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Annual Review
周年回顧 14.5.2004 - 29.4.2005
As at 29 April 2005, the HKFI had 133 M embers. The continued consolidation of the general insurance industr y resulted in a fur ther drop in the number of G eneral Insurance M embers from last year ’s 92 to 88 while the number of Life Insurance Members saw a slight reduction from 46 to 45.
It is estimated that HKFI Members contributed more than 90% of the gross premiums written in the Hong Kong market
Market Performance
According to the provisional statistics released by the O ffice of the Commissioner of Insurance, gross and net premiums for general insurance business written in the y ear ended 31 December 2004 decreased by 7.2% to HK$22,992 million, and by 4.5% to HK$16,273 million, respectively, as compared with 2003. As r egards gross claims paid , the amount r eached HK$10,054 m illion, an increase of 8.5% as c ompared with 2003.
W hile the general insurance market has experienced some recovery on the whole and recorded an under writing profit of HK$2,154 million, an increase of 60.4% from 2003, the E mployees’ C ompensation business experienced a loss of HK$226 million in 2004.
As regards life insurance industr y, the total revenue premiums of long-term in-f orce business colle ct ed by the insuranc e industry amounted to HK$100,088 million in the year ended 31 December 2004, an increase of 28.4% over 2003.
截至 2005 年 4 月 29 日,保聯共有 133 家會員 公司,由於一般保險業的合併潮持續,導 致一般保險會員公司的數目由去年的 92 家 進一步下降至 88 家;而壽險會員公司的數 目則由去年的46家輕微減少至45家。
據估計,保聯會員公司的承保額佔香港保 險巿場總毛保費九成以上。
香港保險業監理處公布的臨時統計數據顯 示:截至 2004年 12月 31日止,一般保險業
務毛保費較 2003 年下降 7.2% ,至 229.92 億 港元,淨保費則減少 4.5% 至 162.73 億港 元。而承付索償淨額則達 100.54 億港元, 比2003年上升8.5%。
一般保險巿場整體已見復蘇,承保利潤比 2003 年增加 60.4% ,達 21.54 億港元,但僱 員補償業務仍錄得2.66億港元虧損。
至於壽險業方面,截至2004年12月31日,長 期保險有效業務的總保費收入達
T he new business statistics showed that t he new offic e premiums (excluding Retirement Scheme business) increased by 53.8% to HK$38,595 million. Break ing this down into linked and non-linked businesses, individual life (non-linked) business increased by 22.1% to HK$19,722 million while individual lif e (linked) business recorded a phenomenal increase of 116.9% to HK$18,515 million. T he amount of b enefit pa yments of direc t individual in-force business in 2004, on th e other hand, increased by 15.9% to HK$22,746 million.