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“Unbeatable” Kho and Chan Crowned Hong Kong Junior Close Champions Taichi Kho finished his junior career in Hong Kong by winning the Hong Kong Junior Close Championship by a huge 19-stroke margin, writes Louie Chan.


Daniel Wong

Chloe Chan (Overall Girls’ Division) and Taichi Kho (Overall Boys’ Division), the 2018 Hong Kong Junior Close Champions



a ichi Kho and Chloe Cha n won t hei r nat iona l Junior Close titles in their re spec t ive d iv ision , bot h by hu g e m a rg i n s , at t h e Discovery Bay Golf Club. 17-y e a r - o l d K h o , a s t u d e n t a t t h e Discovery College in Discovery Bay, was unbeatable on his home course. The teenage golfing star shot a total of 204 to defend his overall Boys’ championship title by a 19-stroke margin. Yue Yin Ho and Ryan Leung finished second and third at 223 and 232 respectively.

"It was a great week, a nd I ’m rea l ly pleased with the outcome. I feel like all the work I have put into my golf recently is really rewarding. I came out pretty rusty and lost two golf balls on Thursday. But I feel like that my local knowledge really helped me. I made the right decisions and stays pat ient, a nd somehow made nine birdies during that round gave me a lot of momentum going into the second day. I was able to finish strong with an underpar score. On the last round, the back nine got quite windy and gave all of us difficult playing conditions. But DB being my home course, I was able to hit all my shots in all the right places and made smart choices. So, it def in itely helps by k nowing t he course so well," said Kho. 14-year-old Chloe Chan also claimed the overall Girls’ champion by a huge margin. The Hong Kong national team player shot a total of 224, 11 strokes less than secondplace d S el i na Li (235). I na ra Sha r ma finished third at 238. Leading final scores: Boys’ Division: 204 - Taichi Kho (66 70 68), 223 – Yue Yin Ho (75 72 76); 232 – Ryan Lam (78 78 76); 234 – Jackson Chong (82 78 74), Jason Fan (82 72 80). Girls’ Divisions: 224 – Chloe Chan (77 72 75), 235 – Selina Li (79 74 82); 238 – Inara Sharma (81 78 79); 241 – Tiffany Wu (85 74 82); 243 – Stephanie Wong (81 81 81). For more information about the Hong Kong Junior Close Championships result, please go to w w w.hkga.com/eng/ events/20180403.aspx?p=l


Taichi Kho wins the Overall Boys’ Division by a 19-stroke margin

Yue Yin Ho finished runner-up in the Overall Boys’ Division

Roars like a tiger!

Taichi lines up for his putt

Chloe wins the Overall Girl’s Division by an 11-stroke margin


Selina Li finished runner-up in the Overall Girls’ Division



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