港專 2012-2013 全日制專上課程 課程概覽

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港專簡介 ABOUT HKCT 香港專業進修學校(港專),為港專機構轄下一所慈善 性質獨立專上教育機構。港專前身為旺角工人夜校,於 1957年創辦。在過去五十多年來,港專積極投入香港的 教育事業,服務範疇不斷擴展,目前在高等教育及延續 教育等領域,提供多元化的專業課程,切合不同年齡、 不同階層人士的需求。此外,港專亦致力發展社會服 務,回饋社會。 港專「致力成為建基香港、具國際識見、充滿希望的優 選高等及持續教育機構,對國家對社會有所貢獻。」港 專採用靈活多元的教學模式,培養學生的專業知識和 獨立思考;更透過校內專業部門提供不同的課內外活 動,例如通識課程、外地交流及義務工作等,藉以開拓 他們的視野,建立積極上進的人生觀。學校設立語言中 心,著重訓練學生的兩文三語,讓他們掌握良好的溝通 能力。與此同時,港專關顧學生的生涯規劃,為他們安 排實習機會、升學及就業支援服務等,協助他們認清方 向,一步一步實現理想。

Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) is a charitable and independent post-secondary education institution under the HKCT Group Limited. Formerly known as the Mongkok Workers’ Night School, which was established in 1957, the HKCT has striven continuously to contribute to the local education for over 50 years. Currently, the College provides a diversity of professional courses in higher and further education to cater for the needs of learners at different ages and levels. It has also committed to giving back to society by providing various forms of social service. HKCT strives to establish itself as a home-grown education institution with an international vision and a growth prospect to contribute to the society and the motherland. We help students acquire professional knowledge and develop critical thinking through flexible and versatile teaching strategies. Specialised departments at HKCT also promote a variety of extra-curricular programmes, such as liberal studies courses, international student exchange and voluntary services, with a view to widening students’ horizon and helping them develop a positive outlook on life. Our language centre provides support for students to hone their skills in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, and improve their communication skill. HKCT also offers students internship opportunities and education and career support, with the aim of helping them to identify their direction and focus, and to work towards their goals.


港專高等教育簡介 Higher Education at HKCT

2001年,港專成功通過香港學術評審局(現為香港學 術及職業資歷評審局)評審,成為首批根據政府擴展大 專學位政策認可的專上院校。港專高等教育包括五大 學部,包括商學部、應用科技學部、人文與社會科學 學部、語言傳意學部及通用教育學部,提供多項全日 制專上課程,範疇涵蓋社會工作、創意設計、語文傳 意、資訊科技、旅遊及酒店款待、工商管理及專業會計 等。2009年,港專獲政府撥出馬鞍山耀安邨一所空置校 舍,改建為港專高等教育的獨立校舍,為中學畢業生提 供多元化的課程選擇,包括高級文憑、專科文憑及毅進 文憑等。

In 2001, HKCT was granted an accredited status by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (now the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications) as the first of its kind being sanctioned by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s policy in expanding tertiary education for the delivery of accredited full-time programmes at Higher Diploma level. HKCT Higher Education consists of five divisions, namely the Division of Business, Division of Applied Technology, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Centre of Languages and Communication, and the Centre of Foundation Studies. On offer are a series of full-time post-secondary programmes covering areas including social work, design, language, information technology, tourism and hospitality, business administration, professional accounting and so on. In 2009, HKCT was granted by the government a vacant school premise at Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan. The premise was then established as HKCT’s independent campus for higher education. Today, HKCT offers a wide spectrum of courses to secondary school graduates, including Higher Diploma for Tertiary Studies and Yi Jin Diploma.


教育使命 EDUCATION Mission

港專著重學生全人發展,除了為他們提供優質專上教育 課程外,同時培養他們的專業技能及終身學習態度,積 極裝備自己,應付未來挑戰及事業發展。

HKCT values students’ all-round development. While all our post-secondary education programmes are designed to equip students with professional skills, we also strive to inspire students to recognise the importance of lifelong learning so that they are always well prepared to pursue their career goals and take up different challenges.

4 目錄

目錄 Contents 1 2 3 6 8 10 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 30

港專簡介 港專高等教育簡介 教育使命 校長序言 多姿多彩的校園生活 港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園 教師資歷及港專畢業生出路 升學階梯 港專優勢 學生、畢業生卓越成就 專業學會認可課程 國內及海外合作院校 學士學位銜接課程 政府學費資助 2012-13港專獎學金計劃 2012-13全日制課程總覽


32 高級文憑

90 專科文憑

會計及商業 34 專業會計學 36 會計學(金融) 38 會計學(中國會計) 40 會計學(副修銀行學) 43 學生心聲 46 工商管理(市場) 48 工商管理(金融) 50 工商管理(中國商業) 52 學生心聲

會計及商業 92 會計學 94 銀行運作 96 工商管理 98 財富策劃

旅遊及酒店款待 54 項目管理 56 旅遊業管理(航空及郵輪服務) 58 旅遊業管理(酒店款待) 60 旅遊業管理(旅遊商貿) 62 學生心聲 資訊科技 64 電腦學(軟件開發) 66 電腦學(網絡及保安) 68 學生心聲 創意設計 70 創意設計(綜合平面設計傳達) 72 學生心聲 人文及社會科學 74 社會工作 76 應用心理學 78 公共與社會服務 80 運動、體適能及健康管理 82 學生心聲 企業傳訊及語言 84 企業傳訊及語言 ( 中文/英語/日語/韓語)

旅遊及酒店款待 100 項目管理 102 旅遊與酒店款待 資訊科技 104 資訊科技應用 創意設計 106 創意設計 108 資訊娛樂節目製作與廣播 人文及社會科學 110 應用心理學 112 公共與社會服務 114 紀律部隊副修體適能 企業傳訊及語言 116 應用中英傳意 日本語言文化應用 韓國語言文化應用 118 學生心聲

120 其他專業課程介紹 122 124 126 128 130

網絡及資訊保安專業文憑 多媒體及創意科技專業文憑 創意設計(綜合平面設計傳達)專業文憑 創意設計(室內建築設計)專業文憑 美容師高級文憑

132 134 136 137

港專的驕傲 課程報名須知 港專校舍位置圖 全日制/兼讀制課程入學申請表2012-2013


1 2 3 6 8 10 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 30

About HKCT Higher Education at HKCT Education Mission Preface by the President & Principal A Rewarding Campus Life HKJC Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus Qualifications of Teaching Staff and Career Prospects for HKCT Graduates Articulation Path Competitive Strengths of HKCT HKCT Students & Graduates Outstanding Performance Accreditations by Professional Bodies Partner Universities in China and Overseas Full-time Bachelor’s Top-Up Degree Programmes Government Subsidies HKCT Scholarship Scheme 2012-13 2012-13 Full-time Programmes Overview

32 Higher Diploma Accounting and Business 34 Professional Accounting 36 Accounting (Financial Studies) 38 Accounting (China Accounting) 40 Accounting (With Banking) 43 Students’ Sharing 46 Business Administration (Marketing) 48 Business Administration (Finance) 50 Business Administration (China Business) 52 Students’ Sharing Tourism and Hospitality 54 Event Management 56 Tourism Management (Airline and Cruise Services) 58 Tourism Management (Hospitality) 60 Tourism Management (Tourism Business) 62 Students’ Sharing Information Technology 64 Computer Studies (Software Development) 66 Computer Studies (Network and Security) 68 Students’ Sharing Creative Design 70 Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) 72 Students’ Sharing Humanities and Social Sciences 74 Social Work 76 Applied Psychology 78 Public and Social Services 80 Management of Sports, Fitness and Health 82 Students’ Sharing

Corporate Communication & Languages 84 Corporate Communication and Language Studies (Chinese/English/Japanese/Korean) 88 Students’ Sharing

90 Diploma for Tertiary Studies Accounting & Business 92 Accounting 94 Banking Operations 96 Business Administration 98 Wealth Planning Tourism and Hospitality 100 Event Management 102 Tourism and Hospitality Information Technology 104 Information Technology Applications Creative Design 106 Creative Design 108 Infotainment Production and Broadcasting Humanities and Social Sciences 110 Applied Psychology 112 Public and Social Services 114 Disciplinary Forces with Physical Fitness Corporate Communication & Languages 116 Applied Chinese and English Communication Applied Japanese Language and Culture Applied Korean Language and Culture 118 Students’ Sharing

120 Other Professional Programmes 122 124 126 128 130

Professional Diploma in Network and Security Professional Diploma in Multimedia and Creative Technology Professional Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) Professional Diploma in Creative Design (Interior Architectural Design) Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy

132 134 136 137

HKCT’s Pride Programme Enrolment HKCT Campus Locations Application Form for Full-time/Part-time Programmes 2012-13

6 校長序言

校長序言 Preface by the President & Principal

首屆中學文憑試將於本學年舉行,本地專上教育發展亦揭 開新的一頁。在雙班年下,副學位課程定會為莘莘學子 提供更具彈性的升學出路,同學可按他們的興趣及能力, 選擇合適課程,發掘個人潛能,一步一步實現理想。 香港專業進修學校(港專)正邁向五十五周年, 是本地歷史最悠久、最具規模的民辦專上院校, 多年來一直緊貼社會的最新發展,提供多元化的 升學出路。為照顧新高中文憑試首屆畢業生對專 上教育學額的需求,港專在2012-13學年將會特別 推出多項嶄新的全日制專上課程,當中包括二十二 個 高 級 文 憑 及 十 五 個 專 科 文 憑 。 例如新開辦的會計 學(金融)、項目管理、電腦學(網絡及保安)、應 用心理學、企業傳訊及語言等,內容涵蓋不同專業範 疇,回應社會發展趨勢,照顧青年人的不同興趣。 隨着課程發展的同時,港專校舍也取得長足發展。專為 修讀全日制副學位課程學生而設的港專賽馬會馬鞍山校 園,已正式投入服務,何文田校舍亦已全面翻新,銅鑼 灣校舍特別附設的語言中心,提供互動學習平台,致力 改善學生兩文三語的能力,校舍每項教學設施都是經過 細心考慮,為學生需要而設。

我們亦非常注重學生的全人發展,同學有機會參與不同 類型的活動,包括國內及海外實習及交流計劃等。此 外,港專師生比例特低,使師生關係更密切,學生可真 正感受親切、融洽的大專生活,並體驗「更活、更動、 更多元」的專上教育。 港專畢業生的卓越表現,正好引證學校辦學的成就。有 同學成功創業,有同學步往專業,亦有同學繼續在本地 及海外的大專院校繼續升學,考取更高學歷。學校更特 設「港專尚進大獎」及「港專獎學金計劃」,協助經濟 有困難及獎勵在學業上表現優異的學生,鼓勵他們抱持 專業尚進的精神,貢獻社會。 在2012-13新學年,我們誠意邀請您加入港專大家庭, 體驗不一樣的專上教育。

陳卓禧博士 港專校長 香港高等院校持續教育聯盟董事 香港非牟利專上院校議會榮譽秘書 香港教育工作者聯會理事 香港專業議會主席 中華職業教育社理事


The higher education sector is set to open a new chapter with the launch of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) next year. Under double cohort year, sub-degree programmes will provide flexible articulation paths for students according to their interest and ability to choose a programme to unlock their own potential and fulfill their career aspirations step by step. Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) will soon celebrate its 55th anniversary. It is one of the wellestablished charitable post secondary education institutions with the longest history, which has been offering a wide range of articulation paths that reflect the latest social development for years. To cater to the demand of the first batch of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) graduates for post-secondary education, HKCT will launch various full-time higher education programmes for the academic year 2012/13, including 22 Higher Diploma Programmes and 15 Diplomas for Tertiary Studies, covering a broad spectrum of professional areas, including Accounting (Finance), Event Management, Computer Studies (Internet and Security), Applied Psychology, Corporate Communication, and Languages. They all echo social trends and are designed to cater to young people’s interest. HKCT has also significantly expanded its campuses recently. The HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus, which caters to full-time sub-degree students, has been inaugurated. Our Ho Man Tin Campus has been renovated, while the Language Centre at the Causeway Bay Campus has been established to provide an interactive platform for students to improve their Chinese and English. At HKCT campuses, all teaching facilities are delicately designed to meet students’ learning needs.

We place substantial importance upon students’ holistic development. We encourage them to participate in a diversity of activities, such as the mainland internship programmes and foreign exchange programmes. In addition, the low teacher-to-student ratio helps forge closer relations between teachers and students, and students can truly enjoy a campus life full of joy and love, and receive the “lively, interactive and diversified” higher education. The career achievements of HKCT graduates are testimony to HKCT’s contribution to the education sector. Some of our graduates have launched their own businesses; some have become professionals; some chose to pursue further studies at local or overseas universities. We have also launched the HKCT Excellence Award and HKCT Scholarships Scheme, with the aim of helping students facing financial difficulties and commending those with excellent academic achievements. The awards give students incentives to maintain a professional attitude, strive for progress and make contribution to society. In the new academic year of 2012/13, we sincerely invite you to join us at HKCT and experience unique higher education.

Dr Chan Cheuk-hay President & Principal of HKCT Director in the Federation for Continuing Education in Tertiary Institutions Honorary Secretary in the Council of Hong Kong Non-profit Making Tertiary Institutions Executive Committee Member in Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers Chairman, The Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations Council Member, National Association of Vocational Education of China

8 多姿多彩的校園生活


系會及學生活動 港專非常重視學生全人發展,學生發展部致力為同學安 排各式各樣的活動,感受多姿多彩校園生活。活動包括 領袖訓練營、野外定向比賽、學生歌唱大賽、慈善賑災 籌款、名人講座及分享會等。此外,亦積極為學生成立 不同組織及系會,包括港專青年團契、社會服務團、球 類學會、語言學會等。 參與大型公開活動 港專與本地各大型機構及社會團體建立緊密的合作伙伴 的關係,令學生有更多機會參與大型公開活動,擴闊眼 界。例如,去年港專學生多次參與由慧妍雅集舉辦的慈 善活動,如慈善步行、餐舞會及義賣活動等。而慧妍雅 集港姐會員亦親身到本校主持講座,與同學分享個人的 成功故事,並在個人形象及教授社交禮儀方面提供指 導。 港專演藝坊 港專演藝坊(Talent Mill)是一個為學生提供多項專業 演藝才能訓練及多元化演出機會的平台,學生可透過這 平台提升自信,發揮才藝。演藝坊訓練項目包括歌唱技 巧、樂器演奏、舞蹈、司儀、魔術、舞台音響操作、化 妝及攝影等。演藝坊亦肩負校本企業的角色,由訓練有 素的學生及專業人士組成表演團隊,定期為各公營及商

業機構安排表演項目,如企業及政府機構周年晚宴、商 場活動、婚宴,派對等,令同學從實際經驗中學習商業 營運及客戶服務等技巧,提升個人未來競爭力。 地區義工服務 社會服務團邀請本校導師及本地社福機構的資深社工擔 任顧問,安排同學在不同的社會福利機構或地區組織提 供義工服務,並參與訓練計劃,發揚助人及關愛精神。 暑期活動:足跡@夏日.come 港專特別為學生提供一系列暑期活動,讓他們在炎炎夏 日,善用餘暇。「足跡@夏日.come」是另類的宿營康樂 項目,目標是使學生跳出課堂,親身經歷另類的工作體 驗,如當一天菜販、小農夫等,他們可從中反思生活, 培養團隊合作和人際溝通的技巧。 國內交流實習計劃 港專每年都舉辦不同類型的國內交流及實習活動,讓學 生有更多機會了解國情。過去,曾經為學生安排到北 京、青海、瀋陽及上海等地,與當地學生進行文化交 流,並且到當地企業進行為期一至兩個月的實習工作計 劃,體驗生活。學生完成活動後,不但深化了個人國民 身份及對國家認同,更增加對中港兩地文化、經濟及歷 史的認識。


Societies and Activities HKCT attaches great importance to students’ holistic development. Our Student Development Centre strives to give students a rewarding campus life by organising a wide spectrum of activities, including leadership training camps, orienteering competitions, students’ singing contests, fund-raising campaigns, talks and forums featuring renowned figures. We have also set up a variety of student associations and societies, including HKCT Christians Group, Social Service Society, Sports and Language Societies. Involvements in Public Events HKCT has established close partnerships with various institutions and Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) as a way to give students the opportunity to take part in major public events and broaden their horizons. Last year, HKCT students joined a number of charity events organised by Wai Yin Association, including a walkathon and charity ball. We also invited Miss Hong Kong members of the association to host forums held at HKCT, where they shared their stories of success and gave lectures on selfimage and social etiquette. Talent Mill Talent Mill is a comprehensive training ground designed to nurture students personal development. It provides training in a multitude of performing art forms and a variety of performing opportunities. Through this platform, students can build up their confidence and bring their talent into full play. Talent Mill covers a wide spectrum of training, including singing skills, music playing, dancing, emceeing, magic performance, stage and audio operation, makeup and photography. At Talent Mill, well trained students and professionals form groups to give performances at annual dinners of private companies or government institutions, shopping mall events, wedding banquets and other parties. All these

offer students good opportunities to hone their skill, gain commercial experience, strengthen their customer service skills and enhance their competitiveness. Volunteering Social Service Society has a team of advisors formed by HKCT teachers and veteran social workers. They lead students to take part in voluntary work at social work institutions and different local organisations, and to join training programmes. Summer Programmes To help students make good use of summer holidays, HKCT hosts a range of summer programmes, including a local trip that offers students a chance to gain refreshing work experiences outside the campus, such as working as a vegetable vendor and farmer. Through the programmes, they can reflect on their life, learn to work in a team and improve their interpersonal skills. Mainland Exchange and Internships Every year HKCT runs different kinds of mainland exchange and internship programmes designed to deepen students’ understanding towards the mainland China. We have organised trips to mainland cities including Beijing, Qinghai, Shenyang and Shanghai, where HKCT students met with their mainland counterparts or worked at a local company as an intern for one to two months. These activities can effectively enhance young people’s cultural identity and get a deeper understanding of Chinese and Hong Kong culture, economic development and history.

10 港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園

港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園 HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus 設計新穎的港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園於2010年9月啟用。校舍位於馬鞍山耀安邨,總面積超過45,000平方呎,可容納 1,000名學生。這所獨立校舍專為修讀本校全日制副學位的學生而設,特設多項嶄新的設施及特別室,為每個學科注入 新動力,令每位學員享有更理想的學習環境。 HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus is an innovative-looking complex which has been launched in September 2010. Located at Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, it has a gross area of over 45,000 square feet and a capacity of 1,000 students. The campus caters to full-time students of HKCT’s sub-degree programmes. It features a variety of facilities and function rooms in a pleasant and vibrant learning environment.

模擬酒店客房及模擬機艙 專為旅遊及款待系學生而設,讓學員仿如置身真實酒店 環境,了解酒店日常的運作。室內特別配置模擬酒店前 檯及酒店管理系統 OPERA,學員可預先熟習酒店客務部 的電腦操作及款接部顧客服務的技巧。 模擬機艙以國際大型航空公司的訓練機艙為設計藍本, 學員可親身體驗客艙的基本操作。同時,亦特別安裝模 擬機場顧客服務櫃檯,為學員提供顧客服務訓練,以便 在學習期間盡早熟習航空公司櫃檯的運作,如辦理登機 手續及航空公司駐外的售票服務等。此外,模擬機場顧 客服務櫃檯亦會安裝ABACUS航空票務系統,讓學員隨 時練習預訂座位,尋找航空公司及航班資料,為乘 客訂購航空機位、尋找及更改乘客訂位記錄等,全面了 解航空電腦訂位系統的運作。

Mock-up Hotel Room and Mock-up Cabin Designed for Tourism and Hospitality students, the Mock-up Hotel Room offers an environment in which students can develop a well honed understanding of the daily operations of hotels. The room is equipped with a concierge mockup and an OPERA hotel management system for students to get acquaintance with the customer service computer system used in the hospitality industry. They can also cultivate their customer servicing skills at the reception desk.

The Mock-up Cabin is modelled on the training cabin of major airlines. It gives students hands-on experience with on-board operations. There is also an airport service desk mock-up offering customer service training, which enables students to get familiar with airline check-in work and airline ticketing service. The service desk is equipped with the ABACUS reservation system, through which students can grasp a thorough understanding of the airline computer reservation system. With ABACUS, they can practise how to reserve seats, acquire airline and flight information, and search and change passengers’ bookings.


餐飲訓練中心 參照星級酒店西餐廳設計佈局,內設酒吧及專為教學用 途的實習廚房。實習厨房備有西廚訓練的基本設施,設 備齊全。學員一方面將被安排在餐廳內跟本地名廚進行 西式廚務訓練,另一方面可在酒吧內進行調酒實習,鑽 研技巧。

Food and Beverage Training Centre Modelled on star-rated hotel restaurants, the Centre features a bar and a training kitchen equipped with basic cooking facilities for western cuisines. Students can receive training from renowned local chefs and hone their skills in mixing drinks.

數碼藝術設計工作間 專為設計系學生而設,工作間特別配置多部功能強大的 多媒體電腦,每部電腦均連接高速網絡,並配備嶄新的 電腦設計軟件,包括Adobe Creative Suite專業平面設計 處理、3D動畫應用軟件、Final Cut Pro Studio影像編輯 等,同學可在工作間進行平面設計、製作動畫及多媒體 藝術等創作。

Art Studio A space catering to Design students, the studio is equipped with multi-media computer facilities, all of which have high-speed Internet access, and installed with the latest computer software, including Adobe Creative Suite, 3D animation applications, and Final Cut Pro Studio. Here, students can create graphics, animations and other forms of multi-media work.

數碼媒體製作室 數碼媒體製作室擁有多項先進的視聽及攝影器材,選修 媒體及傳播科目的學員,將被安排在製作室進行實習, 製作個人作品集。學生從學習中實踐,不但能靈活地掌 握製作數碼媒體的技術,更可以藉此提高演說及表達技 巧,為個人未來升學及就業作好準備。

Digital Media Studio Digital Media Studio houses a broad range of advanced audio-visual equipment. Infotainment Production students will be able to put into practice their classroom knowledge by creating their own works here. Through practical work, they can build up multimedia techniques and enhance their public speaking skills. All this will help pave their way for further study or future career.

12 港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園

資訊科技研習室 資訊科技研習室特別為資訊科技學生參與畢業習作 而設。同學可利用室內多項裝置,如微軟的Visual Studio、Java的NetBean、Oracle及微軟的數據庫等, 及Cisco的路由器,開發不同的電腦系統,有助他們畢業 後成為程式設計師或系統工程師。 而電腦室可供全校學生使用,配置逾百部嶄新型號電腦 及裝有Linux、Window等伺服器。每部電腦配備了最新 軟件,學員可以嘗試開發不同的電腦程式,如手機遊戲 設計、電子購物網站及訂單處理系統等及掌握管理各類 系統及網絡的技巧,有助他們日後從事系統或網絡管理 人員工作。 社會工作實務訓練室 社會工作實務訓練室是社工系學生實踐課堂知識,演練 工作技巧的學習空間。內置單向鏡及多鏡頭錄影系統, 學員可以隨時錄影及播放在不同學習情境中所使用實務 技巧片段,與其他學員及導師進行互動討論,藉此提升 學習效能。實務訓練室亦特別設置多感官器材及遊樂 室,這些設施均是參照目前本地大型社福機構經常用作 輔助長者及殘障人士的設施而建立。

Computer Projects Laboratory Computer Projects Laboratory caters to final-year Information Technology students working on their graduation projects. A variety of facilities in the room are at their disposal, including the Microsoft Visual Studio, the Java NetBean, the database of Oracle and Microsoft, and the Cisco router. All these help them lay a good foundation for pursuing a career in programme design or system engineering.

The computer room, available to all HKCT students, houses more than 100 new computer models equipped with Linus and Window servers. All the computers feature the latest software. Students can learn to develop different computer progammes, such as computer games, online shopping websites, and bill-handling systems. They can also learn how to manage different systems and networks, that will enable them to lay a good foundation for becoming system and network technicians. Social Work Skills Laboratory Social Work Skills Laboratory is where social work students can put into practice what they learn in class and hone their social work skills. It is equipped with a recording system featuring one-way mirrors and multiple cameras. Students can film themselves when they practise their skills under different settings and replay the footage during group discussions with fellow students and instructors. The laboratory is also installed with multi-sensory equipment and a play room, which are modelled on the facilities widely used by major social welfare organisations to assist elderly people and the disabled.


語言中心 本校亦獲教育局的「質素提升津貼計劃」(Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme)撥款港幣165萬在銅鑼灣 校舍設置語言中心。中心內設置多項嶄新學習設施,學 生可因應個人學習進度,改善語文能力,以應付未來的 升學及就業需要。 語言中心採用開放式設計,設施及服務以學生需要為 本。同學可按不同學習需要,靈活運用室內傢俱及各項 配套設施。區內亦設有完善的電腦設備,學生可利用多 媒體電腦及配件,按不同學習進度隨時練習聆聽及口 語。此外,亦配置了電視屏幕及音響系統,學生可欣賞 精選外語節目或影片,增強學習語言的興趣。 本校於2011年再度成功獲教育局撥款港幣192萬,讓中 心能夠繼續致力提供多元化語言學習支援,培養學習興 趣,提升語言能力。 演講廳 演講廳面積寬敞,並配置先進的視像會議器材,學生及 導師可消除地域及時間的隔閡,與海外學者及學生進行 互動交流及學術討論。此外,學生亦可利用演講廳的設 施,舉行大型活動及進行表演項目。

Language Centre HKCT has been granted HK$1.65 million by the Education Bureau under the Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme to establish a language centre at its Causeway Bay campus. The Centre features a wide spectrum of learning facilities designed to help students improve their language proficiency and pave a better way for further study and their future career.

Language Centre features an open design and a wide range of facilities and services targeting students’ needs. A comprehensive range of computer facilities, including multimedia computers, are also available for students to conduct listening and speaking practice. To make it more fun to learn languages, the centre also provides TV sets and audio systems for students to watch foreign films or TV programmes. In 2011, HKCT has once again been granted HK$1.92 million by the Education Bureau, through which the Centre can provide more language support, cultivate students’ motivation for learning, and enhance their language competence. Lecture Theatre The spacious Lecture Theatre is equipped with cuttingedge video conference facilities that enable students and teaching staff to overcome time differences and geographical constraints and participate in academic exchanges and discussions with foreign scholars. Students can also hold major events or performances in the Lecture Theatre.

14 教師資歷及港專畢業生出路 Qualifications of teaching staff and career prospects for HKCT graduates

教師資歷及港專畢業生出路 Qualifications of teaching staff and career prospects for HKCT graduates Qualifications of Teaching Staff








Master or above


Career Prospects for HKCT Graduates



··畢業生整體就業、升學、進修率達93.6%。 ··約45%畢業生成功升讀本地政府資助大學,當中包 括香港浸會大學、香港理工大學、香港城市大學等。 ··超過90%選擇升學的畢業生成功入讀本地及海外學 士學位課程。


··超過70%畢業生在畢業後1至3個月內成功找到全職 工作。 ··約90%畢業生每月薪金約HK$8,000或以上。 (資料來源:港專2010年專上課程畢業生近況調查)

Further study ··93.6% 93.6ffff% of our graduates have found full-time employment, advanced to a higher education institution or pursued further study. ··About 45% of our graduates have been enrolled in local universities including Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the City University of Hong Kong. ··More than 90% graduates who chose to pursue further study have been enrolled in bachelor’s degree programmes at local or overseas universities Employment ··More than 70% of graduates have found full-time employment within one to three months upon graduation. ··About 90% of graduates have a monthly salary of approximately HK$8,000 or above. (Source: HKCT survey on graduates for the year 2010)


升學階梯 articulation path 本地或海外大學的銜接學位 Local or Overseas University Top-upDegree

兩年制高級文憑二年級 2-Year Higher Diploma Year 2

兩年制高級文憑一年級 2-Year Higher Diploma Year 1

一年制專科文憑/ 毅進文憑^ Diploma for Tertiary Studies/ Yi Jin Diploma^

舊制中七畢業 (高級程度會考一科及格) Successful completion of Secondary 7 (1 pass in HKALE)

中六畢業 (香港中學文憑試五科二級*) Successful completion of Secondary 6 (Level 2 in 5 HKDSE subjects*)

三年制高級文憑三年級 3-Year Higher Diploma Year 3

三年制高級文憑二年級 3-Year Higher Diploma Year 2

成功完成中五或 修畢中六 (香港中學文憑試任何成績) Successful completion of the 5th year of secondary school OR Completion of the 6th year of secondary school (any result in HKDSE)

* 包括中文、英文 Including Chinese Language and English Language ^ 2012年開辦,詳情以教育局宣佈為準 The programme will be commenced in 2012. For details, please refer to the announcement of Education Bureau.


High Programme Quality Assurance HKCT’s Higher Diploma and Diploma for Tertiary Studies have been through a rigorous evaluation procedure of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications and are recognised by a variety of professional bodies. In other words, they have the recognition from universities and employers. Taking the Higher Diploma in Social Work Programme as example, graduates can apply to be Registered Social Workers. Graduates of the Higher Diploma in Professional Accounting Programme can enjoy exemption from numerous examination papers granted by four professional accounting bodies. In addition, HKCT is recognised as a CISCO Academy, which can award the CISCO Academy Certificate to students of its Information Technology Programmes to enhance their professional qualifications. Besides, HKCT has established a programme quality guarantee system, whereby all programmes are subject to regular internal examination apart from external assessment. They are also obliged to meet specific requirements designed to promote quality enhancement.

An Extensive Employers Network Over the years, HKCT has established strong ties with employers and various sectors in Hong Kong. Today, HKCT has an employers network covering 500 companies. It provides students ample opportunities to work as interns in different companies as well as guidance related to course guidance. To help students pursue further study or look for jobs, HKCT has launched the Student Career Support and Planning Service, designed to help full-time students make career plans and fulfil their personal goals. The programme is sponsored by the Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme of the Education Bureau, and the scope of the services includes cover letter writing with the help of social workers, internship programmes, one-on-one meetings providing students guidance on pursuing further study or career advice, camps that focus on exploring job opportunities, professional workshops and talks. The programme also covers training related to job interviews, networks at work, and industry knowledge.

HKCT places substantial importance upon teaching staff’s qualifications and teaching quality. At present, over 80 percent of HKCT teachers have at least a master’s degree, while instructors of degree programmes all have substantial professional experience and knowledge. Systematic Language Training HKCT is committed to strengthening students’ language skills through careful programme design and a comprehensive range of teaching facilities. We have been granted a fund by the Education Bureau to establish a unique language centre, which is equipped with advanced facilities to help students learn English in a fun environment. The centre also runs the Individual Improvement Programme, which helps students set specific goals according to their language proficiency. All higher diploma students are required to take the New Brighter English programme and they are classified according to their English proficiency level at the time of enrolment. The programme features a sufficient number of hours of English course. The size of each class is small to make sure students’ different needs are addressed and to enhance their confidence in class.

Collaborations with Overseas and Mainland Universities HKCT has established solid partnerships with renowned overseas and mainland Chinese tertiary institutions, including University of Central Lancashire, University of Sunderland, Nottingham Trent University and Jinan University in China. Students who completed an associate degree programme can go on to study bachelor’s degree programmes abroad or in the mainland China. To strengthen students’ competitiveness and enhance their qualities in various aspects, HKCT has organised different overseas internship and exchange programmes, including a work tour in the United States for Hospitality students, and a visit to the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing, where creative design students studied art from artists of the Academy and collaborated art projects with them.

18 學生、畢業生卓越表現

學生、畢業生卓越表現 會計 ACCOUNTING 王栢駒、駱偉傑、曾宇源、梁鳳間、林鳳婷、羅偉俊、 李志雄、陳權輝 WONG Pak Kui, LOK Wai Kit, TSANG Yu Yuen, LEUNG Fung Kan, LAM Fung Ting, LAW Wai Chun, LI Chi Hung, CHAN Kuen Fai

黃婉珊、王耀鈞、楊德發、陳响庭、盧絲敏、姚燊樺 WONG Yuen Shan, WONG Yiu Kwan, YEUNG Tak Faat, CHAN Heung Ting, LO Sze Man, YIU San Wa 會計學(副修銀行學)高級文憑課程三年級學生 Year 3, Higher Diploma in Accounting (with Banking)

會計學高級文憑課程三年級學生 Year 3, Higher Diploma in Accounting

卓越表現獎 Outstanding Performance Award 香港財務會計協會 (HKIAAT)會計及商業管理個案比賽(大專組2010-2011) HKIAAT Accounting and Business Management Cases Competition 2010-2011

楊奕威、楊德發、曾旭初 YEUNG Yik Wai, YEUNG Tak Faat, TSANG Yuk Cho

陳啟倫 CHAN Kai Lun

會計學高級文憑課程三年級學生 Year 3, Higher Diploma in Accounting

會計學高級文憑課程畢業生 Graduate, Higher Diploma in Accounting

評判嘉許獎 Judges’Commendation 特許公認會計師公會(ACCA) 大專生商業策劃大比拼2010 ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2010


何庭烽、廖潔欣、梁綺媚、鄺美君 HO Ting Fung, LIU Kit Yan, LEUNG Yee Mei, KWONG Mei Kwan 旅遊業管理高級文憑(酒店款待)三年級學生 Year 3, Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Hospitality)

特許公認會計師公會(ACCA) P7 卷考試全港最佳成績 Best performance in Hong Kong of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) P7 Examination

ACCA專業會計考試的香港優異成績銅奬 Outstanding achievements in Hong Kong of ACCA Professional Accounting Examinations (Bronze)

電腦/商貿 COMPUTER STUDIES/ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 文啓光 MAN Kai Kwong 電腦學高級文憑課程學生 Higher Diploma in Computer Studies

多媒體設計組季軍 網上最受歡迎作品獎 「 無毒有愛」網上多媒體創作比賽

BIA商業創意大賽2010 MTR Award Business Innovation Awards 2010 - MTR Award

俞晏銓、陳俊瑋、蕭楚淇 YU An Chuen, CHAN Chun Wai, SIU Cho Ki 電腦學高級文憑課程學生 Higher Diploma in Computer Studies

蘇耀璋、李樹榮、李卓賢、方廸駿、吳偉杰、袁淨賢 SO Yiu Cheung, LEE Shu Wing, LEE Cheuk Yin, FONG Tik Chun, NG Wai Kit, YUEN Tseng Yin 商貿學高級文憑學生(市場學) Higher Diploma in Business (Marketing)

冠軍 Champion 香港電腦通訊節2011潮人創業學習賽 HKCCF2011 In Generation Project Young Enterprise Competition (Beginner)


HKCT students & graduates outstanding performance 毅進計劃 PROJECT YI JIN


柳凱翹、鍾家南 LAU Hoi Kiu, CHUNG Ka Nam

莫子奇 MOK Tsz Ki

毅進計劃(商貿、社會工作)學生 Project Yi Jin (Business Studies) & (Social Studies)

創意設計(綜合平面設計傳達)高級文憑課程學生 Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication)

獎學金 Scholarships


柏立基爵士信託基金獎學金 Sir Robert Black Trust Fund - Scholarships

關傑豪 KWAN Kit Ho 毅進計劃(銀行運作及投資管理) 學生 Project Yi Jin (Certificate in Banking Operation and Investment Management)

物流比賽優異獎 Merit Award 香港運輸物流學會 - 大專物流學藝比賽 2011 The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK), CILTHK Student Day 2011

優異獎 Merit Award 「尊重網上知識產權」卡套設計比賽 “Respect Intellectual Property on the Internet”Card Holder Design Competition 2010-2011

大專組季軍 Tertiary Group Second Runner-up 「香港安全標誌巴士車身設計比賽」 Hong Kong Safety Mark Bus Advertising Panel Design Competition

學生組季軍 Student Group Second Runner-up 資訊保安認知推廣活動標誌設計比賽 Annual Promotion Campaign on Information Security Logo Design Contest

學生組優異獎 賽馬會思覺健康計劃思覺漫遊漫畫創作比賽


學界組優異獎 道路安全海報設計比賽

潘麗珍 POON Lai Chun


創意設計(綜合平面設計傳達)高級文憑課程學生 Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication)

Final Ten

優勝作品獎 Winning Entry 「維港標記設計徵集」比賽(學生組) Call for Victoria Harbour Icon Design


Starbucks Charm Tumbler “Hong Kong Culture” Design Competition

優異獎 1st Visual Design Competition of 2010 International Printed Circuit & Electronics Assembly Fair

十二強(唯一香港入圍作品) Final Twelve (The Only Winning Entry from Hong Kong) Esprit 兔年T 恤設計大賽 Esprit Design World

入圍作品 好香港海報設計大賽 Good Hong Kong Poster


專業學會認可課程 Accreditations by professional bodies 課程 Programme

專業學會 Professional body

認可資格/豁免考卷* Qualification/exemption*

專業會計學高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Professional Accounting

特許公認會計師公會 The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

豁免最多 6 張考卷 Exemption of 6 papers

會計學高級文憑(金融) Higher Diploma in Accounting (Financial Studies)

ACCA 會計技術員證書 (ACCA-CAT) ACCA-Certified Accounting Technician

豁免最多 9 張考卷 Exemption of 9 papers

國際會計師公會 The Association of International Accountants (AIA)

豁免最多 9 張考卷 Exemption of 9 papers

英國特許管理會計師公會 The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

豁免最多 8 張考卷 Exemption of 8 papers

香港財務會計協會 Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIAAT)

豁免最多 7 張考卷 Exemption of 7 papers

英國特許市務學會 The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)

畢業生可申請成為副會員 Graduates are eligible to apply for Affiliate Professional Member

香港市務學會 Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM)

畢業生符合申請成為聯繫會員的資格 Graduates are eligible to apply for Affiliate Member

英國特許管理會計師公會 The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

豁免商業會計證書程度其中3科考卷 Exemption of 3 papers

旅遊業管理高級文憑(酒店款待) Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Hospitality)

香港旅行社協會 Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents (HATA)

附屬會員 Allied Member

旅遊業管理高級文憑(旅遊商貿) Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Tourism Business)

英國款待學院 Institute of Hospitality

國際教育機構會員 International Scheme Member of Institute of Hospitality Education Membership Scheme

旅遊業管理高級文憑(航空及郵輪 服務) Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Airline and Cruise Services)

亞太旅遊教育及培訓院校 The Network of Asia-Pacific Education & Training Institutes in Tourism (APETIT)

網絡會員 Regional Member

電腦學高級文憑(軟件開發) Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Software Development)

香港工程師學會 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

畢業生符合申請成為副會員的資格 Graduates are eligible to apply for Associate Member

社會工作者註冊局 Social Workers Registration Board

畢業生可申請成為註冊社工 Graduates are eligible to apply for registration as Registered Social Worker

會計學高級文憑(中國會計) Higher Diploma in Accounting (China Accounting) 會計學(副修銀行學)高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Accounting (With Banking)

工商管理高級文憑(市場) Higher Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing)

電腦學高級文憑(網絡及保安) Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Network & Security) 社會工作高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Social Work


因應新學制而調整的兩年制課程,以專業機構最後確認為準。 Professional recognition of the 2-year programme under the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.


國內及海外合作院校 Partner universities in China and overseas 香港專業進修學校國際教育中心與英國及國內多間著名大學 簽訂課程銜接協議,包括列斯城市大學 (Leeds Metropolitan University)、諾丁漢特倫特大學(Nottingham Trent University)、 新特蘭大學(University of Sunderland)、中央蘭開夏大學 (University of Central Lancashire),以及國內暨南大學、廈門 大學等,為持有副學位或以上的人士提供學士學位及以上的課 程。學生在港完成課程後,證書由提供課程之院校頒發,學歷 等同於當地就讀之畢業生。有關課程詳情及入學要求,請參閱 國際教育中心網頁(http://www.hkct.edu.hk/cie)。 The Centre of International Education (CIE) of the Hong Kong College of Technology has signed agreements with several prestigious universities in the United Kingdom and the Mainland such as Leeds Metropolitan University, Nottingham Trent University, University of Sunderland, University of Central Lancashire, Jinan University and Xiamen University to provide programmes, ranging from degree and above, for students with sub-degree or higher level of qualifications. Upon successful completion of the programmes in Hong Kong, students will obtain the awards conferred by the universities, the qualifications of which are equivalent to those studied in the home town. For programme details and entrance requirements, please visit the CIE website (http://www.hkct.edu.hk/cie).

列斯城市大學.英國 Leeds Metropolitan University

課程 Programme 平面藝術設計文學士(榮譽)學位 BA (Hons) Graphic Arts and Design 土木工程理學士(榮譽)學位 BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering

諾丁漢特倫特大學.英國 Nottingham Trent University

新特蘭大學.英國 University of Sunderland

課程 Programme 機電工程學士(榮譽)學位 BEng (Hons) Electronic & Electrical Engineering

中央蘭開夏大學.英國 University of Central Lancashire

課程 Programme 項目管理文學士(榮譽)學位 BA (Hons) Management in Events 市場學文學士(榮譽)學位 BA (Hons) Marketing 建築項目管理理學士(榮譽)學位 BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management 設施管理理學士(榮譽)學位 BSc (Hons) Facilities Management

廈門大學.中國 Xiamen University

課程 Programme 中國語言文學學士學位 Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language

暨南大學.中國 Jinan University


Programme 教育學博士學位 Doctor of Education 工科測量理學士(榮譽)學位 Bsc (Hons) Quantity Surveying

課程 Programme 中國經濟法專業法學碩士學位 Master of Law in Chinese Economic Law

22 全日制學士學位銜接課程

全日制學士學位銜接課程 full-time Bachelor’s Top-up Degree Programmes 港專為完成高級文憑學員提供升學階梯,由港專轄下國際教育中心 (Centre of International Education) 與海外及內地 著名大學,合辦多項學士學位課程,讓學生可以按個人學習進度,無須遠赴海外,在港升讀優質的海外學位課程,提 升學歷。

港專現與英國中央蘭開夏大學 (University of Central Lancashire)* 開辦以下兩項全日制學士學位銜接課程:

市場學榮譽學士課程 入學要求: ··持有市場學高級文憑;或 ··持有市場學副學士;或 ··持有本地認可專上院校開辦市場學專業文憑課程; 或 ··同等學歷 英語要求: ··IELTS 6分;或 ··TOEFL 550分,當中英文寫作4分;或 ··通過港專入學英文測試 修讀時間 # 全日制十二個月 業界認可資格 英國特許市務學會(CIM)學會副會員(ACIM) 特色內容 科目 ··綜合市場傳訊 ··市場策略的概念及應用 ··服務業市場學 ··廣告 ··市場資訊管理 ··互動、關係及數據市場學 ··就業促進技巧

# 每年9月開課

項目管理榮譽學士課程 入學要求: ··持有旅遊相關的高級文憑;或 ··持有旅遊相關的副學士;或 ··持有本地認可院校開辦旅遊專業文憑課程;或 ··同等學歷 英語要求: ··IELTS 6分或以上;或 ··TOEFL 成績550分(以考卷應考);213分(以電腦 應考);79分(以互聯網應考);或 ··香港中學會考英文科課程乙 - 2006年或之前考生,達C級或以上; 或 - 2007年或之後考生,達第四級或以上; 或 ··香港高級程度會考英語運用科達E級或以上;或 ··完成以英文為主要教學語言的高級文憑及副學位 課程;或 ··同等資格 特別入學要求 ··如學生具有相關的工作經驗及證明有能力應付學位 課程,港專將個別考慮學生的申請。 修讀時間 # 全日制十二個月 特色內容 科目 ··策略性節目管理 ··個人及專業發展 ··節日及社會活動 ··項目管理案例 ··國際飲食及文化 *英國中央蘭開夏大學 (University of Central Lancashire)介紹 根據英國衛報所推出的2010大學指南,UCLan被選為位於英格蘭西北區域在 商業及管理課程方面表現最優秀的現代化大學。而蘭開夏商學院(Lancashire Business School)則被譽為在商業、管理教學及研究方面的國際卓越中心。學 院位於英格蘭西北區域大曼徹斯特郡,毗鄰蘭開夏的Preston城市。


HKCT offers articulation paths to higher diploma graduates through a variety of bachelor’s degree programmes jointly run by HKCT’s Centre of International Education and various established universities in China and overseas. Students can stay at HKCT to complete degree courses offered by oversea universities.

HKCT runs the following two full-time bachelor’s top-up degree programmes in collaboration with the University of Central Lancashire, UK *:

BA(Hons) Marketing Entrance Requirements ··Holder of Higher Diploma in marketing; or ··Holder of Associate Degree in marketing; or ··Holder of Professional Diploma; or ··equivalent in Marketing stream from recognized institutions English Proficiency Requirement ··IELTS (6.0); or ··TOEFL (550) plus Test of Written English (4.0) or; ··pass in HKCT English entry test Duration # Full-time 12 months Professional recognition Associate member of the UK Chartered Institute of Marketing Programme features Subjects ··Integrated Market Communication ··Strategic Marketing : Concept and Application ··Marketing of Services ··Advertising ··Managing Marketing Information ··Interaction, Relation and Database Marketin ··Enhancing Employability through Work-based Learning

BA(Hons) Management in Events Entrance Requirements ··Holder of Higher Diploma (Tourism related areas) ; or ··Holder of Associate Degree (Tourism related areas) ; or ··Holder of Professional Diploma (Tourism related areas) ; or ··Equivalent English Proficiency Requirement ··IELTS with a minimum score of 6.0; or ··TOEFL with a minimum score of paper-based: 550; computer-based: 213; internet-based: 79; or ··HKCEE English Language Syllabus B - grade C or above for candidates of 2006 or before; or - level 4 or above for candidates of 2007 or after; or ··HKALE Use of English grade E or above; or ··Completion of higher diploma and associate degree with English as the medium of instruction; or ··Equivalent Non-standard Entry Requirement ··Non-standard entry is allowed for applicants with non-standard qualifications or relevant work/life experience who can demonstrate the ability to cope with and benefit from degree-level studies. Duration # Full-time 12 months Programme features Subjects ··Strategic Event Management ··Personal and Professional Development in Event Management ··Festivals and Social Events ··Case study ··International Food and Beverage and Culture *About University of Central Lancashire According to the Guardian’s University Guide 2010, UClan was the Top Modern University in the North West for Business and Management study. Its Lancashire Business School is an international centre of excellence for business and management learning and research. Lancashire Business School is based in Preston, England’s newest city, in Lancashire, within easy reach of Manchester, Liverpool, Blackpool and the Lake District.

# Starting month: September each year


政府學費資助 Government subsidies 修讀港專高級文憑之學生可向政府學生資助辦事處申請 之資助包括: 1. 專上學生資助(助學金及低息貸款);或 2. 免入息審查貸款;及 3. 本地專上學生車船津貼。

Students of higher diploma programmes offered by HKCT can apply for the following subsidies provided by the Student Financial Assistance Agency: ··Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (student grant and low-interest loan); or ··Non-means Tested Loan, and ··Student Travel Subsidy for Post-secondary Students.

部份課程的科目已加入持續進修基金「可獲發還款項課 程」名單內。學員完成課程後可申請發還學費的80%或 最高HK$10,000,發還金額以較小者為準。

Some subjects are included in the Continuing Education Fund’s list of reimbursable courses. Upon completion of a programme, graduates can be reimbursed 80% of their tuition fee or a maximum amount of HK$10,000, whichever is the smaller amount.

* 申請人在申請發還持續進修基金資助時,必須沒有就有關單元獲得政府 其他計劃所提供的資助,亦不可就有關單元向本校申請獎學金。

* Applicants for the Continuing Education Fund are entitled to reimbursement only if they have not received any other government subsidy or HKCT scholarship for the same programme.


2012-13港專獎學金計劃 HKCT Scholarship Scheme 2012-13 優良成績獎學金 # 為表揚學業成績優異的學生,並推動他們繼續在本校勤 奮學習,創造佳績,港專特別為以下學生設立獎學金 , 包括: 1. 港 專 及 所 有 院 校 毅 進 計 劃 畢 業 生 升 讀 本 校 全 日 制 專科文憑、專業文憑或美容師高級文憑課程; 2. 港 專 通 用 文 憑 畢 業 生 升 讀 本 校 全 日 制 專 科 文 憑 、 專業文憑或美容師高級文憑課程; 3. 港專專科文憑畢業生升讀本校全日制高級文憑課程; 4. 港 專 及 所 有 院 校 文 憑 畢 業 生 升 讀 本 校 全 日 制 高級文憑課程;及 5. 港 專 及 所 有 院 校 高 級 文 憑 或 副 學 士 畢 業 生 升 讀 本校全日制學位課程 申請資格 通用文憑、文憑、專科文憑、高級文憑或副學士申請者: 必須在畢業成績中取得累計平均積點2.3或以上,並通過 甄選。 毅進計劃申請者 全年成績取得4科B級或以上,並通過甄選。

Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement # HKCT offers scholarships to students with remarkable academic achievements for encouraging them to keep up with their satisfactory performance. The scholarships available for students are as follows: 1. Project Yi Jin graduates of HKCT and all other institutions who have been enrolled in any full-time Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Professional Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy at HKCT; 2. Associate Diploma graduates of HKCT who have been enrolled in any full-time Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Professional Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy at HKCT; 3. Diploma for Tertiary Studies graduates of HKCT who have been enrolled in any full-time Higher Diploma programme at HKCT; 4. Diploma graduates of HKCT and all other institutions who have been enrolled in any full-time Higher Diploma programme at HKCT; and 5. Higher Diploma or Associate Degree graduates of HKCT and all other institutions who have been enrolled in any full-time Degree programme at HKCT.


成功申請者,每位可獲獎學金 HK$3,000 ,名額有限。 u


註(1):所有獎學金計劃均設甄選程序。成功申請者必須在來年修讀的課程中成 功取得全科及格,並全年出席率達八成或以上,且確認沒有任何未繳之學費或 款項之後,方可獲得發放。有關詳情,請瀏覽港專網頁。 註(2):申請者(通用文憑、文憑、專科文憑、高級文憑或副學士學生)如在畢 業年[本年度(2011/12)]第一學期之成績已取得累計平均積點2.3或毅進計劃 第一學期有 1 科 B 級或以上,已可提出申請。若通過甄選,將優先獲發「獎學 金通知書」。

Eligibility Associate Diploma, Diploma, Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Higher Diploma or Associate Degree applicants: Should have an overall GPA of 2.3 or above and passed the selection procedure. Project Yi Jin Applicants should have at least Grade B or above in 4 subjects in their final results and passed the selection procedure. Each successful applicant will be granted a HK$3,000 u

scholarship . A limited number of scholarships are available. u

Note (1), (2)

Note (1): All scholarships are granted in accordance with a selection procedure and on condition that the selected candidates have passed all courses in their upcoming year of study, with an attendance rate of at least 80% and without any outstanding tuition fee or payment. For more information, please visit HKCT’s official website. Note (2): Students on Associate Diploma, Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Higher Diploma or Associate Degree Programmes, and Project Yi Jin, are eligible to make an early application if they have achieved a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or above, and Grade B or above in 1 subject, respectively, in the first term of the final year [the current academic year being 2011/12]. Successful applicants will receive a “scholarship notification letter”.

26 2012-13港專獎學金計劃

Scholarship for Excellent Academic Achievement # HKCT offers scholarships to students with remarkable academic achievements to keep up with their excellent performance. Scholarships are available for students, as follows: 1. Graduates of HKCT Diploma for Tertiary Studies programmes who have been enrolled in any full-time Higher Diploma* programme at HKCT; 2. Diploma graduates of HKCT and all other institutions who have been enrolled in any full-time Higher Diploma* programme at HKCT; and 3. Higher Diploma or Associate Degree graduates of HKCT and all other institutions who have been enrolled in any full-time Degree programme at HKCT. * Not including Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy

傑出成績獎學金 # 為表揚學業成績傑出的學生,並推動他們繼續在本校勤 奮學習,再創佳績,港專特別為以下學生設立獎學金, 包括: 1. 港專專科文憑畢業生升讀本校全日制高級文憑 * 課 程; 2. 港 專 及 所 有 院 校 文 憑 畢 業 生 升 讀 本 校 全 日 制 高級文憑 * 課程;及 3. 港 專 及 所 有 院 校 高 級 文 憑 或 副 學 士 畢 業 生 升 讀 本校全日制銜接學位課程

* 不包括美容師高級文憑

Eligibility HKCT students on Diploma, Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Higher Diploma or Associate Degree applicants: Should have an overall GPA of 3.0 or above and passed the selection procedure. Each successful applicant will be granted a HK$10,000 u

scholarship . A limited number of scholarships are available. u

Note (1), (2)

Note (1): All scholarships are given in accordance with a selection procedure. Successful applicants should have passed all courses in their upcoming year of study, with an attendance rate of at least

申請資格 文憑、專科文憑、高級文憑或副學士申請者 必須在畢業 成績中取得累計平均積點3.0或以上,並通過甄選。

80% and without any outstanding tuition fee or payment. For more information, please visit HKCT’s official website. Note (2): Students on Diploma, Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Higher Diploma or Associate Degree Programmes are eligible to make an


成功申請者,每位可獲獎學金 HK$10,000 ,名額有限。

early application if they have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in the first term of the final year [the current academic year



註(1):所有獎學金計劃均設甄選程序。成功申請者必須在來年修讀的課程中成 功取得全科及格,並全年出席率達八成或以上,且確認沒有任何未繳之學費或 款項之後,方可獲得發放。有關詳情,請瀏覽港專網頁。 註(2):申請者(文憑、專科文憑、高級文憑或副學士學生)如在畢業年[本年 度(2011/12)]第一學期之成績已取得累計平均積點3.0,已可提出申請。若通 過甄選,將優先獲發「獎學金通知書」。

being 2011/12]. Successful applicants will receive a “scholarship notification letter”.


傑出公開試成績獎學金# 申請資格 以2010或2011年中學會考^;或2012年高級程度會考; 或2012年中學文憑考試成績升讀港專全日制課程的申報 者,在該考試中取得C級/第4級或以上成績,並通過甄 選,每科可獲獎學金HK$3,000。每位申請者最高可獲獎 學金HK$12,000,名額有限。

優秀才藝獎學金# 申請資格 於2010-2012^年期間在體育、藝術、音樂或其他才藝領 域的學界或全港公開比賽中獲獎(冠、亞、季軍)之中 五至中七學生;或現屬體育、藝術、音樂或其他才藝領 域的香港代表隊成員。

Scholarship for Excellent Public Examination Results# Eligibility Applicants enrolled in HKCT full-time programmes using results in 2010 or 2011 HKCEE^; or 2012 HKALE; or 2012 HKDSE Examination, should have at least Grade C/Level 4 or above. Selected candidates will be granted a scholarship of HK$3,000 for each subject. Each successful applicant will be granted a scholarship of up to HK$12,000. A limited number of scholarships are available.

Scholarship for Best Talents# Eligibility Applicants should be Secondary 5 to 7 students who have been awarded (championship, first runner-up or second runner-up) in at least one academic or open competition held in Hong Kong for the years 2010-2012^ . The competitions should be related to sport, art, music or other talents. Alternatively, applicants should be members of sport teams, art groups, music groups or other talent groups representing Hong Kong.

28 2012-13港專獎學金計劃

優秀才藝獎學金成功申請者,每位可獲獎學金Δ: Each successful applicant of Scholarship for Best Talents will be granted a scholarshipΔ:

於2010-2012年期間在體育、藝術、音樂或其他才藝領 域的學界或全港公開比賽中獲獎(冠、亞、季軍)之 中五至中七學生

學位課程/高級文憑/通用文憑課程 Degree/Higher Diploma/ Associate Diploma Programme

專科文憑課程 Diploma for Tertiary Studies Programme





Secondary 5 to 7 students who have been awarded (championship, first runner-up or second runner-up) in at least one academic or open competition held in Hong Kong for the years 2010-2012; the competitions should be related to sport, art, music or other talents.

屬現任體育、藝術、音樂或其他才藝領域的香港代表 隊成員 Members of sport teams, art groups, music groups or other talent groups representing Hong Kong.

# 獎學金申請名額有限,所有獎學金之資格審定及發放,以校方之評 審委員會的決定為最終決定,申請人不得異議。

^ 若學生曾獲發此項獎學金,則不會予以批核。 Δ本獎學金將於學生成功完成所升讀之港專全日制課程來年的全 部考核,並全年出席率達八成或以上,且確認沒有任何未繳之學費 或款項之後,方可獲得發放。

# A limited number of scholarships are available. Assessment of applicants’ eligibility and the granting of scholarship are subject to the final decision of HKCT’s Selection Panel for Scholarships. Applicants’ objection to the final result will not be accepted.

^ Application

of students who have been granted the same

scholarship before will not be approved. ΔThe scholarship is granted to selected candidates on condition that the candidates have completed the upcoming year of their full-time programme at HKCT, with an attendance rate of at least 80% and without any outstanding tuition fee or payment.



HKCT Excellence Award#

申請資格 升讀港專全日制專科文憑、高級文憑或學位課程的通用 文憑、文憑、專科文憑、高級文憑或副學士申請者;必 須在畢業成績中取得累計平均積點3.3或以上;或

Eligibility Associate Diploma, Diploma, Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Higher Diploma or Associate Degree graduates who have been enrolled in any full-time Diploma for Tertiary Studies, Higher Diploma, or Degree programme at HKCT:

毅進計劃申請者: 全年成績取得10科B級或以上;或 高級程度會考申請者,取得2科C級或以上成績;或

Applicants should have an overall GPA of 3.3 or above; or Project Yi Jin: Applicants should have at least Grade B or above in 10 subjects in their final results; or

中學文憑考試申請者,取得5科第4級或以上成績;及 家境清貧,並通過甄選及面試。

HKAL students: Achieved Grade C in two subjects or above in HKALE; or

成功申請者,每位可豁免繳交所升讀課程的來年學費, 名額有限。

HKDSE students: Achieved Level 4 in five subjects or above in HKDSE examination; and


Students with financial difficulties; and who have passed the selection procedure and interview.

填妥「2012-13港專全日制專上學生獎學金計劃」或 「2012-13港專尚進大獎」申請表格,連同所需證明文 件於港專何文田校舍、銅鑼灣校舍或港專賽馬會馬鞍山 校園辦理。

Successful applicants will be granted an exemption of the tuition fee of the upcoming year of study. A limited number of scholarships are available.


Application procedure for the schemes

··港 專 現 讀 生 的 申 請 表 及 有 關 證 明 文 件 必 須 於 2012年3月16日或以前遞交 ··非 港 專 現 讀 生 的 申 請 表 及 有 關 證 明 文 件 必 須 於 2012年8月17日或以前遞交 ··以2012年公開試成績申請「傑出公開試成績獎學金」 之學員,請於有關成績公佈後補交證明文件。

Please fill in an application form for the HKCT Scholarship Scheme for Full-Time Post-Secondary Students 2012-13 or HKCT Excellence Award 2012-13, and submit it, along with relevant documents, to the general office of HKCT’s Ho Man Tin Campus, Causeway Bay Campus, or HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus.

Application Deadline • Current HKCT students should submit a completed application form, along with all related documents, on or before 16 March 2012. • Non-HKCT students should submit a completed application form, along with all related documents, on or before 17 August 2012. • Students applying for the Scholarship for Excellent Public Examination Results using 2012 results should provide additional documents upon release of their examination results.

32 高級文憑

高級文憑 Higher Diploma

高級文憑課程結合理論與實踐,讓學生掌握行業或專業獨特的知識和技能,同時裝備他們 必要的一般技能,包括語文能力、資訊科技能力、人際溝通技巧等,為未來升學及就業, 打好基礎。學生成功完成課程後,除可繼續升學,修讀銜接學士學位課程外,亦可選擇就 業,擔任輔助專業的職位,一步一步發展他們的事業。 Higher Diploma programmes provide comprehensive training blended with theoretical knowledge and practical elements, which enable students to build up their professional knowledge and related skills. The programmes are also designed to strengthen students’ basic skills, such as language proficiency, information technology knowledge, and interpersonal skills, thus laying a good foundation for further studies and future career. Students who have completed the programmes can go on to enroll in top-up degree programmes or work as para-professionals in the industries they aspire.

資訊科技 會計及商業

··專業會計學 ··會計學(金融) ··會計學(中國會計) ··會計學(副修銀行學) ··工商管理(市場) ··工商管理(金融) ··工商管理(中國商業)


··電腦學(軟件開發) ··電腦學(網絡及保安)



人文及社會科學 ··社會工作 ··應用心理學 ··公共與社會服務 ··運動、體適能及健康管理

··項目管理 ··旅遊業管理(航空及郵輪服務) 企業傳訊及語言 ··旅遊業管理(酒店款待) ··企業傳訊及語言 ··旅遊業管理(旅遊商貿) (中文/英語/日語/韓語)


Accounting and Business ··Professional Accounting ··Accounting (Financial Studies) ··Accounting (China Accounting) ··Accounting (with Banking) ··Business Administration (Marketing) ··Business Administration (Finance) ··Business Administration (China Business)

Tourism and Hospitality ··Event Management ··Tourism Management (Airline and Cruise Services) ··Tourism Management (Hospitality) ··Tourism Management (Tourism Business)

Information Technology ··Computer Studies (Software Development) ··Computer Studies (Network and Security)

P.32-89 Creative Design ··Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication)

Humanities and Social Sciences ··Social Work ··Applied Psychology ··Public and Social Services ··Management of Sports, Fitness and Health

Corporate Communication & Languages ··Corporate Communication and Language Studies (Chinese / English / Japanese / Korean)

34 專業會計學高級文憑

專業會計學高級文憑 HIGHER DIPLOMA IN Professional Accounting

課程簡介 課程主要為有志投身會計行業及考取專業會計人員資格 的學生而設,致力為他們提供會計專業知識理論及技能 上的專業培訓,為日後從事會計工作及升學進修打好基 礎。 課程特色 ··課程涵蓋多份會計師公會考試範圍,有助同學考取專 業資格; ··畢業生可獲多個會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷(是本 地大專學院會計及相關課程中取得最多豁免考卷的課 程之一*); ··著重學生的全人發展,鼓勵同學參與不同類型的公開 比賽及社會服務; ··教學模式融合課堂授課、學生分組討論、個案研究, 訓練學生對資料的整理,提升分析能力及個人演說技 巧等,務求令學生獲得豐富的會計及商業知識之餘, 亦提升個人發展。 修讀年期 2年

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

專業認可資格 本課程獲得四大專業會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷。* 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 畢業生可投身各大商業機構的會計部及財務部,任職會 計員的職位。另外,亦可到各大會計師行從事審計工 作。累積相關工作經驗及考取專業試後,可晉身為專業 會計師。 實習機會 學生除有機會在暑假期間前往內地實習,親身體驗內地 企業運作,亦有機會被安排於本地會計師行作實習及出 席由國內會計專業團體及國內企業舉辦之研討會及學習 考察團。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)




Programme Introduction This programme caters to students aspiring to join the accounting industry and seek for accounting professional qualification. It equips students with professional knowledge and skills and helps them lay a solid foundation for further study and future career in accounting. Programme Features ··The programme covers the syllabuses of a number of professional accounting examinations, which will help students acquire professional qualification; ··Graduates will acquire professional examination papers exemptions from professional accounting associations. (This programme is one of the sub-degree accounting programmes with the most number of paper

exemptions in Hong Kong)*; ··Students are encouraged to participate in various kinds of open competitions and social services; ··The mode of teaching combines lectures with group discussions and case studies. It is designed to enhance students’ ability to put together different sources of information, build up their analytical skill and public speech skills, with a view to promoting personal development while equipping them with substantial knowledge in accounting and commerce.

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Students can join the accounting or finance departments of different types of companies as accountants. They can also take up auditing positions at major accounting firms. With considerable experience and having acquired professional qualifications, they can become professional accountants. Internship Students may have an opportunity to join summer internship programmes in Mainland or at local accounting firms to acquire practical experience. They may also have the chance to attend seminars and join study tours held by professional organisations or enterprises in Mainland. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status This programme has acquired professional examination papers exemptions from four major professional accounting




··審計學 ··商業法 ··財務會計 ··財務報告 ··香港稅務 ··企業及管理學 ··績效管理 ··道德專業操守

··Auditing ··Business Law ··Financial Accounting ··Financial Reporting ··Hong Kong Taxation ··Organisation and Management ··Performance Management ··Professionalism and Ethics

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

36 會計學高級文憑(金融)

會計學高級文憑(金融) Higher Diploma in Accounting (Financial Studies)

課程簡介 本課程除致力培養學生會計學的知識及運用技巧外,亦 著重灌輸財務學的知識,提升他們未來升學及在會計及 金融業界發展的機會。 課程特色 ··本課程是市場上少數提供會計學及兼修金融財務學的 高級文憑,學員兼備會計及金融財務學知識,為日後 進修或工作提供多方面選擇; ··畢業生可獲多個會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷*; ··著重學生的全人發展,鼓勵同學參與不同類型的公開 比賽及社會服務; ··教學模式融合課堂授課、學生分組討論、個案研究, 訓練學生對資料的整理,提升分析能力及個人演說技 巧等,務求令學生獲得豐富的會計及商業知識之餘, 亦增強個人發展。

升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 畢業生可於各大商業機構的會計部及財務部任職。另 外,亦可到各大會計師行從事審計工作等。累積相關工 作經驗及考取專業試後,可晉身為專業會計師。 實習機會 學生有機會在暑假期間前往內地實習,親身體驗內地企 業運作。學生亦有機會於本地會計師行作實習及出席由 國內會計專業團體及國內企業舉辦之研討會及學習考察 團。鼓勵學生參與專題研討會,和會計界比賽及活動以 保持與會計業界的聯繫。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)

修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 課程獲得四大專業會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷。*

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress




Programme Introduction The programme is designed to equip students with accounting knowledge and application techniques. It also emphasizes developing students’ knowledge in finance with a view to opening up more opportunities for them to articulate and work in accounting and finance sectors.

Internship Students may have an opportunity to join summer internship programmes in Mainland or at local accounting firms to acquire practical experience. They may also have the chance to attend seminars and join study tours held by professional organisations or enterprises in Mainland.

Programme Features ··As one of the few higher diploma programmes of accounting and finance, this programme equips students with professional knowledge in both accounting and finance, thus effectively giving them more opportunities in both further study and career development; ··Graduates will acquire professional examination papers exemptions from professional accounting

Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

associations*; ··Students are encouraged to participate in various kinds of open competitions and social services; ··The mode of teaching combines lectures with group discussions and case studies. It is designed to enhance students’ ability to put together different sources of information, build up their analytical skill and public speech skills, with a view to promoting personal development while equipping them with substantial knowledge in accounting and commerce.


Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status This programme has acquired professional examination papers exemptions from four major professional accounting

associations*. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Students can join the accounting or finance departments of different types of companies as accountants. They can also take up auditing positions at major accounting firms. With considerable experience and having acquired professional qualifications, they can become professional accountants.

··商業法 ··企業財務 ··成本及管理會計 ··財務會計 ··財務報告 ··投資學 ··企業及管理學 ··基礎財務管理 ··道德專業操守 ··Business Law ··Corporate Finance ··Cost and Management Accounting ··Financial Accounting ··Financial Reporting ··Investments ··Organisation and Management ··Principles of Financial Management ··Professionalism and Ethics

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

38 會計學高級文憑(中國會計)

會計學高級文憑(中國會計) Higher Diploma in Accounting (China Accounting) 課程簡介 隨著各行業不斷拓展及加強內地業務,企業需要大量了 解中國會計及稅制的人才。本課程除致力培養學生會計 學的知識外,亦加入中國商業、會計及稅務相關內容, 擴闊學生的知識之餘,還可以提升他們在業界發展的機 會。 課程特色 ··課程包括中國會計人員考試內容,可幫助同學考取中 國會計證書; ··畢業生可獲多個會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷*; ··著重學生的全人發展,鼓勵同學參與不同類型的公開 比賽及社會服務; ··教學模式融合課堂授課、學生分組討論、個案研究, 訓練學生對資料的整理,提升分析能力及個人演說技 巧等,務求令學生獲得豐富的會計及商業知識之餘, 亦增強個人發展。 修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 課程獲得四大專業會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷*。 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 畢業生可於各大商業機構的會計部及財務部任職。另 外,亦可到各大會計師行從事審計工作等。累積相關工 作經驗及考取專業試後,可晉身為專業會計師,更可從 事中國會計的相關工作。 實習機會 學生有機會在暑假期間前往內地實習,親身體驗內地企 業運作。學生亦有機會於本地會計師行作實習及出席由 國內會計專業團體及國內企業舉辦之研討會及學習考察 團。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress




Programme Introduction Due to the prompt business development in China, more companies are demanding accounting professionals with knowledge in China accounting and taxation. This programme aims at equipping students with knowledge in accounting as well as in commerce, accounting and taxation in China, with a view to broadening their professional knowledge and offering them a wide range of opportunities to work in the commercial sector. Programme Features ··The programme covers China accounting contents which will help students to pass the related examination and become qualified China accounting technician; ··Graduates will acquire professional examination papers exemptions from professional accounting

associations*; ··Students are encouraged to participate in various kinds of open competitions and social services; ··The mode of teaching combines lectures with group discussions and case studies. It is designed to enhance students’ ability to put together different sources of information, build up their analytical skill and public speech skills, with a view to promoting personal development while equipping them with substantial knowledge in accounting and commerce.

Internship Students may have an opportunity to join summer internship programmes in China or at local accountancy firms. They may also have the chance to attend seminars and join study tours held by professional organisations and enterprises in Mainland China. They are encouraged to take part in seminars, competitions and other activities to build up their industry network. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status This programme has acquired professional examination papers exemptions from four major professional account-

ing associations*. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Graduates can join the accounting or finance departments of different types of companies as accountants. They can also take up auditing positions at major accounting firms. With considerable experience and having acquired professional qualifications, they can become professional accountants and also work in the field related to accounting in China.


··中國會計 ··中國營商環境 ··商業法 ··成本及管理會計 ··財務會計 ··財務報告 ··中國稅務簡介 ··企業及管理學 ··道德專業操守 ··Accounting in China ··Business Environment in China ··Business Law ··Cost and Management Accounting ··Financial Accounting ··Financial Reporting ··Introduction to China Taxation ··Organization and Management ··Professionalism and Ethics

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

40 會計學(副修銀行學)高級文憑

會計學(副修銀行學)高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Accounting (with Banking) 課程簡介 本課程除致力培養學生會計學的知識外,亦加入銀行服 務及運作的基本認識,以擴濶學生在商界發展的機會。 課程特色 ··本課程是市場上少數提供會計學及兼修銀行學的高級 文憑,學員兼備會計及銀行業知識,為日後進修或工 作提供多方面選擇; ··畢業生可獲多個會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷 * ; ··著重學生的全人發展,鼓勵同學參與不同類型的公開 比賽及社會服務; ··教學模式融合課堂授課、學生分組討論、個案研究, 訓練學生對資料的整理,提升分析能力及個人演說技 巧等,務求令學生獲得豐富的會計及商業知識之餘, 亦增強個人發展。 修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 課程獲得四大專業會計師公會認可豁免多張考卷* 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:06/000084/4 登記有效期:05/05/2008 至 31/08/2014 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 畢業生可於銀行及金融服務機構擔當客戶服務或營運支 援等工作,也可入職於各大商業機構的會計部及財務 部。另外,亦可到會計師行從事會計、審計或稅務相關 工作。累積相關工作經驗及考取專業試後,可晉身為專 業會計師。 實習機會 學生有機會在暑假期間前往內地實習,親身體驗內地企 業運作。學生亦有機會於本地會計師行作實習及出席由 國內會計專業團體及國內企業舉辦之研討會及學習考察 團。鼓勵學生參與專題研討會,和會計界比賽及活動以 保持與會計業界的聯繫。



學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme aims at equipping students with accounting knowledge and also basic knowledge in banking services and operation, with a view to giving them a wide range of work opportunities in the commercial sector. Programme Features ··As one of the few higher diploma programmes of accounting that offers a minor in banking, the programme equips students with knowledge in both disciplines, effectively offering them more options for further study and future career; ··Graduates will acquire professional examination papers exemptions from professional accounting

associations*; ··Students are encouraged to participate in various kinds of open competitions and social services; ··The mode of teaching combines lectures with group discussions and case studies. It is designed to enhance students’ ability to put together different sources of information, build up their analytical skill and public speech skills, with a view to promoting personal development while equipping them with substantial knowledge in accounting and commerce.

Internship Students may have an opportunity to join summer internship programmes in China and in local accountancy firms. They may also have the chance to attend seminars and join study tours held by professional organisations and enterprises in China. They are encouraged to take part in seminars, competitions and other activities to build up their industry network. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status This programme has acquired professional examination papers exemptions from four major professional accounting

associations*. The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No: 06/000084/4


Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for the related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities.

··會計資訊系統 ··香港銀行及金融制度 ··銀行運作 ··商業法 ··財務會計 ··信貸分析 ··績效管理 ··道德專業操守

Career Prospects Graduates can work in the customer service and operation support departments at banks or financial service institutions. They can also join the accounting and finance departments of different companies. With considerable experience and having acquired professional qualifications, they can become professional accountants.

··Accounting Information Systems ··Banking and Financial Systems in Hong Kong ··Banking Operations ··Business Law ··Financial Accounting ··Lending and Credit Analysis ··Performance Management ··Professionalism and Ethics

Registration Validity Period: 05/05/2008 to 31/08/2014

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.


認可考試 examinations Recognition 特許公認會計師公會(ACCA) 豁免最多6張考卷




FUNDAMENTALS LEVEL F1 Accountant in Business F2 Management Accounting F3 Financial Accounting F4 Corporate and Business Law F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation 按特許公認會計師公會的豁免規定,以上六張考卷豁免 是持有學士學位以下學歷人士的最高豁免。 ACCA 會計技術員證書 (ACCA-CAT) 豁免最多9張考卷


本課程獲得會計技術員證書(ACCA-Certified Accounting Technician)九張考卷豁免,學生畢業後只需一年經督 導的有關工作經驗,便成為 ACCA 會計技術員,可使 用“CAT”稱謂。 豁免包括:

INTRODUCTORY LEVEL 1. Recording Financial Transactions 2. Information for Management Control

MODULE C Paper 8 – Company Law MODULE D Paper 10 – Business Management Paper 12 – Management Accounting 2 #

英國特許管理會計師公會 (CIMA)豁免最多8張考卷

本科畢業生可獲「英國特許管理會計師公會」豁免全 部(共五科考卷)商業會計證書(Certificate in Business Accounting)考試及專業階段其中三張考卷(合共八張)。 豁免包括: C01 Fundamentals of Management Accounting C02 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics C05 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law E1 Enterprise Operations P1 Performance Operations F1 Financial Opera #


INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 3. Maintaining Financial Records 4. Accounting for Costs ADVANCED LEVEL 5. Managing People and Systems 6. Drafting Financial Statement 7. Planning, Control and Performance Management 8. Implementing Audit Procedures 9. Preparing Taxation Computations #

國際會計師公會(AIA)豁免最多9張考卷 包括:

FOUNDATION LEVEL MODULE A Paper 1 – Financial Accounting 1 Paper 2 – Business Economics Paper 3 – Management Accounting 1 MODULE B Paper 4 – Law Paper 5 – Auditing & Taxation Paper 6 – Information Processing

# 所有豁免均以各會計公會最後核實為準

本科畢業生最多可獲「香港財務會計協會」豁免七 張考卷,只需考獲餘下的一張考卷Paper 7 Financial Accounting,即可完成「認可財務會計員」考試。學生 可再報考「專業晉升考試」,及格後可申請報讀「香港 會計師公會專業資格課程」,符合資格後,可成為認可 專業會計師。 豁免包括: Paper 1 – Fundamentals of Accounting and Computerized Accounts Paper 2 – Business Communication and Organization and Management Paper 3 – Management Accounting Paper 4 – Business Economics and Financial Mathematics Paper 5 – Principles of Taxation Paper 6 – Fundamentals of Business Law Paper 8 – Principles of Auditing and Management Information Systems 按香港財務會計協會的豁免規定,以上七張考卷豁免是 持有學士學位以下學歷人士的最高豁免。


Students Sharing 學生心聲


許晉溢 會計學高級文憑三年級 「港專老師教學態度認真,而且很關心和照顧我們的學習進度。 此外,學校非常重視學生全人發展,投放大量資源,為我們 安排不同類型的課外活動及交流、實習機會,讓我的大專生活 更充實、更開心。 」

Hui Chun yat Higher Diploma in Accounting, Year 3 “HKCT's teachers are very professional and they care a lot about our study progress. HKCT also does a lot to promote students' holistic development. It organises a variety of extra-curricular activities, exchange and internship programmes, all of which have enriched and brought much joy to my study life.”

44 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲


劉子晉 會計學高級文憑畢業生,現正就讀於香港城市大學 「港專會計課程內容非常實用,而且資歷獲各大專業會計公會認可, 如 HKIAAT、ACCA 等,對我未來升學及在會計行業發展很有 幫助。」

Lau Tsz chun Graduate of Higher Diploma in Accounting, currently studying at the City University of Hong Kong “HKCT's accounting programme is very practical and the qualifications one gets are recognised by various accounting associations, such as HKIAAT and ACCA. This is very useful for my accounting career and further studies in future.”



關志強 會計學高級文憑畢業生, 現正修讀Edinburgh Napier University銜接學位課程 「去年我在港專畢業,剛從大專走到大學,的確有點不習慣。不過, 漸漸發覺在港專時所學到的一切,包括學術知識和做人處事方式等, 都能一一應用到大學的生活裏。近日,我在大學向同學提及到港專 的校園生活,他們都十分羨慕港專那麼多元化的活動。現在回想 起來,港專的確給了我一種充實、滿足,甚至一生難忘的大專 生活!」

Kwan Chi keung Graduate of Higher Diploma in Accounting, currently studying at top-up degree programme offered by Edinburgh Napier University. “I graduated from HKCT last year, I did not really get used to the move from a higher education institute to a university. But with each day passing, I found that what I had learned at HKCT, including academic knowledge and interpersonal skills, have proved very useful for my university life. I have told my university friends about my colourful life at HKCT and they all envy me. Come to think of it, HKCT has given me a really fulfilling, rewarding and unforgettable study life!”

46 工商管理高級文憑(市場)

工商管理高級文憑(市場) Higher Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing) 學科豁免 課 程 獲 得 英 國 特 許 管 理 會 計 師 公 會(T he Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)豁免商業會計證 書程序其中3科考卷包括 *: ··C02 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting ··C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics ··C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics 專業認可資格 畢業生符合申請成為英國特許市務學會(CIM)附屬會 員(Affiliate Professional Member)和符合申請香港市務學 會(HKIM)聯繫會員(Affiliate Member)的資格 *。 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:11/001184/4 登記有效期:09/05/2011 至 31/08/2014 課程簡介 香港作為亞太區一個主要商業及貿易中心,兼為通往龐 大中國市場之窗口,的確可為本地修讀商業管理和市 場學之畢業生提供不少就業機會。本課程旨在為學生提 供有關本地及國內市場營銷之專業訓練,除為學生在課 堂內教授專業知識外,亦為他們安排參加研討會、工作 坊、企業探訪及與內地院校進行學術交流和實習訓練 等,讓學生應付未來工作上的需要。 課程特色 ··理論與實務並重,專科專教,專業導師把經驗帶進教 與學,強化通識學習和語言訓練; ··透過與業界及專業團體的緊密聯繫,擴闊同學視野, 吸收業界經驗; ··同學有機會參加本地及國際公開研討會、探訪及中國 交流活動等; ··設 立 完 備 進 修 階 梯 , 方 便 同 學 持 續 進 修 獲 取 更 高 學歷。 修讀年期 2年



升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程 。 就業出路 畢業生可申請市場主任、顧客服務主任、客戶主任、媒 體聯絡主任、銷售員或相關文職工作。 實習機會 學生有機會參與由香港市務學會與商業機構合作提供的 實習機會。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction As a commercial and trading hub in Asia-Pacific region and a gateway to the China market, Hong Kong provides a wide range of career opportunities for students of business management and marketing. This programme aims at providing professional training in marketing in Hong Kong and Mainland China. In addition to lectures, students will also have the chance to attend seminars, workshops, company visits, exchange programmes with institutions in Mainland China and practical training, all of which can help them carve out a career in the industry. Programme Features ··Theory and practice related to professional subjects are taught by professionals; emphasis is also put on liberal studies and language training ··Students will be able to widen their horizon and acquire new experience through connections with the industry and professional organisations ··Students have opportunities to practise marketing skills by attending seminars, workshops, company visits, exchange programmes in China ··Students will be able to pursue higher qualifications following the well designed articulation pathway Duration of Study 2 years Subject Exemption Exemption from the following three papers of the Certificate in Business Accounting granted by the Chartered Institute

of Management Accountants *: ··C02 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting ··C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics ··C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics

Recognition Status Graduates are eligible to apply for The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Affiliate Professional Member and Hong

Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) Affiliate Member *. The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No: 11/001184/4 Registration Validity Period: 09/05/2011 to 31/08/2014 Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Graduates can apply for junior marketing and sales positions, such as marketing officer, customer service officer, account executive, media executive, sales executive and the related clerical job. Internship Students are eligible to participate in the internship programme jointly provided by the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing and other business organisations. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··宣傳及推廣管理 ··人力資源管理 ··市場研究 ··個人銷售及銷售管理 ··法律原理 ··零售及服務營銷 ··策略市場學

··Advertising and Promotion Management ··Human Resources Management ··Marketing Research ··Personal Selling and Sales Management ··Principles of Law ··Retailing and Service Marketing ··Strategic Marketing

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

48 工商管理高級文憑(金融)

工商管理高級文憑(金融) Higher Diploma in Business Administration (Finance) 課程簡介 香港是國際金融中心,加上中國經濟急速發展,市場為 具備金融專業知識及技術之畢業生提供大量就業機會。 本課程旨在為學生提供實用金融及商務知識,以應付未 來在金融及銀行業的工作需要。 課程特色 ··除提供基本商務訓練外,課程著重培訓學生對金融分 析及對金融系統及環境的理解; ··課程涵蓋多項金融業中介人考試內容; ··學生有機會參加實習計劃或投資及財務策劃比賽等; ··課程獲英國特許管理會計師公會(CIMA)豁免商業會計 證書其中3科考卷*。 修讀年期 2年 學科豁免 課 程 獲 得 英 國 特 許 管 理 會 計 師 公 會(The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)豁免商業會計證 書其中3科考卷包括*: ··C02 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting ··C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics ··C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics 專業認可資格 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:11/001183/4 登記有效期:09/05/2011 至 31/08/2014 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 畢業生可申請銀行、金融服務機構的工作,或從事與客 戶服務、銷售及財富策劃相關之工作。



實習機會 本課程致力提供學生實習機會。例如本校曾與金融公司 及專業學會合辦「財務策劃實習計劃」,為學生提供實 習機會。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction As an international financial centre which benefits from the rapid economic growth in China, Hong Kong provides a lot of career opportunities in the financial industry for graduates with professional financial knowledge and skills. This programme aims at equipping students with practical knowledge of finance and business for them to meet the requirements for working in the financial and banking sector. Programme Features ··This programme focuses on financial analysis and understanding of the financial system and environment in addition to basic training in commercial management. ··The programme covers various intermediaries examinations in finance industry. ··Students may have an opportunity to join internship programmes or investment and financial planning competitions. ··Exemption from three papers of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting is granted by the Chartered

Internship The programme endeavours to provide students with internship opportunities. Past internship programmes include the Financial Planning Internship Programme, jointly organised by HKCT and professional body as well as financial companies. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

Institute of Management Accountants*. Duration of Study 2 years Subject Exemption Exemption from the following three papers of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting is granted by the

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants*: ··C02 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting ··C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics ··C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics Recognition Status The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No:11/001183/4

Registration Validity Period: 09/05/2011 to 31/08/2014 Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Graduates may work in banks or financial services organisations. Those who have acquired relevant qualifications can also consider customer services, marketing and financial planning positions.


··金融服務營銷與客戶關係管理 ··財務策劃基礎 ··人力資源管理 ··保險及風險管理 ··投資組合管理 ··法律原理 ··證券及期貨法規 ··Financial Services Marketing and CRM ··Foundation of Financial Planning ··Human Resources Management ··Insurance and Risk Management ··Investment and Portfolio Management ··Principles of Law ··Securities and Futures Regulations

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

50 工商管理高級文憑(中國商業)

工商管理高級文憑(中國商業) Higher Diploma in Business Administration (China Business)

課程簡介 中國經濟發展迅速,在內地經商或經營企業,須了解內 地法規和商業運作。本課程著重增強學生對內地商業 環境、法規和經濟發展的認識,為未來投身中港貿易行 業作好充分準備。此外,學生將有機會安排參加實地考 察,進一步提升他們對內地的認識。 課程特色 ··理論與實務並重,專科專教 ··中國貿易、法律、管理及市場知識企業實例 ··參觀國內國有機關及私營企業 ··實地交流及親身體驗 修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:11/001182/4 登記有效期:09/05/2011 至 31/08/2014

升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 畢業生有機會於各大小機構擔任中國商業運作支援等有 關的工作。 實習機會 本課程安排多種實習機會,例如︰ ··中國考察 ··國內實習/學習計劃 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860* (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹 等因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)



Programme Introduction Sound knowledge in China is a prerequisite for conducting business in the country that is currently experiencing rapid economic growth. This programme aims at strengthening students’ understanding of China’s business environment, laws and regulations and economic development so that they can be fully prepared to work in the business sector in Hong Kong or China. China visit will also be arranged to enhance students’ understanding of China and the practical experience at workplace. Programme Features ··Put an equal emphasis on theory and practice. ··Sharings of knowledge and case studies on China trade, law, management and marketing ··Visit state owned enterprises and private companies in the Mainland China ··Exchange Tour Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No: 11/001182/4

Registration Validity Period: 09/05/2011 to 31/08/2014 Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities.

Career Prospects Graduates may take up clerical or operation support positions or work in fields related to China business. Internship This programme provides a variety of practice opportunities, such as: ··China trip ··Mainland internship / study programme

Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600

Year 2: HK$46,860* (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

*The expense of China Trip is not included in the tuition fee.


··中國考察 ··中國時事分析 ··人力資源管理 ··中國法律及政治 ··中國市場學 ··法律原理 ··中國貿易及海外直接投資

··China Trip ··Current Issues in China ··Human Resources Management ··Law and Politics in China ··Marketing in China ··Principles of Law ··Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in China

52 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲


何結儀 工商管理高級文憑(中國商業)一年級 「學校為我們安排到國內實習,還有參觀當地企業及大專院校, 加強我們對國家的認識。去年,我有機會参加「 「北京工作實習 計劃」 」,深入了解內地企業管理及市場發展,令我獲益良多。 這些經驗都有助提升我未來升學及就業的競爭優勢。」

HO Kit yee Higher Diploma in Business Administration (China Business), Year 1 “HKCT runs an internship programme for students to work in mainland China. It also organises visits to mainland companies and higher education institutions. The idea is to strengthen our knowledge in mainland China. Last year, I joined the Beijing internship programme, which enabled me to get an in-depth understanding of company management and market development in the mainland. I have learned a lot indeed, and the experience will make me more competent for further studies and my future career.”



余綺華 商貿學(市場)高級文憑畢業生 「在港專畢業後,我選擇創業,全憑市場學課程給予我們實踐 機會。在學期間,導師不斷鼓勵我們參加商業個案分析比賽, 了解不同行業的成功個案。這些經驗加強了我對市場的觸覺及 營商意念,令我更有信心向事業目標進發。」

Yu Yee wa Graduate of Higher Diploma in Business (Marketing) "After graduating from HKCT, I decided to start my own business. That was largely because of the practical experience I got from the marketing programme. During my time at HKCT, our teachers encouraged us to participate in competitions that involved business case studies. The idea was to learn from the stories of success of different companies in different sectors. The experience I got from those competitions greatly strengthened my marketing acumen and entrepreneurial knowledge. It also made me more confident of my ability to fulfil my career goals."

麥翠欣 商貿學(金融)高級文憑畢業生 「我修讀的課程涵蓋金融專業考試範圍,加上學校為我們提供 全面的就業支援服務,包括個人諮詢、性向測驗、面試技巧等, 還舉行招聘會及講座等,令我可以成功獲聘於本地大型金融 機構,為發展個人事業。」

Mak Chui yan Graduate of Higher Diploma in Business (Finance) "The course I studied covered professional finance exams. HKCT also provided us a comprehensive range of employment support, which encompassed individual consultation, career aptitude test, interview practice, job recruitment expos and career talks. As a result of all this, I was able to land a job at a big financial institution in Hong Kong and start my career."

54 項目管理高級文憑

項目管理高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Event Management 課程簡介 香港享有「亞洲盛事之都」的美譽,每年均舉辦不同精 采節目及展覽,當中包括各類型節慶活動、文化節目、 商務會議、產品展覽等,為使香港成為亞洲區內首選的 盛事、企業會議、獎勵旅遊及展覽目的地,各相關機構 對專業人才的需求顯著提昇。本課程針對業界要求,致 力為學生提供項目管理的專業訓練。 課程特色 專業導師團隊任教 ··本校導師皆具豐富的行業及大專教育經驗;

修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 本校商學部擁有以下認可資格 ··香港旅行社協會附屬會員; ··英國款待學院國際教育機構會員; ··亞太旅遊教育及培訓院校網絡會員 升學階梯 畢業生可 ··申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位課程。

業界探訪及考察活動 ··參與業界探訪及考察活動,包括本地及/或海外會議 (如:香港旅行社協會海外周年會議HATA Annual Overseas Convention)及展覽場館、本地及國際性 大型活動、商場展、節日及/或戶外活動等參觀,如: 參觀香港會議展覽中心、旅遊展及Roadshow等。

就業出路 畢業生可投身於各項目管理業相關的機構工作,包括: 項目統籌、酒店宴會策劃、會議及展覽籌備、私人會所 或旅行社等。

學生大使計劃 ··學生有機會為各旅遊及款待業機構,如香港會議展覽 中心及各大展覽如:HOFEX等款待海外參展商。

實習機會 多元化實習機會,有機會被安排到會議及展覽公司、項 目統籌、私人會所、酒店宴會策劃、主題公園或相關機 構實習。表現良好之學生,有機會獲實習機構直接聘 用。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


Programme Introduction As the “Events Capital of Asia”, Hong Kong holds various kinds of mega events and exhibitions each year, including festivals, cultural activities, business meetings and products exhibitions. There has been a significant increase in the demand for expertise in event management, which is vital to maintain Hong Kong as the first choice of destination for mega events, corporate conventions, incentive tours and exhibitions in Asia. This programme is designed to meet the needs of the industry by providing professional training in event management. Programme Features Professional Teaching Staff ··Our teaching team possesses extensive industrial and higher education teaching experience;

Visits and Field Study ··Including international and local conferences (e.g. the HATA Annual Overseas Convention), exhibition centres, local and international events, exhibitions at shopping malls and festivals and outdoor activities (e.g. visits to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, International Travel Expo Hong Kong and different roadshows); Student Ambassador Programme ··Students will be able to serve as a student ambassador on behalf of a host organisation, such as the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and HOFEX, to receive international exhibitors. Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status The Division of Business of the Hong Kong College of Technology has obtained the following professional recognitions:

··Allied Member of Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents ··International Scheme Member of Institute of Hospitality ··Member of The Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism Articulation Path

Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities.

Career Prospects Graduates may join the field of event management covering various areas, such as event coordination, hotel banquet planning, the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions industry, private membership clubs or travel agencies. Internship The programme offers a wide range of internship opportunities to work in Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions industry, event coordination, private membership clubs, hotel banquet planning, theme park or relevant organisations. Students who perform well may be offered full-time positions by the enterprises. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··世界盛事及節日 ··展覽策劃及運作 ··會議及獎勵旅遊管理 ··項目運作導論 ··公共關係及贊助 ··康樂及體育項目 ··顧客關係管理 (選修科目) ··酒店款待業管理(選修科目) ··客艙娛樂管理(選修科目) ··旅遊景點管理(選修科目) ··實習(不少於600小時) ··Events and Festivals Worldwide ··Exhibition Planning and Operations ··Meetings, Conventions and Incentive Travel ··Principles of Event Operations ··Public Relations and Sponsorship ··Recreation and Sport Events ··Customer Relationship Management (elective) ··Managing Hospitality Environment (elective) ··On-Board Entertainment Management (elective) ··Visitor Attractions Management (elective) ··Internship (at least 600 hours)

56 旅遊業管理高級文憑(航空及郵輪服務)

旅遊業管理高級文憑(航空及郵輪服務) Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Airline and Cruise Services) 課程簡介 郵輪假期在歐、美等旅遊業市場發展成熟,隨著2013年 啟德郵輪碼頭落成,及過去十年航空業穩步增長,郵輪 服務必將成為香港未來旅遊業的發展趨勢。而業界對航 空及郵輪服務專業人才的需求無可置疑地提升。本課程 針對業界之要求,致力為學生提供旅遊、航空及郵輪服 務範疇的專業訓練。 課程特色 專業導師團隊任教 ··本校導師皆具豐富的行業及大專教育經驗; 業界探訪及考察活動 ··包括海外及國內交流活動(如香港旅行社協會年度 大會HATA Annual Overseas Convention)、郵輪學習 體驗團、郵輪導覽及旅遊業機構參觀,如:鑽石公主 (Diamond Princess)、歌詩達郵輪「經典號」 (Costa Classica)、國泰城、主題公園考察等; 學生大使計劃 ··學生有機會為各旅遊及款待業機構,如香港會議展覽 中心及各大郵輪等款待海外遊客; 模擬訓練 ··包括模擬飛機客艙款待服務、ABACUS 票務系統、 預訂機位之訓練及顧客服務訓練等; 專業裝備 ··課程受訓期間,同學可向香港旅遊業議會報考外遊領 隊證書課程及/或導遊課程。 修讀年期 2年

專業認可資格 本校商學部擁有以下認可資格 ··香港旅行社協會附屬會員; ··英國款待學院國際教育機構會員; ··亞太旅遊教育及培訓院校網絡會員 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:09/002337/4 登記有效期:14/05/2009 至 31/08/2013 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 實習機會 多元化實習機會,有機會被安排到各大航空公司、郵輪 公司、私人會所、會議及展覽公司、項目統籌、主題公 園、旅行社或相關機構實習。表現良好之學生,有機會 獲實習機構直接聘用。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction Cruise holiday has been well developed in Europe and America. With the completion of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in 2013 and the steady growth of the aviation industry in the past decade, cruise service is set to become a mainstream segment in Hong Kong’s tourism industry and demand for professional workers in airline and cruise services is expected to grow. This programme is the first accredited training course in both airline and cruise services. The course is designed to meet the needs of the industry by providing professional training in tourism and airline and cruise services. Programme Features Professional Teaching Staff ··Our teaching team possesses extensive industrial and teaching experiences in higher education;

Visits and Field Study ··Covering international and local programmes (e.g. the HATA Annual Overseas Convention) and guided visits to cruise liners and travel agencies, e.g. visits to Diamond Princess, Costa Classica, Cathay City and field study of theme parks; Student Ambassador Programme ··Students will be able to serve as student ambassadors on behalf of a host organisation, like the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and cruise liners, to receive international visitors; Simulation Training ··Including infight cabin services, the ABACUS ticketing service system, flight booking and customer service; Professional Preparation ··Students can join the Certificate Course for Outbound Tour Escorts and/or the Tourist Guide Course offered by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong during their study at the college. Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status The Division of Business of the Hong Kong College of Technology has obtained the following professional recognitions:

··Allied Member of Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents ··International Scheme Member of Institute of Hospitality ··Member of The Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism

The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No: 09/002337/4 Registration Validity Period: 14/05/2009 to 31/08/2013 Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for the related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Internship The programme offers a wide range of internship opportunities to work in airlines, cruises, private membership clubs, the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions industry, event management companies, theme parks, travel agencies or relevant organisations. Students who perform well may be offered full-time positions by the enterprises. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··航空及郵輪業產品策劃 ··機場客務運作 ··旅遊業機票計算實務 ··客艙服務管理 ··客艙餐飲管理 ··客艙娛樂管理 ··航空訂位實務 ··郵輪業基礎運作 ··實習(不少於600小時) ··Airline and Cruise Product Knowledge and Planning ··Airlines Ground Service Operations ··Fare Calculation ··In-Flight Cabin & Ship-Board Hotel Services Management ··On-Board Catering Management ··On-Board Entertainment Management ··Operation of Central Reservations System ··Principles of Cruising ··Internship (at least 600 hours)

58 旅遊業管理高級文憑(酒店款待)

旅遊業管理高級文憑(酒店款待) Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Hospitality)

課程簡介 酒店款待業、旅遊業、會議及展覽業乃香港之經濟支 柱。近年來,隨著更多酒店落成,香港酒店款待業須吸 納更多有志投身此行業的生力軍,滿足市場需要。本課 程針對業界要求,致力為學生提供酒店款待範疇的專業 訓練。 課程特色 專業導師團隊任教 ··本校導師皆具豐富的行業及大專教育經驗; 業界探訪及考察活動 ··包括海外及國內交流活動(如:香港旅行社協會海外周 年會議HATA Annual Overseas Convention)、酒店及 旅遊業機構,如:國泰城參觀、主題公園考察; 學生大使計劃 ··學生有機會為各款待及旅遊業機構,如香港會議展覽 中心及各大郵輪等款待海外遊客; 模擬訓練 ··包括餐飲製作及餐飲服務、酒店房務、酒店管理系統 OPERA及顧客服務等; 專業裝備 ··課程受訓期間,同學可向香港旅遊業議會報考外遊領 隊證書課程及/或導遊課程。

修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 本校商學部擁有以下認可資格 ··香港旅行社協會附屬會員; ··英國款待學院國際教育機構會員; ··亞太旅遊教育及培訓院校網絡會員 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:07/001642/4 登記有效期:05/05/2008 至 31/08/2014 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 實習機會 多元化實習機會,有機會被安排到各大星級酒店、私人 會所、餐飲集團、會議及展覽公司、項目統籌、主題公 園或相關機構實習。表現良好之學生,有機會獲實習機 構直接聘用。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction Hospitality, tourism and convention & exhibition are the pillars of the Hong Kong economy. With the inception of an increasing number of hotels in recent years, demand for trained staff / professionals in the hospitality industry is on the rise. This programme is designed to meet the needs of the industry by providing professional training in hospitality. Programme Features Professional Teaching Staff ··Our teaching team possesses extensive industrial and teaching experiences in higher education;

Visits and Field Study ··Including international and local programmes (e.g. the HATA Annual Overseas Convention) and guided visits to hotels, and travel agencies e.g. visits to Cathay City and theme parks; Student Ambassador Programme ··Students will be able to serve as student ambassadors on behalf of a host organisation, such as the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and cruise liners to receive international visitors;

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for the related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Internship The programme offers a wide range of internship opportunities to work in prominent hotels, private membership clubs, restaurant groups, the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions industry, event management companies, theme parks or relevant organisations. Students who perform well may be offered full-time positions by the enterprises. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

Simulation Training ··Including food and beverage production and services, hotel room service, hotel management system (OPERA) and customer service; Professional Preparation ··Students can join the Certificate Course for Outbound Tour Escorts and/or the Tourist Guide Course offered by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong during their study at the college. Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status The Division of Business of the Hong Kong College of Technology has obtained the following professional recognitions:

··Allied Member of Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents ··International Scheme Member of Institute of Hospitality ··Member of The Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No: 07/001642/4 Registration Validity Period: 05/05/2008 to 31/08/2014


··餐飲管理 ··餐飲服務 ··餐飲服務及製作 ··食品理論 ··酒店前堂運作 ··酒店房務運作 ··酒店款待業管理 ··酒店客務管理 ··實習(不少於600小時) ··Food and Beverage Management ··Food and Beverage Service ··Food Service and Production Operations ··Food Theory ··Front Office Operations ··Housekeeping Operations ··Managing Hospitality Environment ··Rooms Division Management ··Internship (at least 600 hours)

60 旅遊業管理高級文憑(旅遊商貿)

旅遊業管理高級文憑(旅遊商貿) Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Tourism Business)

課程簡介 香港四大行業之一的旅遊業,每年為本港經濟帶來過千 億港元之外匯收益。為配合旅遊業的基建及設施之高速 發展與擴建,香港繼續需要更多旅遊業的專業人才。本 課程針對業界要求,致力為學生提供旅遊商業範疇的專 業訓練。 課程特色 專業導師團隊任教 ··本校導師皆具豐富的行業及大專教育經驗; 業界探訪及考察活動 ··包括海外及國內交流活動(如:香港旅行社協會海外 周年會議HATA Annual Overseas Convention)、旅 遊業機構參觀及郵輪導覽;如:國泰城參觀、主題公 園考察等; 學生大使計劃 ··學生有機會為各旅遊及款待業機構,如香港會議展覽 中心及各大郵輪等款待海外遊客; 模擬訓練 ··包括 ABACUS 票務系統、預訂機位之訓練及顧客服務 訓練等; 專業裝備 ··課程受訓期間,同學可向香港旅遊業議會報考外遊領 隊證書課程及/或導遊課程。

修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 本校商學部擁有以下認可資格 ··香港旅行社協會附屬會員; ··英國款待學院國際教育機構會員; ··亞太旅遊教育及培訓院校網絡會員 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:07/001641/4 登記有效期:05/05/2008 至 31/08/2014 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 實習機會 多元化實習機會,有機會被安排到旅行社、私人會所、 主題公園、會議及展覽公司、項目統籌或相關機構實 習。表現良好之學生,有機會獲實習機構直接聘用。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction Tourism, one of the four major industries in Hong Kong, has been generating hundred millions of income every year. Demand for professionals in the tourism sector is on the rise in response to the rapid development and expansion of industry infrastructure and facilities. This programme is designed to meet the needs of the industry by providing professional training in tourism. Programme Features Professional Teaching Staff ··Our teaching team possesses extensive industrial and teaching experiences in higher education;

Visits and Field Studies ··Including international and local programmes (e.g. the HATA Annual Overseas Convention) and guided visits to travel agencies and cruise liners (e.g. visits to Cathay City and theme parks);

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Internship The programme offers a wide range of internship opportunities to work in travel agencies, private membership clubs, theme parks, the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions industry, event management companies or relevant organisations. Students who perform well may be offered full-time positions by the enterprises. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

Student Ambassador Programme ··Students will be able to serve as student ambassadors on behalf of a host organisation, such as the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and cruise liners, to receive international visitors; Simulation Training ··Including the ABACUS ticketing service system, flight booking and customer service. Professional Preparation ··Students can join the “Certificate Course for Outbound Tour Escorts” and/or the “Tourist Guide Course” offered by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong during their study at the college. Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status The Division of Business of the Hong Kong College of Technology has obtained the following professional recognitions:

··Allied Member of Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents ··International Scheme Member of Institute of Hospitality ··Member of The Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No: 07/001641/4 Registration Validity Period: 05/05/2008 to 31/08/2014


··旅遊業機票計算實務 ··行程策劃及旅遊產品 ··航空訂位實務 ··特定主題旅遊 ··可持續發展旅遊 ··旅遊業運作 ··旅遊業發展 ··旅遊景點管理 ··實習(不少於600小時) ··Fare Calculation ··Itinerary Planning and Tour Packaging ··Operation of Central Reservations System ··Special Interest Tourism ··Sustainable Tourism ··Travel Trade Operations ··Tourism Development ··Visitor Attractions Management ··Internship (at least 600 hours)

62 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲


江倩婷 旅遊業管理高級文憑(航空及郵輪服務)二年級 「學校經常為同學安排參與本地及海外交流活動。在今年暑假, 我便代表港專到三亞參加香港旅行社協會舉行會議,旅程令我們 大開眼界之餘,還使我們有機會結識來自本地及海外不同院校 的學生。此外,我對業界的認識及遊輪業的發展亦有更深了解, 從而確立了我未來事業發展的方向。」

Kong Sin Ting Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Airline & Cruise Services), Year 2 “The College often organises local and overseas exchange programmes for students. This summer, I represented HKCT to attend conference in Sanya, held by the Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents. It was an eye-opening experience through which I got to meet Hong Kong and foreign students from different education institutions. With deeper knowledge of the industry and the latest development of the cruise industry, I have a clearer idea about the direction of my future career.”


旅遊及酒店款待 TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY 何耀祖 旅遊業管理高級文憑(酒店款待)二年級 「在學校的鼓勵下,我非常榮幸能夠在 2011 年夏季参加全港 大專生『美國暑期工作交流計劃』。在此旅程中,我被安排在 密蘇里州坎薩斯城『世界的樂趣遊樂園』工作兩個半月,這除了 令我可以實踐課堂內的知識外,更讓我認識到從來自世界各地的 朋友,了解他們的文化及處事風格。這些寶貴的經驗,令我將來 在旅遊及酒店業發展,建立了良好的基礎。」

Ho Yiu Cho Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Hospitality), Year 2 “Thanks to the encouragement of HKCT, I felt lucky to be able to take part in the Work and Travel USA Programme in the summer of 2011 to work at the Worlds of Fun theme park in Kansas City, Missouri for two and a half months. I was able to put into practice my classroom knowledge and also make friends with people from different parts of the world and learn about their culture. The valuable experience has laid a good foundation for my future career in the tourism and hospitality industry.”

劉嘉麒 旅遊業管理高級文憑(酒店款待)畢業 2010年畢業生 「課程為我們在畢業前安排到本地各大酒店及旅遊機構實習, 令我們可以實踐在課堂內所學到的知識及理論之餘,更可以 快人一步,加入行業發展。我在完成實習後,便成功獲香港 九龍諾富特酒店聘用,後來更晉升成為高級接待員。」

Lau Ka Ki 2010 graduate of Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Hospitality) “The programme arranged for us to get work experience at well-established hotels and travel agencies before we graduated. The experience not only allowed us to practise our classroom knowledge and theories, but also offered us a fast track to join the travel sector. After completing the internship programme, I got a job at Novotel Hong Kong Nathan Road Kowloon and have been promoted to senior receptionist.”

64 電腦學高級文憑(軟件開發)

電腦學高級文憑(軟件開發) Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Software Development)

課程簡介 本校已成功成為蘋果電腦「iOS Developer Program Enterprise」成員,為學生提供專業導師,教授 i-Phone、i-Pad、Android手機及平板電腦手機程式的設 計及編寫。課程亦教授網上互動程式ASP.NET及PHP的 設計及編寫。此外,亦會涵蓋部份電腦「專業認證」考 試,例如數據庫管理認證Oracle OCA。 修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 本課程(前電腦學高級文憑)獲得由政府資訊科技總監 辦公室支持的「香港資訊及通訊科技獎2011—最佳專業 發展(資訊及通訊科技行業)獎優異證書」。 此外,本課程已獲得「香港工程師學會」及「資訊科技 統籌員協會」評審通過,畢業生可分別申請成為學會副 會員及協會會員*。

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 電腦應用於各行各業,包括銀行、政府、機場及酒店 等。職位包括: ··手機應用系統開發主任 ··網上應用系統開發主任 ··數據庫管理主任 ··數據庫開發主任 ··系統分析主任 實習機會 合適同學會被安排到各大企業的電腦部門實習。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)



Programme Introduction HKCT is a member of iOS Developer Program Enterprise of Apple Inc, and it therefore has professional teaching staff offering courses on the design and development of i-Phone, i-Pad and Android applications. The programme also covers the design and development of ASP.NET and PHP web, and part of the IT Professional Examination, such as Oracle OCA Database Certificate. Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status The programme (former Higher Diploma in Computer Studies) won the “Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011 – Best Professional Development (ICT Professional) Award Certificate of Merit”, which is supported by the HKSAR Government.

The programme is also accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Information Technology Coordinator Association. Our graduates can apply for the associate member and full member respectively*. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities.

Career Prospects Computer is widely used in many industries, which include banking, government, airport, and hospitality. Job positions include: ··Mobile Application Developer ··Web Application Developer ··Database Administrator ··Database Developer ··System Analyst Internship Internship will be arranged for suitable students. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··數據通訊及網絡 ··Oracle數據庫管理 ··Internet 程式開發 ··資訊科技項目管理 ··iPhone手機程式設計 ··Java程式設計 ··Android手機軟件設計 ··PHP程式開發 ··C程式設計 ··資訊科技工作實習(選修科目)

··Data Communication and Networking ··Database System Administration ··Internet Programming ··IT Project Management ··Mobile Application Design ··Object-Oriented Programming ··Open Mobile Software Design ··PHP Application Development ··Structured Programming ··IT Work Placement (Elective)

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

66 電腦學高級文憑(網絡及保安)

電腦學高級文憑(網絡及保安) Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Network and Security) )

課程簡介 本校已為「思科網絡學院」成員,故課程將提供專業導 師,教授學生思科網絡(Cisco Networking)的網絡設 備,例如路由器,以及Windows及Linux伺服器,資訊 保安及無線網絡的技術。課程內容亦涵蓋部份電腦「專 業認證」考試,例如網絡管理認證Microsoft MCTS及 CCNA。 修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 本課程(前電腦學高級文憑)獲得由政府資訊科技總監 辦公室支持的「香港資訊及通訊科技獎2011 - 最佳專業 發展(資訊及通訊科技行業)獎優異證書」。 此外,本課程已獲得「香港工程師學會」及「資訊科技 統籌員協會」評審通過,畢業生可分別申請成為學會副 會員及協會會員*。

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 電腦應用於各行各業,包括銀行、政府、機場及酒店 等。職位包括: ··網絡工程師 ··系統管理主任 ··技術支援主任 ··資訊保安主任 ··網絡保安主任 實習機會 合適同學會被安排到各大企業的電腦部門實習。 學費 一年級:HK$42,600 二年級:HK$46,860 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)



Programme Introduction HKCT is a member of Cisco Networking Academy, and it therefore has professional teaching staff offering courses on the set-up of the equipment of Cisco Networking, such as router, Windows and Linux Server, information security and wireless networking. The programme covers part of the IT Professional Examination, such as Microsoft MCTS and CCNA Certificate. Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status The programme (former Higher Diploma in Computer Studies) won the “Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011 – Best Professional Development (ICT Professional) Award Certificate of Merit”, which is supported by the HKSAR Government.

The programme is also accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Information Technology Coordinator Association. Our graduates can apply for the associate member and full member respectively*. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities.

Career Prospects Computer is widely used in many industries, which include banking, government, airport, and hospitality. Job positions include: ··Network Engineer ··System Administrator ··Technical Support Officer ··Information Security Officer ··Network Security Officer Internship Internship will be arranged for suitable students. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$42,600 Year 2: HK$46,860 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··計算機結構 ··數據通訊及網絡 ··Oracle數據庫管理 ··資訊及網絡保安 ··資訊科技項目管理 ··Linux系統管理 ··CCNA網絡實務 ··Windows伺服器管理 ··無線網絡及保安 ··資訊科技工作實習(選修科目)

··Computer Organisation ··Data Communication and Networking ··Database System Administration ··Information and Networking Security ··IT Project Management ··Open System Administration ··Practical For Network Associates ··Windows System Administration ··Wireless Networking and Security ··IT Work Placement (Elective)

* Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

68 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲


黃德進 電腦學高級文憑畢業生 「在老師的悉心教導下,我的學業成績突飛猛進,在這裏 學到的實用知識,對我將來從事電腦行業有極大幫助。 此外,學校亦積極為我們安排到北京各大小企業的資訊科技 部門實習。這些寶貴的工作經驗除改善我的人際溝通外, 更加強我對內地工作環境的認識。現在我對未來升學及 就業充滿信心。」

Wong Tak Chun Graduate of Higher Diploma in Computer Studies “With the great guidance of my teachers, my academic results improved swiftly. At HKCT, I have acquired practical knowledge that will be very useful for my future career in the IT industry. HKCT also organised internship programmes for us whereby we got the chance to work in the IT department of various companies in Beijing. The work experience is highly valuable in that it has greatly improved my interpersonal skills and brought me closer to understanding the work environment in mainland China. Now I am full of confidence about my future career and the possibility of pursuing further education.”



楊建恆 電腦學高級文憑畢業生 「港專電腦課程很有啟發性,令我抓緊個人目標。 我以『手機短訊自動發送系統』為畢業習作的題目, 得到老師的悉心指導,最後順利完成,獲得理想成績。 這次充滿挑戰性的經驗,除提升我的學習興趣外,更促使 我以手機程式設計為將來事業發展目標,我一定要成為 一位出色的程式設計師。」

Yeung Kin Hang Graduate of Higher Diploma in Computer Studies “HKCT's computer studies programme was very inspiring and it encouraged me to stay focused on my goal. My graduation project entitled "Mobile SMS Autonomic Delivery System" was completed and scored a high mark. Thanks to the kind guidance of my teachers. The graduation project was a very challenging experience that further boosted my academic interest and had me decided to pursue a career in mobile programming design. I am determined to be a great programming designer.”

70 創意設計高級文憑(綜合平面設計傳達)

創意設計高級文憑(綜合平面設計傳達) Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) 課程簡介 為未來有意投身創意設計行業發展的同學,建立專業 的技能及打穩多元化的設計基礎。創意設計高級文憑 課程,提供全面性的設計理論、技巧、溝通及傳達的 講授,提升同學未來就業及升學競爭能力。隨著科技的 迅速發展,同學除要懂得傳統的設計技巧外,亦要掌握 科技及媒體,在課程中同學有機會使用嶄新電腦設計軟 件,在多媒體上,融匯不同設計元素,如聲音、互動影 像等,開發創意及設計才能。 課程特色 課程亦著重訓練同學掌握專業的設計技巧及思想方法, 從不同專業的課題上,分析商業市場的資訊,提供設計 方案,應付市場需求。 課程內容包括專業及色彩設計、視覺傳意、平面設計、 互動媒體設計等。 修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:07/001639/4 登記有效期:05/05/2008 至 31/08/2014

升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程; · ·升 讀 英 國 列 斯 城 市 大 學 ( L e e d s M e t r o p o l i t a n University)或國內華僑大學相關學士學位課程,部 份科目學分可獲承認,准免修相關科目。 就業出路 畢業生可於多個行業中擔任平面設計師的職位,範疇包 括平面設計、廣告、書刊及雜誌等印刷品設計、商標、 包裝等。 實習機會 學生有機會在暑假期間獲安排到各設計公司實習,吸取 實戰經驗。 學費 一年級:HK$43,000 二年級:HK$47,000 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme caters to students aspiring to join the creative design industry. It is designed to hone their professional skills and help them lay an all-round foundation in design. The programme features a comprehensive range of design theories and techniques and communication knowledge, with a view to opening up career opportunities for students and their prospect for further education.

Rapid development in technology today means students should acquire knowledge related to the media and technology on top of traditional design techniques. In class, students are equipped with the latest computer software and design applications and audio-visual equipment, which effectively help them bring into play their creativity and design talent. Programme Features Through the programme, students will hone their design skills and analyse market information related to different subjects. A range of design solutions catering to market demand are also available.

The curriculum covers design and colour theories, imaging visualisation, graphics, interactive media design, etc. Duration of Study 2 years

Recognition Status The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No: 07/001639/4 Registration Validity Period: 05/05/2008 to 31/08/2014 Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities.

··a related Bachelor’s Degree Programme at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, or Huaqiao University, China, with credit exemptions. Career Prospects Graduates may pursue a graphic designer career in various areas, including printed matter design associated with graphic design, advertising, books and magazines, corporate logo and packaging. Internship Internship may also be arranged for students to gain practical work experience. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$43,000 Year 2: HK$47,000 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··三維影像設計 ··錄像制作及設計 ··品牌及企業形象設計 ··書刊設計及排版 ··綜合設計技巧 ··互動媒體設計 ··專業實踐與發展 ··廣告設計及宣傳策略 ··字體設計 ··畢業作品集

··3D Imaging ··Audio Visual Imaging ··Corporate Identity Design ··Editorial Design & Publishing ··Integrated Design Skills ··Interactive Media Design ··Professional Practice ··Promotion & Advertising Design ··Typography ··Final Project

72 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲


吳靜文 創意設計高級文憑(綜合平面設計傳達)三年級 「很喜歡在馬鞍山校舍的數碼藝術設計工作間上課和創作自己的 作品,室內配置全新的蘋果多媒體電腦及軟件,是我們磨練設計 技術的好地方。近年很多師兄師姐都能在大型的設計比賽中獲 取殊榮。此外,學校對同學學習支援,更是無微不致。」

Ng Ching Man Year 3, Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) “I love going to classes and creating my work at the Digital Art Design Workshop at the Ma On Shan campus. The room is equipped with the latest Apple computers and multimedia software. It’s a great place to hone our design skills. In the last couple of years, many of my senior fellow students have won awards at some important design competitions. It reflects that HKCT always gives us great support for our studies.”



周鈞濠 創意設計高級文憑(綜合平面設計傳達)三年級 「港專設計導師全部來自業界,擁有豐富的行內經驗,經常與 我們在課堂中分享設計行業的發展趨勢。此外,老師又鼓勵我們 參加公開比賽,汲取經驗,擴闊眼界,令我在設計上更有信心。」

Chau Kwan Ho Year 3, Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) “All design teachers at HKCT are from the design industry. They are highly experienced and they always share the latest development in the industry with us. They would encourage us taking part in various competitions to enrich our experience and broaden our horizon. This has made me more confident in my design artworks.”

劉奕行 創意設計高級文憑(綜合平面設計傳達)三年級 「導師經常安排我們與本地及海外的藝術團體及設計師進行交流及 集體創作,令我在觀摩交流中不斷進步。在暑假期間,我們又有機會 到本地設計公司實習,獲取工作機會。最寶貴的是,同學在畢業年 可以舉行畢業展覽,建立「 「個人作品集」 」,向行內人士展示學習 成果。這些經驗有助提升我們未來就業或升學的競爭力。」

Lau Yik Heng, Andy Year 3, Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) “Our instructors often organise exchange programmes for us to meet with local and overseas art groups and artists and create designs with them. This is a great way for me to improve myself. We also get to work as an intern at local design companies to gain work experience during summer vacation. Most importantly, we can have our own exhibition to create our own portfolios in the final year. This gives us a chance to show our work to the design industry. All this helps to make us more competent for further studies or future career.”

74 社會工作高級文憑

社會工作高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Social Work 課程簡介 現時本港約有超過16,500名註冊社工,大部分投身社 會福利署及不同社會服務機構工作,服務範圍包括家庭 及兒童福利、青少年服務、康復服務、安老服務、違法 者、醫務社會服務及社區發展等。鑒於香港面對貧富懸 殊、結構性失業、家庭凝聚力失調及人口老化等問題, 社會需要更多有志向及有熱忱的年輕人,加入社會工作 者的行列,助人自助,促進社會公義,貢獻社會。 本課程旨在提供社會工作教育,培育學生成為前線專業 社工,並為學生建立持續進修的基礎。 課程特色 ··結 合 正 規 課 程 、 課 堂 外 學 習 和 實 習 , 培 育 學 生 的 社會工作價值觀和對社會工作專業的投入; ··採用經驗和參與式學習法,培育學生的獨立和創意; ··建 立 多 元 溝 通 渠 道 , 促 進 師 生 間 在 教 與 學 的 互 動 和溝通; ··設有級任導師和個人導師,關顧學生的個人和專業 發展; ··鼓 勵 學 生 參 加 不 同 的 社 會 活 動 , 從 而 掌 握 社 會 脈搏、擴闊視野; ··促進學生了解、分析和回應社會福利界別的需要和 發展;及 ··以中文授課,同時重視英語運用。 修讀年期 2年 專業認可資格 ▲ 港專頒發的社會工作副學士學位學歷 ,獲社會工作者 註冊局認可,學生畢業後可申請成為註冊社工。 ▲

社會工作副學士學位 資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:4 資歷名冊登記號碼:06/000087/4 登記有效期:05/05/2008至31/08/2013 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。

就業出路 ▲ 畢業生可成為本港的註冊社會工作者 ,並於社會福利 署、社會福利機構及非政府機構任職社會工作助理或相 等職位。 實習機會 每名學生必須於兩間不同的社會福利機構實習,服務類 型多樣化,包括青少年服務、復康服務、安老服務、家 庭及兒童福利服務和社區發展等。學生將在課堂中所學 習到的社會工作價值、知識、技巧與實務工作結合,並 獲取實際的工作經驗。 特別教學設施 特設社會工作實務訓練室,訓練學生社會工作微觀及宏 觀實務技巧。 專業團體及業界聯繫 本校人文與社會科學學部與社會工作者註冊局、香港社 會工作人員協會、香港社會工作者總工會、香港社會服 務聯會、社會福利機構、非政府機構、以及學術界等保 持密切聯繫,並積極參與這些機構的交流活動和事工, 以理解業界的最新發展。 學費 一年級:HK$46,960 二年級:HK$52,000 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


··專業實習 ··社會工作及人本服務專業導論 ··精神健康與心理學 ··社會工作實務:個人與家庭工作/小組工作/ 社區工作 ··心理學與個人發展 ··個人發展與管理 ··社會實地研習及人本服務計劃管理 ··社會政策與行政 ··香港社會福利導論 ··社會學與香港社會

正名為「社會工作高級文憑」程序進行中, 因應新學制而調整的兩年制課程,以專業機構最後確認為準。


Programme Introduction There are currently more than 16,500 registered social workers in Hong Kong. Most of them work in the Social Welfare Department and various social service organisations, specialising in areas such as family and child welfare services, services for young people, services for people with disabilities, services for the elderly, services for offenders, medical social services and community development. Widening poverty gap, structural unemployment, weakening of family cohesion and aging population mean society needs more young people with a passion and commitment to pursue a career in social work, help the needy, promote social justice, and make contributions to the society. The programme is designed to nurture students to be professional social workers at the frontline level through providing social work education which helps students lay a good foundation for their career as well as further study.

Programme Features ·· Nurture students with social work values and commitment to the social work profession via a combination of formal curriculum, off-campus learning and fieldwork placement; ·· Adopt experiential and participatory learning methods to nurture students’ independence and creativity; ·· Establish a variety of channels to facilitate close interaction and communication between teaching staff and students regarding teaching and learning. ·· Nurture students’ personal and professional development through the support of year tutors and personal tutors; ··Encourage students to actively participate in social activities to keep abreast of current social issues and widen their horizon; ·· Facilitate students to understand, analyse and respond to the changing needs and development of the social welfare sector; and ·· Chinese is the medium of instruction, with an emphasis on the use of English as well. Duration of Study 2 years

Career Prospects Graduates can be recognised as registered social workers▲ and apply for social work assistant or equivalent positions at social welfare agencies, NGOs or the Social Welfare Department. Internship Every student is required to complete two fieldwork placements at two different social welfare organisations. The scope of fieldwork placement covers a broad range, including children and youth service, rehabilitation service, elderly service, family and child welfare, community development. Through the fieldwork practicum, students can put into practice their social work values, classroom knowledge and skills and gain valuable work experience. Special Teaching Facility The Social Work Skills Laboratory was set up to train students to apply micro and macro practice skills to social work. Network with Professional Groups and Industry The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of HKCT maintains close ties with the Social Workers Registration Board, the Hong Kong Social Workers Association, the Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, social welfare agencies, NGOs and academics. Teaching staff and students are actively involved in these professional communities to keep abreast of latest development of the industry. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$46,960 Year 2: HK$52,000 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


Recognition Status ▲

The Associate Degree in Social Work awarded by the Hong Kong College of Technology is recognised by the Social Workers Registration Board. Graduates are eligible to apply for Registered Social Worker. The qualification of Associate Degree in Social Work

is recognised

under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 4 QR Registration No. : 06/000087/4 Registration Validity Period: 05/05/2008 to 31/08/2013

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local and overseas universities.

··Field Placement ··Foundation of Social Work and Human Service Professions ··Mental Health and Psychology ··Practice with Individuals and Families / Groups / Communities in Social Work and Human Service Professions ··Psychology and Human Development ··Self Development and Management ··Social Field Study and Project Management in Human Service Organisations ··Social Policy and Administration ··Social Welfare in Hong Kong ··Sociology and Hong Kong Society

▲ To be changed to “Higher Diploma in Social Work” subject to approval. Professional recognition of the 2-year curriculum due to the new academic structure is subject to final confirmation.

76 應用心理學高級文憑

應用心理學高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Applied Psychology

課程簡介 應用心理學高級文憑向學生傳授有關人類歷程與行為的 知識,以改善人的生活質素為宗旨。課程強調於工作場 所和日常生活應用心理學知識,從而協助學生準備日後 以服務人群為就業方向。課程也為學生建立持續進修的 基礎,學生日後可修讀心理學或相關學科。 課程特色 ··結合正規課程和課堂外學習,培育學生應用心理學 概念和知識的能力; ··採用經驗和參與式學習法,培育學生的獨立和創意; ··建 立 多 元 溝 通 渠 道 , 促 進 師 生 間 在 教 與 學 的 互 動 和溝通;及 ··鼓勵學生參加不同的社會活動,從而掌握社會脈搏、 擴闊視野。 修讀年期 2年 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

就業出路 應用心理學高級文憑的畢業生擁有良好的人際溝通技 巧,並對人類的行為有必要的理解,適合投身人本服務 的前線輔助專業人員職位,包括人力資源助理、教育幹 事、教學助理、項目幹事等;也可從事工商服務界的助 理客戶服務主任、助理市場推廣主任及公共關係助理等 等。 特別教學設施 學生可以使用實務訓練室,鍛練溝通和實務技巧。 專業團體及業界聯繫 本校人文與社會科學學部與社會工作者註冊局、香港社 會工作人員協會、香港社會工作者總工會、香港社會服 務聯會、社會福利機構、非政府機構、以及學術界等保 持密切聯繫,並積極參與這些機構的交流活動和事工, 以理解業界的最新發展。 學費 一年級:HK$43,000 二年級:HK$47,000 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction This programme is designed to equip students with specialised concepts and theoretical perspectives in studying human processes and behaviour, with the greater aim of improving people’s living quality. Emphasis is put on the application of knowledge in psychology to the workplace and everyday life. The programme also aims to prepare students for their future career in serving people. It also facilitates graduates to pursue further study in psychology or related fields.

Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$43,000 Year 2: HK$47,000 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

Programme Features • Nurture students’ ability to apply psychological concepts and knowledge via a combination of formal curriculum and off-campus learning; • Adopt experiential and participatory learning methods to develop students’ independence and creativity; • Establish a variety of channels to facilitate close interaction and communication between teaching staff and students regarding teaching and learning; and ··Encourage students to actively participate in social activities to keep abreast of current social issues and widen their horizons. Duration of Study 2 years Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Graduates of Applied Psychology, with good interpersonal communication skills and a good understanding of human behaviour, can apply for some frontline para-professional positions in human services as personnel assistant, education officer, teaching assistant, and project officer. They can also work in the business sector as assistant customer services officer, marketing assistant and public relations assistant. Special Teaching Facility Students of this programme can use the Skills Laboratory to hone their communication skills and practising skills. Network with Professional Groups and Industry The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of HKCT maintains close ties with the Social Workers Registration Board, the Hong Kong Social Workers Association, the Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, social welfare agencies, NGOs, and academics. Teaching staff and students are actively involved in these professional communities to keep abreast of latest development of the industry.


··異常心理學 ··發展心理學 ··心理學導論 ··人際與網絡技巧 ··人本服務微觀技巧 ··機構與服務管理 ··組織心理學與團隊建立 ··人格心理學 ··項目計劃、執行與檢討 ··社會心理學 ··Abnormal Psychology ··Developmental Psychology ··General Psychology ··Interpersonal and Networking Skills ··Micro Skills in Human Services ··Organisation and Service Management ··Organisational Psychology and Team Building ··Personality Psychology ··Programme Planning, Implementation and Evaluation ··Social Psychology

78 公共與社會服務高級文憑

公共與社會服務高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Public and Social Services

課程簡介 公共與社會服務高級文憑向學生傳授有關公共與第三部 門領域的專門概念、理論、知識和技術,從而改善市民 的生活質素和社會環境。課程旨在培育學生從事公共與 社會服務的必要知識和技巧。課程也為學生建立持續進 修的基礎,學生日後可繼續修讀相關學科。 課程特色 ··結合正規課程、課堂外學習和實習,培育學生的人本 服務價值觀和對人本服務的投入; ··採用經驗和參與式學習法,培育學生的獨立和創意; ··建 立 多 元 溝 通 渠 道 , 促 進 師 生 間 在 教 與 學 的 互動和溝通; ··鼓 勵 學 生 參 加 不 同 的 社 會 活 動 , 從 而 掌 握 社會脈搏、擴闊視野; ··促進學生了解、分析和回應公共與社會服務界別的 需要和發展;及 ··以中文授課,同時重視英語運用。 修讀年期 2年

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 公共與社會服務高級文憑的畢業生對公共與社會服務有 必要而全面的認識,適合投身有關公共或社會服務的前 線輔助專業人員職位,包括項目幹事、計劃主任、培訓 或教育幹事、發展幹事、就業幹事、社區幹事等。 實習機會 每名學生必須完成實習。學生將實踐和應用在課堂中所 學習到的態度、知識、技巧,並獲取實際的工作經驗, 有助日後就業。 特別教學設施 學生可以使用實務訓練室,鍛練溝通和實務技巧。 學費 一年級:HK$43,000 二年級:HK$47,000 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction This programme is designed to equip students with knowledge in specialised concepts, theoretical perspectives, and related skills for the public and third sectors, with the greater aim of improving people’s quality of life and changing the social environment. The programme aims to equip students with the essential knowledge and skills for a career in the public organisations and the third sector. It is also designed to help students lay a foundation for further study in related disciplines. Programme Features • Nurture students’ humanistic values and enhance

their commitment to human services via a combination of formal curriculum, off-campus learning and internship; • Adopt experiential and participatory learning methods to develop students’ independence and creativity; • Establish a variety of channels to facilitate close interaction and communication between teaching staff and students regarding teaching and learning; • Encourage students to actively participate in social activities to keep abreast of current social issues and widen their horizons; ··Facilitate students to understand, analyse and respond to the changing needs and development of the public and social services; and ··Chinese is the medium of instruction, with an emphasis on the use of English as well. Duration of Study 2 years Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities.

Career Prospects Graduates with a background of public and social services should have all-round understanding of the public and third sectors in Hong Kong. They can take up para-professional positions in the public and social service sectors, such as programme officer, project officer, training or education officer, development officer, employment, and community organiser. Internship All students must complete an internship which enables them to practise and apply classroom knowledge and values and gain practical work experience for the sake of their future career. Special Teaching Facility Students of this programme can use the Skills Laboratory to hone their communication skills and practising skills. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$43,000 Year 2: HK$47,000 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··香港政府與公共部門 ··政府、法律與社會 ··公共與社會服務實習 ··人本服務宏觀技巧 ··機構與服務管理 ··項目計劃、執行與檢討 ··社會探究方法 ··香港社會福利與社會行政 ··社會學與社會 ··香港第三部門 ··Government and Public Sector in Hong Kong ··Government, Law and Society ··Internship in Public and Social Services ··Macro Skills in Human Services ··Organisation and Service Management ··Programme Planning, Implementation and Evaluation ··Social Inquiry ··Social Welfare and Administration in Hong Kong ··Sociology and Society ··Third Sector in Hong Kong

80 運動、體適能及健康管理高級文憑

運動、體適能及健康管理高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Management of Sports, Fitness and Health 課程簡介 課程主要分為運動、體適能及健康三大範疇的管理學 問,從理論至應用,針對行業的需要,讓學生從實踐中 學習。 修讀年期 2年 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 體育助教、健身教練或助教、會所或康樂設施管理人 員、紀律部隊人員、營養師助理或物理治療師助理等。 學費 一年級:HK$40,000 二年級:HK$42,000 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

Programme Introduction The programme covers management in three areas: sports, fitness and health. Integrating theory into practice, the programme aligns with industry demand, and enables students to acquire essential theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas. Duration of Study 2 years Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Physical Education Teaching Assistant, Fitness Instructor or Assistant, Club House or Recreation Facilities Managing Staff, Disciplinary Force, Dietician Assistant, Physiotherapist Assistant, etc. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$40,000 Year 2: HK$42,000 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)



··人類解剖學、運動生理及心理學 ··康樂及運動管理學 ··戶外歷險及康樂 ··運動及體適能訓練 ··運動營養學

··Human Anatomy, Exercise Physiology and Psychology ··Management for Recreation and Sports ··Outdoor Adventure and Recreation ··Sports and Fitness Training ··Sports Nutrition

82 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲


蘇承恩 社會工作副學士(全日制)二年級 「要成為專業社工殊不簡單,除專業知識外,更要有各方面的 才能。港專的社工課程不單傳授知識。導師除教授理論知識外, 還經常為我們安排不同訓練,培養我們的多元才能,又定期 安排專業社工到校,與我們分享行業的發展情況,加深我們對 社福界的了解,為未來工作好準備。」

So Shing Yan Associate Degree in Social Work (Full-Time), Year 2 “It's never easy to become a professional social worker. One should cultivate professional knowledge and various kinds of capabilities. The social work programme at HKCT covers much more than professional knowledge and theories. Our teachers always organise different kinds of training activities to equip us with a broad range of capabilities. They also invite professional social workers on a regular basis to share with us the latest development of the social welfare sector. That gives us a better understanding of the sector and helps us prepare for the future.”



朱淑韻 社會工作副學士(全日制)二年級 「港專社工課程內容全面,配合社福界的實況和工作所需。機構 實習,再加上導師經常為我們安排的社區研習,令我們了解不同 社群的需要。此外,課程亦提供多元的學科,例如心理學、社會 學和社會福利等,為我們將來成為專業社工打好基礎。」

Chu Shuk Wan Associate Degree in Social Work (Full-Time), Year 2 “HKCT's social work programme reflects the situation and meets the needs of the social welfare sector. In addition to fieldwork placement, frequent community visits and studies arranged by our teachers facilitate us to understand the needs of different communities. The social work programme features a wide variety of subjects, such as psychology, sociology and social welfare, all of which help us establish a good foundation for becoming a professional social worker.”

鄧月明 社會工作副學士(全日制)一年級 「社會工作是一門著重理論實踐的學科。學校除為學生安排到社福 機構實習外,校舍更設有社會工作實務訓練室,讓我們在專業 社工及導師的指導下,互相演練實務工作技巧;將來加入社福 界時,可以發揮自如。」

Tang Yuet Ming Associate Degree in Social Work (Full-Time), Year 1 “Social work is a discipline that emphasises putting theory into practice. HKCT offers students placement opportunity to work at social welfare organisations. The campus is equipped with the Social Work Skills Laboratory, where we can drill our practice skills under the guidance of professional social workers and instructors. When we join the social welfare sector, we will be able to apply our skills and knowledge with ease.”

84 企業傳訊及語言高級文憑(中文/英語/日語/韓語)

企業傳訊及語言高級文憑(中文/英語/ 日語/韓語) Higher Diploma in Corporate Communication and Language Studies (Chinese/English/ Japanese/Korean) 課程簡介 本課程為合資格的中學畢業生提供一個綜合語言及企業 傳訊的專業訓練。課程為期兩年全日制,內容包括通 用技能和專業知識的科目。課程著重學生對企業傳訊的 基礎認識,並為他們提供專門語言的訓練。香港乃國際 化商業社會,中港貿易越趨頻繁,市場對認識企業運作 及傳訊技巧的語言專才需求甚殷。故此,課程著重實用 性,鞏固學生在兩方面的知識,提高升學或就業能力。 課程特色 ··企業傳訊及語言的組合創造更廣闊的升學及就業機會 ··培養通才,亦造專才 ··強化傳意溝通技巧、商業常識及對不同語言文化的 識見 ··鼓勵遊學,親身體驗當地語言文化,活學活用 ··語言中心提供額外的語言培訓,如外語茶敍、工作坊 ··緊密聯繫本地及國際專業學會及大學 修讀年期 2年

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


專業認可資格 就讀本課程的全日制學生可申請成為香港公共關係專業 人員協會學生會員,畢業生更可申請成為附屬會員。 升學階梯 畢業生可申請銜接到本地或海外大學修讀相關學士學位 課程。 就業出路 企業傳訊及語言組合讓學生既成通才,亦為專才,可以 在本地或國際中小型企業擔當助理、營業代表或主任等 職位,相關的行業領域甚廣,包括企業傳訊、公共關 係、對外事務、工商貿易、市場營銷、廣告、媒體傳播 等。 學費 一年級:HK$43,000 二年級:HK$47,000 (2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)

86 企業傳訊及語言高級文憑(中文/英語/日語/韓語)

Programme Introduction The programme is designed to offer a study pathway for eligible secondary school leavers. The two-year full-time programme covers subjects of generic skills and specialised knowledge. It helps students lay a sound knowledge foundation in Corporate Communication while providing training in a specialised language. This combination effectively caters to the market demand of Hong Kong as an international metropolis for talents with both business sense and language proficiency especially when the growth in cross-border trade is driving up such demand. The practicality of the programme enables students to acquire solid knowledge of both Corporate Communication and a selected Language for both articulation to degree study and employability enhancement. Programme Features ··Combination of Corporate Communication and Language Studies leading to wider choices of academic advancement and career development

··Training for both generalists and specialists ··Enhancement of communication skills, common sense and sensitivity to cultures and languages ··Incentive for overseas study tour for language immersion and exposure ··Extensive language training provided by our unique Language Centre, such as Social Chat and workshops ··Networks with local and international professional bodies as well as universities

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

Duration of Study 2 years Recognition Status Full-time students of this Programme are eligible to apply for Student Membership of the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals’ Association Limited. Graduates are entitled to their Associate Membership. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for related Bachelor’s Degree Programmes offered by local or overseas universities. Career Prospects Graduates may take up positions at para-professional level in local, Japanese, Korean or international Corporations of small to medium sizes in many areas such as Corporate Communication, Public Relations, External Affairs, Business, Trading, Marketing, Advertising, Media and Communication. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$43,000 Year 2: HK$47,000 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)




··公共關係概要 ··媒體與傳播 ··媒體傳意 ··企業傳訊理論與實踐 ··公共關係寫作

··Essentials of Public Relations ··Media and Communication ··Media for Presentation ··Principles and Practices of Corporate Communication ··Public Relations Writing

中文 ··中國文化與現代社會 ··市場廣告中文運用 ··媒體傳播中文運用 ··普通話正音 ··現代漢語結構

Chinese ··Chinese Culture and Modern Society ··Chinese for Marketing and Advertising ··Chinese for Media and Communication ··Putonghua Pronunciation ··Structure of Modern Chinese

英語 ··跨文化話語 ··市場廣告英語運用 ··媒體傳播英語運用 ··語言學導論 ··英語正音與演說

English ··Discourse in Cultures ··English for Marketing and Advertising ··English for Media and Communication ··Introduction to Linguistics ··Pronunciation and Public Speaking

日語 ··日本語 ··日語閱讀與寫作 ··日語聆聽與會話 ··日語文法 ··專業日語傳意

Japanese ··General Japanese ··Japanese Reading and Writing ··Japanese Listening and Speaking ··Japanese Grammar and Structure ··Professional Japanese Communication

韓語 ··韓國語 ··韓語閱讀與寫作 ··韓語聆聽與會話 ··韓語文法 ··專業韓語傳意

Korean ··General Korean ··Korean Reading and Writing ··Korean Listening and Speaking ··Korean Grammar and Structure ··Professional Korean Communication

88 學生心聲

Students Sharing



蔡浩賢 應用日本語言文化文憑一年級 「我修讀的文憑課程著重互動教學,例如透過親身參與籌辦校內 嘉年華『日韓文化滙』讓同學於課堂內外主動投入學習,真正 體會活學活用。」

Tsoi Ho Yin Diploma in Applied Japanese Language and Culture, Year 1 “The diploma course I am studying in emphasises on interactive teaching, for instance, students would need to organise a campus carnival titled Japanese and Korean Cultural Meet. This allows students to learn actively both in-class and outside classroom and thus, experience the real learning - put what they have learned into practice.”

張頌恩 應用日本語言文化文憑一年級 「語言中心的教學資源非常豐富,除影音設備及互動多媒體系統 外,學校更為我們提供點讀筆,對學習外語的正音有很大幫助。 此外,我們更可以參與中心舉行的『茶敘閣』活動,跟日藉 老師傾談,信心大增。」

Cheung Joan Yun Diploma in Applied Japanese Language and Culture, Year 1 “The Language Centre has an abundance of resources including audio-visual equipment and interactive multi-media systems for teaching and learning. In addition, the college also provides us with talking pens which help us a lot in improving our pronunciation. We can also practise Japanese with our Japanese teachers at Chat Café Sessions offered by the Centre. This helps enhance our confidence in using the language.”



鄧惠儀 應用韓國語言文化文憑一年級 「課程不單是語言訓練,更包含各式各樣富趣味性的課外活動。 我們經常獲安排參加韓國文化欣賞及節慶活動等,還有難忘的 語言體驗營,令我們可以從中進一步認識當地文化。」

Tang Wai Yee Diploma in Applied Korean Language and Culture, Year 1 “This programme is not just about language training but also covers a variety of interesting activities. We often get the chance to participate in different Korean cultural activities and festive events. The Language Camp is a great event allowing exposure and experience in real Korean language and culture.”

鄧海星 應用韓國語言文化文憑一年級 「導師非常了解我們的學習進度,又在課堂中分享他們的生活 體驗,更透過生動有趣的題材如韓國劇集與流行音樂,增加課堂 的趣味,讓我們可以循序漸進地掌握及運用韓語的技巧。」

Tang Hoi Sing Diploma in Applied Korean Language and Culture, Year 1 “Our teachers understand individual study progress very well. They would share their own interesting experiences and adopt materials from Korean TV drama series and pop music to make the classroom learning more fun and thus, allow us to master the techniques in learning and using Korean language progressively.”

90 專科文憑

專科文憑 diploma for tertiary studies 專科文憑是針對新高中學制畢業生而設的一年制課程,為他們將來升學或發展專業資歷打好穩固基礎。課程著重訓練 學生個人發展及培養他們的社會責任。課程除包括行業的專業知識外,亦涵蓋語文及通識學科。專科文憑以實用及行 業聯繫為最大的特色,學科類別因應行業目前最新發展而設計。


The Diploma for Tertiary Studies (DTS) aims to provide a one-year programme for New Senior Secondary (NSS) leavers for strengthening their academic foundation for life-long learning and professional development, as well as, for enhancing their employability at the junior level as a start of career pursuit. As a foundational, post-secondary programme, DTS also plays a role in incubating young students with personal development and a sense of social responsibility. With these goals, the programme puts emphasis slightly more on the specialised contents and assigns quite a large proportion of credits to generic subjects. With an edge of practicality and professional linkage, each stream of DTS is developed pertinent to the profession or industry meeting the manpower demands.


Accounting and Business

• • • •

··會計學 ··銀行運作 ··工商管理 ··財富策劃


Accounting Banking Operations Business Administration Wealth Planning

Tourism and Hospitality

··項目管理 ··旅遊與酒店款待

• Event Management • Tourism and Hospitality


Information Technology

Creative Design

• Information Technology Applications




··創意設計 ··資訊娛樂節目製作與廣播

• Creative Design • Infotainment Production and Broadcasting


Humanities and Social Sciences

Corporate Communication and Languages

··應用心理學 ··公共與社會服務 ··紀律部隊副修體適能

企業傳訊及語言 ··應用中英傳意 ··日本語言文化應用 ··韓國語言文化應用

• Applied Psychology • Public and Social Services • Disciplinary Forces with Physical Fitness

··Applied Chinese and English Communication ··Applied Japanese Language and Culture ··Applied Korean Language and Culture

92 專科文憑(會計學)


課程簡介 本課程為有志投身於會計及商業領域的學生而設,培育 學生會計及商業知識、語文及溝通技巧,增強學生的 學習能力,為未來升學就業打下良好基礎。課程內容包 括會計、成本及管理會計、商業學、法律、中文及英文 等。 修讀年期 1年

升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之專業會計學高級文憑、會計學高級 文憑(金融)、會計學高級文憑(中國會計)及會計學 (副修銀行學)高級文憑,或其他副學位課程。 就業出路 畢業生有機會於各商業機構任職初級會計文員、會計助 理、出納文員或相關工作。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


Programme Introduction The programme caters to students aspiring to join the accounting and commercial sectors. It is designed to equip students with knowledge in accounting and commerce, language and communication skills. It enhances students’ learning ability and helps them lay a foundation for further study and future career. The curriculum covers accounting, cost and management accounting, business study, finance, legal study, and Chinese and English languages. Duration of Study 1 year

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Professional Accounting, Higher Diploma in (Financial Studies), Higher Diploma in (China Accounting) and Higher Diploma in (with Banking) offered by HKCT, or other programmes.

Diploma in Accounting Accounting Accounting sub-degree

Career Prospects Graduates can take up entry-level accounting or business related positions, such as assistant accountant and teller. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··簿記 ··商業數學 ··成本及管理會計 ··會計學基礎 ··香港法律制度 ··商業學概論 ··金融學簡介 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Bookkeeping ··Business Mathematics ··Costing and Management Accounts ··Fundamental Accounting ··Hong Kong Legal System ··Introduction to Business Studies ··Introduction to Finance ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

94 專科文憑(銀行運作)


課程簡介 本課程為有志投身於銀行業的學生而設,使學生掌握商 業技能、銀行運作知識、語文及溝通技巧。增強學生的 學習能力,為未來升學就業打下良好基礎。

升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之工商管理高級文憑、專業會計學高 級文憑、會計學(副修銀行學)高級文憑,或其他副學 位課程。

課程特色 ··多元化活動 ··國內交流/學習計劃 ··校內專業學會講座 ··校外比賽

就業出路 畢業生有機會於銀行、金融服務機構擔任文員或運作支 援等有關工作。

修讀年期 1年

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme caters for students who have an aspiration to join the banking industry. It is designed to equip students with the necessary business skills, banking knowledge and language and communication skills which will help them carve out a career in the banking industry. The programme can enhance students’ learning ability and help them build a good foundation for further study and future career.

Programme Features ··Diversified student activities ··Mainland exchange / study programmes ··Seminars by professional bodies ··Public competitions Duration of Study 1 year Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Business Administration, Higher Diploma in Professional Accounting and Higher Diploma in Accounting (with Banking) offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates may work at banks and financial service companies as clerks or officers providing clerical support. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··商業會計 ··商業經濟 ··香港銀行及金融制度概論 ··銀行運作概論 ··商業學概論 ··個人財富管理概論 ··辦公室軟件應用 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)* ··Business Accounting ··Business Economics ··Introduction to Banking and Financial Systems in Hong Kong ··Introduction to Banking Operations ··Introduction to Business Studies ··Introduction to Personal Wealth Management ··Office Software Applications ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

96 專科文憑(工商管理)

專科文憑(工商管理) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Business Administration)

課程簡介 本課程著重培養學生對市場營銷及對本地商業環境的基 本認識、語文及溝通技巧,內容以實用為主,讓學生認 識公司實務。 課程特色 ··多元化活動 ··國內交流/學習計劃 ··校內專業學會講座 ··校外比賽 修讀年期 1年

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之工商管理高級文憑(市場/金融/中國 商業),或其他副學位課程。 就業出路 畢業生可擔任初級行政崗位,或客戶服務職位。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme aims to equip students with marketing and business knowledge, and language and communication skills. Emphasis is put on practical elements. Students can get a fundamental understanding in business operations.

Programme Features ··Diversified student activities ··Mainland exchange / study programmes ··Seminars by professional bodies ··Public competitions

Articulation Path Graduates can apply for Higher Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing / Finance / China Business) offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates can apply for junior administration positions or customer service positions. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)

Duration of Study 1 year


··商業會計 ··商業軟件應用 ··中國商務研讀 ··商業學概論 ··顧客服務概論 ··個人財富管理概論 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Business Accounting ··Business Software Applications ··China Business Studies ··Introduction to Business Studies ··Introduction to Customer Service ··Introduction to Personal Wealth Management ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

98 專科文憑(財富策劃)

專科文憑(財富策劃) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (WEALTH PLANNING) 課程簡介 本課程為有志投身於財富策劃行業的學生而設,培育學 生有關商業知識、語文及溝通技巧,增強學生的學習能 力,為未來升學就業打下良好基礎。課程並提供財富策 劃及投資知識訓練,協助學生應對專業考試,為投身相 關行業作好準備。 課程特色 ··多元化活動 ··國內交流/學習計劃 ··校內專業學會講座 ··校外比賽 修讀年期 1年 升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之工商管理高級文憑、專業會計學高 級文憑、會計學(副修銀行學)高級文憑,或其他副學 位課程。 就業出路 畢業生有機會於金融服務機構、獨立理財顧問公司、保 險公司等機構,從事市場推廣、客戶服務及財富策劃等 相關工作。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


Programme Introduction The programme caters for students who have the aspiration to join the financial planning sector. It is designed to equip students with the relevant business knowledge and language and communication skills, enhance their ability to study and help them lay a good foundation for further study and future career. The programme covers financial planning and investment knowledge in accordance with professional examinations to help students prepare for their future career.

Programme Features ··Diversified student activities ··Mainland exchange / study programmes ··Seminars by professional bodies ··Public competitions Duration of Study 1 year Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Business Administration, Higher Diploma in Professional Accounting and Higher Diploma in Accounting (with Banking) offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates may work at financial service institutes, independent financial advisory companies and insurance companies, or positions related to marketing, customer service and wealth planning.


··商業會計 ··商業經濟 ··財務策劃基礎 ··個人財富管理概論 ··保險概論 ··投資概論 ··辦公室軟件應用 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)* ··Business Accounting ··Business Economics ··Foundation of Financial Planning ··Introduction to Personal Wealth Management ··Introduction to Insurance ··Introduction to Investment ··Office Software Applications ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)

*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

100 專科文憑(項目管理)

專科文憑(項目管理 ) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Event ManagemenT)

課程簡介 鑒於本港每年都舉辦多個不同類型的本地及國際性大型 活動,項目管理已成為一個迅速增長的行業。本課程特 別針對行業要求而設,目標為協助學生: ··建立及持續提升項目管理專業知識; ··參與業界探訪及考察活動,包括本地及/或海外會議 (如:香港旅行社協會海外周年會議HATA Annual Overseas Convention)及展覽場館、本地及國際性大 型活動、商場展、節日及/或戶外活動等參觀(如:參 觀香港會議展覽中心、旅遊展及Roadshow等); ··配合市場快速發展需要,更新行業的資訊; ··培 養 正 面 及 專 業 的 服 務 態 度 , 並 對 項 目 管 理 行 業 作出貢獻。 修讀年期 1年

專業認可資格 本校商學部擁有以下認可資格: ··香港旅行社協會附屬會員; ··英國款待學院之國際教育機構會員; ··亞太旅遊教育及培訓院校網絡會員。 升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之項目管理高級文憑、旅遊業管理高 級文憑(航空及郵輪服務/酒店款待/旅遊商貿),或其他 副學位課程。 就業出路 畢業生可投身於各項目管理業相關的機構工作,包括: 項目統籌、酒店宴會策劃、會議及展覽籌備、私人會所 或旅行社等。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


Programme Introduction A wide range of local and international mega events held every year in Hong Kong have contributed to the rapidly developing event management sector. This programme is designed to meet the needs of the industry with the aim of enabling students to:

··build up and continuously improve their professional knowledge in event management; ··participate in visits and field study, which may encompass attending local / overseas conference (e.g. the HATA Annual Overseas Convention) and visiting local exhibition centres, mega events, exhibitions at shopping malls, festivals and/or outdoor activities (e.g. visits to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, International Travel Expo Hong Kong and different roadshows); ··keep pace with market changes and obtain the latest information on the industry; ··develop their skills in providing professional customer service and contribute to the event management sector.

Recognition Status The Division of Business of the Hong Kong College of Technology has obtained the following professional recognitions: ·· Allied Member of Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents ·· International Scheme Member of Institute of Hospitality ··Member of The Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism Articulation Path Graduates may apply for the Higher Diploma in Event Management, Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Airline and Cruise Services /Hospitality/ Tourism Business), or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates may join the fields of event management, which cover project coordination, hotel banquet planning, convention and exhibition coordination, private clubs and travel agencies. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)

Duration of Study 1 year


··項目設施導論 ··項目場地管理 ··酒店實務及傳意 ··旅遊及酒店款待業導論 ··婚禮策劃 ··項目策劃 ··旅遊及酒店款待專業顧客服務 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Event Infrastructures and Facilities ··Event On-site Operations ··Industrial Communication ··Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality ··Introduction to Wedding Planning ··Principles of Event Programming and Scheduling ··Professional Customer Services in Tourism and Hospitality ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

102 專科文憑(旅遊與酒店款待)

專科文憑(旅遊與酒店款待) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Tourism and Hospitality)

課程簡介 香港旅遊及酒店款待業不斷急速發展,極需大量已受訓 的專業人才。本課程設計目標為有志投身旅遊及款待業 的學生提供: ··旅遊款待及酒店款待專業訓練,如餐飲製作及餐飲服 務、顧客服務等; ··業界探訪及考察活動,包括旅遊業機構、酒店、郵輪 導覽、海外及國內交流活動、國泰城參觀及主題公園 考察等; ··培 養 正 面 及 專 業 的 服 務 態 度 , 並 對 旅 遊 及 酒 店 業 作出貢獻。 修讀年期 1年

專業認可資格 本校商學部擁有以下認可資格: ··香港旅行社協會附屬會員; ··英國款待學院之國際教育機構會員; ··亞太旅遊教育及培訓院校網絡會員。 升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之旅遊業管理高級文憑(航空及郵輪 服務/酒店款待/旅遊商貿)、項目管理高級文憑,或其他 副學位課程。 就業出路 畢業生可投身於各旅遊業及酒店款待相關的機構工作, 包括各大旅行社、星級酒店、私人會所、餐飲集團、會 議及展覽公司、項目統籌、主題公園、或相關機構。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


Programme Introduction With the rapid growth of tourism and hospitality sector in Hong Kong, demand for well-trained professional industry practitioners is on the rise. The programme is designed to provide professional and comprehensive training for students who are interested in joining the industry. ·· Professional training in tourism and hospitality, e.g. food and beverage production, catering services and customer service; ·· Visits and field study, e.g. guided visits to travel agencies, hotels and cruises, Cathay City and theme parks; ·· Professional customer service in tourism and hospitality. Duration of Study 1 year Recognition Status The Division of Business of the Hong Kong College of Technology has obtained the following professional recognitions: ·· Allied Member of Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents ·· International Scheme Member of Institute of Hospitality ··Member of The Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism

Articulation Path Graduates may apply for the Higher Diploma in Tourism Management (Airline and Cruise Services/Hospitality/ Tourism Business), Higher Diploma in Event Management offered by HKCT or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates may join the fields of tourism and hospitality, which cover travel agencies, hotels, membership clubs, restaurant groups, the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions industry, project coordination, theme parks, airlines or other relevant organisations. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··旅遊地理 ··餐飲服務及製作導論 ··酒店實務及傳意 ··旅遊及酒店款待專業顧客服務 ··導遊及領隊實務 ··款待業認知 ··旅遊業認知 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Destination Geography ··Food and Beverage Service and Production ··Industrial Communication ··Professional Customer Services in Tourism and Hospitality ··Tour Guiding and Escorting ··Understanding Hospitality Industry ··Understanding Travel and Tourism ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

104 專科文憑(資訊科技應用)

專科文憑(資訊科技應用 ) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Information Technology Applications)

課程簡介 資訊科技發展日新月異,且在生活廣泛地被應用。本課 程為有志進修電腦資訊科技的同學打好學習基礎,考取 專業資格。 修讀年期 1年 升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之電腦學高級文憑(軟件開發) 、電腦 學高級文憑(網絡及保安)或其他副學位課程。

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

就業出路 電腦應用於各行各業,包括銀行、政府、機場及酒店等 行業。職位包括以下範疇: ··網絡工程師 ··系統管理主任 ··技術支援主任 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction In the information age, technology is widely used in every part of our life. This programme is designed to build up a good foundation for students with an interest in working in information technology. Duration of Study 1 year Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Software Development), Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Network and Security) offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Computer is widely used in many industries, including banking, government, airport, and hospitality. Job positions include: ··Network Engineer ··System Administer Officer ··Technical Support Officer Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··Windows 伺服器基礎 ··Windows 伺服器網絡應用 ··多媒體技術基礎 ··網路及硬件基礎 ··辦公室軟件應用 ··程式編寫基礎 ··網站設計技巧 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)* ··Basic Windows Server Skills ··Elementary Windows Server Networking ··Multimedia Skills Basics ··Network and Hardware Basics ··Office Software Applications ··Programming Fundamentals ··Websites Design Techniques ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

106 專科文憑(創意設計)

專科文憑(創意設計) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Creative Design)

課程簡介 課程特別為對設計有興趣的同學而設,著重訓練他們掌 握基本設計技巧及思考方法,加深專業設計知識,為未 來在設計行業發展打好基礎。

就業出路 畢業生可於多個行業中擔任相關平面設計的工作,包括 平面設計、廣告、書刊及雜誌等印刷品設計、商標、包 裝等。

修讀年期 1年

實習機會 學生有機會在暑假期間獲安排到各設計公司實習。

升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之創意設計高級文憑(綜合平面設計 傳達),或其他副學位課程。

學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


Programme Introduction The programme caters to secondary school leavers with an interest in design, with an emphasis on basic design techniques and concepts and knowledge in professional design. It can help students pave the way for their career development in the art and design industry. Duration of Study 1 year Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates may pursue a graphic designer career in various areas, including printed matter design associated with graphic design, advertising, books and magazines, corporate logo and packaging.

Internship Summer internship at design firms can be arranged. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··色彩及設計理論 ··專業設計及應用 ··電腦應用 ··構圖技巧 ··意念構思 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)* ··Colour Theory ··Design Studies ··Digital Environment ··Drawing ··Ideas Generation ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

108 專科文憑(資訊娛樂節目製作與廣播)

專科文憑(資訊娛樂節目製作與廣播 ) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Infotainment Production and Broadcasting)

課程簡介 課程內容主要涵蓋電視資訊節目製作的理論及實踐。學 生可以在創意媒體製作、文本視像化、影音製作及本地 電視廣播等科目從淺入深地學習。課程亦訓練學生培養 多角度,具批判性的思考及團隊合作,讓他們從實踐理 論中學習,為未來在行業內的發展打好基礎。 修讀年期 1年 升學階梯 畢業生可申請報讀本校開辦的高級文憑課程。

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

就業出路 資料撰稿、導演、助導、製作助理、記者、錄影廠製作 人員、助理攝影師、助理剪接師、燈光師、收音師、錄 音師及成音師等。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme features both theory and practice of TV production and broadcasting and covers a wide spectrum of areas including media production, text visualization, video and audio production, and local TV broadcast. The programme also aims to strengthen students’ critical thinking and ability to work in a team. Students are afforded the opportunity to practise what they have learned, which will lay a good foundation for their future career. Duration of Study 1 year Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma offered by HKCT. Career Prospects Research writer, Director, Assistant Director, Production Assistant, Reporter, Studio Assistant, Assistant Cinematographer, Assistant Video Editor, Lighting Technician, Audio Technician, etc. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··電視廣播基礎及媒體素養 ··媒體寫作及採訪 ··新媒體及傳播科技 ··後期製作實習 ··視像思考與設計原理 ··拍攝及場地製作技巧 ··期終習作(媒體製作) ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)* ··Introduction to TV Broadcasting and Media Ethics ··Media Writing and Reporting ··New Media and Communication Technology ··Post-Production Practice ··Principles of Visual Thinking and Design ··Video Shooting and Field Production Techniques ··Final Project (Media Production) ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

110 專科文憑(應用心理學)

專科文憑(應用心理學) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Applied Psychology)

課程簡介 本課程旨在促進學生對人的行為的認識。學生除了能夠 對自我有更多和更深入的認識外,更可以將有關知識應 用在日常生活中,促進個人發展。 課程特色 課程著重對心理學概念的基本學習和理解,以及協助學 員為未來升學作準備。課程亦以提升學生在人本服務和 其他行業的就業能力為目標。

修讀年期 1年 升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之應用心理學高級文憑、公共與社會 服務高級文憑、社會工作高級文憑,或其他副學位課 程。 就業出路 畢業生可投身有關人本服務或工商服務界的前線職位, 包括客戶服務助理、人事資源助理、市場推廣助理、助 理幹事等。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress


Programme Introduction The programme is designed to equip students with specialised knowledge in human behaviour. Through the programme, students can develop a deeper understanding of themselves, put into practice academic knowledge in everyday life and enhance their personal development.

Programme Features The programme focuses on the basic study and understanding in psychology and is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue further study and enhance their employability in the social service sector and other industries. Duration of Study 1 year

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Applied Psychology, Higher Diploma in Public and Social Services, and Higher Diploma in Social Work offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates can take up frontline jobs in the human service sector or the business sector, including customer assistant, human resources assistant, marketing promotion assistant and project assistant. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··基本人際溝通技巧 ··基礎心理學 ··職場心理學 ··客戶服務心理學 ··自我認識與工作倫理 ··人本服務入門 ··社會環境初探 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills ··Elementary Psychology ··Psychology of Work Setting ··Psychology of Customer Services ··Self-Understanding and Work Ethics ··Understanding Human Services ··Understanding Social Environment ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

112 專科文憑(公共與社會服務)

專科文憑(公共與社會服務 ) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Public and Social Services) 課程簡介 本課程專為有意投身公共或社會服務的年青人而設。課 程著重培養同學服務管理、客戶關係、推行活動等的基 本知識和實務技巧,以裝備他們擔任公共及社會服務的 前線崗位。 課程特色 以中文授課,並同時加強英文的基礎訓練。 修讀年期 1年

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress

升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校之公共與社會服務高級文憑、應用心 理學高級文憑、社會工作高級文憑,或其他副學位課 程。 就業出路 畢業生可投身不同的公共及社會服務前線職位,包括: 程序工作員、助理項目幹事、助理訓練或教育幹事、助 理社區幹事、行政助理等。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme is designed for young people who are interested in joining the public and social service sectors. It equips students with the basic knowledge and skills in service management, customer relationship, event implementation,, etc. It helps them pave the way to work in frontline positions in the public and social service sectors.

Programme Features Chinese as the medium of instruction, with an emphasis on basic training in English. Duration of Study 1 year Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Public and Social Services, Higher Diploma in Applied Psychology, and Higher Diploma in Social Work offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Graduates can take up frontline positions in the public and social services, including programme worker, assistant project officer, assistant training or education officer, assistant community organiser, and administrative assistant. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau)


··基本人際溝通技巧 ··活動管理與社區關係 ··客戶服務心理學 ··自我認識與工作倫理 ··社會環境與人類成長 ··香港社會問題與社會議題 ··公共與社會行政入門 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)* ··Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills ··Event Management and Community Relations ··Psychology of Customer Services ··Self-Understanding and Work Ethics ··Social Environment and Human Growth ··Social Problems and Social Issues in Hong Kong ··Understanding Public and Social Administration ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

114 專科文憑(紀律部隊副修體適能)

專科文憑(紀律部隊副修體適能 ) DIPLOMA FOR TERTIARY STUDIES (Disciplinary Forces with Physical Fitness)

課程簡介 本課程主力裝備學生投考紀律部隊,以全人發展為目 標,提升他們的入職機會。內容包括體能訓練、紀律部 隊工作、香港法律、心理學科目等。學生可增強領導才 能、體能訓練技巧、自我管理技巧及溝通能力等。此 外,課程亦結合學習理論與日常生活知識,不但能提升 學生的學習興趣,更能讓他們具體地掌握課題理論及未 來工作運作情況。

修讀年期 1年 專業認可資格 本課程資歷已獲香港資歷架構認可 資歷級別:3 資歷名冊登記號碼:11/001491/3 登記有效期:01/09/2011至31/08/2014 升學階梯 畢業生可申請報讀本校之運動、體適能及健康管理高級 文憑,或其他副學位課程。 就業出路 警員、消防員、救護員、二級懲教助理、 入境事務助理 員、海關關員等。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme is designed to equip students with the right skills to join disciplinary forces and promote their allround development. It covers subjects including fitness training, disciplinary forces, the Hong Kong legal system and psychology. Students can hone their leadership skill, physical fitness, self management and communication skills. The programme also integrates theory into practice, with a view to enhancing their interest in the course and helping them get a good understanding of related theories and operation of the profession they intend to join. Duration of Study 1 year

Recognition Status The qualification of this programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework in Hong Kong. QF level: 3 QR Registration No.: 11/001491/3 Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2011 to 31/08/2014

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Management of Sports, Fitness and Health offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects Police constable, Fireman, Ambulanceman, Assistant Officer II (Correctional Services Department), Immigration Assistant, Customs Officer, etc. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··優質服務 ··基礎心理學 ··認識香港社會 ··香港法律簡介 ··體適能及紀律訓練 ··自我認識與工作倫理 ··認識香港紀律部隊 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Basic Customer Services ··Elementary Psychology ··Hong Kong Society ··Introduction to Hong Kong Legal System ··Physical Fitness and Disciplinary Training ··Self-Development and Work Ethics ··Understanding Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

116 專科文憑(應用中英傳意/日本語言文化應用/韓國語言文化應用)

專科文憑(應用中英傳意/ 日本語言文化應用/韓國語言文化應用) Diploma for Tertiary Studies (Applied Chinese and English Communication, Applied Japanese Language and Culture, Applied Korean Language and Culture)

課程簡介 一年制實用課程,重點為學生提供專業語言培訓,為未 來升學打好基礎,及加強就業競爭力。 課程特色 ··提供有趣學習題材,增強學生的學習動機 ··培養學生的創造力,利用所學語言作有效溝通 ··透過語言文化為學生提供探索世界的機會 ··欣賞及體驗不同流行文化,提升學習樂趣 ··語言體驗營,讓學生有更多機會接觸及使用語言 ··語言中心提供額外的語言培訓,如外語茶敍、工作坊 修讀年期 1年 升學階梯 畢業生可報讀本校的企業傳訊及語言高級文憑(中文/英 語/日語/韓語),或其他副學位課程。 就業出路 經過特色的語言及溝通技巧訓練,畢業生在職場佔有發 展優勢,並可以在銷售、服務業等不同領域擔任前線工 作。 學費 HK$34,000/年(學費以教育局最後批核為準)

Programme Introduction The one-year practical programme is designed to strengthen students’ language skills in specific languages, help them lay a solid foundation for further studies and enhance their employability.

Programme Features ··Motivate students to study through interesting topics ··Nurture students’ creativity in using the language for effective communication ··Broaden students’ horizon to explore the world through language and culture ··Pop culture courses offer interesting learning experience ··Language Camps offer students further opportunities to practise the language they specialise in ··Language Centre provides additional language support, such as Social Chat and workshops Duration of Study 1 year Articulation Path Graduates may apply for the Higher Diploma in Corporate Communication and Language Studies (Chinese/English/ Japanese/Korean) programme offered by HKCT, or other sub-degree programmes. Career Prospects The language and communication training provided by the programme offers an advantage to graduates intending to take up frontline positions in sales or the service industry. Tuition Fee HK$34,000/Year (Tuition fee is subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)

評審進行中 Accreditation in progress




Applied Chinese and English Communication

··應用普通話 ··娛學英語 ··時事中文 ··創意中文運用 ··創意英語運用 ··實效傳意 ··時事英語 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Applied Putonghua ··Appreciation of English in Entertainment ··Chinese in Current Affairs ··Creative Use of Chinese ··Creative Use of English ··Effective Communication ··English in Current Affairs


Applied Japanese Language and Culture

··應用日語會話 ··應用職業日語 ··日韓文化賞析 ··日語入門 ··基礎日語 ··日語會話 ··潮學日語 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


··Applied Japanese Conversation ··Applied Japanese for Workplace ··Appreciation of Japanese and Korean Cultures ··Introduction to Japanese Language ··Japanese Language ··Japanese Conversation ··Learning Japanese through Popular Culture ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)



Applied Korean Language and Culture

··應用韓語會話 ··應用職業韓語 ··日韓文化賞析 ··韓語入門 ··基礎韓語 ··韓語會話 ··潮學韓語 ··新博達英語(第三級/第四級/第五級)*

··Applied Korean Conversation ··Applied Korean for Workplace ··Appreciation of Japanese and Korean Cultures ··Introduction to Korean Language ··Korean Language ··Korean Conversation ··Learning Korean through Popular Culture ··New Brighter English (Level 3/4/5)


*“新博達英語”已列入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內(課程編號:24C00850-6),成功申請及修畢可申請發還學費HK$10,000。 *“New Brighter English”has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for Continuing Education Fund purposes (Course Code: 24C00850-6). Successful application and completion of the course is entitled to fee reimbursement of HK$10,000.

118 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲

鄺穎欣 • 2010-11毅進計劃-電視資訊節目製作證書畢業 • 現職TVB後期製作部技術操作員 「港專的毅進電視資訊節目製作證書課程特別安排同學安排到不同的傳媒機構實習,讓我們可以全面熟 悉電視製作,獲取工作經驗,更與行內人建立人脈。完成課程後,我成功加入TVB的後期製作部,任 職技術操作員,令我一展所長。」

Kwong Wing Yan Graduate of Project Yi Jin – Certificate in Infotainment Production, current working as technician of the Post-Production Department at TVB. “HKCT organises an internship programme for students through which we can work in a media outlet as an intern, acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in TV production, broaden our work experience and develop a network of contacts. After finishing the programme, I joined TVB's post-production department as a technician. I'm able to bring into play my skills at work.”


朱芹輝 • 2010-11毅進計劃-紀律部隊入職訓練證書畢業 • 現就讀港專專科文憑(紀律部隊副修體適能)課程 「我慶幸能入讀毅進紀律部隊課程,認識了很多一群背景不同, 但志向一致的同學,更經常得到導師的鼓勵和支持。最令我難忘 是導師為我們在課堂以外安排很多特訓,提升我們的體能和意志, 又加強我們的人際溝通及面試技巧,增強我們報考紀律部隊及升讀 課程的信心。經過一年的訓練後,不但有同學成功考入紀律部隊, 而我亦升讀港專專科文憑(紀律部隊副修體適能)課程,向更高的目標進發。」

Chu Kan fai Graduate of Project Yi Jin – Certificate in Preparation for Disciplined Services, currently studying in the Diploma for Tertiary Studies (Disciplinary Forces with Physical Fitness) at HKCT “I feel lucky to be able to take the Disciplinary Forces Programme. Through the programme, I had the opportunity to meet like-minded people from different background. Our teachers were encouraging and supportive. The most unforgettable of all was that they offered us a lot of extracurricular training programmes to hone our physical fitness and strengthen our will. They also did a lot to help us improve our interpersonal and job interview skills, which effectively enhanced our confidence in joining disciplinary forces or pursuing further studies. Following the one-year training, some of my fellow classmates made it into disciplinary forces. I myself moved on to study the Diploma for Tertiary Studies (Disciplinary Forces with Physical Fitness) and I'm now aiming higher.”

120 其他專業課程

其他專業課程 OTHER Professional Programmes 其他專業課程主力訓練學生專業技能,良好的語文能力及一般學科知識,為未來的專業發 展及進修作充分準備。課程以學生全人教育為本,著重兩文三語訓練、資訊科技等日常工 作所需的傳意技能,以及人際關係、小組合作等技巧。學生完成課程後,可報讀高級文憑 及學士學位課程,或投身相關行業工作。 Other professional programmes are designed to cultivate students with professional knowledge, language proficiency and generic skills paving the way for future professional development and further studies. The programmes are centered on students’ holistic development putting equal emphasis on Chinese and English languages, information technology, interpersonal skills training and group work. Students who have successfully completed the programmes are eligible to apply for higher diploma programmes and enter the preferred industry related to their studies.

網絡及資訊保安專業文憑 多媒體及創意科技專業文憑 創意設計(綜合平面設計傳達)專業文憑 創意設計(室內建築設計)專業文憑 美容師高級文憑


Professional Diploma in Network and Security Professional Diploma in Multimedia and Creative Technology Professional Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication) Professional Diploma in Creative Design (Interior Architectural Design) Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy


122 網絡及資訊保安專業文憑

網絡及資訊保安專業文憑 Professional Diploma in Network and Security

課程簡介 本課程以中文授課,輔以英語,有利學員更充分掌握課 程內容。課程除教導學員豐富的資訊科技基礎理論之 外,亦重視訓練學員實踐理論。課程涵蓋專業認証考試 內容,以備考取專業認証。完成課程後,學員可提升網 絡及資訊保安的技能,為投身相關行業作準備。 修讀年期 2年 入學要求 a. 中五程度或同等學歷;及 b. 校內操行評核達中級或以上標準;及 c. 通過面試。

升學階梯 畢業生可申請升讀本校電腦學高級文憑(網絡及保 安)或電腦學高級文憑(軟件開發)。 就業出路 畢業生可於多個行業中擔任初級技術支援,系統管理員 等職位。 學費 一年級:HK$24,360 二年級:HK$25,720(2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹 等因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction This programme is conducted in Chinese with proper English to enable students to fully grasp the content of the programme with ease. It features theories and provides students with opportunities to put their knowledge into practice. The programme also covers professional examinations to help students prepare for seeking professional recognition. Upon completion of the programme, students will have been equipped with technical knowledge in network and security that will help them join the industry. Duration of Study 2 years Entry Requirements a. Completion of Form 5 or equivalent qualifications; and b. Medium grade in conduct at secondary school; and c. Pass in admission interview. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Network and Security) or Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Software Development) at HKCT. Career Prospects Graduates may start as junior I.T. Engineer or officer in a wide range of areas including helpdesk and technical support and systems administration. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$24,360 Year 2: HK$25,720 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··資訊保安方案 ··資訊安全基礎 ··Java 程式設計 ··商業網絡 ··PHP 網頁開發 ··專業網絡技術 ··資訊科技應用 ··視窗軟件開發 ··伺服器管理 ··伺服器專業技術 ··Information Security Methods ··IT Security Basics ··Java Programming ··Networking in Business ··PHP Websites Development ··Practical Networking for Network Associate ··Professional IT Skills ··Window-based Software Development ··Window Servers Administration ··Window Servers for Certified Professional

124 創意設計(綜合平面設計傳達)專業文憑

創意設計(綜合平面設計傳達)專業文憑 Professional Diploma in Creative Design (Integrated Graphic Communication)

課程簡介 本課程以實務為主,除了讓學員學習一些基本設計概念 與培養創意思維外,亦會提供設計繪圖訓練,包括手繪 圖、電腦輔助繪圖、數碼化構造模型設計製作等,以加 強學員的設計構思和展示技巧;學員亦可以同時學習有 關設計物料應用等基本知識。 修讀年期 2年 入學要求 a. 中五程度或同等學歷;及 b. 校內操行評核達中級或以上標準;及 c. 通過入學測試;及 d. 通過面試。

升學階梯 畢業生可申請英國列斯城市大學(Leeds Metropolitan University)或國內華僑大學相關學士學位課程,部份科 目學分可獲承認,准免修相關科目。 就業出路 畢業生可於多個行業中擔任平面設計師的職位,範疇包 括平面設計、廣告、書刊及雜誌等印刷品設計、商標、 包裝、展覽、電腦動畫及多媒體等。 學費 一年級:HK$24,360 二年級:HK$25,720(2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹 等因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme is practical in nature, featuring basic creative design concepts and designed to nurture students’ creativity. It offers design training and focuses on drawing techniques such as hand drawing, AutoCAD & 3D Studio Max. Students will be able to acquire practical knowledge in areas such as use of materials. Duration of Study 2 years Entry Requirements a. Completion of Form 5 or equivalent qualifications; and b. Medium grade in conduct at secondary school; and c. Pass in aptitude test; and d. Pass in admission interview. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to enrol in a related Bachelor’s Degree Programme at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, or Huaqiao University, China. Credit exemptions are offered. Career Prospects Graduates can pursue a graphic designer career in a range of areas, including printed matter design associated with graphic design, advertising, books and magazines, corporate logo, packaging, exhibition, computer animation and multimedia. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$24,360 Year 2: HK$25,720 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··三維影像設計 ··廣告設計 ··錄像制作及設計 ··品牌及企業形象設計 ··創意構思 ··數碼攝影 ··書刊設計 ··互動媒體設計 ··包裝設計 ··畢業作品集 ··3D Imaging ··Advertising Design ··Audio Visual Imaging ··Corporate Identity & Branding ··Creative Ideas ··Digital Photography ··Editorial Design ··Interactive Media Design ··Packaging Design ··Final Project

126 創意設計(室內建築設計)專業文憑

創意設計(室內建築設計)專業文憑 Professional Diploma in Creative Design (Interior Architectural Design)

課程簡介 本課程以實務為主,除了讓學員可以學習一些基本室內 建築設計概念與思維外,亦會提供室內設計繪圖訓練, 包括手繪圖、電腦輔助繪圖(AutoCAD)、數碼化構造模 型設計(3D Studio Max)與立體模型製作等,以加強學員 的構思和展示技巧。此外,亦可以同時學習有關室內設 計之應用科學、物料應用、傢俱設計等基本知識。 修讀年期 2年 入學要求 a. 中五程度或同等學歷;及 b. 校內操行評核達中級或以上標準;及 c. 通過入學測試;及 d. 通過面試。

升學階梯 畢業生可申請英國列斯城市大學(Leeds Metropolitan University) 或國內華僑大學相關學士學位課程,部份 科目學分可獲承認,准免修相關科目。 就業出路 畢業生可擔任室內設計師的職位,範疇包括室內設計繪 圖、執行設計方案及設計細節、跟進工程等工作。 學費 一年級:HK$24,360 二年級:HK$25,720(2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹 等因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction The programme is practical in nature. It features training in fundamental interior architectural design and drawing techniques such as hand drawing, AutoCAD & 3D Studio Max, and applied science in interior architectural design, materials use and furniture design.

Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to enrol in a related Bachelor’s Degree Programme at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, or Huaqiao University, China. Credit exemptions are offered. Career Prospects Graduates may pursue an interior designer career in a range of areas, including interior design graphic, execution of design and design details, and follow-up projects.

Duration of Study 2 years Entry Requirements a. Completion of Form 5 or equivalent qualifications; and b. Medium grade in conduct at secondary school; and c. Pass in aptitude test; and d. Pass in admission interview.

Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$24,360 Year 2: HK$25,720 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··三維影像設計 ··室內建築設計概念與理論 ··室內設計應用科學 ··數碼攝影 ··電腦繪圖設計 ··傢俱設計 ··物料應用 ··模型製作 ··空間策劃 ··畢業作品集

··3D Imaging ··Architectural Interior Design ··Building Technology ··Digital Photography ··Drafting ··Furniture Design ··Material Application ··Model Making ··Space Planning ··Final Project

128 多媒體及創意科技專業文憑

多媒體及創意科技專業文憑 Professional Diploma in Multimedia and Creative Technology

課程簡介 本課程特別以中文授課,輔以英語,有利學員更充分掌 握課程內容。課程除教導學員豐富的資訊科技基礎理論 之外,亦重視訓練學員實踐理論。完成課程後,學員的 創作能力、資訊科技及多媒體應用技能得以提升,為投 身相關行業作準備。 修讀年期 2年 入學要求 a. 中五程度或同等學歷;及 b. 校內操行評核達中級或以上標準;及 c. 通過面試。

升學階梯 畢業生可申請升讀本校電腦學高級文憑(軟件開發) 或電腦學高級文憑(網絡及保安)。 就業出路 畢業生可於多個行業中擔任初級程式設計師、電腦遊 戲、插圖、動畫設計師等職位。 學費 一年級:HK$24,360 二年級:HK$25,720(2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹 等因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction This programme is conducted in Chinese to enable students to grasp the content of the programme with ease. It features a variety of theories and provides opportunities for students to put the knowledge into practice. It is designed to nurture students’ creativity and technical skills in multimedia to help them lay a good foundation for their future career. Duration of Study 2 years Entry Requirements a. Completion of Form 5 or equivalent qualifications; and b. Medium grade in conduct at secondary school; and c. Pass in admission interview. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Software Development) or Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (Network and Security) at HKCT. Career Prospects Graduates may start as junior programmer in a wide range of areas, including games design, multimedia and computer animation. Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$24,360 Year 2: HK$25,720 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··動畫技術 ··創意概念 ··資訊項目管理 ··資訊安全基礎 ··Java 程式設計 ··PHP 網頁開發 ··資訊科技應用 ··遊戲程式導論 ··網絡影片製作 ··視窗軟件開發 ··Animation Techniques ··Creative Concepts ··IT Project ··IT Security Basics ··Java Programming ··PHP Websites Development ··Professional IT Skills ··Introduction to Game Programming ··Web Video Production ··Window-based Software Development

130 美容師高級文憑

美容師高級文憑 Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy 課程簡介 本課程旨在提供專業而實用的媒體化妝、美容及身體按 摩護理知識、甲藝、營養學、水療、香薰治療、美容業 的營運方法及相關管理技巧等,並特別為學生安排實習 機會,進而考取專業資格,及同時獲取澳洲認可學歷直 接銜接澳洲商業管理學位課程: 完成一年級 - Australia Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate III in Beauty Therapy Services awarded by Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty 完成二年級 - Australia Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma of Beauty Therapy awarded by Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty 此外,學生完成課程後,本校可代為報考: ··Central TAFE澳洲中央技術及持續教育學院美容證書 ··英國ITEC皮膚護理證書 ··英國CIBTAC皮膚護理文憑

修讀年期 2年 ( 修畢第一年課程,及校內評核及格,可獲頒美容師文憑。) 入學要求 a. 中五程度或同等學歷;及 b. 校內操行評核達中級或以上標準;及 c. 通過面試。 升學階梯 畢業生可升讀澳洲Melbourne Institute of Technology 相關學士學位課程,部份科目學分可獲承認,准免修 相關學科。 就業出路 畢業生可朝向美容師、形象設計師、短課程的助理導 師、婚紗攝影的助理化妝師、電影、電視台的助理化妝 師(助理)等方向發展。 學費 一年級:HK$25,000 二年級:HK$34,680(2013/2014年的學費會因應通脹等 因素作適當調整。) (所有學費以教育局最後批核為準)


Programme Introduction This programme is designed to provide professional and practical training in Media Make-up, Facial Therapy Treatments, Nail Art Services, Diet & Nutrition, Aromatherapy, and Management of Spa Therapy. Internship opportunities would also be sought for students, facilitating them to seek professional qualification. They can also obtain qualifications recognised in Australia and be eligible to enrol in a business management degree programme in Australia. Completion of Year 1 - Australia Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate III in Beauty Therapy Services awarded by Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty. Completion of Year 2 - Australia Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma of Beauty Therapy awarded by Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty. We can arrange students who have completed the related programme to sit for the following examinations: · ·Certificate in Beauty Therapy from Central TAFE (Australia) ··Certificate in Skin Care from ITEC ··Diploma in Skin Treatments from CIBTAC

Duration of Study 2 years (Intermediate exit award of Diploma in Beauty Therapy upon successful completion of the first year .) Entry Requirements a. Completion of Form 5 or equivalent qualifications; and b. Medium grade in conduct at secondary school; and c. Pass in admission interview. Articulation Path Graduates are eligible to enrol in the Bachelor of Business (Management Stream) Programme at Melbourne Institute of Technology and get exemption for certain subjects. Career Prospects Graduates are qualified to take up a variety of jobs, including beauty therapist, image designer, assistant instructor of short-term courses, assistant make-up artist for wedding photo shoot, and assistant TV or film make-up artist (or assistant). Tuition Fee Year 1: HK$25,000 Year 2: HK$34,680 (The tuition fees for 2013/2014 will be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of inflation and other factors.) (All tuition fees are subject to the final approval from the Education Bureau.)


··香薰治療 ··營養學 ··面部療程護理 ··脫毛及漂染毛髮療程管理 ··水療管理 ··媒體化妝 ··甲藝服務 ··皮膚老化生理 ··瑞典式身體按摩護理 ··電學

··Aromatherapy ··Diet & Nutrition ··Facial Therapy Treatments ··Management of Depilation and Tinting Treatment ··Management of Spa Therapy ··Media Make-up ··Nail Art Services ··Physiology of Ageing ··Swedish Massage ··The Science of Electrotherapy

132 港專的驕傲

港專的驕傲 HKCT’s Pride


134 課程報名須知

課程報名須知 Programme Enrolment 報名及入學面試 1. 同學可以郵寄、傳真或於辦公時間內親身到位於港專 何文田校舍G/F、港專銅鑼灣校舍3/F或港專賽馬會馬 鞍山校園G/F校務處遞交申請表格或網上申請:www. hkct.edu.hk/enrol 2. 遞交報名表格時請帶同下列文件: ··身份證正本及副本; ··所有有關的學歷證明文件副本,並需出示正本以作 核實; ··在學最後一年的校內成績表正本及副本; ··學生學習概覽正本及副本; ··近照一張(證件相)。 取錄方法及安排 1. 本校因應申請人是否符合課程的基本入學條件、學歷 資格及校內操行等準則而作出申請評核。 2. 本校保留因人數不足或特殊情況下取消課程及是否接 納入學申請的權利,有關安排將另行通知。

報名費及繳費方法 1. 每位申請者需繳交報名費港幣120元正。 2. 報名費可以網上繳費服務、「易辦事」、支票、現金 或信用卡繳付,恕不接受郵寄現金及期票。 3. 支票抬頭請填寫「香港專業進修學校」,並請在支票 背面寫上申請人姓名、聯絡電話及課程名稱。 學費繳費方法 1. 首期學費可以用「易辦事」、支票或信用卡繳付,恕 不接受郵寄現金及期票。 2. 支票抬頭請填寫「香港專業進修學校」,並請在支票 背面寫上申請人姓名、聯絡電話及課程名稱。 學費退還 1.無論取錄與否,所繳交的報名費,均不得退款及 轉讓。 2. 一經取錄,所繳學費一概不予退還或轉讓(未被取錄 之申請或課程取消除外)。 3. 如課程取消或未被取錄,請於接獲通知後一個月內憑 收據到指定校舍校務處辦理退還學費手續。 4. 以信用卡方式繳費的申請人,退款將透過信用卡公司 退回,如因個別理由要求以劃線支票退款,須扣取 3%作手續費,不得異議。 5. 入學申請如不被接納,本校會以電郵個別通知。


Application and admission interview 1. Applicants can submit their application forms by mail or fax, or by visiting the general office of one of HKCT’s campuses during office hour (G/F, Homantin campus; 3/F, Causeway Bay campus; G/F, HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus). Online application is also acceptable (www.hkct.edu.hk/enrol). 2. The following should be submitted along with your application form: ··Original and a copy of your ID card; ··A copies of all related academic certificates; the original should also be provided for verification; ··Original and a copy of the school report card for your last school year; ··Original and a copy of Student Learning Profile; ··One passport photo. Enrolment arrangement 1. HKCT will assess each application based on a set of criteria, including whether the applicant meets the basic admission requirements and the applicant’s education qualifications and conduct at school. 2. HKCT reserves the right to decide whether to accept an applicant’s application or cancel a programme due to insufficient enrolment or special circumstances. Applicants will be notified later.

Tuition Fee Payment methods 1. The first instalment can be settled by EPS, cheque or credit card. We do not accept cash or promissory note. 2. Cheque should be addressed to “HONG KONG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY”. On the back of the cheque, please state the applicant’s name and contact number and applied programme title. Tuition fee refund 1. Whether the application is successful or not, application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. 2. The paid tuition fee will NOT be refundable and transferable except for unsuccessful application or cancellation of programmes. 3. In case a programme is cancelled or if an application fails, the applicant can get a refund by presenting a related official receipt to the general office of a designated HKCT campus within one month after being notified. 4. Applicants who have paid the tuition fee by credit card will get the refund through the respective credit card company. In case of request for refund in the form of a crossed cheque, a 3% commission will be charged and no objection can be raised. 5. Applicants whose applications have failed will be notified by HKCT by email.

Application fee and Payment methods 1. Each applicant is required to pay an application fee of HK$120. 2. The Application fee can be settled by Online Payment, EPS, cash, cheque or credit card. We do not accept cash or promissory note. 3. Cheque should be addressed to “HONG KONG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY”. On the back of the cheque, please state the applicant’s name and contact number and applied programme title.



港專校舍位置圖 HKCT campus locations 港鐵 馬鞍山站

B 鞍祿 街


堅 拿 道 天 橋

路 山 鞍

馬鞍山 分區警署

馮堯敬 紀念中學

港鐵 銅鑼灣站 利 園 山 道

鵝 頸 橋






波 斯 富 街 克道


鞍 城 街

銅鑼灣 校舍

A 廣場

寶 靈 頓 街

港專賽馬會 馬鞍山校園

馬鞍山 聖約瑟中學



港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園 新界沙田馬鞍山耀安邨(港鐵馬鞍山站B出口) HKCT Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus Yiu On Estate, Shatin, New Territories (exit B, Ma On Shan MTR station)


銅鑼灣校舍 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道412號(港鐵銅鑼灣站B出口) Causeway Bay Campus 412, Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (exit B, Causeway Bay MTR station)

九龍 醫院

港鐵 旺角東站 電力 中華 司 公

公 道


何文田 校舍



何文田校舍 九龍何文田公主道14號(近九龍醫院) Homantin Campus 14 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon (near Kowloon Hospital)


Application Form for Full-time/ Part-time Programmes 2012-2013 全日制/兼讀制課程入學申請表 2012-2013 Each applicant is required to pay an application fee of HK$120. 每位申請者需繳交報名費港幣一百二十元正。

PERSONAL PARTICULARS個人資料 # Sections with“#”are mandatory. 有#的部分必須全部填寫。

Name in English英文姓名


Name in Chinese 中文姓名


Sex 性別

□ Male男

(Given Name名) (名)

□ Female 女

Date of Birth 出生日期



HKID Card No. 香港身份證號碼

Recent Photo 近照

D日 (

) *如沒有香港身份證號碼,請填寫護照號碼 Please indicate passport no if no HKID no can be provided.

Passport No. 護照號碼 Tel. No. (Home) 住宅電話


Daily Contact No.日間聯絡電話


Correspondence Address 通訊地址 English (BLOCK LETTERS) (請以正楷英文填寫): Flat



Building Street


中文 室

屋苑/大廈名稱 街道名稱 □ Hong Kong香港

地區 □ Kowloon九龍

□ New Territories 新界

Parent/Guardian Information 家長/監護人資料 (Applicant aged below 18 MUST fill in this item年齡18歲以下的申請人必須填寫此項) Name of Parent/Guardian家長/監護人姓名 Relationship關係

(Surname 姓)

(Given Name名)

Contact No. 聯絡電話

(Applicant aged below 18 MUST fill in this item年齡18歲以下的申請人必須填寫此項)

Applicants with Special Needs特殊需要申請人 Are you an applicant with special needs? □ No 否 □ Yes 是, 閣下在學習或考試等方面是否需要特別安排?

Please specify 請註明

It is the College policy to offer equal opportunities to all applicants. To enable us to meet the needs of all students, you are invited to indicate on this form whether you require any special assistance. If you do need such assistance, the College may approach you subsequently to obtain further details such as medical certificates so as to facilitate our planning and assess how best we can help you. If you fail to provide such information, the College may not be able to consider any subsequent request for assistance. 為所有人士提供平等學習機會是本校的既定方針。如台端需要特殊協助,務必於此報名表內說明。本校將要求閣下提供相關資料(例如:醫生證明),以便及早評估能否提 供適切的協助。如閣下未能及早申明及提交相關證明文件,本校將不能提供相關協助。

THE HIGHEST ENTRY QUALIFICATIONS (Please one only) 申請入學資歷(請只  一項)# Sections with“#”are mandatory. 有#的部分必須全部填寫。

Current Public Examination Candidate / Programme Graduate 應屆公開試考生或課程準畢業生 □ Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination 香港中學文憑考試應屆考生 □ Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination香港高級程度會考應屆考生 □ Higher Diploma / Associate Degree 高級文憑 / 副學士準畢業生 □ Diploma / Professional Diploma / Foundation Diploma 文憑 / 專業文憑 / 基礎文憑準畢業生 □ Associate Diploma/ Project Yi Jin通用文憑/ 毅進計劃準畢業生 Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination香港高級程度會考 □ Obtained


(AS) passes in the HKALE香港高級程度會考



Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 香港中學會考 □ Obtained

passes in the HKCEE 香港中學會考


Attained a Higher Certificate / Higher Diploma from a local post-secondary institution 於本地專上院校取得高級證書 / 高級文憑學歷 Attained a Certificate / Diploma from a local post-secondary institution 於本地專上院校取得證書 / 文憑學歷 Graduated from Project Yi Jin 成功修畢毅進計劃 Completed Secondary Education 完成中學教育 □ Successfully Completed S.4 成功完成中四 *完成中四課程並可於來年升讀中五課程 Completed S.4 and will promote to S.5 in next academic year □ Completed S.5 完成中五 □ Successfully Completed S.5成功完成中五 *完成中五課程並可於來年升讀中六課程 Completed S.5 and will promote to S.6 in next academic year Mature Applicant (reach the age of

by 1 September 2012) “成年學生”資格(於2012年9月1日已年屆


Others, please specify其他,請註明:

EDUCATION BACKGROUND* (Please list your qualification obtained recently in chronological order) # 學歷*(請先列出最近期所考獲私資格)# From (Month/Year) 由(月/年)

To (Month/Year) 至(月/年)

Name of School/Institution 學校/院校名稱

Award Year 頒授年份

Highest Qualification Attained 考獲最高學歷

* Please attach copies of transcripts 請附上學業成績單副本

PUBLIC EXAMINATION RESULTS * 公開考試成績 * * HKCEE/HKALE results must be listed out必須列出中學會考/高級程度會考各科成績 Examination考試 (eg. HKCEE, HKDSE, HKALE, GCSE, GCE, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, ACT etc)

Subjects 科目

Result 成績 (eg. Grade / Level / Score / Band)

Year 年份

OTHER QUALIFICATIONS * (Please list in reverse chronological order) 其他資歷(請按考獲資格的日期倒序列出) Name of Awarding Institution and Country 頒授機構及國家

Qualification 資歷

Award Year 頒授年份

PROGRAMME APPLICATION DETAILS 申請課程名稱 # * No changes to programme choice are allowed after submission of the application form. 遞交表格後,申請課程不得更改。 Programme Name 課程名稱

Full-time / Part-time 全日 / 兼讀

First Priority 第一志願 * Second Priority 第二志願 * Third Priority 第三志願 *

APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT METHOD 申請費用付款方式 *For Postal Application Only 只適用於郵寄報名 * If payment method and information have not been selected and stated clearly, the application will not be proceeded. * 若以郵寄報名而沒有選擇付款方式或提供清楚的資訊,申請將不獲處理。 * 郵寄地址:新界沙田馬鞍山耀安邨港專賽馬會馬鞍山校園 * Postal Address:Hong Kong Jockey Club Ma On Shan Campus, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T.

By Cheque 支票 120 Cheque with crossed“Account Payee only”HK$ and Cheque no. . 120 劃線支票港幣 元,支票號碼 。 * Cheques should be made payable to the“Hong Kong College of Technology”and crossed“Account Payee Only”. The applicant’ s name, contact number and programme applied should be written clearly on the back of the cheque. A postdated cheque is not accepted. * 請具劃線支票,抬頭請寫「香港專業進修學校」。支票背面清楚寫上申請人姓名、聯絡電話和報讀課程。期票概不接受。 By Credit Card 信用卡 I hereby authorize Hong Kong College of Technology (“HKCT”) to charge HK$ 120 請從本人的Visa/Master信用咭帳戶,扣除港幣 元。 Credit Card Number 信用卡帳號 Card Verification Number 信用卡核證帳號 Cardholder Name: 持卡人姓名 Expiry Date 信用卡到期日

Cardholder Signature 持卡人簽署


請填寫列印在閣下之信用卡背面的 ←戶口號碼之後的三位數字

Issuing Bank 簽卡銀行 Date 日期


from my Visa/Master card account.

CHECKLIST 備忘 Before submitting your application, please check if you have: 遞交表格前,必須完成以下各項: □

Completed the application form 填妥報名表格

Supplied copies of transcripts / supporting documents (Please write down your name and HKID no. on the right top corner of each page.)

Supplied copies of HKID card or Passport 附上香港身份證或護照副本

Supplied copies of Student Learning Profile 附上學生學習概覽

Affixed a recent colour photo on the application form (Please write down your name and HKID no. on the right top corner of photo)

Enclosed crossed cheque of HK$120 application fee 附上港幣一百二十元正報名費支票


在報名表格上貼上申請人的彩色近照 (請於照片右上角寫上姓名及身份證號碼)

DECLARATION聲明 # I declare that the information given in support of this application is accurate and complete, and understand that any misrepresentation or false information given will result in the disqualification of my application for admission to and termination of study at Hong Kong College of Technology if admitted. 本人謹此聲明在申請表及附件中所提供之資料均屬正確及完備,並明白若填之資料失實,本人之入讀申請及修業資格將被取消。 I consent that personal data provided in this form will be used for processing my application for admission, registration, academic, administrative, statistical and marketing purpose. The data will be solely handled by staff from Hong Kong College of Technology but may be transferred to an authorized third party providing services to the College in relation to the above purposes only, and in such circumstances will be treated in strict confidential. I also authorize Hong Kong College of Technology to transfer my data to the student record system upon my admission. 本人同意個人資料將會作入學申請、登記、學術、行政、統計及推廣學校課程之用。只有香港專業進修學校的職員才能處理有關資料,但 亦可能會轉讓為學校提供有關服務的委託人處理,而一切資料將受保密。本人亦授權香港專業進修學校於本人被取錄後有關資料轉作學生 紀錄。 I consent that if registered, I shall conform to all the college regulations and the rules stated on the Student Handbook promulgated by the Hong Kong College of Technology for the time being in force. 本人同意如本人註冊入學,當遵守香港專業進修學校實施的所有規則及學生手冊內列明之規則。 I consent that all personal particulars collected are used for enrolment purpose and course-related matters. 本人同意香港專業進修學校將本人申請表內所提供的資料作為甄選申請人的依據,安排註冊入學及其他與課程有關之事宜的用途。 I understand that the paid tuition fee will NOT be refundable and transferable except for unsuccessful application, full registration or cancellation of programmes. 本人明白除非所報讀課程不獲取錄、課程取消或額滿,否則所繳學費不得退款及轉讓。 I understand that the paid application fee will NOT be refundable and transferable whether the application is admitted or not. 本人明白無論取錄與否,所繳交的報名費,均不得退款及轉讓。 I agree that the entry test, if applicable, will be used to assess my suitability to the programme or my English proficiency for placement of English class. 本人同意入學試(如適用)之結果可用作評估本人對所報讀課程之合適程度 ,或本人之英語程度以作分班之用。 I consent and authorize the extraction of my HKDSE / HKALE result (including grades after appeal) from Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority to Hong Kong College of Technology for the purpose of processing this application. 本人同意及授權香港考評局將本人今年之中學文憑考試 / 高級程度會考成績 (包括上訴成績) 抽取予香港專業進修學校作為處理入學申請之 用。 In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, I have the right of access or correction to my personal data by sending written request to the College. (Hong Kong College of Technology) 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,本人有權查閱及更正本人的個人資料;如有需要,可以書面向港專提出。






□ Waive

Application Fees HK$ Method of Payment: Cheque / EPS / Credit Card No.

Received by

Date of Receipt Receipt No.


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