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Annual Review

Annual Review

Equal Oppor tunities Commission's Study on Insurance Prac tices

In response to the Discussion Paper on Insurance Issues under the Anti-discrimination Legislation by the Equal Oppor tunities C ommission, the HKFI under took to review and update insurance best practice guidelines for its members, including updating the Co de of Prac tice - G enetics Testing & Insuranc e promulgated by the Life Insurance Council in 2000 and devising wo rk ing principles on applying pre-existing c onditions and exclusions

Code of Practice on Genetic Testing

With the latest draf t edition of genetic code used in the United Kingdom as reference, the HKFI updated the Code of PracticeG enetics Testing & Insurance which is now re-named Co de of Practice on Genetic Testing and, effec tive May 2005, would be obser v ed by both Li fe Insurance M embers and G eneral Insurance Members writing medical insurance business

新造業務(不包括退休計劃)的總保費較 2003 年增加 53.8% 至 385.95 億港元,分為投 資成分和非投資成分兩類業務:個人壽險 (非投資成分)增加 22.1% 至 197.22 億港 元,個人壽險(投資成分)顯著上升 116.9% 至 185.15 億港元。 2004 年個人有效 業務(直接業務)的利益給付金額增加 15.9%,至227.46億港元。

就平等機會委員會發表的《與反歧視法例 有關的保險問題討論文件》,保聯研究及整 理相關的實務守則指引,供會員參考,包 括:更新壽險總會於 2000 年頒布的《遺傳 基因測試實務守則》,以及就應用投保前已 存在疾病和豁免條款制訂工作原則。


保聯參考英國沿用的遺傳基因守則最新草 擬本,修訂了《遺傳基因測試和保險實務 守則 》,並易名為《遺傳基因測試實務守 則》,新版《守則》於 2005 年 5 月生效,供 壽險會員和承保醫療保險業務的一般保險 會員參考。

Statement of Best Practice on Applying Pre-existing Conditions and Exclusions

After months of hard work and in consultation with the Equal Oppor tunities Commission, the Insurance Authority and all Member Companies, the Task Force on EOC Discussion Paper has produced a Statement of B est Prac tice on A pplying Preexisting Conditions and Exclusions to assist Member Companies in complying with the anti-discrimination laws. The Statement of B est Pr actice on A pplying Pr e-existing C onditions and Exclusions based primarily on a similar guide of the Association of British Insurers, was issued on 13 April 2005.

Information Security Guidelines

At the invitation of the Security Bureau to formulate information security standards for the insurance industr y and establish an audit or assessment mechanism to cer tify compliance with such standards, the HKFI devised a set of industr y guidelines for Members’ reference and adoption.


The Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents

The 6th Edition of the Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents came into effect on 1 June 2004. In addition to other minor or housekeeping amendments, the new Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents ex tended the provisional registration of registered persons from three months to "a period not exceeding three years" in order to:

(a) allow an applicant whose c ase w as p ending w ith th e Insurance Agents Registration Board's final decision to be on par with other r egistered p ersons, so that he c ould continue conduc ting insurance agenc y business during the full registration period; and

應用投保前已存在疾病和 豁免條款實務守則

經過多月的努力,以及與平等機會委員 會、保險業監督和所有會員公司多番磋 商,平機會討論文件專責小組完成了《應 用投保前已存在疾病和豁免條款實務守 則》,並於 2005 年 4 月 13 日發出有關文件協

助會員公司遵守反歧視法例。查新《守則》 乃參照英國承保商協會發出的類似指引而 制訂的。


保聯應保安局邀請,就適用於保險業的資 訊保安標準,以及設立檢查或評核機制核 實保險公司遵守有關標準的情況,制訂了 業界指引,供會員參考及應用。

自律監管 保險代理管理守則

《保險代理管理守則》第 6 版於 2004 年 6 月 1 日生效,除了修正內容外,新《守則》更 將臨時登記期由三個月延長至「為期不超 過三年」,因為此舉:

(a) 容許正在等候保險代理登記委員會最 終判決的申請人與其他代理受到同樣 看待,讓有關申請者可以在三年登記 期內繼續進行保險代理業務;以及

(b) e liminate t he administrative burden on the appointing Pr incipals as w ell as the Insurance Agents R egistration B oard (IARB) because if the c ase w as not proven in the end, the provisional nature of the registration nature of the registration would be automatically removed and there would no longer be a need to amend the public registration record

Guidance Notes on the Continuing Professional Development Programme

(b) 減輕委任保險公司和委員會的行政負 擔,因為如果個案最終不成立,登記 的臨時性質會自動撤銷,毋須再行修 訂公開登記紀錄。


The HKFI, together with the IARB, promulgated two guidance notes on the Co n tinuing Pr of essional Dev elopmen t Pr ogramme on 11 November 2004, one for the transitional period (GN-7) and the other for 2005 and onwards (GN-8).

They are now in the process of revising GN-7 and GN-8 as the Insurance Authority, in its Januar y 2005 Continuing Professional Development Information S heet , revised the annual r equirements for all insurance intermediaries from 5 core and 10 noncore credits to 10 Continuing Professional Development hours, which would be effec tive on 1 August 2005 for registered persons (i.e. Insurance Agents, Responsible O fficers and Technical Representatives).

保聯聯同保險代理登記委員會於 2004 年 11 月 11 日頒布兩份有關持續專業培訓計劃的 指引:《指 引 -7 》 關於過渡期安排,而 《指引-8》則有關2005年及以後的安排。

保聯和保險代理登記委員會現正修訂《指 引 -7 》及《指引 -8 》,因為保險業監督於 2005 年 1 月發出的《持續專業培訓 資料 摘要》,修訂保險中介人每年需要完成的學 分要求,由原來的5個核心學分和10個非核 心學分,改為 10 個時數。適用於保險代 理、負責人及業務代表的新要求將於 2005 年8月1日生效。

General Insurance

Study on the Feasibility of Establishing a Centralized Employees’ Compensation Scheme

T he Task F o rce on E mployee s ’ C ompensation under th e G eneral Insurance C ouncil submitted an indust r y positi o n paper on the subjec t matter to the Per manent S ecretar y for Economic De velopment and Labour (Labour) on 28 O c tober 2004. The position paper focused on the ways to improve the current E mployee s’ C ompensation system in H ong K on g , measures to be taken to address the issue of insurance coverage for high risk groups and the industry's commitment to work with the Government and all parties concerned to establish a residual scheme to provide cover for high risk groups.

一般保 險

研究成立中央僱員補償制度的 可行性

一般保險總會轄下的僱員補償專責小組 於 200 4 年 1 0 月 2 8 日,就成立中央僱員補償 制 度的可行性研究,向經濟發展及勞工 局 ( 勞工 ) 常任秘書長提交業界立場書, 探 討改善本港現行僱員補償制度的方法、 為 高風險行業提供保險保障的措施,以及 業 界致力與政府與相關團體攜手合作,為 高 風險行業設立剩餘巿場制度。

On 18 Ma r ch 2005 , the HKFI submitted to the Pe rmane n t S ecretar y for Economic De velopment and Labour (Labour) a proposal on the proposed structure of a residual scheme, which has b een endorsed in principle by the Insurance Authori t y T he proposed r esidual scheme will be administered in th e f o rm of c o-insurance by an A dministrative R epresentati ve elec ted from the par ticipating members. Fur ther details are being worked out in consultation with the G overnment and interested parties including the Labour Advisor y Board

Fire Sur veying Ser vice

D ue to the depa r ture of the HKFI fire su r veyo r, the G enera l Insurance Council appointed Pierre Leong & Co to provide the fire sur veying ser vice for General Insurance Members.

保聯就剩餘巿場制度的建議架構制訂的 建 議書,獲保險業監督原則上認可,並 於 200 5 年 3 月 1 8 日提交予經濟發展及勞工 局 ( 勞工 ) 常任秘書長。建議中的剩餘巿 場 制度將會以由參與的保險公司推選出 的 「行政代表」以共保形式管理。保聯將與政 府和包括勞工顧問委員會在內的相關團 體 商討細節安排。


鑑於保聯聘用的火險測量員業已離職, 般保險總會聘任平量行有限公司為一般 保 險會員提供火險測量服務。

Motor Policies

T he Accident Insurance A ssociation c ompleted a thorough review of t he translation of motor policies f or c ommercial vehicles, motor cycles, motor trade and private motor cars

Hospital Claim Form

With the input from the Hong Kong Medical Association, the M edical Insurance Association revamped t he hospital clai m form which has been in use since July 1996.

Life Insurance

Revised Customer Protection Declaration Form


意外保險公會完成檢討商用汽車保單、摩 托自行車保單、汽車貿易保單和私用汽車 保單譯本。


在香港醫學會協助下,醫療保險協會修訂 了自1996年7月起沿用的醫院索償表格。



T he Li fe Insurance C ouncil revised the Customer Pr otection D eclaration Form which came into effect on 1 Januar y 2005. Changes were aimed at removing loopholes or inappropriateness of the previous wordings when applied to different situations. It also focused on drawing the prospects’ attention to the financial implication, insurability and claims eligibilit y by posting more concrete questions for the consideration of the prospec ts. W ith par ticipation from the Insurance Authorit y, the H ong K ong Confederation of Insurance Brokers and the Professional Insurance Brokers Association, the Life Insurance Council held a media c onference on 16 December 2004 to publicize the implementation of the new Form and our industr y's effor ts to promote consumer protection.

壽險總會修訂的《客戶保障聲明書》於 2005 年 1 月 1 日生效。新版本旨在堵塞原有 版本應用於不同情況時出現的漏洞,以及 刪除不適用的字眼。此外,《客戶保障聲 明書》加入更多具體問題,讓準投保人留 意轉保對財務、可保資格和索償資格造成 的影響。壽險總會和保險業監督、香港保 險顧問聯會、香港專業保險經紀協會於 2004 年 12 月 16 日合辦新聞發布會,宣布推 出全新的《聲明書》,同時強調業界致力維 護客戶的權益。

Revised Code of Practice for Life Insurance Replacement

To synchronize with the implementation of t he revised Customer Protection Declaration Form, the Life Insurance Council made the corresponding amendments to the Code of Practice for Life Insurance Replacement and consulted Life Insuranc e M embers and the Insurance A uthority be fo re publication.

"Frequently Asked Questions" regarding completing the Customer Protection Declaration Form

In order to b etter assist insurance intermediaries in complet ing the new Customer Protection Declaration Form, the Life Insurance Council has come up with a set of "F requently Asked Questions" with answers which has been circulated to all Life Insurance Members and other intermediaries’ bodies for reference in January 2005. Individual intermediaries and the general public c ould also access t he b ilingual "F r equently As ke d Questions" from the HKFI website.

Industr y Opinions

The HKFI continued to work closely with the Government and many quasi-government bodies by ser ving on their committees, such as the Ad viso ry Co mmittee on Human R esources Development in the Financial Ser vices Sector of the Financial Ser vices and the Tr easur y Bureau , the C ommittee on Employees’ Compensation of the Labour Advisor y Board and the Guidelines Committee and Schemes Operation Revie w Co mmittee of the M andato ry Pr o vident F und Schemes Authority.


為了配合新版本《客戶保障聲明書》,壽險 總會對《壽險轉保守則》作出相應修訂, 並於推出前諮詢壽險會員和保險業監督的 意見。

填報《客戶保障聲明書》的 「常見問題」

為了協助保險中介人填寫《客戶保障聲明 書》,壽險總會預備了一系列常見問題及答 案,於2005年1月發放予所有壽險會員和其

他保險中介團體參考,並於保聯網站發 布,供個別保險中介人及巿民瀏覽。


保聯繼續與政府及多個半官方機構緊密合 作,出任轄下的委員會委員,包括:財經 事務及庫務局轄下財務事務界人力資源發 展諮詢委員會、勞工顧問委員會轄下僱員 補償委員會,以及強制性公積金計劃管理 局轄下強積金計劃運作檢討委員會。

The HKFI was also invited by various Government authorities to comment on a great variety of topical issues, including the proposed Policyholders’ Protection Funds, the Building Management (Insurance) Regulation and Revised Guidance Note on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing


During the period u nder review, 13 seminars and briefings were organized for M embers on current topics such as new accounting rules, Employees’ Compensation and motor burning costs, preferred life and claims handling for disasters.

Statistics and Surveys

In the past year, we conducted a number of statistical sur veys to collec t the most updated market in fo rmation to provide useful and essential market data for the reference of Members. For instanc e, E mployees’ C ompensation & motor burning

保聯更應各個政府部門邀請,就多個熱門 課題提供意見,包括:建議成立的保單持 有人保障基金、《建築物管理 ( 保險 ) 規 例》、《防止洗黑錢及打擊恐怖分子指引 》 修訂本。



會員介紹多個熱門課題,諸如:新會計準 則、僱員補償保險及汽車保險邊際成本、 優良風險人壽、處理有關天災的索償。


過去一年,保聯進行多項數據調查,收集 最新巿場數據,務求向會員提供既有用又 重要的巿場數據,包括:僱員補償保險及 汽車保險邊際成本、醫療費用、向公立醫 costs, prevailing medical fees, the turnaround time for obtaining attending physician statements from public sector, etc. We also collected statistics on topical issues such as claims statistics arising from the Asia Tsunamis.

C Orporate Relations

Members Relations

HKFI Website

The HKFI website was revamped and will be unveiled in first half of 2005 to provide Member Companies with relevant and up-to-date circulars, statistics and sur vey results, etc.

The Cross-strait & Hong Kong Insurance Business Conference

院索取主診醫生報告的回覆時間等等。此 外,更就各項重要事宜,收集有關數據, 例如:南亞海嘯引發的索償數據。


會員關係 保聯網頁

重新設計的保聯網頁將於 2005 年上半年推 出,讓會員公司取得最新的通告、統計和 調查結果等等。

For the purposes of b uilding a closer r elationship among M embers and insurance prac titioners in the M ainland and Taiwan, the HKFI formed a delegation of 21 to attend the Crossstrait & Hong Kong Insurance Business Conference in Taipei last October. Around 400 insurance practitioners attended

為了讓保聯會員與內地和台灣的保險同業 建立更密切關係,保聯組成 21 人代表團參 加去年 10 月假台灣舉行的「兩岸三地」保 險業交流與合作會議。是次會議共有400多 位業界人士參加。

Social Events

The Annual Dinner remained the most auspicious social event of the HKFI. We were grateful to our G uest-of-honour, the Honourable Frederick M a, JP, S ecretar y for Financial Ser vices and the Tr easur y. T his year, the par ty w as graced by the presence of more than 320 guests

With a view to providing an oppor tunity for Members to meet and exchange views with legislators, senior Government officials and quasi-government officials, the HKFI organized the annual cocktail par ty last December, which was attended by more than 110 guests and representatives of Members.

Relations with the Honourable Bernard Chan

The HKFI would like to thank the Honourable Bernard Chan, JP, for his continued suppor t and assistance which he has k indly extended to the HKFI in dealing with a great many industry issues that have long-term impact on the insurance business at large.


周年晚宴是保聯眾多聯誼活動中最重要的 一項,承蒙財經事務及庫務局局長馬時亨 太平紳士擔任主禮嘉賓。今年出席晚宴的 嘉賓超過320人。

保聯於 2004 年 12 月舉辦周年酒會,讓各會 員有機會與立法會議員、高級官員和半官 方機構的高級職員聚首一堂,會面交流。 今年共有 110 多位嘉賓及會員公司代表出 席。


保聯謹此感謝陳智思太平紳士戮力襄助, 協助保聯應付了不少對保聯業影響彌深的 事宜。

Government Relations

T he HKFI continued to wo rk closely w ith the Insuranc e Authority on a great many industr y issues, such as the ne w arrangement of t he Co n tinuing Pr of essional Developmen t Pr ogramme , the revision of the C ustomer Pr otectio n D eclar ation F orm , the proposed centralized E mployees ’ Compensation scheme, etc.

For the purposes of ensuring that the latest legislative amendments and Gove rnment proposals would take into account the needs and interests of the i nsurance industr y, the HKFI maintained r egular dialogues with va r ious Go ve rnment bureaux and depar t ments, quasi-government organizations and public bodies.

Relations with the Mainland

In addition to the Cross-strait & Hong Kong Insurance Business Conference, the HKFI also had close contac t with the insurance industr y in the Mainland. Last year it received representatives from the Beijing Insurance Association, Institution Super visor y Division of t he J iangsu Bureau of the C hina Insuranc e R egulator y Commission, National Development and Re fo rm Commission and Shanghai Insurance Association.

Overseas Relations

Apar t from fostering a close relationship with our counterpar ts in the Mainland and Taiwan, the HKFI has also sought to reach out to our counterpar ts at the international level. During the period under review, the HKFI met with r epresentatives of industr y bodies from close and afar including the International Insurance Society and the International A ssociation of Insurance Super visors.


保聯繼續與保監緊密合作,處理多項業界 事宜,例如:持續專業培訓計劃的新安 排、《客戶保障聲明書》修訂本、建議成 立的中央僱員補償制度等等。

為了確保最新修訂的法例和當局的建議顧 及保險業的需要和權益,保聯與多個政府 部門、半官方機構和公共機構定期保持聯 絡。


除了參加「兩岸三地」保險業交流與合作 會議之外,保聯與內地同業保持密切聯 繫。去年分別接待了北京保險行業協會、 中國保險監督管理委員會江蘇監管局、國 家發展及改革委員會和上海保險行業協會 的代表。


除了加強與內地和台灣同業的合作之外, 保聯更銳意與國際同業保持聯繫。年度 內,多次會晤海外的業界團體代表,包 括:國際保險協會和國際保險監督聯會。

Media Relations

The HKFI has taken a proac tive role in communicating with the media. In addition to responding positively to repor ts relating to the industr y, par ticularly when industr y practice was in the lime light, the HKFI also issued eight media releases and held tw o media c onf erences to update the media on the latest industr y development of interest to the general public.

Community Relations

Consumer Education

In its ongoing effor t to encourage the public to take out insurance for protection, the HKFI ran a series of consumer education programme, "Insurance Know-how", between November 2004 and Februar y 2005 on Commercial Radio

HKFI was invited to collaborate with the Insurance Authority, the Tourism Commission, and the Travel Industr y Council of Hong Kong to jointly launch a promotional campaign in Marc h 2005 to r emind the public of the impor tance of tak ing out travel insurance before depar ture.


保聯主動與傳媒聯絡,積極回應與業界有 關的報導,尤其是廣受注目的行業慣例。 年度內,保聯發布了八份新聞稿和舉行兩 次新聞發布會,公布關乎公眾利益的最新 行業發展。



保聯一向致力鼓勵巿民投購保險保障自己 和家人,並於 2004 年 11 月至 2005 年 2 月期 間,於商業電台雷霆 881 推出「生活保 鑑」,向消費者灌輸保險知識。


署、香港旅遊業議會,攜手推出宣傳活 動,提醒投保人出門前投購旅遊保險的重 要性。

Social Projects on Tsunamis

Ri ght af t er the o ccurrence of t he A sia Tsunamis , the HKFI established a t elephone hotline to assist insured tr ave llers returning from affec ted areas on matters related to insurance coverage and claims. Effor ts were also made to help put families of missing travellers in touch with insurance companies for claims arrangement. In addition, the HKFI donate d HK$500,000 to the Hong Kong Red Cross to suppor t their relief operations in the regions devastated by the Tsunamis.

Promotional Programmes on Occupational Safety & Health


南亞海嘯發生後,保聯旋即設立電話熱 線,協助從受災地區返港的受保旅遊人士 處理有關保險保障和索償的事宜。同時更 致力協助失蹤旅客的家屬與保險公司聯 絡,安排索償事宜。此外,保聯更捐出 50 萬港元予香港紅十宇會,支持該會於受災 地區的救援工作。


As a good corporate citizen committed to improving occupational safety and health and reducing accident rates at work, t he HKFI joined hands w ith t he O ccupational Sa fe ty and H ealth C ouncil in launching a series of promotional programmes. The multifaceted programmes were well received by the par ticipating industries.

HKFI Cup of the Green Power Hike

The HKFI and its Member Companies donated HK$100,000 in sponsoring the Green Po w er Hike HKFI Cu p, a charitable walk athon organized by Green Power. It demonstrated once

作為良好企業公民,保聯致力改善職業安 全健康及減低工作時發生的意外率,故此 與職業安全健康局合辦一系列宣傳推廣活 動,並獲得參與行業的支持和認同。


保聯聯同會員公司合共捐出 10 萬港元,贊 助綠色力量舉行的慈善籌款活動 「綠色 力量環島行香港保險業聯會盃」,再次展示 again the industr y’s dedication to playing an ac tive par t in suppor ting environmental protection for a greener future.

HKFI Scholarships

In the academic year 2004/2005, the HKFI Educational Tr ust awarded eight scholarships to undergraduates from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University and the University of Hong Kong Since its inception in 1989, the num-


在2004/2005學年,保聯教育基金頒發八個 獎學金予香港中文大學、嶺南大學和香港 大學的學生。基金自 1989 年成立以來,共 頒發 66 個獎學金。保聯教育基金同時捐出 b er of scholarships off ered by the Tr ust t otalled 66. Th e Educational Trust also donated an award to the best candidate of the y ear to sit f or the Ce r tificate of Insurance S tudies Examination organized by the Insurance Institute of Hong Kong.

To help r aise the profile of the HKFI E ducational Tr ust and attract more outstanding students to join the insurance profession, a full-page supplement about this scholarship programme was published in Ming Pao Daily News in April.

獎項嘉許在香港保險學會「基本研習考試」 取得最佳成績的學員。

為了讓更多公眾人士認識保聯教育基金, 以及吸引更多優秀的學生加入保險業的行 列,保聯於4月於《明報》刊登全版特刊, 介紹保聯教育基金。

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