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An interview with the pastor couple of Sam Mun Tsai Pentecostal Holiness Church


The three steps of spiritual growth


Prayer unites us-PH Churches in Hong Kong

生活處處是戰場?! Battlefields everywhere?!

香港五旬節聖潔會通訊 Hong Kong PHC Periodical


Issue Five・May 2023

出   版:五旬節聖潔會法團

地   址:九龍樂富杏林街22號       6樓總會辦事處

電   話:2366 6289

傳   真:2721 1027

統   籌:巫珮怡姊妹

編   輯:周健雄牧師


堂會快訊 聖經叢談 代禱事項

03 07 17 27

周健雄牧師 Rev . Wilfrid Chau

三區會 牧者勸勉

Publisher : Pentecostal Holiness Church, Inc.

Address : 6/F, 22 Heng Lam Street, Lok Fu, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel : (852) 2366 6289

Fax : (852) 2721 1027

Coordinator: Mo Pui-yee

Editor : Rev. Chau Kim-hung

Designer : Cheung Wai-yan


本期《聖經叢談》的題目是「生命成長的三部曲」,這三部曲的屬靈成長歷程, 讓我聯想到最近一次攀山經歷。一位資深弟兄近年愛上行山,走遍香港的大小山徑,近 日他透過另一位弟兄邀請我同登大嶼山的西狗牙。當天我們整裝出發,卻在西狗牙的 入口處碰到一位中年大叔從山腰處踉蹌而下,說他只爬了十分一路就感到不對勁,決定 離隊下山而去。我們一邊上山,一邊暗自取笑他。誰料此山以「狗牙」為名,正因為山 勢跌宕起伏,狀如狗牙,且山勢險峭,須四肢並用,順著人手鑿出來的石徑向上攀爬, 始能緩步前進。起初石徑兩旁有灌木生長,心裏比較踏實;但沿坡而上,兩旁變得光禿, 爬得愈高,地勢就愈險,還要保守自己和同伴不從數百米高的懸崖墮下,確是一步一 驚心。但山徑陡峭,一旦上山就不能走回頭路,非得攀過三個互相接連、一個比一個高 聳的山峰,才能到達下山的山口。於是,我們只有硬著頭皮,頂著畏高而酸軟的腳步, 用了不知多個小時,終於登頂,經歷了一次「壯舉」。這次經歷,我想可以作為生命同 行的隱喻,看到人生中相伴同行、互相守望、堅持到底的重要性。我們更看到在人生 大小經歷中,都有著神的保守與引領,叫我們有能力征服看似一個比一個艱難的攔阻, 突破自己的軟弱,見證人在基督裏的生命長進。

此外,本期堂會快訊介紹三門仔堂的兩位傳道同工,是一對年輕的夫婦,他們相 識相愛、同工同行的過程,都是美好的生命見證。林淑櫻牧師講論人際之間的戰爭與和

growth”.ThisBibleHermeneuticscolumnofthisissuecarriesthetitle“Thethreestepsofspiritual Thearticleremindsmeofarecenthikingexperience.A veteran member of our church has fallen in love with mountain hikes during the past few years, leaving his footprints on most trailsinHongKong.Notlongago,heinvitedmeandanotherbrother in Christ to a hike at West Dog’sTeethinLantau.Gearedup,attheentrancewhichwashalf way up the mountain, we came acrossamiddle-agedguywhomadehiswaydownclumsily.Hesaid he had just climbed up one- tenth of the distance before heading back as he felt he would not be capable of finishing the trail, whichseemedtoodifficultforhim.Wecontinueduphillafterthebrief encounter and joked about the guy. But we understood his feeling very soon because the trail got its name not without reason. The steepness and frequent ups and downs resemble the shape of dog’steeth.Wehadtouseboth hands and feet to proceed safely. Moving slowly, we managed to feel secure as both sides of the trail were covered by bushes. Yet as we climbed up, the trail became increasingly uncovered and we were literally in the middle of a cliff. The sight was so scarybuttherewasnowayback.We must carry on to climb over three more hilltops before reaching the exit. I couldn’t remember how many hours it has taken before we reached the peak and accomplished this remarkable journey. That was indeed a precious experience that echoed my spiritual journey, from which I realized the importance of the support of companions, determination and persistence.What’smoreimportantis the guidance and protection of our Lord, who always leads us through all kinds of obstacles and helps us to encounter an improved self in the love of Jesus Christ.

Besides,theinterviewwiththeyoungcouplewhopastorPHCSam Mun Tsai Church told us a beautiful story of how they evolved from lovers to partners in serving a far bigger family in God. In the Message from Conferences column, Rev. Maggie Lam shared with us the battles and peace- makinginvariousaspectsofinterpersonalrelationships.Hermessage is a great reminder for us to cherish the people around us.

Wehopeyouwillenjoyreadingthisissue.Let’slearnandexperience growth in spiritual life together!


|堂會快訊 Church Highlights


自從何耀基牧師及馮倚華牧師於早前退 休後,接棒運作五旬節聖潔會三門仔堂的, 同樣是一對夫婦:李皓傳道與郭金香傳道。

由於兩位傳道人尚未成為本會宣教師,堂主 任一職現由荃灣堂堂主任李馬太牧師兼任。

郭金香傳道可說是在三門仔堂土生土 長,中學時期已在這裡參與聚會,至1993 年受洗加入。李皓傳道本來參與另一家教 會,2017年轉到三門仔堂,同年與郭傳道 結婚,他笑言自己是入贅三門仔堂。

那麼二人是如何走在一起的呢?這要從 郭金香於2012年參加訪韓聖會說起。郭當 年與一位永光堂的姊妹一同到韓國參與這著 名的聚會,她還記得當年的大題目是「築壇 與復興」,主題是學習祈禱。在牧師呼召的 時候,她心裡感動不已,雙眼淚流不止,她 向神禱告:「主啊,若真要我踏上事奉之路, 請賜我一位夥伴,與我同行。」回港後不久, 在一位姊妹的介紹下,她就認識了李皓。


Following the retirement of Rev. Ho Yiu-kei and Rev. Fung Yee-wah, Sam Mun Tsai Pentecostal Holiness Church (SMTPHC) has been taken care of by another couple of pastors: Mr. Michael Li and Ms. Clara Kwok. Since the Li’s are not yet licensed ministers of PHC, Rev. Matthew Lee of Tsuen Wan PHC is the Acting Pastor-in-charge of SMTPHC for the time being.

Pastor Kwok has joined SMTPHC since her secondary school days. She kept attending the church gatherings and was baptized in 1993. Pastor Li was a member of another church previously. He switched to SMTPHC only in 2017, the same year when he got married with Pastor Kwok.

How did they meet each other then? Their love story has a spiritual root indeed. In 2012, Clara attended the Overseas Chinese Conference in Korea with a sister of Wing Kwong Church. The theme of that year, as Clara recalled, was “Altar building and revival” while praying was the main subject. During a session, when the presiding pastor gave out a summon, Clara was so moved and tears flooded her eyes. She prayed to God: “Oh God! If you want me to step onto this path of ministry, please give me a partner to walk along with me.” Not long after she returned to Hong Kong, she was introduced to Michael through a sister of another church.


李皓回想這段經歷時,道出原來透過熟人介 紹伴侶已非第一次,只是以往的在見面後都覺得 不適合。「我的要求其實很簡單,就是想尋找一 位愛主又溫柔的姊妹吧。」與郭金香首次見面, 雙方都沒有太大感覺,但在之後的一次約會裡, 卻發現彼此有很多合拍的看法,大家都相信聖靈 的工作、按手祈禱醫治的經驗,在表白的時候, 李皓更留意到郭金香面頰上有一小點金粉,他深 深相信那是神給他的印證,並把這圖畫藏在心裡。

From the perspective of Michael, that was not the first time he was introduced to a girl with the prospect of courting but all previous attempts failed. “I did not ask for much. I just wanted to find a gentle and God-loving girl.” He recalled that he did not feel anything special for the first encounter with Kwok. However, they set up another date afterwards. During that date, he found that they had so many things in common and shared very similar views and values. They both believed in the work of the Holy Spirit and holy healing. When Michael confessed his feelings to Clara, he noticed that her face carried a little gold dust, which he believed to be a sign of affirmation from God. He held that precious moment deep down in his heart.

Church Highlights 5

郭金香在2013及2014年仍然有 參加訪韓聖會,2014年那次李皓也有 同行。郭表示隨著每年參與,所領受的 召命也愈來愈確定。本來從事船務文員 的她,確也為過自己的資歷、財務的狀 況而擔憂,但她在聖會之中領受到「非 勢力、非才能、乃是靠神的靈方能成 事」,後來她毅然辭去文員工作,老闆 得知她辭職的原因後,特地讓她多做四 個月,然後遣散她,讓她得到遣散費, 剛好助她解決當時的財務問題。

李郭兩人在2017年九月結婚,婚 後一起全時間修讀神學課程,四年求學 期間挑戰不斷,但李皓卻看到神的恩典 處處:「我唸神學時媽媽患上癌症,又 遇上COVID疫情肆虐,但又正好因為 疫情關係,上課改以ZOOM視像進行, 我常常在醫院用ZOOM上課,兼顧到 照顧母親,到疫情完結,媽媽已康復 了。神把一切都安排好了!」

二人夫妻檔接手牧養三門仔堂的事 奉,心裡皆有著復興三門仔堂的異象, 希望帶領會眾更渴慕神,願意親自經歷 神,持續地經歷神。「三門仔堂今年的 主題是燃亮禱告心,激發熱情心,全民 操練禱告。」她提到三門仔堂的立碑 上,正正寫著「萬國禱告的殿」,這也 是她的牧養方向:由禱告開始,打開屬 靈天窗,叫全堂肢體都有渴慕神的心。

Clara attended the Christian Conference in Korea in the following years, i.e. 2013 and 2014. Michael joined her for the 2014 Conference. Clara said that she could picture her calling more clearly as time went by and her determination grew along. Previously a shipping clerk, Clara did have concerns over her qualifications and financial conditions. However, she was encouraged during the Conference and got strength from the Bible verse “not by might, not by power, but by my (the Lord’s) spirit”. When she finally tendered her resignation from the position of shipping clerk, her boss asked her to work for four more months, so that her years of service at the company could qualify her for a compensation payment from the company. The amount was just right for her to settle her then financial burden.

Li and Kwok got married in September 2017, after which they went to study theology full time together. The four school years were filled with challenges but Michael saw it from a very refreshing perspective: “My mother was diagnosed of cancer when I studied theology. Then the whole society was hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the classes were switched to be conducted through Zoom meeting. Therefore I often attended on-line classes in the hospital, where I stayed a lot to take care of my mother. When the pandemic was over, my mother recovered. Everything has been taken care of by God!”

Taking the baton of shepherding SMTPHC, the couple were eager to see a revival of the Church. They pray that they could lead the congregation closer to God and that the desire to get close to God be cultivated in everybody’s heart. “The theme of SMTPHC this year is to ignite the desire to pray.” said Clara. On the entrance plate of the Church, it is written “the house of prayers”. This is exactly the direction of her stewardship: to open the heavenly window by prayers so that all congregants are filled with the desire to get close to God.



Bible in Hermeneutics

翻譯Translated by:巫珮怡姊妹 Mo Pui-yee


Rev. Chau Kim-hung, Wilfrid BA, BTh, MA., MDiv


太七7-8(和修版)〡Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)

7 你們祈求,就給你們;尋找,就找到;叩門,就給你們開門。 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

8 因為凡祈求的,就得着;尋找的,就找到;叩門的,就給他開 門。

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


祈禱的意義和重要性 The meaning and significance of prayers


性。「祈求」( αἰτέω )、「尋找」( ζητέω )

和「叩」( κρούω ) 這三個字看似只是 「祈禱」的同義詞,但這三個字詞都出


的重要信息。1 在希伯來文,「祈禱」

( פלל )是反身動詞( reflexive verb ),

2 即是施加在自己身上的動作。這即是 說,祈禱是求神把神看為好的事做在祈 禱者身上,使自己得著神所賜的福分。 但這並非要藉祈禱搖動神的手,求神成

就自己的心意;相反,這是不斷聆聽神 話語、明白神心意、並在逐步遵行神話 語的過程中扭轉心性品格,越發地認識 神、親近神。3 因此,祈禱應看成為尋 找神一步一步,一級一級,一層一層的 走近神的施恩寶座的行動。耶穌利用這 當時人所熟知的屬靈概念,叫人從「祈 求」到「尋找」;從「尋找」到「叩門」, 達致屬靈生命成長,從而確切地回應天 國召命。


In these two Bible verses, Jesus talked about the significance of prayers. The three words “ask” (αἰτέω), “seek” (ζητέω) and “knock” (κρούω) seem to be synonyms of “pray”. Indeed all these three words carry a Jewish spiritual tradition and convey important messages about the divine communication between man and God.1 In Hebrew, “pray” (פלל) is a reflexive verb,2 indicating an action to be performed on oneself. This means that “praying” is to do something good in God’s eyes on oneself, to allow oneself be blessed by God. This is different from moving God’s hands to accomplish one’s own will. Quite the contrary, “prayer” is about listening to God persistently, to know His will, and to follow His teachings. From the process one’s character should be growing to be more Godlike.3 As such, prayers should be considered as a progressive action of approaching God, step by step, one level after another. Jesus was using the spiritual concept familiar to most people at the time to elaborate prayers, teaching people to progress from “ask” to “seek”, then from “seek” to “knock”, in accordance with the growth of spiritual life, an on that basis respond to the divine call properly.

1 “All three verbs, ‘ask,’ ‘seek,’ and ‘knock’ (αἰτέω, ζητέω, κρούω), have a religious dimension in Jewish Christian usage. One asks or seeks God, one knocks on the ‘gates of mercy.’” Ulrich Luz, Matthew 1–7: A Commentary on Matthew 1–7, ed. Helmut Koester, Rev. ed., Hermeneia—a Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2007), 358.

2 “Reflexive words show that the person who does the action is also the person who is affected by it.” Cambridge Dictionary. Cambridge Dictionary.

3 “A classic definition of Christian prayer is ‘an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agreeable to his will, in the name of Christ, with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgement of his mercies.’(Westminster Short Catechism)” Walter A. Elwell and Barry J. Beitzel, “Prayer, Lord’s,” Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1988), 1745.

Bible in Hermeneutics

學者指出,「祈求」( αἰτέω )這字專指

人為了得著一些東西而向神發出懇求。 4 人總

常為自己的需要向神祈求,包括物質生活所 需,疾病得醫治、為罪得赦免、面對外在挑 戰時所需的智慧、心力和信心等。這與耶穌


人類的計劃求,顯出巨大的差別。 5 但耶穌明 白人的需要,故此在主禱文教導信的人要為 一己所需向天父祈求。

「祈求」( αἰτέω )只是屬靈生命的初階,


來的給予 (δίδωμι )。6 但耶穌教導門徒祈禱

時已指出,人不應一味求生活所需,更須求 的是神的國和神的義(太六33)。人的慾望 無窮,若一味求神滿足自己所需,就只會越 發變得自我,把祈禱視為滿足自己慾望的工 具,乃至於盲目追求得著神的禮物,卻忽略 了賜恩的神才是人應該仰望的。

“Ask” (αἰτέω) is in general defined as a request to God for something specifically wanted.4 People are used to ask God for what they need, including material needs, sickness be healed, sins be forgiven, wisdom, strength and faith to handle challenges. Jesus never asked for his own needs. He always asked for God’s will be done, that the Father’s plan of salvation be accomplished. The subject of prayer shows a huge difference.5 Yet, Jesus understands human needs and He taught His followers to pray to our Father in heaven for what they need.

“Ask” (αἰτέω) belongs to the early stage of spiritual life and naturally the subject is about one’s own needs. Through “asking”, one enjoys the providence (δίδωμι) of God.6 However, according to how Jesus taught His followers to pray, one should pray first for the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Human desires see no end. If we pray only for our needs to be satisfied, we would only become self-centred and consider prayers as a tool to fulfill our desires. Our focus will be misplaced on the gifts from God rather than the giver – our munificent God.


4 “Perhaps in explanation we might suggest that the basic meaning of αἰτέω is to want something, in the first instance for oneself.” Gustav Stählin, “Αἰτέω , Αἴτημα, Ἀπαιτέω , Ἐξαιτέω, Παραιτέομαι,” ed. Gerhard Kittel, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Gerhard Friedrich, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964–), 192.

5 “Jesus uses αἰτέω only of the prayer of others, not of His own (cf. Jn. 16:26), which is always for Him an ἐρωτᾶν (Jn. 14:16 etc.) or δεῖσθαι (Lk. 22:32), though Martha thinks nothing of applying the term αἰτεῖν to Him too (Jn. 11:22). … When Jesus prays, however, there is no question of His wanting things for Himself, but only for others.” Gustav Stählin, “Αἰτέω , Αἴτημα , Ἀπαιτέω Ἐξαιτέω ,

Παραιτέομαι,” ed. Gerhard Kittel, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Gerhard Friedrich, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964–), 192.

6 Δίδωμι, this verb is future passive (δοθήσεται).


因此,若要生命成長,就不能滿足於單 為自己所需向神祈求,須有更進深的「尋找」

歷程。「尋找」( ζητέω )是信仰生命的另一

層次,這字包含「探究」( investigate )、考 核( examine )等意思,7 就是要從事情的「所

然」中,發掘出事情的「所以然」。換言之, 「尋找」就是尋索真理。「尋找」是要努力 付上行動的,因為世上許多事物,尤其是真 理,絕不可能唾手可得,須付上「上窮碧落 下黃泉」的工夫、「上下而求索」的努力。

在尋索真理的過程中對真理的 發現,必要為 人帶來無比的愉悅,人更要驚喜地發現,神 不但是他所尋找的答案,更是生命的歸宿。

本來按著人有限的智慧,根本沒可能找到神 和認識神;被罪捆綁的本相更是尋找神的嚴 重障礙,可幸的是,「尋找」原來是雙向的, 人尋找神,神也一直在尋找人,正如路加

福音說:「人子來是要尋找和拯救失喪 的人」(路十九10)。耶利米書也

有相近的話:「你們尋求我, 若專心尋求我,就必尋見。」

(耶廿九13) 滿有大愛的神,


To grow spiritually, one should not be satisfied by asking God for one’s own needs. There should be something more in-depth.

“Seek” (ζητέω) brings us to another level of faith. This word includes the meaning of “investigate” and “examine”.7 One would not be satisfied with how things just as they are but wants to know the scene behind. In other words, “seek” refers to an exploration of the truth. To “seek”, one needs to make effort. Most precious things in the world, truth in particular, would not just fall into one’s hands. One must seriously want it and willingly makes the efforts to seek. The pursuit of truth will bring delightful enlightenment. One would get joyfully surprised by finding God being not only the answer but also the origin of life. With the very limited wisdom, man could not possibly find God or get to know God. Man are so bound by sins to seek God on one’s own. Blissfully, the “seeking” is two-way. While man is seeking God, God is also seeking man. Like what was said in Luke: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” (Luke 19:10) The Book of Jeremiah has a similar sentence: “You will seek

Bible in Hermeneutics


認識祂,那麼,當人主動去尋求神,豈不更 能認識祂嗎?因此,當人離開道理的開端, 切切地尋找神,就必要找到神。當人找到神, 認識生命之主,就必全然降服神的旨意之下, 向神交出生命主權。


me and find me if you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13). Our all-loving God would reveal Himself to those who seek Him and He would seek and save people. “Seek and you will find.” Therefore, man should really proceed from the early stage of faith to seek God seriously. When one finds God and knows God, one will fully surrender before God and let God reign in one’s life.

7 “The root of this concept is to be found in the frequent LXX use of ζητεῖν for בִּקֵּשׁ

當人認識神、與神的關係建立起來之後, 尋求真道的胃口就會大開,想深入探求屬靈

的奧祕,以及神創造的心意和救贖的大愛, 於是進而叩神的門。「叩門」的意象,就是 指進深地求道;「門」指真道的門徑,而「叩」

( κρούω )就是求道的行動。門須去「叩」, 意味著有些道理是向求道者暫時隱藏的,須 要求道者謙卑地、恆切地、鍥而不捨地去叩 問,在叩問的過程中,神逐步開啟求道者的 理解力、領悟力和同理心,叫他們在反復思 考、恆久用功,以及在事上磨練之後,終於 豁然貫通地悟道,生命更上一層樓。有學者

When one knows God and starts a relationship with God, one’s appetite for the knowledge of truth will be uplifted. One would then desire to explore the spiritual mystery, the will of God’s creation and the love behind the salvation of mankind. “Knock” (κρούω) is an action to pursue the truth. Doors have to be “knocked” before they are opened. This image implies that some truth is hidden from the seekers for the time being. Truth-seekers need to be humble, patient and persistent in the process of “knocking”, during which their level of comprehension, interpretation and empathy will be gradually unlocked by God. Through repetitious reflective attempts and persistent hard work, they will eventually come to the point of enlightenment and proceed to another level of spiritual life. Commentators point

and also in the use of the term in secular literature, where it is a technical term for philosophical investigation. There is a hint of the latter in the saying concerning the Greek search after wisdom in 1 C. 1:22.” Heinrich Greeven, “Ζητέω Ζήτησις, Ἐκζητέω Ἐπιζητέω,” ed. Gerhard Kittel, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Gerhard Friedrich, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964–), 893.

指出,叩門指猶太人研讀律法時尋求對律 法的理解,8 這理解進一步幫助人認識到


渴慕神的話語,願意在屬靈操練進深,深 入去認識神的永能和神聖。這「叩門」

的結果,就是「給你們開門」;「開」 ( ἀνοίγω )是「啟迪」、「啟發」的意思。

9 神必要回應人的叩問,把祂創造的心意、

救贖的計劃、屬靈的奧祕、宇宙的廣袤, 逐一向求道者揭露。當屬天的門向求道者 打開,求道者閉塞了的心靈就也必相應地 打開,心胸、眼界大大擴張,預嚐屬天的 美善、終末的榮美景象,於是把明日的我 活在今天,並全力以赴;世界和肉身情慾 的事,就在他身上失去籠牢的能力。求道 者與神站在同一陣地,樂於委身於天國的 召命,為自己在這時代、在這信仰群體的 角色與召命奉獻自己的所能。


8 “Commentators point out that the imagery of knocking on a door has associations in Judaism with the study of the Law and its interpretation and with prayers for God’s mercy.” Barclay Moon Newman and Philip C. Stine, A Handbook on the Gospel of Matthew, UBS Handbook Series (New York: United Bible Societies, 1992), 199-200.

9 “metaph., lay open, unfold, disclose.” Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, et al., A Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996), 145.

out that the imagery of knocking on a door has associations in Judaism with the study of the Law and its interpretation.8 This helps us to understand that “knocking door” is an imagery of “truth-seeking”. Truth-seekers want to get close to God and desire His words. They are willing to go through spiritual practices in order to know God in depth. The action of “knocking” will bring result: “door opened”. The word “opened” (ἀνοίγω) means “unfolded” and “disclosed”.9 God will answer the questions of those who “knock” about the will of creation, the plan of salvation, the mystery of spirituality, the grandeur of universe, etc. Like the door, the hearts of the truth-seekers will also be opened and their visions be very much broadened. They will be given a prior glimpse of the heavenly eternity. One would no longer be drawn to the worldly pleasures as they will be so in alignment with God that they are totally committed to the calls from the kingdom. They will be happy to contribute whatever they have to the faith community of their times.

Bible in Hermeneutics

主耶穌指出,我們的屬靈生命,有「祈 求」、「尋找」、「叩門」三個層次。總 括來說,「祈求」,就是求神把好處做在 自己身上,讓自己成為禱告的受惠者。祈

求者為自己的需要和遭遇呼求神的幫助和 介入,若能意識到「祈求」就是把自己帶 到神面前,必須對神有信心、敬畏和愛慕,

這領會就要導引我們尋求靈命的進深,到 另一個屬靈層次,從而尋找神、認識神。

可是,若我們的心思一味著眼於自己的需 要,而把眼光置放於自己需要是否得到滿 足,自己遭遇是否順遂,來衡量我們與神 的關係,這樣,我們的屬靈生命就要停滯、 沒法成長。

我們尋找神,神也尋 找 我們,且定意 讓尋找祂的人找到祂。因此,當我們能夠 愈主動、愈熱切地去尋找神,要與神建立

關係,神定必導引我們去認識祂,使我們 的屬靈生命自覺地得到提升,不再滿足於 一味向神為自己的需要求,而能夠把自己

的需要降服在神的旨意之下,使自己的生 命持續長進。

當我們愈認識神、與神的關係愈密切, 就會發現自己對屬靈的事其實所知有限, 而渴求有進深的認識,這顆渴慕的心會驅 動我們去做求道者,去叩神的門,深入去 探索,體會神的永能和神聖;深入去學習, 認識神的法度和話語。神定必將祂創造的 心意、救贖的計劃、宇宙的奧祕、屬靈生 命可以去到的深度,都啟迪給求道的我們 知道。

Jesus Christ pointed out that our spiritual lives have three levels: “ask”, “seek” and “knock”. “Ask” is to ask God to bless us with good things. The one who asks is the beneficiary oneself, telling God the needs or the challenges to be overcome. If the one who asks is aware that the very action of “asking” means bringing oneself before God and one needs to have faith in God, this awareness brings one to another level of spirituality. They will then be driven to seek God and know God. However, if one’s eyes only focus on self needs, one’s spiritual life will hardly grow.

While we are seeking God, God is also seeking us and is determined to be found by those who seek. As such, what we have to do is to actively and fervently seek God and to build up relationship with God. God will then guide us to know Him more and enhance our spiritual lives. We will surrender before God and keep our spiritual lives growing.

The more we know God and have a close relationship with God, the more we realize how little we know about spirituality. This realization will lead us to pursue the knowledge of truth. The desire for truth will drive us to knock the door of God and to dig deeper in an attempt to experience the holiness of God. We will seriously study the words of God. God will reveal much to those who “knock”.


Jesus said: “Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” Yet the action of “knocking door” is not a one-off thing but a lifelong process. The door of God will be opened gradually in accordance with our progress of pursuit. Through the Holy Spirit, God will gently open up our hearts and minds and bless us with new insights from Bible studies


而是一生之久的過程,神的門,也會隨著 我們求道的進深而逐漸打開。神要藉著聖 靈,逐步打開我們的心扉和眼目,叫我們 讀經隨時有新的得著,每次靈修隨時有新 的領受,在事奉的過程中,在人生的際遇 中,隨時得著能力和智慧。也叫我們逐步 打開心門,去回應神的召命,作神家的用 人。

弟兄姊妹,「祈求」、「尋找」、「叩 門」,正是人從自我為中心到以神為中心 的生命不斷改變、不斷成長的過程。神一 直與我們同在,逐步向我們揭示真道,讓 我們在尋找神的 過 程中,能夠在屬靈的堂 奧上步步進深。神不但尋找我們,讓我們 找到祂,更樂意和我們同行,帶領我們不 斷去認識祂,在人生不同的階段中,以不 同的方式來回應祂的召命。

and devotions. We will also get inspired from the experience of church service and daily interactions with other people. Little by little we will be blessed with strength and wisdom to respond to the calls of God and to be used by Him.

Brothers and sisters, “ask”, “seek” and “knock” represent the progress of how one’s spiritual life grows from being self-centered to God-centered. God is always with us and revealing to us the truth bit by bit. Let us move forward one step at a time in the pursuit of spirituality growth. God takes pleasure to walk with us and to see us seeking truth. He will be pleased with us responding Him in different ways according to our different life situations.

Bible in Hermeneutics

1. Betz, Hans Dieter, The Sermon on the Mount: A Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Including the Sermon on the Plain (Matthew 5:3-7:27 and Luke 6:20-49), ed. Adela Yarbro Collins, Hermeneia—a Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1995, 504–505.

2. Blomberg, Craig, Matthew, vol. 22, The New American Commentary. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992, 129–130.

3. Carson, D. A., “Matthew,” in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Matthew–Mark (Revised Edition), ed. Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, vol. 9. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010, 222.

4. Davies, W. D. and Dale C. Allison Jr., A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, vol. 1, International Critical Commentary. London; New York: T&T Clark International, 2004, 678–680.

5. France, R. T. The Gospel of Matthew, The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publication Co., 2007, 280.

6. France, R. T. Matthew: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 1, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985, 148.

7. Greeven, Heinrich, “Ζητέω, Ζήτησις, Ἐκζητέω, Ἐπιζητέω,” ed. Gerhard Kittel, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Gerhard Friedrich, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964–), 893.

8. Hagner, Donald A., Matthew 1–13, vol. 33A, Word Biblical Commentary. Dallas: Word, Incorporated, 1993, 174.

9. Keener, Craig S., The Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, U.K.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2009, 244–247.

10. Luz, Ulrich, Matthew 1–7: A Commentary on Matthew 1–7, ed. Helmut Koester, Rev. ed., Hermeneia—a Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2007, 358.

11. Morris, Leon, The Gospel according to Matthew, The Pillar New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press, 1992, 169–170.

12. Newman, Barclay Moon and Philip C. Stine, A Handbook on the Gospel of Matthew, UBS Handbook Series. New York: United Bible Societies, 1992, 199–200.

13. Nolland, John, The Gospel of Matthew: A Commentary on the Greek Text, New International Greek Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI; Carlisle: W.B. Eerdmans; Paternoster Press, 2005, 325–326.

14. Osborne, Grant R. Matthew, vol. 1, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010, 260–261.

15. Stott, John R. W. and John R. W. Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian Counter-Culture, The Bible Speaks Today. Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985, 183–184.

16. Stählin, Gustav, “Αἰτέω, Αἴτημα, Ἀπαιτέω, Ἐξαιτέω, Παραιτέομαι,” ed. Gerhard Kittel, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Gerhard Friedrich, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand Ra pids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964–), 192.

17. Turner, David L., Matthew, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008, 209.



Prayer unites us–PH Churches in Hong Kong


1. 求主繼續帶領亨利堂和活泉佈道所的校園工 作(新會商會陳白沙紀念中學、香港仔工業 學校及聖公會呂明才中學),讓每位同工和 導師都有從上而來的力量,隨時隨地為主作 見證;又求主幫助每位我們所接觸的同學都 能經歷主耶穌的豐盛和慈愛,能早日相信 主,跟隨主,並且繼續在教會中健康成長。

2. 四月開始的洗禮班,共有11位弟兄姊妹報名 參加。求主賜同工們有聰明智慧和適切的教 導,讓每位參加者能明白課堂內容,對信仰 生命有新的啟發,展開信仰人生中的新一頁。

3. 因疫情而暫停的短宣之旅將會六月份重新出 發往泰北,日期定於6月20-26日。求主保 守短宣隊出發前的訓練和籌備順利;求主保 守當地天氣晴朗;讓短宣隊身心靈都健壯, 有合一的心,彼此配搭,同心見證主;並且 預備當地人的心,願意接受耶穌作他們的救 主和生命的主。

1. Please pray to God for the campus outreaching ministry. May all mentors and co-workers be blessed with the strength to witness God whenever and wherever. Please also pray for all students we reached to experience the munificence and love of Lord Jesus Christ and would be willing to follow God and to pursue spiritual growth in church.

2. A total of 11 brothers and sisters have signed up for the baptism class that started in April. May God bless the teaching team with the wisdom to guide the participants and to inspire them as they attempt to turn a new leaf of their lives of faith.

3. The church’s short mission trip, which has been suspended in the past few years owing to the pandemic, will resume in June with Northern Thailand as the destination. The trip is scheduled to take place from June 20 to 26. May God bless the preparation work of the mission team and bless all participants with a holistic health in body, heart and mind. Please also pray for the people of Northern Thailand to have the desire to know and accept Jesus Christ as their savior in life.


自去年十二月尾,患上新冠肺炎後,發覺至今仍有些「長 新冠」症狀,求主保守和醫治。但感謝主!在竹篙灣隔 離期間能夠與兒子一起看世界盃決賽!讚美主!

Rev. Yan has seen some long haul COVID symptoms after his recovery from the illness in December 2022. May God bless and heal him. Thank God that he managed to watch World Cup Final with his son during his quarantine at the Penny Bay Center.

盧亨利堂 PHC Rousseau Memorial Church

1. 教會整體:願主在堂會掌權,群體繼續經歷聖

靈更新的工作,並以神為生命的中心。為牧養 及關顧群體禱告,求聖靈帶領群體進入合一, 並一同迎向主,作合神心意的器皿。同時為教 會的培訓開展禱告,於真理及聖靈引領下,願 肢體靈命繼續成長,回應主的心意。

2. 中心社區事工:教會及中心共同在疫情後設 立中長期的支援服務,發展社區事工,例如 組織探訪、小組、外出活動、親子活動、講 座、食物援助計劃等,支援有需要的家庭, 期盼將福音帶進社區,祝福鄰舍。

3. 中心校園事工:學校在2月初陸續復常,求 主調校團隊的眼光專注向神,擴張團隊愛校 園的心,並帶領團隊學習與學校同行,也求 主賜下智慧與策略配合神在校園的計劃。

4. 中心賣旗籌款:本年度賣旗日將於12月23 日(六)舉行,求主保守各樣行政及預備的 工作,並打開天上的倉庫,讓中心籌得足夠 的經費,繼續支持各項事工的發展及推進。

5. 柴灣發展策略:為教會於柴灣發展的策略禱 告,同工恆常於區內行區敬拜禱告,並探訪 居民、走進社區。願主親自揭示於柴灣的心 意,並加添群體地區的愛,宣告神的心意於 柴灣成就,又願群體能有順服回應主的心。


Ms. Wu Hoi-ching

1. 為胡宣教師的體力禱告,在決策及處理不同 的事務上,願主親自帶領及看顧,並保守她 身心靈的需要。

2. 記念胡宣教師與領袖團隊繼續迎向主所賜的 命定,竭力同心回應主的心意。

1. Overall: May God reign in the Church and bless the congregation with personal experience of the renewal of the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit lead all congregants into unity facing towards God and be used by God. Please also pray for the disciples training program of the church, so that the spiritual lives of members will continue to grow.

2. Community Centre: the church and the centre have started support program during the pandemic. Under the program, home visits, group gatherings, outings, seminars and food supply ministry have been launched to help families in need. We hope to preach the gospel and to bless the community through the programs.

3. Campus outreach: Schools have resumed normal operation since early February. May God guide the ministry team to turn their eyes upon God and bless them with a loving heart for the schools. May God also bless the team with the wisdom to draw up strategies on campus outreach ministry.

4. Flag Day: Flag Day for fund raising is scheduled for December 23 (Saturday) for the community centre. May God bless all preparation and administrative work and enough funds would be raised for the ministry development of the centre.

5. Chai Wan ministry: please pray for the church’s ministry in Chai Wan district. Our team regularly runs praise and worship prayers in the district. We also step into the community to visit residents. May God lead us as we proclaim His name to the people in the district.

1. Please pray for the physical strength of Ms. Wu as she handles various tasks and makes strategic directions. May God lead her and bless her as she walks in His way.

2. Please pray that Ms. Wu and her team to diligently work in accordance with God’s will for the church.

筲箕灣堂 PHCShaukiwanAssembly

1. The church has resumed physical meetings. May God draw the flock back to His temple for gatherings.

2. Discipleship training courses will be held in May and June. May God bless brothers and sisters with the desire for God’s words.

3. May God heal brothers and sisters who had suffered from COVID and bless them with good recovery.

荃灣堂 Tsuen Wan Church


1. 教會回復實體聚會,求主喚醒群羊回到教會 聚會。

2. 5-6月份信徒裝備課程,求主給弟兄姊妹有 渴慕神話語的心。

3. 求主醫治確診新冠肺炎後的弟兄姊妹的康復。

4. 求主賜予楊樂恩宣教師在牧養青少年人上有 智慧帶領,餵養他們成長。


李牧師兼任三門仔堂堂主任,求主賜他能力及智 慧帶領兩堂的事工。

三門仔堂 Sam Mun Tsai Church

4. May God bless Licensed Minister Yeung Lok-yan with the wisdom to lead the youth ministry.

Rev. Lee concurrently acts as the pastor-in-charge of Sam Mun Tsai Church. May God bless him with the strength and wisdom to lead the ministry of both churches.

1. 今年教會主題是「燃亮禱告火,激發熱情心」,為4月至5月舉 辦的上半年生命課程——「經歷神研習會」代禱,祈求聖靈帶領 導師4堂課程,讓領袖們及弟兄姊妹與神更深連結。

2. 為全年佈道活動及福音工作禱告,現時每月都有佈道活動,祈求 主感動更多弟兄姊妹參加福音佈道工作,領人歸主。

3. 為教會未來要做的補漏工程禱告,祈求主為我們預備合適時間, 工程公司及足夠資金作此大型維修工程。

1. The theme of the church this year is “To ignite the desire to pray”. Please pray for the course “workshop to experience God”, which is to be held from April to May. Please pray for the trainer to be led by the Holy Spirit and that all participants would experience a deeper connection with God.

2. Please pray for the evangelical ministry all over the year. There will be evangelical events every month. May God bless these events to draw more new converts.

3. Please pray for the leak-repair renovation work of the church. May God bless us with a suitable timetable and sufficient fundings for the work.

Tsuen Wan Church
三門仔堂 Sam Mun Tsai Church
Prayer unites us–PH Churches in Hong Kong

西貢堂 SaiKungChurch 西貢堂 SaiKungChurch

1. 為本堂的入校校園福音工作禱告;亦求主帶 領7月26-28日暑假營會,是次營會是疫後 首次與另外兩間教會一起聯合籌備,祈求主 保守本堂營前及營後的各項安排,以致可以 發展校內福音工作。

2. 為本堂兒童崇拜的改變,能更配合教會未來 的兒童事工發展祈禱。

3. 本堂因過去種種因素,以致教會嚴重的老年 化,求主教導及帶領全教會上下一心,堵塞 我們心中的破口,轉化我們眾人的心思意念, 重修、重建教會,成為馨香祭壇獻給主。

4. 為教會出入口改善維修工程和大廈維修禱 告,不單止工程順利、安全、不影響教會正 常運作,亦求主賜予足夠的工程費用。

1. Please pray for the church’s campus outreach ministry. A summer camp will be held from July 26 to 28, with two other churches as co-organizers. Please pray to God for all prior arrangements and post-camp follow up actions so that the ministry will prosper.

2. Please pray that the reform of children worship services will bring better developments to the children’s ministry.

3. Our church has experienced a severe aging problem. May God teach us and lead us to renew the church with a unified heart and offer out best to God.

4. Please pray for the enhancement work for the church entrance and the church building. May the renovation process be smooth and safe without interrupting church operation.


Tuen Mun Church

屯門堂 Tuen Mun Church

1. 請為教會的暑期福音事工籌備祈禱,願主 賜下人力及資源。

2. 6月11日有懇親主日,祈求主預備得救 人數給教會。

3. 為4月7-9日的復活節營會能順利完成擺 上感恩。

4. 為學生功輔班福音工作的發展代禱。

1. Please pray for the summer program of the church.

2. Please pray for the evangelical event on June 11 Sunday when parents of congregants will be invited to join.

3. Please pray for the Easter Camp from April 7 to 9.

4. Please pray for the students tutorial ministry.


Rev. Wong Chi-chuen

教會家庭輔導需要增多,願主賜予黃牧師有 智慧作牧養。

The number of cases of family counseling is on the rise. May God bless Rev. Wong with the wisdom to shepherd.


靈恩堂 LingYanChurch

靈恩堂 LingYanChurch

1. 為副堂藝術音樂中心禱告,讓我們成為光明之子, 將神的光與豐盛的生命力傳揚,助人找到自我價值。

2. 為堂會70週年的活動禱告,求主使籌備工作一切 順利。

1. Please pray for the music centre. May we be the sons of light and spread the vitality and munificence of God to people.

2. Please pray for the 70th anniversary celebration. May God bless us as we work diligently to prepare for the celebration.


Ms. Pang Yuen-pik

請為到彭宣教師更有智慧地配搭現有的資 源,在事奉上更有方向發展教會祈禱。同 時亦祈求神保守彭婉璧宣教師能兼顧好家 庭和孕育子女成長。

Please pray for Pastor Pang that she would wisely lead the development of the church while managing well her family role.


Mr. Yip Yan-wing

求主加力予欣榮,在服侍與帶領中,能更深敏銳上主心 意,心思意念也不住在主裡更新變化。

May God bless Pastor Yip with strength and sensitivity to God’s will as he leads the church in God’s way.

靈光堂 LingKwongChurch

靈光堂 LingKwongChurch

1. 求主叫靈光堂整個群體,特別是領袖 們,有相近的心思與意念,一同追求見 證神的作為,也更有愛人如己的心。

2. 求主繼續興旺青少年群體的發展,包括 青少年核心領袖培育計劃、青少年佈道 會後的跟進;也求主興起更多對下一代 有負擔的服侍者。

1. May the Ling Kwong Church congregation, the leaders in particular, share the same vision of witnessing God and loving our neighbours.

2. May God continue to bless the development of our youth ministry. Please pray that our training for core young leaders and post-crusade program be properly followed through. May God also raise more devoted workers for this ministry.

1. 為青少年事工發展禱告。

2. 為各小組生命建立禱告。

3. 為暑期工作的籌備禱告。

1. Please pray for the youth ministry.

2. Please pray for the growth of all cell groups.

3. Please pray for the summer programs.


Rev. Chan Shuk-fan


Please pray to God for the physical and spiritual strength of Rev. Chan.

Prayer unites us–PH Churches in Hong Kong 21
靈康堂 LingHongChurch

沙頭角堂 及 上水福音中心

Sha Tau Kok Church and SheungShuiGospelCentre

1. 5月15日將借用區內小學舉行母親節聯 合崇拜。除主日崇拜外,崇拜後更會有攤 位遊戲,邀請沙頭角街坊參與。期望藉此 讓街坊接觸教會,認識福音。邀請大家為 活動籌委代禱,求主賜智慧,並且以合一 的心為活動作最好的預備。

2. 兩堂於今年開展親子事工,於復活節期間 舉行2次親子活動,反應相當熱烈。而上 福亦已開展週六的親子崇拜,吸引新家庭 參加。求主帶領同工及承擔親子事工的領 袖們有能力,能夠敏感聖靈帶領以推展事 工,求主賜福予參與的每一位小朋友及家 長。

1. A special joint worship service for Mother’s Day will be held on May 15 in a Primary School premises. Fun game stalls will be operated after the Service. The event will be open to all in Sha Tau Kok. We hope to reach for the community and spread the Gospel with this event. May God bless the preparatory committee with wisdom and unity.

2. Parent-children ministry has started since this year and attracted good responses. Sheung Shui Gospel Centre has started parent-children worship services for Saturdays, which has drawn new families to take part. May all the kids and their parents be blessed.


Rev. Franky Sun-chuen Tong

求主保守唐牧師,繼續有強健的體魄並健康的心 靈帶領教會發展,牧養群羊。

May God continue to bless Rev. Tong with good health and strong mind as he leads the church and shepherds the flock.

沙頭角堂 及 上水福音中心
Sha Tau Kok Church and SheungShuiGospelCentre


Kowloon Church

九龍堂 Kowloon Church

1. 今年教會的主題是「擁抱改變,同行真道」,求 主激勵弟兄姊妹在屬靈生命和信仰真理上,有持 續追求成長的心,並培養彼此分享信仰經歷的氣 氛。

2. 求主記念一眾事奉人員的盡心擺上,幫助事奉人 員於團隊內深化團隊建立的文化,彼此配搭,並 興起有心志的弟兄姊妹於各崗位上參與事奉。

3. 求主帶領今年暑期活動的籌備工作,盼望能透過 新方式接觸更多新朋友,為主結更多果子。


1. 求主賜孫牧師敏銳的心靈去察驗主的心意,得著 智慧、魄力和創意去摸索新方法,於挑戰中深化 對弟兄姊妹的牧養,提升弟兄姊妹的屬靈意識, 回應主的託付。

2. 求主賜孫牧師智慧去調整佈道方法和策略,挑旺 弟兄姊妹的心志,去把握傳福音的機遇,於幻變 不定的世代中持守福音使命。

1. The theme of the Church this year is “Embracing changes as we walk in the path of truthfulness”. May God encourage brothers and sisters to pursue for growth in spiritual lives and faith seeking.

2. May God bless all who serve with diligence and dedication. Help all members who serve work as a team and complement each other.

3. May God bless the preparation work of the summer program this year. We hope to reach out for more new friends with new ways so as to bear more fruit for God.

1. May God bless Rev. Suen with a sensitive heart towards God’s will so that he would have wisdom, determination and creativity as he shepherds the congregants. May God help him to raise the spiritual awareness of brothers and sisters.

2. May God bless Rev. Suen with wisdom to adjust the evangelical strategies, so that brothers and sisters will be extolled to grasp the opportunities to preach amid times of uncertainties.

Prayer unites us–PH Churches in Hong Kong

今年是迦福堂的55週年慶典,將有一連串慶祝 活動,正在籌備製作堂慶紀念品,及於10月舉 辦堂慶崇拜及詩歌歌唱比賽。求主保守籌備肢體 的服侍及靈性生命,在事奉中成長,又求主藉不 同的堂慶慶祝活動,帶領眾肢體一同數算主55 年來的恩典,更加添我們對主的信心,靠著聖靈 的幫助,一同承擔教會在這時代的使命,帶領更 多人領受改變生命的真理。

2. 為入校福音工作祈禱:

感恩所有的防疫政策已放寬,故此,迦福堂與觀 塘及將軍澳區中學合辦的課後支援課程,以及基 督少年軍已恢復正常運作。求主幫助我們藉不同 的課堂及活動接觸學生,與他們建立關係,並帶 領他們認識福音。


Rev. Maggie Shuk-ying Lam

求主加力予林淑櫻牧師,賜予她屬靈的智慧,能 與眾家長、組長及導師一起按著主的心意帶領肢 體成長。並在逐漸復常的日子,激勵肢體重拾福 音使命,以活潑的生命見證榮耀主的名。

May God bless Rev. Maggie Lam with spiritual wisdom to work with pastoral secretaries, cell group leaders and mentors, as they work diligently to inspire congregants to catch up with the mission of glorifying God with each one’s life.



Ka Fook Church

Ka Fook Church

1. Preparation work for Ka Fook Church’s 55th anniversary:

This year marks the 55th anniversary of Ka Fook Church and a series of celebration will take place. Meanwhile, a commemorative souvenir is being manufactured. There will also be a Corporate Worship Service in October and a hymn singing contest. May God bless all who are involved in the preparation work. We hope that all brothers and sisters will take part in the celebration in order to count the blessings from God throughout all these 55 years. May we step forward and change more lives as we place our trust in God.

2. Campus outreach ministry

Thank God that all pandemic restrictions have been lifted. The joint programs with schools in Kwun Tong and Tseung Kwan O areas can be resumed. May God help us to reach more students, share with them the Gospel and build up relationships by these joint programs.

1. 為迦福堂55週年堂慶活動的籌備祈禱:

1. 本堂少年團的團契模式已作改變,包括藉結他 班、busking 、夾 band 體驗活動、運動佈道等, 到區內認識不同的年青人。求主保守肢體,燃 起熱切傳福音的心,憑信跟人分享生命故事。

2. 本堂少年團、大專團都正籌備生活營,求主保 守各團申請到合適的場地,籌委有智慧計劃出 合神心意的暑假活動,跟更多新朋友分享信仰。

3. 本堂馬太家(職青團)籃球隊參加了今屆 YMCA 舉辦的教會盃。求主帶領隊員繼續堅持努力練 習,在比賽中作好信徒的榜樣,並能持續有合 一的心,去建立弟兄間的情誼,藉此榮耀神!

4. 基甸佈道隊每月舉辦一次 Megaday,以不同的 戶外、戶內活動吸引新朋友參與,求主藉此機會 讓弟兄姊妹邀請身邊的人認識信仰,也藉活動讓 弟兄姊妹彼此認識更深,建立更深厚的情誼。

大埔堂 Tai Po Church

1. The youth ministry of our Church has taken a different format. Through various activities such as guitar classes, busking, bands playing and sports evangelism, we reach out for the youngsters in the community. May God bless our members with a fervent passion in sharing life testimonies with others.

2. Our youth team and college team are preparing summer camps. May God bless us with suitable venues and good programs in order to attract more new friends.

3. The Family of Matthew (youth in career) took part in a basketball match, organized by YMCA, to compete for the Church Cup. May God bless all team members with the strength and endurance to keep practicing and maintain the team spirit for the purpose of glorifying God!

4. Gideon evangel team holds Megaday once a month, drawing new friends with various fun events, both indoor and outdoor. May God bless the activities through which more people can come before Him and know Him, and those who serve would also have their bonding deepened.


Rev. Natalie Wai-yee Cheung

感恩張偉怡牧師進行切除左下顎腫瘤手術順利, 求主保守她與眾牧養團隊按領受的異象,有智慧、 勇毅帶領弟兄姊妹建立教會,同心傳揚福音。

Thank God that Rev. Cheung had gone through a smooth operation to have her tumor removed. May God bless her and her pastoral team with courage and wisdom as they lead the congregation to develop the church and to preach the gospel.

大埔堂 Tai Po Church
Prayer unites us–PH Churches in Hong Kong 25

1. 基督的復活燃起人對生命的盼望,讓人在絕境

中看見生機。無論以往的日子如何,我們都可 靠著復活主基督的大能,活出在主裏成長的新 生命。為到眾肢體在復活期能經歷復活主帶來 的生命更新與喜悅代禱,祈求神引領眾肢體在 復活期,以喜樂的心慶祝主復活,並與身邊的 人分享復活主帶給人的盼望;並靠著基督的復 活大能,活出被神塑造,以神為首的敬虔生 命。另外,祈求神激發眾肢體積極參與復活期 五十天靈修操練,為神多結生命的果子。

2. 為福音書查經技巧班代禱:5月2、9、16日 一連三個禮拜二晚上,將會舉行「誰說的?」

福音書查經技巧班。請為潘耀倫牧師祈禱,求 神使用他清晰地講解課程內容,引發弟兄姊妹 對福音書研讀的興趣;也求神吸引弟兄姊妹熱 衷於學習聖經,磨練查經的技巧,並能享受查 經的樂趣。

1. The resurrection of Jesus Christ ignites hope towards life and lets people see vitality despite desperation. Under whatever circumstances, we can still live out a growing new life as we rely on the power of our risen God! Please pray for our congregants to experience fully the joy and hope brought forward by Christ’s resurrection. May God lead us all to share the joy of resurrection with others and live out a God-driven life. We also pray that brothers and sisters would joyfully take part in the 50-day spiritual practice specially designed for this period of resurrection, so that more spiritual fruits will be grown.

2. Please pray for the Bible study course that will be held on three consecutive Tuesdays of May 2, 9 and 16. The title of the course is “Who said?”, which will focus on the four Books of Gospel. Please pray for Rev. Timothy Poon that he would explain the contents of the course with clarity. On the other hand, please pray for participants that they would desire the words of God and enjoy studying the Bible.


|區會牧者勸勉 Message from Conferences



香港五旬節聖潔會迦福堂堂主任 Rev. Maggie Shuk-ying Lam, Pastor-in-charge, Ka Fook PH Church

曾經聽過人說「生活處處是戰場!」,這句話道出了生活 的常態,原來挑戰、競爭和衝突總是隨處可見,也著實考驗著 我們生命的韌力、耐力及意志。身為牧者及兩個兒子的母親, 無論是在牧養肢體的生命、還是在親職的場景中,都感受到此 話的真實。

的確,人生中充滿大大小小的戰場,有可能出現在職場, 學校或不同的人際關係中,就算本應充滿愛及溫馨的家也有可 能變成戰場。2022年有調查顯示,在過去幾年疫情下,家庭 中各成員因停課、在家工作或失業等原因而增加了相處的時 間,同時,與家人發生磨擦衝突的機會亦相應增加了不少。1 而家庭中的衝突往往出現在父母與子女之間。難道神賜給我們 家人,是要令我們的生命多一個「戰場」嗎?當然不是。故此, 在逐漸復常的日子,我們更應思考如何以符合神的心意的方式 重建與家人關係。

I once heard someone said: life is full of battlefields! This suggests some truth indeed. We need to face so many challenges, competitions and confrontations in our everyday lives. Our patience and will power are frequently put to test. As a pastor and a mother of two sons, I could personally feel the grave truthfulness of this sentence.

Life is full of battlefields indeed. Some happen to be working scenarios while they could also be found in schools and other various kinds of relationships, even at homes, which are supposed to be filled with warmth and love. A survey conducted in 2022 showed that the number of conflicts among families got considerably higher during the past few years under the COVID pandemic, probably in proportion to the increased amount of time family members spent at home due to the lockdowns.1 Most of these conflicts happened between parents and children. Does God intend to put us in an “alternative battlefield” by giving us families? Of course not! We should really reflect on how to rebuild our family relationships in accordance with God’s will.



在此想分享一段經文,出自以弗所書 六1-4:


母,這是理所當然的。當孝敬父母,使 你得福,在世長壽。這是第一條帶應許 的誡命。作父親的,你們不要激怒兒女, 但要照着主的教導和勸戒養育他們。」

經文是《以弗所書》五章22節至 六章9節的「家庭守則」( Household codes )中,有關父母及兒女各自在家庭中

的職責。作兒女的要存著敬畏基督的心聽 從及孝敬父母,相對地,保羅亦勸勉作父

母的 2 不要「激怒」兒女。這說法非常有 趣,因為一般都是兒女激怒父母的(從父 母的角度來看),父母又如何激怒兒女呢? 其實使徒保羅是要提醒父母,雖然兒女在 家庭中作為從屬者,父母亦需要尊重兒女 的權利及尊嚴。父母作為掌權者要克制自 己的言行和態度,不能作過分嚴格及苛刻

的訓練或要求,濫用權力,肆意挑剔羞辱 兒女,以及忽視兒女的需要及感受等,任 何意圖操控及剝奪兒女尊嚴及權利的行為

都要小心,因為這些行為只會傷害兒女的 心靈,被憤怒、不滿及怨恨填滿的心靈,

不單沒有愛,更會給那惡者留地步,給它 機會利用這些「弱點」來使人陷於罪惡之

Let’s read a Bible verse from Ephesians 6:1-4:

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honour your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—  “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

These few verses are part of the “Household codes” stipulated in the Epistles to Ephesians from 5:22 to 6:9, explaining the roles to be played by parents and children in a family. Children should “obey their parents” with a humble heart in God. On the other hand, fathers and mothers 2 should not “exasperate” their children. This is a very interesting way of teaching. How would parents “exasperate” their children? The point Apostle Paul wanted to make was that: although children are in a sub-ordinate role in a family, parents should respect the rights and dignities of their children. As the ones with authorities, fathers and mothers need to exercise good control of their own words and deeds. Excessive harshness is not appropriate. Abuse of power and intentional insults will not be accepted. Parents should be mindful not to manipulate their children in order not to hurt them. These behaviours would only fill the children’s hearts with anger and grief, leaving a foothold for the devil to play with their grievances and in turn draw them to sins. .

使徒保羅的教導重新定義了父母及兒 女在家庭中的職責及權利,作為蒙神所救 贖的兒女,我們最重要的任務不是以權力 來維繫家庭在社會中的職能,而是要讓家 中的每一個成員都能愛與被愛。惟有基督 捨己的大愛才能幫助父母卸下社會所賦予

Apostle Paul’s teachings renews the definitions on the rights and responsibilities of parents and children. Being redeemed by God, our roles in a family are far beyond mere functionalities but to love and be loved. Only by the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ could parents surrender their “armours” of authorities and to nurture with love and respect. Only then could parents

Message from Conferences 29

權力的武裝,以愛去養育並建立懂得尊重 愛護他人及自己的兒女。這樣,父母與兒 女才能成為彼此人生不同戰場中的戰友, 而非敵人。

曾聽過一個已屆退休之年的弟兄分享 自己母親的見證:在弟兄的媽媽仍在世之







深,因為他見證著母親對主的信靠,他的 母親沒有用權力來處理兒女間的紛爭,只

是默默地以基督的愛來教導他們要放下怨 恨。時至今日,他們姊弟多年來能保持良 好的關係,能彼此關懷扶持,弟兄認為全 是母親的生命見證帶來的果效。


盼望作父母及兒女的肢體能靠主重建合神 心意的家庭關係,在這不安的世代中成為 彼此生命的好戰友,更發現生活處處是恩 典。

and children align as comrades rather than confront as enemies.

I heard of a testimony shared by a brother in Christ, who is now at retirement age. He recalled that his siblings had gone through some conflicts arising from business disputes. In a family gathering, their mother said graces before the meal. In her prayers, she earnestly asked God to help her children to love each other and live in harmony. Then they had dinner as usual. The food was ordinary but that night long lives in the memory of this brother. He was so touched by his mother’s complete trust in God. She did not try to handle the conflicts among her children by force but put everything in God’s hands. She faithfully believed that the key to make peace is the love of Jesus Christ. He has maintained good relationship with his siblings who love and support each other, all because of the powerful testimony of his late mother.

It is my hope that all parents and children could rebuild their family relationships in accordance with the will of God. May all family members become good comrades of each other and find out blessings everywhere!

2 經文第4節是以「作父親的」開始,有學者解釋,猶太家庭十分注重孩子在宗教上的培育,而父親肩負著重要的責任。 Refer to “Within Judaism the emphasis was heavily on the religious upbringing of children, and this was seen as ultimately the responsibility of the father.” (Lincoln, A. T. (1990). Ephesians (Vol. 42, p. 400). Word, Incorporated.)



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