Hong Kong Baptist University Graduate School Newsletter

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研 究 院 通 訊 Graduate School

A Dream Weaver:

Revolutionising mainstream medical practice when Chinese Medicine meets the West

Gearing towards Internationalisation Vol. 38 Jan 2013

A Dream Weaver :

Revolutionising mainstream medical practice when Chinese Medicine meets the West 專訪: 香港浸會大學中醫藥學院院長呂愛平教授

Interview with Prof. Lu Aiping, the Dean of Chinese Medicine

In January 2012, Prof. Lu Aiping was appointed the Dean of Chinese Medicine of Hong Kong Baptist University. As the first higher education institute in Hong Kong to have launched the Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science programme, HKBU has played the leading role in the modernisation and internationalisation of Chinese Medicine in teaching, research, clinical service and technology. Recently the university has caught the eyes of Hong Kong media again as it proposed to establish the first Chinese Medicine Teaching Hospital in Hong Kong. At this critical moment of being a leading force in the university’s development, Prof. Lu took control of the helm at the School of Chinese Medicine. What kind of person is Prof. Lu? Where is School of Chinese Medicine heading with Lu in reign?

was busy sorting out all kinds of matters in front of a computer demonstrated to us clearly that his career here has already set sail.

We appeared at Prof. Lu’s office on the forth floor of Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building. With book cabinets empty and cartons still unpacked, it seemed that his life here had not started yet. But Prof. Lu who

Prof. Lu came from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, a comprehensive institute that directly reports to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, spearheads in Chinese Medicine research,




A New Start Travelling from the early-spring chill of Beijing to the humid warmth of Hong Kong, Prof. Lu came here to be a leader of a reputable academic institution, instead of a hectic visitor. It’s a new start for him. Within a month in Office, Prof. Lu quickly caught the essence of the School of Chinese Medicine – efficiency, diligence and quickness. “Be it teaching, research or clinical service, there is a diligent and efficient team at the School of Chinese Medicine. It is amazing that the School has developed into such a scale today in only a little over a decade’s time.”

clinical service and teaching. Lu started his postgraduate degree here in 1984, worked there when he graduated in 1987, became the Director of the Institute of Basic Research in Clinical Medicine in 1999, and assumed the title of Deputy Director of Basic Clinical Medicine in 2006. This was the place where he spent three decades in pursuing excellence in research and clinical, and where he thrived to become one of China’s youngest Director of academic institutions. But this year he left and chose to come to Hong Kong, and re-start in HKBU. Why? “I have a dream to do something creative in Chinese Medicine. I would like to incorporate the Chinese Medicine notion of individualised diagnosis and dialectic diagnosis into standard medical practice. That will mark the emergence of a brand-new medical concept which could revolutionise the entire treatment process, and this is the best contribution from Chinese Medicine to modern medical science. Hong Kong as an international metropolitan where the East meets the West is a perfect platform for realising this dream. Although traditionally

Though unable to choose where to be born, he is able to choose to change his fate by studying hard. In his early 30s, he became the Deputy Director of the Institute of Basic Research in Clinical Medicine at China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Being one of the youngest leaders in Chinese Medicine field, he decided to set up an enterprise to better serve the community. As an outstanding figure in the standardisation of Chinese Medicine practise, a renowned specialist in Rheumatoid Arthritis, and a CPPCC Member, he recently became one of the “Hong Kong drifters” group, driven by his dream. Here comes the Dean of Chinese Medicine, Prof. Lu Aiping.

無法選擇家鄉的貧富,卻可以選擇讀書改變命運; 「而立剛過」便佇立中國中醫科學院中醫基礎理論研究所的潮頭,成為中國最年輕的所長之一,卻可以選擇 「不惑之前」決絕轉身勇闖企業服務社群; 中國中醫藥診治標準化的領軍人物、類風濕關節炎的中醫治療研究專家、全國政協委員… 卸下所有社會賦予的華麗光環,他選擇悄然轉身,成為「港漂」一員… 「有些事無法選擇,有些事卻可以選擇」; 為了中醫夢想,跟著動力向前; 他是浸大中醫藥學院院長呂愛平 . . . Chinese Medicine is from Mainland China, where the bulk of resources and foundations are present, Hong Kong is highly attractive in terms of its international perspective. Therefore, only through a better incorporation of resources between Mainland and Hong Kong can we realise the revolutionary vision as soon as possible.” “Many ideas and deeds of HKBU’s School of Chinese Medicine currently coincide with mine a great deal. These include clinical d e s i g n , re - d i a g n o s e a n d re - c a t e g o r i s e through Chinese Medicine method based on usual diagnosis, and intervention. HKBU has extraordinary technological platform, clinical diagnose experience, and Chinese Medicine background, all of which can empower me for better research.”

The Future Road School of Chinese Medicine’s excellent teaching quality and research results have won HKBU international reputation, and Prof. Lu is shouldering the important mission of scaling new heights. Asked whether there were high pressure for making breakthroughs at such a starting point, he smiled and said, “I believe pressure has a negative implication for development, so I would only move forward following motivation instead of pressure.” As for the positioning of School of Chinese Medicine, Prof. Lu said, “Currently we are lacking well-founded, systemised modern Chinese Medicine research institutes in the leading role. Therefore I position the School as a first-class, leading academic institute that prioritises the standardisation, internationalisation and globalisation of Chinese Medicine in its major prospect.” “In the future we should provide quality education and exceptional health care service, and create some scientific research outputs that can yield significant international influence. By endeavoring to incorporate Chinese Medicine medical treatment into Hong Kong’s

medical service system we can serve the public better. Moreover, we should also work to facilitate the process of communication and merging of Chinese and Western Medicine, making it a unique character of modern Chinese medical practice.”

Wang Yongyan, the Honorable President of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, I established the Institute of Basic Clinical Medicine, using clinical methods to study issues in Chinese Medicine diagnosis and intervention performance assessment.”

With experiences in managing both scientific and corporate enterprises Prof. Lu has great faith in leading staff members of the School towards these goals. He said, “To get the direction right and to coordinate the team to make concerted effort toward the same goal is the Dean’s most important task. A successful leader is also an architect of good environment that is warm, competitive, and full of creativity, so that researchers can achieve best results through cooperation and exchange. Besides, a qualified Dean should be good at crisis management, especially in Hong Kong where the leader with responsibility is always present when crisis happens. I will definitely leave no efforts in this regard.”

Chinese scholar Wang Guowei once noted that there were “three realms” of living or academic research, described beautifully in three poetic proses – “Westerly winds withered trees up last night. Climbing up the stairs and being lonely on the loft, I overlooked the endless distance”, “The dress takes to loosen gradually and I am more and more emaciated. No regretful plying at all, I am rather for her only distressed as I did”; “In the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain. When all at once turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed”. Prof. Lu believes that his academic research experiences are quite similar. “When I was at the Institute of Basic Research I thought research was easily done and not many areas were left to explore. Later I found that I hardly did anything at the best level, and that Chinese Medicine research was so difficult that I could not do well even if I did not sleep. When I was engaged in enterprise, I discovered that the biggest issue is how to show the technological level in Chinese Medicine products and how to improve it. At present, I focus my research only in the most critical and most interested one or two questions...I don’t feel fatigued in doing research at the moment, because this is what I am really interested in, and thus I am busy but not tired.”

The Delight of Research Prof. Lu has been doing research on the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis for 20 years. He learnt from “Chinese Medicine Master” Zhu Liangchun in studying internal medicine. In pursuit of a deeper understanding of the disease in terms of pathobiology and molecular immunology explanations, he went for further study in the Cell Biology Lab at Ohio State University in the US, did a post-doctoral degree in the Molecular Biology Lab at Lund University in Sweden, and came to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a visiting scholar. “I used to do a lot of research on the basics, and since there were scarcely any applications of the basics to practices I went to found an enterprise to engage in product development. However, the research of the basics and products are all on the animals, meaning that they can hardly shed lights on solving root problems in individualised treatment in Chinese Medicine. So together with Academician

Prof. Lu said that Chinese Medicine students must be the ones who are ultra diligent and intelligent. “They have to learn Chinese as well as Western Medicine. One needs to form judgment based on Western Medicine diagnosis first, and then treats the patient using Chinese Medical methods with consideration to individual condition, timing, and location. Literature review is a significant part of research and practices in Chinese Medicine, and literatures are in huge volumes. Chinese Medicine researchers must be clear about all


current and past literatures, so they must be hard-working and willing to spend lots of time.”

The Chinese Medicine Lifestyle Prof. Lu was born in Duchang County in Jiangxi Province. Most of his hometown is still in penury. In his childhood electricity was so scarce that reading under light was a luxury. Growing and learning in such conditions, Lu became one of the three university students in the town. Prof. Lu said that his habit in reading has changed a great deal. “I never read a novel before high school because there was no novel available in my part of the world. In university I never read a novel because I wanted to use all my time in studying my major. In postgraduate studies I

still hadn’t touched a novel because I spent my spare time in learning English. After I worked, all I read were biographies and books about management apart from professional and technical books. I made a command to myself that I had to finish 50 books every year. Reading means improvement for me, including values. Nowadays I prefer books about culture and philosophy.” “Chinese Medicine is culturally rooted. The Yin-yang and five elements are related to philosophy. Medical science is always about communicating with people, and the complexity of human beings makes it impossible to solve all problems by relying only on science. When there are issues involving human health and human life, you must think more about humanity and philosophy beside biology.”

In his spare time Prof. Lu likes calligraphy and playing tennis, and favours drinking tea as a balance for exercise. “I drink lots of tea every day. No matter how late it is when I get back home, I must have a cup of tea.” He blends Chinese Medicine theories into tea drinking, selecting different types of tea according to the change of seasons and health conditions. He is glad that he has chosen Chinese Medicine. “It is not only wisdom, but a kind of lifestyle.” Indeed, having been baptised in Chinese Medicine for decades, Prof. Lu has gained a balanced way of living. Refined, peerless, sophisticated and genteel, just like a piece of jade.

2012 年 1 月,香港浸會大學宣佈委任呂愛平 教授為中醫藥學院院長。作為香港首家開辦 中醫學和生物醫學學士課程的高等教育學 府,香港浸會大學中醫藥學院經過十多年發 展已經成績卓著,特別是近年來,更因提出 籌建香港首家中醫教學醫院成為媒體關注焦 點。在浸大未來十年發展藍圖中,中醫藥學 院發展可謂舉足輕重。正是在這樣一個令人 矚目的關鍵時期,呂愛平教授成為了中醫藥 學院的掌舵人。呂教授是怎樣的一個人?他 將帶領中醫藥學院走向何處? 三月的第一天,我們走進了呂教授位於賽馬 會中醫藥大樓四樓的辦公室,空置的書櫃、 未開封的紙箱,一切還似乎未來得及佈置妥 當,但坐在電腦前緊張繁忙的他卻分明告訴 我們 他的事業已經啟航。

呂愛平教授從春寒料峭的北京飛抵溫潤潮濕 的香港。儘管他對香港並不陌生,但這一次 浸大履新,卻是一個全新的開始。這一次, 他不再是一個來去匆匆的訪客,而是一所高 校知名學院的掌舵人。 上任不到一個月,他便迅速捕捉到浸大中醫 藥學院的「靈魂」 高效、精幹、速度。「從 教學、研究到臨床,中醫藥學院有一支非常 精幹的隊伍,團隊所做的各種事情效率非常 高。浸大中醫藥學院成立僅僅十多年的時間 能夠發展到今天這個規模,速度驚人,也非 常不容易。」 呂教授來自中國規模最大、科研實力雄厚的 中國中醫科學院,這是一家直屬於國家中醫 藥管理局,集科研、醫療、教學於一體的綜 合性科研機構。呂教授 1984 年開始在這裡當 研究, 1987 年畢業後便留在中醫基礎理論研 究所工作,直到 1999 年擔任基礎理論研究所 的所長, 2006 年擔任臨床基礎醫學研究所常 務副所長。這裡是他燃點青春,獲得碩士博 士學位的地方;是他意氣風發,成為中國最 年輕的所長之一的地方;更是他千迴百轉, 回歸臨床研究實踐夢想的地方…為何呂教授


會在閱盡不惑、而屆知天命之年,告別了這 個記載了他近三十年奮鬥足印的地方,選擇 了浸大、選擇了香港? 「我個人有一個很重要的夢想,很想做中醫的 一個創造性的工作,把中醫個體化診斷、辯 證診斷的概念融合到整個醫學的體系中來, 形成一個新的醫學診斷概念,這個概念將會 導致整個治療的革命,這也是中醫對醫學未 來發展最好的貢獻。要實現這一點,香港是 一個好平臺。香港的優勢在於是一個國際化 的城市,有中西文化、中西科學的交融。雖 然從傳統意義上來說,中醫是內地土生土長 的,內地這麼多年在工作基礎、資源上來說 比較豐富,但是只有運用香港和內地的資源 整合、融合,才能更快、更好地實現中醫對 未來醫學革命性的貢獻。」 「浸大中醫藥學院現在所做的很多事情和我的 中醫理念非常契合,包括他們現在做的臨床 設計,按照中醫的方式在疾病診斷基礎上進 行再診斷、再分類,用中草藥進行幹預、複 方幹預等等都在進行深入的研究。浸大有很 好的技術平臺,很好的臨床設計經 驗,很好 的中醫藥背景,更具有國際學術眼光,我相 信在這裡會做出更好的研究。」

浸大中醫藥學院憑藉優秀的教學品質和卓越 的科研成果在業界已經確立了良好的口碑, 擺在呂教授面前的是「更上一層樓」的重 任。站在一個較高的起點上要有所突破,我 們問他有沒有壓力,他笑笑說:「我個人的習 慣和很多人不一樣,我做事情總要看發展, 因為所有的壓力可能對事情有負面效應,所 以我只考慮跟著動力往前走。」 談到對浸大中醫藥學院的定位,呂教授說: 「目前的形勢下,缺少基礎紮實的、有系統的 現代中醫藥研究領頭單位,我定位浸大中醫 藥學院應該是一個在中醫藥研究方面起引領 作用的、國際一流的機構。浸大中醫藥學院 必須把中藥標準化、中醫藥國際化、全球化 作為主要前景。」「提供優質的中醫藥教學、 一流的中醫藥保健服務,創造一些有國際影 響力的科學研究成果,這是未來中醫藥學院 應該做的事情。通過我們的努力把中醫藥診 療體系納入到香港的醫療體系,能為香港廣 大患者更好地服務。通過我們的工作,促進 中醫和西醫的交流融合,真正成為具有我們 國家、我 們中華民族特色的新醫藥學,中醫 和西醫的融合是未來前進的方向。」 明確了方向,如何帶領中醫藥學院的員工走 到這個方向上來,既有管理科研機構又有管 理企業經驗的呂教授對此信心十足。他說: 「中 醫 藥 學 院 院 長 很 重 要 的 任 務 是 要 明 確 方

向,把大家統一到這個方向上來。領導者還 要能創造好的氛圍,創造一個又寬鬆、又競 爭、又能創新的環境。一個人很難把研究做 到最好,研究工作必須要與人交流合作,交 流合作一定要有好的氛圍。領導者還要具有 應急能力。特別是在香港,處理應急事件的 能力很重要,任何一個應急事件,領導者必 須出現。我一定會多多用心,在這個領域裡 創造儘量最好的環境,讓大家做得更好。」

呂教授二十多年來一直從事中醫藥治療類風 濕關節炎的研究,他曾師從「國醫大師」朱 良春老先生研習內科雜症診治。為了進一步 弄清楚類風濕關節炎的西醫病理學、分子免 疫學機理,他先後在美國俄亥俄州立大學細 胞生物學實驗室進修及瑞典隆德大學分子生 物學實驗室做博士後,他也到過香港科技大 學、香港理工大學做訪問學者。「我原來做的 更多是基礎研究,當時基礎研究面臨很大的 問題就是不容易應用出去,於是我又去做一 個企業,搞產品研發。中醫藥基礎研究在動 物身上做,產品研究也在動物身上做,根本 無法解決中醫個體化醫療的根本問題,所以 2006 年我跟中醫科學院名譽院長王永炎院士 創立中醫臨床基礎醫學研究所,主要用臨床 方法來研究中醫診斷的問題、中醫幹預療效 評價的問題。」

踐、中醫研究的重要環節,因此中醫研究是 最需要付出更多時間的。」

呂教授出生在江西省都昌縣,他的家鄉至今 仍未擺脫貧困。童年時,因為村裡沒有電, 想挑燈夜讀都是件奢侈的事情。就是在那樣 艱苦的條件下,熱愛讀書的他,成為鄉裡(時 稱公社)同齡人中走出的三個大學生之一。 談到讀書的體會,呂教授說一路走來,他讀 書的習慣變化很大。 「我 中 學 以 前 沒 讀 過 一 本 小 說 , 因 為 地 處 偏 僻,根本沒有小說看;大學時候,也沒讀過 一本小說,因為我想把時間用來學專業;研 究生時,依然沒有讀過小說,因為要把更多 的時間用來學外語。工作以後,除讀專業書 籍外,讀的都是人物傳記和管理方面的書。 我曾給自己下命令,每年要讀五十本小冊 子。讀書對自己長進很大,包括人生觀的改 變;現在我更願意看文化哲學的書。」

中國人文大師王國維曾指出,古今之成大事 業、大學問者,必經過的三種境界:「昨夜西 風 凋 碧 樹 。 獨 上 高 樓 , 望 盡 天 涯 路 。 」「衣 帶 漸 寬 終 不 悔 , 為 伊 消 得 人 憔 悴 。 」「眾 裡 尋他千百度,驀然回 首,那人卻在燈火闌珊 處。」呂教授告訴我們,他這麼多年做研究 也經歷過相似的感覺:「我在基礎所當所長 的時候覺得研究很容易做,甚至經常覺得, 「中醫有文化的屬性,中醫陰陽五行和人文哲 事情已經做完了沒有什麼再做的事情。當所 學有關;醫學是跟人打交道的,人的複雜性 長後期我又發現什麼都沒做好,覺得中醫研 決定了不能單純依靠科學來解決所有問題。 究太難了,我不睡覺也做不好。做企業的時 一旦有人的健康問題、人的生命介入,你一 候,我發現最大的問題是如何體現中藥產品 定要在生物學之外,想很多人文的、哲學的 的科技水準和提升中藥產品的科技含量,目 問題。」 前中藥產品在提升品質、作用原理和體現中 醫診斷特色等方面應該有不少上升空間。現 呂教授閒時喜歡書 法、愛打網球,動靜相宜 在做研究只關注最重要的一、兩個問題,同 之餘更喜愛喝茶。「我每天喝很多的茶,再晚 時也是最感興趣的問題。」「現在做研究不覺 到家都要泡杯茶。」他更將中醫理論融合茶 得累,因為是你的興趣所在,屬於一種忙而 道,因應季節與身體的不同狀況,選擇喝不 不累的境界。」 同種類的茶。 呂教授坦言,學中醫的人必須是更加刻苦更 加 聰 明 的 人 ,「中 醫 學 院 的 學 生 要 學 中 醫 還 要學西醫,目前對病人需要一個基本的西醫 的判斷,再加上因時因地因人的中醫治療手 段,才能把病人服務得更好。中醫研究的人 很辛苦,必須要瞭解所有的中醫文獻。古今 中醫文獻很多,而文獻研究是中醫醫療實

他很慶幸自己選擇了中醫,「中醫不僅是一門 智慧的學問,更是一種生活方式。」 的確,在中醫智慧中浸潤多年的他,更得到 了一種健康平衡的生活。正如他在我們面前 如一塊溫潤的玉,瑩澤純粹,有品質、 不張揚。

Cover Story 1 封面故事 Message from Graduate School 6 研究院消息 Highlights 8 聚寶滙珍



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In Brief 12 校園快訊 Research Excellence 15 學者殊榮 Student Achievements 17 卓越成就 Upcoming Events 20 活動預告 http://gs.hkbu.edu.hk


Gearing towards Internationalisation 邁步國際化 Greetings from the Graduate School! And

yes, we have all survived the mythical 2012! Looking back, last year had been a busy but prosperous year for us, and we certainly are looking forward to a more fruitful year ahead. More excitingly, we are expecting a brand new start in a brand new office where we hope to better serve you. We hope that you are as excited as we are in welcoming a fresh start in this Year of 2013. To steer the future development of the next decade, the University had set forth strategic themes and actions under Vision 2020 regarding quality teaching and learning, innovative research, and dedicated service to the community respectively. Nurturing students to become responsible global citizens with an international outlook, and conducting research that is internationally competitive are some of the many focuses of the University in the upcoming years. We see the importance of creating a more internationalised study culture and recruiting world renowned researchers in order to achieve these goals. As one of our core mission, the Graduate School is dedicated to becoming the forerunner of the University in bringing international talents to pursue their postgraduate study at HKBU for a more diverse and internationalised student body.

to the south. We also participated in the annual joint tertiary education conference hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, and Southeast University with sister universities from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Not only were we able to exchange ideas on the development trend of postgraduate programmes with our peers, we also explored collaboration opportunities with other universities and showcase our signature postgraduate programmes to potential students. Our 1st parent gathering to connect the University with the parents was also proved rewarding. We came to gain a better understanding of parents’ needs and concerns regarding sending off their children to study in Hong Kong and had assured them that their children would certainly receive quality education and services from HKBU.

Meeting with Parents 與浸大學子家長茶敘

Our faculty members had also joined the tour to the UK orgainsed by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council to promote the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in order to attract top students from around the world.

Information Session at Beijing 北京宣講會

For the past few months, we have been busy participating in a series of exhibitions and seminars conducted in Mainland China. Our footsteps spread across Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, attracting students from as far as Xinjiang to the north, and Shenzhen


1st Parent Gathering 第一屆家長金秋茶敘

始, 期 待 能 夠 更 好 地 為 您 們 服 務。 我 們 衷 心 期 盼, 你 我 此 刻, 有 著 同 樣 興 奮 的 心 情, 共 同迎接 2013,全新的旅程。 早 前, 浸 會 大 學 對 未 來 十 年 的 大 學 發 展 作 出 2020 年遠景規劃,在優質教學與學習、創新 研 究、 竭 誠 服 務 社 會 等 方 面 確 立 了 戰 略 主 題 和 行 動 規 劃。 大 學 未 來 幾 年 的 重 點 發 展 目 標 之 一, 是 培 育 學 生 成 為 負 責 任、 具 有 國 際 視 野 的 國 際 公 民、 打 造 具 有 國 際 競 爭 力 的 研 究 項 目。 我 們 深 刻 意 識 到, 為 實 現 這 些 目 標, 創造一個更加國際化的研究文化與廣泛吸納 世 界 著 名 研 究 人 員 是 非 常 重 要 的。 因 此, 研 究院的核心任務之一是成為大學目標實現的 先行者,吸引國際化優秀研究人才入校深造, 打造一個更加多元化和國際化的學生實體。 過 去 的 幾 個 月 中, 我 們 馬 不 停 蹄 地 奔 赴 中 國 大 陸, 進 行 了 一 系 列 的 大 學 課 程 宣 講 會 及 教 育研討會,足跡遍佈北京,上海,廣州等地, 所 吸 引 到 的 學 生 北 及 新 疆, 南 至 深 圳。 我 們 亦 聯 同 香 港、 澳 門 及 臺 灣 的 大 學一 起 參 加 了 由 上 海 交 通 大 學、 復 旦 大 學、 東 南 大 學 聯 合 主 辦 的 年 度 大 專 教 育 工 作 會 議, 不 僅 與 教 育 同 行 們 深 入 交 換 了 研 究 生 課 程 的 發 展 趨 勢, 還進一步探討了與其他大學專案合作的可能 性, 並 向 對 赴 港 深 造 懷 有 興 趣 的 內 地 學 子 們 介 紹 了 浸 大 的 各 項 研 究 生 課 程。 同 時, 研 究 院所舉辦的第一屆浸會大學家長金秋茶敘成 功 建 立 了 校 方 與 家 長 的 溝 通 橋 樑。 我 們 更 深 入了解內地學生家長對於子女赴港讀書的關 切 與 顧 慮, 相 信 他 們 的 孩 子 能 在 浸 大 得 到 更 優質的教育與配套服務。

Besides participating in exhibitions and seminars proactively, we are constantly in 另 外, 研 究 院 工 作 人 員 積 極 參 與 由 香 港 研 究 search of other channels and platforms where 資助局組織的「香港博士研究生獎學金計劃」 we can share with potential students around (HKPFS)的英國推廣之旅,增進國外學子對 the world the quality education and the 浸 會 大 學 的 認 知 與 瞭 解, 吸 引 世 界 各 地 的 優 秀學生來我校深造學習。 innovative research of the University. 新年快樂! 2012 年是奇妙豐碩的一年!回首 一 年 來, 我 們 忙 碌 並 快 樂; 展 望 來 年, 我 們 期 望 能 百 尺 竿 頭 更 進 一 步。 尤 為 令 人 興 奮 的 是, 我 們 將 在 嶄 新 的 辦 公 室 裡 迎 接 全 新 的 開

除 了 積 極 參 與 宣 講 會 及 教 育 研 討 會 外, 我 們 亦 不 斷 探 求 其 他 資 訊 分 享 的 渠 道 與 平 台, 向 世界各地的學生展現浸會大的優質素質教育 及創新研究能力。

Hear what our International postgraduate students have to say:

Rajan Kashyap, from India, holds an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from NIT, Bhopal, and went on to get his masters in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico Di Torino as “Invest your talent in Italy 2009” scholarship holder. Currently, with the support of HKPFS 2012, Rajan is progressing towards his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Changsong Zhou at the Department of Physics, Centre of Non-Linear Studies. Rajan said, “My supervisor’s knowledge, inspiring support, and future scopes o f s h a p i n g t h e w o r l d w i t h re s e a rc h i n Hadis Nowparast, an Iranian, who finished her bachelor and master studies in electrical and biomedical engineering in Iran is now studying as a joint degree PhD student at HKBU and Humboldt University in Berlin. Hadis is grateful for her opportunity here, “Since I have been working in the field of neuroscience in Psychology department in Berlin, collaboration with HKBU is so helpful to cover the technical part by being among a group which is working on nonlinear brain networks. Now, I am so grateful because of this great opportunity that makes my

neuroscience aspires me here at HKBU. I am a proud HKBUian now.” 來自印度卡什亞普的 Rajan Kashyap,獲得印度 國家技術學院博帕爾分校(NIT, Bhopal)的電機 工程本科學位,之後又進一步榮獲 2009 年「義 大利天賦投資計劃」獎學金,順利讀取都靈理工 大學電子工程碩士學位。2012 年,Rajan 成功申 請到香港博士研究生獎學金,在浸大物理系非線 性研究中心周昌松博士的指導下進行研究,向博 士學位邁進。

Rajan 說:「周老師的專業知識、指導與支持能啟 發靈感 ; 他展望藉著神經系統科學研究來塑造未 來世界的廣闊遠景,是激勵我求學浸大的目標與 動力。現在,我為我是一名浸大人而感到驕傲。」

scientific life much brighter.” 伊朗女孩 Hadis Nowparast,在伊朗完成了她的 電子與生物醫學工程學士與碩士課程後,目前 攻讀浸大和德國柏林洪堡大學的聯合博士研究 生課程。Hadis 感謝浸大給予她的機會,「柏林 洪堡大學與香港浸會大學的聯合博士生課程的 協調十分好,我在柏林洪堡大學心理學系從事 神經科學領域的研究,而浸大讓我有機會進入 非線性大腦網路研究的小組,接觸技術層面的 研究,這對我的研究幫助極大。我的科學生涯 因為這個難得的機會而變得更加明亮,對此我 十分感激。」

The number of our international students is on the rise, with the University’s efforts in developing new curriculum with global outlook and inviting internationally renowned scholars into the faculty, we are sure our students will enjoy the fruitful study experience with HKBU. 近年來,浸大不斷開發具有全球視野的新課程,邀請國際知名學者在浸大執教鞭。通過不斷 努力,我們的國際學生數量呈逐年上升趨勢。我們深信,浸大所將給予學子們的,是卓有成 效的學習經驗與豐富成長的人生體驗。

Postgraudate students from the School of Communication 傳理學院的國際研究生們 Top: Hul Reaksmey (left) Kalyan Thau Sok (right) Bottom: Juliet Shwe Gaung (left) Sin Putheary (right):

Reaksmey, a trained Cambodian journalist, who is currently holding a scholarship from the Asia Pacific Scholarship Consortium (APSC) said, “For me studying here is a great opportunity because I’ve got time to meet different people from different cultures and know how to communicate with other students in an international way.” Kalyan from Cambodia, who had worked for NGOs for years and wants to be trained to become a journalist said, “Studying here is different from my working experience. I worked for NGOs for 10 years and now I want to switch to international journalism so that I can work as a communications officer for the United Nations in my country.” Both Juliet from Burma and Putheary (Theary) from Cambodia have scholarships from the

Hinrich Foundation and will work there upon graduation.


Juliet thinks that studying here at HKBU has given her opportunities to meet a lot of people, “In my country it’s difficult to meet top professional journalists like those who came for the Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop. Meeting people in the industry here is one of the things I like. And I’ve got their email addresses so that I can keep in touch with them!” Theary values her opportunities of meeting lots of different people and learning about their different views, “At BU I’ve learned a lot about the theory of communication as well as mass communication and media o p e r a t i o n s i n H o n g K o n g — i t i s m o re contextual and theoretical here than in my own country. At home we focused more on local issues. Here it’s broader.”

業人士,她希望接受傳理學院的新聞專業培訓, 成為一名職業記者。她認為,「這裡的課程內容 與我以往的工作經驗完全不同。我在非政府組 織工作了十年,現在我希望能拓寬專業視野, 進軍國際新聞界,這樣我就有機會實現我的願 成為一名柬埔寨的聯合國通訊員。」 望

亞太獎學金協會 (APSC) 獎學金得主 Reaksmey, 入學前是一名富有經驗的專業柬埔寨記者。他 說:「對我而言,在這裡學習是一個很好的機會, 因每日都能見到來自不同地區不同文化的人,

Kalyan 是一名服務非政府組織多年的柬埔寨專

來 自 緬 甸 的 Juliet 和 來 自 柬 埔 寨 的 Putheary (Theary) 雙雙榮獲辛里奇基金會的獎學金資助,

在浸大畢業之後她們也將回基金會效力。大學 的學習生活給 Juliet 的感受之一是能有機會接觸 到大量來自不同文化的人,「在我的國家,很難 有機會見到像普利茲新聞獎得主這樣的頂級專 業記者。能夠向行業裡的專業人士學習是件令 人開心的事,我保留了他們的電郵地址,這樣 就能隨時與他們保持聯繫!」Theary 亦珍惜這 些與不同文化學生及導師之間的溝通機會,她 認為:「我在浸大學到很多關於大眾傳播、溝通 以及香港媒體運作的理論知識,這裡的教學較 柬埔寨而言更為理論化、並且貼近現實,要知 道,在柬埔寨,我們多側重於本地問題的研究 上。香港的研究視野無疑更為廣泛。」


School of Business confers Honorary Professorship on Mr. Anthony Nightingale

工商管理學院頒授榮譽教授予黎定基先生 “There is no doubt that Hong Kong is facing intense competition from Shanghai, Singapore and other cities in the region. Despite this, Hong Kong still has a number of advantages that make it unparalleled as an international financial market. For example, Hong Kong’s banking system is one of the best in the world,” said Mr. Nightingale. 工商管理學院在九月十二日舉行的高等學位 課 程 迎 新 晚 宴 中, 歡 迎 了 逾 四 百 位 新 同 學, 並頒授榮譽教授予怡和控股有限公司董事黎 定 基 先 生, 以 表 揚 其 對 商 界 及 整 體 社 會 的 傑 出貢獻。

Mr. Anthony Nightingale (right) discussed with the students a range of topics of interest in the dialogue session chaired by Prof. Stephen Cheung, Dean of School of Business (left) 在工商管理學院院長張仁良教授主持的分享會中,黎定基先生與一眾新同學探討了不同話題

The School of Business welcomed more than 400 postgraduate students and appointed Mr. Anthony Nightingale, CMG, SBS, JP, Director of Jardine Metheson Holdings Limited, as Honorary Professor of the School at its Postgraduate Programmes Welcome Banquet on September 12. The honour was conferred to Mr. Nightingale in recognition to his significant contribution to the business sector and the community at large.

Mr. Cheng Yan-kee, JP, Deputy Council and Court Chairman of HKBU, introduced and commended Mr. Nightingale for his wealth of expertise and experience in the global business arena. “As a leading businessman, M r. N i g h t i n g a l e h a s m a d e p r o f o u n d contributions to the economic development of Hong Kong, mainland China and the AsiaPacific region over the years,” he said.

浸大校董會及諮議會副主席鄭恩基先生讚揚 黎 定 基 先 生 具 豐 富 的 專 業 知 識 和 行 業 經 驗, 「黎定基先生是一位成功的商人,多年來為本 港、 內 地, 以 至 全 球 的 商 業 環 境 帶 來 卓 著 貢 獻。」 黎定基先生說:「香港的確面對著上海、新加 坡 等 鄰 近 城 市 的 競 爭。 儘 管 如 此, 香 港 仍 然 能 夠 憑 藉 多 個 獨 特 的 優 勢, 例 如 全 球 首 屈 一 指 的 銀 行 體 系, 保 持 其 作 為 國 際 金 融 中 心 的 重要地位。」

International Conference on Youth, Technology and Health attracts more than 350 participants

青少年、科技與健康國際學術會議吸引三百多人參加 The Department of Physical Education held an International Conference on Youth, Technology and Health on 20 and 21 October. The conference, co-sponsored by the Faculty of Social Sciences, is the first academic activity under the Faculty’s project “Global Social Sciences: Hong Kong Initiative”. The two-day conference gathered over 350 participants from Hong Kong and overseas, including from Macau, Taiwan, China, Japan,


Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Finland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Prof. Albert Chan, President and Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Adrian Bailey, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, officiated at the Opening Ceremony. The conference’s two sub-themes were Technology and Sport, and Youth Exercise and Health. The conference also discussed how information and communication technology could be used as an

HKBU presents Dream of the Red Chamber Award to Mainland author Wang Anyi

浸大舉行「紅樓夢獎」頒獎典禮 內地作家王安憶作品《天香》獲首獎 HKBU presented the grand prize of the 4th Dream of the Red Chamber Award to Shanghai-based author Ms. Wang Anyi for her novel Scent of Heaven on 3 October. The prize included a cash award of HK$300,000.

Launched by HKBU’s Faculty of Arts in 2006, The Dream of the Red Chamber Award runs every two years. It aims to encourage the publication of excellent Chinese novels worldwide, and to recognise outstanding Chinese novel writers from around the world to enhance the standards of Chinese novelwriting. For details, please refer to the website http://redchamber.hkbu.edu.hk.

Ms. Wang Anyi was delighted to receive the award. She said: “Writing is like going on a long spiritual journey; when we return, the dream ends. I would like to thank the members of the judging panel. Receiving this honour and 浸會大學於十月三日舉行第四屆「紅樓夢獎: appreciation was really unexpected. Although 世 界 華 文 長 篇 小 說 獎 」 頒 獎 典 禮。 上 海 作 家 this award is named after the Dream of the Red 王安憶女士的小說《天香》獲選為今屆「紅樓 Chamber, I will not claim that my works are 夢獎」首獎,她獲頒港幣三十萬元獎金。 comparable to the achievement of that classic. To Chinese novelists, the Dream of the Red 王 安 憶 女 士 對 作 品 獲 首 獎 表 示 高 興, 她 說: Chamber is a book from heaven that inspired 「寫作就像一個神遊,神遊回來,如夢初醒, us to write.” 情 何 以 堪。 能 夠 得 到 知 音, 得 到 褒 獎, 實 是 Ms. Wang Anyi was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu in 1954. She graduated in 1969 and is currently a Professor at the Department of Chinese of Fudan University, Vice Chairman of the seventh national committee of the Chinese Writers Association and Chairman of the Shanghai Writers Association. Ms. Wang’s works include novels, essays and children’s books. Her most well-known novel, Song of Everlasting Sorrow 《 長 恨 歌 》, was recognised with a number of re g i o n a l a w a rd s i n t h e a r t s . A n E r a o f Enlightenment 《 啟 蒙 時 代 》 received a Jury Award at The 2nd Dream of the Red Chamber Award.

意 外 之 喜, 喜 出 望 外, 謝 謝『 紅 樓 夢 長 篇 小 說獎』的評委。而我決不會因這『紅樓夢』的 獎名以為已經接近了《紅樓夢》,《紅樓夢》是 一 本 天 書, 中 國 的 小 說 因 有 了 它 而 有 了 永 不 可 實 現 的 神 聖, 寫 作 者 們 也 因 此 有 了 小 說 的 理想。」 王 安 憶 女 士 一 九 五 四 年 出 生 於 江 蘇 南 京, 一 九 六 九 年 初 中 畢 業 後, 曾 赴 安 徽 插 隊, 現 為 復 旦 大 學 中 文 系 教 授、 中 國 作家 協 會 七 屆 全 國 委 員 會 副 主 席、 上 海 市 作 家 協 會 主 席。 作 品 包 括 長 篇 小 說、 中 短 篇 小 說、 散 文 及 兒 童 文 學 作 品 等。 曾 獲 全 國 優 秀 中 篇、 短 篇 小 說獎,長篇小說《長恨歌》更獲第四屆上海文

Ms. Wang Anyi receives the grand prize of the Dream of the Red Chamber Award 王安憶女士接受紅樓夢獎首獎

學 藝 術 獎、 第 五 屆 茅 盾 文 學 獎, 以 及 第 一 屆 星洲日報花蹤世界華文文學獎。長篇小說《啟 蒙時代》更獲第二屆「紅樓夢獎」決審團獎。 浸大文學院於二零零六年創辦「紅樓夢獎」, 每 兩 年 舉 辦 一 次, 旨 在 獎 勵 世 界 各 地 出 版 成 書 的 傑 出 華 文 長 篇 小 說 創 作, 藉 以 提 升 華 文 長 篇 小 說 創 作 的 水 準, 並 推 動 二 十 一 世 紀 華 文 長 篇 小 說 創 作。 詳 情 請 瀏 覽 http:// redchamber.hkbu.edu.hk。

(Adapted from HKBU eNews, CPRO)

intervention strategy for reducing sedentary behaviour, providing behaviour change interventions through mobile phones, internet and social networking platforms. 由體育學系主辦、社會科學院協辦的「青少年、科技與健康國際學術 會議」於十月二十及二十一日舉行,是社會科學院「全球社會科學: 香港起動」重點計劃的第一項學術活動。 為期兩日的學術會議吸引超過三百五十名本地及海外參加者,包括澳 門、台灣、內地、日本、南韓、馬來西亞、新加坡、芬蘭、英國及美 國等。開幕禮由校長陳新滋教授和社會科學院院長貝力行教授主持。 會議的兩個副主題分別是科技與運動和青少年運動與健康。會議亦討 論到如何利用傳訊及資訊科技,例如手提電話、互聯網及社交網路, 從而減少青少年慣於久坐的生活方式。

Officiating guests and speakers pose for a photo 主禮嘉賓及講者合照留念


Six Pulitzer Prize winners share their experience at HKBU workshop


Officiating guests, Pulitzer Prize winners and guest speakers pose for a photo at the opening ceremony

Pulitzer Prize winners share their views on quality journalism in the digital world 立茲獎得主在論壇上暢談數碼世界中的高質素新聞


To advance journalistic education and practice in the Greater China region, the Department of Journalism under the School of Communication invited six winners of the US media industry’s most prestigious award, the Pulitzer Prize, and two guest speakers to share their insights with University members, students, media professionals and the public at its 5th Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop from 19 to 24 November. The six Pulitzer Prize winners are Mr. Clifford J. Levy, 2003 winner for Investigative Reporting and member of the 2011 winning team for International Reporting; Mr. Craig F. Walker, 2010 and 2012 winner for Feature Photography; Ms. Paige St. John, 2011 winner for Investigative Reporting; Ms. Sara Ganim, member of the 2012 winning team for Local Reporting; Mr. James V. Grimaldi, member of the 2006 winning team for Investigative Reporting; and Mr. Bill Adair, member of the 2009 winning team for National Reporting. The two guest speakers are Ms. Julie Dressner, documentary filmmaker, and Ms. Jamie E. Cotton, freelance photographer. Mr. Stephen Young, Consul General, US Consul General to Hong Kong; Mr. Wilfred Wong, Chairman of the Council and the Court, HKBU; and Prof. Franklin Luk, Vice-President (Academic), officiated at the opening ceremony on 20 November.

為拓闊亞洲和本地新聞教育的視野及提升新聞實踐的水平,傳理學院 新聞系於十一月十九日至二十四日舉辦「第五屆普立茲新聞獎得主工 作坊」,邀得六位獲得美國新聞界最高榮譽普立茲獎的得主和兩位嘉 賓講者,以講座、研討會等形式與師生、媒體從業者及公眾交流心得, 分享經驗。 六 位 普 立 茲 獎 得 主 包 括 Clifford J. Levy 先 生 ( 二 零 零 三 年 普 立 玆 調 查報道獎得主及二零一一年普立玆國際新聞報導獎得主之一 ) 、 Craig F. Walker 先生 ( 二零一零年及二零一二年普立玆特寫攝影獎得主 ) 、 Paige St. John 女 士 ( 二 零 一 一 年 普 立 玆 調 查 報 道 獎 得 主 ) 、 Sara Ganim 女士 ( 二零一二年普立玆地方新聞報導獎得主之一 ) 、James V. Grimaldi 先生 ( 二零零六年普立玆調查報道獎得主之一 ) 和 Bill Adair 先生 ( 二零零九年普立玆國內報道獎得主之一 ) 。兩位嘉賓講者分別是 紀錄片製作人 Julie Dressner 女士和自由攝影師 Jamie E. Cotten 女 士。 開幕禮於十一月二十日舉行,由美國駐香港總領事楊甦棣先生、浸大 校董會暨諮議會主席王英偉先生和副校長 ( 學術 ) 陸大章教授主禮。 王 英 偉 主 席 致 辭 時 多 謝 媒 體 從 業 者 和 大 學 友 好 出 席 開 幕 禮, 表 示 是 對 浸 大 的 鼎 力 支 持。 他 表 示 傳 理 學 院 在 世 界 上 有 名, 早 前 被 Asian Correspondent 網站列為亞洲學生首選的新聞及媒體大學之一。他說 學院的聲譽能否維持要靠在座的老師和同學的努力。

In his speech, Mr. Wilfred Wong thanked the media professionals and friends of the University for joining the event as this demonstrated their support to the University. He said the School of Communication is well known around the world. Recently, it was named by the website Asian Correspondent as one of the best journalism and media universities for Asian students. Mr. Wong said the School depends on its faculty and students to uphold its reputation.

(Adapted from HKBU eNews, CPRO)


SCM hosts an international meeting on traditional medicine

中醫藥學院舉辦傳統醫藥國際會議 The School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) hosted the 4th Annual Meeting of Global University Network of Traditional Medicine (GUNTM) on 24 November on its campus. The event was attended by around 100 participants, including academics and experts in the field, local Chinese medicine practitioners as well as faculty members and postgraduate students of SCM. During the Meeting, a total of 13 renowned scholars from eight universities in Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong gave lectures, focusing on the theme “From Outpatient to Inpatient: Contribution and Future Development of Traditional Medicine”. The academics and experts shared with the audience their latest research findings and new insights, and discussed how they could collaborate with professionals and industry to advance the development of traditional medicine for the benefit of humankind. The speakers include Prof. Charlie Xue and Dr. Tony Zhang of RMIT University, Australia; Prof. Munenori Saito of Meiji University of Integrative Medicine, Japan; Prof. Namil Kim and Prof. Sanghoon Lee of Kyung Hee University, Korea; Prof. Baixiao Zhao of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine; Prof. Ling Xu, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Prof. Wangyao Li of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, PRC; Dr. Sheng-Feng Hsu of China Medical University, Taiwan; Prof. Aiping Lu, Prof. Zhongzhen Zhao, Prof. Zhaoxiang Bian and Dr. Min Li of HKBU. GUNTM is a non-political multilateral academic network established in 2009 with an aim to promote traditional East Asian medicine. It has been serving as an excellent platform whereupon international collaboration in the areas of education, research, clinical practices and information exchange can take place among recognized traditional medicine institutions.

Honourable guests officiate at the Meeting’s opening ceremony 一眾主禮嘉賓為會議揭開序幕

香港浸會大學中醫藥學院於 11 月 24 日在校園舉辦全球傳統醫藥大學網 絡(簡稱 GUNTM)的第四屆年會,吸引約一百人參加,包括中醫藥界的 學者專家、本港中醫師,以及浸大中醫藥學院的學者和研究生。 今屆的會議主題為「從門診至住院服務層面探討傳統醫藥的貢獻及未來 發展」。在會議上,來自澳洲、日本、南韓、內地、台灣及本港八間大 學共 13 位著名學者進行演講,發表他們的最新研究結果,藉此與學者及 業界共同探討如何攜手把傳統醫藥發揚光大,為人類健康謀求福祉。 會議的講者包括澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學的薛長利教授和張林博士;日 本明治國際醫療大學的齊藤宗則教授;南韓慶熙大學的金南一教授和李 相勳教授;北京中醫藥大學的趙百孝教授;上海中醫藥大學的許玲教授; 廣州中醫藥大學的李萬瑤教授;台灣中國醫藥大學的許昇峰博士;以及 香港浸會大學的呂愛平教授、趙中振教授、卞兆祥教授和李敏博士。

Prof. Ling Xu

Prof. Charlie Xue

“The treatment in traditional Chinese medicine can significantly prolong the survival time of the patients with lung cancer and improve their quality of life through regulating the balance of yin and yang, qi and blood, internal organs as well as channels and meridians.”

“Preliminary analyses indicate promising outcomes for acupunctures efficacious use for patients with acute painful conditions at Emergency Department in hospitals and its relatively low risk when provided by qualified acupuncturists.”


「傳統中醫藥治療透過調整陰陽、血氣、臟腑及經絡,能有效延長肺癌病人的存活時 間及改善他們的生活質素。」


「初步分析顯示,在醫院急症室的痛症個案中,由專業針灸師為病人施針能有效紓緩 病人急性痛楚,風險也較低。」


In Brief School of Business receives AMBA Accreditation

The assessment team, led by Prof. Martyn Jones (sixth from left), the team’s Chairman and Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Affairs and Business Development) of Kingston University, visited HKBU in June and was received by Prof. Stephen Cheung (fifth from left), Dean of the School of Business, and the School’s management team 評審小組主席兼金斯頓大學副校長 ( 外務及工商發展 ) Martyn Jones 教授 ( 左六 ) 率領評審小組成員於六月訪問浸會大學,由工商管理學院 院長張仁良教授 ( 左五 ) 與學院管理層一同接待

The School of Business has achieved accreditation by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) for its Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Science in Business Management (MScBM) programmes, affirming that these programmes have attained the highest standard for business schools worldwide.

The AMBA is an inter national impartial authority on postgraduate management education. Established in 1967, it sets the global standard for accrediting MBA, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and Masters of Business Management (MBM) programmes. It currently accredits more than 700 MBA programmes in 198 schools in more than 70 countries worldwide. The AMBA is also a professional membership association connecting MBA students and graduates, accredited business schools and MBA employers in more than 110 countries.

“The AMBA’s rigorous and independent assessment criteria ensure that only the highest calibre of MBA programmes achieve our accreditation; and we congratulate HKBU’s School of Business on the high standards of their MBA programmes’ faculty, students and curriculum,” says Vanessa 工 商 管 理 學 院 的「 工 商 管 理 碩 士 」 ( MBA) 及 Harwood-Whitcher, Chief Executive of the 「商 業 管 理 理 學 碩 士 」 ( MScBM) 課 程 剛 獲 得 Association of MBAs. 「工 商 管 理 碩 士 課 程 協 會 」 ( AMBA) 認 證, 標


Prof. Stephen Cheung, Dean of the School of Business, welcomes the accreditation AMBA 行 政 總 裁 Vanessa Harwood-Whitcher “because it is an international testimony of our MBA and MScBM programmes that sharply 表 示, 通 過 嚴 謹 和 獨 立 的 評 核 準 則, AMBA emphasise business ethics, corporate social 僅 將 認 可 資 格 賦 予 最 高 質 素 的 MBA 課 程。 responsibility and corporate governance to 「香港浸會大學工商管理學院的 MBA 課程無 better serve our community, our economy 論 在 教 員、 學 生 及 內 容 質 素 方 面 均 達 到 極 高 水平,值得慶賀。」 and our environment.”


工商管理學院院長張仁良教授對此表示欣 喜。 他 說:「此 項 認 證 證 明 了 學 院 的 MBA 及 MScBM 課程獲得全球認同。課程一直著重商 業 倫 理、 企 業 社 會 責 任 及 企 業 管 治, 持 續 為 社區、經濟及環境作出貢獻。」

AMBA 為國際權威的學術評審機構,自 1967 年開始為世界各地的 MBA、工商管理博士及

商業管理碩士課程作嚴格的質素檢定。目前, 逾 七 百 個 來 自 全 球 超 過 七 十 個 國 家、 198 所 學 院 的 MBA 課 程 獲 得 AMBA 的 認 可 資 格。 AMBA 亦為專業會員組織,旨在促進 MBA 學 生、畢業生、獲認證學院及僱主之間的交流, 其網絡遍及逾一百一十個國家。

A video series by Dr. Leung entitled “Out of Place” 梁博士的一系列名為 《鄉關何處》 的錄像

Visual Arts scholar and student join “Hong Kong at the Liverpool Biennial 2012”

Dr. Leung Mee-ping, Assistant Professor of the Academy of Visual Arts, and two other renowned local artists have been invited to exhibit their work at the prestigious Liverpool Biennial 2012 event being held in the UK. In response to this year’s exhibition theme of “hospitality”, they were invited to examine their own sense of self in relation to the city in light of the intricate yet subtle dynamics that exist between “hosts and guests”. This is the first time that Hong Kong has been invited to participate in the Liverpool Biennial as a guest city and it presents a valuable opportunity to display Hong Kong’s creativity in an international art environment. The work by Dr. Leung is a video series entitled “Out of Place”, in which she reviews as an observer the development of Asian cities and expresses her concerns for marginalised groups of people, such as the elderly and the homeless, who live in a city that boasts extraordinary economic growth. The work ponders about the identity of passers-by and the core values of a city hit by a deluge of development. In addition, Amy Chan (Master of Visual Arts, Year 2) was selected by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council to serve as one of two interns at the show and stayed in Liverpool for seven weeks. “The internship provides me with an excellent opportunity to gain exposure to an international art exhibition and allows me to introduce Hong Kong artists and their work to visitors from around the world who have little knowledge of Hong Kong. I have also been amazed at the synergies created by the different art institutions as well as the various tours organised for visitors and the education programmes tailormade for local secondary schools,” Amy said.

視覺藝術院助理教授梁美萍博士與另外兩名本地藝術家,獲邀在英國 舉行的藝術活動「利物浦雙年展」中展出他們的藝術創作。梁博士與 兩名藝術家透過作品,探討「人與城市」的微妙主客關係,回應本年 度雙年展「殷勤款待」的主題。今年是香港首次獲邀成為參展城市, 向全球遊客展出本地藝術家的創作。 梁博士的作品是一系列名為《鄉關何處》的錄像。她以旁觀者的角度, 觀察亞洲城市發展的景況,把繁華鬧市中一些老人、露宿者沉默無語 的背影置於錄像畫面的中心位置,關注被邊緣化的社群,探問「誰是 過客」及城市急速發展的核心價值。 另外,陳曉嵐同學(視覺藝術碩士二年級)成為兩名獲香港藝術發展 局選為雙年展的實習生之一,並在英國利物浦實習七星期。陳同學說: 「參與這項國際藝術活動讓我向來自世界各地的藝術家和遊客介紹本 地藝術家的創作,加深他們對香港的認識。各藝術機構同心合力舉辦 這項國際盛事,雙年展又為遊客提供各種導賞服務及特別為當地中學 舉辦藝術教育活動,都令我眼界大開。」 「利物浦雙年展」吸引全球的藝術家和遊客參加。自上屆起,雙年展 邀請海外城市參與「城邦」展覽。今年香港首次參與「城邦」展,並 以《身是客》為題,展出本地藝術創作。第七屆利物浦雙年展於九月 十五日至十一月二十五日舉行。

The Liverpool Biennial attracts artists and visitors from around the globe. Since 2010, the Biennial has invited cities outside the UK to stage exhibitions organised and promoted under the title of “City States”. This year, Hong Kong made its debut in the “City States” programme with an exhibition under the theme of “All Are Guests”. The 7th Liverpool Biennial was running from 15 September to 25 November.

Amy (right) serves as an intern at the show in Liverpool 陳同學 (右一) 遠赴利物浦,當雙年展的實習生

(Adapted from HKBU eNews, CPRO)


HKBU among best journalism and media universities for Asian students

HKBU has been featured by the well-known journalism website Asian Correspondent as one of best journalism and media universities for Asian students.The University was the only tertiary institution in Asia to be covered in the feature. Asian Correspondent, which has more than 3 million visitors globally, used a wide range of criteria to measure the performance of journalism and media schools, including their links to the industry, reputation in the industry, curriculum, strengths in new and social media, academic reputation and graduates’ performance. Prof. Huang Yu, Acting Dean of the School of Communication, welcomed the honour. “The fact that our communication programme was recognised as among the best by Asian Correspondent is certainly a clear acknowledgement of a fine job by every one at our School, including faculty, supporting staff, students, alumni and friends of the school, and all HKBU colleagues.” Asian Correspondent’s profile of the School of Communication states: “In the fields of journalism and communication, Hong Kong Baptist University operates particularly attractive programs.” Prof. Huang explained: “One of the strengths of our programme is that it offers a full range of communication programmes. With the new four-year programme, ’Film and Media Arts’ and ’Financial Journalism’ are also offered as a new major and a new concentration respectively.”

香港浸會大學獲著名新聞網站 Asian Correspondent 列為亞洲學生首 選的新聞及媒體大學之一,亦是亞洲唯一獲此殊榮的高等學府。

Asian Correspondent 在全球擁有逾三百萬讀者。今次的評審準則範圍 廣闊,包括與業界的聯繫、行內聲譽、課程內容、在新媒體及社交媒 體方面的實力、學術聲譽和畢業生表現等。 傳 理 學 院 署 理 院 長 黃 煜 教 授 很 高 興 學 院 獲 得 殊 榮, 他 說 : 「 Asian Correspondent 肯定我校傳理課程是最優秀之一,明確表示對學院的


Asian Correspondent 介紹傳理學院時表示 : 「香港浸會大學在新聞及 傳播範疇開辦的課程特別有吸引力。」黃教授解釋說 : 「我們的強項

之一是提供全面的傳理課程,在新四年制課程中,我們同時提供『電 影與媒體藝術』和『財經新聞』為新的主修及專業課程。」

其 他 入 選 的 大 學 包 括 University of Kwazulu-Natal, Regent’s College

London School of Film Media and Performance, Birmingham School of Media, Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism and Murdoch University School of Media, Communication and Culture。詳 情 請 瀏 覽 http://asiancorrespondent.com/90771/best-journalism-andmedia-universities-for-asian-students/。

Among the other institutions included in the feature were the University of Kwazulu-Natal, Regent’s College London School of Film Media and Performance, Birmingham School of Media, Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism and Murdoch University School of Media, Communication and Culture. For details, please visit http://asiancorrespondent.com/90771/best-journalism-and-mediauniversities-for-asian-students/.

The School of Communication’s programmes are among the best journalism and media programmes for Asia students 傳理學院課程獲選亞洲學生首選新聞及媒體課程之一

(Adapted from HKBU eNews, CPRO)


Visual Arts scholar Dr. Ho Siu-kee selected as Associate Member of Royal British Society of Sculptors 視覺藝術院何兆基博士獲英國皇家雕塑家協會推薦成為附屬會員

Dr. Ho’s work entitled Aureola No. 10

Another work entitled Aureola No. 13



Dr. Ho Siu-kee, Associate Professor and Programme Director of the Master of Visual Arts at the Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), was recently recommended as an Associate Member of the Royal British Society of Sculptors, UK, in recognition of the outstanding quality of his work. The membership is only offered to a few exceptional applicants each year. Dr. Ho submitted his work for an international a w a rd p re s e n t e d b y t h e S o c i e t y a f e w months ago. “I received a letter of reply from the Society last month saying that my work exceeded the level of practice expected for the award and that the judging panel would instead like to recommend me for full professional Associate Membership of the Society. As a member of the Society, I look forward to contributing further to the professional field.” said Dr. Ho, who was surprised to hear about the recommendation. Membership is selected on the basis of work presented in the application process which is open to all sculptors and artists worldwide. Associate Membership is the basic membership offered at the sole discretion of the Fellows of the Society. With nominations from two existing Fellows and approval of the Council of the Society, an Associate Member can be promoted to Fellow.

In addition, Dr. Ho has been included in the World Biographical Dictionary of Artists (Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, Die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker), volume 73 (December 2011) published in Germany. The dictionary includes significant painters, sculptors, graphic designers, architects, photographers, calligraphers and many other artistic professionals from all over the world and throughout the ages from antiquity to the present.

其次是附屬會員。附屬會員經兩名院士提名, 再經專責委員會審核可晉升為院士。 另 外, 何 博 士 的 名 字 最 近 亦 收 錄 在 德 國 出 版 的《全球藝術家傳記字典》 (二零一一年十二 月,第七十三冊)。字典收錄了全球自古到今 重 要 的 畫 家、 雕 塑 家、 設 計 師、 建 築 師、 專 業 攝 影 師、 書 法 家 等 多 個 領 域 的 藝 術 家 的 資 料。

浸大視覺藝術院副教授及視覺藝術碩士課程 總 監 何 兆 基 博 士 最 近 憑 傑 出 的 藝 術 作 品, 獲 英 國 皇 家 雕 塑 家 協 會 推 薦 成 為 附 屬 會 員。 每 年, 只 有 數 名 優 秀 的 藝 術 家 獲 該 會 推 薦 為 附 屬會員。 何博士數月前向英國皇家雕塑家協會舉辦的 一 項 國 際 比 賽 提 交 藝 術 作 品。 直 至 八 月, 他 收 到 協 會 的 回 信, 評 審 委 員 認 為 他 的 藝 術 創 作 十 分 出 色, 並 建 議 何 博 士 成 為 協 會 附 屬 會 員。 何 博 士 對 於 獲 邀 成 為 附 屬 會 員 感 到 十 分 意外,他說:「評審委員認為我的創作水平已 超出比賽的要求,我對他們的賞識表示感謝, 並希望日後繼續為協會及藝術界作出貢獻。」 每 年, 全 球 的 雕 塑 藝 術 家 可 向 英 國 皇 家 雕 塑 家 協 會 提 交 作 品, 出 色 的 創 作 人 可 獲 協 會 挑 選 成 為 會 員。 協 會 院 士 是 最 高 級 別 的 會 員, (Adapted from HKBU eNews, CPRO)


Prof. Raymond Wong becomes first Hong Kong native to receive Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize for Scientific and Technological Innovation 化學系黃維揚教授成為首位獲頒 「何梁何利基金科學與技術創新獎」的本地科學家 Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation was established in Hong Kong in 1994 and a maximum of 70 annual prizes are awarded to distinguished Chinese scholars on the Mainland honouring their achievements in science, technology, medicine and other disciplines. 化學系副系主任及講座教授黃維揚教授最近 榮獲「二零一二年何梁何利基金」頒發「科學 與技術創新獎(青年創新獎)」,以表揚他在創 新 科 技 及 節 能 方 面 的 傑 出 成 就 和 貢 獻。 在 本 年度十五位「科學與技術創新獎」得主之中, 黃 教 授 是 今 年 兩 名 獲 獎 的 本 港 學 者 之 一, 亦 是 基 金 自 一 九 九 四 年 設 立 獎 項 以 來, 首 次 有 土生土長的香港學者得獎。

Prof. Rick Wong, Vice-President (Research and Development) (right), congratulates Prof. Raymond Wong at the ceremony held in Beijing.


Prof. Raymond Wong Wai-yeung, Chair Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Chemistry, was recently presented with the 2012 Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize for Scientific and Te c h n o l o g i c a l I n n o v a t i o n ( A w a r d f o r Youth Innovation), in recognition of his outstanding work on promoting scientific and technological innovation towards advancing energy-related technologies. Among the 15 winners of the Scientific and Technological Innovation Award this year, Prof. Wong is one of the two Hong Kong winners of this prestigious prize. He also becomes the first Hong Kong native to receive this award since the establishment of the Foundation in 1994. Prof. Wong is delighted with the honour bestowed on him: “The award is a significant international recognition of my innovative research in chemistry and materials science. Currently, we aim at developing sustainable energy sources and improving the technologies for energy conversion in order to

meet the world’s future energy demand while working towards a cleaner environment.” Prof. Wong envisions that the new materials have great potential to replace the traditional less energy-efficient incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs.

黃教授很榮幸可獲此殊榮:「這項國際殊榮肯 定了我在創新型化學研究和材料科學領域的 努 力 和 成 就。 目 前, 我 和 研 究 團 隊 的 目 標 是 研 發 可 持 續 能 源 和 改 善 能 源 轉 化 技 術, 迎 合 未 來 的 能 源 需 求, 及 共 同 建 設 一 個 節 能 潔 淨 能 源 的 環 境。」 黃 教 授 還 設 想, 研 發 的 創 新 材料有很大潛力可取代傳統能源效益較低的 白熾燈和螢光燈燈泡。 黃教授的研究集中在設計和合成具有光功能 和 能 源 功 能 的 新 分 子 材 料 等 領 域。 他 在 金 屬 有機聚合物和金屬有機磷光染料等方面的研 究獲得國際學術界的認同。 黃教授是資深學者和香港土生土長的科學 家, 他 在 不 同 的 國 際 學 術 期 刊 發 表 過 超 過 三 百 七 十 篇 研 究 論 文。 黃 教 授 被「 引 用 參 考 資 料 檢 索」 (ISI)列 為 全 球 頂 尖 百 分 之 一 化 學 家之一,論文被引用次數超過七千六百次。

Prof. Wong’s research mainly focuses on the design and synthesis of new molecular 「何梁何利基金」於一九九四年在香港成立, functional materials with photofunctional 每 年 頒 發 不 超 過 七 十 個 獎 項 以 表 彰 在 科 學、 properties and energy functions. His s e m i n a l w o r k o n m e t a l l o p o l y m e r s a n d 技 術、 醫 學 及 其 他 方 面 有 傑 出 成 就 的 中 國 學 m e t a l l o p h o s p h o r s h a s g a i n e d m u c h 者。 international reputation. A locally-trained scientist, Prof. Wong is a highly prolific researcher with over 370 research papers published in various academic journals to date. He is also listed among the world’s top one percent in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) list of most-cited chemists, with more than 7,600 citations currently according to the Journal Citation Reports of the Web of Science. (Adapted from HKBU eNews, CPRO)


Mathematics PhD alumnus wins Applied Numerical Algebra Prize at Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing Conference 數學博士畢業生獲數值代數與科學計算國際會議頒 「應用數值代數獎」

Dr. Zhang Leihong


Mathematics PhD, 2008 graduate


Dr. Zhang Leihong was awarded the Applied Numerical Algebra 張 雷 洪 博 士( 二 零 零 八 年 數 學 系 博 士 畢 業 )憑 出 色 的 研 究 論 文, Prize for his outstanding academic paper at the Fourth International 在 近 日 舉 行 的「 第 四 屆 數 值 代 數 與 科 學 計 算 國 際 會 議 」中, 獲 頒 Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing (NASC 「應用數值代數獎」,以表揚他在數值代數和科學計算領域的貢獻。 2012) held recently. It is the first time that Dr. Zhang participated in the Conference. Expressing his surprise on winning the prize, Dr. Zhang said, “The scholars of numerical linear algebra are warm and friendly. I would like to thank Prof. Liao Lizhi and Prof. Michael Ng from HKBU’s Department of Mathematics for their supervision and guidance during my PhD studies at the University. Furthermore, I benefited from HKBU’s overseas attachment programme since part of my research work was done during my visit to North Carolina State University in 2008.” The Applied Numerical Algebra Prize, granted by the Chinese Computational Mathematical Society, is awarded to at most two of the best academic papers written by Chinese scientists aged under 35, who obtained a Master or Doctoral degree within five years. Reviewing all the entries, the scientific committee shortlisted two candidates and eventually one to two final winners based on the candidates’ presentations of the research work at the Conference. Dr. Zhang and Dr. Bo Dong from Dalian University of Technology were the two final winners this year.

第一次參加「數值代數與科學計算國際會議」的張博士對獲獎感到意 外,他說:「數值代數這個學術圈的學者都很熱情、友善。我特別感 謝浸大數學系廖立志教授和吳國寶教授的指導,讓我在數值代數和科 學計算這個範疇作出貢獻。我亦感謝浸大的『海外暫讀計劃』,我就 是在二零零八年訪問美國北卡羅來納州立大學期間取得部分研究成果 的。」 獎項由中國計算數學學會頒發,每屆嘉許最多兩名三十五歲以下、在 五年內取得博士或碩士學位的優秀內地青年學者或研究生。遞交的論 文經過評審後,評委會選出兩名候選人,再由候選人在會議上公開演 說,最後選出一至兩名得獎者。今年,張博士和大連理工大學董波博 士獲頒獎項。 張博士現為上海財經大學應用數學系副教授。

Dr. Zhang is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.


MPhil Graduate won full scholarship for PhD study in the United States 碩士研究畢業生獲全額獎學金赴美修讀博士 Phoebe Tang


MPhil graduate (GIS)


Miss Phoebe Tang, MPhil graduate of the Department of Government and International Studies (GIS), won full scholarship from the School of International Relations Fellowship and Transpacific Studies Graduate Research Grant offered by the PhD programme in Politics and International Relations at the University of Southern California to pursue a PhD in the US.

政治及國際關係學系碩士研究畢業生唐夢笑獲美國南加州大學的 政 治 及 國 際 關 係 學 博 士 課 程 頒 發 School of International Relations Fellowship 及 Transpacific Studies Graduate Research Grant 全額獎學 金,負笈該校修讀博士。

Under the supervision of Prof. Chen Feng, Phoebe studied grassroots institutional reform in China. Her research explored how the Chinese state responds to social conflicts through grassroots reform. It also adopted the theoretical perspectives of disaggregating the state and historical institutionalism.

她在陳峰教授指導下,研究中國的基層政府改革,探討中國政府如何 透過基層政府改革應對社會衝突,並從分解國家概念和歷史制度主義 的理論角度來探討這個問題。

PhD Student received Best Student Paper Award in PAKDD 2012 博士研究生獲第十六屆 PAKDD 會議最優 秀學生論文獎 Liu Kai


PhD student (Computer Science)


PhD student of Department of Computer Science, Mr. Liu Kai, received the best student paper award in the 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2012) based on his recent work entitled "Detecting Multiple Stochastic Motifs in Network Data", under the supervision of Dr. William K Cheung and Prof. Jiming Liu. The motif detection algorithm can be applied to analyze local structural properties of network data with uncertainties, including social networks, human interaction networks and biological networks.

計 算 機 科 學 系 博 士 研 究 生 劉 凱 以 其『 從 網 絡 數 據 中 檢 測 多 個 隨 機 網 絡模體的方法研究』論文在第十六屆知識發現與數據挖掘亞太會議 (PAKDD 2012) 獲頒最優秀學生論文獎。他的指導老師為張國威博士 及劉際明教授。該網絡模體檢測算法可以應用於分析含有不確定性網 絡數據的局部結構,網絡不確定性在很多網絡中都是很普遍的,包括 社交網絡、人機交互網絡和生物網絡,所以該方法有很廣泛的用途。

The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) is a leading international conference in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery (KDD). It provides an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all KDD related areas, including data mining, data warehousing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, databases, statistics, knowledge engineering, visualization, and decision-making systems.


第十六屆知識發現與數據挖掘亞太會議為知識發現相關領域的研究者 和 工 業 界 人 士 提 供 一 個 交 流 新 思 想、 研 究 成 果 和 應 用 經 驗 的 國 際 平 台。知識發現是一個相當廣泛的領域,包括數據挖掘、數據倉庫、機 器學習、人工智能、數據庫、統計分析、知識工程、可視化技術、以 及決策系統等等。

Communication PhD students win Top Interactive Paper Award for research on viewing animated news 研究大專生對動畫新聞的觀感 傳理博士生獲最佳互動論文獎 Janet Lo (left) and Benjamin Cheng won a Top Interactive Paper Award for their research paper on watching animated news


Janet Lo, Benjamin Cheng


PhD candidates (School of Communication)


Janet Lo and Benjamin Cheng (PhD candidates) of the School of Communication, won a Top Interactive Paper Award for their paper entitled “Fueling the debate: Predictive relationships among personality characteristics, motives and effects of melodramatic animated news viewing” at the Centennial Conference of the Association of Education for Journalism and Mass Communication held in Chicago, USA in August. The conference attracted more than 2,400 participants with a total of close to 880 paper presentations.

傳理學院博士生盧惠嫻和鄭嘉麟的論文 (Fueling the debate: Predictive

relationships among personality characteristics, motives and effects of melodramatic animated news viewing),於八月在芝加哥舉行的美國新

聞暨大眾傳播教育學會百周年學術會議上,獲頒最佳互動論文獎。會 議吸引了二千四百多人出席,發表近八百八十份論文。 該學會今年於電子新聞組別增設最佳互動論文獎,嘉許出色論文。兩 位同學的論文從約四十份論文中脫穎而出,贏得該項殊榮。評分方式 包括由權威學者評審及一個四人評審團於論文簡報時打分。

This year, the Association established a Top Interactive Paper Award in the Electronic News category to recognise outstanding research. The students’ paper was selected from around 40 papers based on 兩位同學都感到很榮幸能在國際性的學術會議上獲得獎項。嘉麟說: refereed reviewer scores as well as scores from a panel of four judges 「今年是美國新聞暨大眾傳播教育學會一百周年紀念,而我們亦是首 隊研究隊伍於電子新聞組別中奪取新設立的最佳互動論文獎,所以心 who reviewed the interactive papers during a presentation session. Janet and Benjamin said they were honoured to clinch an award in an international academic conference. Benjamin said: “This year the Association of Education for Journalism and Mass Communication celebrates its centenary. We are the first research team to win this newly established award. I am really excited. I am thankful to the professors of the School of Communication for guiding me in theory application and research. We also thank the University and the School for the financial support that enabled us to attend the conference.” “I would like to thank all the professors in the School of Communication for teaching me and inspiring me academically. The media has a close relationship with society, politics and livelihood. I hope that in the future I will have more opportunities to contribute to society through my research in communication.” said Janet.

情特別興奮。多謝傳理學院的教授在理論應用和研究上給予我悉心指 導,亦多謝大學及學院為是次旅程提供資助。」

惠嫻說:「很感謝傳理學院各教授對我的教導,以及在學術上對我的 啟蒙。傳媒與社會、政治和民生息息相關,希望我將來有更多機會透 過傳播學的研究貢獻社會。」 獲 獎 論 文 主 要 研 究大 專 生 觀 看 動 畫 新 聞 的 動 機 與 其 認 為 該 段 新 聞 的 可 信 性 及 新 聞 價 值 的 關 係。 研 究 於 二 零 一 一 年 十 月 進 行, 訪 問 了 三百一十二名大專生。研究結果指出香港大專生觀看動畫新聞的七大 原因是結伴、社交、輕鬆、吸收資訊、與朋友交換資訊、娛樂和消磨 時間等。研究發現被訪者觀看動畫新聞主要是為娛樂。研究結果同時 顯示,志在吸收資訊和結伴的觀眾認為動畫新聞錄像更可信,而為與 朋友交換資訊的觀眾則認為動畫新聞更有新聞價值。

The award-winning paper, which surveyed 312 Hong Kong college students in October 2011, aimed to investigate the relationship between the motives behind watching melodramatic news and the perceived credibility and newsworthiness of the news. The research identified seven motives behind animated news viewing: companionship, social interaction, relaxation, information-seeking, interpersonal learning, entertainment and passing the time. The research found that entertainment was the most salient reason for watching animated news videos among the respondents. It also showed that viewers driven by information and companionship motives perceived animated news videos as more credible. In addition, individuals who watch animated news for interpersonal learning perceived it as more newsworthy.


FEB to


Time : 7:00pm – 9:00pm Venue : DLB601, Centre for Translation, Shaw Campus, HKBU

Organized by: Centre for Translation

(held on the last Thursday of each month)

Monthly Translation Seminar Series on Topics relating to Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication For details of the latest seminar, please visit: http://www.tran.hkbu.edu.hk

FEB to

Time : 7:00pm – 10:00pm Venue : TBC


One Year Post Graduate Certificate in Narrative Practice For details, please visit: http://cyrp.hkbu.edu.hk



For details, please visit: http://biol.hkbu.edu.hk

MAY 30

Time : 9:00am – 6:00pm Venue : FSC501, Fong Shu Chuen Library, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HKBU

Organized by: Centre for Sino-Christian Studies

Time : TBC Venue : SCT909, Cha Chi-ming Science Tower, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HKBU

Organized by: Department of Biology

Time : 7:00pm – 9:00pm Venue : DLB601, Centre for Translation, Shaw Campus, HKBU

“Søren Kierkegaard and Chinese Thought”

to July

Summer School 2013 Guest Speaker: Prof. Richard Swinburne, Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford, UK

Time : 9:00am – 5:30pm (last for two weeks)

Organized by: Centre for Translation


Translation Seminar on “Foreign Echoes & Discerning the Soil: A Look at Chinese Poetry, World Literature, and Dual Translation Then and Now”

Organized by: Centre for Translation

by Dr. Lucas Klein, City University of Hong Kong

International Conference on


Time : 9:00am – 1:00pm Venue : WLB201, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, HKBU

Organized by: Centre for Sino-Christian Studies

For details of the event, please visit: http://www.tran.hkbu.edu.hk

by Prof. George Cobb, Chair of the Environmental Science Department, Baylor University, USA



by Dr. Nana Sato-Rossberg, University of East Anglia, UK

“Nanomaterial behavior and adverse effects”

to 23


Time : 7:00pm – 9:00pm Venue : DLB601, Centre for Translation, Shaw Campus, HKBU

Translation Seminar

Seminar on



Organized by: Centre for Translation

Organized by: Department of Biology


Jointly organized by: Centre for Youth Research and Practice, HKBU & Dulwich Centre, Australia

Time : TBC Venue : SCT909, Cha Chi-ming Science Tower, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HKBU


For details of the event, please visitt: http://www.tran.hkbu.edu.hk

by - Prof. Merold Westaphl, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Fordham University, New York

Translation Research Summer School (TRSS) 2013 Guest Speaker: Prof. Maria Tymoczko, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA For details of the event, please visit http://tran.hkbu.edu.hk or http://www.researchschool.org/

- Prof. Bruce H. Kirmmse, Professor Emeritus of History, Connecticut College, USA

Seminar on “Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Lessons Learned, Future Challenges and Research Opportunities” by Prof. Bryan Brooks, Professor of Environmental Science and Biomedical Studies, Baylor University, USA For details, please visit: http://biol.hkbu.edu.hk

- Prof. Stephen Evans, University Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Baylor University, USA - Dr. Will William, Adjunct Professor of Religion, Baylor University, USA - Prof. Erik Ziolkowski, Charles A. Dana Professor of Religious Studies, Lafayette College, USA

Relocation of Graduate School Office

With effect from 1 February 2013, Graduate School will be relocated to the following address: AAB 904, Level 9, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong All telephone and fax numbers will remain unchanged.





Advisory Board

Editorial Board

Prof. Rick WONG, Dean of Graduate School Prof. HUANG Yu, Executive Associate Dean of Graduate School Prof. Allan CHAN, Associate Dean of Graduate School

Dr. Vicky WONG, Assistant Academic Registrar Ms Doris FUNG, Graduate School Ms Anny YAO, Graduate School

Miss Queenie HSU, Graduate School Miss K.E. TAM, Graduate School

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