One Space, One Korea 같은 공간, 다른 시간, 하나의 코리아
About ‘24’
‘24’ is a Prism that shows the thoughts of 24 young Korean people during 24 hours in a day. ‘24’ expressed the various emotions stemming from two different worlds-north and south-merging together. ‘24’ encompasses anxiety and hope young people have at the starting point of their life. ‘24’ is beautiful in itself, because there is no color in the name of despair. ‘24’ is a synapse that brings divided Korea together as one. ‘24’ is a fun Collage of Korean hope for tomorrow. Artist, Shin-hye Park
Introduction I am a professor of design dept. in Hankyong University located at Ansung, South Korea. There is a combined Middle and High school for young North Korean defects named ‘Han-kyu-rae’ in my city. Most people do not know the school exists in the city, and I was among them. I have visited the facility out of unexpected opportunity in 2014 and my first impression of the school was an island. The existence of the school was an isolated island from our community and our heart. In 2014, I have initiated the very first project to connect the island of heart between our community and the defect youth community. The project was to match 40 students in design arts department to 40 ‘Han-kyu-rae’ students in their final years of school to create a brand so the students can visualize their hopes and dreams. The rather frightened and uncer tain students star ted to talk to each other as the project progresses, and unknowingly they became friends. ‘24’ was the second communication project we held. ‘24’ was a project that gathered the 24 young students from Nor th and
South Korea whom coexist in the Republic of Korea to share their thoughts and understand each other to make up 24 hours together. I would like to show my gratitude to the artist, Shin-hye Park for her main role as a director to the project and Inkyong Cho, Wherim
Hangyeore High School Oak-Lan Park, Ji-Hyang Lee, Seon-Hwa Lee, Myung-Seong Park, Young-Mi Hong, Eun-Ju Park, Su-Lyun Kim, Hyang-Mi Choi,
Nam, Hyunsoo Jang for their assistance.
Cheol-Ju Park, Bom-Hyang Jeong,
Above all, the 24 young students of Korea who have invested their
Cheol-Jin Jo, Seon-Young Kim,
precious time and thoughts into the project! Each hour after hours
Jeong-Shim Kim
was added to make up 24 hours, one day and one Korea. They were the main character of the project ‘24’
Hankyong University Ye-Ji Jeong, Ha-Eun Shim, Ha-Na Na, Ji-Sou Lee, Ku-Min Kwon,Tae-Youn Jo,
professor, Kyungsun Lee
Da-Eun Shin, Min-Young Hwang,
Hankyong National University
Jin-Young Lee, Han-Seol Park, Ki-Suh Kim
1 O’clock
Oak-Lan Park _ 박옥란 (Born in North Korea / age 24)
My beloved family and friends that I cannot meet! The unattended and separated dinner table, the time that is divided in two!
만날 수 없는 사랑하는 가족과 친구들! 그들과 함께 할 수 없는 둘로 나뉘어진 식탁, 둘로 나뉘어진 시간!
2 O’clock
Ji-Hyang Lee _ 이지향 (Born in North Korea / age 20)
The unawaken time of darkness, North Korea’s 2am, The sleepless time of glamour, South Korea’s 2am.
아무도 깨어있지 않는 암흑의 시간, 북한의 새벽 2시, 아무도 잠들지 않는 화려함의 시간, 남한의 새벽 2시!
3 O’clock
Ye-Ji Jeong _ 정예지 (Born in South Korea / age 21)
The communication filled with mouth rather than head nor heart. Communications with vain words, so the South Korea’s 20’s spends time as a transient adult who are not really an adult yet.
머리나 가슴보다 입으로 채워진 소통, 말뿐인 소통, 그래서 멀리가지 못하는 성인이지만 성인이 아닌 대한민국에서 살아가는 20대 초반의 시간.
4 O’clock
Seon-Hwa Lee _ 이선화 (Born in North Korea / age 21)
Hiding myself in Korea by the destiny that is like a casted dice And the shadow like hours that I have to wear a mask on me.
주사위처럼 던져진 탈북인이라는 운명으로 한국에서 나 자신을 감추고 가면을 쓰고 살아야 하는 그림자 같은 시간.
5 O’clock
Myung-Seong Park _ 박명성 (Born in North Korea / age 21)
I wish to be an athlete that effort for unification of Korea in South Korea just like I was an athlete in North Korea.
북한에서 운동선수였던 것처럼 남한에서는 통일이라는 시간을 향해 달리는 선수가 되고 싶다.
6 O’clock
Ha-Eun Shim _ 심하은 (Born in South Korea / age 23)
6am, Just like the blooming flowers and the flopping fish above the sea lines, My foot rise and prepare to run for the joyous dream.
아침 6시, 꽃이 피어나고 물고기가 바다 위를 뛰어 오르듯이 나의 발은 눈을 떠서 즐겁게 꿈을 향해 뛸 준비를 한다.
7 O’clock
Ha-Na Na _ 나하나 (Born in South Korea / age 21)
I put my little butterfly in my mind and the dreams of it become shining like light.
나는 내 작고 아름다운 나비를 인생의 무대에 올려놓았고 그 꿈은 수많은 작은 등불이 되어 빛이 나고……
8 O’clock
Ji-Sou Lee _ 이지수 (Born in South Korea / age 20)
8am, I walk into a crowd of commuters that seems to wear same suits and masks. I feel that the proper way start for likes of me is to be naked?
아침 8시, 똑같은 정장을 입고 가면을 쓴 것 같은 출근길 사람들 속으로 들어간다. 나다운 시작을 하는 것은 왠지 벌거벗은 느낌인걸?
9 O’clock
Ku-Min Kwon _ 권구민 (Born in South Korea / age 21)
I climb down the rope like an adept mountain climber for the day that the happiness like a floral scent and the pain like a cactus needles coexists. For the better today!
꽃향기 같은 행복과 선인장 가시 같은 아품이 공존하는 하루를 향해 숙련된 산악인처럼 줄을 타고 내려온다. 멋진 하루를 향해!
10 O’clock
Young-Mi Hong _ 홍영미 (Born in North Korea / age 19)
10am, It is the time that we wander around the mountain foots to gather food for the day in North Korea. I walked out of the darkness and dream of a tree with fruitful future in South Korea.
아침 10시, 북한에서는 식량을 얻기 위해 종일 산 속을 헤매고 있었던 시간이다. 어둠 속에서 나와 이제 남한에서 행복한 미래가 주렁주렁 열려있는 나무를 꿈꾼다.
11 O’clock
Eun-Ju Park _ 박은주 (Born in North Korea / age 19)
The overflowing materials of South Korea and the vast hollowness of North Korea, After experiencing both the south and the north, I wish to be a telephone who assist in the south’s and the north’s communications.
풍요한 남한과 아무것도 없는 빈곤의 북한, 남과 북을 모두 경험한 나는 통일 후에 남한과 북한이 소통할 수 있도록 도와주는 전화기 같은 존재가 되고 싶다.
12 O’clock
Tae-Youn Jo _ 조태연 (Born in South Korea / age 23)
In order to overcome the hurdles and realize the dream you possess, I must study and accumulate knowledge. I believe you earn the wisdom from overcoming the hardship and surf on the heavy waves.
시련을 이기고 자신이 원하는 꿈을 이루기 위해서는 지식을 쌓고 공부를 해야 한다. 지식의 파도를 타며 즐기는 과정에서 시련을 이기고 꿈을 이루는 지혜를 얻게 된다고 생각한다.
13 O’clock
Su-Lyun Kim _ 김수련 (Born in North Korea / age 19)
My dream is to be a chef. I will be a great chef and when the unification happens, I wish to make a lunch outing for all of my family members.
나의 꿈은 요리사(셰프)가 되는 것이다. 멋진 요리사가 되어 통일이 된 후에 내가 요리한 음식들로 가족 모두에게 멋진 점심 만찬을 차려주고 싶다.
14 O’clock
Da-Eun Shin _ 신다은 (Born in South Korea / age 20)
Time when the afternoon begins, Just like 2pm, 20 is the age when we become adults. The cramped heart as if I was chained is now free And my happiness lies at the freedom of working on what I want.
오후를 시작하는 시간, 2시처럼 20살은 성인이 되는 시작이다. 틀에 갖혀 있는 듯 답답했던 마음은 홀가분해졌고 원하는 일을 시작할 수 있어 행복한 시간이다.
15 O’clock
Hyang-Mi Choi _ 최향미 (Born in North Korea / age 20)
I love to study Mathematics. I want to find a dream and chase the dream while I study what I love and do what I desire in South Korea.
난, 수학공부를 좋아한다. 한국사회에서 좋아하는 공부, 하고 싶은 일을 하면서 꿈을 찾고 행복한 꿈을 이루고 싶다.
16 O’clock
Min-Young Hwang _ 황민영 (Born in South Korea / age 21)
The most active time of the day, 4pm. I enjoy the freedom of an adult, But we deal with freedom like inexperienced children.
매우 활동적인 자유의 시간, 16시. 이제 막 성인으로서 자유를 누리지만 자유를 다루는 것에 대해 미숙한 아기와 같은 우리의 시간.
17 O’clock
Jin-Young Lee _ 이진영 (Born in South Korea / age 24)
5pm is like my age after converting my life into a clock! Life is now beginning and is starting. It is still not too late!
나의 나이를 인생시계로 바꾸면 오후 5시! 인생은 이제 시작이고 출발이다. 아직 늦지 않았다!
18 O’clock
Cheol-Ju Park _ 박철주 (Born in North Korea / age 20)
I came to South Korea through China in hopes of studying. My life is inevitably an abnormal life of a defect. I want my success to surpass South Korea and become an international leader with my unique ideas and endeavors.
공부를 하고 싶다는 생각으로 중국을 거쳐 남한으로 오게 되었다. 어차피 평범할 수 없는 탈북자의 삶이다. 나만의 아이디어와 노력을 통해 한 계단 한 계단, 남한을 넘어 국제사회를 이끄는 성공한 사람이 되고 싶다.
19 O’clock
Bom-Hyang Jeong _ 정봄향 (Born in North Korea / age 20)
One year have passed after reaching South Korea, The fear still looms around me, but this is the time of change. The small wind blows, cool like a fan!
남한에 도착한 지 일 년, 아직 모든 것이 두렵지만 지금은 변화를 위한 시간, 작은 바람이 분다. 선풍기 바람처럼 시원하게!
20 O’clock
Cheol-Jin Jo _ 조철진 (Born in North Korea / age 22)
People shaping their body like animals, tender women in luxurious clothing, This is the place where the poor and the rich emerge. South Korea is a place where two different things exist.
동물처럼 몸을 만드는 사람들, 화려한 차림의 아름다운 여자들, 부자와 가난한 사람이 함께 있는 곳, 남한은 두 개가 공존하는 곳이다.
21 O’clock
Seon-Young Kim _ 김선영 (Born in North Korea / age 21)
9pm reminds me of my father’s back! After watching the only television in the village, the stars in the sky that I saw on top of my father’s back, is now fading amongst South Korea’s fancy neon stars.
아빠의 등이 생각나는 시간, 밤 9시! 마을에 하나밖에 없는 텔레비전을 보고 아빠 등에 업혀서 집으로 오며 바라보았던 밤하늘 가득했던 별들이 지금은 남한의 화려한 네온 별들 속으로 사라졌다.
22 O’clock
Han-Seol Park _ 박한솔 (Born in South Korea / age 20)
This is the time when we escape the planned schedules and walk into our own world. This is the new start point, 10pm!
짜여진 일상에서 벗어나 자신만의 세계로 들어가는 문을 여는 시간, 또 다른 시작점, 밤 열시!
23 O’clock
Ki-Suh Kim _ 김기수 (Born in South Korea / age 24)
The time to cease the intricate and noisy thoughts in my head, my own leisure, my own healing time, 11pm!
머리 속 복잡하고 시끄러운 생각들을 멈추는 나만의 여유, 나만의 힐링 시간, 밤 11시!
24 O’clock
Jeong-Shim Kim _ 김정심 (Born in North Korea / age 20)
12pm, when all surroundings sleep in the dead of night. All objects that were sleeping during the day awakens, and when they approach to me, I leave my heart to free imaginations.
모든 것이 잠든 시간, 밤 12시! 낮 시간 동안 잠들어 있던 모든 사물들이 깨어나 나에게 말을 걸면 내 마음은 자유로운 상상을 꿈꾼다.
One Space, One Korea 같은 공간, 다른 시간, 하나의 코리아