lau
胡立生先生 Mr Maurice L Hoo
Ms Rosanna Law
Ms Khoo Li Lian
Ms Lee Lai-Kuen Shelley
Ms HUI Silvia
Mr Edward Lau
Rose Lee
Mr & Mrs David S L Lin
Ms Joanna Lau
Roger & Lina Lui
Mr Lee King Fung
Dr Michael Mak
Flavia & Gary Ma Mr Craig Merdian & Ms Yelena Zakharova
Dr Poon Yee Ling Eligina
Leland & Helen Sun Ms Tse Chiu Ming
Ms Lim Geck Chin Mavis
Mr Andrew Moore
Mr Andric Yew
Dr Joe Pang
Ms Enoch Yiu
Ms Philana WY Poon
Ms Isabel Yiu
San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Ltd.
青銅捐款者 Bronze Donors HK$3,000 ‒ HK$5,999 無名氏 (10) Anonymous (10) Atkinson Lambert Limited Dr Oliver Chan Mary Chen Mr Edmund Cheung
Patrick & Catriona Shaw Ms So Ching
Mr So Kin Man Ms Christine Tong Mrs Rebecca Yeung Ms Yim Chui Chu
學生票捐助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme 鉑金捐款者 Platinum Donors HK$140,000 或以上 and above 無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2) 陳廷驊基金會 The D. H. Chen Foundation 馬振玉慈善基金會有限公司 CYMA Charity Fund Ltd 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank
鑽石捐款者 Diamond Donors HK$70,000 ‒ HK$139,999 法國巴黎銀行 BNP Paribas
嘉華國際集團有限公司 K Wah International Holdings Ltd
Mrs Purviz R Shroff and the late Mr Rusy M Shroff, BBS, MBE
田家炳基金會 Tin Ka Ping Foundation 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation
翡翠捐款者 Jade Donors HK$30,000 ‒ HK$69,999 Ms Margaret Cheng Roger & Lina Lui Mr & Mrs Stephen Suen
黃金捐款者 Gold Donors HK$12,000 ‒ HK$29,999 無名氏 Anonymous Dr Oliver Chan Ms Yvonne Cheng & Mr Kelvin Koo Dr Chung See Yuen
天智合規顧問有限公司 CompliancePlus Consulting Limited 馮兆林先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam
Mrs Carol Murray
Edith Shih & Stephen Sun Dr William To
曹延洲醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen Chow
純銀捐款者 Silver Donors HK$6,000 ‒ HK$11,999 無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2) 區燊耀先生 Mr Au Son Yiu
Mr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung
黃逸思先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Y S Wong
趙頴雅女士 Ms Winnie Chiu
Mr & Mrs Norman Chui
Mr & Mrs A R Hamilton
羅偉騫先生及夫人 Andy Law & Wendy Chan
Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund
Dr David Fang
Mrs Yvonne Hariman
Jonathan Harris, Yuka Shigetomi
ii production
簡秀屏女士 Ms Lydia Kan
Mr & Mrs Ko Ying & Ko Woo Shin Ching Patricia
關先生 Mr Kwan Dr Alfred Lau
Savita Leung Mr Craig Lindsay
CH Mak
Dr Xina Lo
Vernon & Karen Moore Dr Poon Yee Ling Eligina
Mrs Esther Pak
Peter & Nancy Thompson
Mr Siddique Salleh
麥禮和醫生 Dr Mak Lai Wo
Mr Andrew Moore
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Quinn
Ms Janice Ritchie
Ms Elsa Wong
Mr Wong Yick Kam Ms Wu Tseng Helen Mr Andric Yew
青銅捐款者 Bronze Donors HK$3,000 ‒ HK$5,999 無名氏 (11) Anonymous (11) Antonhill Company Ltd Ball CHAN and MDB Dr Cindy Chan Dr Chan Wan Tung Mr D Chang Cynthia Cheng & Aaron Chan Ms Cheung Kit Fung
新作捐助計劃 New Works Scheme 黃金捐款者 Gold Donors HK$12,000 ‒ HK$29,999 無名氏 Anonymous 劉仰澤先生 Mr Lau Yeung Chak
A Fan
純銀捐款者 Silver Donors HK$6,000 ‒ HK$11,999 無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2) Ms Yvonne Cheng & Mr Kelvin Koo Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund Edith Shih & Stephen Sun
陶國豪先生 Mr Frederico Rato
Julie & Michael Shamos William Stork & Jasmine Wong
Dr Joyce Oi Wo Tam
Dr Jason Yeung
余德銘先生 Mr Desmond Yu 皮皮
青銅捐款者 Bronze Donors HK$3,000 ‒ HK$5,999 無名氏 (3) Anonymous (3) Ms Chiu Shui Man, Tabitha Mr & Mrs Ko Ying & Ko Woo Shin Ching Patricia Mr Edward Lau Dr Xina Lo Dr Joe Pang 黃逸思先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Y S Wong
Alfie Leung Design AMC Pacific Place
Arts Education Section, Education Bureau 香港展能藝術會
Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong
奧地利駐香港總領事館 Austrian Consulate General Hong Kong
樺利廣告有限公司 Avanny Advertising Co Ltd 宏基國際賓館
Bishop Lei International House BRICK LANE
英國文化協會 British Council
Broadway Cinema
百老匯院線 Broadway Circuit
Broadway The One
粵劇發展基金 Cantonese Opera Development Fund 牛棚藝術村 Cattle Depot Artist Village 周生生集團國際有限公司
Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co. Ltd
香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University
• 音樂系 Department of Music • 拉闊文化 Cultural Literacy Programme • 人文及創作系 Department of Humanities and Creative Writing
香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall
香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre
香港黃金海岸酒店 Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel
香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 香港公共圖書館 Hong Kong Public Libraries 香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board
摩納哥駐香港名譽領事館 Honorary Consulate of
Monaco in Hong Kong
悦品酒店 .荃灣 Hotel COZi.Oasis 旭逸雅捷酒店 .荃灣
Hotel Ease Access Tsuen Wan 登臺 Hotel Stage
ibis Hong Kong Central and Sheung Wan 工銀亞洲 ICBC (Asia)
富薈馬頭圍酒店 iclub Ma Tau Wai Hotel
Information and Public Relations Units in Offices Outside Hong Kong
CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited
City Contemporary Dance Company
香港洲際酒店 InterContinental Hong Kong
城巿花園酒店 City Garden Hotel
思聯設計有限公司 CL3 Architects Ltd
比利時駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of Belgium
in Hong Kong and Macau
InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong 港島太平洋酒店 Island Pacific Hotel Hong Kong
JellyBin Limited
賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 高山劇場 Ko Shan Theatre
Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong
九龍木球會 Kowloon Cricket Club
Consulate General of Chile in Hong Kong
葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre
加拿大駐香港總領事館 智利駐港澳總領事館
法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao
以色列駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong & Macau 西班牙駐港澳總領事館
Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong and Macao 瑞士駐香港總領事館
Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong
Kwang Hwa Information & Culture Center
香港逸蘭精品酒店 Lanson Place Hotel, Hong Kong
拉脫維亞駐香港名譽領事館 Latvian Honorary Consulate in Hong Kong 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR 嶺南大學 Lingnan University
Kingdom of Netherlands
• 文學院 Faculty of Arts • 黃炳禮音樂及演藝部 Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit • 文化研究系 Department of Cultural Studies • 學生服務中心 Student Service Centre • 鄺森活圖書館 Fong Sum Wood Library
PDR in Hong Kong
Maxibit HK/China
捷克共和國駐香港領事館 Consulate General of the
Czech Republic in Hong Kong
伊朗駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Islamic
Republic of Iran in Hong Kong
荷蘭王國駐港總領事館 Consulate General of the 老撾駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Lao 俄羅斯駐香港總領事館
馬哥孛羅香港酒店 Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel 中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, PRC
Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong SAR, PRC
Mission Production Company Ltd
拔萃女書院 Diocesan Girls' School
音樂事務處 Music Office
Die Konzertisten
李鏡輝先生 Mr Alpha Li
香港荃灣帝盛酒店 Dorsett Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
One Minden Tapas Kitchen
香港瑰麗酒店 Rosewood Hong Kong 泰國駐香港總領事館
Royal Thai Consulate General Hong Kong Russian Club in Hong Kong
沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall
筲箕灣崇真學校 Shaukiwan Tsung Tsin School 上環文娛中心 Sheung Wan Civic Centre 信興電器貿易有限公司
Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co., Ltd. Southgate Design
Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
事必達推廣有限公司 Speedy Promotion Limited 辰衝圖書有限公司 Swindon Book Co. Ltd. 大館 Tai Kwun
Taiwan Sotheby's International Realty
藝林文具印刷有限公司 The Artland Co Ltd 香港八和會館
The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong 香港中文大學
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
• 音樂系 Department of Music • 聯合書院 United College • 文學院 Faculty of Arts
香港城市大學 The City University of Hong Kong
• 中文及歷史學系 Department of Chinese and History • 創意媒體學院 School of Creative Media
The Education University of Hong Kong
• 文化與創意藝術學系 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts • 圖書館 Library
梅夫人婦女會 The Helena May 香港演藝學院
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
• 戲曲學院 School of Chinese Opera • 戲劇學院 School of Drama • 音樂學院 School of Music
香港兒童合唱團 The Hong Kong Children’s Choir 香港科技大學
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
• 藝術中心 Center for the Arts
中環石板街酒店 The Pottinger Hong Kong 皇家太平洋酒店 Royal Pacific Hotel
The Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Limited
香港大學 The University of Hong Kong
• 音樂系 Department of Music • 香港大學美術博物館 University Museum and Art Gallery • Cultural Management Office • 志新學院 Chi Sun College
The Wharney Guang Dong Hotel Hong Kong 敲擊襄 Toolbox Percussion
通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Company Ltd 三角關係 Trinity Theatre
香港公開大學 Open University of Hong Kong • 學生事務處 Student Affairs Office
六國酒店 Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong
卓滙達有限公司 Patsville Company Ltd
城市售票網 URBTIX
香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
電訊盈科 PCCW
快達票香港有限公司 HK Ticketing
Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon
藝穗會 Fringe Club
German Consulate General Hong Kong
香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hong Kong 青苗琴行 Greenery Music
柏斯琴行 Parsons Music Limited
Performing Arts Fund NL
香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
Primasia Corporate Services Limited
Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association
富豪酒店國際 Regal Hotels International
屯門大會堂 Tuen Mun Town Hall
UA CineHub
進富印刷公司 Wealthy Step Printing Co.
West Kowloon Cultural District Authority wine etc
香港基督教青年會(港青)YMCA of Hong Kong 元朗劇院 Yuen Long Theatre 赤豚事務所 Zhu Graphizs
以英文名稱首字母排列 In alphabetical order