衷心祝賀香港藝術節今年邁向第4 7屆。今屆藝 術節陣容鼎盛,共有超過1700名來自香港和世 界各地的藝術家傾力演出,為觀眾帶來近1 7 0 場精彩表演。 今年藝術節的節目多姿多彩,當代及古典音 樂、舞蹈、戲劇等不同形式的藝術表演共冶一 爐。每個節目從幕後製作到台前演出,均盡顯 精湛的藝術造詣和超凡的想像力。 我很高興知道最近完成活化的中區警署建築 群,即現在的大館古蹟及藝術館,會在兩個周 末呈獻約5 0場舞蹈表演,供公眾免費入場觀 賞。大家更有機會一起參與在大館的檢閱廣 場、監獄操場,甚至是監獄囚室進行的表演節 目。牛棚藝術村亦會打造為藝術共生創造社, 首度成為藝術節發展作品的平台,場內設有不 同創意領域的工作坊,觀眾並可以欣賞一些創 作中的作品,感受藝術家的多元創意。 除了精彩表演,藝術節亦一如以往,悉心籌備 各項教育和外展活動,致力培育本地藝術人 才。「香港藝術節青少年之友」計劃讓本地學 生有機會觀賞世界級的表演和參與各式各樣的 藝術活動。此外,藝術節亦透過後台參觀和大 師班等「加料節目」,讓觀眾與國際頂尖藝術 家互動接觸,了解節目的幕後製作過程。 衷心感謝香港藝術節團隊一直致力推動本港的 藝術發展,成績斐然。我亦感謝贊助商和捐款 者的大力支持,令每年的藝術節圓滿成功,大 獲好評。 謹祝二零一九年香港藝術節所有觀眾、參加者 和表演者可以盡情享受這次藝術之旅,留下愉 快難忘的回憶。
林鄭月娥 香港特別行政區行政長官
I am pleased to congratulate the Hong Kong Arts Festival, which turns 47 this year in grand fashion, with nearly 170 performances featuring more than 1,700 artists from Hong Kong and all over the world. This year, the Festival showcases a dazzling range of classic and contemporary music, dance, theatre and more, each produced, staged and performed with consummate artistry and imagination. I am also delighted to note that our newly revitalised Central Police Station Compound, now Tai Kwun, Centre for Heritage and Arts, is the venue for some 50 free dance performances over the course of two weekends. I am told that audiences will also have the opportunity to participate in the performances taking place at Tai Kwun’s Parade Ground, Prison Yard and even its prison cell blocks. For the first time, the Arts Festival will turn Cattle Depot Artist Village into a Creative Hub for showcasing workshops and works in progress from a variety of creative disciplines. Beyond its captivating performances, the Festival remains committed to its educational activities, outreach and development of local artists. The Young Friends of the Hong Kong Arts Festival enables local students to enjoy world-class performances and participate in a range of arts activities, while PLUS programmes bring audiences behind the scenes with some of the world’s greatest artists through backstage tours, masterclasses and more. I am grateful to the Hong Kong Arts Festival team for its continuing commitment and manifold contributions to the development of the arts in Hong Kong. I am grateful, too, to the many sponsors and donors who, each year, help make the Festival a resounding success. I wish audiences, participants and performers alike a delightful and memorable 2019 Hong Kong Arts Festival experience.
Mrs Carrie Lam Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
歡迎閣下蒞臨欣賞第4 7屆香港藝術節的這場 演出。感謝您與我們一起歌頌表演藝術在舞 台上的不同季節和階段。 我們要感謝香港特別行政區政府透過康樂及 文化事務署的年度恆常撥款。這項資助對香 港藝術節每年得以成功舉辦,至關重要。多 謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金持續的支持,為 我們致力豐富城中文化生活,打下根基。另 外要感謝眾多企業贊助商、慈善基金會以至 個人捐助者。他們的慷慨捐助,讓我們能夠 呈獻世界各地的優秀藝術家、發展新作、培 育年青觀眾,並在國際舞台上引薦本地人 才。 最重要的是感謝您前來欣賞今天的表演。香 港藝術節的成功,正是有賴觀眾的熱情和參 與。謹祝您享受藝術節今天這場演出,渡過 難忘的時光。
查懋成 香港藝術節主席
I am delighted to welcome you to this performance at the 47th Hong Kong Arts Festival. Thank you for joining in our celebration of the seasons and stages of the performing arts. I would like to extend my gratitude to the HKSAR Government, acting through the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, for its annual subvention, which is vital to the continued success of the Festival. I am also grateful to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, whose ongoing support is a cornerstone in our efforts to enrich the cultural calendar of the city. Thanks are also due to our many corporate sponsors, charitable foundations and individual donors, whose generous support enables us to host some of the world’s leading artists, develop new works, cultivate young audiences, and promote local talent on a world stage. Above all, I offer my warm thanks to you for joining today’s performance. The enthusiasm and engagement of our audiences is the foundation of the Hong Kong Arts Festival’s success. I sincerely hope that you will find your time spent at the Festival today memorable and enjoyable.
Victor Cha Chairman, Hong Kong Arts Festival
衷心感謝閣下蒞臨欣賞第47屆香港藝術節的演 出。 今屆藝術節以「一步一舞台」為主題。舞台, 不僅是我們呈獻新穎及經典表演的地方,更是 藝術轉化向前的關鍵。頂尖藝術家及明日之星 於舞台相遇,各展姿彩;透過忠實致敬及大膽 改編,經典劇目得以重現觀眾眼前;嶄新作品 以原創設計、技術及敍事方法,挑戰傳統舞台 的極限。 無論於哪個舞台表演,我們會繼續想像藝術世 界的無限可能,亦期望今屆表演能為閣下帶來 啟發和歡愉。另外,誠邀您參加「加料節目」 的各項活動,深入了解重點表演,令藝術節體 驗更全面。 謹代表藝術節團隊,感謝您參與香港藝術節, 支持我們的使命,為香港締造一個世界級藝術 節。
It is a pleasure and a privilege to welcome you to this performance at the 47th Hong Kong Arts Festival. This year, we celebrate artists and artworks “At Every Stage”. Not only do we spotlight exhilarating programmes at stages old and new across Hong Kong, but also reflect on the stage as a process of transformation. Leading artists at the peak of their careers perform alongside the next generation of rising stars. Classic repertoire is reinvented through brave homages and boldly experimental retellings, and the original designs, technologies and storytelling modes of new works crash through the boundaries of the traditional stage. I hope that this and many other performances at the 47th HKAF will provoke, inspire and delight you, and that in the course of viewing works at every stage, we may continue to envision the myriad possibilities of the arts. As part of your Festival experience, I would also recommend you join the many PLUS performances, workshops and events that have been designed to bring insight into our core programmes. Together with the entire team, I would like to thank you for your support of the Hong Kong Arts Festival, which sustains us in our mission to bring a world-class arts festival to Hong Kong.
何嘉坤 香港藝術節行政總監
Tisa Ho Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Festival
香港藝術節 扎根香港的國際藝壇盛事 香港藝術節於 1973 年正式揭幕,是國際藝壇中重要的 文化盛事,於每年 2、3 月期間呈獻眾多優秀本地及國 際藝術家的演出,以及舉辦多元化的「加料」和教育 活動,致力豐富香港的文化生活。 香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構,2019 年第 47 屆藝術節 的年度預算約港幣一億三千六百萬,當中香港特區政 府的基本撥款佔總收入的近 13%,接近 6% 來自政府 新增加的五年限期額外撥款,另外約 28% 需來自票房 收入,逾 33% 則需依賴來自各大企業、熱心人士和慈 善基金會的贊助和捐款。預計餘下的大約 20% 則來自 其他收入,包括政府針對捐款和贊助收入而提供的配 對資助。 香港藝術節每年呈獻眾多國際演藝名家精采多元的演 出,例如 *: •歌劇:巴伐利亞國立歌劇院、萊比錫歌劇院、莫斯 科大劇院、聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院 •中國戲曲:中國國家京劇院、河北梆子劇院、上海 張軍崑曲藝術中心、江蘇省蘇州崑劇院、浙江小百 花越劇團 •古典音樂:塞西莉亞.芭托莉、列卡杜.沙爾、趙 成珍、古斯塔沃.杜達美、菲力普.格拉斯、馬友友、 丹尼斯.馬祖耶夫、安娜.涅翠柯、詹安德列亞. 諾斯達、小澤征爾、甘拿迪.羅傑斯特汶斯基、克 里斯蒂安.泰利曼、倫敦交響樂團、NHK 交響樂團、 皇家阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團、柏林廣播電台合唱團、 萊比錫聖多馬合唱團、維也納愛樂樂團 •爵士樂及世界音樂:波比.麥非年、尤蘇.恩多爾、 艾斯佩蘭薩.斯伯丁、Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club、粉紅馬天尼 •舞蹈:米高.巴里殊尼哥夫、蕭菲.紀蓮、艾甘.漢、 美國芭蕾舞劇院、雲門舞集、漢堡芭蕾舞團 – 約翰. 紐邁亞、紐約市芭蕾舞團、巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團、翩 娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場
2019 年藝術節預計收入來源 (約港幣一億三千六百萬) Estimated Income Sources for the 2019 HKAF (Approximately HK$136 Million)
贊助和捐款 Sponsorship & Donations
over 逾
•戲劇:彼得.布祿克、蜷川幸雄、羅柏特.威爾遜、 柏林劇團、中國國家話劇院、皇家莎士比亞劇團 •大型特備節目:《藝裳奇幻世界》、星躍馬術奇藝 坊 •戶外節目:《聲光園》、《幻光動感池》、《聲光頌》 香港藝術節積極與本地演藝人才合作,並致力為新晉 藝術家提供展示才華的平台。藝術節至今委約及製作 逾 2 0 0 套本地全新創作,包括戲劇、室內歌劇、音樂 和舞蹈作品,近年開始同步出版新作劇本,不少製作 更已在香港及海外多度重演。近年的藝術節新製作包 括粵劇《百花亭贈劍》、《香港家族》三部曲、《世紀. 香港》音樂會、《論語》、《炫舞場》、《大同》、《金 蘭姊妹》、《爆蛹》、《野豬》、《聖荷西謀殺案》等。 香港藝術節多年來與知名海外藝術家及團體聯合製作 不少優秀作品,當中包括由香港藝術節、香港歌德學 院及翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場聯合製作的《抹窗 人》、由倫敦老域劇院、布魯克林音樂學院與尼爾街 製作公司製作、香港藝術節為聯合委約機構之一的「橫 貫計劃」之《暴風雨》及《李察三世》、由香港藝術 節及上海國際藝術節聯合委約的《青蛇》、三藩市歌 劇院與香港藝術節聯合製作的《紅樓夢》等。 香港藝術節大力投資下一代的藝術教育。「青少年之 友」成立 27 年來,已為逾 750,000 位本地中學生及大 專生提供藝術體驗活動。藝術節近年亦開展多項針對 大、中、小學生的藝術教育活動,包括由國際及本地 藝術家主持的示範講座及工作坊、學生展演、演前講 座、公開彩排、以及欣賞藝術節演出。同時,通過「學 生票捐助計劃」,藝術節每年提供約 1 0 , 0 0 0 張半價學 生票。 香港藝術節每年主辦一系列多元化並深入社區的「加 料節目」,例如電影放映、示範講座、大師班、工作坊、 座談會、後台參觀、展覽、藝人談、文化導賞團等, 鼓勵觀眾與藝術家互動接觸。
33% around 約
20% nearly 近 6% nearly 近 13%
around 約
票房收入 Box Office (2019 年 1 月更新 Updated January 2019)
其他收入(包括按捐款和贊助 收入可望獲得的政府配對資助 ) Other Income (Including Possible Government Matching Grant for Sponsorship and Donation Income) 政府五年限期額外撥款 Government's Time-limited Addition Funding (for 5 years)
政府的基本撥款 Government Baseline Funding
Hong Kong Arts Festival A Major International Arts FestivaI ln, Of and For Hong Kong HKAF, launched in 1973, is a major international arts festival committed to enriching the cultural life of the city by presenting leading local and international artists in all genres of the performing arts as well as a diverse range of “PLUS” and educational events in February and March each year. HKAF is a non-profit organisation. Secured government baseline funding represents about 13% of the 2019 Festival’s HK$136 million budget, with another nearly 6% specially provided by the Government as time-limited additional funding for five years. Around 28% of the Festival’s income needs to come from the box office, and over 33% from sponsorship and donations made by corporations, individuals, and charitable foundations. It is anticipated that the remaining 20% will come from other revenue sources including the Government’s matching scheme, which matches income generated through private sector sponsorship and donations. HKAF has presented top international artists and ensembles across multiple genres, such as*: • Western Opera: Bavarian State Opera, Oper Leipzig, The Bolshoi Theatre, The Mariinsky Theatre • Chinese opera: China National Peking Opera Company, Hebei Clapper Opera Troupe, Shanghai Zhang Jun Kunqu Art Center, Suzhou Kunqu Opera Company of Jiangsu, Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe • Classical music: Cecilia Bartoli, Riccardo Chailly, SeongJin Cho, Gustavo Dudamel, Philip Glass, Yo-Yo Ma, Denis Matsuev, Anna Netrebko, Gianandrea Noseda, Seiji Ozawa, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Christian Thielemann, London Symphony Orchestra, NHK Symphony Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Thomanerchor Leipzig, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra • Jazz and world music: Bobby McFerrin, Youssou N'Dour, Esperanza Spalding, Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club, Pink Martini • Dance: Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sylvie Guillem, Akram Khan, American Ballet Theatre, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, The Hamburg Ballet–John Neumeier, New York City Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch • Theatre: Peter Brook, Yukio Ninagawa, Robert Wilson, Berliner Ensemble, National Theatre of China, Royal Shakespeare Company
• Large-scale special events: World of WearableArt, Zingaro • Outdoor events: Power Plant, Super Pool, Chorus HKAF actively collaborates with Hong Kong’s own creative talent and showcases emerging local artists. Over the years, HKAF has commissioned and produced over 200 local productions across genres including theatre, chamber opera, music and contemporary dance, many with successful subsequent runs in Hong Kong and overseas. Recent HKAF productions include the Cantonese Opera - Pavilion of a Hundred Flowers, A Floating Family–A Trilogy, Hong Kong Odyssey, Chinese Lesson, Danz Up, Datong–The Chinese Utopia, The Amahs, Blast, Wild Boar and Murder in San Jose, to name a few. HKAF frequently partners with renowned international artists and institutions to produce exceptional works, such as Der Fensterputzer (The Window Washer) co-produced by HKAF, Goethe-Institut Hong Kong and Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Richard III and The Tempest produced by The Old Vic, BAM and Neal Street under “The Bridge Project” with HKAF as a co-commissioning institution, Green Snake cocommissioned with Shanghai International Arts Festival, and Dream of the Red Chamber co-produced with San Francisco Opera. HKAF invests heavily in arts education for young people. Over the past 27 years, our “Young Friends” scheme has reached over 750,000 local secondary and tertiary school students. A variety of arts education projects serving primary, secondary, and tertiary school students have been launched in recent years, featuring activities such as student showcases, pre-performance talks, open rehearsals, opportunities to attend Festival performances, as well as in-school workshops and lecture demonstrations led by international and local artists. Donations to the “Student Ticket Scheme” also make available approximately 10,000 half-price student tickets each year. HKAF organises a diverse range of “Festival PLUS” activities in community locations each year to enhance engagement between artists and audiences. These include films, lecture demonstrations, masterclasses, workshops, symposia, backstage visits, exhibitions, meet-the-artist sessions, and guided cultural tours.
誠邀贊助或捐助第 47 屆香港藝術節;詳情請與藝術節發展部聯絡。 To find out more about sponsorship opportunities and donation details for the 47th Hong Kong Arts Festival, please contact the HKAF Development Department. 電郵 Email: 直綫 Direct Lines: 網頁 Website:
dev@hkaf.org (852) 2828 4910/11/12 www.hk.artsfestival.org/en/support-us
* 有關香港藝術節的過往節目,可參考以下網頁 Details of past HKAF programmes can be found at www.hk.artsfestival.org/en/about-us/past-programmes/past-programmes-2018.html
《歌劇合唱盛會》 Chor der Oper Leipzig
香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 演出長約 1 小時 40 分鐘,包括一節中場休息 Approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes including one interval 節目資料 p18–19 for programme details
萊比錫歌劇院部分成員乘坐第 47 屆香港藝術節指定航空公司芬蘭航空來回香港 Part of the members of the Oper Leipzig flew to and from Hong Kong on Finnair, Official Airline of the 47th Hong Kong Arts Festival 封面照片 Cover Photograph: © Kirsten Nijhof
敬請關掉所有響鬧及發光裝置。 Please switch off all sound-making and light-emitting devices. 網上追蹤香港藝術節 Follow the HKArtsFestival on
請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。 Unauthorised photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited.
本場刊採用環保紙張印刷。This programme is printed on environmentally friendly paper.
Oper Leipzig
德國萊比錫歌劇院由歌劇團、芭蕾舞團及喜 歌劇團三個分支組成,共有兩個排練及演出 場地,分別是歌劇院(歌劇團及芭蕾舞團) 和三椴樹街大樓(喜歌劇團),前者位於萊 比錫市中心;後者位於萊比錫市西區的林登 瑙,兩處都是萊比錫的歌劇之家,擁有超過 三百二十五年歷史。1693 年,萊比錫首間 歌劇院在布雷爾街開幕,是歐洲第三古老公 共音樂劇院,僅次於威尼斯鳳凰劇院和漢堡 國家歌劇院。自 1 8 4 0 年起,萊比錫歌劇院 的所有歌劇和芭蕾舞演出均由著名的萊比錫 布業大廳樂團伴奏。 伍爾夫.舒爾瑪由 2009 / 10 樂季開始擔任萊 比錫歌劇院音樂總監。在他的領導下,華格 納和李察.史特勞斯的作品成為歌劇院重要 劇目之一,並希望能於 2022 年前將華格納 所有作品納入表演劇目之中,這將會是世界 上無可媲美的創舉。舒爾瑪獲委任萊比錫歌 劇院總監一職後,為歌劇團和布業大廳樂團 的藝術合作增添多一重意義。 此外,萊比錫歌劇院的音樂和技術造詣都公 認為頂尖級水平,而且劇團文化積極活躍, 更致力發掘年輕有為的歌唱家。他們的節目 涵蓋歌劇、歌唱劇、輕歌劇和音樂劇,以及 古典和現代芭蕾舞,也為兒童、青少年和家 庭觀眾舉辦不少活動和原創節目。 歌劇院是由萊比錫市政府營運的企業,聘請 了超過 六 百 人,是 市 內 數 一 數 二 的 中 型 機 構。除了上述的三個分支,他們的服裝和劇 場工作室亦有為萊比錫劇院和新世界劇院服 務。
Oper Leipzig is an umbrella organization consisting of three divisions: the Opera, the Leipzig Ballet, and the Musikalische Komödie (Musical Comedy Theatre). Oper Leipzig makes its home in two theaters: the Opera House (Opera and Leipzig Ballet), which is located in the city centre, and the Haus Drei Linden (Musikalische Komödie), which is in Leipzig’s western district of Lindenau. Together, they have been Leipzig’s home for music theater for over 325 years. Leipzig’s first opera house, it was opened on the Brühl in 1693, making it Europe’s third oldest public musical theatre (after Venice and Hamburg). Since 1840, the renowned Gewandhausorchester has accompanied all of the company’s opera and ballet performances. Ulf Schirmer has been General Musical Director of the Oper Leipzig since the 2009/10 season. Under his musical direction, the works of Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss have become a key part of the repertoire, with a goal of having all of Wagner’s works in the house’s repertoire by 2022. This would be an unparalleled accomplishment worldwide. Schirmer’s appointment as General Director of Oper Leipzig added another dimension to the artistic cooperation between the Opera and Gewandhausorchester. Oper Leipzig is synonymous with the highest in musical and technical quality. The organization emphasizes an active ensemble culture as well as the promotion of talented young singers. Its programme ranges from operas, Singspiel, operettas, and musicals to classical and modern ballets. There are also numerous activities and original productions for children, young adults and families. Oper Leipzig is a municipal venture operated by the City of Leipzig. With over 600 employees, it is one of the largest medium-sized employers in the city. In addition to the three divisions mentioned above, the Opera’s costume and theatre workshops provide services to the Schauspiel Leipzig and the Theater der Jungen Welt (Young World Theater).
Chor der Oper Leipzig 萊比錫專業的歌劇合唱團於十九世紀初在萊比 錫國立劇院成立後出現,但現有逾七十名團員的 規模是自 1 9 6 0 年哈勒新歌劇院啟用後才建立。 自此,他們便與多位指揮家合作,包括法蘭斯. 孔維茲尼、保羅.舒密茲、法克拉夫.諾伊曼、 庫爾特.馬素爾,以及帶領合唱團逾 30 年的前 合唱團指揮安德拉斯.皮也斯克,由此奠下了 現今的成就。
1 9 9 0 年代,合唱團在總監尤杜.茨馬曼的帶領 下,獲頒萊比錫市藝術獎以表揚他們的卓越成 就,更因而發掘出新的藝術力量。1991 年始, 多位指揮分別掌舵合唱團,計有沃克馬.奧爾 布利希、安東.特利姆爾、索仁.艾克霍夫, 以 及 剛 卸 任 的 合 唱 指 導 亞 歷 桑 德 羅. 祖 帕 多 (2011-2017)。 近年,多位指揮家如洛德.扎戈錫、馬雷克. 雅諾夫斯基、佐治.阿布雷希特、伊里.考特、 內洛.桑提、法比奧.雷西、列卡度.沙爾及 伍爾夫.舒爾瑪,合力塑造出合唱團獨有的藝 術素質。而超卓、具戲劇張力的歌藝更是他們 的標誌象徵,這全賴現實主義歌劇導演姚阿辛. 赫茨所奠下的基礎,並配合後來的露芙.貝格 豪斯、彼得.孔維茲尼和狄特里克.W.希斯朵 夫等導演的努力而成。此外,湯瑪士.埃徹拿 德林特於 2 0 1 7 年 1 1 月成為合唱團新任總監, 同年更是慶祝合唱團成立二百週年的紀念。
Leipzig’s professional opera chorus was created with the founding of the Theater der Stadt Leipzig in the early nineteenth century, but the Chor der Oper Leipzig only attained its present structure —a complement of nearly 70 singers—when the Neues Opernhaus opened in 1960. From this point on, the ensemble worked with conductors such as Franz Konwitschny, Paul Schmitz, Václav Neumann, and Kurt Masur, who helped lay the foundation for its present quality alongside the 30-year leadership of former choral director Andreas Pieske. Awarded the Art Prize of the City of Leipzig for its achievements, the chorus found renewed artistic energy in the 1990s under the general directorship of Udo Zimmermann. Beginning in 1991, the opera chorus was helmed by choral directors Volkmar Olbrich, Anton Tremmel, Sören Eckhoff, and was recently led by Alessandro Zuppardo, who was chorus master from 2011-2017. More recently, conductors such as Lothar Zagrosek, Marek Janowski, George Albrecht, Ji í Kout, Nello Santi, Fabio Luisi, Riccardo Chailly, and Ulf Schirmer have shaped the artistic quality of the opera ensemble. Extraordinary dramatic prowess is a hallmark of this ensemble, based on its foundation in realist musical theatre under Joachim Herz and, more recently, directors such as Ruth Berghaus, Peter Konwitschny and Dietrich W. Hilsdorf. Thomas Eitler-de-Lint was named as the new director of the opera chorus in November 2017—the very same year the chorus celebrated its 200th anniversary.
湯瑪士. 埃徹拿 - 德林特
Thomas Eitler-de Lint
合唱指導 Chorus Master
湯瑪士.埃徹拿 - 德林特出生於奧地利,並在維 也納就學。他曾在維也納人民歌劇團擔任副合 唱指導及指揮、在科布倫茨劇院擔任合唱團指 導及首席指揮,以及在不萊梅劇院擔任合唱指 導。此外,他為荷蘭國家歌劇院合唱團擔任藝 術總監,並在其他電台合唱團擔任合唱指導, 也曾於拜羅伊特音樂節擔任合唱團助理,以及 在蘇黎世和漢諾威的歌劇院擔任客席合唱指導。 自 2016 年,他是上海歌劇院的客席合唱指導, 亦曾指揮萊茵愛樂樂團、新布蘭登堡愛樂樂團、 哥廷根交響樂團和科隆西德廣播交響樂團等的 演出。2008 年至 2014 年期間,湯瑪士在不萊梅 藝術學院任教管弦樂指揮;在 2014 年至 2017 年擔任達姆施塔特州立劇院的合唱指導;2017 年 11 月起成為萊比錫歌劇院的合唱團指導。
Born in Austria, Thomas Eitler-de Lint studied in Vienna. He was deputy chorus master and stage conductor at the Vienna Volksoper, chorus master and First Kapellmeister at the Stadttheater Koblenz, and chorus master at the Bremer Theater. He has served as artistic director of the choir of the National Opera in Amsterdam and as chorus master with various radio choruses. He was choir assistant at the Bayreuth Festival and guest chorus master at the Zurich and Hanover opera houses; he has been a guest chorus master for the Shanghai Opera since 2016. Eitler-de Lint has appeared as a conductor with the Rheinische Philharmonie, the Neubrandenburger Philharmonie, the Göttingen Symphony Orchestra, and the WDR Radio Orchestra, among others. He taught orchestral conducting at the Hochschule für Künste in Bremen from 2008 to 2014. He was chorus master at the Staatstheater Darmstadt from 2014–2017, and has been the chorus master at the Oper Leipzig since November 2017.
Alexander Stessin 鋼琴 Piano
亞歷山大.斯蒂辛於其家鄉莫斯科修讀鋼琴、 作曲和音樂學,其後到薩爾斯堡莫扎特音樂大 學繼續進修,師從麥可.吉倫和羅素.戴維斯, 也參與了潘努拉和萊夫.薩格士譚的大師班。
2 0 0 9 年至 2 0 1 2 年,他是德國豪森劇院首席指 揮;自 2 0 1 2 年起,擔任萊比錫歌劇院的合唱團 副總監,並以合唱團指導的身份指揮多個劇目;
2 0 1 5 年開始,於萊比錫孟德爾頌音樂戲劇學院 教授管弦樂指揮及視譜。他的原創樂曲亦於德 國豪森劇院及奧格斯堡劇院演出。
Alexander Stessin studied piano, composition, and musicology in his hometown of Moscow. He continued his studies with Michael Gielen and Dennis R. Davies at the Mozarteum Salzburg. He participated in master classes with Jorma Panula and Leif Segerstam. From 2009–2012, he was first Kapellmeister at the Theater Nordhausen. He has been the deputy choir director at the Oper Leipzig since 2012, where he has served as chorus master of numerous productions. Stessin has held a teaching position at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Leipzig since 2015, where he teaches orchestra conducting and score reading. His own compositions have been performed at the Theater Nordhausen and the Theater Augsburg.
Opera Chorus Concert 合唱指導 湯瑪士.埃徹拿 - 德林特 鋼琴 亞歷山大.斯蒂辛
Chorus Master Thomas Eitler-de Lint Piano Alexander Stessin
Verdi (1813-1901) “Gli arredi festivi” from Nabucco
Mozart (1756-1791)
莫扎特 〈哦,艾西斯和歐西里斯〉,選自《魔笛》
“O Isis und Osiris” from Die Zauberflöte
Bizet (1838-1875)
Cigarette Girls’ Chorus from Carmen
Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
農民合唱及歌舞, 選自《尤金.奧尼金》
Peasants’ Chorus and Dance from Eugene Onegin
Wagner (1813-1883) “Treulich geführt” from Lohengrin Sailors’ Chorus from Der Fliegende Holländer
〈忠誠的引導〉,選自《羅恩格林》 水手合唱,選自《漂泊的荷蘭人》
— 中場休息 Interval —
Gounod (1818-1893)
“Vin ou bière” from Faust
Witches’ Chorus from Macbeth
Wagner “Wach auf!” and "Ehrt eure deutschen Meister" from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
〈醒來!〉及〈向德意志主人致敬〉 選自《紐倫堡的名歌手》
Weber (1786-1826)
Hunters’ Chorus from Der Freischütz
吉卜賽女郎和鬥牛士合唱 選自《茶花女》 〈受壓迫的祖國〉,選自《馬克白》
Chorus of Gypsies and Matadors from La Traviata “Patria oppressa” from Macbeth
Genée (1823-1895)
《模仿歌劇場景》, 作品 68「意大利沙律」
柴可夫斯基 〈真是個驚喜〉, 選自《尤金.奧尼金》 是晚演出曲目及次序或有更改
Parodie auf eine Opernszene, Op 68, “Insalata Italiana”
Tchaikovsky "Wie froh wir sind" from Eugene Onegin Pieces and their order of performance are subject to change
演前講座 Pre-Performance Talk
3.3(日 Sun)7:15-7:45pm Podium Workshop, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
講者︰基斯蒂安.祖德爾 (萊比錫歌劇院首席戲劇顧問) Speaker: Christian Geltinger (Chief Dramaturg, Oper Leipzig) 英語主講
In English
Free and open to all ticket holders, on a first-come, firstserved basis
3.3(日 Sun)(節目已舉行 Past event) Oboe, Horn & Trombone Masterclass by Gewandhausorchester Leipzig 《聲動童樂》兒童合唱團五天工作坊
24.2-2.3(六 - 日 Sat-Sun)(節目已舉行 Past event)
Children‘s Choir Workshop: Sing, Move and Have Fun 兒童合唱團大堂音樂會
2.3(六 Sat)(節目已舉行 Past event)
Children's Choir Foyer Performance 歌劇探秘同樂日 Opera Adventure Day
2.3(六 Sat)(節目已舉行 Past event)
更多加料節目詳情 More Festival PLUS
The Role of the Chorus in 19th Century Opera 在十九世紀的傳統歐洲歌劇發展中,合唱團 的角色日益重要。由萊比錫市政府營運的公 眾劇院於 1 8 1 7 年創立的同時,一隊由全職 專業歌手組成的歌劇合唱團亦應運而生。隨 着啟蒙時代和法國大革命、十七至十八世紀 封 建 社 會 結 束, 以 及 資 產 階 級 社 會 抬 頭, 合唱團於 舞 台 上 為 尋 常 百 姓 發 聲。 莫 扎 特 (1756 - 1791)常在其歌劇中借合唱團的歌 聲表達敬意。以《魔笛》為例,合唱團便唱 出〈哦,艾西斯和歐西里斯〉向女神與冥神 致敬。 韋伯(1786-1826)的浪漫歌劇《魔彈射手》 根據德國輕歌劇傳統寫成,劇中的合唱團顯 而易見是一群在波希米亞王子奧托卡麾下的 獵人,因此,觀眾以至整個社會頓時能在合 唱中看到自己的身影,誘發共鳴。韋伯的歌 劇將森林化為德國浪漫主義的縮影,除了有 其光輝與陰暗面,狩獵也是一項源遠流長的 傳統文化習俗。劇中獵人麥斯因為一場射擊 比賽而感受無比壓力,因為這將決定他能否 跟愛人亞嘉特結婚。爭勝的壓力最終驅使他 落入黑暗的爪牙,與魔鬼交易。與此同時, 其他獵人則盲目順從規則,而且表現充滿自 信。在今天的德語世界中,韋伯的歌劇仍然 常有演出。 歌劇當時亦成為戲仿的對象,由獨奏和無伴 奏合唱演奏的〈意大利沙律〉,即有挖苦歌 劇演唱的意味,也是合唱音樂會常見的額外 曲目。創作這首作品的奧地利作曲家及作詞 家理察.堅尼 (1823–1895),亦為小約翰. 史特勞斯、卡爾.米勒克及弗蘭茲.馮.蘇
In the course of the 19th century, the role of the chorus in the European music theater tradition became increasingly important. When a city-administered municipal theatre was founded in Leipzig in 1817, it was no coincidence that a professional opera chorus consisting of full-time professional singers was established at the same time. With the Age of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, the end of the feudal society of the 17th and 18th centuries, and the development of a bourgeois society, ordinary people received an independent voice on stage. This is found primarily as a voice of paying homage or tribute, as in the operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791). In The Magic Flute, for example, their voices primarily address the gods Isis and Osiris. In Carl Maria von Weber’s (1786–1826) romantic opera Der Freischütz, a light opera in the tradition of the Singspiel, the chorus already manifests itself as belonging to a permanent group: a group of hunters, the subjects of the Bohemian Prince Ottokar. At once, society—and thus the audience of that time—could recognize themselves in the chorus. Weber’s opera conjures up the forest as the epitome of German Romanticism, with both its bright and dark sides, and with the act of hunting as a cultural practice steeped in tradition. A shooting competition (the outcome of which will determine whether he may marry his lover, Agathe) puts pressure on the hunter Max to succeed. Ultimately, it drives him into the hands of dark powers. Meanwhile, the other hunters, blind in their obedience, are completely sure of themselves. Weber’s opera is still one of the most frequently performed operas in the German-speaking world. Opera was the subject of parody at the time, as in “Insalata italiana” for soloists and chorus a capella, a persiflage on opera singing and a popular bonus for a
合唱團在威爾第(1813 - 1901)的歌劇中發 揮顯著的政治功能,《拿布果》中著名的希 伯來奴隸合唱〈飛吧,思念〉甚至被譽為意 大利人心中的第二國歌;而全劇開首的希伯 來人禱告〈祭典之袍〉則表達了他們面對外 族統治的 恐 懼。要 理 解 這 齣 背 景 設 定 於 聖 經舊約時代的歌劇,必先認識威爾第身處的 時代與政治環境。他是當時「意大利復興運 動」( Risorgimento ) 的支持者,反對奧地利 哈 布 斯 堡 皇 朝 的 統 治。 在 這 看 來, 劇 中 希 伯來人和巴比倫統治者之間的衝突影射着
1 8 4 0 年代的政治氣候,類似的衝突在威爾 第其他早期歌劇中亦屢見不鮮,例如《倫巴 第人在第一次十字軍中》、《艾納尼》及《馬
chorus concert. The piece was composed by Richard Genée (1823–1895), an Austrian composer and librettist who wrote books for operettas of Johann Strauß, Carl Millöcker and Franz von Suppé. The political functionalization of the choir is particularly evident in the operas of Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1901). With “Va pensiero”, the slaves’ chorus from the opera Nabucco, Verdi created a kind of second national anthem of Italy; “Gli arredi festivi”, the opening Israelite prayer, conveys their terror in the face of foreign occupation. His opera, which takes us back to the time of the Old Testament, can only be understood in the context of the political conditions in Italy at the time of Verdi. Verdi was a supporter of the ideas of the socalled Risorgimento, the Italian liberation movement against the Austrian occupation of the Habsburgs. In
©Kirsten Nijhof
克白》 中的合唱曲〈受壓迫的祖國〉等。《馬 克白》一劇也展示了威爾第對世界文學鉅著 的愛好(特別是莎士比亞戲劇),他尤其着 迷於當中關於權力陰暗面,以及超自然力量 對我們生活的影響。當中的女巫合唱更對莎 士比亞的精神致敬,在其美學思維中,戲劇 裏的悲劇即衍生自怪誕和可怕的連繫。 《茶花女》是威爾第最著名的歌劇,女主 角維奧莉特以高尚風塵女子的身份登上歌 劇 舞 台。《 茶 花 女 》、《 弄 臣 》 及《 遊 吟 詩人》並稱為威爾第的三大鉅著( t ril ogia
popolare)。Popolare 一字除了指作品大受 歡迎外,亦意指「屬於大眾」,三部歌劇皆 以代表社會最低層的人物為主角,分別是交 際花、駝背宮廷小丑及罪犯。雖然《茶花女》 第二幕中弗羅拉的沙龍化裝舞會看似陳腔濫 調,但它確實為劇中的資產階級提供了脫離 現實束縛的機會,跳進吉卜賽女郎和鬥牛士 的角色裏,高唱吉卜賽女郎和鬥牛士合唱,
this respect, the conflict between the Hebrews and their Babylonian occupiers is a cipher for the political climate of the 1840s. We encounter this conflict in many of Verdi's early operas, such as I Lombardi alla prima crociata, Ernani, or Macbeth, where it is expressed in the words “Patria oppressa!/Oppressed homeland!” The opera Macbeth also demonstrates Verdi’s enthusiasm for the great themes of world literature (especially Shakespeare’s dramas), his fascination with the dark side of power, and the influence of supernatural forces upon our lives. The Witches’ Chorus, especially, is a tribute to Shakespeare’s spirit, in whose aesthetic thinking the tragedy of a drama is derived from the connection of the grotesque and the terrible. With Violetta—in what is likely Verdi’s most famous opera, La traviata—a noble courtesan enters the opera stage. Together with Rigoletto and Il trovatore, La traviata belongs to the so-called trilogia popolare. They do indeed count as Verdi’s most popular operas, but popolare also means that Verdi puts title heroes on stage who represent the lowest social strata: the hunchbacked court jester, the outlaw, and the
©Kirsten Nijhof
也讓當時社會其他階層在歌劇中看見自己的 縮影。 相比威爾第僅以化裝舞會呈現的吉卜賽女郎 和鬥牛士,比才(1838 - 1875)卻想在《卡 門》中把這些角色描繪得更有血有肉。雖然 比才一生從未踏足西班牙,但歌劇裏這些尋 常百姓(煙廠女工)卻非常自然地用歌聲高 唱出自己的慾望和期許。以井然有序的方式 呈現社會各階層之間的鮮明差異,也可見於 古諾(1818- 1893) 早二十年寫成的《浮士 德》。他筆下一群學生在以酒神命名的旅館 內大唱〈飲酒歌〉,栩栩如生地呈現出社會 的邊緣環境,寫作手法比威爾第《茶花女》 的沙龍場景來得更豐富多彩。 柴可夫斯基(1840 - 1893)在《尤金.奧尼 金》中藉着塔蒂雅娜慶祝命名日的段落,說 明喧鬧繁榮也可以展現出混合、過度興奮與 神經質的社會。在俄羅斯文化中,命名日是 極為重要的節日,甚至比每個人的生日更為 重視。即使塔蒂雅娜因為相思成愁而鬱鬱寡 歡,但她的個人情感終被淹沒在集體的狂喜 中。 生於萊比錫的華格納(1813 - 1883)筆下大 部分歌劇主題都牽涉個人與社會群體之間 的關係和衝突。故事中的主角通常遭遇來 自守舊社會的白眼及輿論(就像韋伯《魔彈 射手》中的獵人),歌劇《羅恩格林》 中 著名的婚禮合唱〈忠誠的引導〉便是一例。 一對愛人即將迎來新婚之夜,在此之前卻從 未有機會私下見面及建立互信。與此同時, 他們均承受着巨大壓力:埃爾莎面臨社會控 訴,性命堪虞;羅恩格林雖出面為她排解, 前題卻是不能透露自己的名字和來歷。婚禮 合唱便是在此背景下發生,暗示在災難發生 前的完美和諧襯托下,隨之而來的影響只會 更大。
courtesan. The various social classes, such as gypsies and bullfighters in Chorus of Gypsies & Matadors, can recognize themselves at the costume festival in Flora’s salon. Here, though, it as a cliché from the perspective of the bourgeoisie, which slips into these roles at the festival and thus breaks out of the bourgeois corset. In his opera Carmen, Georges Bizet (1838–1875) wanted to create a supposedly authentic picture of what Verdi had presented as a mere masquerade. But Bizet had never been to Spain himself. Nonetheless, his Carmen also reveals the naturalness with which the common people—in this case the employees of a cigarette factory—raise their voices in the opera, articulating their desires and longings. This contrast is again apparent in Charles Gounod’s (1818-1893) opera Faust, written twenty years earlier, which presents an orderly representation of the various, clearly defined and differentiated social classes. The student scene—set in an inn named after Bacchus—presents a descriptive milieu that takes us to the margins of society and offers much more material for musical colouring than the salon scene in Verdi’s Traviata. Peter I. Tchaikovsky (1840–1893) shows that boisterous exuberance is also an expression of a hybrid, overexcited, neurotic society with the celebration of Tatyana's name day in his opera Eugene Onegin. The name day was considered the most important holiday in Russian culture, more important even than one’s birthday. Tatyana, lovesick, is anything but in the mood for a celebration, but the individual’s discrete sensitivities are lost in the prescribed collective ecstasy of joy. The individual and society is a theme that permeates almost all the operas of the Leipzig-born composer Richard Wagner (1813–1883). The individual is usually confronted with the observation and pressure of justification of a society that, like the hunters in Weber's Freischütz, is held together by rigid rituals. Wagner's famous Bridal Chorus (“Treulich gefürt”) from the opera Lohengrin shows us such a scene. The lovers are quickly approaching their wedding night, yet have never had the chance to meet privately and develop
華格納另一歌劇《紐倫堡的名歌手》中的 〈醒來〉,由來自社會不同階層的群眾匯成 一體。這首仿眾贊歌編曲的合唱歌毫無疑問 有建立身份認同的功能:它強調一個德國小 鎮需要團結一致,通過其傳統和習俗對抗外 來影響。這正反映了華格納當時欲為德國歌 劇傳統自立門戶的決心,從意大利及法國歌 劇中分辦出來,並透過藝術以理解國之所 在。 此外,《漂泊的荷蘭人》中強而有力的水手 合唱散發着父系社會的驕縱自信。一群水 手以力量自詡,熱情洋溢卻瞬間變成劍拔弩 張。挪 威 人 刻 意 挑 釁 荷 蘭 水 手, 令 事 態 升 溫,最終醞釀成暴力衝突。 總括而言,十九世紀資產階級社會的發展顯 著影響了合唱團在歌劇中的地位。相對地, 歌劇觸發並反映了當時的社會政治發展。對 觀眾而言,合唱中的身份認同功能在法國歌 劇作曲家歐貝爾(1782 - 1871)的《波爾提 契的啞女》中非常明顯,該劇甚至鼓動民眾 參與比利時革命,這是現今觀眾難以想像的 情況。在此看來,歌劇合唱和合唱音樂會大 受歡迎的其中一個原因,似乎在於合唱中的 身份認同,讓觀眾從中看見自己的身影。 樂曲介紹 萊比錫歌劇院首席戲劇顧問 基斯蒂安.祖德爾
trust in one other. At the same time, the couple is under enormous pressure: Lohengrin has mounted a defense of Elsa against society’s accusations, but no one is allowed to know who he is or where he comes from. It is against this backdrop that the famous Bridal Chorus takes place, suggesting as it does the harmony of a perfect world in the moments just before disaster erupts, thus making the impact of the devastation all the greater. In Wagner's “Wach auf!” chorus from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, a group of different social classes also forms a cohesive body. In the chorale-like arrangement of the chorus, its identity-forming character is unmistakable and underlines a small German provincial town’s need for unity as it tries to distance itself from outside influences through its traditions and customs. This is typical of this time in Wagner’s life, in which the idea of nation as considered through art was accompanied by the desire for an independent German operatic tradition separate from those of Italy and France. The powerful Sailors’ Chorus from Wagner’s opera Der fliegender Holländer radiates the proud self-confidence and ritual display of a male-dominated society. Here, a group reaffirms its own strength. It is unmistakable how quickly exuberant joy can turn into aggression. The Norwegians deliberately provoke the Dutchman’s sailors; the situation gradually escalates, culminating in an attack. As you can see, the development of a bourgeois society in the 19th century significantly influenced the importance of the chorus in opera. Conversely, opera was not only a reflection of socio-political developments, but also triggered them. The chorus’s identity-forming power for the audience is as much evident in a piece like Daniel François Esprit-Auber’s La muette de Portici, a performance of which triggered a revolution, something that is completely unimaginable today. Nonetheless, at least one reason for the popularity of choral operas and choral concerts seems to lie in the fact that the audience sees itself in the chorus and identifies with them. Programme Note by Christian Geltinger, Oper Leipzig's Chief Dramaturg
歌詞 Sung texts Nabucco “Gli arredi festivi”
Nabucco “Festive Decorations”
《拿布果》 〈祭典之袍〉
Gli arredi festivi giù cadano infranti, il popol di Giuda di lutto s'ammanti! Ministro dell'ira del Nume sdegnato il rege d'Assiria su noi già piombò! Di barbare schiere l'atroce ululato nel santo delùbro del Nume tuonò!
Throw down and destroy all festive decorations, let the people of Judah clothe themselves in mourning! Minister of an angry God's wrath, the King of Assyria has fallen upon us! The horrible howlings of barbarian legions have thundered in the Holy Temple of God!
扔下並毀掉 所有的節日裝潢 讓猶大的後裔 用哀嚎做衣裳 憤怒的神派遣的 使者亞述王 現在已經凌駕於我們之上! 野蠻的軍隊 恐怖地咆哮 雷霆般打在 上帝的神聖殿堂!
I candidi veli, fanciulle, squarciate, le supplici braccia gridando levate; d'un labbro innocente la viva preghiera è dolce profumo che sale al Signor. Pregate, fanciulle! In voi della fiera falange nemica s'acqueti il furor!
Maidens, rend your white veils, raise your arms in supplication; the fervent prayer of innocent lips is a pleasing perfume in the nostrils of the Lord! Pray, maidens! Through you may the fury of the savage enemy legions be as naught!
少女們,撕掉白色的面紗 舉起雙手來祈求 純潔的口中 說出的狂熱祈禱 給上帝聞起來是怡人的香水! 祈禱吧,少女們! 但願藉你們 把憤怒的蠻敵軍隊 化為烏有!
Gran Nume, che voli sull'ale dei venti, che il folgor sprigioni dai nembi frementi, disperdi, distruggi d'Assiria le schiere, di David la figlia ritorna al gioir! Peccammo!...Ma in cielo le nostre preghiere ottengan pietade, perdono al fallir!
Almighty God, Who fliest on the wings of the wind, Who freest the lightning flash from the quivering cloud, destroy the legions of Assyria, let the daughter of David rejoice once more! We have sinned! But in heaven may our prayers obtain mercy and forgiveness for our frailty!
全能的上帝 乘風之翅膀飛翔 在顫抖的雲中 釋放閃電 把亞述的軍隊打散、摧毀 讓大衛王的女兒 再次歡慶! 我們造了罪! 但希望在天堂能通過 祈禱得到憐憫和寬恕!
Deh! l'empio non gridi, con baldo blasfema:
Oh, let not the wicked cry with blasphemous presumption:
莫讓惡人們 褻瀆地嚎叫
Hebrews, Levites
"Does the God of Israel hide Himself for fear?"
"Il Dio d'Israello si cela per tema?"
別讓你的子民被那瘋子抓到 他嘲笑您永恆不朽的力量! 別讓仇敵亞述人 把他們崇拜的假偶像 放在我們大衛王身旁!
Do not let Thy children fall prey to a madman who scorns Thy everlasting might! Do not permit the Assyrian foe to sit among his false idols upon the throne of David!
Non far che i tuoi figli divengano preda d'un folle che sprezza l'eterno poter! non far che sul trono davidico sieda fra gl'idoli stolti l'assiro stranier!
「以色列的上帝因害怕 躲起來了嗎?」
Magic Flute 《魔笛》 〈哦,艾西斯和歐西里斯〉 “O Isis and Osiris”
Die Zauberflöte “O Isis und Osiris”
哦,艾西斯和歐西里斯 真是天賜之福!
O Isis and Osiris, what bliss!
O Isis und Osiris, welche Wonne!
Dark night is banished by sunlight
Die düstre Nacht verscheucht der Glanz der Sonne.
高貴的年輕人將體驗新生 他將全心全意幫助我們 他有無畏精神,他心靈純潔 他將獲得我們的尊敬
Soon noble youth will feel new life and will be devoted to our service. His spirit is bold, his heart is pure; soon he will be worthy of us.
Bald fühlt der edle Jüngling neues Leben; Bald ist er unserm Dienste ganz gegeben. Sein Geist ist kühn, sein Herz ist rein, Bald wird er unser würdig sein.
Carmen Cigarette Girls’ Chorus
Carmen Chœur des les cigarières
Young Men
Les jeunesse
鐘聲響起 我們來此 兜截歸家的 工廠女工 曳着烏溜秀髮的 煙廠女孩 我們會一路追隨你 呢喃甜蜜的愛語!
The bell has rung; we've come here to catch the returning factory girls; and we'll follow you, dark-haired cigarette girls, murming words of love to you!
La cloche a sonné, nous, des ouvrières Nous venons ici guetter le retour; Et nous vous suivrons, brunes cigarières, En vous murmurant des propos d'amour.
瞧!他們目光俾倪 一臉輕佻 全都啣着香煙 吐霧吞雲
Look at them! Impudent glances, Saucy airs, all of them puffing away at a cigarette.
Voyez-les...Regards impudents, Mine coquette Fumant toutes du bout des dents La cigarette.
《卡門》 香煙廠女工合唱
Les cigarières
Cigarette Girls
Dans l'air, nous suivons des yeux La fumée, Qui vers les cieux monte, Monte parfumée. Cela monte gentiment À la tête; Tout doucement Cela vousmet l'âme en fête. Le doux parler des amants C'est fumée; Leurs transports et leurs serments C'est fumée.
We gaze after the smoke as it rises in the air, sweet-smelling, towards the skies. Gracefully it mounts to your head; so gently it exhilarates you! Lover's soft talk— it's smoke! Their raptures and promises— smoke!
我們看着煙霧 嫋嫋升空 氤氳的香氣 緩緩駛向遠方 它曼妙地縈繞 你的腦間 纏綿繾綣 使你輕快無比! 戀人的絮語— 如煙如霧! 愛中締結的狂喜與承諾— 全是煙霧!
ЕВГЕНИЙ ОНЕГИН “Уж как по мосту-мосточку”
Eugene Onegin "Peasants' Chorus and Dance"
Уж как по мосту-мосточку, По калиновым досочкам, Вайну... По калиновым досочкам, Тут и шел-прошел детина, Словно ягода-малина,
One day across the little bridge, along the hazel planks, Vayinu...along the hazel planks, comes a fine young fellow, fresh and ruddy as a raspberry,
有一天,在小橋的另一邊 踏着榛木橋板 啦啦啦……沿着榛木橋板 一位美少年翩然而至 如紅桑子般紅潤欲滴
Вайну... Словно ягода-малина. На плече несет дубинку, Под полой несет волынку,
Vayinu… Fresh and ruddy as a raspberry. Over his shoulder he carries a cudgel, under one coat-skirt he carries bagpipes,
啦啦啦…… 如紅桑子般紅潤欲滴 他的肩膊 搭着短棍 一邊裙褸 掩着風笛
Вайну... Под полой несет волынку, Под другой несет гудочек. Догадайся, мил-дружочек,
Vayinu… Under one coat-skirt he carries bagpipes, under the other is a fiddle. Now just you guess, my dearest,
啦啦啦…… 一邊裙褸 掩着風笛 另一邊蓋着小提琴 現在,摯愛,你猜
Вайну... Догадайся, мил дружочек. Солнце село, ты не спишь ли! Либо выйди, либо вышли, Вайну...
Vayinu… Now just you guess, my dearest. The sun has set, aren't you asleep, then? Come out yourself or else send out, Vayinu…
啦啦啦…… 現在,摯愛,你猜 日已西沉, 難道你還未睡? 那你溜出來 或遣誰出來 啦啦啦……
《尤金.奧尼金》 農民合唱及歌舞
那你溜出來,或遣誰出來 薩莎、瑪莎 或親愛的小帕麗莎
Come out yourself or else send out Sasha or Masha or dear little Parasha,
Либо выйди, либо вышли, Либо Сашу, либо Машу, Либо душечку-Парашу,
啦啦啦…… 遣親愛的小帕麗莎 薩莎或瑪莎 或親愛的小帕麗莎 帕麗辛卡溜了出來 和愛人互道衷腸
Vayinu… Send dear little Parasha, Sasha or Masha. or dear little Parasha, Parashenka came out, and said to her sweetheart:
Вайну... Либо душечку-Парашу, Либо Сашу, либо Машу, Либо душечку-Парашу, Парашенька выходила, С милым речи говорила:
啦啦啦…… 和愛人互道衷腸
Vayinu… and said to her sweetheart:
Вайну, вайну, вайну, вайну, С милым речи говорила:
「摯愛,別怪我 星夜馳來,未施粉黛 只穿着齷齪的小襯衣 和短裙
“Don't grumble at me, my dearest, I've come out just as I was, in my shabby little blouse and my short skirt.
"Не бессудь-ка, мой дружочек,
В чем ходила, в том и вышла, В худенькой во рубашонке, Во короткой понижонке,
啦啦啦…… 只穿着齷齪的小襯衣 和短裙!」
Vayinu… In my shabby little blouse and my short skirt!”
Вайну, вайну, вайну, вайну, В худенькой во рубашонке, Во короткой понижонке!”
《羅恩格林》 〈忠誠的引導〉
Lohengrin “Guided in faith”
Lohengrin “Treulich geführt”
眾男女 意切情真,篤實邁步 讓愛的福樂降臨你身! 凱旋之勇、情愛之果 締結貞定鴛盟 前行,仁德之師! 怒放吧,青春之卉! 且將歡筵擱下 迎迓內心無上歡喜!
Men and Women
Männer und Frauen
Guided in faith, enter within, where the blessing of love attends you! Victorious valour, the prize of love unite you in trust as a blessed pair. Champion of virtue, advance! Flower of youth, advance! Shut out the sounds of revelry and attain your heart's bliss!
Treulich geführt ziehet dahin, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'! Siegreicher Mut, Minnegewinn eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar. Streiter der Jugend, schreite voran! Zierde der Jugend, schreite voran! Rauschen des Festes seid nun entronnen, Wonne des Herzens sei euch gewonnen!
如今,只餘你倆雙對 快進入這為愛而生 華美馥郁的新房 意切情真,篤實邁步 讓愛的福樂降臨你身! 凱旋之勇、純潔之愛 締結貞定鴛盟
Now, out of sight, take possession of this perfumed chamber, decked for love. Guided in faith, enter within, where the blessing of love attends you! Victorious valour, pure love unite you in trust as a blessed pair.
Duftender Raum, zur Liebe geschmückt, nehm' euch nun auf, dem Glanze entrückt. Treulich geführt ziehet nun ein, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'! Siegreicher Mut, Minne so rein eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar.
Acht Frauen
Eight Ladies
Wie Gott euch selig weihte, zu Freuden weihn euch wir. In Liebesglücks Geleite denkt lang der Stunde hier!
As God has given you His blessing, we too wish you happiness. Long remember this hour in the course of love's Joy!
Männer und Frauen
Men and Women
Treulich bewacht bleibet zurück, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'! Siegreicher Mut, Minne und Glück eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar. Streiter der Tugend, bleibe daheim! Zierde der Jugend, bleibe daheim! Rauschen des Festes seid nun entronnen, Wonne des Herzens sei euch gewonnen!
Guided in faith, stay within, where the blessing of love attends you! Victorlous valour, love and fortune unite you in trust as a blessed pair. Champion of virtue, here remain! Flower of youth, here remain! Shut out the sounds of revelry and attain your heart's bliss!
眾男女 意切情真,篤實邁步 讓愛的福樂降臨你身! 凱旋之勇、情愛與喜樂 締結貞定鴛盟 留駐吧,仁德之師! 留駐吧,青春之卉! 且將歡筵擱下 迎迓內心無上歡喜!
Duftender Raum, zur Liebe geschmückt, nahm euch nun auf, dem Glanze entrückt. Treulich bewacht bleibet zurück, wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'! Siegreicher Mut, Minne und Glück eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar.
Now, out of sight, take possession of this perfumed chamber, decked for love. Guided in faith, stay within, where the blessing of love attends you! Victorlous valour, love and fortune unite you in trust as a blessed pair.
如今,只餘你倆雙對 快進入這為愛而生 華美馥郁的新房 意切情真,篤實邁步 讓愛的福樂降臨你身! 凱旋之勇、情愛與喜樂 締結貞定鴛盟
Der fliegende Holländer Chor Der Matrosen
The Flying Dutchman Sailors’ Chorus
Die Norwegischen Matrosen
The Norwegian Sailors
Steuermann, lass’ die Wacht! Steuermann, her zu uns! Ho! He! Je! Ha! Hisst die Segel auf! Anker fest! Steuermann, her! Fürchten weder Wind noch bösen Strand, wollen heute ‘mal recht lustig sein! Jeder hat sein Mädel auf dem Land, herrlichen Tabak und guten Branntewein!
Steersman, leave your watch! Steersman, join us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Hoist the sails! Anchor fast! Steersman, here! We fear no wind nor treach’rous coast. Today we'll be right merry! Each has his girl ashore, grand tobacco and good brandy!
舵手,別再守望! 舵手,快下船艙! 呵!嗨!唷!哈! 收下船帆!拋定船錨! 舵手,快來! 海礁再險風暴更狂 我們也無懼 今夜我們要歡樂一番! 姑娘們馬上就要來到 熏香的煙草、芬芳的美酒!
八個仕女 你倆已蒙上主賜福 我們亦祝你福慶綿長 在喜樂滿載的愛情路上 銘記絢爛此刻!
《漂泊的荷蘭人》 水手合唱
嚯嚓嚓嗨! 風暴暗礁 唷囉呵嗨! 我們嘲笑它 嚯嚓嚓嗨! 收下船帆!拋定船錨! 我們嘲笑風暴暗礁!
Hussassahey! Rocks and storms outside, Yolohohey! We laugh at them! Hussassahey! Furl sails! Anchor fast! Rocks and storms, we laugh at them!
Hussassahe! Klipp’ und Sturm draus, Jollohohe! lachen wir aus! Hussassahe! Segel ein! Anker fest! Klipp’ und Sturm lachen wir aus!
舵手,別再守望! 舵手,快下船艙! 呵!嗨!唷!哈! 舵手,快來一起暢飲! 呵!嗨!唷!哈! 風暴暗礁,嗨! 過去了,嗨! 嚯嚓嗨!哈囉嗨! 嚯嚓嗨!舵手!呵! 來吧,快來一起暢飲!
Steersman, leave your watch! Steersman, join us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Steersman, drink with us! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Rocks and storms, hey! are over, hey! Hussahey! Hallohey! Hussahey! Steersman! Ho! Here, come and drink with us!
Steuermann, lass’ die Wacht! Steuermann, her zu uns! Ho! He! Je! Ha! Steuermann, her! trink’ mit uns! Ho! He! Je! Ha! Klipp’ und Sturm, he! sind vorbei! Hussahe! Hallahe! Hussahe! Steuermann! Ho! Her! Komm’ und trink’ mit uns!
看!他們已經 跳起舞來! 看來不需要 我們的陪伴了!
Well! Just look! Dancing indeed! They don't seem us girls to need!
Mein! Seht doch an! Sie tanzen gar! Der Mädchen bedarf's da nicht, fürwahr!
嗨!姑娘們!停步! 去哪裏?
Hey! Girls! Stop! Where are you going?
He! Mädel! Halt! Wo geht ihr hin?
甜酒沖昏了 你們的頭腦? 鄰船的水手我們也 該關照關照! 好酒佳餚都想獨享嗎?
You've a taste for cool wine? Your neighbours there shall have some too! Is the food and drink for you alone?
Steht euch nach frischem Wein der Sinn? Euer Nachbar dort soll auch was haben! Ist Trank und Speis' für euch allein?
對﹗ 快把酒菜送給可憐的少年! 他們看來餓得頭昏腦脹!
Right! Take it to the poor lads! They must be faint with thirst!
Fürwahr! Tragt's hin den armen Knaben! Vor Durst sie scheinen matt zu sein!
We can't hear them.
Man hört sie nicht.
噢!快看! 一片黑暗 看不見人影!
Oh, just look! No light! No sign of the crew!
Ei, seht doch nur! Kein Licht! Von der Mannschaft keine Spur!
He! Seeleut'! He! Wollt Fackeln ihr? Wo seid ihr doch? Man sieht nicht hier!
Hey! Sailors! Hey! Do you want torches? Where are you then? We can see nothing.
嗨!水手們!嗨! 要火炬嗎? 你們在哪裏? 我們甚麼都看不到
Hahaha! Weckt sie nicht auf! Sie schlafen noch!
Hahaha! Don't wake them up! They're still asleep!
哈哈哈!別吵醒他們! 他們仍在睡覺!
He. Seeleut! He! Antwortet doch!
Hey! Sailors! Hey! Answer then!
Ha ha! Wahrhaftig, sie sind tot: sie haben Speis' und Trank nicht not!
Haha! Truly, they are dead: they have no need of food and drink!
哈哈!真的,他們都死了︰ 他們再也不需要吃飯喝酒!
Ei, Seeleute, liegt ihr so faul schon im Nest? Ist heute für euch denn nicht auch ein Fest?
Hey, Sailors, are you already lying snug in your bunks? Is there no feasting for you today?
嗨,水手們, 你們都睡了嗎? 今天沒有饗宴嗎?
Sie liegen fest auf ihrem Platz, wie Drachen hüten sie den Schatz.
They're lying low, sitting tight, like dragons guarding their treasure.
他們死死地躺在床上 像巨龍守着寶藏
He! Seeleute! Wollt ihr nicht frischen Wein? Ihr müsset wahrlich doch durstig auch sein.
Hey, sailors! Don't you want some wine? Surely you must be thirsty, too!
嗨,水手們! 你們不要美酒嗎? 你們一定也渴了!
Sie trinken nicht, sie singen nicht; In ihrem Schiffe brennt kein Licht.
They don't drink, they don't sing; no light burns on their ship.
他們不喝酒,他們不歌唱 他們的船上不見燈光
Sagt! Habt ihr denn nicht auch ein Schätzen am Land? Wollt ihr nicht mit tanzen auf freundlichen Strand?
Say! Haven't you sweethearts ashore? Don't you want to dance with them on the pleasant beach?
說!難道這裏沒有 你們的意中人嗎? 難道你們不想在這 美麗的海港與她們共舞?
Sie sind schon alt und bleich statt rot! Und ihre Liebsten, die sind tot!
They must be old and pale, not red! and their sweethearts are all dead!
他們一定是白髮滄桑的老人! 情人都死了!
嗨!水手們!水手們!快醒來! 我們帶來了大筐的 美酒佳餚!
Hey! Sailors! Sailors! Wake up! We bring you food and drink in plenty!
He! Seeleut'! Seeleut'! Wacht doch auf! Wir bringen euch Speise und Trank zu Hauf!
Sailors and Girls
Matrosen und Mädchen
嗨!水手們!水手們! 快醒來!
Hey! Sailors! Sailors! Wake up!
He! Seeleut'! Seeleut'! Wacht doch auf!
啊,真的,他們都死了! 他們再也不需要吃飯喝酒!
Yes, it is true! They seem dead. They've no need for food and drink.
Wahrhaftig, ja! Sie scheinen tot! Sie haben Speis' und Trank nicht not.
你們都知道漂泊的荷蘭人! 看,他的船正正就是這樣!
You know of the Flying Dutchman! The ship you see there is exactly like his!
Vom fliegenden Holländer wisst ihr ja? Sein Schiff, wie es leibt, wie es lebt, seht ihr da!
他們醒不來 他們是鬼魂,我們發誓!
Then don't wake the crew; they are ghosts, we swear!
So weckt die Mannschaft ja nicht auf; Gespenster sind's, wir schwören drauf!
你們在海上 航行了多少年? 風暴和海礁都 不會傷害你們!
How many centuries have you been at sea? Storms and rocks can do you no harm!
Wieviel hundert Jahre schon sied ihr zur See? Euch tut ja der Sturm und die Klippe nicht weh!
他們不喝酒!他們不唱歌! 他們的船上看不見燈光!
They don't drink! They don't sing! No light burns on their ship!
Sie trinken nicht, sie singen nicht! In ihrem schiffe brennt kein Licht.
你們有沒有信件 要拜託帶上岸? 我們可以送去 給曾祖父!
Have you no letter, no errand for people ashore? We'll deliver them to our great-grandfathers!
Habt ihr keine Brief', keine Aufträg' für's Land? Unsern Urgrossvätern wir bringen's zur Hand!
他們一定是白髮滄桑的老人! 情人都已死了!
They must be old and pale, not red! And their sweethearts, alas, are dead!
Sie sind schon alt und bleich statt rot! Und ihre Liebsten, ach, sind tot!
嗨,朋友們! 掛起你們的帆! 讓我們看看荷蘭人的飛船!
Hey, seamates! Set your sails and show us the Flying Dutchman's speed!
Hei, Seeleute! Spannt eure Segel doch auf und zeigt uns des fliegenden Holländers Lauf!
Sie hören nicht! Uns graust es hier! Sie wollen nichts— was rufen wir?
They don't hear! Gives you the creeps here! They don't want anything— so why call to them?
他們聽不到! 我們可膽戰心驚! 他們甚麼也不要 我們為何喊叫?
Ihr Mädel, lasst die Toten ruh'n; Lasst's uns Lebend'gen gütlich tun!
You girls, let the dead rest! Let us, the living, enjoy ourselves!
姑娘們,讓死者安息吧! 讓我們活人來快活一番!
So nehmt! Der Nachbar hat's verschmäht!
Here! Your neighbour has spurned it.
拿去!鄰船的客人 拒絕不要了
Wie? Kommt ihr denn nicht selbst an Bord?
What? Aren't you coming aboard?
怎麼? 你們不上甲板嗎?
Ei, jetzt noch nicht! Es ist ja nicht spät. Wir kommen bald! Jetzt trinkt nur fort, und wenn ihr wollt, so tanzt dazu, nur gönnt dem müden Nachbar Ruh', Lasst ihm Ruh'!
Oh, not just yet! It's not late. We'll come back soon. You drink up, and if you want to dance as well, but let your weary neighbours rest, leave him alone!
噢,現在不!時間尚早 我們快回來,你們喝完 我們可以一起跳舞 但請讓你們疲倦的鄰居休息吧 讓他休息吧!
Jucche! Da gibt's die Fülle! Lieb' Nachbar, habe Dank!
Hurrah! There's plenty here! Dear neighbours, thank you!
唷嘿嗨!酒菜一大堆! 好鄰居,謝謝!
Zum Rand sein Glas ein jeder fülle! Lieb' Nachbar liefert uns den Trank.
Everyone fill his glass to the brim! Our good neighbours send us drink!
人人都把酒杯斟滿! 我們的好鄰居給我們美酒!
Hallohohoho! Lieb' Nachbarn, habt ihr Stimm' und Sprach', so wachet auf und macht's uns nach!
Hallohohoho! Hallohohoho! Good neighbours, if you've voice and speech, wake up and follow our example!
哈囉呵呵呵!哈囉呵呵呵! 好鄰居 要是你們不是啞巴 就快起來模仿我們吧!
Wachet auf! Wachet auf! Auf! macht's uns nach!
Wake up! Wake up! Up and follow our example!
快醒來!快醒來! 快起來模仿我們!
Hussa! Steuermann! Lass die Wacht! Steuermann, her zu uns!
Hussa! Steersman, leave your watch! Steersman, join us!
嘴霍嚓! 舵手,別再守望! 舵手,快下船艙!
呵!嗨!唷!哈! 收下船帆!拋定船錨! 舵手,快來! 遇上狂風駭浪 我們通宵守望 我們常喝海水填飽暖胃 如今姑娘送來了 滿堆酒菜 讓我們狂歡飽餐 享用一宵
Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Hoist the sails! Anchor fast! Steersman, here! We watched many a night in storm and terror, we often drank the sea's brine: today we watch, carousing and feasting, and the girls give us a better drink from the cask.
Ho, he, je, ha! Hisst die Segel auf! Anker fest! Steuermann, her! Wachten manche Nacht bei Sturm und Graus, tranken oft des Meers gesalznes Nass; heute wachen wir bei Saus und Schmaus, besseres Getränk gibt Mädel uns vom Fass
嚓嚓嗨!風暴暗礁! 唷囉呵嗨!我們嘲笑它! 嚓嚓嗨!收下船帆! 拋定船錨! 我們嘲笑風暴暗礁! 舵手,別再守望! 舵手,快下船艙!
Hussassahey! Rocks and storms Yollohohey! We laugh at them! Hussassahey! Furl sails! Anchor fast! Rocks and storms, we laugh at them! Steersman, leave your watch! Steersman, join us!
Hussassahe! Klipp' und Sturm drauss Jollolohe! lachen wir aus! Hussassahe! Segel ein! Anker fest! Klipp' und Sturm lachen wir aus! Steuermann, lass die Wacht! Steuermann, her zu uns!
呵!嗨!唷!哈! 舵手,快來暢飲! 風暴暗礁,哈! 過去了,嗨! 嚓嗨!哈囉嗨! 嚓嗨!舵手!呵! 呵!嗨!唷!哈! 來吧,快來喝個痛快!
Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Steersman, here! Drink with us! Rocks and storms, ha! are over, hey! Hussahey! Hallohey! Hussahey! Steersman! Ho! Ho! Hey! Ye! Ha! Here, come and drink with us!
Ho, he, je, ha! Steuermann, her! Trink mit uns! Klipp' und Sturm, ha! sind vorbei! He! Hussahe! Hallohe! Hussahe! Steuermann! He! Ho! He! Je! Ha! Her, komm und trink mit uns!
《浮士德》 〈飲酒歌〉
Faust “Wine or beer”
Faust “Vin ou bière”
無論葡葡酒抑或啤酒 願此杯常滿美酒! 厚顏地,一杯接一杯 身為酒鬼,甚麼都灌下肚! 酷愛杯中物的年輕酒徒 除水以外,多多益善! 願一生榮耀,心之所嚮 惟有杜康,直到永遠!
Wine or beer, beer or wine, May my glass ever be full! Unashamedly, glass after glass, A drunkard drinks everything! Youthful addict of the barrel Nought but water must be barred! May your glory, your heart's desire Be to drink now and forever!
Vin ou bière, bière ou vin, Que mon verre soit plein! Sans vergogne, coup sur coup, Un ivrogne boit tout! Jeune adepte du tonneau, N'en excepte que l'eau! Que ta gloire, tes amours, Soient de boire toujours!
Filles ou forteresses, C'est tout un, morbleu! Vieux burgs, jeunes maîtresses Sont pour nous un jeu! Celui qui sait s'y prendre Sans trop de façon, Les oblige à se rendre En payant rançon!
Girls or fortresses, it's all one, by God! Old citadels and young mistresses are fair game for us! Whoever is clever and unscrupulous enough, forces them to surrender and pay a ransom!
美人與碉堡 天啊!不就是同一回事! 古老城堡與青春少艾 都是我們的囊中物! 誰夠聰明和不擇手段 就讓他們乖乖投降 奉上贖金!
Aux jours de dimanche et de fête, J'aime à parler guerre et combats: Tandis que les peuples là-bas Se cassent la tête. Je vais m'asseoir sur les coteaux Qui sont voisins de la rivière, Et je vois passer les bateaux En vidant mon verre !
On Sundays and holidays, I like to talk of war and battles, while distant peoples are cracking each other's pates. I go and sit on the banks which overlook the stream and watch the boats float past as I empty my glass!
每逢週日和假期, 我總愛閒聊大大小小的戰役 正當遠方的人們 戮力割下對方的頭顱 我到河堤坐下 俯視涓涓逝水 在小船浮沉而過之際 傾盡手中杯!
Jeunes filles
Young Girls
Voyez ces hardis compères Qui viennent là-bas; Ne soyons pas trop sévères, Retardons le pas.
Look at these bold fellows coming over there; We must not be too cruel Let's walk slower.
看,那群大膽的傢伙 正走過來 我們走慢一點 不必如此鐵石心腸
Voyez ces mines gaillardes Et ces airs vainqueurs! Amis, soyons sur nos gardes, Tenons bien nos cœurs!
Look at their impudent miens and victorious looks! Friends, we must be on our guard and hold fast to our hearts!
看看他們不可一世的態度 和穩操勝券的樣子! 朋友們 我們要抖擻精神 謹守初心!
Voyez après ces donzelles Courir ces messieurs! Nous sommes aussi bien qu'elles, Sinon beaucoup mieux!
Look at those gentlemen rushing after these hussies! Aren't we just as fine as they, not to say much handsomer?
看看那些男人 如虎狼般追逐那些放浪女子! 我們豈不如她們一般美麗 甚至更具風姿?
Filles ou forteresses, C'est tout un, morbleu! Vieux burgs, jeunes maîtresses Sont pour nous un jeu! Celui qui sait s'y prendre Sans trop de façon, Les oblige à se rendre En payant rançon!
Girls or fortresses, it's all one, by God! Old citadels and young mistresses are fair game for us! whoever is clever and unscrupulous enough, forces them to surrender and pay a ransom!
美人與碉堡 天啊﹗不就是同一回事! 古老城堡與青春少艾 都是我們的囊中物! 誰夠聰明和不擇手段 就讓他們乖乖投降 奉上贖金!
《馬克白》 女巫合唱
Macbeth Witches' Chorus
Macbeth Coro di streghe
女巫 發情的貓已 啼叫三次 鴔鵖已 悲鳴和哀嚎三次 箭豬已 向風中抽喊三次
Witches Three times the cat has mewed in heat. Three times the hoopoe has mourned and wailed. Three times the porcupine has yelped to the wind.
Streghe Tre volte miagola la gatta in fregola. Tre volte l'upupa lamenta ed ulula. Tre volte l'istrice guaisce al vento.
合唱 時候到了! 來,讓我們圍着鍋爐飛快舞動 調出法力無邊的魔湯 姊妹們,動手! 水已滾燙 咕咕冒出泡來
All This is the hour! Come, dance ‘round the cauldron Mix potent brews in our circle. Sisters, to work! The water is steaming, crackling and bubbling.
Tutte Questo è il momento. Su via! sollecite giriam la pentola, Mesciamvi in circolo possenti intingoli: Sirocchie, all'opera! l'acqua già fuma, Crepita e spuma.
I. Poisonous toad, which sucks wolfsbane, thorn, root plucked at twilight, cook and bubble in the devil's pot.
I. Tu, rospo venefico Che suggi l'aconito, Tu, vepre, tu, radica Sbarbata al crepuscolo Va', cuoci e gorgoglia Nel vaso infernal.
II. Tongue of viper, hair of bat, blood of monkey, tooth of dog, boil and be swallowed up in the infernal brew
II. Tu, lingua di vipera, Tu, pelo di nottola, Tu, sangue di scimmia, Tu, dente di bòtolo, Va', bolli e t'avvoltola Nel brodo infernal.
出生時被扼死的 嬰孩的手指 韃靼的嘴唇 異教徒的心臟 將黑暗的湯汁 煮得更濃稠
III. Finger of child strangled at birth, lip of Tartar, heart of heretic, into the cauldron, thicken the hellish broth.
III. Tu, dito d'un pargolo Strozzato nel nascere. Tu, labbro d'un Tartaro, Tu, cuor d'un eretico, Va' dentro, e consolida La polta infernal.
合唱 沸騰吧!沸騰吧!鬼魂啊 黑的白的、紅的藍的 全部融合為一! 你們心知可以怎樣 融為一體!
All Boil! Boil! Sprits, black and white, red and blue blend together! You who mix well know how, blend together!
Tutte E voi, Spirti Negri e candidi, Rossi e ceruli, Rimescete! Voi che mescere Ben sapete, Rimescete! Rimescete!
劇毒的蟾蜍 吸啜了 在日暮時摘下的附子 棘刺和根莖 在魔鬼的鍋中 煮得咕咕作響
II. 蜂蛇的舌頭 蝙蝠的毛髮 猴子血 狗的牙齒 全被吞噬、煮沸 在地獄的湯液中
《紐倫堡的名歌手》 〈醒來!〉
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg “Wach auf!”
Mastersingers of Nuremberg “Wake up!”
Wach' auf, es nahet gen den Tag, ich hör' singen im grünen Hag ein' wonnigliche Nachtigal, ihr' Stimm' durchdringet Berg und Tal; die Nacht neigt sich zum Okzident, der Tag geht auf von Orient, die rotbrünstige Morgenröt' her durch die trüben Wolken geht.
Awake! the dawn is drawing near; I hear a blissful nightingale singing in the green grove, its voice rings through hill and valley; the night is sinking in the west, the day arises in the east, the ardent red glow of morning approaches through the gloomy clouds.
”Ehrt eure deutschen Meister”
"Honour your German Masters" 〈向德意志主人致敬〉
Ehrt eure deutschen Meister dann bannt ihr gute Geister. Und gebt ihr ihrem Wirken Gunst zerging in Dunst das heil'ge röm'sche Reich uns bliebe gleich die heil'ge deutsche Kunst!
Honour your German Masters, and conjure up good spirits! And if you favour their endeavours, even if the Holy Roman Empire should dissolve in mist, for us there would yet remain holy German Art!
Der Freischütz Chor DerJäger
The Marksman Hunters’ Chorus
Was gleicht wohl auf Erden dem Jägervergnügen, Wem sprudelt der Becher des Lebens so reich? Beim Klange der Hörner im Grünen zu liegen, Den Hirsch zu verfolgen durch Dickicht und Teich Ist fürstliche Freude, ist männlich Verlangen, Erstarket die Glieder und würzet das Mahl. Wenn Wälder und Felsen uns hallend umfangen, Tönt freier und freud'ger der volle Pokal! Jo ho! Tralalalala!
What pleasure on earth can compare with the hunter's? Whose cup of life sparkles so richly? To lie in the verdure while the horns sound, To follow the stag through thicket and pond, is joy for a prince, is a real man's desire; It strengthens your limbs and spices your food. When woods and rocks resound all about us, A full goblet sings a freer and happier song! Yo ho! Tralala!
醒來!天將破曉 我聽到甜美的夜鶯 在樹叢間柔聲歌唱 她的歌聲溜遍山谷 黑夜西沉 紅日東升 煊燦的晨光 穿透烏雲 降臨大地
向德意志主人致敬 懷着興高采烈的心! 若你願意助一臂之力 即便神聖羅馬帝國 將灰飛煙滅 德意志的偉大藝術將永存!
《魔彈射手》 獵人合唱 世上有何種歡愉比得上 獵人的快樂? 誰的生命之杯 璀璨如此? 在號角響起之際 躺在如茵綠草上 逐鹿林泉之間 此等快樂是王子的專利 值得熱血男兒孜孜以求 這更能鍛鍊四肢 增添食趣 在回聲響徹 四周林巖之際 滿注的酒液在高腳杯中輕晃 唱着自由和幸福的歌! 喲!呵!咤啦啦!
Diana is present to brighten the night; How refreshing her cool darkeness. To fell the bloody wolf, and the boar who greedily roots through the green crops, is joy for a prince, is real man's desire; It strengthens your limbs and spices your food. When woods and rocks resound all about us, a full goblet sings a freer and happier song! Yo, ho! Trala!
Diana ist kundig, die Nacht zu erhellen, Wie labend am Tage ihr Dunkel uns kühlt. Den blutigen Wolf und den Eber zu fällen, Der gierig die grünenden Saaten durchwühlt, Ist fürstliche Freude, ist männlich Verlangen, Erstarket die Glieder und würzet das Mahl. Wenn Wälder und Felsen uns hallend umfangen, Tönt freier und freud'ger der volle Pokal! Jo ho! Tralalalala!
La Traviata Chorus of Gypsies and Matadors
La Traviata Coro di Zingarelle e Matadori
我們是吉卜賽人 來自遠方 我們只要看看手掌 就可以預知未來 只要抬頭看星辰 沒有事情能夠瞞騙我們 未來的一切 我們全都知曉
We are gypsies come from afar; the fortunes of all we read in their hands. When we call upon the stars, nothing is hidden from us, and we can tell you all what the future holds in store.
Noi siamo zingarelle venute da lontano; d'ognuno sulla mano leggiamo l'avvenir. Se consultiam le stelle null'avvi a noi d'oscuro, e i casi del futuro possiamo altrui predir.
吉卜賽女郎 I
Gypsy I
Zingare I
我來看看!這位女士 你有不少情敵
Let us see!...You, Madam, have many rivals.
Vediamo!...Voi, signora, rivali alquante avete...
吉卜賽女郎 II
Gypsy II
Zingare II
侯爵,你有很多 秘密情人
Marquis, you are scarcely a model of fidelity.
Marchese, voi non siete model di fedeltà.
你仍然放蕩不檢嗎? 你遲早會付上代價
So you still play the gallant? Fine, I'll make you pay for this.
Fate il galante ancora? Ben, vo' me la paghiate...
你到底在想甚麼? 這是厚顏無恥的指控
What the devil are you thinking? It's a bare-faced lie.
Che diamin vi pensate? L'accusa è falsità.
戴安娜在此 紓解黑夜的陰鬱 她漆黑的身驅使 我們得以歇息 如在白晝給予庇蔭一樣 兇殘的豺狼和野豬 貪婪地蹂踏翠綠的莊稼 手刃牠們是王子的專利 值得熱血男兒孜孜以求 這更能鍛鍊四肢 增添食趣 在回聲響徹 四周林巖之際 滿注的酒液在高腳杯中輕晃 唱着自由和幸福的歌! 喲!呵!咤啦!
《茶花女》 吉卜賽女郎和鬥牛士合唱
La volpe lascia il pelo, non abbandona il vizio. Marchese mio, giudizio, o vi farò pentir.
The fox may lose his fur, but never abandons his rascality. Take care, my dear Marquis, or you'll be sorry, I swear.
即使狐狸換了外皮 也藏不住狡獪本性 我的侯爵,小心啊 不要露出馬腳
Su via, si stenda un velo sui fatti del passato; già quel ch'è stato è stato, badiamo all'avvenir.
Come, come, whatever's happened shall be veiled by the past; what's been has been, think only of what's to be.
嗟! 過去將遮掩往事 一切已成定局 只管着眼未來的事
Gastone E Mattadori
Gastone and Matadors
Di Madride noi siam mattadori, siamo i prodi del circo de' tori, testé giunti a godere del chiasso che a Parigi si fa pe 'l bue grasso; e una storia, se udire vorrete, quali amanti noi siamo, saprete.
We're matadors, from Madrid, the champions of the bullring. We've just arrived to join in the fun of carnival time in Paris; if you'll hear our story to the end, you'll know what great lovers we are.
我們是馬德里的鬥牛士 我們是鬥牛場的英雄勇士 遠道而來 在巴黎的嘉年華找尋歡樂 只要細心傾聽我們的故事 就會知我們是令人讚嘆的情人
Gli Altri
The others
Sì, sì, bravi, narrate, narrate, con piacere l'udremo...
Yes, yes, good! Tell us, tell us: we'll hear your story with pleasure.
是的,是的,說吧,說吧 我們想聽
Gastone E Mattadori
Gastone and Matadors
Ascoltate. È Piquillo un bel gagliardo biscaglino mattador: forte il braccio, fiero il guardo delle giostre egli è signor. D'Andalusa giovinetta follemente innamorò; ma la bella ritrosetta così al giovane parlò: "Cinque tori in un sol giorno vo' vederti ad atterrar; e, se vinci, al tuo ritorno mano e cor ti vo' donar." Sì, gli disse, e il mattadore, alle giostre mosse il piè; cinque tori, vincitore, sull'arena egli stendé.
Listen, then. Piquillo is a strapping young man, a matador from Biscay: strong of arm and fierce of eye, he is the lord of the bullring. He fell for an Andalusian lass, madly in love fell he; but the stubborn little miss answered him this way: "Five bulls in a single day— I'll see you kill them all; and if you win, when you return, my heart and hand are yours." "Yes," said he, and off he went, to the bullring straight away; five bulls our conquering hero met, and killed them all that day.
聽清楚了 這位叫比基路的魁梧青年 是來自比斯開的鬥牛士 身材高大,氣宇軒昂 他是鬥牛場的皇者 他戀上安達魯西亞的女孩 為她神暈顛倒 但高傲的年輕女孩 丟下一道難題 「一天之內 與五頭公牛搏鬥 若能毫髮無傷歸來 我將牽起你手,交托我心。」 「沒問題。」他答道 便轉身直奔鬥牛場 一輪廝殺過後 五頭猛牛倒臥在血泊之中
Gli Altri
The others
Bravo, bravo il mattadore, ben gagliardo si mostrò, se alla giovane l'amore in tal guisa egli provò!
Bravo, bravo, this matador— he showed himself a champion, and, in so doing, he proved his love!
多勇敢的鬥牛士 證明自己是位英雄 同時證明自己的愛意!
Gastone and Matadors
Gastone E Mattadori
在喝采聲之中 他回到愛人的身邊 從愛人懷裏 接過夢寐而求的獎賞
Then, amidst the applause, he went back to his love, and received the longed-for prize, wrapped in his sweetheart's arms.
Poi, tra plausi, ritornato alla bella del suo cor, colse il premio desiato tra le braccia dell'amor.
The others
Gli Altri
這樣勇敢的鬥牛士 贏得所有美麗女子的芳心
It is with such tests that matadors sweep lovely women off their feet!
Con tai prove i mattadori san le belle conquistar!
Gastone and Matadors
但我們的內心其實溫順 能夠尋歡便足矣
But here the thing is simpler; it's enough for us if we can frolic.
Gastone E Mattadori Ma qui son più miti i cori; a noi basta folleggiar.
沒錯,無慮地玩樂 讓我們來試試手氣吧 讓我們開始牌局 勝者為王,敗者為寇
Yes, with carefree gaiety. Now first let's try the humour of Fortune; we'll open the ring to the dauntless gamblers.
Sì, allegri. Or pria tentiamo della sorte il vario umor; la palestra dischiudiamo agli audaci giuocator.
《馬克白》 〈受壓迫的祖國!〉
Macbeth “Oppressed land of ours!”
Macbeth “Patria oppressa!”
我們這受壓迫的祖國啊! 你不得稱為慈母 因你如今成了 兒子們的墳墓
Oppressed land of ours! You cannot have the sweet name of mother now that you have become a tomb for your sons.
Patria oppressa! Il dolce nome no, di madre aver non puoi, or che tutta a' figli tuoi sei conversa in un avel!
孤兒和那些在悼念的人 有些為丈夫,有些為孩子
每個黎明 以呼喊激憤上天
From orphans and those who mourne, some for husbands, some for children, at each new dawn a cry goes up to outrage heaven.
D'orfanelli e di piangenti chi lo sposo e chi la prole, al venir del nuovo sole s'alza un grido e fere il ciel.
天庭回答這呼喊 猶如受感動憐憫 被壓迫的土地 被永遠公開表明你們的悲情 鐘聲不斷為死亡響起 但沒有人夠勇氣 為着受苦的和受死的 去流一滴無用的眼淚
To that cry, heaven replies as if moved to pity; oppressed land, it would proclaim your grief for ever. The bell tolls constantly for death, but no-one is so bold as to shed a vain tear for the suffering and dying.
A quel grido il ciel risponde quasi voglia impietosito propagar per l'infinito, patria oppressa, il tuo dolor. Suona a morto ognor la squilla, ma nessuno audace è tanto che pur doni un vano pianto a chi soffre ed a chi muor.
Parody of an Opera "Italian Salad"
Parodie auf eine Opernszene "Insalata Italiana"
Piano, piano, dolce Gentle and genial Forte, piano, pianissimo
Piano, piano, dolce, soave ed amabile Forte, piano, pianissimo
《模仿歌劇場景》 〈意大利沙律〉 弱,弱,溫柔地 柔和而甜美的 強,弱,很弱
Venite gua...
Forte, fortissimo, forte, piano,pianino...
Forte, fortissimo, forte, piano, pianino...
Crescendo, stringendo, più mosso Rinforzando, diminuendo Decrescendo, morendo, smorzando.
Crescendo, stringendo, più mosso Rinforzando, diminuendo Decrescendo, morendo, smorzando.
漸強,加速地,更快 加強,漸弱 漸弱,漸慢,漸弱
Recitativo, O Dio, O cielo... Coloratura, lo tremo. A piacere, colla parte, fermata.
Recitative, oh God, oh Heavens… Coloratura, tremoring. As you please, follow the lead, hold.
宣敘調,上帝啊,上天啊 花腔,震音 隨意,緊隨主要聲部,延長號
Lento, con espressione, larghetto, sostenuto, ritenuto ... Espressivo, ben marcato,
Lento, with expression larghetto, sostenuto, ritenuto... Expressive, with emphasis
緩板,有感情地 小廣板,稍慢板,立即變慢 充滿感情地,十分強調的
Pizzicato, arco, arco, Precipitato, sospirando, ritardando, arco.
Pizzicato, arco, arco, Precipitato, sospirando, ritardando, arco.
撥奏,弓奏,弓奏 迅猛的,悲嘆地 漸慢地,弓奏
Tra ta ta ta, suona la tromba Tra ta ta ta, a la vendetta
Tra ta ta ta, sound the trumpet! Tra ta ta ta, for revenge.
咤嗒嗒⋯⋯小號響起! 咤嗒嗒⋯⋯報仇吧
Con fuoco, staccato…
With fire, staccato…
Assai scandaloso, non più lamentoso.
Scandalous, no longer plaintive
Bravo, bravissimo, sono contento! Volti subito, l’accompagnamento
Bravo, bravissimo, I am pleased! Turn the page, the accompaniment
好,好極了,我很高興! 立即翻到下一頁,伴奏
Con rabbia, con furia In tempo di polacca,
With anger, with fury In the polonaise's tempo,
激動地,猛烈地 波蘭舞曲節奏速度
Agitata ta ta ta ta, Più mosso stretto Fine dell’opera. Felicità, felicità. Fine dell’opera.
Agitated… Tighter The end of the opera. Joy, joy! The end of the opera.
激動地⋯⋯ 更加緊張 歌劇的結尾 幸福,幸福! 歌劇的結尾
Evgeni Onegin “Wie froh wir sind”
Eugene Onegin “What a surprise”
《尤金.奧尼金》 〈真是個驚喜〉
Allgemeiner Chor
Wie froh wir sind, solch Fest ist wirklich selten. Die Militärmusik spielt heute! Lang sah man nicht so reiche Bewirtung! Wir prüfen gern Getränke und Buffet!
Well, what a surprise! We never expected a military band! Revelry, and to spare! A long time has passed since we were so entertained! A marvellous party, would you not all agree?
啊,真是個驚喜! 我們沒料到會有軍樂隊! 此處宴樂笙歌,樂極未央! 我們很久沒如此盡興了! 真是個歡樂的派對,不是嗎?
Elderly Gentlemen
Ältere Gutsbesitzer
我們的莊園 久未躬逢如此 歡樂盛大、喧囂鼎沸的舞會 狩獵是我們的唯一娛樂 喧喧嚷嚷,好不快活
On our estates we don't often meet with the merry sparkle of a jolly ball. The hunt is our only amusement, dear to us is its hubbub and stir.
Hier auf dem Land gibt´s nicht viel zu erleben, selten genug ist solch lustiger Ball. Einzig die Jagd kann uns Abwechslung geben, schön ist der Jagdlärm und Büchsengeknall.
Elderly Ladies
Ältere damen
是快活! 他們整天遛達高山低谷 沼澤和灌叢 樂不思蜀!
Amusement indeed! The whole day they dash o'er hill and dale, marshland and scrub!
Ihr jagt die Kreuz und die Quer durchs Gelände, doch was bleibt uns Frauen vom Trubel der Jagd?
他們倦極返家 倒頭便睡,侍奉丈夫 便是我們身為賢妻的 唯一娛樂!
They tire themselves out, then collapse into bed, and that's all the amusement we poor women get!
Wir sitzen und warten, bis alles zu Ende, doch ihr seid dann müde und schnarcht bis es tagt. Das bringt uns die Jagd!
Young Girls
Junge Damen
啊,卓芬.彼得路維奇上尉 你人真好! 竟有軍樂隊演奏 我們對你感激不盡⋯⋯
Oh, Trifon Petrovich how kind you are, really! that military band plays today We're so grateful to you …
Ach Trifan Petrowitsch, wie reizend, dass die Militärmusik heute spielt. Kleinigkeit, was tut man nicht alles…
Der Hauptmann
別客氣⋯⋯ 榮幸之至!
Not at all… The pleasure is all mine!
Bitte sehr, ich selbst bin ganz glücklich!
Young Girls
Junge Damen
Why don’t we dance together?
Wie wär´s wenn wir tanzen gehen?
Der Hauptmann
我也想跳舞 那就開始舞吧!
I mean to enjoy it too. Let’s begin, then!
Sehr gern, meine Damen, wer wagt es mit mir?
瞧那裏!你瞧!一眾癡男女 像愛情鳥般共舞起來!
Just look there! Just look! The lovebirds are dancing together!
Seht doch nur! Sie tanzen zusammen! Wenn das nicht ein Paar gibt…
早該這樣⋯⋯ 真替檀雅不值! 他首先施展魅力 然後她將迴避
High time, too... How sorry one is for Tanya! First he will charm then she goes to parry
wär ja auch Zeit! Die arme Tatjana! Erst wird er charmieren, dann muss sie parieren!
He says he's only playing...
Auch sagt man er spielt….
多榮幸!多歡樂的派對! 女主人萬歲! 多榮幸!
What a pleasure! What a party! The hostess lives long! What a pleasure!
Welche Freude! Was für ein Fest! Die Hausfrau lebe hoch! Welche Freude!
Chor der Oper Leipzig Chorus Master: Thomas Eitler-de Lint
Soprano 1
Alto 2
Bass 1
Ilaria Baggioli Christiane Bläß Dorota Bronikowska Kamila Dziadko Christiane Feige Karen ter Glane Sarah Kollé Antje Ligeti Hitomi Sakamoto Claudia Sturm Karin Ullrich
Karola Graszt Mirjam Kapelari Bärbel Kirschning Anna Michelsen Angelika Richter Eliza Rudnicka Claudia Schwarzmann
Andreas David Tobias Deckelmann Thomas Döhler Andreas Hanke Christian Ludwig Wolfram Protze Andreas Scholz
Tenor 1
Bass 2
Hunyoung Choi Michael Chu Victor Gaviola Daniel Gundermann Thomas Heymann Tino Hölzel Ki Jun Jung Young-Bin Lee Jordi Molina Viktor Sawaley Ingo Zach
Klaus Bernewitz Manfred Buller Günther Fröb Andreas Ifland Kwangmin Seo Ivo Spa ek Thomas Spallek Frank Wernstedt Axel Wieschebrink
Soprano 2 Cordula Albrecht-Procher Katrin Bräunlich Julia Ifland Anika Paulick Jacqueline Renner Marlen Saß Ulrike Thamm-Pohle Alice Ungerer
Alto 1 Katerina Banse Reba Evans Haike Hauptmann Margit Pitt Ines Reintzsch Catrin von Rhein Cornelia Röser Dorothee Schlemm-Gál Angela Siebert
Tenor 2 Stephan Breithaupt Åke Holmkvist Dr. Reinhard Jeromin Tae Hee Kwon Michael Mehnert Evgeni Nedev Detlef Thamm
鳴謝 Acknowledgements 香港藝術節衷心感謝下列機構及人士的慷慨支持: The Hong Kong Arts Festival would like to thank the following for their generous support:
贊助舍計劃會員 Patron’s Club Members 鉑金會員 Platinum Members
嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited 新鴻基有限公司 Sun Hung Kai & Co. Limited
黃金會員 Gold Member
怡和集團 The Jardine Matheson Group
純銀會員 Silver Members
銅鑼閣有限公司 Causeway Corner Limited 太古集團慈善信託基金 The Swire Group Charitable Trust
青銅會員 Bronze Members
鷹君集團有限公司 Great Eagle Holdings Limited 上海商業銀行 Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited
其他支持機構 Other Supporters •Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan •ANA Holdings Inc. •British Columbia Arts Council
•British Council •Canada Council for the Arts •HEED
實物支持機構 In-kind Supporters •帝盛酒店集團 Dorsett Hospitality International •嘉頓有限公司 The Garden Company Limited •鷹君集團有限公司 Great Eagle Holdings Limited •In Technical Productions Limited •香港德迅貨運代理有限公司 Kuehne & Nagel Limited
•香港國際機場 Hong Kong International Airport •奧海城 Olympian City •信和集團 Sino Group •崇光 ( 香港 ) 百貨 SOGO Hong Kong •屯門市廣場 TMT Plaza
藝術節捐助計劃 Festival Donation Scheme 鉑金捐款者 PlATINuM DONORS HK$140,000 或以上 AND ABOVE •Mrs Miriam Hwa •Lincoln & Yu-San Leong •Nine Queens Investment Limited •Yip Foundation Ltd 鑽石捐款者 DIAMOND DONORS HK$70,000 - HK$139,999 •林護紀念基金有限公司 Lam Woo Foundation Limited •Martin Rogers & Janet Cheng •Mr & Mrs Stephen Suen 翡翠捐款者 JADE DONORS HK$30,000 - HK$69,999 •無名氏 Anonymous •Jeffrey & Helen Chan •Mrs K L Chan •陳求德醫生 Dr Chan Kow Tak •Mrs Mona Leong •Ms Leung Wai Yee Candice •林聖竤 Chris Lin •Ms Sun Tien Chen •Mr & Mrs David S Y Wong 黃金捐款者 GOlD DONORS HK$12,000 - HK$29,999 •無名氏 (3) Anonymous (3) •Mr & Mrs S Cheng •Mr Edwin Choy •Consigliere Limited •Alex & Hanne Fung •Mr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung •Richard & Ruth Herbst •Ms Jenny Hodgson •Mr & Mrs Ko Ying & Ko Woo Shin Ching Patricia •Mrs A M Peyer
•Mr Stephen Tan •曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen Chow •Linda Wang •Samuel & Amy Wang •黃逸思先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Y S Wong •Mr Wong Yick Kam 純銀捐款者 SIlVER DONORS HK$6,000 - HK$11,999 •無名氏 (3) Anonymous (3) •Dr York YN Chow •Ms Ka Shi Lau •Ms Lee Lai-Kuen Shelley •Mr & Mrs David S L Lin •Dr Michael Mak •Mr & Mrs Gilles Martin •Dr Poon Yee Ling Eligina •Ms Jacqueline Swain •Tsang Wing Fun •Ms Tse Chiu Ming •Ms Enoch Yiu •Ms Isabel Yiu 青銅捐款者 BRONZE DONORS HK$3,000 - HK$5,999 •無名氏 (4) Anonymous (4) •AIA AGAPE A&F •Atkinson Lambert Limited •Ms Alice Au •Mrs Anson Chan •Mr Edmund Cheung •Dr David Fang •HUI Silvia •Ms Khoo Li Lian •Legrand Jewellery
•Ms Lim Geck Chin Mavis •Gary & Flavia Ma •So Ching
•Leland & Helen Sun •Ms Christine Tong •Mr Christopher Wong & Dr Ivo Chen •殷和順劉善萍伉儷
學生票捐助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme 鉑金捐款者 PlATINuM DONORS HK$140,000 或以上 AND ABOVE •駱余劍清紀念基金 Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund •C H Mak •無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2) •麥禮和醫生 Dr Mak Lai Wo •Burger Collection •Vernon & Karen Moore •馬振玉慈善基金會有限公司 CYMA Charity Fund Ltd •Mrs A M Peyer •恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank •Dr Poon Yee Ling Eligina 鑽石捐款者 DIAMOND DONORS HK$70,000 - HK$139,999 •Mr & Mrs Kenneth Quinn •法國巴黎銀行 BNP Paribas •Tsang Wing Fun •Mrs Purviz R Shroff and the late Mr Rusy M Shroff, BBS, MBE •曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen Chow •田家炳基金會 Tin Ka Ping Foundation •Martin Rogers & Janet Cheng •芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation •黃乃正教授及陳頴儀醫生 •Mr Wong Yick Kam 翡翠捐款者 JADE DONORS HK$30,000 - HK$69,999 青銅捐款者 BRONZE DONORS HK$3,000 - HK$5,999 •林聖竤 Chris Lin •Roger & Lina Lui •Mr & Mrs Stephen Suen 黃金捐款者 GOlD DONORS HK$12,000 - HK$29,999 •無名氏 Anonymous •Mr & Mrs Herbert Au-Yeung •Ms Margaret Cheng •招國利先生 Mr Chiu Kwok Lee •Dr Chung See Yuen •馮兆林先生 Mr Fung Shiu Lam •Richard & Ruth Herbst •Mr & Mrs Ko Ying & Ko Woo Shin Ching Patricia •Yvonne Cheng & Kelvin Koo •Caroline & Stefan Kracht •Mrs Carol Murray •Nathaniel Foundation Limited •Diana d'Arenberg & Jay Parmanand •孫永輝施熙德伉儷 Edith Shih & Stephen Sun •Mr Stephen Tan •Peter & Nancy Thompson •Mr William To •黃逸思先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Y S Wong •Ms Wong Yuen Mee Elsa •Mrs Wu Tseng Helen 純銀捐款者 SIlVER DONORS HK$6,000 - HK$11,999 •無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2) •區燊耀先生 Mr Au Son Yiu •Mr Iain Bruce •趙穎雅 Winnie W N Chiu •天智合規顧問有限公司 CompliancePlus Consulting Limited •Mr & Mrs A R Hamilton •Ms Winnie W Ho •羅偉騫先生及夫人 Andy Law & Wendy Chan
•無名氏 (12) Anonymous (12) •Antonhill Company Limited •Biz Office Limited •Carthy Limited •Cynthia Cheng & Aaron Chan •Dr Chan Chun Yin •Dr Cindy Chan •Dr Chan Wan Tung •D Chang •Ms Cheung Kit Fung •張宏毅律師及江淑慧夫人 Mr & Mrs Joseph W N Cheung •Ms Grace Chiang •Mr & Mrs Norman Chui •Community Partner Foundation Limited •Mr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung •giliproduction •HUI Silvia •Betty Hung •Dr Alfred Lau •Joanna Lau •Dr Nancy Leung •Savita Leung •Ms Janice Ritchie •Susan Lim & Neil Roberts •Mr Siddique Salleh •Mr So Kin Man •William Stork & Jasmine Wong •Dr Tam Oi Wo Joyce •Ms Wong Siu Yee Amy •殷和順劉善萍伉儷 •Ms Yim Chui Chu •Mr Desmond Yu •野豬先生 •皮皮
新作捐助計劃 New Works Scheme 翡翠捐款者 JADE DONORS HK$30,000 - HK$69,999 •Ms Sun Tien Chen 黃金捐款者 GOlD DONORS HK$12,000 - HK$29,999 •無名氏 Anonymous •劉仰澤先生 Mr Lau Yeung Chak •林聖竤 Chris Lin •孫永輝施熙德伉儷 Edith Shih & Stephen Sun 純銀捐款者 SIlVER DONORS HK$6,000 - HK$11,999 •Ms Winnie W Ho
•Mr & Mrs Ko Ying & Ko Woo Shin Ching Patricia •駱余劍清紀念基金 Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund 青銅捐款者 BRONZE DONORS HK$3,000 - HK$5,999 •無名氏 (3) Anonymous (3) •Star B Chan & MDB •Dr Xina Lo •Mrs A M Peyer •黃逸思先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Y S Wong
支持及協助 Support and Co-operation •Acorn Design •Alfie Leung Design •AMC Pacific Place •艺鵠 Arts and Culture Outreach •香港展能藝術會 Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong •教育局藝術教育組 Arts Education Section, Education Bureau •香港愉景灣酒店 Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong •樺利廣告有限公司 Avanny Advertising Co Ltd •庇理羅士女子中學 Belilios Public School •BRICK LANE •英國文化協會 British Council •Broadway Cinema •百老匯院線 Broadway Circuit •牛棚藝術村 Cattle Depot Artist Village •CCDC 舞蹈中心 CCDC Dance Centre •中國對外文化集團公司 China Arts and Entertainment Group (CAEG) •中華基督教會公理堂 China Congregational Church •周生生集團國際有限公司 Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co. Ltd •中信國際電訊 ( 信息技術 ) 有限公司 CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited •城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company •城巿花園酒店 City Garden Hotel •思聯設計有限公司 CL3 Architects Ltd •阿根廷駐港總領事館 Consulate General of Argentina in Hong Kong •比利時駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong and Macau •巴西駐港總領事館 Consulate General of Brazil in Hong Kong •加拿大駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao •法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau •希臘駐港總領事館 Consulate General of Greece in Hong Kong •愛爾蘭駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of Ireland in Hong Kong and Macau •意大利駐港總領事館 Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong •日本國駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong •馬來西亞駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of Malaysia in Hong Kong and Macau SAR •印尼駐港總領事館 Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Hong Kong •大韓民國駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong •俄羅斯駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong SAR, PRC •西班牙駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong and Macao •瑞士駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong •英國駐港總領事館 Consulate General of United Kingdom in Hong Kong •澳門特別行政區政府文化局 Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government •Die Konzertisten •拔萃男書院 Diocesan Boys' School •拔萃女小學 Diocesan Girls' Junior School •拔萃女書院 Diocesan Girls' School •香港荃灣帝盛酒店 Dorsett Tsuen Wan •Edge 'n Pointe Dance Centre •港威酒店 Gateway Hotel •德國駐香港總領事館 German Consulate General Hong Kong •六國酒店 Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong •香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hong Kong •香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong •8 度海逸酒店 Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees •嘉湖海逸酒店 Harbour Plaza Resort City •快達票香港有限公司 HK Ticketing •香港聖公會聖保羅堂 HKSKH St. Paul's Church
•香港藝術行政人員協會 Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association •香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre •香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council •香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University 電影學院 Academy of Film 音樂系 Department of Music 拉闊文化 Cultural Literacy Programme 政治及國際關係學系 Department of Government and International Studies •美國管風琴家協會香港分會 Hong Kong Chapter of the American Guild of Organists •香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall •香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre •香港經濟貿易辦事處 Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office •香港黃金海岸酒店 Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel •香港文化博物館 Hong Kong Heritage Museum •香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra •香港公共圖書館 Hong Kong Public Libraries •香港唱片 Hong Kong Records •香港樹仁大學 Hong Kong Shue Yan University 圖書館 Library •香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board •香港童聲合唱團 Hong Kong Treble Choir •宜必思香港中上環 ibis Hong Kong Central and Sheung Wan •工銀亞洲 ICBC (Asia) •富薈馬頭圍酒店 iclub Ma Tau Wai Hotel •海景嘉福洲際酒店 InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong •香港洲際酒店 InterContinental Hong Kong •益普索香港 Ipsos Hong Kong •港島太平洋酒店 Island Pacific Hotel Hong Kong •賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre •賽馬會官立中學 Jockey Club Government Secondary School •高山劇場 Ko Shan Theatre •九龍木球會 Kowloon Cricket Club •Kubrick •葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre •光華新聞文化中心 Kwang Hwa Information & Culture Center •中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 Liaison office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR •嶺南大學 Lingnan University 文學院 Faculty of Arts 黃炳禮音樂及演藝部 Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit 學生服務中心 Student Service Centre •香港逸蘭精品酒店 Lanson Place Hotel, Hong Kong •La Rotisserie •馬哥孛羅香港酒店 Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel •Maxibit HK/China •中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部 Ministry of Culture and Tourism, PRC •Mission Production Company Ltd •音樂事務處 Music Office •One Minden Tapas Kitchen •PALACE ifc •柏斯琴行 Parsons Music Limited •卓滙達有限公司 Patsville Company Ltd •Pause Rewind n FastForward •電訊盈科 PCCW •犇華企業服務有限公司 Primasia Corporate Services Limited •香港太子酒店 Prince Hotel, Hong Kong •香港帝景酒店 Royal View Hotel •沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall •聖公會鄧肇堅中學 Sheng Kung Hui Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School •信興電器貿易有限公司 Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co., Ltd. •先鋒廣告製作有限公司 Sin Fung Advertising Production Co., Ltd. •Southgate Design •香港西班牙商會 Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
•事必達推廣有限公司 Speedy Promotion Limited •聖雅各福群會 St. James' Settlement •辰衝圖書有限公司 Swindon Book Co. Ltd. •大館 Tai Kwun •台灣蘇富比國際房地產 Taiwan Sotheby's International Realty •藝林文具印刷有限公司 The Artland Co Ltd •香港八和會館 The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong •香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 戲曲資料中心 Chinese Opera Information Centre 音樂系 Department of Music 文學院 Faculty of Arts 和聲書院 Lee Woo Sing College 聯合書院 United College •香港城市大學 The City University of Hong Kong 中文系 Department of Chinese and History 英文系 Department of English 城大創意媒體學院 School of Creative Media •城景國際 The Cityview •香港教育大學 The Education University of Hong Kong 文化與創意藝術學系 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts 圖書館 Library •梅夫人婦女會 The Helena May •香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 中國戲曲學院 School of Chinese Opera 戲劇學院 School of Drama 音樂學院 School of Music •香港兒童合唱團 The Hong Kong Children’s Choir •香港理工大學 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 圖書館 Library •香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 藝術中心 Center for the Arts 人文學部 Division of Humanities 學生住宿及舍堂生活事務處 Student Housing and Residential Life Office HKUST Music Alive! •中環石板街酒店 The Pottinger Hong Kong •皇家太平洋酒店 The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers •香港大學 The University of Hong Kong Cultural Management Office 音樂系 Department of Music 通識教育部 General Education Unit 國際事務處 International Affairs Office 圖書館 Library 現代語言及文化學院 School of Modern Languages and Cultures 香港大學博物館學會 The University of Hong Kong Museum Society 香港大學美術博物館 University Museum and Art Gallery •香港華美粵海酒店 The Wharney Guang Dong Hotel Hong Kong •通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Company Ltd •三角關係 Trinity Theatre •屯門大會堂 Tuen Mun Town Hall •UA CINEHUB •城市售票網 URBTIX •美國駐港澳總領事館 U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau •進富印刷公司 Wealthy Step Printing Co. •wine etc •油麻地戲院 Yau Ma Tei Theatre •葉氏兒童合唱團 Yip's Children's Choir •香港基督教青年會(港青) YMCA of Hong Kong •青年學院 Youth College •青年廣場 Youth Square •元朗劇院 Yuen Long Theatre •赤豚事務所 Zhu Graphizs
節目時間表 Programme Calendar 歌劇 戲 音樂 /曲 OPERA / CHINESE OPERA MUSIC
萊比錫歌劇院 華格納《唐懷瑟》
1/3 2/3
7pm 6pm
Madame White Snake by Zhou Long and Cerise Lim Jacobs
粵劇《百花亭贈劍》 毛俊輝導演作品(更新版)
Cantonese Opera - Pavilion of a Hundred Flowers Directed by Fredric Mao (Reboot)
粵劇越洋半世紀 -《紅了櫻桃碎了心》 - 白玉堂折子戲 -《胡不歸》 - 名伶花旦展演話當年
Cantonese Opera - Global Traces, Local Stages YMTT - Red Cherries and a Broken Heart - Vignettes of Pak Yuk-tong’s “Three Big Trials” - Why Don’t You Return? - A Long Passion – Talk, Demonstration and Performance
9/3 10/3 11/3 15-17/3
7:30pm 2:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm
香港小交響樂團 小號巨星納卡里亞科夫
Hong Kong Sinfonietta Sergei Nakariakov • The Art of the Trumpet
Marin Alsop with the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Meeting Across Nine Millennia of Time
Yekwon Sunwoo Piano Recital
帕佛.約菲與 NHK 交響樂團
Paavo Järvi with the NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo
法國世紀樂團:白遼士 150 指揮:麥森.帕斯高
Les Siècles: BERLIOZ 150 Conductor: Maxime Pascal
2/3 3/3
8pm 4:30pm
萊比錫歌劇院合唱團 《歌劇合唱盛會》
Chor der Oper Leipzig Opera Chorus Concert
Denis Matsuev Piano Recital
Matsuev and Young Laureates Piano Gala
Quondam Spanish Renaissance Choral Masterpieces
9/3 10/3
8pm 4pm
Li Biao Percussion Group - From Baroque to Tango
P is for PERCUSSION! Family Concert by Li Biao Percussion Group
Riyehee Hong Organ Recital
Quartetto di Cremona
爵士新潮 - 馬可.梅斯基達三重奏《拉威爾的夢》
Nouveau Jazz Weekend - Marco Mezquida Trio - Ravel's Dreams
APAD 22/2 23/2 23/2 23/2
8pm 7:30pm 4pm 9:30pm
2-3/3 2/3 3/3
4:30pm 8pm 8pm
《白蛇傳》 作曲:周龍 | 編劇:林曉英
香港中樂團 《九千年的邂逅》
時光之音 《西班牙文藝復興合唱代表作》 李飈打擊樂團《巴羅克.探戈》 《好!擊!動!》親子音樂會 李飈打擊樂團
爵士樂 世 / 界音樂 JAzz / WOrLD MUSIC
- 馬可.梅斯基達鋼琴獨奏會 - 佐治.達洛查低音大提琴獨奏獨唱會
Oper Leipzig Wagner’s Tannhäuser
- Marco Mezquida Piano Solo - Jorge da Rocha Solo
世界音樂週末營 - Criatures 二人組及 Belda & Sanjosex - 易莎.拉娜三重奏《路》 - 佐治.達洛查三重奏《放下.放開》
World Music Weekend - Criatures and Belda & Sanjosex - Yexza Lara - Camino - Jorge da Rocha - To Drop and Let Go
Matsuev and Friends Play Jazz
湯瑪士.夸斯托夫四重奏 《Nice 'N' Easy》
Thomas Quasthoff Quartet Nice 'N' Easy
希薇雅.佩瑞茲.克露絲 《夜妝》
Sílvia Pérez Cruz Dressed by the Night (Vestida de Nit)
香港藝術節 @ 大館
2-3/3 9-10/3
雲門舞集 45 週年 林懷民舞作精選
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan The 45th Anniversary Gala Programme Retrospectives of Lin Hwai-min's Works
21-23/2 24/2
8:15pm 2pm
Euripides Laskaridis / Osmosis TITANS
歐里庇德斯.拉斯卡里迪斯及遊離表演工作坊 《泰坦 – 諸神之舞》
香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK Cultural Centre 香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre 香港大會堂音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK City Hall
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, HK City Hall 香港演藝學院歌劇院 Lyric Theatre, HKAPA 香港演藝學院戲劇院 Drama Theatre, HKAPA 香港藝術中心壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre
香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 -《舞鬥》 -《雙篇雙人舞》 -「兩地書」-《沒有大象》 亞太舞蹈平台 -《由削木開始》 -《黃翊與庫卡》
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series - Dance Off
- Double Bubble
- Dance Exchange - Elephant in the Room Asia Pacific Dance Platform - From starting to cut the wood - HUANG YI & KUKA
28/2, 1/3 2/3 15/3 16/3 20-21/3
8:15pm 3pm 8:15pm 2:45pm 8:15pm
12-13/3 1-2/3
8pm 8:15pm
漢堡芭蕾舞團 – 約翰.紐邁亞 《胡桃夾子》
The Hamburg Ballet - John Neumeier The Nutcracker
漢堡芭蕾舞團 – 約翰.紐邁亞 《貝多芬計劃》
The Hamburg Ballet - John Neumeier Beethoven Project
漢堡芭蕾舞團 – 約翰.紐邁亞 《約翰.紐邁亞的世界》
The Hamburg Ballet - John Neumeier The World of John Neumeier
23/3 24/3
7:30pm 2:30pm
重新劇團 《追憶消逝的人生》
Theatre Re The Nature of Forgetting
21-24/2 23-24/2
8:30pm 4:30pm
瑞士默劇團 《百變樂園》
Mummenschanz Reloaded
21-22/2 24/2 24/2
7:30pm 1pm 5pm
倫敦燃料劇團、布里斯托爾老域劇團、 愛丁堡皇家蘭心劇院與北安普敦皇家及 德蓋特劇院聯合製作 《攀越冰峰》
A Fuel, Bristol Old Vic, Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh, and Royal & Derngate Northampton co-production Touching the Void
21-24, 8pm 26-28/2, 1-2/3 23-24/2, 2/3 3pm
機器神製作 羅伯特.利柏殊創作及演出 《887》
Ex Machina Created and performed by Robert Lepage 887
27-28/2, 1-2/3 8pm 2/3 3pm
賽馬會本地菁英創作系列 《陪着你走》
Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series Always by Your Side
2,6-9/3 3,9-10/3
8pm 3pm
正點劇團 《哈姆尼特─莎士比亞之子》
Dead Centre Hamnet
正點劇團 《契訶夫處女作》
Dead Centre Chekhov's First Play
8-9/3 9-10/3
8:15pm 3pm
北京李六乙戲劇工作室 《哈姆雷特》
Beijing LiLiuyi Theatre Studio The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
7-8/3 9/3
7:30pm 2:30pm
Gangsters of Hong Kong
8-9,13-16, 20-23/3 10, 17, 24/3
Ontroerend Goed 《金錢世界》( 英語版 )
Ontroerend Goed - £¥€$ (LIES) (English Version)
TK-F Hall
《金錢世界》( 粵語版 )
- £¥€$ (LIES) (Cantonese Version)
12-17/3 12-15/3 16-17/3 20-24/3 20-22/3 23-24/3
6pm 9pm 3pm 6pm 9pm 3pm
離奇作業劇團 《蛙人》
curious directive Frogman
12-15/3 12-15/3 16-17/3 16-17/3
7pm 9pm 3pm 5pm
傑夫.索貝爾 《家》
Geoff Sobelle Home
14-16/3 16/3
8pm 3pm
皮普.德爾邦諾劇團 《快樂大本營》
Compagnia Pippo Delbono La Gioia (Joy)
馬里安諾.潘恩索廸及瑪利亞劇團 《三個女人搞革命》
Mariano Pensotti / Grupo Marea Burning Bright in the Forest of the Night
23/3 24/3
8:15pm 5pm
資料截至 Information as of: Jan 2019
葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre 葵青劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre 元朗劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Yuen Long Theatre 沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall
油麻地戲院 Yau Ma Tei Theatre 大館 Tai Kwun 牛棚藝術村 Cattle Depot Artist Village
藝術絕不止於劇場或舞台,而是能延伸至生活的每個小節。無論您是藝術節的忠實擁躉、藝術 愛好者或年輕藝術家,PLUS誠邀您透過一系列老少咸宜的節目與特備活動,一起探索與體驗 香港藝術節「演出之外,更多精采!」 PLUS extends your festival experience to more than what you see on stage. Experienced festivalgoers, newcomers, budding artists, and the young and old alike will be delighted that there are "More than Great Performances" at the Hong Kong Arts Festival!
萊比錫歌劇院《歌劇探秘同樂日》 Oper Leipzig - Opera Adventure Day ���童樂� 兒童合唱團五天工作坊
����樂���� 展覽
Children‘s Choir
Leipzig Music Trail
Workshop (5 Day) : Sing,
Move and Have Fun 25/2 - 1/3 一至五 Mon - Fri 4:30 - 6:00pm (2/3 演出 performance) 香港文化中心 HK Cultural Centre
⯝顥 F R E E
香港文化中心大堂 Foyer, HK Cultural Centre
PLUS兒童合唱團 大堂音樂會
� ������工作坊
Festival PLUS Children's
Choir Foyer Performance
⯝顥 F R E E
28/2 - 3/2 四至日 Thu - Sun 12:00nn - 8:00pm
"We PLAY" Theatre
2/3 六 Sat 3:30 - 4:15pm
2/3 六 Sat I. 12:00nn - 1:00pm II. 3:00 - 4:00pm
香港文化中心大堂 Foyer, HK Cultural Centre
香港文化中心 HK Cultural Centre
報名及更多加料節目詳情請瀏覽 To learn more about PLUS events, please visit: www.hkartsfestivalplus.org
藝術節加料節目 節目詳情及網上報名 For more details and online registration: www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org 音樂 MUSic
特備節目 SpecialS 25/1/2019
樂與畫音樂會:《哥雅之畫》- 葛拉納多斯的音樂意境 Music and Art Concert: Goya’s World through Granados’s Goyescas 《風琴遊蹤》導賞遊與風琴獨奏會 Pipe Organ Walk & Organ Recital
聖保羅交響樂團四重奏 SPSO String Quartet
香港藝術節傑出文化領袖講座系列 講者︰葉 芠芠(雲門文化藝術基金會執行總監) HKAF Distinguished Cultural Leader Series (VI) Speaker: Yeh Wen-wen (Executive Director of Cloud Gate Cultural and Arts Foundation)
公開彩排︰瑪琳.艾爾梭、聖保羅交響樂團 與本地學生樂團 Open Rehearsal: Marin Alsop, São Paulo Symphony Orchestra and Local Student Orchestras
聖保羅交響樂團演前導賞講座 : 瑪琳.艾爾梭 細說伯恩斯坦與她的指揮生涯 Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra Pre-performance Talk: Marin Alsop on Bernstein and Her Conducting Career
馬可.梅斯基達爵士樂工作坊 Marco Mezquida Jazz Improvisation Workshop
NHK 交響樂團演前導賞講座︰細聽二十世紀改革之風 NHK Symphony Orchestra Pre-performance Talk: Listen to the Winds of Changes PLUS 兒童合唱團大堂音樂會 Festival PLUS Children's Choir Foyer Performance
22/2/2019 24/2/2019
《舞城遊蹤》 Choreography Walk
26/2/2019 3/3/2019
《家常便飯》 Family Dinner
《歌劇探秘同樂日》Opera Adventure Day
28/2 - 3/3/ 2019
「萊比錫樂韻之路」展覽 Leipzig Music Trail (Leipziger Notenspur) Exhibition
《萊比錫樂韻之路》室樂音樂會 Leipzig Music Trail Chamber Concert
《一齊玩》戲劇工作坊 We PLAY Theatre Workshop
《好!擊!動!》同樂日 P is for Percussion! Family Day
法國世紀樂團演前導賞講座︰幻想交響曲 Les Siècles Pre-performance Talk: Symphonie Fantastique
萊比錫布業大廳樂團雙簧管、圓號、長號大師班 Oboe, Horn & Trombone Masterclass by Gewandhausorchester Leipzig
法國世紀樂團演前導賞講座︰白遼士的一生 Les Siècles Pre-performance Talk: The Life of Berlioz
萊比錫歌劇院演前導賞講座︰《歌劇合唱盛會》 Oper Leipzig Pre-performance Talk: Opera Chorus Concert
藝術家沙龍︰約翰.紐邁亞 Artist Salon: John Neumeier
舞蹈 DaNce 19, 23/2/2019
雲門舞集工作坊 Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan Workshop
公開彩排︰香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台《雙篇雙人舞》 Open Rehearsal: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Double Bubble
藝術家對談︰從工藝到舞蹈 Arts Chat: From Crafting to Dancing
漢堡芭蕾舞團演前導賞講座 : 交流網絡的藝術 The Hamburg Ballet Pre-Performance Talk: The Art of Networking
漢堡芭蕾舞團早課參觀 Observing Company Class
《胡桃夾子》後台參觀 Backstage at The Nutcracker
《白蛇傳》歌劇創作講座 Madame White Snake Reimagined
9, 11/3/2019
時光之音合唱指揮工作坊 Choral Conducting and Choral Singing Workshop with Rupert Damerell
馬祖耶夫爵士樂隊演前導賞講座︰ 古典音樂與爵士音樂的交匯 Matsuev and Friends Play Jazz Pre-performance Talk: Harmony between Classical and Jazz
16, 24/3/2019
漢堡芭蕾舞團大師班 Hamburg Ballet Masterclass
漢堡芭蕾舞團《胡桃夾子》兒童工作坊 Hamburg Ballet The Nutcracker Ballet Introductory Class for Kids
湯瑪士.夸斯托夫聲樂大師班 Thomas Quasthoff Vocal Masterclass
漢堡芭蕾舞團《貝多芬計劃》演前導賞講座 The Hamburg Ballet Pre-Performance Talk: Beethoven Project
漢堡芭蕾舞團《約翰.紐邁亞的世界》演前導賞講座 The Hamburg Ballet Pre-Performance Talk: The World of John Neumeier
湯瑪士.夸斯托夫四重奏演前導賞講座 : 古典音樂與爵士音樂的交匯(二) Thomas Quasthoff Quartet Pre-Performance Talk: Harmony between Classical and Jazz II
13, 14/3/2019
李飈打擊樂團敲擊樂大師班 Percussion Ensemble Masterclass by Li Biao Percussion Group
李飈打擊樂團演前導賞講座︰《巴羅克.探戈》 Li Biao Percussion Group Pre-Performance Talk : From Baroque to Tango
16, 17/3/2019
洪儷僖管風琴大師班 Riyeehee Hong Organ Masterclass
歌劇/戲曲 OpeRa 1, 2/3/2019
萊比錫歌劇院演前導賞講座︰《唐懷瑟》 Oper Leipzig Pre-performance Talk: Tannhäuser
萊比錫歌劇院《唐懷瑟》後台參觀 Oper Leipzig's Tannhäuser Backstage Tour
蔡艷香粵劇南派工作坊 Southern School of Cantonese Opera Workshop with Choy Him-heong
戲劇 THeaTRe
《好!擊!動!》互動敲擊展覽 P is for Percussion Interactive Percussion Exhibition
拇指琴 及「升」樂樽工作坊 Thumbiano and Musical Bottle Workshop 《律!動!啦!》大堂音樂會 Feel the Pulse NOW!!! Foyer Performance
藝術家對談︰與劇場大師羅伯特.利柏殊對話 Arts Chat: In Conversation with Robert Lepage
藝術家對談︰導演李六乙的莎士比亞 Arts Chat: Director Li Liuyi's Interpretation of Shakespeare
克雷莫納弦樂四重奏示範講座 Quartetto di Cremona Lecture Demonstration
希薇雅.佩瑞茲.克露絲 演前導賞講座︰皆有可能 Sílvia Pérez Cruz Pre-Performance Talk: Everything Possible
電影 FilM 27/2/2019 2, 24, 30/3/ 2019
《攀越冰峰》電影放映與影後分享會 Touching the Void: Screening and Post-screening Talk 漢堡芭蕾舞團 - 舞蹈電影系列 Hamburg Ballet at the Cinema
永遠名譽會長 執行委員會 主席 副主席 義務司庫 委員
HONOrArY LIFE PrESIDENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman Vice Chairman Honorary Treasurer Members
節目委員會 主席 委員
財務委員會 主席 委員 發展委員會 主席 副主席 委員
名譽法律顧問 核數師
查懋成先生 盧景文教授 李錦榮先生 鄭維新先生 鄭惠貞女士 劉鎮漢先生 梁靳羽珊女士 梁卓偉教授 姚潔莉女士 楊 光先生 盧景文教授 白諾信先生 紀大衛教授 羅志力先生 毛俊輝先生 李 義法官 約瑟.施力先生 + 譚榮邦先生 姚 珏女士 李錦榮先生 鄭惠貞女士 梁國輝先生 梁靳羽珊女士 雍景欣女士 鄭阮培恩女士 邱詠筠女士 龐建貽先生 孫林宣雅女士 姚祖輝先生 夏佳理先生 鮑 磊先生 李業廣先生 梁紹榮夫人 李國寶博士 孖士打律師行 羅兵咸永道 會計師事務所
香港藝術節基金會 主席 霍 璽先生 管理人 陳祖澤博士 陳達文先生 梁紹榮夫人 +
PrOGrAMME COMMITTEE Chairman Members
Mr Victor Cha Prof. Lo King-man, MBE, JP, SBS Mr William Li Mr Edward Cheng, SBS JP Ms Margaret Cheng Mr Anthony Lau Mrs Yu-san Leong Prof. Gabriel Leung, GBS JP Ms Miriam Yao Mr Sunny Yeung Prof. Lo King-man, MBE, JP, SBS Mr Giorgio Biancorosso Prof. David Gwilt, MBE Mr Peter C L Lo Mr Fredric Mao, BBS The Hon Mr Justice Ribeiro Mr Joseph Seelig + Mr Wing-pong Tam, SBS JP Ms Jue Yao, JP Mr William Li Ms Margaret Cheng Mr Nelson Leong
DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chairman Vice Chairman Members
The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM GBS Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE (1907-2014)
Mrs Yu-san Leong Ms Jane Yong Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng Ms Winnie Chiu Mr Paulo Kin-yee Pong Mrs Helen Lin Sun Mr Andrew Yao The Hon Ronald Arculli, GBM CVO GBS OBE JP Mr Martin Barrow, GBS CBE JP Mr Charles Y K Lee, GBM GBS JP Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP Dr The Hon David K P Li, GBM GBS JP Mayer Brown PricewaterhouseCoopers
HONG KONG ArTS FESTIVAL TrUST Chairman Mr Angus H Forsyth Trustees Dr John C C Chan, GBS JP Mr Darwin Chen, SBS ISO Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP
榮譽節目顧問 Honorary Programme Advisor
地址 : 香港灣仔港灣道 2 號 12 樓 1205 室 電話 : 2824 3555 傳真 : 2824 3798, 2824 3722 節目查詢熱線 : 2824 2430
電子郵箱 : afgen@hkaf.org
Address: Room 1205, 12th Floor, 2 Harbour Road,Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2824 3555 Fax: 2824 3798, 2824 3722 Email: afgen@hkaf.org Programme Enquiry Hotline: 2824 2430
職員 行政總監 行政總監助理 節目 節目總監 副節目總監 節目經理 節目經理(行政) 助理節目經理 節目統籌 節目行政主任 物流及接待經理 •技術 製作經理 助理製作經理 •出版 英文編輯 中文編輯 助理編輯 •外展 高級外展經理 助理外展經理 外展統籌 外展助理 藝術行政見習員 市場推廣 市場總監 副市場總監 市場經理 副市場經理 助理市場經理 數碼營銷專員 市場主任 藝術行政見習員 市場經理(票務) 客戶服務主任 發展 發展總監 發展經理 副發展經理 助理發展經理 發展統籌 發展助理 會計 會計主管 助理會計經理 會計主任 人力資源及行政 人力資源及行政經理 人力資源及行政主任 接待員 / 初級秘書 助理 無限亮 高級項目經理 助理節目及製作經理 助理外展經理 助理技術經理 市場統籌 高級會計主任 項目主任 香港藝術節 @ 大館 製作人 技術統籌
STAFF Executive Director Assistant to Executive Director Programme Programme Director Associate Programme Director Programme Managers
何嘉坤 何丹蓉 梁掌瑋 蘇國雲 葉健鈴 余瑞婷 * 蘇雪凌 黃傲軒 * 譚小敏 * 張翠騫 * 金學忠 *
陳韻妍 林淦鈞 * 胡鎮華 *
梁雅芝 * 莫賦斌 * 林秋美 * 廖健邦 * 林惠賢 * 李冠輝 張鼎丞 * 譚曉峯 * 李玨熙 * 李萬祺 * 鄭尚榮 胡銘堯 周 怡 楊 璞* 許慧儀 * 陳閏霖 * 鄭佩欣 * 鄭鈞澤 * 梁彩雲 黃煒城 * 余潔儀 張慧芝 * 譚樂瑤 蘇寶蓮 * 莫穎哲 * 袁愷晴 *
黎家欣 *
林嘉敏 *
鍾玉如 *
張嘉麟 *
楊恆怡 *
麥紫琴 *
鄺敬婷 杜詩麗 * 蘇永恆 * 馮紹昌 簡凱彤 * 李美娟 黃國愛 楊文秀 * 陳慧晶 * 鄧冠恒 * 鄺嘉欣 * 蔡珮珊 * 彭健欣 * 雲希朗 * 羅雪芬 * 梁嘉倩 * 李菁菁 * 周 怡 *
陳穎業 *
Tisa Ho Connie Ho
Grace Lang So Kwok-wan Linda Yip Vanessa Chan Susanna Yu* Lam Kam-kwan* Programme Manager (Administration) Shirley So Assistant Programme Manager Joseph Wong* Programme Coordinators Tracy Tam* Angus Wu* Programme Administration Officer Tracy Cheung* Logistic Manager Elvis King* • Technical Production Manager Shirley Leung* Assistant Production Manager Benny Mok* • Publications English Editor Gloria Furness* Chinese Editor James Liu* Assistant Editors Grace Lam* Melody Lai* • Outreach Senior Outreach Manager Kenneth Lee Assistant Outreach Manager Bell Cheung* Outreach Coordinators Mitch Tam* Carmen Lam* Joey Chung* Outreach Assistant Michael Lee* Arts Administrator Trainee Kelvin Li* MArKETING Marketing Director Katy Cheng Associate Marketing Director Dennis Wu Marketing Managers Alexia Chow Louis Cheung* Deputy Marketing Manager Michelle Yeung* Assistant Marketing Manager Surina Hui* Digital Marketing Specialist Ben Chan* Marketing Officer Bonnie Cheng* Arts Administrator Trainee Jeff Cheng* Marketing Manager (Ticketing) Eppie Leung Customer Service Officers Benny Wong* Hayley Yeung* DEVELOPMENT Development Director Flora Yu Development Managers Anna Cheung* Mak Tsz-kam* Deputy Development Manager Lorna Tam Assistant Development Manager Conny Souw* Development Coordinator Esther Mok* Development Assistant Antonia Yuen* ACCOUNTS Head of Accounts Department Teresa Kwong Assistant Accounting Manager Connie To* Accounting Officer Peter So* Hr & ADMINISTrATION HR & Administration Manager Calvin Fung HR & Administration Officer Vivian Kan* Receptionist/Junior Secretary Virginia Li General Assistant Bonia Wong NO LIMITS Senior Project Manager Camelia Yeung* Assistant Programme Ainslee Chan* and Production Manager Assistant Outreach Manager Joe Tang* Assistant Technical Manager Karen Kwong* Marketing Coordinator Silvia Choy* Senior Accounting Officer Janice Pang* Project Officer Alana Wan* HKAF@TAIKWUN Producers Georgina Lo* Leung Ka Sin* Chan Wing Yip* Cheryl Li* Eva Chau* Technicial Coordinators
技術統籌 * Technical Coordinators*
歐慧瑜 Rachel Au、陳佩儀 Claudia Chan、陳詠杰 Chan Wing Kit、陳家彤 Doris Chen、范文恩 Fan Man Yan、 許肇麟 Boolu Hui 、黎智勇 Martin Lai、李浩賢 Lawrence Lee、羅瑞麟 Wheel Lo、蕭健邦 Leo Siu
藝術家統籌 * Artist Coordinators*
鄭瑋菁 Virginia Cheng 、竺諺民 Edwin Chuk、張素真 Susan Hayden、向怡君 Cassandra Heung 、 何嘉露 Carrol Ho、洪飛鳴 Fei Hung、李仲文 Conan Lee、李海盈 Jane Li、彭慧雯 Jan Pang、 樊明媚 Tess Pham、潘頴詩 Renee Poon、譚善渝 Sally Tam * 合約職員 Contract Staff
藝術絕不止於劇場或舞台,而是能延伸至生活的每個小節。無論您是藝術節的忠實擁躉、藝術 愛好者或年輕藝術家,PLUS誠邀您透過一系列老少咸宜的節目與特備活動,一起探索與體驗 香港藝術節「演出之外,更多精采!」 PLUS extends your festival experience to more than what you see on stage. Experienced festivalgoers, newcomers, budding artists, and the young and old alike will be delighted that there are "More than Great Performances" at the Hong Kong Arts Festival!
M u s i c M a s t e rcla s s 李飈打擊樂團敲擊樂大師班 Li Biao Percussion Group Masterclasses 13/3 三 Wed 5:30 - 7:30pm (中西敲擊樂器 Chinese & Western Percussion Instrument) 香港演藝學院演奏廳 Recital Hall, HKAPA 14/3 四 Thu 7:30 - 9:30pm (敲擊樂隊 Percussion Ensemble) 香港文化中心 CR2 排演室 Rehearsal Room CR2, HK Cultural Centre
���������樂大師班 Thomas Quasthoff Vocal Masterclass 13/3 三 Wed 7:00 - 9:00pm 香港文化中心 CR1 排演室 Rehearsal Room CR1, HK Cultural Centre
洪儷僖管風琴大師班 Riyehee Hong Organ Masterclasses 16/3 六 Sat 11:00am - 1:00pm (宗教禮儀音樂 Liturgical music) 香港聖公會聖保羅堂 HKSKH St. Paul's Church
17/3 日 Sun 4:00 - 5:30pm (西班牙及法國 17 世紀及早期浪漫主義作品 Spanish and French 17th century to early romantic organ repertoire) 香港演藝學院音樂廳 Concert Hall, HKAPA
時光之音合唱與合唱指揮工作坊 Conducting and Singing Workshop with Quondam 9/3 六 Sat 2:30 - 5:00pm (合唱指揮 Choral Conducting) 11/3 一 Mon 4:00 - 6:30pm (合唱 Choral Singing) 循道衛理聯合教會國際禮拜堂 Methodist International Church
報名及更多加料節目詳情請瀏覽 To learn more about PLUS events, please visit: www.hkartsfestivalplus.org