Hkbu gs newsletter vol39(2014)rev

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Vol. 39

研究院 通 訊

Oct 2014

raduate School Newsletter G

An International Collaborative Research Platform

- The establishment of HKBU (Haimen) Institute of Science and Technology G

Ethical Business studies promote Whole Person

Make a Difference with

In This Issue 3

GS Message 學院快訊


Cover Story 封面故事


reetings from the Graduate School! We are pleased to show you a string of exciting happenings about our milestones in research.

Innovative research always stays as one of the foci at HKBU, and internationalised element is one of the keys – with a boundless and culturally diverse community on HKBU campus and beyond, our scholars and student researchers are offered various opportunities to discover new knowledge in an international context. Here at HKBU, we are set to make a difference in the world’s research development with our global initiatives.

家好!香港浸會大學近年在研究發展方面立下不少里程碑,成績斐然;創新研究作為 大學其中一個策略發展方向,國際化是其一要點。大學教研空間寬敞,文化多元,學 者和研究生在這國際化的氛圍下可循不同途徑探索新知識。我們亦繼續積極推行國際化措 施,銳意在研究發展的國際舞台上,帶來突破。


Feature 專題報導


Research Excellence 學者殊榮


Prize, Award & Honour 卓越成就 Student 學生動向


Stay Tuned 活動預告


Published by Graduate School, Hong Kong Baptist University AAB 904, Level 9 Academic and Administration Building Baptist University Road Campus Hong Kong Baptist University Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Internationalised Student Profile


This year, we have recruited 14 quality students to pursue PhD studies via the competitive publiclyfunded Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. Coming from Austria, Bangladesh, Czech Republic, India, Mainland China, Poland, Russia and the UK, they are immersed in different cultures on campus while striving for own intellectual excellence.

今年,大學透過競爭激烈的「香港 博士研究生獎學金計劃」,招收了 14名優秀學生。他們分別來自奧地 利、孟加拉、捷克、印度、中國大 陸、波蘭、俄羅斯和英國。在知識 上追求卓越的同時,他們亦可融入 多國文化,相互交流。

Tel: (852) 3411 5127 Fax: (852) 3411 5133 Email: Website:

Graduate School Mini-site

This Newsletter is distributed to members and friends of the Graduate School to keep them informed of HKBU’s innovative research and quality postgraduate studies. All rights reserved. For enquiries about this publication, please contact:

“Innovative Research @HKBU” Launched!

Grace Wu (Article submission) [] Queenie Hsu (Re-production of articles/ photos) [] K.E. Tam (Distribution) []

新網站發佈 –“浸大•創新研究” From time to time, this new, dynamic website showcases our frontier research, the achievements of our dedicated faculty and young researchers, and the various ideas at HKBU that would advance innovative research. Learn more about us or to subscribe, visit: 新網站內容涵蓋大學的研究發展、教研人員和 年青學者的研究成果,以及大學積極推進創新 研究發展的最新消息。欲了解詳情,或希望定 期收到網站資訊,請瀏覽:http://gsnews.hkbu.。



GS Newsletter

G S Message

Global Initiatives 教研國際化:創新知識 追尋突破

Expanding Global Partnerships


The University works with institutions across borders and nations to create knowledge and offer solutions meeting global challenges. For example, the establishment of Partner State Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis (HKBU) works closely with the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Eco-toxicology with the objective of solving the worldwide problems of environment, food safety and public health. The Faculty of Social Sciences also collaborates with Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad on a joint research project on “Migration, China, and the Global Context”.

浸大跨越地域界限,與不同院校合作,共同創造新知識, 為環球挑戰提供解決方案,例如新成立之「香港浸會大學 環境與生物分析國家重點實驗室夥伴實驗室」與中國科學 院「環境化學與生態毒理學國家重點實驗室」合作,審視 全球性議題,包括環境、食品安全和公共健康。此外, 社會科學院亦夥拍德國Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad,進行有關「移民、中國、全球 化」的研究計劃。

We also expanded our range of postgraduate programmes in partnership with international institutions, like MSc in Global Marketing Management in collaboration with the University of Sheffield, and MSc in Mathematical Finance with the University of Kent.

我們亦與國際級學府合作,擴展研究生教育規模,例如與英 國謝菲爾德大學(University of Sheffield)合辦的環球市場 管理學理學碩士課程,以及與英國肯特大學(University of Kent)合辦的金融數學理學碩士課程。

With an aim to nurture talent, conduct innovative research and engage in technology transfer, the HKBU Institute of Science and Technology (Haimen) [IST] was established with the staunch support of Haimen Municipal Government in Jiangsu Province. The first cohort of students in a mix of nationalities have commenced studies at HKBU and made their first visit to IST. They are admitted to the Dual PhD programme either in Drug Discovery/ related areas in partnership with The Ohio State University of the US, or Communication Studies partnering with other international institutions.

在江蘇省海門市政府的大力支持下,浸大(海門)科技研究 院正式成立,並以培育科研人才、拓展創新研究和促進科 技轉移為三大目標。首屆學生來自不同國家,他們分別修 讀與俄亥俄州立大學(The Ohio State University)合作的藥物 研發(或相關範疇)雙博士學位課程、或夥拍其他國際院校 合辦的傳播學雙博士學位課程。他們已於浸會大學開展研究 生活,早前更親身前往海門了解當地環境。

For more news about IST, and how our research and postgraduate studies engage in the global initiatives, please refer to this issue of Newsletter. Enjoy reading!

今期的《研究院通訊》將會報道更多有關浸大(海門)科技研 究院的消息,亦會讓大家了解我們的教研如何紮根於大學的 國際化校園。

Welcome! 新任常務副院長

New Executive Associate Dean appointed

Professor Eva Man has been appointed as Executive Associate Dean of Graduate School with effect from 1 July 2014. Presently Professor of the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Professor Man has been the Acting Director of the Academy of Visual Arts and Head of the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing. Her research areas cover Comparative Aesthetics, NeoConfucian Philosophy, Feminist Aesthetics and Philosophy, Gender Studies and Cultural Studies. 文潔華教授於2014年7月1日獲委任為研究院常務副院長。文教授曾任大學視覺 藝術院署理總監和人文及創作系系主任,現於系內任教。她的研究範疇包括比 較美學、新儒教哲學、女性主義美學及哲學、性別研究和文化研究。 研究院通訊



C over Story

An International Collaborative Res - The establishment of HKBU (Haimen)




ith the staunch support of the Haimen Municipal Government in Jiangsu Province, the Hong Kong Baptist University has advanced further one of its important internationalisation foci and created another stronghold, the HKBU (Haimen) Institute of Science and Technology [IST ], in Mainland China. The IST is established to nurture talent, conduct innovative research and engage in technology transfer. Situated in the Haimen Biotech and Pharmaceutical Park of the Jiangsu Province, it is backed by the University to leverage on the solid research strengths and expertise of HKBU faculty to spearhead innovative research, and to make itself a gateway open for young talents from around the world to develop research interests, unfold mysteries and discover new knowledge.

江蘇省海門市政府的大力支持下,香港浸會大學成功在內地建立另一重要據點 ─ 浸大(海門)科 技研究院 [下稱「海門科技研究院」],在國際化進程上邁進一大步。

座落於江蘇省海門市生物醫藥園的海門科技研究院,以培育科研人才、拓展創新研究和促進科技轉移為 目標,憑藉大學雄厚的研究實力和優秀的教研團隊,銳意成為創新研究的先驅,以及與世界接軌的樞 紐,吸引各地年青人前來進深研究、破解學術謎思、開拓知識領域。



GS Newsletter

C over Story

earch Platform Institute of Science and Technology

球研究合作平台 An international platform for Innovative, Interdisciplinary Research

推動創新及跨學科研究之 國際平台

The Institute bears a significant role in our roadmap to realise the University’s Vision 2020, a blueprint which charts the development of the University towards 2020.

海門科技研究院之成立,對實現大 學《2020年願景》所訂下的發展藍圖,有 著重大意義。

“Innovative research is one of our strategic focus areas under the Vision 2020,” said Professor Rick Wong, VicePresident (Research and Development) and Dean of Graduate School of HKBU (photo on left). “In recent years, the University has actively encouraged interdisciplinary research, in both quantity and quality, by investing extra resources. We bring together scholars from different fields and around the world, and the establishment of IST will be an international platform for interdisciplinary research. ”

浸大副校長(研究及拓展)及研究院院 長 黃 偉 國 教 授( 見 左 圖 )表 示 :「 創 新 研究是大學三大策略發展重點之一,以 達致大學願景。近年,我們積極鼓勵跨 學科研究,既重質也重量,並投入更多 資源,匯聚世界各地不同學術範疇的學 者。因此,海門科技研究院將成為國際 級跨學科研究平台。」

IST is home to innovative research. Initially six research groups with a focus on Drug Discovery and related areas comprising 34 academics from various disciplines in Science and Chinese Medicine have been formed. These research groups are interdisciplinary in nature and the findings of their researches will inform the other groups’ research developments. The six research themes are (1) Bone & Joint Disease, (2) Tumor Disease, (3) Neurodegenerative Diseases, (4) Diagnostic and Imaging, (5) Disease

海門科技研究院是創新研究的基地。在 成立之初,來自理學院和中醫藥學院的

34 名學者組成六個研究團隊,致力藥物 研發和相關範疇的研究。這些團隊進行 跨學科研究,研究成果往往可促進其他 團隊的研究發展。此六個研究主題分別




C over Story

Model for Drug Screening, and (6) Identification and Development of Anti-cancer Agents from Natural Product Databases by Computeraided Drug Design. (See Table 1)

是:(1)骨與關節疾病、(2)腫瘤疾病、(3)神經退化性疾 病、( 4)診斷與影像、( 5)藥物審查模型,以及( 6)從原 植物數據庫運用藥物設計技術研發抗癌藥物。(見圖表1)

“We anticipate that the Institute will strengthen our strategic presence and extend our research impact in Mainland China. Our ultimate goal is for the Institute to become a leading research institute in the region, attracting talents from around the world to engage in innovative and interdisciplinary research,” said Professor Wong.

黃教授說:「我們預期海門科技研究院可推進浸大的策略 發展,並讓大學的研究在內地發揮更深遠的影響。我們的 終極目標是讓海門科技研究院成為區內的研究先驅,吸引 更多全球各地的人才投身於創新和跨學科研究。」

At the same time, Communication Studies is another key area of research at the Institute.


Table 1 : The Six Research Themes in Drug Discovery 圖 表 1 : 藥物研發領域的六大主題 Disease-based research 疾病相關研究

Professor Rick Wong (centre), Professor Huang Yu (third from left) and co-ordinators of IST research groups: (from left) Dr Gary Wong (Group 4), Professor Chris Wong (Group 5), (from right) Dr Edmond Ma (Group 6), Professor Li Min (Group 3) and Professor Lu Aiping (Group 1 and Group 2) 黃偉國教授(中)、黃煜教授(左起‧第三)和海門科技研究院的研究團隊統籌,包括:(左 起)黃嘉良博士(第四組)、黃港住教授(第五組)、(右起)馬迪龍博士(第六組)、李敏 教授(第三組),和呂愛平教授(第一及第二組)。

Technology-based research 技術相關研究

Bone & Joint Disease

1 4 5 6

骨與關節 疾病


Tumor Disease 腫瘤疾病

Neurodegenerative Diseases


神經退化性 疾病

Diagnostic and Imaging 診斷與影像

Disease Model for Drug Screening 藥物審查模型

Identification and development of anti-cancer agents from natural product databases by computer-aided drug design 原植物數據庫運用藥物設計技術研發抗癌藥物

Important Milestones of IST 海門科技研究院之重要里程碑

2013 浸大與海門市政府簽訂協議,成 立海門科技研究院



GS Newsletter

浸大與英國西敏寺大學簽訂合作備忘錄,探討合作開辦傳播學雙博士學位 課程事宜

• HKBU signs agreement with The Ohio State University, USA, for launching Dual PhD Programme in Drug Discovery and related areas 浸大與美國俄亥俄州立大學簽訂協議,開辦藥物研發及相關範疇的雙博士 學位課程


• HKBU signs agreement with the Haimen Municipal Government to establish the Institute

• HKBU signs Memorandum of Understanding with University of Westminster, UK, to explore collaboration in offering Dual PhD Programme in Communication Studies

C over Story

C over Story

三方協作 培育人才

Tripartite Collaboration to Nurture Talents Model for Drug Screening, and (6) Identification and Development of Anti-cancer Agents from Natural Product Databases by Computeraided Drug Design. (See Table 1)

是:(1)骨與關節疾病、(2)腫瘤疾病、(3)神經退化性疾 病、( 4)診斷與影像、( 5)藥物審查模型,以及( 6)從原 植物數據庫運用藥物設計技術研發抗癌藥物。(見圖表1)

“We anticipate that the Institute will strengthen our strategic presence and extend our research impact in Mainland China. Our ultimate goal is for the Institute to become a leading research institute in the region, attracting talents from around the world to engage in innovative and interdisciplinary research,” said Professor Wong.

黃教授說:「我們預期海門科技研究院可推進浸大的策略 發展,並讓大學的研究在內地發揮更深遠的影響。我們的 終極目標是讓海門科技研究院成為區內的研究先驅,吸引 更多全球各地的人才投身於創新和跨學科研究。」

At the same time, Communication Studies is another key area of research at the Institute.


Table 1 : The Six Research Themes in Drug Discovery 圖 表 1 : 藥物研發領域的六大主題 Disease-based research 疾病相關研究

Professor Rick Wong (centre), Professor Huang Yu (third from left) and co-ordinators of IST research groups: (from left) Dr Gary Wong (Group 4), Professor Chris Wong (Group 5), (from right) Dr Edmond Ma (Group 6), Professor Li Min (Group 3) and Professor Lu Aiping (Group 1 and Group 2) 黃偉國教授(中)、黃煜教授(左起‧第三)和海門科技研究院的研究團隊統籌,包括:(左 起)黃嘉良博士(第四組)、黃港住教授(第五組)、(右起)馬迪龍博士(第六組)、李敏 教授(第三組),和呂愛平教授(第一及第二組)。

Technology-based research 技術相關研究

Bone & Joint Disease

1 4 5 6

骨與關節 疾病


Tumor Disease 腫瘤疾病

Neurodegenerative Diseases


神經退化性 疾病

Diagnostic and Imaging 診斷與影像

Disease Model for Drug Screening 藥物審查模型

Identification and development of anti-cancer agents from natural product databases by computer-aided drug design 原植物數據庫運用藥物設計技術研發抗癌藥物

與此同時,我們亦將與另一海外夥伴院校共同提供 傳播學雙博士學位課程。浸大協理副校長(內地拓 展)及傳理學院院長黃煜教授(見左圖)表示:「浸 大傳理學院屹立香港高等教育界多年,其新聞及傳 播學研究理論和應用兼備,是本地傳播教育的先 驅。」他補充,大學一直以培育研究人才為己任。 為保證教研質素,第一屆雙博士學位課程只招收七 名學生,他們來自世界不同地區,包括希臘、印 度、中國大陸、巴基斯坦、菲律賓及美國,修讀期 間會由浸大和伙伴院校的老師共同指導,畢業時將 分別獲得兩校頒授的博士學位。

Another Dual PhD programme in Communication Studies is offered partnering with other international institutions. “With a long-time edge in the higher education sector in Hong Kong, the School of Communication is proud of its research across all fields of media and communication, whether theoretical or applied,” said Professor Huang Yu, Associate Vice-President for Mainland Development and Dean of Communication (photo above), adding that the University is committed to fostering research talents.

Interested in the Dual PhD Programme at IST?

As a pilot and to uphold quality, the first cohort is a small one, comprising seven students. They are a truly international mix, coming from different parts of the world, including Greece, India, Mainland China, Pakistan, the Philippines and the US. They will be supervised by academics from both HKBU and the partner institutions, and awarded a PhD degree each from both universities upon graduation.



Our Dual PhD Programme is now open for application until 30 April 2015 for 2015/16 fall admission. For details, visit ist. For other study opportunities, visit gs.hkbu. Enquiries: (852) 3411 5127/

• HKBU signs Memorandum of Understanding with University of Westminster, UK, to explore collaboration in offering Dual PhD Programme in Communication Studies


浸大與英國西敏寺大學簽訂合作備忘錄,探討合作開辦傳播學雙博士學位 課程事宜

• HKBU signs agreement with The Ohio State University, USA, for launching Dual PhD Programme in Drug Discovery and related areas

2015/16學年秋季入學的雙博士學位課程現正接受申 請,截止日期為2015年4月30日。詳情請瀏覽 ist.hkbu.。有關其他研究生課程,請參閱 hk。查詢:(852) 3411 5127/

• Opening of IST 海門科技研究院投入運作

• Students of the first cohort start their research at IST 首屆學生開始在海門科技研究院進行研究



浸大與美國俄亥俄州立大學簽訂協議,開辦藥物研發及相關範疇的雙博士 學位課程

Forthcoming events in


2013 浸大與海門市政府簽訂協議,成 立海門科技研究院

黃教授說:「我們正與其他國際知名學術機構洽談合 作事宜,讓學生能夠有更多不同途徑發掘新知識。」

“We are in the process of discussion with other reputed international institutions so as to open up more opportunities for students to develop new knowledge in the field,” said Professor Wong.

Important Milestones of IST 海門科技研究院之重要里程碑

• HKBU signs agreement with the Haimen Municipal Government to establish the Institute

海門科技研究院也是發展研究人才的搖籃。大學與 俄亥俄州立大學(The Ohio State University)合作, 開辦藥物研發和相關範疇的雙博士學位課程,旨意 培養具國際視野、富創新思想,和敢於面對挑戰的 研究人才。他們將有機會於浸會大學和我們的夥伴 院校學習,融入不同文化,並利用不同院校的先進 科研設備,開展自己的研究工作。

IST is also cradle for grooming re s e arch t al e nt s. We have established a Dual PhD programme in Drug Discovery and related areas with The Ohio State University. The programme aims to nurture research talents with global vision, innovative minds and a willingness to take up challenges. They will have opportunities to take advantage of the research expertise of HKBU and the partner institution, be immersed into different cultures and make use of the advanced facilities and technologies available at the universities to embark on their research studies.

• Six research groups in Drug Discovery and related areas are formed 成立六支科研團隊,主力藥物研發及相關範疇的研究

• The first cohort of students commences studies at HKBU 首屆學生開始在浸大上課



GS Newsletter




F eature

Ethical Business studies promote Whole Person

著重商業道德倫理 貫徹全人教育理念 An Interview with Professor Allan Chan, Associate Vice-President and Interim Dean of Business 專訪協理副校長及工商管理學院署理院長陳潔光教授


ducation is a long-term process to enlighten minds and awaken souls for social change. In the past, profit-making was the major goal for business world. Nowadays, the concept has changed with the increasing awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility among the general public as well as the business sector. Associate Vice-President for academic planning and Interim Dean of Business Professor Allan Chan said: “The public in general are now aware that profit maximization should not be the only concern for business, as environmental protection, sustainable development and the well-being of different stakeholders in society are equally important. At the School of Business, apart from passing on professional business knowledge, corporate social responsibility and business ethics are the intrinsic values in business education. We hope that our students will continue to embrace these values at their workplace after graduation.”

育是啟迪心靈、推動社會改變的任重道遠過程。從前企業營運,以 追求利潤為最大目標;現在不論市民大眾和商界,也明白企業社會

責任的重要性。香港浸會大學協理副校長及工商管理學院署理院長陳潔光 教授說:「社會漸漸明白企業不能只以尋求利潤為唯一目標;環保、可持續 發展,與及社會上不同持份者的福祉,都是必需考慮的範疇。在工商管理 學院,除了知識傳授,企業社會責任和商業倫理乃商管教育的內在價值, 期望我們的學生日後在職場上能貫徹始終。」



GS Newsletter

F eature

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Moral standard for each and every one As the first business school in Hong Kong signing on to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), the School of Business stresses the importance of business ethics, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. This is in line with HKBU’s philosophy of Whole Person Education. The School’s five departments, namely, Accountancy and Law, Economics, Finance and Decision Sciences, Management and Marketing, all adopt corporate sustainability as one of their major research directions. “We inculcate the concepts of ethics and responsibility in our students, and hope that the concepts will become the moral standard for actions when they are running a business in future,” said Professor Chan. To promote academic exchange in this aspect, the School initiated the World Business Ethics Forum with the University of Macau, which is a biennial academic conference for the academia and the business community to explore together new approaches and ideas in different aspects of corporate sustainability. In 2012, with attribution to the forum, the Asian Journal of Business Ethics was first published to encourage more researches and discussions about this topic in the Asian context.



工商管理學院是全港首間簽訂聯合國《責任管理教育 原則》(PRME)的商學院,以商業倫理、企業社會責 任及企業管治作為教學和研究核心,與浸會大學「全 人教育」理念相呼應。學院轄下有五個學系,分別為 會計及法律系、經濟系、財務及決策學系、管理學系 和市場學系。各學系的研究範疇均秉承學院的理念, 配合「企業可持續發展」這國際性教研主題。陳教授 說:「我們致力向學生灌輸倫理和責任的理念,期望 他們日後在營商上彰顯出來。」 在學術交流方面,學院和澳門大學合作,創辦了 兩年一度的國際學術會議「世界商業倫理論壇」, 讓學者和商界共同探討企業可持續發展的新概念和 方向。 2012 年,這論壇更催生了 Asian Journal of Business Ethics ,推動更多亞洲地區企業可持續發 展的研究和討論。




F eature

Community Engagement: Support for social enterprises Social enterprise has been a new trend. It runs business with a social mission and strives for sustainable development. To support this in action, the School offered expertise in analysing the business models for subsidised enterprises under the “Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme” of the government’s Home Affairs Department. Professor Chan said: “Our MBA students conducted analysis and proposed business plans with the hope to help those enterprises to generate profits for long-term development. iBakery, a bakery that trains and employs the physically impaired, is one of the social enterprises that we have worked with. We have also offered help to a social enterprise that provides translation services for the ethnic minorities.”

“ Corporate social responsibility and business ethics are the intrinsic values in business education.” Professor Allan Chan, Associate Vice-President and Interim Dean of Business

協理副校長及工商管理學院署理院長 陳潔光教授:

「企業社會責任和商業倫理 乃商管教育的內在價值。」

Triple Accreditation: Signifying academic and research excellence Academic quality assurance is of utmost importance at the School. “Our school is comparatively small in scale; however, concerning academic assurance, we have obtained triple accreditation from The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Association of MBAs (AMBA) and European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) with continuous assessment to improve academic quality and internal systems,” said Professor Chan. Only less than 1% of the business schools in the world are triple-accredited by these three authorities, which conduct comprehensive and continual assessments in teaching, research and school administration. All these have reflected the School’s academic excellence. Postgraduate students of Business make a trip to Taiwan. 工商管理學院研究生到台灣交流。



GS Newsletter



近年有不少社會企業出現,並希望以商業模 式來持續發展。工商管理學院支援民政事務 總署的「伙伴倡自強」社區協作計劃,為計 劃中獲資助的一些社企作營運分析。陳教授 說:「我們的工商管理碩士(MBA)學生為社 企作出分析,並撰寫營運計劃,希望他們能 有盈利,持續經營下去。我們支援過的企業 包括iBakery愛烘焙麵包工房,他們是專門訓 練及聘用殘疾人士的社會企業;另外,我們 也曾替一間為少數族裔做翻譯的社企作營運 分析。」走入社區幫助社企發展,足證浸大 工商管理學院能身體力行,彰顯社會責任。



教研質素是學院非常重視的一環,陳教授 說:「我們致力不斷提升教研質素,學術 認證足證我們的決心。我們的學院規模較 小,但在教研質素保證上,卻獲全球三大 具權威及影響力的商學教育認證機構頒發 認證,分別為國際商管學院促進會(AACSB International)、工商管理碩士協會(AMBA) 和歐洲評審組織( EQUIS ),這些機構會對 學院作持續評估,在教研和制度上,力臻完 善。」全球只有少於 1% 的商學院同時獲以 上三大權威機構的認證,而這些認證對課 程、教研及學院整體,均作出全面學術評 審,並會持續評估。因此學院要恆常保持最 高的學術質素,才可持有三大認證的卓越學 術地位。



學院開辦的研究生課程,可分為通才課程及 專門知識課程兩大類。通才課程包括工商管 理碩士(MBA)及商業管理學碩士(MScBM) , 另有工商管理博士(DBA) ,供具備豐富工作 經驗並有意總結經驗、撰寫博士論文的人士 修讀。提供專門知識的碩士課程,則為需要 更新業界知識的人士而設,側重點深入而明 確。譬如近年社會非常重視企業的公司管 治,相關的法規亦不斷更新。學院開辦的公 司管治與董事學理學碩士(MScCGD)課程, 正符合這個需要。

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Postgraduate Programmes: Serving needs, inspiring minds The postgraduate programmes offered by the School can be categorised into two major types, namely, general management programmes and specialised professional programmes. Examples of general programmes include MBA and MSc in Business Management (MScBM). There is also DBA which is designed for people with very rich work experience to work on a doctoral thesis to consolidate practice with theory. The specialised professional programmes are tailor-made for people who need latest professional knowledge with an in-depth focus. For instance, with corporate governance being much concerned by the public and there being new laws and regulations to ensure corporate accountability and transparency, the School’s Master of Science in Corporate Governance and Directorship (MScCGD) programme is designed for professionals who wish to update their knowledge and strengthen corporate governance in their organisations. Pursuing postgraduate study not only enhances one’s knowledge but also widens one’s international perspective. The School’s postgraduate population is a mix of local, mainland and international students coming from Europe and the US etc. The synergy of different cultures and backgrounds inspires minds and sparkles new ideas. The School once admitted a school administrator and a police inspector who wished to acquire management knowledge to contribute to their workplace. There had also been an MBA graduate from the UK who stayed in Hong Kong and attempted an entrepreneurial venture. To internationalise the curriculum and enhance students’ international exposure, the School and Stockholm University have signed an agreement to

The School of Business obtains triple accreditation, including the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). 工商管理學院獲三大教研認證,當中包括歐洲評審組織(EQUIS)認證。

allow five students each year to study for the Masters programme at the partner school for one year. The students will obtain dual degrees after completing the programme, each from both universities.

Business Research: Incremental studies bring about policy change Talking about the contributions of academic research to the business world, Professor Chan made a solemn remark that enduring and long-term efforts on research and advocacy are needed to bring about social changes. He said: “Professor Tsang Shu-ki, our beloved late professor, started his economic research in 1980s. He spent long and dedicated efforts in policy research, from the linked exchange rate to Hong Kong’s economic future. This is an excellent example of how serious researcher contributes to the community.” Indeed, with the increasingly complex and globalised world, we need a business education that nurtures visionary and ethical business leaders who can make a difference to their organisations and professions, and serve the evolving needs of society, be they local, regional or global.

修讀研究生課程不單能增進知識,也能拓闊 國際視野。陳教授說,商學院的學生有來自 本地、中國大陸、也有歐美等地的。他們有 不同的專業和文化背景,互相啟發下,併湊 不少創新念頭。他憶述,MBA學生中有來自 教育界以至警界,特前來進修以增加管理知 識;也有來自英國的學生,畢業後留港開闢 創業之路。此外,學院和瑞典斯德哥爾摩大 學有互相推薦學生的協議,雙方每年可提名 五位碩士學生,往對方的大學修讀一年,修 畢課程後可取得雙學位。

累進研究為社會求變 商學上的學術研究,可以對實際的商業世界 帶來什麼影響及裨益?陳教授表示,研究的 影響力不是一朝一夕就可見到,許多時是依 靠累積多年的研究成果、孜孜不倦地倡議, 才會在社會上帶來改變。他說:「以已故的 學院同仁曾澍基教授為例,他由八十年代開 始作經濟研究,從港元聯繫匯率制度、到經 濟體制改革、香港經濟前景等,在各範疇上 不斷研究,長期的工作並提出意見。所以, 由研究出成果到影響社會,當中需要長期努 力。」 事實上,隨著社會發展日新月異,以及全球 化大趨勢,商管教育需要造就高瞻遠足、 重視商業倫理的人才,為機構和業界帶來轉 變,以應付全球、地區及本地社會的需要。

Guard your heart 一字記之曰:用心 With a strong interest in the study of Chinese brand naming and business ethics, Professor Chan has supervised many postgraduates in related research studies. Be it about teaching, research, or the management of the School, Professor Chan’s motto is taken from the Bible “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverb 4:23) “We need to take it to heart in whatever we do, and carefully consider whether it is the right thing to do. As long as it is the right thing, just face it and do it with courage,” said Professor Chan. 陳教授醉心中文品牌命名和商業倫理等研究,過往亦帶領不少研究生從事相關研究。他 認為,不論是教研還是學院的管理工作,「用心」是最重要的。聖經金句「一生的果效, 是由心發出來」(箴言 4:23 ),就是他做學問和處世的座右銘。他說:「做事不單要認真 和用心,也要考慮做出來的方向是否正確。只要是對的,就勇往直前。」




R esearch Excellence

Discovery of compound for potential treatment of skin cancer

成功研發化合物抑制腫瘤 有望用於治療皮膚癌 D

r Edmond Ma Dik-lung (photo), Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemistry, has become the first in the world to successfully develop a novel compound that could potentially be used for skin cancer treatment in a research project led by Dr Duncan Leung Chung-hang from the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences of the University of Macau, and experts from the Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is a signaling protein that is linked to the development of multiple types of cancer in humans, including skin cancer. Dr Ma and his team hypothesised that by blocking the activity of STAT3, a new potential treatment for skin cancer could be developed. In their study, a rhodium(III) metal complex was discovered from a series of complexes as a potent inhibitor of STAT3 activity. This compound blocked the effects of STAT3 in the living cells of mice bearing xenografts of melanoma, which is the most aggressive and dangerous form of skin cancer in humans. More importantly, the treatment of mice carrying melanoma xenografts with the rhodium(III) complex led to a reduction in tumour size and weight, and reduced the formation of new blood vessels around the tumour site, demonstrating that the rhodium(III) complex was able to effectively hinder the growth of melanoma in mouse model. Dr Ma said: “Our team is the first in the world to utilise a rhodium(III) complex to inhibit STAT3 directly, which has demonstrated its efficacy against melanoma in animal model and marked a stepping stone towards developing this compound as an anti-cancer agent potentially for human use.”

Rhodium(III) complex is able to bind to the SH2 domain of STAT3, thereby inhibiting its activity. 研究證實銠(III)複合物有抑制腫瘤生長的效果。

Vehicle control

75 mg/kg of 12

Treatment with rhodium(III) complex inhibits the growth of melanoma xenografts, leading to a reduction in tumour size and weight, as found in mouse model. 動物測試顯示,腫瘤切片接受新複合物實驗後,與沒有接受複 合物比較,體積和重量明顯減少。

The study entitled “Antagonising STAT3 Dimerization by a Rhodium(III) Complex” was published in the prestigious chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie (International Edition, 2014), and selected as a “Very Important Paper” by the editors of the journal.

學系助理教授馬迪龍博士(見圖)聯同澳門大學中華醫藥研究院副教授梁重 恆博士、和台灣高雄醫科大學的專家,成為全球首支研究團隊,成功研發 一種新的金屬複合物「銠(III)」,有望用於治療皮膚癌。

「訊號傳導和轉錄激活因子 3 」( STAT3 )訊號蛋白經過二聚化過程( dimerisation 後,可以導致人體內各種癌症(包括皮膚癌)。馬博士與團隊提出抑制 STAT3 二 聚化的活動,從而抑制皮膚惡性腫瘤。研究團隊從一系列的金屬複合物中篩選 出銠( III )作為主要的抑制劑。實驗顯示,該複合物能抑制患有黑色素瘤皮膚癌 的老鼠體內惡性腫瘤的生長(黑色素瘤皮膚癌是最嚴重及死亡率最高的人類皮膚 癌)。更重要是老鼠接受銠( III )複合物治療後,惡性腫瘤的大小和重量明顯減 少,腫瘤附近血管增生的情況亦受到控制。因此,研究結果顯示銠( III )複合物 能有效抑制老鼠體內黑色素瘤的生長。 馬博士說:「我們是全球首支團隊,發現銠( III )這種複合物可直接抑制 STAT3 蛋 白的二聚化活動,並可有效用於動物身上對抗黑色素瘤,為日後研發人類抗癌藥 物奠下重要的基礎。」 此研究〈直接抑制 STAT3 二聚化的複合物銠〉已刊登於國際期刊《 Angewandte Chemie》(國際版,2014年),並獲得編輯評選為「非常重要論文」。



GS Newsletter

R esearch Excellence

Economics research indicates low support for nuclear imports among Hong Kong residents

經濟系調查顯示 香港市民普遍反對引入核能發電 P

rofessor Woo Chi-keung (photo), Head of the Department of Economics, has completed a research project to address the question of “What do Hong Kong consumers want from their electric utilities?”, riding on the government’s public consultation on “Planning Ahead for a Better Fuel Mix” which generated debate in the community on the future development of local electricity market. The project aims to study the residential “willingness-to-pay” for reducing emissions from coal-fired generators in Hong Kong, and explore residential preferences for electricity service reliability, environmental protection, and potentially higher electricity bills. The research findings indicate that respondents are willing to pay an 18% annual bill increase for a 30% emissions reduction through natural-gas-fired electricity generation, which is twice the 9% annual bill increase estimate for nuclear power if the same emissions reduction is to be achieved via nuclear generation. The findings also reveal strong residential preferences for existing service reliability, and limited trade-offs between reliability and bill. While over 50% of the respondents are willing to accept a change from current service, only 23% are willing to pay a 5% bill increase in exchange for eliminating a five-minute outage in summer afternoon. Fifty-one per cent of them may accept a 5% bill reduction for a 15-minute increase in outage, while the relative frequency is 55% and 67% for a bill reduction of 15% and 25% respectively. Professor Woo commented that the overall research findings show a lack of public support for increasing nuclear import into Hong Kong and no compelling evidence to support lowering of reliability in local electricity service. “A comprehensive energy policy that would include investment in energy efficiency is recommended to reduce electricity usage, as well as the adoption of clean fuel and improvements in fuel efficiency to reduce emissions from the transportation sector,” he said. Details can be found in Professor Woo’s two research papers entitled “Residential Willingness-to-Pay for Reducing Coal-Fired Generation’s Emissions in Hong Kong” and “Residential outage-cost estimation: Hong Kong”.

Experts and scholars gather to discuss the electricity future of Hong Kong. 專家學者聚首浸大,研討香港電力市場當前 的挑戰。

見政府就未來發電燃料組合進行公眾諮詢,引起社會各界爭論香港電力的發展前 景,經濟系系主任胡志強教授(見圖)以「香港消費者對電力事業有何要求?」為 題,探討本地消費者對減少香港燃煤發電排放量的「支付意願」,繼而找出公眾對平衡電力可靠度、保護環境及更高電費的偏好。

調查結果顯示,受訪者願意每年多支付18%的電費,希望透過天然氣發電方式減少30%的排放量。此「支付意願」為核能發電同類 估值的兩倍,即他們願意每年多支付9%的電費,透過核能發電方式減少同等排放量。 受訪者有強烈意願保持現有的供電可靠度和電費水平,並在兩者間只作有限妥協。儘管超過一半的受訪者願意接受現有的電力服務 作出轉變,當中只有23%的人士願意多支付5%的電費,以換取於夏季的下午時段縮減停電5分鐘。此外,51%的受訪者接受停電時間 延長15分鐘,以換取5%的電費減幅;另有分別55%和67%的人士接受停電時間延長15分鐘,以換取15%和25%的電費減幅。 胡教授表示,調查反映市民對增加核能發電引入香港市場的支持度明顯不足,而在沒有說服力的理據下,香港並不應降低其電力 服務的可靠度。他建議政府應訂立更全面的能源政策,包括增加提升能源效益的投資以減省耗電量,以及採用潔淨燃料和燃料效 能改善措施,減少運輸行業的排放量。 上述研究的詳細調查結果分別刊載於胡教授的兩篇論文中,題為「住宅用戶對於減少香港燃煤發電排放量的支付意願」和「香港住 宅停電成本估算」。 研究院通訊



R esearch Excellence

Uncover new areas of post-disaster learning in contemporary China, says HKBU scholar

探索當代中國災後處理 發掘嶄新研習路向 I

t’s quite common to focus on the undesirable impact and the immediate response of people when disasters come. Yet, Dr Kang Yi (photo), Assistant Professor of the Department of Government and International Studies, has attempted to make a shift from this common mindset to how disasters could stimulate learning and bring about long-term changes. In her research project of “Turning Crises into Opportunities? Post-disaster Management in Contemporary China”, which is supported by the Research Grants Council’s Early Career Scheme 2014-15, Dr Kang seeks to understand the impact of various natural and man-made disasters on policy and governance in contemporary China. “This project will build on my doctoral dissertation about the pattern of response to the Sichuan earthquake in 2008,” said Dr Kang. “Now, besides extending the timeframe, I am expanding my scope of research by seeing different disasters in different parts of China.” Dr Kang will examine more cases in her new research, like the SARS in 2003, the Sichuan earthquake and the snowstorms in Southern China in 2008, the Shanghai fire in 2010, the Wenzhou train collision in 2011, and the floods in Southwest China in 2013. All would stimulate learning about, specifically, the intra-governmental relations in re-construction, the different patterns of post-disaster management (e.g. reactive or preventive, stagnant or developmental, myopic or hyperopic), the roles played by NGOs and other relief groups in the process of recovery, and the impact of international community on the post-disaster practices and governance in China.

Dr Kang seeks to understand the impact of various disasters on policy and governance in contemporary China. 康博士嘗試探討各種災害如何影響當代中國的政策 和管治。

“Therefore, learning from disaster can mean something different and more,” said Dr Kang.

逢災害發生,大家自然想到其負面影響和大眾的即時反應。政治及國際關 係學系助理教授康怡博士(見圖)則從嶄新角度,探索當中的得著,以及 災害的長遠影響。透過新研究項目「轉危為機?當代中國的危機後處理」,她會 探討各種自然和人為災害如何影響當代中國的政策和管治。

康博士說:「當年,我的博士論文主要探索 2008 年四川大地震的應對,新的研究項目將是它的伸延。除了多看不同時期的災害, 我亦會擴大研究範疇,窺探內地不同地方的災害事件。」 康博士希望透過不同研究個案,如2003年的「沙士」、2008年的四川大地震和南部雪災、2010年的上海大火災、2011年的溫州火車 意外、以及2013年在西南部發生的水災,探討重建過程中政府的內部關係、不同模式的災後處理(如:被動應對還是主動預防?停 滯或是發展式的?是短視還是有遠見?)、非政府和其他救援組織的角色、以及國際社會對中國災後治理的影響。康博士說:「因 此,從災害學到的,可以是多樣化的。」 此研究項目獲政府研究資助局轄下的傑出青年學者計劃(2014-15年)資助。



GS Newsletter

P rize, Award & Honour

HKBU postgraduates win championship at HKSEC 浸大研究生衛冕香港社會企業挑戰賽


our postgraduates from HKBU, together with two students from another local university, have won the championship among 746 contestants at the 2013 Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC 2013) with a business plan on “Barrier-free School”. The team also earned the Best Social Mission and Best Presentation Awards, being the first team getting all three awards since HKSEC was held seven years ago. The award ceremony was held on 8 March 2014. Those four postgraduates are PhD in Computer Science students Li Yuanxi and Andy Chan Sheungwai, Chinese Medicine MPhil student Chen Lijun and Dr Zou Waiwen from Computer Science. They altogether worked out a plan on Barrier-free School with an aim to provide learning opportunities for people with disabilities (PWDs) at an e-platform, where there are school courses, job coaching and career support services. Details on the team’s project can be found at:

Team leader Li Yuanxi said: “We wish that information technology could bring more changes and benefits to PWDs, and share knowledge with more underprivileged people. We would also like to express our sincere thanks to our supervisors for their advice.” “Through HKSEC, I get to know different social problems in Hong Kong, and there are many other ways to alleviate the problems except fund-raising,” said Andy Chan. HKSEC is an inter-collegiate business plan competition which helps turn creative business ideas into meaningful and sustainable ventures promoting social good.

會大學四名研究生聯同來自本地其他院校的學生,憑「無障礙學堂」計劃參加「香港社會企業挑戰賽2013」,於746 支參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,奪得冠軍。該隊同時獲得「最佳演說獎」和「最具社會使命獎」,是比賽開辦七年以來,首 支能同時獲得三項大獎的隊伍。頒獎典禮於2014年3月8日舉行。

隊伍中的四名浸會大學代表為計算機科學系博士生李原曦和陳尚瑋、中醫碩士研究生陳麗君、和計算機科學系鄒衛文博 士。他們設計的「無障礙學堂」是一個以殘疾人士為主要對象的網上教育平台,專門提供培訓和就業輔導服務。詳情可瀏 覽:。 隊長李原曦說:「我們希望資訊科技能為殘疾人士帶來正面的轉變,與弱勢社群分享知識,亦十分感激老師的指導。」陳 尚瑋表示:「是次比賽讓我看到不同類型的社會問題。除了捐款,我們還有很多方法提供幫助。」 「香港社會企業挑戰賽」是香港首個讓專上院校一起參與的社企計劃比賽,透過創新和企業家精神來解決社會問題,研創 社企新一面。

Professor Raymond Wong named highly cited researcher in materials science 黃維揚教授入選「廣獲徵引的科學家名錄(材料科學界別)」


rofessor Raymond Wong, Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Chemistry, was named in the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2014 in the Materials Science category published by Thomson Reuters. A total of 3,215 scholars worldwide in 21 fields in the sciences and social sciences, such as biology, chemistry, physics, clinical medicine, computer science, engineering, environment, materials science and mathematics were included. Professor Wong was selected as one of the 147 experts in the materials science category among which only five scholars come from Hong Kong universities. Over 400 research papers by Professor Wong have been published in various academic journals to date and he was listed among the world’s top 1% in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) list of most-cited chemists and materials scientists. The Highly Cited Researchers were selected by taking into consideration the number of a scholar’s influential papers cited at different levels of citation over a period of 10 years (2002 – 2012). For more information, visit:


全球共3,215位來自科學及社會科學21個界別(包括生物、化學、物理、臨床醫學、計算機科學、工程、環境、材料科學和數 學等)的學者列入該名錄。黃教授是147位入選的材料科學界別的學者之一,當中只有五位是香港學者。他至今共有超過400篇研究 論文刊登於多份學術期刊,亦列入美國科學資訊研究所編製的全球廣獲徵引的化學家及材料科學家名錄的首1%學者。

今次列入廣獲徵引的科學家名錄的學者,是根據他們在 2002 至 2012 年十年間發表具影響力的論文數目及不同程度獲引用的次 數。詳情可瀏覽﹕。




P rize, Award & Honour

Professor Adrian J. Bailey named Academician by UK’s Academy of Social Sciences



ean of Social Sciences Professor Adrian J. Bailey was conferred the award of Academician by the Academy of Social Sciences of the UK, in recognition of his outstanding achievement in social sciences research and his impact on advancing social sciences. On the mission of promoting social sciences in the UK for the public benefit, the Academy has around 87,000 memberships from its 45 learned societies, among whom only over 1% of the members are named Academicians. Currently, Professor Bailey is one of the two scholars in Hong Kong with such honour.

會科學院院長貝力行教授早前獲英國社會科學院頒授院士榮銜,表 揚他在社會科學研究上的卓越成就及在推動社會科學發展上的影響 力。該學院旨在推動英國的社會科學發展,為人民謀福祉,現有45個學術 團體、約87,000名會員,當中只有僅多於百分之一的會員能獲得此殊榮。 現時本港僅有兩位學者獲此榮銜,貝力行教授是其中一位。

Collaborative autophagy research by Professor Li Min of School of Chinese Medicine published in Nature Communications

中醫藥學院李敏教授「自噬研究」合作論文獲刊載於著名科研雜誌《 N a t u re Communications》


joint research project entitled “NRBF2 regulates autophagy and prevents liver injury by modulating Atg14L-linked phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase III activity” by Professor Li Min, School of Chinese Medicine (SCM), and Professor Yue Zhenyu of the Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA, elaborates on the role of NRBF2 in autophagy regulation and liver injury prevention, and provides a novel drug target for autophagy modulation and liver injury prevention. The research article was published online in premier scientific journal Nature Communications in May ( ncomms4920/full/ncomms4920.html).

Professor Li Min (centre), Dr Lu Jiahong (right) and the research team 李敏教授(中)、路嘉宏博士(右)與研究團隊

Autophagy is a lysosome degradation pathway for material and energy recycling, and plays vital roles in the growth, development and homeostasis of cells. Dysregulation of autophagy has been linked to a number of diseases, including cancers and neurodegenerative diseases.

Professor Li said that the study uncovers the physiological function of NRBF2 and provides a novel therapeutic target for autophagy-associated liver damage and ER stress-associated disorders including neurodegenerative diseases and cancers, which could lead to the discovery of innovative therapy and drugs for those diseases. The co-principal author of the article, Dr Lu Jiahong, is a postdoctoral fellow jointly nurtured by SCM and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. His research focuses are the regulation mechanism of autophagy and small molecular Chinese medicinal compounds as natural autophagy enhancers.

醫藥學院李敏教授與美國西奈山伊坎醫學院神經科學系教授岳振宇教授的一項聯合研究,題為「 NRBF2 通過 調節 Atg14L 結合的磷脂醯肌醇激酶活性調控自噬和防止肝臟損傷」,闡明了 NRBF2 蛋白在細胞自噬調控和防止 肝臟損傷中的作用機制,為自噬調控和肝臟損傷治療提供了新的藥物靶點。有關研究論文於5月在國際著名科研雜 誌《 Nature Communications 》的網上版發表( ncomms4920.htm)。

「自噬」是細胞通過溶酶體機制自我消化進行物質能量循環的過程,也是調控細胞生長、發育與穩態的重要機制,有助細胞 產物在合成、降解及循環中保持一個平衡狀態。它與多種人類疾病,如腫瘤和神經退行性疾病有密切關係。 李教授表示,研究結果揭示了NRBF2的生理功能,也為自噬調控、肝臟損傷和內質網應激損傷的相關疾病,如腫瘤和神經 系統退行性疾病,提供了新的調控機制和治療靶點,有助於研究人員針對上述人類頑疾尋找新的治療方法及研發新藥。 該論文的共同第一作者路嘉宏博士是浸大中醫藥學院和西奈山伊坎醫學院聯合培養的博士後研究員,他在西奈山伊坎醫學 院的主要研究方向是細胞自噬的調控機制和中藥小分子自噬調控劑的藥理作用。



GS Newsletter

P rize, Award & Honour


hD students of Finance and Decision Sciences Tommy Chan (photo) and Zach Lee, together with Dr Christy Cheung, win the Best Paper Award for their co-authored paper at the 2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology.


r Regina Chen (right), Assistant Professor of the Department of Communication Studies, win a Best Faculty Paper award from the International Communication Association for the paper she co-authors with Dr Jeong-nam Kim (Purdue University) and Dr Flora Hung-Baesecke. The paper is entitled “Identifying Active Hot-Issue Communicators and Subgroup Identifiers: Examining the Situational Theory of Problem Solving”.

務及決策學系兩位博士研究生陳錦 濠(見圖)和李衛儒與張美君博士




洪君如博士和美國普渡大學Jeongnam Kim博士合著的論文(題目見英文版), 獲國際傳播學會頒發「最佳論文獎」。


rofessor Kara Chan and Mr Lennon Tsang of the School of Communication win a Highly Commended Paper Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for their co-authored paper “Using Theory of Planned Behavior to predict healthy eating of Danish adolescents” with two Danish scholars, which is considered as one of the most impressive pieces of work by the Health Education editorial team of the Network throughout the previous year.

理學院陳家華教授和曾良倫先生與兩位丹麥學者合著論文(題目見英文版), 獲Emerald Literati Network最佳論文獎中的「高度推薦獎」,是此機構去年

芸芸論文中,令其《Health Education》編輯委員會印象深刻的論文之一 。


han Siu-kuen, now studying for Master of Fine Arts in Film, TV and Digital Media, gets an Excellent Award and a Special Commendation Award for the micro film 3 Coins, which she is the writer and the director, at the first Youth Integrity Micro Film Festival organised by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

影電視與數碼媒體藝術(製作)碩士生 陳小娟憑其創作及執導的微電影《三

個金幣》,於廉政公署首次舉辦的「青少年誠 信微電影節」中,奪得「卓越大獎」和「特別 嘉許獎」。


omputer Science MPhil student Mr Yang Xiaofei (centre) receives the Best Application Paper Award at the 18th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. The co-authors are Professor Liu Jiming (left) and Dr William Cheung (right) of the Department of Computer Science, and Professor Zhou Xiaonong of the National Institute of Parasitic Diseases in China.



achel Wu, Research Assistant of the School of Chinese Medicine, receives full fellowship to pursue a four-year PhD programme on Interdisciplinary Life Science-PULSe at Purdue University in the US.


周小農教授合著論文,在「第十八屆亞太知識發現及數據挖掘國際研 討會」中獲頒「最優秀應用論文獎」。

醫藥學院研究助理吳秋雨獲全額 獎學金前赴美國普渡大學,修讀



hD student of the Department of Geography Du Huimin receives the Student Travel Award in the Student Paper Competition of the China Geography Specialty Group under American Association of Geographers, and a writing-up grant for her PhD thesis entitled “Leaving Home in Chaohu: Migration and Transition of Educated Young People from Peripheral Areas of China” from the Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies.


eng Houfu (left), Dr Guo Baosheng (centre), and Liang Chao (right) of the School of Chinese Medicine receive the Clinical and Translational Medicine Best Thesis Awards at the Fifth SinoAmerican Symposium on Clinical and Translational Medicine held in Beijing.

醫藥學院研究生冷厚甫(左)、 梁超(右)和郭保生博士(中)

出席在北京舉行的「第五屆中美臨床 與轉化醫學國際論壇」,並獲大會頒 發「臨床與轉化醫學優秀論文獎」。






S tudent

MVA students: Our graduation show speaks creativity

視覺藝術碩士生 畢業展演譯創意 (From left) Dr Ho Siu-kee, MVA Programme Director; Dr Pi Li, Senior Curator of M+, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority; Professor John Aiken, Director of Academy of Visual Arts; and Wendy Wo, MVA Graduation Committee 2014 at the opening ceremony. (左起)視覺藝術碩士課程總監何兆基博士、西九 文化區管理局M+策展人皮力博士、視覺藝術院總 監莊藝勤教授、 2014年度視覺藝術碩士畢業委員 會胡敏儀出席畢業展開幕禮。


ixty-one students from the Master of Visual Arts (MVA) programme organised a graduation exhibition on the theme of “Interconnection”.

Held from 4 – 28 July 2014 at Kai Tak Campus, the exhibition showcased the works of MVA students majoring in Experience Design, Studio Arts and Extended Media, Art & Culture and Art Administration. By using visual arts in the form of painting, installation, video and essays, the students intended to explore the interconnection between human beings and objects, the relations between society and one self, and the bonding among the past, the present and the future. In a creative way, the exhibition attempted to let visitors see the world from a new perspective. Seminars were held at the exhibition to promote view exchanges between visual arts practitioners and members of the public. A catalogue was also produced by the graduating students of Studio Art & Extended Media to present their works. For details, visit:


參展的學生分別修讀「體驗設計」、「藝術創作與延伸媒體」、「藝術與文化」、和「藝術行政」四個專業範疇, 他們以視覺藝術為主導,透過畫作、裝置、影像和文化評論等創意媒介,探討人和事之間的互動、自身和社會的關 係,甚至是過去、現在和未來的連繫,期望參觀人士可利用新角度窺視世界。 展覽期間設有專題研討會,讓學者和業界人士與公眾互相交流。另「藝術創作與延伸媒體」的應屆畢業生亦為是次 展覽製作作品目錄,詳情請查閱:。

“A naive mind is the original state of our mind - the true self. When our mind is empty, we would find the infinite possibilities of the world.” 「童心,乃原初本心 — 真我。當我們清空心智,便會發現世界的無限可能。」

Stanley Sin, MVA Graduate 2014 2014年度視覺藝術碩士畢業生冼宏瀚



GS Newsletter

S tudent

American PhD student co-edits publication on Chinese Medicinal Identification

美籍博士生醉心中醫藥 參與《中藥材鑒定圖典》編輯工作


merican PhD student Eric Brand has become one of the English editors for a publication launched by the School of Chinese Medicine, with his heart and knowledge in this area. Entitled “Chinese Medicinal Identification: An Illustrated Approach”, the book is a collaborative work of Professor Zhao Zhongzhen, Associate Dean of Chinese Medicine and Dr Chen Hubiao, Associate Professor of the School. As an English version of the authoritative publication in Chinese medicine authentication, it records 428 commonly used Chinese medicinal materials with details on nomenclature, origin, harvesting and post-harvest handling, functions and properties, macroscopic characteristics and decoction pieces, featuring the systematic application of traditional methods of experience-based differentiation and the scientific elucidation of traditional technical terms. With a strong interest in Chinese culture, Eric studied Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese medicine and acupuncture in the US and Taiwan respectively. Eric obtained a master’s degree of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, US, and is a licensed acupuncturist in the State of California, US. Over the years, he has been engaged in education and publication relating to Chinese medicine, and is keen to promote Chinese medicine to people in Western countries.

醫藥學院美裔博士研究生白效龍(Eric Brand)醉心中醫藥研究,並參與學院著作《中 藥材鑒定圖典》的英文版編輯工作。

“It’s an exercise to experience the surrounding space...where are you now? Can you smell anything? Can you feel the softness or hardness of the land? Are you sweating or freezing?” 「來練習下,感受一下周邊環境⋯⋯你現 在在哪裡?可嗅到什麼?可感受到土地 的軟硬?你感到熱至冒起汗來,還是冷 至發抖?」

該書冊名為“Chinese Medicinal Identification: An Illustrated Approach”,由學院副院長趙 中振教授與副教授陳虎彪博士聯合編著,收錄了 428 種常用的中藥材,有系統地總結傳 統的中藥經驗鑒別方法,並以現代科學來詮釋經驗鑒別的術語,讓讀者能認識各種中藥 材的名稱、來源、產地、採收加工、性味功效、藥材特徵、飲片特徵等。 白效龍一向對中國文化深感興趣,曾先後於美國和台灣進修中文、中國文化、中醫、針 灸等課程,並取得美國Pacific College of Oriental Medicine的理學(東方傳統醫學)碩士 學位,亦是美國加州的註冊針灸師,從事中醫藥教育及出版中醫藥刊物的工作,並向外 籍人士推廣中醫藥。

Lee Suet-ying, MVA Graduate 2014 2014年度視覺藝術碩士畢業生李雪盈

“I transformed the social issues of Hong Kong into a piece of inflatable artwork, where an inflating device is connected to a payment machine and visitors could decide the existence of such artwork through making payment – It was a process to explore the value of art.” 「我把香港議題轉化為充氣藝術品,作品 的充氣裝置會連接一部付款機,參觀者可 透過消費行為來決定藝術品的存在與否, 藉此探討大眾對藝術價值的看法。」

Boy Yiu, MVA Graduate 2014 2014年度視覺藝術碩士畢業生姚君豪

Professor Zhao Zhongzhen (left) and Eric Brand (right) 趙中振教授(左)與白效龍先生(右)




Stay Tuned Watch out for HKBU events and activities!



Oct 27 - Nov 1

Dec 5-6

The 6th Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop

Nietzche in the 21st Century

Speakers : Professor David Boardman, Mr Chris Hamby, Mr Tyler Hicks, Ms Anne E. Kornblut, Mr Kurtis Lee, Mr Ewen MacAsk ill, Mr Steve Sack, Ms Inga Saffron


: 9:00am - 6:00pm


: WLB104, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, HKBU

Organiser : School of Communication

Organiser : Department of Humanities and Creative Writing

Details : h t t p : / / p p w w. h k b u . e d u . h k / eng/2014schedule.html

Dec 8-12

Oct 28 Opening Ceremony cum Forum of The 6th Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop Time

: 3:30pm - 5:30pm


: WLB103, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, HKBU

The 5th International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations Organiser : Department of Mathematics Details : SCPDE14

Dec 9-11

Dec 11-12 Global Social Sciences: Hong Kong Initiative Conference Series Venue : SCM012, Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building, Baptist University Road Campus, HKBU Organiser : Faculty of Social Sciences

Dec 13-16 The International Workshop on Computational Science and Engineering Time

: 9:30am - 5:30pm (Dec 13)

8:45am - 5:30pm (Dec 14-16) Venue

: WLB103, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, HKBU

Organiser : Institute of Computational and Theoretical Studies

Organiser : School of Communication

Conference on Early Chinese Thinkers and Warfare Ethics



: 9:00am - 6:00pm

Dec 15-16


: SWT501, Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus, HKBU

2nd Young Scholars’ Conference in China Studies

Nov 8 2014 International Summit on Innovative Drug Discovery Charting the Course of Standardization of Chinese Materia Medica

Organiser : Centre for Applied Ethics


Dec 9-11

: 9:00am - 6:00pm

AAB201, Academic and Venue : Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus, HKBU

Details : h t t p : / / c a e . h k b u . e d u . h k / conferences.html

The 5th World Business Ethics Forum

Nov 27-29

Speakers: • Professor Simon Ho, President, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Business Ethics

Designing Experience: The Ballerina on the Elephant

• Professor Alex Michalos, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Business Ethics


• Professor Deborah C. Poff, President and Vice-Chancellor, Brandon University, Editor of Journal of Business Ethics, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Academic Ethics

Organiser : School of Chinese Medicine

: Academy of Visual Arts, Kai Tak Campus, HKBU

Organiser : Academy of Visual Arts and Hong Kong Design Centre Details : designing-experience-conference


: University of Macau

Organiser : Hong Kong Baptist University and University of Macau Details : h t t p : / / w w w. u m a c. m o / f b a / wbef2014/index.html

Details :

Organiser : Chinese Studies Programme, HKBU and Tsinghua University

Dec – May Dec 2014 – May 2015 The 8th Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition Organiser : Language Centre Details :

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