Hksec16 GF booklet

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Message from HAB


Message from CfE


HKSEC 2016 Inauguration Show


Social Innovation Bootcamp


Training Workshop 2 / Presentation Rehearsal / Mixer Gatherings


HKSEC 2015 Startup Awards


Competition Stages


Judging Criteria


Semi Final Highlights

p.16 – 17

GF Team: 攝印 Urbaner Voice


GF Team: Team: Clinic Express


GF Team: 上有高堂 PaterMater


GF Team: 惜食包




GF Team: 街坊帶路


GF Team: Peacify




Distinguished Judges

p.26 – 27



wv 民政事務局副局長獻辭 Message from the Under Secretary for Home Affairs

在民商官學攜手合作與共同努力下,香港社會企業(社企)一直 穩步發展,現有社企超過 570家,服務及營運形式正更趨豐富 多元。 年青人的參與對於社企持續發展非常重要。為鼓勵年輕一代 投身社企行列,民政事務局自2008 年起資助香港中文大學創 業研究中心,每年在大專學界舉辦「香港社會企業挑戰賽」, 內容包括大專生社企計劃書撰寫比賽及相關培訓。比賽開辦 以來逾6700 名學生曾組隊參賽,提交社企計劃超過1000項, 見證新一代對社企創業創新的熱誠。 挑戰賽至今已踏入第十屆,成為學界參與社企發展之主要平 台。我們樂見年青人走進社區了解社會,發揮社創精神。在歷 屆 50 隊進入決賽隊伍中,23 項計劃正在積極實踐。這些年青 初創社企橫跨不同範疇,包括環保、教 育、安老、動物關注及 弱勢社群服務等議題,把社企構想落實成為可行的企業並持 續營運。此外,個別社企更在海外社企比賽獲得殊榮,展示本 港社企達到相當水平。 政府將持續以「民間主導、政府協助」原則支持本地社企的多 元發展,促進跨界別協作,多管齊下為社企發展創造更理想 的大環境。我們衷心期盼各同學踴躍參與社企挑戰賽,身體力 行,以具體方案為社會解難揚善,承傳社企「營商揚善」的關 愛文化,為社會創新創效樹立良好典範。

Through cross-sector collaboration and joint efforts among the community, the business, the Government and the academia, social enterprises (SEs) in Hong Kong have demonstrated continued solid growth. Currently, there are over 570 SEs in the territory, operating and serving the community with increasing diversity and vibrancy. Youth participation is crucial to the sustainable development of SEs. To encourage the young generation to participate in SEs, the Home Affairs Bureau has been supporting the Center for Entrepreneurship of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to organise the annual Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (the Challenge) among tertiary students since 2008. Various activities will be organised for the Challenge, including a training-cum-competition on SE business plan writing. Since its inception, a total of over 6700 students have enrolled for competitions in teams with more than 1000 SE proposals submitted, showcasing the new generation’s passion for SE entrepreneurship and innovation. Entering its 10th year, the Challenge has become a major platform for the school sector to participate in the development of SEs. We are delighted to see young people serving the community with an aim to better understand the society and radiate their social entrepreneurial spirit. Among the 50 grand finalists of the past years, 23 of them have consistently rolled out their proposals. These young SE startups are committed to addressing a wide range of issues and developing their SE ideas into viable and sustainable enterprises. These enterprises cover such areas as environmental protection, education, elderly services, animal care and services for the disadvantaged. Individual SEs have also won awards in overseas competitions, exemplifying that our SEs have reached a considerable standard.


民政事務局副局長許曉暉, SBS, JP

The Government will continue to support the diversified development of SEs under the principle of “community-driven with the Government playing a supporting role”, and to promote cross-sector collaboration with a view to creating a more desirable environment for the development of SEs through a multi-pronged approach. We sincerely hope that our students will actively participate in the Challenge and realise themselves their specific proposals to address social issues and promote kindness, passing on SE’s caring culture of “Business for Good” and setting good examples for bringing innovation and benefits to society.

香港中文大學創業研究中心主任獻辭 Message from the Director of Center for Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

「香港社會企業挑戰賽」(HKSEC)已經舉辦了十年。在這十年 中香港社會日益變化,不同的階段產生出不一樣的壓力,但 對於 香港青年來說,成長、奮 進是對 抗社會壓力的唯一途 徑。「香港社會企業挑戰賽」(HKSEC)所提供的,是激勵年輕 人置身於社會不同階層和環境的一個機會,是煥發市民思考 社會問題的一個途徑,也是一個提倡相互尊重與社會和諧的 平臺。讓更多人體會社企的精神,領悟社企的理念,是這十年 來本賽事一直在用心做的事。

Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC) celebrated ten years of continuous success in 2016. In the past decade, Hong Kong has been going through rapid changes and different social issues arose at different stages. Notwithstanding this, self-development and perseverance remains the only way to resist social pressure for young people in Hong Kong. As a platform to promote mutual respect and social harmony, HKSEC is creating an opportunity for young people to be exposed to different social groups and community, while also serving as an initiative for the public to reflect on social problems. HKSEC has been committed to spreading the concept of social entrepreneurship and promoting the spirit of social value creation over the past ten years.

十年中近七千人的參與,提出的上千個社企計劃,見證了香港 年輕人面對困惑和挑戰時為社企理想所付出的心血與努力, 用「勇氣」、「理想」和「創業精神」向社會散播「正能量」。本 The participation of nearly seven thousand people and over 1,000 business proposals 屆賽事的接近六百位參賽者所帶來的一百個社企概念,又將 in the past few years manifested the efforts by Hong Kong’s younger generations in pursuit of social entrepreneurship in a time of uncertainty and challenge. Our future 開啟HKSEC 帶領香港青年追夢的下一個十年。 哈佛商學院著名教 授MichaelPorter亦提出,商學院課程應當 更深入地研究人類需求與價值。他認為社會創業是創造全社 會共享價值的重要載體,而滿足社會需求則應該成為一切商 業活動的核心部分。舉辦了十年的HKSEC,已初步奠定了香港 在大中華區乃至亞洲於社會創業方面之領先地位。故此我們 對民政事務局、Ashoka、香港女工商及專業人員聯會、經濟 通及香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司等機構的支持表示感謝。 培育香港的下一代,造福於社會是大家共同的努力。

香港中文大學創業研究中心主任 馬旭飛教授

entrepreneurs are boosting positive energy in the community by promoting courage, idealistic aspirations and entrepreneurial spirit. 100 new social enterprise ideas put forward by nearly 600 participants this year will raise the curtain on another tenyear adventure for HKSEC supporting young people with big dreams. Harvard Business School Professor, Michael Porter, also suggested that business school courses should focus more on in-depth analysis of human needs and values. He believes that social entrepreneurship is a key channel to shared value creation, while satisfying social needs should be at the core of all business activities. With ten years of success, HKSEC has positioned Hong Kong as a leading player in social entrepreneurship development in Greater China and across Asia. On this occasion, we would like to express our gratitude to the Home Affairs Bureau, Ashoka, the Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association, Et Net, and Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited for their support. Cultivating Hong Kong’s next generation of entrepreneurs for the benefit of the community is our common goal. Professor MA Xufei Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

I sincerely wish the Challenge every success. Florence HUI, SBS, JP Under Secretary for Home Affairs



香港中文大學創業研究中心副主任獻辭 Message from the Associate Director of Center for Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

踏入第十屆,「香港社會企業挑戰賽 2016」正是我們的首個 里程碑。

HKSEC 2016 marks our first milestone—the 10th anniversary of this inter-collegiate competition.

本屆賽事以「十年對話」為主題,「對話」意味著「聆聽」和 「回應」。回顧香港的歷史,差不多每逢十年便有一些挑戰,刺 激我們思考如何回應當時的社會需要。而大約十年前,「社 企」這一回應社會需要的有效工具剛剛萌芽。十年前,我們開 始聆聽前輩的故事和經驗;十年後的今天,再有超過 580 位 挑戰者,構思出 100 個社企計劃,回應社會的需要。「對話」 實際上亦指向我們自己,究竟我們的理念能否持續回應未來 的社會需要,「聆聽過去,道出未來」?

Highlighting “A Decade of Dialogue” as the theme of HKSEC this year, we are conveying a message that “Dialogue” refers to listening and responding to others. Looking back at Hong Kong’s history, challenges hit the city once every ten years, driving us to contemplate solutions to socials needs and problems. About ten years ago, we witnessed the emergence of social entrepreneurship as an effective tool in addressing social problems. Since then, we have been learning from the stories and experiences of pioneers; and today we have more than 580 participants offering 100 start-up plans as solutions to social issues. “Dialogue” is a mutual process which also requires our participation, urging us to review whether our initiative can be sustained in responding to future social needs, and whether we can listen to the past and look to the future?

今屆特別為十周年而設的特備項目,內外兼備。對外的「開幕 匯演」讓更多人知道我們的理念;對內的「社會創新訓練營」, 讓挑戰者從構思、資料分析到落實可行方案方面,打穩扎實的 基礎。另外,今屆挑戰賽亦有其他細節調整,針對莘莘學子在 比賽中不同階段的需要,提供更肥沃的成長土壤,令社企在 未來十年持續發展。

HKSEC 2016 has organized various activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary. While the “Inauguration Show” is held to promote the idea of social entrepreneurship to the general public, the “Social Innovation Bootcamp” is prepared by HKSEC to help participants in idea generation, data analysis and better implementation of feasible solutions. Other fine tuning was also made this year to address participants’ concern 本 人 在 此 再 次 感 謝 民 政 事 務 局 多 年 來 的 贊 助,亦 感 謝 in different stages of the competition, with an aim to create a better environment for Ashoka、香港女工商及專業人員聯會、經濟通及香港互聯網 growth and facilitate the sustainable development of social enterprises in the next 註冊管理有限公司等機構的支持。更感謝各合作伙伴、機構、 decade. 導師與評判,及各大專院校繼續與我們對話,使 HKSEC 的成 長更加茁壯。寄望本屆的挑戰者持續與社會、與過去也與未 I wish to thank the Home Affairs Bureau for their support and sponsorship over the past few years. Also, I would like to thank Ashoka, the Hong Kong Women 來對話,成就今後更多個豐盛的十年。 Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association, ET Net, Hong Kong Internet Registration 香港中文大學創業研究中心副主任 Corporation Limited and all other organizations for their support. My gratitude also 區玉輝教授 goes to all our working partners, organizations, trainers and judges; as well as colleges and universities for sharing their thoughts with us and fostering the development of HKSEC. I hope our young people this year will continue their dialogue with society, learn from history and plan for the future to make more contributions to society. Professor Kevin Au Associate Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

HKSEC 2016 開幕匯演 HKSEC 2016 Inauguration Show


第十屆香港社會企業挑戰賽總結以往的經驗,以大匯演的方 式啟動另一個十年。當中有歌手林二汶和視障沙畫師同台演 出,也有聽障 dancer以手語說故事,更有Ashoka的主題演講, 以及HKSEC 歷屆挑戰者、得獎者巡禮,務求以 HKSEC 的十年 故事啟發大家 Think Big Act Big。 「十年對話」包含著「聆聽過去,道出未來」,過去的部分有 H K S E C 的 十 年 故事,伴 隨 著 香 港 社 企 的 發 展 歷 程,也 有 Ashoka 的 Mark 娓娓道來亞洲在過往十年的社企經驗。未來 的部分有 HKSEC 2015 得獎隊伍,以及參與過 HKSEC 的年輕 人為大家分享他們的未來計畫。他們的故事親身見證:改變未 來,始於現在。

The 10th HKSEC summarized its major development over the past few years and kicked off a new decade through an inauguration show, where singer Eman Lam and a visually-impaired sand painter made a joint performance, a hearing-impaired dancer told a story with sign language, followed by a keynote speech from Ashoka and a session dedicated to showcasing the Challengers and winners in the ten-year history of HKSEC, aiming to inspire the participants to “Think Big Act Big”.

五位主禮嘉賓在沙上寫上HKSEC 五個字母,啟動我們的第十屆 左起:陳家樂教授,香港中文大學工商管理學院院長;潘偉賢教授,香港中文大學副校長;盧潔瑋 女士,民政事務局首席助理秘書長;張妙清教授 , SBS, OBE, 太平紳士,香港中文大學副校長; 鄭豪 Mark Cheng, Director, Ashoka

Our officiating guests wrote the five alphabets, “HKSEC” on the sand to kick off the 10th HKSEC. From the left: Professor Kalok Chan (Dean of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School), Professor Poon Wai-yin (Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Miss Gloria LO Kit-wai (Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs Bureau), Professor Fanny M.C. Cheung, SBS, OBE, JP (Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Mr. Mark Cheng (Director of Ashoka).

“A Decade of Dialogue” involves “listening to the past” and “looking to the future”. Stories of the past featured a ten-year retrospect on HKSEC’s development amid the growth of social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong and a reflection on the trajectory of social enterprises in Asia from Mark Cheng of Ashoka. Stories of the future included HKSEC 2015 award-winning teams and young people who have participated in HKSEC sharing with the audience about their future plans. Their stories proved that: the future starts now.

HKSEC 2016 正式啟動!

HKSEC 2016 officially launched! 4


HKSEC 2016 開幕匯演 HKSEC 2016 Inauguration Show


Ashoka 的 Mark 介紹亞洲幾 位出色的社會企業家, 也感謝每位講者的肺腑之言


ADA Artist Chiu Wai Chi (Jessica) recalled Hong Kong’s major events every ten years with sand painting.

Mark Cheng from Ashoka introduced several leading social entrepreneurs in Asia. Special thanks to every speaker for their thoughtful sharing.

展能藝術家黃耀邦和任旨祈跳出框框,以無聲舞蹈說故事 二汶與阿芝同台演出

Eman Lam and Jessica made a joint performance.

ADA Artists Jason Wong and Angel Yam’s new attempt to tell stories through “Mute Dance”.


Young social entrepreneurs from HKSEC sharing their vision for the future.



社會創新訓練營 Social Innovation Bootcamp




HKSEC打鐵趁熱,特別在本屆增加資源,度身訂造 了一個三日兩夜的密集式訓練營,激發挑戰者的創 新思維。訓練營以「人本設計」為核心,邀請十位來 自四個不同界別的專才,遠道來到鯉魚門渡假村為 大家分享。挑戰者更要落區實地考察,親身了解區 內各類朋友的不同需要。





本屆更新增網上導修自學影片,由社企「籽識教育」 製作,以香港的實際處境作為例子,教授「精益創 業」的概念,讓挑戰者隨時隨地遙距學習。

HKSEC has allocated more resources this year by preparing a three-day two-nights intensive training bootcamp to stimulate the innovative thinking of the Challengers. Focusing on the theme of “human-centered design”, the organizer invited ten professionals from four different sectors to share their experiences at Lei Yue Mun Holiday Village. Challengers are also required to carry out field trips to understand the various community needs. HKSEC 2016 also uploaded tutorial videos, produced by social enterprise, “La Violet Education”, on the methodology of “Lean Startup” by making reference to the real situation in Hong Kong, so that Challengers could acquire knowledge through remote learning.

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培訓工作坊2 Training Workshop 2



Pitching Skills Training 今年的演說技巧訓練由English Training Company的廖志超 (Frank Liu) 領航,內容更有系統,結構更緊密,為各隊伍打造 更有質量的提案演說。

準決賽預演 Presentation Rehearsal

每屆 HKSEC 均為準決賽挑戰者提供一次模擬 訓練,預演比賽當日的每項細節。今屆準決賽 預演前後,更特別安排了個別導修,除了由互文 教社的羅偉鴻 (Freddy Law) 及嚴之將 (Terry Yi m) 提供度身訂造的「精益畫布」導修及基礎 財務指導,還有 HKSEC 項目總監親自督導每個 計劃。

As the trainer of Pitching Skills Training for this year, Frank Liu from English Training Company provided systematic and cohesive training to participants to sharpen their presentation skills.


Pitching Video Production Workshop

交流指導聚會 Mixer Gatherings


Every year, HKSEC provides simulation training for all Semi Final teams to ensure all details of the final presentation are adequately prepared and coordinated. This year, individual tutorials are conducted before and after Presentation Rehearsal. In addition to the tailor-made “Lean Canvas” tutoring and basic financial guidance from Freddy Law and Terry Yim of Inter Cultural Education, each team also received advisory support from the HKSEC Project Director.

12/11/2016 & 17/12/2016

今 屆 繼 續 由 紀 錄 片 製 作人 洪 光 賢 (Brian Hung) 擔任導師。緊貼三屆挑 戰者,導師認為本屆臥虎藏龍,提案 短片質素令人驚喜!

Documentary filmmaker Brian Hung continued as the trainer for Pitching Video Production Workshop of HKSEC 2016. Based on his experiences with the participants over the past three years, Brian believed that the Challengers this year are highly talented with excellent pitching video ideas.


本屆首次交流指導聚會也邀得首次加盟 HKSEC 導師團隊的業界人士。 百人匯聚樂農,點子靜待提拔。第二次聚會的比賽時段抽籤方面,今年 特別因應各隊伍的商務類型及營運經驗先作分組,務求令賽事更公平。

Mixer Gathering 1 was held at Happy Veggies this year with the presence of newlyjoined mentors. The event attracted over 100 challengers who wished to improve their ideas. At Mixer Gathering 2, teams were divided into groups based on their business type and operational experience before drawing lots for Semi Final presentation sequence, to create a fairer environment for all players. 11

社會企業啟動獎金 HKSEC 2015 Startup Awards

HKSEC 2015 的冠軍隊伍「拾易紙長」及「工作紙」各獲得由 民政事務局贊助高達的 300,000 港元啟動獎金,並在導師的

妳想煮意 Festyle

指導下,分階段履行他們的社會企業計劃。亞軍隊伍「妳想煮 意」及「拯狗隊」亦分別獲得高達 150,000 港元的創業資助, 實踐他們的社企夢。

The Second Box and Work,sheet., the champion teams of HKSEC 2015, received a Startup Award of up to HK$300,000 sponsored by the Home Affairs Bureau. They implemented their social venture plans phase by phase under mentorship. Festyle and Senior CID, the first runner-up teams, received a Startup Award of up to HK$150,000 to make their dreams come true.

拾易紙長 The Second Box 「拾易紙長」旨在促進環保、扶助弱勢。「拾易紙長」主要售賣以高於市價向拾荒長者收購的環保 紙箱,以用作包裝貨物、搬屋搬運裝貨等用途,並會定時以紙箱舉辦各類創意活勳及製作創意 產品。拾易紙長致力提高拾荒長者的收入;同時透過在收集紙箱過程中的溝通,建立信任和了解 他們的需要,將被社會遺忘的一群拾荒者重新連接。

The Second Box aims to strengthen the recycling processes and empower the elderly scavengers in Hong Kong. The Second Box uses a higher-than-market price to collect high quality and second-hand carton boxes from businesses and scavengers. After sorting, processing and labeling the carton boxes, it sells them to businesses and the public. Also, The Second Box frequently create creative workshops and carton products. Through running The Second Box, we would like to raise the income of the scavengers and link them with society.


「妳想煮意」聘請婦女代購食材及製作即煮餸盒,讓繁忙的香港人能輕鬆自 煮,享受住家心意。婦女是香港最受忽視的弱勢社群之一。不少母親為了照 顧家庭,唯有留在家中,不能通過外出工作實現自我價值。「妳想煮意」讓一 群在多數人眼中視為低技術的婦女,能藉一己所長,替顧客代購新鮮餸菜及 製作即煮餸盒,實踐婦女充權。

Festyle recruits low-income housewives to handpick and purchase fresh food from wet markets and to process raw food into readyto-cook cuisine packages for customers. Its ready-to-cook cuisine package delivery service relieves customers from shopping chores and enables them to enjoy healthy homemade food with ease. Women are one of the most vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. Many mothers have no choice but to stay at home and take care of the family. Festyle provides job opportunities for housewives to help them develop their strengths and attain self-reliance and self-worth.

工作紙 Work,Sheet. 「工作紙」致 力把「永 續栽 培」的 概念融入日常生活。「工作紙」與 聖雅各福群會及其庇護工場合作, 提供一站式回收廚餘服務,首先向 區內有香港特色的店舖,收集百分 百可生物降解的成分(如茶葉或中 藥),以永續的方法研製出全新的 纖維物料,用作產品設計。

Work,Sheet. aims to introduce the concept of Permaculture and put the whole system into daily life. We cooperate with the St. James Settlement (NGO) and sheltered workshops to provide a one-stop service from collecting food waste with HK local features in the community, using 100% biodegradable ingredients and sustainable procedures to develop a new innovative FiberMaterial for creating and producing products.

Senior CID 寵物保姆 Senior CID 「 Senior CID 寵物保姆」為退休人士提供專業的訓練及照顧被遺棄寵物 的實習機會,培育他們成為優良的寵物保姆。「 Senior CID 寵物保姆」 的目標是提供優質的寵物保姆服務,寵物的主人無需再因為渡假或加班 而擔心寵物得不到合適的照料,另一方面,退休人士亦可憑藉繼續服務 社會而得到回報。

Senior CID trains Hong Kong’s retired citizens to become topnotch pet sitters through professional training and practicum with abandoned dogs. They aim to empower senior citizens to generate income while giving pet owners an option to give their pets the best care while they are on vacation or working late. 13

比賽階段 Competition Stages

評審要求 Judging Criteria

第一階段 Stage 1 首輪評選 First Round Judging


參賽隊伍必須提交一份 5頁的業務概要及概念圖,闡述其社企意念、可改善的社會問題,以及營 運模式。經維誠 ── 防止抄襲及剽竊的前端分析系統核實後,大約30人的評判團隊合共評選了 100隊參賽者的業務概要,選出24隊進入準決賽。

理念 Concept

Each competing team was required to submit a 5-page Executive Summary and Concept Deck to illustrate the concept and operations of its proposed business model and how it addressed the social problems. Subsequent to the verification by VeriGuide, a plagiarism detection and document analysis software, a panel of approximately 30 judges reviewed the Business Summaries prepared by 202 contesting teams and selected 24 Semi Finalists.

計劃概要須具備創新及可行的方案,以解決當前的社會問題。參賽隊伍須透徹理解該社會問 題的形成,並提出妥善的對策。

The concept should reflect an innovative, feasible approach to solving a serious social problem. The team should demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues it seeks to address and the economic and social drivers of the problem and its solution.

內容 Context

第二階段 Stage 2 準決賽 Semi Final


入選的準決賽隊伍須遞交更精進的業務概要和概念圖,清晰地說明其商業模式、財務摘要等內容,並上載一 段少於2 分鐘、介紹業務的影片。同時,參賽隊伍亦要為其項目作設計,如公司商標、產品、服務設計或產品 包裝等,以進一步運用設計的思考模式來提升其社企的形象。準決賽當日,16 名來自不同專業界別的評判, 選出最優秀的8隊進入總決賽。

Each of the shortlisted teams is required to prepare a more refined Executive Summary and Concept Deck which included their business model elements and financial summary. In addition, they need to upload a video of less than 2 minutes explaining their business ideas. Each team is also required to design its company logo, products or service and packaging, in order to enhance its brand image with design thinking. On the day of Semi Final Presentation, a judging panel of 16 executives from different professions will select eight Final teams.

隊員 People

3 14

總決賽 Grand Final 躋身總決賽的 8 隊隊伍於總決賽日,接受 5 位來自不同的界別的專業評判考 驗。比賽結果將於頒獎禮公布,兩隊冠軍隊伍及兩隊亞軍隊伍的每位隊員, 最高可分別獲60,000和30,000 港元的啟動獎金,實踐其社企計劃。

The eight Final teams will be assessed by five judges. The results will be announced in the Award Ceremony. Each member of the two Champion Teams and the two Runner-Up Teams will receive a Startup Award of up to HK$60,000 and HK$30,000 respectively to start their social enterprises.

可持續性 Sustainability

The business plan should describe the market needs, size of opportunity, competitive landscape, potential risks and strategies for managing those risks. Special attention should be paid to the social, legal and governmental context of the problem and its solution. Regulatory, tax, and political issues may be important.

隊伍必須顯示隊員具有實現目標的能力,相關的技能、人脈網絡及經驗,令人信服他們可以 履行計劃,實踐建議。

The team should demonstrate that it has or is able to acquire relevant skills, contacts, and experience in order to accomplish its goals. The team should be credible in communicating the plan and its feasibility.

社會效益 Social Impact

第三階段 Stage 3

計劃概要須詳列市場需要、商機規模、競爭形勢、潛在風險及應對策略。各隊伍須留意到現 時社會、法律及政府體系部門對該問題的處理手法。監督制度、稅收條例及政治爭議亦是重 要的考慮因素。

隊伍應說明其計劃之改變理論,及運用影響價值鏈闡釋資源的投入、經營的過程及產品如何 改善社會問題,以達到計劃之宗旨及目的。社會效益的量化評估並非必要。

Though it is not necessary to compute quantified measures of the social impact, the team must be able to qualify the theory of change and to define the impact value chain by illustrating how business inputs, activities and outputs can generate outcomes and subsequent impact that aligned with the team’s mission and goals.

計劃的企業須能在一段時間內持續經營,並於期間發揮預期的社會效益。計劃概要亦可預測 實踐期最後一年的情況,諸如期滿結業、維持一定業務量的營運、穩定增長、轉讓業權及覓 地開設企業分支等。

The business model should be sustainable for the period of time consistent with achieving the desired social impact. The final projected year in the plan may involve ending the business, continuing operations at a constant level, stable growth, transferring ownership and control or replicating the business in other locations. 15

準決賽花絮 Semi Final Highlights


從一百隊中脫穎而出的準決賽隊伍,在比賽當 日竭盡所能推銷自己的社會企業計劃,務求躋 身只有八席的總決賽。

Outstanding among over 100 teams, the Semi-Final teams strove their best to present their social enterprise plan in order to squeeze in the eight places of Grand Final Presentation Day.



Grand Final Teams

攝印 Urbaner Voice

Grand Final Teams

根據 Google 在 2014 年公佈的「消費洞察報告」,香港每人平均有 2.7 部智能上網裝置,全球排 名第六。借這個機會,我們希望教導弱勢社群使用手機的鏡頭進行拍攝,令他們的聲音能夠傳達 給所有香港人,以相片這種訊息語言突破社會傳統界限和歧視。「攝印」的創辦成員在攝影方面 擁有專業知識和教學經驗,能教香港不同弱勢社群提供手機主導的攝影訓練。 我們視照片為一種新的共通語言; 我們深信,更多人可以因為這個計劃得益,從生活上的財政問題,到日常的溝通問題,都可以因 為照片這種新式的共通語言而不再冷漠;


我們深信,我們可以重燎這個城市的花火,劃破城市的夜幕,讓香港的人情味再次穿過冷冰冰的 電腦和鏡頭; 我們深信,所有住在香港的人,都可以用自己的方式重新呈現香港;

組長 Team Leader

梁曉恩 (PolyU) LEUNG Hiu Yan 組員 Team Member

霍俊龍 (PolyU) FOK Chun Lung 何曉南 (HKUST) HO Hiu Lam

Clinic Express



We are listeners. We are Urbaner Voice.

Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments suffer from two main problems: misuse of A&E services and long waiting hours. In 2012, over 2 million patients used A&E services. But 70% of these cases were not urgent. Also, an average A&E case costs HK$1,700. Therefore, the misuse of A&E service contributes to long queues and high costs. Additionally, patients perceive medical services as lacking in transparency and convenience, especially at night. From a social perspective, this represents a triple loss for patients, the health care community and the government. Clinic Express is unique in using technology to improve the acute care environment. Our online platform will connect all private medical services in one place to prevent overcrowding and reduce waiting times. This app considers social responsibility and the patient when offering services.

Our app will mainly target the elderly and people with medical needs at night. However, clinics will be benefited because our app will provide potential customers to them. Non-urgent patients will be benefited because they will receive immediate treatment at the clinics. From a public health perspective, the number of non-urgent patients sent to hospitals will reduce and so A&E staff can focus on treating urgent cases. For non-urgent cases, if our app provides more information of available clinics nearby, more people would choose clinics instead of A&E. With the increased usage of Clinic Express, we expect enhanced convenience at A&E and more efficient use of health care resources - a triple win for patients, the health care community and the government.

組長 Team Leader

邱艷靖 (PolyU) YAU Yim Ching 組員 Team Member

林秉謙 (PolyU) LAM Ping Him 蘇麗文 (PolyU) SO Lai Man

麥凱琪 (TWC)

楊碧蓮 (PolyU)

MAK Hoi Ki Stephanie


謝凱喬 (PolyU) TSE Hoi Kiu


蔡及時博士 (PolyU) 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR

Dr. CHOI Kup Sze

蔡經倫博士 (PolyU) Dr. CHOY King Lun



Grand Final Teams

Grand Final Teams 社會人口逐漸老化,「上有高堂」的成立,旨 在支援子女照顧年邁父母的需要。

上有高堂 PaterMater

組長 Team Leader

根據我們和超過 100 個家庭所進行的用戶 研究,長者的長期護理規劃深深地影響著 長者餘生的生活質素,而且是一連串相當 複雜的家庭決策過程,但基於種種現實情 況所限,大部份家庭往往只有 1-3 天的時間 來作出長者長期護理的決定。有見及此,我 們決定設計一個智能問答平台,利用人工 智能,為不同家庭即時度身訂造合適的長 期護理規劃。



用戶進入「上有高堂」的網站後,只需回答 十五條簡單選擇題,系統將針對用戶的境況 提出合適的長期護理方案。除了分析長者的 身體狀況、照顧人手、家中空間和財政上的 各種限制,方案還會包含一系列具針對性的 可行建議,讓子女能把握時間,為父母的長 期護理安排得更妥當。

組長 Team Leader



WONG Bing Kin Solomon

KEUNG Wai Kuen Ivan

組員 Team Member

區媛婷 (CUSCS) AU Yuan Ting 陳正浩 (CUHK) CHAN Ching Ho 高建文 (HKUST) Ko Kin Man 李力行 (Cornell U) LEE Lek Hang 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR

周偉信先生 (HKU) Mr. CHOW Wai Shun


我們的使命 本港接近到期的食材常遭棄置,而背後浪費問題未受重視,有見及此,「惜食包」運用這些食材重 新製造價廉物美的麵包,同時讓基層市民受惠。 我們的目標 1. 減少原材料浪費,推動珍惜食物及環保意識。 2. 為基層市民提供價廉物美的新鮮麵包,令受惠者「食得更有尊嚴」。 3. 增加麵包工場和物流運輸的就業機會。 4. 連結良心食材供應商、麵包工場、地區團體及受惠者,善用棄置資源,共創社會效益。 我們的營運 向食材供應商勸捐或認購接近到期的原材料,交由專業麵包工場生產,再通過地區團體派送、廉 價銷售或公眾認捐等形式,讓獨居長者、殘疾人士等基層市民受惠。

組員 Team Member

黃翠涓 (HKU SPACE) HUANG Cui Juan Tracy 洪麗晶 (HKU SPACE) HUNG Lai Ching Rita 羅慶翹 (HKU SPACE) LAW Hing Kiu Irene 黄文健 (PolyU) WONG Man Kin Dennis 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR

吳翠霞博士 (HKU SPACE) Dr. Tracy NG


街坊帶路 Grand Final Teams

Grand Final Teams


我們是「街坊帶路」社區步行團,我們透過深 度步行團推廣社區旅遊,給全世界一個真香 港在地體驗。 數據顯示,全港有 17 萬名視障人士,當中一半人擁 有智能手機,而擁有大學或以上學歷的佔5%。可是, 因為視力的障礙,引起了他們於尋找工作、社交及 日常生活等的不便之處,令他們於香港的生活十分 困難。 「iSEE MOBILE APPS」 5的願景是透過資訊科技 打破隔膜,以促進香港視障人士在生活上的平等參 與。透過智能電話的科技,視障人士能衝破視力的 障礙,能連接社會。

組長 Team Leader

雷健青 (OUHK) LUI Kin Ching

「iSEE MOBILE APPS」是一間製作簡單易用手機 程式的科技公司,透過製作多個不同種類的手機程 式,提供充足社會資訊及支援,以便利視障人士的 日常生活,包括工作、社交、旅遊及生活所需。透過 提供服務及機會,產品能讓視障人士如視力正常的 人般生活。


我們相信旅遊的方式正在改變,深入香港本 土將令旅遊體驗更加真實難忘。我們希望能 夠整合企業、社會組織、設計產業,形成新力 量,運用社區參與及設計解決城市觀光議題, 在旅遊過程中發掘並推廣本土珍貴而獨特的 文化,發展城市旅遊新服務。 如果你樂於走進社區,發掘新事物,喜歡聆聽 一個個動人的社區小故事,「街坊帶路」步行 團絕對是你的選擇。 我們祈望以步行團推廣本地文化及保育,同時 為社會迎來正面效益,為共同構建更美好社 區而出一分力。

組長 Team Leader

譚健樂 (HKUST) TAM Kin Lok

組員 Team Member

組員 Team Member

馮廣照 (OUHK)

劉錦英 (PolyU)

FUNG Kwong Chiu

LAU Kam Ying

潘展宏 (LU) PUN Chin Wang


譚皓元 (LU)

盧智恆 (PolyU)

TAM Ho Yuen

LO Chi Hang


馬學嘉博士 (LU) Dr. MA Hok Ka Carol



Grand Final Teams

Grand Final Teams



Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID) causes over 15,000 deaths each year – the major causes being suffocation and strangulation. These cases are often associated with incorrect sleeping positions where the babies are found with their faces covered by a blanket or even found dead face down in the bedding.

組長 Team Leader

羅偉倫 (HKU) LAW Wai Lun 組員 Team Member

李向彬 (HKU) LEE Heung Pan 潘晉宜 (HKU) POON Chun Yi 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR

崔俊傑博士 (HKU) Dr. CHUI Chun Kit

Current prevention measures are basic. Parents need to wake up frequently through the night to check if their baby is breathing normally. However, as a result of frequent checking, over two thirds of parents report that they regularly lose 3 hours of sleep because of the stress and worries. However, we aim to provide a solution to relieve the pressure on parents and allow them to sleep better. Peacify is an innovative wearable for babies. Our device brings medical grade sensing technologies into every household through an affordable and adorable baby sock. It is equipped with the most advanced biomedical sensors and algorithms to monitor a baby’s vital signs and then transmit the data to smart devices. By connecting to an app, parents or medical professionals can monitor a baby’s heart rate, blood oxygen level, skin temperature and sleep habits at a glance. The device can also alert parents to abnormalities and rolling over. Being a monitoring tool rather than a medical or diagnostic device, Peacify will alert parents to potential health-related danger signs so that they can take preemptive actions to safeguard their child.

Market Opportunity Coins have been in circulation since 1863 in Hong Kong. While making transactions more convenient, coins have caused some problems and inconvenience. For example, coins are not easy to be paid out after the public receive change in a transaction, since many retailers do not accept smaller bills and the denomination of coins vary. Also, coins are heavy and easy to lose. As a result, we store a large amount of coins at home. In addition, retailers also need a store of coins for change. Unfortunately, over the past five years, this required the government to produce more than HK$30 billion worth of coins. Our Solution HEYCOINS is a chain kiosk that tackles the hassle and inconvenience created by the use of physical coins. HEYCOINS Kiosk collects coins from the public and then converts them into digital currency, including e-wallets recharge, transportation/cash cards top-up, e-cash coupons purchase and charitable donations. HEYCOINS will bring direct economic benefits and positive social impacts by recycling coins and removing coins from unwanted circulation. Also, by controlling the return of the stored coins back into circulation, HEYCOINS will greatly reduce the massive cost of manufacturing coins for future use.

組長 Team Leader

劉港城 (CityU) LAU Kong Shing 組員 Team Member

黃若操 (CityU) HUANG Ruo Cao 林振偉 (CityU) LAM Chun Wai 榮南 (LU) RONG Nan 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR

高進教授 (LU) Prof. GAO Jin

HEYCOINS is positioning itself to be the gateway to FinTech for the masses. Our B2B2C business model takes the advantage of coins for attracting people to continually use our product and service. We will accumulate HEYCOINS users, build brand trust and build greater acceptance of FinTech solutions like e-wallets/ cross-border settlements. 24


評判團名單 Distinguished Judges

FIRST ROUND JUDGES 區錦文先生 Mr. Clement AU 易長智諮詢有限公司 eZK Consulting LTD. 聯合創辦人 Co-founder



蔡海偉先生 Mr. Hoi Wai CHUA

陳龍盛先生 Mr. Eddy CHEN

伍灝桓先生 Mr. Rena NG


香港社會服務聯會 T he Hong Kong Council of Social Service

陽光網絡有限公司 Limited

德晟亞洲有限公司 Tri-Bridge Asia Limited

Founder and Managing Director

行政總裁 Chief Executive

董事 Director

董事總經理 Managing Director

梁淑儀女士 Ms. Irene LEUNG

鄭思行先生 Mr. Alex CHENG

吳偉堂先生 Mr. Sammy NG


Catalyst Ventures Limited

DG Lifestyle Store

合夥人 Partner

Head of Strategic Projects

陳敏先生 Mr. Min CHEN

朱靜華博士 Dr. Teresa CHU

戴名揚先生 Mr. Kay TAI

退休長者協會有限公司 Association of Retired Elderly Ltd.

香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

花旗銀行(香港)有限公司 Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited 副總裁 Vice President (Finance)

創會主席 Founding Chairperson

單位主任(青年創業部) Unit-in-charge (Youth Business Hong Kong)

Senior Citizen Home Safety Association 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

史秀美女士 Ms. Salome SEE 經濟通有限公司 ET Net Limited

董事總經理 Managing Director

黃英琦太平紳士 Ms. Ada WONG, JP 創不同協作

Make A Difference Institute Limited

主席 Chairperson 容蔡美碧女士 Mrs. Rebecca YUNG 社企民間高峰會 Social Enterprise Summit 主席 Chair

何建威先生 Mr. Stephen HO 香港社會創投基金 Social Ventures Hong Kong 可持續發展總監 Director of Sustainable Development

脫嘉靜女士 Ms. Eureka TUET 長者屋 CP Homes 市場推廣部高級經理 Senior Marketing Manager

黎寶茗博士 Dr. P.M. LAI

屈紫薇女士 Ms. Fiona WAT

萬訊靈通信有限公司 Majorlink Communications Limited

對話體驗. 無聲 Dialogue Experience Silence

董事總經理 Managing Director

創立人 Founder

盧慧圓女士 Ms. Eugenia LO

黃敍先生 Mr. Tony WONG

心苗(亞洲)慈善基金有限公司 SOW (Asia) Foundation Limited

Regatta Capital Management Group

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

馬維業先生 Mr. Rex MA 越世代創新媒體集團 iGen6 New Media Group 聯合創辦人及董事總經理 Co-founder & Managing Director

莫偉軒先生 Mr. Peter MOK 香港科技園公司 Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation


陳祥先先生 Mr. Kenny CHAN

科技創業培育計劃主管 Head of Incubation Programmes

董事 Director

王湘文先生 Mr. Jonathan WONG SmartCast Asia Limited Director of Business Development Asia

葉蓁蓁女士 Ms. Ada YIP 城泉有限公司 Urban Spring Co., Ltd. 執行董事 Executive Director

陳樹偉先生 Mr. Jimmy CHAN 域思科技有限公司 Vizz Technology Ltd. 董事總經理 Managing Director

卓冠豪先生 Mr. Kenneth CHEUK

方煒先生 Mr. Wayne FONG

梁懷敏先生 Mr. Edmond LEUNG

花旗銀行(香港)有限公司 Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited 企業傳訊及公共事務主管 Head of Corporate Affairs

一念素食 Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant 聯合創辦人 Co-Founder

馮景行先生 Mr. Martin FUNG 就地設計 Studio Place 創辦人及董事 Founder & Director

Ms. Melody KEUNG 國泰航空有限公司 Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 營業及收益管理部 Manager Revenue

關德華博士工程師 Ir. Dr. William KWAN 無國界工程師(香港) Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong) 成員 Founding Member

關以輝先生 Mr. Y.F. KWAN

盧炳松先生 Mr. B.C. LO 領展資產管理有限公司 Link Asset Management Limited 企業傳訊及對外關係總監 Director (Corporate Communications & External Relations)

盧翰豪先生 Mr. Johnson LO 荳芽夢國際有限公司 Sprouts Concepts International Company Limited 董事總經理 Founder, CEO

馬志華先生 Mr. Davy MA 晨澤創意有限公司 Media Explorer Limited 總經理 Managing Director

Avalade Group Limited 董事總經理 Managing Director

第一東方投資集團 First Eastern Investment Group 集團顧問 Group Advisor

沈庭光先生 Mr. Kwong SHAM

張大綱先生 Mr. Kenny CHEUNG

鄺家俊先生 Mr. John KWONG

蘇子賢先生 Mr. Ivan SO

普達資訊管理有限公司 ParaDM Co., Ltd 行政總裁 CEO

即時軟件有限公司 Zizsoft Limited 業務發展經理 Business Development Manager

葉氏家族慈善機構 The Yeh Family Philanthropy 項目主管 Programme Executive

張海波先生 Mr. Baden CHEUNG 匯泉國際有限公司 Telford International Company Limited 商務經理 Commercial Manager

趙德輝先生 Mr. Ivan CHIU 香港葵涌3號貨櫃碼頭 DP World Hong Kong CT3; AIESEC Alumni Association of Hong Kong 操作部經理 Operations Manager

朱昆宇先生 Mr. John CHU 香港中小型企業聯合會 Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association 義務秘書及教育培訓發展委員會召集人 Honorary Secretary and Chairman of SME Training and Development Office

鍾建業先生 Mr. Jon CHUNG 富士施樂(香港)有限公司 FujiXerox (Hong Kong) Limited Director of Marketing

Mr. Chris LAI

Webgineer Limited 創辦人 Founder

Mr. Clément TRAN

香港褔袋有限公司 GoodyBag Hong Kong Company Limited 創辦人 Founder

Le Comptoir de L’Innovation Project Manager

劉麗清女士 Ms. Ellijah LAU

社企民間高峰會 Social Enterprise Summit

新鴻基地產代理有限公司 Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd. 副總經理 (租務) Deputy General Manager (Leasing)

李祥麟先生 Mr. Catus LEE 天澤管理顧問有限公司 Zensiblo Consulting Limited 首席顧問 Principal Consultant

王惠芳女士 Ms. Blanche WONG

總幹事 Secretary-General

Ms. Amy YEUNG 雞毛掃行動 Inside Out Action 創辦人及職涯發展師 Founder & Career Coach

李永恒先生 Mr. Wing Hang LEE 嘉誠管理顧問有限公司 Ka Shing Management Consultant Limited Manager


鳴謝 Acknowledgement

陳錦聰先生 Mr. K.C. CHAN

梁安琪女士 Ms. Angel LEUNG

艾菲香港有限公司 IFA Corporate Ltd

匯豐銀行 HSBC

董事 Director

客戶財資部門經理 Manager

Ms. Pinky CHAN

盧樂彬先生 Mr. Dominic LO

有心人長者支援有限公司 Care Elderly Support Ltd. Founder & CEO

徐淑梅女士 Ms. Sophie CHUI Sensational Communications Ltd 項目顧問 Project Consultant

劉錫鴻先生 Mr. John LAU 維他奶國際集團有限公司 Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd. 前集團財務總監及執行董事 Retired Group CFO and Executive Director

李嘉雯女士 Ms. Carmen LEE 得閒去飲茶 Yum Cha Together 聯合創辦人 Co-Founder

李偉生先生 Dr. Wilson LEE 香港專利授權及特許經營協會 Licensing & Franchising Association of Hong Kong 會長 President


渣打銀行 Standard Chartered Bank 董事, 私人銀行 Director, Private Banking

羅國基先生 Mr. James LO 力高環保服務有限公司 Nicole Environmental Services Company Ltd 高級經理 Senior Manager

莫紹祥先生 Mr. S.C. MOK 無國界工程師(香港) Engineers Without Borders (Hong Kong) 副主席 Vice Chairman

Mr. Kassia POLIN 匯豐銀行 HSBC Associate Director

杜國倫先生 Mr. Alan TO 得閒去飲茶 Yum Cha Together 聯合創辦人 Co-Founder


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