what is Disaster ?

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Disaster management Types of disaster


Submitted to - Neha jojare Submitted by- Hansa katare

What is Disaster ? A disaster is a sudden and great misfortune which causes damage to human, wildlife, finance and property.

Classification Natural

& Manmade

Natural : These are the naturally caused disasters that are not under human control. There is no way to avoid them, only consequences be dealt with. And they are : Landslide Earthquake Cyclone Forest fire Tsunami

Man-made Disaster Man-made disasters have an element of human intent, negligence, or error involving a failure of a man-made system, as opposed to natural disasters resulting from natural hazards.

And they are

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Industrial Accidents

Transportation Accidents

Nuclear & Chemical Disasters



Earthquake Earthquakes are the result of sudden movement along faults within the Earth. The movement releases stored-up 'elastic strain' energy in the form of seismic waves, which propagate through the Earth and cause the ground surface to shake.

4 Ways Japanese Respond to an 1. Mitigation and Preparedness Earthquake 1. Phone updates Every smartphone in Japan is installed with an earthquake and tsunami emergency alert system. Triggered around five to ten seconds prior to the impending disasters, it’s meant to give users time to quickly seek protection if necessary. 2. Immediate TV coverage If an earthquake hits the nation, all of Japan’s TV channels immediately switch to official earthquake coverage, ensuring that that population is well informed on how to stay safe. 3. Earthquake-ready bullet trains To ensure the safety of all passengers, the trains are equipped with earthquake sensors that are triggered to freeze every moving train in the country if

Japan Disaster preparedness

Awareness prevention 3.





Just as other schools around the world may hold emergency fire drills, schools in Japan run regular earthquake drills, some as often as once a month. From a young age, schoolchildren are educated on the best way to seek protection and stay safe if an earthquake hits their area. 4. Earthquake-resistant buildings: Houses in Japan are built to comply with rigorous earthquake-proof standards that have been set by law. Many structures are built to become a little more flexible if hit by a tremor, and some structures are built on Teflon, which allows buildings to move with the shock, while still others feature inflated, rubber, or fluid-filled bases, which can absorb shock. image via Spoon & Tamago

Japan Disaster preparedness

5.Water Discharge Tunnel One of the most impressive feats of engineering is Tokyo’s little-known Water Discharge Tunnel located on the outskirts of the city, sitting patiently underneath a soccer field and skate park. This large hidden tunnel collects flood waters caused by natural disasters like cyclones and tsunamis and safely redistributes the water into the Edo River. This means if the area is hit with an earthquake and triggers a tsunami, the city should be spared any major flooding. 6. Earthquake survival kits How each household prepares for an earthquake varies; however, many homes are stocked with earthquake survival kits. Stocked with first aid equipment, bottled water, food rations, gloves, face masks, insulation sheets, survival tools like torches, and even radios that broadcast regular updates.

floods A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry. In the sense of "flowing water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide.

3 ways New York and New Jersey can address flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida

Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana, bringing a path of destruction to many of the state’s coastal communities. As the storm moved northeast, Ida brought record rainfall, to many states, including New York and New Jersey where devastating floods caused loss of life and millions in damages. 1.Advance proactive coastal resilience plans. New Jersey has committed to developing and implementing its Climate Change Resilience Strategy, which will provide a coordinated, science-based approach for advancing resilience projects across the state. 2.Establish sustained state investments in resilient and natural infrastructure.


Advance regional strategies with federal support before the next

Landslide Landslides, also known as landslips, are several forms of mass wasting that may include a wide range of ground movements, such as rockfalls, deep-seated slope failures, mudflows, and debris flows.

Mumbai landslide 2000 A landslide that occurred in Ghatkopar, a suburban

neighbourhood located in 2000. The landslide was following heavy rains and coincided with a high tide in

Mumbai, India on 12 July caused by land erosion, subsequent flooding that the Arabian Sea.

Seventy-eight people, including twenty-seven men, fifteen women, and fifteen children, were killed, while seven more were injured. 1. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation claimed that it issued warnings to people living in these landslide-prone areas to move to safer places 2. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an exgratia of ₹2 lakh for the kin of each of the victims and compensation of ₹50,000 would be given to the injured.[7] Uddhav Thackeray, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra state announced a compensation of ₹5 lakh to families of those died and that the injured would be treated for free

Cyclone In meteorology, a cyclone is a large air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere as viewed from above

Cyclone –Gujrat India 1. Tauktae was a powerful, deadly and damaging tropical cyclone in the Arabian Sea that became the strongest tropical cyclone to make landfall in the Indian state of Gujarat. 2. India Meteorological Department issued a weather forecast regarding pre-cyclone watch for south Gujarat and Diu coasts (depression over Lakshadweep area), AAI said. 3. Tauktae resulted in at least 169 deaths in India and left another 81 people missing. 4. Recovery and rescue 5. Cyclone Disaster Management encompasses mitigation and preparedness measures for cyclones. With the early warning of TAUKTAE cyclone for Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Kerala, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), as a part of proactive measures, has mobilized adequate resources & self-contained rescue & relief teams in the likely affected coastal districts of these states. PM announced that he would give ₹1,000 crore for

Man-made disaster Industrial accident

Mines, factories, and other industrial centers have been at the heart of some of history's worst accidents. These places can contain volatile materials, or undergo immense structural stress due to the labor conducted there. In worst case scenarios, these sites can suffer from explosions or collapses, leading to loss of life and potential environmental damage. Oil spill Fire and explosion Why do industrial disasters occur? Unsafe conditions Technical causes Working conditions Unsafe acts Other causes

Bhopal gas tragedy Industrial disaster

This accident triggered a long-term industrial crisis for the entire population of Bhopal, for government agencies in India, and for the Union Carbide Corporation. Industrial crises are processes of severe disruption and harm that originate in industrial activities and technological systems. Emergency services were completely overwhelmed and confusion was rampant in the affected neighborhoods. Police instructed people to run away from the area, but many of those who did so inhaled large amounts of toxic MIC and succumbed to its effects. Residents were unaware that the simple act of covering their faces with wet cloths and lying indoors on the floor provided effective protection against the gas. That night, and in the days that followed, nearly 400,000 people fled the city in a haphazard and uncontrolled evacuation. Two weeks later, during government attempts to neutralize the plant's remaining MIC, another wave of mass flight involved 200,000 people , Cause : The accident that is discussed here began when a large volume of water entered the MIC storage tanks and triggered a violent exothermic chain reaction.

Man-made disasters Transportation Accidents

Anyone who's driven a car knows that getting from point a to point be can sometimes be dangerous. errors in judgement, minor technical malfunctions, and even the interference of animals can cause serious problems. when these problems occur with mass transit vehicles like trains, those problems can be disastrous. railroad accidents aircraft crashes malaysia airlines flight 370 space accidents mysterious disappearances

Man-made disaster Terrorism

Acts of terror stick out from the rest of this page as they are the result of deliberate, politically-motivated aggression and violence. However, we've included them on this page as the worst terror attacks deserve no lesser word than "disaster." We have featured here some notable terrorist actions of the last decades. You can find more info on important terrorist acts under our Current Events. The 2013 Boston Marathon Tragedy Terrorist Attacks Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.

Man-made disaster War

War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.


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