It is my privilege to present the H ong K ong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) Annual Report for 2004/2005, an exceptionally fruitful year in the histor y of the HKFI. On top of the successful completion of many impor tant projec ts, t he HKFI has b een transformed gradually into an insurance industr y body ready and able to ar ticulate and safeguard the common interests of its Member Companies.
For the period under review, we made it our top priority to meet the changing needs of our stakeholders. On the other hand, we strived to make our industr y better understood by the community. This, of course, has proven to be more difficult than expe ct ed B ut I am pleased to sa y that with the continued suppor t of Member Companies, we have made considerable progress in these vital areas.
Fr om this A nnual Repo rt y ou will see man y tasks we ha ve accomplished in the past year and the continued effor ts we ha ve made to improve the public image of the insuranc e industr y, enhance the profile of the HKFI and strengthen communication with our stakeholders including the insuring public.
As I review the ground we have covered, I cannot help but feel enormously grateful to my c olleagues on the Go ve r ning C ommittee , in par ticular Mr Edward La u, I mmediate P ast C hairman, and Mr Roddy A nderson, D eputy C hairman, fo r their dedication and unfailing suppor t.
I would also like to express my most sincere appreciation to all who have given us their kind suppor t and wise counsel. My hear tfelt appreciation goes to the Honourable Bernard Chan, JP, member of the Executive Council and Legislative Council, Mr R ichard Yuen, JP, C ommissioner of I nsuranc e, and his remark able team of staff. Without their staunch suppor t and guidanc e, we w ould not be able to accomplish so man y impor tant tasks
本人深感榮幸能為各位呈獻香港保險業聯 會(保聯)2004/2005年度年報,當中記載
了保聯成果甚豐的一年,我們除了順利完 成多個重要項目之外,作為保險業的代表 團體,保聯時刻準備就緒,隨時就業界事 宜表達意見,以及維護會員公司的共同權 益。
保聯在過去一年的首要任務,是配合相關 團體不斷改變的需要。另一方面,我們矢 志讓公眾人士更加了解保險業。事實上, 要達致此目標,著實比預期困難多了,尚 幸得到會員公司鼎力支持,讓保聯在各個 重要範疇均有理想表現。
這年報記錄了保聯過去一年完成的種種工 作,以及我們不斷努力改善業界的公眾形 象、提高保聯的知名度,以及加強與相關 人士,包括投保人士的溝通。
回顧過去,不得不在此向管治委員會的同 僚致以無盡感激,特別是卸任主席劉允剛 先生和副主席安德生先生,感謝他們無私 奉獻和全力匡助。
與此同時,感謝所有支持保聯和向我們提 供寶貴意見的人士,包括:行政會議成員 兼立法會議員陳智思太平紳士、保險業監 理專員袁銘輝太平紳士及保險業監理處仝 仁。承蒙他們戮力支持和指導,令保聯得 以順利完成種種重要使命。
It has been a truly rewarding and memorable experience for me as Chairman of the HKFI and over the past eleven months, I have ser ved the HKFI with the greatest sense of pride and the finest suppor t from M ember C ompanies , t he Go ve r ning Committee, the G eneral and Life Insurance Councils, various Task Forces, Technical Associations, Work ing Groups and the HKFI secretariat.
On behalf of the HKFI, I would also like to thank members of the Insurance A gents R egistration B oard and the Appeal s Tribunal for their hard work, dedication and community spirit. They have been instrumental in maintaining an effec tive and credible self-regulatory regime for the industr y to help promote the best industry practice and safeguard the interests of the insuring public.
出任保聯主席一職,令我獲益良多,實在 永誌難忘。擔任保聯主席 11 個月讓我深感
自豪,這實在有賴各會員公司、管治委員 會、一般保險總會、壽險總會、各個專責 小組、技術公會、工作小組和保聯秘書處 仝仁予以支持。
K P Chan Chairman 29 April 2005最後,謹代表保聯感謝保險代理登記委員 會和上訴裁判處各委員努力不懈、不辭勞 苦、惠及社群的服務精神,為維持有效率 和公信力的自律監管制度,發揮作用,有 助推廣業界的優良行業慣例,並維護投保 人的利益。 主席
Executive Summar y
The past 12 months have seen a significant transformation of the HKFI. Specifically, we have r e-positioned ourselves and become more pro-ac tiv e in addressing insurance-relate d issues of concern to the general public.
We are also work ing much harder to reach out to many of our stakeholders , building bridges of goodwill and f ostering mutual understanding Never before have we been in closer dialogue with the Go ve r nment, the media, prof e ssiona l insurance bodies, community groups and the public at large to e xplain our industr y's p osition on a r ange of s ubjec ts involving insurance.
On topics like travel insurance, building's third par ty liability i nsuranc e, health care reform, employees' c ompensation insurance and protection of the interests of the insuring public, the HKFI has put forward constructive ideas and suggestions with input from Member C ompanies. Where necessar y, we ac t promptly to mobilize industr y suppor t to assist those in need as in the case of the Asia Tsunamis last Christmas. We will continue to do what it takes to strengthen public confidence in insurance and help p eople see the impor t ance of ha ving proper and sufficient insurance cover.
As a trade association, we place great impor tance on understanding the needs and expe ct a tions of our 133 Member Companies. So the HKFI w eb-site has been revamped recently to provide a better platform of on-line communication with Member Companies. Later in the year we will conduct an indepth study to find out what should be done fur ther to improve our ser vices to Members
T he HKFI is suppor t ed by f our func tional units , i.e Ad m inistration, C ommittee , C ompliance and Co rporat e Communications with a staff complement of 27. To help raise our produc tivit y, we ha ve launched a series of job-relate d training programmes and re-structured the office administration. The outcome, I am pleased to say, has been more than satisfac tory.
過去一年,香港保險業聯會銳意更新求 變,重新定位,著力就巿民關注的保險問 題,作出積極回應。
此外,我們比以往更主動接觸多個相關團 體,建立親善的橋樑,增進彼此了解,並 就種種保險事宜與政府、傳媒、專業保險 團體、社會組織和公眾人士展開對話,闡 釋業界立場。 就旅遊保險、建築物第三者責任保險、醫 護改革、僱員補償保險和維護投保人權益 等課題上,保聯在會員間集思廣益,提出 很多具建設性的構思和建議。此外,在某 些突發事件上,例如:去年聖誕節發生的 南亞海嘯,保聯因事制宜,迅速作出回 應,號召業界協力援助有需要人士。將 來,我們定當繼續致力加強巿民對保險的 信心,讓他們了解投購適切且足夠保險保 障的重要性。
保聯代表133家會員公司的權益,我們殷切 關注各會員的需要和期望,因此,保聯網 頁最近換上新貌,為會員公司提供更便捷 的網上溝通平台。稍後,我們會深入研究 如何進一步改善會員服務的方法。
保聯秘書處由總務、會務、監察和外務傳 訊四個部門組成,現有 27 位職員負責提供 各項支援服務。為了提高員工的工作效 率,我們提供一連串與工作有關的培訓課 程,並且重整辦公室的行政架構,果效理 想,實在教人欣喜。
We have a remark able team of staff To all of them I want to pay a special tribute for their dedication and hard wor k. My hear tfelt appreciation also goes to the HKFI Chairman, Mr K P C han, and members of the Go ve rning C ommittee and th e G eneral and Life Insurance Councils for their guidance and w ise c ounsel. I kn ow we c an look to t hem and M ember C ompanies f or continued suppor t as we take on greate r chal lenges in the years ahead
謹此感謝秘書處優秀的員工盡心至誠、努 力耕耘。此外,衷心感謝保聯主席陳健波 先生、管治委員會委員、一般保險總會委 員和壽險總會委員的指導及寶貴意見。日 後,保聯將會面對更大的挑戰,故此希望 各委員及會員公司繼續予以支持。
Peter C H Tam Executive Director29 April 2005
Annual Review
周年回顧 14.5.2004 - 29.4.2005
As at 29 April 2005, the HKFI had 133 M embers. The continued consolidation of the general insurance industr y resulted in a fur ther drop in the number of G eneral Insurance M embers from last year ’s 92 to 88 while the number of Life Insurance Members saw a slight reduction from 46 to 45.
It is estimated that HKFI Members contributed more than 90% of the gross premiums written in the Hong Kong market
According to the provisional statistics released by the O ffice of the Commissioner of Insurance, gross and net premiums for general insurance business written in the y ear ended 31 December 2004 decreased by 7.2% to HK$22,992 million, and by 4.5% to HK$16,273 million, respectively, as compared with 2003. As r egards gross claims paid , the amount r eached HK$10,054 m illion, an increase of 8.5% as c ompared with 2003.
W hile the general insurance market has experienced some recovery on the whole and recorded an under writing profit of HK$2,154 million, an increase of 60.4% from 2003, the E mployees’ C ompensation business experienced a loss of HK$226 million in 2004.
As regards life insurance industr y, the total revenue premiums of long-term in-f orce business colle ct ed by the insuranc e industry amounted to HK$100,088 million in the year ended 31 December 2004, an increase of 28.4% over 2003.
截至 2005 年 4 月 29 日,保聯共有 133 家會員 公司,由於一般保險業的合併潮持續,導 致一般保險會員公司的數目由去年的 92 家 進一步下降至 88 家;而壽險會員公司的數 目則由去年的46家輕微減少至45家。
據估計,保聯會員公司的承保額佔香港保 險巿場總毛保費九成以上。
香港保險業監理處公布的臨時統計數據顯 示:截至 2004年 12月 31日止,一般保險業
務毛保費較 2003 年下降 7.2% ,至 229.92 億 港元,淨保費則減少 4.5% 至 162.73 億港 元。而承付索償淨額則達 100.54 億港元, 比2003年上升8.5%。
一般保險巿場整體已見復蘇,承保利潤比 2003 年增加 60.4% ,達 21.54 億港元,但僱 員補償業務仍錄得2.66億港元虧損。
至於壽險業方面,截至2004年12月31日,長 期保險有效業務的總保費收入達
T he new business statistics showed that t he new offic e premiums (excluding Retirement Scheme business) increased by 53.8% to HK$38,595 million. Break ing this down into linked and non-linked businesses, individual life (non-linked) business increased by 22.1% to HK$19,722 million while individual lif e (linked) business recorded a phenomenal increase of 116.9% to HK$18,515 million. T he amount of b enefit pa yments of direc t individual in-force business in 2004, on th e other hand, increased by 15.9% to HK$22,746 million.
Equal Oppor tunities Commission's Study on Insurance Prac tices
In response to the Discussion Paper on Insurance Issues under the Anti-discrimination Legislation by the Equal Oppor tunities C ommission, the HKFI under took to review and update insurance best practice guidelines for its members, including updating the Co de of Prac tice - G enetics Testing & Insuranc e promulgated by the Life Insurance Council in 2000 and devising wo rk ing principles on applying pre-existing c onditions and exclusions
Code of Practice on Genetic Testing
With the latest draf t edition of genetic code used in the United Kingdom as reference, the HKFI updated the Code of PracticeG enetics Testing & Insurance which is now re-named Co de of Practice on Genetic Testing and, effec tive May 2005, would be obser v ed by both Li fe Insurance M embers and G eneral Insurance Members writing medical insurance business
新造業務(不包括退休計劃)的總保費較 2003 年增加 53.8% 至 385.95 億港元,分為投 資成分和非投資成分兩類業務:個人壽險 (非投資成分)增加 22.1% 至 197.22 億港 元,個人壽險(投資成分)顯著上升 116.9% 至 185.15 億港元。 2004 年個人有效 業務(直接業務)的利益給付金額增加 15.9%,至227.46億港元。
就平等機會委員會發表的《與反歧視法例 有關的保險問題討論文件》,保聯研究及整 理相關的實務守則指引,供會員參考,包 括:更新壽險總會於 2000 年頒布的《遺傳 基因測試實務守則》,以及就應用投保前已 存在疾病和豁免條款制訂工作原則。
保聯參考英國沿用的遺傳基因守則最新草 擬本,修訂了《遺傳基因測試和保險實務 守則 》,並易名為《遺傳基因測試實務守 則》,新版《守則》於 2005 年 5 月生效,供 壽險會員和承保醫療保險業務的一般保險 會員參考。
Statement of Best Practice on Applying Pre-existing Conditions and Exclusions
After months of hard work and in consultation with the Equal Oppor tunities Commission, the Insurance Authority and all Member Companies, the Task Force on EOC Discussion Paper has produced a Statement of B est Prac tice on A pplying Preexisting Conditions and Exclusions to assist Member Companies in complying with the anti-discrimination laws. The Statement of B est Pr actice on A pplying Pr e-existing C onditions and Exclusions based primarily on a similar guide of the Association of British Insurers, was issued on 13 April 2005.
Information Security Guidelines
At the invitation of the Security Bureau to formulate information security standards for the insurance industr y and establish an audit or assessment mechanism to cer tify compliance with such standards, the HKFI devised a set of industr y guidelines for Members’ reference and adoption.
The Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents
The 6th Edition of the Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents came into effect on 1 June 2004. In addition to other minor or housekeeping amendments, the new Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents ex tended the provisional registration of registered persons from three months to "a period not exceeding three years" in order to:
(a) allow an applicant whose c ase w as p ending w ith th e Insurance Agents Registration Board's final decision to be on par with other r egistered p ersons, so that he c ould continue conduc ting insurance agenc y business during the full registration period; and
應用投保前已存在疾病和 豁免條款實務守則
經過多月的努力,以及與平等機會委員 會、保險業監督和所有會員公司多番磋 商,平機會討論文件專責小組完成了《應 用投保前已存在疾病和豁免條款實務守 則》,並於 2005 年 4 月 13 日發出有關文件協
助會員公司遵守反歧視法例。查新《守則》 乃參照英國承保商協會發出的類似指引而 制訂的。
保聯應保安局邀請,就適用於保險業的資 訊保安標準,以及設立檢查或評核機制核 實保險公司遵守有關標準的情況,制訂了 業界指引,供會員參考及應用。
自律監管 保險代理管理守則
《保險代理管理守則》第 6 版於 2004 年 6 月 1 日生效,除了修正內容外,新《守則》更 將臨時登記期由三個月延長至「為期不超 過三年」,因為此舉:
(a) 容許正在等候保險代理登記委員會最 終判決的申請人與其他代理受到同樣 看待,讓有關申請者可以在三年登記 期內繼續進行保險代理業務;以及
(b) e liminate t he administrative burden on the appointing Pr incipals as w ell as the Insurance Agents R egistration B oard (IARB) because if the c ase w as not proven in the end, the provisional nature of the registration nature of the registration would be automatically removed and there would no longer be a need to amend the public registration record
Guidance Notes on the Continuing Professional Development Programme
(b) 減輕委任保險公司和委員會的行政負 擔,因為如果個案最終不成立,登記 的臨時性質會自動撤銷,毋須再行修 訂公開登記紀錄。
The HKFI, together with the IARB, promulgated two guidance notes on the Co n tinuing Pr of essional Dev elopmen t Pr ogramme on 11 November 2004, one for the transitional period (GN-7) and the other for 2005 and onwards (GN-8).
They are now in the process of revising GN-7 and GN-8 as the Insurance Authority, in its Januar y 2005 Continuing Professional Development Information S heet , revised the annual r equirements for all insurance intermediaries from 5 core and 10 noncore credits to 10 Continuing Professional Development hours, which would be effec tive on 1 August 2005 for registered persons (i.e. Insurance Agents, Responsible O fficers and Technical Representatives).
保聯聯同保險代理登記委員會於 2004 年 11 月 11 日頒布兩份有關持續專業培訓計劃的 指引:《指 引 -7 》 關於過渡期安排,而 《指引-8》則有關2005年及以後的安排。
保聯和保險代理登記委員會現正修訂《指 引 -7 》及《指引 -8 》,因為保險業監督於 2005 年 1 月發出的《持續專業培訓 資料 摘要》,修訂保險中介人每年需要完成的學 分要求,由原來的5個核心學分和10個非核 心學分,改為 10 個時數。適用於保險代 理、負責人及業務代表的新要求將於 2005 年8月1日生效。
General Insurance
Study on the Feasibility of Establishing a Centralized Employees’ Compensation Scheme
T he Task F o rce on E mployee s ’ C ompensation under th e G eneral Insurance C ouncil submitted an indust r y positi o n paper on the subjec t matter to the Per manent S ecretar y for Economic De velopment and Labour (Labour) on 28 O c tober 2004. The position paper focused on the ways to improve the current E mployee s’ C ompensation system in H ong K on g , measures to be taken to address the issue of insurance coverage for high risk groups and the industry's commitment to work with the Government and all parties concerned to establish a residual scheme to provide cover for high risk groups.
一般保 險
研究成立中央僱員補償制度的 可行性
一般保險總會轄下的僱員補償專責小組 於 200 4 年 1 0 月 2 8 日,就成立中央僱員補償 制 度的可行性研究,向經濟發展及勞工 局 ( 勞工 ) 常任秘書長提交業界立場書, 探 討改善本港現行僱員補償制度的方法、 為 高風險行業提供保險保障的措施,以及 業 界致力與政府與相關團體攜手合作,為 高 風險行業設立剩餘巿場制度。
On 18 Ma r ch 2005 , the HKFI submitted to the Pe rmane n t S ecretar y for Economic De velopment and Labour (Labour) a proposal on the proposed structure of a residual scheme, which has b een endorsed in principle by the Insurance Authori t y T he proposed r esidual scheme will be administered in th e f o rm of c o-insurance by an A dministrative R epresentati ve elec ted from the par ticipating members. Fur ther details are being worked out in consultation with the G overnment and interested parties including the Labour Advisor y Board
Fire Sur veying Ser vice
D ue to the depa r ture of the HKFI fire su r veyo r, the G enera l Insurance Council appointed Pierre Leong & Co to provide the fire sur veying ser vice for General Insurance Members.
保聯就剩餘巿場制度的建議架構制訂的 建 議書,獲保險業監督原則上認可,並 於 200 5 年 3 月 1 8 日提交予經濟發展及勞工 局 ( 勞工 ) 常任秘書長。建議中的剩餘巿 場 制度將會以由參與的保險公司推選出 的 「行政代表」以共保形式管理。保聯將與政 府和包括勞工顧問委員會在內的相關團 體 商討細節安排。
鑑於保聯聘用的火險測量員業已離職, 般保險總會聘任平量行有限公司為一般 保 險會員提供火險測量服務。
Motor Policies
T he Accident Insurance A ssociation c ompleted a thorough review of t he translation of motor policies f or c ommercial vehicles, motor cycles, motor trade and private motor cars
Hospital Claim Form
With the input from the Hong Kong Medical Association, the M edical Insurance Association revamped t he hospital clai m form which has been in use since July 1996.
Life Insurance
Revised Customer Protection Declaration Form
意外保險公會完成檢討商用汽車保單、摩 托自行車保單、汽車貿易保單和私用汽車 保單譯本。
在香港醫學會協助下,醫療保險協會修訂 了自1996年7月起沿用的醫院索償表格。
T he Li fe Insurance C ouncil revised the Customer Pr otection D eclaration Form which came into effect on 1 Januar y 2005. Changes were aimed at removing loopholes or inappropriateness of the previous wordings when applied to different situations. It also focused on drawing the prospects’ attention to the financial implication, insurability and claims eligibilit y by posting more concrete questions for the consideration of the prospec ts. W ith par ticipation from the Insurance Authorit y, the H ong K ong Confederation of Insurance Brokers and the Professional Insurance Brokers Association, the Life Insurance Council held a media c onference on 16 December 2004 to publicize the implementation of the new Form and our industr y's effor ts to promote consumer protection.
壽險總會修訂的《客戶保障聲明書》於 2005 年 1 月 1 日生效。新版本旨在堵塞原有 版本應用於不同情況時出現的漏洞,以及 刪除不適用的字眼。此外,《客戶保障聲 明書》加入更多具體問題,讓準投保人留 意轉保對財務、可保資格和索償資格造成 的影響。壽險總會和保險業監督、香港保 險顧問聯會、香港專業保險經紀協會於 2004 年 12 月 16 日合辦新聞發布會,宣布推 出全新的《聲明書》,同時強調業界致力維 護客戶的權益。
Revised Code of Practice for Life Insurance Replacement
To synchronize with the implementation of t he revised Customer Protection Declaration Form, the Life Insurance Council made the corresponding amendments to the Code of Practice for Life Insurance Replacement and consulted Life Insuranc e M embers and the Insurance A uthority be fo re publication.
"Frequently Asked Questions" regarding completing the Customer Protection Declaration Form
In order to b etter assist insurance intermediaries in complet ing the new Customer Protection Declaration Form, the Life Insurance Council has come up with a set of "F requently Asked Questions" with answers which has been circulated to all Life Insurance Members and other intermediaries’ bodies for reference in January 2005. Individual intermediaries and the general public c ould also access t he b ilingual "F r equently As ke d Questions" from the HKFI website.
Industr y Opinions
The HKFI continued to work closely with the Government and many quasi-government bodies by ser ving on their committees, such as the Ad viso ry Co mmittee on Human R esources Development in the Financial Ser vices Sector of the Financial Ser vices and the Tr easur y Bureau , the C ommittee on Employees’ Compensation of the Labour Advisor y Board and the Guidelines Committee and Schemes Operation Revie w Co mmittee of the M andato ry Pr o vident F und Schemes Authority.
為了配合新版本《客戶保障聲明書》,壽險 總會對《壽險轉保守則》作出相應修訂, 並於推出前諮詢壽險會員和保險業監督的 意見。
填報《客戶保障聲明書》的 「常見問題」
為了協助保險中介人填寫《客戶保障聲明 書》,壽險總會預備了一系列常見問題及答 案,於2005年1月發放予所有壽險會員和其
他保險中介團體參考,並於保聯網站發 布,供個別保險中介人及巿民瀏覽。
保聯繼續與政府及多個半官方機構緊密合 作,出任轄下的委員會委員,包括:財經 事務及庫務局轄下財務事務界人力資源發 展諮詢委員會、勞工顧問委員會轄下僱員 補償委員會,以及強制性公積金計劃管理 局轄下強積金計劃運作檢討委員會。
The HKFI was also invited by various Government authorities to comment on a great variety of topical issues, including the proposed Policyholders’ Protection Funds, the Building Management (Insurance) Regulation and Revised Guidance Note on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
During the period u nder review, 13 seminars and briefings were organized for M embers on current topics such as new accounting rules, Employees’ Compensation and motor burning costs, preferred life and claims handling for disasters.
Statistics and Surveys
In the past year, we conducted a number of statistical sur veys to collec t the most updated market in fo rmation to provide useful and essential market data for the reference of Members. For instanc e, E mployees’ C ompensation & motor burning
保聯更應各個政府部門邀請,就多個熱門 課題提供意見,包括:建議成立的保單持 有人保障基金、《建築物管理 ( 保險 ) 規 例》、《防止洗黑錢及打擊恐怖分子指引 》 修訂本。
會員介紹多個熱門課題,諸如:新會計準 則、僱員補償保險及汽車保險邊際成本、 優良風險人壽、處理有關天災的索償。
過去一年,保聯進行多項數據調查,收集 最新巿場數據,務求向會員提供既有用又 重要的巿場數據,包括:僱員補償保險及 汽車保險邊際成本、醫療費用、向公立醫
costs, prevailing medical fees, the turnaround time for obtaining attending physician statements from public sector, etc. We also collected statistics on topical issues such as claims statistics arising from the Asia Tsunamis.
Members Relations
HKFI Website
The HKFI website was revamped and will be unveiled in first half of 2005 to provide Member Companies with relevant and up-to-date circulars, statistics and sur vey results, etc.
The Cross-strait & Hong Kong Insurance Business Conference
院索取主診醫生報告的回覆時間等等。此 外,更就各項重要事宜,收集有關數據, 例如:南亞海嘯引發的索償數據。
會員關係 保聯網頁
重新設計的保聯網頁將於 2005 年上半年推 出,讓會員公司取得最新的通告、統計和 調查結果等等。
For the purposes of b uilding a closer r elationship among M embers and insurance prac titioners in the M ainland and Taiwan, the HKFI formed a delegation of 21 to attend the Crossstrait & Hong Kong Insurance Business Conference in Taipei last October. Around 400 insurance practitioners attended
為了讓保聯會員與內地和台灣的保險同業 建立更密切關係,保聯組成 21 人代表團參 加去年 10 月假台灣舉行的「兩岸三地」保 險業交流與合作會議。是次會議共有400多 位業界人士參加。
「兩岸三地」保險業交流與合作 會議
Social Events
The Annual Dinner remained the most auspicious social event of the HKFI. We were grateful to our G uest-of-honour, the Honourable Frederick M a, JP, S ecretar y for Financial Ser vices and the Tr easur y. T his year, the par ty w as graced by the presence of more than 320 guests
With a view to providing an oppor tunity for Members to meet and exchange views with legislators, senior Government officials and quasi-government officials, the HKFI organized the annual cocktail par ty last December, which was attended by more than 110 guests and representatives of Members.
Relations with the Honourable Bernard Chan
The HKFI would like to thank the Honourable Bernard Chan, JP, for his continued suppor t and assistance which he has k indly extended to the HKFI in dealing with a great many industry issues that have long-term impact on the insurance business at large.
周年晚宴是保聯眾多聯誼活動中最重要的 一項,承蒙財經事務及庫務局局長馬時亨 太平紳士擔任主禮嘉賓。今年出席晚宴的 嘉賓超過320人。
保聯於 2004 年 12 月舉辦周年酒會,讓各會 員有機會與立法會議員、高級官員和半官 方機構的高級職員聚首一堂,會面交流。 今年共有 110 多位嘉賓及會員公司代表出 席。
保聯謹此感謝陳智思太平紳士戮力襄助, 協助保聯應付了不少對保聯業影響彌深的 事宜。
Government Relations
T he HKFI continued to wo rk closely w ith the Insuranc e Authority on a great many industr y issues, such as the ne w arrangement of t he Co n tinuing Pr of essional Developmen t Pr ogramme , the revision of the C ustomer Pr otectio n D eclar ation F orm , the proposed centralized E mployees ’ Compensation scheme, etc.
For the purposes of ensuring that the latest legislative amendments and Gove rnment proposals would take into account the needs and interests of the i nsurance industr y, the HKFI maintained r egular dialogues with va r ious Go ve rnment bureaux and depar t ments, quasi-government organizations and public bodies.
Relations with the Mainland
In addition to the Cross-strait & Hong Kong Insurance Business Conference, the HKFI also had close contac t with the insurance industr y in the Mainland. Last year it received representatives from the Beijing Insurance Association, Institution Super visor y Division of t he J iangsu Bureau of the C hina Insuranc e R egulator y Commission, National Development and Re fo rm Commission and Shanghai Insurance Association.
Overseas Relations
Apar t from fostering a close relationship with our counterpar ts in the Mainland and Taiwan, the HKFI has also sought to reach out to our counterpar ts at the international level. During the period under review, the HKFI met with r epresentatives of industr y bodies from close and afar including the International Insurance Society and the International A ssociation of Insurance Super visors.
保聯繼續與保監緊密合作,處理多項業界 事宜,例如:持續專業培訓計劃的新安 排、《客戶保障聲明書》修訂本、建議成 立的中央僱員補償制度等等。
為了確保最新修訂的法例和當局的建議顧 及保險業的需要和權益,保聯與多個政府 部門、半官方機構和公共機構定期保持聯 絡。
除了參加「兩岸三地」保險業交流與合作 會議之外,保聯與內地同業保持密切聯 繫。去年分別接待了北京保險行業協會、 中國保險監督管理委員會江蘇監管局、國 家發展及改革委員會和上海保險行業協會 的代表。
除了加強與內地和台灣同業的合作之外, 保聯更銳意與國際同業保持聯繫。年度 內,多次會晤海外的業界團體代表,包 括:國際保險協會和國際保險監督聯會。
Media Relations
The HKFI has taken a proac tive role in communicating with the media. In addition to responding positively to repor ts relating to the industr y, par ticularly when industr y practice was in the lime light, the HKFI also issued eight media releases and held tw o media c onf erences to update the media on the latest industr y development of interest to the general public.
Community Relations
Consumer Education
In its ongoing effor t to encourage the public to take out insurance for protection, the HKFI ran a series of consumer education programme, "Insurance Know-how", between November 2004 and Februar y 2005 on Commercial Radio
HKFI was invited to collaborate with the Insurance Authority, the Tourism Commission, and the Travel Industr y Council of Hong Kong to jointly launch a promotional campaign in Marc h 2005 to r emind the public of the impor tance of tak ing out travel insurance before depar ture.
保聯主動與傳媒聯絡,積極回應與業界有 關的報導,尤其是廣受注目的行業慣例。 年度內,保聯發布了八份新聞稿和舉行兩 次新聞發布會,公布關乎公眾利益的最新 行業發展。
保聯一向致力鼓勵巿民投購保險保障自己 和家人,並於 2004 年 11 月至 2005 年 2 月期 間,於商業電台雷霆 881 推出「生活保 鑑」,向消費者灌輸保險知識。
署、香港旅遊業議會,攜手推出宣傳活 動,提醒投保人出門前投購旅遊保險的重 要性。
Social Projects on Tsunamis
Ri ght af t er the o ccurrence of t he A sia Tsunamis , the HKFI established a t elephone hotline to assist insured tr ave llers returning from affec ted areas on matters related to insurance coverage and claims. Effor ts were also made to help put families of missing travellers in touch with insurance companies for claims arrangement. In addition, the HKFI donate d HK$500,000 to the Hong Kong Red Cross to suppor t their relief operations in the regions devastated by the Tsunamis.
Promotional Programmes on Occupational Safety & Health
南亞海嘯發生後,保聯旋即設立電話熱 線,協助從受災地區返港的受保旅遊人士 處理有關保險保障和索償的事宜。同時更 致力協助失蹤旅客的家屬與保險公司聯 絡,安排索償事宜。此外,保聯更捐出 50 萬港元予香港紅十宇會,支持該會於受災 地區的救援工作。
As a good corporate citizen committed to improving occupational safety and health and reducing accident rates at work, t he HKFI joined hands w ith t he O ccupational Sa fe ty and H ealth C ouncil in launching a series of promotional programmes. The multifaceted programmes were well received by the par ticipating industries.
HKFI Cup of the Green Power Hike
The HKFI and its Member Companies donated HK$100,000 in sponsoring the Green Po w er Hike HKFI Cu p, a charitable walk athon organized by Green Power. It demonstrated once
作為良好企業公民,保聯致力改善職業安 全健康及減低工作時發生的意外率,故此 與職業安全健康局合辦一系列宣傳推廣活 動,並獲得參與行業的支持和認同。
保聯聯同會員公司合共捐出 10 萬港元,贊 助綠色力量舉行的慈善籌款活動 「綠色 力量環島行香港保險業聯會盃」,再次展示
again the industr y’s dedication to playing an ac tive par t in suppor ting environmental protection for a greener future.
HKFI Scholarships
In the academic year 2004/2005, the HKFI Educational Tr ust awarded eight scholarships to undergraduates from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University and the University of Hong Kong Since its inception in 1989, the num-
在2004/2005學年,保聯教育基金頒發八個 獎學金予香港中文大學、嶺南大學和香港 大學的學生。基金自 1989 年成立以來,共 頒發 66 個獎學金。保聯教育基金同時捐出
b er of scholarships off ered by the Tr ust t otalled 66. Th e Educational Trust also donated an award to the best candidate of the y ear to sit f or the Ce r tificate of Insurance S tudies Examination organized by the Insurance Institute of Hong Kong.
To help r aise the profile of the HKFI E ducational Tr ust and attract more outstanding students to join the insurance profession, a full-page supplement about this scholarship programme was published in Ming Pao Daily News in April.
獎項嘉許在香港保險學會「基本研習考試」 取得最佳成績的學員。
為了讓更多公眾人士認識保聯教育基金, 以及吸引更多優秀的學生加入保險業的行 列,保聯於4月於《明報》刊登全版特刊, 介紹保聯教育基金。
業界矢志積極投入環保工作,締造更綠化 的未來。
Repor t of the Insurance A gents Re gistration Board
The Insurance Agents Registration Board (IARB) is empowered by the I nsur ance C ompanies Or dinanc e to implement and administer the Co de of Pr actice f or the A dministr ation of Insur ance A gents (Code) It is a joint manif estation of th e commitment on the par t of both insurers and agents to build consumer confidence by ensuring that the public interest is duly protec t ed through the r egulation of the ac tivities of insurance agents
Precisely because of its public role, the IARB ’s composition, complaints handling procedures and decision mak ing processes have to be seen and recognized by the public to be fair, professional, independent and credible
The fac t that a majority of the seven-member board are nonindustr y professionals is due reflec tion of its impar tiality. In the deliberation of cases, it has adopted the highest of standards, which precludes any conflict of interest. Should any of the following situations emerge:
1. the c omplainant is the insurance c ompany for which an industr y member works, or
2. the c omplainee is currently appointed by an insuranc e company for which an industr y member works, or
3. the member opines that the relationship between him or her and the complainee would render him or her unable to adjudicate the case in a righteous manner, in order to avoid any conflict of interests, the member concerned must declare such conflic t or relationshi p. He or she c an be invited by the IARB to comment on practices of the industr y relating to the case and on the case itself but cannot par ticipate in the deliberation and adjudication of the case concerned
1.1.2004 - 31.12.2004
保險代理登記委員會(委員會)根據《保 險公司條例》成立,負責執行《保險代理 管理守則》,透過監管保險代理的活動,維 護公眾權益,體現承保商和保險代理致力 建立消費者信心的共同承諾。
正正因為委員會擔當的公眾角色,其組 成、處理投訴的步驟及審議程序必須獲公 認為公正、專業、獨立,具公信力。
委員會由七名成員組成,當中大部分為其 他行業的專業人士,充分反映委員會是一 個不偏不倚的組織。委員會採用最高準則 審議個案,防止利益衝突。假如遇到以下 情況:
1. 業界委員任職的公司是個案的投訴人,或
2. 業界委員任職的公司是該名被投訴代理 的委任公司,或
3. 委員認為他與被投訴代理的關係會引致 其不能公正審理案件,
為了避免利益衝突或利害關係,有關委員 必須宣表該衝突或關係。在委員會要求 下,有關委員可以就個案提供意見,但卻 不能參與審議及裁決。
The IARB operates fully independently of any other function of the HKFI. Neither t he I ARB nor its s ecretariat repor ts to th e Governing Committee of the HKFI. There is no question of the Governing Committee of the HKFI interfering with the operations of the IARB in any manner.
The impar tial composition of the IARB is publicly recognized. The Chairman is a former member of the Legislative Council of 19 y ear s’ standing and the other 6 members include a barrist er-at-law, a cer tified public accountant, a Consumer C ouncil r epresentativ e and three prof essional i nsuranc e prac ti tioners nominated by the most representative bodies in the industr y: the General Insurance Council, the Life Insurance Council and the Life Under writers Association of Hong Kong. Their knowledge, experience and exper tise are credentials to the credibility of the IARB
In the in v estigation and deliberation of a c ase , the IARB adheres closely to due judicial process to ensure that both the complainant and the complainee are given the oppor tunity to make representations on the c ase concerned Where necessar y, the IARB will conduct hearings. Moreover, the benefit of the doubt is always given to the complainee
The decision of the IARB is based on the evidence adduced and the arguments advanced by the par ties concerned It is therefore most impor tant to the insurance agent being complained of and his or her appointing principal to present their evidence and arguments to the IARB before it makes a decision on the case.
委員會完全獨立於保聯的其他功能,委員 會及其秘書處均毋須向保聯的管治委員會 匯報,保聯管治委員會也不會干預委員會 的運作。
同。主席是曾經出任立法會議員 19 年的前 立法會議員,其餘六位委員計有大律師、 會計師、消費者委員會代表,以及三位由 最具代表性的保險業團體,即一般保險總 會、壽險總會及香港人壽保險從業員協會 提名的專業保險從業員。各委員的知識、 經驗及專長足證委員會具備公信力。 委員會調查和審議個案時,恪守恰當的司 法程序,確保投訴人和被投訴者雙方都有 機會就個案作出陳述。如有需要,更會進 行口頭聆訊。此外,疑點利益總是歸於被 投訴者。
委員會根據涉案各方呈交的證據和提出的 論據作出裁決,故此被投訴的保險代理和 其所屬保險公司必須在委員會作出裁決 前,提呈證據和最有力的論據。
The more common types of misconduct and the corresponding star ting point of disciplinar y ac tion are as follows:
Star ting Point of Disciplinary Ac tion
Substantiated Allegation (Period of Termination of Registration)
違規類別 紀律行動起點(撤銷登記時段)
Use of forged documents/Forger y
行使虛假文件 / 偽造文件
Misappropriation of premiums/Mishandling of premiums and personal monies
挪用保費 / 處理保費及私人款項失當
Twisting of policies
Obtaining proper ty/commission by deception
以欺詐手段取得利益 / 佣金
False representation on insurance policies sold outside Hong Kong
Understating disadvantages on Customer Protection Declaration Form
Aiding and abetting others to make false declaration and/or false representation
協助及教唆他人作出虛假聲明及 / 或虛假陳述
Effecting polic y without authority
Failure to ensure polic y meets the needs of the polic yholder
Making false declaration/representation
作出虛假聲明 / 陳述
Requesting clients to sign blank/incomplete forms
3 Years/年
3 Years/年
3 Years/年
3 Years/年
3 Years/年
2 Years/年
2 Years/年
1 Year/年
1 Year/年
1 Year/年
1 Year/年
Depending on the circumstances 沒有於冷靜期內送交保單 視乎情況而定
Failure to deliver polic y within Cooling-off Period
When deciding on the disciplinar y ac tion to be taken, the IARB takes into account the severity of the misconduc t and follows precedents. Moreover, an approach which is fair to all par ties concerned including the complainee is always adopted, which is demonstrated by allowing an agent against whom an allegation had been found substantiated to make a submission in mitigation, and by mak ing the disciplinar y ac tions to run concurrently in appropriate cases e.g. when an insurance agent is found guilty of several allegations arising from the same transaction.
Nine typical cases with names and dates omitted are outlined on pages 34 to 39.
The registration of insurance agents is currently delegated by the IARB to the secretariat. All applications for registration are processed in the first instance by the secretariat. If the applicant fulfils the minimum qualification requirements, registration is complete within 4 work ing days. Only when the documents submitted to the secretariat by the applicant show that he/she may not meet the minimum qualification requirements or whose fitness and properness are suspec t would the secretariat submit that application to Members of the IARB for their adjudication. As such, Members of the IARB are not involved with the routine application and administration procedures. It is only when the applicants are involved in suspec ted breaches of the Code, whether as a result of complaints received from outside or detec tion by the secretariat, would the matter be brought before M embers for decision.
This is in line with the practices of other registration and discip linar y bodies in H ong K ong including the E state A gents
A uthorit y, the Law Society of H ong K ong , the M andato ry Provident Fund Schemes Authority, the Securities and Futures Commission, etc.
委員會決定紀律行動時,會考慮違規行為 的嚴重程度,並援引先例。對於涉及投訴 的任何一方,包括被投訴人,委員會都會 公平對待,最佳佐證是容許違規指控成立 的被投訴人提交寬減陳詞,以及在適當的 個案上同期執行所有處分,例如:某保險 代理在同一宗交易中被裁定涉及多項違規 行為。
九個具代表性的個案(姓名及日期已被刪 除)詳見第34至39頁。
登記保險代理的工作由秘書處負責,所有 登記申請均由秘書處初步處理,如果申請 人符合最低資格要求,申請會在四個工作 天內完成。只有在申請人提交的文件未能 確定他是否符合最低資格要求,或申請人 涉嫌不符合適當人選準則的情況下,有關 申請才會呈交委員會委員審批。換言之, 委員會並不參與日常處理申請的程序,只 有在申請人涉嫌不符合《保險代理管理守 則》要求時,不論秘書處自行發現或從外 界得知,才會交由各委員裁定。
事方式一致,包括:地產代理監管局、香 港律師會、強制性公積金計劃管理局、證 券及期貨事務監察委員會等等。
It is natural that some insurance agents being disciplined and their appointing principals might disagree with those decisions of the IARB which are not in favour of the complainee. In order to ensure that the interests of agents are duly protected, an agent has the right to appeal against the decision of the IARB, be it on the finding of misconduc t or on the disciplinar y ac tion. The Appeals Tribunal is made up of a panel of members coming from the legal as well as other respec table professions. During the period under revie w, of the 62 persons f ound to be not fit and proper to act or continue acting as insurance agents by the IARB, 22 filed appeals to the Appeals Tribunal. In all of these appeals, the Appeals Tribunal confirmed the decision of the IARB (please see pages 34 to 39 for details).
T he si xt h edition of t he Co de w as implemented on 1 J une 2004.
On 30 November 2004, the IARB issued two guidance notes and a notice of the r ele va nt administrative procedures on C ompliance w ith t he R equirements of t he Co ntinuing Professional Development Programme.
如果委員會的裁決對保險代理不利的話, 受處分的保險代理和其所屬的保險公司或 會提出異議,這是自然不過的。為了確保 這些代理的權益得到適當保障,無論是對 裁決還是紀律行動不滿,保險代理亦有權 就委員會的裁決提出上訴。上訴裁判處 (裁判處)的成員均來自法律界和其他備受 尊重的專業界別。本年度內共有 62 人被委 員會裁定不符合適當人選準則出任或繼續 出任保險代理,其中 22 人向裁判處提出上 訴,裁判處對所有上訴個案,均維持委員 會原來的判決(詳見第34至39頁)。
《 保險代理管理守則》第六版已於 2004 年 6 月1日生效。
委員會於 2004 年 11 月 30 日就持續專業培訓 計劃的要求,共發出兩份指引及一份有關 行政事宜的通告。
As from November 2004, the IARB has adopted a tw o-step approach in the deliberation of cases. The new approach is to judge the case at one meeting, and if the allegation against the agent concerned is found substantiated, to determine the disciplinar y ac tion to be taken at the next meeting pending the agent’s submission in mitigation, if any.
The previous practice of the IARB was that, usually, if the person being complained of in a complaint case was no longer a registered insurance agent at the time when invited to make representations and declined to make any representation on the complaint case, the IARB would cease to proceed on the case but put the relevant information on record. Should the person concerned wish to apply for registration in some future time, the IARB would request him or her to answer the case concerned, and unless the IARB was satisfied that he or she was fit and proper to act as an insurance agent, the IARB would not approve the application.
Under this practice, the complainant who might have suffered from the agent’s misconduc t has little or no room for redress The self-regulatory regime’s claim to be "a joint manifestation of the commitment on the part of both insurers and agents to build consumer confidence by ensuring that the public interest is duly protected through the regulation of the activities of insurance agents" sounds hollow.
由 2004 年 11 月起,委員會審議個案時採納 新方法,將個案分開兩個步驟處理,即委 員會召開會議審議個案後,假如裁定答辯 人違規指控成立,會容許答辯人就紀律行 動提交寬減陳詞(如有者),供委員會在下 一次會議上考慮,才就紀律行動作出議 決。
假如被投訴人已不再是登記代理,並拒絕 委員會邀請就投訴答辯的話,委員會過往 的處理方法是終止跟進,並將有關資料存 檔。假如有關人士他日向委員會申請登 記,委員會會要求他 / 她就個案答辯,又 除非答辯能令委員會滿意他 / 她符合適當 人選準則出任保險代理,否則委員會不會 考慮有關申請。
在這情況下,因代理的違規行為而利益受 損的投訴人往往申訴無門,而所謂「透過 監管保險代理的活動,維護公眾權益,體 現承保商和保險代理致力建立消費者信心 的共同承諾」亦流於空洞。
The IARB has, during the year, decided with the concurrence of the Insurance Authority that pursuant to clauses 39 and 41 of the Code, when considering matters rele vant to the fitness and properness of an insurance agent, the interpretation of "an insurance agent" should be "a registered insurance agent at the material time." The IARB has since December 2004, begun to investigate and deliberate such cases regardless of whether the agents being complained of have left the insurance industr y and whether or not they choose to make representations
As at 31 December 2004, the number of registered p ersons increased by 2.2% from 49,176 to 50,244 (Figure 1 on page 29). Break ing this down, the number of Individual Insurance Agents decreased by 1.5% from 29,662 to 29,218, the numb er of Technical R epresentativ es increased by 8.5% from 17,541 to 19,037 and Responsible O fficers, which was equiv alent to the number of r egistered insurance agencies , increased by 0.8% from 1,973 to 1,989. Table 1 on page 29 shows the distribution of registered persons:
• 62.3% or 31,346 were in both general and lif e insurance business;
• 27.7% or 13,931 were in life insurance business only; and
• 10.0% or 4,967 were in general insurance business only.
有見及此,委員會在年度內議決,並在保 險業監督的同意下,根據《保險代理管理 守則》第 39 及 41 條,在考慮保險代理適當
人選的事宜時,將「保險代理」理解為: 「在事發時為保險代理 」。自 2004 年 12 月 起,不論被投訴的代理是否已經離開保險 行業或者選擇答辯與否,委員會都會調查 及審議這類個案。
登記人士的數目在本年度內由 49,176 人增 至 50,244 人,增幅為 2.2% (詳見第 29 頁圖 一):個人保險代理由29,662人減至29,218 人,下降 1.5% ,業務代表則由 17,541 人增
至 19,037 人,升幅為 8.5% ,負責人(相等
於登記保險代理商)的數目亦上升 0.8% ,
• 62.3% 或 31,346 人從事一般保險和壽險業
• 27.7%或13,931人只從事壽險業務;
• 10.0%或4,967人只從事一般保險業務。
Responsible O fficer (same number as Insurance Agenc y) Technical
During the period under review, the IARB received 707 new cases in written form, which represented a decrease of 21.4% from 899 received during 2003. A mong the 707 new c ases, 38.9% were bank ruptcy cases, which dropped from 481 to 275. Of the 694 cases closed (Figure 2), 569 i.e 82% did not require deliberation by the IARB because:
• 167 did not have a prima facie case;
• 26 were outside the jurisdic tion of the IARB;
• 69 complainants failed to respond;
• 7 were mutually settled under the auspices of the secretariat;
• 11 were withdrawn during the course of investigation; and
• 289 were e x-agents whose records were marked against them because they failed to make representation to answer their cases*.
* These cases will be re-activated upon application to re-join the industr y.
個案,較 2003 年度的 899 宗下降 21.4% ,其
中 38.9% 為破產個案,由 481 宗減少至 275
• 167宗表面證據不成立;
• 26宗超逾委員會的職權範圍;
• 69位投訴人沒有回應;
• 7宗在秘書處調停下雙方達成和解;
• 11位投訴人於調查期間撤銷投訴;
• 289 位前保險代理因拒絕答辯而被記錄 在案*。
* 假如有關代理再次申請成為保險代理,則 這些個案會被重新審理。
Failure of complainants to respond 投訴人拒絕回應
Mutually settled under the auspices of the secretariat 經秘書處調停雙方達成和解
Not a prima facie case 表面證據不成立
Outside the jurisdiction of the IARB 超逾職權範圍
Records marked 記錄在案
Complaint substantiated/ applications for registrations rejected 投訴得直 ╱登記申請被拒
A t otal of 125 c ases in v olving 113 insurance agents were deliberated by the IARB in addition to one c ase invo lving a new applicant who was found not fit and proper Of the 113 agents, 51 were found to satisfy the fit and proper t est, 31 were found to have allegations against them substantiated, 1 w as a bank r upt as w ell as w as f ound to ha ve allegations against her substantiated, 30 bank rupts were found to be not fit and proper as follows:
獲委員會審結的個案共 125 宗,涉及 113 名 保險代理,另有一宗涉及一名新申請人被 裁定不符合適當人選準則。該113名涉案的 保險代理中, 51 人被裁定符合適當人選準 則,可繼續出任代理;被判違規指控成立 者有31人,1名破產人同時被裁定違規指控 成立,因破產而不符合適當人選準則者有 30人。表列如下:
T he nature of allegations of substantiated c ases is broken down in (F igure 3 on page 32) with "false declaration/ representation" topping the list at 36.7%, followed by "bankruptc y" at 14.3%, "use of forged document/forger y" at 10.9% and "obtain proper ty/commission by deception" at 10.9%.
Two oral hearings were conduc ted during the year because the IARB considered it necessar y by reason of the nature of the allegations and the evidence put forward by the par ties concerned.
被裁定成立的指控性質分類詳見第 32 頁圖 三。其中,以「作出虛假聲明 / 陳述」為 數最多,佔 36.7% ,其次為「破產」,佔
14.3% ,「行使虛假文件 / 偽造文件」佔 10.9%,「以欺詐手段取得利益 / 佣金」亦 佔10.9%。
本年內,基於考慮兩宗個案的指控性質和 涉案各方所提呈的證據,委員會認為有必
Figure 3Nature of Substantiated Cases
得直個案分類 (31.12.2004)
Making false declaration/representation
Material lack of understanding of duties & ethical responsibility of an insurance agent
Requesting clients to sign blank or incomplete forms
Obtaining property/commission by deception
Use of forged documents/Forgery
Misappropriation of premiums/Mishandling of premiums & personal monies
Twisting of policies
Aiding and abetting others to make false declaration and/or false representation
協助及教唆他人作出虛假陳述及 ╱或虛假聲明
Conducting insurance agency business without registration
False representation on insurance policies sold outside Hong Kong
Others 其他
I wish to ex tend my deepest appreciation to Board members
Mr Chan Wing Kai, Mr Jack ie Chun, Mr Wilson Fung, Dr Chris Ng, Mr Kenny Siu and Mr Selwyn Yu for their suppor t, dedication and hard work. Equally, my hear tfelt gratitude is due to Mr Walter Lau, Mr Bee Lee and Mr Edwin Yung who had stepped down from the Board earlier in the year
謹此衷心感謝委員陳永佳先生、秦鈺池先 生、馮英偉先生、吳翰城博士、蕭思敏先 生和余承章先生鼎力支持、不辭勞苦、辛 勤工作;與此同時,謹向已經退任的劉榮 照先生、李東江先生及容尚倫先生致以謝
19 Februar y 2005
Cross-border selling of insurance policy
An insurance agent sold a Hong Kong insurance polic y in the Mainland and signed on the application form stating that he witnessed the signing of the application in Hong Kong. He also submitted an entr y proof of the applicant to the insurance company cer tifying that t he applicant was in H ong Kong at the time of signing of the application fo r m. T he insuranc e agent was given commission by the insurance company following the issuance of the policy.
The arrival and depar ture record of the applicant issued by the Immigration Depar tment showed that the applicant was not in Hong Kong on the day of the signing of the application form.
In a meeting held in late 2004, the IARB found the allegations of false r epresentation on insurance p olicies sold outside Hong Kong, use of forged document and obtaining commission by deception substantiated and resolved to terminate the registration of the insurance agent for 33 months. Since the acts might involve criminal offences, the case was reported to the Police.
代理於內地向投訴人銷售一份本港保險公 司的保單,並以見證人身分在投保申請書 上指稱自己見證投訴人在香港簽署該份投 保申請書,及後更向保險公司提交入境證 明文件,以向保險公司證明投訴人當日簽 署投保申請書時身在香港。代理在保單繕 發後獲保險公司發放佣金。
入境事務處的出入境紀錄顯示,投訴人於 投保申請書簽署當日不在香港。
委員會於 2004 年底裁定代理因越境非法銷 售行為而向保險公司作出虛假陳述、行使 虛假文件和以欺詐手段取得佣金共三項指 控成立,撤銷其登記 33 個月,又因案件可 能涉及刑事罪行,將案件轉介警方跟進。
Twisting and transfer of polic y to another agent
誘導轉保及將保單轉到另一位代 理名下
代理甲是投訴人的保險代理,及後他轉職 到新保險公司,並遊說投訴人終止原有保 單,轉而到新保險公司投購新保單。但是 代理甲沒有向投訴人解釋轉保可能造成的 損失,只要求投訴人在未填妥的投保申請 書上簽署,並在有關是否以新保單取代舊 保單的問題上剔「否」,從而避免為投訴人 填寫轉保所需填寫的《客戶保障聲明書》,
c omplainant wa s, theref or e, not inf ormed of the financial implication, insurability implication and claims eligibility implication of the replacement.
Upon receipt of the polic y, the complainant found that the name of the agent there contained w as insurance agent B, whom the complainant had never met. Insurance agent B had never sold or arranged the policy concerned for the complainant.
In a meeting held in mid 2004, the IARB found the allegations of requesting polic yholders to sign blank or incomplete form, twisting, and aiding and abetting others to make false representation against insurance agent A substantiated and resolved to terminate the registration of insurance agent A for 33 months. At the same time, the IARB found the allegation of false representation on polic y application form and obtaining commission by deception against insurance agent B substantiated and resolved to terminate the registration of insurance agent B for 33 months.
以致投訴人無法得悉轉保對自己有財務、 受保資格和索償資格三方面的弊端。
投訴人發現新保單顯示的保險代理是代理 乙,但是投訴人從來沒有見過、亦不認識 代理乙,代理乙亦從來沒有向投訴人解釋 和銷售過任何保單。
委員會於 2004 年中裁定代理甲要求投訴人
簽署空白或未填妥的表格、誘導轉保、協 助及教唆代理乙作出虛假陳述,騙取保險 公司佣金共三項指控成立,撤銷其登記 33 個月。同時,委員會裁定代理乙向保險公 司作出虛假陳述,以及以欺詐手段取得佣 金共兩項指控成立,撤銷其登記33個月。
Misappropriation of premium
The complainant's polic y lapsed due to insufficient fund in his bank account for direct debit. At the request of the agent, the c omplainant deposited t he premium monthly to the bank account of the agent, who promised to arrange premium payment to the insurance company.
Howe ve r, the agent did not submit the premium to the insurance company.
In a meeting held in late 2004, the IARB found the allegations of misappropriate of premium substantiated and resolved to terminate the r egistration of the insurance agent f or 33 months. Since the ac t might be of a criminal nature, the case was reported to the Police.
投訴人的保單因銀行戶口結餘不足,未能 自動轉賬繳交保費而斷保。投訴人及後應 代理的要求,每月將保費存入代理的私人 戶口,由代理替投訴人繳交保費。
但是代理沒有將投訴人的保費交回保險公 司。
委員會於 2004 年底裁定代理挪用保費的指 控成立,撤銷其登記 33 個月,又因案件可 能有刑事成分,故將案件轉介警方跟進。
Use of forged document and effecting insurance polic y without authority
The complainant was notified by an insurance company that his application for insurance was accepted Nevertheless, he had never applied for any polic y with this company.
Upon receipt of the polic y document, the complainant found that one of the named beneficiaries was the agent of the policy and their relationship was allegedly stated as cousins even though they had no blood relation at all. The complainant further found out that his signature on the application form was forged
In a meeting held in early 2005, the IARB found the allegations of use of fo r ged document and eff ec ting insurance p olic y without authority substantiated and resolved to terminate the registration of the insurance agent for 33 months. Since the acts might involve criminal offences, the case was reported to the Police.
行使虛假文件及未經授權為客戶 投購保單
投訴人沒有向保險公司投購保單,卻獲保 險公司通知其申請的保單已被接納。
投保人收到保單後,發現其中一位受益人 是涉案代理,保單並註明涉案代理與投訴 人的關係是表兄弟,但是投訴人與代理並 沒有親戚關係;投訴人更發現投保申請書 上的簽名並非他本人親筆簽署。
委員會於 2005 年初裁定代理行使虛假文 件,以及未經授權為客戶投購保單的指控 成立,撤銷其登記 33 個月,又因案件可能 涉及刑事罪行,將案件轉介警方跟進。
Has been a controller, a director, an officer or a senior manager of a corporation that has become insolvent
An applicant declared that he used to own and invested over HK$5 million in a building material company, which ended up insolvent due to cash flow problems during the Asian financial crisis
The Applicant submitted objec tive documentar y evidence to substantiate his representation.
In a meeting held in late 2004, the IARB believed that the company was liquidated solely because of mis-management. As such, it decided that the applicant was fit and proper to act as an insurance agent.
保險代理登記申請人曾經出任無 力償還債務公司的控權人、董 事、高級行政人員或高級經理
一名保險代理登記申請人向委員會申報自 己曾經經營一家建材公司,期間先後投資 超過港幣500萬元,但最終該公司在金融風 暴期間因為周轉不靈,最終申請清盤。
申請人提交客觀文件,證明自己的陳述真 確。
委員會於 2004 年底審議該個案,委員會相
信該公司純粹因為經營不善而致清盤,故 此認為申請人符合適當人選準則出任保險 代理。
False declaration on application for registration form
An insurance agent did not disclose the fact that he had been a controller, a director of a company that had become insolvent when he applied for registration as an insurance agent.
The insurance agent contended that the company was ac tually run by his brother, who requested him to be one of the company directors. While he was aware of the liquidation of the company but did not think it was necessary to declare to the IARB because he was never involved in the operation of the company.
In a meeting held in late 2004, the IARB f ound the allegation of false declaration on agent registration form substantiated and resolved to terminate the registration of the insurance agent for 12 months.
在保險代理登記申請表上作出虛 假聲明
代理在向委員會申請登記時,沒有如實申 報自己曾在已經宣布破產的公司出任董事 一職。
代理指有關公司是其弟開立的,他只是應 其弟的要求加入成為董事,又指雖然清楚 知道有關公司被頒令清盤,但因自己從來 沒有參與有關公司的事務,故此認為無必 要向委員會申報。
委員會於 2004 年底裁定代理作出虛假聲明 的指控成立,撤銷其登記1年。
Insurance Agent declared bankrupt but found to be fit and proper to continue ac ting as an insurance agent
A couple bought a piece of proper ty in 1997 as their own residence. O wing to the economy downturn, the price of t hei r proper ty dropped by 70%. For the same reason, their catering business was also adversely affec ted and fur ther deteriorated because of t he SARS outbreak. They found it impossible to make ends meet.
The wife registered as an insurance agent in 2003 but their financial situation did not i mprove. S he star t ed advancing cash from credit cards to pay for living expenses and declared bank rupt in the subsequent year
The insurance agent declared her bank ruptcy to the IARB and promised to reduce her living expenses to a minimum while using the rest of her income to repay the debts.
After deliberation in late 2004, the IARB found the bank ruptcy of the insurance agent did not render her not fit and proper to continue acting as an insurance agent.
保險代理被裁定破產,但不致令 其不符合適當人選準則繼續出任 保險代理
代理於 1997 年與丈夫共同購入一所物業作 為婚後居所,但樓價於購入後數年間下跌 70 %,夫婦貳人經營的食品生意亦日漸衰 落,加上「沙士」來臨,生意更加不景, 家庭收入不足以應付樓宇按揭供款和各項 開支。
代理於 2003 年加入保險業,但仍然無法改 善家庭經濟狀況,不得不以信用卡貸款應 付基本生活開支,一年後終於申請破產。
代理主動向委員會申報破產事宜,同時承 諾會將生活費用減至最基本,餘額用來償 還債務。
委員會於 2004 年底裁決代理所涉之破產事 宜不足以令其不符合適當人選準則繼續出
Insurance Agent declared bankrupt and found not fit and proper to continue ac ting as an insurance agent
An insurance agent and h is friend b ought tw o pieces of proper ty in 1997 even though they were financially unsound. He began borrowing money at high interest rates to pay for the mor tgage. His debts snowballed and was finally declared bank rupt in 2003.
T he IARB f ound the insurance agent's engagement in the proper ty market an irresponsible speculativ e ac tivit y. Th e insurance agent did not r educe his living expenditure to a m inimum. On the contra ry, he had overstated his monthly expenditure in his declaration to the O fficial Receiver's O ffice, revealing that he had no intention to repay his debts.
保險代理被裁定破產,以致不符合 適當人選準則繼續出任保險代理
代理在沒有供款能力的情況下,於 1997 年 與友人合資以高價購入兩所物業,翌年開 始以高息借貸作供樓之用,負債不斷滾 存,直至2003年被裁定破產。
委員會認為代理在沒有經濟能力的情況 下,以借貸形式從事高風險投資,是不負 責任及有賭博意味的投機活動;他同時購 入兩所物業,實有投機炒賣之嫌;而且他 不但沒有將生活水平降低至最基本,減少 支出以減低債務,反而向破產管理署誇大 每月開支數目,顯示其極不負責任,根本 沒有還款意圖。
At its meeting held in mid 2004, the IARB found the insurance agent not fit and proper to continue acting as an insurance agent.
委員會於 2004 年中裁定代理不符合適當人 選準則繼續出任保險代理。
An applic ant declared having b een convic t ed of criminal offence
An applicant was given a seven-day jail sentence suspended for two years for criminal damage. In addition, he was ordered to indemnify the affec ted par ty the repair cost of HK$13,000. A few years later, the applicant was fined HK$800 after being con vic t ed of stealing a b ottle of sof t drink at the price of HK$13.5 from a convenience store.
保險代理登記申請人曾經被判犯刑 事罪行,以致不符合適當人選準則 出任保險代理
一名保險代理登記申請人曾因刑事毀壞被 法庭判裁定監禁7天,緩刑兩年執行,以及 賠償事主修理費用,總值港幣 13,000 元。
數年後,他又因在便利店盜竊一瓶價值港 幣 13. 5 元的汽水,被法庭判處罰款港幣 800 元。
T he I ARB f ound his ac t of criminal damage irresponsible However, it did not render him not fit and proper to act as an insurance agent. On the other hand, the theft of soft drink was not only irresponsible but also an reflec tion of his greed. Considering that insurance agent has to, inevitably, handle premiums in cash sometimes in large amounts, the IARB suspected that charac ter of the applicant could adversely affec t his ability to carr y out his duty as an insurance agent.
In the meeting held in mid 2004, the IARB found the applicant not fit and proper to act as an insurance agent and would not consider his application again within a year. Should the applicant wish to apply for registration in the future, he must prove that he had not transgressed the law since.
委員會議決,該申請人的「刑事毀壞」是 不負責任的行為,但不致令他不符合適當 人選準則出任保險代理;但他盜竊汽水的 行為,不單是不負責任,更反映他貪婪的 本性。委員會認為保險代理難免要處理客 戶的現金保費甚至大額的現金保費,因此 質疑申請人的本性會對其執行保險代理的 職責構成不良影響。
委員會於 2004 年中裁定該申請人不符合適 當人選準則出任保險代理,一年內不考慮 他的保險代理登記申請;若他日後再提出 登記申請,則必須向委員會證明他期間沒 有再違法。
Repor t of the Appeals Tribunal
Ac cording to Clause 35(c) of the Co de of Pr actice f or the Administration of Insurance Agents, any insurance agent who is adversely aff ec t ed by a decision of the Insurance A gents Registration Board (IARB) may appeal to the Appeals Tribunal. Howe ve r, the IARB's decision shall take eff ec t immediately notwithstanding that an appeal has been or may be made
1.1.2004 - 31.12.2004
《保險代理管理守則》第 35(c) 款規定,任 何因保險代理登記委員會(委員會)的裁 決而受損的保險代理,都可向上訴裁判處 (裁判處)上訴。但是無論有關人士已經提 出上訴,或者將會上訴,委員會的裁決都 即時生效。
The Appeals Tribunal has 13 members. Eight of them are from the legal profession, comprising five barristers and three solicit ors. T he r emaining five include prof essionals from the accountanc y and the C onsumer C ouncil. A Panel of three Tr i bunal members, whose C hairman is a la wy er, deals with each appeal.
裁判處共有 13 位委員,其中八位來自法律
The proceedings of the Appeals Tribunal are governed by the Appeals Tribunal Proceedings Rules After thorough consideration, a Panel may:
界,分別為五位大律師和三位律師;其餘 五位委員包括來自會計界和消費者委員會 的專業人士。每宗上訴個案都會交由三位 委員負責審理,主席則必須是來自法律界 的委員。 裁判處按《上訴裁判處訴訟程序規則》審 理上訴個案,經周詳考慮後,可作出下列 裁決:
i) dismiss an appeal without a hearing if it is of the view that the grounds for the appeal are not suppor ted; or
ii) make a ruling without a hearing if it is of the view that the appeal ought to be allowed; or
iii) fix a hearing if it is of the view that a hearing is required.
i) 認為上訴理據不足,毋須聆訊,駁回上 訴;或
ii) 認為上訴理據充足,毋須聆訊,判上訴 人得直;或
iii) 認為需要進行聆訊,並訂出聆訊日期。
The Appeals Tribunal may confirm, vary or reverse the IARB's decision being appealed or substitute such other decision as it thinks fit. Moreover, the decision of the Appeals Tr ibunal is final.
裁判處可維持、改變或推翻委員會的決 定;又假如裁判處認為合適,也可以其他 裁決取而代之,裁判處的裁決乃最終的決 定。
During the period under review, the Appeals Tribunal received a total of 19 applications for appeals. Two appellants failed to s ubmit t heir appeals in accordance with the basic r equirements and their appeals were not enter tained. The nature of the 17 accepted appeals was varied:
-8 for use of forged documents/forger y
-6 for misrepresentation;
-2 were bank rupt;
-1 for allowing non-registered agents to conduct insurance agenc y business.
年度內裁判處共接獲 19 宗上訴個案,兩位 上訴人沒有按照裁判處的基本要求提出上 訴,故此個案不獲受理。其餘 17 宗受理個 案的性質分類如下:
-8 宗涉及代理行使虛假文件 / 偽造文件;
-6 宗涉及誤導客戶;
-2 宗涉及代理破產;
-1 宗涉及代表容許非登記人士進行保險代 理業務。
A ll the 17 appeals were d ismissed p ursuant to 8(2) of th e Appeals Tribunal Proceedings Rules in that the grounds of the appeal were not suppor ted.
由於 17 宗上訴個案的理據不足,故此裁判 處根據《上訴裁判處訴訟程序規則》第8條 (2)款的規定,駁回所有上訴。
Corporate Structure
List of Of fice-bearers
Mr K P Chan, Chairman
Mr Chan is currently the Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, the Employees Compensation Insure r Insolvenc y Bureau, the Task Fo rce on EOC D iscussion Pa pe r, as w ell as a member of Task Fo rce on E mployees Compensation. He has been a member of t he Go ver ning Committee fo r the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers since 2001, a Councillor of the General Insurance Council for nine years since 1995 and was elected Chairman for 2001/2002. He has been a General Co mmittee member of the Insurance Claims C omplaints Bureau since Ma y 2003 and has ser v ed as an H onorar y Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau since 1995.
Mr Chan has been appointed by the Hong Kong International A rbitration Ce ntre (HKIAC) as a Council M ember since 1999 and from 1998 to 2001, he also ser v ed the HKIA C as an Ad visor y C ommittee M ember . He is a Dire ct or and the H onorar y S ecretar y of the C hinese Insurance Association of Hong Kong Limited, having ser ved as its Chairman in 1998 an d 1999. He is also an Executive Board Member of the East Asian Insurance Congress for the term 2002 - 2004.
Mr C han is currently ser ving the HKSAR Go ver nment as a member of the Insurance Advisor y Committee, a member of the Employees Compensation Assistance Fund Board, a member of the Administrative Appeals Board, and a member of the Advisor y Committee on Travel Agents, a member of the Health and Medical Development Advisor y Committee and a member of the MPF Schemes Advisor y Committee. Since 1998, he has been a member of the Elec tion Committee (Insurance) for the Legislative Council of the HKSAR. He is a co-opted member of the Work ing Group on Construction Site Safety and Employees C ompensation Insurance set up by the Pr ovisional C onstruc tion Industr y C o-ordination B oard of the Environment, Transpor t and Works Bureau
14.5.2004 - 29.4.2005
主席 陳健波先生
陳健波先生現任香港保險業聯會主席、保 險公司(僱員補償)無力償債管理局主 席、平機會討論文件專責小組主席,以及 僱員補償保險專責小組委員。陳先生自 2001 年起出任香港保險業聯會管治委員會 委員、自 1995 年起出任一般保險總會委 員、並於2001/2002年度當選一般保險總會 主席。他由2003年5月起出任保險索償投訴 局理事,並自 1995 年起擔任保險索償投訴 局名譽顧問。
陳先生自 1999 年擔任香港國際仲裁中心委 員,於 1998 至 2001 年間為香港國際仲裁中 心諮詢會委員;現任香港華商保險公會董 事及秘書,並曾於 1998 及 1999年出任該會 主席。陳先生亦為 2002-2004年度東亞保險 大會執行委員會委員。
陳先生獲香港特區政府委任為保險業諮詢 委員會委員、僱員補償援助基金管理局委 員、行政上訴委員會委員、旅行代理商諮 詢委員會委員、健康與醫療發展諮詢委員 會委員,以及強積金計劃諮詢委員會委 員。自 1998 年起,陳先生獲選為香港特區 立法會選舉委員會界別分組(保險界)委 員,現時亦為環境運輸及工務局轄下臨時 建造業統籌委員會設立的建築工地安全及 僱員補償保險工作小組客席委員。
Apar t from being an Assistant General Manager and the Head of Insurance Group of H ang S eng B ank, responsible for th e Bank's general insurance, life insurance and MPF businesses, Mr C han is also the Dir e c t or and G eneral M anager of H an g Seng Insurance Company Limited and a Direc tor of Hang Seng Life Limited He is a Char tered Insurer and an Associate of the Char tered Insurance Institute of the UK (ACII).
Mr Roddy S Anderson, Deputy Chairman
Mr Anderson is the D eputy Chairman of the H ong Kong F ederation o f Insurers and C hairman of Task Fo r c e on H ealth c are R e f o rm in 2004/2005
He has b een a member of th e Governing Committee of the HKFI and a C ouncillor of the Li f e Insuran c e C ouncil since 1997 and w as th e Deput y Chairman of the Task Force on EOC Discussion Paper for the term 2003/2004. He was the 2000/2001 Chairman of the Li fe Insurance Council. He has also represented the Li fe Insurance C ouncil on the Insurance Tr aining B oard of th e Vocational Training Council since 1997. Having ser ved as an Honorar y Secretar y of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau for a number of years, he is elected Chairman since 2001.
Mr Anderson came to Hong Kong in 1993. Being an Executive Direc tor of Dah Sing General Insurance Company Limited and Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited, which is quoted on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Mr Anderson is the V ice Chairman of Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited, which is par t of the Dah Sing Financial Group. Prior to this, he held various senior positions in the financial ser vices divisions of Barclays Bank in the UK and Europe, and has spent the majority of his work ing career successfully developing the concept of bancassurance
He qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of England (FIA) in 1974 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
務主管,掌管一般保險、壽險、強制性 公
事。陳先生乃英國特許承保人及英國特 許 保險學院院士。
副主 席 安德生先 生
安德生先生現任香港保險業聯會副主席 和 醫護改革專責小組主席, 自 199 7 年起一 直 出任保聯管治委員會委員和壽險總會 委 員,曾任2003/2004年度平機會討論文件專
責小組副主席、2000/2001年度壽險總會主 席, 自 199 7 年起代表壽險總會出任職業 訓 練局保險訓練委員會委員,歷任保險索 償 投訴局名譽顧問, 自 200 1 年起當選保險 索 投訴局主席。
安先生 於 199 3 年來港,現為大新保險有 限 公司董事、上市公司大新金融集團執行 董 事、大新金融集團轄下大新人壽保險有 限 公司的副董事長,曾於柏克萊銀行於英 國 及歐洲的金融服務部擔任多項要職,並 直致力研究成功發展銀行保險業務的 概 念。
安先生 於 197 4 年取得英國精算師學會會 員 資格,早年於蘇格 蘭 Aberdee n 大學主修 數 學,取得理科學士銜。
Mr Raymond P K CHAN
Mr Chan is currently a member of the Go ve r ning C ommittee of the H ong Kong F ederation of Insurers and Deputy Chairman of the Life Insurance C ouncil. He has a lso b een the Chairman of the Life Risk Management Wo rk ing Group under the Lif e Insurance Council since 2003.
Mr Chan is the Managing Director of Pacific Centur y Insurance
H oldings Limited He is a Fellow of the Lif e M anagemen t Institute (FLMI) and has 30 years of experience in the insurance industr y in the A sia P acific R egion including H ong K ong , A ustralia and the M ainland China. Pr i or to joining the Co m pan y in Mar ch 2003, he w as t he G eneral M anager of M anulife-Sinochem Life Insurance Co m pany Limited which headquar tered in Shanghai. Mr Chan had held senior p ositions at National Mutual and American International Assurance
C ompan y (Bermuda) Limited be fo re joining M anulif e. Mr Chan's extensive experience covers a wide spectrum of aspec ts including under writing and claims , marketing , prod uc t development, financ e, systems and procedures , human resources, agenc y management and general management.
Mr C han graduated from the H ong K ong B aptist C ollege (presently known as Hong Kong Baptist University) majoring in Business Administration.
陳炳根先生現任香港保險業聯會管治委員 會委員和壽險總會副主席,自 2003 年起一 直擔任壽險總會轄下人壽風險管理工作小 組主席。
現任盈科保險集團董事總經理,陳先生持 有美國壽險管理學會會士資格,在亞太區 從事保險業務凡 30 年,曾在香港、澳洲及 中國內地工作。在2003年3月加入盈科保險
國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司等身居要 職。陳先生在核保及理賠、市場推廣、產 品開發、金融、系統與程序、人力資源、 營銷管理及一般管理等多個範疇,累積豐 富經驗。
陳先生畢業於香港浸會學院(現稱「香港 浸會大學」),主修工商管理。
Mr Jackie Y C Chun
Mr C hun is a member of the Go ve rning C ommittee of the H ong K ong Federation of I nsurers, G eneral Insurance C ouncil, T ask Fo rce on E mployees C ompensation and the Insurance Agents R egistration B oard. He was t he C hairman of the G eneral Insurance Council and the Task Fo rce on E mployees C ompensation C laim Aw ard S tudy, D eput y Convenor of Reinsurers' Forum in 2003/2004.
Nominated by the General Insurance Council, he ser ves on the Sk ills Upgrading Scheme of the E ducation and M anpower Bureau. He also represents the Council on the Appointment Advisor y B oard and the Advisor y Council of the H ong Kong International Arbitration Ce ntre and ser ves on the Fi nancial Ser vices Ad visor y C ommittee of H ong K ong Tr ade Development Council from 1998 to 2003.
Mr Chun has been actively engaged in industr y related works f or y ears and has ser v ed as the C hairman of the Insurance Institute of Hong Kong, the Chinese Under writers Club and the Hong Kong Insurers Club He is the Vice President of the Hong Kong Society of Cer tified Insurance Practitioners. In 2000, he was elected a member of the 12 insurance representatives to the Elec tion Committee (Insurance) for the Legislative Council of the HKSAR.
Mr C hun is currently the General M anager of G en Re H ong Kong branch office. He has more than 30 years of insurance and reinsurance experiences in Hong Kong and abroad. He qualifies as a Fellow of the Char tered Insurance Institute of the UK (FCII), a Char tered Insurer and Fellow of the Australian and New Z ealand Institute of Insurance and F inance [ANZIIF (Fellow)]. Mr Chun holds a MBA degree from a UK university and is an associate member of the C har tered Institute of Arbitrators of the UK.
秦鈺池先生現任香港保險業聯會管治委員 會委員、一般保險總會委員、僱員補償保 險專責小組委員、保險代理登記委員會委 員,曾於2003/2004年度出任一般保險總會 主席、研究僱員補償賠款專責小組主席, 以及再保險協會副召集人。
除了獲一般保險總會提名出任教育統籌局 轄下保險業技能提升計劃行業小組委員、 香港國際仲裁中心轄下的委任諮詢委員會 和諮詢會委員外,秦先生並於 1998 至 2003 年間出任香港貿易發展局金融服務業諮詢 委員會委員。
秦先生多年來一直積極參與有關保險業的 工作,歷任香港保險學會主席、保險從業 華員會會長、香港保險協會會長,以及香 港保險師公會副會長;並於 2000 年獲選為 香港特區立法會選舉委員會界別分組(保 險界)12 位委員之一。
秦先生現任德國科隆再保險公司香港分公 司總經理,具有超過 30 年本港及海外的保 險和再保險經驗,為英國特許保險學院院 士、英國特許承保人,以及澳大利亞及新 西蘭保險與金融學會資深準會員,並於英 國取得管理碩士銜及英國仲裁學會會員。
Mr Richard H M Ip
Mr Ip is the C hairman of the Lif e Insurance C ouncil, a member of the Gover ning Committee and Task Force on Polic yholders' Protec tion Funds of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers
He has ser ved as a member of the IIQAS Steering Committee of the Insurance Authority. He was the Chairman of the Ac tuarial Wo rk ing Group between 2000 and 2004, the 2003/2004 Deputy Chairman of the Life Insurance Council and the President of the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong in 1996.
Mr Ip is the A ssistant G eneral M anager of the A merican International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited. He has more than 20 years experience in life insurance industr y and has obtained the qualification as Fellow of the Society of Actuaries of USA (FSA) in 1987.
Mr Keith B Land
Mr L and is the C hairman of the G eneral Insurance C ouncil and the T ask Fo rce on E mployees Compensation, and a member of th e Go ve r ning C ommittee of the H ong K ong Federation of Insurers f or the term 2004/2005. He w as the 2003/2004 D eputy C hairman of th e General Insurance Council, a Council member of the Employee C ompensation Insurer Insolv enc y Bureau, C hairman of the Task Force on Employees Compensation - Amended Definition of Occupational Disease Cover, as well as a member of the Task Force on Polic yholders' Protec tion Funds and the Task Force on Employees Compensation Claim Award Study He was also the 2003/2004 C hairman of the Mot or Insurers' Bureau of H ong K ong, the C hairman of the Task Fo rce on E mployees' Compensation Review for the term 2001/2002.
葉康民先生現任壽險總會主席、香港保險 業聯會管治委員會委員、保單持有人保障 基金專責小組委員,以及保監轄下保險中 介人素質保證計劃督導委員會會員,於 2000 至 2004 年擔任精算工作小組主席,曾 任 2003/2004 年度壽險總會副主席,以及 1996年香港精算學會會長。
葉先生現任美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限 公司助理總經理,擁有超過 20 年壽險業務 經驗,於 1987 年取得美國精算師公會會員 資格。
林啟富先生現任一般保險總會主席、僱員 補償保險專責小組主席和香港保險業聯會 管治委員會委員,曾任2003/2004年度一般 保險總會副主席、保險公司(僱員補償 ) 無力償債管理局委員、僱員補償 - 修訂職業
病保障定義專責小組主席、保單持有人保 障基金專責小組委員、研究僱員補償賠款 專責小組委員、香港汽車保險局主席,以 及2001/2002年度檢討僱員補償制度專責小 組主席。
Mr L and is the M anaging Dire ct or of Ro y al & S un A llianc e Insurance (Hong K ong) Limited and CEO of Ro y al & Su n Alliance's China Operation. He has more than 25 years of general insurance experience in the UK and Asia. Prior to joining the Hong Kong operation, Mr Land held various management positions for Royal & Sun Alliance Group plc in UK and India.
Mr Land holds a MBA degree from the Open University in the UK and is a C har tered Insurer and Fe llow of the C har tere d Insurance Institute in the UK (FCII).
現任皇家太陽聯合保險(香港)有限公司 香港區董事總經理兼中國區行政總裁,林 先生在英國和亞洲從事一般保險業逾 25 年,來港之前,林先生曾於皇家太陽聯合 保險集團英國和印度辦事處出任多項要 職。
林先生持有英國公開大學工商管理碩士學 位、英國特許承保人及英國特許保險學院 資深院士。
Mr L au w as C hairman of the H ong Kong F ederation of Insurers in 2003/2004 a nd C hairman of the Retirement Scheme Work ing Group in 2002/2003. He has also held va r ious p ositions within the Lif e Insuranc e C ouncil, including C hairman of the Council in 1998/1999. Also, he sits on the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporate Limited and is a member of the Insurance Claims Complaints Panel and IIQAS Steering Committee of the Insurance Authority.
Mr Lau has had 25 years of experience in the insurance industr y in Hong Kong and Canada. He is Executive Vice President, Asia Regional Operations, Manulife Financial, with responsibilities fo r M anulif e's operations in H ong K ong and the Philippines and leads on a number of cross-divisional projects. In addition, Mr Lau is President and Chief Executive O fficer of MIL, Chairman of the Manulife Charitable Foundation, a member of the Board of Manulife Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited and a member of the Investment Committee of MIL.
劉允剛先生曾任2003/2004年度香港保險業 聯會主席和2002/2003年度保單持有人保障
基金專責小組主席,歷任壽險總會多項要 職,包括1998/1999年度出任主席。劉先生 現任香港按揭證券有限公司董事局成員、 保險索償投訴委員會委員和保險業監督保 險中介人素質保證計劃督導委員會委員。
Mr L au holds a B achelor of Computer Science degree from Concordia University and an MBA degree from York University, both in Canada.
劉先生在香港和加拿大從事保險業 25 年, 現任宏利金融亞洲區行政副總裁,掌管宏 利於香港及菲律賓的業務,同時亦負責多 個跨亞洲區的發展項目。劉氏兼任宏利人 壽保險(國際)有限公司總裁兼首席行政 總監,亦為宏利慈善基金主席及宏利資產 管理(香港)有限公司董事。宏利資產管 理(香港)有限公司是根據香港證券條例 註冊的證券投資顧問及交易商。劉氏並為 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司投資委員 會成員。
劉先生分別於加拿大 Concordia 大學及 York 大學取得電腦科學學士及工商管理學碩士
學位。Mr Edward W K La u
Mr Te rr y K W Lo
Mr Lo is a member of t he Gove r ning C ommittee of the H ong K ong Federation of Insurers, Life Insurance C ouncil, the Pr of essional S tandards Wo rk ing Group and R etiremen t Schemes Wo rk ing Group under the Life Insurance Council. Previously, he was the Chairman of the Life Insurance
C ouncil in 2003/2004, the D eputy C hairman of the Pr of essional S tandards S ub-committee under the HKFI
Go ver ning C ommittee , the 2002/2003 C hairman of the Pr ofessional S tandards Wo rk ing Group, and t he 2001/2002 Chairman of the Life Risk Management Work ing Group of the Life Insurance Council. He also ser ved as a Councillor and the Treasurer of the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong
Mr Lo is the Chief Executive and Director of two Hong Kong life insurers, namely HSBC Life (International) Limited and Hang S eng Life Limite d. He has more than 22 years experience in insurance industr y and has obtained the qualification of an ac tuar y in 1988. In 1994, he joined HSBC Life (International) Limited as Chief Financial O fficer.
Mr Leo C H Ma
Mr Ma is currently a Go ve r nin g Committee member of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers. He has been a C ouncillor of the G eneral Insuranc e C ouncil since 1998 and w as the D eputy C hairman of the G eneral Insurance C ouncil f or the term of 2004/2005. Mr Ma also represents the Council on the Vocational Training Council.
Mr Ma w as appointed as the G eneral M anager of G eneral Insurance and Employee Benefits of the Prudential Assurance Company Limited in Januar y 2000, which responsible for the development of competitive and balanced general insurance
老建榮先生現任香港保險業聯會管治委員 會委員、壽險總會委員、壽險總會轄下的 專業水平工作小組委員和退休保障計劃工 作小組委員。老先生曾任2003/2004年度壽 險總會主席、2002/2003年度任保聯管治委
員會轄下的專業水平小組委員會副主席、 壽險總會轄下的2002/2003年度專業水平工 作小組主席、2001/2002年度人壽風險管理 工作小組主席,以及香港精算學會委員及 司庫。
險公司的行政總裁及董事。老先生從事保 險業務超過 22 年,於 1988 年取得精算師資 格, 1994 限公司任職財務總監。
馬陳鏗先生現任香港保險業聯會管治委員 會委員,自 1998 年度起出任一般保險總會 委員,現任一般保險總會副主席,以及代 表一般保險總會出任職業訓練局訓練委員 會委員。
於2000年1月獲出任英國保誠保險有限公司 一般保險及僱員福利部總經理一職,馬先 生專責拓展英國保誠於香港的一般保險及 僱員福利業務,同時統籌英國保誠夥拍中
and t he employee b enefits po rt f olio of Pr udential's H ong Kong operation. At the same time, he is also responsible for business development of the Mandatory Provident Fund business in par tnership with BOCI-Prudential.
Mr Ma, a graduate from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Fellow of the Char tered Insurance Institute (FCII), has over 27 years of insurance experience and has worked in var ious capacities in a number of insurance and reinsurance organizations, both in Hong Kong and Canada.
Mr Peter E Schelling
Mr Schelling is currently a member of Go ve rning C ommittee of the H ong Kong F ederation of Insurers and G eneral Insurance C ouncil. Mr Schelling has been a Councillor of the G eneral Insurance Council since 2000 and a member of the Task Force on the Review of the Employees Compensation Assistance Scheme from 2001 to 2003.
Mr Schelling is the M anaging Dire ct or and CEO of Zurich Insurance Group (Hong Kong). With almost 20 years of international and A sian insurance experienc e, Mr Schelling joined Zurich Financial Ser vices Group in 1985. Since then, he has taken up d iff erent impor tant p ositions in German y, Switzerland, Australia, Indonesia and Hong Kong Mr Schelling has b een the CEO of Zurich Group Indonesia f or over f our years since 1994 be fore he was appointed as the CEO of Zurich Insurance Group (Hong Kong) (formerly "Eagle Star Insurance Group") in 1999.
Mr Schelling had also ser ved on various insurance and business associations, to name but a few, they included the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvenc y Bureau, LIMRA Hong Kong Executive Board, S wiss Insurance A ssociation, Indonesian Insurance R ound Table, Indonesian Re-Insurance Round Table, Australian Swiss B usiness Association, I ndonesian-Swiss B usiness Association and Indonesian-Swiss Business Council.
馬先生畢業於香港中文大學,為英國特許 保險學院資深院士,擁有逾 27 年保險經
驗,曾於香港及加拿大多家保險及再保險 公司擔任要職。
施瀚霖先生現任香港保險業聯會管治委員 會委員和一般保險總會委員。施先生於 2000 年起一直出任一般保險總會委員,並 曾於 2001 至 2003 年間,出任檢討僱員補償 援助計劃專責小組委員。
施先生現任蘇黎世保險集團(香港)董事 總經理兼行政總裁,於 1985 年加入蘇黎世 金融服務集團,憑藉近 20 年國際及亞洲保
險經驗,先後出任德國、瑞士、澳洲、印 尼及香港等多個地區辦事處的重要職位。 施先生於 1994 年成為印尼蘇黎世集團的行 政總裁,並於 1999 年正式出任蘇黎世保險 集團(香港)(前「鷹星保險集團 」)的行 政總裁。
施先生積極參與各項公職服務,先後出任 多個保險業組織及商務機構的委員,包 括:香港法律改革委員會、保險公司(僱 員補償)無力償債管理局、LIMRA香港區執 行委員會、瑞士保險業協會、印尼保險圓 桌會、印尼再保險圓桌會、澳洲瑞士商 會、印尼瑞士商會和印尼瑞士商業協會。
Mr K P Chan
Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited
Deputy Chairman
Mr Roddy S Anderson
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Mr Raymond P K Chan
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
Mr Jack ie Y C Chun
Cologne Reinsurance Company plc
Mr Richard H M Ip
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Keith B Land
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Edward W K La u
Manulife (International) Limited
Mr Terr y K W Lo
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr Leo C H Ma
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited
Mr Peter E Schelling
Zurich Insurance Company
Mr K P Chan
Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited
Deputy Chairman
Mr Roddy S Anderson
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
主席 陳健波先生
副主席 安德生先生 大新人壽保險有限公司
委員 陳炳根先生 盈科保險有限公司
秦鈺池先生 德國科隆再保險公司
葉康民先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
林啟富先生 皇家太陽聯合保險(香港)有限公司
劉允剛先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
馬陳鏗先生 英國保誠保險有限公司
施瀚霖先生 蘇黎世保險
主席 陳健波先生 副主席 安德生先生 大新人壽保險有限公司
Mr K P Chan
Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited
Mr Roddy S Anderson
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Mr Richard H M Ip
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Keith B Land
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Roddy S Anderson
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Ms Elaine S H Chan
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr K W Cheng
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
Ms Manlo Cheung
Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
Ms Agnes K H Ho
HSBC Medical Insurance Limited
Mr Michael E Huddar t
Manulife (International) Limited
Mr Ar thur Koo
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr David A Laskey
Hannover Ruckversicherungs - AG
主席 陳健波先生
委員 安德生先生 大新人壽保險有限公司
葉康民先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
林啟富先生 皇家太陽聯合保險(香港)有限公司
主席 安德生先生 大新人壽保險有限公司
委員 陳秀荷女士 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
鄭冠榮先生 盈科保險有限公司
張文璐女士 藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司
何達德先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
顧詒先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
Mr Vick y L K Lo
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Dr Damien V Marmion
BUPA (Asia) Limited
Mr K P Chan
Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited
Mr Jack ie Y C Chun
Cologne Reinsurance Company plc
Mr Edward W K La u
Manulife (International) Limited
Mr Peter E Schelling
Zurich Insurance Company
Mr Edward W K La u
Manulife (International) Limited
Mr Roddy S Anderson
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Mr Richard H M Ip
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Keith B Land
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
羅禮勤先生 馬明安先生
主席 陳健波先生 委員 秦鈺池先生 德國科隆再保險公司
劉允剛先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
施瀚霖先生 蘇黎世保險
主席 劉允剛先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
委員 安德生先生 大新人壽保險有限公司
葉康民先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
Mr Andrew W F Wong, OBE, JP (Resigned on 19.02.2005)
Mr Ambrose W S Cheung, JP (Appointed on 20.02.2005)
Mr W K Chan
Consumer Council
Mr Jack ie Y C Chun
General Insurance Council
Mr Wilson Y W Fung
Mr Walter W C Lau (Resigned on 15.06.2004) Barrister-at-law
Dr Chris H S Ng
The Life Under writers Association of Hong Kong
Mr Kenny S M Siu (Appointed on 21.07.2004)
Life Insurance Council
Mr Selwyn Yu (Appointed on 21.07.2004) Barrister-at-law
Mr Edwin S L Yung (Resigned on 07.07.2004)
Life Insurance Council
Ms Pamela S Chan, BBS, JP
Mr K M Chong
Mr Alfred K C Fung
黃宏發OBE太平紳士 (2005年2月19日退任)
張永森太平紳士 (2005年2月20日委任)
馮英偉先生 會計師
劉榮照先生 (2004年6月15日退任)
蕭思敏先生 (2004年7月21日委任) 壽險總會
余承章先生 (2004年7月21日委任) 大律師
容尚倫先生 (2004年7月7日退任)
馮國礎先生 大律師
Mr P M Kam
Mr Larr y L K Kwok
Mr K M Li
Mr Alain C P Sham
Ms Katherine F K Shum
Ms Clara F M Tang
Mr Michael F S Tsui Barrister-at-law
Mr Andrew W F Wong, OBE, JP (Appointed on 01.04.2005)
Mr Valentine S T Yim Barrister-at-law
Mr Roger K C Yung
Mr Keith B Land
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Deputy Chairman
Mr Leo C H Ma
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited
Mr K P Chan
Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited
Mr K P Cheng
The Ming An Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
黃宏發OBE太平紳士 (2005年4月1日委任)
嚴斯泰先生 大律師
翁國忠先生 律師
主席 林啟富先生 皇家太陽聯合保險(香港)有限公司
委員 陳健波先生
鄭國屏先生 香港民安保險有限公司
Ms Manlo Cheung
Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
Mr Jack ie Y C Chun
Cologne Reinsurance Company plc
Mr Andrew Duxbur y (Resigned on 15.10.2004)
Reinsurers' Forum
Ms Agnes K H Ho
Medical Insurance Association
Ms Agnes K O Koon
Falcon Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Simon S K Lam (Appointed on 11.01.2005)
Reinsurers' Forum
Ms Teresa O W Ma
Fire Insurance Association
Dr Damien V Marmion
BUPA (Asia) Limited
Mr Jimmy W F Poon
Accident Insurance Association
Mr Peter E Schelling
Zurich Insurance Company
Mr K H Wong
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Mr Stephen M F Wong
American Home Assurance Company
Mr Elden C K Yau
Marine Insurance Association
Mr Barr y C K Yeung
AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Mr Jimmy W F Poon
Zurich Insurance Company
張文璐女士 藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司
秦鈺池先生 德國科隆再保險公司
戴博瑞先生 (2004年10月15日退任) 再保險協會
何錦霞女士 醫療保險協會
管胡金愛女士 富勤保險(香港)有限公司
林瑞江先生 (2005年1月11日委任) 再保險協會
馬愛華女士 火險公會
潘榮輝先生 意外保險公會
施瀚霖先生 蘇黎世保險
王覺豪先生 亞洲保險有限公司
王文輝先生 美安保險公司
邱在基先生 洋面保險公會
楊超群先生 安盛保險有限公司
潘榮輝先生 蘇黎世保險
Deputy Chairman
Mr Christopher Twomey
ACE Insurance Limited
Mr Pierre C Fong
HSBC Insurance (Asia) Limited
Mr Dominic W K Lam
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Lobo P T Law
QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited
Mr Perc y W H Lee
The Ming An Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Ms Mandy S H Lo
Aviva General Insurance Limited
Mr John S C Mok
Wing Lung Insurance Company Limited
Ms Kelly Y N Mok
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited
Mr Paul W M Mok
XL Insurance Company Limited
Mr Anthony M T Ng
Sun Hung Kai Proper ties Insurance Limited
Mr William M F Ng
Tugu Insurance Company Limited
Ms Ronnis M F Pun
American Home Assurance Company
Ms Peggy P Y Siu
Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited
Ms Ophelia Y H Szeto
Falcon Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Ms Cr ystal H Y Wong
Asia Insurance Company Limited
杜銘賢先生 安達保險有限公司
羅寶通先生 昆士蘭聯保保險有限公司
李偉雄先生 香港民安保險有限公司
盧淑嫻女士 英傑華一般保險有限公司
莫紹章先生 永隆保險有限公司
莫玉鶯女士 英國保誠保險有限公司
莫偉明先生 XL Insurance Company Limited
吳文棠先生 新鴻基地產保險有限公司
吳民輝先生 德高保險有限公司
潘文芳女士 美安保險公司
蕭碧英女士 中銀集團保險有限公司
司徒艷嫻女士 富勤保險(香港)有限公司
Mr Sammy T K Wong
The People's Insurance Company of China (Hong Kong), Limited
Mr Jonathan C H Yau
Chevalier Insurance Company Limited
Co-opt Members
Mr Billy T S Chan
AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Mr Simon W L Chow
Allianz Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Ar thur P H Mok
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Ms Nicole M T Wong
China Overseas Insurance Limited
Ms Teresa O W Ma
CGU International Insurance plc
Deputy Chairman
Ms Bonny C L Law
Falcon Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Johnson W K Chan
Tugu Insurance Company Limited
Mr Samuel K S Cheng
QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited
Mr Joseph H M Chung
The People's Insurance Company of China (Hong Kong), Limited
Ms Jenny M K Kwok
HSBC Insurance (Asia) Limited
Mr Samuel C K Leung
The Ming An Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
黃德強先生 中國人民保險(香港)有限公司
丘振雄先生 其士保險有限公司
陳松盛先生 安盛保險有限公司
周永隆先生 安聯保險(香港)有限公司
黃明丹女士 中國海外保險有限公司
馬愛華女士 英傑華保險有限公司
副主席 羅翠玲女士 富勤保險(香港)有限公司
委員 陳惠剛先生 德高保險有限公司
鄭桂深先生 昆士蘭聯保保險有限公司
鍾漢明先生 中國人民保險(香港)有限公司
郭慕潔女士 梁智堅先生
Mr Clifford W K Ma
Dao Heng Insurance Company Limited
Mr Johnny Y M Suen (Resigned on 20.12.2004)
Zurich Insurance Company
Mr Ronnie L H Tong (Resigned on 03.01.2005)
American Home Assurance Company
Mr Joe W K Wong
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Mr Lawrence Y H Wong
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited
Mr Patrick W H Wong
ACE Insurance Limited
Mr Barr y C K Yeung
AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Mr Eddie Young
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Co-opt Member
Mr George S T Mak
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Mr K H Wong
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Mr Peter J Cashin
American International Under writers Limited
Ms Nicole Haslock (Resigned on 17.01.2005)
Allen & Over y
Mr Rupert C Sk rine
Skrine Thomas Sharrock
馬偉健先生 道亨保險有限公司
孫壹鳴先生 (2004年12月20日退任) 蘇黎世保險
唐來興先生 (2005年1月3日退任) 美安保險公司
王永健先生 亞洲保險有限公司
黃益雄先生 英國保誠保險有限公司
黃永恆先生 安達保險有限公司
楊超群先生 安盛保險有限公司
楊應德先生 皇家太陽聯合保險(香港)有限公司
麥承臻先生 亞洲保險有限公司
主席 王覺豪先生 亞洲保險有限公司
委員 簡善先生 美亞保險有限公司
Nicole Haslock 女士 (2005年1月17日退任)
Mr Elden C K Yau
Falcon Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Deputy Chairman
Ms V ivian P L Ho
HSBC Insurance (Asia) Limited
Ms Amy S Y Chan
CGU International Insurance plc
Mr Billy T S Chan
AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Ms Joanne S F Chan
Allianz Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Ms Una Y Y Chan
Tugu Insurance Company Limited
Mr Clement K W Chow
QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited
Mr Ringo T W Hung
American Home Assurance Company
Ms Shirley M C Hung
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Larr y S K Kwok
Zurich Insurance Company
Mr Lucci C F Leung
Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.
Ms Dora W M Li
The Ming An Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Ms Susan C W Sze
ING General Insurance International
Mr Hui Wei (Resigned on 02.11.2004)
Liber ty International Insurance Limited
主席 邱在基先生 富勤保險(香港)有限公司
副主席 何沛玲女士 委員 陳淑英女士 英傑華保險有限公司
陳松盛先生 安盛保險有限公司
陳淑芬女士 安聯保險(香港)有限公司
陳幼英女士 德高保險有限公司
周錦華先生 昆士蘭聯保保險有限公司
洪子華先生 美安保險公司
鴻夢捷女士 皇家太陽聯合保險(香港)有限公司
郭淑根先生 蘇黎世保險 梁志輝先生 忠利保險有限公司
李慧敏女士 香港民安保險有限公司
史秋雲女士 安泰保險有限公司
韋煦先生 (2004年11月2日退任)
Ms Agnes K H Ho
HSBC Medical Insurance Limited
Deputy Chairman
Mr James Y T Leung
Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
Ms Charity C S Au
MLC (Hong Kong) Limited
Ms Elaine S H Chan
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Ms Claudia S L Choi (Resigned on 01.02.2005)
Falcon Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Wilome C K Chow
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Nicholas J Crouch
Manulife (International) Limited
Ms Julia C H Kwan
QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited
Ms Betty K C Lam
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Mr Sunny L K Leung
ING General Insurance International
Mr William Y K Man
CMG Asia Limited
Ms Cindy S L Tang
CGU International Insurance plc
Ms Patricia M Y Tang (Resigned on 15.11.2004)
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
Ms Jasmine Y M Wong
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited
主席 何錦霞女士
副主席 梁蔭滔先生 藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司
委員 歐之珊女士 萬誠保險(香港)有限公司
陳秀荷女士 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
蔡秀玲女士 (2005年2月1日退任) 富勤保險(香港)有限公司
凌國智先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
關靜嫻女士 昆士蘭聯保保險有限公司
林潔貞女士 亞洲保險有限公司
梁聯光先生 安泰保險有限公司
文英傑先生 康聯亞洲有限公司
鄧秀蘭女士 英傑華保險有限公司
鄧美賢女士 (2004年11月15日退任) 盈科保險有限公司
王粵鳴女士 英國保誠保險有限公司
Ms K ammy L Y Wong
BUPA (Asia) Limited
Mr Paul P C Wong
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
Mr Andrew Duxbur y (Resigned on 15.10.2004)
Munich Reinsurance Company Hong Kong Branch
Mr Simon S K Lam (Appointed on 11.01.2005)
Swiss Reinsurance Company
Deputy Convenor
Mr Jack ie Y C Chun
Cologne Reinsurance Company plc
Mr Eric C H Chan
GE Frankona Reinsurance A/S
Mr Peter K C Ho
Transatlantic Reinsurance Company
Mr George W W Leung
SCOR Reinsurance Company (Asia) Limited
Mr Peter Leung
Sompo Japan Reinsurance Company Limited
Mr Kenneth Y L Ng
China International Reinsurance Company Limited
Mr Fumitak a Nishimura
The Toa Reinsurance Company Limited
Mr Philip Nye
Par tner Reinsurance Company Limited
黃炳全先生 盈科保險有限公司
再保險協會 召集人
戴博瑞先生 (2004年10月15日退任) 慕尼黑再保險公司香港分公司
林瑞江先生 (2005年1月11日委任) 瑞士再保險公司
秦鈺池先生 德國科隆再保險公司
委員 陳昌浩先生 安裕再保險有限公司
何建中先生 大西洋再保險有限公司
梁煥榮先生 法國再保險(亞洲)有限公司
梁彼得先生 Sompo Japan Reinsurance Company Limited
吳俞霖先生 中國國際再保險有限公司
西村文孝先生 東亞再保險有限公司
賴飛立先生 Partner Reinsurance Company Limited
Mr Keith B Land
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr K P Chan
Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited
Mr K P Cheng
The Ming An Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Jack ie Y C Chun
Cologne Reinsurance Company plc
Ms Agnes K O Koon
Falcon Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Dominic W K Lam
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Simon S K Lam
Swiss Reinsurance Company
Mr Robert Stead
Allianz Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr K H Wong
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Mr Richard H M Ip
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Deputy Chairman
Mr Raymond P K Chan
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
Mr Roddy S Anderson
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
主席 林啟富先生 皇家太陽聯合保險(香港)有限公司
委員 陳健波先生
鄭國屏先生 香港民安保險有限公司
秦鈺池先生 德國科隆再保險公司
管胡金愛女士 富勤保險(香港)有限公司
林瑞江先生 瑞士再保險公司
施達德先生 安聯保險(香港)有限公司
王覺豪先生 亞洲保險有限公司
主席 葉康民先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
副主席 陳炳根先生 盈科保險有限公司
安德生先生 大新人壽保險有限公司
Mr Denny Y L Chan
Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited
Mr M K Cheng
ING Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr David A Laskey
Hannover Ruckversicherungs - AG
Mr Edward W K La u
Manulife (International) Limited
Mr Mike S C Lee
MassMutual Asia Limited
Mr Terr y K W Lo
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr Kenny S M Siu
Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
Mr K Y To (Appointed on 03.08.2004) Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company
Mr Mark A Wilson
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Edwin S L Yung (Resigned on 07.07.2004) New York Life Insurance Worldwide Limited
Mr Roddy S Anderson Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Deputy Chairman
Mr Kevin Lee Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited
Mr Alan Y F Chan ING Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Fabien G Jendy
Sun Life Financial (Hong Kong) Limited
陳用樑先生 蘇黎世人壽保險有限公司
鄭文光先生 安泰人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司
羅仕基先生 漢諾威再保險股份公司
劉允剛先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
李少川先生 美國萬通保險亞洲有限公司
蕭思敏先生 藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司
杜覺英先生 (2004年8月3日委任) 全美人壽保險公司
容尚倫先生 (2004年7月7日退任) 紐約人壽環球保險有限公司
安德生先生 大新人壽保險有限公司
李吉宏先生 蘇黎世人壽保險有限公司
委員 陳耀輝先生 安泰人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司
范彼衡先生 永明金融(香港)有限公司
Mr Stanley H W Ko
Standard Life (Asia) Limited
Mr Lawrence C K Lai
Winter thur Life
Mr Thomas M N Lee
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Ms Bonita J Leong
Manulife (International) Limited
Ms Marian M Y Leung
Hannover Ruckversicherungs - AG
Ms Sim S K Ng
CMG Asia Limited
Mr Mark Stamper
Swiss Reinsurance Company
Mr Peter G Telford
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Calvin F W Wu
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr Denny Y L Chan
Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited
Mr Terence C K Chau
China Life Insurance (O verseas) Company Limited
Hong Kong Branch
Ms Anita Cheung
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Ms Lily W K Chui
Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited
Mr Richard C W Kwok
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
黎志剛先生 瑞士豐泰人壽保險
李滿能先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
委員 周自堅先生 中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司 香港分公司
Mr Cliff C Y Li
Manulife (International) Limited
Mr Fergus F C Lu (Resigned on 01.03.2005)
CMG Asia Limited
Ms Ines C Y Wei
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Ms Veronica M Y Wong
Sun Life Financial (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Raymond P K Chan
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
Ms Nanc y W C Chan
CMG Asia Limited
Ms Wendy N Y Choi
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Ms Ann Law
Swiss Reinsurance Company
Mr Embrose S C Law (Resigned on 15.08.2004)
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Ms Dorothy S H Lo (Resigned on 15.01.2005)
CIGNA Worldwide Insurance Company
Mr Donald A Sutherland
Manulife (International) Limited
Ms Doreen Wong (Resigned on 30.04.2005)
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
Ms Connie H C Yeung
MLC (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Peter W T Zee
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
李智遠先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
魯化知先生 (2005年3月1日退任) 康聯亞洲有限公司
陳炳根先生 盈科保險有限公司
委員 陳穎清女士 康聯亞洲有限公司
蔡雁儀女士 大新人壽保險有限公司
羅何惠心女士 瑞士再保險公司
羅斯燦先生 (2004年8月15日退任) 大新人壽保險有限公司
盧樹香女士 (2005年1月15日退任) 信諾環球保險公司
施浩能先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
黃靜女士 (2005年4月30日退任) 盈科保險有限公司
楊愛珍女士 萬誠保險(香港)有限公司
徐偉棟先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
Mr M K Cheng
ING Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Charles M L Chan
Winter thur Life
Mr H M Choy
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Ms Celly M Hall
Manulife (International) Limited
Mr Joseph K W Ho
MLC (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr Jan Zen Jim
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Mr Ralph K M Lau
Pacific Centur y Insurance Co Limited
Mr Kevin Lee
Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited
Mr Terr y K W Lo
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr Carlos J Sabugueir o Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited
Mr Kenny S M Siu Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
Ms Christian S H Teng
CMG Asia Limited
Mr Augustus M H Yuen
ING Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
主席 鄭文光先生 安泰人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司
委員 陳文龍先生 瑞士豐泰人壽保險
賀施玲女士 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
何國華先生 萬誠保險(香港)有限公司
詹振聲先生 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
劉劍明先生 盈科保險有限公司
李吉宏先生 蘇黎世人壽保險有限公司
蕭思敏先生 藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司
丁瑞霞女士 康聯亞洲有限公司
Mr Terr y K W Lo
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr Terence C K Chau
China Life Insurance (O verseas) Company Limited
Hong Kong Branch
Ms Luzia C S Hung
HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr William C Y Lam
Manulife (International) Limited
Ms Flora W H Lau
CMG Asia Limited
Ms Iris K C Ng
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Ms Wanda N L Wan
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
主席 老建榮先生
中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司 香港分公司
林仲耀先生 宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司
吳翹楚女士 美國友邦保險(百慕達)有限公司
Financial Statement
To the Members of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers
(incorporated in Hong Kong and limited by guarantee)
We have audited the accounts set out on pages 72 to 84 which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong.
Respective responsibilities of the members of the Governing Committee and auditors
The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance requires the members of the Gover ning Committee to prepare accounts which give a true and fair vie w. In preparing accounts which give a true and fair view it is fundamental that appropriate accounting policies are selected and applied consistently.
It is our responsibility to form an independent opinion, based on our audit, on those accounts and to repo rt our opinion solely to you, as a body, in accordance with section 141 of the H ong Kong Companies Ordinance , a nd for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibilit y towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report
Basis of opinion
We c onduc t ed our audit in accordance with Statements of A uditing Standards issued by t he H ong K ong Institute of Cer tified Public Accountants. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the accounts. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the members
本核數師(以下簡稱「我們」)已完成審核 刊於第 72 至 84 頁之賬目,該等賬目乃按照 香港普遍採納之會計原則編製。
管治委員會委員及核數師各自之 責任
《香港公司條例》規定管治委員會委員必須 編製真實兼公平之賬目。在編製該等真實 兼公平之賬目時,管治委員會委員必須採 用適當之會計政策,並且貫徹應用該等會 計政策。
我們之責任是根據審核工作之結果,對該 等賬目作出具獨立意見,並按照《香港公 司條例》141條,僅向保聯會員報告,除此 之外,本報告別無其他目的。我們不會就 本報告的內容向任何其他人士負上或承擔 任何責任。
我們已按照香港會計師公會頒布之核數準 則進行審核工作。審核範圍包括以抽查方 式查核與賬目所載數額及披露事項有關之 憑證,亦包括評審管治委員會委員於編製 賬目時所作出之重大估計和判斷,所採用 之會計政策是否適合保聯之具體情況,以
of the Go ver ning C ommittee in the preparation of the accounts, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the circumstances of the HKFI, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.
We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessar y in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance as to whether the accounts are free from material misstatement. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequac y of the presentation of information in the accounts. We b elie ve that our audit provides a r easonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion the accounts give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the HKFI as at 31 December 2004 and of the HKFI's surplus and c ash flows for the y ear then ended and have b een properly prepared in accordance with the H ong Kong Companies Ordinance.
及有否貫徹應用並足夠披露該等會計政 策。
我們在策劃和進行審核工作時,均以取得 所有我們認為必須之資料及解釋為目標, 以便能獲得充分憑證,就該等賬目是否存 有重要錯誤陳述,作合理之確定。在作出 意見時,我們已評估該等賬目所載之資料 在整體上是否足夠。我們相信我們之審核 工作已為下列意見建立合理之基礎。
我們認為,上述之賬目真實兼公平地反映 保聯於 2004 年 12 月 31 日的財務狀況,以及 截至該日止年度的盈餘和現金流量,並已 按照《香港公司條例》妥為編製。
Cer tified Public Accountants
Honorar y Auditors
Hong Kong, 14 March 2005
羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 香港執業會計師
the year ended 31 December 2004
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Accumulated surplus as at 1 Januar y, as previously reported
net deferred tax asset
surplus as at 1 Januar y, as restated
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Decrease/(increase) in fixed term deposits with banks of maturity over three months from date of inception
A nalysis of cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 12 月 31 日之現金及現金等價物分析
Fixed term deposits with banks (with maturity within three months)
1. Legal status
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) is a company incorporated under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and is limited by guarantee of an amount equal to the annual subscription fee per Member. Income and proper ty of the HKFI shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objec tiv es of t he HKFI as set fo rt h in its Memorandum of Association and no por tion thereof shall be payable to the Members of the HKFI.
2. Principal accounting policies
The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these accounts are:
(a) Basis of preparation
The accounts have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in H ong K ong and comply with accounting standards issued by the H ong K ong Institute of Ce r tified P ublic Ac c ountants (HKICPA). They ha ve b een prepared under the historical cost convention.
(b)Recently issued accounting standards
The HKICPA has issued a number of new and revised Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and Hong Kong Accounting Standards (new HKFRSs) which are effec tive for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 Januar y 2005. The HKFI has not early adopted these n ew HKFRSs in the financial statements fo r t he year ended 31 December 2004. The HKFI is in the process of mak ing an assessment of the impac t of these new HKFRSs and has so far concluded that the adoption of these new HKFRSs would not have a significant impac t on its results of operations and financial position.
1. 法定地位
香港保險業聯會(保聯)乃按照《香港 公司條例》正式註冊,其負債以擔保為 限,每位會員所承擔的法律責任為其每 年會費的數額。保聯的收入及資產只可 用於推廣及實踐該會列於 《立案章程》 內的宗旨,並且不可支付任何數額予保 聯的會員。
2. 主要會計政策
(a) 編製準則
本賬目乃按照香港普遍採納的會計 準則及香港會計師公會頒布的準則 編製。賬目乃按照歷史成本常規法 編製。
(b) 近期頒布的會計準則
香港會計師公會頒布多項新訂及修 訂的香港財務報告準則和香港會計 準則(新準則),此等新準則於 2005年1月1日或以後的會計年度生 效。保聯並沒有於截至 2004年12月 31 日止計的財務報表中,提前採納 此等新準則。保聯正評估此等新準 則的影響,至目前為止,認為採納 新準則將不會對營運和財務情況有 重大影響。
(c) Income recognition
The HKFI's principal activity is to promote the business of insurance in Hong Kong and act on matters affec ting the common interests of Members
Subscription and registration fees received and receivable by the HKFI are recognized as revenue in the accounting period to which t he subscription and registration period relates.
Fees charged for registration of insurance agents cover a period of three years from date of registration and therefore that por tion of fees received which relates to future accounting periods is carried fo rw ard in the balance sheet as registration fees received in advance.
Interest income is recognized on a time propor tion basis, tak ing into account the principal amounts outstanding and the interest rates applicable
O ther income is recognized when received and receivable.
(d) Fixed assets
Fi x ed assets, c omprising office premises, leasehold improv ements, office equipment a nd furniture ar e stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
Fixed assets are depreciated at rates sufficient to write off their c ost over their estimated useful liv es on a straight-line basis. The principal annual rates are as follows:
O ffice premises 10% Leasehold improvements 33-1/3%
O ffice equipment and furniture 25%
Major costs incurred in restoring fixed assets to their normal work ing condition are charged to the operati ng account. The gain or loss on disposal of a fixed asset is the difference between the net sales proceeds and the carr ying amount of the relevant asset and is recognized in the operating account.
(c) 收益確認
保聯的主要活動為推廣香港的保險 業務,並以會員的共同權益行事。
保聯已收及應收的會費及登記費乃 按有關的時期確認為該會計年度的 收入。
保險代理在登記日所付的登記費有 效期為三年,已收取的跨年度登記 費乃按時間比例在資產負債表上確 認為預收登記費。
利息收入依據尚未償還本金及適用 利率按時間的比例確認。
(d) 固定資產
固定資產包括:辦公室物業、房屋 裝修、辦公室設備及傢具,以成本 值減累積折舊列賬。
固定資產以直線法於其估計可用年 限內將其成本值撇銷。主要之折舊 年率為:
辦公室物業 10% 房屋裝修 33-1/3% 辦公室設備及傢具 25% 用以修復固定資產至正常運作狀況 的費用均列於營運賬目內支銷,出 售固定資產的損益乃出售所得款項 淨額與有關資產賬面值的差額,並 於營運賬中確認。
At each balance sheet date, both estimated and internal sources of information are c onsidered to assess whether there is any indication that assets included in fixed assets are impaired. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated and an impairment loss is recognized to reduce the asset to its recoverable amount. Such impairment losses are recognized in the operating account.
(e)Finance leases
Leases that substantially transfer to the HKFI all the risks and rewards of ownership of assets are accounte d for as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalized at the inception of the lease at the lower of the fair value of the leased assets or the present value of the minimum lease payments. Each lease payment is allocated betw een the c apital and finance charges so as to achieve a constant rate on the c apital balances outstanding. The corresponding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included in long-term liabilities
T he finance charges are charged to the operating account over the lease periods.
Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the shor ter of their estimated useful lives or the lease periods.
(f )Retirement benefit costs
The HKFI's contributions to defined contribution retirement schemes are expensed as incurred and ar e reduced by contributions forfeited by employees who leave the scheme prior to vesting fully in the contributions. The assets of the schemes are held separately from those of the HKFI in independently administered funds
在每年結算日,透過保聯內部及外 界所獲得的資訊,評核固定資產有 否耗蝕。如有跡象顯示該等資產出 現耗蝕,則估算其可收回價值及在 合適的情況下將減值虧損入賬,以 將資產減至其可收回價值。此等減 值虧損在營運賬目入賬。
(e) 融資租賃
融資租賃是指將擁有資產之風險及 回報實質上轉讓予保聯之租賃。融 資租賃之資產在開始時按租賃資產 之公平值或最低租賃付款之現值, 以較低者入賬。每期租金均分攤為 資本性支出及財務費用,以達到資 本結欠額之常數比率。相應租賃承 擔在扣除財務費用後計入長期負債 內。財務費用於租約期內在損益賬 中支銷。 以融資租賃持有之資產,按資產之 估計可用年限或租約期(以較短者 為準)計算折舊。
(f ) 退休金成本
保聯供款予一項界定的供款退休計 劃,供款額作為費用支銷,而員工 在取得全數供款利益前退出計劃而 被沒收的供款額,可以用作減少保 聯的供款。退休金計劃的資產與保 聯的資產分開持有,並由獨立管理 基金保管。
(g) Inventories
Inventories comprise publications and are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
(h) Provisions
Provisions are recognized when the HKFI has a present legal or c onstruc tiv e obligation as a r esult of past events, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount c an be made . W here the HKFI expec ts a provision to be reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset but only when the reimbursement is vir tually cer tain.
(i) Deferred taxation
Deferred taxation is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporar y differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carr ying amounts in the accounts. Taxation rates enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date are used to determine deferred taxation.
Deferred tax assets are recognized to the ex tent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporar y differences and tax losses can be utilized
(g) 存貨
存貨包括刊物,乃按成本值或可變 現淨值二者的較低者入賬。
(h) 撥備
當保聯因已發生的事件須承擔現有 之法律性或構定性的責任,而解除 責任時有可能消耗資源,並將在責 任金額能夠可靠地作出估算的情況 下,需確立撥備。當保聯預計撥備 款可獲償付,則將償付款確認為一 項獨立資產,惟只能在償付款可實 質地確定時確認。
(i) 遞延稅項
遞延稅項採用負債法就資產負債之 稅基與它們在賬目之賬面值兩者之 短暫時差作全數撥備。遞延稅項採 用在結算日前已頒布或實質頒布之 稅率釐定。
遞延稅項資產乃就有可能將未來應 課稅溢利與可動用之短暫時差抵銷 而確認。
3. Finance costs
4. Taxation
Hong Kong profits tax has been provided at the rate of 17.5% on the estimated assessable profit for the year.
The amount of taxation charged to the profit and loss account represents:
Deferred taxation relating to origination and reversal of temporar y differences
The taxation on the HKFI's surplus before taxation differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the Hong Kong standard profits tax rate as follows:
保聯除稅前溢利之稅項與假若採用香港 標準利得稅稅率計算之理論稅額之差額 如下:
from an increase in tax rate
The movement on the net deferred tax asset account is as follows: 淨遞延稅項資產賬目之變動如下:
credited to the operating account
During the years ended 31 December 2004 and 2003, no amounts h a v e b een p ai d in r espe c t of G o v e r ni n g Committee member s’ e molumen t s, p ensions or for a ny compensation in respect of loss of office.
5. 管治委員會委員酬金
截 至 200 4 及 200 3 年 1 2 月 3 1 日止年度 , 管治委員會委員並無收取任何為保聯服 務的酬金、退休金或因辦公室損失而支 付的賠款。
Net book value of leased asset - office equipment
Finance lease obligation wholly repayable within five years
Reconciliation of profit before taxation to net cash inflow from operating activities
9. Analysis of changes in financing during the year
9. 分析本年度財務變更
10. Contingent liability
An insurance agent, whose registration with the Insurance Agents Registration Board was terminated, has launched a judicial review against the HKFI. Having taken appropriate legal advice, the Governing Committee believes that there will not be significant liability arising from this case
11. Related party transac tions
Management and administration suppor t fees received from the ICCB
The HKFI incurs costs on b ehalf of the I CC B The abo ve f ees are r e-imbursements of a c tual and shared c ost s determined by a contrac t renewable annually.
12. Approval of accounts
T he accounts were appro v ed by the G o v e r ni n g Committee on 14 March 2005.
10. 或然負債 一名被保險代理登記委員會撤銷登 記 資格的保險代理向保聯提出司法 覆 核。尋求適當的法律意見後,管治 委 員會相信事件不會帶來重大的負債。
11. 關連人士交易
保聯代保險索償投訴局支付管理及 行 政支援費用。上述費用為根據每年 更 新的合約而償付實際和分擔的費用。
12. 賬目通過 此賬目乃於2005年3月14日經管治委員 會核准。
Events Highlig
14. 5. 2004
14.5.2004 - 29.4.2005
Mr K P Chan was elected Chairman and Mr Roddy Anderson Deputy Chairman by the Governing Committee
The HKFI issued a media release to announce the new office-bearers for the term
1. 6. 2004
The sixth edition of the Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents came into effect 《保險代理管理守則》第六版正式生效。
8. 6. 2004
More than 70 repr esentatives of Lif e Insurance Members attended the seminar on "International Ri sks Management" held by the Life Risk Management Work ing Group
10. 6. 2004
The briefing session on "Guidelines of Chinese Medicine Prac titioner on Issuing Sick Leave Cer tificate" attracted more than 70 representatives of General insurance Members writing employees’ compensation insurance.
16. 6. 2004
The HKFI received Mr Li Jingfu, Deputy Director General, and Mr Jiang Zhengzhong, Deputy Director, Institution Super visor y Division of the Jiangsu Bureau of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission.
19. 6. 2004
Around 20 General Insurance Members’ representatives par ticipated in a site visit on latest safety measures, which was arranged by the Provisional Construction Industr y Co-ordination Board.
臨時建造業統籌委員會安排約20位承保僱員補償保險的一般保險會員代表到工地視察,了解工地採取的最新安全措 施。
21. 6. 2004
The 2001/2002 version of Choosing the Right Level of Medical Insurance Benefits booklet was released
29. 6. 2004
The Marine Insurance Association held a seminar on "Legal Implications of Incoterms 2000", which was attended by more than 45 representatives of General Insurance Members.
3. 8. 2004
The Marine Insurance Association invited representatives from the Marine D epar tment to speak at a seminar entitled, "International Ship and Port Facility Security Code in Hong Kong” Forty-five representatives of General Insurance Members par ticipated.
8. 9. 2004
More than 45 representatives of General Insurance Members attended a seminar on "Mental Illness", which was held by the Medical Insurance Association.
15. 9. 2004
The HKFI issued a media release to announce the appointment of Mr Peter C H Tam as its Executive Director.
16. 9. 2004
A delegation of five led by Ms He Jingzhi, Chairperson of the Shanghai Insurance Association, visited the HKFI.
13. 10. 2004
HKFI Chairman Mr K P Chan and Deputy Chairman Mr Roddy Anderson received Mr Patrick Kenny, President and Chief Executive O fficer of the International Insurance Society.
保聯主席陳健波先生、副主席安德生先生接待國際保險學會會長兼總裁Patrick Kenny先生。
24 – 26. 10. 2004
More than 400 insurance practitioners from the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong attended the Cross-strait and Hong Kong Insurance Business Conference at Taipei.
29. 10. 2004
The HKFI held a media conference to inform the public of its position regarding the desirability and feasibility of establishing a centralized Employees' Compensation insurance scheme in Hong Kong
10. 11. 2004
HKFI Chairman Mr K P Chan, LIC Chairman Mr Richard Ip and Governing Committee Member Mr Terr y Lo received six officials from the National Development and Reform Commission.
保聯主席陳健波先生、壽險總會主席葉康民先生、保聯管治委員會委員老建榮先生接待國家發展和改革委員會六位 官員。
16. 11. 2004
The HKFI received a delegation of 30 from various Mainland insurance organizations, which was headed by Mr Wu Wenfu, Chief Editor of Insurance Review.
22. 11. 2004
Ms Ai Youming, Director of Beijing Insurance Association, paid HKFI a courtesy visit 北京保險行業協會理事艾幼明女士造訪保聯。
29. 11. 2004
The HKFI invited representatives from the Insurance Authority, accounting and actuarial exper ts to speak at a briefing on New Accounting Rules - IFRS4 and IAS39.
保聯邀請保監代表、會計及精算專家主講「國際財務報告準則第4 號、國際會計準則第39 號兩條全新會計規例」簡 介會。
30. 11. 2004
Two Guidance Notes on the compliance with the requirements of the Co n tinuing Professional Development Programme came into effect 兩份關於申報遵守持續專業培訓計劃要求的指引正式生效。
1. 12. 2004
Mo re than 110 r epresentatives from 65 M ember C ompanies attended a briefing on the G uidance Note on Compliance with Requirements of the Continuing Professional Development Programme.
10. 12. 2004
The HKFI held an Ex traordinar y General Meeting to approve the subscription fee scales for 2005. Following the Ex traordinar y General Meeting was the annual cocktail par ty, which was attended by more than 110 guests and Member representatives
14. 12. 2004
More than 50 representatives of General Insurance Members attended a seminar on "Congenital Diseases", which was organized by the Medical Insurance Association.
15. 12. 2004
The Marine Insurance Association held a seminar on "Marine Laws relating to Carriage of Goods by Sea, the Athens Convention and the York-Antwerp Rules". Around 45 representatives of General Insurance Members attended 洋面保險公會舉辦「關於海上運輸貨物、雅典公約、約克 - 安特衛普規例的海事法」講座,約有 45 位一般保險會員
16. 12. 2004
The HKFI, in conjunction with the Insurance Authority, the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers and Professional Insurance Brokers Associations, held a media conference to announce the implementation of the new Customer Protection Declaration Form.
保聯聯同保險業監督、香港保險顧問聯會和香港專業保險經紀協會舉行新聞發布會,公布推出新版《客戶保障聲明 書》。
28. 12. 2004
Right after the Asia Tsunamis, the HKFI set up a telephone hot-line for insured travellers affected by ear thquakes and tidal waves and issued a media release to announce it.
31. 12. 2004
The HKFI issued a media release to announce the donation of HK$500,000 to the Hong Kong Red Cross to suppor t its relief operations for victims affec ted by ear thquakes and tsunamis in Asia.
1. 1. 2005
The 2005 version of the Code of Practice for Life Insurance Replacement and the Customer Protection Declaration Form promulgated by the Life Insurance Council came into effect.
8. 1. 2005
The HKFI Chairman K P Chan attended a media conference to affirm our industr y's suppor t of the initiative of the Urban Renewal Authority to promote better building management.
保聯主席陳健波先生出席新聞發布會,落實業界支持市區重建局推出改善樓宇管理的最新措施,鼓勵良好的樓宇管 理。
17. 1. 2005
The HKFI issued a media release to announce the appointment of Mr Ambrose Cheung, JP, as the new Chairman of the Insurance Agents Registration Board.
18. 1. 2005
The Marine Insurance Association organized a seminar on "Local Craft and Insurance Aspec t", which was attended by more than 40 representatives.
19. 1. 2005
The General Insurance Council joined the Occupational Safety and Health Council in launching the Occupational Safety and Health Par tnership Program for catering industr y.
4. 2. 2005
More than 45 representatives from 38 G eneral Insurance Member Companies attended a briefing on "Financial Review of Hong Kong's Insurance System".
18. 2. 2005
A briefing session w as held at the O ccupational Sa fe ty and H ealth Council to introduce the "HKFI Aw ard fo r Excellence in OSH".
19. 2. 2005
The HKFI sponsored the 12th Green Power Hike. Together with its Member Companies, the HKFI have raised a total of HK$100,000 in this charitable walkathon.
25. 2. 2005
The Insurance Agents R egistration B oard issued "Check list of R egistration Documents" for the in fo rmation of prospective registered persons
27. 2. 2005
The HKFI Chairman Mr K P Chan officiated at the O ccupational Safety and Health Car nival, which marked the launch of the Catering Strategic Par tnership Programme
28. 2. 2005
At a seminar held by the Labour Depar tment, the HKFI Chairman K P Chan spoke, from the insurance perspec tive, on "Rehabilitation and Return to Work for Injured Employees"
4. 3. 2005
More than 55 representatives of Life Insurance M embers attended the seminar on "Preferred Life and Claims Handling for Disasters", which was organized by the Life Risk Management Work ing Group.
18. 3. 2005
The HKFI received Mr Yoshihiro Kawai, Secretar y General of International Association of Insurance Supervisors
保聯接待國際保險監督聯會秘書長 Yoshihiro Kawai先生。
7. 4. 2005
More than 320 guests and representatives of Members Companies attended the HKFI 2005 Annual Dinner The Honourable Frederick Ma, JP, Secretar y for Financial Ser vices and the Treasur y, was the Guest-of-honour
保聯舉行年 2005年周年晚宴,出席的嘉賓和會員代表超過 320人,主禮嘉賓為財經事務及庫務局局長馬時亨太平紳 士。
11 – 12. 4. 2005
The HKFI issued a media release to announce the eight award winners of the 2004/2005 HKFI Scholarships. A supplement introducing the HKFI Educational Trust programme was issued in Ming Pao Daily News.
13. 4. 2005
The Statement of B est Practice on Applying Pre-existing Conditions and Exclusions was released to assist M ember Companies in complying with the anti-discrimination laws.
15. 4. 2005
The t echnical a ssociations of the G eneral Insurance Council elec t ed chairmen and deputy chairmen for the 2005/2006 term:
Accident Insurance Association
Mr Jimmy Poon, Chairman
Ms Mandy Lo, Deputy Chairperson
Fire Insurance Association
Ms Teresa Ma, Chairperson
Ms Bonny Law, Deputy Chairperson
Marine Insurance Association
Ms V ivian Ho, Chairperson
Ms Shirley Hung, Deputy Chairperson
Medical Insurance Association
Ms Agnes Ho, Chairperson
Mr James Leung, Deputy Chairman
19. 4. 2005
The HKFI, in conjunction with the Independent Commission Against Corruption, organized a seminar on "Sharpen Your Edge with Professional Ethics". More than 65 Members’ representatives attended.
28. 4. 2005
More than 40 G eneral Insurance M embers attended the seminar on "Expor t & Credit Insurance - Introduc tion, Polic y Wordings, Trade Finance and Easy-link", which was held by the Marine Insurance Association.
洋面保險公會舉辦「出口信用保險 簡介、保單詞彙、貿易財務與信保易」講座,超過40位一般保險會員代表出席。
29. 4. 2005
Councillors-designate of the 2005/2006 G eneral Insurance Council elec ted Mr Leo Ma Chairman and Ms Agnes Koon Deputy Chairman.
Mr Raymond Chan was elected Chairman, and Mr M K Cheng Deputy Chairman by Councillors-designate of the 2005/2006 Life Insurance Council.
The Tenth HKFI Annual General Meeting took place.
2005/2006年度壽險總會侯任委員陳炳根先生獲選為總會主席、鄭文光先生為副主席。 保聯舉行第十屆周年會員大會。
Members List
ACE Insurance Limited
Allianz Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Allianz Marine & Aviation (France)
American Home Assurance Company
Anglo Starlite Insurance Company Limited
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.
Aviva General Insurance Limited
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited
Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
British Marine Luxembourg S.A.
BUPA (Asia) Limited
CAF International Insurance Company Limited
California Insurance Company Limited
Canadian Insurance Company Limited
Chevalier Insurance Company Limited
China Communications Insurance Company Limited
Allianz Marine & Aviation (France)
British Marine Luxembourg S.A.
China International Reinsurance Company Limited
China Merchants Insurance Company Limited
China Overseas Insurance Limited
China Pacific Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
China Ping An Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Cologne Reinsurance Company plc
C ompagnie Fr an c ’ aise D' A ssurance P our Le C ommerce
Ex terieur (COFACE) Hong Kong Branch
Concord Insurance Company Limited
Dah Sing General Insurance Company Limited
Dao Heng Insurance Company Limited
Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG, Hong Kong Branch
Falcon Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Federal Insurance Company
First American Title Insurance Company
GAN Assurances IARD
GE Frankona Reinsurance A/S
Gerling General Insurance Company
Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited
HSBC Insurance (Asia) Limited
HSBC Medical Insurance Limited
Compagnie Franc ’ aise D' Assurance Pour Le Commerce Exterieur (COFACE) Hong Kong Branch
裕利安宜信用保險股份公司香港分行 富勤保險 (香港)有限公司
First American Title Insurance Company
GAN Assurances IARD
安裕再保險有限公司 德國保險
ING General Insurance International
Intercargo Insurance Company Hong Kong Limited
Jerneh Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Kono Insurance Limited
Liber ty International Insurance Limited
Liu Chong Hing Insurance Company Limited
Malayan International Insurance Corporation Limited
Min Xin Insurance Company Limited
The Ming An Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Munich Reinsurance Company Hong Kong Branch
National Insurance Company Limited
The New India Assurance Company Limited
Nipponkoa Insurance Company (Asia) Limited
Nissay Dowa General Insurance Company Limited
The Pacific Insurance Company Limited
Paofoong Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Par tner Reinsurance Company Limited
T he P eople's Insurance C ompan y of C hina (Hong K ong), Limited
Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation
Intercargo Insurance Company Hong Kong Limited
Par tner Reinsurance Company Limited
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited
QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
SCOR Reinsurance Company (Asia) Limited
The Sincere Insurance and Investment Company Limited
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
Sompo Japan Reinsurance Company Limited
Summit Insurance (Asia) Limited
Sun Hung K ai Proper ties Insurance Limited
Swiss Reinsurance Company
The Symbol Underwriters Limited
Target Insurance Company Limited
Through Tr anspor t M utual Insurance A ssociation (Eurasia ) Limited
The Toa Reinsurance Company Limited
T he To k io Marine & Fi re Insurance C ompan y (Hong K ong) Limited
Tok io Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Company Limited
Transatlantic Reinsurance Company
Trans-Ocean Insurance Company Limited
Trinity General Insurance Company Limited
Tugu Insurance Company Limited
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
Sompo Japan Reinsurance Company Limited
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Company Limited
United Builders Insurance Company Limited
United Guaranty Mor tgage Indemnity Company
United K ingdom M utual Steam S hip A ssurance A ssociatio n (Bermuda) Limited
Wing Hang Zurich Insurance Company Limited
Wing Lung Insurance Company Limited
XL Insurance Company Limited
Zurich Insurance Company
American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Asia Insurance Company Limited
Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.
Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited
AXA China Region Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited
Canada Life Limited
China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited
Hong Kong Branch
CIGNA Worldwide Insurance Company
Citi Fubon Life Insurance Company Hong Kong Limited
United Guaranty Mor tgage Indemnity Company 聯合皇國保賠協會 永亨蘇黎世保險有限公司
XL Insurance Company Limited
Zurich Insurance Company
Canada Life Limited 中國人壽保險(海外)股份有限公司 香港分公司
Clerical Medical Investment Group Limited
CMG Asia Limited
Crown Life Insurance Company
Dah Sing Life Assurance Company Limited
Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company
Friends Provident International Limited
Generali International Limited
Hang Seng Life Limited
Hannover R˙uckversicherungs-AG
Hong Kong Life Insurance Limited
HSBC Life (International) Limited
ING Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited
Liber ty International Insurance Limited
Manulife (International) Limited
MassMutual Asia Limited
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong Kong Limited
MLC (Hong Kong) Limited
Munich Reinsurance Company Hong Kong Branch
New York Life Insurance Worldwide Limited
Pacific Centur y Insurance Company Limited
The Pacific Life Assurance Company Limited
Clerical Medical Investment Group Limited
Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company
Generali International Limite d
香港人壽保險有限公司 (國際)有限公司
安泰人壽保險 (百慕達)有限公司
Principal Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited
QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited
RGA Reinsurance Company
Scottish Provident International Life Assurance Limited
RGA Reinsurance Company
Scottish Provident International Life Assurance Limited
Standard Life (Asia) Limited
Sun Life Financial (Hong Kong) Limited
Swiss Reinsurance Company
Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company
Winter thur Life
Zurich Assurance Ltd
Zurich International Life Limited
Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited
Zurich Assurance Ltd
Zurich International Life Limited 蘇黎世人壽保險有限公司