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SANITATION AND PLUMBING “Greatest vaccine against disease and death is safe drinking water!”

“Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and feces. The word ‘sanitation’ also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection and waste water disposal.” • Sanitation refers to public health condition related to clean drinking water and adequate treatment and disposal of human excreta and sewage. • Sanitation system aim to protect human health by providing a clean environment that will stop the transmission of disease , especially through fecal-oral route. • A sanitation system includes the capture , storage , transport, treatment and disposal or reuse of human excreta and wastewater.

IMPORTANCE OF SANITATION • IMPORTANT FOR HEALTH – Good sanitation can prevent you from getting diseases like diarrhoea and can also help prevent other serious diseases. • PREVENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION – When we get rid of waste properly , we can help to protect water sources .

DRAINAGE SYSTEM “Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of a surface's water and sub-surface water from an area with excess of water.”

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BASIC PRINCIPLES OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM House drainage should be preferable laid by side of the building to facilitate easy repair and better maintenance. The sewage or sullage should flow under the force of gravity . The house sewer should always be straight . The entire system should be well ventilated from start to the end. The sewer should be connected to the manhole such that the invert level is sufficiently higher to avoid back flow of sewage in house.

Sullage – Wastewater coming from bathrooms and kitchens which does not contain fecal matter is known as sullage. . Soil pipe – pipe carrying sewage from latrines.

Basic principle of drainage system • House sewer joints should be leak proof because leakage if any shall create an odour problem and leaked wastewater shall infiltrate in the ground and shall reduce bearing capacity of soil below foundation , which is not desirable. • Rain water from roofs or open courtyards should not be allowed to flow through the house sewer. • Siphonage action can never be permitted and therefore adequate ventilation system should be installed. • Where ever there is change in direction of sewer line in the premises , provide inspection chamber at the junction. Where ever there is change in direction of sewer line in the premises , provide inspection chamber at the junction. Plumbing system – It is entire system of pipe line for providing water supply to the building or system of pipes for disposal of wastewater from building Sewer – A pipe carrying sewage/wastewater is called sewer.

TYPES OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM ONE PIPE SYSTEM – • Instead of using two pipe separate pipes for excreta and sullage , only one vertical main pipe is provided , which collects both night soil and sullage water. • The main pipe is ventilated at the top, in addition , a separate vent pipe is also provided. • This system has two vertical pipes.


• This is the best and most improved system of plumbing . • Two set of vertical pipes, one for excreta (night soil) as a soil pipe and another for sullage as waste pipe . • The soil pipes as well as waste pipes are separately ventilated , by providing separate vent pipe or anti-siphonage pipe. • This system has four vertical pipes.


This system is having a single pipe for soil , waste and vent without any separate ventilation pipe. It uses only one pipe , which carries night soil as well as sullage and the same pipe is extended up to 2m above roof level with a cowl to act as vent pipe for removal of fasces.

PARTIALLY VENTILATED SINGLE STACK SYSTEM • This is an improved form of single stack system , where the traps of the water closets are ventilated , by a separate vent pipes, called RELIEF VENT PIPE. • This system uses two pipes as in single pipe system. • The single soil and waste pipe is connected to vent pipe and thus cost is reduce.

COMPONENTS OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM • Pipes • Trapes • Sanitary fittings • Chamber • PIPE – A pipe is along , round , hollow object, usually made of metal or plastic , through which a liquid or gas can flow. • In home drainage system pipes may be designed depending upon the function as shown below:• SOIL PIPE – A pipe carrying human sewage from wc. • WASTE PIPE – A pipe carrying sullage. • VENT PIPE - It is a pipe installed to provide flow of air to or from the drainage system or to provide circulation of air in the drainage system to protect the water seal of trap against siphonage and backflow . • ANTI SIPHONAGE PIPE – It is the pipe which is installed to preserve the water in the trap through proper ventilation. • RAINWATER PIPE – A pipe carrying only rain water.

TRAPS :- Trapes are u shaped fixtures that have water seal in it. This water in the trap creates a seal that prevents sewer gas from passing from the drain pipes back into the occupied space of the building. Essentially all plumbing fixtures includes sinks , bathtubs and toilet, must be equipped with either an internal or external trap. DEPENDING UPON THE SHAPES THE TRAPES ARE CLASSIFIED AS:• P-TRAPS :- P-traps exit into the wall behind the sink.

• Q-TRAP:-

This trap is used in toilet under water closet.

S- TRAP :- This trap is usually used with siphonage pipe.

 BASED ON THE USE , THE TRAPS ARE CLASSIFIED AS:1. FLOOR TRAP (NAHNI TRAP) • This trap is generally used to admit sullage from the floors of rooms, bathrooms, kitchen etc. in to the sullage pipe. • This is provided with cast iron or stainless steel or galvanized gratings (jallies) at its top so that the entry of larger matter is prevented thereby chance of blockage are redused.

2. GULLY TRAP :A gully trap is provided at a junction of a roof drain and other drain coming from kitchen or bathroom.

3. INTERCEPTING TRAP :It is provided at a junction of a house sewer and municipal sewer for preventing entry of foul gases of municipal sewer in to the house drainage system.

SANITARY FITTING • Following sanitary fittings are used in the house drainage system :• WASH BASIN – These are plumbing fixtures mainly used for handwashing.

• SINK :-

Sinks are the plumbing fixtures mainly used in kitchen for cleaning utencils.


Bathtub is provided for taking bath in bathroom. A circular waste hole at the bottom of bathtub is provided for drainage purpose.



A water closet is a pan like water flushed plumbing fixture designed to remove human excreta directly and dispose the same in to the soil pipe through trap.

• URINAL :• A bowl or other receptacle, typically attached to a wall in a toilet ,into which men may urinate.


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