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Turkish Delight! Justin Rose wins back-to-back for the first time, as Antalya hosts the fifth Turkish Airlines Open. Charles McLaughlin reports from the spectacular Regnum Carya Golf & Spa Resort, hosting the event for the second time. Photography by Charles McLaughlin

I Justin Rose wins back-toback for the first time 58


t’s appropriate that a key ingredient t o c l a s sic Tu rk i sh d el i g ht i s… e s senc e of Ro se! Fre sh of f h i s stunning victory in Shanghai, where he came from eight shots back to win, Justin Rose came to Turkey hoping to bolster his belated charge in the Race To Dubai. In the event, for the second week in a row, Rose found himself well off the pace – six shots back with nine to play on Sunday – but somehow managed to power through the field to win. In his f irst back-to-back win on tour, Justin faced a repeat of his (missed) playoff putt in the Masters against Sergio Garcia on the final green. With joint leader Nicolas

Colsaerts an inch or two closer to the hole, Rose drained his 10-footer nervelessly then watched as his opponent’s effort slipped by the left edge. H i s c l o si n g 6 5 wa s e n o u g h t o pip f i r s t- r o u n d l e a d e r C o l s a e r t s a n d t h e surging Dylan Frittelli by a stroke. With a m a i d e n w i n o n t o u r a n d a p l ay o f f loss to h is cred it , Frit tel l i is hav i ng a fantastic year. He really caught the eye here with a spectacular run of five birdies i n a row on t he f ront-n i ne , i nclud i ng three chip-ins! In contrast with his sparkling play in earlier rounds, joint overnight leader Shane Lowry stumbled on Sunday and was soon passed by the f ield. However, there was a welcome ret u rn to form for Pad ra ig Harrington in 4t h, who was left ruing some loose play on Friday, but otherwise put together some of the tidiest golf of the week. In Rose, the organisers undoubtedly got the champion they must have wished for. However, it’s also clear that Turkey and in particular Antalya was also a winner, with t he images being broadcast worldwide. The luxurious all-inclusive Regnum Carya resort was home to players, family, caddies, officials and media throughout the week and made for one of the most entertaining stops on Tour. The resort literally becomes part of the course, with the 16th tee perched atop a luxury villa! A s t he su n set a nd t he presentat ion ceremony began, sponsor Turkish Airlines had one final flourish up their sleeve with a d ra mat ic deliver y of t he trophy – by hoverboard! It was a f itting high-f lying climax to a superb week of world-class golf and hospitality. HKGOLFER.COM

Rose’s winning putt

Joint overnight leader Shane Lowry stumbled on Sunday

The 16th tee perched atop a luxury villa

Dramatic delivery of the trophy by a hoverboard!

Dylan Frittelli had a run of five birdies in a row on the front-nine




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